The Marquez Committers are the group of people who can accept Pull Request to Marquez. They take responsibility for guiding new pull requests into the main branch.
Name | Handle |
Willy Lulciuc | @wslulciuc |
Julien Le Dem | @julienledem |
Rodrigo Araya | @roaraya8 |
Shawn Shah | @sshah-wework |
Aleks Shulman | @ashulmanWeWork |
Juliet Hougland | @hougs |
Katherine Mello | @mell0kat |
Jill Hubley | @jhubley |
Grant Foster | @grantdfoster |
Peter Hicks | @phixMe |
Daniel Henneberger | @henneberger |
Maciej Obuchowski | @mobuchowski |
Michael Collado | @collado-mike |
Kevin Mellott | @KevinMellott91 |
Michael Robinson | @merobi-hub |
The following people are no longer working on the Marquez project. However they have been a committer in the past and through their contributions, we have a strong foundation to build on.
Name | Handle |
A Contributor may become a Committer by a majority approval of the existing Committers. (per the project charter)