Releases: notKamui/Keval
v0.7 - Constants and proper exceptions throw for Java
This release has now support for constants ! There are already two built-in constants: pi, and e
To use it, you just need to import the attached keval-0.7.jar (optionally along with keval-0.7-sources.jar if you want to be able to read the source code directly)
For further information on usage, please read
v0.6.1 - Functions and DSL - Bugfix
Small bugfix where Java couldn't properly receive KevalExceptions
v0.6 - Functions and DSL
This release has full support for functions ! You can also create your own functions and operators thanks to a clean DSL now.
To use it, you just need to import the attached keval-0.6.jar
(optionally along with keval-0.6-sources.jar
if you want to be able to read the source code directly)
For further information on usage, please read
v0.5 - Support for basic binary operators
This release contains a .jar with the mini library, which now supports the basic binary operators (+,-,*,/,^,%).
To use it, you just need to import the attached keval-0.5.jar
(optionally along with keval-0.5-sources.jar
if you want to be able to read the source code directly)
For further information on usage, please read