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SQL for COVID-19 Data Analysis

Deep dive analysis of worldwide COVID-19 data regarding case and death trends.

According to Our World in Data, the actual death toll from COVID-19 is "likely to be higher than the number of confirmed deaths" due to limited testing and problems in the attribution of the cause of death. The difference between reported confirmed deaths and actual deaths varies by country.


Exploration of data using the Covid-19 dataset.


Two CSV tables were created from the Covid-19 dataset using Excel

  • The deaths tables indicating deaths across diffrent regions in the world,the population,continent,date,location

  • The Vaccinations tables indicating vaccinations across diffrent regions in the world,the population, continent,date,location


The data was used to analyse ;

  • Total Versus Population
  • Highest death Count
  • GLobal Numbers
  • Percentage of people infected
  • Comparison of infection rate and Population
  • By Joining death table to vaccinations table to compare total people vaccinated versus the population

Aggregate Functions

  • SUM(),MAX(),AVG()

Window functions

  • OVER()


Creating view that was used for visualization in Tableau


  • Joining the death and vaccinations table using location and date

About the Database

The Our World in Data COVID-19 datasets can be found on
Obtain the database tables for this starter project within the database folder.

Two Microsoft Excel Files:

The reason behind two files between COVID-19 vaccinations and deaths data for this starter project was for optimization and clarity purposes for certain queries.

CovidDeaths: contains columns such as isocode continent location date population total_cases new_cases new_cases_smoothed total_deaths new_deaths new_deaths_smoothed total_cases_per_million new_cases_per_million new_cases_smoothed_per_million total_deaths_per_million new_deaths_per_million new_deaths_smoothed_per_million reproduction_rate icu_patients icu_patients_per_million hosp_patients hosp_patients_per_million weekly_icu_admissions weekly_icu_admissions_per_million weekly_hosp_admissions weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million

CovidVaccinations: contains columns such as isocode continent location date new_tests total_tests total_tests_per_thousand new_tests_per_thousand new_tests_smoothed new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand positive_rate tests_per_case tests_units total_vaccinations people_vaccinated people_fully_vaccinated total_boosters new_vaccinations new_vaccinations_smoothed total_vaccinations_per_hundred people_vaccinated_per_hundred people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred total_boosters_per_hundred new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million new_people_vaccinated_smoothed new_people_vaccinated_smoothed_per_hundred stringency_index population_density median_age aged_65_older aged_70_older gdp_per_capita extreme_poverty cardiovasc_death_rate diabetes_prevalence female_smokers male_smokers handwashing_facilities hospital_beds_per_thousand life_expectancy human_development_index excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute excess_mortality_cumulative excess_mortality excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million

