Use this NestJS microsservice in your project so you can start receiving payments using Stripe Payment Gateway.
=== User Features
* Create Customer
* Create Payment Intent
* Confirm Payment Intent
=== Adapter related
- Console and File Logging Middleware (.log)
- Healthcheck for depedencies and infrastructure tools
There are many reasons why you should user a adapter such as stripe-adapter
- Flexibility and decoupling: if you later need to change your payment gateway for a new one (lets say if you have a problem with Stripe) you can easily decouple features as you want.
- Easier to test, add and fix integrations.
- Security improvements with: external data flow control, addition of numerous validation layers and credential handling centralization.
- Easily treat payment errors which are not under your control with custom treatment.
$ pnpm install
# development
$ pnpm run start
# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev
# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ pnpm run test
# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ pnpm run test:cov
This project is MIT licensed.