out2gyr uses the Python package clustertools to generate six executable files. When executed, the first and second files created by out2gyr converts the ascii initial conditions of, 1 - an nbody star cluster that resides in a smooth galactic potential and 2 - an nbody star cluster that resides in a smooth galactic potential and a moving dark matter substructure potential, to a binary format that is ready to be integrated with the nbody integration code gyrfalcON (GalaxY simulatoR using falcON). When executed, the third and forth files created by out2gyr begin the gyrfalcON integration of both star cluster environments with the variables passed to the original out2gyr call. After the gyrfalcon integrations are finished fifth and sixth files can be executed to convert back from binary to ascii format to be analyzed. out2gyr requires functions contained within subhalo_populations.py for the creation of the substructure populations.
The analysis Jupyter Lab contains functions that use clustertools and were created to analyze nbody star clusters that evolve within a population of other objects. These functions extract star cluster information like tidal radius, half mass radius, orital location and more. The notebook also contains an unresolved time resolution study for gyrfalcON and when applied to star clusters within a population of dark matter substructure. Finally, the notebook includes a function that returns the evolution of the closest distance of a subhalo to the cluster.
This work expands upon Dark Matter Subs and Tracers with the goal of providing a definitive answer to the questions: how much do dark matter subhalos effect the evolution of star clusters, and are star clusters affected in ways in which we can measure.