Generate a update-scope-schema
nx generate @nx/plugin:generator update-scope-schema --directory libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/update-scope-schema
import { formatFiles , Tree , updateJson } from '@nx/devkit' ;
export default async function ( tree : Tree ) {
updateJson ( tree , 'nx.json' , ( json ) => ( {
...json ,
defaultProject : 'api' ,
} ) ) ;
await formatFiles ( tree ) ;
import {
Tree ,
updateJson ,
formatFiles ,
ProjectConfiguration ,
getProjects ,
} from '@nx/devkit' ;
function getScopes ( projectMap : Map < string , ProjectConfiguration > ) {
const projects : any [ ] = Array . from ( projectMap . values ( ) ) ;
const allScopes : string [ ] = projects
. map ( ( project ) =>
project . tags . filter ( ( tag : string ) => tag . startsWith ( 'scope:' ) )
. reduce ( ( acc , tags ) => [ ...acc , ...tags ] , [ ] )
. map ( ( scope : string ) => scope . slice ( 6 ) ) ;
return Array . from ( new Set ( allScopes ) ) ;
export default async function ( tree : Tree ) {
const scopes = getScopes ( getProjects ( tree ) ) ;
updateJson (
tree ,
'libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/util-lib/schema.json' ,
( schemaJson ) => {
schemaJson . properties . directory [ 'x-prompt' ] . items = scopes . map (
( scope ) => ( {
value : scope ,
label : scope ,
} )
) ;
return schemaJson ;
) ;
await formatFiles ( tree ) ;
import {
Tree ,
updateJson ,
formatFiles ,
ProjectConfiguration ,
getProjects ,
} from '@nx/devkit' ;
export default async function ( tree : Tree ) {
const scopes = getScopes ( getProjects ( tree ) ) ;
updateSchemaJson ( tree , scopes ) ;
updateSchemaInterface ( tree , scopes ) ;
await formatFiles ( tree ) ;
function getScopes ( projectMap : Map < string , ProjectConfiguration > ) {
const projects : any [ ] = Array . from ( projectMap . values ( ) ) ;
const allScopes : string [ ] = projects
. map ( ( project ) =>
project . tags . filter ( ( tag : string ) => tag . startsWith ( 'scope:' ) )
. reduce ( ( acc , tags ) => [ ...acc , ...tags ] , [ ] )
. map ( ( scope : string ) => scope . slice ( 6 ) ) ;
return Array . from ( new Set ( allScopes ) ) ;
function updateSchemaJson ( tree : Tree , scopes : string [ ] ) {
updateJson (
tree ,
'libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/util-lib/schema.json' ,
( schemaJson ) => {
schemaJson . properties . directory [ 'x-prompt' ] . items = scopes . map (
( scope ) => ( {
value : scope ,
label : scope ,
} )
) ;
return schemaJson ;
) ;
function updateSchemaInterface ( tree : Tree , scopes : string [ ] ) {
const joinScopes = scopes . map ( ( s ) => `'${ s } '` ) . join ( ' | ' ) ;
const interfaceDefinitionFilePath =
'libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/util-lib/schema.d.ts' ;
const newContent = `export interface UtilLibGeneratorSchema {
name: string;
directory: ${ joinScopes } ;
}` ;
tree . write ( interfaceDefinitionFilePath , newContent ) ;
function addScopeIfMissing ( host : Tree ) {
const projectMap = getProjects ( host ) ;
Array . from ( projectMap . keys ( ) ) . forEach ( ( projectName ) => {
const project = projectMap . get ( projectName ) ;
if ( ! project . tags . some ( ( tag ) => tag . startsWith ( 'scope:' ) ) ) {
const scope = projectName . split ( '-' ) [ 0 ] ;
project . tags . push ( `scope:${ scope } ` ) ;
updateProjectConfiguration ( host , projectName , project ) ;
} ) ;
"scripts" : {
"postinstall" : " husky install" ,
"pre-commit" : " npx nx g @bg-hoard/internal-plugin:update-scope-schema"
import { readJson , Tree } from '@nx/devkit' ;
import { createTreeWithEmptyWorkspace } from '@nx/devkit/testing' ;
import { libraryGenerator } from '@nx/js/generators' ;
import { generatorGenerator , pluginGenerator } from '@nx/plugin/generators' ;
import { readFileSync } from 'fs' ;
import { join } from 'path' ;
import { Linter } from '@nx/eslint' ;
import generator from './generator' ;
describe ( 'update-scope-schema generator' , ( ) => {
let appTree : Tree ;
beforeEach ( async ( ) => {
appTree = createTreeWithEmptyWorkspace ( ) ;
await addUtilLibProject ( appTree ) ;
await libraryGenerator ( appTree , { name : 'foo' , tags : 'scope:foo' } ) ;
await libraryGenerator ( appTree , { name : 'bar' , tags : 'scope:bar' } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should adjust the util-lib generator based on existing projects' , async ( ) => {
await generator ( appTree ) ;
const schemaJson = readJson (
appTree ,
) ;
expect ( schemaJson . properties . directory [ 'x-prompt' ] . items ) . toEqual ( [
value : 'foo' ,
label : 'foo' ,
} ,
value : 'bar' ,
label : 'bar' ,
} ,
] ) ;
const schemaInterface = appTree . read (
'libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/util-lib/schema.d.ts' ,
) ;
expect ( schemaInterface ) . toContain ( `export interface UtilLibGeneratorSchema {
name: string;
directory: 'foo' | 'bar';
}` ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
async function addUtilLibProject ( tree : Tree ) {
await pluginGenerator ( tree , {
name : 'internal-plugin' ,
directory : 'libs/internal-plugin'
skipTsConfig : false ,
unitTestRunner : 'jest' ,
linter : Linter . EsLint ,
compiler : 'tsc' ,
skipFormat : false ,
skipLintChecks : false ,
minimal : true ,
} ) ;
await generatorGenerator ( tree , {
name : 'util-lib' ,
directory : 'libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/util-lib' ,
unitTestRunner : 'jest' ,
} ) ;
const filesToCopy = [
'../util-lib/generator.ts' ,
'../util-lib/schema.json' ,
'../util-lib/schema.d.ts' ,
] ;
for ( const file of filesToCopy ) {
tree . write (
`libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/util-lib/${ file } ` ,
readFileSync ( join ( __dirname , file ) )
) ;