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Creating a Processor Configuration

Mislav Miličević edited this page Jan 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

When analyzing and verifying a JSON Web Token, the JWT Processor uses an internal configuration to determine the validity of the token that is being processed. When creating a processor instance, users must provide a configuration object.

To create a processor configuration, users can either implement the JWTProcessorConfiguration interface or extend AbstractJWTProcessorConfiguration. The difference between the two is that the abstract class provides some default values.

In this example we'll be using the AbstractJWTProcessorConfiguraion as our parent class:


import java.util.Optional;

public class MyProcessorConfiguration extends AbstractJWTProcessorConfiguration {

    public String getJWKSUrl() {
        return "http://localhost:18081/.well-known/jwks.json";

    public Optional<String> getIssuer() {
        return "http://localhost:8080";

    public JWSAlgorithm getSigningAlgorithm() {
        return JWSAlgorithm.RS256;

  • getJWKSUrl() - must return a URL pointing to a JSON Web Key Set
  • getIssuer() - must return an Optional<String> either containing an issuer string or null; if the returned Optional<String> is not empty, the contents are used to validate the token issuer, otherwise the validation is ignored
  • getSigningAlgorithm() - must return an algorithm which is used to validate if the token currently being processed is signed with the correct algorithm