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Deploy to Heroku

Nicholas Perry edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 4 revisions

First we use yarn to download all the packages:

yarn install

Once the packages are available, we can use yarn to run the NPM build commands to set up a docker container for Heroku

yarn build:all:prod
yarn postinstall

Now with the docker container ready to deploy, we can push it to Heroku.

Note: Replace "[my-app]" with the name of your Heroku app name. (This is configured as part of creating a dyno to host a docker image on Heroku)

cd app-server
heroku container:push web --app [my-app]
heroku container:release web --app [my-app]

If you get Error: docker push exited with Error: 1 when running the Heroku push or release then you also have to tell Heroku to login as well using this command:

heroku container:login

Your barring any errors, your Heroku instance should be properly updated!

The old way (ignore this)

ng build log --configuration production
ng build demo --configuration production
docker-compose build
heroku container:push web --app [my-app]
heroku container:release web --app [my-app]