These are the steps required to setup the docker container for development.
Download the source code
$ git clone
Download dependencies and setup the environment for the installation.
$ cd nuber
$ composer install
$ bin/install
$ npm install ./websocket
Create the database and tables, also setup the database for testing.
$ bin/console db:setup
$ bin/console db:migrate
$ bin/console db:test:prepare
$ chown -R www-data:www-data data
Build the container
$ docker-compose build
Once you have built the docker image, you can work with it like this
To start the container
$ docker-compose up
Check this works fine https://localhost:3000
Once the Docker container has been started, you can go into it by running the following command:
$ docker-compose exec nuber bash
Enable debug mode by setting the APP_DEBUG
environment variable to true
, you may need to delete config/.env.php
which is the cached version.
$ nano config/.env
Once your done open your browser and goto https://localhost:3000/install
. You should get a certificate warning because the certificate self signed, proceed anyway.
If you are using Google Chrome, you will need to enable self signed certs by opening
Follow the instructions, and on the next page enter the IP address and following the instructions for configuring the LXC host. LXD can't be installed in Docker, I use virtual box with a Ubuntu server and a fixed IP address, e.g.
To setup the LXD host
$ lxc config set core.https_address "[::]:8443"
$ lxc config set core.trust_password "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
To see instance logs
$ lxc info alpine --show-log
LXD logs
$ sudo cat /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/logs/lxd.log
Checking out SNAP journal
$ journalctl -u snap.lxd.daemon -n 100
To list container info on ZFS
$ zfs list
Whilst on BTRFS, go to the directory
$ /btrfs/containers/alpine
To see BTRFS usage
$ sudo btrfs fi show
Label: none uuid: 916f6d6a-c243-477c-b43b-20d12eb15518
Total devices 1 FS bytes used 10.88GiB
devid 1 size 53.50GiB used 21.03GiB path /dev/sda3
To enable debug mode, if you reall get stuck then run the command and check the logs
sudo snap set lxd daemon.debug=true; sudo systemctl reload snap.lxd.daemon
sudo tail -f /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/logs/lxd.log