This folder contains the data for reaction rates, considered nuclei, nuclear masses, fission fragments, ....
We list the file contents including the corresponding references below:
Name of the alpha-decaying nucleus as well as alpha-decay half-life. The values have been calculated according to:
with certain fit parameters that are given in the according literature.
use_alpha_decay_file , alpha_decay_file
Reichert et al. 2023, Dong & Ren 2005
File with half lifes and beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities (P0,...P10n), average Q-value, and average energy of released neutrinos of the decay.
use_beta_decay_file , beta_decay_file , heating_mode
File with half lifes and beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities (P0,...P10n).
use_beta_decay_file , beta_decay_file
File with half lifes and beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities (P0,...P10n).
use_beta_decay_file , beta_decay_file
Tabulated chemical potential of electron-positron gas taken from the Helmholtz equation of state.
chem_pot_file , use_timmes_mue
Timmes & Arnett 1999, Cococubed
Tabulated partition functions exceeding 10 GK for the FRDM mass model.
htpf_file , use_htpf
Fission fragment distribution for neutron-induced and beta delayed fission.
fissflag , nfission_file
Fission rates of beta-delayed fission as given in Mumpower et al. 2022 for the FRLDM fission barriers given in Moeller et al. 2015. The rates are given in probabilities of the total beta decay where each column represents one channel of decay (i.e., P0n, P1n, ...).
fissflag, fission_rates_beta_delayed, fission_format_beta_delayed
Mumpower et al. 2022, Manuscript supplemental
Fission rates of beta-delayed fission as given in Panov et al. 2005 for the Thomas-Fermi fission barriers given in Myers & Swiatecki 1999. The rates are given in probabilities of the total beta decay.
fissflag, fission_rates_beta_delayed, fission_format_beta_delayed
Fission rates of spontaneous fission which were calculated using the semi-empirical formula given in Khuyagbaatar 2020 with the fission barriers of Moeller et al. 2015.
fissflag , fission_rates_spontaneous, fission_format_spontaneous
Fission rates of neutron induced fission as given in Panov et al. 2010 for the FRDM mass model.
fissflag , fission_rates_n_induced, fission_format_n_induced
Panov et al. 2010, Vizier database
Table with neutron separation energies of the FRDM mass model.
calc_nsep_energy , nsep_energies_file
List that contains mass number, atomic number, and neutron number of stable isotopes.
Tabulated neutrino reactions as well as average energies of the absorped neutrinos on neutrons and protons.
nuflag , nunucleo_rates_file
Burrows et al 2006 Horowitz 2002
Channels of neutrino reactions. Both, charged current and neutral current channels are included.
nuflag , nuchannel_file
Neutrino reactions on heavy nuclei. Both, charged current and neutral current channels are included.
nuflag , nurates_file
Average energy of neutrinos in MeV that are produced in the beta-decay.
use_neutrino_loss_file , neutrino_loss_file , heating_mode
Tabulated weak reactions.
iwformat , weak_rates_file, temp_reload_exp_weak_rates
Langanke & Martinez-Pinedo 2001
Fuller et al. 1985, Oda et al. 1994
Nuclear reaction rates in reaclib file format.
Tabulated weak reactions (electron-/positron- captures and
iwformat , weak_rates_file, temp_reload_exp_weak_rates
Fuller et al. 1985, Oda et al. 1994, Langanke & Martinez-Pinedo 2001, Pruet & Fuller 2003, Suzuki, Toki & Nomoto 2016
Weak rate library, tw_rate_module.f90
Nuclear properties, such as the spin of the ground state, the mass excess, neutron and proton numbers and tabulated partition functions.