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214 lines (192 loc) · 14.3 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (192 loc) · 14.3 KB


Tutorial Base Sections

a) Development Environment

b) Built Environment

c) The Simplest Sample

d) Contributors

e) Troubleshooting

Field Style


Skills List


Skills Description Tutorial State
CardView Introduce Link Home
RecyclerView Introduce Link
DrawLayout Introduce Link Max
DraggablePanel Introduce Link
PinterestView Introduce Link
FabricView Introduce Link
ExplosionField Introduce Link
GLSurfaceView Introduce Link Kevin Chen
FlycoTabLayout Introduce Link
Search-View-Layout Introduce Link
BadgedImageview Introduce Link
ConstraintLayout Introduce Link Wei
TextInputLayout Introduce Link Che Jung


Skills Description Tutorial State
JUnit Introduce Link
Robotium Introduce Link
Uiautomator Introduce Link
Espresso Introduce Link
Calabash Introduce Link
Appium Introduce Link isa
MonkeyRunner Introduce Link ChrisKe
Android Test Kit Introduce Link
Cucumber Introduce Link
Mockito Introduce Link
Instrumentation Introduce Link
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 Introduce Link
ProviderTestCase Introduce Link
ServiceTestCase Introduce Link
SingleLaunchActivityTestCase Introduce Link
InstrumentationTestRunner Introduce Link
RoboSpock Introduce Link
Selendroid Introduce Link
Monkop Introduce Link
Lint Introduce Link


Skills Description Tutorial State
FireBase Introduce Link
Parse Introduce Link
ACRA Android Bug Resport Server
OpenFire Introduce Link
Smack Open Source XMPP client library
WebRTC Introduce Link
Google Analytics Introduce Link
GCM Introduce Link
Crashlytics Introduce Link
Googe App Stream Introduce Link
CRaSH Introduce Link
DeviceAdminReceiver Introduce Link Anan


Skills Description Tutorial State
Build AOSP Introduce Link FlowmaHuang
Android on Raspberry-pi Introduce Link
Brillo Introduce Link
Android* on Intel Platforms Introduce Link
Speeding Up The Android Emulator Introduce Link
Chrome For Android Introduce Link
Ninja AOSP Build System
Remix Mini Introduce Link
Intel HAXM Emulator Introduce Link FlowmaHuang
Pine A64 Introduce Link

Android NDK

Skills Description Tutorial State
NDK Hello World Introduce Link Lyon Lin


Skills Description Tutorial State
Evoluspencil On Ubuntu Introduce Link ChrisKe
Instant Apps Introduce Link Yang Huang
Support display cutouts Introduce Link Ben


Skills Description Tutorial State
Android Studio on Docker Introduce Link


Skills Description Tutorial State
Java Annotation Processor Introduce Link ChrisKe
Future Introduce Link
CompletableFuture Introduce Link
Monad Pattern Introduce Link
Kotlin Introduce Link
TimerTask Introduce Link


Skills Description Tutorial State
Ansible Introduce Link
Docker Introduce Link
Facebook Infer Introduce Link
Android on Raspberry Pi 3 Introduce Link Che Jung

Android API

Skills Description Tutorial State
ProGuard Introduce Link
Android Wear LTE Network Introduce Link
Runtime Permission Introduce Link
Handler Introduce Link
AsyncTask Introduce Link
Lrucache Introduce Link
Android Accessibility Introduce Link
GPS LocationManager Introduce Link Lucas Chen


Skills Description Tutorial State
Volley Introduce Link
EventBus Introduce Link
Google Guava Introduce Link
RxAndroid Introduce Link
Log4j Introduce Link
Gson Introduce Link Jerry
AndAR Introduce Link
Roboguice Introduce Link
Data Binding Guide Introduce Link
Retrolambda Introduce Link
Renderers Introduce Link
Butterknife Introduce Link
Picasso Introduce Link
Square Introduce Link
RxJava Introduce Link
RxAndroid Introduce Link Ameng
Mortar Introduce Link
Icepick Introduce Link
React Native Introduce Link
Loaders Introduce Link
Dagger Java 和 Android 使用Annotation和預編譯的依賴注入框架 。
Link ChrisKe
Dagger2 Introduce Link
Mosby Introduce Link
Robolectric Introduce Link
UltimateAndroid Introduce Link
GreenDAO Introduce Link
ORMLite Introduce Link
okHttp Introduce Link
Retrofit Introduce Link
Jackson Introduce Link Jerry
Glide Introduce Link
Universal-Image-Loader Introduce Link
MPAndroidChart Introduce Link Introduce Link
Drozer Introduce Link
Dexter simplifies the process of requesting permissions at runtime.
PermissionHelper Introduce Link
Square Flow Introduce Link
Fresco Introduce Link
ion Introduce Link


Skills Description Tutorial State
SnappyDB NoSQL
Realm NoSQL
Realm with RxJava Introduce Link

Project Manage

Skills Description Tutorial State
Gitlab Introduce Link
Gitorious Introduce Link
ChiliProject Introduce Link
Apache Allura Introduce Link
Bitbucket Introduce Link
gogs Introduce Link Ameng


Skills Description Tutorial State
Orchestrate Video Recording Introduce Link
FFmpeg Introduce Link
Vysor Introduce Link
lolcat Introduce Link
Traceview Introduce Link
Systrace Introduce Link
bmgr Introduce Link
Xposed Introduce Link
leakcanary Introduce Link