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Generate Modules

This document shows the procedure for generating modules by yourself.
You can choose the method to generate modules.

  1. Case 1: Use utility script
  2. Case 2: Do it yourself all procedures
  3. Case 3: Do Case 2 inside Docker


Python Version

The generating script can be run on Python >= 3.12. Check your Python version is >= 3.12.

Install requirement packages

The generating script uses the packages listed on requirements.txt.
Execute below command to install requirement packages.

For fake-bpy-module:

git clone
cd fake-bpy-module
pip install -r src/requirements.txt

For fake-bge-module:

git clone
cd fake-bge-module
pip install -r src/requirements.txt

Setup IDE

After generating modules, you need to setup IDE to enable a code completion.

Case 1: Use utility script

1. Download Blender/UPBGE binary

From below sites, download Blender or UPBGE binary whose version is the version you try to generate modules.

2. Download Blender/UPBGE sources

For fake-bpy-module:

git clone

For fake-bge-module:

git clone

3. Download fake-bpy-module/fake-bge-module sources

Download the fake-bpy-module/fake-bge-module sources from GitHub.
Use Git to clone repository.

For fake-bpy-module:

export TARGET=bpy

For fake-bge-module:

export TARGET=bge
git clone${TARGET}-module.git

Or, you can download .zip file from GitHub.

4. Run script

cd fake-${TARGET}-module/src
bash <source-dir> <blender-dir> <target> <branch/tag/commit> <target-version> <output-dir> [<mod-version>]
  • <source-dir>: Specify Blender/UPBGE sources directory.
  • <blender-dir>: Specify Blender/UPBGE binary directory.
  • <target>: blender or upbge.
  • <branch/tag/commit>: Specify target Blender/UPBGE source's branch for the generating modules.
    • If you want to generate modules for 2.79, specify v2.79
    • If you want to generate modules for newest Blender/UPBGE version, specify main
  • <target-version>: Specify target version.
  • <output-dir>: Specify directory where generated modules are output.
  • <mod-version>: Modify APIs by using patch files located in mods directory.
    • If you specify 2.80, all patch files under mods/2.80 will be used.
    • Files located in mods/common directories will be used at any time.

Specify Python interpreter

By default, this command uses Python interpreter by calling python command.
If you want to use other Python interpreter, you can specify by PYTHON_BIN environment variable.

PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python3.12 bash <source-dir> <blender-dir> <target> <branch/tag/commit> <target-version> <output-dir> [<mod-version>]

Case 2: Do it yourself all procedures

1. Download Blender/UPBGE binary

From below sites, download Blender or UPBGE binary whose version is the version you try to generate modules.

Place Blender/UPBGE binary to some directory.
In this tutorial, Blender/UPBGE binary assumes to be placed on /workspace/blender-bin. (i.e. Blender executable is located on /workspace/blender-bin/blender)

export WORKSPACE=/workspace
export BLENDER_BIN=${WORKSPACE}/blender-bin
export BLENDER_SRC=${WORKSPACE}/blender

For fake-bpy-module:

export TARGET=bpy

For fake-bge-module:

export TARGET=bge

2. Download Blender/UPBGE sources

For fake-bpy-module:

git clone

For fake-bge-module:

git clone

3. Change to the target branch/tag/commit

Be sure to match the version between sources and binary. If you try to generate modules for v2.79, you should use git checkout v2.79.

git checkout [branch/tag/commit]

4. Generate .rst documents

Generated .rst documents are located on ${BLENDER_SRC}/doc/python_api/sphinx-in.

${BLENDER_BIN}/blender --background --factory-startup -noaudio --python-exit-code 1 --python doc/python_api/

5. Download fake-bpy-module sources

Download the fake-bpy-module sources from GitHub.
Use Git to clone repository.

git clone${TARGET}-module.git

Or, you can download .zip file from GitHub.

6. Generate mod files

cd fake-${TARGET}-module/src

mkdir -p mods/generated_mods
${BLENDER_BIN}/blender --background --factory-startup -noaudio --python-exit-code 1 --python gen_modfile/ -- -m addon_utils -o mods/generated_mods/gen_modules_modfile -f json
${BLENDER_BIN}/blender --background --factory-startup -noaudio --python-exit-code 1 --python gen_modfile/ -- -m keyingsets_builtins -a -o mods/generated_mods/gen_startup_modfile -f json

mkdir -p mods/generated_mods/gen_bgl_modfile
python gen_modfile/ -i ${BLENDER_SRC}/source/blender/python/generic/ -o mods/generated_mods/gen_bgl_modfile/bgl.json -f json

7. Generate modules

python -i <input-dir> -o <output-dir> -f <format> -T <target> -t <target-version> -m <mod-version> -l <log-level>
  • -i <input-dir>: Specify input directory (The directory where .rst files are located in process 4). In this document, <input-dir> should be ${BLENDER_SRC}/doc/python_api/sphinx-in.
  • -o <output-dir>: Specify output directory. (The directory where generated files will be located)
  • -f <format>: Format the generated code by <format> convention.
    • none: Don't format generated code.
    • yapf: Format generated code with yapf.
    • ruff: Format generated code with ruff.
  • -T <target>: Target (blender or upbge).
  • -t <target-version>: Specify target version.
  • -m <mod-version>: Modify APIs by using patch files located in mods directory.
    • If you specify 2.80, all patch files under mods/2.80 will be used.
    • Files located in mods/common directories will be used at any time.
  • -l <log-level>: Specify log level (debug, info, notice, warn, err).

Case 3: Do Case 2 inside Docker

Run script

bash tools/gen_module/ <blender-version>
  • <blender-version>: Specify Blender/UPBGE version.

<mod-version> is automatically determined by <blender-version> version.


Directory Contents
build/blender-bin Blender/UPBGE binaries
build/blender-src Blender/UPBGE source code
build/examples Blender/UPBGE Python API sample code
build/results Result *.pyi files
build/sphinx-in Blender/UPBGE Python API documents
build/sphinx-in-tmp ???
downloads Blender/UPBGE archives