Not sure what to work on? Look to this member-curated dynamic list of resources for inspiration.
- Intro to Git Workshop Level: Beginner; Author: Reshama Shaikh (NYC PyLadies Organizer)
- How to choose and contribute to your first open source project Level: Beginner; Author: Github
- JupyterLab is ready for users Level: Beginner
- Learn Python the Hard Way Level: Beginner; Description: Covers python syntax and programming fundamentals, one exercise at a time.
- Intro to web scraping with Python Level: Beginner; Author: Antonia Blair (NYC PyLadies Organizer)
- Google's Python Class Level: Beginner
- Exercism Level: Beginner to Intermediate; Description: open-source, free coding platform that offers practice and mentorship on 50 different coding languages
- Creating and Hosting a Personal Site on Github Level: Beginner
- Django Girls Tutorial Level: Beginner; Description: A very beginner-friendly introduction to building a blog with Django.
- Official Django Tutorial Level: Beginner
- Flask Mega Tutorial Level: Beginner to Advanced
- TensorFlow and deep learning without a PhD Level: Intermediate
- Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python Level: Beginner
- Code Signal Level: Beginner and Intermediate
- Code Wars Level: Beginner and Intermediate
The PyLadies website states:
We are an international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community
By adding to this list you will follow most of the same steps required for contributing to open source (forks, clones, pull requests, etc.).