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Content: Comments

Clare Macrae edited this page Dec 4, 2021 · 8 revisions

Agree a standard for optional text, that is commented out and then enabled...

Suggested standard:

  • %% .... %% for instructions and comments to maintainers
  • <!-- .... --> for things that may be activated (either on one line, or split, depending on context)
    • Never use this for multi-line sections, where activating individual lines means moving some text up or down.
    • Instead, comment out each individual line separately
  • <https://> as a placeholder for a commented-out URL
    • So it's obvious where the URL goes, and that it can be pasted in directly
    • and this will make it more likely that ^ marker will be retained
    • It's important that there are no spaces after the ^marker, for it to work and display correctly
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