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File metadata and controls

181 lines (129 loc) · 9.51 KB

OCFL Community Extension NNNN: Gocfl Extension Manager

  • Extension Name: NNNN-gocfl-extension-manager
  • Authors: Jürgen Enge (Basel)
  • Minimum OCFL Version: 1.0
  • OCFL Community Extensions Version: 1.0
  • Obsoletes: n/a
  • Obsoleted by: n/a


This extension is used as an initial extension to manage the OCFL extensions used in an OCFL storage root or object.

One core assumption is, that the OCFL object is written as single data stream. This means, that there is no possibility to access already written content for reading or updating.

There are two functionalities provided by this extension:

Sorting of extensions

The extensions are sorted in the order they are defined in the config.json file. This enforces the correct execution order of the extensions. This is especially important for the extensions manipulating the object content path.

Exclusion of extension

Several extensions must not be executed together for the same object. For example extensions which map Object Ids to file paths must not be executed together. This extension provides a mechanism to exclude extensions from execution if conflicting extensions are enabled.

Hook Groups

Since extensions can be used in different contexts, there are different groups of extensions which are separated by the hooks, they are using. Sorting and Exclusion is configured per hook group. This reduces the amount of configuration needed.

Storage Root Hook Groups


For change of the Storage Root Object Path. This hook is used by "Storage Root Layout Extensions" i.e. extension 0002-flat-direct-storage-layout,,,, or

There are two hooks

  • WriteLayout for writing the correct ocfl_layout.json
  • BuildStorageRootPath Executed after the storage root path is known to the OCFL tool.

Object Hook Groups


For change of the filepath within the Object versions content folder. Used by extensions, which manipulate the path like 0011-direct-clean-path-layout or move content do subdirectories like NNNN-content-subpath.

There is one hook

  • BuildObjectManifestPath Executed after the path within the version content folder is known to the OCFL tool.


For change of the content file extraction path. Used by extensions like NNNN-content-subpath which have inserted additional folders and want to remove them before extractions.

There is one hook

  • BuildObjectExtractPath This extension hook is executed after the relative path of the external file is known to the OCFL tool.


For change of the version path within the inventory. This hook can be used by migration extensions, which have moved files from the manifest area to different folders and want to reflect a correct external path for extraction utilities.

There is one hook

  • BuildObjectStatePath This extension hook is executed before the state filepath of the current version is written into the inventory.


Whenever a file within the version content is written, a hook is called. Since there are no "real" update or delete operations within OCFL they are emulated for the hookd.

There are six hooks available.

  • AddFileBefore Before a new file is added to the content
  • UpdateFileBefore Before a file, which is already in the prior version, is added to the content
  • DeleteFileBefore Before a file is not written to the state, which is already in the prior version
  • AddFileAfter After a new file was added to the content
  • UpdateFileAfter After a file, which was already in a prior version, was added to the content
  • DeleteFileAfter After a file was not written to the state, which is already in the prior version


This group of hooks is needed by extensions, which deal with the change of an object.

There are two hooks.

  • UpdateObjectBefore Before a new version of an OCFL object is generate
  • UpdateObjectAfter After all content to the new version is written


To provide performant operation on binary content, there is the need to hijack a copy of the content data stream. This allows the creation of extensions, which can create checksums on the fly or determine technical metadata directly from the data stream. An example is NNNN-indexer.

There is one hook availabe.

  • StreamObject is called with a data stream as parameter. It should be executed on a parallel process to make sure, that speed of creating the OCFL object is not affected to heavily.


After a version is done, there can be extension, which want to create another version. One example is a migration extension, which does preservation management like NNNN-migration. These new versions are created before the inventory file is finally written to the object root.

There are two hooks available.

  • NeedNewVersion determines whether a new version has to be created
  • DoNewVersion gives control to the extension to create and fill up a new object version.


Since fixity algorithms are done by extensions, there's need to get a list of all available fixity checksum algorithms.

There's one hook available.

  • GetFixityDigests used by ocfl tools to determine which fixity algorithms have to be used for checksum calculations. There can be multiple algorithms in addition to the main one.


For looking inside of an OCFL object or for reporting purposes, there's often need for more metadata than the content of inventory.json. Any extension, which knows more about the content must be able to provide additional metadata. This could be metadata for specific content files or the whole object. Metadata for content-files should be mapped with the checksum as key.

There is one hook available.

  • GetMetadata is called by any tool, which wants to report about content.


Extensions, which have defined areas within the version content folder must provide a way of getting the internal path of the area.

There is one hook available

  • GetAreaPath this hook provides the internal (relative) path to a specific content area.



  • Name: sort
    • Description: Map of named list of extension names. Within the named hook group the extension hooks are called in the order of appearence.
    • Type: map of string list
    • Constraints:
      • The name must be a hook group name
      • The values must be a list of extension names
    • Default: empty map
  • Name: exclude
    • Description: Map of named list of extension names. If more than one extension is listed within the named hook group, the first one is the only one which is called.
    • Type: map of string list
    • Constraints:
      • The keys must be a hook group
      • The values must be a list of extension names
    • Default: empty map



Create a list of extensions which fit to the same extension type. The order of the extensions is defined by the list of the extension names in the sort parameter corresponding to the type. If the extension is not defined, it is added to the end of the list.


Create a list of extensions which fit to the same extension type. If more than one extension is listed in the exclude parameter corresponding to the type, only the extension with the highest priority is will be used. Extensions which are not listed are kept in the list of active extensions.


  "extensionName": "NNNN-gocfl-extension-manager",
  "sort": {
    "ObjectContentPath": [
  "exclusion": {
    "ObjectContentPath": [

This example makes sure, that the NNNN-direct-clean-path-layout extension is executed before the NNNN-content-subpath extension. The NNNN-direct-path-layout extension is excluded from execution, if the NNNN-direct-clean-path-layout is used.