- subsection headers -> ask Krono
- black bars on the side -> ask Krono on how to avoid overfull boxes ?
- the code section portions include ligatures (search for "certificate" in code sections and see it). This can be improved. Ligatures make sense in normal text
- Make sure that all config files links from the PDF work and that the examples are OK
Review paragraph about theory of operation
Commands are practical... keep them.
propose an openssl.cnf?
ejabberd - how to make proper ssl certificates
Add link to Peter Gutman's rant on why X509 is B*-sh*t this one? https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/x509guide.txt
https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/crypto_wont_help.pdf Engineering security book
How to test: this is nice to have everywhere but we should have some text describing a) the test explicitly and b) the expected outcome / output
The Exim section is quite advanced with specifying different modes. However, we did not do that in postfix etc,... so... in effect the different modes are confusing for readers because it does not follow the regular structure. So, how can we incorporate these advanced recommendations in a well known structure of the document? ---> talk with Wolfgang about it