TODO: Replace all "helloworld" or TODO sections with your documenation. Please, do not write general information that is already contained inside the general Open Data Hub Mobility - Data Collectors README
TODO: Describe this data collector shortly: This helloworld project is a showcase on how data collector development works.
Table of Contents
TODO: At the final end of this README update the Table Of Contents
General instructions can be found inside the Open Data Hub Mobility - Data Collectors README. Please read that first. The following chapters will only contain specific configuration and setup steps.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To build the project, the following prerequisites must be met:
- Everything inside Open Data Hub Mobility - Data Collectors README
TODO put your additional requisites here, do not add stuff that is already covered in the main README
TODO: Write your data collector configuration descriptions here
TODO: Add some additinal information, like what this DC does, how it works Talks also about the original data source and eventually provide links or documentation that describes the data that we retrieve