tukui, add wotlk support
- done
merge catalogues
- even though we only have the one catalogue right now
- done
prefer descriptions scraped from html
- they have the tags stripped out
tags, make
return an ordered list- done
shorten catalogue
- done
move github catalogue generation from strongbox
- having multiple catalogues will help the design adjust itself
commit changes to catalogue and addon json once a day
- need to be able to invoke a task like in strongbox
- lein run --args
- need to manipulate the ./state directory
- like git commit
- need to be able to invoke a task like in strongbox
run on a schedule like strongbox-catalogue
- update.sh -> starts catalogue builder -> starts a daily scrape -> commits results -> pushes
wowi, descriptions, filter common leading words in descriptions
"about", "description", "general", "general description", "what", "info", "information", "credits", "features", "intro", "introduction", "note", "overview", "preamble" (really), "purpose", "synopsis"
"donate", "donation", "paypal", "support", "patreon"
$name-of-addon, $version-string, "version"
"discontinued" seems popular ...
"english", "enGB", "enUS"
"hello", "hey", "hi"
"important", "news", "update", "updated", "urgent", "warning"
"summary", "special thanks", "special note"
"what is it", "what does it do", "what is ...", "what it is", "what's this"
cat full-catalogue.json | jq '."addon-summary-list"[].description' | sort | less
bug, handle addons with no game-track-list
- investigate but just default to retail
- all addons in catalogue have a game track
- this could have been a bug before non-api addons were excluded
- in this case, if we try to add non-api addons back in to the catalogue, we'll have to deal with them then.
- this could have been a bug before non-api addons were excluded
a per-addon 'state' file that accumulates changes
- like latest-release-list that has game track data not present elsewhere
- like downloads
- how to associate these changes with a date?
quantifiy discrepancy between API filelist and wowi website
write snippets to a db
- I also want to browse the db like a file system so I can diff changes
'game-track' in latest-release-set is wrong
- it uses 'retail' from the html when it's obviously not retail
- it is difficult to guess at this without leaving some addons with no game tracks at all
- I'd rather them more leniant than strict
- it uses 'retail' from the html when it's obviously not retail
I want to see throughput rate on these workers
- for example, parsed-content worker is processing 100 items/second
migrate all of strongbox catalogue scraping here
- delete there. means a new major version
test coverage
http, add retry support
github support
- wowi, key spec
- wowi, description, parse these away (bbcode, instaparse):
- [SIZE="5"][B][I][COLOR="Red"]
- wowi, description, strip images and links and empty new lines then take the first row
- smarter crawling.
- addon scheduling, release peeking
- more considerate crawling.
- rate limiting, connection pooling, obeys server caching rules, obeys
- rate limiting, connection pooling, obeys server caching rules, obeys
- preserve historical changes to addon data.
- mostly for download counts
- can always walk through git history for this one
- thats a bit meh. perhaps the filesystem and git isn't the best place for this?
- can always walk through git history for this one
- mostly for download counts
- wowi, parse latest feed
- https://www.wowinterface.com/rss/latest.xml
- not sure I can trust the feed to be complete.
- https://www.wowinterface.com/rss/latest.xml