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99 lines (78 loc) · 3.65 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (78 loc) · 3.65 KB


  • tukui, add wotlk support

    • done
  • merge catalogues

    • even though we only have the one catalogue right now
    • done
  • prefer descriptions scraped from html

    • they have the tags stripped out
  • tags, make tags/category-set-to-tag-set return an ordered list

    • done
  • shorten catalogue

    • done
  • move github catalogue generation from strongbox

    • having multiple catalogues will help the design adjust itself

todo 0.0.3 release

  • commit changes to catalogue and addon json once a day

    • need to be able to invoke a task like in strongbox
      • lein run --args
    • need to manipulate the ./state directory
      • like git commit
  • run on a schedule like strongbox-catalogue

    • -> starts catalogue builder -> starts a daily scrape -> commits results -> pushes

todo bucket (no order)

  • wowi, descriptions, filter common leading words in descriptions

    • "about", "description", "general", "general description", "what", "info", "information", "credits", "features", "intro", "introduction", "note", "overview", "preamble" (really), "purpose", "synopsis"

    • "donate", "donation", "paypal", "support", "patreon"

    • $name-of-addon, $version-string, "version"

    • "discontinued" seems popular ...

    • "english", "enGB", "enUS"

    • "hello", "hey", "hi"

    • "important", "news", "update", "updated", "urgent", "warning"

    • "summary", "special thanks", "special note"

    • "what is it", "what does it do", "what is ...", "what it is", "what's this"

    • cat full-catalogue.json | jq '."addon-summary-list"[].description' | sort | less

  • bug, handle addons with no game-track-list

    • investigate but just default to retail
    • all addons in catalogue have a game track
      • this could have been a bug before non-api addons were excluded
        • in this case, if we try to add non-api addons back in to the catalogue, we'll have to deal with them then.
  • a per-addon 'state' file that accumulates changes

    • like latest-release-list that has game track data not present elsewhere
    • like downloads
    • how to associate these changes with a date?
  • quantifiy discrepancy between API filelist and wowi website

  • write snippets to a db

  • 'game-track' in latest-release-set is wrong

    • it uses 'retail' from the html when it's obviously not retail
      • it is difficult to guess at this without leaving some addons with no game tracks at all
      • I'd rather them more leniant than strict
  • I want to see throughput rate on these workers

    • for example, parsed-content worker is processing 100 items/second
  • migrate all of strongbox catalogue scraping here

    • delete there. means a new major version
  • test coverage

  • http, add retry support

  • github support

  • CI


  • wowi, key spec
  • wowi, description, parse these away (bbcode, instaparse):
    • [SIZE="5"][B][I][COLOR="Red"]
  • wowi, description, strip images and links and empty new lines then take the first row

  • smarter crawling.
    • addon scheduling, release peeking
  • more considerate crawling.
    • rate limiting, connection pooling, obeys server caching rules, obeys robots.txt
  • preserve historical changes to addon data.
    • mostly for download counts
      • can always walk through git history for this one
        • thats a bit meh. perhaps the filesystem and git isn't the best place for this?

won't do