- LANZ-4137 [summarize] solved error when input.environment contains a "/". Now it will be replaced by "-". Updated readme (#7)
- LANZ-4137 [summarize] solved error when input.environment contains a "/". Now it will be replaced by "-". Updated readme (#6)
- docs: LANZ-4137 updated docs explaining changes in tags are ignored (#5)
- LANZ-4137 added total row and set number to (#4)
- LANZ-4137 deleted not needed .vscode files
- LANZ-4137 added extra node_module for dotenv/config
- LANZ-4137 update package.json for testing GH actions and created scripts for emptying clean-test-files.
- LANZ-4137 [summarize] added GH Action for summarizing terraform plan
- LANZ-4137 [aggregate] added GH Action for aggregating terraform plan summaries
- LANZ-4137 added .vscode/launch.json and tasks.json for debugging
- docs: LANZ-4137 added GH workflow example
- LANZ-4137 [summarize] added GH Action for summarizing terraform plan - added node modules
- LANZ-4137 [aggregate] added GH Action for aggregating terraform plan summaries - added node modules
- docs: LANZ-4137 added code of conduct