This document describes how to build an operator already defined in the
script. If you want to build a
new operator, you need to follow the steps described in the document.
- Kubernetes cluster (preferably OKD/CRC)
- kubectl or oc installed - for interacting with the Kubernetes cluster
- Tekton Pipelines installed - for building the operator
- Tekton CLI installed - for running the operator pipelines
- Tekton Polling Operator installed - a simple Git repository poller that detects changes in a Git repository, and triggers the execution of a Tekton PipelineRun. The Repository CRD is specifically needed.
- PVC provisioner installed - for creating the PVCs used by the operator
- Access to a Docker registry - for pushing the operator and operand images
git clone
This example uses an NFS provisioner for an on-prem kubernetes cluster
Skip this step (go to Install the operator tekton pipeline with kustomize) if you already have storage (storageClass and provisioner) setup, as it is the case on Kind clusters for example, with the standard
NB Before executing the provisioner, change the fields that relate to your specific NFS setup i.e server name (ip) and path in the file environments/overlays/nfs-provisioner/patch_nfs_details.yaml
# execute for kustomize
cd okd-operator-pipeline
kubectl apply -k environments/overlays/nfs-provisioner
Execute the following commands
cd okd-operator-pipeline
# create the okd-team namespace (if not already created)
kubectl create ns okd-team
# assume you are logged into your kubernetes cluster
# use `environments/overlays/kind` for a kind cluster
# use `environments/overlays/operate-first` on OperateFirst cluster
kubectl apply -k base/tasks
kubectl apply -k base/pipelines
kubectl apply -k base/repositories/<operator> # where <operator> is the operator you want to build
# check that all resources have deployed
kubectl get all -n okd-team
kubectl get pvc -n okd-team
# once all pods are in the RUNNING status create a configmap as follows
# this assumes you have the correct credentials and have logged into the registry to push images to
kubectl create configmap docker-config --from-file=/$HOME/.docker/config.json -n okd-team
# Now you can build an operator. The command will follow the logs of the build. <operator>
NB - you can skip this step
There is an image that has been pushed to the registry with the latest version of all dependencies
This image is referenced in all the tasks. NB change these references when you create your own image.
The dockerfile includes the base ubi image with all the relevant tools to compile and build the bundles. The versions of most components have been updated to use the latest (please update and re-create as needed)
To build the image simply execute
# change the tag i.e (v1.1.0) for different versioning
podman build -t<id>/go-bundle-tools:v1.1.0 .
podman push push<id>/go-bundle-tools:v1.1.0
# remember to update the tasks in manifests/tekton/tasks/base to reflect the changed image