This module uses semantic versioning and follows Okta's library version policy. In short, we don't make breaking changes unless the major version changes!
- We removed the
command and replaced it byInvoke-OktaRevokeAccessToken
which revokes your access token and remove it from your configuration object. You can execute the following command to revoke your token:
- We added a new exception called
which is thrown when the Okta API returns 4xx/5xx responses. You can catch anOktaApiException
and access the Okta API error details. For example, if the API returns a 429 response with the following content:{"errorCode":"E0000047","errorSummary":"API call exceeded rate limit due to too many requests.","errorLink":"E0000047","errorId":"oae6dB62BdhRFCF_9ltxiklFQ","errorCauses":[]}
, you can access these details from the exception:
$Result = Invoke-OktaListApplications
$_.Exception.StatusCode.Value__ | Should -Be 429;
$_.Exception.ErrorCode | Should -Be "E0000047"
$_.Exception.ErrorSummary | Should -Be "API call exceeded rate limit due to too many requests."
$_.Exception.ErrorLink | Should -Be "E0000047"
$_.Exception.ErrorId | Should -Be "oae6dB62BdhRFCF_9ltxiklFQ"
$_.Exception.ErrorCauses | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$_.Exception.Headers | Should -Not -Be $null
- We updated the OpenAPI spec for the System Log API, and the query parameters
changed their type fromSystem.Nullable[System.DateTime]
. Since the System Log API requiressince
query parameters to be ISO 8601 compliant timestamp, make sure to format dates accordingly:
$since = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
$until = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
Get-OktaLogs -since $since -until $until
- We fixed the rate limit functionality which wasn't working as expected. Check out the PR #78 for more details.