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Okta.PowerShell module migration guide

This module uses semantic versioning and follows Okta's library version policy. In short, we don't make breaking changes unless the major version changes!

Migrating from 1.x to 2.x

  • We removed the Invoke-OktaRemoveAccessToken command and replaced it by Invoke-OktaRevokeAccessToken which revokes your access token and remove it from your configuration object. You can execute the following command to revoke your token:
  • We added a new exception called OktaApiException which is thrown when the Okta API returns 4xx/5xx responses. You can catch an OktaApiException and access the Okta API error details. For example, if the API returns a 429 response with the following content: {"errorCode":"E0000047","errorSummary":"API call exceeded rate limit due to too many requests.","errorLink":"E0000047","errorId":"oae6dB62BdhRFCF_9ltxiklFQ","errorCauses":[]}, you can access these details from the exception:
        $Result = Invoke-OktaListApplications
        $_.Exception.StatusCode.Value__ | Should -Be 429;
        $_.Exception.ErrorCode | Should -Be "E0000047"
        $_.Exception.ErrorSummary | Should -Be "API call exceeded rate limit due to too many requests."
        $_.Exception.ErrorLink | Should -Be "E0000047"
        $_.Exception.ErrorId | Should -Be "oae6dB62BdhRFCF_9ltxiklFQ"
        $_.Exception.ErrorCauses | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
        $_.Exception.Headers | Should -Not -Be $null
  • We updated the OpenAPI spec for the System Log API, and the query parameters since and until changed their type from System.Nullable[System.DateTime] to String. Since the System Log API requires since and until query parameters to be ISO 8601 compliant timestamp, make sure to format dates accordingly:
$since = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-6).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
$until = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
Get-OktaLogs -since $since -until $until
  • We fixed the rate limit functionality which wasn't working as expected. Check out the PR #78 for more details.