(Deprecated. Espresso 3 supports Sass syntax out of the box.)
This Sugar is incomplete, but it's better than nothing. Here is what is currently supported:
- Use of .scss file extension or .css.scss extension to trigger the Sugar
- CSS (plain and simple) - this is inherited from the default CSS Sugar
- @include selector
- @mixin definition
- @extend directive
- @warn directive
- @debug directive
- @if @else if @else @for @while statements
- $variable use, $variable definitions at root level
- !default suffix
- functions (the syntax is already a part of CSS)
- Nested selectors (only up to 5 levels deep, and only root level selectors show up in the navigator ATM)
- 2014-04-25: Added @extend directive
- 2014-04-25: Forked from github.com/sfcgeorge/Sass.sugar
- Download the zip
- Double click the Sass.sugar file
Credits go to github.com/sfcgeorge/ who did the original sugar.
I have no intention to create a fully 100% compatible sugar for SCSS syntax. That would be to much work. This is just a temporary fix until Espresso gets native support for SCSS. But feel free to send in pull requests to this repo with your fixes.
Basic CSS structure and functionality is already implemented by the Default CSS Sugar, so why reinvent the wheel? We include the default CSS Syntax, then build on it using SyntaxInjections. We shouldn't need to touch the Syntax file often, use SyntaxInjections where possible. Some of the original CSS Sugar are commented out purely for reference.