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File metadata and controls

164 lines (101 loc) · 5.46 KB

POPO Command Line Options

Generate Command

vendor/bin/popo generate -s <schema.yml> [options...]
  generate [options]

  -s, --schemaPath=SCHEMAPATH                                           Path to schema file or directory
  -c, --schemaConfigFilename[=SCHEMACONFIGFILENAME]                     Path to shared schema configuration
  -o, --outputPath[=OUTPUTPATH]                                         Output path where the files will be generated. Overrides schema settings when set.
  -p, --schemaPathFilter[=SCHEMAPATHFILTER]                             Path filter to match POPO schema files.
  -m, --schemaFilenameMask[=SCHEMAFILENAMEMASK]                         Schema filename mask. [default: "*.popo.yml"]
  -ns, --namespace[=NAMESPACE]                                          Namespace of generated POPO files. Overrides schema settings when set.
  -nr, --namespaceRoot[=NAMESPACEROOT]                                  Remaps namespace and outputPath
  -ig, --ignoreNonExistingSchemaFolder[=IGNORENONEXISTINGSCHEMAFOLDER]  When set, an exception will not be thrown in case missing schemaPath folder [default: false]
  -clp, --classPluginCollection[=CLASSPLUGINCOLLECTION]                 Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\ClassPluginInterface
  -mpp, --mappingPolicyPluginCollection[=MAPPINGPOLICYPLUGINCOLLECTION] Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\MappingPolicyPluginInterface
  -nsp, --namespacePluginCollection[=NAMESPACEPLUGINCOLLECTION]         Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\NamespacePluginInterface
  -pfp, --phpFilePluginCollection[=PHPFILEPLUGINCOLLECTION]             Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\PhpFilePluginInterface
  -ppp, --propertyPluginCollection[=PROPERTYPLUGINCOLLECTION]           Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\PropertyPluginInterface


This parameter can either be a path to YAML file, or to a directory, under where YAML configuration files are stored.

This parameter is required.

Note: To provide multiple values use comma as a separator, eg. -s tests/bundles/,tests/projects/.


This parameter is optional, but when set a shared schema configuration will be used for all POPO schemas.


Output path where the files will be generated, the namespace folders will be created automatically.

This parameter is optional, but when set it overrides outputPath configured in a schema.


Namespace of generated POPO files.

This parameter is optional, but when set it overrides namespace configured in a schema.


This parameter is optional, but when set it allow set mapping between namespace and outputPath.

For example, the configuration below would remove ExampleBundle from the file path, when generating files under outputPath directory.

 namespace: ExampleBundle\AppWithNamespaceRoot\Example
 namespaceRoot: ExampleBundle


Additional path filter when schema-path is set to a folder.

This parameter is optional.

Each schema folder can contain multiple schema files, for example:

    |-- <example-foo>
    |         |_ foo.popo.yml
    |-- <example-bar>
    |         |- bar.popo.yml   
    |         |_ buzz.popo.yml   
    |-- global.config.yml

Run bin/popo generate -s tests/fixtures/ -p bundles -c tests/fixtures/bundles/project.config.yml or docker-popo generate -s tests/fixtures/ -p bundles -c tests/fixtures/bundles/project.config.yml to generate files from this example.


Filename mask used to locate schema files when using schema-path-filter.

Default is *.popo.yml.


Set to true, to ignore errors related to missing schema directories when passing multiple paths with <schema-path>, separated by a comma.

Default is false.


Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\ClassPluginInterface.

Default is [].

For example:

vendor/bin/popo generate -s popo.yml  --classPluginCollection "Popo\\Plugin\\ClassPlugin\\ConstPropertyClassPlugin"


Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\MappingPolicyPluginInterface.

Default is [].


Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\NamespacePluginInterface.

Default is [].


Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\PhpFilePluginInterface.

Default is [].


Collection of class names for plugins implementing \Popo\Plugin\PropertyPluginInterface.

Default is [].

Report Command

The report command shows list of defined / inherited properties.

vendor/bin/popo report -s <schema-path> \
  -c [schema-config-filename] \
  -p [schema-path-filter]

For example, report for tests/fixtures/popo-readme.yml file.

 popo-config Example::Foo - tests/fixtures/popo-readme.yml
 popo-config Example::Bar - tests/fixtures/popo-readme.yml
 popo-config Example::Foo - tests/fixtures/popo-readme.yml

Run bin/popo report -s tests/fixtures/popo-readme.yml or docker-popo report -s tests/fixtures/popo-readme.yml to generate files from this example.