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A simple, tiny engine for creating genetic algorithms

TinyEvolver is a framework for creating genetic algorithms written in pure python. It aims to let you write sensible evolutionary algorithms in as few steps as possible using a prototype system to extrapolate generation, mutation and mating of individuals from a simple example.

TinyEvolver was developed for scientists and researchers who want to utilize genetic algorithms in models and applications, but not necessarily become researchers in genetic/evolutionary algorithms themselves. You define the things that are really unique to your problem and TinyEvolver does the rest.

The source code for TinyEvolver is inspired, at least in part, by the DEAP module, but we've made conscious decisions to tailor our module towards simplicity and lightness. But simple doesn't mean featureless - individuals can have genes of mixed type, populations can be generated on the fly or from old data, and one can evolve many populations at once with multiprocessing.



Installation requires Python 2.6+ or Python 3.4+. The best way to install the latest stable version is with pip: pip install tinyevolver.

If you want to install from source, simply clone the github repo into a directory, then from that directory run

python install

or, if you'd prefer to be able to edit the installed code yourself:

python develop


from tinyevolver import Population

prototype = [False for _ in range(100)]
p = Population(prototype=prototype, gene_bounds=None, fitness_func=sum)




The best way to discover TinyEvolver's features is through the iPython interactive interpreter - you can enter Foo. followed by the tab key to see possible completions of Foo, and Foo? to view its signature and docstrings.

The majority of the work in constructing an evolutionary algorithm in TinyEvolver is the fitness function - and this is where the majority of the work is done by the CPU. You can thus speed up your code by speeding up the fitness function, whether that be by outsourcing to NumPy, writing C extensions, or simply making your function more efficient. Since TinyEvolver is written in pure Python, you could also run it under PyPy.


TinyEvolver contains 3 classes: Individual, Population and IslandModel. A Population is a collection of Individuals and an IslandModel is a collection of Populations - both of these classes have methods for evolving with all variables having sensible defaults.


Users should not need to create an instance of this class directly.


  • individual.genes a 1D-array or flat list of genes.
  • the individual's fitness - may or may not be present.
  • individual.valid is True only if is present.


  • Individuals have many of the methods of lists: you can get/set their genes with indices or slices, iterate over them, put them into len, copy them, and put them into any other Python function requiring only these (e.g. random.sample(individual) will return a random sample of the genes).


Create an instance with Population(prototype, gene_bounds, fitness_func), where

  • prototype is a flat list of booleans, integers and floats whose types individuals' genes should have (namely boolean, float or integer).
  • gene_bounds is either None or a list of lower/upper bounds for the genes.
  • fitness_func takes a flat list of genes and returns a numeric value representing the individual's fitness.


  • the individual with the highest fitness.
  • population.individuals the full list of individuals in the population.


  • Populations have many of the methods of lists: you can get/set their individuals with indices or slices, iterate over them, put them into len, copy them, or put them into any other Python function requiring only these.
  • population.populate([popsize, base_population]) if no base_population is passed then this will generate the required number of individuals for the population using its prototype and gene_bounds. If a family of list-like objects is passed as a base_population then the population is populated with these instead.
  • population.evolve([ngen, matepb, mutpb, indpb, scoping, tournsize, verbose]) this should only be called after the class has been populated. It evolves ngen generations, where individuals have a probability matepb of mating, mutpb of mutating. indpb controlls the variability of an individual's genes upon mutation. Fitest individuals are selected from random tournaments of size tournsize. If scoping is positive then the amount by which floats are able to mutate decreases from one generation to the next - honing in upon parameters. Set verbose to False to avoid printing details of the evolution.


Create an IslandModel instance with IslandModel(poplist) where poplist is a list of Population objects.


  • the best individual from all the individual populations
  • islandmodel.islands a list containg the class' populations


  • islandmodel.amalg_pop() this returns the islands amalgamated into a single large population
  • islandmodel.select_pop() this selects a population from across the islands whose size is that of a single island
  • islandmodel.evolve([ngen, matepb, mutpb, indpb, scoping, tournsize, verbose, mig_freq]) this evolves all the islands, with individuals migrating between islands every mig_freq generations. See the evolve method for the Population class.
  • islandmodel.multi_evolve([ngen, matepb, mutpb, indpb, scoping, tournsize, verbose, mig_freq]) this is the same as the evolve method, but uses multiprocessing.