diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/CassandraSharedResourceManager.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/CassandraResourceManager.java
similarity index 91%
rename from v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/CassandraSharedResourceManager.java
rename to v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/CassandraResourceManager.java
index 5f166a2317..ab1dbf39c8 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/CassandraSharedResourceManager.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/CassandraResourceManager.java
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.ResourceManagerUtils;
import org.apache.beam.it.testcontainers.TestContainerResourceManager;
import org.apache.beam.vendor.guava.v32_1_2_jre.com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
-import org.apache.beam.vendor.guava.v32_1_2_jre.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -52,10 +51,10 @@
The class is thread-safe.
-public class CassandraSharedResourceManager
- extends TestContainerResourceManager> implements ResourceManager {
+public class CassandraResourceManager extends TestContainerResourceManager>
+ implements ResourceManager {
- private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CassandraSharedResourceManager.class);
+ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CassandraResourceManager.class);
private static final String DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_CONTAINER_NAME = "cassandra";
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ public class CassandraSharedResourceManager
private final String keyspaceName;
private final boolean usingStaticDatabase;
- private CassandraSharedResourceManager(Builder builder) {
+ private CassandraResourceManager(Builder builder) {
new CassandraContainer<>(
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ private CassandraSharedResourceManager(Builder builder) {
- CassandraSharedResourceManager(
+ CassandraResourceManager(
@Nullable CqlSession cassandraClient, CassandraContainer> container, Builder builder) {
super(container, builder);
// we are trying to handle userDefined KeyspaceName name without usingStatic Container
@@ -176,19 +175,6 @@ public synchronized void execute(String statement) {
- /**
- * Inserts the given Document into a table.
- *
- * A database will be created here, if one does not already exist.
- *
- * @param tableName The name of the table to insert the document into.
- * @param document The document to insert into the table.
- * @return A boolean indicating whether the Document was inserted successfully.
- */
- public synchronized boolean insertDocument(String tableName, Map document) {
- return insertDocuments(tableName, ImmutableList.of(document));
- }
* Inserts the given Documents into a collection.
@@ -312,9 +298,9 @@ private static RetryPolicy buildRetryPolicy() {
- /** Builder for {@link CassandraSharedResourceManager}. */
+ /** Builder for {@link CassandraResourceManager}. */
public static final class Builder
- extends TestContainerResourceManager.Builder {
+ extends TestContainerResourceManager.Builder {
private @Nullable String keyspaceName;
@@ -359,8 +345,8 @@ public Builder sePreGeneratedKeyspaceName(boolean preGeneratedKeyspaceName) {
- public CassandraSharedResourceManager build() {
- return new CassandraSharedResourceManager(this);
+ public CassandraResourceManager build() {
+ return new CassandraResourceManager(this);
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraDbITBase.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraDbITBase.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 64405b98b4..0000000000
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraDbITBase.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2025 Google LLC
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.templates;
-import static org.apache.beam.it.truthmatchers.PipelineAsserts.assertThatPipeline;
-import com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.spanner.migrations.transformation.CustomTransformation;
-import com.google.common.io.Resources;
-import com.google.pubsub.v1.SubscriptionName;
-import com.google.pubsub.v1.TopicName;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.InputStreamReader;
-import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
-import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineLauncher;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.PipelineUtils;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.ResourceManagerUtils;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.TemplateTestBase;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.artifacts.utils.ArtifactUtils;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.pubsub.PubsubResourceManager;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.spanner.SpannerResourceManager;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.storage.GcsResourceManager;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-public abstract class SpannerToCassandraDbITBase extends TemplateTestBase {
- private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpannerToCassandraDbITBase.class);
- protected SpannerResourceManager createSpannerDatabase(String spannerSchemaFile)
- throws IOException {
- SpannerResourceManager spannerResourceManager =
- SpannerResourceManager.builder("rr-main-" + testName, PROJECT, REGION)
- .maybeUseStaticInstance()
- .build();
- String ddl;
- try (InputStream inputStream =
- Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(spannerSchemaFile)) {
- if (inputStream == null) {
- throw new FileNotFoundException("Resource file not found: " + spannerSchemaFile);
- }
- try (BufferedReader reader =
- new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
- ddl = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
- }
- }
- if (ddl.isBlank()) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("DDL file is empty: " + spannerSchemaFile);
- }
- String[] ddls = ddl.trim().split(";");
- for (String d : ddls) {
- d = d.trim();
- if (!d.isEmpty()) {
- spannerResourceManager.executeDdlStatement(d);
- }
- }
- return spannerResourceManager;
- }
- protected SpannerResourceManager createSpannerMetadataDatabase() throws IOException {
- SpannerResourceManager spannerMetadataResourceManager =
- SpannerResourceManager.builder("rr-meta-" + testName, PROJECT, REGION)
- .maybeUseStaticInstance()
- .build();
- String dummy = "create table t1(id INT64 ) primary key(id)";
- spannerMetadataResourceManager.executeDdlStatement(dummy);
- return spannerMetadataResourceManager;
- }
- public PubsubResourceManager setUpPubSubResourceManager() throws IOException {
- return PubsubResourceManager.builder(testName, PROJECT, credentialsProvider).build();
- }
- public CassandraSharedResourceManager generateKeyspaceAndBuildCassandraResource() {
- String keyspaceName =
- ResourceManagerUtils.generateResourceId(
- testName,
- Pattern.compile("[/\\\\. \"\u0000$]"),
- "-",
- 27,
- DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-SSSSSS"))
- .replace('-', '_');
- if (keyspaceName.length() > 48) {
- keyspaceName = keyspaceName.substring(0, 48);
- }
- return CassandraSharedResourceManager.builder(testName)
- .setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName)
- .sePreGeneratedKeyspaceName(true)
- .build();
- }
- public SubscriptionName createPubsubResources(
- String identifierSuffix, PubsubResourceManager pubsubResourceManager, String gcsPrefix) {
- String topicNameSuffix = "rr-it" + identifierSuffix;
- String subscriptionNameSuffix = "rr-it-sub" + identifierSuffix;
- TopicName topic = pubsubResourceManager.createTopic(topicNameSuffix);
- SubscriptionName subscription =
- pubsubResourceManager.createSubscription(topic, subscriptionNameSuffix);
- String prefix = gcsPrefix;
- if (prefix.startsWith("/")) {
- prefix = prefix.substring(1);
- }
- prefix += "/retry/";
- gcsClient.createNotification(topic.toString(), prefix);
- return subscription;
- }
- public void createAndUploadCassandraConfigToGcs(
- GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager,
- CassandraSharedResourceManager cassandraResourceManagers,
- String cassandraConfigFile)
- throws IOException {
- String host = cassandraResourceManagers.getHost();
- int port = cassandraResourceManagers.getPort();
- String keyspaceName = cassandraResourceManagers.getKeyspaceName();
- String cassandraConfigContents;
- try (InputStream inputStream =
- Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(cassandraConfigFile)) {
- if (inputStream == null) {
- throw new FileNotFoundException("Resource file not found: " + cassandraConfigFile);
- }
- cassandraConfigContents = new String(inputStream.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
- }
- cassandraConfigContents =
- cassandraConfigContents
- .replace("##host##", host)
- .replace("##port##", Integer.toString(port))
- .replace("##keyspace##", keyspaceName);
- gcsResourceManager.createArtifact("input/cassandra-config.conf", cassandraConfigContents);
- }
- public PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo launchDataflowJob(
- GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager,
- SpannerResourceManager spannerResourceManager,
- SpannerResourceManager spannerMetadataResourceManager,
- String subscriptionName,
- String identifierSuffix,
- String shardingCustomJarPath,
- String shardingCustomClassName,
- String sourceDbTimezoneOffset,
- CustomTransformation customTransformation)
- throws IOException {
- Map params =
- new HashMap<>() {
- {
- put("instanceId", spannerResourceManager.getInstanceId());
- put("databaseId", spannerResourceManager.getDatabaseId());
- put("spannerProjectId", PROJECT);
- put("metadataDatabase", spannerMetadataResourceManager.getDatabaseId());
- put("metadataInstance", spannerMetadataResourceManager.getInstanceId());
- put(
- "sourceShardsFilePath",
- getGcsPath("input/cassandra-config.conf", gcsResourceManager));
- put("changeStreamName", "allstream");
- put("dlqGcsPubSubSubscription", subscriptionName);
- put("deadLetterQueueDirectory", getGcsPath("dlq", gcsResourceManager));
- put("maxShardConnections", "5");
- put("maxNumWorkers", "1");
- put("numWorkers", "1");
- put("sourceType", "cassandra");
- }
- };
- if (shardingCustomJarPath != null) {
- params.put(
- "shardingCustomJarPath",
- getGcsFullPath(gcsResourceManager, shardingCustomJarPath, identifierSuffix));
- }
- if (shardingCustomClassName != null) {
- params.put("shardingCustomClassName", shardingCustomClassName);
- }
- if (sourceDbTimezoneOffset != null) {
- params.put("sourceDbTimezoneOffset", sourceDbTimezoneOffset);
- }
- if (customTransformation != null) {
- params.put(
- "transformationJarPath", getGcsPath(customTransformation.jarPath(), gcsResourceManager));
- params.put("transformationClassName", customTransformation.classPath());
- }
- // Construct template
- String jobName = PipelineUtils.createJobName("rrev-it" + testName);
- // /-DunifiedWorker=true when using runner v2
- PipelineLauncher.LaunchConfig.Builder options =
- PipelineLauncher.LaunchConfig.builder(jobName, specPath);
- options.setParameters(params);
- options.addEnvironment("additionalExperiments", Collections.singletonList("use_runner_v2"));
- // Run
- PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo jobInfo = launchTemplate(options, false);
- assertThatPipeline(jobInfo).isRunning();
- return jobInfo;
- }
- protected void createCassandraSchema(
- CassandraSharedResourceManager cassandraResourceManager, String cassandraSchemaFile)
- throws IOException {
- String ddl =
- String.join(
- " ",
- Resources.readLines(
- Resources.getResource(cassandraSchemaFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
- ddl = ddl.trim();
- String[] ddls = ddl.split(";");
- for (String d : ddls) {
- if (!d.isBlank()) {
- cassandraResourceManager.execute(d);
- }
- }
- }
- public String getGcsFullPath(
- GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager, String artifactId, String identifierSuffix) {
- return ArtifactUtils.getFullGcsPath(
- artifactBucketName, identifierSuffix, gcsResourceManager.runId(), artifactId);
- }
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 70cbe22ff5..0000000000
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2025 Google LLC
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.templates;
-import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
-import static org.apache.beam.it.truthmatchers.PipelineAsserts.assertThatPipeline;
-import static org.apache.beam.it.truthmatchers.PipelineAsserts.assertThatResult;
-import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.ResultSet;
-import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row;
-import com.google.cloud.ByteArray;
-import com.google.cloud.Date;
-import com.google.cloud.Timestamp;
-import com.google.cloud.spanner.Mutation;
-import com.google.cloud.spanner.Value;
-import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.SkipDirectRunnerTest;
-import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.TemplateIntegrationTest;
-import com.google.pubsub.v1.SubscriptionName;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.time.Duration;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineLauncher;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineOperator;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.ResourceManagerUtils;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.pubsub.PubsubResourceManager;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.spanner.SpannerResourceManager;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.storage.GcsResourceManager;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
-import org.junit.runners.model.MultipleFailureException;
-@Category({TemplateIntegrationTest.class, SkipDirectRunnerTest.class})
-public class SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT extends SpannerToCassandraDbITBase {
- private static final String SPANNER_DDL_RESOURCE =
- "SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/spanner-schema.sql";
- private static final String CASSANDRA_SCHEMA_FILE_RESOURCE =
- "SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-schema.sql";
- private static final String CASSANDRA_CONFIG_FILE_RESOURCE =
- "SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-config-template.conf";
- private static final String TABLE = "AllDatatypeColumns";
- private static final HashSet testInstances =
- new HashSet<>();
- private static PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo jobInfo;
- public static SpannerResourceManager spannerResourceManager;
- private static SpannerResourceManager spannerMetadataResourceManager;
- public static CassandraSharedResourceManager cassandraResourceManager;
- private static GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager;
- private static PubsubResourceManager pubsubResourceManager;
- private SubscriptionName subscriptionName;
- private final List assertionErrors = new ArrayList<>();
- /**
- * Setup resource managers and Launch dataflow job once during the execution of this test class.
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
- @Before
- public void setUp() throws IOException {
- skipBaseCleanup = true;
- synchronized (SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT.class) {
- testInstances.add(this);
- if (jobInfo == null) {
- spannerResourceManager = createSpannerDatabase(SPANNER_DDL_RESOURCE);
- spannerMetadataResourceManager = createSpannerMetadataDatabase();
- cassandraResourceManager = generateKeyspaceAndBuildCassandraResource();
- gcsResourceManager =
- GcsResourceManager.builder(artifactBucketName, getClass().getSimpleName(), credentials)
- .build();
- createCassandraSchema(cassandraResourceManager, CASSANDRA_SCHEMA_FILE_RESOURCE);
- createAndUploadCassandraConfigToGcs(
- gcsResourceManager, cassandraResourceManager, CASSANDRA_CONFIG_FILE_RESOURCE);
- pubsubResourceManager = setUpPubSubResourceManager();
- subscriptionName =
- createPubsubResources(
- getClass().getSimpleName(),
- pubsubResourceManager,
- getGcsPath("dlq", gcsResourceManager).replace("gs://" + artifactBucketName, ""));
- jobInfo =
- launchDataflowJob(
- gcsResourceManager,
- spannerResourceManager,
- spannerMetadataResourceManager,
- subscriptionName.toString(),
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Cleanup dataflow job and all the resources and resource managers.
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
- @AfterClass
- public static void cleanUp() throws IOException {
- for (SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT instance : testInstances) {
- instance.tearDownBase();
- }
- ResourceManagerUtils.cleanResources(
- spannerResourceManager,
- cassandraResourceManager,
- spannerMetadataResourceManager,
- gcsResourceManager,
- pubsubResourceManager);
- }
- @Test
- public void spannerToCassandraSourceDataTypeConversionTest()
- throws InterruptedException, IOException, MultipleFailureException {
- assertThatPipeline(jobInfo).isRunning();
- writeRowInSpanner();
- assertRowInCassandraDB();
- }
- private long getRowCount() {
- String query = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", TABLE);
- ResultSet resultSet = cassandraResourceManager.executeStatement(query);
- Row row = resultSet.one();
- if (row != null) {
- return row.getLong(0);
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Query did not return a result for table: " + TABLE);
- }
- }
- private void writeRowInSpanner() {
- Mutation mutation =
- Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder(TABLE)
- .set("varchar_column")
- .to("SampleVarchar")
- .set("tinyint_column")
- .to(127)
- .set("text_column")
- .to("This is some sample text data for the text column.")
- .set("date_column")
- .to(Value.date(Date.fromJavaUtilDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf("2025-01-27"))))
- .set("smallint_column")
- .to(32767)
- .set("mediumint_column")
- .to(8388607)
- .set("int_column")
- .to(2147483647)
- .set("bigint_column")
- .to(9223372036854775807L)
- .set("float_column")
- .to(3.14159)
- .set("double_column")
- .to(2.718281828459045)
- .set("decimal_column")
- .to(new BigDecimal("12345.6789"))
- .set("datetime_column")
- .to(Value.timestamp(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
- .set("timestamp_column")
- .to(Value.timestamp(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
- .set("time_column")
- .to("12:30:00")
- .set("year_column")
- .to("2025")
- .set("char_column")
- .to("CHAR_DATA")
- .set("tinytext_column")
- .to("Short text for tinytext.")
- .set("mediumtext_column")
- .to("Longer text data for mediumtext column.")
- .set("longtext_column")
- .to("Very long text data that exceeds the medium text column length for long text.")
- .set("enum_column")
- .to("OptionA")
- .set("bool_column")
- .to(Value.bool(Boolean.TRUE))
- .set("other_bool_column")
- .to(Value.bool(Boolean.FALSE))
- .set("bytes_column")
- .to(Value.bytes(ByteArray.copyFrom("SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=".getBytes())))
- .set("list_text_column")
- .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"cherry\"]"))
- .set("list_int_column")
- .to(Value.json("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"))
- .set("frozen_list_bigint_column")
- .to(Value.json("[123456789012345, 987654321012345]"))
- .set("set_text_column")
- .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"orange\", \"banana\"]"))
- .set("set_date_column")
- .to(Value.json("[\"2025-01-27\", \"2025-02-01\"]"))
- .set("frozen_set_bool_column")
- .to(Value.json("[true, false]"))
- .set("map_text_to_int_column")
- .to(Value.json("{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}"))
- .set("map_date_to_text_column")
- .to(Value.json("{\"2025-01-27\": \"event1\", \"2025-02-01\": \"event2\"}"))
- .set("frozen_map_int_to_bool_column")
- .to(Value.json("{\"1\": true, \"2\": false}"))
- .set("map_text_to_list_column")
- .to(Value.json("{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"color\": [\"red\", \"green\"]}"))
- .set("map_text_to_set_column")
- .to(
- Value.json(
- "{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
- .set("set_of_maps_column")
- .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
- .set("list_of_sets_column")
- .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
- .set("frozen_map_text_to_list_column")
- .to(Value.json("{\"fruits\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"]}"))
- .set("frozen_map_text_to_set_column")
- .to(Value.json("{\"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
- .set("frozen_set_of_maps_column")
- .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
- .set("frozen_list_of_sets_column")
- .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
- .set("varint_column")
- .to(Value.bytes(ByteArray.copyFrom("b3f5ed4f".getBytes())))
- .build();
- spannerResourceManager.write(mutation);
- }
- private void assertAll(Runnable... assertions) throws MultipleFailureException {
- for (Runnable assertion : assertions) {
- try {
- assertion.run();
- } catch (AssertionError e) {
- assertionErrors.add(e);
- }
- }
- if (!assertionErrors.isEmpty()) {
- throw new MultipleFailureException(assertionErrors);
- }
- }
- private void assertRowInCassandraDB() throws InterruptedException, MultipleFailureException {
- PipelineOperator.Result result =
- pipelineOperator()
- .waitForCondition(
- createConfig(jobInfo, Duration.ofMinutes(10)), () -> getRowCount() == 1);
- assertThatResult(result).meetsConditions();
- Iterable rows;
- try {
- rows = cassandraResourceManager.readTable(TABLE);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read from Cassandra table: " + TABLE, e);
- }
- assertThat(rows).hasSize(1);
- Row row = rows.iterator().next();
- assertThat(rows).hasSize(1);
- assertAll(
- // Basic Data Types
- () -> assertThat(row.getString("varchar_column")).isEqualTo("SampleVarchar"),
- () -> assertThat(row.getLong("bigint_column")).isEqualTo(9223372036854775807L),
- () -> assertThat(row.getBoolean("bool_column")).isTrue(),
- () -> {
- String hexString = "5347567362473867643239796247513d";
- byte[] byteArray;
- try {
- byteArray = Hex.decodeHex(hexString);
- } catch (DecoderException e) {
- byteArray = new byte[0];
- }
- ByteBuffer expectedBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray);
- assertThat(row.getByteBuffer("bytes_column")).isEqualTo(expectedBuffer);
- },
- () -> assertThat(row.getString("char_column")).isEqualTo("CHAR_DATA"),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getLocalDate("date_column"))
- .isEqualTo(java.time.LocalDate.of(2025, 1, 27)),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getInstant("datetime_column"))
- .isEqualTo(java.time.Instant.parse("2025-01-27T10:30:00.000Z")),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getBigDecimal("decimal_column")).isEqualTo(new BigDecimal("12345.6789")),
- () -> assertThat(row.getDouble("double_column")).isEqualTo(2.718281828459045),
- () -> assertThat(row.getFloat("float_column")).isEqualTo(3.14159f),
- // Collections (frozen, list, set, map)
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getList("frozen_list_bigint_column", Long.class))
- .isEqualTo(Arrays.asList(123456789012345L, 987654321012345L)),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getSet("frozen_set_bool_column", Boolean.class))
- .isEqualTo(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(false, true))),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getMap("frozen_map_int_to_bool_column", Integer.class, Boolean.class))
- .isEqualTo(Map.of(1, true, 2, false)),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getMap("frozen_map_text_to_list_column", String.class, List.class))
- .isEqualTo(Map.of("fruits", Arrays.asList("apple", "banana"))),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getMap("frozen_map_text_to_set_column", String.class, Set.class))
- .isEqualTo(Map.of("vegetables", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("carrot", "spinach")))),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getSet("frozen_set_of_maps_column", Map.class))
- .isEqualTo(
- new HashSet<>(
- Arrays.asList(
- Map.of("key1", 10, "key2", 20), Map.of("keyA", 5, "keyB", 10)))),
- // Lists and Sets
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getList("list_int_column", Integer.class))
- .isEqualTo(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getList("list_text_column", String.class))
- .isEqualTo(Arrays.asList("apple", "banana", "cherry")),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getList("list_of_sets_column", Set.class))
- .isEqualTo(
- Arrays.asList(
- new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("apple", "banana")),
- new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("carrot", "spinach")))),
- // Maps
- () ->
- assertThat(
- row.getMap("map_date_to_text_column", java.time.LocalDate.class, String.class))
- .isEqualTo(
- Map.of(
- java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-01-27"), "event1",
- java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-02-01"), "event2")),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getMap("map_text_to_int_column", String.class, Integer.class))
- .isEqualTo(Map.of("key1", 10, "key2", 20)),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getMap("map_text_to_list_column", String.class, List.class))
- .isEqualTo(
- Map.of(
- "color",
- Arrays.asList("red", "green"),
- "fruit",
- Arrays.asList("apple", "banana"))),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getMap("map_text_to_set_column", String.class, Set.class))
- .isEqualTo(
- Map.of(
- "fruit",
- new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("apple", "banana")),
- "vegetables",
- new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("carrot", "spinach")))),
- // Sets
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getSet("set_date_column", java.time.LocalDate.class))
- .isEqualTo(
- new HashSet<>(
- Arrays.asList(
- java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-01-27"),
- java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-02-01")))),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getSet("set_text_column", String.class))
- .isEqualTo(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("apple", "orange", "banana"))),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getSet("set_of_maps_column", Map.class))
- .isEqualTo(
- new HashSet<>(
- Arrays.asList(
- Map.of("key1", 10, "key2", 20), Map.of("keyA", 5, "keyB", 10)))),
- // Other Basic Types
- () -> assertThat(row.getShort("smallint_column")).isEqualTo((short) 32767),
- () -> assertThat(row.getInt("mediumint_column")).isEqualTo(8388607),
- () -> assertThat(row.getInt("int_column")).isEqualTo(2147483647),
- () -> assertThat(row.getString("enum_column")).isEqualTo("OptionA"),
- () -> assertThat(row.getString("year_column")).isEqualTo("2025"),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getString("longtext_column"))
- .isEqualTo(
- "Very long text data that exceeds the medium text column length for long text."),
- () -> assertThat(row.getString("tinytext_column")).isEqualTo("Short text for tinytext."),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getString("mediumtext_column"))
- .isEqualTo("Longer text data for mediumtext column."),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getString("text_column"))
- .isEqualTo("This is some sample text data for the text column."),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getLocalTime("time_column"))
- .isEqualTo(java.time.LocalTime.parse("12:30:00.000000000")),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getInstant("timestamp_column"))
- .isEqualTo(java.time.Instant.parse("2025-01-27T10:30:00.000Z")),
- () ->
- assertThat(row.getBigInteger("varint_column"))
- .isEqualTo(java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(7076111819049546854L)));
- }
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbIT.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f16c24c0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbIT.java
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2025 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+ * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+ * the License.
+ */
+package com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.templates;
+import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
+import static org.apache.beam.it.truthmatchers.PipelineAsserts.assertThatPipeline;
+import static org.apache.beam.it.truthmatchers.PipelineAsserts.assertThatResult;
+import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.ResultSet;
+import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row;
+import com.google.cloud.ByteArray;
+import com.google.cloud.Date;
+import com.google.cloud.Timestamp;
+import com.google.cloud.spanner.Mutation;
+import com.google.cloud.spanner.Options;
+import com.google.cloud.spanner.TransactionRunner;
+import com.google.cloud.spanner.Value;
+import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.SkipDirectRunnerTest;
+import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.TemplateIntegrationTest;
+import com.google.pubsub.v1.SubscriptionName;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.time.Duration;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineLauncher;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineOperator;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.ResourceManagerUtils;
+import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.pubsub.PubsubResourceManager;
+import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.spanner.SpannerResourceManager;
+import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.storage.GcsResourceManager;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.spanner.SpannerAccessor;
+import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.spanner.SpannerConfig;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
+import org.junit.runners.model.MultipleFailureException;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+@Category({TemplateIntegrationTest.class, SkipDirectRunnerTest.class})
+public class SpannerToCassandraSourceDbIT extends SpannerToSourceDbITBase {
+ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpannerToCassandraSourceDbIT.class);
+ private static final String SPANNER_DDL_RESOURCE =
+ "SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/spanner-schema.sql";
+ private static final String CASSANDRA_SCHEMA_FILE_RESOURCE =
+ "SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-schema.sql";
+ private static final String CASSANDRA_CONFIG_FILE_RESOURCE =
+ "SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-config-template.conf";
+ private static final String USER_TABLE = "Users";
+ private static final String ALL_DATA_TYPES_TABLE = "AllDatatypeColumns";
+ private static final String ALL_DATA_TYPES_CUSTOM_CONVERSION_TABLE = "AllDatatypeTransformation";
+ private static final HashSet testInstances = new HashSet<>();
+ private static PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo jobInfo;
+ public static SpannerResourceManager spannerResourceManager;
+ private static SpannerResourceManager spannerMetadataResourceManager;
+ public static CassandraResourceManager cassandraResourceManager;
+ private static GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager;
+ private static PubsubResourceManager pubsubResourceManager;
+ private SubscriptionName subscriptionName;
+ private final List assertionErrors = new ArrayList<>();
+ /**
+ * Setup resource managers and Launch dataflow job once during the execution of this test class.
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() throws IOException {
+ skipBaseCleanup = true;
+ synchronized (SpannerToCassandraSourceDbIT.class) {
+ testInstances.add(this);
+ if (jobInfo == null) {
+ spannerResourceManager = createSpannerDatabase(SPANNER_DDL_RESOURCE);
+ spannerMetadataResourceManager = createSpannerMetadataDatabase();
+ cassandraResourceManager = generateKeyspaceAndBuildCassandraResource();
+ gcsResourceManager =
+ GcsResourceManager.builder(artifactBucketName, getClass().getSimpleName(), credentials)
+ .build();
+ createAndUploadCassandraConfigToGcs(
+ gcsResourceManager, cassandraResourceManager, CASSANDRA_CONFIG_FILE_RESOURCE);
+ createCassandraSchema(cassandraResourceManager, CASSANDRA_SCHEMA_FILE_RESOURCE);
+ pubsubResourceManager = setUpPubSubResourceManager();
+ subscriptionName =
+ createPubsubResources(
+ getClass().getSimpleName(),
+ pubsubResourceManager,
+ getGcsPath("dlq", gcsResourceManager).replace("gs://" + artifactBucketName, ""));
+ jobInfo =
+ launchDataflowJob(
+ gcsResourceManager,
+ spannerResourceManager,
+ spannerMetadataResourceManager,
+ subscriptionName.toString(),
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ "cassandra");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cleanup dataflow job and all the resources and resource managers.
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ @AfterClass
+ public static void cleanUp() throws IOException {
+ for (SpannerToCassandraSourceDbIT instance : testInstances) {
+ instance.tearDownBase();
+ }
+ ResourceManagerUtils.cleanResources(
+ spannerResourceManager,
+ cassandraResourceManager,
+ spannerMetadataResourceManager,
+ gcsResourceManager,
+ pubsubResourceManager);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the data flow from Spanner to Cassandra.
+ *
+ * This test ensures that a basic row is successfully written to Spanner and subsequently
+ * appears in Cassandra, validating end-to-end data consistency.
+ *
+ * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted during execution.
+ * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the test execution.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void spannerToCasandraSourceDbBasic() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
+ assertThatPipeline(jobInfo).isRunning();
+ writeBasicRowInSpanner();
+ assertBasicRowInCassandraDB();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the data type conversion from Spanner to Cassandra.
+ *
+ *
This test ensures that all supported data types are correctly written to Spanner and
+ * subsequently retrieved from Cassandra, verifying data integrity and type conversions.
+ *
+ * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted during execution.
+ * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the test execution.
+ * @throws MultipleFailureException if multiple assertions fail during validation.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void spannerToCassandraSourceAllDataTypeConversionTest()
+ throws InterruptedException, IOException, MultipleFailureException {
+ assertThatPipeline(jobInfo).isRunning();
+ writeAllDataTypeRowsInSpanner();
+ assertAllDataTypeRowsInCassandraDB();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the conversion of string data types from Spanner to actual data type in Cassandra.
+ *
+ *
This test ensures that string-based data types are correctly written to Spanner and
+ * subsequently retrieved from Cassandra, verifying data integrity and conversion accuracy.
+ *
+ * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted during execution.
+ * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during the test execution.
+ * @throws MultipleFailureException if multiple assertions fail during validation.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void spannerToCassandraSourceDataTypeStringConversionTest()
+ throws InterruptedException, IOException, MultipleFailureException {
+ assertThatPipeline(jobInfo).isRunning();
+ writeAllRowsAsStringInSpanner();
+ assertStringToActualRowsInCassandraDB();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the total row count of a specified table in Cassandra.
+ *
+ *
This method executes a `SELECT COUNT(*)` query on the given table and returns the number of
+ * rows present in it.
+ *
+ * @param tableName the name of the table whose row count is to be retrieved.
+ * @return the total number of rows in the specified table.
+ * @throws RuntimeException if the query does not return a result.
+ */
+ private long getRowCount(String tableName) {
+ String query = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", tableName);
+ ResultSet resultSet = cassandraResourceManager.executeStatement(query);
+ Row row = resultSet.one();
+ if (row != null) {
+ return row.getLong(0);
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Query did not return a result for table: " + tableName);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes basic rows to multiple tables in Google Cloud Spanner.
+ *
+ *
This method performs the following operations:
+ *
+ *
+ * Inserts or updates a row in the "users" table with an ID of 1.
+ * Inserts or updates a row in the "users2" table with an ID of 2.
+ * Executes a transactionally buffered insert/update operation in the "users" table with an
+ * ID of 3, using a transaction tag for tracking.
+ *
+ *
+ * The transaction uses a Spanner client with a specific transaction tag
+ * ("txBy=forwardMigration").
+ */
+ private void writeBasicRowInSpanner() {
+ Mutation m1 =
+ Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("users")
+ .set("id")
+ .to(1)
+ .set("full_name")
+ .to("A")
+ .set("from")
+ .to("B")
+ .build();
+ spannerResourceManager.write(m1);
+ Mutation m2 =
+ Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("users2")
+ .set("id")
+ .to(2)
+ .set("full_name")
+ .to("BB")
+ .build();
+ spannerResourceManager.write(m2);
+ // Write a single record to Spanner for the given logical shard
+ // Add the record with the transaction tag as txBy=
+ SpannerConfig spannerConfig =
+ SpannerConfig.create()
+ .withProjectId(PROJECT)
+ .withInstanceId(spannerResourceManager.getInstanceId())
+ .withDatabaseId(spannerResourceManager.getDatabaseId());
+ SpannerAccessor spannerAccessor = SpannerAccessor.getOrCreate(spannerConfig);
+ spannerAccessor
+ .getDatabaseClient()
+ .readWriteTransaction(
+ Options.tag("txBy=forwardMigration"),
+ Options.priority(spannerConfig.getRpcPriority().get()))
+ .run(
+ (TransactionRunner.TransactionCallable)
+ transaction -> {
+ Mutation m3 =
+ Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("users")
+ .set("id")
+ .to(3)
+ .set("full_name")
+ .to("GG")
+ .set("from")
+ .to("BB")
+ .build();
+ transaction.buffer(m3);
+ return null;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a basic row exists in the Cassandra database.
+ *
+ * This method performs the following steps:
+ *
+ *
+ * Waits for the condition that ensures one row exists in the Cassandra table {@code
+ * Retrieves and logs rows from the Cassandra table.
+ * Checks if exactly one row is present in the table.
+ * Verifies that the row contains expected values for columns: {@code id}, {@code
+ * full_name}, and {@code from}.
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while waiting for the row count
+ * condition.
+ * @throws RuntimeException if reading from the Cassandra table fails.
+ */
+ private void assertBasicRowInCassandraDB() throws InterruptedException {
+ PipelineOperator.Result result =
+ pipelineOperator()
+ .waitForCondition(
+ createConfig(jobInfo, Duration.ofMinutes(10)), () -> getRowCount(USER_TABLE) == 1);
+ assertThatResult(result).meetsConditions();
+ Iterable rows;
+ try {
+ LOG.info("Reading from Cassandra table: {}", USER_TABLE);
+ rows = cassandraResourceManager.readTable(USER_TABLE);
+ LOG.info("Cassandra Rows: {}", rows.toString());
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read from Cassandra table: " + USER_TABLE, e);
+ }
+ assertThat(rows).hasSize(1);
+ Row row = rows.iterator().next();
+ LOG.info("Cassandra Row to Assert: {}", row.toString());
+ assertThat(row.getInt("id")).isEqualTo(1);
+ assertThat(row.getString("full_name")).isEqualTo("A");
+ assertThat(row.getString("from")).isEqualTo("B");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a row containing all supported data types into the Spanner database.
+ *
+ * This method creates and inserts a row into the {@code ALL_DATA_TYPES_TABLE} with various
+ * data types, including text, numerical, date/time, boolean, byte arrays, lists, sets, and maps.
+ * The values are set explicitly to ensure compatibility with Spanner's schema.
+ *
+ *
The following data types are included:
+ *
+ *
+ * {@code varchar_column} - String
+ * {@code tinyint_column} - Integer
+ * {@code text_column} - String
+ * {@code date_column} - Date
+ * {@code smallint_column} - Integer
+ * {@code mediumint_column} - Integer
+ * {@code int_column} - Integer
+ * {@code bigint_column} - Long
+ * {@code float_column} - Float
+ * {@code double_column} - Double
+ * {@code decimal_column} - BigDecimal
+ * {@code datetime_column} - Timestamp
+ * {@code timestamp_column} - Timestamp
+ * {@code time_column} - String
+ * {@code year_column} - String
+ * {@code char_column} - String
+ * {@code tinytext_column} - String
+ * {@code mediumtext_column} - String
+ * {@code longtext_column} - String
+ * {@code enum_column} - String
+ * {@code bool_column} - Boolean
+ * {@code other_bool_column} - Boolean
+ * {@code bytes_column} - ByteArray
+ * {@code list_text_column} - JSON List of Strings
+ * {@code list_int_column} - JSON List of Integers
+ * {@code frozen_list_bigint_column} - JSON List of Big Integers
+ * {@code set_text_column} - JSON Set of Strings
+ * {@code set_date_column} - JSON Set of Dates
+ * {@code frozen_set_bool_column} - JSON Set of Booleans
+ * {@code map_text_to_int_column} - JSON Map of Strings to Integers
+ * {@code map_date_to_text_column} - JSON Map of Dates to Strings
+ * {@code frozen_map_int_to_bool_column} - JSON Map of Integers to Booleans
+ * {@code map_text_to_list_column} - JSON Map of Strings to Lists
+ * {@code map_text_to_set_column} - JSON Map of Strings to Sets
+ * {@code set_of_maps_column} - JSON Set of Maps
+ * {@code list_of_sets_column} - JSON List of Sets
+ * {@code frozen_map_text_to_list_column} - JSON Map of Strings to Lists
+ * {@code frozen_map_text_to_set_column} - JSON Map of Strings to Sets
+ * {@code frozen_set_of_maps_column} - JSON Set of Maps
+ * {@code frozen_list_of_sets_column} - JSON List of Sets
+ * {@code varint_column} - String (Varint Representation)
+ * {@code inet_column} - String (IP Address Representation)
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws RuntimeException if writing to Spanner fails.
+ */
+ private void writeAllDataTypeRowsInSpanner() {
+ Mutation mutation =
+ Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder(ALL_DATA_TYPES_TABLE)
+ .set("varchar_column")
+ .to("SampleVarchar")
+ .set("tinyint_column")
+ .to(127)
+ .set("text_column")
+ .to("This is some sample text data for the text column.")
+ .set("date_column")
+ .to(Value.date(Date.fromJavaUtilDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf("2025-01-27"))))
+ .set("smallint_column")
+ .to(32767)
+ .set("mediumint_column")
+ .to(8388607)
+ .set("int_column")
+ .to(2147483647)
+ .set("bigint_column")
+ .to(9223372036854775807L)
+ .set("float_column")
+ .to(3.14159)
+ .set("double_column")
+ .to(2.718281828459045)
+ .set("decimal_column")
+ .to(new BigDecimal("12345.6789"))
+ .set("datetime_column")
+ .to(Value.timestamp(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
+ .set("timestamp_column")
+ .to(Value.timestamp(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
+ .set("time_column")
+ .to("12:30:00")
+ .set("year_column")
+ .to("2025")
+ .set("char_column")
+ .to("CHAR_DATA")
+ .set("tinytext_column")
+ .to("Short text for tinytext.")
+ .set("mediumtext_column")
+ .to("Longer text data for mediumtext column.")
+ .set("longtext_column")
+ .to("Very long text data that exceeds the medium text column length for long text.")
+ .set("enum_column")
+ .to("OptionA")
+ .set("bool_column")
+ .to(Value.bool(Boolean.TRUE))
+ .set("other_bool_column")
+ .to(Value.bool(Boolean.FALSE))
+ .set("bytes_column")
+ .to(Value.bytes(ByteArray.copyFrom("Hello world")))
+ .set("list_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"cherry\"]"))
+ .set("list_int_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"))
+ .set("frozen_list_bigint_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[123456789012345, 987654321012345]"))
+ .set("set_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"orange\", \"banana\"]"))
+ .set("set_date_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"2025-01-27\", \"2025-02-01\"]"))
+ .set("frozen_set_bool_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[true, false]"))
+ .set("map_text_to_int_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}"))
+ .set("map_date_to_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"2025-01-27\": \"event1\", \"2025-02-01\": \"event2\"}"))
+ .set("frozen_map_int_to_bool_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"1\": true, \"2\": false}"))
+ .set("map_text_to_list_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"color\": [\"red\", \"green\"]}"))
+ .set("map_text_to_set_column")
+ .to(
+ Value.json(
+ "{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
+ .set("set_of_maps_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
+ .set("list_of_sets_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
+ .set("frozen_map_text_to_list_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"fruits\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"]}"))
+ .set("frozen_map_text_to_set_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
+ .set("frozen_set_of_maps_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
+ .set("frozen_list_of_sets_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
+ .set("varint_column")
+ .to("123456789")
+ .set("inet_column")
+ .to("")
+ .build();
+ spannerResourceManager.write(mutation);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Executes multiple assertions and collects all assertion failures.
+ *
+ * This method takes a variable number of {@link Runnable} assertions and executes them
+ * sequentially. If any assertions fail, their errors are collected, and a {@link
+ * MultipleFailureException} is thrown containing all assertion errors.
+ *
+ *
Usage Example:
+ *
+ *
+ * assertAll(
+ * () -> assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue),
+ * () -> assertNotNull(someObject),
+ * () -> assertTrue(condition)
+ * );
+ *
+ *
+ * @param assertions One or more assertions provided as {@link Runnable} lambdas.
+ * @throws MultipleFailureException if one or more assertions fail.
+ */
+ private void assertAll(Runnable... assertions) throws MultipleFailureException {
+ for (Runnable assertion : assertions) {
+ try {
+ assertion.run();
+ } catch (AssertionError e) {
+ assertionErrors.add(e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!assertionErrors.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new MultipleFailureException(assertionErrors);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates that all data type rows inserted in Spanner have been correctly migrated and stored
+ * in Cassandra.
+ *
+ * This method ensures that the data in the Cassandra table {@code ALL_DATA_TYPES_TABLE}
+ * matches the expected values after migration. It waits for the pipeline to process the data,
+ * reads the data from Cassandra, and asserts all column values.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Basic Data Types - Ensures correct values for varchar, bigint, bool, char, date,
+ * datetime, decimal, double, float.
+ * Collections - Validates frozen lists, sets, and maps including nested structures.
+ * Lists and Sets - Ensures list and set columns contain expected elements.
+ * Maps - Validates various map column structures including text-to-int, date-to-text, and
+ * list/set mappings.
+ *
+ *
+ * Example Usage:
+ *
+ *
+ * assertAllDataTypeRowsInCassandraDB();
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted while waiting for pipeline execution.
+ * @throws MultipleFailureException if multiple assertion failures occur.
+ */
+ private void assertAllDataTypeRowsInCassandraDB()
+ throws InterruptedException, MultipleFailureException {
+ PipelineOperator.Result result =
+ pipelineOperator()
+ .waitForCondition(
+ createConfig(jobInfo, Duration.ofMinutes(10)),
+ () -> getRowCount(ALL_DATA_TYPES_TABLE) == 1);
+ assertThatResult(result).meetsConditions();
+ Iterable rows;
+ try {
+ rows = cassandraResourceManager.readTable(ALL_DATA_TYPES_TABLE);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read from Cassandra table: " + ALL_DATA_TYPES_TABLE, e);
+ }
+ assertThat(rows).hasSize(1);
+ Row row = rows.iterator().next();
+ assertThat(rows).hasSize(1);
+ assertAll(
+ // Basic Data Types
+ () -> assertThat(row.getString("varchar_column")).isEqualTo("SampleVarchar"),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getLong("bigint_column")).isEqualTo(9223372036854775807L),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getBoolean("bool_column")).isTrue(),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getString("char_column")).isEqualTo("CHAR_DATA"),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getLocalDate("date_column"))
+ .isEqualTo(java.time.LocalDate.of(2025, 1, 27)),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getInstant("datetime_column"))
+ .isEqualTo(java.time.Instant.parse("2025-01-27T10:30:00.000Z")),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getBigDecimal("decimal_column")).isEqualTo(new BigDecimal("12345.6789")),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getDouble("double_column")).isEqualTo(2.718281828459045),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getFloat("float_column")).isEqualTo(3.14159f),
+ // Collections (frozen, list, set, map)
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getList("frozen_list_bigint_column", Long.class))
+ .isEqualTo(Arrays.asList(123456789012345L, 987654321012345L)),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getSet("frozen_set_bool_column", Boolean.class))
+ .isEqualTo(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(false, true))),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getMap("frozen_map_int_to_bool_column", Integer.class, Boolean.class))
+ .isEqualTo(Map.of(1, true, 2, false)),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getMap("frozen_map_text_to_list_column", String.class, List.class))
+ .isEqualTo(Map.of("fruits", Arrays.asList("apple", "banana"))),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getMap("frozen_map_text_to_set_column", String.class, Set.class))
+ .isEqualTo(Map.of("vegetables", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("carrot", "spinach")))),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getSet("frozen_set_of_maps_column", Map.class))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ new HashSet<>(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ Map.of("key1", 10, "key2", 20), Map.of("keyA", 5, "keyB", 10)))),
+ // Lists and Sets
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getList("list_int_column", Integer.class))
+ .isEqualTo(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getList("list_text_column", String.class))
+ .isEqualTo(Arrays.asList("apple", "banana", "cherry")),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getList("list_of_sets_column", Set.class))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("apple", "banana")),
+ new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("carrot", "spinach")))),
+ // Maps
+ () ->
+ assertThat(
+ row.getMap("map_date_to_text_column", java.time.LocalDate.class, String.class))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ Map.of(
+ java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-01-27"), "event1",
+ java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-02-01"), "event2")),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getMap("map_text_to_int_column", String.class, Integer.class))
+ .isEqualTo(Map.of("key1", 10, "key2", 20)),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getMap("map_text_to_list_column", String.class, List.class))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ Map.of(
+ "color",
+ Arrays.asList("red", "green"),
+ "fruit",
+ Arrays.asList("apple", "banana"))),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getMap("map_text_to_set_column", String.class, Set.class))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ Map.of(
+ "fruit",
+ new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("apple", "banana")),
+ "vegetables",
+ new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("carrot", "spinach")))),
+ // Sets
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getSet("set_date_column", java.time.LocalDate.class))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ new HashSet<>(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-01-27"),
+ java.time.LocalDate.parse("2025-02-01")))),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getSet("set_text_column", String.class))
+ .isEqualTo(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("apple", "orange", "banana"))),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getSet("set_of_maps_column", Map.class))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ new HashSet<>(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ Map.of("key1", 10, "key2", 20), Map.of("keyA", 5, "keyB", 10)))),
+ // Other Basic Types
+ () -> assertThat(row.getShort("smallint_column")).isEqualTo((short) 32767),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getInt("mediumint_column")).isEqualTo(8388607),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getInt("int_column")).isEqualTo(2147483647),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getString("enum_column")).isEqualTo("OptionA"),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getString("year_column")).isEqualTo("2025"),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getString("longtext_column"))
+ .isEqualTo(
+ "Very long text data that exceeds the medium text column length for long text."),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getString("tinytext_column")).isEqualTo("Short text for tinytext."),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getString("mediumtext_column"))
+ .isEqualTo("Longer text data for mediumtext column."),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getString("text_column"))
+ .isEqualTo("This is some sample text data for the text column."),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getLocalTime("time_column"))
+ .isEqualTo(java.time.LocalTime.parse("12:30:00.000000000")),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getInstant("timestamp_column"))
+ .isEqualTo(java.time.Instant.parse("2025-01-27T10:30:00.000Z")),
+ () ->
+ assertThat(row.getBigInteger("varint_column"))
+ .isEqualTo(java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(123456789L)));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Inserts multiple rows into the Spanner table {@code ALL_DATA_TYPES_CUSTOM_CONVERSION_TABLE},
+ * ensuring that all values are stored as strings, regardless of their original data type.
+ *
+ * This method writes sample data to the Spanner table, converting all numerical, boolean, and
+ * date/time values to their string representations. This ensures compatibility for scenarios
+ * requiring string-based storage.
+ *
+ *
Columns and Data Mapping:
+ *
+ *
+ * Basic Types: Strings, numbers (converted to strings), booleans.
+ * Complex Types: JSON representations for lists, sets, and maps.
+ * Temporal Types: Date, datetime, timestamp values stored as strings.
+ *
+ */
+ private void writeAllRowsAsStringInSpanner() {
+ Mutation m;
+ m =
+ .set("varchar_column")
+ .to("SampleVarchar")
+ .set("tinyint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(127))
+ .set("text_column")
+ .to("This is some sample text data for the text column.")
+ .set("date_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Date.fromJavaUtilDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf("2025-01-27"))))
+ .set("smallint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(32767))
+ .set("mediumint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(8388607))
+ .set("int_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(2147483647))
+ .set("bigint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(9223372036854775807L))
+ .set("float_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(3.14159f))
+ .set("double_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(2.718281828459045))
+ .set("decimal_column")
+ .to(new BigDecimal("12345.6789").toPlainString())
+ .set("datetime_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
+ .set("timestamp_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
+ .set("time_column")
+ .to("12:30:00")
+ .set("year_column")
+ .to("2025")
+ .set("char_column")
+ .to("CHAR_DATA")
+ .set("tinytext_column")
+ .to("Short text for tinytext.")
+ .set("mediumtext_column")
+ .to("Longer text data for mediumtext column.")
+ .set("longtext_column")
+ .to("Very long text data that exceeds the medium text column length for long text.")
+ .set("enum_column")
+ .to("OptionA")
+ .set("bool_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Boolean.TRUE))
+ .set("other_bool_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Boolean.FALSE))
+ .set("list_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"cherry\"]"))
+ .set("list_int_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"))
+ .set("frozen_list_bigint_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[123456789012345, 987654321012345]"))
+ .set("set_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"orange\", \"banana\"]"))
+ .set("set_date_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"2025-01-27\", \"2025-02-01\"]"))
+ .set("frozen_set_bool_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[true, false]"))
+ .set("map_text_to_int_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}"))
+ .set("map_date_to_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"2025-01-27\": \"event1\", \"2025-02-01\": \"event2\"}"))
+ .set("frozen_map_int_to_bool_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"1\": true, \"2\": false}"))
+ .set("map_text_to_list_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"color\": [\"red\", \"green\"]}"))
+ .set("map_text_to_set_column")
+ .to(
+ Value.json(
+ "{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
+ .set("set_of_maps_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
+ .set("list_of_sets_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
+ .set("frozen_map_text_to_list_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"fruits\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"]}"))
+ .set("frozen_map_text_to_set_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
+ .set("frozen_set_of_maps_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
+ .set("frozen_list_of_sets_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
+ .set("varint_column")
+ .to("123456789")
+ .build();
+ spannerResourceManager.write(m);
+ m =
+ .set("varchar_column")
+ .to("SampleVarchar2")
+ .set("tinyint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(127))
+ .set("text_column")
+ .to("This is some sample text data for the text column.")
+ .set("date_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Date.fromJavaUtilDate(java.sql.Date.valueOf("2025-01-27"))))
+ .set("smallint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(32767))
+ .set("mediumint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(8388607))
+ .set("int_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(2147483647))
+ .set("bigint_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(9223372036854775807L))
+ .set("float_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(3.14159f))
+ .set("double_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(2.718281828459045))
+ .set("decimal_column")
+ .to(new BigDecimal("12345.6789").toPlainString())
+ .set("datetime_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
+ .set("timestamp_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Timestamp.parseTimestamp("2025-01-27T10:30:00Z")))
+ .set("time_column")
+ .to("12:30:00")
+ .set("year_column")
+ .to("2025")
+ .set("char_column")
+ .to("CHAR_DATA")
+ .set("tinytext_column")
+ .to("Short text for tinytext.")
+ .set("mediumtext_column")
+ .to("Longer text data for mediumtext column.")
+ .set("longtext_column")
+ .to("Very long text data that exceeds the medium text column length for long text.")
+ .set("enum_column")
+ .to("OptionA")
+ .set("bool_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Boolean.TRUE))
+ .set("other_bool_column")
+ .to(String.valueOf(Boolean.FALSE))
+ .set("list_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"banana\", \"cherry\"]"))
+ .set("list_int_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"))
+ .set("frozen_list_bigint_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[123456789012345, 987654321012345]"))
+ .set("set_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"apple\", \"orange\", \"banana\"]"))
+ .set("set_date_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[\"2025-01-27\", \"2025-02-01\"]"))
+ .set("frozen_set_bool_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[true, false]"))
+ .set("map_text_to_int_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}"))
+ .set("map_date_to_text_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"2025-01-27\": \"event1\", \"2025-02-01\": \"event2\"}"))
+ .set("frozen_map_int_to_bool_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"1\": true, \"2\": false}"))
+ .set("map_text_to_list_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"color\": [\"red\", \"green\"]}"))
+ .set("map_text_to_set_column")
+ .to(
+ Value.json(
+ "{\"fruit\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"], \"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
+ .set("set_of_maps_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
+ .set("list_of_sets_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
+ .set("frozen_map_text_to_list_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"fruits\": [\"apple\", \"banana\"]}"))
+ .set("frozen_map_text_to_set_column")
+ .to(Value.json("{\"vegetables\": [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]}"))
+ .set("frozen_set_of_maps_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[{\"key1\": 10, \"key2\": 20}, {\"keyA\": 5, \"keyB\": 10}]"))
+ .set("frozen_list_of_sets_column")
+ .to(Value.json("[[\"apple\", \"banana\"], [\"carrot\", \"spinach\"]]"))
+ .set("varint_column")
+ .to("123456789")
+ .build();
+ spannerResourceManager.write(m);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates that string-based data stored in Spanner is correctly converted to its actual data
+ * types when retrieved from Cassandra.
+ *
+ * This method ensures that values stored as strings in Spanner are properly transformed into
+ * their expected data types in Cassandra. It performs the following:
+ *
+ *
+ * Waits for the migration process to complete.
+ * Reads and verifies that two rows are present in Cassandra.
+ * Checks specific column values to confirm correct data type conversion.
+ *
+ *
+ * Assertions Performed:
+ *
+ *
+ * Verifies that {@code varchar_column} retains its expected string value.
+ * Confirms that {@code tinyint_column} is correctly converted to a {@code byte}.
+ *
+ *
+ * @throws MultipleFailureException if multiple assertions fail during validation.
+ */
+ private void assertStringToActualRowsInCassandraDB() throws MultipleFailureException {
+ PipelineOperator.Result result =
+ pipelineOperator()
+ .waitForCondition(
+ createConfig(jobInfo, Duration.ofMinutes(15)),
+ assertThatResult(result).meetsConditions();
+ Iterable rows;
+ try {
+ rows = cassandraResourceManager.readTable(ALL_DATA_TYPES_CUSTOM_CONVERSION_TABLE);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(
+ "Failed to read from Cassandra table: " + ALL_DATA_TYPES_CUSTOM_CONVERSION_TABLE, e);
+ }
+ assertThat(rows).hasSize(2);
+ Row row = rows.iterator().next();
+ assertAll(
+ () -> assertThat(row.getString("varchar_column")).isEqualTo("SampleVarchar2"),
+ () -> assertThat(row.getByte("tinyint_column")).isEqualTo((byte) 127));
+ }
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCassandraIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCassandraIT.java
deleted file mode 100644
index eb93ef5020..0000000000
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCassandraIT.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2025 Google LLC
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
- * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
- * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
- * the License.
- */
-package com.google.cloud.teleport.v2.templates;
-import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
-import static org.apache.beam.it.truthmatchers.PipelineAsserts.assertThatPipeline;
-import static org.apache.beam.it.truthmatchers.PipelineAsserts.assertThatResult;
-import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.ResultSet;
-import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Row;
-import com.google.cloud.spanner.Mutation;
-import com.google.cloud.spanner.Options;
-import com.google.cloud.spanner.TransactionRunner;
-import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.SkipDirectRunnerTest;
-import com.google.cloud.teleport.metadata.TemplateIntegrationTest;
-import com.google.pubsub.v1.SubscriptionName;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.time.Duration;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineLauncher;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineOperator;
-import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.ResourceManagerUtils;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.pubsub.PubsubResourceManager;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.spanner.SpannerResourceManager;
-import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.storage.GcsResourceManager;
-import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.spanner.SpannerAccessor;
-import org.apache.beam.sdk.io.gcp.spanner.SpannerConfig;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-@Category({TemplateIntegrationTest.class, SkipDirectRunnerTest.class})
-public class SpannerToSourceDbCassandraIT extends SpannerToCassandraDbITBase {
- private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpannerToSourceDbCassandraIT.class);
- private static final String SPANNER_DDL_RESOURCE =
- "SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/spanner-schema.sql";
- private static final String CASSANDRA_SCHEMA_FILE_RESOURCE =
- "SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-schema.sql";
- private static final String CASSANDRA_CONFIG_FILE_RESOURCE =
- "SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-config-template.conf";
- private static final String TABLE = "Users";
- private static final HashSet testInstances = new HashSet<>();
- private static PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo jobInfo;
- public static SpannerResourceManager spannerResourceManager;
- private static SpannerResourceManager spannerMetadataResourceManager;
- public static CassandraSharedResourceManager cassandraResourceManager;
- private static GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager;
- private static PubsubResourceManager pubsubResourceManager;
- private SubscriptionName subscriptionName;
- /**
- * Setup resource managers and Launch dataflow job once during the execution of this test class.
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
- @Before
- public void setUp() throws IOException {
- skipBaseCleanup = true;
- synchronized (SpannerToSourceDbCassandraIT.class) {
- testInstances.add(this);
- if (jobInfo == null) {
- spannerResourceManager = createSpannerDatabase(SPANNER_DDL_RESOURCE);
- spannerMetadataResourceManager = createSpannerMetadataDatabase();
- cassandraResourceManager = generateKeyspaceAndBuildCassandraResource();
- gcsResourceManager =
- GcsResourceManager.builder(artifactBucketName, getClass().getSimpleName(), credentials)
- .build();
- createAndUploadCassandraConfigToGcs(
- gcsResourceManager, cassandraResourceManager, CASSANDRA_CONFIG_FILE_RESOURCE);
- createCassandraSchema(cassandraResourceManager, CASSANDRA_SCHEMA_FILE_RESOURCE);
- pubsubResourceManager = setUpPubSubResourceManager();
- subscriptionName =
- createPubsubResources(
- getClass().getSimpleName(),
- pubsubResourceManager,
- getGcsPath("dlq", gcsResourceManager).replace("gs://" + artifactBucketName, ""));
- jobInfo =
- launchDataflowJob(
- gcsResourceManager,
- spannerResourceManager,
- spannerMetadataResourceManager,
- subscriptionName.toString(),
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Cleanup dataflow job and all the resources and resource managers.
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
- @AfterClass
- public static void cleanUp() throws IOException {
- for (SpannerToSourceDbCassandraIT instance : testInstances) {
- instance.tearDownBase();
- }
- ResourceManagerUtils.cleanResources(
- spannerResourceManager,
- cassandraResourceManager,
- spannerMetadataResourceManager,
- gcsResourceManager,
- pubsubResourceManager);
- }
- @Test
- public void spannerToCasandraSourceDbBasic() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
- assertThatPipeline(jobInfo).isRunning();
- writeRowInSpanner();
- assertRowInCassandraDB();
- }
- private long getRowCount() {
- String query = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", TABLE);
- ResultSet resultSet = cassandraResourceManager.executeStatement(query);
- Row row = resultSet.one();
- if (row != null) {
- return row.getLong(0);
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException("Query did not return a result for table: " + TABLE);
- }
- }
- private void writeRowInSpanner() {
- Mutation m1 =
- Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("users")
- .set("id")
- .to(1)
- .set("full_name")
- .to("A")
- .set("from")
- .to("B")
- .build();
- spannerResourceManager.write(m1);
- Mutation m2 =
- Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("users2")
- .set("id")
- .to(2)
- .set("full_name")
- .to("BB")
- .build();
- spannerResourceManager.write(m2);
- // Write a single record to Spanner for the given logical shard
- // Add the record with the transaction tag as txBy=
- SpannerConfig spannerConfig =
- SpannerConfig.create()
- .withProjectId(PROJECT)
- .withInstanceId(spannerResourceManager.getInstanceId())
- .withDatabaseId(spannerResourceManager.getDatabaseId());
- SpannerAccessor spannerAccessor = SpannerAccessor.getOrCreate(spannerConfig);
- spannerAccessor
- .getDatabaseClient()
- .readWriteTransaction(
- Options.tag("txBy=forwardMigration"),
- Options.priority(spannerConfig.getRpcPriority().get()))
- .run(
- (TransactionRunner.TransactionCallable)
- transaction -> {
- Mutation m3 =
- Mutation.newInsertOrUpdateBuilder("users")
- .set("id")
- .to(3)
- .set("full_name")
- .to("GG")
- .set("from")
- .to("BB")
- .build();
- transaction.buffer(m3);
- return null;
- });
- }
- private void assertRowInCassandraDB() throws InterruptedException {
- PipelineOperator.Result result =
- pipelineOperator()
- .waitForCondition(
- createConfig(jobInfo, Duration.ofMinutes(10)), () -> getRowCount() == 1);
- assertThatResult(result).meetsConditions();
- Iterable rows;
- try {
- LOG.info("Reading from Cassandra table: {}", TABLE);
- rows = cassandraResourceManager.readTable(TABLE);
- LOG.info("Cassandra Rows: {}", rows.toString());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read from Cassandra table: " + TABLE, e);
- }
- assertThat(rows).hasSize(1);
- Row row = rows.iterator().next();
- LOG.info("Cassandra Row to Assert: {}", row.toString());
- assertThat(row.getInt("id")).isEqualTo(1);
- assertThat(row.getString("full_name")).isEqualTo("A");
- assertThat(row.getString("from")).isEqualTo("B");
- }
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomShardIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomShardIT.java
index e58488283d..6a9b87291f 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomShardIT.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomShardIT.java
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ public void setUp() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
+ null,
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomTransformationIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomTransformationIT.java
index dab4dc27d8..b8b7bbec4e 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomTransformationIT.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbCustomTransformationIT.java
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ public void setUp() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
- customTransformation);
+ customTransformation,
+ null);
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbDatatypeIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbDatatypeIT.java
index dbd023cdef..2a701cda02 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbDatatypeIT.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbDatatypeIT.java
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ public void setUp() throws IOException {
+ null,
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbIT.java
index 7c3ad39760..d1b960e816 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbIT.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbIT.java
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ public void setUp() throws IOException {
+ null,
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbITBase.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbITBase.java
index 64d15895cd..ee582179de 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbITBase.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbITBase.java
@@ -25,14 +25,22 @@
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.SubscriptionName;
import com.google.pubsub.v1.TopicName;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.beam.it.common.PipelineLauncher;
import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.IORedirectUtil;
import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.PipelineUtils;
+import org.apache.beam.it.common.utils.ResourceManagerUtils;
import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.TemplateTestBase;
import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.artifacts.utils.ArtifactUtils;
import org.apache.beam.it.gcp.pubsub.PubsubResourceManager;
@@ -53,14 +61,27 @@ protected SpannerResourceManager createSpannerDatabase(String spannerSchemaFile)
SpannerResourceManager.builder("rr-main-" + testName, PROJECT, REGION)
- String ddl =
- String.join(
- " ",
- Resources.readLines(Resources.getResource(spannerSchemaFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
- ddl = ddl.trim();
- String[] ddls = ddl.split(";");
+ String ddl;
+ try (InputStream inputStream =
+ Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(spannerSchemaFile)) {
+ if (inputStream == null) {
+ throw new FileNotFoundException("Resource file not found: " + spannerSchemaFile);
+ }
+ try (BufferedReader reader =
+ new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
+ ddl = reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ if (ddl.isBlank()) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("DDL file is empty: " + spannerSchemaFile);
+ }
+ String[] ddls = ddl.trim().split(";");
for (String d : ddls) {
- if (!d.isBlank()) {
+ d = d.trim();
+ if (!d.isEmpty()) {
@@ -116,6 +137,68 @@ protected void createAndUploadShardConfigToGcs(
gcsResourceManager.createArtifact("input/shard.json", shardFileContents);
+ protected CassandraResourceManager generateKeyspaceAndBuildCassandraResource() {
+ String keyspaceName =
+ ResourceManagerUtils.generateResourceId(
+ testName,
+ Pattern.compile("[/\\\\. \"\u0000$]"),
+ "-",
+ 27,
+ DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-SSSSSS"))
+ .replace('-', '_');
+ if (keyspaceName.length() > 48) {
+ keyspaceName = keyspaceName.substring(0, 48);
+ }
+ return CassandraResourceManager.builder(testName)
+ .setKeyspaceName(keyspaceName)
+ .sePreGeneratedKeyspaceName(true)
+ .build();
+ }
+ protected void createCassandraSchema(
+ CassandraResourceManager cassandraResourceManager, String cassandraSchemaFile)
+ throws IOException {
+ String ddl =
+ String.join(
+ " ",
+ Resources.readLines(
+ Resources.getResource(cassandraSchemaFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ ddl = ddl.trim();
+ String[] ddls = ddl.split(";");
+ for (String d : ddls) {
+ if (!d.isBlank()) {
+ cassandraResourceManager.execute(d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void createAndUploadCassandraConfigToGcs(
+ GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager,
+ CassandraResourceManager cassandraResourceManagers,
+ String cassandraConfigFile)
+ throws IOException {
+ String host = cassandraResourceManagers.getHost();
+ int port = cassandraResourceManagers.getPort();
+ String keyspaceName = cassandraResourceManagers.getKeyspaceName();
+ String cassandraConfigContents;
+ try (InputStream inputStream =
+ Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(cassandraConfigFile)) {
+ if (inputStream == null) {
+ throw new FileNotFoundException("Resource file not found: " + cassandraConfigFile);
+ }
+ cassandraConfigContents = new String(inputStream.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ }
+ cassandraConfigContents =
+ cassandraConfigContents
+ .replace("##host##", host)
+ .replace("##port##", Integer.toString(port))
+ .replace("##keyspace##", keyspaceName);
+ gcsResourceManager.createArtifact("input/cassandra-config.conf", cassandraConfigContents);
+ }
public PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo launchDataflowJob(
GcsResourceManager gcsResourceManager,
SpannerResourceManager spannerResourceManager,
@@ -125,9 +208,9 @@ public PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo launchDataflowJob(
String shardingCustomJarPath,
String shardingCustomClassName,
String sourceDbTimezoneOffset,
- CustomTransformation customTransformation)
+ CustomTransformation customTransformation,
+ String sourceType)
throws IOException {
- // default parameters
Map params =
new HashMap<>() {
@@ -138,13 +221,18 @@ public PipelineLauncher.LaunchInfo launchDataflowJob(
put("spannerProjectId", PROJECT);
put("metadataDatabase", spannerMetadataResourceManager.getDatabaseId());
put("metadataInstance", spannerMetadataResourceManager.getInstanceId());
- put("sourceShardsFilePath", getGcsPath("input/shard.json", gcsResourceManager));
+ put(
+ "sourceShardsFilePath",
+ getGcsPath(
+ sourceType != null ? "input/cassandra-config.conf" : "input/shard.json",
+ gcsResourceManager));
put("changeStreamName", "allstream");
put("dlqGcsPubSubSubscription", subscriptionName);
put("deadLetterQueueDirectory", getGcsPath("dlq", gcsResourceManager));
put("maxShardConnections", "5");
put("maxNumWorkers", "1");
put("numWorkers", "1");
+ put("sourceType", sourceType);
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbInterleaveMultiShardIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbInterleaveMultiShardIT.java
index 1f5acdc952..cf71cd2c3e 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbInterleaveMultiShardIT.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbInterleaveMultiShardIT.java
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ public void setUp() throws IOException {
+ null,
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbTimezoneIT.java b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbTimezoneIT.java
index 1ab2d78b49..43cee80730 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbTimezoneIT.java
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/teleport/v2/templates/SpannerToSourceDbTimezoneIT.java
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ public void setUp() throws IOException {
+ null,
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-config-template.conf b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-config-template.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 97486a8de0..0000000000
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-config-template.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- # Configuration for the DataStax Java driver for Apache Cassandra®.
- # This file is in HOCON format, see https://github.com/typesafehub/config/blob/master/HOCON.md.
- # This file is meant to be used only in unit tests to test loading configuration from file.
- datastax-java-driver {
- basic.contact-points = ["##host##:##port##"]
- basic.session-keyspace = "##keyspace##"
- basic.load-balancing-policy {
- local-datacenter = "datacenter1"
- }
- }
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-schema.sql b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-schema.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9d6a37ca..0000000000
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/cassandra-schema.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-CREATE TABLE AllDatatypeColumns (
- varchar_column text PRIMARY KEY,
- tinyint_column tinyint,
- text_column text,
- date_column date,
- smallint_column smallint,
- mediumint_column int,
- int_column int,
- bigint_column bigint,
- float_column float,
- double_column double,
- decimal_column decimal,
- datetime_column timestamp,
- timestamp_column timestamp,
- time_column time,
- year_column text,
- char_column text,
- tinytext_column text,
- mediumtext_column text,
- longtext_column text,
- enum_column text,
- bool_column boolean,
- other_bool_column boolean,
- bytes_column BLOB,
- list_text_column list,
- list_int_column list,
- frozen_list_bigint_column frozen>,
- set_text_column set,
- set_date_column set,
- frozen_set_bool_column frozen>,
- map_text_to_int_column map,
- map_date_to_text_column map,
- frozen_map_int_to_bool_column frozen>,
- map_text_to_list_column map>>,
- map_text_to_set_column map>>,
- set_of_maps_column set>>,
- list_of_sets_column list>>,
- frozen_map_text_to_list_column map>>,
- frozen_map_text_to_set_column map>>,
- frozen_set_of_maps_column set>>,
- frozen_list_of_sets_column list>>,
- varint_column varint
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/spanner-schema.sql b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/spanner-schema.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cb32f2778..0000000000
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceDbDatatypeIT/spanner-schema.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS alldatatypecolumns (
- varchar_column STRING(20) NOT NULL,
- tinyint_column INT64,
- text_column STRING(MAX),
- date_column DATE,
- smallint_column INT64,
- mediumint_column INT64,
- int_column INT64,
- bigint_column INT64,
- float_column FLOAT64,
- double_column FLOAT64,
- decimal_column NUMERIC,
- datetime_column TIMESTAMP,
- timestamp_column TIMESTAMP,
- time_column STRING(MAX),
- year_column STRING(MAX),
- char_column STRING(10),
- tinytext_column STRING(MAX),
- mediumtext_column STRING(MAX),
- longtext_column STRING(MAX),
- enum_column STRING(MAX),
- bool_column BOOL,
- other_bool_column BOOL,
- bytes_column BYTES(MAX),
- list_text_column JSON,
- list_int_column JSON,
- frozen_list_bigint_column JSON,
- set_text_column JSON,
- set_date_column JSON,
- frozen_set_bool_column JSON,
- map_text_to_int_column JSON,
- map_date_to_text_column JSON,
- frozen_map_int_to_bool_column JSON,
- map_text_to_list_column JSON,
- map_text_to_set_column JSON,
- set_of_maps_column JSON,
- list_of_sets_column JSON,
- frozen_map_text_to_list_column JSON,
- frozen_map_text_to_set_column JSON,
- frozen_set_of_maps_column JSON,
- frozen_list_of_sets_column JSON,
- varint_column BYTES(MAX)
-) PRIMARY KEY(varchar_column);
- value_capture_type = 'NEW_ROW',
- retention_period = '7d'
- );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-schema.sql b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-schema.sql
index e220267733..3fcc26b3bf 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-schema.sql
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/cassandra-schema.sql
@@ -2,4 +2,92 @@ CREATE TABLE users (
full_name text,
"from" text
+CREATE TABLE AllDatatypeTransformation (
+ varchar_column text PRIMARY KEY,
+ tinyint_column tinyint,
+ text_column text,
+ date_column date,
+ smallint_column smallint,
+ mediumint_column int,
+ int_column int,
+ bigint_column bigint,
+ float_column float,
+ double_column double,
+ decimal_column decimal,
+ datetime_column timestamp,
+ timestamp_column timestamp,
+ time_column time,
+ year_column text,
+ char_column text,
+ tinytext_column text,
+ mediumtext_column text,
+ longtext_column text,
+ enum_column text,
+ bool_column boolean,
+ other_bool_column boolean,
+ list_text_column list,
+ list_int_column list,
+ frozen_list_bigint_column frozen>,
+ set_text_column set,
+ set_date_column set,
+ frozen_set_bool_column frozen>,
+ map_text_to_int_column map,
+ map_date_to_text_column map,
+ frozen_map_int_to_bool_column frozen>,
+ map_text_to_list_column map>>,
+ map_text_to_set_column map>>,
+ set_of_maps_column set>>,
+ list_of_sets_column list>>,
+ frozen_map_text_to_list_column map>>,
+ frozen_map_text_to_set_column map>>,
+ frozen_set_of_maps_column set>>,
+ frozen_list_of_sets_column list>>,
+ varint_column varint
+CREATE TABLE AllDatatypeColumns (
+ varchar_column text PRIMARY KEY,
+ tinyint_column tinyint,
+ text_column text,
+ date_column date,
+ smallint_column smallint,
+ mediumint_column int,
+ int_column int,
+ bigint_column bigint,
+ float_column float,
+ double_column double,
+ decimal_column decimal,
+ datetime_column timestamp,
+ timestamp_column timestamp,
+ time_column time,
+ year_column text,
+ char_column text,
+ tinytext_column text,
+ mediumtext_column text,
+ longtext_column text,
+ enum_column text,
+ bool_column boolean,
+ other_bool_column boolean,
+ bytes_column BLOB,
+ list_text_column list,
+ list_int_column list,
+ frozen_list_bigint_column frozen>,
+ set_text_column set,
+ set_date_column set,
+ frozen_set_bool_column frozen>,
+ map_text_to_int_column map,
+ map_date_to_text_column map,
+ frozen_map_int_to_bool_column frozen>,
+ map_text_to_list_column map>>,
+ map_text_to_set_column map>>,
+ set_of_maps_column set>>,
+ list_of_sets_column list>>,
+ frozen_map_text_to_list_column map>>,
+ frozen_map_text_to_set_column map>>,
+ frozen_set_of_maps_column set>>,
+ frozen_list_of_sets_column list>>,
+ varint_column varint,
+ inet_column INET
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/spanner-schema.sql b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/spanner-schema.sql
index 5cedd597e1..0b6ae0b7a6 100644
--- a/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/spanner-schema.sql
+++ b/v2/spanner-to-sourcedb/src/test/resources/SpannerToCassandraSourceIT/spanner-schema.sql
@@ -9,6 +9,94 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users2 (
full_name STRING(25),
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS alldatatypetransformation (
+ varchar_column STRING(20) NOT NULL,
+ tinyint_column STRING(MAX),
+ text_column STRING(MAX),
+ date_column STRING(MAX),
+ smallint_column STRING(MAX),
+ mediumint_column STRING(MAX),
+ int_column STRING(MAX),
+ bigint_column STRING(MAX),
+ float_column STRING(MAX),
+ double_column STRING(MAX),
+ decimal_column STRING(MAX),
+ datetime_column STRING(MAX),
+ timestamp_column STRING(MAX),
+ time_column STRING(MAX),
+ year_column STRING(MAX),
+ char_column STRING(10),
+ tinytext_column STRING(MAX),
+ mediumtext_column STRING(MAX),
+ longtext_column STRING(MAX),
+ enum_column STRING(MAX),
+ bool_column STRING(MAX),
+ other_bool_column STRING(MAX),
+ list_text_column JSON,
+ list_int_column JSON,
+ frozen_list_bigint_column JSON,
+ set_text_column JSON,
+ set_date_column JSON,
+ frozen_set_bool_column JSON,
+ map_text_to_int_column JSON,
+ map_date_to_text_column JSON,
+ frozen_map_int_to_bool_column JSON,
+ map_text_to_list_column JSON,
+ map_text_to_set_column JSON,
+ set_of_maps_column JSON,
+ list_of_sets_column JSON,
+ frozen_map_text_to_list_column JSON,
+ frozen_map_text_to_set_column JSON,
+ frozen_set_of_maps_column JSON,
+ frozen_list_of_sets_column JSON,
+ varint_column STRING(MAX)
+) PRIMARY KEY(varchar_column);
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS alldatatypecolumns (
+ varchar_column STRING(20) NOT NULL,
+ tinyint_column INT64,
+ text_column STRING(MAX),
+ date_column DATE,
+ smallint_column INT64,
+ mediumint_column INT64,
+ int_column INT64,
+ bigint_column INT64,
+ float_column FLOAT64,
+ double_column FLOAT64,
+ decimal_column NUMERIC,
+ datetime_column TIMESTAMP,
+ timestamp_column TIMESTAMP,
+ time_column STRING(MAX),
+ year_column STRING(MAX),
+ char_column STRING(10),
+ tinytext_column STRING(MAX),
+ mediumtext_column STRING(MAX),
+ longtext_column STRING(MAX),
+ enum_column STRING(MAX),
+ bool_column BOOL,
+ other_bool_column BOOL,
+ bytes_column BYTES(MAX),
+ list_text_column JSON,
+ list_int_column JSON,
+ frozen_list_bigint_column JSON,
+ set_text_column JSON,
+ set_date_column JSON,
+ frozen_set_bool_column JSON,
+ map_text_to_int_column JSON,
+ map_date_to_text_column JSON,
+ frozen_map_int_to_bool_column JSON,
+ map_text_to_list_column JSON,
+ map_text_to_set_column JSON,
+ set_of_maps_column JSON,
+ list_of_sets_column JSON,
+ frozen_map_text_to_list_column JSON,
+ frozen_map_text_to_set_column JSON,
+ frozen_set_of_maps_column JSON,
+ frozen_list_of_sets_column JSON,
+ varint_column STRING(MAX),
+ inet_column STRING(MAX)
+) PRIMARY KEY(varchar_column);
value_capture_type = 'NEW_ROW',