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AWS Certified Machine Learning – Study Notes

These notes are written by a data scientist, so some basic topics may be glanced over

  • Machine learning lifecycle
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised vs Reinforcement learning
  • Optimisation
  • Regularisation (L1 Lasso & L2 Ridge)
  • Hyperparameters
  • Cross-validation

Machine learning life-cycle

life cycle

Supervised, unsupervised & reinforcement learning


Gradient decent


Need to understand, not calculate Mathematical process which will try and desensitize your model to a particular dimension.

  • L1 -- Lasso
  • L2 -- Ridge regression
  • Use when model is overfit


External parameters set BEFORE model is trained, such as learning rate, epochs and batch size

  • Learning rate: Size of step taken in gradient decent (between 0 and 1)
  • Batch Size: Number of samples used to train. One, some or all of your data (commonly 32/64/128). Could be based on infrastructure.
  • Epochs: Number of times your algorithm will process all the training data. Contains one or more batches. Very high numbers, 10-1000

Hyperparameter tuning strategies

  • random search
  • bayesian search



2. Data

  • Feature selection
  • Feature engineering
  • Principal Component analysis (PCA)
  • Missing and unbalanced data
  • Label encoding & One-hot-encoding
  • Train-test splits & Randomisation
  • RecordIO format

Feature selection and engineering


  • Choose features that don't impact the model performance
    • person's name when predicting if they like tea
  • Makes model faster to train and more accurate
  • Gaps in data. Remove? Keep? Infer?

Use domain knowledge, drop features with little correlation target, low variance or lots of missing data

Feature engineering

  • Compute new features from existing features
    • Time of day, from timestamp
    • Country from city

Simplify features, remove irrelevant info, standardise ranges (0-10: 0-1 && -100-100: -1-1), transform data

Principal component analysis

Unsupervised dimension reduction while retaining all or most of the information

  • Example is taking a photograph of a 3d object. You lose one dimension of the data, but the info is still there
  • Often used as a data pre-processing step
  • Can be used to plot high-dimensional data as groups of features

Missing and unbalanced data


  • Few datapoints missing: Replace missing data with average
  • Few rows missing: Remove row
  • Column missing most data: Remove column

How to deal with Unbalanced:

  • Get more data (often overlooked)
  • Oversample minority: Little variation
  • Synthesize data: Take minority data, apply some variation to make new points
  • Different algorithms

Label and 1-hot-encoding

  • Label-Encoding: Replace strings with values (brazil:0, USA: 1, UK: 2)
  • One-hot-encoding: New columns with binary values if they match (Brazil: (brazil:1, usa:0, uk: 0) )

Splitting and Randomization

Train/test splits. ALways randomize data

RecordIO format

Pipe mode instead of File mode. Faster start and better throughput. Streams the data to the model

  • SageMaker works best with RecordIO, streams data directly from S3 without storing locally
  • Logistic Regression
  • Linear regression
  • SVM
  • Decision trees
  • Random Forest
  • K-means
  • KNN
  • Latent Dirichlet ALlocation - LDA


Latent Dirichlet ALlocation - LDA

Not same as Linear Discriminant analysis (LDA) Text analysis, can be used for topic analysis of text documents

  • Neural Networks
  • Activations functions (sigmoid, Tanh, ReLU)
  • Weights & biases
  • Forward & Back propogation
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Filters
  • Transfer Learning
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Sensitivity (Recall / TPR)
  • Specificity (TNR)
  • Precision
  • Accuracy
  • ROC / AUC
  • F1 Score
  • Gini impurity

Confusion matrix

Confusion matrix


Precision vs Recall

Precicion vs Recall


Sensitivity (Recall / True Positive Rate): Number of positives out of all positives

  • TP / (TP + FN)
  • When you want to avoid false negatives
  • % of people with a disease that are identified as having the disease
  • "Recall all the positives in the dataset, how many did you get right?"

Specificity (True Negative rate): Correct positives out of the predicted positive results

  • TN / (TN + FP)
  • When you want to avoid false positives
  • % of people without a disease that are identified as not having the disease
  • "Recall all the negatives in the dataset, how many did you get right?"


  • TP / (TP + FP)
  • How accurate are you?
  • Out of all the things you said were positive, how many actually were?

Accuracy: Proportion of all predictions correctly identified

  • (TP + TN) / Total
  • Correct / total = Accuracy
  • How correct overall am I?

ROC / AUC: Visualise the balance of sensitivity (TPR) and specificity (FPR) of a binary classifier when using different cutoff points for the classification

roc-max roc

GINI Impurity: Measure of impurity when evaluating which feature to use in splitting decision trees. The feature with the lowest GINI impurity score gets chosen as the root node.

F1 Score: Combination of Recall and precision, takes more into account FP and FN than accuracy.

  • 2 ( Recall Precision) / ( Recall + Precision )
  • Pytorch & Scikit-learn
  • Tensorflow & Keras
  • MXNET & Gluon
  • Tensors & Graphs

Machine learning & Deep learning ML-Framework DL-Framework


Define graph up front and then run it

  • Tensor: Multidimensional array that can hold data
  • Graph: Flow of data
import tensorflow as tf


Creating the graph as you go along. Can be more dynamic than TF.

import pytorch


Framework of AWS Sagemaker, similar to pytorch you create graphs on the fly.

import mxnet as mx
from mxnet import nd #ndarray
from mxnet import autograd #autogradient

From Linux academy


TensorFlow (backed by Google) is an end-to-end, open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community resources. This lets researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and developers easily build and deploy ML-powered applications.



Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation. Being able to go from idea to result with the least possible delay is key to doing good research.


Or, to put it another way:

TensorFlow is a complex tool. Keras has been built on top of TensorFlow as a more user-friendly interface. It helps us rapidly prototype models, and we use it in this lab.

  • S3 Datalakes
  • Kinesis (video stream / data stream / firehose / data analytics)
  • Glue
  • Athena
  • Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) & Spark
  • EC2 instance types for ML
  • AWS Machine Learning service (deprecate)

S3 datalakes

Collection of structured and unstructured files stored in S3 Datalake

Kinesis sample architecture

Kinesis (or other) captures data > S3 stores it > Glue catalogs it > Athena (simple) and EMR (large/complex) queries it > Sagemaker models it Datalake 2

  • Kinesis Data Analytics can be used to process and analyze streaming data using SQL or Java. You can use Kinesis Data Analytics to create a leaderboard for an online game and you can calculate metrics in real time.


Creates catalogues of data, doesn't store any data. Gluing together multiple schemas, databases, sources and load it into a final destination.

  • Some limited behind the scenes machine learning capabilities to assist, such as detecting duplicate users (work/personal email etc)

Key components

  • etl operations
  • jobs system
  • crawlers and classifiers
  • data catalog


"SQL Interface for S3".

  • Can save outputs of queries back to S3


AWS Business Intelligence (BI) tool. Should be enough to know from high level.

  • Create dashboards, email reports and embedded reports
  • Analyse your initial training data

Kinesis - mentioned a lot

Ingest large amounts of data from different streams. IoT devices is a common use-case.

  • Video stream: Can store video for up to 7 days and playback
  • Data stream: Catch all for processing
  • Firehose
    • Ingest real-time data stream it to s3, Redshift, es & splunk
    • Can transform data before delivering
  • Data Analytics: Analyse data on the fly using SQL queries

Kinesis Overview


Video streaming and facial recognition on the fly that sends out notifications if a particular person is spotted in a crowd.
Kinesis Video


Elastic Map Reduce: Hosting Massively parallel compute, works very well in cloud. Integrates well with S3.

  • Task nodes can be ripped out without failing the whole cluster == Spot instances

Spark: Fast analytics engine for massively parallel compute tasks.

  • Can run inside EMR & Sagemaker

EC2 for ML

EC2 instances for ML:

  • Compute optimised
  • Accelerated Computing (GPU)
  • Sagemaker specific: ml.*

Conda based deep learning AMIs: TensorFlow, keras, MXNET, gluon, pytorch, ...

Service limits on by default to protect you from accidentally spinning up a large host of very expensive instance for terabytes of data.

  • Can be lifted, but have to be requested (takes days)

AWS Machine Learning (ML) - Service, deprecate

The MVP ML service, but no longer exists. Comes up as a red-herring, never the right answer

  • Rekognition (images)
  • Rekognition (videos)
  • Polly (text2speech)
  • Transcribe (speech2text)
  • Translate
  • Comprehend
  • Lex (chatbots)
  • Step Functions


Fully managed service, serving a pre-trained deep learning model for image and video analysis.

  • Common to use AWS Lambda to connect to the services
  • Images: image moderation (eg. porn filter), facial analysis (find faces, gender), celebrity, comparison, text in image
  • Videos: Detect people of interest, create metadata catalog for stock videos, detect offensive content

Video architecture

  • Object is uploaded to S3
  • Triggers a lambda function to call the Rekognition service
  • Rekognition queries S3 to get the video and starts analysing
  • When done, will send a message through SNS topic that it's done
  • SNS will put that through an SQS
  • Another Lambda function triggered when the SNS topic is triggered, get metadata from SQS about the video results, and finally go to Rekognition and get the results

video video

Amazon Polly

Text to speech service (TTS). Fully managed pre-trained deep learning. Supports multiple languages, male or female voices and custom lexicons for industry specific language.

  • Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML): Be more specific about the inflections (eg. whispering)
  • Use cases: Read out loud web content, provide generated announcements, automated voice response solutions

Amazon Transcribe

Speech to text. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Pre-trained deep learning models, supports different languages and custom vocabulary

Amazon Translate

Text translation, fully managed pre-trained deep learning models. Batch process, real-time, custom terminology.

  • Use cases: Enhance online customer chat application to translate conversations in real time, batch translate documents, create news publish solutions to multiple languages
  • Knows more languages than other services, such as Comprehend

Amazon Comprehend

Natural language Processing (NLP) system. Give it text, get back analysis of the text.

  • Key Offerings: Key-phrase extraction, sentiment, syntax, entity recognition, language detection, topic modelling, multiple languages.
  • Medical named entity and relationship extraction
  • Customise: entities and classification
  • Use case: Customer sentiment analysis, label unstructured data, topics from transcribed audio

Amazon Lex

Chatbots, Alexa.

Service chaining w/ AWS Step Functions

Orchestrate multiple Lambda functions

Example architecture with Step functions

  • Audio is saved into an S3 Bucket
  • Lambda-1 is triggered, that simply calls the Step Function (red box)
  • Inside the Step Function, is a Lambda that calls both Transcribe & a Wait function (clock icon)
  • Transcribe then calls S3 to get back the audio file and starts processing it. This might take a while
  • The middle Lambda-2 has 1 role, to query Transcribe for the job status (eg. every 10seconds) and pass the status and data into a Decision Point (question mark)
  • If the status isn't finished the Decision Point invokes the Wait Function again, which restarts the check status process
  • If the status is finished, invoke the last Lambda-3 that invokes Comprehend
  • Comprehend analyses the data, sends the results back to Lambda-3 that passes it on to another service

Step Architecture


  • Sagemaker High Level
  • Three stages: Build, train, deploy
  • Sagemaker console
  • Sagemaker API
  • Sagemaker Python SDK

Note really like any other service. Could spend all your time in there without having to do anything else. Fully managed service from start to finish. End-to-end

sagemaker definitions

Three stages

Build: Preprocess, ground truth, notebooks

Train: Built-in algorithms, hyperparameter tuning, notebooks, infrastructure

Deploy: Realtime, batch, notebooks, infrastructure, Neo


Console, SDK, Jupyter

Sagemaker API: Can be called to provision and run services

Sagemaker Python SDK: Control and provision Sagemaker instances right through Jupyter Notebooks

Sage sdk

Sagemaker notebooks

Instance type doesn't have to be very large in order for you to do intense machine learning.

  • Instance type can be used as a control panel for the notebook, and the notebook calls services that provision more intense infrastructure to run the code
  • Lots of example notebooks to browse
  • Starting notebooks takes a while as it's provisioning all the infrastructure in the backend
  • Clicking Open Jupyter | Open Jupyterlab redirects you to the endpoint for your instance with a pre-signed url.
    • Can't share the link with others
  • !!Define your problem first!!
  • Build process: Visualise, Explore, Feature engineering, Synthesize data, Convert data, Change structure (joins), Split data
  • Ground truth
  • SageMaker Algorithms: Built in, marketplace, custom
  • Algorithm Types: eg. BlazingText (AWS-Comprehend), Image classification (AWS-Rekognition)

Have a goal in mind before starting any machine learning task. Define your problem first

Data Preprocessing

Can take as long as you want, making it very important that we define our problem upfront. Primarily use SageMaker notebooks

  • Visualise
  • Explore
  • Feature engineering: Can be done in Jupyter if its small, else EMR
  • Synthesize data
  • Convert data
  • Change structure (join)
  • Split data

Ground truth

"Build highly accurate training data using machine learning and reduce data labeling costs by upt to 70%"

Uses active learning to help label the most ambiguous data and outsources that to Mechanical Turk

Ground Truth

SageMaker Algorithms

  • AWS built-in algorithms
  • AWS Marketplace: Crowd sourced, sometimes pre-built for transfer learning
  • Custom: Make your own

Algorithm Types

  • BlazingText: Word2vec (Amazon Comprehend)
  • Image classification: CNN (Amazon Rekognition)
  • K-means: Based off web-scale k-means clustering
  • LDA
  • PCA
  • XGBoost
  • Architecture behind Sagemaker training: Algorithms stored in docker containers in ECS, spin up EC2 instances
  • AWS Marketplace: Algorithms are to be trained, Model packages are pre-trained
  • Where to access data: S3, EFS, FSx for Lustre
  • Filetypes: Files / Pipe (recordIO)
  • Instance types: ml.m4, ml.c4, ml.p2 (gpu)
  • Some algorithms only support GPU instances
  • Managed spot training & Checkpoints
  • Automated Hyperparameter tuning

Sagemaker architecture for training

When you start a sagemaker training job AWS calls ECS and the containers that contain the algorithms. We also need data, generally stored in S3.

  • We define the algorithms and where the data lives
  • Sagemaker then spins up the EC2 instances it needs, pulls in the data, trains the model using the models available in ECS.

AWS Marketplace: Algorithms are to be trained, Model packages are pre-trained

Where to access data: S3, EFS, FSx for Lustre (High performance, high throughput for High Performance Computing -- HPC)

Filetypes: Files / Pipe (recordIO)

Instance types

  • Some algorithms only support GPU instances (ml.p2 family)
  • AWS recommends: ml.m4, ml.c4, ml.p2 (GPU)
  • GPUs more expensive, but faster

Managed spot training: Optimise cost of training models up to 90% over on-demand using spot instances, using Sagemaker Checkpoints in the model state

Hyperparameter tuning

Choose model, set ranges of hyperparameters (max_depth:3-9), choose performance metric to measure (maximise AUC)

  • There's a machine learning model, that monitors which hyperparameters are working the best and tunes the models accordingly.
  • Real-time inference
  • Batch inference

Inference pipelines: Unseen data goes into model which makes a prediction

  • But often we have models feeing into models
  • Unseen data comes in, is pre-processed, the fed into PCA, output of PCA goes into XGBoost, which makes the final prediction

Inference Pipeline

Real-time inference

  • Model gets data from S3, model built in ECR and accessed via SageMaker endpoint
  • SageMaker endpoint. Not accessible outside of AWS, only for internal usage. Have to be authenticated. Called via API

Inference Realtime

Batch inference

  • Model gets data from S3, model built in ECR and create a Batch Transform job
  • Batch job takes a large volume of data, pushes it into the model, makes inferences and stores the output somewhere

Inference Batch

  • Sagemaker root access

  • AmazoneSageMakerFullAccess policy: Admin access to SageMaker + necessary access to other services

  • Sagemaker can see objects in S3 by default, can't access

  • Deployed into public VPC by default

  • IAM policy: sagemaker:CreatePresignedNotebookInstanceUrl

  • Have to option to grant Root access to the machine that's running the notebook instance.

    • Might be a security risk.
    • Can restrict the access if needed
    • Can associate a lifecycle script that runs when the notebook is started
    • Doesn't support resource based policies
  • AmazoneSageMakerFullAccess policy: Grants admin access to SageMaker + specific access to a lot of other services such as cloud watch and logs

    • Eg. can SEE objects in S3, but can't access them

Sagemaker and VPC

Sagemaker deploys to a public VPC by defaults

  • Useful to get packages
  • For security sake we might want to create a custom VPC with a private subnet and deploy it into that. We can then configure it with S3 VPC endpoint or NAT Gateway.


  • AWS DeepLens – Deep learning enabled video camera for developers
  • AWS DeepRacer - Reinforcement learning enabled race-car

Sagemaker FAQs notes

  • CloudTrail to see SageMaker API calls
  • Notebooks persist on the volume of the attached instance. So stopping the instance doesn't make you lose your progress.
  • Managed spot training uses Spot instance to train. Have to specify time to wait for spot capacity
    • Good when you have flexibility
    • Uses checkpoints to store progress. Avoids failure when instance is terminated.
  • BlazingText
  • Automated hyperparameter tuning available for all algorithms (including custom one).
    • Uses a custom Bayesian Optimization under the hood
  • Can currently only optimise for one objective (ie. accuracy or speed)
  • Reinforcement learning is a machine learning technique that enables an agent to learn in an interactive environment by trial and error using feedback from its own actions and experiences
    • Available to train in SageMaker. Can use AWS RoboMaker, Open AI Gym or commercial simulation environments to train
  • SageMaker Neo: Enables machine learning models to train once and run anywhere in the cloud and at the edge
    • Optimizes models built with popular deep learning frameworks that can be used to deploy on multiple hardware platforms
    • Two major components – a compiler and a runtime
    • Supports the most popular deep learning models for computer vision and decision tree models:
      • AlexNet, ResNet, VGG, Inception, MobileNet, SqueezeNet, and DenseNet models trained in MXNet and TensorFlow
      • classification and random cut forest models trained in XGBoost
  • Model performance from multiple runs is available in the Management Console in tabular form giving you a leaderboard
  • Can't directly access the underlying hardware SageMaker runs on
  • Can scale manually, or automatically using Application Auto Scaling
  • CloudWatch Metrics to monitor SageMaker environment
    • Logs written to CloudWatch

SageMaker Algorithms - Overview

  • Built-in algorithms:
    • linear regression
    • logistic regression
    • k-means clustering
    • principal component analysis (PCA)
    • factorization machines
      • A factorization machine is a general-purpose supervised learning algorithm that you can use for both classification and regression tasks. It is an extension of a linear model that is designed to capture interactions between features within high dimensional sparse datasets economically. For example, in a click prediction system, the factorization machine model can capture click rate patterns observed when ads from a certain ad-category are placed on pages from a certain page-category. Factorization machines are a good choice for tasks dealing with high dimensional sparse datasets, such as click prediction and item recommendation.
    • neural topic modeling
    • latent dirichlet allocation
    • gradient boosted trees
    • sequence2sequence
    • amazon forecast : is a fully managed service for time series forecasting (retail, financial planning, supply chain, healthcare, inventory management).
    • word2vec
    • random cut forest : an unsupervised algorithm for detecting anomalous data points within a data set. These are observations that diverge from otherwise well-structured or patterned data. Anomalies can manifest as unexpected spikes in time series data, breaks in periodicity, or unclassifiable data points.
    • image classification
  • Optimized containers:
    • Apache MXNet
    • Tensorflow
    • Chainer
    • PyTorch
  • Custom algorithms by using Docker images


  1. Linux Academy
  2. SageMaker FAQ
  3. Blog Posts