All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. The change log is formatted as suggested by Keep a CHANGELOG.
Added Changed Deprecated Removed Fixed Security
- BREAKING CHANGE: Using pathlib.Path instead of py.path (#7)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Removed support for Python 2.7 and Python 3 <= 3.6
- Register custom marker 'datafiles' to avoid PytestUnknownMarkWarning (#18)
- Explicit support for Python 3.6 (no changes were necessary)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Python 2.6 is no longer supported (because we rely on pytest >= 3.6)
- Use the new pytest mark API to fix MarkInfo warnings (#2)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Symlinks are now copied as links instead of copying the target they point to (#1)
- Bump version to 1.0 to signal that the plugin is stable
- Minor refactorization without repercussions for users
- Only use regular 'paths' (str) instead of py.path objects in documentation examples because they were confusing to some people (unfamiliar with py.path)
- Support for directories
- Option 'keep_top_dir' to keep the top level directory (instead of only copying its content). Possible values are: True, False (default)
- Option 'on_duplicate' to specify what to do when duplicate files or directories are encountered. Possible values are: 'exception' (default), 'ignore', 'overwrite'
- Specify one or multiple files to be copied by decorating the test function