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What is cflogger?

cflogger CloudFormation streaming logger for stack events. It logs single stack events in given time. Not gives all events history. Suitable for tracking stack build processes in ci/cd pipelines.

Here's a cflogger demo: cflogger demo GIF


Warning You must set AWS region. Otherwise you get error.

# Follows a single stack events occurring after the specified time (UTC+0).
$ cflogger --stack-name test --since "2022-12-15 15:00"  --region eu-central-1

# Follows events from the time it was run until events finish.
$ cflogger --stack-name test --region eu-central-1

# Select stack id. 
$ cflogger --stack-name "arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:890724537041:stack/test/1448c0d9-7173-114d-af33-0ac9xyzd9fb36" --region eu-central-1

# Get stack-id from aws cloudformation command output and follow stream.
$ aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name test --template-body file:///Users/omer/sample-template.yml  | cflogger --region eu-central-1 --stack-name -

# Define timeout in minutes for cflogger.
$ cflogger --stack-name test --timeout 20 --region eu-central-1

Configuring Credentials

When using the cflogger you'll need your AWS credentials to authenticate with AWS services. cflogger supports multiple methods of supporting these credentials.

Environment Credentials - Set of environment variables that are useful when sub processes are created for specific roles.

Shared Credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) - This file stores your credentials based on a profile name and is useful for local development.


# Clone repository and go directory
$ git clone
$ cd cflogger

# Set OS, ARCH environment variables for build. 
# Example linux, amd64.
export OS=linux
export ARCH=amd64

# Build the binary according to your operating system.
$ make all

# Copy convenient location and run. 
$ cp -a target/cflogger /usr/local/bin