From 7569014abd05a1195d1027dc4e16ef75272bf9f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:42 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 01/26] Update 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json --- ...2_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d4922a --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formularer" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Synkroniser brugerkontakter", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Tilføj ekstern brugerkontakt e-mail" + }, + "Licenses": "Licenser", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De nødvendige tilladelser er ikke samtykket. Klik venligst på knappen for at samtykke til tilladelsen." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Formular Rollup", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Daglig", + "Weekly": "Ugentlig", + "Monthly": "Månedlig", + "Never": "Aldrig", + "Title": "Titel", + "Description": "Beskrivelse", + "FeedbackEmail": "Feedback e-mail", + "Levels": "Niveauer", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Procentniveau - Svagt", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Procentniveau - Godt", + "EveryWeekday": "Hver hverdag", + "Every": "Hver", + "Days": "dag(e)", + "Weeks": "uge(r)", + "Months": "måned(er)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Mandag", + "Tuesday": "Tirsdag", + "Wednesday": "Onsdag", + "Thursday": "Torsdag", + "Friday": "Fredag", + "Saturday": "Lørdag", + "Sunday": "Søndag", + "Day": "Dag", + "Weekday": "Hverdag", + "WeekendDay": "Weekenddag" + }, + "Day": "Dag", + "OfEvery": "af hver", + "The": "Den", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Første", + "Second": "Anden", + "Third": "Tredje", + "Fourth": "Fjerde", + "Last": "Sidste" + }, + "StartDate": "Startdato", + "NoEndDate": "Ingen slutdato", + "EndBy": "Slutdato", + "SentOutTimeText": "Hvilket tidspunkt ønsker du, at sign-off-anmodningen skal sendes?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Dag er ikke gyldig" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Afstemning", + "Survey": "Undersøgelse", + "Checkup": "Sundhedstjek", + "Template": "Skabelon", + "AddQuestion": "Tilføj spørgsmål", + "CreateForm": "Opret formular", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Begræns svar tid", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Denne formular åbner for svar den [[Dato]] kl. [[Tid]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Denne formular er lukket for svar." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Omfang", + "CurrentApp": "[[Nuværende app]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Omfangstype", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Forretningsprofil" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Tilføj spørgsmål" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Når lukket", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Tillad flere spørgsmål", + "ShowFormSettings": "Vis formularindstillinger" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Brugerdefinerede diagramfarver", + "Templates": "Skabeloner", + "Types": "Typer", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Fjern formularskabelon", + "Message": "Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne denne formularskabelon?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Formularskabelonen bruges i øjeblikket og kan ikke slettes. Sørg for, at der ikke er nogen formularer og formular typer, der bruger denne formularskabelon, før du forsøger at slette den igen." + }, + "PropertySet": "Egenskabssæt", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Fjern formular type", + "Message": "Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne denne formular type?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Formulartypen bruges i øjeblikket og kan ikke slettes. Sørg for, at der ikke er nogen formularer, der bruger denne formular type, før du forsøger at slette den igen." + }, + "AddFilter": "Tilføj filter", + "Display": "Visning", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Forespørgsel", + "Scope": "Omfang", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Forretningsprofiler", + "Apps": "Apps" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Formularvisning", + "ListView": "Listevisning", + "NoResultText": "Ingen resultater", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Ingen paginering", + "Classic": "Klassisk", + "Scroll": "Rulning" + }, + "Paging": "Paginering", + "SortBy": "Sorter efter", + "View": "Visning", + "PageSize": "Sidestørrelse", + "AddColumn": "Tilføj kolonne", + "DateFormat": "Datoformat", + "Width": "Bredde", + "CustomLabel": "Brugerdefineret etiket", + "ShowLabel": "Vis etiket", + "DragAndDrop": "Træk og slip" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Omfang" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "Du har ikke tilladelse til at oprette afstemningen på dette sted." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Opdater anmodning", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Planlæg afsendelse", + "InvalidDate": "Ugyldig dato", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Send anmodning" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Slet sign-off gentagelse", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne gentagne anmodning?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Planlagt" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Gentagne anmodninger", + "Name": "Navn", + "NextRequest": "Næste anmodning", + "SafetyInspection": "Sikkerhedsinspektion", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Hvilket tidspunkt ønsker du, at sign-off-anmodningen skal sendes?", + "Save": "Gem", + "RecurringSetting": "Gentagende indstilling" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Kør hver {0} dag(e)", + "EveryWeekday": "Kør hver hverdag", + "EveryWeek": "Kør hver {0} uge(r) på {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Kør på dag {0} af hver {1} måned(er)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Kør på den {0} {1} af hver {2} måned(er)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Vælg venligst gentagelsesindstilling" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Omfang", + "ScopeType": "Omfangstype", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Skift omfang", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Forretningsprofil", + "Group": "Gruppe" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Kommentar sendt til bruger" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "En eller flere grupper kan ikke slettes, da de har brugere med gruppeomfang. Fravælg disse grupper og prøv igen.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Denne gruppe har nogle brugere oprettet under dens omfang. Slet venligst alle disse brugere for at slette den.", + "Scope": "Omfang", + "Owners": "Ejere", + "AddExistingUser": "Tilføj eksisterende bruger", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Opret og tilføj ny bruger" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Sørg venligst for, at den aktuelle bruger er medlem af gruppeejer for at udføre denne handling" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Opsætning af Sharepoint teamsite skabelon" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Omfang", + "ScopeType": "Omfangstype" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Omfang", + "ScopeType": "Omfangstype" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Forretningsprofil", + "Group": "Gruppe" + } + } + } + } +} From 7876839a49ed5abbd280c2879eadbe1d21660998 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:44 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 02/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdbd8e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formulare" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Benutzersynchronisierung Kontakte", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Externe Benutzersynchronisierung Kontakt E-Mail hinzufügen" + }, + "Licenses": "Lizenzen", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Die erforderlichen Berechtigungen wurden nicht erteilt. Bitte klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um die Berechtigung zu erteilen." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Formular Zusammenfassung", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Täglich", + "Weekly": "Wöchentlich", + "Monthly": "Monatlich", + "Never": "Nie", + "Title": "Titel", + "Description": "Beschreibung", + "FeedbackEmail": "Feedback E-Mail", + "Levels": "Stufen", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Prozentsatz Stufe - Schwach", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Prozentsatz Stufe - Gut", + "EveryWeekday": "Jeden Wochentag", + "Every": "Jeden", + "Days": "Tag(e)", + "Weeks": "Woche(n)", + "Months": "Monat(e)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Montag", + "Tuesday": "Dienstag", + "Wednesday": "Mittwoch", + "Thursday": "Donnerstag", + "Friday": "Freitag", + "Saturday": "Samstag", + "Sunday": "Sonntag", + "Day": "Tag", + "Weekday": "Wochentag", + "WeekendDay": "Wochenendtag" + }, + "Day": "Tag", + "OfEvery": "von jedem", + "The": "Der", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Erster", + "Second": "Zweiter", + "Third": "Dritter", + "Fourth": "Vierter", + "Last": "Letzter" + }, + "StartDate": "Startdatum", + "NoEndDate": "Kein Enddatum", + "EndBy": "Endet am", + "SentOutTimeText": "Zu welcher Zeit soll die Genehmigungsanfrage versendet werden?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Tag ist ungültig" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Umfrage", + "Survey": "Umfrage", + "Checkup": "Check-up", + "Template": "Vorlage", + "AddQuestion": "Frage hinzufügen", + "CreateForm": "Formular erstellen", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Antwortzeit begrenzen", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Dieses Formular ist ab [[Datum]] um [[Uhrzeit]] für Antworten geöffnet.", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Dieses Formular ist für Antworten geschlossen." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Umfang", + "CurrentApp": "[[Aktuelle App]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Umfangstyp", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Unternehmensprofil" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Frage hinzufügen" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Wenn geschlossen", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Mehrere Fragen zulassen", + "ShowFormSettings": "Formulareinstellungen anzeigen" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Benutzerdefinierte Diagrammfarben", + "Templates": "Vorlagen", + "Types": "Typen", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Formularvorlage entfernen", + "Message": "Möchten Sie diese Formularvorlage wirklich entfernen?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Die Formularvorlage wird derzeit verwendet und kann nicht gelöscht werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass keine Formulare und Formulartypen verwendet werden, bevor Sie erneut versuchen, sie zu löschen." + }, + "PropertySet": "Eigenschaftensatz", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Formulartyp entfernen", + "Message": "Möchten Sie diesen Formulartyp wirklich entfernen?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Der Formulartyp wird derzeit verwendet und kann nicht gelöscht werden. Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass keine Formulare verwendet werden, bevor Sie erneut versuchen, ihn zu löschen." + }, + "AddFilter": "Filter hinzufügen", + "Display": "Anzeigen", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Abfrage", + "Scope": "Umfang", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Mandant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Unternehmensprofile", + "Apps": "Apps" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Formularansicht", + "ListView": "Listenansicht", + "NoResultText": "Kein Ergebnistext", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Keine Seitenumbrüche", + "Classic": "Klassisch", + "Scroll": "Scrollen" + }, + "Paging": "Seitenumbrüche", + "SortBy": "Sortieren nach", + "View": "Ansicht", + "PageSize": "Seitengröße", + "AddColumn": "Spalte hinzufügen", + "DateFormat": "Format", + "Width": "Breite", + "CustomLabel": "Benutzerdefiniertes Label", + "ShowLabel": "Label anzeigen", + "DragAndDrop": "Drag & Drop" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Umfang" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "Sie sind nicht berechtigt, die Umfrage an diesem Ort zu erstellen." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Anfrage aktualisieren", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Senden planen", + "InvalidDate": "Ungültiges Datum", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Anfrage senden" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Wiederkehrende Sign-off-Anfrage löschen", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Möchten Sie diese wiederkehrende Anfrage wirklich löschen?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Geplant" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Wiederkehrende Anfragen", + "Name": "Name", + "NextRequest": "Nächste Anfrage", + "SafetyInspection": "Sicherheitsüberprüfung", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Zu welcher Zeit soll die Genehmigungsanfrage versendet werden?", + "Save": "Speichern", + "RecurringSetting": "Wiederkehrende Einstellung" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Alle {0} Tag(e) ausführen", + "EveryWeekday": "Jeden Wochentag ausführen", + "EveryWeek": "Alle {0} Woche(n) am {1} ausführen", + "DayOfMonth": "Am Tag {0} jedes {1} Monat(e) ausführen", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Am {0} {1} jedes {2} Monat(e) ausführen", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Bitte wählen Sie die Wiederholungseinstellung" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Umfang", + "ScopeType": "Umfangstyp", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Umfang ändern", + "Tenant": "Mandant", + "BusinessProfile": "Unternehmensprofil", + "Group": "Gruppe" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Kommentar an Benutzer senden" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "Eine odermehrere Gruppen können nicht gelöscht werden, da sie Benutzer mit Gruppenumfang haben. Bitte heben Sie die Auswahl dieser Gruppen auf und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Diese Gruppe hat Benutzer unter ihrem Umfang erstellt. Bitte löschen Sie alle diese Benutzer, um sie zu löschen.", + "Scope": "Umfang", + "Owners": "Besitzer", + "AddExistingUser": "Vorhandenen Benutzer hinzufügen", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Benutzer erstellen und hinzufügen" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass der aktuelle Benutzer Mitglied des Gruppenbesitzers ist, um diese Aktion auszuführen" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Einrichten der Sharepoint-Teamsite-Vorlage" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Umfang", + "ScopeType": "Umfangstyp" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Umfang", + "ScopeType": "Umfangstyp" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Mandant", + "BusinessProfile": "Unternehmensprofil", + "Group": "Gruppe" + } + } + } + } +} From 08d81c942ee5556d56ed5cd4ac8dc54d66d93189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:45 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 03/26] Update 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json --- ...2_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1df47dc --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Forms" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "User Sync Contacts", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Add External User Sync Contact Email" + }, + "Licenses": "Licences", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "The required permissions have not been consented. Please click the button to consent to the permission." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Form Rollup", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Daily", + "Weekly": "Weekly", + "Monthly": "Monthly", + "Never": "Never", + "Title": "Title", + "Description": "Description", + "FeedbackEmail": "Feedback email", + "Levels": "Levels", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Percentage Level - Weak", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Percentage Level - Good", + "EveryWeekday": "Every weekday", + "Every": "Every", + "Days": "day(s)", + "Weeks": "week(s)", + "Months": "month(s)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Monday", + "Tuesday": "Tuesday", + "Wednesday": "Wednesday", + "Thursday": "Thursday", + "Friday": "Friday", + "Saturday": "Saturday", + "Sunday": "Sunday", + "Day": "Day", + "Weekday": "Weekday", + "WeekendDay": "Weekend Day" + }, + "Day": "Day", + "OfEvery": "of every", + "The": "The", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "First", + "Second": "Second", + "Third": "Third", + "Fourth": "Fourth", + "Last": "Last" + }, + "StartDate": "Start date", + "NoEndDate": "No end date", + "EndBy": "End by", + "SentOutTimeText": "Which time do you want the sign-off request to be sent out?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Day is not valid" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Poll", + "Survey": "Survey", + "Checkup": "Checkup", + "Template": "Template", + "AddQuestion": "Add question", + "CreateForm": "Create Form", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Limit Response Time", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "This form will open for responses on [[Date]] at [[Time]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "This form is closed for responses." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Scope", + "CurrentApp": "[[Current app]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Scope type", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Business profile" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Add question" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "When Closed", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Allow multiple questions", + "ShowFormSettings": "Show form settings" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Custom Chart Colours", + "Templates": "Templates", + "Types": "Types", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Remove Form Template", + "Message": "Are you sure you want to remove this form template?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "The form template is currently in use and cannot be deleted. Please make sure that there are no forms and form types used with this form template before attempting to delete it again." + }, + "PropertySet": "Property set", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Remove Form Type", + "Message": "Are you sure you want to remove this form type?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "The form type is currently in use and cannot be deleted. Please make sure that there are no forms used with this form type before attempting to delete it again." + }, + "AddFilter": "Add Filter", + "Display": "Display", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Query", + "Scope": "Scope", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Business Profiles", + "Apps": "Apps" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Form View", + "ListView": "List View", + "NoResultText": "No Result Text", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "No Paging", + "Classic": "Classic", + "Scroll": "Scroll" + }, + "Paging": "Paging", + "SortBy": "Sort By", + "View": "View", + "PageSize": "Page Size", + "AddColumn": "Add Column", + "DateFormat": "Format", + "Width": "width", + "CustomLabel": "Custom label", + "ShowLabel": "Show label", + "DragAndDrop": "Drag and Drop" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "You are not authorised to create the poll in this location." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Update Request", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Schedule send-out", + "InvalidDate": "Invalid Date", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Send request" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Delete Sign-off Recurrence", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this recurrence request?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Scheduled" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Recurring requests", + "Name": "Name", + "NextRequest": "Next request", + "SafetyInspection": "Safety inspection", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Which time do you want the sign-off request to be sent out?", + "Save": "Save", + "RecurringSetting": "Recurring setting" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Run every {0} day(s)", + "EveryWeekday": "Run every weekday", + "EveryWeek": "Run every {0} week(s) on {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Run on day {0} of every {1} month(s)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Run on the {0} {1} of every {2} month(s)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Please select Recurrence setting" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope Type", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Change scope", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Business profile", + "Group": "Group" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Comment sent to user" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "One or several groups cannot be deleted because they have group-scoped users. Please unselect these groups and try again.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "This group has some users created under its scope. Please delete all these users to delete it.", + "Scope": "Scope", + "Owners": "Owners", + "AddExistingUser": "Add existing user", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Create and add new user" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Please ensure that the current user is a member of the group owner to perform this operation" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Setting up SharePoint teamsite template" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope Type" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Business profile", + "Group": "Group" + } + } + } + } +} From a8854ea24cc676ca49f9f9832fde0adc32988666 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:46 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 04/26] Update 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json --- ...2_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdbe7cc --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Forms" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "User Sync Contacts", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Add External User Sync Contact Email" + }, + "Licenses": "Licenses", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "The required permissions is not consented. Please click the button to consent the permission." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Form Rollup", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Daily", + "Weekly": "Weekly", + "Monthly": "Monthly", + "Never": "Never", + "Title": "Title", + "Description": "Description", + "FeedbackEmail": "Feedback email", + "Levels": "Levels", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Percentage Level - Weak", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Percentage Level - Good", + "EveryWeekday": "Every weekday", + "Every": "Every", + "Days": "day(s)", + "Weeks": "week(s)", + "Months": "month(s)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Monday", + "Tuesday": "Tuesday", + "Wednesday": "Wednesday", + "Thursday": "Thursday", + "Friday": "Friday", + "Saturday": "Saturday", + "Sunday": "Sunday", + "Day": "Day", + "Weekday": "Weekday", + "WeekendDay": "Weekend Day" + }, + "Day": "Day", + "OfEvery": "of every", + "The": "The", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "First", + "Second": "Second", + "Third": "Third", + "Fourth": "Fourth", + "Last": "Last" + }, + "StartDate": "Start date", + "NoEndDate": "No end date", + "EndBy": "End by", + "SentOutTimeText": "Which time do you want the sign-off request to be sent out?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Day isn't valid" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Poll", + "Survey": "Survey", + "Checkup": "Checkup", + "Template": "Template", + "AddQuestion": "Add question", + "CreateForm": "Create Form", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Limit Response Time", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "This form will open for responses on [[Date]] at [[Time]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "This form is closed for responses." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Scope", + "CurrentApp": "[[Current app]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Scope type", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Business profile" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Add question" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "When Closed", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Allow multiple questions", + "ShowFormSettings": "Show form settings" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Custom Chart Colors", + "Templates": "Templates", + "Types": "Types", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Remove Form Template", + "Message": "Are you sure you want to remove this form template?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "The form template is currently in use and cannot be deleted. Please make sure that there are no forms and form types used to this form template before attempting to delete it again." + }, + "PropertySet": "Property set", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Remove Form Type", + "Message": "Are you sure you want to remove this form type?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "The form type is currently in use and cannot be deleted. Please make sure that there are no forms used to this form type before attempting to delete it again." + }, + "AddFilter": "Add Filter", + "Display": "Display", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Query", + "Scope": "Scope", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Business Profiles", + "Apps": "Apps" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Form View", + "ListView": "List View", + "NoResultText": "No Result Text", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "No Paging", + "Classic": "Classic", + "Scroll": "Scroll" + }, + "Paging": "Paging", + "SortBy": "Sort By", + "View": "View", + "PageSize": "Page Size", + "AddColumn": "Add Column", + "DateFormat": "Format", + "Width": "width", + "CustomLabel": "Custom label", + "ShowLabel": "Show label", + "DragAndDrop": "Drag and Drop" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "You are not authorized to create the poll on this location." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Update Request", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Schedule send-out", + "InvalidDate": "Invalid Date", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Send request" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Delete Sign-off Recurrence", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Are you sure to delete this recurrence request?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Scheduled" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Recurring requests", + "Name": "Name", + "NextRequest": "Next request", + "SafetyInspection": "Safety inspection", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Which time do you want the sign-off request to be sent out?", + "Save": "Save", + "RecurringSetting": "Recurring setting" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Run every {0} day(s)", + "EveryWeekday": "Run every weekday", + "EveryWeek": "Run every {0} week(s) on {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Run at day {0} of every {1} month(s)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Run at the {0} {1} of every {2} month(s)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Please select Recurrence setting" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope Type", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Change scope", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Business profile", + "Group": "Group" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Comment sent to user" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "One or several groups cannot be deleted because they have group scoped users. Please unselect these groups and try again.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "This group has some users created under its scope. Please delete all these users to delete it.", + "Scope": "Scope", + "Owners": "Owners", + "AddExistingUser": "Add existing user", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Create and add new user" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Please to ensure the current user is a member of group owner to perform this operation" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Setting up Sharepoint teamsite template" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope Type" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Business profile", + "Group": "Group" + } + } + } + } +} From bf54d5cd6283de3663db34716d088ab37baaf066 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:47 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 05/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e88812 --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formularios" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Sincronizar contactos de usuario", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Agregar correo electrónico de contacto de usuario externo" + }, + "Licenses": "Licencias", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Los permisos requeridos no están consentidos. Haz clic en el botón paraconsentir el permiso." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Agrupación de formularios", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Diario", + "Weekly": "Semanal", + "Monthly": "Mensual", + "Never": "Nunca", + "Title": "Título", + "Description": "Descripción", + "FeedbackEmail": "Correo electrónico de comentarios", + "Levels": "Niveles", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Porcentaje de nivel débil", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Porcentaje de nivel bueno", + "EveryWeekday": "Todos los días laborables", + "Every": "Cada", + "Days": "día(s)", + "Weeks": "semana(s)", + "Months": "mes(es)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Lunes", + "Tuesday": "Martes", + "Wednesday": "Miércoles", + "Thursday": "Jueves", + "Friday": "Viernes", + "Saturday": "Sábado", + "Sunday": "Domingo", + "Day": "Día", + "Weekday": "Día laborable", + "WeekendDay": "Día de fin de semana" + }, + "Day": "Día", + "OfEvery": "de cada", + "The": "El", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Primero", + "Second": "Segundo", + "Third": "Tercero", + "Fourth": "Cuarto", + "Last": "Último" + }, + "StartDate": "Fecha de inicio", + "NoEndDate": "Sin fecha de finalización", + "EndBy": "Finalizar el", + "SentOutTimeText": "¿A qué hora quieres que se envíe la solicitud de aprobación?", + "InvalidDayRange": "El día no es válido" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Encuesta", + "Survey": "Sondeo", + "Checkup": "Chequeo", + "Template": "Plantilla", + "AddQuestion": "Agregar pregunta", + "CreateForm": "Crear formulario", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Limitar tiempo de respuesta", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Este formulario estará abierto para respuestas el [[Fecha]] a las [[Hora]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Este formulario está cerrado para respuestas." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Ámbito", + "CurrentApp": "[[Aplicación actual]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Tipo de ámbito", + "App": "Aplicación", + "BusinessProfile": "Perfil empresarial" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Agregar pregunta" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Cuando esté cerrado", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Permitir múltiples preguntas", + "ShowFormSettings": "Mostrar configuración del formulario" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Colores de gráfico personalizados", + "Templates": "Plantillas", + "Types": "Tipos", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Eliminar plantilla de formulario", + "Message": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta plantillade formulario?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "La plantilla de formulario está actualmente en uso y no se puede eliminar. Asegúrate de que no haya formularios y tipos de formulario utilizados en esta plantilla de formulario antes de intentar eliminarla nuevamente." + }, + "PropertySet": "Conjunto de propiedades", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Eliminar tipo de formulario", + "Message": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este tipo de formulario?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "El tipo de formulario está actualmente en uso y no se puede eliminar. Asegúrate de que no haya formularios utilizados en este tipo de formulario antes de intentar eliminarlo nuevamente." + }, + "AddFilter": "Agregar filtro", + "Display": "Mostrar", + "Filter": "Filtro", + "Query": "Consulta", + "Scope": "Ámbito", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Inquilino", + "BusinessProfiles": "Perfiles empresariales", + "Apps": "Aplicaciones" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Vista de formulario", + "ListView": "Vista de lista", + "NoResultText": "Texto sin resultados", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Sin paginación", + "Classic": "Clásica", + "Scroll": "Desplazamiento" + }, + "Paging": "Paginación", + "SortBy": "Ordenar por", + "View": "Vista", + "PageSize": "Tamaño de página", + "AddColumn": "Agregar columna", + "DateFormat": "Formato", + "Width": "Ancho", + "CustomLabel": "Etiqueta personalizada", + "ShowLabel": "Mostrar etiqueta", + "DragAndDrop": "Arrastrar y soltar" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Ámbito" + } + }, + "Status": "Estado", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "No tienes autorización para crear la encuesta en esta ubicación." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Actualizar solicitud", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Programar envío", + "InvalidDate": "Fecha no válida", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Enviar solicitud" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Eliminar recurrencia de solicitud de aprobación", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta solicitud recurrente?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Programado" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Solicitudes recurrentes", + "Name": "Nombre", + "NextRequest": "Siguiente solicitud", + "SafetyInspection": "Inspección deseguridad", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "¿A qué hora quieres que se envíe la solicitud de aprobación?", + "Save": "Guardar", + "RecurringSetting": "Configuración recurrente" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Ejecutar cada {0} día(s)", + "EveryWeekday": "Ejecutar todos los días laborables", + "EveryWeek": "Ejecutar cada {0} semana(s) en {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Ejecutar el día {0} de cada {1} mes(es)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Ejecutar el {0} {1} de cada {2} mes(es)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Selecciona la configuración de recurrencia" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Ámbito", + "ScopeType": "Tipo de ámbito", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Cambiar ámbito", + "Tenant": "Inquilino", + "BusinessProfile": "Perfil empresarial", + "Group": "Grupo" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Comentario enviado al usuario" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "Uno o varios grupos no se pueden eliminar porque tienen usuarios con ámbito de grupo. Desmarca estos grupos y vuelve a intentarlo.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Este grupo tiene algunos usuarios creados bajo su ámbito. Elimina a todos estos usuarios para poder eliminarlo.", + "Scope": "Ámbito", + "Owners": "Propietarios", + "AddExistingUser": "Agregar usuario existente", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Crear y agregar nuevo usuario" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Por favor, asegúrate de que el usuario actual sea miembro del propietario del grupo pararealizar esta operación" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Configuración de plantilla de sitio de Sharepoint" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Ámbito", + "ScopeType": "Tipo de ámbito" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Ámbito", + "ScopeType": "Tipo de ámbito" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Inquilino", + "BusinessProfile": "Perfil empresarial", + "Group": "Grupo" + } + } + } + } +} From cf3af02a6923c07c12c8b473e41ab735af9f625a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:48 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 06/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f44e258 --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Lomakkeet" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Käyttäjien synkronointi yhteystiedot", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Lisää ulkoisen käyttäjän synkronointi yhteystiedon sähköposti" + }, + "Licenses": "Lisenssit", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Tarvittavia oikeuksia ei ole annettu. Napsauta painiketta antaaksesi luvan oikeuksille." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Lomakkeen yhteenveto", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Päivittäin", + "Weekly": "Viikoittain", + "Monthly": "Kuukausittain", + "Never": "Ei koskaan", + "Title": "Otsikko", + "Description": "Kuvaus", + "FeedbackEmail": "Palaute sähköposti", + "Levels": "Tasot", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Prosenttitaso - Heikko", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Prosenttitaso - Hyvä", + "EveryWeekday": "Joka arkipäivä", + "Every": "Joka", + "Days": "päivä(ä)", + "Weeks": "viikko(a)", + "Months": "kuukausi(a)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Maanantai", + "Tuesday": "Tiistai", + "Wednesday": "Keskiviikko", + "Thursday": "Torstai", + "Friday": "Perjantai", + "Saturday": "Lauantai", + "Sunday": "Sunnuntai", + "Day": "Päivä", + "Weekday": "Arkipäivä", + "WeekendDay": "Viikonloppupäivä" + }, + "Day": "Päivä", + "OfEvery": "joka", + "The": "The", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Ensimmäinen", + "Second": "Toinen", + "Third": "Kolmas", + "Fourth": "Neljäs", + "Last": "Viimeinen" + }, + "StartDate": "Aloituspäivä", + "NoEndDate": "Ei päättymispäivää", + "EndBy": "Päättymispäivä", + "SentOutTimeText": "Mihin aikaanhaluat lähettää hyväksymispyynnön?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Päivä ei ole kelvollinen" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Äänestys", + "Survey": "Kysely", + "Checkup": "Tarkistus", + "Template": "Malli", + "AddQuestion": "Lisää kysymys", + "CreateForm": "Luo lomake", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Rajoita vastausaikaa", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Tämä lomake avautuu vastauksille [[Päivämäärä]] klo [[Aika]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Tämä lomake on suljettu vastauksilta." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Laajuus", + "CurrentApp": "[[Nykyinen sovellus]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Laajuuden tyyppi", + "App": "Sovellus", + "BusinessProfile": "Liiketoimintaprofiili" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Lisää kysymys" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Kun suljettu", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Salli useita kysymyksiä", + "ShowFormSettings": "Näytä lomakkeen asetukset" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Mukautetut kaaviovärit", + "Templates": "Mallit", + "Types": "Tyypit", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Poista lomakemalli", + "Message": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän lomakemallin?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Lomakemallia käytetään tällä hetkellä eikä sitä voi poistaa. Varmista, että lomakkeita ja lomaketyyppejä ei käytetä tähän lomakemalliin ennen kuin yrität poistaa sen uudelleen." + }, + "PropertySet": "Ominaisuusjoukko", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Poista lomaketyyppi", + "Message": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän lomaketyypin?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Lomaketyyppiä käytetään tällä hetkellä eikä sitä voi poistaa. Varmista, että lomakkeita ei käytetä tähän lomaketyyppiin ennen kuin yrität poistaa sen uudelleen." + }, + "AddFilter": "Lisää suodatin", + "Display": "Näyttö", + "Filter": "Suodatin", + "Query": "Kysely", + "Scope": "Laajuus", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Liiketoimintaprofiilit", + "Apps": "Sovellukset" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Lomakkeen näkymä", + "ListView": "Luettelonäkymä", + "NoResultText": "Ei tuloksia", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Ei sivutusta", + "Classic": "Perinteinen", + "Scroll": "Vieritys" + }, + "Paging": "Sivutus", + "SortBy": "Lajittele", + "View": "Näkymä", + "PageSize": "Sivun koko", + "AddColumn": "Lisää sarake", + "DateFormat": "Muoto", + "Width": "Leveys", + "CustomLabel": "Mukautettu etiketti", + "ShowLabel": "Näytä etiketti", + "DragAndDrop": "Raahaa ja pudota" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Laajuus" + } + }, + "Status": "Tila", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia luoda äänestystä tähän sijaintiin." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Päivitä pyyntö", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Aikatauluta lähetys", + "InvalidDate": "Virheellinen päivämäärä", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Lähetä pyyntö" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Poista hyväksymispyynnön toistuminen", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän toistuvan pyynnön?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Aikataulutettu" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Toistuvat pyynnöt", + "Name": "Nimi", + "NextRequest": "Seuraava pyyntö", + "SafetyInspection": "Turvallisuustarkastus", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Mihin aikaan haluat lähettää hyväksymispyynnön?", + "Save": "Tallenna", + "RecurringSetting": "Toistuvan asetus" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Suorita joka {0} päivä(ä)", + "EveryWeekday": "Suorita joka arkipäivä", + "EveryWeek": "Suorita joka {0} viikko(a) {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Suorita päivänä {0} joka {1} kuukausi(a)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Suorita {0} {1} joka {2} kuukausi(a)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Valitse toistuvuuden asetus" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Laajuus", + "ScopeType": "Laajuuden tyyppi", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Vaihda laajuutta", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Liiketoimintaprofiili", + "Group": "Ryhmä" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Lähetetty kommentti käyttäjälle" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "Yhtä tai useampaa ryhmää ei voi poistaa, koska niillä on ryhmän laajuisia käyttäjiä. Poista nämä ryhmät valinnasta ja yritä uudelleen.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Tällä ryhmällä on joitain sen laajuuteen kuuluvia käyttäjiä. Poista kaikki nämä käyttäjät ennen kuin poistat ryhmän.", + "Scope": "Laajuus", + "Owners": "Omistajat", + "AddExistingUser": "Lisää olemassa oleva käyttäjä", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Luo ja lisää uusi käyttäjä" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Varmista, että nykyinen käyttäjä on ryhmän omistajan jäsen suorittaaksesi tämän toiminnon" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Sharepoint-ryhmäsivustomallin asennus" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Laajuus", + "ScopeType": "Laajuuden tyyppi" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Laajuus", + "ScopeType": "Laajuuden tyyppi" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Liiketoimintaprofiili", + "Group": "Ryhmä" + } + } + } + } +} From 822598b3dd42284583258845340775ccc8ecad0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:49 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 07/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a198f1a --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formulaires" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Synchroniser les contacts d'utilisateur", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Ajouter l'adresse courriel de synchronisation des contacts d'utilisateur externes" + }, + "Licenses": "Licences", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Les autorisations requises ne sont pas consenties. Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton pour consentir à l'autorisation." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Regroupement de formulaires", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Quotidien", + "Weekly": "Hebdomadaire", + "Monthly": "Mensuel", + "Never": "Jamais", + "Title": "Titre", + "Description": "Description", + "FeedbackEmail": "Courriel de rétroaction", + "Levels": "Niveaux", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Pourcentage de niveau - Faible", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Pourcentage de niveau - Bon", + "EveryWeekday": "Chaque jour de semaine", + "Every": "Chaque", + "Days": "jour(s)", + "Weeks": "semaine(s)", + "Months": "mois", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Lundi", + "Tuesday": "Mardi", + "Wednesday": "Mercredi", + "Thursday": "Jeudi", + "Friday": "Vendredi", + "Saturday": "Samedi", + "Sunday": "Dimanche", + "Day": "Jour", + "Weekday": "Jour de semaine", + "WeekendDay": "Jour de fin de semaine" + }, + "Day": "Jour", + "OfEvery": "de chaque", + "The": "Le", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Premier", + "Second": "Deuxième", + "Third": "Troisième", + "Fourth": "Quatrième", + "Last": "Dernier" + }, + "StartDate": "Date de début", + "NoEndDate": "Aucune date de fin", + "EndBy": "Finir avant", + "SentOutTimeText": "À quelle heure souhaitez-vous envoyer la demande de validation?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Le jour n'est pas valide" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Sondage", + "Survey": "Enquête", + "Checkup": "Vérification", + "Template": "Modèle", + "AddQuestion": "Ajouter une question", + "CreateForm": "Créer un formulaire", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Limite de temps de réponse", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Ce formulaire sera ouvert aux réponses le [[Date]] à [[Time]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Ce formulaire est fermé aux réponses." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Portée", + "CurrentApp": "[[Application actuelle]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Type de portée", + "App": "Application", + "BusinessProfile": "Profil d'entreprise" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Ajouter une question" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Lorsqu'il est fermé", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Autoriser plusieurs questions", + "ShowFormSettings": "Afficher les paramètres du formulaire" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Couleurs de graphique personnalisées", + "Templates": "Modèles", + "Types": "Types", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Supprimer le modèle de formulaire", + "Message": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce modèle de formulaire?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Le modèle de formulaire est actuellement utilisé et ne peut pas être supprimé. Veuillez vous assurer qu'il n'y a pas de formulaires et de types de formulaires utilisés pour ce modèle de formulaire avant de tenter de le supprimer à nouveau." + }, + "PropertySet": "Ensemble de propriétés", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Supprimer le type de formulaire", + "Message": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce type de formulaire?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Le type de formulaire est actuellement utilisé et ne peut pas être supprimé. Veuillez vousassurer qu'il n'y a pas de formulaires utilisés pour ce type de formulaire avant de tenter de le supprimer à nouveau." + }, + "AddFilter": "Ajouter un filtre", + "Display": "Affichage", + "Filter": "Filtre", + "Query": "Requête", + "Scope": "Portée", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Locataire", + "BusinessProfiles": "Profils d'entreprise", + "Apps": "Applications" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Vue du formulaire", + "ListView": "Vue en liste", + "NoResultText": "Aucun résultat", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Aucune pagination", + "Classic": "Classique", + "Scroll": "Défilement" + }, + "Paging": "Pagination", + "SortBy": "Trier par", + "View": "Vue", + "PageSize": "Taille de la page", + "AddColumn": "Ajouter une colonne", + "DateFormat": "Format", + "Width": "Largeur", + "CustomLabel": "Étiquette personnalisée", + "ShowLabel": "Afficher l'étiquette", + "DragAndDrop": "Glisser-déposer" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Portée" + } + }, + "Status": "Statut", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer le sondageà cet emplacement." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Mettre à jour la demande", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Planifier l'envoi", + "InvalidDate": "Date invalide", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Envoyer la demande" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Supprimer la récurrence de la demande de validation", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette demande de récurrence?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Planifié" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Demandes récurrentes", + "Name": "Nom", + "NextRequest": "Prochaine demande", + "SafetyInspection": "Inspection de sécurité", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "À quelle heure souhaitez-vous envoyer la demande de validation?", + "Save": "Enregistrer", + "RecurringSetting": "Paramètres de récurrence" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Exécuter tous les {0} jour(s)", + "EveryWeekday": "Exécuter tous les jours de semaine", + "EveryWeek": "Exécuter tous les {0} semaine(s) le {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Exécuter le jour {0} de chaque {1} mois(s)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Exécuter le {0} {1} de chaque {2} mois(s)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Veuillez sélectionner les paramètres de récurrence" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Portée", + "ScopeType": "Type de portée", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Changer la portée", + "Tenant": "Locataire", + "BusinessProfile": "Profil d'entreprise", + "Group": "Groupe" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Commentaire envoyé à l'utilisateur" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "Un ou plusieurs groupes ne peuvent pas être supprimés car ils ont des utilisateurs avec une portée de groupe. Veuillez désélectionner ces groupes et réessayer.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Ce groupe a des utilisateurs créés dans sa portée. Veuillez supprimer tous ces utilisateurs pour le supprimer.", + "Scope": "Portée", + "Owners": "Propriétaires", + "AddExistingUser": "Ajouter un utilisateur existant", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Créer et ajouter unnouvel utilisateur" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Veuillez vous assurer que l'utilisateur actuel est membre du propriétaire du groupe pour effectuer cette opération" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Configuration du modèle de site d'équipe SharePoint" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Portée", + "ScopeType": "Type de portée" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Portée", + "ScopeType": "Type de portée" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Locataire", + "BusinessProfile": "Profil d'entreprise", + "Group": "Groupe" + } + } + } + } +} From 403bbac1a344bfaf599eba108512c4e130424b51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:50 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 08/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d278696 --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formulaires" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Synchroniser les contacts utilisateur", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Ajouter l'e-mail de contact de synchronisation des utilisateurs externes" + }, + "Licenses": "Licences", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Les autorisations requises ne sont pas consenties. Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton pour consentir à l'autorisation." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Regroupement de formulaires", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Quotidien", + "Weekly": "Hebdomadaire", + "Monthly": "Mensuel", + "Never": "Jamais", + "Title": "Titre", + "Description": "Description", + "FeedbackEmail": "E-mail de retour d'information", + "Levels": "Niveaux", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Pourcentage de niveau faible", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Pourcentage de niveau bon", + "EveryWeekday": "Tous les jours de la semaine", + "Every": "Tous les", + "Days": "jour(s)", + "Weeks": "semaine(s)", + "Months": "mois", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Lundi", + "Tuesday": "Mardi", + "Wednesday": "Mercredi", + "Thursday": "Jeudi", + "Friday": "Vendredi", + "Saturday": "Samedi", + "Sunday": "Dimanche", + "Day": "Jour", + "Weekday": "Jour de la semaine", + "WeekendDay": "Jour du week-end" + }, + "Day": "Jour", + "OfEvery": "de chaque", + "The": "Le", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Premier", + "Second": "Deuxième", + "Third": "Troisième", + "Fourth": "Quatrième", + "Last": "Dernier" + }, + "StartDate": "Date de début", + "NoEndDate": "Pas de date de fin", + "EndBy": "Fin le", + "SentOutTimeText": "À quelle heure souhaitez-vous envoyer la demande de validation ?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Jour non valide" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Sondage", + "Survey": "Enquête", + "Checkup": "Vérification", + "Template": "Modèle", + "AddQuestion": "Ajouter une question", + "CreateForm": "Créer un formulaire", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Limite de temps de réponse", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Ce formulaire sera ouvert aux réponses le [[Date]] à [[Time]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Ce formulaire est fermé aux réponses." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Portée", + "CurrentApp": "[[Application actuelle]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Type de portée", + "App": "Application", + "BusinessProfile": "Profil d'entreprise" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Ajouter une question" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Quand il est fermé", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Autoriser plusieurs questions", + "ShowFormSettings": "Afficher les paramètres du formulaire" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Couleurs de graphique personnalisées", + "Templates": "Modèles", + "Types": "Types", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Supprimer le modèle de formulaire", + "Message": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce modèle de formulaire ?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Le modèle de formulaire est actuellement utilisé et ne peut pas être supprimé. Veuillez vous assurer qu'il n'y a pas de formulaires et de types de formulaire utilisés pour ce modèle de formulaire avant de tenter de le supprimer à nouveau." + }, + "PropertySet": "Ensemble de propriétés", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Supprimer le type de formulaire", + "Message": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce type de formulaire ?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Le type de formulaire est actuellement utilisé et ne peut pas être supprimé. Veuillez vous assurer qu'il n'y a pas de formulaires utilisés pour ce type de formulaire avant de tenter de le supprimer à nouveau." + }, + "AddFilter": "Ajouter un filtre", + "Display": "Affichage", + "Filter": "Filtre", + "Query": "Requête", + "Scope": "Portée", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Profils d'entreprise", + "Apps": "Applications" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Vue du formulaire", + "ListView": "Vue en liste", + "NoResultText": "Aucun résultat", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Pas de pagination", + "Classic": "Classique", + "Scroll": "Défilement" + }, + "Paging": "Pagination", + "SortBy": "Trier par", + "View": "Vue", + "PageSize": "Taille de la page", + "AddColumn": "Ajouter une colonne", + "DateFormat": "Format", + "Width": "Largeur", + "CustomLabel": "Étiquette personnalisée", + "ShowLabel": "Afficher l'étiquette", + "DragAndDrop": "Glisser-déposer" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Portée" + } + }, + "Status": "Statut", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer le sondageà cet emplacement." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Mettre à jour la demande", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Planifier l'envoi", + "InvalidDate": "Date non valide", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Envoyer la demande" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Supprimer la récurrence de validation", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette demande récurrente ?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Planifié" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Demandes récurrentes", + "Name": "Nom", + "NextRequest": "Prochaine demande", + "SafetyInspection": "Inspection de sécurité", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "À quelle heure souhaitez-vous envoyer la demande de validation ?", + "Save": "Enregistrer", + "RecurringSetting": "Paramètres de récurrence" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Exécuter tous les {0} jour(s)", + "EveryWeekday": "Exécuter tous les jours de la semaine", + "EveryWeek": "Exécuter tous les {0} semaine(s) le {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Exécuter le jour {0} de chaque {1} mois(s)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Exécuter le {0} {1} de chaque {2} mois(s)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Veuillez sélectionner les paramètres de récurrence" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Portée", + "ScopeType": "Type de portée", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Changer la portée", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Profil d'entreprise", + "Group": "Groupe" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Commentaire envoyé à l'utilisateur" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "Un ou plusieurs groupes ne peuvent pas être supprimés car ils ont des utilisateurs avec une portée de groupe. Veuillez désélectionner ces groupes et réessayer.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Ce groupe a des utilisateurs créés dans sa portée. Veuillez supprimer tous ces utilisateurs pour le supprimer.", + "Scope": "Portée", + "Owners": "Propriétaires", + "AddExistingUser": "Ajouter un utilisateur existant", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Créer et ajouter unnouvel utilisateur" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Veuillez vous assurer que l'utilisateur actuel est membre du propriétaire du groupe pour effectuer cette opération" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Configuration du modèle de site d'équipe Sharepoint" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Portée", + "ScopeType": "Type de portée" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Portée", + "ScopeType": "Type de portée" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Profil d'entreprise", + "Group": "Groupe" + } + } + } + } +} From 3b2ad3b48a04f46452e6fea09be5215c6eea47d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:51 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 09/26] Update 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json --- ...2_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65f9f0b --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Skjemaer" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Synkroniser brukerkontakter", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Legg til ekstern brukerkontakt e-post" + }, + "Licenses": "Lisenser", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De nødvendige tillatelsene er ikke samtykket. Klikk på knappen for å samtykke til tillatelsen." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Skjemarullering", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Daglig", + "Weekly": "Ukentlig", + "Monthly": "Månedlig", + "Never": "Aldri", + "Title": "Tittel", + "Description": "Beskrivelse", + "FeedbackEmail": "Tilbakemeldings-e-post", + "Levels": "Nivåer", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Prosentnivå - Svakt", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Prosentnivå - Godt", + "EveryWeekday": "Hver ukedag", + "Every": "Hver", + "Days": "dag(er)", + "Weeks": "uke(r)", + "Months": "måned(er)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Mandag", + "Tuesday": "Tirsdag", + "Wednesday": "Onsdag", + "Thursday": "Torsdag", + "Friday": "Fredag", + "Saturday": "Lørdag", + "Sunday": "Søndag", + "Day": "Dag", + "Weekday": "Ukedag", + "WeekendDay": "Helgedag" + }, + "Day": "Dag", + "OfEvery": "av hver", + "The": "Den", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Første", + "Second": "Andre", + "Third": "Tredje", + "Fourth": "Fjerde", + "Last": "Siste" + }, + "StartDate": "Startdato", + "NoEndDate": "Ingen sluttdato", + "EndBy": "Slutt innen", + "SentOutTimeText": "Hvilken tid ønsker du at signeringsskjemaet skal sendes ut?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Dagen er ikke gyldig" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Avstemning", + "Survey": "Undersøkelse", + "Checkup": "Helsesjekk", + "Template": "Mal", + "AddQuestion": "Legg til spørsmål", + "CreateForm": "Opprett skjema", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Begrens svarfrist", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Dette skjemaet åpnes for svar [[Dato]] kl. [[Tid]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Dette skjemaet er stengt for svar." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Omfang", + "CurrentApp": "[[Gjeldende app]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Omfangstype", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Forretningsprofil" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Legg til spørsmål" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Når lukket", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Tillat flere spørsmål", + "ShowFormSettings": "Vis skjemainnstillinger" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Egendefinerte diagramfarger", + "Templates": "Mal", + "Types": "Typer", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Fjern skjemamal", + "Message": "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne denne skjemamalen?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Skjemamalen brukes for øyeblikket og kan ikke slettes. Sørg for at det ikke er noen skjemaer og skjematyper som bruker denne skjemamalen før du prøver å slette den på nytt." + }, + "PropertySet": "Egenskapssett", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Fjern skjematype", + "Message": "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne denne skjematypen?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Skjematypen brukes for øyeblikket og kan ikke slettes. Sørg for at det ikke er noen skjemaer som bruker denne skjematypen før du prøver å slette den på nytt." + }, + "AddFilter": "Legg til filter", + "Display": "Visning", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Spørring", + "Scope": "Omfang", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Forretningsprofiler", + "Apps": "Apper" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Skjemavisning", + "ListView": "Listevisning", + "NoResultText": "Ingen resultater", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Ingen paginering", + "Classic": "Klassisk", + "Scroll": "Rulling" + }, + "Paging": "Paginering", + "SortBy": "Sorter etter", + "View": "Visning", + "PageSize": "Sidestørrelse", + "AddColumn": "Legg til kolonne", + "DateFormat": "Datoformat", + "Width": "Bredde", + "CustomLabel": "Egendefinert etikett", + "ShowLabel": "Vis etikett", + "DragAndDrop": "Dra og slipp" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Omfang" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "Du har ikke tillatelse til å opprette avstemningen på dette stedet." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Oppdater forespørsel", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Planlegg utsendelse", + "InvalidDate": "Ugyldig dato", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Send forespørsel" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Slett gjentakende signeringsskjema", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne gjentakende forespørselen?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Planlagt" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Gjentakende forespørsler", + "Name": "Navn", + "NextRequest": "Neste forespørsel", + "SafetyInspection": "Sikkerhetsinspeksjon", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Hvilken tid ønsker du at signeringsskjemaet skal sendes ut?", + "Save": "Lagre", + "RecurringSetting": "Gjentakende innstilling" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Kjør hver {0} dag(er)", + "EveryWeekday": "Kjør hver ukedag", + "EveryWeek": "Kjør hver {0} uke(r) på {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Kjør på dag {0} av hver {1} måned(er)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Kjør på den {0} {1} av hver {2} måned(er)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Velg gjentakelsesinnstilling" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Omfang", + "ScopeType": "Omfangstype", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Endre omfang", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Forretningsprofil", + "Group": "Gruppe" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Kommentar sendt til bruker" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "En eller flere grupper kan ikke slettes fordi de har brukere med gruppeomfang. Fjern markeringen for disse gruppene og prøv igjen.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Denne gruppen har noen brukere opprettet under dens omfang. Slett alle disse brukerne for å slette den.", + "Scope": "Omfang", + "Owners": "Eiere", + "AddExistingUser": "Legg til eksisterende bruker", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Opprett og legg til ny bruker" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Vennligst forsikre deg om at den nåværende brukeren er medlem av gruppeeier for å utføre denne operasjonen" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Oppsett av Sharepoint-teamsidemal" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Omfang", + "ScopeType": "Omfangstype" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Omfang", + "ScopeType": "Omfangstype" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Forretningsprofil", + "Group": "Gruppe" + } + } + } + } +} From 62c1fba0f33775ab85798847ad959f6b745a99fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:52 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 10/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..019eaa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formulieren" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Gebruiker synchroniseert contacten", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Voeg extern gebruiker synchronisatie contact e-mail toe" + }, + "Licenses": "Licenties", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De vereiste machtigingen zijn niet gegeven. Klik op de knop om de machtiging te geven." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Formulier samenvoegen", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Dagelijks", + "Weekly": "Wekelijks", + "Monthly": "Maandelijks", + "Never": "Nooit", + "Title": "Titel", + "Description": "Beschrijving", + "FeedbackEmail": "Feedback e-mail", + "Levels": "Niveaus", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Percentage niveau - Zwak", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Percentage niveau - Goed", + "EveryWeekday": "Elke werkdag", + "Every": "Elke", + "Days": "dag(en)", + "Weeks": "week(en)", + "Months": "maand(en)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Maandag", + "Tuesday": "Dinsdag", + "Wednesday": "Woensdag", + "Thursday": "Donderdag", + "Friday": "Vrijdag", + "Saturday": "Zaterdag", + "Sunday": "Zondag", + "Day": "Dag", + "Weekday": "Werkdag", + "WeekendDay": "Weekenddag" + }, + "Day": "Dag", + "OfEvery": "van elke", + "The": "De", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Eerste", + "Second": "Tweede", + "Third": "Derde", + "Fourth": "Vierde", + "Last": "Laatste" + }, + "StartDate": "Startdatum", + "NoEndDate": "Geen einddatum", + "EndBy": "Eindigt op", + "SentOutTimeText": "Op welk tijdstip wilt u het goedkeuringsverzoek verzenden?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Dag is niet geldig" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Peiling", + "Survey": "Enquête", + "Checkup": "Check-up", + "Template": "Sjabloon", + "AddQuestion": "Vraag toevoegen", + "CreateForm": "Formulier maken", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Beperkde responstijd", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Dit formulier is open voor reacties op [[Datum]] om [[Tijd]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Dit formulier is gesloten voor reacties." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Scope", + "CurrentApp": "[[Huidige app]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Scope type", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Bedrijfsprofiel" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Vraag toevoegen" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Wanneer gesloten", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Meerdere vragen toestaan", + "ShowFormSettings": "Formulierinstellingen weergeven" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Aangepaste grafiekkleuren", + "Templates": "Sjablonen", + "Types": "Typen", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Verwijder formuliersjabloon", + "Message": "Weet u zeker dat u dit formuliersjabloon wilt verwijderen?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Het formuliersjabloon wordt momenteel gebruikt en kan niet worden verwijderd. Zorg ervoor dat er geen formulieren en formuliertypen zijn die aan dit formuliersjabloon zijn gekoppeld voordat u opnieuw probeert het te verwijderen." + }, + "PropertySet": "Eigenschappenset", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Verwijder formuliertype", + "Message": "Weet u zeker dat u dit formuliertype wilt verwijderen?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Het formuliertype wordt momenteel gebruikt en kan niet worden verwijderd. Zorg ervoor dat er geen formulieren zijn die aan dit formuliertype zijn gekoppeld voordat u opnieuw probeert het te verwijderen." + }, + "AddFilter": "Filter toevoegen", + "Display": "Weergave", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Query", + "Scope": "Scope", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Bedrijfsprofielen", + "Apps": "Apps" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Formulierweergave", + "ListView": "Lijstweergave", + "NoResultText": "Geen resultaattekst", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Geen paginering", + "Classic": "Klassiek", + "Scroll": "Scrollen" + }, + "Paging": "Paginering", + "SortBy": "Sorteren op", + "View": "Weergave", + "PageSize": "Paginagrootte", + "AddColumn": "Kolom toevoegen", + "DateFormat": "Datumnotatie", + "Width": "Breedte", + "CustomLabel": "Aangepast label", + "ShowLabel": "Label weergeven", + "DragAndDrop": "Slepen en neerzetten" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "U bent niet gemachtigd om de peiling op deze locatie te maken." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Verzoek bijwerken", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Verzending plannen", + "InvalidDate": "Ongeldige datum", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Verzoek verzenden" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Verwijder goedkeuringsherhaling", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Weet u zeker dat u dit herhalingsverzoek wilt verwijderen?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Gepland" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Terugkerende verzoeken", + "Name": "Naam", + "NextRequest": "Volgend verzoek", + "SafetyInspection": "Veiligheidsinspectie", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Op welk tijdstip wilt u het goedkeuringsverzoek verzenden?", + "Save": "Opslaan", + "RecurringSetting": "Terugkerende instelling" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Uitvoeren elke {0} dag(en)", + "EveryWeekday": "Uitvoeren elke werkdag", + "EveryWeek": "Uitvoeren elke {0} week(en) op {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Uitvoeren op dag {0} vanelke {1} maand(en)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Uitvoeren op de {0} {1} van elke {2} maand(en)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Selecteer alstublieft de terugkerende instelling" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Scope wijzigen", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Bedrijfsprofiel", + "Group": "Groep" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Opmerking verzonden naar gebruiker" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "Een ofmeerdere groepen kunnen niet worden verwijderd omdat ze gebruikers hebben met groepsscope. Schakel deze groepen uit en probeer het opnieuw.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Deze groep heeft enkele gebruikers die onder de scope zijn gemaakt. Verwijder al deze gebruikers om de groep te verwijderen.", + "Scope": "Scope", + "Owners": "Eigenaars", + "AddExistingUser": "Bestaande gebruiker toevoegen", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Gebruiker maken en toevoegen" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Zorg ervoor dat de huidige gebruiker lid is van de groepseigenaar om deze bewerking uit te voeren" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Instellen van Sharepoint teamsite-sjabloon" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Bedrijfsprofiel", + "Group": "Groep" + } + } + } + } +} From 045b04625a8912d88548874b2c09dafcb67a54ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:52 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 11/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e45c2e --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formulieren" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Gebruiker Synchroniseer Contacten", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Voeg Extern Gebruiker Synchroniseer Contact E-mail toe" + }, + "Licenses": "Licenties", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De vereiste machtigingen zijn niet geaccepteerd. Klik op de knop om de machtiging te accepteren." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Formulier Samenvoegen", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Dagelijks", + "Weekly": "Wekelijks", + "Monthly": "Maandelijks", + "Never": "Nooit", + "Title": "Titel", + "Description": "Beschrijving", + "FeedbackEmail": "Feedback e-mail", + "Levels": "Niveaus", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Percentage Niveau - Zwak", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Percentage Niveau - Goed", + "EveryWeekday": "Elke werkdag", + "Every": "Elke", + "Days": "dag(en)", + "Weeks": "week(en)", + "Months": "maand(en)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Maandag", + "Tuesday": "Dinsdag", + "Wednesday": "Woensdag", + "Thursday": "Donderdag", + "Friday": "Vrijdag", + "Saturday": "Zaterdag", + "Sunday": "Zondag", + "Day": "Dag", + "Weekday": "Werkdag", + "WeekendDay": "Weekenddag" + }, + "Day": "Dag", + "OfEvery": "van elke", + "The": "De", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Eerste", + "Second": "Tweede", + "Third": "Derde", + "Fourth": "Vierde", + "Last": "Laatste" + }, + "StartDate": "Startdatum", + "NoEndDate": "Geen einddatum", + "EndBy": "Eindigt op", + "SentOutTimeText": "Op welk tijdstip wilt u het goedkeuringsverzoek verzenden?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Dag is niet geldig" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Peiling", + "Survey": "Enquête", + "Checkup": "Check-up", + "Template": "Sjabloon", + "AddQuestion": "Vraag toevoegen", + "CreateForm": "Formulier maken", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "BeperkReactietijd", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Dit formulier is open voor reacties op [[Datum]] om [[Tijd]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Dit formulier is gesloten voor reacties." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Scope", + "CurrentApp": "[[Huidige app]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Scope type", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Bedrijfsprofiel" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Vraag toevoegen" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Wanneer gesloten", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Meerdere vragen toestaan", + "ShowFormSettings": "Formulierinstellingen weergeven" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Aangepaste Grafiekkleuren", + "Templates": "Sjablonen", + "Types": "Typen", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Verwijder Formuliersjabloon", + "Message": "Weet u zeker dat u dit formuliersjabloon wilt verwijderen?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Het formuliersjabloon wordt momenteel gebruikt en kan niet worden verwijderd. Zorg ervoor dat er geen formulieren en formuliertypen zijn die aan dit formuliersjabloon zijn gekoppeld voordat u het opnieuw probeert te verwijderen." + }, + "PropertySet": "Eigenschappenset", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Verwijder Formuliertype", + "Message": "Weet u zeker dat u dit formuliertype wilt verwijderen?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Het formuliertype wordt momenteel gebruikt en kan niet worden verwijderd. Zorg ervoor dat er geen formulieren zijn die aan dit formuliertype zijn gekoppeld voordat u het opnieuw probeert te verwijderen." + }, + "AddFilter": "Filter toevoegen", + "Display": "Weergave", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Query", + "Scope": "Scope", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Bedrijfsprofielen", + "Apps": "Apps" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Formulierweergave", + "ListView": "Lijstweergave", + "NoResultText": "Geen resultaattekst", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Geen paginering", + "Classic": "Klassiek", + "Scroll": "Scrollen" + }, + "Paging": "Paginering", + "SortBy": "Sorteren op", + "View": "Weergave", + "PageSize": "Paginagrootte", + "AddColumn": "Kolom toevoegen", + "DateFormat": "Datumnotatie", + "Width": "Breedte", + "CustomLabel": "Aangepast label", + "ShowLabel": "Label weergeven", + "DragAndDrop": "Slepen en neerzetten" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "U bent niet gemachtigd om de peiling op deze locatie te maken." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Verzoek bijwerken", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Verzending plannen", + "InvalidDate": "Ongeldige datum", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Verzoek verzenden" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Verwijder Goedkeuringsherhaling", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Weet u zeker dat u dit herhalingsverzoek wilt verwijderen?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Gepland" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Terugkerende verzoeken", + "Name": "Naam", + "NextRequest": "Volgend verzoek", + "SafetyInspection": "Veiligheidsinspectie", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Op welk tijdstip wilt u het goedkeuringsverzoek verzenden?", + "Save": "Opslaan", + "RecurringSetting": "Terugkerende instelling" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Uitvoeren elke {0} dag(en)", + "EveryWeekday": "Uitvoeren elke werkdag", + "EveryWeek": "Uitvoeren elke {0} week(en) op {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Uitvoeren op dag {0} vanelke {1} maand(en)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Uitvoeren op de {0} {1} van elke {2} maand(en)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Selecteer alstublieft de terugkerende instelling" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Scope wijzigen", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Bedrijfsprofiel", + "Group": "Groep" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Opmerking verzonden naar gebruiker" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "Een ofmeerdere groepen kunnen niet worden verwijderd omdat ze gebruikers hebben met groepsscope. Schakel deze groepen uit en probeer het opnieuw.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Deze groep heeft enkele gebruikers die zijn gemaakt binnen de scope ervan. Verwijder al deze gebruikers om de groep te verwijderen.", + "Scope": "Scope", + "Owners": "Eigenaren", + "AddExistingUser": "Bestaande gebruiker toevoegen", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Gebruiker maken en toevoegen" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Zorg ervoor dat de huidige gebruiker lid is van de groepseigenaar om deze bewerking uit te voeren" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Instellen van Sharepoint teamsite-sjabloon" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Scope", + "ScopeType": "Scope type" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Bedrijfsprofiel", + "Group": "Groep" + } + } + } + } +} From f7920198bb9fcf0aaed231bf46c5b4271f8f3bab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:53 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 12/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55f127e --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Formulär" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Synkronisera användarkontakter", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Lägg till e-postför extern användarsynkronisering" + }, + "Licenses": "Licenser", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De nödvändiga behörigheterna har inte samtyckts till. Klicka på knappen för att samtyckatill behörigheten." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Formulärsummering", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Dagligen", + "Weekly": "Veckovis", + "Monthly": "Månadsvis", + "Never": "Aldrig", + "Title": "Titel", + "Description": "Beskrivning", + "FeedbackEmail": "E-post för feedback", + "Levels": "Nivåer", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Procentuell nivå - Svag", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Procentuell nivå - Bra", + "EveryWeekday": "Varje vardag", + "Every": "Varje", + "Days": "dag(ar)", + "Weeks": "vecka(or)", + "Months": "månad(er)", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Måndag", + "Tuesday": "Tisdag", + "Wednesday": "Onsdag", + "Thursday": "Torsdag", + "Friday": "Fredag", + "Saturday": "Lördag", + "Sunday": "Söndag", + "Day": "Dag", + "Weekday": "Vardag", + "WeekendDay": "Helgdag" + }, + "Day": "Dag", + "OfEvery": "av varje", + "The": "Den", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Första", + "Second": "Andra", + "Third": "Tredje", + "Fourth": "Fjärde", + "Last": "Sista" + }, + "StartDate": "Startdatum", + "NoEndDate": "Inget slutdatum", + "EndBy": "Slutdatum", + "SentOutTimeText": "Vilken tid vill du att sign-off-begäran ska skickas ut?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Dagen är ogiltig" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Omröstning", + "Survey": "Undersökning", + "Checkup": "Hälsokontroll", + "Template": "Mall", + "AddQuestion": "Lägg till fråga", + "CreateForm": "Skapa formulär", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Begränsa svarstid", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Detta formulär öppnas för svar den [[Datum]] kl. [[Tid]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Detta formulär är stängt för svar." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Omfattning", + "CurrentApp": "[[Nuvarande app]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Omfattnings typ", + "App": "App", + "BusinessProfile": "Företagsprofil" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Lägg till fråga" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "När stängd", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Tillåt flera frågor", + "ShowFormSettings": "Visa formulärinställningar" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Anpassade diagramfärger", + "Templates": "Mallar", + "Types": "Typer", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Ta bort formulärmall", + "Message": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna formulärmall?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Formulärmallen används för närvarande och kan inte tas bort. Se till att det inte finns några formulär och formulärtyper som används för denna formulärmall innan du försöker ta bort den igen." + }, + "PropertySet": "Egenskapsuppsättning", + "RemoveFormTypeConfirmation": { + "Title": "Ta bort formulärtyp", + "Message": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna formulärtyp?", + "ErrorMessageTypeInUse": "Formulärtypen används för närvarande och kan inte tas bort. Se till att det inte finns några formulär som används för denna formulärtyp innan du försöker ta bort den igen." + }, + "AddFilter": "Lägg till filter", + "Display": "Visa", + "Filter": "Filter", + "Query": "Fråga", + "Scope": "Omfattning", + "QueryScope": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfiles": "Företagsprofiler", + "Apps": "Appar" + } + }, + "FormRollup": { + "Settings": { + "FormView": "Formulärvy", + "ListView": "Listvy", + "NoResultText": "Ingen resultat text", + "PagingType": { + "NoPaging": "Ingen paginering", + "Classic": "Klassisk", + "Scroll": "Scrolla" + }, + "Paging": "Paginering", + "SortBy": "Sortera efter", + "View": "Vy", + "PageSize": "Sidstorlek", + "AddColumn": "Lägg till kolumn", + "DateFormat": "Format", + "Width": "Bredd", + "CustomLabel": "Anpassad etikett", + "ShowLabel": "Visa etikett", + "DragAndDrop": "Dra och släpp" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "ContextProperties": { + "Scope": "Omfattning" + } + }, + "Status": "Status", + "ErrorMessages": { + "Unauthorized": "Du har inte behörighet att skapa omröstningen på denna plats." + } + }, + "SignOffRequest": { + "UpdateRequest": "Uppdatera begäran", + "ScheduleSendOut": "Schemalägg utskick", + "InvalidDate": "Ogiltigt datum", + "Button": { + "SendRequest": "Skicka begäran" + }, + "Dialog": { + "DeleteRecurrenceTitle": "Ta bort återkommande sign-off-begäran", + "DeleteRecurrenceMessage": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna återkommande begäran?" + }, + "RequestStatus": { + "Scheduled": "Schemalagd" + }, + "RecurringRequests": { + "Title": "Återkommande begäran", + "Name": "Namn", + "NextRequest": "Nästa begäran", + "SafetyInspection": "Säkerhetskontroll", + "SentOutTimeTitle": "Vilken tid vill du att sign-off-begäran ska skickas ut?", + "Save": "Spara", + "RecurringSetting": "Återkommande inställning" + }, + "RecurringInfo": { + "EveryDay": "Kör varje {0} dag(ar)", + "EveryWeekday": "Kör varje vardag", + "EveryWeek": "Kör varje {0} vecka(or) på {1}", + "DayOfMonth": "Kör på dag {0} av varje {1} månad(er)", + "WeekDayOfMonth": "Kör på den {0} {1} av varje {2} månad(er)", + "PleaseSelectRecurrence": "Välj återkommande inställning" + } + }, + "UserManagement": { + "Users": { + "Scope": "Omfattning", + "ScopeType": "Omfattnings typ", + "ChangeScope": { + "Button": "Ändra omfattning", + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Företagsprofil", + "Group": "Grupp" + }, + "ApprovalCommentTitle": "Kommentar skickad till användare" + }, + "Groups": { + "DeleteGroupsErrorMessageGroupsInUse": "En eller flera grupper kan inte tas bort eftersom de har användare med gruppomfattning. Avmarkera dessa grupper och försök igen.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Denna grupp har några användare som skapats inom dess omfattning. Ta bort alla dessa användare för att ta bort gruppen.", + "Scope": "Omfattning", + "Owners": "Ägare", + "AddExistingUser": "Lägg till befintlig användare", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Skapa och lägg till ny användare" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Var god kontrollera att den aktuella användaren är medlem i gruppägaren för att utföra denna åtgärd" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Konfigurera Sharepoint-teamsite-mall" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Omfattning", + "ScopeType": "Omfattnings typ" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Omfattning", + "ScopeType": "Omfattnings typ" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Tenant", + "BusinessProfile": "Företagsprofil", + "Group": "Grupp" + } + } + } + } +} From c35366f4902f459238b11cd3e2155ba164578e3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:54 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 13/26] Update --- | 248 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ diff --git a/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aaa181d --- /dev/null +++ b/39df27aa-95f1-4a23-b3f6-8b231afcda82/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +{ + "OTAD": { + "QueryableProperties": { + "Forms": "Biểu mẫu" + }, + "System": { + "TenantContact": { + "UserSyncContacts": "Đồng bộ danh bạ người dùng", + "ExternalUserSyncContactEmail": "Thêm Email liên hệ đồng bộ người dùng bên ngoài" + }, + "Licenses": "Giấy phép", + "AzureAdPermissions": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Quyền cần thiết chưa được đồng ý. Vui lòng nhấp vào nút để đồng ý quyền." + } + } + }, + "OmniaWorkplace": { + "Core": { + "Blocks": { + "FormRollup": { + "Title": "Tổng hợp biểu mẫu", + "Description": "" + } + }, + "RecurringSetting": { + "Daily": "Hàng ngày", + "Weekly": "Hàng tuần", + "Monthly": "Hàng tháng", + "Never": "Không bao giờ", + "Title": "Tiêu đề", + "Description": "Mô tả", + "FeedbackEmail": "Email phản hồi", + "Levels": "Cấp độ", + "WeakLevelPercentage": "Tỷ lệ cấp độ yếu", + "GoodLevelPercentage": "Tỷ lệ cấp độ tốt", + "EveryWeekday": "Mỗi ngày trong tuần", + "Every": "Mỗi", + "Days": "ngày", + "Weeks": "tuần", + "Months": "tháng", + "DayOfWeeks": { + "Monday": "Thứ Hai", + "Tuesday": "Thứ Ba", + "Wednesday": "Thứ Tư", + "Thursday": "Thứ Năm", + "Friday": "Thứ Sáu", + "Saturday": "Thứ Bảy", + "Sunday": "Chủ Nhật", + "Day": "Ngày", + "Weekday": "Ngày trong tuần", + "WeekendDay": "Ngày cuối tuần" + }, + "Day": "Ngày", + "OfEvery": "của mỗi", + "The": "Ngày", + "WeekOfMonth": { + "First": "Thứ nhất", + "Second": "Thứ hai", + "Third": "Thứ ba", + "Fourth": "Thứ tư", + "Last": "Cuối cùng" + }, + "StartDate": "Ngày bắt đầu", + "NoEndDate": "Không có ngày kết thúc", + "EndBy": "Kết thúc bởi", + "SentOutTimeText": "Bạn muốn gửi yêu cầu ký duyệt vào thời gian nào?", + "InvalidDayRange": "Ngày không hợp lệ" + } + }, + "Forms": { + "Poll": "Bình chọn", + "Survey": "Khảo sát", + "Checkup": "Kiểm tra", + "Template": "Mẫu", + "AddQuestion": "Thêm câu hỏi", + "CreateForm": "Tạo biểu mẫu", + "LimitResponseTime": { + "Title": "Giới hạn thời gian phản hồi", + "BeforeStartTimeMessage": "Biểu mẫu nàysẽ mở để nhận phản hồi vào [[Ngày]] lúc [[Thời gian]].", + "AfterEndTimeMessage": "Biểu mẫu này đã đóng để nhận phản hồi." + }, + "Scope": { + "Title": "Phạm vi", + "CurrentApp": "[[Ứng dụng hiện tại]]" + }, + "ScopeType": { + "Title": "Loại phạm vi", + "App": "Ứng dụng", + "BusinessProfile": "Hồ sơ doanh nghiệp" + }, + "ActionButton": { + "AddQuestion": "Thêm câu hỏi" + }, + "Admin": { + "EditForm": { + "WhenClosed": "Khi đóng", + "AllowMultiQuestions": "Cho phép nhiều câu hỏi", + "ShowFormSettings": "Hiển thị cài đặt biểu mẫu" + }, + "CustomChartColors": "Màu sắc biểu đồ tùy chỉnh", + "Templates": "Mẫu", + "Types": "Loại", + "RemoveFormTemplateConfirmation": { + "Title": "Xóa mẫu biểu mẫu", + "Message": "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa mẫu biểu mẫu này không?", + "ErrorMessageWithTemplateIsInUse": "Mẫu biểu mẫu hiện đang được sử dụng và không thể xóa. 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Vui lòng bỏ chọn những nhóm này và thử lại.", + "DeleteGroupErrorMessageGroupInUse": "Nhóm này có một số người dùng được tạo dưới phạm vi của nó. Vui lòng xóa tất cả những người dùng này để xóa nhóm.", + "Scope": "Phạm vi", + "Owners": "Chủ sở hữu", + "AddExistingUser": "Thêm người dùng hiện có", + "CreateAndAddNewUser": "Tạo và thêm người dùng mới" + } + } + }, + "OmniaTeamCollaboration": { + "TeamCollaborationApp": { + "AttachSite": { + "MissingPermissionErrorMessage": "Vui lòng đảm bảo rằng người dùng hiện tại là thành viên của chủ sở hữu nhóm để thực hiện thao tác này" + } + } + }, + "Omnia": { + "Workplace": { + "SetupWizard": { + "Features": { + "SetupSharepointTeamsiteTemplate": { + "Title": "Cài đặt mẫu Sharepoint teamsite" + } + } + } + } + }, + "PAN": { + "People": { + "Settings": { + "Scope": "Phạm vi", + "ScopeType": "Loại phạm vi" + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "BuiltInTypes": { + "Scope": "Phạm vi", + "ScopeType": "Loại phạm vi" + }, + "ScopeTypes": { + "Tenant": "Người thuê", + "BusinessProfile": "Hồ sơ doanh nghiệp", + "Group": "Nhóm" + } + } + } + } +} From 9b5a37a1ae2ecd03ed5e0bf5cf3401a6535d035c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:56 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 14/26] Update bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json --- ...b_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd75bc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.da-dk.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Du skal være en site-samlingadministrator for dette websted.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Kan ikke angive tilladelse til valgt websted for dette websted." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Vælg underordnede vilkår" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Valgte medier" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Autoplay" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Subskript", + "Superscript": "Superskript" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Subskript", + "Superscript": "Superskript" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De nødvendige tilladelser er ikke givet. Klik venligst på knappen for at give tilladelsen." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Din e-mail er blevet bekræftet, og kontoen er oprettet. Du vil nu blive omdirigeret til onboarding.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Din e-mail er blevet bekræftet, og din konto er blevet sendt til godkendelse. Du kan lukke denne side." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Visning", + "HideForgotPassword": "Skjul glemt adgangskode" + } + } + } +} From 62ed674d5d571bee0f8e5bbdf7dd413c9de80b3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:57 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 15/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e9b4d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Sie müssen ein Site-Sammlungsadministrator dieser Website sein.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Die Berechtigung für die ausgewählte Website kann nicht festgelegt werden." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Umfang" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Untergeordnete Begriffe auswählen" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Ausgewählte Medien" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Automatische Wiedergabe" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Tiefgestellt", + "Superscript": "Hochgestellt" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Tiefgestellt", + "Superscript": "Hochgestellt" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Die erforderlichen Berechtigungen wurden nicht erteilt. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um die Berechtigung zu erteilen." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "IhreE-Mail wurde bestätigt und Ihr Konto wurde erstellt. Sie werden nun zur Einführung weitergeleitet.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Ihre E-Mail wurde bestätigt und Ihr Konto wurde zur Genehmigung gesendet. Sie können diese Seite schließen." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Anzeige", + "HideForgotPassword": "Passwort vergessen ausblenden" + } + } + } +} From af889ac328d83216ef10ad8da7952625047c3680 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:58 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 16/26] Update bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json --- ...b_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c99fe0e --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-gb.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "You must be a site collection administrator of this site.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Unable to set Site Selected Permission for this site." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Select child terms" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Selected medias" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Autoplay" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "The required permissions have not been consented. Please click the button to consent to the permission." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Your email has been confirmed and an account has been created. You will now be redirected to the onboarding.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Your email has been confirmed and your account has been sent for approval. You can close this page." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Display", + "HideForgotPassword": "Hide forgot password" + } + } + } +} From 2e6521d93da5e68f630843cf42788ae582dd721b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:09:59 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 17/26] Update bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json --- ...b_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..262e8a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.en-us.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "You must be a site collection administrator of this site.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Unable to set Site Selected Permission for this site." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Select child terms" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Selected medias" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Autoplay" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "The required permissions is not consented. Please click the button to consent the permission." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Your email has been confirmed and account been created. You will now be redirected to the on boarding.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Your email has been confirmed and your account has been sent for approval. You can close this page." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Display", + "HideForgotPassword": "Hide forgot password" + } + } + } +} From d3599332bbfae616313a5a7115119031a507a86b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:00 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 18/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f60448 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Debes ser administrador de la colección de sitios de este sitio.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "No se puede establecer el permiso de sitio seleccionado para este sitio." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Ámbito" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Seleccionar términos secundarios" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Medios seleccionados" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Reproducción automática" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Subíndice", + "Superscript": "Superíndice" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Subíndice", + "Superscript": "Superíndice" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "No se ha otorgado el permiso requerido. Haz clic en el botón para otorgar el permiso." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Se ha confirmado tu correo electrónico y se ha creado tu cuenta. Ahora serás redirigido al proceso de incorporación.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Se ha confirmado tu correo electrónico y se ha enviado tu cuenta para su aprobación. Puedes cerrar esta página." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Mostrar", + "HideForgotPassword": "Ocultar olvidé mi contraseña" + } + } + } +} From 66ff5585b79cb71c3fb92de205823397ae27c32a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:01 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 19/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b1e399 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Sinun on oltava sivustokokoelman ylläpitäjä tässä sivustossa.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Sivuston valitun käyttöoikeuden asettaminen ei onnistu tälle sivustolle." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Laajuus" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Valitse alitermit" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Valitut mediat" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Automaattinen toisto" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Alaindeksi", + "Superscript": "Yläindeksi" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Alaindeksi", + "Superscript": "Yläindeksi" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Tarvittavia käyttöoikeuksia ei ole annettu. Napsauta painiketta antaaksesi luvan." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Sähköpostisi on vahvistettu ja tili on luotu. Sinut ohjataan nyt käyttöönottosivulle.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Sähköpostisi on vahvistettu ja tili on lähetetty hyväksyttäväksi. Voit sulkea tämän sivun." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Näyttö", + "HideForgotPassword": "Piilota unohtunut salasana" + } + } + } +} From e2388c0b650e83c981268ae8f96801a83d555c25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:02 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 20/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..769af34 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Vous devez être un administrateur de la collection de sites de ce site.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Impossible de définir les autorisations de site sélectionnées pour ce site." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Portée" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Sélectionner les termes enfants" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Médias sélectionnés" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Lecture automatique" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Indice", + "Superscript": "Exposant" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Indice", + "Superscript": "Exposant" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Lesautorisations requises ne sont pas consenties. Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton pour consentir à l'autorisation." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Votre courriel a été confirmé etvotre compte a été créé. Vous serez maintenant redirigé vers l'intégration.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Votre courriel a été confirmé et votre compte a été envoyé pour approbation. Vous pouvez fermer cette page." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Affichage", + "HideForgotPassword": "Masquer le mot de passe oublié" + } + } + } +} From f6bc82a223fd7a256dd1e07bebc6e36644654720 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:03 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 21/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..045fc59 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Vous devez être administrateur de la collection de sites de ce site.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Impossible de définir les autorisations de sélection du site pour ce site." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Portée" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Sélectionner les termes enfants" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Médias sélectionnés" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Lecture automatique" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Indice", + "Superscript": "Exposant" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Indice", + "Superscript": "Exposant" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Lesautorisations requises ne sont pas consenties. Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton pour consentir à l'autorisation." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Votre adresse e-mail a été confirmée et votre compte a été créé. Vous serez maintenant redirigé vers l'intégration.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Votre adresse e-mail a été confirmée et votre compte a été envoyé pour approbation. Vous pouvez fermer cette page." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Affichage", + "HideForgotPassword": "Masquer le mot de passe oublié" + } + } + } +} From 6782f050ec2ff78117b7a2254de4bb0e9ad0750a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:04 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 22/26] Update bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json --- ...b_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d6f4d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb_diff.localized.loc.nb-no.json.7.5.0.json @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Du må være en nettstedsamlingadministrator for dette nettstedet.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Kan ikke angi valgt nettstedsrettighet for dette nettstedet." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Omfang" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Velg underordnede vilkår" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Valgte medier" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Autospill" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Senket skrift", + "Superscript": "Hevet skrift" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Senket skrift", + "Superscript": "Hevet skrift" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De nødvendige tillatelsene er ikke samtykket. Klikk på knappen for å samtykke til tillatelsen." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "E-posten din er bekreftet og kontoen er opprettet. Du blir nå omdirigert til opplæringen.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "E-posten din er bekreftet, og kontoen din er sendt til godkjenning. Du kan lukke denne siden." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Visning", + "HideForgotPassword": "Skjul glemt passord" + } + } + } +} From 199729ed99119d46bb69f898f3fc2cedbd99fbce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:05 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 23/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2b8591 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "U moet een siteverzamelingsbeheerder zijn van deze site.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Kan de geselecteerde machtiging voor de site niet instellen voor deze site." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Selecteer onderliggende termen" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Geselecteerde media" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Automatisch afspelen" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De vereiste machtigingen zijn niet geaccepteerd. Klik op de knop om de machtiging te accepteren." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Uw e-mail is bevestigd en uw account is aangemaakt. U wordt nu doorgestuurd naar de onboarding.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Uw e-mail is bevestigd en uw account is ter goedkeuring verzonden. U kunt deze pagina sluiten." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Weergave", + "HideForgotPassword": "Wachtwoord vergeten verbergen" + } + } + } +} From 01016be4193eef452a6dacf0820c5dd49a1f491c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:06 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 24/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27b2328 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "U moet een siteverzamelingsbeheerder zijn van deze site.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Kan de geselecteerde machtiging voor de site niet instellen voor deze site." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Scope" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Selecteer kindtermen" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Geselecteerde media" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Automatisch afspelen" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Subscript", + "Superscript": "Superscript" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De vereiste machtigingen zijn niet geaccepteerd. Klik op de knop om de machtiging te accepteren." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Uw e-mail is bevestigd en uw account is aangemaakt. U wordt nu doorgestuurd naar de onboarding.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Uw e-mail is bevestigd en uw account is ter goedkeuring verzonden. U kunt deze pagina sluiten." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Weergave", + "HideForgotPassword": "Wachtwoord vergeten verbergen" + } + } + } +} From a5f2ff6337fc4fe0fa7e55d9a62e7199fb758eea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:07 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 25/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b8e468 --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Du måste vara en webbplatsadministratör för denna webbplats.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Kan inte ställa in webbplatsvald behörighet för denna webbplats." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Omfattning" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Välj underordnade termer" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Valda medier" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Autouppspelning" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Nedsänkt", + "Superscript": "Upphöjd" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Nedsänkt", + "Superscript": "Upphöjd" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "De nödvändiga behörigheterna har inte samtyckts till. Klicka på knappen för att samtycka till behörigheten." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Din e-post har bekräftats och kontot har skapats. Du kommer nu att omdirigeras till introduktionen.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Din e-post har bekräftats och ditt konto har skickats för godkännande. Du kan stänga den här sidan." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Visa", + "HideForgotPassword": "Dölj glömt lösenord" + } + } + } +} From 8a7c8a3c3f46dfd1e80f5642e074f53e8dd83924 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Hi=E1=BA=BFu=20=C4=90=E1=BA=B7ng=20Thanh?= Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 13:10:09 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 26/26] Update --- | 51 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ diff --git a/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c57dcf --- /dev/null +++ b/bb000000-0000-bbbb-0000-0000000000bb/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ + "Omnia": { + "Ux": { + "Apps": { + "Messages": { + "SiteCollectionAdministratorsPermissionMissing": "Bạn phải là quản trị viên bộ sưu tập trang web này.", + "UnableToSetSiteSelectedPermission": "Không thể thiết lập Quyền đã chọn Trang web cho trang web này." + } + }, + "Properties": { + "Definitions": { + "Scope": "Phạm vi" + } + }, + "FilterEngine": { + "Editor": { + "SelectChildTerms": "Chọn các thuật ngữ con" + } + }, + "MediaPicker": { + "SelectedMedias": "Các phương tiện đã chọn" + }, + "SharePointVideoSettings": { + "AutoPlay": "Tự động phát" + }, + "RichTextEditor": { + "Extensions": { + "Subscript": "Chỉ số dưới", + "Superscript": "Chỉ số trên" + }, + "Tooltip": { + "Subscript": "Chỉ số dưới", + "Superscript": "Chỉ số trên" + } + } + }, + "Features": { + "ErrorMissingAdPermissions": "Không có quyền cần thiết được đồng ý. Vui lòng nhấp vào nút để đồng ý quyền." + }, + "MagicLink": { + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequestSetupMessage": "Email của bạn đãđược xác nhận và tài khoản đã được tạo. Bây giờ bạn sẽ được chuyển hướng đến quá trình khởi động.", + "ConfirmedEmailOnRequesttApprovalMessage": "Email của bạn đã được xác nhận và tài khoản của bạn đã được gửi để được phê duyệt. Bạn có thể đóng trang này." + }, + "SignIn": { + "Settings": { + "DisplaySection": "Hiển thị", + "HideForgotPassword": "Ẩn quên mật khẩu" + } + } + } +}