Simple and safe way to observe notification
- Modify Facebook 's KVOController to work with NSNotificationCenter
- Example
self.notificationController = [FTGNotificationController controllerWithObserver:self];
[self.notificationController observeNotificationName:UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification
queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
block:^(NSNotification *note, id observer)
NSLog(@"observer %@ notification payload %@", observer, note);
- To automatically remove observers on observer dealloc, declare FTGNotificationController as strong property
- Do not use self inside block as it causes retain cycle. Declare weak self or use observer parameter (declared as weak for you)
There are 2 ways
- Drag FTGNotificationController.h and .FTGNotificationController.m files to your project
- Using Cocoapods
pod 'FTGNotificationController'
pod 'FTGNotificationController', :git => ''
- Use Kiwi/XCTest