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Employee Tracker

A solution for managing a startup company's employees using Node, InquirerJs, and MySQL.

Project Links

Repo Link
NOTE: Since this application cannot be deployed on GitHub please see the Demo section below for an overview of its functionality and the Getting Started section for more information regarding installation, usage, contribution guidelines, tests and where to go for questions.

Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Project Links
  3. Demo
  4. Getting Started
  5. Installation
  6. Usage
  7. Tests
  8. Contribution Guidelines
  9. Questions
  10. Project Status
  11. License

About The Project

This project scope was to create an application that can be used to create an interface or Content Management System that makes it easy for non-developers to view and interact with information stored in databases. The project's scope included architecting and building a solution for managing a company's employees using Node, InquirerJs, and MySQL.

The dependencies are MySQL, InquirerJs, and Console.table. ASCIIart-logo npm and Chalk npm are also dependencies for colorful text and splash screens at the beginning and end of the application.

Because this application cannot be deployed on GitHub, a walkthrough video demonstrates its functionality below.

User Story

As a business owner
I want to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
So that I can organize and plan my business

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a command line application that accepts user input
WHEN prompted, I am able to add new departments, roles, or employees
WHEN prompted, I am able to view departments, roles, employees, or update employee roles
THEN when I am finished, I can view all of my updates in a table of my employee information


The following is a video of the employee tracker application performance and its functionality:

See how it works!

The following is a brief overview of the application in operation and rendering of the employee tracker app. See full video demonstration on "See how it works!" link above:


The following are screenshots of the application and overview of its functionality:

app screenshot

app screenshot

Getting Started

Languages, packages + runtime environment used in this project:

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Inquirer npm
  • Console.table npm
  • ASCIIart-logo npm
  • Chalk npm


git clone -


The application is a solution for managing a startup company's employees using Node, InquirerJs, and MySQL. See demo video above for more information on how it works.


Enter command 'npm install mysql inquirer console.table' after cloning the repo to install MySQL, Inquirer npm and console.table npm. The application will be invoked by entering the following in the command line: 'node server.js'.

Contribution Guidelines

When contributing to this repository, please contact the project team for review. See contact details below.


Connect with the project team: Onomatopoetica


Project Status

Current Project Activity Active


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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