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54 lines (51 loc) · 8.04 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (51 loc) · 8.04 KB
Package Name Parameter
ontology.interop.Ontology.Attribute GetUsage transaction_attr get transaction attribute usage
ontology.interop.Ontology.Attribute GetData transaction_attr get transaction attribute data
ontology.interop.Ontology.Contract GetScript contract get contract script hash
ontology.interop.Ontology.Contract Create script, parameter_list, return_type, properties, name, version, author, email, description create a contract
ontology.interop.Ontology.Contract Migrate script, parameter_list, return_type, properties, name, version, author, email, description migrate contract
ontology.interop.Ontology.Header GetVersion header get the version of header
ontology.interop.Ontology.Header GetMerkleRoot header get the merkle root of the transactions contained in the block
ontology.interop.Ontology.Header GetConsensusData header get the address of the consensus
ontology.interop.Ontology.Header GetNextConsensus header get the address where the next consensus will occur
ontology.interop.Ontology.Native Invoke param,method,contractAddress,ver invoke native contract
ontology.interop.Ontology.Runtime Base58ToAddress arg transfer base58 address to byte array
ontology.interop.Ontology.Runtime AddressToBase58 arg byte array address to base58
ontology.interop.Ontology.Runtime GetCurrentBlockHash get current block hash
ontology.interop.Ontology.Transaction GetType transaction get transaction type
ontology.interop.Ontology.Transaction GetAttributes transaction get transaction attributes
ontology.interop.System.Action RegisterAction event_name, *args register a notirfy event
ontology.interop.System.App RegisterAppCall smart_contract_hash, *args call other smart contract
ontology.interop.System.Blockchain GetHeight get height of block chain
ontology.interop.System.Blockchain GetHeader height_or_hash get header by height or hash
ontology.interop.System.Blockchain GetBlock height_or_hash get block by height or hash
ontology.interop.System.Blockchain GetTransactionByHash hash get transaction by hash
ontology.interop.System.Blockchain GetContract script_hash get contract by script hash
ontology.interop.System.Blockchain GetTransactionHeight heigh of transaction
ontology.interop.System.Block GetTransactionCount block get transaction count of block
ontology.interop.System.Block GetTransactions block get transactions of block
ontology.interop.System.Block GetTransactionByIndex block, index get the transaction by index
ontology.interop.System.Contract GetStorageContext contract get contract storage context
ontology.interop.System.Contract Destroy destroy current contract(self)
ontology.interop.System.ExecutionEngine GetScriptContainer get the current script container of a smart contract execution
ontology.interop.System.ExecutionEngine GetExecutingScriptHash get the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which is currently being executed
ontology.interop.System.ExecutionEngine GetCallingScriptHash get the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which began execution of the current script.
ontology.interop.System.ExecutionEngine GetEntryScriptHash get the hash of the script ( smart contract ) which began execution of the smart contract.
ontology.interop.System.Header GetIndex header get the height/index of header
ontology.interop.System.Header GetBlockHash header get the hash of header
ontology.interop.System.Header GetPrevHash header get the hash of the previous header in the blockchain
ontology.interop.System.Header GetTimestamp header get the timestamp of when the header was created
ontology.interop.System.Runtime CheckWitness hash_or_pubkey check the witness of address
ontology.interop.System.Runtime Log message print log on node
ontology.interop.System.Runtime Notify arg add notify to event
ontology.interop.System.Runtime GetTime get timestamp of most recent block
ontology.interop.System.Runtime Serialize item serialize item to byte array
ontology.interop.System.Runtime Deserialize item deserialize byte array to item
ontology.interop.System.StorageContext AsReadOnly Convert Storage Context to ReadOnly
ontology.interop.System.Storage GetContext get the storage context
ontology.interop.System.Storage GetReadOnlyContext get the readOnly Storage Context
ontology.interop.System.Storage Get context, key get the storage by key
ontology.interop.System.Storage Put context, key, value put the key-value storage
ontology.interop.System.Storage Delete context, key delete storage by key
ontology.interop.System.Transaction GetTransactionHash transaction Get the Transaction of hash