If you are using Heroku to host your application, you will need to upload the backup file and restore it to your Postgres add-on.
Note: This assumes that you have previously linked your local repository to your Heroku instance using Heroku Toolbelt and that you already have a Heroku Postgres add-on attached.
You will first need to make the .dump file available for download via a URL using something like Amazon S3.
In a terminal navigate to your local repo
Run the following command replacing <heroku_app_name> with the name of your heroku app and the URL with the URL of your .dump file:
$ heroku pg:backups restore -a <heroku_app_name> 'https://url.to/openods.dump' DATABASE_URL
- I'd then recommend doing a
heroku -a <heroku_app_name> restart
which will cycle your dynos