- PrimeVUE 3.27.0
- Vite 4.3.3
- @sfxcode/formkit-primevue 1.1.0
- PrimeVUE 3.17.0
- PrimeVUE 3.12.0
- more vitest samples
- vitest ui (component tests on ui fail - work on standard mode)
- added UnoCSS
- removed tailwind
- removed primeflex
- Validation With Vuelidate 2
- add directiveTransforms
- Tailwind 3
- PrimeVUE 3.10.0
- PrimeVUE 3.9.1
- dependency updates
- dependency updates
- reformat with prettier
- use inter font tailwind plugin
- dependency updates
- restricted admin area
- use cypress for integration and component testing
- Many Vite Plugis added
- Pages / Layout / Markdown
- Modules
- Initial version