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Christian Fournier edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

objectives: define datastructure / functions API for competition for light and C/N/H20 modelling

April, 2

Alexandra / Christian: define data structure for plant shoot / mixed population and macro functions for environmentally mediated interaction (competition for light / microclimate)

Romain/Amélie : define C/N/H2O main state variable and macro functions

Data Structure

We consider the case of several FSP models interacting in a plurispecific population.

Each plant is encoded as a multiscale tree graph with potential scales : plant / shoot / branch / metamer / organ and minimal scales plant/shoot

Connection between shoot and root is at the level of shoot for plant/shoot type MTG or at the level of the collar identified as the base organ of metamer0 of main stem/trunk.

The population is a list of plants

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