diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 4a6f4b3f19bd..a0a10c846bac 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Pozn. _Možná bude nutné počkat na další odečet glykémie, než _**AAPS**_ - Správně zodpovězte otázky s výběrem více možných odpovědí a prokažte tak znalost **AAPS**. -Někteří uživatelé považují **Cíl 3** za nejobtížnější pro dokončení. Pročtěte si prosím dokumentaci **AAPS** související s otázkami. Pokud jste se po důkladném studiu dokumentace **AAPS** skutečně zasekli, projděte si historii záznamů ve Facebookové skupině pro "Cíl 3" (je pravděpodobné, že vaše otázka byla už dříve položena a zodpovězena). Pokud si stále nevíte rady, zadejte dotaz buď ve skupině na Facebooku nebo na Discordu. Tyto skupiny mohou poskytnout přátelské tipy nebo vás přesměrovat na příslušnou část dokumentace **AAPS**. +Někteří uživatelé považují **Cíl 3** za nejobtížnější pro dokončení. Pročtěte si prosím dokumentaci **AAPS** související s otázkami. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. Tyto skupiny mohou poskytnout přátelské tipy nebo vás přesměrovat na příslušnou část dokumentace **AAPS**. Chcete-li pokračovat s **Cílem 3**, klikněte na oranžový text “**Nedokončeno**” pro přístup k dané otázce. Každou otázku si pečlivě přečtěte a vyberte správnou odpověď (odpovědi). @@ -228,13 +228,13 @@ Abyste mohli používat automatizace, musíte začít pracovat na **Cíli 10**. 4. Experimentujte s nastavením užitečnějších automatizací. -- V dokumentaci najdete pár příkladů a také můžete hledat "automatizaci" ve snímcích obrazovky ve Facebookové skupině. Vzhledem k tomu, že většina lidí snídá stejné jídlo každé ráno ve stejnou dobu před školou/prací, docela běžným použitím může být nastavení pravidla "cíl-před-snídaní", pro nastavení mírně nižšího dočasného cíle 30 minut před snídaní. V takovém případě bude vaše podmínka zahrnovat "opakující se čas", který se skládá z konkrétních dní v týdnu (Pondělí, Úterý, Středa, Čtvrtek, Pátek) a konkrétní čas (6:30). Akce bude obsahovat "Spustit dočasný cíl" s cílovou hodnotou a trváním po dobu 30 minut. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Vzhledem k tomu, že většina lidí snídá stejné jídlo každé ráno ve stejnou dobu před školou/prací, docela běžným použitím může být nastavení pravidla "cíl-před-snídaní", pro nastavení mírně nižšího dočasného cíle 30 minut před snídaní. V takovém případě bude vaše podmínka zahrnovat "opakující se čas", který se skládá z konkrétních dní v týdnu (Pondělí, Úterý, Středa, Čtvrtek, Pátek) a konkrétní čas (6:30). Akce bude obsahovat "Spustit dočasný cíl" s cílovou hodnotou a trváním po dobu 30 minut. ## Cíl 11: Povolit další funkce pro každodenní používání, jako je například Dynamic sensitivity plugin (Dynamická ISF). - Zajistěte, aby správně fungovaly SMB - Přečtěte si dokumentaci týkající se dynamické ISF [zde](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Vyhledejte ve skupinách na Facebooku a Discordu diskuse, týkající se dynamické ISF a přečtěte si o zkušenostech a doporučeních ostatních uživatelů. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Povolte **DynamicISF plugin** a nastavte vhodnou kalibraci podle fyziologických parametrů uživatele. Z bezpečnostních důvodů je vhodné začít hodnotou Korekčního faktoru nižší než 100%. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/make-a-PR.md index 2807bef9e252..fe6a49feacfc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ V některém okamžiku bude navrženo, abyste vytvořili žádost o začlenění Například: chystáme se upravit AndroidAPSdocs. To lze udělat na jakémkoli Windows PC, Mac atd. (libovolném počítači s připojením k internetu). -1. Jděte na https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs a kliněte na Fork v horním rohu, abyste si vytvořili vlastní kopii repozitáře. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Klonování repozitoře](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/preparing.md index 9380702acc0a..2f813b206022 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Pro podporu procesu sestavení aplikace jsou vyčleněny tyto oddíly dokumentac - „[Jak nainstalovat AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (sekce D), která zahrnuje pododdíl [Řešení problémů](Usage/troubleshooting.md). -Za jak dlouho se dostanete do režimu uzavřené smyčky závisí na vás, ale přibližný časový horizont ke spuštění plné smyčky s AAPS je k nalezení [zde](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up). +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Úložiště klíčů a konfigurace exportu nastavených hodnot @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Prosím, neváhejte se obrátit na komunitu AAPS, pokud si s něčím nejste jis ##### [Zeptejte se na facebookové skupině AAPS](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [Zeptejte se Discord kanálu AAPS](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [Zeptejte se Discord kanálu AAPS](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index bf1862b9fa8b..5acc390cd496 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Es kann sein, dass Du auf das Auslesen des nächsten Glukosewertes warten musst, - Belege Dein **AAPS**-Wissen, in dem Du einen Multiple-Choice-Test bestehst. -Der Abschluss dieses **Ziel 3** wird von manchem Menschen als eine der schwierigsten Aufgaben empfunden. Bitte lies die zu den gestellten Fragen gehörenden Abschnitte in der **AAPS**-Dokumentation. Wenn Du nach dem Lesen der **AAPS**-Dokumente wirklich noch feststeckst, suche mit dem Stichwort "Objective 3" in der Facebook-Gruppe. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Deine Frage bereits gestellt und beantwortet wurde). Wenn Du dann noch immer nicht weitergekommen bist, erstelle einen Beitrag mit Deiner Frage entweder in der Facebook- oder Discord-Gruppe. Diese Gruppen können Dir kleine Hinweise geben oder Dir die relevanten Stellen der **AAPS**-Dokumente nennen. +Der Abschluss dieses **Ziel 3** wird von manchem Menschen als eine der schwierigsten Aufgaben empfunden. Bitte lies die zu den gestellten Fragen gehörenden Abschnitte in der **AAPS**-Dokumentation. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. Diese Gruppen können Dir kleine Hinweise geben oder Dir die relevanten Stellen der **AAPS**-Dokumente nennen. Um mit **Ziel 3** zu starten und die zu lösenden Fragen sehen zu können, klicke auf den orangenen Text "**Noch nicht abgeschlossen**". Bitte lies jede einzelne Frage und wähle dann Deine Antwort(en) aus. @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ Du musst **Ziel 10** starten, um Automatisierungen nutzen zu können. 4. Experimentiere ein wenig, in dem Du eine etwas sinnvollere Automatisierung erstellst. -- Die Dokumentationsseite gibt ein paar Beispiele, und Du kannst Screenshots von Automatisierungen durch eine Suche mit dem Stichwort "automation" in der Facebook-Gruppe finden. Da die meisten Menschen jeden Morgen vor der Schule/Arbeit zur gleichen Zeit dasselbe zum Frühstück essen, kann ein ziemlich häufiger Anwendungsfall sein, ein "Vor-Frühstücks-Ziel" festzulegen, um 30 Minuten vor dem Frühstück ein leicht niedrigeres temporäres Ziel zu setzen. In einem solchen Fall besteht Deine Bedingung wahrscheinlich aus der Auswahl bestimmter Wochentage (Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag) und einer bestimmten Uhrzeit (06:30 Uhr). Die Aktion wird aus "Temporäres Ziel (TT) starten" mit einem bestimmten Zielwert und einer Dauer von 30 Minuten bestehen. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Da die meisten Menschen jeden Morgen vor der Schule/Arbeit zur gleichen Zeit dasselbe zum Frühstück essen, kann ein ziemlich häufiger Anwendungsfall sein, ein "Vor-Frühstücks-Ziel" festzulegen, um 30 Minuten vor dem Frühstück ein leicht niedrigeres temporäres Ziel zu setzen. In einem solchen Fall besteht Deine Bedingung wahrscheinlich aus der Auswahl bestimmter Wochentage (Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag) und einer bestimmten Uhrzeit (06:30 Uhr). Die Aktion wird aus "Temporäres Ziel (TT) starten" mit einem bestimmten Zielwert und einer Dauer von 30 Minuten bestehen. ## Ziel 11: Aktiviere zusätzliche Funktionen für den alltäglichen Gebrauch, wie z. B. das Dynamic Sensitivity Plugin (DynISF). - Stelle sicher, dass SMBs wie gedacht funktionieren. - Lies [hier](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) die Dokumentation zu Dynamic ISF. -- Suche in den Facebook- und Discord-Gruppen nach Beiträgen zu "Dynamic ISF" und lies über die Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen der Anderen. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Aktiviere das **DynamicISF-Plugin** und passe es auf den individuellen Bedarf Deines Körpers an. Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist es ratsam, mit einem Wert unter 100% zu beginnen. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/de/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/make-a-PR.md index 41c7c9aa6963..428ae6a09b14 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Irgendwann wird vorgeschlagen, dass Du einen Pull-Request (PR) erstellst, der da In unserem Beispiel nehmen wir nun eine Änderung an der AndroidAPS-Dokumentation vor. Es kann auf jedem Windows-PC, Mac, etc. erfolgen. (jedem Computer mit Internet-Zugang). -1. Gehe zu https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs und klicke auf "Fork" oben rechts, um deine eigene Kopie des Repositories (=Quell-Code) zu machen. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/preparing.md index cdf4fbb4922d..1304e86a30b0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Um Dir durch den Erstellungsprozess zu helfen, gibt es eigene spezifische Abschn - “[Wie installiere ich AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Abschnitt D) mit einem Unterabschnitt zur [Fehlerbehandlung](Usage/troubleshooting.md). -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Exportdatei des Keystore & der Konfigurationseinstellungen @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Wenn Du Dir bei irgendetwas unsicher bist, gehe bitte auf die AAPS Community zu ##### [Frage in der AAPS Facebook-Gruppe](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [Frage im AAPS Discord Kanal](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [Frage im AAPS Discord Kanal](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 86ec356a04f3..a0f66a9ce77e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/el/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/make-a-PR.md index 16bfd67d8ae0..68e2acf5a8a0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h Για παράδειγμα, πρόκειται να κάνουμε μια επεξεργασία στο AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Μεταβείτε στη διεύθυνση https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs και χτυπήστε το Πιρούνι στην επάνω δεξιά γωνία για να δημιουργήσετε το δικό σας αντίγραφο του αποθετηρίου. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/preparing.md index 992477b4f9d5..bbb577ed05c0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 5ee5374d53a0..f50235a7082f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/es/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/make-a-PR.md index f41b41eacd25..a215fa438a60 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h Por nuestro ejemplo, vamos a hacer una edición a AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Vaya a https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs y presiones en Fork en la parte superior derecha para hacer su propia copia del repositorio. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Repositorio Fork](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/preparing.md index 2904158a299c..ac757af929ff 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ No dudes en ponerte en contacto con la comunidad de AAPS si hay algo de lo que t ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/index.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/index.md index 43ac12ad9146..6baf99cc170f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/index.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/index.md @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ -# Exchange site for custom watchfaces +# Site d'échange pour les cadrans personnalisés -Here you can download Zip-Files with custom watchfaces user have prepared and want to share with you. +Ici, vous pouvez télécharger les fichiers Zip des cadrans personnalisés que d'autres utilisateurs ont préparés et partagés avec vous. -The Zip-Files can be uploaded in the folder "**[_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces](https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs/tree/master/docs/_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces)**" via a Pull Request into Github as usual. +Les fichiers Zip que vous souhaitez partager peuvent être téléchargés dans le dossier "**[_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces](https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs/tree/master/docs/_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces)**" via un "Pull Request" dans Github comme d'habitude. -During merge of the pull request the documentation team will extract the CustomWatchface.png file and prefix it with the filename of the Zip-file, and add it to the list below. +Lors de la fusion du "Pull Request", l'équipe de documentation extraira le fichier image et le nom du cadran du fichier Zip, et ajoutera le lien de téléchargement à la liste ci-dessous. | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| [![Watchface AAPS_V2](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS_V2**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2.zip) | [![AAPS](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS.zip) | [![AIMICO](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png)
**AIMICO**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1.zip) | +| [![AAPS V2](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS V2**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2.zip) | [![AAPS](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS.zip) | [![AIMICO](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png)
**AIMICO**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1.zip) | | [![Analog G-Watch](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png)
**Analog G-Watch**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch.zip) | [![Cockpit](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png)
**Cockpit**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit.zip) | [![Digital G-Watch](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png)
**Digital G-Watch**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch.zip) | | [![DigitalBigGraph](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png)
**DigitalBigGraph**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph_v1.5.zip) | [![Gears](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg)
**Gears**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears.zip) | [![Gota](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png)
**Gota**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota_v2.4.zip) | -| [![LuckyLoopKoeln](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png)
**LuckyLoopKoeln**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln.zip) | [![P-Zero watchface](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0-CustomWatchface.png)
**P-Zero watchface**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0.zip) | [![PinkFloydTheWall](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png)
**PinkFloydTheWall**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall.zip) | +| [![LuckyLoopKoeln](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png)
**LuckyLoopKoeln**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln.zip) | [![P-Zero](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0-CustomWatchface.png)
**P-Zero**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0.zip) | [![PinkFloydTheWall](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png)
**PinkFloydTheWall**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall.zip) | | [![Robby watchface](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png)
**Robby watchface**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface.zip) | [![SimpleDigital](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png)
**SimpleDigital**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3.zip) | [![SteamPunk](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png)
**SteamPunk**](../../_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk.zip) | | | | | diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index e5ce3f758eb7..f0b58d0ca0aa 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/make-a-PR.md index 3f5a286ad846..a7d42dea56a1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h Pour notre exemple, nous allons faire une modification à AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Accédez à https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs et appuyez sur Fork en haut à droite pour faire votre propre copie du référentiel. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/preparing.md index 64ab3ecf89c2..d47b7c7440f1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Pour vous aider dans le processus de compilation, il y a des pages dédiées dan - [Comment installer AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Chapitre D) ainsi que le sous-chapitre [Dépannage](Usage/troubleshooting.md). -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Fichier de clés & exportation des paramètres de configuration @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ N''hésitez pas à contacter la communauté AAPS s'il y a des points sur lesquel ##### [demandez de l'aide sur le groupe AAPS Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [demandez de l'aide sur le serveur Discord pour AAPS](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [demandez de l'aide sur le serveur Discord pour AAPS](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/Open-APS-features.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/Open-APS-features.md index a59bd929b034..748e5015d85d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/Open-APS-features.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/Open-APS-features.md @@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ AndroidAPS מגביל את הערך באופן הבא: ### הפעלת SMB אחרי פחמימות -If enabled, SMB is enabled for 6h after carbohydrates are announced, even if COB has reached 0. For safety reasons, this option is only available for BG sources with a nice filtering system for noisy data. Currently it is only an available option with a Dexcom G5 or G6 if using the ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) or “native mode” in xDrip+. אם בערך הסוכר יש סטייה גדולה מדי, חיישן ה-G7/G6 לא שולח אותו ללופ ומחכה לערך הבא בעוד 5 דקות. +אם מופעל, SMB יישאר פעיל במשך 6 שעות לאחר שהוכרזו פחמימות, אפילו אם הפחמימות הפעילות ירדו ל-0. מטעמי בטיחות, אפשרות זו מיועדת רק למקורות נתוני סוכר עם סינון איכותי לנתונים רועשים. נכון לעכשיו זוהי אפשרות זמינה רק עם Dexcom G5 או G7, אם אתם משתמשים ב[Byoda](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) או "מצב נטיבי" ב-xDrip+. אם בערך הסוכר יש סטייה גדולה מדי, חיישן ה-G7/G6 לא שולח אותו ללופ ומחכה לערך הבא בעוד 5 דקות. עבור חיישנים אחרים כמו Freestyle Libre, ''השימוש ב-SMB מושבת עד של-xDrip+ יהיה תהליך החלקת רעשים טוב יותר. לקריאה נוספת [כאן](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data-in-xDrip.md). ### תדירות מתן SMB (דקות) -This feature limits the frequency of SMBs. This value determines the minimum time between SMBs. Note that the loop runs every time a glucose value comes in (generally 5 minutes). Subtract 2 minute to give loop additional time to complete. E.g if you want SMB to be given every loop run, set this to 3 minutes. +אפשרות זו מגבילה את תדירות ה-SMB. ערך זה קובע את הזמן המינימלי בין SMB. שימו לב שהחישוב של הלולאה קורה בכל פעם שמתקבל ערך סוכר (בדרך כלל כל 5 דקות). יש להחסיר 2 דקות כדי לתת ללולאה זמן נוסף להשלמה. לדוגמה, אם תרצו ש-SMB יוזרק בכל הפעלת לולאה, הגדירו זאת ל-3 דקות. ערך ברירת המחדל: 3 דקות. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 233630fa4ddc..a0a3bd5c49fe 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ - היבחנו במבחן אמריקאי שיבדוק את ידיעתכם ב-AndroidAPS. -חלק מהמשתמשים רואים המשימה 3 כמשימה הקשה ביותר. חובה לקרוא את מסמכי AAPS יחד עם השאלות. אם אתם באמת תקועים לאחר קריאה מעמיקה במסמכי **AAPS**, חפשו "Objective 3" בקבוצות ה- Facebook או Discord של AAPS (סביר מאוד שכבר דנו בשאלתכם בעבר). אם אתם עדיין תקועים לאחר קריאת מסמכי **AAPS**, שאלו את שאלתכם בקבוצות ה-Facebook או Discord של AAPS. קבוצות אלה יכולות לספק רמזים או להפנות אתכם לחלק הרלוונטי במסמכי AAPS. +חלק מהמשתמשים רואים המשימה 3 כמשימה הקשה ביותר. חובה לקרוא את מסמכי AAPS יחד עם השאלות. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. קבוצות אלה יכולות לספק רמזים או להפנות אתכם לחלק הרלוונטי במסמכי AAPS. כדי לבצע את המשימה, לחצו על הטקסט הכתום "עדיין לא הושלם" כדי לגשת לשאלה הרלוונטית. יש לקרוא את השאלות ולבחור את תשובותיכם. @@ -228,13 +228,13 @@ 4. התנסו עם הגדרת אוטומציה שימושית יותר. -- דף התיעוד נותן כמה דוגמאות, וניתן לחפש צילומי מסך "אוטומציה" בקבוצת הפייסבוק. מכיוון שרוב האנשים אוכלים את אותו הדבר לארוחת בוקר באותה שעה בכל בוקר לפני הלימודים/עבודה, מקרה שימוש נפוץ למדי יכול להיות להגדיר ערך מטרה "לפני ארוחת הבוקר" כדי להגדיר ערך מטרה זמני מעט נמוך 30 דקות לפני ארוחת הבוקר. במקרה כזה, סביר להניח שהתנאי שלכם יכלול "זמן חוזרני" המורכב מבחירת ימים ספציפיים בשבוע (לדוגמה: ראשון, שני, שלישי, רביעי, חמישי) ושעה מסוימת (06:30 בבוקר). הפעולה תהיה מורכבת מ-"הפעלת ערך מטרה זמני" עם ערך יעד ומשך 30 דקות. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. מכיוון שרוב האנשים אוכלים את אותו הדבר לארוחת בוקר באותה שעה בכל בוקר לפני הלימודים/עבודה, מקרה שימוש נפוץ למדי יכול להיות להגדיר ערך מטרה "לפני ארוחת הבוקר" כדי להגדיר ערך מטרה זמני מעט נמוך 30 דקות לפני ארוחת הבוקר. במקרה כזה, סביר להניח שהתנאי שלכם יכלול "זמן חוזרני" המורכב מבחירת ימים ספציפיים בשבוע (לדוגמה: ראשון, שני, שלישי, רביעי, חמישי) ושעה מסוימת (06:30 בבוקר). הפעולה תהיה מורכבת מ-"הפעלת ערך מטרה זמני" עם ערך יעד ומשך 30 דקות. ## משימה 11: הפעלת פונקציות נוספות לשימוש במשך היום כמו רגישות דינאמית). - ודאו ש-SMB פועל כראוי - קראו את ההוראות של Dynamic ISF [כאן](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- חפשו בקבוצות הפייסבוק והדיסקורד אחר דיונים סביב Dynamic ISF וקראו על חוויות והמלצות ממשתמשים אחרים. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - הפעילו את התוסף **DynamicISF** וזהו את הכיול המתאים בדיוק לגופכם. רצוי להתחיל עם ערך נמוך מ-100% מטעמי בטיחות. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/he/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/make-a-PR.md index 324d3e0a4678..5846f7d9aa21 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/preparing.md index 7ad5b229d5da..14c6347e5e7e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 6a2e43eafb80..fedec590d938 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/make-a-PR.md index a055f3761e0f..362b7c38b067 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/preparing.md index f28aafd419a7..40cb65205378 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 570abcfd5962..d2ce352a7030 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/make-a-PR.md index 0c607f715d63..692e8b5990ef 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/preparing.md index 7eafca6305e3..cc593be49807 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index c070f482df6f..af2dac2e0851 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/make-a-PR.md index d022a9395635..9a86828e5635 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/preparing.md index 991b8249d970..b8ffb496002b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 6a2e43eafb80..fedec590d938 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/make-a-PR.md index fe068920642b..dd2fe00d0057 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/preparing.md index 3e95cbe26a6b..c087c214e9a0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 07c2b563bcc5..ffbfa15a25f9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/make-a-PR.md index b4b4c1723757..60440bb39b5b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/preparing.md index 89a674ac92f7..5b2f2ca14cd8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 58e719cf6048..cfe3c6630cd7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/make-a-PR.md index fe068920642b..dd2fe00d0057 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/preparing.md index c06c326d904d..01c97c93bf17 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 6a2e43eafb80..fedec590d938 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/make-a-PR.md index 11c769928723..1b4c571163d0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/preparing.md index 14448cb9eef5..0da14e31cc27 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index d4928986c18c..89f2600bd1b5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ - Пройдите тест с выбором варианта ответа для проверки на знание AndroidAPS. -Некоторые пользователи считают **Цель 3** самой трудной. Прочитайте документацию **AAPS** вместе с вопросами. Если вы надолго застряли на цели после изучения документации **AAPS**, можете выполнить поиск в группе Facebook по запросу «Цель 3» (вполне вероятно, что ваш вопрос уже задавался и на него уже был дан ответ). Если вы все ещё застряли, спросите в группе Facebook или Discord. Эти группы могут дать подсказки или перенаправить вас на соответствующую часть документации AAPS. +Некоторые пользователи считают **Цель 3** самой трудной. Прочитайте документацию **AAPS** вместе с вопросами. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. Эти группы могут дать подсказки или перенаправить вас на соответствующую часть документации AAPS. Чтобы приступить к реализации цели 3, нажмите на оранжевый текст «Не завершено», чтобы получить доступ к соответствующему вопросу. Прочтите внимательно все вопросы и выберите ответ(ы). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/make-a-PR.md index 021c089847e1..33833bd3ecb5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/preparing.md index f491aeee4c7f..b0c2b5e3aab8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ An **index** and explanation of the documentation structure can be found [here]( - [Как установить AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Раздел D) который включает секцию [Устранение неполадок](Usage/troubleshooting.md). -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Хранилище ключей &  файл экспорта настроек конфигурации @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an app ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 6a2e43eafb80..fedec590d938 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/make-a-PR.md index 11c769928723..1b4c571163d0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. Go to https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/preparing.md index 3e95cbe26a6b..c087c214e9a0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index 22153494c7b6..c46b62b3fb9b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive befor - Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the Facebook group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the Facebook or Discord group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. 4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the Facebook group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. ## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). - Ensure that SMB is functioning properly - Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- Search the Facbook and Discord groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. (Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/make-a-PR.md index e7794654e8a9..afaa5b20f1ce 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is h Örneğimizde AndroidAPSdocs'ta bir düzenleme yapacağız. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs adresine gidin ve havuzun kendi kopyasını oluşturmak için sağ üstteki Fork'a basın. +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![çatal deposu](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/preparing.md index cc50f1c74dbe..9465e4e286dc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: - “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)? (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/troubleshooting.md) Subsection. -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore & configuration settings export file @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you fee ##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-v2.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-v2.md index cf7994cfc803..d48c5cfd35ed 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-v2.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-v2.md @@ -1,226 +1,226 @@ -# 罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 +# Accu Chek Combo 幫浦 -These instructions are for setting up the Accu-Chek Combo pump using the new combov2 driver, which is available as part of AndroidAPS as of version 3.2. This driver is entirely separate from the old one. +這些說明是關於使用 AndroidAPS 3.2 版本中新增的 combov2 驅動程式設置 Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦。 該驅動程式與舊版完全分開。 -**本软件是DIY解决方案的一部分而非完整的产品,需要您仔细研学包括使用方法在内的系统知识。 它无法为您全权处理糖尿病治疗的全部,但如果你愿意投入必要的时间,它将有助于改善病情并提高生活质量。 不要想着一蹴而就,请给自己足够的学习时间。 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**這個軟體是 DIY 解決方案的一部分,並不是一個產品,因此需要你自己閱讀、學習並理解系統以及如何使用它。 它不是一個能為你完全管理糖尿病的工具,但如果你願意投入時間,它可以幫助你改善糖尿病並提高生活品質。 不要急著使用,先給自己學習的時間。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** -## Hardware and software requirements +## 硬體和軟體需求 -* A Roche Accu-Chek Combo (any firmware, they all work). -* A Smartpix or Realtyme device together with the 360 Configuration Software to configure the pump. (Roche sends out Smartpix devices and the configuration software free of charge to their customers upon request.) -* A compatible phone. Android 9 (Pie) or newer is a must. If using LineageOS, the minimum supported version is 16.1. See [release notes](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.html#android-version-and-aaps-version) for details. -* The AndroidAPS app installed on your phone. +* 一台 Roche Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦(任何韌體版本均可使用)。 +* 一個 Smartpix 或 Realtyme 裝置,配合 360 設定軟體來配置幫浦。 (Roche 在客戶要求下會免費寄送 Smartpix 裝置和設定軟體。) +* 一台相容的手機。 至少需要 Android 9(Pie)或更新版本。 如果使用 LineageOS,最低支援版本為 16.1。 詳情請見[版本說明](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.html#android-version-and-aaps-version)。 +* 手機上安裝了 AndroidAPS 應用程式。 -Some phones may work better than others, depending on their quality of Bluetooth support and whether or not they have additional, very aggressive power saving logic. A list of phones can be found in the [AAPS Phones](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZAsN6f0gv6tkgy9EBsYl0BQNhna0RDqA9QGycAqCQc/edit) document. Please be aware that this is not complete list and reflects personal user experience. You are encouraged to also enter your experience and thereby help others (these projects are all about paying it forward). +根據手機的藍牙支援質量及其是否具備額外的省電邏輯,有些手機可能比其他手機運作得更好。 可以在[AAPS 手機列表](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZAsN6f0gv6tkgy9EBsYl0BQNhna0RDqA9QGycAqCQc/edit)文件中找到相容手機。 請注意,這不是完整的列表,只反應個人使用經驗。 我們鼓勵你也分享你的經驗,這樣可以幫助其他人(這些專案是關於傳遞經驗)。 (combov2-before-you-begin)= -## Before you begin +## 開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error. Keep your Smartpix / Realtyme device handy, along with the 360 Configuration Software. Plan on spending about an hour for setting everything up and checking that everything is working properly. +**安全第一**—請勿在無法復原的環境中嘗試此過程。 隨身攜帶您的 Smartpix / Realtyme 裝置,以及 360 配置軟體。 預計花費大約一小時來設置並檢查所有功能是否正常運作。 -Be aware of the following limitations: +請注意以下限制: -* Extended bolus and multiwave bolus are currently not supported (you can use [Extended Carbs](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.rst) instead). -* Only one basal profile (the first one) is supported. -* The loop is disabled if the currently active profile on the pump isn't profile no. 1. This continues until profile no. 1 is made the active one; when that is done, the next time AAPS connects (either on its own after a while or because the user presses the Refresh button in the combov2 user interface), it will notice that profile no. 1 is the current one, and enable the loop again. -* If the loop requests a running TBR to be cancelled, the Combo will set a TBR of 90% or 110% for 15 minutes instead. This is because actually cancelling a TBR causes an alert on the pump which causes a lot of vibrations, and these vibrations cannot be disabled. -* Bluetooth connection stability varies with different phones, causing "pump unreachable" alerts, where no connection to the pump is established anymore. If that error occurs, make sure Bluetooth is enabled, press the Refresh button in the Combo tab to see if this was caused by an intermitted issue and if still no connection is established, reboot the phone which should usually fix this. -* There is another issue were a restart doesn't help but a button on the pump must be pressed (which resets the pump's Bluetooth stack), before the pump accepts connections from the phone again. -* Setting a TBR on the pump is to be avoided since the loop assumes control of TBRs. Detecting a new TBR on the pump might take up to 20 minutes and the TBR's effect will only be accounted from the moment it is detected, so in the worst case there might be 20 minutes of a TBR that is not reflected in IOB. +* 目前不支援延長注射和多波注射(您可以使用[延長碳水化合物](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.rst)來代替)。 +* 僅支援一個基礎設定檔(第一個)。 +* 如果幫浦上的當前活動設定檔不是設定檔 1,則循環模式將被停用。 這種情況會持續到設定檔 1 被設為活動檔案;當這樣做後,下一次 AAPS 連線時(無論是自動還是因為用戶在 combov2 用戶介面中按下了重新整理按鈕),它會注意到設定檔 1 是當前的活動檔案,並重新啟用循環模式。 +* 如果循環請求取消正在運作的 TBR,Combo 將設置一個 90% 或 110% 的 TBR,持續 15 分鐘。 這是因為實際取消 TBR 會在幫浦上觸發警報,並產生大量震動,這些震動無法停用。 +* 藍牙連線的穩定性隨不同手機而異,可能會出現「幫浦無法使用」的警報,這時幫浦無法再建立連線。 如果發生此錯誤,請確認藍牙已啟用,按下 Combo 標籤中的重新整理按鈕以檢查是否是臨時問題,如果仍無法建立連線,重啟手機,這通常能解決問題。 +* 另一個問題是重啟無法解決,必須按幫浦上的按鈕(這會重置幫浦的藍牙堆疊),幫浦才能再次接受來自手機的連線。 +* 避免在幫浦上設定 TBR,因為循環控制 TBR。 在幫浦上偵測到新的 TBR 可能需要長達 20 分鐘,並且 TBR 的效果僅從偵測時開始計算,因此最壞情況下可能有 20 分鐘的 TBR 沒有反映在 IOB 中。 -If you have been using the old Combo driver that depends on the separate Ruffy app, and want to move to this new one, note that the pairing has to be done again - Ruffy and the new Combo driver are not able to share pairing information. Also, make sure that Ruffy is _not_ running. If in doubt, long-press the Ruffy app icon to bring up a context menu. In that menu, press on "App Info". In the UI that just opened up, press "Force stop". That way, it is ensured that an active Ruffy instance cannot interfere with the new driver. +如果您一直在使用依賴於單獨 Ruffy 應用程式的舊 Combo 驅動程式,並希望切換到這個新驅動程式,請注意需要重新進行配對——Ruffy 和新 Combo 驅動程式無法共享配對資訊。 此外,請確保 Ruffy 未_在運作_。 如果有疑問,長按 Ruffy 應用程式圖示以調出上下文選單。 在該選單中,按「應用程式資訊」。 在剛剛打開的介面中,按「強制停止」。 這樣可以確保啟動的 Ruffy 實例不會干擾新驅動程式。 -Also, if you are migrating from the old driver, be aware that the new driver communicates a bolus command in an entirely different way to the Combo that is much faster, so don't be surprised when a bolus starts immediately regardless of the dosage. Furthermore, the general suggestions, tips and tricks etc. about dealing with Ruffy pairing and connection problems do not apply here, since this is an entirely new driver that shares no code with the old one. +此外,如果您正在從舊驅動程式遷移,請注意,新驅動程式以完全不同的方式將注射指令傳達給 Combo,速度更快,因此不要驚訝於無論劑量大小,注射都會立即開始。 此外,有關處理 Ruffy 配對和連線問題的一般建議、提示和技巧等不適用於此處,因為這是一個全新的驅動程式,與舊驅動程式沒有共享任何代碼。 -This new driver is currently written to support the following languages on the Combo. (This is unrelated to the language in AAPS - it is the language shown on the Combo's LCD itself.) +該新驅動程式當前支援 Combo 上以下語言。 (這與 AAPS 的語言無關——是顯示在 Combo LCD 上的語言。) -* English -* Spanish -* French -* Italian -* Russian -* Turkish -* Polish -* Czech -* Hungarian -* Slovak -* Romanian -* Croatian -* Dutch -* Greek -* Finnish -* Norwegian -* Portuguese -* Swedish -* Danish -* German -* Slovenian -* Lithuanian +* 英語 +* 西班牙語 +* 法語 +* 義大利語 +* 俄語 +* 土耳其語 +* 波蘭語 +* 捷克語 +* 匈牙利語 +* 斯洛伐克語 +* 羅馬尼亞語 +* 克羅地亞語 +* 荷蘭語 +* 希臘語 +* 芬蘭語 +* 挪威語 +* 葡萄牙語 +* 瑞典語 +* 丹麥語 +* 德語 +* 斯洛文尼亞語 +* 立陶宛語 -**Important**: If your pump is set to a language that is not part of this list, please contact the developers, and set the pump's language to one in this list. Otherwise, the driver won't work properly. +**重要**:如果您的幫浦設置為不在此列表中的語言,請聯繫開發人員,並將幫浦的語言設置為此列表中的一個語言。 否則,驅動程式將無法正常工作。 -## Phone setup +## 手機設置 -It is very important to make sure that battery optimizations are turned off. AAPS already auto-detects when it is subject to these optimizations, and requests in its UI that these be turned off. But, on modern Android phones, Bluetooth _itself_ is an app (a system app). And, usually, that "Bluetooth app" is run _with battery optimizations on by default_. As a result, Bluetooth can refuse to respond when the phone aims to save power because it kills off the Bluetooth app. This means that in that Bluetooth system app's settings, battery optimizations must be turned off as well. Unfortunately, how one can find that Bluetooth system app differs between phones. In stock Android, go to Settings -> Apps -> See all N apps (N = the number of apps on your phone). Then, open the menu to the top right corner, tap on "Show system" or "Show system apps" or "All apps". Now, in the newly expanded list of apps, look for a "Bluetooth" app. Select it, and on its "App info" UI, tap on "Battery". There, disable battery optimizations (sometimes called "battery usage"). +確保關閉電池優化設定非常重要。 AAPS 在自動檢測當受這些優化影響時,會發出請求將這些優化關閉。 但在現代 Android 手機中,藍牙_本身_是一個應用程式(系統應用程式)。 通常,「藍牙應用程式」在預設情況下_啟用了電池優化_。 結果是,當手機為了省電而關閉藍牙應用程式時,藍牙可能拒絕回應。 這意味著在藍牙系統應用程式的設置中,也必須關閉電池優化。 不幸的是,不同手機找到藍牙系統應用程式的方法各不相同。 在原生 Android 中,前往設定 -> 應用程式 -> 查看所有 N 個應用程式(N = 您手機上的應用程式數量)。 然後,打開右上角的選單,點擊「顯示系統」或「顯示系統應用程式」或「所有應用程式」。 現在,在新擴展的應用程式列表中,查找「藍牙」應用程式。 選擇它,並在其「應用程式資訊」頁面上,點擊「電池」。 在那裡,停用電池優化(有時稱為「電池使用量」)。 -## Combo setup +## Combo 設置 -* Configure the pump using the Accu-Chek 360 Configuration Software. If you do not have the software, please contact your Accu-Chek hotline. They usually send registered users a CD with the "360° Pump Configuration Software" and a SmartPix USB-infrared connection device (the Realtyme device also works if you have that). +* 使用 Accu-Chek 360 設定軟體配置幫浦。 如果你沒有這個軟體,請聯絡你的 Accu-Chek 客服專線。 他們通常會向註冊用戶寄送附有 "360° 幫浦設定軟體" 的 CD 和 SmartPix USB 紅外線連線裝置(如果你有 Realtyme 裝置,也可以使用)。 - - **Required settings** (marked green in screenshots): + - **必要設定**(在螢幕截圖中以綠色標記): - * Set/leave the menu configuration as "Standard", this will show only the supported menus/actions on the pump and hide those which are unsupported (extended/multiwave bolus, multiple basal rates), which cause the loop functionality to be restricted when used because it's not possible to run the loop in a safe manner when used. - * Verify the _Quick Info Text_ is set to "QUICK INFO" (without the quotes, found under _Insulin Pump Options_). - * Set TBR _Maximum Adjustment_ to 500% - * Disable _Signal End of Temporary Basal Rate_ - * Set TBR _Duration increment_ to 15 min - * Enable Bluetooth + * 將/保持選單配置設為「標準」,這將只顯示幫浦支援的選單/操作,並隱藏不支援的部分(如延長注射/多波注射、多重基礎率),使用這些功能會限制循環功能,因為無法在安全的情況下運作循環。 + * 確認 _快速資訊文本_ 設定為「快速資訊」(不加雙引號,位於 _胰島素幫浦選項_ 下)。 + * 將 TBR _最大調整_ 設定為 500% + * 停用 _臨時基礎率的結束訊號_ + * 將 TBR _持續時間增量_ 設定為 15 分鐘 + * 啟用藍牙 - - **Recommended settings** (marked blue in screenshots) + - **推薦設定**(在螢幕截圖中以藍色標記) - * Set low cartridge alarm to your liking - * Configure a max bolus suited for your therapy to protect against bugs in the software - * Similarly, configure maximum TBR duration as a safeguard. Allow at least 3 hours, since the option to disconnect the pump for 3 hours sets a 0% for 3 hours. - * Enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit. - * Set display timeout and menu timeout to the minimum of 5.5 and 5 respectively. This allows the AAPS to recover more quickly from error situations and reduces the amount of vibrations that can occur during such errors + * 根據你的需求設置低匣警報 + * 配置一個適合你治療的最大注射量,以防軟體中的錯誤 + * 同樣地,配置 TBR 的最大持續時間作為防護措施。 允許至少 3 小時,因為選擇中斷幫浦 3 小時會設置 0% 持續 3 小時。 + * 啟用幫浦的按鍵鎖定,以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是當幫浦之前已經使用過且快速注射是習慣時。 + * 將顯示逾時和選單逾時分別設置為最小值 5.5 和 5。 這允許 AAPS 更快地從錯誤情況中恢復,並減少在這些錯誤期間可能發生的震動次數。 - ![Screenshot of user menu settings](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) + ![用戶選單設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) - ![Screenshot of TBR settings](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) + ![TBR 設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) - ![Screenshot of bolus settings](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) + ![注射設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) - ![Screenshot of insulin cartridge settings](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) + ![胰島素匣設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) -## Activating the driver and pairing it with the Combo +## 註冊驅動並將其與 Combo 配對 -* Select the "Accu-Chek Combo" driver in the [Config builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder). **Important**: There is the old driver, called "Accu-Chek Combo (Ruffy)", in that list as well. Do _not_ select that one. +* 在 [組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder) 中選擇 "Accu-Chek Combo" 驅動程式。 **重要提示**:名單中也有舊驅動,稱為 "Accu-Chek Combo (Ruffy)"。 請 _不要_ 選擇那個。 - ![Screenshot of Config Builder Combo](../images/combo/combov2-config-builder.png) + ![Config Builder Combo 截圖](../images/combo/combov2-config-builder.png) -* Tap the cog-wheel to open the driver settings. +* 點擊齒輪圖示以打開驅動設定。 -* In the settings user interface, tap on the button 'Pair with pump' at the top of the screen. This opens the Combo pairing user interface. Follow the instructions shown on screen to start pairing. When Android asks for permission to make the phone visible to other Bluetooth devices, press "allow". Eventually, the Combo will show a custom 10-digit pairing PIN on its screen, and the driver will request it. Enter that PIN in the corresponding field. +* 在設定用戶介面中,點擊螢幕頂部的 'Pair with pump' 按鈕。 這將打開 Combo 配對用戶介面。 按照螢幕上的指示開始配對。 當 Android 要求允許讓手機對其他藍牙裝置可見時,請按 "允許"。 最終,Combo 會在其螢幕上顯示一個自定義的 10 位配對 PIN,並且驅動程式會請求它。 在相應的欄位中輸入該 PIN。 - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 1](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-1.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 1 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-1.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 2](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-2.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 2 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-2.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 3](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-3.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 3 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-3.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 4](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-4.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 4 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-4.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 4](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-5.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 4 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-5.png) -* When the driver asks for the 10-digit PIN that is shown on the Combo, and the code is entered incorrectly, this is shown: ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 3](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-incorrect-pin.png) +* 當驅動請求 Combo 上顯示的 10 位 PIN,並且代碼輸入錯誤時,會顯示如下: ![Combo 配對 UI 3 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-incorrect-pin.png) -* Once pairing is done, the pairing user interface is closed by pressing the OK button in the screen that states that pairing succeeded. After it is closed, you return to the driver settings user interface. The 'Pair with pump' button should now be greyed out and disabled. +* 配對完成後,在顯示配對成功的螢幕上按 OK 按鈕關閉配對用戶介面。 完成後,你會返回驅動設定用戶介面。 'Pair with pump' 按鈕現在應該變灰且無法使用。 - The Accu-Chek Combo tab looks like this after successfully pairing: + 成功配對後,Accu-Chek Combo 標籤看起來如下: - ![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab with pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) + ![成功配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) - if however there is no pairing with the Combo, the tab looks like this instead: + 但如果沒有與 Combo 配對,則標籤看起來如下: - ![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab without pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-without-pairing.png) + ![未配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-without-pairing.png) -* To verify your setup (with the pump **disconnected** from any cannula to be safe!) use AAPS to set a TBR of 500% for 15 min and issue a bolus. The pump should now have a TBR running and the bolus in the history. AAPS should also show the active TBR and delivered bolus. +* 為了驗證你的設置(幫浦與任何導管**中斷連線**以確保安全!),使用 AAPS 設置一個 500% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘並發出注射指令。 幫浦現在應該正在運作 TBR,並且歷史記錄中有注射紀錄。 AAPS 也應顯示活動的 TBR 和已注射的記錄。 -* On the Combo, it is recommended to enable the key lock to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and using the "quick bolus" feature was a habit. +* 建議在 Combo 上啟用按鍵鎖定,以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是之前已經使用幫浦並使用 "快速注射" 功能時。 -## Notes about pairing +## 關於配對的注意事項 -The Accu-Chek Combo was developed before Bluetooth 4.0 was released, and just one year after the very first Android version was released. This is why its way of pairing with other devices is not 100% compatible with how it is done in Android today. To fully overcome this, AAPS would need system level permissions, which are only available for system apps. These are installed by the phone makers into the phone - users cannot install system apps. +Accu-Chek Combo 是在藍牙 4.0 發佈之前開發的,僅在第一款 Android 版本發佈一年後。 這就是為什麼它與其他設備配對的方式,與當今 Android 中的方式不100% 相容。 要完全克服這一點,AAPS 需要系統級別的權限,這僅適用於系統應用程式。 這些應用程式由手機製造商安裝在手機中 - 用戶無法安裝系統應用程式。 -The consequence of this is that pairing will never be 100% without problems, though it is greatly improved in this new driver. In particular, during pairing, Android's Bluetooth PIN dialog can briefly show up and automatically go away. But sometimes, it stays on screen, and asks for a 4-digit PIN. (This is not to be confused with the 10-digit Combo pairing PIN.) Do not enter anything, just press cancel. If pairing does not continue, follow the instructions on screen to retry the pairing attempt. +其結果是,配對永遠不會是100%無問題的,儘管在這個新驅動程式中已大幅改進。 特別是,在配對過程中,Android 的藍牙 PIN 對話框可能會短暫顯示並自動消失。 但有時,它會停留在螢幕上,並要求輸入 4 位數 PIN。 (這與 10 位 Combo 配對 PIN 不同。) 不要輸入任何東西,只需按取消即可。 如果配對未繼續,請按照螢幕上的指示重試配對。 (combov2-tab-contents)= -## Accu-Chek Combo tab contents +## Accu-Chek Combo 標籤內容 -The tab shows the following information when a pump was paired (items are listed from top to bottom): +當幫浦已配對時,標籤顯示以下訊息(項目按從上到下的順序列出): -![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab with pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) +![成功配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) -1. _Driver state_: The driver can be in one of the following states: - - "Disconnected" : There is no Bluetooth connection; the driver is in this state most of the time, and only connects to the pump when needed - this saves power - - "Connecting" - - "Checking pump" : the pump is connected, but the driver is currently performing safety checks to ensure that everything is OK and up to date - - "Ready" : the driver is ready to accept commands from AAPS - - "Suspended" : the pump is suspended (shown as "stopped" in the Combo) - - "Executing command" : an AAPS command is being executed - - "Error" : an error occurred; the connection was terminated, any ongoing command was aborted -2. _Last connection_: How many minutes ago did the driver successfully connect to the Combo; if this goes beyond 30 minutes, this item is shown with a red color -3. _Current activity_: Additional detail about what the pump is currently doing; this is also where a thin progress bar can show a command's execution progress, like setting a basal profile -4. _Battery_: Battery level; the Combo only indicates "full", "low", "empty" battery, and does not offer anything more accurate (like a percentage), so only these three levels are shown here -5. _Reservoir_: How many IU are currently in the Combo's reservoir -6. _Last bolus_: How many minutes ago the last bolus was delivered; if none was delivered yet after AAPS was started, this is empty -7. _Temp basal_: Details about the currently active temporary basal; if none is currently active, this is empty -8. _Base basal rate_: Currently active base basal rate ("base" means the basal rate without any active TBR influencing the basal rate factor) -9. _Serial number_: Combo serial number as indicated by the pump (this corresponds to the serial number shown on the back of the Combo) -10. _Bluetooth address_: The Combo's 6-byte Bluetooth address, shown in the `XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` format +1. _驅動狀態_:驅動可以處於以下狀態之一: + - 「中斷連線」:沒有藍牙連線;驅動大多數時間處於此狀態,僅在需要時連線至幫浦 - 這樣可以節省電力 + - 「連線中」 + - 「檢查幫浦」:幫浦已連線,但驅動目前正在執行安全檢查,以確保一切正常並且是最新的 + - 「準備就緒」:驅動準備接受來自 AAPS 的指令 + - 「暫停」:幫浦暫停(在 Combo 中顯示為「停止」) + - 「執行指令」:正在執行 AAPS 指令 + - 「錯誤」:發生錯誤;連線已終止,任何正在進行的指令都被中止 +2. _最後連線_:驅動上次成功連線至 Combo 是多少分鐘前;如果此時間超過 30 分鐘,此項目會顯示為紅色 +3. _當前活動_:有關幫浦當前正在執行的操作的詳細訊息;這里還顯示一個細長的進度條來顯示指令執行的進度,例如設置基礎輸注設定檔 +4. _電池_:電池電量;Combo 只顯示「滿」、「低」、「空」電池,並且沒有提供更準確的數字(如百分比),因此這裡僅顯示這三個級別 +5. _儲存庫_:Combo 儲存庫中當前有多少國際單位(IU) +6. _上次注射_:上次注射是多少分鐘前進行的;如果在啟動 AAPS 後還沒有進行過注射,這是空白的 +7. _臨時基礎率_:當前活動的臨時基礎率的詳細訊息;如果當前沒有活動的臨時基礎率,這是空白的 +8. _基本基礎率_:當前活動的基礎基礎率(「基礎」意味著不受任何活動 TBR 影響的基礎率因子) +9. _序列號_:Combo 序列號,如幫浦顯示的(這與 Combo 背面的序列號一致) +10. _藍牙地址_:Combo 的 6 位元組藍牙地址,以 `XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` 格式顯示 -The Combo can be operated through Bluetooth in the _remote-terminal_ mode or in the _command_ mode. The remote-terminal mode corresponds to the "remote control mode" on the Combo's meter, which mimics the pump's LCD and four buttons. Some commands have to be performed in this mode by the driver, since they have no counterpart in the command mode. That latter mode is much faster, but, as said, limited in scope. When the remote-terminal mode is active, the current remote-terminal screen is shown in the field that is located just above the Combo drawing at the bottom. When the driver switches to the command mode however, that field is left blank. +Combo 可以在 _遠端終端_ 模式或 _指令_ 模式下透過藍牙操作。 遠端終端模式對應於 Combo 計的 "遠端控制模式",該模式模擬了幫浦的 LCD 和四個按鈕。 有些指令必須由驅動在此模式下執行,因為它們在指令模式中沒有相應的功能。 後一種模式要快得多,但正如所說範圍有限。 當遠端終端模式註冊時,當前遠端終端螢幕顯示於位於底部 Combo 圖的上方的欄位中。 然而當驅動切換到指令模式時,該欄位將保持空白。 -(The user does not influence this; the driver fully decides on its own what mode to use. This is merely a note for users to know why sometimes they can see Combo frames in that field.) +(用戶不影響這一點;驅動完全自主決定使用何種模式。這僅是為了讓用戶知道為什麼有時可以在該欄位中看到 Combo 畫面。) 最底部有一個 「重新整理」 按鈕。 -At the very bottom, there is the "Refresh" button. This triggers an immediate pump status update. It also is used to let AAPS know that a previously discovered error is now fixed and that AAPS can check again that everything is OK (more on that below in [the section about alerts](combov2-alerts)). +這會觸發幫浦狀態的即時更新。 它也用於告訴 AAPS 之前發現的錯誤現在已修復,可以讓 AAPS 再次檢查一切是否正常(更多相關訊息請參閱 [警報部分](combov2-alerts))。 它還用於讓AAPS知道之前發現的錯誤已修復,並且AAPS可以再次檢查一切是否正常(更多內容請參閱[關於警報的部分](combov2-alerts))。 -## Preferences +## 偏好設定 -These preferences are available for the combo driver (items are listed from top to bottom): +這些偏好設定適用於 combo 驅動(項目按從上到下的順序列出): -![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo preferences](../images/combo/combov2-preferences.png) +![Accu-Chek Combo 偏好設定截圖](../images/combo/combov2-preferences.png) -1. _Pair with pump_: This is a button that can be pressed to pair with a Combo. It is disabled if a pump is already paired. -2. _Unpair pump_: Unpairs a paired Combo; the polar opposite of item no. 1. It is disabled if no pump is paired. -3. _Discovery duration (in seconds)_: When pairing, the drivers makes the phone discoverable by the pump. This controls how long that discoverability lasts. By default, the maximum (300 seconds = 5 minutes) is selected. Android does not allow for discoverability to last indefinitely, so a duration has to be chosen. -4. _Autodetect and automatically enter insulin reservoir change_: If enabled, the "reservoir change" action that is normally done by the user through the "prime/fill" button in the Action tab. This is explained [in further detail below](combov2-autodetections). -5. _Autodetect and automatically enter battery change_: If enabled, the "battery change" action that is normally done by the user through the "pump battery change" button in the Action tab. This is explained [in further detail below](combov2-autodetections). -6. _Enable verbose Combo logging_: This greatly expands the amount of logging done by the driver. **CAUTION**: Do not enable this unless asked to by a developer. Otherwise, this can add a lot of noise to AndroidAPS logs and lessen their usefulness. +1. _與幫浦配對_:這是一個可以按下的按鈕,用於與 Combo 配對。 如果已經配對了幫浦,它將無法使用。 +2. _取消幫浦配對_:取消配對已配對的 Combo;與項目1相反。 如果沒有已配對的幫浦,它將無法使用。 +3. _發現持續時間(以秒為單位)_:配對時,驅動會使手機對幫浦可見。 這控制了這種可見性持續多久。 預設選擇最大值(300 秒 = 5 分鐘)。 Android 不允許可見性無限期持續,因此必須選擇一個持續時間。 +4. _自動檢測並自動輸入胰島素儲存庫變更_:如果啟用,通常透過 Action 標籤中的 "注射/填充" 按鈕由用戶完成的 "儲存庫變更" 操作。 這在下面的 [詳細解釋](combov2-autodetections) 中作進一步說明。 +5. _自動檢測並自動輸入電池更換_:如果啟用,通常由用戶透過 Action 標籤中的 "幫浦電池變更" 按鈕完成的 "電池更換" 操作。 這在下面的 [詳細解釋](combov2-autodetections) 中作進一步說明。 +6. _啟用詳細 Combo 日誌記錄_:這大大擴展了驅動記錄的日誌數量。 **注意**:除非開發人員要求,否則不要啟用此功能。 否則,這會增加大量的噪音到 AndroidAPS 日誌中,減少它們的實用性。 -Most users only ever use the top two items, the _Pair with pump_ and _Unpair pump_ buttons. +大多數用戶只使用頂部兩個項目,即 _與幫浦配對_ 和 _取消幫浦配對_ 按鈕。 (combov2-autodetections)= -## Autodetecting and automatically entering battery and reservoir changes +## 自動檢測並自動輸入電池和儲存庫變更 -The driver is capable of detecting battery and reservoir changes by keeping track of the battery and reservoir levels. If the battery level was reported by the Combo as low the last time the pump status was updated, and now, during the new pump status update, the battery level shows up as normal, then the driver concludes that the user must have replaced the battery. The same logic is used for the reservoir level: If it now is higher than before, this is interpreted as a reservoir change. +驅動程式能夠透過跟蹤電池和儲存庫的電量來檢測電池和儲存庫變更。 如果上次幫浦狀態更新時 Combo 報告的電池電量為低,且現在在新的幫浦狀態更新中顯示為正常,驅動程式就會推斷用戶必須已經更換了電池。 儲存庫電量也採用相同的邏輯:如果現在顯示為比之前更高,這被解釋為儲存庫變更。 -This only works if the battery and reservoir are replaced when these levels are reported as low _and_ the battery and reservoir are sufficiently filled. +這僅當電池和儲存庫報告為低時_並且_電池和儲存庫有充分的填充時才起效。 -These autodetections can be turned off in the Preferences UI. +可以在偏好設定用戶界面中關閉這些自動檢測。 (combov2-alerts)= -## Alerts (warnings and errors) and how they are handled +## 警報(警告和錯誤)以及如何處理它們 -The Combo shows alerts as remote-terminal screens. Warnings are shown with a "Wx" code (x is a digit), along with by a short description. One example is "W7", "TBR OVER". Errors are similar, but show up with an "Ex" code instead. +Combo 以遠端終端螢幕的形式顯示警報。 警告會顯示一個“Wx”代碼(x 是一個數字),並附有簡短描述。 其中一個例子是“W7”,“TBR OVER”。 錯誤類似,但會顯示“Ex”代碼。 -Certain warnings are automatically dismissed by the driver. These are: +某些警告會被驅動程式自動消除。 這些包括: -- W1 "reservoir low" : the driver turns this into a "low reservoir" warning that is shown on the AAPS main tab -- W2 "battery low" : the driver turns this into a "low battery" warning that is shown on the AAPS main tab -- W3, W6, W7, W8 : these are all purely informational for the user, so it is safe for the driver to auto-dismiss them +- W1 “儲液槽低”:驅動程式會將其轉為顯示於 AAPS 主標籤上的“儲液槽低”警告 +- W2 “電池低”:驅動程式會將其轉為顯示於 AAPS 主標籤上的“電池低”警告 +- W3、W6、W7、W8:這些僅供用戶參考資訊,驅動程式會自動消除它們,因此是安全的 -Other warnings are _not_ automatically dismissed. Also, errors are _never_ automatically dismissed. Both of these are handled the same way: They cause the driver to produce an alert dialog on top of the AAPS UI, and also cause it to abort any ongoing command execution. The driver then switches to the "error" state (see [the Accu-Chek Combo tab contents description above](combov2-tab-contents)). This state does not allow for any command execution. The user has to handle the error on the pump; for example, an occlusion error may require replacing the cannula. Once the user took care of the error, normal operation can be resumed by pressing the "Refresh" button on the Accu-Chek Combo tab. The driver then connects to the Combo and updates its status, checking for whether an error is still shown on screen etc. Also, the driver auto-refreshes the pump status after a while, so manually pressing that button is not mandatory. +其他警告 _不會_ 被自動消除。 此外,錯誤 _絕不_ 會被自動消除。 這兩者都是以相同方式處理:它們會導致驅動程式在 AAPS 介面上顯示警報對話框,並中止任何正在執行的指令。 驅動程式會切換到“錯誤”狀態(詳見 [上述 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤內容描述](combov2-tab-contents))。 此狀態不允許任何指令執行。 用戶需要在幫浦上處理錯誤;例如,阻塞錯誤可能需要更換套管。 一旦用戶處理好錯誤,按下 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤上的“重新整理”按鈕即可恢復正常操作。 然後驅動程式會連線到 Combo 並更新其狀態,檢查畫面上是否仍顯示錯誤等。 此外,驅動程式會在稍後自動重新整理幫浦狀態,因此手動按該按鈕並非必要。 -Bolusing is a special case. It is done in the Combo's command mode, which does not report mid-bolus that an alert appeared. As a consequence, the driver cannot automatically dismiss warnings _during_ a bolus. This means that unfortunately, the pump will be beeping until the bolus is finished. The most common mid-bolus alert typically is W1 "reservoir low". **Don't** dismiss Comnbo warnings on the pump itself manually during a bolus. You risk interrupting the bolus. The driver will take care of the warning once the bolus is over. +注射是一個特殊案例。 它在 Combo 的指令模式下執行,此模式下不會在中途報告出現的警報。 因此,驅動程式無法在注射期間自動消除警告。 這意味著不幸的是,幫浦在注射完成之前會一直發出哔哔聲。 最常見的中途警報通常是 W1“儲液槽低”。 **不要** 在注射期間手動取消幫浦上的 Comnbo 警告。 這會有中斷注射的風險。 注射結束後驅動程式會處理警告。 -Alerts that happen while the driver is not connected to the Combo will not be noticed by the driver. The Combo has no way of automatically pushing that alert to the phone; it is always the phone that has to initiate the connection. As a consequence, the alert will persist until the driver connects to the pump. Users can press the "Refresh" button to trigger a connection and let the driver handle the alert right then and there (instead of waiting until AAPS itself decides to initiate a connection). +在驅動程式未與 Combo 連線期間發生的警報不會被驅動程式注意到。 Combo 無法自動將該警報推送到手機;始終需要手機發起連線。 因此,該警報將持續存在,直到驅動程式連線到幫浦。 用戶可以按“重新整理”按鈕以觸發連線,讓驅動程式立即處理該警報(而不是等待 AAPS 自行決定發起連線)。 -**IMPORTANT**: If an error occurs, or a warning shows up that isn't one of those that are automatically dismissed, the driver enters the error state. In that state, the loop **WILL BE BLOCKED** until the pump status is refreshed! It is unblocked after the pump status is updated (either by manual "Refresh" button press or by the driver's eventual auto-update) and no error is shown anymore. +**重要**:如果發生錯誤或顯示非自動消除的警告,驅動程式會進入錯誤狀態。 在這種狀態下,循環 **將會被阻斷** 直到幫浦狀態被重新整理! 在幫浦狀態更新(無論是手動按“重新整理”按鈕還是驅動程式最終自動更新)且不再顯示錯誤後,狀態會被解除阻斷。 -## Things to be careful about when using the Combo +## 使用 Combo 時需注意的事項 -* Keep in mind that this is not a product, esp. in the beginning the user needs to monitor and understand the system, its limitations and how it can fail. It is strongly advised NOT to use this system when the person using it is not able to fully understand the system. -* Due to the way the Combo's remote control functionality works, several operations (especially setting a basal profile) are slow compared to other pumps. This is an unfortunate limitation of the Combo that cannot be overcome. -* Don't set or cancel a TBR on the pump. The loop assumes control of TBRs and cannot work reliably otherwise, since it's not possible to determine the start time of a TBR that was set by the user on the pump. -* Don't press any buttons on the pump while AAPS communicates with the pump (the Bluetooth logo is shown on the pump while it is connected to AAPS). Doing that will interrupt the Bluetooth connection. Only do that if there are problems with establishing a connection (see [the "Before you begin" section above](combov2-before-you-begin)). -* Don't press any buttons while the pump is bolusing. In particular, don't try to dismiss alerts by pressing buttons. See [the section about alerts](combov2-alerts) for a more detailed explanation why. +* 請記住這不是一個產品,特別是在初期,使用者需要監控並理解系統、其限制以及可能出現的故障方式。 強烈建議不要在不充分瞭解系統的人使用該系統時使用它。 +* 由於 Combo 的遠端控制功能運作方式,幾個操作(特別是設定基礎設定檔)相比其他幫浦較慢。 這是 Combo 無法克服的不便限制。 +* 不要在幫浦上設置或取消 TBR。 循環假設它控制 TBR,否則系統無法可靠工作,因為無法確定用戶在幫浦上設定 TBR 的開始時間。 +* 當 AAPS 與幫浦進行通訊時(幫浦上顯示藍牙標誌時),請不要按任何按鈕。 這樣做會中斷藍牙連線。 僅在建立連線出現問題時才這樣做(詳見 [上述“開始前”部分](combov2-before-you-begin))。 +* 在幫浦注射時請不要按任何按鈕。 特別是,不要嘗試透過按下按鈕來取消警報。 詳見 [警報部分](combov2-alerts)以獲得更詳細的解釋。 -## Checklist for when no connection can be established with the Combo +## 無法建立與 Combo 連線時的檢查清單 -The driver does its best to connect to the Combo, and uses a couple of tricks to maximize reliability. Still, sometimes, connections aren't established. Here are some steps to take for trying to remedy this situation. +驅動程式會盡最大努力連線到 Combo,並使用幾個技巧以最大化可靠性。 然而,有時連線無法建立。 以下是一些解決此情況的步驟。 -1. Press a button on the Combo. Sometimes, the Combo's Bluetooth stack becomes non-responsive, and does not accept connections anymore. By pressing a button on the Combo and making the LCD show something, the Bluetooth stack is reset. Most of the time, this is the only step that's needed to fix the connection issues. -2. Restart the phone. This may be needed if there is an issue with the phone's Bluetooth stack itself. -3. If the Combo's battery cap is old, consider replacing it. Old battery caps can cause issues with the Combo's power supply, which affect Bluetooth. -4. If connection attempts still keep failing, consider unpairing and then re-pairing the pump. +1. 按一下 Combo 的按鈕。 有時,Combo 的藍牙堆疊變得無反應,不再接受連線。 按一下 Combo 的按鈕並顯示 LCD 螢幕內容,藍牙堆疊會重置。 大部分情況下,這是解決連線問題所需的唯一步驟。 +2. 重啟手機。 如果手機的藍牙堆疊本身有問題,則可能需要這樣做。 +3. 如果 Combo 的電池蓋已經老化,考慮更換它。 老舊的電池蓋可能會導致 Combo 的電源供應問題,從而影響藍牙。 +4. 如果連線嘗試仍然失敗,考慮解除配對並重新配對幫浦。 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md index c3c7480e9ec9..5a12ce75909c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ -# 罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 +# Accu Chek Combo 幫浦 -**本软件是DIY解决方案的一部分而非完整的产品,需要您仔细研学包括使用方法在内的系统知识。 它无法为您全权处理糖尿病治疗的全部,但如果你愿意投入必要的时间,它将有助于改善病情并提高生活质量。 不要想着一蹴而就,请给自己足够的学习时间。 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**這個軟體是 DIY 解決方案的一部分,並不是一個產品,因此需要你自己閱讀、學習並理解系統以及如何使用它。 它不是一個能為你完全管理糖尿病的工具,但如果你願意投入時間,它可以幫助你改善糖尿病並提高生活品質。 不要急著使用,先給自己學習的時間。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-hardware-requirements)= -## 硬件要求: - -- 一台罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 (任何版本的固件都可以) -- A Smartpix or Realtyme device together with the 360 Configuration Software to configure the pump. (Roche sends out Smartpix devices and the configuration software free of charge to their customers upon request.) -- A compatible phone: An Android phone with a phone running LineageOS 14.1 (formerly CyanogenMod) or at least Android 8.1 (Oreo). As of AAPS 3.0 Android 9 is mandatory. See [release notes](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.html#android-version-and-aaps-version) for details. -- With LineageOS 14.1 it has to be a recent version from at least June 2017 since the change needed to pair the Combo pump was only introduced at that time. -- A list of phones can be found in the [AAPS Phones](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZAsN6f0gv6tkgy9EBsYl0BQNhna0RDqA9QGycAqCQc/edit) document. -- Please be aware that this is not complete list and reflects personal user experience. You are encouraged to also enter your experience and thereby help others (these projects are all about paying it forward). -- Be aware that while Android 8.1 allows communicating with the Combo, there are still issues with AAPS on 8.1. -- For advanced users, it is possible to perform the pairing on a rooted phone and transfer it to another rooted phone to use with ruffy/AAPS, which must also be rooted. This allows using phones with Android < 8.1 but has not been widely tested: https://github.com/gregorybel/combo-pairing/blob/master/README.md - -## Limitations - -- Extended bolus and multiwave bolus are not supported (see [Extended Carbs](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.md) instead). -- Only one basal profile is supported. -- Setting a basal profile other than 1 on the pump or delivering extended boluses or multiwave boluses from the pump interferes with TBRs and forces the loop into low-suspend only mode for 6 hours as the the loop can't run safely under these conditions. -- It's currently not possible to set the time and date on the pump, so [daylight saving time changes](Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo) have to be performed manually (you may disable the phone's automatic clock update in the evening and change it back in the morning together with the pump clock to avoid an alarm during the night). -- Currently only basal rates in the range of 0.05 to 10 U/h are supported. This also applies when modifying a profile, e.g. when increasing to 200%, the highest basal rate must not exceed 5 U/h since it will be doubled. Similarly, when reducing to 50%, the lowest basal rate must be at least 0.10 U/h. -- If the loop requests a running TBR to be cancelled the Combo will set a TBR of 90% or 110% for 15 minutes instead. This is because cancelling a TBR causes an alert on the pump which causes a lot of vibrations. -- Occasionally (every couple of days or so) AAPS might fail to automatically cancel a TBR CANCELLED alert, which the user then needs to deal with (by pressing the refresh button in AAPS to transfer the warning to AAPS or confirming the alert on the pump). -- Bluetooth connection stability varies with different phones, causing "pump unreachable" alerts, where no connection to the pump is established anymore. -- If that error occurs, make sure Bluetooth is enabled, press the Refresh button in the Combo tab to see if this was caused by an intermitted issue and if still no connection is established, reboot the phone which should usually fix this. -- There is another issue were a restart doesn't help but a button on the pump must be pressed (which resets the pump's Bluetooth), before the pump accepts connections from the phone again. -- There is very little that can be done to remedy either of those issues at this point. So if you see those errors frequently your only option at this time is to get another phone that's known to work well with AAPS and the Combo (see above). -- Issuing a bolus from the pump will not always be detected in time (checked for whenever AAPS connects to the pump), and might take up to 20 minutes in the worst case. -- Boluses on the pump are always checked before a high TBR or a bolus issued by AAPS but due to the limitations AAPS will then refuse to issue the TBR/Bolus as it was calculated under false premises. (-> Don't bolus from the Pump! See chapter [Usage](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-usage) below) -- Setting a TBR on the pump is to be avoided since the loop assumes control of TBRs. Detecting a new TBR on the pump might take up to 20 minutes and the TBR's effect will only be accounted from the moment it is detected, so in the worst case there might be 20 minutes of a TBR that is not reflected in IOB. - -## 设置 - -- Configure the pump using 360 config software. -- If you do not have the software, please contact your Accu-Chek hotline. They usually send registered users a CD with the "360° Pump Configuration Software" and a SmartPix USB-infrared connection device (the Realtyme device also works if you have that). -- **Required settings** (marked green in screenshots): +## 硬體需求 + +- 任何版本的 Roche Accu-Chek Combo(任何韌體版本皆支援) +- 一個 Smartpix 或 Realtyme 裝置,配合 360 設定軟體來配置幫浦。 (Roche 在客戶要求下會免費寄送 Smartpix 裝置和設定軟體。) +- 一部相容的手機:Android 手機,需安裝 LineageOS 14.1(前稱 CyanogenMod)或至少 Android 8.1(Oreo)。 從 AAPS 3.0 開始,Android 9 是必須的。 詳情請見[版本說明](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.html#android-version-and-aaps-version)。 +- 使用 LineageOS 14.1 時,手機必須是 2017 年 6 月以後的版本,因為只有那時的改變才允許配對 Combo 幫浦。 +- 可以在[AAPS 手機列表](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZAsN6f0gv6tkgy9EBsYl0BQNhna0RDqA9QGycAqCQc/edit)文件中找到相容手機。 +- 請注意,這不是完整的列表,只反應個人使用經驗。 我們鼓勵你也分享你的經驗,這樣可以幫助其他人(這些專案是關於傳遞經驗)。 +- 請注意,儘管 Android 8.1 允許與 Combo 通訊,但 AAPS 在 8.1 上仍有問題。 +- 對於進階使用者,可以在已 root 的手機上進行配對,然後將其轉移到另一部已 root 的手機上使用 ruffy/AAPS,這兩部手機都需要 root。 這使得使用 Android 版本低於 8.1 的手機成為可能,但尚未廣泛測試:https://github.com/gregorybel/combo-pairing/blob/master/README.md + +## 限制 + +- 不支援延長注射和多波段注射(請參閱[延長碳水化合物](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.md))。 +- 僅支援一個基礎率設定檔。 +- 在幫浦上設定其他基礎率設定檔或進行延長注射或多波段注射,會干擾 TBR,並使循環進入低懸掛模式6小時,因為在這種情況下無法安全運作循環。 +- 目前無法設置幫浦的時間和日期,因此[夏令時間變更](Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo)需要手動進行(你可以在晚上停用手機的自動時鐘更新,然後與幫浦時鐘一起在早上重新調整,以避免夜間警報)。 +- 目前僅支援 0.05 至 10 U/h 範圍內的基礎率。 這也適用於修改設定檔的情況,例如當增加到 200% 時,最高基礎率不得超過 5 U/h,因為加倍計算後會超過10 U/h。 同樣地,當減少到 50% 時,最低基礎率必須至少為 0.10 U/h。 +- 如果循環要求取消正在運作的 TBR,Combo 將設定 90% 或 110% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘。 這是因為取消 TBR 會在幫浦上觸發警報,導致大量震動。 +- 偶爾(大約每幾天),AAPS 可能無法自動取消 TBR 警報,用戶需要處理此問題(按下 AAPS 的重新整理按鈕以將警告傳送至 AAPS 或在幫浦上確認警報)。 +- 藍牙連線的穩定性隨不同手機而異,可能會出現「幫浦無法使用」的警報,這時幫浦無法再建立連線。 +- 如果發生此錯誤,請確認藍牙已啟用,按下 Combo 標籤中的重新整理按鈕以檢查是否是臨時問題,如果仍無法建立連線,重啟手機,這通常能解決問題。 +- 另一個問題是,當重啟無效時,必須按下幫浦上的按鈕(這會重設幫浦的藍牙),然後幫浦才能再次接受來自手機的連線。 +- 目前對這些問題幾乎無法解決。 因此,如果你經常看到這些錯誤,目前唯一的選擇是換一部已知與 AAPS 和 Combo 幫浦相容的手機(請參閱上文)。 +- 從幫浦發出的注射未必會及時偵測到(每當 AAPS 連線到幫浦時檢查),最壞情況下可能需要長達 20 分鐘。 +- 幫浦上的注射總是在 AAPS 發出高 TBR 或注射前檢查,但由於限制,AAPS 將拒絕執行這些操作,因為它們是在錯誤的前提下計算的。 (→不要從幫浦進行注射! 請參閱[使用指南](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-usage)下方章節) +- 避免在幫浦上設定 TBR,因為循環控制 TBR。 在幫浦上偵測到新的 TBR 可能需要長達 20 分鐘,並且 TBR 的效果僅從偵測時開始計算,因此最壞情況下可能有 20 分鐘的 TBR 沒有反映在 IOB 中。 + +## 設定 + +- 使用 360 設定軟體配置幫浦。 +- 如果你沒有這個軟體,請聯絡你的 Accu-Chek 客服專線。 他們通常會向註冊用戶寄送附有 "360° 幫浦設定軟體" 的 CD 和 SmartPix USB 紅外線連線裝置(如果你有 Realtyme 裝置,也可以使用)。 +- **必要設定**(在螢幕截圖中以綠色標示): - - Set/leave the menu configuration as "Standard", this will show only the supported menus/actions on the pump and hide those which are unsupported (extended/multiwave bolus, multiple basal rates), which cause the loop functionality to be restricted when used because it's not possible to run the loop in a safe manner when used. - - Verify the *Quick Info Text* is set to "QUICK INFO" (without the quotes, found under *Insulin Pump Options*). - - Set TBR *Maximum Adjustment* to 500% - - Disable *Signal End of Temporary Basal Rate* - - Set TBR *Duration increment* to 15 min - - Enable Bluetooth - -- **Recommended settings** (marked blue in screenshots) + - 將/保持選單配置設為「標準」,這將只顯示幫浦支援的選單/操作,並隱藏不支援的部分(如延長注射/多波注射、多重基礎率),使用這些功能會限制循環功能,因為無法在安全的情況下運作循環。 + - 確認 *快速資訊文字* 設為 "QUICK INFO"(不加引號,可在 *胰島素幫浦選項* 中找到)。 + - 將 TBR *最大調整* 設為 500% + - 停用 *臨時基礎率結束訊號* + - 將 TBR *持續時間增量* 設定為 15 分鐘 + - 啟用藍牙 + +- **建議設定**(在螢幕截圖中以藍色標示) - - Set low cartridge alarm to your liking - - Configure a max bolus suited for your therapy to protect against bugs in the software - - Similarly, configure maximum TBR duration as a safeguard. Allow at least 3 hours, since the option to disconnect the pump for 3 hours sets a 0% for 3 hours. - - Enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit. - - Set display timeout and menu timeout to the minimum of 5.5 and 5 respectively. This allows the AAPS to recover more quickly from error situations and reduces the amount of vibrations that can occur during such errors + - 根據你的需求設置低匣警報 + - 配置一個適合你治療的最大注射量,以防軟體中的錯誤 + - 同樣地,配置 TBR 的最大持續時間作為防護措施。 允許至少 3 小時,因為選擇中斷幫浦 3 小時會設置 0% 持續 3 小時。 + - 啟用幫浦上的鍵盤鎖以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是在幫浦以前經常使用時。 當幫浦之前被使用且快速注射已成習慣時,這一點尤其重要。 + - 將顯示逾時和選單逾時分別設置為最小值 5.5 和 5。 這允許 AAPS 更快地從錯誤情況中恢復,並減少在這些錯誤期間可能發生的震動次數。 -![Screenshot of user menu settings](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) +![用戶選單設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) -![Screenshot of TBR settings](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) +![TBR 設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) -![Screenshot of bolus settings](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) +![注射設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) -![Screenshot of insulin cartridge settings](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) +![胰島素匣設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) -- Install AAPS as described in the [AAPS wiki](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/) -- Make sure to read the wiki to understand how to setup AAPS. -- Select the MDI plugin in AAPS, not the Combo plugin at this point to avoid the Combo plugin from interfering with ruffy during the pairing process. -- Clone ruffy via git from [MilosKozak/ruffy](https://github.com/MilosKozak/ruffy). At the moment, the primary branch is the `combo` branch, in case of problems you might also try the 'pairing' branch (see below). -- Build and install ruffy and use it to pair the pump. If it doesn't work after multiple attempts, switch to the `pairing` branch, pair the pump and then switch back the original branch. If the pump is already paired and can be controlled via ruffy, installing the `combo` branch is sufficient. Note that the pairing processing is somewhat fragile (but only has to be done once) and may need a few attempts; quickly acknowledge prompts and when starting over, remove the pump device from the Bluetooth settings beforehand. Another option to try is to go to the Bluetooth menu after initiating the pairing process (this keeps the phone's Bluetooth discoverable as long as the menu is displayed) and switch back to ruffy after confirming the pairing on the pump, when the pump displays the authorization code. If you're unsuccessful in pairing the pump (say after 10 attempts), try waiting up to 10s before confirming the pairing on the pump (when the name of the phone is displayed on the pump). If you have configured the menu timeout to be 5s above, you need to increase it again. Some users reported they needed to do this. Lastly, consider moving from one room to another in case of local radio interference. At least one user immediately overcame pairing problems by simply changing rooms. -- When AAPS is using ruffy, the ruffy app can't be used. The easiest way is to just reboot the phone after the pairing process and let AAPS start ruffy in the background. -- If the pump is completely new, you need to do one bolus on the pump, so the pump creates a first history entry. -- Before enabling the Combo plugin in AAPS make sure your profile is set up correctly and activated(!) and your basal profile is up to date as AAPS will sync the basal profile to the pump. Then activate the Combo plugin. Press the *Refresh* button on the Combo tab to initialize the pump. -- To verify your setup, with the pump **disconnected**, use AAPS to set a TBR of 500% for 15 min and issue a bolus. The pump should now have a TBR running and the bolus in the history. AAPS should also show the active TBR and delivered bolus. +- 按照[AAPS wiki](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/)中的描述安裝 AAPS +- 請務必閱讀 wiki 以了解如何設定 AAPS。 +- 此時在 AAPS 中選擇 MDI 外掛,而非 Combo 外掛,以避免 Combo 外掛在配對過程中干擾 ruffy。 +- 透過 git 從 [MilosKozak/ruffy](https://github.com/MilosKozak/ruffy) 進行 ruffy 的複製。 目前主要分支是 `combo` 分支,如果遇到問題,你也可以嘗試 'pairing' 分支(見下文)。 +- 編譯並安裝 ruffy,並用它來配對幫浦。 如果多次嘗試後仍無法配對,切換到 `pairing` 分支,配對幫浦,然後再切換回原始分支。 如果幫浦已配對且可以透過 ruffy 控制,安裝 `combo` 分支即可。 請注意,配對過程有點不穩定(但只需要做一次),可能需要嘗試幾次;要快速回應提示訊息。如果要重新開始配對,先從藍牙設定裡移除幫浦裝置。 另一個選項是,在 啟動配對過程後進入藍牙選單(這會使手機的藍牙在選單顯示期間保持可被發現的狀態), 然後在幫浦顯示授權碼後切回 ruffy。 如果多次(如 10 次)嘗試後仍無法配對,嘗試在幫浦顯示手機名稱後等待最多 10 秒再確認配對。 如果你之前將選單逾時設置為 5 秒,現在需要再次增加它。 有些用戶報告他們需要這麼做。 最後,考慮移動到另一個房間以避免本地無線干擾。 至少有一位用戶透過簡單地換房間立即解決了配對問題。 +- 當 AAPS 使用 ruffy 時,ruffy 應用程式將無法使用。 最簡單的方式是 在配對過程後重啟手機,然後讓 AAPS 在背景中啟動 ruffy。 +- 如果幫浦是全新的,你需要在幫浦上進行一次注射,這樣幫浦會建立第一個歷史記錄。 +- 在 AAPS 中啟用 Combo 外掛之前,請確保你的個人資料已正確設定並啟動(!),並且基礎率設定檔已更新,因為 AAPS 將會同步基礎率設定檔到幫浦上。 然後啟用 Combo 外掛。 按下 Combo 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕以初始化 幫浦。 +- 為了驗證你的設定,中斷幫浦*連線*,使用 AAPS 設定 500% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘,並進行一次注射。 幫浦現在應該正在運作 TBR,並且歷史記錄中有注射紀錄。 AAPS 也應顯示活動的 TBR 和已注射的記錄。 (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-why-pairing-with-the-pump-does-not-work-with-the-app-ruffy)= -## Why pairing with the pump does not work with the app "ruffy"? +## 為什麼應用程式 "ruffy" 無法與幫浦配對? -There are serveral possible reasons. Try the following steps: +有多種可能的原因。 嘗試以下步驟: -1. Insert a **fresh or full battery** into the pump. Look at the battery section for details. Make sure that the pump is very close to the smartphone. +1. 在幫浦中插入一顆**全新或充滿電的電池**。 查看電池部分以了解詳細資訊。 確保幫浦非常接近智慧型手機。 -![Combo should be next to phone](../images/Combo_next_to_Phone.png) +![將 Combo 放在手機旁邊](../images/Combo_next_to_Phone.png) -2. Turn off or remove any other bluetooth devices so they will not be able to establish a connection to the phone while pairing is in progress. Any parallel bluetooth communication or prompt to establish connections might disturb the pairing process. +2. 關閉或移除任何其他藍牙裝置,以防它們在配對過程中與手機建立連線。 任何平行的藍牙通訊或連線提示都可能干擾配對過程。 -3. Delete already connected devices in the Bluetooth menu of the pump: **BLUETOOTH SETTINGS / CONNECTION / REMOVE** until **NO DEVICE** is shown. +3. 在幫浦的藍牙選單中刪除已連線的裝置:**藍牙設定 / 連線 / 移除** 直到 **無裝置** 顯示為止。 -4. Delete a pump already connected to the phone via Bluetooth: Under Settings / Bluetooth, remove the paired device "**SpiritCombo**" -5. Make sure, that AAPS not running in background the loop. Deaktivate Loop in AAPS. -6. Try using the '**pairing**' branch from the [MilosKozak/ruffy](https://github.com/MilosKozak/ruffy/tree/pairing) repository to establish the connection -7. Now start ruffy on the phone. You may press Reset! and remove the old connection. Then hit **Connect!**. -8. In the Bluetooth menu of the pump, go to **ADD DEVICE / ADD CONNECTION**. Press *CONNECT!** - - The next three steps are timing-sensitive, so you might need to try different pauses/speed if pairing fails. Read the full sequence before trying it. +4. 在手機的設定 / 藍牙中,刪除與手機已配對的幫浦裝置:移除配對的裝置 "**SpiritCombo**" +5. 確保 AAPS 不在背景執行循環。 停用 AAPS 中的循環。 +6. 嘗試使用[MilosKozak/ruffy](https://github.com/MilosKozak/ruffy/tree/pairing) 倉庫中的 '**pairing**' 分支來建立連線。 +7. 現在在手機上啟動 ruffy。 你可以按下重置! 並移除舊的連線。 然後點擊**連線!** +8. 在幫浦的藍牙選單中,前往 **新增裝置 / 新增連線**。 按下 *連線!** + - 接下來的三個步驟對時間的要求很嚴格,如果配對失敗,你可能需要嘗試不同的停頓或速度。 在嘗試之前先閱讀完整步驟。 -9. Now the Pump should show up the BT Name of phone to select for pairing. Here it is importand to wait at least 5s before you hit the select button on Pump. Otherwise the Pumpe will not send the Paring request to the Phone proberly. +9. 現在幫浦應該顯示出手機的藍牙名稱以供選擇配對。 在按下選擇按鈕之前,至少等待 5 秒 。 否則幫浦將無法正確地發送配對請求到手機。 - - If Combo Pump is set to 5s Screentime out, you may test it with 40s (original setting). From experiance the time between pump is showing up in phone until select phone is around 5-10s. In many other cases pairing just times out without successfully pair. Later you should set it back to 5s, to meet AAPS Combo settings and speed up connections. - - If the pump does not show the phone as a pairing device at all, your phone's Bluetooth stack is probably not compatible with the pump. Make sure you are running a new **LineageOS ≥ 14.1** or **Android ≥ 8.1 (Oreo)**. If possible, try another smartphone. You can find a list of already successfully used smartphones under \[AAPS Phones\] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZAsN6f0gv6tkgy9EBsYl0BQNhna0RDqA9QGycAqCQc/edit#gid=698881435). + - 如果 Combo 幫浦的螢幕逾時設定為 5 秒,可以嘗試使用 40 秒(原始設定)。 根據經驗, 從幫浦顯示到手機,直到選擇手機,大約需要 5-10 秒。 在許多其他情況下,配對會因逾時而失敗 。 之後,你可將其設定回 5 秒,以符合 AAPS Combo 設定並加速連線。 + - 如果幫浦根本未顯示手機作為配對裝置,則可能是手機的藍牙堆疊與幫浦不相容 。 確保你正在運作最新的 **LineageOS ≥ 14.1** 或 **Android ≥ 8.1(Oreo)**。 如果可能, 請嘗試使用另一部手機。 可以在\[AAPS 手機\] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gZAsN6f0gv6tkgy9EBsYl0BQNhna0RDqA9QGycAqCQc/edit#gid=698881435) 文件中找到已成功使用的手機列表。 -10. Sometimes the phone asks for a (typically 4 digit) bluetooth PIN number that is not related to the 10 digit PIN later shown on the pump. Usually, ruffy will set this PIN automatically, but due to timing issues, this does not always work. If a request for a Bluetooth pairing PIN appears on the phone before any code is shown on the pump, you need to enter **}gZ='GD?gj2r|B}>** as the PIN. This is easiest done if you copy this 16 character text into the clipboard before starting the pairing sequence and just paste it in the dialog at this step. See related [Github issue](https://github.com/MilosKozak/ruffy/issues/14) for details. +10. 有時手機會要求輸入一個(通常為 4 位數的)藍牙 PIN 碼,這與幫浦稍後顯示的 10 位數 PIN 無關。 通常,ruffy 會自動設置這個 PIN,但由於時間問題,這並不總是有效。 如果在幫浦顯示任何代碼之前,手機出現藍牙配對 PIN 請求,你需要輸入**}gZ='GD?gj2r|B}>** 作為 PIN。 最簡單的方法是先將這 16 位字符的文本複製到剪貼板,然後在配對過程中出現此步驟時將其貼上。 詳情請參閱[Github 問題](https://github.com/MilosKozak/ruffy/issues/14)。 -11. At next the pump should show up a 10 digit security code. And Ruffy shold show a screen to enter it. So enter the code in Ruffy and you should be ready to go. -12. If pairing was not successful and you got a timeout on the pump, you will need to restart the process from scratch. -13. If you have used the 'Pairing' branch to build the ruffy app, now install the version build from the 'combo' branch on top of it. Make sure that you have used the same keys when signing the two versions of the app to be able to keep all setting and data, as they also contain the connection properties. -14. Reboot the phone. -15. Now you can restart AAPS loop. +11. 接下來幫浦應該顯示一個 10 位數的安全代碼。 而 Ruffy 應顯示一個輸入此代碼的畫面。 輸入代碼後,你 應該可以繼續。 +12. 如果配對不成功,並且幫浦上出現逾時,你將需要重新開始整個過程。 +13. 如果你使用 'Pairing' 分支來構建 ruffy 應用程式,現在安裝來自 'combo' 分支的版本,覆蓋安裝。 確保在簽署兩個版本的應用程式時使用相同的密鑰,以便保持所有設置和資料,因為它們還包含連線屬性。 +14. 重啟手機。 +15. 現在你可以重新啟動 AAPS 循環。 (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump)= -## Usage - -- Keep in mind that this is not a product, esp. in the beginning the user needs to monitor and understand the system, its limitations and how it can fail. It is strongly advised NOT to use this system when the person using it is not able to fully understand the system. -- Read the OpenAPS documentation https://openaps.org to understand the loop algorithm AAPS is based upon. -- Read the online documentation to learn about and understand AAPS https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/ -- This integration uses the same functionality which the meter provides that comes with the Combo. The meter allows to mirror the pump screen and forwards button presses to the pump. The connection to the pump and this forwarding is what the ruffy app does. A `scripter` component reads the screen and automates entering boluses, TBRs etc and making sure inputs are processed correctly. AAPS then interacts with the scripter to apply loop commands and to administer boluses. This mode has some restrictions: it's comparatively slow (but well fast enough for what it is used for), and setting a TBR or giving a bolus causes the pump to vibrate. -- The integration of the Combo with AAPS is designed with the assumption that all inputs are made via AAPS. Boluses entered on the pump directly will be detected by AAPS, but it can take up to 20 min before AAPS becomes aware of such a bolus. Reading boluses delivered directly on the pump is a safety feature and not meant to be regularly used (the loop requires knowledge of carbs consumed, which can't be entered on the pump, which is another reason why all inputs should be done in AAPS). -- Don't set or cancel a TBR on the pump. The loop assumes control of TBR and cannot work reliably otherwise, since it's not possible to determine the start time of a TBR that was set by the user on the pump. -- The pump's first basal rate profile is read on application start and is updated by AAPS. The basal rate should not be manually changed on the pump, but will be detected and corrected as a safety measure (don't rely on safety measures by default, this is meant to detect an unintended change on the pump). -- It's recommended to enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and using the "quick bolus" feature was a habit. Also, with keylock enabled, accidentally pressing a key will NOT interrupt active communication between AAPS and pump. -- When a BOLUS/TBR CANCELLED alert starts on the pump during bolusing or setting a TBR, this is caused by a disconnect between pump and phone, which happens from time to time. AAPS will try to reconnect and confirm the alert and then retry the last action (boluses are NOT retried for safety reasons). Therefore, such an alarm can be ignored as AAPS will confirm it automatically, usually within 30s (cancelling it is not problem, but will lead to the currently active action to have to wait till the pump's display turns off before it can reconnect to the pump). If the pump's alarm continues, automatic corfirmation failed, in which case the user needs to confirm the alarm manually. -- When a low cartridge or low battery alarm is raised during a bolus, they are confirmed and shown as a notification in AAPS. If they occur while no connection is open to the pump, going to the Combo tab and hitting the Refresh button will take over those alerts by confirming them and show a notification in AAPS. -- When AAPS fails to confirm a TBR CANCELLED alert, or one is raised for a different reason, hitting Refresh in the Combo tab establishes a connection, confirms the alert and shows a notification for it in AAPS. This can safely be done, since those alerts are benign - an appropriate TBR will be set again during the next loop iteration. -- For all other alerts raised by the pump: connecting to the pump will show the alert message in the Combo tab, e.g. "State: E4: Occlusion" as well as showing a notification on the main screen. An error will raise an urgent notification. AAPS never confirms serious errors on the pump, but let's the pump vibrate and ring to make sure the user is informed of a critical situation that needs action. -- After pairing, ruffy should not be used directly (AAPS will start in the background as needed), since using ruffy at AAPS at the same time is not supported. -- If AAPS crashes (or is stopped from the debugger) while AAPS and the pump were communicating (using ruffy), it might be necessary to force close ruffy. Restarting AAPS will start ruffy again. Restarting the phone is also an easy way to resolve this if you don't know how to force kill an app. -- Don't press any buttons on the pump while AAPS communicates with the pump (Bluetooth logo is shown on the pump). \ No newline at end of file +## 使用說明 + +- 請記住,這不是一個產品,特別是 剛開始時,用戶需要監控並理解系統、其限制以及它如何可能失效。 強烈建議當使用者無法完全理解系統時,不要使用此系統。 +- 閱讀 OpenAPS 文件 https://openaps.org 以理解 AAPS 所基於的循環演算法 。 +- 閱讀線上文件以學習和理解 AAPS https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/ +- 此整合使用了 Combo 附帶的血糖機所提供的相同功能。 該血糖機允許鏡像幫浦螢幕並將按鍵輸入傳送到幫浦。 連線幫浦和傳送按鍵輸入是 ruffy 應用程式的功能 。 一個`腳本工具`組件會讀取螢幕 並自動輸入注射、TBR 等,確保輸入正確處理。 然後 AAPS 與腳本工具互動以應用循環指令並管理注射。 此模式有一些限制:速度相對較慢(但足夠快用於其用途), 並且設置 TBR 或進行注射時會導致幫浦震動。 +- Combo 與 AAPS 的整合假設所有輸入都是 透過 AAPS 進行的。 直接在幫浦上進行的注射能被 AAPS 偵測到,但可能需要 長達 20 分鐘 AAPS 才能察覺這種注射。 直接在幫浦上輸入的注射讀取是一個安全功能,並不建議經常使用(循環需要知道消耗的碳水化合物,這無法在幫浦上輸入,這是所有輸入應該在 AAPS 內完成的另一個原因)。 +- 不要在幫浦上設置或取消 TBR。 循環假設 TBR 是由其控制的,否則將無法可靠工作,因為無法確定用戶在幫浦上設置的 TBR 開始時間。 +- 幫浦的第一基礎率設定檔在應用程式啟動時被讀取,並由 AAPS 更新。 基礎率不應手動在幫浦上更改,若發生更改,會被偵測並作為安全 措施進行修正(預設情況下不要依賴安全措施,這是為了偵測幫浦上的非預期更改)。 +- 建議啟用幫浦的鍵盤鎖以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是 當幫浦以前被使用並且「快速注射」功能成為習慣時。 此外,啟用按鍵鎖定後,即使意外按到按鍵,也不會中斷 AAPS 和幫浦之間的通訊。 +- 當幫浦在進行注射或設定臨時基礎率時,出現「注射/臨時基礎率取消」警報,這是因為幫浦和手機之間的連線中斷,這種情況偶爾會發生。 AAPS 會嘗試重新連線並確認警報,然後重試最後的操作(出於安全考量,注射不會重試)。 因此,這樣的警報可以忽略,因為 AAPS 會自動確認,通常在 30 秒內完成(取消警報沒問題,但會導致當前正在進行的操作必須等到幫浦螢幕熄滅後,才能重新連線到幫浦)。 如果幫浦的警報持續響起,代表自動確認失敗,這時用戶需要手動確認警報。 +- 當在注射過程中出現低藥匣或低電量警報時,這些警報會被確認,並顯示為 AAPS 中的通知。 如果這些警報發生時幫浦沒有連線,前往 Combo 頁籤並按下重新整理按鈕會接管這些警報,確認後會在 AAPS 顯示通知。 +- 當 AAPS 無法確認 '臨時基礎率取消' 警報,或因其他原因觸發該警報時,在 Combo 頁籤按下重新整理會重新建立連線,確認警報,並在 AAPS 顯示通知。 這樣做是安全的,因為這些警報是無害的——在下次循環時會再次設定適當的臨時基礎率(TBR)。 +- 對於幫浦觸發的其他警報:連接到幫浦後,會在 Combo 頁籤顯示警報訊息,例如『狀態:E4:阻塞』,並且會在主畫面顯示通知。 錯誤會觸發緊急通知。 AAPS 不會確認幫浦上的嚴重錯誤,而是會讓幫浦震動並響鈴,以確保用戶知道需要處理的重大情況。 +- 配對後,不應直接使用 ruffy(AAPS 會在需要時於背景啟動),因為同時使用 ruffy 和 AAPS 是不支援的。 +- 如果 AAPS 當機(或被調試器停止)時 AAPS 正在與幫浦連線(使用 ruffy),可能需要強制關閉 ruffy。 重新啟動 AAPS 會再次啟動 ruffy。 如果你不知道如何強制關閉應用程式,重新啟動手機也是解決這個問題的簡單方法。 +- 當AAPS與幫浦連線時(幫浦上顯示藍牙標誌),請不要按下幫浦上的任何按鈕。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump.md index 2bbc98833472..35598aaf9db8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump.md @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ -# Accu-Chek Insight Pump +# Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦 -**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product, but requires YOU to read, learn and understand the system including how to use it. It is not something that does all your diabetes management for you but allows you to improve your diabetes and your quality of life, if you're willing to put in the time required. Don't rush into it, but allow yourself time to learn. You alone are responsible for what you do with it.** +**此軟體是DIY人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,不是產品, 您需要閱讀、學習並理解整個系統,包括如何使用它。 它並不是為您自動管理所有糖尿病控制,而是 讓您在投入必要時間的前提下,提升糖尿病管理和生活品質。 不要急於使用, 請給自己時間學習。 您對自己 所做的決定負全部責任。** * * * -## ***WARNING:** If you have been using the Insight with **SightRemote** in the past, please **update to the newest AAPS version** and **uninstall SightRemote**.* +## ***警告:** 如果您曾經使用過 Insight 與 **SightRemote**,請**更新至最新 AAPS 版本**並**卸載 SightRemote**。* -## Hardware and software requirements +## 硬體和軟體需求 -* A Roche Accu-Chek Insight pump (any firmware, they all work) +* 一台 Roche Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦(任何韌體都適用) -Note: AAPS will write data always in **first basal rate profile in the pump**. +注意:AAPS 將資料寫入**幫浦的第一個基礎率設定檔**。 -* An Android phone (Basically every Android version would work with Insight, but check on the [Module](module-phone) page which Android version is required to run AAPS.) -* The AAPS app installed on your phone +* 一台 Android 手機(基本上每個 Android 版本都適用於 Insight,但請檢查[模組](module-phone)頁面了解運作 AAPS 所需的 Android 版本)。 +* 您的手機上安裝了 AAPS 應用程式 -## 设置 +## 設定 -* The Insight pump should only be connected to one device at a time. If you have previously used the Insight remote control (meter), you must remove the meter from the paired devices list of your pump: Menu > Settings > Communication > Remove device +* Insight 幫浦一次只能連線一個裝置。 如果您之前使用過 Insight 遙控器(血糖機),必須從幫浦的配對裝置列表中移除該血糖機:選單 > 設定 > 通訊 > 移除裝置 - ![Screenshot of Remove Meter Insight](../images/Insight_RemoveMeter.png) + ![移除血糖機 Insight 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_RemoveMeter.png) -* In [Config builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder) of the AAPS app select Accu-Chek Insight in the pump section +* 在 AAPS 應用程式的[組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder)中,選擇幫浦區域的 Accu-Chek Insight。 - ![Screenshot of Config Builder Insight](../images/Insight_ConfigBuilder_AAPS3_0.jpg) + ![組態建置工具 Insight 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_ConfigBuilder_AAPS3_0.jpg) -* Tap the cog-wheel to open Insight settings. +* 點擊齒輪圖示以打開 Insight 設定。 -* In settings, tap on the button 'Insight pairing' at the top of the screen. You should see a list of all nearby bluetooth devices (below left). -* On the Insight pump, go to Menu > Settings > Communication > Add Device. The pump will display the following screen (below right) showing the serial number of the pump. +* 在設定中,點擊螢幕頂部的“Insight 配對”按鈕。 您應該會看到附近所有藍牙裝置的列表(左下方)。 +* 在 Insight 幫浦上,前往選單 > 設定 > 通訊 > 添加裝置。 幫浦將顯示如下螢幕(右下方),顯示幫浦的序列號。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 1](../images/Insight_Pairing1.png) + ![Insight 配對 1 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing1.png) -* Going back to your phone, tap on the pump serial number in the list of bluetooth devices. Then tap on Pair to confirm. +* 返回手機,點擊藍牙裝置列表中的幫浦序列號。 然後點擊配對以確認。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 2](../images/Insight_Pairing2.png) + ![Insight 配對 2 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing2.png) -* Both the pump and phone will then display a code. Check that the codes are the same on both devices and confirm on both the pump and the phone. +* 幫浦和手機將顯示一個代碼。 確認兩個裝置上的代碼相同,並在幫浦和手機上確認。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 3](../images/Insight_Pairing3.png) + ![Insight 配對 3 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing3.png) -* Success! Pat yourself on the back for successfully pairing your pump with AAPS. +* 成功! 配對成功後,為自己點個讚。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 4](../images/Insight_Pairing4.png) + ![Insight 配對 4 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing4.png) -* To check all is well, go back to Config builder in AAPS and tap on the cog-wheel by the Insight Pump to get into Insight settings, then tap on Insight Pairing and you will see some information about the pump: +* 要檢查是否一切正常,返回 AAPS 中的組態建置工具並點擊 Insight 幫浦旁的齒輪圖示進入 Insight 設定,然後點擊 Insight 配對,您將看到一些關於幫浦的資訊: - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing Information](../images/Insight_PairingInformation.png) + ![Insight 配對資訊的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_PairingInformation.png) -Note: There will be no permanent connection between pump and phone. A connection will only be established if necessary (i.e. setting temporary basal rate, giving bolus, reading pump history...). Otherwise battery of phone and pump would drain way too fast. +注意:幫浦和手機之間不會有永久連線。 只有在需要時(例如設置臨時基礎率、進行注射、讀取幫浦歷史記錄時)才會建立連線。 否則手機和幫浦的電池會消耗過快。 (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps)= -## Settings in AAPS +## AAPS 設定 -**Note : It is now possible (only with AAPS v2.7.0 and above) to use ‘Always use basal absolute values’ if you want to use Autotune with Insight pump, even if 'sync is enabled' with Nightscout.** (In AAPS go to [Preferences > NSClient > Advanced Settings](Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient)). +**注意:現在可以(僅適用於 AAPS v2.7.0 及以上版本)使用‘永遠使用基礎絕對值’來與 Insight 幫浦配合使用自動調整,即使已啟用與 Nightscout 的同步功能。**(在 AAPS 中,前往[偏好設定 > NSClient > 進階設定](Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient))。 -![Screenshot of Insight Settings](../images/Insight_settings.png) +![Insight 設定的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_settings.png) -In the Insight settings in AAPS you can enable the following options: +在 AAPS 的 Insight 設定中,您可以啟用以下選項: -* "Log reservoir changes": This will automatically record an insulin cartridge change when you run the "fill cannula" program on the pump. +* "記錄儲液筒更換":這將在幫浦運作“填充導管”程式時自動記錄胰島素筒的更換。 -* "Log tube changes": This adds a note to the AAPS database when you run the "tube filling" program on the pump. +* "記錄導管更換":當您在幫浦上運作“填充導管”程式時,這會在 AAPS 資料庫中添加一個註記。 -* "Log site change": This adds a note to the AAPS database when you run the "cannula filling" program on the pump. **Note: A site change also resets Autosens.** +* "記錄注射點更換":這會在幫浦上運作“填充導管”程式時,在 AAPS 資料庫中添加一個註記。 **注意:更換注射點也會重置自動靈敏度調整(Autosens)。** -* "Log battery changes": This records a battery change when you put a new battery in the pump. +* "記錄電池更換":當您在幫浦中放入新電池時,這會記錄電池更換。 -* "Log operating mode changes": This inserts a note in the AAPS database whenever you start, stop or pause the pump. +* "記錄操作模式變更":這會在 AAPS 資料庫中插入註記,當您啟動、停止或暫停幫浦時。 -* "Log alerts": This records a note in the AAPS database whenever the pump issues an alert (except reminders, bolus and TBR cancellation - those are not recorded). +* "記錄警報":這會在幫浦發出警報時記錄在 AAPS 資料庫中(提醒、注射和臨時基礎率取消除外——這些不會被記錄)。 -* "Enable TBR emulation": The Insight pump can only issue temporary basal rates (TBRs) up to 250%. To get round this restriction, TBR emulation will instruct the pump to deliver an extended bolus for the extra insulin if you request a TBR of more than 250%. +* "啟用臨時基礎率仿真":Insight 幫浦最多只能發出250%的臨時基礎率(TBR)。 為了繞過這一限制,當您請求超過250%的 TBR 時,TBR 仿真會指示幫浦發送一個延長注射以額外供應胰島素。 - **Note: Just use one extended bolus at a time as multiple extended boluses at the same time might cause errors.** + **注意:一次只使用一個延長注射,因為同時多次延長注射可能會導致錯誤。** -* "Disable vibrations on manual bolus delivery": This disables the Insight pump's vibrations when delivering a manual bolus (or extended bolus). This setting is available only with the latest version of Insight firmware (3.x). +* "停用手動注射時的震動":這會在手動注射(或延長注射)時停用 Insight 幫浦的震動。 此設定僅在最新的 Insight 韌體(3.x)版本中可用。 -* "Disable vibrations on automated bolus delivery": This disables the Insight pump's vibrations when delivering an automatic bolus (SMB or Temp basal with TBR emulation). This setting is available only with the latest version of Insight firmware (3.x). +* "停用自動注射時的震動":這會在自動注射(SMB 或 TBR 仿真)時停用 Insight 幫浦的震動。 此設定僅在最新的 Insight 韌體(3.x)版本中可用。 -* "Recovery duration": This defines how long AAPS will wait before trying again after a failed connection attempt. You can choose from 0 to 20 seconds. If you experience connection problems, choose a longer wait time. +* "恢復時間":這定義了在連線失敗後,AAPS 將等待多長時間後再嘗試連線。 您可以選擇0到20秒。 如果您遇到連線問題,請選擇較長的等待時間。 - Example for min. recovery duration = 5 and max. recovery duration = 20 + 恢復時間範例:最小 恢復時間=5,最大 恢復時間=20 - no connection -> wait **5** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **6** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **7** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **8** sec. + 無連線 -> 等待**5**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**6**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**7**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**8**秒。 ... - retry -> no connection -> wait **20** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **20** sec. + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**20**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**20**秒。 ... -* "Disconnect delay": This defines how long (in seconds) AAPS will wait to disconnect from the pump after an operation is finished. Default value is 5 seconds. +* "斷線延遲":這定義了在操作完成後 AAPS 將等待多少秒後再中斷與幫浦的連線。 預設值為5秒。 -For periods when pump was stopped AAPS will log a temp. basal rate with 0%. +當幫浦停止時,AAPS 將記錄臨時 基礎率為0%。 -In AAPS, the Accu-Chek Insight tab shows the current status of the pump and has two buttons: +在 AAPS 中,Accu-Chek Insight 標籤顯示幫浦的當前狀態,並有兩個按鈕: -* "Refresh": Refreshes pump status -* "Enable/Disable TBR over notification": A standard Insight pump emits an alarm when a TBR is finished. This button lets you enable or disable this alarm without the need for configuration software. +* "重新整理":重新整理幫浦狀態 +* "啟用/停用 TBR 通知":標準的 Insight 幫浦在 TBR 結束時會發出警報。 此按鈕讓您無需配置軟體即可啟用或停用此警報。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Status](../images/Insight_Status2.png) + ![Insight 狀態的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Status2.png) -## Settings in the pump +## 幫浦中的設定 -Configure alarms in the pump as follows: +配置幫浦中的警報如下: -* Menu > Settings > Device settings > Mode settings > Quiet > Signal > Sound -* Menu > Settings > Device settings > Mode settings > Quiet > Volume > 0 (remove all bars) -* Menu > Modes > Signal mode > Quiet +* 選單 > 設定 > 裝置設定 > 模式設定 > 靜音 > 信號 > 聲音 +* 選單 > 設定 > 裝置設定 > 模式設定 > 靜音 > 音量 > 0(移除所有條) +* 選單 > 模式 > 信號模式 > 靜音 -This will silence all alarms from the pump, allowing AAPS to decide if an alarm is relevant to you. If AAPS does not acknowledge an alarm, its volume will increase (first beep, then vibration). +這將使幫浦靜音,允許 AAPS 決定警報是否與您相關。 如果 AAPS 未確認警報,其音量將增加(先是嗶聲,然後是震動)。 (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-vibration)= -### Vibration +### 震動 -Depending on the firmware version of your pump, the Insight will vibrate briefly every time a bolus is delivered (for example, when AAPS issues an SMB or TBR emulation delivers an extended bolus). +根據您幫浦的韌體版本,Insight 每次注射時都會短暫震動(例如,當 AAPS 發出 SMB 或 TBR 仿真發送延長注射時)。 -* Firmware 1.x: No vibration by design. -* Firmware 2.x: Vibration cannot be disabled. -* Firmware 3.x: AAPS delivers bolus silently. (minimum [version](Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)) +* 韌體 1.x:設計上沒有震動。 +* 韌體 2.x:無法停用震動。 +* 韌體 3.x:AAPS 安靜地發送注射。 (最低[版本](Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)) -Firmware version can be found in the menu. +您可以在選單中找到韌體版本。 -## Battery replacement +## 電池更換 -Battery life for Insight when looping range from 10 to 14 days, max. 20 days. The user reporting this is using Energizer lithium batteries. +Insight 在循環使用期間的電池壽命範圍為 10 到 14 天,最大 20 天。 報告此電池壽命的用戶使用的是 Energizer 鋰電池。 -The Insight pump has a small internal battery to keep essential functions like the clock running while you are changing the removable battery. If changing the battery takes too long, this internal battery may run out of power, the clock will reset, and you will be asked to enter a new time and date after inserting a new battery. If this happens, all entries in AAPS prior to the battery change will no longer be included in calculations as the correct time cannot be identified properly. +Insight 幫浦有一個小型內部電池,可在更換可拆卸電池時維持時鐘等重要功能的運作。 如果更換電池的時間過長,內部電池可能會耗盡電力,時鐘將重置,並且在插入新電池後您需要重新設置時間和日期。 如果發生這種情況,更換電池前在 AAPS 中的所有記錄將不再包括在計算中,因為無法正確識別正確的時間。 (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-insight-specific-errors)= -## Insight specific errors +## Insight 特定錯誤 -### Extended bolus +### 延長注射 -Just use one extended bolus at a time as multiple extended boluses at the same time might cause errors. +一次只使用一個延長注射,因為同時多次延長注射可能會導致錯誤。 -### Time out +### 逾時 -Sometimes it might happen that the Insight pump does not answer during connection setup. In this case AAPS will display the following message: "Timeout during handshake - reset bluetooth". +有時 Insight 幫浦在連線設置期間可能不會回應。 在這種情況下,AAPS 將顯示以下訊息:“交握時逾時 - 重置藍牙”。 -![Insight Reset Bluetooth](../images/Insight_ResetBT.png) +![Insight 重置藍牙](../images/Insight_ResetBT.png) -In this case turn off bluetooth on pump AND smartphone for about 10 seconds and then turn it back on. +在這種情況下,請關閉幫浦和手機上的藍牙約10秒,然後重新開啟。 -## Crossing time zones with Insight pump +## 跨時區使用 Insight 幫浦 -For information on traveling across time zones see section [Timezone traveling with pumps](Timezone-traveling-insight). \ No newline at end of file +有關跨時區旅行的資訊,請參閱[使用幫浦跨時區旅行](Timezone-traveling-insight)部分。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Config-Builder.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Config-Builder.md index d7e886c92c07..504110d73465 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Config-Builder.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Config-Builder.md @@ -1,379 +1,379 @@ -# 配置生成器 +# 組態建置工具 -Depending on your settings you can open Config Builder through a tab at the top of the screen or through hamburger menu. +根據你的設定,你可以透過螢幕頂部的標籤或選單開「啟組態建置工具」。 -![Open config builder](../images/ConfBuild_Open_AAPS30.png) +![開啟組態建置工具](../images/ConfBuild_Open_AAPS30.png) -Config Builder (Conf) is the tab where you turn the modular features on and off. The boxes on the left-hand side (A) allow you to select which one to use, the boxes on the right-hand side (C) allow you to view these as a tab (E) in AAPS. In case the right box is not activated you can reach the function by using the hamburger menu (D) on the top left of the screen. +組態建置工具(Conf)是你用來啟用或停用模組功能的標籤。 左側的框(A)允許你選擇要使用哪一個,右側的框(C)允許你將這些顯示為 AAPS 中的標籤(E)。 如果右側的框未啟用,你可以透過螢幕左上方的選單(D)進入該功能。 -Where there are additional settings available within the module, you can click on the cog wheel (B) which will take you to the specific settings within preferences. +如果模組內有額外的設定可用,你可以點擊齒輪(B),這會將你帶到偏好設定中的特定設置。 -**First configuration:** Since AAPS 2.0 a Setup wizard guides you through the process of setting up AAPS. Push 3-dots-menu on the upper right-hand side of the screen (F) and select 'Setup Wizard' to use it. +**首次配置:**從 AAPS 2.0 開始,設定嚮導會引導你完成 AAPS 的配置過程。 按下螢幕右上角的三點選單(F),並選擇「設定嚮導」來使用它。 -![Config Builder boxes and cog wheel](../images/ConfBuild_ConfigBuilder_AAPS30.png) +![組態建置工具框和齒輪](../images/ConfBuild_ConfigBuilder_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-tab-or-hamburger-menu)= -## Tab or hamburger menu +## 標籤或選單 -With the checkbox under the eye symbol you can decide how to open the corresponding program section. +透過眼睛圖示下方的選框,你可以決定如何開啟相應的程式區段。 -![Tab or hamburger menu](../images/ConfBuild_TabOrHH_AAPS30.png) +![標籤或選單](../images/ConfBuild_TabOrHH_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-profile)= -## Profile +## 設定檔 -* Select the basal profile you wish to use. See [Profiles](../Usage/Profiles.md) page for more setup information. -* As of AAPS 3.0, only the local profile is available. +* 選擇你要使用的基礎率設定檔。 有關更多設定資訊,請參閱[設定檔](../Usage/Profiles.md)頁面。 +* 從 AAPS 3.0 開始,僅提供本地設定檔。 -However, it is possible to synchronise a Nightscout profile into a local profile. To do this, however, it is important to clone the whole database record consisting of several profiles in the Nightscout editor. Please see the instructions below. This can be helpful if major changes to a more extensive profile can be entered more easily via the web interface, e.g. to manually copy data from a spreadsheet. +然而,可以將 Nightscout 設定檔同步至本地設定檔。 不過,為此重要的是要在 Nightscout 編輯器中複製由多個設定檔組成的完整資料庫記錄。 請參閱下方的說明。 如果要對更廣泛的設定檔進行重大更改,這可能會很有幫助,例如從試算表手動複製資料。 (Config-Builder-local-profile)= -### Local profile +### 本地設定檔(Local profile) -Local profile uses the basal profile manually entered in phone. As soon as it is selected, a new tab appears in AAPS, where you can change the profile data read out from the pump if necessary. With the next profile switch they are then written to the pump in profile 1. This profile is recommended as it does not rely on internet connectivity. +本地設定檔使用手動輸入到手機中的基礎率設定檔。 一旦選擇它,AAPS 中將會顯示一個新標籤,必要時你可以更改從幫浦讀取的設定檔資料。 下次切換設定檔時,這些資料將寫入幫浦中的設定檔 1。 建議使用這個設定檔,因為它不依賴於網際網路連線。 -Your local profiles are part of [exported settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md). So make sure to have a backup in a safe place. +你的本地設定檔是[匯出設定](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md)的一部分。 因此,確保有一個安全的備份。 -![Local Profile settings](../images/LocalProfile_Settings.png) +![本地設定檔設置](../images/LocalProfile_Settings.png) -Buttons: +按鈕: -* green plus: add -* red X: delete -* blue arrow: duplicate +* 綠色加號:新增 +* 紅色 X:刪除 +* 藍色箭頭:複製 -If you make any changes to your profile, make sure, you are editing the correct profile. In profile tab there is not always shown the actual profile being used - e.g. if you made a profile switch by using the profile tab on homescreen it may differ from the profile actually shown in profile tab as there is no connection between these. +如果你對設定檔進行任何更改,請確保你正在編輯正確的設定。 在設定檔標籤中,不一定會顯示當前正在使用的設定檔——例如,如果你使用主畫面的設定檔標籤進行切換,該設定檔可能與設定檔標籤中顯示的不同,因為兩者之間沒有連線。 -#### Clone profile switch +#### 複製設定檔切換 -You can easily create a new local profile from a profile switch. In this case timeshift and percentage will be applied to the new local profile. +你可以輕鬆從設定檔切換中建立新的本地設定檔。 在此情況下,時間偏移和百分比將應用於新本地設定檔。 -1. Click 3-dots-menu in upper right corner. -2. Select 'Treatments'. -3. Press star symbol to access profile switch page. -4. Select the desired profile switch and press "Clone". -5. You can edit the new local profile in Local Profile (LP) tab or via the hamburger menu. +1. 點擊右上角的三點選單。 +2. 選擇「治療」。 +3. 按下星號圖示以進入設定檔切換頁面。 +4. 選擇所需的設定檔切換並按「複製」。 +5. 你可以在本地設定檔(LP)標籤中或透過選單編輯新的本地設定檔。 -![Clone profile switch](../images/LocalProfile_ClonePS_AAPS30.png) +![複製設定檔切換](../images/LocalProfile_ClonePS_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-upload-local-profiles-to-nightscout)= -#### Upload local profiles to Nightscout +#### 上傳本地設定檔到 Nightscout -Local profiles can also be uploaded to Nightscout. The settings can be found in [NSClient preferences](Preferences-nsclient). +本地設定檔也可以上傳到 Nightscout。 可以在[NSClient 偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中找到這些設定。 -![Upload local profile to NS](../images/LocalProfile_UploadNS_AASP30.png) +![上傳本地設定檔到 NS](../images/LocalProfile_UploadNS_AASP30.png) -#### Change profile in Nighscout profile editor +#### 在 Nightscout 設定檔編輯器中更改設定檔 -You can synchronize changes to the profile in the Nighscout profile editor to local profiles. The settings can be found in [NSClient preferences](Preferences-nsclient). +你可以將 Nightscout 設定檔編輯器中的更改同步至本地設定檔。 可以在[NSClient 偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中找到這些設定。 -It is necessary to clone the actual active entire Nightscout database records for the profiles and not just a profile with the blue arrow! The new database records then carries the current date and can be activated via the tab "local profile". +有必要複製整個當前活動的 Nightscout 資料庫記錄,而不僅僅是藍色箭頭的設定檔! 新的資料庫記錄將攜帶當前日期,並可以透過「本地設定檔」標籤啟用。 -![Clone database records](../images/Nightscout_Profile_Editor.PNG) +![複製資料庫記錄](../images/Nightscout_Profile_Editor.PNG) -### Profile helper +### 設定檔助手 -Profile helper offers two functions: +設定檔助手提供兩個功能: -1. Find a profile for kids -2. Compare two profiles or profile switches in order to clone a new profile +1. 為孩子們找到合適的設定檔 +2. 比較兩個設定檔或設定檔切換,以便複製新的設定檔 -Details are explained on the separate [profile helper page](../Configuration/profilehelper.md). +詳細說明請參閱[設定檔助手頁面](../Configuration/profilehelper.md)。 (Config-Builder-insulin)= -## Insulin +## 胰島素 -![Insulin type](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_AAPS30.png) +![胰島素類型](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_AAPS30.png) -* Select the type of insulin curve you are using. -* The options 'Rapid-Acting Oref', Ultra-Rapid Oref', 'Lyumjev' and 'Free-Peak Oref' all have an exponential shape. More information is listed in the [OpenAPS docs](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/understanding-insulin-on-board-calculations.html#understanding-the-new-iob-curves-based-on-exponential-activity-curves). -* The curves will vary based on the DIA and the time to peak. +* 選擇你正在使用的胰島素曲線類型。 +* 選項 'Rapid-Acting Oref'、'Ultra-Rapid Oref'、'Lyumjev' 和 'Free-Peak Oref' 都具有指數形狀。 更多資訊請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/understanding-insulin-on-board-calculations.html#understanding-the-new-iob-curves-based-on-exponential-activity-curves)。 +* 曲線將根據 DIA 和峰值時間而有所不同。 - * PURPLE line shows how much **insulin remains** after it has been injected as it decays with time. - * BLUE line shows **how active** insulin is. + * 紫色線顯示**注射後隨時間衰減**的剩餘胰島素量。 + * 藍色線顯示**胰島素的活性**。 ### DIA -* The DIA is not the same for each person. That's why you have to test it for yourself. -* But it must always be at least 5 hours. -* For a lot of people using ultra-rapid insulins like Fiasp there is practically no noticeable effect after 3-4 hours any more, even if 0.0xx units are available as a rule then. This residual amount can still be noticeable during sports, for example. Therefore, AAPS uses minimum 5h as DIA. -* You can read more about that in the Insulin Profile section of [this](Screenshots-insulin-profile) page. +* DIA 對每個人來說並不相同。 這就是為什麼你需要自行測試。 +* 但它必須至少是 5 小時。 +* 對於許多使用超快速胰島素如 Fiasp 的人來說,實際上在 3-4 小時後已經沒有顯著效果了,即使此時理論上仍有 0.0xx 單位的胰島素存在。 例如,在運動期間,這些殘餘量可能仍然是顯著的。 因此,AAPS 使用最少 5 小時作為 DIA。 +* 你可以在[此頁面](Screenshots-insulin-profile)的胰島素設定檔部分中閱讀更多相關資訊。 -### Insulin type differences +### 胰島素類型差異 -* For 'Rapid-Acting', 'Ultra-Rapid' and 'Lyumjev' the DIA is the only variable you can adjust by yourself, the time to peak is fixed. -* Free-Peak allows you to adjust both the DIA and the time to peak, and must only be used by advanced users who know the effects of these settings. -* The [insulin curve graph](Screenshots-insulin-profile) helps you to understand the different curves. -* You can view it by enabling the tickbox to show it as a tab, otherwise it will be in the hamburger menu. +* 對於 'Rapid-Acting'、'Ultra-Rapid' 和 'Lyumjev',DIA 是唯一可以自行調整的變數,峰值時間是固定的。 +* Free-Peak 允許你同時調整 DIA 和峰值時間,這僅應由了解這些設置效果的高級使用者使用。 +* [胰島素曲線圖](Screenshots-insulin-profile)幫助你了解不同的曲線。 +* 你可以透過啟用勾選框將其顯示為標籤,否則它將在選單中。 #### Rapid-Acting Oref -![Insulin type Rapid-Acting Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_RAO.png) +![胰島素類型:快速作用 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_RAO.png) -* recommended for Humalog, Novolog and Novorapid -* DIA = at least 5.0h -* Max. peak = 75 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) +* 推薦用於 Humalog、Novolog 和 Novorapid +* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 +* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 75 分鐘(固定,不可調整) #### Ultra-Rapid Oref -![Insulin type Ultra-Rapid Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_URO.png) +![胰島素類型:超快速作用 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_URO.png) -* recommended for FIASP -* DIA = at least 5.0h -* Max. peak = 55 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) +* 推薦用於 FIASP +* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 +* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 55 分鐘(固定,不可調整) (Config-Builder-lyumjev)= #### Lyumjev -![Insulin type Lyumjev](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_L.png) +![胰島素類型:Lyumjev](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_L.png) -* special insulin profile for Lyumjev -* DIA = at least 5.0h -* Max. peak = 45 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) +* Lyumjev 的特殊胰島素設定檔 +* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 +* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 45 分鐘(固定,不可調整) #### Free Peak Oref -![Insulin type Free Peak Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_FPO.png) +![胰島素類型:自由峰值 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_FPO.png) -* With the "Free Peak 0ref" profile you can individually enter the peak time. To do so click to cogwheel to enter advanced settings. -* The DIA is automatically set to 5 hours if it is not specified higher in the profile. -* This effect profile is recommended if an unbacked insulin or a mixture of different insulins is used. +* 使用 "自由峰值 Oref" 設定檔,你可以單獨輸入峰值時間。 要這麼做,點擊齒輪圖示以進入高級設定。 +* 如果設定檔中未指定更高值,則 DIA 自動設置為 5 小時。 +* 如果使用無背景支援的胰島素或不同胰島素的混合物,建議使用此效果設定檔。 (Config-Builder-bg-source)= -## BG Source +## 血糖來源 -Select the blood glucose source you are using - see [BG Source](BG-Source.md) page for more setup information. +選擇你正在使用的血糖來源——詳情請參閱[血糖來源](BG-Source.md)頁面。 -![Config Builder BG source](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) +![組態建置工具:血糖來源選擇](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) -* [Build Your Own Dexcom App (BYODA)](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0). +* [構建你自己的 Dexcom 應用程式(BYODA)](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0)。 * [xDrip+](https://xdrip-plus-updates.appspot.com/stable/xdrip-plus-latest.apk) * [MM640g](https://github.com/pazaan/600SeriesAndroidUploader/releases) -* [Glimp](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.ct.glicemia&hl=de) - only version 4.15.57 and newer are supported +* [Glimp](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.ct.glicemia&hl=de) - 只支援版本 4.15.57 及更新的版本 * [Poctech](https://www.poctechcorp.com/en/contents/268/5682.html) -* [Tomato App](http://tomato.cool/) for MiaoMiao device -* [Glunovo App](https://infinovo.com/) for Glunovo CGM system -* NSClient BG - not recommended as closed loop relies on mobile data / wifi coverage in this case. CGM data will only be received if there is an online connection to your NS site. Better use local broadcast from one of the other CGM data sources. -* Random BG: Generates random BG data (Demo mode only) +* [MiaoMiao 裝置的 Tomato 應用程式](http://tomato.cool/) +* [Glunovo 應用程式](https://infinovo.com/) 用於 Glunovo CGM 系統 +* NSClient 血糖來源 - 不建議使用,因為在此情況下閉環依賴行動網路/ Wi-Fi 覆蓋範圍。 僅在與你的 NS 網站有連線時才能接收 CGM 資料。 最好使用其他 CGM 資料來源的本地廣播。 +* 隨機血糖:生成隨機血糖資料(僅限演示模式) (Config-Builder-pump)= -## Pump +## 幫浦 -Select the pump you are using. +選擇你正在使用的幫浦。 -![Config Builder Pump selection](../images/ConfBuild_Pump_AAPS30.png) +![組態建置工具幫浦選擇](../images/ConfBuild_Pump_AAPS30.png) * [Dana R](DanaR-Insulin-Pump.md) -* Dana R Korean (for domestic DanaR pump) -* Dana Rv2 (DanaR pump with unofficial firmware upgrade) +* Dana R Korean(適用於國內 DanaR 幫浦) +* Dana Rv2(升級了非官方韌體的 DanaR 幫浦) * [Dana-i/RS](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump.md) - * For dana pumps, use **Advanced settings** to activate BT watchdog if necessary. It switches off bluetooth for one second if no connection to the pump is possible. This may help on some phones where the bluetooth stack freezes. - * [Password for Dana RS pump](../Configuration/DanaRS-Insulin-Pump.md) must be entered correctly. Password was not checked in previous versions. + * 對於 Dana 幫浦,必要時請使用**進階設定**來啟用藍牙監控。 如果無法連線幫浦,它會關閉藍牙一秒鐘。 這可能對於某些藍牙系統卡住的手機可能會有幫助。 + * 必須正確輸入 [Dana RS 幫浦的密碼](../Configuration/DanaRS-Insulin-Pump.md)。 在之前的版本中未檢查密碼。 * [Accu Chek Insight](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump.md) -* [Accu Chek Combo](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md) (requires ruffy installation) +* [Accu Chek Combo](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md)(需要安裝 ruffy) * [Omnipod Eros](OmnipodEros.md) * [Omnipod DASH](OmnipodDASH.md) * [Medtronic](MedtronicPump.md) * [Diaconn G8](DiaconnG8.md) -* MDI (receive AAPS suggestions for your multiple daily injections therapy) -* Virtual pump (open loop for pump which don't have any driver yet - AAPS suggestions only) +* MDI(接收 AAPS 對你多次每日注射治療的建議) +* 虛擬幫浦(對於尚無驅動程式的幫浦開放循環——僅 AAPS 建議) -## Sensitivity Detection +## 敏感性檢測 -Select the type of sensitivity detection. For more details of different designs please [read on here](../Configuration/Sensitivity-detection-and-COB.md). This will analyze historical data on the go and make adjustments if it recognizes that you are reacting more sensitively (or conversely, more resistant) to insulin than usual. More details about the Sensitivity algorithm can be read in the [OpenAPS docs](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/Customize-Iterate/autosens.html). +選擇你正在使用的敏感性檢測類型。 如需不同設計的更多詳情,請[點此繼續閱讀](../Configuration/Sensitivity-detection-and-COB.md)。 此功能會即時分析歷史資料,並在你對胰島素的反應比平常更敏感(或相反,更具抗性)時進行調整。 更多關於敏感性演算法的詳細資訊請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/Customize-Iterate/autosens.html)。 -You can view your sensitivity on the homescreen by selecting SEN and watching the white line. Note, you need to be in [Objective 8](Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens) in order to let Sensitivity Detection/[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) automatically adjust the amount of insulin delivered. Before reaching that objective, the Autosens percentage / the line in your graph is displayed for information only. +你可以在主畫面上選擇 SEN 並觀看白線來查看你的敏感性狀況。 注意,你需要在[目標 8](Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens),才能讓敏感性檢測/[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 自動調整輸送的胰島素量。 在達到該目標之前,Autosens 的百分比/圖表中的線僅供參考。 (Config-Builder-absorption-settings)= -### Absorption settings +### 吸收設定 -If you use Oref1 with SMB you must change **min_5m_carbimpact** to 8. The value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity "uses up" all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB. At times when [carb absorption](../Usage/COB-calculation.md) can't be dynamically worked out based on your bloods reactions it inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe. +如果你使用 Oref1 與 SMB,必須將**min_5m_carbimpact** 改為 8。 該值僅在 CGM 讀數中斷時使用,或在身體活動「消耗」掉了所有會使 AAPS 衰減 COB 的血糖上升時使用。 在無法根據你的血糖反應動態計算[碳水化合物吸收](../Usage/COB-calculation.md)的時候,它會對你的碳水化合物應用預設的衰減。 基本上,這是一個安全保護機制。 (Config-Builder-aps)= ## APS -Select the desired APS algorithm for therapy adjustments. You can view the active detail of the chosen algorithm in the OpenAPS(OAPS) tab. +選擇用於治療調整的 APS 演算法。 你可以在 OpenAPS (OAPS) 標籤中查看選定演算法的活動詳情。 -* OpenAPS AMA (advanced meal assist, state of the algorithm in 2017) In simple terms the benefits are after you give yourself a meal bolus the system can high-temp more quickly IF you enter carbs reliably. -* [OpenAPS SMB](../Usage/Open-APS-features.md) (super micro bolus, most recent algorithm for advanced users) Note you need to be in [Objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) in order to use OpenAPS SMB and min_5m_carbimpact must be set to 8 in Config builder > Sensitivity detection > Sensitivity Oref1 settings. +* OpenAPS AMA(進階餐前輔助,2017 年的演算法狀態)簡單來說,它的好處是在你自己進行餐前注射後,如果你可靠地輸入碳水化合物,系統可以更快地提高臨時基礎率。 +* [OpenAPS SMB](../Usage/Open-APS-features.md)(超微量注射,針對進階使用者的最新演算法) 注意:你需要在[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb),才能使用 OpenAPS SMB,並且必須在組態建置工具 > 敏感性檢測 > 敏感性 Oref1 設定中將 min_5m_carbimpact 設置為 8。 -## Loop +## 循環 -* Switch between Open Loop, Closed Loop and Low Glucose Suspend (LGS). +* 在開放循環、閉合循環和低血糖暫停 (LGS) 之間切換。 -![Config builder - loop mode](../images/ConfigBuilder_LoopLGS.png) +![組態建置工具 - 循環模式](../images/ConfigBuilder_LoopLGS.png) (Config-Builder-open-loop)= -### Open Loop +### 開放循環 -* AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG...) and makes treatment suggestions on how to adjust your therapy if necessary. -* The suggestions will not be executed automatically (as in closed loop) have to be entered manually into the pump or by using a button in case you are using a compatible pump (Dana R/RS or Accu Chek Combo). -* This option is for getting to know how AAPS works or if you are using an unsupported pump. +* AAPS 會持續評估所有可用資料(IOB、COB、血糖等),並在必要時提供治療建議來調整你的治療。 +* 這些建議不會自動執行(如同閉合循環),你必須手動將其輸入幫浦,或如果你使用的是相容幫浦(如 Dana R/RS 或 Accu Chek Combo),可以按下按鈕執行建議。 +* 這個選項是給那些想了解 AAPS 運作方式或正在使用不支援的幫浦的人。 (Config-Builder-closed-loop)= -### Closed Loop +### 閉合循環 -* AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG...) and automatically adjusts the treatment if necessary (i.e. without further intervention by you) to reach the set target range or value (bolus delivery, temporary basal rate, insulin switch-off to avoid hypo etc.). -* The Closed Loop works within numerous safety limits, which you can be set individually. -* Closed Loop is only possible if you are in [Objective 6](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend) or higher and use a supported pump. -* Please note: In closed loop mode a single target instead of target range (i.e. 5,5 mmol or 100 mg/dl instead of 5,0 - 7,0 mmol or 90 - 125 mg/dl) is recommended. +* AAPS 會持續評估所有可用資料(IOB、COB、血糖等),並在必要時自動調整治療(即無需你進一步干預),以達到設定的目標範圍或值(注射、臨時基礎率、胰島素關閉以避免低血糖等)。 +* 閉合循環在多個安全限制範圍內工作,你可以個別設定這些限制。 +* 閉合循環僅在你達到[目標 6](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend)或更高目標且使用支援的幫浦時才可能。 +* 請注意:在閉合循環模式下,建議使用單一目標而非目標範圍(即 5.5 mmol 或 100 mg/dl,而非 5.0 - 7.0 mmol 或 90 - 125 mg/dl)。 -### Low Glucose Suspend (LGS) +### 低血糖暫停 (LGS) -* maxIOB is set to zero -* This means if blood glucose is dropping it can reduce basal for you. -* But if blood glucose is rising no automatic correction will be made. Your basal rates will remain the same as your selected profile. -* Only if basal IOB is negative (from a previous Low Glucose Suspend) additional insulin will be given to lower BG. +* maxIOB 設為 0 +* 這意味著如果血糖下降,它可以為你減少基礎率。 +* 但如果血糖上升,則不會自動進行修正。 你的基礎率將保持與所選設定檔相同。 +* 只有當來自先前的低血糖暫停的基礎 IOB 為負時,才會額外注射胰島素來降低血糖。 -### Minimal request change +### 最小請求變更 -* When using open loop you will receive notifications every time AAPS recommends to adjust basal rate. -* To reduce number of notifications you can either use a wider bg target range or increase percentage of the minimal request rate. -* This defines the relative change required to trigger a notification. +* 使用開放循環時,當 AAPS 建議調整基礎率時,你會收到通知。 +* 為了減少通知次數,你可以使用更寬的血糖目標範圍,或增加最小請求率的百分比。 +* 這定義了觸發通知所需的相對變更。 -## Objectives (learning program) +## 目標(學習計畫) -AAPS has a leraning program (objectives) that you have to fulfill step by step. This should guide you safely through setting up a closed loop system. It guarantees that you have set everything up correctly and understand what the system does exactly. This is the only way you can trust the system. +AAPS 有一個學習計畫(目標),你必須逐步完成它。 這將引導你安全地設置閉合循環系統。 它保證你已正確設置所有內容,並了解系統的具體操作。 這是你可以信任系統的唯一方式。 -You should [export your settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md) (including progress of the objectives) on a regularly basis. In case you have to replace your smartphone later (new purchase, display damage etc.) you can simply import those settings. +你應該[定期匯出你的設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md)(包括目標的進度)。 如果稍後需要更換手機(新購、螢幕損壞等),你可以簡單地匯入這些設置。 -See [Objectives](../Usage/Objectives.md) page for more information. +更多資訊請參閱[目標](../Usage/Objectives.md)頁面。 -## Treatments +## 治療 -If you view the Treatments (Treat) tab, you can see the treatments that have been uploaded to nightscout. Should you wish to edit or delete an entry (e.g. you ate less carbs than you expected) then select 'Remove' and enter the new value (change the time if necessary) through the [carbs button on the home screen](Screenshots-carb-correction). +如果你查看「治療」(Treat)標籤,你可以看到已上傳到 Nightscout 的治療記錄。 如果你希望編輯或刪除一個條目(例如你吃的碳水化合物比預期少),請選擇「刪除」,然後透過[主畫面的碳水按鈕](Screenshots-carb-correction)輸入新數值(如果有需要,請更改時間)。 -## General +## 一般問題 -### Overview +### 首頁總覽 -Displays the current state of your loop and buttons for most common actions (see [section The Homescreen](../Getting-Started/Screenshots.md) for details). Settings can be accessed by clicking the cog wheel. +顯示當前循環狀態和最常見操作的按鈕(詳情請參閱[主畫面](../Getting-Started/Screenshots.md)部分)。 你可以透過點擊齒輪圖示查看設置。 -#### Keep screen on +#### 保持螢幕常亮 -Option 'Keep screen on' will force Android to keep the screen on at all times. This is useful for presentations etc. But it consumes a lot of battery power. Therefore, it is recommended to connect the smartphone to a charger cable. +選項「保持螢幕常亮」將強制 Android 隨時保持螢幕亮起。 這對於演示等場合很有用。 但它會消耗大量電池電量。 因此,建議將智慧型手機連線到充電線。 -#### Buttons +#### 按鈕 -Define which Buttons are shown on the home screen. +定義顯示在主畫面上的按鈕。 -* Treatments -* Calculator -* Insulin -* Carbs -* CGM (opens xDrip+) -* Calibration +* 治療 +* 計算機 +* 胰島素 +* 碳水化合物 +* CGM(打開 xDrip+) +* 校正 -Furthermore, you can set shortcuts for insulin and carb increments and decide whether the notes field should be shown in treatment dialogues. +此外,你可以為胰島素和碳水化合物增量設置快捷方式,並決定是否應在治療對話框中顯示備註欄位。 -#### QuickWizard settings +#### 快速嚮導設定(QuickWizard settings) -Create a button for a certain standard meal (carbs and calculation method for the bolus) which will be displayed on the home screen. Use for standard meals frequently eaten. If different times are specified for the different meals you will always have the appropriate standard meal button on the home screen, depending on the time of day. +為某個標準餐點(碳水化合物和注射計算方法)建立一個按鈕,該按鈕將顯示在主畫面上。 適用於經常食用的標準餐點。 如果為不同餐點指定了不同的時間,你將根據一天中的時間,始終在主畫面上看到合適的標準餐點按鈕。 -Note: Button will not be visible if outside the specified time range or if you have enough IOB to cover the carbs defined in the QuickWizard button. +注意:如果在指定的時間範圍外,或者如果你已經有足夠的 IOB 來覆蓋 QuickWizard 按鈕中定義的碳水化合物,按鈕將不可見。 -![QuickWizard button](../images/ConfBuild_QuickWizard.png) +![快速嚮導按鈕](../images/ConfBuild_QuickWizard.png) -#### Default Temp-Targets +#### 預設臨時目標 -Choose default temp-targets (duration and target). Preset values are: +選擇預設的臨時目標(持續時間和目標)。 預設值為: -* eating soon: target 72 mg/dl / 4.0 mmol/l, duration 45 min -* activity: target 140 mg/dl / 7.8 mmol/l, duration 90 min -* hypo: target 125 mg/dl / 6.9 mmol/l, duration 45 min +* 即將用餐:目標 72 mg/dl / 4.0 mmol/l,持續 45 分鐘 +* 運動:目標 140 mg/dl / 7.8 mmol/l,持續 90 分鐘 +* 低血糖:目標 125 mg/dl / 6.9 mmol/l,持續 45 分鐘 -#### Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts +#### 填充/啟動標準胰島素量 -Choose the default amounts of the three buttons in fill/prime dialogue, depending on the length of your catheter. +根據你的導管長度選擇填充/啟動對話框中的三個按鈕的預設量。 -#### Range of visualization +#### 視覺化範圍 -Choose the high and low marks for the BG-graph on AAPS overview and smart watch. It is only the visualization, not the target range for your BG. Example: 70 - 180 mg/dl or 3.9 - 10 mmol/l +選擇 AAPS 首頁總覽和智慧型手錶上血糖圖表的高低標記。 這僅限於視覺化顯示,並非血糖的目標範圍。 範例:70 - 180 mg/dl 或 3.9 - 10 mmol/l -#### Shorten tab titles +#### 縮短標籤標題 -Choose wether the tab titles in AAPS are long (e.g. ACTIONS, LOCAL PROFILE, AUTOMATION) or short (e.g. ACT, LP, AUTO) +選擇 AAPS 中的標籤標題是長的(例如:操作、本地設定檔、自動化)還是短的(例如:操作、本地設定、自動) -#### Show notes field in treatment dialogs +#### 在治療對話框中顯示備註欄位 -Choose if you want to have a notes field when entering treatments or not. +選擇是否要在輸入治療時顯示備註欄位。 -#### Status lights +#### 狀態燈 -Choose if you want to have [status lights](Preferences-status-lights) on overview for cannula age, insulin age, sensor age, battery age, reservoir level or battery level. When warning level is reached, the color of the status light will switch to yellow. Critical age will show up in red. +選擇是否要在首頁總覽中顯示[狀態燈](Preferences-status-lights),顯示導管時間、胰島素時間、傳感器時間、電池時間、儲液罐液位或電池電量。 當達到警告等級時,狀態燈的顏色會變為黃色。 關鍵時間將顯示為紅色。 -#### Advanced settings +#### 進階設定 -**Deliver this part of bolus wizard result**: When using SMB, many people do not meal-bolus 100% of needed insulin, but only a part of it (e.g. 75 %) and let the SMB with UAM (unattended meal detection) do the rest. In this setting, you can choose a default value for the percenteage the bolus wizard should calculate with. If this setting is 75 % and you had to bolus 10u, the bolus wizard will propose a meal bolus of only 7.5 units. +**交付此部分注射嚮導結果:**使用 SMB 時,許多人不會進行 100% 的餐前注射,而只注射一部分(例如 75%),其餘部分由 SMB 和 UAM(無人值守餐點檢測)處理。 在此設置中,你可以選擇注射嚮導應計算的預設值。 如果此設置為 75%,而你需要注射 10 單位,注射嚮導將建議餐前注射 7.5 單位。 -**Enable super bolus functionality in wizard** (It is different from *super micro bolus*!): Use with caution and do not enable until you learn what it really does. Basically, the basal for the next two hours is added to the bolus and a two hour zero-temp activated. **AAPS looping functions will be disabled - so use with care! If you use SMB AAPS looping functions will be disabled according to your settings in ["Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to"](Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to), if you do not use SMB looping functions will be disabled for two hours.** Details on super bolus can be found [here](https://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes-technology/blue-skying/super-bolus). +**在嚮導中啟用超級注射功能**(與*超微量注射*不同!):請謹慎使用,在瞭解其真正作用之前不要啟用。 基本上,接下來兩個小時的基礎率將加到注射中,並啟用兩小時的0基礎率。 **AAPS 的循環功能將停用——請小心使用!** 如果你使用 SMB,根據你在["限制 SMB 的基礎率最長分鐘數"](Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to)中的設置,AAPS 循環功能將停用。如果你不使用 SMB,循環功能將停用兩個小時。關於超級注射的詳細資訊可在[此處](https://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes-technology/blue-skying/super-bolus)找到。 (Config-Builder-actions)= -### Actions +### 操作 -* Some buttons to quickly access common features. -* See [AAPS screenshots](Screenshots-action-tab) for details. +* 一些按鈕可快速查看常見功能。 +* 詳情請參閱[AAPS 截圖](Screenshots-action-tab)。 -### Automation +### 自動化 -User defined automation tasks ('if-then-else'). Please [read on here](../Usage/Automation.md). +用戶自定義自動化任務(「如果-那麼-否則」)。 請[點此閱讀更多](../Usage/Automation.md)。 (Config-Builder-sms-communicator)= -### SMS Communicator +### SMS(簡訊) 通訊器 -Allows remote caregivers to control some AAPS features via SMS, see [SMS Commands](../Children/SMS-Commands.md) for more setup information. +允許遠端照護者透過 SMS 控制一些 AAPS 功能,更多設定資訊請參閱[SMS 指令](../Children/SMS-Commands.md)。 -### Food +### 食物 -Displays the food presets defined in the Nightscout food database, see [Nightscout Readme](https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor#food-custom-foods) for more setup information. +顯示 Nightscout 食物資料庫中定義的食物預設值,更多設定資訊請參閱[Nightscout 讀我](https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor#food-custom-foods)。 -Note: Entries cannot be used in the AAPS calculator. (View only) +注意:條目無法在 AAPS 計算機中使用。 (僅供檢視) (Config-Builder-wear)= ### Wear -Monitor and control AAPS using your Android Wear watch (see [page Watchfaces](../Configuration/Watchfaces.md)). Use settings (cog wheel) to define which variables should be considered when calculating bolus given though your watch (i.e. 15min trend, COB...). +使用 Android Wear 手錶監控和控制 AAPS(請參閱[Watchfaces 頁面](../Configuration/Watchfaces.md))。 使用設置(齒輪圖示)來定義在透過手錶進行注射時應考慮哪些變數(例如 15 分鐘趨勢,COB...)。 -If you want to bolus etc. from the watch then within "Wear settings" you need to enable "Controls from Watch". +如果你想要透過手錶進行注射等操作。 那麼在「Wear 設置」中需要啟用「從手錶進行控制」。 -![Wear settings](../images/ConfBuild_Wear.png) +![Wear 設置](../images/ConfBuild_Wear.png) -Through Wear tab or hamburger menu (top left of screen, if tab is not displayed) you can +透過 Wear 標籤或選單(螢幕左上角的選單圖示,如果標籤未顯示)你可以 -* Resend all data. Might be helpful if watch was not connected for some time and you want to push the information to the watch. -* Open settings on your watch directly from your phone. +* 重新發送所有資料。 如果手錶長時間未連線,你可能希望將訊息推送到手錶。 +* 直接從手機上打開手錶的設置。 -### xDrip Statusline (watch) +### xDrip 狀態列(手錶) -Display loop information on your xDrip+ watchface (if you are not using AAPS/[AAPSv2 watchface](../Configuration/Watchfaces.md) +在你的 xDrip+ 手錶外觀上顯示循環資訊(如果你未使用 AAPS/[AAPSv2 手錶外觀](../Configuration/Watchfaces.md))。 ### NSClient -* Setup sync of your AAPS data with Nightscout. -* Settings in [preferences](Preferences-nsclient) can be opened by clicking the cog wheel. +* 設定 AAPS 資料與 Nightscout 的同步。 +* 點擊齒輪圖示打開[偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)。 -### Maintenance +### 維護 -Email and number of logs to be send. Normally no change necessary. +電子郵件和要發送的日誌數量。 通常無需變更。 -### 配置生成器 +### 組態建置工具 -Use tab for config builder instead of hamburger menu. \ No newline at end of file +使用組態建置工具標籤取代選單圖示。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/MedtrumNano.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/MedtrumNano.md index b539b91066ee..9889a0e7f4b9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/MedtrumNano.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/MedtrumNano.md @@ -1,358 +1,358 @@ # Medtrum Nano / 300U -These instructions are for configuring the Medtrum insulin pump. +這些是配置Medtrum胰島素幫浦的指導說明。 -This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。 +此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。 -## Pump capabilities with AAPS -* All loop functionality supported (SMB, TBR etc) -* Automatic DST and timezone handling -* Extended bolus is not supported by AAPS driver +## 幫浦與AAPS的功能 +* 支援所有循環功能(SMB、TBR等) +* 自動夏令時間(DST)與時區處理 +* AAPS驅動不支援延長注射 -## Hardware and Software Requirements -* **Compatible Medtrum pumpbase and reservoir patches** - - Currently supported: - - Medtrum TouchCare Nano with pumpbase refs: **MD0201** and **MD8201**. - - Medtrum TouchCare 300U with pumpbase ref: **MD8301**. - - If you have an unsupported model and are willing to donate hardware or assist with testing, please contact us via discord [here](https://discordapp.com/channels/629952586895851530/1076120802476441641). -* **Version or newer of AAPS built and installed** using the [Build APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md) instructions. -* **Compatible Android phone** with a BLE Bluetooth connection - - See AAPS [Release Notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.md) -* [**Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)**](BG-Source.md) +## 硬體和軟體需求 +* **與Medtrum幫浦基座及儲液瓶相容的補丁** + - 目前支援: + - Medtrum TouchCare Nano與幫浦基座參考:**MD0201**和**MD8201**。 + - Medtrum TouchCare 300U與幫浦基座參考:**MD8301**。 + - 如果您擁有不支援的型號,並願意捐贈硬體或協助測試,請透過discord與我們聯繫[這裡](https://discordapp.com/channels/629952586895851530/1076120802476441641)。 +* **版本3.2.0.0或更新的AAPS,依照[APK建置指南](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)建立並安裝。** +* **相容的 Android 手機** 需具備 BLE 藍牙連線 + - 請參閱AAPS的[版本說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.md) +* [**連續血糖監測儀(CGM)**](BG-Source.md) -## Before you begin +## 開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** Do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra patches, insulin, and pump control devices are must-haves). +**安全第一** 不要在無法修復錯誤的環境中進行此過程(需要備用補丁、胰島素和幫浦控制裝置)。 -**The PDM and Medtrum App will not work with a patch that is activated by AAPS.** Previously you may have used your PDM or Medtrum app to send commands to your pump. For security reasons you can only use the activated patch with the device or app that was used to activate it. +**PDM與Medtrum App將無法與AAPS啟動的補丁一起運作。** 之前您可能使用PDM或Medtrum App向您的幫浦發送指令。 基於安全考量,您只能使用與啟動該補丁的裝置或App。 -*This does NOT mean that you should throw away your PDM. It is recommended to keep it somewhere safe as a backup in case of emergencies, for instance if your phone gets lost or AAPS is not working correctly.* +*這並不意味著您應該丟棄PDM。 建議將它放在安全的地方作為備用,以防緊急情況發生,例如手機遺失或AAPS無法正常運作。* -**Your pump will not stop delivering insulin when it is not connected to AAPS** Default basal rates are programmed on the pump as defined in the current active profile. As long as AAPS is operational, it will send temporary basal rate commands that run for a maximum of 120 minutes. If for some reason the pump does not receive any new commands (for instance because communication was lost due to pump - phone distance) the pump will fall back to the default basal rate programmed on the pump once the Temporary Basal Rate ends. +**您的幫浦在未連線至AAPS時不會停止輸送胰島素** 預設的基礎率已經在幫浦上設定,並在當前啟動的設定檔中定義。 只要AAPS運作正常,它將發送臨時基礎率指令,最多持續120分鐘。 如果由於任何原因幫浦未接收到新指令(例如由於幫浦與手機距離過遠導致通訊中斷),當臨時基礎率結束時,幫浦將回到預設的基礎率。 -**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** **The AAPS Profile does not support a 30 minute basal rate time frame** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time, please be aware that basal rates starting on a half-hour basis are not supported, and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to change this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the Medtrum pump hardware itself supports the 30 min basal rate profile increments, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. +**AAPS 不支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔。** **AAPS 設定檔不支援 30 分鐘的基礎率時間框架** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並首次設置基礎率設定檔,請注意,基礎率從半小時開始的設定不被支援,您需要調整您的基礎率設定檔以從整點開始。 例如,如果您的基礎率為 1.1 單位,並於 09:30 開始,持續時間為 2 小時,於 11:30 結束,這將無法正常工作。 您需要將此 1.1 單位的基礎率更改為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管Medtrum幫浦硬體本身支援30分鐘基礎率增量,但AAPS目前無法在其算法中考慮這些增量。 -**0U/h profile basal rates are NOT supported in AAPS** While the Medtrum pump does support a zero basal rate, AAPS uses multiples of the profile basal rate to determine automated treatment and therefore cannot function with a zero basal rate. A temporary zero basal rate can be achieved through the "Disconnect pump" function or through a combination of Disable Loop/Temp Basal Rate or Suspend Loop/Temp Basal Rate. +**AAPS不支援0U/h的設定檔基礎率** 儘管Medtrum幫浦支援零基礎率,但AAPS使用設定檔基礎率的倍數來確定自動治療,因此無法使用零基礎率。 可以透過“中斷幫浦”功能或停用循環/臨時基礎率或暫停循環/臨時基礎率的組合來實現臨時的 0 單位基礎率。 -## 设置 +## 設定 -CAUTION: When activating a patch with AAPS you **MUST** disable all other devices that can talk to the Medtrum pumpbase. e.g. active PDM and Medtrum app. Make sure you have your pumpbase and pumpbase SN ready for activation of a new patch. +注意:當使用AAPS啟動補丁時,**必須**停用所有其他可與Medtrum幫浦基座通訊的裝置。 例如,啟動的PDM與Medtrum App。 請確保您已準備好幫浦基座及其序號,進行新補丁的啟動。 -### Step 1: Select Medtrum pump +### 步驟1:選擇Medtrum幫浦 -#### Option 1: New installations +#### 選項 1:新安裝 -If you are installing AAPS for the first time, the **Setup Wizard** will guide you through installing AAPS. Select “Medtrum” when you reach Pump selection. +如果您是首次安裝AAPS,**安裝嚮導**將引導您完成AAPS的安裝過程。 當您到達幫浦選擇時,請選擇「Medtrum」。 -If in doubt you can also select “Virtual Pump” and select “Medtrum” later, after setting up AAPS (see option 2). +如果有疑問,您也可以選擇「虛擬幫浦」,並在設置完成後選擇「Medtrum」(見選項2)。 -![Setup Wizard](../images/medtrum/SetupWizard.png) +![安裝嚮導](../images/medtrum/SetupWizard.png) -#### Option 2: The Config Builder +#### 選項 2:組態建置工具 -On an existing installation you can select the **Medtrum** pump from the [Config Builder](Config-Builder.md#config-builder-profile): +在現有安裝中,您可以從[組態建置工具](Config-Builder.md#config-builder-profile)中選擇**Medtrum**幫浦: -On the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** select **Config Builder**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Medtrum**\ by selecting the **Enable button** titled **Medtrum**. +在左上角的**漢堡選單**中選擇**組態建置工具**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Medtrum**,選擇**啟用按鈕**標題為**Medtrum**。 -Selecting the **checkbox** next to the **Settings Gear** will allow the Medtrum overview to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **Medtrum**. Checking this box will facilitate your access to the Medtrum commands when using AAPS and is highly recommended. +勾選**齒輪圖示**旁的**複選框**,將允許Medtrum總覽顯示在AAPS介面中的標籤中,標題為**Medtrum**。 勾選此框將便於您在使用AAPS時存取Medtrum指令,非常建議如此設置。 -![配置生成器](../images/medtrum/ConfigBuilder.png) +![組態建置工具](../images/medtrum/ConfigBuilder.png) -### Step 2: Change Medtrum settings +### 步驟2:變更Medtrum設置 -Enter the Medtrum settings by tapping the **Settings Gear** of the Medtrum module in the Config Builder . +點擊組態建置工具中Medtrum模組的**齒輪圖示**進入Medtrum設置。 -![Medtrum Settings](../images/medtrum/MedtrumSettings.png) +![Medtrum設置](../images/medtrum/MedtrumSettings.png) -#### Serial Number: +#### 序號: -Enter the serial number of your pumpbase here as noted on the pumpbase. Make sure the serial number is correct and there are no spaces added (You can either use capital or lowercase). +在此輸入幫浦基座上的序號。 請確保序號正確且沒有空格(可使用大寫或小寫字母)。 -NOTE: This setting can only be changed when there is no patch active. +注意:此設置只能在無活動補丁時更改。 -#### Alarm settings +#### 警報設置 -***Default: Beep.*** +***預設:嗶聲。*** -This setting changes the way that the pump will alert you when there is a warning or error. +此設置更改當幫浦出現警告或錯誤時的警示方式。 -- Beep > The patch will beep on alarms and warnings -- Silent > The patch will not alert you on alarms and warnings +- 嗶聲 > 當出現警報或警告時,補丁會發出嗶聲聲 +- 靜音 > 當出現警報或警告時,補丁將不發出任何聲音 -Note: In silent mode AAPS will still sound the alarm depending on your phone's volume settings. If you do not respond to the alarm, the patch will eventually beep. +注意:在靜音模式下,AAPS仍會根據手機音量設置發出警報。 如果您未回應警報,補丁最終會開始嗶聲。 -#### Notification on pump warning +#### 幫浦警告通知 -***Default: Enabled.*** +***預設:已啟用。*** -This settings changes the way AAPS will show notification on non ciritical pump warnings. When enabled a Notification will be shown on the phone when a pump warning occurs, including: - - Low battery - - Low reservoir (20 Units) - - Patch expiration warning +此設置更改AAPS在非關鍵性幫浦警告時顯示通知的方式。 啟用後,當幫浦出現警告時,手機上會顯示通知,包括: + - 電池電量低 + - 儲液瓶電量低(20單位) + - 補丁即將過期警告 -In either case these warnings are also shown on the Medtrum overview screen under [Active alarms](#active-alarms). +無論如何,這些警告也會顯示在Medtrum總覽畫面中的[活動警報](#active-alarms)下。 -#### Patch Expiration +#### 補丁過期 -***Default: Enabled.*** +***預設:已啟用。*** -This setting changes the behavior of the patch. When enabled the patch will expire after 3 days and give an audible warning if you have sound enabled. After 3 days and 8 hours the patch will stop working. +此設置更改補丁的行為。 啟用後,補丁將在3天後過期,並在開啟聲音警告時發出聲音。 在3天8小時後,補丁將停止運作。 -If this setting is disabled, the patch will not warn you and will continue running until the patch battery or reservoir runs out. +如果停用此設置,補丁將不會發出警告,並將繼續運作,直到補丁電池或儲液瓶耗盡。 -#### Pump expiry warning +#### 幫浦過期警告 -***Default: 72 hours.*** +***預設:72小時。*** -This setting changes the time of the expiration warning, when [Patch Expiration](#patch-expiration) is enabled, AAPS will give a notification on the set hour after activation. +此設置更改過期警告的時間,當[補丁過期](#patch-expiration)啟用時,AAPS將在啟動後的設定小時內發送通知。 -#### Hourly Maximum Insulin +#### 每小時最大胰島素輸送量 -***Default: 25U.*** +***預設:25U。*** -This setting changes the maximum amount of insulin that can be delivered in one hour. If this limit is exceeded the patch will suspend and give an alarm. The alarm can be reset by pressing the reset button on in the overview menu see [Reset alarms](#reset-alarms). +此設置更改每小時最多輸送的胰島素量。 如果此限制被超過,補丁將暫停並發出警報。 可以透過點擊總覽選單中的重置按鈕來重置此警報,請參閱[重置警報](#reset-alarms)。 -Set this to a sensible value for your insulin requirements. +根據您的胰島素需求,設置一個合適的值。 -#### Daily Maximum Insulin +#### 每日最大胰島素輸送量 -***Default: 80U.*** +***預設:80U。*** -This setting changes the maximum amount of insulin that can be delivered in one day. If this limit is exceeded the patch will suspend and give an alarm. The alarm can be reset by pressing the reset button on in the overview menu see [Reset alarms](#reset-alarms). +此設置更改每日最多輸送的胰島素量。 如果此限制被超過,補丁將暫停並發出警報。 可以透過點擊總覽選單中的重置按鈕來重置此警報,請參閱[重置警報](#reset-alarms)。 -Set this to a sensible value for your insulin requirements. +根據您的胰島素需求,設置一個合適的值。 -### Step 2b: AAPS Alerts settings +### 步驟2b:AAPS警報設置 -Go to preferences +進入偏好設定 -#### Pump: +#### 幫浦: -##### BT Watchdog +##### 藍牙監控 -Go to preferences and select **Pump**: +進入偏好設定並選擇**幫浦**: -![BT Watchdog](../images/medtrum/BTWatchdogSetting.png) +![藍牙監控](../images/medtrum/BTWatchdogSetting.png) -##### BT Watchdog +##### 藍牙監控 -This setting will try to work around any BLE issues. It will try to reconnect to the pump when the connection is lost. It will also try to reconnect to the pump when the pump is unreachable for a certain amount of time. +此設置將嘗試解決任何BLE問題。 當連線中斷時,它將嘗試重新連線至幫浦。 當幫浦無法使用一段時間後,它也會嘗試重新連線。 -Enable this setting if you experience frequent connection issues with your pump. +如果您的幫浦經常遇到連線問題,請啟用此設置。 -#### Local Alerts: +#### 本地警報: -Go to preferences and select **Local Alerts**: +進入偏好設定並選擇**本地警報**: -![Local Alerts](../images/medtrum/LocalAlertsSettings.png) +![本地警報](../images/medtrum/LocalAlertsSettings.png) -##### Alert if pump is unreachable +##### 當幫浦無法使用時發出警報 -***Default: Enabled.*** +***預設:已啟用。*** -This setting is forced to enabled when the Medtrum driver is enabled. It will alert you when the pump is unreachable. This can happen when the pump is out of range or when the pump is not responding due to a defective patch or pumpbase, for example when water leaks between the pumpbase and the patch. +當啟用Medtrum驅動時,此設置強制啟用。 當幫浦無法使用時,將提醒您。 這可能發生在幫浦超出範圍或幫浦因補丁或幫浦基座故障而無法回應,例如當水滲入幫浦基座與補丁之間時。 -For safety reasons this setting cannot be disabled. +出於安全考量,此設置無法停用。 -##### Pump unreachable threshold [min] +##### 幫浦無法使用的閾值 [分鐘] -***Default: 30 min.*** +***預設:30分鐘。*** -This setting changes the time after which AAPS will alert you when the pump is unreachable. This can happen when the pump is out of range or when the pump is not responding due to a defective patch or pumpbase, for example when water leaks between the pumpbase and the patch. +此設置更改AAPS發出幫浦無法使用警報的時間。 這可能發生在幫浦超出範圍或幫浦因補丁或幫浦基座故障而無法回應,例如當水滲入幫浦基座與補丁之間時。 -This setting can be changed when using Medtrum pump but it is recommended to set it at 30 minutes for safety reasons. +此設定可在使用Medtrum幫浦時更改,但建議出於安全理由設為30分鐘。 -### Step 3: Activate patch +### 步驟3:啟動補丁 -**Before you continue:** -- Have your Medtrum Nano pumpbase and a reservoir patch ready. -- Make sure that AAPS is properly set up and a [profile is activated](../Usage/Profiles.md). -- Other devices that can talk to the Medtrum pump are disabled (PDM and Medtrum app) +**在繼續之前:** +- 準備好您的Medtrum Nano幫浦基座與儲液瓶補丁。 +- 請確保AAPS已正確設置,並已[註冊設定檔](../Usage/Profiles.md)。 +- 停用其他可與Medtrum幫浦連線的裝置(PDM與Medtrum App) -#### Activate patch from the Medtrum overview Tab +#### 從Medtrum總覽標籤啟動補丁 -Navigate to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button in the bottom right corner. +在AAPS介面中導航至[Medtrum標籤](#overview),然後按下右下角的**更換補丁**按鈕。 -If a patch is already active, you will be prompted to deactivate this patch first. see [Deactivate Patch](#deactivate-patch). +如果補丁已啟動,系統將提示您先停用該補丁。 請參閱[停用補丁](#deactivate-patch)。 -Follow the prompts to fill and activate a new patch. Please note - it is important to only connect the pumpbase to the reservoir patch at the step when you are prompted to do so. **You must only put the pump on your body and insert the cannula when prompted to during the activation process (after priming is complete).** +按照提示填充並啟動新的補丁。 請注意——只有在系統提示時才應將幫浦基座連線到儲液瓶補丁。 **您應在系統提示啟動過程時(填充完成後)才將幫浦放在身體上並插入套管。** -##### Start Activation +##### 開始啟動 -![Start Activation](../images/medtrum/activation/StartActivation.png) +![開始啟動](../images/medtrum/activation/StartActivation.png) -At this step, double check your serial number and make sure the pumpbase is not connected to the patch yet. +在此步驟,請仔細檢查您的序號,並確保幫浦基座尚未連線至補丁。 -Press **Next** to continue. +按**下一步**繼續。 -##### Fill the patch +##### 填充補丁 -![Fill the patch](../images/medtrum/activation/FillPatch.png) +![填充補丁](../images/medtrum/activation/FillPatch.png) -Once the patch is detected and filled with a minimum of 70Units of insulin, press **Next** will appear. +一旦補丁被檢測到並填充至少70單位的胰島素,按下**下一步**將顯示。 -##### Prime the patch +##### 填充補丁 -![Half press](../images/medtrum/activation/HalfPress.png) +![半按](../images/medtrum/activation/HalfPress.png) -Do not remove the safety lock and press the needle button on the patch. +不要移除安全鎖,並按下補丁上的針頭按鈕。 -Press **Next** to start prime +按**下一步**開始填充 -![Prime progress](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeProgress.png) +![填充進度](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeProgress.png) -![Prime complete](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeComplete.png) +![填充完成](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeComplete.png) -Once the prime is complete, press **Next** to continue. +填充完成後,按**下一步**繼續。 -##### Attach Patch +##### 連線補丁 -![Attach patch](../images/medtrum/activation/AttachPatch.png) +![連線補丁](../images/medtrum/activation/AttachPatch.png) -Clean the skin, remove stickers and attach the patch to your body. Remove safety lock and press the needle button on the patch to insert the cannula. +清潔皮膚,撕下貼紙並將補丁附著在身體上。 移除安全鎖,並按下補丁上的針頭按鈕插入套管。 -Press **Next** to activate the patch. +按**下一步**啟動補丁。 -##### Activate Patch +##### 啟動補丁 -![Activate patch](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivatePatch.png) +![啟動補丁](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivatePatch.png) -When activation is complete, the following screen will appear +啟動完成後,將顯示以下畫面 -![Activation complete](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationComplete.png) +![啟動完成](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationComplete.png) -Press **OK** to return to main screen. +按**確定**返回主畫面。 -### Deactivate patch +### 停用補丁 -To deactivate a currently active patch, go to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button. +要停用當前啟動的補丁,請前往AAPS介面中的[Medtrum標籤](#overview),然後按下**更換補丁**按鈕。 -![Deactivate patch](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivatePatch.png) +![停用補丁](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivatePatch.png) -You will be asked to confirm that you wish to deactivate the current patch. **Please note that this action is not reversable.** When deactivation is completed, you can press **Next** to continue the process to activate a new patch. If you are not ready to activate a new patch, press **Cancel** to return to the main screen. +系統將提示您確認是否希望停用當前的補丁。 **請注意,此操作無法恢復。**當停用完成後,您可以按下**下一步**繼續啟動新補丁的過程。 如果您尚未準備好啟動新補丁,請按下**取消**返回主畫面。 -![Deactivate progress](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateProgress.png) +![停用進度](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateProgress.png) -If Android APS in unable to deactivate the patch (For instance because the pumpbase has already been removed from the reservoir patch), you may press **Discard** to forget the current patch session and make it possible to activate a new patch. +如果Android APS無法停用補丁(例如因為幫浦基座已從儲液瓶補丁中移除),您可以按下**丟棄**以忘記當前補丁會話,並啟動新補丁。 -![Deactivate complete](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateComplete.png) +![停用完成](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateComplete.png) -Once deactivation is complete, press **OK** to return to main screen or press **Next** to continue the process to activate a new patch. +停用完成後,按**確定**返回主畫面,或按**下一步**繼續啟動新補丁的過程。 -### Resume interrupted activation +### 恢復中斷的啟動過程 -If a patch activation is interrupted, for instance because the phone battery runs out, you can resume the activation process by going to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button. +如果補丁啟動過程被中斷,例如由於手機電量耗盡,您可以前往AAPS介面中的Medtrum標籤,並按下**更換補丁**按鈕來恢復啟動過程。 -![Resume interrupted activation](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationInProgress.png) +![恢復中斷的啟動過程](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationInProgress.png) -Press **Next** to continue the activation process. Press **Discard** to discard the current patch session and make it possible to activate a new patch. +按**下一步**繼續啟動過程。 按**丟棄**丟棄當前補丁會話,並啟動新補丁。 -![Reading activation status](../images/medtrum/activation/ReadingActivationStatus.png) +![讀取啟動狀態](../images/medtrum/activation/ReadingActivationStatus.png) -The driver will try to determine the current status of the patch activation. If this was successful it will go into the activation progress at the current step. +驅動將嘗試確定當前的補丁啟動狀態。 如果成功,它將進入當前步驟的啟動進度。 -## Overview +## 首頁總覽 -The overview contains the current status of the Medtrum patch. It also contains buttons to change the patch, reset alarms and refresh the status. +總覽顯示了Medtrum補丁的當前狀態。 它還包含更換補丁、重置警報和重新整理狀態的按鈕。 -![Medtrum Overview](../images/medtrum/Overview.png) +![Medtrum總覽](../images/medtrum/Overview.png) -##### BLE Status: +##### 藍牙狀態: -This shows the current status of the Bluetooth connection to the pumpbase. +這顯示了當前與幫浦基座的藍牙連線狀態。 -##### Last connected: +##### 上次連線: -This shows the last time the pump was connected to AAPS. +這顯示了幫浦上次連線至AAPS的時間。 -##### Pump state: +##### 幫浦狀態: -This shows the current state of the pump. For example: - - ACTIVE : The pump is activated and running normally - - STOPPED: The patch is not activated +這顯示了幫浦的當前狀態。 例如: + - 啟動中:幫浦已啟動並正常運作 + - 停止:補丁未啟動 -##### Basal type: +##### 基礎率類型: -This shows the current basal type. +這顯示了當前的基礎率類型。 -##### Basal rate: +##### 基礎率: -This shows the current basal rate. +這顯示了當前的基礎率。 -##### Last bolus: +##### 上次注射: -This shows the last bolus that was delivered. +這顯示了上次輸送的注射量。 -##### Active bolus: +##### 當前注射: -This shows the active bolus that is currently being delivered. +這顯示了當前正在輸送的注射量。 -##### Active alarms: +##### 當前警報: -This shows any active alarms that are currently active. +這顯示了當前活動中的警報。 -##### Reservoir: +##### 儲液瓶: -This shows the current reservoir level. +這顯示了當前的儲液瓶液量。 -##### Battery: +##### 電池: -This shows the current battery voltage of the patch. +這顯示了補丁的當前電池電壓。 -##### Pump type: +##### 幫浦類型: -This shows the current pump type number. +這顯示了當前的幫浦類型編號。 -##### FW version: +##### 韌體版本: -This shows the current firmware version of the patch. +這顯示了補丁的當前韌體版本。 -##### Patch no: +##### 補丁編號: -This shows the sequence number of the activated patch. This number is incremented every time a new patch is activated. +這顯示了啟動的補丁序列號。 每次啟動新補丁時,這個號碼會遞增。 -##### Patch expires: +##### 補丁過期: -This shows the date and time when the patch will expire. +這顯示了補丁過期的日期和時間。 -##### Refresh: +##### 重新整理: -This button will refresh the status of the patch. +此按鈕將重新整理補丁的狀態。 -##### Change patch: +##### 更換補丁: -This button will start the process to change the patch. See [Activate patch](#activate-patch) for more information. +此按鈕將啟動更換補丁的過程。 請參閱[啟動補丁](#activate-patch)以獲取更多資訊。 -### Reset alarms +### 重置警報 -The alarm button will appear on the overview screen when there is an active alarm that can be reset. Pressing this button will reset the alarms and resume insulin delivery if the patch has been suspended due to the alarm. E.g. when suspended due to a maximum daily insulin delivery alarm. +當有可重置的警報時,警報按鈕將顯示在總覽畫面中。 按下此按鈕將重置警報,並在補丁因警報暫停時恢復胰島素輸送。 例如: 當因每天最大胰島素輸送量警報而暫停時。 -![Reset alarms](../images/medtrum/ResetAlarms.png) +![重置警報](../images/medtrum/ResetAlarms.png) -Press the **Reset Alarms** button to reset the alarms and resume normal operation. +按下**重置警報**按鈕以重置警報並恢復正常運作。 -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -### Connection issues +### 連線問題 -If you are experiencing connection timeouts or other connection issues: -- In Android application settings for AAPS: Set location permission to "Allow all the time". +如果您遇到連線逾時或其他連線問題: +- 在AAPS的Android應用程式設置中:將定位權限設置為「始終允許」。 -### Activation interrupted +### 啟動中斷 -If the activation process is interrupted for example by and empty phone battery or phone crash. The activation process can be resumed by going to the change patch screen and follow the steps to resume the activation as outlined here: [Resume interrupted activation](#resume-interrupted-activation) +如果啟動過程被中斷,例如手機電量耗盡或手機當機。 您可以前往更換補丁畫面,並按照[恢復中斷的啟動](#resume-interrupted-activation)中的步驟繼續啟動過程。 -### Preventing patch faults +### 防止補丁故障 -The patch can give a variety of errors. To prevent frequent errors: -- Make sure the pumpbase is properly seated in the patch and no gaps are visible. -- When filling the patch do not apply excessive force to the plunger. Do not try to fill the patch beyond the maximum that applies to your model. +補丁可能會出現多種錯誤。 為防止頻繁的錯誤: +- 確保幫浦基座正確安裝在補丁中,且沒有可見的間隙。 +- 填充補丁時,請勿對活塞施加過大的力量。 不要嘗試填充超過適用於您的型號的最大容量。 -## Where to get help +## 如何尋求協助 -All of the development work for the Medtrum driver is done by the community on a **volunteer** basis; we ask that you to remember that fact and use the following guidelines before requesting assistance: +所有Medtrum驅動的開發工作均由社群**志願者**完成;請記住這一點,並在請求協助之前,遵循以下指導原則: -- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. -- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#Medtrum* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw). -- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported at [Issues](https://github.com/nightscout/AAPS/issues) if it exists, please confirm/comment/add information on your problem. If not, please create a [new issue](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues) and attach [your log files](../Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md). -- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** +- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 +- **第一層:**如果您仍遇到無法透過此文件解決的問題,請前往**Discord**上的*#Medtrum*頻道,使用[此邀請連結](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw)。 +- **第二層:**搜尋現有問題,看看您的問題是否已在[問題頁面](https://github.com/nightscout/AAPS/issues)中報告 如果存在,請確認/評論/添加您的問題資訊。 如果沒有,請建立[新問題](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues)並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md)。 +- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodDASH.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodDASH.md index 71eb9c093f74..8cfde786e714 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodDASH.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodDASH.md @@ -1,470 +1,470 @@ # Omnipod DASH -These instructions are for configuring the **Omnipod DASH** generation pump **(NOT Omnipod Eros)**. The Omnipod driver is available as part of AAPS (AAPS) as of version 3.0. +這些說明適用於配置 **Omnipod DASH** 世代幫浦**(不包括 Omnipod Eros)**。 Omnipod 驅動程式可在 AAPS 3.0 版中使用。 -**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** -## Omnipod DASH specifications +## Omnipod DASH 規格 -These are the specifications of the **Omnipod DASH** and what differentiates it from the **Omnipod EROS**: +以下是 **Omnipod DASH** 與 **Omnipod EROS** 的區別: -* The DASH pods are identified by a blue needle cap (EROS has a clear needle cap). The pods are otherwise identical in terms of physical dimensions -* No need for a separate Omnipod to BLE link/bridge device (NO RileyLink, OrangeLink, or EmaLink needed). -* BT connection only when needed, connects to send command and disconnects right after ! -* No more "no connection to link device / pod" errors -* AAPS will wait for pod accessibility to send commands -* On activation, AAPS will find and connect a new DASH pod. -* Expected range: 5-10 meters (YMMV) +* DASH Pods 具有藍色針蓋(EROS 則有透明針蓋)。 Pod 在物理尺寸上是相同的。 +* 不需要單獨的 Omnipod 到 BLE 連線/橋接裝置(不需要 RileyLink、OrangeLink 或 EmaLink)。 +* 僅在需要時進行藍牙連線,發送指令後即中斷連線! +* 不再出現“無法連線到連線裝置/Pod”的錯誤 +* AAPS 會等到幫浦可用後再發送指令。 +* 在啟動時,AAPS 將尋找並連線新的 DASH Pod。 +* 預期範圍:5-10 公尺(實際效果可能有所不同) -## Hardware/Software Requirements +## 硬體/軟體要求 -* A new **Omnipod DASH Pod** (Identified by blue needle cap) +* 一個新的 **Omnipod DASH Pod**(以藍色針蓋為標識) ![Omnipod Pod](../images/DASH_images/Omnipod_Pod.png) -* **Compatible Android phone** with a BLE Bluetooth connection - - Not all phone hardware and Android versions are guaranteed to work. Please check [**DASH Tested phones**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zO-Vf3wv0jji5Gflk6pe48oi348ApF5RvMcI6NG5TnY) or just try with your phone and tell us the result (phone reference and geographical region, Android version, worked / some difficulties / did not work). - - **Important note: There have been multiple cases of permanent, non-recoverable connection losses when using older pods with firmware version 3.XX.X. Be careful when using these old pods with AAPS, especially with other Bluetooth devices connected!** Be aware that AAPS Omnipod Dash driver Connects with the Dash POD via Bluetooth every time it sends a command, and it disconnects right after. The Bluetooth connections might be disturbed by other devices linked to the phone that is running AAPS, like earbuds etc... (which might cause, in rare occasions, connection issue or pod errors/loss on activation or afterwards in some phone models), or be disturbed by it. - - **Version 3.0 or newer of AAPS built and installed** using the [**Build APK**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md) instructions. -* [**Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)**](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Configuration/BG-Source.html) +* **相容的 Android 手機** 需具備 BLE 藍牙連線 + - 並非所有手機硬體和 Android 版本都能保證工作。 請檢查 [**DASH 測試過的手機**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zO-Vf3wv0jji5Gflk6pe48oi348ApF5RvMcI6NG5TnY),或直接使用您的手機進行嘗試,並告訴我們結果(手機參考資料和地理區域、Android 版本、是否正常運作/有部份問題/無法運作)。 + - **重要提示:使用舊版韌體 3.XX.X 的 Pod 時,曾有多起永久、不可恢復的連線損失案例。 使用這些舊 Pod 時請小心,尤其是當其他藍牙裝置連線到您的手機時!** 請注意,AAPS Omnipod Dash 驅動程式每次發送指令時都會透過藍牙連線到 Dash POD,並在隨後立即中斷連線。 藍牙連線可能會受到連線到運作 AAPS 手機的其他裝置(例如耳機等)的干擾(在某些手機型號中,這可能會導致連線問題或 Pod 註冊期間或之後的錯誤/遺失),或者被它們干擾。 + - **AAPS 3.0 或更新版本的 AAPS 應按照[**建置 APK**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md) 的說明進行建置和安裝。

+* [**連續血糖監測儀(CGM)**](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Configuration/BG-Source.html) -These instructions will assume that you are starting a new pod session; if this is not the case, please be patient and begin this process on your following pod change. +這些說明假設你正在開始新的幫浦使用。如果不是這樣,請耐心等待,並在下一次更換幫浦時再進行。 -## Before You Begin +## 在您開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra pods, insulin, and phone devices are must-haves). +**安全第一** - 請勿在無法從錯誤中恢復的環境中嘗試此過程(必須準備額外的 Pod、胰島素和手機裝置)。 -**Your Omnipod Dash PDM will no longer work after the AAPS Dash driver activates your pod.** Previously you used your Dash PDM to send commands to your Dash pod. An Dash pod only allows a single device to send commands to communicate with it. The device that successfully activates the pod is the only device allowed to communicate with it from that point forward. This means that once you activate an Dash pod with your Android phone through the AAPS Dash driver, **you will no longer be able to use your PDM with that pod**. The AAPS Dash driver in your Android phone is now your acting PDM. +**您的 Omnipod Dash PDM 在 AAPS Dash 驅動程式啟動 Pod 後將無法再使用。** 以前,您使用 Dash PDM 對 Dash Pod 發送指令。 Dash Pod 只允許一個裝置發送指令與其通訊。 從那時起,成功啟動 Pod 的裝置將是唯一能夠與其通訊的裝置。 這意味著,一旦您透過 AAPS Dash 驅動程式在 Android 手機上啟動了一個 Dash Pod,**您將無法再使用 PDM 與該 Pod 進行通訊**。 您 Android 手機上的 AAPS Dash 驅動程式現在是您的 PDM。 -*This does NOT mean you should throw away your PDM, it is recommended to keep it around as a backup and for emergencies, for instance when your phone gets lost or AAPS is not working correctly.* +*這並不意味著您應該丟棄 PDM,建議將其留作備用和應急使用,例如手機遺失或 AAPS 無法正常工作時。* -**Your pod will not stop delivering insulin when it is not connected to AAPS**. Default basal rates are programmed on the pod on activation as defined in the current active profile. As long as AAPS is operational it will send basal rate commands that run for a maximum of 120 minutes. When for some reason the pod does not receive any new commands (for instance because communication was lost due to Pod - phone distance) the pod will automatically fall back to default basal rates. +**當 Pod 未連線到 AAPS 時,Pod 不會停止輸送胰島素**。 在啟動時,會根據當前活動設定檔中的定義,在 Pod 上編程預設基礎率。 只要 AAPS 正常運作,它將發送持續時間最多為 120 分鐘的基礎率指令。 當因某些原因 Pod 未接收到任何新指令(例如,因 Pod 與手機的距離過遠而失去連線)時,Pod 會自動恢復為預設基礎率。 -**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** **The AAPS Profile does not support a 30 minute basal rate time frame** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time, please be aware that basal rates starting on a half-hour basis are not supported, and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to change this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the Omnipod Dash hardware itself supports the 30 min basal rate profile increments, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. +**AAPS 不支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔。** **AAPS 設定檔不支援 30 分鐘的基礎率時間框架** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並首次設置基礎率設定檔,請注意,基礎率從半小時開始的設定不被支援,您需要調整您的基礎率設定檔以從整點開始。 例如,如果您的基礎率為 1.1 單位,並於 09:30 開始,持續時間為 2 小時,於 11:30 結束,這將無法正常工作。 您需要將此 1.1 單位的基礎率更改為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管 Omnipod Dash 硬體本身支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔,但 AAPS 的演算法目前無法考慮這些增量。 -**0U/h profile basal rates are NOT supported in AAPS** While the DASH pods do support a zero basal rate, since AAPS uses multiples of the profile basal rate to determine automated treatment it cannot function with a zero basal rate. A temporary zero basal rate can be achieved through the "Disconnect pump" function or through a combination of Disable Loop/Temp Basal Rate or Suspend Loop/Temp Basal Rate. +**AAPS 不支援 0 單位/小時的設定檔基礎率** 雖然 DASH Pods 支援 0 單位基礎率,但由於 AAPS 使用基礎率設定檔的倍數來確定自動治療,因此無法處理 0 單位基礎率。 可以透過“中斷幫浦”功能或停用循環/臨時基礎率或暫停循環/臨時基礎率的組合來實現臨時的 0 單位基礎率。 -## Enabling the Dash Driver in AAPS +## 在 AAPS 中啟用 Dash 驅動程式 -You can enable the Dash driver in AAPS in **two ways**: +您可以透過**兩種方式**在 AAPS 中啟用 Dash 驅動程式: -### Option 1: New installations +### 選項 1:新安裝 -When you are installing AAPS for the first time, the **Setup Wizard** will guide you through installing AAPS. Select “DASH” when you reach Pump selection. +當您首次安裝 AAPS 時,**設置嚮導**將引導您完成 AAPS 的安裝。 當達到幫浦選擇時,選擇“DASH”。 ![Enable_Dash_1](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_1.png) -When in doubt you can also select “Virtual Pump” and select “DASH” later, after setting up AAPS (see option 2). +如有疑問,您還可以選擇“虛擬幫浦”,並在設置 AAPS 後選擇“DASH”(參見選項 2)。 -### Option 2: The Config Builder +### 選項 2:組態建置工具 -On an existing installation you can select the **DASH** pump from the Config builder: +在現有安裝中,您可以從組態建置工具中選擇**DASH**幫浦: -On the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** select **Config Builder (1)**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **Settings Gear (3)** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Dash**. +在左上角的**漢堡選單**中,選擇**組態建置工具(1)**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ 選擇**Dash**的**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**選項按鈕(2)**。 -Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will allow the Dash menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **DASH**. Checking this box will facilitate your access to the DASH commands when using AAPS. +選擇**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**複選框(4)**,將允許 DASH 選單作為 AAPS 介面中的一個標籤顯示,標題為**DASH**。 勾選此框將有助於您在使用 AAPS 時查看 DASH 指令。 -**NOTE:** A faster way to access the [**Dash settings**](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings) can be found below in the Dash settings section of this document. +**注意:**更快查看[**Dash 設定**](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings)的方法可以在本文檔的 Dash 設定部分中找到。 ![Enable_Dash_3](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_3.png) -### Verification of Omnipod Driver Selection +### 驗證 Omnipod 驅動程式選擇 -To verify that you have enabled the Dash driver in AAPS, if you have checked the box (4), **swipe to the left** from the **Overview** tab, where you will now see a **DASH** tab. If you have not checked the box, you’ll find the DASH tab in the hamburger menu upper left. +要驗證您是否已在 AAPS 中啟用了 Dash 驅動程式,勾選該框(4)後,**從** **首頁總覽**標籤**向左滑動**,您將看到一個**DASH**標籤。 如果您沒有勾選該框,您會在左上角的漢堡選單中找到 DASH 標籤。 ![Enable_Dash_4](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_4.jpg) -## Dash Configuration +## Dash 配置 -Please **swipe left** to the **DASH** tab where you will be able to manage all pod functions (some of these functions are not enabled or visible without an active pod session): +請**向左滑動**到**DASH**標籤,在那裡您將能管理所有 Pod 功能(在沒有註冊 Pod 會話的情況下,某些功能將不可用或不可見): -![Refresh_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) Refresh Pod connectivity and status, be able to silence pod alarms when the pod beeps +![Refresh_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) 重新整理 Pod 連線和狀態,能夠在 Pod 發出嗶聲時靜音 Pod 警報 -![POD_MGMT_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) Pod Management (Activate, Deactivate, Play test beep, and Pod history) +![POD_MGMT_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) Pod 管理(註冊、停用、播放測試嗶聲和 Pod 歷史記錄) (OmnipodDASH-activate-pod)= -### Activate Pod +### 註冊 Pod -1. Navigate to the **DASH** tab and click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, and then click on **Activate Pod (2)**. +1. 導航至**DASH**標籤,點擊**POD 管理(1)**按鈕,然後點擊**註冊 Pod(2)**。 ![Activate_Pod_1](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_1.png) ![Activate_Pod_2](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_2.png) -2. The **Fill Pod** screen is displayed. Fill a new pod with at least 80 units of insulin and listen for two beeps indicating that the pod is ready to be primed. When calculating the total amount of insulin you need for 3 days, please take into account that priming the pod will use about 3-10 units. +2. 顯示**填充 Pod**畫面。 將至少 80 單位的胰島素注入新的 Pod,等聽到兩聲嗶聲,表示 Pod 準備就緒並可續繼將胰島素輸入完。 計算 3 天所需的胰島素總量時,請考慮 Pod 本身的排空會占用約 3-10 單位。 ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_3.png) ![Activate_Pod_4](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_4.jpg) -Ensure that the new pod and the phone running AAPS are within close proximity of each other and click the **Next** button. +確保新 Pod 和要運作 AAPS 的手機兩者在附近,然後點擊**下一步**按鈕。 -**NOTE**: Just in case you get the below error message (this can happen), do not panic. Click on the **Retry** button. In most situations activation will continue successfully. +**注意**:如果出現以下錯誤訊息,不要驚慌,這是可能發生的。 點擊 **重試** 按鈕。 在大多數情況下,註冊將繼續成功進行。 ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Activate_pod_error.png) -3. On the **Initialize Pod** screen, the pod will begin priming (you will hear a click followed by a series of ticking sounds as the pod primes itself). A green checkmark will be shown upon successful priming, and the **Next** button will become enabled. Click on the **Next** button to complete the pod priming initialization and display the **Attach Pod** screen. +3. 在 **初始化 Pod** 畫面上,Pod 將開始排空(您會聽到點擊聲,接著是連續的滴答聲,表明 Pod 正在自我排空)。 排空成功後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕,完成 Pod 排空初始化並顯示 **連線 Pod** 畫面。 ![Activate_Pod_5](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_5.jpg) ![Activate_Pod_6](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_6.jpg) -4. Next, prepare the infusion site of the new pod. Remove the pod's plastic needle cap. If you see something that sticks out of the pod, cancel the process and start with a new pod. If everything looks OK, take off the white paper backing from the adhesive and apply the pod to the selected site on your body. When finished, click on the **Next** button. +4. 接下來,準備新 Pod 的注射部位。 移除 Pod 的塑膠針蓋。 如果您看到 Pod 有突出的部分,請取消流程並從新的 Pod 開始。 如果一切正常,撕下黏貼物的白色襯紙,並將 Pod 貼在您選定的身體部位。 完成後,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 ![Activate_Pod_8](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_8.jpg) -5. The **Attach Pod** dialog box will now appear. **click on the OK button ONLY if you are ready to deploy the cannula**. +5. 現在會出現 **連線 Pod** 對話框。 **只有在您準備好插入針管時才點擊 OK 按鈕**。 ![Activate_Pod_9](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_9.jpg) -6. After pressing **OK**, it may take some time before the Dash pod responds and inserts the cannula (1-2 minutes maximum), so be patient. +6. 按下 **OK** 後,可能需要一些時間,Dash Pod 才會回應並插入針管(最多 1-2 分鐘),請耐心等待。 - *NOTE: Before the cannula is inserted, it is good practice to pinch the skin near the cannula insertion point. This ensures a smooth insertion of the needle and will decrease your chances of developing occlusions.* + *注意:在插入針管之前,最好輕捏針管插入點附近的皮膚。 這有助於針頭順利插入,並減少堵塞的機會。* ![Activate_Pod_10](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_10.png) ![Activate_Pod_11](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_11.jpg) -7. A green checkmark appears, and the **Next** button becomes enabled upon successful cannula insertion. Click on the **Next** button. +7. 針管成功插入後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 ![Activate_Pod_12](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_12.jpg) -9. The **Pod activated** screen is displayed. Click on the green **Finished** button. Congratulations! You have now started a new active pod session. +9. 顯示 **Pod 已註冊** 畫面。 點擊綠色 **完成** 按鈕。 恭喜! 你已經開始了新的 Pod 使用階段。 ![Activate_Pod_13](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_13.jpg) -10. The **Pod management** menu screen should now display the **Activate Pod (1)** button *disabled* and the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button *enabled*. This is because a pod is now active and you cannot activate an additional pod without deactivating the currently active pod first. +10. 現在 **Pod 管理** 選單畫面應顯示 **註冊 Pod (1)** 按鈕為 *停用*,並顯示 **停用 Pod (2)** 按鈕為 *啟用*。 這是因為目前有一個 Pod 處於啟用狀態,必須先停用目前啟用的 Pod 才能註冊另一個 Pod。 - Click on the back button on your phone to return to the **DASH** tab screen which will now display Pod information for your active pod session, including current basal rate, pod reservoir level, insulin delivered, pod errors and alerts. + 點擊手機上的返回按鈕,返回到 **DASH** 標籤畫面,該畫面現在會顯示您的啟用 Pod 的資訊,包括當前基礎率、Pod 儲液量、輸送的胰島素、Pod 錯誤和警報。 - For more details on the information displayed go to the [**DASH Tab**](OmnipodDASH-dash-tab) section of this document. + 有關顯示資訊的更多詳細資料,請參閱本文檔的[**DASH 標籤**](OmnipodDASH-dash-tab)部分。 ![Activate_Pod_14](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_14.png) ![Activate_Pod_15](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_15.jpg) -It is good practice to export settings AFTER activating the pod. Do this at each pod change and once a month, copy the exported file to your internet drive. see [**Export settings Doc**](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Usage/ExportImportSettings.html?highlight=exporting#export-import-settings). +在註冊 Pod 後匯出設置是一個好習慣。 每次更換 Pod 時都應執行此操作,每月一次,將匯出的文件複製到您的網路磁碟。 請參閱 [**匯出設置文檔**](https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Usage/ExportImportSettings.html?highlight=exporting#export-import-settings)。 (OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod)= -### Deactivate Pod +### 停用 Pod -Under normal circumstances, the expected lifetime of a pod is three days (72 hours) and an additional 8 hours after the pod expiration warning for a total of 80 hours of pod usage. +在正常情況下,Pod 的預期壽命為三天(72 小時),並且在 Pod 過期警告後還有額外的 8 小時,總共可以使用 80 小時。 -To deactivate a pod (either from expiration or from a pod failure): +要停用 Pod(不論是過期還是 Pod 故障): -1. Go to the **DASH** tab, click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, on the **Pod management** screen click on the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button. +1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,點擊 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕,然後在 **Pod 管理** 畫面中點擊 **停用 Pod (2)** 按鈕。 ![Deactivate_Pod_1](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_1.jpg) ![Deactivate_Pod_2](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_2.png) -2. On the **Deactivate Pod** screen, click on the **Next** button to begin the process of deactivating the pod. You will receive a confirmation beep from the pod that deactivation was successful. +2. 在 **停用 Pod** 畫面上,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕開始停用 Pod 的流程。 您會收到來自 Pod 的確認嗶聲,表明停用成功。 ![Deactivate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_3.jpg) ![Deactivate_Pod_4](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_4.jpg) -3. A green checkmark will appear upon successful deactivation. Click on the **Next** button to display the pod deactivated screen. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. +3. 停用成功後會顯示綠色勾號。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以顯示 Pod 停用畫面。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 ![Deactivate_Pod_5](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_5.jpg) -4. Click on the green button to return to the **Pod Management** screen. +4. 點擊綠色按鈕返回 **Pod 管理** 畫面。 ![Deactivate_Pod_6](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_6.jpg) -5. You are now on the **Pod Management** menu; press the back button on your phone to return to the **DASH** tab. Verify that the **Pod status:** field displays a **No active Pod** message. +5. 現在您已進入 **Pod 管理** 選單;按下手機上的返回按鈕返回 **DASH** 標籤。 確認 **Pod 狀態:** 欄位顯示 **無可用的 Pod** 訊息。 ![Deactivate_Pod_7](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_7.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_8](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_8.jpg) (OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery)= -### Resuming Insulin Delivery +### 恢復胰島素輸送 -**Note**: During profile switches, dash must suspend delivery before setting the new basal profile. If communication fails between the two commands, then delivery can be suspended. Read [**Delivery suspended**](OmnipodDASH) in the troubleshooting section for more details. +**注意**:在切換設定檔期間,Dash 必須暫停輸送,然後設置新的基礎率設定檔。 如果兩個指令之間的通訊失敗,則可能會暫停輸送。 請參閱疑難排解部分中的[**輸送暫停**](OmnipodDASH)以獲取更多詳細資料。 -Use this command to instruct the active, currently suspended pod to resume insulin delivery. After the command is successfully processed, insulin will resume normal delivery using the current basal rate based on the current time from the active basal profile. The pod will again accept commands for bolus, TBR, and SMB. +使用此指令指示當前暫停的活動 Pod 恢復胰島素輸送。 指令成功處理後,胰島素將根據當前時間並使用活動基礎率設定檔恢復正常輸送。 Pod 將再次接受注射、TBR 和 SMB 的指令。 -1. Go to the **DASH** tab and ensure the **Pod status (1)** field displays **SUSPENDED**, then press the **RESUME DELIVERY (2)** button to start the process to instruct the current pod to resume normal insulin delivery. A message **RESUME DELIVERY** will display in the **Pod Status (3)** field. +1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,確認 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位顯示 **已暫停**,然後按下 **恢復輸送 (2)** 按鈕以開始流程,指示當前的 Pod 恢復正常的胰島素輸送。 訊息 **恢復輸送** 將顯示在 **Pod 狀態 (3)** 欄位中。 ![Resume_1](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_1.jpg) ![Resume_2](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_2.jpg) -2. When the Resume delivery command is successful, a confirmation dialog will display the message **Insulin delivery has been resumed**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. +2. 當恢復輸送指令成功後,確認對話框將顯示訊息 **胰島素輸送已恢復**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 ![Resume_3](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_3.png) -3. The **DASH** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** field to display **RUNNING,** and the **Resume Delivery** button will no longer be displayed +3. **DASH** 標籤將更新 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位,顯示 **運作中**,並且將不再顯示恢復輸送按鈕。 ![Resume_4](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_4.jpg) -### Silencing Pod Alerts +### 靜音 Pod 警報 -*NOTE - The SILENCE ALERTS button is only available on the **DASH** tab when the pod expiration or low reservoir alert has been triggered. If the SILENCE ALERTS button is not visible and you hear beep sounds from the pod, try to 'Refresh pod status'.* +*注意 - 僅當觸發 Pod 過期或低儲液量警報時,**靜音警報** 按鈕才會在 **DASH** 標籤上顯示。 如果未顯示靜音警報按鈕且您聽到 Pod 的嗶聲,請嘗試“重新整理 Pod 狀態”。* -The process below will show you how to acknowledge and dismiss pod beeps when the active pod time reaches the warning time limit before the pod expiration of 72 hours (3 days). This warning time limit is defined in the **Hours before shutdown** Dash alerts setting. The maximum life of a pod is 80 hours (3 days 8 hours), however Insulet recommends not exceeding the 72 hours (3 days) limit. +以下流程將向你展示當 Pod 的使用時間接近72小時(3天)到期的警告時,如何確認並關閉 Pod 的嗶聲。 此警告時間限制定義在 **距關閉時間的時數** Dash 警報設置中。 Pod 的最大使用壽命為 80 小時(3 天 8 小時),但 Insulet 建議不要超過 72 小時(3 天)限制。 -1. When the defined **Hours before shutdown** warning time limit is reached, the pod will issue warning beeps to inform you that it is approaching its expiration time and pod change will be required soon. You can verify this on the **DASH** tab, the **Pod expires: (1)** field will show the exact time the pod will expire (72 hours after activation), and the text will turn **red** after this time has passed. Under the **Active Pod alerts (2)** field the status message **Pod will expire soon** is displayed. This also will trigger displaying the **SILENCE ALERTS (3)** button. +1. 當達到定義的 **距關閉時間的時數** 警告時間限制時,Pod 會發出警告嗶聲,通知您即將過期並需要更換 Pod。 您可以在 **DASH** 標籤上進行驗證,**Pod 過期:** 欄位將顯示 Pod 的確切過期時間(註冊後 72 小時),且文字會在此時間過後變為 **紅色**。 在 **啟用 Pod 警報 (2)** 欄位下,狀態訊息會顯示 **Pod 即將過期**。 這也會觸發顯示 **靜音警報 (3)** 按鈕。 ![ACK_alerts_1](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_1.png) -2. Go to the **DASH** tab and press the **SILENCE ALERTS (2)** button . AAPS sends the command to the pod to deactivate the pod expiration warning beeps and updates the **Pod status (1)** field with **ACKNOWLEDGE ALERTS**. +2. 進入 **DASH** 標籤並按下 **靜音警報 (2)** 按鈕。 AAPS 會向 Pod 發送指令以停用 Pod 過期警告嗶聲,並將 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位更新為 **確認警報**。 ![ACK_alerts_2](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_2.png) -3. Upon **successful deactivation** of the alerts, **2 beeps** will be issued by the active pod and a confirmation dialog will display the message **Activate alerts have been Silenced**. Click the **OK** button to confirm and dismiss the dialog. +3. **成功停用**警報後,啟用 Pod 將發出**兩聲嗶聲**,並且確認對話框將顯示訊息**註冊警報已靜音**。 點擊 **OK** 按鈕以確認並關閉對話框。 ![ACK_alerts_3](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_3.png) -4. Go to the **DASH** tab. Under the **Active Pod alerts** field, the warning message is no longer displayed, and the active pod will no longer issue pod expiration warning beeps. +4. 進入 **DASH** 標籤。 在 **啟用 Pod 警報** 欄位下,警告訊息將不再顯示,且活動 Pod 將不再發出 Pod 過期警告嗶聲。 (OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history)= -### View Pod History +### 查看 Pod 歷史記錄 -This section shows you how to review your active pod history and filter by different action categories. The pod history tool allows you to view the actions and results committed to your currently active pod during its three days (72 - 80 hours) life. +本節將向您展示如何查看您的活動 Pod 歷史記錄,並根據不同的操作類別進行篩選。 Pod 歷史工具允許您查看在其三天(72 - 80 小時)使用壽命期間提交到當前活動 Pod 的操作和結果。 -This feature is helpful in verifying boluses, TBRs and basal commands that were sent to the pod. The remaining categories are useful for troubleshooting issues and determining the order of events that occurred leading up to a failure. +此功能有助於驗證發送到 Pod 的注射劑量、臨時基礎率和基礎指令。 其餘類別對於排除故障和確定發生失敗前的事件順序很有幫助。 -*NOTE:* **Only the last command can be uncertain**. New commands *will not be sent* until the **last 'uncertain' command becomes 'confirmed' or 'denied'**. The way to 'fix' uncertain commands is to **'refresh pod status'**. +*注意:* **只有最後一個指令可能是不確定的**。 在**最後的“不確定”指令被“確認”或“拒絕”**之前,*不會發送新的指令*。 “修復”不確定指令的方法是按下 **“重新整理 Pod 狀態”**。 -1. Go to the **DASH** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod Management** menu and then press the **Pod history (2)** button to access the pod history screen. +1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,按下 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕以進入 **Pod 管理** 選單,然後按下 **Pod 歷史記錄 (2)** 按鈕以進入 Pod 歷史記錄畫面。 ![Pod_history_1](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_1.jpg) ![Pod_history_2](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_2.jpg) -2. On the **Pod history** screen, the default category of **All (1)** is displayed, showing the **Date and Time (2)** of all pod **Actions (3)** and **Results (4)** in reverse chronological order. Use your phone’s **back button 2 times** to return to the **DASH** tab in the main AAPS interface. +2. 在 **Pod 歷史記錄** 畫面中,顯示預設類別 **全部 (1)**,以逆序顯示所有 Pod **操作 (3)** 和 **結果 (4)** 的 **日期和時間 (2)**。 使用手機的 **返回按鈕按兩次** 以返回主 AAPS 介面中的 **DASH** 標籤。 ![Pod_history_3](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_3.jpg) ![Pod_history_4](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_4.jpg) (OmnipodDASH-dash-tab)= -## DASH Tab +## DASH 標籤 -Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons and status fields on the **DASH** tab in the main AAPS interface. +以下是主 AAPS 介面中 **DASH** 標籤的佈局說明及圖示和狀態欄位的含義。 -*NOTE: If any message in the **DASH** tab status fields report (uncertain), then you will need to press the Refresh button to clear it and refresh the pod status.* +*注意:如果 **DASH** 標籤的狀態欄位中顯示 (不確定),則您需要按下重新整理按鈕來清除此訊息並重新整理 Pod 狀態。* ![DASH_Tab_1](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_1.png) -### Fields +### 欄位 -* **Bluetooth Address:** Displays the current bluetooth address of the connected Pod. -* **Bluetooth Status:** Displays the current connection status. -* **Sequence Number:** Displays the sequence number of the active POD. -* **Firmware Version:** Displays the firmware version for the active connection. -* **Time on Pod:** Displays the current time on the Pod. -* **Pod expires:** Displays the date and time when the Pod will expire. -* **Pod status:** Displays the Pod status. -* **Last connection:** Displays time of last communication with the Pod. +* **藍牙地址:** 顯示當前連線 Pod 的藍牙地址。 +* **藍牙狀態:** 顯示當前的連線狀態。 +* **序列號:** 顯示當前啟用的 Pod 序列號。 +* **韌體版本:** 顯示當前連線的韌體版本。 +* **Pod 上的時間:** 顯示 Pod 上的目前時間。 +* **Pod 過期時間:** 顯示 Pod 的過期日期和時間。 +* **Pod 狀態:** 顯示 Pod 狀態。 +* **上次連線:** 顯示與 Pod 的最後一次通訊時間。 - - *Moments ago* - less than 20 seconds ago. - - *Less than a minute ago* - more than 20 seconds but less than 60 seconds ago. - - *1 minute ago* - more than 60 seconds but less than 120 seconds (2 min) - - *XX minutes ago* - more than 2 minutes ago as defined by the value of XX + - *片刻前* - 少於 20 秒前。 + - *不到一分鐘前* - 超過 20 秒但少於 60 秒前。 + - *1 分鐘前* - 超過 60 秒但少於 120 秒(2 分鐘)。 + - *XX 分鐘前* - 超過 2 分鐘,具體由 XX 的值定義。 -* **Last bolus:** Displays the amount of the last bolus sent to the active pod and how long ago it was issued in parenthesis. -* **Base Basal rate:** Displays the basal rate programmed for the current time from the basal rate profile. -* **Temp basal rate:** Displays the currently running Temporary Basal Rate in the following format +* **上次注射:** 顯示發送到活動 Pod 的最後一次注射的劑量以及它是多長時間前發出的(以括號顯示)。 +* **基礎率:** 顯示基礎率設定檔中當前時間的基礎率設定。 +* **臨時基礎率:** 以以下格式顯示當前運作的臨時基礎率。 - - {Units per hour} @{TBR start time} ({minutes run}/{total minutes TBR will be run}) - - *Example:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 minutes) + - {每小時單位數} @{TBR 開始時間} ({運作分鐘數}/{TBR 總運作分鐘數}) + - *示例:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 分鐘) -* **Reservoir:** Displays over 50+U left when more than 50 units are left in the reservoir. Below 50 U, the exact units are displayed. -* **Total delivered:** Displays the total number of units of insulin delivered from the reservoir. This includes insulin used for activating and priming. -* **Errors:** Displays the last error encountered. Review the [Pod history](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) and log files for past errors and more detailed information. -* **Active pod alerts:** Reserved for currently running alerts on the active pod. +* **儲液量:** 當儲液量超過 50 單位時顯示 50+ 單位。 當儲液量低於 50 單位時,顯示確切的單位數。 +* **總輸送量:** 顯示從儲液中輸送的胰島素總單位數。 這包含已使用和排空的胰島素。 +* **錯誤:** 顯示遇到的最後一個錯誤。 查看 [Pod 歷史記錄](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) 和日誌文件以獲取過去錯誤的詳細訊息。 +* **啟用 Pod 警報:** 保留當前啟用 Pod 上運作的警報。 -### Buttons +### 按鈕 -![Refresh_Icon](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) : Sends a refresh command to the active pod to update communication. +![重新整理圖示](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) :向啟用的 Pod 發送重新整理指令以更新通訊。 - * Use to refresh the pod status and dismiss status fields that contain the text (uncertain). - * See the Troubleshooting section below for additional information. + * 用於重新整理 Pod 狀態並消除顯示 (不確定) 訊息的狀態欄位。 + * 請參閱下面的疑難排解部分以獲取更多訊息。 -![POD_MGMT_Icon](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) : Navigates to the Pod management menu. +![POD 管理圖示](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) :導航到 Pod 管理選單。 -![ack_alert_logo](../images/DASH_images/ack_alert_logo.png) : When pressed this will disable the pod alerts beeps and notifications (expiry, low reservoir..). +![警報消音圖示](../images/DASH_images/ack_alert_logo.png) :按下此按鈕可停用 Pod 警報嗶聲和通知(過期、儲液量低等)。 - * Button is displayed only when pod time is past expiration warning time. - * Upon successful dismissal, this icon will no longer appear. + * 該按鈕僅在 Pod 過期警告時間已過時顯示。 + * 成功解除後,此圖示將不再顯示。 -![RESUME_Icon](../images/DASH_images/DASH_tab_icons/RESUME_Icon.png) : Resumes the currently suspended insulin delivery in the active pod. +![恢復圖示](../images/DASH_images/DASH_tab_icons/RESUME_Icon.png) :恢復當前暫停的活動 Pod 胰島素輸送。 -### Pod Management Menu +### Pod 管理選單 -Below is the meaning of the icons on the **Pod Management** menu accessed by pressing **POD MGMT (0)** button from the **DASH** tab. ![DASH_Tab_2](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_2.png) ![DASH_Tab_3](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_3.png) +以下是按下 **POD 管理 (0)** 按鈕從 **DASH** 標籤查看的 **Pod 管理** 選單中的圖示含義。 ![DASH_Tab_2](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_2.png) ![DASH_Tab_3](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_3.png) -* 1 - [**Activate Pod**](OmnipodDASH-activate-pod) : Primes and activates a new pod. -* 2 - [**Deactivate Pod**](OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod) : Deactivates the currently active pod. -* 3 - **Play Test Beep** : Plays a single test beep on the pod when pressed. -* 4 - [**Pod history**](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) : Displays the active pod activity history. +* 1 - [**啟動 Pod**](OmnipodDASH-activate-pod) :排空並啟動新 Pod。 +* 2 - [**停用 Pod**](OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod) :停用當前啟用的 Pod。 +* 3 - **播放測試嗶聲** :按下時播放 Pod 的單次測試嗶聲。 +* 4 - [**Pod 歷史記錄**](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) :顯示啟用的 Pod 活動歷史記錄。 (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings)= -## Dash Settings +## Dash 設定 -The Dash driver settings are configurable from the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder (1)**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **Settings Gear (3)** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Dash**. Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will allow the Dash menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **DASH**. +您可以從左上角 **漢堡選單** 下的 **組態建置工具 (1)**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **設定齒輪 (3)** 中進行 Dash 驅動設定,方法是選擇標題為 **Dash** 的 **單選按鈕 (2)**。 選擇**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**複選框(4)**,將允許 DASH 選單作為 AAPS 介面中的一個標籤顯示,標題為**DASH**。 ![Dash_settings_1](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_1.png) ![Dash_settings_2](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_2.png) -**NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Dash settings** is by accessing the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **DASH** tab and selecting **Dash preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. +**注意:** 查看 **Dash 設定** 的更快方式是查看 **DASH** 標籤右上角的 **三點選單 (1)** 並從下拉選單中選擇 **Dash 偏好設定 (2)**。 ![Dash_settings_3](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_3.png) -The settings groups are listed below; you can enable or disable via a toggle switch for most entries described below: +下方列出了設定組;大多數條目可透過切換開關啟用或停用: ![Dash_settings_4](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_4.jpg) -*NOTE: An asterisk (\*) denotes the default setting is enabled.* +*注意:星號 (\*) 表示預設為啟用。* -### Confirmation beeps +### 確認嗶聲提示 -Provides confirmation beeps from the pod for bolus, basal, SMB, and TBR delivery and changes. +提供來自藥筒的確認聲音提示,用於注射、基礎輸注、SMB以及TBR輸送和變更。 -* **Bolus beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a bolus is delivered. -* **Basal beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a new basal rate is set, active basal rate is canceled or current basal rate is changed. -* **SMB beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a SMB is delivered. -* **TBR beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a TBR is set or canceled. +* **啟用注射嗶聲:** 啟用或停用注射時的確認嗶聲。 +* **啟用基礎率嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置新基礎率、取消啟用的基礎率或更改當前基礎率時的確認嗶聲。 +* **啟用 SMB 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用當 SMB 被送達時的確認嗶聲。 +* **啟用 TBR 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置或取消 TBR 時的確認嗶聲。 -### Alerts +### 警報 -Provides AAPS alerts for pod expiration, shutdown, low reservoir based on the defined threshold units. +提供 AAPS 警報,包括 Pod 到期、關閉、儲液量低,根據定義的閾值單位觸發。 -*Note an AAPS notification will ALWAYS be issued for any alert after the initial communication with the pod since the alert was triggered. Dismissing the notification will NOT dismiss the alert UNLESS automatically acknowledge Pod alerts is enabled. To MANUALLY dismiss the alert you must visit the **DASH** tab and press the **Silence ALERTS button**.* +*請注意,Pod 觸發警報後,AAPS 通知將始終發出。 解除通知不會取消警報,除非啟用了自動確認 Pod 警報功能。 若要手動解除警報,您必須進入 **DASH** 標籤,並按下 **靜音警報按鈕**。* -* **Expiration reminder enabled:** Enable or disable the pod expiration reminder set to trigger when the defined number of hours before shutdown is reached. -* **Hours before shutdown:** Defines the number hours before the active pod shutdown occurs, which will then trigger the expiration reminder alert. -* **Low reservoir alert enabled:** Enable or disable an alert when the pod's remaining units low reservoir limit is reached as defined in the Number of units field. -* **Number of units:** The number of units at which to trigger the pod low reservoir alert. +* **啟用到期提醒:** 啟用或停用在達到設定的到期時間前的 Pod 到期提醒。 +* **關閉前的時數:** 定義 Pod 關閉前的幾小時,這將觸發到期提醒警報。 +* **啟用儲液量低警報:** 當 Pod 剩餘的單位達到定義的數量時,啟用或停用儲液量低警報。 +* **單位數:** 定義觸發 Pod 儲液量低警報的單位數量。 -### Notifications +### 通知 -Provides AAPS notifications and audible phone alerts when it is uncertain if TBR, SMB, or bolus, and delivery suspended events were successful. +提供 AAPS 通知和手機提示音,當 TBR、SMB 或注射的事件是否成功無法確定時發出。 -*NOTE: These are notifications only, no audible beep alerts are made.* +*注意:這些僅是通知,沒有嗶聲警報。* -* **Sound for uncertain TBR notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPs is uncertain if a TBR was successfully set. -* **Sound for uncertain SMB notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if an SMB was successfully delivered. -* **Sound for uncertain bolus notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if a bolus was successfully delivered. -* **Sound when delivery suspended notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when suspend delivery was successfully delivered. +* **啟用不確定 TBR 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 TBR 是否成功設置時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +* **啟用不確定 SMB 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 SMB 是否成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +* **啟用不確定注射通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定注射是否成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +* **啟用暫停輸送通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在暫停輸送成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 -## Actions (ACT) Tab +## 手動操作 (ACT) 標籤 -This tab is well documented in the main AAPS documentation but there are a few items on this tab that are specific to how the Omnipod Dash pod differs from tube based pumps, especially after the processes of applying a new pod. +此標籤已在主 AAPS 文件中有詳細說明,但此處有一些 Omnipod Dash Pod 與管路幫浦的差異,特別是在應用新 Pod 的過程後。 -1. Go to the **Actions (ACT)** tab in the main AAPS interface. +1. 進入主 AAPS 介面中的 **手動操作 (ACT)** 標籤。 -2. Under the **Careportal (1)** section the **Insulin** and **Cannula** filds will have their **age reset** to 0 days and 0 hours **after each pod change**. This is done because of how the Omnipod pump is built and operates. Since the pod inserts the cannula directly into the skin at the site of the pod application, a traditional tube is not used in Omnipod pumps. *Therefore after a pod change the age of each of these values will automatically reset to zero.* **Pump battery age** is not reported as the battery in the pod will always be more than the life of the pod (maximum 80 hours). The **pump battery** and **insulin reservoir** are self contained inside of each pod. +2. 在 **照護入口(Careportal) (1)** 部分下,**胰島素** 和 **套管** 欄位會在每次更換 Pod 後自動重置為 0 天和 0 小時。 這是根據 Omnipod 幫浦的設計和運作方式所設。 由於 Pod 直接將套管插入應用 Pod 的皮膚上,因此 Omnipod 幫浦不使用傳統的管路。 *因此,在更換 Pod 後,這些數值的時間將自動重置為零。* **幫浦電池時間** 不會被報告,因為 Pod 中的電池壽命始終比 Pod 的最大壽命(80 小時)長。 每個 Pod 內都包含 **幫浦電池** 和 **胰島素儲液器**。 ![ACT_1](../images/DASH_images/Actions_Tab/ACT_1.png) -### Level +### 等級 -**Insulin Level** +**胰島素等級** -Insulin level displayed is the amount reported by Omnipod DASH. However, the pod only reports the actual insulin reservoir level when it is below 50 units. Until then “Above 50 units” will be displayed. The amount reported is not exact: when the pod reports ‘empty’ in most cases the reservoir will still have some additional units of insulin left. The omnipod DASH overview tab will display as described the below: +顯示的胰島素等級是 Omnipod DASH 回報的數量。 然而,Pod 僅在儲液器低於 50 單位時報告實際的胰島素儲液量。 在此之前,會顯示「超過 50 單位」。 報告的數量並不精確:當 Pod 報告「空」時,大多數情況下儲液器仍有一些剩餘的胰島素單位。 Omnipod DASH 首頁總覽標籤將顯示如下所述: - * **Above 50 Units** - The Pod reports more than 50 units currently in the reservoir. - * **Below 50 Units** - The amount of insulin remaining in the reservoir as reported by the Pod. + * **超過 50 單位** - Pod 報告儲液器中還有超過 50 單位。 + * **少於 50 單位** - Pod 報告的儲液器中剩餘的胰島素量。 -Additional note: - * **SMS** - Returns value or 50+U for SMS responses - * **Nightscout** - Uploads value of 50 when over 50 units to Nightscout (version 14.07 and older). Newer versions will report a value of 50+ when over 50 units. +附加說明: + * **SMS** - 短訊回報數值為 50+ 單位。 + * **Nightscout** - 當超過 50 單位時,向 Nightscout 上傳數值為 50(版本 14.07 及更早版本)。 更新版本將在超過 50 單位時報告數值為 50+。 -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 (OmnipodDASH-delivery-suspended)= -### Delivery suspended +### 輸送暫停 - * There is no suspend button anymore. If you want to "suspend" the pod, you can set a zero TBR for x minutes. - * During profile switches, dash must suspend delivery before setting the new basal profile. If communication fails between the two commands, then delivery can stay suspended. When this happens: - - There will be no insulin delivery, that includes Basal, SMB, Manual bolusing etc. - - There might be notification that one of the commands is unconfirmed: this depends on when the failure happened. - - AAPS will try to set the new basal profile every 15 minutes. - - AAPS will show a notification informing that the delivery is suspended every 15min, if the delivery is still suspended (resume delivery failed). - - The [**Resume delivery**](OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery) button will be active if the user chooses to resume delivery manually. - - If AAPS fail to resume delivery on its own (this happens if the Pod is unreachable, sound is muted, etc), the pod will start beeping 4 time every minute for 3 minutes, then repeated every 15 minutes if delivery is still suspended for more than 20minutes. - * For unconfirmed commands, "refresh pod status" should confirm/deny them. + * 現在已無暫停按鈕。 如果您想「暫停」 Pod,您可以設置0U/h臨時基礎率(TBR) 數分鐘。 + * 在配置切換期間,Dash 必須在設置新的基礎率設定檔之前暫停輸送。 如果兩個指令之間的通訊失敗,則輸送可能會保持暫停。 當這種情況發生時: + - 將不會有胰島素輸送,包括基礎率、SMB、手動注射等。 + - 可能會通知某個指令未確認:這取決於失敗發生的時間。 + - AAPS 將每 15 分鐘嘗試設置新的基礎率設定檔。 + - 如果輸送仍然暫停(恢復輸送失敗),AAPS 將每 15 分鐘發送通知,通知輸送已暫停。 + - 如果使用者選擇手動恢復輸送,[**恢復輸送**](OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery) 按鈕將變為可用。 + - 如果 AAPS 自行恢復輸送失敗(這發生在 Pod 無法到達、聲音靜音等情況下),Pod 將每分鐘發出 4 次嗶聲,持續 3 分鐘,然後在輸送暫停超過 20 分鐘後每 15 分鐘重複一次。 + * 對於未確認的指令,「重新整理 Pod 狀態」應能確認/否認它們。 -**Note:** When you hear beeps from the pod, do not assume that delivery will continue without checking the phone, delivery might stay suspended, **so you need to check !** +<**注意:** 當你聽到 Pod 發出嗶聲時,不要假設胰島素會繼續注射而不檢查手機,注射可能已暫停,**所以一定要檢查!** -### Pod Failures +### Pod 故障 -Pods fail occasionally due to a variety of issues, including hardware issues with the Pod itself. It is best practice not to call these into Insulet, since AAPS is not an approved use case. A list of fault codes can be [**found here**](https://github.com/openaps/openomni/wiki/Fault-event-codes) to help determine the cause. +Pod 會因多種問題偶爾發生故障,包括 Pod 本身的硬體問題。 最佳做法是不要向 Insulet 報告,因為 AAPS 並非經過認證的使用情況。 一份故障代碼列表可在 [**這裡找到**](https://github.com/openaps/openomni/wiki/Fault-event-codes),以幫助確定原因。 -### Preventing error 49 pod failures +### 防止 49 號錯誤 Pod 故障 -This failure is related to an incorrect pod state for a command or an error during an insulin delivery command. This is when the driver and Pod disagree on the actual state. The Pod (out of a build-in safety measure) then reacts with an unrecoverable error code 49 (0x31) ending up with what is know as a “screamer”: the long irritating beep that can only be stopped by punching a hole at the appropriate location at the back of the Pod. The exact origin of a “49 pod failure” often is hard to trace. In situations that are suspected for this failure to occur (for instance on application crashes, running a development version or re-installation). +此故障與指令的 Pod 狀態不正確或胰島素輸送指令中的錯誤有關。 這是當驅動程式和 Pod 對實際狀態存在分歧時發生的情況。 Pod(出於內建的安全措施)會以無法恢復的錯誤代碼 49(0x31)反應,最終會變成所謂的「尖叫機」:只能透過在 Pod 背面適當位置打孔來停止的長時間刺耳嗶聲。 「49 Pod 故障」的確切原因通常難以追溯。 在某些情況下,這種故障可能發生(例如應用程式崩潰、運作開發版本或重新安裝)。 -### Pump Unreachable Alerts +### 幫浦無法連線警報 -When no communication can be established with the pod for a preconfigured time a “Pump unreachable” alert will be raised. Pump unreachable alerts can be configured by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting **Preferences**\ ➜\ **Local Alerts**\ ➜\ **Pump unreachable threshold [min]**. Recommended value is alerting after **120** minutes. +當無法在預設的時間內與 Pod 建立通訊時,將會發出「無法到達幫浦」的警報。 可透過進入右上角的三點選單,選擇 **偏好設定**\ ➜\ **本地警報**\ ➜\ **無法到達幫浦的閾值 [分鐘]** 來配置無法到達幫浦的警報。 建議設置的值是**120** 分鐘後提醒。 -### Export Settings +### 匯出設定 -Exporting AAPS settings enables you to restore all your settings, and maybe more importantly, all your Objectives. You may need to restore settings to the “last known working situation” or after uninstalling/reinstalling AAPS or in case of phone loss, reinstalling on the new phone. +匯出 AAPS 設定使您能夠恢復所有設定,更重要的是,恢復所有目標。 您可能需要在卸載/重新安裝 AAPS 後或手機遺失後,在新手機上重新安裝時恢復設定為「最後一次的工作狀態」。 -Note: The active pod information is included in the exported settings. If you import an "old" exported file, your actual pod will "die". There is no other alternative. In some cases (like a _programmed_ phone change), you may need to use the exported file to restore AndroisAPS settings **while keeping the current active Pod**. In this case it is important to only use the recently exported settings file containing the pod currently active. +注意:匯出的設定中包含啟用的 Pod 資訊。 如果您匯入了「舊」的匯出檔案,您的當前 Pod 會「失效」。 沒有其他選擇。 在某些情況下(例如 _計劃中的_ 換手機),您可能需要使用匯出的檔案來恢復 AndroisAPS 設定**,同時保持目前啟用的 Pod**。 在這種情況下,重要的是需要包含當前啟用 Pod 的最新匯出設定檔案。 -**It is good practice to do an export immediately after activating a pod**. This way you will always be able to restore the current active Pod in case of a problem. For instance when moving to another backup phone. +**啟動 Pod 後立即匯出是一種好習慣**。 這樣,您在遇到問題時,隨時都可以恢復目前啟用的 Pod。 例如,當您更換備用手機時。 -Regularly copy your exported settings to a safe place (as a cloud drive) that can be accessible by any phone when needed (e.g. in case of a phone loss or factory reset of the actual phone). +定期將匯出的設定檔案複製到安全的地方(例如雲端硬碟),這樣在需要時,任何手機都能存取(例如手機遺失或實際手機的出廠重置情況下)。 -### Import Settings +### 匯入設定 -**WARNING** Please note that importing settings will possibly import an outdated Pod status. As a result, there is a risk of losing the active Pod! (see **Exporting Settings**). It is better to only try it when no other options are available. +**警告** 請注意,匯入設定可能會匯入過時的 Pod 狀態。 結果會是失去已啟用的 Pod ! (參見 **匯出設定**)。 最好僅在沒有其他選擇時才嘗試這樣做。 -When importing settings with an active Pod, make sure the export was done with the currently active pod. +當匯入具有啟用的 Pod 設定時,請確保匯出是在目前啟用的 Pod 下進行的。 -**Importing while on an active Pod:** (you risk losing the Pod!) +**在有啟用 Pod 的情況下匯入:**(您有失去 Pod 的風險!) -1. Make sure you are importing settings that were recently exported with the currently active Pod. -2. Import your settings -3. Check all preferences +1. 確保您匯入的設定是最近在目前啟用 Pod 下匯出的。 +2. 匯入您的設定。 +3. 檢查所有偏好設定。 -**Importing (no active Pod session)** +**匯入(沒有啟用的 Pod 連線)** -1. Importing any recent export should work (see above) -2. Import your settings. -3. Check all preferences. -4. You may need to **Deactivate** the "non exixting" pod if the imported settings included any active pod data. +1. 匯入任何最近的匯出應該可以工作(見上文)。 +2. 匯入您的設定。 +3. 檢查所有偏好設定。 +4. 如果匯入的設定中包含任何啟用的 Pod 資料,您可能需要**停用**「不存在」的 Pod。 -### Importing settings that contain Pod state from an inactive Pod +### 匯入包含非活動 Pod 狀態的設定 -When importing settings containing data for a Pod that is no longer active, AAPS will try to connect with it, which will obviously fail. You can not activate a new Pod in this situation. +當匯入包含已不再啟用的 Pod 資料時,AAPS 將嘗試與其連線,這顯然會失敗。 在這種情況下,您無法啟動新 Pod。 -To remove the old Pod session “try” to de-activate the Pod. The de-activation will fail. Select “Retry”. After the second or third retry you will get the option to remove the pod. Once the old pod is removed you will be able to activate a new Pod. +若要移除舊的 Pod 會話,請「嘗試」停用該 Pod。 停用將失敗。 選擇「重試」。 在第二次或第三次重試後,您將獲得移除 Pod 的選項。 一旦移除舊的 Pod,您將能夠啟動新 Pod。 -### Reinstalling AAPS +### 重新安裝 AAPS -When uninstalling AAPS you will lose all your settings, objectives and the current Pod session. To restore them make sure you have a recent exported settings file available! +當卸載 AAPS 時,您將失去所有設定、目標和當前的 Pod 連線。 為了恢復它們,請確保有一個最近匯出的設定檔案可用! -When on an active Pod, make also sure that you have an export for the current Pod session or you will lose the currently active Pod when importing older settings. +當有活動 Pod 時,請務必確保您有當前 Pod 會話的匯出,否則在匯入舊設定時,您將失去當前啟用的 Pod。 -1. Export your settings and store a copy in a safe place. -2. Uninstall AAPS and restart your phone. -3. Install the new version of AAPS. -4. Import your settings -5. Verify all preferences (optionally import settings again) -6. Activate a new Pod -7. When done: Export current settings +1. 匯出您的設定並將副本存儲在安全的地方。 +2. 卸載 AAPS 並重新啟動手機。 +3. 安裝新版本的 AAPS。 +4. 匯入您的設定。 +5. 驗證所有偏好設定(可選地再次匯入設定)。 +6. 啟動新 Pod。 +7. 完成後:匯出當前設定。 -### Updating AAPS to a newer version +### 更新 AAPS 至新版本 -In most cases there is no need to uninstall. You can do an “in-place” install by starting the installation for the new version. This is also possible when on an active Pod session. +在大多數情況下,無需卸載。 您可以透過啟動新版本的安裝進行「就地」安裝。 這在啟用 Pod 在使用期間也是可以的。 -1. Export your settings. -2. Install the new AAPS version. -3. Verify the installation was successful -4. RESUME the Pod or activate a new Pod. -5. When done: Export current settings. +1. 匯出您的設定。 +2. 安裝新版本的 AAPS。 +3. 驗證安裝是否成功。 +4. 繼續使用 Pod 或啟動新 Pod。 +5. 完成後:匯出當前設定。 -### Omnipod driver alerts +### Omnipod 驅動程式警報 -Please note that the Omnipod Dash driver presents a variety of unique alerts on the **Overview tab**, most of them are informational and can be dismissed while some provide the user with an action to take to resolve the cause of the triggered alert. A summary of the main alerts that you may encounter is listed below: +請注意,Omnipod Dash 驅動程式會在**首頁總覽標籤**中顯示各種獨特的警報,其中大多數是資訊性的,可以忽略,而有些會提供使用者解決觸發警報原因的操作。 您可能會遇到的主要警報總結如下: -* No active Pod No active Pod session detected. This alert can temporarily be dismissed by pressing **SNOOZE** but it will keep triggering as long as a new pod has not been activated. Once activated this alert is automatically be silenced. -* Pod suspended Informational alert that Pod has been suspended. -* Setting basal profile failed : Delivery might be suspended! Please manually refresh the Pod status from the Omnipod tab and resume delivery if needed.. Informational alert that the Pod basal profile setting has failed, and you will need to hit *Refresh* on the Omnipod tab. -* Unable to verify whether SMB bolus succeeded. If you are sure that the Bolus didn't succeed, you should manually delete the SMB entry from Treatments. Alert that the SMB bolus command success could not be verified, you will need to verify the *Last bolus* field on the DASH tab to see if SMB bolus succeeded and if not remove the entry from the Treatments tab. -* Uncertain if "task bolus/TBR/SMB" completed, please manually verify if it was successful. +* 沒有啟用的 Pod 未檢測到啟用的 Pod 使用。 按下**稍後提醒**可以暫時忽略此警報,但只要未啟動新 Pod,它就會持續觸發。 一旦啟動,此警報將自動靜音。 +* Pod 暫停 Pod 已暫停的資訊性警報。 +* 設定基礎率設定檔失敗:輸送可能已暫停! 請手動從 Omnipod 標籤中重新整理 Pod 狀態並在需要時恢復輸送。 Pod 基礎率設定失敗的資訊性警報,您需要按下 Omnipod 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕。 +* 無法確認 SMB 注射是否成功。 如果您確定注射未成功,應手動從治療中刪除 SMB 條目。 警報提示無法確認 SMB 注射指令的成功,您需要檢查 DASH 標籤上的*最後一次注射*欄位以查看 SMB 注射是否成功,如果未成功,則從治療標籤中刪除該條目。 +* 不確定「任務注射/TBR/SMB」是否完成,請手動確認是否成功。 -## Where to get help for Omnipod DASH driver +## 在哪裡尋求 Omnipod DASH 驅動程式的幫助 -All of the development work for the Omnipod DASH driver is done by the community on a **volunteer** basis; we ask that you to remember that fact and use the following guidelines before requesting assistance: +Omnipod DASH 驅動程式的所有開發工作都是由社群志願者完成的;我們請您記住這一點,並在尋求幫助前遵循以下指南: -- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. -- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#AAPS* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw). -- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported at [Issues](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues) if it exists, please confirm/comment/add information on your problem. If not, please create a [new issue](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues) and attach [your log files](../Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md). -- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** +- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 +- **等級 1:** 如果您仍然遇到無法解決的問題,請使用[此邀請鏈接](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw)進入**Discord**的*#AAPS* 頻道。 +- **等級 2:** 搜尋現有問題,以查看您的問題是否已被報告,請在[問題](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues)中確認/評論/添加有關您的問題的訊息。 如果沒有,請建立[新問題](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues)並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md)。 +- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodEros.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodEros.md index 44a2cf6b9641..072b78982755 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodEros.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OmnipodEros.md @@ -1,792 +1,792 @@ -# AAPS Omnipod Insulin Pump Driver Documentation +# AAPS Omnipod 胰島素幫浦驅動程式文件 -These instructions are for configuring the Omnipod Eros generation pump (**NOT Omnipod Dash**). The Omnipod driver is available as part of AAPS (AAPS) as of version 2.8. +以下是配置 Omnipod Eros 代幫浦的說明(**不包括 Omnipod Dash**)。 從 AAPS 2.8 版本開始,AAPS 支援 Omnipod 驅動程式。 -**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** ```{contents} :backlinks: entry :depth: 2 ``` -## Hardware and Software Requirements +## 硬體和軟體需求 -- **Pod Communication Device** +- **Pod 通訊裝置** -> Component that bridges communication from your AAPS enabled phone to Eros generation pods. +> 將您的 AAPS 啟用手機與 Eros 世代的 Pod 通訊的組件。 > -> > - ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink Website](https://getrileylink.org/product/orangelink) +> > - ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink 官網](https://getrileylink.org/product/orangelink) > > - ![RileyLink](../images/omnipod/RileyLink.png) [433MHz RileyLink](https://getrileylink.org/product/rileylink433) -> > - ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink Website](https://github.com/sks01/EmaLink) - [Contact Info](mailto:getemalink@gmail.com) -> > - ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [Contact Info](mailto:Boshetyn@ukr.net) -> > - ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink Website](https://www.getlooplink.org/) - [Contact Info](https://jameswedding.substack.com/) - Untested +> > - ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink 官網](https://github.com/sks01/EmaLink) - [聯絡資訊](mailto:getemalink@gmail.com) +> > - ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [聯絡資訊](mailto:Boshetyn@ukr.net) +> > - ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink 官網](https://www.getlooplink.org/) - [聯絡資訊](https://jameswedding.substack.com/) - 尚未測試 -- ![Android_phone](../images/omnipod/Android_phone.png) **Mobile Phone Device** +- ![Android_電話](../images/omnipod/Android_phone.png) **行動電話裝置** -> Component that will operate AAPS and send control commands to the Pod communication device. +> 運作 AAPS 並向 Pod 通訊裝置發送控制指令的組件。 > -> > - Supported [Omnipod driver Android phone](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eNtXAWwrdVtDvsvXaR_72wgT9ICjZPNEBq8DbitCv_4/edit) with a version of AAPS 2.8 and related [components setup](index-component-setup) +> > - 支援的 [Omnipod 驅動程式 Android 手機](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eNtXAWwrdVtDvsvXaR_72wgT9ICjZPNEBq8DbitCv_4/edit)具有 AAPS 2.8 版本和相關 [組件設置](index-component-setup) -- ![Omnipod_Pod](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Pod.png) **Insulin Delivery Device** +- ![Omnipod_Pod](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Pod.png) **胰島素輸送裝置** -> Component that will interpret commands received from the Pod communication device originating from your AAPS enable phone. +> 將從 Pod 通訊裝置接收到的指令進行解釋的組件,該指令來自於您的 AAPS 啟用手機。 > -> > - A new Omnipod pod (Eros generation - **NOT DASH**) +> > - 新的 Omnipod pod(Eros 世代 - **不包括 DASH**) -These instructions will assume that you are starting a new pod session; if this is not the case, please be patient and attempt to begin this process on your next pod change. +這些說明假定您正在啟動新的 pod 會話;如果不是這種情況,請耐心等待,並嘗試在下次更換 pod 時開始此過程。 -## Before You Begin +## 在您開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra pods, insulin, charged RileyLink, and phone devices are must-haves). +**安全第一** - 不要在無法從錯誤中恢復的環境中嘗試此過程(必備項包括額外的 pod、胰島素、已充電的 RileyLink 和手機設備)。 -**Your Omnipod PDM will no longer work after the AAPS Omnipod driver activates your pod**. Previously you used your Omnipod PDM to send commands to your Omnipod Eros pod. An Omnipod Eros pod only allows a single device to send communication to it. The device that successfully activates the pod is the only device allowed to communicate with it from that point forward. This means that once you activate an Omnipod Eros pod with your RileyLink through the AAPS Omnipod driver, **you will no longer be able to use your PDM with your pod**. The AAPS Omnipod driver with the RileyLink is now your acting PDM. *This does NOT mean you should throw away your PDM, it is recommended to keep it around as a backup, and for emergencies with AAPS is not working correctly.* +**當 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式啟用您的 pod 後,您的 Omnipod PDM 將無法再運作**。 以往您使用 Omnipod PDM 向 Omnipod Eros pod 發送指令。 Omnipod Eros pod 只允許單一裝置向其發送通訊。 從那時起,成功啟動 Pod 的裝置將是唯一能夠與其通訊的裝置。 這意味著一旦您透過 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式和 RileyLink 啟用了 Omnipod Eros pod,**您將無法再使用您的 PDM 與 pod 通訊**。 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式與 RileyLink 現在是您的替代 PDM。 *這並不意味著您應該丟掉您的 PDM,建議保留它作為備用並在 AAPS 運作不正常時使用。* -**You can configure multiple RileyLinks, but only one selected RileyLink at a time can communicate with a pod.** The AAPS Omnipod driver supports the ability to add multiple RileyLinks in the RileyLink configuration, however, only one RileyLink at a time can be selected to be used for sending and receiving communication. +**您可以配置多個 RileyLink,但一次只能選擇一個 RileyLink 與 pod 通訊。** AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式支援在 RileyLink 配置中添加多個 RileyLink,但一次只能選擇一個 RileyLink 用來發送和接收通訊。 -**Your pod will not shut off when the RileyLink is out of range.** When your RileyLink is out of range or the signal is blocked from communicating with the active pod, your pod will continue to deliver basal insulin. Upon activating a pod, the basal profile defined in AAPS will be programmed into the new pod. Should you lose contact with the pod, it will revert to this basal profile. You will not be able to issue new commands until the RileyLink comes back in range and re-establishes the connection. +**當 RileyLink 超出範圍時,您的 pod 不會關閉。** 當您的 RileyLink 超出範圍或信號被阻擋無法與活動 pod 通訊時,您的 pod 將繼續輸送基礎胰島素。 啟用 pod 時,在 AAPS 中定義的基礎設定檔將會被編程到新的 pod 中。 如果您失去與 pod 的連線,它會恢復到此基礎設定檔。 在 RileyLink 返回範圍並重新建立連線之前,您將無法發出新的指令。 -**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time please be aware that basal rates starting on a half hour are not supported and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of say 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to update this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the 30 min basal rate profile increments are supported by the Omnipod hardware itself, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. +**AAPS 不支援30 分鐘基礎速率設置。** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並且首次設定基礎速率設置,請注意以半小時為間隔的基礎速率設置是不可支援的,您將需要調整基礎速率設置到整點開始。 例如,如果您有一個 1.1 個單位的基礎速率,它從 09:30 開始並持續 2 小時,結束於 11:30,這將無法運作。 您需要將這 1.1 單位的基礎速率更新為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管 Omnipod 硬件本身支援半小時基礎速率設置,AAPS 目前無法在其演算法中考慮到這些設置。 -## Enabling the Omnipod Driver in AAPS +## 在 AAPS 中啟用 Omnipod 驅動程式 -You can enable the Omnipod driver in AAPS in **two ways**: +您可以透過 **兩種方法** 在 AAPS 中啟用 Omnipod 驅動程式: -### Option 1: The Setup Wizard +### 選項1:設置嚮導 -After installing a new version of AAPS, the **Setup Wizard** will start automatically. This will also occur during in place upgrades. If you already have exported your settings from a previous installation you can exit the Setup Wizard and import your old settings. For new installations proceed below. +安裝新版本的 AAPS 後,**設置嚮導** 將自動啟動。 在地進行升級時也會發生這種情況。 如果您已經從以前的安裝中匯出了您的設置,您可以退出設置嚮導並匯入舊的設置。 對於新的安裝,請繼續以下操作。 -Via the **AAPS Setup Wizard (2)** located at the top right-hand corner **three-dot menu (1)** and proceeding through the wizard menus until you arrive at the **Pump** screen. Then select the **Omnipod radio button (3)** . +透過位於右上角 **三點選單(1)** 的 **AAPS 設置嚮導 (2)** 並繼續透過嚮導選單,直到您到達 **幫浦** 設置畫面。 然後選擇 **Omnipod 單選按鈕 (3)**。 > ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_1](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_1.png) ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_2](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_2.png) -On the same screen, below the pump selection, the **Omnipod Driver Settings** are displayed, under the **RileyLink Configuration** add your RileyLink device by pressing the **Not Set** text. +在同一畫面上,在幫浦選擇下方顯示 **Omnipod 驅動程式設置**,在 **RileyLink 設置** 中按下**未設置**文字添加您的 RileyLink 設備。 -On the **RileyLink Selection** screen press the **Scan** button and select your RileyLink by scanning for all available Bluetooth devices and selecting your RileyLink from the list. When properly selected you are returned to the pump driver selection screen displaying the Omnipod driver settings showing your selected RileyLink with the MAC address listed. +在 **RileyLink 選擇** 畫面上按下 **掃描** 按鈕,並透過掃描所有可用的藍牙設備從列表中選擇您的 RileyLink。 當正確選擇後,您將返回幫浦驅動程式選擇畫面,顯示 Omnipod 驅動程式設定及您所選擇的 RileyLink 和其 MAC 地址。 -Press the **Next** button to proceed with the rest of the **Setup Wizard.** It can take up to one minute for the selected RileyLink to initialize and the **Next** button to become active. +按下 **下一步** 按鈕繼續完成其餘的 **設定嚮導。** 選擇 RileyLink 後,初始化可能需時達一分鐘,此時 **下一步** 按鈕會變為可點擊狀態。 -Detailed steps on how to setup your pod communication device are listed below in the [RileyLink Setup Section](OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup). +以下的 [RileyLink 設定部分](OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup) 列出了如何設置您的幫浦連線裝置的詳細步驟。 -**OR** +**或者** -### Option 2: The Config Builder +### 選項 2:組態建置工具 -Via the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder (1)** ➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Omnipod**. Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will display the Omnipod menu as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **POD**. This is referred to in this documentation as the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. +透過左上角的 **漢堡選單** 進入 **配置構建器 (1)** ➜**幫浦** ➜**Omnipod**,選擇標為 **Omnipod** 的 **單選按鈕 (2)**。 勾選 **設定齒輪圖示 (3)** 旁邊的 **勾選框(4)**, Omnipod 選單將會以標籤的形式顯示在 AAPS 界面中,標題為 **POD**。 此處在文檔中被稱為 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 -> **NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Omnipod settings** can be found below in the [Omnipod Settings section](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) of this document. +> **注意:** 更快地進入 **Omnipod 設定**的方法可以在本文檔的 [Omnipod 設定部分](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) 中找到。 > > ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_3](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_3.png) ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_4](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_4.png) -### Verification of Omnipod Driver Selection +### 驗證 Omnipod 驅動程式選擇 -*Note: If you have exited the Setup Wizard early without selecting your RileyLink, the Omnipod Driver is enabled but you will still need to select your RileyLink. You may see the Omnipod (POD) tab appear as it does below* +*注意:如果您在未選擇 RileyLink 的情況下提前退出設定嚮導,Omnipod 驅動程式已啟用,但您仍需要選擇您的 RileyLink。 您可能會看到 Omnipod (POD) 標籤顯示如下所示* -To verify that you have enabled the Omnipod driver in AAPS **swipe to the left** from the **Overview** tab, where you will now see an **Omnipod** or **POD** tab. +要驗證在 AAPS 中是否啟用了 Omnipod 驅動程式,請從 **首頁總覽** 標籤向左滑動,現在您會看到一個 **Omnipod** 或 **POD** 標籤。 ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_5](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_5.png) -## Omnipod Configuration +## Omnipod 配置 -Please **swipe left** to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab where you will be able to manage all pod and RileyLink functions (some of these functions are not enabled or visible without an active pod session): +請 **向左滑動** 到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,在那裡您可以管理所有幫浦和 RileyLink 功能(在沒有啟動幫浦會話的情況下,有些功能是不啟用或可見的): -> ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) Refresh Pod connectivity and status +> ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) 重新整理幫浦連線和狀態 > -> ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) Pod Management (Activate, Deactivate, Play test beep, RileyLink Stats and Pod history) +> ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) 幫浦管理(啟動,停用,播放測試嗶聲,RileyLink 狀態和幫浦歷史記錄) (OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup)= -### RileyLink Setup +### RileyLink 設定 -If you already successfully paired your RileyLink in the Setup Wizard or steps above, then proceed to the [Activating a Pod Section](OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod) below. +如果您已經在設定嚮導或上述步驟中成功配對了您的 RileyLink,則繼續進入本文檔下方的 [啟動幫浦部分](OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod)。 -*Note: A good visual indicator that the RileyLink is not connected is that the Insulin and Calculator buttons on the HOME tab will be missing. This will also occur for about the first 30 seconds after AAPS starts, as it is actively connecting to the RileyLink.* +*注意: RileyLink未連線的一個好視覺指示是 HOME 標籤中的胰島素和計算機按鈕將缺失。 這亦會發生在 AAPS 開始運作後的約莫30秒鐘,因為它正在積極連線至 RileyLink。* -1. Ensure that your RileyLink is fully charged and powered on. +1. 確保您的 RileyLink 已充滿電並開機。 -2. After selecting the Omnipod driver, identify and select your RileyLink from **Config Builder (1)** ➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod**➜**Gear Icon (Settings) (2)** ➜**RileyLink Configuration (3)** by pressing the **Not Set** or **MAC Address (if present)** text. +2. 選擇 Omnipod 驅動程式後,從 **配置構建器 (1)** ➜**幫浦** ➜**Omnipod** ➜**齒輪圖示(設定)(2)** ➜**RileyLink 配置 (3)** 中,按下 **未設定** 或 **MAC 地址(如存在)** 文字來選擇您的 RileyLink。 - > Ensure your RileyLink battery is charged and it is [positioned in close proximity](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) to your phone for AAPS to identify it by its MAC address. Once selected, you can proceed to activate your first pod session. Use the back button on your phone to return to the main AAPS interface. + > 確保您的 RileyLink 電池已充電,並且 [放置於距離約30厘米範圍內](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) 且距您的手機較近,以便 AAPS 透過其 MAC 地址識別它。 選擇後,您可以進行您的第一個幫浦會話的啟動。 使用手機上的返回按鈕回到主 AAPS 界面。 > > ![RileyLink_Setup_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_1.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) -3. On the **RileyLink Selection** screen press the **Scan (4)** button to initiate a bluetooth scan. **Select your RileyLink (5)** from the list of available Bluetooth devices. +3. 在 **RileyLink 選擇** 畫面上,按下 **掃描 (4)** 按鈕以啟動藍牙掃描。 **選擇您的 RileyLink (5)** 從可用的藍牙裝置列表中。 > ![RileyLink_Setup_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_3.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_4.png) -4. After successful selection you are returned to the Omnipod Settings page listing your **currently selected RileyLink's MAC Address (6).** +4. 成功選擇後,將返回 Omnipod 設定頁面,其中列出您**目前選擇的 RileyLink 的 MAC 地址 (6)。** > ![RileyLink_Setup_5](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_5.png) -5. Verify that in the **Omnipod (POD)** tab that the **RileyLink Status (1)** appears as **Connected.** The **Pod status (2)** field should show **No active Pod**; if not, please attempt the previous step or exit AAPS to see if this refreshes the connection. +5. 驗證在 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤中 **RileyLink 狀態 (1)** 顯示為 **已連線。** **幫浦狀態 (2)** 欄位應顯示 **無活動幫浦**;否則,請嘗試前一步驟或退出 AAPS 看是否重新整理連線。 > ![RileyLink_Setup_6](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_6.png) (OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod)= -### Activating a Pod +### 啟動幫浦 -Before you can activate a pod please ensure you have properly configured and connected your RileyLink connection in the Omnipod settings +在您可以啟動幫浦之前,請確保您已正確配置並連線您的 RileyLink 在 Omnipod 設定中 -*REMINDER: Pod communication occurs at limited ranges for pod activation pairing due to security safety measures. Before pairing the Pod's radio signal is weaker, however after it has been paired it will operate at full signal power. During these procedures, make sure that your pod is* [within close proximity](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) but not on top of or right next to the RileyLink.\* +*提醒:幫浦的配對通訊範圍有限,是由於安全保護措施所致。 配對前幫浦無線電信號較弱,但在成功配對後它將以全信號功率運作。 在這些程序期間,確保您的幫浦 [在合適的距離內](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (約30厘米以內),但不要放在 RileyLink 上或緊靠 RileyLink 旁邊。* -01. Navigate to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, and then click on **Activate Pod (2)**. +01. 導航到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,點擊 **幫浦管理 (1)** 按鈕,然後點擊 **啟動幫浦 (2)**。 > ![Activate_Pod_1](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_1.png) ![Activate_Pod_2](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_2.png) -02. The **Fill Pod** screen is displayed. Fill a new pod with at least 80 units of insulin and listen for two beeps indicating that the pod is ready to be primed. When calculating the total amount of insulin you need for 3 days, please take into account that priming the pod will use 12 to 15 units. +02. 顯示**填充 Pod**畫面。 將至少 80 單位的胰島素注入新的 Pod,等聽到兩聲嗶聲,表示 Pod 準備就緒並可續繼將胰島素輸入完。 計算您3天所需的總胰島素量時,請考慮灌裝幫浦將使用12到15個單位。 > ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_3.png) > - > Ensure the new pod and RileyLink are within close proximity of each other (~30cm or less) and click the **Next** button. + > 確保新幫浦和 RileyLink 在近距範圍內(約30厘米以內),然後點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 -03. On the **Initialize Pod** screen, the pod will begin priming (you will hear a click followed by a series of ticking sounds as the pod primes itself). If RileyLink is out of range of the pod being activated, you will receive an error message **No response from Pod**. If this occurs, [move the RileyLink closer](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) to but not on top of or right next to the Pod and click the **Retry (1)** button. +03. 在 **初始化 Pod** 畫面上,Pod 將開始排空(您會聽到點擊聲,接著是連續的滴答聲,表明 Pod 正在自我排空)。 如果 RileyLink 超出啟動幫浦的範圍,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **幫浦無回應**。 如果發生此情況,[將 RileyLink 移得更近](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (約30厘米以內),但不要放在或緊靠 Pod 旁邊,然後點擊 **重試 (1)** 按鈕。 > ![Activate_Pod_4](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_4.png) ![Activate_Pod_5](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_5.png) -04. Upon successful priming a green checkmark will be shown and the **Next** button will become enabled. Click on the **Next** button to complete the pod priming initialization and display the **Attach Pod** screen. +04. 成功灌裝後將顯示綠色勾號,**下一步** 按鈕將啟用。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕,完成 Pod 排空初始化並顯示 **連線 Pod** 畫面。 > ![Activate_Pod_6](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_6.png) -05. Next, prepare the infusion site of the new pod. Remove the pod's plastic needle cap and white paper backing from the adhesive and apply the pod to your usually selected site on your body. When finished, click on the **Next** button. +05. 接下來,準備新 Pod 的注射部位。 取下幫浦的塑料針帽和膠粘劑上的白色紙張,在您平時選擇的身體部位處貼上幫浦。 完成後,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 > ![Activate_Pod_7](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_7.png) -06. The **Attach Pod** dialog box will now appear. **ONLY click on the OK button if you are ready to deploy the cannula**. +06. 現在會出現 **連線 Pod** 對話框。 **僅當您已準備好部署套針時才按確定按鈕**。 > ![Activate_Pod_8](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_8.png) -07. After pressing **OK**, it may take some time before the Omnipod responds and inserts the cannula (1-2 minutes maximum), so be patient. +07. 按下 **確定** 後,Omnipod 可能需要一段時間才會回應並插入套針(最多約1-2分鐘),請耐心等待。 - > If RileyLink is out of range of the pod being activated, you will receive an error message **No response from Pod**. If this occurs, move the RileyLink closer (~30 cm away or less) to but not on top of or right next to the Pod and click the **Retry** button. + > 如果 RileyLink 超出啟動幫浦的範圍,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **幫浦無回應**。 如果發生此情況,將 RileyLink 移得更近(約30厘米以內),但不要放在或緊靠幫浦旁邊,然後按下 **重試** 按鈕。 > - > If the RileyLink is out of Bluetooth range or does not have an active connection to the phone, you will receive an error message **No response from RileyLink**. If this occurs, move the RileyLink closer to the phone and click the **Retry** button. + > 如果 RileyLink 超出藍牙範圍或未與手機有活動連線,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **RileyLink 無回應**。 如果發生此情況,將 RileyLink 移得更近手機,然後按下 **重試** 按鈕。 > - > *NOTE: Before the cannula is inserted, it is good practice to pinch the skin near the cannula insertion point. This ensures a smooth insertion of the needle and will decrease your chances of developing occlusions.* + > *注意:在插入針管之前,最好輕捏針管插入點附近的皮膚。 這有助於針頭順利插入,並減少堵塞的機會。* > > ![Activate_Pod_9](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_9.png) > > ![Activate_Pod_10](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_10.png) ![Activate_Pod_11](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_11.png) -08. A green checkmark appears, and the **Next** button becomes enabled upon successful cannula insertion. Click on the **Next** button. +08. 針管成功插入後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 > ![Activate_Pod_12](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_12.png) -09. The **Pod activated** screen is displayed. Click on the green **Finished** button. Congratulations! You have now started a new active pod session. +09. 顯示 **Pod 已註冊** 畫面。 點擊綠色 **完成** 按鈕。 恭喜! 你已經開始了新的 Pod 使用階段。 > ![Activate_Pod_13](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_13.png) -10. The **Pod management** menu screen should now display with the **Activate Pod (1)** button *disabled* and the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button *enabled*. This is because a pod is now active and you cannot activate an additional pod without deactivating the currently active pod first. +10. 幫浦管理選單畫面現在應顯示 **啟動幫浦 (1)** 按鈕 *已停用* 和 **停用幫浦 (2)** 按鈕 *已啟用*。 這是因為目前有一個 Pod 處於啟用狀態,必須先停用目前啟用的 Pod 才能註冊另一個 Pod。 - Click on the back button on your phone to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab screen which will now display Pod information for your active pod session, including current basal rate, pod reservoir level, insulin delivered, pod errors and alerts. + 點擊手機上的返回按鈕返回 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤畫面,現在會顯示您活動的幫浦會話資訊,包括當前基礎速率、幫浦儲庫水平、胰島素投放量、幫浦錯誤和警報。 - For more details on the information displayed go to the [Omnipod (POD) Tab](OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab) section of this document. + 要了解顯示的更多訊息,請轉到本文檔中的 [Omnipod (POD) 標籤](OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab) 部分。 ![Activate_Pod_14](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_14.png) ![Activate_Pod_15](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_15.png) -### Deactivating a Pod +### 停用幫浦 -Under normal circumstances, the life of a pod should run for three days (72 hours) and an additional 8 hours after the pod expiration warning for a total of 80 hours of pod usage. +在正常情況下,幫浦的壽命應為三天(72 小時),並在提示幫浦過期警告後額外持續8小時,總計80小時的幫浦使用。 -To deactivate a pod (either from expiration or from a pod failure): +要停用 Pod(不論是過期還是 Pod 故障): -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, on the **Pod management** screen click on the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button. +1. 轉到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,點擊 **幫浦管理 (1)** 按鈕,在 **幫浦管理** 畫面上點擊 **停用幫浦 (2)** 按鈕。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_1](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_1.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_2](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_2.png) -2. On the **Deactivate Pod** screen, first, make sure the RileyLink is in close proximity to the pod but not on top of or right next to the pod, then click on the **Next** button to begin the process of deactivating the pod. +2. 在 **停用幫浦** 畫面中,首先確保 RileyLink 在幫浦近距範圍內,但不要在或緊靠幫浦旁邊,然後點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以開始停用幫浦的過程。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_3](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_3.png) -3. The **Deactivating Pod** screen will appear, and you will receive a confirmation beep from the pod that deactivation was successful. +3. 將顯示 **停用幫浦** 畫面,您會收到幫浦發出的停用成功確認嗶聲。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_4](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_4.png) > - > **IF deactivation fails** and you do not receive a confirmation beep, you may receive a **No response from RileyLink** or **No response from Pod message**. Please click on the **Retry (1)** button to attempt deactivation again. If deactivation continues to fail, please click on the **Discard Pod (2)** button to discard the Pod. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. If your Pod has a screaming alarm, you may need to manually silence it (using a pin or a paperclip) as the **Discard Pod (2)** button will not silence it. + > **如果停用失敗** 並且您未收到確認嗶聲,您可能會收到 **RileyLink 無回應** 或 **幫浦無回應訊息**。 請按 **重試 (1)** 按鈕再次嘗試停用。 如果停用持續失敗,請點擊 **丟棄幫浦 (2)** 按鈕遺棄幫浦。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 如果您的幫浦發出尖叫警報,您可能需要手動將其靜音(使用別針或回形針),因為 **丟棄幫浦 (2)** 按鈕無法使其靜音。 > > > ![Deactivate_Pod_5](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_5.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_6](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_6.png) -4. A green checkmark will appear upon successful deactivation. Click on the **Next** button to display the pod deactivated screen. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. +4. 停用成功後會顯示綠色勾號。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以顯示 Pod 停用畫面。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_7](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_7.png) -5. Click on the green button to return to the **Pod management** screen. +5. 點擊綠色按鈕返回至 **幫浦管理** 畫面。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_8](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_8.png) -6. You are now returned to the **Pod management** menu press the back button on your phone to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. Verify that the **RileyLink Status:** field reports **Connected** and the **Pod status:** field displays a **No active Pod** message. +6. 您現在返回到 **幫浦管理** 選單,按下手機上的返回按鈕回到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 驗證 **RileyLink 狀態:** 欄位顯示 **已連線** 和 **幫浦狀態:** 欄位顯示 **無活動幫浦** 訊息。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_9](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_9.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_10](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_10.png) -### Suspending and Resuming Insulin Delivery +### 暫停與恢復胰島素輸送 -The process below will show you how to suspend and resume insulin pump delivery. +以下過程將向您展示如何暫停和恢復胰島素幫浦的投放。 -*NOTE - if you do not see a SUSPEND button*, then it has not been enabled to display in the Omnipod (POD) tab. Enable the **Show Suspend Delivery button in Omnipod tab** setting in the [Omnipod settings](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) under **Other**. +*注意 – 如果您未看到暫停按鈕*,那麼它尚未啟用在 Omnipod (POD) 標籤中顯示。 在 [Omnipod 設定](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) 中啟用 **在 Omnipod 標籤中顯示暫停胰島素投放按鈕** 設置,位於 **其他** 欄位下。 -#### Suspending Insulin Delivery +#### 暫停胰島素投放 -Use this command to put the active pod into a suspended state. In this suspended state, the pod will no longer deliver any insulin. This command mimics the suspend function that the original Omnipod PDM issues to an active pod. +使用此指令將啟用的 POD 暫停。 在暫停狀態下, POD 將不再輸送任何胰島素。 此指令模擬原始 Omnipod PDM 發送給啟用 POD的暫停功能。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and click on the **SUSPEND (1)** button. The suspend command is sent from the RileyLink to the active pod and the **SUSPEND (3)** button will become greyed out. The **Pod status (2)** will display **SUSPEND DELIVERY**. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,並點擊**暫停(1)**按鈕。 暫停指令將由 RileyLink 發送到啟用 POD,並且**暫停(3)**按鈕將變灰。 ** POD 狀態(2)**將顯示**暫停輸送**。 > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_1](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_1.png) ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_2](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_2.png) -2. When the suspend command is successfully confirmed by the RileyLink a confirmation dialog will display the message **All insulin delivery has been suspended**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. +2. 當 RileyLink 成功確認暫停指令時,確認對話框將顯示訊息**所有胰島素輸送已暫停**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_3](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_3.png) -3. Your active pod has now suspended all insulin delivery. The **Omnipod (POD)** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** to **Suspended**. The **SUSPEND** button will change to a new **Resume Delivery (2)** button +3. 您啟用的 POD 現已暫停所有胰島素輸送。 在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中,** POD 狀態(1)**將更新為**已暫停**。 **暫停**按鈕將更改為新的**恢復輸送(2)**按鈕。 > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_4](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_4.png) -#### Resuming Insulin Delivery +#### 恢復胰島素輸送 -Use this command to instruct the active, currently suspended pod to resume insulin delivery. After the command is successfully processed, insulin will resume normal delivery using the current basal rate based on the current time from the active basal profile. The pod will again accept commands for bolus, TBR, and SMB. +使用此指令指示當前暫停的活動 Pod 恢復胰島素輸送。 指令成功處理後,胰島素將根據當前時間並使用活動基礎率設定檔恢復正常輸送。 Pod 將再次接受注射、TBR 和 SMB 的指令。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and ensure the **Pod status (1)** field displays **Suspended**, then press the **Resume Delivery (2)** button to start the process to instruct the current pod to resume normal insulin delivery. A message **RESUME DELIVERY** will display in the **Pod status (3)** field, signifying the RileyLink is actively sending the command to the suspended pod. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,確保** POD 狀態(1)**欄位顯示**已暫停**,然後按下**恢復輸送(2)**按鈕以啟動流程,指示當前 POD 恢復正常的胰島素輸送。 **恢復輸送**訊息將顯示在** POD 狀態(3)**欄位,表示 RileyLink 正在積極向暫停的 POD 發送指令。 > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_1](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_1.png) ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_2](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_2.png) -2. When the Resume delivery command is successfully confirmed by the RileyLink a confirmation dialog will display the message **Insulin delivery has been resumed**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. +2. 當 RileyLink 成功確認恢復輸送指令時,確認對話框將顯示訊息**胰島素輸送已恢復**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_3](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_3.png) -3. The **Omnipod (POD)** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** field to display **RUNNING,** and the **Resume Delivery** button will now display the **SUSPEND (2)** button. +3. 在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中,** POD 狀態(1)**欄位將更新顯示**運作中**,並且**恢復輸送**按鈕將變回**暫停(2)**按鈕。 > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_4](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_4.png) -### Acknowledging Pod Alerts +### 確認 POD 警報 -*NOTE - if you do not see an ACK ALERTS button, it is because it is conditionally displayed on the Omnipod (POD) tab ONLY when the pod expiration or low reservoir alert has been triggered.* +*注意 - 如果您看不到「確認警報」按鈕,這是因為該按鈕僅在 POD 即將到期或低庫存警報觸發時在 Omnipod(POD)頁籤中有條件顯示。* -The process below will show you how to acknowledge and dismiss pod beeps that occur when the active pod time reaches the warning time limit before the pod expiration of 72 hours (3 days). This warning time limit is defined in the **Hours before shutdown** Omnipod alerts setting. The maximum life of a pod is 80 hours (3 days 8 hours), however Insulet recommends not exceeding the 72 hour (3 days) limit. +以下流程將告訴您如何確認並解除 POD 在達到 72 小時(3 天)過期警報時間限制前的警報聲。 此警報時間限制由**距關機的時數**設置在 Omnipod 警報設定中定義。 POD 的最長使用壽命為 80 小時(3 天 8 小時),然而 Insulet 建議不要超過 72 小時(3 天)限制。 -*NOTE - If you have enabled the "Automatically acknowledge Pod alerts" setting in Omnipod Alerts, this alert will be handled automatically after the first occurrence and you will NOT need to manually dismiss the alert.* +*注意 - 如果您在 Omnipod 警報中啟用了「自動確認 POD 警報」設置,該警報在第一次出現後將自動處理,您不需要手動解除警報。* -1. When the defined **Hours before shutdown** warning time limit is reached, the pod will issue warning beeps to inform you that it is approaching its expiration time and a pod change will soon be required. You can verify this on the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, the **Pod expires: (1)** field will show the exact time the pod will expire (72 hours after activation) and the text will turn **red** after this time has passed, under the **Active Pod alerts (2)** field where the status message **Pod will expire soon** is displayed. This trigger will display the **ACK ALERTS (3)** button. A **system notification (4)** will also inform you of the upcoming pod expiration +1. 當達到定義的**距關機的時數**警報時間限制時, POD 將發出警報聲,告知您其即將到期,並且很快需要更換 POD 。 您可以在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上進行確認,** POD 到期時間:(1)**欄位將顯示 POD 的確切到期時間(註冊後 72 小時),並且在此時間過後,文字將變成**紅色**,在**啟用 POD警報(2)**欄位中顯示狀態訊息** POD 即將到期**。 此觸發將顯示**確認警報(3)**按鈕。 系統通知**(4)**也將通知您即將到期的 POD 。 > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_1](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_1.png) ![Acknowledge_Alerts_2](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_2.png) -2. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **ACK ALERTS (2)** button (acknowledge alerts). The RileyLink sends the command to the pod to deactivate the pod expiration warning beeps and updates the **Pod status (1)** field with **ACKNOWLEDGE ALERTS**. +2. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下**確認警報(2)**按鈕(確認警報)。 RileyLink 將發送指令給 POD ,解除 POD 到期警報聲,並更新** POD 狀態(1)**欄位為**確認警報**。 > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_3](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_3.png) -3. Upon **successful deactivation** of the alerts, **2 beeps** will be issued by the active pod and a confirmation dialog will display the message **Activate alerts have been acknowledged**. Click the **OK** button to confirm and dismiss the dialog. +3. 成功解除警報後,啟用 POD將發出**兩次警報聲**,並且確認對話框將顯示訊息**警報已確認**。 點擊 **OK** 按鈕以確認並關閉對話框。 > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_4](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_4.png) > - > If the RileyLink is out of range of the pod while the acknowledge alerts command is being processed a warning message will display 2 options. **Mute (1)** will silence this current warning. **OK (2)** will confirm this warning and allow the user to try to acknowledge alerts again. + > 如果在處理確認警報指令時 RileyLink 不在 POD 的範圍內,則將顯示一條警告訊息,並提供兩個選項。 **靜音(1)**將靜音當前警報。 **確定(2)**將確認此警報,並允許用戶再次嘗試確認警報。 > > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_5](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_5.png) -4. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, under the **Active Pod alerts** field, the warning message is no longer displayed and the active pod will no longer issue pod expiration warning beeps. +4. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,在**啟用 POD警報**欄位下,警告訊息不再顯示,並且啟用 POD將不再發出 POD 到期警報聲。 (OmnipodEros-view-pod-history)= -### View Pod History +### 查看 Pod 歷史記錄 -This section shows you how to review your active pod history and filter by different action categories. The pod history tool allows you to view the actions and results committed to your currently active pod during its three day (72 - 80 hours) life. +本節將向您展示如何查看您的活動 Pod 歷史記錄,並根據不同的操作類別進行篩選。 POD 歷史工具允許您查看當前啟用 POD在其三天(72 - 80 小時)壽命期間執行的動作和結果。 -This feature is useful for verifying boluses, TBRs, basal changes that were given but you may be unsure if they completed. The remaining categories are useful in general for troubleshooting issues and determining the order of events that occurred leading up to a failure. +此功能對於驗證注射、TBR 和已完成的基礎變更很有用,但您可能不確定它們是否完成。 其餘類別對於一般疑難排解問題和確定故障前發生的事件順序也很有幫助。 -*NOTE:* **Uncertain** commands will appear in the pod history, however due to their nature you cannot ensure their accuracy. +*注意:* **不確定的**指令將出現在 POD 歷史中,但由於其性質,您無法保證其準確性。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod management** menu and then press the **Pod history (2)** button to access the pod history screen. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下** POD 管理(1)**按鈕以查看** POD 管理**選單,然後按下** POD 歷史(2)**按鈕以查看 POD 歷史頁面。 > ![Pod_History_1](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_1.png) ![Pod_History_2](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_2.png) -2. On the **Pod history** screen, the default category of **All (1)** is displayed showing the **Date and Time (2)** of all pod **Actions (3)** and **Results (4)** in reverse chronological order. Use your phone’s **back button 2 times** to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab in the main AAPS interface. +2. 在** POD 歷史**頁面上,預設類別為**全部(1)**,顯示所有 POD 的**日期和時間(2)**以及**動作(3)**和**結果(4)**,按時間倒序排列。 使用您的手機**按兩次返回按鈕**返回主 AAPS 介面中的**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤。 > ![Pod_History_3](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_3.png) ![Pod_History_4](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_4.png) -### View RileyLink Settings and History +### 查看 RileyLink 設定和歷史記錄 -This section shows you how to review the settings of your active pod and RileyLink along with the communication history of each. This feature, once accessed, is split into two sections: **Settings** and **History**. +本節將向您展示如何查看您啟用 POD和 RileyLink 的設定及其通訊歷史記錄。 此功能一旦查看,將分為兩個部分:**設定**和**歷史**。 -The primary use of this feature is when your pod communication device is out of the Bluetooth range of your phone after a period of time and the **RileyLink status** reports **RileyLink unreachable**. The **REFRESH** button on the main **Omnipod (POD)** tab will manually attempt to re-establish Bluetooth communication with the currently configured RileyLink in the Omnipod settings. +此功能的主要用途是當您的 POD 通訊設備超出手機藍牙範圍且**RileyLink 狀態**報告**RileyLink 無法連線**。 主**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上的**重新整理**按鈕將手動嘗試重新建立與 Omnipod 設定中當前配置的 RileyLink 的藍牙通訊。 -In the event the **REFRESH** button on the main **Omnipod (POD)** tab does not restore the connection to the pod communication device, please follow the additional steps below for a manual reconnection. +如果主**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上的**重新整理**按鈕未能恢復與 POD 通訊設備的連線,請按照下列附加步驟進行手動重新連線。 -#### Manually Re-establish Pod Communication Device Bluetooth Communication +#### 手動重新建立 POD 通訊設備的藍牙通訊 -1. From the **Omnipod (POD)** tab when the **RileyLink Status: (1)** reports **RileyLink unreachable** press the **POD MGMT (2)** button to navigate to the **Pod Management** menu. On the **Pod Management** menu you will see a notification appear actively searching for a RileyLink connection, press the **RileyLink stats (3)** button to access the **RileyLink settings** screen. +1. 當**RileyLink 狀態:(1)**報告**RileyLink 無法連線**時,從**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中按下** POD 管理(2)**按鈕以進入** POD 管理**選單。 在** POD 管理**選單中,您將看到正在積極搜索 RileyLink 連線的通知,按下**RileyLink 狀態(3)**按鈕以查看**RileyLink 設定**頁面。 > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_1.png) ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_2.png) -2. On the **RileyLink Settings (1)** screen under the **RileyLink (2)** section you can confirm both the Bluetooth connection status and error in the **Connection Status and Error: (3)** fields. A *Bluetooth Error* and *RileyLink unreachable* status should be shown. Start the manual Bluetooth reconnection by pressing the **refresh (4)** button in the lower right corner. +2. 在**RileyLink 設定(1)**頁面下的**RileyLink(2)**部分中,您可以在**連線狀態和錯誤:(3)**欄位確認藍牙連線狀態和錯誤。 *藍牙錯誤*和*RileyLink 無法連線*狀態應顯示在這裡。 按右下角的**重新整理(4)**按鈕啟動手動藍牙重新連線。 > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_3.png) > - > If the pod communication device is unresponsive or out of range of the phone while the Bluetooth refresh command is being processed a warning message will display 2 options. + > 如果在處理藍牙重新整理指令時 POD 通訊設備無法響應或超出手機範圍,則將顯示一條警告訊息,提供兩個選項。 - - **Mute (1)** will silence this current warning. - - **OK (2)** will confirm this warning and allow the user to try to re-establish the Bluetooth connection again. + - **靜音(1)**將靜音當前警報。 + - **確定(2)**將確認此警告,並允許用戶再次嘗試重新建立藍牙連線。 > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_4.png) -3. If the **Bluetooth connection** does not re-establish, try manually turning **off** and then back **on** the Bluetooth function on your phone. +3. 如果**藍牙連線**無法重新建立,請嘗試手動關閉然後重新開啟手機上的**藍牙功能**。 -4. After a successful RileyLink Bluetooth reconnection the **Connection Status: (1)** field should report **RileyLink ready**. Congratulations, you have now reconnected your configured pod communication device to AAPS! +4. 成功重新建立 RileyLink 藍牙連線後,**連線狀態:(1)**欄位應顯示**RileyLink 就緒**。 恭喜,您現在已將配置的 POD 通訊設備重新連線到 AAPS! > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_5](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_5.png) -#### Pod Communication Device and Active Pod Settings +#### POD 通訊設備和啟用 POD設定 -This screen will provide information, status, and settings configuration information for both the currently configured pod communication device and the currently active Omnipod Eros pod. +此頁面將提供當前配置的 POD 通訊設備和當前啟用的 Omnipod Eros POD 的資訊、狀態和設定配置資訊。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod management** menu, then press the **RileyLink stats (2)** button to view your currently configured **RileyLink (3)** and active pod **Device (4)** settings. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下** POD 管理(1)**按鈕以查看** POD 管理**選單,然後按下**RileyLink 狀態(2)**按鈕以查看當前配置的**RileyLink(3)**和啟用 POD**設備(4)**設定。 > ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_1.png) ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_2.png) > > ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_3.png) -##### RileyLink (3) fields +##### RileyLink(3)欄位 -> - **Address:** MAC address of the selected pod communication device defined in the Omnipod Settings. -> - **Name:** Bluetooth identification name of the selected pod communication device defined in your phone's Bluetooth settings. -> - **Battery Level:** Displays the current battery level of the connected pod communication device -> - **Connected Device:** Model of the Omnipod pod currently communicating with the pod communication device -> - **Connection Status**: The current status of the Bluetooth connection between the pod communication device and the phone running AAPS. -> - **Connection Error:** If there is an error with the pod communication device Bluetooth connection details will be displayed here. -> - **Firmware Version:** Current firmware version installed on the actively connected pod communication device. +> - **地址:**在 Omnipod 設定中定義的所選 POD 通訊設備的 MAC 位址。 +> - **名稱:**在手機藍牙設定中定義的所選 POD 通訊設備的藍牙識別名稱。 +> - **電池電量:**顯示已連線的 POD 通訊設備的當前電池電量。 +> - **已連線設備:**當前與 POD 通訊設備通訊的 Omnipod POD 型號。 +> - **連線狀態:** POD 通訊設備與運作 AAPS 的手機之間藍牙連線的當前狀態。 +> - **連線錯誤:**如果 POD 通訊設備的藍牙連線存在錯誤,詳細訊息將顯示在此處。 +> - **韌體版本:**當前連線的 POD 通訊設備上安裝的韌體版本。 -##### Device (4) fields - With an Active Pod +##### 設備(4)欄位 - 與啟用 POD -> - **Device Type:** The type of device communicating with the pod communication device (Omnipod pod pump) -> - **Device Model:** The model of the active device connected to the pod communication device (the current model name of the Omnipod pod, which is Eros) -> - **Pump Serial Number:** Serial number of the currently activated pod -> - **Pump Frequency:** Communication radio frequency the pod communication device has tuned to enable communication between itself and the pod. -> - **Last Used frequency:** Last known radio frequency the pod used to communicate with the pod communication device. -> - **Last Device Contact:** Date and time of the last contact the pod made with the pod communication device. -> - **Refresh button** manually refresh the settings on this page. +> - **Device Type:** 與 POD 通訊設備通訊的設備類型 (Omnipod pod 幫浦) +> - **Device Model:** 與 POD 通訊設備連線的啟動設備型號 (Omnipod pod 當前型號為 Eros) +> - **Pump Serial Number:** 當前註冊 POD 的序列號 +> - **Pump Frequency:** POD 通訊設備調整的無線電通訊頻率,以啟用其與 POD 之間的通訊。 +> - **Last Used frequency:** POD 最後一次與通訊設備通訊時使用的無線電頻率。 +> - **Last Device Contact:** POD 最後一次與通訊設備接觸的日期和時間。 +> - **Refresh button** 手動重新整理此頁面的設定。 -#### RileyLink and Active Pod History +#### RileyLink 和啟動 Pod 歷史 -This screen provides information in reverse chronological order of each state or action that either the RileyLink or currently connected pod is in or has taken. The entire history is only available for the currently active pod, after a pod change this history will be erased and only events from the newly activated pod will be recorded and shown. +此頁面按時間倒序提供 RileyLink 或當前連線的 POD 每個狀態或動作的訊息。 整個歷史記錄僅適用於當前啟動的 POD , POD 更換後,此歷史記錄將被清除,並且僅顯示新註冊的 POD 的事件。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod Management** menu, then press the **Pod History (2)** button to view the **Settings** and **History** screen. Click on the **HISTORY (3)** text to display the entire history of the RileyLink and currently active pod session. +1. 進入 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤頁,按下 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕以查看 **Pod Management** 選單,然後按下 **Pod History (2)** 按鈕以查看 **Settings** 和 **History** 頁面。 點擊 **HISTORY (3)** 文字以顯示 RileyLink 和當前啟動 POD 會話的全部歷史記錄。 > ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_1.png) ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_2.png) > > ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_3.png) -##### Fields +##### 欄位 -> - **Date & Time**: In reverse chronological order the timestamp of each event. -> - **Device:** The device to which the current action or state is referring. -> - **State or Action:** The current state or action performed by the device. +> - **Date & Time**: 事件發生的時間戳,按時間倒序排列。 +> - **Device:** 事件或狀態所涉及的設備。 +> - **State or Action:** 設備當前執行的狀態或操作。 (OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab)= -## Omnipod (POD) Tab +## Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁 -Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons and status fields on the **Omnipod (POD)** tab in the main AAPS interface. +以下是主要 AAPS 介面中 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁的圖示與狀態欄位佈局及其含義的說明。 -*NOTE: If any message in the Omnipod (POD) tab status fields report (uncertain) then you will need to press the Refresh button to clear it and refresh the pod status.* +*注意:若 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁中的任何訊息報告為 (不確定),則需要按下重新整理按鈕以清除並更新幫浦狀態。* -> ![Omnipod_Tab](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab.png) +> ![Omnipod_分頁](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab.png) -### Fields +### 欄位 -- **RileyLink Status:** Displays the current connection status of the RileyLink +- **RileyLink 狀態:**顯示當前 RileyLink 的連線狀態 -- *RileyLink Unreachable* - pod communication device is either not within Bluetooth range of the phone, powered off or has a failure preventing Bluetooth communication. -- *RileyLink Ready* - pod communication device is powered on and actively initializing the Bluetooth connection -- *Connected* - pod communication device is powered on, connected and actively able to communicate via Bluetooth. +- *RileyLink 無法使用* - 幫浦連線裝置未在手機的藍牙範圍內、關閉電源或因故障導致無法進行藍牙通訊。 +- *RileyLink 準備就緒* - 幫浦連線裝置開啟並正在初始化藍牙連線 +- *已連線* - 幫浦連線裝置已開啟電源、連線並能夠透過藍牙進行通訊。 -- **Pod address:** Displays the current address in which the active pod is referenced +- **幫浦位址:**顯示目前參照的啟動幫浦位址 -- **LOT:** Displays the LOT number of the active pod +- **LOT:**顯示啟動幫浦的 LOT 號碼 -- **TID:** Displays the serial number of the pod. +- **TID:**顯示幫浦的序號。 -- **Firmware Version:** Displays the firmware version of the active pod. +- **韌體版本:**顯示啟動幫浦的韌體版本。 -- **Time on Pod:** Displays the current time on the active pod. +- **幫浦上的時間:**顯示啟動幫浦上的當前時間。 -- **Pod expires:** Displays the date and time when the active pod will expire. +- **幫浦到期時間:**顯示啟動幫浦到期的日期和時間。 -- **Pod status:** Displays the status of the active pod. +- **幫浦狀態:**顯示啟動幫浦的狀態。 -- **Last connection:** Displays the last time communication with the active pod was achieved. +- **最後連線時間:**顯示與啟動幫浦最後一次通訊的時間。 -- *Moments ago* - less than 20 seconds ago. -- *Less than a minute ago* - more than 20 seconds but less than 60 seconds ago. -- *1 minute ago* - more than 60 seconds but less than 120 seconds (2 min) -- *XX minutes ago* - more than 2 minutes ago as defined by the value of XX +- *片刻前* - 少於 20 秒前。 +- *不到一分鐘前* - 超過 20 秒但少於 60 秒前。 +- *1 分鐘前* - 超過 60 秒但少於 120 秒(2 分鐘)。 +- *XX 分鐘前* - 超過 2 分鐘,具體由 XX 的值定義。 -- **Last bolus:** Displays the dosage of the last bolus sent to the active pod and how long ago it was issued in parenthesis. +- **最後一次注射:**顯示送至啟動幫浦的最後注射劑量及多久之前發送(括號中顯示時間)。 -- **Base Basal rate:** Displays the basal rate programmed for the current time from the basal rate profile. +- **基礎率:** 顯示基礎率設定檔中當前時間的基礎率設定。 -- **Temp basal rate:** Displays the currently running Temporary Basal Rate in the following format +- **臨時基礎率:** 以以下格式顯示當前運作的臨時基礎率。 -- Units / hour @ time TBR was issued (minutes run / total minutes TBR will be run) -- *Example:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 minutes) +- 單位 / 小時 @ 發出 TBR 時(已執行的分鐘 / 總共執行的 TBR 分鐘) +- *示例:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 分鐘) -- **Reservoir:** Displays over 50+U left when more than 50 units are left in the reservoir. Below this value the exact units are displayed in yellow text. +- **儲液量:** 當儲液量超過 50 單位時顯示 50+ 單位。 低於此值時,精確單位將以黃色文字顯示。 -- **Total delivered:** Displays the total number of units of insulin delivered from the reservoir. *Note this is an approximation as priming and filling the pod is not an exact process.* +- **總輸送量:** 顯示從儲液中輸送的胰島素總單位數。 *注意,這是一個近似值,因為幫浦啟動和填充過程並不精確。* -- **Errors:** Displays the last error encountered. Review the [Pod history](OmnipodEros-view-pod-history), [RileyLink history](OmnipodEros-rileylink-and-active-pod-history) and log files for past errors and more detailed information. +- **錯誤:** 顯示遇到的最後一個錯誤。 查看 [幫浦歷史](OmnipodEros-view-pod-history)、[RileyLink 歷史](OmnipodEros-rileylink-and-active-pod-history) 和錯誤日誌以獲取更多詳細資訊。 -- **Active pod alerts:** Reserved for currently running alerts on the active pod. Normally used when pod expiration is past 72 hours and native pod beep alerts are running. +- **啟用 Pod 警報:** 保留當前啟用 Pod 上運作的警報。 通常在幫浦到期超過 72 小時且原生幫浦嗶聲警告運作時使用。 -### Icons +### 圖示 -- **REFRESH:** +- **重新整理:** > ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) > - > Sends a refresh command to the active pod to update communication + > 向啟動幫浦發送重新整理指令以更新通訊 > - > Use to refresh the pod status and dismiss status fields that contain the text (uncertain). + > 用於重新整理 Pod 狀態並消除顯示 (不確定) 訊息的狀態欄位。 > - > See the [Troubleshooting section](OmnipodEros-troubleshooting) below for additional information. + > 查看下方的 [故障排除部分](OmnipodEros-troubleshooting)以獲取更多資訊。 -- **POD MGMT:** +- **幫浦管理:** > ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) > - > Navigates to the Pod management menu + > 導航至幫浦管理選單 -- **ACK ALERTS:** +- **確認警告:** > ![ack_alerts](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_ack_alerts.png) > - > When pressed this will disable the pod expiration beeps and notifications. + > 按下此按鈕將停用幫浦到期嗶聲和通知。 > - > Button is displayed only when pod time is past expiration warning time Upon successful dismissal, this icon will no longer appear. + > 此圖示僅在幫浦時間超過到期警告時間時顯示 成功解除後,該圖示將不再出現。 -- **SET TIME:** +- **設定時間:** > ![set_time](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_set_time.png) > - > When pressed this will update the time on the pod with the current time on your phone. + > 按下此按鈕將幫浦的時間更新為手機上的當前時間。 -- **SUSPEND:** +- **暫停:** > ![suspend](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_suspend.png) > - > Suspends the active pod + > 暫停啟動幫浦 -- **RESUME DELIVERY:** +- **繼續注射:** > ![resume](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_resume.png) > - > > Resumes the currently suspended, active pod + > > 繼續當前已暫停的啟動幫浦 -### Pod Management Menu +### Pod 管理選單 -Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons on the **Pod Management** menu accessed from the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. +以下是從 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁進入的 **幫浦管理** 選單中的圖示佈局及其含義的說明。 -> ![Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management.png) +> ![Omnipod_分頁_幫浦管理](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management.png) -- **Activate Pod** +- **註冊 Pod** - > ![activate_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_activate_pod.png) + > ![啟動幫浦](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_activate_pod.png) > - > Primes and activates a new pod + > 幫浦啟動並註冊新幫浦 -- **Deactivate Pod** +- **停用 Pod** - > ![deactivate_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_deactivate_pod.png) + > ![停用幫浦](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_deactivate_pod.png) > - > Deactivates the currently active pod. + > 停用當前啟動幫浦。 > - > A partially paired pod ignores this command. + > 部分配對的幫浦將忽略此指令。 > - > Use this command to deactivate a screaming pod (error 49). + > 使用此指令停用發出錯誤 49 嚴重警告音的幫浦。 > - > If the button is disabled (greyed out) use the Discard Pod button. + > 如果按鈕被停用(顯示為灰色),請使用丟棄幫浦按鈕。 -- **Play test beep** +- **播放測試嗶聲** > ![play_test_beep](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_play_test_beep.png) > - > Plays a single test beep on the pod when pressed. + > 按下此按鈕時,幫浦將播放單次測試嗶聲聲。 -- **Discard pod** +- **丟棄幫浦** > ![discard_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_discard_pod.png) > - > Deactivates and discards the pod state of an unresponsive pod when pressed. + > 按下此按鈕將停用並丟棄無反應幫浦的狀態。 > - > Button is only displayed when very specific cases are met as proper deactivation is no longer possible: + > 此按鈕僅在滿足特定條件時顯示,因為無法進行正確停用: > - > > - A **pod is not fully paired** and thus ignores deactivate commands. - > > - A **pod is stuck** during the pairing process between steps - > > - A **pod simply does not pair at all.** + > > - 當 **幫浦未完全配對** 且因此忽略停用指令時。 + > > - 當 **幫浦卡住** 在配對過程的步驟之間時。 + > > - 當 **幫浦完全無法配對。** -- **Pod history** +- **幫浦歷史** > ![pod_history](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_pod_history.png) > - > Displays the active pod activity history + > 顯示啟動幫浦的活動歷史 -- **RileyLink stats:** +- **RileyLink 統計:** > ![rileylink_stats](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_rileylink_stats.png) > - > Navigates to the RileyLink Statistics screen displaying current settings and RileyLink Connection history + > 導航至 RileyLink 統計螢幕,顯示當前設置和 RileyLink 連線歷史 > - > > - **Settings** - displays RileyLink and active pod settings information - > > - **History** - displays RileyLink and Pod communication history + > > - **設置** - 顯示 RileyLink 和啟動幫浦的設置資訊 + > > - **歷史** - 顯示 RileyLink 和幫浦連線歷史 -- **Reset RileyLink Config** +- **重置 RileyLink 配置** > ![reset_rileylink_config](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_reset_rileylink_config.png) > - > When pressed this button resets the currently connected pod communication device configuration. + > 按下此按鈕將重置當前連線的幫浦連線裝置配置。 > - > > - When communication is started, specific data is sent to and set in the RileyLink > - Memory Registers are set > - Communication Protocols are set > - Tuned Radio Frequency is set - > > - See [additional notes](OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes) at the end of this table + > > - 當通訊開始時,特定資料將發送至 RileyLink 並設置為 > - 記憶體暫存器已設置 > - 通訊協議已設置 > - 已設置調頻無線電頻率 + > > - 請參閱該表格末尾的 [附加說明](OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes) -- **Read pulse log:** +- **讀取脈搏日誌:** > ![pulse_log](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_pulse_log.png) > - > > Sends the active pod pulse log to the clipboard + > > 將啟動幫浦的脈搏日誌發送至剪貼簿 (OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes)= -#### *Reset RileyLink Config Notes* +#### *重置 RileyLink 配置說明* -- The primary usage of this feature is when the currently active pod communication device is not responding and communication is in a stuck state. -- If the pod communication device is turned off and then back on, the **Reset RileyLink Config** button needs to be pressed, so that it sets these communication parameters in the pod communication device configuration. -- If this is NOT done then AAPS will need to be restarted after the pod communication device is power cycled. -- This button **DOES NOT** need to be pressed when switching between different pod communication devices +- 此功能的主要用途是當當前啟動的幫浦連線裝置無法響應且通訊處於卡住狀態時使用。 +- 若幫浦連線裝置關閉再重新開啟,則需要按下 **重置 RileyLink 配置** 按鈕,以便在幫浦連線裝置配置中設置這些通訊參數。 +- 若未完成此步驟,則 AAPS 需要在幫浦連線裝置電源循環後重新啟動。 +- 此按鈕**無需**在不同幫浦連線裝置之間切換時按下。 (OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings)= -## Omnipod Settings +## Omnipod 設置 -The Omnipod driver settings are configurable from the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder**➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod**➜**Settings Gear (2)** by selecting the **radio button (1)** titled **Omnipod**. Selecting the **checkbox (3)** next to the **Settings Gear (2)** will allow the Omnipod menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **OMNIPOD** or **POD**. This is referred to in this documentation as the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. +Omnipod 驅動程式設置可透過左上角的**漢堡選單**中的**設置生成器**➜**幫浦**➜**Omnipod**➜**齒輪圖示 (2)**進行配置,選擇**Omnipod**的**單選按鈕 (1)**。 勾選 **齒輪圖示 (2)**旁的**複選框 (3)**將允許 Omnipod 選單以 **OMNIPOD** 或 **幫浦** 的標題作為分頁顯示在 AAPS 介面中。 此處在文檔中被稱為 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 -![Omnipod_Settings_1](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_1.png) +![Omnipod_設置_1](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_1.png) -**NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Omnipod settings** is by accessing the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and selecting **Omnipod preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. +**注意:**快速查看 **Omnipod 設置** 的方式是透過 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁右上角的 **三點選單 (1)** 並從下拉選單中選擇 **Omnipod 偏好設定 (2)**。 -![Omnipod_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) +![Omnipod_設置_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) -The settings groups are listed below; you can enable or disable via a toggle switch for most entries described below: +下方列出了設定組;大多數條目可透過切換開關啟用或停用: -![Omnipod_Settings_3](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_3.png) +![Omnipod_設置_3](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_3.png) -*NOTE: An asterisk (\*) denotes the default for a setting is enabled.* +*注意:星號(\*)表示預設設置為啟用狀態。* ### RileyLink -Allows for scanning of a pod communication device. The Omnipod driver cannot select more than one pod communication device at a time. +允許掃描幫浦連線裝置。 Omnipod 驅動程式一次只能選擇一個幫浦連線裝置。 -- **Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink:** Reports the actual battery level of the OrangeLink/EmaLink/Dialink. It is **strongly recommended** that all OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink users enable this setting. +- **顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 報告的電池電量:**報告 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 的實際電池電量。 強烈建議所有 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 使用者啟用此設置。 -- DOES NOT work with the original RileyLink. -- May not work with RileyLink alternatives. -- Enabled - Reports the current battery level for supported pod communication devices. -- Disabled - Reports a value of n/a. +- 此設置**不支援**原始 RileyLink。 +- 可能不支援 RileyLink 的替代品。 +- 啟用 - 報告支援的幫浦連線裝置的當前電池電量。 +- 停用 - 報告值為 n/a。 -- **Enable battery change logging in Actions:** In the Actions menu, the battery change button is enabled IF you have enabled this setting AND the battery reporting setting above. Some pod communication devices now have the ability to use regular batteries which can be changed. This option allows you to note that and reset battery age timers. +- **在動作中啟用電池更換記錄:**若您啟用了此設置,且啟用了上方的電池報告設置,則在動作選單中將啟用電池更換按鈕。 部分幫浦連線裝置現在可以使用可更換的普通電池。 此選項允許您記錄並重設電池壽命計時器。 -### Confirmation beeps +### 確認嗶聲提示 -Provides confirmation beeps from the pod for bolus, basal, SMB, and TBR delivery and changes. +提供來自藥筒的確認聲音提示,用於注射、基礎輸注、SMB以及TBR輸送和變更。 -- **\*Bolus beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a bolus is delivered. -- **\*Basal beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a new basal rate is set, active basal rate is canceled or current basal rate is changed. -- **\*SMB beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a SMB is delivered. -- **TBR beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a TBR is set or canceled. +- **\*注射嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在注射送達時的確認嗶聲聲。 +- **\*基礎率嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在設定新基礎率、取消啟動基礎率或更改當前基礎率時的確認嗶聲聲。 +- **\*SMB 嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在送達 SMB 時的確認嗶聲聲。 +- **啟用 TBR 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置或取消 TBR 時的確認嗶聲。 -### Alerts +### 警報 -Provides AAPS alerts and Nightscout announcements for pod expiration, shutdown, low reservoir based on the defined threshold units. +根據設定的閾值單位,提供 AAPS 警告和 Nightscout 通知以提示幫浦到期、關閉或低庫存。 -*Note an AAPS notification will ALWAYS be issued for any alert after the initial communication with the pod since the alert was triggered. Dismissing the notification will NOT dismiss the alert UNLESS automatically acknowledge Pod alerts is enabled. To MANUALLY dismiss the alert you must visit the Omnipod (POD) tab and press the ACK ALERTS button.* +*請注意,Pod 觸發警報後,AAPS 通知將始終發出。 解除通知不會取消警報,除非啟用了自動確認 Pod 警報功能。 要手動解除警告,您必須查看 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁並按下確認警告按鈕。* -- **\*Expiration reminder enabled:** Enable or disable the pod expiration reminder set to trigger when the defined number of hours before shutdown is reached. -- **Hours before shutdown:** Defines the number hours before the active pod shutdown occurs, which will then trigger the expiration reminder alert. -- **\*Low reservoir alert enabled:** Enable or disable an alert when the pod's remaining units low reservoir limit is reached as defined in the Number of units field. -- **Number of units:** The number of units at which to trigger the pod low reservoir alert. -- **Automatically acknowledge Pod alerts:** When enabled a notification will still be issued however immediately after the first pod communication contact since the alert was issued it will now be automatically acknowledged and the alert will be dismissed. +- **\*到期提醒啟用:**啟用或停用設定的幫浦到期提醒,當到達設定的關機時間前的幾個小時時觸發。 +- **關閉前的時數:** 定義 Pod 關閉前的幾小時,這將觸發到期提醒警報。 +- **\*低庫存警告啟用:**啟用或停用當幫浦剩餘單位的低庫存閾值被觸發時的警告,閾值定義於單位數欄位。 +- **單位數:** 定義觸發 Pod 儲液量低警報的單位數量。 +- **自動確認幫浦警告:**啟用後,將仍然發出通知,但在發出警告後的首次幫浦連線連線後,警告將被自動確認並解除。 -### Notifications +### 通知 -Provides AAPS notifications and audible phone alerts when it is uncertain if TBR, SMB, or bolus events were successful. +當不確定 TBR、SMB 或注射事件是否成功時,提供 AAPS 通知和手機警報。 -*NOTE: These are notifications only, no audible beep alerts are made.* +*注意:這些僅是通知,沒有嗶聲警報。* -- **Sound for uncertain TBR notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPs is uncertain if a TBR was successfully set. -- **\*Sound for uncertain SMB notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if an SMB was successfully delivered. -- **\*Sound for uncertain bolus notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if a bolus was successfully delivered. +- **啟用不確定 TBR 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 TBR 是否成功設置時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +- **\*不確定 SMB 通知聲音啟用:**啟用或停用此設置以在 AAPS 不確定 SMB 是否成功送達時觸發警報聲和視覺通知。 +- **\*不確定注射通知聲音啟用:**啟用或停用此設置以在 AAPS 不確定注射是否成功送達時觸發警報聲和視覺通知。 ### 其他 -Provides advanced settings to assist debugging. +提供進階設定以協助除錯。 -- **Show Suspend Delivery button in Omnipod tab:** Hide or display the suspend delivery button in the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. -- **Show Pulse log button in Pod Management menu:** Hide or display the pulse log button in the **Pod Management** menu. -- **Show RileyLink Stats button in Pod Management menu:** Hide or display the RileyLink Stats button in the **Pod Management** menu. -- **\*DST/Time zone detect on enabled:** allows for time zone changes to be automatically detected if the phone is used in an area where DST is observed. +- **顯示暫停注射按鈕於 Omnipod 分頁:**隱藏或顯示 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁中的暫停注射按鈕。 +- **顯示脈搏日誌按鈕於幫浦管理選單:**隱藏或顯示幫浦管理選單中的脈搏日誌按鈕。 +- **顯示 RileyLink 統計按鈕於幫浦管理選單:**隱藏或顯示幫浦管理選單中的 RileyLink 統計按鈕。 +- **\*DST/時區自動檢測啟用:**允許自動檢測時區變化,適用於手機使用於觀察 DST(夏令時間)的地區時。 -### Switching or Removing an Active Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) +### 切換或移除啟動幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) -With many alternative models to the original RileyLink available (such as OrangeLink or EmaLink) or the need to have multiple/backup versions of the same pod communication device (RileyLink), it becomes necessary to switch or remove the selected pod communication device (RileyLink) from Omnipod Setting configuration. +由於許多替代型號(如 OrangeLink 或 EmaLink)可供選擇,或者您需要多個備用版本的相同幫浦連線裝置(如 RileyLink),因此有必要從 Omnipod 設置配置中切換或移除所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink)。 -The following steps will show how to **Remove** and existing pod communication device (RileyLink) as well as **Add** a new pod communication device. Executing both **Remove** and **Add** steps will switch your device. +以下步驟將展示如何**移除**現有的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) 以及如何**新增**新的幫浦連線裝置。 執行**移除**和**新增**步驟將切換您的裝置。 -1. Access the **RileyLink Selection** menu by selecting the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and selecting **Omnipod preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. On the **Omnipod Settings** menu under **RileyLink Configuration (3)** press the **Not Set** (if no device is selected) or **MAC Address** (if a device is present) text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. +1. 透過選擇 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁右上角的**三點選單 (1)**,並從下拉選單中選擇**Omnipod 偏好設定 (2)**來進入 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 在 **Omnipod 設置**選單中的**RileyLink 配置 (3)**下,按下**未設定**(如果未選擇裝置)或**MAC 地址**(如果已存在裝置)文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 - > ![Omnipod_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) + > ![Omnipod_設置_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) -### Remove Currently Selected Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) +### 移除當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) -This process will show how to remove the currently selected pod communication device (RileyLink) from the Omnipod Driver settings. +此過程將展示如何從 Omnipod 驅動程式設置中移除當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink)。 -1. Under **RileyLink Configuration** press the **MAC Address (1)** text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. +1. 在 **RileyLink 配置**下,按下**MAC 地址 (1)**文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1.png) -2. On the **RileyLink Selection** menu the press **Remove (2)** button to remove **your currently selected RileyLink (3)** +2. 在 **RileyLink 選擇**選單中,按下 **移除 (2)** 按鈕以移除**您當前所選的 RileyLink (3)** - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2.png) -3. At the confirmation prompt press **Yes (4)** to confirm the removal of your device. +3. 在確認提示中按下**是 (4)**以確認移除您的裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3.png) -4. You are returned to the **Omnipod Setting** menu where under **RileyLink Configuration** you will now see the device is **Not Set (5)**. Congratulations, you have now successfully removed your selected pod communication device. +4. 您將返回至 **Omnipod 設置**選單,其中**RileyLink 配置**下您將看到裝置顯示為**未設定 (5)**。 恭喜您,您已成功移除所選的幫浦連線裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4.png) -### Add Currently Selected Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) +### 新增當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) -This process will show how to add a new pod communication device to the Omnipod Driver settings. +此過程將展示如何將新的幫浦連線裝置新增至 Omnipod 驅動程式設置中。 -1. Under **RileyLink Configuration** press the **Not Set (1)** text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. +1. 在 **RileyLink 配置**下,按下**未設定 (1)**文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_1.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_1.png) -2. Press the **Scan (2)** button to start scanning for all available Bluetooth devices. +2. 按下 **掃描 (2)** 按鈕以開始掃描所有可用的藍牙裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_2.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_2.png) -3. Select **your RileyLink (3)** from the list of available devices and you will be returned to the **Omnipod Settings** menu displaying the **MAC Address (4)** of your newly selected device. Congratulations you have successfully selected your pod communication device. +3. 從可用裝置列表中選擇 **您的 RileyLink (3)**,然後您將返回至 **Omnipod 設置**選單,顯示您的新選擇裝置的 **MAC 地址 (4)**。 恭喜您,您已成功選擇您的幫浦連線裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_3.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_4.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_3.png) ![RileyLink_設置_新增_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_4.png) -## Actions (ACT) Tab +## 手動操作 (ACT) 標籤 -This tab is well documented in the main AAPS documentation but there are a few items on this tab that are specific to how the Omnipod pod differs from tube based pumps, especially after the processes of applying a new pod. +此分頁在主要 AAPS 文件中有詳細說明,但該分頁中有一些項目是針對 Omnipod 幫浦與管式幫浦不同之處,特別是在應用新幫浦的過程後。 -1. Go to the **Actions (ACT)** tab in the main AAPS interface. -2. Under the **Careportal (1)** section the following 3 fields will have their **age reset** to 0 days and 0 hours **after each pod change**: **Insulin** and **Cannula**. This is done because of how the Omnipod pump is built and operates. The **pump battery** and **insulin reservoir** are self contained inside of each pod. Since the pod inserts the cannula directly into the skin at the site of the pod application, a traditional tube is not used in Omnipod pumps. *Therefore after a pod change the age of each of these values will automatically reset to zero.* **Pump battery age** is not reported as the battery in the pod will always be more than the life of the pod (maximum 80 hours). +1. 進入主 AAPS 介面中的 **手動操作 (ACT)** 標籤。 +2. 在 **照護入口 (1)** 部分下,以下 3 個欄位將在**每次更換幫浦後**將**年齡重設**為 0 天 0 小時:**胰島素** 和 **套管**。 這是根據 Omnipod 幫浦的設計和運作方式所設。 每個 Pod 內都包含 **幫浦電池** 和 **胰島素儲液器**。 由於 Pod 直接將套管插入應用 Pod 的皮膚上,因此 Omnipod 幫浦不使用傳統的管路。 *因此,在更換 Pod 後,這些數值的時間將自動重置為零。* **幫浦電池時間** 不會被報告,因為 Pod 中的電池壽命始終比 Pod 的最大壽命(80 小時)長。 -> ![Actions_Tab](../images/omnipod/Actions_Tab.png) +> ![操作_分頁](../images/omnipod/Actions_Tab.png) -### Levels +### 層級 -**Insulin Level** +**胰島素等級** -Reporting of the amount of insulin in the Omnipod Eros Pod is not exact. This is because it is not known exactly how much insulin was put in the pod, only that when the 2 beeps are triggered while filling the pod that over 85 units have been injected. A Pod can hold a maximum of 200 units. Priming can also introduce variance as it is not and exact process. With both of these factors, the Omnipod driver has been written to give the best approximation of insulin remaining in the reservoir. +Omnipod Eros 幫浦中的胰島素量報告並不精確。 這是因為無法確定幫浦中實際注入了多少胰島素,只知道當填充幫浦時觸發了兩次嗶聲,這表示已注入超過 85 單位。 一個幫浦最多可容納 200 單位。 啟動過程也會引入一些變化,因為這並不是一個精確的過程。 考慮到這些因素,Omnipod 驅動程式已經編寫為盡可能準確地估算幫浦內剩餘的胰島素量。 -> - **Above 50 Units** - Reports a value of 50+U when more than 50 units are currently in the reservoir. -> - **Below 50 Units** - Reports an approximate calculated value of insulin remaining in the reservoir. -> - **SMS** - Returns value or 50+U for SMS responses -> - **Nightscout** - Uploads value of 50 when over 50 units to Nightscout (version 14.07 and older). Newer versions will report a value of 50+ when over 50 units. +> - **超過 50 單位** - 當幫浦中有超過 50 單位時,報告值為 50+ 單位。 +> - **少於 50 單位** - 報告幫浦中剩餘胰島素的近似計算值。 +> - **SMS** - 短訊回報數值為 50+ 單位。 +> - **Nightscout** - 當超過 50 單位時,向 Nightscout 上傳數值為 50(版本 14.07 及更早版本)。 更新版本將在超過 50 單位時報告數值為 50+。 -**Battery Level** +**電池電量** -Battery level reporting is a setting that can be enabled to return the current battery level of pod communication devices, such as the OrangeLink, EmaLink or DiaLink. The RileyLink hardware is not capable of reporting its battery level. The battery level is reported after each communication with the pod, so when charging a linear increase may not be observed. A manual refresh will update the current battery level. When a supported Pod communication device is disconnected a value of 0% will be reported. +電池電量報告是一個可以啟用的設置,當啟用時,將返回幫浦連線裝置(如 OrangeLink、EmaLink 或 DiaLink)的當前電池電量。 RileyLink 硬體無法報告其電池電量。 電池電量是在每次與幫浦連線後報告的,因此在充電時,可能不會觀察到線性的增長。 手動重新整理將更新當前電池電量。 當支援的幫浦連線裝置已中斷連線時,會報告 0% 的電量值。 -> - **RileyLink hardware is NOT capable of reporting battery level** -> - **"Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink" Setting MUST be enabled in the Omnipod settings to report battery level values** -> - **Battery level reporting ONLY works for OrangeLink, EmaLink and DiaLink Devices** -> - **Battery Level reporting MAY work for other devices (excluding RileyLink)** -> - **SMS** - Returns current battery level as a response when an actual level exists, a value of n/a will not be returned -> - **Nightscout** - Battery level is reported when an actual level exists, a value of n/a will not be reported +> - **RileyLink 硬體無法報告電池電量** +> - **Omnipod 設置中**必須啟用** "顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 報告的電池電量" 設定才能報告電池電量值** +> - **電池電量報告**僅**適用於 OrangeLink、EmaLink 和 DiaLink 裝置** +> - **電池電量報告**可能**適用於其他裝置(不包括 RileyLink)** +> - **SMS** - 當有實際電量時,返回當前電池電量,否則將不返回 n/a 值 +> - **Nightscout** - 當有實際電量時,報告電池電量,否則不會報告 n/a 值 (OmnipodEros-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -### Pod Failures +### Pod 故障 -Pods fail occasionally due to a variety of issues, including hardware issues with the Pod itself. It is best practice not to call these into Insulet, since AAPS is not an approved use case. A list of fault codes can be found [here](https://github.com/openaps/openomni/wiki/Fault-event-codes) to help determine the cause. +Pod 會因多種問題偶爾發生故障,包括 Pod 本身的硬體問題。 最佳做法是不要向 Insulet 報告,因為 AAPS 並非經過認證的使用情況。 您可以在[這裡](https://github.com/openaps/openomni/wiki/Fault-event-codes)找到錯誤代碼列表,以幫助確定原因。 -### Preventing error 49 pod failures +### 防止 49 號錯誤 Pod 故障 -This failure is related to an incorrect pod state for a command or an error during an insulin delivery command. We recommend users to switch to the Nightscout client to *upload only (Disable sync)* under the **Config Builder**➜**General**➜**NSClient**➜**cog wheel**➜**Advanced Settings** to prevent possible failures. +此故障與指令的 Pod 狀態不正確或胰島素輸送指令中的錯誤有關。 我們建議使用者切換至 Nightscout 客戶端,並在**設置生成器**➜**一般**➜**NSClient**➜**齒輪圖示**➜**進階設定**中**僅上傳 (停用同步)**,以防止可能的故障。 -### Pump Unreachable Alerts +### 幫浦無法連線警報 -It is recommended that pump unreachable alerts be configured to **120 minutes** by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting **Preferences**➜**Local Alerts**➜**Pump unreachable threshold \[min\]** and setting this to **120**. +建議將幫浦無法使用警報設置為**120 分鐘**,方法是前往右上角的三點選單,選擇**偏好設定**➜**本地警報**➜**幫浦無法使用的閾值 \[分鐘\]**,並將其設置為**120**。 (OmnipodEros-import-settings-from-previous-aaps)= -### Import Settings from previous AAPS +### 從先前的 AAPS 匯入設定 -Please note that importing settings has the possibility to import an outdated Pod status. As a result, you may lose an active Pod. It is therefore strongly recommended that you **do not import settings while on an active Pod session**. +請注意,匯入設定可能會匯入過時的幫浦狀態。 因此,您可能會遺失啟動的幫浦。 因此,強烈建議您**不要在啟動的幫浦會話期間匯入設定**。 -1. Deactivate your pod session. Verify that you do not have an active pod session. -2. Export your settings and store a copy in a safe place. -3. Uninstall the previous version of AAPS and restart your phone. -4. Install the new version of AAPS and verify that you do not have an active pod session. -5. Import your settings and activate your new pod. +1. 停用您的幫浦會話。 確認您沒有啟動的幫浦會話。 +2. 匯出您的設定並將副本存儲在安全的地方。 +3. 卸載舊版本的 AAPS 並重新啟動手機。 +4. 安裝新版本的 AAPS 並確認您沒有啟動的幫浦會話。 +5. 匯入您的設定並註冊您的新幫浦。 -### Omnipod driver alerts +### Omnipod 驅動程式警報 -please note that the Omnipod driver presents a variety of unique alerts on the **Overview tab**, most of them are informational and can be dismissed while some provide the user with an action to take to resolve the cause of the triggered alert. A summary of the main alerts that you may encounter is listed below: +請注意,Omnipod 驅動程式在**首頁總覽分頁**中會呈現各種獨特的警報,其中大多數是資訊性的,可以忽略,然而有些會要求使用者採取行動以解決警報原因。 您可能會遇到的主要警報總結如下: -#### No active Pod +#### 沒有啟動幫浦 -No active Pod session detected. This alert can temporarily be dismissed by pressing **SNOOZE** but it will keep triggering as long as a new pod has not been activated. Once activated this alert is automatically silenced. +未檢測到啟動的幫浦會話。 按下**稍後提醒**可以暫時忽略此警報,但只要未啟動新 Pod,它就會持續觸發。 一旦啟動,該警報將自動靜音。 -#### Pod suspended +#### 幫浦已暫停 -Informational alert that Pod has been suspended. +此訊息警告幫浦已暫停。 -#### Setting basal profile failed. Delivery might be suspended! Please manually refresh the Pod status from the Omnipod tab and resume delivery if needed.. +#### 設置基礎率失敗。 注射可能已暫停! 請手動從 Omnipod 標籤中重新整理 Pod 狀態並在需要時恢復輸送。 -Informational alert that the Pod basal profile setting has failed, and you will need to hit *Refresh* on the Omnipod tab. +Pod 基礎率設定失敗的資訊性警報,您需要按下 Omnipod 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕。 -#### Unable to verify whether SMB bolus succeeded. If you are sure that the Bolus didn't succeed, you should manually delete the SMB entry from Treatments. +#### 無法確認 SMB 注射是否成功。 如果您確定注射未成功,應手動從治療中刪除 SMB 條目。 -Alert that the SMB bolus success could not be verified, you will need to verify the *Last bolus* field on the Omnipod tab to see if SMB bolus succeeded and if not remove the entry from the Treatments tab. +警報 SMB 注射成功無法驗證,您需要檢查 Omnipod 分頁中的*最後注射*欄位,確認 SMB 注射是否成功,若未成功,請從治療分頁中移除此條目。 -#### Uncertain if "task bolus/TBR/SMB" completed, please manually verify if it was successful. +#### 不確定「任務注射/TBR/SMB」是否完成,請手動確認是否成功。 -Due to the way that the RileyLink and Omnipod communicate, situations can occur where it is *uncertain* if a command was successfully processed. The need to inform the user of this uncertainty was necessary. +由於 RileyLink 和 Omnipod 通訊的方式,可能會出現某些指令**不確定**是否已成功處理的情況。 因此,有必要通知使用者此不確定性。 -Below are a few examples of when an uncertain notification can occur. +以下是一些可能出現不確定通知的例子。 -- **Boluses** - Uncertain boluses cannot be automatically verified. The notification will remain until the next bolus but a manual pod refresh will clear the message. *By default alerts beeps are enabled for this notification type as the user will manually need to verify them.* -- **TBRs, Pod Statuses, Profile Switches, Time Changes** - a manual pod refresh will clear the message. By default alert beeps are disabled for this notification type. -- **Pod Time Deviation -** When the time on the pod and the time your phone deviates too much then it is difficult for AAPS loop to function and make accurate predictions and dosage recommendations. If the time deviation between the pod and the phone is more than 5 minutes then AAPS will report the pod is in a Suspended state under Pod status with a HANDLE TIME CHANGE message. An additional **Set Time** icon will appear at the bottom of the Omnipod (POD) tab. Clicking Set Time will synchronize the time on the pod with the time on the phone and then you can click the RESUME DELIVERY button to continue normal pod operations. +- **注射** - 不確定的注射無法自動驗證。 該通知將保持,直到下一次注射,但手動幫浦重新整理可清除訊息。 *預設情況下,針對此類通知類型啟用了警報嗶聲,因為使用者需要手動確認它們。* +- **TBR、幫浦狀態、設定檔切換、時間變更** - 手動幫浦重新整理可清除訊息。 預設情況下,此類通知類型的警報嗶聲被停用。 +- **幫浦時間偏差 -** 當幫浦時間與手機時間偏差過大時,AAPS 循環功能將難以運作,並且做出精確的預測和注射建議。 如果幫浦和手機的時間偏差超過 5 分鐘,則 AAPS 會報告幫浦處於暫停狀態,並在幫浦狀態中顯示 "處理時間變更" 訊息。 一個額外的**設定時間**圖示將出現在 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁的底部。 點擊 "設定時間" 將同步幫浦時間與手機時間,然後您可以點擊 "繼續注射" 按鈕以恢復正常幫浦操作。 -## Best Practices +## 最佳實踐 (OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning)= -### Optimal Omnipod and RileyLink Positioning +### 最佳的Omnipod與RileyLink定位 -The antenna used on the RileyLink to communicate with an Omnipod pod is a 433 MHz helical spiral antenna. Due to its construction properties it radiates an omni directional signal like a three dimensional doughnut with the z-axis representing the vertical standing antenna. This means that there are optimal positions for the RileyLink to be placed, especially during pod activation and deactivation routines. +RileyLink上用來與Omnipod通訊的天線是一個433 MHz的螺旋天線。 由於其結構特性,它像一個三維的甜甜圈一樣輻射全向信號,z軸代表垂直的天線。 這意味著在特定的操作中,特別是啟動和停用幫浦時,RileyLink應放置於最佳位置。 ![Toroid_w_CS](../images/omnipod/Toroid_w_CS.png) -> *(Fig 1. Graphical plot of helical spiral antenna in an omnidirectional pattern*) +> *(圖1。 螺旋天線在全向模式下的圖示*) -Because of both safety and security concerns, pod *activation* has to be done at a range *closer (~30 cm away or less)* than other operations such as giving a bolus, setting a TBR or simply refreshing the pod status. Due to the nature of the signal transmission from the RileyLink antenna it is NOT recommended to place the pod directly on top of or right next to the RileyLink. +基於安全性與保全的考量,幫浦*註冊*必須在距離較近的範圍內完成(大約30公分內),比起其他操作如注射、設定臨時基礎率(TBR)或只是重新整理幫浦狀態。 由於RileyLink天線的信號傳輸特性,建議不要將幫浦直接放置在RileyLink的頂部或太靠近。 -The image below shows the optimal way to position the RileyLink during pod activation and deactivation procedures. The pod may activate in other positions but you will have the most success using the position in the image below. +下方的圖片展示了在幫浦註冊和停用時如何將RileyLink放置於最佳位置。 幫浦可能會在其他位置啟動,但最好的成功率是使用下圖中的位置。 -*Note: If after optimally positioning the pod and RileyLink communication fails, this may be due to a low battery which decreases the transmission range of the RileyLink antenna. To avoid this issue make sure the RileyLink is properly charged or connected directly to a charging cable during this process.* +*注意:若在最佳位置下仍無法通訊,這可能是由於RileyLink的低電量,導致天線傳輸距離縮短。 為避免此問題,請確保RileyLink已充飽電或在此過程中直接連線至充電線。* ![Omnipod_pod_and_RileyLink_Position](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_pod_and_RileyLink_Position.png) -## Where to get help for Omnipod driver +## 如何尋求Omnipod驅動的協助 -All of the development work for the Omnipod driver is done by the community on a volunteer basis; we ask that you please be considerate and use the following guidelines when requesting assistance: +所有Omnipod驅動的開發工作皆由社群志願者完成;當您請求協助時,請遵循以下指導原則: -- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. -- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#androidaps* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw). -- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported; if not, please create a new [issue](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues) and attach your [log files](../Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md). -- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** +- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 +- **第一層:**如果您仍遇到無法解決的問題,請前往**Discord**上的*#androidaps*頻道,使用[此邀請連結](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw)。 +- **第二層:**搜尋現有的問題,看看您的問題是否已被報告;如果沒有,請建立一個[新問題](https://github.com/nightscout/AndroidAPS/issues)並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md)。 +- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OpenHumans.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OpenHumans.md index 536303ba713f..7675fc88ee5f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OpenHumans.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/OpenHumans.md @@ -1,85 +1,85 @@ -# Open Humans Uploader +# Open Humans 上傳器 -## Donate your data for science +## 捐獻您的資料以促進科學研究 -You can help the community by donating your data to research projects! This helps scientists to pay it forward, develop new scientific ideas and broaden the open mind of open source closed loop systems. AAPS is ready to synchronize your data with [Open Humans](https://www.openhumans.org), a platform allowing you to upload, connect, and store your personal data – such as genetics, activity and health data. +您可以透過捐贈您的資料來協助研究項目,幫助社群! 這有助於科學家回饋社會,發展新的科學想法,並拓寬開放源代碼封閉環系統的開放思維。 AAPS 已準備好與 [Open Humans](https://www.openhumans.org) 平台同步資料,該平台允許您上傳、連線和存儲您的個人資料,例如基因、活動和健康資料。 -You retain full control about what happens to your data and what projects you want to support by giving them access to your data. Depending on the project you have joined, data is evaluated and used by them in different ways and extent. +您完全掌控您的資料,並可選擇您希望支援的研究項目,決定授予他們查看資料的權限。 根據您加入的項目,資料將以不同的方式和範圍被他們評估和使用。 -The following data will be uploaded to your Open Humans account: +以下資料將被上傳至您的 Open Humans 帳號: -- Glucose values -- Careportal events (except notes) -- Extended boluses -- Profile switches -- Total daily doses -- Temporary basals -- Temp targets -- Preferences -- Application version -- Device model -- Screen dimensions +- 葡萄糖數值 +- 照護入口事件(不包括筆記) +- 延長注射 +- 基礎速率切換 +- 每日總劑量 +- 臨時基礎速率 +- 臨時目標 +- 偏好設定 +- 應用程式版本 +- 裝置型號 +- 螢幕尺寸 -Secret or private information such as your Nightscout URL or API secret will not be uploaded. +像是您的 Nightscout URL 或 API 秘鑰等秘密或私人資訊不會被上傳。 -## 设置 +## 設定 -1. Create your account on [Open Humans](https://www.openhumans.org) if not already done. You can reuse your existing Google or Facebook accounts if you wish to. -2. Enable the “Open Humans” plugin in [Config Builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder.md). -3. Open its setting using the cog wheel button. You can restrict upload to times when phone uses Wi-Fi and/or is charged. -4. Open the Open Humans Plugin (either trough OH tab or hamburger menu) and click 'LOGIN'. +1. 如果尚未建立帳號,請至 [Open Humans](https://www.openhumans.org) 建立帳號。 若您願意,您也可以使用現有的 Google 或 Facebook 帳號。 +2. 在[組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder.md)中啟用「Open Humans」外掛。 +3. 透過齒輪按鈕開啟設定。 您可以限制只有在手機使用 Wi-Fi 和/或正在充電時進行上傳。 +4. 打開 Open Humans 外掛(可透過 OH 頁籤或漢堡選單),然後點擊「登入」。 -![Open Humans Config Builder](../images/OHUploader1.png) +![Open Humans 組態建置工具](../images/OHUploader1.png) -5. Read the given information about the Open Humans Uploader and terms of use carefully. -6. Confirm by checking the box and click 'LOGIN'. -7. Open Humans website will be opened. Login with your credentials. -8. Decide whether you want to hide your AAPS Uploader membership in your public Open Humans profile. -9. Click button 'Authorize project'. +5. 仔細閱讀有關 Open Humans 上傳器的資訊和使用條款。 +6. 勾選確認框並點擊「登入」。 +7. Open Humans 網站將會開啟。 使用您的憑證登入。 +8. 決定是否要隱藏您在 Open Humans 公開個人檔案中的 AAPS 上傳器會員身份。 +9. 點擊「授權項目」按鈕。 -![Open Humans Terms of Use + Login](../images/OHUploader2.png) +![Open Humans 使用條款 + 登入](../images/OHUploader2.png) -10. Returning to AAPS you will see a prompt that login succeeded. -11. Keep Open Humans Uploader plugin and phone turned on for setup to complete. -12. After clicking close you will see your member ID. Queue sizes > 0 shows that there is still data to be uploaded. -13. Click 'LOGOUT' if you want to stop uploading data to Open Humans. -14. Android notification will inform you about running upload. +10. 回到 AAPS 時,您會看到登入成功的提示。 +11. 保持 Open Humans 上傳器外掛及手機開啟,直至設定完成。 +12. 點擊關閉後,您會看到您的會員 ID。 隊列大小 > 0 表示仍有資料等待上傳。 +13. 若要停止將資料上傳至 Open Humans,請點擊「登出」。 +14. Android 會透過通知告知您上傳正在進行。 -![Open Humans finish setup](../images/OHUploader3.png) +![Open Humans 完成設定](../images/OHUploader3.png) -15. You can manage your data by logging in to the [Open Humans website](https://www.openhumans.org). +15. 您可以透過登入[Open Humans 網站](https://www.openhumans.org)來管理您的資料。 -![Open Humans manage data](../images/OHWeb.png) +![Open Humans 管理資料](../images/OHWeb.png) -## Sharing Opportunities +## 共享機會 -### [The 'OPEN' project](https://www.open-diabetes.eu/) +### [「OPEN」項目](https://www.open-diabetes.eu/) -The 'OPEN' project brings together an international and intersectoral consortium of patient innovators, clinicians, social scientists, computer scientists and patient advocacy organizations in order to investigate various aspects of Do-it-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems (DIY APS) that are used by an increasing number of people with diabetes. For more details see their [website](https://www.open-diabetes.eu/). +「OPEN」項目匯集了來自國際間各領域的患者創新者、臨床醫生、社會科學家、計算機科學家和患者倡導組織,以研究越來越多糖尿病患者使用的 DIY 人工胰臟系統(DIY APS)的各個方面。 更多詳情請參閱他們的[網站](https://www.open-diabetes.eu/)。 -September 2020 the 'OPEN' project launched a [survey](https://survey.open-diabetes.eu/) including the option to donate data you uploaded to Open Humans. A [tutorial](https://open-diabetes.eu/en/open-survey/survey-tutorials/) how to donate your data to the 'OPEN' project is available on their site and within the survey itself. +2020 年 9 月,「OPEN」項目啟動了一項[調查](https://survey.open-diabetes.eu/),包括捐贈您上傳至 Open Humans 的資料選項。 一個[教程](https://open-diabetes.eu/en/open-survey/survey-tutorials/),介紹如何將您的資料捐贈給「OPEN」項目,該教程可在其網站及調查中找到。 -### [OpenAPS Data Commons](https://www.openhumans.org/activity/openaps-data-commons/) +### [OpenAPS 資料公用](https://www.openhumans.org/activity/openaps-data-commons/) -The OpenAPS Data Commons was created to enable a simple way to share data sets from the DIYAPS community for research. The data is shared both with traditional researchers who will create traditional research studies, and with groups or individuals from the community who want to review data as part of their own research projects. The OpenAPS Data Commons uses the 'Open Humans' platform to enable people to easily upload and share their data from DIYAPS including AAPS, Loop, and OpenAPS. +OpenAPS 資料公用旨在為 DIYAPS 社群提供簡單的方法來共享資料集以供研究。 這些資料既可供傳統研究人員進行傳統研究,也可供社群中的團體或個人進行自己的研究項目。 OpenAPS 資料公用使用「Open Humans」平台,使人們能夠輕鬆上傳並共享來自 DIYAPS 的資料,包括 AAPS、Loop 和 OpenAPS。 -You can get your data into Open Humans via one of three ways: +您可以透過三種方式之一將您的資料匯入 Open Humans: -1. use the AAPS uploader option to get your data into Open Humans -2. use the Nightscout Data Transfer to get your data into Open Humans -3. manually upload data files into Open Humans. +1. 使用 AAPS 上傳器選項將您的資料匯入 Open Humans +2. 使用 Nightscout 資料傳輸將您的資料匯入 Open Humans +3. 手動將資料檔案上傳至 Open Humans。 -Once you've created an account and gotten your data flowing into Open Humans, make sure to also join the OpenAPS Data Commons in order to donate your data for research if you choose. +一旦您建立帳號並讓您的資料進入 Open Humans,請務必加入 OpenAPS 資料公用,以便捐贈您的資料供研究使用(如果您選擇)。 -## Terms of Use +## 使用條款 -This is an open source tool that will copy your data to [Open Humans](https://www.openhumans.org). We retain no rights to share your data with third parties without your explicit authorization. The data the project and app receive are identified via a random user ID and will only be securely transmitted to an Open Humans account with your authorization of that process. You can stop uploading and delete your upload data at any time via [www.openhumans.org](https://www.openhumans.org). Beware that some projects that receive data may not support this. +這是一個開源工具,將會把您的資料複製至[Open Humans](https://www.openhumans.org)。 我們不保留任何權利與第三方分享您的資料,除非您明確授權。 項目和應用程式接收到的資料是透過隨機用戶 ID 識別的,並且只有在您授權該過程後,資料才會安全地傳輸到 Open Humans 帳號。 您可以隨時停止上傳並刪除上傳的資料,透過[www.openhumans.org](https://www.openhumans.org)操作。 請注意,一些接收資料的項目可能不支援此操作。 -Also see [Open Humans Terms of Use](https://www.openhumans.org/terms/). +另請參閱[Open Humans 使用條款](https://www.openhumans.org/terms/)。 -## Data Privacy +## 資料隱私 -Open Humans takes care of protecting your privacy by assigning a numerical ID to you for each project. This allows projects to recognize but no identify you. The Application ID uploaded by AAPS is similar and only helps administrate the data. More information can be found here: +Open Humans 透過為您分配一個數字 ID 來保護您的隱私,該 ID 用於每個項目。 這使項目可以識別您但無法確認您的身份。 AAPS 上傳的應用程式 ID 與此類似,僅用於資料管理。 更多資訊請參閱: -- [Open Humans Data Use Policy](https://www.openhumans.org/data-use/) +- [Open Humans 資料使用政策](https://www.openhumans.org/data-use/) - [Open Humans GDPR](https://www.openhumans.org/gdpr/) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Preferences.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Preferences.md index ab503ceb92cc..dea359780f57 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Preferences.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/Preferences.md @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -# Preferences +# 偏好設定 -- **Open preferences** by clicking the three-dot menu on the top right side of the home screen. +- **打開偏好設定**,點擊主畫面右上角的三點選單。 - ![Open preferences](../images/Pref2020_Open2.png) + ![打開偏好設定](../images/Pref2020_Open2.png) -- You can jump directly to preferences for a certain tab (i.e. pump tab) by opening this tab and clicking Plugin preferences. +- 您可以直接跳至某個頁籤(例如幫浦頁籤)的偏好設定,方法是打開該頁籤並點擊外掛偏好設定。 - ![Open plugin preferences](../images/Pref2020_OpenPlugin2.png) + ![打開外掛偏好設定](../images/Pref2020_OpenPlugin2.png) -- **Sub-menus** can be opened by clicking the triangle below the sub-menu title. +- **子選單**可透過點擊子選單標題下方的三角形來展開。 - ![Open submenu](../images/Pref2020_Submenu2.png) + ![打開子選單](../images/Pref2020_Submenu2.png) -- With the **filter** on top of the preferences screen you can quickly access certain preferences. Just start typing part of the text you are looking for. +- 在偏好設定畫面頂部使用**篩選**功能,您可以快速查看特定偏好設定。 只需開始輸入您要查找的文本的一部分。 - ![Preferences filter](../images/Pref2021_Filter.png) + ![偏好設定篩選器](../images/Pref2021_Filter.png) ```{contents} :backlinks: entry @@ -22,488 +22,488 @@ ``` (Preferences-general)= -## General +## 一般問題 -![Preferences > General](../images/Pref2020_General.png) +![偏好設定 > 一般](../images/Pref2020_General.png) -**Units** +**單位** -- Set units to mmol/l or mg/dl depending on your preferences. +- 根據您的偏好設定單位為 mmol/l 或 mg/dl。 -**Language** +**語言** -- New option to use phone's default language (recommended). +- 新增選項可使用手機的預設語言(推薦)。 -- In case you want AAPS in a different language than your standard phone language you can choose from a broad variety. +- 如果您希望 AAPS 使用不同於手機的標準語言,可以選擇多種語言。 -- If you use different languages you might sometimes see a language mix. This is due to an android issue that overriding the default android language sometimes doesn't work. +- 如果您使用多種語言,有時可能會看到語言混合的情況。 這是由於 Android 系統的問題,無法覆蓋 Android 預設語言。 -**Patient name** +**患者名稱** -- Can be used if you have to differentiate between multiple setups (i.e. two T1D kids in your family). +- 如果您需要區分多個設置(例如家中有兩個 T1D 小孩),可以使用此功能。 (Preferences-protection)= -### Protection +### 保護 (Preferences-master-password)= -![Preferences > General - Protection](../images/Pref2020_General2.png) +![偏好設定 > 一般 - 保護](../images/Pref2020_General2.png) -#### Master password +#### 主密碼 -- Necessary to be able to [export settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md) as they are encrypted from version 2.7. **Biometric protection may not work on OnePlus phones. This is a known issue of OnePlus on some phones.** +- 從版本 2.7 開始,必須使用主密碼才能[匯出設定](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md),因為這些資料將加密。 **OnePlus 手機可能無法使用生物辨識保護。 這是部分 OnePlus 手機的已知問題。** -- Open Preferences (three-dot menu on top right of home screen) +- 打開偏好設定(三點選單位於主畫面右上角) -- Click triangle below "General" +- 點擊「一般」下方的三角形 -- Click "Master-Password" +- 點擊「主密碼」 -- Enter password, confirm password and click ok. +- 輸入密碼,確認密碼並點擊「確定」。 - ![Set master password](../images/MasterPW.png) + ![設置主密碼](../images/MasterPW.png) -#### Settings protection +#### 設定保護 -- Protect your settings with a password or phone's biometric authentication (i.e. [child is using AAPS](../Children/Children.md)). +- 可使用密碼或手機的生物辨識驗證來保護您的設定(例如[小孩正在使用 AAPS](../Children/Children.md))。 -- Custom password should be used if you want to use master password just for securing [exported settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md). +- 如果您只希望使用主密碼保護[匯出的設定](../Usage/ExportImportSettings.md),可以設定自定密碼。 -- If you are using a custom password click on line "Settings password" to set password as described [above](Preferences-master-password). +- 如果您使用自定密碼,請點擊「設定密碼」來設置密碼,如上文[所述](Preferences-master-password)。 - ![Protection](../images/Pref2020_Protection.png) + ![保護](../images/Pref2020_Protection.png) -#### Application protection +#### 應用程式保護 -- If app is protected you must enter password or use phone's biometric authentication to open AAPS. -- App will shut down immediately if wrong password is entered - but still run in the background if it was previously opened successfully. +- 如果應用程式受到保護,您必須輸入密碼或使用手機的生物辨識驗證才能打開 AAPS。 +- 若輸入錯誤密碼,應用程式將立即關閉,但如果先前已成功打開,則仍會在背景中運作。 -#### Bolus protection +#### 注射保護 -- Bolus protection might be useful if AAPS is used by a small child and you [bolus via SMS](../Children/SMS-Commands.md). +- 如果 AAPS 是由小孩使用,並且您[透過 SMS 進行注射](../Children/SMS-Commands.md),注射保護功能可能會有用。 -- In the example below you see the prompt for biometric protection. If biometric authentication does not work, click in the space above the white prompt and enter master password. +- 在下圖示例中,您會看到生物辨識保護提示。 如果生物辨識驗證無法運作,請點擊白色提示上方的空白處並輸入主密碼。 - ![Prompt biometric protection](../images/Pref2020_PW.png) + ![提示生物辨識保護](../images/Pref2020_PW.png) (Preferences-skin)= -#### Skin +#### 外觀 -- You can choose from four types of skins: +- 您可以從四種類型的外觀中選擇: - ![Select skin](../images/Pref2021_SkinWExample.png) + ![選擇外觀](../images/Pref2021_SkinWExample.png) -- 'Low resolution skin' comes with shorter label and age/level removed to have more available space on very low resolution screen. +- 「低解析度外觀」具有較短的標籤,並且移除了年齡/等級,以在非常低解析度螢幕上提供更多可用空間。 -- Difference of other skins depend of phone's display orientation. +- 其他外觀的差異取決於手機螢幕的方向。 -##### Portrait orientation +##### 直向顯示 -- **Original Skin** and **Buttons are always displayed on bottom of screen** are identical -- **Large Display** has an increased size of all graphs compared to other skins +- **原始外觀**與**按鈕始終顯示在螢幕底部**相同 +- **大顯示**的所有圖表大小均較其他外觀增大 -##### Landscape orientation +##### 橫向顯示 -- Using **Original Skin** and **Large Display**, you have to scroll down to see buttons at the bottom of the screen +- 使用**原始外觀**與**大顯示**時,您需要向下捲動才能看到螢幕底部的按鈕 -- **Large Display** has an increased size of all graphs compared to other skins +- **大顯示**的所有圖表大小均較其他外觀增大 - ![Skins depending on phone's display orientation](../images/Screenshots_Skins.png) + ![外觀取決於手機螢幕方向](../images/Screenshots_Skins.png) (Preferences-overview)= -## Overview +## 首頁總覽 -- In overview section you can define preferences for home screen. +- 在首頁總覽部分中,您可以定義主畫面的偏好設定。 - ![Preferences > Overview](../images/Pref2020_OverviewII.png) + ![偏好設定 > 首頁總覽](../images/Pref2020_OverviewII.png) -### Keep screen on +### 保持螢幕常亮 -- Useful while giving a presentation. -- It will consume a lot of energy, so it is wise to have your phone plugged into a charger. +- 在進行展示時非常實用。 +- 此功能將消耗大量電量,因此建議將手機插上充電器。 (Preferences-buttons)= -### Buttons +### 按鈕 -- Define which buttons are visible on the bottom of your home screen. +- 定義哪些按鈕在主螢幕底部可顯示。 - ![Preferences > Buttons](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons.png) + ![偏好設定 > 按鈕](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons.png) -- With the increment figure you can define amount for the three buttons in carb and insulin dialogue for easy entry. +- 使用遞增數字,您可以定義三個按鈕在碳水化合物和胰島素對話框中的數量,以便於輸入。 - ![Preferences > Buttons > Insulin](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 按鈕 > 胰島素](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons2.png) - ![Preferences > Buttons > Carbs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons3.png) + ![偏好設定 > 按鈕 > 碳水化合物](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons3.png) (Preferences-quick-wizard)= -### Quick Wizard +### 快速嚮導 -- If you have a frequent snack or meal, you can use the quick wizard button to easily enter amount of carbs and set calculation basics. +- 如果你經常吃零食或餐前注射,你可以使用快速嚮導按鈕輕鬆輸入碳水化合物的數量並設置計算基礎。 -- In setup you define during which time period the button will be visible on your home screen - just one button per period. +- 在設置中,你可以定義按鈕在哪個時段會顯示在你的主螢幕上——每個時段僅顯示一個按鈕。 - ![Preferences > Quick Wizard Button Setup](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard.png) + ![偏好設定 > 快速嚮導按鈕設置](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard.png) -- If you click the quick wizard button AAPS will calculate and propose a bolus for those carbs based on your current ratios (considering blood glucose value or insulin on board if set up). +- 如果你點擊快速嚮導按鈕,AAPS會根據你當前的比例(考慮血糖值或體內已注射的胰島素,如果設置了)計算並推薦一個追加注射量。 -- The proposal has to be confirmed before insulin is delivered. +- 該建議需要確認後才會注射胰島素。 - ![Preferences > Quick Wizard Button](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 快速嚮導按鈕](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard2.png) (Preferences-default-temp-targets)= -### Default temp targets +### 預設臨時目標 -- [Temp targets (TT)](../Usage/temptarget.md) allow you to define change your blood glucose target for a certain time period. +- [臨時目標(TT)](../Usage/temptarget.md)讓你在特定時間段內更改血糖目標。 -- With setting of default TT you can easily change your target for activity, eating soon etc. +- 透過設置預設的TT,你可以輕鬆更改活動、即將用餐等目標。 - ![Preferences > Default temp targets](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT.png) + ![偏好設定 > 預設臨時目標](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT.png) -- Press long on your target in the top right corner on the home screen or use the shortcuts in the orange “Carbs” button at the bottom. +- 在主螢幕右上角長按你的目標,或使用底部橙色“碳水化合物”按鈕中的快捷方式。 - ![Preferences > Use default temp targets](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 使用預設臨時目標](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT2.png) ### -### Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts +### 填充/啟動標準胰島素量 -- If you want to fill tube or prime cannula through AAPS you can do this through [actions tab](Screenshots-action-tab). -- Pre-set values can be defined in this dialogue. +- 如果你想透過AAPS填充管線或初始充填導管,你可以在[手動操作標籤](Screenshots-action-tab)中進行。 +- 可以在此對話框中定義預設值。 (Preferences-range-for-visualization)= -### Range for visualization +### 可視化範圍 -- Define which part of the graph on the home screen shall be you target range and be filled with green background. +- 定義主螢幕上的圖表中應顯示的目標範圍,並填充綠色背景。 - ![Preferences > Range for visualization](../images/Pref2020_OV_Range2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 可視化範圍](../images/Pref2020_OV_Range2.png) -### Shorten tab titles +### 縮短標籤標題 -- See more tab titles on screen. +- 在螢幕上查看更多標籤標題。 -- For example the 'OpenAPS AMA' tab becomes 'OAPS', 'OBJECTIVES' becomes 'OBJ' etc. +- 例如,“OpenAPS AMA”標籤變為“OAPS”,“OBJECTIVES”變為“OBJ”等。 - ![Preferences > Tabs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Tabs.png) + ![偏好設定 > 標籤](../images/Pref2020_OV_Tabs.png) -### Show notes field in treatments dialogs +### 在治療對話框中顯示備註欄 -- Gives you the option to add short text notes to your treatments (bolus wizard, carbs, insulin...) +- 給你一個在治療(追加注射嚮導、碳水化合物、胰島素等)中添加簡短文字備註的選項。 - ![Preferences > Notes in treatment dialogs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Notes.png) + ![偏好設定 > 治療對話框中的備註](../images/Pref2020_OV_Notes.png) (Preferences-status-lights)= -### Status lights +### 狀態燈 -- Status lights give a visual warning for +- 狀態指示燈為以下情況提供視覺警告: - - Sensor age - - Sensor battery level for certain smart readers (see [screenshots page](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery) for details). - - Insulin age (days reservoir is used) - - Reservoir level (units) - - Cannula age - - Pump battery age - - Pump battery level (%) + - 傳感器使用時間 + - 某些智慧讀取器的感應器電池電量(詳情請參閱[螢幕截圖頁面](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery))。 + - 胰島素的使用時間(儲液罐使用的天數) + - 儲液罐的剩餘容量(單位) + - 輸注針頭的使用時間 + - 幫浦電池壽命 + - 幫浦電池電量(百分比) -- If threshold warning is exceeded, values will be shown in yellow. +- 如果超過閾值警告,數值將顯示為黃色。 -- If threshold critical is exceeded, values will be shown in red. +- 如果超過臨界值警告,數值將顯示為紅色。 -- In versions prior to AAPS 2.7 settings for status lights had to be made in Nightscout settings. +- 在AAPS 2.7版本之前,狀態燈設置必須在Nightscout設置中進行。 - ![Preferences > Status Lights](../images/Pref2020_OV_StatusLights2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 狀態燈](../images/Pref2020_OV_StatusLights2.png) (Preferences-advanced-settings-overview)= -### Advanced Settings (Overview) +### 高級設置(總覽) -![Preferences > Advanced Settings](../images/Pref2021_OV_Adv.png) +![偏好設定 > 高級設置](../images/Pref2021_OV_Adv.png) (Preferences-superbolus)= -#### Superbolus +#### 超級追加注射 -- Option to enable superbolus in bolus wizard. -- [Superbolus](https://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes-technology/blue-skying/super-bolus/) is a concept to "borrow" some insulin from basal rate in the next two hours to prevent spikes. +- 選擇在注射嚮導中啟用超級注射的選項。 +- [超級注射](https://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes-technology/blue-skying/super-bolus/)是一種「借用」接下來兩小時的基礎率部分胰島素來防止血糖尖峰的概念。 -## Treatment safety +## 治療安全 -### Patient type +### 病人類型 -- Safety limits are set based on the age you select in this setting. -- If you start hitting these hard limits (like max bolus) it's time to move one step up. -- It's a bad idea to select higher than real age because it can lead to overdosing by entering the wrong value in insulin dialog (by skipping the decimal dot, for example). -- If you want to know the actual numbers for these hard-coded safety limits, scroll to the algorithm feature you are using on [this page](../Usage/Open-APS-features.md). +- 安全限制是根據您在此設置中選擇的年齡設定的。 +- 如果您開始觸及這些嚴格的限制(如最大注射量),那麼是時候提升一步了。 +- 選擇高於實際年齡是不好的主意,因為這可能會導致輸入胰島素對話框中錯誤的值(例如跳過小數點),從而導致過量注射。 +- 如果您想知道這些硬編碼的安全限制的實際數字,請滾動到您在[這個頁面](../Usage/Open-APS-features.md)上使用的算法功能。 -### Max allowed bolus \[U\] +### 允許的最大注射量 \[U\] -- Defines maximum amount of bolus insulin that AAPS is allowed to deliver at once. -- This setting exists as a safety limit to prevent the delivery of a massive bolus due to accidental input or user error. -- It is recommended to set this to a sensible amount that corresponds roughly to the maximum amount of bolus insulin that you are ever likely to need for a meal or correction dose. -- This restriction is also applied to the results of the bolus calculator. +- 定義AAPS允許一次輸送的最大注射胰島素量。 +- 此設置作為安全限制,防止因意外輸入或用戶錯誤而導致大量注射。 +- 建議將此設置為合理的數量,大致對應於您可能在一餐或校正劑量中需要的最大注射胰島素量。 +- 這個限制也適用於注射計算機的結果。 -### Max allowed carbs \[g\] +### 允許的最大碳水化合物量 \[g\] -- Defines the maximum amount of carbs that AAPS bolus calculator is allowed to dose for. -- This setting exists as a safety limit to prevent the delivery of a massive bolus due to accidental input or user error. -- It is recommended to set this to a sensible amount that corresponds roughly to the maximum amount of carbs that you are ever likely to need for a meal. +- 定義AAPS注射計算機允許的最大碳水化合物量。 +- 此設置作為安全限制,防止因意外輸入或用戶錯誤而導致大量注射。 +- 建議將此設置為合理的數量,大致對應於您可能在一餐中需要的最大碳水化合物量。 -## Loop +## 循環 (Preferences-aps-mode)= -### APS mode +### APS模式 -- Toggle between open and closed looping as well as low glucose suspend (LGS) -- **Open looping** means TBR suggestions are made based on your data and appear as a notification. After manual confirmation, the command to dose insulin will be transferred to pump. Only if you use virtual pump you have to enter it manually. -- **Closed looping** means TBR suggestions are automatically sent to your pump without confirmation or input from you. -- **Low glucose suspend** is similar to closed looping, but overrides the maxIOB setting to zero. This means that if blood glucose is dropping it can reduce the basal rate, but if blood glucose is rising then it will only increase the basal rate if the basal IOB is negative (e.g. from a previous Low Glucose Suspend). +- 在開環和閉環以及低血糖暫停(LGS)之間切換 +- **開環**意味著根據您的資料給出臨時基礎率(TBR)建議,並作為通知顯示。 經手動確認後,注射指令將傳輸到幫浦。 只有在使用虛擬幫浦時,才需要手動輸入。 +- **閉環**意味著TBR建議會自動發送到您的幫浦,無需您的確認或輸入。 +- **低血糖暫停**類似於閉環,但會將maxIOB設置覆蓋為零。 這意味著如果血糖下降,它可以減少基礎率,但如果血糖上升,則僅在基礎IOB為負數時(如來自之前的低血糖暫停)才會增加基礎率。 (Preferences-minimal-request-change)= -### Minimal request change \[%\] +### 最小請求變更 \[%\] -- When using open loop you will receive notifications every time AAPS recommends to adjust basal rate. -- To reduce number of notifications you can either use a wider BG target range or increase percentage of the minimal request rate. -- This defines the relative change required to trigger a notification. +- 使用開放循環時,當 AAPS 建議調整基礎率時,你會收到通知。 +- 為減少通知數量,您可以使用更寬的血糖目標範圍或增加最小請求率的百分比。 +- 這定義了觸發通知所需的相對變更。 (Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)= -## Advanced Meal Assist (AMA) or Super Micro Bolus (SMB) +## 進階餐前注射助手(AMA)或超微量注射(SMB) -Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder.md) you can choose between two algorithms: +根據您的設置在[組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder.md)中,您可以在兩種算法之間進行選擇: -- [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [進階餐前注射助手(OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - 2017年的算法狀態 +- [超微量注射(OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - 最先進用戶的最新算法 -### OpenAPS AMA settings +### OpenAPS AMA設置 -- Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. -- More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/Customize-Iterate/autosens.html). +- 如果您可靠地輸入碳水化合物,則系統允許在注射餐後更快速地高溫調整。 +- 有關設置和自動感應的更多細節,請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/Customize-Iterate/autosens.html)。 -#### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to +#### 臨時基礎率(Temp Basal)最大可設置的U/h -- Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. -- The value is measured in units per hour (U/h). -- It is advised to set this to something sensible. A good recommendation is to take the **highest basal rate** in your profile and **multiply it by 4**. -- For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile was 0.5 U/h you could multiply that by 4 to get a value of 2 U/h. -- See also [detailed feature description](Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- 作為安全限制存在,防止AAPS給予危險高的基礎率。 +- 該值以每小時單位(U/h)測量。 +- 建議將此設為合理的數值。 一個好的建議是取您的**最高基礎率**,並**將其乘以4**。 +- 例如,如果您的最高基礎率為0.5 U/h,您可以將其乘以4得到2 U/h的值。 +- 另見[詳細功能描述](Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)。 -#### Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver \[U\] +#### OpenAPS可以輸送的最大基礎IOB \[U\] -- Amount of additional basal insulin (in units) allowed to accumulate in your body, on top of your normal basal profile. -- Once this value is reached, AAPS will stop giving additional basal insulin until your basal Insulin on Board (IOB) has decayed to within this range again. -- This value **does not consider bolus IOB**, only basal. -- This value is calculated and monitored independently of your normal basal rate. It is only the additional basal insulin on top of that normal rate that is considered. +- 允許在您的身體中累積的額外基礎胰島素(以單位計),超出您的正常基礎配置。 +- 一旦此值達到,AAPS將停止給予額外的基礎胰島素,直到您的基礎胰島素庫存(IOB)衰減回該範圍內。 +- 此值**不考慮注射IOB**,僅考慮基礎。 +- 此值是根據您的正常基礎率獨立計算和監控的。 僅考慮超出正常率的額外基礎胰島素。 -When you begin looping, **it is advised to set Max Basal IOB to 0** for a period of time, while you are getting used to the system. This prevents AAPS from giving any additional basal insulin at all. During this time AAPS will still be able to limit or turn off your basal insulin to help prevent hypoglycaemia. This is an important step in order to: +當您開始循環時,**建議將最大基礎IOB設為0**一段時間,同時您在適應系統。 這可以防止AAPS給予任何額外的基礎胰島素。 在此期間,AAPS仍然可以限制或關閉您的基礎胰島素以幫助防止低血糖。 這是一個重要的步驟: -- Have a period of time to safely get used to the AAPS system and monitor how it works. -- Take the opportunity to perfect your basal profile and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). -- See how AAPS limits your basal insulin to prevent hypoglycaemia. +- 有一段時間可安全地習慣AAPS系統並監控其運作。 +- 抓住機會完美您的基礎配置和胰島素敏感性因子(ISF)。 +- 了解AAPS如何限制您的基礎胰島素以防止低血糖。 -When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you additional basal insulin, by raising the Max Basal IOB value. The recommended guideline for this is to take the **highest basal rate** in your profile and **multiply it by 3**. For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile was 0.5 U/h you could multiply that by 3 to get a value of 1.5 U/h. +當您感到舒適時,您可以透過提高最大基礎IOB值允許系統開始給予您額外的基礎胰島素。 建議的指導原則是取您個人設定中的**最高基礎速率**,並**將其乘以 3**。 例如,若您設定中的最高基礎速率為 0.5 U/h,您可以將此數值乘以 3,得到 1.5 U/h。 -- You can start conservatively with this value and increase it slowly over time. -- These are guidelines only; everyone's body is different. You may find you need more or less than what is recommended here, but always start conservatively and adjust slowly. +- 您可以從保守的數值開始,然後隨著時間慢慢增加。 +- 這些僅是指導原則;每個人的身體狀況不同。 您可能會發現所需的劑量比這裡推薦的多或少,但一定要從保守的劑量開始,並慢慢調整。 -**Note: As a safety feature, Max Basal IOB is hard-limited to 7u.** +**注意:作為一項安全功能,最大基礎胰島素持續劑量(Max Basal IOB)被嚴格限制為 7U。** -#### Autosens +#### 自動敏感度調整 (Autosens) -- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) looks at blood glucose deviations (positive/negative/neutral). -- It will try and figure out how sensitive/resistant you are based on these deviations and adjust basal rate and ISF based on these deviations. -- If you select "Autosens adjust target, too" the algorithm will also modify your glucose target. +- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 會根據血糖偏差(正/負/中性)進行調整。 +- 它會根據這些偏差計算出您對胰島素的敏感度或抗性,並根據偏差調整基礎速率和胰島素敏感指數(ISF)。 +- 如果您選擇「Autosens 調整目標」,演算法也會修改您的血糖目標。 -#### Advanced settings (OpenAPS AMA) +#### 進階設定(OpenAPS AMA) -- Normally you do not have to change the settings in this dialogue! -- If you want to change them anyway make sure to read about details in [OpenAPS docs](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/preferences-and-safety-settings.html#) and to understand what you are doing. +- 通常您無需更改此對話框中的設定! +- 如果您仍然想要更改,請務必閱讀[OpenAPS 文件](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/preferences-and-safety-settings.html#),並了解您在做什麼。 (Preferences-openaps-smb-settings)= -### OpenAPS SMB settings +### OpenAPS SMB 設定 -- In contrast to AMA, [SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) does not use temporary basal rates to control glucose levels, but mainly small super micro boluses. +- 與 AMA 相比,[SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) 不使用臨時基礎速率來控制血糖,而是主要使用小型超級微量注射。 -- You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. +- 您必須開始使用[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)來使用 SMB。 -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- 前三個設定在[上方](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)進行了解釋。 -- Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). +- 不同啟用選項的詳細資訊在[OpenAPS 功能部分](Open-APS-features-enable-smb)中描述。 -- *How frequently SMBs will be given in min* is a restriction for SMB to be delivered only every 4 min by default. This value prevents the system from issuing SMB too often (for example in case of a temp target being set). You should not change this setting unless you know exactly about consequences. +- *SMB 的發放頻率(以分鐘為單位)*受限於預設每 4 分鐘發放一次。 此數值防止系統過於頻繁發放 SMB(例如當設定臨時目標時)。 除非您確切知道後果,否則不應更改此設定。 -- If 'Sensitivity raises target' or 'Resistance lowers target' is enabled [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) will modify your glucose target according to your blood glucose deviations. +- 如果啟用了「敏感性提高目標」或「抗性降低目標」,[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 會根據您的血糖偏差修改血糖目標。 -- If target is modified it will be displayed with a green background on your home screen. +- 如果目標被修改,會在主畫面以綠色背景顯示。 - ![Target modified by autosens](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) + ![Autosens 修改目標](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) (Preferences-carb-required-notification)= -#### Carb required notification +#### 碳水化合物需求通知 -- This feature is only available if SMB algorithm is selected. +- 此功能僅在選擇 SMB 演算法時可用。 -- Eating of additional carbs will be suggested when the reference design detects that it requires carbs. +- 當參考設計檢測到需要碳水化合物時,會建議食用額外的碳水化合物。 -- In this case you will receive a notification which can be snoozed for 5, 15 or 30 minutes. +- 在此情況下,您會收到一個可以延後 5、15 或 30 分鐘的通知。 -- Additionally the required carbs will be displayed in the COB section on your home screen. +- 此外,主畫面的 COB 部分也會顯示所需的碳水化合物量。 -- A threshold can be defined - minimum amount of carbs needed to trigger a notification. +- 可定義一個閾值——觸發通知所需的最小碳水化合物量。 -- Carb required notifications can be pushed to Nightscout if wished, in which case an announcement will be shown and broadcast. +- 如果需要,碳水化合物需求通知可以推送到 Nightscout,屆時會顯示並廣播公告。 - ![Display carbs required on home screen](../images/Pref2020_CarbsRequired.png) + ![在主畫面顯示所需的碳水化合物量](../images/Pref2020_CarbsRequired.png) -#### Advanced settings (OpenAPS SMB) +#### 進階設定(OpenAPS SMB) -- Normally you do not have to change the settings in this dialogue! -- If you want to change them anyway make sure to read about details in [OpenAPS docs](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/preferences-and-safety-settings.html#) and to understand what you are doing. +- 通常您無需更改此對話框中的設定! +- 如果您仍然想要更改,請務必閱讀[OpenAPS 文件](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/preferences-and-safety-settings.html#),並了解您在做什麼。 -## Absorption settings +## 吸收設定 -![Absorption settings](../images/Pref2020_Absorption.png) +![吸收設定](../images/Pref2020_Absorption.png) ### min_5m_carbimpact -- The algorithm uses BGI (blood glucose impact) to determine when carbs are absorbed. +- 演算法使用血糖影響(BGI)來判斷碳水化合物何時被吸收。 -- The value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity “uses up” all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB. +- 這個數值只會在兩種情況下使用:一是 CGM 沒有讀到血糖數據時,二是運動消耗了所有本來會讓血糖上升的能量,這樣 AAPS 就不會減少 COB。 -- At times when carb absorption can’t be dynamically worked out based on your blood's reactions it inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe. +- 當無法動態計算碳水化合物吸收時,演算法會插入預設的碳水化合物衰減值。 基本上,這是一個安全保護機制。 -- To put it simply: The algorithm "knows" how your BGs *should* behave when affected by the current dose of insulin etc. +- 簡單來說:演算法「知道」在當前胰島素劑量等影響下,您的血糖應該如何變化。 -- Whenever there is a positive deviation from the expected behaviour, some carbs are absorbed/decayed. Big change=many carbs etc. +- 每當預期行為與實際行為有正向偏差時,部分碳水化合物會被吸收/衰減。 大的變化=許多碳水化合物等。 -- The min_5m_carbimpact does define the default carb absorption impact per 5 minutes. For more details see [OpenAPS docs](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/preferences-and-safety-settings.html?highlight=carbimpact#min-5m-carbimpact). +- min_5m_carbimpact 定義了每 5 分鐘的預設碳水化合物吸收影響。 更多詳情請參閱 [OpenAPS 文件](https://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/While%20You%20Wait%20For%20Gear/preferences-and-safety-settings.html?highlight=carbimpact#min-5m-carbimpact)。 -- Standard value for AMA is 5, for SMB it's 8. +- AMA 的標準值為 5,SMB 的標準值為 8。 -- The COB graph on the home screen indicates when min_5m_impact is being used by putting an orange circle at the top. +- 主畫面的 COB 圖表會在使用 min_5m_carbimpact 時顯示一個橙色圓圈。 - ![COB graph](../images/Pref2020_min_5m_carbimpact.png) + ![COB 圖表](../images/Pref2020_min_5m_carbimpact.png) -### Maximum meal absorption time +### 最大餐點吸收時間 -- If you often eat high fat or protein meals you will need to increase your meal absorption time. +- 如果您經常進食高脂肪或高蛋白質餐點,您需要增加餐點吸收時間。 -### Advanced settings - autosens ratio +### 進階設定 - autosens 比例 -- Define min. and max. [autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) ratio. -- Normally standard values (max. 1.2 and min. 0.7) should not be changed. +- 定義最小和最大[autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 比例。 +- 通常標準值(最大 1.2 和最小 0.7)不應更改。 -## Pump settings +## 幫浦設定 -The options here will vary depending on which pump driver you have selected in [Config Builder](Config-Builder-pump). Pair and set your pump up according to the pump related instructions: +此處的選項會根據您在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-pump)中選擇的幫浦驅動程式而有所不同。 根據幫浦相關的指示來配對並設定您的幫浦: -- [DanaR Insulin Pump](../Configuration/DanaR-Insulin-Pump.md) -- [DanaRS Insulin Pump](../Configuration/DanaRS-Insulin-Pump.md) -- [罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵](../Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md) -- [Accu Chek Insight Pump](../Configuration/Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump.md) -- [Medtronic Pump](../Configuration/MedtronicPump.md) +- [DanaR 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/DanaR-Insulin-Pump.md) +- [DanaRS 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/DanaRS-Insulin-Pump.md) +- [Accu Chek Combo 幫浦](../Configuration/Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump.md) +- [Accu Chek Insight 幫浦](../Configuration/Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump.md) +- [Medtronic 幫浦](../Configuration/MedtronicPump.md) -If using AAPS to open loop then make sure you have selected Virtual Pump in config builder. +如果使用 AAPS 進行開環模式,請確保您已在組態建置工具中選擇虛擬幫浦。 (Preferences-nsclient)= ## NSClient ![NSClient](../images/Pref2020_NSClient.png) -Original communication protocol, can be used with older Nightscout versions. +原始通訊協議,可用於舊版 Nightscout。 -- Set your *Nightscout URL* (i.e. ). - - **Make sure that the URL is WITHOUT /api/v1/ at the end.** -- The *[API secret](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/setup_variables/#api-secret-nightscout-password)* (a 12 character password recorded in your Nightscout variables). -- This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS. -- Double check for typos here if you are stuck in Objective 1. +- 設置您的*Nightscout URL*(即 )。 + - **確保網址末尾沒有 /api/v1/。** +- *[API 密鑰](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/setup_variables/#api-secret-nightscout-password)*(Nightscout 變數中記錄的一個 12 字符的密碼)。 +- 這使資料能夠在 Nightscout 網站和 AAPS 之間讀取和寫入。 +- 如果您在目標 1 中遇到困難,請再次檢查是否有拼寫錯誤。 ## NSClientV3 ![NSClientV3](../images/Pref2024_NSClientV3.png) -[New protocol introduced with AAPS 3.2.](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.md#important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-api-for-nightscout-with-aaps) Safer and more efficient. +[AAPS 3.2 引入的新協議](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.md#important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-api-for-nightscout-with-aaps)。更安全且更高效。 -:::{admonition} V3 data uploaders -:class: warning When using NSClientV3, all uploaders must be using the API V3. Since most are not compatible yet, this means **you must let AAPS upload all data** (BG, treatments, ...) to Nightscout and disable all other uploaders if they're not V3 compliant. +:::{admonition} V3 資料上傳者 +:class: warning 使用 NSClientV3 時,所有上傳者必須使用 API V3。 由於大多數尚不支援 V3,這意味著**您必須讓 AAPS 上傳所有資料**(血糖、治療等)至 Nightscout,並停用其他不支援 V3 的上傳者。 ::: -- Set your *Nightscout URL* (i.e. ). - - **Make sure that the URL is WITHOUT /api/v1/ at the end.** -- In Nightscout, create an *[Admin token](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/security/#create-a-token)* (requires [Nightscout 15](https://nightscout.github.io/update/update/) to use the V3 API) and enter it in **NS access token** (not your API Secret!). -- This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS. -- Double check for typos here if you are stuck in Objective 1. -- Leave Connect to websockets enabled (recommended). +- 設置您的*Nightscout URL*(即 )。 + - **確保網址末尾沒有 /api/v1/。** +- 在 Nightscout 中,建立一個*[管理者憑證](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/security/#create-a-token)*(需要 [Nightscout 15](https://nightscout.github.io/update/update/) 才能使用 V3 API),並將其輸入**NS 查看憑證**(不是您的 API 密鑰!)。 +- 這使資料能夠在 Nightscout 網站和 AAPS 之間讀取和寫入。 +- 如果您在目標 1 中遇到困難,請再次檢查是否有拼寫錯誤。 +- 保持啟用與 websockets 的連線(推薦)。 -### Synchronization +### 同步選項 -Synchronization choices will depend on the way you will want to use AAPS. +同步選項將取決於您希望如何使用 AAPS。 -You can select which data you want to [upload and download to or from Nightscout](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Nightscout.md#aaps-settings). +您可以選擇[上傳和下載至 Nightscout 的資料](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Nightscout.md#aaps-settings)。 -### Alarm options +### 警報選項 -![Alarm options](../images/Pref2024_NSClient_Alarms.png) +![警報選項](../images/Pref2024_NSClient_Alarms.png) -- Alarm options allows you to select which Nightscout alarms to use through the app. AAPS will alarm when a Nightscout alarms trigger. - - For the alarms to sound you need to set the Urgent High, High, Low and Urgent Low alarm values in your [Nightscout variables](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/setup_variables/#alarms). - - They will only work whilst you have a connection to Nightscout and are intended for parent/caregivers. - - If you have the CGM source on your phone (i.e. xDrip+ or BYODA) then use those alarms instead of Nightscout Alarms. -- Create notifications from Nightscout [announcements](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/discover/#announcement) will echo Nightscout announcements in the AAPS notifications bar. -- You can change stale data and urgent stale data alarms threshold when no data is received from Nightscout after a certain time. +- 警報選項允許您選擇透過應用程式使用哪些 Nightscout 警報。 當 Nightscout 警報觸發時,AAPS 會發出警報。 + - 要使警報發出聲音,您需要在[Nightscout 變數](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/setup_variables/#alarms)中設置緊急高、高、低和緊急低的警報值。 + - 這些警報僅在您與 Nightscout 有連線時工作,且主要針對家長/照護者。 + - 如果您的 CGM 資料來自手機(如 xDrip+ 或 BYODA),請使用這些警報,而非 Nightscout 警報。 +- 從 Nightscout 公告中建立通知[公告](https://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/discover/#announcement),將在 AAPS 通知欄中回顯 Nightscout 公告。 +- 當在一定時間內未從 Nightscout 收到資料時,您可以更改過時資料和緊急過時資料警報的閾值。 -### Connection settings +### 連線設定 -![NSClient connection settings](../images/ConfBuild_ConnectionSettings.png) +![NSClient 連線設定](../images/ConfBuild_ConnectionSettings.png) -- Connection settings define when Nightscout connection will be enabled. -- Restrict Nightscout upload to Wi-Fi only or even to certain Wi-Fi SSIDs. -- If you want to use only a specific WiFi network you can enter its WiFi SSID. -- Multiple SSIDs can be separated by semicolon. -- To delete all SSIDs enter a blank space in the field. +- 連線設定定義了何時啟用與 Nightscout 的連線。 +- 將 Nightscout 上傳限制為僅在 Wi-Fi 下進行,甚至僅限於特定的 Wi-Fi SSID。 +- 如果您只希望使用特定的 Wi-Fi 網路,可以輸入其 Wi-Fi SSID。 +- 多個 SSID 可以用分號分隔。 +- 若要刪除所有 SSID,請在該欄位中輸入空格。 (Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient)= -### Advanced settings (NSClient) +### 進階設定(NSClient) -![NS Client advanced settings](../images/Pref2024_NSClientAdv.png) +![NS Client 進階設定](../images/Pref2024_NSClientAdv.png) -Options in advanced settings are self-explanatory. +進階設定中的選項不言自明。 -## SMS Communicator +## SMS(簡訊) 通訊器 -- Options will only be displayed if SMS communicator is selected in [Config Builder](Config-Builder-sms-communicator). -- This setting allows remote control of the app by texting instructions to the patient's phone which the app will follow such as suspending loop, or bolusing. -- Further information is described in [SMS Commands](../Children/SMS-Commands.md). -- Additional safety is obtained through use of an authenticator app and additional PIN at token end. +- 僅當在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-sms-communicator)中選擇 SMS 通訊器時才會顯示選項。 +- 此設定允許透過傳簡訊指令來遠端控制應用程式,如暫停循環或進行注射。 +- 更多資訊在[SMS 指令](../Children/SMS-Commands.md)中描述。 +- 透過使用身份驗證應用程式和憑證末端的額外 PIN 獲得額外的安全保障。 -## Automation +## 自動化 -Select which location service shall be used: +選擇要使用的定位服務: -- Use passive location: AAPS only takes locations if other apps are requesting it -- Use network location: Location of your Wi-Fi -- Use GPS location (Attention! May cause excessive battery drain!) +- 使用被動定位:AAPS 僅在其他應用請求時獲取位置。 +- 使用網路定位:您的 Wi-Fi 位置。 +- 使用 GPS 定位(注意! 可能會導致電池過度消耗!) -## Local alerts +## 本地警報 -![Local alerts](../images/Pref2020_LocalAlerts.png) +![本地警報](../images/Pref2020_LocalAlerts.png) -- Settings should be self-explanatory. +- 設定應該是簡單明瞭的。 -## Data choices +## 資料選項 -![Data choices](../images/Pref2020_DataChoice.png) +![資料選項](../images/Pref2020_DataChoice.png) -- You can help develop AAPS further by sending crash reports to the developers. +- 您可以透過將崩潰報告發送給開發人員來幫助進一步開發 AAPS。 -## Maintenance settings +## 維護設置 -![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) +![維護設置](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- 日誌的標準收件人是 。 +- 如果您選擇*加密匯出的設置*,這些設置將使用您的[主密碼](Preferences-master-password)加密。 在這種情況下,每次匯出或匯入設置時都需要輸入主密碼。 ## Open Humans -- You can help the community by donating your data to research projects! Details are described on the [Open Humans page](../Configuration/OpenHumans.md). +- 您可以透過捐贈您的資料來協助研究項目,幫助社群! 詳細資訊請參閱[Open Humans 頁面](../Configuration/OpenHumans.md)。 -- In Preferences you can define when data shall be uploaded +- 在偏好設定中,您可以定義何時上傳資料 - - only if connected to WiFi - - only if charging + - 僅在連線到 WiFi 時 + - 僅在充電時 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md index c0d7444c5a42..ae13e4cb3b30 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/completing-the-objectives.md @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ - 透過一個測試您 **AAPS** 知識的多選題考試。 -某些使用者發現 **目標 3** 是最難完成的目標。 請務必結合問題閱讀 **AAPS** 文件。 如果在研究了 **AAPS** 文件後還是遇到困難,請在 Facebook 群組搜尋 "Objective 3"(因為很有可能你的問題已經被提問並解答過)。 如果你仍然卡住,可以在 Facebook 或 Discord 群組中發帖詢問。 這些群組可以提供友善的提示,或引導你閱讀 **AAPS** 文件的相關部分。 +某些使用者發現 **目標 3** 是最難完成的目標。 請務必結合問題閱讀 **AAPS** 文件。 If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) group. 這些群組可以提供友善的提示,或引導你閱讀 **AAPS** 文件的相關部分。 要進行 **Objective 3**,點擊橘色文字“**尚未完成**”來查看相關問題。 請仔細閱讀每個問題並選擇你的答案。 @@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ 4. 嘗試設定更有用的自動化。 -- 文件頁面提供了一些範例,你也可以在 Facebook 群組中搜尋有關“自動化”的截圖。 由於大多數人每天早上上學/上班前會在同一時間吃相同的早餐,因此一個相當常見的使用情境是設定 "早餐前目標",在早餐前 30 分鐘設定稍低的臨時目標。 在這種情況下,你的條件可能會包括 "定期時間",選擇一週中的特定日子(星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五)和特定時間(上午 06:30)。 動作將包括 "開始臨時目標" 設定一個目標值和持續時間 30 分鐘。 +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers) group. 由於大多數人每天早上上學/上班前會在同一時間吃相同的早餐,因此一個相當常見的使用情境是設定 "早餐前目標",在早餐前 30 分鐘設定稍低的臨時目標。 在這種情況下,你的條件可能會包括 "定期時間",選擇一週中的特定日子(星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五)和特定時間(上午 06:30)。 動作將包括 "開始臨時目標" 設定一個目標值和持續時間 30 分鐘。 ## 目標 11:啟用白天使用的其他功能,例如動態敏感度外掛 (DynISF)。 - 確保 SMB 正常運作 - 閱讀有關動態 ISF 的文件[這裡](../Usage/DynamicISF.md) -- 在 Facebook 和 Discord 群組中搜尋有關動態 ISF 的討論,閱讀其他用戶的經驗和建議。 +- Search the Facbook and [Discord](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw) groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. - 啟用 **DynamicISF 外掛**,並確定適合你身體需求的校正值。 出於安全考量,建議初始值設置為低於 100%。 (目標-回到先前的目標進度)= diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..10c298e2ddda Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7c12bd20935 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9af250debd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d2d5fa1abed Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..55e3f029e336 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1d6982bff4eb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fea8e9914e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b39fd736659 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25928679a5bb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b19489ceb7ab Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..41926143cffb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a0c698da71c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0790d171d19d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..160351fad26c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png differ diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/index.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/index.md index 9445a23962ad..bd17b80f4324 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/index.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/index.md @@ -1,213 +1,213 @@ -# 欢迎使用 AAPS 说明文档 +# 歡迎來到 AAPS 文件指南 -![image](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) +![圖像](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) -Android APS (**AAPS**) is an open source app for people living with insulin-dependent diabetes. It is an artificial pancreas system (APS) which runs on Android smartphones. **AAPS** uses an openAPS software algorithm and aims to do what a real pancreas does: keep blood sugar levels within healthy limits by using automated insulin dosing. To use **AAPS** you need **three** compatible devices: an Android phone, a FDA/CE approved insulin pump, and a continuous glucose meter (CGM). +Android APS (**AAPS**) 是一款為胰島素依賴型糖尿病患者設計的開源應用程式。 這是一個人工胰臟系統 (APS),可以在 Android 智慧型手機上運作。 **AAPS**使用開源的 openAPS 軟體演算法,旨在模擬真實胰臟的功能:透過自動調控胰島素劑量來保持血糖水平在健康範圍內。 要使用**AAPS**,你需要**三種**相容設備:一台Android手機、一個經 FDA/CE 認證的胰島素幫浦,以及一個連續血糖監測儀(CGM)。 -This documentation explains how to setup and use **AAPS**. You can navigate through the **AAPS** documentation either through the menu on the left (and the handy "**Search docs**" function), or by using the [index](Index-of-the-AAPS-Documentation.md) at the bottom of this page. +本文件將詳細說明如何設置和使用**AAPS**。 你可以透過左側的選單(以及方便的“**搜尋文件**”功能)或使用頁面底部的[索引](Index-of-the-AAPS-Documentation.md)瀏覽**AAPS**文件。 -## Overview of the AAPS documentation ("The docs") +## AAPS 文件總覽("簡稱本文件") -Section 2) "Getting Started", the [Introduction](introduction.md) explains the general concept of what an artificial pancreas system (APS) is designed to do. It outlines the background of looping in general, why **AAPS** was developed, compares **AAPS** to other systems, and addresses safety. It gives suggestions about how to talk to your clinical team about **AAPS**, explains why you need to build the **AAPS** app yourself rather than just downloading it, and gives an overview of the typical connectivity of an **AAPS** system. It also addresses accessibility, and who is likely to benefit from **AAPS**. +第二章節)“入門”,[介紹](introduction.md) 解釋了人工胰臟系統 (APS) 的一般概念。 本文件概述了循環系統的背景,為何開發**AAPS** ,並比較了**AAPS** 與其他系統,同時也討論了安全性問題。 它提供了如何與你的醫療團隊討論 **AAPS**的建議,解釋了為什麼你需要自行建置**AAPS** 應用程式,而不是直接下載,並概述了典型的**AAPS** 系統連接性。 它還討論了無障礙設計,並指出誰最有可能從**AAPS** 中受益。 -[Preparing for AAPS](preparing.md) gives more detail about safety considerations, and the phones, CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) and insulin pumps which are compatible with **AAPS**. It gives an overview of the process you will go through, and provides an approximate timeline for gaining full functionality of **AAPS**. This section gets you technically prepared to assemble your **AAPS** setup as quickly and efficiently as possible. The subsection [CGM Configuration](Configuration/BG-Source.md) explains how to optimse CGM setup and what smoothing options are best. +[準備](preparing.md)提供了更多有關安全考量的詳細資訊,以及與<0>AAPS 相容的手機、CGM(連續血糖監測儀)和胰島素幫浦的相關訊息。 它概述了你將經歷的過程,並提供了獲得完整**AAPS** 功能的大致時間表。 本節將幫助你以最快且最有效率的方式準備技術上設置你的**AAPS** 。 [CGM 配置](Configuration/BG-Source.md)子章節解釋了如何優化CGM設置及最佳的平滑選項。 -Now that you have a solid understanding of the process, you can start assembling your **AAPS** loop. Section **3) Setting up AAPS** contains step-by-step instructions to do this. It covers choosing and [setting up your reporting server](setting-up-the-reporting-server.md) (Nightscout or Tidepool) so you can review and share your data, getting your computer ready for building the AAPS app, building the AAPS app and transferring the AAPS app to your phone. It also covers setting up the **AAPS** app using the setup Wizard, linking it with your CGM app, and either a real or virtual insulin pump, as well as linking **AAPS** to your reporting server. You are then slowly introduced to the full usage of what **AAPS** has to offer via a safe and carefully calibrated step-by-step process designed to make sure that you/your child are thoroughly familiar and comfortable navigating all the different levels and menu configurations before graduating on the next phase, commonly referred to as the next "Objective", until you are have enough experience to begin using the more advanced options available within the app. These Objectives are specially designed in such a way that will gradually unlock more possibilities of **AAPS** and switch from Open Loop to Closed Loop. +現在你已經對過程有了深入的了解,可以開始構建你的**AAPS** 循環系統了。 本章節 **三) 設置 AAPS** 包含逐步指導來進行此操作。 它涵蓋了選擇和 [設置你的報告伺服器](setting-up-the-reporting-server.md)(Nightscout 或 Tidepool),以便你可以檢視和分享你的資料,準備電腦來構建 AAPS 應用程式,構建 AAPS 應用程式並便其傳輸到你的手機。 它還涵蓋了使用設置嚮導來設定 **AAPS** 應用程式,將其與你的 CGM 應用程式連結,並與實體或虛擬胰島素幫浦連結,以及將 **AAPS** 連結到你的報告伺服器。 接下來,你將透過一個安全且經過精心校準的分步過程,逐漸熟悉並全面使用 **AAPS** 的功能。該過程旨在確保你/你的孩子對各種層級和選單配置充分了解並感到舒適,然後再進入下一階段,通常稱為下一個"目標",直到你擁有足夠的經驗以開始使用應用程式中更高級的選項。 這些目標被特別設計為逐步解鎖更多 **AAPS** 的可能性,並從開環轉為閉環。 -Section 4) [Remote AAPS features](remote-control.md) highlights a real strength of **AAPS**. There are a wide range of possibilities for remotely sending commands to, or simply following the data from **AAPS**. This is equally useful for carers who want to use **AAPS** for minors, and for adults with diabetes who either want to monitor their sugars (and other metrics) more conveniently than just on their phone (on a watch, in the car _etc._), or wish to have significant others to also monitor the data. This section also provides guidance for using Android Auto so you can view glucose levels in the car. +第四章節)[遠端 AAPS 功能](remote-control.md) 突顯了 **AAPS** 的一個真正強項。 這對於希望遠端發送指令給予,或者只是追踪來自 **AAPS** 的資料來說非常實用。 這對於希望為未成年人使用 **AAPS** 的照護者,以及患有糖尿病的成人同樣實用。成人可以更方便地監控血糖(以及其他指標),不僅限於手機上(例如手錶、車內等),也可以讓重要他人一同監控資料。 本節還提供了使用 Android Auto 的指導,讓你能夠在車內查看血糖水平。 -Section **5) Daily life with AAPS** covers key **AAPS** features, to help you use (and customise) **AAPS**. This including understanding the screens, carbs-on-board, sensitivity, profile switching, temp targets, extended carbs (or eCarbs), automations, and DynamicISF. It also covers frequent topics like how to manage different types of meals, how to deal with cannula and sensor changes, smartphone updates, daylight saving changes, and [travelling with AAPS](Usage/Timezone-traveling.md) and sports. Common questions and answers are located within the troubleshooting section. +第五章節)**AAPS 的日常生活** 涵蓋了 **AAPS** 的關鍵功能,幫助你使用(並自定義)**AAPS**。 包括理解各個畫面、碳水化合物計算、靈敏度、配置切換、臨時目標、延展碳水化合物(或 eCarbs)、自動化和 動態ISF。 此外,還涵蓋了如何處理不同類型的餐食、更換套管和傳感器、手機更新、夏令時間更改、[與 AAPS 一起旅行](Usage/Timezone-traveling.md) 和運動等常見問題與解答。 常見問題和答案位於疑難排除部分。 -Section **6) Maintenance of AAPS** covers how to export and backup your settings (which is very important in case you lose/break your phone), gives the latest version notes and details how to update **AAPS**. You can expect that there will be one new version and 2-3 required updates per year. You are required to do these updates as with all software, as any minor bugs are ironed out, and improvements to **AAPS** are made. There is a dedicated "updating" troubleshooting section with the common queries. +第六章節)**AAPS 的維護** 涵蓋了如何匯出和備份你的設置(這非常重要,以防你的手機遺失或損壞),提供了最新版本的說明,並詳細說明了如何更新 **AAPS**。 你可以預期每年會有一個新版本和 2-3 次強制更新。 你需要像其他軟體一樣進行這些更新,以解決小錯誤並改進**AAPS** 。 有一個專門的“更新”疑難排解部分,解答常見問題。 -Section **7) [Getting Help](Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.html)** should help direct you to the best places to go to find general help with **AAPS**. This is very important so that you can get in touch with others as quickly as possible, clarify questions and solve the usual pitfalls. A lot of people are already using **AAPS** successfully, but everyone has a question at some point that they couldn't solve on their own. Due to the large number of users, the response times to questions are usually very quick, typically only a few hours. Don’t worry about asking for help, there is no such thing as a dumb question! We encourage users of any/all levels of experience to ask as many questions as they feel is necessary to help get them up and running safely. This section includes general troubleshooting for **AAPS** and **AAPSClient** (a companion following app) as well as explaining how to send your **AAPS** data (logfiles) to the developers for investigation, if you think a technical issue with **AAPS** needs looking at. +第七章節)[獲取幫助](Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.html) 應該可以幫助你找到獲取 **AAPS** 一般幫助的最佳途徑。 這非常重要,讓你能夠快速與其他用戶取得聯繫,澄清問題並解決常見的困難。 很多人已成功使用 **AAPS**,但每個人都有自己無法獨立解決的問題。 由於用戶眾多,問題的回應時間通常非常快,通常僅需幾個小時。 不要擔心尋求幫助,更不用擔心愚蠢的問題! 我們鼓勵任何新手/老手用戶提出他們認為有必要的所有問題,以幫助他們安全啟動並運作。 本節還包含 **AAPS** 和 **AAPSClient**(追蹤應用程式)的一般故障排除指南,並說明了如何將你的 **AAPS** 資料(日誌文件)發送給開發者進行調查,如果你認為 **AAPS** 出現技術問題需要處理。 -Section **8) Useful AAPS links** are for handy reference. This includes the [Glossary](Getting-Started/Glossary.md), a list of the acronyms (or short-term names) used throughout **AAPS**. This is where to go to find out what the terms ISF or TT, stand for, for example. This section also has links to useful screenshots and other data. +第八章節)有用的 **AAPS** 連線,供快速參考。 這包括[詞彙表](Getting-Started/Glossary.md),它列出了**AAPS** 中使用的首字母縮寫或短名稱。 這是查找 ISF 或 TT 等術語的地方。 此部分還包含實用的螢幕截圖和其他資料的連線。 -Section 9) covers **Advanced AAPS options** such as how to progress from using **AAPS** for hybrid-closed looping (bolusing for meals _etc._) to full closed looping (no bolusing), and details development and engineering modes. Most users get on just fine with the main or "Master" **AAPS** version without looking into these options, this section is for users who already have good control and are looking to further improve their setup. +第九章節)涵蓋了高級AAPS選項,例如如何從使用AAPS進展到混合閉環(為餐飲等進行注射)到完全閉環(不進行手動注射),並詳細介紹了開發和工程模式。 大多數使用者只需使用主要或"Master" **AAPS**版本即可正常操作,無須查看這些選項;本節給那些已經控制良好並希望進一步改善其設置的使用者。 -In section 10) [How to support AAPS](make-a-PR.md) we provide information so that you can support this project. You can donate money, equipment or expertise. You can suggest/make changes to the documentation yourself, help with [translation of the documentation](translations.md) and provide your data through the Open Humans project. +第十章節)[如何支援 AAPS](make-a-PR.md) 提供了關於如何支援此項目的資訊。 你可以捐贈金錢、設備或專業知識。 你可以建議/自行更改文檔,幫助 [翻譯文檔](translations.md),並透過 Open Humans 項目提供你的資料。 -Section 11 contains archived or additional documentation, including a subsection for [clinicians](Resources/clinician-guide-to-AAPS.md) who have expressed interest in open source artificial pancreas technology such as **AAPS**, or for patients who want to share such information with their clinicians, this topic is also addressed in the introduction. More diabetes and looping references and resources are contained in Section 12. +第十一章節包含存檔或額外的文件,包括針對 [臨床醫生](Resources/clinician-guide-to-AAPS.md) 的子部分,這些臨床醫生對開源人工胰臟技術如 **AAPS** 表現出興趣,或是希望與臨床醫生分享此類資訊的患者,這個主題也在介紹部分有所提及。 更多關於糖尿病和循環的參考資料包含在第12章節中。 - ### Interested in getting started with **AAPS**? Read more about **AAPS** in the [Introduction](introduction.md). + ### 有興趣開始使用 **AAPS** 嗎? 在 [介紹](introduction.md) 中閱讀更多關於 **AAPS** 的資訊。 -:::{admonition} SAFETY NOTICE -:class: danger The safety of **AAPS** relies on the safety features of your hardware (phone, pump, CGM). Only use a fully functioning FDA/CE approved insulin pump and CGM. Do not use broken, modified or self-built insulin pumps or CGM receivers. Only use original consumable supplies (inserters, cannulas and insulin reservoirs) approved by the manufacturer for use with your pump and CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors, resulting in significant risk to the user. +:::{admonition} 安全通知 +:class: 危險 **AAPS** 的安全取決於您的硬體設備(手機,幫浦,CGM)的安全功能。 請只使用經過 FDA/CE 認證的全功能胰島素幫浦和 CGM。 不使用故障、改裝或自行組裝的胰島素幫浦或 CGM 接收器。 僅使用由製造商批准並與幫浦和 CGM 搭配使用的原裝耗材(如注射器、套管和胰島素儲存罐)。 使用未經測試或修改的耗材可能會導致資料不準確和胰島素注射錯誤,從而對使用者造成重大風險。 -Do not use **AAPS** if you take SGLT-2 inhibitors (gliflozins), as they lower blood sugar levels. You increase the risk diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) due to reduced insulin delivery and hypoglycemia due to lowered blood sugar levels. +如果您正在服用SGLT-2抑制劑(格列非嗎啶),請勿使用**AAPS**,因為它們會降低血糖水平。 由於胰島素的輸送減少,您增加了糖尿病酮酸中毒(DKA)的風險,由於血糖水平降低而導致低血糖。 ::: -:::{admonition} Disclaimer -:class: note +:::{admonition} 免責聲明 +:class: 提示 -- All information and code described here is for informational and educational purposes only. Use [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) and **AAPS** at your own risk, and do not use the information or code to make medical decisions. Nightscout currently makes no attempt at HIPAA privacy compliance. -- Use of code from github.com is without warranty or formal support of any kind. Please review this repository's LICENSE for details. -- All product and company names, trademarks, servicemarks, registered trademarks, and registered servicemarks are the property of their respective holders. Their use is for information purposes and does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. +- 這裡描述的所有資訊和代碼僅供資訊和教育目的。 請自行承擔使用 [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) 和 **AAPS** 的風險,請勿使用此訊息或代碼做出醫療決定。 Nightscout目前不符合HIPAA的隱私規定。 +- 使用來自github.com的程式碼不提供任何形式的保固或支援。 請檢視此儲存庫的許可證( LICENSE) 以暸解詳細資訊。 +- 所有產品和公司名稱、商標、服務標誌、註冊商標和註冊服務標誌均屬其各自所有者。 它們的使用僅供資訊用途,沒有任何關聯或背書。 -**AAPS** has no association with, and is not endorsed by: [SOOIL](http://www.sooil.com/eng/), [Dexcom](https://www.dexcom.com/), [Accu-Chek, Roche Diabetes Care](https://www.accu-chek.com/), [Insulet](https://www.insulet.com/) or [Medtronic](https://www.medtronic.com/). +**AAPS** 與以下機構無關,並且未獲得認可: [SOOIL](http://www.sooil.com/eng/),[Dexcom](https://www.dexcom.com/),[Accu-Chek, Roche Diabetes Care](https://www.accu-chek.com/),[Insulet](https://www.insulet.com/) 或[Medtronic](https://www.medtronic.com/)。 ::: (AAPS-Documentation-Index)= -## AAPS Documentation Index +## AAPS文件索引 ```{toctree} -:caption: 1) Change language +:caption: 1) 切換語言 -Change language <./changelanguage.md> +切換語言 <./changelanguage.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 2) Getting started +:caption: 2) 開始使用 -Introduction to AAPS <./introduction.md> -Preparing for AAPS -Compatible pumps <./Getting-Started/Pump-Choices.md> -Compatible CGMs <./Configuration/BG-Source.md> -Compatible phones <./Hardware/Phoneconfig.md> +AAPS介紹 <./introduction.md> +準備AAPS +相容幫浦浦 <./Getting-Started/Pump-Choices.md> +相容CGM <./Configuration/BG-Source.md> +相容手機 <./Hardware/Phoneconfig.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 3) Setting up AAPS - -Setting up the reporting server <./Installing-AndroidAPS/setting-up-the-reporting-server.md> -Building AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/building-AAPS.md> -Transferring and Installing AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Transferring-and-installing-AAPS.md> -Setup Wizard<./Installing-AndroidAPS/setup-wizard.md> -Change AAPS configuration <./Installing-AndroidAPS/change-configuration.md> -- Config Builder <./Configuration/Config-Builder.md> -- Preferences <./Configuration/Preferences.md> -Completing the objectives <./Usage/completing-the-objectives.md> +:caption: 3) 設置AAPS + +設置報告伺服器 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/setting-up-the-reporting-server.md> +構建 AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/building-AAPS.md> +傳輸和安裝 AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Transferring-and-installing-AAPS.md> +設置嚮導 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/setup-wizard.md> +更改 AAPS 配置 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/change-configuration.md> +- 組態建置工具 <./Configuration/Config-Builder.md> +- 偏好設定 <./Configuration/Preferences.md> +完成目標 <./Usage/completing-the-objectives.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 4) Remote AAPS features +:caption: 4) 遠端 AAPS 功能 -Remote control -Following Only +遠端控制 +僅查看 Android Auto <./Usage/Android-auto.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 5) Daily Life with APPS - -AAPS Screens <./Getting-Started/Screenshots.md> -Key AAPS Features <./Usage/Open-APS-features.md> -COB calculation <./Usage/COB-calculation.md> -Sensitivity detection <./Configuration/Sensitivity-detection-and-COB.md> -Profile switch <./Usage/Profiles.md> -Temp-targets <./Usage/temptarget.md> -Extended carbs <./Usage/Extended-Carbs.md> -Automations <./Usage/Automation.md> -Dynamic ISF <./Usage/DynamicISF.md> -Meal Management -Pumps and cannulas <./5-DailyLifewithAAPS/DailyLife-PUMPS.md> -Sensors -Phones -Daylight saving changes -Travelling with AAPS -Crossing timezones with pumps <./Usage/Timezone-traveling.md> +:caption: 5) APPS的日常使用 + +AAPS螢幕 <./Getting-Started/Screenshots.md> +AAPS的主要功能 <./Usage/Open-APS-features.md> +COB 計算 <./Usage/COB-calculation.md> +敏感度檢測 <./Configuration/Sensitivity-detection-and-COB.md> +配置切換 <./Usage/Profiles.md> +臨時目標 <./Usage/temptarget.md> +延長碳水化合物 <./Usage/Extended-Carbs.md> +自動化 <./Usage/Automation.md> +動態 ISF <./Usage/DynamicISF.md> +餐點管理 +幫浦和針管 <./5-DailyLifewithAAPS/DailyLife-PUMPS.md> +傳感器 +手機 +夏令時間變更 +與AAPS旅行 +跨時區與幫浦旅行 <./Usage/Timezone-traveling.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 6) Maintenance of AAPS +:caption: 6) 維護 AAPS -Backing up your settings -Export/Import Settings <./Usage/ExportImportSettings.md> -Reviewing your data -Version Release Notes <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.md> -Updating to a new version of AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.md> +備份您的設置 +匯出/匯入設置 <./Usage/ExportImportSettings.md> +檢視您的資料 +版本發行說明 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes.md> +升級至 AAPS 的新版本 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 7) Getting Help - -Where can I get help with AAPS <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.md> -General Troubleshooting <./Usage/troubleshooting.md> -Troubleshooting AAPSClient <./Usage/Troubleshooting-NSClient.md> -How to report bugs/request features -Accessing logfiles <./Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md> -Help! My AAPS phone is broken/stolen/lost +:caption: 7) 獲得幫助 + +在哪裡可以得到有關 AAPS 的幫助 <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.md> +常見故障排除 <./Usage/troubleshooting.md> +故障排除 AAPSClient <./Usage/Troubleshooting-NSClient.md> +如何報告錯誤/請求功能 +存取日誌檔案 <./Usage/Accessing-logfiles.md> +幫助! 我的AAPS手機損壞/被偷/丟失 ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 8) Useful AAPS Links - -Glossary <./Getting-Started/Glossary.md> -AAPS Screens <./Getting-Started/Screenshots.md> -Your AAPS profile -Compatible pumps <./Getting-Started/Pump-Choices.md> -Accu-Chek Combo tips for basic usage <./Usage/Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage.md> -Compatible CGMs <./Configuration/BG-Source.md> -Compatible phones <./Hardware/Phoneconfig.md> -Operation of Wear AAPS on a Smartwatch <./Configuration/Watchfaces.md> -How to customise your AAPS watchface <./Usage/Custom_Watchface_Reference.md> -xDrip Settings <./Configuration/xdrip.md> -Autotune <./Usage/autotune.md> +:標題: 8) 有用的AAPS連結 + +詞彙表 <./Getting-Started/Glossary.md> +AAPS螢幕 <./Getting-Started/Screenshots.md> +您的AAPS設定檔 +相容的幫浦 <./Getting-Started/Pump-Choices.md> +Accu-Chek Combo基本使用提示 <./Usage/Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage.md> +相容的CGM <./Configuration/BG-Source.md> +相容的手機 <./Hardware/Phoneconfig.md> +在智慧型手錶上執行AAPS的操作 <./Configuration/Watchfaces.md> +如何自定義您的AAPS手錶錶面 <./Usage/Custom_Watchface_Reference.md> +xDrip設置 <./Configuration/xdrip.md> +自動調整 <./Usage/autotune.md> ``` ```{toctree} :caption: 9) Advanced AAPS options -Full Closed Loop <./Usage/FullClosedLoop.md> -Dev branch <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Dev_branch.md> -xDrip engineering mode <./Usage/Enabling-Engineering-Mode-in-xDrip.md> +全閉環 <./Usage/FullClosedLoop.md> +開發分支 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/Dev_branch.md> +xDrip工程模式 <./Usage/Enabling-Engineering-Mode-in-xDrip.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 10) How to support AAPS +:caption: 10) 如何支援AAPS -How to help <./Getting-Started/How-can-I-help.md> +如何幫助<./Getting-Started/How-can-I-help.md> -How to edit the docs <./make-a-PR.md> +如何編輯文檔<./make-a-PR.md> -How to translate the app and docs <./translations.md> +如何翻譯應用程式和文檔<./translations.md> -State of translations <./Administration/stateTranslations.md> +翻譯狀態<./Administration/stateTranslations.md> -Docs updates & changes <./Getting-Started/WikiUpdate.md> +文檔更新和變更<./Getting-Started/WikiUpdate.md> -Open Humans Uploader <./Configuration/OpenHumans.md> +Open Humans 上傳程式<./Configuration/OpenHumans.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 11) Additional/archive documentation +:標題: 11) 附加/存檔文件 -Dedicated Google account for AAPS (optional)<./Installing-AndroidAPS/Dedicated-Google-account-for-AAPS.md> +為 AAPS 的專用的 Google 帳戶 (可選)<./Installing-AndroidAPS/Dedicated-Google-account-for-AAPS.md> -Careportal (discontinued) <./Usage/CPbefore26.md> +Careportal (已停用) <./Usage/CPbefore26.md> -For Clinicians (outdated) <./Resources/clinician-guide-to-AndroidAPS.md> +針對臨床醫師 (已過時) <./Resources/clinician-guide-to-AndroidAPS.md> -Automation with 3rd party apps <./Usage/automationwithapp.md> +與第三方應用程式自動化 <./Usage/automationwithapp.md> -Checks after update to AAPS 3.0<./Installing-AndroidAPS/update3_0.md> +更新至 AAPS 3.0 後檢查<./Installing-AndroidAPS/update3_0.md> -Checks after update to AAPS 2.7 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/update2_7.md> +更新至 AAPS 2.7 後檢查 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/update2_7.md> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 12) References +:caption: 12) 參考資料 -General diabetes and looping resources <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/Background-reading.md> -Scientific AAPS journal articles +一般糖尿病和循環資源 <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/Background-reading.md> +AAPS 相關的科學期刊文章 ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 13) Sandbox +:caption: 13) 沙箱 -Sandbox <./Sandbox/sandbox1.md> -Crowdin Test <./Sandbox/crowdintest.md> -Image Scaling <./Sandbox/imagescaling.md> +沙箱 <./Sandbox/sandbox1.md> +Crowdin 測試 <./Sandbox/crowdintest.md> +圖像縮放 <./Sandbox/imagescaling.md> ``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/make-a-PR.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/make-a-PR.md index 8f3c31bd222c..9549112dfa5c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/make-a-PR.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/make-a-PR.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ 我們的範例是對AndroidAPS文檔進行編輯。 這可以在任何Windows PC、Mac等設備上完成。 (任何有互聯網查看的電腦)。 -1. 查看https://github.com/openaps/AndroidAPSdocs,然後點擊右上角的Fork來製作您自己的庫副本。 +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. ![Fork庫](./images/PR0.png) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/preparing.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/preparing.md index dd83ff1f171a..38e84d0de519 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/preparing.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/preparing.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ N.B. 如果您使用不同的 HbA1c 單位(mmol/mol 而非 %),請點擊[ - “[如何安裝 AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/Building-APK.md)?” (D 部分),包括[故障排除](Usage/troubleshooting.md)子部分。 -進入閉環的時間取決於個人,但可以在此處找到進入完整閉環的大致時間表([這裡](how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up))。 +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) #### Keystore 和配置設置匯出文件 @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ N.B. 如果您使用不同的 HbA1c 單位(mmol/mol 而非 %),請點擊[ ##### [在 AAPS Facebook 社群上詢問](https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/) -##### [在 AAPS Discord 頻道上詢問](https://discord.com/channels/629952586895851530/629954570394533889) +##### [在 AAPS Discord 頻道上詢問](https://discord.gg/4fQUWHZ4Mw)