From 46a279d90aff932ac2b866aedc3a95abbc611fa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 21:58:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 001/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 234 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 117 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index bd17b80f4324..9445a23962ad 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,213 +1,213 @@ -# 歡迎來到 AAPS 文件指南 +# 欢迎使用 AAPS 说明文档 -![圖像](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) +![image](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) -Android APS (**AAPS**) 是一款為胰島素依賴型糖尿病患者設計的開源應用程式。 這是一個人工胰臟系統 (APS),可以在 Android 智慧型手機上運作。 **AAPS**使用開源的 openAPS 軟體演算法,旨在模擬真實胰臟的功能:透過自動調控胰島素劑量來保持血糖水平在健康範圍內。 要使用**AAPS**,你需要**三種**相容設備:一台Android手機、一個經 FDA/CE 認證的胰島素幫浦,以及一個連續血糖監測儀(CGM)。 +Android APS (**AAPS**) is an open source app for people living with insulin-dependent diabetes. It is an artificial pancreas system (APS) which runs on Android smartphones. **AAPS** uses an openAPS software algorithm and aims to do what a real pancreas does: keep blood sugar levels within healthy limits by using automated insulin dosing. To use **AAPS** you need **three** compatible devices: an Android phone, a FDA/CE approved insulin pump, and a continuous glucose meter (CGM). -本文件將詳細說明如何設置和使用**AAPS**。 你可以透過左側的選單(以及方便的“**搜尋文件**”功能)或使用頁面底部的[索引](瀏覽**AAPS**文件。 +This documentation explains how to setup and use **AAPS**. You can navigate through the **AAPS** documentation either through the menu on the left (and the handy "**Search docs**" function), or by using the [index]( at the bottom of this page. -## AAPS 文件總覽("簡稱本文件") +## Overview of the AAPS documentation ("The docs") -第二章節)“入門”,[介紹]( 解釋了人工胰臟系統 (APS) 的一般概念。 本文件概述了循環系統的背景,為何開發**AAPS** ,並比較了**AAPS** 與其他系統,同時也討論了安全性問題。 它提供了如何與你的醫療團隊討論 **AAPS**的建議,解釋了為什麼你需要自行建置**AAPS** 應用程式,而不是直接下載,並概述了典型的**AAPS** 系統連接性。 它還討論了無障礙設計,並指出誰最有可能從**AAPS** 中受益。 +Section 2) "Getting Started", the [Introduction]( explains the general concept of what an artificial pancreas system (APS) is designed to do. It outlines the background of looping in general, why **AAPS** was developed, compares **AAPS** to other systems, and addresses safety. It gives suggestions about how to talk to your clinical team about **AAPS**, explains why you need to build the **AAPS** app yourself rather than just downloading it, and gives an overview of the typical connectivity of an **AAPS** system. It also addresses accessibility, and who is likely to benefit from **AAPS**. -[準備](提供了更多有關安全考量的詳細資訊,以及與<0>AAPS 相容的手機、CGM(連續血糖監測儀)和胰島素幫浦的相關訊息。 它概述了你將經歷的過程,並提供了獲得完整**AAPS** 功能的大致時間表。 本節將幫助你以最快且最有效率的方式準備技術上設置你的**AAPS** 。 [CGM 配置](Configuration/子章節解釋了如何優化CGM設置及最佳的平滑選項。 +[Preparing for AAPS]( gives more detail about safety considerations, and the phones, CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) and insulin pumps which are compatible with **AAPS**. It gives an overview of the process you will go through, and provides an approximate timeline for gaining full functionality of **AAPS**. This section gets you technically prepared to assemble your **AAPS** setup as quickly and efficiently as possible. The subsection [CGM Configuration](Configuration/ explains how to optimse CGM setup and what smoothing options are best. -現在你已經對過程有了深入的了解,可以開始構建你的**AAPS** 循環系統了。 本章節 **三) 設置 AAPS** 包含逐步指導來進行此操作。 它涵蓋了選擇和 [設置你的報告伺服器]( 或 Tidepool),以便你可以檢視和分享你的資料,準備電腦來構建 AAPS 應用程式,構建 AAPS 應用程式並便其傳輸到你的手機。 它還涵蓋了使用設置嚮導來設定 **AAPS** 應用程式,將其與你的 CGM 應用程式連結,並與實體或虛擬胰島素幫浦連結,以及將 **AAPS** 連結到你的報告伺服器。 接下來,你將透過一個安全且經過精心校準的分步過程,逐漸熟悉並全面使用 **AAPS** 的功能。該過程旨在確保你/你的孩子對各種層級和選單配置充分了解並感到舒適,然後再進入下一階段,通常稱為下一個"目標",直到你擁有足夠的經驗以開始使用應用程式中更高級的選項。 這些目標被特別設計為逐步解鎖更多 **AAPS** 的可能性,並從開環轉為閉環。 +Now that you have a solid understanding of the process, you can start assembling your **AAPS** loop. Section **3) Setting up AAPS** contains step-by-step instructions to do this. It covers choosing and [setting up your reporting server]( (Nightscout or Tidepool) so you can review and share your data, getting your computer ready for building the AAPS app, building the AAPS app and transferring the AAPS app to your phone. It also covers setting up the **AAPS** app using the setup Wizard, linking it with your CGM app, and either a real or virtual insulin pump, as well as linking **AAPS** to your reporting server. You are then slowly introduced to the full usage of what **AAPS** has to offer via a safe and carefully calibrated step-by-step process designed to make sure that you/your child are thoroughly familiar and comfortable navigating all the different levels and menu configurations before graduating on the next phase, commonly referred to as the next "Objective", until you are have enough experience to begin using the more advanced options available within the app. These Objectives are specially designed in such a way that will gradually unlock more possibilities of **AAPS** and switch from Open Loop to Closed Loop. -第四章節)[遠端 AAPS 功能]( 突顯了 **AAPS** 的一個真正強項。 這對於希望遠端發送指令給予,或者只是追踪來自 **AAPS** 的資料來說非常實用。 這對於希望為未成年人使用 **AAPS** 的照護者,以及患有糖尿病的成人同樣實用。成人可以更方便地監控血糖(以及其他指標),不僅限於手機上(例如手錶、車內等),也可以讓重要他人一同監控資料。 本節還提供了使用 Android Auto 的指導,讓你能夠在車內查看血糖水平。 +Section 4) [Remote AAPS features]( highlights a real strength of **AAPS**. There are a wide range of possibilities for remotely sending commands to, or simply following the data from **AAPS**. This is equally useful for carers who want to use **AAPS** for minors, and for adults with diabetes who either want to monitor their sugars (and other metrics) more conveniently than just on their phone (on a watch, in the car _etc._), or wish to have significant others to also monitor the data. This section also provides guidance for using Android Auto so you can view glucose levels in the car. -第五章節)**AAPS 的日常生活** 涵蓋了 **AAPS** 的關鍵功能,幫助你使用(並自定義)**AAPS**。 包括理解各個畫面、碳水化合物計算、靈敏度、配置切換、臨時目標、延展碳水化合物(或 eCarbs)、自動化和 動態ISF。 此外,還涵蓋了如何處理不同類型的餐食、更換套管和傳感器、手機更新、夏令時間更改、[與 AAPS 一起旅行](Usage/ 和運動等常見問題與解答。 常見問題和答案位於疑難排除部分。 +Section **5) Daily life with AAPS** covers key **AAPS** features, to help you use (and customise) **AAPS**. This including understanding the screens, carbs-on-board, sensitivity, profile switching, temp targets, extended carbs (or eCarbs), automations, and DynamicISF. It also covers frequent topics like how to manage different types of meals, how to deal with cannula and sensor changes, smartphone updates, daylight saving changes, and [travelling with AAPS](Usage/ and sports. Common questions and answers are located within the troubleshooting section. -第六章節)**AAPS 的維護** 涵蓋了如何匯出和備份你的設置(這非常重要,以防你的手機遺失或損壞),提供了最新版本的說明,並詳細說明了如何更新 **AAPS**。 你可以預期每年會有一個新版本和 2-3 次強制更新。 你需要像其他軟體一樣進行這些更新,以解決小錯誤並改進**AAPS** 。 有一個專門的“更新”疑難排解部分,解答常見問題。 +Section **6) Maintenance of AAPS** covers how to export and backup your settings (which is very important in case you lose/break your phone), gives the latest version notes and details how to update **AAPS**. You can expect that there will be one new version and 2-3 required updates per year. You are required to do these updates as with all software, as any minor bugs are ironed out, and improvements to **AAPS** are made. There is a dedicated "updating" troubleshooting section with the common queries. -第七章節)[獲取幫助](Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.html) 應該可以幫助你找到獲取 **AAPS** 一般幫助的最佳途徑。 這非常重要,讓你能夠快速與其他用戶取得聯繫,澄清問題並解決常見的困難。 很多人已成功使用 **AAPS**,但每個人都有自己無法獨立解決的問題。 由於用戶眾多,問題的回應時間通常非常快,通常僅需幾個小時。 不要擔心尋求幫助,更不用擔心愚蠢的問題! 我們鼓勵任何新手/老手用戶提出他們認為有必要的所有問題,以幫助他們安全啟動並運作。 本節還包含 **AAPS** 和 **AAPSClient**(追蹤應用程式)的一般故障排除指南,並說明了如何將你的 **AAPS** 資料(日誌文件)發送給開發者進行調查,如果你認為 **AAPS** 出現技術問題需要處理。 +Section **7) [Getting Help](Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.html)** should help direct you to the best places to go to find general help with **AAPS**. This is very important so that you can get in touch with others as quickly as possible, clarify questions and solve the usual pitfalls. A lot of people are already using **AAPS** successfully, but everyone has a question at some point that they couldn't solve on their own. Due to the large number of users, the response times to questions are usually very quick, typically only a few hours. Don’t worry about asking for help, there is no such thing as a dumb question! We encourage users of any/all levels of experience to ask as many questions as they feel is necessary to help get them up and running safely. This section includes general troubleshooting for **AAPS** and **AAPSClient** (a companion following app) as well as explaining how to send your **AAPS** data (logfiles) to the developers for investigation, if you think a technical issue with **AAPS** needs looking at. -第八章節)有用的 **AAPS** 連線,供快速參考。 這包括[詞彙表](Getting-Started/,它列出了**AAPS** 中使用的首字母縮寫或短名稱。 這是查找 ISF 或 TT 等術語的地方。 此部分還包含實用的螢幕截圖和其他資料的連線。 +Section **8) Useful AAPS links** are for handy reference. This includes the [Glossary](Getting-Started/, a list of the acronyms (or short-term names) used throughout **AAPS**. This is where to go to find out what the terms ISF or TT, stand for, for example. This section also has links to useful screenshots and other data. -第九章節)涵蓋了高級AAPS選項,例如如何從使用AAPS進展到混合閉環(為餐飲等進行注射)到完全閉環(不進行手動注射),並詳細介紹了開發和工程模式。 大多數使用者只需使用主要或"Master" **AAPS**版本即可正常操作,無須查看這些選項;本節給那些已經控制良好並希望進一步改善其設置的使用者。 +Section 9) covers **Advanced AAPS options** such as how to progress from using **AAPS** for hybrid-closed looping (bolusing for meals _etc._) to full closed looping (no bolusing), and details development and engineering modes. Most users get on just fine with the main or "Master" **AAPS** version without looking into these options, this section is for users who already have good control and are looking to further improve their setup. -第十章節)[如何支援 AAPS]( 提供了關於如何支援此項目的資訊。 你可以捐贈金錢、設備或專業知識。 你可以建議/自行更改文檔,幫助 [翻譯文檔](,並透過 Open Humans 項目提供你的資料。 +In section 10) [How to support AAPS]( we provide information so that you can support this project. You can donate money, equipment or expertise. You can suggest/make changes to the documentation yourself, help with [translation of the documentation]( and provide your data through the Open Humans project. -第十一章節包含存檔或額外的文件,包括針對 [臨床醫生](Resources/ 的子部分,這些臨床醫生對開源人工胰臟技術如 **AAPS** 表現出興趣,或是希望與臨床醫生分享此類資訊的患者,這個主題也在介紹部分有所提及。 更多關於糖尿病和循環的參考資料包含在第12章節中。 +Section 11 contains archived or additional documentation, including a subsection for [clinicians](Resources/ who have expressed interest in open source artificial pancreas technology such as **AAPS**, or for patients who want to share such information with their clinicians, this topic is also addressed in the introduction. More diabetes and looping references and resources are contained in Section 12. - ### 有興趣開始使用 **AAPS** 嗎? 在 [介紹]( 中閱讀更多關於 **AAPS** 的資訊。 + ### Interested in getting started with **AAPS**? Read more about **AAPS** in the [Introduction]( -:::{admonition} 安全通知 -:class: 危險 **AAPS** 的安全取決於您的硬體設備(手機,幫浦,CGM)的安全功能。 請只使用經過 FDA/CE 認證的全功能胰島素幫浦和 CGM。 不使用故障、改裝或自行組裝的胰島素幫浦或 CGM 接收器。 僅使用由製造商批准並與幫浦和 CGM 搭配使用的原裝耗材(如注射器、套管和胰島素儲存罐)。 使用未經測試或修改的耗材可能會導致資料不準確和胰島素注射錯誤,從而對使用者造成重大風險。 +:::{admonition} SAFETY NOTICE +:class: danger The safety of **AAPS** relies on the safety features of your hardware (phone, pump, CGM). Only use a fully functioning FDA/CE approved insulin pump and CGM. Do not use broken, modified or self-built insulin pumps or CGM receivers. Only use original consumable supplies (inserters, cannulas and insulin reservoirs) approved by the manufacturer for use with your pump and CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors, resulting in significant risk to the user. -如果您正在服用SGLT-2抑制劑(格列非嗎啶),請勿使用**AAPS**,因為它們會降低血糖水平。 由於胰島素的輸送減少,您增加了糖尿病酮酸中毒(DKA)的風險,由於血糖水平降低而導致低血糖。 +Do not use **AAPS** if you take SGLT-2 inhibitors (gliflozins), as they lower blood sugar levels. You increase the risk diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) due to reduced insulin delivery and hypoglycemia due to lowered blood sugar levels. ::: -:::{admonition} 免責聲明 -:class: 提示 +:::{admonition} Disclaimer +:class: note -- 這裡描述的所有資訊和代碼僅供資訊和教育目的。 請自行承擔使用 [Nightscout]( 和 **AAPS** 的風險,請勿使用此訊息或代碼做出醫療決定。 Nightscout目前不符合HIPAA的隱私規定。 -- 使用來自github.com的程式碼不提供任何形式的保固或支援。 請檢視此儲存庫的許可證( LICENSE) 以暸解詳細資訊。 -- 所有產品和公司名稱、商標、服務標誌、註冊商標和註冊服務標誌均屬其各自所有者。 它們的使用僅供資訊用途,沒有任何關聯或背書。 +- All information and code described here is for informational and educational purposes only. Use [Nightscout]( and **AAPS** at your own risk, and do not use the information or code to make medical decisions. Nightscout currently makes no attempt at HIPAA privacy compliance. +- Use of code from is without warranty or formal support of any kind. Please review this repository's LICENSE for details. +- All product and company names, trademarks, servicemarks, registered trademarks, and registered servicemarks are the property of their respective holders. Their use is for information purposes and does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. -**AAPS** 與以下機構無關,並且未獲得認可: [SOOIL](,[Dexcom](,[Accu-Chek, Roche Diabetes Care](,[Insulet]( 或[Medtronic](。 +**AAPS** has no association with, and is not endorsed by: [SOOIL](, [Dexcom](, [Accu-Chek, Roche Diabetes Care](, [Insulet]( or [Medtronic]( ::: (AAPS-Documentation-Index)= -## AAPS文件索引 +## AAPS Documentation Index ```{toctree} -:caption: 1) 切換語言 +:caption: 1) Change language -切換語言 <./> +Change language <./> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 2) 開始使用 +:caption: 2) Getting started -AAPS介紹 <./> -準備AAPS -相容幫浦浦 <./Getting-Started/> -相容CGM <./Configuration/> -相容手機 <./Hardware/> +Introduction to AAPS <./> +Preparing for AAPS +Compatible pumps <./Getting-Started/> +Compatible CGMs <./Configuration/> +Compatible phones <./Hardware/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 3) 設置AAPS - -設置報告伺服器 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -構建 AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -傳輸和安裝 AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -設置嚮導 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -更改 AAPS 配置 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -- 組態建置工具 <./Configuration/> -- 偏好設定 <./Configuration/> -完成目標 <./Usage/> +:caption: 3) Setting up AAPS + +Setting up the reporting server <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Building AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Transferring and Installing AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Setup Wizard<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Change AAPS configuration <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +- Config Builder <./Configuration/> +- Preferences <./Configuration/> +Completing the objectives <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 4) 遠端 AAPS 功能 +:caption: 4) Remote AAPS features -遠端控制 -僅查看 +Remote control +Following Only Android Auto <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 5) APPS的日常使用 - -AAPS螢幕 <./Getting-Started/> -AAPS的主要功能 <./Usage/> -COB 計算 <./Usage/> -敏感度檢測 <./Configuration/> -配置切換 <./Usage/> -臨時目標 <./Usage/> -延長碳水化合物 <./Usage/> -自動化 <./Usage/> -動態 ISF <./Usage/> -餐點管理 -幫浦和針管 <./5-DailyLifewithAAPS/> -傳感器 -手機 -夏令時間變更 -與AAPS旅行 -跨時區與幫浦旅行 <./Usage/> +:caption: 5) Daily Life with APPS + +AAPS Screens <./Getting-Started/> +Key AAPS Features <./Usage/> +COB calculation <./Usage/> +Sensitivity detection <./Configuration/> +Profile switch <./Usage/> +Temp-targets <./Usage/> +Extended carbs <./Usage/> +Automations <./Usage/> +Dynamic ISF <./Usage/> +Meal Management +Pumps and cannulas <./5-DailyLifewithAAPS/> +Sensors +Phones +Daylight saving changes +Travelling with AAPS +Crossing timezones with pumps <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 6) 維護 AAPS +:caption: 6) Maintenance of AAPS -備份您的設置 -匯出/匯入設置 <./Usage/> -檢視您的資料 -版本發行說明 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -升級至 AAPS 的新版本 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Backing up your settings +Export/Import Settings <./Usage/> +Reviewing your data +Version Release Notes <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Updating to a new version of AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 7) 獲得幫助 - -在哪裡可以得到有關 AAPS 的幫助 <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> -常見故障排除 <./Usage/> -故障排除 AAPSClient <./Usage/> -如何報告錯誤/請求功能 -存取日誌檔案 <./Usage/> -幫助! 我的AAPS手機損壞/被偷/丟失 +:caption: 7) Getting Help + +Where can I get help with AAPS <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> +General Troubleshooting <./Usage/> +Troubleshooting AAPSClient <./Usage/> +How to report bugs/request features +Accessing logfiles <./Usage/> +Help! My AAPS phone is broken/stolen/lost ``` ```{toctree} -:標題: 8) 有用的AAPS連結 - -詞彙表 <./Getting-Started/> -AAPS螢幕 <./Getting-Started/> -您的AAPS設定檔 -相容的幫浦 <./Getting-Started/> -Accu-Chek Combo基本使用提示 <./Usage/> -相容的CGM <./Configuration/> -相容的手機 <./Hardware/> -在智慧型手錶上執行AAPS的操作 <./Configuration/> -如何自定義您的AAPS手錶錶面 <./Usage/> -xDrip設置 <./Configuration/> -自動調整 <./Usage/> +:caption: 8) Useful AAPS Links + +Glossary <./Getting-Started/> +AAPS Screens <./Getting-Started/> +Your AAPS profile +Compatible pumps <./Getting-Started/> +Accu-Chek Combo tips for basic usage <./Usage/> +Compatible CGMs <./Configuration/> +Compatible phones <./Hardware/> +Operation of Wear AAPS on a Smartwatch <./Configuration/> +How to customise your AAPS watchface <./Usage/> +xDrip Settings <./Configuration/> +Autotune <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} :caption: 9) Advanced AAPS options -全閉環 <./Usage/> -開發分支 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -xDrip工程模式 <./Usage/> +Full Closed Loop <./Usage/> +Dev branch <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +xDrip engineering mode <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 10) 如何支援AAPS +:caption: 10) How to support AAPS -如何幫助<./Getting-Started/> +How to help <./Getting-Started/> -如何編輯文檔<./> +How to edit the docs <./> -如何翻譯應用程式和文檔<./> +How to translate the app and docs <./> -翻譯狀態<./Administration/> +State of translations <./Administration/> -文檔更新和變更<./Getting-Started/> +Docs updates & changes <./Getting-Started/> -Open Humans 上傳程式<./Configuration/> +Open Humans Uploader <./Configuration/> ``` ```{toctree} -:標題: 11) 附加/存檔文件 +:caption: 11) Additional/archive documentation -為 AAPS 的專用的 Google 帳戶 (可選)<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Dedicated Google account for AAPS (optional)<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Careportal (已停用) <./Usage/> +Careportal (discontinued) <./Usage/> -針對臨床醫師 (已過時) <./Resources/> +For Clinicians (outdated) <./Resources/> -與第三方應用程式自動化 <./Usage/> +Automation with 3rd party apps <./Usage/> -更新至 AAPS 3.0 後檢查<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Checks after update to AAPS 3.0<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -更新至 AAPS 2.7 後檢查 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +Checks after update to AAPS 2.7 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 12) 參考資料 +:caption: 12) References -一般糖尿病和循環資源 <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> -AAPS 相關的科學期刊文章 +General diabetes and looping resources <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> +Scientific AAPS journal articles ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 13) 沙箱 +:caption: 13) Sandbox -沙箱 <./Sandbox/> -Crowdin 測試 <./Sandbox/> -圖像縮放 <./Sandbox/> +Sandbox <./Sandbox/> +Crowdin Test <./Sandbox/> +Image Scaling <./Sandbox/> ``` \ No newline at end of file From 4c5fe46483c2caaf89de8602031b668298c0b912 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 21:58:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 002/328] New translations (Romanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ro/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Hardware/ index 095c7abc196e..1a4bfb5a83ed 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From 5f9be294b820154cdebb4aa3c4d7b7eddbc6dcf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:07:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 003/328] New translations (French) --- docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ index 24425dfe01c2..3c441034ff9d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From abc7acf3f577c64b17248b4f13e87efe80ef496d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:08:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 004/328] New translations (French) --- docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ index 7ed38bd4907d..636d5df76c0b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Commençons par des fondamentaux -Au printemps 2022, le Dexcom G7 a reçu son certificat CE et a été vendu fin octobre 2022. - -Il est à noter que le système G7, par rapport au G6, ne lisse pas les valeurs, ni dans l'application, ni dans le lecteur. Plus de détails disponibles [ici]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Plus de détails disponibles [ici]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Installez la nouvelle application G7 patchée et démarrez le capteur @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From dde08e6abf1726b3f690a4b320661c50006a3ddd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:10:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 005/328] New translations (French) --- docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 1e84a3bebe5e..bb8287dbb53f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 278335909e91443dae0833fcfdc8a1efeaf93fce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:10:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 006/328] New translations (French) --- .../fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index cfe7924a9eb4..bd61f87c3c85 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Cliquez sur le bouton "SUIVANT" : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Unités (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Veuillez sélectionner si vos glycémies sont en mg/dL ou mmol/L, puis cliquez sur le bouton "SUIVANT" : @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Les utilisateurs de Nightscout devraient choisir **NSClient v3**, sauf si vous s Pour Tidepool, c'est encore plus simple, car vous n'avez besoin que de vos informations de connexion personnelles. -Après avoir fait votre choix, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton "SUIVANT" : +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Activer "Créer des messages d'erreur" et "Créer des annonces à partir des ale Laissez la fonction "Ralentir les téléversements" désactivée. Cette option n'est utile que dans un contexte particulier, si par exemple vous avez beaucoup de données à envoyer au serveur Nightscout, et que ce serveur est lent à traiter les données. -Retournez à l'écran précédent et sélectionnez "SUIVANT" pour passer à la suite : +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ Après avoir fait votre sélection, appuyez sur "SUIVANT" pour passer à l'écra ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -Si vous utilisez Dexcom G6 avec BYODA, cliquez sur l'"engrenage" pour accéder aux paramètres de BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Cochez "Remonter les glycémies vers NS" et "Enregistrement du changement de capteur sur NS". -Appuyez sur "SUIVANT" pour passer à l'écran suivant : +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ La raison pour laquelle le SMB est désactivé au début est que la fonction SMB OpenAPS AMA est l'algorithme le plus basique et ne prend pas en charge les microbolus pour corriger les valeurs élevées. Il y a peut-être des cas où il est préférable d'utiliser cet algorithme mais ce n'est pas la recommandation. ::: -Appuyez sur "SUIVANT" pour passer à l'écran suivant : +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Parcourez seulement les options et ne changez rien ici. En raison des limitations imposées par les **Objectifs**, vous ne pouvez de toute façon pas utiliser les fonctionnalités "boucle fermée" ou "SMB" pour le moment. -Appuyez sur "SUIVANT" pour passer à l'écran suivant : +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 4904b666cdb44e88cadb0451ee0cd7492b18a036 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:12:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 007/328] New translations (Spanish) --- docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/ index 150edc90cdb7..9fb748f94d0d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Comprueba y recuerda los COB y la IOB actuales de la pantalla de inicio. 2. Dependiendo de la bomba, en la pestaña de tratamientos, los carbohidratos pueden mostrarse junto con la insulina en una línea o como una entrada separada (p. ej. con Dana RS). -3. Elimina la entrada con la cantidad de carbohidratos errónea. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Asegúrate de que los carbohidratos se han eliminado correctamente comprobando los COB activos, accediendo de nuevo a la pantalla de inicio. 5. Haz lo mismo con la IOB si sólo hay una línea en la pestaña de tratamientos que incluye los carbohidratos e insulina. From d80f055bde94f1a7b87064cd3a294c9739b51cb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:16:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 008/328] New translations (Spanish) --- docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ index 6b7a8aaf7548..44d0930d0c08 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Lo básico primero - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## Consejos generales para el bucle con G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- La preabsorción del G6 con calibración de fábrica es probable que dé variaciones en los resultados. Si haces preconfiguración, entonces para obtener los mejores resultados, probablemente necesitarás calibrar el sensor. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Si haces preconfiguración, entonces para obtener los mejores resultados, probablemente necesitarás calibrar el sensor. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## Si se utiliza G6 con xdrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- El transmisor Dexcom G6 puede conectarse simultáneamente al receptor Dexcom (o alternativamente a la bomba t:slim) y a una aplicación en tu teléfono. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Resolución de problemas G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Resolución de problemas específica de Dexcom G6 +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From c1983388fee1a12915f3c637a56f7ba2c46fb37b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:16:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 009/328] New translations (Spanish) --- docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ index 188d1b3273a7..0e0bf0593402 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From 484a51a2448e6540e6e3e2147f88eadf8a7a4be7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:16:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 010/328] New translations (Spanish) --- docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ index 7e230439a981..598c9dc4b8ed 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [General](../Hardware/ * [Suavizado de datos](../Usage/ * [Configuración de xDrip+](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 9aeae652d987b93d3a86a4e9ea81d1f5cef3c897 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:16:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 011/328] New translations (Spanish) --- docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ index fc5e30f810ef..f7c2259d940c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA settings - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max U/h para la basal temporal - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ Cuando se sienta cómodo, puede permitir que el sistema comience a administrarle - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Select which location service shall be used: ![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From 655f664d06fc8f1573e39bc2d1b49847d796155b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:17:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 012/328] New translations (Spanish) --- docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ index 962b111a944c..6c131009efe0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental por adelantado -En la primavera de 2022, Dexcom G7 recibió el certificado CE y se vendió a finales de octubre del mismo año. - -Cabe destacar que el sistema Dexcom G7, en comparación con Dexcom G6, no suaviza los valores, ni en la app, ni en el lector. Más detalles al respecto [aquí]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Más detalles al respecto [aquí]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Aplicación Dexcom G7 parcheada (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Instale una nueva aplicación parcheada de G7 e inicia el sensor. @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Sigue las instrucciones aquí: [xDrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From c1bce3bef0d5e85c1f8fbf2b0fed981ed8fd78c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:18:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 013/328] New translations (Spanish) --- docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 511dc9fbcfd4..8fac97b842eb 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 1c6352ae5b36c7bae8ce54ddc71d599b6880b0e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:18:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 014/328] New translations (Spanish) --- .../es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index c0f759c5a188..dc4544bcb51a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 6a96d738b6b845627673bf47f20ebb53910078f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:20:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 015/328] New translations (Czech) --- docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/ index 3185c7a4fcd8..01e61dbe6a2d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Záložka ošetření může být použita k opravě chybných záznamů sachari 1. Zkontrolujte a zapamatujte si aktuální COB a IOB na domovské obrazovce. 2. V závislosti na pumpě se mohou sacharidy v záložce ošetření zobrazovat společně s inzulínem v jednom řádku nebo jako samostatný záznam (např. s Danou RS). -3. Odstraňte záznam s chybným množstvím sacharidů. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Ujistěte se, že sacharidy byly úspěšně odstraněny kontrolou COB na domovské obrazovce. 5. Kontrolu proveďte také pro IOB, pokud v záložce ošetření jeden řádek obsahuje sacharidy i inzulín. From 6dc1458445bf7a406bd1911ce35918b2045d0f8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:25:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 016/328] New translations (Czech) --- docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ index ce369c17ce03..9e06ee5f996e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Základní nastavení - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## Obecné tipy pro použití smyčky s G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Nastřelení senzoru G6 předem v kombinaci s tovární kalibrací pravděpodobně povede k odchylkám ve výsledcích měření. Jestliže nastřelujete senzor s předstihem, pak jej pravděpodobně v zájmu co nejlepších výsledků bude nutné zkalibrovat. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Jestliže nastřelujete senzor s předstihem, pak jej pravděpodobně v zájmu co nejlepších výsledků bude nutné zkalibrovat. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## Používáte-li G6 s aplikací xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- Vysílač Dexcom G6 může být připojen současně k přijímači Dexcom (nebo pumpě t:slim) a zároveň k vašemu telefonu. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **K vysílači se nelze připojit prostřednictvím obou aplikací xDrip+ a Dexcom současně!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Poradce při potížích s G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 konkrétní řešení problémů +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From e900db5eff78917d37db1745e41cfb3b4247808e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:25:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 017/328] New translations (Czech) --- docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ index 69c5fdd9f9bf..9f68c06651ad 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From c5e3c9877214aa8f65c16939e41385b7448470c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:25:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 018/328] New translations (Czech) --- docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ index 62b1b443c95e..dafb803b6e41 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Obecné](../Hardware/ * [Vyhlazování dat](../Usage/ * [Nastavení xDrip+](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 18fd7ed63ef20434c55eac615a6f6c59e00d32bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:25:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 019/328] New translations (Czech) --- docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ index df7394e6a37e..68217244b813 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Stavové indikátory zobrazují vizuální varování pro - [Vylepšený asistent pro jídlo (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - stav algoritmu v roce 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - nejnovější algoritmus pro pokročilé uživatele +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### Nastavení OpenAPS AMA - Jsou-li sacharidy zadány správně, reaguje systém po bolusu na jídlo rychleji, a to díky aplikování vysoké dočasné bazální dávky. - Více podrobností o nastavení a Autosens můžete najít v . +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max. U/h, které lze nastavit pro dočas. bazál - Maximální hodnota dodatečného bazálního inzulínu (v jednotkách), o který může smyčka navýšit Váš normální bazál. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ Když se na to už budete cítit, můžete dovolit systému, aby začal přidáv - Použití SMB je možné až po spuštění [9. cíle](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb). -- První tři nastavení jsou vysvětleny [výše](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Podrobnosti o různých možnostech nastavení jsou popsány v části [Funkce OpenAPS](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Vyberte, jaká služba určování polohy se použije: ![Nastavení údržby](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standardně logy přijímáme na adrese . -- Pokud vyberete *Zašifrovat exportovaná nastavení*, budou zašifrována vaším [hlavním heslem](Preferences-master-password). V tomto případě je nutné při každém exportu nebo importu nastavení zadat hlavní heslo. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From 729a2922f00ec34b946482ea1dd6f2362d54f313 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:26:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 020/328] New translations (Czech) --- docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 6003cf0b39f93b3e8e1b09604aa8950f3475c4d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:27:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 021/328] New translations (Czech) --- docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 23f94c7c46c7..cc991a8f950b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Dokumentace předvoleb je k dispozici [zde](../Configuration/ ## Nastavení pluginu -Dialog **Nastavení pluginů** je možné otevřít prostřednictvím tříbodového menu vpravo nahoře na **domovské obrazovce** AAPS. To vám dává možnost změnit konfiguraci všech povolených pluginů na jednom místě. +Dialog **Nastavení pluginů** je možné otevřít prostřednictvím tříbodového menu vpravo nahoře na **domovské obrazovce** AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. Je to vhodný způsob, pokud víte, že chcete změnit např. kofiguraci BYODA. V tomto případě byste měli v horním menu **AAPS** vybrat záložku "BYODA" a jakmile jste na stránce BYODA, otevřete v pravém horním rohu tříbodové menu a potom položku "Nastavení pluginu". Dostanete se přímo do dialogu nastavení pouze pro plugin BYODA. From 322f5ccc0798114b0f23bd7306647edd0b772116 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:27:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 022/328] New translations (Czech) --- .../cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 680c8e359c8a..44cf12aaaf11 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Kliněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Jednotky (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Vyberte prosím, jestli vaše hodnoty glykémie jsou v mg/dl nebo mmol/L a klikněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ": @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Uživatelé Nightscoutu by měli vybrat \*\*NSClient v3", pokud nepotřebují sl Pro reportovací server Tidepool je nastavení ještě jednodušší, protože je třeba pouze zadání vašch přihlašovacích údajů. -Po výběru klikněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ": +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Povolte "Vytvořit oznámení z chyb" a "Vytvořit oznámení z návrhu sacharid Položku "Zpomalit odesílání" ponechte vypnutou. Použijete ji pouze v neobvyklých případech, jako například pokud potřebujete přenést velké množství informací a Nightscout server zpracovává tato data pomalu. -Vraťte se na předchozí obrazovku a klikněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ": +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ Po nastavení vašeho výběru klikněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ" a přejděte k ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -Pokud používáte Dexcom G6 a BYODA, k nastavení se dostanete kliknutím na ikonu "ozubeného kolečka". +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Povolte "Nahrát data glykémie do NS" a "Zaznamenat výměnu senzoru do NS". -Klinkněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ" a přejděte na následující obrazovku: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ Důvodem k vypnutí funkce SMB na začátku je ten, že SMB umožňuje rychlejš OpenAPS AMA je nejzákladnější algoritmus, který neumožňuje mikrobolusy pro korekci vysokých hodnot glykémie. Mohou nastat okolnosti, kdy je lepší používat tento algoritmus, ale nedoporučujeme to. ::: -Klinkněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ" a přejděte na následující obrazovku: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Zde si pouze přečtěte text a nic zde neměňte. Kvůli omezením, která jsou vyžadována **Cíli**, v současné době nemůžete použít ani "uzavřenou smyčku" ani „SMB funkce". -Klinkněte na tlačítko "DALŠÍ" a přejděte na následující obrazovku: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 1d6a9932f8a921a6350b3767c7ba71e5e53eafca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:29:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 023/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/ index 6c46d079204f..7f00b00cdf1e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Der Behandlungs-Tab kann verwendet werden, um fehlerhafte Kohlenhydrat-Einträge 1. Prüfe und merke Dir die aktuelle COB- und IOB-Menge, die auf dem Startbildschirm angezeigt wird. 2. Je nach Pumpenmodell werden die Kohlenhydrate entweder zusammen mit dem Insulin in einer Zeile oder als separater Eintrag (z.B. bei der Dana RS) angezeigt. -3. Lösche den Eintrag mit der fehlerhaften KH-Menge. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Stelle sicher, dass die KH erfolgreich gelöscht wurden, indem Du COB auf dem Startbildschirm überprüfst. 5. Mache das gleiche für IOB falls bei Dir im Tab 'Behandlungen' KH und Insulin zusammen in einer Zeile angezeigt werden. From 1c22a2d88ac0796570d1fd8b723a28504fc1a182 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:34:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 024/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ | 23 ++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ index 48d470c1b10a..a27c99c09b4a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ @@ -1,31 +1,32 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Grundsätzliches vorab - Beachte die allgemeinen Empfehlungen zur CGM Hygiene und zum Setzen des Sensors, die Du [hier](../Hardware/ findest. -## Allgemeine Hinweise zum Closed Loop mit dem Dexcom G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Die aktuellen Transmitter heißen 'Firefly'. Sensoren können nur durch das Entfernen des Transmitters neu gestartet werden. Der Transmitter selber kann nicht zurückgesetzt werden und er erzeugt auch keine eigenen Rohdaten. - Wenn Du einen Sensor neu startest, bereite Dich auf eine Kalibrierung vor und habe ein Auge auf mögliche Abweichungen. -- Das sogenannte "Pre-soaking" (Sensor früher ohne Transmitter setzen, damit er sich an die Gewebsflüssigkeit "gewöhnt") mit Werkskalibrierung führt wahrscheinlich zu Abweichungen in den Glukosewerten. Falls Du mit "pre-soaking" arbeitest, wirst Du wahrscheinlich besser Ergebnisse erzielen, wenn Du den Sensor kalibrierst. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Falls Du mit "pre-soaking" arbeitest, wirst Du wahrscheinlich besser Ergebnisse erzielen, wenn Du den Sensor kalibrierst. Mehr dazu findest Du in dem, von Tim Street auf der Seite []( veröffentlichten, [Artikel]( -## Dexcom G6 mit xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - Nutzt Du einen aktuellen (Firefly)-Transmitter, wird "preemptive restarts" **ignoriert**. - Nutzt Du einen modifizierten Transmitter, werden 'preemptive restarts' **nicht benötigt**. - Nutzt Du einen 'rebatteried' Transmitter, ist es am sichersten [preemptive restarts]( zu **deaktivieren**. In diesem Setup ist es jedoch notwendig den G6 im 'non-[native mode](' zu nutzen, da er sonst nach 10 Tagen endet. Der non-native mode ist allerdings grundsätzlich nicht zu empfehlen, da er die werkseitige Kalibrierung deaktiviert und verrauschte Werte nicht herausfiltert. -- Der Dexcom G6-Transmitter kann gleichzeitig mit einem Dexcom-Empfänger (oder alternativ mit der t:slim-Pumpe) und einer App auf dem Handy verbunden werden. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - Wenn Du xDrip+ zum Empfang der CGM-Daten verwendest, deinstalliere zuerst die Dexcom App. **Du kannst xDrip+ und die Dexcom App nicht gleichzeitig mit dem Transmitter verbinden!** -- Falls Du Clarity benötigst und gleichzeitig die xDrip+ Alarme nutzen willst, verwende [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) mit dem lokalen Broadcast zu xDrip+. Du kannst xDrip+ als "Companion App" (Begleiter-App) zur offziellen Dexcom-App nutzen, solltest Dir aber bewusst sein, dass die Glukosewerte eventuell verzögert übermittelt werden. -- Wenn es nicht bereits installiert ist, dann lade [xDrip+ ]( herunter und folge den Anweisungen in den [xDrip+ Einstellungen](../Configuration/ -- Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- Passe die Einstellungen xDrip+ entsprechend den Erläuterungen auf der Seite[xDrip+ Einstellungen](../Configuration/ an +- Adjust settings in xDrip+ according to [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ (DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)= ## G6 mit Build Your Own Dexcom App @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Mehr dazu findest Du in dem, von Tim Street auf der Seite [](h (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Problembehandlung G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6-spezifische Problembehandlung +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scrolle herunter bis zur **Problembehandlung** [hier]( From c8a784c1ea5cbbb3a710b67870855af765749c7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:34:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 025/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ index f156a66d98d7..058c2201c3a4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ xDrip+ can read notifications from the vendor app, like ESEL does. No backfillin - Lade xDrip+ herunter und installiere es: [xDrip]( - As data source in xDrip+ “Companion App” must be selected. -- Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ - Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ - Enable [Exponential Smoothing](../Usage/ in AAPS. From e1d7b8b4bfb194d8c2d86ec0b1105326542cefd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:34:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 026/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ index 864a8841d544..0e7988f7696e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Wenn Du den Libre 1 als BZ-Quelle nutzt, können aus Sicherheitsgründen die Fun - You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you need recent features, in which case you should use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( - Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - You also need [OOP2]( for Libre 1 US (and Libre 2 EU). -- Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ ## 2. Using Glimp @@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ Wenn Du den Libre 1 als BZ-Quelle nutzt, können aus Sicherheitsgründen die Fun ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 3fd9b31a8373273d7d1e767a40885e897125996b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:34:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 027/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ index abfe39d37302..c588da700681 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ @@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ Bemerkung: Der Transmitter kann parallel zur LibreLink-App verwendet werden. - [Diese Anleitung]( beschreibt, wie Du xDrip+ konfigurierst. Wichtig ist, dass Du die [neueste OOP2-Version]( herunterlädst und nutzt, da die in der Dokumentation referenzierte Version veraltete ist. - Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ -- Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ ## 3. Diabox nutzen -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ ## 4. Juggluco nutzen @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Bemerkung: Der Transmitter kann parallel zur LibreLink-App verwendet werden. ![Juggluco broadcast to AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) -- Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ :::{admonition} Use with xDrip+ :class: note You can set Juggluco to broadcast to xDrip+ with Patched Libre Broadcast (you should disable xDrip+ broadcast), in order to calibrate (see here) and avoid 1 minute readings to be sent to AAPS. ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) From 6c39326f3b04aa3b0185d580f0b72d5cf09042a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:34:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 028/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ index ba7e375efef7..4f5c156ec993 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Allgemein](../Hardware/ * [Datenglättung](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Einstellungen](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 63193b4155061598fc6604d49c889f2a11a0ba1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:34:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 029/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ index efcd32dd8258..1c621a01d24a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Abhängig von Deinen Einstellungen im [Konfigurations-Generator](../Configuration/ kannst Du zwischen zwei Algorithmen wählen: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - Entwicklungsstand des Algorithmus von 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - Neuester Algorithmus für erfahrene Nutzende +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA-Einstellungen - Erlaubt AAPS nach einem Essen schneller mit einer Erhöhung der Basalrate zu reagieren - WENN Du die Kohlenhydrate zuverlässig eingibst. - Mehr Details zu den Einstellungen und Autosens findest Du in den [OpenAPS Docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Maximale IE/h, die als TBR gesetzt werden können - Diese Einstellung existiert als Sicherheitsgrenze, um zu verhindern, dass AAPS jemals eine gefährlich hohe Basalrate setzt. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ Wenn du dich damit gut fühlst, kannst du dem System erlauben, dir zusätzliches - Du musst [Ziel 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) gestartet haben, um SMB nutzen zu können. -- Die ersten drei Einstellungen sind [oben beschrieben](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details zu den verschiedenen Optionen sind auf der Seite [OpenAPS-Funktionen](Open-APS-features-enable-smb) beschrieben. @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Wähle aus, welcher Standortservice verwendet werden soll: ![Wartungseinstellungen](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standardempfänger von Protokollen ist . -- Wenn Du *Exportierte Daten verschlüsseln* auswählst, werden diese mit Deinem [Master Password](Preferences-master-password) verschlüsselt. In diesem Fall muss das Master-Passwort jedes Mal eingegeben werden, wenn die Einstellungen ex- oder importiert werden. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From 6c005a46b63614b7a0ee100052865528e4485782 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:34:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 030/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ | 28 +++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ index 064cd357aaca..43799b3c3d5a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Hardware/ @@ -1,44 +1,42 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Grundlegendes im Voraus -Seit Ende Oktober 2022 ist der Dexcom G7, nachdem er die CE-Zertifizierung im Frühjahr 2022 erhalten hatte, verfügbar. - -Der G7 glättet weder in der (Dexcom) App noch im Lesegerät die Glukosewerte. Dies ist anders als es beim G6 war. Mehr Details dazu findest Du [hier]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Mehr Details dazu findest Du [hier]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) -:::{admonition} [Glättung](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponentielle Glättung** **MUSS** aktiviert werden, um die G7-Werte sinnvoll nutzen zu können. +:::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Gepatchte Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Hinweis: AAPS oder höher ist erforderlich!** +**Hinweis: AAPS oder höher ist erforderlich! Not available for ONE+.** ### Installiere eine neue gepatchte (!) G7-App und starte den Sensor -Eine gepatchte Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) ermöglicht den Zugriff auf die Dexcom G7 Daten. Dies ist nicht die BYODA-App. BYODA kann derzeit keine Daten direkt vom G7 empfangen. +A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiAKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not the BYODA app as this app can not receive G7 data at the moment. -Wenn Du bisher die originale Dexcom-App genutzt hast, musst Du diese im ersten Schritt nun deinstallieren. Wenn Du den Sensor-Kopplungscode noch kennst, kannst Du eine laufende Sensorsitzung weiterführen. Bitte merke ihn Dir daher, bevor Du die originale G7-App deinstallierst. +Uninstall the original Dexcom app if you used it before (A running sensor session can be continued - note the sensor code before removal of the app!) -Lade die gepatchte APK [hier]( herunter und installiere sie. +Download and install the patched.apk [here]( -Gebe den Sensor Code (Kopplungscode) in der gepatchten App ein. +Enter sensor code in the patched app. -Beachte die allgemeinen Empfehlungen zur CGM-Hygiene und den empfohlenen Sensor-Tragestellen [hier](../Hardware/ +Follow the general recommendations for CGM hygiene and sensor placement found [here](../Hardware/ -Nach der Aufwärmphase werden die Glukosewerte wie üblich in der G7-App angezeigt. +After the warm-up phase, the values are displayed as usual in the G7 app. ### Konfiguration in AAPS -Zur Konfiguration von AAPS +For the configuration in AAPS - Wähle 'BYODA' in der [Konfiguration als BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ (auch wenn es nicht die gepatchte G7-App ist!) - Sollte AAPS keine Werte empfangen, wechsel auf eine andere BZ-Quelle und dann wieder zurück auf 'BYODA'. Damit löst Du Berechtigungsabfrage zum Datenaustausch zwischen AAPS und BYODA aus. -## 2. xDrip+ (direkte Verbindung zum G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Folge den Anweisungen: [xDrip+ G7]( - Wähle xDrip+ in der [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](../Configuration/ aus From 96ccdf3d8a19b272788df05f7889ae47977b0513 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:36:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 031/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index d3277032c004..a5c8d31ef39d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 047f9b68246ec0f51cfd96822cffa132df93841d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:36:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 032/328] New translations (German) --- .../de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 40eced738723..dff6cb0083b4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 1fd463723a61df64906d28b9a9b60c8b4b108dc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:38:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 033/328] New translations (Greek) --- docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/ index 3af345d067e3..bbc5f6883652 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Check and remember actual COB and IOB on homescreen. 2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). -3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Make sure carbs are removed successfully by checking COB on homescreen again. 5. Do the same for IOB if there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin. From ac58f847441cf57d5a8499c135f6b5183c108bde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:42:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 034/328] New translations (Greek) --- docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ index 6a91342bb2a6..5605c1b3036e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Πρώτα τα βασικά - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## Γενικές συμβουλές για το κύκλωμα με το G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Αν κάνετε προ-εμβάπτιση, τότε για να έχετε τα καλύτερα αποτελέσματα, πιθανόν να χρειαστεί να βαθμονομήσετε τον αισθητήρα. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Αν κάνετε προ-εμβάπτιση, τότε για να έχετε τα καλύτερα αποτελέσματα, πιθανόν να χρειαστεί να βαθμονομήσετε τον αισθητήρα. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## If using G6 with xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 αντιμετώπιση συγκεκριμένων προβλημάτων +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 2faa5bae99211375b4425b84cdd44927e140103c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:42:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 035/328] New translations (Greek) --- docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ index cbcac556a17e..fcafad39cefc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From d38239f3ab451e4e3395a715f3279ca77bde8b7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:42:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 036/328] New translations (Greek) --- docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ index 96f5e26d23a8..6d2eeb344bc7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Γενικά](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 46d870eb1f58684f8bb14821b59e355bee196a68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:42:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 037/328] New translations (Greek) --- docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ index 765e67a72672..8a50d4be95f7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA settings - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you addition - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Select which location service shall be used: ![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From a35bc540bc10777a6b6ad1665f0cfaa3d09ee678 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:43:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 038/328] New translations (Greek) --- docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From b8ecd3403f967e69a47182d077a7b38de16cdecf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:45:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 039/328] New translations (Greek) --- docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 29474b547df5..6886fad58406 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 9f4e0d49178501923b4f56a1f4fe6d98ecec22a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:45:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 040/328] New translations (Greek) --- .../el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 706e5cbba9c5..3102f35fc946 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 0e03b80039267f11a563d515c7cb94097f522cea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:46:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 041/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/ index e6827a0b6ccc..dbc0269a3bbb 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Beginning with Android 3.0, you might get a warning signal beneath your BG numbe 1. בדקו וזכרו את האינסולין והפחמימות הפעילים בפועל במסך הבית. 2. בהתאם למשאבה בלשונית הטיפולים פחמימות עשויות להיות מוצגות יחד עם אינסולין בשורה אחת או כערכים נפרדים (כלומר עם משאבת Dana RS). -3. הסירו את הערך עם כמות הפחמימות השגויה. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. ודאו שהפחמימות הוסרו בהצלחה על ידי בדיקה מחדש של הפחמימות הפעילות במסך הבית. 5. עשו את אותו הדבר עבור אינסולין פעיל אם יש רק שורה אחת בלשונית הטיפול כוללת פחמימות ואינסולין. From 7866256783fff26bfc5ec465f4d8022de8fcd0a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:51:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 042/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ index 617c17047af3..b06072107f17 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## ראשית דבר - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## הנחיות כלליות ללופ עם G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- "השרייה" מוקדמת של ה-G6 (הדבקת חיישן מבלי להפעילו למספר שעות) עם כיול המפעל עשויה לגרום סטיה בתוצאות. אם אתם עושים השרייה מוקדמת, כדי לקבל את התוצאות הטובות ביותר, סביר להניח שתצטרכו לכייל את החיישן. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. אם אתם עושים השרייה מוקדמת, כדי לקבל את התוצאות הטובות ביותר, סביר להניח שתצטרכו לכייל את החיישן. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## אם משתמשים ב-G6 עם xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- ניתן לחבר בו-זמנית משדר דקסקום G6 למקלט דקסקום (או לחילופין את המשאבה t:slim) ואפליקציה אחת בטלפון. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## פתרון בעיות G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### פתרון בעיות ספציפיות של Dexcom G6 +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 20fe0acaadb4cfd4aca3da7bec0efeb25abfacf1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:51:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 043/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ index 8577b34d2ee8..5237e131811b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From 771775459d5a04a93e23f65f688acfd648b9bcbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:51:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 044/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ index 8451a682f1d6..ebacf5f09600 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [כללי](../Hardware/ * [החלקת נתונים](../Usage/ * [הגדרות xDrip+](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From a6644440e9e0b69e165fbc16c51f8be0a605b5e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:51:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 045/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ index a6152c7a5533..8a9d9be4df76 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### הגדרות OpenAPS AMA - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### מינון בזאלי זמני מקסימלי (יח'\שעה) - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ When you begin looping, **it is advised to set Max Basal IOB to 0** for a period - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Options in advanced settings are self-explanatory. ![הגדרות תחזוקה](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). במקרה זה יש להזין את הסיסמה הראשית בכל פעם שהגדרות מיוצאות או מיובאות. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From f7a91366d6ef2a701f767ae10bfb8a378ff5be80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:51:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 046/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ | 28 +++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ index db857ea57cf0..cc44b4d6a1d7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Hardware/ @@ -1,44 +1,42 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## תחילה הערות -באביב 2022 התקבל ל- Dexcom G7 אישור ה-CE שלו ויצא לשוק בסוף אוקטובר '22. - -חשוב לציין כי מערכת ה-G7, בניגוד ל-G6, אינה מחליקה את הערכים, לא באפליקציה ולא בקורא. [לפרטים נוספים על כך]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. [לפרטים נוספים על כך]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) -:::{admonition} [שיטת החלקה](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **החלקה מעריכית** **חייבת** להיות מופעלת לשימוש תקין בערכי ה-G7. +:::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. יישום Dexcom G7 ששונתה (Patched) (DiAKEM) -**הערה: דרושה גרסת AAPS או מאוחרת יותר!** +**הערה: דרושה גרסת AAPS או מאוחרת יותר! Not available for ONE+.** ### התקינו אפליקציית G7 ששונתה (!) והפעילו את החיישן -יישום Dexcom G7 (DiAKEM) מעניק גישה לנתוני ה-Dexcom G7. זוהי אינה אפליקציית BYODA מכיוון שאפליקציה זו אינה יכולה לקבל נתוני G7 כרגע. +A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiAKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not the BYODA app as this app can not receive G7 data at the moment. -הסירו את אפליקציית Dexcom המקורית אם השתמשתם בה לפני כן (ניתן להמשיך בסשן של חיישן שכבר הופעל - שימו לב לקוד החיישן לפני מחיקת האפליקציה!) +Uninstall the original Dexcom app if you used it before (A running sensor session can be continued - note the sensor code before removal of the app!) -הורידו והתקינו את הקובץ patched.apk [מכאן]( +Download and install the patched.apk [here]( -הזינו קוד חיישן באפליקציה. +Enter sensor code in the patched app. -עקבו אחר ההמלצות הכלליות להיגיינה ומיקום החיישן [כאן](../Hardware/ +Follow the general recommendations for CGM hygiene and sensor placement found [here](../Hardware/ -לאחר שלב החימום, הערכים מוצגים כרגיל באפליקציית G7. +After the warm-up phase, the values are displayed as usual in the G7 app. ### תצורה ב-AAPS -לתצורה ב-AAPS +For the configuration in AAPS - בחרו 'BYODA' [בבונה התצורה, מקור ערכי הסוכר](../Configuration/ - אפילו אם זה לא היישום BYODA! - אם ב-AAPS לא מתקבלים ערכים, החליפו למקור ערכי סוכר אחרים ואז חזרו ל'BYODA' כדי לגרום ל-AAPS לחפש נתונים מ-BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (חיבור ישיר ל-G7) (מומלץ) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - עקבו אחר ההוראות כאן: [Xdrip+ G7]( - בחרו את xDrip+ ב[בונה התצורה, מקור נתוני סוכר](../Configuration/ From 6cab07bd67a429b5ef6b7125ec913b0fdc08214e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:53:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 047/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 9d8a0d7b0a24..3a4889208485 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 6da1f4b98cf00769830bfeb46877c0edaadf6d4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:53:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 048/328] New translations (Hebrew) --- .../he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 2825e02064c1..4f9e169f9ecd 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 502c58da9dae9de47c2e7fe8be8e7682e4c52a08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:55:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 049/328] New translations (Korean) --- docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/ index c32a3b36ebef..01f4d66558e0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. 홈 화면에서 실제 COB와 IOB를 확인하고 기억하십시오. 2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). -3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. 홈 화면에서 COB를 확인하여 탄수화물이 제대로 삭제되었는지 확인하십시오. 5. 관리 탭에 탄수화물과 인슐린이 하나의 항목으로 표시될 경우 IOB에 대해서도 똑같이 진행하십시오. From e57fdb3e38e47aa7b15d39a31bb787715171be82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:59:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 050/328] New translations (Korean) --- docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ index e0346f03bb08..4532d6aa2cf3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## 우선적인 기본 사항 - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## Dexcom G6로 loop을 사용하기 위한 일반적인 정보 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. 만약 센서를 미리 삽입하는 경우, 가장 정확한 결과값을 얻기 위해 센서를 보정할 필요가 있습니다. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. 만약 센서를 미리 삽입하는 경우, 가장 정확한 결과값을 얻기 위해 센서를 보정할 필요가 있습니다. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## Dexcom G6를 xdrip+와 사용하는 경우 +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## G6의 문제 해결 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### 덱스콤 G6의 특이적인 문제 해결 +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 2a7c3df92ffb94f9d83b842021a642e16a05f050 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:59:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 051/328] New translations (Korean) --- docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ index 2517a853ef06..7ed3dd0f37da 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From a300cd055f82670d059a5ee72a001892ce53d723 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:59:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 052/328] New translations (Korean) --- docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ index 1a7c92c47eb3..fa409d8697f1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [포괄적인 정보](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [덱스콤 G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 17d9f8729ba7ceda5bb5e4c24282062594f9ff93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:59:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 053/328] New translations (Korean) --- docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ index e85bdbaa2fd6..57914b8dfca9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA settings - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you addition - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Select which location service shall be used: ![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From 884fbc817c1089ed13d098363fc0af3ff9efde8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 22:59:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 054/328] New translations (Korean) --- docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 6455e8416c212290a8c00d5e96774a80b2473b1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:01:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 055/328] New translations (Korean) --- docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index e7ba40ee3514..5942d5d695a8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 1effbf49cbe07114a447fdfb71e9ee057f1fdeb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:01:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 056/328] New translations (Korean) --- .../ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 13f5c105c731..7552ec4b0c7e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From f1e86ad41c5ac74846cf3d79f7d4a4064b554f51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:03:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 057/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/ index 8cbd6b1f5ac7..19730ecc17ac 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Patikrinkite ir įsidėmėkite esamą aktyvių angliavandenių AAO ir aktyvaus insulino AIO kiekį, rodomą pagrindiniame ekrane. 2. Priklausomai nuo pompos modelio, angliavandeniai rodomi kartu su insulinu vienoje eilutėje arba kaip atskiras įrašas (pvz., Dana RS). -3. Ištrinkite neteisingo angliavandenių kiekio įrašą. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Patikrinkite aktyvių angliavandenių kiekio AAO įrašą pagrindiniame ekrane - šitaip įsitikinkite, kad angliavandeniai buvo sėkmingai ištrinti. 5. Atlikite tą patį su aktyviu insulinu AIO, jei skirtuke „Įrašai“ matote angliavandenius ir insuliną vienoje eilutėje. From 41465e84c1e1843fe93bbb18447c038a302af770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:07:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 058/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ index 3bfbdeed5dec..09f7d6ad78c9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Pirmiausia pagrindai - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## Bendrieji patarimai naudojant uždarą ciklą su G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- „Išankstinis įmirkymas“ (sensoriaus įvedimas daug anksčiau nei jo pradžia programoje) G6 su gamykliniu kalibravimu gali sukelti duomenų nukrypimus. Jei sensorių įvedate anksčiau, nei jį startuojate, gali reikėti jį kalibruoti, kad gautumėte geriausius rezultatus. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Jei sensorių įvedate anksčiau, nei jį startuojate, gali reikėti jį kalibruoti, kad gautumėte geriausius rezultatus. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## Jei naudojate G6 su xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- Dexcom G6 siųstuvą galima vienu metu sujungti su Dexcom imtuvu (arba alternatyviai su t:slim pompa) ir mobiliojo telefono programa. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## G6 trikčių šalinimas +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 specifinių trikčių šalinimas +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From c26e102131317f58444bd1401255f7871a1317b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:07:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 059/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ index 9f0b45d25e7d..133b2608dd18 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From 498cf9d8a0ce65193db3801bde28192482bf6ed0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:08:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 060/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ index 4236d0c4034d..c21c370e851a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Bendrieji](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 73aad82841eb36824102e71fed89e20771ebe86d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:08:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 061/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ index d4a830c2de6c..f6b74176b4b8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA settings - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you addition - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Select which location service shall be used: ![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From 280ebfc483d20cec065fa2c5ccc1a28eb23c7058 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:08:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 062/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 8783aef72bf42da894164f6a42bdaea4d4ad115b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:10:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 063/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index bfcaae81669a..f4e8abdfb8d8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From ad1667da45c0aad07bc769d029daefb20991e92a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:10:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 064/328] New translations (Lithuanian) --- .../lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 6f533465d081..44e9e56304ee 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 6bb894520f07bcd988cfe82c3f63e03610b28a8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:12:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 065/328] New translations (Dutch) --- docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/ index 8aecbafade3b..22db700a4d7e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Bekijk en onthoud de werkelijke COB en IOB op Overzichtscherm. 2. Afhankelijk van de pomp op het behandelingen-tabblad kunnen koolhydraten samen met insuline op één regel staan, of als een aparte regel (dit laatste is zo bij de DanaRS). -3. Verwijder de regel met de foutieve koolhydraten-invoer. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Controleer op het Overzicht scherm of de koolhydraten inderdaad zijn verwijderd, het aantal COB zou moeten zijn aangepast. 5. Doe hetzelfde voor de IOB als er slechts één regel is op het Behandelingen-tabblad voor koolhydraten en insuline. From 45461f3f37dc190d215396ec6232a9f979bd5d89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:16:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 066/328] New translations (Dutch) --- docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ index 3fcead92f85d..581e84cc6de5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Algemeen - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## Algemene tips voor loopen met G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Het zogenaamde "Pre-soaking" (de sensor alvast inbrengen, waarna je nog wacht met starten) van de G6 met kalibratiecode zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk leiden tot onnauwkeurigheden in je glucosewaardes na starten. Omdat het algoritme van de G6 rekent op weefselbeschadiging na inbrengen, terwijl je met Pre-soaken niet dezelfde mate van weefselbeschadiging zult hebben op het moment dat je de sensor start. Wanneer je Pre-soakt is het waarschijnlijk het beste om de sensor te kalibreren. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Wanneer je Pre-soakt is het waarschijnlijk het beste om de sensor te kalibreren. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## Dexcom G6 met xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- De Dexcom G6 zender kan gelijktijdig worden gekoppeld aan de Dexcom ontvanger (of als alternatief de t:slim pomp) en een app op je telefoon. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Problemen oplossen +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 specifieke probleemoplossing +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 8cc3ff255a935444415f080740e306e26683220a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:16:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 067/328] New translations (Dutch) --- docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ index af77c731c22b..13bce53a1c81 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From b134776d62b6ab1c62cae762f3483542e06320b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:16:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 068/328] New translations (Dutch) --- docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ index 81871dfa2c28..e95c7239bc22 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [General](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 325c25bee5ec636579f01d2a48cd8da00ffaa073 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:16:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 069/328] New translations (Dutch) --- docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ index 0c415282d6b2..188e0bf6a178 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA instellingen - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Maximaal instelbaar basaal E/u - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ Pas na een tijd mag je het systeem toestaan om extra basale insuline te geven do - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Selecteer welke locatieservice moet worden gebruikt: ![Onderhoud instellingen](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In dat geval moet het masterwachtwoord elke keer dat de instellingen worden geëxporteerd of geïmporteerd, worden ingevoerd. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From 5a6ef9218d39dd69e0f9526b806b8156c62da46f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:17:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 070/328] New translations (Dutch) --- docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 343b5da44e5fcea26fcfc05b68b22e1b3216f448 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:18:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 071/328] New translations (Dutch) --- docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 17e89b77a303..52d2b47c42df 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From cba537a0fbcfb5ce4e26e980259a4ca916d1362f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:18:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 072/328] New translations (Dutch) --- .../nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index a73d1d231977..956fed6f881b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 7bd4177cd4cc0529dfdf796849c2d852747ea005 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:20:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 073/328] New translations (Polish) --- docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/ index afd8770b88e6..ae02f749680c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Check and remember actual COB and IOB on homescreen. 2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). -3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Make sure carbs are removed successfully by checking COB on homescreen again. 5. Do the same for IOB if there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin. From 3bf04a2d82f7868b001a089d0156e13bde583843 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:24:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 074/328] New translations (Polish) --- docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ index 20f27e477260..01836d72a7c7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Basics first - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## General hints for looping with G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Jeśli pracujesz z namaczaniem wstępnym, aby uzyskać najlepsze wyniki, prawdopodobnie będziesz musiał skalibrować sensor. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Jeśli pracujesz z namaczaniem wstępnym, aby uzyskać najlepsze wyniki, prawdopodobnie będziesz musiał skalibrować sensor. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## If using G6 with xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Troubleshooting G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 specific troubleshooting +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From e0efc3cc071adaeace6daa2c344db425a37b7a7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:24:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 075/328] New translations (Polish) --- docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ index 5084c380d1f3..6e156898dcf7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From 7a8d795c8e989c2cad1e0a08d4793174f8748f26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:24:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 076/328] New translations (Polish) --- docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ index 194ac0f21b30..eed14e65214a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Ogólnie](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 1b2825f0bc658dca28f8e533f7f1c407f8771a63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:24:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 077/328] New translations (Polish) --- docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ index 8ee885910aeb..ac5e04038d4f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA settings - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you addition - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Select which location service shall be used: ![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From 9962f9219ca0ea41d81b052fa69f555bcfa99c42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:25:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 078/328] New translations (Polish) --- docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 0587836d25fb7ea52c784c1dd35c80c737dea031 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:27:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 079/328] New translations (Polish) --- docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 064ccaf49ac9..4784170488e8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From c724156b76b469280ccdde11bd65c49676c3f053 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:27:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 080/328] New translations (Polish) --- .../pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 8e93156515dd..251119e45dd3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 42d66157522470a8ce8f930a616408e0a40e7543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:28:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 081/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/ index 53a99e635b81..66550c766c73 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Check and remember actual COB and IOB on homescreen. 2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). -3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Make sure carbs are removed successfully by checking COB on homescreen again. 5. Do the same for IOB if there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin. From ad7a195a328d4c93971d22299ffce5cc9fc5ae6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:32:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 082/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ index 81a73fc70ced..04c247adfec7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Basics first - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## General hints for looping with G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## If using G6 with xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Troubleshooting G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 specific troubleshooting +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 399ff31d3848a8990684a68a08cd35adf73b8693 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:32:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 083/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ index 5084c380d1f3..6e156898dcf7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From 7f489ac218c3a00e963b9da46531c4b388738ee6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:33:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 084/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ index 424585434db1..665e90233fed 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Geral](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From d51b51913befeca18f65b54ea6f8e1c7a2a72b6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:33:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 085/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ index 43bf8652fd88..fc3794380f9b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA settings - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you addition - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Select which location service shall be used: ![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From c74f69851e020660ef50b754f63fbfb2925b0f7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:33:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 086/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From f874b7c295268f306dae4ad565d9b4901d51b9c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:35:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 087/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 78ac96e84f9e..1ecd7b8a4416 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 69a813ca394bf6058d833b8b2ad35f5e4725d566 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:35:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 088/328] New translations (Portuguese) --- .../pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 88d5c8e4fca2..60af3fbf0bb6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 792252ccc14699add0b091ef34dcf70fe092b7cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:37:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 089/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/ index 8325ed13ebee..7ff5aa94d34a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ 1. Проверьте и запомните фактические активные углеводы COB и активный инсулин IOB на главном экране. 2. В зависимости от помпы углеводы на вкладке терапии могут быть показаны одной линией с инсулином или в виде отдельной записи (например, для Dana RS). -3. Удалите запись с неверным количеством углеводов. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Убедитесь, что углеводы удалены успешно, повторно проверив активные углеводы COB на главном экране. 5. Сделайте то же для активного инсулина IOB, если на вкладке терапии только одна линия для углеводов и инсулина. From ca4b4974e3cd759aaf153f161a4486e64a18736f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:41:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 090/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ | 23 ++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ index 699056f3d76d..773666b327cc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ @@ -1,31 +1,32 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Сначала основное - Следуйте общим рекомендациям по гигиене и установке сенсоров мониторинга CGM, изложенным [здесь](../Hardware/ -## Общие рекомендации по использованию G6 с системами ИПЖ +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Новые передатчики называются Firefly (светлячок). Сенсоры не могут быть перезапущены без снятия передатчика, данные которого не могут быть сброшены, сенсоры также не генерируют необработанные данные. - Если вы перезапускаете сенсоры, будьте готовы калибровать и следить за вариацией. -- "Предварительное погружение" (установка сенсора намного раньше его старта в приложении) G6 с заводской калибровкой приведет к отклонениям в данных. Если вы все же делаете "предварительное погружение", то для получения лучших результатов вам, вероятно, придется калибровать сенсор. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. Если вы все же делаете "предварительное погружение", то для получения лучших результатов вам, вероятно, придется калибровать сенсор. Подробнее в [статье]( опубликованной Tim Street на сайте []( -## При использовании G6 с xdrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - Если у вас трансмиттер Firefly, то упреждающие перезапуски **игнорируются**. - При использовании перезаряженного рансмиттера упреждающий перезапуск **не требуется**. - Если вы используете старый трансмиттер с замененными батареями, самое безопасное - **отключить** [упреждающий перезапуск]( Хотя, в этом случае придется использовать G6 не в-[нативном режиме]( (что нежелательно, так как отключает заводскую калибровку и не фильтрует зашумленные данные), в ином случае сенсор остановится через 10 дней. -- Трансмиттер Dexcom G6 может одновременно подключаться к ресиверу Dexcom (или к помпе T:slim) и одному приложению на вашем телефоне. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - При использовании xDrip+ в качестве считывателя сначала удалите приложение Dexcom. **Невозможно одновременно подключить к трансмиттеру приложения xDrip+ и Dexcom!** -- Если вам нужен функционал оригинального приложения Clarity и оповещения от xDrip +, пользуйтесь [модифицированным приложением Dexcom ](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) с локальной передачей данных в xDrip +. Можно также использовать xDrip+ наряду с официальным приложением Dexcom, но при этом могут возникнуть задержки в считывании ГК. -- Если это еще не сделано, скачайте [xDrip+]( и следуйте инструкциям на странице настроек [xDrip+](../Configuration/ -- В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- Настройте параметры xDrip+ в соответствии со [ страницей настроек xDrip+](../Configuration/ +- Adjust settings in xDrip+ according to [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ (DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)= ## При использовании G6 с созданием собственного Dexcom приложения @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Устранение неполадок с G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Устранение неполадок, связанных с dexcom G6 +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Прокрутите до **Устранения неполадок** [сюда]( From 7f520897c70543e29a24e74412a160cffe7d6606 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:41:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 091/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ index 780f16c69e00..4af0691d9789 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ xDrip+ can read notifications from the vendor app, like ESEL does. No backfillin - Скачайте и установите xDrip+: [xDrip]( - As data source in xDrip+ “Companion App” must be selected. -- В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ - Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ - Enable [Exponential Smoothing](../Usage/ in AAPS. From 6bec25e99c88c893b92efa1760a3c2d7fe5a7678 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:41:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 092/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ index 984dca2032c0..a9897f6bdf1c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ - Вы можете безопасно загрузить [ новую (стабильную) версию APK ](, если только вам не нужны новейшие функции. В этом случае следует загружать т. н. [Ночную сборку]( - Следуйте инструкциям по установке на странице настроек [xDrip+](../Configuration/ - Вам также нужен [OOP2]( для Libre 1 США (и Libre 2 EU). -- В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ ## 2. Использование Glimp @@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From a4a7e044899f4327c41a63f8610a1ba7f105aca8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:41:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 093/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ index 7ec5c24f9a96..4d7e2b0fc3ad 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ @@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ - Следуйте [этим инструкциям]( для настройки xDrip+, но обязательно загрузите [эту новую версию OOP 2](, поскольку та, что приведена в документе, устарела. - Следуйте инструкциям по установке на странице настроек [xDrip+](../Configuration/ -- В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ ## 3. Использовать Diabox -- Установите [Diabox]( В Настройках, Интеграция, включите "Делиться данными с другими приложениями". +- Install [Diabox]( В Настройках, Интеграция, включите "Делиться данными с другими приложениями". ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ ## 4. Использовать Juggluco @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ ![Трансляция Juggluco в AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) -- В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ :::{admonition}{предостерижение} Использовать с xDrip+ :class: :класс: примечание Вы можете настроить Juggluco на трансляцию в xDrip + при помощи модифицированного приложения Libre (следует отключить трансляцию xDrip +), чтобы выполнить калибровку (смотрите здесь) и избежать ежеминутной отправки данных в AAPS. ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) From cd11b861be090929bfc34b62f02271d942b607cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:41:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 094/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ index 16407b193c44..565865c20ced 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Общие настройки](../Hardware/ * [Сглаживание данных](../Usage/ * [Настройки xDrip+](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Работа с Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 051ddc021bb23a5c2d992022913c0addff9cd13e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:41:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 095/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ index b59e3a4eaaca..2f8a21aee04b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ В зависимости от настроек в [конфигураторе](../Configuration/ можно выбрать между двумя алгоритмами: - [Улучшенный ассистент приема пищи (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - состояние алгоритма на 2017 год -- [Супер микроболюс (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - самый последний алгоритм для опытных пользователей +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### Настройки OpenAPS AMA - Позволяет системе быстрее установить высокое временное целевое значение после болюса на еду, ЕСЛИ вы правильно ввели углеводы. - Более подробную информацию о настройках и Autosens можно найти в документации [OpenAPS]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Максимальное значение ед./ч для скорости временного базала - Эта настройка существует как ограничение безопасности, чтобы не позволить алгоритму ААПС когда-либо задать слишком большую величину скорости базала. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ - Для микроболюсов SMB необходимо запустить [ цель 9 ](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb). -- Первые три настройки объяснены [выше](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Подробности различных опций настройки описаны в разделе [возможности OpenAPS ](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ ![Параметры обслуживания](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Отправляйте логи журналов на . -- Если вы выберите *Шифрование экспортированных настроек* они будут зашифрованы вашим мастер-паролем [](Preferences-master-password). В этом случае пароль должен вводиться каждый раз, когда настройки экспортируются или импортируются. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Проект Open Humans From aa13d3709f6b6a8f7d8a8f089ac70e8609457c02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:41:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 096/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ | 28 +++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ index 2225152f88ec..bae70fbfc38c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Hardware/ @@ -1,44 +1,42 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Основательно с самого начала -Весной 2022, Dexcom G7 получил сертификат одобрения CE и поступил в продажу в конце октября 2022. - -Следует отметить, что система G7 по сравнению с G6 не сглаживает значения ни в приложении, ни в ридере. Подробнее об этом [здесь]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Подробнее об этом [здесь]( ![G7 английский](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) -:::{admonition} [Метод сглаживания](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning Для корректных показаний G7**ДОЛЖНО** быть включено **Экспоненциальное Сглаживание** +:::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Модифицированное приложение Dexcom G7 (DiAKEM) -**Примечание: Требуется AAPS или выше!** +**Примечание: Требуется AAPS или выше! Not available for ONE+.** ### Установите новое модифицированное (!) приложение G7 и запустите сенсор -Модифицированное приложение Dexcom G7 (DiAKEM) обеспечивает доступ к данным Dexcom G7. Это приложение отличается от самостоятельно собранного приложения Dexcom BYODA; BYODA не может получать данные G7. +A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiAKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not the BYODA app as this app can not receive G7 data at the moment. -Удалите оригинальное приложение Dexcom, если вы его использовали прежде (Рабочая сессия сенсора может продолжаться - запишите код сенсора перед удалением приложения!) +Uninstall the original Dexcom app if you used it before (A running sensor session can be continued - note the sensor code before removal of the app!) -Скачайте и установите patched.apk [по ссылке]( +Download and install the patched.apk [here]( -Введите код сенсора в модифицированном приложении. +Enter sensor code in the patched app. -Следуйте общим рекомендациям по гигиене НМГ и установке сенсора, которые можно найти [здесь](../Hardware/ +Follow the general recommendations for CGM hygiene and sensor placement found [here](../Hardware/ -После фазы прогрева, данные ГК отображаются как обычно в приложении G7. +After the warm-up phase, the values are displayed as usual in the G7 app. ### Конфигурация в AAPS -Для конфигурации в AAPS +For the configuration in AAPS - Выберите самостоятельно собранное приложение 'BYODA' в [конфигураторе, источник ГК](../Configuration/ даже если это не BYODA! - Если AAPS не получает данных ГК, переключитесь на другой источник ГК, а затем снова на 'BYODA'. -## 2. xdrip+ (прямое подключение к G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Следуйте инструкциям здесь: [Xdrip+ G7]( - В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](../Configuration/ выберите xDrip+. From d179526d4b1f2b1313c33121ab27acdfb2ad70a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:43:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 097/328] New translations (Russian) --- docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index bd1f83c2e5bb..eea1a3e8caa4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ## Настройки расширений -Через правое верхнее выпадающее меню **главного экрана** AAPS можно получить доступ к **настройкам расширений**. Он дает возможность изменить конфигурацию всех включенных модулей/расширений сразу. +Через правое верхнее выпадающее меню **главного экрана** AAPS можно получить доступ к **настройкам расширений**. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. Это хороший маршрут, если_например._ вы _просто_ хотите изменить конфигурацию для самостоятельно собранного приложения Dexcom BYODA. Затем выберите вкладку "BYODA" в верхнем меню **AAPS** и на странице BYODA, в правом верхнем углу выберите меню с тремя точками, а затем "Настройки расширения". Вы попадаете сразу к диалогу настроек специально для расширения BYODA. From 8ee646d6398993a1ffc8e83c3bb25ca61734aad1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:43:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 098/328] New translations (Russian) --- .../ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index c2ed9569eb5e..19711d81914b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Android увязывает использование Bluetooth со служб ![снимок экрана](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Единицы (мг/дл <-> ммоль/л) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Выберите, в каких единицах хотите видеть значения гликемии -- в мг/дл или ммоль/л, затем нажмите кнопку "ДАЛЕЕ": @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Android увязывает использование Bluetooth со служб Для Tidepool проще, так как требуются только персональные данные для входа. -Выбрав нужный вариант, нажмите кнопку «ДАЛЕЕ»: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![снимок экрана](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Android увязывает использование Bluetooth со служб Оставьте "Замедлить выгрузку" невключенным. Эта функция может пригодиться только в необычных обстоятельствах, если, например, на сервер Nightscout необходимо передать много информации, а Nightscout медленно обрабатывает данные. -Вернитесь к предыдущему экрану и выберите "ДАЛЕЕ", чтобы перейти к следующему экрану: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![снимок экрана](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ Android увязывает использование Bluetooth со служб ![снимок экрана](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -При использовании самостоятельно собранным приложением BYODA для Dexcom G6 нажмите на "шестеренку" для доступа к настройкам BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Включите «Загружать данные ГК в NS» и «Вносить запись о замене сенсора в NS». -Нажмите "ДАЛЕЕ" и перейдите к следующему экрану: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![снимок экрана](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ Android увязывает использование Bluetooth со служб OpenAPS AMA является самым простым алгоритмом, который не поддерживает микроболюсы для коррекции высоких значений ГК. Могут возникнуть ситуации, когда лучше использовать этот алгоритм, но, как правило, это не рекомендуется. ::: -Нажмите "ДАЛЕЕ" и перейдите к следующему экрану: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![снимок экрана](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ OpenAPS AMA является самым простым алгоритмом, к В связи с ограничениями, налагаемыми **Целями**, вы все равно не сможете активировать "замкнутый цикл" или "SMB" на этом этапе. -Нажмите "ДАЛЕЕ" и перейдите к следующему экрану: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![снимок экрана](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 0348b9580315012ad6b6b44b08fdfd5cf68ac6fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:45:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 099/328] New translations (Slovak) --- docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/ index e0086db06802..cc85313434cf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Check and remember actual COB and IOB on homescreen. 2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). -3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Make sure carbs are removed successfully by checking COB on homescreen again. 5. Do the same for IOB if there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin. From 2b73154ce96ebdc2ec3f9736f13b62824615531a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:49:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 100/328] New translations (Slovak) --- docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ index 81a73fc70ced..04c247adfec7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Basics first - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## General hints for looping with G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## If using G6 with xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Troubleshooting G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 specific troubleshooting +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 68d96862e382da5f9269fdd62506e6a44ce359a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:49:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 101/328] New translations (Slovak) --- docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ index 5084c380d1f3..6e156898dcf7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From 886f688adbbdf7ebf3fc36d9681d6c675f7a9977 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:49:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 102/328] New translations (Slovak) --- docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ index 81871dfa2c28..e95c7239bc22 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [General](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From d344a5e0e4106dc5c31d159ec8571502baab0a64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:49:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 103/328] New translations (Slovak) --- docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ index 11c380a22d86..e29b376ce617 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: - [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm for advanced users +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS AMA settings - Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. - More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to - Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you addition - You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Select which location service shall be used: ![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . -- If you select *Encrypt exported settings* these are encrypted with your [master password](Preferences-master-password). In this case master password has to be entered each time settings are exported or imported. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From ef25d9f5aab799898781f7c083b7ff11d7a520f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:49:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 104/328] New translations (Slovak) --- docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 5bb9526357c15d38c8597c3a1424f3f880ead5dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:51:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 105/328] New translations (Slovak) --- docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 064ccaf49ac9..4784170488e8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From cf0732c42412298f67a170ba6c7e7ac2a237b319 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:51:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 106/328] New translations (Slovak) --- .../sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 070d00d4d997..d86e78ba6145 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From cc05dfa8147ae1b313deee7a01bef7c90e592db6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:53:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 107/328] New translations (Turkish) --- docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/ index f13a3f58443b..37dd5c304933 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Tedavi sekmesi, hatalı karbonhidrat girişlerini düzeltmek için kullanılabil 1. Ana ekranda güncel AKRB ve AİNS'i kontrol edin ve unutmayın. 2. Tedavi sekmesinde pompaya bağlı olarak karbonhidratlar insülinle birlikte tek satırda veya ayrı bir giriş olarak (örn. Dana RS ile) gösterilebilir. -3. Hatalı karbonhidrat girişini kaldırın. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Ana ekranda AKRB'ı tekrar kontrol ederek karbonhidratların başarıyla kaldırıldığından emin olun. 5. Tedavi sekmesinde karbonhidrat ve insülin için yalnızca bir satır varsa, AİNS için de aynısını yapın. From 864aa68c6d293e7a4d03823a3858ff073af6f696 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:57:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 108/328] New translations (Turkish) --- docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ index 6496899cfe46..eebc53a8d241 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Ön Bilgi - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## Dexcom G6 ile kapalı döngü hakkında genel bilgiler +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Fabrika kalibrasyonu ile "Pre-soaking" ön ısınma denilen sensörü daha önce verici olmadan doku sıvısına "alışacak" şekilde yerleştirmek, muhtemelen glikoz değerlerinde sapmalara yol açar. 'pre-soak' ön ısınma yapıyorsanız, en iyi sonuçları almak için muhtemelen sensörü kalibre etmeniz gerekecektir. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. 'pre-soak' ön ısınma yapıyorsanız, en iyi sonuçları almak için muhtemelen sensörü kalibre etmeniz gerekecektir. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## xDrip+ ile Dexcom G6 kullanıyorsanız +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- Dexcom G6 vericisi, Dexcom alıcısına (veya alternatif olarak t:slim pompasına) ve telefonunuzdaki bir uygulamaya aynı anda bağlanabilir. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Sorun giderme G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6'ya özel sorun giderme +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 12f6d285e6a730cc429451c1f85dc80dab03ede6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:57:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 109/328] New translations (Turkish) --- docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ index 85cb7e721d6a..846bfa31a639 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From b14132e79f6bced726911beb093855577698e6c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:57:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 110/328] New translations (Turkish) --- docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ index 34b74bfca92f..7189166285f0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Genel](../Hardware/ * [Veri Yumuşatma](../Usage/ * [xDrip+ ayarları](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From eeff3a0bc48b8e060ecef4464d2e3134ac4cc08d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:57:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 111/328] New translations (Turkish) --- docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ index b28f714cabff..bbaeee761c8a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Configuration/ @@ -269,13 +269,14 @@ [Konfigürasyon ayarları](../Configuration/ içindeki ayarlarınıza bağlı olarak iki algoritma arasında seçim yapabilirsiniz: - [Gelişmiş yemek yardımı (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - algoritmanın 2017'deki durumu -- [Süper Mikro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - ileri düzey kullanıcılar için en yeni algoritma +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners ### OpenAPS SMB ayarları - Karbonhidratları doğru bir şekilde girerseniz, yemek bolusunuzdan sonra sistem yüksek kan şekerine daha hızlı müdahele eder. - Ayarlar ve Otoduyarlılık hakkında daha fazla ayrıntıyı [OpenAPS dokümanlarında]( bulabilirsiniz. +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= #### Maks Ü/s geçici Bazal ayarlanabilir - APPS'in tehlikeli derecede yüksek bazal oranı vermesini önlemek için bir güvenlik sınırıdır. @@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ Kendinizi rahat hissettiğinizde, Maks Bazal AİNS değerini yükselterek sistem - SMB'yi kullanmak için [görev 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)'a başlamış olmalısınız. -- İlk üç ayar [yukarıda](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal) açıklanmıştır. +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). - Farklı etkinleştirme seçenekleriyle ilgili ayrıntılar, [OpenAPS özelliği bölümünde](Open-APS-features-enable-smb) açıklanmaktadır. @@ -496,8 +497,7 @@ Hangi konum hizmetinin kullanılacağını seçin: ![Bakım ayarları](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Günlüklerin standart alıcısı 'dur. -- *Dışa aktarılan ayarları şifrele*'yi seçerseniz, bunlar [ana parolanız](Preferences-master-password) ile şifrelenir. Bu durumda, ayarlar her dışa aktarıldığında veya içe aktarıldığında ana parola girilmelidir. +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans From e49f9c3dcaccdad2979e60a81bc3579a8c390f0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:57:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 112/328] New translations (Turkish) --- docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ index 87528ce01e12..260ff034cd62 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Ön Bilgi -2022 baharında Dexcom G7 CE sertifikasını aldı ve '22 Ekim'in sonunda satılmaya başladı. - -G7 sisteminin G6 ile karşılaştırıldığında ne uygulamada ne de okuyucuda değerleri düzgünleştirmemesi dikkat çekicidir. Bununla ilgili daha fazla ayrıntıya [buradan]( ulaşabilirsiniz. +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Bununla ilgili daha fazla ayrıntıya [buradan]( ulaşabilirsiniz. ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Yeni yamalı (!) bir G7 uygulaması kurun ve sensörü başlatın @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From bacd7bd1ac1e44e61220c406aa1a38ea2a7c7144 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:59:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 113/328] New translations (Turkish) --- docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 4eb0460cd486..19c0db9ec3ef 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 9bba489f988bdfd38f87d8c097145a3f15e991bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:59:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 114/328] New translations (Turkish) --- .../tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 4031928845ee..b65e37773f44 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From a211f17f32c93e7b9b5100bdafecd181eca008f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 115/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 198 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 5a12ce75909c..c3c7480e9ec9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ -# Accu Chek Combo 幫浦 +# 罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 -**這個軟體是 DIY 解決方案的一部分,並不是一個產品,因此需要你自己閱讀、學習並理解系統以及如何使用它。 它不是一個能為你完全管理糖尿病的工具,但如果你願意投入時間,它可以幫助你改善糖尿病並提高生活品質。 不要急著使用,先給自己學習的時間。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** +**本软件是DIY解决方案的一部分而非完整的产品,需要您仔细研学包括使用方法在内的系统知识。 它无法为您全权处理糖尿病治疗的全部,但如果你愿意投入必要的时间,它将有助于改善病情并提高生活质量。 不要想着一蹴而就,请给自己足够的学习时间。 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-hardware-requirements)= -## 硬體需求 - -- 任何版本的 Roche Accu-Chek Combo(任何韌體版本皆支援) -- 一個 Smartpix 或 Realtyme 裝置,配合 360 設定軟體來配置幫浦。 (Roche 在客戶要求下會免費寄送 Smartpix 裝置和設定軟體。) -- 一部相容的手機:Android 手機,需安裝 LineageOS 14.1(前稱 CyanogenMod)或至少 Android 8.1(Oreo)。 從 AAPS 3.0 開始,Android 9 是必須的。 詳情請見[版本說明](。 -- 使用 LineageOS 14.1 時,手機必須是 2017 年 6 月以後的版本,因為只有那時的改變才允許配對 Combo 幫浦。 -- 可以在[AAPS 手機列表](文件中找到相容手機。 -- 請注意,這不是完整的列表,只反應個人使用經驗。 我們鼓勵你也分享你的經驗,這樣可以幫助其他人(這些專案是關於傳遞經驗)。 -- 請注意,儘管 Android 8.1 允許與 Combo 通訊,但 AAPS 在 8.1 上仍有問題。 -- 對於進階使用者,可以在已 root 的手機上進行配對,然後將其轉移到另一部已 root 的手機上使用 ruffy/AAPS,這兩部手機都需要 root。 這使得使用 Android 版本低於 8.1 的手機成為可能,但尚未廣泛測試: - -## 限制 - -- 不支援延長注射和多波段注射(請參閱[延長碳水化合物](../Usage/。 -- 僅支援一個基礎率設定檔。 -- 在幫浦上設定其他基礎率設定檔或進行延長注射或多波段注射,會干擾 TBR,並使循環進入低懸掛模式6小時,因為在這種情況下無法安全運作循環。 -- 目前無法設置幫浦的時間和日期,因此[夏令時間變更](Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo)需要手動進行(你可以在晚上停用手機的自動時鐘更新,然後與幫浦時鐘一起在早上重新調整,以避免夜間警報)。 -- 目前僅支援 0.05 至 10 U/h 範圍內的基礎率。 這也適用於修改設定檔的情況,例如當增加到 200% 時,最高基礎率不得超過 5 U/h,因為加倍計算後會超過10 U/h。 同樣地,當減少到 50% 時,最低基礎率必須至少為 0.10 U/h。 -- 如果循環要求取消正在運作的 TBR,Combo 將設定 90% 或 110% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘。 這是因為取消 TBR 會在幫浦上觸發警報,導致大量震動。 -- 偶爾(大約每幾天),AAPS 可能無法自動取消 TBR 警報,用戶需要處理此問題(按下 AAPS 的重新整理按鈕以將警告傳送至 AAPS 或在幫浦上確認警報)。 -- 藍牙連線的穩定性隨不同手機而異,可能會出現「幫浦無法使用」的警報,這時幫浦無法再建立連線。 -- 如果發生此錯誤,請確認藍牙已啟用,按下 Combo 標籤中的重新整理按鈕以檢查是否是臨時問題,如果仍無法建立連線,重啟手機,這通常能解決問題。 -- 另一個問題是,當重啟無效時,必須按下幫浦上的按鈕(這會重設幫浦的藍牙),然後幫浦才能再次接受來自手機的連線。 -- 目前對這些問題幾乎無法解決。 因此,如果你經常看到這些錯誤,目前唯一的選擇是換一部已知與 AAPS 和 Combo 幫浦相容的手機(請參閱上文)。 -- 從幫浦發出的注射未必會及時偵測到(每當 AAPS 連線到幫浦時檢查),最壞情況下可能需要長達 20 分鐘。 -- 幫浦上的注射總是在 AAPS 發出高 TBR 或注射前檢查,但由於限制,AAPS 將拒絕執行這些操作,因為它們是在錯誤的前提下計算的。 (→不要從幫浦進行注射! 請參閱[使用指南](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-usage)下方章節) -- 避免在幫浦上設定 TBR,因為循環控制 TBR。 在幫浦上偵測到新的 TBR 可能需要長達 20 分鐘,並且 TBR 的效果僅從偵測時開始計算,因此最壞情況下可能有 20 分鐘的 TBR 沒有反映在 IOB 中。 - -## 設定 - -- 使用 360 設定軟體配置幫浦。 -- 如果你沒有這個軟體,請聯絡你的 Accu-Chek 客服專線。 他們通常會向註冊用戶寄送附有 "360° 幫浦設定軟體" 的 CD 和 SmartPix USB 紅外線連線裝置(如果你有 Realtyme 裝置,也可以使用)。 -- **必要設定**(在螢幕截圖中以綠色標示): +## 硬件要求: + +- 一台罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 (任何版本的固件都可以) +- A Smartpix or Realtyme device together with the 360 Configuration Software to configure the pump. (Roche sends out Smartpix devices and the configuration software free of charge to their customers upon request.) +- A compatible phone: An Android phone with a phone running LineageOS 14.1 (formerly CyanogenMod) or at least Android 8.1 (Oreo). As of AAPS 3.0 Android 9 is mandatory. See [release notes]( for details. +- With LineageOS 14.1 it has to be a recent version from at least June 2017 since the change needed to pair the Combo pump was only introduced at that time. +- A list of phones can be found in the [AAPS Phones]( document. +- Please be aware that this is not complete list and reflects personal user experience. You are encouraged to also enter your experience and thereby help others (these projects are all about paying it forward). +- Be aware that while Android 8.1 allows communicating with the Combo, there are still issues with AAPS on 8.1. +- For advanced users, it is possible to perform the pairing on a rooted phone and transfer it to another rooted phone to use with ruffy/AAPS, which must also be rooted. This allows using phones with Android < 8.1 but has not been widely tested: + +## Limitations + +- Extended bolus and multiwave bolus are not supported (see [Extended Carbs](../Usage/ instead). +- Only one basal profile is supported. +- Setting a basal profile other than 1 on the pump or delivering extended boluses or multiwave boluses from the pump interferes with TBRs and forces the loop into low-suspend only mode for 6 hours as the the loop can't run safely under these conditions. +- It's currently not possible to set the time and date on the pump, so [daylight saving time changes](Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo) have to be performed manually (you may disable the phone's automatic clock update in the evening and change it back in the morning together with the pump clock to avoid an alarm during the night). +- Currently only basal rates in the range of 0.05 to 10 U/h are supported. This also applies when modifying a profile, e.g. when increasing to 200%, the highest basal rate must not exceed 5 U/h since it will be doubled. Similarly, when reducing to 50%, the lowest basal rate must be at least 0.10 U/h. +- If the loop requests a running TBR to be cancelled the Combo will set a TBR of 90% or 110% for 15 minutes instead. This is because cancelling a TBR causes an alert on the pump which causes a lot of vibrations. +- Occasionally (every couple of days or so) AAPS might fail to automatically cancel a TBR CANCELLED alert, which the user then needs to deal with (by pressing the refresh button in AAPS to transfer the warning to AAPS or confirming the alert on the pump). +- Bluetooth connection stability varies with different phones, causing "pump unreachable" alerts, where no connection to the pump is established anymore. +- If that error occurs, make sure Bluetooth is enabled, press the Refresh button in the Combo tab to see if this was caused by an intermitted issue and if still no connection is established, reboot the phone which should usually fix this. +- There is another issue were a restart doesn't help but a button on the pump must be pressed (which resets the pump's Bluetooth), before the pump accepts connections from the phone again. +- There is very little that can be done to remedy either of those issues at this point. So if you see those errors frequently your only option at this time is to get another phone that's known to work well with AAPS and the Combo (see above). +- Issuing a bolus from the pump will not always be detected in time (checked for whenever AAPS connects to the pump), and might take up to 20 minutes in the worst case. +- Boluses on the pump are always checked before a high TBR or a bolus issued by AAPS but due to the limitations AAPS will then refuse to issue the TBR/Bolus as it was calculated under false premises. (-> Don't bolus from the Pump! See chapter [Usage](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-usage) below) +- Setting a TBR on the pump is to be avoided since the loop assumes control of TBRs. Detecting a new TBR on the pump might take up to 20 minutes and the TBR's effect will only be accounted from the moment it is detected, so in the worst case there might be 20 minutes of a TBR that is not reflected in IOB. + +## 设置 + +- Configure the pump using 360 config software. +- If you do not have the software, please contact your Accu-Chek hotline. They usually send registered users a CD with the "360° Pump Configuration Software" and a SmartPix USB-infrared connection device (the Realtyme device also works if you have that). +- **Required settings** (marked green in screenshots): - - 將/保持選單配置設為「標準」,這將只顯示幫浦支援的選單/操作,並隱藏不支援的部分(如延長注射/多波注射、多重基礎率),使用這些功能會限制循環功能,因為無法在安全的情況下運作循環。 - - 確認 *快速資訊文字* 設為 "QUICK INFO"(不加引號,可在 *胰島素幫浦選項* 中找到)。 - - 將 TBR *最大調整* 設為 500% - - 停用 *臨時基礎率結束訊號* - - 將 TBR *持續時間增量* 設定為 15 分鐘 - - 啟用藍牙 - -- **建議設定**(在螢幕截圖中以藍色標示) + - Set/leave the menu configuration as "Standard", this will show only the supported menus/actions on the pump and hide those which are unsupported (extended/multiwave bolus, multiple basal rates), which cause the loop functionality to be restricted when used because it's not possible to run the loop in a safe manner when used. + - Verify the *Quick Info Text* is set to "QUICK INFO" (without the quotes, found under *Insulin Pump Options*). + - Set TBR *Maximum Adjustment* to 500% + - Disable *Signal End of Temporary Basal Rate* + - Set TBR *Duration increment* to 15 min + - Enable Bluetooth + +- **Recommended settings** (marked blue in screenshots) - - 根據你的需求設置低匣警報 - - 配置一個適合你治療的最大注射量,以防軟體中的錯誤 - - 同樣地,配置 TBR 的最大持續時間作為防護措施。 允許至少 3 小時,因為選擇中斷幫浦 3 小時會設置 0% 持續 3 小時。 - - 啟用幫浦上的鍵盤鎖以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是在幫浦以前經常使用時。 當幫浦之前被使用且快速注射已成習慣時,這一點尤其重要。 - - 將顯示逾時和選單逾時分別設置為最小值 5.5 和 5。 這允許 AAPS 更快地從錯誤情況中恢復,並減少在這些錯誤期間可能發生的震動次數。 + - Set low cartridge alarm to your liking + - Configure a max bolus suited for your therapy to protect against bugs in the software + - Similarly, configure maximum TBR duration as a safeguard. Allow at least 3 hours, since the option to disconnect the pump for 3 hours sets a 0% for 3 hours. + - Enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit. + - Set display timeout and menu timeout to the minimum of 5.5 and 5 respectively. This allows the AAPS to recover more quickly from error situations and reduces the amount of vibrations that can occur during such errors -![用戶選單設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) +![Screenshot of user menu settings](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) -![TBR 設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) +![Screenshot of TBR settings](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) -![注射設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) +![Screenshot of bolus settings](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) -![胰島素匣設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) +![Screenshot of insulin cartridge settings](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) -- 按照[AAPS wiki](中的描述安裝 AAPS -- 請務必閱讀 wiki 以了解如何設定 AAPS。 -- 此時在 AAPS 中選擇 MDI 外掛,而非 Combo 外掛,以避免 Combo 外掛在配對過程中干擾 ruffy。 -- 透過 git 從 [MilosKozak/ruffy]( 進行 ruffy 的複製。 目前主要分支是 `combo` 分支,如果遇到問題,你也可以嘗試 'pairing' 分支(見下文)。 -- 編譯並安裝 ruffy,並用它來配對幫浦。 如果多次嘗試後仍無法配對,切換到 `pairing` 分支,配對幫浦,然後再切換回原始分支。 如果幫浦已配對且可以透過 ruffy 控制,安裝 `combo` 分支即可。 請注意,配對過程有點不穩定(但只需要做一次),可能需要嘗試幾次;要快速回應提示訊息。如果要重新開始配對,先從藍牙設定裡移除幫浦裝置。 另一個選項是,在 啟動配對過程後進入藍牙選單(這會使手機的藍牙在選單顯示期間保持可被發現的狀態), 然後在幫浦顯示授權碼後切回 ruffy。 如果多次(如 10 次)嘗試後仍無法配對,嘗試在幫浦顯示手機名稱後等待最多 10 秒再確認配對。 如果你之前將選單逾時設置為 5 秒,現在需要再次增加它。 有些用戶報告他們需要這麼做。 最後,考慮移動到另一個房間以避免本地無線干擾。 至少有一位用戶透過簡單地換房間立即解決了配對問題。 -- 當 AAPS 使用 ruffy 時,ruffy 應用程式將無法使用。 最簡單的方式是 在配對過程後重啟手機,然後讓 AAPS 在背景中啟動 ruffy。 -- 如果幫浦是全新的,你需要在幫浦上進行一次注射,這樣幫浦會建立第一個歷史記錄。 -- 在 AAPS 中啟用 Combo 外掛之前,請確保你的個人資料已正確設定並啟動(!),並且基礎率設定檔已更新,因為 AAPS 將會同步基礎率設定檔到幫浦上。 然後啟用 Combo 外掛。 按下 Combo 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕以初始化 幫浦。 -- 為了驗證你的設定,中斷幫浦*連線*,使用 AAPS 設定 500% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘,並進行一次注射。 幫浦現在應該正在運作 TBR,並且歷史記錄中有注射紀錄。 AAPS 也應顯示活動的 TBR 和已注射的記錄。 +- Install AAPS as described in the [AAPS wiki]( +- Make sure to read the wiki to understand how to setup AAPS. +- Select the MDI plugin in AAPS, not the Combo plugin at this point to avoid the Combo plugin from interfering with ruffy during the pairing process. +- Clone ruffy via git from [MilosKozak/ruffy]( At the moment, the primary branch is the `combo` branch, in case of problems you might also try the 'pairing' branch (see below). +- Build and install ruffy and use it to pair the pump. If it doesn't work after multiple attempts, switch to the `pairing` branch, pair the pump and then switch back the original branch. If the pump is already paired and can be controlled via ruffy, installing the `combo` branch is sufficient. Note that the pairing processing is somewhat fragile (but only has to be done once) and may need a few attempts; quickly acknowledge prompts and when starting over, remove the pump device from the Bluetooth settings beforehand. Another option to try is to go to the Bluetooth menu after initiating the pairing process (this keeps the phone's Bluetooth discoverable as long as the menu is displayed) and switch back to ruffy after confirming the pairing on the pump, when the pump displays the authorization code. If you're unsuccessful in pairing the pump (say after 10 attempts), try waiting up to 10s before confirming the pairing on the pump (when the name of the phone is displayed on the pump). If you have configured the menu timeout to be 5s above, you need to increase it again. Some users reported they needed to do this. Lastly, consider moving from one room to another in case of local radio interference. At least one user immediately overcame pairing problems by simply changing rooms. +- When AAPS is using ruffy, the ruffy app can't be used. The easiest way is to just reboot the phone after the pairing process and let AAPS start ruffy in the background. +- If the pump is completely new, you need to do one bolus on the pump, so the pump creates a first history entry. +- Before enabling the Combo plugin in AAPS make sure your profile is set up correctly and activated(!) and your basal profile is up to date as AAPS will sync the basal profile to the pump. Then activate the Combo plugin. Press the *Refresh* button on the Combo tab to initialize the pump. +- To verify your setup, with the pump **disconnected**, use AAPS to set a TBR of 500% for 15 min and issue a bolus. The pump should now have a TBR running and the bolus in the history. AAPS should also show the active TBR and delivered bolus. (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-why-pairing-with-the-pump-does-not-work-with-the-app-ruffy)= -## 為什麼應用程式 "ruffy" 無法與幫浦配對? +## Why pairing with the pump does not work with the app "ruffy"? -有多種可能的原因。 嘗試以下步驟: +There are serveral possible reasons. Try the following steps: -1. 在幫浦中插入一顆**全新或充滿電的電池**。 查看電池部分以了解詳細資訊。 確保幫浦非常接近智慧型手機。 +1. Insert a **fresh or full battery** into the pump. Look at the battery section for details. Make sure that the pump is very close to the smartphone. -![將 Combo 放在手機旁邊](../images/Combo_next_to_Phone.png) +![Combo should be next to phone](../images/Combo_next_to_Phone.png) -2. 關閉或移除任何其他藍牙裝置,以防它們在配對過程中與手機建立連線。 任何平行的藍牙通訊或連線提示都可能干擾配對過程。 +2. Turn off or remove any other bluetooth devices so they will not be able to establish a connection to the phone while pairing is in progress. Any parallel bluetooth communication or prompt to establish connections might disturb the pairing process. -3. 在幫浦的藍牙選單中刪除已連線的裝置:**藍牙設定 / 連線 / 移除** 直到 **無裝置** 顯示為止。 +3. Delete already connected devices in the Bluetooth menu of the pump: **BLUETOOTH SETTINGS / CONNECTION / REMOVE** until **NO DEVICE** is shown. -4. 在手機的設定 / 藍牙中,刪除與手機已配對的幫浦裝置:移除配對的裝置 "**SpiritCombo**" -5. 確保 AAPS 不在背景執行循環。 停用 AAPS 中的循環。 -6. 嘗試使用[MilosKozak/ruffy]( 倉庫中的 '**pairing**' 分支來建立連線。 -7. 現在在手機上啟動 ruffy。 你可以按下重置! 並移除舊的連線。 然後點擊**連線!** -8. 在幫浦的藍牙選單中,前往 **新增裝置 / 新增連線**。 按下 *連線!** - - 接下來的三個步驟對時間的要求很嚴格,如果配對失敗,你可能需要嘗試不同的停頓或速度。 在嘗試之前先閱讀完整步驟。 +4. Delete a pump already connected to the phone via Bluetooth: Under Settings / Bluetooth, remove the paired device "**SpiritCombo**" +5. Make sure, that AAPS not running in background the loop. Deaktivate Loop in AAPS. +6. Try using the '**pairing**' branch from the [MilosKozak/ruffy]( repository to establish the connection +7. Now start ruffy on the phone. You may press Reset! and remove the old connection. Then hit **Connect!**. +8. In the Bluetooth menu of the pump, go to **ADD DEVICE / ADD CONNECTION**. Press *CONNECT!** + - The next three steps are timing-sensitive, so you might need to try different pauses/speed if pairing fails. Read the full sequence before trying it. -9. 現在幫浦應該顯示出手機的藍牙名稱以供選擇配對。 在按下選擇按鈕之前,至少等待 5 秒 。 否則幫浦將無法正確地發送配對請求到手機。 +9. Now the Pump should show up the BT Name of phone to select for pairing. Here it is importand to wait at least 5s before you hit the select button on Pump. Otherwise the Pumpe will not send the Paring request to the Phone proberly. - - 如果 Combo 幫浦的螢幕逾時設定為 5 秒,可以嘗試使用 40 秒(原始設定)。 根據經驗, 從幫浦顯示到手機,直到選擇手機,大約需要 5-10 秒。 在許多其他情況下,配對會因逾時而失敗 。 之後,你可將其設定回 5 秒,以符合 AAPS Combo 設定並加速連線。 - - 如果幫浦根本未顯示手機作為配對裝置,則可能是手機的藍牙堆疊與幫浦不相容 。 確保你正在運作最新的 **LineageOS ≥ 14.1** 或 **Android ≥ 8.1(Oreo)**。 如果可能, 請嘗試使用另一部手機。 可以在\[AAPS 手機\] ( 文件中找到已成功使用的手機列表。 + - If Combo Pump is set to 5s Screentime out, you may test it with 40s (original setting). From experiance the time between pump is showing up in phone until select phone is around 5-10s. In many other cases pairing just times out without successfully pair. Later you should set it back to 5s, to meet AAPS Combo settings and speed up connections. + - If the pump does not show the phone as a pairing device at all, your phone's Bluetooth stack is probably not compatible with the pump. Make sure you are running a new **LineageOS ≥ 14.1** or **Android ≥ 8.1 (Oreo)**. If possible, try another smartphone. You can find a list of already successfully used smartphones under \[AAPS Phones\] ( -10. 有時手機會要求輸入一個(通常為 4 位數的)藍牙 PIN 碼,這與幫浦稍後顯示的 10 位數 PIN 無關。 通常,ruffy 會自動設置這個 PIN,但由於時間問題,這並不總是有效。 如果在幫浦顯示任何代碼之前,手機出現藍牙配對 PIN 請求,你需要輸入**}gZ='GD?gj2r|B}>** 作為 PIN。 最簡單的方法是先將這 16 位字符的文本複製到剪貼板,然後在配對過程中出現此步驟時將其貼上。 詳情請參閱[Github 問題](。 +10. Sometimes the phone asks for a (typically 4 digit) bluetooth PIN number that is not related to the 10 digit PIN later shown on the pump. Usually, ruffy will set this PIN automatically, but due to timing issues, this does not always work. If a request for a Bluetooth pairing PIN appears on the phone before any code is shown on the pump, you need to enter **}gZ='GD?gj2r|B}>** as the PIN. This is easiest done if you copy this 16 character text into the clipboard before starting the pairing sequence and just paste it in the dialog at this step. See related [Github issue]( for details. -11. 接下來幫浦應該顯示一個 10 位數的安全代碼。 而 Ruffy 應顯示一個輸入此代碼的畫面。 輸入代碼後,你 應該可以繼續。 -12. 如果配對不成功,並且幫浦上出現逾時,你將需要重新開始整個過程。 -13. 如果你使用 'Pairing' 分支來構建 ruffy 應用程式,現在安裝來自 'combo' 分支的版本,覆蓋安裝。 確保在簽署兩個版本的應用程式時使用相同的密鑰,以便保持所有設置和資料,因為它們還包含連線屬性。 -14. 重啟手機。 -15. 現在你可以重新啟動 AAPS 循環。 +11. At next the pump should show up a 10 digit security code. And Ruffy shold show a screen to enter it. So enter the code in Ruffy and you should be ready to go. +12. If pairing was not successful and you got a timeout on the pump, you will need to restart the process from scratch. +13. If you have used the 'Pairing' branch to build the ruffy app, now install the version build from the 'combo' branch on top of it. Make sure that you have used the same keys when signing the two versions of the app to be able to keep all setting and data, as they also contain the connection properties. +14. Reboot the phone. +15. Now you can restart AAPS loop. (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump)= -## 使用說明 - -- 請記住,這不是一個產品,特別是 剛開始時,用戶需要監控並理解系統、其限制以及它如何可能失效。 強烈建議當使用者無法完全理解系統時,不要使用此系統。 -- 閱讀 OpenAPS 文件 以理解 AAPS 所基於的循環演算法 。 -- 閱讀線上文件以學習和理解 AAPS -- 此整合使用了 Combo 附帶的血糖機所提供的相同功能。 該血糖機允許鏡像幫浦螢幕並將按鍵輸入傳送到幫浦。 連線幫浦和傳送按鍵輸入是 ruffy 應用程式的功能 。 一個`腳本工具`組件會讀取螢幕 並自動輸入注射、TBR 等,確保輸入正確處理。 然後 AAPS 與腳本工具互動以應用循環指令並管理注射。 此模式有一些限制:速度相對較慢(但足夠快用於其用途), 並且設置 TBR 或進行注射時會導致幫浦震動。 -- Combo 與 AAPS 的整合假設所有輸入都是 透過 AAPS 進行的。 直接在幫浦上進行的注射能被 AAPS 偵測到,但可能需要 長達 20 分鐘 AAPS 才能察覺這種注射。 直接在幫浦上輸入的注射讀取是一個安全功能,並不建議經常使用(循環需要知道消耗的碳水化合物,這無法在幫浦上輸入,這是所有輸入應該在 AAPS 內完成的另一個原因)。 -- 不要在幫浦上設置或取消 TBR。 循環假設 TBR 是由其控制的,否則將無法可靠工作,因為無法確定用戶在幫浦上設置的 TBR 開始時間。 -- 幫浦的第一基礎率設定檔在應用程式啟動時被讀取,並由 AAPS 更新。 基礎率不應手動在幫浦上更改,若發生更改,會被偵測並作為安全 措施進行修正(預設情況下不要依賴安全措施,這是為了偵測幫浦上的非預期更改)。 -- 建議啟用幫浦的鍵盤鎖以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是 當幫浦以前被使用並且「快速注射」功能成為習慣時。 此外,啟用按鍵鎖定後,即使意外按到按鍵,也不會中斷 AAPS 和幫浦之間的通訊。 -- 當幫浦在進行注射或設定臨時基礎率時,出現「注射/臨時基礎率取消」警報,這是因為幫浦和手機之間的連線中斷,這種情況偶爾會發生。 AAPS 會嘗試重新連線並確認警報,然後重試最後的操作(出於安全考量,注射不會重試)。 因此,這樣的警報可以忽略,因為 AAPS 會自動確認,通常在 30 秒內完成(取消警報沒問題,但會導致當前正在進行的操作必須等到幫浦螢幕熄滅後,才能重新連線到幫浦)。 如果幫浦的警報持續響起,代表自動確認失敗,這時用戶需要手動確認警報。 -- 當在注射過程中出現低藥匣或低電量警報時,這些警報會被確認,並顯示為 AAPS 中的通知。 如果這些警報發生時幫浦沒有連線,前往 Combo 頁籤並按下重新整理按鈕會接管這些警報,確認後會在 AAPS 顯示通知。 -- 當 AAPS 無法確認 '臨時基礎率取消' 警報,或因其他原因觸發該警報時,在 Combo 頁籤按下重新整理會重新建立連線,確認警報,並在 AAPS 顯示通知。 這樣做是安全的,因為這些警報是無害的——在下次循環時會再次設定適當的臨時基礎率(TBR)。 -- 對於幫浦觸發的其他警報:連接到幫浦後,會在 Combo 頁籤顯示警報訊息,例如『狀態:E4:阻塞』,並且會在主畫面顯示通知。 錯誤會觸發緊急通知。 AAPS 不會確認幫浦上的嚴重錯誤,而是會讓幫浦震動並響鈴,以確保用戶知道需要處理的重大情況。 -- 配對後,不應直接使用 ruffy(AAPS 會在需要時於背景啟動),因為同時使用 ruffy 和 AAPS 是不支援的。 -- 如果 AAPS 當機(或被調試器停止)時 AAPS 正在與幫浦連線(使用 ruffy),可能需要強制關閉 ruffy。 重新啟動 AAPS 會再次啟動 ruffy。 如果你不知道如何強制關閉應用程式,重新啟動手機也是解決這個問題的簡單方法。 -- 當AAPS與幫浦連線時(幫浦上顯示藍牙標誌),請不要按下幫浦上的任何按鈕。 \ No newline at end of file +## Usage + +- Keep in mind that this is not a product, esp. in the beginning the user needs to monitor and understand the system, its limitations and how it can fail. It is strongly advised NOT to use this system when the person using it is not able to fully understand the system. +- Read the OpenAPS documentation to understand the loop algorithm AAPS is based upon. +- Read the online documentation to learn about and understand AAPS +- This integration uses the same functionality which the meter provides that comes with the Combo. The meter allows to mirror the pump screen and forwards button presses to the pump. The connection to the pump and this forwarding is what the ruffy app does. A `scripter` component reads the screen and automates entering boluses, TBRs etc and making sure inputs are processed correctly. AAPS then interacts with the scripter to apply loop commands and to administer boluses. This mode has some restrictions: it's comparatively slow (but well fast enough for what it is used for), and setting a TBR or giving a bolus causes the pump to vibrate. +- The integration of the Combo with AAPS is designed with the assumption that all inputs are made via AAPS. Boluses entered on the pump directly will be detected by AAPS, but it can take up to 20 min before AAPS becomes aware of such a bolus. Reading boluses delivered directly on the pump is a safety feature and not meant to be regularly used (the loop requires knowledge of carbs consumed, which can't be entered on the pump, which is another reason why all inputs should be done in AAPS). +- Don't set or cancel a TBR on the pump. The loop assumes control of TBR and cannot work reliably otherwise, since it's not possible to determine the start time of a TBR that was set by the user on the pump. +- The pump's first basal rate profile is read on application start and is updated by AAPS. The basal rate should not be manually changed on the pump, but will be detected and corrected as a safety measure (don't rely on safety measures by default, this is meant to detect an unintended change on the pump). +- It's recommended to enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and using the "quick bolus" feature was a habit. Also, with keylock enabled, accidentally pressing a key will NOT interrupt active communication between AAPS and pump. +- When a BOLUS/TBR CANCELLED alert starts on the pump during bolusing or setting a TBR, this is caused by a disconnect between pump and phone, which happens from time to time. AAPS will try to reconnect and confirm the alert and then retry the last action (boluses are NOT retried for safety reasons). Therefore, such an alarm can be ignored as AAPS will confirm it automatically, usually within 30s (cancelling it is not problem, but will lead to the currently active action to have to wait till the pump's display turns off before it can reconnect to the pump). If the pump's alarm continues, automatic corfirmation failed, in which case the user needs to confirm the alarm manually. +- When a low cartridge or low battery alarm is raised during a bolus, they are confirmed and shown as a notification in AAPS. If they occur while no connection is open to the pump, going to the Combo tab and hitting the Refresh button will take over those alerts by confirming them and show a notification in AAPS. +- When AAPS fails to confirm a TBR CANCELLED alert, or one is raised for a different reason, hitting Refresh in the Combo tab establishes a connection, confirms the alert and shows a notification for it in AAPS. This can safely be done, since those alerts are benign - an appropriate TBR will be set again during the next loop iteration. +- For all other alerts raised by the pump: connecting to the pump will show the alert message in the Combo tab, e.g. "State: E4: Occlusion" as well as showing a notification on the main screen. An error will raise an urgent notification. AAPS never confirms serious errors on the pump, but let's the pump vibrate and ring to make sure the user is informed of a critical situation that needs action. +- After pairing, ruffy should not be used directly (AAPS will start in the background as needed), since using ruffy at AAPS at the same time is not supported. +- If AAPS crashes (or is stopped from the debugger) while AAPS and the pump were communicating (using ruffy), it might be necessary to force close ruffy. Restarting AAPS will start ruffy again. Restarting the phone is also an easy way to resolve this if you don't know how to force kill an app. +- Don't press any buttons on the pump while AAPS communicates with the pump (Bluetooth logo is shown on the pump). \ No newline at end of file From 8927005f1bb14e2f92285c9c260000937e11e8ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 116/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 378 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 189 insertions(+), 189 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 504110d73465..d7e886c92c07 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,379 +1,379 @@ -# 組態建置工具 +# 配置生成器 -根據你的設定,你可以透過螢幕頂部的標籤或選單開「啟組態建置工具」。 +Depending on your settings you can open Config Builder through a tab at the top of the screen or through hamburger menu. -![開啟組態建置工具](../images/ConfBuild_Open_AAPS30.png) +![Open config builder](../images/ConfBuild_Open_AAPS30.png) -組態建置工具(Conf)是你用來啟用或停用模組功能的標籤。 左側的框(A)允許你選擇要使用哪一個,右側的框(C)允許你將這些顯示為 AAPS 中的標籤(E)。 如果右側的框未啟用,你可以透過螢幕左上方的選單(D)進入該功能。 +Config Builder (Conf) is the tab where you turn the modular features on and off. The boxes on the left-hand side (A) allow you to select which one to use, the boxes on the right-hand side (C) allow you to view these as a tab (E) in AAPS. In case the right box is not activated you can reach the function by using the hamburger menu (D) on the top left of the screen. -如果模組內有額外的設定可用,你可以點擊齒輪(B),這會將你帶到偏好設定中的特定設置。 +Where there are additional settings available within the module, you can click on the cog wheel (B) which will take you to the specific settings within preferences. -**首次配置:**從 AAPS 2.0 開始,設定嚮導會引導你完成 AAPS 的配置過程。 按下螢幕右上角的三點選單(F),並選擇「設定嚮導」來使用它。 +**First configuration:** Since AAPS 2.0 a Setup wizard guides you through the process of setting up AAPS. Push 3-dots-menu on the upper right-hand side of the screen (F) and select 'Setup Wizard' to use it. -![組態建置工具框和齒輪](../images/ConfBuild_ConfigBuilder_AAPS30.png) +![Config Builder boxes and cog wheel](../images/ConfBuild_ConfigBuilder_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-tab-or-hamburger-menu)= -## 標籤或選單 +## Tab or hamburger menu -透過眼睛圖示下方的選框,你可以決定如何開啟相應的程式區段。 +With the checkbox under the eye symbol you can decide how to open the corresponding program section. -![標籤或選單](../images/ConfBuild_TabOrHH_AAPS30.png) +![Tab or hamburger menu](../images/ConfBuild_TabOrHH_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-profile)= -## 設定檔 +## Profile -* 選擇你要使用的基礎率設定檔。 有關更多設定資訊,請參閱[設定檔](../Usage/頁面。 -* 從 AAPS 3.0 開始,僅提供本地設定檔。 +* Select the basal profile you wish to use. See [Profiles](../Usage/ page for more setup information. +* As of AAPS 3.0, only the local profile is available. -然而,可以將 Nightscout 設定檔同步至本地設定檔。 不過,為此重要的是要在 Nightscout 編輯器中複製由多個設定檔組成的完整資料庫記錄。 請參閱下方的說明。 如果要對更廣泛的設定檔進行重大更改,這可能會很有幫助,例如從試算表手動複製資料。 +However, it is possible to synchronise a Nightscout profile into a local profile. To do this, however, it is important to clone the whole database record consisting of several profiles in the Nightscout editor. Please see the instructions below. This can be helpful if major changes to a more extensive profile can be entered more easily via the web interface, e.g. to manually copy data from a spreadsheet. (Config-Builder-local-profile)= -### 本地設定檔(Local profile) +### Local profile -本地設定檔使用手動輸入到手機中的基礎率設定檔。 一旦選擇它,AAPS 中將會顯示一個新標籤,必要時你可以更改從幫浦讀取的設定檔資料。 下次切換設定檔時,這些資料將寫入幫浦中的設定檔 1。 建議使用這個設定檔,因為它不依賴於網際網路連線。 +Local profile uses the basal profile manually entered in phone. As soon as it is selected, a new tab appears in AAPS, where you can change the profile data read out from the pump if necessary. With the next profile switch they are then written to the pump in profile 1. This profile is recommended as it does not rely on internet connectivity. -你的本地設定檔是[匯出設定](../Usage/的一部分。 因此,確保有一個安全的備份。 +Your local profiles are part of [exported settings](../Usage/ So make sure to have a backup in a safe place. -![本地設定檔設置](../images/LocalProfile_Settings.png) +![Local Profile settings](../images/LocalProfile_Settings.png) -按鈕: +Buttons: -* 綠色加號:新增 -* 紅色 X:刪除 -* 藍色箭頭:複製 +* green plus: add +* red X: delete +* blue arrow: duplicate -如果你對設定檔進行任何更改,請確保你正在編輯正確的設定。 在設定檔標籤中,不一定會顯示當前正在使用的設定檔——例如,如果你使用主畫面的設定檔標籤進行切換,該設定檔可能與設定檔標籤中顯示的不同,因為兩者之間沒有連線。 +If you make any changes to your profile, make sure, you are editing the correct profile. In profile tab there is not always shown the actual profile being used - e.g. if you made a profile switch by using the profile tab on homescreen it may differ from the profile actually shown in profile tab as there is no connection between these. -#### 複製設定檔切換 +#### Clone profile switch -你可以輕鬆從設定檔切換中建立新的本地設定檔。 在此情況下,時間偏移和百分比將應用於新本地設定檔。 +You can easily create a new local profile from a profile switch. In this case timeshift and percentage will be applied to the new local profile. -1. 點擊右上角的三點選單。 -2. 選擇「治療」。 -3. 按下星號圖示以進入設定檔切換頁面。 -4. 選擇所需的設定檔切換並按「複製」。 -5. 你可以在本地設定檔(LP)標籤中或透過選單編輯新的本地設定檔。 +1. Click 3-dots-menu in upper right corner. +2. Select 'Treatments'. +3. Press star symbol to access profile switch page. +4. Select the desired profile switch and press "Clone". +5. You can edit the new local profile in Local Profile (LP) tab or via the hamburger menu. -![複製設定檔切換](../images/LocalProfile_ClonePS_AAPS30.png) +![Clone profile switch](../images/LocalProfile_ClonePS_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-upload-local-profiles-to-nightscout)= -#### 上傳本地設定檔到 Nightscout +#### Upload local profiles to Nightscout -本地設定檔也可以上傳到 Nightscout。 可以在[NSClient 偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中找到這些設定。 +Local profiles can also be uploaded to Nightscout. The settings can be found in [NSClient preferences](Preferences-nsclient). -![上傳本地設定檔到 NS](../images/LocalProfile_UploadNS_AASP30.png) +![Upload local profile to NS](../images/LocalProfile_UploadNS_AASP30.png) -#### 在 Nightscout 設定檔編輯器中更改設定檔 +#### Change profile in Nighscout profile editor -你可以將 Nightscout 設定檔編輯器中的更改同步至本地設定檔。 可以在[NSClient 偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中找到這些設定。 +You can synchronize changes to the profile in the Nighscout profile editor to local profiles. The settings can be found in [NSClient preferences](Preferences-nsclient). -有必要複製整個當前活動的 Nightscout 資料庫記錄,而不僅僅是藍色箭頭的設定檔! 新的資料庫記錄將攜帶當前日期,並可以透過「本地設定檔」標籤啟用。 +It is necessary to clone the actual active entire Nightscout database records for the profiles and not just a profile with the blue arrow! The new database records then carries the current date and can be activated via the tab "local profile". -![複製資料庫記錄](../images/Nightscout_Profile_Editor.PNG) +![Clone database records](../images/Nightscout_Profile_Editor.PNG) -### 設定檔助手 +### Profile helper -設定檔助手提供兩個功能: +Profile helper offers two functions: -1. 為孩子們找到合適的設定檔 -2. 比較兩個設定檔或設定檔切換,以便複製新的設定檔 +1. Find a profile for kids +2. Compare two profiles or profile switches in order to clone a new profile -詳細說明請參閱[設定檔助手頁面](../Configuration/。 +Details are explained on the separate [profile helper page](../Configuration/ (Config-Builder-insulin)= -## 胰島素 +## Insulin -![胰島素類型](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_AAPS30.png) +![Insulin type](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_AAPS30.png) -* 選擇你正在使用的胰島素曲線類型。 -* 選項 'Rapid-Acting Oref'、'Ultra-Rapid Oref'、'Lyumjev' 和 'Free-Peak Oref' 都具有指數形狀。 更多資訊請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](。 -* 曲線將根據 DIA 和峰值時間而有所不同。 +* Select the type of insulin curve you are using. +* The options 'Rapid-Acting Oref', Ultra-Rapid Oref', 'Lyumjev' and 'Free-Peak Oref' all have an exponential shape. More information is listed in the [OpenAPS docs]( +* The curves will vary based on the DIA and the time to peak. - * 紫色線顯示**注射後隨時間衰減**的剩餘胰島素量。 - * 藍色線顯示**胰島素的活性**。 + * PURPLE line shows how much **insulin remains** after it has been injected as it decays with time. + * BLUE line shows **how active** insulin is. ### DIA -* DIA 對每個人來說並不相同。 這就是為什麼你需要自行測試。 -* 但它必須至少是 5 小時。 -* 對於許多使用超快速胰島素如 Fiasp 的人來說,實際上在 3-4 小時後已經沒有顯著效果了,即使此時理論上仍有 0.0xx 單位的胰島素存在。 例如,在運動期間,這些殘餘量可能仍然是顯著的。 因此,AAPS 使用最少 5 小時作為 DIA。 -* 你可以在[此頁面](Screenshots-insulin-profile)的胰島素設定檔部分中閱讀更多相關資訊。 +* The DIA is not the same for each person. That's why you have to test it for yourself. +* But it must always be at least 5 hours. +* For a lot of people using ultra-rapid insulins like Fiasp there is practically no noticeable effect after 3-4 hours any more, even if 0.0xx units are available as a rule then. This residual amount can still be noticeable during sports, for example. Therefore, AAPS uses minimum 5h as DIA. +* You can read more about that in the Insulin Profile section of [this](Screenshots-insulin-profile) page. -### 胰島素類型差異 +### Insulin type differences -* 對於 'Rapid-Acting'、'Ultra-Rapid' 和 'Lyumjev',DIA 是唯一可以自行調整的變數,峰值時間是固定的。 -* Free-Peak 允許你同時調整 DIA 和峰值時間,這僅應由了解這些設置效果的高級使用者使用。 -* [胰島素曲線圖](Screenshots-insulin-profile)幫助你了解不同的曲線。 -* 你可以透過啟用勾選框將其顯示為標籤,否則它將在選單中。 +* For 'Rapid-Acting', 'Ultra-Rapid' and 'Lyumjev' the DIA is the only variable you can adjust by yourself, the time to peak is fixed. +* Free-Peak allows you to adjust both the DIA and the time to peak, and must only be used by advanced users who know the effects of these settings. +* The [insulin curve graph](Screenshots-insulin-profile) helps you to understand the different curves. +* You can view it by enabling the tickbox to show it as a tab, otherwise it will be in the hamburger menu. #### Rapid-Acting Oref -![胰島素類型:快速作用 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_RAO.png) +![Insulin type Rapid-Acting Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_RAO.png) -* 推薦用於 Humalog、Novolog 和 Novorapid -* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 -* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 75 分鐘(固定,不可調整) +* recommended for Humalog, Novolog and Novorapid +* DIA = at least 5.0h +* Max. peak = 75 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) #### Ultra-Rapid Oref -![胰島素類型:超快速作用 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_URO.png) +![Insulin type Ultra-Rapid Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_URO.png) -* 推薦用於 FIASP -* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 -* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 55 分鐘(固定,不可調整) +* recommended for FIASP +* DIA = at least 5.0h +* Max. peak = 55 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) (Config-Builder-lyumjev)= #### Lyumjev -![胰島素類型:Lyumjev](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_L.png) +![Insulin type Lyumjev](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_L.png) -* Lyumjev 的特殊胰島素設定檔 -* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 -* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 45 分鐘(固定,不可調整) +* special insulin profile for Lyumjev +* DIA = at least 5.0h +* Max. peak = 45 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) #### Free Peak Oref -![胰島素類型:自由峰值 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_FPO.png) +![Insulin type Free Peak Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_FPO.png) -* 使用 "自由峰值 Oref" 設定檔,你可以單獨輸入峰值時間。 要這麼做,點擊齒輪圖示以進入高級設定。 -* 如果設定檔中未指定更高值,則 DIA 自動設置為 5 小時。 -* 如果使用無背景支援的胰島素或不同胰島素的混合物,建議使用此效果設定檔。 +* With the "Free Peak 0ref" profile you can individually enter the peak time. To do so click to cogwheel to enter advanced settings. +* The DIA is automatically set to 5 hours if it is not specified higher in the profile. +* This effect profile is recommended if an unbacked insulin or a mixture of different insulins is used. (Config-Builder-bg-source)= -## 血糖來源 +## BG Source -選擇你正在使用的血糖來源——詳情請參閱[血糖來源](頁面。 +Select the blood glucose source you are using - see [BG Source]( page for more setup information. -![組態建置工具:血糖來源選擇](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) +![Config Builder BG source](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) -* [構建你自己的 Dexcom 應用程式(BYODA)](。 +* [Build Your Own Dexcom App (BYODA)]( * [xDrip+]( * [MM640g]( -* [Glimp]( - 只支援版本 4.15.57 及更新的版本 +* [Glimp]( - only version 4.15.57 and newer are supported * [Poctech]( -* [MiaoMiao 裝置的 Tomato 應用程式]( -* [Glunovo 應用程式]( 用於 Glunovo CGM 系統 -* NSClient 血糖來源 - 不建議使用,因為在此情況下閉環依賴行動網路/ Wi-Fi 覆蓋範圍。 僅在與你的 NS 網站有連線時才能接收 CGM 資料。 最好使用其他 CGM 資料來源的本地廣播。 -* 隨機血糖:生成隨機血糖資料(僅限演示模式) +* [Tomato App]( for MiaoMiao device +* [Glunovo App]( for Glunovo CGM system +* NSClient BG - not recommended as closed loop relies on mobile data / wifi coverage in this case. CGM data will only be received if there is an online connection to your NS site. Better use local broadcast from one of the other CGM data sources. +* Random BG: Generates random BG data (Demo mode only) (Config-Builder-pump)= -## 幫浦 +## Pump -選擇你正在使用的幫浦。 +Select the pump you are using. -![組態建置工具幫浦選擇](../images/ConfBuild_Pump_AAPS30.png) +![Config Builder Pump selection](../images/ConfBuild_Pump_AAPS30.png) * [Dana R]( -* Dana R Korean(適用於國內 DanaR 幫浦) -* Dana Rv2(升級了非官方韌體的 DanaR 幫浦) +* Dana R Korean (for domestic DanaR pump) +* Dana Rv2 (DanaR pump with unofficial firmware upgrade) * [Dana-i/RS]( - * 對於 Dana 幫浦,必要時請使用**進階設定**來啟用藍牙監控。 如果無法連線幫浦,它會關閉藍牙一秒鐘。 這可能對於某些藍牙系統卡住的手機可能會有幫助。 - * 必須正確輸入 [Dana RS 幫浦的密碼](../Configuration/。 在之前的版本中未檢查密碼。 + * For dana pumps, use **Advanced settings** to activate BT watchdog if necessary. It switches off bluetooth for one second if no connection to the pump is possible. This may help on some phones where the bluetooth stack freezes. + * [Password for Dana RS pump](../Configuration/ must be entered correctly. Password was not checked in previous versions. * [Accu Chek Insight]( -* [Accu Chek Combo](需要安裝 ruffy) +* [Accu Chek Combo]( (requires ruffy installation) * [Omnipod Eros]( * [Omnipod DASH]( * [Medtronic]( * [Diaconn G8]( -* MDI(接收 AAPS 對你多次每日注射治療的建議) -* 虛擬幫浦(對於尚無驅動程式的幫浦開放循環——僅 AAPS 建議) +* MDI (receive AAPS suggestions for your multiple daily injections therapy) +* Virtual pump (open loop for pump which don't have any driver yet - AAPS suggestions only) -## 敏感性檢測 +## Sensitivity Detection -選擇你正在使用的敏感性檢測類型。 如需不同設計的更多詳情,請[點此繼續閱讀](../Configuration/。 此功能會即時分析歷史資料,並在你對胰島素的反應比平常更敏感(或相反,更具抗性)時進行調整。 更多關於敏感性演算法的詳細資訊請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](。 +Select the type of sensitivity detection. For more details of different designs please [read on here](../Configuration/ This will analyze historical data on the go and make adjustments if it recognizes that you are reacting more sensitively (or conversely, more resistant) to insulin than usual. More details about the Sensitivity algorithm can be read in the [OpenAPS docs]( -你可以在主畫面上選擇 SEN 並觀看白線來查看你的敏感性狀況。 注意,你需要在[目標 8](Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens),才能讓敏感性檢測/[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 自動調整輸送的胰島素量。 在達到該目標之前,Autosens 的百分比/圖表中的線僅供參考。 +You can view your sensitivity on the homescreen by selecting SEN and watching the white line. Note, you need to be in [Objective 8](Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens) in order to let Sensitivity Detection/[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) automatically adjust the amount of insulin delivered. Before reaching that objective, the Autosens percentage / the line in your graph is displayed for information only. (Config-Builder-absorption-settings)= -### 吸收設定 +### Absorption settings -如果你使用 Oref1 與 SMB,必須將**min_5m_carbimpact** 改為 8。 該值僅在 CGM 讀數中斷時使用,或在身體活動「消耗」掉了所有會使 AAPS 衰減 COB 的血糖上升時使用。 在無法根據你的血糖反應動態計算[碳水化合物吸收](../Usage/的時候,它會對你的碳水化合物應用預設的衰減。 基本上,這是一個安全保護機制。 +If you use Oref1 with SMB you must change **min_5m_carbimpact** to 8. The value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity "uses up" all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB. At times when [carb absorption](../Usage/ can't be dynamically worked out based on your bloods reactions it inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe. (Config-Builder-aps)= ## APS -選擇用於治療調整的 APS 演算法。 你可以在 OpenAPS (OAPS) 標籤中查看選定演算法的活動詳情。 +Select the desired APS algorithm for therapy adjustments. You can view the active detail of the chosen algorithm in the OpenAPS(OAPS) tab. -* OpenAPS AMA(進階餐前輔助,2017 年的演算法狀態)簡單來說,它的好處是在你自己進行餐前注射後,如果你可靠地輸入碳水化合物,系統可以更快地提高臨時基礎率。 -* [OpenAPS SMB](../Usage/超微量注射,針對進階使用者的最新演算法) 注意:你需要在[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb),才能使用 OpenAPS SMB,並且必須在組態建置工具 > 敏感性檢測 > 敏感性 Oref1 設定中將 min_5m_carbimpact 設置為 8。 +* OpenAPS AMA (advanced meal assist, state of the algorithm in 2017) In simple terms the benefits are after you give yourself a meal bolus the system can high-temp more quickly IF you enter carbs reliably. +* [OpenAPS SMB](../Usage/ (super micro bolus, most recent algorithm for advanced users) Note you need to be in [Objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) in order to use OpenAPS SMB and min_5m_carbimpact must be set to 8 in Config builder > Sensitivity detection > Sensitivity Oref1 settings. -## 循環 +## Loop -* 在開放循環、閉合循環和低血糖暫停 (LGS) 之間切換。 +* Switch between Open Loop, Closed Loop and Low Glucose Suspend (LGS). -![組態建置工具 - 循環模式](../images/ConfigBuilder_LoopLGS.png) +![Config builder - loop mode](../images/ConfigBuilder_LoopLGS.png) (Config-Builder-open-loop)= -### 開放循環 +### Open Loop -* AAPS 會持續評估所有可用資料(IOB、COB、血糖等),並在必要時提供治療建議來調整你的治療。 -* 這些建議不會自動執行(如同閉合循環),你必須手動將其輸入幫浦,或如果你使用的是相容幫浦(如 Dana R/RS 或 Accu Chek Combo),可以按下按鈕執行建議。 -* 這個選項是給那些想了解 AAPS 運作方式或正在使用不支援的幫浦的人。 +* AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG...) and makes treatment suggestions on how to adjust your therapy if necessary. +* The suggestions will not be executed automatically (as in closed loop) have to be entered manually into the pump or by using a button in case you are using a compatible pump (Dana R/RS or Accu Chek Combo). +* This option is for getting to know how AAPS works or if you are using an unsupported pump. (Config-Builder-closed-loop)= -### 閉合循環 +### Closed Loop -* AAPS 會持續評估所有可用資料(IOB、COB、血糖等),並在必要時自動調整治療(即無需你進一步干預),以達到設定的目標範圍或值(注射、臨時基礎率、胰島素關閉以避免低血糖等)。 -* 閉合循環在多個安全限制範圍內工作,你可以個別設定這些限制。 -* 閉合循環僅在你達到[目標 6](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend)或更高目標且使用支援的幫浦時才可能。 -* 請注意:在閉合循環模式下,建議使用單一目標而非目標範圍(即 5.5 mmol 或 100 mg/dl,而非 5.0 - 7.0 mmol 或 90 - 125 mg/dl)。 +* AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG...) and automatically adjusts the treatment if necessary (i.e. without further intervention by you) to reach the set target range or value (bolus delivery, temporary basal rate, insulin switch-off to avoid hypo etc.). +* The Closed Loop works within numerous safety limits, which you can be set individually. +* Closed Loop is only possible if you are in [Objective 6](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend) or higher and use a supported pump. +* Please note: In closed loop mode a single target instead of target range (i.e. 5,5 mmol or 100 mg/dl instead of 5,0 - 7,0 mmol or 90 - 125 mg/dl) is recommended. -### 低血糖暫停 (LGS) +### Low Glucose Suspend (LGS) -* maxIOB 設為 0 -* 這意味著如果血糖下降,它可以為你減少基礎率。 -* 但如果血糖上升,則不會自動進行修正。 你的基礎率將保持與所選設定檔相同。 -* 只有當來自先前的低血糖暫停的基礎 IOB 為負時,才會額外注射胰島素來降低血糖。 +* maxIOB is set to zero +* This means if blood glucose is dropping it can reduce basal for you. +* But if blood glucose is rising no automatic correction will be made. Your basal rates will remain the same as your selected profile. +* Only if basal IOB is negative (from a previous Low Glucose Suspend) additional insulin will be given to lower BG. -### 最小請求變更 +### Minimal request change -* 使用開放循環時,當 AAPS 建議調整基礎率時,你會收到通知。 -* 為了減少通知次數,你可以使用更寬的血糖目標範圍,或增加最小請求率的百分比。 -* 這定義了觸發通知所需的相對變更。 +* When using open loop you will receive notifications every time AAPS recommends to adjust basal rate. +* To reduce number of notifications you can either use a wider bg target range or increase percentage of the minimal request rate. +* This defines the relative change required to trigger a notification. -## 目標(學習計畫) +## Objectives (learning program) -AAPS 有一個學習計畫(目標),你必須逐步完成它。 這將引導你安全地設置閉合循環系統。 它保證你已正確設置所有內容,並了解系統的具體操作。 這是你可以信任系統的唯一方式。 +AAPS has a leraning program (objectives) that you have to fulfill step by step. This should guide you safely through setting up a closed loop system. It guarantees that you have set everything up correctly and understand what the system does exactly. This is the only way you can trust the system. -你應該[定期匯出你的設置](../Usage/包括目標的進度)。 如果稍後需要更換手機(新購、螢幕損壞等),你可以簡單地匯入這些設置。 +You should [export your settings](../Usage/ (including progress of the objectives) on a regularly basis. In case you have to replace your smartphone later (new purchase, display damage etc.) you can simply import those settings. -更多資訊請參閱[目標](../Usage/頁面。 +See [Objectives](../Usage/ page for more information. -## 治療 +## Treatments -如果你查看「治療」(Treat)標籤,你可以看到已上傳到 Nightscout 的治療記錄。 如果你希望編輯或刪除一個條目(例如你吃的碳水化合物比預期少),請選擇「刪除」,然後透過[主畫面的碳水按鈕](Screenshots-carb-correction)輸入新數值(如果有需要,請更改時間)。 +If you view the Treatments (Treat) tab, you can see the treatments that have been uploaded to nightscout. Should you wish to edit or delete an entry (e.g. you ate less carbs than you expected) then select 'Remove' and enter the new value (change the time if necessary) through the [carbs button on the home screen](Screenshots-carb-correction). -## 一般問題 +## General -### 首頁總覽 +### Overview -顯示當前循環狀態和最常見操作的按鈕(詳情請參閱[主畫面](../Getting-Started/部分)。 你可以透過點擊齒輪圖示查看設置。 +Displays the current state of your loop and buttons for most common actions (see [section The Homescreen](../Getting-Started/ for details). Settings can be accessed by clicking the cog wheel. -#### 保持螢幕常亮 +#### Keep screen on -選項「保持螢幕常亮」將強制 Android 隨時保持螢幕亮起。 這對於演示等場合很有用。 但它會消耗大量電池電量。 因此,建議將智慧型手機連線到充電線。 +Option 'Keep screen on' will force Android to keep the screen on at all times. This is useful for presentations etc. But it consumes a lot of battery power. Therefore, it is recommended to connect the smartphone to a charger cable. -#### 按鈕 +#### Buttons -定義顯示在主畫面上的按鈕。 +Define which Buttons are shown on the home screen. -* 治療 -* 計算機 -* 胰島素 -* 碳水化合物 -* CGM(打開 xDrip+) -* 校正 +* Treatments +* Calculator +* Insulin +* Carbs +* CGM (opens xDrip+) +* Calibration -此外,你可以為胰島素和碳水化合物增量設置快捷方式,並決定是否應在治療對話框中顯示備註欄位。 +Furthermore, you can set shortcuts for insulin and carb increments and decide whether the notes field should be shown in treatment dialogues. -#### 快速嚮導設定(QuickWizard settings) +#### QuickWizard settings -為某個標準餐點(碳水化合物和注射計算方法)建立一個按鈕,該按鈕將顯示在主畫面上。 適用於經常食用的標準餐點。 如果為不同餐點指定了不同的時間,你將根據一天中的時間,始終在主畫面上看到合適的標準餐點按鈕。 +Create a button for a certain standard meal (carbs and calculation method for the bolus) which will be displayed on the home screen. Use for standard meals frequently eaten. If different times are specified for the different meals you will always have the appropriate standard meal button on the home screen, depending on the time of day. -注意:如果在指定的時間範圍外,或者如果你已經有足夠的 IOB 來覆蓋 QuickWizard 按鈕中定義的碳水化合物,按鈕將不可見。 +Note: Button will not be visible if outside the specified time range or if you have enough IOB to cover the carbs defined in the QuickWizard button. -![快速嚮導按鈕](../images/ConfBuild_QuickWizard.png) +![QuickWizard button](../images/ConfBuild_QuickWizard.png) -#### 預設臨時目標 +#### Default Temp-Targets -選擇預設的臨時目標(持續時間和目標)。 預設值為: +Choose default temp-targets (duration and target). Preset values are: -* 即將用餐:目標 72 mg/dl / 4.0 mmol/l,持續 45 分鐘 -* 運動:目標 140 mg/dl / 7.8 mmol/l,持續 90 分鐘 -* 低血糖:目標 125 mg/dl / 6.9 mmol/l,持續 45 分鐘 +* eating soon: target 72 mg/dl / 4.0 mmol/l, duration 45 min +* activity: target 140 mg/dl / 7.8 mmol/l, duration 90 min +* hypo: target 125 mg/dl / 6.9 mmol/l, duration 45 min -#### 填充/啟動標準胰島素量 +#### Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts -根據你的導管長度選擇填充/啟動對話框中的三個按鈕的預設量。 +Choose the default amounts of the three buttons in fill/prime dialogue, depending on the length of your catheter. -#### 視覺化範圍 +#### Range of visualization -選擇 AAPS 首頁總覽和智慧型手錶上血糖圖表的高低標記。 這僅限於視覺化顯示,並非血糖的目標範圍。 範例:70 - 180 mg/dl 或 3.9 - 10 mmol/l +Choose the high and low marks for the BG-graph on AAPS overview and smart watch. It is only the visualization, not the target range for your BG. Example: 70 - 180 mg/dl or 3.9 - 10 mmol/l -#### 縮短標籤標題 +#### Shorten tab titles -選擇 AAPS 中的標籤標題是長的(例如:操作、本地設定檔、自動化)還是短的(例如:操作、本地設定、自動) +Choose wether the tab titles in AAPS are long (e.g. ACTIONS, LOCAL PROFILE, AUTOMATION) or short (e.g. ACT, LP, AUTO) -#### 在治療對話框中顯示備註欄位 +#### Show notes field in treatment dialogs -選擇是否要在輸入治療時顯示備註欄位。 +Choose if you want to have a notes field when entering treatments or not. -#### 狀態燈 +#### Status lights -選擇是否要在首頁總覽中顯示[狀態燈](Preferences-status-lights),顯示導管時間、胰島素時間、傳感器時間、電池時間、儲液罐液位或電池電量。 當達到警告等級時,狀態燈的顏色會變為黃色。 關鍵時間將顯示為紅色。 +Choose if you want to have [status lights](Preferences-status-lights) on overview for cannula age, insulin age, sensor age, battery age, reservoir level or battery level. When warning level is reached, the color of the status light will switch to yellow. Critical age will show up in red. -#### 進階設定 +#### Advanced settings -**交付此部分注射嚮導結果:**使用 SMB 時,許多人不會進行 100% 的餐前注射,而只注射一部分(例如 75%),其餘部分由 SMB 和 UAM(無人值守餐點檢測)處理。 在此設置中,你可以選擇注射嚮導應計算的預設值。 如果此設置為 75%,而你需要注射 10 單位,注射嚮導將建議餐前注射 7.5 單位。 +**Deliver this part of bolus wizard result**: When using SMB, many people do not meal-bolus 100% of needed insulin, but only a part of it (e.g. 75 %) and let the SMB with UAM (unattended meal detection) do the rest. In this setting, you can choose a default value for the percenteage the bolus wizard should calculate with. If this setting is 75 % and you had to bolus 10u, the bolus wizard will propose a meal bolus of only 7.5 units. -**在嚮導中啟用超級注射功能**(與*超微量注射*不同!):請謹慎使用,在瞭解其真正作用之前不要啟用。 基本上,接下來兩個小時的基礎率將加到注射中,並啟用兩小時的0基礎率。 **AAPS 的循環功能將停用——請小心使用!** 如果你使用 SMB,根據你在["限制 SMB 的基礎率最長分鐘數"](Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to)中的設置,AAPS 循環功能將停用。如果你不使用 SMB,循環功能將停用兩個小時。關於超級注射的詳細資訊可在[此處](找到。 +**Enable super bolus functionality in wizard** (It is different from *super micro bolus*!): Use with caution and do not enable until you learn what it really does. Basically, the basal for the next two hours is added to the bolus and a two hour zero-temp activated. **AAPS looping functions will be disabled - so use with care! If you use SMB AAPS looping functions will be disabled according to your settings in ["Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to"](Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to), if you do not use SMB looping functions will be disabled for two hours.** Details on super bolus can be found [here]( (Config-Builder-actions)= -### 操作 +### Actions -* 一些按鈕可快速查看常見功能。 -* 詳情請參閱[AAPS 截圖](Screenshots-action-tab)。 +* Some buttons to quickly access common features. +* See [AAPS screenshots](Screenshots-action-tab) for details. -### 自動化 +### Automation -用戶自定義自動化任務(「如果-那麼-否則」)。 請[點此閱讀更多](../Usage/。 +User defined automation tasks ('if-then-else'). Please [read on here](../Usage/ (Config-Builder-sms-communicator)= -### SMS(簡訊) 通訊器 +### SMS Communicator -允許遠端照護者透過 SMS 控制一些 AAPS 功能,更多設定資訊請參閱[SMS 指令](../Children/。 +Allows remote caregivers to control some AAPS features via SMS, see [SMS Commands](../Children/ for more setup information. -### 食物 +### Food -顯示 Nightscout 食物資料庫中定義的食物預設值,更多設定資訊請參閱[Nightscout 讀我](。 +Displays the food presets defined in the Nightscout food database, see [Nightscout Readme]( for more setup information. -注意:條目無法在 AAPS 計算機中使用。 (僅供檢視) +Note: Entries cannot be used in the AAPS calculator. (View only) (Config-Builder-wear)= ### Wear -使用 Android Wear 手錶監控和控制 AAPS(請參閱[Watchfaces 頁面](../Configuration/。 使用設置(齒輪圖示)來定義在透過手錶進行注射時應考慮哪些變數(例如 15 分鐘趨勢,COB...)。 +Monitor and control AAPS using your Android Wear watch (see [page Watchfaces](../Configuration/ Use settings (cog wheel) to define which variables should be considered when calculating bolus given though your watch (i.e. 15min trend, COB...). -如果你想要透過手錶進行注射等操作。 那麼在「Wear 設置」中需要啟用「從手錶進行控制」。 +If you want to bolus etc. from the watch then within "Wear settings" you need to enable "Controls from Watch". -![Wear 設置](../images/ConfBuild_Wear.png) +![Wear settings](../images/ConfBuild_Wear.png) -透過 Wear 標籤或選單(螢幕左上角的選單圖示,如果標籤未顯示)你可以 +Through Wear tab or hamburger menu (top left of screen, if tab is not displayed) you can -* 重新發送所有資料。 如果手錶長時間未連線,你可能希望將訊息推送到手錶。 -* 直接從手機上打開手錶的設置。 +* Resend all data. Might be helpful if watch was not connected for some time and you want to push the information to the watch. +* Open settings on your watch directly from your phone. -### xDrip 狀態列(手錶) +### xDrip Statusline (watch) -在你的 xDrip+ 手錶外觀上顯示循環資訊(如果你未使用 AAPS/[AAPSv2 手錶外觀](../Configuration/。 +Display loop information on your xDrip+ watchface (if you are not using AAPS/[AAPSv2 watchface](../Configuration/ ### NSClient -* 設定 AAPS 資料與 Nightscout 的同步。 -* 點擊齒輪圖示打開[偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)。 +* Setup sync of your AAPS data with Nightscout. +* Settings in [preferences](Preferences-nsclient) can be opened by clicking the cog wheel. -### 維護 +### Maintenance -電子郵件和要發送的日誌數量。 通常無需變更。 +Email and number of logs to be send. Normally no change necessary. -### 組態建置工具 +### 配置生成器 -使用組態建置工具標籤取代選單圖示。 \ No newline at end of file +Use tab for config builder instead of hamburger menu. \ No newline at end of file From a5537153d0a7743e8dcccdd006e2aa6a68097741 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 117/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 36 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 74c39969090f..0d2b0a5411f3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -# DanaR 幫浦 +# DanaR Pump -*這些說明適用於配置該應用程式與 DanaR 幫浦。 如果你擁有 2017 年推出的 DanaRS,請查看[DanaRS 胰島素幫浦](./DanaRS-Insulin-Pump)。* +*These instructions are for configuring the app and your pump if you have a DanaR. Visit [DanaRS Insulin Pump](./DanaRS-Insulin-Pump) if you have the DanaRS launched in 2017 instead.* -* 在幫浦中進入主選單 > 設置 > 用戶選項 -* 開啟「8. 延時注射」 延長注射 +* In the pump go to Main Menu > Setting > User Option +* Turn on "8. Extended Bolus" -![DanaR 幫浦](../images/danar1.png) +![DanaR pump](../images/danar1.png) -* 進入主選單 > 設置 > 探索 -* 在手機設置中進入藍牙,掃描附近的設備,選擇你的 DanaR 序列號,並輸入你的密碼(配對密碼為 0000)。 如果 DanaR 未出現在掃描中,請重新啟動手機並將 DanaR 電池取出,重新安裝,然後再次開始這兩個步驟。 +* Go to Main Menu > Setting > Discovery +* In phone settings go to Bluetooth, scan for nearby devices, select your DanaR serial number and input your password (Pairing password is 0000). If DanaR is not showing in scan then restart phone and take DanaR battery out, replace and start these two steps again. -* 在 AAPS 中進入組態建置工具並選擇你擁有的 DanaR 型號(DanaR、DanaR 韓國版、DanaRv2)。 +* In AAPS go to Config Builder and select the type of DanaR you have (DanaR, DanaR Korean, DanaRv2) -* 點擊右上角的三個點選擇選單。 選擇偏好設定。 -* 選擇 DanaR 藍牙設備,然後點擊你的 DanaR 序列號。 -* 選擇幫浦密碼,並輸入你的密碼。 (預設密碼為 1234) -* 如果你希望 AAPS 允許基礎速率超過 200%,啟用使用超過 200% 的延時注射。 注意,這意味著在使用延時注射進行用餐時,你無法使用高 TBR 循環。 -* 在 DanaR 幫浦設定中的偏好設定裡,你可以更改預設的注射速度(12 秒每 1u、30 秒每 1u 或 60 秒每 1u)。 -* 將幫浦的基礎速率步進設置為 0.01 U/h -* 將幫浦的注射步進設置為 0.1 U/h -* 啟用幫浦上的延時注射功能 +* Select Menu by tapping the 3 dots in the top right. Select Preferences. +* Select DanaR Bluetooth device, and click your DanaR serial number. +* Select Pump password, and input your password. (Default password is 1234) +* If you want AAPS to allow basal rate above 200%, enable Use extended boluses for >200%. Note this means you cannot loop with high TBRs whilst using extended boluses for food. +* In Preferences under DanaR pump settings you can change the default bolus speed used (12sec per 1u, 30sec per 1u or 60sec per 1u). +* Set basal step on pump to 0.01 U/h +* Set bolus step on pump to 0.1 U/h +* Enable extended boluses on pump -## Dana R 幫浦的時區旅行 +## Timezone traveling with Dana R pump -關於跨時區旅行的更多資訊,請參閱[幫浦跨時區旅行](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars)部分。 \ No newline at end of file +For information on traveling across time zones see section [Timezone traveling with pumps](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars). \ No newline at end of file From 583bf6561523bd20eb647787821f025105e2be93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 118/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 142 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index a7f7a688942e..485c0b97b7a3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,132 +1,132 @@ -# DanaRS 和 Dana-i 幫浦 +# DanaRS and Dana-i Pump -*這些說明適用於配置 2017 年之後的 DanaRS 或更新的 Dana-i 幫浦。 如果你擁有原始的 DanaR,請查看[DanaR 胰島素幫浦](./DanaR-Insulin-Pump)。* +*These instructions are for configuring the app and your pump if you have a DanaRS from 2017 onwards or the newer Dana-i. Visit [DanaR Insulin Pump](./DanaR-Insulin-Pump) if you have the original DanaR instead.* -**Dana RS v3 韌體從 AAPS 版本 2.7 開始支援使用。** +**New Dana RS firmware v3 can be used from AAPS version 2.7 onwards.** -**Dana-i 從 AAPS 版本 3.0 開始支援使用。** +**New Dana-i can be used from AAPS version 3.0 onwards.** -* DanaRS/i 幫浦的「BASAL A」被應用程式使用,現有的資料會被覆蓋。 +* In DanaRS/i pump "BASAL A" is used by the app. Existing data gets overwritten. (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-pairing-pump)= -## 幫浦配對 +## Pairing pump -* 在 AAPS 主畫面上點擊左上角的選單,進入組態建置工具。 -* 在幫浦部分選擇「Dana-i/RS」。 -* 點擊齒輪圖示可以直接進入幫浦設置或返回主畫面。 +* On AAPS homescreen click hamburger menu on the top left corner and go to Config Builder. +* In pump section select 'Dana-i/RS'. +* Click on gear wheel to get directly to the pump settings or return to homescreen. - ![AAPS 組態建置工具 Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_ConfigB.png) + ![AAPS config builder Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_ConfigB.png) -* 進入「DANA-i/RS」標籤。 +* Go to 'DANA-i/RS' tab. -* 點擊右上角的三個點選擇選單。 -* 選擇「Dana-i/RS 偏好設定」。 -* 點擊「選定的幫浦」。 -* 在配對視窗中點擊你的幫浦條目。 +* Select preferences menu by tapping the 3 dots in the top right. +* Select 'Dana-i/RS Preferences'. +* Click on "Selected pump". +* In the pairing window click on the entry for your pump. - ![AAPS 配對 Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_Pairing.png) + ![AAPS pair Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_Pairing.png) -* **你必須在幫浦上確認配對!** 這跟其他藍牙配對的方式一樣(例如手機與汽車音響)。 +* **You have to confirm the pairing on the pump!** That's just the way you are used to from other bluetooth pairings (i.e. smartphone and car audio). - ![Dana RS 配對確認](../images/DanaRS_Pairing.png) + ![Dana RS confirmation pairing](../images/DanaRS_Pairing.png) -* 根據你的幫浦類型和韌體版本來執行配對過程: +* Follow the pairing process based on the type and firmware of your pump: - * DanaRS v1 中,在偏好設定裡選擇幫浦密碼並設置你的密碼。 - * DanaRS v3 中,你需要在 AAPS 配對對話框中輸入幫浦上顯示的兩段數字和字母序列。 - * Dana-i 中,會出現標準的 Android 配對對話框,你需要輸入幫浦上顯示的 6 位數字。 + * For DanaRS v1 select pump password in preferences and set your password. + * For DanaRS v3 you have to type 2 sequences of numbers and letters displayed on pump to AAPS pairing dialog. + * For Dana-i standard Android pairing dialog appear and you have to enter 6-digit number displayed on pump. -* 選擇注射速度來更改預設的注射速度(12 秒每 1u、30 秒每 1u 或 60 秒每 1u)。 +* Select Bolus Speed to change the default bolus speed used (12sec per 1u, 30sec per 1u or 60sec per 1u). -* 使用醫生選單將幫浦上的基礎速率步進設置為 0.01 U/h(參見幫浦使用指南)。 -* 使用醫生選單將幫浦上的注射步進設置為 0.05 U/h(參見幫浦使用指南)。 -* 啟用幫浦上的延時注射功能 +* Set basal step on pump to 0.01 U/h using Doctors menu (see pump user guide). +* Set bolus step on pump to 0.05 U/h using Doctors menu (see pump user guide). +* Enable extended boluses on pump (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)= -### 預設密碼 +### Default password -* 對於韌體版本 v1 和 v2 的 DanaRS,預設密碼為 1234。 -* 對於韌體版本 v3 或 Dana-i,預設密碼來自製造日期,計算方式為 MMDD,其中 MM 是月份,DD 是製造日期(例如「0124」代表 1 月 24 日)。 +* For DanaRS with firmware v1 and v2 the default password is 1234. +* For DanaRS with firmware v3 or Dana-i the default password is derived from the manufacturing date and calculates as MMDD where MM is the month and DD is the day, the pump was produced (i.e. '0124' representing month 01 and day 24). - * 從主選單選擇「回顧」,然後從子選單打開「運送資訊」。 - * 第三個項目是製造日期。 - * 對於 v3/i,該密碼僅用於鎖定幫浦選單。 這不會用於通訊,因此不需要在 AAPS 中輸入該密碼。 + * From MAIN MENU select REVIEW then open SHIPPING INFORMATION from the sub menu + * Number 3 is manifacturing date. + * For v3/i this password is used only for locking menu on pump. It's not used for communication and it's not necessary to enter it in AAPS. (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-change-password-on-pump)= -## 更改幫浦密碼 +## Change password on pump -* 按下幫浦上的「OK」按鈕 -* 在主選單中選擇「選項」(按下箭頭按鈕多次向右移動) +* Press OK button on pump +* In main menu select "OPTION" (move right by pressing arrow button several times) - ![DanaRS 主選單](../images/DanaRSPW_01_MainMenu.png) + ![DanaRS Main Menu](../images/DanaRSPW_01_MainMenu.png) -* 在選項選單中選擇「用戶選項」 +* In options menu select "USER OPTION" - ![DanaRS 選項選單](../images/DanaRSPW_02_OptionMenu.png) + ![DanaRS Option Menu](../images/DanaRSPW_02_OptionMenu.png) -* 使用箭頭按鈕向下捲動至「11. 密碼」 密碼 +* Use arrow button to scroll down to "11. password" - ![DanaRS 11. 密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_03_11PW.png) + ![DanaRS 11. Password](../images/DanaRSPW_03_11PW.png) -* 按下「OK」進入舊密碼。 +* Press OK to enter old password. -* 輸入**舊密碼**(預設密碼請參閱[上方](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)),然後按下「OK」。 +* Enter **old password** (Default password see [above](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)) and press OK - ![DanaRS 輸入舊密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_04_11PWenter.png) + ![DanaRS Enter old password](../images/DanaRSPW_04_11PWenter.png) -* 如果此處輸入了錯誤的密碼,將不會顯示失敗訊息! +* If wrong password is entered here there will be no message indicating failure! -* 設置**新密碼**(使用 + 和 - 按鈕更改數字 / 使用箭頭按鈕向右移動)。 +* Set **new password** (Change numbers with + & - buttons / Move right with arrow button). - ![DanaRS 新密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_05_PWnew.png) + ![DanaRS New password](../images/DanaRSPW_05_PWnew.png) -* 按下「OK」按鈕確認。 +* Confirm with OK button. -* 按下 OK 以儲存設定。 +* Press OK to save setting. - ![DanaRS 儲存新密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_06_PWnewSave.png) + ![DanaRS Save new password](../images/DanaRSPW_06_PWnewSave.png) -* 向下移動至「14. 退出」,然後按下 OK 以退出。 +* Move down to "14. EXIT" and press OK to exit. - ![DanaRS 退出](../images/DanaRSPW_07_Exit.png) + ![DanaRS Exit](../images/DanaRSPW_07_Exit.png) (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dana-rs-specific-errors)= -## Dana RS 特定錯誤 +## Dana RS specific errors -### 胰島素注射過程中的錯誤 +### Error during insulin delivery -如果在注射胰島素過程中 AAPS 與 Dana RS 之間的連線中斷(例如,你在 Dana RS 幫浦注射胰島素時走開手機),你將看到以下訊息並聽到警報聲。 +In case the connection between AAPS and Dana RS is lost during bolus insulin delivery (i.e. you walk away from phone while Dana RS is pumping insulin) you will see the following message and hear an alarm sound. -![胰島素注射警報](../images/DanaRS_Error_bolus.png) +![Alarm insulin delivery](../images/DanaRS_Error_bolus.png) -* 大多數情況下,這只是通訊問題,正確劑量的胰島素已經注射完畢。 -* 檢查幫浦歷史記錄(在幫浦或透過 Dana 標籤 > 幫浦歷史 > 注射記錄),確認正確的注射劑量。 -* 如有需要,你可以刪除[治療標籤](Screenshots-carb-correction)中的錯誤條目。 -* 實際注射量會在下次連線時讀取並記錄。 要強制此操作,請按下 Dana 標籤上的藍牙圖示,或等待下一次連線。 +* In most cases this is just a communication issue and the correct amount of insulin is delivered. +* Check in pump history (either on the pump or through Dana tab > pump history > boluses) if correct bolus is given. +* Delete error entry in [treatments tab](Screenshots-carb-correction) if you wish. +* Real amount is read and recorded on next connect. To force this press BT icon on dana tab or just wait for next connect. -## 更換手機時的特別注意事項 +## Special note when switching phone -更換新手機時,需要進行以下步驟: +When switching to a new phone the following steps are necessary: -* 在舊手機上[匯出設定](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) -* 將設定從舊手機傳輸至新手機 +* [Export settings](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) on your old phone +* Transfer settings from old to new phone ### DanaRS v1 -* **手動配對** Dana RS 與新手機 -* 由於幫浦連線設定也會匯入,新手機上的 AAPS 已經「認識」幫浦,因此不會啟動藍牙掃描。 因此必須手動將新手機與幫浦配對。 -* 在新手機上安裝 AAPS。 -* 在新手機上[匯入設定](ExportImportSettings-import-settings) +* **Manually pair** Dana RS with the new phone +* As pump connection settings are also imported AAPS on your new phone will already "know" the pump and therefore not start a bluetooth scan. Therefore new phone and pump must be paired manually. +* Install AAPS on the new phone. +* [Import settings](ExportImportSettings-import-settings) on your new phone ### DanaRS v3, Dana-i -* 按照[上述說明](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-pairing-pump)開始配對過程。 -* 有時可能需要透過長按 Dana-i/RS 標籤上的藍牙圖示來清除 AAPS 中的配對資訊。 +* Start pairing procedure like decribed [above](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-pairing-pump). +* Sometimes it may be necessary to clear pairing information in AAPS by long-click BT icon on Dana-i/RS tab. -## Dana RS 幫浦跨時區旅行 +## Timezone traveling with Dana RS pump -關於跨時區旅行的更多資訊,請參閱[幫浦跨時區旅行](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars)部分。 \ No newline at end of file +For information on traveling across time zones see section [Timezone traveling with pumps](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars). \ No newline at end of file From c8833ca240dc887ee65e95f31714c3e33751a5f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 119/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 28 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index da5754c39a53..f153a6ccd6ca 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ (Sensitivity-detection-and-COB-sensitivity-detection)= -# 敏感度檢測 +# Sensitivity detection -## 敏感度算法 +## Sensitvity algorithm -目前我們有三種敏感度檢測模型: +Currently we have 3 sensitivity detection models: -* 敏感度 AAPS -* 敏感度 加權平均 -* 敏感度 Oref1 +* Sensitivity AAPS +* Sensitivity WeightedAverage +* Sensitivity Oref1 -### 敏感度 AAPS +### Sensitivity AAPS -敏感度計算與 Oref1 相同,但你可以指定追溯的時間範圍。 最小碳水化合物吸收是從偏好設定中的最大碳水吸收時間計算得出。 +Sensitivity is calculated the same way like Oref1 but you can specify time to the past. Minimal carbs absorption is calculated from max carbs absorption time from preferences -### 敏感度 加權平均 +### Sensitivity WeightedAverage -敏感度是從偏差資料中計算的加權平均值。 你可以指定過去的時間。 較新的偏差資料會有更高的權重。 最小碳水吸收是從偏好設定中的最大碳水吸收時間計算得出。 該算法在跟蹤敏感度變化方面最快。 +Sensitivity is calculated as a weighted average from deviations. You can specify time to the past. Newer deviations have higher weight. Minimal carbs absorption is calculated from max carbs absorption time from preferences. This algorithm is fastest in following sensitivity changes. -### 敏感度 Oref1 +### Sensitivity Oref1 -敏感度是根據過去8小時的資料計算,或是從最近的注射點更換時間開始計算(如果更換時間少於8小時)。 碳水化合物(如果尚未被吸收)會在偏好設定中指定的時間後被取消計算。 只有 Oref1 算法支援未宣佈的餐食(UAM)。 這意味著,檢測到 UAM 的時間將被排除在敏感度計算之外。 因此,如果你使用 SMB 並搭配 UAM,必須選擇 Oref1 算法才能正確運作。 欲了解更多資訊,請參閱[OpenAPS Oref1 文檔](。 +Sensitivity is calculated from 8h data in the past or from last site change, if it is less than 8h ago. Carbs (if not absorbed) are cut after time specified in preferences. Only the Oref1 algorithm supports un-announced meals (UAM). This means that times with detected UAM are excluded from sensitivity calculation. So if you are using SMB with UAM, you have to choose Oref1 algorithm to work properly. For more information read [OpenAPS Oref1 documentation]( -## 同時進行碳水化合物處理 +## Simultaneous carbs -在使用 AAPS、加權平均與 Oref1 時有顯著差異。 Oref 外掛僅預期一次處理一餐的碳水化合物。 這意味著第二餐的消耗會在第一餐完全消耗後才開始。 AAPS+加權平均會在你輸入碳水化合物時立即開始消耗。 如果有多餐在消耗,最小碳水消耗會根據餐食大小和最大吸收時間進行調整。 與 Oref 外掛相比,最小吸收量將相對較高。 \ No newline at end of file +There is significant difference while using AAPS, WeightedAverage vs Oref1. Oref plugins expects only one meal decaying at time. It means 2nd meal starts decaying after 1st meal is completely decayed. AAPS+Weighted average starts decaying immediately when you enter the carbs. If there is more than one meal on board, the minimum carb decay will adjust according to meal size and max absorption time. The minimum absorption accordingly will be higher in comparison to Oref plugins. \ No newline at end of file From 93a5ca77b711fc743d64688b4e362b609cf80a1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 120/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 394 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 197 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 8c5870a616a9..c8902c4f38bf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,346 +1,346 @@ -# 透過 Wear OS 智慧型手錶操作 AAPS +# Operation of AAPS via your Wear OS smartwatch (Watchfaces-aaps-watchfaces)= -## AAPS 手錶外觀 +## AAPS Watchfaces -AAPS Wear APK 的基礎版本中包含多種手錶外觀供選擇。 這些手錶外觀包括平均變化量、IOB、當前的臨時基礎速率和基礎設定檔,以及 CGM 資料圖。 +There are several watchfaces to choose from that are included in the base build of the AAPS Wear APK. These watchfaces include average delta, IOB, currently active temp basal rate and basal profiles and a CGM readings graph. -確保手錶上未封鎖來自 AAPS 的通知。 確認操作(例如注射、臨時目標)會透過通知進行,你需要滑動並勾選。 +Ensure notifications from AAPS are not blocked on the watch. Confirmation of an action (e.g. bolus, tempt target) comes via a notification which you will need to swipe and tick. -手錶外觀上一些可用的操作: +Some available actions on the watchfaces are: -* 雙擊血糖以進入 AAPS 選單 -* 雙擊血糖圖表可更改圖表的時間尺度 +* Double tap on the BG to get to the AAPS menu +* Double tap on the BG graph to change the graph's time scale -## 在 WearOS 手錶上切換到 AAPS 手錶外觀 +## Changing to an AAPS Watchface on your WearOS watch -AAPS Wear OS APK 的標準版本中提供了多種手錶外觀。 當你在手錶上安裝 AAPS Wear APK 後,它們將可供使用。 以下是選擇其中一個手錶外觀的步驟: +There are a number of watchfaces available in the standard build of the AAPS Wear OS APK build. Once you have installed the AAPS Wear APK on your watch, they will be available. Here are the steps for selecting one: -1. 在手錶上(假設使用 WearOS),長按當前手錶外觀以打開手錶外觀選擇畫面,然後向右捲動直到看到「新增手錶外觀」按鈕並選擇它 +1. On your watch (assuming WearOS), long press on your current watchface to bring up the watchface selector screen and scroll all the way to the right until you see the "Add Watch Face" button and select it ![Screenshot_20231123_124657_sysui]( -2. 向下捲動到列表底部,直到看到「已下載」部分,找到「AAPS(自訂)」並點擊圖像中央將其新增至你當前的手錶外觀清單。 不用擔心當前「AAPS(自訂)」手錶外觀的外觀,我們將在下一步選擇你喜歡的外觀。 +2. Scroll to the bottom of the list until you see the "Downloaded" section and find "AAPS (Custom)" and click the middle of the image to add it to your shortlist of current watchfaces. Don't worry about the current appearance of the "AAPS (Custom)" watchface, we will select your preferred skin in the next step. ![Screenshot_20231123_124619_sysui]( -3. 現在打開你手機上的 AAPS,進入 Wear 外掛(如果你在頂部的外掛列表中未看到它,請在組態建置工具中啟用它(位於同步選項下)。 +3. Now open AAPS on your phone and go to the Wear plugin (enable it in Config Builder (under Synchronization) if you don't see it in your current plugins along the top). ![Screenshot_20231123_090941_AAPS]( -4. 點擊「載入手錶外觀」按鈕,並選擇你喜歡的手錶外觀。 +4. Click on the "Load Watchface" button and select the watchface that you like ![Screenshot_20231123_130410_AAPS]( -5. 查看你的手錶,現在應該顯示你選擇的「AAPS(自訂)」手錶外觀。 等待幾秒鐘讓它重新整理。 現在你可以透過長按手錶外觀並點擊「自訂」按鈕來自訂複雜功能等內容。 長按錶盤,然後按下錶盤圖片上的「自訂」按鈕。 +5. Check your watch, the "AAPS (Custom)" watchface should now be displaying the skin that you have selected. Give it a few seconds to refresh. You may now customize the complications, etc. by long pressing the watchface and then pressing the "Customize" button on the watchface image. -## 可用的手錶外觀 +## Watchfaces available -![可用的手錶外觀](../images/Watchface_Types.png) +![Available watchfaces](../images/Watchface_Types.png) (Watchfaces-new-watchface-as-of-AAPS-2-8)= -### AAPS 2.8 版本新增的手錶外觀 +### New watchface as of AAPS 2.8 -![數位風格手錶外觀](../images/Watchface_DigitalStyle.png) +![Watchface Digital Style](../images/Watchface_DigitalStyle.png) -* 顏色、線條和圓形可在手錶外觀選擇器選單的齒輪圖示設定選單中配置。 +* Color, lines and circle are configurable in setting menu on cog-sign of watchface chooser menu. -## AAPSv2 手錶外觀 - 圖例 +## AAPSv2 watchface - Legend -![AAPSv2 手錶外觀圖例](../images/Watchface_Legend.png) +![Legend AAPSv2 watchface](../images/Watchface_Legend.png) -A - 從最後一次循環運作以來的時間 +A - time since last loop run -B - CGM 資料讀數 +B - CGM reading -C - 自最後一次 CGM 資料讀取以來的分鐘數 +C - minutes since last CGM reading -D - 與上次 CGM 讀數相比的變化(以 mmol 或 mg/dl 為單位) +D - change compared to last CGM reading (in mmol or mg/dl) -E - 過去 15 分鐘的 CGM 讀數平均變化 +E - average change CGM reading last 15 minutes -F - 手機電池 +F - phone battery -G - 基礎率(標準率顯示為U/h,臨時基礎率(TBR)顯示為百分比) +G - basal rate (shown in U/h during standard rate and in % during TBR) -G - 基礎速率(以 U/h 顯示標準速率,以 % 顯示臨時基礎速率) +H - BGI (blood glucose interaction) -> the degree to which BG “should” be rising or falling based on insulin activity alone. -H - BGI(血糖影響) -> 基於胰島素活性,血糖「應該」上升或下降的程度。 +I - carbs (carbs on board | e-carbs in the future) -I - 碳水化合物(碳水化合物在體內的數量 | 未來的碳水化合物) +J - insulin on board (from bolus | from basal) -## J - 活性胰島素(來自注射 | 來自基礎速率) +## Accessing main menu of AAPS -進入 AAPS 主選單 +To access main menu of AAPS you can use on of following options: -* 雙擊你的血糖值 -* 在手錶應用程式選單中選擇 AAPS 圖示 -* 點擊 AAPS 複雜功能(如果已配置選單) +* double tap on your BG value +* select AAPS icon in watch applications menu +* tap on AAPS complication (if configured for menu) -## 設置(在 Wear 手錶上) +## Settings (in wear watch) -要進入手錶外觀設置,進入 AAPS 主選單,上滑並選擇「設置」。 +To access to the watchface settings, enter AAPS main menu, slide up and select "Settings". -實心星星表示啟用狀態(**開**),空心星星圖示表示該設置已停用(**關**): +Filled star is for enabled state (**On**), and hollow star icon indicates that setting is disabled (**Off**): -![設置開/關](../images/Watchface_Settings_On_Off.png) +![Settings on/off](../images/Watchface_Settings_On_Off.png) -### AAPS 配套參數 +### AAPS companion parameters -* **注射時震動**(預設`開`): -* **動作單位**(預設`mg/dl`):如果**開**,動作單位為`mg/dl`,如果**關**,單位為`mmol/l`。 設定 TT 時使用。 +* **Vibrate on Bolus** (default `On`): +* **Units for Actions** (default `mg/dl`): if **On** units for actions is `mg/dl`, if **Off** unit is `mmol/l`. Used when setting a TT from watch. (Watchfaces-watchface-settings)= -### 手錶外觀設置 +### Watchface settings -* **顯示日期**(預設`關`):注意,並非所有手錶外觀都支援日期顯示 -* **顯示 IOB**(預設`開`):是否顯示 IOB 值(詳細值設置在 AAPS wear 參數中) -* **顯示 COB**(預設`開`):是否顯示 COB 值 -* **顯示 Delta**(預設`開`):是否顯示過去 5 分鐘的血糖變化 -* **顯示平均 Delta**(預設`開`):是否顯示過去 15 分鐘的血糖平均變化 -* **顯示手機電池**(預設`開`):手機電池百分比。 低於 30% 時顯示為紅色。 -* **顯示 Rig 電池**(預設`關`):Rig 電池是手機電池、幫浦電池和傳感器電池的綜合結果(通常顯示最低的值)。 -* **顯示基礎速率**(預設`開`):是否顯示當前的基礎速率(以 U/h 顯示,或如果是臨時基礎速率則以 % 顯示) -* **顯示循環狀態**(預設`開`):顯示自上次循環運作以來的分鐘數(如果超過 15 分鐘,數值周圍的箭頭變為紅色)。 -* **顯示 血糖**(預設`開`):是否顯示最近的血糖值 -* **顯示方向箭頭**(預設`開`):是否顯示血糖趨勢箭頭 -* **顯示經過時間**(預設`開`):顯示自上次讀取以來的分鐘數。 -* **深色背景**(預設`開`):你可以將黑色背景切換為白色背景(除了 Cockpit 和 Steampunk 手錶外觀) -* **高亮基礎速率**(預設`關`):提高基礎速率和臨時基礎速率的可見性 -* **匹配分隔線**(預設`關`):對於 AAPS、AAPSv2 和 AAPS(大)手錶外觀,顯示分隔線的對比背景(**關**)或匹配分隔線與背景顏色(**開**)。 -* **圖表時間範圍**(預設`3 小時`):你可以在子選單中選擇圖表的最大時間範圍,從 1 小時到 5 小時。 +* **Show Date** (default `Off`): note, date is not available on all watchfaces +* **Show IOB** (default `On`): Display or not IOB value (setting for detailed value is in AAPS wear parameters) +* **Show COB** (default `On`): Display or not COB value +* **Show Delta** (default `On`): Display or not the BG variation of the last 5 minutes +* **Show AvgDelta** (default `On`): Display or not the average BG variation of the last 15 minutes +* **Show Phone Battery** (default `On`): Phone battery in %. Red if below 30% . +* **Show Rig Battery** (default `Off`): Rig battery is a synthesis of Phone battery, pump battery and sensor battery (generally the lowest of the 3 values) +* **Show Basal Rate** (default `On`): Display or not current basal rate (in U/h or in % if TBR) +* **Show Loop Status** (default `On`): show how many minutes since last loop run (arrows around value turn red if above 15'). +* **Show BG** (default `On`): Display or not last BG value +* **Show Direction Arrow** (default `On`): Display or not BG trend arrow +* **Show Ago** (default `On`): show how many minutes since last reading. +* **Dark** (default `On`): You can switch from black background to white background (except for Cockpit and Steampunk watch face) +* **Highlight Basals** (default `Off`): Improve the visibility of basal rate and temp basals +* **Matching divider** (default `Off`): For AAPS, AAPSv2 and AAPS(Large) watchfaces, show contrast background for divider (**Off**) or match divider with the background color (**On**) +* **Chart Timeframe** (default `3 hours`): you can select in the sub menu the max time frame of your chart between 1 hour and 5 hours. -### 用戶界面設置 +### User Interface setting -* **輸入設計**:使用此參數,你可以選擇「+」和「-」按鈕的位置訊息,當你為 AAPS 輸入指令(TT、胰島素、碳水化合物...)時使用。 +* **Input Design**: with this parameter, you can select the position of "+" and "-" buttons when you enter commands for AAPS (TT, Insulin, Carbs...) -![輸入設計選項](../images/Watchface_InputDesign.png) +![Input design options](../images/Watchface_InputDesign.png) -### 特定手錶外觀參數 +### Specific watchface parameters -#### Steampunk 手錶外觀 +#### Steampunk watchface -* **Delta 精度**(預設`中等`) +* **Delta Granularity** (default `Medium`) ![Steampunk_gauge](../images/Watchface_Steampunk_Gauge.png) #### Circle WF -* **大字體**(預設`關`):增加字體大小以提高可見性 -* **環狀歷史**(預設`關`):以灰色環在小時的綠色環內圖形顯示血糖歷史記錄 -* **輕環狀歷史**(預設`開`):以更深的灰色顯示較不顯眼的環狀歷史 -* **動畫效果**(預設`開`):如果啟用,且手錶支援並非處於省電低解析度模式時,手錶外觀的圓形會有動畫效果。 +* **Big Numbers** (default `Off`): Increase text size to improve visibility +* **Ring History** (default `Off`): View graphically BG history with gray rings inside the hour's green ring +* **Light Ring History** (default `On`): Ring history more discreet with a darker gray +* **Animations** (default `On`): When enabled, on supported by watch and not in power saving low-res mode, watchface circle will be animated -### 指令設置 +### Commands settings -* **主選單嚮導**(預設`開`):允許在主選單中使用嚮導介面從手錶輸入碳水化合物並設置注射量 -* **主選單注射前充填**(預設`關`):允許從手錶進行注射前充填/填充操作 -* **單一目標**(預設`開`): +* **Wizard in Menu** (default `On`): Allow wizard interface in main menu to input Carbs and set Bolus from watch +* **Prime in Menu** (default `Off`): Allow Prime / Fill action from watch +* **Single Target** (default `On`): - * `開`:你設置一個單一的 TT 值 - * `關`:你設置低目標和高目標的 TT 值 + * `On`: you set a single value for TT + * `Off`: you set Low target and high target for TT -* **嚮導百分比**(預設`關`):允許從嚮導進行注射校正(在確認通知前以百分比輸入值) +* **Wizard Percentage** (default `Off`): Allow bolus correction from wizard (value entered in percentage before confirmation notification) (Watchfaces-complications)= -## 複雜功能 +## Complications -*複雜功能* 是傳統製錶術中的術語,描述的是手錶主錶盤的附加功能 - 例如另一個小窗或副表盤(顯示日期、星期、月相等)。 Wear OS 2.0 將此隱喻引入,允許自訂資料提供者(例如天氣、通知、健身計數器等)新增到支援複雜功能的任何手錶外觀中。 +*Complication* is a term from traditional watchmaking, where it describes addition to the main watchface - as another small window or sub-dial (with date, day of the week, moon phase, etc.). Wear OS 2.0 brings that metaphor to allow custom data providers, like weather, notifications, fitness counters and more - to be added to any watchfaces that support complications. -AAPS Wear OS 應用程式自 build `2.6` 開始支援複雜功能,並允許支援複雜功能的第三方手錶外觀配置顯示與 AAPS 相關的資料(如血糖值與趨勢、IOB、COB 等)。 +AAPS Wear OS app supports complications since build `2.6`, and allow any third party watchface that supports complications to be configured to display AAPS related data (BG with the trend, IOB, COB, etc.). -複雜功能也可作為 AAPS 功能的 **快捷方式**。 點擊它們可以打開與 AAPS 相關的選單和對話框(具體取決於複雜功能類型和配置)。 +Complications also serve as **shortcut** to AAPS functions. By tapping them you can open AAPS related menus and dialogs (depending on complication type and configuration). -![複雜功能_在_手錶外觀上](../images/Watchface_Complications_On_Watchfaces.png) +![Complications_On_Watchfaces](../images/Watchface_Complications_On_Watchfaces.png) -### 複雜功能類型 +### Complication Types -AAPS Wear OS 應用程式僅提供根據預定義格式的原始資料。 第三方手錶外觀決定如何及在哪裡呈現複雜功能,包括其佈局、邊框、顏色和字體。 在眾多 Wear OS 複雜功能類型中,AAPS 使用以下類型: +AAPS Wear OS app provides only raw data, according to predefined formats. It is up to third-party watchface to decide where and how to render complications, including its layout, border, color, and font. From many Wear OS complication types available, AAPS uses: -* `短文本` - 包含兩行文本,每行 7 個字元,有時稱為值和標籤。 通常呈現在一個圓圈或小 POD 中 - 一行在另一行下方或並排顯示。 這是一個空間非常有限的複雜功能。 AAPS 試圖移除不必要的字符以適應:透過四捨五入數值、去除值中的前導和尾隨零等方式。 -* `長文本` - 包含兩行文本,每行大約 20 個字元。 通常呈現在一個矩形或長 POD 中 - 一行在另一行下方顯示。 用於顯示更多詳情和文本狀態。 -* `範圍值` - 用於顯示預定範圍內的值,例如百分比。 它包含圖示和標籤,通常以圓形進度表盤呈現。 -* `大圖像` - 自訂背景圖像,可用作手錶外觀的背景(如果手錶外觀支援)。 +* `SHORT TEXT` - Contains two lines of text, 7 characters each, sometimes referred to as value and label. Usually rendered inside a circle or small pill - one below another, or side by side. It is a very space-limited complication. AAPS tries to remove unnecessary characters to fit-in: by rounding values, removing leading and trailing zeroes from values, etc. +* `LONG TEXT` - Contains two lines of text, about 20 characters each. Usually rendered inside a rectangle or long pill - one below another. It is used for more details and textual status. +* `RANGED VALUE` - Used for values from predefined range, like a percentage. It contains icon, label and is usually rendered as circle progress dial. +* `LARGE IMAGE` - Custom background image that can be used (when supported by watchface) as background. -### 複雜功能設置 +### Complication Setup -要將複雜功能添加到手錶外觀,請長按並點擊下方的齒輪圖示進行配置。 根據具體手錶外觀的配置方式 - 可以點擊佔位符或進入複雜功能設置選單。 AAPS 複雜功能被歸類在 AAPS 選單條目下。 +To add complication to watchface, configure it by long press and clicking the gear icon below. Depending on how specific watchface configures them - either click on placeholders or enter the watchface setup menu for complications. AAPS complications are grouped under the AAPS menu entry. -在配置手錶外觀上的複雜功能時,Wear OS 會顯示並篩選適合放置在選定複雜功能位置的列表。 如果列表中找不到特定的複雜功能,可能是由於該類型不適用於該位置。 +When configuring complications on watchface, Wear OS will present and filter the list of complications that can be fit into selected complication place on watchface. If specific complications cannot be found on the list, it is probably due to its type that cannot be used for the given place. -### AAPS 提供的複雜功能 +### Complications provided by AAPS -AAPS 提供以下複雜功能: +AAPS provides following complications: -![AAPS_複雜功能列表](../images/Watchface_Complications_List.png) +![AAPS_Complications_List](../images/Watchface_Complications_List.png) -* **基礎速率、COB 和 IOB**(`短文本`,打開*選單*):顯示第一行的*基礎速率*,第二行顯示*活性碳水化合物化合物*和*活性胰島素*。 -* **血糖**(`短文本`,打開*選單*):顯示第一行的*血糖*值和*趨勢箭頭*,第二行顯示*測量時間*和*血糖變化量*。 -* **COB 和 IOB**(`短文本`,打開*選單*):顯示第一行的*活性碳水化合物化合物*,第二行顯示*活性胰島素*。 -* **COB 詳細訊息**(`短文本`,打開*嚮導*):顯示第一行的當前活動*活性碳水化合物化合物*,第二行顯示計劃中的(未來的,eCarbs)碳水化合物。 -* **COB 圖示**(`短文本`,打開*嚮導*):顯示帶有靜態圖示的*活性碳水化合物化合物*值。 -* **完整狀態**(`長文本`,打開*選單*):顯示所有資料:第一行顯示*血糖*值和*趨勢箭頭*、*血糖變化量*及*測量時間*。 第二行顯示*活性碳水化合物化合物*、*活性胰島素*和*基礎速率*。 -* **完整狀態(反轉)**(`長文本`,打開*選單*):與標準的*完整狀態*顯示相同資料,但行順序相反。 可用於忽略`長文本`中一行的手錶外觀。 -* **IOB 詳細訊息**(`短文本`,打開*注射*):顯示第一行的總*活性胰島素*,第二行顯示*注射*和*基礎速率*部分的 IOB。 -* **IOB 圖示**(`短文本`,打開*注射*):顯示帶有靜態圖示的*活性胰島素*值。 -* **上傳裝置/手機電池**(`範圍值`,打開*狀態*):顯示 AAPS 手機(上傳裝置)報告的電池百分比。 顯示為百分比儀表盤,並顯示反映報告值的電池圖示。 它可能不會即時更新,但會在其他重要的 AAPS 資料更改時更新(通常是每次~5 分鐘新的*血糖*測量時)。 +* **BR, CoB & IoB** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Displays *Basal Rate* on the first line and *Carbs on Board* and *Insulin on Board* on the second line. +* **Blood Glucose** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Displays *Blood Glucose* value and *trend* arrow on the first line and *measurement age* and *BG delta* on the second line. +* **CoB & IoB** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Displays *Carbs on Board* on the first line and *Insulin on Board* on the second line. +* **CoB Detailed** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Wizard*): Displays current active *Carbs on Board* on the first line and planned (future, eCarbs) Carbs on the second line. +* **CoB Icon** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Wizard*): Displays *Carbs on Board* value with a static icon. +* **Full Status** (`LONG TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Shows most of the data at once: *Blood Glucose* value and *trend* arrow, *BG delta* and *measurement age* on the first line. On the second line *Carbs on Board*, *Insulin on Board* and *Basal Rate*. +* **Full Status (flipped)** (`LONG TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Same data as for standard *Full Status*, but lines are flipped. Can be used in watchfaces which ignores one of two lines in `LONG TEXT` +* **IoB Detailed** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Bolus*): Displays total *Insulin on Board* on the first line and split of *IoB* for *Bolus* and *Basal* part on the second line. +* **IoB Icon** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Bolus*): Displays *Insulin on Board* value with a static icon. +* **Uploader/Phone Battery** (`RANGED VALUE`, opens *Status*): Displays battery percentage of AAPS phone (uploader), as reported by AAPS. Displayed as percentage gauge with a battery icon that reflects reported value. It may be not updated in real-time, but when other important AAPS data changes (usually: every ~5 minutes with new *Blood Glucose* measurement). -此外,還有三種`大圖像`類型的複雜功能:**深色壁紙**、**灰色壁紙**和**淺色壁紙**,顯示靜態 AAPS 壁紙。 +Additionally, there are three complications of `LARGE IMAGE` kind: **Dark Wallpaper**, **Gray Wallpaper** and **Light Wallpaper**, displaying static AAPS wallpaper. -### 與複雜功能相關的設置 +### Complication related settings -* **複雜功能點擊操作** (預設`預設`):決定當用戶點擊複雜功能時打開的對話框: - * *預設*:與複雜功能類型相關的動作*(見上方列表)* - * *選單*:AAPS 主選單 - * *嚮導*:注射嚮導 - 注射計算機 - * *注射*:直接輸入注射值 - * *eCarb*:eCarb 配置對話框 - * *狀態*:狀態子選單 - * *無*:停用 AAPS 複雜功能的點擊操作 -* **複雜功能中的 Unicode**(預設`開`):當`開`時,複雜功能將使用 Unicode 字符來顯示圖示,如`Δ`(變化量)、`⁞`(垂直點分隔符)或`⎍`(基礎速率圖示)。 它們的渲染取決於字體,這可能非常特定於手錶外觀。 如果自訂手錶外觀使用的字體不支援這些圖示,則可以將此選項設置為`關`,以避免圖形故障。 +* **Complication Tap Action** (default `Default`): Decides which dialog is opened when user taps complication: + * *Default*: action specific to complication type *(see list above)* + * *Menu*: AAPS main menu + * *Wizard*: bolus wizard - bolus calculator + * *Bolus*: direct bolus value entry + * *eCarb*: eCarb configuration dialog + * *Status*: status sub-menu + * *None*: Disables tap action on AAPS complications +* **Unicode in Complications** (default `On`): When `On`, the complication will use Unicode characters for symbols like `Δ` Delta, `⁞` vertical dot separator or `⎍` Basal Rate symbol. Rendering of them depends on the font, and that can be very watchface-specific. This option allows switching Unicode symbols `Off` when needed - if the font used by custom watchface does not support those symbols - to avoid graphical glitches. -## Wear OS Tiles(資訊方塊) +## Wear OS Tiles -Wear OS Tiles 提供用戶快速查看資訊和操作的便捷方式。 這些 Tiles 僅在運作 Wear OS 版本 2.0 及更高版本的 Android 智慧型手錶上可用。 +Wear OS Tiles provide easy access to users' information and actions to get things done. The tiles are only available on Android smartwatches running on Wear Os version 2.0 and higher. -Tiles 允許你快速查看 AAPS 應用程式中的操作,而無需透過手錶外觀選單。 Tiles 是可選的,並且可以由用戶自行添加和配置。 +Tiles allow you to quickly access actions on the AAPS application without going through the watch face menu. The tiles are optional and can be added and configured by the user. -Tiles 與任何手錶外觀「並存」使用。 這些Tiles會在所有錶面的旁邊。 啟用後,透過從手錶外觀向左滑動即可查看 Tiles。 +The tiles are used "next to" any watch face. To access a tile, when enabled, swipe right to left on your watch face to show them. -請注意:這些Tiles並不顯示 AAPS 手機應用程式的實際狀態,它們僅會發出請求,該請求必須在手錶上確認後才會生效。 +Please note; that the tiles do not hold the actual state of the AAPS phone app and will only make a request, which has to be confirmed on the watch before it is applied. -## 如何添加 Tiles +## How to add Tiles -在使用 Tiles 之前,你必須在 Android APS 的「Wear OS」設置中打開「從手錶控制」。 +Before using the tiles, you have to switch on "Control from Watch" in the "Wear OS" settings of Android APS. -![Wear 手機偏好設置已啟用](../images/wear_phone_preferences.jpg) +![Wear phone preferences enabled](../images/wear_phone_preferences.jpg) -根據你的 Wear OS 版本、品牌和智慧型手機,有兩種啟用 Tiles 的方式: +Depending on your Wear OS version, brand and smartphone there are two ways of enabling the tiles: -1. 在手錶上,從手錶外觀開始; - 向左滑動直到到達「+ 添加 Tiles」 - 選擇其中一個 Tiles。 -2. 在手機上打開手錶原廠的應用程式。 - 對於三星手錶,打開「Galaxy Wearable」,其他品牌則打開「Wear OS」 - * 點擊「Tiles」部分,然後點擊「+ 添加」按鈕 - * 找到你想添加的 AAPS Tile 並選擇它。 ![Wear phone add tile](../images/wear_companion_app_add_tile.png)你可以透過拖放來更改 Tiles 的順序 +1. On your watch, from your watch face; - Swipe right to left till you reach the "+ Add tiles" - Select one of the tiles. +2. On your phone open the companion app for your watch. - For Samsung open "Galaxy Wearable", or for other brands "Wear OS" + * In the click on the section "Tiles", followed by "+ Add" button + * Find the AAPS tile you like to add by selecting it. ![Wear phone add tile](../images/wear_companion_app_add_tile.png) The order of the tiles can be changed by dragging and dropping -你可以透過長按 Tile 並點擊「編輯」或「齒輪圖示」按鈕來自訂 Tiles 的內容。 +The content of the tiles can be customized by long-pressing a tile and clicking the "Edit" or "gear icon" button. -### APS(操作)Tile +### APS(Actions) Tile -操作 Tile 可以包含 1 到 4 個用戶自訂的操作按鈕。 要進行配置,長按 Tile,這將顯示配置選項。 類似的操作也可以透過標準的手錶選單進行。 +The action tile can hold 1 to 4 user-defined action buttons. To configure, long-press the tile, which will show the configuration options. Similar actions are also available through the standard watch menu. -操作 Tile 支援的操作可以向 AAPS 手機應用程式發出請求: +Actions supported in the Action tile can request the AAPS phone app for: -* **計算**;根據碳水化合物輸入和可選的百分比[1]進行注射計算 -* **胰島素**;透過輸入胰島素單位請求注射 -* **治療**;請求注射並添加碳水化合物 -* **碳水化合物**;添加(延長的)碳水化合物 -* **臨時目標**;設置自訂臨時目標和持續時間 +* **Calc**; do a bolus calculation, based on carb input and optional a percentage [1] +* **Insulin**; request insulin delivery by entering the unit of insulin +* **Treatment**; request both insulin delivery and add carbs +* **Carbs**; add (extended) carbs +* **TempT**; set a custom temporary target and duration -![Wear 操作 Tile,示例計算機](../images/wear_actions.png) +![Wear action tile, sample calculator](../images/wear_actions.png) -[1] 透過 Wear OS 選單,將「計算機百分比」選項設置為「開」,以便在注射計算機中顯示百分比輸入。 預設百分比基於手機設置中的「首頁總覽」部分[「注射嚮導結果的百分比」](Config-Builder.html#advanced-settings)。當用戶未提供百分比時,將使用手機中的預設值。 透過手機應用程式的「偏好設定」-「嚮導設置」配置注射計算機的其他參數。 +[1] Via, the Wear OS menu, set the "Calculator Percentage" option to "ON" to show the percentage input in the bolus calculator. The default percentage is based on the phone settings in the"Overview" section ["Deliver this part of the bolus wizard result %"](Config-Builder.html#advanced-settings) When the user does not provide a percentage, the default value from the phone is used. Configure the other parameters for the bolus calculator in the phone app via "Preferences" "Wizard Settings". -### AAPS(臨時目標)Tile +### AAPS(Temp Target) Tile -臨時目標 Tile 可以根據 AAPS 手機預設請求臨時目標。 透過進入手機應用程式的「偏好設定」-「首頁總覽」部分,[「預設臨時目標」](Config-Builder.html#default-temp-targets),設置每個預設的持續時間和目標來進行配置。 透過 Tile 設置配置在 Tile 上可見的操作。 長按 Tile 以顯示配置選項並選擇 1 到 4 個選項: +The Temp Target Tile can request a temporary target based on AAPS phone presets. Configure preset time and targets through the phone app setting by going to "Preferences", "Overview", ["Default Temp-Targets"](Config-Builder.html#default-temp-targets) and set the duration and targets for each preset. Configure the visible actions on the tile through the tile settings. Long press the tile to show the configuration options and select 1 to 4 options: -* **運動**;適用於運動 -* **低血糖**;在低血糖治療期間提高目標 -* **即將進餐**;降低目標以增加活性胰島素 -* **手動**;設置自訂臨時目標和持續時間 -* **取消**;停止當前的臨時目標 +* **Activity**; for sport +* **Hypo**; to raise the target during hypo treatment +* **Eating soon**; to lower the target to raise the insulin on board +* **Manual**; set a custom temporary target and duration +* **Cancel**; to stop the current temporary target -![可穿戴裝置動作圖磚編輯](../images/wear_tile_tempt_edit.png) +![Wear actions tile edit](../images/wear_tile_tempt_edit.png) -### AAPS(快速嚮導)Tile +### AAPS(QuickWizard)Tile -快速嚮導圖磚可以容納1到4個快速嚮導動作按鈕,這些按鈕由手機應用程式[2]定義。 請參閱[快速嚮導](Config-Builder.html#quickwizard-settings)。 您可以設定標準餐點(碳水化合物及注射計算方式)依據一天中的時間顯示在圖磚上。 非常適合用於一天中最常食用的餐點/點心。 您可以指定快速嚮導按鈕是否會顯示在手機、手錶或兩者。 請注意,手機一次只能顯示一個快速嚮導按鈕。 快速嚮導設置還可以指定注射的自訂胰島素百分比。 自訂百分比可讓您變化,例如點心 120%、緩慢吸收的早餐 80% 和低血糖處理用糖點心 0% +The QuickWizard tile can hold 1 to 4 quick wizard action buttons, defined with the phone app[2]. See [QuickWizard](Config-Builder.html#quickwizard-settings). You can set standard meals (carbs and calculation method for the bolus) to be displayed on the tile depending on the time of the day. Ideal for the most common meals/snacks you eat during the day. You can specify if the quick wizard buttons will show on the phone, watch, or both. Please note that the phone can show only one quick wizard button at a time. The quick wizard setup also can specify a custom percentage of the insulin for the bolus. The custom percentage enables you to vary, for example, snack at 120%, slow absorbing breakfast 80% and hypo treatment sugar snack at 0% -![可穿戴裝置動作圖磚與手機配置](../images/quickwizard_watch_phone.png) +![Wear actions tile and phone configuration](../images/quickwizard_watch_phone.png) -[2] Wear OS 將圖磚更新頻率限制為每30秒一次。 當您發現手機上的變更未反映在圖磚上時,請考慮:等待30秒,使用 AAPS 的 Wear OS 區段中的“重新發送所有資料”按鈕,或刪除並重新添加圖磚。 要更改快速嚮導按鈕的順序,將項目向上或向下拖動。 +[2] Wear OS limits tiles update frequency to only once every 30 seconds. When you notice that the changes on your phone are not reflected on the tile, consider; waiting 30 seconds, using the "Resend all data" button from the Wear OS section of AAPS, or removing the tile and adding it again. To change the order of the QuickWizard buttons dragging an item up or down. -## 永遠開啟 +## Always on -對於 Android Wear OS 智慧型手錶來說,長時間的電池續航力是一個挑戰。 有些智慧型手錶最多可以持續使用30小時再充電。 螢幕在不使用時應關閉以達到最佳節電效果。 大多數手錶支援“永遠開啟”螢幕顯示。 +Long battery life for Android Wear OS smartwatches is a challenge. Some smartwatches get as much as 30 hours before recharging. The display should be switched off for optimal power saving when not in use. Most watches support the “Always on” display. -自 AAPS 版本3開始,我們可以在永遠開啟模式下使用“簡化 UI”。 此 UI 只包含血糖值、方向和時間。 此 UI 已經過電力優化,更新頻率較低,顯示較少的資訊,並減少點亮的像素數,以節省 OLED 螢幕上的電量。 +Since AAPS version 3, we can use a “Simplify UI” during always-on-mode. This UI only contains the blood glucose, direction, and time. This UI is power-optimized with less frequent updates, showing less information and lightening fewer pixels to save power on OLED displays. -簡化 UI 模式適用於以下錶盤:AAPS、AAPS V2、Home Big、Digital Style、Steampunk 和 Cockpit。 簡化 UI 是可選的,並透過錶盤設定進行配置。 (長按錶盤並點擊“編輯”或齒輪圖示)選擇配置“簡化 UI”並將其設為“永遠開啟”或“永遠開啟且充電中”。 +The simplified UI mode is available for the watch-faces: AAPS, AAPS V2, Home Big, Digital Style, Steampunk, and Cockpit. The simplified UI is optional and is configured through the watch face settings. (log press the watch face and click “edit” or the gear icon) Select the configuration “Simplify UI" and set it to “Always on” or “Always on and charging”. -### 夜間模式 +### Night-time mode -在充電期間,若能在夜間保持螢幕“永遠開啟”並顯示您的血糖值會非常有用。 然而,標準錶盤過於明亮,資訊太多,而且在困倦的狀態下很難閱讀細節。 因此,我們在配置中新增了一個選項,讓錶盤在充電期間可以簡化 UI。 +While charging, it would be helpful if the display could stay “always-on” and show your blood glucose during the night. However, the standard watch-faces are too bright and have too much information, and the details are hard to read with sleepy eyes. Therefore, we added an option for the watch-face to simplify the UI only during charging when set in the configuration. -簡化 UI 模式適用於以下錶盤:AAPS、AAPS V2、Home Big、Digital Style、Steampunk 和 Cockpit。 簡化 UI 是可選的,並透過錶盤設定進行配置。 (長按錶盤並點擊“編輯”或齒輪圖示)選擇配置“簡化 UI”並將其設為“充電期間”或“永遠開啟且充電中” +The simplified UI mode is available for the watch-faces: AAPS, AAPS V2, Home Big, Digital Style, Steampunk, and Cockpit. The simplified UI is optional and is configured through the watch face settings. (log press the watch face and click “edit” or the gear icon) Select the configuration “Simplify UI" and set it to “During charging” or “Always on and charging” -Android 開發者選項允許您的手錶在充電期間保持喚醒狀態。 若要啟用開發者選項,請參閱[官方文件](。 在開發者選項中,將“充電時保持喚醒”設置為“開啟”。 +The Android developer options enable your watch to stay awake during charging. To make the developer options available, see the [official documentation]( Set the “Stay awake when charging” to “on” in the developer options”. -注意:並非所有螢幕都能很好地處理永遠開啟功能。 這可能會導致螢幕燒灼,特別是在較舊的 OLED 螢幕上。 手錶通常會調暗螢幕以防止燒灼;請查閱您的使用手冊、製造商或網路上的建議。 +Note: not all displays can handle always-on very well. It can cause screen burn-in, especially on the older OLED displays. The watches will generally dim the display to prevent burn-in; please check your owner’s manual, the manufacturing, or the internet for advice. -![錶盤夜間模式](../images/Watchface_nightstand.jpg) +![Watchface Nightstand](../images/Watchface_nightstand.jpg) -![簡化 UI](../images/Watchface_simplified_ui.png) +![Simplified UI](../images/Watchface_simplified_ui.png) -## 延後警報捷徑 +## Snooze Alert shortcut -可以建立一個捷徑來暫停 AAPS 的警報/鬧鐘。 透過手錶靜音更方便且比拿手機快。 注意:您仍然需要檢查手機上的警報訊息並相應處理,但可以稍後再檢查。 如果您的手錶有兩個按鈕,您可以將其中一個按鍵分配給`AAPS 延後警報`程式。 +It is possible to create a shortcut to snooze the alerts/alarm of AAPS. Muting the sound via your watch is convenient and faster without reaching for your phone. Note; you still have to check your alarm message on your phone and handle it accordingly, but you can check that later. When your watch has two buttons, you can assign a key to the `AAPS Snooze Alert` program. -要在 Samsung Watch 4 上綁定按鈕,請前往`設定 > 高級功能 > 自訂按鈕 > 雙擊 > AAPS 延後警報` +To link the button on the Samsung Watch 4 go to `Settings > Advanced Features > Customize Buttons > Double press > AAPS Snooze Alert` -### 暫停 xDrip +### Snooze xDrip -當您使用 xDrip 並將其安裝在手錶上時,'AAPS 延後警報' 捷徑也會暫停任何 xDrip 警報。 +When you use xDrip and have xDrip installed on the watch, the 'AAPS Snooze Alert' shortcut will also Snooze any xDrip alarm. -## 效能與電池壽命提示 +## Performance and battery life tips -Wear OS 手錶是非常耗電且又受限的裝置。 手錶機殼的尺寸限制了內置電池的容量。 即使硬體和軟體方面都有了最新的進展,Wear OS 手錶仍然需要每天充電。 +Wear OS watches are very power-constrained devices. The size of the watch case limits the capacity of the included battery. Even with recent advancements both on hardware and software side, Wear OS watches still require daily charging. -如果電池續航時間短於一天(從黃昏到黎明),以下是一些排除問題的建議: +If an experienced battery span is shorter than a day (from dusk to dawn), here are some tips to troubleshoot the issues. -主要耗電區域包括: +Main battery-demanding areas are: -* 螢幕顯示(對 LED 為背光,對 OLED 為全亮模式) -* 螢幕顯示 -* 透過藍牙的無線通訊 +* Active display with a backlight on (for LED) or in full intensity mode (for OLED) +* Rendering on screen +* Radio communication over Bluetooth -由於我們不能在通訊效能上妥協(我們需要最新的資料)並且希望顯示最新的資料,因此大多數的優化可以在*顯示時間*區域中進行: +Since we cannot compromise on communication (we need up-to-date data) and want to have the most recent data rendered, most of the optimizations can be done in *display time* area: -* 預設錶盤通常比從商店下載的自訂錶盤優化得更好。 -* 最好使用在非活動/調暗模式下顯示較少資料的錶盤。 -* 在使用其他小工具時要注意,像是第三方天氣小工具或其他從外部來源利用資料的小工具。 -* 先從較簡單的錶盤開始。 一次添加一個小工具並觀察它們對電池壽命的影響。 -* 嘗試為 AAPS 錶盤使用**深色**主題,並使用[**匹配的分隔線**](Watchfaces-watchface-settings)。 在 OLED 裝置上,這將限制點亮的像素數量並減少燒灼風險。 -* 檢查 AAPS 預設錶盤與其他帶有 AAPS 小工具的錶盤在您的手錶上哪個效能更好。 -* 在幾天內觀察不同的活動模式。 大多數手錶會因為抬腕查看、移動及其他使用相關的觸發事件而啟動螢幕顯示。 -* 檢查影響效能的全局系統設定:通知、背光/活動顯示逾時、GPS 啟動時。 -* 查看[已測試手機和手錶列表](Phones-list-of-tested-phones),並與[社群連結](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/,了解其他用戶的經驗和報告的電池壽命。 -* **我們無法保證錶盤或小工具上顯示的資料是最新的**。 最終,Wear OS 決定何時更新錶盤或小工具。 即使 AAPS 應用程式請求更新,系統也可能為了節省電池而延後或忽略更新。 當手錶電量不足時有疑慮時,請務必使用手機上的 AAPS 應用程式進行雙重檢查。 +* Stock watchfaces are usually better optimized than custom one, downloaded from the store. +* It is better to use watchfaces that limit the amount of rendered data in inactive / dimmed mode. +* Be aware when mixing other Complications, like third party weather widgets, or other - utilizing data from external sources. +* Start with simpler watchfaces. Add one complication at the time and observe how they affect battery life. +* Try to use **Dark** theme for AAPS watchfaces, and [**Matching divider**](Watchfaces-watchface-settings). On OLED devices it will limit the amount of pixels lit and limit burnout. +* Check what performs better on your watch: AAPS stock watchfaces or other watchfaces with AAPS Complications. +* Observe over a few days, with different activity profiles. Most watches activate the display on glancing, movement and other usage-related triggers. +* Check your global system settings that affect performance: notifications, backlight/active display timeout, when GPS is activated. +* Check [list of tested phones and watches](Phones-list-of-tested-phones) and [ask community](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/ for other users experiences and reported battery lifetime. +* **We cannot guarantee that data displayed on watchface or complication is up-to-date**. In the end, it is up to Wear OS to decide when to update a watchface or a complication. Even when the AAPS app requests update, the System may decide to postpone or ignore updates to conserve battery. When in doubt and low on battery on watch - always double-check with main AAPS app on phone. -(錶盤-故障排除-Wear-app)= +(Watchfaces-troubleshooting-the-wear-app)= -## 故障排除 Wear 應用程式: +## Troubleshooting the wear app: -* 有時候重新同步應用程式到手錶上是有幫助的,因為它本身的同步速度可能有點慢:Android Wear > 齒輪圖示 > 手錶名稱 > 重新同步應用程式。 -* 在開發者選項中啟用 ADB 偵錯(手錶上),透過 USB 連線手錶,並在 Android Studio 中啟動 Wear 應用程式。 -* 如果小工具不更新資料,首先檢查 AAPS 錶盤是否正常運作。 +* Sometimes it helps to re-sync the apps to the watch as it can be a bit slow to do so itself: Android Wear > Cog icon > Watch name > Resync apps. +* Enable ADB debugging in Developer Options (on watch), connect the watch via USB and start the Wear app once in Android Studio. +* If Complications does not update data - check first if AAPS watchfaces work at all. ## Garmin -在[Garmin ConnectIQ 商店](上,有幾款與 xDrip 或 Nightscout 整合的 Garmin 手錶面。 +There are a couple of watch faces for Garmin that integrate with xDrip or Nightscout on the [Garmin ConnectIQ store]( -AAPS Glucose Watch 可直接與 AAPS 整合。 它顯示循環狀態資料(活性胰島素、臨時基礎率),除了顯示血糖讀數外,還會將心率讀數發送到 AAPS。 它可在 ConnectIQ 商店中取得,所需的 AAPS 外掛從 AAPS 3.2 版本起提供。 +[AAPS Glucose Watch]( integrates directly with AAPS. It shows loop status data (insulin on board, temporary basal) in addition to glucose readings and sends heart rate readings to AAPS. It is available in the ConnectIQ store, the necessary AAPS plugin is only available from AAPS 3.2. -![螢幕截圖](../images/Garmin_WF.png) ![螢幕截圖](../images/Garmin_WF-annotated.png) +![Screenshot](../images/Garmin_WF.png) ![Screenshot](../images/Garmin_WF-annotated.png) -## 額外的 AAPS 自訂錶盤也可以使用 +## Additional AAPS custom watchfaces are also available -您可以在此下載由其他用戶建立的自訂錶盤 Zip 檔: +[Here](../ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ you can download Zip-Files with custom watchfaces made by other users. -如果您想建立自己的錶盤,請參閱[此處的指南](../Usage/。 +If you want to build your own watchface, follow the [guide here](../Usage/ -建立自訂錶盤後,您可以與其他人分享自己的**AAPS**自訂錶盤,將 zip 檔上傳至“ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces”資料夾,並透過 Pull Request 上傳到 Github。 在合併 Pull Request 時,文件團隊會提取 CustomWatchface.png 檔案,並在檔名前加上 Zip 檔案名稱作為前綴。 \ No newline at end of file +Once you have built a custom watchface, you can share your own **AAPS** custom watchface with others, the zip-file can be uploaded in the folder "ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces" via a Pull Request into Github. During merge of the pull request, the documentation team will extract the CustomWatchface.png file and prefix it with the filename of the Zip-file. \ No newline at end of file From 4b1f614684c767a5ad27f835996b4d4dd5abec1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 121/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 496 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 5dcf7bdb9e57..2d70b538162a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,473 +1,473 @@ -# 循環使用者常見問題解答 (FAQ) +# FAQ for loopers -如何將問題添加到常見問題解答:請遵循這些[說明](../ +How to add questions to the FAQ: Follow the these [instructions](../ -# 一般問題 +# General -## 我可以直接下載 AAPS 的安裝檔嗎? +## Can I just download the AAPS installation file? -不行。 AAPS 沒有可下載的 apk 檔案。 您必須自己[構建](../Installing-AndroidAPS/它。 原因如下: +No. There is no downloadable apk file for AAPS. You have to [build](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ it yourself. Here's the reason why: -AAPS 用來控制您的幫浦並提供胰島素。 根據歐洲現行法規,所有歸類為 IIa 或 IIb 類的系統都是需要法規批准的醫療設備(需要 CE 標誌),這需要各種研究和簽字確認。 分發未經批准的設備是非法的。 在世界其他地區也有類似的法規。 +AAPS is used to control your pump and give insulin. Under current regulations in Europe, all systems classed as IIa or IIb are medical devices that require regulatory approval (a CE mark) which needs various studies and sign offs. Distributing an unregulated device is illegal. Similar regulations exist in other parts of the world. -該法規不僅限於銷售(即獲得金錢),還適用於任何形式的分發(即使是免費的)。 自行建置醫療設備是符合這些法規的唯一方式。 +This regulation is not restricted just to sales (in the meaning of getting money for something) but applies to any distribution (even giving away for free). Building a medical device for yourself is the only way to use the app within these regulations. -這就是為什麼 apk 檔案無法提供下載的原因。 +That’s why apks aren’t available. (FAQ-how-to-begin)= -## 如何開始? +## How to begin? -首先,您需要**獲取可循環的硬體元件**: +First of all, you have to **get loopable hardware components**: -- 一個[支援的胰島素幫浦](./, -- 一部[Android 智慧型手機]( 不支援 Apple iOS,您可以查閱 [iOS Loop](,以及 -- 一個[連續血糖監測系統](../Configuration/。 +- A [supported insulin pump](./, +- an [Android smartphone]( (Apple iOS is not supported by AAPS - you can check [iOS Loop]( and +- a [continuous glucose monitoring system](../Configuration/ -其次,您需要**設定您的硬體**。 請參閱[步驟教學的範例設置](。 +Secondly, you have to **setup your hardware**. See [example setup with step-by-step tutorial]( -第三,您需要**設定您的軟體元件**:AAPS 和 CGM/FGM 資源。 +Thirdly, you have to **setup your software components**: AAPS and CGM/FGM source. -第四,您需要學習並**了解 OpenAPS 參考設計以檢查您的治療參數**。 閉環循環的基本原則是您的基礎率和碳水化合物比率是準確的。 所有建議都假設您的基礎需求已得到滿足,任何峰值或谷底的變化是由其他因素引起的,因此需要一些一次性的調整(如運動、壓力等)。 閉環系統為安全所做的調整是有限的(請參閱[OpenAPS 參考設計](中的允許最大臨時基礎率),這意味著您不希望浪費這些劑量來修正錯誤的基礎率。 例如,如果您經常在用餐前臨時降低基礎率,那麼很可能需要調整您的基礎率。 您可以使用[autotune](來考慮大量資料,以建議是否以及如何調整基礎率和/或 ISF,並且是否需要更改碳水化合物比率。 或者,您也可以使用[傳統方法](來測試並設定您的基礎率。 +Fourthly, you have to learn and **understand the OpenAPS reference design to check your treatment factors**. The founding principle of closed looping is that your basal rate and carb ratio are accurate. All recommendations assume that your basal needs are met and any peaks or troughs you're seeing are a result of other factors which therefore require some one-off adjustments (exercise, stress etc.). The adjustments the closed loop can make for safety have been limited (see maximum allowed temporary basal rate in [OpenAPS Reference Design](, which means that you don't want to waste the allowed dosing on correcting a wrong underlying basal. If for example you are frequently low temping on the approach of a meal then it is likely your basal needs adjusting. You can use [autotune]( to consider a large pool of data to suggest whether and how basals and/or ISF need to be adjusted, and also whether carb ratio needs to be changed. Or you can test and set your basal the [old fashioned way]( -## 我有哪些實際的循環考量? +## What practicalities of looping do I have? -### 密碼保護 +### Password protection -如果您不希望輕易更改您的偏好設定,您可以透過選擇偏好選單中的“設定密碼”來對偏好設定選單進行密碼保護,然後輸入您選擇的密碼。 下次進入偏好設定選單時,系統會要求輸入該密碼後才能進行下一步操作。 如果您之後想刪除密碼選項,只需進入“設定密碼”,然後刪除文本即可。 +If you don't want your preferences to be easily changed then you can password protect the preferences menu by selecting in the preferences menu "password for settings" and type the password you choose. The next time you go into preferences menu it will ask for that password before going any further. If you later want to remove the password option then go into "password for settings" and delete the text. -### Android Wear 智慧型手錶 +### Android Wear Smartwatches -如果您計劃使用 Android Wear 應用程式進行注射或更改設置,您需要確保不會阻止來自 AAPS 的通知。 操作確認將透過通知來完成。 +If you plan to use the android wear app to bolus or change settings then you need to ensure notifications from AAPS are not blocked. Confirmation of action comes via notification. (FAQ-disconnect-pump)= -### 中斷幫浦連線 +### Disconnect pump -如果您因淋浴、沐浴、游泳、運動或其他活動而取下幫浦,您必須讓 AAPS 知道未輸送胰島素,以保持 IOB 的正確性。 +If you take your pump off for showering, bathing, swimming, sports or other activities you must let AAPS know that no insulin is delivered to keep IOB correct. -可以使用 [AAPS 主畫面](Screenshots-loop-status)上的循環狀態圖示來中斷幫浦連線。 +The pump can be disconnected using the Loop Status icon on the [AAPS Home Screen](Screenshots-loop-status). -### 建議不是僅基於單一 CGM 讀數 +### Recommendations not only based on one single CGM reading -為了安全起見,建議是基於平均變化,而非單一 CGM 讀數。 因此,如果您錯過了一些讀數,可能需要一段時間在恢復資料後,AAPS 才會重新啟動循環。 +For safety, recommendations made are based on not one CGM reading but the average delta. Therefore, if you miss some readings it may take a while after getting data back before AAPS kicks in looping again. -### 進一步的讀數 +### Further readings -有幾個部落格提供了幫助您了解循環實際運作的好建議: +There are several blogs with good tips to help you understand the practicalities of looping: -- [微調設置]( See my CGM -- [為什麼 DIA 很重要]( See my CGM -- [限制餐後血糖飆升]( #DIYPS -- [荷爾蒙和自動感測]( See my CGM +- [Fine-tuning Settings]( See my CGM +- [Why DIA matters]( See my CGM +- [Limiting meal spikes]( #DIYPS +- [Hormones and autosens]( See my CGM -## 推薦隨身攜帶的應急設備有哪些? +## What emergency equipment is recommended to take with me? -您必須攜帶與其他使用胰島素幫浦療法的 1 型糖尿病患者相同的應急設備。 當使用 AAPS 進行循環時,強烈建議隨身攜帶或將以下額外設備放在身邊: +You have to have the same emergency equipment with you like every other T1D with insulin pump therapy. When looping with AAPS it is strongly recommended to have the following additional equipment with or near to you: -- 用於為智慧型手機、手錶和(如有需要)BT 閱讀器或 Link 設備充電的行動電源和充電線 -- 幫浦電池 -- 當前的 [apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 和 AAPS 及其他應用程式(例如 xDrip+、BYO Dexcom)的[偏好設定檔案](../Usage/,同時儲存在本地和雲端(Dropbox、Google Drive)。 +- Battery pack and cables to charge your smartphone, watch and (if needed) BT reader or Link device +- Pump batteries +- Current [apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ and [preferences files](../Usage/ for AAPS and any other apps you use (e.g. xDrip+, BYO Dexcom) both locally and in the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive). -## 如何安全、牢固地安裝 CGM/FGM? +## How can I safely and securely attach the CGM/FGM? -您可以使用膠布固定。 市面上有多種常見 CGM 系統的預穿孔“防護貼片”(可搜索 Google、eBay 或 Amazon)。 一些循環使用者會使用更便宜的標準運動貼布或 Rocktape。 +You can tape it. There are several pre-perforated 'overpatches' for common CGM systems available (search Google, eBay or Amazon). Some loopers use the cheaper standard kinesiology tape or rocktape. -您可以固定它。 您還可以購買上臂護腕,用於透過帶子固定 CGM/FGM(可搜索 Google、eBay 或 Amazon)。 +You can fix it. You can also purchase upper arm bracelets that fix the CGM/FGM with a band (search Google, eBay or Amazon). -# AAPS 設置 +# AAPS settings -以下列表旨在幫助您優化設置。 最好從頂部開始,依次往下進行。 在更改另一個設置之前,請確保先調整好一個設置。 逐步進行調整,而不是一次性做出大幅更改。 您可以使用 [Autotune]( 來引導您的思路,但不要盲目遵循:它可能並不適合您或所有情況。 請注意,設置之間相互影響——在某些情況下,您可能擁有“錯誤”的設置卻能正常運作(例如,如果過高的基礎率恰好與過高的碳水化合物比率同時存在),但在其他情況下卻無法正常運作。 這意味著您需要考慮所有設置,並檢查它們在不同情況下是否協同工作。 +The following list aims to help you optimize settings. It may be best to start at the top and work to the bottom. Aim to get one setting right before changing another. Work in small steps rather than making large changes at once. You can use [Autotune]( to guide your thinking, although it should not be followed blindly: it may not work well for you or in all circumstances. Note that settings interact with one another - you can have 'wrong' settings that work well together in some circumstances (e.g. if a too-high basal happens to be at the same time as a too-high CR) but do not in others. This means that you need to consider all the settings and check they work together in a variety of circumstances. -## 胰島素活性持續時間(DIA) +## Duration of insulin activity (DIA) -### 描述和測試 +### Description & testing -胰島素衰減至零所需的時間。 +The length of time that insulin decays to zero. -這一時間通常設定得太短。 大多數人會選擇至少 5 小時,可能是 6 或 7 小時。 +This is quite often set too short. Most people will want at least 5 hours, potentially 6 or 7. (FAQ-impact)= -### 影響 +### Impact -DIA 設置過短可能會導致低血糖。 反之亦然。 +Too short DIA can lead to low BGs. And vice-versa. -如果 DIA 設置過短,AAPS 會過早地認為您的前一次注射已被完全消耗,並且在血糖仍然偏高時會給您更多的胰島素。 (實際上,它不會等那麼久,而是預測會發生什麼,並不斷添加胰島素)。 這實際上創造了 AAPS 無法察覺的“胰島素堆疊”。 +If DIA is too short, AAPS thinks too early that your previous bolus is all consumed, and, at still elevated glucose, will give you more. (Actually, it does not wait that long, but predicts what would happen, and keeps adding insulin). This essentially creates ‘insulin stacking’ that AAPS is unaware of. -DIA 設置過短的例子是高血糖後,AAPS 過度修正,導致低血糖。 +Example of a too-short DIA is a high BG followed by AAPS over-correcting and giving a low BG. -## 基礎率時間表(U/h) +## Basal rate schedule (U/h) -### 描述和測試 +### Description & testing -在給定的一小時內保持血糖穩定所需的胰島素量。 +The amount of insulin in a given hour time block to maintain BG at a stable level. -透過暫停循環、空腹、餐後等待約 5 小時,並觀察血糖變化來測試您的基礎率。 重複幾次。 +Test your basal rates by suspending loop, fasting, waiting for say 5 hours after food, and seeing how BG changes. Repeat a few times. -如果血糖下降,則基礎率過高。 反之亦然。 +If BG is dropping, basal rate is too high. And vice-versa. -### 影響 +### Impact -基礎率過高可能會導致低血糖。 反之亦然。 +Too high basal rate can lead to low BGs. And vice-versa. -AAPS 會根據預設基礎率進行“基線”調整。 如果基礎率過高,“零臨時基礎率”將被計為比實際更大的負 IOB。 這將導致 AAPS 給予更多的後續修正,以將 IOB 最終調整為零。 +AAPS ‘baselines’ against the default basal rate. If basal rate is too high, a ‘zero temp’ will count as a bigger negative IOB than it should. This will lead to AAPS giving more subsequent corrections than it should to bring IOB ultimately to zero. -因此,過高的基礎率會導致低血糖,不僅是在使用預設基礎率時,還會在幾小時後當 AAPS 修正至目標時發生。 +So, a basal rate too high will create low BGs both with the default rate, but also some hours hence as AAPS corrects to target. -相反,過低的基礎率可能會導致高血糖,並且無法將水平降低到目標。 +Conversely a basal rate too low can lead to high BGs, and a failure to bring levels down to target. -## 胰島素敏感因子(ISF)(mmol/l/U 或 mg/dl/U) +## Insulin sensitivity factor (ISF) (mmol/l/U or mg/dl/U) -### 描述和測試 +### Description & testing -預計每單位胰島素會降低的血糖值。 +The drop in BG expected from dosing 1U of insulin. -假設基礎率正確,您可以透過暫停循環、檢查 IOB 是否為零,並吃幾片葡萄糖片來達到穩定的“高”血糖水平來測試這一點。 +Assuming correct basal, you can test this by suspending loop, checking IOB is zero, and taking a few glucose tablets to get to a stable ‘high’ level. -然後根據當前的 1/ISF 估算所需的胰島素量來達到目標血糖值。 +Then take an estimated amount of insulin (as per current 1/ISF) to get to your target BG. -請小心,這一值通常設置得過低。 過低意味著 1 單位的胰島素會使血糖下降得比預期更快。 +Be careful as this is quite often set too low. Too low means 1 U will drop BG faster than expected. -### 影響 +### Impact -**較低的 ISF**(即 40 而非 50)意味著每單位胰島素降低的血糖值較少。 這將導致循環中**更多的胰島素**進行更具攻擊性/強烈的修正。 如果 ISF 設置過低,可能會導致低血糖。 +**Lower ISF** (i.e. 40 instead of 50) meaning insulin drops your BG less per unit. This leads to a more aggressive / stronger correction from the loop with **more insulin**. If the ISF is too low, this can lead to low BGs. -**較高的 ISF**(例如從 35 提高到 45)表示每單位胰島素能降低更多的血糖值。 這將導致循環中使用**較少的胰島素**進行較溫和/弱的修正。 如果 ISF 設置過高,可能會導致高血糖。 +**Higher ISF** (i.e. 45 instead of 35) meaning insulin drops your BG more per unit. This leads to a less aggressive / weaker correction from the loop with **less insulin**. If the ISF is too high, this can lead to high BGs. -**範例:** +**Example:** -- 血糖值為 190 mg/dl(10.5 mmol),目標值為 100 mg/dl(5.6 mmol)。 -- 因此,您希望修正 90 mg/dl(= 190 - 100)。 -- ISF = 30 -> 90 / 30 = 3 單位的胰島素 -- ISF = 45 -> 90 / 45 = 2 單位的胰島素 +- BG is 190 mg/dl (10,5 mmol) and target is 100 mg/dl (5,6 mmol). +- So, you want correction of 90 mg/dl (= 190 - 110). +- ISF = 30 -> 90 / 30 = 3 units of insulin +- ISF = 45 -> 90 / 45 = 2 units of insulin -過低的 ISF(這種情況並不少見)會導致“過度修正”,因為 AAPS 認為需要比實際更多的胰島素來修正高血糖。 這可能會導致“血糖像雲霄飛車一樣的起伏”(特別 是在空腹時)。 在這種情況下,你需要增加你的胰島素敏感因子(ISF)。 這表示 AAPS 會給出比較小的校正劑量,這樣可以避免把高血糖校正過頭,導致低血糖的情況發生。 +An ISF that is too low (not uncommon) can result in ‘over corrections’, because AAPS thinks it needs more insulin to correct a high BG than it actually does. This can lead to ‘roller coaster’ BGs (esp. when fasting). In this circumstance you need to increase your ISF. This will mean AAPS gives smaller correction doses, and this will avoid over-correcting a high BG resulting in a low BG. -相反地,若胰島素敏感因子(ISF)設太高,可能會導致修正不足,讓你的血糖維持在目標值以上,這種情況在夜間特別明顯。 +Conversely, an ISF set too high can result in under-corrections, meaning your BG remains above target – particularly noticeable overnight. -## 胰島素與碳水化合物比率 (IC)(g/U) +## Insulin to carb ratio (IC) (g/U) -### 描述和測試 +### Description & testing -每單位胰島素對應的碳水化合物克數。 +The grams of carbohydrate for each unit of insulin. -有些人也會使用 I:C 來代替 IC,或者稱其為碳水比(CR)。 +Some people also use I:C as abbreviation instead of IC or talk about carb ratio (CR). -假設基礎率正確,您可以透過檢查 IOB 是否為零且血糖在範圍內,然後用餐已知精確克數的碳水化合物,並根據當前的胰島素與碳水比來估算胰島素劑量進行測試。 最好是進食您通常在該時間吃的食物,並準確計算其碳水化合物含量。 +Assuming correct basal, you can test by checking IOB is zero and that you are in-range, eating exactly known carbs, and take an estimated amount of insulin based on current insulin to carb ratio. Best is to eat food your normally eat at that time of day and count its carbs precisely. -> **注意:** +> **NOTE:** > -> 在一些歐洲國家,曾使用麵包單位來確定需要多少胰島素來代謝食物。 最初 1 麵包單位相當於 12 克碳水化合物,後來一些國家改為 10 克碳水化合物。 +> In some European countries bread units were used for determination of how much insulin is needed for food. At the beginning 1 bread unit equal to 12g of carbs, later some changed to 10g of carbs. > -> 在這種模式下,碳水化合物量是固定的,胰島素量是可變的。 (“需要多少胰島素來覆蓋一個麵包單位?”) +> In this model the amount of carbs was fixed and the amount of insulin was variable. ("How much insulin is needed to cover one bread unit?") > -> 使用 IC 時,胰島素量是固定的,碳水化合物量是可變的。 (“一單位胰島素能覆蓋多少克碳水化合物?”) +> When using IC the amount of insulin is fixed and the amount of carbs is variable. ("How many g of carbs can be covered by one unit of insulin?") > -> 範例: +> Example: > -> 麵包單位系數(BU = 12 克碳水化合物):2.4 U/BU -> 吃一個麵包單位需要 2.4 單位的胰島素。 +> Bread unit factor (BU = 12g carbs): 2,4 U/BU -> You need 2,4 units of insulin when you eat one bread unit. > -> 對應的 IC:12 克 / 2.4 U = 5.0 克/U -> 5.0 克碳水化合物可以用一單位胰島素覆蓋。 +> Corresponding IC: 12g / 2,4 U = 5,0 g/U -> 5,0g carbs can be covered with one unit of insulin. > -> BU 系數 2.4 U / 12 克 ===> IC = 12 克 / 2.4 U = 5.0 克/U +> BU factor 2,4 U / 12g ===> IC = 12g / 2,4 U = 5,0 g/U > -> 線上可找到轉換表,例如[此處](。 +> Conversion tables are available online i.e. [here]( -### 影響 +### Impact -**較低的 IC** = 每單位胰島素對應較少的食物,即您為固定的碳水化合物量獲得更多的胰島素。 也可以稱為“更具攻擊性”。 +**Lower IC** = less food per unit, i.e. you are getting more insulin for a fixed amount of carbs. Can also be called ‘more aggressive’. -**較高的 IC** = 每單位胰島素對應較多的食物,即您為固定的碳水化合物量獲得較少的胰島素。 也可以稱為“較不具攻擊性”。 +**Higher IC** = more food per unit, i.e. you are getting less insulin for a fixed amount of carbs. Can also be called ‘less aggressive’. -如果餐後碳水化合物消化完畢,IOB 回到零,而您的血糖仍高於用餐前,這很可能是 IC 設置過大。 相反,如果您的血糖低於用餐前,IC 設置可能過小。 +If after meal has digested and IOB has returned to zero, your BG remains higher than before food, chances are IC is too large. Conversely if your BG is lower than before food, IC is too small. -# APS 演算法 +# APS algorithm -## 為什麼在“OPENAPS AMA”選項卡中顯示 "dia:3",即使我的設定檔中設定了不同的 DIA? +## Why does it show "dia:3" in the "OPENAPS AMA"-tab even though I have a different DIA in my profile? -![AMA 3 小時](../images/Screenshot_AMA3h.png) +![AMA 3h](../images/Screenshot_AMA3h.png) -在 AMA 中,DIA 並不代表“胰島素作用的持續時間”。 這是一個參數,曾經與 DIA 相關。 現在,它的意思是“修正應在多長時間內完成”。 它與 IOB 的計算無關。 在 OpenAPS SMB 中,不再需要這個參數。 +In AMA, DIA actually doesn't mean the 'duration of insulin acting'. It is a parameter, which used to be connected to the DIA. Now, it means, 'in which time should the correction be finished'. It has nothing to do with the calculation of the IOB. In OpenAPS SMB, there is no need for this parameter any longer. -## 設定檔 +## Profile -### 為什麼要使用最少 5 小時的 DIA(胰島素結束時間),而不是 2-3 小時? +### Why using min. 5h DIA (insulin end time) instead of 2-3h? -這篇文章[詳細解釋了原因](。 更改 DIA 後,別忘了點擊`啟用設定檔`。 +Well explained in [this article]( Don't forget to `ACTIVATE PROFILE` after changing your DIA. -### 什麼原因導致循環頻繁將我的血糖降至低血糖水平,且無碳水化合物存在? +### What causes the loop to frequently lower my BG to hypoglycemic values without COB? -首先,檢查您的基礎率,並進行無碳水化合物的基礎率測試。 如果基礎率正確,那麼這種情況通常是由於 ISF 過低引起的。 過低的 ISF 通常表現如下: +First of all, check your basal rate and make a no-carb basal rate test. If it is correct, this behavior is typically caused by a too low ISF. A too low ISF looks typically like this: -![ISF 過低](../images/isf.jpg) +![ISF too low](../images/isf.jpg) -### 什麼原因導致閉環系統中的餐後高峰? +### What causes high postprandial peaks in closed loop? -首先,檢查您的基礎率,並進行無碳水化合物的基礎率測試。 如果基礎率正確,且碳水化合物完全吸收後您的血糖正在下降至目標,請嘗試在餐前一段時間內在 AAPS 中設定“即將用餐”的臨時目標,或與您的內分泌科醫生討論適當的餐前注射時間。 如果用餐後您的血糖仍然過高,且碳水化合物完全吸收後血糖依然過高,請考慮與您的內分泌科醫生討論降低您的 IC。 如果在有碳水化合物的情況下血糖過高,而碳水化合物完全吸收後血糖過低,請考慮與您的內分泌科醫生討論提高您的 IC 以及適當的餐前注射時間。 +First of all, check your basal rate and make a no-carb basal rate test. If it is correct and your BG is falling to your target after carbs are fully absorbed, try to set an 'eating soon' temp target in AAPS some time before the meal or think about an appropriate prebolus time with your endocrinologist. If your BG is too high after the meal and still too high after carbs are fully absorbed, think about decreasing your IC with your endocrinologist. If your BG is too high while COB and too low after carbs are fully absorbed, think about increasing your IC and an appropriate prebolus time with your endocrinologist. -# 其他設置 +# Other settings -## Nightscout 設置 +## Nightscout settings -### AAPSClient 顯示“未授權”且無法上傳資料。 我該怎麼做? +### AAPSClient says 'not allowed' and does not upload data. What can I do? -在 AAPSClient 中檢查“連線設置”。 可能您不在允許的 WLAN 中,或者您啟用了“僅在充電時”且充電線未接上。 +In AAPSClient check 'Connection settings'. Maybe you actually are not in an allowed WLAN or you have activated 'Only if charging' and your charging cable is not attached. -## CGM 設置 +## CGM settings -### 為什麼 AAPS 顯示“血糖來源不支援進階過濾”? +### Why does AAPS say 'BG source doesn't support advanced filtering'? -如果您使用的是 Dexcom G5 或 G6 以外的 CGM/FGM 且在 xDrip 原生模式中運作,您將在 AAPS OpenAPS 選項卡中收到此提示。 詳情請參閱[xDrip 中的血糖資料平滑處理](../Usage/。 +If you do use another CGM/FGM than Dexcom G5 or G6 in xDrip native mode, you'll get this alert in AAPS OpenAPS-tab. See [Smoothing blood glucose data](../Usage/ for more details. -## 幫浦 +## Pump -### 幫浦應該放在哪裡? +### Where to place the pump? -有無數種放置幫浦的方法。 不論您是否在進行循環操作,這都無關緊要。 +There are innumerable possibilities to place the pump. It does not matter if you are looping or not. -### 電池 +### Batteries -由於系統透過藍牙進行頻繁互動,循環操作會比正常使用更快耗盡幫浦電池。 最好在電池電量降至 25% 時更換,因為這時通訊變得困難。 您可以使用 Nightscout 網站中的 PUMP_WARN_BATT_P 變數設置幫浦電池的警告提示。 延長電池壽命的小技巧包括: +Looping can reduce the pump battery faster than normal use because the system interacts through bluetooth far more than a manual user does. It is best to change battery at 25% as communication becomes challenging then. You can set warning alarms for pump battery by using the PUMP_WARN_BATT_P variable in your Nightscout site. Tricks to increase battery life include: -- 減少 LCD 顯示時間(在幫浦設置選單中) -- 減少背光時間(在幫浦設置選單中) -- 將通知設置為嗶聲而非震動(在幫浦設置選單中) -- 只按下幫浦按鈕重新載入,使用 AAPS 檢視所有歷史記錄、電池電量和儲液罐容量。 -- 在某些手機上,AAPS 應用可能會經常被關閉以節省電力或釋放 RAM。 每次啟動時,AAPS 都會重新建立與幫浦的藍牙連線,並重新讀取當前的基礎率和注射歷史記錄。 這會消耗電池。 要查看這種情況是否正在發生,請進入偏好設定 > NSClient 並啟用“將應用啟動日誌記錄到 Nightscout”。 Nightscout 將在每次 AAPS 重新啟動時接收一個事件,這使得問題追蹤變得容易。 為減少這種情況的發生,請在手機的電池設置中將 AAPS 應用加入白名單,防止應用電力監視器將其關閉。 +- reduce the length of time the LCD stays on (within pump settings menu) +- reduce the length of time the backlight stays on (within pump settings menu) +- select notification settings to a beep rather than vibrate (within pump settings menu) +- only press the buttons on the pump to reload, use AAPS to view all history, battery level and reservoir volume. +- AAPS app may often be closed to save energy or free RAM on some phones. When AAPS is reinitialized at each startup it establishes a Bluetooth connection to the pump, and re-reads the current basal rate and bolus history. This consumes battery. To see if this is happening, go to Preferences > NSClient and enable 'Log app start to NS'. Nightscout will receive an event at every restart of AAPS, which makes it easy to track the issue. To reduce this happening, whitelist AAPS app in the phone battery settings to stop the app power monitor closing it down. - 例如,若要在運作 Android Pie 的三星手機上將其加入白名單: + For example, to whitelist on a Samsung phone running Android Pie: - - 進入設置 -> 裝置護理 -> 電池 - - 滾動直到找到 AAPS 並選中它 - - 取消選中“將應用程式設為休眠狀態” - - 還可以進入設置 -> 應用程式 ->(螢幕右上角的三個圓形圖示)選擇“特殊存取” -> 優化電池使用率 - - 滾動到 AAPS 並確保其未被選中。 + - Go to Settings -> Device Care -> Battery + - Scroll until you find AAPS and select it + - De-select "Put app to sleep" + - ALSO go to Settings -> Apps -> (Three circle symbol in the top-right of the screen) select "special access" -> Optimize battery usage + - Scroll to AAPS and make sure it is de-selected. -- 使用酒精擦拭電池端子,確保沒有殘留的製造蠟/油脂。 +- clean battery terminals with alcohol wipe to ensure no manufacturing wax/grease remains. -- 對於[Dana R/RS 幫浦](../Configuration/,啟動過程會消耗較高的電流,目的是有意打破電池上的鈍化膜(防止儲存時能量損失),但它並不總能100%打破鈍化膜。 您可以將電池取出並重新插入 2-3 次,直到螢幕上顯示 100% 為止,或者使用電池鑰匙短暫短路電池,將兩個端子接觸一瞬間。 -- 也可參見更多[特定類型電池的提示](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage-battery-type-and-causes-of-short-battery-life) +- for [Dana R/RS pumps](../Configuration/ the startup procedure draws a high current across the battery to purposefully break the passivation film (prevents loss of energy whilst in storage) but it doesn't always work to break it 100%. Either remove and reinsert battery 2-3 times until it does show 100% on screen, or use battery key to briefly short circuit battery before insertion by applying to both terminals for a split second. +- see also more tips for [particular types of battery](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage-battery-type-and-causes-of-short-battery-life) -### 更換儲液罐和插管 +### Changing reservoirs and cannulas -無法透過 AAPS 更換儲液罐,必須像以前一樣直接透過幫浦進行。 +The change of cartridge cannot be done via AAPS but must be carried out as before directly via the pump. -- 在 AAPS 的主頁面長按“開環”/“閉環”,然後選擇“暫停循環 1 小時”。 -- 現在中斷幫浦,並按照幫浦的說明更換儲液罐。 -- 灌注和填充管路及插管也可以直接在幫浦上完成。 在這種情況下,請使用操作選項卡中的[灌注/填充按鈕](CPbefore26-pump)來記錄更換過程。 -- 重新連線幫浦後,長按“暫停 (X 分鐘)”來繼續循環。 +- Long press on "Open Loop"/"Closed Loop" on the Home tab of AAPS and select 'Suspend Loop for 1h' +- Now nnect the pump and change the reservoir as per pump instructions. +- Also priming and filling tube and cannula can be done directly on the pump. In this case use [PRIME/FILL button](CPbefore26-pump) in the actions tab just to record the change. +- Once reconnected to the pump continue the loop by long pressing on 'Suspended (X m)'. -然而,更換插管時並不使用幫浦的“灌注輸液組”功能,而是使用一個不會顯示在注射歷史記錄中的注射來填充輸液組或插管。 這意味著它不會中斷當前運作的臨時基礎率。 在操作選項卡上,使用[灌注/填充按鈕](CPbefore26-pump)來設置填充輸液組所需的胰島素量並開始灌注。 如果這個量不足,重複填充操作。 您可以在偏好設定 > 其他 > 填充/灌注標準胰島素量中設置預設量按鈕。 請參閱插管盒中的說明手冊,了解根據針頭長度和管路長度應灌注多少單位。 +The change of a cannula however does not use the "prime infusion set" function of the pump, but fills the infusion set and/or cannula using a bolus which does not appear in the bolus history. This means it does not interrupt a currently running temporary basal rate. On the Actions (Act) tab, use the [PRIME/FILL button](CPbefore26-pump) to set the amount of insulin needed to fill the infusion set and start the priming. If the amount is not enough, repeat filling. You can set default amount buttons in the Preferences > Other > Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts. See the instruction booklet in your cannula box for how many units should be primed depending on needle length and tubing length. -## 桌布 +## Wallpaper -您可以在[手機頁面](Phones-phone-background)上找到 AAPS 的手機桌布。 +You can find the AAPS wallpaper for your phone on the [phones page](Phones-phone-background). -## 日常使用 +## Daily usage -### 衛生 +### Hygiene -#### 淋浴或洗澡時該怎麼做? +#### What to do when taking a shower or bath? -淋浴或洗澡時,您可以取下幫浦。 在這短時間內,您可能不需要幫浦,但您應該告訴 AAPS 您已經中斷了連線,以確保 IOB 計算正確。 請參閱[上面的說明](FAQ-disconnect-pump)。 +You can remove the pump while taking a shower or bath. For this short period of time you may not need it, but you should tell AAPS that you've disconnected so that the IOB calculations are correct. See [description above](FAQ-disconnect-pump). -### 工作 +### Work -根據您的工作,您可能會選擇在工作日使用不同的治療因素。 作為循環使用者,您應該考慮為您典型的工作日設定[設定檔切換](../Usage/。 例如,如果您的工作要求較低(例如坐在辦公桌前),您可以切換到高於 100% 的設定檔;如果您一整天都在活動,可以切換到低於 100% 的設定檔。 如果您經常工作時間比正常時間早或晚,或者輪班工作,您也可以考慮設置高或低臨時目標,或進行[設定檔的時間調整](Profiles-time-shift)。 您也可以建立第二個設定檔(例如“家庭”和“工作日”),並每天切換到您實際需要的設定檔。 +Depending on your job, you may choose to use different treatment factors on workdays. As a looper you should consider a [profile switch](../Usage/ for your typical working day. For example, you may switch to a profile higher than 100% if you have a less demanding job (e.g. sitting at a desk), or less than 100% if you are active and on your feet all day. You could also consider a high or low temporary target or a [time shift of your profile](Profiles-time-shift) when working much earlier or later than regular, of if you work different shifts. You can also create a second profile (e.g. 'home' and 'workday') and do a daily profile switch to the profile you actually need. -## 休閒活動 +## Leisure activities (FAQ-sports)= -### 運動 +### Sports -您需要重新調整循環之前的運動習慣。 如果您像以前一樣攝取運動碳水化合物,閉環系統會識別並相應地進行修正。 +You have to rework your old sports habits from pre-loop times. If you simply consume one or more sports carbs as before, the closed loop system will recognize them and correct them accordingly. -這樣,您體內會有更多碳水化合物,但同時循環會對抗並釋放胰島素。 +So, you would have more carbohydrates on board, but at the same time the loop would counteract and release insulin. -進行循環時,您應該嘗試以下步驟: +When looping you should try these steps: -- 進行[低於 100% 的設定檔切換](../Usage/。 -- 設定比您的標準目標更高的[運動臨時目標](temptarget-activity-temp-target)。 -- 如果您正在使用 SMB,請確保停用[“在高臨時目標下啟用 SMB”](Open-APS-features-enable-smb-with-high-temp-targets)和[“始終啟用 SMB”](Open-APS-features#enable-smb-always)。 +- Make a [profile switch](../Usage/ < 100%. +- Set an [activity temp target](temptarget-activity-temp-target) above your standard target. +- If you are using SMB make sure ["Enable SMB with high temp targets"](Open-APS-features-enable-smb-with-high-temp-targets) and ["Enable SMB always"](Open-APS-features#enable-smb-always) are disabled. -這些設置的預處理和後處理非常重要。 在運動前及時進行更改,並考慮肌肉充盈的影響。 +Pre- and post-processing of these settings is important. Make the changes in time before sport and consider the effect of muscle filling. -如果您定期在同一時間進行運動(例如在健身房上運動課),您可以考慮使用[自動化](../Usage/來進行設定檔切換和臨時目標的設置。 基於位置的自動化也是一個不錯的主意,但這使得預處理更為困難。 +If you do sports regularly at the same time (i.e. sports class in your gym) you can consider using [automation](../Usage/ for profile switch and TT. Location based automation might also be an idea but makes preprocessing more difficult. -設定檔切換的百分比、運動臨時目標的值以及最佳的更改時間都是個人化的。 如果您正在尋找適合您的值,請從安全的一面開始(從較低的百分比和較高的臨時目標開始)。 +The percentage of the profile switch, the value for your activity temp target and best time for the changes are individual. Start on the safe side if you are looking for the right value for you (start with lower percentage and higher TT). -### 性行為 +### Sex -您可以取下幫浦以獲得“自由”,但您應該告訴 AAPS 這樣 IOB 計算才能正確。 請參閱[上面的說明](FAQ-disconnect-pump)。 +You can remove the pump to be 'free', but you should tell AAPS so that the IOB calculations are correct. See [description above](FAQ-disconnect-pump). -### 飲酒 +### Drinking alcohol -在閉環模式下飲酒是有風險的,因為演算法無法正確預測受酒精影響的血糖。 您需要檢查自己的方法,並使用 AAPS 中的以下功能來進行處理: +Drinking alcohol is risky in closed loop mode as the algorithm cannot predict the alcohol influenced BG correctly. You have to check out your own method for treating this using the following functions in AAPS: -- 停用閉環模式,並手動處理糖尿病或 -- 設置高臨時目標並停用 UAM 以避免由於未注意到的餐食而增加 IOB 或 -- 將設定檔切換到明顯低於 100% 的設定檔 +- Deactivating closed loop mode and treating the diabetes manually or +- setting high temp targets and deactivating UAM to avoid the loop increasing IOB due to an unattended meal or +- do a profile switch to noticeably less than 100% -飲酒時,您必須時刻關注您的 CGM,並手動透過攝取碳水化合物避免低血糖的發生。 +When drinking alcohol, you always have to have an eye on your CGM to manually avoid a hypoglycemia by eating carbs. -### 睡眠 +### Sleeping -#### 如何在沒有手機和 WIFI 輻射的情況下循環過夜? +#### How can I loop during the night without mobile and WIFI radiation? -許多使用者在夜間將手機切換到飛航模式。 如果您希望循環在您睡覺時幫助您,請按照以下步驟進行操作(這僅適用於本地血糖來源,如 xDrip+ 或[“建立您自己的 Dexcom 應用程式”](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app),如果您透過 Nightscout 獲取血糖讀數,則此方法無效): +Many users turn the phone into airplane mode at night. If you want the loop to support you when you are sleeping, proceed as follows (this will only work with a local BG-source such as xDrip+ or ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app), it will NOT work if you get the BG-readings via Nightscout): -1. 打開手機的飛航模式。 -2. 等待飛航模式生效。 -3. 打開藍牙。 +1. Turn on airplane mode in your mobile. +2. Wait until the airplane mode is active. +3. Turn on Bluetooth. -現在您不會接聽電話,也無法連線網路。 但循環仍在運作。 +You are not receiving calls now, nor are you connected to the internet. But the loop is still running. -有些人發現當手機處於飛航模式時,本地廣播會出現問題(AAPS 無法從 xDrip+ 接收血糖值)。 請進入設定 > 應用程式間設定 > 識別接收器,並輸入`info.nightscout.androidaps`。 +Some people have discovered problems with local broadcast (AAPS not receiving BG values from xDrip+) when phone is in airplane mode. Go to Settings > Inter-app settings > Identify receiver and enter `info.nightscout.androidaps`. -![xDrip+ 基本應用間設定識別接收端](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) +![xDrip+ Basic Inter-app Settings Identify receiver](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) -### 旅行 +### Travelling -#### 如何應對時區變更? +#### How to deal with time zone changes? -使用 Dana R 和 Dana R Korean 時,您不需要做任何操作。 對於其他幫浦,請參閱[時區旅行](../Usage/頁面以了解更多詳細訊息。 +With Dana R and Dana R Korean you don't have to do anything. For other pumps see [time zone travelling](../Usage/ page for more details. -## 醫療話題 +## Medical topics -### 住院 +### Hospitalization -如果您想與臨床醫師分享一些有關 AAPS 和 DIY 循環的資訊,您可以列印[給臨床醫師的 AAPS 指南](../Resources/。 +If you want to share some information about AAPS and DIY looping with your clinicians, you can print out the [guide to AAPS for clinicians](../Resources/ -### 與內分泌科醫生的醫療約診 +### Medical appointment with your endocrinologist -#### 報告 +#### Reporting -您可以展示您的 Nightscout 報告 ( 或查看[Nightscout Reporter](。 +You can either show your Nightscout reports ( or check [Nightscout Reporter]( -# Discord 上的常見問題及其解答... +# Frequent questions on Discord and their answers... -## 我的問題不在這裡列出。 +## My problem is not listed here. -[獲取幫助的訊息。](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) +[Information to get help.](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) -## 我的問題不在這裡列出,但我找到了答案。 +## My problem is not listed here but I found the solution -[獲取幫助的訊息。](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) +[Information to get help.](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) -**提醒我們將您的解決方案添加到此列表中!** +**Remind us to add your solution to this list!** -## AAPS 每天在同一時間停止運作。 +## AAPS stops everyday around the same time. -停用 Google Play Protect。 檢查是否有“清理”應用程式(如 CCleaner 等),並將其卸載。 AAPS / 3 點選單 / 關於 / 點擊“保持應用程式在背景運作”的連結,停止所有電池優化設定。 +Stop Google Play Protect. Check for "cleaning" apps (ie CCleaner etc) and uninstall them. AAPS / 3 dots menu / About / follow the link "Keep app running in the background" to stop all battery optimizations. -## 如何組織我的備份? +## How to organize my backups ? -經常匯出設定:每次更換儲液罐後、修改設定檔後、完成目標後、更換幫浦時...即使沒有更改,也應每月匯出一次。 保留幾個舊的匯出文件。 +Export settings very regularly: after each pod change, after modifying your profile, when you have validated an objective, if you change your pump… Even if nothing changes, export once a month. Keep several old export files. -將所有安裝應用程式(如 AAPS、xDrip、BYODA、修補版 LibreLink...)的 apk 以及所有應用程式的匯出設定文件複製到網路雲端硬碟(Dropbox、Google 等)。 +Copy on an internet drive (Dropbox, Google etc) : all the apks you used to install apps on your phone (AAPS, xDrip, BYODA, Patched LibreLink…) as well as the exported setting files from all your apps. -## 我在構建應用程式時遇到問題和錯誤。 +## I have problems, errors building the app. -請 +Please -- 檢查[Android Studio 故障排除](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio)以獲取典型錯誤,並 -- 查看有關[逐步指南](的提示。 +- check [Troubleshooting Android Studio](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio) for typical errors and +- the tipps for with a [step by step walktrough]( -## 我在目標上卡住了,需要幫助。 +## I'm stuck on an objective and need help. -截圖問題和答案。 將其發布到 Discord AAPS 頻道。 別忘了說明您選擇了哪些選項(或未選擇),以及為什麼。 您會得到提示和幫助,但您需要找到答案。 +Screen capture the question and answers. Post-it on the Discord AAPS channel. Don't forget to tell which options you choose (or not) and why. You'll get hints and help but you'll need to find the answers. -## 如何在 AAPS v2.8.x 中重置密碼? +## How to reset the password in AAPS v2.8.x ? -打開漢堡選單,啟動設定嚮導,並在提示時輸入新密碼。 在完成密碼設置階段後,您可以退出嚮導。 +Open the hamburger menu, start the Configuration wizard and enter new password when asked. You can quit the wizard after the password phase. -## 如何在 AAPS v3.x 中重置密碼? +## How to reset the password in AAPS v3.x -您可以在[這裡](update3_0-reset-master-password)找到文檔。 +You find the documentation [here](update3_0-reset-master-password). -## 我的 Link/幫浦/Pod 沒有反應(RL/OL/EmaLink...) +## My link/pump/pod is unresponsive (RL/OL/EmaLink…) -某些手機與連線設備(RL/OL/EmaL…)之間會出現藍牙斷線的情況。 +With some phones, there are Bluetooth disconnects from the Links (RL/OL/EmaL...). -有些連線設備無法回應(AAPS 顯示已連線,但連線設備無法到達或指令幫浦)。 +Some also have non responsive Links (AAPS says that they are connected but the Links can't reach or command the pump.) -讓所有這些部件一起運作的最簡單方法是:1/ 從 AAPS 中刪除連線設備2/ 關閉連線設備3/ AAPS 三點選單,退出 AAPS4/ 長按 AAPS 圖示,進入 Android 選單,選擇 AAPS 應用程式資訊,強制停止 AAPS,然後刪除快取記憶體(不要刪除主要記憶體!)4bis/ 少數手機可能需要在這裡重新啟動。 您可以嘗試不重啟。 5/ 打開連線設備6/ 啟動 AAPS7/ 前往 Pod 標籤,三點選單,搜尋並連線連線設備 +The easiest way to get all these parts working together is : 1/ Delete Link from AAPS 2/ Power off Link 3/ AAPS 3 dot menu, quit AAPS 4/ Long press AAPS icon, Android menu, info on app AAPS, Force stop AAPS and then Delete cache memory (Do not delete main memory !) 4bis/ Rarely some phones may need a reboot here. You can try without reboot. 5/Power on Link 6/Start AAPS 7/Pod tab, 3 dot menu, search and connect Link -## 構建錯誤:檔名過長 +## Build error: file name too long -在嘗試構建時,我收到錯誤訊息,提示檔名過長。 可能的解決方案:將您的源碼移動到靠近磁碟根目錄的目錄(例如 "c:\src\AndroidAPS-EROS")。 +While trying to build I get an error stating the file name is too long. Possible solutions: Move your sources to a directory closer to the root directory of your drive (e.g. "c:\src\AndroidAPS-EROS"). -在 Android Studio 中:確保在開啟專案並從 GitHub 拉取後,"Gradle" 已經同步並完成索引。 執行 Build->Clean Project 之前,請先進行 Rebuild Project。 執行 File->Invalidate Caches 並重新啟動 Android Studio。 +From Android Studio: Make sure "Gradle" is done syncing and indexing after opening the project and pulling from GitHub. Execute a Build->Clean Project before doing a Rebuild Project. Execute File->Invalidate Caches and Restart Android Studio. -## 警告:運作開發版本。 閉環模式已停用 +## Alert: Running dev version. Closed loop is disabled -AAPS 沒有運作在 "開發者模式"。 AAPS 顯示以下訊息:"運作開發版本。 閉環模式已停用"。 +AAPS is not running in "developer mode". AAPS shows the following message: "running dev version. Closed loop is disabled". -請確保 AAPS 運作在 "開發者模式":在位置 "AAPS/extra" 放置一個名為 "engineering_mode" 的文件。 任何文件都可以,只要命名正確即可。 請確保重新啟動 AAPS 以便找到該文件並進入 "開發者模式"。 +Make sure AAPS is running in "developer mode": Place a file named "engineering_mode" at the location "AAPS/extra". Any file will do as long as it is properly named. Make sure to restart AAPS for it to find the file and go into "developer mode". -提示:複製現有日誌文件並將其重命名為 "engineering_mode"(注意:無文件擴展名!)。 +Hint: Make a copy of an existing logfile and rename it to "engineering_mode" (note: no file extension!). -## 在哪裡可以找到設定文件? +## Where can I find settings files? -設定文件將儲存在您手機的內部存儲中,目錄為 "/AAPS/preferences"。 警告:確保不要遺失密碼,否則您將無法匯入加密的設定文件! +Settings files will be stored on your phone's internal storage in the directory "/AAPS/preferences". WARNING: Make sure not to lose your password as without it you will not be able to import an encrypted settings file! -## 如何配置省電設置? +## How to configure battery savings? -正確配置電源管理對於防止您的手機操作系統在未使用時暫停 AAPS 及相關應用程式和服務非常重要。 結果是 AAPS 無法正常工作,或者感測器和 Rileylink(RL)的藍牙連線可能會被關閉,導致 "幫浦已中斷連線" 警報和通訊錯誤。 在手機上,進入設定->應用程式,並停用以下應用程式的省電模式:AAPSxDrip 或 BYODA/Dexcom 應用程式藍牙系統應用程式(您可能需要先選擇查看系統應用程式)或者,完全停用手機上的所有省電模式。 這樣做的結果是您的電池可能會耗電更快,但這是一種找出是否是省電模式導致問題的好方法。 省電模式的實現方式很大程度上取決於手機的品牌、型號和/或操作系統版本。 因此,幾乎無法提供針對您設備的正確省電設置的指導。 根據您的情況進行實驗,找到最佳設置。 如需更多訊息,請參閱 "Don't kill my app"。 +Properly configuring Power Management is important to prevent your Phone's OS to suspend AAPS and related app's and services when your phone is not being used. As a result AAPS can not do its work and/or Bluetooth connections for sensor and Rileylink (RL) may be shut down causing "pump disconnected" alerts and communication errors. On the phone, go to settings->Apps and disable battery savings for: AAPS xDrip or BYODA/Dexcom app The Bluetooth system app (you may need to select for viewing system apps first) Alternatively, fully disable all battery savings on the phone. As a result your battery may drain faster but it is a good way to find out if battery savings is causing your problem. The way battery savings is implemented greatly depends on the phone's brand, model and/or OS version. Because of this it is almost impossible to give instructions to properly set battery savings for your setup. Experiment on what settings work best for you. For additional information, see also Don't kill my app -## 一天或夜間多次出現幫浦無法使用警報。 +## Pump unreachable alerts several times a day or at night. -您的手機可能暫停了 AAPS 服務,甚至暫停了藍牙連線,導致它失去與 RL 的連線(請參閱省電設置)考慮將無法使用的警報設定為 120 分鐘,方法是點擊右上方的三點選單,選擇 偏好設定->本地警報->幫浦無法使用的閾值 [分鐘]。 +Your phone may be suspending AAPS services or even Bluetooth causing it to loose connection to RL (see battery savings) Consider configuring unreachable alerts to 120 minutes by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting Preferences->Local Alerts->Pump unreachable threshold [min]. -## 在 AAPS v3 中,在哪裡可以刪除治療? +## Where can I delete treatments in AAPS v3 ? -點擊三點選單,選擇治療,然後再次點擊三點選單,您將看到不同的選項。 +3 dots menu, select treatements, then 3 dots menu again and you have different options available. -## 配置和使用 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式 +## Configuring and Using the AAPSClient remote app -可以透過 AAPSClient 應用程式遠端監控和控制 AAPS,並且可選地透過運作在 Android Wear 手錶上的 Wear 應用程式。 請注意,AAPSClient(遠端)應用程式與 AAPS 中的 NSClient 設置不同,AAPSClient(遠端)Wear 應用程式也與 AAPS Wear 應用程式不同——為了清楚起見,遠端應用程式將稱為 "AAPSClient 遠端" 和 "AAPS 遠端 Wear" 應用程式。 +AAPS can be monitored and controlled remotely via the AAPSClient app and optionally via the associated Wear app running on Android Wear watches. Note that the AAPSClient (remote) app is distinct from the NSClient configuration in AAPS, and the AAPSClient (remote) Wear app is distinct from the AAPS Wear app--for clarity the remote apps will be referred to as 'AAPSClient remote' and 'AAPS remote Wear' apps. -要啟用 AAPSClient 遠端功能,您必須:1)安裝 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式(版本應與使用的 AAPS 版本匹配)2)運作 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式,並按照設置嚮導的指示授予所需的權限並配置對 Nightscout 網站的查看。 3)此時,您可能希望停用一些警報選項,和/或停用啟動 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式時記錄到您的 Nightscout 網站的高級設置。 完成此操作後,AAPSClient 遠端將從您的 Nightscout 網站下載設定檔資料,"首頁總覽"標籤將顯示 CGM 資料和部分 AAPS 資料,但可能不會顯示圖表資料,並會顯示未設置設定檔的提示。 4)要啟用設定檔: +To enable AAPSClient remote functionality you must: 1) Install the AAPSClient remote app (the version should match the version of AAPS being used) 2) Run the AAPSClient remote app and proceed through the configuration wizard to grant required permissions and configure access to your Nightscout site. 3) At this point you may want to disable some of the Alarm options, and/or advanced settings which log the start of the AAPSClient remote app to your Nightscout site. Once this is done, AAPSClient remote will download Profile data from your Nightscout site, the 'Overview' tab will display CGM data and some AAPS data, but but may not display graph data, and will indicate that a profile isn't yet set. 4) To activate the profile: -- 在 AAPS > NSClient > 選項中啟用遠端設定檔同步 -- 在 NSClient 遠端中啟用設定檔 > 設定檔啟用後,設定檔將被設置,AAPSClient 遠端應顯示來自 AAPS 的所有資料。 提示:如果圖表仍然缺失,請嘗試更改圖表設置以觸發更新。 5)要啟用 AAPSClient 的遠端控制功能,請有選擇性地啟用 AAPS 中的功能(設定檔更改、臨時目標、碳水化合物等),這樣您就可以透過 AAPS > NSClient > 選項遠端控制 AAPS。 完成這些更改後,您將能夠透過 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 遠端控制 AAPS。 +- Enable remote profile synchronization in AAPS > NSClient > Options +- Activate the profile in NSClient remote > Profile After doing so, the profile will be set, and AAPSClient remote should display all data from AAPS. Hint: If the graph is still missing, try changing the graph settings to trigger an update. 5) To enable remote control by the AAPSClient, selectively enable the aspects of AAPS (Profile changes, Temp Targets, Carbs, etc.) that you would like to be able to control remotely via AAPS > NSClient > Options . Once these changes are made, you'll be able to remotely control AAPS via either Nightscout or AAPSClient remote. -如果您想透過 AAPSClient 遠端 Wear 應用程式監控/控制 AAPS,則需要同時安裝 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式和相關的 Wear 應用程式。 要編譯 AAPSClient 遠端 Wear 應用程式,請按照安裝/配置 AAPS wear 應用程式的標準說明進行操作,只是在編譯時,選擇 AAPSClient 變體。 +If you'd like to monitor/control AAPS via the AAPSClient remote Wear App, you'll need both AAPSClient remote and the associated Wear app to be installed. To compile the AAPSClient remote Wear app, follow the standard instructions for installing/configuring the AAPS wear app, except when compiling it, choose the AAPSClient variant. -## 我有一個紅色三角形 / AAPS 無法啟用閉環 / 閉環保持在 LGS / 我有一個黃色三角形 +## I have a red triangle / AAPS won't enable closed loop / Loops stays in LGS / I have a yellow triangle -紅色和黃色三角形是 AAPS v3 中的安全功能。 +The red and yellow triangles are a security feature in AAPS v3. -紅色三角形表示您有重複的血糖資料,AAPS 無法精確計算變化值。 您無法啟動閉環。 您需要刪除每個重複資料中的一個血糖資料,才能清除紅色三角形。 進入 BYODA 或 xDrip 標籤,長按您想刪除的一行,檢查重複的每一行,然後刪除(或者透過三點選單並選擇刪除,具體取決於您使用的 AAPS 版本)。 如果重複的血糖資料過多,您可能需要重置 AAPS 資料庫。 在這種情況下,您將會失去統計資料、IOB、COB 和選定的設定檔。 +Red triangle means that you have duplicate BGs and AAPS can't calculate precisely the deltas. You can't close the loop. You need to delete one BG of each duplicated value in order to clear the red triangle. Go to BYODA or xDRIP tab, long press one line you want to delete, check one of each lines that are doubled (or via 3 dots menu and Delete, depending on your AAPS version). You may need to reset the AAPS databases if there are too many double BGs. In this case, you'll also loose stats, IOB, COB, selected profile. -問題的可能來源:xDrip 和/或 Nightscout 回填血糖資料。 +Possible origin of the problem: xDrip and/or NS backfilling BGs. -黃色三角形表示每個血糖讀取之間的延遲不穩定。 您沒有定期每 5 分鐘接收到血糖讀取,或者缺少血糖讀取。 這通常是一個 Libre 的問題。 當您更換 G6 發射器時,這種情況也會發生。 如果黃色三角形與 G6 發射器的更換有關,它會在幾個小時(大約 24 小時)後自行消失。 如果是 Libre 的問題,黃色三角形將會一直存在。 閉環可以關閉並正常運作。 +The yellow triangle means unstable delay between each BG reading. You don't receive BGs every 5 min regularly or missing BGs. It is often a Libre problem. It also happens when you change G6 transmitter. If the yellow triangle is related to the G6 tansmitter change, it will go away by itself after several hours (around 24h). In case of Libre, the yellow triangle will stay. The loop can be closed and works correctly. -## 我可以將一個啟動的 DASH Pod 移動到其他硬體上嗎? +## Can I move an active DASH Pod to other hardware? -這是可行的。 請注意,由於移動是“未支援的”和“未經測試的”,因此涉及一定的風險。 最佳做法是在 Pod 即將到期時嘗試此過程,以便當出現問題時,損失不大。 +This is possible. Note that as moving is "unsupported" and "untested" there is some risk involved. Best to try the procedure when your Pod is about to expire so when things go wrong not much is lost. -關鍵是 AAPS 中的幫浦狀態(包括其 MAC 位址)與 DASH 在重新連線時匹配。 +Critical is that pump "state" (which includes it's MAC address) in AAPS and DASH match on reconnecting -## 我遵循的過程如下: +## Procedure I follow in this: -1) 暫停 DASH 幫浦。 這確保當 DASH 失去連線時,沒有正在運作或排隊的指令。2) 將手機切換到飛行模式以停用藍牙(以及 WiFi 和行動網路)。 這樣可以確保 AAPS 和 DASH 無法通訊。 3) 匯出設定(包括 DASH 狀態)4) 從手機上複製剛匯出的設定文件(由於手機處於飛行模式且我們不想更改該狀態,最簡單的方法是使用 USB 連線線)。 5) 將設定文件複製到另一個手機上。 6) 在替代手機上的 AAPS 中匯入設定。 7) 檢查 DASH 標籤,確認它是否識別到 Pod。 8) 取消暫停 Pod。 +1) Suspend the DASH pump. This makes sure there are no running or queued commands active when DASH loses connection 2) Put the phone into airplane mode to disable BT (as well as WiFi and Mobile data). This way it is guaranteed AAPS and DASH can not communicate. 3) Export settings (which includes the DASH state) 4) Copy the settings file just exported from the phone (as it is in airplane mode and we do not want to change that, easiest way is using USB cable) 5) Copy the settings file to the alternate phone. 6) Import settings on the alternate phones AAPS. 7) Check the DASH tab to verify it is seeing the Pod. 8) Un-suspend the Pod. 9) Check the DASH tab and confirm it is communicating with the Pod (use the refresh button) -恭喜你:你成功了! +Congratulations: you did it! -*等等!* 你仍然有主手機認為它可以重新連線到同一個 DASH: +*Wait!* You still have the main phone thinking it can reconnect to the same DASH: -1) 在主手機上選擇“停用”。 這是安全的,因為手機無法與 DASH 實際通訊來停用 Pod(它仍然處於飛行模式)2) 停用將導致通訊錯誤——這是預期的。 3) 只需點擊“重試”幾次,直到 AAPS 提供“丟棄”Pod 的選項。 +1) On the main phone choose "deactivate". This is safe because the phone has no way of communicating with DASH to actually deactivated the Pod (it is still in airplane mode) 2) Deactivation will result in a communications error - this is expected. 3) Just hit "retry" a couple of times until AAPS offers the option to "Discard" the Pod. -當 Pod 被丟棄後,請確認 AAPS 報告“無啟動 Pod”。 現在你可以安全地關閉飛行模式了。 +When Discarded, verify AAPS is reporting "No Active Pod". You can now safely disable airplane mode again. -## 如何將 AAPS 早期版本的設定匯入到 AAPS v3 中? +## How do I import settings from earlier versions of AAPS into AAPS v3 ? -您只能匯入使用 AAPS v2.8x 或 v3.x 匯出的設定(在 AAPS v3 中)。如果您使用的是 AAPS v2.8x 之前的版本,或者需要使用 v2.8x 之前的設定匯出文件,則需要先安裝 AAPS v2.8。 將 v2.x 的舊設定匯入到 v2.8。檢查一切正常後,您可以從 v2.8 匯出設定。然後安裝 AAPS v3 並在 v3 中匯入 v2.8 的設定。 +You can only import settings (in AAPS v3) that were exported using AAPS v2.8x or v3.x. If you were using a version of AAPS older than v2.8x or you need to use setting exports older than v2.8x, then you need to install AAPS v2.8 first. Import the older settings of v2.x in v2.8. After checking that all is OK, you can export settings from v2.8. Install AAPS v3 and import v2.8 settings in v3. -如果您使用相同的密鑰來建置 v2.8 和 v3,您甚至不需要匯入設定。 您可以直接在 v2.8 上安裝 v3。 +If you use the same key to build v2.8 and v3, you won't even have to import settings. You can install v3 over v2.8. -有一些新的目標被加入。 您需要驗證它們。 \ No newline at end of file +There were some new objectives added. You'll need to validate them. \ No newline at end of file From 4fa75f1cbe6af31d2ccdc79a634cc473227ea43f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 122/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 124 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 1fb82c962e7f..807f16bc9dcb 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,138 +1,138 @@ -# 未來(可能)的幫浦驅動程式 +# Future (possible) Pump Drivers -這是一份目前市面上一些幫浦的清單,包含它們在任何閉環系統中的支援狀態,以及在 AAPS 中的狀態。 最後有一些關於幫浦成為“可閉環”的需求資訊。 +This is list of some Pumps floating around there, and status of support for them in any of Looping systems and then status in AAPS. On end there is some info, what is required for a pump to be "Loop capable". -## 可進行閉環的幫浦 +## Pumps that are Loopable * * * -### Ypsomed 幫浦 ([官網]( +### Ypsomed Pump ([Homepage]( -**閉環狀態:** 1 - 1.5 版(2018 年第二季)不是閉環候選幫浦。 儘管它們具備藍牙 (BT) 通訊功能,但通訊非常有限且為單向:幫浦 -> 應用程式。2022 年 6 月(在德國),公司推出了新版本,暱稱為 DOSE(1.6 版),允許透過他們的應用程式設置注射劑量和臨時基礎率 (TBR)。公司計劃實施自己的閉環方案已被取消,轉而與 CamAPS 合作(支援已經實施),並使用他們的閉環解決方案。 更多資訊請參閱此[頁面]( +**Loop status:** Version 1 - 1.5 (2Q/2018) are not Loop candidates. While they do have BT communication, communication is very limited and uni directional: Pump->App. In June 2022 (in Germany) company released, new version nicknamed DOSE (1.6), which allows setting bolus and TBR from their App. Plan to implement their own Loop was cancelled and they decided to partner up with CamAPS (support already implemented) and use their loop solution. More info see this [page]( -**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It's BT enabled. -**評論:**DOSE 版幫浦具有非常強的加密,因此很可能 AAPS 在短期內(或永遠)不會支援此幫浦。 我們有一位開發者與 Ypsomed 合作,協助醫療試驗,因此他的驅動程式可能會被允許發布,但這只是小概率事件。 更多資訊請參閱我們在 Discord 的 “ypsopump-talk” 頻道。 +**Comments:** Dose version of pump had very heavy encryption added, so there is big probababilty that this pump won't be supported by AAPS in near future (or ever). We had developer working with Ypsomed and helping with medical trials, so maybe his version of driver will be alowed to be released, but this is just small possibility of that. You can find more information on our discord in channel "ypsopump-talk". * * * -### Kaleido ([官網]( +### Kaleido ([Homepage]( -**閉環狀態:** 目前尚未被任何閉環系統支援。 該幫浦是一個閉環候選者,但由於當時的協議未知,我認為這幫浦不會很快得到支援。 +**Loop status:** Currently not supported by any of loop system. Pump is a Loop candidate, but since protocol is unknown at the time, I am not seeing this pump supported very soon. -**AAPS 硬體需求:**可能沒有。 它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** Probably none. It's BT enabled. * * * -### Equil(Aidex/GlucoRx/MicroTechMD 的幫浦)([官網]( +### Equil (pump from Aidex/GlucoRx/MicroTechMD) ([Homepage]( -**閉環狀態:**是一個閉環候選者。 +**Loop status:** Is a Loop candidate. -**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. -**評論:**一些人已經開始嘗試在 AAPS 中支援此幫浦,但這仍處於初步階段。 更多資訊請參閱我們在 Discord 的 “equil” 頻道。 +**Comment:** Some people started looking into supporting pump in AAPS, but this is still in beginning phases. You can find more information on our discord in channel "equil". * * * -### Accu-Chek Solo ([官網]( +### Accu-Chek Solo ([Homepage]( -**閉環狀態:**是一個閉環候選者。 +**Loop status:** Is a Loop candidate. -**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. -**評論:**有一些開發者正在研究解碼協議,但目前僅處於初步階段。 +**Comments:** There are some developers looking into decoding the protocol, but so far this is only in preliminary phases. * * * -### Tandem: t:slim X2 ([官網]( +### Tandem: t:slim X2 ([Homepage]( -**閉環狀態:** 尚不可閉環。 +**Loop status:** Not yet loopable. -雖然該公司過去決定不允許外部設備控制其幫浦,但最近幾年形勢似乎發生了變化。 公司決定升級他們的 t:slim X2 幫浦,使其能夠透過 t:connect 應用程式進行遠端控制,這意味著我們可能有機會在未來透過 AAPS 控制幫浦。 計劃中的新幫浦韌體預計很快發布(今年或明年,在無管幫浦 t:sport 推出之前)。 目前還沒有具體的細節,尚不清楚 t:connect 能夠進行哪些操作(注射肯定可以,其他未知)。 +While in the past company has decided not to allow their pumps to be controlled by external devices, it seems that last few years have been a game changer. Company decided to upgrade their t:slim X2 pump to be able to be controlled remotely (via t:connect app), which means that avenues are opened that we might be able to look forward to have control of pump via AAPS in the future. New pump firmware is planned to be released soon (this or next year, before their tubeless pump t:sport comes out). There are no details yet, what operations will be possible from t:connect (Bolus definitely, everything else unknown). -**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. * * * -### Tandem: t:Mobi、t:slim X3 和 t:Mobi 無管 ([官網]( +### Tandem: t:Mobi & t:slim X3 & t:Mobi Tubeless ([Homepage]( -**閉環狀態:** 這三款幫浦都將是閉環候選者。 +**Loop status:** All 3 pumps will be Loop candidates. -他們計劃首先在 2022 年底或 2023 年推出 t:Mobi(以前稱為 t:sport)。 然後會在 2023 年推出 t:slim X3,之後推出 t:Mobi 無管。 t:Mobi 只能透過手機應用程式進行控制,而 X3 看起來會與 X2 相似,但會有一些新功能(如遠端更新韌體、透過手機應用程式進行遠端控制等)。 +They plan to release t:Mobi first (previously called t:sport) at end of 2022 or in 2023. Afterwards they will release t:slim X3 (2023 maybe) and after that t:Mobi Tubeless. t:mobi's will be controlable only over phone app, while X3 will look similar as X2, with some new nifty features (remote update of firmware, remote control over phone app, etc). -**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. * * * -### Medtronic 藍牙 +### Medtronic Bluetooth -**評論:**這是一款即將推出的幫浦,計劃在未來幾年內推出,並計劃在 Tidepool Loop 軟體中支援 ([請參閱此文章](。 +**Comments:** This is pump that will come out in next few years and is planned to be supported in Tidepool Loop software ([see this article]( -### Willcare 胰島素幫浦 ([官網]( +### Willcare Insulin pump ([Homepage]( -**閉環狀態:** 目前尚未是閉環候選者,但他們的員工已與我們聯繫,表示有興趣將幫浦擴展為可閉環(目前我認為它只缺少設定/取得設定檔的指令)。 +**Loop status:** At the moment its not Loop candidate, but we were contacted by their staff and they interested in extending their pump to be loopable (at the moment I think its missing only get/set profile commands). -**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. -**評論:**由於公司對與 AAPS 整合感興趣,他們可能會自行實施該功能。 +**Comments:** Since company is interested in integration with AAPS, they might do implementation themselves. * * * -## 已停止銷售的幫浦(公司不再運營) +## Pumps no longer sold (companies no longer operating) -### Cellnovo 幫浦 ([參見]( +### Cellnovo Pump ([see]( -**閉環狀態:** 目前尚未被任何閉環系統支援。 該幫浦是一個閉環候選者,但由於當時的協議未知,我認為這幫浦不會很快得到支援。 +**Loop status:** Currently not supported by any of loop system. Pump is a Loop candidate, but since protocol is unknown at the time, I am not seeing this pump supported very soon. -**AAPS 硬體需求:**可能沒有。 它支援藍牙。 +**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** Probably none. It's BT enabled. -**產品說明:** 看起來公司決定退出幫浦業務。 您可以在這篇[文章](中查看更多資訊。 +**Note about product:** It seems that company decided to exit the Pump Business. You can see more in this [article]( -## 不可閉環的幫浦 +## Pumps that aren't Loopable ### Animas Vibe -**閉環狀態:** 無法閉環。 無遠端控制功能。 **說明:** 此幫浦已停止銷售。 公司已退出幫浦業務(強生公司)。 +**Loop status:** Not loopable. No remote control possibility. **Note:** Pump is not being sold anymore. Company stopped working in Pump business (J&J). * * * ### Animas Ping -**閉環狀態:** 無法閉環。 具有注射功能,但沒有 TBR 功能。 **說明:**Vibe 推出後,該幫浦停止銷售。 +**Loop status:** Not loopable. It has bolus possibility, but no TBR one. **Note** Stopped being sold when Vibe came out. -## 幫浦成為可閉環的需求 +## Requirements for pumps being loopable -**先決條件** +**Prerequisite** -- 幫浦必須支援某種遠端控制。 (藍牙、無線電頻率等) -- 協議已被破解/記錄等。 +- Pump has to support some kind of remote control. (BT, Radio frequency, etc) +- Protocol is hacked/documented/etc. -**最低要求** +**Minimal requirement** -- 設置臨時基礎率 -- 取得狀態 -- 取消臨時基礎率 +- Set Temporary Basal Rate +- Get Status +- Cancel Temporary Basal Rate -**對於 oref1(SMB) 或注射:** +**For oref1(SMB) or Bolusing:** -- 設置注射 +- Set Bolus -**可選功能** +**Good to have** -- 取消注射 -- 取得基礎設定檔(幾乎是必要的) -- 設置基礎設定檔(可有可無) -- 讀取歷史記錄 +- Cancel Bolus +- Get Basal Profile (almost requirement) +- Set Basal Profile (nice to have) +- Read History -**其他(不是必需但有很好)** +**Other (not required but good to have)** -- 設置延長注射 -- 取消延長注射 -- 讀取歷史記錄 -- 讀取每日總劑量 (TDD) +- Set Extended Bolus +- Cancel Extended Bolus +- Read History +- Read TDD * * * -### 其他幫浦支援 +### Other pumps support -如果您有其他幫浦想查看狀態,請在 Discord 上聯繫我們。 \ No newline at end of file +If you have any other pumps you would like to see status on, please contact us on discord. \ No newline at end of file From 443f1e8bfc98e2efe1f3eaa2f27398247a3eb8c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 123/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 138 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index cb330dcb8bf5..a965af8406a0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,137 +1,137 @@ -# 詞彙表 +# Glossary -**AAPS** = AndroidAPS 是 Android 應用程式的名稱。 +**AAPS** = AndroidAPS is the name of the Android app. -**AAPSClient**(或 **NSClient**)= 一個遠端控制功能,可供照護者透過手機來追蹤用戶的 **AAPS**,藉由連線到用戶的 **Nightscout** 網站來實現。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「NS Client」。 在 **AAPS** 中的目標學習程式提供逐步指導。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「objectives」。 +**AAPSClient** (or **NSClient**) = a remote control feature that can be used by caregivers via a follower phone to follow a user’s **AAPS** by connecting to the user’s **Nightscout's** site. Further info → Wiki - 'NS Client'. Objectives learning program within **AAPS** provides step by step guidance. Further info → Wiki - 'objectives'. -**APS** = 人工胰臟系統。 +**APS** = Artificial Pancreas System. -**AMA** = 進階餐食輔助。 一種演算法,允許 **AAPS** 在餐後注射胰島素後更積極地增加用戶的基礎胰島素。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「AMA」。 +**AMA** = Advanced Meal Assist. An algorithm which allows **AAPS** to increase the user’s basal more aggressively after a meal bolus. Further info → Wiki - 'AMA'. -**Android Auto** = 一個系統,用於在車輛顯示螢幕中託管 Android 智慧型手機的某些功能,包括 **AAPS**。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「android auto」。 +**Android Auto** = a system used to host certain functions of an Android smartphone’s features, including **AAPS**, within a car's display. Further info → Wiki - 'android auto'. -**APK** = Android 應用程式包。是一個軟體安裝文件。 一個軟體安裝檔案。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「Building APK」。 +**APK** = Android application Package. A software installation file. Further info → Wiki - 'Building APK'. -**Autosens** = 在24小時和8小時的時間範圍內計算胰島素敏感性的變化。 進一步資訊 → DIABETTECH - **Autosens**。 +**Autosens** = calculation of sensitivity to insulin between a period of a 24 and 8 hour window etc. Further info → DIABETTECH - **Autosens**. -**Azure** = 雲端計算平台,用於託管 **Nightscout** 網頁應用程式。Azure → 另見 **Nightscout**。 +**Azure** = cloud computing platform to host **Nightscout** web app Azure → see also **Nightscout**. -**BAT** = 在 **AAPS** 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示電池電量低。**偏好設定**, 截圖 → 另見 **CAN** / **RES** / **SEN**。 +**BAT** = status light low battery on **AAPS’** home screen **Preferences**, Screenshots → see also **CAN** / **RES** / **SEN**. -**BG** = 血糖。 +**BG** = blood glucose. -**BGI** = 血糖影響。 根據胰島素活動,**血糖** 理應上升或下降的程度。 +**BGI** = blood glucose impact. The degree to which **BG** 'should' rise or fall based on insulin activity alone. -**BG source** = 用戶的血糖數值來源,從 **CGM** 或 **FGM** 透過系統整合軟體(如 **BYODA**、**xDrip+** 等)獲取。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「BG source」。 +**BG source** = the source of the user’s **BG** values derived from either **CGM** or **FGM** through a system integration software like **BYODA**, **xDrip+** etc. Further info → Wiki - 'BG source' -**Bridge** = 一種將 **FGM** 轉換為 **CGM** 的附加設備。 +**Bridge** = an additional device transforming **FGM** to **CGM**. -**BR** = 基礎速率。 在特定時間段內維持 **血糖 ** 穩定所需的胰島素量。 → 另見 **IC** / **ISF**. +**BR** = Basal Rate. The amount of insulin in a given time block to maintain **BG** at a stable level. → see also **IC** / **ISF**. -**BYODA** = 自製 Dexcom 應用程式。一種用戶自行生成 Dexcom 應用程式以讀取 Dexcom G6 感測器資料的方法。 +**BYODA** = Build Your Own Dexcom App. A way to generate the user’s own Dexcom App for reading out the sensor data Dexcom G6. -**CAGE** = 導管使用時間。 **CAGE** = 導管使用年限。顯示在 **AAPS** 主螢幕和 Nightscout 上,提供用戶在動作標籤 / 選單中輸入的資訊 → 另見 **Nightscout

+**CAGE** = Cannula AGE. Displayed on **AAPS’** homescreen and Nightscout providing the user’s information entered in the Actions tab / menu → see also **Nightscout**. -**CAN** = 在 **AAPS** 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示導管更換逾期。**偏好設定** → 另見 **BAT** / **RES** / **SEN**。 +**CAN** = status light overdue cannula change on the **AAPS’** homescreen **Preferences'** → see also **BAT** / **RES** / **SEN**. -**CGM** = 連續血糖監測儀 → 另見 **FGM**。 +**CGM** = Continuous Glucose Monitor → see also **FGM**. -**Closed Loop** = 一種閉環系統,根據 **AAPS** 的演算法和用戶的 **Profile** 設定,自動調整用戶的基礎胰島素輸送,無需用戶批准。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「closed loop」。 +**Closed Loop** = a closed loop system which makes automatic adjustments to the user’s basal delivery based on an **AAPS’s** algorithm and the user’s **Profile** settings without requiring the user’s-approval. Further info → Wiki - 'closed loop'. -**COB** = 活性碳水化合物。 這是目前可供用戶消化的碳水化合物量 → 另見 IOB。 +**COB** = Carbs On Board. This is the amount of carbohydrates currently available for the user's digestion → see also IOB. -**CSF** = 碳水化合物敏感性因子。 即用戶的 **血糖** 因吸收 1 克碳水化合物而上升的程度。 +**CSF** =Carbs Sensitivity Factor. i.e. how much does the user’s **BG** increase for 1g of carbs absorbed. -**DIA** = 胰島素作用時間。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「insulin types」及另見 → DIABETTECH - 「DIA」。 +**DIA** = Duration of Insulin Action. Further info → Wiki - 'insulin types' and see also → DIABETTECH - 'DIA'. -**DST** = 夏令時間 Wiki DST。 +**DST** = Daylight Savings Time Wiki DST. -**eCarbs** = 延長碳水化合物。 碳水化合物分散在數小時內以適應蛋白質,並允許 **AAPS** 提供延長的胰島素注射。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「eCarbs」、「eCarbs use」。 +**eCarbs** = extended Carbs. Carbs split up over several hours to accommodate/protein and permits **AAPS** to deliver extended boluses. Further info → Wiki - 'eCarbs', 'eCarbs use'. -**FGM** = 由 Freestyle Libre 製造的即時血糖監測儀。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「BG source」,另見「CGM」。 +**FGM** = Flash Glucose Monitor manufactured by Freestyle Libre. Further info → Wiki - 'BG source' and see also 'CGM'. -**git** = 一種版本管理工具,用於儲存和下載 **AAPS** 的程式碼。 +**git** = a tool used store and download the **AAPS’** source code. -**GitHub** = 一個基於網頁的託管服務和平臺,用於 **AAPS** 的軟體版本控制系統,用來追蹤檔案的變更並協調團隊工作。 這對於更新 **APK** 也是必要的。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「update APK」。 +**GitHub** = a web-based hosting service and build process for the **AAPS’** software version-control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files especially for teams. It is also necessary for **APK** updates. Further info → Wiki - 'update APK'. -**Glimp** = 一個應用程式,用於收集 Freestyle Libre 的數值。 +**Glimp** = an app to collect values from Freestyle Libre Glimp. -**IC (or I:C)** = 胰島素與碳水化合物比率。 (即一單位胰島素能對應多少碳水化合物?)。 +**IC (or I:C)** = Insulin to Carb ratio. (i.e. how many carbs are covered by one unit of insulin?). -**IOB** = 活性胰島素。 在用戶體內仍然啟動的胰島素。 +**IOB** = Insulin On Board. Insulin active in the user’s body. -**ISF** = 胰島素敏感性因子。 注射一單位胰島素,預計血糖會下降的幅度。 +**ISF** = Insulin Sensitivity Factor. The expected decrease in BG as a result of one unit of insulin. -**LGS** = 低血糖暫停功能。 `**AAPS**` 會在 `**血糖**` 下降時減少基礎胰島素,若 `**血糖**` 上升,則只有在 `**IOB**` 為負值(來自之前的 `**LGS**`)時才會增加基礎胰島素,否則基礎速率將保持與用戶選擇的 `**Profile**` 相同。 用戶在處理低血糖後可能會暫時經歷血糖飆升,但無法在反彈期間增加基礎胰島素。 → 另見objective 6。 +**LGS** = Low Glucose Suspend. **AAPS** will reduce basal if **BG** is dropping and if **BG** is rising, then it will only increase basal if **IOB** is negative (from a previous **LGS**), otherwise basal rates will remain the same as the user’s selected **Profile**. The user may temporarily experience spikes following treated hypos without the ability to increase basal on the rebound. → see also objective 6. -**LineageOS** = 用於智慧型手機等設備的開放原始碼作業系統。 (當使用 Accu-Chek Combo 時,請參閱 Wiki - Combo pump)。 +**LineageOS** = free and open-source operating system for smartphones etc. (When using Accu-Chek Combo see Wiki - Combo pump). -**Log files** = **AAPS** 記錄用戶操作的日誌文件(有助於故障排除和調試)。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「log files」。 +**Log files** = **AAPS’** records of the user's actions (useful for troubleshooting and debugging). Further info → Wiki - 'log files'. -**maxIOB** = 最大活性胰島素。 這是一項安全措施,可防止 `**AAPS**` 提供超過用戶設定的胰島素量。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「SMB」。 +**maxIOB** = maximum total IOB. This is a safety feature and prevents **AAPS** delivering insulin over the user’s settings. Further info → Wiki - 'SMB'. -**min_5m_carbimpact** = 一種安全功能,用於計算當無法根據用戶血液反應確定碳水化合物吸收時,預設的碳水化合物衰減。 這是一項安全措施。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「config builder」。 +**min_5m_carbimpact** = safety feature that is a calculation of default carb decay when carb absorption cannot be determined based on the user’s blood’s reactions. This is a safety feature. Further info → Wiki - 'config builder'. -**Nightscout** = 一個開放原始碼的項目,用於存取和報告 **CGM** 資料。 這是用戶 `**AAPS**` 資料的中央資料中心,並可以生成報告以查看用戶的歷史 `**Nightscout**` 資料(預計 HbA1c、範圍內的時間)或透過百分比圖表等搜尋資料模式。 +**Nightscout** = open source project to access and report **CGM** data. The central data hub for the user’ **AAPS** data and can generate reports to view the user’s historical **NIghtscout** data expected HbA1c, time in range) or search for patterns in the data via percentile chart etc. -**Nightscout** → 另見 **Nightscout Reporter**。 這對於追蹤孩子糖尿病管理的家長特別有用。 +**Nightscout** → see also **Nightscout Reporter**. This is particularly useful for parents following their child's diabetes management. -**Nightscout Reporter Tool** = 一個工具,用於從 Nightscout 網頁應用程式資料生成 PDF 報告。 請參閱「Nightscout Reporter」、「NS Reporter」@ Facebook。 +**Nightscout Reporter Tool** = a tool which generates PDFs reports from Nightscout web app data. See 'Nightscout Reporter', 'NS Reporter' @ Facebook. -**NSClient**(或 **‘AAPSClient’**)= 請參閱 **AAPSClient**。 +**NSClient** ( or **‘AAPSClient’)** = see **AAPSClient**. -**OpenAPS** = 開放式人工胰臟系統。 +**OpenAPS** = Open Artificial Pancreas System. -**AAPS** 運作在小型電腦(例如 Raspberry Pi)上,並使用了一些 OpenAPS 功能。OpenAPS 文檔。 +**AAPS** operating on small computers (i.e. Raspberry Pi).and uses some of the OpenAPS features OpenAPS docs. -**Open Loop system** = **AAPS** 的一項功能,將建議調整,必須由用戶在 **AAPS** 上手動執行。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「config builder」。 +**Open Loop system** = an **AAPS** feature that will recommend adjustments and which must be performed manually by the user on **AAPS**. Further info → Wiki - 'config builder'. -**Oref0 / Oref1** = 敏感性檢測和 "參考設計實現版本 0/1"。 這是 OpenAPS 背後的關鍵演算法。Wiki - 敏感性檢測。 +**Oref0 / Oref1** = sensitivity detection and "reference design implementation version 0/1". It is the key algorithm behind OpenAPS Wiki - sensitivity detection. -`**Peak time**` = 胰島素發揮最大效果的時間。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「config builder」。 +**Peak time** = time of maximum effect of insulin given. Further info → Wiki - 'config builder'. -`**PH**` = 胰島素幫浦歷史記錄。 **PH** = 胰島素幫浦歷史記錄。這可以在 **AAPS** 的治療選單中查看,位於 **AAPS 主螢幕右側的三點選單中。截圖。

+**PH** = Pump History. This can be accessed in **AAPS’** treatments which are located on the 3 dot menu on the right side of **AAPS** main screen Screenshots. -**Predictions** = 基於不同計算方法對血糖的趨勢預測。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「prediction lines」。 +**Predictions** = predictions for **BG** in the future based on different calculations. Further info → Wiki - 'prediction lines'. -**Profile** = 使用者的基本治療設定(基礎率、**DIA**、**IC**、**ISF**、**BG** 目標) AAPSv3 僅支援在 **AAPS** 中建立的本地設定檔,但 **Nightscout** 的設定檔可以同步到 **AAPS**。 進一步資訊 → Wiki- 「profile」。 +**Profile** = the user’s basic treatment settings (basal rate, **DIA**, **IC**, **ISF**, **BG** target). AAPSv3 only supports local profiles created within **AAPS** but **Nightscout** **Profiles** can be copied (synchronised) to **AAPS**. Further info → Wiki - 'profile'. -**Profile switch** = (臨時)將用戶的 **Profile** 切換到 **AAPS** 中儲存的另一個 **Profile**。 +**Profile switch** = (temporary) switch of the user’ **Profile** to a different **Profile** saved within **AAPS**. -**Profile Percentage** = 一個(臨時)百分比增加或減少應用於用戶的 **Profile**,適用於選定的時間段。 +**Profile Percentage** = a (temporary_ percentage increase or decrease applied to a user’s **Profile** for a selected time period. -**RES** = 在 **AAPS** 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示胰島素庫更換逾期。**偏好設定**, 截圖 → 另見 **BAT** / **CAN** / <0>SEN。 +**RES** = status light overdue reservoir change on the **AAPS’** homescreen Preferences, Screenshots → see also **BAT** / **CAN** / **SEN**. -**RileyLink** = 一種開放原始碼硬體設備,用於將藍牙低功耗(BLE)橋接到 916MHz(用於舊的美敦力幫浦)或 433MHz(用於 Omnipod Eros 幫浦)無線通訊。RileyLink。 +**RileyLink** = open source hardware device to bridge Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to 916MHz (used for old Medtronic pumps) or 433MHz (used for Omnipod Eros pumps) wireless communication RileyLink. -**SAGE** = 傳感器時間。 這會顯示在 **AAPS** 的主畫面以及 **Nightscout** 中,如果在 Actions 標籤/選單中輸入了資訊 → 另見 **Nightscout**。 +**SAGE** = sensor age. This is displayed on the homescreen of **AAPS** and in **Nightscout** if information was entered in the Actions tab / menu → see also **Nightscout**. -**SEN** = 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示感測器更換。**偏好設定**, 截圖 → 另見 **BAT** / **CAN** / <0>RES。 +**SEN** = status light sensor change on home screen Preferences, Screenshots → see also **BAT** / **CAN** / **RES**. -**Sensivity detection** = 根據運動、荷爾蒙等因素計算胰島素敏感性。 另見 → DIABETTECH - 「Autosens」。 +**Sensivity detection** = calculation of sensitivity to insulin as a result of exercise, hormones etc. see also → DIABETTECH - 'Autosens'. -**Sensor noise** = 用於描述不穩定的 **CGM** 量測結果,導致血糖值“跳動”的術語。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「sensor noise」。 +**Sensor noise** = a term used to describe the unstable **CGM’s** readings leading to "jumping" **BG** values. Further info → Wiki - 'sensor noise'. -**SMB** = 超微量注射(Super Micro Bolus)。 **AAPS** 的一項功能,用於更快地注射胰島素,以調整血糖。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - '**SMB**' 另見 **UAM**. +**SMB** = Super Micro Bolus. An **AAPS** feature for faster insulin delivery in order to adjust **BG**. Further info → Wiki - '**SMB**' and see also **UAM**. -**Super bolus** = 將基礎胰島素轉為注射胰島素,以更快地調整血糖。 +**Super bolus** = shift of basal to bolus insulin for faster **BG** adjustment. -**TBB** = 總基礎胰島素(total base basal)(24小時內的基礎速率總和)→ 另見 **TBR** / **TDD**。 +**TBB** = total base basal (sum of basal rate within 24 hours) → see also **TBR** / **TDD**. -**TBR** = 臨時基礎速率(temporary basal rate)→ 另見 **TBB** / **TDD**。 +**TBR** = temporary basal rate→ see also **TBB** / **TDD**. -**TDD** = 每日總劑量 (total daily dose)(每日的注射+基礎胰島素)→ 另見 **TBB** / **TBR**。 +**TDD** = total daily dose (bolus + basal per day) → see also **TBB** / **TBR**. -**TT** = 臨時目標(temporary target)。用戶血糖目標(範圍)的臨時增加/減少,例如用於用餐或運動活動。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「temp targets」。 +**TT** = temporary target temporary increase/decrease of the user’s **BG** target (range) e.g. for eating or sport activities. Further info → Wiki - 'temp targets'. -**UAM** = 未事先報備的用餐(unannounced meals)。 檢測因餐飲、腎上腺素或其他因素引起的 **血糖** 水平顯著上升並嘗試進行調整。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 'UAM' 另見 **SMB**。 +**UAM** = unannounced meals. Detection of significant increase in **BG** levels due to meals, adrenaline or other influences and attempt to adjust this. Further info → Wiki - 'UAM' and see also **SMB**. -**虛擬幫浦(Virtual pump)** = **AAPS** 的一項功能,允許用戶嘗試 **AAPS** 的功能,或供使用沒有 **AAPS** 驅動程式的幫浦型號進行閉環使用的糖尿病患者使用。→ 另見 **Open Loop**。 +**Virtual pump** = an **AAPS** feature which allows the user to try **AAPS’** functions or for PWD using a pump model with no **AAPS** driver for looping → see also **Open Loop**. -**Wallpaper** = **AAPS** 的背景圖像。參見手機頁面。 +**Wallpaper** = **AAPS** background image see phones page. -**xDrip+** = 用於讀取 **CGM** 系統的開放原始碼軟體。xDrip+。 +**xDrip+** = open source software to read **CGM** systems xDrip+. -**Zero-temp** = 臨時基礎速率(temporary basal rate) 設為 0%(無基礎胰島素輸送)。 +**Zero-temp** = temporary basal rate with 0% (no basal insulin delivery). -→ 另見 [the OpenAPS documentation]( \ No newline at end of file +→ see also [the OpenAPS documentation]( \ No newline at end of file From 6bdf796cdce7aeec8f68b6266fb20290ce97e0cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 124/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Getting-Started/ | 38 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 06b6bc48b677..65c6a4b402c3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -# 如何協助 AAPS +# How to help with AAPS -## AAPS 完全依靠志願者的努力運作,沒有任何付費員工。 +## AAPS operates entirely on volunteer efforts and has no paid staff. -開發者們是家長、照護者、親友以及糖尿病患者,他們共同努力開發和改進一個能滿足普遍需求的解決方案。 開發者們無償地捐出他們的閒暇時間,但期望他們還要自己承擔額外成本來開發這麼出色的開源和免費的項目,有點不太公平。 +Developers are parents, caregivers, loved ones and people with diabetes working together to development and improve a solution to a very common want. Developers donate their spare time for free, but it's a bit unfair to expect them to face additional costs to make something so amazing open source and free for all. -*為了完全測試新設備,開發者需要備用手機和備用幫浦,因為直到系統穩定之前,它無法在人類身上使用。 隨著新型號的推出,也需要進行測試。 部分捐款還用於物流費用,例如將這些供應品跨國寄送給開發者。 有時也希望能為開發者們提供支援,讓他們能夠走出黑暗的房間,參加會議和活動,讓他們的創造力和分析能力互相激盪。* +*To fully test a new rig developers need to have a spare phone and a spare pump as it cannot be used on a human until it is stable. Newer models need testing as they become available. Some of the money donated is needed also for the logistical costs of shipping these supplies across countries to the developers. Sometimes it's also nice to contribute towards the developers costs to leave their darkened rooms and meet each other at conferences and events to let their creative and analytical brains bounce off each other.* -## 我會寫程式! 我該如何參與? +## I can write code! How do I participate? -太棒了! 查看問題列表,並在 Discord 頻道中詢問,總有許多事情可以做! 先選擇一個小任務並進行您的首次 pull request! :) +Yay! Look at the issues, ask in the discord channel, there is always a lot to do! Pick a small task at first and do your first pull request! :) -## 我了解系統,並且會撰寫文件! +## I know the system and can write documentation! -太好了,這是非常受到歡迎的事,也是報答社群的好方式! +Great, this is a highly appreciated thing and a good way to pay it forward! -* 關於 Wiki 的 Discord 頻道可以在這裡找到:[AndroidAPS](。 -* 如何對英文 Wiki 進行提交的指南可以在這裡找到:[如何提交 PR](../。 其他語言僅從英文翻譯,出於一致性原因,無法進行編輯。 +* The discord channel regarding the wiki can be found here: [AndroidAPS]( +* A guide how to do commits on English wiki can be found here: [How to make a PR](../ Other languages are only translated from english and can't be edited for consistency reasons. -## 我會多種語言,想翻譯應用程式或文件 +## I do speak multiple languages and want to translate the app or the documentation -如果您是第一次進行翻譯,請從翻譯應用程式的字串開始,這會比較簡單,您會更快看到結果。 +If you are translating something for the first time, please start with translating the strings for the app, as this is easier and you will get results faster. -您也可以同時或稍後開始翻譯文件。 +You are welcome to start as a translator for the documentation in parallel or later. -您可以在此[檢查應用程式和文件翻譯的狀態](../Administration/。 +You can check the state of translations for the languages app and documentation [here](../Administration/ -* 如果您想將**應用程式**翻譯成其他語言(感謝您的幫助),請使用 [Crowdin](。 -* 如果您想將**文件**翻譯成其他語言(感謝您的幫助),請使用 [Crowdin](。 +* If you want to translate **the app** to other languages (thank you), please use [crowdin]( +* If you want to translate **the docs** to other languages (thank you), please use [crowdin]( -只需註冊 CROWDIN,選擇您的語言,等待管理員授權,然後開始翻譯! +Just sign up to CROWDIN, click your language, wait for admin authorization and go ahead! -## 還有其他方式可以幫助嗎? +## Are there other ways to help? -所需的技能包括圖形設計、使用者體驗設計、翻譯、Wiki 編輯,或是透過在 Discord 和 Facebook 上回答簡單問題來幫助他人,從而讓開發者們有時間和空間專注於更困難的事情。 \ No newline at end of file +Skills needed include graphic design, UX design, translators, wiki editors or simply paying it forward by answering the simple questions in discord & Facebook to allow developers the time and space to focus on the harder stuff. \ No newline at end of file From 8b98f59adae2171aa7d1cf7f789835cc82a3e36a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 125/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 22 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 625603de8e5e..f0a19b20a26d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ (Phones-list-of-tested-phones)= -# 經過測試與 Omnipod Dash 胰島素幫浦 POD 相容的手機列表 +# List of tested Phones compatible with Omnipod Dash Insulin Pump Pods -目前,我們有一位非常努力的幕後維護者,負責確保所有可與 Omnipod Dash 循環使用的 Android 手機/智慧型手錶硬體清單的完整性。這是我們不斷擴展的藍牙胰島素幫浦網絡中最新的幫浦驅動程式,適用於 AAPS/OpenAPS 生態系統! +Currently, we have a very hard-working behind-the-scenes Maintainer, who is in charge of ensuring the integrity of the Hardware List of all Android Phones/Smartwatches Capable of Looping with the Omnipod Dash; the newest pump driver addition to our ever-expanding network of Bluetooth enabled insulin pumps for use within the AAPS/OpenAPS ecosystem! -我們的維護者花費了大量時間和精力,確保每個人都可以輕鬆地將資料輸入到 Google 表單中,這些表單預先填充了相關資訊標題,方便使用! 這確保了現有的資料不會意外被覆蓋或刪除。 同樣的成功經驗可以透過再次使用 Google 試算表來構建。 +Our Maintainer has spent a lot of time and effort to make sure that its easy for everyone to enter data into the Spreadsheet; via a Google Form with pre-populated information headers for ease of use! This ensures that the existing data on the sheets cannot be accidentally overwritten or deleted. The same experience can be built upon the success of the first again using Google Sheets. -感謝 Google 試算表的便利性,早期使用者之間的密切溝通,以及他們在早期測試/反饋階段所集結的集體知識和經驗,使得 Dash 幫浦 POD 驅動程式的資料得以高效彙總。 早期使用者們對每個 Dash 藍牙驅動程式新版本進行逐步反饋的時間、資訊和精力的貢獻變得顯而易見,因為現在我們擁有一個全面的硬體對比清單,列出了與 Omnipod Dash 相容的許多 Android 手機和智慧型手錶,並對其進行了相容性測試和排名。 此外,該表還包括了一些不相容的配置,讓新用戶知道應該避免哪些硬體,這些硬體通常在連線速度或強度方面存在問題。 +Thanks to the ease of Google Spreadsheets, close communication amongst early adopters and the ability of pooling their collective knowledge and lessons learned throughout early testing/feedback phases of the Dash pump pod drivers was compiled quite efficiently. The results of the time, information and energy provided by the numerous Early Adopters in providing step-by-step feedback on each new version of the Dash Bluetooth drivers becomes apparent once you open the up what is now a comprehensive Compare/Contrast list of all hardware suited for Looping with the Omnipod Dash, with many Android Phones and Smartwatches tested and ranked for compatibility. In addition, the more incompatible setups are also included in this Spreadshee so that new users will know which hardware to avoid due to issues with connection speed or strength. -當未來需要建立另一個硬體相容性清單時,我們鼓勵有興趣成為維護者的人與我們聯繫! +When the time comes for another Hardware Compatibility List to be created in the future; we encourage anyone that feels they might enjoy becoming a Maintainer to please contact us! -經過測試的手機列表可以透過以下鏈接查看:[與 Omnipod 胰島素幫浦相容的手機列表]( +The list of the tested phone can be accessed via the following link [list of tested phones with Omnipod insulin pump]( -您可以使用 CRTL-F 在 Google 試算表中搜索文字。 該試算表為唯讀保護狀態。 要記錄您測試的手機,請填寫[表單](。 +With CRTL-F you can search in the text of the Google sheet. The sheet is write protected. To record your test of a phone please fill in the [form]( -在您提交表單資料後,維護者將審核資料並批准發佈! +After you fill in the form data the maintainer will check the data and approve it for publishing! -如對試算表有任何問題,請直接與我們聯繫或透過 openaps/AndroidAPSDocs 項目 GitHub 提交問題。 +Any problems with the spreadsheet please contact us directly or via a GitHub issue for the openaps/AndroidAPSDocs project. (Phones-phone-background)= -# 手機背景 +# Phone Background -![手機背景](../images/bg_phone_thump.jpg)
設計者:Thiago :)
如果您想用更多 AAPS 裝飾您的手機,可以在這裡下載背景圖片: ![高解析度背景。](../images/bg_phone.jpg) \ No newline at end of file +![phone background](../images/bg_phone_thump.jpg)
Design: Thiago :)
If you want to decorate your phone with more AAPS, you can download your background image here: ![Background in high resolution.](../images/bg_phone.jpg) \ No newline at end of file From bcf418fe2bdbf59aa1ac8b57a820f2390fd734a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 126/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Getting-Started/ | 32 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 61790a27a6f7..646a18eb71a3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -# 幫浦選擇 +# Pump choices -AAPS 支援多種胰島素幫浦。 以下列表顯示目前支援的裝置,並指出 AAPS 是使用您手機的原生藍牙功能與幫浦連線,還是需要一個 Rileylink 相容裝置(以括號標示)。 +AAPS works with a number of insulin pumps. The following list shows the currently supported devices and indicates if AAPS communicates with the pump using your phones native Bluetooth function or if it requires a Rileylink Compatible device in brackets. -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/藍牙;舊驅動程式,使用額外的 Ruffy 應用程式) -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/藍牙;新驅動程式,從 AndroidAPS v.3.2 開始可用) -- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [DanaR](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [DanaRS](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [Dana-i](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [Diaconn G8](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [EOPatch2](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ 相容裝置) -- [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/藍牙) -- [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/藍牙) -- 某些較舊的[Medtronic](../Configuration/ 相容裝置) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth; old driver that uses the additional Ruffy app) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth; new driver, available starting with AndroidAPS v.3.2) +- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [DanaR](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [DanaRS](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [Dana-i](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [Diaconn G8 ](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [EOPatch2](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ (Rileylink Compatible Device) +- [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) +- Certain older [Medtronic](../Configuration/ (Rileylink Compatible Device) -其他可能可與 AAPS 一起使用的幫浦狀態詳情列在[未來(可能)幫浦](頁面上。 \ No newline at end of file +Details of the status of other pumps that may have the potential to work with AAPS are listed on the [Future (possible) Pumps]( page. \ No newline at end of file From c921d61ef4558335675502456536d92c7af7ebf0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 127/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 656 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 328 insertions(+), 328 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index df37f3f6e6f5..cc85313434cf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,554 +1,554 @@ -# AAPS 螢幕畫面 +# AAPS screens -## 主畫面 +## The Homescreen -![主畫面 V2.7](../images/Home2020_Homescreen.png) +![Homescreen V2.7](../images/Home2020_Homescreen.png) -這是你打開 AAPS 時會遇到的第一個畫面,它包含了日常所需的大部分資訊。 +This is the first screen you will come across when you open AAPS and it contains most of the information that you will need day to day. -### A 區 - 分頁 +### Section A - Tabs -* 在各個 AAPS 模組頁籤之間導覽。 -* 或者,你可以透過向左或向右滑動來更換螢幕。 -* 顯示的分頁可以在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-tab-or-hamburger-menu)中選擇。 +* Navigate between the various AAPS modules. +* Alternatively you can change screens by swiping left or right. +* Displayed tabs can be selected in [config builder](Config-Builder-tab-or-hamburger-menu). (Screenshots-section-b-profile-target)= -### B 區 - 設定檔 & 目標 +### Section B - Profile & target -#### 目前的設定檔 +#### Current Profile -![設定檔切換剩餘時間](../images/Home2020_ProfileSwitch.png) +![Profile switch remaining duration](../images/Home2020_ProfileSwitch.png) -* 目前的設定檔顯示在左側欄位。 -* 點一下設定檔欄位查看設定檔詳細資訊 -* 長按設定檔欄位可[在不同設定檔之間切換](Profiles-profile-switch)。 -* 如果設定檔切換進行中,括號中將顯示剩餘時間(以分鐘為單位)。 +* Current profile is displayed in the left bar. +* Short press profile bar to view profile details +* Long press profile bar to [switch between different profiles](Profiles-profile-switch). +* If profile switch was made with duration remaining time in minutes is shown in brackets. -#### 目標 +#### Target -![臨時目標剩餘時間](../images/Home2020_TT.png) +![Temp target remaining duration](../images/Home2020_TT.png) -* 目前的目標血糖值顯示在右側欄位。 -* 點一下目標欄位可設置[臨時目標](../Usage/。 -* 如果設置了臨時目標,欄位將變為黃色,括號中顯示剩餘時間(以分鐘為單位)。 +* Current target blood glucose level is displayed in the right bar. +* Short press target bar to set a [temporary target](../Usage/ +* If temp target is set bar turns yellow and remaining time in minutes is shown in brackets. (Screenshots-visualization-of-dynamic-target-adjustment)= -#### 動態目標調整的可視化 +#### Visualization of Dynamic target adjustment -![動態目標調整的可視化](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) +![Visualization of dynamic target adjustment](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) -* 如果您使用 SMB 演算法,AAPS 可以根據敏感度動態調整您的目標。 -* 啟用以下選項中的一個或兩個[選項](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings) - * "敏感度提高目標" 和/或 - * "阻力降低目標" -* 如果 AAPS 檢測到阻力或敏感度,目標將從設定檔中的設定值改變。 -* 當目標血糖值變更時,背景會變成綠色。 +* AAPS can dynamically adjust your target based on sensitivity if you are using SMB algorithm. +* Enable either one or both of the [following options](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings) + * "sensitivity raises target" and/or + * "resistance lowers target" +* If AAPS detects resistance or sensitivity the target will change from what is set from profile. +* When it alters the target glucose background will change to green. -### C 區 - 血糖 & 循環狀態 +### Section C - BG & loop status -#### 當前血糖值 +#### Current blood glucose -* 最新的 CGM 血糖讀數顯示在左側。 -* 血糖值的顏色反映了與定義的[範圍](Preferences-range-for-visualization)的關係。 - * 綠色 = 在範圍內 - * 紅色 = 低於範圍 - * 黃色 = 高於範圍 -* 中間的灰色區塊顯示自上次讀數以來的分鐘數以及過去 15 和 40 分鐘內的變化。 +* Latest blood glucose reading from your CGM is shown on the left side. +* Color of the BG value reflects the status to the defined [range](Preferences-range-for-visualization). + * green = in range + * red = below range + * yellow = above range +* The greyish block in the middle shows minutes since last reading and changes since last reading, in the last 15 and 40 minutes. (Screenshots-loop-status)= -#### 循環狀態 +#### Loop status -![循環狀態](../images/Home2020_LoopStatus.png) +![Loop status](../images/Home2020_LoopStatus.png) -* 新圖示顯示循環狀態: +* A new icon shows loop status: - * 綠色圓圈 = 循環運作中 - * 綠色圓圈帶虛線 = [低血糖暫停(LGS)](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend) - * 紅色圓圈 = 循環已停用(永久不起作用) - * 黃色圓圈 = 循環暫停(暫時暫停但將給予基礎胰島素)- 圖示下方顯示剩餘時間 - * 灰色圓圈 = 幫浦已中斷(暫時無胰島素劑量)- 圖示下方顯示剩餘時間 - * 橙色圓圈 = 超級注射進行中 - 圖示下方顯示剩餘時間 - * 藍色圓圈帶虛線 = 開放循環 - -* 點一下或長按圖示以打開循環對話框來切換循環模式(關閉、低血糖暫停、開放或停用),暫停/重新啟動循環或中斷/重新連線幫浦。 + * green circle = loop running + * green circle with dotted line = [low glucose suspend (LGS)](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend) + * red circled = loop disabled (not working permanently) + * yellow circle = loop suspended (temporarily paused but basal insulin will be given) - remaining time is shown below icon + * grey circle = pump disconnected (temporarily no insulin dosage at all) - remaining time is shown below icon + * Orange circle = super bolus running - remaining time is shown below icon + * blue circle with dotted line = open loop + +* Short press or Long press the icon to open the Loop dialog to switch loop mode (Close, Low Glucose Suspend, Open or Disable), suspend / re-enable loop or disconnect / reconnect pump. - * 如果點一下循環圖示,選擇後需要進行驗證。 + * If short press on Loop icon, a validation is required after selection in Loop Dialog - ![循環狀態選單](../images/Home2020_Loop_Dialog.png) + ![Loop status menu](../images/Home2020_Loop_Dialog.png) (Screenshots-bg-warning-sign)= -#### 血糖警告標誌 +#### BG warning sign -從 Android 3.0 開始,您可能會在主螢幕上的血糖數字下方看到警告信號。 +Beginning with Android 3.0, you might get a warning signal beneath your BG number on the main screen. -*注意*:AAPS 計算會考慮到長達 30 小時的資料。 因此,即使您解決了問題,黃三角標誌可能會在最後一次不規則間隔發生後大約 30 小時內消失。 +*Note*: Up to 30h hours are taken into accord for AAPS calculations. So even after you solved the origin problem, it can take about 30 hours for the yellow triangle to disappear after the last irregular interval occurred. -要立即刪除它,您需要從 Dexcom/xDrip+ 標籤中手動刪除幾個項目。 +To remove it immediately you need to manually delete a couple of entries from the Dexcom/xDrip+ tab. -然而,當有很多重複項目時,可能更容易 +However, when there are a lot of duplicates, it might be easier to -* [備份您的設定](../Usage/, -* 在維護選單中重置您的資料庫,然後 -* [再次匯入您的設定](../Usage/ +* [backup your settings](../Usage/, +* reset your database in the maintenance menu and +* [import your settings](../Usage/ again -##### 紅色警告標誌:重複的血糖資料 +##### Red warning sign: Duplicate BG data -紅色警告標誌表示您需要立即採取行動:您正在接收重複的血糖資料,這會阻止循環正常工作。 因此,您的循環將被停用,直到問題解決為止。 +The red warning sign is signaling you to get active immediately: You are receiving duplicate BG data, which does avoid the loop to do its work right. Therefore your loop will be disabled until it is resolved. -![紅色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_red.png) +![Red BG warning](../images/bg_warn_red.png) -您需要找出為什麼會收到重複的血糖資料: +You need to find out why you get duplicate BGs: -* 您的 NS 網站上是否啟用了 Dexcom 橋接功能? 透過進入 heroku(或任何其他託管提供商),編輯 "enable" 變數,並刪除其中的 "bridge" 部分來停用橋接功能。 (有關 heroku 的[詳細資訊可以在此找到](。) -* 是否有多個來源將您的血糖資料上傳到 NS? 如果您使用 BYODA 應用程式,請在 AAPS 中啟用上傳功能,但不要在 xDrip+ 中啟用它,如果您使用的是該應用程式。 -* 是否有追蹤者接收了您的血糖資料,但又將其重新上傳到您的 NS 網站? -* 最後的手段:在 AAPS 中,進入您的 NS 客戶端設定,選擇同步設定並停用“接受來自 NS 的 CGM 資料”選項。 +* Is Dexcom bridge enabled on your NS site? Disable the bridge by going to heroku (or any other hosting provider), edit the "enable" variable and remove the "bridge" part there. (For heroku [details can be found here]( +* Do multiple sources upload your BG to NS? If you use the BYODA app, enable the upload in AAPS but do not enable it in xDrip+, if you use that. +* Do you have any followers that might receive your BG but do also upload it again to your NS site? +* Last resort: In AAPS, go to your NS Client settings, select the sync settings and disable the "Accept CGM data from NS" option. -##### 黃色警告標誌 +##### Yellow warning sign -* 黃色警告信號表示您的血糖資料到達的時間間隔不規則或某些血糖資料丟失。 +* The yellow warning signal is indicating that your BG arrived in irregular time intervals or some BGs are missing. - ![黃色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) + ![Yellow BG warning](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) -* 通常您不需要採取任何行動。 閉環會繼續運作! +* Usually you do not have to take any action. The closed loop will continue to work! -* 由於傳感器更換會中斷血糖資料的連續傳輸,更換傳感器後的黃色警告標誌是正常現象,無需擔心。 -* 對於 Libre 使用者的特別注意事項: +* As a sensor change is interupting the constant flow of BG data a yellow warning sign after sensor change is normal and nothing to worry about. +* Special note for libre users: - * 每個 Libre 感應器每隔幾小時都會慢個一兩分鐘,這意味著您永遠無法獲得完美的定期血糖間隔。 - * 跳動的讀數也會中斷連續資料傳輸。 - * 因此,對於 Libre 使用者來說,黃色警告標誌將“始終存在”。 + * Every single libre slips a minute or two every few hours, meaning you never get a perfect flow of regular BG intervals. + * Also jumpy readings interrupt the continous flow. + * Therefore the yellow warning sign will be 'always on' for libre users. -### D 區 - 胰島素、碳水化合物、基礎率與自動敏感性 +### Section D - IOB, COB, BR and AS -![D 區](../images/Home2020_TBR.png) +![Section D](../images/Home2020_TBR.png) -* 針筒圖示:活性胰島素(IOB)- 體內尚有作用的胰島素數量 +* Syringe: insulin on board (IOB) - amount of active insulin inside your body - * 如果僅運作標準基礎率,且沒有先前注射的胰島素剩餘,則 IOB 為零。 - * 如果最近有減少的基礎率,IOB 可能為負值。 - * 按圖示可查看注射胰島素與基礎胰島素的分配情況。 + * The insulin on board figure would be zero if just your standard basal was running and there was no insulin remaining from previous boluses. + * IOB may be negative if there have recently been periods of reduced basal. + * Press the icon to see the split of bolus and basal insulin -* 穀物圖示:[活性碳水化合物化合物(COB)](../Usage/ - 您之前食用但尚未吸收的碳水化合物-> 如果需要碳水化合物,圖示會閃爍。 +* Grain: [carbs on board (COB)](../Usage/ - yet unabsorbed carbs you have eaten before -> icon pulses if carbs are required -* 紫線:基礎率 - 圖示隨基礎率的暫時變化而改變(在 100% 時保持不變)。 - * 按圖示可查看基礎基礎率和任何臨時基礎率的詳細資訊(包括剩餘時間)。 -* 上下箭頭:指示當前[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)狀態(啟用或停用)以及圖示下方顯示的數值。 +* Purple line: basal rate - icon changes reflecting temporary changes in basal rate (flat at 100%) + * Press the icon to see the base basal rate and details of any temp basal (including remaining duration) +* Arrows up & down: indicating actual [autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) status (enabled or disabled) and value is shown below icon -#### 需要碳水化合物 +#### Carbs required -![需要碳水化合物](../images/Home2020_CarbsRequired.png) +![Carbs required](../images/Home2020_CarbsRequired.png) -* 當參考設計檢測到需要碳水化合物時,會給出建議。 -* 這是當 oref 演算法認為我無法透過設置為 0(零)來拯救你時,您將需要碳水化合物來解決問題。 -* 碳水化合物通知比注射計算機的通知更為精確。 您可能會看到碳水化合物建議,而注射計算機不顯示缺少的碳水化合物。 -* 如果需要,碳水化合物需求通知可以推送到 Nightscout,屆時會顯示並廣播公告。 +* Carbs suggestions are given when the reference design detects that it requires carbs. +* This is when the oref algorithm thinks I can't rescue you by 0 (zero) temping and you will need carbs to fix. +* The carb notifications are much more sophisticated than the bolus calculator ones. You might see carbs suggestion whilst bolus calculator does not show missing carbs. +* Carb required notifications can be pushed to Nightscout if wished, in which case an announcement will be shown and broadcast. -### E 區 - 狀態指示燈 +### Section E - Status lights -![E 區](../images/Home2020_StatusLights.png) +![Section E](../images/Home2020_StatusLights.png) -* 狀態指示燈為以下情況提供視覺警告: - * 輸注針頭的使用時間 - * 胰島素的使用時間(儲液罐使用的天數) - * 儲液罐的剩餘容量(單位) - * 傳感器使用時間 - * 電池使用時間及電量(百分比) -* 如果超過閾值警告,數值將顯示為黃色。 -* 如果超過臨界值警告,數值將顯示為紅色。 -* 可在[偏好設定](Preferences-status-lights)中進行設置。 +* Status lights give a visual warning for + * Cannula age + * Insulin age (days reservoir is used) + * Reservoir level (units) + * Sensor age + * Battery age and level (%) +* If threshold warning is exceeded, values will be shown in yellow. +* If threshold critical is exceeded, values will be shown in red. +* Settings can be made in [preferences](Preferences-status-lights). (Screenshots-section-f-main-graph)= -### F 區 - 主圖表 +### Section F - Main graph -![F 區](../images/Home2020_MainGraph.png) +![Section F](../images/Home2020_MainGraph.png) -* 圖表顯示您的血糖(BG),資料來自您的連續血糖監測儀(CGM)。 -* 在操作標籤中輸入的筆記(如手指校準和碳水化合物輸入)以及設定檔切換也會顯示在此處。 -* 長按圖表可更改時間範圍。 您可以選擇 6、12、18 或 24 小時。 -* 綠色區域反映您的目標範圍。 可以在[偏好設定](Preferences-range-for-visualization)中配置。 -* 如果在[偏好設定](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings)中啟用了 SMB,藍色三角形會顯示[SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb)。 -* 可選資訊: +* Graph shows your blood glucose (BG) as read from your glucose monitor (CGM). +* Notes entered in action tab such as fingerstick calibrations and carbs entries as well as profile switches are shown here. +* Long press on the graph to change the time scale. You can choose 6, 12, 18 or 24 hours. +* The green area reflects your target range. It can be configured in [preferences](Preferences-range-for-visualization). +* Blue triangles show [SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - if enabled in [preferences](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings). +* Optional information: - * 預測 - * 基礎率 - * 活動 - 胰島素活動曲線 + * Predictions + * Basals + * Activity - insulin activity curve -#### 啟用可選資訊 +#### Activate optional information -* 單擊主圖表右側的三角形,選擇要顯示在主圖表中的資訊。 -* 對於主圖表,只有位於 "\---\---- 圖表 1 \---\----" 以上的三個選項可用。 +* Click the triangle on the right side of the main graph to select which information will be displayed in the main graph. +* For the main graph just the three options above the line "\---\---- Graph 1 \---\----" are available. - ![主圖表設置](../images/Home2020_MainGraphSetting.png) + ![Main graph setting](../images/Home2020_MainGraphSetting.png) (Screenshots-prediction-lines)= -#### 預測線 +#### Prediction lines -* **橙色**線:[COB](../Usage/顏色通常用來表示 COB 和碳水化合物) +* **Orange** line: [COB](../Usage/ (colour is used generally to represent COB and carbs) - 預測線顯示根據當前幫浦設置以及假設碳水化合物吸收偏差保持不變的情況下,您的血糖將如何變化。 此線僅在有已知的 COB 時出現。 + Prediction line shows where your BG (not where COB itself!) will go based on the current pump settings and assuming that the deviations due carb absorption remain constant. This line only appears if there are known COB. -* **深藍色**線:IOB(顏色通常用來表示 IOB 和胰島素) +* **Dark blue** line: IOB (colour is used generally to represent IOB and insulin) - 預測線顯示僅在胰島素的影響下會發生什麼。 例如,如果您輸入了一些胰島素,但未食用任何碳水化合物。 + Prediction line shows what would happen under the influence of insulin only. For example if you dialled in some insulin and then didn’t eat any carbs. -* **淺藍色**線:零基礎率(如果設置了 0% 的臨時基礎率,預測血糖會怎麼變化) +* **Light blue** line: zero-temp (predicted BG if temporary basal rate at 0% would be set) - 預測線顯示如果幫浦停止所有胰島素輸送(0% TBR),血糖 軌跡線將如何變化。 + Prediction line shows how the BG trajectory line would change if the pump stopped all insulin delivery (0% TBR). - *此線僅在使用[SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)演算法時出現。* + *This line appears only when the [SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb) algorithm is used.* -* **深黃色**線:[UAM](Sensitivity-detection-and-COB-sensitivity-oref1)(未報告的用餐) +* **Dark yellow** line: [UAM](Sensitivity-detection-and-COB-sensitivity-oref1) (un-announced meals) - 未報告的用餐表示檢測到由於用餐、腎上腺素或其他影響導致的血糖顯著上升。 預測線類似於橙色 COB 線,但它假設偏差將以恆定速度逐漸減少(透過延長當前的減少速度)。 + Unannounced meals means that a significant increase in glucose levels due to meals, adrenaline or other influences is detected. Prediction line is similar to the ORANGE COB line but it assumes that the deviations will taper down at a constant rate (by extending the current rate of reduction). - *此線僅在使用[SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)演算法時出現。* + *This line appears only when the [SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb) algorithm is used.* -* **深橙色**線:aCOB(加速碳水化合物吸收) +* **Dark orange** line: aCOB (accelerated carbohydrate absorption) - 類似於 COB,但假設碳水化合物吸收率為每 5 分鐘 10 mg/dL(-0.555 mmol/l/5 分鐘)。 已棄用,實用性有限。 + Similar to COB, but assuming a static 10 mg/dL/5m (-0.555 mmol/l/5m) carb absorption rate. Deprecated and of limited usefulness. - *此線僅在使用舊版[AMA](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)演算法時出現。* + *This line appears only when the older [AMA](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb) algorithm is used.* -通常您的實際血糖曲線最終會位於這些線之間,或接近最符合您情況的假設。 +Usually your real glucose curve ends up in the middle of these lines, or close to the one which makes assumptions that closest resemble your situation. -#### 基礎率 +#### Basals -* 一條**實心藍色**線顯示您的幫浦基礎胰島素輸送,並反映實際的輸送時間。 -* 一條**虛線藍色**線顯示如果沒有暫時的基礎率調整(TBR),基礎率會是什麼。 -* 在標準基礎率給定的時間內,曲線下方的區域顯示為深藍色。 -* 當基礎率暫時調整(增加或減少)時,曲線下方的區域顯示為淺藍色。 +* A **solid blue** line shows the basal delivery of your pump and reflects the actual delivery over time. +* The **dotted blue** line is what the basal rate would be if there were no temporary basal adjustments (TBRs). +* In times standard basal rate is given the area under the curve is shown in dark blue. +* When the basal rate is temporarily adjusted (increased or decreased) the area under the curve is shown in light blue. -#### 活動 +#### Activity -* 一條**細黃色**線顯示胰島素的活動。 -* 它基於胰島素在系統中的預期血糖降低,如果沒有其他因素(如碳水化合物)存在。 +* The **thin yellow** line shows the activity of Insulin. +* It is based on the expected drop in BG of the insulin in your system if no other factors (like carbs) were present. -### G 區 - 其他圖表 +### Section G - additional graphs -* 您可以在主圖表下啟用最多四個其他圖表。 -* 要打開其他圖表的設置,請單擊[主圖表](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph)右側的三角形並向下滾動。 +* You can activate up to four additional graphs below the main graph. +* To open settings for additional graphs click the triangle on the right side of the [main graph](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) and scroll down. -![其他圖表設置](../images/Home2020_AdditionalGraphSetting.png) +![Additional graph settings](../images/Home2020_AdditionalGraphSetting.png) -* 要添加其他圖表,請選中其名稱左側的框(即 \---\---- 圖表 1 \---\----)。 +* To add an additional graph check the box on the left side of its name (i.e. \---\---- Graph 1 \---\----). -#### 絕對胰島素 +#### Absolute insulin -* 活動中的胰島素,包括注射**和基礎率**。 +* Active insulin including boluses **and basal**. -#### 活性胰島素 +#### Insulin on board -* 顯示您體內的胰島素(= 體內的活動胰島素)。 它包括注射胰島素和暫時的基礎率(**但不包括您設定檔中的基礎率**)。 -* 如果在 DIA 時間內沒有[SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb)、沒有注射或暫時的基礎率,這將為零。 -* 如果沒有剩餘注射且長時間設置為零/低基礎率,IOB 可能為負值。 -* 衰減取決於您的[DIA 和胰島素設定檔設置](Config-Builder-local-profile)。 +* Shows the insulin you have on board (= active insulin in your body). It includes insulin from bolus and temporary basal (**but excludes basal rates set in your profile**). +* If there were no [SMBs](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb), no boluses and no TBR during DIA time this would be zero. +* IOB can be negative if you have no remaining bolus and zero/low temp for a longer time. +* Decaying depends on your [DIA and insulin profile settings](Config-Builder-local-profile). -#### 活性碳水化合物化合物 +#### Carbs On Board -* 顯示您體內的碳水化合物(= 活動中的,尚未衰減的碳水化合物)。 -* 衰減取決於演算法檢測到的偏差。 -* 如果它檢測到碳水化合物吸收率高於預期,將注射胰島素,這將增加 IOB(多或少,取決於您的安全設置)。 +* Shows the carbs you have on board (= active, not yet decayed carbs in your body). +* Decaying depends on the deviations the algorithm detects. +* If it detects a higher carb absorption than expected, insulin would be given and this will increase IOB (more or less, depending on your safety settings). -#### 偏差 +#### Deviations -* **灰色**條顯示由於碳水化合物引起的偏差。 -* **綠色**條顯示血糖高於演算法預期。 綠色條用於在[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)中增加抗性。 -* **紅色**條顯示血糖低於演算法預期。 紅色條用於在[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)中增加敏感性。 -* **黃色**條顯示由於未報告的用餐引起的偏差。 -* **黑色**條顯示未考慮敏感性的輕微偏差。 +* **GREY** bars show a deviation due to carbs. +* **GREEN** bars show that BG is higher than the algorithm expected it to be. Green bars are used to increase resistance in [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens). +* **RED** bars show that BG is lower than the algorithm expected. Red bars are used to increase sensitivity in [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens). +* **YELLOW** bars show a deviation due to UAM. +* **BLACK** bars show small deviations not taken into account for sensitivity -#### 敏感性 +#### Sensitivity -* 顯示[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)檢測到的敏感性。 -* 敏感性是運動、荷爾蒙等導致的對胰島素的敏感性計算結果。 +* Shows the sensitivity that [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) has detected. +* Sensitivity is a calculation of sensitivity to insulin as a result of exercise, hormones etc. -#### 活動 +#### Activity -* 顯示由您的胰島素設定檔計算出的胰島素活動(它不是 IOB 的導數)。 -* 胰島素越接近峰值時間,值越高。 -* 當 IOB 減少時,它將是負值。 +* Shows the activity of insulin, calculated by your insulin profile (it's not derivative of IOB). +* The value is higher for insulin closer to peak time. +* It would mean to be negative when IOB is decreasing. -#### 偏差斜率 +#### Deviation slope -* 演算法中使用的內部值。 +* Internal value used in algorithm. -### H 區 - 按鈕 +### Section H - Buttons -![主畫面按鈕](../images/Home2020_Buttons.png) +![Homescreen buttons](../images/Home2020_Buttons.png) -* 注射、碳水化合物和計算機的按鈕幾乎“始終顯示”。 +* Buttons for insulin, carbs and Calculator are almost'always on'. - * 如果與幫浦的連線丟失,注射按鈕將不可見。 + * If connection to pump is lost, the insulin button will not be visible. -* 其他按鈕必須在[偏好設定]Preferences-buttons)中設置。 +* Other Buttons have to be setup in [preferences]Preferences-buttons). -#### 胰島素 +#### Insulin -![注射按鈕](../images/Home2020_ButtonInsulin.png) +![Insulin button](../images/Home2020_ButtonInsulin.png) -* 可以在不使用[注射計算機](Screenshots-bolus-wizard)的情況下注射特定數量的胰島素。 -* 勾選框可自動啟動您的[即將用餐的臨時目標](Preferences-default-temp-targets)。 -* 如果您不想透過幫浦進行注射,但記錄注射量(即透過注射器注射的胰島素),請勾選相應的框。 +* To give a certain amount of insulin without using [bolus calculator](Screenshots-bolus-wizard). +* By checking the box you can automatically start your [eating soon temp target](Preferences-default-temp-targets). +* If you do not want to bolus through pump but record insulin amount (i.e. insulin given by syringe) check the corresponding box. -#### 碳水化合物 +#### Carbs -![碳水化合物按鈕](../images/Home2020_ButtonCarbs.png) +![Carbs button](../images/Home2020_ButtonCarbs.png) -* 記錄碳水化合物而不進行注射。 -* 可以直接透過勾選框設置某些[預設的臨時目標](Preferences-default-temp-targets)。 -* 時間偏移:您將在何時/何時食用碳水化合物(以分鐘計)。 -* 持續時間:用於[“延長碳水化合物”](../Usage/ -* 您可以使用按鈕快速增加碳水化合物量。 -* 筆記將根據您的[NS 客戶端](Preferences-nsclient)設置上傳到 Nightscout。 +* To record carbs without bolusing. +* Certain [pre-set temporary targets](Preferences-default-temp-targets) can be set directly by checking the box. +* Time offset: When will you / have you been eaten carbs (in minutes). +* Duration: To be used for ["extended carbs"](../Usage/ +* You can use the buttons to quickly increase carb amount. +* Notes will be uploaded to Nightscout - depending on your settings for [NS client](Preferences-nsclient). -#### 計算機 +#### Calculator -* 請參閱[注射計算機](Screenshots-bolus-wizard)部分 +* See Bolus Wizard [section below](Screenshots-bolus-wizard) -#### 校準 +#### Calibrations -* 發送校準至 xDrip+ 或打開 Dexcom 校準對話框。 -* 必須在[偏好設定](Preferences-buttons)中啟用。 +* Sends a calibration to xDrip+ or opens Dexcom calibration dialogue. +* Must be activated in [preferences](Preferences-buttons). #### CGM -* 開啟 xDrip+。 -* 按返回鍵返回 AAPS。 -* 必須在[偏好設定](Preferences-buttons)中啟用。 +* Opens xDrip+. +* Back button returns to AAPS. +* Must be activated in [preferences](Preferences-buttons). -#### 快速嚮導 +#### Quick Wizard -* 輕鬆輸入碳水化合物數量並設置計算基礎。 -* 詳細資訊可在[偏好設定](Preferences-quick-wizard)中設置。 +* Easily enter amount of carbs and set calculation basics. +* Details are setup in [preferences](Preferences-quick-wizard). (Screenshots-bolus-wizard)= -## 注射嚮導 +## Bolus Wizard -![注射嚮導](../images/Home2020_BolusWizard_v2.png) +![Bolus wizard](../images/Home2020_BolusWizard_v2.png) -當您需要進行餐前注射時,通常會從這裡開始操作。 +When you want to make a meal bolus this is where you will normally make it from. -### I 區 +### Section I -* 血糖 欄位通常會自動填充最新的 CGM 讀數。 如果您沒有工作中的 CGM,則該欄位將保持空白。 -* 在碳水化合物欄位中,您可以添加您想要進行注射的碳水化合物數量或等效值。 -* 如果您出於某些原因希望修改最終劑量,則可以使用修正欄位。 -* 碳水化合物時間欄位是為了提前注射,因此您可以告訴系統,碳水化合物需要等待一段時間才會生效。 如果您是為過去的碳水化合物進行注射,您可以在此欄位中輸入負數。 +* BG field is normally already populated with the latest reading from your CGM. If you don't have a working CGM then it will be blank. +* In the CARBS field you add your estimate of the amount of carbs - or equivalent - that you want to bolus for. +* The CORR field is if you want to modify the end dosage for some reason. +* The CARB TIME field is for pre-bolusing so you can tell the system that there will be a delay before the carbs are to be expected. You can put a negative number in this field if you are bolusing for past carbs. (Screenshots-eating-reminder)= -#### 用餐提醒 +#### Eating reminder -* 對於未來的碳水化合物,您可以選中提醒框(當輸入將來的時間時,此框將預設選中),這樣您可以在未來的某個時間得到餐點碳水化合物的提醒。 +* For carbs in the future the alarm checkbox can be selected (and is by default when a time in the future is entered) so that you can be reminded at a time in the future of when to eat the carbs you have input into AAPS - ![帶有用餐提醒的注射嚮導](../images/Home2021_BolusWizard_EatingReminder.png) + ![BolusWizard with Eating Reminder](../images/Home2021_BolusWizard_EatingReminder.png) -### J 區 +### Section J -* 超級注射是將接下來兩小時的基礎胰島素添加到即時注射中,並發出 0% 臨時基礎率(TBR),以收回額外的胰島素。 此選項僅在[嚮導中啟用超級注射](Preferences-superbolus)時顯示,可在[偏好設定總覽](Preferences-overview)中設置。 -* 其目的是更快地注射胰島素,希望減少血糖尖峰。 -* 詳情請查看[](。 +* SUPER BOLUS is where the basal insulin for the next two hours is added to the immediate bolus and a zero TBR is issued for the following two hours to take back the extra insulin. The option only shows when "Enable [superbolus](Preferences-superbolus) in wizard" is set in the [preferences overview](Preferences-overview). +* The idea is to deliver the insulin sooner and hopefully reduce spikes. +* For details visit []( -### K 區 +### Section K -* 顯示計算出的注射劑量。 -* 如果活性胰島素(IOB)的量已超過計算出的注射劑量,那麼它只會顯示仍然需要的碳水化合物數量。 -* 筆記將根據您的[NS 客戶端](Preferences-nsclient)設置上傳到 Nightscout。 +* Shows the calculated bolus. +* If the amount of insulin on board already exceeds the calculated bolus then it will just display the amount of carbs still required. +* Notes will be uploaded to Nightscout - depending on your settings for [NS client](Preferences-nsclient). -### L 區 +### Section L -* 注射嚮導的詳細計算方式。 -* 您可以取消選中任何不想包括的項目,但通常不會這麼做。 -* 出於安全原因,如果您希望注射嚮導基於現有的臨時目標進行計算,則**必須手動勾選 TT 框**。 +* Details of wizard's bolus calculation. +* You can deselect any that you do not want to include but you normally wouldn't want to. +* For safety reasons the **TT box must be ticked manually** if you want the bolus wizard to calculate based on an existing temporary target. -#### COB 和 IOB 的組合及其含義 +#### Combinations of COB and IOB and what they mean -* 出於安全原因,當 COB 框被勾選時,IOB 框無法取消選中,因為這樣做可能會導致過多的胰島素,因為 AAPS 未計算已經注射的劑量。 -* 如果您勾選 COB 和 IOB,未被胰島素覆蓋的未吸收碳水化合物 + 所有透過 TBR 或 SMB 注射的胰島素都將被計入。 -* 如果您僅勾選 IOB 而未勾選 COB,AAPS 將計算已經注射的胰島素,但不會將其與仍需吸收的碳水化合物對比。 這會導致“缺少碳水化合物”的提示。 -* 如果您在餐後短時間內為**額外的食物**(例如甜點)注射胰島素,取消勾選所有框可能會有所幫助。 這樣只會添加新的碳水化合物,因為主餐可能尚未被吸收,因此餐後的 IOB 無法與 COB 完全匹配。 +* For safety reasons IOB boxed cannot be unticked when COB box is ticked as you might run the risk of too much insulin as AAPS is not accounting for what’s already given. +* If you tick COB and IOB unabsorbed carbs that are not already covered with insulin + all insulin that has been delivered as TBR or SMB will be taken into account. +* If you tick IOB without COB, AAPS takes account of already delivered insulin but won’t cover that off against any carbs still to be absorbed. This leads to a 'missing carbs' notice. +* If you bolus for **additional food** shortly after a meal bolus (i.e. additional desert) it can be helpful to **untick all boxes**. This way just the new carbs are being added as the main meal won't necessarily be absorbed so IOB won't match COB accurately shortly after a meal bolus. (Screenshots-wrong-cob-detection)= -#### 錯誤的 COB 檢測 +#### Wrong COB detection -![碳水化合物吸收緩慢](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) +![Slow carb absorption](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) -* 如果您在使用注射嚮導後看到上述警告,則表示 AAPS 檢測到計算的 COB 值可能有誤。 -* 因此,如果您在上一餐有 COB 後再次注射,請注意可能會過量注射! -* 詳情請參閱[COB 計算頁面](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values)上的提示。 +* If you see the warning above after using bolus wizard, AAPS has detected that the calculated COB value maybe wrong. +* So, if you want to bolus again after a previous meal with COB you should be aware of overdosing! +* For details see the hints on [COB calculation page](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values). (Screenshots-action-tab)= -## 操作標籤 +## Action tab -![操作標籤](../images/Home2021_Action.png) +![Actions tab](../images/Home2021_Action.png) -### 操作 - M 區 +### Actions - section M -* 按鈕[設定檔切換](Profiles-profile-switch),作為按下主畫面上的[當前設定檔](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target)的替代方式。 -* 按鈕[臨時目標](temptarget-temp-targets),作為按下主畫面上的[當前目標](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target)的替代方式。 -* 啟動或取消臨時基礎率的按鈕。 請注意,當設置了臨時基礎率時,按鈕將從“TEMPBASAL”變為“CANCEL x%”。 -* 即使在[閉環環境中延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-why-they-wont-work-in-closed-loop-environment)確實不起作用,但有些人仍要求提供使用延長注射的選項。 +* Button [profile switch](Profiles-profile-switch) as an alternative to pressing the [current profile](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target) on homescreen. +* Button [temporary target](temptarget-temp-targets) as an alternative to pressing the [current target](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target) on homescreen. +* Button to start or cancel a temporary basal rate. Please note that the button changes from “TEMPBASAL” to “CANCEL x%” when a temporary basal rate is set. +* Even though [extended boluses](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-why-they-wont-work-in-closed-loop-environment) do not really work in a closed loop environment some people were asking for an option to use extended bolus anyway. - * 此選項僅適用於 Dana RS 和 Insight 幫浦。 - * 閉環將自動停止並切換為開環模式,以運作延長注射。 - * 在使用此選項之前,請務必閱讀[詳細資訊](../Usage/。 + * This option is only available for Dana RS and Insight pumps. + * Closed loop will automatically be stopped and switched to open loop mode for the time running extended bolus. + * Make sure to read the [details](../Usage/ before using this option. (Screenshots-careportal-section-n)= -### 護理入口 - N 區 +### Careportal - section N -* 顯示以下資訊 +* Displays information on - * 傳感器使用時間及電量(百分比) - * 胰島素使用時間及數量(單位) - * 導管使用時間 - * 幫浦電池使用時間及電量(百分比) + * sensor age & level (battery percentage) + * insulin age & level (units) + * cannula age + * pump battery age & level (percentage -* 如果使用[低解析度外觀](Preferences-skin),顯示的資訊將會減少。 +* Less information will be shown if [low resolution skin](Preferences-skin) is used. (Screenshots-sensor-level-battery)= -#### 傳感器電量(電池) +#### Sensor level (battery) -* 需要 xDrip+ 2020 年 12 月 10 日或更新版本的夜間構建。 適用於具有額外發射器(如 MiaoMiao 2)的 CGM。 -* (技術上,傳感器必須將電池電量資訊發送至 xDrip+。) (技術上,傳感器必須將電量資訊傳送至 xDrip+。) -* 可以在[偏好設定](Preferences-status-lights)中設置臨界值。 -* 如果傳感器電量與手機電池電量相同,則說明您的 xDrip+ 版本可能過舊,需進行更新。 +* Needs xDrip+ nightly build Dec. 10, 2020 or newer. +* Works for CGM with additional transmitter such as MiaoMiao 2. (Technically sensor has to send cat level information to xDrip+.) +* Thresholds can be set in [preferences](Preferences-status-lights). +* If sensor level is the same as phone battery level you xDrip+ version is probably too old and needs an update. - ![傳感器電量等於手機電池電量](../images/Home2021_ActionSensorBat.png) + ![Sensor levels equals phone battery level](../images/Home2021_ActionSensorBat.png) -### 護理入口 - O 區 +### Careportal - section O -* 血糖檢查、導管填充、傳感器插入和幫浦電池更換是[N 區](Screenshots-careportal-section-n)顯示資料的基礎。 -* 填充/注入允許您記錄幫浦部位和胰島素筒的更換。 -* O 區反映了 Nightscout 的護理入口功能。 因此,運動、公告和問題是特別的筆記形式。 +* BG check, prime/fill, sensor insert and pump battery change are the base for the data displayed in [section N](Screenshots-careportal-section-n). +* Prime/Fill allows you to record pump site and insulin cartridge change. +* Section O reflects the Nightscout careportal. So exercise, announcement and question are special forms of notes. -### 工具 - P 區 +### Tools - section P -#### 歷史瀏覽器 +#### History Browser -* 允許您查看 AAPS 的歷史記錄。 +* Allows you to ride back in AAPS history. #### TDD -* 每日總劑量 = 每日的注射量 + 基礎率 -* 一些醫生(尤其是新使用幫浦者)使用 50:50 的基礎-注射比例。 -* 因此該比例計算為 TDD / 2 * TBB(每日總基礎率 = 24 小時內基礎率的總和)。 -* 其他人則更喜歡 TDD 的 32% 至 37% 範圍作為 TBB。 -* 如同大多數此類經驗法則,這種方法的實際有效性有限。 注意:每個人的糖尿病狀況都不同! +* Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day +* Some doctors use - especially for new pumpers - a basal-bolus-ratio of 50:50. +* Therefore ratio is calculated as TDD / 2 * TBB (Total base basal = sum of basal rate within 24 hours). +* Others prefer range of 32% to 37% of TDD for TBB. +* Like most of these rules-of-thumb it is of limited real validity. Note: Your diabetes may vary! -![歷史瀏覽器 + 每日總劑量](../images/Home2021_Action_HB_TDD.png) +![Histroy browser + TDD](../images/Home2021_Action_HB_TDD.png) (Screenshots-insulin-profile))= -## 胰島素設定檔 +## Insulin Profile -![胰島素設定檔](../images/Screenshot_insulin_profile.png) +![Insulin Profile](../images/Screenshot_insulin_profile.png) -* 此功能顯示了您在[設定生成器](Config-Builder-insulin)中選擇的胰島素的活性設定檔。 -* 紫色線顯示注射後胰島素隨時間衰減的情況,藍色線顯示其活性。 -* 需要注意的重要一點是,衰減有一個長尾。 -* 如果您習慣於手動操作幫浦,您可能習慣於認為胰島素會在大約 3.5 小時內衰減完畢。 -* 然而,當您使用閉環系統時,這種長尾很重要,因為計算更為精確,這些微量的胰島素在 AAPS 演算法中的遞歸計算會積累起來。 +* This shows the activity profile of the insulin you have chosen in [config builder](Config-Builder-insulin). +* The PURPLE line shows how much insulin remains after it has been injected as it decays with time and the BLUE line shows how active it is. +* The important thing to note is that the decay has a long tail. +* If you have been used to manual pumping you have probably been used to assuming that insulin decays over about 3.5 hours. +* However, when you are looping the long tail matters as the calculations are far more precise and these small amounts add up when they are subjected to the recursive calculations in the AAPS algorithm. -有關不同類型的胰島素、它們的活性設定檔以及為什麼這些很重要的更多詳細討論,您可以閱讀這篇文章[理解基於指數活性曲線的新 IOB 曲線]( +For a more detailed discussion of the different types of insulin, their activity profiles and why all this matters you can read an article here on [Understanding the New IOB Curves Based on Exponential Activity Curves]( -您還可以在這裡閱讀一篇出色的部落格文章:[我們經常在使用的胰島素作用時間(DIA)上出錯的原因以及為什麼這很重要...]( +And you can read an excellent blog article about it here: [Why we are regularly wrong in the duration of insulin action (DIA) times we use, and why it matters…]( -更多資訊請查看:[指數胰島素曲線 + Fiasp]( +And even more at: [Exponential Insulin Curves + Fiasp]( -## 幫浦狀態 +## Pump Status -![幫浦狀態](../images/Screenshot_PumpStatus.png) +![Pump Status](../images/Screenshot_PumpStatus.png) -* 顯示幫浦狀態的不同資訊。 顯示的資訊取決於您的幫浦型號。 -* 詳細資訊請參閱[幫浦頁面](../Hardware/。 +* Different information on pump status. Displayed information depends on your pump model. +* See [pumps page](../Hardware/ for details. -## 護理入口 +## Care Portal -護理入口複製了您在 Nightscout 螢幕上的“+”圖示下找到的功能,該圖示允許您向記錄中添加筆記。 +Careportal replicated the functions you will find on your Nightscout screen under the “+” symbol which allows you to add notes to your records. -### 審查碳水化合物計算 +### Review carb calculation -![在 t 標籤中審查碳水化合物計算](../images/Screenshots_TreatCalc.png) +![Review carb calculation on t tab](../images/Screenshots_TreatCalc.png) -* 如果您使用了[注射嚮導](Screenshots-bolus-wizard)來計算胰島素劑量,您可以稍後在 ts 標籤中審查此計算。 -* 只需按下綠色的 Calc 鏈接。 (根據幫浦的不同,胰島素和碳水化合物也可能在 ts 中顯示為單行。) +* If you have used the [Bolus Wizard](Screenshots-bolus-wizard) to calculate insulin dosage you can review this calculation later on ts tab. +* Just press the green Calc link. (Depending on pump used insulin and carbs can also be shown in one single line in ts.) (Screenshots-carb-correction)= -### 碳水化合物修正 +### Carb correction -![在 1 行或 2 行中進行治療](../images/Treatment_1or2_lines.png) +![Treatment in 1 or 2 lines](../images/Treatment_1or2_lines.png) -可以使用治療標籤來修正錯誤的碳水化合物輸入(即您高估或低估了碳水化合物)。 +Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or underestimated carbs). -1. 在主畫面檢查並記住實際的 COB 和 IOB。 -2. 根據幫浦的不同,在治療標籤中碳水化合物可能與胰島素一起顯示在同一行,或作為單獨的條目(如 Dana RS)。 -3. 移除碳水化合物數量錯誤的項目。 (最新版本在治療螢幕上有垃圾桶圖示。 按一下垃圾桶圖示,選擇要刪除的行,然後再次按垃圾桶圖示以完成刪除。) -4. 再次檢查主畫面上的 COB 以確保成功移除了碳水化合物。 -5. 如果治療標籤中包含碳水化合物和胰島素的條目是單行的,請對 IOB 執行相同操作。 +1. Check and remember actual COB and IOB on homescreen. +2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) +4. Make sure carbs are removed successfully by checking COB on homescreen again. +5. Do the same for IOB if there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin. - -> 如果碳水化合物未按預期移除,並且您按此處解釋(6.)添加了額外的碳水化合物,COB 會過高,這可能會導致胰島素輸送過量。 + -> If carbs are not removed as intended and you add additional carbs as explained here (6.), COB will be too high and that might lead to too high insulin delivery. -6. 透過主畫面的碳水化合物按鈕輸入正確的碳水化合物數量,並確保設置正確的事件時間。 +6. Enter correct carb amount through carbs button on homescreen and make sure to set the correct event time. -7. 如果治療標籤中包含碳水化合物和胰島素的條目是單行的,您還必須添加胰島素的數量。 確保設置正確的事件時間,並在確認新條目後檢查主畫面上的 IOB。 +7. If there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin you have to add also the amount of insulin. Make sure to set the correct event time and check IOB on homescreen after confirming the new entry. -## 閉環、AMA / SMB +## Loop, AMA / SMB -* 這些標籤顯示了演算法的計算詳細資訊以及 AAPS 執行操作的原因。 -* 每次系統從 CGM 獲取新讀數時都會進行計算。 -* 有關更多詳細資訊,請參閱[設定生成器頁面的 APS 部分](Config-Builder-aps)。 +* These tabs show details about the algorithm's calculations and why AAPS acts the way it does. +* Calculations are each time the system gets a fresh reading from the CGM. +* For more details see [APS section on config builder page](Config-Builder-aps). -## 設定檔 +## Profile -![設定檔](../images/Screenshots_Profile.png) +![Profile](../images/Screenshots_Profile.png) -* 設定檔包含有關您個人糖尿病設定的資訊: +* Profile contains information on your individual diabetes settings: - * DIA(胰島素作用持續時間) - * IC 或 I:C:胰島素與碳水化合物的比率 - * ISF:胰島素敏感性因數 - * 基礎率 - * 目標:您希望 AAPS 尋求的血糖水平 + * DIA (Duration of Insulin Action) + * IC or I:C: Insulin to Carb ratio + * ISF: Insulin Sensitivity Factor + * Basal rate + * Target: Blood glucose level that you want AAPS to be aiming for -* 自 3.0 版起,只能使用[本地設定檔](Config-Builder-local-profile)。 本地設定檔可以在您的智慧型手機上進行編輯,並同步到您的 Nightscout 網站。 +* As of version 3.0 only [local profile](Config-Builder-local-profile) is possible. The local profile can be edited on your smartphone and synced to your Nightscout site. (Screenshots-treatment)= -## 治療 +## Treatment -以下治療的歷史記錄: +History of the following treatments: -* 注射和碳水化合物 -> 可以選擇[移除條目](Screenshots-carb-correction)來修正歷史記錄 -* [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -* 臨時基礎率 -* [臨時目標](../Usage/ -* [設定檔切換](../Usage/ -* [護理入口](CPbefore26-careportal-discontinued) - 透過操作標籤輸入的筆記和對話框中的筆記 +* Bolus & carbs -> option to [remove entries](Screenshots-carb-correction) to correct history +* [Extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +* Temporary basal rate +* [Temporary target](../Usage/ +* [Profile switch](../Usage/ +* [Careportal](CPbefore26-careportal-discontinued) - notes entered through action tab and notes in dialogues -## 血糖來源 - xDrip+、BYODA... +## BG Source - xDrip+, BYODA... -![血糖來源標籤 - 這裡是 xDrip](../images/Screenshots_BGSource.png) +![BG Source tab - here xDrip](../images/Screenshots_BGSource.png) -* 根據您的血糖來源設定,此標籤名稱不同。 -* 顯示 CGM 讀數的歷史記錄,並提供在讀數出錯時刪除讀數的選項(例如壓力性低血糖)。 +* Depending on your BG source settings this tab is named differently. +* Shows history of CGM readings and offers option to remove reading in case of failure (i.e. compression low). ## NSClient ![NSClient](../images/Screenshots_NSClient.png) -* 顯示與 Nightscout 網站的連線狀態。 -* 設定可在[偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中進行。 您可以透過點擊螢幕右上角的齒輪圖示打開相應的部分。 -* 有關故障排除的詳細資訊,請參閱此[頁面](../Usage/。 \ No newline at end of file +* Displays status of the connection with your Nightscout site. +* Settings are made in [preferences](Preferences-nsclient). You can open the corresponding section by clicking the cog wheel on the top right side of the screen. +* For troubleshooting see this [page](../Usage/ \ No newline at end of file From dcc1693a668568278583a96ce2b7f7e2c708b7a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 128/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 62 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 3ef6203866a6..4e21eabf6e2e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -2,70 +2,70 @@ (Nightscout-security-considerations)= -## 安全性考量 +## Security considerations -除了報告功能外,Nightscout 還可以用來控制 AAPS。 例如,您可以設定臨時目標或添加未來的碳水化合物。 這些資訊會被 AAPS 獲取,並相應地執行操作。 因此,值得考慮如何保護您的 Nightscout 網站安全。 +Besides reporting Nightscout can also be used to control AAPS. I.e. you can set temp targets or add future carbs. This information will be picked up by AAPS and it will act correspondingly. Therefore it is worth thinking about securing your Nightscout website. -如果使用 Nightscout 作為您的 AAPS 資料來源,請極為謹慎。 +Exercise maximum caution if using Nightscout as your AAPS data source. -### Nightscout 設置 +### Nightscout settings -您可以使用 [身份驗證角色]( 來拒絕公眾查看您的 Nightscout 網站:請確保僅與具有`readable` 權限的使用者共享 URL,絕不要與擁有`admin` 權限的使用者共享。 +You can deny public access to your Nightscout site by using [authentication roles]( make sure you only share your URL with a `readable` token, never with an `admin` token. -Nightscout 的 `API_SECRET` 是您網站的主要密碼:切勿公開分享它。 +Nightscout `API_SECRET` is your site main password: don't share it publicly. -### AAPS 設置 +### AAPS settings -您可以設置 AAPS 接收 Nightscout 指令(例如配置更改、治療等),或完全停用此功能。 +You can setup AAPS to accept Nightscout commands (profile changes, treatments, ...), or fully disable it. -* 查看 NSClient 或 NSClientV3 外掛設定,透過以下路徑 1) 主視圖 -> 組態建置工具 -> 同步 -> NSClient 齒輪圖示 2) NSCLIENT 標籤 -> 三點選單 -> 外掛偏好設定 -* 啟用所有資料上傳到 Nightscout(3),這是標準方法,除非您的血糖資料來源是 Nightscout。 - 如果您的 AAPS 血糖資料來源是 Nightscout,則**不要**啟用上傳血糖資料到 Nightscout (3)。 -* 除非 Nightscout 是您的血糖資料來源,否則請不要啟用接收/回填資料 (4)。 +* Access the NSClient or NSClientV3 plugin settings with either 1) Main view -> Config Builder -> Synchronization -> NSClient Cog icon 2) NSCLIENT tab -> Three dots menu -> Plugin preferences +* Enable all data upload to Nightscout (3) as this is now the standard method unless your BG data source is Nightscout. + If your AAPS BG data source is Nightscout **do not** enable Upload BG data to NS (3). +* Do not enable Receive/backfill data (4) unless Nightscout is your BG data source. -![僅限 Nightscout 上傳](../images/NSsafety.png) +![Nightscout upload only](../images/NSsafety.png) -#### 不要從 Nightscout 同步 +#### Do not sync from Nightscout -停用這些選項可確保 AAPS 不會使用來自 Nightscout 的任何更改。 +Disabling these options makes sure no Nightscout change will be used by AAPS. -![僅限 Nightscout 上傳](../images/NSsafety2.png) +![Nightscout upload only](../images/NSsafety2.png) -#### 接受來自 Nightscout 的變更 +#### Accept changes from Nightscout -啟用這些選項允許您透過 Nightscout 遠端更改 AAPS 設定,例如設定檔修改和切換、臨時目標以及添加碳水化合物,這些將被 AAPS 考慮在內。 -請注意,胰島素治療僅用於計算,例如“僅記錄,不進行注射”。 +Enabling these options allow you to remotely change AAPS settings through Nightscout, like profiles modifications and switch, temporary targets and adding carbs that will be taken into account by AAPS. +Note that insulin treatments will only be used for calculations like "Do not bolus, record only". -![僅限 Nightscout 上傳](../images/NSsafety3.png) +![Nightscout upload only](../images/NSsafety3.png) -### 進一步的安全設置 +### Further security settings -保持您的手機最新,如[安全第一](../Getting-Started/所述。 +Keep your phone up to date as described in [safety first](../Getting-Started/ (Nightscout-manual-nightscout-setup)= -## 手動 Nightscout 設置 +## Manual Nightscout setup -假設您已經有一個 Nightscout 網站,如果還沒有,請查看 [Nightscout]( 頁面以獲取完整的設置說明,下列指示則是您需要添加到 Nightscout 網站的設置。 您的 Nightscout 網站需要至少是 15 版才能支援 AAPS 3.2,因此請確認您正在運作[最新版本](,否則您將在 AAPS 應用程序中收到錯誤訊息。 +It is assumed you already have a Nightscout site, if not visit the [Nightscout]( page for full instructions on set up, the instructions below are then settings you will also need to add to your Nightscout site. Your Nightscout site needs to be at least version 15 for AAPS 3.2, so please check you are running the [latest version]( otherwise you will get an error message on your AAPS app. -* [編輯您的變數]( +* [Edit your variables]( -* 添加或編輯變數如下: +* Add or edit the variables as follows: * `ENABLE` = `careportal boluscalc food bwp cage sage iage iob cob basal dbsize pushover pump openaps` * `DEVICESTATUS_ADVANCED` = `true` * `SHOW_FORECAST` = `openaps` * `PUMP_FIELDS` = `reservoir battery clock` - * 可以設置各種警報來[監控幫浦](,特別建議設置電池百分比的警報: + * Various alarms can be set for [monitoring the pump](, battery % in particular is encouraged: * `PUMP_WARN_BATT_P` = `51` * `PUMP_URGENT_BATT_P` = `26` -* 儲存這些修改。 您的 Nightscout 網站現在應允許顯示這些 pills。 您可以在`SHOW_PLUGINS`中強制顯示這些 pills。 +* Save the modifications. Your Nightscout site should now allow you to display the pills. You can force default display adding them in `SHOW_PLUGINS`. * `SHOW_PLUGINS` = `careportal boluscalc food bwp cage sage iage iob cob basal dbsize pushover pump openaps` - ![Nightscout pills](../images/nightscout1.png) + ![Nightscout Pills](../images/nightscout1.png) -## Nightscout 作為付費 SaaS(軟體即服務) +## Nightscout as a paid SaaS (Software as a Service) -使用供應商的網站界面設置變數。 如有需要,請聯繫供應商的支援服務。 \ No newline at end of file +Use the vendor web interface to set the variables. Contact the vendor support service if necessary. \ No newline at end of file From 8cfbbebaf28e2bd484c07e4e51dbb20b193121bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 129/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 98 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 97a897f5e7e1..c1b7ef500e74 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@ -# 更新至新版本或分支 +# Update to a new version or branch -## 自行建置,而不是下載 +## Build yourself instead of download -**AAPS** 無法下載,因為這涉及醫療設備的法規。 自行建置應用程式以供個人使用是合法的,但您不得將副本提供給他人! 詳細資訊請參閱 [FAQ 頁面](../Getting-Started/。 +**AAPS** is not available to download, due to regulations concerning medical devices. It is legal to build the app for your own use, but you must not give a copy to others! See [FAQ page](../Getting-Started/ for details. -## 重要提示 +## Important notes -* 請在有新版本發布後儘快更新到最新版本的 **AAPS**。 -* 當有新版本發布時,您將在 **AAPS** 應用中收到關於新版本的訊息橫幅。 -* 新版本也會在發布時於 Facebook 上公佈。 -* 發布後,請詳細閱讀[發行說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/,並在進行更新前,透過 Facebook 或 Discord 社群澄清任何疑問。 -* 您需要使用**[Hedgehog (2023.1.1) 或 Iguana (2023.2.1)](** 版本的 Android Studio。 如果您的版本較舊,請先更新 Android Studio! +* Please update to the new version of **AAPS** as soon as possible after a new release is available. +* When a new release is available, in the **AAPS** app itself, you will receive an information banner about the new version. +* The new version will also be announced on Facebook at the time of release. +* Following the release, please read the [Release Notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ in detail, and clarify any queries with the community on Facebook or Discord, before proceeding with the update. +* You need to use version **[Hedgehog (2023.1.1) or Iguana (2023.2.1)](** of Android Studio. If your version is older, please update first Android Studio first! -## 更新到新版本 AAPS 的概述 +## Overview for updating to a new version of AAPS -1. [匯出您的設定](../Usage/ExportImportSettings-export-settings) 從手機上現有的**AAPS**版本。 您可能不需要這樣做,但防患於未然更好。 -2. [更新本地副本](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy) 的 AAPS 原始碼 (Git->Fetch 和 Git -> Pull) -3. [構建簽章 APK](Update-to-new-version-build-the-signed-apk) -4. [將構建的 APK](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) 傳送到您的手機並安裝它 -5. [檢查 AAPS 上的版本](Update-to-new-version-check-aaps-version-on-phone) -6. 根據您的[血糖來源](../Configuration/ 確保在 xDrip 中[識別接收器](xdrip-identify-receiver),或使用[“構建您自己的 Dexcom 應用程式”](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)。 +1. [Export your settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings-export-settings) from the existing **AAPS** version on your phone. You might not need it, but better be safe than sorry. +2. [Update local copy](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy) of the AAPS sourcecode (Git->Fetch and Git -> Pull) +3. [Build signed APK](Update-to-new-version-build-the-signed-apk) +4. [Transfer the built apk](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) to your phone and install it +5. [Check the version](Update-to-new-version-check-aaps-version-on-phone) in AAPS +6. Depending on your [BG source](../Configuration/ make sure to [identify receiver](xdrip-identify-receiver) in xDrip or use the ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app). -如果您遇到問題,請參閱專頁 [Android Studio 疑難排解](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio)。 +In case you experience problems, see separate page for [troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio). -## 1. 匯出您的設定 +## 1. Export your settings -如果您忘記如何執行此操作,請參閱 [匯出與匯入設定](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) 頁面。 +See the [Export & import settings](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) page if you don't remember how to do this. (Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy)= -## 2. 更新本地副本 +## 2. Update your local copy -:::{admonition} 警告 :class: 警告 如果您從版本 2.8.x 之前的版本更新,請按照[新複製](../Installing-AndroidAPS/building-AAPS) 的指示進行操作,因為本指南不適用於您! ::: +:::{admonition} WARNING :class: warning If you update from versions prior to 2.8.x, please follow the instructions to do a [New clone](../Installing-AndroidAPS/building-AAPS), as this guide will not work for you! ::: -* 使用 Android Studio 開啟您現有的 AAPS 項目。 您可能需要選擇您的項目。 (雙擊) 點擊 AAPS 項目。 +* Open your existing AAPS project with Android Studio. You might need to select your project. (Double) click on the AAPS project. - ![Android Studio - 選擇項目](../images/update/01_ProjectSelection.png) + ![Android Studio - Select Project](../images/update/01_ProjectSelection.png) -* 在 Android Studio 的選單欄中,選擇 Git -> Fetch +* In the menu bar of Android Studio, select Git -> Fetch - ![Android Studio 選單 - Git - Fetch](../images/update/02_GitFetch.png) + ![Android Studio Menu - Git - Fetch](../images/update/02_GitFetch.png) -* 您將在右下角看到 Fetch 成功的訊息。 +* You will see a message in the lower right corner that Fetch was successful. - ![Android Studio 選單 - Git - Fetch 成功](../images/update/03_GitFetchSuccessful.png) + ![Android Studio Menu - Git - Fetch successful](../images/update/03_GitFetchSuccessful.png) -* 在選單欄中,現在選擇 Git -> Pull +* In the menu bar, now select Git -> Pull - ![Android Studio 選單 - Git - Pull](../images/update/04_GitPull.png) + ![Android Studio Menu - Git - Pull](../images/update/04_GitPull.png) -* 保持所有選項不變(origin/master),然後選擇 Pull +* Leave all options as they are (origin/master) and select Pull - ![Android Studio - Git - Pull 對話框](../images/update/05_GitPullOptions.png) + ![Android Studio - Git - Pull dialog](../images/update/05_GitPullOptions.png) -* 等待下載過程進行,您會在底部欄看到進度資訊。 完成後,您將看到成功訊息。 注意:更新的文件可能有所不同! 這並不代表指示 +* Wait while download is in progress, you will see this as info in the bottom bar. When it's done, you will see a success message. Note: The files that were updated may vary! This is not an indication - ![Android Studio - Pull 成功](../images/update/06_GitPullSuccess.png) + ![Android Studio - Pull successful](../images/update/06_GitPullSuccess.png) -* Gradle Sync 將運作幾秒鐘以下載一些依賴項。 等待它完成。 +* Gradle Sync will be running a couple of seconds to download some dependencies. Wait until it is finished. ![Android Studio - Gradle Sync](../images/studioSetup/40_BackgroundTasks.png) (Update-to-new-version-build-the-signed-apk)= -## 3. 構建簽章 APK +## 3. Build the Signed APK -您的原始碼現在是當前發布的版本。 是時候按照[構建簽章 APK 章節](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)中的說明從中構建簽章 apk 了。 +Your sourcecode is now the current released version. It's time to build the signed apk from it as described in the [build signed apk section](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk). -## 4. 傳送 APK +## 4. Transfer the apk -您需要將 apk 傳送到手機以便您安裝它。 +You need to transfer the apk to your phone so you can install it. -請參閱 [傳送 APK 至智慧型手機](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) 的說明 +See the instructions for [Transfer APK to smartphone](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) -## 5. 安裝 APK +## 5. Install apk -在您的手機上,您需要允許安裝來自未知來源的應用程式。 可以在網路上找到如何執行此操作的說明(例如,[此處](或[此處](。 注意:如果您使用相同的現有密鑰庫完成了 Android Studio 的構建,則無需刪除手機上的現有應用程式。 當您安裝 apk 時,按照提示安裝更新。 對於其他情況,例如在 Android Studio 中為您的簽章 apk 建立新密鑰庫,您將需要刪除舊應用程式後再安裝 apk。 +On your phone you have to allow installation from unknown sources. Manuals how to do this can be found on the internet (i.e. [here]( or [here]( Note: If you completed the build with the same existing key store in Android Studio, then you do not need to remove the existing app on your phone. When you install the apk, follow the prompts to install updates. For other scenarios such as establishing a new key store in Android Studio for your signed apk, you will need to delete the old app before installing the apk. (Update-to-new-version-check-aaps-version-on-phone)= -## 6. 檢查手機上的 AAPS 版本 +## 6. Check AAPS version on phone -安裝新 apk 後,您可以點擊右上角的三點選單,然後選擇 "關於",以檢查手機上的 AAPS 版本。 您應該能看到當前版本。 +After you installed the new apk, you can check the AAPS version on your phone by clicking the three dots menu on the top right and then About. You should see the current version. -![已安裝的 AAPS 版本](../images/Update_VersionCheck282.png) +![AAPS version installed](../images/Update_VersionCheck282.png) -# 疑難排解 +# Troubleshooting -如果發生任何錯誤,不要慌張。 +If anything goes wrong, don't panic. -先深呼吸! +Take a breath! -然後查看專門頁面[疑難排解 Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio),看看您的問題是否已經記錄在案! +Then see the separate page [troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio) if your problem is already documented! -如果您需要進一步幫助,請聯繫其他**AAPS**使用者,透過[Facebook](或[Discord](。 \ No newline at end of file +If you need further help, please reach out to other **AAPS** users on [Facebook]( or [Discord]( \ No newline at end of file From 15c7334518f1fe73d2d0c57c2bcf8d55531fa197 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 130/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 012145b94fcf..0c1d34e35dc3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ (Accessing-logfiles-accessing-logfiles)= -# 讀取日誌檔案 +# Accessing logfiles -* 將手機連線到電腦,並選擇檔案傳輸模式 -* 在 AAPS 資料目錄中找到日誌檔案 +* Connect phone to a computer in file transfer mode +* Locate the log files in the AAPS data directory - * (2.8.2) 資料夾位置類似於 ***內部儲存(1) / Android / data / info.nightscout.androidaps / files*** - * (3.0.0) 資料夾位置類似於 ***內部儲存(1) / AAPS / logs*** - * 根目錄資料夾的名稱 (1) 可能會根據手機稍有不同。 + * (2.8.2) The folder will be at a location similar to ***Internal storage(1) / Android / data / info.nightscout.androidaps / files*** + * (3.0.0) The folder will be at a location similar to ***Internal storage(1) / AAPS / logs*** + * The naming of the root storage folder (1) may vary a little depending on the phone. -![日誌](../images/aapslog.png) +![logs](../images/aapslog.png) -* 目前的日誌檔案是一個 .log 檔案,可以透過多種方式查看,例如 Android Studio 中的 [LogCat](、任何日誌查看器 Android 應用程式,或僅作為純文字查看。 -* 先前的日誌檔案會被壓縮並按日期/時間順序存儲在資料夾中。 -* 如果您在 [Discord]( 上分享您的日誌檔案以討論潛在的錯誤,請解壓縮並上傳錯誤發生前的檔案。 \ No newline at end of file +* The current log is a .log file which can be viewed in a number of ways such as [LogCat]( within Android Studio, any Log Viewer android app, or simply as plain text. +* Previous log files are zipped and stored in folders in date/time order. +* If you are sharing your log file in [discord]( to talk about a potential bug, please unzip and upload the file dated before the error occurred. \ No newline at end of file From 777bb7437b0b347b4b3b188e25cb56180602a279 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 131/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 134 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index c1b9164746c6..288b13bf13b5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,114 +1,114 @@ -# Accu-Chek Combo 基本使用技巧 +# Accu-Chek Combo Tips for basic usage -**注意:**從 AAPS 版本 3.2 開始,新增了[新 Combo 驅動](../Configuration/有時稱為 "combov2")。 舊的驅動程式也稱為 "Ruffy 基於的驅動程式"。 本文檔的某些部分僅適用於舊的驅動程式。 這些將會依照情況進行註解。 +**NOTE:** Starting with AAPS version 3.2, a [new Combo driver](../Configuration/ (referred to as "combov2" sometimes) has been added. The old driver is also referred to as the "Ruffy-based driver". Some parts of this document only apply to the old driver. These will be annotated accordingly. -## 如何確保系統運作順暢 +## How to ensure smooth operations -* 始終 **隨身攜帶手機**,晚上將其放在床邊。 由於您可能睡覺時幫浦位於或被身體擋住,將其放在較高的位置(如架子或桌面)效果最佳。 -* 始終確保幫浦的電池盡可能充滿。 請參閱電池部分的相關提示。 +* Always **carry the smartphone with you**, leave it next to your bed at night. As your pump may lay behind or under you body while you sleep, a higher position (on a shelf or board) works best. +* Always make sure that the pump battery is as full as possible. See the battery section for tipps regarding the battery. -* (僅適用於舊的驅動程式)最好**不要觸碰 ruffy 應用程式** 當系統正在運作時。 如果應用程式被重新啟動,幫浦的連線可能會中斷。 一旦幫浦連線到 ruffy,無需重新連線。 即使在手機重新啟動後,連線也會自動重新建立。 如果可能,將應用程式移動到未使用的螢幕或資料夾中,以免您不小心打開它。 +* (Only applies to the old driver) It is best to **not touch the app ruffy** while the system is running. If the app is started again, the connection to the pump can break off. Once the pump is connected to ruffy, there is no need to re-connect. Even after a restart of the phone, the connection is automatically re-established. If possible, move the app to an unused screen or in a folder on your smartphone so you do not accidentally open it. -* (僅適用於舊的驅動程式)如果您在循環過程中不小心打開了 ruffy 應用程式,最好立即重新啟動手機。 -* 儘可能僅透過 AAPS 應用程式操作幫浦。為了便於這一點,請在幫浦上啟動 **幫浦設置 / 按鍵鎖定 / 開啟**。 只有在更換電池或藥匣時,才需要使用幫浦的按鍵。 +* (Only applies to the old driver) If you unintentionally open the app ruffy during looping, it's best to restart the smartphone right away. +* Whenever possible, only operate the pump via the AAPS app. To facilitate this, activate the key lock on the pump under **PUMP SETTINGS / KEY LOCK / ON**. Only when changing the battery or the cartridge, it is necessary to use the pump's keys. -![按鍵鎖定](../images/combo/combo-tips-keylock.png) +![Keylock](../images/combo/combo-tips-keylock.png) -## 幫浦無法連線。 該怎麼辦? +## Pump not reachable. What to do? -### 啟動幫浦無法連線的警報 +### Activate pump unreachable alarm -* 在 AAPS 中,前往 **設定 / 本地警報**,啟動 **當幫浦無法連線時警報**,並將**幫浦無法連線時間上限 [分鐘]**設為**31** 分鐘。 -* 這會給您足夠的時間,當您離開房間時不會觸發警報,但會在幫浦無法連線的時間超過臨時基礎率持續時間時通知您。 +* In AAPS, go to **Settings / Local Alarms** and activate **alarm when pump is unreachable** and set **pump not reachable limit [Min]** to **31** minutes. +* This will give you enough time to not trigger the alarm when leaving the room while your phone is left on the desk, but informs you if the pump cannot be reached for a time that exceeds the duration of a temporary basal rate. -### 恢復幫浦連線 +### Restore reachability of the pump -* 當 AAPS 報告 **幫浦無法連線** 時,首先解除按鍵鎖定並**按下幫浦上的任意鍵**(例如 "下" 鍵)。 當幫浦螢幕熄滅後,按下 AAPS 中的**重新整理**按鈕。 通常這樣操作後,通訊就能恢復正常。 -* 如果這樣不行,請重新啟動您的手機。 重新啟動後,AAPS 會重新註冊並與幫浦建立新連線。 如果您使用的是舊驅動程式,ruffy 也會被重新註冊。 +* When AAPS reports a **pump unreachable** alarm, first release the keylock and **press any key on the pump** (e.g. "down" button). As soon as the pump display has turned off, press **Refresh** on the **Combo Tab** in AAPS. Mostly then the communication works again. +* If that does not help, reboot your smartphone. After the restart, AAPS will be reactivated and a new connection will be established with the pump. If you are using the old driver, ruffy will be reactivated as well. -* 測試顯示,某些手機更容易觸發 "幫浦無法連線" 錯誤。 [AAPS 手機列表](中列出了成功測試的手機型號。 +* The tests with different smartphones have shown that certain smartphones trigger the "pump unreachable" error more often than others. [AAPS Phones]( lists successfully tested smartphones. -### 頻繁通訊錯誤的根本原因及後果 +### Root causes and consequences of frequent communication errors -* 在內存較低或**節能模式較激進**的手機上,AAPS 經常會被關閉。 您可以透過主畫面上的 "餐數" 和 "計算機" 按鈕是否顯示來判斷,當這些按鈕不顯示時,表示系統正在初始化。 這可能會在啟動時觸發 "幫浦無法連線" 警報。 您可以在 Combo 標籤的 **最後連線** 欄位中查看 AAPS 最後一次與幫浦連線的時間。 +* On phones with **low memory** (or **aggressive power-saving** settings), AAPS is often shut down. You can tell by the fact that the Bolus and Calculator buttons on the Home screen are not shown when opening AAPS because the system is initializing. This can trigger "pump unreachable alarms" at startup. In the **Last Connection** field of the Combo tab, you can check when AAPS last communicated with the pump. -![幫浦無法連線](../images/combo/combo-tips-pump-unreachable.png) +![Pump unreachable](../images/combo/combo-tips-pump-unreachable.png) -![舊驅動程式標籤中顯示的幫浦無法連線](../images/combo/combo-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) +![No connection to pump (as shown in the old driver's tab)](../images/combo/combo-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) -![新驅動程式標籤中顯示的幫浦無法連線](../images/combo/combov2-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) +![No connection to pump (as shown in the new driver's tab)](../images/combo/combov2-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) -* 此錯誤會加速幫浦電池耗電,因為應用程式重新啟動時會從幫浦讀取基礎配置檔案。 -* 這也增加了幫浦拒絕所有來自外部的連線請求的錯誤機率,直到按下幫浦上的按鍵為止。 +* This error can drain the pump's battery faster because the basal profile is read from the pump when the app is restarted. +* It also increases the likelihood of causing the error that causes the pump to reject all incoming connections until a button on the pump is pressed. -## 無法取消臨時基礎率 +## Cancellation of temporary basal rate fails -* 有時 AAPS 無法自動取消**已取消的臨時基礎率**警報。 此時您需要按下 AAPS 中 Combo 標籤上的**更新**按鈕,或者需要在幫浦上確認警報。 +* Occasionally, AAPS can not automatically cancel a **TBR CANCELED** alert. Then you have to either press **UPDATE** in the AAPS **Combo tab** or the alarm on the pump will need to be confirmed. -## 幫浦電池考量 +## Pump battery considerations -### 更換電池 +### Changing the battery -* 在收到**低電量**警報後,應盡快更換電池,以確保即使手機與幫浦距離較遠時也能進行可靠的藍牙通訊。 -* 即使在收到**低電量**警報後,電池仍可持續使用一段時間。 然而,建議在收到 "低電量" 警報後,隨身攜帶一顆新電池。 -* 更換電池之前,按下主畫面上的**循環**圖示,並選擇**暫停循環 1 小時**。 -* 等待幫浦與手機通訊,直到幫浦上的藍牙標誌消失。 +* After a **low battery** alarm, the battery should be changed as soon as possible to always have enough energy for a reliable Bluetooth communication with the smartphone, even if the phone is within a wider distance of the pump. +* Even after a **low battery** alarm, the battery might be used for a significant amount of time. However, it is recommended to always have a fresh battery with you after a "low battery" alarm rang. +* Before changing the battery, press on the **Loop** symbol on the main screen and select **Suspend loop for 1h**. +* Wait for the pump to communicate with the pump and the bluetooth logo on the pump has faded. -![藍牙啟用](../images/combo/combo-tips-compo.png) +![Bluetooth enabled](../images/combo/combo-tips-compo.png) -* 解除幫浦的按鍵鎖定,將幫浦設置為停止模式,確認是否取消了臨時基礎率,然後迅速更換電池。 -* 使用舊驅動程式時,如果幫浦時鐘在更換電池後無法保持,請將幫浦上的日期和時間重新設置為與運作 AAPS 的手機上的日期和時間一致。 (新驅動程式會自動更新幫浦的日期和時間。) -* 然後將幫浦恢復為運作模式,按下主畫面上的**恢復循環**圖示,選擇**恢復**。 -* 當下一個血糖值到達時,AAPS 會重新設置所需的臨時基礎率。 +* Release the key lock on the pump, put the pump into stop mode, confirm a possibly canceled temporary basal rate, and change the battery quickly. +* When using the old driver, if the clock on the pump did not survive the battery chenge, re-set the date and time on the pump to exactly the date/time on your phone running AAPS. (The new driver automatically updates the pump's date and time.) +* Then put the pump back in run mode select **Resume** when pressing on the **Suspended Loop** icon on the main screen. +* AAPS will re-set a necessary temporary basal rate with the arrival of the next blood sugar value. -(Accu-Chek-Combo-基本使用技巧-電池類型及短電池壽命的原因)= +(Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage-battery-type-and-causes-of-short-battery-life)= -### 電池類型及短電池壽命的原因 +### Battery type and causes of short battery life -* 由於頻繁的藍牙通訊消耗大量能量,僅使用**高品質電池**,如 Energizer Ultimate 鋰電池、"Power One" 來自大型 Accu-Chek 服務包中的電池,或者如果使用可充電電池,請使用 Eneloop 電池。 +* As intensive Bluetooth communication consumes a lot of energy, only use **high-quality batteries** like Energizer Ultimate Lithium, the "power one"s from the "large" Accu-Chek service pack, or if you are going for a rechargeable battery, use Eneloop batteries. ![Energizer](../images/combo/combo-tips-energizer.jpg) ![OnePower](../images/combo/combo-tips-power-one.png) -不同電池類型的典型使用壽命範圍如下: +Ranges for typical life time of the different battery types are as follows: -* **Energizer Ultimate 鋰電池**:4 到 7 週 -* **Power One 鹼性電池**(Varta,來自服務包):2 到 4 週 -* **Eneloop 可充電電池**(BK-3MCCE):1 到 3 週 +* **Energizer Ultimate Lithium**: 4 to 7 weeks +* **Power One Alkaline** (Varta) from the servcie pack: 2 to 4 weeks +* **Eneloop rechargeable** batteries (BK-3MCCE): 1 to 3 weeks -如果您的電池壽命明顯短於上述範圍,請檢查以下可能的原因: +If your battery life is significantly shorter than the ranges given above, please check the following possible causes: -* (僅適用於舊的驅動程式)2018 年 3 月之後的 [ruffy 應用程式](版本顯著改善了幫浦電池壽命。 如果您遇到電池壽命過短的問題,請確保您使用的是最新版本。 -* Combo 幫浦有一些螺旋蓋的變種,它們會部分短路電池並迅速耗盡電池電量。 沒有這個問題的蓋子可以透過金色金屬接點識別。 -* 如果幫浦時鐘在短暫的電池更換後無法恢復運作,可能是用於維持時鐘運作的電容損壞。 在這種情況下,Roche 公司在保修期內更換幫浦不是問題。 -* 智慧型手機硬體和軟體(Android 作業系統和藍牙堆疊)也會影響幫浦的電池壽命,儘管具體因素尚不完全清楚。 如果有機會,請嘗試使用另一台智慧型手機並比較電池壽命。 +* (Only applies to the old driver) Versions of the [ruffy App]( after vMarch 2018 significantly improved pump battery lifetime. Make sure you are on the newest version if you have issues with a short battery lifetime. +* There are some variants of the screw-on battery cap of the Combo pump, which partially short circuit the batteries and drain them quickly. The caps without this problem can be recognized by the golden metal contacts. +* If the pump clock does not "survive" a short battery change, it is likely that the capacitor is broken which keeps the clock running during a brief power outage. In this case, a replacement of the pump by Roche might help, which is not a problem during the warranty period. +* The smart phone hardware and software (Android operating system and bluetooth stack) also impact the battery lifetime of the pump, even though the exact factors are not completely known yet. If you have the opportunity, try another smartphone and compare battery lifetimes. -## 夏令時間變更 +## Daylight saving time changes -**注意**:新驅動程式會自動設定日期和時間,並自動處理夏令時間變更。 以下步驟僅適用於舊的驅動程式。 +**NOTE**: The new driver automatically sets date and time and handles daylight saving time changes on its own. The steps below all only apply to the old driver. -* 目前,Combo 驅動程式不支援幫浦時間的自動調整。 -* 在夏令時間變更之夜,智慧型手機的時間會更新,但幫浦的時間不會更改。 這會導致由於系統時間不同步而在凌晨 3 點發生警報。 -* 如果您不想在夜間被警報吵醒,請在夏令時間變更前的晚上**停用手機的自動夏令時間切換功能**,並於次日早上手動調整時間。 應對夏令時間變更的一個好方法是切換到位於您所在經度但更靠近赤道的時區,該時區通常不觀察夏令時間。 例如:對於使用夏令時間的中歐地區 (CEST/GMT+2),您可以在冬令時間切換前一天晚上將手機切換到津巴布韋時區,然後在次日早上切換回中歐時間 CET/GMT+1,同時更改幫浦時間。 相反的情況下,當處於冬令時間 CET/GMT+1 時,切換手機到尼日利亞時區,然後在夏令時間切換後次日早上切換回中歐夏令時間 (CEST/GMT+2),並相應調整幫浦時間。 請參閱 來查找合適的國家。 +* Currently the combo driver does not support automatic adjustment of the pump's time. +* During the night of a daylight saving time change, the time of the smartphone is updated, but the time of the pump remains unchanged. This leads to an alarm due to deviating times between the systems at 3 am. +* If you do not want to be awakened at night, **deactivate the automatic daylight saving time changeover on the mobile phone** in the evening before the time changeover and adjust the times manually the next morning. A good way to deal with daylight saving time changes is to switch to a different time zone located on the same longitude you are located at but closer to the equator, where usually no daylight saving time is observed. Example: For Central Europe on Summer Time (CEST/GMT+2), you could switch to the time zone of Zimbabwe on your phone the night before the switch to winter time and then switch back to Central European Time CET/GMT+1 the next morning while changing the clock on your pump at the same time. The other way aroud, switch to the time zone of Nigeria while on Winter Time CET/GMT+1 and go back to Central European Summer Time (CEST/GMT+2) the morning after the switch to summer time and change the pump time accordingly. Look at to find a suitable country. -## 延長注射,波浪注射 +## Extended bolus, multiwave bolus -OpenAPS 演算法不支援平行延長注射或波浪注射。 但可以透過以下替代方案達到類似的治療效果: +The OpenAPS algorithm does not support a parallel extended bolus or multiwave bolus. But a similar treatment can be achieved by the following alternatives: -* 在輸入碳水化合物或使用計算機時,使用 **e-Carbs**,輸入整頓餐點的碳水化合物量及您預期碳水化合物轉換為血糖的時間。 系統將會計算整個時間段內均勻分佈的小份碳水化合物,這將使演算法提供相應的胰島素劑量,同時不斷檢查血糖水平的整體升降。 對於波浪注射的方式,您也可以結合較小的即時注射與 e-Carbs 一起使用。 -* 在進餐前,於 AAPS 的 **動作標籤** 中設置一個臨時的 **即將用餐** 目標,將目標血糖設置為 80,持續幾個小時。 此時長應基於您為延長注射選擇的時間間隔。 這將使您的目標低於平時,因此會增加注射的胰島素量。 -* 然後使用 **計算機** 輸入整頓餐點的碳水化合物量,但不要直接採用注射計算機建議的數值。 如果要進行類似波浪注射的操作,則將胰島素劑量適當減少。 根據餐點的情況,演算法將需要額外的超微量注射 (SMBs) 或較高的臨時基礎率來對抗血糖上升。 此處應非常謹慎地實驗基礎率的安全限制(最大 IU/小時,最大基礎 IOB),並在必要時臨時更改。 +* Use **e-Carbs** when entering carbs or using the Calculator by entering the carbs of the full meal and the duration you expect the carbs to arrive as glucose in you blood. The system will then calculate small carbs equally distributed over the whole duration which will cause th algorithm to provide equivalent insulin dosing while still permanently checking the overall rise/decrease of the blood glucose level. For a multiwave bolus approach, you can also combine a smaller immeadiate bolus with e-carbs. +* Before eating, on the **Actions tab** in AAPS set as a temporary **Eating Soon** goal with target glucose 80 for several hours. The duration should be based on the interval you would chosse for an extended bolus. This will keep your target lower than usual and therefore increase the amout of insulin delivered. +* Then use the **CALCULATOR** to enter the full carbs of the meal, but do not directly apply the values suggested by the bolus calculator. If a multiwave-like bolus is to be delivered, correct the insulin dosage down. Depending on the meal, the algorithm now has to deliver additional SMBs or higher temporary basal rates to counteract the increase in blood sugar. Here, the safety limitation of the basal rate (Max IE / h, Maximum basal IOB) should be very carefully experimented with and, if necessary, temporarily changed. -* 如果您傾向於直接在幫浦上使用延長或波浪注射,AAPS 將會處罰您,並在接下來的六個小時內停用閉環系統,以確保不會計算過量的胰島素劑量。 +* If you are tempted to just use the extended or multiwave bolus directly on the pump, AAPS will penalize you with disabling the closed loop for the next six hours to ensure that no excess insulin dosage is calculated. -![波浪注射後的閉環系統停用](../images/combo/combo-tips-multiwave-bolus.png) +![Disabled loop after multiwave bolus](../images/combo/combo-tips-multiwave-bolus.png) -## 注射時的警報 +## Alarms at bolus delivery -* 如果 AAPS 檢測到相同的注射在相同的分鐘內已成功完成,則將防止再次注射相同劑量的胰島素。 如果您真的想在短時間內重複注射相同的胰島素,只需再等待兩分鐘,然後再次進行注射。 如果第一次注射被中斷或由於其他原因未完成,從 AAPS 2.0 開始,您可以立即重新提交注射。 -* 此警報是一種安全機制,它在提交新注射之前會先讀取幫浦的注射歷史,以正確計算活性胰島素 (IOB),即使注射是直接從幫浦完成的。 這裡必須防止無法區分的輸入記錄。 +* If AAPS detects that an identical bolus has been successfully delivered at the same minute, bolus delivery will be prevented with identical numer of insulin units. If your really want to bolus the same inuslin twice in short succession, just wait two more minutes and then deliver the bolus again. If the fist bolus has been interruped or was not delivered for other reasons, you can immediately re-submit the bolus since AAPS 2.0. +* The alarm is a safety mechanism that reads the pump's bolus history before submitting a new bolus to correctly calculate insulin on board (IOB), even when a bolus is delivered directly from the pump. Here indistinguishable entries must be prevented. -![雙重注射](../images/combo/combo-tips-doppelbolus.png) +![Double bolus](../images/combo/combo-tips-doppelbolus.png) -* 這一機制還可能導致另一個錯誤原因:如果在使用注射計算機的過程中透過幫浦進行了另一個注射,從而改變了注射歷史,這將導致注射計算的基礎出錯,並且注射被中止。 +* This mechanism is also responsible for a second cause of the error: If during the use of the bolus calculator another bolus is delivered via the pump and thereby the bolus history changes, the basis of the bolus calculation is wrong and the bolus is aborted. -![注射取消](../images/combo/combo-tips-history-changed.png) \ No newline at end of file +![Canceled bolus](../images/combo/combo-tips-history-changed.png) \ No newline at end of file From c003c1c79d43e3273bdbae08108125ec75bd9a67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 132/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 354 ++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 177 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index a0c5769ba120..358dcd68384a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,326 +1,326 @@ -# OpenAPS 功能 +# OpenAPS features (Open-APS-features-autosens)= -## 自動敏感度調整 (Autosens) +## Autosens -* 自動敏感度調整 (Autosens) 是一種演算法,會分析血糖偏差(正向/負向/中性)。 -* 它會根據這些偏差,試圖找出你對胰島素的敏感度或抗性。 -* 在 **OpenAPS** 中的 oref 實作,基於過去 24 小時和 8 小時的資料運作。 它會使用其中較敏感的資料來進行調整。 -* 在 AAPS 2.7 版本之前,用戶需要手動選擇 8 或 24 小時的資料。 -* 從 AAPS 2.7 開始,Autosens 會自動在 24 小時和 8 小時的時間窗口中切換來計算敏感度。 它會選擇較敏感的那個時間窗口。 -* 如果用戶曾經使用過 oref1,他們可能會注意到系統對變化的反應可能不如預期動態,這是由於 24 小時或 8 小時敏感度的不同。 -* 更換套管或更改設定檔時,會將 Autosens 比例重置回 100%(設定檔持續時間切換不會重置 Autosens)。 -* Autosens 會調整你的基礎胰島素和胰島素敏感因子(ISF),模仿設定檔切換的效果。 -* 如果在長時間內持續攝取碳水化合物,Autosens 在此期間的效果會較差,因為碳水化合物不會計入血糖變化的計算中。 +* Autosens is a algorithm which looks at blood glucose deviations (positive/negative/neutral). +* It will try and figure out how sensitive/resistant you are based on these deviations. +* The oref implementation in **OpenAPS** runs off a combination of 24 and 8 hours worth of data. It uses either one which is more sensitive. +* In versions prior to AAPS 2.7 user had to choose between 8 or 24 hours manually. +* From AAPS 2.7 on Autosens in AAPS will switch between a 24 and 8 hours window for calculating sensitivity. It will pick which ever one is more sensitive. +* If users have come from oref1 they will probably notice the system may be less dynamic to changes, due to the varying of either 24 or 8 hours of sensitivity. +* Changing a cannula or changing a profile will reset Autosens ratio back to 100% (a percentual profile switch with duration won't reset autosens). +* Autosens adjusts your basal and ISF (i.e.: mimicking what a Profile shift does). +* If continuously eating carbs over an extended period, autosens will be less effective during that period as carbs are excluded from BG delta calculations. (Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb)= -## 超微量注射 (Super Micro Bolus, SMB) +## Super Micro Bolus (SMB) -SMB 是 "超微量注射" 的縮寫,是 2018 年 Oref1 演算法內最新的 OpenAPS 功能。 與 AMA 不同,SMB 不使用臨時基礎率來控制血糖水平,而是主要使用 **超微量注射**。 在 AMA 會以臨時基礎率注射 1.0 IU 胰島素的情況下,SMB 會在 **每 5 分鐘的間隔內**分步進行多次超微量注射,例如 0.4 IU、0.3 IU、0.2 IU 和 0.1 IU。 同時(為了安全),實際基礎率會在一段時間內設為 0 IU/h,以防止過量注射(稱為 **“零臨時基礎率”**)。 這使得系統能夠比 AMA 增加臨時基礎率更快地調整血糖。 +SMB, the shortform of 'super micro bolus', is the latest OpenAPS feature (from 2018) within the Oref1 algorithm. In contrast to AMA, SMB does not use temporary basal rates to control glucose levels, but mainly **small super microboluses**. In situations where AMA would add 1.0 IU insulin using a temporary basal rate, SMB delivers several super microboluses in small steps at **5 minute intervals**, e.g. 0.4 IU, 0.3 IU, 0.2 IU and 0.1 IU. At the same time (for safety reasons) the actual basal rate is set to 0 IU/h for a certain period to prevent overdose (**'zero-temping'**). This allows the system adjust the blood glucose faster than with the temporary basal rate increase in AMA. -由於 SMB 的功能,對於僅含「慢速」碳水化合物的餐食,告知系統預定的碳水化合物數量即可,剩下的交由 AAPS 處理。 然而,這可能會導致餐後血糖高峰,因為無法提前注射。 或者你可以提前進行 **起始注射**,預注射只覆蓋一部分碳水化合物(例如估計量的 2/3),剩下的讓 SMB 來補充。 +Thanks to SMB, it may be sufficient for meals containing only "slow" carbs to inform the system of the planned amount of carbohydrate and leave the rest to AAPS. However, this may lead to higher postprandial (post-meal) peaks because pre-bolusing isn’t possible. Or you can give, if necessary with pre-bolusing, a **start bolus**, which **only partly** covers the carbohydrates (e.g. 2/3 of the estimated amount) and let SMB provide the rest. -SMB 功能包含一些安全機制: +The SMB feature contains some safety mechanisms: -1. 單次 SMB 注射劑量的最大值只能是以下最小值: +1. The largest single SMB dose can only be the smallest value off: - * 基於當前基礎率(由 Autosens 調整)的數值,對應於 "限制 SMB 的最大臨時基礎率分鐘數" 中設定的持續時間,例如接下來 30 分鐘的基礎量,或 - * 當前所需胰島素量的一半,或 - * 設定中的最大可用胰島素 (maxIOB) 剩餘部分。 + * value corresponding to the current basal rate (as adjusted by autosens) for the duration set in "Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to", e.g. basal quantity for the next 30 minutes, or + * half the amount of insulin currently required, or + * the remaining portion of your maxIOB value in the settings. -2. 你可能經常會注意到低臨時基礎率(稱為 “低臨時基礎率”)或設為 0 U/h 的臨時基礎率(稱為 “零臨時基礎率”)。 這是為了安全設計的,如果設定檔正確,這不會產生任何負面影響。 IOB 曲線比臨時基礎率的走向更有意義。 +2. Probably you will often notice low temporary basal rates (called 'low temps') or temporary basal rates at 0 U/h (called 'zero-temps'). This is by design for safety reasons and has no negative effects if the profile is set correctly. The IOB curve is more meaningful than the course of the temporary basal rates. -3. 額外的計算可以預測血糖的變化趨勢,例如透過 UAM(未公告的餐食)。 即使用戶沒有手動輸入碳水化合物,UAM 也可以自動檢測到由於餐食、腎上腺素或其他影響而導致的血糖水平顯著增加,並嘗試使用 SMB 進行調整。 為了安全起見,這也能反向運作,如果血糖意外快速下降,系統可以提前停止 SMB。 這就是為什麼 UAM 應該在 SMB 中始終處於啟用狀態的原因。 +3. Additional calculations to predict the course of glucose, e.g. by UAM (un-announced meals). Even without manual carbohydrate input from the user, UAM can automatically detect a significant increase in glucose levels due to meals, adrenaline or other influences and try to adjust this with SMB. To be on the safe side this also works the other way round and can stop the SMB earlier if an unexpectedly rapid drop in glucose occurs. That's why UAM should always be active at SMB. -**您必須開始使用[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)來使用 SMB。** +**You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB.** -另見:[OpenAPS 的 oref1 SMB 文件]( 和 [Tim 的 SMB 資訊](。 +See also: [OpenAPS documentation for oref1 SMB]( and [Tim's info on SMB]( (Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)= -### 臨時基礎率的最大 U/h (OpenAPS "最大基礎率") +### Max U/h a temp basal can be set to (OpenAPS “max-basal”) -此安全設定決定了胰島素幫浦所能提供的最大臨時基礎率。 該數值應與幫浦及 AAPS 中的設定一致,並且至少是每日最高單次基礎率的三倍。 +This safety setting determines the maximum temporary basal rate the insulin pump may deliver. The value should be the same in the pump and in AAPS and should be at least 3 times the highest single basal rate set. -範例: +Example: -你的基礎設定檔中白天的最高基礎率為 1.00 U/h。 那麼建議的最大基礎率應至少為 3 U/h。 +Your basal profile’s highest basal rate during the day is 1.00 U/h. Then a max-basal value of at least 3 U/h is recommended. -AAPS 根據在設定中選擇的年齡,將此數值限制為「硬限制」。 +AAPS limits the value as a 'hard limit' according to the patients age you have selected under settings. -AAPS 對此數值的限制如下: +AAPS limits the value as follows: -* 兒童:2 -* 青少年:5 -* 成人:10 -* 胰島素抗性成人:12 -* 孕婦:25 +* Child: 2 +* Teenager: 5 +* Adult: 10 +* Insulin-resistant adult: 12 +* Pregnant: 25 -*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* +*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* (Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob)= -### OpenAPS 無法超過的最大 IOB 總量 (OpenAPS "最大 IOB") +### Maximum total IOB OpenAPS can’t go over (OpenAPS "max-iob") -此數值決定了 AAPS 在閉環模式下會保持的最大 IOB。 如果當前的 IOB(例如餐後注射)超過了設定值,循環將暫停胰島素注射,直到 IOB 降至設定的限制值以下。 +This value determines the maxIOB that AAPS will remain under while running in closed loop mode. If the current IOB (e.g. after a meal bolus) is above the defined value, the loop stops dosing insulin until the IOB limit is below the given value. -使用 OpenAPS SMB 時,最大 IOB 的計算方式與 OpenAPS AMA 中有所不同。 在 AMA 中,最大 IOB 只是基礎 IOB 的安全參數,而在 SMB 模式下,它還包括了注射的 IOB。 一個好的起點是 +Using the OpenAPS SMB, max-IOB is calculated differently than in OpenAPS AMA. In AMA, maxIOB was just a safety-parameter for basal IOB, while in SMB-mode, it also includes bolus IOB. A good start is - 最大 IOB = 平均餐食注射量 + 每日最大基礎率的 3 倍 + maxIOB = average mealbolus + 3x max daily basal -請謹慎並耐心地逐步更改設定。 每個人的情況都不同,這也可能取決於每日總劑量 (TDD) 的平均值。 為了安全起見,最大 IOB 存在一個限制,該限制依病患年齡而定。 最大 IOB 的硬限制高於 [AMA](Open-APS-features-max-u-hr-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)。 +Be careful and patient and only change the settings step by step. It is different for everyone and can also depend on the average total daily dose (TDD). For safety reason, there is a limit, which depends on the patient age . The 'hard limit' for maxIOB is higher than in [AMA](Open-APS-features-max-u-hr-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). -* 兒童:3 -* 青少年:7 -* 成人:12 -* 胰島素抗性成人:25 -* 孕婦:40 +* Child: 3 +* Teenager: 7 +* Adult: 12 +* Insulin resistant adult: 25 +* Pregnant: 40 -*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* +*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* -另見 [OpenAPS 的 SMB 文件](。 +See also [OpenAPS documentation for SMB]( -### 啟用 AMA Autosens +### Enable AMA Autosens -在這裡你可以選擇是否啟用 [敏感度檢測](../Configuration/ “autosens”。 +Here, you can choose if you want to use the [sensitivity detection](../Configuration/ 'autosens' or not. (Open-APS-features-enable-smb)= -### 啟用 SMB +### Enable SMB -啟用此選項以使用 SMB 功能。 如果停用,則不會執行 SMB 注射。 +Enable this to use SMB functionality. If disabled, no SMBs will be given. -### 啟用具有高臨時目標的 SMB +### Enable SMB with high temp targets -如果啟用了此設定,當有高臨時目標(定義為超過 100 mg/dl 的任何目標)時,SMB 將允許,但不一定會啟用。 此選項旨在停用時禁止 SMB。 例如,如果此選項被停用,則可以透過設置超過 100 mg/dl 的臨時目標來停用 SMB。 此選項還會停用 SMB,不論其他任何條件是否嘗試啟用 SMB。 +If this setting is enabled, SMB will be allowed, but not necessarily enabled, when there is a high temporary target active (defined as anything above 100mg/dl regardless of profile target). This option is intended to be used to disable SMBs when the setting is disabled. For example, if this option is disabled, SMBs can be disabled by setting a temp target above 100mg/dl. This option will also disable SMB regardless of what other condition is trying to enable SMB. -如果啟用了此設定,則只有在 "啟用臨時目標的 SMB" 也被啟用時,SMB 才會啟用。 +If this setting is enabled, SMB will only be enabled with a high temp target if Enable SMB with temp targets is also enabled. (Open-APS-features-enable-smb-always)= -### 始終啟用 SMB +### Enable SMB always -如果啟用了此設定,SMB 將始終啟用(無論 COB、臨時目標或注射量)。 如果啟用了此設定,下方的其他啟用設定將不再生效。 然而,如果「啟用具有高臨時目標的 SMB」被停用且設置了高臨時目標,SMB 將被停用。 為了安全起見,此選項僅適用於具有良好資料過濾系統的血糖來源。 目前,僅在使用 Dexcom G5 或 G6,並使用 ["自建 Dexcom 應用程式"](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) 或 xDrip+ 的「原生模式」時可使用此選項。 如果血糖數值偏差過大,G5/G6 不會發送資料,並等待 5 分鐘後的下一個數值。 +If this setting is enabled, SMB is enabled always (independent of COB, temp targets or boluses). If this setting is enabled, the rest of the enable settings below will have no effect. However, if “Enable SMB with high temp targets” is disabled and a high temp target is set SMBs will be disabled. For safety reasons, this option is only available for BG sources with a good filtering system for noisy data. Currently it is only an available option with a Dexcom G5 or G6, if using the ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) or “native mode” in xDrip+. If a BG value has too large of a deviation, the G5/G6 doesn’t send it and waits for the next value in 5 minutes. -對於其他 CGM/FGM(如 Freestyle Libre),「始終啟用 SMB」將停用,直到 xDrip+ 具有更好的噪音濾波外掛。 你可以在 [這裡找到更多資訊](../Usage/。 +For other CGM/FGM like Freestyle Libre, ‘SMB always’ is deactivated until xDrip+ has a better noise smoothing plugin. You can find more [here](../Usage/ -### 啟用具有 COB 的 SMB +### Enable SMB with COB -如果啟用了此設定,當 COB 大於 0 時,SMB 將啟用。 +If this setting is enabled, SMB is enabled when the COB is greater than 0. -### 啟用具有臨時目標的 SMB +### Enable SMB with temp targets -如果啟用了此設定,當設置任何臨時目標時(如即將用餐、運動、低血糖、自訂),SMB 將啟用。 如果啟用了此設定但「啟用具有高臨時目標的 SMB」被停用,當設置低臨時目標(低於 100mg/dl)時,SMB 會啟用,而當設置高臨時目標時,則會停用 SMB。 +If this setting is enabled, SMB is enabled when there is any temp target set (eating soon, activity, hypo, custom). If this setting is enabled but "Enable SMB with high temp targets" is disabled, SMB will be enabled when a low temp target is set (below 100mg/dl) but disabled when a high temp target is set. -### 啟用碳水後的 SMB +### Enable SMB after carbs -如果啟用了此設定,在碳水化合物被記錄後的 6 小時內,SMB 會啟用,即使 COB 已降至 0。 為了安全起見,此選項僅適用於具有良好資料過濾系統的血糖來源。 目前,僅在使用 Dexcom G5 或 G6,並使用 ["自建 Dexcom 應用程式"](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) 或 xDrip+ 的「原生模式」時可使用此選項。 如果血糖數值偏差過大,G5/G6 不會發送資料,並等待 5 分鐘後的下一個數值。 +If enabled, SMB is enabled for 6h after carbohydrates are announced, even if COB has reached 0. For safety reasons, this option is only available for BG sources with a nice filtering system for noisy data. Currently it is only an available option with a Dexcom G5 or G6 if using the ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) or “native mode” in xDrip+. If a BG value has too large of a deviation, the G5/G6 doesn’t send it and waits for the next value in 5 minutes. -對於其他 CGM/FGM(如 Freestyle Libre),「啟用碳水後的 SMB」將停用,直到 xDrip+ 具有更好的噪音濾波外掛。 你可以在 [這裡找到更多資訊](../Usage/。 +For other CGM/FGM like Freestyle Libre, 'Enable SMB after carbs' is deactivated until xDrip+ has a better noise smoothing plugin. You can find [more information here](../Usage/ -### SMB 執行的最小間隔時間(分鐘) +### How frequently SMBs will be given in min -此功能限制了 SMB 的頻率。 此數值決定了 SMB 之間的最小間隔時間。 注意,每當收到新的血糖數值(通常為每 5 分鐘一次)時,循環便會執行一次。 減去 2 分鐘以給循環更多時間完成。 例如,如果希望 SMB 每次循環運作時都執行,將此數值設為 3 分鐘。 +This feature limits the frequency of SMBs. This value determines the minimum time between SMBs. Note that the loop runs every time a glucose value comes in (generally 5 minutes). Subtract 2 minute to give loop additional time to complete. E.g if you want SMB to be given every loop run, set this to 3 minutes. -預設值:3 分鐘。 +Default value: 3 min. (Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to)= -### 限制 SMB 的最大基礎率時間(分鐘) +### Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to -這是一個重要的安全設定。 此數值決定了在 COB 覆蓋的情況下,SMB 可以根據設定的基礎胰島素在給定時間內注射多少。 +This is an important safety setting. This value determines how much SMB can be given based on the amount of basal insulin in a given time, when it is covered by COBs. -將此數值設得較大可以使 SMB 更具侵略性。 建議以 30 分鐘的預設值開始。 有了經驗後,可以每次增加 15 分鐘,並觀察多次用餐後的效果。 +Making this value larger allows the SMB to be more aggressive. You should start with the default value of 30 minutes. After some experience, increase the value in 15 minutes increments and observe the effects over multiple meals. -建議不要將此數值設置為超過 90 分鐘,因為這可能會導致演算法無法應對基礎率為 0 U/h(零臨時基礎率)的血糖下降情況。 特別是在你還在測試新設定時,應設置警報,這樣可以在低血糖發生之前提前發出警告。 +It is recommended not to set the value higher than 90 minutes, as this would lead to a point where the algorithm might not be able to accommodate a decreasing BG with 0 U/h basal ('zero-temp'). You should also set alarms, especially if you are still testing new settings, which will warn you well before a hypo. -預設值:30 分鐘。 +Default value: 30 min. -### 啟用 UAM +### Enable UAM -啟用此選項後,SMB 演算法可以識別未申報的餐食。 這對於你忘記告知 AAPS 碳水化合物的情況、錯估碳水化合物數量或高脂肪和蛋白質的餐食持續時間比預期長有幫助。 即使沒有輸入任何碳水化合物,UAM 也可以識別由碳水化合物、腎上腺素等引起的快速血糖上升,並試圖透過 SMB 進行調整。 這也可以反向運作:如果血糖快速下降,它可以提前停止 SMB。 +With this option enabled, the SMB algorithm can recognize unannounced meals. This is helpful if you forget to tell AAPS about your carbs or estimate your carbs wrong and the amount of entered carbs is wrong or if a meal with lots of fat and protein has a longer duration than expected. Without any carb entry, UAM can recognize fast glucose increasements caused by carbs, adrenaline, etc., and tries to adjust it with SMBs. This also works the opposite way: if there is a fast glucose decrease, it can stop SMBs earlier. -**因此,當使用 SMB 時,UAM 應該始終啟用。** +**Therefore, UAM should always be activated when using SMB.** -### 敏感度提升目標 +### Sensitivity raises target -如果啟用了此選項,敏感度檢測(autosens)可以在檢測到胰島素敏感度增強(低於 100%)時提高目標值。 在這種情況下,目標值將根據檢測到的敏感度百分比提高。 +If this option is enabled, the sensitivity detection (autosens) can raise the target when sensitivity is detected (below 100%). In this case your target will be raised by the percentage of the detected sensitivity. -### 抗性降低目標 +### Resistance lowers target -如果啟用了此選項,敏感度檢測(autosens)可以在檢測到胰島素抗性增加(高於 100%)時降低目標值。 在這種情況下,目標值將根據檢測到的抗性百分比降低。 +If this option is enabled, the sensitivity detection (autosens) can lower the target when resistance is detected (above 100%). In this case your target will be lowered by the percentage of the detected resistance. -### 高臨時目標提升敏感度 +### High temp-target raises sensitivity -如果啟用了此選項,當臨時目標高於 100 mg/dl 或 5.6 mmol/l 時,胰島素敏感度將會增加。 這意味著,胰島素敏感因子(ISF)會上升,而胰島素碳水化合物比(IC)和基礎率會下降。 當你設定高臨時目標時,這將有效地使 AAPS 變得不那麼積極。 +If you have this option enabled, the insulin sensitivity will be increased while having a temporary target above 100 mg/dl or 5.6 mmol/l. This means, the ISF will rise while IC and basal will decrease. This will effectively make AAPS less aggressive when you set a high temp target. -### 低臨時目標降低敏感度 +### Low temp-target lowers sensitivity -如果啟用了此選項,當臨時目標低於 100 mg/dl 或 5.6 mmol/l 時,胰島素敏感度將會下降。 這意味著,胰島素敏感因子(ISF)會下降,而胰島素碳水化合物比(IC)和基礎率會上升。 當你設定低臨時目標時,這將有效地使 AAPS 變得更具侵略性。 +If you have this option enabled, the insulin sensitivity will be decreased while having a temporary target lower than 100 mg/dl or 5.6 mmol/l. This means, the ISF will decrease while IC and basal will rise. This will effectively make AAPS more aggressive when you set a low temp target. -### 進階設定 +### Advanced Settings -**始終使用短期平均變化量代替簡單資料** 如果啟用了此功能,AAPS 將使用過去 15 分鐘內的短期平均變化量/血糖,這通常是過去三個數值的平均值。 這有助於 AAPS 在處理如 xDrip+ 和 Libre 這樣的干擾性資料來源時更加穩定。 +**Always use short average delta instead of simple data** If you enable this feature, AAPS uses the short average delta/blood glucose from the last 15 minutes, which is usually the average of the last three values. This helps AAPS to be steadier with noisy data sources like xDrip+ and Libre. -**每日安全倍數上限** 這是一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 3(通常不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦和/或設定檔中的最高基礎率的 3 倍。 範例:如果你的最高基礎率為 1.0 U/h,而每日安全倍數上限為 3,那麼 AAPS 可以設定的最大臨時基礎率為 3.0 U/h(= 3 x 1.0 U/h)。 +**Max daily safety multiplier** This is an important safety limit. The default setting (which is unlikely to need adjusting) is 3. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 3x the highest hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump and/or profile. Example: if your highest basal rate is 1.0 U/h and max daily safety multiplier is 3, then AAPS can set a maximum temporary basal rate of 3.0 U/h (= 3 x 1.0 U/h). -預設值:3(除非你確實知道需要更改,否則不應更改此設定)。 +Default value: 3 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know what you are doing) -**當前基礎率安全倍數** 這是另一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 4(通常也不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦和/或設定檔中的當前基礎率的 4 倍。 +**Current Basal safety multiplier** This is another important safety limit. The default setting (which is also unlikely to need adjusting) is 4. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 4x the current hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump and/or profile. -預設值:4(除非你確實知道需要更改,否則不應更改此設定)。 +Default value: 4 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know what you are doing) * * * (Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama)= -## 進階餐食輔助 (AMA) +## Advanced Meal Assist (AMA) -AMA 是 "進階餐食輔助" 的縮寫,是 2017 年 OpenAPS 的一項功能(oref0)。 OpenAPS 進階餐食輔助 (AMA) 允許系統在餐後注射後更快地提高臨時基礎率,前提是你可靠地輸入了碳水化合物。 +AMA, the short form of "advanced meal assist" is an OpenAPS feature from 2017 (oref0). OpenAPS Advanced Meal Assist (AMA) allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus if you enter carbs reliably. -你可以在 [OpenAPS 文件]( 中找到更多資訊。 +You can find more information in the [OpenAPS documentation]( (Open-APS-features-max-u-hr-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)= -### 臨時基礎率的最大 U/h (OpenAPS "最大基礎率") +### Max U/hr a Temp Basal can be set to (OpenAPS "max-basal") -此安全設定有助於防止 AAPS 設定危險的高基礎率,並將臨時基礎率限制在 X U/h 以內。 建議將此設為合理的數值。 一個好的建議是將設定檔中的最高基礎率乘以 4,並至少乘以 3。 例如,如果設定檔中的最高基礎率是 1.0 U/h,你可以將其乘以 4,得到 4 U/h,並將該數值設為安全參數。 +This safety setting helps AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate and limits the temp basal rate to x U/h. It is advised to set this to something sensible. A good recommendation is to take the highest basal rate in your profile and multiply it by 4 and at least 3. For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile is 1.0 U/h you could multiply that by 4 to get a value of 4 U/h and set the 4 as your safety parameter. -你無法選擇任何值:出於安全考量,該數值的「硬性限制」取決於病患年齡。 AMA 模式中的 maxIOB 限制低於 SMB 模式。 對於兒童,該值是最低的,而對於胰島素抗性成人,它是最大的。 +You cannot chose any value: For safety reason, there is a 'hard limit', which depends on the patient age. The 'hard limit' for maxIOB is lower in AMA than in SMB. For children, the value is the lowest while for insulin resistant adults, it is the biggest. -AAPS 中的硬性參數如下: +The hardcoded parameters in AAPS are: -* 兒童:2 -* 青少年:5 -* 成人:10 -* 胰島素抗性成人:12 -* 孕婦:25 +* Child: 2 +* Teenager: 5 +* Adult: 10 +* Insulin resistant adult: 12 +* Pregnant: 25 -*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* +*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* -### OpenAPS 可注射的最大基礎 IOB [U](OpenAPS "最大 IOB") +### Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver \[U\] (OpenAPS "max-iob") -此參數限制了 AAPS 在基礎 IOB 高於設定值時的最大注射量。 如果 IOB 高於該數值,則停止注射基礎胰島素,直到 IOB 降至限制值以下。 +This parameter limits the maximum of basal IOB where AAPS still works. If the IOB is higher, it stops giving additional basal insulin until the basal IOB is under the limit. -預設值為 2,但你應該慢慢提升此參數,看看它對你的影響,以及哪個數值最適合你。 每個人都不同,這也可能取決於每日總劑量 (TDD) 的平均值。 為了安全起見,最大 IOB 存在一個限制,該限制依病患年齡而定。 AMA 模式中的 maxIOB 限制低於 SMB 模式。 +The default value is 2, but you should be rise this parameter slowly to see how much it affects you and which value fits best. It is different for anyone and also depends on the average total daily dose (TDD). For safety reason, there is a limit, which depends on the patient age . The 'hard limit' for maxIOB is lower in AMA than in SMB. -* 兒童:3 -* 青少年:5 -* 成人:7 -* 胰島素抗性成人:12 -* 孕婦:25 +* Child: 3 +* Teenager: 5 +* Adult: 7 +* Insulin resistant adult: 12 +* Pregnant: 25 -*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* +*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* -### 啟用 AMA Autosens +### Enable AMA Autosens -在此你可以選擇是否使用 [敏感度檢測](../Configuration/ Autosens。 +Here, you can chose, if you want to use the [sensitivity detection](../Configuration/ autosens or not. -### Autosens 也調整臨時目標 +### Autosens adjust temp targets too -如果啟用了此選項,autosens 可以調整臨時目標(除了基礎率和 ISF)。 這使 AAPS 運作得更具侵略性或不那麼積極。 這樣可以更快地達到實際目標。 +If you have this option enabled, autosens can adjust targets (next to basal and ISF), too. This lets AAPS work more 'aggressive' or not. The actual target might be reached faster with this. -### 進階設定 +### Advanced Settings -**始終使用短期平均變化量代替簡單資料** 如果啟用了此功能,AAPS 將使用過去 15 分鐘內的短期平均變化量/血糖,這通常是過去三個數值的平均值。 這有助於 AAPS 在處理如 xDrip+ 和 Libre 這樣的干擾性資料來源時更加穩定。 +**Always use short average delta instead of simple data** If you enable this feature, AAPS uses the short average delta/blood glucose from the last 15 minutes, which is usually the average of the last three values. This helps AAPS to work more steady with noisy data sources like xDrip+ and Libre. -**每日安全倍數上限** 這是一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 3(通常不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦中最高每小時基礎率的 3 倍。 範例:如果你的最高基礎率為 1.0 U/h,而每日安全倍數上限為 3,那麼 AAPS 可以設定的最大臨時基礎率為 3.0 U/h(= 3 x 1.0 U/h)。 +**Max daily safety multiplier** This is an important safety limit. The default setting (which is unlikely to need adjusting) is 3. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 3x the highest hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump. Example: if your highest basal rate is 1.0 U/h and max daily safety multiplier is 3, then AAPS can set a maximum temporary basal rate of 3.0 U/h (= 3 x 1.0 U/h). -預設值:3(除非你真的需要更改且知道自己在做什麼,否則不應更改此設定)。 +Default value: 3 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know, what you are doing) -**當前基礎率安全倍數** 這是另一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 4(通常也不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦中當前基礎率的 4 倍。 +**Current Basal safety multiplier** This is another important safety limit. The default setting (which is also unlikely to need adjusting) is 4. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 4x the current hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump. -預設值:4(除非你真的需要更改且知道自己在做什麼,否則不應更改此設定)。 +Default value: 4 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know, what you are doing) -**注射休眠 DIA 除數** 「注射休眠」功能在餐後注射胰島素後啟用。 AAPS 在餐後的 DIA 期間內,不會設定低的臨時基礎率,DIA 會除以「注射休眠」參數。 預設值為 2。 這意味著如果 DIA 為 5 小時,「注射休眠」將持續 5 小時:2 = 2.5 小時。 +**Bolus snooze dia divisor** The feature “bolus snooze” works after a meal bolus. AAPS doesn’t set low temporary basal rates after a meal in the period of the DIA divided by the “bolus snooze”-parameter. The default value is 2. That means with a DIA of 5h, the “bolus snooze” would be 5h : 2 = 2.5h long. -預設值:2 +Default value: 2 * * * (Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)= -## 硬性限制總覽 +## Overview of hard-coded limits - - - - - + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + +
兒童青少年成人胰島素抗性成人孕婦ChildTeenagerAdultInsulin resistant adultPregnant
最大注射量 (MAXBOLUS),010,017,025,060,0
最小作用時間 (MINDIA),05,05,05,05,0
最大作用時間 (MAXDIA),09,09,09,010,0
最小碳水比 (MINIC),02,02,02,00,3
最大碳水比 (MAXIC)100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0MAXIC100,0100,0100,0100,0100,0
最大 IOB (MAXIOB_AMA),05,07,012,025,0
最大 IOB (MAXIOB_SMB),013,022,030,070,0
最大基礎率 (MAXBASAL),05,010,012,025,0
\ No newline at end of file From c5e4248bbc7e9ed48ea39fe4589f5b31dfded0b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 133/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 110 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 79bb707e0f9d..5931a5272058 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@ (Profiles-profile-switch)= -# 設定檔切換及設定檔百分比 +# Profile switch & Profile Percentage -本節將解釋什麼是**設定檔切換**及**設定檔百分比**。 你可以在[組態建置工具 - 設定檔](Config-Builder-profile)中學習如何建立**設定檔**。 +This section will explain what is a **Profile Switch** and **Profile Percentage** . You can learn about how to create a **Profiles** at [Config Builder - profile](Config-Builder-profile). -當你剛開始使用**AAPS**時,你需要建立一個**設定檔**,了解如何執行**設定檔切換**,並學習**設定檔百分比**在**AAPS**中的影響。 **設定檔切換**或**設定檔百分比**的功能對於以下情況特別有益: +When first embarking on your **AAPS** journey you will need to create a **Profile**, understand how to action a **Profile Switch** and the learn the impact of a **Profile Percentage** within **AAPS**. The features of a **Profile Switch** or **Profile Percentage** can offer be particularly beneficial for: -- 月經週期 - 可以在**自動化**中設定百分比調整,以便**AAPS**適應不同階段的荷爾蒙週期和預期的胰島素抗性。 +- the Menstrual Cycle - a percentage adjustment within a **Profile** can be set up in **Automations** in order to allow **AAPS** to accommodate for different stages of the hormone cycle and with predicted insulin resistance. -- 運動 - 可以在**自動化**中設定百分比調整以減少基礎胰島素攝入。 +- Exercise - a percentage adjustment within a **Profile** can be set up in **Automations** for exercise in order to reduce basal intake. -- 夜班或輪班工作者 - 透過更改設定檔中的小時數來調整設定檔,以符合使用者晚睡或早起的時間變化。 +- Night or pattern shift workers - a time shift in **Profile** can be set up for pattern shift workers by altering the number of hours in the **Profile** to how much later/earlier the user will go to bed or wake up. -為什麼使用**設定檔百分比**而非臨時基礎率調整? 為了更有效地應用,**設定檔百分比**會對基礎率、ISF 和 I:C 進行比例減少或增加。 這確保**AAPS**在調整使用者的胰島素攝入時計算出平衡的方式。 如果僅僅降低基礎率,但演算法繼續應用相同的 ISF 和 I:C 比率,對使用者的**設定檔**幾乎無益。 +Why use a **Profile Percentage** rather than a temporary basal adjustment? To be more effective in its application a **Profile Percentage** applies a proportionate reduction or increase across: basal, ISF and I:C. This ensures a balanced approach is calculated by **AAPS** when administering the user’s insulin intake. Little benefit can be gained in a user’s **Profile** in **AAPS** by a basal reduction if the algorithm continues to deliver the same ratios for ISF and I:C. -## 如何啟用設定檔切換? +## How to activate a Profile Switch? -每個**設定檔**選擇後,都需要進行「設定檔切換」。 要做到這一點,使用者應編輯其**設定檔**或在「本地設定檔」標籤下設定一個新的**設定檔**。 應用所需的設定後,使用者應儲存更改並選擇「啟用設定檔」以啟用**設定檔**,如下所示: +Each **Profile** once selected by the user will require a “Profile Switch”. To do this, the user should edit their **Profile** or set up a new **Profile** within the “Local Profile” tab. Once the desired settings have been applied, the user should save their changes and activate the **Profile** by selecting ‘Activate Profile’ as shown below: -![BB1_截圖 2024-06-22 234905]( +![BB1_Screenshot 2024-06-22 234905]( -建立並儲存新的**設定檔**後,**AAPS** 將儲存使用者生成的**設定檔**庫。 +Once a new **Profile** has been created and saved, **AAPS** will maintain a library of the user’s **Profiles** as generated by the user. -## 如何啟用設定檔切換? +## How to activate a Profile Switch? -A. 使用此功能時,使用者必須在**AAPS** 中儲存多個**設定檔**。 要啟用**設定檔切換**: +A. In order use this feature the user must have more than one **Profile** saved within **AAPS**. To activate a **Profile Switch**: -- **長按** **設定檔**的名稱(範例中使用了存儲為「(Lyum) 低」的**設定檔**),並從下拉選單中選擇所需的**設定檔**: +- **long-press** on the name of the **Profile** (the example below adopts a ‘Profile’ saved as: “(Lyum) low” on **AAPS’** homescreen and selects the desired **Profile** form the drop down tab: -1. 長按**設定檔**; -2. 選擇所需的**設定檔**;然後按「確定」。 -3. 然後按下『確定』。 +1. Long press **Profile**; +2. Select desired **Profile**; and +3. then press ‘ok’. -![BB2_截圖 2024-06-22 235345]( +![BB2_Screenshot 2024-06-22 235345]( -![BB3_截圖 2024-06-22 235456]( +![BB3_Screenshot 2024-06-22 235456]( -## 要在設定檔切換中啟用設定檔百分比: +## To activate a Profile Percentage within Profile Switch: -B. 要啟用**設定檔百分比**: +B. To activate a **Profile Percentage**: -- 按照上述 A 的步驟進行。 -- 根據需要調整「持續時間」和「百分比」欄位,但需注意以下事項。 如果「持續時間」欄位(如圖示 2 所示): - - 設為「0」,則此設定檔將無限期保持啟用狀態。 設定檔將保持啟用,直到使用者選擇並切換到新的「設定檔切換」。 - - 如果輸入了 [x] 分鐘數,則這將是**設定檔**的預期持續時間。 當選定的時間範圍過期後,標準**設定檔**將回到**AAPS**中。 +- Follow the steps at A above. +- Adjust the fields for ‘Duration’ and ‘Percentage’ as required but noting the following. If the ‘Duration’ field (in as shown in icon 2 below) is: + - left ‘zero’, this will remain active in the **Profile** for an infinite amount of time. The **Profile** will remain active until the new “Profile switch” is selected and switched by the user. + - entered with the number of [x] minutes this will be the desired time period for the **Profile**. Upon expiry of the selected time frame, the standard **Profile** will revert into **AAPS**. -![BB4_截圖 2024-06-23 000029]( +![BB4_Screenshot 2024-06-23 000029]( -如何啟用設定檔「百分比」: +How to action a **Profile** ‘Percentage’: -2. 輸入「持續時間」欄位。 +2. Enter ‘Duration’ field. -3. 輸入「百分比」欄位。 +3. Enter ‘Percentage’ field. -4. 輸入「時間調整」。 +4. Enter ‘Time Shift’. -## 要在設定檔切換中啟用設定檔百分比: +## To activate a Profile Percentage within Profile Switch: -使用者理解**設定百分比**的重要功能是很關鍵的。 透過對**設定切換**應用百分比增減,這將同樣比例地提高或降低使用者在**設定**中設定的參數。 +It is important that a user understands the essential features of a **Profile Percentage**. By applying a percentage increase or decrease to a **Profile Switch** this will apply in the same percentage to either raise or lower the user’s settings parameters as set within the **Profile**. -例如:將**設定切換**設為130%(表示使用者對胰島素的抵抗增加了30%),將指示**AAPS**進行以下操作: +For example: a **Profile Switch** to 130% (means the user is 30% more insulin resistant) will instruct **AAPS** to -- **提高**基礎率30%; -- **降低** **ISF**:將其除以1.3; -- **降低** **I:C**:將其除以1.3。 +- **increase** the basal rate by 30%; +- **lower** the **ISF**: by dividing by 1.3; +- **lower** the **I:C** by dividing by 1.3. -記住,降低**ISF**或**I:C**意味著更強的比例,並會施打更多的胰島素。 對**AAPS**的新使用者來說,這一事實可能很容易被忽略。 +Remember lowering the **ISF** or **I:C** means a stronger ratio and more insulin being administered. This fact can be easily overlooked by new users to **AAPS**. -一旦選擇後,**AAPS**會重新調整預設基礎率,並且**AAPS**(開啟或關閉)將在選擇的百分比**設定**上運作。 +Once selected, **AAPS** readjusts the default basal rate, and **AAPS** (open or closed) will continue to work on top of the selected percentage **Profile**. -**設定百分比**的效果如下表所示: +The effect of a **Profile** Percentage is summarised in the table below:: -![BB6_螢幕擷圖 2024-06-23 001542]( +![BB6_Screenshot 2024-06-23 001542]( -## 晝夜節律設定百分比的時間調整 +## Time shift of the Circadian Percentage Profile -使用者的**設定**功能中的「時間調整」將把使用者的**設定**根據輸入的時數在日常作息(「晝夜節律」)中移動。 這對以下情況很有幫助: +A ‘time shift’ within a user’s **Profile** feature will move the user’s **Profile’s** settings around the day-to-day clock (‘circadian’) to the desired number of hours entered. This can be helpful for: -- **夜班或輪班工作者**:透過調整時數來改變**設定**中就寢或起床的時間; -- **跨時區旅行的使用者**;或 -- **1型糖尿病孩童的使用者**:他們有固定的就寢時間表及在設定內處理的胰島素抗性。 如果出於任何原因預測孩童會晚睡,照護者可以對孩童的**設定**應用「時間調整」,讓**AAPS**在使用者設定的特定時間處理胰島素抗性。 +- **night shift or pattern workers**: work night shifts by altering the number of hours to how much later/earlier in the **Profile** the user will go to bed or wake up; +- **users changing time zones during travelling**; or +- **users who are type 1 children**: and have a set bedtime routine and insulin resistance catered for within their **Profile**. If for whatever reason, there is a predicted later bedtime for the child, the caregiver can apply a ‘time shift’ to the child’s **Profile** to allow **AAPS** to react to insulin resistance at a desired time period as set by the user. -問題始終是哪些小時的**設定**應取代當前時間的設定。 此時間必須被調整x小時。 請留意以下範例中描述的指引: +It is always a question of which hour’s **Profile’s** settings should replace the settings of the current time. This time must be shifted by x hours. So please be mindful of the directions as described in the following example: -- 當前時間:12:00 -- **正** 時間調整 - - 2:00 **+10 小時** -> 12:00 - - 由於正向時間調整,將使用2:00的設定來取代通常在12:00使用的設定。 -- **負** 時間調整 - - 22:00 **-10 小時** -> 12:00 - - 由於負向時間調整,將使用22:00(晚上10點)的設定來取代通常在12:00使用的設定。 +- Current time: 12:00 +- **Positive** time shift + - 2:00 **+10 h** -> 12:00 + - Settings from 2:00 will be used instead of the settings normally used at 12:00 because of the positive time shift. +- **Negative** time shift + - 22:00 **-10 h** -> 12:00 + - Settings from 22:00 (10 pm) will be used instead of the settings normally used at 12:00 because of the negative time shift. -![設定切換時間調整指引](../images/ProfileSwitch_PlusMinus2.png) +![Profile switch timeshift directions](../images/ProfileSwitch_PlusMinus2.png) -透過記錄**設定**快照的機制,能夠更精確地計算過去的資料,並追蹤**設定**變更的可能性。 \ No newline at end of file +This mechanism of taking snapshots of the **Profile** allows a much more precise calculation of the past and the possibility to track **Profile** changes. \ No newline at end of file From b2af140cffcd61311a1dbab5e15201e339f0c72c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 134/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 32 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ index 63d2579f4cb5..9410c4486604 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ -# 開始之前值得閱讀的資源 +# Useful resources to read before you start -在你開始構建系統之前,必須閱讀大量的資料,以便了解一切如何運作,並能最大限度地發揮其效果。 我們整理了一些網站,幫助你開始並回答許多問題。 +Before you build your rig, you're going to have to do a lot of reading in order to understand how everything works and to get the best out of it. We've put together a list of places you can go to get you started and hopefully answer a lot of your questions. -## 進一步閱讀 +## Further reading -[ #我們不再等待 -]( +[ #wearenotwaiting -]( -[OpenAPS 文檔 -]( +[OpenAPS documention -]( -[Loop 文檔 -]( +[Loop Docs -]( -[微調您的設定 -]( +[Fine-Tuning your settings -]( -[Tim Omer – Hypodiabetic 部落格 -]( +[Tim Omer – Hypodiabetic Blog -]( [DIYPS -]( -[糖尿病與科技 - 糖尿病與科技的交匯點 -]( +[Diabetes and Technology - Where Diabetes meets Tech -]( -[OpenAPS 參考設計 -]( +[OpenAPS Reference Design -]( -[我們為何經常錯誤設置胰島素作用時間 (DIA),為何這很重要 -]( +[Why we are regularly wrong in the duration of insulin action (DIA) times we use, and why it matters -]( -[在 #OpenAPS 中使用 Autosens 功能調查胰島素敏感性時,我們能得出哪些結論?]( +[What conclusions can we draw when investigating Insulin Sensitivity using the Autosens function within #OpenAPS?]( []( -## 關於 DIY 閉環系統的背景閱讀和文章 +## Background reading and articles about DIY closed looping @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ -## YouTube 上的資源 +## Stuff on YouTube -[Tim Omer: 被賦能的公民「健康黑客」- 我們不再等待! -]( +[Tim Omer: Empowered Citizen "Health Hackers" - We Are Not Waiting! -]( -[與 Do-It-Yourself 胰腺系統創作者 Dana Lewis 的現場訪談 -]( \ No newline at end of file +[Live interview with Dana Lewis, creator of Do-It-Yourself Pancreas System -]( \ No newline at end of file From eb3abbbdea2a4b513d21a8d4f1ebe6518a87786c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 135/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 66 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ index f2e264d30b56..6d1af1809ace 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ (Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask)= -# 我卡住了;該怎麼辦? 我可以問誰? +# I'm getting stuck; What do I do? Who can I ask? -這個項目基於志願者工作,因此有一些規則需要遵守,以避免給那些慷慨捐出時間和技能的人增加額外的工作: +This project is based on volunteer work so some rules apply to avoid extra work to those who so kindly donate their time and skills: -* 第一層:閱讀 Wiki - 我們現在有搜索功能可以幫助你! -* 第二層:搜索 Facebook 群組,如果沒有已經回答的問題,請在 [AndroidAPS 用戶 Facebook 群組](中提問 -* 第三層:如果 Facebook 沒有結果,請在 [Discord]( 上提問。 為避免重複回答,兩個頻道中的直接轉貼內容將會被無視或移除。 不要忘記,大多數開發者都在歐洲,所以回覆可能不是 24 小時不間斷的;你可能需要等待幾個小時,尤其是週末和假期。 -* 第四層:建立一個[問題](,並附上你的[日誌文件](../Usage/ -* 第五層:發送電子郵件至 **(僅限涉及個人資料且未能在其他層面解決問題時使用) +* level 1: Read the Wiki - we now have a search function to help you! +* level 2: Search the Facebook group, if there is not already an answer then ask your question in the [AndroidAPS Users Facebook group]( +* level 3: If facebook did not get results then ask in [discord]( Direct crossposts will be ignored/deleted on both channels to avoid duplicate answers. Don't forget that the majority of developers are in Europe so the response may not be 24/7; you may have to wait for several hours especially over weekends and holidays. +* level 4: Create an [issue]( and attach your [log files](../Usage/ +* level 5: email ** (only if personal data is involved that should not go in a public channel and your problems have not been resolved in the other levels) -關於 CGM 來源的支援,請使用該系統的 Facebook 群組或 Discord 頻道(例如 [xdrip](, [600 系列上傳器](,或者對 Nightscout 的支援請使用 [CGMintheCloud](,那裡的用戶擁有比這裡更高的專業知識。 +For support on CGM sources please use the Facebook groups or discord channels for that specific system (e.g. [xdrip](, [600 series uploader]( or support on Nightscout use [CGMintheCloud]( as the users there will have a greater level of expertise than the people here who all use different systems. -## 務必加入 AndroidAPS 用戶群組 Facebook! +## Make sure to join the AndroidAPS users group on Facebook! -加入主要的 [AndroidAPS Facebook 群組](。 你可以在這裡提問有關算法的問題、關於 Android Studio 設置和構建 APK 的問題、以及有關應用使用的任何疑問,還有如何充分利用它的提示。 還有一個專門為 Combo 幫浦用戶設置的群組 [AAPSCombo](。 +Join the main [AndroidAPS Facebook group]( You can post here any questions about the algorithm, any setup problems you are having with Android Studio and building the APK, any queries about use of the app and tips for how to get best use out of it. There is also a group for Combo pump users [AAPSCombo]( which have a slightly more specific setup. -## 其他英文資源 +## Other resources in English -* [Looped Facebook 群組](涵蓋所有 DIY 閉環系統(OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS) +* [Looped Facebook group]( covers all DIY closed loop systems (OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS) * [xDrip+ - Facebook]( * [xDrip+ - ]( -* [雲端中的 CGM](關於 CGM 的一般資訊 -* [AndroidAPS 在 Discord 上]( +* [CGM in the cloud]( CGM in general +* [AndroidAPS on Discord]( -## 國家/語言特定資源 +## Country / language specific resources -### 澳大利亞 +### Australia -* [Aussie Aussie Aussie Loop Loop Loop](澳大利亞 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶 +* [Aussie Aussie Aussie Loop Loop Loop]( Australian users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS -### 捷克和斯洛伐克 +### Czech and Slovak -* [DanaR, Insight 和 AndroidAPS CZ](講捷克語的 AndroidAPS 用戶 +* [DanaR, Insight a AndroidAPS CZ]( Czech speaking users of AndroidAPS -### 德國 +### Germany -* [開源 Looper 社群](德國開源閉環社群,討論糖尿病、交流、支援和本地聚會 -* [Looper 會議德國、奧地利和瑞士]( -* [Freestyle Libre Freaks Facebook 群組](作為 CGM/FGM 的 Libre -* [NightscoutDE Facebook 群組]( +* [Open Source Looper Community]( German looper community for Open Source Loop, diabetes in general, communication, support and local meet-up +* [Looper Meetings Germany, Austria & Switzerland]( +* [Freestyle Libre Freaks Facebook group]( Libre as CGM/FGM +* [NightscoutDE Facebook group]( -### 荷蘭 +### Netherlands -* [Looped-NL-BE](講荷蘭語的 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶 -* [雲端中的 CGM 荷蘭]( +* [Looped-NL-BE]( Dutch speaking users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS +* [CGM in the cloud Nederlands]( -### 波蘭 +### Poland -* [AndroidAPS Polska](波蘭 AAPS 社群與糖尿病支援群組 +* [AndroidAPS Polska]( Polish AAPS community and diabates support group) -### 瑞典 +### Sweden -* [Looped 瑞典](位於瑞典的 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶) +* [Looped Sweden]( (Sweden based users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS) -### 英國 +### UK -* [Looped 英國](位於英國的 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶) \ No newline at end of file +* [Looped UK]( (UK based users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS) \ No newline at end of file From 1d455edfafdc58c2b37d23ce63fbfe272ba310fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:01:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 136/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 005dd697ea66..0e99dc6f1146 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,21 +1,47 @@ -# 如何為 AAPS 應用程式或文件翻譯字串 +# How to translate strings for the AAPS app or the documentation -* 要翻譯應用程式中使用的字串,請前往 ,並使用您的 GitHub 帳號登入 -* 要翻譯文件,請查看 ,並使用您的 GitHub 帳號登入 +* For the the strings used in the app go to and login using your GitHub account +* For the documentation please visit and login using your GitHub account -* 向文件團隊發送加入請求。 為此,點擊所需語言的國旗,然後在下一頁的右上角點擊“加入”按鈕。 請指定語言,提供一些關於您的資訊以及您的 AAPS 經驗,並說明您想成為翻譯者還是校對者(僅限具有翻譯技能且為進階 AAPS 用戶的人成為校對者)。 +* Send a join request to the docs team. To do so click on the flag of the desired language and then the button "Join" on the top right corner of the next page. Please specify language, give some information about you and your AAPS experience and if you want to be a translator or proofreader (only people skilled in translating + advanced AAPS users). -```{admonition} 審批時間:class: note +```{admonition} Time for Approval :class: note -審批是一個手動步驟。 作為非營利組織,我們不提供 SLA,但一般情況下審批會在 1 天內完成。 如果沒有,請透過 Facebook 或 Discord 聯繫文件團隊。 +The approval is a manual step. As non profit organization we don't provide SLAs but in general the approval will be done in < 1 day. If not please contact the Doc team via Facebook or Discord. -
* 當我們批准您時,點擊國旗 ![當我們批准您時,點擊國旗](./images/translation_flags.png)## 應用程式的翻譯(translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)=### 為 AAPS 應用程式翻譯字串* 如果您對翻譯的字串沒有偏好,只需選擇“翻譯所有”按鈕開始。 它會顯示需要翻譯的字串。 +
* When we approve you, click the flag + ![When we approve you, click the flag](./images/translation_flags.png) - ![點擊翻譯所有](./images/translations-click-translate-all.png)* 如果您想翻譯單個文件,請透過搜索對話框或樹狀結構查找文件,並點擊文件名開始翻譯該文件中的字串。 + ## Translation of the app - ![點擊 strings.xml](./images/translations-click-strings.png)* 透過在左側添加新翻譯文本或使用和編輯建議來翻譯句子 ![翻譯應用程式](./images/translations-translate.png)### 校對 AAPS 應用程式的字串* 校對者在語言主頁面中選擇“校對”以開始校對。 + (translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)= + ### Translate strings for AAPS app - ![校對模式應用程式](./images/translations-proofreading-mode.png) 並批准翻譯的文本 ![批准文本](./images/translations-proofreading.png)當校對者批准翻譯後,它將被添加到下一版本的 AAPS 中。 + * If you have no preference for strings you translate just select the "Translate All" button to start. It will show you the strings which need translation. + + ![Click translate all](./images/translations-click-translate-all.png) + + * If you want to translate an individual file please search for the file via search dialog or tree structure and click on the filename to start the translation work on strings in that file. + + ![Click strings.xml](./images/translations-click-strings.png) + + * Translate sentences on left side by adding new translated text or use & edit suggestion + + ![Translation app](./images/translations-translate.png) + + + ### Proofread strings for AAPS app + + * Proofreaders start by selecting "Proofread" when starting from the language home screen. + + ![Proofreading mode app](./images/translations-proofreading-mode.png) + + + and approve translated texts + + ![approve text](./images/translations-proofreading.png) + + When a proofreader approves a translation it will be added to the next version of AAPS. (translations-translation-of-the-documentation)= ## Translation of the documentation @@ -27,39 +53,52 @@ * Translate sentences by sentence - 1. 黃色文本是您當前正在處理的文本。 + 1. The yellow text is the text you are working at the moment. + + 1. The green text is already translated. You don't need to do this again. + + 1. The red text is the remaining text which have to be translated. + + 1. This is the source text you are working on at the moment + + 1. This is the translation you are preparing. You can copy the text from above or select one of the suggestions below. + + 1. These are the suggestion for a translation. Especially you can see how much Crowdin rates this as a fit or if it was already just in the past and come up through text rearrangements but not content change. + 1. Press the "save" button to save a proposal for the translation. It will then promoted to a proofreader for final check. + + ![Translation docs](./images/translation_WikiTranslate.png) - 1. 綠色文本是已翻譯的文本。 您不需要再次翻譯這些。 + * A translated page will not be published in docs before - 1. 紅色文本是仍需翻譯的文本。 + 1. the translation is proofread - 1. 這是您當前正在處理的原始文本 1. 這是您正在準備的翻譯。 您可以從上方複製文本或選擇下方的建議之一。 + 1. the sync run between Crowdin and Github finished (once an hour) which creates an PR for Github. - 1. 這些是翻譯建議。 特別是,您可以看到 Crowdin 如何評價這一翻譯是否符合要求,或者這是否只是過去的內容經過文本重新排列而沒有內容更改。 - 1. 按下“儲存”按鈕以儲存翻譯建議。 然後它會提交給校對者進行最終檢查。 + 1. the PR in Github was approved. - ![翻譯文件](./images/translation_WikiTranslate.png)* 翻譯的頁面不會在文件中發布,直到 1. 翻譯已被校對 1. Crowdin 和 Github 之間的同步運作已完成(每小時一次),這會為 Github 建立 PR。 + In general this needs 1 - 3 days but might during holiday take a little bit longer. - 1. 該 PR 在 Github 中獲得批准。 + ### Translating links - 一般來說,這需要 1-3 天,但在假日期間可能會花費更長時間。 + ```{admonition} Links are not translated anymore + :class: note - ### 翻譯鏈接```{admonition} 鏈接不再翻譯:class: note鏈接不再翻譯。 過去我們在這裡有一個主題,但由於遷移到 Markdown 和 myst_parser,我們在英文文本中顯式建立標籤,並在底層將這些標籤傳播到其他語言。 + Links are not translated anymore. In the past we had a topic here but this is gone as through migraton to Markdown and the myst_parser we explicitly create labels in the english text and propagate these labels under the hood to the languages. -您正在翻譯代表鏈接的文本。 請注意,**不要**移除由一對 `<0>` 標籤表示的鏈接,或者如果在同一段中有更多數字的鏈接也不要移除。 +You are translating the text which represents the link. Please you have to be carefull **not** to remove the link which is represented by a pair of `<0>` tags or if their are more in one paragraph other numbers. -這是校對者需要特別注意的事項! +It's the proofreaders job to have a special look on this! -### 校對 +### Proofreading -* 校對者必須切換到校對模式 +* Proofreaders have to switch to Proofreading mode - ![文件的校對模式](./images/translation_WikiProofreadingmode.png) + ![Proofreading mode docs](./images/translation_WikiProofreadingmode.png) - 並批准翻譯的文本 + and approve translated texts - ![批准文本](./images/translations-proofreading.png) + ![approve text](./images/translations-proofreading.png) -* 當校對者批准翻譯後,它將被添加到下一次文件構建中,該構建沒有固定的時間表,按需進行,但通常每週一次,假期期間除外。 為加快過程,您可以通知文件團隊關於新翻譯。 \ No newline at end of file +* When a proofreader approves a translation it will be added to the next docs build which happens in no fixed schedule on demand but around once a week except during hollidays. To speed up the process you can inform docs team about new translations. \ No newline at end of file From 6a2db76cbc3b5d9ca42c1d58498241d9169551d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 137/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 530 +++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 265 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 5f33d0755565..1b4c571163d0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,508 +1,508 @@ -# 如何編輯文件 +# How to edit the docs -**此描述僅適用於編輯英文文檔。 所有新訊息必須首先以英文添加。 如果您想將文檔翻譯成其他語言(感謝您的貢獻),請使用[Crowdin](。** +**This description is just for editing the English documentation. All new information must be added in English first. If you want to translate to other languages (thank you), please use [crowdin](** -有關如何格式化文本(標題、加粗...)以及設置連結的提示,請參閱此頁面的["代碼語法"](make-a-PR-code-syntax)部分。 +For hints how to format text (headline, bold...) and set links please see the ["code syntax"](make-a-PR-code-syntax) section of this page. -## 一般問題 +## General -如有任何問題、反饋或新想法,您可以透過[Discord](聯繫文件團隊。 +For any questions, feedback or new ideas you can contact the documentation team via [discord]( -某個時間點將建議您發送一個Pull Request (PR),這是您的文檔更改實際上被放到AAPS網頁上的方法,這些網頁儲存在GitHub中。 事實上,做一個PR並不太難,這是貢獻的一種很棒方式。 您現在正在閱讀這篇文檔,是因為像您這樣的人提交了PR。 別擔心犯錯誤或不小心編輯錯誤的文檔。 在將更改合併到“正式”AAPS文檔庫之前,您的更改會被審核。 您無法透過過程中的任何事故損壞原件。 一般過程如下: +At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is how your changes in the documentation are actually put onto the AAPS webpages, which are stored in GitHub. It's actually not too hard to do a PR and it is a great way to contribute. You are reading this documentation right now because people like you made PRs. Don't worry about making a mistake or somehow editing the wrong documents. Your changes are reviewed before they are merged into the "formal" AAPS documentation repository. You can't mess up the originals through any accidents in the process. The general process is: -- 透過編輯現有內容來對代碼或文檔進行修改和改進。 -- 仔細檢查您的編輯是否符合您的預期。 -- 做一些筆記來說明所做的更改,以便人們理解這些編輯。 -- 建立一個Pull Request,請求管理員使用您的更改。 -- 他們將進行審核,並採取以下操作之一:(1)合併您的更改,(2)對您的更改進行反饋,或(3)根據您的更改建立一個新文檔。 +- Make edits and improvements to code or documentation by editing the existing content. +- Double-check that your edits look good to you. +- Make a few notes of what's changed so people may understand the edits. +- Create a pull request, which asks the administrators to use your changes. +- They will do a review and either (1)merge your changes, (2)comment back to you about your changes, or (3)start a new document with your changes. -(附註:如果您是視覺型學習者,這裡有一個顯示PR工作流程的YouTube視頻[這裡](。) +(Side note: If you are a visual learner, there is a YouTube video [here]( showing the PR workflow.) -我們的範例是對AndroidAPS文檔進行編輯。 這可以在任何Windows PC、Mac等設備上完成。 (任何有互聯網查看的電腦)。 +For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). -1. 前往 ,然後在右上角點擊 Fork 來製作自己的儲存庫副本。 +1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. -![Fork庫](./images/PR0.png) +![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) -2. 查看任何頁面,導航到您想編輯的頁面。 點擊頁面左下方黑色方框中的綠色字“v: latest”或類似的字樣。 在出現的彈出窗口中,點擊“edit”來在GitHub中進行編輯。 +2. Go to any page and navigate to the page you want to edit. Click on the black box at bottom left of page with the green word "v: latest" or similar. In the pop up window that appears, click the word "edit" for editing in GitHub. -![編輯文檔](./images/PR1.png) +![edit doc](./images/PR1.png) -或者您可以點擊右上角的“Edit in GitHub”連結,然後點擊頂部欄中出現的鉛筆圖示以進行編輯。 您需要已經登錄到您的GitHub帳號才能執行此操作(如果您還沒有帳號,它們的設置非常簡單)。 +Or you can click on the "Edit in GitHub" link in the upper right corner, and then click the pencil icon that appears in the top bar of the page contents to be edited. You will need to be already logged into your Github account to do this (if you don't have one, they are straightforward to set up). ![RTD io](./images/PR2.png) -3. 這兩種選擇中的任何一個都將在您的庫中建立一個新分支,您的編輯將儲存在該分支中。 對文件進行編輯。 +3. One or the other of the options in Step 2 will create a new branch in YOUR repository where your edits will be saved. Make your edits to the file. -我們使用Markdown語法來編寫文檔頁面。 文件的後綴為“.md”。目前我們使用myst_parser來處理我們的Markdown文件。 請注意使用正確的語法,具體說明請參閱[下文](make-a-PR-code-syntax)。 +We are using markdown for the docs pages. The file have got the suffix ".md".The Markdown specification is not fixed and we use at the moment the myst_parser for our markdown files. Take care to use the correct syntax as [described below](make-a-PR-code-syntax). -![編輯分支](./images/PR3.png) +![Edit branch](./images/PR3.png) -4. 您正在“<>編輯文件”標籤中工作。 選擇“預覽更改”標籤,檢查所有更改是否按預期呈現。 如果您看到需要改進的地方,請返回編輯標籤進行更多改進。 +4. You have been working in the "<>Edit file" tab. Select the "Preview changes" tab for a fresh look to make sure everything you changed looks like you meant it to (typpos sic.). If you see a needed improvement, go back to the edit tab to make more improvements. -![預覽模式](./images/PR5.png) +![preview mode](./images/PR5.png) -5. 當您完成編輯後,滾動到頁面底部。 在底部的框中,在“添加可選擴展描述...”的文本字段中提供您的評論。 預設標題為文件名。 嘗試添加一句解釋**更改原因**的語句。 說明原因有助於審核者了解您嘗試透過PR進行的操作。 +5. When you have finished your edits, scroll to the bottom of the page. In the box at the bottom, provide your comments in the text field that reads, "Add an optional extended description...". The default title has the file name. Try to include a sentence explaining the **reason** for the change. Relating the reason helps reviewers understand what you are attempting to do with the PR. -![提交評論](./images/PR4.png) +![commit comments](./images/PR4.png) -6. 點擊綠色的“建議文件更改”或“提交更改”按鈕。 在出現的頁面中點擊“建立Pull Request”,然後在下一頁再次點擊“建立Pull Request”。 +6. Click the green "Propose file changes" or "Commit changes" button. In the page that appears click "Create Pull Request" and again in the next page click "Create Pull Request". -![建立Pull Request](./images/PR6.png) +![create pull request](./images/PR6.png) -7. 這樣就完成了Pull Request的提交。 GitHub為PR分配了一個編號,位於標題後面和井號之後。 返回此頁面檢查反饋(或者,如果您已啟用GitHub通知,您將透過電子郵件收到關於PR活動的通知)。 現在,您的編輯將在一個PR列表中,團隊將審核並可能在合併到AAPS主要文檔之前提供反饋! 如果您想查看PR的進展,您可以點擊GitHub帳號右上角的鐘形標誌,查看所有的PR。 +7. That completes the opening of a pull request, PR. GitHub assigns the PR a number, located after the title and a hash mark. Return to this page to check for feedback (or, if you have GitHub notifications emailed to you, you will get emails notifying you of any activity on the PR). The edit will now be in a list of PR's that the team will review and potentially give feedback on before committing to the main documentation for AAPS! If you want to check on the progress of the PR, you can click on the bell logo in the upper right corner of your GitHub account and see all your PRs. -![PR追蹤](./images/PR7.png) +![PR tracking](./images/PR7.png) -附註:您的Fork和分支將仍保留在您個人的GitHub帳號上。 當您收到通知您的PR已合併後,如果您已經完成了它,您可以刪除您的分支(步驟8的通知區域將提供一個連結,用於在分支被關閉或合併後刪除它)。 對於未來的編輯,如果您按照此流程,編輯將始終從AndroidAPSdocs庫的最新版本開始。 如果您選擇使用其他方法來開始PR請求(例如,從您分叉的庫的主分支開始進行編輯),則需要透過“比較”來確保您的庫是最新的,並合併自上次更新以來發生的任何更新。 由於人們往往忘記更新他們的庫,我們建議您按照上述PR流程進行,直到您熟悉執行“比較”。 +PS: Your fork and branch will still be sitting on your own personal GitHub account. After you get a notification that your PR has been merged, you can delete your branch if you are done with it (Step 8's notification area will provide a link to delete the branch once it has been closed or merged). For future edits, if you follow this procedure the edits will always start with an updated version of the AndroidAPSdocs repositories. If you choose to use another method to start a PR request (e.g., editing starting from your forked repo's master branch as the starting point), you will need to ensure your repo is up-to-date by performing a "compare" first and merging in any updates that have happened since you last updated your fork. Since people tend to forget to update their repos, we recommend using the PR process outlined above until you get familiar with performing "compares". (make-a-PR-code-syntax)= -## 代碼語法 +## Code syntax -我們使用Markdown來編寫文檔頁面。 文件的後綴為“.md”。 +We are using markdown for the documentation pages. The files have got the suffix ".md". -Markdown是一種非常簡單的文本格式語言,它將文本內容與文本格式分開。 +Markdown is a very simple text formating language which separates text content from text formating. -編寫者只需標記標題為一級標題,Markdown處理器會在處理期間生成必要的HTML代碼,以在HTML中呈現標題。 +The writer only e.g. marks a headline as level 1 headline and the markdown processor generates the necessary HTML code during processing to render the heading in HTML. -其背後的理念是: +The idea behind this is that -- 編寫者應該首先考慮文本,而不是格式, -- Markdown文本可以在不同的Markdown工具之間進行交換,而不像Windows等專有工具, -- 您可以從一個Markdown文件生成多種輸出格式。 +- the writer should think about the text and not the formatting first, +- the markdown text is open for exchange between different markdown tools instead of e.g. proprietary tools like Microsoft Windows and +- you can generate several output formats from one markdown file. -Markdown並非100%固定標準,我們盡量保持與標準相近,以 +Markdown is not a 100% fixed standard and we try to stay as near as possible to the standard, to -- 保持靈活性,以便在Markdown工具和Markdown SaaS服務的進一步創新中根據需要或強制更換Markdown工具,並 -- 使我們能夠使用翻譯服務將英文翻譯成目標語言,如法語或德語。 它們可以在Markdown上工作,但無法處理複雜的格式代碼,因為它們無法將內容與佈局分開,這可能會導致致命問題。 +- stay flexible to change markdown tools as needed or forced in the further innovation of markdown tools and markdown SaaS services and +- enable us to use translation services to translate the English language in a target language like French or German. They can work on markdown but not complex formatting codes, because they can't separate content from layout, which might be fatal. -### 標題 +### Headlines -- 標題1:`# 標題` -- 標題2:`## 標題` -- 標題3:`### 標題` -- 標題4:`#### 標題` +- Headline 1: `# headline` +- Headline 2: `## headline` +- Headline 3: `### headline` +- Headline 4: `#### headline` -我們嘗試避免更進一步的標題層級。 +We try to avoid further levels of headlines. -### 文本格式 +### Text format -- 加粗:`**文本**` -- 斜體:`*文本*` +- bold: `**text**` +- italic: `*text*` -### 有序列表 +### ordered list ::: -1. 第一 -2. 第二 -3. 第三::: +1. first +2. second +3. third ::: -4. 第一 +4. first -5. 第二 -6. 第三 +5. second +6. third -### 無序列表 +### unordered list ::: -- 一個元素 -- 另一個元素 -- 還有一個元素::: +- one element +- another element +- and another element ::: -- 一個元素 +- one element -- 另一個元素 -- 還有一個元素 +- another element +- and another element -### 多層級列表 +### multi level list -您可以在列表中插入嵌套列表,方法是將下一層級比上一層級多縮進4個空格。 +You can insert lists in lists by indenting the next level with 4 more spaces to the right than the one before. ::: -1. 第一 -2. 第二 -3. 第三 - 1. 一個元素 - 2. 另一個元素 - 3. 還有一個元素 -4. 第四 -5. 第五 -6. 六::: +1. first +2. second +3. third + 1. one element + 2. another element + 3. and another element +4. four +5. five +6. six ::: -7. 第一 +7. first -8. 第二 -9. 第三 - 1. 一個元素 - 2. 另一個元素 - 3. 還有一個元素 -10. 第四 -11. 第五 -12. 六 +8. second +9. third + 1. one element + 2. another element + 3. and another element +10. four +11. five +12. six -### 圖像 +### Images -要包含圖像,請使用此Markdown語法。 +To include images you use this markdown syntax. -- 圖像語法:`![替代文字](../images/file.png)` +- images: `![alt text](../images/file.png)` -圖像類型應為PNG或JPEG。 +The type of image should be PNG or JPEG. -圖像名稱應遵循以下命名規則之一。 在示例中,我使用png作為後綴。 如果使用JPEG,請使用jpeg作為後綴。 +Images names should confirm to one of following naming rules. In the example I use png as suffix. In case you use JPEG please use jpeg as a suffix instead. -- `filename-image-xx.png` 其中xx是該文件中圖像的唯一雙位數字。 -- `filename-image-xx.png` 其中xx是文件作者的有意義名稱。 +- `filename-image-xx.png` where xx is a unique double digit number for the images in this file. +- `filename-image-xx.png` where xx is a meaning full name for the author of the md file. -圖像位於英文語言的圖像文件夾中,並透過Crowdin自動傳播到其他語言。 您無需為此做任何事! +Images are located in the images folder for the english language and propagated to the other languages automatically by Crowdin. You have nothing to do for this! -我們目前不翻譯圖像。 +We are not translating images at the moment. -(make-a-PR-image-size)=請使用合理的圖像尺寸,使其在PC、平板電腦和手機上可讀。 +(make-a-PR-image-size)= Use a reasonable size for the images which must be readable on PC, tablet and mobiles. -- 來自網頁的截圖圖像寬度應達到**1050像素**。 -- 流程圖的寬度應達到**1050像素**。 -- 應用程序的截圖寬度應達到**500像素**。 +- Screenshots from web pages images should be up to **1050 pixels wide**. +- Diagrams of process flows should be up to **1050 pixels wide**. +- Screenshots from the app should be up to **500 pixels wide**. -### 連結 +### Links -#### 外部連結 +#### External links -外部連結是指向外部網站的連結。 +External links are links to external web sites. -- 外部連結:`[替代文字](www.url.tld)` +- external link: `[alt text](www.url.tld)` -#### 指向.md文件開頭的內部連結 +#### Internal links to the start of a md file -指向頁面的內部連結是指向我們自己服務器上託管的.md文件開頭的連結。 +Internal links to pages are links to the start of a md file which is hosted on our own server. -- 內部連結到.md文件:`[替代文字](../folder/` +- internal link to .md page: `[alt text](../folder/` -#### 指向內聯引用名稱的內部連結 +#### Internal links to named inline refernces -指向內聯引用名稱的內部連結是指向我們自己服務器上託管的任何.md文件中的某個位置,並設置引用以連結到該位置。 +Internal links to named inline refernces are links to any point in a md file which is hosted on our own server and where a reference was set to link to. -在目標.md文件中要跳轉的位置添加命名引用。 +Add a named reference at the location in the target md file you want to jump to. `(name-of-my-md-file-this-is-my-fancy-named-reference)=` -命名引用必須在整個AndroidAPSDocs.md文件中唯一,而不僅僅是所在的.md文件! +The named reference must be unique in the whole AndroidAPSDocs md files and not only the own md file it resides in! -因此,最好的做法是從文件名開始,然後選擇引用名稱。 +Therefore it is a good practice to start with the filename and then the reference name you select. -僅使用小寫字母並將單詞用連字符連線。 +Use only lowercase letters and hyphenate words. -然後,使用以下類型的連結在您編寫的文本中連結此引用。 +Then link this refernce in the text you are writing with the following kind of link. -- 指向內聯引用名稱的內部連結:`[替代文字](name-of-my-md-file-this-is-my-fancy-named-reference)` +- Internal links to named inline refernces: `[alt text](name-of-my-md-file-this-is-my-fancy-named-reference)` -### 註釋、警告、折疊註釋 +### Notes, Warnings, Collapsing Notes -您可以在文檔中添加註釋和警告框。 +You can add notes and warning boxes to documentation. -此外,您還可以添加折疊註釋,為不感興趣於詳細訊息的用戶隱藏文本,以便閱讀體驗更輕鬆。 請謹慎使用這些功能,因為文檔應儘可能易於閱讀。 +Furthermore you can add collapsing notes for detailed information which would users who are not interested in the details quench to read the text at all. Please use these carefully as the documentation should be as easy to read as possible. -#### 註釋 +#### Notes -:::::::{admonition} 註釋:class: note +:::: :::{admonition} Note :class: note -這是一個註釋。 ::::::: +This is a note. ::: :::: -:::{admonition} 註釋:class: note +:::{admonition} Note :class: note -這是一個註釋。 ::: +This is a note. ::: -#### 警告 +#### Warnings -:::::::{admonition} 警告:class: warning +:::: :::{admonition} Warning :class: warning -這是一個警告。 ::::::: +This is a warning. ::: :::: -:::{admonition} 警告:class: warning +:::{admonition} Warning :class: warning -這是一個警告。 ::: +This is a warning. ::: -#### 折疊註釋 +#### Collapsing Notes -:::::::{admonition} 感興趣讀者的進一步詳細閱讀:class: dropdown +:::: :::{admonition} further detailed readings for interested readers :class: dropdown -這個註釋已被折疊,這意味著您可以在此處添加較長的內容,而不會佔用頁面太多空間。 ::::::: +This admonition has been collapsed, meaning you can add longer form content here, without it taking up too much space on the page. ::: :::: -:::{admonition} 感興趣讀者的進一步詳細閱讀:class: dropdown +:::{admonition} further detailed readings for interested readers :class: dropdown -這個註釋已被折疊,這意味著您可以在此處添加較長的內容,而不會佔用頁面太多空間。 ::: +This admonition has been collapsed, meaning you can add longer form content here, without it taking up too much space on the page. ::: -## 風格指南 +## Style Guide -### 目錄 +### Contents -1. 英文寫作技巧 +1. English language writing tips -2. AAPS特定寫作注意事項 +2. AAPS-specific writing notes -3. 有用的參考資料 +3. Useful references -### ![圖像](./images/styleguide01.png) 1\. 英文寫作技巧 +### ![Image](./images/styleguide01.png) 1\. English language writing tips -#### 使用適合讀者的語言 +#### Use language that is appropriate for the reader -盡可能使用簡單的英文。 這有助於非母語讀者,也有助於將AAPS文檔翻譯成其他語言。 以與用戶交談的方式進行寫作,想像您正坐在讀者的對面。 記住——大多數AAPS用戶沒有編程背景。 糖尿病本身也有很多行話和縮寫。 請記住,有些人可能是剛剛被診斷出來的,可能沒有您對糖尿病的經驗,或者他們接受了不同的糖尿病培訓。 如果您使用簡寫或縮寫,請在第一次使用時將其完整寫出,並在括號中給出縮寫,如“超微注射(SMB)”。 此外,請連結到詞彙表。 讀者可能不熟悉的技術術語也可以放在括號中。 +Use plain English wherever possible. This helps non-native readers and also aids translation of AAPS documents into other languages. Write in a conversational way with the user, imagine you are sitting across the desk from the person you are writing for. Remember - most AAPS users do not have programming backgrounds. Diabetes itself also has a lot of jargon and abbreviations. Bear in mind that some people may be recently diagnosed, may not be as experienced as you with diabetes, or may have been given different diabetes training. If you use shorthand or an abbreviation, write it out in full the first time you use it, giving the abbreviation directly after it in brackets, like “super micro bolus (SMB)”. Also, link to the glossary. Technical terms which might not be familiar to the reader can be also be added in brackets. -例如: *“閉環中餐後血糖高峰的原因是什麼?”* +Instead of: *“What causes high postprandial BG peaks in closed loop?"* -請使用:*“在閉環中餐後(餐後)的血糖高峰原因是什麼?”* +Use: *“What causes a high BG peak **after lunch** (postprandial) in closed loop?"* -##### 使用每個人都能理解的簡單詞語 +##### Use plain words that everyone can understand -這裡可以找到一個A-Z的替代詞匯表,以使您的寫作更易於理解: +Find an A-Z of alternative words to make your writing easier to understand here: -#### 隱私/許可證問題: +#### Privacy/licensing concerns: -特別是如果您錄製視頻或截圖,請確保不泄露您的私人訊息(API密鑰、密碼)。 確保YouTube內容未公開列出,並且需要連結才能從文檔中查看。 避免引起侵犯版權材料(BYODA等)的注意。 +Particularly if you record video or screenshots, make sure not to disclose your private details (API key, passwords). Make sure Youtube content is not openly listed, and needs a link from the documentation to view. Avoid drawing attention to infringed copyrighted materials (BYODA etc). -#### 保持句子簡短,直奔主題 +#### Keep sentences short, get to the point -- 清晰的寫作應平均句長為15至20個單詞。 +- Clear writing should have an average sentence length of 15 to 20 words. -- 這並不意味著每個句子都要一樣長。 寫作應簡明有力。 透過將短句(如上面那一句)與較長的句子混合使用來改變您的寫作。 +- This does not mean making every sentence the same length. Be punchy. Vary your writing by mixing short sentences (like the last one) with longer ones (like this one). -- 保持每個句子只有一個主要想法,並最多添加一個相關點。 +- Stick to one main idea in a sentence, plus perhaps one other related point. -- 您可能會發現自己仍然會寫出一兩個長句,特別是在試圖解釋一個複雜的問題時。 但大多數長句可以以某種方式被分解。 +- You may still find yourself writing the odd long sentence, especially when trying to explain a complicated point. But most long sentences can be broken up in some way. -- 去除虛弱詞語:“您可以”,“有/是/是的”,“為了”。 +- Remove weak words: “you can”, “there is/are/were”, “in order to”. -- 將關鍵詞放在標題、句子和段落的開頭。 +- Place keywords near the beginning of titles, sentences and paragraphs. -- 要具象化! 無論何時可能,請提供簡單的圖表、截圖或視頻。 +- Be visual! Wherever possible provide a brief diagram, screenshot or video. -#### 不要害怕給予指示 +#### Don't be afraid to give instructions -指令是最快的指示方式,但寫作者有時會害怕發出指令,寫成“你應該這樣做”而不是直接寫“做這件事”。 也許人們擔心指令聽起來太過嚴厲。 您可以透過在前面加上“請”字來解決這個問題。 然而,如果某件事情必須做,不要說“請”,因為這給了讀者拒絕的選擇。 +Commands are the fastest way to give instructions, but writers sometimes fear giving commands, writing “you should do this” instead of just “do this”. Perhaps people worry that commands sound too harsh. You can often solve this by putting the word 'please' in front. However, if something must be done, it is best not to say ‘please’ as it gives the reader the option to refuse. -例如:*“你應該把它當作一個完整的聲明。”* +Instead of: *“You should just think of it as a complete statement."* -改為:*“把它當作一個完整的聲明。”* +Use: *“Think of it as a complete statement.”* -#### 多使用主動動詞,而不是被動動詞 +#### Mostly use active verbs, rather than passive verbs -主動動詞的例子: +Example of an **active verb**: -- *“幫浦(主語)輸送(動詞)胰島素(賓語)。”* +- *“The pump (subject) delivers (verb) the insulin (object).”* -“輸送”在這裡是主動動詞。 這個句子說的是誰在進行輸送,然後才說輸送的是什麼。 +“delivers” is an active verb here. The sentence says what is doing the delivering before it says what is being delivered. -被動動詞的例子: +Example of a **passive verb**: -- *“胰島素(主語)由幫浦(賓語)輸送(動詞)。”* +- *“The insulin (subject) is delivered (verb) by the pump (object)”* -*“輸送”*在這裡是被動動詞。 與主動動詞句子相比,主語和賓語位置調換了。 我們不得不引入“由”和“被”使句子變得更長。 還要考慮以主動動詞開頭。 +*“delivered”* a passive verb here. The subject and object are switched around, compared to the active verb sentence. We have had to make the sentence longer by introducing “is” and “by the”. Also consider starting with the active verb. -例如:*“你可以透過AAPS幫浦選單將幫浦與手機連線,並且有多種幫浦可供連線。”* +Instead of: *“You can connect your pump with the phone through the AAPS pump menu, and there are a number of pumps available for you to connect with.”* -改為:*“透過AAPS幫浦選單將所需幫浦連線到手機。”* +Use: *“Connect your desired pump to the phone through the AAPS pump menu.”* -被動動詞會引發問題: +Passive verbs can cause problems: -- 它們容易讓人感到困惑。 +- They can be confusing. -- 它們通常讓寫作顯得冗長。 +- They often make writing more long-winded. -- 它們使寫作不夠生動。 +- They make writing less lively. -##### 被動語態的良好用法 +##### Good uses of passives -有時使用被動語態是合適的。 +There are times when it might be appropriate to use a passive. -- 使語氣不那麼尖銳——“這張賬單未被支付”(被動語態)比“你沒支付這張賬單”(主動語態)來得溫和。 +- To make something less hostile - 'this bill has not been paid' (passive) is softer than 'you have not paid this bill' (active). -- 避免責任歸咎——“發生了錯誤”(被動語態)比“你犯了錯誤”(主動語態)來得不具指責性。 +- To avoid taking the blame - 'a mistake was made' (passive) rather than 'You made a mistake' (active). -- 當您不知道執行者是誰或什麼時——“英格蘭隊已被選定”。 +- When you don't know who or what the doer is - 'the England team has been picked'. -- 如果聽起來更好。 +- If it simply sounds better. -#### 避免名詞化 +#### Avoid nominalisations -名詞化是指不是實物的某些過程、技術或情感的名稱。 名詞化是由動詞衍生的。 +A nominalisation is the name of something that isn't a physical object, such as a process, technique or emotion. Nominalisations are formed from verbs. -例如: +For example: -| 動詞 | 名詞化 | -| -- | ---- | -| 完成 | 完成過程 | -| 介紹 | 介紹過程 | -| 提供 | 提供過程 | -| 失敗 | 失敗過程 | +| Verb | Nominalisation | +| --------- | -------------- | +| complete | completion | +| introduce | introduction | +| provide | provision | +| fail | failure | -它們經常**取代**它們來自的動詞,但可能聽起來好像什麼都沒有實際發生。 太多的名詞化會使寫作變得非常沉悶和乏味。 +They are often used **instead** of the verbs they come from, but they can sound as if nothing is actually happening. Too many of them can make writing very dull and heavy-going. -例如:*“該方法的實施是由一個團隊完成的。”* +Instead of: *“The implementation of the method has been done by a team.”* -改為:*“該團隊實施了該方法。”* +Use: *“A team has implemented the method.”* -#### 適時使用列表 +#### Use lists where appropriate -列表非常適合將訊息分解開來。 列表有兩種類型: +Lists are excellent for splitting information up. There are two main types of list: -- 連續句子,其中在開始、中間或結尾列出幾個重點。 +- A continuous sentence with several listed points picked out at the beginning, middle or end. -- 以引言形式分開的項目圖示列表。 +- Separate bullet points with an introductory statement. -在上面的項目圖示列表中,每個要點都是完整的句子,因此它們都以大寫字母開頭,並以句號結尾。 使用項目圖示而不是數字或字母,因為它們能引起人們對每個要點的注意,而不會提供過多的額外訊息。 +In the bulleted list above, each point is a complete sentence so they each start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Use bullet points rather than numbers or letters, as they draw your attention to each point without giving you extra information to take in. -#### 破解神話 +#### Mythbusting -- 您可以以**和、但、因為、所以或然而**開始句子。 +- You can start a sentence with **and, but, because, so or however**. -- 您可以分開不定式。 所以您可以說**“勇敢前行”**。 +- You can split infinitives. So you can say **“to boldly go”**. -- 您可以以介詞結尾句子。 事實上,這是我們**應該支援的**。 +- You can end a sentence with a preposition. In fact, it is something **we should stand up for**. -- 而且**您**可以在一個句子中重複使用相同的**詞**,如果**您**找不到更好的**詞**。 +- And **you** can use the same **word** twice in a sentence if **you** can't find a better **word**. -#### 透過目的來優化寫作風格 +#### Optimising writing style by purpose -為了保持文檔的清晰和簡潔,我們在文檔的不同部分使用不同的寫作風格。 +To keep the documentation clear and short, we write different sections of the documentation in different styles. -“解釋”風格用於介紹、背景和知識發展部分。 +An “explanation” style is used for the introduction, background and knowledge development sections. -“操作指南”風格(最少的解釋)用於構建、配置AAPS和一些故障排除部分。 +A “How-to-guide” style (with minimal explanation) is used for building, configuring AAPS, and some of the troubleshooting sections. -教程幫助學習者獲得基本的能力。 用戶將**透過操作學習**。 +A tutorial helps the pupil acquire basic competence. The user will **learn by doing**. -![圖像](./images/styleguide02.png) +![Image](./images/styleguide02.png) -##### ![圖像](./images/styleguide03.png) 教程(例如教孩子如何打蛋白) +##### ![Image](./images/styleguide03.png) Tutorials (e.g. teaching a kid to beat egg whites) -- 敘述者直接與讀者交談:在這個教程中**您**將會學到(在某些罕見情況下,可以使用“我們”來表達“我們在這一起”) +- narrator directly talks to the reader: In this tutorial **you** will (we) could be used to convey “we are in this together” frame-of-thought in some rare cases -- 未來時態 -> 顯示最終目標 +- Future Tense -> to show the final target -- 指令時態 -> 進行任務 -> 具體步驟 - 避免抽象概念 +- Imperative Tense -> to do the tasks -> Concrete steps - avoid abstract concepts -- 過去時態 -> 顯示已完成的任務 -> 快速且立即可見的結果 +- Past Tense -> to show accomplished tasks -> Quick and immediate visible results -- 最少的解釋 -> 嚴格為完成任務所需 -> **做什麼和為什麼** +- Minimum Explanations -> strict necessary to complete the task - **what and why** -- 忽略選項/替代方案/…. 無歧義 +- Ignore options/alternatives/…. No ambiguity -- 步驟過渡:以一句引導至下一步的邏輯進程來完成一個步驟。 示例:*您現在已經安裝了Let’s Encrypt客戶端,但在獲取證書之前,您需要確保所有必需的端口都是開放的。 要做到這一點,您需要在下一步中更新防火牆設置。* +- Step Transitions: finish a step with a sentence leading to the next step as a logical progression flow. Example: *You have now installed the Let’s Encrypt client, but before obtaining certificates, you need to make sure that all required ports are open. To do this, you will update your firewall settings in the next step.* -- **教程**標題(第1級標題) +- **Tutorial** Title (Level 1 heading) -- 介紹(無標題) +- Introduction (no heading) -- 先決條件(第2級標題) +- Prerequisites (Level 2 heading) -- 步驟: +- Steps: -- 步驟1 —— 執行第一件事(第2級標題) +- Step 1 — Doing the First Thing (Level 2 heading) -- 步驟2 —— 執行下一件事(第2級標題) +- Step 2 — Doing the Next Thing (Level 2 heading) -- 步驟n —— 執行最後一件事(第2級標題) +- Step n — Doing the Last Thing (Level 2 heading) -- 結論(第2級標題) +- Conclusion (Level 2 heading) -![圖像](./images/styleguide04.png) +![Image](./images/styleguide04.png) -##### ![圖像](./images/styleguide05.png) 操作指南(例如食譜) +##### ![Image](./images/styleguide05.png) How-To Guides (e.g. a recipe) -操作指南的目的是幫助已經具備能力的用戶正確執行特定任務。 +A how-to guide’s purpose is to help the already-competent user perform a particular task correctly. -- 如何操作 +- HOW-to -- 敘述者直接與讀者交談:在這個指南中**您**將會學到 +- narrator directly talks to the reader: In this tutorial **you** will -- 未來時態 -> 顯示最終目標 +- Future Tense -> to show the final target -- 條件指令時態 -> 要達到X做Y -> 具體步驟 - 避免抽象概念 +- Conditional Imperative Tense -> to get X do y -> Concrete steps - avoid abstract concepts -- 最少的解釋 -> 嚴格為完成任務所需 -> **做什麼和為什麼** +- Minimum Explanations -> strict necessary to complete the task -> **what and why** -- 忽略選項/替代方案/…. 無歧義,但您可以連結到參考條目或解釋條目 +- Ignore options/alternatives/…. No ambiguity, but you can link to the reference entry or explanation entry -- **操作指南**:標題(第1級標題) +- **How-to**: Title (Level 1 heading) -- 介紹段落 +- Introduction paragraph -- 可選先決條件(如果超過1個,則用段落或第2級標題表示) +- Optional Prerequisites (paragraph or Level 2 heading if more than 1) -- 步驟: +- Steps: -- 步驟1 —— 執行第一件事(第2級標題) +- Step 1 — Doing the First Thing (Level 2 heading) -- 步驟2 —— 執行下一件事(第2級標題) +- Step 2 — Doing the Next Thing (Level 2 heading) -- 步驟n —— 執行最後一件事(第2級標題) +- Step n — Doing the Last Thing (Level 2 heading) -- 結論段落 +- Conclusion paragraph -![圖像](./images/styleguide06.png) +![Image](./images/styleguide06.png) -##### ![圖像](./images/styleguide07.png) 解釋(例如:為什麼打蛋白會變硬的科學原理) +##### ![Image](./images/styleguide07.png) Explanation (e.g. Science behind why egg whites stiffen when you beat them) -解釋旨在澄清、加深並擴展讀者對某個主題的理解。 +An explanation clarifies, deepens and broadens the reader’s understanding of a subject. -- 為什麼 +- WHY -- 從**關於**開始 +- Start with **About** -- 提供背景,連結所有相關參考資料 +- Provide context, link ALL relevant references -- 討論選項/替代方案 +- Discuss options/alternatives -- 不要提供指示或具體參考資料(連結到它們) +- Don’t instruct or provide reference (link to them) -- 說明未知/變動中的目標等... +- State the unknown/moving targets etc… -- **關於**標題(第1級標題) +- **About** Title (Level 1 heading) -- 介紹(無標題) +- Introduction (no heading) -- 可選的先決條件(第2級標題) +- Optional Prerequisites (Level 2 heading) -- 子主題1(第2級標題) +- Subtopic 1 (level 2 heading) -- 結論(第2級標題) +- Conclusion (Level 2 heading) -![圖像](./images/styleguide08.png) +![Image](./images/styleguide08.png) -### 2\. AAPS 特定的寫作/更新筆記 +### 2\. AAPS-specific writing/updating notes -#### 作者與編輯 +#### Author & Editor -撰寫/更新 AAPS 文檔的過程可以視為兩個階段。 這些步驟可以由同一個人在不同的時間點完成,或者由多個人共同完成。 +For writing/updating the AAPS documentation, consider the process as consisting of two stages. These can be carried out by the same person at different points, or more than one person. -**作者(例如你!)**以簡潔且對話式的語氣撰寫/編輯文檔的一部分,然後交給編輯。 +An **author (e.g. you!)** writes/edits a section of the documentation in a concise conversational tone, then passes it to the editor. -**編輯(例如一位 AAPS 使用者,或是接收到 pull request 的人)**審查是否遵守風格指南,並對該部分進行編輯以確保清晰和易讀性,儘量刪除冗餘的文字(特別是教程/操作指南部分)。 大聲朗讀文本可能會有所幫助。 +The **editor (e.g. a fellow AAPS user, or the person who receives the pull request)** reviews adherence to the style guide, edits the section for clarity and accessibility, removing as many words as possible (especially for tutorial/how-to sections). Reading the text out loud may help. -#### AAPS 常見要點 +#### General AAPS points -- 對於血糖值,請在每次出現時同時標明 mg/dl 和 mmol/l(如果可能,也考慮將其應用於截圖)。 +- For glucose values, state both mg/dl and mmol/l in each occurrence (also consider this for screenshots, if possible). -- 為了保持一致性,使用 “AAPS” 而不是 “Android APS”。 +- For consistency, use “AAPS” rather than “Android APS”. -- 明確說明您撰寫的版本是針對哪一版本的 Android Studio/AAPS,或截圖取自哪個版本。 +- Clearly state the version of Android Studio/AAPS you are writing for, or that the screenshots are taken from. -### 3\. 有用的參考資料 +### 3\. Useful References -[Diátaxis(]( +[Diátaxis (]( -[技術寫作風格指南範例 | 技術寫作 HQ]( +[Technical Writer Style Guide Examples | Technical Writer HQ]( -[DigitalOcean 的技術寫作指南 | DigitalOcean]( +[DigitalOcean's Technical Writing Guidelines | DigitalOcean]( -[Microsoft 風格與語氣的十大提示 - Microsoft 風格指南 | Microsoft Learn]( +[Top 10 tips for Microsoft style and voice - Microsoft Style Guide | Microsoft Learn]( From 23024e19e9c67dfaa1990d8258e915a69dee160c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 138/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index e3649b77a307..ca3e59f2af30 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# xDrip 工程模式 +# xDrip Engineering Mode -啟用 xDrip+ 工程模式將會開啟應用中的擴展及實驗功能。 +Enabling Engineering Mode in xDrip+ activates extended and experimental features within the app. -要啟用工程模式,在 xDrip+ 主畫面點擊右側的治療圖示(類似注射器)。 然後按住治療介面右下角的麥克風圖示。 在彈出的文字欄位中輸入「enable engineering mode」,然後點擊完成。 或者,如果 Google 語音引擎已啟用,語音輸入指令「enable engineering mode」。 工程模式已啟用。 \ No newline at end of file +To enable Engineering Mode, on the xDrip+ home screen tap the Treatment icon on the right side of the screen (this resembles a syringe). Then tap and hold the microphone icon on the bottom-right of the Treatment interface. In the text field that opens, type "enable engineering mode" and click Done. Or, when Google Speak engine is active, speak the command "enable engineering mode". Engineering Mode is now enabled. \ No newline at end of file From 1b32f4cde7d4f6b1bba8c957ef319c9e3678ff8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 139/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 42 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 8554fea20554..5d3bd6a3fc7e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ (Troubleshooting-NSClient-troubleshooting-nsclient)= -# NSClient 疑難排解 +# Troubleshooting NSClient -NSClient 依賴於與 Nightscout 的穩定連線。 不穩定的連線會導致同步錯誤和高資料使用量。 +NSClient relies on stable communication with Nightscout. An unstable connection leads to synchronization errors and high data usage. -如果沒有人在 Nightscout 上追蹤你,你可以選擇暫停 NSClient 以節省電池,或設置 NSClient 僅在連線 Wi-Fi 和/或充電時才連線。 +If nobody is following you on Nightscout you can choose to pause NSClient to save battery life or you can choose to setup NSClient so that it only connects when on Wi-Fi and/or during charging. -* 如何檢測不穩定的連線? +* How to detect an unstable connection? -前往 AAPS 的 NSClient 標籤,並查看日誌。 預期行為是每隔約30秒接收一次 PING 並幾乎沒有重新連線訊息。 如果看到很多重新連線訊息,則表示有問題。 +Go to NSClient tab in AAPS and watch the log. The expected behavior is to receive a PING every ~30s and almost no reconnection messages. If you see many reconnections, then there is a problem. -自 AAPS 版本2.0起,當檢測到此類行為時,NSClient 將會暫停15分鐘,並在首頁總覽畫面顯示「NSClient 故障」。 +Since AAPS version 2.0, when such behavior is detected, NSClient is paused for 15 minutes and the message "NSClient malfunction" is displayed on the main Overview screen. -* 重新啟動 +* Restart -首先應該嘗試重新啟動 Nightscout 和手機,查看問題是否仍然存在。 +What you should try as a first step is restart both: Nightscout and then phone to see if the issue is permanent -如果你的 Nightscout 是託管在 Heroku 上,可以登入 Heroku,點擊你的 Nightscout 應用名稱,點擊「更多」選單,然後選擇「重新啟動所有 dynos」。 +If your Nightscout is hosted on Heroku, you can restart Nightscout by: Logging into Heroku, click on your nightscout app name, click on the 'More' menu, then 'Restart all dynos'. -對於其他主機,請參閱你的主機指南文件。 +For other hosts, please follow your hosts guidance documentation. -* 手機問題 +* Phone issues -Android 可能會讓你的手機進入睡眠模式。 檢查你的手機電源選項中是否為 AAPS 設定了例外,允許其始終在背景運作。 +Android may put your phone into a sleep mode. Check if you have an exception for AAPS in your phones power options to allow it to run in the background all the time. -在網路信號強的地方再次檢查 NSClient。 +Check the NSClient again when in strong network signal location. -嘗試使用另一部手機。 +Try another phone. * Nightscout -如果你的網站託管在 Azure 上,許多人發現轉移到 Heroku 後,連線問題有所改善。 +If your site is hosted on Azure, many people have found that connection issues have improved since moving to Heroku. -Azure 連線問題的解決方法是在應用程式設定中將 HTTP 協議設為2.0,並將 Websockets 設為開啟。 +A workaround to connection issues in Azure is to set in Application settings HTTP protocol to 2.0 and Websockets to ON -* Nightscout 沒有血糖讀數 +* No BG reading from Nightscout -如果 AAPS 正常連線到 Nightscout 但血糖顯示為 N/A。 前往 NSCLIENT 標籤,按右上角的三點選單,點擊 NSClient 偏好設定 -> 同步,打開「接收/回填 CGM 資料」。 +If AAPS connects to Nightscout correctly but does BG displays as N/A. Go to NSCLIENT tab, press the 3 dot menu top right, Click NSClient Preferences -> Synchronization turn on "Receive/backfill CGM data". -* 如果仍然出現錯誤… +* If you still get an error... -檢查 MongoDB 中資料庫的大小(或透過 Nightscout 中的資料庫大小外掛)。 如果你使用的是 MongoDB 的免費層,496MB 表示已滿,需要清理。 [請按照這些 Nightscout 說明檢查資料庫大小並清理資料](。 +Check the size of your database in MongoDB (or via the database size plugin in nightscout). If you are using the free tier in MongoDB, 496MB means it is full and needs to be cleaned up. [Follow these Nightscout instructions for checking the size of your database and clearing out data]( -在清理資料庫中的資料之前,如果你還沒有設置,應該考慮將你的 AAPS 資料捐贈給 Open Humans 項目(用於研究)。 說明在[OpenHumans 設定頁面](../Configuration/OpenHumans)。 \ No newline at end of file +Before clearing data from your database and if you haven't already set it up, you should consider donating your AAPS data to the Open Humans project (for research). The instructions are on the [OpenHumans configuration page](../Configuration/OpenHumans). \ No newline at end of file From 8abcc8a51a62accd83422a92e2b7516225a17925 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 140/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 142 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 5eed2a83e1e7..9bd777fc7640 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,138 +1,138 @@ -# 與幫浦跨時區旅行 +# Timezone traveling with pumps -## DanaR,韓國 DanaR +## DanaR, Korean DanaR -更改手機時區沒有問題,因為幫浦不使用歷史記錄。 +There is no issue with changing timezone in phone because pump doesn't use history (Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars)= -## DanaRv2,DanaRS +## DanaRv2, DanaRS -這些幫浦需要特別注意,因為 AAPS 使用來自幫浦的歷史記錄,但幫浦記錄中沒有時區標籤。 **這意味著如果你簡單地更改手機的時區,記錄將會以不同的時區讀取,並且會重複。** +These pumps need a special care because AAPS is using history from the pump but the records in pump don't have timezone stamp. **That means if you simple change timezone in phone, records will be read with different timezone and will be doubled.** -為避免這種情況,有兩種可能的解決方法: +To avoid this there are two possibilities: -### 方案1:保持家庭時間並時間調整設定 +### Option 1: Keep home time and timeshift profile -* 在手機設定中關閉「自動日期和時間」(手動更改時區)。 -* 手機在整個旅行期間必須保持為你的家庭標準時間。 -* 根據家庭時間與目的地時間的時差,時間調整你的設定。 +* Turn off 'Automatic date and time' in your phone settings (manual time zone change). +* Phone must keep your standard time as at home for the whole travel period. +* Time-shift your profile according to time difference between home time and destination time. - * 長按設定名稱(主畫面頂部中間部分)。 - * 選擇「設定切換」。 - * 根據你的目的地設置「時間調整」。 + * Long-press profile name (middle of top section on homescreen) + * Select 'Profile Switch' + * Set 'Time shift' according to your destination. - ![設定切換與時間調整](../images/ProfileSwitchTimeShift2.png) + ![Profile switch with time shift](../images/ProfileSwitchTimeShift2.png) - * 例如:維也納 -> 紐約:設定切換 +6 小時 - * 例如:維也納 -> 悉尼:設定切換 -8 小時 -* 如果使用[修改版的 LibreLink 應用程式](Libre2-time-zone-travelling),自動時區必須設置以啟動新的 Libre 2 感測器,這可能無法使用。 + * i.e. Vienna -> New York: profile switch +6 hours + * i.e. Vienna -> Sydney: profile switch -8 hours +* Probably not an option if using [patched LibreLink app](Libre2-time-zone-travelling) as automatic time zone must be set to start a new Libre 2 sensor. -### 方案2:刪除幫浦歷史記錄 +### Option 2: Delete pump history -* 在手機設定中關閉「自動日期和時間」(手動更改時區)。 +* Turn off 'Automatic date and time' in your phone settings (manual time zone change) -當下飛機時: +When get out of plane: -* 關閉幫浦。 -* 更改手機時區。 -* 關閉手機,打開幫浦。 -* 清除幫浦中的歷史記錄。 -* 更改幫浦中的時間。 -* 打開手機。 -* 讓手機連線到幫浦並微調時間。 +* turn off pump +* change timezone on phone +* turn off phone, turn on pump +* clear history in pump +* change time in pump +* turn on phone +* let phone connect to the pump and fine-tune time (Timezone-traveling-insight)= ## Insight -驅動程式會自動將幫浦的時間調整為手機的時間。 +The driver automatically adjusts the time of the pump to the time of the phone. -Insight 也會記錄更改時間的歷史條目,記錄時間從哪個(舊)時間更改為哪個(新)時間。 因此,儘管時間發生變更,仍可以在 AAPS 中確定正確的時間。 +The Insight also records the history entries in which moment time was changed and from which (old) time to which (new) time. So the correct time can be determined in AAPS despite the time change. -這可能會導致 TDD 計算不準確。 但這不應該成為問題。 +It may cause inaccuracies in the TDDs. But it shouldn't be a problem. -因此 Insight 使用者不需要擔心時區變更和時間更改。 此規則有一個例外:Insight 幫浦內部有一個小型電池來供電時間等。 當你更換「主」電池時保持時間運作。 如果更換電池的時間過長,這個內部電池會耗盡電力,時鐘將被重置,並在插入新電池後要求輸入時間和日期。 在這種情況下,更換電池之前的所有條目將在 AAPS 的計算中被跳過,因為無法正確識別正確的時間。 +So the Insight user doesn't have to worry about timezone changes and time changes. There is one exception to this rule: The Insight pump has a small internal battery to power time etc. while you are changing the "real" battery. If changing battery takes to long this internal battery runs out of energy, the clock is reset and you are asked to enter time and date after inserting a new battery. In this case all entries prior to the battery change are skipped in calculation in AAPS as the correct time cannot be identified properly. ## Accu-Chek Combo -[新的 Combo 驅動程式](../Configuration/會自動將幫浦的時間調整為手機的時間。 Combo 無法儲存時區,只能儲存本地時間,這正是新的驅動程式將其編程至幫浦中的方式。 此外,它會將時區儲存在本地 AAPS 偏好設定中,以便將幫浦的本地時間轉換為具有時區偏移的完整時間戳記。 使用者不需要做任何操作;如果 Combo 的時間與手機的當前時間相差太大,幫浦的時間會自動調整。 +The [new Combo driver](../Configuration/ automatically adjusts the time of the pump to the time of the phone. The Combo cannot store timezones, only local time, which is precisely what the new driver programs into the pump. In addition, it stores the timezone in the local AAPS preferences to be able to convert the pump's localtime to a full timestamp that has a timezone offset. The user does not have to do anything; if the time on the Combo deviates too much from the phone's current time, the pump's time is automatically adjusted. -請注意,這需要一些時間,因為只能在遠端終端模式下完成,而該模式通常較慢。 這是 Combo 無法克服的限制。 +Note that this takes some time, however, since it can only be done in the remote-terminal mode, which is generally slow. This is a Combo limitation that cannot be overcome. -舊的基於 Ruffy 的驅動程式無法自動調整時間。 使用者必須手動進行調整。 如果是因為時區或夏令時間變更,請參閱下方的安全操作步驟。 +The old, Ruffy-based driver does not adjust the time automatically. The user has to do that manually. See below for the steps necessary to do that safely in case the timezone / daylight savings is the reason for the change. (Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst)= ## Medtrum -驅動程式會自動將幫浦的時間調整為手機的時間。 +The driver automatically adjusts the time of the pump to the time of the phone. -時區變更會保留歷史記錄,但可能會影響 TDD。 手動更改手機上的時間可能會導致歷史記錄和 IOB 出現問題。 如果手動更改時間,請仔細檢查 IOB。 +Timezone changes keep the history in tact, only TDD may be affected. Manually changing the time on the phone can cause problems with the history and IOB. If you change time manually double check the IOB. -當時區或時間更改時,正在運作的 TBR 會停止。 +When the timezone or time changes running TBR's are stopped. -# 時間調整 夏令時間(DST) +# Time adjustment daylight savings time (DST) -根據幫浦和 CGM 的設置,時間跳變可能會導致問題。 以 Combo 為例,幫浦的歷史記錄將重新讀取,並會導致重複條目。 因此,請在白天而非晚上進行時間調整。 +Depending on pump and CGM setup, jumps in time can lead to problems. With the Combo e.g. the pump history gets read again and it would lead to duplicate entries. So please do the adjustment while awake and not during the night. -如果使用計算機注射,請不要使用 COB 和 IOB,除非您確定它們是完全正確的——在 DST 轉換後幾小時內最好不要使用它們。 +If you bolus with the calculator please don't use COB and IOB unless you made sure they are absolutely correct - better don't use them for a couple of hours after DST switch. -(跨時區旅行-accu-chek-combo)= +(Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo)= ## Accu-Chek Combo -**注意**:如上所述,本節僅適用於舊的基於 Ruffy 的驅動程式。 新的驅動程式會自動調整日期和時間以及 DST。 +**NOTE**: As mentioned above, this secton is only valid for the old, Ruffy-based driver. The new driver adjusts date and time and DST automatically. -如果幫浦與手機的時間相差太大,AAPS 會發出警報。 在 DST 時間調整的情況下,這通常會發生在夜間。 為了避免這種情況,並讓您可以安穩睡覺,請遵循以下步驟,以便您能夠在方便的時間強制更改時間: +AAPS will issue an alarm if the time between pump and phone differs too much. In case of DST time adjustment, this would be in the middle of the night. To prevent this and enjoy your sleep instead, follow these steps so that you can force the time change at a time convenient to yourself: -### 更改時鐘前的操作 +### Actions to take before the clock change -1. 關閉任何自動設置時區的設置,以便您可以在需要時強制更改時間。 如何操作將取決於您的智慧型手機和 Android 版本。 +1. Switch OFF any setting that automatically sets the timezone, so you can force the time change when you want to. How you can do this will depend on your smartphone and Android version. - * 某些設備有兩個設置,一個是自動設置時間(理想情況下應保持開啟),另一個是自動設置時區(必須關閉)。 - * 不幸的是,一些 Android 版本只有一個開關,可以自動設置時間和時區。 您現在必須關閉這個開關。 + * Some have two settings, one for automatic setting of the time (which ideally should remain on) and one for automatic setting of the timezone (which you must turn OFF). + * Unfortunately some Android versions have a single switch to enable automatic setting of both the time and the timezone. You’ll have to turn this off for now. -2. 尋找一個與您當前位置有相同時間但不使用 DST 的時區。 +2. Find a time zone that has the same time as your current location but doesn't use DST. - * 可在此找到這些國家的列表 []( - * 對於中歐時間(CET),這可能是「布拉柴維爾」(剛果)。 將您的手機時區更改為剛果。 + * A list of these countries is available []( + * For Central European Time (CET) this could be "Brazzaville" (Kongo). Change your phone's timezone to Kongo. -3. 在 AAPS 中重新整理您的幫浦。 +3. In AAPS refresh your pump. -4. 檢查治療標籤... 如果看到任何重複的治療: +4. Check the Treatments tab... If you see any duplicate treatments: - * 請勿按「刪除未來治療」 - * 請按「移除」所有未來的治療和重複的治療。 這樣可以使治療無效,而不是將其移除,因此它們將不再被計入 IOB。 + * DON'T press "delete treatments in the future" + * Hit "remove" on all future treatments and duplicate ones. This should invalidate the treatments rather than removing them so they will not be considered for IOB anymore. -5. 如果 IOB/COB 的情況不清楚——為了安全起見,請停用循環至少一個 DIA 和最大碳水化合物時間,以較大的為準。 +5. If the situation on how much IOB/COB is unclear - for safety please disable the loop for at least one DIA and Max-Carb-Time - whatever is bigger.* -### 更改時鐘後的操作 +### Actions to take after the clock change -更改的最佳時間是當 IOB 低時。 例如,在用餐前一小時,例如早餐,(幫浦歷史記錄中的任何近期注射將是小的 SMB 校正)。 此時,您的 COB 和 IOB 應該都接近於零。 +A good time to make this switch would be with low IOB. E.g. an hour before a meal such as breakfast, (any recent boluses in the pump history will have been small SMB corrections. Your COB and IOB should both be close to zero.) -1. 將 Android 時區更改回您的當前位置,並重新啟用自動時區。 -2. AAPS 很快就會提醒您 Combo 的時鐘與當前時間不匹配。 因此,請透過幫浦螢幕和按鈕手動更新幫浦的時鐘。 -3. 在 AAPS 的「Combo」畫面中,按「重新整理」。 -4. 然後轉到治療畫面,查看是否有任何未來事件。 應該不會有太多。 +1. Change the Android timezone back to your current location and re-enable automatic timezone. +2. AAPS will soon start alerting you that the Combo’s clock doesn’t match. So update the pump’s clock manually via the pump’s screen and buttons. +3. On the AAPS “Combo” screen, press Refresh. +4. Then go to the Treatments screen, and look for any events in the future. There shouldn’t be many. - * 請勿按「刪除未來治療」 - * 請按「移除」所有未來的治療和重複的治療。 這樣可以使治療無效,而不是將其移除,因此它們將不再被計入 IOB。 + * DON'T press "delete treatments in the future" + * Hit "remove" on all future treatments and duplicate ones. This should invalidate the treatments rather than removing them so they will not be considered for IOB anymore. -5. 如果 IOB/COB 的情況不清楚——為了安全起見,請停用循環至少一個 DIA 和最大碳水化合物時間,以較大的為準。 +5. If the situation on how much IOB/COB is unclear - for safety please disable the loop for at least one DIA and Max-Carb-Time - whatever is bigger.* -6. 正常繼續。 +6. Continue as normal. ## Accu-Chek Insight -* DST 變更會自動完成。 無需進行任何操作。 +* Change to DST is done automatically. No action required. ## Medtrum -* DST 變更會自動完成。 無需進行任何操作。 +* Change to DST is done automatically. No action required. -## 其他幫浦 +## Other pumps -* 此功能自 AAPS 版本2.2起可用。 -* 為了避免問題,在 DST 切換後的3小時內將暫時停用循環。 這是出於安全原因(由於 DST 變更前的重複注射,IOB 過高)。 -* 您將在 DST 變更前在主畫面上收到一條通知,提示循環將暫時停用。 此訊息將不會發出嗶聲、振動或其他提示。 \ No newline at end of file +* This feature is available since AAPS version 2.2. +* To prevent difficulties the Loop will be deactivated for 3 hours AFTER the DST switch. This is done for safety reasons (IOB too high due to duplicated bolus prior to DST change). +* You will receive a notification on the main screen prior to DST change that loop will be disabled temporarily. This message will appear without beep, vibration or anything. \ No newline at end of file From 90e820e0425853a6b82421a2a2023f3d7a0021c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 141/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 116 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index f9bfe2b2eb54..60cd66c7d7e5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,108 +1,108 @@ -# 臨時目標 +# Temp-Targets -## 什麼是臨時目標,並且我可以在哪裡設置和配置它們? +## What are Temp-Targets and where can I set and configure them? -**臨時目標**(或簡稱**TT**)是 **AAPS** 的一個功能,允許使用者調整其**血糖**目標範圍以配合計畫中的活動。 這是透過 **AAPS** 操控使用者的胰島素使用來實現的。 +A **Temp-Target** (or short **TT**) is an **AAPS** feature that allows the user to alter their **BG** target range for planned activities. This is achieved by **AAPS** manipulating the user’s insulin usage. -**AAPS** 提供了三種適合不同情況的**臨時目標**選項,分別是運動(**臨時目標-運動**)、餐前準備(**臨時目標-即將用餐**)以及預測低血糖(**臨時目標-低血糖**)。 **臨時目標**位於**操作選單**下。 +**AAPS** provides for three **Temp-Target** options suitable for exercise (**Temp-Target- Activity**), meals (**Temp-Target- Eating soon**) and predicted hypoglycemia (**Temp-Target-Hypo**). **Temp-Targets** are located under the **Actions tab**. -使用者在**AAPS**中選擇臨時目標時,應對能達到的結果保持合理的期望。 達到預期**血糖**目標的成功率取決於多種因素,包括使用者的**AAPS**設置、整體**血糖**控制、胰島素庫存量、胰島素敏感度、胰島素抵抗力、運動期間的活動量等等。 +Users should have realistic expectations on the results that can be achieved when selecting a **Temp-Target** in **AAPS**. The success of attaining a desired **BG** target will vary depending on a multiple factors ranging from: the reliability of the user’s **AAPS** settings, overall **BG** control, **IOB**, insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance, level of exertion undertaken during the exercise and so forth. -一個**臨時目標**可能需要大約30分鐘甚至更長時間才能達到預期的**血糖**目標。 **AAPS** 無法立即達到**血糖**目標,因此使用者在選擇**臨時目標**時應注意這一點。 +A **Temp-Target** can take approximately 30 minutes or longer in order to attain a desired **BG** target. It is impossible for **AAPS** to achieve a **BG** target with immediate effect and users should be mindful of this when selecting a **Temp-Target**. -下表總結了**臨時目標-運動**、**臨時目標-即將用餐**和**臨時目標-低血糖**的功能。 +The table below summarises the features of **Temp-Target- Activity**, **Temp-Target- Eating soon**, and **Temp-Target-Hypo**. -![TT1_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 231223]( +![TT1_Screenshot 2024-01-26 231223]( -## 我可以在哪裡選擇臨時目標? +## Where can I select a Temp-Target? -1. 進入**AAPS**的**操作**選單; -2. 選擇**臨時目標**按鈕;然後 -3. 選擇所需的**臨時目標** +1. go to **Actions** tab in **AAPS**; +2. select **Temporary Target** button; and then +3. select desired **Temp-Target** -![TT2_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 194028]( +![TT2_Screenshot 2024-01-26 194028]( -另外,可以透過點擊「碳水化合物」按鈕(步驟1),在捷徑中選擇所需的**臨時目標**(步驟2)來啟用**臨時目標**,如下所示: +Alternatively, **Temp-Target** can be activated in the “Carbs” button (step 1) by selecting the desired **Temp-Target** in the shortcuts (step 2) as shown below: -![TT3_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 194318]( +![TT3_Screenshot 2024-01-26 194318]( -## 我可以在哪裡更改預設的**臨時目標**並根據個人偏好進行覆蓋? +## Where can I change the default Temp-Target and override with my own preferences? -要重新配置分配給使用者的預設**臨時目標**的「血糖目標範圍」和「持續時間」,請進入**AAPS**右上角的選單並 +To reconfigure the ‘BG target range’ and ‘duration’ allocated to the user’s default **Temp-Target** settings, go to the menu in **AAPS** on the top right hand corner and -1. 選擇**偏好設定** -2. 向下滾動至「總覽」 -3. 選擇「預設臨時目標」 -4. 步驟4 說明如何更改**臨時目標-即將用餐**的持續時間 -5. 步驟5 說明如何更改**臨時目標-即將用餐**的**血糖**目標範圍(同樣的步驟可應用於**臨時目標-運動**和**臨時目標-低血糖**)。 +1. select **Preferences** +2. scroll down to 'Overview’ +3. select ‘Default Temp-Targets’ +4. step 4 indicates (below) where to change **TT- Eating soon** time period +5. step 5 indicates (below) where to change **TT - Eating soon** **BG** target range (and the same steps can be repeated for **TT -Activity** and **TT - Hypo**. -![TT7_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 213136]( +![TT7_Screenshot 2024-01-26 213136]( -## 如何取消一個正在運作的**臨時目標**? +## How do I cancel a Temp-Target? -要取消正在運作的**臨時目標**,請在**操作選單**下的**臨時目標**中選擇「取消」按鈕,如下所示。 +To cancel a **Temp-Target** running, select the “Cancel” button in **Temporary Target** under the **Actions** tab as shown below. -![TT5_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 195309]( +![TT5_Screenshot 2024-01-26 195309]( -或者,快速點擊**AAPS**右上角黃色/綠色框中的「血糖目標」,然後選擇「取消」,如下所示: +Or short-click on the ‘BG Target’ in the yellow/green box located in the top right corner of **AAPS**, and select ‘cancel’ as shown below: -![設置臨時目標](../images/TempTarget_Set2.png) +![Set temp target](../images/TempTarget_Set2.png) -## 如何選擇**預設臨時目標**? +## How do I select a “Default-Temp-Targets” -要選擇**預設臨時目標**,使用者可以快速點擊首頁總覽標籤頁右上角的目標,打開**臨時目標**對話框,然後點擊「即將用餐」、「運動」或「低血糖」按鈕,或者使用橘色「碳水化合物」按鈕中的捷徑。 +To select a **Default-Temp-Target**, the user can short click on the target in the right corner on the top in the overview-tab to show **Temp Target** dialog and click on 'Eating Soon', 'Activity' or 'Hypo' button, or use the shortcuts in the orange 'Carbs' button. -- 要稍微調整**預設臨時目標**的值,*長按*「即將用餐」、「運動」或「低血糖」按鈕,然後在目標或持續時間欄位中編輯數值。 -- 如果臨時目標正在運作,對話框中會顯示一個額外的「取消」按鈕來取消它。 +- To slightly adjust the values of a **Default-Temp-Target**t, *long press* the 'Eating Soon', 'Activity' or 'Hypo' button and then edit the values in the Target or Duration fields. +- If a **Temp target** is running, an additional "Cancel" button is shown in dialog to cancel it. -## 低血糖臨時目標 +## Hypo Temp-Target -**臨時目標-低血糖**可幫助**AAPS**透過減少胰島素攝入來防止使用者經歷低血糖。 如果使用者預測**血糖**會下降,通常**AAPS**會處理它,但很大程度上取決於使用者的**AAPS**設置是否穩定。 一個**臨時目標-低血糖**允許使用者提前應對預測的低血糖,並更新**AAPS**以減少胰島素。 +**Temp-Target Hypo** enables **AAPS** to prevent the user from experiencing low blood sugar by reducing insulin intake. If the user predicts their **BG** will go low: usually, **AAPS** should handle it, but much will depend on the stability of the user’s **AAPS'** settings. A **Temp-Target Hypo** enables the user to get ahead of the predicted low and update **AAPS** to reduce insulin. -有時候當食用了治療低血糖的碳水化合物時,使用者的**血糖**會迅速上升,**AAPS**會透過啟用**SMB**來應對快速上升的**血糖**。 +Sometimes when hypo-treated carbs are eaten, the user's **BG** can rapidly rise, and **AAPS** will correct against the fast rising **BG** by enabling **SMBs**. -一些使用者希望在**臨時目標-低血糖**期間避免**SMB**的給藥。 這可以透過在**偏好設定**中停用*「啟用高臨時目標時的SMB」*來實現(詳見下文): +Some users wish to avoid **SMBs** being given during **Temp-Target Hypo**. This is achieved by deactivating *'Enable SMB with high Temp-Target'* in **Preferences** (see further below): -- 在「進階設定,目標9」中,使用者可以啟用*「高臨時目標提高敏感度」*,當**臨時目標**的血糖達到100mg/dl或5.5mmol/l或更高時,**AAPS**將變得更加敏感。 +- In (Advanced, objective 9): the user can enable *“High Temp-Targets raises sensitivity”* for **Temp-Targets** of 100mg/dl or 5.5mmol/l or higher in OpenAPS SMB, **AAPS** will be more sensitive. -- 在「進階設定,目標9」中,使用者可以停用*「高臨時目標時的SMB」*,即使**COB**大於0,並且**SMB**已啟用,且**OpenAPS SMB**處於活動狀態,**AAPS**在高臨時目標期間也不會進行**SMB**。 +- In (Advanced, objective 9): the user can deactivate *“SMB with high temp target”*, so that even if **AAPS** has COB > 0, “SMB with Temp-Target” or “SMB always” enabled and OpenAPS SMB active, **AAPS** will not give SMBs while high temp targets are active. -注意:如果使用者透過碳水化合物按鈕輸入碳水化合物,並且您的**血糖**低於72mg/dl或4mmol/l,**AAPS**會自動啟用**臨時目標-低血糖**。 +Note: if the user enters carbs with the carb button and your blood glucose is less than 72mg/dl or 4mmol/l, **Temp-Target Hypo** is automatically enabled by **AAPS**. -## 運動臨時目標 +## Activity Temp-Target -在運動前和運動期間,使用者可能需要更高的目標來防止運動期間的低血糖。 +Before and during exercise, the user may require a higher target to prevent hypoglycemia during the activity. -為了簡化**臨時目標-運動**的設定,使用者可以配置一個預設的**臨時目標-運動**,透過減少胰島素使用來提高**血糖**水平,以減緩**血糖**下降並避免低血糖。 +To simplify **Temp-Target Activity**, the user can configure a default **Temp-Target - Activity** to raise **BG** levels by reducing insulin usage in order to slow down **BG** fall and avoid hypoglycemia. -新手使用者可能需要嘗試並個人化他們的**臨時目標-運動**預設設置,以優化這項功能的效果。 每個人在運動期間達到穩定**血糖**控制的情況各不相同。 另請參閱常見問題中的[運動部分](FAQ-sports)。 在常見問題中。 +New users to **AAPS** may need to experiment and personalise their **Temp-Target Activity** default settings in order to optimise this feature to work best for them. Everyone is different when it comes to attaining stable BG control during exercise. See also the [sports section in FAQ](FAQ-sports). in FAQ. -一些使用者還喜歡在啟用**臨時目標-運動**之前和期間啟動一個**設定切換**(即設定降至100%以下以減少**AAPS**的胰島素給藥)。 +Some users also prefer to activate a **Profile switch** (being a Profile decrease < 100% to reduced insulin delivery by **AAPS**) before and while **Temp-Target Activity** is on. -進階設定,目標9:使用者可以為**臨時目標**啟用*「高臨時目標提高敏感度」*,當**臨時目標**達到或超過100mg/dl或5.5mmol/l時,**AAPS**將變得更加敏感。 此外,如果停用*「高臨時目標時的SMB」*,即使**COB**大於0,並且**SMB**已啟用,且**OpenAPS SMB**處於活動狀態,**AAPS**也不會在高臨時目標期間進行**SMB**。 +Advanced, objective 9: users can enable *'High Temp-Targets raises sensitivity'* for **Temp-Targets** higher or equal 100mg/dl or 5.5mmol/L in OpenAPS **SMB**. Then **AAPS** is more sensitive. -另外,如果停用了『高臨時目標下的 SMB』,即使 COB > 0,啟用了『臨時目標下的 SMB』或『始終啟用 SMB』,且 OpenAPS 的 SMB 活動中,AAPS 也不會執行 SMB。 +Additionally, if *'SMB with high Temp-Target'* is deactivated, **AAPS** will not deliver **SMBs**, even with COB > 0, *'SMB with Temp-Target-* or *'SMB always'* enabled and OpenAPS **SMB** active. -## 即將用餐臨時目標 +## Eating soon Temp-Target -**臨時目標-即將用餐**可以幫助實現緩和的血糖下降,並確保在用餐前有充足的**胰島素庫存量**。 +**Temp-Target -Eating soon** can help accomplish a gentle drive down of **BG** and ensure there is ample **IOB** before eating. -這對於那些不進行餐前注射的使用者來說是一個重要工具,然而**臨時目標-即將用餐**的效果將取決於多種因素,包括使用者的設置、是否採用低碳水化合物飲食以及是否使用快效胰島素(如 Fiasp 或 Lyjumjev),以消除餐前注射的需求。 通常,除非使用者對**AAPS**有一定的經驗,否則在使用**臨時目標-即將用餐**時應該預期進行餐前注射,特別是在進食高碳水化合物飲食時。 +This can be an important tool for those users who do not pre bolus, however the efficacy of **Temp-Target -Eating soon** will depend on a number of factors including: the user’s settings, if they eat a low carb diet and whether they are using a fast acting insulin (like Fiasp or Lyjumjev) in order to eliminate the need to pre bolus. Ordinarily, until users are experienced in **AAPS** they should expect to pre bolus when using **Temp-Target -Eating soon** and this is particularly so, if eating a high carb diet. -您可以在文章[「如何啟用‘即將用餐模式’」](或[這裡](了解更多關於「即將用餐模式」的訊息。 +You can read more about the “Eating soon mode” in the article ['How to do “eating soon” mode']( or [here]( -進階設定,[目標9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb):如果您使用 OpenAPS SMB 並啟用了*「低臨時目標降低敏感度」*,**AAPS**會更加積極地運作。 此選項要求**臨時目標**低於100mg/dl或5.5mmol/l。 +Advanced, [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb): If you use OpenAPS SMB and have *'Low temp target lowers sensitivity'*, **AAPS** works a little bit more aggressively. For this option there is a requirement for **Temp-Target** to be less than 100mg/dl or 5.5mmol/l. -## 如何在臨時目標期間關閉**SMB**? +## How do I turn off SMB during Temp-Targets? -要執行此操作,請在**偏好設定**中選擇,並停用*「啟用高臨時目標時的SMB」*。 +To action this select in **Preferences** > and deactivate *'Enable SMB with high Temp-Target'*. -![TT8_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 230757]( +![TT8_Screenshot 2024-01-26 230757]( -這將確保**AAPS**即使在**COB**大於0,*「高臨時目標的SMB」*或*「始終啟用的SMB」*啟用且**OpenAPS SMB**處於活動狀態時,亦不會進行**SMB**。 +This will ensure **AAPS** will not give **SMBs**, even with COB > 0, *'SMB with Temp-Target'* or *'SMB alway'* enabled and OpenAPS SMB active. -## 自定義臨時目標 +## Custom Temp-Target -如果使用者需要手動調整**臨時目標**,*長按*「即將用餐」、「運動」或「低血糖」按鈕,然後在**血糖**「目標」或「持續時間」欄位中編輯值。 +If the user requires an manual adjustment to the **Temp-Target** *long press* the ‘Eating Soon’, ‘Activity’ or ‘Hypo’ button and then edit the values to the desired **BG** ‘target’ or ‘duration’ field. -![透過操作選單設置臨時目標](../images/TempTarget_ActionTab.png) \ No newline at end of file +![Set temp target through Action tab](../images/TempTarget_ActionTab.png) \ No newline at end of file From 130581d2eb26515c8797295c2c736ab78781d80a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 142/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 88 +++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 8cf48af85be0..12ed35aaf4e0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,89 +1,89 @@ # Android Auto -**AAPS** 能夠將您的當前狀態以訊息形式直接發送到車內的 Android Auto。 +**AAPS** is capable of sending you information about your current status as a message, directly into Android Auto in your car. -:::{admonition} 版本和最後更改訊息 :class: dropdown 最後編輯日期:2023/07/05 +:::{admonition} version and last change information :class: dropdown date of last edit: 07/05/2023 -文檔使用的版本: +versions used for documentation: * AAPS 3.2.0-dev-i -* Android Auto:9.3.631434-release ::: +* Android Auto: 9.3.631434-release ::: -## 需求 +## Requirements -**AAPS** 使用了 Android Auto 的一個功能,允許來自手機應用的訊息傳輸到車載音響顯示。 +**AAPS** uses a feature of Android Auto which allows messages from apps on the mobile to be routed to the display of Auto Audio in the car. -這意味著: +That means that: -* 您必須配置**AAPS**以使用系統通知來進行警報和通知,並且 -* 由於**AAPS** 是非官方應用,需允許 Android Auto 使用「未知來源」。 +* You must configure **AAPS** to use system notifications for alerts and notifications and +* As **AAPS** is an unofficial App, allow the use of "unknown sources" with Android Auto. -![AAPS CGM 資料在 Android Auto 上的顯示](../images/android_auto_01.png) +![AAPS CGM data on Android Auto](../images/android_auto_01.png) -(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto) +(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto)= -## 在**AAPS**中使用系統通知進行警報和通知 +## Use system notifications in AAPS for alerts and notifications -打開**AAPS**主畫面右上角的三點選單並選擇**偏好設定** +Open 3-dot-menu on top right of **AAPS** home screen and select **Preferences** -![使用系統通知來進行警報和通知](../images/android_auto_02.png) +![Use system notifications for alerts and notifications](../images/android_auto_02.png) -在**本地警報**中啟用**使用系統通知來進行警報和通知** +In **Local Alerts** activate **Use system notifications for alerts and notifications** -![使用系統通知來進行警報和通知](../images/android_auto_03.png) +![Use system notifications for alerts and notifications](../images/android_auto_03.png) -現在請確認在前往您的車輛之前,您能夠在手機上接收到來自**AAPS**的通知! +Please check now that you get notifications from **AAPS** on the phone before you walk to your car! -![使用系統通知來進行警報和通知](../images/android_auto_04.png) +![Use system notifications for alerts and notifications](../images/android_auto_04.png) -(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone) +(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone)= -## 允許 Android Auto 使用「未知來源」。 +## Allow the use of "unknown sources" with Android Auto. -由於**AAPS**不是官方的 Android Auto 應用,因此需要在 Android Auto 中啟用「未知來源」的通知。 這是透過使用開發者模式來完成的,我們將在此為您展示。 +As **AAPS** is not an official Android Auto app, notifications have to be activated for "unknown sources" in Android Auto. This is done through the use of the developer mode which we will show you here. -前往您的車輛並將手機連線到車載音響系統。 +Go to your car and connect your mobile with the cars audio system. -您現在應該會看到類似於此螢幕的畫面。 +You should now see a screen similar to this screen. -![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_05.png) +![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_05.png) -點擊**設置**圖示以開始配置。 +Press on the **setting** icon to start the configuration. -向下滾動到頁面底部並選擇**在手機上查看更多**。 +Scroll down to the end of the page and select **see more in the phone**. -![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_06.png) +![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_06.png) -現在我們將在手機上啟用開發者模式。 +Now on the mobile we will activate the developer mode. -第一個畫面看起來是這樣的。 向下滾動到頁面底部。 +The first screen looks like this. Scroll down to the end of the page. -![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_07.png) +![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_07.png) -您會看到列出的 Android Auto 版本。 連續點擊 Android Auto 版本 10 次。 透過此隱藏的組合操作,您現在已啟用了開發者模式。 +There you see the version of Android Auto listed. Tap 10 times (in word ten) on the version of Android Auto. With this hidden combination you have now enabled developer mode. -![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_08.png) +![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_08.png) -在彈出的對話框「允許開發設置?」中確認您希望啟用開發者模式。 +Confirm that you want to enable the developer mode in the modal dialog "Allow development settings?". -![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_09.png) +![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_09.png) -在**開發者設置**中啟用「未知來源」。 +In the **developer settings** enable the "Unknown sources". -![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_10.png) +![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_10.png) -如果您願意,現在可以退出開發者模式。 點擊右上角的三點選單來執行此操作。 +Now you can quit developer mode if you want. Tap three dots menu on the top right to do so. -## 在車上顯示通知 +## Show notifications in car -在車內的 Android Auto 中,點擊右下角的**數字圖示**。 +Tap the **number icon** on the lower right side in Android Auto in your car. -![數字圖示 - 車內 Android Auto](../images/android_auto_11.png) +![number icon - Android Auto in car](../images/android_auto_11.png) -您的 CGM 資料將顯示如下: +Your CGM data will be shown as follows: -![AAPS CGM 資料在 Android Auto 上的顯示](../images/android_auto_01.png) +![AAPS CGM data on Android Auto](../images/android_auto_01.png) -## 故障排除: +## Troubleshooting: -* 如果您看不到通知,請檢查是否已在 Android 中[允許 AAPS 顯示通知](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto),以及 Android Auto 是否[擁有通知的存取權限](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone)。 \ No newline at end of file +* If you don't see the notification, check if you [allowed AAPS to show notifications](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto) in Android and if [Android Auto has access rights to notifications](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone). \ No newline at end of file From 78e9dc2e34cf01f5def0f333359030ff7c6991a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 143/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 106 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ index c281a498973d..35f15469832f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ @@ -1,101 +1,101 @@ -# 給臨床醫生的介紹與指南 +# For Clinicians – A General Introduction and Guide to AAPS -本頁面是為對開源人工胰臟技術如 AAPS 感興趣的臨床醫生或想與其臨床醫生分享此類資訊的患者設計的。 +This page is intended for clinicians who have expressed interest in open source artificial pancreas technology such as AAPS, or for patients who want to share such information with their clinicians. -本指南提供了一些有關 DIY 閉環系統的高階資訊,特別是 AAPS 的運作方式。 有關這些主題的更多詳細資訊,請查看[AAPS 線上完整文檔](../。 如果您有疑問,請向您的患者詢問更多詳情,或隨時向社群提出問題。 (如果您不使用社交媒體(如 [Twitter]( 或 Facebook),也可以隨時發送電子郵件至。 [您也可以在此找到一些最新的研究與結果相關資料](。 +This guide has some high-level information about DIY closed looping and specifically how AAPS works. For more details on all of these topics, please view the [comprehensive AAPS documentation online](../ If you have questions, please ask your patient for more details, or always feel free to reach out to the community with question. (If you’re not on social media (e.g. [Twitter]( or Facebook), feel free to email [You can also find some of the latest studies & outcomes related data here]( -## 建立 DIY 閉環系統的步驟: +## The steps for building a DIY Closed Loop: -開始使用 AAPS,請按照以下步驟操作: +To start using AAPS, the following steps should be taken: -* 找到一個[相容的幫浦](../Hardware/、一個[相容的 Android 設備](和一個[相容的 CGM 來源](../Configuration/。 -* [下載 AAPS 原始碼並構建軟體](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -* [配置軟體以連線到糖尿病設備並指定設定與安全偏好](index-configuration)。 +* Find a [compatible pump](../Hardware/, a [compatible Android device](, and a [compatible CGM source](../Configuration/ +* [Download the AAPS source code and build the software](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +* [Configure the software to talk to their diabetes devices and specify settings and safety preferences](index-configuration). -## DIY 閉環系統的工作原理 +## How A DIY Closed Loop Works -在沒有閉環系統的情況下,糖尿病患者需要從幫浦和 CGM 獲取資料,決定應該採取的措施,並執行這些措施。 +Without a closed loop system, a person with diabetes gathers data from their pump and CGM, decides what to do, and takes action. -在自動胰島素輸送系統中,系統執行相同的操作:它從幫浦、CGM 及其他記錄資訊的來源(如 Nightscout)收集資料,使用這些資訊進行計算,並決定需要多少胰島素(超過或低於基礎速率),然後使用臨時基礎速率進行必要的調整,以保持或最終將血糖控制在目標範圍內。 +With automated insulin delivery, the system does the same thing: it gathers data from the pump, CGM, and anywhere else information is logged (such as Nightscout), uses this information to do the maths and decide how much more or less insulin is needed (above or below the underlying basal rate), and uses temporary basal rates to make the necessary adjustments to keep or eventually bring BGs into target range. -如果運作 AAPS 的設備損壞或超出幫浦範圍,一旦最新的臨時基礎速率結束,幫浦將恢復運作預編程的基礎速率。 +If the device running AAPS breaks or goes out of range of the pump, once the latest temporary basal rate ends, the pump falls back to being a standard pump with the preprogrammed basals rates runnning. -## 資料如何收集: +## How data is gathered: -在 AAPS 中,Android 設備運作一個特殊的應用程式來進行計算,設備透過藍牙與支援的幫浦連線。 AAPS 可以透過 Wi-Fi 或行動網路與其他設備及雲端進行通訊,以收集額外的資訊,並向患者、照護者和親人報告系統的工作情況和原因。 +With AAPS, an Android device runs a special app to do the math, the device communicates using Bluetooth with a supported pump. AAPS can communicate with other devices and to the cloud via wifi or mobile data to gather additional information, and to report to the patient, caregivers, and loved ones about what it’s doing and why. -Android 設備需要: +The Android device needs to: -* 與幫浦連線並讀取歷史記錄 - 已輸送多少胰島素 -* 與 CGM 直接或透過雲端通訊 - 查看當前及歷史血糖變化 +* communicate with the pump and read history - how much insulin has been delivered +* communicate with the CGM (either directly, or via the cloud) - to see what BGs are/have been doing -當設備收集到這些資料後,演算法將根據設定(ISF、碳水比例、DIA、目標等)進行決策。 如果需要,它會向幫浦發出指令以修改胰島素輸送速率。 +When the device has collected this data, the algorithm runs and does the decision-making based on the settings (ISF, carb ratio, DIA, target, etc.). If required, it then issues commands to the pump to modify insulin delivery rate. -它還會收集有關注射劑量、碳水化合物攝取及臨時目標調整的資訊,從幫浦或 Nightscout 用於計算胰島素輸送速率。 +It will also gather any information about boluses, carbohydrate consumption, and temporary target adjustments from the pump or from Nightscout to use it for the calculation of insulin delivery rates. -## 系統如何知道該做什麼? +## How does it know what to do? -開源軟體設計使設備能夠輕鬆執行人們以前(手動模式下)進行的胰島素輸送調整計算。 它首先收集所有支援設備及雲端的資料,準備資料並進行計算,預測未來幾小時的血糖水平變化,並計算出所需的調整以保持或將血糖恢復到目標範圍。 接著,它向幫浦發送必要的調整。 然後它回讀資料,並不斷重複這個過程。 +The open source software is designed to make it easy for the device to do the work people used to do (in manual mode) to calculate how insulin delivery should be adjusted. It first collects data from all the supporting devices and from the cloud, prepares the data and runs the calculations, makes predictions of expected BG-levels during the next hours will be expected to do in different scenarios, and calculates the needed adjustments to keep or bring BG back into target range. Next it sends any necessary adjustments to the pump. Then it reads the data back, and does it over and over again. -由於最重要的輸入參數是來自 CGM 的血糖資料,因此擁有高質量的 CGM 資料至關重要。 +As the most important input parameter is the blood glucose level coming from the CGM, it is important to have high-quality CGM data. -AAPS 設計用來透明地追蹤其收集的所有輸入資料、產生的建議及採取的任何行動。 因此,隨時可以透過查看日誌來回答「為什麼它要執行 X 操作?」這類問題。 +AAPS is designed to transparently track all input data it gathers, the resulting recommendation, and any action taken. It is therefore easy to answer the question at any time, “why is it doing X?” by reviewing the logs. -## AAPS 演算法決策的範例: +## Examples of AAPS algorithm decision making: -AAPS 使用了與 OpenAPS 相同的核心演算法和功能集。 演算法會根據設定和當前情況進行多種預測,代表未來可能發生的不同情景。 在 Nightscout 中,這些顯示為「紫色線條」。 AAPS 使用不同的顏色來區分這些[預測線](Releasenotes-overview-tab)。 在日誌中,它會描述這些預測中的哪一條和哪個時間範圍驅動了必要的行動。 +AAPS uses the same core algorithm and feature set as OpenAPS. The algorithm makes multiple predictions (based on settings, and the situation) representing different scenarios of what might happen in the future. In Nightscout, these are displayed as “purple lines”. AAPS uses different colors to separate these [prediction lines](Releasenotes-overview-tab). In the logs, it will describe which of these predictions and which time frame is driving the necessary actions. -### 這裡是一些紫色預測線的範例,以及它們可能的不同: +### Here are examples of the purple prediction lines, and how they might differ: -![紫色預測線範例](../images/Prediction_lines.jpg) +![Purple prediction line examples](../images/Prediction_lines.jpg) -### 以下是影響胰島素輸送調整所需的不同時間範圍範例: +### Here are examples of different time frames that influence the needed adjustments to insulin delivery: -### 情境 1 - 為安全設置零臨時基礎速率 +### Scenario 1 - Zero Temp for safety -在此範例中,血糖在短期內上升;然而,預計長期內會偏低。 事實上,預計會低於目標值*和*安全閾值。 為了安全預防低血糖,AAPS 會發出零臨時基礎速率(0% 的臨時基礎速率),直到最終血糖(在任何時間範圍內)高於閾值。 +In this example, BG is rising in the near-term time frame; however, it is predicted to be low over a longer time frame. In fact, it is predicted to go below target *and* the safety threshold. For safety to prevent the low, AAPS will issue a zero temp (temporary basal rate at 0%), until the eventualBG (in any time frame) is above threshold. -![劑量情境 1](../images/Dosing_scenario_1.jpg) +![Dosing scenario 1](../images/Dosing_scenario_1.jpg) -### 情境 2 - 為安全設置零臨時基礎速率 +### Scenario 2 - Zero temp for safety -在此範例中,預計血糖在短期內會偏低,但預計最終會高於目標值。 然而,由於短期內的低血糖實際上低於安全閾值,AAPS 會發出零臨時基礎速率,直到預測線不再有低於閾值的點。 +In this example, BG is predicted to go low in the near-term, but is predicted to eventually be above target. However, because the near-term low is actually below the safety threshold, AAPS will issue a zero temp, until there is no longer any point of the prediction line that is below threshold. -![劑量情境 2](../images/Dosing_scenario_2.jpg) +![Dosing scenario 2](../images/Dosing_scenario_2.jpg) -### 情境 3 - 需要更多胰島素 +### Scenario 3 - More insulin needed -在此範例中,短期預測顯示目標下方的下降。 然而,預測不會低於安全閾值。 最終血糖高於目標值。 因此,AAPS 會避免添加可能導致預測低於閾值的胰島素。 一旦安全,AAPS 會評估是否添加胰島素以將最終預測血糖降低至目標範圍。 *(根據設定以及所需胰島素的數量和時間安排,這些胰島素可能透過臨時基礎速率或 SMB(超微量注射)輸送。)* +In this example, a near-term prediction shows a dip below target. However, it is not predicted to be below the safety threshold. The eventual BG is above target. Therefore, AAPS will restrain from adding any insulin that would contribute to a near-term low (by adding insulin that would make the prediction go below threshold). It will then assess adding insulin to bring the lowest level of the eventual predicted BG down to target, once it is safe to do so. *(Depending on settings and the amount and timing of insulin required, this insulin may be delivered via temp basals or SMB's (super micro boluses) ).* -![劑量情境 3](../images/Dosing_scenario_3.jpg) +![Dosing scenario 3](../images/Dosing_scenario_3.jpg) -### 情境 4 - 為安全設置低臨時基礎速率 +### Scenario 4 - Low temping for safety -在此範例中,AAPS 看到血糖大幅超過目標。 然而,由於胰島素的時間安排,體內已經有足夠的胰島素能最終將血糖恢復到範圍內。 事實上,預計血糖最終會低於目標。 因此,AAPS 不會額外提供胰島素,以避免導致長時間內的低血糖。 儘管血糖偏高/上升,但此處可能會設置低臨時基礎速率。 +In this example, AAPS sees that BG is spiking well above target. However, due to the timing of insulin, there is already enough insulin in the body to bring BG into range eventually. In fact, BG is predicted to eventually be below target. Therefore, AAPS will not provide extra insulin so it will not contribute to a longer-timeframe low. Although BG is high/rising, a low temporary basal rate is likely here. -![劑量情境 4](../images/Dosing_scenario_4.jpg) +![Dosing scenario 4](../images/Dosing_scenario_4.jpg) -## 優化設定並進行變更 +## Optimizing settings and making changes -對於可能沒有 AAPS 或 DIY 閉環經驗的臨床醫生,幫助患者優化其設定或進行變更以改善結果可能會有挑戰性。 我們社群中有許多工具和[指南](,可幫助患者進行小範圍且經過測試的調整,以改善其設定。 +As a clinician who may not have experience with AAPS or DIY closed loops, you may find it challenging to help your patient optimize their settings or make changes to improve their outcomes. We have multiple tools and [guides]( in the community that help patients make small, tested adjustments to improve their settings. -對於患者來說,最重要的是每次只進行一項變更,並觀察 2-3 天的影響後再決定是否變更或修改另一項設定(除非該變更明顯是錯誤的,使情況變得更糟,此時他們應立即恢復到之前的設定)。 人的天性是希望同時調整所有參數,但這樣做可能會使未來的設定更次優,並且難以恢復到已知的良好狀態。 +The most important thing for patients to do is make one change at a time, and observe the impact for 2-3 days before choosing to change or modify another setting (unless it’s obviously a bad change that makes things worse, in which case they should revert immediately to the previous setting). The human tendency is to turn all the knobs and change everything at once; but if someone does so, then they may end up with further sub-optimal settings for the future, and find it hard to get back to a known good state. -其中一個強大的工具是自動計算基礎速率、ISF 和碳水化合物比例的工具。 這個工具叫做“[Autotune](”。 它設計為獨立/手動運作,允許資料指導您或您的患者進行設定的漸進變更。 社群中的最佳做法是在進行手動調整設定之前,先運作(或查看)Autotune 報告。 在 AAPS 中,Autotune 將作為“一次性”運作,但目前也正在努力將其直接整合到 AAPS 中。 由於這些參數既是標準幫浦胰島素輸送的前提,也是閉環胰島素輸送的前提,因此討論 Autotune 結果並調整這些參數將是與臨床醫生之間的自然聯繫。 +One of the most powerful tools for making settings changes is an automated calculation tool for basal rates, ISF, and carb ratio. This is called “[Autotune](”. It is designed to be run independently/manually, and allow the data to guide you or your patient in making incremental changes to settings. It is best practice in the community to run (or review) Autotune reports first, prior to attempting to make manual adjustments to settings. With AAPS, Autotune will be run as a "one-off", although there are ongoing efforts to incorporate it directly into AAPS as well. As these parameters are a prerequisite both for standard pump insulin delivery and for closed loop insulin delivery, discussion of the autotune results and adustment of these parameters would be the natural link to the clinician. -此外,人的行為(從手動糖尿病模式中學習)也經常影響結果,即使在使用 DIY 閉環系統時也是如此。 例如,如果預測血糖會下降,AAPS 在下降過程中減少胰島素輸送,則可能只需要少量碳水化合物(例如 3-4 克碳水)即可將血糖從 70 mg/dl(3.9 mmol)上升。 然而,在許多情況下,有人可能會選擇使用更多的碳水(例如堅持使用 15 克原則),這會導致由於額外的葡萄糖和時間內減少的胰島素而引發更快的血糖峰值。 +Additionally, human behavior (learned from manual diabetes mode) often influences outcomes, even with a DIY closed loop. For example, if BG is predicted to go low and AAPS reduces insulin on the way down, only a small amount of carbs (e.g. 3-4g carbs) may be needed to bring BG up from 70 mg/dl (3.9 mmol). However, in many cases, someone may choose to treat with many more carbs (e.g. sticking to the 15 rule), which will cause a resulting faster spike both from the extra glucose and because insulin had been reduced in the timeframe leading up to the low. ## OpenAPS -**本指南改編自[OpenAPS 臨床醫生指南](。** OpenAPS 是一種開發用來運作在小型可攜式計算機上的系統(通常稱為「裝置」)。 AAPS 採用了 OpenAPS 實現的許多技術,並共享許多邏輯和演算法,這就是為什麼本指南與原始指南非常相似。 有關 OpenAPS 的許多資訊可以輕鬆應用到 AAPS 中,主要區別在於每個軟體運作的硬體平台不同。 +**This guide was adopted from [The clinician's guide to OpenAPS](** OpenAPS is a system developed to be run on a small portable computer (generally referred to as the "rig"). AAPS uses many of the techniques implemented in OpenAPS, and shares much of the logic and algorithms, which is why this guide is very similar to the original guide. Much of the information about OpenAPS can be easily adapted to AAPS, with the main difference being the hardware platform where each piece of software is run. -## 總結 +## Summary -這旨在對 AAPS 的運作方式進行高階概述。 有關更多詳細資訊,請諮詢您的患者,聯繫社群,或閱讀線上提供的 AAPS 完整文檔。 +This is meant to be a high-level overview of how AAPS works. For more details, ask your patient, reach out to the community, or read the full AAPS documentation available online. -其他推薦閱讀: +Additional recommended reading: -* [AAPS 完整文檔](../index) -* [OpenAPS 參考設計](,其中解釋了 OpenAPS 如何為安全設計: -* [OpenAPS 完整文檔]( - * 有關 OpenAPS 計算的更多詳情請參閱[這裡]( \ No newline at end of file +* The [full AAPS documentation](../index) +* The [OpenAPS Reference Design](, which explains how OpenAPS is designed for safety: +* The [full OpenAPS documentation]( + * More [details on OpenAPS calculations]( \ No newline at end of file From 41445c722eed720d538c07912c26c40ffe9896e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 144/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 40 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 7685fc4ed8b0..2cb1c03b2649 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ -# 如何配置華為手機 +# How-to configure a Huawei phone -有一些選項,部分是 Android 特定的,部分是華為特定的: +There are different options, some Android specific, some Huawei specific: -* 將 AAPS 和 xdrip+ 添加到忽略電池優化的應用程式列表中: +* Add AAPS and xdrip+ to apps list which ignore battery optimisations: - * 設定 / 應用 / 設定 / 特殊授權 / 忽略電池優化 / 選擇「所有應用程式」/ 將應用程式設為允許 + * Settings / App / Settings / Special autorisations / Ignore battery optimisation / Select "All applications" / Set app to allowed - ![華為 - 忽略電池優化](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptimization.png) + ![Huawei - ignore battery optimization](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptimization.png) -* 設置電池選項: +* Set battery option settings: - * 設定 / 應用 / 選擇 AndroidAPS/xdrip+ / 在電池選項下 / 應用啟動 + * Settings / App / Select AndroidAPS/xdrip+ / Under Battery / App launch - * 確保移除「自動管理」 - * 允許: + * Make sure to remove "automatic management" + * Allow: - * 自動啟動 - * 次要啟動(可以由其他應用程式啟動) - * 後台運作 + * Automatic launch + * Secondary launch (can be launched from other apps) + * Background run - ![華為 - 電池選項](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptions.png) + ![Huawei - battery options](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptions.png) -* 鎖定應用程式 +* Lock App - * 進入應用程式最近使用列表並選擇鎖定圖示 + * Go into App recent list and select the lock icon - ![華為 - 鎖定應用程式](../images/Huawei_LockApp.png) + ![Huawei - lock app](../images/Huawei_LockApp.png) -對於 xdrip+,您還可以啟用持久通知(在 xdrip+ 應用程式內): +For xdrip+, you can also enable persistent notifications (within xdrip+ app): -* 設定 / 不常用設定 / 其他雜項選項 / 在前台運作收集器 +* Setttings / less common settings / other misc options / Run Collector in foreground - ![xdrip+ 設定 - 在前台運作收集器](../images/xdrip_collector_foreground.png) + ![xdrip+ settings - collector in foreground](../images/xdrip_collector_foreground.png) -根據 Android 版本,這些設定位於其他位置。 這些解釋適用於 Android 8.1。 \ No newline at end of file +Depending on Android version, these settings are somewhere else. These explanations are for Android 8.1. \ No newline at end of file From 381bf10a6c4828d7d591eda54662629149fdcb1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 145/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 126 ++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index dbcc682e2764..52015d274715 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ -# 與第三方 Android Automate 應用程式的自動化 +# Automation with third party Android Automate App -**這篇文章是在 AAPS 2.5 版本之前撰寫的。在 AAPS 2.5 版本中,本身已包含[自動化外掛](./。對某些人來說,這裡的內容仍然有用,但應該僅限於進階使用者使用。** +**This article has been written before AAPS version 2.5. There is an [automation plugin in AAPS](./ itself with AAPS version 2.5. For some, this here might be still useful, but should only be used by advanced users.** -由於 AAPS 是一個混合閉環系統,仍然需要一些使用者的互動(例如告訴系統你正在走路、即將用餐、或是躺在沙發上...)。 透過外部工具如 Automate 或 IFTTT,您可以自動化頻繁的手動使用者輸入,從而擴展 AAPS 的最新功能。 +As AAPS is a hybrid closed loop system, some user interaction is necessary though (e.g. tell the loop that you are walking, eating soon, lying on the sofa...). Frequent manual user inputs can be automated via external tools like Automate or IFTTT to extend the recent AAPS functionality. -## Android Automate 應用程式 +## Android Automate App -免費的 Android™ 應用程式 Automate 允許您自動化手機上的各種任務。 透過流程圖建立自動化,讓您的裝置根據位置、時間或其他「事件觸發」自動更改設定,如藍牙、Wi-Fi、NFC,或執行像是發送 SMS、電子郵件等操作。 您幾乎可以自動化裝置上的所有事務,Automate 甚至支援為 Tasker 和 Locale 設計的外掛。 +The free Android™ application Automate lets you automate various tasks on your smartphone. Create your automations with flowcharts, make your device automatically change settings like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC or perform actions like sending SMS, e-mail, based on your location, the time of day, or any other “event trigger”. You can automate almost everything on your device, Automate even support plug-ins made for Tasker and Locale. -使用這個工具,您可以輕鬆建立基於各種條件的工作流程,來自動管理糖尿病,按照「如果這個...」的原則。 以及「這個...」。 如果不是這個...,那就做那個... 以及那個...。 您可以配置成千上萬種可能性。 +Using this tool you can easily create workflows to auto-treat your diabetes based on several conditions according to the principle of 'if this... and this... not this..., then do that... and that...'. There are thousands of possibilities you can configure. -到目前為止,仍**必須透過 Nightscout 檔案進行閉環**,因為 Automate 是透過 HTTP 請求直接在您的 Nightscout 網站上執行指令,然後同步到 AAPS 應用程式。 +Until now it is **necessary to loop via Nightscout Profile**, as Automate executes the commands via HTTP-request directly in your nightscout website that subsequently syncs it to your AAPS app. -**離線閉環(Automate 和 AAPS 應用程式之間的直接通訊)尚未支援**,但技術上是可行的。 未來也許會有解決方案。 如果您已經找到了解決方法,請將其添加到此文件中或聯繫開發者。 +**Offline looping (direct communication between Automate and AAPS app) is not supported yet**, but technologically possible. Maybe there will be a solution in future. If you have figured out a way to do this, please add it to this documentation or contact a developer. -### 基本需求 +### Basic requirements -#### Automate 應用程式 +#### Automate App -在 Google Play 商店或 下載並安裝 Android Automate 到運作 AAPS 的智慧型手機上。 +Download Android Automate in Google Play Store or at and install it on your smartphone where AAPS runs. -在 Automate 中,點擊左上角的漢堡選單 > 設定 > 勾選「系統啟動時執行」。 這會讓您的工作流程在系統啟動時自動執行。 +In Automate, tap on hamburger menu on the upper left of the screen > Settings > Check 'Run on system startup'. This will automatically run your workflows on system startup. -![Automate HTTP 請求](../images/automate-app2.png) +![Automate HTTP request](../images/automate-app2.png) #### AAPS -在 AAPS 中,點擊右上角的三點選單,進入偏好設定 > NSClient > 連線設定 > 取消勾選「僅限使用 WiFi 連線」和「僅限充電時」,因為自動化治療僅在 AAPS 有實際 Nightscout 連線時才能工作。 +In AAPS, tap on 3 dots menu on the upper right screen and go to Preferences > NSClient > Connection settings > Uncheck 'Use WiFi connection only' and 'Only if charging' as the automated treating does only work when AAPS has an actual nightscout connection. -![Nightscout 連線偏好設定](../images/automate-aaps1.jpg) +![Nightscout connection preferences](../images/automate-aaps1.jpg) -在 AAPS 中,點擊右上角的三點選單,進入偏好設定 > NSClient > 高級設定 > 取消勾選「僅上傳至 NS(已停用同步)」和「不向 NS 上傳」。 +In AAPS, tap on 3 dots menu on the upper right screen and go to Preferences > NSClient > Advanced Settings > Uncheck 'NS upload only (disabled sync)' and 'No upload to NS'. -請注意[可能發生的安全問題](Nightscout-security-considerations),如果您使用[Insight 幫浦](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps),務必小心。 +Be aware of the [security issues](Nightscout-security-considerations) that might occure and be very careful if you are using an [Insight pump](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps). -![Nightscout 下載偏好設定](../images/automate-aaps2.jpg) +![Nightscout download preferences](../images/automate-aaps2.jpg) -### 工作流程範例 +### Workflow examples -#### 範例 1:如果偵測到活動(如走路或跑步),則設定高 TT。 如果活動結束,等待 20 分鐘後取消 TT +#### Example 1: If activity (e.g. walking or running) is detected, then set a high TT. And if activity ends, then wait 20 minutes and then cancel TT -這個工作流程會監聽手機的感測器(步數計、重力感測器等),偵測活動行為。 如果最近有走路、跑步或騎自行車等活動,Automate 會為指定時間內設定使用者指定的高臨時目標。 如果活動結束,您的智慧型手機會偵測到此,等待 20 分鐘後將目標恢復為正常檔案值。 +This workflow will listen to the smartphone sensors (pedometer, gravity sensor...) that detect the activity behavior. If there is recent activity like walking, running or riding a bicycle present, then Automate will set a user specified high temporary target for the user specified time. If activity ends, your smartphone will detect this, wait for 20 minutes and then set the target back to normal profile value. -下載 Automate 腳本 。 +Download the Automate script . -點擊編輯鉛筆 > 流程圖來編輯流程。 +Edit the sling by tapping on the edit pencil > Flowchart -![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app3.png) +![Automate sling](../images/automate-app3.png) -根據您的需求自定義工作流程如下: +Customize the workflow according to your wishes as follows: -![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app6.png) +![Automate sling](../images/automate-app6.png) -1. = 設定高 TT -2. = 活動結束後 20 分鐘,回到正常目標 +1. = Set high TT +2. = Go back to normal target 20 minutes after the end of activity -1 ![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app1.png) +1 ![Automate sling](../images/automate-app1.png) -2 ![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app5.png) +2 ![Automate sling](../images/automate-app5.png) -請求 URL:您的 NS-URL,結尾為 /api/v1/treatments.json(例如 +Request URL: Your NS-URL with ending /api/v1/treatments.json (e.g. -請求內容: +Request content: -* targetTop / targetBottom:高 TT 值(上限和下限應該相同) -* duration:高 TT 的持續時間(過後將回到常規目標,除非活動繼續)。 -* secret:您的 API SHA1 雜湊值。 這不是您的 API 金鑰! 您可以在 將 API 金鑰轉換為 SHA1 格式。 +* targetTop / targetBottom: The high TT value (top and bottom should be the same value) +* duration: The duration of the high TT (after time it will fallback to regular profile target unless activity goes on). +* secret: Your API SHA1 hash. It is NOT your api key! You can convert your API key to SHA1 format at -儲存:點擊「完成」並點擊鉤子 +Save: Tap on 'Done' and on the hook -啟動腳本:點擊播放按鈕 +Start sling: Tap on Play button -#### 範例 2:如果 xDrip+ 發出高血糖警報,則設定低 TT 持續 ... 分鐘。 +#### Example 2: If xDrip+ alerts a BG high alarm, then set a low TT for ... minutes. -這個工作流程會監聽 xDrip+ 的通知頻道。 如果觸發了使用者指定的 xDrip+ 高血糖警報,Automate 會設定使用者指定的低臨時目標,持續使用者指定的時間。 時間到後,另一個可能的警報會延長低 TT 的持續時間。 +This workflow will listen to the xDrip+ notification channel. If there is triggered a user specified xDrip+ high BG alert, then Automate will set a user specified low temporary target for the user specified time. After time, another possibly alert will extend the duration of the low TT. ##### xDrip+ -首先,您必須在 xDrip+ 中新增一個高血糖警報,具體如下: +First, you must add a BG high alert in xDrip+ as follows: -![xDrip+ 警報設定](../images/automate-xdrip1.png) +![xDrip+ alert settings](../images/automate-xdrip1.png) -警報名稱:(請注意!)這個名稱對觸發非常重要。 名稱應該明確無誤,不應與其他警報名稱相似。 範例:'180alarm' 不應與 '80alarm' 並存。 +Alert name: (Pay attention on it!) This name is essential for firing the trigger. It should be unmistakable and not similar to other alert names. Example: '180alarm' should not exist next to '80alarm'. -門檻值:應該觸發高血糖警報的血糖值。 +Threshold: BG value that should fire the high alert. -預設暫停時間:在此輸入您打算設定的低 TT 持續時間,因為警報會再次出現,可能會延長低 TT 的持續時間。 +Default Snooze: Insert the duration you are planning to set for your low TT here, as the alert will come up again and maybe extend the duration of the low TT. -![xDrip+ 警報設定](../images/automate-xdrip2.png) +![xDrip+ alert settings](../images/automate-xdrip2.png) ##### Automate -其次,下載 Automate 腳本 。 +Secondly, download the Automate script . -點擊編輯鉛筆 > 流程圖來編輯流程。 +Edit the sling by tapping on the edit pencil > Flowchart -![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app3.png) +![Automate sling](../images/automate-app3.png) -根據您的需求自定義工作流程如下: +Customize the workflow according to your wishes as follows: -在「是否發布通知?」觸發器中,您必須將「標題」設置為應該觸發的 xDrip+ 警報名稱,並在該名稱前後添加 * 變數。 +Within the 'Notification posted?' trigger, you have to set the 'TITLE' to the name of your xDrip+ alert that should fire the trigger and add a * variable before and after that name. -![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app7.png) +![Automate sling](../images/automate-app7.png) -![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app4.png) +![Automate sling](../images/automate-app4.png) -請求 URL:您的 NS-URL,結尾為 /api/v1/treatments.json(例如 +Request URL: Your NS-URL with ending /api/v1/treatments.json (e.g. -請求內容: +Request content: -* targetTop / targetBottom:低 TT 值(上限和下限應相同) -* duration:低 TT 的持續時間(過後將回到常規目標)。 建議您使用與 xDrip+ 警報「標準暫停」相同的持續時間。 -* secret:您的 API SHA1 雜湊值。 這不是您的 API 金鑰! 您可以在 將 API 金鑰轉換為 SHA1 格式。 +* targetTop / targetBottom: The low TT value (top and bottom should be the same value) +* duration: The duration of the low TT (after time it will fallback to regular profile target). It is recommended that you use the same duration as in xDrip+ alert 'Standard snooze' +* secret: Your API SHA1 hash. It is NOT your api key! You can convert your API key to SHA1 format at -儲存:點擊「完成」並點擊鉤子 +Save: Tap on 'Done' and on the hook -啟動腳本:點擊播放按鈕 +Start sling: Tap on Play button -#### 範例 3:請自行添加! +#### Example 3: To be added by you!!! -請透過上傳 .flo 檔案到 Automate 社群(關鍵字為「Nightscout」)來添加其他工作流程,並在這裡描述,透過[Pull Request 提交至 AndroidAPSDocs 資料庫](../。 +Please add further workflows by uploading .flo file to Automate community (under the keyword 'Nightscout') and describe it here by doing [Pull Request on AndroidAPSDocs repository](../ -## 如果這個,則那個(IFTTT) +## If this, then that (IFTTT) -歡迎透過 PR 添加使用說明... \ No newline at end of file +Feel free to add a Howto by PR... \ No newline at end of file From 1d5807b5d3d503ebb3b0fe65f6b1e0de304634d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 146/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../Configuration/ | 156 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 35598aaf9db8..2bbc98833472 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ -# Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦 +# Accu-Chek Insight Pump -**此軟體是DIY人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,不是產品, 您需要閱讀、學習並理解整個系統,包括如何使用它。 它並不是為您自動管理所有糖尿病控制,而是 讓您在投入必要時間的前提下,提升糖尿病管理和生活品質。 不要急於使用, 請給自己時間學習。 您對自己 所做的決定負全部責任。** +**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product, but requires YOU to read, learn and understand the system including how to use it. It is not something that does all your diabetes management for you but allows you to improve your diabetes and your quality of life, if you're willing to put in the time required. Don't rush into it, but allow yourself time to learn. You alone are responsible for what you do with it.** * * * -## ***警告:** 如果您曾經使用過 Insight 與 **SightRemote**,請**更新至最新 AAPS 版本**並**卸載 SightRemote**。* +## ***WARNING:** If you have been using the Insight with **SightRemote** in the past, please **update to the newest AAPS version** and **uninstall SightRemote**.* -## 硬體和軟體需求 +## Hardware and software requirements -* 一台 Roche Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦(任何韌體都適用) +* A Roche Accu-Chek Insight pump (any firmware, they all work) -注意:AAPS 將資料寫入**幫浦的第一個基礎率設定檔**。 +Note: AAPS will write data always in **first basal rate profile in the pump**. -* 一台 Android 手機(基本上每個 Android 版本都適用於 Insight,但請檢查[模組](module-phone)頁面了解運作 AAPS 所需的 Android 版本)。 -* 您的手機上安裝了 AAPS 應用程式 +* An Android phone (Basically every Android version would work with Insight, but check on the [Module](module-phone) page which Android version is required to run AAPS.) +* The AAPS app installed on your phone -## 設定 +## 设置 -* Insight 幫浦一次只能連線一個裝置。 如果您之前使用過 Insight 遙控器(血糖機),必須從幫浦的配對裝置列表中移除該血糖機:選單 > 設定 > 通訊 > 移除裝置 +* The Insight pump should only be connected to one device at a time. If you have previously used the Insight remote control (meter), you must remove the meter from the paired devices list of your pump: Menu > Settings > Communication > Remove device - ![移除血糖機 Insight 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_RemoveMeter.png) + ![Screenshot of Remove Meter Insight](../images/Insight_RemoveMeter.png) -* 在 AAPS 應用程式的[組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder)中,選擇幫浦區域的 Accu-Chek Insight。 +* In [Config builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder) of the AAPS app select Accu-Chek Insight in the pump section - ![組態建置工具 Insight 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_ConfigBuilder_AAPS3_0.jpg) + ![Screenshot of Config Builder Insight](../images/Insight_ConfigBuilder_AAPS3_0.jpg) -* 點擊齒輪圖示以打開 Insight 設定。 +* Tap the cog-wheel to open Insight settings. -* 在設定中,點擊螢幕頂部的“Insight 配對”按鈕。 您應該會看到附近所有藍牙裝置的列表(左下方)。 -* 在 Insight 幫浦上,前往選單 > 設定 > 通訊 > 添加裝置。 幫浦將顯示如下螢幕(右下方),顯示幫浦的序列號。 +* In settings, tap on the button 'Insight pairing' at the top of the screen. You should see a list of all nearby bluetooth devices (below left). +* On the Insight pump, go to Menu > Settings > Communication > Add Device. The pump will display the following screen (below right) showing the serial number of the pump. - ![Insight 配對 1 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing1.png) + ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 1](../images/Insight_Pairing1.png) -* 返回手機,點擊藍牙裝置列表中的幫浦序列號。 然後點擊配對以確認。 +* Going back to your phone, tap on the pump serial number in the list of bluetooth devices. Then tap on Pair to confirm. - ![Insight 配對 2 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing2.png) + ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 2](../images/Insight_Pairing2.png) -* 幫浦和手機將顯示一個代碼。 確認兩個裝置上的代碼相同,並在幫浦和手機上確認。 +* Both the pump and phone will then display a code. Check that the codes are the same on both devices and confirm on both the pump and the phone. - ![Insight 配對 3 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing3.png) + ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 3](../images/Insight_Pairing3.png) -* 成功! 配對成功後,為自己點個讚。 +* Success! Pat yourself on the back for successfully pairing your pump with AAPS. - ![Insight 配對 4 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing4.png) + ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 4](../images/Insight_Pairing4.png) -* 要檢查是否一切正常,返回 AAPS 中的組態建置工具並點擊 Insight 幫浦旁的齒輪圖示進入 Insight 設定,然後點擊 Insight 配對,您將看到一些關於幫浦的資訊: +* To check all is well, go back to Config builder in AAPS and tap on the cog-wheel by the Insight Pump to get into Insight settings, then tap on Insight Pairing and you will see some information about the pump: - ![Insight 配對資訊的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_PairingInformation.png) + ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing Information](../images/Insight_PairingInformation.png) -注意:幫浦和手機之間不會有永久連線。 只有在需要時(例如設置臨時基礎率、進行注射、讀取幫浦歷史記錄時)才會建立連線。 否則手機和幫浦的電池會消耗過快。 +Note: There will be no permanent connection between pump and phone. A connection will only be established if necessary (i.e. setting temporary basal rate, giving bolus, reading pump history...). Otherwise battery of phone and pump would drain way too fast. (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps)= -## AAPS 設定 +## Settings in AAPS -**注意:現在可以(僅適用於 AAPS v2.7.0 及以上版本)使用‘永遠使用基礎絕對值’來與 Insight 幫浦配合使用自動調整,即使已啟用與 Nightscout 的同步功能。**(在 AAPS 中,前往[偏好設定 > NSClient > 進階設定](Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient))。 +**Note : It is now possible (only with AAPS v2.7.0 and above) to use ‘Always use basal absolute values’ if you want to use Autotune with Insight pump, even if 'sync is enabled' with Nightscout.** (In AAPS go to [Preferences > NSClient > Advanced Settings](Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient)). -![Insight 設定的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_settings.png) +![Screenshot of Insight Settings](../images/Insight_settings.png) -在 AAPS 的 Insight 設定中,您可以啟用以下選項: +In the Insight settings in AAPS you can enable the following options: -* "記錄儲液筒更換":這將在幫浦運作“填充導管”程式時自動記錄胰島素筒的更換。 +* "Log reservoir changes": This will automatically record an insulin cartridge change when you run the "fill cannula" program on the pump. -* "記錄導管更換":當您在幫浦上運作“填充導管”程式時,這會在 AAPS 資料庫中添加一個註記。 +* "Log tube changes": This adds a note to the AAPS database when you run the "tube filling" program on the pump. -* "記錄注射點更換":這會在幫浦上運作“填充導管”程式時,在 AAPS 資料庫中添加一個註記。 **注意:更換注射點也會重置自動靈敏度調整(Autosens)。** +* "Log site change": This adds a note to the AAPS database when you run the "cannula filling" program on the pump. **Note: A site change also resets Autosens.** -* "記錄電池更換":當您在幫浦中放入新電池時,這會記錄電池更換。 +* "Log battery changes": This records a battery change when you put a new battery in the pump. -* "記錄操作模式變更":這會在 AAPS 資料庫中插入註記,當您啟動、停止或暫停幫浦時。 +* "Log operating mode changes": This inserts a note in the AAPS database whenever you start, stop or pause the pump. -* "記錄警報":這會在幫浦發出警報時記錄在 AAPS 資料庫中(提醒、注射和臨時基礎率取消除外——這些不會被記錄)。 +* "Log alerts": This records a note in the AAPS database whenever the pump issues an alert (except reminders, bolus and TBR cancellation - those are not recorded). -* "啟用臨時基礎率仿真":Insight 幫浦最多只能發出250%的臨時基礎率(TBR)。 為了繞過這一限制,當您請求超過250%的 TBR 時,TBR 仿真會指示幫浦發送一個延長注射以額外供應胰島素。 +* "Enable TBR emulation": The Insight pump can only issue temporary basal rates (TBRs) up to 250%. To get round this restriction, TBR emulation will instruct the pump to deliver an extended bolus for the extra insulin if you request a TBR of more than 250%. - **注意:一次只使用一個延長注射,因為同時多次延長注射可能會導致錯誤。** + **Note: Just use one extended bolus at a time as multiple extended boluses at the same time might cause errors.** -* "停用手動注射時的震動":這會在手動注射(或延長注射)時停用 Insight 幫浦的震動。 此設定僅在最新的 Insight 韌體(3.x)版本中可用。 +* "Disable vibrations on manual bolus delivery": This disables the Insight pump's vibrations when delivering a manual bolus (or extended bolus). This setting is available only with the latest version of Insight firmware (3.x). -* "停用自動注射時的震動":這會在自動注射(SMB 或 TBR 仿真)時停用 Insight 幫浦的震動。 此設定僅在最新的 Insight 韌體(3.x)版本中可用。 +* "Disable vibrations on automated bolus delivery": This disables the Insight pump's vibrations when delivering an automatic bolus (SMB or Temp basal with TBR emulation). This setting is available only with the latest version of Insight firmware (3.x). -* "恢復時間":這定義了在連線失敗後,AAPS 將等待多長時間後再嘗試連線。 您可以選擇0到20秒。 如果您遇到連線問題,請選擇較長的等待時間。 +* "Recovery duration": This defines how long AAPS will wait before trying again after a failed connection attempt. You can choose from 0 to 20 seconds. If you experience connection problems, choose a longer wait time. - 恢復時間範例:最小 恢復時間=5,最大 恢復時間=20 + Example for min. recovery duration = 5 and max. recovery duration = 20 - 無連線 -> 等待**5**秒。 - 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**6**秒。 - 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**7**秒。 - 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**8**秒。 + no connection -> wait **5** sec. + retry -> no connection -> wait **6** sec. + retry -> no connection -> wait **7** sec. + retry -> no connection -> wait **8** sec. ... - 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**20**秒。 - 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**20**秒。 + retry -> no connection -> wait **20** sec. + retry -> no connection -> wait **20** sec. ... -* "斷線延遲":這定義了在操作完成後 AAPS 將等待多少秒後再中斷與幫浦的連線。 預設值為5秒。 +* "Disconnect delay": This defines how long (in seconds) AAPS will wait to disconnect from the pump after an operation is finished. Default value is 5 seconds. -當幫浦停止時,AAPS 將記錄臨時 基礎率為0%。 +For periods when pump was stopped AAPS will log a temp. basal rate with 0%. -在 AAPS 中,Accu-Chek Insight 標籤顯示幫浦的當前狀態,並有兩個按鈕: +In AAPS, the Accu-Chek Insight tab shows the current status of the pump and has two buttons: -* "重新整理":重新整理幫浦狀態 -* "啟用/停用 TBR 通知":標準的 Insight 幫浦在 TBR 結束時會發出警報。 此按鈕讓您無需配置軟體即可啟用或停用此警報。 +* "Refresh": Refreshes pump status +* "Enable/Disable TBR over notification": A standard Insight pump emits an alarm when a TBR is finished. This button lets you enable or disable this alarm without the need for configuration software. - ![Insight 狀態的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Status2.png) + ![Screenshot of Insight Status](../images/Insight_Status2.png) -## 幫浦中的設定 +## Settings in the pump -配置幫浦中的警報如下: +Configure alarms in the pump as follows: -* 選單 > 設定 > 裝置設定 > 模式設定 > 靜音 > 信號 > 聲音 -* 選單 > 設定 > 裝置設定 > 模式設定 > 靜音 > 音量 > 0(移除所有條) -* 選單 > 模式 > 信號模式 > 靜音 +* Menu > Settings > Device settings > Mode settings > Quiet > Signal > Sound +* Menu > Settings > Device settings > Mode settings > Quiet > Volume > 0 (remove all bars) +* Menu > Modes > Signal mode > Quiet -這將使幫浦靜音,允許 AAPS 決定警報是否與您相關。 如果 AAPS 未確認警報,其音量將增加(先是嗶聲,然後是震動)。 +This will silence all alarms from the pump, allowing AAPS to decide if an alarm is relevant to you. If AAPS does not acknowledge an alarm, its volume will increase (first beep, then vibration). (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-vibration)= -### 震動 +### Vibration -根據您幫浦的韌體版本,Insight 每次注射時都會短暫震動(例如,當 AAPS 發出 SMB 或 TBR 仿真發送延長注射時)。 +Depending on the firmware version of your pump, the Insight will vibrate briefly every time a bolus is delivered (for example, when AAPS issues an SMB or TBR emulation delivers an extended bolus). -* 韌體 1.x:設計上沒有震動。 -* 韌體 2.x:無法停用震動。 -* 韌體 3.x:AAPS 安靜地發送注射。 (最低[版本](Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)) +* Firmware 1.x: No vibration by design. +* Firmware 2.x: Vibration cannot be disabled. +* Firmware 3.x: AAPS delivers bolus silently. (minimum [version](Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)) -您可以在選單中找到韌體版本。 +Firmware version can be found in the menu. -## 電池更換 +## Battery replacement -Insight 在循環使用期間的電池壽命範圍為 10 到 14 天,最大 20 天。 報告此電池壽命的用戶使用的是 Energizer 鋰電池。 +Battery life for Insight when looping range from 10 to 14 days, max. 20 days. The user reporting this is using Energizer lithium batteries. -Insight 幫浦有一個小型內部電池,可在更換可拆卸電池時維持時鐘等重要功能的運作。 如果更換電池的時間過長,內部電池可能會耗盡電力,時鐘將重置,並且在插入新電池後您需要重新設置時間和日期。 如果發生這種情況,更換電池前在 AAPS 中的所有記錄將不再包括在計算中,因為無法正確識別正確的時間。 +The Insight pump has a small internal battery to keep essential functions like the clock running while you are changing the removable battery. If changing the battery takes too long, this internal battery may run out of power, the clock will reset, and you will be asked to enter a new time and date after inserting a new battery. If this happens, all entries in AAPS prior to the battery change will no longer be included in calculations as the correct time cannot be identified properly. (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-insight-specific-errors)= -## Insight 特定錯誤 +## Insight specific errors -### 延長注射 +### Extended bolus -一次只使用一個延長注射,因為同時多次延長注射可能會導致錯誤。 +Just use one extended bolus at a time as multiple extended boluses at the same time might cause errors. -### 逾時 +### Time out -有時 Insight 幫浦在連線設置期間可能不會回應。 在這種情況下,AAPS 將顯示以下訊息:“交握時逾時 - 重置藍牙”。 +Sometimes it might happen that the Insight pump does not answer during connection setup. In this case AAPS will display the following message: "Timeout during handshake - reset bluetooth". -![Insight 重置藍牙](../images/Insight_ResetBT.png) +![Insight Reset Bluetooth](../images/Insight_ResetBT.png) -在這種情況下,請關閉幫浦和手機上的藍牙約10秒,然後重新開啟。 +In this case turn off bluetooth on pump AND smartphone for about 10 seconds and then turn it back on. -## 跨時區使用 Insight 幫浦 +## Crossing time zones with Insight pump -有關跨時區旅行的資訊,請參閱[使用幫浦跨時區旅行](Timezone-traveling-insight)部分。 \ No newline at end of file +For information on traveling across time zones see section [Timezone traveling with pumps](Timezone-traveling-insight). \ No newline at end of file From e0bd9067eac606272b3f53c2dad5d22df6e3ec83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 147/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 24 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 670375b8a15b..16139cd742b0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -2,29 +2,29 @@ ## Jelly 2 -請勿與 Jelly Star 混淆。 +Do not confuse with Jelly Star. -**優點** +**Advantages** -* 它真的很小。 -* Android 11。 -* 即使您告訴別人,他們可能也不會認為這是一台普通的智慧型手機,並會更容易接受它在禁止使用手機的場合中的例外情況。 +* It's really small. +* Android 11. +* Even if you tell people, they might not consider it as a normal smartphone and will except it easier as a exception when phones are normally not allowed. -**缺點** +**Disadvantages** -* 僅推薦給經驗豐富的 Looper 使用者(某些設定無法辨識,您必須根據使用大尺寸 Android AAPS 手機的經驗知道什麼東西在哪裡)。 某些 AAPS 按鈕難以精準觸碰,尤其對於手指粗大的人來說。 -* 只能作為 LooperPhone 使用。 口袋中最好還是放一台普通的智慧型手機。 +* Recommended only for experienced loopers (some settings are not recognizable, you have to know from experience with a big Android AAPS phone, how and where what is located. Some AAPS buttons are hard to touch with a lot of feeling, but not with stubby fingers.) +* Can only be used as LooperPhone. It's better to have a normal smartphone in your pocket. -### 電池壽命最佳化 +### Battery life optimization -Jelly 2 配有強大的最佳化功能,**必須**停用這些功能以便 AAPS(以及其他 DIY 應用程式如 BYODA、xDrip+、OOP2、Juggluco 等)正常運作。 +The Jelly 2 comes with strong optimization features that **must** be disabled for AAPS (and other DIY apps like BYODA, xDrip+, OOP2, Juggluco, etc...). ![](../images/Jelly_Settings1.png) -您可以啟用智慧輔助功能,但**必須停用這些功能以便 DIY 應用程式正常運作**。 +You can leave Intelligent assistance enabled, but it **must be disabled for DIY apps**. ![](../images/Jelly_Settings2.png) -您可以啟用 NFC 來支援 Libre 感測器。 +You can enable NFC for Libre sensors. ![](../images/Jelly_Settings3.png) \ No newline at end of file From c43cbfb6c97290e4d7edd15429108c48610b87e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 148/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index a9d9ef3e84c3..f30098423dac 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -## 開發分支 +## Development branch -注意: -開發分支僅用於 AAPS 的進一步開發。 應在另一台手機上用於測試,而不是實際循環! +Attention: +Dev branch is for the further development of AAPS only. It should be used on a separate phone for testing not for actual looping! -AAPS 的最穩定版本是[Master 分支](中的版本。 建議在實際循環中保持在 Master 分支。 +The most stable version of AAPS to use is that in the [Master branch]( It is advised to stay on the Master branch for actual looping. -AAPS 的開發版本僅適用於能處理堆棧追蹤、查找日誌文件,甚至啟動調試器以生成對開發人員有幫助的錯誤報告的開發者和測試者(簡言之:知道自己在做什麼而不需要協助的人)。 因此,許多未完成的功能都被停用了。 要啟用這些功能,請在 /AAPS/extra 目錄中建立名為`engineering_mode`的文件,以啟用**工程模式**。 啟用工程模式可能會完全破壞循環。 +The dev version of AAPS is only for developers and testers comfortable dealing with stacktraces, looking through log files and maybe firing up the debugger to produce bug reports that are helpful to the developers (in short: people that know what they are doing without being assisted!). Therefore many unfinished features are disabled. To enable these features enter **Engineering Mode** by creating a file named `engineering_mode` in directory /AAPS/extra . Enabling the engineering mode might break the loop entirely. -但是,開發分支是一個不錯的地方,可以查看正在測試的功能,並幫助解決錯誤,並反饋新功能在實際中的效果。 通常人們會在舊手機和幫浦上測試開發分支,直到他們確信它是穩定的——使用它完全是自擔風險。 在測試任何新功能時,請記住您是在選擇測試一個仍在開發中的功能。 請自行承擔風險並謹慎行事以確保安全。 +However, the Dev branch is a good place to see what features are being tested and to help iron out the bugs and give feedback on how the new features work in practice. Often people will test the Dev branch on an old phone and pump until they are confident it is stable - any use of it is at your own risk. When testing any new features, remember that you are choosing to test a still-in-development feature. Do so at your own risk & with due diligence to keep yourself safe. -如果您發現錯誤或認為使用開發分支時發生了問題,請查看[問題標籤](,看看是否有其他人發現,或者如果沒有,請自己添加。 您能在此分享的訊息越多越好(不要忘記,您可能需要分享您的[日誌文件](../Usage/。 新功能也可以在[Discord](上討論。 +If you find a bug or think something wrong has happened when using the Dev branch, then view the [issues tab]( to check whether anyone else has found it, or add it yourself if not. The more information you can share here the better (don't forget you may need to share your [log files](../Usage/ The new features can also be discussed on [discord]( -開發版本有一個過期日期。 當使用它滿意時,這似乎不便,但它有其作用。 當單一開發版本流傳時,更容易跟踪人們報告的錯誤。 開發人員不希望出現三個開發版本在外流傳,其中一些錯誤在某些版本中已經修復,而其他版本則未修復,而人們仍然繼續報告已經解決的錯誤。 \ No newline at end of file +A dev version has an expiration date. This seems inconvenient when using it satisfactorily, but serves a purpose. When a single dev version doing the rounds, it is easier to keep track of bugs that people are reporting. The developers do not want to be in a position where there are three versions of dev in the wild where bugs are fixed in some and not others, and people continue to report the fixed ones. \ No newline at end of file From 123eae5f06f43c095e47298891537660f2bc16fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 149/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 244 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 97aaf053ddeb..ce134185b434 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,243 +1,243 @@ -# xDrip+ 設定 +# xDrip+ settings -如果尚未設定,請下載[xDrip+](。 +If not already set up, then download [xDrip+]( -停用電池優化,並允許 xDrip+ 應用程式在背景中運作。 +Disable battery optimization and allow background activity for the xDrip+ app. -除非您需要最近的功能或正在使用正在整合的傳感器(如 G7),否則可以安全地下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](,否則您應該使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 +You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you need recent features or are using sensors that are being actively integrated (like G7), in which case you should use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( -## 所有 CGM & FGM 系統的基本設定 +## Basic settings for all CGM & FGM systems -### 停用 Nightscout 上傳 +### Disable Nightscout upload -從 AAPS 3.2 開始,您不應讓其他應用程式上傳資料(血糖和治療方案)到 Nightscout。 +Starting with AAPS 3.2, you shouldn't let any other app upload data (blood glucose and treatments) to Nightscout. -→ 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 雲端上傳 (3) -> Nightscout 同步(REST-API)(4) → 將`啟用`開關設為**關閉** (5) +→ Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Cloud Upload (3) -> Nightscout Sync (REST-API)(4) → Switch **OFF** `Enabled` (5) -![xDrip+ 基本設定 1](../images/xDrip_Basic1.png) +![xDrip+ Basic Settings 1](../images/xDrip_Basic1.png) -#### 停用自動校正和治療方案 +#### Disable automatic calibration and treatments -如果您使用的是舊版本的 AAPS(3.2 之前),請確保停用`自動校正` (7) 如果`自動校正`的複選框已勾選,請一次啟用`下載治療方案` (6),然後再次取消勾選`自動校正`並停用`下載治療方案`。 +If you use an older version of AAPS (before 3.2), make sure to deactivate `Automatic Calibration` (7) If the checkbox for `Automatic Calibration` is checked, activate `Download treatments` (6) once, then remove the checkbox for `Automatic Calibration` and deactivate `Download treatments` again. -![xDrip+ 基本設定 2](../images/xDrip_Basic2.png) +![xDrip+ Basic Settings 2](../images/xDrip_Basic2.png) -點擊`額外選項`(8) +Tap `Extra Options`(8) -:::{admonition} 安全警告 :class: 警告 您必須停用 xDrip+ 中的“上傳治療方案”,否則治療方案可能會在 AAPS 中重複,導致錯誤的碳水和活性胰島素值。 +:::{admonition} Safety warning :class: warning You must deactivate "Upload treatments" from xDrip+, otherwise treatments can be doubled in AAPS leading to false COB and IOB. ::: -停用`上傳治療方案`(9),並確保您**不要**使用`回填資料` (11)。 +Deactivate `Upload treatments`(9) and make sure you will **NOT** use `Back-fill data` (11). -應該也停用選項`失敗警報`(10)。 否則,若 Wi-Fi/行動網路有問題或伺服器不可用,您將每 5 分鐘收到一次警報。 +Option `Alert on failures` should also be deactivated (10). Otherwise you will get an alarm every 5 minutes in case Wi-Fi/mobile network issues or if the server is not available. -![xDrip+ 基本設定 3](../images/xDrip_Basic3.png) +![xDrip+ Basic Settings 3](../images/xDrip_Basic3.png) -### **應用間設定**(廣播) +### **Inter-app Settings** (Broadcast) -如果您將使用 AAPS 並將資料轉發給 AAPS,則必須在 xDrip+ 的應用間設定中啟用廣播。 +If you are going to use AAPS and the data should be forwarded to i.e. AAPS you have to activate broadcasting in xDrip+ in Inter-App settings. -→ 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 應用間設定 (3) → 本地廣播**開啟** (4) +→ Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Inter-app settings (3) → Broadcast locally **ON** (4) -為了使 AAPS 中的數值與 xDrip+ 的數值相同,您應該啟用`發送顯示的血糖值`(5)。 +In order for the values to be identical in AAPS with respect to xDrip+, you should activate `Send the displayed glucose value` (5). -啟用相容廣播 (6)。 +Enable Compatible Broadcast (6). -![xDrip+ 基本設定 4](../images/xDrip_Basic4.png) +![xDrip+ Basic Settings 4](../images/xDrip_Basic4.png) -如果您還在 xDrip+ 中啟用了`接受治療方案`,並在 AAPS xDrip+ 外掛中啟用了`啟用廣播到 xDrip+`,那麼 xDrip+ 將接收來自 AAPS 的胰島素、碳水化合物和基礎率資訊。 +If you have also activated `Accept treatments` in xDrip+ and `Enable broadcasts to xDrip+` in AAPS xDrip+ plugin, then xDrip+ will receive insulin, carbs and basal rate information from AAPS. -如果您啟用了`接受校正`,xDrip+ 將使用來自 AAPS 的校正值。 當您將此功能與 Dexcom 傳感器一起使用時請小心:請先閱讀[這篇文章](。 +If you enable `Accept Calibrations`, xDrip+ will use the calibrations from AAPS. Be careful when you use this feature with Dexcom sensors: read [this]( first. -請記得停用匯入音效,以避免每次 AAPS 發送基礎率/設定檔變更時 xDrip+ 播放鈴聲。 +Remember to disable Import Sounds to avoid xDrip+ making a ringtone every time AAPS sends a basal/profile change. -![xDrip+ 基本設定 5](../images/xDrip_Basic5.png) +![xDrip+ Basic Settings 5](../images/xDrip_Basic5.png) (xdrip-identify-receiver)= -#### 識別接收端 +#### Identify receiver -- 如果發現本地廣播有問題(AAPS 未收到來自 xDrip+ 的血糖值),請前往 → 漢堡選單 (1) 設定 (2) → 應用間設定 (3) → 識別接收端 (7),並為 AAPS 建立輸入`info.nightscout.androidaps`(如果您使用的是 PumpControl 版本,請輸入`info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol`)。 -- 請注意:自動校正有時會將小寫字母 i 改為大寫字母。 輸入`info.nightscout.androidaps`(或 PumpControl 版本的`info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol`)時**只能使用小寫字母**。 大寫 I 將會阻止應用程式接收來自 xDrip+ 的血糖值。 +- If you discover problems with local broadcast (AAPS not receiving BG values from xDrip+) go to → Hamburger Menu (1) Settings (2) → Inter-app settings (3) → Identify receiver (7) and enter `info.nightscout.androidaps` for AAPS build (if you are using PumpControl build, please enter `info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol` instead!!). +- Pay attention: Auto-correction sometimes tend to change i to capital letter. You **must use only lowercase letters** when typing `info.nightscout.androidaps` (or `info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol` for PumpControl). Capital I would prevent the App from receiving BG values from xDrip+. - ![xDrip+ 基本應用間設定識別接收端](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) + ![xDrip+ Basic Inter-app Settings Identify receiver](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) -## 使用 AAPS 在 xDrip+ 中進行校正 +## Use AAPS to calibrate in xDrip+ -- 如果您希望能夠使用 AAPS 進行校正,請在 xDrip+ 中前往設定 → 應用間相容性 → 接受校正並選擇開啟。 -- 您可能還想檢查設定 → 不常見的設定 → 高階校正設定中的選項。 +- If you want to be able to use AAPS to calibrate then in xDrip+ go to Settings → Interapp Compatibility → Accept Calibrations and select ON. +- You may also want to review the options in Settings → Less Common Settings → Advanced Calibration Settings. ## Dexcom G6 -- Dexcom G6 傳輸器可以同時連線到 Dexcom 接收器(或替代的 t:slim 幫浦)和手機上的一個應用程式。 -- 當使用 xDrip+ 作為接收器時,請先卸載 Dexcom 應用程式。 **您無法同時將 xDrip+ 和 Dexcom 應用程式連線到傳輸器!** -- 如果您需要 Clarity 並想利用 xDrip+ 的功能,請使用[自行建立的 Dexcom 應用程式](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)與 xDrip+ 進行本地廣播,或者使用 xDrip+ 作為接收來自官方 Dexcom 應用程式通知的配套應用程式。 +- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ features, use the [Build Your Own Dexcom App](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+, or use xDrip+ as a Companion app receiving notifications from the official Dexcom app. -### G6 傳輸器序列號決定的 xDrip+ 版本 +### xDrip+ version depending on G6 transmitter serial no. -- 2018 年秋季/年底後製造的所有 G6 傳輸器稱為“Firefly”。 它們不允許在不[移除傳輸器](的情況下重新啟動傳感器,也不發送原始資料。 建議使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 -- 使用經過重新電池處理和修改的傳輸器允許延長傳感器壽命並進行重啟,它們也發送原始資料。 您可以使用[最新 APK(穩定版)](。 +- All G6 transmitters manufactured after fall/end 2018 are called "Firefly". They do not allow sensor restart without [removing the transmitter](, they do not send raw data. It is recommended to use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( +- Old rebatteried transmitters and modified trasmitters allow sensor life extension and restarts, they also send raw data. You can use the [latest APK (stable)]( -### Dexcom 特定設定 +### Dexcom specific settings -- 按照[這些指示](設定 xDrip+。 +- Follow [these instructions]( to setup xDrip+. -### 不建議進行預防性重啟 +### Preemptive restarts not recommended -**僅限於重新電池處理或修改過的 Dexcom 傳輸器。 [預防性重啟](不適用於標準傳輸器,並將完全停止傳感器:您需要[移除傳輸器](來重新啟動傳感器。** +**Only rebatteried or modified Dexcom transmitters. [Preemptive restarts]( do not work with standard transmitters and will stop the sensor completely: you need to [remove the transmitter]( to restart the sensor.** -Dexcom 傳感器的自動延長(`預防性重啟`)不建議使用,因為這可能會導致第9天後血糖值容易出現“波動”。 +The automatic extension of Dexcom sensors (`preemptive restarts`) is not recommended as this might lead to “jumps” in BG values on day 9 after restart. -![預防性重啟後的 xDrip+ 跳躍](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_PreemptiveJump.png) +![xDrip+ Jump after Preemptive Restart](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_PreemptiveJump.png) -要安全使用此功能,請注意以下幾點: +To use it safely, there are a few points to be aware of: -- 如果您在 xDrip+ 或 Spike 中使用帶有校正碼的原始資料,最安全的做法是不允許傳感器進行預防性重啟。 -- 如果必須進行預防性重啟,請確保在您能觀察變化並在必要時進行校正的時間進行。 -- 如果您正在重啟傳感器,請在沒有工廠校正的情況下進行,以在第11天和第12天獲得最安全的結果,或者確保您準備好進行校正並密切關注變化。 -- 提前植入 G6 傳感器並使用出廠校準,可能會導致結果產生變異。 如果您進行預先浸泡,為獲得最佳結果,您可能需要校正傳感器。 -- 如果你沒有密切注意可能發生的變化,可能會比較好切換回非出廠校準模式,並像使用 G5 一樣操作系統。 +- If you are using the native data with the calibration code in xDrip+ or Spike, the safest thing to do is not allow preemptive restarts of the sensor. +- If you must use preemptive restarts, then make sure you insert at a time of day where you can observe the change and calibrate if necessary. +- If you are restarting sensors, either do it without the factory calibration for safest results on days 11 and 12, or ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. +- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. +- If you aren’t being observant about the changes that may be taking place, it may be better to revert to non-factory-calibrated mode and use the system like a G5. -要了解更多詳細資訊和這些建議的原因,請閱讀 Tim Street 在[](上發表的[完整文章](。 +To learn more about the details and reasons for these recommendations read the [complete article]( published by Tim Street at []( (xdrip-connect-g6-transmitter-for-the-first-time)= -### 首次連線 G6 傳輸器 +### Connect G6 transmitter for the first time -**如需第二個及後續傳輸器,請參閱[延長傳輸器壽命](xdrip-extend-transmitter-life)部分。** +**For second and following transmitters see [Extend transmitter life](xdrip-extend-transmitter-life) below.** -請按照[這些指示](進行操作。 +Follow [these instructions]( (xdrip-transmitter-battery-status)= -### 傳輸器電池狀態 +### Transmitter battery status -- 可以在系統狀態中檢查電池狀態 - → 漢堡選單 (1) → 系統狀態 (2) → 如果您處於傳統狀態頁面 (3) 向右滑動螢幕 (4) 到達 → G5/G6/G7 狀態頁面。 +- Battery status can be controlled in system status + → Hamburger Menu (1) → System Status (2) → If you are on the Classic Status Page (3) swipe the screen (4) to reach → G5/G6/G7 Status screen. -![xDrip+ 系統狀態](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_Battery.png) +![xDrip+ System status](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_Battery.png) -- 有關更多資訊,請參閱[這裡](。 +- See [here]( for more information. (xdrip-extend-transmitter-life)= -### 延長傳輸器壽命 +### Extend transmitter life -- [Firefly 傳輸器](的壽命無法延長:僅限於重新電池處理或修改過的傳輸器。 -- 請按照[這些指示](為非 Firefly 傳輸器進行操作。 +- [Lifetime]( cannot be extended for Firefly transmitters: only rebatteried or modified transmitters. +- Follow [these instructions]( for non-Firefly transmitters. (xdrip-replace-transmitter)= -### 更換傳輸器 +### Replace transmitter -- 關閉原始 Dexcom 接收器(如果已使用)。 -- [停止傳感器](僅在更換傳感器時)。 +- Turn original Dexcom receiver off (if used). +- [Stop sensor]( (only if replacing sensor). -- 在 xDrip+ 系統狀態和手機的藍牙設定中忘記裝置(將顯示為 Dexcom?? 而 ?? 是傳輸器序列號的最後兩位數字) - → 漢堡選單 (1) → 系統狀態 (2) → 如果您處於經典狀態頁面 (3) 向右滑動螢幕 (4) 到達 → G5/G6/G7 狀態頁面 → 忘記裝置 (5)。 +- Forget device in xDrip+ system status AND in smartphone’s BT settings (Will be shown as Dexcom?? whereas ?? are the last two digits of the transmitter serial no.) + → Hamburger Menu (1) → System Status (2) → If you are on the Classic Status Page (3) swipe the screen (4) to reach → G5/G6/G7 Status screen → Forget Device (5). -![xDrip+ 系統狀態](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_StopSensor.png) +![xDrip+ System status](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_StopSensor.png) -- 移除傳輸器(如果更換傳感器,則同時移除傳感器)。 若要在不移除傳感器的情況下移除傳輸器,請參閱[這裡](,或觀看此影片。 -- 將舊的傳輸器放遠以防止重新連線。 微波是一個完美的法拉第屏蔽裝置 - 但為了完全確保安全,請拔掉電源線以確保沒有人會打開微波。 -- 請按照[這些指示](進行操作。 -- 在 xDrip+ 顯示第一次讀數之前,不要重新開啟原始 Dexcom 接收器(如果已使用)。 +- Remove transmitter (and sensor if replacing sensor). To remove transmitter without removing sensor see [this](, or this video . +- Put the old transmitter far away to prevent reconnection. A microwave is a perfect Faraday shield for this - but unplug power cord to be 100% sure no one is turning the microwave on. +- Follow [these instructions]( +- Do not turn original Dexcom receiver (if used) back on before xDrip+ shows first readings. -### 新傳感器 +### New Sensor -- 關閉原始 Dexcom 接收器(如果已使用)。 -- 按照[這些指示](停止傳感器。 +- Turn original Dexcom receiver off (if used). +- Stop sensor following [these instructions]( -- 植入並按照[這些指示](啟動新傳感器。 +- Insert and then start a new sensor following [these instructions]( (xdrip-retrieve-sensor-code)= -### 檢索傳感器碼 +### Retrieve sensor code -→ 漢堡選單 (1) → 系統狀態 (2) → 如果您處於經典狀態頁面 (3) 向右滑動螢幕 (4) 到達 → G5/G6/G7 狀態頁面 → 校正碼。 +→ Hamburger Menu (1) → System Status (2) → If you are on the Classic Status Page (3) swipe the screen (4) to reach → G5/G6/G7 Status screen → Calibration Code. -![xDrip+ 檢索 Dexcom 傳感器碼2](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_SensorCode2.png) +![xDrip+ Retrieve Dexcom Sensor Code2](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_SensorCode2.png) (xdrip-troubleshooting-dexcom-g5-g6-and-xdrip)= -### Dexcom G5/G6 和 xDrip+ 的故障排除 +### Troubleshooting Dexcom G5/G6 and xDrip+ -#### 傳輸器連線問題 +#### Problem connecting transmitter -按照[這些指示](進行操作。 +Follow [these instructions]( -#### 啟動新傳感器時的問題 +#### Problem when starting new sensor -請按照[這些指示](進行操作。 +Follow [these instructions]( ## Libre 1 -- 在 xDrip+ 中設置您的 NFC 至藍牙橋接器 +- Setup your NFC to Bluetooth bridge in xDrip+ - → 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 不常見設定 (3) → 藍牙設定 (4) + → Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Less common settings (3) → Bluetooth Settings (4) -- 在藍牙設定中,請將勾選框設置為下方截圖所示的設定 (5) +- In Bluetooth Settings set the checkboxes exactly as in the screenshots below (5) - - 停用監控程式,因為它們會重置手機藍牙並中斷幫浦連線。 + - Disable watchdogs as they will reset the phone Bluetooth and interrupt your pump connection. - ![xDrip+ Libre 藍牙設定 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings1.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre Bluetooth Settings 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings1.png) -- 您可以嘗試啟用以下設定 (7) +- You can try to enable the following settings (7) - - 使用掃描功能 - - 信任自動連線 - - 使用背景掃描 + - Use scanning + - Trust Auto-Connect + - Use Background Scans -- 如果您經常失去與橋接器的連線或難以恢復連線,**請停用它們** (8)。 +- If you easily lose connection to the bridge or have difficulties recovering connection, **DISABLE THEM** (8). - ![xDrip+ Libre 藍牙設定 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings2.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre Bluetooth Settings 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings2.png) -- 除非您知道為什麼要啟用,否則請保持其他選項為停用狀態。 +- Leave all other options disabled unless you know why you want to enable them. - ![xDrip+ Libre 藍牙設定 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings3.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre Bluetooth Settings 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings3.png) -### Libre 智慧讀取器電池電量 +### Libre smart reader battery level -- 如 MiaoMiao 和 Bubble 等橋接器的電池電量可以顯示在 AAPS 中(Blucon 不支援)。 -- 詳細資訊請參閱[螢幕截圖頁面](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery)。 +- Battery level of bridges such as MiaoMiao and Bubble can be displayed in AAPS (not Blucon). +- Details can be found on [screenshots page](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery). -### 連線 Libre 傳輸器並啟動傳感器 +### Connect Libre Transmitter & start sensor -- 如果您的傳感器需要(例如 Libre 2 EU 和 Libre 1 US),請安裝[最新的外部處理演算法](。 +- If your sensor requires it (Libre 2 EU and Libre 1 US) install the [latest out of process algorithm]( -- 您的傳感器必須已經使用供應商應用程式或讀取器啟動(xDrip+ 無法啟動或停止 Libre 傳感器)。 +- Your sensor must be already started using the vendor app or the reader (xDrip+ cannot start or stop Libre sensors). -- 將資料來源設置為 Libre 藍牙。 +- Set the data source to Libre Bluetooth. - → 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 在硬體資料來源中選擇 Libre 藍牙 (3) + → Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Select Libre Bluetooth in Hardware Data source (3) - ![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與感測器 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter01.png) + ![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter01.png) -- 掃描藍牙並連線橋接器。 +- Scan Bluetooth and connect the bridge. - → 漢堡選單 (1) → 掃描藍牙 (2) → 掃描 (3) + → Hamburger Menu (1) → Scan Bluetooth (2) → Scan (3) - - 如果 xDrip+ 找不到橋接器,請確保它未連線到供應商應用程式。將其插入充電並重置。 + - If xDrip+ can't find the bridge, make sure it's not connected to the vendor app. Put it in charge and reset it. - ![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與傳感器 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter02.png) + ![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter02.png) -- 在 xDrip+ 中啟動傳感器。 +- Start the sensor in xDrip+. - :::{admonition} 安全警告 :class: warning 在一小時的暖機期結束前不要使用傳感器資料:數值可能會非常高,可能導致 AAPS 中錯誤的決策。 + :::{admonition} Safety warning :class: warning Do not use sensor data before the one hour warm-up is over: the values can be extremely high and cause wrong decisions in AAPS. ::: - → 漢堡選單 (1) → 啟動傳感器 (2) → 啟動傳感器 (3) → 設置您使用讀取器或供應商應用程式啟動傳感器的精確時間。如果您不是今天啟動的,請選擇“不是今天” (4)。 + → Hamburger Menu (1) → Start sensor (2) → Start sensor (3) → Set the exact time you started it with the reader or the vendor app. If you didn't start it today, answer "Not Today" (4). -![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與傳感器 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) +![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) -## Libre 2 修補版(patched) 應用程式 +## Libre 2 patched app -- 將資料來源設置為 Libre 修補版應用程式。 +- Set the data source to Libre patched app. - → 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 在硬體資料來源中選擇 Libre(修補版應用程式)(3) + → Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Select Libre (patched App) in Hardware Data source (3) - ![xDrip+ Libre 修補版應用程式 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Patched01.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre Patched app 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Patched01.png) -- 您可以在不常見設定->額外日誌記錄設定->額外標籤記錄中新增`BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v`。 這將記錄額外的錯誤訊息以進行故障排除。 +- You can add `BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v` under Less Common Settings->Extra Logging Settings->Extra tags for logging. This will log additional error messages for trouble shooting. -![xDrip+ LibreLink 日誌記錄](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) \ No newline at end of file +![xDrip+ LibreLink logging](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) \ No newline at end of file From 865483e04b80e7c92bc244aea818d0b58408cb96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:02:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 150/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 244 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 95da08ce8504..6bf58b7573d5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,187 +1,187 @@ -# 美敦力幫浦 +# Medtronic Pumps -此驅動程式不適用於任何新型號,包括所有以 G 結尾的型號(530G、600 系列 [630G、640G、670G]、700 系列 [770G、780G] 等)。 +The driver does not work with any newer models, including all models ending in G (530G, 600-series [630G, 640G, 670G], 700-series [770G, 780G], etc.). -以下型號和韌體組合是相容的: +The following model and firmware combinations are compatible: -- 512/712(任何韌體版本) -- 515/715(任何韌體版本) -- 522/722(韌體 2.4A 或更低版本) -- 523/723(韌體 2.4A 或更低版本) -- 554/754 歐洲版本(韌體 2.6A 或更低版本) -- 554/754 加拿大版本(韌體 2.7A 或更低版本) +- 512/712 (any firmware version) +- 515/715 (any firmware version) +- 522/722 (any firmware version) +- 523/723 (firmware 2.4A or lower) +- 554/754 EU release (firmware 2.6A or lower) +- 554/754 Canada release (firmware 2.7A or lower) -您可以查看如何在[OpenAPS 文件](或[LoopDocs](中檢查幫浦韌體。 +You can find out how to check the firmware on the pumps at [OpenAPS docs]( or [LoopDocs]( -## 硬體和軟體需求 +## Hardware and software requirements -- **手機:**此美敦力驅動程式應適用於所有支援藍牙連線的 Android 手機。 **重要提示:手機製造商的藍牙實作可能會有所不同,因此每個手機型號的行為可能會不同。 例如,一些手機在啟用/停用藍牙時的處理方式可能不同。 這可能會影響 AAPS 需要重新連線到您的 Rileylink 類型裝置時的使用體驗。** -- **RileyLink 相容裝置:**Android 手機無法直接與美敦力幫浦連線,必須使用一個額外的裝置來處理通訊。 此裝置將透過藍牙與您的手機連線,並透過相容的無線電連線與幫浦連線。 第一個此類裝置稱為 RileyLink,但現在已推出許多其他選項,提供更多功能。 +- **Phone:** The Medtronic driver should work with any android phone that supports Bluetooth connections. **IMPORTANT: Phone manufacturers Bluetooth implementations can vary so how each phone model behaves can vary. For example, some phones will handle enabling/disabling Bluetooth differently. This can impact the user experience when AAPS needs to reconnect to your Rileylink type device.** +- **RileyLink Compatible Device:** Android phones cannot communicate to Medtronic pumps without a seperate device to handle communications. This device will link with your phone via Bluetooth and with your pump via a compatible radio connection. The first such device was called a Rileylink but a number of other options are now available which can offer additional functionality. - - RileyLink 可於[](購買 - - Orangelink 可於[](購買 - - Emalink(多種型號可選)可於[](購買 - - Gnarl(需要一些額外 DIY)詳情可見[]( + - Rileylink available at []( + - Orangelink available at []( + - Emalink (multiple model options) available at []( + - Gnarl (some additional DIY required) details available at []( -各種 Rileylink 相容裝置的比較圖表可見[]( +A comparision chart for the various Rileylink compatible devices can be found at []( (MedtronicPump-configuration-of-the-pump)= -## 幫浦配置 +## Configuration of the pump -為了讓 AAPS 遠端發送指令,應在幫浦上配置以下設定。 每個設定的步驟如下所示(適用於美敦力 715)。 具體步驟可能會根據幫浦類型和/或韌體版本有所不同。 +The following settings should be configured on the pump in order for AAPS to remotely send commands. The steps necessary to make each change on a Medtronic 715 are shown in brackets for each setting. The exact steps may vary based on pump type and/or firmware version. -- **啟用幫浦上的遠端模式**(在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往工具 -> 遠端選項,選擇開啟,並在下一個畫面中新增 ID,輸入任意隨機 ID,如 111111)。 遠端 ID 列表中至少需要一個 ID,幫浦才會接受遠端通訊。 -- **設定最大基礎率**(在幫浦上按下 Act,然後前往基礎率,然後選擇最大基礎率)作為範例,將此數值設置為您最大標準基礎率的四倍,將允許 400% 的臨時基礎率。 幫浦允許的最大值為每小時 34.9 單位。 -- **設定最大注射量**(在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往注射,然後選擇最大注射量)這是幫浦可接受的最大注射量。 幫浦允許的最大值為 25 單位。 -- **設定設定檔為標準**。 (在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往基礎率,然後選擇模式)幫浦只需要一個設定檔,因為 AAPS 會在您的手機上管理不同的設定檔。 不需要其他模式。 -- **設定臨時基礎率類型**(在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往基礎率,然後選擇臨時基礎率類型)。 選擇絕對值(不要選擇百分比)。 +- **Enable remote mode on Pump** (On the pump press Act and go to Utilities -> Remote Options, Select On, and on next screen do Add ID and add any random id such as 111111). At least one ID must be on the Remote ID list in order for the pump to expect remote communication. +- **Set Max Basal** (On the pump press Act and got to Basal and then select Max Basal Rate) As an example setting this value to four times your maximum standard basal rate would allow a 400% Temporary Basal Rate. The maximum value permitted by the pump is 34.9 units per hour. +- **Set Max Bolus** (On the pump press Act and to to Bolus and then select Max Bolus) This is the largest bolus that the pump will accept. The maximum value permitted by the pump is 25. +- **Set profile to Standard**. (On the pump press Act and go to Basal and then Select Patterns) The pump will only need one profile as AAPS will manage different profiles on your phone. No other patterns are required. +- **Set Temporary Basal Rate type** (On the pump press Act and go to Basal and then Temp Basal Type). Select Absolute (not Percent). -## 美敦力手機/AAPS 配置 +## Medtronic Configuration of Phone/AAPS -- **不要在手機的藍牙選單中配對 RileyLink 相容裝置。**透過手機的藍牙選單配對將會阻止 AAPS 在您按照以下指示操作時看到您的 Rileylink 相容裝置。 -- 停用手機上的自動螢幕旋轉。 在某些裝置上,自動螢幕旋轉會導致藍牙會話重新啟動,這將導致您的美敦力幫浦出現問題。 -- 有兩種方式可在 AAPS 中配置您的美敦力幫浦: +- **Do not pair RileyLink compatible device with the Bluetooth menu on your phone.** Pairing via the Bluetooth menu on your phone will stop AAPS from seeing your Rileylink Compatible device when you follow the instructions below. +- Disable automatic screen rotation on your phone. On certain devices automatic screen rotation causes Bluetooth sessions to restart which would cause issues for your Medtronic pump. +- There are two ways to configure your Medtronic pump in AAPS: -1. 使用全新安裝時的設置嚮導 -2. 在組態建置工具中的幫浦選項旁選擇齒輪圖示以選擇美敦力選項 +1. Using the setup wizard as part of a fresh install +2. By selecting the cog icon beside the Medtronic selection in the pump selection option in Config Builder -在使用設置嚮導配置美敦力幫浦時,您可能會因藍牙問題而無法完成設置(例如無法成功連線到幫浦)。 如果發生這種情況,您應該選擇虛擬幫浦選項來完成配置,並使用選項 2 進行進一步故障排除。 +When configuring your Medtronic pump with the setup wizard it is possible that you will be prevented from completing setup because of Bluetooth issues (e.g. you cannot succesfully connect to the pump). Should this happen you should select the virtual pump option in order to complete the configuration and allow for further troubleshooting by using option 2. -![美敦力設定](../images/Medtronic01a.png) +![Medtronic Settings](../images/Medtronic01a.png) -在設置 AAPS 與您的美敦力幫浦協作時,您需要設置以下項目:(請參閱上方圖片) +While setting up AAPS to work with your medtronic pump you need to set following items: (see picture above) -- **幫浦序列號**:顯示在幫浦背面,以 SN 開頭。 您應該僅輸入顯示的6個數字,且不包含字母字符(例如 123456)。 -- **幫浦型號**:您使用的幫浦型號(例如 522)。 -- **幫浦頻率**:有兩個選項,根據您的幫浦最初發行的地區。 如果您不確定應選擇哪個選項,請查看[常見問題](MedtronicPump-faq): - - 美國和加拿大使用的頻率為 916 Mhz - - 全球其他地區使用的頻率為 868 Mhz -- **幫浦最大基礎率(U/h)**:這需要與您的幫浦上設置的設定相符(請參閱上方的幫浦配置)。 再次提醒,此設定必須謹慎選擇,因為它將決定 AAPS 可透過您的基礎率提供的胰島素量。 這將有效地設置最大臨時基礎率。 作為範例,將此數值設置為您最大標準基礎率的四倍,將允許 400% 的臨時基礎率。 幫浦允許的最大值為每小時 34.9 單位。 -- **幫浦最大注射量(U)**(每小時):這需要與您的幫浦上設置的設定相符(請參閱上方的幫浦配置)。 此設定應謹慎考慮,因為它決定了 AAPS 可設置的最大注射量。 -- **注射啟動前的延遲時間(秒)**:注射發出後到實際發送指令到幫浦的時間(以秒為單位)。 這段時間允許使用者在錯誤發送注射指令時取消注射。 無法取消已透過 AAPS 啟動的注射。 取消已開始的注射的唯一方法是手動暫停幫浦,然後再重新啟動。 -- **美敦力編碼**:決定是否執行美敦力編碼。 首選選擇硬體編碼(即由 Rileylink 相容裝置執行),因為這樣會減少傳送的資料量。 如果經常發生連線中斷,選擇軟體編碼(即由 AAPS 執行)可能會有所幫助。 如果您的 Rileylink 裝置使用 0.x 版韌體,則此設定將被忽略。 -- **電池類型(電力檢視)**:為了正確判斷剩餘的電池電量,您應選擇正在使用的 AAA 電池類型。 當選擇了非簡單檢視的值時,AAPS 將顯示剩餘的計算電池百分比和電壓。 以下選項可用: +- **Pump Serial Number**: Displayed on the back of your pump and starts with SN. You should only enter the 6 numbers shown without any alpabetic characters (e.g. 123456). +- **Pump Type**: The model pump you are using (e.g. 522). +- **Pump Frequency**: There are two options based on where your pump was originally distributed. Please check the [FAQ](MedtronicPump-faq) if you are unsure which option to select): + - for US & Canada, frequency used is 916 Mhz + - for Worldwide, frequency used is 868 Mhz +- **Max Basal on Pump (U/h)**: This needs to match the setting set on your pump (see Configuration of the pump above). Again this setting must be carefully selected as it will determine how much AAPS can deliver via your basal rate. This will effectively set the maximum temporary basal rate. As an example, setting this value to four times your maximum standard basal rate would allow a 400% Temporary Basal Rate. The maximum value permitted by the pump is 34.9 units per hour. +- **Max Bolus on Pump (U)** (in an hour): This needs to match the setting set on your pump (see Configuration of the pump above). This setting should be carefully considered as it determines how large a bolus AAPS can ever set. +- **Delay before Bolus is started (s)**: The number of seconds after a bolus is issued before the command is actually sent to the pump. This period of time allows the user to cancel the bolus in the event a bolus command is sent in error. It is not possible to cancel a bolus that has started via AAPS. The only way to cancel a bolus that has already started is to suspend the pump manually followed by resuming it. +- **Medtronic Encoding**: Determines if the medtronic encoding is carried out. Selecting Hardware encoding (i.e. carried out by the Rileylink compatible device) is preferred as this results in less data being sent. Selecting Software encoding (i.e. carried out by AAPS) can help in the event frequent disconnects are seen. This setting will be ignored if you have firmware version 0.x on Rileylink devices. +- **Battery Type (Power View)**: In order to correctly determine the remaining battery power level you should select the type of AAA battery in use. When a value other than simple view is selected AAPS will display the remaining calculated battery percentage level and volts. The following options are available: - - 未選擇(簡單檢視) - - 鹼性電池(擴展檢視) - - 鋰電池(擴展檢視) - - 鎳鋅電池(擴展檢視) - - 鎳氫電池(擴展檢視) -- **注射/治療除錯**:根據需求選擇開啟或關閉。 - -- **RileyLink 配置**:此選項允許您找到並配對您的 Rileylink 相容裝置。 選擇此選項將顯示附近的所有 Rileylink 相容裝置及其訊號強度。 -- **使用掃描**:在連線 Rileylink 相容裝置之前啟用藍牙掃描。 這應能提高與裝置連線的可靠性。 -- **顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 回報的電池電量**:此功能僅支援較新型的連線裝置,如 EmaLink 或 OrangeLink。 數值將顯示在 AnroidAPS 的美敦力標籤頁中。 -- **設置中性臨時基礎率**:預設情況下,美敦力幫浦在有臨時基礎率時,每小時會發出嗶聲。 啟用此選項可以透過在整點更改臨時基礎率來減少聽到的嗶聲次數,以抑制嗶聲。 - -## 美敦力(MDT)標籤 - -![MDT 標籤](../images/Medtronic02.png) 當 AAPS 配置為使用美敦力幫浦時,螢幕頂部的標籤列表中會顯示 MDT 標籤。 此標籤顯示當前幫浦的狀態資訊以及一些美敦力特有的操作。 - -- **RileyLink 狀態**:手機與 Rileylink 相容裝置之間連線的當前狀態。 此狀態應始終顯示為已連線。 任何其他狀態可能需要使用者介入。 -- **RileyLink 電池**:顯示 EmaLink 或 OrangeLink 裝置的當前電池電量。 取決於是否在美敦力幫浦配置選單中選擇了“顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 裝置回報的電池電量”。 -- **幫浦狀態**:幫浦連線的當前狀態。 由於幫浦不會始終保持連線,主要會顯示睡眠圖示。 還有許多其他可能的狀態,例如當 AAPS 嘗試發送指令時顯示“正在喚醒”,或其他可能的幫浦指令,如“獲取時間”、“設置 TBR”等。 -- **電池**:根據在美敦力幫浦配置選單中選擇的電池類型(電力檢視)顯示電池狀態。 -- **最後連線**:顯示上次成功連線幫浦的時間。 -- **最後一次注射**:顯示上次成功注射的時間。 -- **基礎基礎率**:這是當前小時內幫浦運作的基礎基礎率,根據您的活動設定檔設定。 -- **臨時基礎率**:當前正在輸送的臨時基礎率,可以為每小時 0 單位。 -- **儲液筒**:顯示儲液筒中的胰島素量(至少每小時更新一次)。 -- **錯誤**:如果有問題,則顯示錯誤字串(主要顯示配置中的錯誤)。 - -螢幕底部有三個按鈕: - -- **重新整理**:用於重新整理幫浦的當前狀態。 此功能應僅在連線長時間中斷時使用,因為這將需要完整的資料重新整理(檢索歷史記錄、獲取/設置時間、獲取設定檔、獲取電池狀態等)。 -- **幫浦歷史記錄**:顯示幫浦歷史記錄(請參閱[下方](MedtronicPump-pump-history))。 -- **RL 狀態**:顯示 RL 狀態(請參閱[下方](MedtronicPump-rl-status-rileylink-status))。 + - Not selected (Simple view) + - Alkaline (Extended view) + - Lithium (Extended view) + - NiZn (Extended view) + - NiMH (Extended view) +- **Bolus/Treatments Debugging**: Select On or Off depending on requirements. + +- **RileyLink Configuration**: This option allows you to find and pair your Rileylink compatible device. Selecting this will show any nearby Rileylink compatible devices and the signal strength. +- **Use Scanning** Activates Bluetooth scanning before connecting with your Rileylink Compatible devices. This should improve the reliability of your connection to the device. +- **Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink** This feature is only supported on newer link devices such as the EmaLink or OrangeLink. Values will be shown in the Medtronic tab in AnroidAPS. +- **Set neutral temp basals** By default Medtronic pumps beep on the hour when a temporary basal rate is active. Enabling this option can help reduce the number of beeps heard by interupting a temporary basal at the hour change in order to supress the beep. + +## MEDTRONIC (MDT) Tab + +![MDT Tab](../images/Medtronic02.png) When AAPS is configured to use a Medtronic pump a MDT tab will be shown in the list of tabs at the top of the screen. This tab displays the current pump status information along with some Medtronic specific actions. + +- **RileyLink Status**: The current status of the connection between your phone and Rileylink compatible device. This should show as Connected at all times. Any other status may require user intervention. +- **RileyLink Battery**: The current battery level of your EmaLink or OrangeLink device. Dependent on selecting "Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink device" in the Medtronic Pump Configuration menu. +- **Pump Status**: The current status of the pump connection. As the pump will not be constantly connected this will primarily show the sleep icon. There are a number of possible other status including "Waking Up" when AAPS is trying to issue a command or other possible pump commands such as "Get Time", "Set TBR", etc. +- **Battery**: Shows battery status based on the value chosen for Battery Type (Power View) in the Medtronic Pump Configuration menu. +- **Last connection**: How long ago the last succesful pump connection happened. +- **Last Bolus**: How long ago the last succesful bolus was delivered. +- **Base Basal Rate**: This is the base basal rate that runs on pump at this hour in your active Profile. +- **Temp basal**: Temp basal currently being delivered which can be 0 units per hour. +- **Reservoir**: How much insulin is in reservoir (updated at least every hour). +- **Errors**: Error string if there is problem (mostly shows if there is error in configuration). + +At the bottom of the screen there are three buttons: + +- **Refresh** is for refreshing the current status of the pump. This should only be used if the connection was lost for a sustained period as this will require a full data refresh (retrieve history, get/set time, get profile, get battery status, etc). +- **Pump History**: Shows pump history (see [below](MedtronicPump-pump-history)) +- **RL Stats**: Show RL Stats (see [below](MedtronicPump-rl-status-rileylink-status)) (MedtronicPump-pump-history)= -## 幫浦歷史記錄 +## Pump History -![幫浦歷史記錄對話框](../images/Medtronic03.png) +![Pump History Dialog](../images/Medtronic03.png) -幫浦歷史記錄每 5 分鐘檢索一次並存儲在本地。 僅存儲過去 24 小時的歷史記錄。 這提供了一種方便的方法來查看幫浦的行為,如果需要的話。 僅存儲與 AAPS 相關的項目,且不包含無關的配置功能。 +Pump history is retrieved every 5 minutes and stored locally. Only the previous 24 hours worth of history is stored. The allows for a convinient way to see pump behaviour should that be required. The only items stored are those relevenant to AAPS and will not inlcude a configuration function that has no relevance. (MedtronicPump-rl-status-rileylink-status)= -## RL 狀態(RileyLink 狀態) +## RL Status (RileyLink Status) -![RileyLink 狀態 - 設定](../images/Medtronic04.png) ![RileyLink 狀態 - 歷史](../images/Medtronic05.png) +![RileyLink Status - Settings](../images/Medtronic04.png) ![RileyLink Status - History](../images/Medtronic05.png) -RL 狀態對話框有兩個標籤: +The RL Status dialog has two tabs: -- **設定**:顯示有關 Rileylink 相容裝置的設定:已配置的地址、連線裝置、連線狀態、連線錯誤和 Rileylink 韌體版本。 裝置類型始終為美敦力幫浦,型號為您的型號,序列號為已配置的序列號,幫浦頻率顯示您使用的頻率,最後使用的頻率為上次使用的頻率。 -- **歷史**:顯示通訊歷史,RileyLink 的項目顯示狀態變更,美敦力顯示發送給幫浦的指令。 +- **Settings**: Shows settings about the RileyLink compatible device: Configured Address, Connected Device, Connection Status, Connection Error and RileyLink Firmware versions. Device Type is always Medtronic Pump, Model would be your model, Serial number is configured serial number, Pump Frequency shows which frequency you use, Last Frequency is last frequency used. +- **History**: Shows communication history, items with RileyLink shows state changes for RileyLink and Medtronic shows which commands were sent to pump. -## 操作 +## Actions -當使用美敦力驅動程式時,操作標籤中會添加兩個額外操作: +When the Medtronic driver is used, two additional actions are added to Actions Tab: -- **喚醒並調整**:如果 AAPS 長時間未能連線到您的幫浦(應每 5 分鐘連線一次),您可以強制進行調整。 這將嘗試透過搜尋幫浦使用的所有可能無線電頻率來聯繫幫浦。 如果成功建立連線,將會將成功的頻率設置為預設值。 -- **重置 RileyLink 配置**:如果您重置了 Rileylink 相容裝置,則可能需要使用此操作,以便可以重新配置裝置(設置頻率、設置頻率類型、配置編碼)。 +- **Wake and Tune Up** - In the event that AAPS hasn't connected to your pump for a sustained period (it should connect every 5 minutes), you can force a Tune Up. This will try to contact your pump, by searching all of the possible radio frequencies used by your pump. In the event a succesful connection is made the succesful frequency will be set as the default. +- **Reset RileyLink Config** - If you reset your RileyLink compatible device you may need to use this action so that device can be reconfigured (frequency set, frequency type set, encoding configured). -## 重要提示 +## Important notes -### 在 NS 配置中需要特別注意 +### Special attention in NS configuration needed -AAPS 使用序列號進行同步,序列號會公開到 NS。 因為了解舊美敦力幫浦的序列號可以用來遠端控制幫浦,所以請特別注意強化 NS 網站以防止洩露您的幫浦序列號。 請參閱 +AAPS is using serial number for synchronization and serial number is exposed to NS. Because knowledge of serial number of old Medtronic pump can be used to control the pump remotely take special care to hardening NS site preventing leakage of SN of your pump. See -### OpenAPS 用戶 +### OpenAPS users -OpenAPS 用戶應注意,AAPS 與美敦力的使用方式與 OpenAPS 完全不同。 使用 AAPS 時,主要與幫浦互動的方法是透過手機。 在正常的使用情境下,可能唯一需要使用幫浦選單的時刻是更換儲液筒時。 這與使用 OpenAPS 時非常不同,因為至少部分注射通常是透過快速注射按鈕完成的。 如果使用幫浦手動輸送注射,而 AAPS 同時嘗試輸送注射,可能會出現問題。 在這種情況下有檢查機制來防止問題發生,但仍應盡量避免。 +OpenAPS users should note that AAPS with Medtronic uses a completely different approach than OpenAPS. Using AAPS the primary method of interacting with th pump is via your phone. In normal use cases it is likely that the only time it is required to use the pump menu is when changing resevoirs. This is very different when using OpenAPS where at least some of a bolus is usually delivered via the quick bolus buttons. In the event the pump is used to manually deliver a bolus there can be issues if AAPS attempts to deliver one at the same time. There are checks to try and prevent issues in such cases but this should still be avoided where possible. -### 日誌記錄 +### Logging -如果您需要對美敦力幫浦功能進行故障排除,請在螢幕左上角選擇選單圖示,選擇維護和日誌設定。 要對美敦力問題進行故障排除,應檢查幫浦、PumpComm、PumpBTComm。 +In the event you need to troubleshoot your Medtronic pump function select the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen, select Maintainance and Log Settings. For troubleshooting any Medtronic issues Pump, PumpComm, PumpBTComm should be checked. -### 美敦力 CGM +### Medtronic CGM -目前不支援美敦力 CGM。 +Medtronic CGM is currently NOT supported. -### 手動使用幫浦 +### Manual use of pump -您應避免手動注射或設置臨時基礎率。 所有此類指令應透過 AAPS 發送。 如果使用手動指令,兩者之間必須至少有 3 分鐘的延遲,以降低問題風險。 +You should avoid manually bolusing or setting TBRs on your pump. All such commands should be sent via AAPS. In the event manual commands are used there must be a delay of at least 3 minutes between them in order to reduce the risk of any issues. -### 時區變更與夏令時間(DST)或攜帶美敦力幫浦和 AAPS 旅行 +### Timezone changes and DST (Daylight Saving Time) or Traveling with Medtronic Pump and AAPS -當您的手機切換到新時間時,AAPS 將自動檢測時區變更並更新幫浦的時間。 +AAPS will automatically detect Timezone changes and will update the Pump's time when your phone switches to the new time. -向東旅行意味著您將增加當前時間的小時數(例如從 GMT+0 到 GMT+2),不會出現問題,因為不會重疊(例如,不可能出現相同的小時兩次)。 然而,向西旅行會導致問題,因為您實際上是在倒退時間,這可能會導致錯誤的 IOB 資料。 開發人員已知向西旅行時出現的問題,正在努力尋找解決方案。 +Travelling east means you are going to be adding hours to the current time (ex. from GMT+0 to GMT+2) will not result in any issues as there will be no overlap (e.g. it won't be possible to have the same hour twice). Travelling west however can result in issues as you are effectively going back in time which can result in incorrect IOB data. -請參閱 了解更多細節。 目前,請注意此問題可能會發生,並在更改時區時仔細監控。 目前請注意,這個問題可能會發生,並在更改時區時仔細監控。 +The issues seen when travelling west are known to the developers and work on a possible solution is ongoing. See for more detail. For now, please be aware that this issue may occur and carefully monitor when changing time zones. -### GNARL 是完全相容的 Rileylink 裝置嗎? +### Is a GNARL a fully compatible Rileylink combatible device? -GNARL 代碼完全支援 AAPS 美敦力驅動程式使用的所有功能,這意味著它是完全相容的。 需要注意的是,這將需要額外的工作,因為您將需要採購相容的硬體,然後將 GNARL 代碼載入裝置。 +The GNARL code fully supports all of the functions used by the Medtronic driver in AAPS which means it is fully compatible. It is important to note that this will require addtional work as you will have to source compatible hardware and then load the GNARL code on to the device. -**作者提醒:**請注意,GNARL 軟體仍處於實驗階段,測試較少,不應被視為與 RileyLink 一樣安全。 +**Note from author:** Please note that the GNARL software is still experimental and lightly tested, and should not be considered as safe to use as a RileyLink. (MedtronicPump-faq)= -## 常見問題 +## FAQ (MedtronicPump-what-to-do-if-i-loose-connection-to-rileylink-and-or-pump)= -### 如果我失去與 RileyLink 和/或幫浦的連線該怎麼辦? +### What to do if I loose connection to RileyLink and/or pump? -有多種選項可以嘗試解決連線問題。 +There are a number of options to try and resolve connectivity issues. -- 在 ACT 標籤中使用“喚醒並調整”按鈕,具體詳情如上所述。 -- 停用手機上的藍牙,等待 10 秒鐘,然後重新啟用。 這將強制 Rileylink 裝置重新連線到手機。 -- 重置 Rileylink 裝置。 然後必須在 ACT 標籤中使用“重置 Rileylink 配置”按鈕。 -- 其他使用者發現,當其他方法無效時,以下步驟能有效恢復連線: - 1. 重新啟動手機 - 2. *同時* 重新啟動 Rileylink 裝置 - 3. 打開 AAPS 並允許恢復連線 +- Use the "Wake Up and Tune" button in the ACT tab as detailed above. +- Disable Bluetooth on your phone, wait 10 seconds and then enable it again. This will force the Rileylink device to reconnect to the phone. +- Reset the Rileylink device. You must then use the "Reset Rileylink Config" button in the ACT tab. +- Other users have found the following steps to be effective in restoring connectivity when other methods have not: + 1. Restart the phone + 2. *While* the phone is restarting restart the Rileylink device + 3. Open AAPS and allow the connection to restore -### 如何確定我的幫浦使用哪個頻率 +### How to determine what Frequency my pump uses -![幫浦型號](../images/Medtronic06.png) +![Pump Model](../images/Medtronic06.png) -您可以在幫浦背面找到一行詳細描述您的型號號碼以及一個特殊的三字母代碼。 前兩個字母決定頻率類型,最後一個字母決定顏色。 以下是頻率的可能值: +On the back of the pump you will find a line detailing your model number along with a special 3 letter code. The first two letters determine the frequency type and the last one determines color. Here are possible values for Frequency: -- NA - 北美(在頻率選擇中需要選擇“美國和加拿大(916 MHz)”) -- CA - 加拿大(在頻率選擇中需要選擇“美國和加拿大(916 MHz)”) -- WW - 全球(在頻率選擇中需要選擇“全球(868 MHz)”) \ No newline at end of file +- NA - North America (in frequency selection you need to select "US & Canada (916 MHz)") +- CA - Canada (in frequency selection you need to select "US & Canada (916 MHz)") +- WW - Worldwide (in frequency selection you need to select "Worldwide (868 Mhz)") \ No newline at end of file From 8b7fc19d5e731ca396dcedba4602632373647b43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:05:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 151/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 258 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 52e99d9aa956..39f79e352c79 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,255 +1,255 @@ (troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio)= -# 疑難排解 Android Studio +# Troubleshooting Android Studio (troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore)= -## 遺失的密鑰庫 -如果您在更新 AAPS 時使用相同的密鑰庫,則無需在您的智慧型手機上卸載之前的版本。 這就是為什麼建議將密鑰庫存放在安全地方的原因。 +## Lost keystore +If you use the same keystore when updating AAPS you do not have to uninstall the previous version on your smartphone. That's why it is recommended to store the keystore in a save place. -如果您嘗試安裝使用不同密鑰庫簽章的 apk,則會收到一條錯誤訊息,提示安裝失敗! +If you try to install the apk, signed with a different keystore than before, you will get an error message that the installation failed! -如果您無法再找到舊密鑰庫或其密碼,請按照以下步驟進行: +In case you cannot find your old keystore or its password anymore, proceed as follows: -1. [匯出設置](ExportImportSettings-export-settings)到您的手機。 -2. 將設置文件從手機複製或上傳到外部位置(例如您的電腦、雲端存儲服務……)。 -4. 按照[更新指南](../Installing-AndroidAPS/中的說明生成新版本的簽章 apk 並將其傳輸到您的手機。 -5. 卸載手機上的上一個 AAPS 版本。 -6. 在手機上安裝新的 AAPS 版本。 -7. [匯入設置](ExportImportSettings-import-settings)以恢復您的目標和配置。 +1. [Export settings](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) on your phone. +2. Copy or upload the settings file from your phone to an external location (i.e. your computer, cloud storage service...). +4. Generate signed apk of new version as described on the [Update guide](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ and transfer it to your phone. +5. Uninstall previous AAPS version on your phone. +6. Install new AAPS version on your phone. +7. [Import settings](ExportImportSettings-import-settings) to restore your objectives and configuration. - 如果您無法在手機上找到它們,請將它們從外部存儲複製到手機上。 + If you can't find them on your phone copy them from the external storage to your phone. -8. 檢查您的電池優化選項並再次停用它們。 -9. 繼續循環。 +8. Check your battery optimization options and disable them again. +9. Keep on looping. -## Gradle 同步失敗 -Gradle 同步可能由於各種原因失敗。 當您收到訊息提示 gradle 同步失敗時,打開 Android Studio 底部的“Build”選項卡 (1),查看顯示的錯誤訊息 (2)。 +## Gradle Sync failed +Gradle Sync can fail to various reasons. Wen you get a message saying that gradle sync failed, open the "Build" tab (1) at the bottom of Android Studio and check what error message (2) is displayed. - ![Gradle 失敗](../images/studioTroubleshooting/07_GradleSyncFailed2.png) + ![Gradle Failed](../images/studioTroubleshooting/07_GradleSyncFailed2.png) -這些是常見的 gradle 同步失敗: -* [未提交的更改](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes) -* [無法使用 ... 的緩存版本](troubleshooting_androidstudio-could-not-resolve-no-cached-version) -* [Android Gradle 需要 Java 11 才能運作](troubleshooting_androidstudio-android-gradle-plugin-requires-java-11-to-run) +These are the usual gradle sync failures: +* [Uncommitted changes](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes) +* [No cached version of ... available](troubleshooting_androidstudio-could-not-resolve-no-cached-version) +* [Android Gradle requires Java 11 to run](troubleshooting_androidstudio-android-gradle-plugin-requires-java-11-to-run) -*重要提示*: 按照您的特定問題的說明操作後,您需要再次觸發 [gradle 同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-gradle-resync)。 +*Important*: After you have followed the instructions for your specific problem, you need to trigger the [gradle sync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-gradle-resync) again. (troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes)= -### 未提交的更改 +### Uncommitted changes -如果您收到失敗訊息,如 +If you receive a failure message like -![Gradle 未提交的更改](../images/studioTroubleshooting/02_GradleUncommitedChanges.png) +![Gradle Uncommited Changes](../images/studioTroubleshooting/02_GradleUncommitedChanges.png) -#### 步驟 1 - 檢查 git 安裝 - * 打開 Android Studio 底部的終端選項卡 (1),複製以下文字並粘貼或輸入到終端中。 +#### Step 1 - Check git installation + * Open the terminal tab (1) at the bottom of Android Studio and copy the following text and paste or type into the terminal. ``` git --version ``` - ![Gradle Git 版本](../images/studioTroubleshooting/03_GitVersion.png) + ![Gradle Git Version](../images/studioTroubleshooting/03_GitVersion.png) - 注意:git 和 version 之間有一個空格和兩個破折號! + Note: There is a space and two hyphens between git and version! - * 您應該收到一條訊息,告訴您安裝了什麼版本的 git,正如上面的截圖所示。 在這種情況下,請轉到[步驟 2](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-2-check-for-uncommitted-changes)。 + * You must receive a message saying what git version is installed, as you can see in the screenshot above. In this case, go to [Step 2](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-2-check-for-uncommitted-changes). - * 如果您收到訊息提示 + * In case you get an message saying ``` - Git:找不到指令 + Git: command not found ``` - 您的 Git 安裝不正確。 + your Git installation is not right. - * [檢查 git 安裝](git-install-check-git-settings-in-android-studio) + * [Check git installation](git-install-check-git-settings-in-android-studio) - * 如果您在 Windows 上並且剛剛安裝了 git,應該重新啟動計算機,以便在安裝後使 git 在全系統範圍內可用 + * if on Windows and git was just installed, you should restart your computer to make git globally available after the installation - * 如果已安裝 Git,並且已重新啟動(如果是在 Windows 上),git 仍然找不到: + * If Git is installed, you have restarted (if on windows), and git still couldn't found: - * 在計算機上搜索文件“git.exe”。 + * Search your computer for a file "git.exe". - 請記下它所在的目錄。 + Note for yourself, what directory it is in. - * 轉到 Windows 中的環境變數,選擇變數“PATH”,然後點擊編輯。 添加您找到的 git 安裝目錄。 + * Go to the Environment variables in windows, select the variable "PATH" and click edit. Add the directory where you have found your git installation. - * 儲存並關閉。 + * Save and close. - * 重新啟動 Android Studio。 + * Restart Android Studio. -#### 步驟 2:檢查未提交的更改。 +#### Step 2: Check for uncommitted changes. - * 在 Android Studio 中,打開左側的“提交”標籤 (1)。 ![提交標籤:未提交的更改](../images/studioTroubleshooting/04_CommitTabWithChanges.png) - * 您可以看到“預設變更集”(2) 或“未版本化文件”(3): + * In Android Studio, oben the "Commit" Tab (1) on the left-hand side. ![Commit Tab: Uncommitted changes](../images/studioTroubleshooting/04_CommitTabWithChanges.png) + * You can see either a "Default changeset" (2) or "Unversioned files" (3): - * 對於“預設變更集”,您可能錯誤地更新了 gradle 或更改了一些文件內容。 + * For "Default changeset", you probably updated gradle or changed some of the file contents by mistake. - * 右鍵單擊“預設變更集”,然後選擇“回滾” + * Right click on "Default Changeset" and select "Rollback" - ![提交標籤:回滾變更](../images/studioTroubleshooting/05_CommitTabRollback.png) + ![Commit Tab: Rollback changes](../images/studioTroubleshooting/05_CommitTabRollback.png) - * 文件將再次從 Git 服務器中獲取。 如果提交標籤中沒有其他更改,請轉到[步驟 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)。 + * The files are fetched again from the Git server. If there are no other changes in the commit tab, go to [Step 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync). - * 如果您看到“未版本化文件”,您可能將文件存儲在源碼目錄中,應將其移到其他地方,例如您的密鑰庫文件。 + * If you can see "Unversioned Files", you might have stored files in your sourecode directory which should be better places somewhere else, e.g. your keystore file. - * 使用計算機上的常規文件瀏覽器將該文件移動或剪切並粘貼到安全的位置。 + * Use your regular file explorer on your computer to move or cut and paste that file to a save place. - * 返回 Android Studio,並點擊提交標籤中的重新整理按鈕 (4),以確保該文件不再存儲在 AAPS 目錄中。 + * Go back to Android Studio and click the Refresh button (4) within the Commit tab to make sure the file is not stored in the AAPS directory anymore. - 如果提交標籤中沒有其他更改,請轉到[步驟 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)。 + If there are no other changes in the commit tab, go to [Step 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync). (troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)= -#### 步驟 3:再次同步 Gradle +#### Step 3: Resync Gradle (again) -按照[Gradle 再次同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)中的說明進行操作。 +Follow the instructions at [Gradle Resync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync). (troubleshooting_androidstudio-android-gradle-plugin-requires-java-11-to-run)= -### 不相容的 Android Gradle 外掛版本 +### Incompatible version of Android Gradle plugin - 如果您遇到以下錯誤訊息 + If you experience the following error message - ![不相容的 Android Gradle 外掛版本](../images/studioTroubleshooting/15_InkompatibelAndroidGradlePlugin.png) + ![Incompatible version of Android Gradle plugin](../images/studioTroubleshooting/15_InkompatibelAndroidGradlePlugin.png) - 您使用的是過期版本的 Android Studio。 在選單中,轉到幫助 > 檢查更新,並安裝找到的所有 Android Studio 及其外掛的更新。 + You are using an outdated version of Android Studio. In the menu, go to Help > Check for updates and install any updates of Android Studio and its plugins that are found. -### Android Gradle 外掛需要 Java 17 才能運作 +### Android Gradle plugin requires Java 17 to run - 您可能會遇到此錯誤訊息: + You might experience this error message: - ![Android Gradle 外掛需要 Java 17 才能運作](../images/studioTroubleshooting/11_GradleJDK.png) + ![Android Gradle plugin requires Java 17 to run](../images/studioTroubleshooting/11_GradleJDK.png) - 點擊“Gradle 設置”(1) 以打開 gradle 設置。 + Click on "Gradle Settings" (1) to go to open the gradle settings. - 如果沒有“Gradle 設置”的鏈接,請手動打開 Gradle 設置,透過選擇右側邊框的 Gradle 標籤 (1),選擇工具圖示 (2),然後選擇“Gradle 設置”項目 (3)。 + If you don't have the link to the "Gradle Settings", open the Gradle settings manually by selecting the Gradle Tab on the right border (1), select the tools icon (2) and there the item 'Gradle Settings' (3). - ![Gradle 設置](../images/studioTroubleshooting/09_GradleSettings.png) + ![Gradle Settings](../images/studioTroubleshooting/09_GradleSettings.png) - 打開 Gradle 設置對話框後,打開“Gradle JDK”選項 (1),並選擇“jbr-17” (2),它應位於您的 Android Studio 安裝目錄中。 + When you have opened the Gradle settings dialog, open the options (1) at "Gradle JDK" and selected the "jbr-17" (2), which should be located within your Android Studion installation directory. - ![Gradle 設置](../images/studioTroubleshooting/12_GradleSettingsJDK.png) + ![Gradle Settings](../images/studioTroubleshooting/12_GradleSettingsJDK.png) - 按“確定”儲存並關閉設置對話框。 + Press "OK" to save and close the settings dialog. - *重要提示*:如果您看不到 "Gradle JDK" 設定,您可能還沒有更新 Android Studio。 請確保您正在使用 Android Studio 2022.3 (Giraffe) 或更新版本。 + *Important*: If you don't see the setting "Gradle JDK", you might have not updated Android Studio. Make sure you are using Android Studio 2022.3 Giraffe) or newer. - 現在您需要觸發[Gradle 重新同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) + Now you need to trigger a [Gradle Resync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) (troubleshooting_androidstudio-could-not-resolve-no-cached-version)= -### 無法解析/無緩存版本 +### Could not resolve/No cached version - 您可能會收到此錯誤訊息: + You might get this error message: - ![無法解析... 無緩存版本](../images/studioTroubleshooting/08_NoCachedVersion.png) + ![Could not resolve... No cached version](../images/studioTroubleshooting/08_NoCachedVersion.png) - * 在右側,打開 Gradle 標籤 (1)。 + * On the right side, open the Gradle tab (1). - 確保顯示為 (2) 的按鈕*未選中*。 + Make sure the button shown at (2) is *NOT* selected. - ![Gradle 離線模式](../images/studioTroubleshooting/10_GradleOfflineMode.png) + ![Gradle Offline Mode](../images/studioTroubleshooting/10_GradleOfflineMode.png) - * 現在您需要觸發[Gradle 重新同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) + * Now you need to trigger a [Gradle Resync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) (troubleshooting_androidstudio-unable-to-start-daemon-process)= -### 無法啟動守護程序進程 +### Unable to start daemon process - 如果您看到如下所示的錯誤訊息,您可能使用的是 Windows 10 32 位系統。 Android Studio 3.5.1 及以上版本不支援此系統,遺憾的是,AAPS 開發人員無法解決此問題。 + If you see an error message like the one below you probably use a Windows 10 32-bit system. This is not supported by Android Studio 3.5.1 and above and unfortunately nothing the AAPS developer can do about. - 如果您正在使用 Windows 10,必須使用 64 位操作系統。 + If you are using Windows 10 you must use a 64-bit operating system. - 互聯網上有很多指南介紹如何確定您擁有 32 位或 64 位操作系統 - 例如[這篇文章](。 + There are a lot of manuals on the internet how to determine wether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit OS - i.e. [this one]( - ![無法啟動守護進程的截圖](../images/AndroidStudioWin10_32bitError.png) + ![Screenshot Unable to start daemon process](../images/AndroidStudioWin10_32bitError.png) -### Gradle 重新同步 +### Gradle Resync - 如果您仍然看到 Gradle 同步失敗的訊息,請選擇鏈接 "再試一次"。 ![Gradle 同步失敗模式](../images/studioTroubleshooting/01_GradleSyncFailed.png) + If you can still see the message that the gradle sync failed, now select the Link "Try again". ![Gradle Sync Failed Mode](../images/studioTroubleshooting/01_GradleSyncFailed.png) - 如果不再看到任何訊息,您仍可以手動觸發此操作: + If you don't see the a message anymore, you can still trigger this manually: - * 在 Android Studio 的右側邊框打開 Gradle 標籤 (1)。 + * Open the Gradle tab (1) on the right border of Android Studio. - ![Gradle 重新載入](../images/studioTroubleshooting/06_GradleResyncManually.png) + ![Gradle Reload](../images/studioTroubleshooting/06_GradleResyncManually.png) - * 右鍵單擊 AAPS (2) + * Right-click on AAPS (2) - * 點擊 "重新載入 Gradle 項目" (3) + * Click on "Reload Gradle Project" (3) -## 成功生成簽章 APK,但生成了 0 個構建變體 +## Generate Signed APK generated successfully with 0 build variants -當您生成簽章 APK 時,您可能會收到通知,提示生成成功,但顯示生成了 0 個構建變體: +When you generate the signed apk, you might get the notification that generation was successfully but are told that 0 build variants where generated: -![生成了 0 個構建變體的 APK](../images/studioTroubleshooting/14_BuildWith0Variants.png) +![APK generated with 0 build variants](../images/studioTroubleshooting/14_BuildWith0Variants.png) -這是一個錯誤警告。 檢查您選擇作為 "目標文件夾" 的目錄(步驟 [生成簽章 APK](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)),您將在那裡找到生成的 apk! +This is a false warning. Check the directory your selected as "Destination folder" for generation (step [Generate Signed APK](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)) and you will find the generated apk there! -## 應用程序是用編譯器/Kotlin 警告建立的 +## App was created with compiler/kotlin warnings -如果您的構建成功完成,但出現編譯器或 Kotlin 警告(由黃色或藍色感嘆號標識),那麼您可以忽略這些警告。 +If your build completed successfully but you get compiler or kotlin warnings (indicated by a yellow or blue exclamation mark) then you can just ignore these warnings. - ![Gradle 完成但有警告](../images/studioTroubleshooting/13_BuildWithWarnings.png) + ![Gradle finished with warnings](../images/studioTroubleshooting/13_BuildWithWarnings.png) -您的應用程序已成功構建並可以傳輸到手機! +Your app was build successfully and can be transferred to phone! -## 密鑰生成時出現錯誤 +## Key was created with errors -在 Windows 上為生成簽章 APK 建立新密鑰庫時,可能會出現以下錯誤訊息 +When creating a new keystore for building the signed APK, on Windows the following error message might appear -![密鑰生成時出現錯誤](../images/AndroidStudio35SigningKeys.png) +![Key was created with errors](../images/AndroidStudio35SigningKeys.png) -這似乎是 Android Studio 3.5.1 及其在 Windows 中捆綁的 Java 環境中的一個錯誤。 密鑰已正確建立,但建議錯誤顯示為錯誤。 當前可以忽略此問題。 +This seems to be a bug with Android Studio 3.5.1 and its shipped Java environment in Windows. The key is created correctly but a recommendation is falsely displayed as an error. This can currently be ignored. -## AAPS 未接收 CGM 資料 +## No CGM data is received by AAPS -* 如果您使用的是修補過的 Dexcom G6 應用程序:此應用程序已過時。 請改用[BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)應用程序。 +* In case you are using patched Dexcom G6 app: This app is outdated. Use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) app instead. -* 如果您使用的是 xDrip+:請按照[xDrip+ 設置頁面](xdrip-identify-receiver)中的說明識別接收器。 +* In case you are using xDrip+: Identify receiver as described on [xDrip+ settings page](xdrip-identify-receiver). -## 應用程序未安裝 +## App not installed -![手機應用程序未安裝](../images/Update_AppNotInstalled.png) +![phone app note installed](../images/Update_AppNotInstalled.png) -* 請確保您已將 "app-full-release.apk" 文件傳輸到您的手機。 -* 如果手機上顯示 "應用程序未安裝",請按照以下步驟操作: +* Make sure you have transferred the “app-full-release.apk” file to your phone. +* If "App not installed" is displayed on your phone follow these steps: -1. [匯出設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings)(在您的手機上已安裝的 AAPS 版本中) -2. 卸載手機上的 AAPS。 -3. 啟用飛行模式並關閉藍牙。 -4. 安裝新版本("app-full-release.apk") -5. [匯入設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) -6. 重新打開藍牙並關閉飛行模式 +1. [Export settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) (in AAPS version already installed on your phone) +2. Uninstall AAPS on your phone. +3. Enable airplane mode & turn off bluetooth. +4. Install new version (“app-full-release.apk”) +5. [Import settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) +6. Turn bluetooth back on and disable airplane mode -## 應用程序已安裝但版本仍為舊版本 +## App installed but old version -如果您成功構建了應用程序,將其傳輸到手機並成功安裝,但版本號保持不變,則可能是您遺漏了[更新本地副本](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy)。 +If you built the app successfully, transferred it to your phone and installed it successfully but the version number stays the same then you might have missed to [update your local copy](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy) -## 上述方法均無效 +## None of the above worked -如果上述提示均無法幫助您,您可能需要考慮從頭開始構建應用程序: +If non of the above tips helped you might consider building the app from scratch: -1. [匯出設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings)(在您的手機上已安裝的 AAPS 版本中) +1. [Export settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) (in AAPS version already installed on your phone) -2. 準備好您的密鑰密碼和密鑰庫密碼。 如果您忘記了密碼,可以嘗試在項目文件中找到它們,具體方法如[此處](所述。 +2. Have your key password and key store password ready. In case you have forgotten passwords you can try to find them in project files as described [here]( - 或者您可以使用新的密鑰庫。 + Or you just use a new keystore. -3. 按照[此處](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code)的說明從頭構建應用程序。 +3. Build app from scratch as described [here](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code). -4. 當您成功構建 APK 後,請刪除手機上的現有應用程序,將新 APK 傳輸到手機並安裝。 -5. [再次匯入設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings)以恢復您的目標和設置。 -6. 您應該檢查您的電池優化選項並再次停用它們。 +4. When you have build the APK successfully delete the exiting app on your phone, transfer the new apk to your phone and install. +5. [Import settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) again to restore your objectives and settings. +6. You should check your battery optimization options and disable them again. -## 最壞的情況 +## Worst case scenario -如果即使從頭構建應用程序也無法解決您的問題,您可能需要嘗試完全卸載 Android Studio。 一些用戶報告說,這解決了他們的問題。 +In case even building the app from scratch does not solve your problem you might want to try to uninstall Android Studio completely. Some Users reported that this solved their problem. -**確保卸載與 Android Studio 相關的所有文件。** 如果您未完全刪除 Android Studio 及其所有隱藏文件,卸載可能會導致新問題,而不是解決現有問題。 可以在互聯網上找到完整卸載指南,例如 +**Make sure to uninstall all files associated with Android Studio.** If you do not completely remove Android Studio with all hidden files, uninstalling may cause new problems instead of solving your existing one(s). Manuals for complete uninstall can be found online i.e. -[](。 +[]( -按照[此處](Building-APK-install-android-studio)的說明從頭安裝 Android Studio。 +Install Android Studio from scratch as described [here](Building-APK-install-android-studio). From 0e410987fd9fb586a81ef84603713bd212848f52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:05:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 152/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 460 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 230 insertions(+), 230 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 8cfde786e714..71eb9c093f74 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,470 +1,470 @@ # Omnipod DASH -這些說明適用於配置 **Omnipod DASH** 世代幫浦**(不包括 Omnipod Eros)**。 Omnipod 驅動程式可在 AAPS 3.0 版中使用。 +These instructions are for configuring the **Omnipod DASH** generation pump **(NOT Omnipod Eros)**. The Omnipod driver is available as part of AAPS (AAPS) as of version 3.0. -**此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** +**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** -## Omnipod DASH 規格 +## Omnipod DASH specifications -以下是 **Omnipod DASH** 與 **Omnipod EROS** 的區別: +These are the specifications of the **Omnipod DASH** and what differentiates it from the **Omnipod EROS**: -* DASH Pods 具有藍色針蓋(EROS 則有透明針蓋)。 Pod 在物理尺寸上是相同的。 -* 不需要單獨的 Omnipod 到 BLE 連線/橋接裝置(不需要 RileyLink、OrangeLink 或 EmaLink)。 -* 僅在需要時進行藍牙連線,發送指令後即中斷連線! -* 不再出現“無法連線到連線裝置/Pod”的錯誤 -* AAPS 會等到幫浦可用後再發送指令。 -* 在啟動時,AAPS 將尋找並連線新的 DASH Pod。 -* 預期範圍:5-10 公尺(實際效果可能有所不同) +* The DASH pods are identified by a blue needle cap (EROS has a clear needle cap). The pods are otherwise identical in terms of physical dimensions +* No need for a separate Omnipod to BLE link/bridge device (NO RileyLink, OrangeLink, or EmaLink needed). +* BT connection only when needed, connects to send command and disconnects right after ! +* No more "no connection to link device / pod" errors +* AAPS will wait for pod accessibility to send commands +* On activation, AAPS will find and connect a new DASH pod. +* Expected range: 5-10 meters (YMMV) -## 硬體/軟體要求 +## Hardware/Software Requirements -* 一個新的 **Omnipod DASH Pod**(以藍色針蓋為標識) +* A new **Omnipod DASH Pod** (Identified by blue needle cap) ![Omnipod Pod](../images/DASH_images/Omnipod_Pod.png) -* **相容的 Android 手機** 需具備 BLE 藍牙連線 - - 並非所有手機硬體和 Android 版本都能保證工作。 請檢查 [**DASH 測試過的手機**](,或直接使用您的手機進行嘗試,並告訴我們結果(手機參考資料和地理區域、Android 版本、是否正常運作/有部份問題/無法運作)。 - - **重要提示:使用舊版韌體 3.XX.X 的 Pod 時,曾有多起永久、不可恢復的連線損失案例。 使用這些舊 Pod 時請小心,尤其是當其他藍牙裝置連線到您的手機時!** 請注意,AAPS Omnipod Dash 驅動程式每次發送指令時都會透過藍牙連線到 Dash POD,並在隨後立即中斷連線。 藍牙連線可能會受到連線到運作 AAPS 手機的其他裝置(例如耳機等)的干擾(在某些手機型號中,這可能會導致連線問題或 Pod 註冊期間或之後的錯誤/遺失),或者被它們干擾。 - - **AAPS 3.0 或更新版本的 AAPS 應按照[**建置 APK**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 的說明進行建置和安裝。

-* [**連續血糖監測儀(CGM)**]( +* **Compatible Android phone** with a BLE Bluetooth connection + - Not all phone hardware and Android versions are guaranteed to work. Please check [**DASH Tested phones**]( or just try with your phone and tell us the result (phone reference and geographical region, Android version, worked / some difficulties / did not work). + - **Important note: There have been multiple cases of permanent, non-recoverable connection losses when using older pods with firmware version 3.XX.X. Be careful when using these old pods with AAPS, especially with other Bluetooth devices connected!** Be aware that AAPS Omnipod Dash driver Connects with the Dash POD via Bluetooth every time it sends a command, and it disconnects right after. The Bluetooth connections might be disturbed by other devices linked to the phone that is running AAPS, like earbuds etc... (which might cause, in rare occasions, connection issue or pod errors/loss on activation or afterwards in some phone models), or be disturbed by it. + - **Version 3.0 or newer of AAPS built and installed** using the [**Build APK**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ instructions. +* [**Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)**]( -這些說明假設你正在開始新的幫浦使用。如果不是這樣,請耐心等待,並在下一次更換幫浦時再進行。 +These instructions will assume that you are starting a new pod session; if this is not the case, please be patient and begin this process on your following pod change. -## 在您開始之前 +## Before You Begin -**安全第一** - 請勿在無法從錯誤中恢復的環境中嘗試此過程(必須準備額外的 Pod、胰島素和手機裝置)。 +**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra pods, insulin, and phone devices are must-haves). -**您的 Omnipod Dash PDM 在 AAPS Dash 驅動程式啟動 Pod 後將無法再使用。** 以前,您使用 Dash PDM 對 Dash Pod 發送指令。 Dash Pod 只允許一個裝置發送指令與其通訊。 從那時起,成功啟動 Pod 的裝置將是唯一能夠與其通訊的裝置。 這意味著,一旦您透過 AAPS Dash 驅動程式在 Android 手機上啟動了一個 Dash Pod,**您將無法再使用 PDM 與該 Pod 進行通訊**。 您 Android 手機上的 AAPS Dash 驅動程式現在是您的 PDM。 +**Your Omnipod Dash PDM will no longer work after the AAPS Dash driver activates your pod.** Previously you used your Dash PDM to send commands to your Dash pod. An Dash pod only allows a single device to send commands to communicate with it. The device that successfully activates the pod is the only device allowed to communicate with it from that point forward. This means that once you activate an Dash pod with your Android phone through the AAPS Dash driver, **you will no longer be able to use your PDM with that pod**. The AAPS Dash driver in your Android phone is now your acting PDM. -*這並不意味著您應該丟棄 PDM,建議將其留作備用和應急使用,例如手機遺失或 AAPS 無法正常工作時。* +*This does NOT mean you should throw away your PDM, it is recommended to keep it around as a backup and for emergencies, for instance when your phone gets lost or AAPS is not working correctly.* -**當 Pod 未連線到 AAPS 時,Pod 不會停止輸送胰島素**。 在啟動時,會根據當前活動設定檔中的定義,在 Pod 上編程預設基礎率。 只要 AAPS 正常運作,它將發送持續時間最多為 120 分鐘的基礎率指令。 當因某些原因 Pod 未接收到任何新指令(例如,因 Pod 與手機的距離過遠而失去連線)時,Pod 會自動恢復為預設基礎率。 +**Your pod will not stop delivering insulin when it is not connected to AAPS**. Default basal rates are programmed on the pod on activation as defined in the current active profile. As long as AAPS is operational it will send basal rate commands that run for a maximum of 120 minutes. When for some reason the pod does not receive any new commands (for instance because communication was lost due to Pod - phone distance) the pod will automatically fall back to default basal rates. -**AAPS 不支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔。** **AAPS 設定檔不支援 30 分鐘的基礎率時間框架** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並首次設置基礎率設定檔,請注意,基礎率從半小時開始的設定不被支援,您需要調整您的基礎率設定檔以從整點開始。 例如,如果您的基礎率為 1.1 單位,並於 09:30 開始,持續時間為 2 小時,於 11:30 結束,這將無法正常工作。 您需要將此 1.1 單位的基礎率更改為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管 Omnipod Dash 硬體本身支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔,但 AAPS 的演算法目前無法考慮這些增量。 +**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** **The AAPS Profile does not support a 30 minute basal rate time frame** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time, please be aware that basal rates starting on a half-hour basis are not supported, and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to change this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the Omnipod Dash hardware itself supports the 30 min basal rate profile increments, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. -**AAPS 不支援 0 單位/小時的設定檔基礎率** 雖然 DASH Pods 支援 0 單位基礎率,但由於 AAPS 使用基礎率設定檔的倍數來確定自動治療,因此無法處理 0 單位基礎率。 可以透過“中斷幫浦”功能或停用循環/臨時基礎率或暫停循環/臨時基礎率的組合來實現臨時的 0 單位基礎率。 +**0U/h profile basal rates are NOT supported in AAPS** While the DASH pods do support a zero basal rate, since AAPS uses multiples of the profile basal rate to determine automated treatment it cannot function with a zero basal rate. A temporary zero basal rate can be achieved through the "Disconnect pump" function or through a combination of Disable Loop/Temp Basal Rate or Suspend Loop/Temp Basal Rate. -## 在 AAPS 中啟用 Dash 驅動程式 +## Enabling the Dash Driver in AAPS -您可以透過**兩種方式**在 AAPS 中啟用 Dash 驅動程式: +You can enable the Dash driver in AAPS in **two ways**: -### 選項 1:新安裝 +### Option 1: New installations -當您首次安裝 AAPS 時,**設置嚮導**將引導您完成 AAPS 的安裝。 當達到幫浦選擇時,選擇“DASH”。 +When you are installing AAPS for the first time, the **Setup Wizard** will guide you through installing AAPS. Select “DASH” when you reach Pump selection. ![Enable_Dash_1](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_1.png) -如有疑問,您還可以選擇“虛擬幫浦”,並在設置 AAPS 後選擇“DASH”(參見選項 2)。 +When in doubt you can also select “Virtual Pump” and select “DASH” later, after setting up AAPS (see option 2). -### 選項 2:組態建置工具 +### Option 2: The Config Builder -在現有安裝中,您可以從組態建置工具中選擇**DASH**幫浦: +On an existing installation you can select the **DASH** pump from the Config builder: -在左上角的**漢堡選單**中,選擇**組態建置工具(1)**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ 選擇**Dash**的**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**選項按鈕(2)**。 +On the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** select **Config Builder (1)**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **Settings Gear (3)** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Dash**. -選擇**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**複選框(4)**,將允許 DASH 選單作為 AAPS 介面中的一個標籤顯示,標題為**DASH**。 勾選此框將有助於您在使用 AAPS 時查看 DASH 指令。 +Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will allow the Dash menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **DASH**. Checking this box will facilitate your access to the DASH commands when using AAPS. -**注意:**更快查看[**Dash 設定**](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings)的方法可以在本文檔的 Dash 設定部分中找到。 +**NOTE:** A faster way to access the [**Dash settings**](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings) can be found below in the Dash settings section of this document. ![Enable_Dash_3](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_3.png) -### 驗證 Omnipod 驅動程式選擇 +### Verification of Omnipod Driver Selection -要驗證您是否已在 AAPS 中啟用了 Dash 驅動程式,勾選該框(4)後,**從** **首頁總覽**標籤**向左滑動**,您將看到一個**DASH**標籤。 如果您沒有勾選該框,您會在左上角的漢堡選單中找到 DASH 標籤。 +To verify that you have enabled the Dash driver in AAPS, if you have checked the box (4), **swipe to the left** from the **Overview** tab, where you will now see a **DASH** tab. If you have not checked the box, you’ll find the DASH tab in the hamburger menu upper left. ![Enable_Dash_4](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_4.jpg) -## Dash 配置 +## Dash Configuration -請**向左滑動**到**DASH**標籤,在那裡您將能管理所有 Pod 功能(在沒有註冊 Pod 會話的情況下,某些功能將不可用或不可見): +Please **swipe left** to the **DASH** tab where you will be able to manage all pod functions (some of these functions are not enabled or visible without an active pod session): -![Refresh_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) 重新整理 Pod 連線和狀態,能夠在 Pod 發出嗶聲時靜音 Pod 警報 +![Refresh_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) Refresh Pod connectivity and status, be able to silence pod alarms when the pod beeps -![POD_MGMT_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) Pod 管理(註冊、停用、播放測試嗶聲和 Pod 歷史記錄) +![POD_MGMT_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) Pod Management (Activate, Deactivate, Play test beep, and Pod history) (OmnipodDASH-activate-pod)= -### 註冊 Pod +### Activate Pod -1. 導航至**DASH**標籤,點擊**POD 管理(1)**按鈕,然後點擊**註冊 Pod(2)**。 +1. Navigate to the **DASH** tab and click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, and then click on **Activate Pod (2)**. ![Activate_Pod_1](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_1.png) ![Activate_Pod_2](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_2.png) -2. 顯示**填充 Pod**畫面。 將至少 80 單位的胰島素注入新的 Pod,等聽到兩聲嗶聲,表示 Pod 準備就緒並可續繼將胰島素輸入完。 計算 3 天所需的胰島素總量時,請考慮 Pod 本身的排空會占用約 3-10 單位。 +2. The **Fill Pod** screen is displayed. Fill a new pod with at least 80 units of insulin and listen for two beeps indicating that the pod is ready to be primed. When calculating the total amount of insulin you need for 3 days, please take into account that priming the pod will use about 3-10 units. ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_3.png) ![Activate_Pod_4](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_4.jpg) -確保新 Pod 和要運作 AAPS 的手機兩者在附近,然後點擊**下一步**按鈕。 +Ensure that the new pod and the phone running AAPS are within close proximity of each other and click the **Next** button. -**注意**:如果出現以下錯誤訊息,不要驚慌,這是可能發生的。 點擊 **重試** 按鈕。 在大多數情況下,註冊將繼續成功進行。 +**NOTE**: Just in case you get the below error message (this can happen), do not panic. Click on the **Retry** button. In most situations activation will continue successfully. ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Activate_pod_error.png) -3. 在 **初始化 Pod** 畫面上,Pod 將開始排空(您會聽到點擊聲,接著是連續的滴答聲,表明 Pod 正在自我排空)。 排空成功後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕,完成 Pod 排空初始化並顯示 **連線 Pod** 畫面。 +3. On the **Initialize Pod** screen, the pod will begin priming (you will hear a click followed by a series of ticking sounds as the pod primes itself). A green checkmark will be shown upon successful priming, and the **Next** button will become enabled. Click on the **Next** button to complete the pod priming initialization and display the **Attach Pod** screen. ![Activate_Pod_5](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_5.jpg) ![Activate_Pod_6](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_6.jpg) -4. 接下來,準備新 Pod 的注射部位。 移除 Pod 的塑膠針蓋。 如果您看到 Pod 有突出的部分,請取消流程並從新的 Pod 開始。 如果一切正常,撕下黏貼物的白色襯紙,並將 Pod 貼在您選定的身體部位。 完成後,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 +4. Next, prepare the infusion site of the new pod. Remove the pod's plastic needle cap. If you see something that sticks out of the pod, cancel the process and start with a new pod. If everything looks OK, take off the white paper backing from the adhesive and apply the pod to the selected site on your body. When finished, click on the **Next** button. ![Activate_Pod_8](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_8.jpg) -5. 現在會出現 **連線 Pod** 對話框。 **只有在您準備好插入針管時才點擊 OK 按鈕**。 +5. The **Attach Pod** dialog box will now appear. **click on the OK button ONLY if you are ready to deploy the cannula**. ![Activate_Pod_9](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_9.jpg) -6. 按下 **OK** 後,可能需要一些時間,Dash Pod 才會回應並插入針管(最多 1-2 分鐘),請耐心等待。 +6. After pressing **OK**, it may take some time before the Dash pod responds and inserts the cannula (1-2 minutes maximum), so be patient. - *注意:在插入針管之前,最好輕捏針管插入點附近的皮膚。 這有助於針頭順利插入,並減少堵塞的機會。* + *NOTE: Before the cannula is inserted, it is good practice to pinch the skin near the cannula insertion point. This ensures a smooth insertion of the needle and will decrease your chances of developing occlusions.* ![Activate_Pod_10](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_10.png) ![Activate_Pod_11](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_11.jpg) -7. 針管成功插入後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 +7. A green checkmark appears, and the **Next** button becomes enabled upon successful cannula insertion. Click on the **Next** button. ![Activate_Pod_12](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_12.jpg) -9. 顯示 **Pod 已註冊** 畫面。 點擊綠色 **完成** 按鈕。 恭喜! 你已經開始了新的 Pod 使用階段。 +9. The **Pod activated** screen is displayed. Click on the green **Finished** button. Congratulations! You have now started a new active pod session. ![Activate_Pod_13](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_13.jpg) -10. 現在 **Pod 管理** 選單畫面應顯示 **註冊 Pod (1)** 按鈕為 *停用*,並顯示 **停用 Pod (2)** 按鈕為 *啟用*。 這是因為目前有一個 Pod 處於啟用狀態,必須先停用目前啟用的 Pod 才能註冊另一個 Pod。 +10. The **Pod management** menu screen should now display the **Activate Pod (1)** button *disabled* and the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button *enabled*. This is because a pod is now active and you cannot activate an additional pod without deactivating the currently active pod first. - 點擊手機上的返回按鈕,返回到 **DASH** 標籤畫面,該畫面現在會顯示您的啟用 Pod 的資訊,包括當前基礎率、Pod 儲液量、輸送的胰島素、Pod 錯誤和警報。 + Click on the back button on your phone to return to the **DASH** tab screen which will now display Pod information for your active pod session, including current basal rate, pod reservoir level, insulin delivered, pod errors and alerts. - 有關顯示資訊的更多詳細資料,請參閱本文檔的[**DASH 標籤**](OmnipodDASH-dash-tab)部分。 + For more details on the information displayed go to the [**DASH Tab**](OmnipodDASH-dash-tab) section of this document. ![Activate_Pod_14](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_14.png) ![Activate_Pod_15](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_15.jpg) -在註冊 Pod 後匯出設置是一個好習慣。 每次更換 Pod 時都應執行此操作,每月一次,將匯出的文件複製到您的網路磁碟。 請參閱 [**匯出設置文檔**](。 +It is good practice to export settings AFTER activating the pod. Do this at each pod change and once a month, copy the exported file to your internet drive. see [**Export settings Doc**]( (OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod)= -### 停用 Pod +### Deactivate Pod -在正常情況下,Pod 的預期壽命為三天(72 小時),並且在 Pod 過期警告後還有額外的 8 小時,總共可以使用 80 小時。 +Under normal circumstances, the expected lifetime of a pod is three days (72 hours) and an additional 8 hours after the pod expiration warning for a total of 80 hours of pod usage. -要停用 Pod(不論是過期還是 Pod 故障): +To deactivate a pod (either from expiration or from a pod failure): -1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,點擊 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕,然後在 **Pod 管理** 畫面中點擊 **停用 Pod (2)** 按鈕。 +1. Go to the **DASH** tab, click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, on the **Pod management** screen click on the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button. ![Deactivate_Pod_1](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_1.jpg) ![Deactivate_Pod_2](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_2.png) -2. 在 **停用 Pod** 畫面上,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕開始停用 Pod 的流程。 您會收到來自 Pod 的確認嗶聲,表明停用成功。 +2. On the **Deactivate Pod** screen, click on the **Next** button to begin the process of deactivating the pod. You will receive a confirmation beep from the pod that deactivation was successful. ![Deactivate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_3.jpg) ![Deactivate_Pod_4](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_4.jpg) -3. 停用成功後會顯示綠色勾號。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以顯示 Pod 停用畫面。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 +3. A green checkmark will appear upon successful deactivation. Click on the **Next** button to display the pod deactivated screen. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. ![Deactivate_Pod_5](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_5.jpg) -4. 點擊綠色按鈕返回 **Pod 管理** 畫面。 +4. Click on the green button to return to the **Pod Management** screen. ![Deactivate_Pod_6](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_6.jpg) -5. 現在您已進入 **Pod 管理** 選單;按下手機上的返回按鈕返回 **DASH** 標籤。 確認 **Pod 狀態:** 欄位顯示 **無可用的 Pod** 訊息。 +5. You are now on the **Pod Management** menu; press the back button on your phone to return to the **DASH** tab. Verify that the **Pod status:** field displays a **No active Pod** message. ![Deactivate_Pod_7](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_7.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_8](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_8.jpg) (OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery)= -### 恢復胰島素輸送 +### Resuming Insulin Delivery -**注意**:在切換設定檔期間,Dash 必須暫停輸送,然後設置新的基礎率設定檔。 如果兩個指令之間的通訊失敗,則可能會暫停輸送。 請參閱疑難排解部分中的[**輸送暫停**](OmnipodDASH)以獲取更多詳細資料。 +**Note**: During profile switches, dash must suspend delivery before setting the new basal profile. If communication fails between the two commands, then delivery can be suspended. Read [**Delivery suspended**](OmnipodDASH) in the troubleshooting section for more details. -使用此指令指示當前暫停的活動 Pod 恢復胰島素輸送。 指令成功處理後,胰島素將根據當前時間並使用活動基礎率設定檔恢復正常輸送。 Pod 將再次接受注射、TBR 和 SMB 的指令。 +Use this command to instruct the active, currently suspended pod to resume insulin delivery. After the command is successfully processed, insulin will resume normal delivery using the current basal rate based on the current time from the active basal profile. The pod will again accept commands for bolus, TBR, and SMB. -1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,確認 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位顯示 **已暫停**,然後按下 **恢復輸送 (2)** 按鈕以開始流程,指示當前的 Pod 恢復正常的胰島素輸送。 訊息 **恢復輸送** 將顯示在 **Pod 狀態 (3)** 欄位中。 +1. Go to the **DASH** tab and ensure the **Pod status (1)** field displays **SUSPENDED**, then press the **RESUME DELIVERY (2)** button to start the process to instruct the current pod to resume normal insulin delivery. A message **RESUME DELIVERY** will display in the **Pod Status (3)** field. ![Resume_1](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_1.jpg) ![Resume_2](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_2.jpg) -2. 當恢復輸送指令成功後,確認對話框將顯示訊息 **胰島素輸送已恢復**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 +2. When the Resume delivery command is successful, a confirmation dialog will display the message **Insulin delivery has been resumed**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. ![Resume_3](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_3.png) -3. **DASH** 標籤將更新 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位,顯示 **運作中**,並且將不再顯示恢復輸送按鈕。 +3. The **DASH** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** field to display **RUNNING,** and the **Resume Delivery** button will no longer be displayed ![Resume_4](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_4.jpg) -### 靜音 Pod 警報 +### Silencing Pod Alerts -*注意 - 僅當觸發 Pod 過期或低儲液量警報時,**靜音警報** 按鈕才會在 **DASH** 標籤上顯示。 如果未顯示靜音警報按鈕且您聽到 Pod 的嗶聲,請嘗試“重新整理 Pod 狀態”。* +*NOTE - The SILENCE ALERTS button is only available on the **DASH** tab when the pod expiration or low reservoir alert has been triggered. If the SILENCE ALERTS button is not visible and you hear beep sounds from the pod, try to 'Refresh pod status'.* -以下流程將向你展示當 Pod 的使用時間接近72小時(3天)到期的警告時,如何確認並關閉 Pod 的嗶聲。 此警告時間限制定義在 **距關閉時間的時數** Dash 警報設置中。 Pod 的最大使用壽命為 80 小時(3 天 8 小時),但 Insulet 建議不要超過 72 小時(3 天)限制。 +The process below will show you how to acknowledge and dismiss pod beeps when the active pod time reaches the warning time limit before the pod expiration of 72 hours (3 days). This warning time limit is defined in the **Hours before shutdown** Dash alerts setting. The maximum life of a pod is 80 hours (3 days 8 hours), however Insulet recommends not exceeding the 72 hours (3 days) limit. -1. 當達到定義的 **距關閉時間的時數** 警告時間限制時,Pod 會發出警告嗶聲,通知您即將過期並需要更換 Pod。 您可以在 **DASH** 標籤上進行驗證,**Pod 過期:** 欄位將顯示 Pod 的確切過期時間(註冊後 72 小時),且文字會在此時間過後變為 **紅色**。 在 **啟用 Pod 警報 (2)** 欄位下,狀態訊息會顯示 **Pod 即將過期**。 這也會觸發顯示 **靜音警報 (3)** 按鈕。 +1. When the defined **Hours before shutdown** warning time limit is reached, the pod will issue warning beeps to inform you that it is approaching its expiration time and pod change will be required soon. You can verify this on the **DASH** tab, the **Pod expires: (1)** field will show the exact time the pod will expire (72 hours after activation), and the text will turn **red** after this time has passed. Under the **Active Pod alerts (2)** field the status message **Pod will expire soon** is displayed. This also will trigger displaying the **SILENCE ALERTS (3)** button. ![ACK_alerts_1](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_1.png) -2. 進入 **DASH** 標籤並按下 **靜音警報 (2)** 按鈕。 AAPS 會向 Pod 發送指令以停用 Pod 過期警告嗶聲,並將 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位更新為 **確認警報**。 +2. Go to the **DASH** tab and press the **SILENCE ALERTS (2)** button . AAPS sends the command to the pod to deactivate the pod expiration warning beeps and updates the **Pod status (1)** field with **ACKNOWLEDGE ALERTS**. ![ACK_alerts_2](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_2.png) -3. **成功停用**警報後,啟用 Pod 將發出**兩聲嗶聲**,並且確認對話框將顯示訊息**註冊警報已靜音**。 點擊 **OK** 按鈕以確認並關閉對話框。 +3. Upon **successful deactivation** of the alerts, **2 beeps** will be issued by the active pod and a confirmation dialog will display the message **Activate alerts have been Silenced**. Click the **OK** button to confirm and dismiss the dialog. ![ACK_alerts_3](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_3.png) -4. 進入 **DASH** 標籤。 在 **啟用 Pod 警報** 欄位下,警告訊息將不再顯示,且活動 Pod 將不再發出 Pod 過期警告嗶聲。 +4. Go to the **DASH** tab. Under the **Active Pod alerts** field, the warning message is no longer displayed, and the active pod will no longer issue pod expiration warning beeps. (OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history)= -### 查看 Pod 歷史記錄 +### View Pod History -本節將向您展示如何查看您的活動 Pod 歷史記錄,並根據不同的操作類別進行篩選。 Pod 歷史工具允許您查看在其三天(72 - 80 小時)使用壽命期間提交到當前活動 Pod 的操作和結果。 +This section shows you how to review your active pod history and filter by different action categories. The pod history tool allows you to view the actions and results committed to your currently active pod during its three days (72 - 80 hours) life. -此功能有助於驗證發送到 Pod 的注射劑量、臨時基礎率和基礎指令。 其餘類別對於排除故障和確定發生失敗前的事件順序很有幫助。 +This feature is helpful in verifying boluses, TBRs and basal commands that were sent to the pod. The remaining categories are useful for troubleshooting issues and determining the order of events that occurred leading up to a failure. -*注意:* **只有最後一個指令可能是不確定的**。 在**最後的“不確定”指令被“確認”或“拒絕”**之前,*不會發送新的指令*。 “修復”不確定指令的方法是按下 **“重新整理 Pod 狀態”**。 +*NOTE:* **Only the last command can be uncertain**. New commands *will not be sent* until the **last 'uncertain' command becomes 'confirmed' or 'denied'**. The way to 'fix' uncertain commands is to **'refresh pod status'**. -1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,按下 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕以進入 **Pod 管理** 選單,然後按下 **Pod 歷史記錄 (2)** 按鈕以進入 Pod 歷史記錄畫面。 +1. Go to the **DASH** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod Management** menu and then press the **Pod history (2)** button to access the pod history screen. ![Pod_history_1](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_1.jpg) ![Pod_history_2](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_2.jpg) -2. 在 **Pod 歷史記錄** 畫面中,顯示預設類別 **全部 (1)**,以逆序顯示所有 Pod **操作 (3)** 和 **結果 (4)** 的 **日期和時間 (2)**。 使用手機的 **返回按鈕按兩次** 以返回主 AAPS 介面中的 **DASH** 標籤。 +2. On the **Pod history** screen, the default category of **All (1)** is displayed, showing the **Date and Time (2)** of all pod **Actions (3)** and **Results (4)** in reverse chronological order. Use your phone’s **back button 2 times** to return to the **DASH** tab in the main AAPS interface. ![Pod_history_3](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_3.jpg) ![Pod_history_4](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_4.jpg) (OmnipodDASH-dash-tab)= -## DASH 標籤 +## DASH Tab -以下是主 AAPS 介面中 **DASH** 標籤的佈局說明及圖示和狀態欄位的含義。 +Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons and status fields on the **DASH** tab in the main AAPS interface. -*注意:如果 **DASH** 標籤的狀態欄位中顯示 (不確定),則您需要按下重新整理按鈕來清除此訊息並重新整理 Pod 狀態。* +*NOTE: If any message in the **DASH** tab status fields report (uncertain), then you will need to press the Refresh button to clear it and refresh the pod status.* ![DASH_Tab_1](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_1.png) -### 欄位 +### Fields -* **藍牙地址:** 顯示當前連線 Pod 的藍牙地址。 -* **藍牙狀態:** 顯示當前的連線狀態。 -* **序列號:** 顯示當前啟用的 Pod 序列號。 -* **韌體版本:** 顯示當前連線的韌體版本。 -* **Pod 上的時間:** 顯示 Pod 上的目前時間。 -* **Pod 過期時間:** 顯示 Pod 的過期日期和時間。 -* **Pod 狀態:** 顯示 Pod 狀態。 -* **上次連線:** 顯示與 Pod 的最後一次通訊時間。 +* **Bluetooth Address:** Displays the current bluetooth address of the connected Pod. +* **Bluetooth Status:** Displays the current connection status. +* **Sequence Number:** Displays the sequence number of the active POD. +* **Firmware Version:** Displays the firmware version for the active connection. +* **Time on Pod:** Displays the current time on the Pod. +* **Pod expires:** Displays the date and time when the Pod will expire. +* **Pod status:** Displays the Pod status. +* **Last connection:** Displays time of last communication with the Pod. - - *片刻前* - 少於 20 秒前。 - - *不到一分鐘前* - 超過 20 秒但少於 60 秒前。 - - *1 分鐘前* - 超過 60 秒但少於 120 秒(2 分鐘)。 - - *XX 分鐘前* - 超過 2 分鐘,具體由 XX 的值定義。 + - *Moments ago* - less than 20 seconds ago. + - *Less than a minute ago* - more than 20 seconds but less than 60 seconds ago. + - *1 minute ago* - more than 60 seconds but less than 120 seconds (2 min) + - *XX minutes ago* - more than 2 minutes ago as defined by the value of XX -* **上次注射:** 顯示發送到活動 Pod 的最後一次注射的劑量以及它是多長時間前發出的(以括號顯示)。 -* **基礎率:** 顯示基礎率設定檔中當前時間的基礎率設定。 -* **臨時基礎率:** 以以下格式顯示當前運作的臨時基礎率。 +* **Last bolus:** Displays the amount of the last bolus sent to the active pod and how long ago it was issued in parenthesis. +* **Base Basal rate:** Displays the basal rate programmed for the current time from the basal rate profile. +* **Temp basal rate:** Displays the currently running Temporary Basal Rate in the following format - - {每小時單位數} @{TBR 開始時間} ({運作分鐘數}/{TBR 總運作分鐘數}) - - *示例:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 分鐘) + - {Units per hour} @{TBR start time} ({minutes run}/{total minutes TBR will be run}) + - *Example:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 minutes) -* **儲液量:** 當儲液量超過 50 單位時顯示 50+ 單位。 當儲液量低於 50 單位時,顯示確切的單位數。 -* **總輸送量:** 顯示從儲液中輸送的胰島素總單位數。 這包含已使用和排空的胰島素。 -* **錯誤:** 顯示遇到的最後一個錯誤。 查看 [Pod 歷史記錄](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) 和日誌文件以獲取過去錯誤的詳細訊息。 -* **啟用 Pod 警報:** 保留當前啟用 Pod 上運作的警報。 +* **Reservoir:** Displays over 50+U left when more than 50 units are left in the reservoir. Below 50 U, the exact units are displayed. +* **Total delivered:** Displays the total number of units of insulin delivered from the reservoir. This includes insulin used for activating and priming. +* **Errors:** Displays the last error encountered. Review the [Pod history](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) and log files for past errors and more detailed information. +* **Active pod alerts:** Reserved for currently running alerts on the active pod. -### 按鈕 +### Buttons -![重新整理圖示](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) :向啟用的 Pod 發送重新整理指令以更新通訊。 +![Refresh_Icon](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) : Sends a refresh command to the active pod to update communication. - * 用於重新整理 Pod 狀態並消除顯示 (不確定) 訊息的狀態欄位。 - * 請參閱下面的疑難排解部分以獲取更多訊息。 + * Use to refresh the pod status and dismiss status fields that contain the text (uncertain). + * See the Troubleshooting section below for additional information. -![POD 管理圖示](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) :導航到 Pod 管理選單。 +![POD_MGMT_Icon](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) : Navigates to the Pod management menu. -![警報消音圖示](../images/DASH_images/ack_alert_logo.png) :按下此按鈕可停用 Pod 警報嗶聲和通知(過期、儲液量低等)。 +![ack_alert_logo](../images/DASH_images/ack_alert_logo.png) : When pressed this will disable the pod alerts beeps and notifications (expiry, low reservoir..). - * 該按鈕僅在 Pod 過期警告時間已過時顯示。 - * 成功解除後,此圖示將不再顯示。 + * Button is displayed only when pod time is past expiration warning time. + * Upon successful dismissal, this icon will no longer appear. -![恢復圖示](../images/DASH_images/DASH_tab_icons/RESUME_Icon.png) :恢復當前暫停的活動 Pod 胰島素輸送。 +![RESUME_Icon](../images/DASH_images/DASH_tab_icons/RESUME_Icon.png) : Resumes the currently suspended insulin delivery in the active pod. -### Pod 管理選單 +### Pod Management Menu -以下是按下 **POD 管理 (0)** 按鈕從 **DASH** 標籤查看的 **Pod 管理** 選單中的圖示含義。 ![DASH_Tab_2](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_2.png) ![DASH_Tab_3](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_3.png) +Below is the meaning of the icons on the **Pod Management** menu accessed by pressing **POD MGMT (0)** button from the **DASH** tab. ![DASH_Tab_2](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_2.png) ![DASH_Tab_3](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_3.png) -* 1 - [**啟動 Pod**](OmnipodDASH-activate-pod) :排空並啟動新 Pod。 -* 2 - [**停用 Pod**](OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod) :停用當前啟用的 Pod。 -* 3 - **播放測試嗶聲** :按下時播放 Pod 的單次測試嗶聲。 -* 4 - [**Pod 歷史記錄**](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) :顯示啟用的 Pod 活動歷史記錄。 +* 1 - [**Activate Pod**](OmnipodDASH-activate-pod) : Primes and activates a new pod. +* 2 - [**Deactivate Pod**](OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod) : Deactivates the currently active pod. +* 3 - **Play Test Beep** : Plays a single test beep on the pod when pressed. +* 4 - [**Pod history**](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) : Displays the active pod activity history. (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings)= -## Dash 設定 +## Dash Settings -您可以從左上角 **漢堡選單** 下的 **組態建置工具 (1)**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **設定齒輪 (3)** 中進行 Dash 驅動設定,方法是選擇標題為 **Dash** 的 **單選按鈕 (2)**。 選擇**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**複選框(4)**,將允許 DASH 選單作為 AAPS 介面中的一個標籤顯示,標題為**DASH**。 +The Dash driver settings are configurable from the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder (1)**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **Settings Gear (3)** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Dash**. Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will allow the Dash menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **DASH**. ![Dash_settings_1](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_1.png) ![Dash_settings_2](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_2.png) -**注意:** 查看 **Dash 設定** 的更快方式是查看 **DASH** 標籤右上角的 **三點選單 (1)** 並從下拉選單中選擇 **Dash 偏好設定 (2)**。 +**NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Dash settings** is by accessing the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **DASH** tab and selecting **Dash preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. ![Dash_settings_3](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_3.png) -下方列出了設定組;大多數條目可透過切換開關啟用或停用: +The settings groups are listed below; you can enable or disable via a toggle switch for most entries described below: ![Dash_settings_4](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_4.jpg) -*注意:星號 (\*) 表示預設為啟用。* +*NOTE: An asterisk (\*) denotes the default setting is enabled.* -### 確認嗶聲提示 +### Confirmation beeps -提供來自藥筒的確認聲音提示,用於注射、基礎輸注、SMB以及TBR輸送和變更。 +Provides confirmation beeps from the pod for bolus, basal, SMB, and TBR delivery and changes. -* **啟用注射嗶聲:** 啟用或停用注射時的確認嗶聲。 -* **啟用基礎率嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置新基礎率、取消啟用的基礎率或更改當前基礎率時的確認嗶聲。 -* **啟用 SMB 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用當 SMB 被送達時的確認嗶聲。 -* **啟用 TBR 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置或取消 TBR 時的確認嗶聲。 +* **Bolus beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a bolus is delivered. +* **Basal beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a new basal rate is set, active basal rate is canceled or current basal rate is changed. +* **SMB beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a SMB is delivered. +* **TBR beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a TBR is set or canceled. -### 警報 +### Alerts -提供 AAPS 警報,包括 Pod 到期、關閉、儲液量低,根據定義的閾值單位觸發。 +Provides AAPS alerts for pod expiration, shutdown, low reservoir based on the defined threshold units. -*請注意,Pod 觸發警報後,AAPS 通知將始終發出。 解除通知不會取消警報,除非啟用了自動確認 Pod 警報功能。 若要手動解除警報,您必須進入 **DASH** 標籤,並按下 **靜音警報按鈕**。* +*Note an AAPS notification will ALWAYS be issued for any alert after the initial communication with the pod since the alert was triggered. Dismissing the notification will NOT dismiss the alert UNLESS automatically acknowledge Pod alerts is enabled. To MANUALLY dismiss the alert you must visit the **DASH** tab and press the **Silence ALERTS button**.* -* **啟用到期提醒:** 啟用或停用在達到設定的到期時間前的 Pod 到期提醒。 -* **關閉前的時數:** 定義 Pod 關閉前的幾小時,這將觸發到期提醒警報。 -* **啟用儲液量低警報:** 當 Pod 剩餘的單位達到定義的數量時,啟用或停用儲液量低警報。 -* **單位數:** 定義觸發 Pod 儲液量低警報的單位數量。 +* **Expiration reminder enabled:** Enable or disable the pod expiration reminder set to trigger when the defined number of hours before shutdown is reached. +* **Hours before shutdown:** Defines the number hours before the active pod shutdown occurs, which will then trigger the expiration reminder alert. +* **Low reservoir alert enabled:** Enable or disable an alert when the pod's remaining units low reservoir limit is reached as defined in the Number of units field. +* **Number of units:** The number of units at which to trigger the pod low reservoir alert. -### 通知 +### Notifications -提供 AAPS 通知和手機提示音,當 TBR、SMB 或注射的事件是否成功無法確定時發出。 +Provides AAPS notifications and audible phone alerts when it is uncertain if TBR, SMB, or bolus, and delivery suspended events were successful. -*注意:這些僅是通知,沒有嗶聲警報。* +*NOTE: These are notifications only, no audible beep alerts are made.* -* **啟用不確定 TBR 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 TBR 是否成功設置時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 -* **啟用不確定 SMB 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 SMB 是否成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 -* **啟用不確定注射通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定注射是否成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 -* **啟用暫停輸送通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在暫停輸送成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +* **Sound for uncertain TBR notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPs is uncertain if a TBR was successfully set. +* **Sound for uncertain SMB notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if an SMB was successfully delivered. +* **Sound for uncertain bolus notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if a bolus was successfully delivered. +* **Sound when delivery suspended notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when suspend delivery was successfully delivered. -## 手動操作 (ACT) 標籤 +## Actions (ACT) Tab -此標籤已在主 AAPS 文件中有詳細說明,但此處有一些 Omnipod Dash Pod 與管路幫浦的差異,特別是在應用新 Pod 的過程後。 +This tab is well documented in the main AAPS documentation but there are a few items on this tab that are specific to how the Omnipod Dash pod differs from tube based pumps, especially after the processes of applying a new pod. -1. 進入主 AAPS 介面中的 **手動操作 (ACT)** 標籤。 +1. Go to the **Actions (ACT)** tab in the main AAPS interface. -2. 在 **照護入口(Careportal) (1)** 部分下,**胰島素** 和 **套管** 欄位會在每次更換 Pod 後自動重置為 0 天和 0 小時。 這是根據 Omnipod 幫浦的設計和運作方式所設。 由於 Pod 直接將套管插入應用 Pod 的皮膚上,因此 Omnipod 幫浦不使用傳統的管路。 *因此,在更換 Pod 後,這些數值的時間將自動重置為零。* **幫浦電池時間** 不會被報告,因為 Pod 中的電池壽命始終比 Pod 的最大壽命(80 小時)長。 每個 Pod 內都包含 **幫浦電池** 和 **胰島素儲液器**。 +2. Under the **Careportal (1)** section the **Insulin** and **Cannula** filds will have their **age reset** to 0 days and 0 hours **after each pod change**. This is done because of how the Omnipod pump is built and operates. Since the pod inserts the cannula directly into the skin at the site of the pod application, a traditional tube is not used in Omnipod pumps. *Therefore after a pod change the age of each of these values will automatically reset to zero.* **Pump battery age** is not reported as the battery in the pod will always be more than the life of the pod (maximum 80 hours). The **pump battery** and **insulin reservoir** are self contained inside of each pod. ![ACT_1](../images/DASH_images/Actions_Tab/ACT_1.png) -### 等級 +### Level -**胰島素等級** +**Insulin Level** -顯示的胰島素等級是 Omnipod DASH 回報的數量。 然而,Pod 僅在儲液器低於 50 單位時報告實際的胰島素儲液量。 在此之前,會顯示「超過 50 單位」。 報告的數量並不精確:當 Pod 報告「空」時,大多數情況下儲液器仍有一些剩餘的胰島素單位。 Omnipod DASH 首頁總覽標籤將顯示如下所述: +Insulin level displayed is the amount reported by Omnipod DASH. However, the pod only reports the actual insulin reservoir level when it is below 50 units. Until then “Above 50 units” will be displayed. The amount reported is not exact: when the pod reports ‘empty’ in most cases the reservoir will still have some additional units of insulin left. The omnipod DASH overview tab will display as described the below: - * **超過 50 單位** - Pod 報告儲液器中還有超過 50 單位。 - * **少於 50 單位** - Pod 報告的儲液器中剩餘的胰島素量。 + * **Above 50 Units** - The Pod reports more than 50 units currently in the reservoir. + * **Below 50 Units** - The amount of insulin remaining in the reservoir as reported by the Pod. -附加說明: - * **SMS** - 短訊回報數值為 50+ 單位。 - * **Nightscout** - 當超過 50 單位時,向 Nightscout 上傳數值為 50(版本 14.07 及更早版本)。 更新版本將在超過 50 單位時報告數值為 50+。 +Additional note: + * **SMS** - Returns value or 50+U for SMS responses + * **Nightscout** - Uploads value of 50 when over 50 units to Nightscout (version 14.07 and older). Newer versions will report a value of 50+ when over 50 units. -## 疑難排解 +## Troubleshooting (OmnipodDASH-delivery-suspended)= -### 輸送暫停 +### Delivery suspended - * 現在已無暫停按鈕。 如果您想「暫停」 Pod,您可以設置0U/h臨時基礎率(TBR) 數分鐘。 - * 在配置切換期間,Dash 必須在設置新的基礎率設定檔之前暫停輸送。 如果兩個指令之間的通訊失敗,則輸送可能會保持暫停。 當這種情況發生時: - - 將不會有胰島素輸送,包括基礎率、SMB、手動注射等。 - - 可能會通知某個指令未確認:這取決於失敗發生的時間。 - - AAPS 將每 15 分鐘嘗試設置新的基礎率設定檔。 - - 如果輸送仍然暫停(恢復輸送失敗),AAPS 將每 15 分鐘發送通知,通知輸送已暫停。 - - 如果使用者選擇手動恢復輸送,[**恢復輸送**](OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery) 按鈕將變為可用。 - - 如果 AAPS 自行恢復輸送失敗(這發生在 Pod 無法到達、聲音靜音等情況下),Pod 將每分鐘發出 4 次嗶聲,持續 3 分鐘,然後在輸送暫停超過 20 分鐘後每 15 分鐘重複一次。 - * 對於未確認的指令,「重新整理 Pod 狀態」應能確認/否認它們。 + * There is no suspend button anymore. If you want to "suspend" the pod, you can set a zero TBR for x minutes. + * During profile switches, dash must suspend delivery before setting the new basal profile. If communication fails between the two commands, then delivery can stay suspended. When this happens: + - There will be no insulin delivery, that includes Basal, SMB, Manual bolusing etc. + - There might be notification that one of the commands is unconfirmed: this depends on when the failure happened. + - AAPS will try to set the new basal profile every 15 minutes. + - AAPS will show a notification informing that the delivery is suspended every 15min, if the delivery is still suspended (resume delivery failed). + - The [**Resume delivery**](OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery) button will be active if the user chooses to resume delivery manually. + - If AAPS fail to resume delivery on its own (this happens if the Pod is unreachable, sound is muted, etc), the pod will start beeping 4 time every minute for 3 minutes, then repeated every 15 minutes if delivery is still suspended for more than 20minutes. + * For unconfirmed commands, "refresh pod status" should confirm/deny them. -<**注意:** 當你聽到 Pod 發出嗶聲時,不要假設胰島素會繼續注射而不檢查手機,注射可能已暫停,**所以一定要檢查!** +**Note:** When you hear beeps from the pod, do not assume that delivery will continue without checking the phone, delivery might stay suspended, **so you need to check !** -### Pod 故障 +### Pod Failures -Pod 會因多種問題偶爾發生故障,包括 Pod 本身的硬體問題。 最佳做法是不要向 Insulet 報告,因為 AAPS 並非經過認證的使用情況。 一份故障代碼列表可在 [**這裡找到**](,以幫助確定原因。 +Pods fail occasionally due to a variety of issues, including hardware issues with the Pod itself. It is best practice not to call these into Insulet, since AAPS is not an approved use case. A list of fault codes can be [**found here**]( to help determine the cause. -### 防止 49 號錯誤 Pod 故障 +### Preventing error 49 pod failures -此故障與指令的 Pod 狀態不正確或胰島素輸送指令中的錯誤有關。 這是當驅動程式和 Pod 對實際狀態存在分歧時發生的情況。 Pod(出於內建的安全措施)會以無法恢復的錯誤代碼 49(0x31)反應,最終會變成所謂的「尖叫機」:只能透過在 Pod 背面適當位置打孔來停止的長時間刺耳嗶聲。 「49 Pod 故障」的確切原因通常難以追溯。 在某些情況下,這種故障可能發生(例如應用程式崩潰、運作開發版本或重新安裝)。 +This failure is related to an incorrect pod state for a command or an error during an insulin delivery command. This is when the driver and Pod disagree on the actual state. The Pod (out of a build-in safety measure) then reacts with an unrecoverable error code 49 (0x31) ending up with what is know as a “screamer”: the long irritating beep that can only be stopped by punching a hole at the appropriate location at the back of the Pod. The exact origin of a “49 pod failure” often is hard to trace. In situations that are suspected for this failure to occur (for instance on application crashes, running a development version or re-installation). -### 幫浦無法連線警報 +### Pump Unreachable Alerts -當無法在預設的時間內與 Pod 建立通訊時,將會發出「無法到達幫浦」的警報。 可透過進入右上角的三點選單,選擇 **偏好設定**\ ➜\ **本地警報**\ ➜\ **無法到達幫浦的閾值 [分鐘]** 來配置無法到達幫浦的警報。 建議設置的值是**120** 分鐘後提醒。 +When no communication can be established with the pod for a preconfigured time a “Pump unreachable” alert will be raised. Pump unreachable alerts can be configured by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting **Preferences**\ ➜\ **Local Alerts**\ ➜\ **Pump unreachable threshold [min]**. Recommended value is alerting after **120** minutes. -### 匯出設定 +### Export Settings -匯出 AAPS 設定使您能夠恢復所有設定,更重要的是,恢復所有目標。 您可能需要在卸載/重新安裝 AAPS 後或手機遺失後,在新手機上重新安裝時恢復設定為「最後一次的工作狀態」。 +Exporting AAPS settings enables you to restore all your settings, and maybe more importantly, all your Objectives. You may need to restore settings to the “last known working situation” or after uninstalling/reinstalling AAPS or in case of phone loss, reinstalling on the new phone. -注意:匯出的設定中包含啟用的 Pod 資訊。 如果您匯入了「舊」的匯出檔案,您的當前 Pod 會「失效」。 沒有其他選擇。 在某些情況下(例如 _計劃中的_ 換手機),您可能需要使用匯出的檔案來恢復 AndroisAPS 設定**,同時保持目前啟用的 Pod**。 在這種情況下,重要的是需要包含當前啟用 Pod 的最新匯出設定檔案。 +Note: The active pod information is included in the exported settings. If you import an "old" exported file, your actual pod will "die". There is no other alternative. In some cases (like a _programmed_ phone change), you may need to use the exported file to restore AndroisAPS settings **while keeping the current active Pod**. In this case it is important to only use the recently exported settings file containing the pod currently active. -**啟動 Pod 後立即匯出是一種好習慣**。 這樣,您在遇到問題時,隨時都可以恢復目前啟用的 Pod。 例如,當您更換備用手機時。 +**It is good practice to do an export immediately after activating a pod**. This way you will always be able to restore the current active Pod in case of a problem. For instance when moving to another backup phone. -定期將匯出的設定檔案複製到安全的地方(例如雲端硬碟),這樣在需要時,任何手機都能存取(例如手機遺失或實際手機的出廠重置情況下)。 +Regularly copy your exported settings to a safe place (as a cloud drive) that can be accessible by any phone when needed (e.g. in case of a phone loss or factory reset of the actual phone). -### 匯入設定 +### Import Settings -**警告** 請注意,匯入設定可能會匯入過時的 Pod 狀態。 結果會是失去已啟用的 Pod ! (參見 **匯出設定**)。 最好僅在沒有其他選擇時才嘗試這樣做。 +**WARNING** Please note that importing settings will possibly import an outdated Pod status. As a result, there is a risk of losing the active Pod! (see **Exporting Settings**). It is better to only try it when no other options are available. -當匯入具有啟用的 Pod 設定時,請確保匯出是在目前啟用的 Pod 下進行的。 +When importing settings with an active Pod, make sure the export was done with the currently active pod. -**在有啟用 Pod 的情況下匯入:**(您有失去 Pod 的風險!) +**Importing while on an active Pod:** (you risk losing the Pod!) -1. 確保您匯入的設定是最近在目前啟用 Pod 下匯出的。 -2. 匯入您的設定。 -3. 檢查所有偏好設定。 +1. Make sure you are importing settings that were recently exported with the currently active Pod. +2. Import your settings +3. Check all preferences -**匯入(沒有啟用的 Pod 連線)** +**Importing (no active Pod session)** -1. 匯入任何最近的匯出應該可以工作(見上文)。 -2. 匯入您的設定。 -3. 檢查所有偏好設定。 -4. 如果匯入的設定中包含任何啟用的 Pod 資料,您可能需要**停用**「不存在」的 Pod。 +1. Importing any recent export should work (see above) +2. Import your settings. +3. Check all preferences. +4. You may need to **Deactivate** the "non exixting" pod if the imported settings included any active pod data. -### 匯入包含非活動 Pod 狀態的設定 +### Importing settings that contain Pod state from an inactive Pod -當匯入包含已不再啟用的 Pod 資料時,AAPS 將嘗試與其連線,這顯然會失敗。 在這種情況下,您無法啟動新 Pod。 +When importing settings containing data for a Pod that is no longer active, AAPS will try to connect with it, which will obviously fail. You can not activate a new Pod in this situation. -若要移除舊的 Pod 會話,請「嘗試」停用該 Pod。 停用將失敗。 選擇「重試」。 在第二次或第三次重試後,您將獲得移除 Pod 的選項。 一旦移除舊的 Pod,您將能夠啟動新 Pod。 +To remove the old Pod session “try” to de-activate the Pod. The de-activation will fail. Select “Retry”. After the second or third retry you will get the option to remove the pod. Once the old pod is removed you will be able to activate a new Pod. -### 重新安裝 AAPS +### Reinstalling AAPS -當卸載 AAPS 時,您將失去所有設定、目標和當前的 Pod 連線。 為了恢復它們,請確保有一個最近匯出的設定檔案可用! +When uninstalling AAPS you will lose all your settings, objectives and the current Pod session. To restore them make sure you have a recent exported settings file available! -當有活動 Pod 時,請務必確保您有當前 Pod 會話的匯出,否則在匯入舊設定時,您將失去當前啟用的 Pod。 +When on an active Pod, make also sure that you have an export for the current Pod session or you will lose the currently active Pod when importing older settings. -1. 匯出您的設定並將副本存儲在安全的地方。 -2. 卸載 AAPS 並重新啟動手機。 -3. 安裝新版本的 AAPS。 -4. 匯入您的設定。 -5. 驗證所有偏好設定(可選地再次匯入設定)。 -6. 啟動新 Pod。 -7. 完成後:匯出當前設定。 +1. Export your settings and store a copy in a safe place. +2. Uninstall AAPS and restart your phone. +3. Install the new version of AAPS. +4. Import your settings +5. Verify all preferences (optionally import settings again) +6. Activate a new Pod +7. When done: Export current settings -### 更新 AAPS 至新版本 +### Updating AAPS to a newer version -在大多數情況下,無需卸載。 您可以透過啟動新版本的安裝進行「就地」安裝。 這在啟用 Pod 在使用期間也是可以的。 +In most cases there is no need to uninstall. You can do an “in-place” install by starting the installation for the new version. This is also possible when on an active Pod session. -1. 匯出您的設定。 -2. 安裝新版本的 AAPS。 -3. 驗證安裝是否成功。 -4. 繼續使用 Pod 或啟動新 Pod。 -5. 完成後:匯出當前設定。 +1. Export your settings. +2. Install the new AAPS version. +3. Verify the installation was successful +4. RESUME the Pod or activate a new Pod. +5. When done: Export current settings. -### Omnipod 驅動程式警報 +### Omnipod driver alerts -請注意,Omnipod Dash 驅動程式會在**首頁總覽標籤**中顯示各種獨特的警報,其中大多數是資訊性的,可以忽略,而有些會提供使用者解決觸發警報原因的操作。 您可能會遇到的主要警報總結如下: +Please note that the Omnipod Dash driver presents a variety of unique alerts on the **Overview tab**, most of them are informational and can be dismissed while some provide the user with an action to take to resolve the cause of the triggered alert. A summary of the main alerts that you may encounter is listed below: -* 沒有啟用的 Pod 未檢測到啟用的 Pod 使用。 按下**稍後提醒**可以暫時忽略此警報,但只要未啟動新 Pod,它就會持續觸發。 一旦啟動,此警報將自動靜音。 -* Pod 暫停 Pod 已暫停的資訊性警報。 -* 設定基礎率設定檔失敗:輸送可能已暫停! 請手動從 Omnipod 標籤中重新整理 Pod 狀態並在需要時恢復輸送。 Pod 基礎率設定失敗的資訊性警報,您需要按下 Omnipod 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕。 -* 無法確認 SMB 注射是否成功。 如果您確定注射未成功,應手動從治療中刪除 SMB 條目。 警報提示無法確認 SMB 注射指令的成功,您需要檢查 DASH 標籤上的*最後一次注射*欄位以查看 SMB 注射是否成功,如果未成功,則從治療標籤中刪除該條目。 -* 不確定「任務注射/TBR/SMB」是否完成,請手動確認是否成功。 +* No active Pod No active Pod session detected. This alert can temporarily be dismissed by pressing **SNOOZE** but it will keep triggering as long as a new pod has not been activated. Once activated this alert is automatically be silenced. +* Pod suspended Informational alert that Pod has been suspended. +* Setting basal profile failed : Delivery might be suspended! Please manually refresh the Pod status from the Omnipod tab and resume delivery if needed.. Informational alert that the Pod basal profile setting has failed, and you will need to hit *Refresh* on the Omnipod tab. +* Unable to verify whether SMB bolus succeeded. If you are sure that the Bolus didn't succeed, you should manually delete the SMB entry from Treatments. Alert that the SMB bolus command success could not be verified, you will need to verify the *Last bolus* field on the DASH tab to see if SMB bolus succeeded and if not remove the entry from the Treatments tab. +* Uncertain if "task bolus/TBR/SMB" completed, please manually verify if it was successful. -## 在哪裡尋求 Omnipod DASH 驅動程式的幫助 +## Where to get help for Omnipod DASH driver -Omnipod DASH 驅動程式的所有開發工作都是由社群志願者完成的;我們請您記住這一點,並在尋求幫助前遵循以下指南: +All of the development work for the Omnipod DASH driver is done by the community on a **volunteer** basis; we ask that you to remember that fact and use the following guidelines before requesting assistance: -- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 -- **等級 1:** 如果您仍然遇到無法解決的問題,請使用[此邀請鏈接](進入**Discord**的*#AAPS* 頻道。 -- **等級 2:** 搜尋現有問題,以查看您的問題是否已被報告,請在[問題](中確認/評論/添加有關您的問題的訊息。 如果沒有,請建立[新問題](並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/。 -- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** +- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. +- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#AAPS* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link]( +- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported at [Issues]( if it exists, please confirm/comment/add information on your problem. If not, please create a [new issue]( and attach [your log files](../Usage/ +- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** From 79016a16ca662832e0f3197b66355403b127a213 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:05:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 153/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 72 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 4c7395da50ae..26cc3035668b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ -# 更新至 AAPS 3.0 後的必要檢查 +# Necessary checks after update to AAPS 3.0 -* **最低 Android 版本現在為 9.0。** -* **資料不會遷移至新資料庫。** +* **Minimum Android version is 9.0 now.** +* **Data is not migrated to new database.** - 請不要抱怨,這是非常重大的變更,無法避免。 因此,更新後 IOB、COB、治療等資料將被清除。 您需要建立新的[個人檔案切換](../Usage/Profiles)並從零開始設定 IOB 和 COB。 + Do not complain, it's so huge change so it's simply not possible. Thus after update IOB, COB, treatments etc. will be cleared. You have to create new [profile switch](../Usage/Profiles) and start with zero IOB and COB. - 請謹慎規劃更新!!! 最好在無活動胰島素和碳水化合物的情況下進行更新。 + Plan the update carefully!!! Best in situation without active insulin and carbs -* 請參閱[版本更新說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes),了解新功能和變更的詳細資料。 +* Please see the [Release Notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes) for details on new and changed features. -## 檢查自動化設置 +## Check automations -* 引入了新限制。 請檢查您的自動化設置,特別是您的條件是否仍然有效。 -* 如果某個條件缺失,您需要重新添加。 -* 紅色自動化包含無效的操作,請編輯它們並重置為有效值。 +* New restrictions were introduced. Check your automations, especially if your conditions are still valid. +* If one of the conditions is missing, you need to add it again. +* Red automations contain invalid actions, go and edit them and reset to valid values - 例如:先前允許的 140% 個人檔案更改現在限制為 130%。 + Example: A profile change to 140% was allowed earlier but is now restriced to 130%. -## 檢查您的 nsclient 設定並設置同步複雜性 +## Check your nsclient settings and set the synchronization complications -* nsclient 外掛的實現已完全更改。 -* 進入 nsclient 標籤,並在右側選單中打開設定。 現在提供了一個新的偏好 "同步"。 -* 您現在可以詳細選擇應與您的 Nightscout 網站同步的項目。 +* The implementation of the nsclient plugin has changed completly. +* Go to the nsclient tab and open the settings in the right-hand menu. A new preference "Synchronization" is available now. +* You can now make a detailed selection about which items shall be synchronized with your Nightscout site. -## Nightscout 檔案無法推送 -* Nightscout 檔案已消失,安息吧! -* 要將當前的 Nightscout 檔案複製到本地檔案,請前往治療頁面(現在可從右側選單打開)。 -* 搜索 100% 的個人檔案切換,然後按下複製。 -* 會新增一個從當前日期起生效的新本地檔案。 -* 要從 NS 端更新檔案,請使用 "Clone"(記錄!!,不是檔案)並儲存更改。 您應該會看到 "檔案有效期從:" 設置為當前日期。 +## Nightscout profile cannot be pushed +* The nightscout profile is gone, rest in peace! +* To copy your current nightscout profile into a local profile, go to the treatments page (now to be opened in the right-hand menu). +* Search for a profile switch with 100% and press clone. +* A new local profile is added, valid from the current date. +* To update profile from NS side use "Clone" (record!!, not profile) and save changes. You should see "Profile valid from:" set to currrent date. (update3_0-reset-master-password)= -## 重置主密碼 -* 如果您忘記了主密碼,現在可以進行重置。 -* 您需要在手機文件系統的 `/AAPS/extra` 目錄中添加一個名為 `PasswordReset` 的文件。 -* 重新啟動 AAPS。 -* 新密碼將是您正在使用的幫浦的序列號。 -* 對於 Dash:序列號始終為 4241。 -* 對於 EROS,它也顯示在 POD 標籤下,稱為 "序列號"。 +## Reset master password +* You can now reset your master password in case you have forgotten it. +* You need to add a file named `PasswordReset` to the `/AAPS/extra` directory on your phones fileystem. +* Restart AAPS. +* The new password will be the serial number of your active pump. +* For Dash: The serial number is always 4241. +* For EROS it is also listed on the POD tab as "Sequence Number" -## 血糖下方的警告信號 +## Warning signal beneath BG -從 Android 3.0 開始,您可能會在主螢幕上的血糖數字下方看到警告信號。 +Beginning with Android 3.0, you might get a warning signal beneath your BG number on the main screen. - ![紅色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_red.png) + ![Red BG warning](../images/bg_warn_red.png) - ![黃色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) + ![Yellow BG warning](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) -詳細資訊請參閱 [AAPS 螢幕頁面](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) +For details see [AAPS screens page](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) -## 錯誤訊息:來自不同幫浦的資料 +## Failure message: Data from different pump - ![錯誤訊息:來自不同幫浦的資料](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) + ![Failure message: Data from different pump](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) -要解決此問題,請前往[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-pump)。 將幫浦更改為虛擬幫浦,然後再切換回您的實際幫浦。 這將重置幫浦狀態。 +To resolve this issue go to [config builder](Config-Builder-pump). Change pump to virtual pump and back to your actual pump. This will reset the pump state. From 17c2dd9152860a28c80c57096964248c223141e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 154/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 7361d6dbd3f2..dc03343e4d65 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# 針對其他 CGM 使用者上傳到 Nightscout +# For users of other CGM uploaded to Nightscout -如果您設定了其他 CGM,並且只能將您的血糖資料**發送**到[Nightscout](。 +If you have any other CGM set up that can send your BG data **only** to [Nightscout]( ```{important} -當您離線、遇到網路問題或您的 Nightscout 網站無法運作時,此資料來源將無法使用。 請謹慎使用。 +This data source will not work when you are offline, when you experience network issues or when your Nightscout site is down. Use with caution. ``` -- 使用您的 Nightscout 網站資訊設定 NSClient。 -- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](/Configuration/中選擇 NSClient 血糖。 +- Setup NSClient with your Nightscout site information. +- Select NSClient BG in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](/Configuration/ From 2a36dcd149f7275a457a7bcc4ad9bec9ce8ad18b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 155/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 32 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 4754034c0cd4..3e89e88f6079 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ # Dexcom G5 -## 如果使用 G5 配合 xDrip+ +## If using G5 with xdrip+ -- 除非您需要特定新開發的功能,否則可以安全下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](。 -- 根據[這些指示](設定 xDrip+ 配合 G5。 -- 閱讀[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/來設定 xDrip+。 -- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you want specific newly developed features. +- Setup xDrip+ with G5 following [these instructions]( +- Setup xDrip+ reading the [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ . +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -## 如果使用 G5 配合修改過的 Dexcom 應用程式 +## If using G5 with patched Dexcom app -:::{admonition} 傳統應用程式 :class: warning 這些應用程式與最新的 Android 版本不相容。 +:::{admonition} Legacy apps :class: warning These apps are not compatible with recent Android versions. ::: -- 從下載 apk,並選擇符合您需求的版本(mg/dl 或 mmol/l 版本,G5)。 +- Download the apk from , and choose the version that fits your needs (mg/dl or mmol/l version, G5). - - 資料夾 2.4 針對 AAPS 2.5 及以上版本的使用者。 - - 在電腦上打開。 區域將在 URL 中可見。 + - Folder 2.4 was for users of AAPS 2.5 and above. + - Open on your computer. Region will be visible in URL. - ![Dexcom G5 URL 中的區域](../images/DexcomG5regionURL.PNG) + ![Region in Dexcom G5 URL](../images/DexcomG5regionURL.PNG) -- 強制停止並卸載原始 Dexcom 應用程式(如果尚未完成)。 +- Force stop and uninstall the original Dexcom app, if not already done. -- 安裝下載的 apk +- Install downloaded apk -- 啟動傳感器 +- Start sensor -- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 Dexcom App(修改版)。 +- Select Dexcom App (patched) in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- 如果您希望透過本地廣播使用 xDrip 警報:在 xDrip 選單 > 設定 > 硬體資料來源 > 640G /EverSense。 +- If you want to use xDrip alarms via local broadcast: in xDrip hamburger menu > settings > hardware data source > 640G /EverSense. From f49c2d7dc982856bfb79787b75a9e53209763718 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 156/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 82 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 6824eae1daa0..04c247adfec7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,70 +1,70 @@ -# Dexcom G6 和 ONE +# Dexcom G6 and ONE -## 基本事項 +## Basics first -- 遵循一般 CGM 衛生和傳感器設定建議,[點擊此處](../Hardware/了解更多。 +- Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## 使用 G6 和 ONE 的循環一般提示 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE -- 最近的傳輸器稱為 Firefly。 傳感器無法在不移除傳輸器的情況下重新啟動,傳輸器本身也無法重置,並且它們也不會生成原始資料。 +- Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. -- 如果您正在重新啟動傳感器,請確保您已準備好進行校準並密切注意變化。 +- If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- G6/ONE 預浸泡使用工廠校準可能會導致結果變異。 如果您進行預先浸泡,為獲得最佳結果,您可能需要校正傳感器。 +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. -請閱讀 Tim Street 發表的[文章](以了解更多,該文章發佈於[](。 +Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## 如果使用 G6 或 ONE 與 xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ -- 如果您正在使用最近的(Firefly)傳輸器,預防性重新啟動將**被忽略**。 -- 如果您使用的是修改過的傳輸器,則**不需要**使用預防性重新啟動。 -- 如果您使用的是舊的更換過電池的傳輸器,最安全的做法是**停用**[預防性重新啟動](。 但是,在這種情況下,您將不得不在非[原生模式](下使用 G6(這不建議使用,因為它會停用工廠校準並且不會過濾吵雜的讀數),否則傳感器將在 10 天後停止運作。 -- Dexcom G6 和 ONE 傳送器可以同時連接到 Dexcom 接收器(或替代的 t:slim 幫浦)以及你手機上的一個應用程式。 -- 使用 xDrip+ 作為接收器時,請先卸載 Dexcom 應用程式。 **您無法同時將 xDrip+ 和 Dexcom 應用程式連線到傳輸器!** -- 如果你需要 Clarity 並希望使用 xDrip+ 的警報,請使用 [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)(僅限 G6)並用本地廣播到 xDrip+。 -- 您還可以將 xDrip+ 用作官方 Dexcom 應用程式的配套程式,但您可能會遇到血糖讀取延遲。 -- 如果尚未設置,請下載[xDrip+](並按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的指示進行操作。 -- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. +- If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. +- If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- 根據[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/調整設定。 +- Adjust settings in xDrip+ according to [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ (DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)= -## 如果使用 G6 配合自製 Dexcom 應用程式 +## If using G6 with Build Your Own Dexcom App -- [自製 Dexcom 應用程式](支援本地廣播到 AAPS 和/或 xDrip+(不適用於 G5/ONE/G7 傳感器!) +- [Build Your Own Dexcom App]( (BYODA) supports local broadcast to AAPS and/or xDrip+ (not for G5/ONE/G7 sensors!) -![BYODA 廣播選項](../images/BYODA.png) +![BYODA broadcast options](../images/BYODA.png) -- 此應用程式允許您將 Dexcom G6 與任何 Android 智慧型手機一起使用。 -- 如果您之前使用過原版或修改過的 Dexcom 應用程式,請卸載它們(**不要停止**當前運作的傳感器)。 -- 安裝下載的 apk -- 在修改版應用程式中輸入傳感器代碼和傳輸器序列號。 -- 在手機設定中,前往應用程式 > Dexcom G6 > 權限 > 其他權限並按下「存取 Dexcom 應用程式」。 -- 短時間後,BYODA 應該會收到傳輸器訊號。 +- This app lets you use your Dexcom G6 with any Android smartphone. +- Uninstall the original Dexcom app or patched Dexcom app if you used one of those previously (**do not stop** the currently running sensor) +- Install the downloaded apk +- Enter sensor code and transmitter serial no. in patched app. +- In phone settings go to apps > Dexcom G6 > permissions > additional permissions and press 'Access Dexcom app'. +- After short time BYODA should pick-up transmitter signal. -### AAPS 設定 +### Settings for AAPS -- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇「Dexcom App(修改版)」。 +- Select 'Dexcom App (patched)' in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- 如果您未收到任何數值,請選擇其他資料來源,然後重新選擇「Dexcom App(修改版)」以觸發 AAPS 和 BYODA 廣播之間連線所需的權限請求。 +- If you don't receive any values select any other data source, then re-select 'Dexcom App (patched)' to trigger the demand for permissions to establish the connection between AAPS and BYODA-broadcast. -### xDrip+ 設定 +### Settings for xDrip+ -- 選擇「640G/Eversense」作為資料來源。 -- 必須在 xDrip+ 中執行「啟動傳感器」指令,才能接收數值。 這不會影響您的當前傳感器,它仍由自製 Dexcom 應用程式控制。 +- Select '640G/Eversense' as data source. +- Command 'start sensor' must be performed in xDrip+ in order to receive values. This will not affect your current sensor controlled by Build Your Own Dexcom App. (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## G6 和 ONE 故障排除 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6/ONE 特定故障排除 +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting -- 向下滾動至[**疑難排解**](。 +- Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( -### 一般疑難排解 +### General troubleshooting -可以在[這裡](./找到一般 CGM 的疑難排解。 +General Troubleshooting for CGMs can be found [here](./ -### 新的傳輸器與正在運作的傳感器 +### New transmitter with running sensor -如果您在傳感器會話期間更換了傳輸器,您可以嘗試取下傳輸器而不損壞傳感器底座。 您可以在[這裡](找到相關影片。 如果您選擇[這種解決方案](,您必須小心避免使用膠帶時[損壞傳感器接觸點](。 +If you happen to change transmitter during a running sensor session you might try to remove the transmitter without damaging the sensor mount. A video can be found [here]( If you opt for [this solution]( instead, you must be careful to avoid [damaging sensor contacts]( with the strip. From c1f7fc313b87b3058a75bff14be79461fcdbea28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 157/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 74 +++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 83a7a9eee559..6c968c693d06 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ -# 針對 Eversense 使用者 +# For users of Eversense -有三種不同的方法來存取 Eversense 的讀數: +There are three different methods to access the readings from Eversense: -- ESEL 配套模式 -- ESEL 修改版模式 -- xDrip+ 配套應用程式 +- ESEL companion mode +- ESEL patched mode +- xDrip+ companion app ## ESEL -按照這些[指示](,取得並安裝[ESEL 應用程式](。 +Get and install the [ESEL app](, following these [instructions]( -- 啟用「發送至 AAPS 和 xDrip」 -- **停用**「發送至 Nightscout」 -- 由於 Eversense 的血糖資料可能會產生噪音,建議在 ESEL 中啟用「平滑資料」功能。 +- Enable "Send to AAPS and xDrip" +- **Disable** "Send to Nightscout" +- As the BG data from Eversense can be noisy, it is recommended to enable "Smooth Data" in ESEL. -![ESEL 廣播](../images/ESEL.png) +![ESEL Broadcast](../images/ESEL.png) -### 配套模式 +### Companion Mode -從 Eversense 應用程式通知中讀取資料(自 ESEL 版本 3.0.1 起可與標準 Eversense 應用程式一起使用)。 +Reads the data from the Eversense app notifications (works with the standard Eversense App, available since ESEL version 3.0.1). -1. 使用來自 Google Play 商店的官方 Eversense 應用程式 - - 選擇性操作,但若需回填則必須:登錄您的 Eversense 帳號 - - 在同步中,啟用自動同步功能 -2. ESEL 設定: - - 停用「從修改版 Eversense 應用程式獲取資料」設置 - - 若需回填:啟用「從 填補遺漏資料」 - - 輸入您的 Eversense 登錄資料作為電子郵件地址和密碼 -3. 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中將「MM640g」設為血糖來源。 +1. Use the official Eversense App from the Google Play Store + - Optional, but required for backfilling: Login to your Eversense account + - In Sync, enable Auto synchronization +2. Configuration of ESEL: + - Disable the setting "Get data from patched Eversense App" + - For backfilling: Enable "Fill missing data from" + - Provide as Email address and password your Eversense login data +3. Set "MM640g" as BG source in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -### 修改版 Eversense 應用程式 +### Patched Eversense App - 需要修改版的 Eversense 應用程式(完全離線運作,包括回填)。 + Requires a patched version of the Eversense App (works completely offline, including backfilling). -1. 卸載 Eversense 應用程式(警告:您將丟失超過 1 週的本地歷史資料!) +1. Uninstall the Eversense App (Warning: your local historical data (older than 1 week) will be lost!) -2. 安裝[修改版 Eversense 應用程式](並按照供應商的描述進行使用。 +2. Install the [patched Eversense app]( and use it as described by the vendor - - 啟動 Eversense 應用程式,登錄,連線到您的傳輸器,並像使用正常應用程式一樣使用它。 + - Start the Eversense App, login, connect to your transmitter and use it just like the normal app. -3. ESEL 設定: +3. Configuration of ESEL: - - 啟用「從修改版 Eversense 應用程式獲取資料」設置 + - Enable the setting "Get data from patched Eversense App" -![ESEL 廣播](../images/ESELpatch.png) +![ESEL Broadcast](../images/ESELpatch.png) -如果您首次安裝 Eversense 並運作 ESEL,可能需要長達 15 分鐘才能在 xDrip 中顯示第一個數值! +​ If you run ESEL with a fresh installation of Eversense for the first time, it can take up to 15min until your first values appear in xDrip! -4. 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中將「MM640g」設為血糖來源。 +4. Set "MM640g" as BG source in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ ## xDrip+ -xDrip+ 可以像 ESEL 一樣從供應商應用程式的通知中讀取資料。 無法使用回填功能。 +xDrip+ can read notifications from the vendor app, like ESEL does. No backfilling available. -- 下載並安裝 xDrip+:[xDrip]( -- 在 xDrip+ 中必須選擇「配套應用程式」作為資料來源。 -- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面的說明[調整 xDrip+ 設定](../Configuration/。 -- 在 AAPS 中啟用[指數平滑](../Usage/。 +- Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip]( +- As data source in xDrip+ “Companion App” must be selected. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ +- Enable [Exponential Smoothing](../Usage/ in AAPS. ```{warning} -血糖 值的讀取頻率並不總是 5 分鐘,並且可能會出現重複數值。 +BG values reading frequency is not always 5 minutes and duplicates can occur. ``` **** From 81c3f7c59749fab1aed80c3a1645aef19c2cd790 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 158/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Hardware/ | 46 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index a7b3660d8385..9c9fee483d86 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -# 一般 CGM 建議 +# General CGM recommendations -## CGM 衛生 +## CGM hygiene -無論您使用的是哪種 CGM 系統,如果您將使用基於血液的校準,則有一些非常明確的規則應遵循,無論您是使用 DIY CGM 軟體還是官方應用程式。 +Whichever CGM system you are using, if you are going to use blood based calibration, then there are some very clear rules you should apply, whether or not you are using DIY CGM software or the official apps. -- 確保手和設備清潔。 -- 嘗試在您有一系列的點和一個平穩箭頭時進行校準(通常 15-30 分鐘就足夠了)。 -- 避免在血糖水平上升或下降時進行校準。 -- 進行足夠的校準——在官方應用程式中,您將收到每天一次或兩次的提示。 在 DIY 系統中,您可能不會收到提示,並且應該謹慎持續進行校準。 -- 對於不需要或不允許校準的傳感器,至少每天檢查一次實際的血糖值。 AAPS 的安全性取決於您的傳感器讀數的可靠性。 -- 如果可能的話,請在較低範圍(4-5mmol/l 或 72-90mg/dl)和稍高範圍(7-9mmol/l 或 126-160mg/dl)進行一些讀數校準,因為這為點/斜率校準提供了更好的範圍。 +- Make sure hands and kit are clean. +- Try to calibrate when you have a series of dots with a flat arrow (15-30 minutes is usually enough) +- Avoid calibrating when glucose levels are moving up or down. +- Do “enough” calibrations – on official apps, you will be prompted for once or twice per day checks. On DIY systems you may not be, and should be careful about continuing without calibrations. +- For sensors not requiring or not allowing calibration, check at least daily real blood sugar. AAPS will be as safe as your sensor readings are reliable. +- If it all possible, calibrate with some of your readings in a lower range (4-5mmol/l or 72-90mg/dl) and some at a slightly higher level (7-9mmol/l or 126-160mg/dl) as this provides a better range for the point/slope calibration. -## 設置傳感器(G6) +## Setting sensor (G6) -設置傳感器時,建議不要過度壓下插入器,以避免出血。 傳感器接點不應接觸到血液。 +When setting sensor, it is recommended not to press the inserter too firmly in order to avoid bleeding. The sensor contacts should not come into contact with blood. -設置傳感器後,傳輸器可以卡入傳感器座。 警告! 先按下方形的一側,然後按下圓形的一側。 +After setting the sensor, the transmitter can be clicked into the sensor holder. Caution! First click in the square side and then press down the round side. (GeneralCGMRecommendation-troubleshooting)= -## 疑難排解 +## Troubleshooting -### 連線問題 +### Connection problems -藍牙連線可能會受到其他附近藍牙設備的干擾,如血糖機、耳機、平板電腦或廚房設備,如微波爐或陶瓷爐灶。 在這種情況下,xDrip 不會顯示任何血糖值。 當藍牙連線恢復時,資料將被回填。 +Bluetooth connection may be disturbed by other nearby Bluetooth devices such as blood glucose meters, headsets, tablets or kitchen devices such as microwave ovens or ceramic hobs. In this case xdrip does not display any BG values. When bluetooth connection is restabilised the data is backfilled. -### 傳感器錯誤 +### Sensor Errors -如果反覆出現傳感器錯誤,請嘗試選擇不同的身體部位來設置您的傳感器。 傳感器接點不應接觸到血液。 +If recurring sensor errors occur try selecting a different body site to set your sensor. The sensor contacts should not come into contact with blood. -通常,透過立即飲水和按摩傳感器周圍可以糾正「傳感器錯誤」! +Often a "Sensor Error" can be corrected by immediate drinking and massage around the sensor! -### 跳動的數值 +### Jumpy values -您可以嘗試更改 xDrip 的噪音阻擋設置(設定 > 應用間設置 > 噪音阻擋),如「阻擋非常高的噪音及更差的情況」。 另請參閱[平滑血糖資料](../Usage/。 +You might try to change settings for noise blocking in xdrip (Settings - Inter-App Settings - Noise Blocking) i.e. "Block Very High noise and worse". See also [Smoothing BG data](../Usage/ -### 負傳感器年齡 +### Negative Sensor Age -![負傳感器年齡](../images/Troubleshooting_SensorAge.png) +![Negative sensor age](../images/Troubleshooting_SensorAge.png) -如果操作選單中出現重複的「CGM 傳感器插入」條目或插入傳感器時日期錯誤,則會發生此情況。 轉到治療選項卡 > 照護入口並刪除錯誤的條目。 +This occurs if there is either a double "CGM Sensor Insert" entry in [actions tab / menu](Config-Builder-actions) or a sensor insert with wrong date. Go to treatments tab \> careportal and delete the wrong entry. From 905f8ab6c611e4373edc489766d56b2956b899ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 159/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 58 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index e2e48330f43c..f51699fd0bc1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ # Freestyle Libre 1 -要將您的 Libre 用作 CGM,每 5 分鐘獲取一次新的血糖值,而無需掃描傳感器,您需要購買一個 NFC 到藍牙橋接器(基於已過時的[LimiTTer]( 項目的商用設備)。 +To use your Libre as a CGM that is getting new BG values every 5 minutes without having to scan the sensor, you need to buy an NFC to Bluetooth bridge (commercially available devices, based on the obsolete [LimiTTer]( project). -:::{admonition} Libre 2、Libre 1 US 和 Libre Pro :class: warning 確認您要使用的橋接器和應用程式與您的傳感器相容。 +:::{admonition} Libre 2, Libre 1 US and Libre Pro :class: warning Verify the bridge and the app you want to use are compatible with your sensor. ::: -市場上有幾款橋接器可供選擇: +Several bridges are available on the market: -- [MiaoMiao 讀取器](版本 1、2 或 3),也可在 AliExpress 上購買。 -- [Blucon Nightrider](請注意,最新的韌體版本可能與所有應用程式不相容,供應商應用程式不會向 AAPS 廣播資料)。 -- [Bubble(或 Bubble Mini)](,來自歐洲供應商([Bubblan](,[BubbleShop](,或適用於俄羅斯用戶[點擊此處](。 也可在 AliExpress 上購買。 -- 適用於俄羅斯用戶的 Atom。 +- [MiaoMiao Reader]( (version 1, 2 or 3) also available on AliExpress. +- [Blucon Nightrider]( (mind recent firmware versions might not be compatible with all apps, the vendor app does not broadcast data to AAPS) +- [Bubble (or Bubble Mini)]( from European vendors ([Bubblan](, [BubbleShop]( or for Russian users [here]( Also available on AliExpress. +- Atom for Russian users. -歷史上,使用特定手錶 Sony Smartwatch 3(SWR50),其中具有 NFC 晶片,可啟用並用作 NFC 收集器是可能的。 然而,上述列出的定制 NFC 到藍牙橋提供了一個不那麼複雜的解決方案,並且將被大多數希望將其 Libre 1(非 US)用作 CGM 的人使用。 +Historically it is possible to use a specific watch, the Sony Smartwatch 3 (SWR50) which has an NFC chip that can be enabled and used as an NFC collector. However the custom NFC to Bluetooth bridges listed above offer a less complex solution and would be used by the majority of those wanting to use their Libre 1 (non-US) as a CGM. -- Sony Smartwatch 3(SWR50) +- Sony Smartwatch 3 (SWR50) -目前來看,使用 Libre 1 作為血糖來源時,無法在 SMB 算法中啟用「始終啟用 SMB」和「在用餐後啟用 SMB」。 Libre 1 的血糖值不夠平滑,無法安全使用。 有關更多詳細資訊,請參閱[平滑血糖資料](../Usage/。 +As it currently stands, if using Libre 1 as BG source you cannot activate ‘Enable SMB always’ and ‘Enable SMB after carbs’ within the SMB algorithm. The BG values of Libre 1 are not smooth enough to use it safely. See [Smoothing blood glucose data](../Usage/ for more details. -## 1. 使用 xDrip+ +## 1. Using xDrip+ -- xDrip+ 支援 MiaoMiao、Bubble、Blucon、Atom 和 LibreAlarm。 -- 除非您需要最新功能,否則可以安全下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](,在這種情況下,您應該使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 -- 按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的設置說明進行操作。 -- 您還需要適用於 Libre 1 US(和 Libre 2 EU)的[OOP2](。 -- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- xDrip+ supports Miaomiao, Bubble, Blucon, Atom and LibreAlarm. +- You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you need recent features, in which case you should use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( +- Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- You also need [OOP2]( for Libre 1 US (and Libre 2 EU). +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -## 2. 使用 Glimp +## 2. Using Glimp -- Glimp 支援 Miaomiao、Blucon 和 Bubble 用於 Libre 1 和 Libre 2 EU。 -- 您需要 Glimp 版本 4.15.57 或更新版本。 舊版本不支援。 -- 安裝 [Glimp](。 -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 Glimp。 +- Glimp supports Miaomiao, Blucon and Bubble for Libre 1 and Libre 2 EU. +- You will need Glimp version 4.15.57 or newer. Older versions are not supported. +- Install [Glimp]( +- Select Glimp in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source.](../Configuration/ -## 3. 使用 Tomato +## 3. Using Tomato -- Tomato 是 Miaomiao 的官方應用程式。 -- 安裝 [Tomato]( 並按照廠商的[說明](操作。 -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 Tomato。 +- Tomato is the vendor app for Miaomiao. +- Install [Tomato]( and follow the vendor [instructions]( +- Select Tomato in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -## 4. 使用 Diabox +## 4. Using Diabox -- Diabox 是 Bubble 的官方應用程式。 -- 安裝 [Diabox](。 在設定中,進入「整合」,啟用「與其他應用程式共享資料」。 +- Diabox is the vendor app for Bubble. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From c763efd7a839254d331c5b05eca0c3657934a2cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 160/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 238 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index fb3d49c7c63a..6e156898dcf7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,222 +1,222 @@ # Freestyle Libre 2 -即使使用官方應用程式,Freestyle Libre 2 傳感器現在也是一款真正的連續血糖監測儀(CGM)。 然而,LibreLink 仍無法將資料傳送至 AAPS。 有幾種解決方案可以將其與 AAPS 搭配使用。 +The Freestyle Libre 2 sensor is now a real CGM even with the official app. Still, LibreLink cannot send data to AAPS. There are several solutions to use it with AAPS. -## 1. 使用藍牙橋接器和 OOP +## 1. Use a Bluetooth bridge and OOP -可以使用藍牙傳輸器與 Libre 2(EU)及一款 [進程外算法]( 應用程式。 您可以像使用 [Libre 1](../Libre1) 一樣每 5 分鐘接收一次血糖讀數。 +Bluetooth transmitters can be used with the Libre 2 (EU) and an [out of process algorithm]( app. You can receive blood sugar readings every 5 minutes like with the [Libre 1](../Libre1). -檢查您要使用的橋接器和應用程式是否與您的傳感器及 xDrip+ 相容(舊版 Blucon 及近期的版本不支援,Miaomiao 1 需要韌體 39,Miaomiao 2 則需要韌體 7)。 +Check the bridge and app you want to use are compatible with your sensor and xDrip+ (older Blucon and recent ones won't work, Miaomiao 1 needs firmware 39 and Miaomiao 2 firmware 7). -Libre2 OOP 所生成的讀數與原始讀取器或透過 NFC 掃描的 LibreLink 應用程式的讀數相同。 AAPS 與 Libre 2 的讀數會經過 10 至 25 分鐘的平滑處理,以避免某些讀數的跳動。 請參閱以下內容[讀數平滑化及原始讀數](#value-smoothing-raw-values)。 OOP 每 5 分鐘生成一次讀數,並取最近 5 分鐘的平均值。 因此,這些血糖讀數可能不如其他方法平滑,但它們與原始讀取器的讀數一致,並且更快速地反映“真實”血糖讀數。 如果您嘗試使用 OOP 進行循環,請在 xDrip+ 中啟用所有平滑設定。 +The Libre2 OOP is creating the same BG readings as with the original reader or the LibreLink app via NFC scan. AAPS with Libre 2 do a 10 to 25 minutes smoothing to avoid certain jumps. See below [Value smoothing & raw values](#value-smoothing-raw-values). OOP generates readings every 5 minutes with the average of the last 5 minutes. Therefore the BG readings are not that smooth but match the original reader device and faster follow the "real" BG readings. If you try to loop with OOP please enable all smoothing settings in xDrip+. -有幾個使用藍牙傳輸器的理由: +There are some good reasons to use a Bluetooth transmitter: -- 您可以選擇多種 OOP2 校正策略(1):使用「無校正」獲得讀取器讀數,或者像 Libre 1 一樣使用「基於原始資料進行校正」,或者最終使用「基於葡萄糖進行校正」來校正讀取器的讀數。 - 請確保停用 OOP1(2)。 +- You can choose various OOP2 calibration strategies (1): have the reader values using "no calibration", or calibrate the sensor like a Libre 1 using "calibrate based on raw" or ultimately calibrate the the readers like values with "calibrate based on glucose". + Make sure to leave OOP1 disabled (2). - → 漢堡選單 → 設定 → 不常見的設定 → 其他雜項選項 選項 + → Hamburger Menu → Settings → Less common settings → Other misc. options -![OOP2 校正](../images/Libre2_OOP2Calibration.png) +![OOP2 Calibration](../images/Libre2_OOP2Calibration.png) -- Libre 2 傳感器可像 Libre 1 一樣使用 14.5 天。 -- 支援 8 小時的回填資料。 +- The Libre 2 sensor can be used 14.5 days as the Libre 1 +- 8 hours backfilling is fully supported -備註:傳輸器可以與 LibreLink 應用程式並行使用而不會相互干擾。 +Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without interfering with it. -## 2. 使用 xDrip+ 直接連線 +## 2. Use xDrip+ direct connection -:::{admonition} 僅限 Libre 2 EU :class: warning xDrip+ 不支援與 Libre 2 US 和 AUS 直接連線。 +:::{admonition} Libre 2 EU only :class: warning xDrip+ doesn't support direct connection to Libre 2 US and AUS. ::: -- 請按照 [這些指示]( 設定 xDrip+,但請確保下載 [此最新版 OOP2](,因為文件中的版本已過時。 -- 按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的設置說明進行操作。 +- Follow [these instructions]( to setup xDrip+ but make sure to download [this latest OOP2]( as the one in the document is obsolete. +- Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ -- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -## 3. 使用 Diabox +## 3. Use Diabox -- 安裝 [Diabox](。 在設定中,進入「整合」,啟用「與其他應用程式共享資料」。 +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -## 4. 使用 Juggluco +## 4. Use Juggluco -- 從[此處](下載並安裝 Juggluco 應用程式。 -- 按照[此處](的指示操作。 -- 在設定中,啟用 xDrip+ 廣播(這不會將資料傳送至 xDrip+,而是傳送至 AAPS)。 +- Download and install the Juggluco app from [here]( +- Follow the instructions [here]( +- In Settings, enable xDrip+ broadcast (which doesn't send data to xDrip+ but to AAPS). -![Juggluco 廣播至 AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) +![Juggluco broadcast to AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) -- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -:::{admonition} 與 xDrip+ 搭配使用 :class: note 您可以將 Juggluco 設定為使用 Patched Libre Broadcast 廣播至 xDrip+(您應停用 xDrip+ 廣播),以進行校正(請參閱此處)並避免將 1 分鐘讀數傳送至 AAPS。 -![Juggluco 廣播至 xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) -接著,您需要將 xDrip+ 資料來源設定為 Libre 2 Patched App,以從 Juggluco 接收資料。 +:::{admonition} Use with xDrip+ :class: note You can set Juggluco to broadcast to xDrip+ with Patched Libre Broadcast (you should disable xDrip+ broadcast), in order to calibrate (see here) and avoid 1 minute readings to be sent to AAPS. +![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) +You will then need to set xDrip+ data source to Libre 2 Patched App to receive data from Juggluco. ::: -## 5. 使用修補版 LibreLink 應用程式與 xDrip+ 搭配使用 +## 5. Use the patched LibreLink app with xDrip+ -:::{admonition} 僅限 Libre 2 EU :class: warning 修補版應用程式是舊版本(2019/4/22),可能與近期的 Android 版本不相容。 +:::{admonition} Libre 2 EU only :class: warning The patched app is an old version (22/4/2019) and might not be compatible with recent Android releases. ::: -### 步驟 1:建立修補版應用程式 +### Step 1: Build the patched app -由於法律原因,「修補」必須自行完成。 使用搜索引擎查找相應的鏈接。 有兩個 變種:建議使用的原始修補版應用程式會阻止任何網路流量以避免追蹤。 另一個版本支援 LibreView。 +For legal reasons, "patching" has to be done by yourself. Use search engines to find the corresponding links. There are two variants: The recommended original patched app blocks any internet traffic to avoid tracking. The other variant supports LibreView. -修補版應用程式必須安裝替代原始應用程式。 下一個啟用的傳感器將透過藍牙將當前的血糖值傳送到在您智慧型手機上運作的 xDrip+ 應用程式。 +The patched app has to be installed instead of the original app. The next sensor started with it will transmit the current BG values to the xDrip+ app running on your smartphone via Bluetooth. -重要提示:為避免潛在問題,建議先在支援 NFC 的智慧型手機上安裝並卸載原始應用程式。 NFC 必須啟用。 這不會消耗額外的電量。 然後安裝修補版應用程式。 +Important: To avoid possible problems it may help to first install and uninstall the original app on an NFC capable smartphone. NFC has to be enabled. This costs no extra power. Then install the patched app. -修補版應用程式可以透過前景授權通知來識別。 前景授權服務提高了連線穩定性,相較於不使用此服務的原始應用程式。 +The patched app can be identified by the foreground authorization notification. The foreground authorization service improves the connection stability compared to the original app which does not use this service. -![LibreLink 前景服務](../images/Libre2_ForegroundServiceNotification.png) +![LibreLink Foreground Service](../images/Libre2_ForegroundServiceNotification.png) -其他標誌可能包括三點選單中的 Linux 企鵝圖示 -> 資訊,或者修補版應用程式的字體(2)與原始應用程式(1)不同。 這些標準是可選的,具體取決於您選擇的應用程式來源。 +Other indications could be the Linux penguin logo in the three dot menu -> Info or the font of the patched app (2) different from the original app (1). These criteria are optional depending on the app source you choose. -![LibreLink 字體檢查](../images/LibreLinkPatchedCheck.png) +![LibreLink Font Check](../images/LibreLinkPatchedCheck.png) -確保啟用了 NFC,並為修補版應用程式啟用記憶體和位置權限,啟用自動時間和時區,並在修補版應用程式中至少設定一個鬧鐘。 +Ensure that NFC is activated, enable the memory and location permission for the patched app, enable automatic time and time zone and set at least one alarm in the patched app. -### 步驟 2:使用修補版應用程式啟動傳感器 +### Step 2: Start the sensor with the patched app -現在只需掃描傳感器即可使用修補版應用程式啟動 Libre2 傳感器。 請確保已設定好所有設定。 +Now start the Libre2 sensor with the patched app by simply scanning the sensor. Ensure to have set all settings done. -成功啟動傳感器的必要設定: +Mandatory settings for successful sensor start: -- NFC 啟用 / 藍牙啟用 -- 記憶體和位置權限已啟用 -- 位置服務已啟用 -- 自動時間和時區設定 -- 在修補版應用程式中至少設定一個鬧鐘 +- NFC enabled / BT enabled +- memory and location permission enabled +- location service enabled +- automatic time and time zone setting +- set at least one alarm in the patched app -請注意,位置服務是一個核心設定。 這並不是應用程式的位置權限,該權限也必須啟用! +Please note that the location service is a central setting. This is not the app location permission which has to be set also! -![LibreLink 權限:記憶體與位置](../images/Libre2_AppPermissionsAndLocation.png) +![LibreLink permissions memory & location](../images/Libre2_AppPermissionsAndLocation.png) -![自動時間和時區 + 鬧鐘設定](../images/Libre2_DateTimeAlarms.png) +![automatic time and time zone + alarm settings](../images/Libre2_DateTimeAlarms.png) -一旦使用修補版應用程式啟動傳感器,您將無法將其連線到其他應用程式或手機。 如果您卸載修補版應用程式,您將失去鬧鐘和連續的血糖讀數。 +Once the sensor started with the patched app, you won't be able to connect it to another app/phone. If you uninstall the patched app, you will lose alarms and continuous BG readings. -首次連線傳感器的設置至關重要。 LibreLink 應用程式每 30 秒嘗試與傳感器建立無線連線。 如果缺少一個或多個必要設定,則需要進行調整。 您沒有時間限制來完成此操作。 傳感器會不斷嘗試建立連線。 即使這可能需要幾個小時。 耐心等待,並嘗試不同的設定,切勿急於更換傳感器。 +The first connection setup to the sensor is critical. The LibreLink app tries to establish a wireless connection to the sensor every 30 seconds. If one or more mandatory settings are missing they have to be adjusted. You have no time limit to do that. The sensor is constantly trying to setup the connection. Even if is last some hours. Be patient and try different settings before even thinking of changing the sensor. -只要在 LibreLink 啟動畫面左上角看到紅色感嘆號「!」, 表示尚未連線,或某些設定阻礙了 LibreLink 發出鬧鐘訊號。 請檢查是否啟用了音效,並確保停用所有可能阻擋應用程式通知的設定。 當感嘆號消失後,應該就會建立連線,並將血糖值傳送到智慧型手機。 這應該在最多 5 分鐘內完成。 +As long as you see a red exclamation mark ("!") on the upper left corner of the LibreLink start screen there is no connection or some other setting blocks LibreLink to signal alarms. Please check if the sound is enabled and all sorts of blocking app notifications are disabled. When the exclamation mark is gone, the connection should be established and blood sugar values are sent to the smartphone. This should happen after a maximum of 5 minutes. -![LibreLink 未連線](../images/Libre2_ExclamationMark.png) +![LibreLink no connection](../images/Libre2_ExclamationMark.png) -如果感嘆號仍然存在或您收到錯誤訊息,可能有幾個原因: +If the exclamation mark remains or you get an error message, this can have several reasons: -- Android 位置服務未授權 - 請在系統設定中啟用它 -- 未設定自動時間和時區 - 請根據設定進行更改 -- 啟用鬧鐘 - 必須在 LibreLink 中啟用三個鬧鐘中的至少一個 -- 藍牙已關閉 - 請開啟藍牙 -- 音效被阻止 -- 應用程式通知被阻止 -- 閒置螢幕通知被阻止 +- Android location service is not granted - please enable it in system settings +- automatic time and time zone not set - please change settings accordingly +- activate alarms - at least one of the three alarms must be activated in LibreLink +- Bluetooth is switched off - please switch on +- sound is blocked +- app notifications are blocked +- idle screen notifications are blocked -重啟手機可能會有所幫助,您可能需要多次重啟。 一旦建立連線,紅色感嘆號就會消失,這是最重要的一步。 根據系統設定,可能感嘆號仍然存在,但您仍能接收到讀數。 無論哪種情況,都是正常的。 傳感器和手機現在已連線,每分鐘會傳送一次血糖讀數。 +Restarting the phone can help, you may have to do it several times. As soon as the connection is established, the red exclamation mark disappears and the most important step is taken. It may happen that depending on system settings the exclamation mark remains but you still get readings. In both cases you are fine. Sensor and phone are now connected, every minute a blood sugar value is transmitted. -![LibreLink 連線已建立](../images/Libre2_Connected.png) +![LibreLink connection established](../images/Libre2_Connected.png) -在極少數情況下,清空藍牙快取和/或透過系統選單重置所有網路連線可能會有所幫助。 這會移除所有已連線的藍牙設備,這可能有助於建立正確的藍牙連線。 此過程是安全的,因為修補版 LibreLink 應用程式會記住已啟動的傳感器。 不需要執行其他操作。 只需等待修補版應用程式連線到傳感器。 +In rare case it could help to empty the bluetooth cache and/or reset all network connections via the system menu. This removes all connected bluetooth devices which may help to setup a proper bluetooth connection. That procedure is safe as the started sensor is remembered by the patched LibreLink app. Nothing additional has to be done here. Simply wait for the patched app to connect to the sensor. -成功連線後,如果有必要,可以更改智慧型手機的設定。 這並不推薦,但您可能希望節省電量。 位置服務可以關閉,音量可以設為零,或可以再次關閉鬧鐘。 無論如何,血糖資料仍會被傳送。 +After a successful connection the smartphone settings can be changed if necessary. This is not recommended but you may want to save power. Location service can be switched off, volume can be set to zero or alarms can be switched off again. The blood sugar levels are transferred anyway. -然而,在啟動下一個傳感器時,所有設定必須再次設定! +When starting the next sensor, however, all settings must be set again! -備註:修補版應用程式需要在傳感器預熱後的那一小時內設定所有必要的設定,才能啟用連線。 在 14 天的操作時間內,這些設定不再需要。 在大多數情況下,當您無法啟動傳感器時,通常是因為位置服務已關閉。 對於 Android,這是藍牙正常運作所需的必要條件! 請參閱 Google 的 Android 文件。 +Remark: The patched app needs the mandatory settings set in that hour after warmup to enable a connection. For the 14 days operation time they are not needed. In most cases when you have problems with starting a sensor the location service was switched off. For Android it is needed for proper bluetooth operation(!) to connect. Please refer to Google's Android documentation. -在這 14 天內,您可以同時使用一個或多個支援 NFC 的智慧型手機(不是讀取器設備!)運作原始 LibreLink 應用程式進行 NFC 掃描。 開始時並無時間限制。 例如,您可以在第 5 天使用並行的手機。 並行手機可以將血糖資料上傳到 Abbott 雲端(LibreView)。 LibreView 可以為您的糖尿病醫療團隊生成報告。 +During the 14 days you can use in parallel one or more NFC capable smartphones (not the reader device!) running the original LibreLink app for scanning via NFC. There is no time limitation to start that. You could use a parallel phone for example on day 5 or so. The parallel phones(s) could upload the blood sugar values into the Abbott Cloud (LibreView). LibreView can generate reports for your diabetes team. -請注意,原始修補版應用程式**沒有任何與網路的連線**,以避免追蹤。 +Please note that the original patched app **does not have any connection to the internet** to avoid tracking. -然而,有一個版本的修補版應用程式支援 LibreView,並啟用了網路存取。 請注意,此時您的資料會被傳送到雲端。 但您的內分泌醫療團隊的報告將完全支援。 使用該版本,還可以將正在運作的傳感器的鬧鐘轉移到未啟動該傳感器的另一台設備。 請在與糖尿病相關的德國論壇中搜索此操作方式。 +However there is a variant of the patched app supporting LibreView with enabled internet access. Please be aware that your data is transferred to the cloud then. But your endo team reporting is fully supported then. With that variant it is also possible to move the alarms of a running sensor to a different device which not has started the sensor. Please google in diabetes related German forums how this could be done. -### 步驟 3:安裝並配置 xDrip+ 應用程式 +### Step 3: Install and configure xDrip+ app -血糖讀數會透過 xDrip+ 應用程式接收到智慧型手機上。 +The blood sugar values are received on the smartphone by the xDrip+ App. -- 除非您需要最新功能,否則可以安全下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](,在這種情況下,您應該使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 -- 使用 [修補版應用程式資料來源](../Configuration/設定 xDrip+。 -- 按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的設置說明進行操作。 +- You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you need recent features, in which case you should use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( +- Set xDrip+ with the [patched app data source](../Configuration/ +- Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ -### 步驟 4:啟動傳感器 +### Step 4: Start sensor -- → 漢堡選單 (1) → 啟動傳感器 (2) → 啟動傳感器 (3) → 回答「暫不」(4)。 +- → Hamburger Menu (1) → Start sensor (2) → Start sensor (3) → Answer "Not Today" (4). -![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與傳感器 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) +![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) -這不會實際啟動任何 Libre2 傳感器,也不會與其進行任何互動。 這只是為了讓 xDrip+ 知道有一個新的傳感器正在傳送血糖資料。 如果可用,請輸入兩個指血測量值進行初始校正。 現在,血糖值應每 5 分鐘顯示在 xDrip+ 中。 錯過的讀數,例如因為您離手機太遠,不會被回填。 +This will not physically start any Libre2 sensor or interact with them in any case. This is simply to indicate xDrip+ that a new sensor is delivering blood sugar levels. If available, enter two bloody measured values for the initial calibration. Now the blood glucose values should be displayed in xDrip+ every 5 minutes. Skipped values, e.g. because you were too far away from your phone, will not be backfilled. -更換傳感器後,xDrip+ 會自動檢測到新傳感器並刪除所有校正資料。 啟動後,您可以檢查您的血糖值並進行新的初始校正。 +After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will delete all calibration data. You may check you blood glucose after activation and make a new initial calibration. -### 步驟 5:配置 AAPS(僅適用於循環) +### Step 5: Configure AAPS (for looping only) -- 在 AAPS 中,前往 Config Builder >血糖來源,並勾選 'xDrip+'。 +- In AAPS go to Config Builder > BG Source and check 'xDrip+' -![xDrip+血糖來源](../images/ConfBuild_BG_xDrip.png) +![xDrip+ BG Source](../images/ConfBuild_BG_xDrip.png) -- 如果 AAPS 在手機處於飛行模式時無法接收血糖值,請參閱[xDrip+ 設定頁面](xdrip-identify-receiver),使用「識別接收器」。 +- If AAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use 'Identify receiver' as describe on [xDrip+ settings page](xdrip-identify-receiver). -目前,將 Libre 2 作為血糖來源時,無法在 SMB 演算法中啟用「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水後啟用 SMB」功能。 Libre 2 的血糖值不夠平滑,無法安全使用。 詳情請參閱[平滑血糖資料](../Usage/。 +Until now, using Libre 2 as BG source you cannot activate ‘Enable SMB always’ and ‘Enable SMB after carbs’ within SMB algorithm. The BG values of Libre 2 are not smooth enough to use it safely. See [Smoothing blood glucose data](../Usage/ for more details. (Libre2-experiences-and-troubleshooting)= -### 經驗與疑難排解 +### Experiences and Troubleshooting -#### 連線性 +#### Connectivity -大多數手機的連線性良好,除非是華為手機。 如果手機在與傳感器相對的口袋中或在戶外時,連線可能會中斷。 請將手機佩戴在傳感器所在的一側。 在室內,藍牙訊號透過反射傳播時應該不會有問題。 如果您遇到連線問題,請嘗試其他手機。 將傳感器的內部藍牙天線朝下設置也可能有所幫助。 在安裝傳感器時,應將應用器上的縫隙朝下。 +The connectivity is good with most phones, with the exception of Huawei mobile phones. The connection can break off if the mobile phone is in the pocket opposite the sensor or if you are outdoors. Wear your phone on the sensor side of your body. In rooms, where Bluetooth spreads over reflections, no problems should occur. If you have connectivity problems please test another phone. It may also help to set the sensor with the internal BT antenna pointing down. The slit on the applicator must be pointing down when setting the sensor. -#### 讀數平滑化與原始值 +#### Value smoothing & raw values -技術上來說,目前的血糖值每分鐘會傳送到 xDrip+。 加權平均濾波器預設會計算最近 25 分鐘內的平滑資料。 您可以在 NFC 掃描功能選單中更改此時間段。 +Technically, the current blood sugar value is transmitted to xDrip+ every minute. A weighted average filter calculates a smoothed value over the last 25 minutes by default. You can change the period in the NFC Scan features menu. -→ 漢堡選單 → 設定 → NFC 掃描功能 → 使用 xxx 方法時平滑 Libre 3 資料 +→ Hamburger menu → Settings → NFC Scan features → Smooth libre 3 data when using xxx method -![xDrip+ 進階設定:Libre 2 與原始值](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) +![xDrip+ advanced settings Libre 2 & raw values](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) -這對循環是必要的。 曲線看起來很平滑,循環結果也非常好。 用來設定鬧鐘的原始值波動稍大一些,但與讀取器顯示的值相符。 此外,您可以在 xDrip+ 圖表中顯示原始值,從而及時應對快速變化。 請開啟「不常見的設定」\>「Libre 2 的進階設定」\>「顯示原始值」和「顯示傳感器資訊」。 然後,原始值會額外顯示為小白點,並在系統選單中提供更多傳感器資訊。 +This is mandatory for looping. The curves look smooth and the loop results are great. The raw values on which the alarms are based jitter a little more, but correspond to the values that the reader also displays. In addition, the raw values can be displayed in the xDrip+ graph in order to be able to react in time to rapid changes. Please switch on Less Common Settings \> Advanced Settings for Libre2 \> "show Raw values" and "show Sensors Infos". Then the raw values are additionally displayed as small white dots and additional sensor info is available in the system menu. -當血糖快速變化時,原始值非常有幫助。 即使這些點的波動較大,但與平滑線相比,您能更好地察覺趨勢,從而做出正確的治療決策。 +The raw values are very helpful when the blood sugar is moving fast. Even if the dots are jumpier you would detect the tendency much better as using the smoothed line to make proper therapy decisions. -→ 漢堡選單 → 設定 → 不常見的設定 → Libre 2 的進階設定 +→ Hamburger menu → Settings → Less common settings → Advanced settings for Libre 2 -![xDrip+ 進階設定:Libre 2 與原始值](../images/Libre2_RawValues.png) +![xDrip+ advanced settings Libre 2 & raw values](../images/Libre2_RawValues.png) -#### 傳感器運作時間 +#### Sensor runtime -傳感器運作時間固定為 14 天。 Libre1 的額外 12 小時不再存在。 啟用 Libre2 的進階設定後,xDrip+ 會顯示更多傳感器資訊,例如啟動時間。 在修補版 LibreLink 應用程式中也可以看到剩餘傳感器時間。 無論是在主畫面上以剩餘天數顯示,還是在三點選單中查看傳感器啟動時間 → 幫助 → 事件日誌中的「發現新傳感器」。 +The sensor runtime is fixed to 14 days. The 12 extra hours of Libre1 no longer exist. xDrip+ shows additional sensor information after enabling Advanced Settings for Libre2 → "show Sensors Infos" in the system menu like the starting time. The remaining sensor time can also be seen in the patched LibreLink app. Either in the main screen as remaining days display or as the sensor start time in the three-point menu → Help → Event log under "New sensor found". -![Libre 2 啟動時間](../images/Libre2_Starttime.png) +![Libre 2 start time](../images/Libre2_Starttime.png) -#### 新傳感器 +#### New sensor -傳感器更換是在運作中進行的:在啟動前不久設置新傳感器。 一旦 xDrip+ 不再接收到舊傳感器的資料,請使用修補版應用程式啟動新傳感器。 一小時後,新讀數應自動出現在 xDrip+ 中。 +A sensor exchange takes place on-the-fly: Set new sensor shortly before activation. As soon as xDrip+ receives no more data from the old sensor, start the new sensor with the patched app. After one hour new values should appear automatically in xDrip+. -如果沒有,請檢查手機設定,並按首次啟動的步驟進行操作。 您沒有時間限制。 嘗試找到正確的設定組合。 在嘗試不同的組合前,無需急於立即更換傳感器。 這些傳感器非常穩定,並會持續嘗試建立連線。 請耐心操作。 大多數情況下,您可能意外更改了一個設定,導致問題出現。 +If not, please check the phone settings and proceed as with the first start. You have no time limit. Try to find the correct settings. No need to immediately replace the sensor before you tried different combinations. The sensors are robust and try permanently to establish a connection. Please take your time. In most cases you accidentally changed one setting which causes now problems. -一旦成功,請在 xDrip+ 中選擇「停止傳感器」和「僅刪除校正」選項。 這表示對 xDrip+ 而言,新傳感器正在釋放血糖值,舊的校正已不再有效,因此必須刪除。 此處不會對 Libre2 傳感器進行任何實際操作! 您無需在 xDrip+ 中啟動傳感器。 +Once successful please select "Sensor Stop" and "Delete calibration only" in xDrip. This indicates for xDrip+ that a new sensor is releasing blood sugar levels and the old calibrations are no longer valid and therefore have to be deleted. No real interaction is done with the Libre2 sensor here! You do not need to start the sensor in xDrip+. -![更換 Libre 2 傳感器時,xDrip+ 缺少資料](../images/Libre2_GapNewSensor.png) +![xDrip+ missing data when changing Libre 2 sensor](../images/Libre2_GapNewSensor.png) -#### 校正 +#### Calibration -您可以將 Libre2 校正為**偏差 -40 mg/dL 至 +20 mg/dL \[-2,2 mmol/l 至 +1,1 mmol/l\]**(截距)。 斜率無法更改。 請在設置新傳感器後進行指血測試,並注意插入後的前 12 小時可能不太準確。 由於血糖測試可能存在較大誤差,請每 24 小時驗證一次並在必要時校正。 如果幾天後傳感器的讀數完全不準確,應考慮更換傳感器。 +You can calibrate the Libre2 **with an offset of -40 mg/dl to +20 mg/dL \[-2,2 mmol/l to +1,1 mmol/l\]** (intercept). The slope isn't changeable. Please check by fingerpricking after setting a new sensor, keeping in mind it might not be accurate in the first 12 hours after insertion. Since there can be large differences to the blood measurements, verify every 24 hours and calibrate if necessary. If the sensor is completely off after a few days, it should then be replaced. -### 合理性檢查 +### Plausibility checks -Libre2 傳感器內部包含合理性檢查,用於檢測不正確的傳感器數值。 一旦傳感器在手臂上移動或稍微抬起,數值可能開始波動。 為了安全起見,Libre2 傳感器會自動關閉。 不幸的是,當使用應用程式掃描時,會進行額外的檢查。 應用程式甚至可能停用正常的傳感器。 目前內部檢查過於嚴格。 避免使用其他手機掃描傳感器,以降低意外停用傳感器的風險。 +The Libre2 sensors contain plausibility checks to detect bad sensor values. As soon as the sensor moves on the arm or is lifted slightly, the values may start to fluctuate. The Libre2 sensor will then shut down for safety reasons. Unfortunately, when scanning with the App, additional checks are made. The app can deactivate the sensor even though the sensor is OK. Currently the internal test is too strict. Avoid scanning the sensor with another phone to reduce the risk of unexpected sensor shutdown. -# Libre 2 傳感器校正最佳實踐 +# Best practices for calibrating a Libre 2 sensor -為了獲得最佳的 Libre 2 傳感器校正效果,您應遵循一些「規則」。 這些規則適用於處理 Libre 2 資料的軟體組合(例如修補版 Libre 應用程式、OOP2 等)。 +To get the best results when calibrating a libre 2 sensor there are some “rules” you should follow. They apply independently of the software combination (e.g. patched libre-app, oop2, …) that is used to handle the libre 2 values. -1. 最重要的規則是在血糖平穩至少 15 分鐘時才校正傳感器。 最近三次讀數的變化不應超過 10 mg/dL(在 15 分鐘內,而非每次讀數間)。 由於 Libre 2 並不是測量您的血糖值,而是測量您的組織液葡萄糖值,因此在血糖上升或下降時會有一些延遲。 這種延遲可能導致在不利情況下出現過大的校正偏差,即使血糖值的上升/下降幅度並不大。 因此,盡可能避免在血糖上升或下降時進行校正。 → 如果您必須在血糖未平穩時添加校正(例如在啟動新傳感器時),建議儘早移除該校正,並在血糖平穩時添加新的校正。 -2. 其實,當您遵循規則 1 時,這一點會自動被考慮,但為了保險起見:在進行比較測量時,您的血糖值也應平穩至少 15 分鐘。 避免在血糖上升或下降時進行比較測量。 重要提示:您仍然可以隨時進行血糖測量,但不要在血糖上升或下降時將結果用於校正! -3. 由於在平穩狀態下校正傳感器是個很好的起點,建議僅在您的目標範圍內校正傳感器,例如 70 mg/dL 至 160 mg/dL。 Libre 2 傳感器並未優化用於處理像 50 mg/dL 到 350 mg/dL 這樣的大範圍讀數(至少在非線性情況下),因此盡量僅在您所需的範圍內進行校正。 → 接受您的校正範圍外的值無法完美匹配血糖水平的事實。 -4. 不要過於頻繁地校正。 過於頻繁地校正傳感器通常會導致更差的結果。 當傳感器在平穩狀態下提供良好結果時,請不要再添加新的校正,因為這並不會帶來任何實際效果。 重新檢查狀態每 3-5 天一次就足夠了(當然,仍然是在平穩狀態下)。 -5. 避免在不需要時進行校正。 這聽起來可能很奇怪,但當血糖與組織液葡萄糖的差異只有±10 mg/dL 時,不建議添加新的校正(例如:血糖值 95,Libre 傳感器顯示 100 -> 不要添加 95,血糖值 95,Libre 傳感器顯示 115 -> 添加 95 進行校正)。 +1. The most important rule is to only calibrate the sensor when you have a flat bg level for at least 15 minutes. The delta between the last three readings should not exceed 10 mg/dl (over 15min not between each reading). As the libre 2 does not measure your blood glucose level but your flesh glucose level there is some time lag especially when bg level is rising or falling. This time lag can lead to way too large calibration offsets in unfavourable situations even if the bg level rise / fall is not that much. So whenever possible avoid to calibrate on rising or falling edges. -> If you have to add a calibration when you do not have a flat bg level (e.g. when starting a new sensor) it is recommended to remove that calibration(s) as soon as possible and add a new one when in flat bg levels. +2. Actually this one is automatically taken into account when following rule 1 but to be sure: When doing comparison measurements your bg level should also be flat for about 15min. Do not compare when rising or falling. Important: You still shall do blood glucose measurements whenever you desire, just don’t use the results for calibration when rising or falling! +3. As calibrating the sensor in flat levels is a very good starting point it is also strongly recommended to calibrate the sensor only within your desired target range like 70 mg/dl to 160 mg/dl. The libre 2 is not optimized to work over a huge range like 50 mg/dl to 350 mg/dl (at least not in a linear manner), so try to only calibrate when within your desired range. -> Simply accept that values outside your calibration range will not perfectly match blood glucose levels. +4. Do not calibrate too often. Calibrating the sensor very often mostly leads to worse results. When the sensor delivers good results in flat conditions just don’t add any new calibration as it does not have any -useful- effect. It should be sufficient to recheck the status every 3-5 days (of course also in flat conditions). +5. Avoid calibration when not required. This might sound silly but it is not recommended to add a new calibration if the blood glucose to flesh glucose level difference is only ±10 mg/dl (e.g. blood glucose level: 95, Libre sensor 100 -> do NOT add the 95, blood glucose level: 95, Libre sensor 115 -> add the 95 to be taken into account for the calibration) -一些一般性說明:啟動新傳感器後以及傳感器即將到期時,進行比較測量比每 3-5 天一次的建議更頻繁地進行更有意義。 對於新傳感器和舊傳感器來說,原始值更有可能發生變化,因此需要重新校正。 有時候,傳感器可能無法提供有效的數值。 最有可能的情況是傳感器的讀數遠低於實際血糖水平(例如,傳感器讀數:50 mg/dL,血糖值:130 mg/dL),即使經過校正後也是如此。 如果是這種情況,則無法校正該傳感器以報告有效結果。 例如: 當使用修補版 Libre 應用程式時,您可以添加最大 +20 mg/dL 的偏移值。 如果您遇到傳感器提供的值過低,不要猶豫,更換傳感器,因為它不會變得更好。 即使這可能是傳感器故障,但如果經常遇到讀數過低的情況,請嘗試更換傳感器的位置。 即使在官方推薦的區域(上臂),某些位置可能也無法提供有效資料。 這是一種嘗試錯誤的過程,找到適合您的區域。 +Some general notes: After activating a new sensor and at the sensor’s end of life it does make sense to do comparison measurements more often than 3-5 days as stated in rule nr. 4. For new and old sensors it is more likely that the raw values change and a re-calibration is required. From time to time it happens that a sensor does not provide valid values. Most likely the sensor value is way to low compared to the actual blood glucose level (e.g. sensor: 50 mg/dl, bg: 130 mg/dl) even after calibrating. If this is the case the sensor cannot be calibrated to report useful results. E.g. when using the patched libre app one can add an offset of maximal +20 mg/dl. When it happens to you that the sensor does provides way too low values, don’t hesitate to replace it as it will not get better. Even if it might be a defective sensor, when seeing sensors that do provide way too low values very often, try to use different areas to place your sensor. Even in the official area (upper arm) there might be some locations where the sensors just do not provide valid values. This is some kind of trial end error to find areas that work for you. From 2b228472b7974ed8781abdcf15002f2732b7cf26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 161/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index dcf3e553e9ad..b47cdbcde569 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -# 對於 MM640g 或 MM630g 用戶 +# For users of MM640g or MM630g -- 如果尚未設定,請下載 [600SeriesAndroidUploader]( 並按照 [Nightscout]( 的說明進行操作。 -- 在 600 系列上傳器中,前往設定 > 傳送至 xDrip+ 並選擇開啟(勾選)。 +- If not already set up then download [600SeriesAndroidUploader]( and follow instructions on [Nightscout]( +- In 600 Series Uploader go to Settings > Send to xDrip+ and select ON (tick). -![600 系列上傳器](../images/600Uploader.png) +![600 series uploader](../images/600Uploader.png) -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 MM640g。 +- Select MM640g in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 913bec2e3b342acf0c6182f012a6a4607cb15e47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 162/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 1ed0a6c67bd8..30e7a736233b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# 手機 +# Phones -- [已測試的手機清單](../Getting-Started/ -- [Jelly Pro 設定](../Usage/ -- [華為設定](../Usage/ +- [List of tested phones](../Getting-Started/ +- [Jelly Pro Settings](../Usage/ +- [Huawei Settings](../Usage/ From 08aba4459d15f685cdbf47a640e7d9a03e5177b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 163/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 09f12f672e3e..7b28982eab33 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# 適用於 PocTech CT-100 用戶 +# For users of PocTech CT-100 -- 安裝 PocTech 應用程式 -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 PocTech 應用程式。 +- Install PocTech App +- Select PocTech App in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 2f55bcd08529d0d3d2107b469f69a4402bd6d8cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 164/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 22d5016278f1..6be3bea72766 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -# 幫浦配置 +# Pump Configuration -* [Dana-R 幫浦](../Configuration/ -* [Dana-RS 幫浦](../Configuration/ -* [Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦](../Configuration/ -* [Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦](../Configuration/ -* [Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/ +* [Dana-R pump](../Configuration/ +* [Dana-RS pump](../Configuration/ +* [Accu-Chek Combo pump](../Configuration/ +* [Accu-Chek Insight pump](../Configuration/ +* [Diaconn G8 insulin pump](../Configuration/ * [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ * [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/ * [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/ * [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/ -* [Medtronic 幫浦](../Configuration/ -* [未來可能的幫浦驅動程式](../Getting-Started/ +* [Medtronic pump](../Configuration/ +* [Future possible pump drivers](../Getting-Started/ From 8f490bd00d740ae8b75b96b855283dffe03cad3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 165/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 550b2dc6f8ad..e95c7239bc22 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# CGMS/FGMS 設定 +# CGMS/FGMS Configuration -* [一般問題](../Hardware/ -* [資料平滑處理](../Usage/ -* [xDrip+ 設定](./ -* [Dexcom G7 和 ONE+](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6 和 ONE](../Hardware/ +* [General](../Hardware/ +* [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ +* [xDrip+Settings](./ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ * [Eversense](../Hardware/ * [MM640g/MM630g](../Hardware/ * [PocTech](../Hardware/ -* [Nightscout 作為血糖來源](../Hardware/ +* [Nightscout as BG Source](../Hardware/ From b1d669516194590fb4af9e90dc14916d5ba00476 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 166/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 98 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index ab096dbfbfa7..4adb4de68db5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,91 +1,91 @@ -# Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦 +# Diaconn G8 Insulin Pump -## 胰島素幫浦藍牙配對 +## Insulin Pump Bluetooth Pairing -- 點擊左上角的選單圖示。 +- Click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_01.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_01.jpg) -- 點擊設定組態建置工具。 +- Click on Config Builder. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_02.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_02.jpg) -- 選擇 Diaconn G8 幫浦後,點擊設定圖示(齒輪)。 +- After selecting the Diaconn G8 Pump click on the Settings icon (cog wheel). -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_03.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_03.jpg) -- 選擇所選幫浦。 +- Choose Selected pump. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_04.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_04.jpg) -- 當您的胰島素幫浦型號出現在列表中時,選擇它。 +- Select your insulin pump’s model number once it appears in the list. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_05.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_05.jpg) -- 有兩種方法來檢查您的型號: +- There are two options to check your model number: -1. 幫浦背面的 SN 編號的最後五位數字。 -2. 點擊 O 按鈕 > 資訊 > 藍牙 > 最後五位數字。 +1. The last 5 digits of the SN number on the back of the pump. +2. Click on O button > Information > BLE > Last 5 digits. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_06.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_06.jpg) -- 選擇幫浦後,會出現一個視窗,要求輸入 PIN 碼。 輸入幫浦上顯示的 PIN 碼以完成連線。 +- Once you select your pump, a window appears asking for a pin code. Enter the pin number displayed on your pump to complete the connection. - ![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_07.jpg) + ![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_07.jpg) -## 幫浦狀態檢查與日誌同步 +## Pump status check and log synchronization -- 當幫浦連線後,點擊藍牙圖示來檢查狀態並同步日誌。 +- Once your pump is connected, click on the Bluetooth symbol to check the status and to synchronize logs. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_08.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_08.jpg) -## 藍牙疑難排解 +## Bluetooth Troubleshooting -**如果幫浦的藍牙連線不穩定時該怎麼做。** +**What to do in the case of an unstable Bluetooth connection with the pump.** -### 方法 1) 在 AAPS 應用程式完成後再次檢查幫浦。 +### Method 1 ) Check the pump again after AAPS application is completed. -- 點擊右上角的三點按鈕。 +- Click on the 3 dots button on the top right. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_09.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_09.jpg) -- 點擊退出。 +- Click on Exit. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_10.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_10.jpg) -### 方法 2) 如果第一種方法無效,中斷藍牙然後重新連線。 +### Method 2) If the first method doesn’t work, disconnect Bluetooth and then reconnect. -- 按住頂部的藍牙按鈕約 3 秒鐘。 +- Press and hold the Bluetooth button at the top for about 3 seconds. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_11.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_11.jpg) -- 點擊已配對的 Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦上的設定按鈕。 +- Click on the Setting button on the paired Diaconn G8 Insulin pump. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_12.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_12.jpg) -- 取消配對。 +- Unpair. -![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_13.jpg) +![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_13.jpg) -- 重複幫浦的藍牙配對過程(見上文)。 +- Repeat the Bluetooth pairing process for the pump (see above). -## 更多資訊 +## Further Information -### Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦選項設定 +### Diaconn G8 Insulin pump option setting -- 設定管理器 > 幫浦 > Diaconn G8 > 設定 -- DIACONN G8 在頂部> 右上角三點按鈕 > Diaconn G8 偏好設定 +- Config manager > pump > Diaconn G8 > Settings +- DIACONN G8 at the top> 3 dots button on the top right > Diaconn G8 Preferences -![Diaconn G8 幫浦選項](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_14.jpg) +![Diaconn G8 pump options](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_14.jpg) -- 如果**記錄儲液瓶更換**選項被啟用,則相關細節會在發生「胰島素更換」事件時自動上傳至 careportal。 -- 如果**紀錄針頭更換**選項已啟用,當發生「換點」事件時,相關詳細資料會自動上傳到照護入口。 -- 如果**紀錄導管更換**選項已啟用,當發生「導管更換」事件時,相關詳細資料會自動上傳到照護入口。 -- 如果**紀錄電池更換**選項已啟用,當發生「電池更換」事件時,相關詳細資料會自動上傳到照護入口,並且「幫浦電池更換」按鈕會在「操作」頁籤中停用。 (注意:更換電池前,請先停止所有進行中的注射功能。) +- If the **Log reservoir change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when an “Insulin Change” event occurs. +- If the **Log needle change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when a “Site Change” event occurs. +- If the **Log tube change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when a “Tube Change” event occurs. +- If the **Log battery change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when a “Battery Change” event occurs, and the PUMP BATTERY CHANGE button in the ACTION tab is deactivated. (Note: To change the battery, please stop all in-progress injection functions before proceeding.) -![Diaconn G8 操作選單](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_15.jpg) +![Diaconn G8 actions menu](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_15.jpg) -### 延長注射功能 +### Extended Bolus function -- 如果使用延長注射功能,將會停用循環模式。 -- 請參閱[本頁](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment)了解為何延長注射功能無法在循環模式下運作的詳情。 +- If you use extended bolus it will disable closed loop. +- See [this page](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) for details why extended bolus does not work in a closed loop environment. From cc87caf2412715862b2917797731db131f6f3271 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 167/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 192 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 96 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index b95355bef5c0..d32445547456 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,156 +1,156 @@ -# EOPatch2 使用手冊 +# EOPatch2 Instruction Manual -此貼片需使用速效 U-100 類型胰島素,例如 NovoRapid 或 Humalog。 依照醫生的處方,使用適合您的速效胰島素,並注射處方劑量。 +The patch requires the use of rapid-acting U-100 type insulin, such as NovoRapid or Humalog. Use a rapid-acting insulin that is suitable for you according to your doctor’s prescription and inject the prescribed dosage. -使用此貼片時,最小可注射劑量為 0.05 U。因此,基礎速率(Profile BAS)應設置為至少 0.05 U/hr 或更多,並以 0.05 U/hr 的間隔調整,否則基礎速率與實際輸注量之間可能會出現誤差。 同樣地,注射劑量也必須設定並以最小輸注量 0.05 U 輸注。 +The smallest injectable dose of insulin when using the patch is 0.05 U. The Profile BAS should therefore be set at a minimum value of 0.05 U/hr or more and an interval of 0.05 U/hr, as otherwise there may be an error between the estimated total infusion amount in the Profile and the actual infusion amount in the patch. Likewise, the bolus must also be set and infused with a minimum infusion volume of 0.05 U. -## 幫浦設定 -1. 在 AAPS 主畫面上,點擊左上角的漢堡選單,進入組態建置工具。 -1. 在幫浦部分選擇「EOPatch2」。 -1. 按返回鍵回到主畫面。 +## Pump Setup +1. On the AAPS home screen, click the hamburger menu in the upper left corner and go to Config Builder. +1. Select 'EOPatch2' in the Pump section. +1. Press the Back key to return to the home screen. -![圖片1](../images/EOPatch/Bild1.png) ![圖片2](../images/EOPatch/Bild2.png) +![Image1](../images/EOPatch/Bild1.png) ![Image2](../images/EOPatch/Bild2.png) -## 設定 -在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,以進入「EOPATCH2」頁籤。 +## Settings +Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen to go to the EOPATCH2 tab. -點擊右上角三個點,選擇「EOPatch2 偏好設定」選單。 +Select the EOPatch2 Preferences menu by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner. -「EOPatch2 偏好設定」選單提供三種通知的設定選項。 +The EOPatch2 Preferences menu offers a menu to set 3 types of notifications. -### 低儲存量警報 -當使用貼片時,儲存量低於設定值時,會出現警告。 可設定範圍為 10 至 50U,並以 5U 的增量調整。 +### Low reservoir Alerts +A warning appears when the amount of insulin remaining in the reservoir reaches the set value or less while using the patch. It can be set from 10 to 50U in 5U increments. -### 貼片到期提醒 -此提醒功能會通知您當前貼片到期前的剩餘時間。 可設定範圍為 1 至 24 小時,並以 1 小時的增量調整。 預設值為 4 小時。 +### Patch expiration Reminder +This is a reminder to notify you of the time remaining before the current patch expires. It can be set from 1 to 24 hours in 1 hour increments. The initial setting value is 4 hours. -### 貼片嗶聲提醒 -此為除基礎注射外的注射提醒功能。 如果您使用(延長)注射或臨時基礎注射,貼片在注射開始及完成時會發出嗶聲聲。 預設值為關閉。 +### Patch buzzer Reminder +This is a reminder function for injections other than basal injection. If you are using an (extended) bolus injection or a temporary basal injection, the patch will make a buzzer sound when the injection starts and when the injection is complete. The initial setting value is Off. -![圖片3](../images/EOPatch/Bild3.png) +![Image3](../images/EOPatch/Bild3.png) -## 連線貼片 +## Connecting the Patch -### 進入貼片連線畫面。 +### Move to patch connection screen -在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,然後點擊左下角的「啟用貼片」按鈕。 +Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the ACTIVATE PATCH button at the bottom left. -![圖片4](../images/EOPatch/Bild4.png) +![Image4](../images/EOPatch/Bild4.png) -### 連線貼片 -將針筒插入貼片的胰島素入口,然後慢慢推動活塞注射胰島素。 當注射的胰島素超過 80U 時,貼片會發出啟動聲(1 次嗶聲),並啟動。 確認嗶聲聲後,點擊畫面上的「開始配對」按鈕。 +### Connecting the patch +Insert the syringe needle into the insulin inlet on the patch and then slowly push the piston to inject the insulin. When insulin is filled with more than 80U, the patch makes a booting sound (1 buzzer) and boots. After confirming the buzzer sound, click the START PAIRING button on the screen. -[警告] +[Warning] -- 在指示之前,不要轉動針頭操作桿。 否則可能會在注射或安全檢查期間導致嚴重問題。 -- 貼片可注射的胰島素量為 80~200U。 如果初次注射胰島素量少於 80U,貼片將無法運作。 -- 將要注射進貼片的胰島素從冰箱中取出,並在室溫下靜置 15 至 30 分鐘。 注射的胰島素溫度必須至少為 10°C。 +- Do not turn the needle action lever until instructed. It can cause serious problems during injection or safety checks otherwise. +- The amount of insulin that can be injected into the patch is 80~200U. If you inject less than 80U into the patch initially, the patch will not work. +- Take the insulin to be put into the patch from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes beforehand. The temperature of the insulin to be injected must be at least 10°C. -![圖片5](../images/EOPatch/Bild5.png) +![Image5](../images/EOPatch/Bild5.png) -### 貼片配對 -貼片配對畫面將顯示,並會自動嘗試配對。 如果通訊成功,藍牙配對請求通知將出現。 點擊「確定」,當第二次出現配對請求通知及驗證碼時,再次選擇「確定」。 +### patch pairing +The Patch pairing screen will be displayed, and pairing will be attempted automatically. If communication is successful, the Bluetooth pairing request notification appears. Click OK and when the Bluetooth pairing request notification appears a second time with the authentication code, select OK again. -[警告] +[Warning] -- 為了進行配對,貼片和智慧型手機之間必須保持在 30 公分內。 -- 貼片啟動完成後,貼片每 3 分鐘會發出一次嗶聲聲,直到配對完成為止。 -- 貼片啟動後,必須在 60 分鐘內完成貼片的應用程序。 如果在 60 分鐘內無法完成應用,則應丟棄貼片。 +- For pairing, the patch and the smartphone must be located within 30 cm of each other. +- After the patch booting is completed, the patch will beep every 3 minutes until the pairing is complete. +- After booting the patch, the patch application must be completed via the app within 60 minutes. If the application cannot be completed within 60 minutes, the patch should be discarded. -![圖片6](../images/EOPatch/Bild6.png) ![圖片7](../images/EOPatch/Bild7.png) ![圖片8](../images/EOPatch/Bild8.png) +![Image6](../images/EOPatch/Bild6.png) ![Image7](../images/EOPatch/Bild7.png) ![Image8](../images/EOPatch/Bild8.png) -### 貼片準備 -移除貼片的膠帶後,檢查針頭是否突出。 如果貼片無問題,點擊「下一步」。 +### patch preparation +After removing the adhesive tape of the patch, check if the needle is sticking out. If there are no problems with the patch, click NEXT. -![圖片9](../images/EOPatch/Bild9.png) +![Image9](../images/EOPatch/Bild9.png) -### 貼片貼附 -胰島素應注射在具有皮下脂肪但神經或血管較少的部位,因此建議將貼片貼附在腹部、手臂或大腿。 選擇貼片貼附位置,並對該位置進行消毒後貼上貼片。 +### Patch attachment +Insulin should be injected in a spot with subcutaneous fat but few nerves or blood vessels, so it is recommended to use the abdomen, arm, or thigh for the patch attachment site. Choose a patch attachment site and apply the patch after disinfecting the location. -[警告] +[Warning] -- 請確保貼片膠帶側面平整,使貼片完全貼合於皮膚。 -- 如果貼片沒有完全貼合,貼片和皮膚之間可能會進入空氣,這可能會削弱貼片的黏合強度和防水效果。 +- Make sure to straighten the side of the patch tape attached to the body evenly, so that the patch adheres completely to the skin. +- If the patch does not stick completely, air may enter between the patch and the skin, which can weaken the adhesive strength and waterproof effect of the patch. -![圖片10](../images/EOPatch/Bild10.png) +![Image10](../images/EOPatch/Bild10.png) -### 安全檢查 -貼附完成後,點擊「開始安全檢查」。 安全檢查完成後,貼片會發出一次嗶聲聲。 +### Safety Check +When patching is complete, touch Start Safety Check. When the safety check is completed, the patch will beep once. -[警告] +[Warning] -- 為了安全使用,在安全檢查完成之前,請勿轉動針頭操作桿。 +- For safe use, do not turn the needle action lever until the safety check has been completed. -![圖片11](../images/EOPatch/Bild11.png) ![圖片12](../images/EOPatch/Bild12.png) +![Image11](../images/EOPatch/Bild11.png) ![Image12](../images/EOPatch/Bild12.png) -### 插入針頭 -抓住貼片周圍,將針頭操作桿向上方超過 100° 轉動以插入針頭。 針頭正確插入時會發出嗶聲聲。 繼續順時針轉動針頭操作桿以鬆開操作桿。 點擊「下一步」。 +### Inserting the needle +The needle is inserted by holding around the patch and turning the needle action lever more than 100° in the upward direction of the lever. There is a buzzer sound when the needle is inserted correctly. Turn the needle action lever further clockwise to release the lever. Click NEXT. -[注意] +[Caution] -- 如果在沒有嗶聲聲的情況下進入下一步,將會出現針頭插入錯誤警告。 +- If you go to the next step without the buzzer sounding, a needle insertion error warning will appear. -## 丟棄貼片 -如果胰島素不足、使用期限到期或出現故障,需更換貼片。 每個貼片的建議使用期限為啟動後 84 小時內。 +## Discarding the patch +Patches must be replaced in the case of low insulin levels, usage expiration, and defects. The recommended usage period for each patch is 84 hours after booting the patch. -### 丟棄貼片 -在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,並點擊底部的「丟棄/更換貼片」按鈕。 在下一個畫面中,點擊「丟棄貼片」按鈕。 確認對話框會再次顯示,若選擇「丟棄貼片」按鈕,則完成丟棄操作。 +### Discarding the patch +Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the DISCARD/CHANGE PATCH button at the bottom. On the next screen, click the DISCARD PATCH button. A dialog box appears to confirm once more and if you select the DISCARD PATCH button, the disposal is completed. -![圖片13](../images/EOPatch/Bild13.png) ![圖片14](../images/EOPatch/Bild14.png) ![圖片15](../images/EOPatch/Bild15.png) ![圖片16](../images/EOPatch/Bild16.png) +![Image13](../images/EOPatch/Bild13.png) ![Image14](../images/EOPatch/Bild14.png) ![Image15](../images/EOPatch/Bild15.png) ![Image16](../images/EOPatch/Bild16.png) -## 暫停與恢復胰島素輸送 -暫停胰島素輸送會取消延長注射與臨時基礎速率。 恢復胰島素輸送時,已取消的延長注射與臨時基礎速率不會自動恢復。 胰島素輸送暫停時,貼片每 15 分鐘會發出聲響。 +## Suspending and Resuming Insulin Delivery +Suspending insulin delivery also cancels both extended bolus and temporary basal. When resuming insulin delivery, the canceled extended bolus and temporary basal will not be resumed. And when insulin delivery is suspended, the patch will give a sound every 15 minutes. -### 暫停胰島素輸送 -在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,並點擊右下角的「暫停」按鈕。 在確認框中選擇「確認」,則會出現時間選擇框。 選擇時間後再點擊「確認」按鈕,胰島素輸送會暫停設定的時間。 +### Suspending insulin delivery +Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the SUSPEND button at the bottom right. When you select CONFIRM in the confirmation box, a time selection box appears. If you select the CONFIRM button after selecting the time, the insulin delivery will be suspended for the set amount of time. -![圖片17](../images/EOPatch/Bild17.png) ![圖片18](../images/EOPatch/Bild18.png) ![圖片19](../images/EOPatch/Bild19.png) +![Image17](../images/EOPatch/Bild17.png) ![Image18](../images/EOPatch/Bild18.png) ![Image19](../images/EOPatch/Bild19.png) -### 恢復胰島素輸送 -在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,並點擊右下角的「恢復」按鈕。 在確認對話框中選擇「確認」後,胰島素輸送將恢復。 +### Resuming insulin delivery +Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the RESUME button at the bottom right. Insulin delivery will resume by selecting CONFIRM in the confirmation dialog box. -![圖片20](../images/EOPatch/Bild20.png) ![圖片21](../images/EOPatch/Bild21.png) +![Image20](../images/EOPatch/Bild20.png) ![Image21](../images/EOPatch/Bild21.png) -## 警報/警告 +## Alarms/Warnings -### 警報 +### Alarm -警報是針對最優先的緊急情況發出,並需要立即處理。 警報訊號不會消失或逾時,直到被確認為止。 當使用中的貼片出現問題時會發出警報,因此可能需要丟棄當前的貼片並更換新貼片。 警告會以對話框顯示,在處理完成之前無法切換至其他畫面。 +Alarms are issued for emergency situations of the highest priority and require immediate action. The alarm signal does not disappear or time out until it is acknowledged. An alarm occurs when there is a problem with the patch being used, so there may be cases where the patch in use needs to be discarded and replaced with a new patch. The warning is displayed as a dialog box and switching to another screen is not possible until processing is completed. -![圖片22](../images/EOPatch/Bild22.png) ![圖片23](../images/EOPatch/Bild23.png) +![Image22](../images/EOPatch/Bild22.png) ![Image23](../images/EOPatch/Bild23.png) -以下說明不同類型的警報。 +The different types of alarms are explained below. -| 警報 | 說明 | -| ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | -| 儲存量已空 | 當貼片的儲存量用完時發生。 | -| 貼片到期 | 當貼片使用時間已過期且無法進行更多胰島素注射時發生。 | -| 堵塞 | 當貼片的胰島素入口疑似堵塞時發生。 | -| 開機自檢失敗 | 當貼片在開機後自檢過程中發現意外錯誤時發生。 | -| 不適當的溫度 | 當貼片應用和使用過程中,貼片處於非正常工作溫度範圍內時發生。 要處理此警報,請將貼片移至適當的工作溫度(4.4 至 37°C)。 | -| 針頭插入錯誤 | 當貼片應用過程中,針頭插入不正常時發生。 檢查貼片的針頭插入邊緣與針頭啟動按鈕是否在同一直線上。 | -| 貼片電池錯誤 | 當貼片內部電池即將耗盡並關機時發生。 | -| 貼片啟動錯誤 | 當應用程序無法在貼片啟動後 60 分鐘內完成貼片操作時發生。 | -| 貼片錯誤 | 當貼片在應用和使用過程中遇到意外錯誤時發生。 | +| Alarms | Explanation | +| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| Empty reservoir | Occurs when the patch’s reservoir runs out of insulin. | +| Patch expired | Occurs when the patch usage time has expired, and no further insulin injections are possible. | +| Occlusion | Occurs when it appears that the patch's insulin inlet is clogged. | +| Power on self-test failure | Occurs when the patch finds an unexpected error during the post-boot self-test process. | +| Inappropriate temperature | Occurs when the patch is outside the normal operating temperature range during patch application and use. To deal with this alarm, move the patch to an appropriate operating temperature (4.4 to 37°C) condition. | +| Needle insertion Error | Occurs when needle insertion is not normal during the patch application process. Check that the needle insertion edge of the patch and the needle activation button are in a straight line. | +| Patch battery Error | Occurs just before the patch’s internal battery runs out and powers off. | +| Patch activation Error | Occurs when the app fails to complete the patching process within 60 minutes after the patch is booted. | +| Patch Error | Occurs when the patch encounters an unexpected error while applying and using the patch. | -### 警告 +### Warning -警告發生於中等或低優先級情況。 當發生警告時,會在首頁總覽畫面中顯示為通知。 +A warning occurs in a medium or low-priority situation. When a warning occurs, it is displayed as a notification in the Overview screen. -![圖片24](../images/EOPatch/Bild24.png) +![Image24](../images/EOPatch/Bild24.png) -以下說明不同類型的警告。 +The different types of warnings are explained below. -| 警告 | 說明 | -| -------- | ----------------------------------- | -| 胰島素暫停結束 | 當使用者設定的暫停時間過後發生。 | -| 儲存量過低 | 當貼片內剩餘的胰島素量低於設定值時發生。 | -| 貼片使用期限到期 | 當貼片使用期已過時發生。 | -| 貼片即將到期 | 在貼片必須丟棄前 1 小時發生。 | -| 貼片啟動不完整 | 當在配對完成後的階段,由於貼片應用過程中出現中斷超過 3 分鐘時發生。 | -| 貼片電池電量低 | 當貼片的電池電量不足時發生。 | +| Warnings | Explanation | +| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| End of insulin suspend | Occurs when the time set by the user has elapsed after the insulin infusion suspension has been completed. | +| Low reservoir | Occurs when the remaining amount of insulin in the patch is below the set amount. | +| Patch operating life expired | Occurs when the patch usage period is over. | +| Patch will expire soon | Occurs 1 hour before the patch must be discarded. | +| Incomplete Patch activation | Occurs when more than 3 minutes have elapsed due to an interruption during patch application in the stage after pairing is completed. | +| Patch battery low | Occurs when the patch's battery is low. | From 27a5353032111e1186c502d0de116be11b2be139 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 168/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 108 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 7675fc88ee5f..536303ba713f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,85 +1,85 @@ -# Open Humans 上傳器 +# Open Humans Uploader -## 捐獻您的資料以促進科學研究 +## Donate your data for science -您可以透過捐贈您的資料來協助研究項目,幫助社群! 這有助於科學家回饋社會,發展新的科學想法,並拓寬開放源代碼封閉環系統的開放思維。 AAPS 已準備好與 [Open Humans]( 平台同步資料,該平台允許您上傳、連線和存儲您的個人資料,例如基因、活動和健康資料。 +You can help the community by donating your data to research projects! This helps scientists to pay it forward, develop new scientific ideas and broaden the open mind of open source closed loop systems. AAPS is ready to synchronize your data with [Open Humans](, a platform allowing you to upload, connect, and store your personal data – such as genetics, activity and health data. -您完全掌控您的資料,並可選擇您希望支援的研究項目,決定授予他們查看資料的權限。 根據您加入的項目,資料將以不同的方式和範圍被他們評估和使用。 +You retain full control about what happens to your data and what projects you want to support by giving them access to your data. Depending on the project you have joined, data is evaluated and used by them in different ways and extent. -以下資料將被上傳至您的 Open Humans 帳號: +The following data will be uploaded to your Open Humans account: -- 葡萄糖數值 -- 照護入口事件(不包括筆記) -- 延長注射 -- 基礎速率切換 -- 每日總劑量 -- 臨時基礎速率 -- 臨時目標 -- 偏好設定 -- 應用程式版本 -- 裝置型號 -- 螢幕尺寸 +- Glucose values +- Careportal events (except notes) +- Extended boluses +- Profile switches +- Total daily doses +- Temporary basals +- Temp targets +- Preferences +- Application version +- Device model +- Screen dimensions -像是您的 Nightscout URL 或 API 秘鑰等秘密或私人資訊不會被上傳。 +Secret or private information such as your Nightscout URL or API secret will not be uploaded. -## 設定 +## 设置 -1. 如果尚未建立帳號,請至 [Open Humans]( 建立帳號。 若您願意,您也可以使用現有的 Google 或 Facebook 帳號。 -2. 在[組態建置工具](../Configuration/中啟用「Open Humans」外掛。 -3. 透過齒輪按鈕開啟設定。 您可以限制只有在手機使用 Wi-Fi 和/或正在充電時進行上傳。 -4. 打開 Open Humans 外掛(可透過 OH 頁籤或漢堡選單),然後點擊「登入」。 +1. Create your account on [Open Humans]( if not already done. You can reuse your existing Google or Facebook accounts if you wish to. +2. Enable the “Open Humans” plugin in [Config Builder](../Configuration/ +3. Open its setting using the cog wheel button. You can restrict upload to times when phone uses Wi-Fi and/or is charged. +4. Open the Open Humans Plugin (either trough OH tab or hamburger menu) and click 'LOGIN'. -![Open Humans 組態建置工具](../images/OHUploader1.png) +![Open Humans Config Builder](../images/OHUploader1.png) -5. 仔細閱讀有關 Open Humans 上傳器的資訊和使用條款。 -6. 勾選確認框並點擊「登入」。 -7. Open Humans 網站將會開啟。 使用您的憑證登入。 -8. 決定是否要隱藏您在 Open Humans 公開個人檔案中的 AAPS 上傳器會員身份。 -9. 點擊「授權項目」按鈕。 +5. Read the given information about the Open Humans Uploader and terms of use carefully. +6. Confirm by checking the box and click 'LOGIN'. +7. Open Humans website will be opened. Login with your credentials. +8. Decide whether you want to hide your AAPS Uploader membership in your public Open Humans profile. +9. Click button 'Authorize project'. -![Open Humans 使用條款 + 登入](../images/OHUploader2.png) +![Open Humans Terms of Use + Login](../images/OHUploader2.png) -10. 回到 AAPS 時,您會看到登入成功的提示。 -11. 保持 Open Humans 上傳器外掛及手機開啟,直至設定完成。 -12. 點擊關閉後,您會看到您的會員 ID。 隊列大小 > 0 表示仍有資料等待上傳。 -13. 若要停止將資料上傳至 Open Humans,請點擊「登出」。 -14. Android 會透過通知告知您上傳正在進行。 +10. Returning to AAPS you will see a prompt that login succeeded. +11. Keep Open Humans Uploader plugin and phone turned on for setup to complete. +12. After clicking close you will see your member ID. Queue sizes > 0 shows that there is still data to be uploaded. +13. Click 'LOGOUT' if you want to stop uploading data to Open Humans. +14. Android notification will inform you about running upload. -![Open Humans 完成設定](../images/OHUploader3.png) +![Open Humans finish setup](../images/OHUploader3.png) -15. 您可以透過登入[Open Humans 網站](來管理您的資料。 +15. You can manage your data by logging in to the [Open Humans website]( -![Open Humans 管理資料](../images/OHWeb.png) +![Open Humans manage data](../images/OHWeb.png) -## 共享機會 +## Sharing Opportunities -### [「OPEN」項目]( +### [The 'OPEN' project]( -「OPEN」項目匯集了來自國際間各領域的患者創新者、臨床醫生、社會科學家、計算機科學家和患者倡導組織,以研究越來越多糖尿病患者使用的 DIY 人工胰臟系統(DIY APS)的各個方面。 更多詳情請參閱他們的[網站](。 +The 'OPEN' project brings together an international and intersectoral consortium of patient innovators, clinicians, social scientists, computer scientists and patient advocacy organizations in order to investigate various aspects of Do-it-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems (DIY APS) that are used by an increasing number of people with diabetes. For more details see their [website]( -2020 年 9 月,「OPEN」項目啟動了一項[調查](,包括捐贈您上傳至 Open Humans 的資料選項。 一個[教程](,介紹如何將您的資料捐贈給「OPEN」項目,該教程可在其網站及調查中找到。 +September 2020 the 'OPEN' project launched a [survey]( including the option to donate data you uploaded to Open Humans. A [tutorial]( how to donate your data to the 'OPEN' project is available on their site and within the survey itself. -### [OpenAPS 資料公用]( +### [OpenAPS Data Commons]( -OpenAPS 資料公用旨在為 DIYAPS 社群提供簡單的方法來共享資料集以供研究。 這些資料既可供傳統研究人員進行傳統研究,也可供社群中的團體或個人進行自己的研究項目。 OpenAPS 資料公用使用「Open Humans」平台,使人們能夠輕鬆上傳並共享來自 DIYAPS 的資料,包括 AAPS、Loop 和 OpenAPS。 +The OpenAPS Data Commons was created to enable a simple way to share data sets from the DIYAPS community for research. The data is shared both with traditional researchers who will create traditional research studies, and with groups or individuals from the community who want to review data as part of their own research projects. The OpenAPS Data Commons uses the 'Open Humans' platform to enable people to easily upload and share their data from DIYAPS including AAPS, Loop, and OpenAPS. -您可以透過三種方式之一將您的資料匯入 Open Humans: +You can get your data into Open Humans via one of three ways: -1. 使用 AAPS 上傳器選項將您的資料匯入 Open Humans -2. 使用 Nightscout 資料傳輸將您的資料匯入 Open Humans -3. 手動將資料檔案上傳至 Open Humans。 +1. use the AAPS uploader option to get your data into Open Humans +2. use the Nightscout Data Transfer to get your data into Open Humans +3. manually upload data files into Open Humans. -一旦您建立帳號並讓您的資料進入 Open Humans,請務必加入 OpenAPS 資料公用,以便捐贈您的資料供研究使用(如果您選擇)。 +Once you've created an account and gotten your data flowing into Open Humans, make sure to also join the OpenAPS Data Commons in order to donate your data for research if you choose. -## 使用條款 +## Terms of Use -這是一個開源工具,將會把您的資料複製至[Open Humans](。 我們不保留任何權利與第三方分享您的資料,除非您明確授權。 項目和應用程式接收到的資料是透過隨機用戶 ID 識別的,並且只有在您授權該過程後,資料才會安全地傳輸到 Open Humans 帳號。 您可以隨時停止上傳並刪除上傳的資料,透過[](操作。 請注意,一些接收資料的項目可能不支援此操作。 +This is an open source tool that will copy your data to [Open Humans]( We retain no rights to share your data with third parties without your explicit authorization. The data the project and app receive are identified via a random user ID and will only be securely transmitted to an Open Humans account with your authorization of that process. You can stop uploading and delete your upload data at any time via []( Beware that some projects that receive data may not support this. -另請參閱[Open Humans 使用條款](。 +Also see [Open Humans Terms of Use]( -## 資料隱私 +## Data Privacy -Open Humans 透過為您分配一個數字 ID 來保護您的隱私,該 ID 用於每個項目。 這使項目可以識別您但無法確認您的身份。 AAPS 上傳的應用程式 ID 與此類似,僅用於資料管理。 更多資訊請參閱: +Open Humans takes care of protecting your privacy by assigning a numerical ID to you for each project. This allows projects to recognize but no identify you. The Application ID uploaded by AAPS is similar and only helps administrate the data. More information can be found here: -- [Open Humans 資料使用政策]( +- [Open Humans Data Use Policy]( - [Open Humans GDPR]( From 993993753a9d856839fc5c4501643a50f7872b6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 169/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 540 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 270 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index f6e6a17b8cb3..c057e6b41989 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -# 偏好設定 +# Preferences -- **打開偏好設定**,點擊主畫面右上角的三點選單。 +- **Open preferences** by clicking the three-dot menu on the top right side of the home screen. - ![打開偏好設定](../images/Pref2020_Open2.png) + ![Open preferences](../images/Pref2020_Open2.png) -- 您可以直接跳至某個頁籤(例如幫浦頁籤)的偏好設定,方法是打開該頁籤並點擊外掛偏好設定。 +- You can jump directly to preferences for a certain tab (i.e. pump tab) by opening this tab and clicking Plugin preferences. - ![打開外掛偏好設定](../images/Pref2020_OpenPlugin2.png) + ![Open plugin preferences](../images/Pref2020_OpenPlugin2.png) -- **子選單**可透過點擊子選單標題下方的三角形來展開。 +- **Sub-menus** can be opened by clicking the triangle below the sub-menu title. - ![打開子選單](../images/Pref2020_Submenu2.png) + ![Open submenu](../images/Pref2020_Submenu2.png) -- 在偏好設定畫面頂部使用**篩選**功能,您可以快速查看特定偏好設定。 只需開始輸入您要查找的文本的一部分。 +- With the **filter** on top of the preferences screen you can quickly access certain preferences. Just start typing part of the text you are looking for. - ![偏好設定篩選器](../images/Pref2021_Filter.png) + ![Preferences filter](../images/Pref2021_Filter.png) ```{contents} :backlinks: entry @@ -22,488 +22,488 @@ ``` (Preferences-general)= -## 一般問題 +## General -![偏好設定 > 一般](../images/Pref2020_General.png) +![Preferences > General](../images/Pref2020_General.png) -**單位** +**Units** -- 根據您的偏好設定單位為 mmol/l 或 mg/dl。 +- Set units to mmol/l or mg/dl depending on your preferences. -**語言** +**Language** -- 新增選項可使用手機的預設語言(推薦)。 +- New option to use phone's default language (recommended). -- 如果您希望 AAPS 使用不同於手機的標準語言,可以選擇多種語言。 +- In case you want AAPS in a different language than your standard phone language you can choose from a broad variety. -- 如果您使用多種語言,有時可能會看到語言混合的情況。 這是由於 Android 系統的問題,無法覆蓋 Android 預設語言。 +- If you use different languages you might sometimes see a language mix. This is due to an android issue that overriding the default android language sometimes doesn't work. -**患者名稱** +**Patient name** -- 如果您需要區分多個設置(例如家中有兩個 T1D 小孩),可以使用此功能。 +- Can be used if you have to differentiate between multiple setups (i.e. two T1D kids in your family). (Preferences-protection)= -### 保護 +### Protection (Preferences-master-password)= -![偏好設定 > 一般 - 保護](../images/Pref2020_General2.png) +![Preferences > General - Protection](../images/Pref2020_General2.png) -#### 主密碼 +#### Master password -- 從版本 2.7 開始,必須使用主密碼才能[匯出設定](../Usage/,因為這些資料將加密。 **OnePlus 手機可能無法使用生物辨識保護。 這是部分 OnePlus 手機的已知問題。** +- Necessary to be able to [export settings](../Usage/ as they are encrypted from version 2.7. **Biometric protection may not work on OnePlus phones. This is a known issue of OnePlus on some phones.** -- 打開偏好設定(三點選單位於主畫面右上角) +- Open Preferences (three-dot menu on top right of home screen) -- 點擊「一般」下方的三角形 +- Click triangle below "General" -- 點擊「主密碼」 +- Click "Master-Password" -- 輸入密碼,確認密碼並點擊「確定」。 +- Enter password, confirm password and click ok. - ![設置主密碼](../images/MasterPW.png) + ![Set master password](../images/MasterPW.png) -#### 設定保護 +#### Settings protection -- 可使用密碼或手機的生物辨識驗證來保護您的設定(例如[小孩正在使用 AAPS](../Children/。 +- Protect your settings with a password or phone's biometric authentication (i.e. [child is using AAPS](../Children/ -- 如果您只希望使用主密碼保護[匯出的設定](../Usage/,可以設定自定密碼。 +- Custom password should be used if you want to use master password just for securing [exported settings](../Usage/ -- 如果您使用自定密碼,請點擊「設定密碼」來設置密碼,如上文[所述](Preferences-master-password)。 +- If you are using a custom password click on line "Settings password" to set password as described [above](Preferences-master-password). - ![保護](../images/Pref2020_Protection.png) + ![Protection](../images/Pref2020_Protection.png) -#### 應用程式保護 +#### Application protection -- 如果應用程式受到保護,您必須輸入密碼或使用手機的生物辨識驗證才能打開 AAPS。 -- 若輸入錯誤密碼,應用程式將立即關閉,但如果先前已成功打開,則仍會在背景中運作。 +- If app is protected you must enter password or use phone's biometric authentication to open AAPS. +- App will shut down immediately if wrong password is entered - but still run in the background if it was previously opened successfully. -#### 注射保護 +#### Bolus protection -- 如果 AAPS 是由小孩使用,並且您[透過 SMS 進行注射](../Children/,注射保護功能可能會有用。 +- Bolus protection might be useful if AAPS is used by a small child and you [bolus via SMS](../Children/ -- 在下圖示例中,您會看到生物辨識保護提示。 如果生物辨識驗證無法運作,請點擊白色提示上方的空白處並輸入主密碼。 +- In the example below you see the prompt for biometric protection. If biometric authentication does not work, click in the space above the white prompt and enter master password. - ![提示生物辨識保護](../images/Pref2020_PW.png) + ![Prompt biometric protection](../images/Pref2020_PW.png) (Preferences-skin)= -#### 外觀 +#### Skin -- 您可以從四種類型的外觀中選擇: +- You can choose from four types of skins: - ![選擇外觀](../images/Pref2021_SkinWExample.png) + ![Select skin](../images/Pref2021_SkinWExample.png) -- 「低解析度外觀」具有較短的標籤,並且移除了年齡/等級,以在非常低解析度螢幕上提供更多可用空間。 +- 'Low resolution skin' comes with shorter label and age/level removed to have more available space on very low resolution screen. -- 其他外觀的差異取決於手機螢幕的方向。 +- Difference of other skins depend of phone's display orientation. -##### 直向顯示 +##### Portrait orientation -- **原始外觀**與**按鈕始終顯示在螢幕底部**相同 -- **大顯示**的所有圖表大小均較其他外觀增大 +- **Original Skin** and **Buttons are always displayed on bottom of screen** are identical +- **Large Display** has an increased size of all graphs compared to other skins -##### 橫向顯示 +##### Landscape orientation -- 使用**原始外觀**與**大顯示**時,您需要向下捲動才能看到螢幕底部的按鈕 +- Using **Original Skin** and **Large Display**, you have to scroll down to see buttons at the bottom of the screen -- **大顯示**的所有圖表大小均較其他外觀增大 +- **Large Display** has an increased size of all graphs compared to other skins - ![外觀取決於手機螢幕方向](../images/Screenshots_Skins.png) + ![Skins depending on phone's display orientation](../images/Screenshots_Skins.png) (Preferences-overview)= -## 首頁總覽 +## Overview -- 在首頁總覽部分中,您可以定義主畫面的偏好設定。 +- In overview section you can define preferences for home screen. - ![偏好設定 > 首頁總覽](../images/Pref2020_OverviewII.png) + ![Preferences > Overview](../images/Pref2020_OverviewII.png) -### 保持螢幕常亮 +### Keep screen on -- 在進行展示時非常實用。 -- 此功能將消耗大量電量,因此建議將手機插上充電器。 +- Useful while giving a presentation. +- It will consume a lot of energy, so it is wise to have your phone plugged into a charger. (Preferences-buttons)= -### 按鈕 +### Buttons -- 定義哪些按鈕在主螢幕底部可顯示。 +- Define which buttons are visible on the bottom of your home screen. - ![偏好設定 > 按鈕](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons.png) + ![Preferences > Buttons](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons.png) -- 使用遞增數字,您可以定義三個按鈕在碳水化合物和胰島素對話框中的數量,以便於輸入。 +- With the increment figure you can define amount for the three buttons in carb and insulin dialogue for easy entry. - ![偏好設定 > 按鈕 > 胰島素](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons2.png) + ![Preferences > Buttons > Insulin](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons2.png) - ![偏好設定 > 按鈕 > 碳水化合物](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons3.png) + ![Preferences > Buttons > Carbs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons3.png) (Preferences-quick-wizard)= -### 快速嚮導 +### Quick Wizard -- 如果你經常吃零食或餐前注射,你可以使用快速嚮導按鈕輕鬆輸入碳水化合物的數量並設置計算基礎。 +- If you have a frequent snack or meal, you can use the quick wizard button to easily enter amount of carbs and set calculation basics. -- 在設置中,你可以定義按鈕在哪個時段會顯示在你的主螢幕上——每個時段僅顯示一個按鈕。 +- In setup you define during which time period the button will be visible on your home screen - just one button per period. - ![偏好設定 > 快速嚮導按鈕設置](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard.png) + ![Preferences > Quick Wizard Button Setup](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard.png) -- 如果你點擊快速嚮導按鈕,AAPS會根據你當前的比例(考慮血糖值或體內已注射的胰島素,如果設置了)計算並推薦一個追加注射量。 +- If you click the quick wizard button AAPS will calculate and propose a bolus for those carbs based on your current ratios (considering blood glucose value or insulin on board if set up). -- 該建議需要確認後才會注射胰島素。 +- The proposal has to be confirmed before insulin is delivered. - ![偏好設定 > 快速嚮導按鈕](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard2.png) + ![Preferences > Quick Wizard Button](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard2.png) (Preferences-default-temp-targets)= -### 預設臨時目標 +### Default temp targets -- [臨時目標(TT)](../Usage/讓你在特定時間段內更改血糖目標。 +- [Temp targets (TT)](../Usage/ allow you to define change your blood glucose target for a certain time period. -- 透過設置預設的TT,你可以輕鬆更改活動、即將用餐等目標。 +- With setting of default TT you can easily change your target for activity, eating soon etc. - ![偏好設定 > 預設臨時目標](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT.png) + ![Preferences > Default temp targets](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT.png) -- 在主螢幕右上角長按你的目標,或使用底部橙色“碳水化合物”按鈕中的快捷方式。 +- Press long on your target in the top right corner on the home screen or use the shortcuts in the orange “Carbs” button at the bottom. - ![偏好設定 > 使用預設臨時目標](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT2.png) + ![Preferences > Use default temp targets](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT2.png) ### -### 填充/啟動標準胰島素量 +### Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts -- 如果你想透過AAPS填充管線或初始充填導管,你可以在[手動操作標籤](Screenshots-action-tab)中進行。 -- 可以在此對話框中定義預設值。 +- If you want to fill tube or prime cannula through AAPS you can do this through [actions tab](Screenshots-action-tab). +- Pre-set values can be defined in this dialogue. (Preferences-range-for-visualization)= -### 可視化範圍 +### Range for visualization -- 定義主螢幕上的圖表中應顯示的目標範圍,並填充綠色背景。 +- Define which part of the graph on the home screen shall be you target range and be filled with green background. - ![偏好設定 > 可視化範圍](../images/Pref2020_OV_Range2.png) + ![Preferences > Range for visualization](../images/Pref2020_OV_Range2.png) -### 縮短標籤標題 +### Shorten tab titles -- 在螢幕上查看更多標籤標題。 +- See more tab titles on screen. -- 例如,“OpenAPS AMA”標籤變為“OAPS”,“OBJECTIVES”變為“OBJ”等。 +- For example the 'OpenAPS AMA' tab becomes 'OAPS', 'OBJECTIVES' becomes 'OBJ' etc. - ![偏好設定 > 標籤](../images/Pref2020_OV_Tabs.png) + ![Preferences > Tabs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Tabs.png) -### 在治療對話框中顯示備註欄 +### Show notes field in treatments dialogs -- 給你一個在治療(追加注射嚮導、碳水化合物、胰島素等)中添加簡短文字備註的選項。 +- Gives you the option to add short text notes to your treatments (bolus wizard, carbs, insulin...) - ![偏好設定 > 治療對話框中的備註](../images/Pref2020_OV_Notes.png) + ![Preferences > Notes in treatment dialogs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Notes.png) (Preferences-status-lights)= -### 狀態燈 +### Status lights -- 狀態指示燈為以下情況提供視覺警告: +- Status lights give a visual warning for - - 傳感器使用時間 - - 某些智慧讀取器的感應器電池電量(詳情請參閱[螢幕截圖頁面](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery))。 - - 胰島素的使用時間(儲液罐使用的天數) - - 儲液罐的剩餘容量(單位) - - 輸注針頭的使用時間 - - 幫浦電池壽命 - - 幫浦電池電量(百分比) + - Sensor age + - Sensor battery level for certain smart readers (see [screenshots page](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery) for details). + - Insulin age (days reservoir is used) + - Reservoir level (units) + - Cannula age + - Pump battery age + - Pump battery level (%) -- 如果超過閾值警告,數值將顯示為黃色。 +- If threshold warning is exceeded, values will be shown in yellow. -- 如果超過臨界值警告,數值將顯示為紅色。 +- If threshold critical is exceeded, values will be shown in red. -- 在AAPS 2.7版本之前,狀態燈設置必須在Nightscout設置中進行。 +- In versions prior to AAPS 2.7 settings for status lights had to be made in Nightscout settings. - ![偏好設定 > 狀態燈](../images/Pref2020_OV_StatusLights2.png) + ![Preferences > Status Lights](../images/Pref2020_OV_StatusLights2.png) (Preferences-advanced-settings-overview)= -### 高級設置(總覽) +### Advanced Settings (Overview) -![偏好設定 > 高級設置](../images/Pref2021_OV_Adv.png) +![Preferences > Advanced Settings](../images/Pref2021_OV_Adv.png) (Preferences-superbolus)= -#### 超級追加注射 +#### Superbolus -- 選擇在注射嚮導中啟用超級注射的選項。 -- [超級注射](是一種「借用」接下來兩小時的基礎率部分胰島素來防止血糖尖峰的概念。 +- Option to enable superbolus in bolus wizard. +- [Superbolus]( is a concept to "borrow" some insulin from basal rate in the next two hours to prevent spikes. -## 治療安全 +## Treatment safety -### 病人類型 +### Patient type -- 安全限制是根據您在此設置中選擇的年齡設定的。 -- 如果您開始觸及這些嚴格的限制(如最大注射量),那麼是時候提升一步了。 -- 選擇高於實際年齡是不好的主意,因為這可能會導致輸入胰島素對話框中錯誤的值(例如跳過小數點),從而導致過量注射。 -- 如果您想知道這些硬編碼的安全限制的實際數字,請滾動到您在[這個頁面](../Usage/上使用的算法功能。 +- Safety limits are set based on the age you select in this setting. +- If you start hitting these hard limits (like max bolus) it's time to move one step up. +- It's a bad idea to select higher than real age because it can lead to overdosing by entering the wrong value in insulin dialog (by skipping the decimal dot, for example). +- If you want to know the actual numbers for these hard-coded safety limits, scroll to the algorithm feature you are using on [this page](../Usage/ -### 允許的最大注射量 \[U\] +### Max allowed bolus \[U\] -- 定義AAPS允許一次輸送的最大注射胰島素量。 -- 此設置作為安全限制,防止因意外輸入或用戶錯誤而導致大量注射。 -- 建議將此設置為合理的數量,大致對應於您可能在一餐或校正劑量中需要的最大注射胰島素量。 -- 這個限制也適用於注射計算機的結果。 +- Defines maximum amount of bolus insulin that AAPS is allowed to deliver at once. +- This setting exists as a safety limit to prevent the delivery of a massive bolus due to accidental input or user error. +- It is recommended to set this to a sensible amount that corresponds roughly to the maximum amount of bolus insulin that you are ever likely to need for a meal or correction dose. +- This restriction is also applied to the results of the bolus calculator. -### 允許的最大碳水化合物量 \[g\] +### Max allowed carbs \[g\] -- 定義AAPS注射計算機允許的最大碳水化合物量。 -- 此設置作為安全限制,防止因意外輸入或用戶錯誤而導致大量注射。 -- 建議將此設置為合理的數量,大致對應於您可能在一餐中需要的最大碳水化合物量。 +- Defines the maximum amount of carbs that AAPS bolus calculator is allowed to dose for. +- This setting exists as a safety limit to prevent the delivery of a massive bolus due to accidental input or user error. +- It is recommended to set this to a sensible amount that corresponds roughly to the maximum amount of carbs that you are ever likely to need for a meal. -## 循環 +## Loop (Preferences-aps-mode)= -### APS模式 +### APS mode -- 在開環和閉環以及低血糖暫停(LGS)之間切換 -- **開環**意味著根據您的資料給出臨時基礎率(TBR)建議,並作為通知顯示。 經手動確認後,注射指令將傳輸到幫浦。 只有在使用虛擬幫浦時,才需要手動輸入。 -- **閉環**意味著TBR建議會自動發送到您的幫浦,無需您的確認或輸入。 -- **低血糖暫停**類似於閉環,但會將maxIOB設置覆蓋為零。 這意味著如果血糖下降,它可以減少基礎率,但如果血糖上升,則僅在基礎IOB為負數時(如來自之前的低血糖暫停)才會增加基礎率。 +- Toggle between open and closed looping as well as low glucose suspend (LGS) +- **Open looping** means TBR suggestions are made based on your data and appear as a notification. After manual confirmation, the command to dose insulin will be transferred to pump. Only if you use virtual pump you have to enter it manually. +- **Closed looping** means TBR suggestions are automatically sent to your pump without confirmation or input from you. +- **Low glucose suspend** is similar to closed looping, but overrides the maxIOB setting to zero. This means that if blood glucose is dropping it can reduce the basal rate, but if blood glucose is rising then it will only increase the basal rate if the basal IOB is negative (e.g. from a previous Low Glucose Suspend). (Preferences-minimal-request-change)= -### 最小請求變更 \[%\] +### Minimal request change \[%\] -- 使用開放循環時,當 AAPS 建議調整基礎率時,你會收到通知。 -- 為減少通知數量,您可以使用更寬的血糖目標範圍或增加最小請求率的百分比。 -- 這定義了觸發通知所需的相對變更。 +- When using open loop you will receive notifications every time AAPS recommends to adjust basal rate. +- To reduce number of notifications you can either use a wider BG target range or increase percentage of the minimal request rate. +- This defines the relative change required to trigger a notification. (Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)= -## 進階餐前注射助手(AMA)或超微量注射(SMB) +## Advanced Meal Assist (AMA) or Super Micro Bolus (SMB) -根據您的設置在[組態建置工具](../Configuration/中,您可以在兩種算法之間進行選擇: +Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: -- [進階餐前注射助手(OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - 2017年的算法狀態 -- [超微量注射(OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - 最推薦給初學者的最新算法 +- [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 +- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners -### OpenAPS AMA設置 +### OpenAPS AMA settings -- 如果您可靠地輸入碳水化合物,則系統允許在注射餐後更快速地高溫調整。 -- 有關設置和自動感應的更多細節,請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](。 +- Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. +- More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( -(偏好設定-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-可以設置為)= -#### 臨時基礎率(Temp Basal)最大可設置的U/h +(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= +#### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to -- 作為安全限制存在,防止AAPS給予危險高的基礎率。 -- 該值以每小時單位(U/h)測量。 -- 建議將此設為合理的數值。 一個好的建議是取您的**最高基礎率**,並**將其乘以4**。 -- 例如,如果您的最高基礎率為0.5 U/h,您可以將其乘以4得到2 U/h的值。 -- 另見[詳細功能描述](Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)。 +- Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. +- The value is measured in units per hour (U/h). +- It is advised to set this to something sensible. A good recommendation is to take the **highest basal rate** in your profile and **multiply it by 4**. +- For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile was 0.5 U/h you could multiply that by 4 to get a value of 2 U/h. +- See also [detailed feature description](Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). -#### OpenAPS可以輸送的最大基礎IOB \[U\] +#### Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver \[U\] -- 允許在您的身體中累積的額外基礎胰島素(以單位計),超出您的正常基礎配置。 -- 一旦此值達到,AAPS將停止給予額外的基礎胰島素,直到您的基礎胰島素庫存(IOB)衰減回該範圍內。 -- 此值**不考慮注射IOB**,僅考慮基礎。 -- 此值是根據您的正常基礎率獨立計算和監控的。 僅考慮超出正常率的額外基礎胰島素。 +- Amount of additional basal insulin (in units) allowed to accumulate in your body, on top of your normal basal profile. +- Once this value is reached, AAPS will stop giving additional basal insulin until your basal Insulin on Board (IOB) has decayed to within this range again. +- This value **does not consider bolus IOB**, only basal. +- This value is calculated and monitored independently of your normal basal rate. It is only the additional basal insulin on top of that normal rate that is considered. -當您開始循環時,**建議將最大基礎IOB設為0**一段時間,同時您在適應系統。 這可以防止AAPS給予任何額外的基礎胰島素。 在此期間,AAPS仍然可以限制或關閉您的基礎胰島素以幫助防止低血糖。 這是一個重要的步驟: +When you begin looping, **it is advised to set Max Basal IOB to 0** for a period of time, while you are getting used to the system. This prevents AAPS from giving any additional basal insulin at all. During this time AAPS will still be able to limit or turn off your basal insulin to help prevent hypoglycaemia. This is an important step in order to: -- 有一段時間可安全地習慣AAPS系統並監控其運作。 -- 抓住機會完美您的基礎配置和胰島素敏感性因子(ISF)。 -- 了解AAPS如何限制您的基礎胰島素以防止低血糖。 +- Have a period of time to safely get used to the AAPS system and monitor how it works. +- Take the opportunity to perfect your basal profile and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). +- See how AAPS limits your basal insulin to prevent hypoglycaemia. -當您感到舒適時,您可以透過提高最大基礎IOB值允許系統開始給予您額外的基礎胰島素。 建議的指導原則是取您個人設定中的**最高基礎速率**,並**將其乘以 3**。 例如,若您設定中的最高基礎速率為 0.5 U/h,您可以將此數值乘以 3,得到 1.5 U/h。 +When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you additional basal insulin, by raising the Max Basal IOB value. The recommended guideline for this is to take the **highest basal rate** in your profile and **multiply it by 3**. For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile was 0.5 U/h you could multiply that by 3 to get a value of 1.5 U/h. -- 您可以從保守的數值開始,然後隨著時間慢慢增加。 -- 這些僅是指導原則;每個人的身體狀況不同。 您可能會發現所需的劑量比這裡推薦的多或少,但一定要從保守的劑量開始,並慢慢調整。 +- You can start conservatively with this value and increase it slowly over time. +- These are guidelines only; everyone's body is different. You may find you need more or less than what is recommended here, but always start conservatively and adjust slowly. -**注意:作為一項安全功能,最大基礎胰島素持續劑量(Max Basal IOB)被嚴格限制為 7U。** +**Note: As a safety feature, Max Basal IOB is hard-limited to 7u.** -#### 自動敏感度調整 (Autosens) +#### Autosens -- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 會根據血糖偏差(正/負/中性)進行調整。 -- 它會根據這些偏差計算出您對胰島素的敏感度或抗性,並根據偏差調整基礎速率和胰島素敏感指數(ISF)。 -- 如果您選擇「Autosens 調整目標」,演算法也會修改您的血糖目標。 +- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) looks at blood glucose deviations (positive/negative/neutral). +- It will try and figure out how sensitive/resistant you are based on these deviations and adjust basal rate and ISF based on these deviations. +- If you select "Autosens adjust target, too" the algorithm will also modify your glucose target. -#### 進階設定(OpenAPS AMA) +#### Advanced settings (OpenAPS AMA) -- 通常您無需更改此對話框中的設定! -- 如果您仍然想要更改,請務必閱讀[OpenAPS 文件](,並了解您在做什麼。 +- Normally you do not have to change the settings in this dialogue! +- If you want to change them anyway make sure to read about details in [OpenAPS docs]( and to understand what you are doing. (Preferences-openaps-smb-settings)= -### OpenAPS SMB 設定 +### OpenAPS SMB settings -- 與 AMA 相比,[SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) 不使用臨時基礎速率來控制血糖,而是主要使用小型超級微量注射。 +- In contrast to AMA, [SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) does not use temporary basal rates to control glucose levels, but mainly small super micro boluses. -- 您必須開始使用[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)來使用 SMB。 +- You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. -- 前三個設定在[上方](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)進行了解釋。 +- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). -- 不同啟用選項的詳細資訊在[OpenAPS 功能部分](Open-APS-features-enable-smb)中描述。 +- Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). -- *SMB 的發放頻率(以分鐘為單位)*受限於預設每 4 分鐘發放一次。 此數值防止系統過於頻繁發放 SMB(例如當設定臨時目標時)。 除非您確切知道後果,否則不應更改此設定。 +- *How frequently SMBs will be given in min* is a restriction for SMB to be delivered only every 4 min by default. This value prevents the system from issuing SMB too often (for example in case of a temp target being set). You should not change this setting unless you know exactly about consequences. -- 如果啟用了「敏感性提高目標」或「抗性降低目標」,[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 會根據您的血糖偏差修改血糖目標。 +- If 'Sensitivity raises target' or 'Resistance lowers target' is enabled [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) will modify your glucose target according to your blood glucose deviations. -- 如果目標被修改,會在主畫面以綠色背景顯示。 +- If target is modified it will be displayed with a green background on your home screen. - ![Autosens 修改目標](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) + ![Target modified by autosens](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) (Preferences-carb-required-notification)= -#### 碳水化合物需求通知 +#### Carb required notification -- 此功能僅在選擇 SMB 演算法時可用。 +- This feature is only available if SMB algorithm is selected. -- 當參考設計檢測到需要碳水化合物時,會建議食用額外的碳水化合物。 +- Eating of additional carbs will be suggested when the reference design detects that it requires carbs. -- 在此情況下,您會收到一個可以延後 5、15 或 30 分鐘的通知。 +- In this case you will receive a notification which can be snoozed for 5, 15 or 30 minutes. -- 此外,主畫面的 COB 部分也會顯示所需的碳水化合物量。 +- Additionally the required carbs will be displayed in the COB section on your home screen. -- 可定義一個閾值——觸發通知所需的最小碳水化合物量。 +- A threshold can be defined - minimum amount of carbs needed to trigger a notification. -- 如果需要,碳水化合物需求通知可以推送到 Nightscout,屆時會顯示並廣播公告。 +- Carb required notifications can be pushed to Nightscout if wished, in which case an announcement will be shown and broadcast. - ![在主畫面顯示所需的碳水化合物量](../images/Pref2020_CarbsRequired.png) + ![Display carbs required on home screen](../images/Pref2020_CarbsRequired.png) -#### 進階設定(OpenAPS SMB) +#### Advanced settings (OpenAPS SMB) -- 通常您無需更改此對話框中的設定! -- 如果您仍然想要更改,請務必閱讀[OpenAPS 文件](,並了解您在做什麼。 +- Normally you do not have to change the settings in this dialogue! +- If you want to change them anyway make sure to read about details in [OpenAPS docs]( and to understand what you are doing. -## 吸收設定 +## Absorption settings -![吸收設定](../images/Pref2020_Absorption.png) +![Absorption settings](../images/Pref2020_Absorption.png) ### min_5m_carbimpact -- 演算法使用血糖影響(BGI)來判斷碳水化合物何時被吸收。 +- The algorithm uses BGI (blood glucose impact) to determine when carbs are absorbed. -- 這個數值只會在兩種情況下使用:一是 CGM 沒有讀到血糖數據時,二是運動消耗了所有本來會讓血糖上升的能量,這樣 AAPS 就不會減少 COB。 +- The value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity “uses up” all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB. -- 當無法動態計算碳水化合物吸收時,演算法會插入預設的碳水化合物衰減值。 基本上,這是一個安全保護機制。 +- At times when carb absorption can’t be dynamically worked out based on your blood's reactions it inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe. -- 簡單來說:演算法「知道」在當前胰島素劑量等影響下,您的血糖應該如何變化。 +- To put it simply: The algorithm "knows" how your BGs *should* behave when affected by the current dose of insulin etc. -- 每當預期行為與實際行為有正向偏差時,部分碳水化合物會被吸收/衰減。 大的變化=許多碳水化合物等。 +- Whenever there is a positive deviation from the expected behaviour, some carbs are absorbed/decayed. Big change=many carbs etc. -- min_5m_carbimpact 定義了每 5 分鐘的預設碳水化合物吸收影響。 更多詳情請參閱 [OpenAPS 文件](。 +- The min_5m_carbimpact does define the default carb absorption impact per 5 minutes. For more details see [OpenAPS docs]( -- AMA 的標準值為 5,SMB 的標準值為 8。 +- Standard value for AMA is 5, for SMB it's 8. -- 主畫面的 COB 圖表會在使用 min_5m_carbimpact 時顯示一個橙色圓圈。 +- The COB graph on the home screen indicates when min_5m_impact is being used by putting an orange circle at the top. - ![COB 圖表](../images/Pref2020_min_5m_carbimpact.png) + ![COB graph](../images/Pref2020_min_5m_carbimpact.png) -### 最大餐點吸收時間 +### Maximum meal absorption time -- 如果您經常進食高脂肪或高蛋白質餐點,您需要增加餐點吸收時間。 +- If you often eat high fat or protein meals you will need to increase your meal absorption time. -### 進階設定 - autosens 比例 +### Advanced settings - autosens ratio -- 定義最小和最大[autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 比例。 -- 通常標準值(最大 1.2 和最小 0.7)不應更改。 +- Define min. and max. [autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) ratio. +- Normally standard values (max. 1.2 and min. 0.7) should not be changed. -## 幫浦設定 +## Pump settings -此處的選項會根據您在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-pump)中選擇的幫浦驅動程式而有所不同。 根據幫浦相關的指示來配對並設定您的幫浦: +The options here will vary depending on which pump driver you have selected in [Config Builder](Config-Builder-pump). Pair and set your pump up according to the pump related instructions: -- [DanaR 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/ -- [DanaRS 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/ -- [Accu Chek Combo 幫浦](../Configuration/ -- [Accu Chek Insight 幫浦](../Configuration/ -- [Medtronic 幫浦](../Configuration/ +- [DanaR Insulin Pump](../Configuration/ +- [DanaRS Insulin Pump](../Configuration/ +- [罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵](../Configuration/ +- [Accu Chek Insight Pump](../Configuration/ +- [Medtronic Pump](../Configuration/ -如果使用 AAPS 進行開環模式,請確保您已在組態建置工具中選擇虛擬幫浦。 +If using AAPS to open loop then make sure you have selected Virtual Pump in config builder. (Preferences-nsclient)= ## NSClient ![NSClient](../images/Pref2020_NSClient.png) -原始通訊協議,可用於舊版 Nightscout。 +Original communication protocol, can be used with older Nightscout versions. -- 設置您的*Nightscout URL*(即 )。 - - **確保網址末尾沒有 /api/v1/。** -- *[API 密鑰](*(Nightscout 變數中記錄的一個 12 字符的密碼)。 -- 這使資料能夠在 Nightscout 網站和 AAPS 之間讀取和寫入。 -- 如果您在目標 1 中遇到困難,請再次檢查是否有拼寫錯誤。 +- Set your *Nightscout URL* (i.e. ). + - **Make sure that the URL is WITHOUT /api/v1/ at the end.** +- The *[API secret](* (a 12 character password recorded in your Nightscout variables). +- This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS. +- Double check for typos here if you are stuck in Objective 1. ## NSClientV3 ![NSClientV3](../images/Pref2024_NSClientV3.png) -[AAPS 3.2 引入的新協議](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。更安全且更高效。 +[New protocol introduced with AAPS 3.2.](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ Safer and more efficient. -:::{admonition} V3 資料上傳者 -:class: warning 使用 NSClientV3 時,所有上傳者必須使用 API V3。 由於大多數尚不支援 V3,這意味著**您必須讓 AAPS 上傳所有資料**(血糖、治療等)至 Nightscout,並停用其他不支援 V3 的上傳者。 +:::{admonition} V3 data uploaders +:class: warning When using NSClientV3, all uploaders must be using the API V3. Since most are not compatible yet, this means **you must let AAPS upload all data** (BG, treatments, ...) to Nightscout and disable all other uploaders if they're not V3 compliant. ::: -- 設置您的*Nightscout URL*(即 )。 - - **確保網址末尾沒有 /api/v1/。** -- 在 Nightscout 中,建立一個*[管理者憑證](*(需要 [Nightscout 15]( 才能使用 V3 API),並將其輸入**NS 查看憑證**(不是您的 API 密鑰!)。 -- 這使資料能夠在 Nightscout 網站和 AAPS 之間讀取和寫入。 -- 如果您在目標 1 中遇到困難,請再次檢查是否有拼寫錯誤。 -- 保持啟用與 websockets 的連線(推薦)。 +- Set your *Nightscout URL* (i.e. ). + - **Make sure that the URL is WITHOUT /api/v1/ at the end.** +- In Nightscout, create an *[Admin token](* (requires [Nightscout 15]( to use the V3 API) and enter it in **NS access token** (not your API Secret!). +- This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS. +- Double check for typos here if you are stuck in Objective 1. +- Leave Connect to websockets enabled (recommended). -### 同步選項 +### Synchronization -同步選項將取決於您希望如何使用 AAPS。 +Synchronization choices will depend on the way you will want to use AAPS. -您可以選擇[上傳和下載至 Nightscout 的資料](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +You can select which data you want to [upload and download to or from Nightscout](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -### 警報選項 +### Alarm options -![警報選項](../images/Pref2024_NSClient_Alarms.png) +![Alarm options](../images/Pref2024_NSClient_Alarms.png) -- 警報選項允許您選擇透過應用程式使用哪些 Nightscout 警報。 當 Nightscout 警報觸發時,AAPS 會發出警報。 - - 要使警報發出聲音,您需要在[Nightscout 變數](中設置緊急高、高、低和緊急低的警報值。 - - 這些警報僅在您與 Nightscout 有連線時工作,且主要針對家長/照護者。 - - 如果您的 CGM 資料來自手機(如 xDrip+ 或 BYODA),請使用這些警報,而非 Nightscout 警報。 -- 從 Nightscout 公告中建立通知[公告](,將在 AAPS 通知欄中回顯 Nightscout 公告。 -- 當在一定時間內未從 Nightscout 收到資料時,您可以更改過時資料和緊急過時資料警報的閾值。 +- Alarm options allows you to select which Nightscout alarms to use through the app. AAPS will alarm when a Nightscout alarms trigger. + - For the alarms to sound you need to set the Urgent High, High, Low and Urgent Low alarm values in your [Nightscout variables]( + - They will only work whilst you have a connection to Nightscout and are intended for parent/caregivers. + - If you have the CGM source on your phone (i.e. xDrip+ or BYODA) then use those alarms instead of Nightscout Alarms. +- Create notifications from Nightscout [announcements]( will echo Nightscout announcements in the AAPS notifications bar. +- You can change stale data and urgent stale data alarms threshold when no data is received from Nightscout after a certain time. -### 連線設定 +### Connection settings -![NSClient 連線設定](../images/ConfBuild_ConnectionSettings.png) +![NSClient connection settings](../images/ConfBuild_ConnectionSettings.png) -- 連線設定定義了何時啟用與 Nightscout 的連線。 -- 將 Nightscout 上傳限制為僅在 Wi-Fi 下進行,甚至僅限於特定的 Wi-Fi SSID。 -- 如果您只希望使用特定的 Wi-Fi 網路,可以輸入其 Wi-Fi SSID。 -- 多個 SSID 可以用分號分隔。 -- 若要刪除所有 SSID,請在該欄位中輸入空格。 +- Connection settings define when Nightscout connection will be enabled. +- Restrict Nightscout upload to Wi-Fi only or even to certain Wi-Fi SSIDs. +- If you want to use only a specific WiFi network you can enter its WiFi SSID. +- Multiple SSIDs can be separated by semicolon. +- To delete all SSIDs enter a blank space in the field. (Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient)= -### 進階設定(NSClient) +### Advanced settings (NSClient) -![NS Client 進階設定](../images/Pref2024_NSClientAdv.png) +![NS Client advanced settings](../images/Pref2024_NSClientAdv.png) -進階設定中的選項不言自明。 +Options in advanced settings are self-explanatory. -## SMS(簡訊) 通訊器 +## SMS Communicator -- 僅當在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-sms-communicator)中選擇 SMS 通訊器時才會顯示選項。 -- 此設定允許透過傳簡訊指令來遠端控制應用程式,如暫停循環或進行注射。 -- 更多資訊在[SMS 指令](../Children/中描述。 -- 透過使用身份驗證應用程式和憑證末端的額外 PIN 獲得額外的安全保障。 +- Options will only be displayed if SMS communicator is selected in [Config Builder](Config-Builder-sms-communicator). +- This setting allows remote control of the app by texting instructions to the patient's phone which the app will follow such as suspending loop, or bolusing. +- Further information is described in [SMS Commands](../Children/ +- Additional safety is obtained through use of an authenticator app and additional PIN at token end. -## 自動化 +## Automation -選擇要使用的定位服務: +Select which location service shall be used: -- 使用被動定位:AAPS 僅在其他應用請求時獲取位置。 -- 使用網路定位:您的 Wi-Fi 位置。 -- 使用 GPS 定位(注意! 可能會導致電池過度消耗!) +- Use passive location: AAPS only takes locations if other apps are requesting it +- Use network location: Location of your Wi-Fi +- Use GPS location (Attention! May cause excessive battery drain!) -## 本地警報 +## Local alerts -![本地警報](../images/Pref2020_LocalAlerts.png) +![Local alerts](../images/Pref2020_LocalAlerts.png) -- 設定應該是簡單明瞭的。 +- Settings should be self-explanatory. -## 資料選項 +## Data choices -![資料選項](../images/Pref2020_DataChoice.png) +![Data choices](../images/Pref2020_DataChoice.png) -- 您可以透過將崩潰報告發送給開發人員來幫助進一步開發 AAPS。 +- You can help develop AAPS further by sending crash reports to the developers. -## 維護設置 +## Maintenance settings -![維護設置](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) +![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- 日誌的標準收件人是 。 +- Standard recipient of logs is . ## Open Humans -- 您可以透過捐贈您的資料來協助研究項目,幫助社群! 詳細資訊請參閱[Open Humans 頁面](../Configuration/。 +- You can help the community by donating your data to research projects! Details are described on the [Open Humans page](../Configuration/ -- 在偏好設定中,您可以定義何時上傳資料 +- In Preferences you can define when data shall be uploaded - - 僅在連線到 WiFi 時 - - 僅在充電時 + - only if connected to WiFi + - only if charging From 4255b810dc51a3e4e6cc8177b3cfaf838be18db6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 170/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 78 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 9b5d4d2e8006..0aa07f135e26 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,61 +1,61 @@ -# 設定檔助手 +# Profile helper -設定檔助手提供兩個功能: +Profile helper offers two functions: -1. 為孩子們找到合適的設定檔 -2. 比較兩個設定檔或設定檔切換,以便複製新的設定檔 +1. Find a profile for kids +2. Compare two profiles or profile switches in order to clone a new profile -## 兒童設定檔(適用於18歲以下) +## Profile for kids (up to 18 years) -**重要說明:** +**Important note:** -**設定檔助手旨在幫助您為孩子找到初始設定檔。 儘管該助手基於兩家不同醫院的資料集,但在使用新設定檔前,請務必與您的醫療團隊討論。** +**Profile helper is intended to support you finding the initial profile for your kid. Even though it is based on data sets of two different hospitals always discuss with your medical team before using a new profile!** -設定檔助手提供來自兩家不同醫院的資料集,幫助您為 18 歲以下的孩子找到初始設定檔。 +Profile helper offers data sets from two different hospitals for children to find initial profile for your kid up to 18 years. -![設定檔助手兒童 1](../images/ProfileHelperKids1.png) +![Profile Helper Kids 1](../images/ProfileHelperKids1.png) -1. 從螢幕右上角的三點選單中選擇「設定檔助手」。 -2. 根據輸入的孩子年齡及總胰島素劑量(TDD)**或**體重,調整預設設定檔(基於醫院資料集)。 -3. 點擊右側標有 2 的灰色條更換畫面。 -4. 長按「當前設定檔」,然後選擇「DPV 預設設定檔」。 +1. Select 'Profile helper' from three-dot-menu on the top right side of the screen. +2. Adjust Default profile (based on hospital data set) by entering kids age and either TDD Total **or** weight. +3. Change screen by clicking on the grey bar labeled 2 on the right. +4. Long-press 'Current profile' and select DPV Default profile. -![設定檔助手兒童 2](../images/ProfileHelperKids2.png) +![Profile Helper Kids 2](../images/ProfileHelperKids2.png) -5. 根據輸入的孩子年齡、基礎速率百分比及總胰島素劑量(TDD)**或**體重,調整「DPV 預設設定檔」(基於另一家醫院資料集)。 -6. 按下螢幕頂部的「比較設定檔」按鈕。 -7. 會顯示兩個調整後的設定檔的比較結果。 +5. Adjust DPV Default profile (based on another hospital data set) by entering kids age, percentage of basal and either TDD Total **or** weight. +6. Press button 'COMPARE PROFILES' on top of screen. +7. Comparison of the two adjusted profiles will be displayed. -當您對設定檔調整感到滿意時,可以按照以下描述[複製設定檔](profilehelper-clone-profile)。 +Once you are fine with the profile adjustments you can [clone the profile](profilehelper-clone-profile) as described below. -## 比較兩個設定檔 +## Compare two profiles -您還可以使用設定檔助手來比較兩個不同的設定檔或設定檔切換(之前在[設定檔切換](../Usage/中使用的一個設定檔的百分比)。 +You can use profile helper also to compare to different profiles or profile switches (percentage of one of your profiles used in a [profile switch](../Usage/ before). -![設定檔助手 1](../images/ProfileHelper1.png) +![Profile Helper 1](../images/ProfileHelper1.png) -1. 從螢幕右上角的三點選單中選擇「設定檔助手」。 -2. 長按「預設設定檔」,然後從列表中選擇「可用設定檔」或「設定檔切換」。 -3. 長按設定檔/設定檔切換名稱(上圖中為「Aktuell_LP」),並從列表中選擇一個設定檔/設定檔切換。 -4. 點擊右側標有 2 的灰色條更換畫面。 +1. Select 'Profile helper' from three-dot-menu on the top right side of the screen. +2. Long-press 'Default profile' and select 'Available profile' for a list of your existing profiles or 'Profile switch' for a list of latest profile switches used. +3. Long-Press the name of the profile / profile switch ('Aktuell_LP' in screenshot above) and select a profile / profile switch from the list. +4. Change screen by clicking on the grey bar labeled 2 on the right. -![設定檔助手 2](../images/ProfileHelper2.png) +![Profile Helper 2](../images/ProfileHelper2.png) -5. 預設情況下,「當前設定檔」將作為比較候選項目。 -6. 如果您想要選擇不同的設定檔/設定檔切換,請長按「當前設定檔」,然後選擇「可用設定檔」或「設定檔切換」。 -7. 長按設定檔/設定檔切換名稱(上圖中為「Aktuell_LP」),並從列表中選擇一個設定檔/設定檔切換。 -8. 按下螢幕頂部的「比較設定檔」按鈕。 -9. 會顯示兩個調整後的設定檔的比較結果。 +5. As a standard 'Current profile' is offered as comparison candidate. +6. If you want a different profile / profile switch long-press 'Current profile' and select either 'Available profile' or 'Profile switch'. +7. Long-press the name of the profile / profile switch ('Aktuell_LP' in screenshot above) and select a profile / profile switch from the list. +8. Press button 'COMPARE PROFILES' on top of screen. +9. Comparison of the two adjusted profiles will be displayed. (profilehelper-clone-profile)= -## 複製設定檔 +## Clone profile -如果您使用[本地設定檔](Config-Builder-local-profile),則可以直接從設定檔助手複製設定檔/設定檔切換。 +If you use [local profiles](Config-Builder-local-profile) you can clone a profile / profile switch directly from profile helper. -![設定檔助手 複製設定檔/設定檔切換](../images/ProfileHelperClone.png) +![Profile Helper Clone profile / profile switch](../images/ProfileHelperClone.png) -1. 按照上述說明選擇所需的設定檔/設定檔切換。 -2. 如果您正在使用「預設設定檔」或「DPV 預設設定檔」(基於兒童醫院的資料集),請確保您輸入了正確的年齡、基礎速率百分比及總胰島素劑量/體重設定。 -3. 按下螢幕底部的「複製」按鈕。 -4. 按「確定」確認。 -5. 在本地設定檔頁籤中啟用新設定檔。 +1. Select the desired profile / profile switch as described above. +2. If you are using 'Default profile' or 'DPV Default profile' (based on data sets from hospitals for children) make sure you enter correct settings for age, percentage of basal and TDD / weight. +3. Press button 'CLONE' on bottom of screen. +4. Confirm with 'OK'. +5. Activate new profile in local profile tab. From 576e6a2224b0b8ae7bd9f851a7af1e860350a16f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 171/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 246 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 123 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 0b085b1b9ea9..a0aa3d8e88bc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,173 +1,173 @@ -# 文檔更新與變更 +# Docs updates & changes -## 2022年2月 +## February 2022 -- [血糖品質警告標誌](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) @tanja -- [Medtronic 幫浦更新](../Configuration/ @dottedfingertips -- [AAPS 3.0 更新後的必要檢查](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ @tanja +- [BG quality warning sign](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) @tanja +- [Medtronic pump update](../Configuration/ @dottedfingertips +- [Necessary checks after update to AAPS 3.0](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ @tanja - [Omnipod Dash](../Configuration/ @Freloner @ robertrub @vanelsberg -- 更新 AAPS 3.0 的文檔(部分)@xJoe -- [AAPS 3.0 的 Wear OS](../Configuration/ @peterleimbach +- Update docs for AAPS 3.0 (partly) @xJoe +- [Wear OS for AAPS 3.0](../Configuration/ @peterleimbach -## 2022年1月 +## January 2022 -- [Android Studio 疑難排解](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - 更新 @tanja +- [Troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - update @tanja -## 2021年12月 +## December 2021 -- [APK 構建](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - 更新 Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 @tanja -- [Dana-i](../Configuration/ 訊息已添加 @MilosKozak +- [Building the APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - update Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 @tanja +- [Dana-i](../Configuration/ information added @MilosKozak -## 2021年11月 +## November 2021 -- 校準[Libre 2 傳感器](Libre2-best-practices-for-calibrating-a-libre-2-sensor)的最佳實踐 -- [ISF](FAQ-impact) 影響的重新定義 -- 更新[Android Studio 疑難排解](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -- 移除已過時的[Dexcom](../Hardware/應用 +- Best practices for calibrating a [libre 2 sensor](Libre2-best-practices-for-calibrating-a-libre-2-sensor) +- [ISF](FAQ-impact) reformulation of impact +- Update [troubleshooting Android stduio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- Removed patched [Dexcom](../Hardware/ app as it is obsolete -## 2021年10月 +## October 2021 -- [AAPS 3.0 beta 發布說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- [Release notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ AAPS 3.0 beta -## 2021年9月 +## September 2021 -- 推薦電腦配置以[構建 AAPS 應用](Building-APK-recommended-specification-of-computer-for-building-apk-file) +- Recommended computer specification to [build AAPS app](Building-APK-recommended-specification-of-computer-for-building-apk-file) -## 2021年6月 +## June 2021 -- [Watchface 側載](../Configuration/ +- [Watchface sideload](../Configuration/ -## 2021年4月 +## April 2021 -- Omnipod 和 Medtronic 幫浦的[通訊裝置](module-additional-communication-device)列表 -- AAPS 預測功能在[Nightscout](Nightscout-manual-nightscout-setup)中 +- List of [communication devices](module-additional-communication-device) for Omnipod and Medtronic pumps +- AAPS predictions in [Nightscout](Nightscout-manual-nightscout-setup) -## 2021年3月 +## March 2021 -- 開發者交流從 gitter 移至[discord]( +- Dev communication moved from gitter to [discord]( -## 2021年2月 +## February 2021 -- 新導航欄和[語言切換](../ +- New navigation bar and [language switch](../ -## 2021年1月 +## January 2021 -- [操作標籤](Screenshots-action-tab) - 更多細節可見 'AAPS 螢幕' 頁面 -- Dexcom G6 與[自建 Dexcom 應用](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) -- Libre 智慧讀取器的[電池電量](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery) -- [目標](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) - 新問題 -- AAPS 2.8.0 版的其他[新功能](Releasenotes-version-2-8-0) +- [Action tab](Screenshots-action-tab) - more details on page 'AAPS screens' +- Dexcom G6 with [Build Your Own Dexcom App](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) +- Libre smart reader [battery level](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery) +- [Objectives](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) - new questions +- Other [new AAPS 2.8.0 functions](Releasenotes-version-2-8-0) -## 2020年12月 +## December 2020 -- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - 修補應用無法與美國傳感器配合使用 -- [OpenAPS 硬編碼限制](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) -- Sony Smartwatch 3 的[手動安裝 Google Play 服務](../Usage/ +- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - patched app does not work with US sensors +- [OpenAPS hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) +- Sony Smartwatch 3 [Manual Installation of Google Play Service](../Usage/ -## 2020年10月 +## October 2020 -- Accu-Chek Combo - 更新[時區調整和夏令時](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) -- Accu-Chek Insight - 選項上傳絕對值[上傳絕對值](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) -- 日誌 - 更多有關[文件夾位置](../Usage/的細節 -- Omnipod Eros - 狀態更新 -- [SMS 指令 - 時間同步](../Children/ +- Accu-Chek Combo - update [time adjustment daylight savings time](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) +- Accu-Chek Insight - Option to [upload absolute values](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) +- Logs - more details about [folder location](../Usage/ +- Omnipod Eros - status update +- [SMS commands - time sync](../Children/ -## 2020年9月 +## September 2020 -- AAPS 2.7 版的大更新 -- 詳細內容請見 `發布說明 ` +- Major update for new AAPS version 2.7 +- For details see `release notes ` -## 2020年6月 +## June 2020 -- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - 更多修補版 Libre Link 應用和藍牙發射器的細節 -- [跨時區旅行](../Usage/與 Libre 2 +- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - more details patched Libre Link app & use of bluetooth transmitters +- [Time zone travelling](../Usage/ with Libre 2 -## 2020年5月 +## May 2020 -- [延長注射僅適用於 Dana 和 Insight 幫浦](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -- [Insight 停用震動](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-vibration)(僅限韌體 3.x) -- [最小請求頻率](Preferences-minimal-request-change),以減少開環模式下的通知數量 -- [修補版 Libre Link 應用](Libre2-step-1-build-your-own-patched-librelink-app) - 檢查是否已正確修補 -- [預測線](Screenshots-prediction-lines) - 更多細節 +- [Extended bolus only for Dana + Insight pumps](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +- [Insight deactivate vibration](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-vibration) (firmware 3.x only) +- [Minimal request rate](Preferences-minimal-request-change) to reduce number of notifications in open loop mode +- [Patched Libre Link app](Libre2-step-1-build-your-own-patched-librelink-app) - check if correctly patched +- [Prediction lines](Screenshots-prediction-lines) - more details -## 2020年4月 +## April 2020 -- [回溯胰島素注射](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus)(例如透過注射器注射) -- [下個主版本將不再支援 Android 6](../Module/module-phone) +- [Backdate insulin](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus) (i.e. given by syringe) +- [Android 6 support will be discontinued in next master version](../Module/module-phone) -## 2020年3月 +## March 2020 -- [使用 Android Studio 3.6.1 構建 APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -- [DanaRS 韌體 v3](../Configuration/ **目前無法與 AAPS 配合使用!** -- [延長注射並切換到開環](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -- [使用 Android Studio 3.6.1 更新 APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- [Build apk with Android Studio 3.6.1](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- [DanaRS with firmware v3](../Configuration/ **cannot currently be used with AAPS!** +- [Extended bolus and switch to open loop](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +- [Update apk with Android Studio 3.6.1](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -## 2020年2月 +## February 2020 -- [自動化警告](Automation-good-practice-caveats) -- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) - 簡要說明 -- [護理入口替代方案](../Usage/ -- [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only)功能 - 閉環將被停用 -- 新的[本地設定檔外掛](Config-Builder-local-profile) -- [範例設置](../Getting-Started/ - 更新 Dexcom G6 -- [2.6.0 版](Releasenotes-version-2-6-0) - 主要新功能 -- [Wear OS 複雜功能](../Configuration/ +- [Automation caveats](Automation-good-practice-caveats) +- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) - short explanation +- [Careportal alternatives](../Usage/ +- [Extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) feature - closed loop will be disabled +- New [Local Profile plugin](Config-Builder-local-profile) +- [Sample Setup](../Getting-Started/ - update Dexcom G6 +- [Version 2.6.0](Releasenotes-version-2-6-0) - major new features +- [Wear complications](../Configuration/ -## 2020年1月 +## January 2020 -- [手動碳水化合物校正](Screenshots-carb-correction)錯誤碳水化合物輸入 -- [編輯文檔](make-a-PR-image-size)時的圖片大小 +- [Manual carb correction](Screenshots-carb-correction) for faulty carb entries +- [Image size](make-a-PR-image-size) when editing docs -## 2019年12月 +## December 2019 -- [Android Auto](../Usage/ - 帶有螢幕截圖的設置 -- [Accu-Chek Insight 和 Autotune](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) - 使用的替代方法 -- [Glimp](Config-Builder-bg-source) - 支援 4.15.57 版及更新版本 -- [錶盤](../Configuration/ - 大更新,更多細節 -- [錶盤複雜功能](Watchfaces-complications) - 使用您喜愛的錶盤顯示 AAPS 資料 +- [Android auto](../Usage/ - setup with screenshots +- [Accu-Chek Insight & Autotune](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) - workaround for usage +- [Glimp](Config-Builder-bg-source) - version 4.15.57 and newer supported +- [Watchfaces](../Configuration/ - major update, way more details +- [Watchface complications](Watchfaces-complications) - use your favorite watchface with AAPS data -## 2019年11月 +## November 2019 -- [自動化 - 在停用閉環時停用](Automation-important-note) -- [Dexcom G6 傳感器更換更新](xdrip-replace-transmitter) -- [延長注射 - 為何它們在閉環上下文中無法運作](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -- [常見問題解答 - 運動](FAQ-sports) -- [主螢幕 - 圖表上的線條](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) -- [Insight - 在 NS 客戶端中停用絕對值](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) -- [Medtronic 幫浦 - 可能的重複條目](../Configuration/ -- [新的 Freestyle Libre 2 教程](../Hardware/ -- [帶百分比的設定檔切換 - 示例](../Usage/ -- [SMS 指令更新](../Children/ -- [疑難排解 Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -- [疑難排解 - 連結集合](../Usage/ -- 更新 - 供有經驗用戶的快速指導 -- 文檔 - 更新[編輯](make-a-PR-code-syntax)和[翻譯](translations#translation-of-the-documentation) +- [Automation - deactivate when disabling loop](Automation-important-note) +- [Dexcom G6 replace transmitter update](xdrip-replace-transmitter) +- [Extended bolus - why they do not work in a loop context](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +- [FAQ - sports](FAQ-sports) +- [Homescreen - lines on graph](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) +- [Insight - Disable absolute values in NS Client](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) +- [Medtronic pump - possible double entries](../Configuration/ +- [New Freestyle Libre 2 tutorial](../Hardware/ +- [Profile switch with percentage - example](../Usage/ +- [SMS commands update](../Children/ +- [Troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- [Troubleshooting - link collection](../Usage/ +- Update - quick walk-through for experienced users +- Docs - update [edit](make-a-PR-code-syntax) and [translation](translations#translation-of-the-documentation). -## 2019年10月 +## October 2019 -- [AAPS 2.5 版](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0)更新(尤其在[更新頁面](上) -- [Accu-Chek Insight - 日誌選項](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) -- [COB 計算在單獨頁面上](../Usage/ -- [COB - 錯誤 COB 值檢測](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) -- [Dexcom G6 特定疑難排解](DexcomG6-dexcom-g6-specific-troubleshooting) -- [2.5 版的目標更新](../Usage/ -- [偏好設定更新](../Configuration/ -- [SGLT-2 抑制劑 - 閉環時請勿使用](module-no-use-of-sglt-2-inhibitors) -- [SMS 指令疑難排解](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) -- [xDrip - 更新 G6 傳感器更換](xdrip-replace-transmitter) +- [AAPS version 2.5](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0) updates (especially on [update page]( +- [AccuChek Insight - log options](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) +- [COB calculation on separate page](../Usage/ +- [COB - wrong COB value detection](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) +- [Dexcom G6 specific troubleshooting](DexcomG6-dexcom-g6-specific-troubleshooting) +- [Objectives update version 2.5](../Usage/ +- [Preferences update](../Configuration/ +- [SGLT-2 inhibitors - do not use when looping](module-no-use-of-sglt-2-inhibitors) +- [SMS Commands Troubleshooting](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) +- [xDrip - update G6 transmitter replacement](xdrip-replace-transmitter) -## 2019年9月 +## September 2019 - [Automate](../Usage/ -- [注射計算機](Screenshots-wrong-cob-detection) - 碳水化合物吸收緩慢 -- [Nightscout 安全性](Nightscout-security-considerations) -- [設定檔時間位移](Profiles-time-shift)(更多細節) -- [遠端監控](../Children/ -- [什麼是閉環系統?](../Getting-Started/ - -## 2019年8月 - -- Dexcom G6 修補應用的區域設置 -- [Dexcom G6 新發射器](xdrip-connect-g6-transmitter-for-the-first-time)(“firefly”/8G...) -- [我需要什麼?](index-what-do-i-need) - 新結構與更多資訊 -- 新結構 +- [Bolus calculator](Screenshots-wrong-cob-detection) - slow carb absorption +- [Nightscout security](Nightscout-security-considerations) +- [Profile timeshift](Profiles-time-shift) (more details) +- [Remote monitoring](../Children/ +- [What is a closed loop system?](../Getting-Started/ + +## August 2019 + +- Dexcom G6 patched app region +- [Dexcom G6 new transmitter](xdrip-connect-g6-transmitter-for-the-first-time) ("firefly" / 8G...) +- [What do I need?](index-what-do-i-need) - new structure & additional information +- New structure From 77edf4fca8a00db3b527369ce83b5c9224dd862a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 172/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 118 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 0e9785691ce5..8877176e41b6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ # **Freestyle Libre 3** -Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) 需要特殊設定才能將血糖值接收至 AAPS。 有兩種可能的方法將 Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) 值傳送到 AAPS。 +Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) requires a unique setup to receive BG values in to AAPS. There are two possible ways of getting Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) values to AAPS. ![FL3](../images/d912c1d3-06d2-4b58-ad7c-025ca1980fae.jpeg) -**AndroidAPS 版本 不支援 1 分鐘讀數。 加速和平滑處理無法與 1 分鐘讀數搭配使用。** +**Version of AndroidAPS does not support 1-minute values. Acceleration and Smoothing does not work with 1-minute values.** -下述方法使用單獨的應用程式 Juggluco 來實現此目的。 它使用 Juggluco 以接收來自傳感器的原始 1 分鐘間隔資料,然後將其傳送至 xDrip+ 或 AAPS。 可以使用 Libre 3 應用程式或直接在 Juggluco 中啟動新傳感器。 下方指南說明如何使用 Juggluco 應用程式啟動傳感器的過程。 如果傳感器是使用已登入 Libreview 帳戶啟動的,也可以在 Juggluco 和 Libre 3 應用程式之間切換作為接收器。 +The below methods for achieving this are using the separate app Juggluco. It uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor which is then passed to xDrip+ or AAPS. New sensors can be started either with the Libre 3 App or directly in Juggluco. The guide below indicates the process for starting a sensor with the Juggluco app. If the sensor has been started with a Libreview account logged in, it is also possible to switch between Juggluco and the Libre 3 app as receiver. -當傳感器使用 Libre 3 應用程式啟動時,Juggluco 也可以將資料傳送至 LibreView 以與醫療提供者共享。 +Juggluco can also pass data to LibreView for sharing with health care providers when the sensor is started with the Libre 3 app. -在 xDrip+ 中,傳感器可以在 -40 mg/dL 至 +20 mg/dL(-2.2 mmol/l 至 +1.1 mmol/l)範圍內進行校正,以補償手動儀表讀數與傳感器讀數之間的差異。 +Within xDrip+ the sensor can be calibrated in the range of -40 mg/dl to +20 mg/dl (-2.2 mmol/l to +1.1 mmol/l) to compensate for differences between a manual meter reading and the sensor readings. -## 方法 1:1 分鐘讀數 -AndroidAPS 版本 不支援 1 分鐘讀數。 加速和平滑處理無法與 1 分鐘讀數搭配使用。 +## Method 1: 1-minute-readings +Version of AndroidAPS does not support 1-minute values. Acceleration and Smoothing does not work with 1-minute values. -![Juggluco 廣播至 AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) +![Juggluco broadcast to AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) -## 方法 2:5 分鐘讀數 -此方法使用 Juggluco 接收來自傳感器的原始 1 分鐘間隔資料,然後將其傳送至 xDrip+,以平滑為 5 分鐘間隔資料,並傳送至 AAPS。 +## Method 2: 5-minute-readings +This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor which is then passed to xDrip+ to be smoothed into 5-minute interval data to be passed to AAPS. -### 步驟 1:設定 Juggluco -從[此處](下載並安裝 Juggluco 應用程式。 按照[此處](的指示操作。 +### Step 1: Setup Juggluco +Download and install the Juggluco app from [here]( Follow the instructions [here]( -確保將葡萄糖值傳送至 xDrip+:您可以在 Juggluco 的設定中配置 Juggluco 將葡萄糖值傳送至其他應用程式。 Juggluco 可以發送三種類型的廣播:**修補版 Libre 廣播** 最初由修補版 Librelink 應用程式使用,並可用於將葡萄糖值傳送至 xDrip+。 +Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ -![Juggluco 廣播至 xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) +![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) -### 步驟 2:設定 xDrip +### Step 2: Setup xDrip -血糖值會由智慧型手機上的 xDrip+ 應用程式接收。 +The blood glucose values are received by the xDrip+ app on the smartphone. -- 如果尚未設定,請下載 [xDrip+]( 並按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的指示操作。 -- 在 xDrip+ 中選擇 "Libre2(修補版應用程式)" 作為資料來源。 -- 如果需要,請在「不常見的設定」→「額外日誌記錄設定」→「日誌記錄的額外標籤」下輸入 "BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v"。 這將記錄額外的錯誤訊息以便進行故障排除。 +- If not already set up then download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- In xDrip+ select "Libre2 (patched app)" as data source. +- If necessary, enter "BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v" under Less Common Settings → Extra Logging Settings → Extra tags for logging. This will log additional error messages for troubleshooting. -![xDrip+ LibreLink 日誌記錄](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) +![xDrip+ LibreLink logging](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) -- 技術上來說,目前的血糖值每分鐘會傳送到 xDrip+。 加權平均濾波器預設會計算最近 25 分鐘內的平滑資料。 您可以在 NFC 掃描功能選單中更改此時間段。 +- Technically, the current blood sugar value is transmitted to xDrip+ every minute. A weighted average filter calculates a smoothed value over the last 25 minutes by default. You can change the period in the NFC Scan features menu. - → 漢堡選單 → 設定 → NFC 掃描功能 → 使用 xxx 方法時平滑 Libre 3 資料 + → Hamburger menu → Settings → NFC Scan features → Smooth libre 3 data when using xxx method - ![xDrip+ 進階設定:Libre 2 與原始值](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) + ![xDrip+ advanced settings Libre 2 & raw values](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) -### 步驟 3:在 xDrip 中啟動傳感器 +### Step 3: Start sensor within xDrip -在 xDrip+ 中使用「啟動傳感器」和「暫不」選項啟動傳感器。 無需將手機靠近傳感器。 事實上,「啟動傳感器」不會實際啟動任何 Libre 3 傳感器,也不會與它們進行任何互動。 這僅僅是為了通知 xDrip+ 有一個新的傳感器正在提供血糖資料。 如果可用,請輸入兩個指血測量值作為初始校正。 現在,血糖值應該每 5 分鐘顯示在 xDrip+ 中。 跳過的讀數,例如因為您離手機太遠,將不會被回填。 +In xDrip+ start the sensor with "Start Sensor" and "not today". It is not necessary to hold the mobile phone onto the sensor. In fact "Start Sensor" will not physically start any Libre 3 sensor or interact with them in any case. This is simply to indicate xDrip+ that a new sensor is delivering blood sugar levels. If available, enter two bloody measured values for the initial calibration. Now the blood glucose values should be displayed in xDrip+ every 5 minutes. Skipped values, e.g. because you were too far away from your phone, will not be backfilled. -如果仍然沒有資料,請等待至少 15-20 分鐘。 +Wait at least 15-20 minutes if there is still no data. -更換傳感器後,xDrip+ 會自動檢測到新傳感器,並會刪除所有校正資料。 啟動後,您可以檢查您的指血血糖並進行新的初始校正。 +After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will delete all calibration data. You may check you bloody BG after activation and make a new initial calibration. -### 步驟 4:配置 AndroidAPS +### Step 4: Configure AndroidAPS -- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- 如果 AndroidAPS 在手機處於飛行模式時無法接收血糖值,請使用「識別接收器」。 -- 關閉平滑處理(已在 Xdrip+ 中完成)。 +- If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" +- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) -目前,當使用 Libre 3 作為血糖來源時,無法在 SMB 演算法中啟用「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水後啟用 SMB」選項。 Libre 3 的血糖值不夠平滑,無法安全使用。 +As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. -## 後續傳感器更換 +## Subsequent sensor changes -1. 打開 Juggluco 並記下現有傳感器的序列號。 +1. Open Juggluco and note the serial number of the existing sensor -![Libre 序列號](../images/libre3/step_13.jpg) +![Libre serial number](../images/libre3/step_13.jpg) -2. 現在,只需使用手機的 NFC 閱讀器掃描您的新傳感器。 如果過程成功開始,Juggluco 會顯示通知。 -3. 當您準備停用舊傳感器時,請點擊螢幕左上角的空白區域打開 Juggluco 選單。 -4. 選擇過期的傳感器並點擊「終止」。 +2. Now simply scan your new sensor with your phone’s NFC reader. Juggluco will display a notice if the process had been started successfully. +3. When you are ready to deactivate the old sensor, then open the Juggluco menu by clicking anywhere in the empty space in the upper left hand corner of the screen. +4. Select the exired sensor and tap "Terminate" -![終止傳感器](../images/libre3/step_14.jpg) +![Terminate sensor](../images/libre3/step_14.jpg) -注意:當兩個傳感器同時運作時,Juggluco 會將最近一個傳感器的資料發送至 xDrip+。 如果傳感器未經校正且讀取血糖類似,這可能會導致跳躍的血糖值被報告至 xDrip+。 如果您終止了錯誤的傳感器,可以透過掃描傳感器重新啟用它。 +Note: When two sensors are active Juggluco will send the most recent value from either sensor to xDrip+. If the sensors are not calibrated and reading BG similarly, this may result in jumpy BG values being reported to xDrip+. If you terminate the wrong sensor, you can reactivate it by simply scanning the sensor. -## 在 Libre 3 和 Juggluco 應用程式之間切換傳感器 +## Switch sensor between Libre 3 and Juggluco app -如果傳感器是使用已登入 Libreview 帳戶啟動的,也可以在 Juggluco 和 Libre 3 應用程式之間切換作為接收器。 這需要以下步驟: +If the sensor has been started with a Libreview account logged in, it is also possible to switch between Juggluco and the Libre 3 app as receiver. This requires the following steps: -1. 從 Google Play 商店安裝 Libre 3 應用程式。 -2. 使用啟動傳感器的 Libreview 帳戶設定 Libre 3 應用程式。 -3. 在 Android 設定中強制停止 Juggluco 應用程式。 -4. 在 Libre 3 選單中,點擊「啟動傳感器」,選擇「是」,「下一步」,然後掃描您的傳感器。 -5. 幾分鐘後,血糖 值應該會顯示在 Libre 3 應用程式中。 +1. Install the Libre 3 app from Google Playstore +2. Set up the Libre 3 app with the Libreview account with which the sensor was activated. +3. Force stop the Juggluco app in the Android settings. +4. In the Libre 3 menu, click "Start Sensor", select "Yes", "Next" and scan your sensor. +5. After some minutes, the BG-Values should be visible within Libre 3 App. -要從 Libre 3 應用程式切換到 Juggluco,您需要透過 Android 設定強制停止 Libre 3 應用程式,然後執行步驟 1 和步驟 2。 +In order to switch from the Libre 3 app to Juggluco, you need to force-stop Libre 3 app via Android settings and proceed with Step 1 & 2. -## 經驗與疑難排解 +## Experiences and Troubleshooting -### Libre3 -> Juggluco 連線故障排除 +### Troubleshooting Libre3 -> Juggluco Connection -- 確保您使用的是 Juggluco 應用程式的最新版本。 -- 根據本指南檢查您的設定。 -- 有時您可能需要強制停止 Libre 3 應用程式和 Juggluco 並重新啟動它。 -- 停用藍牙並重新啟用。 -- 稍等片刻或嘗試關閉 Juggluco。 -- 低於 2.9.6 的 Juggluco 舊版本不會將後續資料從 Libre3 傳感器發送到連線的設備(例如:WearOS 上的 Juggluco)。 您可能需要在修補版 Libre3 應用程式中點擊「重新發送資料」(Juggluco 選單)。 +- Make sure you are using a current version of the Juggluco app +- Check your settings according to this guide +- You may sometimes have to force stop the Libre 3 app and Juggluco and restart it. +- Disable Bluetooth and enable it again +- Wait some time or try to close Juggluco +- Older versions of Juggluco (below 2.9.6) do not send subsequent data from the Libre3 sensor to connected devices (e.g. Juggluco on WearOS). You may need to click "Resend data" in the patched Libre3 app (Juggluco menu). -### 進一步幫助 +### Further help -原始說明:[jkaltes 網站]( +Original instructions: [jkaltes website]( -其他 Github 倉庫:[Github 連結]( +Additional Github repo: [Github link]( From b38f5fbeeec2fc467c2b5818684957e2faeba9e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 173/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 872 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 436 insertions(+), 436 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index f028e41c8633..78cf6cbb1d35 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,631 +1,631 @@ (Releasenotes-release-notes)= -# 版本更新說明 +# Release notes -請按照[更新手冊](../Installing-AndroidAPS/中的說明進行操作。 您還可以在更新手冊頁面找到關於常見更新問題的故障排除部分。 +Please follow the instructions in the [update manual](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ You can also find a troubleshooting section addressing the most common difficulties when updating on the update manual page. -當有新版本可用時,您將收到以下資訊: +You will receive the following information as soon as a new update is available: -![更新資訊](../images/AAPS_LoopDisable90days.png) +![Update info](../images/AAPS_LoopDisable90days.png) -之後,您有 60 天的時間進行更新。 如果您在這 60 天內沒有更新,AAPS 將會降級到 LGS 模式(低血糖暫停,請參閱[詞彙表](../Getting-Started/,如[目標 6](../Usage/Objectives.html)中所述。 +Then you have 60 days to update. If you do not update within these 60 days AAPS will fall back to LGS (low glucose suspend - see [glossary](../Getting-Started/ as in [objective 6](../Usage/Objectives.html). -如果您在新版本發布後 90 天內未更新,AAPS 將切換到開放循環模式。 +If you do not update for another 30 days (90 days from new release date) AAPS will switch to Open Loop. -請理解,這一變更不是為了打擾您,而是出於安全原因。 AAPS 的新版本不僅提供了新功能,還包括重要的安全修復。 因此,必須儘快讓每個用戶更新到最新版本。 不幸的是,我們仍然收到來自非常舊版本的錯誤報告,所以這是為了提升每個用戶以及整個 DIY 社群的安全性。 感謝您的理解。 +Please understand that this change is not intended to bug you but is due to safety reasons. New versions of AAPS do not only provide new features but also important safety fixes. Therefore it is necessary that every user updates a.s.a.p.. Unfortunately there are still bug reports from very old versions so this is a try to improve safety for every single user and the whole DIY community. Thanks for your understanding. ```{admonition} First version of AAPS :class: note -首個測試版本早在 2015 年就已經開始。 2016 年發布了第一個正式版本。 +The first test version started already in 2015. In 2016 has been the first released version. -目前無法提供這些版本的時間順序記錄,但由於這個問題被多次詢問,我們將在此記錄。 +The chronology of these releases is not available at the moment but as this questions is asked severeal times we document it here. ``` -## Android 版本與 AAPS 版本 +## Android version and AAPS version -如果您的手機使用的是 Android 9 以下的版本,您將無法使用 AAPS v3 及以上版本,因為這些版本至少需要 Android 9。 +If your smartphone uses an Android Version older than Android 9 you will not be able to use AAPS v3 and up as it requires at least Android 9. -為了允許使用舊版 Android 的用戶繼續使用舊版 AAPS,我們發佈了一些僅更改版本驗證的版本。 這些版本不包含其他改進。 +In order to allow users with older Android to use older version of AAPS new versions were pushed which only change version verification. No other improvements are included. -### Android 9 及以上 +### Android 9 and up -- 使用最新的 AAPS 版本 -- 從 下載 AAPS 程式碼 +- Use latest AAPS version +- Download AAPS Code from ### Android 8 -- 使用 AAPS 版本**** -- 從 下載 分支程式碼 +- Use AAPS version **** +- Download AAPS Code from branch ### Android 7 -- 使用 AAPS 版本**2.6.2** -- 從 下載 2.6.2 分支程式碼 - -## WearOS 版本 - -- AAPS 3.2 至少需要 WearOS API Level 28(Android 9)。 - -## 版本獻給 @Philoul - -發布日期:2023-10-23 - -### 重要提示 - -- 需要 NS 15 版本 -- 在使用 NS v3 外掛時,透過 NS UI 輸入的治療(+ 按鈕)和使用 v1 API 的其他應用程式不會發送到 AAPS。 這將在未來的 NS 版本中修復。 在 NS 完全內部切換到 v3 之前,請始終在 AAPS 和 AAPSClient 中使用相同的客戶端(v1 或 v3)。 對於 AAPS 和 AAPSClient 本身也是如此。 -- v3 外掛中的 Websockets 與 v1 外掛的工作方式相似。 停用 websockets 後,AAPS 會定期下載 NS 的資料,這應該會降低電量消耗,因為 NS 不會長時間保持連線。 但另一方面,這意味著資料交換會有延遲。 在使用 AAPS 的 v3 與 v1 API 之前,請先閱讀 [這裡](Important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-API-for-Nightscout-with-AAPS)開發團隊的重要意見! -- 如果您使用 xdrip 作為 CGM 資料來源,則需要在更新後重新選擇它,因為內部已進行了更改。 -- Tidepool 可作為 NS 的替代品,以透過第一個目標。 -- 如果您選擇發送到 xDrip+,則必須配置 xDrip 同步外掛。 為了從 AAPS 接收血糖資料,必須將 “xDrip+ Sync Follower” 選為資料來源。 -- 如果您希望切換到 ComboV2 驅動,必須卸載 Ruffy 並重新與 AAPS 配對幫浦。 -- 要使用 DynISF 外掛,您必須開始目標 11(所有先前目標必須處於完成狀態才能開始第 11 個目標)。 - - -### 變更 - -- EOPatch2 / GlucomenDay 幫浦驅動 @jungsomyeonggithub @MilosKozak -- ComboV2 幫浦驅動(不需要 Ruffy)@dv1 -- Medtrum Nano 驅動 @jbr7rr -- 韓國 DanaI 支援 @MilosKozak -- Glunovo CGM 支援 @christinadamianou -- G7 支援 @MilosKozak @rICTx-T1D @khskekec -- NSClient v3 外掛 @MilosKozak -- Tidepool 支援 @MilosKozak -- 平滑外掛 @MilosKozak, @justmara, 指數平滑 @nichi (Tsunami), 平均平滑 @jbr7rr -- DynamicISF 外掛 @Chris Wilson, @tim2000s -- Garmin 手錶錶面及心率支援 @buessow -- 新標誌 @thiagomsoares -- 新錶面 @Philoul -- 修復了 3.1 版本的許多問題 -- 允許在更多地方添加筆記 @Sergey Zorchenko -- UI 修復 @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Andries-Smit @yodax @Philoul @dv1 @paravoid -- 新的 SMS 指令 LOOP LGS/CLOSED @pzadroga -- WearOS 翻譯 @Andries-Smit -- xDrip 通訊移至獨立模塊 @MilosKozak -- 內部變更:更新的庫版本,rx3 遷移,新模塊結構 @MilosKozak -- Diaconn 驅動修復 @miyeongkim -- 更多資料庫維護選項 @MilosKozak -- AAPSClient 提供主要手機是否已接入電源的訊息 @MilosKozak -- BolusWizard 的更改。 如果 CGM 不可用,則忽略百分比(即使用 100%) -- 遷移到 kts 構建系統 @MilosKozak -- 改進的 CI 集成 @MilosKozak @buessow -- 測試清理 @ryanhaining @MilosKozak -- 新增 110,000 行代碼,修改 240,000 行代碼,修改 6,884 個文件 - -(使用 v3 與 v1 API 進行 Nightscout 和 AAPS 資料交換的重要說明)= -### 使用 v3 與 v1 API 進行 Nightscout 和 AAPS 資料交換的重要說明 - -v1 是用於在 NS 網站和 NS 伺服器之間交換資料的舊協議。 它有許多限制 -- v1 僅發送 2 天的資料 -- 每次重新連線時,v1 都會發送所有 2 天的資料 -- 使用 websockets 是必須的 = 持續連線,更多的電量消耗 -- 在頻繁中斷連線時,NS 連線會暫停 15 分鐘,以防止高資料使用量 - -v3 是新的協議。 更加安全和高效 -- 使用令牌可以更好地定義查看權限 -- 協議在 AAPS 和 NS 兩端都更高效 -- 它可以從 NS 讀取長達 3 個月的資料 -- 您可以選擇是否在每個設備上使用 websockets(使用意味著更快的更新,不使用意味著更低的電量消耗,但更新速度較慢,即數分鐘) -- NSClient 在中斷連線時不會暫停 - -限制 -- NS 15 必須與 AAPS 3.2 一起使用 -- v3 不會看到由 v1 協議完成的更新(可能會在未來的 NS 版本中解決) -- 反過來,因為追蹤變更的方法效率低下,v1 能看到由 v3 完成的變更 -- 請記住,NS 目前仍在內部使用 v1,因此如果您使用 v3,則無法透過 NS 網頁 UI 輸入資料。 如果您想遠端輸入資料,必須使用 AAPSClient 的 SMS 功能 - -推薦設置 -- 基於以上所有原因,您應選擇一種方法並在所有設備上使用它(記住,撰寫本文時,所有其他上傳器都在使用 v1)。 如果您決定使用 v3,請在 AAPS 和所有 AAPSClients 中選擇 v3 -- v3 更具效率,因此是首選 -- 使用或不使用 v3 中的 websockets 取決於您的偏好 -- 強烈建議讓 AAPS 收集所有資料,然後將其作為單一上傳器上傳到 NS。 所有其他設備/應用程式應僅從 NS 讀取資料。 這樣可以防止衝突和同步錯誤。 這對於使用 Dexcom Share 連線器等將血糖資料上傳到 NS 也適用。 - -## 版本 3.1.0 - -發布日期:2022-07-19 +- Use AAPS version **2.6.2** +- Download AAPS Code from branch 2.6.2 + +## WearOS version + +- AAPS 3.2 requires at least WearOS API level 28 (Android 9) + +## Version dedicated to @Philoul + +Release date: 23-10-2023 + +### Important hints + +- NS 15 is required +- While using websockets in NS v3 plugin treatments entered through NS UI (plus button) and other applications using v1 API are not sent to AAPS. This will be fixed in future release of NS. Always use the same client (v1 or v3) in AAPS and AAPSClient until NS fully switch to v3 internaly. The same is valid for AAPS and AAPSClient itself. +- Websockets in v3 plugin works similiar way to v1 plugin. Without websockets enabled AAPS schedules regularly downloads from NS which should lead to lower power consumption because NS is not permanently connected. On the oposite side it means delays in exchanging data. Please read [here](Important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-API-for-Nightscout-with-AAPS) the important comments from the dev team before you use it! +- If you are using xdrip as cgm source you must select it again after update due to internal changes +- Tidepool can be used as a replacement of NS to pass first objective +- If you send to xDrip+ you must configure xDrip synchronization plugin. In order to receive BGs from AAPS in xDrip, “xDrip+ Sync Follower” must be selected as source +- If you want to switch to ComboV2 driver, Ruffy must be uninstalled and pump paired again to AAPS +- In order to use DynISF plugin you have to start Objective 11 (all previous must be in finished state to allow start of 11) + + +### Changes + +- EOPatch2 / GlucomenDay pump driver @jungsomyeonggithub @MilosKozak +- ComboV2 pump driver (no need of Ruffy) @dv1 +- Medtrum Nano driver @jbr7rr +- Korean DanaI support @MilosKozak +- Glunovo CGM support @christinadamianou +- G7 support @MilosKozak @rICTx-T1D @khskekec +- NSClient v3 plugin @MilosKozak +- Tidepool support @MilosKozak +- Smoothing plugin @MilosKozak, @justmara, Exponential smoothing @nichi (Tsunami), Average smoothing @jbr7rr +- DynamicISF plugin @Chris Wilson, @tim2000s +- Garmin watchface & HeartRate support @buessow +- New logo @thiagomsoares +- New watchface @Philoul +- fixed tons of issues from 3.1 version +- allow add notes on more places @Sergey Zorchenko +- UI fixes @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Andries-Smit @yodax @Philoul @dv1 @paravoid +- new SMS commands LOOP LGS/CLOSED @pzadroga +- wear translations @Andries-Smit +- xdrip communication moved to separate module @MilosKozak +- internal changes: updated libs versions, rx3 migration, new modules structure @MilosKozak +- Diaconn driver fixes @miyeongkim +- more database maintenance options @MilosKozak +- AAPSClient provides info if main phone is plugged in electricity @MilosKozak +- Change in BolusWizard. If CGM is not available percentage is ignored (ie 100% is used) +- migration to kts build system @MilosKozak +- improved CI integration @MilosKozak @buessow +- tests cleaup @ryanhaining @MilosKozak +- new 110k+ lines of code, changed 240k lines, 6884 changed files + +(Important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-API-for-Nightscout-with-AAPS)= +### Important comments on using v3 versus v1 API for Nightscout with AAPS + +v1 is the old protocol used for exchanging data between NS web site and NS server. It has many limitations +- v1 sends only 2 days of data +- v1 send all 2 days data on every reconnection +- using websockets is mandatory = permanent connection, more battery compsumption +- during frequent disconnects to NS connection is paused for 15 minutes to prevent high data usage + +v3 is new protocol. More safe and efficient +- while using tokens you can better define access rights +- protocol is more efficient on both sides (AAPS & NS) +- It can read up to 3 months of data from NS +- you can choose to use or to not use websockets on every device (using means faster updates, not using means lower power compsumption, but slower updates ie. minutes) +- NSClient is not paused on disconnections + +LIMITATIONS +- NS 15 must be used with AAPS 3.2 +- v3 doesn't see updates done by v1 protocol (probably it will be resolved in some future version of NS) +- in opposite because of old uneffective method of tracking changes v1 see changes done by v3 +- remember NS still uses v1 internaly so far thus is not possible to enter data through NS web UI if you are using v3. You must use AAPSClient on SMS if you want enter data remotely + +RECOMMENDED SETTING +- because of all above you should choose only one method and use it on all devices (remember all other uploaders at time of writing this are using v1). If you decide to go to v3, select v3 in AAPS and all AAPSClients +- v3 is preffered because of efficiency +- using websockets or not using with v3 depends on your preference +- it HIGHLY recommended to let AAPS gather all data and then upload it to NS as a single uploader. All other devices/applications should only read from NS. By doing it you'll prevent conflicts and sync errors. This is valid for getting BG data to NS using Dexcom Share connector etc. too + +## Version 3.1.0 + +Release date: 19-07-2022 (Releasenotes-important-hints-3-1-0)= -### 重要提示 +### Important hints -- 更新後,請卸載 Wear 應用並安裝新版本 -- Omnipod 使用者:在更換 Pod 時更新!!! +- after update uninstall Wear app and install new version +- Omnipod users: update on pod change !!! -### 變更 +### Changes -- 修復了 3.0 版本中的問題 -- 修復應用程式凍結問題 @MilosKozak -- 修復 DASH 驅動 @avereha -- 修復 Dana 驅動 @MilosKozak -- 巨大的 UI 改進、清理和統一,遷移到 Material Design、樣式、白色主題、新圖示。 @Andries-Smit @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Philoul -- 小工具 @MilosKozak -- Aidex CGM 支援 @andyrozman @markvader(僅 Pumpcontrol) -- Watch `Wear OS 磚塊 <../Configuration/Configuration/Watchfaces.mdl#wear-os-tiles>`,翻譯 @Andries-Smit -- Wear 代碼重構。 不再向後相容 @MilosKozak -- a11y 改進 @Andries-Smit -- 新保護選項 PIN @Andries-Smit -- 允許從選單調整圖表比例 @MilosKozak -- 更多統計資料可用 @MilosKozak -- MDI 外掛已被 VirtualPump 取代 -- 新的自動化操作:StopProcessing(遵循規則) +- fixed issues from 3.0 version +- fix application freezing @MilosKozak +- fixed DASH driver @avereha +- fixed Dana drivers @MilosKozak +- huge UI improvement, cleanup and unification, migration to material design, styles, white theme, new icons. @Andries-Smit @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Philoul +- widget @MilosKozak +- Aidex CGM support @andyrozman @markvader (Pumpcontrol only) +- Watch `Wear OS tiles <../Configuration/Configuration/Watchfaces.mdl#wear-os-tiles>`, translations @Andries-Smit +- Wear code refactored. Not backward compatible anymore @MilosKozak +- a11y improvements @Andries-Smit +- new protection option PIN @Andries-Smit +- allow graph scale from menu @MilosKozak +- more statistics available @MilosKozak +- MDI plugin removed in favor of VirtualPump +- new automation action: StopProcessing (following rules) -## 版本 3.0.0 +## Version 3.0.0 -發布日期:2022-01-31 +Release date: 31-01-2022 (Releasenotes-important-hints-3-0-0)= -### 重要提示 +### Important hints -- **最低 Android 版本現在為 9.0。** -- **資料未遷移到新資料庫。** 請勿抱怨,這是非常大的變更,因此無法遷移。 因此,更新後 IOB、COB、治療等資料將被清除。 您必須建立新的 [設定檔切換](../Usage/,並從零開始 IOB 和 COB。 請謹慎規劃更新!!! 最好在無活動胰島素和碳水化合物的情況下進行更新。 -- 請使用相同版本的 AAPS 和 NSClient +- **Minimum Android version is 9.0 now.** +- **Data is not migrated to new database.** Do not complain, it's so huge change so it's simply not possible. Thus after update IOB, COB, treatments etc. will be cleared. You have to create new [profile switch](../Usage/ and start with zero IOB and COB. Plan the update carefully!!! Best in situation without active insulin and carbs +- Use the same version of AAPS and NSClient -**請確保在更新到 3.0 後根據描述檢查並調整設置** [此處](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +**Make sure to check and adjust settings after updating to 3.0 as described** [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -### 準備步驟 +### Preparation steps -**更新前至少兩天:** +**At least two days before update:** -- 在 Nightscout 中停用 Dexcom 橋 -- 如果您使用 G5/G6 並使用 xDrip 作為收集器,您必須將 xDrip 更新至 2022 年 1 月 14 日之後的夜間版本 -- 如果您使用 G5/G6,建議切換到 BYODA 作為收集器,以利用回溯平滑功能(您仍然可以將 xDrip 用於其他目的,xDrip 可以從 BYODA 接收資料) +- disable Dexcom bridge in Nightscout +- if you are using G5/G6 and xDrip as a collector, you have to update xDrip to a nightly version newer than 14th January 2022 +- if you are using G5/G6 switching to BYODA as collector is recommended to take advantage of back-smoothing (you can still use xDrip for other purposes, xDrip can receive data from BYODA) -### 變更 +### Changes -- 更改了 100k 行代碼,新增了 105k 行代碼 +- 100k lines changed, 105k new lines of code -- [Omnipod DASH 支援](../Configuration/ @AdrianLxM @avereha @bartsopers @vanelsberg +- [Omnipod DASH support](../Configuration/ @AdrianLxM @avereha @bartsopers @vanelsberg -- [Dana-i 支援](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak +- [Dana-i support](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak -- [DiaconnG8 支援](../Configuration/ +- [DiaconnG8 support](../Configuration/ -- Glunovo 支援 +- Glunovo support -- 內部資料庫升級到 Room @MilosKozak @Tebbe @AdrianLxm @Philoul @andyrozman +- Internal database upgraded to Room @MilosKozak @Tebbe @AdrianLxm @Philoul @andyrozman -- 大量代碼重寫為 Kotlin @MilosKozak +- Lot of code rewritten to Kotlin @MilosKozak -- 為幫浦驅動新增內部介面 +- New internal interface for pump drivers -- NSClient 重寫以獲得更好的同步和更詳細的自訂功能 @MilosKozak +- NSClient rewritten for better synchronization and more detailed customization @MilosKozak - - 不允許從 NS 刪除記錄(僅能透過 NSClient 使其無效) - - 不允許從 NS 修改記錄 - - 無需工程模式即可使用同步設置(適用於父母) - - 可以重新同步資料 + - Record deletion from NS is not allowed (only invalidation through NSClient) + - Record modification from NS is not allowed + - Sync setting available without engineering mode (for parents) + - Ability to resync data -- 設定檔切換行為變更。 現在區分設定檔切換 *(使用者想要的變更)* 和設定檔變更 *(當幫浦執行變更時)* @MilosKozak @Tebbe +- Profile switch behavior change. Now is distinguished between Profile Switch *(something that user wants)* and Profile change *(when change is executed by pump)* @MilosKozak @Tebbe -- 您可以在建立設定檔切換時啟動臨時目標 @MilosKozak +- You can start activity temporary target during creation of profile switch @MilosKozak -- NS 設定檔已消失,僅可使用本地設定檔。 本地設定檔可以 [同步到 NS](update3_0-nightscout-profile-cannot-be-pushed)。 @MilosKozak。 +- NSProfile is gone, just local profile can be used. Local profile can be [synced to NS](update3_0-nightscout-profile-cannot-be-pushed). @MilosKozak. -- 忘記了 [重置主密碼程序](update3_0-reset-master-password) @MilosKozak +- Forgotten [master password reset procedure](update3_0-reset-master-password) @MilosKozak -- 使用者操作追蹤 @Philoul +- User actions tracing @Philoul -- 新自動化 TempTargetValue 觸發器 @Philoul +- New automation TempTargetValue trigger @Philoul -- 新自動化 Careportal 動作 @Philoul +- New automation Careportal action @Philoul -- 在碳水化合物對話框中添加注射提醒 @Philoul +- Add Bolus reminder in Carbs Dialog @Philoul -- 注射精靈改進 +- Bolus Wizard improvement -- UI 改進 @MilosKozak +- UI improvements @MilosKozak -- 新的使用者按鈕自動化 @MilosKozak +- New user buttons for automations @MilosKozak -- 新的自動化佈局 @MilosKozak +- New automation layout @MilosKozak -- 歷史瀏覽器已更新並修復 @MilosKozak +- History browser updated and fixed @MilosKozak -- 已移除目標 9 @MilosKozak +- Objective9 removed @MilosKozak -- 修復了與不穩定 CGM 資料相關的錯誤 @MilosKozak +- Fixed bug associated to unstable CGM data @MilosKozak -- DanaR 和 DanaRS 通訊改進 @MilosKozak +- DanaR and DanaRS communication improvement @MilosKozak -- CircleCI 集成 @MilosKozak +- CircleCI integration @MilosKozak -- 文件位置變更: +- Files location change: - - /AAPS/extra(工程模式) + - /AAPS/extra (engineering mode) - /AAPS/logs /AAPS/exports - /AAPS/preferences -## 版本 2.8.2 +## Version 2.8.2 -發布日期:2021-01-23 +Release date: 23-01-2021 -- 請參閱下面的 [ 版本的重要提示](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1)。 +- Please see also [important hints for version](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1) below. -### 變更 +### Changes -- 穩定性改進 -- 更多針對 Android 8+ 的調整 -- 改進的圖示 -- 手錶改進 -- NSClient 修復 -- 注射建議器現在與 Pumpcontrol 和 NSClient 一起工作 +- stability improvements +- more tweaking for Android 8+ +- improved icons +- watch improvements +- NSClient fixes +- Bolus advisor now works with Pumpcontrol and NSClient -## 版本 +## Version -發布日期:2021-01-12 +Release date: 12-01-2021 -(重要提示 -### 重要提示 +(important-hints-2-8-1-1) +### Important hints -- 已為所有 2.8.1 使用者強制開啟選項 **NS_UPLOAD_ONLY**。 -- 如果您使用 NSClient 輸入 TT、碳水化合物或設定檔切換,您必須在 AAPS 中將其關閉,但 **僅在您的同步運作良好時**(例如,您沒有看到不需要的資料變更,如 TT、TBR 的自我修改等)。 -- 注意:如果您有其他應用程式處理治療(例如 xDrip 廣播/上傳/同步...),請勿這樣做。 -- 只能在啟用工程模式時關閉 NS_UPLOAD_ONLY。 +- Option **NS_UPLOAD_ONLY** has been forced ON for all 2.8.1 users. +- If you use NSClient to enter TT, carbs or profile switches you must turn it off in AAPS but **only in case your synchronization is working well** (ie. you don't see unwanted data changes like self modification of TT, TBR etc). +- ATTENTION: DO NOT do this if you have any other app handle treatments ( like xDrip broadcast/upload/sync...). +- NS_UPLOAD_ONLY can only be turned off if engineering mode is enabled. -### 重大變更 +### Major changes -- RileyLink、Omnipod 和 MDT 幫浦改進和修復 -- 強制 NS_UPLOAD_ONLY -- SMB 和 Dexcom 應用的修復 -- 手錶錶面修復 -- 崩潰報告改進 -- Gradle 回退以允許直接安裝手錶錶面 -- 自動化修復 -- RS 驅動改進 -- 修復了各種崩潰 -- UI 修復和改進 -- 新增翻譯 +- RileyLink, Omnipod and MDT pump improvements and fixes +- forced NS_UPLOAD_ONLY +- fix for SMB & Dexcom app +- watchface fixes +- crash reporting improved +- gradle reverted to allow direct watchface instalation +- automation fixes +- RS driver improvement +- various crashes fixed +- UI fixes and improvements +- new translations (Releasenotes-version-2-8-0)= -## 版本 2.8.0 - -發布日期:2021-01-01 - -### 重要提示 - -- **最低 Android 版本現在為 8.0。** 對於較舊的 Android 版本,您仍然可以使用舊倉庫中的 版本。 -- [目標已更改。](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) **請在更新前完成未完成的目標。** -- 儲存庫位置仍在 。 如果您不熟悉 git,最簡單的更新方式是刪除 AAPS 目錄並進行 [新複製](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -- 請使用 [Android Studio 4.1.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 - -### 主要新功能 - -- [Omnipod Eros 支援](../Configuration/ @bartsopers @andyrozman @ktomy @samspycher @TeleRiddler @vanelsberg @eurenda,特別感謝 @ps2 @itsmojo 以及所有參與 Omnipod Loop 驅動程序的人,還有 @jlucasvt 來自 -- [注射建議器](Preferences-bolus-advisor) 和 [用餐提醒](Screenshots-eating-reminder) @MilosKozak -- [新手錶錶面](Watchfaces-new-watchface-as-of-AAPS-2-8) @rICTx-T1D -- Dana RS 連線改進 @MilosKozak -- 移除了 Dexcom 原生應用中 SMB 的「未變更 CGM 值」行為 -- 新 [低解析度外觀](Preferences-skin) -- 新 [「孕婦」病患類型](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) @Brian Quinion -- 新的 NSClient 平板佈局 @MilosKozak -- NSClient 直接從主 AAPS 傳輸胰島素、敏感度和顯示設置 @MilosKozak -- [偏好設定篩選器](../Configuration/ @Brian Quinion -- 新幫浦圖示 @Rig22 @teleriddler @osodebailar -- 新 [Lyumjev 胰島素類型](Config-Builder-lyumjev) -- 設定嚮導改進 @MilosKozak -- 安全性改進 @dlvoy -- 各種改進和修復 @AdrianLxM @Philoul @swissalpine @MilosKozak @Brian Quinion +## Version 2.8.0 + +Release date: 01-01-2021 + +### Important hints + +- **Minimum Android version is 8.0 now.** For older Android versions you can still use from old repo. +- [Objectives have changed.](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) **Finish not completed objectives before update.** +- Repository location still on . If you are not familiar with git the easiest way for update is remove directory with AAPS and do a [new clone](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- Please use [Android Studio 4.1.1]( or newer to build the apk. + +### Major new features + +- [Omnipod Eros support](../Configuration/ @bartsopers @andyrozman @ktomy @samspycher @TeleRiddler @vanelsberg @eurenda and special thanks to @ps2 @itsmojo, everybody else involved in the Loop driver for Omnipod and @jlucasvt from +- [bolus advisor](Preferences-bolus-advisor) & [eating reminder](Screenshots-eating-reminder) @MilosKozak +- [New watchface](Watchfaces-new-watchface-as-of-AAPS-2-8) @rICTx-T1D +- Dana RS connection improvements @MilosKozak +- Removed "Unchanged CGM values" behavior in SMB for Dexcom native app +- New [Low Ressolution Skin](Preferences-skin) +- New ["Pregnant" patient type](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) @Brian Quinion +- New NSClient tablet layout @MilosKozak +- NSClient transfer insulin, senstivity and display settings directly from main AAPS @MilosKozak +- [Preferences filter](../Configuration/ @Brian Quinion +- New pump icons @Rig22 @@teleriddler @osodebailar +- New [insulin type Lyumjev](Config-Builder-lyumjev) +- SetupWizard improvements @MilosKozak +- Security improvements @dlvoy +- Various improvements and fixes @AdrianLxM @Philoul @swissalpine @MilosKozak @Brian Quinion (Releasenotes-version-2-7-0)= -## 版本 2.7.0 - -發布日期:2020-09-24 - -**請確保在更新至 2.7 後檢查並調整設置,如 [此處](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 所述。** - -您至少需要開始 [目標 11(在後續版本中為目標 10)](Objectives-objective-10-automation) 才能繼續使用 [自動化功能](../Usage/所有之前的目標必須完成,否則無法開始目標 11)。 例如,如果您尚未完成 [目標 3](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) 的測驗,則必須完成測驗後才能開始 [目標 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation)。 這不會影響您已完成的其他目標。 您將保留所有已完成的目標! - -### 主要新功能 - -- 內部使用依賴注入,更新庫,代碼重寫為 Kotlin @MilosKozak @AdrianLxM -- 使用模組用於 Dana 幫浦 @MilosKozak -- [新佈局,佈局選擇](../Getting-Started/ @MilosKozak -- 新 [狀態燈佈局](Preferences-status-lights) @MilosKozak -- [多圖表支援](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) @MilosKozak -- [設定檔助手](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak -- 可視化 [動態目標調整](Screenshots-visualization-of-dynamic-target-adjustment) @Tornado-Tim -- 新 [偏好設定佈局](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak -- SMB 算法更新 @Tornado-Tim -- [低血糖暫停模式](Preferences-aps-mode) @Tornado-Tim -- [需要碳水化合物的通知](Preferences-carb-required-notification) @twain47 @Tornado-Tim -- 移除了 Careportal(移至操作) @MilosKozak -- [新的加密備份格式](../Usage/ @dlvoy -- [新 SMS TOTP 認證](../Children/ @dlvoy -- [新 SMS 幫浦連線、斷線指令](SMS-Commands-commands) @Lexsus -- 更好地支援 Dana 幫浦上的小基礎率 @Mackwe -- 小型 Insight 修復 @TebbeUbben @MilosKozak -- [「預設語言」選項](Preferences-general) @MilosKozak -- 矢量圖示 @Philoul -- [為 MDT 幫浦設置中性暫停](MedtronicPump-configuration-of-the-pump) @Tornado-Tim -- 歷史瀏覽器改進 @MilosKozak -- 移除了 OpenAPS MA 算法 @Tornado-Tim -- 移除了 Oref0 敏感度 @Tornado-Tim -- [為設置、注射啟用生物識別或密碼保護](Preferences-protection) @MilosKozak -- [新的自動化觸發器](../Usage/ @PoweRGbg -- [Open Humans 上傳器](../Configuration/ @TebbeUbben @AdrianLxM -- 新文檔 @Achim +## Version 2.7.0 + +Release date: 24-09-2020 + +**Make sure to check and adjust settings after updating to 2.7 as described** [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ + +You need at least start [objective 11 (in later versions objective 10!)](Objectives-objective-10-automation) in order to continue using [Automation feature](../Usage/ (all previous objectives must be completed otherwise starting Objective 11 is not possible). If for example you did not finish the exam in [objective 3](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) yet, you will have to complete the exam before you can start [objective 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation). This will not effect other objectives you have already finished. You will keep all finished objectives! + +### Major new features + +- internal use of dependency injection, updates libraries, code rewritten to kotlin @MilosKozak @AdrianLxM +- using modules for Dana pumps @MilosKozak +- [new layout, layout selection](../Getting-Started/ @MilosKozak +- new [status lights layout](Preferences-status-lights) @MilosKozak +- [multiple graphs support](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) @MilosKozak +- [Profile helper](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak +- visualization of [dynamic target adjustment](Screenshots-visualization-of-dynamic-target-adjustment) @Tornado-Tim +- new [preferences layout](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak +- SMB algorithm update @Tornado-Tim +- [Low glucose suspend mode](Preferences-aps-mode) @Tornado-Tim +- [carbs required notifications](Preferences-carb-required-notification) @twain47 @Tornado-Tim +- removed Careportal (moved to Actions) @MilosKozak +- [new encrypted backup format](../Usage/ @dlvoy +- [new SMS TOTP authentication](../Children/ @dlvoy +- [new SMS PUMP CONNECT, DISCONNECT](SMS-Commands-commands) commands @Lexsus +- better support for tiny basals on Dana pumps @Mackwe +- small Insight fixes @TebbeUbben @MilosKozak +- ["Default language" option](Preferences-general) @MilosKozak +- vector icons @Philoul +- [set neutral temps for MDT pump](MedtronicPump-configuration-of-the-pump) @Tornado-Tim +- History browser improvements @MilosKozak +- removed OpenAPS MA algorithm @Tornado-Tim +- removed Oref0 sensitivity @Tornado-Tim +- [Biometric or password protection](Preferences-protection) for settings, bolus @MilosKozak +- [new automation trigger](../Usage/ @PoweRGbg +- [Open Humans uploader](../Configuration/ @TebbeUbben @AdrianLxM +- New documentation @Achim (Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)= -## 版本 +## Version -發布日期:2020-05-04 +Release date: 04-05-2020 -請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 +Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- Insight:停用針對韌體版本 3 的注射震動 - 第二次嘗試 -- 除此之外,與 相同。 更新是可選的。 +- Insight: Disable vibration on bolus for firmware version 3 - second attempt +- Otherwise is equal to Update is optional. -## 版本 +## Version -發布日期:2020-05-03 +Release date: 03-05-2020 -請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 +Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- Insight:停用針對韌體版本 3 的注射震動 -- 除此之外,與 相同。 更新是可選的。 +- Insight: Disable vibration on bolus for firmware version 3 +- Otherwise is equal to Update is optional. -## 版本 +## Version -發布日期:2020-04-19 +Release date: 19-04-2020 -請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 +Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- 修復 Insight 服務崩潰 -- 除此之外,與 相同。 如果您未受到此錯誤的影響,則不需要升級。 +- Fix crashing in Insight service +- Otherwise is equal to If you are not affected by this bug you don't need to upgrade. -## 版本 +## Version -發布日期:2020-04-06 +Release date: 06-04-2020 -請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 +Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- 解決了使用 Combo 幫浦時 SMS CARBS 指令的問題 -- 除此之外,與 2.6.1 相同。 如果您未受到此錯誤的影響,則不需要升級。 +- Resolves SMS CARBS command issue while using Combo pump +- Otherwise is equal to 2.6.1. If you are not affected by this bug you don't need to upgrade. -## 版本 2.6.1 +## Version 2.6.1 -發布日期:2020-03-21 +Release date: 21-03-2020 -請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 +Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- 允許在 NSClient 設置中僅輸入 `https://` -- 修復 [血糖影響](../Getting-Started/ 在手錶上的顯示錯誤 -- 修復小型 UI 錯誤 -- 修復 Insight 崩潰 -- 修復 Combo 幫浦的未來碳水化合物問題 -- 修復 [本地設定檔 -> NS 同步](Config-Builder-upload-local-profiles-to-nightscout) -- Insight 警報改進 -- 改進了從幫浦歷史中檢測注射的功能 -- 修復 NSClient 連線設置(Wi-Fi、充電) -- 修復向 xDrip 發送校準的問題 +- Allow to enter only `https://` in NSClient settings +- Fixed [BGI](../Getting-Started/ displaying bug on watches +- Fixed small UI bugs +- Fixed Insight crashes +- Fixed future carbs with Combo pump +- Fixed [LocalProfile -> NS sync](Config-Builder-upload-local-profiles-to-nightscout) +- Insight alerts improvements +- Improved detection of boluses from pump history +- Fixed NSClient connection settings (wifi, charging) +- Fixed sending of calibrations to xDrip (Releasenotes-version-2-6-0)= -## 版本 2.6.0 +## Version 2.6.0 -發布日期:2020-02-29 +Release date: 29-02-2020 -請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 +Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- 小設計更改(首頁...) +- Small design changes (startpage...) -- 移除了 Careportal 標籤/選單 - 更多細節請見 [這裡](../Usage/ +- Careportal tab / menu removed - more details [here](../Usage/ -- 新的[本地設定檔外掛](Config-Builder-local-profile) +- New [Local Profile plugin](Config-Builder-local-profile) - - 本地設定檔可以包含多個配置 - - 設定檔可以被複製和編輯 - - 能夠將設定檔上傳到 NS - - 舊的設定檔切換可以複製到新的本地設定檔中(應用時間移動和百分比) - - 目標的垂直號碼選擇器 + - Local profile can hold more than 1 profile + - Profiles can be cloned and edited + - Ability of upload profiles to NS + - Old profile switches can be cloned to new profile in LocalProfile (timeshift and percentage is applied) + - Veritical NumberPicker for targets -- 移除了 SimpleProfile +- SimpleProfile is removed -- [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only)功能 - 閉環將被停用 +- [Extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) feature - closed loop will be disabled -- MDT 外掛:修復了重複條目錯誤 +- MDT plugin: Fixed bug with duplicated entries -- 單位不再在設定檔中指定,而是全域設置 +- Units are not specified in profile but it's global setting -- 將新設置添加到啟動嚮導中 +- Added new settings to startup wizard -- 不同的 UI 和內部改進 +- Different UI and internal improvements -- [Wear OS 複雜功能](../Configuration/ +- [Wear complications](../Configuration/ -- 新的 [SMS 指令](../Children/ BOLUS-MEAL、SMS、CARBS、TARGET、HELP +- New [SMS commands](../Children/ BOLUS-MEAL, SMS, CARBS, TARGET, HELP -- 修復語言支援 +- Fixed language support -- 目標:[允許返回](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives),時間抓取對話框 +- Objectives: [Allow to go back](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives), Time fetching dialog -- 自動化:[允許排序](Automation-sort-automation-rules) +- Automation: [allow sorting](Automation-sort-automation-rules) -- 自動化:修復了在停用循環時自動化仍在運作的錯誤 +- Automation: fixed bug when automation was running with disabled loop -- Combo 新狀態行 +- New status line for Combo -- GlucoseStatus 改進 +- GlucoseStatus improvement -- 修復 TempTarget 的 NS 同步問題 +- Fixed TempTarget NS sync -- 新增統計活動 +- New statistics activity -- 允許在開環模式中進行延長注射 +- Allow Extended bolus in open loop mode -- 支援 Android 10 鬧鐘 +- Android 10 alarm support -- 大量新翻譯 +- Tons on new translations -## 版本 2.5.1 +## Version 2.5.1 -發布日期:2019-10-31 +Release date: 31-10-2019 -請注意 [重要說明](Releasenotes-important-notes-2-5-0) 和 [限制](Releasenotes-is-this-update-for-me-currently-is-not-supported),適用於[版本 2.5.0](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0)。 修復了網絡狀態接收器中的錯誤,該錯誤會導致許多崩潰(雖然不會很嚴重,但會浪費很多能量來重新計算)。 新版本控制,允許進行小更新而不會觸發更新通知。 +Please note the [important notes](Releasenotes-important-notes-2-5-0) and [limitations](Releasenotes-is-this-update-for-me-currently-is-not-supported) listed for [version 2.5.0](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0). \* Fixed a bug in the network state receiver that lead to crashes with many (not critical but would waste a lot of energy re-calculating things). \* New versioning that will allow to do minor updates without triggering the update-notification. (Releasenotes-version-2-5-0)= -## 版本 2.5.0 +## Version 2.5.0 -發布日期:2019-10-26 +Release date: 26-10-2019 (Releasenotes-important-notes-2-5-0)= -### 重要提示 +### Important notes -- 請使用 [Android Studio 3.5.1]( 或更新版本來 [構建 apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 或 [更新](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.html)。 -- 如果您使用 xDrip,必須設置[識別接收器](xdrip-identify-receiver)。 -- 如果您使用帶有修補版的 Dexcom G6 應用,您將需要 [2.4 資料夾](中的版本。 -- Glimp 支援版本 4.15.57 及更新版本。 +- Please use [Android Studio Version 3.5.1]( or newer to [build the apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ or [update](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.html). +- If you are using xDrip [identify receiver](xdrip-identify-receiver) must be set. +- If you are using Dexcom G6 with the patched Dexcom app you will need the version from the [2.4 folder]( +- Glimp is supported from version 4.15.57 and newer. (Releasenotes-is-this-update-for-me-currently-is-not-supported)= -### 這次更新適合我嗎? 目前不支援 +### Is this update for me? Currently is NOT supported -- Android 5 及更低版本 +- Android 5 and lower - Poctech - 600SeriesUploader -- 從 2.3 目錄中修補版的 Dexcom +- Patched Dexcom from 2.3 directory -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- targetSDK 內部更改為 28(Android 9),支援 Jetpack -- 支援 RxJava2、Okhttp3、Retrofit -- 舊 [Medtronic 幫浦](../Configuration/支援(需要 RileyLink) -- 新 [自動化外掛](../Usage/ -- 允許從注射建議器計算中 [只注射部分](Preferences-advanced-settings-overview)劑量 -- 呈現胰島素活動 -- 根據 Autosens 結果調整 IOB 預測 -- 新的修補版 Dexcom apks 支援([2.4 資料夾]( -- 簽章驗證器 -- 允許 OpenAPS 使用者繞過目標 -- 新的 [目標](../Usage/ - 測驗、應用處理 (如果您在早期版本中至少開始了「開放循環」目標,測驗是可選的。) -- 修復了 Dana\* 驅動中的錯誤,該錯誤會報告錯誤的時間差 -- 修復了 [SMS 通訊器](../Children/中的錯誤 +- Internal change of targetSDK to 28 (Android 9), jetpack support +- RxJava2, Okhttp3, Retrofit support +- Old [Medtronic pumps](../Configuration/ support (RileyLink need) +- New [Automation plugin](../Usage/ +- Allow to [bolus only part](Preferences-advanced-settings-overview) from bolus wizard calculation +- Rendering insulin activity +- Adjusting IOB predictions by autosens result +- New support for patched Dexcom apks ([2.4 folder]( +- Signature verifier +- Allow to bypass objectives for OpenAPS users +- New [objectives](../Usage/ - exam, application handling (If you started at least objective "Starting on an open loop" in previous versions exam is optional.) +- Fixed bug in Dana\* drivers where false time difference was reported +- Fixed bug in [SMS communicator](../Children/ -## 版本 2.3 +## Version 2.3 -發布日期:2019-04-25 +Release date: 25-04-2019 -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- Insight 的重要安全修復(如果您使用 Insight,這真的很重要!) -- 修復歷史瀏覽器 -- 修復 delta 計算 -- 語言更新 -- 檢查 GIT 並在 Gradle 升級時發出警告 -- 更多自動測試 -- 修復 AlarmSound 服務中的潛在崩潰問題(感謝 @lee-b!) -- 修復血糖資料廣播(現在獨立於 SMS 權限運作!) -- 新增版本檢查器 +- Important safety fix for Insight (really important if you use Insight!) +- Fix History-Browser +- Fix delta calculations +- Language updates +- Check for GIT and warn on gradle upgrade +- More automatic testing +- Fixing potential crash in AlarmSound Service (thanks @lee-b !) +- Fix broadcast of BG data (works independently of SMS permission now!) +- New Version-Checker -## 版本 2.2.2 +## Version 2.2.2 -發布日期:2019-04-07 +Release date: 07-04-2019 -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- Autosens 修復:停用 TT 時提升/降低目標 -- 新增翻譯 -- Insight 驅動修復 -- SMS 外掛修復 +- Autosens fix: deactivate TT raises/lowers target +- New translations +- Insight driver fixes +- SMS plugin fix -## 版本 2.2 +## Version 2.2 -發布日期:2019-03-29 +Release date: 29-03-2019 -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- [DST 修復](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) -- Wear 更新 -- [SMS 外掛](../Children/更新 -- 目標中返回。 -- 如果手機磁碟已滿則停止循環 +- [DST fix](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) +- Wear Update +- [SMS plugin](../Children/ update +- Go back in objectives. +- Stop loop if phone disk is full -## 版本 2.1 +## Version 2.1 -發布日期:2019-03-03 +Release date: 03-03-2019 -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ 支援(由 Tebbe Ubben 和 JamOrHam) -- 主螢幕上的狀態燈(Nico Schmitz) -- 夏令時幫助器(Roumen Georgiev) -- 修復來自 NS 的個人設定名稱處理問題(Johannes Mockenhaupt) -- 修復 UI 阻塞(Johannes Mockenhaupt) -- 支援更新的 G5 應用(Tebbe Ubben 和 Milos Kozak) -- G6、Poctech、Tomato、Eversense血糖資料來源支援(Tebbe Ubben 和 Milos Kozak) -- 修復偏好設置中停用 SMB 的問題(Johannes Mockenhaupt) +- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ support (by Tebbe Ubben and JamOrHam) +- Status lights on main screen (Nico Schmitz) +- Daylight saving time helper (Roumen Georgiev) +- Fix processing profile names comming from NS (Johannes Mockenhaupt) +- Fix UI blocking (Johannes Mockenhaupt) +- Support for updated G5 app (Tebbe Ubben and Milos Kozak) +- G6, Poctech, Tomato, Eversense BG source support (Tebbe Ubben and Milos Kozak) +- Fixed disabling SMB from preferences (Johannes Mockenhaupt) -### 其他事項 +### Misc -- 如果您使用非預設的 `smbmaxminutes` 值,則必須再次設置此值 +- If you are using non default `smbmaxminutes` value you have to setup this value again -## 版本 2.0 +## Version 2.0 -發布日期:2018-11-03 +Release date: 03-11-2018 -### 主要新功能 +### Major new features -- oref1/SMB 支援([oref1 文件](務必閱讀文件,以了解對 SMB 的預期,了解其行為方式、可以實現的功能以及如何使用,以便平穩運作。 -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ 幫浦支援 -- 設定嚮導:引導您完成 AAPS 的設定過程 +- oref1/SMB support ([oref1 documentation]( Be sure to read the documentation to know what to expect of SMB, how it will behave, what it can achieve and how to use it so it can operate smoothly. +- [\_Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ pump support +- Setup wizard: guides you through the process of setting up AAPS (Releasenotes-settings-to-adjust-when-switching-from-ama-to-smb)= -### 切換從 AMA 到 SMB 時需要調整的設置 +### Settings to adjust when switching from AMA to SMB -- 必須啟動目標 10 才能啟用 SMB(SMB 標籤通常顯示適用的限制) +- Objective 10 must be started for SMBs to be enabled (SMB tab generally shows what restrictions apply) -- maxIOB 現在包括所有的 IOB,而不僅僅是增加的基礎率。 也就是說,如果為一頓飯注射了 8 U 胰島素,而 maxIOB 是 7 U,那麼在 IOB 下降到 7 U 以下之前,不會再有 SMB 被執行。 +- maxIOB now includes \_all\_ IOB, not just added basal. That is, if given a bolus of 8 U for a meal and maxIOB is 7 U, no SMBs will be delivered until IOB drops below 7 U. -- min_5m_carbimpact 的預設值從 AMA 的 3 改為 8。 如果您是從 AMA 升級到 SMB,則需要手動更改此設置。 +- min_5m_carbimpact default has changed from 3 to 8 going from AMA to SMB. If you are upgrading from AMA to SMB, you have to change it manually -- 構建 AAPS 2.0 apk 時注意事項:目前版本的 Android Gradle 外掛不支援按需配置! 如果您的構建因「按需配置」的錯誤而失敗,您可以進行以下操作: +- Note when building AAPS 2.0 apk: Configuration on demand is not supported by the current version of the Android Gradle plugin! If your build fails with an error regarding "on demand configuration" you can do the following: - - 透過點擊「文件」>「設置」(在 Mac 上是「Android Studio」>「偏好設定」)打開偏好設定窗口。 - - 在左側窗格中,點擊「構建、執行、部署」>「編譯器」。 - - 取消選中「按需配置」復選框。 - - 點擊「應用」或「確定」。 + - Open the Preferences window by clicking File > Settings (on Mac, Android Studio > Preferences). + - In the left pane, click Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler. + - Uncheck the Configure on demand checkbox. + - Click Apply or OK. (Releasenotes-overview-tab)= -### 概述標籤 +### Overview tab -- 頂部功能區可用於暫停/停用循環、查看/調整個人設定,並開始/停止臨時目標(TT)。 TT 使用偏好設置中設置的預設值。 新的 Hypo TT 選項是一個高溫 TT,用於防止循環過度積極地糾正急救碳水化合物。 -- 治療按鈕:舊的治療按鈕仍可用,但預設情況下被隱藏。 按鈕的可見性現在可以配置。 新的胰島素按鈕、新的碳水化合物按鈕(包括 [eCarbs/延長碳水化合物](../Usage/ -- [彩色預測線](../Getting-Started/Screenshots-prediction-lines) -- 選項可在胰島素/碳水化合物/計算機/注射+填充對話框中顯示筆記字段,這些字段會上傳到 NS -- 更新的注射/填充對話框允許進行注射,並建立護理入口條目以記錄站點更換和藥筒更換 +- Top ribbon gives access to suspend/disable loop, view/adjust profile and to start/stop temporary targets (TTs). TTs use defaults set in preferences. The new Hypo TT option is a high temp TT to prevent the loop from too aggressively overcorrection rescue carbs. +- Treatment buttons: old treatment button still available, but hidden by default. Visibility of buttons can now be configured. New insulin button, new carbs button (including [eCarbs/extended carbs](../Usage/ +- [Colored prediction lines](../Getting-Started/Screenshots-prediction-lines) +- Option to show a notes field in insulin/carbs/calculator/prime+fill dialogs, which are uploaded to NS +- Updated prime/fill dialog allows priming and creating careportal entries for site change and cartridge change -### 手錶 +### Watch -- 單獨的構建變體已被移除,現在包含在常規完整構建中。 要從手錶使用注射控制,請在手機上啟用此設置 -- 嚮導現在只詢問碳水化合物(以及手錶設置中啟用的百分比)。 可以在手機設置中配置計算中包含的參數 -- 確認和訊息對話框現在也適用於 Wear 2.0 -- 新增 eCarbs 選單項目 +- Separate build variant dropped, included in regular full build now. To use bolus controls from watch, enable this setting on the phone +- Wizard now only asks for carbs (and percentage if enabled in watch settings). Which parameters are included in the calculation can be configured in the settings on the phone +- confirmations and info dialogs now work on wear 2.0 as well +- Added eCarbs menu entry -### 新外掛 +### New plugins -- PocTech 應用作為血糖資料來源 -- Dexcom 修補版應用作為血糖資料來源 -- oref1 敏感性外掛 +- PocTech app as BG source +- Dexcom patched app as BG source +- oref1 sensitivity plugin -### 其他事項 +### Misc -- 應用現在使用抽屜顯示所有外掛;在組態建置工具中選擇為可見的外掛將顯示為頂部的標籤(收藏夾) -- 組態建置工具和目標標籤的全面檢查,新增描述 -- 新應用圖示 -- 大量改進和錯誤修復 -- 當幫浦長時間無法使用時(例如幫浦電池耗盡)以及血糖讀取遺失時,本地獨立於 Nightscout 的警報(請參閱設定中的 *本地警報*) -- 選項允許保持螢幕開啟 -- 選項允許將通知顯示為 Android 通知 -- 支援使用 Dexcom 修補版應用或 xDrip G5 原生模式作為血糖資料來源進行高級過濾(允許始終啟用 SMB 並在飯後 6 小時內啟用)。 +- App now uses drawer to show all plugins; plugins selected as visible in config builder are shown as tabs on top (favourites) +- Overhaul for config builder and objectives tabs, adding descriptions +- New app icon +- Lots of improvements and bugfixes +- Nightscout-independent alerts if pump is unreachable for a longer time (e.g. depleted pump battery) and missed BG readings (see *Local alerts* in settings) +- Option to keep screen on +- Option to show notification as Android notification +- Advanced filtering (allowing to always enable SMB and 6h after meals) supported with patched Dexcom app or xDrip with G5 native mode as BG source. From f7f1901d45d09ab6d6a2142c659aab016f072517 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 174/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 70 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index c9e673a6e6cf..01f40e250626 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ -# 安裝 Git +# Install git ## Windows -### 1. 下載 Git +### 1. Download git -- **在 Android Studio 下載多個更新期間,您必須保持線上狀態!** -- 任何版本的 Git 應該都可以正常運作。 例如:[]( -- 請記下安裝路徑。 您將在下一步中需要它。 +- **You have to be online all of the time as Android Studio downloads several updates!** +- Any git version should work. For example []( +- Make sure to note down the installation path. You will need it in the next step. ```{admonition} make git.exe available via Windows PATH :class: note -確保您可以在無需前置路徑的情況下調用 git.exe,因為 Android Studio 需要此來找到 git.exe。 之後會自動正確設置 git.exe 的路徑至 Android Studio 設定中。 +Make sure that you can call git.exe without the prefing path as Android Studio needs this to find git.exe. It will then automatically sets the path to git.exe correct in the Android Studio settings. ``` -![Git 安裝路徑](../images/Update_GitPath.png) +![Git installation path](../images/Update_GitPath.png) -### 2. 在 Android Studio 中設置 Git 路徑 +### 2. Set git path in Android Studio -- 打開「文件」>「設置」 +- Open File > Settings - ![Android Studio - 打開設置](../images/Update_GitSettings1.png) + ![Android Studio - open settings](../images/Update_GitSettings1.png) -- 點擊「版本控制」旁的小三角形(1),以打開子選單。 +- Click the small triangle next to Version Control (1.) to open the sub-menu. -- 點擊「Git」(2)。 +- Click Git (2.). -- 確保選擇了更新方法「合併」(3)。 +- Make sure update method "Merge" (3.) is selected. -- 透過點擊「測試」(4)按鈕檢查 Android Studio 是否可以自動定位到 git.exe 的路徑。 +- Check if Android Studio can locate path to git.exe automatically by clicking the button "Test" (4.) - ![Android Studio 設定](../images/AndroidStudio361_09.png) + ![Android Studio settings](../images/AndroidStudio361_09.png) -- 如果自動設置成功,將顯示 Git 版本。 +- If automatic setting is successful git version will be displayed. -- 在對話框中點擊「確定」(1),然後在設置窗口中點擊「確定」(2)。 +- Click "OK" in the dialog box (1.) and "OK" in the settings window (2.). - ![Git 自動安裝成功](../images/AndroidStudio361_10.png) + ![Automatic git installation succeeded](../images/AndroidStudio361_10.png) -- 如果找不到 git.exe 文件,請在對話框中點擊「確定」(1),然後點擊帶有三個點的按鈕(2)。 +- In case file git.exe cannot be found click "OK" in the dialog box (1.) and then the button with the three dots (2.). -- 如果您不確定它的位置,請使用 Windows 資料夾的[搜索功能](查找 git.exe。 您需要查找位於 bin 資料夾中的 git.exe。 +- Use [search function]( in windows explorer to find "git.exe" if you are unsure where it can be found. You are looking for git.exe located in binfolder. -- 選擇 git.exe 的路徑,並確保您選擇的是 **\\bin\\** 資料夾中的文件(3),然後點擊「確定」(4)。 +- Select path to git.exe and make sure you selected the one in **\\bin\\** folder (3.) and click "OK" (4.). -- 點擊「確定」按鈕關閉設置窗口(5)。 +- Close settings window by clicking "OK" button (5.). - ![Git 自動安裝失敗](../images/AndroidStudio361_11.png) + ![Automatic git installation failed](../images/AndroidStudio361_11.png) -### 3. 重新啟動 +### 3. Reboot -- 重新啟動您的 PC 以更新系統環境。 +- Reboot your PC to update System Environment. (git-install-check-git-settings-in-android-studio)= -### 4. 檢查 Android Studio 中的 Git 設置 +### 4. Check git settings in Android Studio -- 打開 Android Studio 中的終端窗口 +- Open Terminal window in Android Studio -- 輸入`git --version`(不含引號且沒有空格)並按回車鍵 +- Enter `git --version` (without quotation marks and no spaces between the two - \[minus sign\]!) and press Return - ![git --version](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion1.png) + ![git - -version](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion1.png) -- 如果 Git 已正確安裝並連線,您將收到一條類似以下的已安裝版本訊息: +- If git is installed and connected properly you will receive an information about the installed version that looks as follows: - ![git 版本結果](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion2.png) + ![result git-version](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion2.png) ## Mac -- 任何版本的 Git 應該都可以正常運作。 例如:[]( -- 使用 Homebrew 安裝 Git:`` `$ brew install git` ``。 -- 有關安裝 Git 的詳細訊息,請參閱[Git 官方文件](。 -- 如果透過 Homebrew 安裝 Git,則無需更改任何偏好設定。 以防萬一:它們可以在這裡找到:Android Studio - 偏好設定。 +- Any git version should work. For example []( +- Use homebrew to install git: `` `$ brew install git` ``. +- For details on installing git see the [official git documentation]( +- If you install git via homebrew there is no need to change any preferences. Just in case: They can be found here: Android Studio - Preferences. From 2f449309f1064ae4c232a923b05fe276934ff7b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 175/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 86 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 1155be8fdb17..8fef025b0917 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ -# 從 AAPS 2.6 升級後需要進行的必要檢查 +# Necessary checks after update coming from AAPS 2.6 -- 當切換到 AAPS 2.7 時,程式碼進行了顯著更改。 -- 因此,在更新後,請務必進行一些更改或檢查設置。 -- 有關新功能和擴展功能的詳細訊息,請參閱[版本 2.7 的發佈說明](Releasenotes-version-2-7-0)。 +- The program code was changed significantly when switching to AAPS 2.7. +- Therefore it is important that you make some changes or check settings after the update. +- Please see [release notes](Releasenotes-version-2-7-0) for details on new and extended features. -## 檢查血糖資料來源 +## Check BG source -- 更新後檢查血糖資料來源是否正確。 -- 特別是在使用 [xDrip+](../Configuration/ 時,可能會發生血糖資料來源被更改為 Dexcom 應用(已修補)的情況。 -- 打開 [組態建置工具](Config-Builder-bg-source)(主螢幕左上角的漢堡選單) -- 向下滾動至「血糖資料來源」。 -- 如果需要,請選擇正確的血糖資料來源。 +- Check if BG source is correct after update. +- Especially when using [xDrip+](../Configuration/ it might happen, that BG source is changed to Dexcom app (patched). +- Open [Config builder](Config-Builder-bg-source) (hamburger menu on top left side of home screen) +- Scroll down to "BG source". +- Select correct BG source if changes are necessary. -![血糖資料來源](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) +![BG source](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) -## 完成考試 +## Finish exam -- AAPS 2.7 包含新的目標 11(在後來的版本中重新編號為目標 10),用於[自動化](../Usage/。 -- 您必須完成考試([目標 3 和 4](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)),才能完成[目標 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation)。 -- 例如,如果您尚未完成[目標 3](../Usage/Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)中的考試,您必須先完成考試,才能開始[目標 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation)。 -- 這不會影響您已完成的其他目標。 您將保留所有已完成的目標! +- AAPS 2.7 contains new objective 11 (in later versions renumbered to objective 10!) for [automation](../Usage/ +- You have to finish exam ([objective 3 and 4](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)) in order to complete [objective 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation). +- If for example you did not finish the exam in [objective 3](../Usage/Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) yet, you will have to complete the exam before you can start [objective 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation). +- This will not effect other objectives you have already finished. You will keep all finished objectives! -## 設置主密碼 +## Set master password -- 這是必須的,因為自 2.7 版本起,[匯出設定](../Usage/時會加密。 -- 打開「偏好設定」(主螢幕右上角的三點選單) -- 點擊「一般」下方的三角形 -- 點擊「主密碼」 -- 輸入密碼,確認密碼並點擊「確定」。 +- Necessary to be able to [export settings](../Usage/ as they are encrypted as of version 2.7. +- Open Preferences (three-dot-menu on top right of home screen) +- Click triangle below "General" +- Click "Master-Password" +- Enter password, confirm password and click ok. -![設置主密碼](../images/MasterPW.png) +![Set master password](../images/MasterPW.png) -## 匯出設定 +## Export settings -- AAPS 2.7 使用了新的加密備份格式。 -- 更新到 2.7 版本後,您必須[匯出您的設定](../Usage/。 -- 來自以前版本的設定檔只能在 AAPS 2.7 中匯入。 匯出將以新格式進行。 -- 確保將匯出的設定不僅存儲在您的手機上,還應至少存儲在一個安全的地方(您的電腦、雲端存儲等)。 -- 如果您使用與先前版本相同的密鑰庫來構建 AAPS 2.7 apk,則可以安裝新版本而無需刪除舊版本。 -- 所有設定以及已完成的目標將保持與之前版本相同。 -- 如果您遺失了密鑰庫,請使用新密鑰庫來構建 2.7 版本,並按照[疑難解答部分](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore)的說明從舊版本匯入設定。 +- AAPS 2.7 uses a new encrypted backup format. +- You must [export your settings](../Usage/ after updating to version 2.7. +- Settings files from previous versions can only be imported in AAPS 2.7. Export will be in new format. +- Make sure to store your exported settings not only on your phone but also in at least one safe place (your pc, cloud storage...). +- If you build AAPS 2.7 apk with the same keystore than in previous versions you can install new version without deleting the previous version. +- All settings as well as finished objectives will remain as they were in the previous version. +- In case you have lost your keystore build version 2.7 with new keystore and import settings from previous version as described in the [troubleshooting section](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore). -## 自動敏感度調整(提示 - 無需操作) +## Autosens (Hint - no action necessary) -- 自動敏感度調整已更改為動態切換模型,這模擬了參考設計。 -- 自動敏感度現在會在 24 小時和 8 小時窗口之間切換來計算敏感度。 它會選擇較敏感的那個時間窗口。 -- 如果用戶曾經使用過 oref1,他們可能會注意到系統對變化的反應可能不如預期動態,這是由於 24 小時或 8 小時敏感度的不同。 +- Autosens is changed to a dynamic switching model which replicates the reference design. +- Autosens will now switch between a 24 and 8 hours window for calculating sensitivity. It will pick which ever one is more sensitive. +- If users have come from oref1 they will probably notice the system may be less dynamic to changes, due to the varying of either 24 or 8 hours of sensitivity. -## 為 Dana RS 設置幫浦密碼(如果使用 Dana RS) +## Set Pump Password for Dana RS (if using Dana RS) -- [Dana RS](../Configuration/ 的幫浦密碼在先前版本中未被檢查。 -- 打開「偏好設定」(螢幕右上角的三點選單) -- 向下滾動並點擊「Dana RS」旁的小三角形。 -- 點擊「幫浦密碼(僅限 v1)」 -- 輸入幫浦密碼([預設密碼](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)取決於韌體版本),然後點擊確定。 +- Pump password for [Dana RS](../Configuration/ was not checked in previous versions. +- Open Preferences (three-dot-menu on top right of screen) +- Scroll down and click triangle next to "Dana RS". +- Click "Pump password (v1 only)" +- Enter pump password ([Default password](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password) is different depending on firmware version) and click OK. -![設置 Dana RS 密碼](../images/DanaRSPW.png) +![Set Dana RS password](../images/DanaRSPW.png) -要更改 Dana RS 密碼,請按照[Dana RS 頁面](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-change-password-on-pump)上的說明進行操作。 +To change password on Dana RS follow instructions on [DanaRS page](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-change-password-on-pump). From b0966882ad917f0495bbba84d23742bdb63e08da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 176/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 48 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index 7eab84f1d7b1..2ca0c3782d90 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ -# 內部沙盒文件 1,用於測試我們的衝刺 +# internal sandbox file 1 for testing our sprint -:::{admonition} 不需要翻譯這個 +:::{admonition} no need to translate this :class: note -不需要翻譯這個。 +No need to translate this. ::: :::{danger} -這裡有道路危險。 +Here is danger on the road. ::: -設置測試 +Test for Setup -「在道格拉斯·亞當斯的《銀河便車指南》一書中,數字 43 是由一台名為「深思」的超級電腦在 750 萬年內計算出來的『生命、宇宙以及一切的最終答案』。」 - [維基百科](。 +"The number 43 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything," calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years." - [Wikipedia]( -這是供文檔團隊測試的內部沙盒文件 +This is an internal sandbox file for the documentation team to test -1. Markdown 語法和 +1. markdown syntax and -1. 後台處理 - 1. CROWDIN 翻譯和 - 2. Read The Docs 部署。 +1. background process for + 1. CROWDIN translation and + 2. Read The Docs deployment. -您可以從這裡直接跳轉到此文件中的第二個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-another-test)。 +You can dirctly jump from here to the second label in this file - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-another-test). -您也可以跳轉到第一個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-a-test)。 +And you can jump to the first label too - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-a-test). -這裡可以跳轉到第二個沙盒文件 - [「跳轉」](./。 +Here you can jump to the second sandbox file - ["Jump"](./ -您可以從這裡直接跳轉到 文件中的第一個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox2-this-is-a-test)。 +You can dirctly jump from here to the first label in the file - ["Jump"](sandbox2-this-is-a-test). -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. (sandbox1-this-is-a-test)= -## 這是一個測試 +## This is a test -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. (sandbox1-this-is-another-test)= -## 這是另一個測試 +## This is another test -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. From ccf7e5b6376a93a4adcdb1fafb551cc43b0bd189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 177/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 40 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index 24314e223cc8..33c547956c89 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ -# 內部沙盒文件 2,用於測試 +# internal sandbox file 2 for testing ```{admonition} no need to translate this :class: note -不需要翻譯這個。 +No need to translate this. ``` -這是供文檔團隊測試的內部沙盒文件 +This is an internal sandbox file for the documentation team to test -1. Markdown 語法和 +1. markdown syntax and -1. 後台處理 - 1. CROWDIN 翻譯和 - 2. Read The Docs 部署。 +1. background process for + 1. CROWDIN translation and + 2. Read The Docs deployment. -您可以從這裡直接跳轉到 文件中的第一個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-a-test)。 +You can dirctly jump from here to the first label in the file - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-a-test). -您可以從這裡直接跳轉到此文件中的第二個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-another-test)。 +You can dirctly jump from here to the second label in this file - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-another-test). -這裡可以跳轉到第一個沙盒文件 - [「跳轉」](./。 +Here you can jump to the first sandbox file - ["Jump"](./ -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. (sandbox2-this-is-a-test)= -## 這是一個測試 +## This is a test -這是一個測試,以檢查標籤是否必須唯一。 +This is a test if labels must be unique. -### 這是來自文檔的備用資訊 +### This is spare information from the docs -從索引中刪除: +cut from index: -當您第一次開始 AAPS 之旅時,會設置一些「限制」。 這些安全限制是多年來觀察到的,因為新用戶在學習設置、構建並成功運作 AAPS 閉環系統時,最有可能犯錯,因為他們太過興奮以致於可能忘記花時間仔細閱讀本文檔中的資訊。 +There are "limits" set in place when you are first beginning your AAPS journey. These safety limits have been developed over many years by observations of the inadvertent mistakes that new users are most likely to make when first learning to set up, build, and then successfully loop with AAPS - as most often those mistakes occur simply because the user was so excited to get started using the system that they may have forgotten to sit down and dedicate the time needed to understand the information within this documentation thoroughly. -### 從概述中刪除的備用訊息,以放入「準備」部分 +### spare info from the overview to put into "preparing" -由於要求與您以前設置的任何東西都不同,我們建議您在第一次構建應用程式時,逐步遵循說明,這樣您就能更清楚地了解當所有指示都完全按照要求執行時,應用構建過程應該如何進行。 請記住,慢慢來。 以後當您為新版本構建應用程式時,這個過程會變得非常迅速。 這樣您更有可能在問題出現之前就注意到是否有步驟出錯。 很重要的是將您的密鑰庫文件 (.jks 文件,用於簽署應用程式) 儲存在安全的地方,這樣每次您需要建立 AAPS 的新更新版本時,您都可以使用相同的密鑰庫文件和密碼。這樣可以確保每個新版本的應用程式能「記住」您在之前版本中提供的所有資訊,從而確保更新過程能順利進行。 通常,您可以預計每年會有一個新版本和 2-3 個必須的更新。 這個數字基於經驗,未來可能會發生變化。 但我們想至少提供一個預期的指導方針。 當您對構建更新的 AAPS 應用版本更有經驗時,完成所有必要的步驟平均只需 15-30 分鐘。 然而,對新用戶來說,這些步驟可能並不直觀,因此一開始可能會有相當大的學習曲線! 因此,如果您發現自己感到非常沮喪,請不要氣餒,有時候在社群的幫助下,可能需要半天或整天才能完成更新過程。 如果您發現自己非常沮喪,請稍作休息,經常在周圍散步後,您會發現自己能更好地重新解決問題。 +Since the requirements are very different from anything you might have set up in the past, we recommend that you really follow the instructions, step-by-step the first few times you build the app, so that you have a stronger sense of how the app building process is supposed to behave when all directions are followed exactly. Please remember to take your time. Later this will go very quickly when you build the app again for a new version. That way you will have a greater chance of noticing when something doesn't going as planned before too many steps are out of line. It is important to save the your keystore file (.jks file used to sign your app) in a safe place, so that you can always use that exact same keystore file and password each and every time you are asked to create a new updated version of AAPS, as this file is what makes sure that each new version of the app "remembers" all the information that you have provided to it in previous versions of the app and thus ensure that the updates will go as smoothly as possible. On average, you can assume that there will be one new version and 2-3 required updates per year. This number is based on experience and may change in the future. But we do want to at least give you a general guideline on what to expect. When you are more experienced at building updated AAPS app versions all the steps that are required in building an updated app will only take 15-30 minutes, on average. However, in the beginning there can be a rather steep learning curve as these steps are not always considered intuitive by new users! So do not get frustrated if you find that it takes half a day or a whole day with some help from the community before you are finally finished with the update process. If you find that you are getting very frustrated just take a short break, and oftentimes; after a stroll around the block or'll find that you are better able to approach the problem again. From 0cd6d53fcf77364150037856c2f2daf75c941da1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 178/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 282 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index eae69a8dc011..b6efb4f4d2db 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,269 +1,269 @@ -# 自動化 +# Automation -## 什麼是自動化? +## What is an Automation? -「**自動化**」是 **AAPS** 的一項功能,它可以透過自動調整胰島素的供應來簡化使用者的糖尿病管理。 **自動化**允許**AAPS**根據個別使用者的需求進行高度個人化的設定。 +"**Automation**" is an **AAPS** feature which can simplify a user’s diabetes management by making automatic changes to insulin delivery. **Automations** allow **AAPS** to be highly personalised for individual users. -一個**自動化**會根據一個或多個條件或觸發器來指示**AAPS**執行特定操作。 這可以是非經常性事件,例如低血糖或高血糖,一定量的負 IOB。 也可以是定期事件,例如在一天中的特定時間進行用餐或運動,或當使用者位於 GPS 位置或 Wi-Fi SSID 區域內。 +An **Automation** instructs **AAPS** to carry out a specific action, as a result of one or more conditions or triggers. This can be for irregular episodic events, like low or high BG, a set amount of negative IOB. It can also be for recurring events, for example a meal or exercise at a certain time of day, or when the user is located within a certain distance of GPS location or WIFI SSID area. -有多種自動化選項,建議使用者在 **AAPS** 應用程式的自動化部分仔細研究。 您也可以在 **AAPS** 用戶群組(如**Facebook** 和 **Discord**)搜尋來自其他用戶的自動化範例。 +There are a wide range of automation options, and users are encouraged to study these within the **AAPS** app, in the automation section. You can also search the **AAPS** user groups on **Facebook** and **Discord** for automation examples from other users. -## 自動化如何幫助您 +## How Automation can help -1. **減少決策疲勞:** **自動化**的主要優勢是減輕使用者在 **AAPS** 中進行手動介入的負擔。 [研究](估計,1型糖尿病患者每天需要做出額外的180個決策。 **自動化**可以減輕心理負擔,釋放使用者的精神能量來處理生活中的其他事務。 +1. **Decreasing decision fatigue:** The primary benefit of **automations** is to relieve the user from the burden of having to make manual interventions in **AAPS**. [Research]( estimates that an average of 180 additional daily decisions have to be made by those living with Type 1 diabetes. **Automations** can lessen the mental load, freeing up the user’s mental energy for other aspects of life. -1. **潛在改善血糖控制:**例如,**自動化**可以確保**臨時目標**在需要時自動設置,即使在忙碌或忘記的時候也能執行。 例如,如果一名患有糖尿病的孩子每週二上午10點和週四下午2點在學校有運動課程,並且這些活動開始前30分鐘需要執行高臨時目標,這些動作可以透過自動化來完成。 +1. **Potentially improving glycemic control:** for example, **automations** can help ensure **Temp Targets** are always set when needed, even during busy schedules or periods of forgetfulness. For example, if a child with diabetes has sport scheduled at school on Tuesdays at 10am and Thursdays at 2pm and always needs a high temp target actioned 30 min before these activities, these can be actioned by automation. -1. **讓 AAPS 高度自訂化**,以在特定情況下根據使用者偏好調整攻擊性。 例如,若在半夜出現負**IOB**,表明現有的設定過強,可以啟動臨時減少的個人化設定來解決。 +1. **Enabling AAPS to be highly customised** to be more or less aggressive in specific situations, according to user preference. For example, triggering a temporary reduced profile% for a set period of time if negative **IOB** develops in the middle of the night, indicating that the existing profile is too strong. -以下範例說明了如何透過**自動化**來簡化步驟。 使用者已設置**自動化**,在清晨5點觸發「運動臨時目標」,以確保他們的**血糖**和**IOB**在6點運動前達到最佳狀態: +The example below illustrates how an **Automation** can enable steps to be eliminated. The user has set an **Automation** to trigger a 5 am ‘Temp Target Exercise’ to ensure their **BG** and **IOB** are optimal, in preparation for their 6 am exercise: -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-54-49.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-54-49.png) -## 開始使用自動化前的關鍵考慮因素 +## Key considerations before starting with Automations -1. 在設定**自動化**之前,您應該對**AAPS**有合理的血糖控制。 **自動化**不應用來補償次優的基礎胰島素、ISF 或 ICR 設定(在下文進一步討論)。 避免設置自動**檔案切換**來補償由於食物引起的血糖上升,這類情況應該用其他策略(如 SMBs 等)處理。 +1. Before setting up an **Automation**, you should have reasonable BG control with **AAPS**. **Automations** should not be used to compensate for sub-optimal basal, ISF or ICR settings (discussed further below). Avoid setting an automated **Profile switch** to compensate for BG rises due to _e.g._ food, these are better dealt with via other strategies (SMBs etc). -1. 與任何技術一樣,**CGM**、**幫浦**和**手機**都可能發生故障:技術問題或感測器錯誤可能會中斷**自動化**行動,並且可能需要手動介入。 +1. As with any technology, **CGMs** and **Pumps** and **phones** can malfunction: Technical issues or sensor errors can disrupt the **Automation** actions, and manual intervention may be needed. -1. **隨著日常習慣的變化,自動化需求也可能改變**。 當工作、學校或假期期間變更時,請在日曆中設置提醒,檢查當前啟動的自動化(它們很容易啟動和停用)。 例如,如果您外出度假,不再需要為學校運動或日常運動設定的自動化,或需要調整時間。 +1. **Requirements for automations are likely to change as routines change**. When changing between work/school/holiday periods, set a reminder in your calendar to review which automations are currently active (they are easy to activate and de-activate). For example, if you go on holiday, and no longer need the automations set up for school sports or daily exercise, or need to adjust the timings. -1. 自動化可能會相互衝突,建議在安全環境中仔細審查新的自動化設定,並理解為什麼自動化可能未如預期啟動。 +1. Automations may conflict with each other, and it is good to review any new automation(s) setting carefully in a safe environment, and understand why an automation may or may not have triggered in the way you expect. -1. 如果使用 Autosense,請盡量使用**臨時目標**而非**檔案切換**。 **臨時目標**不會將 Autosens 重置為 0。 **檔案切換**會重置 Autosens。 +1. If using Autosense, try to use **Temp Targets** instead of **Profile Switches**. **Temp Targets** do not reset Autosens back to 0. **Profile Switches** reset Autosens. -1. 大多數自動化應僅設置為**有限的時間持續**,之後**AAPS**可以重新評估並在必要時重複自動化,如果條件仍然符合的話。 例如,「啟動 7.0 mmol/l 的臨時目標持續 30 分鐘」或「啟動 110% 檔案持續 10 分鐘」_和_「啟動 5.0 mmol/l 的臨時目標持續 10 分鐘」。 使用自動化來創造永久變更(如更強的%檔案)可能會增加低血糖風險。 +1. Most automations should only be set for a **limited time duration**, after which **AAPS** can re-evaluate and repeat the automation, if necessary, and if the condition is still met. For example, "start temp target of 7.0 mmol/l for 30 min" or "start profile 110% for 10 min" _and_ "start temp target of 5.0 mmol/l for 10 min". Using automations to create permanent changes (e.g. to stronger %profile) risks hypoglycemia. -## 何時可以開始使用自動化? +## When can I start using Automation? -當您開始第10個目標時。 +When you start Objective 10. -## AAPS 中的自動化在哪裡? +## Where are Automations located in AAPS? -根據您的[組態建置工具](../Installing-AndroidAPS/設定,**自動化**位於‘漢堡選單’中或作為**AAPS**的一個標籤頁。 +Depending on your [config builder](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ settings, **Automation** is located either in the ‘hamburger’ menu or as a tab with **AAPS**. -## 如何設置自動化? +## How can I set up an Automation? -要設置**自動化**,請按照以下步驟在**AAPS**中建立一個「規則」: +To set up an **Automation** create a ‘rule’ with **AAPS** as follows: -* 為您的「規則」命名; -* 選擇至少一個「條件」; -* 選擇一個「動作」; -* 勾選正確的框以啟動**自動化**事件: +* Give your ‘rule’ a title; +* Select at least one ‘Condition’; and +* Select one ‘Action’; +* Check the right box to the **Automation** event is ‘ticked’ to activate the automation: -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-35.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-35.png) -要停用**自動化**規則,請取消勾選**自動化**名稱左側的框。 以下範例顯示一個名為‘低血糖臨時目標’的**自動化**已啟動(勾選)或停用(未勾選)。 +To deactivate an **Automation** rule, untick the box left of the name of the **Automation**. The example below shows an **Automation** entitled ‘Low Glucose TT’ as either activated (‘ticked) or deactivated (‘unticked’). -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-08.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-08.png) -設置自動化時,您可以先透過啟動「通知」選項進行測試。 這會觸發**AAPS**首先顯示通知,而不是實際自動執行動作。 當您確認通知在正確的時間/條件下觸發時,可以更新**自動化**規則,將「通知」替換為「動作」。 +When setting up an automation, you can first test it by activating the ‘notification’ option under "Actions". This triggers **AAPS** to first display a notification rather than actually automating an action. When you are comfortable that the notification has been triggered at the correct time/conditions, the **Automation** rule can be updated to replace the ‘Notification’ with an ‘Action’. -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-05.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-05.png) -:::{admonition} 重要注意事項 +:::{admonition} Important note :class: note -即使關閉閉環,**自動化**仍會保持啟動狀態! +Automations are still active when the Loop is disabled! ::: -## 安全限制 +## Safety limits -針對**自動化**設置了安全限制: +There are safety limits set for **Automations**: -* 血糖值必須介於 72 到 270 mg/dl(或 4 到 15 mmol/l)之間。 -* 檔案百分比必須介於 70% 到 130% 之間。 -* 自動化執行間隔必須至少 5 分鐘(包括首次執行)。 +* The **glucose** value has to be between 72 and 270 mg/dl (or 4 and 15 mmol/l). +* The **Profile** percentage has to be between 70% and 130%. +* There is a 5 minute time limit between executions of **Automation** (and first execution). -## 正確使用負值 +## Correct use of negative values -:::{admonition} 警告 +:::{admonition} Warning :class: warning -請謹慎選擇自動化中的負值 +Please be careful when selecting a negative value in Automation ::: -在**自動化**中的「條件」選擇‘小於’這類負值時,請務必謹慎。 例如: +Caution must be taken when selecting a ‘negative value’ within the ‘Condition’ like "less than" in **Automations**. For example: -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-25.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-25.png-500x.png) -**範例 1:**建立條件**「小於」**“-0.1”將: +**Example 1:** Creating a Condition **"is lesser than"** "-0.1" will: -觸發**自動化**,當任何數字**嚴格**小於-0.1時。 這包括如-0.2、-0.3、-0.4等數值。 請記住,-0.1 本身**不**包含在此條件內。 (條件「小於或等於 -0.1」_將會_包含 -0.1)。 +Trigger an **Automation** for any number which is **strictly** less than** -0.1. This includes numbers like -0.2, -0.3, -0.4 and so on. Remember that -0.1 itself **is not** included in this condition. (The condition "is equal or lesser than -0.1" _would_ include -0.1). -**範例 2:**建立條件「大於 -0.1」將: +**Example 2:** Creating a Condition "is greater than" -0.1 will: -觸發**自動化**,當任何數字**大於**-0.1時。 這包括如 0、0.2、0.4 和任何其他正數。 +Trigger an **Automation** for any number which is **greater than** -0.1. This includes numbers like 0, 0.2, 0.4, and any other positive number. -在選擇這些條件和數值時,仔細考慮您的**自動化**的具體意圖非常重要。 +It is important to carefully consider the exact intention of your **Automation** when choosing these conditions and values. -## 自動化條件 +## Automation Conditions -使用者可以選擇多種「條件」。 以下列表並不完整: +There are various ‘Conditions’ that can be selected by the user. The list below is non-exhaustive: -**條件:**連線條件 +**Condition:** connect conditions -**選項:** +**Options:** -多個條件可以透過以下方式鏈接: -* “和” -* “或” -* “互斥或”(這意味著如果只有一個條件成立,動作將會發生) +Several conditions can be linked with +* “And” +* “Or” +* “Exclusive or” (which means that if one - and only one of the - conditions applies, the action(s) will happen) -**條件:**時間與循環時間 +**Condition:** time vs. recurring time -**選項:** +**Options:** -* 時間 = 單次事件 -* 循環時間 = 經常發生的事件(例如每週一次、每個工作日等) +* time = single time event +* recurring time = something that happens regularly (i.e. once a week, every working day etc.) -**條件:**位置 +**Condition:** location -**選項:** +**Options:** -* 在**組態建置工具**(自動化)中,使用者可以選擇所需的位置服務。 +* in the **config builder** (Automation), the user can select their required location service. -**條件:**位置服務 +**Condition:** location service -**選項:** +**Options:** -* 使用被動位置:**AAPS** 只會在其他應用程式請求位置時獲取位置。 -* 使用網路位置:WiFi 的位置。 -* 使用 GPS 定位(注意! 這可能會導致過多的電池消耗! +* Use passive location: **AAPS** only takes locations when other apps are requesting it. +* Use network location: Location of your Wifi. +* Use GPS location (Attention! This can cause excessive battery drain!) -## 動作 +## Action -**動作:**啟動**臨時目標** +**Actions:** start **Temp Target** -**選項:** +**Options:** -* **血糖**必須在 72 mg/dl 和 270 mg/dl(4 mmol/l 和 15 mmol/l)之間 -* **臨時目標**只有在沒有前一個臨時目標時才能工作 +* **BG** must be between 72 mg/dl and 270 mg/dl (4 mmol/l and 15 mmol/l) +* **TT** works only if there is no previous Temp Target -**動作:**停止**臨時目標** +**Actions:** stop **Temp Target** -**選項:** +**Options:** -無 +none -**動作:****檔案**百分比 +**Actions:** **Profile** percentage -**選項:** +**Options:** -* **檔案**必須在 70% 和 130% 之間 -* 僅當之前的百分比是 100% 時工作 +* **Profile** must be between 70% and 130% +* works only if the previous percentage is 100% -一旦添加了「動作」,應透過點擊並調整預設值將預設數值更改為所需的數字。 +Once the ‘Action’ is added, the default values must be changed to the desired number by clicking and adjusting the default values. -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-07.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-07.png) -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-29.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-29.png) -## 列表中的自動化順序很重要 - **AAPS**將根據偏好的順序,自**自動化**列表的頂部開始執行建立的規則。 例如,如果‘低血糖’**自動化**是最重要的**自動化**,那麼它應該位於使用者**自動化**列表的頂部,如下所示: +## The order of the automations in the list matters + **AAPS** will automate the rules created in the order of preference, starting from the top of the **Automation** list. For example, if the ‘low hypoglycemia’ **Automation** is the most important **Automation**, above all other rules, then this **Automation** should appear at the top of the user’s **Automation** list as demonstrated below: -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-48.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-48.png-500x.png) -要重新排列**自動化**規則,請按住螢幕右側的四行按鈕。 透過移動規則上下來重新排序**自動化**。 +To reprioritise the **Automation** rules, click and hold the four-lines-button on the right side of the screen. Reorder the **Automations** by moving the rules up or down. -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-00.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-00.png-500x.png) -## 如何刪除自動化規則 +## How to delete Automation rules -要刪除**自動化**規則,請點擊垃圾桶圖示。 +To delete an **Automation** rule click on the trash icon. -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-26.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-26.png-500x.png) -## 自動化範例 +## Examples of Automations -以下是**自動化**範例。 在 Facebook 討論群組或 Discord 上,可以找到更多有關**自動化**的討論,以及用戶如何個性化他們的**自動化**。 以下範例不應被複製,除非使用者對**自動化**的運作方式有充分理解。 +Below are examples of **Automations**. Further discussion on **Automations** and how users have individualised their **Automation** can be found in Facebook discussions groups or on Discord. The examples below should not be replicated without the user having a good understanding of how the **Automation** will work. -### 低血糖臨時目標 +### Low Glucose Temp Target -這個**自動化**會在血糖低於特定門檻時自動觸發‘低血糖臨時目標’。 +This **Automation** triggers an automatic ‘Temp Target Hypo’ when low **BG** is at a certain threshold. -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-01.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-01.png-500x.png) -### 午餐時間臨時目標(包含「位置」) +### Lunch Time Temp Target (with ‘Location’) -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-25.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-25.png-500x.png) -這個**自動化**是為一名每天在工作時於相同時間吃午餐的用戶設置的,但僅在用戶位於設定的‘位置’時才觸發。 因此,如果某天用戶不在工作場所,則此自動化將被啟動。 +This **Automation** has been created for a user who eats their lunch at work around the same time every weekday but triggered only if the user is situated within a set ‘location’. So if the user is not at work one day, this Automation will be activated. -這個**自動化**會在13:00設定低臨時目標(即將用餐),使血糖降至90mg(或5 mmol/l),以準備午餐。 +This **Automation** will set a low Temp Target (Eating Soon) at 13:00 to drive ‘BG, to 90mg (or 5 mmol/l) in preparation for lunch. -透過輸入經緯度 GPS 座標來設置‘觸發’位置,如下所示: +The ‘Trigger’ location is set by inputting the latitude and longitude GPS coordinates as below: -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-40.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-40.png-500x.png) -由於‘和’連線,只有在‘選擇的時間’並且使用者位於設定位置時,**自動化**才會發生。 +Because of the ‘And’ connection, the **Automation** only happens during the ‘chosen time’ and if the user is at the selected location. -這個**自動化**不會在其他時間於該位置或在該時間超過設定100米 GPS 範圍內觸發。 +The **Automation** will not be triggered on any other time at this location or on this time outside of 100 metres set GPS coordinates. -### WIFI SSID 位置自動化 +### WIFI SSID Location Automation -使用 WIFI SSID 是在特定 wifi 網路範圍內觸發**自動化**的良好選項(與 GPS 相比),其相對精確、耗電少,並且在 GPS 和其他位置服務可能無法使用的室內空間中也能正常運作。 +Using WIFI SSID is a good option to trigger an **Automation** while within range of a specific wifi network (than compared with GPS), it is fairly precise, uses less battery and works in enclosed spaces where GPS and other location services might not be available. -這裡有另一個範例,設定工作日早餐前的**臨時目標**。 +Here is another example of setting up a **Temp Target** for work days only before breakfast(1). -這個**自動化**將於週一至週五的上午 5:30 觸發 (2) -當連線到家庭 wifi 網路時(3)。 +The **Automation** will trigger at 05:30am only on Monday-Friday(2) +and while being connected to a home wifi network (3). -然後將設置 75mg/dl 的**臨時目標**,持續 30 分鐘 (4)。 加入位置的好處之一是,如果用戶外出度假,則不會觸發此自動化。 +It will then set a**Temp Target** of 75mg/dl for 30 minutes (4). One of the advantages of including the location is that it will not trigger if the user is travelling on vacation for instance. -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-02.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-02.png-500x.png) -以下是詳細的**自動化**觸發截圖: +Here is the screenshot detailing the **Automation** triggers: -1) 主「和」(兩個條件都需要滿足才能觸發) 1) 循環時間 = 週一至週五 上午 5:30 +1) Under the main “AND” (both conditions need to be met to trigger) 1) Recurring time = M,T,W,T,F At 5:30am 1) WIFI SSID = My_Home_Wifi_Name -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-16.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-16.png-500x.png) -## 自動化日誌 +## Automation Logs -**AAPS**會在螢幕底部的**自動化**標籤下顯示最近觸發的**自動化**日誌。 +**AAPS** has a log of the most recent **Automation** triggered at the bottom of the screen under the **Automation** tab. -以下範例中,日誌顯示: +In the example below the logs indicate: -(1)凌晨 01:58,「低血糖觸發臨時低血糖檔案」被註冊 -* 血糖值低於 75mg/dl; -* delta 是負值(即:血糖正在下降); -* 時間範圍在凌晨 01:00 到 06:00 之間。 +(1) at 01:58 am, the “Low BG triggers temp hypo profile” is activated +* glucose value is less than 75mg/dl; +* delta is negative (ie: the BG is going down); +* time is within 01:00 am and 06:00 am. -**自動化**將會: -* 設定**臨時目標**為 110mg/dl,持續 40 分鐘; -* 啟動 50% 的**臨時檔案**,持續 40 分鐘。 +The **Automation** will: +* set a **Temp Target** to 110mg/dl for 40 minutes; +* start a temporary **Profile** at 50% for 40 minutes. -(2)凌晨 03:38,觸發了「夜間低血糖後高碳水化合物」自動化 -* 時間範圍在凌晨 01:05 到 06:00 之間; -* 血糖值高於 110mg/dl。 +(2) at 03:38 am, the “High carb after low at night” is triggered +* time is between 01:05 am and 06:00 am; +* glucose value is greater than 110mg/dl. -**自動化**將會: -* 將**檔案**切換為 LocalProfile1(即:取消任何臨時檔案設定) -* 停止**臨時目標**(如果有的話) +The **Automation** will: +* change **Profile** to LocalProfile1 (ie: cancel the temporary profile if any) +* stop **Temp Target** (if any) -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-56.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-56.png-500x.png) -## 疑難排解 +## Troubleshooting -* 問題:__我的自動化沒有被 AAPS 觸發嗎?__ +* Problem: __My automations are not being triggered by AAPS?__ -檢查**自動化**事件右側的框是否勾選,以確保規則已啟用。 +Check the box to the right of **Automation** event is ‘ticked’ to ensure the rule is activated. -![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-06-12.png-500x.png) +![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-06-12.png-500x.png) -* 問題:__我的自動化順序被錯誤地觸發了。__ +* Problem: __My automations are being triggered in the wrong order.__ -檢查您的規則優先順序,如上所述。 +Check your rule prioritisation order as discussed above here. -## 自動化的替代方案 +## Alternatives to Automations -對於進階使用者,還有其他選擇,例如使用 IFTTT 或第三方 Android 應用程式 Automate 來自動化任務。 +For advanced users, there are other possibilities to automate tasks using IFTTT or a third party Android app called Automate. From a6fba5de4b0105a10642e118a432abb72cc6daf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 179/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 62 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index e8b172b1d0fa..dae8254d1a62 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ -# COB 計算 +# COB calculation -## AAPS 如何計算 COB 值? +## How does AAPS calculate the COB value? -當輸入碳水化合物作為餐食或修正的一部分時,AAPS 會將其加入到當前的碳水化合物儲存(COB)中。 接著 AAPS 根據觀察到的血糖值偏差來吸收(移除)碳水化合物。 吸收的速率取決於碳水化合物敏感性因子(CSF)。 這不是配置檔的數值,而是根據 ISF/IC 計算出來,表示 1 克碳水化合物會讓你的血糖上升多少 mg/dl。 +When carbs are entered as part of a meal or correction, AAPS adds them to the current carbs on board (COB). AAPS then absorbs (removes) carbs based on observed deviations to BG values. The rate of absorption depends on the carb sensitivity factor. This is not a profile value but is calculated as ISF/IC and is how many mg/dl 1g of carbs will raise your BG. -公式為:`absorbed_carbs = deviation * ic / isf` 這代表: -* 增加 IC 將增加每 5 分鐘吸收的碳水化合物量,從而縮短吸收的總時間 -* 增加 ISF 將減少每 5 分鐘吸收的碳水化合物量,從而延長吸收的總時間 -* 更改配置檔的百分比會同時影響這兩個值,但不會影響碳水化合物的吸收時間 +The formula is: `absorbed_carbs = deviation * ic / isf` It means: +* increasing ic will increase carbs absorbed every 5 minutes thus shorten total time of absorption +* increasing isf will decrease carbs absorbed every 5 minutes thus prolong total time of absorption +* changing profile % increase/decrease both values thus has no impact on carbs absorption time -例如,如果你的配置檔 ISF 為 100,IC 為 5,那麼你的 CSF 為 20。 每當你的血糖上升 20 mg/dl,AAPS 將吸收 1 克的碳水化合物。 正的 IOB 也會影響此計算。 因此,如果 AAPS 預期因為 IOB 你的血糖應該下降 20 mg/dl,但實際上保持不變,它也會吸收 1 克碳水化合物。 +For example, if your profile ISF is 100 and your IC is 5, your CSF would be 20. For every 20 mg/dl your BG goes up, 1g of carbs are absorbed by AAPS. Positive IOB also effects this calculation. So, if AAPS expected your BG to go down by 20 mg/dl because of IOB and it instead stayed flat, it would also absorb 1g of carbs. -碳水化合物的吸收也會根據以下描述的方法和所使用的敏感度演算法來進行。 +Carbs will also be absorbed via the methods described below based on what sensitivity algorithm is used. ### Oref1 -未吸收的碳水化合物在指定時間後將被切斷 +Unabsorbed carbs are cut off after specified time ![Oref1](../images/cob_oref0_orange_II.png) ### AAPS, WeightedAverage -吸收的計算結果是 COB 在指定時間後等於 0 +absorption is calculated to have `COB == 0` after specified time -![AAPS, WeightedAverage](../images/cob_aaps2_orange_II.png) +![AAPS, WheitedAverage](../images/cob_aaps2_orange_II.png) -如果使用最小碳水化合物吸收量(min_5m_carbimpact)而不是從血糖偏差計算的數值,COB 圖表上將出現一個橙色點。 +If minimal carbs absorption (min_5m_carbimpact) is used instead of value calculated from BG deviations, an orange dot appears on COB graph. (COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values)= -## 偵測錯誤的 COB 值 +## Detection of wrong COB values -當你準備注射胰島素並且 AAPS 演算法認為當前的 COB 計算可能有誤時,AAPS 會提醒你先前餐食的 COB 還在。 在這種情況下,它會在使用胰島素注射精靈後,在確認畫面上給出額外提示。 +AAPS warns you if you are about to bolus with COB from a previous meal and the algorithm thinks that current COB calculation could be wrong. In this case it will give you an additional hint on the confirmation screen after usage of bolus wizard. -### AAPS 如何偵測錯誤的 COB 值? +### How does AAPS detect wrong COB values? -通常,AAPS 透過血糖偏差來偵測碳水化合物的吸收。 如果你輸入了碳水化合物,但 AAPS 無法透過血糖偏差觀察到它們的吸收,它將使用 [min_5m_carbimpact](../Configuration/ 方法來計算吸收(即所謂的「後備」方法)。 由於此方法僅計算最小碳水化合物吸收量,而不考慮血糖偏差,這可能會導致錯誤的 COB 值。 +Normally AAPS detects carb absorption through BG deviations. In case you entered carbs but AAPS cannot see their estimated absorption through BG deviations, it will use the [min_5m_carbimpact](../Configuration/ method to calculate the absorption instead (so called 'fallback'). As this method calculates only the minimal carb absorption without considering BG deviations, it might lead to incorrect COB values. -![錯誤 COB 值的提示](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) +![Hint on wrong COB value](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) -在上述截圖中,有 41% 的時間,碳水化合物的吸收是根據 min_5m_carbimpact 方法數學計算的,而不是來自偏差檢測的數值。 這意味著你可能擁有的碳水化合物比演算法計算的還要少。 +In the screenshot above, 41% of time the carb absorption was mathematically calculated by the min_5m_carbimpact instead of the value detected from deviations. This means that maybe you are having less carbs on board than calculated by the algorithm. -### 如何處理這個警告? +### How to deal with this warning? -- 考慮取消治療——按「取消」而不是「確定」。 -- 使用胰島素注射精靈再次計算你即將用餐的餐食,但不勾選 COB。 -- 如果你確定需要進行修正注射,請手動輸入。 -- 無論如何,務必小心不要注射過量! +- Consider to cancel the treatment - press Cancel instead of OK. +- Calculate your upcoming meal again with bolus wizard leaving COB unticked. +- In case you are sure you need a correction bolus, enter it manually. +- In any case be careful not to overdose! -### 為什麼演算法無法正確偵測 COB? +### Why does the algorithm not detect COB correctly? -- 也許你在輸入碳水化合物時高估了數量。 -- 先前餐食後的活動/運動 -- I:C 需要調整 -- min_5m_carbimpact 的數值錯誤(建議 SMB 使用 8,AMA 使用 3) +- Maybe you overestimated carbs when entering them. +- Activity / exercise after your previous meal +- I:C needs adjustment +- Value for min_5m_carbimpact is wrong (recommended is 8 with SMB, 3 with AMA) -## 手動修正輸入的碳水化合物 +## Manual correction of carbs entered -如果你高估或低估了碳水化合物,你可以透過「治療」標籤和「操作」標籤/選單來進行修正,如[此處](Screenshots-carb-correction)所述。 +If you over- or underestimated carbs you can correct this though treatments tab and actions tab / menu as described [here](Screenshots-carb-correction). From f3482b1d73c550092500ca9b5ec8a5a700b34b50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 180/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 54 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index e3d55a15448d..fd80ca412d74 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ -# 照護入口(已停用) +# Careportal (discontinued) -護理入口複製了您在 Nightscout 螢幕上的“+”圖示下找到的功能,該圖示允許您向記錄中添加筆記。 但照護入口沒有對幫浦發出任何指令! 因此,若透過此畫面新增注射,只會將此紀錄記錄在你的 Nightscout 上,幫浦不會被指示進行注射。 這導致了許多誤解。 +Careportal replicated the functions you will find on your Nightscout screen under the “+” symbol which allows you to add notes to your records. But careportal did not issue any commands to the pump! So, if a bolus was added using this screen it simply made a note of this on your Nightscout record, the pump wasn’t instructed to deliver a bolus. This led to a lot of misunderstandings. -最初用來新增離線支援照護入口的程式碼與 AAPS 的開發並不相容,且實際上阻礙了後續的程式開發。 **因此,決定在 AAPS 版本 2.6 中移除照護入口。** +The code originally used to add offline support for careportal did not harmonize with the development of AAPS and was really blocking further coding. **Therefore, decision was made to remove careportal in AAPS version 2.6.** -照護入口的大多數功能仍可在「操作」或主畫面中找到。 可以透過「操作」標籤或漢堡選單進入這些操作,具體取決於你在 [配置構建器](../Configuration/ 中的設定。 +Most functions of careportal can still be found either in actions or the start screen. The actions can be reached either via actions tab or hamburger menu - depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ -此頁面將展示你可以在哪裡找到先前照護入口的功能。 +This page will show where you can find the functions previously available in careportal. -## 活動與回饋 +## Activity & feedback -![照護入口的活動與回饋](../images/Careportal_25_26_1_IIb.png) +![Careportal activity & feedback](../images/Careportal_25_26_1_IIb.png) -- 年齡資訊已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 -- 血糖檢測已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 -- 臨時目標已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 -- 運動功能已不再可用,但你可以在執行動作時使用對話框中的備註欄位(如進行注射等,參見[此頁面上的碳水化合物與注射截圖](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus))。 +- Age information was moved to actions tab / menu. +- BG check was moved to actions tab / menu. +- Temporary target was moved to actions tab / menu. +- Exercise is no longer available, but you can use the note field in the dialogue box when performing an action like giving bolus etc. (see screenshot in section [carbs & bolus](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus) on this page). (CPbefore26-carbs-bolus)= -## 碳水化合物與注射 +## Carbs & bolus -![照護入口的碳水化合物與注射](../images/Careportal_25_26_2_IIa.png) +![Careportal carbs & bolus](../images/Careportal_25_26_2_IIa.png) -- 記錄注射——無論是點心、餐食或修正——請使用主畫面的胰島素按鈕**並確認勾選「不進行注射,僅記錄」!** +- To note a bolus - no matter if for snack, meal or correction - use the insulin button on the homescreen **and make sure to tick "Do not bolus, record only"!** -- 如果忘記記錄用針筒注射的胰島素,僅勾選「不進行注射,僅記錄」的情況下,才可以回溯記錄胰島素。 +- Option to backdate insulin - i.e. if you forgot to register insulin given by syringe - will only be available if checkbox "Do not bolus, record only" is ticked. - ![透過胰島素按鈕回溯記錄胰島素](../images/Careportal_25_26_5.png) + ![Backdate insulin via insulin button](../images/Careportal_25_26_5.png) -- 進行碳水化合物修正時,請使用主畫面的碳水化合物按鈕。 +- For carbs correction use the carbs button on the homescreen. -- 可以透過「操作」標籤/選單的按鈕來啟動和停止臨時基礎率。 請注意,當設定臨時基礎率後,按鈕將從「TEMPBASAL」變為「取消 x%」。 +- Temporary basal rates can be started and stopped through the button in actions tab / menu. Please note that the button changes from "TEMPBASAL" to "CANCEL x%" when a temporary basal rate is set. -## CGM 與 OpenAPS +## CGM & OpenAPS -![照護入口的 CGM 與 OpenAPS](../images/Careportal_25_26_3_IIa.png) +![Careportal CGM & OpenAPS](../images/Careportal_25_26_3_IIa.png) -- CGM 感測器插入已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 -- 此部分的所有其他功能已被移除。 你可以在執行動作時使用對話框中的備註欄位(如進行注射等,參見[此頁面上的碳水化合物與注射截圖](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus))。 +- CGM sensor insert can now be found in the actions tab / menu. +- All other functions from this section have been removed. You can use the note field in the dialogue box when performing an action like giving bolus etc. (see screenshot in section [carbs & bolus](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus) on this page). -## 幫浦 +## Pump -![照護入口的幫浦](../images/Careportal_25_26_4_IIb.png) +![Careportal Pump](../images/Careportal_25_26_4_IIb.png) -- 可以透過「操作」標籤/選單中的「排氣/填充」按鈕來更換幫浦位置與胰島素匣。 -- 配置檔切換已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 -- 幫浦電池更換已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 +- Pump site and insulin cartridge change can be reach by using the button "prime/fill" in actions tab / menu. +- Profile switch was moved to actions tab / menu. +- Pump battery change was moved to actions tab / menu. From 9473843d1614f4fbe37cc96d3bffdd89ee615232 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 181/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 86 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 742cf9dc3ae6..1d1301220a7c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,81 +1,81 @@ -# 建立和恢復備份 +# Creating and resorting back-ups -保持下列項目的備份非常重要。 最佳做法是將備份儲存在本地硬碟以及雲端位置(例如 Google Drive、box 等)。 以下是建議保留備份的項目。 +It is important to keep back-ups of the items listed below. Best practice is to keep a back-up on a local hard drive as well as a cloud location (i.e. Google Drive, box, etc…). Below are the items that it is recommended to keep back-ups of. -## 1 - 你用來建立 APK 的電腦上的金鑰庫檔案。 -金鑰庫允許你在現有應用程式上安裝更新的 APK。 保留金鑰庫將大大降低未來更新 APK 的複雜性,特別是在你需要從新電腦構建應用程式的情況下。 有關使用金鑰庫建立新 APK 的詳細資訊,請參閱 AAPS 更新(連結)部分。 +## 1 - keystore file from the computer you used to build the APK. +The keystore is what allows you to install an updated APK on top of the existing application. Maintaining the keystore will greatly reduce the complexity of updating the APK in the future, especially if you need to build the app from a new computer. See the Updating AAPS (link) section for details on using the keystore when building a new APK. -**何時進行備份:**首次建立 AAPS apk 後應進行金鑰庫備份。 +**When to back-up:** the keystore should be backed up after you first build the AAPS apk. -**如何進行備份:**找到你的金鑰庫路徑。 如果你不記得,可以在 Android Studio 中選擇「Build > APK > Next」找到它。 路徑將列在「金鑰庫路徑」中。 使用檔案總管導航到該路徑,並複製你的金鑰庫檔案(檔案副檔名為 .jks)。 將它儲存到一個安全的雲端位置,以防你的電腦無法使用。 確保也記錄下你的金鑰庫密碼、金鑰別名和金鑰密碼。 +**How to back-up:** locate your keystore path. If you don’t remember it you can find it in Android Studio by selecting Build > APK > Next. The path will be listed in “Key store path”. Using your file explorer, navigate to this path and make a copy of your keystore file (ending in file extension .jks). Save it to a safe cloud location should your computer become unavailable. Make sure to also record your key store password, key alias and key password. -## 2 - 最新的 APK 副本 -如果你的主要 AAPS 手機丟失或損壞,擁有 APK 的副本將使你能夠快速在新手機上重新使用 AAPS(注意:你還需要如下面所述的偏好設定備份)。 +## 2 - copies of the most recent APK +If your main AAPS phone is lost or damaged, having a copy of the APK available will allow you to quickly resume using AAPS with a new phone (note: you also need your preferences backed up as noted below). -**何時進行備份:**你應該維持最新 APK 的備份,這是你在主要 AAPS 手機上安裝的。 你也可能希望保留一個早期版本的副本,以防出現需要回滾的情況。 +**When to back-up:** you should maintain a back-up of the most recent APK that you installed on your main AAPS phone. You may want to also maintain one earlier version in case you need to roll-back to that for any reason. -**如何進行備份:**Android Studio 用來構建 APK 的電腦將保留一個副本。 此外,如果你使用雲端平台將 APK 複製到手機,該平台也會在雲端保留副本。 確保你知道如何在需要時找到這兩個位置。 考慮在電腦和雲端平台上設置專用資料夾來儲存這些備份。 +**How to back-up:** a copy will be maintained on the computer used to build the APK with Android Studio. Additionally, if you use a cloud platform to copy the APK to your phone, that will maintain a copy in the cloud as well. Make sure you know how to find both locations in the event you need them. Consider setting up dedicated folders on your computer and your cloud platform to store these back-ups. -## 3 - AAPS 偏好設定 -偏好設定是根據你設定的方式來調整預設 AAPS 應用程式。 偏好設定包括有關配置構建器設定、目標狀態、Nightscout 設定、自動化和本地配置檔的詳細資料。 有了 APK(見上文)和偏好設定的副本,你可以快速在新手機上運作。 +## 3 - AAPS preferences +Preferences are what tailors the stock AAPS application to how you have it setup. Preferences include details on your config builder settings, status of objectives, nightscout settings, automations and local profiles. With a copy of the APK (see above) and preferences you can be up and running on a new phone quickly. -**何時進行備份:** +**When to back-up:** -1 - 由於偏好設定會儲存你完成目標的進度,因此每次完成一個目標時都應備份偏好設定,以避免遺失進度。 _如果沒有偏好設定的副本,當你更換手機時,將必須重新完成所有目標。_ +1 - as preferences store your progress towards completing the objectives, you should back-up your preferences each time you complete an objective so that you do not lose your progress. _Without a copy of your preferences you will have to complete all objectives again in the event you need to replace your phone._ -2 - 每當你計劃對配置進行重大變更時(例如更改 SMB 設定、更改胰島素類型、更換幫浦、進行自動化變更),應在變更前後備份偏好設定。 這樣你就可以保留最新的設定副本以及變更前的設定副本,萬一需要回滾時可以使用。 +2 - any time you plan to make significant changes to your configuration (change SMB settings, change insulin types, change pump, make changes to automations) you should back-up your preferences before and after making the changes. This way you have your most recent settings as well as a copy of what they were before the changes in case you need to revert back to them. -3 - _僅限 Omnipod Dash 用戶_ - 偏好設定檔案包含當前幫浦的連線詳細資訊,可用來在新手機上恢復幫浦連線。 如果你在開始使用當前幫浦後未匯出偏好設定的副本,當需要更換手機時,將需要重新啟動一個新的幫浦。 +3 - _Omnipod dash users only_ - the preferences file contains connection details on your current pod and can be used to restore connection to that pod with a new phone. If you do not have a copy of your preferences exported after you started your current pod you will need to start a new pod in the event you need to replace your current phone. -**如何進行備份:** +**How to back-up:** -1 - 如果這是你首次匯入或匯出偏好設定,你需要設置一個主密碼。 在 AAPS 中,選擇右上角的三個點 > 偏好設定 > 一般 > 保護 > 主密碼。 設置密碼並將其記錄在安全的地方。 _沒有此密碼,你將無法存取偏好設定的備份。_ +1 - If this your first time importing or exporting preferences you will need to set a master password. In AAPS, select the three dots in the top right corner > Preferences > General > Protection > Master password. Set a password and record this in a safe place. _You will be unable to access your preferences back-ups without this password._ -2 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 維護 > 匯出設定 > 輸入上述設置的主密碼 > 確定。 +2 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > Maintenance > Export settings > type in Master password set above > Ok -![AAPS 匯出設定 1](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings1.png) ![AAPS 匯出設定 2](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings2.png) +![AAPS export settings 1](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings1.png) ![AAPS export settings 2](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings2.png) -3 - 使用手機上的檔案總管(通常稱為「檔案」或「我的檔案」),導航到內部儲存空間 > AAPS > 偏好設定。 在這裡你可以看到所有匯出的偏好設定檔案副本。 檔案名稱應為 YYYY-MM-DD_時間_appname.json。 將此檔案上傳到你選擇的雲端平台。 然後從雲端平台下載一份副本到你的本地電腦。 +3 - using the file explorer on your phone (commonly called “Files” or “My Files”) navigate to Internal Storage > AAPS > preferences. Here you will see a copy of all exported preferences files. The file name should be YYYY-MM-DD_Time_appname.json. Upload this file to the cloud platform of your choice. Then from the cloud platform, also download a copy to your local computer. -# 從備份中恢復至新手機或重新安裝 AAPS -如果你有 APK 和偏好設定的備份,想要將其載入到新手機上,或因任何原因需要刪除並重新安裝 APK,請遵循以下指示。 +# Restoring from your backups on a new phone or fresh installation of AAPS +Use these instructions if you have a back-up of your APK and preferences that you want to load on to a new phone or if you needed to delete and reinstall the APK on your existing phone for any reason. -_如果你是使用相同金鑰庫構建的 APK 更新 AAPS,則不需要按照此過程進行。 不過,仍建議在更新前建立備份。_ +_If you are updating AAPS using an APK built with the same keystore you should not need to follow this process. However, it is still advised to create a back-up before you apply the update._ -如果你在丟失或更換原金鑰庫後更新 AAPS(例如在未傳輸金鑰庫的情況下使用新電腦構建),請確保根據上述方法備份所有設定,然後在手機上卸載現有版本的 AAPS。 +If you are updating AAPS after you lost or replaced your original keystore (i.e. using a new build computer without transferring the keystore), ensure that you back-up all settings per the above and then uninstall the existing version of AAPS on your phone. -如果需要,請在下面步驟之前設定你的 CGM/血糖來源接收器(連結:[]( +If needed, setup your CGM/BG source receiver prior to the steps listed below (link: -_Omnipod 用戶:_ 如果在不同的幫浦活動期間匯出偏好設定檔案,匯入該檔案將會停用當前幫浦。 +_Omnipod users:_ importing a preferences file will deactivate your current pod if those preferences were exported during a different active pod session. -1 - 使用上述的 APK 備份,按照[新安裝指示](進行操作。 +1 - Using the back-up copy of your APK from above, follow the instructions for a new installation[ (link:]( -2 - 啟動 AAPS 並允許任何請求的權限。 +2 - Launch AAPS and allow any requested permissions -3 - 退出設定精靈。 我們將從偏好設定的備份檔案中匯入所有必要的設定。 +3 - Exit the Setup Wizard. We will be importing all of the necessary settings from the back-up copy of preferences -4 - 從 AAPS 主畫面選擇請求並允許頂部紅色列出的所有權限。 +4 - From the AAPS home screen select Request and allow on all permissions listed in red on the top -5 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇右上角的三個點 > 偏好設定 > 一般 > 保護 > 主密碼。 將主密碼設置為與備份時使用的密碼相同。 +5 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three dots in the top right corner > Preferences > General > Protection > Master password. Set the Master password to the same password as you used with your back-ups. -6 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 維護 > 匯出設定 > 輸入上述設置的主密碼 > 確定。 這將在手機上建立偏好設定資料夾(如果尚未存在)。 +6 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > Maintenance > Export settings > type in Master password set above > Ok. This will create the preferences folder if it does not already exist on your phone. -7 - 從雲端平台下載偏好設定檔案備份。 +7 - Download the back-up of your preferences file from your cloud platform. -8 - 使用你的檔案總管(通常稱為「檔案」或「我的檔案」)將檔案從下載移動到 /內部儲存/AAPS/偏好設定 資料夾中。 +8 - Use your file explorer (commonly called “Files” or “My Files”) to move the file from your downloads to /internal storage/AAPS/preferences -9 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 維護 > 匯入設定 > 選擇你想要備份的偏好設定檔案 > 確定 > 輸入上述設置的主密碼 > 確定。 確保選擇正確的偏好設定檔案,所有來自偏好設定資料夾的 .json 檔案將顯示。 +9 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > Maintenance > Import settings > select the preferences file you want to back-up from > Ok > type in Master password set above > Ok. Make sure you select the correct preferences file, all .json files from the preferences folder will be shown. -![AAPS 匯入設定 1](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings1.png) ![AAPS 匯入設定 2](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings2.png) +![AAPS import settings 1](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings1.png) ![AAPS import settings 2](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings2.png) -10 - AAPS 會自動重新啟動,並應該匯入所有偏好設定。 +10 - AAPS will automatically restart and should then have all of your preferences imported. -11 - 僅限 Omnipod Dash 用戶 - 如果你的偏好設定不是從你目前使用的幫浦備份的,你將需要啟動一個新的幫浦以開始胰島素輸送。 +11 - Omnipod dash users only - if your preferences were not backed up from the same pump you are currently using you will need to start a new pod to begin insulin delivery -**疑難排解:** 如果你無法從 AAPS 主畫面設置一個啟動的配置檔,請選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 配置構建器 > 幫浦 > 切換到虛擬幫浦,然後再切換回你的幫浦類型。 +**Troubleshooting:** if you are unable to get an active profile set from the AAPS home screen select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > config builder > Pump > switch to Virtual Pump > then switch back to your pump type -### Dana RS 使用者注意事項 +### Note for Dana RS users -- 由於幫浦連線設定也會匯入,新手機上的 AAPS 已經「認識」幫浦,因此不會啟動藍牙掃描。 -- 請手動配對新手機與幫浦。 +- As pump connection settings are also imported AAPS on your new phone will already "know" the pump and therefore not start a bluetooth scan. +- Please pair new phone and pump manually. From e49d7ed568195a5883b974f8650e611008765924 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 182/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 66 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index e868e3eeeb9b..850ef010b253 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,70 +1,70 @@ (Extended-Carbs-extended-carbs-ecarbs)= -# 延長碳水化合物 / "eCarbs" +# Extended carbs / "eCarbs" -## 什麼是 eCarbs?什麼時候使用 eCarbs 有效? +## What are eCarbs and when are they useful? -在一般幫浦療法中,延長注射(延長胰島素注射)是應對高脂肪或慢速吸收餐食的好方法,這些餐食會讓血糖在胰島素效果結束後仍然上升。 然而,在循環系統中,延長注射並不那麼適用(且技術上有困難),因為它基本上是一個固定的高臨時基礎率,而循環系統的工作原理是動態調整基礎率。 詳情請參閱下方的 [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment)。 +With a regular pump therapy, extended boluses are a good way to deal with fatty or otherwise slowly-absorbed meals which increase blood glucose longer than the insulin is in effect. In a loop context, however, extended boluses don't make as much sense (and pose technical difficulties), since they're basically a fixed high temporary basal rate, which goes against how the loop works, which is adjusting the basal rate dynamically. For details see [extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) below. -然而,處理這類餐食的需求仍然存在。 這就是為什麼從 AAPS 版本 2.0 開始支援所謂的延長碳水化合物或 eCarbs。 +The need to deal with such meals still exists though. Which is why AAPS as of version 2.0 supports so called extended carbs or eCarbs. -eCarbs 是指碳水化合物會在幾個小時內逐步釋放。 對於高碳水化合物的標準餐食,提前輸入碳水化合物(如果需要,可以減少初始注射量)通常足以避免過早的胰島素注射。 但是對於吸收較慢的餐食,如果完全提前輸入碳水化合物會導致來自 SMB 的 IOB 過多,eCarbs 可以更準確地模擬碳水化合物(以及你為其他營養素輸入的任何碳水化合物等效物)的吸收,並影響血糖。 有了這些資訊,循環系統可以更逐步地管理 SMB 來處理這些碳水化合物,這可以被視為一種動態的延長注射(即使沒有 SMB 也應該有效,但可能不如有 SMB 時效果好)。 +eCarbs are carbs that are spilt up over several hours. For standard meals with more carbohydrates than fat/protein, entering the carbs up front (and reducing the initial bolus if needed) is usually sufficient to prevent too-early insulin delivery. But for slower-absorbing meals where full carb entry up front results in too much IOB from SMB, eCarbs can be used to more accurately simulate how the carbs (and any carb equivalents you enter for other macronutrients) are absorbed and influence the blood glucose. With this information, the loop can administer SMBs more gradually to deal with those carbs, which can be seen as a dynamic extended bolus (this should also work without SMBs, but is probably less effective). -**注意:** eCarbs 不僅限於高脂肪/高蛋白餐食:它們也可以幫助應對任何會提高血糖的情況,例如服用其他藥物(如類固醇)。 +**Note:** eCarbs aren't limited to fatty / protein heavy meals: they can be also be used to help in any situation where there are influences that increase the blood sugar, e.g. other medication like corticosteroids. -## 使用 eCarbs 的操作方式 +## Mechanics of using eCarbs -要輸入 eCarbs,請在首頁總覽標籤的*碳水化合物*對話框中設置持續時間、總碳水化合物量,並可選擇時間偏移(*下方數值僅為示例,需自行嘗試以達到滿意的血糖反應*): +To enter eCarbs, set a duration in the *Carbs* dialog on the overview tab, the total carbs and optionally a time shift (*numbers below are just examples, you will need to try your own values to arrive at satisfactory glucose response for your use-cases*): -![輸入碳水化合物](../images/eCarbs_Dialog.png) +![Enter carbs](../images/eCarbs_Dialog.png) -首頁總覽標籤中的 eCarbs,注意 COB 欄位中的括號顯示未來的碳水化合物: +The eCarbs on the overview tab, note the carbs in brackets at the COB field, which shows the carbs in the future: -![圖表中的 eCarbs](../images/eCarbs_Graph.png) +![eCarbs in graph](../images/eCarbs_Graph.png) -未來的碳水化合物條目在治療標籤中會以深橙色顯示: +Carb entries which are in the future are coloured in dark orange on the treatment tab: -![治療標籤中顯示的未來 eCarbs](../images/eCarbs_Treatment.png) +![eCarbs in future in treatment tab](../images/eCarbs_Treatment.png) ______________________________________________________________________ -此功能用於處理脂肪和蛋白質的方法描述在此處:[]( +A way to handle fat and protein with that feature is described here: []( ______________________________________________________________________ -## 推薦設置、範例場景及重要注意事項 +## Recommended setup, example scenario, and important notes -推薦設置是使用 OpenAPS SMB APS 外掛,啟用 SMB 並啟用 *COB 啟用 SMB* 偏好設定。 +The recommended setup is to use the OpenAPS SMB APS plugin, with SMBs enabled as well as the *Enable SMB with COB* preference being enabled. -例如,對於披薩,你可以先透過 *計算機*部分注射,然後使用 *碳水化合物* 按鈕輸入剩餘的碳水化合物,持續時間設置為 4-6 小時,從 1 或 2 小時後開始。 +A scenario e.g. for a Pizza might be to give a (partial) bolus up front via the *calculator* and then use the *carbs* button to enter the remaining carbs for a duration of 4-6 hours, starting after 1 or 2 hours. -**重要注意事項:**當然,你需要嘗試看看哪些具體數值對你有效。 你還可以仔細調整*限制 SMB 的最大基礎率分鐘數*設置,以使演算法更積極或較不積極。 對於低碳水化合物、高脂肪/高蛋白餐食,可能僅使用 eCarbs 就足夠,不需要手動注射(詳情請參閱上述的部落格文章)。 當生成 eCarbs 時,系統也會在 Careportal 中生成一個筆記來記錄所有輸入,這樣可以更容易地進行調整和改進。 +**Important notes:** You'll need to try out and see which concrete values work for you of course. You might also carefully adjust the setting *max minutes of basal to limit SMB to* to make the algorithm more or less aggressive. With low carb, high fat/protein meals it may be enough to only use eCarbs without manual boluses (see the blog post above). When eCarbs are generated, a Careportal note is also created to document all inputs, to make it easier to iterate and improve inputs. (Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-why-they-wont-work-in-closed-loop-environment)= -## 延長注射及其為何在閉環系統中無法運作? +## Extended bolus and why they won't work in closed-loop environment? -如上所述,延長或多波段注射在閉環系統中並不真正有效。 [請參閱下方詳情](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) +As mentioned above extended or multiwave boluses do not really work in a closed loop environment. [See below](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) for details (Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only)= -### 延長注射與切換至開放循環 - 僅限 Dana 與 Insight 幫浦 +### Extended bolus and switch to open loop - Dana and Insight pump only -一些人希望 AAPS 能提供延長注射選項,因為他們希望以自己習慣的方式處理特殊食物。 +Some people were asking for an option to use extended bolus in AAPS anyway as they wanted to treat special foods the way they are used to. -這就是為什麼從 AAPS 版本 2.6 開始,對 Dana 和 Insight 幫浦使用者提供了延長注射選項。 +That's why as of version 2.6 there is an option for an extended bolus for users of Dana and Insight pumps. -- 閉環將自動停止並切換為開環模式,以運作延長注射。 -- 注射單位、剩餘和總時間將顯示在主畫面。 -- 如果啟用了 [TBR 模擬](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps),Insight 幫浦將不提供延長注射功能。 +- Closed loop will automatically be stopped and switched to open loop mode for the time running extended bolus. +- Bolus units, remaining and total time will be shown on homescreen. +- On Insight pump extended bolus is *not available* if [TBR emulation](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) is used. -![AAPS 2.6 中的延長注射](../images/ExtendedBolus2_6.png) +![Extended bolus in AAPS 2.6](../images/ExtendedBolus2_6.png) (Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment)= -### 為什麼延長注射在閉環系統中無法運作 +### Why extended boluses won't work in a closed loop environment -1. 循環系統決定現在應注射 1.55U/h。 無論這是透過延長注射還是 TBR 提供,對於演算法來說沒有區別。 實際上,有些幫浦使用延長注射。 那麼接下來該怎麼辦? 大多數幫浦驅動程式會停止延長注射——> 你甚至不需要開始它。 +1. The loop determines that now 1.55U/h is to be delivered. Whether this is delivered as an extended bolus or TBR does not matter to the algorithm. In fact, some of the pumps use the extended bolus. What should happen then? Most pump drivers then stop the extended bolus -> You didn't even need to start it. -2. 如果你已經輸入了延長注射,模型應該如何處理? +2. If you had the extended bolus as input, what should happen in the model? - 1. 它應該與基礎率一起被視為中立並在上面循環嗎? 然後,循環應該能夠減少注射量,如果,例如,你的血糖過低並且所有「中立」的胰島素都被移除了嗎? - 2. 延長注射應該被直接加入嗎? 所以應該允許循環繼續運作嗎? 即使是在最嚴重的低血糖情況下? 我覺得這不太好:預見到了低血糖,但不應該加以預防嗎? + 1. Should it be considered neutral together with the BR and looped on it? Then the loop should also be able to reduce the bolus if, for example, you get too low and all the "neutral" insulin is taken away? + 2. Should the extended bolus simply be added? So the loop should simply be allowed to continue? Even in the worst hypo? I don't think this is so good: A hypo is foreseen but it must not be prevented? -3. 延長注射所累積的活性胰島素會在5分鐘後的下一次運作時出現。 因此,循環將會提供較少的基礎率。 所以變化不大...除了避免低血糖的可能性被取消了。 +3. The IOB that the extended bolus builds up materializes after 5 minutes at the next run. Accordingly, the loop would give less basal. So not much changes... except that the possibility of hypo avoidance is taken. From a72330f12a9c6c275d6f973a6cebd01302e73c87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 183/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 72 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 29a062f96323..b4f6f2903c33 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ -# 手動安裝 Google Play 服務於 Sony Smartwatch 3 +# Manual Installation of Google Play Service for Sony Smartwatch 3 -Sony Smartwatch 3 是最常與 AAPS 搭配使用的手錶之一。 不幸的是,Google 在2020年秋天終止了對 Wear OS 1.5 設備的支援。 這導致 Sony SW3 在使用 AAPS 2.7 及以上版本時出現問題。 +The Sony Smartwatch 3 is one of the most popular watches to be used with AAPS. Unfortunately Google dropped support for wear OS 1.5 devices in fall 2020. This leads to problems when using Sony SW3 with AAPS 2.7 and above. -以下的解決方法應該可以延長 Sony Smartwatch 3 的使用時間,但請記住,遲早還是需要更換新手錶。 +The following workaround should extend the time the Sony Smartwatch 3 can be used but keep in mind that the need to switch to a new smartwatch will come sooner or later. -## 1. 下載最新的 Wear OS 版 GService +## 1. Download the latest GService for Wear OS -- 使用 [apkmirror 網站](,你可以找到 "Google Play Services (Wear OS)" 的最新 apk。 +- Using [apkmirror website]( you can find the latest apk for "Google Play Services (Wear OS)". - 架構:armeabi-v7a,最低版本:Android 6.0+,螢幕 DPI:nodpi + Architecture: armeabi-v7a, Minimum Version: Android 6.0+, Screen DPI: nodpi -- 你必須確保兩件事: +- You must ensure 2 things: - - 這是最新版本嗎? - - 它是否與 Android 6.0+ 相容?(因為它是 Wear Android 版本,7.0+ 及以上版本無法運作) + - Is it the latest version? + - Is it compatible with Android 6.0+ (as it's the wear android version, 7.0+ and above will not work)? -- 遲早,Google 絕對會終止對 Android 6.0 的支援。 當這發生時,最新版本將不再適用於 Android 6.0+,因此將迎來終結。 +- Sooner or later, Google will definitely drop Android 6.0. When this will happen, the latest version will not be available anymore for Android 6.0+, therefore it will be the end. -## 2. 在你的電腦上下載/安裝 adb 偵錯工具 +## 2. Download/Install adb debugging tools on your computer -- 有多種方式可以安裝 adb 偵錯工具。 -- 建議使用 [SDK Platform Tools](只需下載 zip 檔並解壓縮到你選擇的目錄。 +- There are multiple ways to install the adb debugging tool. +- It is recommended to use [SDK Platform Tools]( Just download zip file and unzip to a directory of your choice. -## 3. 在你的手錶上啟用 ADB 偵錯選項 +## 3. Enable ADB Debugging options on your watch -- 前往設定 --> 關於 --> 版本號,啟用開發者模式 -- 或者可能是設定 --> 系統 --> 關於 --> 版本 --> 版本號 +- Enable developer mode by going to Settings --> About --> Build number +- Or it could be Settings --> System --> About --> --> Versions --> Build number -- 點擊7次。 -- 然後前往設定 --> 開發者選項 --> ADB 偵錯(啟用) +- Click it 7 times. +- Now go to Settings --> Developer Options --> ADB Debugging (enable) -## 4. 將你的手錶連線到電腦 +## 4. Connect your watch to your computer -- 將手錶插入電腦。 -- 將最新下載的 Google 服務 APK 重命名為一個簡短的名字(例如 SW3fix.apk)。 -- 將此 APK 放入 adb 工具的目錄中(例如:解壓縮的 SDK Platform Tools 目錄)。 -- 使用 Windows 開始選單中的「cmd」指令打開 Windows 終端機。 -- 在終端機中,進入包含 adb 工具和 Google 服務 APK 的目錄(輸入指令「cd \[你的路徑\]」,例如「cd C:UsersSWR50loopersdktools」)。 -- 然後輸入 “adb devices”。 -- 稍後,你應該會看到手錶上的偵錯權限提示:接受它。 -- 在終端機中,當再次輸入 "adb devices" 時,應該會看到類似 "14452D11F536B52 device" 的訊息。 -- 如果你看到 "unauthorized" 或其他,表示你還沒準備好進行下一步,回去再試一次。 -- 如果你在這步遇到困難,可能需要為你的手錶安裝特定的驅動程式或其他東西。 在這時,Google 是你最好的朋友。 -- 然後等待,安裝可能需要幾分鐘。 +- Then plug your smartwatch to PC. +- Rename latest downloaded google services APK using some short and simple name (let's say SW3fix.apk). +- Place this APK to the directory of your adb tool (in our case: the directory of unzipped SDK Platform Tools). +- Open Windows terminal using command „cmd“ in Windows start menu. +- In terminal, go to the directory that includes your adb tool and google services APK (type command „cd \[your path\]“, e.g. „cd C:UsersSWR50loopersdktools“). +- Then type “adb devices”. +- After a moment, you should get a prompt asking for debugging permission on your watch: accept. +- In the terminal, you should now see something like "14452D11F536B52 device" when typing "adb devices" again. +- If you see "unauthorized" or else, you're not ready for the next step, go back and try again. +- If you struggle at this step, you may need specific drivers or else for your watch. Google will be your best friend at this point. +- Then wait, the installation can take several minutes. -## 5. 將應用程式傳送到手錶 +## 5. Send the app to your watch -- 在終端機中輸入這個指令「adb install -r -g 應用名稱.apk」(所以在我們的例子中是「adb install -r -g SW3fix.apk」)。 +- In terminal enter this command „adb install -r -g aplicationname.apk“ (so in our case „adb install -r -g SW3fix.apk“). - ![終端機指令](../images/SonySW3_Terminal1.png) + ![Terminal command](../images/SonySW3_Terminal1.png) -- 等待約4–5分鐘以完成安裝。 +- Wait for about 4–5 minutes for installation to complete. - ![終端機成功安裝](../images/SonySW3_Terminal2.png) + ![Terminal successful installation](../images/SonySW3_Terminal2.png) -- 一旦完成,重新啟動手錶,應用程式應該會迅速開始同步。 +- Once it's done, restart your watch and you should see the apps beginning to synchronize themself promptly. From 83a3d5e4654f5970e1970b8c3dbcaca4b55ec592 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 184/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 102 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 47bce6b2ff4f..c09fdad6ebeb 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,110 +1,110 @@ -# 疑難排解 +# Troubleshooting -你可以在許多 wiki 頁面上找到疑難排解的資訊。 此頁面是幫助你找到解決問題資訊的鏈接集合。 +You can find troubleshooting info on many pages in the wiki. This page is a collection of links to help you find the information to solve your problem. -額外的有用資訊可能也會在 [FAQ](../Getting-Started/FAQ.html) 中找到。 +Additional useful information might also be available in the [FAQ](../Getting-Started/FAQ.html). -## AAPS 應用程式 +## AAPS app -### 建立 & 更新 +### Building & updating -* [遺失的密鑰庫](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore) -* [疑難排解 AndroidStudio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +* [Lost keystore](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore) +* [Troubleshooting AndroidStudio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -### 設定 -* [設定檔](Profiles-troubleshooting-profile-errors) +### Settings +* [Profile](Profiles-troubleshooting-profile-errors) - ![錯誤:基礎率未對齊到整點](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) + ![Error: Basal not aligned to hours](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) -* [幫浦 - 來自不同幫浦的資料](../Installing-AndroidAPS/update3_0.html#failure-message-data-from-different-pump) +* [Pump - data from different pump](../Installing-AndroidAPS/update3_0.html#failure-message-data-from-different-pump) - ![錯誤訊息:來自不同幫浦的資料](../images/BasalNotAlignedToHours2.png) + ![Failure message: Data from different pump](../images/BasalNotAlignedToHours2.png) -* [Nightscout 用戶端](../Usage/Troubleshooting-NSClient.html) +* [Nightscout Client](../Usage/Troubleshooting-NSClient.html) -### 使用說明 -* [碳水化合物值錯誤](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) +### Usage +* [Wrong carb values](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) - ![錯誤:碳水化合物吸收速度過慢](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) + ![Error: Slow carb absorption](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) -* [SMS 指令](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) +* [SMS commands](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) -### 頻繁的藍牙連線問題 +### Frequent bluetooth connection problems -這可能會發生在各種幫浦上。 除了將 AAPS 排除在任何電池優化之外,你還可以將系統的藍牙應用程式排除在電池優化之外。 這在某些情況下有幫助。 根據你使用的手機,你會以不同方式找到藍牙應用程式。 +This can happen with various pumps. Apart from excluding AAPS from any battery optimization, you can also exclude the system bluetooth app from battery optimization. This can help in some cases. Depending on the phone you use, you will find the bluetooth app differently. -這裡是一些如何在特定 Android 手機上找到它們的範例。 +Here are examples how to find them on specific android phones. -#### Pixel 手機(原生 Android) +#### Pixel phones (stock android) -* 進入 Android 設定,選擇「應用程式」。 +* Go to the android settings, select "Apps". - ![Android 設定¦應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/01_androidsettings.png) + ![Android Settings¦Apps](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/01_androidsettings.png) -* 選擇「查看所有應用程式」 +* Select "See all apps" - ![查看所有應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/02_apps.png) + ![See all apps](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/02_apps.png) -* 在右側的選單中,選擇「顯示系統應用程式」。 +* On the menu on the right, select "Show system" apps. - ![顯示系統應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_allapps.png) + ![Show system apps](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_allapps.png) -* 現在搜尋並選擇「藍牙」應用程式。 +* Now search and select the app "Bluetooth". - ![藍牙應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_bluetooth.png) + ![Bluetooth app](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_bluetooth.png) -* 點擊「應用程式電池使用情況」並選擇「未優化」。 +* Click the "App battery usage" and select "Not optimized". - ![藍牙電池優化](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/04_btunrestricted.png) + ![BT Battery optimization](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/04_btunrestricted.png) -#### Samsung 手機 +#### Samsung phones -* 進入 Android 設定,選擇「應用程式」 +* Go to the android settings, select "Apps" -* 在圖示上(1)選擇變更排序演算法,然後選擇「顯示系統應用程式」(2)。 +* On the icon that supposedly changes the sorting algorithm (1), select "Show system apps" (2). - ![應用程式篩選器](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung01_Apps.png) + ![App Filter](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung01_Apps.png) - ![顯示系統應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung02_ShowSystemApps.png) + ![Show system apps](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung02_ShowSystemApps.png) -* 現在搜尋藍牙應用程式並選擇它來查看其設定。 +* Now search the bluetooth app and select it to see its settings. - ![藍牙應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung03_BtApp.png) + ![Bluetooth App](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung03_BtApp.png) -* 選擇「電池」。 +* Select "battery". - ![電池](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung04_Battery.png) + ![Battery](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung04_Battery.png) -* 將其設為「未優化」。 +* Set it to "Not optimized" - ![未優化](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung05_NotOptimized.png) + ![Not optimized](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung05_NotOptimized.png) ## CGM -* [一般問題](GeneralCGMRecommendation-troubleshooting) +* [General](GeneralCGMRecommendation-troubleshooting) * [Dexcom G6](DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6) * [Libre 3](Libre3-experiences-and-troubleshooting) * [Libre 2](Libre2-experiences-and-troubleshooting) -* [xDrip - 無 CGM 資料](xdrip-identify-receiver) -* [xDrip - Dexcom 疑難排解](xdrip-troubleshooting-dexcom-g5-g6-and-xdrip) +* [xDrip - no CGM data](xdrip-identify-receiver) +* [xDrip - Dexcom troubleshooting](xdrip-troubleshooting-dexcom-g5-g6-and-xdrip) -## 幫浦 +## Pumps * [DanaRS](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dana-rs-specific-errors) -* [Accu-Chek Combo 總覽](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage) +* [Accu-Chek Combo general](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage) * [Accu-Chek Combo + Ruffy](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-why-pairing-with-the-pump-does-not-work-with-the-app-ruffy) * [Accu-Chek Insight](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-insight-specific-errors) * [Medtronic + RileyLink](MedtronicPump-what-to-do-if-i-loose-connection-to-rileylink-and-or-pump) -## 手機 +## Phones * [Jelly](../Usage/ -* [華為藍牙 & 電池優化](../Usage/ +* [Huawei bluetooth & battery optimization](../Usage/ -## 智慧型手錶 +## Smartwatches -* [疑難排解 Wear 應用程式](Watchfaces-troubleshooting-the-wear-app) +* [Troubleshooting Wear app](Watchfaces-troubleshooting-the-wear-app) * [Sony Smartwatch 3](../Usage/ From 58fdbaf5a7e6d4a9dadf4204ec3487c26a343f4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:06:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 185/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 3d4cf2374708..bdd3a34dd476 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# 更改語言 +# Change language ```{note} -語言選擇已移至左側選單的底部抽屜。 請點擊底部欄位,打開語言選擇選單。 +The language selection have been moved to the bottom drawer of the left menu. Please click on the bottom bar to open language selection menu. ``` -![打開語言選單](images/documentation_language_menu.png){w=350px align=center} +![Open language menu](images/documentation_language_menu.png){w=350px align=center} From a2c7895df06a5a005a63d75017f2f8a44e4f594a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 186/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ | 56 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ index 244d1ff56ae3..3ee720c90638 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -# 遠端監控 +# Remote monitoring -![監控兒童](../images/KidsMonitoring.png) +![Monitoring children](../images/KidsMonitoring.png) -AAPS 提供多種遠端監控兒童的選項,並允許傳送遠端指令。 當然,您也可以使用遠端監控來追蹤您的伴侶或朋友。 +AAPS offer several options for remote monitoring of children and also allows to send remote commands. Of course you can also use remote monitoring to follow your partner or friend. -## 功能 +## Functions -- 孩子的幫浦是由孩子的手機使用 AAPS 控制的。 -- 父母可以透過他們的手機使用 **AAPSClient 應用程式** 遠端查看所有相關資料,如血糖值、活性碳水化合物、活性胰島素等。 AAPS 和 AAPSClient 應用程式中的設定必須相同。 -- 父母可以使用手機上的 **xDrip+ 應用程式** 在追蹤者模式中接收警報。 -- 透過雙因素身份驗證的 [SMS 指令](../Children/ 遠端控制 AAPS。 -- 僅在同步運作正常時(例如您沒有看到不需要的資料更改如 TT、TBR 自動修改等情況)建議使用 AAPSClient 應用程式進行遠端控制,有關詳情請參閱 [ 版的發行說明](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1)。 +- Kid's pump is controlled by kid's phone using AAPS. +- Parents can remotely follow seeing all relevant data such as glucose levels, carbs on board, insulin on board etc. using **AAPSClient app** on their phone. Settings must be the same in AAPS and AAPSClient app. +- Parents can be alarmed by using **xDrip+ app in follower mode** on their phone. +- Remote control of AAPS using [SMS Commands](../Children/ secured by two-factor authentication. +- Remote control through AAPSClient app is only recommended if your synchronization is working well (ie. you don’t see unwanted data changes like self modification of TT, TBR etc) see [release notes for Version](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1) for further details. -## 遠端監控的工具和應用程式 +## Tools and apps for remote monitoring -- 網頁瀏覽器中的 [Nightscout](主要用於資料顯示) -- AAPSClient 應用程式是 AAPS 的精簡版本,能夠追蹤某人、更換設定檔、設定臨時目標並輸入碳水化合物。 您可以下載兩個應用程式:[AAPSClient 及 AAPSClient2](。 這兩個應用程式唯一的區別是應用程式名稱。 這樣,您可以在同一部手機上安裝兩個應用程式,從而能夠追蹤兩個不同人的nightscouts。 -- 如果您使用的是原版 Dexcom 應用程式,您可以使用 Dexcom 追蹤應用程式(僅顯示血糖值)。 -- [xDrip+](../Configuration/ 在追蹤者模式中(主要顯示血糖值和 **警報**)。 -- 在 iOS 上使用 [Sugarmate]( 或 [Spike](主要顯示血糖值和 **警報**)。 -- 一些使用者發現 [TeamViewer]( 這樣的全遠端存取工具對於進行高階遠端故障排除非常有幫助。 +- [Nightscout]( in web browser (mainly data display) +- AAPSClient app is a stripped down version of AAPS capable of following somebody, making profile switches, setting TTs and entering carbs. There are 2 apps: [AAPSClient & AAPSClient2 to download]( The only difference is the app name. This way you can install the app twice on the same phone, to be able to follow 2 different persons/nightscouts with it. +- Dexcom follow if you are using original Dexcom app (BG values only) +- [xDrip+](../Configuration/ in follower mode (mainly BG values and **alarms**) +- [Sugarmate]( or [Spike]( on iOS (mainly BG values and **alarms**) +- Some users find a full remote access tool like [TeamViewer]( to be helpful for advanced remote troubleshooting -## 智慧型手錶選項 +## Smartwatch options -智慧型手錶在幫助管理 AAPS 和孩子的情況下可能是非常有用的工具。 可以進行幾種不同的配置: +A smartwatch can be a very useful tool in helping manage AAPS with kids. A couple of different configurations are possible: -- 如果父母的手機上安裝了 AAPSClient,則可以在與父母手機相連的相容智慧型手錶上安裝 [AAPSClient WearOS 應用程式](。 這將顯示當前的血糖值、循環狀態,並允許輸入碳水化合物、設定臨時目標和更換設定檔。 無法從 WearOS 應用程式進行注射。 -- 或者,可以自行建立並安裝在與孩子手機相連的相容智慧型手錶上,但由父母配戴的 [AAPS WearOS 應用程式](。 這包括上述所有功能,並具有注射胰島素的能力。 這允許父母在不需要取出孩子手機的情況下管理胰島素注射。 +- If AAPSClient is installed on the parents phone, the [AAPSClient WearOS app]( can be installed on a compatible smartwatch connected to the parent's phone. This will show current BG, loop status and allow carb entry, temp targets and profile changes. It will NOT allow bolusing from the WearOS app. +- Alternatively, the [AAPS WearOS app]( can be built and installed on a compatible smartwatch, connected to the kid's phone but worn by the parent. This includes all the functions listed above as well as the ability to bolus insulin. This allows the parent to adminster insulin without needing to remove the kid's phone from however it is kept on them. -## 需考慮的事項 +## Things to consider -- 為孩子設定正確的 [治療因子](FAQ-how-to-begin)(基礎率、胰島素作用時間、胰島素敏感因子等)是困難的,尤其是在涉及生長激素的情況下。 -- AAPS 和 AAPSClient 應用程式中的設定必須相同。 -- 考慮主裝置和追蹤者之間的時間差,因為上傳和下載需要時間,並且 AAPS 主手機只會在循環運作後上傳資料。 -- 因此,請花時間正確設定這些參數,並在現實生活中與您的孩子一起測試,然後再開始遠端監控和遠端治療。 學校假期可能是進行此操作的好時機。 -- 當遠端控制無法運作時(例如,網路問題),您的應變計劃是什麼? -- 遠端監控和治療在幼兒園和小學中非常有幫助。 但請確保老師和教育工作者了解您孩子的治療計劃。 可以在 Facebook 上的 [AAPS 使用者群組檔案區]( 中找到此類照護計劃的範例。 -- 務必讓孩子的手機始終在幫浦和CGM的範圍內。 這對於非常年幼的孩子來說可能是一個挑戰。 有許多解決方案,一個受歡迎的選項是 [SPI Belt](。 +- Setting the correct [treatment factors](FAQ-how-to-begin) (basal rate, DIA, ISF...) is difficult for kids, especially when growth hormones are involved. +- Settings must be the same in AAPS and AAPSClient app. +- Consider time gap between master and follower due to time for up- and download as well as the fact that AAPS master phone will only upload after loop run. +- So take your time to set those correctly and test them in real life with your kid next to you before starting remote monitoring and remote treatment. School holidays might be a good time for that. +- What is your emergency plan when remote control does not work (i.e. network problems)? +- Remote monitoring and treatment can be really helpful in kinder garden and elementary school. But make sure the teachers and educators are aware of your kid's treatment plan. Examples for such care plans can be found in the [files section of AAPS users]( on Facebook. +- It is important to keep the kid's phone in range of their pump and CGM at all times. This can be challenging especially with very small children. Many solutions exist, a popular option is an [SPI Belt]( From af150d05b85a58452b457eb4b8f54c2b0a48ab98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 187/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ | 226 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ index e3ff718e2410..25c9d5adcf66 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ @@ -1,189 +1,189 @@ -# SMS(簡訊) 指令 +# SMS Commands -## 安全第一 +## Safety First -- AAPS 允許您透過簡訊遠端控制孩子的手機。 如果您啟用此 SMS 通訊功能,請務必記住,設置為傳送遠端指令的手機可能會被盜。 因此,務必至少使用 PIN 碼來保護手機。 建議使用強度較高的密碼或生物識別技術。 -- 此外,建議允許 [第二個手機號碼](SMS-Commands-authorized-phone-numbers) 來發送 SMS 指令。 這樣,當您的主遠端手機丟失或被盜時,可以使用第二個號碼 [臨時停用](SMS-Commands-other) SMS 通訊功能。 -- 如果您傳送的遠端指令(如注射或更改設定檔)已執行,AAPS 也會透過簡訊通知您。 建議將其設置為至少傳送到兩個不同的手機號碼,以防其中一部接收手機被盜。 -- **如果您透過 SMS 指令進行注射,則必須透過 Nightscout(AAPSClient、網站等)輸入碳水化合物!** 如果您未這樣做,活性胰島素(IOB)數值會正確,但活性碳水化合物化合物(COB)可能過低,導致 **AAPS** 假設您有過多的活性胰島素,從而未執行糾正注射。 -- 從 AAPS 2.7 版本起,當使用 SMS 指令時,必須使用帶有時間一次性密碼的身份驗證器應用程式來提高安全性。 +- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. If you enable this SMS Communicator, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. +- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](SMS-Commands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](SMS-Commands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. +- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. +- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. +- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. -## 設定 SMS 指令 +## Setup SMS commands -![SMS 指令設定](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) -- 大多數臨時目標的調整、追蹤 AAPS 等操作可以在連線網路的 Android 手機上的 [AAPSClient 應用程式](../Children/ 中完成。 -- 無法透過 Nightscout 進行注射,但可以使用 SMS 指令。 -- 如果您使用 iPhone 作為追蹤者,無法使用 AAPSClient 應用程式,則有其他 SMS 指令可用。 -- 在 Android 手機設定中,前往應用程式 > AndroidAPS > 權限並啟用 SMS。 +- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../Children/ on an Android phone with an internet connection. +- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. +- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. +- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS (SMS-Commands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### 授權手機號碼 +### Authorized phone numbers -- 在 AAPS 中,前往 **偏好設定 > SMS 通訊功能** 並輸入允許發送 SMS 指令的手機號碼(使用分號分隔 - 例如 +6412345678;+6412345679)。 +- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) -- 請注意,根據您所在的位置,號碼前的「+」可能是必需的,也可能不是必需的。 為了確定這一點,請發送一條測試簡訊,這將顯示在 SMS 通訊功能標籤中接收到的格式。 +- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. -- 啟用「允許透過 SMS 傳送遠端指令」。 +- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. -- 如果您想使用多個號碼: +- If you want to use more than one number: - - 只輸入一個號碼。 + - Enter just one number. - - 透過發送並確認一條 SMS 指令使該號碼運作。 + - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. - - 輸入其他號碼,使用分號分隔,無需空格。 + - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. - ![SMS 指令設置多個號碼](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) + ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) -### 注射指令間的分鐘數 +### Minutes between bolus commands -- 您可以定義透過 SMS 發送的兩次注射之間的最小間隔時間。 -- 出於安全考慮,您必須添加至少兩個授權手機號碼來編輯此數值。 +- You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. +- For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. -### 另外,必須在訊息末端添加 PIN 碼。 +### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end -- 為了安全起見,回覆碼後面必須加上 PIN 碼。 +- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. -- PIN 碼規則: +- PIN rules: - - 3到6位數字 - - 不允許相同數字(例如 1111) - - 不允許連續數字(例如 1234) + - 3 to 6 digits + - not same digits (i.e. 1111) + - not in a row (i.e. 1234) -### 身份驗證器設置 +### Authenticator setup -- 使用雙因素身份驗證來提高安全性。 +- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. -- 您可以使用任何支援 RFC 6238 TOTP 令牌的身份驗證應用程式。 常見的免費應用程式有: +- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: - [Authy]( - - Google 身份驗證器 - [Android]( / [iOS]( - - [LastPass 身份驗證器]( - - [FreeOTP 身份驗證器]( + - Google Authenticator - [Android]( / [iOS]( + - [LastPass Authenticator]( + - [FreeOTP Authenticator]( -- 在追蹤者的手機上安裝您選擇的身份驗證應用程式,並掃描 AAPS 中顯示的 QR Code。 +- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. -- 透過輸入您身份驗證應用程式中顯示的令牌和您剛剛在 AAPS 中設置的 PIN 來測試一次性密碼。 範例: +- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: - - 您的強制 PIN 碼是 2020 - - TOTP 令牌來自身份驗證應用程式是 457051 - - 輸入 4570512020 + - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 + - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 + - Enter 4570512020 -- 如果輸入正確,紅色文字「PIN 錯誤」將**自動**變為綠色的「OK」。 **這裡沒有按鈕可以按!** +- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** -- 兩部手機上的時間必須同步。 最佳做法是從網路自動設置。 時間差可能會導致身份驗證問題。 +- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. -- 如果您想移除已註冊的身份驗證器,請使用「重置身份驗證器」按鈕。 (透過重置身份驗證器,您將使所有已註冊的身份驗證器無效。 您將需要重新設置它們。) +- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) -## 使用 SMS 指令 +## Use SMS commands -- 從您的授權手機號碼向運作 AAPS 的手機發送 SMS,使用以下任何[指令](SMS-Commands-commands)。 +- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](SMS-Commands-commands) below. -- AAPS 手機將回覆以確認指令是否成功執行或請求的狀態。 +- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. -- 如果需要,請透過發送代碼確認指令。 範例: +- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: - - 您的強制 PIN 碼是 2020 - - TOTP 令牌來自身份驗證應用程式是 457051 - - 輸入 4570512020 + - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 + - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 + - Enter 4570512020 -**提示**:如果您將發送大量 SMS,則建議您手機方案中具有無限簡訊功能(對於每個使用的手機)。 +**Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. (SMS-Commands-commands)= -## 指令 +## Commands -指令必須以英文發送,回覆將使用您當地的語言,如果該回覆字符串已經[翻譯](translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)。 +Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). -![SMS 指令範例](../images/SMSCommands.png) +![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) -### 循環 +### Loop -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE (循環停止/停用) \* 回覆:循環已停用 +- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled -- LOOP START/ENABLE (循環啟動/啟用) \* 回覆:循環已啟用 +- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled -- LOOP STATUS (循環狀態) +- LOOP STATUS - - 回覆取決於實際狀態 + - Response depends on actual status - - Loop is disabled \* 回覆:循環已停用 - - Loop is enabled \*回覆:循環已啟用 - - Suspended (10 min) \*回覆:暫停(10 分鐘) + - 闭环被禁用 + - 闭环被启用 + - Suspended (10 min) -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 (循環暫停 20) \* 回覆:循環已暫停 20 分鐘 +- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes -- LOOP RESUME (循環恢復) \* 回覆:循環已恢復 +- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed -- LOOP CLOSED (循環關閉) \* 回覆:當前循環模式:循環關閉 +- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop -- LOOP LGS (循環低血糖暫停) \* 回覆:當前循環模式:低血糖暫停 +- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend -### CGM 資料 +### CGM data -- BG (血糖) \* 回覆:最後血糖值:5.6 4 分鐘前,變化:-0.2 mmol,活性胰島素:0.20U(注射:0.10U 基礎:0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 (校正 5.6) \* 回覆:要發送校正 5.6,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 正確代碼收到後的回覆:校正已發送(**如果安裝了 xDrip。 啟用 xDrip+ 的校正接受功能**) +- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) +- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) -### 基礎率 +### 基础率 -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL (基礎停止/取消) \* 回覆:要停止臨時基礎率,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 0.3 (基礎 0.3) \* 回覆:要開始 0.3U/h 的基礎率持續 30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 (基礎 0.3 20) \* 回覆:要開始 0.3U/h 的基礎率持續 20 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 30% (基礎30%) \* 回覆:要開始 30% 的基礎率持續 30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 (基礎30% 50 \* 回覆:要開始 30% 的基礎率持續 50 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -### 注射 +### 大剂量 -在最後一次注射指令或遠端指令後 15 分鐘內(此值僅在添加兩個手機號碼時可編輯)不允許進行遠端注射! 因此回覆取決於最後一次注射的時間。 +Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. -- BOLUS 1.2 (注射 1.2) \* 回覆 A:要注射 1.2U,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 回覆 B:遠端注射不可用。 稍後再試。 -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL (注射 0.60 餐前) \* 如果您指定了可選參數「餐前」,則會設定臨時目標「餐前」(預設值為:90 mg/dL,5.0 mmol/l 持續 45 分鐘)。 \* 回覆 A:要注射餐前注射 0.60U,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 回覆 B:遠端注射不可用。 -- CARBS 5 (碳水化合物 5) \* 回覆:要在 12:45 輸入 5 克,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM (碳水化合物 5 17:35/5:35PM) \* 回覆:要在 17:35 輸入 5 克,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL (擴展停止/取消) \* 回覆:要停止擴展注射,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 (擴展 2 120) \* 回覆:要開始擴展注射 2U 持續 120 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. +- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. +- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -### 設定檔 +### Profile -- PROFILE STATUS (設定檔狀態) \* 回覆:設定檔 1 -- PROFILE LIST (設定檔清單) \* 回覆:1.\`設定檔 1\` 2.\`設定檔 2\` -- PROFILE 1 (設定檔 1) \* 回覆:要切換至設定檔 1 100%,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 (設定檔 2 30) \* 回覆:要切換至設定檔 2 30%,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 +- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` +- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN (SMS-Commands-other)= ### 其他 -- TREATMENTS REFRESH (治療重新整理) \* 回覆:從 NS 重新整理治療 -- NSClient RESTART (NSClient 重新啟動) \* 回覆:NSCLIENT 重新啟動已發送 -- PUMP (幫浦) \* 回覆:上次連線:1 分鐘前,臨時基礎率:0.00U/h @11:38 5/30分鐘,活性胰島素:0.5U,儲量:34U,電池:100 -- PUMP CONNECT (幫浦連線) \* 回覆:幫浦已重新連線 -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* (幫浦斷線 *30*) \* 回覆:要中斷幫浦 <0>30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP (SMS 停用/停止) \* 回覆:要停用 SMS 遠端服務,請回覆任意代碼。 請記住,您只能直接從 AAPS 主手機重新啟用此功能。 -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO (目標 餐前/活動/低血糖) \* 回覆:要設定臨時目標餐前/活動/低血糖,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL (目標停止/取消) \* 回覆:要取消臨時目標,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -- HELP (幫助) \* 回覆:BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS,...... (回覆各項可用指令) -- HELP BOLUS (幫助 注射) \* 回覆:BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 餐前 +- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS +- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT +- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 +- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected +- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. +- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... +- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL (SMS-Commands-troubleshooting)= -## 疑難排解 +## Troubleshooting -### 多條簡訊 +### Multiple SMS -如果您反覆收到相同的訊息(例如設定檔切換),您可能與其他應用程式形成了循環。 例如可能是 xDrip+。 如果是這樣,請確保 xDrip+(或任何其他應用程式)沒有將治療資料上傳到 NS。 +If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. -如果其他應用程式安裝在多部手機上,請確保在所有手機上停用上傳功能。 +If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. -### SMS 指令在三星手機上無法正常運作 +### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones -有報告指出,Galaxy S10 手機更新後,SMS 指令停止運作。 透過停用「以聊天訊息發送」可以解決此問題。 +There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. -![停用 SMS 作為聊天訊息](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages 應用程式 +![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +### Android Messages App -如果您在使用 Android Messages 應用程式發送或接收 SMS 指令時遇到問題,請在照護者和孩子的手機上停用端到端加密。 - - 打開 Messages 中的特定 SMS 對話 - - 選擇右上角的選項按鈕 - - 選擇「詳細訊息」 - - 啟用「僅發送 SMS 和 MMS 訊息」 +If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. + - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages + - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner + - select "Details" + - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" From 4cacae9a07f58a03bb223a881ad0fb6ceefc98ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 188/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 56 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 7464118dfb41..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ -# Dexcom G7 和 ONE+ +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ -## 基本準備 +## Fundamental in advance -值得注意的是,與 G6 相比,G7 和 ONE+ 系統在應用程式和讀取器中都不會平滑值。 更多詳細資訊請參閱 [這裡](。 +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( -![G7 英文](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) -:::{admonition} [平滑方法](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **指數平滑法** **必須** 開啟,才能有效使用 G7 / ONE+ 的數值。 +:::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: -## 1. 修補版 Dexcom G7 應用程式 (DiAKEM) +## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**注意:需要 AAPS 或更高版本! 不適用於 ONE+。** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** -### 安裝新的修補版 G7 應用程式並啟動傳感器 +### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor -修補版 Dexcom G7 應用程式 (DiAKEM) 可查看 Dexcom G7 資料。 這不是 BYODA 應用程式,因為該應用程式目前無法接收 G7 資料。 +A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiAKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not the BYODA app as this app can not receive G7 data at the moment. -如果之前有使用過原Dexcom應用程式,請將其解除安裝(如果感測器正在運作,可以繼續使用感測器,請在移除應用程式前記下感測器代碼!) +Uninstall the original Dexcom app if you used it before (A running sensor session can be continued - note the sensor code before removal of the app!) -從 [這裡](下載並安裝修補版.apk。 +Download and install the patched.apk [here]( -在修補版應用程式中輸入傳感器代碼。 +Enter sensor code in the patched app. -請遵循一般CGM衛生與感測器放置的建議,詳情請見[>此處](../Hardware/。 +Follow the general recommendations for CGM hygiene and sensor placement found [here](../Hardware/ -預熱階段結束後,資料將如常顯示在 G7 應用程式中。 +After the warm-up phase, the values are displayed as usual in the G7 app. -### 在 AAPS 中進行配置 +### Configuration in AAPS -AAPS 中的配置步驟 -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 'BYODA' - 即便這不是 BYODA 應用程式! +For the configuration in AAPS +- Select 'BYODA' in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ - even if it is not the BYODA app! -- 如果 AAPS 無法接收任何資料,請切換到其他血糖來源,然後再切回 'BYODA' 以調用查詢以批准 AAPS 和 BYODA 之間的資料交換。 +- If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+(直接連接至 G7 或 ONE+) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) -- 請參閱這裡的說明:[Xdrip+ G7]( -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 xDrip+。 +- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( +- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面上的解釋來調整 xDrip+ 設定 [xDrip+ 設定](../Configuration/ +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ -## 3. xDrip+(伴侶模式) +## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) -- 下載並安裝 xDrip+:[xDrip]( -- 在 xDrip+ 中必須選擇「伴侶應用程式」作為資料來源,並在進階設定 > 藍牙設定 > 啟用「伴侶藍牙」。 -- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 xDrip+。 +- Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip]( +- As data source in xDrip+ "Companion App" must be selected and under Advanced Settings > Bluetooth Settings > "Companion Bluetooth" must be enabled. +- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面上的解釋來調整 xDrip+ 設定 [xDrip+ 設定](../Configuration/ +- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ From 986b34bef528b4ac3290b66bad4b4440519297d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 189/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Administration/ | 26 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ index 34175aaa937b..cb888d5aa0cd 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ -# 應用程式與文件的翻譯狀態 +# state of translation for app and the documentation -狀態每小時更新一次,僅反映 Crowdin 上的狀態。 +The state is once per hour updated and reflects only the state in Crowdin. -:::{提示} +:::{tip} -注意,校對的百分比要比翻譯的百分比低,但他們卻決定把它顯示在翻譯的上面。 最好只查看翻譯百分比來判斷是否還有工作需要完成。 +Be careful the percentage of proofreading must be lower then the percentage of translations but they decided to show it on top of the translations. It's better to look only at the percentage level of translations to see if work is to be done. ::: -:::{admonition} 最終發布所需時間 +:::{admonition} needed time for final publication :class: note -在 Crowdin 完成翻譯後,每天都會進行同步到 Github 的排程,將翻譯作為 pull request(PR)傳送到 Github。 +After Crowdin translation a sync to Github is scheduled every day to transfer translations to Github as pull request (PR). -PR 的接受是一項手動任務,將儘快完成。 +The acceptance of the PR is a manual task which will be done es fast as possible. ::: -## 應用程式翻譯狀態 +## state app translation -每種語言的**應用程式**翻譯狀態(國家代碼、翻譯百分比、校對百分比)。 +State of the **app** translations per language (country code, percentage translation, percentage proofreading). -![應用程式翻譯狀態]( +![state app translation]( -## 文件翻譯狀態 +## state documentation translation -每種語言的**文件**翻譯狀態(國家代碼、翻譯百分比、校對百分比)。 +State of the **documentation** translations per language (country code, percentage translation, percentage proofreading). -![文件翻譯狀態]( +![state documentation translation]( From 3dd4c08a6a1259128022d0555906b78f88df8086 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 190/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../Configuration/ | 292 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 146 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index d48c5cfd35ed..cf7994cfc803 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,226 +1,226 @@ -# Accu Chek Combo 幫浦 +# 罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 -這些說明是關於使用 AndroidAPS 3.2 版本中新增的 combov2 驅動程式設置 Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦。 該驅動程式與舊版完全分開。 +These instructions are for setting up the Accu-Chek Combo pump using the new combov2 driver, which is available as part of AndroidAPS as of version 3.2. This driver is entirely separate from the old one. -**這個軟體是 DIY 解決方案的一部分,並不是一個產品,因此需要你自己閱讀、學習並理解系統以及如何使用它。 它不是一個能為你完全管理糖尿病的工具,但如果你願意投入時間,它可以幫助你改善糖尿病並提高生活品質。 不要急著使用,先給自己學習的時間。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** +**本软件是DIY解决方案的一部分而非完整的产品,需要您仔细研学包括使用方法在内的系统知识。 它无法为您全权处理糖尿病治疗的全部,但如果你愿意投入必要的时间,它将有助于改善病情并提高生活质量。 不要想着一蹴而就,请给自己足够的学习时间。 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** -## 硬體和軟體需求 +## Hardware and software requirements -* 一台 Roche Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦(任何韌體版本均可使用)。 -* 一個 Smartpix 或 Realtyme 裝置,配合 360 設定軟體來配置幫浦。 (Roche 在客戶要求下會免費寄送 Smartpix 裝置和設定軟體。) -* 一台相容的手機。 至少需要 Android 9(Pie)或更新版本。 如果使用 LineageOS,最低支援版本為 16.1。 詳情請見[版本說明](。 -* 手機上安裝了 AndroidAPS 應用程式。 +* A Roche Accu-Chek Combo (any firmware, they all work). +* A Smartpix or Realtyme device together with the 360 Configuration Software to configure the pump. (Roche sends out Smartpix devices and the configuration software free of charge to their customers upon request.) +* A compatible phone. Android 9 (Pie) or newer is a must. If using LineageOS, the minimum supported version is 16.1. See [release notes]( for details. +* The AndroidAPS app installed on your phone. -根據手機的藍牙支援質量及其是否具備額外的省電邏輯,有些手機可能比其他手機運作得更好。 可以在[AAPS 手機列表](文件中找到相容手機。 請注意,這不是完整的列表,只反應個人使用經驗。 我們鼓勵你也分享你的經驗,這樣可以幫助其他人(這些專案是關於傳遞經驗)。 +Some phones may work better than others, depending on their quality of Bluetooth support and whether or not they have additional, very aggressive power saving logic. A list of phones can be found in the [AAPS Phones]( document. Please be aware that this is not complete list and reflects personal user experience. You are encouraged to also enter your experience and thereby help others (these projects are all about paying it forward). (combov2-before-you-begin)= -## 開始之前 +## Before you begin -**安全第一**—請勿在無法復原的環境中嘗試此過程。 隨身攜帶您的 Smartpix / Realtyme 裝置,以及 360 配置軟體。 預計花費大約一小時來設置並檢查所有功能是否正常運作。 +**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error. Keep your Smartpix / Realtyme device handy, along with the 360 Configuration Software. Plan on spending about an hour for setting everything up and checking that everything is working properly. -請注意以下限制: +Be aware of the following limitations: -* 目前不支援延長注射和多波注射(您可以使用[延長碳水化合物](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.rst)來代替)。 -* 僅支援一個基礎設定檔(第一個)。 -* 如果幫浦上的當前活動設定檔不是設定檔 1,則循環模式將被停用。 這種情況會持續到設定檔 1 被設為活動檔案;當這樣做後,下一次 AAPS 連線時(無論是自動還是因為用戶在 combov2 用戶介面中按下了重新整理按鈕),它會注意到設定檔 1 是當前的活動檔案,並重新啟用循環模式。 -* 如果循環請求取消正在運作的 TBR,Combo 將設置一個 90% 或 110% 的 TBR,持續 15 分鐘。 這是因為實際取消 TBR 會在幫浦上觸發警報,並產生大量震動,這些震動無法停用。 -* 藍牙連線的穩定性隨不同手機而異,可能會出現「幫浦無法使用」的警報,這時幫浦無法再建立連線。 如果發生此錯誤,請確認藍牙已啟用,按下 Combo 標籤中的重新整理按鈕以檢查是否是臨時問題,如果仍無法建立連線,重啟手機,這通常能解決問題。 -* 另一個問題是重啟無法解決,必須按幫浦上的按鈕(這會重置幫浦的藍牙堆疊),幫浦才能再次接受來自手機的連線。 -* 避免在幫浦上設定 TBR,因為循環控制 TBR。 在幫浦上偵測到新的 TBR 可能需要長達 20 分鐘,並且 TBR 的效果僅從偵測時開始計算,因此最壞情況下可能有 20 分鐘的 TBR 沒有反映在 IOB 中。 +* Extended bolus and multiwave bolus are currently not supported (you can use [Extended Carbs](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.rst) instead). +* Only one basal profile (the first one) is supported. +* The loop is disabled if the currently active profile on the pump isn't profile no. 1. This continues until profile no. 1 is made the active one; when that is done, the next time AAPS connects (either on its own after a while or because the user presses the Refresh button in the combov2 user interface), it will notice that profile no. 1 is the current one, and enable the loop again. +* If the loop requests a running TBR to be cancelled, the Combo will set a TBR of 90% or 110% for 15 minutes instead. This is because actually cancelling a TBR causes an alert on the pump which causes a lot of vibrations, and these vibrations cannot be disabled. +* Bluetooth connection stability varies with different phones, causing "pump unreachable" alerts, where no connection to the pump is established anymore. If that error occurs, make sure Bluetooth is enabled, press the Refresh button in the Combo tab to see if this was caused by an intermitted issue and if still no connection is established, reboot the phone which should usually fix this. +* There is another issue were a restart doesn't help but a button on the pump must be pressed (which resets the pump's Bluetooth stack), before the pump accepts connections from the phone again. +* Setting a TBR on the pump is to be avoided since the loop assumes control of TBRs. Detecting a new TBR on the pump might take up to 20 minutes and the TBR's effect will only be accounted from the moment it is detected, so in the worst case there might be 20 minutes of a TBR that is not reflected in IOB. -如果您一直在使用依賴於單獨 Ruffy 應用程式的舊 Combo 驅動程式,並希望切換到這個新驅動程式,請注意需要重新進行配對——Ruffy 和新 Combo 驅動程式無法共享配對資訊。 此外,請確保 Ruffy 未_在運作_。 如果有疑問,長按 Ruffy 應用程式圖示以調出上下文選單。 在該選單中,按「應用程式資訊」。 在剛剛打開的介面中,按「強制停止」。 這樣可以確保啟動的 Ruffy 實例不會干擾新驅動程式。 +If you have been using the old Combo driver that depends on the separate Ruffy app, and want to move to this new one, note that the pairing has to be done again - Ruffy and the new Combo driver are not able to share pairing information. Also, make sure that Ruffy is _not_ running. If in doubt, long-press the Ruffy app icon to bring up a context menu. In that menu, press on "App Info". In the UI that just opened up, press "Force stop". That way, it is ensured that an active Ruffy instance cannot interfere with the new driver. -此外,如果您正在從舊驅動程式遷移,請注意,新驅動程式以完全不同的方式將注射指令傳達給 Combo,速度更快,因此不要驚訝於無論劑量大小,注射都會立即開始。 此外,有關處理 Ruffy 配對和連線問題的一般建議、提示和技巧等不適用於此處,因為這是一個全新的驅動程式,與舊驅動程式沒有共享任何代碼。 +Also, if you are migrating from the old driver, be aware that the new driver communicates a bolus command in an entirely different way to the Combo that is much faster, so don't be surprised when a bolus starts immediately regardless of the dosage. Furthermore, the general suggestions, tips and tricks etc. about dealing with Ruffy pairing and connection problems do not apply here, since this is an entirely new driver that shares no code with the old one. -該新驅動程式當前支援 Combo 上以下語言。 (這與 AAPS 的語言無關——是顯示在 Combo LCD 上的語言。) +This new driver is currently written to support the following languages on the Combo. (This is unrelated to the language in AAPS - it is the language shown on the Combo's LCD itself.) -* 英語 -* 西班牙語 -* 法語 -* 義大利語 -* 俄語 -* 土耳其語 -* 波蘭語 -* 捷克語 -* 匈牙利語 -* 斯洛伐克語 -* 羅馬尼亞語 -* 克羅地亞語 -* 荷蘭語 -* 希臘語 -* 芬蘭語 -* 挪威語 -* 葡萄牙語 -* 瑞典語 -* 丹麥語 -* 德語 -* 斯洛文尼亞語 -* 立陶宛語 +* English +* Spanish +* French +* Italian +* Russian +* Turkish +* Polish +* Czech +* Hungarian +* Slovak +* Romanian +* Croatian +* Dutch +* Greek +* Finnish +* Norwegian +* Portuguese +* Swedish +* Danish +* German +* Slovenian +* Lithuanian -**重要**:如果您的幫浦設置為不在此列表中的語言,請聯繫開發人員,並將幫浦的語言設置為此列表中的一個語言。 否則,驅動程式將無法正常工作。 +**Important**: If your pump is set to a language that is not part of this list, please contact the developers, and set the pump's language to one in this list. Otherwise, the driver won't work properly. -## 手機設置 +## Phone setup -確保關閉電池優化設定非常重要。 AAPS 在自動檢測當受這些優化影響時,會發出請求將這些優化關閉。 但在現代 Android 手機中,藍牙_本身_是一個應用程式(系統應用程式)。 通常,「藍牙應用程式」在預設情況下_啟用了電池優化_。 結果是,當手機為了省電而關閉藍牙應用程式時,藍牙可能拒絕回應。 這意味著在藍牙系統應用程式的設置中,也必須關閉電池優化。 不幸的是,不同手機找到藍牙系統應用程式的方法各不相同。 在原生 Android 中,前往設定 -> 應用程式 -> 查看所有 N 個應用程式(N = 您手機上的應用程式數量)。 然後,打開右上角的選單,點擊「顯示系統」或「顯示系統應用程式」或「所有應用程式」。 現在,在新擴展的應用程式列表中,查找「藍牙」應用程式。 選擇它,並在其「應用程式資訊」頁面上,點擊「電池」。 在那裡,停用電池優化(有時稱為「電池使用量」)。 +It is very important to make sure that battery optimizations are turned off. AAPS already auto-detects when it is subject to these optimizations, and requests in its UI that these be turned off. But, on modern Android phones, Bluetooth _itself_ is an app (a system app). And, usually, that "Bluetooth app" is run _with battery optimizations on by default_. As a result, Bluetooth can refuse to respond when the phone aims to save power because it kills off the Bluetooth app. This means that in that Bluetooth system app's settings, battery optimizations must be turned off as well. Unfortunately, how one can find that Bluetooth system app differs between phones. In stock Android, go to Settings -> Apps -> See all N apps (N = the number of apps on your phone). Then, open the menu to the top right corner, tap on "Show system" or "Show system apps" or "All apps". Now, in the newly expanded list of apps, look for a "Bluetooth" app. Select it, and on its "App info" UI, tap on "Battery". There, disable battery optimizations (sometimes called "battery usage"). -## Combo 設置 +## Combo setup -* 使用 Accu-Chek 360 設定軟體配置幫浦。 如果你沒有這個軟體,請聯絡你的 Accu-Chek 客服專線。 他們通常會向註冊用戶寄送附有 "360° 幫浦設定軟體" 的 CD 和 SmartPix USB 紅外線連線裝置(如果你有 Realtyme 裝置,也可以使用)。 +* Configure the pump using the Accu-Chek 360 Configuration Software. If you do not have the software, please contact your Accu-Chek hotline. They usually send registered users a CD with the "360° Pump Configuration Software" and a SmartPix USB-infrared connection device (the Realtyme device also works if you have that). - - **必要設定**(在螢幕截圖中以綠色標記): + - **Required settings** (marked green in screenshots): - * 將/保持選單配置設為「標準」,這將只顯示幫浦支援的選單/操作,並隱藏不支援的部分(如延長注射/多波注射、多重基礎率),使用這些功能會限制循環功能,因為無法在安全的情況下運作循環。 - * 確認 _快速資訊文本_ 設定為「快速資訊」(不加雙引號,位於 _胰島素幫浦選項_ 下)。 - * 將 TBR _最大調整_ 設定為 500% - * 停用 _臨時基礎率的結束訊號_ - * 將 TBR _持續時間增量_ 設定為 15 分鐘 - * 啟用藍牙 + * Set/leave the menu configuration as "Standard", this will show only the supported menus/actions on the pump and hide those which are unsupported (extended/multiwave bolus, multiple basal rates), which cause the loop functionality to be restricted when used because it's not possible to run the loop in a safe manner when used. + * Verify the _Quick Info Text_ is set to "QUICK INFO" (without the quotes, found under _Insulin Pump Options_). + * Set TBR _Maximum Adjustment_ to 500% + * Disable _Signal End of Temporary Basal Rate_ + * Set TBR _Duration increment_ to 15 min + * Enable Bluetooth - - **推薦設定**(在螢幕截圖中以藍色標記) + - **Recommended settings** (marked blue in screenshots) - * 根據你的需求設置低匣警報 - * 配置一個適合你治療的最大注射量,以防軟體中的錯誤 - * 同樣地,配置 TBR 的最大持續時間作為防護措施。 允許至少 3 小時,因為選擇中斷幫浦 3 小時會設置 0% 持續 3 小時。 - * 啟用幫浦的按鍵鎖定,以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是當幫浦之前已經使用過且快速注射是習慣時。 - * 將顯示逾時和選單逾時分別設置為最小值 5.5 和 5。 這允許 AAPS 更快地從錯誤情況中恢復,並減少在這些錯誤期間可能發生的震動次數。 + * Set low cartridge alarm to your liking + * Configure a max bolus suited for your therapy to protect against bugs in the software + * Similarly, configure maximum TBR duration as a safeguard. Allow at least 3 hours, since the option to disconnect the pump for 3 hours sets a 0% for 3 hours. + * Enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit. + * Set display timeout and menu timeout to the minimum of 5.5 and 5 respectively. This allows the AAPS to recover more quickly from error situations and reduces the amount of vibrations that can occur during such errors - ![用戶選單設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) + ![Screenshot of user menu settings](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) - ![TBR 設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) + ![Screenshot of TBR settings](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) - ![注射設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) + ![Screenshot of bolus settings](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) - ![胰島素匣設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) + ![Screenshot of insulin cartridge settings](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) -## 註冊驅動並將其與 Combo 配對 +## Activating the driver and pairing it with the Combo -* 在 [組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder) 中選擇 "Accu-Chek Combo" 驅動程式。 **重要提示**:名單中也有舊驅動,稱為 "Accu-Chek Combo (Ruffy)"。 請 _不要_ 選擇那個。 +* Select the "Accu-Chek Combo" driver in the [Config builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder). **Important**: There is the old driver, called "Accu-Chek Combo (Ruffy)", in that list as well. Do _not_ select that one. - ![Config Builder Combo 截圖](../images/combo/combov2-config-builder.png) + ![Screenshot of Config Builder Combo](../images/combo/combov2-config-builder.png) -* 點擊齒輪圖示以打開驅動設定。 +* Tap the cog-wheel to open the driver settings. -* 在設定用戶介面中,點擊螢幕頂部的 'Pair with pump' 按鈕。 這將打開 Combo 配對用戶介面。 按照螢幕上的指示開始配對。 當 Android 要求允許讓手機對其他藍牙裝置可見時,請按 "允許"。 最終,Combo 會在其螢幕上顯示一個自定義的 10 位配對 PIN,並且驅動程式會請求它。 在相應的欄位中輸入該 PIN。 +* In the settings user interface, tap on the button 'Pair with pump' at the top of the screen. This opens the Combo pairing user interface. Follow the instructions shown on screen to start pairing. When Android asks for permission to make the phone visible to other Bluetooth devices, press "allow". Eventually, the Combo will show a custom 10-digit pairing PIN on its screen, and the driver will request it. Enter that PIN in the corresponding field. - ![Combo 配對 UI 1 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-1.png) + ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 1](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-1.png) - ![Combo 配對 UI 2 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-2.png) + ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 2](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-2.png) - ![Combo 配對 UI 3 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-3.png) + ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 3](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-3.png) - ![Combo 配對 UI 4 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-4.png) + ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 4](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-4.png) - ![Combo 配對 UI 4 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-5.png) + ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 4](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-5.png) -* 當驅動請求 Combo 上顯示的 10 位 PIN,並且代碼輸入錯誤時,會顯示如下: ![Combo 配對 UI 3 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-incorrect-pin.png) +* When the driver asks for the 10-digit PIN that is shown on the Combo, and the code is entered incorrectly, this is shown: ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 3](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-incorrect-pin.png) -* 配對完成後,在顯示配對成功的螢幕上按 OK 按鈕關閉配對用戶介面。 完成後,你會返回驅動設定用戶介面。 'Pair with pump' 按鈕現在應該變灰且無法使用。 +* Once pairing is done, the pairing user interface is closed by pressing the OK button in the screen that states that pairing succeeded. After it is closed, you return to the driver settings user interface. The 'Pair with pump' button should now be greyed out and disabled. - 成功配對後,Accu-Chek Combo 標籤看起來如下: + The Accu-Chek Combo tab looks like this after successfully pairing: - ![成功配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) + ![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab with pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) - 但如果沒有與 Combo 配對,則標籤看起來如下: + if however there is no pairing with the Combo, the tab looks like this instead: - ![未配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-without-pairing.png) + ![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab without pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-without-pairing.png) -* 為了驗證你的設置(幫浦與任何導管**中斷連線**以確保安全!),使用 AAPS 設置一個 500% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘並發出注射指令。 幫浦現在應該正在運作 TBR,並且歷史記錄中有注射紀錄。 AAPS 也應顯示活動的 TBR 和已注射的記錄。 +* To verify your setup (with the pump **disconnected** from any cannula to be safe!) use AAPS to set a TBR of 500% for 15 min and issue a bolus. The pump should now have a TBR running and the bolus in the history. AAPS should also show the active TBR and delivered bolus. -* 建議在 Combo 上啟用按鍵鎖定,以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是之前已經使用幫浦並使用 "快速注射" 功能時。 +* On the Combo, it is recommended to enable the key lock to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and using the "quick bolus" feature was a habit. -## 關於配對的注意事項 +## Notes about pairing -Accu-Chek Combo 是在藍牙 4.0 發佈之前開發的,僅在第一款 Android 版本發佈一年後。 這就是為什麼它與其他設備配對的方式,與當今 Android 中的方式不100% 相容。 要完全克服這一點,AAPS 需要系統級別的權限,這僅適用於系統應用程式。 這些應用程式由手機製造商安裝在手機中 - 用戶無法安裝系統應用程式。 +The Accu-Chek Combo was developed before Bluetooth 4.0 was released, and just one year after the very first Android version was released. This is why its way of pairing with other devices is not 100% compatible with how it is done in Android today. To fully overcome this, AAPS would need system level permissions, which are only available for system apps. These are installed by the phone makers into the phone - users cannot install system apps. -其結果是,配對永遠不會是100%無問題的,儘管在這個新驅動程式中已大幅改進。 特別是,在配對過程中,Android 的藍牙 PIN 對話框可能會短暫顯示並自動消失。 但有時,它會停留在螢幕上,並要求輸入 4 位數 PIN。 (這與 10 位 Combo 配對 PIN 不同。) 不要輸入任何東西,只需按取消即可。 如果配對未繼續,請按照螢幕上的指示重試配對。 +The consequence of this is that pairing will never be 100% without problems, though it is greatly improved in this new driver. In particular, during pairing, Android's Bluetooth PIN dialog can briefly show up and automatically go away. But sometimes, it stays on screen, and asks for a 4-digit PIN. (This is not to be confused with the 10-digit Combo pairing PIN.) Do not enter anything, just press cancel. If pairing does not continue, follow the instructions on screen to retry the pairing attempt. (combov2-tab-contents)= -## Accu-Chek Combo 標籤內容 +## Accu-Chek Combo tab contents -當幫浦已配對時,標籤顯示以下訊息(項目按從上到下的順序列出): +The tab shows the following information when a pump was paired (items are listed from top to bottom): -![成功配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) +![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab with pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) -1. _驅動狀態_:驅動可以處於以下狀態之一: - - 「中斷連線」:沒有藍牙連線;驅動大多數時間處於此狀態,僅在需要時連線至幫浦 - 這樣可以節省電力 - - 「連線中」 - - 「檢查幫浦」:幫浦已連線,但驅動目前正在執行安全檢查,以確保一切正常並且是最新的 - - 「準備就緒」:驅動準備接受來自 AAPS 的指令 - - 「暫停」:幫浦暫停(在 Combo 中顯示為「停止」) - - 「執行指令」:正在執行 AAPS 指令 - - 「錯誤」:發生錯誤;連線已終止,任何正在進行的指令都被中止 -2. _最後連線_:驅動上次成功連線至 Combo 是多少分鐘前;如果此時間超過 30 分鐘,此項目會顯示為紅色 -3. _當前活動_:有關幫浦當前正在執行的操作的詳細訊息;這里還顯示一個細長的進度條來顯示指令執行的進度,例如設置基礎輸注設定檔 -4. _電池_:電池電量;Combo 只顯示「滿」、「低」、「空」電池,並且沒有提供更準確的數字(如百分比),因此這裡僅顯示這三個級別 -5. _儲存庫_:Combo 儲存庫中當前有多少國際單位(IU) -6. _上次注射_:上次注射是多少分鐘前進行的;如果在啟動 AAPS 後還沒有進行過注射,這是空白的 -7. _臨時基礎率_:當前活動的臨時基礎率的詳細訊息;如果當前沒有活動的臨時基礎率,這是空白的 -8. _基本基礎率_:當前活動的基礎基礎率(「基礎」意味著不受任何活動 TBR 影響的基礎率因子) -9. _序列號_:Combo 序列號,如幫浦顯示的(這與 Combo 背面的序列號一致) -10. _藍牙地址_:Combo 的 6 位元組藍牙地址,以 `XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` 格式顯示 +1. _Driver state_: The driver can be in one of the following states: + - "Disconnected" : There is no Bluetooth connection; the driver is in this state most of the time, and only connects to the pump when needed - this saves power + - "Connecting" + - "Checking pump" : the pump is connected, but the driver is currently performing safety checks to ensure that everything is OK and up to date + - "Ready" : the driver is ready to accept commands from AAPS + - "Suspended" : the pump is suspended (shown as "stopped" in the Combo) + - "Executing command" : an AAPS command is being executed + - "Error" : an error occurred; the connection was terminated, any ongoing command was aborted +2. _Last connection_: How many minutes ago did the driver successfully connect to the Combo; if this goes beyond 30 minutes, this item is shown with a red color +3. _Current activity_: Additional detail about what the pump is currently doing; this is also where a thin progress bar can show a command's execution progress, like setting a basal profile +4. _Battery_: Battery level; the Combo only indicates "full", "low", "empty" battery, and does not offer anything more accurate (like a percentage), so only these three levels are shown here +5. _Reservoir_: How many IU are currently in the Combo's reservoir +6. _Last bolus_: How many minutes ago the last bolus was delivered; if none was delivered yet after AAPS was started, this is empty +7. _Temp basal_: Details about the currently active temporary basal; if none is currently active, this is empty +8. _Base basal rate_: Currently active base basal rate ("base" means the basal rate without any active TBR influencing the basal rate factor) +9. _Serial number_: Combo serial number as indicated by the pump (this corresponds to the serial number shown on the back of the Combo) +10. _Bluetooth address_: The Combo's 6-byte Bluetooth address, shown in the `XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` format -Combo 可以在 _遠端終端_ 模式或 _指令_ 模式下透過藍牙操作。 遠端終端模式對應於 Combo 計的 "遠端控制模式",該模式模擬了幫浦的 LCD 和四個按鈕。 有些指令必須由驅動在此模式下執行,因為它們在指令模式中沒有相應的功能。 後一種模式要快得多,但正如所說範圍有限。 當遠端終端模式註冊時,當前遠端終端螢幕顯示於位於底部 Combo 圖的上方的欄位中。 然而當驅動切換到指令模式時,該欄位將保持空白。 +The Combo can be operated through Bluetooth in the _remote-terminal_ mode or in the _command_ mode. The remote-terminal mode corresponds to the "remote control mode" on the Combo's meter, which mimics the pump's LCD and four buttons. Some commands have to be performed in this mode by the driver, since they have no counterpart in the command mode. That latter mode is much faster, but, as said, limited in scope. When the remote-terminal mode is active, the current remote-terminal screen is shown in the field that is located just above the Combo drawing at the bottom. When the driver switches to the command mode however, that field is left blank. -(用戶不影響這一點;驅動完全自主決定使用何種模式。這僅是為了讓用戶知道為什麼有時可以在該欄位中看到 Combo 畫面。) 最底部有一個 「重新整理」 按鈕。 +(The user does not influence this; the driver fully decides on its own what mode to use. This is merely a note for users to know why sometimes they can see Combo frames in that field.) -這會觸發幫浦狀態的即時更新。 它也用於告訴 AAPS 之前發現的錯誤現在已修復,可以讓 AAPS 再次檢查一切是否正常(更多相關訊息請參閱 [警報部分](combov2-alerts))。 它還用於讓AAPS知道之前發現的錯誤已修復,並且AAPS可以再次檢查一切是否正常(更多內容請參閱[關於警報的部分](combov2-alerts))。 +At the very bottom, there is the "Refresh" button. This triggers an immediate pump status update. It also is used to let AAPS know that a previously discovered error is now fixed and that AAPS can check again that everything is OK (more on that below in [the section about alerts](combov2-alerts)). -## 偏好設定 +## Preferences -這些偏好設定適用於 combo 驅動(項目按從上到下的順序列出): +These preferences are available for the combo driver (items are listed from top to bottom): -![Accu-Chek Combo 偏好設定截圖](../images/combo/combov2-preferences.png) +![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo preferences](../images/combo/combov2-preferences.png) -1. _與幫浦配對_:這是一個可以按下的按鈕,用於與 Combo 配對。 如果已經配對了幫浦,它將無法使用。 -2. _取消幫浦配對_:取消配對已配對的 Combo;與項目1相反。 如果沒有已配對的幫浦,它將無法使用。 -3. _發現持續時間(以秒為單位)_:配對時,驅動會使手機對幫浦可見。 這控制了這種可見性持續多久。 預設選擇最大值(300 秒 = 5 分鐘)。 Android 不允許可見性無限期持續,因此必須選擇一個持續時間。 -4. _自動檢測並自動輸入胰島素儲存庫變更_:如果啟用,通常透過 Action 標籤中的 "注射/填充" 按鈕由用戶完成的 "儲存庫變更" 操作。 這在下面的 [詳細解釋](combov2-autodetections) 中作進一步說明。 -5. _自動檢測並自動輸入電池更換_:如果啟用,通常由用戶透過 Action 標籤中的 "幫浦電池變更" 按鈕完成的 "電池更換" 操作。 這在下面的 [詳細解釋](combov2-autodetections) 中作進一步說明。 -6. _啟用詳細 Combo 日誌記錄_:這大大擴展了驅動記錄的日誌數量。 **注意**:除非開發人員要求,否則不要啟用此功能。 否則,這會增加大量的噪音到 AndroidAPS 日誌中,減少它們的實用性。 +1. _Pair with pump_: This is a button that can be pressed to pair with a Combo. It is disabled if a pump is already paired. +2. _Unpair pump_: Unpairs a paired Combo; the polar opposite of item no. 1. It is disabled if no pump is paired. +3. _Discovery duration (in seconds)_: When pairing, the drivers makes the phone discoverable by the pump. This controls how long that discoverability lasts. By default, the maximum (300 seconds = 5 minutes) is selected. Android does not allow for discoverability to last indefinitely, so a duration has to be chosen. +4. _Autodetect and automatically enter insulin reservoir change_: If enabled, the "reservoir change" action that is normally done by the user through the "prime/fill" button in the Action tab. This is explained [in further detail below](combov2-autodetections). +5. _Autodetect and automatically enter battery change_: If enabled, the "battery change" action that is normally done by the user through the "pump battery change" button in the Action tab. This is explained [in further detail below](combov2-autodetections). +6. _Enable verbose Combo logging_: This greatly expands the amount of logging done by the driver. **CAUTION**: Do not enable this unless asked to by a developer. Otherwise, this can add a lot of noise to AndroidAPS logs and lessen their usefulness. -大多數用戶只使用頂部兩個項目,即 _與幫浦配對_ 和 _取消幫浦配對_ 按鈕。 +Most users only ever use the top two items, the _Pair with pump_ and _Unpair pump_ buttons. (combov2-autodetections)= -## 自動檢測並自動輸入電池和儲存庫變更 +## Autodetecting and automatically entering battery and reservoir changes -驅動程式能夠透過跟蹤電池和儲存庫的電量來檢測電池和儲存庫變更。 如果上次幫浦狀態更新時 Combo 報告的電池電量為低,且現在在新的幫浦狀態更新中顯示為正常,驅動程式就會推斷用戶必須已經更換了電池。 儲存庫電量也採用相同的邏輯:如果現在顯示為比之前更高,這被解釋為儲存庫變更。 +The driver is capable of detecting battery and reservoir changes by keeping track of the battery and reservoir levels. If the battery level was reported by the Combo as low the last time the pump status was updated, and now, during the new pump status update, the battery level shows up as normal, then the driver concludes that the user must have replaced the battery. The same logic is used for the reservoir level: If it now is higher than before, this is interpreted as a reservoir change. -這僅當電池和儲存庫報告為低時_並且_電池和儲存庫有充分的填充時才起效。 +This only works if the battery and reservoir are replaced when these levels are reported as low _and_ the battery and reservoir are sufficiently filled. -可以在偏好設定用戶界面中關閉這些自動檢測。 +These autodetections can be turned off in the Preferences UI. (combov2-alerts)= -## 警報(警告和錯誤)以及如何處理它們 +## Alerts (warnings and errors) and how they are handled -Combo 以遠端終端螢幕的形式顯示警報。 警告會顯示一個“Wx”代碼(x 是一個數字),並附有簡短描述。 其中一個例子是“W7”,“TBR OVER”。 錯誤類似,但會顯示“Ex”代碼。 +The Combo shows alerts as remote-terminal screens. Warnings are shown with a "Wx" code (x is a digit), along with by a short description. One example is "W7", "TBR OVER". Errors are similar, but show up with an "Ex" code instead. -某些警告會被驅動程式自動消除。 這些包括: +Certain warnings are automatically dismissed by the driver. These are: -- W1 “儲液槽低”:驅動程式會將其轉為顯示於 AAPS 主標籤上的“儲液槽低”警告 -- W2 “電池低”:驅動程式會將其轉為顯示於 AAPS 主標籤上的“電池低”警告 -- W3、W6、W7、W8:這些僅供用戶參考資訊,驅動程式會自動消除它們,因此是安全的 +- W1 "reservoir low" : the driver turns this into a "low reservoir" warning that is shown on the AAPS main tab +- W2 "battery low" : the driver turns this into a "low battery" warning that is shown on the AAPS main tab +- W3, W6, W7, W8 : these are all purely informational for the user, so it is safe for the driver to auto-dismiss them -其他警告 _不會_ 被自動消除。 此外,錯誤 _絕不_ 會被自動消除。 這兩者都是以相同方式處理:它們會導致驅動程式在 AAPS 介面上顯示警報對話框,並中止任何正在執行的指令。 驅動程式會切換到“錯誤”狀態(詳見 [上述 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤內容描述](combov2-tab-contents))。 此狀態不允許任何指令執行。 用戶需要在幫浦上處理錯誤;例如,阻塞錯誤可能需要更換套管。 一旦用戶處理好錯誤,按下 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤上的“重新整理”按鈕即可恢復正常操作。 然後驅動程式會連線到 Combo 並更新其狀態,檢查畫面上是否仍顯示錯誤等。 此外,驅動程式會在稍後自動重新整理幫浦狀態,因此手動按該按鈕並非必要。 +Other warnings are _not_ automatically dismissed. Also, errors are _never_ automatically dismissed. Both of these are handled the same way: They cause the driver to produce an alert dialog on top of the AAPS UI, and also cause it to abort any ongoing command execution. The driver then switches to the "error" state (see [the Accu-Chek Combo tab contents description above](combov2-tab-contents)). This state does not allow for any command execution. The user has to handle the error on the pump; for example, an occlusion error may require replacing the cannula. Once the user took care of the error, normal operation can be resumed by pressing the "Refresh" button on the Accu-Chek Combo tab. The driver then connects to the Combo and updates its status, checking for whether an error is still shown on screen etc. Also, the driver auto-refreshes the pump status after a while, so manually pressing that button is not mandatory. -注射是一個特殊案例。 它在 Combo 的指令模式下執行,此模式下不會在中途報告出現的警報。 因此,驅動程式無法在注射期間自動消除警告。 這意味著不幸的是,幫浦在注射完成之前會一直發出哔哔聲。 最常見的中途警報通常是 W1“儲液槽低”。 **不要** 在注射期間手動取消幫浦上的 Comnbo 警告。 這會有中斷注射的風險。 注射結束後驅動程式會處理警告。 +Bolusing is a special case. It is done in the Combo's command mode, which does not report mid-bolus that an alert appeared. As a consequence, the driver cannot automatically dismiss warnings _during_ a bolus. This means that unfortunately, the pump will be beeping until the bolus is finished. The most common mid-bolus alert typically is W1 "reservoir low". **Don't** dismiss Comnbo warnings on the pump itself manually during a bolus. You risk interrupting the bolus. The driver will take care of the warning once the bolus is over. -在驅動程式未與 Combo 連線期間發生的警報不會被驅動程式注意到。 Combo 無法自動將該警報推送到手機;始終需要手機發起連線。 因此,該警報將持續存在,直到驅動程式連線到幫浦。 用戶可以按“重新整理”按鈕以觸發連線,讓驅動程式立即處理該警報(而不是等待 AAPS 自行決定發起連線)。 +Alerts that happen while the driver is not connected to the Combo will not be noticed by the driver. The Combo has no way of automatically pushing that alert to the phone; it is always the phone that has to initiate the connection. As a consequence, the alert will persist until the driver connects to the pump. Users can press the "Refresh" button to trigger a connection and let the driver handle the alert right then and there (instead of waiting until AAPS itself decides to initiate a connection). -**重要**:如果發生錯誤或顯示非自動消除的警告,驅動程式會進入錯誤狀態。 在這種狀態下,循環 **將會被阻斷** 直到幫浦狀態被重新整理! 在幫浦狀態更新(無論是手動按“重新整理”按鈕還是驅動程式最終自動更新)且不再顯示錯誤後,狀態會被解除阻斷。 +**IMPORTANT**: If an error occurs, or a warning shows up that isn't one of those that are automatically dismissed, the driver enters the error state. In that state, the loop **WILL BE BLOCKED** until the pump status is refreshed! It is unblocked after the pump status is updated (either by manual "Refresh" button press or by the driver's eventual auto-update) and no error is shown anymore. -## 使用 Combo 時需注意的事項 +## Things to be careful about when using the Combo -* 請記住這不是一個產品,特別是在初期,使用者需要監控並理解系統、其限制以及可能出現的故障方式。 強烈建議不要在不充分瞭解系統的人使用該系統時使用它。 -* 由於 Combo 的遠端控制功能運作方式,幾個操作(特別是設定基礎設定檔)相比其他幫浦較慢。 這是 Combo 無法克服的不便限制。 -* 不要在幫浦上設置或取消 TBR。 循環假設它控制 TBR,否則系統無法可靠工作,因為無法確定用戶在幫浦上設定 TBR 的開始時間。 -* 當 AAPS 與幫浦進行通訊時(幫浦上顯示藍牙標誌時),請不要按任何按鈕。 這樣做會中斷藍牙連線。 僅在建立連線出現問題時才這樣做(詳見 [上述“開始前”部分](combov2-before-you-begin))。 -* 在幫浦注射時請不要按任何按鈕。 特別是,不要嘗試透過按下按鈕來取消警報。 詳見 [警報部分](combov2-alerts)以獲得更詳細的解釋。 +* Keep in mind that this is not a product, esp. in the beginning the user needs to monitor and understand the system, its limitations and how it can fail. It is strongly advised NOT to use this system when the person using it is not able to fully understand the system. +* Due to the way the Combo's remote control functionality works, several operations (especially setting a basal profile) are slow compared to other pumps. This is an unfortunate limitation of the Combo that cannot be overcome. +* Don't set or cancel a TBR on the pump. The loop assumes control of TBRs and cannot work reliably otherwise, since it's not possible to determine the start time of a TBR that was set by the user on the pump. +* Don't press any buttons on the pump while AAPS communicates with the pump (the Bluetooth logo is shown on the pump while it is connected to AAPS). Doing that will interrupt the Bluetooth connection. Only do that if there are problems with establishing a connection (see [the "Before you begin" section above](combov2-before-you-begin)). +* Don't press any buttons while the pump is bolusing. In particular, don't try to dismiss alerts by pressing buttons. See [the section about alerts](combov2-alerts) for a more detailed explanation why. -## 無法建立與 Combo 連線時的檢查清單 +## Checklist for when no connection can be established with the Combo -驅動程式會盡最大努力連線到 Combo,並使用幾個技巧以最大化可靠性。 然而,有時連線無法建立。 以下是一些解決此情況的步驟。 +The driver does its best to connect to the Combo, and uses a couple of tricks to maximize reliability. Still, sometimes, connections aren't established. Here are some steps to take for trying to remedy this situation. -1. 按一下 Combo 的按鈕。 有時,Combo 的藍牙堆疊變得無反應,不再接受連線。 按一下 Combo 的按鈕並顯示 LCD 螢幕內容,藍牙堆疊會重置。 大部分情況下,這是解決連線問題所需的唯一步驟。 -2. 重啟手機。 如果手機的藍牙堆疊本身有問題,則可能需要這樣做。 -3. 如果 Combo 的電池蓋已經老化,考慮更換它。 老舊的電池蓋可能會導致 Combo 的電源供應問題,從而影響藍牙。 -4. 如果連線嘗試仍然失敗,考慮解除配對並重新配對幫浦。 +1. Press a button on the Combo. Sometimes, the Combo's Bluetooth stack becomes non-responsive, and does not accept connections anymore. By pressing a button on the Combo and making the LCD show something, the Bluetooth stack is reset. Most of the time, this is the only step that's needed to fix the connection issues. +2. Restart the phone. This may be needed if there is an issue with the phone's Bluetooth stack itself. +3. If the Combo's battery cap is old, consider replacing it. Old battery caps can cause issues with the Combo's power supply, which affect Bluetooth. +4. If connection attempts still keep failing, consider unpairing and then re-pairing the pump. From 394e9f5b4c56023fb3eeea501769b350b5c0b9a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 191/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 204 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index f3122266131e..c433f4db6258 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,194 +1,194 @@ -# 如何使用 Autotune 外掛(僅限開發者) +# How to use Autotune plugin (dev only) -關於 Autotune 演算法的文件可以在 [OpenAPS 文件]( 中找到。 +Documentation about Autotune algorythm can be found in [OpenAPS documentation]( -Autotune 外掛是 AAPS 中 OpenAPS Autotune 演算法的實作。 +Autotune plugin is an implementation of OpenAPS autotune algorythm within AAPS. -**目前 Autotune 外掛僅在開發分支和工程模式中提供。** +**Currently Autotune Plugin is only available in dev branch and with Engineering mode.** -## Autotune 使用者介面 +## Autotune user interface -![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_1b.png) +![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_1b.png) -- 你可以在「設定檔」下拉選單中選擇要調整的輸入設定檔(預設會選擇當前的活動設定檔)。 - - 注意:每次選擇新的設定檔時,先前的結果將被移除,並且「調整天數」參數將重設為預設值。 -- 「調整天數」是用來選擇用於計算來調整你設定檔的天數。 最小值為 1 天,最大值為 30 天。 此數字不應該太小,才能獲得正確的迭代和平滑結果(每次計算需超過7天)。 - - 注意:每次變更調整天數參數時,先前的結果將被移除。 -- 「最後運作」是一個鏈接,可恢復你最後一次有效的計算結果。 如果你當天沒有啟動 Autotune,或是先前的結果因計算參數變更而被移除,你可以恢復上次成功運作的參數和結果。 -- 警告範例顯示有關選定設定檔的一些資訊(例如你有多個 IC 值或 ISF 值)。 - - 注意:Autotune 計算僅適用於單一的 IC 和單一的 ISF 值。 目前沒有用於調整日夜變化 IC 或日夜變化 ISF 的 Autotune 演算法。 如果你的輸入設定檔有多個數值,你可以在警告區看到調整設定檔時考慮的平均值。 -- 「檢查輸入設定檔」按鈕可打開設定檔檢視器,讓你快速驗證設定檔(單位、DIA、IC、ISF、基礎率和目標)。 - - 注意:Autotune 只會調整你的 IC(單一數值)、ISF(單一數值)以及有日夜變化的基礎率。 單位、DIA 和目標將在輸出設定檔中保持不變。 +- You can select in the Profile dropdown menu the input profile you want to tune (by default your current active profile is selected) + - Note: each time you select a new profile, previous results will be removed and Tune days parameter will be set to default value +- Then Tune days is to select the number of days used in calculation to tune your profile. The minimum value is 1 day and the maximum value 30 days. This number should not be too small to get correct iterative and smooth results (above 7 days for each calculation) + - Note: each time you change Tune days parameter, previous results will be removed +- Last Run is a link that recover your latest valid calculation. If you didn't launch Autotune on current day, or if previous results was removed with a modification of calculation parameter above, then you can recover parameters and results of the latest successfull run. +- Warning show you for example some information about selected profile (if you have several IC values or several ISF values) + - Note: Autotune calculation works with only a single IC and a single ISF value. There is currently no existing Autotune algorythm to tune a circadian IC or circadian ISF. If your input profile has several values, you can see in warning section the average value taken into account to tune your profile. +- Check Input Profile button open the Profile Viewer to allow you a quick verification of your profile (Units, DIA, IC, ISF, basal and target) + - Note: Autotune will only tune your IC (single value), ISF (single value) and basal (with circadian variation). Units, DIA and target will remain unchanged in output profile. -- 「執行 Autotune」將以選定的設定檔和調整天數啟動 Autotune 計算。 - - 注意:Autotune 計算可能需要較長時間。 一旦啟動,你可以切換到其他視圖(主頁等),稍後再回到 Autotune 外掛查看結果。 +- "Run Autotune" will launch Autotune calculation with selected profile and the number of Tune days + - Note: Autotune calculation can take a long time. Once launched, you can switch to another view (home, ...) and come back later in Autotune plugin to see results -![Autotune 運作開始。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_2b.png) +![Autotune Run start](../images/Autotune/Autotune_2b.png) -- 運作過程中,你將在下方看到中間結果。 +- Then during the run you will see intermediate results below - - 注意:運作過程中,設定將被鎖定,無法再變更選擇的輸入設定檔或天數。 如果你想用其他參數啟動另一個運作,你必須等待當前計算結束。 + - Note: During run, settings are locked, so you cannot change anymore selected input profile or the number of day. You will have to wait the end of current calculation if you want to launch another run with other parameters. - ![Autotune 運作中。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_3b.png) + ![Autotune during run](../images/Autotune/Autotune_3b.png) -- 當 Autotune 計算完成後,你將看到結果(調整後的設定檔)及下方的四個按鈕。 +- When Autotune calculation is finished, you will see the result (Tuned profile) and four buttons below. -![Autotune 結果。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_4b.png) +![Autotune Result](../images/Autotune/Autotune_4b.png) -- 重要的是要比較輸入設定檔(「設定檔」欄)、輸出設定檔(「調整後」欄)和每個數值的變異百分比(「百分比」欄)。 +- It's important to always compare input profile (column "Profile"), output profile (column "Tuned") and the percentage of variation for each value (Column "%"). -- 對於基礎率,你也會看到「缺失天數」。 當 Autotune 沒有足夠的資料分類為「基礎率」來調整這段時間的基礎率時(例如每次餐後碳水化合物吸收時),就會出現缺失天數。 這個數字應該越低越好,特別是當基礎率很重要時(例如夜間或下午晚些時候)。 +- For basal rates, you also have the number of "missing days". You have missing days when Autotune don't have enough data categorized as "Basal" to tune basal rate for this period (for example after each meal when you have carbs absorption). This number should be as low as possible especially when basal is important (for example during the night or at the end of the afternoon) -- 「比較設定檔」按鈕會打開設定檔比較視圖。 輸入設定檔顯示為藍色,輸出設定檔(名稱為「調整後」)顯示為紅色。 +- The "Compare profiles" button open the profile comparator view. Input profile is in blue, and output profile (named "Tuned") is in red. - - 注意:以下範例中,輸入設定檔有 IC 和 ISF 的日夜變化,但輸出計算後的設定檔只有單一數值。 如果你需要日夜變化的輸出設定檔,請參閱[日夜變化 IC 或 ISF 設定檔](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile)。 + - Note: in the example below input profile has circadian variation for IC and ISF, but output calculated profile has a single value. If it's important for you to get a circadian output profile see [Circadian IC or ISF profile](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile) below. - ![Autotune 設定檔比較。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_5.png) + ![Autotune Compare profiles](../images/Autotune/Autotune_5.png) -- 如果你信任結果(輸入和輸出設定檔之間的變異百分比很低),你可以點擊「啟用設定檔」按鈕,然後點擊 OK 進行確認。 +- If you trust results (low percentage of variation between input profile and output profile), you can click on "Activate profile" button and then click on OK to validated. - - 啟用調整後設定檔會自動在本地設定檔外掛中建立一個名為「調整後」的新設定檔。 - - 如果你在本地設定檔外掛中已有名為「調整後」的設定檔,則該設定檔會在啟用前更新為計算後的 Autotune 設定檔。 + - Activate Tuned profile will automatically create a new profile "Tuned" in your Local profile plugin. + - If you already have a profile named "Tuned" in your local profile plugin, then this profile will be updated with calculated Autotune profile before the activation - ![Autotune 啟用設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_6.png) + ![Autotune Activate profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_6.png) -- 如果你認為調整後的設定檔需要修改(例如你認為某些變化太大),那麼你可以點擊「複製到本地設定檔」按鈕。 +- If you think Tuned profile must be adjusted (for example if you think some variation are too important), then you can click on "Copy to local profile" button - - 一個帶有「調整後」前綴並附上運作日期和時間的新設定檔會在本地設定檔外掛中建立。 + - A new profile with the prefix "Tuned" and the date and time of the run will be created in local profile plugin -![Autotune 複製到本地設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_7.png) +![Autotune Copy to local profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_7.png) -- 然後你可以選擇本地設定檔來編輯調整後的設定檔(當你打開本地設定檔外掛時,它會被預設選中)。 +- You can then select local profile to edit the Tuned profile (it will be selected by default when you open Local profile plugin) - - 本地設定檔中的數值將在使用者介面中根據你的幫浦能力進行四捨五入。 + - the values in local profile will but rounded in the user interface to your pump capabilities - ![Autotune 本地設定檔更新。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_8.png) + ![Autotune local profile update](../images/Autotune/Autotune_8.png) -- 如果你想用 Autotune 結果替換你的輸入設定檔,點擊「更新輸入設定檔」按鈕並在彈出視窗中點擊 OK 確認。 +- If you want to replace your input profile with Autotune result, click on "Update input profile" button and validate the Popup with OK - - 注意:如果你在「更新輸入設定檔」後點擊「啟用設定檔」,那麼你將啟用更新後的設定檔,而不是預設的「調整後」設定檔。 + - Note: if you click on "Activate profile" after "Update input profile", then you will activate your updated profile and not the default "Tuned" profile? - ![Autotune 更新輸入設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_9.png) + ![Autotune Update input profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_9.png) -- 如果你已更新你的輸入設定檔,那麼「更新輸入設定檔」按鈕將被「還原輸入設定檔」按鈕替代(參見下圖)。 這樣你可以立即看到本地設定檔外掛中的當前輸入設定檔是否已包含上次運作的結果。 你也可以使用此按鈕恢復未包含 Autotune 結果的輸入設定檔。 +- If you have updated your input profile, then the "Update input profile" button is replaced by "Revert input profile" button (see screenshot below). You can that way immediatly see if your current input profile in Local profile plugin already include the result of last run or not. You also have the possibility to recover you input profile without autotune result with this button - ![Autotune 更新輸入設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_10.png) + ![Autotune Update input profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_10.png) -## Autotune 設定。 +## Autotune settings (autotune-plugin-settings)= -### Autotune 外掛設定。 +### Autotune plugin settings -![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_11.png) +![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_11.png) -- 自動切換設定檔(預設為關閉):請參閱[使用自動化規則運作 Autotune](autotune-run-autotune-with-an-automation-rule)。 如果你將此設定更改為開啟,則輸入設定檔將自動被調整後的設定檔更新並啟用。 - - **請小心,你必須在接下來的幾天中檢查並信任更新後的調整檔未經修改的情況下是否改善了你的循環。** +- Automation Switch Profile (default Off): see [Run Autotune with an automation rule](autotune-run-autotune-with-an-automation-rule) below. If you change this setting to On, the input profile will automatically be updated by the Tuned profile, and it will be activated. + - **Be Carefull, you must trust and verified during several following days that after an update and activation of Tuned profile without modification, it improves your loop** -- 將 UAM 分類為基礎率(預設為開啟):此設定適用於未輸入碳水化合物的 AndroidAPS 用戶(完全 UAM)。 當關閉時,它將阻止 UAM 被分類為基礎率。 - - 注意:如果當天檢測到至少一小時的碳水化合物吸收,無論此設定(開啟或關閉),所有分類為「UAM」的資料都會被分類為基礎率。 -- 資料天數(預設為5天):你可以使用此設定定義預設值。 每次你在 Autotune 外掛中選擇新設定檔時,調整天數參數將被替換為此預設值。 -- 將平均結果應用於日夜變化的 IC/ISF(預設為關閉):請參閱[日夜變化 IC 或 ISF 設定檔](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile)。 +- Categorize UAM as basal (default On): This setting is for the users using AndroidAPS without any carbs entered (Full UAM). It will prevent (when Off) to categorize UAM as basal. + - Note: if you have at least one hour of Carbs absorption detected during one day, then all data categorized as "UAM" will be categorized as basal, whatever this setting (On or Off) +- Number of days of data (default 5): You can define default value with this setting. Each time your select a new profile in Autotune plugin, Tune days parameter will be replaced by this default value +- Apply average result in circadian IC/ISF (default Off): see [Circadian IC or ISF profile](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile) below. -### 其他設置 +### Other settings -- Autotune 也使用自動敏感度最大比率和自動敏感度最小比率來限制變異。 你可以在「組態建置工具 > 敏感度偵測外掛 > 設定 > 高級設定」中查看並調整這些值。 +- Autotune also uses Max autosens ratio and Min autotsens ratio to limit variation. You can see and adjust these values in Config Builder > Sensitivity detection plugin > Settings > Advanced Settings - ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_12.png) + ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_12.png) -## 進階功能 +## Advanced feature (autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile)= -### 日夜變化的 IC 或 ISF 設定檔 +### Circadian IC or ISF profile -- 如果你的設定檔中 IC 和/或 ISF 有顯著的變化,並且你完全信任你的日夜變化時間和變化,你可以設定「將平均結果應用於日夜變化的 IC/ISF」。 +- If you have important variation of IC and/or you ISF in your profile, and you fully trust in your circadian time and variation, then you can set "Apply average result in circadiant IC/ISF" - - 注意,Autotune 計算將始終使用單一數值,Autotune 不會調整日夜變化。 此設定僅適用於將計算的平均變化應用於 IC 和/或 ISF 的日夜變化數值。 + - Note that Autotune calculation will always be done with a single value, and circadian variation will not be tuned by Autotune. This setting only apply average variation calculated for IC and/or ISF on your circadian values -- 請參閱下方截圖,左側為未應用平均變化的調整後設定檔,右側為應用平均變化的調整後設定檔。 +- See on screenshot below Tuned profile with Apply average variation Off (on the left) and On (on the right) - ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_13.png) + ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_13.png) -### 調整特定星期幾 +### Tune specific days of the week -- 如果你點擊「運作天數」參數右側的帶有眼睛圖示的複選框,你將看到日期選擇功能。 你可以指定 Autotune 計算應包含哪些星期幾(在下方截圖中可以看到「工作日」的範例,週六和週日被排除在 Autotune 計算之外)。 - - 如果 Autotune 計算中包含的天數少於調整天數,則會在調整天數選擇器的右側顯示有多少天數被包含在內(下方範例中顯示為 10 天)。 - - 此設定僅在剩餘天數不太少的情況下才能獲得良好的結果(例如,如果你為週末天數調整特定設定檔,只選擇週六和週日,你應該選擇至少 21 或 28 個調整天數,以確保 Autotune 計算中包含 6 或 8 天)。 +- If you click on the checkbox with the eye on the right of "Rune days" parameter, you will see the day selection. You can specify which day of the week should be included in Autotune calculation (in screenshot below you can see an example for "working days" with Saturday and Sunday removed from autotune calculation) + - If the number of day included in Autotune calculation is lower than the number of Tune days, then you will see how many days will be included on the right of Tune days selector (10 days in the example below) + - This setting gives good results only if the number of remaining days is not to small (for example if you Tune a specific profile for week end days with only Sunday and Saturday selected, you should select a minimum of 21 or 28 Tune days to have 6 or 8 days included in Autotune calculation) -![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_14b.png) +![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_14b.png) -- 在 Autotune 計算期間,你可以看到計算的進度(範例中顯示為「部分結果,第 3 / 10 天已調整」)。 +- During Autotune calculation, you can see the progress of the calculations ("Partial result day 3 / 10 tuned" on example below) - ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_15b.png) + ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_15b.png) (autotune-run-autotune-with-an-automation-rule)= -## 使用自動化規則運作 Autotune +## Run Autotune with an automation rule -第一步是為 Autotune 定義正確的自動化規則觸發條件: +First step is to define correct trigger for an automation rule with Autotune: -注意:有關如何設定自動化規則的更多資訊,請參閱[此處](./。 +Note: for more information on how to set an automation rule, see [here](./ -- 你應該選擇「重複時間觸發」:每天只運作一次 Autotune,並且 Autotune 設計為每日運作(每次新運作你會推遲一天,設定檔的修改會快速變得微小)。 +- You should select Recurring time trigger: only run Autotune once per day, and autotune is designed to be runned daily (each new run you shift one day later and quickly profile modification should be tiny) - ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_16.png) + ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_16.png) -- 最好一開始在白天運作 Autotune 以便能夠檢查結果。 如果你想在夜間運作 Autotune,你必須在觸發條件中選擇 4AM 或之後,以包含當天在下一次 Autotune 計算中。 +- It's better at the beginning to run Autotune during the day to be able to check results. If you want to run Autotune during the night, you have to select in the trigger 4AM or later to include current day in next Autotune Calculation. - ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_17.png) + ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_17.png) -- 然後你可以在列表中選擇「運作 Autotune」動作。 +- Then you can select "Run Autotune" Action in the list - ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_18.png) + ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_18.png) -- 你可以選擇 Autotune 動作來調整運作的參數。 預設參數為「活動設定檔」、Autotune 外掛偏好設定中定義的預設調整天數值,並且選擇了所有天數。 +- You can then select Autotune Action to adjust parameters for your run. Default parameters are "Active Profile", default Tune days value defined in Autotune Plugin preferences, and All days are selected. - ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_19b.png) + ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_19b.png) -- 經過幾天後,如果你完全信任 Autotune 結果且修改百分比很小,你可以修改[Autotune 設定](autotune-plugin-settings)中的「自動切換設定檔」,將其設為啟用,讓計算後自動更新並啟用調整後的設定檔。 +- After a few days, if you fully trust Autotune results and percentage of modification is low, you can modify [Autotune settings](autotune-plugin-settings) "Automation Switch Profile" to enabled to automatically update and activate profile tuned after calculation. -注意:如果你想為特定的星期幾自動調整設定檔(例如「週末天數」的設定檔和「工作日」的設定檔),那麼為每個設定檔建立一個規則,選擇相同的日期作為觸發條件和 Autotune 動作中的日期,調整天數必須足夠高以確保至少有 6 或 8 天包含在內,且不要忘記在觸發條件中選擇 4AM 之後的時間… +Note: if you want to automatically tune profiles for specific days of the week (for example a profile for "Weekend days" and another one for "Working days"), then create one rule for each profile, select the same days in Trigger and in Autotune Action, Tune days must be high enough to be sure tuning will be done with at least 6 or 8 days, and don't forget to select time after 4AM in trigger... -- 請參閱下方範例,調整「我的設定檔」於所有「工作日」的規則,選擇了 14 個調整天數(因此 Autotune 計算中只包含 10 天)。 +- See below an example of rule to tune "my profile" on all "Working days" with 14 Tune days selected (so only 10 days included in autotune calculation). -![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_20b.png) +![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_20b.png) -## 提示與技巧 +## Tips and trick's -Autotune 使用現有資料庫中的資訊,因此如果你剛在新手機上安裝了 AAPS,你必須等待幾天才能啟動 Autotune,以獲得足夠天數的資料來獲得相關結果。 +Autotune works with information existing in your database, so if you just installed AAPS on a new phone, you will have to wait several days before being able to launch Autotune with enough days to get relevant results. -Autotune 只是輔助工具,重要的是定期檢查你是否同意計算出的設定檔。 如果有任何疑問,請更改 Autotune 設定(例如天數)或將結果複製到本地設定檔,並在使用之前調整設定檔。 +Autotune is just an help, it's important to regularly check if you agree with calculated profile. If you have any doubt, change Autotune settings (for example the number of days) or copy results in local profile and adjust profile before using it. -在應用 Autotune 結果之前,請務必手動使用 Autotune 幾天來檢查結果。 只有當你完全信任 Autotune 結果,並且前一個設定檔與計算出的設定檔之間的變異變得非常小時,才開始使用自動化(絕不要提前)。 +Always use Autotune several days manually to check results before applying them. And it's only when you fully trust Autotune results, and when variation becomes tiny between previous profile and calculated profile than you start to use Automation (Never before) -- Autotune 對某些使用者非常有效,但對其他人可能不適用,因此**如果你不信任 Autotune 結果,請不要使用它** +- Autotune can work very well for some users and not for others, so **If you don't trust Autotune result, don't use it** -分析 Autotune 結果以理解(或嘗試理解)Autotune 為何提出這些修改也是很重要的。 +It's also important to analyse Autotune results to understand (or try to understand) why Autotune propose these modifications -- 你可能會發現設定檔的強度整體增加或減少(例如總基礎率增加,與 ISF 和 IC 值的減少相關聯)。 這可能與接下來的幾天內自動敏感度修正高於 100%(需要更具攻擊性)或低於 100%(你變得更敏感)有關。 -- 有時 Autotune 提出不同的基礎率與 IC/ISF 的平衡(例如較低的基礎率和更具攻擊性的 IC/ISF)。 +- you can have a whole increase or decrease of the strength of your profile (for example increase of total basal associated to decrease of ISF and IC values). it could be associated to several following days with autosens correction above 100% (more agressivity required) or below 100% (you are more sensitive) +- Sometimes Autotune propose a different balance between basal rates and IC/ISF (for ex lower basal and more aggressive IC/ISF) -我們建議在以下情況下不要使用 Autotune: +We advise to not use Autotune in the following cases: -- 你沒有輸入所有的碳水化合物。 - - 如果你未輸入低血糖的碳水化合物修正值,Autotune 會看到你的血糖值出現意外上升,並增加前 4 小時的基礎率,這可能與你需要避免低血糖的情況相反,尤其是在半夜時。 因此,特別是低血糖的修正碳水化合物,輸入所有的碳水化合物是很重要的。 -- 您在一天中有許多時間被偵測到未註明的餐點(UAM)。 - - 您是否已經輸入所有的碳水化合物,並正確估算了碳水化合物的攝取量? - - 所有的未註明餐點(UAM)時間段(除非您在一天內沒有輸入碳水化合物並且未啟用將未註明餐點歸類為基礎率),所有的未註明餐點時間將會被歸類為基礎率,這可能會大幅增加您的基礎率(遠超出必要範圍)。 +- You don't enter all your carbs + - If you don't enter carbs correction for an hypoglycemia, Autotune will see an unexpected increase of your BG value and will increase your basal rates the 4 hours earlier, it could be the opposite of what you need to avoid hypo, especially if it's in the middle of the night. That's why it's important to enter all carbs especially correction for hypo. +- You have a lot of period with UAM detected during the day. + - Do you have entered all your carbs and correctly estimated your Carbs ? + - All UAM periods (except if you enter no carbs during a day and categorized UAM as basal is disabled), all your UAM periods will be categorized as basal, this can increase a lot your basal (much more than necessary) -- 您的碳水化合物吸收速度非常慢:如果大部分的碳水化合物吸收是根據 min_5m_carbimpact 參數計算的(您可以在 COB 曲線頂端看到一個小橙點標示的這些時間段),COB 的計算可能會出錯,並導致錯誤的結果。 - - 當您進行運動時,您的身體通常會變得更敏感,血糖不會大幅上升,因此在運動期間或之後,經常會看到一些碳水化合物吸收緩慢的時間段。 但如果您經常發生意外的碳水化合物吸收過慢的情況,那麼您可能需要調整您的設定檔(增加 IC 值)或調低 min_5m_carbimpact。 -- 您有「非常糟糕的日子」,例如數小時處於高血糖狀態,需要大量的胰島素才能將血糖降至正常範圍,或者在更換感應器後,出現長時間的錯誤血糖值。 如果在過去幾周內,您只有一到兩個「糟糕的日子」,您可以手動停用這些日子,以將它們排除在自動調整的計算之外,並再次**仔細檢查您是否可以信任結果**。 -- 如果修改的百分比過高。 - - 您可以嘗試增加天數以獲得更平滑的結果。 \ No newline at end of file +- Your carbs absorption is very slow: if most of your carbs absorption are calculated with min_5m_carbimpact parameter (you can see these periods with a little orange dot in the top of COB curve), the calculation of COB could be wrong and leads to wrong results. + - When you practice sport, you are generally more sensitive and your BG doesn't rise a lot, so during or after an exercice, it's usual to see some periods with slow carbs. But if you have too often unexpected slow carb absorption, then you may need a profile adjustment (higher value of IC) or a min_5m_carbimpact a bit too high. +- You have a "very bad days", for example stuck several hours in hyperglycemia with a huge amount of insulin to be able to go down within the range, or after a sensor change you got long periods of wrong BG values. If during the pas weeks you only have one or 2 "bad days", you can disable manually these days in autotune calculation to exclude them from calculation, and again **check carefully if you can trust the results** +- If the percentage of modification is too important + - You can try to increase the number of days to get smoother results \ No newline at end of file From 28a2a0359e4f79fc9eb9203f107f9757997f74ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 192/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ | 144 +++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ index 1dd24a4c59d2..74646e1ae636 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ @@ -1,141 +1,141 @@ -# 組件總覽 +# Component Overview -AAPS 不僅僅是一個(自建的)應用程式,它只是您的閉環系統中的幾個模組之一。 在決定使用哪些組件之前,最好先查看[組件設定](index-component-setup)。 +AAPS is not just a (self-built) application, it is just one of several modules of your closed loop system. Before deciding for components, it would be a good idea to have a look at the [component setup](index-component-setup), too. -![組件總覽](../images/modules.png) +![Components overview](../images/modules.png) ```{note} -**重要的安全提醒** +**IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE** -本文件中討論的 AAPS 安全功能基礎是建立在您用來構建系統的硬體安全功能上。 使用經過測試且完全運作的 FDA 或 CE 認證的胰島素幫浦和 CGM 來進行自動胰島素劑量控制是至關重要的。 對這些組件進行硬體或軟體修改可能會導致胰島素劑量異常,對使用者造成重大風險。 如果您發現或被提供了損壞、修改或自製的胰島素幫浦或 CGM 接收器,*請勿使用*它們來建立 AAPS 系統。 +The foundation of AAPS safety features discussed in this documentation is built on the safety features of the hardware used to build your system. It is critically important that you only use a tested, fully functioning FDA or CE approved insulin pump and CGM for closing an automated insulin dosing loop. Hardware or software modifications to these components can cause unexpected insulin dosing, causing significant risk to the user. If you find or get offered broken, modified or self-made insulin pumps or CGM receivers, *do not use* these for creating an AAPS system. -此外,僅使用製造商批准的原裝耗材,例如插入器、套管和胰島素容器,也同樣重要。 使用未經測試或修改的耗材可能會導致 CGM 不準確和胰島素劑量錯誤。 胰島素在劑量錯誤時極具危險 - 請勿透過修改耗材來冒生命危險。 +Additionally, it is equally important to only use original supplies such as inserters, cannulas and insulin containers approved by the manufacturer for use with your pump or CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause CGM inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors. Insulin is highly dangerous when misdosed - please do not play with your life by hacking with your supplies. -最後,您不能使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑(格列佛新類),因為它們會無法預測地降低血糖水平。 這種藥物與一個降低基礎速率以增加血糖的系統結合使用時尤其危險,因為由於格列佛新的影響,血糖可能不會上升,可能導致缺乏胰島素的危險情況發生。 +Last not least, you must not take SGLT-2 inhibitors (gliflozins) as they incalculably lower blood sugar levels. The combination with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is especially dangerous as due to the gliflozin this rise in BG might not happen and a dangerous state of lack of insulin can happen. ``` -## 必要模組 +## Necessary Modules -### 適合您的糖尿病治療的個性化劑量演算法 +### Good individual dosage algorithm for your diabetes therapy -雖然這不是可以製作或購買的東西,但這是最容易被低估但卻至關重要的「模組」。 當您讓一個演算法幫助管理您的糖尿病時,它需要正確的設定才能避免嚴重錯誤。 即使您仍然缺少其他模組,您也可以與您的糖尿病醫療團隊一起驗證和調整您的「設定檔」。 大多數使用閉環系統的人會使用日夜節律的 BR、ISF 和 CR,這些數值會根據一天中激素影響調整胰島素敏感性。 +Even though this is not something to create or buy, this is the 'module' which is probably underestimated the most but essential. When you let an algorithm help manage your diabetes, it needs to know the right settings to not make severe mistakes. Even if you are still missing other modules, you can already verify and adapt your 'profile' in collaboration with your diabetes team. Most loopers use circadian BR, ISF and CR, which adapt hormonal insulin sensitivity during the day. -設定檔包括 +The profile includes -- BR(基礎速率) -- ISF(胰島素敏感因子)是每單位胰島素降低的血糖單位數 -- CR(碳水化合物比例)是每單位胰島素對應的碳水化合物克數 -- DIA(胰島素作用時間)。 +- BR (Basal rates) +- ISF (insulin sensitivity factor) is your blood glucose unit per one unit insulin +- CR (carb ratio) is grams carbohydrate per one unit insulin +- DIA (duration of insulin acting). (module-no-use-of-sglt-2-inhibitors)= -### 禁止使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑 +### No use of SGLT-2 inhibitors -SGLT-2 抑制劑,又稱格列佛新類,會抑制腎臟對葡萄糖的再吸收。 由於它們會無法預測地降低血糖水平,您**不能**在使用 AAPS 這樣的閉環系統時服用這些藥物! 這樣會有極大的酮酸中毒或低血糖風險! 這種藥物與一個降低基礎速率以增加血糖的系統結合使用時尤其危險,因為由於格列佛新的影響,血糖可能不會上升,可能導致缺乏胰島素的危險情況發生。 +SGLT-2 inhibitors, also called gliflozins, inhibit reabsorption of glucose in the kidney. As they incalculably lower blood sugar levels, you MUST NOT take them while using a closed loop system like AAPS! There would be a huge risk of a ketoacidosis or a hypoglycemia! The combination of this medication with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is especially dangerous as due to the gliflozin this rise in BG might not happen and a dangerous state of lack of insulin can happen. (module-phone)= -### 手機 +### Phone -目前的 AAPS 版本需要一台運作 Android 9.0 或以上版本的智慧型手機。 因此,如果您正在考慮購買新手機,建議至少選擇 Android 9,但最優選擇是 Android 10 或 12。 對於舊版 Android,可以使用舊版 AAPS,詳見:[版本說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +The current version of AAPS requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 10 or 12. For older Android versions, older AAPS versions are available see: [Release notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -用戶正在建立一個[已測試的手機和手錶清單]( +Users are creating a [list of tested phones and watches]( -如果要記錄不在電子表格中的手機或手錶,請填寫這個[表單](。 +To record a phone or watch that isn't already listed in the spreadsheet then please fill in the [form]( -如果對電子表格有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至[](,如果有手機/手錶型號捐贈,請發送電子郵件至[](。 +Any problems with the spreadsheet please send an email to [](, any donations of phone/watch models that still need testing please send an email to []( -### 胰島素幫浦 +### Insulin pump -AAPS **目前**適用於以下幫浦: +AAPS **currently** works with -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (舊驅動程式,需使用額外的 Ruffy 應用程式) -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (新驅動程式,自 AndroidAPS v.3.2 開始提供) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (Old driver that uses the additional Ruffy app) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (New driver, available starting with AndroidAPS v.3.2) - [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ - [DanaR](../Configuration/ - [DanaRS](../Configuration/ - [Dana-i](../Configuration/ - [Diaconn G8 ](../Configuration/ - [EOPatch2](../Configuration/ -- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ (需要[額外的通訊設備](module-additional-communication-device)) +- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ ([additional communication device](module-additional-communication-device) needed) - [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/ - [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/ - [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/ -- 某些舊型[美敦力](../Configuration/幫浦(需要[額外的通訊設備](module-additional-communication-device)) +- Certain older [Medtronic](../Configuration/ ([additional communication device](module-additional-communication-device) needed) -如果未提到額外的通訊設備,那麼胰島素幫浦與 AAPS 之間的通訊是基於 Android 的內建藍牙堆疊,不需要額外的通訊設備來轉換通訊協議。 +If no additional communication device is mentioned the communication betweeen insulin pump and AAPS is based on the integrated bluetooth stack of Android without the need of an additional communication device to translate the communnication protocol. -**其他幫浦** 有潛力與 AAPS 一同使用,列在[未來可能的幫浦](../Getting-Started/頁面中。 +**Other pumps** that may have the potential to work with AAPS are listed on the [Future (possible) Pumps](../Getting-Started/ page. (module-additional-communication-device)= -#### 額外的通訊設備 +#### Additional communication device -對於舊型美敦力幫浦,除了手機外,還需要額外的通訊設備來將幫浦的無線電信號「轉換」為藍牙信號。 請確保根據您的幫浦選擇正確的版本。 +For old medtronic pumps an additional communication device (besides your phone) is needed to "translate" the radio signal from pump to bluetooth. Make sure to choose the correct version depending on your pump. -- ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink 官網]( +- ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink Website]( - ![RileyLink](../images/omnipod/RileyLink.png) [433MHz RileyLink]( -- ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( -- ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [聯絡資訊]( -- ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( - 尚未測試 +- ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink Website]( - [Contact Info]( +- ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [Contact Info]( +- ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink Website]( - [Contact Info]( - Untested -**那麼,哪款幫浦最適合與 AAPS 進行閉環系統?** +**So what's the best pump for looping with AAPS?** -Combo、Insight 和舊型美敦力幫浦都是穩定且可用於閉環系統的幫浦。 Combo 的優勢是可以選擇更多類型的輸注組,因為它使用標準的 luer 鎖。 而且它使用的是標準電池,您可以在任何加油站、24 小時便利店買到,如果真的需要,也可以從飯店房間的遙控器裡「借用」一顆 ;-) +The Combo, the Insight and the older Medtronics are solid pumps, and loopable. The Combo has the advantage of many more infusion set types to choose from as it has a standard luer lock. And the battery is a default one you can buy at any gas station, 24 hour convenience store and if you really need one, you can steal/borrow it from the remote control in the hotel room ;-). -然而,DanaR/RS 和 Dana-i 相對於 Combo 作為首選幫浦的優勢在於: +The advantages of the DanaR/RS and Dana-i vs. the Combo as the pump of choice however are: -- Dana 幫浦可以與幾乎任何運作 Android 5.1 或更高版本的手機連線,而無需刷入 Lineage。 如果您的手機壞了,通常可以輕鬆找到與 Dana 幫浦相容的手機作為快速替代品......這對於 Combo 來說並不容易。 (隨著 Android 8.1 越來越普及,這種情況可能會改變) -- Dana-i/RS 的初始配對比較簡單。 但通常這只需要做一次,所以它僅在您想使用不同幫浦測試新功能時才有影響。 -- 目前,Combo 使用螢幕解析進行工作。 總的來說,這效果不錯,但速度較慢。 對於閉環系統來說,這並不太重要,因為所有操作都在背景中進行。 然而,您需要更多的時間來保持連線,這就意味著更多的時間內藍牙連線可能會中斷,這在您走開並同時進行注射和做飯時可能會發生。 -- Combo 在暫時性基礎率(TBR)結束時會震動,DanaR 在 SMB 時會震動(或發出嗶聲)。 在夜間,您可能會更頻繁地使用 TBR 而不是 SMB。 Dana-i/RS 可以配置為既不發出嗶聲也不震動。 -- 幾秒鐘內讀取 Dana-i/RS 的歷史紀錄及碳水化合物資料,使您可以在離線狀態下輕鬆切換手機,並在獲得一些 CGM 資料後立即繼續閉環操作。 -- 所有與 AAPS 相容的幫浦在交付時都是防水的。 只有 Dana 幫浦因其密封的電池艙和儲液槽填充系統在保固範圍內也具備防水性能。 +- The Dana pumps connect to almost any phone with Android >= 5.1 without the need to flash lineage. If your phone breaks you usually can find easily any phone that works with the Dana pumps as quick replacement... not so easy with the Combo. (This might change in the future when Android 8.1 gets more popular) +- Initial pairing is simpler with the Dana-i/RS. But you usually only do this once so it only impacts if you want to test a new feature with different pumps. +- So far the Combo works with screen parsing. In general that works great but it is slow. For looping this does not matter much as everything works in the background. Still there is much more time you need to be connected so more time where the BT connection might break, which isn't so easy if you walk away from your phone whilst bolusing & cooking. +- The Combo vibrates on the end of TBRs, the DanaR vibrates (or beeps) on SMB. At night time you are likely to be using TBRs more than SMB. The Dana-i/RS is configurable that it does neither beep or vibrate. +- Reading the history on the Dana-i/RS in a few seconds with carbs makes it possible to switch phones easily while offline and continue looping as soon a soon as some CGM values are in. +- All pumps AAPS can talk with are waterproof on delivery. Only the Dana pumps are also "waterproof by warranty" due to the sealed battery compartment and reservoir filling system. -### 血糖來源 +### BG Source -這只是與 AAPS 相容的所有 CGM/FGM 的簡短概述。 有關更多詳情,請參閱[這裡](../Configuration/。 簡單提示:如果您能在 xDrip+ 應用程式或 Nightscout 網站上顯示您的血糖資料,則可以在 AAPS 中選擇 xDrip+(或使用網路連線的 Nightscout)作為血糖來源。 +This is just a short overview of all compatible CGMs/FGM with AAPS. For further details, look [here](../Configuration/ Just a short hint: if you can display your glucose data in xDrip+ app or Nightscout website, you can choose xDrip+ (or Nightscout with web connection) as BG source in AAPS. -- [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/可與 xDrip+ 或修補版應用程式配合使用 -- [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/建議使用版本 3.0 的 BOYDA(詳見[版本說明](Releasenotes-important-hints-3-0-0))。 xDrip+ 至少需要 2022.01.14 版本或更高版本 -- [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/它可以與 xDrip+ 應用程式或修補版 Dexcom 應用程式配合使用 -- [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/這些傳感器已經很舊了,但您可以找到如何將它們與 xDrip+ 應用程式一起使用的說明 -- [Libre 3](../Hardware/它可以與 xDrip+ 一起使用(不需要發射器) -- [Libre 2](../Hardware/它可以與 xDrip+ 一起使用(不需要發射器) -- [Libre 1](../Hardware/您需要一個發射器,例如 Bluecon 或 MiaoMiao(自己製作或購買)以及 xDrip+ 應用程式 -- [Eversense](../Hardware/目前僅能與 ESEL 應用程式和修補版 Eversense 應用程式結合使用(不適用於 Dana RS 和 LineageOS,但 DanaRS 和 Android 或 Combo 和 Lineage OS 配合使用效果良好) -- [Enlite(MM640G/MM630G)](../Hardware/相當複雜,需要很多額外的設備 +- [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ Works with xDrip+ or patched app +- [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ BOYDA is recommended as of version 3.0 (see [release notes](Releasenotes-important-hints-3-0-0) for details). xDrip+ must be at least version 2022.01.14 or newer +- [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ It works with xDrip+ app or patched Dexcom app +- [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/ These sensors are quite old, but you can find instructions on how to use them with xDrip+ app +- [Libre 3](../Hardware/ It works with xDrip+ (no transmitter needed) +- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ It works with xDrip+ (no transmitter needed) +- [Libre 1](../Hardware/ You need a transmitter like Bluecon or MiaoMiao for it (build or buy) and xDrip+ app +- [Eversense](../Hardware/ It works so far only in combination with ESEL app and a patched Eversense-App (works not with Dana RS and LineageOS, but DanaRS and Android or Combo and Lineage OS work fine) +- [Enlite (MM640G/MM630G)](../Hardware/ quite complicated with a lot of extra stuff - [PocTech](../Hardware/ ### Nightscout -Nightscout 是一個開源網頁應用程式,可以記錄並顯示您的 CGM 資料和 AAPS 資料,並生成報告。 您可以在[Nightscout 項目網站](上找到更多資訊。 您可以建立自己的[Nightscout 網站](,使用[](上的半自動 Nightscout 設置,或在自己的伺服器上託管(這適合 IT 專家)。 +Nightscout is a open source web application that can log and display your CGM data and AAPS data and creates reports. You can find more information on the [website of the Nightscout project]( You can create your own [Nightscout website](, use the semi-automated Nightscout setup on []( or host it on your own server (this is for IT experts). -Nightscout 與其他模組獨立運作。 要完成目標 1,您將需要它。 +Nightscout is independent of the other modules. You will need it to fulfill Objective 1. -有關如何配置 Nightscout 以與 AAPS 一起使用的更多訊息,請參閱[這裡](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +Additional information on how to configure Nightscout for use with AAPS can be found [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -### AAPS-.apk 檔案 +### AAPS-.apk file -系統的基本組件。 在安裝應用程式之前,您需要先生成 apk 檔案(這是 Android 應用程式的檔案擴展名)。 說明位於[這裡](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +The basic component of the system. Before installing the app, you have to build the apk-file (which is the filename extension for an Android App) first. Instructions are [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -## 可選模組 +## Optional Modules -### 智慧型手錶 +### Smartwatch -您可以選擇任何 Android Wear 1.x 及以上版本的智慧型手錶。 大多數使用閉環系統的人佩戴 Sony Smartwatch 3(SWR50),因為它是唯一一款在手機不在範圍內時仍能從 Dexcom G6/G5 獲取讀數的手錶。 某些其他手錶也可以透過修補來作為獨立接收器使用(更多詳情請參閱[這份文檔](。 +You can choose any smartwatch with Android Wear 1.x and above. Most loopers wear a Sony Smartwatch 3 (SWR50) as it is the only watch that can get readings from Dexcom G6/G5 when phone is out of range. Some other watches can be patched to work as a standalone receiver as well (see [this documentation]( for more details). -用戶正在建立一個[已測試的手機和手錶清單](。 有不同的 AAPS 使用手錶錶盤,您可以在[這裡](../Configuration/找到。 +Users are creating a [list of tested phones and watches]( There are different watchfaces for use with AAPS, which you can find [here](../Configuration/ -如果要記錄不在電子表格中的手機或手錶,請填寫這個[表單](。 +To record a phone or watch that isn't already listed in the spreadsheet then please fill in the [form]( -如果對電子表格有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至[](,如果有手機/手錶型號捐贈,請發送電子郵件至[](。 +Any problems with the spreadsheet please send an email to [](, any donations of phone/watch models that still need testing please send an email to []( ### xDrip+ -即使您不需要將 xDrip+ 應用程式作為血糖來源,您仍然可以使用它來設置警報或顯示血糖資料。 您可以設置任意多的警報,指定警報應該啟動的時間,是否可以覆蓋靜音模式等。 有關一些 xDrip+ 資訊,請參閱[這裡](../Configuration/。 請注意,這款應用程式的文檔並非總是最新的,因為其進展相當快速。 +Even if you don't need to have the xDrip+ App as BG Source, you can still use it for i.e. alarms or a good blood glucose display. You can have as many as alarms as you want, specify the time when the alarm should be active, if it can override silent mode, etc. Some xDrip+ information can be found [here](../Configuration/ Please be aware that the documentations to this app are not always up to date as its progress is quite fast. -## 等待模組期間該做什麼 +## What to do while waiting for modules -有時,獲取所有閉環模組需要一些時間。 但不用擔心,還有很多事情可以在等待期間進行。 檢查並(在適當的情況下)調整基礎速率(BR)、胰島素碳水比例(IC)、胰島素敏感因子(ISF)等是**必要**的。 此外,開環模式可能是測試系統並熟悉 AAPS 的好方法。 使用這種模式,AAPS 會提供治療建議,您可以手動執行。 +It sometimes takes a while to get all modules for closing the loop. But no worries, there are a lot of things you can do while waiting. It is NECESSARY to check and (where appropriate) adapt basal rates (BR), insulin-carbratio (IC), insulin-sensitivity-factors (ISF) etc. And maybe open loop can be a good way to test the system and get familiar with AAPS. Using this mode, AAPS gives treatment advices you can manually execute. -您可以繼續閱讀這裡的文檔,與其他閉環系統用戶線上或離線交流,或[閱讀](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/文檔或其他用戶撰寫的內容(即使需要小心,不是所有內容都正確或適合您複製)。 +You can keep on reading through the docs here, get in touch with other loopers online or offline, [read](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/ documentations or what other loopers write (even if you have to be careful, not everything is correct or good for you to reproduce). -**完成了嗎?** 如果您已經將所有 AAPS 組件組裝好(恭喜!)或至少有足夠的組件來開始使用開環模式,那麼在每個新目標之前,您應該先閱讀[目標描述](../Usage/,然後設置您的[硬體](index-component-setup)。 +**Done?** If you have your AAPS components all together (congrats!) or at least enough to start in open loop mode, you should first read through the [Objective description](../Usage/ before each new Objective and setup up your [hardware](index-component-setup). From 2dfe3ad41e6a55793838487b77557a3dfa751bef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 193/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 712 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 356 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 072b78982755..44a2cf6b9641 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,792 +1,792 @@ -# AAPS Omnipod 胰島素幫浦驅動程式文件 +# AAPS Omnipod Insulin Pump Driver Documentation -以下是配置 Omnipod Eros 代幫浦的說明(**不包括 Omnipod Dash**)。 從 AAPS 2.8 版本開始,AAPS 支援 Omnipod 驅動程式。 +These instructions are for configuring the Omnipod Eros generation pump (**NOT Omnipod Dash**). The Omnipod driver is available as part of AAPS (AAPS) as of version 2.8. -**此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** +**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** ```{contents} :backlinks: entry :depth: 2 ``` -## 硬體和軟體需求 +## Hardware and Software Requirements -- **Pod 通訊裝置** +- **Pod Communication Device** -> 將您的 AAPS 啟用手機與 Eros 世代的 Pod 通訊的組件。 +> Component that bridges communication from your AAPS enabled phone to Eros generation pods. > -> > - ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink 官網]( +> > - ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink Website]( > > - ![RileyLink](../images/omnipod/RileyLink.png) [433MHz RileyLink]( -> > - ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( -> > - ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [聯絡資訊]( -> > - ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( - 尚未測試 +> > - ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink Website]( - [Contact Info]( +> > - ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [Contact Info]( +> > - ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink Website]( - [Contact Info]( - Untested -- ![Android_電話](../images/omnipod/Android_phone.png) **行動電話裝置** +- ![Android_phone](../images/omnipod/Android_phone.png) **Mobile Phone Device** -> 運作 AAPS 並向 Pod 通訊裝置發送控制指令的組件。 +> Component that will operate AAPS and send control commands to the Pod communication device. > -> > - 支援的 [Omnipod 驅動程式 Android 手機](具有 AAPS 2.8 版本和相關 [組件設置](index-component-setup) +> > - Supported [Omnipod driver Android phone]( with a version of AAPS 2.8 and related [components setup](index-component-setup) -- ![Omnipod_Pod](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Pod.png) **胰島素輸送裝置** +- ![Omnipod_Pod](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Pod.png) **Insulin Delivery Device** -> 將從 Pod 通訊裝置接收到的指令進行解釋的組件,該指令來自於您的 AAPS 啟用手機。 +> Component that will interpret commands received from the Pod communication device originating from your AAPS enable phone. > -> > - 新的 Omnipod pod(Eros 世代 - **不包括 DASH**) +> > - A new Omnipod pod (Eros generation - **NOT DASH**) -這些說明假定您正在啟動新的 pod 會話;如果不是這種情況,請耐心等待,並嘗試在下次更換 pod 時開始此過程。 +These instructions will assume that you are starting a new pod session; if this is not the case, please be patient and attempt to begin this process on your next pod change. -## 在您開始之前 +## Before You Begin -**安全第一** - 不要在無法從錯誤中恢復的環境中嘗試此過程(必備項包括額外的 pod、胰島素、已充電的 RileyLink 和手機設備)。 +**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra pods, insulin, charged RileyLink, and phone devices are must-haves). -**當 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式啟用您的 pod 後,您的 Omnipod PDM 將無法再運作**。 以往您使用 Omnipod PDM 向 Omnipod Eros pod 發送指令。 Omnipod Eros pod 只允許單一裝置向其發送通訊。 從那時起,成功啟動 Pod 的裝置將是唯一能夠與其通訊的裝置。 這意味著一旦您透過 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式和 RileyLink 啟用了 Omnipod Eros pod,**您將無法再使用您的 PDM 與 pod 通訊**。 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式與 RileyLink 現在是您的替代 PDM。 *這並不意味著您應該丟掉您的 PDM,建議保留它作為備用並在 AAPS 運作不正常時使用。* +**Your Omnipod PDM will no longer work after the AAPS Omnipod driver activates your pod**. Previously you used your Omnipod PDM to send commands to your Omnipod Eros pod. An Omnipod Eros pod only allows a single device to send communication to it. The device that successfully activates the pod is the only device allowed to communicate with it from that point forward. This means that once you activate an Omnipod Eros pod with your RileyLink through the AAPS Omnipod driver, **you will no longer be able to use your PDM with your pod**. The AAPS Omnipod driver with the RileyLink is now your acting PDM. *This does NOT mean you should throw away your PDM, it is recommended to keep it around as a backup, and for emergencies with AAPS is not working correctly.* -**您可以配置多個 RileyLink,但一次只能選擇一個 RileyLink 與 pod 通訊。** AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式支援在 RileyLink 配置中添加多個 RileyLink,但一次只能選擇一個 RileyLink 用來發送和接收通訊。 +**You can configure multiple RileyLinks, but only one selected RileyLink at a time can communicate with a pod.** The AAPS Omnipod driver supports the ability to add multiple RileyLinks in the RileyLink configuration, however, only one RileyLink at a time can be selected to be used for sending and receiving communication. -**當 RileyLink 超出範圍時,您的 pod 不會關閉。** 當您的 RileyLink 超出範圍或信號被阻擋無法與活動 pod 通訊時,您的 pod 將繼續輸送基礎胰島素。 啟用 pod 時,在 AAPS 中定義的基礎設定檔將會被編程到新的 pod 中。 如果您失去與 pod 的連線,它會恢復到此基礎設定檔。 在 RileyLink 返回範圍並重新建立連線之前,您將無法發出新的指令。 +**Your pod will not shut off when the RileyLink is out of range.** When your RileyLink is out of range or the signal is blocked from communicating with the active pod, your pod will continue to deliver basal insulin. Upon activating a pod, the basal profile defined in AAPS will be programmed into the new pod. Should you lose contact with the pod, it will revert to this basal profile. You will not be able to issue new commands until the RileyLink comes back in range and re-establishes the connection. -**AAPS 不支援30 分鐘基礎速率設置。** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並且首次設定基礎速率設置,請注意以半小時為間隔的基礎速率設置是不可支援的,您將需要調整基礎速率設置到整點開始。 例如,如果您有一個 1.1 個單位的基礎速率,它從 09:30 開始並持續 2 小時,結束於 11:30,這將無法運作。 您需要將這 1.1 單位的基礎速率更新為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管 Omnipod 硬件本身支援半小時基礎速率設置,AAPS 目前無法在其演算法中考慮到這些設置。 +**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time please be aware that basal rates starting on a half hour are not supported and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of say 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to update this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the 30 min basal rate profile increments are supported by the Omnipod hardware itself, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. -## 在 AAPS 中啟用 Omnipod 驅動程式 +## Enabling the Omnipod Driver in AAPS -您可以透過 **兩種方法** 在 AAPS 中啟用 Omnipod 驅動程式: +You can enable the Omnipod driver in AAPS in **two ways**: -### 選項1:設置嚮導 +### Option 1: The Setup Wizard -安裝新版本的 AAPS 後,**設置嚮導** 將自動啟動。 在地進行升級時也會發生這種情況。 如果您已經從以前的安裝中匯出了您的設置,您可以退出設置嚮導並匯入舊的設置。 對於新的安裝,請繼續以下操作。 +After installing a new version of AAPS, the **Setup Wizard** will start automatically. This will also occur during in place upgrades. If you already have exported your settings from a previous installation you can exit the Setup Wizard and import your old settings. For new installations proceed below. -透過位於右上角 **三點選單(1)** 的 **AAPS 設置嚮導 (2)** 並繼續透過嚮導選單,直到您到達 **幫浦** 設置畫面。 然後選擇 **Omnipod 單選按鈕 (3)**。 +Via the **AAPS Setup Wizard (2)** located at the top right-hand corner **three-dot menu (1)** and proceeding through the wizard menus until you arrive at the **Pump** screen. Then select the **Omnipod radio button (3)** . > ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_1](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_1.png) ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_2](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_2.png) -在同一畫面上,在幫浦選擇下方顯示 **Omnipod 驅動程式設置**,在 **RileyLink 設置** 中按下**未設置**文字添加您的 RileyLink 設備。 +On the same screen, below the pump selection, the **Omnipod Driver Settings** are displayed, under the **RileyLink Configuration** add your RileyLink device by pressing the **Not Set** text. -在 **RileyLink 選擇** 畫面上按下 **掃描** 按鈕,並透過掃描所有可用的藍牙設備從列表中選擇您的 RileyLink。 當正確選擇後,您將返回幫浦驅動程式選擇畫面,顯示 Omnipod 驅動程式設定及您所選擇的 RileyLink 和其 MAC 地址。 +On the **RileyLink Selection** screen press the **Scan** button and select your RileyLink by scanning for all available Bluetooth devices and selecting your RileyLink from the list. When properly selected you are returned to the pump driver selection screen displaying the Omnipod driver settings showing your selected RileyLink with the MAC address listed. -按下 **下一步** 按鈕繼續完成其餘的 **設定嚮導。** 選擇 RileyLink 後,初始化可能需時達一分鐘,此時 **下一步** 按鈕會變為可點擊狀態。 +Press the **Next** button to proceed with the rest of the **Setup Wizard.** It can take up to one minute for the selected RileyLink to initialize and the **Next** button to become active. -以下的 [RileyLink 設定部分](OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup) 列出了如何設置您的幫浦連線裝置的詳細步驟。 +Detailed steps on how to setup your pod communication device are listed below in the [RileyLink Setup Section](OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup). -**或者** +**OR** -### 選項 2:組態建置工具 +### Option 2: The Config Builder -透過左上角的 **漢堡選單** 進入 **配置構建器 (1)** ➜**幫浦** ➜**Omnipod**,選擇標為 **Omnipod** 的 **單選按鈕 (2)**。 勾選 **設定齒輪圖示 (3)** 旁邊的 **勾選框(4)**, Omnipod 選單將會以標籤的形式顯示在 AAPS 界面中,標題為 **POD**。 此處在文檔中被稱為 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 +Via the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder (1)** ➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Omnipod**. Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will display the Omnipod menu as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **POD**. This is referred to in this documentation as the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. -> **注意:** 更快地進入 **Omnipod 設定**的方法可以在本文檔的 [Omnipod 設定部分](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) 中找到。 +> **NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Omnipod settings** can be found below in the [Omnipod Settings section](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) of this document. > > ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_3](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_3.png) ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_4](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_4.png) -### 驗證 Omnipod 驅動程式選擇 +### Verification of Omnipod Driver Selection -*注意:如果您在未選擇 RileyLink 的情況下提前退出設定嚮導,Omnipod 驅動程式已啟用,但您仍需要選擇您的 RileyLink。 您可能會看到 Omnipod (POD) 標籤顯示如下所示* +*Note: If you have exited the Setup Wizard early without selecting your RileyLink, the Omnipod Driver is enabled but you will still need to select your RileyLink. You may see the Omnipod (POD) tab appear as it does below* -要驗證在 AAPS 中是否啟用了 Omnipod 驅動程式,請從 **首頁總覽** 標籤向左滑動,現在您會看到一個 **Omnipod** 或 **POD** 標籤。 +To verify that you have enabled the Omnipod driver in AAPS **swipe to the left** from the **Overview** tab, where you will now see an **Omnipod** or **POD** tab. ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_5](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_5.png) -## Omnipod 配置 +## Omnipod Configuration -請 **向左滑動** 到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,在那裡您可以管理所有幫浦和 RileyLink 功能(在沒有啟動幫浦會話的情況下,有些功能是不啟用或可見的): +Please **swipe left** to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab where you will be able to manage all pod and RileyLink functions (some of these functions are not enabled or visible without an active pod session): -> ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) 重新整理幫浦連線和狀態 +> ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) Refresh Pod connectivity and status > -> ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) 幫浦管理(啟動,停用,播放測試嗶聲,RileyLink 狀態和幫浦歷史記錄) +> ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) Pod Management (Activate, Deactivate, Play test beep, RileyLink Stats and Pod history) (OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup)= -### RileyLink 設定 +### RileyLink Setup -如果您已經在設定嚮導或上述步驟中成功配對了您的 RileyLink,則繼續進入本文檔下方的 [啟動幫浦部分](OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod)。 +If you already successfully paired your RileyLink in the Setup Wizard or steps above, then proceed to the [Activating a Pod Section](OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod) below. -*注意: RileyLink未連線的一個好視覺指示是 HOME 標籤中的胰島素和計算機按鈕將缺失。 這亦會發生在 AAPS 開始運作後的約莫30秒鐘,因為它正在積極連線至 RileyLink。* +*Note: A good visual indicator that the RileyLink is not connected is that the Insulin and Calculator buttons on the HOME tab will be missing. This will also occur for about the first 30 seconds after AAPS starts, as it is actively connecting to the RileyLink.* -1. 確保您的 RileyLink 已充滿電並開機。 +1. Ensure that your RileyLink is fully charged and powered on. -2. 選擇 Omnipod 驅動程式後,從 **配置構建器 (1)** ➜**幫浦** ➜**Omnipod** ➜**齒輪圖示(設定)(2)** ➜**RileyLink 配置 (3)** 中,按下 **未設定** 或 **MAC 地址(如存在)** 文字來選擇您的 RileyLink。 +2. After selecting the Omnipod driver, identify and select your RileyLink from **Config Builder (1)** ➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod**➜**Gear Icon (Settings) (2)** ➜**RileyLink Configuration (3)** by pressing the **Not Set** or **MAC Address (if present)** text. - > 確保您的 RileyLink 電池已充電,並且 [放置於距離約30厘米範圍內](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) 且距您的手機較近,以便 AAPS 透過其 MAC 地址識別它。 選擇後,您可以進行您的第一個幫浦會話的啟動。 使用手機上的返回按鈕回到主 AAPS 界面。 + > Ensure your RileyLink battery is charged and it is [positioned in close proximity](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) to your phone for AAPS to identify it by its MAC address. Once selected, you can proceed to activate your first pod session. Use the back button on your phone to return to the main AAPS interface. > > ![RileyLink_Setup_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_1.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) -3. 在 **RileyLink 選擇** 畫面上,按下 **掃描 (4)** 按鈕以啟動藍牙掃描。 **選擇您的 RileyLink (5)** 從可用的藍牙裝置列表中。 +3. On the **RileyLink Selection** screen press the **Scan (4)** button to initiate a bluetooth scan. **Select your RileyLink (5)** from the list of available Bluetooth devices. > ![RileyLink_Setup_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_3.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_4.png) -4. 成功選擇後,將返回 Omnipod 設定頁面,其中列出您**目前選擇的 RileyLink 的 MAC 地址 (6)。** +4. After successful selection you are returned to the Omnipod Settings page listing your **currently selected RileyLink's MAC Address (6).** > ![RileyLink_Setup_5](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_5.png) -5. 驗證在 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤中 **RileyLink 狀態 (1)** 顯示為 **已連線。** **幫浦狀態 (2)** 欄位應顯示 **無活動幫浦**;否則,請嘗試前一步驟或退出 AAPS 看是否重新整理連線。 +5. Verify that in the **Omnipod (POD)** tab that the **RileyLink Status (1)** appears as **Connected.** The **Pod status (2)** field should show **No active Pod**; if not, please attempt the previous step or exit AAPS to see if this refreshes the connection. > ![RileyLink_Setup_6](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_6.png) (OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod)= -### 啟動幫浦 +### Activating a Pod -在您可以啟動幫浦之前,請確保您已正確配置並連線您的 RileyLink 在 Omnipod 設定中 +Before you can activate a pod please ensure you have properly configured and connected your RileyLink connection in the Omnipod settings -*提醒:幫浦的配對通訊範圍有限,是由於安全保護措施所致。 配對前幫浦無線電信號較弱,但在成功配對後它將以全信號功率運作。 在這些程序期間,確保您的幫浦 [在合適的距離內](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (約30厘米以內),但不要放在 RileyLink 上或緊靠 RileyLink 旁邊。* +*REMINDER: Pod communication occurs at limited ranges for pod activation pairing due to security safety measures. Before pairing the Pod's radio signal is weaker, however after it has been paired it will operate at full signal power. During these procedures, make sure that your pod is* [within close proximity](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) but not on top of or right next to the RileyLink.\* -01. 導航到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,點擊 **幫浦管理 (1)** 按鈕,然後點擊 **啟動幫浦 (2)**。 +01. Navigate to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, and then click on **Activate Pod (2)**. > ![Activate_Pod_1](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_1.png) ![Activate_Pod_2](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_2.png) -02. 顯示**填充 Pod**畫面。 將至少 80 單位的胰島素注入新的 Pod,等聽到兩聲嗶聲,表示 Pod 準備就緒並可續繼將胰島素輸入完。 計算您3天所需的總胰島素量時,請考慮灌裝幫浦將使用12到15個單位。 +02. The **Fill Pod** screen is displayed. Fill a new pod with at least 80 units of insulin and listen for two beeps indicating that the pod is ready to be primed. When calculating the total amount of insulin you need for 3 days, please take into account that priming the pod will use 12 to 15 units. > ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_3.png) > - > 確保新幫浦和 RileyLink 在近距範圍內(約30厘米以內),然後點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 + > Ensure the new pod and RileyLink are within close proximity of each other (~30cm or less) and click the **Next** button. -03. 在 **初始化 Pod** 畫面上,Pod 將開始排空(您會聽到點擊聲,接著是連續的滴答聲,表明 Pod 正在自我排空)。 如果 RileyLink 超出啟動幫浦的範圍,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **幫浦無回應**。 如果發生此情況,[將 RileyLink 移得更近](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (約30厘米以內),但不要放在或緊靠 Pod 旁邊,然後點擊 **重試 (1)** 按鈕。 +03. On the **Initialize Pod** screen, the pod will begin priming (you will hear a click followed by a series of ticking sounds as the pod primes itself). If RileyLink is out of range of the pod being activated, you will receive an error message **No response from Pod**. If this occurs, [move the RileyLink closer](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) to but not on top of or right next to the Pod and click the **Retry (1)** button. > ![Activate_Pod_4](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_4.png) ![Activate_Pod_5](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_5.png) -04. 成功灌裝後將顯示綠色勾號,**下一步** 按鈕將啟用。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕,完成 Pod 排空初始化並顯示 **連線 Pod** 畫面。 +04. Upon successful priming a green checkmark will be shown and the **Next** button will become enabled. Click on the **Next** button to complete the pod priming initialization and display the **Attach Pod** screen. > ![Activate_Pod_6](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_6.png) -05. 接下來,準備新 Pod 的注射部位。 取下幫浦的塑料針帽和膠粘劑上的白色紙張,在您平時選擇的身體部位處貼上幫浦。 完成後,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 +05. Next, prepare the infusion site of the new pod. Remove the pod's plastic needle cap and white paper backing from the adhesive and apply the pod to your usually selected site on your body. When finished, click on the **Next** button. > ![Activate_Pod_7](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_7.png) -06. 現在會出現 **連線 Pod** 對話框。 **僅當您已準備好部署套針時才按確定按鈕**。 +06. The **Attach Pod** dialog box will now appear. **ONLY click on the OK button if you are ready to deploy the cannula**. > ![Activate_Pod_8](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_8.png) -07. 按下 **確定** 後,Omnipod 可能需要一段時間才會回應並插入套針(最多約1-2分鐘),請耐心等待。 +07. After pressing **OK**, it may take some time before the Omnipod responds and inserts the cannula (1-2 minutes maximum), so be patient. - > 如果 RileyLink 超出啟動幫浦的範圍,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **幫浦無回應**。 如果發生此情況,將 RileyLink 移得更近(約30厘米以內),但不要放在或緊靠幫浦旁邊,然後按下 **重試** 按鈕。 + > If RileyLink is out of range of the pod being activated, you will receive an error message **No response from Pod**. If this occurs, move the RileyLink closer (~30 cm away or less) to but not on top of or right next to the Pod and click the **Retry** button. > - > 如果 RileyLink 超出藍牙範圍或未與手機有活動連線,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **RileyLink 無回應**。 如果發生此情況,將 RileyLink 移得更近手機,然後按下 **重試** 按鈕。 + > If the RileyLink is out of Bluetooth range or does not have an active connection to the phone, you will receive an error message **No response from RileyLink**. If this occurs, move the RileyLink closer to the phone and click the **Retry** button. > - > *注意:在插入針管之前,最好輕捏針管插入點附近的皮膚。 這有助於針頭順利插入,並減少堵塞的機會。* + > *NOTE: Before the cannula is inserted, it is good practice to pinch the skin near the cannula insertion point. This ensures a smooth insertion of the needle and will decrease your chances of developing occlusions.* > > ![Activate_Pod_9](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_9.png) > > ![Activate_Pod_10](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_10.png) ![Activate_Pod_11](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_11.png) -08. 針管成功插入後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 +08. A green checkmark appears, and the **Next** button becomes enabled upon successful cannula insertion. Click on the **Next** button. > ![Activate_Pod_12](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_12.png) -09. 顯示 **Pod 已註冊** 畫面。 點擊綠色 **完成** 按鈕。 恭喜! 你已經開始了新的 Pod 使用階段。 +09. The **Pod activated** screen is displayed. Click on the green **Finished** button. Congratulations! You have now started a new active pod session. > ![Activate_Pod_13](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_13.png) -10. 幫浦管理選單畫面現在應顯示 **啟動幫浦 (1)** 按鈕 *已停用* 和 **停用幫浦 (2)** 按鈕 *已啟用*。 這是因為目前有一個 Pod 處於啟用狀態,必須先停用目前啟用的 Pod 才能註冊另一個 Pod。 +10. The **Pod management** menu screen should now display with the **Activate Pod (1)** button *disabled* and the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button *enabled*. This is because a pod is now active and you cannot activate an additional pod without deactivating the currently active pod first. - 點擊手機上的返回按鈕返回 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤畫面,現在會顯示您活動的幫浦會話資訊,包括當前基礎速率、幫浦儲庫水平、胰島素投放量、幫浦錯誤和警報。 + Click on the back button on your phone to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab screen which will now display Pod information for your active pod session, including current basal rate, pod reservoir level, insulin delivered, pod errors and alerts. - 要了解顯示的更多訊息,請轉到本文檔中的 [Omnipod (POD) 標籤](OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab) 部分。 + For more details on the information displayed go to the [Omnipod (POD) Tab](OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab) section of this document. ![Activate_Pod_14](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_14.png) ![Activate_Pod_15](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_15.png) -### 停用幫浦 +### Deactivating a Pod -在正常情況下,幫浦的壽命應為三天(72 小時),並在提示幫浦過期警告後額外持續8小時,總計80小時的幫浦使用。 +Under normal circumstances, the life of a pod should run for three days (72 hours) and an additional 8 hours after the pod expiration warning for a total of 80 hours of pod usage. -要停用 Pod(不論是過期還是 Pod 故障): +To deactivate a pod (either from expiration or from a pod failure): -1. 轉到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,點擊 **幫浦管理 (1)** 按鈕,在 **幫浦管理** 畫面上點擊 **停用幫浦 (2)** 按鈕。 +1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, on the **Pod management** screen click on the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button. > ![Deactivate_Pod_1](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_1.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_2](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_2.png) -2. 在 **停用幫浦** 畫面中,首先確保 RileyLink 在幫浦近距範圍內,但不要在或緊靠幫浦旁邊,然後點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以開始停用幫浦的過程。 +2. On the **Deactivate Pod** screen, first, make sure the RileyLink is in close proximity to the pod but not on top of or right next to the pod, then click on the **Next** button to begin the process of deactivating the pod. > ![Deactivate_Pod_3](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_3.png) -3. 將顯示 **停用幫浦** 畫面,您會收到幫浦發出的停用成功確認嗶聲。 +3. The **Deactivating Pod** screen will appear, and you will receive a confirmation beep from the pod that deactivation was successful. > ![Deactivate_Pod_4](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_4.png) > - > **如果停用失敗** 並且您未收到確認嗶聲,您可能會收到 **RileyLink 無回應** 或 **幫浦無回應訊息**。 請按 **重試 (1)** 按鈕再次嘗試停用。 如果停用持續失敗,請點擊 **丟棄幫浦 (2)** 按鈕遺棄幫浦。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 如果您的幫浦發出尖叫警報,您可能需要手動將其靜音(使用別針或回形針),因為 **丟棄幫浦 (2)** 按鈕無法使其靜音。 + > **IF deactivation fails** and you do not receive a confirmation beep, you may receive a **No response from RileyLink** or **No response from Pod message**. Please click on the **Retry (1)** button to attempt deactivation again. If deactivation continues to fail, please click on the **Discard Pod (2)** button to discard the Pod. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. If your Pod has a screaming alarm, you may need to manually silence it (using a pin or a paperclip) as the **Discard Pod (2)** button will not silence it. > > > ![Deactivate_Pod_5](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_5.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_6](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_6.png) -4. 停用成功後會顯示綠色勾號。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以顯示 Pod 停用畫面。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 +4. A green checkmark will appear upon successful deactivation. Click on the **Next** button to display the pod deactivated screen. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. > ![Deactivate_Pod_7](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_7.png) -5. 點擊綠色按鈕返回至 **幫浦管理** 畫面。 +5. Click on the green button to return to the **Pod management** screen. > ![Deactivate_Pod_8](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_8.png) -6. 您現在返回到 **幫浦管理** 選單,按下手機上的返回按鈕回到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 驗證 **RileyLink 狀態:** 欄位顯示 **已連線** 和 **幫浦狀態:** 欄位顯示 **無活動幫浦** 訊息。 +6. You are now returned to the **Pod management** menu press the back button on your phone to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. Verify that the **RileyLink Status:** field reports **Connected** and the **Pod status:** field displays a **No active Pod** message. > ![Deactivate_Pod_9](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_9.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_10](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_10.png) -### 暫停與恢復胰島素輸送 +### Suspending and Resuming Insulin Delivery -以下過程將向您展示如何暫停和恢復胰島素幫浦的投放。 +The process below will show you how to suspend and resume insulin pump delivery. -*注意 – 如果您未看到暫停按鈕*,那麼它尚未啟用在 Omnipod (POD) 標籤中顯示。 在 [Omnipod 設定](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) 中啟用 **在 Omnipod 標籤中顯示暫停胰島素投放按鈕** 設置,位於 **其他** 欄位下。 +*NOTE - if you do not see a SUSPEND button*, then it has not been enabled to display in the Omnipod (POD) tab. Enable the **Show Suspend Delivery button in Omnipod tab** setting in the [Omnipod settings](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) under **Other**. -#### 暫停胰島素投放 +#### Suspending Insulin Delivery -使用此指令將啟用的 POD 暫停。 在暫停狀態下, POD 將不再輸送任何胰島素。 此指令模擬原始 Omnipod PDM 發送給啟用 POD的暫停功能。 +Use this command to put the active pod into a suspended state. In this suspended state, the pod will no longer deliver any insulin. This command mimics the suspend function that the original Omnipod PDM issues to an active pod. -1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,並點擊**暫停(1)**按鈕。 暫停指令將由 RileyLink 發送到啟用 POD,並且**暫停(3)**按鈕將變灰。 ** POD 狀態(2)**將顯示**暫停輸送**。 +1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and click on the **SUSPEND (1)** button. The suspend command is sent from the RileyLink to the active pod and the **SUSPEND (3)** button will become greyed out. The **Pod status (2)** will display **SUSPEND DELIVERY**. > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_1](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_1.png) ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_2](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_2.png) -2. 當 RileyLink 成功確認暫停指令時,確認對話框將顯示訊息**所有胰島素輸送已暫停**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 +2. When the suspend command is successfully confirmed by the RileyLink a confirmation dialog will display the message **All insulin delivery has been suspended**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_3](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_3.png) -3. 您啟用的 POD 現已暫停所有胰島素輸送。 在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中,** POD 狀態(1)**將更新為**已暫停**。 **暫停**按鈕將更改為新的**恢復輸送(2)**按鈕。 +3. Your active pod has now suspended all insulin delivery. The **Omnipod (POD)** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** to **Suspended**. The **SUSPEND** button will change to a new **Resume Delivery (2)** button > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_4](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_4.png) -#### 恢復胰島素輸送 +#### Resuming Insulin Delivery -使用此指令指示當前暫停的活動 Pod 恢復胰島素輸送。 指令成功處理後,胰島素將根據當前時間並使用活動基礎率設定檔恢復正常輸送。 Pod 將再次接受注射、TBR 和 SMB 的指令。 +Use this command to instruct the active, currently suspended pod to resume insulin delivery. After the command is successfully processed, insulin will resume normal delivery using the current basal rate based on the current time from the active basal profile. The pod will again accept commands for bolus, TBR, and SMB. -1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,確保** POD 狀態(1)**欄位顯示**已暫停**,然後按下**恢復輸送(2)**按鈕以啟動流程,指示當前 POD 恢復正常的胰島素輸送。 **恢復輸送**訊息將顯示在** POD 狀態(3)**欄位,表示 RileyLink 正在積極向暫停的 POD 發送指令。 +1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and ensure the **Pod status (1)** field displays **Suspended**, then press the **Resume Delivery (2)** button to start the process to instruct the current pod to resume normal insulin delivery. A message **RESUME DELIVERY** will display in the **Pod status (3)** field, signifying the RileyLink is actively sending the command to the suspended pod. > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_1](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_1.png) ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_2](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_2.png) -2. 當 RileyLink 成功確認恢復輸送指令時,確認對話框將顯示訊息**胰島素輸送已恢復**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 +2. When the Resume delivery command is successfully confirmed by the RileyLink a confirmation dialog will display the message **Insulin delivery has been resumed**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_3](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_3.png) -3. 在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中,** POD 狀態(1)**欄位將更新顯示**運作中**,並且**恢復輸送**按鈕將變回**暫停(2)**按鈕。 +3. The **Omnipod (POD)** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** field to display **RUNNING,** and the **Resume Delivery** button will now display the **SUSPEND (2)** button. > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_4](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_4.png) -### 確認 POD 警報 +### Acknowledging Pod Alerts -*注意 - 如果您看不到「確認警報」按鈕,這是因為該按鈕僅在 POD 即將到期或低庫存警報觸發時在 Omnipod(POD)頁籤中有條件顯示。* +*NOTE - if you do not see an ACK ALERTS button, it is because it is conditionally displayed on the Omnipod (POD) tab ONLY when the pod expiration or low reservoir alert has been triggered.* -以下流程將告訴您如何確認並解除 POD 在達到 72 小時(3 天)過期警報時間限制前的警報聲。 此警報時間限制由**距關機的時數**設置在 Omnipod 警報設定中定義。 POD 的最長使用壽命為 80 小時(3 天 8 小時),然而 Insulet 建議不要超過 72 小時(3 天)限制。 +The process below will show you how to acknowledge and dismiss pod beeps that occur when the active pod time reaches the warning time limit before the pod expiration of 72 hours (3 days). This warning time limit is defined in the **Hours before shutdown** Omnipod alerts setting. The maximum life of a pod is 80 hours (3 days 8 hours), however Insulet recommends not exceeding the 72 hour (3 days) limit. -*注意 - 如果您在 Omnipod 警報中啟用了「自動確認 POD 警報」設置,該警報在第一次出現後將自動處理,您不需要手動解除警報。* +*NOTE - If you have enabled the "Automatically acknowledge Pod alerts" setting in Omnipod Alerts, this alert will be handled automatically after the first occurrence and you will NOT need to manually dismiss the alert.* -1. 當達到定義的**距關機的時數**警報時間限制時, POD 將發出警報聲,告知您其即將到期,並且很快需要更換 POD 。 您可以在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上進行確認,** POD 到期時間:(1)**欄位將顯示 POD 的確切到期時間(註冊後 72 小時),並且在此時間過後,文字將變成**紅色**,在**啟用 POD警報(2)**欄位中顯示狀態訊息** POD 即將到期**。 此觸發將顯示**確認警報(3)**按鈕。 系統通知**(4)**也將通知您即將到期的 POD 。 +1. When the defined **Hours before shutdown** warning time limit is reached, the pod will issue warning beeps to inform you that it is approaching its expiration time and a pod change will soon be required. You can verify this on the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, the **Pod expires: (1)** field will show the exact time the pod will expire (72 hours after activation) and the text will turn **red** after this time has passed, under the **Active Pod alerts (2)** field where the status message **Pod will expire soon** is displayed. This trigger will display the **ACK ALERTS (3)** button. A **system notification (4)** will also inform you of the upcoming pod expiration > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_1](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_1.png) ![Acknowledge_Alerts_2](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_2.png) -2. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下**確認警報(2)**按鈕(確認警報)。 RileyLink 將發送指令給 POD ,解除 POD 到期警報聲,並更新** POD 狀態(1)**欄位為**確認警報**。 +2. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **ACK ALERTS (2)** button (acknowledge alerts). The RileyLink sends the command to the pod to deactivate the pod expiration warning beeps and updates the **Pod status (1)** field with **ACKNOWLEDGE ALERTS**. > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_3](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_3.png) -3. 成功解除警報後,啟用 POD將發出**兩次警報聲**,並且確認對話框將顯示訊息**警報已確認**。 點擊 **OK** 按鈕以確認並關閉對話框。 +3. Upon **successful deactivation** of the alerts, **2 beeps** will be issued by the active pod and a confirmation dialog will display the message **Activate alerts have been acknowledged**. Click the **OK** button to confirm and dismiss the dialog. > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_4](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_4.png) > - > 如果在處理確認警報指令時 RileyLink 不在 POD 的範圍內,則將顯示一條警告訊息,並提供兩個選項。 **靜音(1)**將靜音當前警報。 **確定(2)**將確認此警報,並允許用戶再次嘗試確認警報。 + > If the RileyLink is out of range of the pod while the acknowledge alerts command is being processed a warning message will display 2 options. **Mute (1)** will silence this current warning. **OK (2)** will confirm this warning and allow the user to try to acknowledge alerts again. > > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_5](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_5.png) -4. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,在**啟用 POD警報**欄位下,警告訊息不再顯示,並且啟用 POD將不再發出 POD 到期警報聲。 +4. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, under the **Active Pod alerts** field, the warning message is no longer displayed and the active pod will no longer issue pod expiration warning beeps. (OmnipodEros-view-pod-history)= -### 查看 Pod 歷史記錄 +### View Pod History -本節將向您展示如何查看您的活動 Pod 歷史記錄,並根據不同的操作類別進行篩選。 POD 歷史工具允許您查看當前啟用 POD在其三天(72 - 80 小時)壽命期間執行的動作和結果。 +This section shows you how to review your active pod history and filter by different action categories. The pod history tool allows you to view the actions and results committed to your currently active pod during its three day (72 - 80 hours) life. -此功能對於驗證注射、TBR 和已完成的基礎變更很有用,但您可能不確定它們是否完成。 其餘類別對於一般疑難排解問題和確定故障前發生的事件順序也很有幫助。 +This feature is useful for verifying boluses, TBRs, basal changes that were given but you may be unsure if they completed. The remaining categories are useful in general for troubleshooting issues and determining the order of events that occurred leading up to a failure. -*注意:* **不確定的**指令將出現在 POD 歷史中,但由於其性質,您無法保證其準確性。 +*NOTE:* **Uncertain** commands will appear in the pod history, however due to their nature you cannot ensure their accuracy. -1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下** POD 管理(1)**按鈕以查看** POD 管理**選單,然後按下** POD 歷史(2)**按鈕以查看 POD 歷史頁面。 +1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod management** menu and then press the **Pod history (2)** button to access the pod history screen. > ![Pod_History_1](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_1.png) ![Pod_History_2](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_2.png) -2. 在** POD 歷史**頁面上,預設類別為**全部(1)**,顯示所有 POD 的**日期和時間(2)**以及**動作(3)**和**結果(4)**,按時間倒序排列。 使用您的手機**按兩次返回按鈕**返回主 AAPS 介面中的**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤。 +2. On the **Pod history** screen, the default category of **All (1)** is displayed showing the **Date and Time (2)** of all pod **Actions (3)** and **Results (4)** in reverse chronological order. Use your phone’s **back button 2 times** to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab in the main AAPS interface. > ![Pod_History_3](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_3.png) ![Pod_History_4](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_4.png) -### 查看 RileyLink 設定和歷史記錄 +### View RileyLink Settings and History -本節將向您展示如何查看您啟用 POD和 RileyLink 的設定及其通訊歷史記錄。 此功能一旦查看,將分為兩個部分:**設定**和**歷史**。 +This section shows you how to review the settings of your active pod and RileyLink along with the communication history of each. This feature, once accessed, is split into two sections: **Settings** and **History**. -此功能的主要用途是當您的 POD 通訊設備超出手機藍牙範圍且**RileyLink 狀態**報告**RileyLink 無法連線**。 主**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上的**重新整理**按鈕將手動嘗試重新建立與 Omnipod 設定中當前配置的 RileyLink 的藍牙通訊。 +The primary use of this feature is when your pod communication device is out of the Bluetooth range of your phone after a period of time and the **RileyLink status** reports **RileyLink unreachable**. The **REFRESH** button on the main **Omnipod (POD)** tab will manually attempt to re-establish Bluetooth communication with the currently configured RileyLink in the Omnipod settings. -如果主**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上的**重新整理**按鈕未能恢復與 POD 通訊設備的連線,請按照下列附加步驟進行手動重新連線。 +In the event the **REFRESH** button on the main **Omnipod (POD)** tab does not restore the connection to the pod communication device, please follow the additional steps below for a manual reconnection. -#### 手動重新建立 POD 通訊設備的藍牙通訊 +#### Manually Re-establish Pod Communication Device Bluetooth Communication -1. 當**RileyLink 狀態:(1)**報告**RileyLink 無法連線**時,從**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中按下** POD 管理(2)**按鈕以進入** POD 管理**選單。 在** POD 管理**選單中,您將看到正在積極搜索 RileyLink 連線的通知,按下**RileyLink 狀態(3)**按鈕以查看**RileyLink 設定**頁面。 +1. From the **Omnipod (POD)** tab when the **RileyLink Status: (1)** reports **RileyLink unreachable** press the **POD MGMT (2)** button to navigate to the **Pod Management** menu. On the **Pod Management** menu you will see a notification appear actively searching for a RileyLink connection, press the **RileyLink stats (3)** button to access the **RileyLink settings** screen. > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_1.png) ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_2.png) -2. 在**RileyLink 設定(1)**頁面下的**RileyLink(2)**部分中,您可以在**連線狀態和錯誤:(3)**欄位確認藍牙連線狀態和錯誤。 *藍牙錯誤*和*RileyLink 無法連線*狀態應顯示在這裡。 按右下角的**重新整理(4)**按鈕啟動手動藍牙重新連線。 +2. On the **RileyLink Settings (1)** screen under the **RileyLink (2)** section you can confirm both the Bluetooth connection status and error in the **Connection Status and Error: (3)** fields. A *Bluetooth Error* and *RileyLink unreachable* status should be shown. Start the manual Bluetooth reconnection by pressing the **refresh (4)** button in the lower right corner. > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_3.png) > - > 如果在處理藍牙重新整理指令時 POD 通訊設備無法響應或超出手機範圍,則將顯示一條警告訊息,提供兩個選項。 + > If the pod communication device is unresponsive or out of range of the phone while the Bluetooth refresh command is being processed a warning message will display 2 options. - - **靜音(1)**將靜音當前警報。 - - **確定(2)**將確認此警告,並允許用戶再次嘗試重新建立藍牙連線。 + - **Mute (1)** will silence this current warning. + - **OK (2)** will confirm this warning and allow the user to try to re-establish the Bluetooth connection again. > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_4.png) -3. 如果**藍牙連線**無法重新建立,請嘗試手動關閉然後重新開啟手機上的**藍牙功能**。 +3. If the **Bluetooth connection** does not re-establish, try manually turning **off** and then back **on** the Bluetooth function on your phone. -4. 成功重新建立 RileyLink 藍牙連線後,**連線狀態:(1)**欄位應顯示**RileyLink 就緒**。 恭喜,您現在已將配置的 POD 通訊設備重新連線到 AAPS! +4. After a successful RileyLink Bluetooth reconnection the **Connection Status: (1)** field should report **RileyLink ready**. Congratulations, you have now reconnected your configured pod communication device to AAPS! > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_5](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_5.png) -#### POD 通訊設備和啟用 POD設定 +#### Pod Communication Device and Active Pod Settings -此頁面將提供當前配置的 POD 通訊設備和當前啟用的 Omnipod Eros POD 的資訊、狀態和設定配置資訊。 +This screen will provide information, status, and settings configuration information for both the currently configured pod communication device and the currently active Omnipod Eros pod. -1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下** POD 管理(1)**按鈕以查看** POD 管理**選單,然後按下**RileyLink 狀態(2)**按鈕以查看當前配置的**RileyLink(3)**和啟用 POD**設備(4)**設定。 +1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod management** menu, then press the **RileyLink stats (2)** button to view your currently configured **RileyLink (3)** and active pod **Device (4)** settings. > ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_1.png) ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_2.png) > > ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_3.png) -##### RileyLink(3)欄位 +##### RileyLink (3) fields -> - **地址:**在 Omnipod 設定中定義的所選 POD 通訊設備的 MAC 位址。 -> - **名稱:**在手機藍牙設定中定義的所選 POD 通訊設備的藍牙識別名稱。 -> - **電池電量:**顯示已連線的 POD 通訊設備的當前電池電量。 -> - **已連線設備:**當前與 POD 通訊設備通訊的 Omnipod POD 型號。 -> - **連線狀態:** POD 通訊設備與運作 AAPS 的手機之間藍牙連線的當前狀態。 -> - **連線錯誤:**如果 POD 通訊設備的藍牙連線存在錯誤,詳細訊息將顯示在此處。 -> - **韌體版本:**當前連線的 POD 通訊設備上安裝的韌體版本。 +> - **Address:** MAC address of the selected pod communication device defined in the Omnipod Settings. +> - **Name:** Bluetooth identification name of the selected pod communication device defined in your phone's Bluetooth settings. +> - **Battery Level:** Displays the current battery level of the connected pod communication device +> - **Connected Device:** Model of the Omnipod pod currently communicating with the pod communication device +> - **Connection Status**: The current status of the Bluetooth connection between the pod communication device and the phone running AAPS. +> - **Connection Error:** If there is an error with the pod communication device Bluetooth connection details will be displayed here. +> - **Firmware Version:** Current firmware version installed on the actively connected pod communication device. -##### 設備(4)欄位 - 與啟用 POD +##### Device (4) fields - With an Active Pod -> - **Device Type:** 與 POD 通訊設備通訊的設備類型 (Omnipod pod 幫浦) -> - **Device Model:** 與 POD 通訊設備連線的啟動設備型號 (Omnipod pod 當前型號為 Eros) -> - **Pump Serial Number:** 當前註冊 POD 的序列號 -> - **Pump Frequency:** POD 通訊設備調整的無線電通訊頻率,以啟用其與 POD 之間的通訊。 -> - **Last Used frequency:** POD 最後一次與通訊設備通訊時使用的無線電頻率。 -> - **Last Device Contact:** POD 最後一次與通訊設備接觸的日期和時間。 -> - **Refresh button** 手動重新整理此頁面的設定。 +> - **Device Type:** The type of device communicating with the pod communication device (Omnipod pod pump) +> - **Device Model:** The model of the active device connected to the pod communication device (the current model name of the Omnipod pod, which is Eros) +> - **Pump Serial Number:** Serial number of the currently activated pod +> - **Pump Frequency:** Communication radio frequency the pod communication device has tuned to enable communication between itself and the pod. +> - **Last Used frequency:** Last known radio frequency the pod used to communicate with the pod communication device. +> - **Last Device Contact:** Date and time of the last contact the pod made with the pod communication device. +> - **Refresh button** manually refresh the settings on this page. -#### RileyLink 和啟動 Pod 歷史 +#### RileyLink and Active Pod History -此頁面按時間倒序提供 RileyLink 或當前連線的 POD 每個狀態或動作的訊息。 整個歷史記錄僅適用於當前啟動的 POD , POD 更換後,此歷史記錄將被清除,並且僅顯示新註冊的 POD 的事件。 +This screen provides information in reverse chronological order of each state or action that either the RileyLink or currently connected pod is in or has taken. The entire history is only available for the currently active pod, after a pod change this history will be erased and only events from the newly activated pod will be recorded and shown. -1. 進入 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤頁,按下 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕以查看 **Pod Management** 選單,然後按下 **Pod History (2)** 按鈕以查看 **Settings** 和 **History** 頁面。 點擊 **HISTORY (3)** 文字以顯示 RileyLink 和當前啟動 POD 會話的全部歷史記錄。 +1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod Management** menu, then press the **Pod History (2)** button to view the **Settings** and **History** screen. Click on the **HISTORY (3)** text to display the entire history of the RileyLink and currently active pod session. > ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_1.png) ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_2.png) > > ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_3.png) -##### 欄位 +##### Fields -> - **Date & Time**: 事件發生的時間戳,按時間倒序排列。 -> - **Device:** 事件或狀態所涉及的設備。 -> - **State or Action:** 設備當前執行的狀態或操作。 +> - **Date & Time**: In reverse chronological order the timestamp of each event. +> - **Device:** The device to which the current action or state is referring. +> - **State or Action:** The current state or action performed by the device. (OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab)= -## Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁 +## Omnipod (POD) Tab -以下是主要 AAPS 介面中 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁的圖示與狀態欄位佈局及其含義的說明。 +Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons and status fields on the **Omnipod (POD)** tab in the main AAPS interface. -*注意:若 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁中的任何訊息報告為 (不確定),則需要按下重新整理按鈕以清除並更新幫浦狀態。* +*NOTE: If any message in the Omnipod (POD) tab status fields report (uncertain) then you will need to press the Refresh button to clear it and refresh the pod status.* -> ![Omnipod_分頁](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab.png) +> ![Omnipod_Tab](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab.png) -### 欄位 +### Fields -- **RileyLink 狀態:**顯示當前 RileyLink 的連線狀態 +- **RileyLink Status:** Displays the current connection status of the RileyLink -- *RileyLink 無法使用* - 幫浦連線裝置未在手機的藍牙範圍內、關閉電源或因故障導致無法進行藍牙通訊。 -- *RileyLink 準備就緒* - 幫浦連線裝置開啟並正在初始化藍牙連線 -- *已連線* - 幫浦連線裝置已開啟電源、連線並能夠透過藍牙進行通訊。 +- *RileyLink Unreachable* - pod communication device is either not within Bluetooth range of the phone, powered off or has a failure preventing Bluetooth communication. +- *RileyLink Ready* - pod communication device is powered on and actively initializing the Bluetooth connection +- *Connected* - pod communication device is powered on, connected and actively able to communicate via Bluetooth. -- **幫浦位址:**顯示目前參照的啟動幫浦位址 +- **Pod address:** Displays the current address in which the active pod is referenced -- **LOT:**顯示啟動幫浦的 LOT 號碼 +- **LOT:** Displays the LOT number of the active pod -- **TID:**顯示幫浦的序號。 +- **TID:** Displays the serial number of the pod. -- **韌體版本:**顯示啟動幫浦的韌體版本。 +- **Firmware Version:** Displays the firmware version of the active pod. -- **幫浦上的時間:**顯示啟動幫浦上的當前時間。 +- **Time on Pod:** Displays the current time on the active pod. -- **幫浦到期時間:**顯示啟動幫浦到期的日期和時間。 +- **Pod expires:** Displays the date and time when the active pod will expire. -- **幫浦狀態:**顯示啟動幫浦的狀態。 +- **Pod status:** Displays the status of the active pod. -- **最後連線時間:**顯示與啟動幫浦最後一次通訊的時間。 +- **Last connection:** Displays the last time communication with the active pod was achieved. -- *片刻前* - 少於 20 秒前。 -- *不到一分鐘前* - 超過 20 秒但少於 60 秒前。 -- *1 分鐘前* - 超過 60 秒但少於 120 秒(2 分鐘)。 -- *XX 分鐘前* - 超過 2 分鐘,具體由 XX 的值定義。 +- *Moments ago* - less than 20 seconds ago. +- *Less than a minute ago* - more than 20 seconds but less than 60 seconds ago. +- *1 minute ago* - more than 60 seconds but less than 120 seconds (2 min) +- *XX minutes ago* - more than 2 minutes ago as defined by the value of XX -- **最後一次注射:**顯示送至啟動幫浦的最後注射劑量及多久之前發送(括號中顯示時間)。 +- **Last bolus:** Displays the dosage of the last bolus sent to the active pod and how long ago it was issued in parenthesis. -- **基礎率:** 顯示基礎率設定檔中當前時間的基礎率設定。 +- **Base Basal rate:** Displays the basal rate programmed for the current time from the basal rate profile. -- **臨時基礎率:** 以以下格式顯示當前運作的臨時基礎率。 +- **Temp basal rate:** Displays the currently running Temporary Basal Rate in the following format -- 單位 / 小時 @ 發出 TBR 時(已執行的分鐘 / 總共執行的 TBR 分鐘) -- *示例:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 分鐘) +- Units / hour @ time TBR was issued (minutes run / total minutes TBR will be run) +- *Example:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 minutes) -- **儲液量:** 當儲液量超過 50 單位時顯示 50+ 單位。 低於此值時,精確單位將以黃色文字顯示。 +- **Reservoir:** Displays over 50+U left when more than 50 units are left in the reservoir. Below this value the exact units are displayed in yellow text. -- **總輸送量:** 顯示從儲液中輸送的胰島素總單位數。 *注意,這是一個近似值,因為幫浦啟動和填充過程並不精確。* +- **Total delivered:** Displays the total number of units of insulin delivered from the reservoir. *Note this is an approximation as priming and filling the pod is not an exact process.* -- **錯誤:** 顯示遇到的最後一個錯誤。 查看 [幫浦歷史](OmnipodEros-view-pod-history)、[RileyLink 歷史](OmnipodEros-rileylink-and-active-pod-history) 和錯誤日誌以獲取更多詳細資訊。 +- **Errors:** Displays the last error encountered. Review the [Pod history](OmnipodEros-view-pod-history), [RileyLink history](OmnipodEros-rileylink-and-active-pod-history) and log files for past errors and more detailed information. -- **啟用 Pod 警報:** 保留當前啟用 Pod 上運作的警報。 通常在幫浦到期超過 72 小時且原生幫浦嗶聲警告運作時使用。 +- **Active pod alerts:** Reserved for currently running alerts on the active pod. Normally used when pod expiration is past 72 hours and native pod beep alerts are running. -### 圖示 +### Icons -- **重新整理:** +- **REFRESH:** > ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) > - > 向啟動幫浦發送重新整理指令以更新通訊 + > Sends a refresh command to the active pod to update communication > - > 用於重新整理 Pod 狀態並消除顯示 (不確定) 訊息的狀態欄位。 + > Use to refresh the pod status and dismiss status fields that contain the text (uncertain). > - > 查看下方的 [故障排除部分](OmnipodEros-troubleshooting)以獲取更多資訊。 + > See the [Troubleshooting section](OmnipodEros-troubleshooting) below for additional information. -- **幫浦管理:** +- **POD MGMT:** > ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) > - > 導航至幫浦管理選單 + > Navigates to the Pod management menu -- **確認警告:** +- **ACK ALERTS:** > ![ack_alerts](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_ack_alerts.png) > - > 按下此按鈕將停用幫浦到期嗶聲和通知。 + > When pressed this will disable the pod expiration beeps and notifications. > - > 此圖示僅在幫浦時間超過到期警告時間時顯示 成功解除後,該圖示將不再出現。 + > Button is displayed only when pod time is past expiration warning time Upon successful dismissal, this icon will no longer appear. -- **設定時間:** +- **SET TIME:** > ![set_time](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_set_time.png) > - > 按下此按鈕將幫浦的時間更新為手機上的當前時間。 + > When pressed this will update the time on the pod with the current time on your phone. -- **暫停:** +- **SUSPEND:** > ![suspend](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_suspend.png) > - > 暫停啟動幫浦 + > Suspends the active pod -- **繼續注射:** +- **RESUME DELIVERY:** > ![resume](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_resume.png) > - > > 繼續當前已暫停的啟動幫浦 + > > Resumes the currently suspended, active pod -### Pod 管理選單 +### Pod Management Menu -以下是從 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁進入的 **幫浦管理** 選單中的圖示佈局及其含義的說明。 +Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons on the **Pod Management** menu accessed from the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. -> ![Omnipod_分頁_幫浦管理](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management.png) +> ![Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management.png) -- **註冊 Pod** +- **Activate Pod** - > ![啟動幫浦](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_activate_pod.png) + > ![activate_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_activate_pod.png) > - > 幫浦啟動並註冊新幫浦 + > Primes and activates a new pod -- **停用 Pod** +- **Deactivate Pod** - > ![停用幫浦](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_deactivate_pod.png) + > ![deactivate_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_deactivate_pod.png) > - > 停用當前啟動幫浦。 + > Deactivates the currently active pod. > - > 部分配對的幫浦將忽略此指令。 + > A partially paired pod ignores this command. > - > 使用此指令停用發出錯誤 49 嚴重警告音的幫浦。 + > Use this command to deactivate a screaming pod (error 49). > - > 如果按鈕被停用(顯示為灰色),請使用丟棄幫浦按鈕。 + > If the button is disabled (greyed out) use the Discard Pod button. -- **播放測試嗶聲** +- **Play test beep** > ![play_test_beep](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_play_test_beep.png) > - > 按下此按鈕時,幫浦將播放單次測試嗶聲聲。 + > Plays a single test beep on the pod when pressed. -- **丟棄幫浦** +- **Discard pod** > ![discard_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_discard_pod.png) > - > 按下此按鈕將停用並丟棄無反應幫浦的狀態。 + > Deactivates and discards the pod state of an unresponsive pod when pressed. > - > 此按鈕僅在滿足特定條件時顯示,因為無法進行正確停用: + > Button is only displayed when very specific cases are met as proper deactivation is no longer possible: > - > > - 當 **幫浦未完全配對** 且因此忽略停用指令時。 - > > - 當 **幫浦卡住** 在配對過程的步驟之間時。 - > > - 當 **幫浦完全無法配對。** + > > - A **pod is not fully paired** and thus ignores deactivate commands. + > > - A **pod is stuck** during the pairing process between steps + > > - A **pod simply does not pair at all.** -- **幫浦歷史** +- **Pod history** > ![pod_history](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_pod_history.png) > - > 顯示啟動幫浦的活動歷史 + > Displays the active pod activity history -- **RileyLink 統計:** +- **RileyLink stats:** > ![rileylink_stats](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_rileylink_stats.png) > - > 導航至 RileyLink 統計螢幕,顯示當前設置和 RileyLink 連線歷史 + > Navigates to the RileyLink Statistics screen displaying current settings and RileyLink Connection history > - > > - **設置** - 顯示 RileyLink 和啟動幫浦的設置資訊 - > > - **歷史** - 顯示 RileyLink 和幫浦連線歷史 + > > - **Settings** - displays RileyLink and active pod settings information + > > - **History** - displays RileyLink and Pod communication history -- **重置 RileyLink 配置** +- **Reset RileyLink Config** > ![reset_rileylink_config](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_reset_rileylink_config.png) > - > 按下此按鈕將重置當前連線的幫浦連線裝置配置。 + > When pressed this button resets the currently connected pod communication device configuration. > - > > - 當通訊開始時,特定資料將發送至 RileyLink 並設置為 > - 記憶體暫存器已設置 > - 通訊協議已設置 > - 已設置調頻無線電頻率 - > > - 請參閱該表格末尾的 [附加說明](OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes) + > > - When communication is started, specific data is sent to and set in the RileyLink > - Memory Registers are set > - Communication Protocols are set > - Tuned Radio Frequency is set + > > - See [additional notes](OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes) at the end of this table -- **讀取脈搏日誌:** +- **Read pulse log:** > ![pulse_log](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_pulse_log.png) > - > > 將啟動幫浦的脈搏日誌發送至剪貼簿 + > > Sends the active pod pulse log to the clipboard (OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes)= -#### *重置 RileyLink 配置說明* +#### *Reset RileyLink Config Notes* -- 此功能的主要用途是當當前啟動的幫浦連線裝置無法響應且通訊處於卡住狀態時使用。 -- 若幫浦連線裝置關閉再重新開啟,則需要按下 **重置 RileyLink 配置** 按鈕,以便在幫浦連線裝置配置中設置這些通訊參數。 -- 若未完成此步驟,則 AAPS 需要在幫浦連線裝置電源循環後重新啟動。 -- 此按鈕**無需**在不同幫浦連線裝置之間切換時按下。 +- The primary usage of this feature is when the currently active pod communication device is not responding and communication is in a stuck state. +- If the pod communication device is turned off and then back on, the **Reset RileyLink Config** button needs to be pressed, so that it sets these communication parameters in the pod communication device configuration. +- If this is NOT done then AAPS will need to be restarted after the pod communication device is power cycled. +- This button **DOES NOT** need to be pressed when switching between different pod communication devices (OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings)= -## Omnipod 設置 +## Omnipod Settings -Omnipod 驅動程式設置可透過左上角的**漢堡選單**中的**設置生成器**➜**幫浦**➜**Omnipod**➜**齒輪圖示 (2)**進行配置,選擇**Omnipod**的**單選按鈕 (1)**。 勾選 **齒輪圖示 (2)**旁的**複選框 (3)**將允許 Omnipod 選單以 **OMNIPOD** 或 **幫浦** 的標題作為分頁顯示在 AAPS 介面中。 此處在文檔中被稱為 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 +The Omnipod driver settings are configurable from the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder**➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod**➜**Settings Gear (2)** by selecting the **radio button (1)** titled **Omnipod**. Selecting the **checkbox (3)** next to the **Settings Gear (2)** will allow the Omnipod menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **OMNIPOD** or **POD**. This is referred to in this documentation as the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. -![Omnipod_設置_1](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_1.png) +![Omnipod_Settings_1](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_1.png) -**注意:**快速查看 **Omnipod 設置** 的方式是透過 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁右上角的 **三點選單 (1)** 並從下拉選單中選擇 **Omnipod 偏好設定 (2)**。 +**NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Omnipod settings** is by accessing the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and selecting **Omnipod preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. -![Omnipod_設置_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) +![Omnipod_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) -下方列出了設定組;大多數條目可透過切換開關啟用或停用: +The settings groups are listed below; you can enable or disable via a toggle switch for most entries described below: -![Omnipod_設置_3](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_3.png) +![Omnipod_Settings_3](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_3.png) -*注意:星號(\*)表示預設設置為啟用狀態。* +*NOTE: An asterisk (\*) denotes the default for a setting is enabled.* ### RileyLink -允許掃描幫浦連線裝置。 Omnipod 驅動程式一次只能選擇一個幫浦連線裝置。 +Allows for scanning of a pod communication device. The Omnipod driver cannot select more than one pod communication device at a time. -- **顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 報告的電池電量:**報告 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 的實際電池電量。 強烈建議所有 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 使用者啟用此設置。 +- **Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink:** Reports the actual battery level of the OrangeLink/EmaLink/Dialink. It is **strongly recommended** that all OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink users enable this setting. -- 此設置**不支援**原始 RileyLink。 -- 可能不支援 RileyLink 的替代品。 -- 啟用 - 報告支援的幫浦連線裝置的當前電池電量。 -- 停用 - 報告值為 n/a。 +- DOES NOT work with the original RileyLink. +- May not work with RileyLink alternatives. +- Enabled - Reports the current battery level for supported pod communication devices. +- Disabled - Reports a value of n/a. -- **在動作中啟用電池更換記錄:**若您啟用了此設置,且啟用了上方的電池報告設置,則在動作選單中將啟用電池更換按鈕。 部分幫浦連線裝置現在可以使用可更換的普通電池。 此選項允許您記錄並重設電池壽命計時器。 +- **Enable battery change logging in Actions:** In the Actions menu, the battery change button is enabled IF you have enabled this setting AND the battery reporting setting above. Some pod communication devices now have the ability to use regular batteries which can be changed. This option allows you to note that and reset battery age timers. -### 確認嗶聲提示 +### Confirmation beeps -提供來自藥筒的確認聲音提示,用於注射、基礎輸注、SMB以及TBR輸送和變更。 +Provides confirmation beeps from the pod for bolus, basal, SMB, and TBR delivery and changes. -- **\*注射嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在注射送達時的確認嗶聲聲。 -- **\*基礎率嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在設定新基礎率、取消啟動基礎率或更改當前基礎率時的確認嗶聲聲。 -- **\*SMB 嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在送達 SMB 時的確認嗶聲聲。 -- **啟用 TBR 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置或取消 TBR 時的確認嗶聲。 +- **\*Bolus beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a bolus is delivered. +- **\*Basal beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a new basal rate is set, active basal rate is canceled or current basal rate is changed. +- **\*SMB beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a SMB is delivered. +- **TBR beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a TBR is set or canceled. -### 警報 +### Alerts -根據設定的閾值單位,提供 AAPS 警告和 Nightscout 通知以提示幫浦到期、關閉或低庫存。 +Provides AAPS alerts and Nightscout announcements for pod expiration, shutdown, low reservoir based on the defined threshold units. -*請注意,Pod 觸發警報後,AAPS 通知將始終發出。 解除通知不會取消警報,除非啟用了自動確認 Pod 警報功能。 要手動解除警告,您必須查看 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁並按下確認警告按鈕。* +*Note an AAPS notification will ALWAYS be issued for any alert after the initial communication with the pod since the alert was triggered. Dismissing the notification will NOT dismiss the alert UNLESS automatically acknowledge Pod alerts is enabled. To MANUALLY dismiss the alert you must visit the Omnipod (POD) tab and press the ACK ALERTS button.* -- **\*到期提醒啟用:**啟用或停用設定的幫浦到期提醒,當到達設定的關機時間前的幾個小時時觸發。 -- **關閉前的時數:** 定義 Pod 關閉前的幾小時,這將觸發到期提醒警報。 -- **\*低庫存警告啟用:**啟用或停用當幫浦剩餘單位的低庫存閾值被觸發時的警告,閾值定義於單位數欄位。 -- **單位數:** 定義觸發 Pod 儲液量低警報的單位數量。 -- **自動確認幫浦警告:**啟用後,將仍然發出通知,但在發出警告後的首次幫浦連線連線後,警告將被自動確認並解除。 +- **\*Expiration reminder enabled:** Enable or disable the pod expiration reminder set to trigger when the defined number of hours before shutdown is reached. +- **Hours before shutdown:** Defines the number hours before the active pod shutdown occurs, which will then trigger the expiration reminder alert. +- **\*Low reservoir alert enabled:** Enable or disable an alert when the pod's remaining units low reservoir limit is reached as defined in the Number of units field. +- **Number of units:** The number of units at which to trigger the pod low reservoir alert. +- **Automatically acknowledge Pod alerts:** When enabled a notification will still be issued however immediately after the first pod communication contact since the alert was issued it will now be automatically acknowledged and the alert will be dismissed. -### 通知 +### Notifications -當不確定 TBR、SMB 或注射事件是否成功時,提供 AAPS 通知和手機警報。 +Provides AAPS notifications and audible phone alerts when it is uncertain if TBR, SMB, or bolus events were successful. -*注意:這些僅是通知,沒有嗶聲警報。* +*NOTE: These are notifications only, no audible beep alerts are made.* -- **啟用不確定 TBR 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 TBR 是否成功設置時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 -- **\*不確定 SMB 通知聲音啟用:**啟用或停用此設置以在 AAPS 不確定 SMB 是否成功送達時觸發警報聲和視覺通知。 -- **\*不確定注射通知聲音啟用:**啟用或停用此設置以在 AAPS 不確定注射是否成功送達時觸發警報聲和視覺通知。 +- **Sound for uncertain TBR notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPs is uncertain if a TBR was successfully set. +- **\*Sound for uncertain SMB notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if an SMB was successfully delivered. +- **\*Sound for uncertain bolus notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if a bolus was successfully delivered. ### 其他 -提供進階設定以協助除錯。 +Provides advanced settings to assist debugging. -- **顯示暫停注射按鈕於 Omnipod 分頁:**隱藏或顯示 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁中的暫停注射按鈕。 -- **顯示脈搏日誌按鈕於幫浦管理選單:**隱藏或顯示幫浦管理選單中的脈搏日誌按鈕。 -- **顯示 RileyLink 統計按鈕於幫浦管理選單:**隱藏或顯示幫浦管理選單中的 RileyLink 統計按鈕。 -- **\*DST/時區自動檢測啟用:**允許自動檢測時區變化,適用於手機使用於觀察 DST(夏令時間)的地區時。 +- **Show Suspend Delivery button in Omnipod tab:** Hide or display the suspend delivery button in the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. +- **Show Pulse log button in Pod Management menu:** Hide or display the pulse log button in the **Pod Management** menu. +- **Show RileyLink Stats button in Pod Management menu:** Hide or display the RileyLink Stats button in the **Pod Management** menu. +- **\*DST/Time zone detect on enabled:** allows for time zone changes to be automatically detected if the phone is used in an area where DST is observed. -### 切換或移除啟動幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) +### Switching or Removing an Active Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) -由於許多替代型號(如 OrangeLink 或 EmaLink)可供選擇,或者您需要多個備用版本的相同幫浦連線裝置(如 RileyLink),因此有必要從 Omnipod 設置配置中切換或移除所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink)。 +With many alternative models to the original RileyLink available (such as OrangeLink or EmaLink) or the need to have multiple/backup versions of the same pod communication device (RileyLink), it becomes necessary to switch or remove the selected pod communication device (RileyLink) from Omnipod Setting configuration. -以下步驟將展示如何**移除**現有的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) 以及如何**新增**新的幫浦連線裝置。 執行**移除**和**新增**步驟將切換您的裝置。 +The following steps will show how to **Remove** and existing pod communication device (RileyLink) as well as **Add** a new pod communication device. Executing both **Remove** and **Add** steps will switch your device. -1. 透過選擇 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁右上角的**三點選單 (1)**,並從下拉選單中選擇**Omnipod 偏好設定 (2)**來進入 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 在 **Omnipod 設置**選單中的**RileyLink 配置 (3)**下,按下**未設定**(如果未選擇裝置)或**MAC 地址**(如果已存在裝置)文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 +1. Access the **RileyLink Selection** menu by selecting the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and selecting **Omnipod preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. On the **Omnipod Settings** menu under **RileyLink Configuration (3)** press the **Not Set** (if no device is selected) or **MAC Address** (if a device is present) text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. - > ![Omnipod_設置_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) + > ![Omnipod_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) -### 移除當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) +### Remove Currently Selected Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) -此過程將展示如何從 Omnipod 驅動程式設置中移除當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink)。 +This process will show how to remove the currently selected pod communication device (RileyLink) from the Omnipod Driver settings. -1. 在 **RileyLink 配置**下,按下**MAC 地址 (1)**文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 +1. Under **RileyLink Configuration** press the **MAC Address (1)** text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. - > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1.png) + > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1.png) -2. 在 **RileyLink 選擇**選單中,按下 **移除 (2)** 按鈕以移除**您當前所選的 RileyLink (3)** +2. On the **RileyLink Selection** menu the press **Remove (2)** button to remove **your currently selected RileyLink (3)** - > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2.png) + > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2.png) -3. 在確認提示中按下**是 (4)**以確認移除您的裝置。 +3. At the confirmation prompt press **Yes (4)** to confirm the removal of your device. - > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3.png) + > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3.png) -4. 您將返回至 **Omnipod 設置**選單,其中**RileyLink 配置**下您將看到裝置顯示為**未設定 (5)**。 恭喜您,您已成功移除所選的幫浦連線裝置。 +4. You are returned to the **Omnipod Setting** menu where under **RileyLink Configuration** you will now see the device is **Not Set (5)**. Congratulations, you have now successfully removed your selected pod communication device. - > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4.png) + > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4.png) -### 新增當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) +### Add Currently Selected Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) -此過程將展示如何將新的幫浦連線裝置新增至 Omnipod 驅動程式設置中。 +This process will show how to add a new pod communication device to the Omnipod Driver settings. -1. 在 **RileyLink 配置**下,按下**未設定 (1)**文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 +1. Under **RileyLink Configuration** press the **Not Set (1)** text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. - > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_1.png) + > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_1.png) -2. 按下 **掃描 (2)** 按鈕以開始掃描所有可用的藍牙裝置。 +2. Press the **Scan (2)** button to start scanning for all available Bluetooth devices. - > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_2.png) + > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_2.png) -3. 從可用裝置列表中選擇 **您的 RileyLink (3)**,然後您將返回至 **Omnipod 設置**選單,顯示您的新選擇裝置的 **MAC 地址 (4)**。 恭喜您,您已成功選擇您的幫浦連線裝置。 +3. Select **your RileyLink (3)** from the list of available devices and you will be returned to the **Omnipod Settings** menu displaying the **MAC Address (4)** of your newly selected device. Congratulations you have successfully selected your pod communication device. - > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_3.png) ![RileyLink_設置_新增_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_4.png) + > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_3.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_4.png) -## 手動操作 (ACT) 標籤 +## Actions (ACT) Tab -此分頁在主要 AAPS 文件中有詳細說明,但該分頁中有一些項目是針對 Omnipod 幫浦與管式幫浦不同之處,特別是在應用新幫浦的過程後。 +This tab is well documented in the main AAPS documentation but there are a few items on this tab that are specific to how the Omnipod pod differs from tube based pumps, especially after the processes of applying a new pod. -1. 進入主 AAPS 介面中的 **手動操作 (ACT)** 標籤。 -2. 在 **照護入口 (1)** 部分下,以下 3 個欄位將在**每次更換幫浦後**將**年齡重設**為 0 天 0 小時:**胰島素** 和 **套管**。 這是根據 Omnipod 幫浦的設計和運作方式所設。 每個 Pod 內都包含 **幫浦電池** 和 **胰島素儲液器**。 由於 Pod 直接將套管插入應用 Pod 的皮膚上,因此 Omnipod 幫浦不使用傳統的管路。 *因此,在更換 Pod 後,這些數值的時間將自動重置為零。* **幫浦電池時間** 不會被報告,因為 Pod 中的電池壽命始終比 Pod 的最大壽命(80 小時)長。 +1. Go to the **Actions (ACT)** tab in the main AAPS interface. +2. Under the **Careportal (1)** section the following 3 fields will have their **age reset** to 0 days and 0 hours **after each pod change**: **Insulin** and **Cannula**. This is done because of how the Omnipod pump is built and operates. The **pump battery** and **insulin reservoir** are self contained inside of each pod. Since the pod inserts the cannula directly into the skin at the site of the pod application, a traditional tube is not used in Omnipod pumps. *Therefore after a pod change the age of each of these values will automatically reset to zero.* **Pump battery age** is not reported as the battery in the pod will always be more than the life of the pod (maximum 80 hours). -> ![操作_分頁](../images/omnipod/Actions_Tab.png) +> ![Actions_Tab](../images/omnipod/Actions_Tab.png) -### 層級 +### Levels -**胰島素等級** +**Insulin Level** -Omnipod Eros 幫浦中的胰島素量報告並不精確。 這是因為無法確定幫浦中實際注入了多少胰島素,只知道當填充幫浦時觸發了兩次嗶聲,這表示已注入超過 85 單位。 一個幫浦最多可容納 200 單位。 啟動過程也會引入一些變化,因為這並不是一個精確的過程。 考慮到這些因素,Omnipod 驅動程式已經編寫為盡可能準確地估算幫浦內剩餘的胰島素量。 +Reporting of the amount of insulin in the Omnipod Eros Pod is not exact. This is because it is not known exactly how much insulin was put in the pod, only that when the 2 beeps are triggered while filling the pod that over 85 units have been injected. A Pod can hold a maximum of 200 units. Priming can also introduce variance as it is not and exact process. With both of these factors, the Omnipod driver has been written to give the best approximation of insulin remaining in the reservoir. -> - **超過 50 單位** - 當幫浦中有超過 50 單位時,報告值為 50+ 單位。 -> - **少於 50 單位** - 報告幫浦中剩餘胰島素的近似計算值。 -> - **SMS** - 短訊回報數值為 50+ 單位。 -> - **Nightscout** - 當超過 50 單位時,向 Nightscout 上傳數值為 50(版本 14.07 及更早版本)。 更新版本將在超過 50 單位時報告數值為 50+。 +> - **Above 50 Units** - Reports a value of 50+U when more than 50 units are currently in the reservoir. +> - **Below 50 Units** - Reports an approximate calculated value of insulin remaining in the reservoir. +> - **SMS** - Returns value or 50+U for SMS responses +> - **Nightscout** - Uploads value of 50 when over 50 units to Nightscout (version 14.07 and older). Newer versions will report a value of 50+ when over 50 units. -**電池電量** +**Battery Level** -電池電量報告是一個可以啟用的設置,當啟用時,將返回幫浦連線裝置(如 OrangeLink、EmaLink 或 DiaLink)的當前電池電量。 RileyLink 硬體無法報告其電池電量。 電池電量是在每次與幫浦連線後報告的,因此在充電時,可能不會觀察到線性的增長。 手動重新整理將更新當前電池電量。 當支援的幫浦連線裝置已中斷連線時,會報告 0% 的電量值。 +Battery level reporting is a setting that can be enabled to return the current battery level of pod communication devices, such as the OrangeLink, EmaLink or DiaLink. The RileyLink hardware is not capable of reporting its battery level. The battery level is reported after each communication with the pod, so when charging a linear increase may not be observed. A manual refresh will update the current battery level. When a supported Pod communication device is disconnected a value of 0% will be reported. -> - **RileyLink 硬體無法報告電池電量** -> - **Omnipod 設置中**必須啟用** "顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 報告的電池電量" 設定才能報告電池電量值** -> - **電池電量報告**僅**適用於 OrangeLink、EmaLink 和 DiaLink 裝置** -> - **電池電量報告**可能**適用於其他裝置(不包括 RileyLink)** -> - **SMS** - 當有實際電量時,返回當前電池電量,否則將不返回 n/a 值 -> - **Nightscout** - 當有實際電量時,報告電池電量,否則不會報告 n/a 值 +> - **RileyLink hardware is NOT capable of reporting battery level** +> - **"Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink" Setting MUST be enabled in the Omnipod settings to report battery level values** +> - **Battery level reporting ONLY works for OrangeLink, EmaLink and DiaLink Devices** +> - **Battery Level reporting MAY work for other devices (excluding RileyLink)** +> - **SMS** - Returns current battery level as a response when an actual level exists, a value of n/a will not be returned +> - **Nightscout** - Battery level is reported when an actual level exists, a value of n/a will not be reported (OmnipodEros-troubleshooting)= -## 疑難排解 +## Troubleshooting -### Pod 故障 +### Pod Failures -Pod 會因多種問題偶爾發生故障,包括 Pod 本身的硬體問題。 最佳做法是不要向 Insulet 報告,因為 AAPS 並非經過認證的使用情況。 您可以在[這裡](找到錯誤代碼列表,以幫助確定原因。 +Pods fail occasionally due to a variety of issues, including hardware issues with the Pod itself. It is best practice not to call these into Insulet, since AAPS is not an approved use case. A list of fault codes can be found [here]( to help determine the cause. -### 防止 49 號錯誤 Pod 故障 +### Preventing error 49 pod failures -此故障與指令的 Pod 狀態不正確或胰島素輸送指令中的錯誤有關。 我們建議使用者切換至 Nightscout 客戶端,並在**設置生成器**➜**一般**➜**NSClient**➜**齒輪圖示**➜**進階設定**中**僅上傳 (停用同步)**,以防止可能的故障。 +This failure is related to an incorrect pod state for a command or an error during an insulin delivery command. We recommend users to switch to the Nightscout client to *upload only (Disable sync)* under the **Config Builder**➜**General**➜**NSClient**➜**cog wheel**➜**Advanced Settings** to prevent possible failures. -### 幫浦無法連線警報 +### Pump Unreachable Alerts -建議將幫浦無法使用警報設置為**120 分鐘**,方法是前往右上角的三點選單,選擇**偏好設定**➜**本地警報**➜**幫浦無法使用的閾值 \[分鐘\]**,並將其設置為**120**。 +It is recommended that pump unreachable alerts be configured to **120 minutes** by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting **Preferences**➜**Local Alerts**➜**Pump unreachable threshold \[min\]** and setting this to **120**. (OmnipodEros-import-settings-from-previous-aaps)= -### 從先前的 AAPS 匯入設定 +### Import Settings from previous AAPS -請注意,匯入設定可能會匯入過時的幫浦狀態。 因此,您可能會遺失啟動的幫浦。 因此,強烈建議您**不要在啟動的幫浦會話期間匯入設定**。 +Please note that importing settings has the possibility to import an outdated Pod status. As a result, you may lose an active Pod. It is therefore strongly recommended that you **do not import settings while on an active Pod session**. -1. 停用您的幫浦會話。 確認您沒有啟動的幫浦會話。 -2. 匯出您的設定並將副本存儲在安全的地方。 -3. 卸載舊版本的 AAPS 並重新啟動手機。 -4. 安裝新版本的 AAPS 並確認您沒有啟動的幫浦會話。 -5. 匯入您的設定並註冊您的新幫浦。 +1. Deactivate your pod session. Verify that you do not have an active pod session. +2. Export your settings and store a copy in a safe place. +3. Uninstall the previous version of AAPS and restart your phone. +4. Install the new version of AAPS and verify that you do not have an active pod session. +5. Import your settings and activate your new pod. -### Omnipod 驅動程式警報 +### Omnipod driver alerts -請注意,Omnipod 驅動程式在**首頁總覽分頁**中會呈現各種獨特的警報,其中大多數是資訊性的,可以忽略,然而有些會要求使用者採取行動以解決警報原因。 您可能會遇到的主要警報總結如下: +please note that the Omnipod driver presents a variety of unique alerts on the **Overview tab**, most of them are informational and can be dismissed while some provide the user with an action to take to resolve the cause of the triggered alert. A summary of the main alerts that you may encounter is listed below: -#### 沒有啟動幫浦 +#### No active Pod -未檢測到啟動的幫浦會話。 按下**稍後提醒**可以暫時忽略此警報,但只要未啟動新 Pod,它就會持續觸發。 一旦啟動,該警報將自動靜音。 +No active Pod session detected. This alert can temporarily be dismissed by pressing **SNOOZE** but it will keep triggering as long as a new pod has not been activated. Once activated this alert is automatically silenced. -#### 幫浦已暫停 +#### Pod suspended -此訊息警告幫浦已暫停。 +Informational alert that Pod has been suspended. -#### 設置基礎率失敗。 注射可能已暫停! 請手動從 Omnipod 標籤中重新整理 Pod 狀態並在需要時恢復輸送。 +#### Setting basal profile failed. Delivery might be suspended! Please manually refresh the Pod status from the Omnipod tab and resume delivery if needed.. -Pod 基礎率設定失敗的資訊性警報,您需要按下 Omnipod 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕。 +Informational alert that the Pod basal profile setting has failed, and you will need to hit *Refresh* on the Omnipod tab. -#### 無法確認 SMB 注射是否成功。 如果您確定注射未成功,應手動從治療中刪除 SMB 條目。 +#### Unable to verify whether SMB bolus succeeded. If you are sure that the Bolus didn't succeed, you should manually delete the SMB entry from Treatments. -警報 SMB 注射成功無法驗證,您需要檢查 Omnipod 分頁中的*最後注射*欄位,確認 SMB 注射是否成功,若未成功,請從治療分頁中移除此條目。 +Alert that the SMB bolus success could not be verified, you will need to verify the *Last bolus* field on the Omnipod tab to see if SMB bolus succeeded and if not remove the entry from the Treatments tab. -#### 不確定「任務注射/TBR/SMB」是否完成,請手動確認是否成功。 +#### Uncertain if "task bolus/TBR/SMB" completed, please manually verify if it was successful. -由於 RileyLink 和 Omnipod 通訊的方式,可能會出現某些指令**不確定**是否已成功處理的情況。 因此,有必要通知使用者此不確定性。 +Due to the way that the RileyLink and Omnipod communicate, situations can occur where it is *uncertain* if a command was successfully processed. The need to inform the user of this uncertainty was necessary. -以下是一些可能出現不確定通知的例子。 +Below are a few examples of when an uncertain notification can occur. -- **注射** - 不確定的注射無法自動驗證。 該通知將保持,直到下一次注射,但手動幫浦重新整理可清除訊息。 *預設情況下,針對此類通知類型啟用了警報嗶聲,因為使用者需要手動確認它們。* -- **TBR、幫浦狀態、設定檔切換、時間變更** - 手動幫浦重新整理可清除訊息。 預設情況下,此類通知類型的警報嗶聲被停用。 -- **幫浦時間偏差 -** 當幫浦時間與手機時間偏差過大時,AAPS 循環功能將難以運作,並且做出精確的預測和注射建議。 如果幫浦和手機的時間偏差超過 5 分鐘,則 AAPS 會報告幫浦處於暫停狀態,並在幫浦狀態中顯示 "處理時間變更" 訊息。 一個額外的**設定時間**圖示將出現在 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁的底部。 點擊 "設定時間" 將同步幫浦時間與手機時間,然後您可以點擊 "繼續注射" 按鈕以恢復正常幫浦操作。 +- **Boluses** - Uncertain boluses cannot be automatically verified. The notification will remain until the next bolus but a manual pod refresh will clear the message. *By default alerts beeps are enabled for this notification type as the user will manually need to verify them.* +- **TBRs, Pod Statuses, Profile Switches, Time Changes** - a manual pod refresh will clear the message. By default alert beeps are disabled for this notification type. +- **Pod Time Deviation -** When the time on the pod and the time your phone deviates too much then it is difficult for AAPS loop to function and make accurate predictions and dosage recommendations. If the time deviation between the pod and the phone is more than 5 minutes then AAPS will report the pod is in a Suspended state under Pod status with a HANDLE TIME CHANGE message. An additional **Set Time** icon will appear at the bottom of the Omnipod (POD) tab. Clicking Set Time will synchronize the time on the pod with the time on the phone and then you can click the RESUME DELIVERY button to continue normal pod operations. -## 最佳實踐 +## Best Practices (OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning)= -### 最佳的Omnipod與RileyLink定位 +### Optimal Omnipod and RileyLink Positioning -RileyLink上用來與Omnipod通訊的天線是一個433 MHz的螺旋天線。 由於其結構特性,它像一個三維的甜甜圈一樣輻射全向信號,z軸代表垂直的天線。 這意味著在特定的操作中,特別是啟動和停用幫浦時,RileyLink應放置於最佳位置。 +The antenna used on the RileyLink to communicate with an Omnipod pod is a 433 MHz helical spiral antenna. Due to its construction properties it radiates an omni directional signal like a three dimensional doughnut with the z-axis representing the vertical standing antenna. This means that there are optimal positions for the RileyLink to be placed, especially during pod activation and deactivation routines. ![Toroid_w_CS](../images/omnipod/Toroid_w_CS.png) -> *(圖1。 螺旋天線在全向模式下的圖示*) +> *(Fig 1. Graphical plot of helical spiral antenna in an omnidirectional pattern*) -基於安全性與保全的考量,幫浦*註冊*必須在距離較近的範圍內完成(大約30公分內),比起其他操作如注射、設定臨時基礎率(TBR)或只是重新整理幫浦狀態。 由於RileyLink天線的信號傳輸特性,建議不要將幫浦直接放置在RileyLink的頂部或太靠近。 +Because of both safety and security concerns, pod *activation* has to be done at a range *closer (~30 cm away or less)* than other operations such as giving a bolus, setting a TBR or simply refreshing the pod status. Due to the nature of the signal transmission from the RileyLink antenna it is NOT recommended to place the pod directly on top of or right next to the RileyLink. -下方的圖片展示了在幫浦註冊和停用時如何將RileyLink放置於最佳位置。 幫浦可能會在其他位置啟動,但最好的成功率是使用下圖中的位置。 +The image below shows the optimal way to position the RileyLink during pod activation and deactivation procedures. The pod may activate in other positions but you will have the most success using the position in the image below. -*注意:若在最佳位置下仍無法通訊,這可能是由於RileyLink的低電量,導致天線傳輸距離縮短。 為避免此問題,請確保RileyLink已充飽電或在此過程中直接連線至充電線。* +*Note: If after optimally positioning the pod and RileyLink communication fails, this may be due to a low battery which decreases the transmission range of the RileyLink antenna. To avoid this issue make sure the RileyLink is properly charged or connected directly to a charging cable during this process.* ![Omnipod_pod_and_RileyLink_Position](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_pod_and_RileyLink_Position.png) -## 如何尋求Omnipod驅動的協助 +## Where to get help for Omnipod driver -所有Omnipod驅動的開發工作皆由社群志願者完成;當您請求協助時,請遵循以下指導原則: +All of the development work for the Omnipod driver is done by the community on a volunteer basis; we ask that you please be considerate and use the following guidelines when requesting assistance: -- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 -- **第一層:**如果您仍遇到無法解決的問題,請前往**Discord**上的*#androidaps*頻道,使用[此邀請連結](。 -- **第二層:**搜尋現有的問題,看看您的問題是否已被報告;如果沒有,請建立一個[新問題](並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/。 -- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** +- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. +- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#androidaps* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link]( +- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported; if not, please create a new [issue]( and attach your [log files](../Usage/ +- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** From 32605b57fe53ab52e34896c540f8ab75ad6e4c30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 194/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 392 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 196 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index e33c740c45a8..82dbe4fb305d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,346 +1,346 @@ -# 全自動循環(Full Closed Loop) +# Full Closed Loop -## 全自動循環 vs. 混合自動循環(FCL, HCL) +## Full vs. Hybrid Closed Loop (FCL, HCL) -### 定義 +### Definitions -在**混合自動循環**中,您在進餐前至少注射了一次胰島素。 這會將您的循環系統推向臨時關閉(暫時停止基礎率),並在胰島素仍然啟動時進行共同管理。 +In **hybrid closed loop** you gave at least one bolus prior to meals. This pushed your loop often into a temporary shut-off (temporary zero basal) and generally only into a co-management role while that given bolus was strongly active. -此外,每次進餐前,您會輸入碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白質的攝取量,並提供估計的碳水化合物吸收時間的提示(通常在設定中,並與每天的每頓餐相關)。 +Also, prior to each meal, you made inputs about the carb, fat, and protein intake, and also gave indications (generally in settings, plus every day related to each meal) related to estimated carb absorption times. -AAPS 還允許在不輸入任何胰島素和碳水化合物的情況下進行**全自動循環(UAM,未註明餐點模式)**。 +AAPS also allows **full closed looping without the user giving any boli**, and without making carb inputs, in a mode called UAM = un-announced meals. -- 請注意,**UAM** 也可以在混合自動循環中啟用,此時意味著演算法能更好地容忍錯誤的碳水化合物輸入。 +- Note that **UAM** can also be switched on in hybrid closed looping, in which case it just means that the algorithm tolerates wrong carb inputs better. -- 針對高碳水化合物餐點或某些用餐習慣或敏感度變動較大的人,是否需要提前小劑量的注射,目前仍存在爭議。 這實際上是一種混合自動循環,沒有碳水化合物資訊,因而是一種 HCL 的變體。 我們將 FCL 定義為**完全不需要使用者注射胰島素**,一旦您調整好 FCL,甚至可以移除 AAPS 主畫面底部所有「無用」的按鈕。 +- It is discussed controversially whether e.g. for particularly high carb meals, or for people with certain eating habits or sensitivity swings, a mode with small pre-bolusses might be preferable or even needed. This would basically be a hybrid closed loop without carb info, and therefore a variant of HCL really. We stick to FCL as really **without user boli**, and once you tuned your FCL, you might even remove all „useless“ buttons on the bottom of your AAPS main screen. -### 應該期待什麼? +### What to expect? -在 2022/23 年進行並發表的首個醫學研究表明,患者使用 AAPS 在簡單的 FCL 模式中可以獲得相當好的結果: +In 2022/23 a first medical study was conducted and published that showed patients can achieve comparatively good results with AAPS in a simple FCL mode: -> 16 位糖尿病青少年(HbA1c 範圍 43-75),糖尿病病史為 9-15 年,參加了三個不同的為期三天的營地生活期間,使用了修改和鎖定的 AAPS 版本**結果:** 在研究期間,該系統控制了 95% 的血糖時間,且在整個研究期間,低於 3.9 mmol/L 的時間比例沒有超過 1%(0.72%)。 HCL 情景中低於 3 mmol/L 的時間百分比顯著較高(HCL 1.05% vs. MA 0.0% vs. FCL 0.0%;P = 0.05) **在 3.9 到 10 mmol/L 的時間百分比上沒有觀察到顯著差異**(HCL 83.3% vs. MA 79.85% vs. **FCL 81.03%**,P = 0.58),對應的平均血糖值為(HCL 6.65 mmol/L vs. MA 7.34 mmol/L vs. FCL 7.05 mmol/L,P = 0.28)。 在每日胰島素劑量或每日碳水化合物攝取量上沒有觀察到差異。 在研究期間沒有發生嚴重的不良事件。 **結論:** 我們的試驗研究表明,**FCL 可能是 1 型糖尿病患者的現實治療模式**。 +> 16 adolescents with T1D (HbA1c range 43-75), and duration of diabetes of 9-15 years underwent three distinct 3-day periods of camp living, while using a modified and locked version of AAPS **Results:** The glycemia was controlled by the system 95% time of the study and the proportion of time below 3.9 mmol/L did not exceed 1% over the whole study period (0.72%). The HCL scenario reached significantly higher percentage of time below 3 mmol/L (HCL 1.05% vs. MA 0.0% vs. FCL 0.0%; P = 0.05) compared to other scenarios. **No difference was observed among the scenarios in the percentage of time between 3.9 and 10 mmol/L** (HCL 83.3% vs. MA 79.85% vs. **FCL 81.03%**, P = 0.58) corresponding to mean glycemia (HCL 6.65 mmol/L vs. MA 7.34 mmol/L vs. FCL 7.05 mmol/L, P = 0.28). No difference was observed in the mean daily dose of insulin or in the daily carbohydrate intake. No serious adverse event occurred during the study period. **Conclusions:** Our pilot study showed that **FCL might be a realistic mode of treatment** for people with T1D. -來源: +Source: -1) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) ![PubMed](../images/US-NLM-PubMed-Logo.png) 美國國家醫學圖書館,PubMed [首例使用開源自動胰島素遞送 AndroidAPS 在全自動循環場景:Pancreas4ALL 隨機試點研究](; +1) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) ![PubMed](../images/US-NLM-PubMed-Logo.png) National Library of Medicine, PubMed [First Use of Open-Source Automated Insulin Delivery AndroidAPS in Full Closed-Loop Scenario: Pancreas4ALL Randomized Pilot Study](; -2) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) 臨床試驗註冊 美國國家醫學圖書館,臨床試驗 [Pancreas4ALL(ASAP)自動胰島素遞送閉環系統的可行性和安全性研究]( +2) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) National Library of Medicine, Clinical Trial [Feasibility and Safety Study of the Automated Insulin Delivery Closed Loop System Pancreas4ALL (ASAP)]( -要享受減輕日常負擔的好處,您必須: +For you to enjoy the promised reduced daily burden, you will have to: -- 檢查是否具備全自動循環的所有先決條件 -- 設置一些自動化程式 -- 經歷一個學習和調整階段,您需要調整您的設定,特別是那些自動化中的設定。 以下建議將指導您完成這個過程。 +- check whether you have all pre-requisites for FCL +- set up a couple of Automations +- go through a learning and tuning stage in which you adjust the settings, notably those in your Automations. The suggestions that follow guide you in this process. -### 為什麼(或不)從混合模式轉換到全自動循環的考量 +### General considerations why (not to) move from hybrid to full closed loop -全自動循環系統**並不適合每個人**: +The full closed loop system may **not** be **for everyone**: -- 雖然一些使用自動化的全自動循環使用者達到了大約 90% 的 TIR(70-180),HbA1c 低於 6%,但您可能會更喜歡更嚴格的控制。 特別是**在快速碳水化合物飲食中將血糖值維持在 140 mg/dl 以下**可能需要提前注射。 -- 您是否準備好以知情且謹慎的方式,對系統進行高度個性化的校準? 這種**個性化調整**可能會**充滿挑戰**。 如果您已經對設定基礎率和 ISF 感到不堪重負,這可能不適合您。 但要權衡一下,與您每天不用再計算碳水化合物相比,您能獲得什麼。 您可能還會從分析和調整循環系統對您的進餐反應中獲得更深入的知識。 -- 雖然進餐管理變得非常簡單,但**活動**管理可能會變得更加困難,特別是考慮到大多數人可能會限制運動零食,試圖控制體重。 -- 不幸的是,對於兒童來說,建立全自動循環系統會有額外的困難(見下一節,先決條件)。 +- While some full closed loopers using Automations achieve TIR (70-180) around 90% and HbA1c under 6%, you might prefer tighter control. Notably, **minimizing values over 140 mg/dl at diets with rapid carbs** probably requires pre-bolussing. +- Are you up for an informed and mindful approach towards a highly personalized calibration of your system? The **personalized tuning** can be **challenging**. This is definitely not for you if you were overwhelmed already with setting basal rate and ISFs. But balance it against what you could gain every day without counting any carbs. You might also value the gained deeper knowledge from analyzing and tuning your loop’s reponse to your meals. +- While meal management gets very easy, **activity** management might get a bit more difficult, especially considering most of us probably like to limit sports snacks, in an attempt to control body weight. +- Unfortunately, there are additional difficulties to establish a full closed loop for **kids** (see next section, pre-requisites) -## 全自動循環的先決條件 +## Pre-requisites for full closed looping -全自動循環的主要吸引力在於,您可以接近人工胰臟的夢想。 它確實承諾非常簡單的日常使用。 **「只需吃飯!」** +The main attraction of full closed looping would be that you could get close to the dream of an artificial pancreas. Indeed, it promises very easy everyday use. **“Just eat!”** -### 良好調整的混合自動循環 +### Well-tuned hybrid closed loop -在考慮轉換到全自動循環之前,建議先建立一個良好調整的混合自動循環。 這有兩個重要原因: +It is advisable to first establish a well-tuned hybrid closed loop before considering the transition to FCL. There are two important reasons for this: -- 全自動循環需要高度個性化的(個人)設定調整,因此循環系統會模擬您成功的混合自動循環模式提供胰島素。 -- 全自動循環引入了新的參數(在您的自動化程式中)需要設定和調整。 在基本設定正確之前就設定和調整這些額外參數**會引發問題**。 錯誤可以輕易地被其他錯誤平衡。 這在單一情況下可以運作,但會造成高度不穩定的系統,後續很難重新校準。 此外,根據許多早期測試者以及上述研究,您應該預期在**FCL** 模式下達到與您在**HCL** 中相似的 TIR 比例。 轉換並不是關於性能,而是關於方便性,經過一些不方便的過程後:**FCL 方法的核心是您需要自行建立的自動化程式,分析*您的資料*,包括從您的*成功 HCL* 和最初 FCL 調整經驗中學到的知識。** 這不是一種現成的自我調整奇蹟產品! 軟體的開發者和此維基的撰寫者不承擔任何責任。 您必須自行決定是否以及如何使用這些工具,並探討可能的使用方式。 +- The UAM full closed loop requires a highly personalized (individual) tuning of settings, so the loop will give insulin mimicking YOUR successful hybrid closed loop mode. +- The UAM full closed loop comes with new parameters (in your Automations) to be set and tuned. It would be **problematic to set and tune these additional parameters before the basics were tuned “right”**. Errors could easily be balanced with counter-errors. This can work in single scenarios, but would create a highly unstable system, hard to re-calibrate better later. Also, as seen by many early testers and also in the above quoted study, you should expect to reach comparable %TIR with your *FCL* as you see today in your *HCL*. The switch is not about performance, but about convenience, - after a bit of inconvenience: **The heart of this FCL method is a DIY set up of Automations that you have to do for yourself, analyzing *your data*, both, from *your* successful HCL, and from your initial FCL experience when tuning your settings.** This is no self-adjusting off the shelf wonder-product! The programmers of the software, and writers of this wiki, assume no responsibility. You have to find out for yourself whether and how you may want to make use of the tools, and suggested ways they might be used. -### 快速胰島素(Lyumjev, Fiasp) +### Fast insulin (Lyumjev, Fiasp) -如果使用者不為進餐注射胰島素,顯然需要非常快速的胰島素,這樣當餐後血糖開始上升時,循環系統才有可能將血糖控制在範圍內(一般定義為低於 180 mg/dl(10 mmol/L))。 +If the user does not bolus for meals, clearly a very fast insulin is needed so, upon realization of a starting meal-related glucose rise, the loop has any chance to eventually keep glucose in range (by common definition, under 180 mg/dl (10 mmol/l)). -一項模型研究(詳情請參閱 LINK FullLoop V2/March2023;第 2.2 節)可以從定量角度顯示出*更快的胰島素* +A modelling study (details see LINK FullLoop V2/March2023; there section 2.2) can show in quantitative terms that *faster insulins* -來源: +Source: -1) ![IEEEControlSystemsMagazine](../images/IEEE_Control_Systems_Society_Logo_RGB.jpg) ![ResearchGate](../images/researchgate-logo-white.svg) IEEE 控制系統雜誌,ResearchGate [人工胰臟與餐後血糖控制:1 型糖尿病餐後血糖調節概述](; +1) ![IEEEControlSystemsMagazine](../images/IEEE_Control_Systems_Society_Logo_RGB.jpg) ![ResearchGate](../images/researchgate-logo-white.svg) IEEE Control Systems Magazine, ResearchGate [The Artificial Pancreas and Meal Control: An Overview of Postprandial Glucose Regulation in Type 1 Diabetes](; -- 會顯著降低血糖**峰值**,相比較慢的胰島素。 -- **延遲幾分鐘的餐前注射**對血糖峰值的影響會被最小化,而不會造成不可接受的峰值高度。 -- **將不同的**碳水化合物負荷(**餐量**)對血糖峰值的影響最小化。 +- will result in significantly **lower** glucose **peaks** than slower insulins +- **tolerate** a couple of minutes **delayed** first meal bolus while not incurring unacceptable height of peaks +- **minimize the effect** on glucose peak **from different** carb load (**meal sizes**). -總結來說,除非您採取的是低碳水化合物飲食,否則不要嘗試使用非 Lyumjev 或 Fiasp 的胰島素進行 FCL。 +In conclusion, do not attempt FCL with other insulin than Lyumjev or Fiasp, unless, maybe, if you are on a very moderate to low carb diet. -許多使用 Fiasp 或 Lyumjev 的用戶觀察到頻繁的**堵塞**,即使在優化了針頭長度或 SMB 的輸送速度後。 對於使用**導管(或夾具)**的時間要特別注意(許多人發現**48 小時**是**極限**),並觀察是否發生難以解釋的血糖上升。 +Many users of Fiasp or of Lyumjev observe frequent **occlusions**, even after optimizing things like needle length or SMB delivery speed. It seems very important to have an eye on the time a **cannula (or pod)** is in use (many find **48 hrs** to be the **limit**), and whether hard-to-explain glucose rises happen at ever increasing „fake“ iob. -一份事件報告(LINK,第 2.2 節)闡明了這個問題,顯示每發生*一次*堵塞,您當天輕易失去 25% 的 TIR,當週損失 5% TIR,當月仍然會損失 1% TIR。 +An incidence report in (LINK, section 2.2.) illustrates this problem and shows that per *one* occlusion you easily lose 25% TIR that day, or 5% TIR on the week, and still 1% TIR on the month. -### 優質 CGM +### Excellent CGM -您不再為餐量注射胰島素,所有的胰島素分配任務都交給了演算法! 由於血糖數值是最基本的依據,請**詳細了解**您的**CGM**的 1)基本性能,2)這是否以及如何取決於資料流和您使用的中間應用,或者在感應器使用天數之間是否有所不同,3)具體來說,在哪裡進行了平滑處理,這對於調整的影響,特別是在定義餐後血糖上升的時候,該如何定義真實的增量變化。 +You do not give a mealsize-related bolus any longer; that leaves ALL insulination jobs to the algo! As glucose values are the very basis for this, please **inform yourself well about** how **your CGM** 1) principally performs 2) whether and how this may depend on data flow and intermediate apps you use, or differ between days of sensor usage 3) specifically, how and where any smoothing is done, and what this might imply for your tuning, notably for how you define a delta that is a true sign of a starting meal. -在進餐期間,穩定的藍牙連線至關重要,以便 CGM、循環系統和幫浦能夠在不中斷的情況下迅速處理。 +Around meals, a stable Bluetooth connectivity is absolutely essential, too, so CGM, loop, and pump can do their job without losing more valueable time. -但更重要的是,在其他時間(白天和夜晚),CGM 不應產生任何偽資料(跳動的數值),否則循環系統會**誤解**為餐後信號。 請注意,校準也可能產生跳動。 +Then, but even more importantly in all other day and night times, the CGM should not produce any artefacts (jumpy values) that the loop could **misinterpret** as sign of a starting meal. Note that also calibrations could produce jumps. -目前,最佳選擇是使用 Dexcom G5 或**G6**,並確保透過右臂和左臂傳感器和發射器的**重疊**使用,始終能提供循環系統使用的優質數值。 其他方法也是可行的,但需要大量的監控工作(透過手錶),並偶爾會讓循環系統暫時失效。 +The best way currently is to use Dexcom G5 or **G6**, and to ensure via **overlapping** right and left arm sensor and transmitter utilization, that always good quality values can be used by the loop. Other ways are possible, but come with a lot of monitoring effort (via watch) and occasional time-outs for the loop. -### 進餐相關的限制 +### Meal-related limitations -對於飲食主要不由對血糖有快速影響的成分構成,且進餐模式不會每天大幅變動的人來說,設置全自動循環系統相對容易。 他們不一定需要是低碳水化合物飲食。 +Setting up a full closed loop is relatively easy for people whose diet does not consist **mainly** of components with **rapid high effect on blood glucose**, and whose meal patterns do not wildly vary day-to-day. They do not have to be low carb. -富含脂肪或蛋白質的飲食,或者消化緩慢/胃輕癱,反而使全自動循環系統更加簡單,因為晚期碳水化合物可以很好地彌補胰島素作用高峰期的“尾巴”。 +Fat or protein rich diets, or slow digestion/gastroparesis, make things easier rather than harder for the full closed loop because late carbs nicely cover for inevitable “tails” of late action from boli needed around peak time. -![血糖指數與血糖影響](../images/fullClosedLoop01.png) +![Glycemic index and effect on blood glucose](../images/fullClosedLoop01.png) -最難處理的餐點是那些完全由高和非常高 EBG 成分組成的餐點(請參閱圖片中的紅色):這些餐點不僅會迅速升高血糖,而且沒有多少脂肪/蛋白質/纖維成分來平衡早期胰島素作用不可避免的“尾巴”。 +The most difficult meals are those with exclusively very high and high EBG components (see red in the picture): Not only does glucose shoot up rapidly, but also there is not much of a fat/protein/fibre component to balance the inevitable “tail” of insulin activity that would come with attempts to control the high glucose earlier on. -**隨機食用零食和甜飲料**,這些飲料充滿了快速吸收的碳水化合物,是一個問題。 +**Erratic consumption of snacks and sweet drinks** that are loaded with fast resorbing carbs is a problem. -### 生活方式相關的限制 +### Lifestyle-related limitations -#### 技術穩定的系統 +#### Technically stable system -全自動循環需要 24/7 技術穩定的系統,特別是在 CGM 信號的穩定性方面,以及幫浦的**藍牙穩定性**,並避免(或至少及早發現)堵塞。 這可能需要注意細節,例如保持所有組件充滿電並且距離靠近;及時更換導管(或夾具),以降低堵塞風險;隨身攜帶可能需要的部件。 **根據您的系統、使用經驗,還有您的接受度和一般生活方式,這些方面可能會限制您,也可能不會。** +Full closed looping requires a 24/7 technically stable system, especially regarding reliable **CGM** signals, but also **Bluetooth stability** with the **pump**, and avoiding (or at least early recognition of) occlusion. This could require attention to details like keeping all components well charged and in close proximity; making cannula (or pod) changes always early enough to lower the risk of occlusion; having always potentially needed parts with you. **Depending on your system, your experience with it, but also on your acceptance and general lifestyle, these aspects may or may not limit you.** -#### 運動/活動準備 +#### Preparing for activity/sports -為運動/活動/鍛煉做準備,正常的幫浦或**混合**自動循環協議是採取減少活性胰島素的措施。 +To prepare for activity / sports /exercise, the normal protocol with a pump or **hybrid** closed loop is to take actions that reduce insulin on board prior to exercise. -使用**全自動循環**時,演算法會調整以檢測餐後並自動為您提供胰島素,以抵抗血糖上升。 設置高臨時目標和降低百分比設定檔(在進餐開始時已經生效)會產生問題。 立即設置目標並降低%設定檔(在進餐開始時生效)會產生問題。 +With your **full closed loop**, the algorithm is tuned to detect meals and to give you insulin to counter glucose rises automatically. Setting a high temp. target and lower %profile right away (effective already around meal start) would be a problem. -因此,非尋常的活動水平可能需要**嚴格的準備**(特別是**如果您希望在運動時保持少量的零食需求**)。 在一天活動後的夜晚,保持較低的%設定檔是明智的,並在晚餐完全消化後的幾個小時內設置較高的(>100 mg/dl)血糖目標,並在 AAPS 偏好設定中選擇「不在較高目標時使用 SMB」。 +Unusual activity levels therefore likely require **disciplined preparation** (especially **if you want to keep the need to snack during sports low**). In nights after an active day it can be smart to keep a lowered% profile, and set, for the hours after the evening meal is fully digested, an elevated (>100 mg/dl) glucose target, with “no SMBs at elevated target” selected in AAPS preferences. -#### 兒童的挑戰 +#### Hurdles for kids -為兒童建立並維護全自動循環會帶來一些額外的挑戰,特別是如果: +To establish and maintain a FCL for kids brings about some extra challenges if: -- Lyumjev 不可用或不耐受 -- 每小時的基礎率非常低,無法為大量的 SMB 提供良好的基礎。 -- 飲食中富含甜食成分。 由於兒童的血容量較低,這會強烈導致非常高的血糖尖峰! -- 胰島素敏感性或晝夜節律的顯著變化使得維持適當調整的全自動循環變得困難。 +- Lyumjev is not available or well tolerated +- Hourly basal rate is very low, providing a poor basis for big SMBs +- Diet is rich in sweet components. With the typical low blood volume of a small body, strong tendency towards very high bg spikes! +- Going through marked changes of insulin sensitivity or of circadian pattern makes it difficult to keep the FCL appropriately tuned. -有一些家長和孩子在這個領域進行了開創性的嘗試。 本文強調了需要一些最低合規性的領域;最後的問題是,取得的結果是否至少與他們平時在混合自動循環中的情況相當。 +There are a couple of parents and kids pioneering this area, too. This paper highlights areas that would require some minimum compliance; in the end it comes down to whether the achieved results are at least comparable to where everyone stood in her/his everyday hybrid closed loop. -#### 設定所需的時間 +#### Time required for setting-up -最後,在享受功能正常的全自動循環之前,您需要經歷數週的空閒時間和「空閒心態」來完成設置。 問題實際上是您願意投入的時間是否能讓您達到認為「足夠好」的結果。 這取決於您的「習慣」,以及您願意做出的妥協(例如更頻繁地更換導管/夾具,避免在血糖過高時開始進餐等)。 )這些妥協能否讓您不再需要管理每次進餐和注射。 +Lastly, before enjoying a functioning full closed loop you need to have a period of a some weeks with some free time and „free head“ for set-up –. Can you get, in the time you are willing to invest, to a result that you consider good-enough is really the question. Depending on your „habits“, and which – if any - compromises (like doing cannula/pod changes more often, never starting meals when bg sits high … ) are you willing to make (and everyday able to stick to), for the ease of not having to deal with assessing meals and bolussing for them? -## 啟用強化的 SMB;安全性 +## Enabling boosted SMBs; safety -在混合自動循環中,系統會實施關於自動注射劑量的強大安全限制。 +In hybrid closed looping, strong safety restrictions are implemented regarding bolus sizes that can be automatically given by the loop. -然而,在全自動循環中,使用者不再在進餐開始時進行大劑量注射。 因此,SMB 的大小限制必須放寬,以使循環系統能夠給予足夠大的 SMB。 +However, in full closed loop application, loopers themselves do no longer give a sizeable bolus around meal start. Then clearly size limits on SMBs must be widened to make the loop capable of giving large enough SMBs. -由於您正在使用 AAPS Master 版本,建議您在 AAPS 偏好設定中設置最大允許 SMB 尺寸的最大設定(maxUAMSMBBasalMinutes=120,即相當於該時間段內 2 小時的基礎率)。 +As you are operating with AAPS Master release, it is suggested you set in AAPS preferences the largest setting for maximum allowed SMB size the loop can give (maxUAMSMBBasalMinutes=120, i.e. 2 hours worth of basal at that daytime). -> 如果您的基礎率非常低,則結果 SMB 限制可能太低,無法有效控制餐後血糖的上升。 在這種情況下,解決方案可能是避免引起強烈血糖波動的飲食,並改用 AAPS 開發版本,該版本在 SMB 交付設定中提供了一個新參數:smb_max_range_extension。 這個參數可以將標準的 2 小時基礎率的上限擴展超過 1 倍。 (此外,在開發版本中,預設的 50% SMB 交付比例可能會提高)。 +> If your basal rate is very low, the resulting SMB limits might be too low to allow good-enough control of your post-prandial glucose rises. In that case the solution might be to avoid diets with strong spikes and later switch to a AAPS dev variant that offers a new parameter in SMB delivery settings: smb_max_range_extension. It expands the standard maximum of 2 h worth of basal by a factor of >1. (Additionally, the default 50% SMB delivery ratio might be elevated in dev variants). -將 AAPS Master 版本中的 SMB 大小設置為最大不會使全自動循環模式本身變得不安全。 相反,您將大劑量注射拆分為幾個小劑量注射,這樣即使有幾分鐘的延遲,循環系統也能為您提供所需的注射。 這幾乎可以消除進餐後 1-2 小時內低血糖的風險。 在第 3 小時及之後,應該不會有太大區別,因為在 HCL 和 FCL 模式中,循環系統都是使用相同的演算法。 +Going to the max. limits on SMB size in AAPS Master will not make the FCL mode inheritantly less safe. In contrary, you replace your big meal bolus by several smaller ones that you enable your loop to give you, and even with some minutes of delay. This virtually eliminates the hypo risk in the first 1-2 hours of any meal. In hour 3 and thereafter, there should not be much difference because in HCL and FCL the loop manages with the same algorithm. -**按照指示操作**以啟用 AAPS **模擬您的 SMB 注射**。 +**Follow the instruction** to enable AAPS **to mimick your bolussing via a couple of SMBs**. -不時檢查 SMB 標籤,看看您的 SMB 是否足夠大,以滿足進餐開始時全自動循環所需的胰島素需求。 +Check the SMB tab from time to time to see whether your SMBs are allowed to be large enough to deliver the insulinReq as needed for your full closed loop around meal starts. -如果不是,您的調整努力有時可能會毫無成果! +If not, your tuning efforts will sometimes come to nothing! -:::{admonition} 增加 ISF 可能變得危險 +:::{admonition} Boosting ISF can become dangerous :class: danger -仔細觀察/分析進餐開始後,來自您設定的 SMB 大小。 逐步調整,並且一次不要更改超過 1 或 2 個參數。 +Carefully observe/analyze the SMB sizes that, briefly after meal start, result from your settings. Tune in steps, and do not vary more than 1 or 2 parameters at a time. -設定必須對於你不同的飲食種類足夠有效。 +Setting must work good-enough for your (!) variety of meals. ::: -## 餐點偵測/自動化升強 +## Meal detection/your Automations for boosting -成功進行完全閉環循環,ISF 是調整的關鍵參數。 當使用 AAPS Master + 自動化時,**當餐點被識別時(透過血糖變化),必須自動觸發超過 100% 的設定變更**,並提供強化的 ISF。 +For successful full closed looping, ISF is the key tuning parameter. When utilizating AAPS Master + Automations, a **> 100% profile change must automatically be triggered upon meal recognition** (via glucose deltas), and provide the sharpened ISF. -AAPS Master 允許最高 130% 的臨時設定。 在混合閉環模式中的設定。 升強 ISF 的三個步驟: +AAPS Master allows up to 130% temp. profile in Hybrid Closed Loop mode. Boosting the ISF is done in 3 steps: -- 第一步是在設定中查找適用於這個餐點時間的 ISF,並檢查例如 Autosens 是否建議進行修改以反映當前身體(最近幾小時)的胰島素敏感性狀況。 -- 第二步是應用一個因子(1/設定百分比,根據您的自動化設定)來升強 ISF。 -- 第三步是檢查建議的 ISF 是否落在預設的安全範圍內。 +- Step 1 is to look up the ISF applicable for this meal time hour in the profile, and see whether e.g. Autosens suggest a modification that takes care of the current (last few hours’) insulin sensitivity status of the body. +- Step 2 applies a factor (1/profile%, as set in your Automation) to boost ISF. +- Step 3 is a check, that the suggested ISF falls within set safety limits. -### 完全閉環自動化模板 +### FCL Automation templates -在頂部勾選框:你始終有以下選項: +Boxes to tick at the top: You always have the options: -- 在所有自動化列表中,您可以勾選取消(位於每個欄位的左側)=> 這將停用該自動化。 例如,您可以對與早餐相關的所有完全閉環自動化進行此操作,以進入混合閉環早餐模式。 -- 在每個自動化事件模板中,您可以勾選**用戶操作**=>這樣當條件適用時,定義的動作不會自動執行。 相反,當完全閉環自動化將自動執行 SMB 時,AAPS 主畫面會提醒您。 屆時您可以選擇是否執行。 這在**調整階段非常有用**。 - 這個功能在日常使用中也非常有價值。 例如,當您看到「腳離地症狀」(起床時血糖突然上升),但希望防止自動「早餐開始」的回應時。 +- In the list of all your Automations, you can tick the check-mark (to left of each field) OFF => This de-activates that Automation. For instance you could do this for all breakfast related FCL Automations to go to Hybrid Closed Looping for breakfast(s). +- In each Automation event template, you can tick the box for **User action** => Then the defined Actions will not automatically be executed when Conditions apply. Rather, your AAPS main screen will alert you whenever your FCL would automatically give a SMB. You have the opportunity then to say yes or no. This is **extremely useful in your tuning phase**. + This feature can be very valueable also everyday. An example would be, if you see the “foot to floor” syndrome (suddenly rising glucose when getting up), but want to prevent a fully automatic “breakfast started” response. -以下部分詳細展示了如何將一系列條件組合起來,以描述 AAPS 循環應增加(或減少)胰島素輸送的情況。 由於 ISF 無法直接調整,將設定百分比提高到超過 100% 對我們的目的是相同的。 +The following section shows in detail how you can bundle a whole series of conditions to describe situations in which the AAPS loop should increase (or decrease) insulin delivery. As ISF cannot directly be tuned, raising profile% over 100% will do the same for our purposes. -### 當血糖上升時自動執行大劑量的 SMB +### Automated big SMBs at bg rise -完全閉環循環成功的關鍵:**在餐後血糖開始上升時,循環系統必須盡快自動注射大劑量的胰島素(SMBs),以「趕上」所需的活性胰島素。** (與您在混合閉環模式下相似餐點的注射劑量進行比較!) +Key to success in full closed looping: **At the beginning of glucose increases from meals, very large automatic boli (SMBs) must be given by the loop as quickly as possible** “to catch up” with the evidently needed iob. (Compare with your administered bolus for similar meal in hybrid closed loop!) -首先,您需要查看**個人資料**(從您在混合閉環模式下的時間)以確定哪些**變化**不是與餐點相關的,而哪些肯定是的。 +First of all, **personal data** (from your time in hybrid closed loop) have to be researched to determine which **deltas** might be not meal –related, and which ones surely would be. -- 由於您可以將自動化設定為僅在預定的時間範圍內工作,因此只需分析那段時間。 -- 如果您吃的餐點差異很大(例如高碳水化合物的早餐,但低碳水化合物的午餐),您可以選擇為每個時間段設置兩個不同的自動化。 -- 如果您在晚上看到偶爾因壓迫而產生的低血糖,請排除夜晚的自動化。 -- 通常,使用過去 5 分鐘內的變化資料就足夠了。 -- 但您也可以使用其中一個平均變化資料。 透過比較您的自動化條件中的變化資料,您甚至可以根據血糖上升的速度來定義不同激進程度的動作。 +- As you can define the Automation to only work in a pre-defined time-window, you need only to analyse there. +- If you do very different kinds of meals (e.g. a rather high carb breakfast, but low carb lunch) you can choose to do two different (sets of) Automations for each of the time slots. +- Exclude the nights if you see occasional jumps from a compression lows +- Usually, just using the delta of the past 5 minutes suffices. +- But you can also make use one of the average deltas. By comparing the deltas in the conditions of your Automations you could even define actions of different aggressiveness depending on whether the glucose rises in an accelerated way or not. -> (變化 – 短期平均變化)>n 是可以用來檢測加速上升的術語,以在血糖剛開始上升的早期觸發第一個 SMB。 - 注意:不適用於 CGM 資料不佳或過度平滑的情況! +> ( delta – short avg delta )>n is a term that could be used for acceleration detection , to trigger first SMB at earliest sign of rising glucose. - Caution: not possible to use with poor or highly smoothened CGM-values! -如果 CGM 資料過於分散,您將陷入困境,因為為了安全起見,您需要「預設緩衝」,以確保變化資料確實顯示餐點開始。 這意味著: +A CGM with lots of scatter will put you in a bad spot because, to be on the safe side, you need to „sandbag“ your definition which delta is surely asign of a started meal. That means: -- 您的完全閉環系統將失去更多時間,導致更高的血糖峰值和較低的 TIR 百分比。 -- 因為您無法使用更早或更小的變化資料來觸發 SMB,這些 SMB 本應彌補用戶在完全閉環模式下的注射。 +- your FCL loses additional time, resulting in higher glucose peaks and lower %TIR +- because you cannot use a earlier or smaller delta which could trigger, also without a meal, the SMBs that are supposed to make up for a user bolus in FCL. -此外,餐後的最初血糖上升特點是**活性胰島素**較低。 考慮到這一點,針對晚餐的自動化(#1) 可能如下所示: +Furthermore, first rises after a meal are characterized by **low iob** present. With that in mind, an Automation(#1) for a dinner might look like this: -![8mg 上升 130% 胰島素,4 小時內完成](../images/fullClosedLoop02.png) +![8mg jump 130% ioby4](../images/fullClosedLoop02.png) -自動化 #1 +Automation #1 -如果條件適用,循環系統將在接下來的 12 分鐘內給予 1 或 2 次 SMB,根據設定的提高百分比(例如 30% 的胰島素需求提升)。 只要這些條件適用,自動化規則將延長 12 分鐘。 低碳水化合物餐點的血糖上升可能較慢。 它將受益於另一個自動化 (#2),該自動化在更小的變化資料下啟動,並給予較弱的胰島素提升。 +If conditions apply, the loop would give 1 or 2 SMBs in the next 12 minutes, using a boosted ISF according to the set elevated profile% (in the example, a 30% boost of insulinReq). As long as these conditions apply, the Automation rule extends by another 12 minutes. A low carb meal might have slower bg rise characteristics. It would benefit from another Automation (#2) that kicks in at lower delta, and gives a weaker insulin boost. -![>=5mg 上升 115% 胰島素,4 小時內完成<5.5](../images/fullClosedLoop03.png) +![>=5mg jump 115%, iob<5.5](../images/fullClosedLoop03.png) -同樣的自動化也可能在高碳水化合物餐點中啟動,當自動化 #1 定義的急劇上升結束後。 +The same Automation probably will kick in also in higher carb meals, once the steep rise as defined in Automation#1 is over. -您需要「階段性」地安排這兩個(可能再加上第三個)自動化,以適應您觀察到的餐點(變化)的情況 => 設置合適的上升幅度、胰島素需求條件和提升幅度將是一個反覆調整的過程。 此外,如果您在條件中包括適當的時間段,您可以輕鬆地為不同的日常餐點時間設置不同的自動化(早餐、午餐、晚餐)。 +You need to “stage” these two (+ maybe a third) Automations to fit with what you see in your meal (variety) => Setting appropriate jump sizes, iob citeria, and amplifications will be an iterative tuning process. Also, if you include appropriate time slots in the Conditions, you can easy do different Automations for your different daily meals times (breakfast, lunch, dinner). -請注意,在上升階段(!)中,必須阻止「活性胰島素」的「過剩」,以避免後期(3-5 小時後)胰島素的尾部效果超過循環系統透過零基礎速率的控制能力(停止基礎速率,降低低血糖風險)。 +Note that, still in the rise phase (!), the "overflow" of iob must be blocked so that the late effects of the **insulin** (the "**tail**" after 3-5 hours) will not exceed the braking capacity of the loop through zero-temping (“taking away” basal, to reduce hypo risk). -對於大餐,有時會出現**第二次上升**。 到那時,活性胰島素通常已經下降了一些,更積極的自動化再次生效。 (檢查您的自動化 #2 中的活性胰島素條件,設定是否過低以至於這種情況不會發生)。 +With large meals there is **sometimes a second increase**. By then, usually also the iob has dropped a bit, and the more aggressive Automations take effect again. (Check that your iob condition in Automation #2 is not set too low to for this to happen). -在給予幾次初始 SMB 後,進入**平衡階段**,此時應適量增加胰島素以覆蓋額外吸收的碳水化合物。 (除了低碳水化合物餐點,這種情況下循環系統可能會看到血糖上升太弱,立即進入零基礎速率的狀態)。 +Soon after a few intial SMBs were given comes a **balanced phase** where moderate addition of insulin should cover the additional carbs absorbed. (Except in low carb meals, where the loop might see too weak of a bg rise, and go into zero-temping right away already now). -AAPS 主畫面(在完全閉環自動模式下,您總是會看到 cob=0)在此階段可能會要求更多碳水化合物。 在完全閉環模式下,這意味著您可以進行一個大致的合理性檢查:這些碳水化合物量是否可能在您的體內,來自大約一個小時前未完全吸收的餐點(您未向循環系統提供該資訊)? +The AAPS main screen (where you always see cob=0 in UAM full loop) might in this phase ask for more carbs required. In UAM mode that simply means, you could make a very rough plausibility check: Is that amount of carbs likely in your body, un-absorbed from your meal just about an hour ago (about which you gave your loop no info)? -### 活性胰島素閾值 +### iob threshold -通常,自動化 #1 和/或 #2 會使活性胰島素上升到足以應對您的餐點的高度。 為了個性化調整,請檢查您的混合閉環資料中的最大活性胰島素值,這些資料發生在餐點處理良好時(通常是您的餐點注射),並在此數值以上會發生低血糖(或需要額外碳水化合物)。 +Often, Automations #1 and/or #2 make iob rise to heights that typically are enough for **your** meals. For personalized tuning, look in your hybrid closed loop data at the max iob values that occur with well-managed meals (often: your meal bolus), and above which magnitude a hypo (or requirement for extra carbs) occured at the end. -合理的**活性胰島素閾值**,應在循環系統降低積極性的時間點設定,不同餐點可能有所不同。 但特別是在餐後的第一小時,這對於完全閉環模式非常關鍵,這些資料對我來說變化不大:每小時大約吸收 30g,並且可以定義一個與具體餐點無關的合理活性胰島素。 +Sensible **iob thresholds** at which you should reduce aggressiveness of your loop, might not be the same for every meal. But especially in the first hour after the start of a meal, which is very crucial in the UAM mode, these data differ little for me: Just about 30g/hour get absorbed, and to define a meaningful iob independent of the exact meal can be possible. -對於特別的餐點,或在餐後有運動的情況下,您可以快速調整自動化中的活性胰島素閾值。 +For exceptional meals, or to lower it if sports follow, the iob threshold can rapidly be set differently in your Automation. -自動化 (#3),“達到活性胰島素閾值 => 關閉 SMB”,是用來結束(或暫停,直到下一波碳水化合物相關上升)積極的 SMB 促進劑的。 +Automation(#3),”iobTH reached => SMBs off”, is defined to end (or pause, until another wave of carb-related rise hits) the aggressive SMB boosting. -![活性胰島素 >5.5...111 TT = 關閉 SMB 16 分鐘](../images/fullClosedLoop04.png) +![iob >5.5...111 TT = SMBs off 16m](../images/fullClosedLoop04.png) -自動化 #3 +Automation #3 -它告訴循環系統在您設定的**活性胰島素閾值**以上最好不再使用任何 SMB。 +It tells the loop that above your set **iob threshold** it's better not to use any more SMBs -- 給定的示例透過設定 TT=111(這是任意的;選擇一個大於 100 的數字,您可以輕鬆識別為自動關閉 SMB 的數字)來實現此目的。 -- 在 AAPS 偏好設定/SMB 設定中,通常不允許在提高的目標值下進行 SMB。 - 胰島素需求將需要更加謹慎地透過 TBRs 的瓶頸來提供。 +- The given example does that by setting TT=111 (which is kind of arbitrary; pick a number>100 that you easy recognize as your automated SMB shut-off) +- In AAPS Preferences/ SMB Settings generally do not allow SMB at elevated target). + The insulinReq will then have to be delivered with much more caution through the bottleneck of TBRs -**注意:自動化 #3 僅在沒有啟動 TT 時有效。** 因此,如果您使用了即將用餐 TT,必須在那段時間結束,通常應在餐後 30-40 分鐘結束。 +**Caution: Automation #3 only works when there is no active TT.** So, in case you worked with EatingSoonTT, it must be ended by that time, which usually should be 30-40 minutes after meal start. -一個自動化的想法是根據條件在活性胰島素超過 65% * 活性胰島素閾值時,自動結束即將用餐 TT。 -> 使用即將用餐 TT 的方式 一些使用者會設置(透過按下 TT 按鈕,或透過降低設定的目標血糖值,如果用餐時間較為固定)即將用餐 TT 大約在餐前一小時或更早開始,以保證一個低的起始血糖和少量正向活性胰島素。 但假設完全閉環系統始終在目標範圍內,這可能並無太大作用,您可能更願意定義一個自動化,在餐點開始時(透過血糖變化,或加速度 = 變化資料 > 平均變化資料)設定即將用餐 TT。 在這個階段,低 TT 很重要,因為您的循環系統會透過 (預測的血糖減去 TT)/敏感性來計算任何 SMB,所以較小的 TT 會使胰島素需求更大。 +One idea how to do this automatically would be an Automation that ends an eventually running EatingSoonTT under the condition that iob >65% * iobTH. +> Ways to work with EatingSoonTT Some loopers set (by pressing the TT button, or automated via a lowered profile glucose target if eating time slots are fairly fixed) an EatingSoonTT roughly an hour or more before meal start, just to guarantee a low starting glucose and a bit of positive iob. But, assuming the FCL is anyways always en route towards target, this might not yield much and you might rather just define an Automation that sets an EatingSoonTT at recognition of meal start (glucose delta, or acceleration = delta > avg delta). A low TT is important in this stage because any SMB is calculated by your loop using (predicted glucose minus TT)/sens, so a small TT makes the resulting insulinReq bigger. -在給予最初的加強 SMB 後,您設定的活性胰島素閾值和自動化 #3 應該能達到控制血糖峰值的平衡,但也不會導致餐後低血糖。 +After the first boosted SMBs were given, your set iobTH and Automation #3 should strike a good balance of limiting the glucose peak, but also not leading to a hypo after the meal. -例如,如果您的早餐完全不同於您的晚餐,碳水化合物含量差異很大,您可以透過定義適用於不同時間段的自動化來受益,並設置不同的活性胰島素閾值(可能也不同的變化資料和不同的設定百分比)。 您和您的循環系統必須接受某些血糖峰值高度,以降低 SMB 胰島素作用時間尾部結束時的低血糖風險。 +In case for instance your breakfast totally deviates in carb content from your average dinner, you may benefit from defining Automations that apply in the respective times of day, and have different iobTH (possibly also different deltas, and different %profile set). Both, you with defining your meal spectrum and settings (notably, iobTH), and the loop managing the unfolding bg curve, must accept certain peak heights for reducing hypo danger towards the end of the DIAs from SMBs. -### 高血糖停滯 +### Stagnation at high bg values -如果在「豐富」的餐點後看到長期的**高血糖**停滯,則自動化 #6(下圖左側),「餐後高血糖」,有助於應對脂肪酸抗性:在多道菜餐點、大份油膩披薩、奶酪晚餐後,血糖曲線可能形成兩個波峰或更常見的是延長的高平臺。 +In case, after a “rich” meal, a long-lasting stagnation with **high glucose** value is seen, Automation #6 (below, left),"post-meal High”, helps deal with fatty acid resistance: After multi-course meals, large greasy pizza, raclette evening, the glucose curve can form two humps or, very often, an elongated high plateau. -![活性胰島素 >5.5...111 TT = 關閉 SMB 16 分鐘](../images/fullClosedLoop05.png) +![iob >5.5...111 TT = SMBs off 16m](../images/fullClosedLoop05.png) -自動化 #4 +Automation #4 -![活性胰島素 >5.5...111 TT = 關閉 SMB 16 分鐘](../images/fullClosedLoop06.png) +![iob >5.5...111 TT = SMBs off 16m](../images/fullClosedLoop06.png) -自動化 #5 +Automation #5 -自動化 #4,「餐後高血糖」,也適用於混合閉環。 +Automation #4, “post-meal High”, is also suitable in hybrid closed loop. -此外,還需要一個終止自動化 #5,「停止餐後高血糖」,以便當血糖開始下降時減少胰島素輸送的積極性。 (然而,通常循環系統為防止低血糖,已經會限制更多胰島素,因為預測的血糖已經偏低)。 +In addition, a termination-Automation #5, “Stop pmH”, is needed, so that the aggressiveness of the insulin administration is reduced, as soon as the glucose value is falling. (However, often the loop will limit more insulin anyways for hypo prevention because predicted glucose runs low already). -### 防止低血糖 +### Hypo prevention -核心問題在於完全閉環自動模式(無碳水化合物輸入)下**無法知道還有多少克碳水化合物尚未吸收**,並可能在您進入低血糖前耗盡「尾部」胰島素。 +The core problem here is of course that the UAM full closed loop (without carb inputs) can have **no idea how many g of carbs are still available** for absorption, and might use up that “tail” insulin, without you going into a hypo from it. -透過加強的 SMB,循環系統「追上了」我們以前用餐點注射所做的事情。 但是,在**胰島素作用的「尾部」階段,防止低血糖可能成為一個嚴重的問題**。 +Using boosted SMBs, the loop “caught up” with what we formerly did with a meal bolus. But, **at the “tail” end of insulin activity, hypo prevention can become a serious topic**. -為了準備您的完全閉環自動化,您因此必須仔細查看**活性胰島素的時間過程**,並判斷**何時會過多,並如何透過調整您的自動化來捕捉這一點**。 這是完全可能的,因為我們有幾個調整的機制。 然而,要「準確」地設置,讓它合理地適用於您多樣化的餐點可能有點棘手。 +In preparation for your full closed loop Automations, you therefore must take a closer look at the **time course of iob** for typical meals, and judge **when it becomes too much, and how you can catch that by tuning your Automations**. That is definitely possible, because we have several adjusting screws. However, it can get a bit tricky to get it “right”, so it reasonably works for your variety of meals. -通常來說,針對一種餐點不斷優化設定並沒有意義。 一旦您針對一種經常吃的午餐設置了足夠有效的設定,請測試其對其他類型餐點的適用性,並考慮如何進行「妥協」。 +Generally, it makes no sense to keep optimising settings for one kind of meal. Once you have a good-enough setting e.g. for one kind of lunch you frequently have, test how this works with other kinds, and how you would “compromise”. -為了防止餐後 3-5 小時內發生低血糖,請在活性胰島素過多之前減少其積極性。 具體方法: +In order to prevent hypo in post-meal hours 3 – 5, reduce the aggressiveness before too much iob comes together. Specific approaches: -- 在血糖上升期間逐步減弱 ISF,就像自動化範例 #1 和 #2 所述。 -- 定義活性胰島素閾值,從此閾值開始,循環系統將變得顯著更謹慎(參見上述自動化 #3)。 請注意,這個活性胰島素閾值可能會被最後一個 SMB 超過,因為它在作用前就進入了效果;隨後,如果循環系統偵測到胰島素需求,碳水化合物被吸收會對活性胰島素提供反向作用,降低活性胰島素。 -- 活性胰島素閾值可以根據餐點進行區分:透過複製自動化,您可以輕鬆區分早餐、午餐和晚餐時段(甚至可以根據地理位置區分,例如公司餐廳或丈母娘家等)。 - >您還可以透過設定不同的 TT 值(低碳水與快速碳水),進一步區分這些時間段內的餐點類型,並為它們呼叫專門調整的自動化。(除非您的飲食習慣變化很大,否則這可能不必要)。 +- Become milder and milder with the ISF already during the glucose rise, as in Automation examples #1 and #2 given. +- Define the iob threshold, from which the loop is made significantly more cautious (Automation #3, above). Note this iob can be exceeded, by the last SMB before it went into effect; and then further by TBRs if the loop sees insulinReq Carbs getting absorbed will provide a counter-movement towards lower iob. +- The iob threshold could be differentiated according to meals: By cloning the automations, you could easily differentiate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner time slots (or even for geo-locations, like company cafeteria, or at mother-in-law etc) + >You could differentiate within these time slots even further by setting different TTs for low carb vs. fast carb, etc., and thus be able to “code for” different meal classes that may occur at this time of day, and call them up with Automations specially tuned for them.(That is probably not not necessary, unless your diet habits do vary a lot.). -在面對特別餐點挑戰之前,您可以提高活性胰島素閾值,或在 5 秒內快速修改自動化中的任何設置,直接在 AAPS 主畫面進行(點擊左上方的漢堡選單,或依據您的 AAPS 設置,在自動化選項卡中)。 +Before a special meal challenge, you can raise your iob threshold, or make another change in any of your Automations within under 5 seconds, right from your AAPS main screen (burger top left; or Automations tab, depending how you configured your AAPS.). -餐後數小時內低血糖的風險主要取決於您的餐點組成是否導致**為對抗大量碳水所產生的胰島素尾部**會被**「延長碳水」所消耗**(過量/延遲的碳水化合物吸收/蛋白質/脂肪/纖維)。 +The hypo danger some hours after the meal is essentially a question of whether your meal composition was such, that the **insulin tails from fighting the bulk of carbs** will be **consumed by “extended carbs”** (excessive/delayed carb absorption/protein/fat/fibre). -隨著時間的推移,您會學會辨識模式,調整您的自動化 —— 甚至可能稍微調整您的飲食習慣,例如享受偶爾的小點心,這可能有助於在整個餐點(消化、吸收)期間保持**胰島素活動與碳水化合物吸收的良好平衡**,從而使您的循環系統(以及您自己)的生活更輕鬆。 +Over time you will learn patterns, tune your Automations – maybe even adjust your eating habits a bit, e.g. just enjoy the occasional late little(!) snack that may help maintain a good **balance of insulin activity and carb absorption** for the **entire** meal (digestion, absorption) time, and thus make life for your loop (and for yourself) easier. -### 自動化程式的順序 +### Order of programmed Automations -自動化定義重疊時可能會產生問題。 範例:問題在於 delta >8 也是 delta >5,這意味著可能有兩個競爭的自動化。 那麼循環系統會怎麼做呢? 它總是根據自動化在漢堡選單 / AAPS 主畫面中的顯示順序來決定。 範例:delta > +8 規則必須先執行(如果所有條件都適用,將啟動最強的升強);然後檢查 delta >5(並做出較溫和的回應)。 如果順序相反,則 delta>8 規則永遠不會生效,因為 delta>5 已經適用,結果已定。 -> 自動化「清理」的提示:更改順序非常簡單。 如果您在 AAPS/自動化中按下列表條目,您可以將所選的自動化移至另一個位置。 這樣您可以快速重新安排。 +Problems can arise with overlapping definitions in Automations. Example: The problem is that delta >8 is also delta >5, i.e. there may be two competing Automations. What does the loop do then? It always decides according to the sequence in which your Automations appear when looking into the burger menue / AdAPS main screen. Example: The delta > +8 rule must come first (and launch the strongest boost if all conditions apply); then comes the check for delta >5 (and a milder response). If done the other way round, the delta>8 rule would never come into effect because the delta>5 already applies, case closed. +> Tip for "house cleaning" in your Automations: Order changes are very easy to make. If you press on a list entry in AAPS/Automations, you can move the Automation in question to another position. So you can quickly (re-)arrange. -此外,隨時快速調整任何條件或動作也非常容易,直接在您的 AAPS 手機上進行,例如在參加特別的用餐活動時。 (但不要忘記在第二天將其恢復為正常狀態)。 +Also it is very easy and quick to adjust any conditions or actions at any time, within seconds, just on your AAPS smartphone; for instance if you head into a very special eating event. (But don’t forget to set it back to normal on/for the next day). -## 疑難排解 +## Troubleshooting -### 如何回到混合閉環模式 +### How to get back into Hybrid Closed Loop -您可以取消勾選與完全閉環自動化相關的頂部框,然後回到用餐注射和再次輸入碳水化合物的狀態。 您可能需要進入 AAPS 偏好設定/首頁總覽/按鈕,並將「胰島素、計算機...」等按鈕 恢復到您的 AAPS 混合閉環主畫面。 請注意,現在再次由您負責為餐點注射。 +You can un-click the top boxes in the Automations related to your FCL, and go back to bolussing for meals and making carb inputs again. You may have to go to AAPS Preferences/Overview/Buttons and get your Buttons “Insulin, Calculator…” back for your AAPS HCL main screen. Be aware that now it is again up to you to bolus for meals -僅在自動化已完全定義且勾選的用餐時段執行完全閉環可能也是明智的,並在您想要執行混合閉環時取消勾選其他餐點時段的自動化(或在過渡期間尚未定義)。 +It can also be wise to do FCL only for meals (time slots) where Automations are fully defined and clicked on, and un-klick only those for the other meal times when you like to do hybrid looping (or have none defined yet, in your transition period). -例如,在為晚餐時段定義自動化後,完全可以在不做任何額外步驟的情況下,僅對晚餐進行完全閉環,而早餐和午餐則按照您習慣的方式使用混合閉環。 +For instance, it is perfectly possible, without any extra steps after Automations for dinner time slots are defined, to do FCL only for dinners, while breakfast and lunch are done in hybrid closed loop as you are used to. -### 完全閉環的前提條件是否仍然成立? +### Are the pre-conditions for FCL still given? -- 基本設定檔是否仍然正確? -- CGM 資料品質是否惡化 -- 等等(請參閱先決條件部分)。 +- Is the basic profile still correct? +- Has the CGM quality deteriorated +- etc (see section pre-requisites) -### 血糖過高 +### Glucose goes too high -- 餐點未能及時被識別 - - 檢查藍牙連線(不)穩定性 - - 檢查是否可以設定更小的變化值來觸發第一個 SMB。 - - 在餐前幾分鐘內嘗試喝點開胃酒或湯。 -- SMBs 劑量過小 - - 檢查自動化順序(例如:大變化在小變化之前)。 - - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否每小時的基礎設定和設置的時間(最多 120 分鐘)限制了允許的 SMB 劑量。 - - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否需要將設定百分比調大。 -- 如果您的所有設定都達到了極限,您可能需要接受暫時的高血糖,或調整飲食。 -> 如果您準備使用 AAPS 開發版本,您也可以使用允許進一步擴展 SMB 劑量的版本。 有些使用者也會在他們的「完全閉環」中使用小劑量的預注射。 然而,這會影響血糖曲線及因此觸發 SMB 的偵測,難以確保整體效益。 -- 試點使用者的一個重要觀察結果是,您的血糖和活性胰島素曲線如何接近餐點開始的方式對於碳水化合物峰值有很大影響: 向下(例如接近設定的即將用餐 TT),建立一些活性胰島素,並朝強勁的正加速度曲線發展似乎對保持低峰值非常有幫助。 +- Meals are not recognized asap + - Check regarding Bluetooth (in)stability + - Check whether you could set smaller deltas to trigger first SMB + - Experiment with an aperetif, soup acouple of minutes before meal start +- SMBs are too weak + - Check order of Automations (e.g.: big delta before small delta) + - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether hourly profile basal and set minutes (max 120) limit allowed SMB size + - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether %profile must be set bigger +- If all your settings are at the limit, you may have to live with the temporary high, or adjust your diet. +> If you are ready to use AAPS dev variants, you could also employ one that allows further expanded SMB sizes. Some users also resort to using a small pre-bolus in their “FCL”. However, this interferes with how glucose curve and hence detection of rises and triggered SMBs behave, and is therefore not easy to implement with convincing overall benefit. +- An important observation by pilot users was, that how your glucose and iob curves approach meal start matters a lot regarding how you peak from carbs: Going down (e.g. towards a set EatingSoonTT), building some iob, and curving already towards strong positive acceleration seems very helpful to keep peaks low. -### 血糖過低 +### Glucose goes too low -- 餐點被錯誤識別 - - 檢查是否可以設定更大的變化值來觸發第一個 SMB。 - - 點選相關自動化中的「用戶操作」,這樣在未與餐點相關時,您可以隨時阻止該自動化的執行。 - - 為防止零食觸發 SMB,像對待運動和抗低血糖零食一樣,設定 TT>100。 -- SMBs 總是輸送過多的胰島素。 - - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否需要將 SMB 範圍擴展設置調小。 - - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否需要將設定百分比調小。 - - SMB 輸送比例可能需要調小。 請注意,這樣做會對所有 SMB(所有時間段)產生作用。 -- 餐後胰島素「尾部」問題 - - 您可能需要吃零食(如果預測低血糖)或服用葡萄糖片(如果已經處於低血糖區域)。 但請注意,循環系統告訴您的所需碳水化合物量很可能被誇大,因為循環系統完全不知道您攝入了多少碳水化合物(而您可能能夠猜測還有多少碳水化合物,來自脂肪和蛋白質,仍在等待吸收)。 - - 有價值的資訊是問題主要出現在血糖上升階段。 此時,設定一個較低的活性胰島素閾值可能是一個簡單的解決方案。 - - 如果經常需要額外的碳水化合物,記下所需的碳水化合物克數(不包括您最終攝入過多的部分,因為這需要額外的胰島素)。 然後使用您的設定 IC 值來估算 SMB 應輸送的少量胰島素,並根據這些資訊進行調整(關於自動化中的設定百分比,或者您的活性胰島素閾值)。 這可能與在血糖高時給予的 SMB 相關,也可能延伸至血糖上升期間的 SMB。 - - 很可能您必須接受較高的血糖峰值,以避免低血糖。 或者,將飲食改為含較低碳水化合物和較高蛋白質及脂肪的食物。 +- Meals are falsely recognized + - Check whether you could set bigger deltas to trigger first SMB + - Click “User action” in the related Automation, so in the futurte you can ad hoc decide to block execution of the Automatiojn if not meal-related + - To prevent snacks from triggering SMBs as for a meal, set a TT>100 when snacking (as you would do in sports and for anti-hypo snacks, anyways) +- SMBs deliver overall too much insulin + - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether SMB range extention must be set smaller + - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether %profile must be set smaller + - SMB delivery ratio probably can be set smaller. Note in this case, it works across the bord for all SMBs (all time slots), +- Problems with insulin “tail” after meals + - You may need to take a snack (seeing hypo prediction) or glucose tablets (if already in hypo zone). But note that the carbs required the loop might tell you at some point are very likely exaggerated as the loop has absolutely zero info on your carb intake (while you may be able to guess how much more, incl. from fats and proteins) is still waiting to be absorbed. + - A valueable information would be whether the problem originates mostly in the bg rise phase already. Then setting a lower iobTH might be an easy remedy. + - If the need for additional carbs happens frequently, note down how many grams were needed (not counting what you eventually took too much and required extra insulin again). Then use your profile IC value to estimate how much insulin less the SMBs should have delivered, and go with this info into your tuning (regarding the % profile in the Automations, or maybe also your set iobTH). This may relate to the SMBs given when glucose was high, or also extending regarding also the SMBs during the glucose rise. + - It could well be that you simply have to accept higher glucose peaks for not going low. Or change diet to something with lower amounts of carbs, and higher amount of proteien and fats. -### 更多資訊 +### More info -請確保與其他完全閉環使用者保持聯繫。 +Make sure you stay in touch with other FCL users. -討論完全閉環自動化: +Discussion Full Closed Loop using Automations: -- 英文: [Discord 頻道]( +- English: [Discord Channel]( -- 德文: [德國 Looper 社群]( +- German: [German Looper Community]( From aff1a1636d5975c3923b346542d5b2f06a7f1d31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 195/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 384 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 192 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 921747118e8f..b539b91066ee 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,358 +1,358 @@ # Medtrum Nano / 300U -這些是配置Medtrum胰島素幫浦的指導說明。 +These instructions are for configuring the Medtrum insulin pump. -此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。 +This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。 -## 幫浦與AAPS的功能 -* 支援所有循環功能(SMB、TBR等) -* 自動夏令時間(DST)與時區處理 -* AAPS驅動不支援延長注射 +## Pump capabilities with AAPS +* All loop functionality supported (SMB, TBR etc) +* Automatic DST and timezone handling +* Extended bolus is not supported by AAPS driver -## 硬體和軟體需求 -* **與Medtrum幫浦基座及儲液瓶相容的修補版** - - 目前支援: - - Medtrum TouchCare Nano與幫浦基座參考:**MD0201**和**MD8201**。 - - Medtrum TouchCare 300U與幫浦基座參考:**MD8301**。 - - 如果您擁有不支援的型號,並願意捐贈硬體或協助測試,請透過discord與我們聯繫[這裡](。 -* **版本3.2.0.0或更新的AAPS,依照[APK建置指南](../Installing-AndroidAPS/建立並安裝。** -* **相容的 Android 手機** 需具備 BLE 藍牙連線 - - 請參閱AAPS的[版本說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -* [**連續血糖監測儀(CGM)**]( +## Hardware and Software Requirements +* **Compatible Medtrum pumpbase and reservoir patches** + - Currently supported: + - Medtrum TouchCare Nano with pumpbase refs: **MD0201** and **MD8201**. + - Medtrum TouchCare 300U with pumpbase ref: **MD8301**. + - If you have an unsupported model and are willing to donate hardware or assist with testing, please contact us via discord [here]( +* **Version or newer of AAPS built and installed** using the [Build APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ instructions. +* **Compatible Android phone** with a BLE Bluetooth connection + - See AAPS [Release Notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +* [**Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)**]( -## 開始之前 +## Before you begin -**安全第一** 不要在無法修復錯誤的環境中進行此過程(需要備用修補版、胰島素和幫浦控制裝置)。 +**SAFETY FIRST** Do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra patches, insulin, and pump control devices are must-haves). -**PDM與Medtrum App將無法與AAPS啟動的修補版一起運作。** 之前您可能使用PDM或Medtrum App向您的幫浦發送指令。 基於安全考量,您只能使用與啟動該修補版的裝置或App。 +**The PDM and Medtrum App will not work with a patch that is activated by AAPS.** Previously you may have used your PDM or Medtrum app to send commands to your pump. For security reasons you can only use the activated patch with the device or app that was used to activate it. -*這並不意味著您應該丟棄PDM。 建議將它放在安全的地方作為備用,以防緊急情況發生,例如手機遺失或AAPS無法正常運作。* +*This does NOT mean that you should throw away your PDM. It is recommended to keep it somewhere safe as a backup in case of emergencies, for instance if your phone gets lost or AAPS is not working correctly.* -**您的幫浦在未連線至AAPS時不會停止輸送胰島素** 預設的基礎率已經在幫浦上設定,並在當前啟動的設定檔中定義。 只要AAPS運作正常,它將發送臨時基礎率指令,最多持續120分鐘。 如果由於任何原因幫浦未接收到新指令(例如由於幫浦與手機距離過遠導致通訊中斷),當臨時基礎率結束時,幫浦將回到預設的基礎率。 +**Your pump will not stop delivering insulin when it is not connected to AAPS** Default basal rates are programmed on the pump as defined in the current active profile. As long as AAPS is operational, it will send temporary basal rate commands that run for a maximum of 120 minutes. If for some reason the pump does not receive any new commands (for instance because communication was lost due to pump - phone distance) the pump will fall back to the default basal rate programmed on the pump once the Temporary Basal Rate ends. -**AAPS 不支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔。** **AAPS 設定檔不支援 30 分鐘的基礎率時間框架** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並首次設置基礎率設定檔,請注意,基礎率從半小時開始的設定不被支援,您需要調整您的基礎率設定檔以從整點開始。 例如,如果您的基礎率為 1.1 單位,並於 09:30 開始,持續時間為 2 小時,於 11:30 結束,這將無法正常工作。 您需要將此 1.1 單位的基礎率更改為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管Medtrum幫浦硬體本身支援30分鐘基礎率增量,但AAPS目前無法在其算法中考慮這些增量。 +**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** **The AAPS Profile does not support a 30 minute basal rate time frame** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time, please be aware that basal rates starting on a half-hour basis are not supported, and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to change this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the Medtrum pump hardware itself supports the 30 min basal rate profile increments, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. -**AAPS不支援0U/h的設定檔基礎率** 儘管Medtrum幫浦支援零基礎率,但AAPS使用設定檔基礎率的倍數來確定自動治療,因此無法使用零基礎率。 可以透過“中斷幫浦”功能或停用循環/臨時基礎率或暫停循環/臨時基礎率的組合來實現臨時的 0 單位基礎率。 +**0U/h profile basal rates are NOT supported in AAPS** While the Medtrum pump does support a zero basal rate, AAPS uses multiples of the profile basal rate to determine automated treatment and therefore cannot function with a zero basal rate. A temporary zero basal rate can be achieved through the "Disconnect pump" function or through a combination of Disable Loop/Temp Basal Rate or Suspend Loop/Temp Basal Rate. -## 設定 +## 设置 -注意:當使用AAPS啟動修補版時,**必須**停用所有其他可與Medtrum幫浦基座通訊的裝置。 例如,啟動的PDM與Medtrum App。 請確保您已準備好幫浦基座及其序號,進行新修補版的啟動。 +CAUTION: When activating a patch with AAPS you **MUST** disable all other devices that can talk to the Medtrum pumpbase. e.g. active PDM and Medtrum app. Make sure you have your pumpbase and pumpbase SN ready for activation of a new patch. -### 步驟1:選擇Medtrum幫浦 +### Step 1: Select Medtrum pump -#### 選項 1:新安裝 +#### Option 1: New installations -如果您是首次安裝AAPS,**安裝嚮導**將引導您完成AAPS的安裝過程。 當您到達幫浦選擇時,請選擇「Medtrum」。 +If you are installing AAPS for the first time, the **Setup Wizard** will guide you through installing AAPS. Select “Medtrum” when you reach Pump selection. -如果有疑問,您也可以選擇「虛擬幫浦」,並在設置完成後選擇「Medtrum」(見選項2)。 +If in doubt you can also select “Virtual Pump” and select “Medtrum” later, after setting up AAPS (see option 2). -![安裝嚮導](../images/medtrum/SetupWizard.png) +![Setup Wizard](../images/medtrum/SetupWizard.png) -#### 選項 2:組態建置工具 +#### Option 2: The Config Builder -在現有安裝中,您可以從[組態建置工具](中選擇**Medtrum**幫浦: +On an existing installation you can select the **Medtrum** pump from the [Config Builder]( -在左上角的**漢堡選單**中選擇**組態建置工具**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Medtrum**,選擇**啟用按鈕**標題為**Medtrum**。 +On the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** select **Config Builder**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Medtrum**\ by selecting the **Enable button** titled **Medtrum**. -勾選**齒輪圖示**旁的**複選框**,將允許Medtrum總覽顯示在AAPS介面中的標籤中,標題為**Medtrum**。 勾選此框將便於您在使用AAPS時存取Medtrum指令,非常建議如此設置。 +Selecting the **checkbox** next to the **Settings Gear** will allow the Medtrum overview to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **Medtrum**. Checking this box will facilitate your access to the Medtrum commands when using AAPS and is highly recommended. -![組態建置工具](../images/medtrum/ConfigBuilder.png) +![配置生成器](../images/medtrum/ConfigBuilder.png) -### 步驟2:變更Medtrum設置 +### Step 2: Change Medtrum settings -點擊組態建置工具中Medtrum模組的**齒輪圖示**進入Medtrum設置。 +Enter the Medtrum settings by tapping the **Settings Gear** of the Medtrum module in the Config Builder . -![Medtrum設置](../images/medtrum/MedtrumSettings.png) +![Medtrum Settings](../images/medtrum/MedtrumSettings.png) -#### 序號: +#### Serial Number: -在此輸入幫浦基座上的序號。 請確保序號正確且沒有空格(可使用大寫或小寫字母)。 +Enter the serial number of your pumpbase here as noted on the pumpbase. Make sure the serial number is correct and there are no spaces added (You can either use capital or lowercase). -注意:此設置只能在無活動修補版時更改。 +NOTE: This setting can only be changed when there is no patch active. -#### 警報設置 +#### Alarm settings -***預設:嗶聲。*** +***Default: Beep.*** -此設置更改當幫浦出現警告或錯誤時的警示方式。 +This setting changes the way that the pump will alert you when there is a warning or error. -- 嗶聲 > 當出現警報或警告時,修補版會發出嗶聲聲 -- 靜音 > 當出現警報或警告時,修補版將不發出任何聲音 +- Beep > The patch will beep on alarms and warnings +- Silent > The patch will not alert you on alarms and warnings -注意:在靜音模式下,AAPS仍會根據手機音量設置發出警報。 如果您未回應警報,修補版最終會開始嗶聲。 +Note: In silent mode AAPS will still sound the alarm depending on your phone's volume settings. If you do not respond to the alarm, the patch will eventually beep. -#### 幫浦警告通知 +#### Notification on pump warning -***預設:已啟用。*** +***Default: Enabled.*** -此設置更改AAPS在非關鍵性幫浦警告時顯示通知的方式。 啟用後,當幫浦出現警告時,手機上會顯示通知,包括: - - 電池電量低 - - 儲液瓶電量低(20單位) - - 修補版即將過期警告 +This settings changes the way AAPS will show notification on non ciritical pump warnings. When enabled a Notification will be shown on the phone when a pump warning occurs, including: + - Low battery + - Low reservoir (20 Units) + - Patch expiration warning -無論如何,這些警告也會顯示在Medtrum總覽畫面中的[活動警報](#active-alarms)下。 +In either case these warnings are also shown on the Medtrum overview screen under [Active alarms](#active-alarms). -#### 修補版過期 +#### Patch Expiration -***預設:已啟用。*** +***Default: Enabled.*** -此設置更改修補版的行為。 啟用後,修補版將在3天後過期,並在開啟聲音警告時發出聲音。 在3天8小時後,修補版將停止運作。 +This setting changes the behavior of the patch. When enabled the patch will expire after 3 days and give an audible warning if you have sound enabled. After 3 days and 8 hours the patch will stop working. -如果停用此設置,修補版將不會發出警告,並將繼續運作,直到修補版電池或儲液瓶耗盡。 +If this setting is disabled, the patch will not warn you and will continue running until the patch battery or reservoir runs out. -#### 幫浦過期警告 +#### Pump expiry warning -***預設:72小時。*** +***Default: 72 hours.*** -此設置更改過期警告的時間,當[修補版過期](#patch-expiration)啟用時,AAPS將在啟動後的設定小時內發送通知。 +This setting changes the time of the expiration warning, when [Patch Expiration](#patch-expiration) is enabled, AAPS will give a notification on the set hour after activation. -#### 每小時最大胰島素輸送量 +#### Hourly Maximum Insulin -***預設:25U。*** +***Default: 25U.*** -此設置更改每小時最多輸送的胰島素量。 如果此限制被超過,修補版將暫停並發出警報。 可以透過點擊總覽選單中的重置按鈕來重置此警報,請參閱[重置警報](#reset-alarms)。 +This setting changes the maximum amount of insulin that can be delivered in one hour. If this limit is exceeded the patch will suspend and give an alarm. The alarm can be reset by pressing the reset button on in the overview menu see [Reset alarms](#reset-alarms). -根據您的胰島素需求,設置一個合適的值。 +Set this to a sensible value for your insulin requirements. -#### 每日最大胰島素輸送量 +#### Daily Maximum Insulin -***預設:80U。*** +***Default: 80U.*** -此設置更改每日最多輸送的胰島素量。 如果此限制被超過,修補版將暫停並發出警報。 可以透過點擊總覽選單中的重置按鈕來重置此警報,請參閱[重置警報](#reset-alarms)。 +This setting changes the maximum amount of insulin that can be delivered in one day. If this limit is exceeded the patch will suspend and give an alarm. The alarm can be reset by pressing the reset button on in the overview menu see [Reset alarms](#reset-alarms). -根據您的胰島素需求,設置一個合適的值。 +Set this to a sensible value for your insulin requirements. -### 步驟2b:AAPS警報設置 +### Step 2b: AAPS Alerts settings -進入偏好設定 +Go to preferences -#### 幫浦: +#### Pump: -##### 藍牙監控 +##### BT Watchdog -進入偏好設定並選擇**幫浦**: +Go to preferences and select **Pump**: -![藍牙監控](../images/medtrum/BTWatchdogSetting.png) +![BT Watchdog](../images/medtrum/BTWatchdogSetting.png) -##### 藍牙監控 +##### BT Watchdog -此設置將嘗試解決任何BLE問題。 當連線中斷時,它將嘗試重新連線至幫浦。 當幫浦無法使用一段時間後,它也會嘗試重新連線。 +This setting will try to work around any BLE issues. It will try to reconnect to the pump when the connection is lost. It will also try to reconnect to the pump when the pump is unreachable for a certain amount of time. -如果您的幫浦經常遇到連線問題,請啟用此設置。 +Enable this setting if you experience frequent connection issues with your pump. -#### 本地警報: +#### Local Alerts: -進入偏好設定並選擇**本地警報**: +Go to preferences and select **Local Alerts**: -![本地警報](../images/medtrum/LocalAlertsSettings.png) +![Local Alerts](../images/medtrum/LocalAlertsSettings.png) -##### 當幫浦無法使用時發出警報 +##### Alert if pump is unreachable -***預設:已啟用。*** +***Default: Enabled.*** -當啟用Medtrum驅動時,此設置強制啟用。 當幫浦無法使用時,將提醒您。 這可能發生在幫浦超出範圍或幫浦因修補版或幫浦基座故障而無法回應,例如當水滲入幫浦基座與修補版之間時。 +This setting is forced to enabled when the Medtrum driver is enabled. It will alert you when the pump is unreachable. This can happen when the pump is out of range or when the pump is not responding due to a defective patch or pumpbase, for example when water leaks between the pumpbase and the patch. -出於安全考量,此設置無法停用。 +For safety reasons this setting cannot be disabled. -##### 幫浦無法使用的閾值 [分鐘] +##### Pump unreachable threshold [min] -***預設:30分鐘。*** +***Default: 30 min.*** -此設置更改AAPS發出幫浦無法使用警報的時間。 這可能發生在幫浦超出範圍或幫浦因修補版或幫浦基座故障而無法回應,例如當水滲入幫浦基座與修補版之間時。 +This setting changes the time after which AAPS will alert you when the pump is unreachable. This can happen when the pump is out of range or when the pump is not responding due to a defective patch or pumpbase, for example when water leaks between the pumpbase and the patch. -此設定可在使用Medtrum幫浦時更改,但建議出於安全理由設為30分鐘。 +This setting can be changed when using Medtrum pump but it is recommended to set it at 30 minutes for safety reasons. -### 步驟3:啟動修補版 +### Step 3: Activate patch -**在繼續之前:** -- 準備好您的Medtrum Nano幫浦基座與儲液瓶修補版。 -- 請確保AAPS已正確設置,並已[註冊設定檔](../Usage/。 -- 停用其他可與Medtrum幫浦連線的裝置(PDM與Medtrum App) +**Before you continue:** +- Have your Medtrum Nano pumpbase and a reservoir patch ready. +- Make sure that AAPS is properly set up and a [profile is activated](../Usage/ +- Other devices that can talk to the Medtrum pump are disabled (PDM and Medtrum app) -#### 從Medtrum總覽標籤啟動修補版 +#### Activate patch from the Medtrum overview Tab -在AAPS介面中導航至[Medtrum標籤](#overview),然後按下右下角的**更換修補版**按鈕。 +Navigate to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button in the bottom right corner. -如果修補版已啟動,系統將提示您先停用該修補版。 請參閱[停用修補版](#deactivate-patch)。 +If a patch is already active, you will be prompted to deactivate this patch first. see [Deactivate Patch](#deactivate-patch). -按照提示填充並啟動新的修補版。 請注意——只有在系統提示時才應將幫浦基座連線到儲液瓶修補版。 **您應在系統提示啟動過程時(填充完成後)才將幫浦放在身體上並插入套管。** +Follow the prompts to fill and activate a new patch. Please note - it is important to only connect the pumpbase to the reservoir patch at the step when you are prompted to do so. **You must only put the pump on your body and insert the cannula when prompted to during the activation process (after priming is complete).** -##### 開始啟動 +##### Start Activation -![開始啟動](../images/medtrum/activation/StartActivation.png) +![Start Activation](../images/medtrum/activation/StartActivation.png) -在此步驟,請仔細檢查您的序號,並確保幫浦基座尚未連線至修補版。 +At this step, double check your serial number and make sure the pumpbase is not connected to the patch yet. -按**下一步**繼續。 +Press **Next** to continue. -##### 填充修補版 +##### Fill the patch -![填充修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/FillPatch.png) +![Fill the patch](../images/medtrum/activation/FillPatch.png) -一旦修補版被檢測到並填充至少70單位的胰島素,按下**下一步**將顯示。 +Once the patch is detected and filled with a minimum of 70Units of insulin, press **Next** will appear. -##### 填充修補版 +##### Prime the patch -![半按](../images/medtrum/activation/HalfPress.png) +![Half press](../images/medtrum/activation/HalfPress.png) -不要移除安全鎖,並按下修補版上的針頭按鈕。 +Do not remove the safety lock and press the needle button on the patch. -按**下一步**開始填充 +Press **Next** to start prime -![填充進度](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeProgress.png) +![Prime progress](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeProgress.png) -![填充完成](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeComplete.png) +![Prime complete](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeComplete.png) -填充完成後,按**下一步**繼續。 +Once the prime is complete, press **Next** to continue. -##### 連線修補版 +##### Attach Patch -![連線修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/AttachPatch.png) +![Attach patch](../images/medtrum/activation/AttachPatch.png) -清潔皮膚,撕下貼紙並將修補版附著在身體上。 移除安全鎖,並按下修補版上的針頭按鈕插入套管。 +Clean the skin, remove stickers and attach the patch to your body. Remove safety lock and press the needle button on the patch to insert the cannula. -按**下一步**啟動修補版。 +Press **Next** to activate the patch. -##### 啟動修補版 +##### Activate Patch -![啟動修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivatePatch.png) +![Activate patch](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivatePatch.png) -啟動完成後,將顯示以下畫面 +When activation is complete, the following screen will appear -![啟動完成](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationComplete.png) +![Activation complete](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationComplete.png) -按**確定**返回主畫面。 +Press **OK** to return to main screen. -### 停用修補版 +### Deactivate patch -要停用當前啟動的修補版,請前往AAPS介面中的[Medtrum標籤](#overview),然後按下**更換修補版**按鈕。 +To deactivate a currently active patch, go to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button. -![停用修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivatePatch.png) +![Deactivate patch](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivatePatch.png) -系統將提示您確認是否希望停用當前的修補版。 **請注意,此操作無法恢復。**當停用完成後,您可以按下**下一步**繼續啟動新修補版的過程。 如果您尚未準備好啟動新修補版,請按下**取消**返回主畫面。 +You will be asked to confirm that you wish to deactivate the current patch. **Please note that this action is not reversable.** When deactivation is completed, you can press **Next** to continue the process to activate a new patch. If you are not ready to activate a new patch, press **Cancel** to return to the main screen. -![停用進度](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateProgress.png) +![Deactivate progress](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateProgress.png) -如果Android APS無法停用修補版(例如因為幫浦基座已從儲液瓶修補版中移除),您可以按下**丟棄**以忘記當前修補版會話,並啟動新修補版。 +If Android APS in unable to deactivate the patch (For instance because the pumpbase has already been removed from the reservoir patch), you may press **Discard** to forget the current patch session and make it possible to activate a new patch. -![停用完成](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateComplete.png) +![Deactivate complete](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateComplete.png) -停用完成後,按**確定**返回主畫面,或按**下一步**繼續啟動新修補版的過程。 +Once deactivation is complete, press **OK** to return to main screen or press **Next** to continue the process to activate a new patch. -### 恢復中斷的啟動過程 +### Resume interrupted activation -如果修補版啟動過程被中斷,例如由於手機電量耗盡,您可以前往AAPS介面中的Medtrum標籤,並按下**更換修補版**按鈕來恢復啟動過程。 +If a patch activation is interrupted, for instance because the phone battery runs out, you can resume the activation process by going to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button. -![恢復中斷的啟動過程](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationInProgress.png) +![Resume interrupted activation](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationInProgress.png) -按**下一步**繼續啟動過程。 按**丟棄**丟棄當前修補版會話,並啟動新修補版。 +Press **Next** to continue the activation process. Press **Discard** to discard the current patch session and make it possible to activate a new patch. -![讀取啟動狀態](../images/medtrum/activation/ReadingActivationStatus.png) +![Reading activation status](../images/medtrum/activation/ReadingActivationStatus.png) -驅動將嘗試確定當前的修補版啟動狀態。 如果成功,它將進入當前步驟的啟動進度。 +The driver will try to determine the current status of the patch activation. If this was successful it will go into the activation progress at the current step. -## 首頁總覽 +## Overview -總覽顯示了Medtrum修補版的當前狀態。 它還包含更換修補版、重置警報和重新整理狀態的按鈕。 +The overview contains the current status of the Medtrum patch. It also contains buttons to change the patch, reset alarms and refresh the status. -![Medtrum總覽](../images/medtrum/Overview.png) +![Medtrum Overview](../images/medtrum/Overview.png) -##### 藍牙狀態: +##### BLE Status: -這顯示了當前與幫浦基座的藍牙連線狀態。 +This shows the current status of the Bluetooth connection to the pumpbase. -##### 上次連線: +##### Last connected: -這顯示了幫浦上次連線至AAPS的時間。 +This shows the last time the pump was connected to AAPS. -##### 幫浦狀態: +##### Pump state: -這顯示了幫浦的當前狀態。 例如: - - 啟動中:幫浦已啟動並正常運作 - - 停止:修補版未啟動 +This shows the current state of the pump. For example: + - ACTIVE : The pump is activated and running normally + - STOPPED: The patch is not activated -##### 基礎率類型: +##### Basal type: -這顯示了當前的基礎率類型。 +This shows the current basal type. -##### 基礎率: +##### Basal rate: -這顯示了當前的基礎率。 +This shows the current basal rate. -##### 上次注射: +##### Last bolus: -這顯示了上次輸送的注射量。 +This shows the last bolus that was delivered. -##### 當前注射: +##### Active bolus: -這顯示了當前正在輸送的注射量。 +This shows the active bolus that is currently being delivered. -##### 當前警報: +##### Active alarms: -這顯示了當前活動中的警報。 +This shows any active alarms that are currently active. -##### 儲液瓶: +##### Reservoir: -這顯示了當前的儲液瓶液量。 +This shows the current reservoir level. -##### 電池: +##### Battery: -這顯示了修補版的當前電池電壓。 +This shows the current battery voltage of the patch. -##### 幫浦類型: +##### Pump type: -這顯示了當前的幫浦類型編號。 +This shows the current pump type number. -##### 韌體版本: +##### FW version: -這顯示了修補版的當前韌體版本。 +This shows the current firmware version of the patch. -##### 修補版編號: +##### Patch no: -這顯示了啟動的修補版序列號。 每次啟動新修補版時,這個號碼會遞增。 +This shows the sequence number of the activated patch. This number is incremented every time a new patch is activated. -##### 修補版過期: +##### Patch expires: -這顯示了修補版過期的日期和時間。 +This shows the date and time when the patch will expire. -##### 重新整理: +##### Refresh: -此按鈕將重新整理修補版的狀態。 +This button will refresh the status of the patch. -##### 更換修補版: +##### Change patch: -此按鈕將啟動更換修補版的過程。 請參閱[啟動修補版](#activate-patch)以獲取更多資訊。 +This button will start the process to change the patch. See [Activate patch](#activate-patch) for more information. -### 重置警報 +### Reset alarms -當有可重置的警報時,警報按鈕將顯示在總覽畫面中。 按下此按鈕將重置警報,並在修補版因警報暫停時恢復胰島素輸送。 例如: 當因每天最大胰島素輸送量警報而暫停時。 +The alarm button will appear on the overview screen when there is an active alarm that can be reset. Pressing this button will reset the alarms and resume insulin delivery if the patch has been suspended due to the alarm. E.g. when suspended due to a maximum daily insulin delivery alarm. -![重置警報](../images/medtrum/ResetAlarms.png) +![Reset alarms](../images/medtrum/ResetAlarms.png) -按下**重置警報**按鈕以重置警報並恢復正常運作。 +Press the **Reset Alarms** button to reset the alarms and resume normal operation. -## 疑難排解 +## Troubleshooting -### 連線問題 +### Connection issues -如果您遇到連線逾時或其他連線問題: -- 在AAPS的Android應用程式設置中:將定位權限設置為「始終允許」。 +If you are experiencing connection timeouts or other connection issues: +- In Android application settings for AAPS: Set location permission to "Allow all the time". -### 啟動中斷 +### Activation interrupted -如果啟動過程被中斷,例如手機電量耗盡或手機當機。 您可以前往更換修補版畫面,並按照[恢復中斷的啟動](#resume-interrupted-activation)中的步驟繼續啟動過程。 +If the activation process is interrupted for example by and empty phone battery or phone crash. The activation process can be resumed by going to the change patch screen and follow the steps to resume the activation as outlined here: [Resume interrupted activation](#resume-interrupted-activation) -### 防止修補版故障 +### Preventing patch faults -修補版可能會出現多種錯誤。 為防止頻繁的錯誤: -- 確保幫浦基座正確安裝在修補版中,且沒有可見的間隙。 -- 填充修補版時,請勿對活塞施加過大的力量。 不要嘗試填充超過適用於您的型號的最大容量。 +The patch can give a variety of errors. To prevent frequent errors: +- Make sure the pumpbase is properly seated in the patch and no gaps are visible. +- When filling the patch do not apply excessive force to the plunger. Do not try to fill the patch beyond the maximum that applies to your model. -## 如何尋求協助 +## Where to get help -所有Medtrum驅動的開發工作均由社群**志願者**完成;請記住這一點,並在請求協助之前,遵循以下指導原則: +All of the development work for the Medtrum driver is done by the community on a **volunteer** basis; we ask that you to remember that fact and use the following guidelines before requesting assistance: -- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 -- **第一層:**如果您仍遇到無法透過此文件解決的問題,請前往**Discord**上的*#Medtrum*頻道,使用[此邀請連結](。 -- **第二層:**搜尋現有問題,看看您的問題是否已在[問題頁面](中報告 如果存在,請確認/評論/添加您的問題資訊。 如果沒有,請建立[新問題](並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/。 -- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** +- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. +- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#Medtrum* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link]( +- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported at [Issues]( if it exists, please confirm/comment/add information on your problem. If not, please create a [new issue]( and attach [your log files](../Usage/ +- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** From 3d94e142e1b8dbf9ec0432162c4d892e273640e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 196/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 465 +++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 212 insertions(+), 253 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 6efc2378a676..50ee55317767 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,423 +1,382 @@ -# APS 和 AAPS 的介紹 +# Introduction to APS and AAPS -## 什麼是“人工胰臟系統”(Artificial Pancreas System)? +## What is an “Artificial Pancreas System”? -人類的胰臟除了調節血糖外,還有許多其他功能。 然而,**” 人工胰臟系統” (APS)** 通常指的是一個能自動將血糖維持在健康範圍內的系統。 +A human pancreas does a lot of things besides regulating blood sugar. However, the term **“Artificial Pancreas System” (APS)** usually refers to a system which works to automatically keep blood sugar levels within healthy limits. -最基本的方式是透過檢測**血糖值**,使用這些資料進行**計算**,然後將預測的適當量的**胰島素**注入體內。 這個系統每隔幾分鐘會重複進行一次計算,全天候24/7運作。 它使用**警報**和**通知**來告知使用者是否需要介入或注意。 這個系統通常由一個**血糖傳感器**、一個**胰島素幫浦**以及手機上的一個**應用程式**組成。 +The most basic way to do this is by detecting **glucose levels**, using these values to do **calculations**, and then delivering the (predicted) right amount of **insulin** to the body. It repeats the calculation, every few minutes, 24/7. It uses **alarms** and **alerts** to inform the user if intervention or attention is needed. This system is typically made up of a **glucose sensor**, an **insulin pump** and an **app** on a phone. -你可以在這篇2022年的回顧文章中閱讀更多關於目前使用及開發中的各種人工胰臟系統: +You can read more about the different artificial pancreas systems currently in use and in development in this 2022 review article: -![前言](./images/FRONTIERS_Logo_Grey_RGB.png) [閉環技術的未來方向](,user%20input%20for%20mealtime%20boluses) +![Frontiers](./images/FRONTIERS_Logo_Grey_RGB.png) [Future Directions in Closed-Loop Technology](,user%20input%20for%20mealtime%20boluses). -在不久的將來,一些所謂的“雙激素”系統還將能夠同時注射胰高血糖素與胰島素,目的是預防嚴重的低血糖,並實現更嚴密的血糖控制。 +In the near future, some so-called "dual-hormone" systems will also have the ability to infuse glucagon alongside insulin, with the aim of preventing severe hypos and allowing even tighter blood glucose control. -人工胰臟被認為是[“糖尿病的自動駕駛”](。 那是什麼意思? +An artificial pancreas can be thought of as an [“autopilot for your diabetes”]( What does that mean? -在飛機上,自動駕駛並不完全取代人類飛行員的工作,飛行員無法在整個飛行過程中睡覺。 自動駕駛輔助飛行員的工作。 它減輕了飛行員需要持續監控飛機的負擔,讓飛行員可以不時地進行更廣泛的監控。 自動駕駛從各種感測器接收訊號,計算機會與飛行員的指示一起評估這些訊號,然後進行必要的調整,並向飛行員發出任何問題的警告。 飛行員不再需要不斷做出決策。 +In an aircraft, an autopilot does not do the complete job of the human pilot, the pilot cannot sleep through the entire flight. The autopilot aids the work of the pilot. It relieves them of the burden of permanently monitoring the aircraft, allowing the pilot to concentrate on wider monitoring from time to time. The autopilot receives signals from various sensors, a computer evaluates them together with the pilot’s specifications and then makes the necessary adjustments, alerting the pilot to any concerns. The pilot no longer has to worry about constantly making decisions. -![圖片](./images/autopilot.png) +![image](./images/autopilot.png) -## 什麼是混合閉環系統? +## What does hybrid closed loop mean? -對於1型糖尿病患者來說,最好的解決方案可能是“功能性治療”(可能是植入免疫系統無法攻擊的胰臟細胞)。 在我們等待這個解決方案的同時,一個“完全閉環”的人工胰臟系統可能是目前最接近的理想方案。 這是一種不需要任何使用者輸入(例如為進餐注射胰島素或通知運動)的技術系統,並能夠很好地調節血糖水平。 目前,尚無“完全”閉環系統廣泛上市,所有的系統都需要一些使用者輸入。 目前可用的系統稱為“混合”閉環系統,因為它們結合了自動技術與使用者輸入。 +The best solution for type 1 diabetes would be a “functional cure” (probably an implant of pancreatic cells which are protected from the immune system). While we are waiting for that, a “full closed loop” artificial pancreas is probably the next best thing. This is a tech system that doesn’t need any user input (like bolusing insulin for meals, or announcing exercise), with good regulation of blood glucose levels. At the moment, there are no widely available systems which are “full” closed loop, they all need some user input. The currently available systems are called “hybrid” closed loop, because they use a combination of automated technology and user input. -## 為什麼循環控制系統會開始發展? +## How and why did looping start? -為1型糖尿病患者開發商業技術的進度非常緩慢。 在2013年,1型糖尿病社群發起了#WeAreNotWaiting運動。 他們使用現有的認證技術(胰島素幫浦和感測器)自行開發系統,以改善血糖控制、安全性和生活品質。 這些系統被稱為DIY(自製)系統,因為它們並未經過正式的健康機構(如FDA、NHS等)的認證。 目前有四個主要的DIY系統可用:[OpenAPS](、**AAPS**、[Loop](和[iAPS](。 +The development of commercial technology for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is very slow. In 2013 the T1D community founded the #WeAreNotWaiting movement. They developed systems themselves using existing approved technology (insulin pumps and sensors) to improve blood glucose control, safety, and quality of life. These are known as DIY (do-it-yourself) systems, because they are not formally approved by health bodies (FDA, NHS etc). There are four main DIY systems available: [OpenAPS](, **AAPS**, [Loop]( and [iAPS]( -理解DIY循環控制系統基本原理的絕佳方式是閱讀Dana Lewis的書《自動化胰島素輸送》。 你可以在[這裡](免費獲取該書的電子版(或購買該書的實體書)。 如果你想了解更多關於[OpenAPS](,**AAPS**就是從該系統發展而來的,[OpenAPS](網站是一個很好的資訊來源。 +A great way to understand the fundamentals of DIY looping is to read Dana Lewis’s book “Automated Insulin Delivery”. You can access it [here]( for free (or buy a hardcopy of the book). If you want to understand more about [OpenAPS](, which **AAPS** has developed from, the [OpenAPS website]( is a great resource. -目前已經有幾個商業混合閉環系統問世,其中最新的是 [CamAPS FX](英國和歐盟)和 [Omnipod 5](美國和歐盟). 這些系統與DIY系統非常不同,主要是因為它們都包含一個“學習算法”,該算法根據你過去幾天的胰島素需求調整胰島素的輸送量。 許多DIY社群的成員已經嘗試過這些商業系統,並將它們與自己的DIY系統進行了比較。 你可以透過專門針對這些系統的Facebook群組進一步了解各系統之間的比較,參考 [AAPS Facebook群組]( 或在 [Discord]( 上詢問。 +Several commercial hybrid closed loop systems have been launched, the most recent of which are [CamAPS FX]( (UK and EU) and [Omnipod 5]( (USA and EU). These are very different to DIY systems, mainly because they both include a “learning algorithm” which adjusts how much insulin is delivered according to your insulin needs from previous days. Many people in the DIY community have already tried out these commercial systems and compared them with their DIY system. You can find out more about how the different systems compare by asking on the dedicated Facebook groups for these systems, on the [AAPS Facebook group]( or on [Discord]( -## 什麼是Android APS (AAPS)? +## What is Android APS (AAPS)? -![圖片](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) +![image](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) -**圖1**。 Android APS (人工胰臟系統,AAPS) 的基本概述。 +**Figure 1**. Basic outline of the Android APS (Artificial Pancreas System), AAPS. -Android APS(**AAPS**)是一個混合閉環系統,或稱人工胰臟系統(APS)。 它使用 [OpenAPS]( 社群所開發的演算法(即一套規則)來進行胰島素劑量計算,這些演算法是由#WeAreNotWaiting的1型糖尿病社群所開發。 +Android APS (**AAPS**) is a hybrid closed loop system, or Artificial Pancreas System (APS). It makes its insulin dosing calculations using established [OpenAPS]( algorithms (a set of rules) developed by the #WeAreNotWaiting type 1 diabetes community. -由於OpenAPS只相容於某些較舊的胰島素幫浦,**AAPS**(可以搭配更多類型的胰島素幫浦使用)於2016年由Milos Kozak為其家族中的一位1型糖尿病患者開發。 自那時以來,**AAPS**一直由一群志願電腦開發者和對1型糖尿病有關聯的愛好者持續發展和改進。 今天,**AAPS** 大約已有10,000使用者。 它是一個高度可自訂且多功能的系統,並且由於它是開源的,因此也可以很容易地與許多其他開源的糖尿病軟體和平台相容。 當前**AAPS**系統的基本組成部分如上圖**圖1**所示。 +Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (which can be used with a wider range of insulin pumps) was developed in 2016 by Milos Kozak, for a family member with type 1 diabetes. Since those early days, **AAPS** has been continually developed and refined by a team of volunteer computer developers and other enthusiasts who have a connection to the type 1 diabetes world. Today, **AAPS** is used by approximately 10,000 people. It is a highly customisable and versatile system, and because it is open-source, it is also readily compatible with many other open-source diabetes softwares and platforms. The fundamental components of the current **AAPS** system are outlined in **Figure 1** above. -## AAPS 的基本組成部分是什麼? +## What are the basic components of AAPS? -AAPS 的“核心”是一個你自己構建的**應用程式**。 這裡有詳細的步驟說明。 然後你可以將** AAPS** 應用程式安裝在[相容](的** Android 智慧型手機** (**1**) 上。 一些用戶更喜歡將環路運作在與主手機分開的手機上。 因此,您不必在日常生活中使用 Android 手機,只需用於運作您的 AAPS 環路即可。 +The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible]( **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -**安卓智慧型手機**也需要安裝另一個應用程式,以及 **AAPS**。 這是一個修改過的 Dexcom 應用程式,稱為自建 Dexcom 應用程式[**BYODA**]( 或 [**Xdrip+**](。 這個附加應用程序透過藍牙從傳感器(**2**) 接收葡萄糖資料,然後將資料內部發送到手機上的 **AAPS 應用程序**。 +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**]( or [**Xdrip+**]( This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. -**AAPS 應用程式**使用來自 OpenAPS 的決策過程(**演算法**)。 初學者開始使用基本的 **oref0** 演算法,但隨著您在AAPS上的目標進度,可以切換到使用較新的 **oref1** 演算法。 你使用哪個演算法(oref0或oref1),取決於哪個最適合您的特定情況。 在兩種情況下,演算法考慮多個因素,每次從感測器傳入新讀數時進行快速計算。 演算法然後透過藍牙將指令發送到胰島素幫浦(**3**),指示其提供多少胰島素。 所有訊息可以透過手機資料或wifi發送到互聯網(**4**) 如果需要,這些資料也可以與追蹤者分享,並且/或收集用於分析。 +The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. -## AAPS系統的優勢是什麼? +## What are the advantages of the AAPS system? -**AAPS** 使用的 OpenAPS 算法在用戶未輸入的情况下控制血糖水平,根據定義的参數(重要的包括基礎速率、胰島素敏感因子、胰島素至碳水化合物比率、胰島素活性持續時間等),每 5分鐘對新的傳感器資料做出反應。 據報導,使用 AAPS 的一些優點包括廣泛的可調選項、自動化和增加患者/照護者對系統的透明度。 這可幫助更好地控制您(或您的扶養者) 的糖尿病,從而可能提高生活品質並增加內心的平靜。 +The OpenAPS algorithm used by **AAPS** controls blood sugar levels in the absence of user input, according to the users’ defined parameters (important ones being basal rates, insulin sensitivity factors, insulin-to-carb ratios, duration of insulin activity etc.), reacting every 5 minutes to the new sensor data. Some of the reported advantages of using AAPS are extensive fine-tunable options, automations and increased transparency of the system for the patient/caregiver. This can result in better control over your (or your dependant’s) diabetes, which in turn may give improved quality of life and increased peace of mind. -### **特定優勢包括:** +### **Specific advantages include:** -#### 1) 內建安全 -要了解名為oref0和oref1的演算法的安全功能,[請按這裡](。 用戶掌控自己的安全限制。 +#### 1) Safety built-in +如需了解被称为 oref0 和 oref1 的算法的安全特性,[请点击此处](。 用户可控制自己的安全限制。 -#### 1) **硬體彈性** +#### 1) **Hardware flexibility** -**AAPS** 與各種胰島素幫浦和傳感器配合使用。 舉例來說,如果你對 Dexcom 感應器貼片膠過敏,你可以考慮改用 Libre 傳感器。 隨著生活變化,提供靈活性。 您不必重新構建或重新安裝**AAPS**應用程式,在應用程式中勾選另一個選項以更改您的硬體即可。 AAPS 獨立於特定的幫驅動程式,還包含一個"虛擬幫浦",因此用戶可以在使用之前進行安全實驗。 +**AAPS** works with a wide range of insulin pumps and sensors. So for example, if you develop an allergy to Dexcom sensor patch glue, you could switch to using a Libre sensor instead. That offers flexibility as life changes. You don't have to rebuild or reinstall the **AAPS** app, just tick a different box in the app to change your hardware. AAPS is independent of particular pump drivers and also contains a "virtual pump" so users can safely experiment before using it on themselves. -#### 2) **高度可定製化,具有廣泛的參數** +#### 2) **Highly customisable, with wide parameters** -用戶可以輕鬆添加或移除模塊或功能,並且 **AAPS** 可以在開放和封閉環路模式下使用。 這裡有一些使用 **AAPS** 系統的可能性示例: +Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be used in both open and closed loop mode. Here are some examples of the possibilities with the **AAPS** system: - a) 在用餐前的30分鐘設定較低的葡萄糖目標;您可以將目標設定為低至72 mg/dL(4.0 mmol/L)。 + a) The ability to set a lower glucose target 30 min before eating; you can set the target as low as 72 mg/dL (4.0 mmol/L). - b) 如果您對胰島素有抗藥性,導致血糖偏高,**AAPS** 允許您設置一個 **自動化** 規則,當血糖升高至 8 mmol/L (144 mg/dL) 時啟動,切換到(例如)120% 的配置文件(與您正常 **設定檔** 相比,相當於基礎增加20%,並加強其他因素)。 自動化將根據您設定的時間持續生效。 此類自動化還可以設定為僅在特定星期幾、特定時間或甚至在特定位置啟動。 + b) If you are insulin-resistant resulting in high blood sugars, **AAPS** allows you to set an **automation** rule to activate when BG rises above 8 mmol/L (144 mg/dL), switching to (for example) a 120% profile (resulting in an 20% increase in basal and strengthening of other factors too, compared to your normal **profile** setting). The automation will last according to the scheduled time you set. Such an automation could be set to only be active on certain days of the week, at certain times of day, and even at certain locations. - c) 如果您的孩子突然在蹦床上玩耍,**AAPS** 允許您直接透過手機暫停胰島素輸送,並設定特定的時間段。 + c) If your child is on a trampoline with no advance notice, **AAPS** allows insulin suspension for a set time period, directly via the phone. - d) 當您重新連線因游泳而中斷的幫浦時,**AAPS** 會根據當前血糖計算您在中斷連線期間遺漏的基礎胰島素,並小心地補充。 不需要的胰島素可以透過“取消”遺漏的基礎率來忽略。 + d) After reconnecting a tubed pump which has been disconnected for swimming, **AAPS** will calculate the basal insulin you have missed while disconnected and deliver it carefully, according to your current BG. Any insulin not required can be overridden by just “cancelling” the missed basal. - e) **AAPS** 提供設置不同情境下的不同設定檔的功能,並且能夠輕鬆切換。 例如,可以將更快速降低高血糖的功能(如超微量注射(**SMB**)、未預先宣布的餐前注射(**UAM**))設置為僅在白天啟用,以避免夜間低血糖的風險。 + e) **AAPS** has the facility for you to set different profiles for different situations and easily switch between them. For example, features which make the algorithm quicker to bring down elevated BG (like supermicro boluses (“**SMB**”), unannounced meals, (“**UAM**”) can be set to only work during the daytime, if you are worried about night-time hypos. -這些都是一些範例,完整的功能範圍提供了極大的靈活性來應對日常生活中的各種狀況,包括運動、疾病、荷爾蒙周期、_其它_等。 最後,這些彈性功能該怎麼用,全看使用者自己決定,因為沒有一套通用的自動化規則適合每個人。 +These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. -#### 3) **遠端監控** -有多種可能的監控渠道(如 Sugarmate、Dexcom Follow、Xdrip+、Android Auto 、_其它_等),這對於父母/照護者以及需要自定義警報的成人(如睡覺/駕駛時)特別有用。 在某些應用(如 Xdrip+)中,您還可以完全關閉警報,這在您不想讓新傳感器進行循環時(如傳感器尚未完全穩定)很有用。 +#### 3) **Remote monitoring** +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. -#### 4) **遠端控制** -**AAPS** 相對於商業系統的一個重大優勢是,關注者可以透過認證的簡訊(SMS)指令或應用程式(如 [Nightscout]( 或 AAPSClient)向 **AAPS** 系統發送多種指令。 第1型糖尿病兒童的父母們廣泛使用AAPS。 例如,在遊樂場時,您可以透過自己的手機為孩子的點心提前注射,而孩子則繼續玩耍。 系統可透過不同裝置(_如_ Fitbit)進行監控,發送基本指令(_如_ Samsung Galaxy watch 4),甚至可以使用高階智慧型手錶(**5**(_如_ LEMFO LEM14)運作整個 AAPS 系統。 在這種情況下,您不需要使用手機運作AAPS。 隨著手錶的電池壽命提高和技術變得更加穩定,這最後一個選項可能會變得越來越具吸引力。 +#### 4) **Remote control** +A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout]( or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. -#### 5) **沒有商業限制,開放應用介面** -除了使用開源方法外,允許隨時查看**AAPS**的程式碼,提供開放編程界面的一般原則也讓其他開發人員有機會貢獻新想法。 **AAPS** 與 Nightscout 緊密整合。 這加快了發展,讓用戶可以添加功能,使得與糖尿病的生活更加方便。 這些整合的好例子包括[NightScout](,[Nightscout Reporter](,[Xdrip+](,[M5 stack](等等。 開源開發者與商業系統開發者之間的對話持續進行。 許多 DIY 創新逐漸被商業系統採用,儘管開發速度較慢,這在一定程度上是因為不同公司的系統(如幫浦、應用程式、傳感器等)之間的介面需要謹慎協商和授權。 這也可能減緩創新,這些創新對患者(或一小部分特定需求的患者)很方便,因為這些創新無法帶來顯著的利潤。 +#### 5) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [NightScout](, [Nightscout Reporter](, [Xdrip+](, [M5 stack]( etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. -#### 6) **詳細應用程式介面** -透過 **AAPS**,您可以輕鬆追蹤幫浦胰島素水平、套管使用時間、傳感器時間、幫浦電池時間、活性胰島素量_等等_。 許多操作可以直接在 **AAPS** 應用中完成(如幫浦注射、幫浦中斷等),無需在幫浦本身上操作,這樣幫浦可以一直放在您的口袋或腰帶上。 +#### 6) **Detailed app interface** +With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. -#### 7) **取得方式的便利性與負擔能力** -**AAPS**為那些目前無法自費或沒有經費/保險的人提供了一個世界級的混合閉環系統,其開發概念比市售系統領先了數年。 目前你需要擁有Nightscout帳號才能設置**AAPS**,但Nightscout帳號並不是每天運作 **AAPS**循環所必須的。 許多人繼續使用Nightscout來收集資料並進行遠端控制。 雖然**AAPS**本身是免費的,但透過不同的平台設置Nightscout可能會產生費用(新台幣$0 -$425),這取決於你需要的支援程度以及你是否要在設置後繼續使用Nightscout(請參閱比較表)。 **AAPS**支援多種價格實惠(大約從新台幣$5,000元起)的Android手機。 不同版本適用於特定地區和語言,AAPS還可以供[視障人士](Safety-first-aaps-can-also-be-used-by-blind-people)使用。 +#### 7) **Accessibility and affordability** +**AAPS** gives people who currently can’t afford to self-fund, or don’t have funding/insurance, access to a world-class hybrid closed looping system which is conceptually years ahead, in terms of development, of the commercial systems. You currently need to have a Nightscout account to set up **AAPS**, although the Nightscout account is not required for day-to-day running of the **AAPS** loop. Many people continue to use Nightscout for collecting their data, and for remote control. Although **AAPS** itself is free, setting up Nightscout through one of the various platforms may incur a fee (€0 - €12), depending on what level of support you want (see comparison table) and whether you want to keep using Nightscout after setup or not. **AAPS** works with a wide range of affordable (starting from approx €150) Android phones. Different versions are available for specific locations and languages, and AAPS can also be used by people who are [blind](Safety-first-aaps-can-also-be-used-by-blind-people). -#### 8) **支援** -沒有任何自動胰島素輸送系統是完美的。 市售和開源系統在通訊和臨時硬體故障方面存在許多共同的問題。 AAPS用戶社群在Facebook、Discord和Github上提供支援,這些人遍佈世界各地,設計並開發了**AAPS**並且也同時在使用它。 市售APS系統還有Facebook支援群組,並可以從診所或商業公司獲得幫助——值得與這些系統的用戶或前用戶交流,了解常見問題、教育計劃的品質以及提供的持續支援。 +#### 8) **Support** +No automated insulin delivery system is perfect. Commercial and open-source systems share many common glitches in both communications and temporary hardware failure. There is support available from community of AAPS users on Facebook, Discord and Github who designed, developed and are currently using **AAPS**, all over the world. There are also Facebook support groups and help from clinic/commercial companies for the commercial APS systems - it is worth speaking to the users, or former users of these systems to get feedback on the common glitches, the quality of the education programme and the level of ongoing support provided. -#### 9) **可預測性、透明性和安全性** -**AAPS** 完全透明、邏輯清晰且可預測,這可能會使您更容易知道何時設置出錯,並相應地進行調整。 你可以完全看到系統在做什麼、為什麼這樣做,以及設置其運作限制,這使得控制權(和責任)掌握在你手中。 這可以讓用戶感到更有信心,並能擁有更好的睡眠質量。 +#### 9) **Predictability, transparency and safety** +**AAPS** is totally transparent, logical and predictable, which may make it easier to know when a setting is wrong, and to adjust it accordingly. You can see exactly what the system is doing, why it is doing it, and set its operational limits, which puts the control (and responsibility) in your hands. This can provide the user with confidence, and a sounder sleep. -#### 10) **透過開發(dev)模式查看高級功能,包括完全閉環** -這份**AAPS** 文件主要集中於**“master”**分支的主流版本。 然而,研究和開發始終在進行中。 更有經驗的用戶可能希望探索**開發**分支中的實驗性功能。 這包括Dexcom G7的整合,以及根據短期敏感度變化(DYNISF)自動調整胰島素輸送的功能。 開發創新主要集中於完全閉環的策略(不必為用餐注射_其它_等胰島素),並一般地努力使1型糖尿病患者的生活變得更方便。 +#### 10) **Access to advanced features through development (dev) modes including full closed loop** +This **AAPS** documentation focuses on the mainstream **“master”** branch of **AAPS**. However, research and development is going on all the time. More experienced users may wish to explore the experimental features in the **development** branch. This includes integration of Dexcom G7, and automatically adjusting insulin delivery according to short-term sensitivity changes (DYNISF). The development innovations focus on strategies for full closed looping (not having to bolus for meals _etc._), and generally trying to make life with type 1 diabetes as convenient as possible. -#### 11) **貢獻自己以促進進一步改進的能力** -第1型糖尿病可能會讓人感到非常沮喪和孤立。 掌控自己的糖尿病技術,並且在取得進展後幫助他人,這可以帶來極大的成就感。 你可以自我學習,發現障礙,尋求解決方案,甚至為新的開發和文件貢獻力量。 社群中有與你有相同目標的人可以與你交換想法並合作。 這就是 #WeAreNotWaiting 的核心精神。 +#### 11) **Ability to contribute yourself to further improvements** +Type 1 diabetes can be highly frustrating and isolating. Having control over your own diabetes tech, with the possibility to “pay it forward” as soon as you are making progress by helping others on their journey can be really rewarding. You can educate yourself, discover the roadblocks and look for, and even contribute, to new developments and the documentation. There will be others in the community with the same quest that you can bounce ideas off and work with. This is the essence of #WeAreNotWaiting. -## AAPS 與 MDI 和開環系統相比如何? +## How does AAPS compare to MDI and open looping? -每日多次注射(MDI,見下方**圖2** (a))通常包括每天注射一次長效胰島素(例如Tresiba),並在用餐時間或進行矯正時注射快速作用的胰島素(例如Novorapid、Fiasp)。 開環幫浦(b)使用幫浦以預編程的速率輸送快速作用胰島素作為基礎率,然後在用餐或進行矯正時透過幫浦進行注射。 閉環系統的基本原理是,應用程式使用傳感器的血糖資料來指導幫浦在預測低血糖時停止胰島素輸送,並在血糖上升且預測過高時提供額外的胰島素(c)。 雖然這個圖表與現實生活相比有所簡化,但它旨在展示這些方法的關鍵區別。 使用這三種方法中的任何一種都可以實現出色的血糖控制。 +Multiple daily injections (MDI, (a) in **Figure 2** below) usually involve giving an injection of a long-lasting insulin (_e.g._ Tresiba) once a day, with injections of faster-acting insulin (_e.g._ Novorapid, Fiasp) at mealtimes, or for corrections. Open pumping (b) involves using a pump to deliver basal at pre-programmed rates of rapid-acting insulin, and then boluses through the pump at mealtimes or for corrections. The basics of a looping system are that the looping app uses the sensor glucose data to instruct the pump to stop insulin delivery when it predicts you are heading for a low, and to give you extra insulin if your glucose levels are rising and predicted to go too high (c). Although this figure is oversimplified compared to real-life, it aims to demonstrate the key differences of the approaches. It is possible to achieve exceptionally good glucose control with any of these three approaches. -![21-06-23 AAPS 血糖 MDI 等等](./images/basic-overview-mdi-open-and-closed-loop.png) +![21-06-23 AAPS glucose MDI etc](./images/basic-overview-mdi-open-and-closed-loop.png) -**圖2**。 簡單概述了(a)MDI,(b)開環幫浦和(c)混合閉環幫浦。 +**Figure 2**. Basic overview of (a) MDI, (b) open-loop pumping and (c) hybrid closed loop pumping. -## AAPS與其他閉環系統相比如何? +## How does AAPS compare to other looping systems? -截至2023年6月25日,共有四大主要開源閉環系統:[OpenAPS](,**AAPS**,[Loop](和[iAPS](前身為FreeAPS X)。 下表顯示了不同系統的特性: +As of June 25 2023, there are four major open source closed loop systems available: [OpenAPS](, **AAPS**, [Loop]( and [iAPS](, (formerly FreeAPS X). The features of the different systems are shown in the table below: -下表顯示了不同系統的特性: +The features of the different systems are shown in the table below: -| 設備類型 | 名稱 | [AAPS]( | [循環]( | [Open APS]( | [iAPS]( | -| ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -| 手機 | Android | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 手機 | iPhone | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| 設備 | 微型電腦 (1) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Dana I](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Dana RS](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Dana R](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Omnipod (Dash)](../Configuration/ (2) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Omnipod (Eros)](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Diaconn G8](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [EOPatch 2](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Medtrum TouchCare Nano](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Medtrum TouchCare 300U](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Roche Combo](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [Roche Insight](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| 幫浦 | [舊款美敦力](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom One](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Libre 3](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | -| CGM | [Libre 2](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Libre 1](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Eversense](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [MM640g/MM630g](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [PocTech](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Nightscout 作為血糖來源](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| Devicestype | Name | [AAPS]( | [Loop]( | [Open APS]( | [iAPS]( | +| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | +| Phone | Android | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| Phone | iPhone | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| Rig | tiny computer (1) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Dana I](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Dana RS](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Dana R](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Omnipod (Dash)](../Configuration/ (2) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| PUMP | [Omnipod (Eros)](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| PUMP | [Diaconn G8](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [EOPatch 2](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Medtrum TouchCare Nano](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Medtrum TouchCare 300U](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Roche Combo](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [Roche Insight](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| PUMP | [老版美敦力(Medtronic)](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom One](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Libre 3](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | +| CGM | [Libre 2](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Libre 1](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Eversense](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [MM640g/MM630g](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [PocTech](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Nightscout as BG Source](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -_表格說明:_ -1. 一個 **設備** 是一個隨身攜帶的小型電腦,沒有顯示螢幕。 支援的設備類型包括Intel Edison + Explorer Board,另一種是Raspberry Pi + Explorer HAT或Adafruit RFM69HCW Bonnet。 最早的APS系統基於這樣的設置,因為當時的手機無法運作所需的演算法。 隨著手機設置變得更簡單,並且手機內建顯示螢幕,這些系統的使用已經減少。 Intel也已經停止銷售Intel Edison。 優秀的OpenAPS演算法**oref0**和 **oref1**現在已經被整合到AAPS和iAPS中。 -2. Omnipod Dash是Omnipod Eros的後繼者。 它支援藍牙通訊,並且不需要設備作為Omnipod與手機之間的通訊閘道。 如果你可以選擇,我們建議使用Dash而不是Eros。 +_Table notes:_ +1. A **rig** is a small computer which you carry around with you, without a monitor. One supported device type is Intel Edison + Explorer Board and the other Raspberry Pi + Explorer HAT or Adafruit RFM69HCW Bonnet. The first APS were based on this setup, as mobile phones were not capable of running the required algorithms. Use of these systems has declined, as the setup on mobile phones has become easier, and phones have a display included. Intel has also stopped selling the Intel Edison. The excellent OpenAPS algorithms **oref0** and **oref1** are now incorporated in AAPS and iAPS. +2. Omnipod Dash is the successor of Omnipod Eros. It supports bluetooth communication and does not need a rig gateway to communicate between the Omnipod and mobile phone. If you have a choice, we recommend use of the Dash instead of Eros. -2022年發表了一篇由醫療專業人士撰寫的國際同行評審共識聲明,其中包含了關於開源閉環系統的實用指南,發表於一家領先的醫學期刊:[_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, 2022; 10: 58–74](。 這篇文章非常值得閱讀(包括你的糖尿病診所),並總結了不同開源混合閉環系統之間的主要技術差異。 +An international peer-reviewed consensus statement containing practical guidance on open source looping was written by and for health-care professionals, and published in a leading medical journal in 2022: [_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, 2022; 10: 58–74]( It is well worth a read (including for your diabetes clinic) and summarises the main technical differences between the different open-source hybrid closed loop systems. -很難在沒有實際使用系統或與其他使用者交流的情況下對任何系統有真實的感受,因此,建議您可以透過 Facebook 或 Discord 等平台與其他使用者聯繫並詢問他們的經驗。 大多數人發現,與其他混合閉環系統(尤其是市售系統)相比,**AAPS**極其先進,擁有大量可自定義的設置和功能,如上所述。 一些人在開始時可能會覺得有些難以應付,但不必急於一次探究所有可能性,你可以根據自己的步伐逐步進行,並且在每一步都有支援可用。 +It is hard to get a “feel” for any system without using it, or talking to others who are using it, so do reach out to others on Facebook/Discord and ask. Most people find that **AAPS** is incredibly sophisticated in comparison to other hybrid closed loop systems (particularly the commercial systems), with a huge number of potentially customisable settings and features, discussed above. Some people can find this a little overwhelming in the beginning, but there is no rush to investigate all the possibilities at once, you can progress as slowly or as fast as you would like, and there is help available at every step of the way. -## AAPS是否使用人工智慧或任何學習演算法? +## Does AAPS use artificial intelligence or any learning algorithm? -目前**AAPS**的master版本(不包含任何機器學習演算法、多參數胰島素反應模型或人工智慧。 因此,該系統是開放且透明的,操作方式可以被非專家以及臨床醫生和患者理解。 這也意味著,如果你的日程變化劇烈(例如從一個緊張的工作週切換到一個輕鬆的假期),並且可能需要顯著不同的胰島素劑量,你可以立即切換**AAPS**來運作較弱/較強的自定義配置檔案。 ‘學習系統’會自動為你進行這種調整,但可能需要更長的時間來調整胰島素的輸送。 +The current master version of **AAPS** ( does not have any machine learning algorithms, multiple-parameter insulin response models, or artificial intelligence. As such, the system is open and transparent in how it works, and has the ability to be understood not just by experts, but also by clinicians and patients. It also means that if you have a sharply varying schedule (maybe switching from a stressful week at work to a relaxing holiday) and are likely to need a significantly different amount of insulin, you can immediately switch **AAPS** to run a weaker/stronger customised profile. A ‘learning system’ will do this adjustment for you automatically, but is likely to take longer to adjust the insulin delivery. -## 哪個系統適合我或我的受扶養人? +## Which system is right for me or my dependant? -實際上,你的系統選擇通常受限於你已有的幫浦,或你能從醫療提供者那裡獲得的幫浦,以及你選擇的手機(Apple或Android)。 如果你還沒有幫浦,你有最大的系統選擇。 技術不斷進步,幫浦被逐漸淘汰,並且有新的幫浦和傳感器推出。 大多數開源系統可與主要的傳感器(Libre和Dexcom)配合使用,或在傳感器推出約一年後迅速適應新傳感器(經過一段時間的安全性和穩定性測試)。 +Practically, your choice of system is often restricted by which pump you already have, or can obtain from your medical provider, and your choice of phone (Apple or Android). If you don’t yet have a pump you have the biggest choice of systems. Technology is continually evolving, pumps are being discontinued and new pumps and sensors are being released. Most open-source systems work with the main sensors (Libre and Dexcom) or are quickly adapted to work with new sensors a year or so after they are released (with a bit of time delay for safety and stability testing). -大多數**AAPS**用戶報告在使用系統後有更多的時間保持在正常範圍內,HbA1c下降,以及夜間系統自動調整基礎率時,睡眠質量提高,這在大多數混合閉環系統中也是如此。 有些人偏好非常簡單的系統,這些系統不具有可自定義功能(這意味著你可能會更喜歡市售系統),而另一些人則發現這種缺乏控制令人沮喪(你可能更喜歡開源系統)。 如果你(或你的受扶養人)是新診斷的,常見的路線是先習慣使用MDI加上葡萄糖傳感器,然後進一步使用具有閉環潛力的幫浦,最後再進一步使用**AAPS**,但有些人(特別是小孩)可能會直接使用幫浦。 +Most **AAPS** users report more time in range, HbA1c reductions, as well as quality of life improvements from having a system that can auto-adjust basal rates overnight during sleep, and this is true for most hybrid closed loop systems. Some people have a preference for a very simple system which is not very customisable (which means you may prefer a commercial system), and others find this lack of control very frustrating (you may prefer an open-source system). If you (or your dependant) are newly diagnosed, a common route is to get used to using MDI plus a glucose sensor first, then progress to a pump which has the potential for looping, then progress to **AAPS**, but some people (especially small kids) may go straight to a pump. -值得注意的是,**AAPS**用戶需要主動解決問題,並在社群的幫助下自行修復問題。 這與使用市售系統的心態完全不同。 使用**AAPS**的用戶擁有更多的控制權,但也需要承擔更多的責任,並且需要對此感到舒適。 +It is important to note that the **AAPS** user needs to be proactive to troubleshoot and fix problems themselves, with help from the community. This is a very different mindset to that when using a commercial system. With **AAPS** a user has more control, but also the responsibility, and needs to be comfortable with that. -## 使用像AAPS這樣的開源系統是否安全? +## Is it safe to use open-source systems like AAPS? -### AAPS系統的安全性 -一個更準確的問題可能是「與我目前的胰島素輸送系統相比,它是否安全」,因為任何胰島素輸送方法都不是完全無風險的。 **AAPS**系統中有許多檢查和平衡機制。 最近一篇 +### Safety of the AAPS system +A more accurate question is probably “is it safe **compared** with my current insulin delivery system?” since no method of insulin delivery is without risk. There are many checks and balances in place with **AAPS**. A recent [paper]( looked at the use of **AAPS** in a computer simulated set-up, which was an effective way to unobjectively trial how safe and effective the system is. More generally, it is estimated that over 10,000 individuals worldwide are using open-source automated-insulin delivery systems, and uptake continues to increase globally. -文章<0>探討了在電腦模擬環境中使用**AAPS**,這是一種以有效、客觀的的方式測試系統的安全性和效能。 更普遍來說,據估計全球有超過10,000人正在使用開源自動胰島素輸送系統,並且全球範圍內的使用人數還在不斷增加。

+Any device that uses radio communications could be hacked, and this is true for a non-looping insulin pump as well. Currently, we are not aware of anyone attempting to harm individuals by hacking their diabetes-related medical equipment. However, there are multiple ways to protect against such risks: -任何使用無線通訊的設備都有可能被駭客入侵,這對非閉環的胰島素幫浦也是如此。 目前,我們尚未聽說有人試圖透過駭入糖尿病相關的醫療設備來傷害他人。 然而,有多種方法可以防範此類風險: +1. In the pump settings, limit both the max bolus allowed and max temporary basal settings to amounts that you believe are safest. These are hard limits that we do not believe any malicious hacker could circumvent. -1. 在幫浦設置中,將最大注射量和臨時基礎率限制在你認為最安全的範圍內。 這些都是我們認為任何惡意駭客都無法繞過的硬限制。 +2. Set your CGM alarms enabled for both highs and lows. -2. 設置你的CGM警報,針對高低血糖啟用警報功能。 +3. Monitor your insulin delivery online. Nightscout users can set additional alarms to alert for a wide variety of conditions, including conditions that are much more likely to occur than a malicious attack. In addition to highs and lows, Nightscout can display diagnostic data useful for verifying that the pump is operating as desired, including current IOB, pump temporary basal history, pump bolus history. It can also be configured to proactively alert users to undesirable conditions, such as predicted highs and lows, low insulin reservoir, and low pump battery. -3. 線上監控你的胰島素輸送。 Nightscout用戶可以設置額外的警報,針對多種情況發出警示,這些情況比惡意攻擊更有可能發生。 除了高低血糖警報之外,Nightscout還可以顯示診斷資料,用來確認幫浦是否按照預期運作,包括當前的IOB、幫浦臨時基礎率歷史、幫浦注射歷史等。 它還可以被配置為主動警告用戶不希望發生的情況,例如預測的高低血糖、胰島素儲量不足以及幫浦電池電量低。 +If a malicious attack was made on your insulin pump, these strategies would significantly mitigate the risk. Every potential **AAPS** user needs to weigh the risks associated with using **AAPS**, versus the risks of using a different system. -如果有人對你的胰島素幫浦發動惡意攻擊,這些策略將大大減少風險。 每位潛在的**AAPS** 用戶都需要權衡使用**AAPS**所涉及的風險,與使用其他系統的風險進行比較。 +#### Safety considerations around improving blood glucose control too fast +A rapid reduction in HbA1c and improved blood glucose control sounds appealing. However, reducing average blood glucose levels _too fast_ by starting any closed loop system can cause permanent damage, including to the eyes, and painful neuropathy that never goes away. This damage can be avoided simply by reducing levels more slowly. If you currently have an elevated HbA1c and are moving to AAPS (or any other closed loop system), please discuss this potential risk with your clinical team before starting, and agree a timeplan with them. More general information on how to reduce your glucose levels safely, including links to medical literature is given in the [safety section [here](preparing-safety-first). +#### Medical safety around devices, consumable supplies and other medications -#### 關於過快改善血糖控制的安全考量 +Use a tested, fully functioning FDA or CE approved insulin pump and CGM for an artificial pancreas loop. Hardware or software modifications to these components can cause unexpected insulin dosing, causing significant risk to the user. If you find or get offered broken, modified or self-made insulin pumps or CGM receivers, do not use these for creating an AAPS system. -迅速降低HbA1c並改善血糖控制聽起來很吸引人。 然而,透過開始任何閉環系統過快降低平均血糖水平可能會導致永久損害,包括眼睛損傷,以及不可逆的疼痛性神經病變。 只要緩慢降低血糖水平,就可以避免這些損害。 如果你目前的HbA1c偏高,並且正在轉向使用AAPS(或其他閉環系統),請在開始之前與你的臨床團隊討論這個潛在風險,並與他們協商一個時間表。 關於如何安全降低血糖水平的更多資訊,包括與醫學文獻的連結,可以在安全部分[這裡](preparing-safety-first)中找到。 +Use original supplies such as inserters, cannulas and insulin containers approved by the manufacturer of your pump and CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause CGM inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors. Insulin is highly dangerous when misdosed - please do not play with your life by hacking your supplies. - - -#### 關於設備、耗材和其他藥物的醫療安全 - -使用經過測試、功能完善的FDA或CE認證的胰島素幫浦和CGM來建立人工胰臟閉環系統。 對這些組件進行硬體或軟體修改可能會導致胰島素劑量異常,對使用者造成重大風險。 如果你發現或被提供損壞、改裝或自製的胰島素幫浦或CGM接收器,請不要將其用於建立AAPS系統。 - -請使用幫浦和CGM製造商批准的原裝耗材,如插入器、導管和胰島素容器。 使用未經測試或修改的耗材可能會導致 CGM 不準確和胰島素劑量錯誤。 胰島素劑量錯誤非常危險——請不要拿自己的生命開玩笑,隨便修改耗材。 - -在使用 **AAPS**時,請不要服用SGLT-2抑制劑(格列酮類藥物),因為它們會無法預測地降低血糖水平。 將這種效果與降低基礎率以增加血糖的系統結合使用是危險的,詳細訊息可參閱主安全部分[這裡](preparing-safety-first)。 +Do not take SGLT-2 inhibitors (gliflozins) when using **AAPS** as they incalculably lower blood sugar levels. Combining this effect with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is dangerous, there is more detail about this in the main [safety section](preparing-safety-first). (introduction-how-can-i-approach-discussing-aaps-with-my-clinical-team)= +## How can I approach discussing AAPS with my clinical team? +Users are encouraged to speak with their clinicians about their intention to use **AAPS**. Please do not be afraid to have an honest conversation with your diabetes team if you intend to use **AAPS** (or any other DIY loop, for that matter). Transparency and trust between patient and doctor is paramount. -## 我該如何與我的臨床團隊討論AAPS? - -建議用戶與其臨床醫生討論使用**AAPS** 的想法。 如果你打算使用**AAPS** (或其他DIY閉環系統),請不要害怕與你的糖尿病團隊進行坦誠的對話。 患者與醫生之間的透明度和信任非常重要。 - - - -### 建議的方法: - -與你的臨床醫生開始對話,了解他們對糖尿病技術(如CGM、幫浦、混合閉環系統和市售閉環系統)的熟悉程度和態度。 你的臨床醫生/內分泌專家應該了解基本技術,並願意與你討論其地區內市售閉環產品的最新進展。 - - - -#### 當地先例 - -了解你的臨床醫生/內分泌專家對DIY閉環系統與市售閉環系統的看法,並評估他們在這方面的知識。 他們是否熟悉**AAPS** ,並且能否與你分享他們與使用DIY閉環系統患者的工作經驗? - -詢問你的醫療團隊是否有任何患者已經在他們的照護下使用DIY閉環系統。 由於患者隱私,醫生無法在未經個人同意的情況下將其他患者的資料告訴你。 但是,如果你希望,**AAPS** 請他們將你的聯繫資料傳遞給現有的DIY閉環系統用戶,如果有合適的人選,醫生認為你們可能會合得來,建議該患者可以聯繫你來討論DIY閉環系統。 臨床醫生並非有義務這樣做,但有些醫生樂意這麼做,因為他們意識到點對點支援在1型糖尿病管理中的重要性。 你可能還會覺得與當地的DIY閉環系統用戶見面很有幫助。 當然,這完全取決於你自己,也不是必須的。 - - - -#### 國內和國際先例 - -如果你覺得你的醫療團隊不支援你使用**AAPS** ,以下討論點可能會有幫助: - -a) **AAPS** 系統是由患者及其看護者設計的。 它的設計最終是為了安全,同時也借鑒了深入的患者經驗。 目前全球大約有**10,000**位AAPS用戶。 因此,你的診所患者群體中很可能有其他使用DIY閉環系統的患者(無論他們是否了解)。 +### Suggested approach: +Start a conversation with your clinician to determine their familiarity and attitude towards diabetic technology such as CGMs, pumps, hybrid loops and commercial looping. Your clinician/endocrinologist should be aware of the basic technology and be willing to discuss with you recent advancements with commercial loop products available within their regions. -b) 最近發表於國際領先醫學期刊[The Lancet]( 的同行評審指導確認,DIY閉環系統**安全**且**有效改善糖尿病控制**,包括增加血糖範圍內的時間。 在領先期刊如[Nature]( _(3)_ 也經常刊登文章,強調DIY閉環社群的進展。 +#### Local precedent -c) 使用 **AAPS** 需 _一步步_ 的使用,從“開環”幫浦開始,經過低血糖暫停功能,再進入混合“閉環”模式,這一過程需要完成一些目標。 因此有一個結構化的計劃,要求用戶在每個階段展示一定的能力,並微調他們的基礎設置(基礎率、ISF和ICR),然後才能關閉閉環。 +Obtain your clinicians/endocrinologists’ views on DIY loop _vs_ commercial looping, and gauge their knowledge in this area. Are they familiar with **AAPS** and can they share with you any helpful experience of working with patients with DIY looping? -d) 你可以從Github、Discord和Facebook封閉群組的DIY社群獲得技術支援。 +Ask if your team has any patients under their care who already use DIY looping. Due to patient confidentiality, doctors cannot pass other patient’s details to you without obtaining the individual’s consent. However, if you want to, you **can** ask them to pass **your** contact details to an existing DIY looping patient if there is one the clinician feels you might "click” with, suggesting that you would be happy for the patient to contact you to discuss DIY looping. Clinicians are not obliged to do this, but some are happy to, since they realise the importance of peer-to-peer support in type 1 diabetes management. You may also find it useful to meet local friendly DIY loopers. This is of course up to you, and not entirely necessary. -e) 在診所會議中,你將能提供**CGM和胰島素閉環/幫浦資訊**的綜合報告(透過Nightscout或Tidepool),無論是列印出來還是顯示在螢幕上(如果你攜帶筆記型電腦或平板電腦)。 CGM和胰島素資料的整合將更有效地利用臨床醫生的時間來審查你的報告,並有助於他們在評估你的進展時進行討論。 +#### National and International Precedent -f) 如果你的醫療團隊仍然強烈反對,請將本文中提到的參考文章的列印件交給你的臨床醫生,並將鏈接提供給 **AAPS**臨床醫生部分:臨床醫生 – **AAPS<0>的一般介紹和指南

+If you feel unsupported by your team to loop with **AAPS**, the following discussion points may help: +a) The **AAPS** system has been designed BY patients and their caregivers. It has been designed ultimately for safety, but also drawing on in-depth patient experience. There are currently around **10,000** AAPS users worldwide. There is therefore likely to be other patients using DIY looping in your clinic's patient population (whether they know about it or not). +b) Recent peer-reviewed published guidance in the internationally leading medical journal [The Lancet]( has confirmed that DIY loops are **safe** and **effective at improving diabetic control**, including time in range. There are regular articles in leading journals like [Nature]( which highlight the progress of the DIY looping commmunity. -#### 其他臨床醫生對DIY閉環系統的支援 +c) Starting with **AAPS** involves a _gradual_ migration from “open” loop pumping, through low-glucose suspend, through to hybrid “closed” looping, by completing a number of objectives. There is therefore a structured programme, requiring the user to demonstrate a level of competence at each stage and fine-tuning their basic settings (basal, ISF and ICR) before they can close the loop. -發表於[Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology]( (_1_) [由Kings’和Guy’s以及St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust共同領導,並由倫敦King’s榮譽高級講師兼顧問糖尿病專家Sufyan Hussain博士共同領導] 的文章提供了: +d) Technical support is available to you from the DIY community through Github, Discord and Facebook closed groups. -a) 向專業人士提供關於DIY人工胰臟系統/開源系統的**保證**;,即這是一種安全且有效的第1型糖尿病治療選擇,並提供了建議、討論、支援和文件指導; +e) You will be able to provide **both CGM and insulin looping/pumping information** as combined reports at clinic meetings (through Nightscout or Tidepool), either printed out or on-screen (if you bring a laptop/tablet). The streamlining of both CGM and insulin data will allow more effective use of your clinician’s time to review your reports and aid their discussions in assessing your progress. -b) 認識到開源自動胰島素輸送(AID)系統可以增加血糖範圍內的時間(TIR),同時減少血糖濃度的波動以及各年齡段、性別和社群中的低血糖和高血糖事件的發生次數; +f) If there is still strong objection from your team, hand your clinician printouts of the reference articles linked here in the text, and give them the link to the **AAPS** clinicians section: [For Clinicians – A General Introduction and Guide to **AAPS**](Resources/ -c) **建議**醫護人員應該**支援**選擇使用開源AID系統來管理其糖尿病的1型糖尿病患者或他們的照護者; +#### Support for DIY looping by other clinicians -d) 建議醫護人員應努力了解可能對患者有益的所有治療選擇,包括可用的開源AID系統。 如果醫護人員沒有資源來自我教育,或者有法律或監管方面的擔憂,他們應考慮**與其他醫護人員合作或組隊**,以便提供幫助; +The paper published in the [Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology]([ (co led by Kings’ and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, and co lead by Dr Sufyan Hussain, a consultant diabetologist and honorary senior lecturer from King’s in London) provides: -e) 強調所有CGM用戶應該隨時擁有**即時且開放的健康資料讀取權限** +a) **Assurance** for professionals that DIY artificial pancreas systems/ open source as a “safe and effective treatment” option for type 1 diabetes and provides guidance on recommendations, discussions, supports, documentation; -f) 強調這些開源系統沒有經過與市售醫療技術相同的監管評估,且沒有商業技術支援。 然而,**廣泛的社群支援**可用; +b) **Recognition** that open-source automated insulin delivery (“AID”) systems can increase time in range (TIR) while reducing variability in blood glucose concentrations and the amount of hypo and hyperglycaemic episodes in various age groups, genders and communities; -g) 建議更新監管和法律框架,以確保針對這類開源系統的倫理和有效治療有明確規範。 +c) **Recommendation** that healthcare workers should **support** type 1 patients or their caregivers who choose to manage their diabetes with an open source AID system; -另一篇發表於[Medical Law International2021年]( (_4_) 的文章也強調了英國普通醫務委員會的‘同意指導’,該指導強調醫生與患者共同決策的重要性。 醫生應向患者解釋DIY AID系統的潛在益處、風險、負擔和副作用,並可以推薦某個選項,而不給患者施加壓力。 +d) Recommendation that healthcare workers should attempt to learn about all treatment options that might benefit patients including available open-source AID systems. If health care professionals do not have resources to educate themselves, or have legal or regulatory concerns, they should consider **cooperating, or teaming up with other healthcare professionals** who do; -Ultimately it is up to the patient to weigh up these factors, along with any non-clinical issues relevant to them and decide which treatment option, if any, to accept. +e) Emphasis that all users of CGMs should have real-time and open-access to **their own health data** at all times -如果醫生在診所中發現其患者正在使用DIY系統,他們並不免除繼續監測患者的義務,僅僅因為他們並未處方患者所使用的特定技術;臨床醫生必須繼續監測患者。 +f) Emphasis that these open source systems have not undergone the same regulatory evaluations as commercially available medical technologies, and there is no commercial technical support. However, **extensive community support is available**; and -醫生(至少在英國)並未被禁止處方未經許可的藥物,他們可以使用自己的臨床判斷。 因此,他們應該使用自己的臨床判斷來決定DIY AID系統是否適合特定患者,並與患者討論他們認為的利弊。 +g) A recommendation that **regulation and legal frameworks** should be updated to ensure clarity on permitting ethical and effective treatment of such open source systems. +Another paper in [Medical Law International, 2021]( also highlights the UK General Medical Council’s ‘consent guidance’ places a strong emphasis on doctor and patients making decisions together. The doctor should explain the potential benefits, risks, burdens and side-effects on DIY APS and may recommend a particular option without pressuring the patient. +Ultimately it is up to the patient to weigh up these factors, along with any non-clinical issues relevant to them and decide which treatment option, if any, to accept. -#### 上文提到的文章,以及其他有用的連結和立場聲明如下所示: +If a doctor discovers in a clinic that their patient is looping with a DIY system, they are not exempted from their obligations to monitor the patient, simply because they did not prescribe the particular piece of technology the patient is using; clinicians must continue to monitor patients. -1. 開源自動胰島素傳遞:國際共識聲明和健康護理專業人士的實用指南 [_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, (2022) _10_, 58–74]( +Doctors (at least in the UK) are not prohibited from prescribing unlicensed medicines and can use their clinical discretion. They should therefore use their clinical judgement to decide if a DIY APS is suitable for a specific patient, and discuss what they consider to be the pros and cons with the patient. -2. [基於開源Android人工胰臟的數位試驗:測試DIY系統安全性和有效性的新範式,2020年]( +#### The articles referenced above, and other useful links and position statements are listed below: -3. DIY‘仿生胰臟’正在改變糖尿病護理——接下來會發生什麼? [_Nature_ (2023), _620_, 940-941]( -4. 處方未經批准的醫療設備? DIY人工胰臟系統案例 [_國際醫療法_, (2021), _21_, 42-68]( -5. [柏林健康研究所立場聲明,2022年]( -6. DIY自動胰島素輸送:醫護人員使用者指南(加拿大糖尿病協會立場和指南)[_糖尿病加拿大的立場和指南_, (2023)_47_, E8, 389-397]( -7. 荷蘭(EN/NL)- 致醫護人員 - [如何幫助使用開源自動胰島素輸送系統的人]( -8. 首次使用開源自動胰島素傳遞 AndroidAPS 在全封閉循環情況下: Pancreas4ALL 隨機化試點研究 [_糖尿病科技. Ther._, 25, _5_, 2023]( +1. Open-source automated insulin delivery: international consensus statement and practical guidance for health-care professionals [_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, (2022) _10_, 58–74]( +2. [In Silico Trials of an Open-Source Android-Based Artificial Pancreas: A New Paradigm to Test Safety and Efficacy of Do-It-Yourself Systems, 2020]( +3. A DIY ‘bionic pancreas’ is changing diabetes care — what's next? [_Nature_ (2023), _620_, 940-941]( +4. Prescribing unapproved medical devices? The case of DIY artificial pancreas systems [_Medical law international_, (2021), _21_, 42-68]( +5. [Berlin Institute of Health position statement, 2022]( +6. Do-It-Yourself Automated Insulin Delivery: A Health-care Practitioner User’s Guide (Diabetes Canada position and guide) [_Canadian Journal of Diabetes_, (2023)_47_, E8, 389-397]( +7. Netherlands (EN/NL) - for clinicians - [how to help people on open source automated insulin delivery systems]( +8. First Use of Open-Source Automated Insulin Delivery AndroidAPS in Full Closed-Loop Scenario: Pancreas4ALLRandomized Pilot Study [_Diabetes Technol. Ther._, 25, _5_, 2023]( +9. Pre-school and school-aged children benefit from the switch from a sensor-augmented pump to an AndroidAPS hybrid closed loop: A retrospective analysis [_Pediatr. Diabetes_ 2021, _22_, 594-604. 2021]( +10. Outcomes of the OPEN project, an EU-funded project into the Outcomes of Patient’s Evidence with Novel, Do-it-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Technology ( -9. 從傳感器輔助幫浦切換到AndroidAPS混合閉環的學齡前和學齡兒童的益處:回顧性分析 [_兒科. 糖尿病_ 2021, _22_, 594-604. 2021]( -10. OPEN專案的成果,這是一項歐盟資助的研究,旨在探索患者使用新型DIY人工胰臟技術的證據( +## Why can’t I just download AAPS and use it straight away? +The **AAPS** app is not provided in Google Play - you have to build it from source code by yourself for legal reasons. **AAPS** is unlicensed, meaning that it does not have approval by any regulatory body authority in any country. **AAPS** is deemed to be carrying out a medical experiment on yourself, and is carried out at the user’s own risk. +Setting up the system requires patience, determination and the gradual development of technical knowledge. All the information and support can be found in these documents, elsewhere online, or from others who have already done it. Over 10,000 people have successfully built and are currently using **AAPS** worldwide. +The developers of **AAPS** take safety incredibly seriously, and want others to have a good experience of using **AAPS**. That is why it is essential that every user (or carer, if the user is a child): -## 為什麼我不能直接下載AAPS並立即使用? +- builds the AAPS system themself and works through the **objectives** so that they have reasonably good personalised settings and understand the basics of how **AAPS** works by the time they “close the loop”; -**AAPS** 應用程序並未提供於Google Play,你必須出於法律原因自行從源代碼構建。 **AAPS** 沒有許可,這意味著它沒有獲得任何國家監管機構的批准。 **AAPS** 被認為是你在自己身上進行的醫學實驗,並且是由用戶自行承擔風險進行的。 +- backs up their system by exporting and saving important files (like keystore and settings .json file) somewhere safe, so you can setup again quickly if needed; -設置系統需要耐心、決心和逐步發展的技術知識。 所有訊息和支援都可以在這些文件中、線上或從已經完成的人那裡找到。 全球已有超過10,000人成功構建並正在使用**AAPS** 。 +- updates to newer master versions as and when they become available; and -**AAPS** 的開發者非常重視安全,並希望其他人能夠有良好的使用經驗。 這就是為什麼每個用戶(或是看護者,如果用戶是兒童)都需要: +- maintains and monitors the system to ensure it is working properly. -- 自己構建AAPS系統,並完成**目標** ,以便在他們“閉環”之前,擁有合理良好的個人化設定,並了解 **AAPS** 的基本運作原理; +## What is the connectivity of the AAPS system? -- 透過匯出並儲存重要文件(如keystore和settings .json文件)來備份他們的系統,這樣如果需要可以快速重新設置; +**Figure 3 (below)** shows one example of the **AAPS** system for a user who do not require any followers interacting with the system. Additional open-source software and platforms which are not shown can also be integrated. -- 隨著新版本的推出,及時更新到最新的主版本;並且 +![21-06-23 AAPS connectivity no followers](./images/AAPS-connectivity-no-followers.png) -- 維護和監控系統,以確保其正常運作。 +**Figure 4 (below)** shows the full potential of the **AAPS** system for a user who has followers and requires a monitor and send adjust the system remotely (like a child with type 1 diabetes). Additional open-source software and platforms which are not shown can also be integrated. +![21-06-23 AAPS overview with followers](./images/AAPS-overview-with-followers.png) -## AAPS系統的連線性如何? +## How does AAPS get continually developed and improved? -**圖3(下方)**顯示了一個不需要其他追蹤者與系統互動的 **AAPS** 用戶的系統範例。 還可以集成其他未顯示的開源軟體和平台。 +Most **AAPS** users use the fully tested **master** version of AAPS, which has been tested for bugs and problems, before being released to the community. Behind the scenes, the developers try out new improvements, and test these out in “developer” (**dev**) versions of **AAPS** with a user community who are happy to do bug updates at short notice. If the improvements work well, they are then released as a new “master” version of **AAPS**. Any new master release is announced on the Facebook group, so that the mainstream **AAPS** users can read about and update to the new master version. -![21-06-23 AAPS 連線性無追蹤者](./images/AAPS-connectivity-no-followers.png) +Some experienced and confident **AAPS** users conduct experiments with emerging technologies and with dev versions of the **AAPS** app, which can be interesting for the less adventurous users to read about, without having to do it themselves! People tend to share these experiments on the Facebook group too. -**圖4(下方)**顯示了具有完整潛力的**AAPS** 系統,適用於具有追蹤者並需要遠端監控和調整系統的用戶(如1型糖尿病患兒)。 還可以集成其他未顯示的開源軟體和平台。 - -![21-06-23 AAPS 追蹤者系統總覽](./images/AAPS-overview-with-followers.png) - - - -## AAPS 如何持續開發和改進? - -大多數**AAPS** 用戶使用經過全面測試的主版本,該版本在發布給社群之前已進行錯誤和問題的測試。 在幕後,開發者會嘗試新改進,並在“開發者”(**dev**) 版本的**AAPS** 中進行測試,與願意短期內進行錯誤更新的用戶社群進行測試。 如果這些改進效果良好,則會發布為新的“master”版本**AAPS** 。 任何新的主版本發布都會在Facebook群組中公告,以便主流**AAPS** 用戶閱讀並更新到新的主版本。 - -一些有經驗且自信的**AAPS** 用戶會使用開發者版本的**AAPS** 應用程式進行新技術的實驗,對於不那麼冒險的用戶來說,這些實驗非常有趣,可以閱讀但不必自己操作! 人們通常會在Facebook群組中分享這些實驗。 - -你可以在這裡閱讀更多關於這些實驗和新技術討論的內容: +You can read more about some of these experiments and discussion on emerging tech here: Tim Street []( David Burren []( +## Who can benefit from AAPS? +| User Type | +| ------------------------------------------- | +| ✔️ type 1 diabetic | +| ✔️ caregiver or parent of a type 1 diabetic | +| ✔️ blind users type 1 diabetic | +| ✔️ *clincians and healthcare professionals | -## 誰可以從AAPS中受益? - -| 用戶類型 | -| ------------------ | -| ✔️ 第1型糖尿病 | -| ✔️ 第1型糖尿病患者的看護者或父母 | -| ✔️ 盲人第1型糖尿病患者 | -| ✔️ *臨床醫生和醫療專業人士 | - - -上述表格假設用戶可以使用連續血糖監測儀和胰島素幫浦。 - -*透過資料共享平台(包括Nightscout),所有來自**AAPS** 的資料都可以提供給醫療專業人士,Nightscout提供CGM資料的記錄和實時監控,胰島素輸送、碳水化合物輸入、預測和設置。 Nightscout記錄包括每日和每週的報告,這些報告可以幫助醫療專業人士更準確地討論1型糖尿病患者的血糖控制和行為考量。 - - - -### 針對部分或完全失明的AAPS用戶的可及性 - - - -#### AAPS的日常使用: - -AAPS 可以由盲人使用。 在Android設備上,操作系統有一個名為TalkBack的程式。 這允許透過語音輸出來進行螢幕導覽,這是操作系統的一部分功能。 使用TalkBack,你可以在不需要看到螢幕的情況下操作你的智慧型手機和AAPS。 - - +The above table assumes that the user has access to both continuous gluocse monitor and insulin pump. -#### 構建AAPS應用程式: +*All data from **AAPS** can be made available to healthcare professionals via data sharing platforms, including Nightscout that provides logging and real time monitoring of CGM data, insulin delivery, carbohydrate entries, predictions and settings. Nightscout records include daily and weekly reports which can aid healthcare professionals' discussions with type 1 patients with more accurate data on glycemic control and any behavioural considerations. -作為用戶,你將在Android Studio中構建AAPS應用程式。 許多人使用Microsoft Windows來完成此工作,該系統上有與TalkBack類似的Screenreader。 由於Android Studio是Java應用程式,因此必須在控制面板中啟用“Java Access Bridge”組件。 否則,PC的螢幕閱讀器將無法在Android Studio中發聲。 +### Accessibility for users AAPS who are partially or completely blind -如何操作取決於你的操作系統,以下提供了兩種方法: +#### Day to day AAPS use: +AAPS can be used by blind people. On Android devices, the operating system has a program called TalkBack. This allows screen orientation via voice output as part of the operating system. By using TalkBack you can operate both your smartphone and AAPS without needing to be able to see. -1)在Windows開始選單中,輸入“控制面板”進行搜索,按Enter鍵打開。 打開:“所有控制面板項目”。 +#### Building the AAPS app: +As a user you will build the AAPS app in Android Studio. Many people use Microsoft Windows for this purpose, where there is the Screenreader analogous to TalkBack. Since Android Studio is a Java application, the “Java Access Bridge” component must be enabled in the Control Panel. Otherwise, the screen reader of the PC will not speak in Android Studio. -打開“輕鬆存取中心”。 +How you do this depends on your operating system, two methods are outlined below: -然後按Enter鍵打開“在無顯示器的情況下使用電腦”。 +1) In the Windows Start menu, enter “Control Panel” in the search field, open with Enter. It opens: “All Control Panel Items”. -在“聽取文字讀取”選項下,選擇“啟用敘述員”和“啟用音檔顯示”,然後點擊“應用”。 +Open the "Ease of Access Centre". -或: +Then open “Use computer without a display” with Enter. -2)按下Windows鍵並在搜索欄中輸入“控制面板”,然後按Enter鍵打開。 打開:“所有控制面板項目”。 +Under hear text read aloud select "turn on narrator" and "turn on audio display", and click "apply" -按下字母C以進入“輕鬆存取中心”,然後按Enter鍵打開。 +or: -接著按Enter鍵打開“在無螢幕的情況下使用電腦”。 +2) Press Windows key and enter “Control Panel” in the search field, open with Enter. It opens: “All Control Panel Items”. -在底部,你會找到“啟用Java Access Bridge”選項框,選擇它。 +Press the letter C to get to “Center for Ease of Use”, open with Enter. -完成後,關閉窗口即可! 螢幕閱讀器現在應該可以工作了。 +Then open “Use computer without a screen” with Enter. +There, at the bottom, you will find the checkbox “Enable Java Access Bridge”, select it. +Done, just close the window! The screen reader should work now. -## 我能從AAPS獲得哪些好處? +## What benefits can I get from AAPS? -投入你的時間,**AAPS**潛在可以帶來以下好處: +With investment of your time, **AAPS** can potentially lead to: -- 緩解管理1型糖尿病的壓力和負擔; +- alleviating the stress and burden of managing type 1 diabetes; -- 減少來自1型糖尿病的大量瑣碎決策; +- reducing the multitude of mundane decisions that arise from type 1 diabetes; -- 基於實時資料提供個性化和動態的胰島素劑量,減少低血糖治療的需要並降低高血糖發作; +- the provision of personalised and dynamic insulin dosing based on real-time data which can cut down the need for hypo treatments and reduce hyperglycemia episodes; -- 增加對胰島素管理的了解以及更好地微調設置的信心; +- an increased knowledge of insulin management and confidence to better fine tune your settings; -- 能夠建立與你的生活方式相符的自動設置(**自動化**); +- the ability to create automatic settings (**automations**) that are tailored to fit in with your lifestyle; -- 改善睡眠質量並整體減少夜間干預的頻率; +- improved sleep quality and overall reduction in the frequency of nighttime interventions; -- 為1型糖尿病患者的看護者提供遠端監控和胰島素輸送管理;以及 +- remote monitoring and administration of insulin delivery for caregivers of type 1 diabetics; and -- 透過使用由**AAPS** 控制的Android手機來簡化所有可攜帶的糖尿病設備(如連續血糖監測儀接收器和胰島素控制設備)。 +- streamlining of all your portable diabetic equipment (continuous glucose monitor receiver and insulin controlling devices) by using an Android phone controlled by **AAPS**. -最終,**AAPS** 能夠幫助個人更好地管理糖尿病,從而達到穩定的血糖水平並改善長期健康結果。 +Ultimately, **AAPS** can empower individuals to better manage their diabetes, resulting in stable blood sugars and improved long term health outcomes. -有興趣了解如何開始設置AAPS嗎? 請查看 [事前準備](章節。 +Interested in how to get started with setting up AAPS? Take a look at the [preparing]( section. From 15e532ed62f549b3f4f8fcbf00321e4ea0a6ea31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:07:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 197/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 242 +++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 414f7a1c8838..c087c214e9a0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,225 +1,225 @@ -# 準備開始使用 AAPS +# Preparing to start with AAPS -歡迎。 本文件旨在指導用戶準備設置並開始使用 Android 人工胰臟系統 (**AAPS**)。 +Welcome. This documentation aims to guide users who are preparing to setup and start using the Android Artificial Pancreas System (**AAPS**). -## 如何在文件中找到所需訊息 +## Finding your way around the documentation -可以在[這裡](找到文件結構的**索引**和說明,您也可以點擊文件左上角的**AAPS**圖示進行查看。 在那裡,您會找到不同文件部分的概述和目的。 您也可以使用此頁面左側的標題來瀏覽文件。 最後,文件**AAPS**圖示下方有一個方便的搜索功能。 +An **index** and explanation of the documentation structure can be found [here](, you can also reach it by clicking on the **AAPS** symbol at the top left of the documentation. There you will find an overview of the purpose of the different documentation sections. You can also use the headings to the left of this page to navigate through the documentation. Finally, there is a handy search function, directly below the **AAPS** symbol. -我們旨在讓用戶輕鬆了解**AAPS**的功能和限制。 花時間閱讀文件後發現您的胰島素幫浦或 CGM 不相容,或者**AAPS**無法提供您期望的功能,這可能會令人失望。 +We aim to make it easy to determine both the capabilities and limitations of **AAPS**. It can be disappointing to discover after investing time in reading the documentation that you might not have a compatible insulin pump or CGM, or that **AAPS** offers different functionality than hoped for. -文件中與**AAPS**使用體驗相關的許多細節在您實際使用**AAPS**時會更有意義。 就像只閱讀規則很難學習一項運動一樣,安全操作**AAPS**的基礎規則學習與開始使用**AAPS**後的應用相結合,才能有效掌握。 +Many experience-related details in the **AAPS** documentation make more sense when you are actually using **AAPS** in real-time. Just as it is difficult to learn a sport only by reading the rules, it takes a combination of learning the foundations of the rules for safely operating **AAPS** and then learning how best to apply those rules as you start to use **AAPS**. (preparing-safety-first)= -## 安全第一 -“能力越大,責任越大……” +## Safety First +“With great power comes great responsibility…” -### 技術安全 -**AAPS**具有一套廣泛的安全功能。 這些功能會透過逐步完成一系列[目標](Usage/,包括測試特定參數並回答選擇題,逐步解除限制。 當成功完成目標後,**AAPS**的功能會逐步解鎖。 此過程允許用戶在從開環模式到閉環模式的過程中安全過渡,同時學習**AAPS**的不同功能。 +### Technical safety +**AAPS** has an extensive set of safety features. These impose constraints which are gradually removed through staged completion of a series of [Objectives](Usage/ which involve testing specific parameters and answering multiple choice questions. **AAPS** features are unlocked as the Objectives are successfully completed. This process allows the user to migrate safely in stages from Open Loop to Closed Loop, while learning about the different features of **AAPS**. -[目標](Usage/設計旨在為用戶提供最好的**AAPS**入門體驗,考慮到了**AAPS**開發者觀察到的新用戶典型錯誤和趨勢。 初學者因為經驗不足或過於急切開始使用**AAPS**而犯錯,或忽略了關鍵點。 這些[目標](Usage/旨在盡量減少這些問題。 +The [Objectives](Usage/ have been designed to achieve the best possible introduction to **AAPS**, taking into consideration the typical errors and general trends **AAPS** developers have observed with new users. Mistakes can happen because the beginner is inexperienced and too eager to get started with **AAPS**, or has overlooked key points. The [Objectives](Usage/ aim to minimise these issues. -### 醫療安全 -:::{admonition} 避免對您的眼睛和神經造成永久且痛苦的損害 -:class: danger請注意,血糖控制的快速改善和 HbA1c 的降低可能會導致危險。 +### Medical safety +:::{admonition} Avoid permanent and painful damage to your eyes and nerves +:class: danger Caution is advised concerning rapid improvements in blood glucose control and lowering of HbA1c ::: -一個重要的安全考慮是,對於長期血糖升高的人來說,**HbA1c 的快速降低和血糖控制的改善可能會導致永久性損害**。 許多糖尿病患者並不知道這一點,而且並非所有臨床醫生都會提醒患者這個問題。 +An important safety consideration is that a **rapid reduction in HbA1c and improved blood glucose control in those who have had elevated glucose levels for some time can cause permanent damage**. Many people with diabetes are unaware of this, and not all clinicans make their patients aware of this issue. -這種損害可能包括**視力喪失和永久性神經病變(疼痛)**。 透過逐步降低平均血糖水平,可以避免這些損害的發生。 如果您目前的 HbA1c 升高並打算使用**AAPS**(或任何其他閉環系統),_請_在開始之前與您的醫療團隊討論這一潛在風險,並與他們協商逐步降低安全血糖目標的時間表。 您可以在**AAPS**中設置較高的血糖目標(目前,您可以選擇的最高目標是 10.6 mmol/L,您也可以維持一個相對較弱的設定),隨著時間的推移逐漸降低目標。 +This damage can include **sight loss, and permanent neuropathy (pain)**. It is possible to avoid this damage occuring, by reducing average glucose levels more slowly. If you currently have an elevated HbA1c and are moving to **AAPS** (or any other closed loop system), _please_ discuss this potential risk with your clinical team before starting, and agree a timescale with gradually decreasing safe glucose targets with them. You can easily set higher glucose targets in **AAPS** initially (currently, the highest target you can select is 10.6 mmol/L but you can also maintain a purposefully weak profile if needed), and then reduce the target as the months pass. -#### 我可以多快降低 HbA1c 而不會冒永久性損害的風險? +#### How quickly can I reduce my HbA1c without risking permanent damage? -一項針對 76 名患者的回顧性[研究](報告稱,如果 HbA1c 在 6 個月內下降 1%、2% 或 3%,視網膜病變進展的風險分別增加 1.6 倍、2.4 倍和 3.8 倍。 他們建議**"在任何 6 個月內 HbA1c 的降低幅度應限制在 2% 以內,以防止視網膜病變的進展...在開始血糖控制時,降低過快可能會導致視網膜病變進展的嚴重或暫時性惡化。" ** +One retrospective [study]( of 76 patients reported that the risk of progression of retinopathy increased by 1.6 times, 2.4 times and 3.8 times if the Hba1C dropped 1%, 2% or 3% respectively over a 6 month period. They suggested that the **"decrease in HbA1c value during any 6-month period should be limited to less than 2% in order to prevent the progression of retinopathy....Too rapid a decrease at the initiation of glycemic control could cause severe or transient exacerbation of the progression of retinopathy."** -N.B. 如果您使用不同的 HbA1c 單位(mmol/mol 而非 %),請點擊[此處](使用 HbA1c 計算工具。 +N.B. If you use different HbA1c units (mmol/mol rather than %), click [here]( for a HbA1c calculator tool. -在另一項針對 954 名患者的回顧性[評估](中,研究人員指出: +In another retrospective [evaluation]( of 954 patients, researchers noted that: -**"HbA1c 在 3 個月內降低 2–3% 時,治療誘發糖尿病神經病變的絕對風險為 20%;而 HbA1c 在 3 個月內降低超過 4% 時,絕對風險超過 80%。"** +**"With a decrease in HbA1c of 2–3% points over 3 months there was a 20% absolute risk of developing treatment-induced neuropathy in diabetes, with a decrease in HbA1c of >4% points over 3 months the absolute risk of developing treatment-induced neuropathy in diabetes exceeded 80%."** -針對這項研究的一篇[評論](同意為了避免併發症,**目標應是在 3 個月內將 HbA1c 降低不超過 2%**。您可以在[這裡](和[這裡](閱讀其他相關評論。 +A [commentary]( on this work agreed that to avoid complications **the goal should be to reduce A1c by <2% over 3 months.** You can read other reviews on the topic [here]( and [here]( -通常認為,_新診斷的_ 1 型糖尿病患者(通常在診斷時 HbA1c 非常高,在開始胰島素治療之前)可以立即迅速降低 HbA1c,而不會遇到這些風險,因為他們的血糖水平未長期升高。 然而,這仍然是一個需要與您的臨床醫生討論的考慮因素。 +It is generally recognised that _newly_ diagnosed type 1 diabetics (who often have very high HbA1c at diagnosis, before starting insulin therapy) appear to be able to rapidly reduce their HbA1c immediately after diagnosis without encountering these risks to the same extent, because they have not had elevated blood glucose levels for such a sustained period. However, it is still a consideration which you should discuss with your clinician. -### 禁止使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑 +### No SGLT-2 inhibitors -:::{admonition} 禁止使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑 -:class: dangerSGLT-2 抑制劑,也稱為 gliflozins,透過抑制腎臟中葡萄糖的再吸收來發揮作用。 gliflozins 會無法預測地降低血糖水平,因此在使用類似 AAPS 的閉環系統時,絕對不能服用這類藥物! 這會導致酮酸中毒和/或低血糖的重大風險! 該藥物與降低基礎率以提高血糖水平的系統結合使用尤其危險。 +:::{admonition} NO SGLT-2 inhibitors +:class: danger SGLT-2 inhibitors, also called gliflozins, inhibit reabsorption of glucose in the kidney. Gliflozins incalculably lower blood sugar levels, and so you MUST NOT take them while using a closed loop system like AAPS! There would be a significant risk of ketoacidosis and/or hypoglycemia! The combination of this medication with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is especially dangerous. -簡單來說: -- **範例 1:低血糖風險** -> 在午餐期間,您使用**AAPS**基於攝取45克葡萄糖來注射胰島素。 問題是,由於**AAPS**未知道抑制劑使身體排除了一些碳水化合物,導致攝取的胰島素過多,最終引發低血糖。 +In a nutshell: +- **Example 1: risk of Hypo** +> During lunch, you use **AAPS** to bolus based on consuming 45g of glucose. The problem is that unbeknownst to AAPS, the inhibitors cause the body to eliminate some of the carbs resulting in your body having too much insulin compared to the absorbed Carbs, resulting in hypoglycemia. -- **範例 2:酮酸中毒風險** -> 抑制劑會在背景中排除部分碳水化合物,導致血糖下降。 **AAPS**會自動指示幫浦降低胰島素攝入量,包括基礎率。 隨著時間的推移,這可能導致血糖保持在目標值以下,直到身體沒有足夠的背景胰島素來吸收碳水化合物,最終引發酮酸中毒。 通常,1 型糖尿病患者會因為幫浦故障而發展成酮酸中毒,這會觸發手機警報,並透過血糖值升高來顯示出來。 然而,使用 Gliflozins 的危險在於,**AAPS** 不會發出警報,因為幫浦仍然正常運作,且血糖可能保持在目標範圍內。 +- **Example 2: risk of Ketoacidosis** +> The inhibitors eliminate some of the carbs in the background causing a reduction in your BG. **AAPS** will automatically instruct the pump to decrease insulin intake including basal. Over time this can result in your BG remaining below target value to the point where the body does not have enough background insulin to absorb any carbs resulting in Ketoacidosis. Ordinarily, Ketoacidosis develops in T1D patients because their pump fails which would trigger alerts on their phone and be noticeable due to a high BG value. However, the danger with Gliflozins is that there would be no AAPS alerts as the pump remains operational and the BG potentially remains within target. -常見的 SGLT-2 抑制劑品牌名稱包括:Invokana、Farxiga、Jardiance、Glyxambi、Synjardy、Steglatro 和 Xigduo XR 等。 +Common brand names of SGLT-2 inhibitors include: Invokana, Farxiga, Jardiance, Glyxambi, Synjardy, Steglatro, and Xigduo XR, others. ::: -### 使用 AAPS 循環的關鍵原則 +### Key principles of looping with AAPS -在使用**AAPS**之前,必須了解循環的關鍵原則和概念。 這需要您投入個人時間來閱讀**AAPS**文件,並完成目標,這些目標旨在為安全和有效使用**AAPS**提供堅實的基礎。 **AAPS**文件的內容量可能一開始會讓人感到不知所措,但請保持耐心並相信過程 - 使用正確的方法,您會逐漸掌握的! +The key principles and concepts of looping must be understood before using **AAPS**. This is achieved by investing your personal time into reading the **AAPS** documentation, and completing the Objectives which aim to provide you with a solid platform for safe and effective use of **AAPS**. The volume of **AAPS** documentation may seem overwhelming at first but be patient and trust the process - with the proper approach, you'll get there! -進度的速度取決於個人,但完成所有目標通常需要 6 - 9 週的時間。 許多人會在開始使用**AAPS**之前就開始構建、安裝和設置。 為了幫助這一過程,系統提供了“虛擬幫浦”,可以在完成早期目標時使用,這樣您可以熟悉**AAPS**,而不需要實際使用它來輸送胰島素。 以下提供了詳細的時間表,請注意,當您完成**AAPS**的目標 8 時,您已進入閉環模式,後期目標包括一些附加功能,例如**SMS 指令**和**自動化**,這對某些用戶很有用,但對**AAPS**的核心功能不是必需的。 +The speed of progression will depend upon the individual, but be aware that completion of all the objectives typically takes 6 - 9 weeks. Many people start to build, install and setup **AAPS** well in advance of starting to use it. To aid with this, the system has a "virtual pump" which can be used during completion of the early objectives, so that you can become familiar with **AAPS** without actually using it to deliver insulin. A detailed breakdown of the timeline is given below, be aware that by objective 8 of **AAPS** you are closed looping, the later objectives add in additional features like **SMS commands** and **automations** which are useful to some users, but not essential to the core function of **AAPS**. -成功使用**AAPS**需要積極的態度,願意反思血糖資料,並靈活調整**AAPS**以改善您的結果。 就像僅透過閱讀規則來學習運動幾乎是不可能的,同樣的道理也適用於**AAPS**。 +Success with **AAPS** requires a proactive approach, a willingness to reflect on the BG data and flexibility to make the necessary adjustments to **AAPS** in order to improve your outcomes. Just as it is nearly impossible to learn to play a sport by reading about the rules alone, the same can be said of **AAPS**. -#### 為設定和運作所有功能可能出現的延誤和小問題做好準備 +#### Plan for delays and minor issues in getting everything set up and running -在**AAPS**的初步階段,您可能會遇到將循環的所有組件(以及潛在的追蹤者)有效通訊以及微調設置的困難。 有些問題只有在日常生活中使用**AAPS**時才能解決,但在 Facebook 群組和 Discord 上有大量幫助可供使用。 請相應地進行計劃,並選擇“適當的”時間,例如週末的安靜早晨(即不要在深夜或感到疲倦時,也不要在重要會議或旅行之前)進行故障排除和解決問題。 +In the preliminary stages of getting started with **AAPS**, you may experience difficulties getting all the components of the loop communicating effectively with each other (and potential followers), and when fine-tuning your settings. Some glitches cannot be resolved until **AAPS** is used in everyday life, but plenty of help is available on the Facebook group and Discord. Please plan accordingly and choose "good" times, like a quiet morning of a weekend (i.e. not late at night or when you are tired, or before a big meeting or travel) to troubleshoot and resolve issues. -#### 技術相容性 +#### Technology compatibility -**AAPS**僅與某些類型的胰島素幫浦、CGM 和手機相容,有些技術在某些國家/地區可能無法使用。 為避免任何失望或沮喪,請閱讀[CGM](Configuration/、[幫浦](Getting-Started/和[手機](Hardware/部分。 +**AAPS** is only compatible with certain types of insulin pumps, CGMs and phones, and some technology may not be available for use in various countries. In order to avoid any disappointment or frustrations, please read the [CGM](Configuration/, [pump](Getting-Started/ and [phone](Hardware/ sections. -#### 應用程序構建時間和進入完整閉環的進度 +#### App build time and progressing to full looping -構建**AAPS**應用程序的時間取決於您的專業知識和技術能力。 通常對於沒有經驗的用戶,構建**AAPS**可能需要半天到一天的時間(有社區的幫助)。 隨著您變得更加有經驗,更新版**AAPS**的構建過程會顯著加快。 +The time to build the **AAPS** app depends on your level of expertise and technical ability. Typically for inexperienced users, it can take up to half a day or a full day (with help from the community) in order to build **AAPS**. The process will significantly speed up for newer **AAPS** versions, as you become more experienced. -為了幫助構建過程,有專門的部分: +To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: -- 列出**AAPS**中可能出現的常見錯誤的問答清單,請參閱[常見問題(K 部分)](Getting-Started/; +- List of questions and answers for frequent errors that are likely to occur in [FAQs (Section](Getting-Started/ K); -- “[如何安裝 AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/” (D 部分),包括[故障排除](Usage/子部分。 +- “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/ (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/ Subsection. -達到閉環控制的時間因人而異,但使用 AAPS 達到完全閉環控制的大致時間表可以參考[>此處](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)。 +How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) -#### Keystore 和配置設置匯出文件 +#### Keystore & configuration settings export file -“Keystore”(.jks 文件)是一個加密的文件,特定於您自己的**AAPS**副本。 您的 Android 手機使用它來確保沒有人可以在沒有 keystore 的情況下升級您的副本。 簡單來說,作為**AAPS**構建的一部分,您應該: +A “keystore” (.jks file) is a password encrypted file unique to your own copy of **AAPS**. Your Android phone uses it to ensure that nobody else can upgrade your own copy without the keystore. In short, as part of the **AAPS** build, you should: -1. 將您的 keystore 文件(用於簽署應用程序的 .jks 文件)儲存在安全的地方; +1. Save the your keystore file (.jks file used to sign your app) in a safe place; -2. 記下您的 keystore 文件密碼。 +2. Keep a note of your password for your keystore file. -這將確保每次建立**AAPS**的更新版本時,您都可以使用相同的 keystore 文件。 平均而言,每年需要更新**AAPS**兩次。 +This will ensure that you can use that exact same keystore file each time an updated version of **AAPS** is created. On average, there will be 2 **AAPS** updates required each year. -此外,**AAPS**還提供了[匯出所有配置設置](Usage/的功能。 這確保您可以在更換手機、升級/重新安裝應用程序時安全恢復系統,並將干擾降至最低。  +In addition, **AAPS** provides the ability to [export all your configuration settings](Usage/ This ensures that you can safely recover your system while changing phones, upgrading/reinstalling the application with minimum disruption.  -#### 疑難排解 +#### Troubleshooting -如果您對任何問題感到不確定,請隨時聯繫**AAPS**社區——沒有什麼問題是愚蠢的! 鼓勵具有不同經驗水平的所有用戶提出問題。 由於**AAPS**用戶眾多,問題的回應時間通常很快。 +Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you feel unsure about - there is no such thing as a silly question! All users with various levels of experience are encouraged to ask questions. Response times to questions are usually quick due to the number of **AAPS** users. -##### [在 AAPS Facebook 社群上詢問]( +##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group]( -##### [在 AAPS Discord 頻道上詢問]( +##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel]( -#### [去哪裡尋求幫助](Where-To-Go-For-Help/ +#### [Where to go for help](Where-To-Go-For-Help/ -本節旨在為新用戶提供資源連結,以便獲得幫助,包括由新手和有經驗的用戶組成的社區支援,這些用戶可以幫助解答問題並解決使用 AAPS 時常見的問題。 +This section is aimed to provide new users with links on resources in order to get help including accessing community support made up of both new and experienced users who can clarify questions, and resolve the usual pitfalls that come with AAPS. -#### [臨床醫師專區](Resources/ +#### [Section For Clinicians](Resources/ -這是一個[專為臨床醫師設立的專區](Resources/,希望了解更多關於 AAPS 及開源人工胰臟技術。 在簡介中還提供了[如何與您的臨床團隊討論 AAPS](introduction-how-can-i-approach-discussing-aaps-with-my-clinical-team)的指南。 +This is a [section specificially for clinicians](Resources/ who want to know more about AAPS and open source artificial pancreas technology. There is also guidance on [how to talk to your clinical team](introduction-how-can-i-approach-discussing-aaps-with-my-clinical-team) in the Introduction. -## 我們要構建和安裝什麼? +## What are we going to build and install? -此圖表提供了**AAPS**系統的主要組件(硬體和軟體)的概述: +This diagram provides an overview of the key components (both hardware and software) of the **AAPS** system: -![準備總覽](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_preparing_overview_01.png) +![preparing_overview](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_preparing_overview_01.png) -除了三個基本硬體組件(手機、胰島素幫浦、血糖傳感器)之外,我們還需要:1) **AAPS**應用程式 2) 報告伺服器3) 持續血糖監測儀(CGM)應用程式 +In addition to the three basic hardware components (phone, pump, glucose sensor), we also need: 1) The **AAPS** app 2) A reporting server and 3) A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) app -### 1) Android 手機應用程式:**AAPS** +### 1) An Android Phone Application: **AAPS** -**AAPS**是一個運作在 Android 智慧型手機和裝置上的應用程式。 您將使用逐步指南自己構建**AAPS**應用程式(apk 檔案),從 GitHub 下載**AAPS**源代碼,並在您的電腦上安裝所需程式(Android Studio、GitHub 桌面版),以構建自己的**AAPS**應用程式副本。 然後,您將透過電子郵件、USB 線等方式將**AAPS**應用程式傳輸到您的智慧型手機並安裝。 +**AAPS** is an app that runs on android smartphones & devices. You are going to build the **AAPS** app (an apk file) yourself, using a step-by-step guide, by downloading the **AAPS** source code from Github, installing the necessary programs (Android Studio, GitHub desktop) on your computer and building your own copy of **AAPS** app. You will then transfer the **AAPS** app across to your smartphone (by email, USB cable _etc._) and install it. -### 2) 報告伺服器:NightScout(或 Tidepool) +### 2) A reporting server: NightScout (Tidepool*) -為了充分利用**AAPS**,您需要設置 Nightscout 伺服器。 您可以自己設置(連線至指導),或者支付小額費用讓人幫您設置受管的 Nightscout 服務(鏈接至 T1 Pal 等)。 Nightscout 用於收集**AAPS**隨時間推移的資料,並能夠生成詳細的報告,以關聯 CGM 和胰島素模式。 照護者還可以使用 Nightscout 遠端與**AAPS**應用程式通訊,以監控其孩子的糖尿病管理。 這些遠端通訊功能包括即時監控血糖和胰島素水平、遠端注射胰島素(透過發送訊息)以及餐點通知。 試圖將 CGM 資料與幫浦資料分開進行分析,就像駕駛時司機是盲人,乘客在旁描述場景一樣。 從 AAPS 3.2 版開始,也可以使用 Tidepool 作為 Nightscout 的替代方案。 +In order to fully take advantage of **AAPS**, you need to setup a Nightscout server. You can do this yourself (link to instructions) or alternatively, pay a small fee for a managed Nightscout service to be set up for you (link to T1 pal etc). Nightscout is used to collect data from **AAPS** over time and can generate detailed reports correlating CGM and insulin patterns. It is also possible for caregivers to use Nightscout to remotely communicate with the **AAPS** application, to oversee their child’s diabetic management. Such remote communication features include real-time monitoring of glucose and insulin levels, remote bolusing of insulin (by texting) and meal announcements. Attempting to analyse your diabetes performance by looking at CGM data separately from the pump data is like driving a car where the driver is blind and the passenger describes the scene. Tidepool is also available as an alternative to Nightscout, for AAPS versions 3.2 and later. -### 3) CGM 傳感器應用程式 +### 3) CGM sensor app -根據您的血糖傳感器/CGM,您將需要一個相容的應用程式來接收血糖資料並將其發送到**AAPS**。 以下展示了不同的選項,更多訊息請參閱[相容的 CGM 部分](./Configuration/ +Depending on your glucose sensor/CGM, you will need a compatible app for receiving glucose readings and sending them to **AAPS**. The different options are shown below and more information is given in the [compatible CGMs section](./Configuration/ ![dexcom_options](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_connectivity_Dex_02.png) ![libre_options](./images/preparing_images/AAPSconnectivity_libre.png) ![eversense_options](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_connectivity_eversense.png) -### AAPS 系統的維護 +### Maintenance of the **AAPS** system -**Nightscout**和**AAPS**必須大約每年更新一次,隨著改進版本的發佈。 在某些情況下,更新可以延後,但在其他情況下,更新被強烈建議或視為安全的重要措施。 這些更新的通知將在 Facebook 群組和 Discord 伺服器上發佈。 發佈說明將明確說明具體情況。 在更新時,可能會有許多人與您提出類似問題,您將獲得支援來進行更新。 +Both **Nightscout** and **AAPS** must be updated approximately once a year, as improved versions are released. In some cases, the update can be delayed, in others it is strongly recommended or considered essential for safety. Notification of these updates will be given on the Facebook groups and Discord servers. The release notes will make it clear what the scenario is. There are likely to be many people asking similar questions to you at update time, and you will have support for performing the updates. (preparing-how-long-will-it-take?)= -## 設置所有內容需要多長時間? +## How long will it take to set everything up? -如前所述,使用**AAPS**更像是一段旅程,需要您投入個人時間。 這不是一次性的設置。 目前估計,從構建**AAPS**、安裝和配置**AAPS**和**CGM**軟體,到從開放循環進入混合閉環循環的過程,大約需要 2 到 3 個月。 因此,建議您盡快優先構建**AAPS**應用程式並完成早期目標,即使您仍在使用其他胰島素輸送系統(在完成目標 5 之前,您可以使用虛擬幫浦)。 以下是大致的時間表: +As mentioned earlier, using **AAPS** is more of a “journey” that requires investment of your personal time. It is not a one-time setup. Current estimates for building **AAPS**, installing and configuring **AAPS** and **CGM** software and getting from open loop to hybrid closed looping with **AAPS** are about 2 to 3 months overall. It is therefore suggested that you prioritise building the **AAPS** app and working through the early objectives as soon as possible, even if you are still using a different insulin delivery system (you can use a virtual pump up to objective 5). Here is an approximate timeframe: -| 任務 | 大致時間 | -| ---------------------------------------------------- |:---------:| -| 初步閱讀文件: | 1-2 天 | -| 安裝/配置電腦以允許構建: | 2-8 小時 | -| 建立 Nightscout 伺服器: | 1 小時 | -| 安裝 CGM 應用程式 (xdrip 或 BYODA 或其他) | 1 小時 | -| 初始化配置 CGM->xdrip->AAPS: | 1 小時 | -| 初始化配置 AAPS->胰島素幫浦: | 1 小時 | -| 初始化配置 AAPS->NightScout(僅報告): | 1 小時 | -| 選擇性(對於家長)- 配置 NightScout <-> **AAPS** 與 NSFollowers: | 1 小時 | -| 目標 1:設置可視化與監控,分析基礎率與比率 | 1 小時 | -| 目標 2:學習如何控制 AAPS | 2 小時 | -| 目標 3:證明你的知識 | 最多 14 天 | -| 目標 4:開始使用開環 | 7 天 | -| 目標 5:理解你的開環,包括其臨時基礎率建議 | 7 天 | -| 目標 6:使用低血糖暫停功能開始閉環 | 最多 5-14 天 | -| 目標 7:調整閉環,增加最大 IOB 並逐漸降低血糖目標 | 最多 7 天 | -| 目標 8:如有需要,調整基礎率與比率,然後啟用自動感應 | 最多 7-14 天 | -| 目標 9:啟用額外的 oref1 功能,例如超級微量注射 (SMB) | 最多 14 天 | -| 目標 10:自動化 | 1 天 | +| Tasks | Approx time | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:---------------:| +| initial reading of the documentation: | 1-2 days | +| installing/configuring PC to allow the build: | 2-8 hours | +| building a Nightscout server: | 1 hour | +| installing CGM app (xdrip or BYODA or …) | 1 hour | +| configuring CGM->xdrip->APPS initially: | 1 hour | +| configuring AAPS->pump initially: | 1 hour | +| configuring AAPS->NightScout (reporting only): | 1 hour | +| optional (for Parents) - configuring NightScout <-> **AAPS** & NSFollowers: | 1 hour | +| Objective 1: Setting up visualization and monitoring, analysing basals and ratios | 1 hour | +| Objective 2: Learn how to control AAPS | 2 hour | +| Objective 3: Prove your knowledge | Up to 14 days | +| Objective 4: Starting on an open loop | 7 days | +| Objective 5: Understanding your open loop, including its temp basal recommendations | 7 days | +| Objective 6: Starting to close the loop with Low Glucose Suspend | Up to 5-14 days | +| Objective 7: Tuning the closed loop, raising maxIOB and gradually lowering BG targets | Up to 7 days | +| Objective 8: Adjust basals and ratios if needed, and then enable autosens | Up to 7-14 days | +| Objective 9: Enabling additional oref1 features, such as super micro bolus (SMB) | Up to 14 days | +| Objective 10: Automation | 1 day | -一旦你完全掌握 **AAPS**,你將需要微調你的設置參數,以改善整體糖尿病管理。 +Once you are fully operational on **AAPS**, you will need to fine tune your setting parameters in order to improve your overall diabetic management. -## 需求 +## Requirements -### 醫療考量 +### Medical considerations -除了 [安全部分](preparing-safety-frist) 中的醫療警告外,根據你在幫浦中使用的胰島素類型,還有不同的參數需要考量。 +In addition to the medical warnings in the [safety section](preparing-safety-frist) there are also different parameters, depending on which insulin you are using in the pump. -#### 胰島素選擇 +#### Insulin choice -**AAPS** 的計算是基於 100U/ml 的胰島素濃度(與幫浦的標準一致)。 目前支援的胰島素輪廓預設如下: +**AAPS** calculations are based on insulin concentrations of 100U/ml (same as pump’s standard). The following types of insulin profile presets are supported: -- 速效型 Oref:Humalog/NovoRapid/NovoLog -- 超速效型 ORef:Fiasp -- Lyumjev: +- Rapid-Acting Oref: Humalog/NovoRapid/NovoLog +- Ultra-Rapid ORef: Fiasp +- Lyumjev: -僅供實驗/進階用戶: -- 自由峰值 Oref:允許你自行定義胰島素活性的峰值 +For Experimental/Advanced users only: +- Free-Peak Oref: Allows you to define peak of the insulin activity -### 技術性 +### Technical -本文件旨在將技術專業知識的需求降到最低。 你將需要使用電腦在 Android Studio 中構建 **AAPS** 應用程式(逐步指導)。 你還需要在公共雲端上設定一個伺服器,配置幾個 Android 手機應用程式,並發展糖尿病管理的專業知識。 這可以透過逐步行動、保持耐心並從 **AAPS** 社群中獲得幫助來實現。 如果你已經能夠瀏覽互聯網、管理自己的 Gmail 郵件並保持電腦更新,那麼構建 **AAPS** 是一項可行的任務。 只需花點時間。 +This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolute minimum. You will need to use your computer to build the **AAPS** application in Android Studio (step-by-step instructions). You also need to set up a server over the internet in a public cloud, configure several android phone apps and develop expertise in diabetes management. This can be achieved by moving step-by-step, being patient, and help from the **AAPS** community. If you are already able to navigate the internet, manage your own Gmail emails, and keep your computer up-to-date, then it is a feasible task to build the **AAPS**. Just take your time. -### 智慧型手機 +### Smartphones -#### AAPS 與 Android 版本 -當前版本的 **AAPS**(3.2)需要使用 Google **Android 9.0 或更高版本** 的 Android 智慧型手機。 如果你打算購買一部新手機,截至 2024 年 7 月,建議選擇 Android 13。 用戶強烈建議出於安全原因保持 **AAPS** 的最新版本,不過對於無法使用 Android 9.0 或更新設備的用戶,較早版本的 **AAPS** 仍然可用於舊版 Android,例如 [Android 8]( 和 [Android 7](,可以從過去的版本中找到(查看舊版本的發行說明)。 +#### AAPS and Android Versions +The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8]( and [Android 7](, remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). -#### 智慧型手機型號選擇 -您選購的具體型號取決於所需的功能。 這裡有兩個關於相容的[智慧型手機](和[智慧型手機與智慧型手錶](的歷史電子表格。 由於可能的型號眾多,這些電子表格已不再更新,因此我們建議在支援群組(Facebook 或 Discord)中搜尋“手機”或您考慮購買的具體型號。 如果仍需更多資訊,請發佈新帖來詢問。 +#### Smartphone model choice +The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). There are two archived spreadsheets of compatible [smartphones]( and [smartphones and watches]( The spreadsheets are no longer updated because there are so many possible models, therefore we now suggest searching the support groups (Facebook or Discord) for "phone", or the specific model you are thinking of getting. Create a new post to ask questions about it if you still need more information. -如欲捐贈仍需測試的智慧型手機或智慧型手錶型號,請發送電子郵件至[](。 +To make a donation of smartphone or smartwatch models that still need testing, please email []( -- [已測試的手機清單](../Getting-Started/ -- [Jelly 設置](../Usage/ -- [華為設定](../Usage/ +- [List of tested phones](../Getting-Started/ +- [Jelly Settings](../Usage/ +- [Huawei Settings](../Usage/ -我們鼓勵用戶保持手機 Android 版本的最新狀態,包括安全參數。 然而,如果您是 **AAPS** 的新手,或者不是技術專家,您可能希望等到其他人確認更新是安全的後再進行更新,這可以透過我們的各大論壇確認。 +Users are encouraged to keep their phone Android version up-to-date, including with security parameters. However, if you are new with **AAPS** or are not a technical expert you might want to delay updating your phone until others have done so and confirmed it is safe to do so, on our various forums. -:::{admonition} 延遲 Samsung 手機的更新 -:class: warningSamsung 有一個不幸的記錄,強制更新其手機,這些更新會導致藍牙連線問題。 要停用這些強制更新,您需要將手機切換到“開發者模式”,具體步驟如下:進入設置並點擊“關於”,然後點擊軟體資訊,連續點擊版本號直到確認您已解鎖開發者模式。 返回設置主選單,您應該會看到一個新的“開發者選項”選單項。 打開開發者選項,向下滾動,找到自動系統更新,將其關閉。 +:::{admonition} delaying Samsung phones updates +:class: warning Samsung has an unfortunate track record of forcing updates of their phones which cause bluetooth connectivity issues. To disable these forced updates you need to switch the phone to "developper mode" by: go to settings and about then software information, then tap build number u til it confirms you have unlocked developer mode. Got back to main settings menu and you should see a new developer options menu item. Open developer options and scroll to find auto system update and turn it off ::: -:::{admonition} Google Play Protect 潛在問題 -:class: warning有多次報告指出,**AAPS** 每天早上都會被 Google Play Protect 隨機關閉。 如果發生此問題,您需要進入 Google Play 的選項,停用 “Google Play Protect”。 並非所有手機型號或所有 Android 版本都會受到影響。 +:::{admonition} Google Play Protect potential Issue +:class: warning There have been several reports of **AAPS** being shut down arbitrarily by Google Play Protect every morning. If this happens you will have to go to the google play options and disable “Google Play Protect”. Not all phone models or all Android versions are affected.. ::: From 9a2bbfacb2be3e5d3922487c3bfa6949b960639f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 198/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 228 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index fd21354cee56..d2463fb91b5d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,265 +1,265 @@ -# 追蹤 AAPS(無需與 AAPS 系統互動) +# Following AAPS (no interaction with the AAPS system) -除了在[遠端控制](docs/EN/中描述的遠端控制_和_追蹤**AAPS**的多種選項外,社群還開發了多個應用程式和設備,這些應用程式和設備僅用於追蹤資訊(如血糖水平和其他訊息),無需與 AAPS 進行互動。 +In addition to the range of possibilities available for remotely controlling _and_ following **AAPS** which are described at [remote control](docs/EN/, there are several additional apps and devices which the community has developed, to simply follow numbers (glucose levels and other information), without interacting with AAPS. -對於如何追蹤**AAPS**,一個非常好的概述可以在[Nightscout follower](網頁中找到;如果你展開左側選單: +A good overview of the extensive options available for following **AAPS** is at [Nightscout follower]( webpage; if you expand the menu on the left-hand side: -![圖像](./images/dfa981c1-5a15-4498-88d2-0fd1462d8242.png) +![image](./images/dfa981c1-5a15-4498-88d2-0fd1462d8242.png) -以下將詳細說明與 **AAPS** 組合使用的最常見策略。 +The most common strategies used in combination with **AAPS** are explained in more detail below. -## 1) 智慧型手機應用程式 +## 1) Smartphone apps -以下是一些**AAPS**用戶使用的主要 “追蹤者” 應用程式。 所有這些應用程式都是“免費”的: +These are some of the main “follower” apps used by **AAPS** users. All of these apps are “free”: -A) Dexcom Follow(Android/iOS) +A) Dexcom Follow (Android/iOs) -B) Nightguard(iOS) +B) Nightguard (iOs) -C) Nightwatch(Android) +C) Nightwatch (Android) -D) xDrip+(Android) +D) xDrip+ (Android) -E) xDrip4iOS(iOS) +E) xDrip4iOS (iOs) -F) Sugarmate(iOS) +F) Sugarmate (iOs) -G) Spike(iOS) +G) Spike (iOs) -### A) Dexcom Follow(Android 和 iOS) +### A) Dexcom Follow (Android and iOS) -![圖像](./images/ded350b0-6012-4104-b21c-5d5bfd91aa65.png) +![image](./images/ded350b0-6012-4104-b21c-5d5bfd91aa65.png) -● Dexcom Follow 適用於多種手持設備(包括 Android 和 iPhone)。 即使你未使用官方的 Dexcom 應用程式接收傳感器資料,也可以使用 Dexcom Follow。 +● Dexcom Follow is compatible with a wide range of handsets (both Android and iPhone). Dexcom Follow can be used even if you are not using the official Dexcom app to receive sensor data. -● 許多照護者熟悉 Dexcom Follow,因為它簡單明瞭的界面相較於其他複雜的應用更受青睞。 +● Many caregivers are familiar with Dexcom Follow, preferring its clear interface over something more complicated. -● Dexcom Follow 非常適合教師/祖父母以及對糖尿病和血糖水平知識不多的人使用。 它具有可自訂的警報(血糖水平,播放的聲音等)。 如果傳感器仍在穩定中且產生多次假低血糖警報,則可以完全關閉警報,這非常實用。 +● Dexcom Follow is very good for teachers/grandparents and people who know very little about diabetes and sugar levels. It has customisable alerts (BG level, what sound to play etc). Alarms can be completely switched off if needed, which is very useful if you have a sensor which is still settling down and creating multiple fake lows. -#### 設置 Dexcom Follow:操作指南 +#### Setting up Dexcom Follow: how-to-guide -如果你使用的是非官方的 Dexcom 應用程式 BYODA 來接收傳感器資料,你可能可以從 BYODA 應用程式內向追蹤者發送邀請。 你應該也可以從 xDrip+ 中發送 Dexcom Follow 的邀請(設置 - 雲上傳 - Dexcom 分享伺服器上傳,請參閱這裡的指示: +If you use the unofficial Dexcom app BYODA for receiving sensor data, you may be able to send invites to followers from within the BYODA app. You should also be able to send invitations to Dexcom Follow from xDrip+ (settings - Cloud upload - Dexcom share server upload, see instructions here: -你無法再透過這些第三方應用程式向 Dexcom 追蹤者發送邀請郵件。 在 xDrip+ 中,邀請請求只會顯示訊息“未發送邀請”。 +You cannot send invite emails to Dexcom followers anymore from these third-party apps. In xDrip+ the invite request will just result in the message “invite not sent”. -你必須安裝官方的 Dexcom 應用程式,發送邀請,然後卸載官方應用程式。 +You must install the official Dexcom app, send the invite, and then uninstall the official app. -步驟如下: +The steps to do this are as follows: -1) 在_任何_智慧型手機(Android/iPhone)上安裝官方的“Dexcom”應用程式,如果方便的話,也可以安裝在追蹤者的手機上。 2) 使用你的 Dexcom 用戶名和密碼登錄,這與你用於 Dexcom Clarity 的登錄訊息相同,如果你已經是 Dexcom/Clarity 的客戶。 如果你沒有 Dexcom 登錄,這時可以選擇建立新帳號。 -3) 滑動瀏覽介紹選單。 4) 對於傳感器代碼,選擇“無代碼”。 5) 在發射器序號下,選擇“手動輸入”,並輸入任何有效的發射器代碼(如果你知道一個過期的發射器代碼,請使用它,這樣就不會干擾當前發射器的運作,它們遵循特定的數字和字母組合格式:“NLNNNL”,並且只使用特定的組合,因此使用你已知有效的代碼會更容易)。 6) 一旦應用程式嘗試查找發射器和傳感器,你將能夠邀請追蹤者:選擇應用程式左上角的小三個點,然後新增追蹤者。 如果你的其中一個追蹤者更換了手機,需要重新發送邀請,也可以在此處刪除他們並重新發送新的邀請郵件,供他們在新設備上使用。 7) 在追蹤者的手機上,透過 App Store(iPhone)或 Play 商店(Android)下載並安裝 Dexcom Follow。 設置 Dexcom Follow 應用程式,系統會提示你打開電子郵件以找到成為跟追蹤的邀請。 -) 現在你可以刪除官方的 Dexcom G6 應用程式。 +1) Install the official “Dexcom” app on _any_ smartphone (Android/iPhone), this can be the Follower phone, if it is more convenient. 2) Log in with your Dexcom username and password, this is the same login details you would use for Dexcom Clarity, if you are already a current Dexcom/Clarity customer. If you don’t have a Dexcom login, there is the option to create a new login at this point. +3) Swipe through the introduction menus. 4) Add “no code” for the sensor code. 5) Under Transmitter SN select “enter manually” and enter any valid transmitter code (use one of your expired transmitter codes, if you know one, so it doesn’t interfere with the running of your current transmitter, they follow a specific format of certain numbers and letters: “NLNNNL” and only use certain combinations, so it’s easiest to use one you already know is valid). 6) Once the app is trying to find the transmitter and sensor, you will be able to invite followers: select the small three dots in the top left of the app, and add new follower. You can also use this if one of your followers has changed their handset and needs a fresh invite, here you can delete them from the follower list and resend a new invite email for them to use on their new handset. 7) On the Follower phone, install Dexcom Follow by downloading it from the App Store (iPhone) or Play (Android). Set up the Dexcom Follow app, and you will be prompted to open your email to find the invite to be a Follower. +8) You can now delete the official Dexcom G6 app. -對於 Dexcom Follow,傳感器資料會根據你使用的應用程式,從 AAPS 手機直接透過 BYODA 或 xDrip+ 匯出。 +For Dexcom Follow, the sensor data is then exported from the AAPS phone either directly from BYODA, or from xDrip+, depending on which app you are using. -### B) Nightguard(iOS) +### B) Nightguard (iOS) -![圖像](./images/f2c7d330-9889-4526-9a5c-bbb012d804ab.png) +![image](./images/f2c7d330-9889-4526-9a5c-bbb012d804ab.png) -優點(用戶報告): +Pros (as reported by users): -● 可在[app store](中獲得,簡單且使用者友好的界面。 +● Available in the [app store](, simple, user-friendly interface. -● 滑動按鈕或搖動手機以延後不同間隔的警報,範圍從5分鐘到24小時。 +● Swipe button or shake phone to snooze alarms at different intervals ranging from 5 mins to 24 hours -● 自訂警報(高、低警報,當無資料15-45分鐘時的警報)。 +● Customize alarms (high, low alerts, missed readings when no data for 15-45 minutes. -● 快速上升/下降超過2-5次連續讀數(你可以選擇)。 還可以選擇兩個單獨讀數之間的差值。 +● Fast rise/drop over 2-5 consecutive readings (you choose). Can also choose the delta between two individual readings -● 智慧延後功能,不會在資料朝正確方向變動時發出警報。 +● Smart snooze so doesn't alert if levels are moving in right direction -● 還有一個“照護”標籤,允許你設定一個臨時目標持續一段時間、刪除臨時目標或輸入碳水化合物數量。 +● There is a Care tab which appears to enable you to set a new temp target for a certain duration, delete the temp target or enter carbs. -缺點(用戶報告) +Cons (as reported by users) -● 只適用於 iOS +● Only available for iOS -● 無論設置的 TT 水平如何,TT 始終顯示為 5 mmol +● The TT shows as 5 mmol regardless of which TT level is set -● 從不顯示臨時基礎速率,儘管顯示了 TB +● Never shows Temp Basal rate even though it shows TB -### C) Nightwatch(Android) +### C) Nightwatch (Android) -![圖像](./images/855c3a74-e612-4a6f-8b63-18d286ea0a3f.png) +![image](./images/855c3a74-e612-4a6f-8b63-18d286ea0a3f.png) -● Nightwatch 自稱為 Nightscout 客戶端,可在 Android 手機或平板電腦上監控用戶的 Nightscout 血糖水平。 +● Nightwatch markets itself as a Nightscout client and monitors the user’s Nightscout glucose levels on either Android phone or tablet. -● 該應用程式可從[Google play](下載,並以實時方式顯示血糖資料。 +● The app can be downloaded from [Google play]( and displays BG data in real time. -● 用戶可以透過自訂的高低噪音警報進行提醒。 +● The user can be alerted with customised noisy low and high alarms set. -● 血糖資料可以用 mmol/L 或 mg/dL 顯示。 +● BG data can be viewed in either mmol/L or mg/dL. -● 需要 Android 5.0 及更高版本。 +● It requires Android 5.0 and up. -● 它有一個黑色界面,大字體顯示和大按鈕,專為夜間使用設計。 +● It has a dark Ul, large readings and buttons, designed for usage at night. -### D) xDrip+(Android) +### D) xDrip+ (Android) -你可以將 xDrip+ 作為追蹤者應用程式使用。 +You can use xDrip+ as a follower. -#### 與 Nightscout 一起使用 +#### With Nightscout -將 xDrip+ 設置為 Nightscout 的追蹤者。 你將接收血糖和治療訊息,但不會接收基礎速率資料。 +Set xDrip+ as a Nightscout Follower. You will receive BG and treatments, not basal. -![圖像](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Nightscout_Follower.png) +![image](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Nightscout_Follower.png) -#### 無 Nightscout - xDrip+ 作為血糖資料源 +#### Without Nightscout - xDrip+ BG data source -如果你的 AAPS 資料源是 xDrip+(或如果 xDrip+ 也可以從其他應用程式接收血糖資料,如 BYODA、Juggluco 等),你可以從主手機分享資料給 xDrip+ 追蹤者,顯示血糖、治療和基礎速率資訊。 +If your AAPS data source is xDrip+ (or if xDrip+ can also receive BG from another app like BYODA, Juggluco, ...) you can use it from the master phone to share data with xDrip+ followers, displaying BG, treatments and basal rates. -![圖像](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Master_Sync.png) +![image](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Master_Sync.png) -#### 無 Nightscout - xDrip+ 作為血糖輔助應用程式 +#### Without Nightscout - xDrip+ BG companion app -如果你的 AAPS 資料源不是 xDrip+,但可以顯示來自輔助應用程式資料源的血糖資料,你可以從主手機分享資料給 xDrip+ 追蹤者,顯示血糖、治療和基礎速率資訊。 +If your AAPS data source is not xDrip+ but you can display BG data from the Companion App data source, you can use it from the master phone to share data with xDrip+ followers, displaying BG, treatments and basal rates. -![圖像](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Companion_Sync.png) +![image](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Companion_Sync.png) -### E) xDrip4iOS/Shuggah(iOS) +### E) xDrip4iOS/Shuggah (iOS) -xDripSwift 是從最初的 xDrip 應用程式移植到 iOS 並發展成"xDrip for iOS",稱為**xDrip4iOS**。 +xDripSwift was created from porting the original xDrip app to iOS and evolved to "xDrip for iOS" written **xDrip4iOS** . -版本 **xDrip4iOS**可在 Apple Store 上以**Shuggah**的名稱獲得。 +A version of **xDrip4iOS** is available in the Apple Store under the name of **Shuggah**. -:::{admonition} 進一步詳細說明如何嘗試獲得原版**xDrip4iOS**應用程式 +:::{admonition} Further detail about how to attempt to obtain the original **xDrip4iOS** app :class: dropdown -[xDrip4iOS Facebook 群組](是 xDrip4iOS 和 Shuggah 的主要社群支援。 **xDrip4iOS**可以連線到許多不同的 CGM 系統和發射器,並顯示血糖值、圖表和統計資料,還提供警報。 它還可以上傳到 Nightscout 或充當的[Nightscout追蹤者應用程式](。 然而,實際上要 _獲得_ **xDrip4iOS** 應用程式相當困難。 +The [xDrip4iOS Facebook group]( is the main community support for xDrip4iOS and Shuggah. **xDrip4iOS** can connect to many different CGM systems and transmitters and display blood glucose values, charts and statistics as well as provide alarms. It can also upload to Nightscout or act as a [follower app for Nightscout]( However, it is difficult to actually _get_ the **xDrip4iOS** app for your phone. -“如何在我的 iPhone 上獲得 **xDrip4iOS** 應用程式?” 有兩個選項: +"How can I get **xDrip4iOS** on my iPhone?" There are two options: -1. 如果你有 Mac 和 Apple 開發者帳戶(每年 99 歐元/美元),你可以按照以下說明自行建立 xDrip4iOS 應用程式: +1. If you have a Mac and an Apple Developer account (99 EUR/USD per year) you can build your own xDrip4iOS by following the instructions below: -如果你願意,你還可以成為“發佈者”,並透過 Personal Testflight 分享 xDrip4iOS 給最多 100 個其他人,幫助他們: +If you want, you can then become a "releaser" and share a Personal Testflight xDrip4iOS with up to 100 other people to help them: -2. 你可以加入 [xDrip4iOS Facebook 群組](,並關注帖子……等待有人在群組中提供邀請加入他們的 Personal Testflight 版本。 **你不應該主動要求獲得應用程式邀請**(請閱讀群組規則)。 +2. You join the [xDrip4iOS Facebook group]( and monitor the posts… wait for somebody to offer an invitation to their Personal Testflight releases in the group. **You should not ask for an invitation to the app** (read the group rules). -一個更簡單的解決方案是下載 **Shuggah** 應用程式。 +An easier solution is therefore to download the **Shuggah** app. ::: #### [Shuggah]( -應用程式: +App: -![圖像](./images/03fc0c6a-067a-40ea-8be3-c66d4ce8b5d9.png) +![image](./images/03fc0c6a-067a-40ea-8be3-c66d4ce8b5d9.png) -![圖像](./images/fae3ec63-2c2c-4152-ab42-97f9744a8f36.png) +![image](./images/fae3ec63-2c2c-4152-ab42-97f9744a8f36.png) -“什麼是 Shuggah?” 一群烏克蘭開發者複製了 GitHub 上公開分享的 xDrip4iOS 項目代碼,並在 Apple Store 上以商業帳戶發佈該應用程式(該應用程式是免費的,他們的初衷是好的)。 該應用程式必須稍作修改以添加隱私聲明和免責聲明才能透過審核,但其餘部分應與 xDrip4iOS 相同。 Shuggah 發佈版不是由 xDrip4iOS 開發者管理的,因此不能保證它的功能與 xDrip4iOS 相同,也不能保證它會與 xDrip4iOS 同時更新,或者 Apple 不會在某個時間點將其從 App Store 中移除。 +"What is Shuggah?" A group of Ukrainian developers copied the project code for xDrip4iOS (which is shared publicly on GitHub) and released it on the App Store under a business account (the app is free, and their intentions are good). The app had to be slightly modified to add a privacy statement and disclaimer to get past the review, but the rest of the app should be the same as xDrip4iOS. The Shuggah release is not managed by the xDrip4iOS developers so it cannot be guaranteed that it will function in the same way as xDrip4iOS, that it will be updated at the same time, or that Apple won't remove it from the App Store at some point. -xDrip4iOS Facebook 群組支援 xDrip4iOS、Shuggah 以及相應的 Apple Watch 應用程式。 +The [xDrip4iOS Facebook group]( supports xDrip4iOS, Shuggah, and the matching Apple Watch apps. -### F) Sugarmate(iOS) +### F) Sugarmate (iOS) -![圖像](./images/340cd555-a9e0-4a20-a131-36c078f5b8ea.png) +![image](./images/340cd555-a9e0-4a20-a131-36c078f5b8ea.png) -![圖像](./images/21b83c41-85c6-4619-a702-a65450768855.png) +![image](./images/21b83c41-85c6-4619-a702-a65450768855.png) -[Sugarmate](可從 App Store 下載到 iPhone 上。 Sugarmate 相容於:● Apple iPhone(需要 13.0 或更高版本的軟體)● Apple iPad(需要 13.0 或更高版本的軟體)● Google Android(將網頁應用程式儲存到主螢幕) +[Sugarmate]( is available to download onto iPhones from the App store. Sugarmate is compatible with: ● Apple iPhone (Requires software version 13.0 or later) ● Apple iPad (Requires software version 13.0 or later) ● Google Android (Save web app to your homescreen) -據 Sugarmate 用戶報告,它可以在美國與 Apple CarPlay 一起使用,當駕駛時顯示血糖讀數。 目前尚未確定這在美國以外的國家是否可行。 如果你知道更多有關此功能的資訊,請透過提交 pull-request(鏈接)將詳細資料添加到文件中,這過程快速且簡單。 +It has been reported by users of Sugarmate that it can be used with Apple CarPlay in the USA to display glucose readings when driving. It is not yet established if this is possible in countries outside the USA. If you know more about this, please add details in here to the documentation by completing a pull-request (link) which is quick and easy to do. ### G) [Spike]( (iOS) -![圖像](./images/1129ba00-8159-4940-936e-76fd4ae45a2d.png) +![image](./images/1129ba00-8159-4940-936e-76fd4ae45a2d.png) -Spike 可用作主要接收器或追蹤者應用程式,提供血糖、警報、IOB 等功能。 該網站和應用程式已不再開發。 詳細資訊請參閱 [這裡](。 支援可以在 [Facebook]( 和 [Gitter]( 上找到。 +Spike can be used as a primary receiver or as a follower app, providing BG, alarms and IOB and more. The website and app are no longer developed. Details [here]( Support can be found on [Facebook]( and [Gitter]( -要安裝 Spike,請參閱 [這裡]( +To install Spike, see [here]( -## 2) 用於 **監控 AAPS** 的智慧型手錶(完整的個人資料資料或僅顯示血糖)當 **AAPS** 在手機上運作時。 +## 2) Smartwatches for **Monitoring of AAPS** (full profile data, or glucose-only) where **AAPS** is running on a phone. -允許與 **AAPS** 進行互動的智慧型手錶選項已在文件的 ["遠端控制"]( 部分中描述。 +Smartwatch options which also allow interaction with **AAPS** are described in the ["remote control"]( section of the documentation. -還有各種經濟實惠的智慧型手錶可供顯示資料使用。 如果你使用 Nightscout,那麼這裡有關所有選項的一個不錯的概述 [這裡]( +There are a wide range of affordable smartwatches which can provide display only. If you are using Nightscout, then a good overview of all the options is [here]( -在這裡我們總結了一些 **AAPS** 用戶流行的僅追蹤手錶選項: +Here we summarize some of the follow-only watch options popular with **AAPS** users: -### a) **小米和 Amazfit 手錶** +### a) **Xiaomi and Amazfit watches** -[Artem]( 為各種智慧型手錶型號建立了一個 xDrip+ 集成應用程式 WatchDrip+,主要針對小米(如 Mi band)和 Amazfit 品牌: +[Artem]( has created an xDrip+ integration app WatchDrip+ for various smartwatch models, mostly for Xiaomi (_e.g._ Mi band) and Amazfit brands: -![圖像](./images/4dba454b-f808-4e9e-bfc6-aba698e006f8.png) +![image](./images/4dba454b-f808-4e9e-bfc6-aba698e006f8.png) -你可以在他的網站上閱讀更多有關它們的資訊,包括如何設置 [這裡](。 這些手錶的優點是它們體積小且價格相對實惠(小米 Mi Band 5 的建議零售價為新台幣895元)。 它們是兒童和手腕較小的人們一個不錯的選擇。 +You can read more about them, including how to set-up at his website [here]( The advantage of these watches is that they are small and relatively affordable (the Xiaomi Mi Band 5 has a RRP of £39.99 GBP). They are a popular option especially for kids and those with smaller wrists to wear. -### b) Pebble 手錶 +### b) Pebble watch -![圖像](./images/52032f3b-c871-4342-b8e7-659c285a39c8.png) +![image](./images/52032f3b-c871-4342-b8e7-659c285a39c8.png) -![圖像](./images/935d28bb-a909-4ca8-850d-6a765bd4fcde.png) +![image](./images/935d28bb-a909-4ca8-850d-6a765bd4fcde.png) -Pebble 手錶([現已停產](於 2013 年至 2016 年間在市場上銷售,仍可二手購買。 Fitbit 接管了 Pebble 的資產。 Pebble 用戶可以使用 Urchin 表盤查看 Nightscout 資料。 顯示的資料選項包括 IOB、當前的臨時基礎速率和預測值。 如果使用開放循環,你可以使用 IFTTT 建立一個應用程式,如果收到來自**AAPS**的通知,則發送 SMS 或 pushover 通知。 +Pebble watches ([now discontinued]( were on general sale from 2013 - 2016, and may still be available second-hand. Fitbit took over Pebble’s assets. Pebble users can use the Urchin watchface to view Nightscout data. Displayed data options include IOB, currently active temp basal rate and predictions. If open looping you can use IFTTT to create an applet that says if a Notification has been received from **AAPS** then send either an SMS or pushover notification. -### c) [Bluejay GTS 手錶]( +### c) [Bluejay GTS watch]( -![圖像](./images/4d034157-b3d0-4dcb-98c8-fde0c2e7ad74.png) +![image](./images/4d034157-b3d0-4dcb-98c8-fde0c2e7ad74.png) -這是一款獨特的技術產品,可以 **直接**從 Dexcom G6 發射器接收血糖資料。 很多人不知道 Dexcom G6 發射器實際上會在兩個獨立的通道上廣播當前的血糖資料,一個是手機通道,另一個是幫浦通道。 Bluejay GTS 手錶運作的是經過修改的 Xdrip+ 軟體,並且可以設置為在任一通道上接收血糖資料,因此如果 **AAPS** 使用手機通道,那麼 Bluejay GTS 手錶可以使用幫浦通道。 +This is a unique piece of technology which can receive glucose data **directly** from the Dexcom G6 transmitter. It is not widely known that a Dexcom G6 transmitter actually broadcasts the current glucose data on _two_ separate channels, a phone channel and a pump channel. The Bluejay GTS watch runs a modified version of Xdrip+ software, and can be set to receive glucose data on either channel, so if **AAPS ** is using the phone channel, then the Bluejay GTS watch can use the pump channel. -Bluejay GTS 手錶體積小、防水且價格相對實惠(目前售價為 115 英鎊),可從英國國際運送。 其主要優點是它目前是唯一完全獨立於手機和循環系統的手錶。 例如,如果你在海灘或水上樂園時中斷幫浦和 **AAPS**手機的連線,並且超出了 AAPS 手機的範圍,你仍然可以從 Dexcom G6 直接獲取 Bluejay 手錶的讀數。 +The Bluejay GTS watch is small, waterproof and reasonably affordable (currently £115 GBP) and can be shipped internationally from the UK. The key advantage is that it is currently the only watch which is completely independent of both the phone and the looping system. So, for example, if you disconnect the pump and the **AAPS** phone at the beach or flume park, and are out of range of the AAPS phone, you can still get readings from the Dexcom G6 directly to the Bluejay watch. -報告的缺點是它並不總是每 5 分鐘獲取一次讀數,並且電池不可更換。 Bluejay GTS 手錶運作的是經過修改的 Xdrip+ 軟體,目前不支援其他 Dexcom 版本(如 G7)或 Libre 傳感器。 +Reported disadvantages are that it doesn’t always pickup a reading every 5 min, and the battery is not replaceable. The Bluejay GTS watch runs a modified version of Xdrip+ software, and it currently doesn’t work with other Dexcom versions (G7) or Libre sensors. -### d) Apple 手錶 +### d) Apple watch -查看 [你的手錶上的 Nightscout]( +Check [Nightscout on your watch]( -選項包括 Nightguard、Sugarmate、Gluco-Tracker 和 Loop Follow。 +Options include Nightguard, sugarmate, Gluco-Tracker and Loop Follow. -## 3) 追蹤 AAPS 的設備 +## 3) Devices for following AAPS -設備包括:A) M5 stack/M5 stickC +Devices include: A) M5 stack/M5 stickC B) Sugarpixel -C) PC(Teamviewer) +C) PC (Teamviewer) ### A) M5 stack -![圖像](./images/061edb52-56d2-45f4-b3da-82b2036d7bc6.png) +![image](./images/061edb52-56d2-45f4-b3da-82b2036d7bc6.png) -M5Stack 是一個小盒子,可以編程為多種應用程式,Martin 的項目 [M5Stack NightscoutMon]( 顯示傳感器血糖值和趨勢、IOB 和 COB。 它是一個塑膠盒,配備了彩色顯示屏、micro SD 卡槽、3 個按鈕、揚聲器和內置電池。 它是一個很棒的血糖監測器,並且如果你擁有 Nightscout 帳戶,設置相對容易。 用戶通常將其運作在他們的家庭 wifi 上,但有些用戶報告說,他們透過手機 wifi 熱點在騎摩托車時使用它作為顯示器。 +The M5Stack is a small box which can be programmed for many applications, Martin's project [M5Stack NightscoutMon]( is displaying sensor glucose values and trends, IOB and COB. It is in a plastic box, equipped with a colour display, micro SD card slot, 3 buttons, speaker and internal battery. It is a great blood sugar monitor and is relatively easy to set-up if you have a Nightscout account. Users typically run it on their home wifi, but some users report using it as a display when motorbiking, by running it off a phone wifi hotspot. ### B) Sugarpixel -SugarPixel 是一個連線 Dexcom 應用程式或 Nightscout 應用程式的次級血糖顯示警報系統,用於持續血糖監測。 該設備顯示實時的血糖讀數。 這款 CGM 硬體顯示器具備隨機音調生成的音檔警報(聲音非常大)、針對聽力受損者的振動警報、自定義顯示選項以及原生多用戶追蹤功能。 +SugarPixel is a device for secondary glucose display alert system for continuous glucose monitoring that connects with Dexcom app or Nightscout app on the user’s smartphone. The device displays real time blood sugar readings. This CGM hardware monitor benefits from random tone generation audio alerts (which are incredibly loud), vibration alerts for hearing impaired, customisable display options and native multi-user following. -![圖像](./images/39137beb-17cc-4c87-98b7-cf1831d484cb.png) +![image](./images/39137beb-17cc-4c87-98b7-cf1831d484cb.png) -![圖像](./images/87883ebb-9683-4aa8-8014-49c2ca902c93.png) +![image](./images/87883ebb-9683-4aa8-8014-49c2ca902c93.png) -● SugarPixel 具有多種顯示選項,支援 mg/dL 和 mmol/L,以滿足用戶的需求,並且帶有顏色標識的血糖值。 ● 標準顯示面板顯示血糖讀數、趨勢箭頭和 Delta 值。 Delta 是與上一次讀數的變化值(正或負)。 ● SugarPixel 可以自定義為低亮度模式,顯示血糖和時間面板,方便用戶在床邊桌上查看當前血糖讀數和時間。 ● SugarPixel 的彩色面板利用整個顯示屏來展示單一顏色,代表當前的血糖值。 這使得用戶可以在戶外的後院、露台或游泳池旁,透過窗戶從遠處看到血糖讀數。 ● 大血糖面板非常適合床邊使用,特別是佩戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡的用戶。 +● SugarPixel has multiple display options in mg/dL and mmol/L to suit the user’s needs with colour-coded glucose values. ● The standard face displays BG, Trend Arrow, and Delta. Delta is the change + or - from the last reading. ● SugarPixel can be customised for use in low brightness with the BG and Time face to see the user’s BG reading and current time on the user’s nightstand. ● SugarPixel’s xolour face utilises the entire display to show a single colour representing the BG value. This enables the user to see BG readings at a distance through the window while outside playing in the backyard, patio, or pool. ● The Big BG face is useful for nightstand users who wear glasses or contact lenses. -### C) 電腦(TeamViewer) -一些用戶發現像[TeamViewer](這樣的完整遠端桌面工具對於進行進階的遠端故障排除非常有幫助。 +### C) PC (TeamViewer) +Some users find a full remote access tool like [TeamViewer]( to be helpful for advanced remote troubleshooting.   From 146c21fc8a9758254c31f589daba178a715afa33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 199/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 751 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 376 insertions(+), 375 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 784662a07e5b..0499a882dfb7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,42 +1,43 @@ -# 遠端控制 AAPS -有四種非常有效的工具可以遠端管理 **AAPS**: +# Remote control of AAPS +There are four highly effective tools for remotely managing **AAPS**: -1) [SMS 指令](sms-commands)(追蹤者的手機可以是 Android 或 iOS),2) [AAPSClient](aapsclient)(追蹤者的手機是 Android)3) [Nightscout](nightscout)(Android、iOS 或其他電腦/設備),4) [智慧型手錶](smartwatches)(Android) +1) [SMS commands](sms-commands) (follower phone can be either Android or iOS), 2) [AAPSClient](aapsclient) (follower phone is Android) 3) [Nightscout](nightscout) (Android, iOS or other computer/device). +4) [Smartwatches](smartwatches) (Android) -前三個工具主要適合照顧者/父母使用,但智慧型手錶對於照顧者/父母以及糖尿病患者自己都非常有用。 +The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are very useful for carers/parents **and** for adults with diabetes themselves. -![圖像](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPS_overview_remote_control_01.png) +![image](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPS_overview_remote_control_01.png) -#### 為兒童設置 AAPS 遠端控制的考量 +#### Considerations when setting up remote control of **AAPS** for a child -1. 請考慮如何讓孩子的手機保持在幫浦和 CGM 的有效範圍內。 對於年齡較小,還無法對手機負責的兒童來說,這可能是一個挑戰。 確保您選擇的 AAPS 手機具有良好的藍牙連線範圍,並找到讓孩子舒適攜帶幫浦和手機的方法——如果他們年齡/體型夠大,可以隨身攜帶手機——例如,[SPI Belt]( 可能會有所幫助。 -2. 在開始遠端治療和監控之前,請花時間與孩子一起設置並測試指令。 許多父母選擇在學校假期或週末進行這些測試。 -3. 確保其他照顧者/老師了解您孩子的治療計畫,並確定遠端控制如何與現有計畫協作或增強其效果。 -4. 許多父母發現,與兒童看護人員保持單獨的聯繫方式是有幫助的,例如準備一個便宜的小型教師“追蹤”手機。 -5. 不同年齡兒童學校護理計畫的示例可以在 **AAPS** Facebook 頁面的["文件區"](找到。 -6. 當遠端控制無法工作時,您的應急計劃是什麼(_例如_網絡問題或藍牙連線丟失)? 始終考慮當您突然無法發送新指令時,**AAPS** 會發生什麼情況。 **AAPS** 會使用當前設定覆蓋幫浦的基礎率、ISF 和 ICR。 如果切換到更強的胰島素設定,請只使用臨時設定切換(_例如_設置特定的持續時間),以防止遠端連線中斷。 當時間到期時,幫浦將恢復到原始設定。 +1. Think about how you will keep the child’s phone in range of their pump and CGM. This can be challenging with children who are too young to be responsible for a phone. Ensuring you select an AAPS phone with a good bluetooth connection range and finding a comfortable way for the child to carry the pump and phone - if they are old/big enough to have the phone on them - (_e.g._ a [SPI Belt]( may help. +2. Take your time to set-up and test commands with your child next to you, before starting remote treatment and monitoring. Many parents choose school holidays or weekends. +3. Make sure other caregivers/teachers are aware of your child's treatment plan and work out how adding in remote control is going to work with/enhance the existing plan. +4. Many parents find it helpful to have a separate line of communication with childcare providers, for example a cheap small teacher “follow” phone. +5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”]( of the **AAPS** Facebook page. +6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. (sms-commands)= -## 1) SMS 指令 +## 1) SMS Commands -您可以透過一項稱為 **SMS 指令** 的功能,使用文字訊息(SMS)遠端控制 **AAPS**。 _任何_ 類型的手機(iPhone/Android)都可以傳送 SMS 指令到 **AAPS**。 +You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). -**SMS 指令非常有用於:** -1. 日常遠端控制 +**SMS commands are really useful:** +1. For routine remote control -2. 如果您想遠端注射胰島素 +2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin -3. 在網路訊號不佳的地區,文字訊息能夠傳送,而資料/網路訊號有限。 這在前往偏遠地區(例如露營、滑雪)時非常有用。 +3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). -4. 如果您的其他遠端控制方法(Nightscout/AAPSClient)暫時無法使用 +4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working -### SMS 指令的安全性 -如果您啟用 **SMS 通訊** 功能,請考慮設定為傳送遠端指令的手機可能會被竊取,或者被他人使用。 請務必用至少 PIN 碼鎖定您的手機。 強密碼和/或生物辨識鎖定是非常推薦的,並且確保這個密碼與 APK 主密碼(修改 **AAPS** 設定所需的密碼)不同。 必須啟用第二個手機號碼才能使 SMS 指令生效,即使您只有一位主要的照護者/追蹤者。 如果主要照護者/父母的手機遭到侵入,您可以使用第二個號碼暫時停用 SMS 通訊(使用指令**“SMS stop”**)。 2.7 版及更新版本的 **AAPS** 還使用 [驗證器應用程式](authentication-or-not)。 +### SMS command safety +If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](authentication-or-not)). -### 不同類型的 SMS 指令 -下表列出了所有可能的 **SMS 指令**。 給出了一些_範例值_來幫助理解。 這些指令的值範圍與 AAPS 應用程式中允許的值相同(目標、百分比設定等)。 下表根據可能的使用頻率列出了指令,前兩個表格應該包含了您在完整循環中需要的大部分 SMS 指令。 +### Different types of SMS commands +The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. -### SMS 指令表 +### SMS commands tables ![SMS_command_table_1](images/remote-control-02.png) @@ -47,757 +48,757 @@ ![SMS_command_table_4](images/remote-control-05.png) (authentication-or-not)= -### 是否需要驗證? +### Authentication or not? -您可能注意到,上述表格中的某些 SMS 指令會立即回應,而某些 SMS 指令則需要透過額外應用程式的安全碼和 PIN 進行 **驗證**(請參閱以下鏈接以獲取更多詳細資訊)。 簡單查詢如「**bg**」(請求當前血糖更新)打字快速,不需要驗證,並且返回以下所示的 **AAPS** 狀態資訊: +You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: -![圖像](images/remote-control-06.png) +![image](images/remote-control-06.png) -某些需要更高安全性的指令需要輸入安全碼,例如: +Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: -![SMS 經驗證的小型指令](images/remote-control-07.png) +![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](images/remote-control-07.png) -### 如何設定 SMS 指令 +### How to set up SMS commands -整個流程如下: +The overall process is as follows: -**1) 下載驗證器(照護者的手機)** +**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** -**2) 檢查手機設置(AAPS 手機)** +**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** -**3) 日期和時間同步(照護者和 AAPS 手機)** +**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** -**4) AAPS 設定(AAPS 手機)** +**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** -**5) 測試 SMS 指令是否正常工作(照護者和 AAPS 手機)** +**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** -### 讓我們開始吧! +### Let's get started! -1) **下載驗證器:** 在照護者的手機上,從 App Store 或 Google Play 下載並安裝以下驗證器之一: +1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: [**Authy**]( -[**Google 驗證器 - Android / iOS**]( +[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**]( -[**LastPass 身份驗證器**]( +[**LastPass Authenticator**]( -[**FreeOTP 身份驗證器**]( +[**FreeOTP Authenticator**]( -這些驗證器應用程式會生成一個時間限制的、一次性 6 位數密碼,類似於行動銀行或購物。 您也可以使用其他支援 RFC 6238 TOTP 權杖的驗證器應用程式。 Microsoft 驗證器無法使用。 +These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. -2) **檢查手機設定:** 在 **AAPS** 手機設定中,前往應用程式 > AndroidAPS > 權限 > SMS > 允許 SMS +2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS -![圖像](images/remote-control-08.png) +![image](images/remote-control-08.png) -3) **日期和時間同步:** 檢查 **AAPS** 手機和照護者手機的日期和時間是否同步。 具體操作取決於您的手機型號,您可能需要嘗試不同的設定。 +3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. -範例(以 Samsung S23 手機為例):設置 > 通用管理 > 日期和時間 > 自動日期和時間 +Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time -某些選項可能會被灰階化,這是因為手機設置為兒童帳戶,並需要透過家庭帳戶管理員啟用。 在照護者/父母的 iPhone 上,這個日期和時間設置稱為「自動設置」。 如果您不確定手機是否同步,別擔心,您可以先設置 SMS 指令,然後如果發現問題再進行故障排除(如果需要,可以請求幫助)。 +Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). -4) **AAPS 設定:** +4) **AAPS settings:** -i) 現在已經檢查了手機設定,在 **AAPS** 應用程式中,使用左側的漢堡選單導航到組態建置工具: +i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: -![圖像](images/remote-control-09.png) +![image](images/remote-control-09.png) -ii) 勾選選項啟用「SMS 通訊」,然後點擊「齒輪」圖示進入 SMS 通訊的偏好設置頁面: +ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: -![圖像](images/remote-control-10.png) +![image](images/remote-control-10.png) -_注意 - 作為進入組態建置工具的替代路徑,您還可以使用 AAPS 螢幕頂部的「SMS 通訊」標籤,然後右擊該頁面的自定義右側漢堡選單,進入 SMS 通訊偏好設定頁面。_ +_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ -iii) 在偏好設定頁面上,啟用「允許透過 SMS 遠端指令」: +iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: -![圖像](images/remote-control-11.png) +![image](images/remote-control-11.png) -iv) 輸入照護者的電話號碼。 包含國際區號,並且排除電話號碼的第一個「0」,如以下範例所示: +iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: -英國電話號碼:+447976304596 +UK phone number: +447976304596 -美國電話號碼:+11234567890 +US phone number: +11234567890 -法國電話號碼:+33612344567 +FR phone number: +33612344567 -_等。_ +_etc._ -請注意,依據您所在的位置,電話號碼前的「+」號可能需要或不需要。 為了確定這一點,您可以傳送範例簡訊,以顯示在 SMS 通訊標籤中的接收格式。 +Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. -如果需要輸入多個電話號碼,請使用分號分隔,且號碼之間**不能有空格**(這一點至關重要!)。 選擇「確定」: +If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: -![圖像](images/remote-control-12.png) +![image](images/remote-control-12.png) -v) 選擇一個 PIN 碼,您(及任何其他照護者)將會在傳送 SMS 指令時,於驗證碼結尾使用此 PIN 碼。 +v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. -PIN 碼要求如下: +PIN requirements are: -• 3 到 6 位數字 +•3 to 6 digits -• 不能全部為相同的數字(例如:1111 或 1224) +•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) -• 不能是連續數字(例如:1234) +•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) -![圖像](images/remote-control-13.png) +![image](images/remote-control-13.png) -vi) 在偏好設定頁面中,選擇「驗證器設置」 +vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” -● 按照螢幕上的逐步說明操作。 +● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. -● 在照護者的手機上打開已安裝的驗證器應用程式,設定一個新的連線,並 +● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and -● 當提示時,使用照護者的手機掃描 **AAPS** 提供的 QR 碼。 +● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. -● 測試從照護者手機的驗證器應用程式生成的一次性密碼,並在後面加上您的 PIN 碼: +● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: -範例: +Example: -驗證器應用程式生成的驗證碼為 457051 +The token from the authenticator app is 457051 -您的必須 PIN 碼為 2401 +Your mandatory PIN is 2401 -驗證碼:4570512401 +Code to check: 4570512401 -如果輸入正確,紅色字體「WRONG PIN」將自動變為綠色「OK」。 此過程已完成,輸入驗證碼後無需按「OK」按鈕: +If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: -![圖像](images/remote-control-14.png) +![image](images/remote-control-14.png) -您現在已成功設定 SMS 指令。 +You should now be set up with SMS commands. -### SMS 指令的初步操作 +### First steps using SMS commands -1) 為了確認您已經正確設定,從照護者的手機傳送一則包含「bg」的簡訊到 AAPS 手機進行連線測試。 您應該會收到如下的回應: +1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: -![圖像](images/remote-control-15.png) +![image](images/remote-control-15.png) -2) 現在嘗試傳送一個需要驗證器的 SMS 指令。 要這麼做,從照護者的手機傳送所需指令到 **AAPS** 手機 (_例如_「target hypo」)。 照護者的手機將收到一則簡訊,提示您輸入來自驗證器應用程式的 **六位數驗證碼**,隨後是只有照護者/追蹤者知道的額外秘密 **PIN 碼**(假設 PIN 碼為 4 位數,共計 10 位數字)。 +2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). -下方範例展示了傳送「target hypo」指令以設定低血糖臨時目標的過程: +This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: -● 在此範例中,您的 PIN 碼為 1289 +● In this example, your PIN is 1289 -● 您的驗證器應用程式生成的驗證碼為 274127 +● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 -● 當提示時,傳送簡訊 2741271289 +● When prompted, text 2741271289 -指令必須以英文傳送。 回應則會顯示為您的本地語言。 當您首次嘗試傳送 SMS 指令時,最好在 AAPS 手機附近,以觀察運作情況: +Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: -![圖像](images/remote-control-16.png) +![image](images/remote-control-16.png) -照護者的手機將收到來自 **AAPS** 的簡訊,確認遠端 SMS 指令是否成功執行。 指令可能無法成功的幾個原因如下: +The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: -● SMS 指令設置不完整或不正確 +● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct -● 您傳送了格式不正確的指令(例如:「disconnect pump 45」應為「pump disconnect 45」) +● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) -● 您使用了不正確或過期的驗證碼(當前驗證碼即將過期時,等待幾秒產生新的驗證碼通常是個好主意) +● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) -● 驗證碼和 PIN 碼正確,但 SMS 傳送或接收的延遲,導致 AAPS 判定驗證碼已過期 +● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired -● AAPS 手機超出與幫浦的連線範圍/聯繫 +● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump -● 系統正忙於執行注射操作 +● The system is already busy delivering a bolus -如果您的指令成功,您將收到一則確認回覆。 如果出現問題,您將收到錯誤訊息。 +If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. -常見錯誤的範例如下所示: +Common errors are shown in the examples below: -![圖像](images/remote-control-17.png) +![image](images/remote-control-17.png) -### SMS 指令的額外安全注意事項 +### Additional safety notes on SMS commands -預設的兩次注射指令之間的最短延遲時間為 15 分鐘。 為了安全起見,您必須添加至少兩個授權電話號碼才能將此延遲時間縮短。 如果您嘗試在前一次注射後 15 分鐘內再次遠端注射,您將收到「無法遠端注射。請稍後再試」的回覆。 嘗試稍後再試 +The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” -如果您想移除照護者手機發送 SMS 指令的能力,請使用 AAPS 中的緊急按鈕「重置驗證器」(參見上方偏好設定截圖的連結)或發送 SMS 指令「SMS stop」。 重置驗證器將使所有照護者的手機無效。 您需要重新設定它們。 +If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. -### 透過 SMS 指令進行餐時注射 +### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands -遠端注射胰島素 _只能_ 透過 **SMS 指令** 完成,無法透過 NightScout 或 AAPSClient 執行。 然而,碳水化合物可以透過這三種方法中的任何一種報告。 無法在一條 SMS 訊息中同時發送碳水化合物和胰島素指令。 這些指令必須分開發送,具體如下: +Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: -1) 發送胰島素注射指令(_例如_ 「bolus 2」將指令注射 2 單位的胰島素),透過 SMS 指令相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「注射」圖示。 2) 發送碳水化合物指令(_例如_「carbs 20」將報告 20 克的碳水化合物)。 這相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「碳水化合物」標籤。 +1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. -為了避免低血糖,最好保守起見,注射 **少於** 按照您的碳水比率所需的胰島素,因為您沒有考慮當前的血糖水平或血糖趨勢。 +To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. -**發送這些指令的順序很重要**。 如果您透過任何方式報告大量碳水化合物,並啟用了 SMB(超小注射),**AAPS** 可能會立即透過部分胰島素注射作出回應。 因此,如果您在報告碳水化合物後嘗試發送胰島素注射指令,您可能會遇到延遲並顯示「注射進行中」的訊息,您需要檢查已經執行的 SMB 注射。 或者,如果您沒有意識到正在進行 SMB 注射,並且您後續的注射也成功,則可能會為這頓飯過多注射胰島素。 因此,如果遠端控制餐時注射,請務必在報告碳水化合物 _之前_ 發送胰島素注射指令。 如果您願意,您可以結合使用 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 與 SMS 指令。 碳水化合物可以透過 Nightscout 報告,且不需要驗證(請參閱下方的說明部分),因此速度比 SMS 指令更快。 +**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. -### SMS 指令的疑難排解與常見問題解答 +### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ -#### Q: SMS 指令有哪些限制? +#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? -1) **您無法設置_臨時_的個人檔案切換**(例如,設置「運動檔案」60 分鐘),但您可以永久切換至「運動檔案」。 臨時檔案切換可以透過 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 進行設置。 +1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. -2) **您無法取消自動化或設置自定義目標**,但可以使用替代方案:假設您的常規檔案目標為 5.5。 您在 AAPS 中設置了自動化,每天下午 2:30 至 3:30 間將目標設為 7.0,以便學校的運動課程使用,並且自動化條件是「不存在臨時目標」。 本週,您臨時得知運動課被取消,取而代之的是披薩聚會,但您的孩子已經帶著 AAPS 手機在學校。 如果自動化設置了 7.0 的高臨時目標並且您取消了它(在 AAPS 手機上或遠端),自動化條件仍然成立,**AAPS** 將在一分鐘後再次設置高目標。 +2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. -**如果您可以查看 AAPS 手機**,您可以取消或修改自動化,或者,如果您不想這樣做,您可以在動作標籤中設置一個新的 5.6 的臨時目標 60 分鐘,或按下目標標籤來設置。 這樣可以防止自動化設置 7.0 的高目標。 +**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. -**如果您無法查看 AAPS 手機**,可以使用 SMS 指令作為大致解決方案:例如,使用指令「target meal」設置 45 分鐘的 5.0 目標(其他預設目標為 8.0 用於運動或低血糖,見表)。 然而,使用 SMS 指令無法指定 _特定_ 的目標值(例如 60 分鐘的 5.6),這需要使用 **AAPSClient** 或 Nightscout。 +**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. -#### Q: 如果我改變了剛發送的指令怎麼辦? +#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? -**AAPS** 只會執行最近發送的指令。 因此,如果您輸入「bolus 1.5」,然後未經驗證就發送了新指令「bolus 1」,它將忽略先前的 1.5 指令。 **AAPS** 會始終向照護者手機發送回覆,確認 SMS 指令內容,然後提示您輸入驗證碼,並在執行後發送回覆。 +**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. -#### Q: 為什麼我沒有收到 SMS 指令的回覆? +#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? -可能是以下原因之一: +It could be for one of these reasons: -1) 訊息未到達手機(網絡問題)。 2) **AAPS** 還在處理請求(_例如_ 注射,根據注射速率,可能需要一些時間來執行)。 3) 當收到指令時,AAPS 手機與幫浦之間的藍牙連線不良,導致指令失敗(這通常會在 AAPS 手機上觸發警報)。 +1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). -#### Q: 一旦指令經過驗證,我可以停止嗎? +#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? -不可以。 但是,您可以透過在 **AAPS** 手機的注射彈出窗口中快速取消來停止 SMS 發送的注射。 除了注射和碳水化合物報告外,許多 SMS 指令可以輕鬆撤銷,或透過某些操作來減輕錯誤的影響。 +You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. -例如,對於注射和碳水化合物報告中的錯誤,您仍然可以採取行動。 例如,如果您宣佈了 20g 的碳水化合物,但您的孩子只吃了 10g,而您(或在場的照護者)無法直接在 **AAPS** 手機中刪除這個治療,您可以設置一個較高的臨時目標,或設置一個較低的個人設定,讓 **AAPS** 減少其侵略性。 +For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. -#### 問。 為什麼我收到同一條訊息的多封 SMS 簡訊? +#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? -如果您重複收到相同的訊息(例如個人設定切換),您可能無意間與其他應用程式建立了循環狀態。 例如可能是 xDrip+。 如果是這樣,請確保 xDrip+(或任何其他應用程式)沒有將治療資料上傳到 NightScout。 +If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. -#### 問。 我剛設置了 SMS 指令,現在收到太多的簡訊。 我可以減少頻率或停止這些簡訊嗎? +#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? -使用 SMS 指令可能會讓 AAPS 手機自動發送許多訊息到照護者的手機。 例如,如果您在 **AAPS** 中設置了自動化,您也會收到“幫浦中的基礎率設定已更新”這類訊息。 如果預計要發送大量簡訊,您最好在 AAPS 手機計畫中(以及每位照護者手機中)使用不限量的簡訊配額,並停用所有手機上的簡訊通知、警報或振動功能。 使用 SMS 指令時,無法避免接收到這些更新。 因此,您可能需要另一種與孩子直接溝通的方式(如果他們年齡夠大),而不是使用 SMS。 常見的 **AAPS** 照護者會使用的替代通訊應用程式包括 Whatsapp、Lime、Telegram 和 Facebook Messenger。 +Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. -#### 問。 為什麼我的 Samsung 手機上的 SMS 指令無法運作? +#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? -曾經有報告指出,Samsung Galaxy S10 手機在更新後,SMS 指令停止運作。 這個問題可以透過停用“以聊天訊息發送”來解決。 +There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. -![圖像](images/remote-control-18.png) +![image](images/remote-control-18.png) -#### 問。 如何解決 Android 訊息應用程式的問題? +#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? -如果您在使用 Android 訊息應用程式發送或接收 SMS 指令時遇到問題,請停用照護者和被照護者手機上的端到端加密功能: +If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: -● 開啟訊息應用程式中的特定 SMS 對話 +● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages -● 選擇右上角的選項省略號 +● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner -● 選擇“詳細資料” +● select “Details” -● 啟用“只發送 SMS 和 MMS 訊息” +● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient -_請注意,**NSClient** 已被 **AAPSClient** 取代,適用於 AAPS 3.2 及更高版本,請查閱版本發佈說明以了解更多資訊。_ +_Note that **NSClient** has been replaced by **AAPSClient** for AAPS version 3.2 and higher, check the version release notes for more information._ -對於 AAPS 3.2 以下版本,如果您有照護者/父母的 Android 手機,您可以直接下載並安裝 [**AAPSClient**]( apk。 **AAPSClient** 的外觀與 **AAPS** 本身非常相似,提供了照護者可以遠端執行 **AAPS** 指令的標籤頁: +For versions of **AAPS** which are older than AAPS 3.2, if you have a caregiver/parent Android phone you can directly download and install the [**AAPSClient**]( apk. **AAPSClient** looks very similar in appearance to **AAPS** itself, offering the caregiver tabs that will remotely action commands in **AAPS**: ![NSCLIENT_ 2024-05-17 134512]( -這裡有兩個可以[下載](的 apk 版本,分別是 **AAPSClient** 和 **AAPSClient2**,它們有著細微但重要的差異,詳見下方說明。 +There are 2 versions of the apk that can be [downloaded from here](, **AAPSClient** & **AAPSClient2** which have a subtle but important difference as explained below. -**AAPSClient** 可以安裝在一部或多部追蹤者手機上(例如父母一的追蹤者手機和父母二的追蹤者手機),以便兩位照護者都能夠獲得權限並遠端控制患者的 **AAPS** 手機。 +**AAPSClient** can be installed on a single phone or multiple follower phones (i.e. parent 1’s follower phone and parent 2’s follower phone) in order for both caregivers to be granted access and remote control a patient's **AAPS** phone. -如果某位照護者需要第二個副本來遠端控制另一位患者,且該患者有 Nightscout 帳號,他們應該安裝 **AAPSClient2** 以外加 **AAPSClient**。 **AAPSClient2** 允許單一照護者在同一台追蹤者手機上安裝 **AAPSClient** apk 兩次,以便同時遠端控制兩位不同的患者。 +Should a caregiver require a second copy of **AAPSClient** to remote control an additional patient with a Nightscout account, they should install **AAPSClient2** in addition to **AAPSClient**. **AAPSClient 2** allows a single caregiver to install the **AAPSClient** apk twice on the same follower phone in order to be given simultaneous access and remote control to two different patients. -要下載 **AAPSClient**,請前往 [此處](,然後點擊資產**“app-AAPSClient-release_x.x.x.x”**(它可能比下面的截圖顯示版本更新): +To download **AAPSClient**, navigate to [here]( and click on the asset **“app-AAPSClient-release_x.x.x.x”** (it may be a newer version to that shown in the screenshot below): -![圖像](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_02.png) +![image](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_02.png) -然後前往電腦上的 _下載_ 資料夾。 在 Windows 上,-下載- 將顯示右邊的選單欄: +Then go to _downloads_ on your computer. On Windows, -downloads_ will show the right hand ribbon: -![圖像](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_folder_03.png) +![image](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_folder_03.png) -下載完成後,點擊 _顯示於資料夾中_ 來定位該檔案。 +Once downloaded, click _show in folder_ to locate the file. -現在,**AAPSClient** apk 可以透過以下方式進行安裝: +The **AAPSClient** apk can now be either: -透過 USB 傳輸線傳輸到追蹤者手機;或拖放至 Google 雲端硬碟資料夾,然後透過點擊“app-AAPSClient-release”檔案將其安裝到追蹤者手機。 +Transferred by a USB cable onto the follower phone; or Dragged into Google drive folder, and then added onto the follower phone by clicking on the "app-AAPSClient-release" file. -### 同步設置 - AAPSClient 和 AAPS 配置(適用於 版本以上) +### Synchronization- AAPSClient and AAPS set up (for Version above) -一旦在追蹤者手機上安裝了 __AAPSClient__ apk,用戶必須確保在 Config Builder 中的“偏好設定”已正確設置並與 __AAPS__ 的 Nightscout 15 對齊(請參閱發佈說明 [此處](。 以下範例提供了使用 Nightscout 15 的 NSClient 和 NSClientV3 的同步指南,但 __AAPS__ 也有其他選項(例如 xDrip+)。 +Once __AAPSClient__ apk is installed on the follower phone, the user must ensure their ‘Preferences’ in Config Builder are correctly set up and aligned with __AAPS__ for Nightscout 15 (see Release Notes [here]( The example below provides Synchronization guidance for NSClient and NSClientV3 using Nightscout15 but there are other options available with __AAPS__ (e.g xDrip+). -在“Config Builder”的“同步設置”中,用戶可以選擇 __AAPS__ 和追蹤者手機的同步選項: +Within the ‘Synchronization’ located under ‘Config Builder’, the user can opt for either Synchronization options for both __AAPS__ and follower phone being: -- 選項 1:NSClient(也稱為“v1”)- 同步用戶的資料與 Nightscout;或 +- Option 1: NSClient (also known as ‘v1’) - which synchronises the user’s data with Nightscout; or -- 選項 2:NSClientV3(也稱為“v3”)- 透過 v3 API 同步用戶的資料與 Nightscout。 +- Option 2: NSClientV3 (also referred to as ‘v3’).- which synchronises the user’s data with Nightscout using v3 API. -![AAPS1_截圖 2024-05-17 133502]( +![AAPS1_Screenshot 2024-05-17 133502]( -用戶必須確保 __AAPS__ 和 AAPS Client 手機都透過執行 v1 或 v3 的選項同步: +The user must ensure that __both__ the AAPS and AAPS Client phones are synched together by actioning either option for v1 or v3 being: -選項 1:兩部手機均使用 v1: +Option 1: v1 for both phones: -- 輸入您的 Nightscout 網址 +- Enter your Nightscout URL -- 輸入您的 API 密碼 +- Enter your API secret -選項 2:兩部手機均使用 v3: +Option 2: v3 for both phones: -- 在 NSClientV3 標籤下輸入您的 Nightscout 網址 +- Enter your Nightscout URL under NSClientV3 tab -- 在“Config Build”標籤下輸入您的 NS 查看權杖。 請遵循[此處](的說明 +- Enter your NS access token under ‘Config Build’ tab. Please follow the notes [here]( -如果選擇 Websockets(可選),請確保 __AAPS__ 和 __AAPSClient__ 的手機上均已啟用或停用此功能。 啟用 Websockets 於 __AAPS__ 而未於 __AAPSClient__ 啟用(反之亦然),將會導致 __AAPS__ 無法正常運作。 啟用 Websockets 將加快與 Nightscout 的同步速度,但可能會導致手機耗電量增加。 +If selecting Websockets (which is optional) ensure this is activated or deactivated for both __AAPS’__ and __AAPSClient’s__ phone. Activating Websockets in __AAPS__ and not within __AAPSClient__ (and vice versa) will only cause __AAPS__ to malfunction. By enabling websockets will allow for faster synchronization with Nightscout but may lead to more phone battery consumption. -![WB2_截圖 2024-05-17 140548]( +![WB2_Screenshot 2024-05-17 140548]( -用戶應確保 __AAPSClient__ 和 __AAPS__ 均在“NSClient”標籤下顯示“已連線”,並且當在 __AAPSClient__ 中選擇後,“個人設定切換”或“臨時目標”可以在 __AAPS__ 中正確啟動。 +Users should ensure that both __AAPSClient__ and __AAPS__ are showing ‘connected’ under the ‘NSClient' tab for each phone, and that ‘Profile Switches’ or ‘Temp Target' can be correctly activated in __AAPS__ once selected in __AAPSClient__. -用戶還應確保在 __AAPSClient__ 和 __AAPS__ 中的“治療”中記錄碳水化合物,否則這可能表明用戶的設置存在問題。 +Users should also ensure that carbs are logged in both ‘Treatments’ within both __AAPSClient__ and __AAPS__ otherwise this could indicate a malfunction within the user’s set up. -### 疑難排解“NS 查看權杖”配置問題 +### Troubleshooting 'NS access token' configuration issues -具體的“NS 查看權杖”配置可能會根據您的 Nightscout 提供商是否為付費託管網站而有所不同。 +The precise 'NS access token' configuration may differ depending upon whether your Nightscout provider is a paid for hosted site or not. -如果您在使用付費託管的 Nightscout 網站時,發現 **AAPS** v3 無法接受“NS 查看權杖”,建議您首先與 Nightscout 提供商聯繫,以解決“NS 查看權杖”問題。 否則,請聯繫 **AAPS** 小組,但在此之前,請務必仔細檢查是否正確遵循了說明 [此處](。 +If you are struggling with **AAPS** v3 to accept the 'NS access token' and using a paid for hosted Nightscout site, you may wish to first liaise with your Nightscout provider on how to resolve the 'NS access token' difficulties. Otherwise, please reach out to the **AAPS** group but please double check that you have correctly followed the notes before doing so [here]( -### AAPSClient 的功能包括: +### Features of AAPSClient include: -![Sara 的 AAPSClient 表格](images/remote-control-23.png) +![Sara's AAPSClient table](images/remote-control-23.png) -**AAPSClient** 允許照護者透過移動網絡或互聯網,遠端進行許多 **AAPS** 中允許的調整(不包括胰島素注射)。 **AAPSClient** 的主要優點是照護者/父母能夠以快速、便捷的方式遠端控制 **AAPS**。 __AAPSClient__ _可能_ 比輸入 SMS 指令快得多,尤其是當執行需要身份驗證的指令時。 透過 **AAPSClient** 輸入的指令將上傳到 Nightscout。 +**AAPSClient** allows the caregiver to make many of the adjustments that are allowed directly in **AAPS** (excluding insulin boluses) remotely, via the mobile or internet network. The main benefits of **AAPSClient** are the speed and ease with which caregivers/parents can use it to remotely control **APPS**. __AAPSClient__ _can_ be much faster than entering SMS Commands, if delivering a command which would require authentication. Commands entered on **AAPSClient** are uploaded onto Nightscout. -只有當您的同步運作良好時,才建議使用 **AAPSClient** 進行遠端控制(_即_ 不會出現不必要的資料更改,如自動修改臨時目標、臨時基礎率等),詳見[版本 發佈說明](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1)了解更多細節。 +Remote control through **AAPSClient** is only recommended if your synchronization is working well (_i.e._ you don’t see unwanted data changes like self-modification of TT, TBR etc) see [release notes for Version](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1) for further details. -### AAPSClient 與智慧型手錶的選項 +### AAPSClient with smartwatch options -智慧型手錶可以是一個非常有用的工具,幫助管理兒童的 **AAPS**。 有幾種不同的配置方式可供選擇。 如果**AAPSClient** 安裝在父母的手機上,則可以下載並安裝[**AAPSClient WearOS** 應用程式](在與父母手機連線的相容智慧型手錶上。 這將顯示當前的血糖值、循環狀態,並允許輸入碳水化合物、設定臨時目標和更換設定檔。 無法從 WearOS 應用程式進行注射。 您可以在[這裡](smartwatches)閱讀更多關於智慧型手錶的資訊。 +A smartwatch can be a very useful tool for helping to manage **AAPS** with kids. A couple of different configurations are possible. If **AAPSClient** is installed on the parents phone, the [**AAPSClient WearOS** app]( can be downloaded and installed on a compatible smartwatch which is connected to the parent's phone. This will show current BG, loop status and allow carb entry, temp targets and profile changes. It will NOT allow bolusing from the WearOS app. You can read more about Smartwatches [here](smartwatches). (nightscout)= ## 3) Nightscout -Nightscout 不僅是雲端中的伺服器,還有一個專用的 **Nightscout** 應用程式,可以直接從 iPhone 的 App Store 下載。 如果您有 Android 追蹤者手機,並沒有專用的 Nightscout 應用程式,建議使用 [**AAPSClient**](AAPSClient),或者如果您只想要追蹤而不發送治療資料,您可以從 Play 商店下載並安裝 [Nightwatch](link) 應用程式。 +As well as Nightscout being a server in “the Cloud”, there is also a dedicated **Nightscout** app which can be downloaded directly from the App Store on your iPhone. If you have an Android follower phone, there is not a dedicated Nightscout app and it is better to use [**AAPSClient**](AAPSClient), or, if you only want to follow, and not send treatments you can download and install the [Nightwatch](link) app from the Playstore. -一旦您在 iPhone 上安裝了 **Nightscout** 應用程式,打開應用並按照設置提示進行操作,輸入您的 Nightscout 地址(見下方左側)。 此地址的格式可能取決於您的 Nightscout 是如何託管的。 (_例如_。 然後輸入您的 Nightscout API 密碼(見下方右側)。 如果未提示您輸入 API 密碼,請點擊應用程式頂部的鎖形圖示輸入密碼: +Once you have installed the **Nightscout** app on your iPhone, open the app and follow the set-up prompts, entering your Nightscout address (see below, left). The form of this may vary depending on how your Nightscout is hosted. (_e.g._ Then enter your Nightscout API secret (see below, right). If not prompted for your API password, then you need to enter this by clicking on the padlock at the top of the app: -![圖像](images/remote-control-24.png) +![image](images/remote-control-24.png) -更多設置資訊可直接從 [Nightscout]( 獲得 +More info on setup is available directly from [Nightscout]( -當您首次登入時,將會顯示一個非常簡單的介面(見下方左側)。 透過點擊右上角的“漢堡”選單並向下滾動來自定義顯示選項: +When you first log in, you will have a very simple display (below, left). Customise the display options, by selecting the “hamburger” in the top right and scrolling down: -![圖像](images/remote-control-25.png) +![image](images/remote-control-25.png) -向下滾動到“設置”。 您可能會想將 血糖 顯示的“比例”設置為“線性”,因為預設值是對數比例,並在“渲染基礎率”下選擇“預設”以顯示幫浦的基礎率。 繼續向下滾動直到找到“顯示外掛”。 您需要確保已勾選“照護入口”,還可以選擇其他有用的指標(最常用的包括:IOB、照護入口、幫浦、套管齡、胰島素齡、基礎率設定和 OpenAPS)。 +Scroll down through to “Settings”. You may wish to change the “scale” to “linear” as the default for the BG display is logarithmic, and under “render basal” select “default” so that the pump basal shows up. Continue to scroll down until you get to “show plugins”. You need to make sure “careportal” is checked, and can also select various other metrics (most useful are: IOB, care portal, pump, cannula age, insulin age, basal profile and OpenAPS). -![圖像](images/remote-control-26.png) +![image](images/remote-control-26.png) -![圖像](images/remote-control-27.png) +![image](images/remote-control-27.png) -重要的是,您現在需要點擊底部的“儲存”,以使這些更改生效。 +Importantly, you now need to click “save” at the bottom for these changes to take effect. -按下“儲存”後,應用程式將返回您的 Nightscout 主畫面,顯示如下: +After pressing “save” the app will return to your main Nightscout screen which will look a little like this: -![圖像](images/remote-control-28.png) +![image](images/remote-control-28.png) -更詳細地查看 Nightscout 應用程式左上角的選單: +Looking in more detail at the top left menu of the Nightscout app: -![Nightscout 頂部欄](images/remote-control-29.png) +![nightscout top bar](images/remote-control-29.png) -此畫面上的灰色標籤包含大量關於 **AAPS** 系統狀態的資訊(點擊標籤可顯示更多資訊): +There is a huge amount of information on the status of the **AAPS** system in the grey tabs (and even more information is revealed if you tap the tab) on this screen: -![圖像](images/remote-control-30.png) +![image](images/remote-control-30.png) -![圖像](images/remote-control-31.png) +![image](images/remote-control-31.png) -### 透過 Nightscout 應用程式向 AAPS 發送治療資料 +### Sending treatments through the Nightscout app to AAPS -要設置從 **Nightscout** 應用程式向 **AAPS** 發送治療資料,請在主要 AAPS 手機中進入 **AAPSClient** 標籤。 打開右側的省略號選單,然後打開 AAPSClient 偏好設定 - 同步,並在此選單中選擇相關選項。 將其設置為接收不同的指令(例如臨時目標等)並同步個人設定。 如果似乎沒有同步,請返回 AAPSClient 標籤並選擇“完全同步”,等待幾分鐘。 +To set-up sending treatments from the **Nightscout** app to **AAPS**, on the main AAPS phone, go into the **AAPSClient** tab in the **AAPS** app. Open the right-hand dot menu, and open AAPSClientpreferences – synchronisation and select the relevant options in this menu. Set it to receive the different commands (temporary targets, etc) and also to synchronise profiles. If things don’t seem to be synchronised, go back to the AAPSClient tab and select “full synchronisation” and wait a few minutes. -您在 iPhone 上的 Nightscout 應用程式擁有與您在電腦上使用的 Nightscout 相同的功能。 它允許您向 **AAPS** 發送許多指令,但不允許您發送胰島素注射指令。 +Nightscout on your iPhone has all the same functions as Nightscout on your PC. It allows you to send many commands to **AAPS**, but it does not allow you to send insulin boluses. -### 取消負胰島素以避免重複低血糖 +### Cancelling negative insulin to avoid repeat hypos -儘管您無法實際注射胰島素,但您可以透過 Nightscout 宣佈胰島素作為“修正注射”,儘管它實際上並未注射。 由於 AAPS 會考慮到這個假設的胰島素注射,因此宣佈胰島素實際上可以使 AAPS _不那麼激進_,這在取消負胰島素和防止低血糖時非常有用,特別是當您的個人設定過於強烈(例如,由於之前的運動)。 您可能會希望親自查看這些設置,並在 **AAPS** 手機附近進行檢查,以防您的 **Nightscout** 設置有所不同。 +Although you cannot actually bolus insulin, you can however “announce” insulin through Nightscout as a “correction bolus”, although it is not delivered. Because AAPS now takes that fake insulin bolus into account, announcing insulin actually works to make AAPS _less aggressive_, and can be useful for cancelling negative insulin and preventing lows in the event that your profile has been too strong (for example due to prior exercise). You will want to check this for yourself in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, in case your **Nightscout** setup differs. -![24-10-23,取消負胰島素 NS](./images/0af1dbe4-8aca-466b-816f-8e63758208ca.png) +![24-10-23, cancel negative insulin NS](./images/0af1dbe4-8aca-466b-816f-8e63758208ca.png) -一些最有用的 **Nightscout** 指令在下表中描述。 +Some of the most useful **Nightscout** commands are described in the table below. -#### Nightscout 指令表 +#### Nightscout command table -![圖像](images/remote-control-33.png) +![image](images/remote-control-33.png) -閱讀更多關於 **Nightscout** 的選項[此處]( +Read more about **Nightscout** options [here]( -### 獲取 Nightscout 應用程式最佳使用效果的小提示 +### Tips for getting the most out of the Nightscout app -1). 如果您被困在某個頁面上,並希望再次查看主畫面,只需點擊“重新整理”(底部中間),這將帶您返回 **Nightscout** 主頁,顯示 血糖 圖表。 +1). If you get “stuck” on a page and want to be able to see the main screen again, just click “refresh” (bottom middle) and this will take you back to the **Nightscout** homepage with the BG graph. -要查看手機上當前運作的個人設定,請按圖表上方的各個圖示。 按下“基礎率”可以查看更多資訊(當前的碳水化合物比率、敏感性和時區等),“OpenAPS”顯示有關個人設定和當前目標的資訊。 您還可以監控手機電池百分比和幫浦電池百分比。 BWP 提供關於算法在考慮 IOB 和 COB 情況下預測未來結果的資訊。 +To see the current profile which is running on the phone, press the various icons on the screen above the graph. More info (current carb ratio, sensitivity and timezone etc.) can be seen by pressing “basal” and “OpenAPS” gives info about the profile and current target etc. Both the phone battery% and the pump battery % can also be monitored. BWP gives information on what the algorithm thinks will happen in the future, given the IOB and COB. -#### 選單中的其他圖示:鉛筆(編輯)圖示是什麼意思? +#### Other icons in the menu: what does the pencil (edit) mean? -您可以(技術上)使用編輯鉛筆來移動或刪除過去 48 小時內的注射或修正治療。 +You can (technically) use the edit pencil to move or delete bolus or correction treatments from the last 48h. -更多相關資訊請參閱 [這裡]( +More about this [here]( -雖然這可能對刪除已宣佈(但未實際注射)的碳水化合物有幫助,但在實際操作中,這在 **AAPS** 中並不運作良好,因此我們建議直接透過 **AAPS** 應用程式進行此類更改。 +Although this could potentially be useful for deleting announced (but not bolused for) carbs, in practice it doesn’t currently work well with **AAPS** and we recommend making changes like this via the **AAPS** app directly. (smartwatches)= -## 4) 智慧型手錶 +## 4) Smartwatches -智慧型手錶越來越多地與 **AAPS** 結合使用,_無論是_ 對於患有糖尿病的成年人還是兒童的照護者/父母。 +Smartwatches are becoming increasingly used with **AAPS** _both_ for adults with diabetes and carers/parents of children with diabetes. -### 使用智慧型手錶搭配 **AAPS** 的一般優勢 +### General advantages of using smartwatches with **AAPS** -根據不同的型號,智慧型手錶可以以多種不同的方式與 **AAPS** 結合使用。 它們可以用來完全或部分控制 **AAPS**,或者只是遠端查看血糖值、胰島素剩餘量(IOB)及其他參數。 +Smartwatches - depending on the model - can be used in many different ways with **AAPS**. They can be used to fully or partly control **AAPS**, or simply to remotely check glucose levels, insulin-on-board, and other parameters. -在很多情況下,將智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 整合非常有用,包括開車或騎車時,以及進行運動時。 有些人覺得在會議、聚會、餐桌等場合查看手錶比查看手機更加低調。 從安全的角度來看,當移動時,智慧型手錶還能提供幫助,使用戶可以將 **AAPS** 手機存放在看不見的地方(例如包內),但仍可以透過智慧型手錶進行遠端控制。 +Integrating a smartwatch with **AAPS** can be useful in many situations, including driving a car or (motor) bike and during exercise. Some people feel that looking at a watch (in a meeting, party, dinner table etc.) is more discreet than looking on a phone. From a security perspective, a smartwatch can also be beneficial while on the move, enabling user to have their **AAPS** phone stored out of sight (like inside a bag), but with the aid of the smartwatch for remote control use. -### 父母/照護者使用 **AAPS** 的具體優勢 +### Specific advantages for parents/carers using **AAPS** -對於孩子來說,如果他們的 **AAPS** 手機在附近,照護者可以使用智慧型手錶進行監控或修改,而無需使用 **AAPS** 手機。 例如,當 **AAPS** 手機藏在幫浦腰帶中時,這會很有用。 +For a child - if their **AAPS** phone is nearby - a caregiver can use a smartwatch to monitor or make modifications without needing to use the **AAPS** phone. This can be useful, for example, if the **AAPS** phone is hidden away in a pump belt. -智慧型手錶可以作為手機遠端控制選項的_補充_,或者作為[遠端控制](或[僅追蹤](的_替代_選擇。 +A smartwatch can be used either _in addition_ to, or as an _alternative_ to the PHONE-based options for [remote control]( or [following only]( -此外,不同於父母/照護者的追蹤者手機(依賴於移動網絡或 Wi-Fi 連線),藍牙連線的智慧型手錶在偏遠地區(如洞穴、船上或半山腰)也能發揮作用。 如果兩個設備(**AAPS** 手機和智慧型手錶)都連線到相同的 Wi-Fi 網絡,它們也可以使用 Wi-Fi。 +Additionally, unlike parent/carer follower phones (which rely on the mobile network or wifi connection), bluetooth connected smartwatches can be useful in remote locations, like a cave, in a boat, or half-way up a mountain. If both devices (**AAPS** phone and smartwatch) are on the same wifi network, they can also use wifi. -### 不同類型的智慧型手錶與 AAPS 的互動方式 +### Different types of Smartwatch-AAPS interactions -許多 **AAPS** 用戶可使用的智慧型手錶選項詳見 [Nightscout 與智慧型手錶](,強烈建議您先閱讀這些頁面,以便更好地了解所有可能性。 +Many of the possible smartwatch options available to **AAPS** users are detailed at [Nightscout on your watch](, so you are strongly advised to read those pages first to get a good idea of all the possibilities. -目前有五種主要方式可將智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 結合使用。 這些方式在下表中顯示:  +There are currently five main ways in which smartwatches are used in conjunction with **AAPS**. These are shown in the table below:  -![2023年10月29日,更新了 AAPSClient 手錶選項表](./images/bbbe0e84-1a8c-4163-8a0b-dcf91144af14.png) +![29-10-23, updated AAPSClient watch option table](./images/bbbe0e84-1a8c-4163-8a0b-dcf91144af14.png) -請注意,此表格編製於 2023 年,並非詳盡無遺,且不斷有新選項添加進來。 +Please note this table was prepared in 2023, it is not exhaustive, and additional options are being added all the time. -### 在購買智慧型手錶之前…… +### Before you buy a smartwatch… -您購買的智慧型手錶具體型號取決於您所需的功能。 目前有兩份歷史性電子表格記錄了相容的[智慧型手機](和[智慧型手機和手錶](,但由於選項繁多,建議透過 Discord 和 Facebook 群組進行詢問,這些表格將不再更新。 +The exact model of smartwatch you buy depends on the desired function(s). There are currently two historical spreadsheets recording compatible [smartphones]( and [smartphones and watches]( but these will no longer continue to be updated since it is easier to ask via the Discord and Facebook groups, due to the huge range of options. -受歡迎的手錶品牌包括三星 Galaxy、Garmin、Fossil、米動手環和 Fitbit。 上表中概述的不同選項將在下方詳細解釋,幫助您決定哪款智慧型手錶適合您的需求。 +Popular watch brands include Samsung Galaxy, Garmin, Fossil, Mi band and Fitbit. The different options summarised in the Table above are explained in more detail below, to help you decide which smartwatch is right for your situation. -如果您打算將智慧型手錶與**AAPS** 手機結合使用並遠端操作**AAPS**,您還需要考慮這兩個設備是否相容,尤其是如果您的手機較舊或比較特殊。 +If you are integrating a smartwatch with **AAPS** on a phone with the intention to remotely interact with **AAPS**, you also need to consider if the two devices are compatible with each other, particularly if you have an older, or an unusual phone. -一般來說,如果您只想要追蹤血糖資料而不與**AAPS** 進行互動,有更多價格實惠且簡單的手錶可供選擇。 +In general, if you only want to follow glucose numbers and not interact with **AAPS**, there are a wider range of affordable and simpler watches you can use. -選擇智慧型手錶的最佳方式是搜尋 Discord 或 Facebook**AAPS** 群組中的“手錶”相關帖子。 閱讀其他人的經驗分享,如果舊帖子中未解答您的問題,請發布具體問題。 +The best way to choose a smartwatch is to search for "watch" posts on either Discord or Facebook **AAPS** groups. Have a read of others experiences, and post any specific questions, if your query isn't answered by older posts. -#### 智慧型手錶選項 1 - 3:什麼是 _Wear OS_? +#### For Smartwatch Options 1 - 3: What _is_ Wear OS? -前三個智慧型手錶選項要求智慧型手錶安裝 **Wear OS**。 +The first three smartwatch options require the smartwatch to have **Wear OS** installed. -**Wear OS** 是運作在部分現代 Android 智慧型手錶上的作業系統。 在 [2018年](,Google 將 _Android Wear 1.x_ 更名為 **Wear OS**,版本為 2.x。 因此,如果某款設備標示為“_Android Wear_”而不是 **Wear OS**,這可能表示該設備運作的是較舊版本。 如果智慧型手錶的描述僅指示與 Android 和 iOS 相容,則並不意味著它運作的是 **Wear OS**。 它可能運作的是其他供應商專用的作業系統,這些系統不與 **AAPS** 相容。 要支援安裝和使用任何版本的 **AAPS** 或 **AAPSClient**,智慧型手錶必須運作 **Wear OS**,且最好是 Android 10 或更新版本。 作為指引,截至 2023 年 10 月,**Wear OS** 的最新版本是基於 Android 13 的 4.0 版本。 +**Wear OS** is the operating system which runs on some modern Android smartwatches. In [2018](, Google rebranded _Android Wear 1.x to Wear OS_ from version 2.x. So, if a device is labelled “_Android Wear_” rather than **Wear OS** it may indicate an older version. If the description of the smartwatch indicates only _compatibility_ with Android and iOS - it does not mean it is running Wear OS. It may be some other sort of Vendor specific operating system which is not compatible with **AAPS**. To support installation and use of any version of **AAPS** or **AAPSClient**, a smartwatch will need to be running **Wear OS**, and ideally be Android 10 or newer. As a guide, as of October 2023, the latest release of **Wear OS** is version 4.0 (based on Android 13). -如果您在 **Wear OS** 手錶上安裝了 **AAPS** wear.apk,您可以選擇一系列不同的自訂 **AAPS** 手錶錶盤。 或者,您可以使用標準的智慧型手機錶盤,並在錶盤上包含稱為“小工具”的小方塊,顯示您的 **AAPS** 資訊。 小工具是在錶盤上顯示的任何額外於時間的功能。 像這樣的小工具需要 Wear OS 2.0 或更新版本才能正常運作。 +If you install **AAPS** wear.apk on a **Wear OS** watch, there are a range of different custom **AAPS** watchfaces which can be selected. Alternatively, you can use a standard smartphone watchface, with your **AAPS** information included in small tiles known as “complications” on the face. A complication is any feature that is displayed on a watch face in addition to the time. Features like complications require Wear OS version 2.0 or newer to work. -#### 我的智慧型手錶在遠端控制 AAPS 時可能是什麼樣子? +#### What could my smartwatch look like with remote control of AAPS? -在手錶上安裝 **AAPS** 後,您將自動可以從這些專用的 **AAPS** 錶盤中選擇您偏好的錶盤。 在大多數手錶上,您只需長按主畫面,直到畫面縮小,然後向右滑動選擇另一個螢幕: +After installing **AAPS** onto your watch, you will automatically be able to select your preferred watchface from these **AAPS**-dedicated watchfaces. On most watches, you simply long-press on the homescreen until the screen shrinks and swipe right to select an alernative screen: -![圖像](./images/67fd75f3-721c-438d-be01-1a8e03532290.png) +![image](./images/67fd75f3-721c-438d-be01-1a8e03532290.png) -#### 如何在日常操作中使用 Wear OS 手錶? +#### How would I operate a Wear OS watch from day-to-day? -關於錶盤的更多細節,以及日常使用,包括如何製作(並分享)您自定義的錶盤,請參閱[Wear AAPS 在智慧型手錶上的操作](../Configuration/部分。 +Further details about the watchfaces, and day-to-day use, including how to make (and share) your own customised watchface, can be found in the section [Operation of Wear AAPS on a Smartwatch](../Configuration/ -### 選項 1) 運作 **AAPS** 的獨立手錶 +### Option 1) Standalone Watch running **AAPS** -這聽起來像是一個很有吸引力的選項,對嗎? 然而,目前只有少數愛好者正在嘗試在獨立手錶上運作 **AAPS**。 能夠與 **AAPS** 和您的 CGM 應用程式一起良好運作的獨立手錶界面目前數量有限。 受歡迎的型號包括 LEMFO LEM 14、15 和 16。 您需要在手錶上載入 **AAPS** 的“完整” apk(通常安裝在智慧型手機上的 apk),而不是 **AAPS** 的“wear” apk。 +It sounds like an attractive option, right? However, at present, only a few enthusiasts are experimenting with **AAPS** on a stand-alone watch. There are a limited number of smartwatches with a reasonable interface which also which work well with standalone use of **AAPS** and your CGM app. Popular models include the LEMFO LEM 14, 15 and 16. You will need to load the watch with the **AAPS** "full" apk (the apk which is usually installed on a smartphone) rather than the **AAPS** "wear" apk. -雖然目前沒有明確的規範告訴您哪款手錶適合獨立使用 **AAPS**,但以下參數會有所幫助: +While there is no clear specification which helps you to know if a watch will work well for standalone **AAPS** use, the following parameters will help: -1) Android 10 或更新版本。 2) 能夠將錶盤從“方形”模式移除,以使文本更大、更易讀。 3) 非常好的電池續航能力。 4) 良好的藍牙範圍。 +1) Android 10 or newer. 2) Being able to take the watchface off “square” mode to make text larger and easier to read. 3) Very good battery life. 4) Good bluetooth range. -大多數在獨立手錶上運作 **AAPS** 的挫折來自於與小螢幕的互動,並且目前 **AAPS** 完整應用程式的界面並非為手錶設計。 由於螢幕大小受限,您可能會更願意使用觸控筆來編輯 **AAPS** 設定,並且某些 **AAPS** 按鈕可能無法在手錶螢幕上顯示。 +Most of the frustrations of standalone **AAPS** watches come from interacting with a tiny screen, and the fact that the current AAPS full app interface has not been designed for a watch. You may prefer to use a stylus to edit **AAPS** settings on the watch, due to the restricted screen size, and some AAPS buttons may not be visible on the watch screen. -額外的挑戰包括很難獲得足夠的電池續航能力,並且擁有足夠電池容量的手錶通常體積龐大且厚重。 用戶報告了操作系統和節能設置的問題、在手錶上啟動傳感器的困難、藍牙範圍差(無法與傳感器和幫浦保持穩定連線),以及不確定的防水性能。 下圖中展示了一些例子(圖片來源:Janvier Doyon)。 +Additional challenges are that it is hard to get sufficient battery life, and watches with sufficient battery are often bulky and thick. Users report fighting with the OS and power-saving settings, difficulty in starting sensors on the watch, poor bluetooth range (for maintaining connection with both the sensor and pump) and questionable water resistance. Examples are shown in the photos below (photo credit: Janvier Doyon). -![圖像](./images/6d787373-bc0c-404d-89aa-54d3127c4a6f.png) +![image](./images/6d787373-bc0c-404d-89aa-54d3127c4a6f.png) -![圖像](./images/5d2feecc-3f10-4767-b143-1a72da2b9bd4.png) +![image](./images/5d2feecc-3f10-4767-b143-1a72da2b9bd4.png) -如果您有興趣設置獨立手錶,請閱讀 **AAPS** Facebook 群組中的帖子和評論(好的搜尋詞是“standalone”和“Lemfo”)以及 Discord 獲取更多資訊。 +If you are interested in setting up a standalone watch, read the posts and comments on the **AAPS** Facebook group (good search options are “standalone” and “Lemfo”) and Discord for more information. -### 選項 2) 在手錶上運作 **AAPS**,以遠端控制手機上的 **AAPS** +### Option 2) **AAPS** on watch, for remote control of **AAPS** on a phone -類似於使用追蹤者手機搭配 AAPSClient、Nightscout 或 SMS 指令(鏈接到相應部分),智慧型手錶可以用來遠端控制 **AAPS**,並提供完整的個人設定資料。 與使用追蹤者手機的主要區別是,智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 手機的連線是透過藍牙進行的,並且不需要驗證碼。 順帶一提,使用者報告說,如果智慧型手錶和 **AAPS** 手機透過藍牙連線,並且同時連線到 Wi-Fi 網絡,那麼手錶還可以透過 Wi-Fi 與 **AAPS** 手機互動,提供更長距離的通訊範圍。 這包括在不同位置遠端注射胰島素,例如照護者透過 **AAPS** 手錶為 T1D 孩子(持有 **AAPS** 手機)進行注射,這在孩子上學時特別有用。 +Similarly to using a follower phone with either AAPSClient, Nightscout or SMS commands (link to sections) a smartwatch can be used to remotely control **AAPS** and provide full profile data. A key difference to using a follower phone is that the smartwatch to **AAPS** phone link is via bluetooth and does not require an authenticator code. As a side-note, users have reported that if both smartwatch and **AAPS** phone linked by bluetooth are also a wifi network, the watch may also interact with the **AAPS** phone over the wifi, giving a longer range of communication. This includes remote delivery of a bolus where the caregiver with the **AAPS** watch and T1D child (with **AAPS** phone) are in different locations and which can useful in circumstances where the T1D child is in school. -因此,遠端控制智慧型手錶在以下情況中特別有用: +A remote control smartwatch is therefore often useful in any situation where: -a) 當 **AAPSClient**/Nightscout/**SMS** 指令無法使用時;或 +a) **AAPSClient**/Nightscout/**SMS** commands cannot work; or -b) 使用者希望避免輸入驗證碼(追蹤者手機需要在輸入資料、選擇 TT 或輸入碳水化合物時使用驗證碼)。 +b) The user wishes to avoid the need for authenticator code (as required for the follower phone with inputting data, selecting TT or entering carbs). -智慧型手錶需要運作 **Android wear** 軟體(最好是 10 或更新版本)才能控制 **AAPS**。 請檢查手錶的技術規格,並查看[相容手錶的表格](link)。 如果不確定,請在 **AAPS** 的 Facebook/Discord 群組中搜尋或詢問。 +A smartwatch needs to have **Android wear** software (ideally 10 or higher) to be able to control **AAPS**. Please check the technical specifications of the watch, and check the [spreadsheet of compatible watches](link). Search, or ask in the **AAPS** Facebook/Discord groups if unsure. -以下是設置流行型號 Samsung Galaxy Watch 4(40 毫米)的具體操作指南。 Garmin 手錶也是一個受歡迎的選擇,請參閱[這裡](。 如果您有設置其他智慧型手錶的經驗,並且認為這對其他用戶有幫助,請[編輯文件](,將您的發現分享給更廣泛的 **AAPS** 社群。 +Specific How-to guides for setting up **AAPS** on the popular [Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 (40mm) is given below. The [Garmin]( watch is also a popular choice. If you have experience of setting up a different smartwatch which you think would be useful to others, please add it into these pages [edit the documentation]( to share your findings with the wider **AAPS** community. -#### AAPS Wear apk +#### The AAPS Wear apk -適用於智慧型手錶的 **AAPS** Wear OS 應用程式(“Wear OS apk”)已從 Android 手機的“完整” **AAPS** 版本中分離出來。 因此,您需要生成第二個安裝檔案或 apk,將 **AAPS** wear 安裝到手錶上(這是透過從手機側載到手錶上完成的)。 強烈建議在第一次構建手機的完整 **AAPS** apk 後立即生成 **AAPS** Wear apk 檔案。 這不僅在您[首次構建 **AAPS**] 時非常快捷,而且還可以避免在設置手錶與手機的通訊時出現潛在的相容性問題。 如果手錶上的 **AAPS** Wear apk 與手機上的 **AAPS** apk 是在不同版本的 Android Studio 中構建的,或如果距離最初的 **AAPS** 構建已經過了幾個月,則可能不相容。 +The Wear OS App of **AAPS** (“Wear OS apk”) required for the smartwatch has been separated from the "full" **AAPS** build for the Android phone. Therefore you have to generate a second installation file, or apk, to install **AAPS** wear onto the watch (which is done by side-loading it from the phone). It is strongly recommended that the **AAPS** Wear apk file is built immediately after first building the full **AAPS** apk for the phone. Not only is this very quick to do if you are [building **AAPS** for the first time](link to building **AAPS** for the first time), but it will avoid any potential compatibility issues when you try to set up the watch-phone communication. The **AAPS** Wear apk on the watch is unlikely to be compatible with the **AAPS** phone apk if they have been built in different versions of Android Studio, or if months have past since the initial **AAPS** build. -如果您已經在手機上使用 **AAPS**,但當時沒有同時構建手機和手錶的 **AAPS** apk,為了確保成功,最好同時重新構建這兩個 apk 檔案。 如果您已經安裝了 Android Studio,則可能需要卸載並重新安裝 Android Studio,並按照以下步驟同時構建 **AAPS** 手機和手錶 apk,使用相同的**密鑰庫檔案**。 +If you are already using **AAPS** on a phone and you did not build both the phone and watch (wear) **AAPS** apks at the same time, to ensure success it is therefore best to do a fresh build of both apk files at the same time. If you have already installed Android studio, then you may wish to uninstall and then reinstall Android studio as outlined below, and build the AAPS phone and watch apks at the same time, using the same **keystore file**. -#### 如何卸載 Android Studio +#### How to uninstall Android Studio -確保您的密鑰庫檔案已安全存儲在電腦上的其他位置,遠離 Android Studio 資料夾。 +Make sure your keystore file is safely stored elsewhere on your computer, outside of the Android Studio folders. -完全卸載 Android Studio 需要執行幾個步驟。 如果您使用的是 Windows 機器,這裡有一個[不錯的指南](。 在這些指示的最後一步,您還需要手動刪除“StudioProjects”資料夾。 +There are several steps required to completely remove Android Studio from a computer. This is a [good guide]( if you are using a Windows machine. In the final step of these instructions, you also need to manually remove the folder “StudioProjects”. -現在重新安裝最新版本的 Android Studio。 +Now reinstall the latest version of Android Studio. -#### 構建 **AAPS** Wear apk -簡單來說,Wear apk 的構建過程與手機 apk 的“完整”構建過程非常相似,不同之處在於您需要在 Android Studio 中的下拉選單中選擇“**AndroidAPS.wear**”,並選擇構建變體“**fullRelease**”。 這將生成 **AAPS** Wear apk 檔案。 如果您願意,您也可以從下拉選單中選擇構建 **“pumpcontrolRelease”**,這將只允許您遠端控制幫浦,但不包括循環功能。 +#### Building the **AAPS** Wear apk +As a summary, the build process for the Wear apk is very similar to that for the "full" phone apk, the difference is that in Android Studio you need to select “**AndroidAPS.wear**” in the drop-down menu, and as build variant choose “**fullRelease**”. This will generate the **AAPS** Wear apk file. If you prefer, you can build **“pumpcontrolRelease”** instead, from the drop-down menu, which will allow you to just remotely control the pump but without looping. -以下指南假設您已重新安裝最新版本的 Android Studio(此場景使用的是 Giraffe 2022.3.1)。 +The following guide assumes you have reinstalled the latest version of Android studio (scenario below has used Giraffe 2022.3.1)). -![圖像](./images/e8e3b7f3-f82e-425a-968c-cc196434a5f8.png) +![image](./images/e8e3b7f3-f82e-425a-968c-cc196434a5f8.png) -要回到這裡: +To get back here: -![圖像](./images/37f4589c-6097-49d4-b0b9-087664914198.png) +![image](./images/37f4589c-6097-49d4-b0b9-087664914198.png) -繼續按照說明進行操作。 +continue to follow the instructions. -按照不同畫面的提示,直到出現一個下拉選單,提供構建 AAPS 完整 apk 的選項。 在此時,從下拉選單中選擇“Wear”而不是“AndroidAPS.apk”,因為您正在為智慧型手錶構建 apk。 +Follow the prompts through the different screens until you are given an option with a dropdown menu offering to build the AAPS full apk. At this point, select “Wear” from the dropdown instead of “AndroidAPS.apk” because you are building the apk for the smartwatch. -下一步,前往功能區中的“構建”選項 +Next Step go to "Build" in the ribbon -![圖像](./images/b2cccc84-85b6-4ee1-800b-7c6dcb9dd857.png) +![image](./images/b2cccc84-85b6-4ee1-800b-7c6dcb9dd857.png) -前往構建 > 生成已簽章的包/ APK +Go to Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK -![圖像](./images/f488fe36-8cb9-4d81-9d94-5f742a1aaaee.png) +![image](./images/f488fe36-8cb9-4d81-9d94-5f742a1aaaee.png) -選擇 > APK: +Select > APK: -![圖像](./images/Installation_Screenshot_39b.PNG) +![image](./images/Installation_Screenshot_39b.PNG) -在模塊中選擇:AndroidAPSwear +Select in Module: AndroidAPSwear -![圖像](./images/cceaa832-70e6-4ad5-95ec-a82e2a6add1e.png) +![image](./images/cceaa832-70e6-4ad5-95ec-a82e2a6add1e.png) -輸入預設位置的密鑰庫檔案。 您的密鑰庫路徑取決於您將密鑰庫存放的位置。 在此場景中,密鑰庫路徑位於:C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr\bin +Enter keystore file at the default location. Your keystore path will depend where you have stored your Keystore. For this scenario the keystore path was located: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr\bin -下一個畫面應顯示如下: +The next screen should show this: -![圖像](./images/87ce7943-256e-449e-8439-8f9fd5bef05e.png) +![image](./images/87ce7943-256e-449e-8439-8f9fd5bef05e.png) -然後選擇“fullRelease”。 +And select “fullRelease”. -請耐心等待 - 構建 **AAPS** Wear apk 大約需要 10-20 分鐘,具體取決於您的網路連線速度。 +Be patient - the **AAPS** Wear apk should be built in around 10-20 minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection. -### 疑難排解 +### Troubleshooting -在構建 3.2 版完整 **AAPS** 應用程式(實際上是任何已簽章的應用程式)過程中,Android Studio 會在同一個資料夾中生成一個 .json 檔案。 這會在您嘗試構建下一個已簽章的應用程式(如 **AAPS** wear 應用程式)時,導致[未提交的變更](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes)錯誤。 解決此問題的最快方法是導航到構建完整 AAPS 應用程式的資料夾,您的資料夾可能類似於: +In the process of building the 3.2 full **AAPS** app (and in fact any signed app), Android Studio generates a .json file in the same folder. This then causes errors with [uncommitted changes](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes) when you try to build the next signed app, like the **AAPS** wear app. The quickest way to resolve this is to navigate to the folder where the full AAPS app has been built, your folder is probably something like: -C:\Users\Your Name\StudioProjects\AndroidAPS\app\aapsclient\release。 +C:\Users\Your Name\StudioProjects\AndroidAPS\app\aapsclient\release. -將不需要的 .json 檔案刪除或移出該資料夾。 然後再次嘗試構建 **AAPS** wear 應用程式。 如果這不起作用,請參閱[更詳細的疑難排解指南](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio),以幫助您識別導致問題的具體檔案,也可能是您的密鑰庫檔案。 +Either delete, or move the unneeded .json file out of the folder. Then try to build the **AAPS** wear app again. If that doesn't work, the more detailed [troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio) will help you to identify the specific file causing the issue, which could also be your keystore file. -#### 如何設置 Samsung Galaxy 4 智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 搭配使用 +#### How to set up a Samsung Galaxy 4 smartwatch with **AAPS** -本節假設您對智慧型手錶完全陌生,將向您介紹一款流行手錶(**Galaxy Watch 4**)的基本操作,隨後是逐步設置 **AAPS** 在手錶上運作的指南。 +This section assumes you are totally new to Smartwatches, and gives you basic orientation of a popular watch, the **Galaxy Watch 4**, followed by a step-by-step guide to setup **AAPS** on the watch. -_本指南假設您正在設置運作 Wear OS 3 或更低版本的 Samsung Galaxy 手錶。_ 如果您正在設置運作 Wear OS 4/OneUI 5 或更高版本的手錶,您將需要使用新的 ADB 配對過程,這在 Samsung 手機軟體中有解釋,並將在適當時更新到這裡。 這裡有關於 [Galaxy Watch 5]( 和 [Galaxy Watch 6]( 的基本設置指南 +_This guide assumes the Samsung Galaxy watch you are setting up is running Wear OS version 3 or lower._ If you are setting up a watch running Wear OS 4/OneUI 5 or later, you will need to use a new ADB pairing process, this is explained in the Samsung software on your phone and will be updated here in due course. Here are basic setup guides for the [Galaxy Watch 5]( and [Galaxy Watch 6]( -##### 智慧型手錶的基本熟悉指南 +##### Basic smartwatch familiarity -根據上方影片進行手錶的基本設置後,前往手機上的 Play 商店並下載以下應用程式:“Galaxy Wearable”、“Samsung”和“Easy Fire tools”或“Wear Installer 2”。 +After basic setup of your watch according to the video above, go to the playstore on the phone and download the following apps: "Galaxy Wearable" “Samsung” and either “Easy Fire tools” or "Wear Installer 2". -有許多第三方 YouTube 視頻可幫助您熟悉新手錶,例如: +There are plenty of 3rd party YouTube videos which will help you with getting familiar with your new smartwatch, for example: -“Galaxy Wearable”應用程式內也有一個使用手冊部分。 在手機上打開 Galaxy Wearable,搜尋手錶,嘗試將手錶與手機配對。 根據您的版本,這可能會提示您從 Play 商店安裝第三個應用程式“Galaxy Watch 4 外掛”(下載需要一些時間)。 在手機上安裝此應用程式,然後再次在 Galaxy Wearable 應用程式中嘗試將手錶與手機配對。 透過一系列選單並勾選各種偏好設定。 +The app “Galaxy Wearable” also has an instruction manual section in it. Open galaxy wearable on the phone, search for the watch, attempt to pair the watch with the phone. Depending on your version, this may prompt you to install a further 3rd app “galaxy watch 4 plugin” from the playstore (takes a while to download). Install this on the phone, and then attempt to pair the watch and phone again in the wearable app. Go through a series of menus and tick various preferences. -##### 設置 Samsung 帳號 +##### Setting up a Samsung account -您需要確保用來設置 Samsung 帳號的電子郵件帳戶的出生日期顯示用戶年齡 13 歲以上,否則 Samsung 的許可權批准將非常困難。 如果您已為 13 歲以下的孩子建立了 Gmail 帳號並使用該電子郵件地址,您無法簡單地將其更改為成人帳戶。 解決此問題的一種方法是將當前的出生日期修改為使當前年齡為 12 歲零 363 天。 第二天,該帳戶將被轉換為成人帳戶,然後您可以繼續設置 Samsung 帳戶。 +You need to make sure that the email account you use to set up the Samsung account has a date-of-birth such that the user is age 13+, as otherwise the Samsung permissions are really difficult to approve. If you have given your child under 13 a Gmail account and are using that email address, you cannot simply change it to an adult account. One way around this is to modify the current date-of-birth to make the current age 12 years and 363 days old. The following day, the account will be converted to an adult account, and you can progress with the setup of the Samsung account. -##### 將 **AAPS** Wear 應用程式傳輸到 **AAPS** 手機 +##### Transferring the **AAPS** Wear app onto your **AAPS** phone -從 Android Studio 將 Wear.apk 載入到您的手機,可以透過以下方式進行: +Loading the Wear.apk from Android Studio to your phone can be done either by: -a) 使用 USB 傳輸線將 **AAPS** wear apk 檔案放入手機,然後將其“側載”到手錶上。 透過 USB 將 Wear.apk 傳輸到手機的下載資料夾;或 +a) using a USB cable to put the **AAPS** wear apk file onto the phone, and then “side-load” it to the watch. Transfer Wear.apk to the phone via USB into the downloads folder; or -b) 從 Android Studio 將 Wear.apk 剪切並粘貼到您的 Gdrive 中。 +b) cut and paste Wear.apk from Android Studio onto your Gdrive. -您可以使用 Wear Installer 2 或 Easy Fire tools 將 AAPS 側載到手錶上。 這裡我們推薦使用 Wear Installer 2,因為視頻中的說明和過程非常清晰且解釋得很好。 +You can use either Wear Installer 2 or Easy Fire tools to side-load AAPS onto the watch. Here we recommend Wear Installer 2, because the instructions and process in the video are so clear and well-explained. -##### 使用 Wear Installer 2 將 **AAPS** Wear 從手機側載到手錶上 +##### Using Wear Installer 2 to side-load **AAPS** Wear from the phone onto the watch - ![圖像](./images/43577a66-f762-4c11-a3b3-4d6d704d26c7.png) + ![image](./images/43577a66-f762-4c11-a3b3-4d6d704d26c7.png) -Wear Installer 2 由 [Malcolm Bryant]( 開發,您可以從 Google Play 將其下載到手機上,並用來將 AAPS wear 應用程式側載到手錶上。 該應用程式包含一個便捷的“如何側載”[視頻](。 +Wear Installer 2, developed by [Malcolm Bryant]( can be downloaded from Google Play onto your phone and can be used to side-load the AAPS wear app onto the watch. The app includes a handy ‘how to sideload’ [video.]( -該視頻提供了所有必要的細節(最好在單獨的設備上打開視頻,以便在設置手機時觀看)。 +This provides all the necessary detail (best to open the video on a separate device so you can watch it whilst setting up the phone). -如視頻中所述,完成後,請關閉手錶上的 ADB 調試,以避免消耗智慧型手錶的電池。 +As mentioned in the video, once complete, switch ADB debugging off on the watch, to avoid draining the smartwatch battery. -或者,您可以: +Alternatively, you can: -:::{admonition} 使用 Easy Fire tools 將 **AAPS** wear 側載到手錶上 +:::{admonition} Use Easy Fire tools to side-load the **AAPS** wear on the watch :class: dropdown -1) 從 Play 商店下載 _Easy Fire Tools_ 到手機上 +1) Download _Easy Fire Tools_ from playstore onto phone -![圖像](./images/81ceb8f3-dfa6-468b-b9d0-c31b885bc104.png) +![image](./images/81ceb8f3-dfa6-468b-b9d0-c31b885bc104.png) -2) 將自己設為手錶的開發者(設置完成並連線到手機後): +2) Make yourself a developer in the watch (once set up and connected to phone): -前往 設置 > 關於手錶(最底部選項) > 軟體資訊 > 軟體版本。 +Go to settings >about watch (bottom option) >- software info > software version. -快速點擊“軟體版本”,直到出現通知,告知手錶現在處於“開發者模式”。 返回設置選單頂部,向下滾動,並在“關於手錶”下方看到“開發者選項”。 +Rapidly tap on “ software version” until a notification appears that the watch is now in "developer mode". Return to the top of settings menu, scroll to the bottom and see “developer options” below “about watch”. -在“開發者選項”中,打開“ADB 調試”和“無線調試”。 後者將顯示手錶的 IP 地址,其最後兩位數字每次與新手機配對時都會改變。 IP 地址類似於:**。** 5555(忽略最後四位數字)。 請注意,每次將 AAPS 切換到新手機時,這個地址的最後兩位數字(這裡為“20”)將發生變化。 +In “developer options”, turn on “ADB debugging” and “wireless debugging”. The latter option then reveals the IP address of the watch, the final two digits of which changes each time the watch is paired with a new phone. It will be something like: **** 5555 (ignore the last 4 digits). Note that the last two digits (here, “20”) of this address will change every time you change to a new phone handset for AAPS. -![24-10-23,手錶 ADB 調試圖片](./images/643f4e8b-09f3-4a8d-8277-76b1839a5c3a.png) +![24-10-23, watch ADB debug pic](./images/643f4e8b-09f3-4a8d-8277-76b1839a5c3a.png) -步驟 3) 將 IP 地址 _例如_ **** 輸入手機上的 Easy Fire tools(進入左側的漢堡選單,設置並輸入 IP 地址)。 然後點擊右上角的插頭圖示。 +STEP 3) Enter IP address _e.g._ **** into Easy Fire tools on the phone (go into the left hamburger, settings and enter the IP address). Then click the plug socket icon on the top right. -![圖像](./images/b927041f-cc53-4cde-9f77-11cd517c9be0.png) +![image](./images/b927041f-cc53-4cde-9f77-11cd517c9be0.png) -![圖像](./images/00b2fb8b-5996-4b71-894e-516d63469e1b.png) +![image](./images/00b2fb8b-5996-4b71-894e-516d63469e1b.png) -步驟 4) 按照[此處](的說明,使用 Easy Fire tools 側載(即傳輸) Wear.apk 到智慧型手錶上 +STEP 4) Follow the instructions [here]( to side-load (i.e. transfer) Wear.apk onto the smartwatch using Easy Fire tools -在應用程式中點擊側面的“插頭”圖示,以便將 Wear OS.apk 上傳到智慧型手錶上: +Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the smartwatch: -![圖像](./images/d1bc4c9d-d5ef-4402-a9a2-a51ed242eff3.png) +![image](./images/d1bc4c9d-d5ef-4402-a9a2-a51ed242eff3.png) - 下一步 > 在智慧型手錶上接受授權請求 + Next step > accept the authorisation request on the smartwatch -![圖像](./images/2c398a34-b865-4aa1-9c53-d83dfef052a7.png) +![image](./images/2c398a34-b865-4aa1-9c53-d83dfef052a7.png) ::: -##### 設置 **AAPS** 手機與手錶的連線 +##### Setting up the connection between the watch and the phone from **AAPS** -最後一步是配置手機上的 **AAPS** 與智慧型手錶上的 **AAPS** Wear 互動。 為此,在 Config Builder 中啟用 Wear 外掛: +The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: -● 打開手機上的 **AAPS** 應用程式 +● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone -● 選擇 > 左側漢堡選單中的 Config Builder +● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab -● 在常規部分勾選 Wear 選項 +● Tick for Wear selection under General -![圖像](./images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) +![image](./images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) -要更改 **AAPS** 手錶錶盤,請按下手錶的主畫面,它將進入“自訂”模式。 然後向右滑動,直到看到所有 **AAPS** 錶盤。 +To change to a different **AAPS** watchface, press on the home screen of the watch and it will come to “customise”. Then swipe right until you get to all the **AAPS** faces. -如果 **AAPS** Wear.apk 已成功側載到智慧型手錶上,它將顯示如下: +If the **AAPS** Wear.apk has been successfully side-loaded onto the smartwatch, it will look like this: -![24-10-23,成功的 Galaxy 手錶照片](./images/628e46d8-c7dc-4741-9eba-ae83f396c04c.png) +![24-10-23, successful galaxy watch photo](./images/628e46d8-c7dc-4741-9eba-ae83f396c04c.png) -#### 排查 **AAPS** 手錶與 **AAPS** 手機通訊的故障 -1. 如果 EasyFire tools 無法連線,或者您收到“授權失敗”訊息 > 請檢查 IP 地址是否正確輸入。 -2. 檢查智慧型手錶是否已連線到網際網路(而不僅僅是透過藍牙與手機連線)。 -3. 檢查 **AAPS** 手機和智慧型手錶是否已在 Samsung 應用程式中配對或連線。 -4. 也可能需要對手機和智慧型手錶進行硬重啟(即關閉並重新啟動手機)。 -5. 假設您已經成功下載 Wear.apk 到手機,但未收到任何血糖資料,_請檢查_ 您是否已將正確的 **AAPS** apk 版本側載到手錶上。 如果您的 AAPS wear.apk 版本列為以下任何一個:a) “wear-AAPSClient-release”;b) “wear-full-release.aab”;或c) 標題中出現“debug”一詞,那麼您在構建過程中選擇了錯誤的 Wear OS apk 版本。 -6. 檢查路由器是否未將設備相互隔離。 +#### Troubleshooting the **AAPS** watch- **AAPS** phone communication +1. If EasyFire tools does not connect or if you are receiving ‘authorisation failed’ > check IP address has been correctly entered. +2. Check that the smartwatch is connected to the internet (and not just connected to the phone via Bluetooth). +3. Check that the **AAPS** Phone and smartwatch are paired or linked in Samsung app. +4. It may also help to do a hard restart of Phone and smartwatch (meaning turning phone on and off) +5. Assuming you have managed to download the Wear.apk onto your phone but you are not receiving any BG data, _check_ that you have side-loaded the correct **AAPS** apk version onto the watch. If your AAPS wear.apk version is listed as any of the following: a) “wear-AAPSClient-release’; b) ‘wear-full-release.aab’; or c) the word ‘debug’ appears in the title, you have not selected the correct Wear OS apk version during the build. +6. Check that your router is not isolating the devices from one another. -更多疑難排解提示請參閱[這裡](,your%20phone%20and%20your%20watch.) +More troubleshooting tips can be found [here](,your%20phone%20and%20your%20watch.) -### 從 Wear 手錶控制 AAPS +### Controlling AAPS from the Wear Watch -一旦您在手錶上設置了 **AAPS**,關於智慧型手錶錶盤及其功能的詳細資訊,請參閱[Wear AAPS 在智慧型手錶上的操作](../Configuration/。 +Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwatch faces and their functions can be found in [Operation of Wear AAPS on a Smartwatch](../Configuration/ -簡要概述,以下功能可以從智慧型手錶觸發: +As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: -● 設置臨時目標 +● set a temporary target -● 使用注射計算機(計算變數可以在手機設置中定義) +● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) -● 管理 eCarbs +● administer eCarbs -● 管理一次注射(胰島素 + 碳水化合物) +● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) -● 手錶設置 +● watch settings -● 狀態 +● status -● 檢查幫浦狀態 +● check pump status -● 檢查循環狀態 +● check loop status -● 檢查和更改個人設定檔,CPP(晝夜節律百分比個人設定檔 = 時間偏移 + 百分比) +● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) -● 顯示 TDD(每日總劑量 = 每日注射 + 基礎) +● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) -● 當照護者和 1 型糖尿病(T1D)孩子處於不同位置時進行遠端注射(這適用於 **AAPS** 手錶和 **AAPS** 手機,只要兩台設備均連線到 Wi-Fi 網絡) +● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) -#### 照護者使用其他應用程式(如 Whatsapp)與手錶通訊 +#### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) -可以在手錶上添加其他應用程式,例如 Whatsapp,用於照護者和孩子之間的訊息交流(例如)。 重要的是,手機上只應關聯一個 Google 帳戶,否則手錶無法同步這些資料。 您需要年滿 13 歲才能擁有 Samsung 帳戶,並且此帳戶需要使用與 Android 手機相同的電子郵件地址設置。 +It is possible to add additional apps to the watch, like Whatsapp, for messaging (for example) between caregivers and kids. It is important only to have ONE Google account associated with the phone, or the watch will not bring this data across. You need to be 13 or older to have a Samsung account, and this needs to be set up in the same email address which is used on the Android phone. -這裡有一段視頻,解釋了如何在 Galaxy 4 手錶上設置 Whatsapp 訊息功能(您無法獲得 Whatsapp 的全部功能),請參閱[這裡]( +A video explaining getting Whatsapp setup for messaging on the Galaxy 4 watch (you can’t get full functionality of Whatsapp) is shown [here]( -在 **Galaxy wearable** 應用程式中的手機和手錶上進行調整後,可以使 Whatsapp 訊息透過輕微振動通知,並且 Whatsapp 訊息會顯示在現有錶盤上方。 +Making adjustments in both the **Galaxy wearable** app on the **AAPS** phone and the watch makes it possible for Whatsapp messages to announce with a slight vibration, and also for the Whatsapp message to display over the existing watchface. -#### Sony 智慧型手錶設置疑難排解 +#### Troubleshooting Sony smartwatch setup -雖然 Sony 智慧型手錶 SW 3 已於幾年前停產,但如果您正在使用此型號,請參閱[Sony 智慧型手錶 SW 3 疑難排解指南](。 +Although it was discontinued a few years ago, if you are using a Sony Smartwatch SW 3 please see here for a troubleshooting guide: [Troubleshooting Sony Smartwatch SW 3]( -### 選項 3) 在手錶上運作 AAPSClient 以遠端控制手機上的 **AAPS** +### Option 3) AAPSClient on a watch for remote control of **AAPS** on a phone -手錶軟體 **AAPSClient** Wear apk 可以直接從[Github](下載。 +The software for the watch, **AAPSClient** Wear apk, can be downloaded directly from [Github]( -要下載軟體,請點擊所需的應用程式(在此截圖中,**wear-aapsclient-release_3.2.0.1** 或 **wear-aapsclient2-release_3.2.0.1** 均可使用,這兩個版本中有一個是為了提供給第二位照護者的手錶)。 +To download the software, click on the required app (in this screenshot, either **wear-aapsclient-release_3.2.0.1** or **wear-aapsclient2-release_3.2.0.1** would work, there are two versions in case you need a copy for a second caregiver watch): -![圖像](./images/2308c075-f41c-45bc-9c0f-3938beeaaafb.png) +![image](./images/2308c075-f41c-45bc-9c0f-3938beeaaafb.png) -然後點擊“另存為”,並將文件儲存到電腦上的方便位置: +Then "save as" and save the file to a convenient location on your computer: -![圖像](./images/bcf63cbc-9028-41d5-8416-fa2a31fd6f7d.png) +![image](./images/bcf63cbc-9028-41d5-8416-fa2a31fd6f7d.png) -可以按照[將 Wear 應用程式傳輸到您的 AAPS 手機](中的詳細步驟,將 **AAPSClient** wear apk 傳輸到手機並側載到手錶上。 +The **AAPSClient** wear apk can be transferred to your phone and side-loaded onto the watch in the same way as the **AAPS** Wear app, as detailed in [Transferring the Wear app onto your AAPS phone]( -### 選項 4) FitBit 手錶的有限 Nightscout(和其他選項) +### Option 4) Limited Nightscout (and other options) on a watch - Fitbit watches -![圖像](./images/98620770-2fb3-47af-a13e-28af7db69096.png) +![image](./images/98620770-2fb3-47af-a13e-28af7db69096.png) -**"Sentinel"** 是一款由[Ryan Chen]( 為其家人開發並免費提供給 FitBit 智慧型手錶的錶盤:Sense1/2, Versa 2/3/4。 它與 FitBit Luxe 不相容,因為它只是健身追蹤器。 Sentinel 可以從[FitBit 移動應用程式](下載。 +**"Sentinel"** is a clockface developed by [Ryan Chen]( for his family and shared for free for the Fitbit smart watches: Sense1/2, Versa 2/3/4. it is not compatible with the FitBit Luxe since this is only a fitness tracker. Sentinel can be downloaded from the [FitBit mobile app]( -它允許使用 Dexcom Share、Nightscout 或兩者結合作為資料來源,來監控一個、兩個或三個人的血糖數值。 +It allows the monitoring of 1, 2, or 3 individual's blood glucose numbers using either Dexcom Share, Nightscout, or a combination of the two as data sources. -如果與本地網頁伺服器模式一起使用,您還可以使用 xDrip+ 或 SpikeApp。 用戶可以設置自定義警報,並透過 Nightscout 的 careportal 功能提交事件,直接從手錶追蹤胰島素剩餘量(IOB)、碳水化合物剩餘量(COB),輸入餐食資訊(碳水化合物計數和注射量),以及血糖檢查數值。 +You can also use xDrip+ or SpikeApp if used with local web server mode. Users can set custom alarms and submit events using Nightscout's careportal functionality directly from the watch to help track insulin-on-board (IOB), carbs-on-board (COB), enter meal information (carb count and bolus amount), and BG check values. -所有這些都將顯示在 Nightscout 的時間軸圖表中,並作為更新值顯示在 IOB 和 COB 欄位中。 社群支援可以在專門的[Facebook 群組 Sentinel](中找到。 +All will appear on the Nightscout timeline-graph, and as updated values in the IOB and COB fields. Community support can be found at the dedicated [Facebook group, Sentinel.]( -FitBit 手錶還有一些僅限於監控的選項。 這包括[Glance](。 這些額外選項在[Nightscout 網頁](中有描述。 +There are additional options for FitBit watches which appear to be for monitoring only. This includes [Glance]( These additional options are described in the [Nightscout webpages.]( -### 選項 5) 監控 **AAPS**(完整個人設定資料,或僅限血糖資料)當 **AAPS** 在手機上運作時。 +### Option 5) **Monitoring of AAPS** (full profile data, or glucose-only) where **AAPS** is running on a phone. -這些選項在文檔的[“僅限追蹤”](部分中有更詳細的描述。 +These options are described in more detail in the ["following only"]( section of the documentation. -通常,市場上有許多價格實惠的智慧型手錶可以提供僅限血糖資料顯示的功能。 如果您正在使用 Nightscout,那麼所有選項的概述可以在[Nightscout 頁面](中找到。 +In general, there are a wide range of affordable smartwatches which can provide glucose display only. If you are using Nightscout, then a good overview of all the options are described in the [Nightscout pages]( From c8621f4e514df0bb3a77fda657b1a59c5a917899 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 200/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 1108 ++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 554 insertions(+), 554 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 9c5e9856b02f..1a6bcff39062 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ -# 自訂錶面參考文件 +# Custom Watchface Reference Document -此頁面是為設計新錶面的設計師提供的。 此處將列出所有關鍵字和功能,幫助您建立或動畫化新的錶面。 +This page is for designers of new Watchfaces. It will list all the keywords and features available when you want to create or animate a new watchface. -## 自訂錶面格式 +## Custom Watchface Format -自訂錶面是一種為 AAPS 設計的開放格式,與錶上可用的「AAPS(自訂)」錶面相關聯。 +Custom Watchface is an open format designed for AAPS and associated to the new "AAPS (Custom)" watchface available on Watch. -錶面檔案是一個簡單的 zip 檔案,但要被識別為錶面檔案,該 zip 檔案必須包含以下檔案: +The Watchface file is a simple zip file, but to be recognized as a Watchface file, the zip file must contain the following files: -- 一個名為 CustomWatchface 的圖片檔案(可以是點陣圖檔案 `CustomWatchface.jpg`、`CustomWatchface.png` 或向量檔案 `CustomWatchface.svg`)。 此檔案是用於在您點選「載入錶面」按鈕時選擇錶面的圖示,也是在 AAPS Wear 外掛中可見的圖像。 -- 一個名為 `CustomWatchface.json` 的檔案(請參閱下方的[JSON 結構](cwf-reference-json-structure))。 這個第二個檔案是核心檔案,將包含設計錶面所需的所有資訊。 此 json 檔案必須是有效的(手動編輯此檔案時可能是最具挑戰性的部分,因為遺漏或額外的逗號就足以破壞 json 格式)。 此 JSON 檔案還必須包含一個 `"metadata"` 區塊,內含 `"name"` 鍵,且其值不能為空。 這將是您的自訂錶面的名稱(請參閱下方的[中繼資料設定](cwf-reference-metadata-settings))。 -- 此 zip 檔案的大小應盡可能小(不超過約 500KB)。 如果檔案太大,將會被阻擋,無法傳送到手錶。 +- One image file named CustomWatchface (can be bitmap files `CustomWatchface.jpg`, `CustomWatchface.png` or a vector `CustomWatchface.svg`). This file is the little icon used to select the watchface when you click on "Load Watchface" button, and also the image visible within AAPS Wear plugin. +- One file named `CustomWatchface.json` (see [JSON structure](cwf-reference-json-structure) below). This second file is the core file that will include all information required to design the watchface. This json file must be valid (it's probably the most tricky point when you edit manually this file within a text editor, because an missing or additional comma is enough to break the json format). This JSON file must also include a `"metadata"` bloc with a `"name"` key with not empty value. This will be the name of your custom watchface (see [Metadata settings](cwf-reference-metadata-settings) below) +- the size of this zip should be as small as possible (less than about 500kb). If this file is too big, it will just be blocked and not transmitted to the watch. -該 zip 檔案還可以包含一些額外的資源檔案: +The zip file can also contain some additional resource files: -- 用於錶面標準視圖的圖片檔案的硬編碼檔名(如 `Background`、`CoverChart` 等,請參閱下方的[硬編碼資源檔案列表](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files))。 這些檔案可以是 `jpg`、`png` 或 `svg` 格式。 但對於大多數情況,您需要使用支援透明度的 `png` 或 `svg`(相較於 png,jpg 檔案較小但不支援透明度)。 請注意,與最小的檔案大小相結合的最佳品質通常是 svg 檔案(向量格式)。 -- 具有自由命名的額外資源檔案。 這些額外檔案可以是圖片檔案,也可以是字體檔案(支援的字體格式為 `ttf` 和 `otf`)。 請注意,對於這些額外檔案,`檔名`(不含副檔名)將在 JSON 檔案中用作 keyValue,以指定這些檔案應該在哪裡或何時使用。 - - 圖片檔案通常用作文字視圖的背景或用於動態動畫(如從 0% 到 100% 的電池電量)。 - - 字體檔案允許您在錶面中使用專用字體。 +- Hardcoded file names for images that will be used used in standard views included in the watchface (like `Background`, `CoverChart`... see [List of hardcoded resource files](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files) below). All these files can be either `jpg`, `png` or `svg` format. but for most of them, you will have to use `png` or `svg` that manage transparency (jpg are smaller in size compared to png, but with no transparency). Note that the best quality associated to the smallest size will generally be with svg files (vector format). +- Addtional resource files with free names. These additional files can be either image files, or font files (`ttf` and `otf` format are accepted for fonts). Note that for these additional files, the `filename` (without extension) will be used as the keyValue, within JSON file, to specify where or when these files should be used. + - image files are often used as background of text views or for dynamic animation (like battery level from 0% to 100%) + - font files allow you to use dedicated fonts within your watchface (cwf-reference-json-structure)= -## JSON 結構 +## JSON Structure -JSON 檔案可以在 Notepad(或 Notepad++)文字編輯器中編輯(建議使用 Notepad++,它可識別 JSON 並使用彩色格式顯示)。 +JSON files can be edited in Notepad (or notepad++) text editor (prefer notepad++ that recognize JSON and use color formating) -- 它包含字串鍵 `"string_key":` 和鍵值,這些鍵值可以是字串(如 `"key value"`)、整數、布林值(如 `true` 或 `false`)或資料區塊。 -- 每個值由逗號 `,` 分隔。 -- 資料區塊由 `{` 開始,並以 `}` 結束。 -- 整個 json 檔案是一個完整的區塊,因此它從 `{` 開始,並以 `}` 結束,並且檔案內所有嵌入的區塊都與一個 `"key"` 相關聯,該鍵應該在該區塊內是唯一的。 -- 為了提高 json 檔案的可讀性,通常會縮排(每個新鍵位於新行,每個新區塊向右縮進 4 個空格字元)。 +- it contains string keys `"string_key":` and key values that can be strings like `"key value"`, integer, boolean like `true`or `false` or block of data. +- each value is seperated by a comma `,` +- A block of data starts by `{` and ends by `}` +- the json file is a whole block so it starts by `{` and ends by `}`, and inside this file all embeded blocks are associated to a `"key"` that should be unique within the block +- To improve readibility of json file, it's generally indented (each new key is on a new line, each new block is shifted on the right by 4 spaces characters) (cwf-reference-metadata-settings)= -### 中繼資料設定 +### Metadata Settings -此區塊是 json 檔案中包含的第一個區塊,且是必需的。 它包含與此錶面相關的所有資訊,如名稱、作者、建立或更新日期、作者版本或外掛版本。 +This block is the first block included into the json file and is mandatory. It contains all the informations associated to this watchface, like the name, the author, the date of creation or update, the author version or the plugin version. -請參閱下方的中繼資料區塊範例: +See below an example of metadata block: ```json "metadata": { @@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ JSON 檔案可以在 Notepad(或 Notepad++)文字編輯器中編輯(建議 }, ``` -請注意,日期中使用的 `/` 是特殊字元,因此在 json 檔案中正確識別時,必須在它前面加上「跳脫」字元 `\`。 +Note that `/` used for the date is a special character, so to be recognize correctly within json file, you have to put before an "escape" character `\` -您可以在某些 json 檔案中看到一個額外的鍵 `"filename"`,當自訂錶面載入 AAPS 時,這個鍵將自動建立或更新(它將用來向使用者顯示匯出資料夾中的 zip 檔案名),因此您可以在中繼資料區塊中刪除此鍵。 +You can see in some json file an additional key `"filename"`, this key will be automatically created or updated when the custom watchface will be loaded within AAPS (it will be used to show to the user the zip filename within exports folder), so you can remove this key within metadata block. (cwf-reference-general-parameter-settings)= -### 一般參數設定 +### General parameter settings -在具有中繼資料的第一個區塊之後,您將設置一些一般參數(請參閱下方的[一般參數列表](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters)),這允許您設置圖表顏色(碳水化合物、注射、血糖值...),還有範圍內的值、過高或過低的預設顏色(血糖值和箭頭的預設顏色)。 +After the first block with metadata, you will set some general parameters (see [List of general parameters](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters) below), this allow you to set Graph colors (Carbs, Bolus, BG values...), and also default colors for value in range, hyper or hypo (default colors of BG value and arrows) -請參閱下方的一般參數範例: +See below an example of general parameters ```json "highColor": "#FFFF00", @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ JSON 檔案可以在 Notepad(或 Notepad++)文字編輯器中編輯(建議 ``` (cwf-reference-imageview-settings)= -### ImageView 設定 +### ImageView settings -自訂圖片可以使用與自訂錶面佈局中每個 ImageView 相關的正確檔名進行調整,然後 json 區塊僅用來定義位置、大小、視圖是否可見,並選擇性地調整顏色: +Custom image can be tuned using correct filename associated to each ImageView included into custom watchface Layout, then the json block is only here to define the position, the size, if the view is visible or not, and optionally tune the color: -請參閱下方的秒針圖像區塊範例(在這種情況下,zip 檔案中沒有包含圖像,因此將使用預設的秒針圖像,但會調整為自訂顏色)。 +See below an example of an Image block for second_hand, (in this case there are no image included into zip file so default second hand image will be used, but tuned with a custom color. ```json "second_hand": { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ JSON 檔案可以在 Notepad(或 Notepad++)文字編輯器中編輯(建議 "color": "#BC906A" } ``` -要將秒針著色為預設的血糖顏色(範圍低、中或高),只需修改最後一行的鍵值 `bgColor`。 +To have second_hand colored with default BG color (lowRange, midRange or highRange), you just have to modify the latest ligne with the keyValue `bgColor` ```json "color": "bgColor" @@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ JSON 檔案可以在 Notepad(或 Notepad++)文字編輯器中編輯(建議 (cwf-reference-textview-settings)= -### TextView 設定 +### TextView settings -TexView 比 ImageView 有更多可用參數:您可以調整旋轉(度數的整數值)、字體大小(以像素為單位的整數值)、重力(用來定義文字值是置中(預設值)、靠左對齊還是靠右對齊)、設置字體、字體樣式和字體顏色,還有 TextView 的背景顏色。 +TexView have more available parameters compare to ImageView: you can tune rotation (integer value in degrees), textsize (integer value in pixel), gravity (to define if text value will be centered (default value), or aligned left or right), set the font, fontStyle and fontColor, and also background color of the TextView ```json "basalRate": { @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ TexView 比 ImageView 有更多可用參數:您可以調整旋轉(度數的 "fontColor": "#BDBDBD" }, ``` -請注意,如果您不想在錶面中管理某個視圖,則將 `"visibility"` 鍵設為 `"gone"`,但也要將大小和位置設置在可見區域之外,如下所示: +Note that if you don't want to manage one view within your watchface, then put the `"visibility"` key to `"gone"` but also set size and position outside visible area like that: ```json "second": { @@ -136,23 +136,23 @@ TexView 比 ImageView 有更多可用參數:您可以調整旋轉(度數的 "fontColor": "#BDBDBD" }, ``` -如果大小和位置在可見區域內,您可能會在錶面重新整理期間看到隱藏值的「閃爍」。 +If size and position are within visible area, you can get some "flash" of the hidden value during the refresh of the watchface. -如果您想自訂文字視圖的背景圖像,則可以使用鍵 `"background":`,並將包含在 zip 檔案中的圖像檔案作為鍵值,您也可以只使用鍵 `"color:"` 來更改背景顏色。 +If you want to customize background image of a text view, then you can use the key `"background":` and put the filename of image included into zip file as keyValue, you can also just change the background color using `"color:"` key. ```json "background": "fileName" ``` -您還有 4 個特定的 TextView(名為 freetext1 到 freetext4),它們有一個特定的參數 `"textvalue":`,可用來設置標籤之類的東西。 +You also have 4 specific textViews (named freetext1 to freetext4) that have a specific parameter `"textvalue":` that can be used to set for example a label (cwf-reference-chartview-settings)= -### ChartView 設定 +### ChartView settings -圖表視圖是一個非常特定的視圖,可以與 ImageView 或 TextView 共享一些參數…… +Chart view is a very specific view that can share some parameters with ImageView or with TextView... -此視圖的標準設定非常簡單: +Standard settings for this view is very simple: ```json "chart": { @@ -163,200 +163,200 @@ TexView 比 ImageView 有更多可用參數:您可以調整旋轉(度數的 "visibility": "visible" }, ``` -此視圖的 2 個額外參數是背景顏色(預設為透明),使用鍵 `"color"`,或使用鍵 `"background"` 來設定背景圖像。 +The 2 additional parameters you can include for Chart view is a background color (default is transparent), using `"color"` key or a background image using `"background"` key. (cwf-reference-how-to-build-watchface)= -## 如何構建/設計您的第一個錶面 +## How to build/design your first Watchface -### 所需工具 +### Tools required -- 文字編輯器:我建議使用 NotePad++(或同類工具),這是一個簡單的文字編輯器,但它的附加值在於您可以看到彩色代碼的格式化文本,因此更容易檢測錯誤。 任何簡單的文字編輯器都可以完成此工作。 它將用來調整 json 資訊。 -- 圖像編輯器(點陣圖和/或向量圖) - - 如果您使用點陣圖 - - 圖像編輯器應能處理透明度(背景以上的所有圖像都需要透明度),並支援 png 格式(如果您使用點陣圖)。 - - 背景圖像可以是 jpg 格式(比 png 小)。 - - 圖像編輯器應允許您以像素為單位測量圖形對象(可以是簡單的方塊)(上、左、寬、高)。 - - 圖像編輯器應能以十六進制顯示 RRVVBB 顏色代碼。 - - 圖像編輯器應能將圖像調整為 400px x 400px(使用此解析度工作非常重要)。 - - 如果您使用向量圖 - - 向量圖像應以 svg 格式匯出。 +- Text editor: my advice is to use NotePad++ (or equivalent) that is a simple text editor, but added value is you can see formated text with color code, so it's easier to detect errors. any simple text editor do the jod. it will be used to tune json informations +- Image editor (bitmap and/or vector) + - If you use Bitmap + - Image editor should be able to manage transparency (required for all image above background), and png format (if you used bitmap image) + - Background image can be in jpg format (smaller that png) + - Image editor should allow you to measure in pixel graphical objects (can be a simple square) (top, left, width, heigth) + - Image editor should be able to show you colors with RRVVBB code in hexadecimal + - Image editor should be able to resize image to 400px x 400px (very important to work with this resolution) + - If you use Vector + - Vector image should be exported in svg format -### 獲取範本以免從零開始 +### Get template to not start from scratch -當您想設計第一個錶面時,最好的方法是從預設錶面開始(這將確保您擁有所有正確排序的可用視圖的最新版本)。 +When you want to design your first watchface, the best is to start by the default watchface (this will ensure you to have latest version with all available views correctly sorted) -- 您可以透過在 Wear 外掛中點選「匯出範本」按鈕來獲取 zip 檔案,並在 AAPS/exports 資料夾中找到 zip 檔案。 -- 請注意,您需要將手錶連線到 AAPS 以查看自訂錶面按鈕(但手錶也需要用來檢查、測試和調整您的自訂錶面)。 +- You can get zip file by clicking on "Export Template" button within Wear plugin and get zip file within AAPS/exports folder +- Note that you will need to have a watch connected to AAPS to see Custom Watchface buttons (but watch is also required to check, test and tune your custom watchface) -預設錶面非常簡單,zip 檔案將只包含兩個檔案: +Default watchface is very simple and zip file will contains only the 2 files: -- CustomWatchface.png(用於選擇預設錶面的圖像) +- CustomWatchface.png (image of default watchface for WF selection) - CustomWatchface.json -### 在電腦上組織您的檔案 +### Organize your files within your computer -最簡單的工作方式是將手機連線到電腦,並使用兩個特定資料夾工作: +The easiest way to work is to have phone connected to the computer, and work with to specific folders: -- 一個檔案總管打開到特定資料夾,該資料夾將包含所有檔案(json、點陣圖圖像、向量圖像、字體),以及 檔案。 -- 另一個檔案總管(或調整好的導航樹)打開到 Phone/AAPS/exports 資料夾。 +- one explorer opened on a specific folder that will have all files (json, bitmap images, vector images, fonts), and the file within it +- another explorer (or navigation tree tuned) opened to have Phone/AAPS/exports folder available -這樣工作非常簡單:每次使用文字編輯器調整 json 檔案,使用圖像編輯器(點陣圖或向量圖)編輯圖像後,您只需: +That way working is very easy: each time you tune json file with a text editor, image with image editor (bitmap or vector) you have to just: -1. 在每個應用程式中儲存您的修改。 -2. 將所有檔案拖放到 檔案中。 -3. 將 拖放到手機的 AAPS/exports 資料夾中。 -4. 將 CustomWatchface 發送到手錶以檢查結果。 +1. save your modifications in each app +2. drag and drop all files within file +3. drag and drop into AAPS/exports folder of the phone +4. send CustomWatchface to the watch to check the results -### 初始化錶面自訂。 +### Initialize Watchface customization -第一步,您必須定義錶面的名稱(這對於測試時容易選擇是必要的),並開始調整 json 檔案開頭的中繼資料鍵。 +First step you will have to define a watchface Name (necessary to select it easily for testing), and start to tune metadata keys at the begining of json file -接著,您需要定義要顯示哪些資訊,因此需要設定哪些視圖應該顯示或隱藏。 +Then you will have to define which information you want to show so which view should be visible or hidden. -- 您是否需要管理秒針? -- 您想設計一個類比錶面還是數位錶面(或兩者兼具...) +- will you manage second or not? +- do you want to design an analog watch or a digital watch (or both...) -現在,您可以開始修改 json 檔案,將每個視圖的 `"visibility"` 鍵設置為 `"visible"` 或 `"gone"`(如果您想保留或不保留該視圖)。 +Now you can start to modify json file with the `"visibility":` key of each view set to `"visible"` or `"gone"` (if you want to keep or not the view) -您還可以開始大致調整上、左邊距和寬度、高度值,以便開始組織錶面(這些值稍後會使用圖像編輯器進行微調)。 +You can also start to tune approximativaly top, left margin and width heigth values to start organizing the watchface (these values will be tuned later using image editor) -注意:所有設計都在 **400px x 400px 的矩形** 內進行。 因此,所有內容都會在此大小範圍內以絕對座標定位。 +Note: everything is design within a **400px x 400px rectangle**. So everything will be position in absolute coordinates within this size. -當您設計第一個錶面時,必須知道所有視圖(ImageView 或 TextView)從後到前分層排列,因此每個視圖可以隱藏在其後方的元素。 +When you design your first watchface, you have to know that everything is organized by layer from the Back to the Top, so each view (ImageView or TextView) can hide something that is behind... -![自訂錶面圖層](../images/CustomWatchface_1.jpg) +![CustomWatchface layers](../images/CustomWatchface_1.jpg) -然後在 json 檔案中,所有視圖按從後到前的順序排列(這將幫助您記住哪些元素在後方)。 +Then within json file all views are sorted from the Back to the Top (this will help you to remember what is behind what...) -如果您設計或調整第一個自訂錶面,請從簡單的事情開始:更改一些視圖的可見性,包含一個專用背景圖像,無需更改 json 檔案。 +If you design or tune your first custom watchface, start by simple things: change visibility of some views, include a dedicated background image without changing json file... -### 管理顏色 +### Manage colors -在 json 檔案中,您將有幾個鍵來指定顏色:`"color"`、`"fontColor"` 對於視圖來說,但也有 `"highColor"`、`"midColor"`、`"lowColor"` 等(請參閱下方的[一般參數列表](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters))。 +Within json file, you will have several keys to specify colors: `"color"`, `"fontColor"`for views, but also `"highColor"`, `"midColor"`, `"lowColor"`, ... (see [List of General Parameters](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters)) -顏色透過文本欄位指定,該欄位以 `#` 開頭,後接 RRGGBB(紅、綠、藍)值的十六進制格式: +Colors are specified with a text field that starts by `#` followed by RRGGBB (Red, Green, Blue) values in hexadecimal format: -- `"#FFFFFF"` 是白色,`"#000000"` 是黑色,`"#FF0000"` 是紅色。 +- `"#FFFFFF"` is white, and `"#000000"` is black, `"#FF0000"` is red... -您還可以包含兩個附加值來指定透明度層級(AARRGGBB): +You can also include 2 additional values for alpha layer and specify a transparency level (AARRGGBB): -- `"#00000000"` 是完全透明,`"#FF000000"` 是完全不透明(因此 `"#FF000000"` 相當於 `"#000000"`)。 +- `"#00000000"`is completly transparent, and `"#FF000000"` is completly opaque ( so `"#FF000000"` is equivalent to `"#000000"`) -您也可以使用特定的鍵值 `"bgColor"`,根據血糖值自動使用 `"highColor"`、`"midColor"`、`"lowColor"`,這些值已在一般參數中指定: +You can also use the specific keyvalue `"bgColor"` to automatically use `"highColor"`, `"midColor"`, `"lowColor"` specified in general parameters according to BG Value: -- `"fontColor": "bgColor",` 將自動根據血糖值設置視圖的字體顏色。 -- 請注意,`sgv`(血糖 值)和 `direction`(趨勢箭頭)視圖會自動應用血糖色彩(這兩個視圖,如果您想要不同顏色,您將需要使用進階的[dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) 功能並使用單步顏色)。 +- `"fontColor": "bgColor",` will automatically set the font color of the view according to BG Value +- Note that `sgv` (for BG Value) and `direction` (for trend arrow) views automatically apply BG colors set into general parameters (for these 2 views, if you want to have different colors, you will have to use advanced [dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) feature with one step color...) -有關 ImageViews 和 `"color":` 鍵的更多資訊,請參閱下方的專用章節 [調整圖像顏色](cwf-reference-tune-image-color)。 +For more information concerning ImageViews and `"color":` key, see dedicated chapter [Tune image color](cwf-reference-tune-image-color) below. -### 包含硬編碼圖像 +### Include Hardcoded images -開始調整您的錶面的最簡單方法是將一些特定名稱的圖像包含在 zip 檔案中(請參閱[硬編碼資源檔案列表](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files))。 +the easiest way to start tuning your watchface is to include within zip file some images with a specific names (see [List of Hardcoded resource files](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files)) -- 圖像應為 `.jpg`、`.png` 或 `.svg` 格式。 但要注意,jpg 不支援透明度,因此應僅用於背景圖層。 對於所有中間圖層(cover_chart、cover_plate、指針等)請使用 `.png` 或 `.svg` 圖像。 +- Image should be in `.jpg`, `.png` or `.svg` format. but be carefull, jpg doesn't manage transparency, so should be only used for background layer. For all intermediate layers (cover_chart, cover_plate, hands) use eather `.png`or `.svg` image -- 如果您有向量圖像編輯器(例如 Illustrator),請優先使用此格式,它會產生帶有 `.svg` 副檔名的小型文本檔案,效果最佳。 -- 您必須注意檔名的精確拼寫(包括大小寫)。 +- If you have a vector image editor (like for example Illustrator), prefer this format that will produce small text files with `.svg` extension the best quality. +- You should take care to use exact filename (including High/lower case) -現在如果您想要專用的背景圖像,您只需在 zip 檔案中包含一個名為 `Background.jpg` 的檔案(無需更改其他內容)。 將 zip 檔案發送到手錶並檢查結果! +Now if you want a dedicated backgoung image, you only have to include within the zip file a file named `Background.jpg` (without changing anything else. send zip file into the watch and check result!. -如果您想為類比錶自訂時針、分針或秒針,只需包含 `HourHand.png`(或 `HourHand.svg`)、`MinuteHand.png` 和 `SecondHand.png`。 +If you want to customize hour_hand, minute_hand or second_hand for an analog watch, simply include `HourHand.png` (or `HourHand.svg`), `MinuteHand.png` and `SecondHand.png`. -- 這些圖像將自動繞圖像中心旋轉,因此這些圖像應設置為 00:00:00(對於「全畫幅」類比錶面,請使用 400 x 400 px 的大小,並定位於 top 0 left 0)。 +- these images will automatically rotate around the center of the image, so the images should be set to 00:00:00 (and for a "full frame" analog watch, use a size of 400 x 400 px positioned at top 0 left 0) -您還可以在[硬編碼資源檔案列表](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files)中注意到,對於每個圖像視圖,您有兩個額外的硬編碼檔名 `High` 和 `Low`(例如,您可以在 zip 檔案中包含其他名為 `BackgroundHigh.jpg` 和 `BackgroundLow.jpg` 的圖像)。 然後圖像將根據您的血糖水平自動更改(在範圍內、高血糖或低血糖)。 請參閱 AIMICO 錶面作為範例。 +You can also noticed within [List of Hardcoded resource files](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files) that for each image view, you have two additional hardcoded filenames `High` and `Low` (for example you can include other images named `BackgroundHigh.jpg` and `BackgroundLow.jpg` within zip file). then image will automatically change according to you BG level (within Range, Hyper or Hypo). See AIMICO watchface as example. (cwf-reference-tune-image-color)= -### 調整圖像顏色 +### Tune image color -`"color"` 鍵可用於調整預設的圖像顏色: +`"color"` key can be used to tune default image color: -- 應用於背景視圖時,它將設置背景顏色(預設為黑色)。 -- 應用於 cover_plate(簡單錶盤)或指針時,它將根據指定的顏色(包括 `"bgColor"`)更改預設圖像(白色)。 +- applied on background view, it will set the background color (default black) +- applied on cover_plate (simple dial) or hands, it will change the default image (white) by the color specified (including `"bgColor"`) -當您將 `"color"` 鍵應用於點陣圖圖像(`.jpg` 或 `.png`)時,顏色將對色彩飽和度產生有趣的效果。 因此,您仍然可以識別您的點陣圖圖像。 +When you apply `"color"` key on a bitmap image (`.jpg` or `.png`), color will apply an interresting effect on color saturation. So you will still recognize your bitmap. -最後,對於 `.svg` 圖像檔案,`"color"` 鍵將不起作用,向量圖像的顏色被視為硬編碼在圖像內。 如果您想更改顏色,您將需要包含多個 `svg` 檔案,並使用進階的[dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) 功能來更改它。 +Finally on `.svg` image file, `"color"`key will have no effect, consider color of vector files as hardcoded within the image. If you want to change colors, you will have to include several `svg` files, and use advanced [dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) feature to change it -### 為 TextViews 使用額外字體 +### Use additional fonts for TextViews -wear apk 中已經有多個預設字體(請參閱 [鍵值](cwf-reference-key-values) 章節中的字體鍵)。 但如果您想使用未預設的額外字體,可以在 zip 檔案中包含額外的字體: +Several defaults font are already available within wear apk (see font keys included into [key values](cwf-reference-key-values) chapter). But if you want to use additional fonts not available as default, you can include addtional fonts within zip file: -- 支援的字體格式為 `.ttf` 和 `.otf`。 -- 如果您在 zip 檔案中包含自訂字體,例如名為 `myCustomFont.ttf` 的檔案,則您需要使用檔名在 json 檔案中將其用於 TextView: +- the 2 accepted font format are `.ttf` and `.otf` files +- if you include a custom font within zip file, for example with a file named `myCustomFont.ttf`, then you will have to use the filename to use it within json file for a TextView: ``` "font": "myCustomFont", ``` -請記住,一些字體檔案可能很大(而您對 zip 檔案的大小有最大限制)。 因此,如果您只使用非常少的字元(數字、`.`、`,`),您可以使用免費工具移除未使用的字元(例如[這裡](來減小字體大小。 +Keep in mind that some fonts can be included into big files (and you are limited to a maximum size for zip file). So if you only use very few characters (numbers, `.`, `,`), you can use free tools to remove unused characters (for example [here]( and then reduce font size. (cwf-reference-advanced-features)= -## 進階功能 +## Advanced features (cwf-reference-preference-feature)= -### 偏好設定功能 +### Preferences Feature -CustomWatchface 可以自動調整一些手錶的偏好設定,以確保正確顯示錶面(如果使用者在 Wear 偏好設定中授權)。 +CustomWatchface can automatically tune some watch preferences to have the correct visualization of the watchface (if authorization is given within Wear preferencesby the user). -但是此功能應謹慎使用。 偏好設定是與其他錶面共用的。 因此,有幾個使用此功能時應遵守的規則: +But this feature should be used with care. Preferences are common with all other watchfaces. So several rules to respect with this feature: -- 不要設定隱藏檢視相關的偏好設定 -- 盡量最大化可見的檢視 -- 可以自由調整某些檢視的寬度: - - TBR 可以顯示為百分比(寬度較小,但也可以顯示為絕對值,寬度更大) - - delta 或平均 delta 的詳細資訊可以顯示更寬 - - 同樣地,iob2 的檢視可以顯示總 iob,但如果選擇顯示詳細 iob,文字大小可能會變得很長 +- never set preferences concerning hidden views +- try to maximize the visible views +- feel free to oversize the width of certain views: + - TBR can be shown as percentage (small width, but also as absolue values much wider) + - delta or avg delta with detailed information can be wide + - same for iob2: this view can have total iob, but if detailed iob is selected, then text size can be very long -如果仍然需要某些非常特殊的設定來正確顯示(如下範例所示,如果沒有足夠的空間顯示詳細 iob,您可以將手錶上的此參數強制設為 `false`,並可在元資料區塊中包含這類設定約束 +If you still need some very specific settings to have a correct display (in example below, if there is not enough space for detailed iob, you can "force" this parameter to `false` of your watch, you can include within metadata block some settings constraint like that ```json "metadata": { - "name": "預設錶面", + "name": "Default Watchface", "author": "myName", "created_at": "07\/10\/2023", "author_version": "1.0", "cwf_version": "1.0", - "comment": "預設錶面,您可以點擊匯出錶面按鈕生成範本", + "comment": "Default watchface, you can click on EXPORT WATCHFACE button to generate a template", "key_show_detailed_iob": false }, ``` -如果使用者授權自訂錶面修改手錶參數(設定於 Wear 外掛內),那麼顯示詳細 iob 會設為 "停用",並鎖定為停用(直到在 Wear 外掛參數內取消授權或選擇其他錶面,否則無法修改此參數)。 +If user authorize custom watchface to modify watch parameter (setting within wear plugin) then Show detailed iob will be set to "disable", and locked to disable (no modification of this parameter possible, until authorization is disabled within wear plugin parameter, or another watchface is selected) -- 請注意,當使用者選擇錶面時,他可以在選擇過程中看到「必要參數」的數量。 +- Note that when a user select a watchface, he can see the number of "required parameter" during watchface selection -如下範例所示,Gota 錶面有一個必要參數。 如果未授權,它會以白色顯示;如果授權,則此參數會設置並鎖定於手錶上(此時數字為橙色)。 +In example below Gota watchface has one required parameter. If authorization is not given it will be shown in white color, but authorization is given, then this parameter will be set and locked on the watch (in this case the number is in orange color) -![必要參數](../images/CustomWatchface_2.jpg) +![Required parameters](../images/CustomWatchface_2.jpg) (cwf-reference-twinview-feature)= -### 雙視圖功能 +### TwinView Feature -雙視圖提供了一種基於可見檢視調整檢視位置的簡便方式。 這不如完全使用 LinearLayout 排版來得強大,但可以處理許多常見情況。 +Twin views provide an easy way to adjust the view position based on the visible views. This does not have the power of a layout entirely made up of LinearLayout, but can handle many common cases. -如下範例所示,您可以看到 AAPS(駕駛艙)錶面中的所有檢視都在設定內可見,而相同錶面在「隱藏顯示鑽機電池」及「隱藏顯示平均 delta」時的效果。 +In example below you can see AAPS (Cockpit) watchface with all views visible within settings, and the same watchface with "Show rig battery" disabled and "Show avg delta" disabled -![雙視圖](../images/CustomWatchface_3.jpg) +![Twin Views](../images/CustomWatchface_3.jpg) -您可以看到當其中一個雙視圖被隱藏時,另一個會自動居中移動。 +You can see that when one of the twin views is hidden, the other is shifted to be centered -在此範例中,您可以看到在 `"uploader_battery"` 區塊中,添加了 `"twinView":` 鍵來定義 `"rig_battery"` 檢視,而在 `"rig_battery"` 區塊中, `"twinView":` 鍵定義了 `"uploader_battery"` 為雙檢視。 隨後,額外的鍵 `"leftOffsetTwinHidden":` 定義了雙視圖被隱藏時的位移像素數量。 +in this example, you can see that within `"uploader_battery"` block, we have `"twinView":` key is added to define `"rig_battery"` view, and in `"rig_battery"` block `"twinView":` key define `"uploader_battery"` as twin. Then then additional key `"leftOffsetTwinHidden":` define the number of pixel to shift the view when twin is hidden. -要計算這個數字,您可以看到兩個雙視圖的左邊界差為 50 像素,因此位移量為一個方向的一半。 +To calculate this number, you can see that the difference between the leftMargin of each of the twin views is 50 pixels, so the offset to stay centered is half in one direction or the other. -如果雙視圖是垂直排列的,則需要使用鍵 `"topOffsetTwinHidden":`。 +If the twin views are positioned vertically, in this case you must use the key `"topOffsetTwinHidden":` ```json "uploader_battery": { @@ -392,33 +392,33 @@ CustomWatchface 可以自動調整一些手錶的偏好設定,以確保正確 ``` (cwf-reference-dyndata-feature)= -### DynData 功能 +### DynData Feature -DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、delta、電池百分比等,詳見可用資料 [此處](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values))在錶面中加入動畫時,最強大的功能。 +DynData is the most powerfull feature if you want to include some animation within you watchface, according to some internal values (like BG value, BG level, delta, % of battery... see list of available data [here](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values)) -為了說明此功能,我將以 AAPS(蒸汽龐克)錶面為例: +To illustrate this feature, I will take the example of AAPS (SteamPunk) watchface: ![CustomWatchface_4](../images/CustomWatchface_4.png) -在此錶面中,我們需要管理 [BG 值旋轉](cwf-reference-background-management)(從 30 度到 330 度),[avg_delta 的動態範圍](cwf-reference-avg-delta-management)(根據值縮放至 5mgdl、10mgdl 或 20mgdl),[指針的旋轉](cwf-reference-dynamic-rotation-management)應與縮放同步,還有檢視的不同圖層... +In this watchface, we will have to manage the [rotation of BG value](cwf-reference-background-management) (from 30 degrees to 330 degrees) on the right, the [dynamic range of avg_delta](cwf-reference-avg-delta-management) (scale up to 5mgdl, 10mgdl or 20mgdl according to value), the [rotation of pointer](cwf-reference-dynamic-rotation-management) that should be synchronized to the scale, and also the different layer of the views... -要管理此錶面,請參閱以下包含於 zip 檔案中的所有圖片: +To be able to manage this Watchface, see below all the images included into the zip file: -注意:為了顯示透明區域,所有這些圖片都有黃色背景並被紅色方框包圍。 +Note: to be able to see the transparency, all these images are on a yellow background and surrounded by a red square -![蒸汽龐克圖片](../images/CustomWatchface_5.jpg) +![Steampunk images](../images/CustomWatchface_5.jpg) -- 在第一排中,Background.jpg 和 CoverPlate.png 會自動映射至相關的檢視(預設檢視檔案名),而 steampunk_pointer.png 將由 dynData 管理。 -- 在第二排中,您可以看到動態範圍的 3 個 avg_delta 尺度,這些也將由 dynData 管理。 -- 在第三排中,chartBackground.jpg 會手動連結到圖表檢視,HourHand.png 和 MinuteHand.png 檔案將自動映射到相關的檢視。 +- On the first row, Background.jpg and CoverPlate.png will be automatically mapped with associated view (default views filename), and steampunk_pointer.png will be managed by dynData +- On the second row you see the 3 scales of dynamic range for avg_delta that will also be managed by dynData +- On the third row, chartBackground.jpg will be linked manually within chart view, HourHand.png and finally MinuteHand.png files will be automatically mapped with associated views (cwf-reference-background-management)= -#### **背景管理** +#### **Background management** -首先,關於血糖值(BG)圖像,這裡無法選擇,它只能位於背景層(否則它將出現在圖表前面,圖表將無法顯示!)。 因此,我們必須將血糖值對應到背景,然後根據血糖值旋轉背景圖像。 +First, concerning BG value image, no choice here, it can only be in the background layer (otherwize it will be in front of the chart view and chart will not be visible!). So we will have to map BG value to the background, and then rotate background image according to BG value. -在`"background"`區塊內,我們將包括兩個專用的鍵來進行這個旋轉: +Within `"background"` block, we will include 2 dedicated keys to make this rotation: ```json "background": { @@ -431,11 +431,11 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "visibility": "visible" }, ``` -`"dynData":`鍵將定義應該使用哪個區塊來定義動畫(值、範圍、轉換等),在這裡這個區塊被命名為 "rotateSgv"(使用此功能時選擇一個明確的名稱)。 +`"dynData":` key will define which block should be used to define the animation (value, range, convertion...) here this block was named "rotateSgv" (choose an explicit name when you use this feature), -`"rotationOffset": true,` 將定義根據值期望的動畫應該是旋轉。 (其他可用的鍵還有`"leftOffset"`和`"topOffset"`,如果您想建立滑塊的話) +`"rotationOffset": true,` will define that the expected animation according to value should be a rotation. (others available keys are `"leftOffset"` and `"topOffset"` if you want to create a slider) -現在,我們將在文件的末尾,在最後一個視圖之後進行操作: +Now we will go at the end of the file, after the last view: ```json "second_hand": { @@ -452,21 +452,21 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "maxData": 330 }, ``` -您可以看到在最新的視圖(`"second_hand"`)之後,我們新增了一個新的`"dynData": { ... }`區塊,這將包含所有的動畫: +You can see that after the latest view (`"second_hand"`), we added a new `"dynData": { ... }` block that will contains all the animations: -在`"background"`視圖內定義的區塊被命名為`"rotateSgv"`,這是您在`"dynData"`內找到的第一個區塊! +The block defined within `"background"`view was named `"rotateSgv"`, it's the first block you will find into `"dynData"`! -這個區塊很簡單:您有一個名為`"valueKey":`的第一個鍵,將用來定義應該使用哪個值。 在這種情況下,`"sgv"`是定義血糖值的 "keyValue"(請注意,在大多數情況下,keyValue與顯示此資訊的視圖名稱相同)。 +This block is simple: you have a first key named `"valueKey":` that will be used to define which value should be used. in this case `"sgv"` is a "keyValue" that defines BG value (note that in most cases the keyValue has the same name that the view that shows this information). -關於血糖值,預設的最小資料設為39 mg/dL,最大資料設為400 mg/dL(請參閱[DynData 參考鍵值](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values),下方列出了所有可用的keyValue及其相關的最小/最大資料值)。 +Concerning BG value, default min data is set to 39mgdl and max data is set to 400mgdl (see [DynData reference key values](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values) below all available keyValues and associated min/max data values). -在`"rotateSgv"`區塊內,將使用兩個附加的鍵(`"minData":` 和 `"maxData":`)來調整最小和最大資料至30和330。 有了這些最小和最大值,我們將能夠直接使用資料值(無需任何轉換)來以角度旋轉背景。 在這種情況下,所有超過330 mg/dL的血糖值將被限制在圖像的上限330。 +Within `"rotateSgv"` block the two additional keys (`"minData":` and `"maxData":`) will be used to tune min and max data to 30 and 330. With these min and max values, we will be able to directly use data value (without any convertion) to rotate background in degrees. In this situation all BG values above 330mgdl will be limited to 330, upper limit of the image. -#### **圖表管理** +#### **Chart management** -圖表的預設背景是透明的,因此為了隱藏包含於背景圖像中的血糖刻度,我們需要加入專用的背景圖像(此圖像將包含蒸汽龐克錶面整體的陰影效果)。 連結到charBackground.jpg文件是透過`"background":`鍵完成的 +Default background of chart is transparent, so to hide BG scale included into background image, we will need to include a dedicated background image (this image will include the overall shadows of Steampunk watchface). The link to charBackground.jpg file is done with `"background":` key -當然,視圖的尺寸和定位必須精確到像素! +Of course, the sizing and positioning of the view must be done to the pixel! ```json "chart": { @@ -480,15 +480,15 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de ``` (cwf-reference-avg-delta-management)= -#### **平均變化管理** +#### **Avg delta management** -為了能夠管理平均變化的動態範圍,我們將使用四個自由文字視圖。 freetext1將用來管理圖像刻度,freetext2至freetext4將根據刻度管理指針的旋轉。 +To be able to manage dynamic range of avg delta, we will use the four freetext views. freetext1 will be used to manage the image scale, and freetext2 to freetext4 will be used to manage pointer rotation according to scale. **freetext1** -如前所述,自由文字視圖位於圖表和背景的前面,因此我們加入了透明區域以顯示這些圖像(圖像的右側和底部)。 +As explain before, freetext views are in front of chart and in front of background, that's why we included transparent area to see these images (right side and bottom side of the image) -請注意,這些圖像底部被移除的部分已用作圖表的背景,實現完美的整合。 +Note that the removed bottom part of these images has been used as background of chart to have a perfect integration. ```json "freetext1": { @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "dynData": "avgDeltaBackground" }, ``` -在這個視圖中,我們將連結到另一個名為`"avgDeltaBackground"`的`"dynData"`區塊。 此區塊將根據平均變化值來管理avgDelta刻度。 +For this view we include the link to another `"dynData"`block named `avgDeltaBackground`. This block will manage avgDelta scale according to avgDelta value. ```json "avgDeltaBackground": { @@ -519,181 +519,181 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "image8": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20" }, ``` -- `"valueKey":`將與`"avg_delta"`值進行連結 -- 最小和最大資料也會將範圍限制在此錶面內可用的最大值(從-20 mg/dL到20 mg/dL)。 對於mmol使用者,請記住,所有的內部值在AAPS中始終以mg/dL表示。 +- `"valueKey":` will make the link with `"avg_delta"` value +- min and max Data will also limit the range to the maximum value available within this watchface (from -20mgdl to 20mgdl). For mmol users, keep in mind that all internal values are always in mgdl within AAPS. -接下來我們將看到如何根據值來管理動態背景圖像。 +Then we will see here how to manage dynamic background image according to value. -`"invalidImage":`是管理當資料無效(或資料遺失)時顯示圖像的鍵。 這裡我們將連結到包含在zip文件中的5 mg/dL刻度的額外資源圖像 +`"invalidImage":` is the key to manage image to show when we have an invalid data (or missing data). Here we make the link to additional resource image including into zip file with 5 mgdl scale -接下來我們將使用一系列圖像,從`"image1":`開始到`"image8":`。 提供的圖像數量將定義最小資料和最大資料之間的步驟數。 +Then we will use a serie of images, starting from `"image1":` to `"image8":`. The number of provided images will define the number of steps between `minData` and `maxData`. -- `image1`將定義當avg_delta等於或接近`minData`時顯示的圖像,而編號最高的圖像(此處為`image8`)將用於定義當avg_delta等於或接近`maxData`時應顯示的圖像。 -- 在-20 mg/dL和20 mg/dL之間,總範圍是40 mg/dL,分為8個步驟(提供的圖像數量),每步5 mg/dL。 -- 現在我們可以根據avg_delta值來映射背景圖像,從最低值開始:在-20和-15之間以及-15和-10之間,我們將使用`steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20`來顯示刻度,然後在-10和-5之間使用`steampunk_gauge_mgdl_10`,依此類推,直到+15和+20,我們再次使用`steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20`背景圖像。 +- `image1` will define image to show when avg_delta is equal or close to `minData` and the image with the highest number (here `image8`) will be used to define the image that should be shown when avg_delta is equal or close to `maxData` +- between -20mgdl and 20mgdl, the overall range is 40mgdl, devided by 8 (number of images provided), we will have 8 steps of 5mgdl +- Now we can map background images according to avg_delta value, starting from the lowest values: between -20 and -15, and also between -15 and -10 we will use `steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20` for the scale, then between -10 and -5 `steampunk_gauge_mgdl_10`, and so on until +15 and +20 where we will again use `steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20` background image (cwf-reference-dynamic-rotation-management)= -**freetext2 到 freetext4** +**freetext2 to freetext4** -對於這些視圖,我們將結合之前解釋過的動態圖片和旋轉功能: +For these views will will combine dynamic images and rotation feature explained before: ```json "freetext2": { - "寬度": 276, - "高度": 276, - "上邊距": 64, - "左邊距": 64, - "旋轉": 0, - "可見性": "可見", - "動態資料": "avgDelta5", - "旋轉偏移": true + "width": 276, + "height": 276, + "topmargin": 64, + "leftmargin": 64, + "rotation": 0, + "visibility": "visible", + "dynData": "avgDelta5", + "rotationOffset": true }, "freetext3": { - "寬度": 276, - "高度": 276, - "上邊距": 64, - "左邊距": 64, - "旋轉": 0, - "可見性": "可見", - "動態資料": "avgDelta10", - "旋轉偏移": true + "width": 276, + "height": 276, + "topmargin": 64, + "leftmargin": 64, + "rotation": 0, + "visibility": "visible", + "dynData": "avgDelta10", + "rotationOffset": true }, "freetext4": { - "寬度": 276, - "高度": 276, - "上邊距": 64, - "左邊距": 64, - "旋轉": 0, - "可見性": "可見", - "動態資料": "avgDelta20", - "旋轉偏移": true + "width": 276, + "height": 276, + "topmargin": 64, + "leftmargin": 64, + "rotation": 0, + "visibility": "visible", + "dynData": "avgDelta20", + "rotationOffset": true }, ``` -每個視圖都專用於特定的刻度(因此與專用的動態資料區塊相連),你還可以注意到這三個視圖中啟用了 `"旋轉偏移"` 鍵。現在來看看第一個動態資料區塊: +Here each view is dedicated to a specific scale (so is linked to a dedicated dynData block), you can alos notice that `"rotationOffset":` key is enabled for these 3 views.Now take a look on the first dynData block: ```json "avgDelta5": { - "數值鍵": "avg_delta", - "最小資料": -20, - "最大資料": 20, - "旋轉偏移": { - "最小值": -120, - "最大值": 120 + "valueKey": "avg_delta", + "minData": -20, + "maxData": 20, + "rotationOffset": { + "minValue": -120, + "maxValue": 120 }, - "無效圖片": "null", - "圖片1": "null", - "圖片2": "null", - "圖片3": "null", - "圖片4": "steampunk_pointer", - "圖片5": "steampunk_pointer", - "圖片6": "null", - "圖片7": "null", - "圖片8": "null" + "invalidImage": "null", + "image1": "null", + "image2": "null", + "image3": "null", + "image4": "steampunk_pointer", + "image5": "steampunk_pointer", + "image6": "null", + "image7": "null", + "image8": "null" }, ``` -即使動態範圍只在 -5 到 +5 avg_delta 資料之間使用,保持 -20 到 +20mgdl 的整體範圍仍然很重要,這樣才能確保指針在刻度切換期間與背景同步。 這就是為什麼我們保持與 `avgDeltaBackground` 相同的整體範圍和相同的步驟數(8 張圖片)。 +Here, even if dynamic range will be used only between -5 and +5 avg_delta datas, it's important to keep the overall range of -20, +20mgdl to ensure that the pointer will be synchronize with the background during scale switches. That's why we keep the same overall range than for `avgDeltaBackground` and the same number ot steps (8 images). -你可以注意到 `"無效圖片"` 或幾個 `"圖片xx"` 的鍵值為 `"null"`(這可以是 ZIP 文件中不存在的任何字串)。 當找不到文件名時,視圖的背景圖片將變為透明。 因此,設定確保指針僅在步驟 4 和步驟 5(avg delta 在 -5mgdl 和 +5 mgdl 之間)可見,並且不會在此範圍之外顯示。 +You can note that either `"invalidImage"` or several `"imagexx"` are with `"null"` key value (it could be any string not existing as a filename within zip file). When a filename is not found, then view background image will be transparent. So the setting ensure that pointer will only be visible for step 4 and step 5 (avg delta between -5mgdl and +5 mgdl), and will not be visible outside this range. -現在我們可以看到一個新的區塊 `"旋轉偏移"`,其中包含兩個鍵 `"最小值"` 和 `"最大值"`。 這些值用於將內部資料(以 mgdl 為單位)轉換為我們希望的旋轉角度。 +Now we can see a new block `"rotationOffset":` that will have inside two keys `"minValue":` and `"maxValue":`. These values are used to make the convertion between internal datas (in mgdl), and the angle rotation we want to have. -- 蒸汽朋克錶盤的設計使指針的最大旋轉角度從 -30 度到 30 度。 因此,根據刻度(此處從 -5mgdl 到 5mgdl),我們希望這些值具有 30 度的旋轉。 由於 `最小資料` 和 `最大資料` 大 4 倍,則相應的最小值和最大值是 4 * 30 度,因此為 -120 度和 +120 度。 但對於所有超過或低於 ±30 度的旋轉,指針將被隱藏(無圖片可見),並且指針僅在 -5 到 +5mgdl 之間顯示... 所以這正是這裡的預期結果。 +- Steampunk watchface is designed to have maximum from -30 degrees to 30 degrees rotation for the pointer. So according to the scale (here from -5mgdl to 5mgdl), we will want to have 30 degrees for these values. Because `minData` and `maxData`are 4 times greater, then the corresponding minValues and maxValues are 4 * 30 degrees so -120 and +120 degrees. But for all rotation above or below +-30 degrees the pointer will be hidden (no image visible), and the pointer will only be visible for values between -5 and +5mgdl... So it's exactly what is expected here. -其他動態資料區塊定義的方式相同,用於調整 `"avgDelt10"` 和 `"avgDelta20"` +The other dynData blocks are defined the same way to tune `"avgDelt10"`and `"avgDelta20"` -#### 循環視圖 +#### loop view -在蒸汽朋克錶盤的循環中,綠色和紅色箭頭(用於狀態)被停用,這也透過與循環視圖相關聯的專用動態資料區塊進行管理。 +in Steampunk watchface loop green and red arrows (for status) are disabled, this is also managed with a dedicated dynData block associated to loop view. ```json - "循環箭頭": { - "無效圖片": "greyArrows", - "圖片1": "greenArrows", - "圖片2": "redArrows" + "loopArrows": { + "invalidImage": "greyArrows", + "image1": "greenArrows", + "image2": "redArrows" } ``` -由於此區塊僅由循環視圖調用,並且此視圖管理的預設資料是循環資訊,因此 `"數值鍵"` 鍵是可選的。 +Because this block is only called by loop View, and default data managed by this view is loop information, then `"valueKey":` key is optional. -循環的預設 `最小資料` 和 `最大資料` 定義為 0 分鐘和 28 分鐘,因此使用兩張圖片,所有小於 14 分鐘的資料值將顯示背景 `圖片1`,所有大於 14 分鐘的資料值將顯示 `圖片2`。 14 分鐘正是從綠箭頭切換到紅箭頭的臨界值。 +Default `minData` and `maxData` for loop are defined to 0min and 28min, so with two images, all data values below 14 min will be shown with background `image1` and all data values above 14 min will be shown with `image2`. 14 min is exactly the threshold to switch from green arrow to red arrow. -在此範例中,`greyArrows`、`greenArrows` 和 `redArrows` 文件未包含在 ZIP 文件中,因此這些箭頭只是被移除(不可見),但如果你想用自訂的背景圖片調整狀態箭頭,可以「按原樣」使用此區塊。 +In this example, `greyArrows`, `greenArrows` and `redArrows` files are not included into zip file, so these arrows are just removed (invisible), but you can use this block "as is" if you want to tune status arrows with custom background images. -#### rig_battery 和 uploader_battery 視圖 +#### rig_battery and uploader_battery views -為了完成對動態資料功能的總覽,我們來看看電池管理。 這裡的想法是根據電池電量(從 0% 到 100%)自訂文字顏色。 +To finish the overview of dynData feature, we will take a look on battery management. The idea here is to customize text color according to battery level (from 0 to 100%) ```json "uploader_battery": { - "寬度": 60, - "高度": 28, - "上邊距": 100, - "左邊距": 170, - "旋轉": 0, - "可見性": "可見", - "文字大小": 20, - "對齊方式": "置中", - "字體": "預設", - "字體樣式": "粗體", - "字體顏色": "#00000000", - "動態資料": "batteryIcons", - "雙視圖": "rig_battery", - "隱藏時的雙視圖偏移": -13 + "width": 60, + "height": 28, + "topmargin": 100, + "leftmargin": 170, + "rotation": 0, + "visibility": "visible", + "textsize": 20, + "gravity": "center", + "font": "default", + "fontStyle": "bold", + "fontColor": "#00000000", + "dynData": "batteryIcons", + "twinView": "rig_battery", + "topOffsetTwinHidden": -13 }, "rig_battery": { - "寬度": 60, - "高度": 28, - "上邊距": 74, - "左邊距": 170, - "旋轉": 0, - "可見性": "可見", - "文字大小": 20, - "對齊方式": "置中", - "字體": "預設", - "字體樣式": "粗體", - "字體顏色": "#00000000", - "動態資料": "batteryIcons", - "雙視圖": "uploader_battery", - "隱藏時的雙視圖偏移": 13 + "width": 60, + "height": 28, + "topmargin": 74, + "leftmargin": 170, + "rotation": 0, + "visibility": "visible", + "textsize": 20, + "gravity": "center", + "font": "default", + "fontStyle": "bold", + "fontColor": "#00000000", + "dynData": "batteryIcons", + "twinView": "uploader_battery", + "topOffsetTwinHidden": 13 }, ``` -你可以在這裡看到,這兩個視圖共用一個名為 `batteryIcons` 的動態資料區塊。 這是可能的,因為預設情況下,附加的資料是視圖的資料(因此不需要在 `batteryIcons` 區塊中指定 `"數值鍵"` 鍵,它會根據視圖應用於 `uploader_battery` 資料或 `rig_battery` 資料)。 +You can see here that these both views share the same `dynData` block named `batteryIcons`. It's possible because by default attached data is the one of the view (to without specifying a `"valueKey":` key within `batteryIcons` block, it will be applied with `uploader_battery` data or `rig_battery` data according to the view). -注意,這兩個視圖也使用了 [這裡](cwf-reference-twinview-feature)解釋的雙視圖功能。 +Note these two views also use TwinView feature explain [here](cwf-reference-twinview-feature). -現在來看看動態資料區塊: +Now lets take a look on dynData block: ```json "batteryIcons": { - "無效字體顏色": "#00000000", - "字體顏色1": "#A00000", - "字體顏色2": "#000000", - "字體顏色3": "#000000", - "字體顏色4": "#000000", - "字體顏色5": "#000000" + "invalidFontColor": "#00000000", + "fontColor1": "#A00000", + "fontColor2": "#000000", + "fontColor3": "#000000", + "fontColor4": "#000000", + "fontColor5": "#000000" }, ``` -這裡我們使用與動態背景圖片完全相同的邏輯,但使用專用的鍵(`"無效字體顏色"` 和 `"字體顏色1"` 到 `"字體顏色5"` 指定每個 20% 步驟)。 +Here we use exactly the same logic that for dynamic background image, but with dedicated keys (`"invalidFontColor"` and `"fontColor1"` to `"fontColor5"` to specify 5 steps of 20% each one). -- `"字體顏色1"`(深紅色)將用於所有低於 20% 的值,而白色將用於所有高於該臨界值的值。 -- 如果你想將臨界值降低到「低於 10%」,只需添加 5 個額外的鍵,從 `"字體顏色6"` 到 `"字體顏色10"`,但你也可以調整每種顏色,如果你想要從綠色到黃色、橙色和紅色的漸變…… +- `"fontColor1"` (dark red) will be used for all values below 20%, and white will be used for all values above this threshold. +- If you want to lower the threshold to "below 10%", you just have to add 5 additional keys from `"fontColor6"` to `"fontColor10"` , but you can also adjust each color if you want progressive variation from green to yellow, orange and red... (cwf-reference-dynpref-feature)= -### 動態偏好功能 +### DynPref Feature -在閱讀本章之前,必須了解 [動態資料](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) 的工作原理,因為動態偏好是動態資料的進階用法:現在您可以根據使用者設定的偏好來調整每個動態資料區塊: +Before reading this chapter, you have to understand how [dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) works, because DynPref is an advanced usage of DynData: You will now be able to adjust each DynData block according to preferences set by the user: -為了說明動態偏好功能,我們將使用兩個範例: +To illustrate DynPref feature, we will use two example: -- 蒸汽朋克錶盤(簡單用法,包括在同一錶盤中 mgdl 和 mmol 版本,錶盤將根據 AAPS 中選擇的單位自動切換)。 -- AAPS V2 錶盤將結合不同的偏好來管理文字顏色和背景,根據黑暗和匹配分隔符的偏好。 +- Steampunk watchface (simple use to include into the same watchface mgdl and mmol version, watchface will automatically switch according to unit selected into aaps). +- AAPS V2 watchface will combine different preferences to be able to manage text color and background according to dark and match divider preferences. -#### Steampunk 錶面中的 dynPref 簡單使用 +#### Simple usage of dynPref within Steampunk watchface -在 Steampunk 中,我們必須根據單位設置圖像:`背景` 圖像將具有血糖尺度,並根據血糖值旋轉。 以及 `freeText1`,其中包含根據 avgDelta 值的動態尺度。為了能夠擁有一個自動顯示正確單位的錶面,我們應根據所選單位選擇圖像。 +Within Steampunk, we have to set of images according to units: `background` image that will have BG scale and will turn according to BG value. and `freeText1` that contains dynamic scale according to avgDelta value.To be able to have one watchface that will automatically show correct units, we should select image according to unit selected. -為了做到這一點,我們將在視圖區塊內將 `dynData` 鍵替換為 `dynPref` 鍵: +To do that we will replace `dynData` key by a `dynPref`key within view block: ```json "background": { @@ -706,9 +706,9 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "visibility": "visible" }, ``` -使用 `dynPref` 鍵的方式與前一章解釋的 `dynData` 鍵非常接近 +Usage of `dynPref`keys will be very close to `dynData`keys explained in previous chapter -現在我們來看看 json 文件末尾的部分,位於 `dynData` 區塊之後: +Now we will take a look at the end of the json file, after `dynData` block: ```json "dynData": { @@ -735,22 +735,22 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de ... } ``` -你可以看到在 `background` 視圖區塊中定義的 dynpref 鍵 (`"dynPref": "rotateSgv"`) 存在於 json 文件末尾的 `dynPref` 區塊中: +You can see that the dynpref key defined within `background` view block (`"dynPref": "rotateSgv"`) exists into the `dynPref` json block included at the end of json file: -此區塊應包含一個 `"prefKey"` 鍵,該鍵將定義應使用哪個偏好設定。 在此範例中,鍵 `"key_units"` 與電話中的 AAPS 所選的單位相關聯,如果所選單位是 mg/dL 則值為 `"true"`,如果是 mmol 則為 `"false"`。 +This block should contains a `"prefKey"`key that will define which preference should be used. In this example the key `"key_units"` is linked to units selected within AAPS on phone, and value is `"true"`if selected unit is mgdl, `"false"`if selected unit is mmol. -然後你會發現兩個使用 "dynData" 格式的 json 區塊,這些區塊將根據所選的偏好設定使用。 +Then you will find two json blocks that will use "dynData" format, and that will be used according to selected preference -請注意,背景圖像的 "HardCoded" 檔名現在已被動態圖像取代,無論血糖值如何,它將是相同的背景圖像(如果 key_units 為 "true",則為 `Background_mgdl.png` 檔案,如果 key_units 為 false,則為 `Background_mmol.png`),並且我們還包括一個 `"invalidImage"` 鍵,即使沒有從電話接收到資料也能始終顯示背景圖像。 +Note that the "HardCoded" file name for Background image is now replaced by a dynamic image that will be the same wathever the BG value (`Background_mgdl.png`file if key_units is "true", `Background_mmol.png` if key_units is false), and we also include an `"invalidImage" key to allways have a background image even if no data has been received from the phone. -#### 在 dynPref 中結合不同的偏好設定,使用 AAPS V2 +#### Combine different preferences within dynPref with AAPS V2 -大多數時候,當你設置一個偏好設定時,它只是根據你的選擇顯示結果,但在 dynPref 中,它被認為是一種動態功能... +Most of the time, when you set a preference, it's not to get "dynamic behaviour", but only the results according to what you select, but within dynPref, it's considered as a dynamic feature... -- 當在 `dynData` 中指定一整個參數區塊(包含圖像、字體顏色、顏色等)時,使用 `dynPref`,你將能根據特定偏好設定組合每個參數。 -- 在這裡,我們將看到如何將分隔線偏好設定與暗色偏好設定匹配,以便在啟用時(true)顯示黑色背景上的白色文字(在暗色錶面上,暗色參數為 true),或在淺色錶面上顯示白色背景上的黑色文字(暗色為 false)... +- when in `dynData`you specify one full block of parameters (with images, fontColor, Color, ...), with `dynPref`, you will be able to combine each parameter according to one specific preference. +- Here we will see how match devider preference will be associated to dark preference to show when it's enabled (true) white text on black background on dark watchface (dark parameter true) or black text on white background on light watchface (dark false)... -首先,讓我們看看 json 文件的開頭部分: +First lets see the beginning of json file: ```json "dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark", @@ -765,9 +765,9 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "dynPref": "dark" }, ``` -`"dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark"` 將指定所有視圖外預設顏色的 dynPref 區塊。 這些顏色將根據 `"prefColorDark"` 中的暗色參數進行調整: +`"dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark"` will specify the dynPref block of all default colors outside views. These colors will be tuned according to dark parameter within `"prefColorDark"`: -最後,在 `dynPref` 區塊內,將會有一個專門為預設顏色設置的 dynPref 區塊: +And at the end, within the `dynPref` block, you will have a specific dynPref block for default colors: ```json "prefColorDark": { @@ -794,9 +794,9 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de } } ``` -此 dynPref 區塊與用於視圖的其他標準 dynPref 區塊之間的區別在於,這裡沒有為 `"key_dark"` 參數的每個值設置 dynData 區塊,而只是列出主要顏色(`highColor`、`midColor` 等)。 +The difference between this dynPref block and the other standard dynPref blocks used for views is that here you don't have a dynData block for each value of `"key_dark"` parameter, but only the list of main colors (`highColor`, `midColor` , ...) -現在讓我們來看看 "divider banner" 中包含的項目(如下例所示的 `"basalRate"` 視圖鏈接到 `"matchDivider"` dynPref 視圖): +Lets now take a look on items included into the "divider banner" (in example below `"basalRate"` view linked to `"matchDivider"` dynPref view: ```json "basalRate": { @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "dynPref": "matchDivider" }, ``` -然後在 dynPref 區塊中,你可以看到分隔線參數 (`key_match_divider`) 鍵包含了 "true" 和 "false" 兩個區塊,但這兩個區塊僅用來定義該視圖將使用 "dark" dynBlock(因此與分隔線外的其他視圖具有相同的背景和文字顏色),或使用 "white" dynBLock,該區塊將為背景和文字設置相反的顏色... +Then within dynPref block, you can see that Match divider parameter (`key_match_divider` key), include the 2 blocks "true" and "false", but these two blocs are only used to define that view will use either "dark" dynBlock (so exactly the same background and text color than the otherviews outside the banner), or "white" dynBLock that will set opposite colors for background and text... ```json "matchDivider": { @@ -834,13 +834,13 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de } }, ``` -請注意,這裡你位於 "dynData" 區塊中,然後要定義顏色或字體顏色,將使用 dynData(此處未指定),並使用單步驟 (`"color1"` 和 `'fontColor1'` )。 +Note that here you are within a "dynData" block, then to define a color or a fontColor, you will use a dynData (not specified here), and a single step (`"color1"` and `'fontColor1'` are used) -- 對於除 `image` 以外的所有參數,預設的 "無效值"(如果未由 `"invalidColor"` 鍵或 `"invalidFontColor"` 鍵專門設置)將是 `"color1"` 和 `"fontColor1"`。 +- for all parameter other than `image` default "invalid value (if not set specifically by `"invalidColor"` key or `"invalidFontColor"` keys) will be `"color1"` and `"fontColor1"`. -接著我們將看到 iob 視圖的第三個範例(`iob1` 和 `iob2`),其中我們將使用較小的文字來顯示詳細的 iob,並使用較大的文字來顯示總 iob: +Then we will see a third example with iob views (`iob1` and `iob2`), where we will use smaller text for detailled iob and bigger text for total iob: ```json "iob1": { @@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de "dynPref": "prefIob2" }, ``` -你會在預設視圖設定中看到文字大小(`iob1` 為 19,`iob2` 為 24),以及應調整文字大小(根據詳細 iob 參數)和顏色(根據暗色參數)的兩個不同 `dynPref` 區塊 +You will see within default view settings the text size (19 on `iob1` and 24 on `iob2`) and the two different `dynPref` block that should tune textsize (according to detailed iob parameter), and colors (according to dark parameter) ```json "prefIob1": { @@ -891,11 +891,11 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de } }, ``` -你可以看到根據詳細 iob 參數(`"key_show_detailed_iob"` 鍵),當它為 "true" 時,文字大小會被定義為比預設值更大的固定值(24 代替預設的 19):這是使用文字大小 "step" 功能完成的,並且只使用一個值,因此為單步驟...(請注意,對於除圖像外的所有參數,如果未設置 invalidTextSize,則將使用 textsize1 作為無效資料的文字大小) +You can see here that according to detailed iob parameter (`"key_show_detailed_iob"` key), when it's "true" then textsize is defined to a fix value bigger than default (24 instead of 19): this is done using textsize "step" feature, within only one value so one step... (note that for all parameter others than images,if invalidTextSize is not set, then textsize1 will be used for invalid data) -然後 "dark" dynPref 區塊將用來設置顏色和字體顏色 +Then "dark" dynPref block will be used to set colorand fontColor -在此範例中,如果啟用了詳細 IOB 且啟用了暗色,將為 iob1 視圖使用的 dynData 區塊為: +In this example the dynData block that will be used for iob1 view will be if detailed IOB is enabled and dark enabled: ``` { @@ -905,9 +905,9 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de }, ``` -因此,文字將顯示為黑色背景上的白色,並且大小 24 將取代視圖中設置的預設大小 19 +So the text will be inwhite on black background and the size 24 will replace default size of 19 set into the view -如果停用了詳細 IOB 且停用了暗色,則將為相同的 iob1 視圖使用的 dynData 區塊為: +The dynData block that will be used for the same view iob1 if detailed IOB is disabled and dark disabled will be: ``` { @@ -916,314 +916,314 @@ DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、de }, ``` -現在文字將顯示為白色背景上的黑色,並且大小為 19 +Now the text will be in black on white background with a size of 19 -#### dynPref 使用技巧與訣竅 +#### Tips and tricks for dynPref -- 你可以結合任意數量的偏好設定,但要小心,描述的區塊數量可能會急速增加(呈指數增長):如果你串聯 3 個參數並且想要定義所有情況,你將需要描述 8 個區塊,如果每個參數只有 2 個值... -- 小心不要建立 "無限循環"(例如,如果 dynpref1 區塊應由 dynpref2 區塊補全,而 dynpref2 區塊又應由 dynpref1 區塊補全...)。 在這種情況下,dynpref 區塊將被視為無效... -- 不要忘記在鍵後面包括數字索引(例如當你在視圖中使用 `"textsize"` 鍵時,你將不得不在 dynPref 值區塊中使用 `"textsize1"`,因為這是 "dynData" 格式,因此在這種情況下鏈接到單步驟的值) -- 每個視圖應該只設置一個 `"valueKey"`,因此如果最終的 `dynData` 區塊由多個 `dynPref` 區塊組成,請不要包含多個 `"valueKey"`(及其相關的 `"minData"`、`"maxData"` 等) +- You can combine as many pref than you want, but be carefull, the number of blocks to describe can increase very fast (it's exponential): if you chain 3 parameters and you want to define all situations, you will have 8 blocks to describe, if each parameter has only 2 values... +- Be carefull to not build "infinite loop" (for example if dynpref1 block should be completed by dynpref2 block that should be completed by dynpref1 block...). In this case the dynpref blocks will be considered as invalid... +- Do not forget to include the numéric index after the key (when you use for example `"textsize"`key within a view, you will have to use `"textsize1"`within the dynPref value block, because it's a "dynData" format, so linked to value with a single step in this case) +- Only one key `"valueKey"` should be set for one view, so if the final `dynData` block is built from several `dynPref`blocks, do not include several `"valueKey"` (and associated `"minData"`, `"maxData"`, ...) (cwf-reference-key-and-keyvalue-reference)= -## 鍵與鍵值參考 +## Key and KeyValue reference (cwf-reference-list-of-metadata-keys)= -### 中繼資料鍵清單 +### List of Metadata keys (cwf-reference-list-of-standard-metadata-keys)= -#### 標準資訊中繼資料鍵清單 +#### List of Standard information metadata keys -| 鍵 | 註解 | -| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------- | -| 名稱 | 自訂錶面的名稱 | -| 作者 | 作者的名字或別名 | -| 建立於 | 建立(或更新)日期,請注意 `/` 是特殊字元,因此如果您將其用於日期,請在前面加上 `\` | -| cwf_version | 錶面外掛與您的錶面設計相容 | -| 作者版本 | 作者可以在此指定其錶面的版本 | -| 註解 | 可以用來提供當前錶面的一些資訊或限制的自由文本 | +| Key | Comment | +| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| name | Name of custom watchface | +| author | Name or pseudo of the author(s) | +| created_at | Creation (or update) date, be carefull `/` is a special character, so if you use it for the date put `\`before | +| cwf_version | Watchface plugin compatible with the design of your watchface | +| author_version | The author can specify here the version of his watchface | +| comment | Free text that can be used to give some information or limitation of current watchface | (cwf-reference-preference-keys)= -#### 偏好設定鍵 - -| 鍵 | 註解 | -| --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| key_show_detailed_iob | 如果為 true,將會在 `iob2` 視圖中鎖定詳細的 IOB 資料,然後 `iob1`(如果可見且未被圖示取代)將顯示 iob 總量。
如果為 false,則在 `iob2` 視圖中鎖定 iob 總量。 如果 `iob2` 的寬度太小,無法正確顯示詳細的 iob 資料,則可以使用 | -| key_show_detailed_delta | false(僅當設計與 `delta` 和 `avg_delta` 視圖的詳細 delta 寬度不相容時) | -| key_show_bgi | 如果您的設計需要 `bgi` 資訊,則為 true | -| key_show_iob | 如果您的設計需要 `iob1` 或 `iob2` 視圖,則為 true | -| key_show_cob | 如果您的設計需要 `cob1` 或 `cob2` 視圖,則為 true | -| key_show_delta | 如果您的設計需要 `delta` 資訊,則為 true | -| key_show_avg_delta | 如果您的設計需要 `avg_delta` 資訊,則為 true | -| key_show_uploader_battery | 如果您的設計需要 `uploader_battery`(電話電池)資訊,則為 true | -| key_show_rig_battery | 如果您的設計需要 `rig_battery` 資訊,則為 true | -| key_show_temp_basal | 如果您的設計需要 `basalRate` 資訊,則為 true | -| key_show_direction | 如果您的設計需要 `direction` 資訊(血糖 變化箭頭),則為 true | -| key_show_ago | 如果您的設計需要 `timestamp` 資訊(上次接收到血糖資料的分鐘數),則為 true | -| key_show_bg | 如果您的設計需要 `sgv` 資訊(血糖 值),則為 true | -| key_show_loop_status | 如果您的設計需要 `loop` 資訊(循環狀態和時間),則為 true | -| key_show_week_number | 如果您的設計需要 `week_number` 資訊(循環狀態和時間),則為 true | -| key_show_date | 如果您的設計需要 `日期`、`月份` 或 `星期幾` 資訊,則為 true | - -#### 內部鍵 - -| 鍵 | 註解 | -| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -| 檔案名稱 | 當錶面載入時,該鍵將自動建立(或更新),並將包含匯出資料夾中的本地 zip 檔案名稱 | -| cwf_authorization | 當錶面載入時該鍵將被建立,並且每次在 Wear 設定中更改授權偏好設定時都會更新,並用於同步手錶授權 | +#### Preference keys + +| Key | Comment and | +| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| key_show_detailed_iob | true will lock detailed IOB data on view `iob2`, then `iob1` (if visible and not replaced by an icon) will show iob total.
false will lock total iob on `iob2`view. can be used if the width of `iob2`is too small to show correctly detailed iob | +| key_show_detailed_delta | false (only if design is not compatible with the width of detailed delta for `delta`and `avg_delta` views) | +| key_show_bgi | true if your design requires `bgi` information | +| key_show_iob | true if your design requires `iob1` or `iob2`views | +| key_show_cob | true if your design requires `cob1` or `cob2`views | +| key_show_delta | true if your design requires `delta` information | +| key_show_avg_delta | true if your design requires `avg_delta` information | +| key_show_uploader_battery | true if your design requires `uploader_battery` (phone battery) information | +| key_show_rig_battery | true if your design requires `rig_battery` information | +| key_show_temp_basal | true if your design requires `basalRate` information | +| key_show_direction | true if your design requires `direction` information (BG variation arrows) | +| key_show_ago | true if your design requires `timestamp` information (minutes ago for last received BG) | +| key_show_bg | true if your design requires `sgv` information (BG value) | +| key_show_loop_status | true if your design requires `loop` information (loop status and ago) | +| key_show_week_number | true if your design requires `week_number` information (loop status and ago) | +| key_show_date | true if your design requires `Date`, `Month` or `Day of the week` information | + +#### Internal keys + +| Key | Comment and | +| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| filename | This key will be created (or updated) automatically when the watchface is loaded and will contains local zip filename within exports folder | +| cwf_authorization | this key will be created (when the watchface is loaded) and updated each time authorization preference is changed in Wear settings, and it will be used to synchronize authorization to watch | (cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters)= -### 常規參數清單 - -| 鍵 | 註解 | -| -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| highColor | `"#FFFF00"`(預設黃色):當血糖高於上限(高血糖)時,血糖 值、趨勢箭頭和圖表中的血糖值顏色 | -| midColor | `"#00FF00"`(預設綠色):當血糖處於範圍內時,血糖 值、趨勢箭頭和圖表中的血糖值顏色 | -| lowColor | `"#FF0000"`(預設紅色):當血糖低於下限(低血糖)時,血糖 值、趨勢箭頭和圖表中的血糖值顏色 | -| lowBatColor | `"#E53935"`(預設深紅色):當 `uploader_battery` 值較低(低於 20%)時的顏色 | -| carbColor | `"#FB8C00"`(預設橙色):圖表中的碳水化合物點的顏色 | -| basalBackgroundColor | `"#0000FF"`(預設深藍色):圖表中的 TBR 曲線顏色 | -| basalCenterColor | `"#64B5F6"`(預設淺藍色):圖表中的注射或 SMB 點的顏色 | -| gridColor | `"#FFFFFF"`(預設白色):圖表中的線條和文字刻度的顏色 | -| pointSize | 2(預設值):圖表中點的大小(1 為小點,2 為大點) | -| enableSecond | false(預設值):指定錶面是否在 `時間`、`秒` 或 `秒針` 視圖中顯示秒數。 在視圖的可見性和這個總體設定之間保持一致非常重要,這將允許每秒更新時間資訊 | -| dayNameFormat | "E"(預設值):從 "E" 到 "EEEE" 指定日期格式(數字、簡稱、全名) | -| monthFormat | "MMM"(預設值):從 "M" 到 "MMMM" 指定月份格式(數字、簡稱、全名) | +### List of General parameters + +| Key | Comment | +| -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| highColor | `"#FFFF00"`(default Yellow): Color of BG value, trend arrows and bg value in graph if bg is above upper limit (Hyper) | +| midColor | `"#00FF00"`(default Green): Color of BG value, trend arrows and bg value in graph if bg is within range | +| lowColor | `"#FF0000"`(default Red): Color of BG value, trend arrows and bg value in graph if bg is below lower limit (Hypo) | +| lowBatColor | `"#E53935"`(default Dark Red): Color of `uploader_battery` when value is low (below 20% tbc) | +| carbColor | `"#FB8C00"`(default Orange): Color of Carbs points within graph | +| basalBackgroundColor | `"#0000FF"`(default Dark blue): Color of TBR curve within graph | +| basalCenterColor | `"#64B5F6"`(default Light blue): Color of Bolus or SMB points within graph | +| gridColor | `"#FFFFFF"`(default White): Color of lines and text scale within graph | +| pointSize | 2 (default): size of points in graph (1 for small point, 2 for big points) | +| enableSecond | false (default): specify if watchface will manage seconds or not within `time`, `second` or `second_hand` views. it's important to be consistent between view visibility and this overall setting that will allow update every second of time information | +| dayNameFormat | "E" (default): from "E" to "EEEE" specify dayname format (number, short name, full name) tbc | +| monthFormat | "MMM" (default): from "M" to "MMMM" specify month format (number, short name, full name) | (cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files)= -### 硬編碼資源檔案清單 - -對於大多數圖像,高和低後綴允許根據血糖水平(在範圍內、高血糖或低血糖)調整圖像 - -| 檔案名稱 | 註解 | -| --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -| CustomWatchface | 顯示在錶面選擇和 Wear 外掛中的圖像 | -| Background,
BackgroundLow | none(預設黑色):背景圖像。 背景始終可見,預設顏色為黑色,如果沒有提供圖像。 可以修改顏色以符合錶面設計 | -| CoverChart,
CoverChartLow | none(預設值):圖表前面的圖像(應具有透明度,以便看到後面的圖表)可用於限制圖表的邊界 | -| CoverPlate,
CoverPlateLow | 簡單的錶盤(預設值):所有文字值前面的圖像。 必須透明,才能看到後面的所有值 | -| HourHand,
HourHandLow | hour_hand(預設值):時針圖像。 提供了一個預設圖像,可以著色以符合類比設計。 請注意,旋轉的軸心將是圖像的中心 | -| MinuteHand,
MinuteHandLow | minute_hand(預設值):分針圖像。 提供了一個預設圖像,可以著色以符合類比設計。 請注意,旋轉的軸心將是圖像的中心 | -| SecondHand,
SecondHandLow | second_hand(預設值):秒針圖像。 提供了一個預設圖像,可以著色以符合類比設計。 請注意,旋轉的軸心將是圖像的中心 | -| ArrowNone | ?? (預設值):當沒有可用的有效箭頭時顯示的圖像。 | -| ArrowDoubleUp | ↑↑(預設值):向上雙箭頭圖像 | -| ArrowSingleUp | ↑(預設值):單箭頭向上圖像 | -| Arrow45Up | ↗(預設值):四十五度向上箭頭圖像 | -| ArrowFlat | →(預設值):水平箭頭圖像 | -| Arrow45Down | ↘(預設值):四十五度向下箭頭圖像 | -| ArrowSingleDown | ↓(預設值):單箭頭向下圖像 | -| ArrowDoubleDown | ↓↓(預設值):向下雙箭頭圖像 | - -對於上述的每個檔名,副檔名可以是 `.jpg`、`.png` 或 `.svg`。 但要注意,`.jpg` 不支援透明度(所以大多數檔案應使用 .png 或 .svg,以免遮擋後面的視圖...) +### List of HardCoded resource files + +For most images, High and Low suffix allow tuning of image according to BG level (in Range, Hyper or Hypo) + +| Filenames | Comment | +| --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| CustomWatchface | Image shown for watchface selection and within Wear plugin | +| Background,
BackgroundLow | none (default black): Background image. background is allways visible and default color is black if no image provided. Color can be modified to fit watchface design | +| CoverChart,
CoverChartLow | none (default): Image in front of Chart (transparency should be available to see Chart behind) Can be used to limit boundaries of graph | +| CoverPlate,
CoverPlateLow | simple dial (default): image in front of all text values. transparency mandatory to see all values that are behind | +| HourHand,
HourHandLow | hour_hand (default): image of hour hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image | +| MinuteHand,
MinuteHandLow | minute_hand (default): image of minute hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image | +| SecondHand,
SecondHandLow | second_hand (default): image of second hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image | +| ArrowNone | ?? (default): image shown when no valid arrow is available. | +| ArrowDoubleUp | ↑↑ (default): image of double arrow up | +| ArrowSingleUp | ↑ (default): image of single arrow up | +| Arrow45Up | ↗ (default): image of fortyfive arrow up | +| ArrowFlat | → (default): image of flat arrow | +| Arrow45Down | ↘ (default): image of fortyfive arrow down | +| ArrowSingleDown | ↓ (default): image of single arrow down | +| ArrowDoubleDown | ↓↓ (default): image of double arrow down | + +For each above filenames, extension can be either `.jpg`, `.png` or `.svg`. But be carefull, `.jpg`doesn't manage transparency (so most of the files should be with .png or .svg to not hide view that are behind...) (cwf-reference-list-of-view-keys)= -### 視圖鍵清單 - -此清單從背景到前景排序,這在您組織錶面時非常重要,因為某些圖像或文字可能會被其他圖像遮住 - -| 鍵 | 視圖類型 | 相關資料 | DynData 鍵 | -| ---------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | -| 背景 | 圖像視圖 | | | -| 圖表 | 專用圖表視圖 | 圖形曲線 | | -| cover_chart | 圖像視圖 | | | -| freetext1 | 文字視圖 | | | -| freetext2 | 文字視圖 | | | -| freetext3 | 文字視圖 | | | -| freetext4 | 文字視圖 | | | -| iob1 | 文字視圖 | IOB 標籤或 IOB 總量 | | -| iob2 | 文字視圖 | IOB 總量或 IOB 詳細資訊 | | -| cob1 | 文字視圖 | 碳水化合物標籤 | | -| cob2 | 文字視圖 | COB 值 | | -| delta | 文字視圖 | 短期 delta(5 分鐘) | delta | -| avg_delta | 文字視圖 | 平均 Delta(15 分鐘) | avg_delta | -| uploader_battery | 文字視圖 | 電話電池電量(百分比) | uploader_battery | -| rig_battery | 文字視圖 | rig 電池電量(百分比) | rig_battery | -| basalRate | 文字視圖 | 百分比或絕對值 | | -| bgi | 文字視圖 | mg/dL/(5 分鐘) 或 mmol/(5 分鐘) | | -| 時間 | 文字視圖 | HH:MM 或 HH:MM:SS | | -| 小時 | 文字視圖 | HH | | -| 分鐘 | 文字視圖 | MM | | -| 第二 | 文字視圖 | 秒 | | -| 時間段 | 文字視圖 | 上午或下午 | | -| 星期名稱 | 文字視圖 | 星期幾名稱(參考 dayNameFormat) | 星期名稱 | -| 日期 | 文字視圖 | DD 日期 | 日期 | -| 週數 | 文字視圖 | (WW)週數 | 週數 | -| 月份 | 文字視圖 | 月份名稱(參考 monthFormat) | | -| 循環 | 文字視圖 | 自上次執行後的分鐘數和狀態(背景中的彩色箭頭),可以使用 DynData 調整彩色箭頭 | 循環 | -| 趨勢方向 | 圖像視圖 | 趨勢箭頭 | 趨勢方向 | -| 時間戳 | 文字視圖 | 整數(自上次接收資料後的分鐘數) | 時間戳 | -| sgv | 文字視圖 | sgv 值(mg/dL 或 mmol) | sgv
sgvLevel | -| cover_plate | 圖像視圖 | | | -| 時針 | 圖像視圖 | | | -| 分針 | 圖像視圖 | | | -| 秒針 | 圖像視圖 | | | +### List of View keys + +This list is sorted from background to foreground this is very important when you organize your watchface to know this order because some image or text can be hidden by other images + +| Key | Type of view | Data attached | DynData Key | +| ---------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------- | +| background | Image View | | | +| chart | Specific Chart View | Graphical curves | | +| cover_chart | Image View | | | +| freetext1 | Text View | | | +| freetext2 | Text View | | | +| freetext3 | Text View | | | +| freetext4 | Text View | | | +| iob1 | Text View | IOB label or IOB Total | | +| iob2 | Text View | IOB Total or IOB Detailed | | +| cob1 | Text View | Carb label | | +| cob2 | Text View | COB Value | | +| delta | Text View | Short delta (5 min) | delta | +| avg_delta | Text View | Avg Delta (15 min) | avg_delta | +| uploader_battery | Text View | phone battery level (%) | uploader_battery | +| rig_battery | Text View | rig battery level (%) | rig_battery | +| basalRate | Text View | % or absolute value | | +| bgi | Text View | mgdl/(5 min) or mmol/(5 min) | | +| time | Text View | HH:MM or HH:MM:SS | | +| hour | Text View | HH | | +| minute | Text View | MM | | +| second | Text View | SS | | +| timePeriod | Text View | AM or PM | | +| day_name | Text View | name of the day (cf. dayNameFormat) | day_name | +| day | Text View | DD date | day | +| week_number | Text View | (WW) week number | week_number | +| month | Text View | month name (cf. monthFormat) | | +| loop | Text View | min ago since last run and status (color arrows in background), color arrows can be tuned with DynData | loop | +| direction | Image View | TrendArrows | direction | +| timestamp | Text View | integer (min ago) | timestamp | +| sgv | Text View | sgv value (mgdl or mmol) | sgv
sgvLevel | +| cover_plate | Image View | | | +| hour_hand | Image View | | | +| minute_hand | Image View | | | +| second_hand | Image View | | | (cwf-reference-list-of-json-keys)= -### Json 鍵清單 +### List of Json keys (cwf-reference-common-keys)= -#### 通用鍵 - - 可用於所有視圖類型(文字視圖、圖像視圖、圖表視圖) - -| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 / 值 | -| ---------- | --- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| 寬度 | 整數 | 視圖寬度(像素) | -| 高度 | 整數 | 視圖高度(像素) | -| 頂端邊距 | 整數 | 頂端邊距(像素) | -| 左側邊距 | 整數 | 左側邊距(像素) | -| 旋轉 | 整數 | 旋轉角度(度數) | -| 可見性 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表 | -| dynData | 字串 | 鍵區塊名稱,將指定要連結的動態資料和相關動畫(顏色、圖像、位移、旋轉)
`"dynData": "customName",` (見下文) | -| 左側位移 | 布林值 | 如果希望啟用由 dynData 值引起的水平位移(正值或負值),請包含此鍵並將鍵值設為 true | -| 頂端位移 | 布林值 | 如果希望啟用由 dynData 值引起的垂直位移(正值或負值),請包含此鍵並將鍵值設為 true | -| 旋轉位移 | 布林值 | 如果希望啟用由 dynData 值引起的旋轉(正值或負值),請包含此鍵並將鍵值設為 true | -| 雙視圖 | 字串 | 另一個視圖的鍵(通常另一個視圖也會包含雙視圖參數,並包含此視圖的鍵) | -| 隱藏雙視圖時頂端位移 | 整數 | 如果雙視圖被隱藏,則將視圖位置垂直移動的像素數(正值或負值)
隱藏雙視圖時的頂端位移 =(雙視圖的頂端位移 - 此視圖的頂端位移)/2 | -| 隱藏雙視圖時左側位移 | 整數 | 如果雙視圖被隱藏,則將視圖位置水平移動的像素數(正值或負值)
隱藏雙視圖時的左側位移 =(雙視圖的左側位移 - 此視圖的左側位移)/2 | -| dynPref | 字串 | 鍵區塊名稱,將指定要連結的動態偏好設定和相關動畫(顏色、圖像、位移、旋轉)
`"dynPref": "customName",` (見下文) | +#### Common keys + + that can be used on all view types (Text View, image View, graph view) + +| Key | type | comment / value | +| -------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| width | int | width of view in pixel | +| height | int | heigth of view in pixel | +| topmargin | int | top margin in pixel | +| leftmargin | int | left margin in pixel | +| rotation | int | rotation angle in degrees | +| visibility | string | see key value table | +| dynData | string | key block name that will specify dynamic data to link and associated animation (colors, image, shift, rotation)
`"dynData": "customName",` (see below ) | +| leftOffset | boolean | include this key with key value true to enable horizontal shift (positive or negative value) due to dynData value | +| topOffset | boolean | include this key with key value true to enable vertical shift (positive or negative value) due to dynData value | +| rotationOffset | boolean | include this key with key value true to enable rotation (positive or negative value) due to dynData value | +| twinView | string | key of the other view (generally the other view also include the twinView parameter with the key of this view in it) | +| topOffsetTwinHidden | int | number of pixel to shift view position vertically if twin view is hidden (positive or negative value)
topOffsetTwinHidden = (topOffset twinView - topOffset thisView)/2 | +| leftOffsetTwinHidden | int | number of pixel to shift view position horizontally if twin view is hidden (positive or negative value)
leftOffsetTwinHidden= (leftOffset twinView - leftOffset thisView)/2 | +| dynPref | string | key block name that will specify dynamic pref to link and associated animation (colors, image, shift, rotation)
`"dynPref": "customName",` (see below ) | (cwf-reference-textview-keys)= -#### 文字視圖鍵 +#### TextView keys -| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | -| ---- | --- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| 文字大小 | 整數 | 字體大小(像素)(請記住字體可能包含頂部和底部邊距,因此實際文字大小通常小於設定的像素數)。 注意,大小應小於視圖高度,以免被截斷 | -| 對齊 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表 | -| 字體 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表以查看可用字體。
也可以是 zip 檔案中包含的字體檔名(無副檔名) | -| 字體樣式 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表 | -| 字體顏色 | 字串 | 管理字體顏色
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法 | -| 全大寫 | 布林值 | 如果希望文字為大寫(主要用於星期名稱或月份名稱),請設為 true | -| 背景 | 字串 | `resource_filename` 您可以包含資源圖像作為文字視圖的背景(資源檔案將被調整大小以適應文字視圖的高度和寬度,但保持圖像比例)。 文字將顯示在背景圖像前面。
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前面顯示 | -| 顏色 | 字串 | 管理視圖背景顏色或調整圖像顏色(僅限點陣圖)
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法
- 對於預設嵌入的圖像(指針、錶盤),將直接應用顏色,對於點陣圖圖像(jpg 或 png),這將在圖像上應用飽和度漸變濾鏡
- 對於 svg,此參數將無效(無法修改 svg 文件的顏色)
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前顯示 | -| 文字值 | 字串 | 專用於佈局中包含的 4 個自由文字視圖(從 freetext1 到 freetext4)的鍵,這允許您設置應包含的文字(可以是標籤,或只是 `:`,如果您想在小時視圖和分鐘視圖之間添加分隔符...) | +| Key | type | comment | +| ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| textsize | int | size of font in pixel (keep in mind that font can include top and bottom margin so the real text size will generally be smaller than the number of pixel set). Note that size should be smaller than view heigth to not be truncated | +| gravity | string | see key value table | +| font | string | see key value table for available fonts.
Can also be font filename (without extension) for fonts included into zip file | +| fontStyle | string | see key value table | +| fontColor | string | Manage color of the font
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value | +| allCaps | boolean | true if you want text in uppercase (mainly day name or month name) | +| background | string | `resource_filename` you can include a resource image as background of the text view (resource file will be resized to fit heigth and width of text view, but keeping image ratio). text value will be in front of background image.
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | +| color | string | Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only)
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value
- For default embeded image (hand, dial) color will be applied directly, for bitmap image (jpg or png) this will apply a saturation gradient filter on imagae
- For svg this parameter will have no effect (color of svg files cannot be modified)
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | +| textvalue | string | Key specific to the 4 free text views included into the layout (from freetext1 to freetext4), this allow you to set the text that should be included (can be a label, or just `:` if you want to add a separator between hour view and minute view...) | (cwf-reference-imageview-keys)= -#### 圖像視圖鍵 +#### ImageView keys -| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | -| -- | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| 顏色 | 字串 | 管理視圖背景顏色或調整圖像顏色(僅限點陣圖)
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法
- 對於預設嵌入的圖像(指針、錶盤),將直接應用顏色,對於點陣圖圖像(jpg 或 png),這將在圖像上應用飽和度漸變濾鏡
- 對於 svg,此參數將無效(無法修改 svg 文件的顏色)
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前顯示 | +| Key | type | comment | +| ----- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| color | string | Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only)
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value
- For default embeded image (hand, dial) color will be applied directly, for bitmap image (jpg or png) this will apply a saturation gradient filter on imagae
- For svg this parameter will have no effect (color of svg files cannot be modified)
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | (cwf-reference-chartview-keys)= -#### 圖表視圖鍵 +#### ChartView keys -| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | -| -- | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| 顏色 | 字串 | 管理視圖背景顏色或調整圖像顏色(僅限點陣圖)
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法
- 對於預設嵌入的圖像(指針、錶盤),將直接應用顏色,對於點陣圖圖像(jpg 或 png),這將在圖像上應用飽和度漸變濾鏡
- 對於 svg,此參數將無效(無法修改 svg 文件的顏色)
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前顯示 | -| 背景 | 字串 | `resource_filename` 您可以包含資源圖像作為文字視圖的背景(資源檔案將被調整大小以適應文字視圖的高度和寬度,但保持圖像比例)。 文字將顯示在背景圖像前面。
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前面顯示 | +| Key | type | comment | +| ---------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| color | string | Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only)
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value
- For default embeded image (hand, dial) color will be applied directly, for bitmap image (jpg or png) this will apply a saturation gradient filter on imagae
- For svg this parameter will have no effect (color of svg files cannot be modified)
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | +| background | string | `resource_filename` you can include a resource image as background of the text view (resource file will be resized to fit heigth and width of text view, but keeping image ratio). text value will be in front of background image.
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | (cwf-reference-key-values)= -### 鍵值 - -| 鍵值 | 鍵 | 註解 | -| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------ | -| 隱藏 | 可見性 | 視圖隱藏 | -| 可見 | 可見性 | 視圖在錶面上可見(但可在參數中啟用或停用可見性) | -| 置中 | 對齊 | 文字在視圖中垂直和水平置中 | -| 靠左 | 對齊 | 文字在視圖中垂直置中但靠左對齊 | -| 靠右 | 對齊 | 文字在視圖中垂直置中但靠右對齊 | -| 無襯線 | 字體 | | -| 預設 | 字體 | | -| 預設粗體 | 字體 | | -| 等寬字體 | 字體 | | -| 襯線字體 | 字體 | | -| Roboto 緊湊粗體 | 字體 | | -| Roboto 緊湊輕體 | 字體 | | -| Roboto 緊湊常規 | 字體 | | -| Roboto Slab 輕體 | 字體 | | -| 正常 | 字體樣式 | | -| 粗體 | 字體樣式 | | -| 粗斜體 | 字體樣式 | | -| 斜體 | 字體樣式 | | +### Key values + +| Key value | key | comment | +| -------------------------- | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| gone | visibility | view hidden | +| visible | visibility | view visible in watchface (but visibility can be enable or disable in parameters) | +| center | gravity | text is vertical and horizontal centered into the view | +| left | gravity | text is vertical centered but left aligned into the view | +| right | gravity | text is vertical centered but right aligned into the view | +| sans_serif | font | | +| default | font | | +| default_bold | font | | +| monospace | font | | +| serif | font | | +| roboto_condensed_bold | font | | +| roboto_condensed_light | font | | +| roboto_condensed_regular | font | | +| roboto_slab_light | font | | +| normal | fontStyle | | +| bold | fontStyle | | +| bold_italic | fontStyle | | +| italic | fontStyle | | (cwf-reference-dyndata-keys)= -### DynData 鍵 - -| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | -| ------------------------ | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| dynData | 區塊 | 定義所有動態資料區塊的區塊,將用於視圖。 通常位於最後一個視圖之後。
`"dynData": { dynData 區塊 }`
`"customName": { 一個 dynData 區塊 }` | -| valueKey | 字串 | 要使用的動態資料名稱(通常與相關的視圖鍵相同)。
例如,您可以定義一個區塊來自訂電池電量百分比而不指定 valueKey,然後使用相同的區塊來自訂上傳器電池和 rig 電池。 | -| minData | 整數 | 指定 AAPS 資料的最小值:例如,如果值是 sgv(內部單位為 mg/dL),如果 minData 設置為 50,則所有低於 50 mg/dL 的血糖值將設置為 50。
- 請注意,minData 和 maxData 將用於計算動態值(以像素或度數表示)。 | -| maxData | 整數 | 指定 AAPS 資料的最大值:例如,如果值是 sgv(內部單位為 mg/dL),如果 maxData 設置為 330,則所有高於 330 mg/dL 的血糖值將設置為 330。 | -| 左側位移 | 區塊 | 根據最小值和最大值(以像素表示)指定視圖的水平位移。
- 它包括 minValue 鍵、maxValueKey 和 invalidValue 鍵(可選)。
- 如果資料小於或等於 minData,則視圖將移動到 minValue 像素,如果資料大於或等於 maxData,則視圖將移動到 maxValue 像素。
請注意,要應用此位移,應在視圖中將 leftOffset 設置為 true。 | -| 頂端位移 | 區塊 | 根據最小值和最大值(以像素表示)指定視圖的垂直位移。
- 它包括 minValue 鍵、maxValueKey 和 invalidValue 鍵(可選)。
- 如果資料小於或等於 minData,則視圖將移動到 minValue 像素,如果資料大於或等於 maxData,則視圖將移動到 maxValue 像素。
請注意,要應用此位移,應在視圖中將 topOffset 設置為 true。 | -| 旋轉位移 | 區塊 | 根據最小值和最大值(以度數表示)指定視圖的旋轉角度。
- 它包括 minValue 鍵、maxValueKey 和 invalidValue 鍵(可選)。
- 如果資料小於或等於 minData,則視圖將旋轉 minValue 度,如果資料大於或等於 maxData,則視圖將旋轉 maxValue 度。
請注意,要應用此旋轉,應在視圖中將 rotationOffset 設置為 true。 | -| minValue | 整數 | 要應用於視圖的結果值(此鍵僅適用於 leftOffset、topOffset 或 rotationOffset 區塊內) | -| maxValue | 整數 | 要應用於視圖的結果值(此鍵僅適用於 leftOffset、topOffset 或 rotationOffset 區塊內) | -| invalidValue | 整數 | 如果資料無效,則要應用於視圖的結果值(此鍵僅適用於 leftOffset、topOffset 或 rotationOffset 區塊內) | -| invalidImage | 字串 | 如果資料無效,則用於 ImageView 或背景 TextView 的 `resource_filename` | -| image*1_to_n* | 字串 | 用於每個步驟的 `resource_filename` 圖像,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 image1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 image*n*
例如,如果您放置 5 個圖像(從 image1 到 image5),則 minData 和 maxData 之間的範圍將分為 5 個步驟,並根據資料值顯示相應的圖像。 | -| invalidFontColor | 字串 | 如果資料無效,管理字體顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:如果接收到無效資料,則使用的顏色(如果 AA=00,則可以透明) | -| fontColor*1_to_n* | 字串 | 管理字體顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:用於每個步驟的顏色,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 fontColor1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 fontColor*n* | -| invalidColor | 字串 | 如果資料無效,管理背景顏色或圖像顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:如果接收到無效資料,則使用的顏色(如果 AA=00,則可以透明) | -| color*1_to_n* | 字串 | 管理背景顏色或圖像顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:用於每個步驟的顏色,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 color1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 color*n* | -| invalidTextSize | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理文字大小的步驟 | -| textsize*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的文字大小,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 textsize1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 textsize*n* | -| invalidLeftOffset | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理 leftOffset 的步驟 | -| leftOffset*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的 leftOffset,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 leftOffset1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 leftOffset*n*
請注意,可以與 dynPref 一起使用,當另一個視圖被隱藏時移動視圖... | -| invalidTopOffset | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理 topOffset 的步驟 | -| topOffset*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的 topOffset,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 topOffset1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 topOffset*n*
請注意,可以與 dynPref 一起使用,當另一個視圖被隱藏時移動視圖... | -| invalidRotationOffset | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理 rotationOffset 的步驟 | -| rotationOffset*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的 rotationOffset,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 rotationOffset1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 rotationOffset*n* | +### DynData keys + +| Key | type | comment | +| ------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| dynData | block | define the block of all dynamic data blocks that will be used for the views. generally after the last view.
All the keys defined within this block will be used as key Value within view block:
`"dynData": { dynData blocks }`
and each block is defined by a custom name and several keys inside:
`"customName": { one dynData block }` | +| valueKey | string | name of dynamic data to use (generally same that associated view key).
If not existing, the default will be the values used for the view that uses this block.
for example you can define one block to customize battery level percentage without specifying valueKey, and then use the same block to customize uploader_battery and rig_battery | +| minData | int | specify the minimum value to take into account for AAPS data : for example if value is sgv (unit mgdl internaly), if minData is set to 50, all bg values below 50mgdl will be set to 50.
- Note that minData and maxData will be used to calculate dynamic values (in pixel or in degrees). | +| maxData | int | specify the maximum value to take into account for AAPS data : for example if value is sgv (unit mgdl internaly), if maxData is set to 330, all bg values above 330mgdl will be set to 330. | +| leftOffset | block | Specify the horizontal shift of the view according to min and max values in pixels.
- It includes minValue key, maxValueKey and invalidValue key (optional)
- If data is below or equal minData, then the view will be shifted to minValue pixels, and if data is above or equal to maxData, then the view will be shifted to maxValue pixels
Note that to apply this shift leftOffset should be set to true within the view | +| topOffset | block | Specify the vertical shift of the view according to min and max values in pixels.
- It includes minValue key, maxValueKey and invalidValue key (optional)
- If data is below or equal minData, then the view will be shifted to minValue pixels, and if data is above or equal to maxData, then the view will be shifted to maxValue pixels
Note that to apply this shift topOffset should be set to true within the view | +| rotationOffset | block | Specify the rotation angle in degrees of the view according to min and max values in pixels.
- It includes minValue key, maxValueKey and invalidValue key (optional)
- If data is below or equal minData, then the view will rotate by minValue degrees, and if data is above or equal to maxData, then the view will rotate by maxValue degrees
Note that to apply this rotation, rotationOffset should be set to true within the view | +| minValue | int | result value to apply to the view (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) | +| maxValue | int | result value to apply to the view (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) | +| invalidValue | int | result value to apply to the view if data is invalid (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) | +| invalidImage | string | `resource_filename` to use for the ImageView or background TextView if the data is invalid | +| image*1_to_n* | string | `resource_filename` image to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with image1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with image*n*
If for example your put 5 images (from image1 to image5), the range between minData and maxData will be divided in 5 steps and according to data value, the corresponding image will be shown | +| invalidFontColor | string | Manage fontColor steps if the data is invalid
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: Color to use if an invalid data is received (can be transparent if AA=00) | +| fontColor*1_to_n* | string | Manage fontColor steps
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: color to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with fontColor1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with fontColor*n* | +| invalidColor | string | Manage background color or image color steps if the data is invalid
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: Color to use if an invalid data is received (can be transparent if AA=00) | +| color*1_to_n* | string | Manage background color or image Color steps
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: color to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with color1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with color*n* | +| invalidTextSize | int | Manage text size steps if the data is invalid | +| textsize*1_to_n* | int | Manage text size to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with textsize1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with textsize*n* | +| invalidLeftOffset | int | Manage leftOffset steps if the data is invalid | +| leftOffset*1_to_n* | int | Manage leftOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with leftOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with leftOffset*n*
Note, can be used with dynPref to shift a view when another is hidden... | +| invalidTopOffset | int | Manage topOffset steps if the data is invalid | +| topOffset*1_to_n* | int | Manage topOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with topOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with topOffset*n*
Note, can be used with dynPref to shift a view when another is hidden... | +| invalidRotationOffset | int | Manage rotationOffset steps if the data is invalid | +| rotationOffset*1_to_n* | int | Manage rotationOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with rotationOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with rotationOffset*n* | (cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values)= -### DynData 鍵值 - -| 鍵值 | 鍵 | 註解 | -| ---------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| sgv | valueKey | 預設 minData = 39 mg/dL
預設 maxData = 400 mg/dL
- 請注意,實際的 maxData 與您的感測器相關,內部值的單位始終為 mg/dL | -| sgvLevel | valueKey | 預設 minData = -1(低血糖)
預設 maxData = 1(高血糖)
如果血糖在範圍內 = 0 | -| 趨勢方向 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1(雙箭頭向下)
預設 maxValue = 7(雙箭頭向上)
水平箭頭資料 = 4
錯誤或遺失資料 = 0(??) | -| delta | valueKey | 預設 minData = -25 mg/dL
預設 maxData = 25 mg/dL
- 請注意,實際的 minData 和 maxData 可能會超出上述範圍,內部值的單位始終為 mg/dL | -| avg_delta | valueKey | 預設 minData = -25 mg/dL
預設 maxData = 25 mg/dL
- 請注意,實際的 minData 和 maxData 可能會超出上述範圍,內部值的單位始終為 mg/dL | -| uploader_battery | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0%
預設 maxData = 100% | -| rig_battery | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0%
預設 maxData = 100% | -| 時間戳 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0 分鐘
預設 maxData = 60 分鐘 | -| 循環 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0 分鐘
預設 maxData = 28 分鐘
- 請注意,狀態箭頭在 14 分鐘以下顯示為綠色,14 分鐘以上顯示為紅色,因此如果您放置兩個圖像,可以使用預設的 minData 和 maxData 來替換狀態背景為自訂圖像。 | -| 日期 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 31 | -| 星期名稱 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 7 | -| 月份 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 12 | -| 週數 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 53 | +### DynData key values + +| Key value | key | comment | +| ---------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| sgv | valueKey | default minData = 39 mgdl
default maxData = 400 mgdl
- Note that real maxData is linked to your sensor and units are always in mgdl for internal values | +| sgvLevel | valueKey | default minData = -1 (Hypo)
default maxData = 1 (Hyper)
if BG is within Range = 0 | +| direction | valueKey | default minData = 1 (double Down)
default maxValue = 7 (double Up)
flat arrow data = 4
Error or missing data = 0 (??) | +| delta | valueKey | default minData = -25 mgdl
default maxData = 25 mgdl
- Note that real min and maxData can be above, and units are always mgdl for internal values | +| avg_delta | valueKey | default minData = -25 mgdl
default maxData = 25 mgdl
- Note that real min and maxData can be above, and units are always mgdl for internal values | +| uploader_battery | valueKey | default minData = 0 %
default maxData = 100% | +| rig_battery | valueKey | default minData = 0 %
default maxData = 100% | +| timestamp | valueKey | default minData = 0 min
default maxData = 60 min | +| loop | valueKey | default minData = 0 min
default maxData = 28 min
- Note that status arrows are in green below 14 min and in red above 14 min so if you put 2 images, you can replace status background with your custom images with default min and maxData | +| day | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 31 | +| day_name | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 7 | +| month | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 12 | +| week_number | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 53 | (cwf-reference-dynpref-keys)= -### DynPref 鍵 +### DynPref keys -| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | -| ------------ | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| dynPref | 區塊 | 定義所有動態偏好設定區塊的區塊,將用於視圖。 通常位於最後一個視圖或 dynData 區塊之後。
`"dynPref": { dynPref 區塊 }`
`"customName": { 一個 dynPref 區塊 }` | -| dynPref | 字串 | *在視圖區塊中*
要使用的動態 dynPref 區塊名稱(通常與相關的視圖鍵或相關的偏好設定相同)。 | -| dynPref | 字串 | *在 dynPref 區塊中包含的部分 dynData 區塊內*
要使用的動態 dynPref 區塊名稱,用於補全 dynData 區塊。 這使您可以根據多個偏好設定調整 dynData 區塊。 | -| dynPrefColor | 字串 | 此鍵專用於包含所有主顏色的主區塊(highColor、midColor、lowColor、圖表顏色...)。 如果您希望根據偏好設定調整主顏色,將使用此鍵。 | -| prefKey | 字串 | 指定將用來獲取使用者偏好設定的偏好鍵值(請參閱下文的 [PrefKey 值](cwf-reference-prefkey-values))。 此鍵應用於 `dynPref` 區塊內。
然後根據偏好鍵,`dynPref` 區塊應包含與 prefKey 值數量相同的鍵。
請注意,大多數偏好設定是 "布林值",因此您應在 dynPref 區塊中找到這兩個 dynData 區塊:
`"true": { dynData 區塊 },`
`"false": { dynData 區塊 }` | -| true | 區塊 | 大多數偏好設定將設置布林值 `"true"` 或 `"false"`。 如果使用者選擇的偏好設定為 true,則指定要使用的 dynData 區塊。
請注意,如果該區塊還包含 `"dynPref":` 鍵,則 dynData 區塊將與其他區塊合併。 這允許您根據一個偏好設定調整顏色,並根據另一個偏好設定調整文字大小 | -| false | 區塊 | 大多數偏好設定將設置布林值 `"true"` 或 `"false"`。 如果使用者選擇的偏好設定為 false,則指定要使用的 dynData 區塊。
請注意,如果該區塊還包含 `"dynPref":` 鍵,則 dynData 區塊將與其他區塊合併。 這允許您根據一個偏好設定調整顏色,並根據另一個偏好設定調整文字大小 | +| Key | type | comment | +| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| dynPref | block | define the block of all dynamic preference blocks that will be used for the views. Generally after the last view or after the dynData block.
All the keys defined within this block will be used as key Value within view block:
`"dynPref": { dynPref blocks }`
and each block is defined by a custom name and several keys inside:
`"customName": { one dynPref block }` | +| dynPref | string | *Within a view Block*
name of dynamic dynPref block to use (generally same that associated view key or associated preference). | +| dynPref | string | *Within a partial dynData Block included into a dynPref Block*
name of dynamic dynPref block to use to complete the dynData block. This allow you to tune a dynData block according to several preferences | +| dynPrefColor | string | this key is specific to the main block with all main colors (highColor, midColor, lowColor, graph colors...). you will use it if you want to tune main colors according to preferences | +| prefKey | string | specify the preference key Value that will be used to get user preferences (see [PrefKey values](cwf-reference-prefkey-values) below). This key should be used within a `dynPref` block.
Then according to preference key, the `dynPref`block should contains as many keys than prefKey has values.
Note that most of the time preferences are "Boolean" so you should find within the dynPref block these two dynData blocks:
`"true": { dynData Block },`
`"false": { dynData Block }` | +| true | block | most preferences will set a boolean `"true"` or `"false"`. You will specify the dynData block to use if preference selected by user is true.
Note that if the block also contains a `"dynPref":`key, the dynData block wil be merged with other block. This allow you to tune for example color according to one preference, and textsize according to another preference | +| false | block | most preferences will set a boolean `"true"` or `"false"`. You will specify the dynData block to use if preference selected by user is false.
Note that if the block also contains a `"dynPref":`key, the dynData block wil be merged with other block. This allow you to tune for example color according to one preference, and textsize according to another preference | (cwf-reference-prefkey-values)= -### 偏好設定鍵值 +### PrefKey values -上述的 [偏好設定鍵](cwf-reference-preference-keys) 章節中包含的所有鍵都可以用來調整視圖參數 +All keys included into [Preference keys](cwf-reference-preference-keys) chapter above can be used to tune view parameters -您也可以使用以下 AAPS(自訂)特定參數中包含的附加鍵: +You can also you these additional key below included into AAPS (Custom) specific parameters: -| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | -| ------------------- | --- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| key_units | 布林值 | *true*:如果 AAPS 上選擇的單位為 mg/dL
*false*:如果 AAPS 上選擇的單位為 mmol | -| key_dark | 布林值 | *true*:使用深色背景
注意:此參數通常用於先前的 AAPS 錶面(AAPS、AAPS V2...) | -| key_match_divider | 布林值 | *true*:在 AAPS、AAPS v2 錶面中包含的分隔線將不可見
*false*:在 AAPS、AAPS v2 錶面中包含的分隔線將可見
注意:此設置通常與深色偏好設定結合(在 `dynData` 區塊中使用 `dynPref` 鍵)來設置文字顏色(和背景),使其與深色參數相同或相反的顏色... | +| Key | type | comment | +| ------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| key_units | boolean | *true*: if units selected on AAPS is mgdl
*false*: if units selected on AAPS is mmol | +| key_dark | boolean | *true*: to use a dark background
false: to use a light background
Note: this parameter is often use into previous AAPS watchfaces (AAPS, AAPS V2...) | +| key_match_divider | boolean | *true*: divider included into AAPS, AAPS v2 watchfaces will not be visible
*false*: divider included into AAPS, AAPS v2 watchfaces will be visible
Note: this setting is often combine with dark preference (using `dynPref` key into `dynData`block) to set text color (and background) on the same or opposite color than dark parameter... | From fbb1d0d75d478e3c9304fcd86f04019738d1eead Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 201/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 38 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 9c966c543347..dcfc6e8a1531 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ (Open-APS-features-DynamicISF)= -## 動態胰島素敏感因子 (DynISF) -動態胰島素敏感因子在 AAPS 3.2 版本中新增,並且需要您開始目標 11 才能使用。 在設定構建器中選擇「動態胰島素敏感因子」> APS 以啟動。 建議僅限於對 AAPS 控制和監控有良好掌握的進階用戶使用。 +## DynamicISF (DynISF) +DynamicISF was added in AAPS version 3.2 and requires you to start Objective 11 to use. Select DynamicISF in the config builder > APS to activate. It is recommended only for advanced users that have a good handle on AAPS controls and monitoring. -請注意,若要有效使用動態胰島素敏感因子,AndroidAPS 資料庫至少需要五天的資料。 +Please note that to use Dynamic ISF effectively, the AndroidAPS database needs a minimum of five days of data. -動態胰島素敏感因子會根據每日胰島素總劑量(TDD)以及目前和預測的血糖值動態調整胰島素敏感因子。 +DynamicISF adapts the insulin sensitivity factor dynamically based on total daily dose of insulin (TDD) and current and predicted blood glucose values. -動態胰島素敏感因子使用 Chris Wilson 的模型來決定胰島素敏感因子,而不是靜態的設定檔參數。 +Dynamic ISF uses Chris Wilson’s model to determine ISF instead of a static profile settings. -實作的公式為:ISF = 1800 / (TDD * Ln ((血糖 / 胰島素除數) + 1)) +The equation implemented is: ISF = 1800 / (TDD * Ln (( glucose / insulin divisor) +1 )) -此實作使用該公式計算目前的胰島素敏感因子,並運用於 oref1 的 IOB、ZT 和 UAM 預測中。 不適用於 COB。 +The implementation uses the equation to calculate current ISF and in the oref1 predictions for IOB, ZT and UAM. It is not used for COB. ### TDD -此方法結合 7 天平均 TDD、前一天的 TDD 和過去 8 小時內的胰島素使用加權平均,並推算至 24 小時。 上述公式中使用的每日總劑量由以上三個值各佔三分之一的比例計算。 +This uses a combination of the 7 day average TDD, the previous day’s TDD and a weighted average of the last eight hours of insulin use extrapolated out for 24 hours. The total daily dose used in the above equation is weighted one third to each of the above values. -### 胰島素除數 -胰島素除數取決於所使用胰島素的峰值,且與峰值時間成反比。 對於 Lyumjev,該值為 75;對於 Fiasp 為 65;對於普通速效胰島素則為 55。 +### Insulin Divisor +The insulin divisor depends on the peak of the insulin used and is inversely proportional to the peak time. For Lyumjev this value is 75, for Fiasp, 65 and regular rapid insulin, 55. -### 動態胰島素敏感因子調整係數 -調整係數允許使用者指定 1% 至 300% 之間的值。 此係數對 TDD 值做為乘數,當值超過 100% 時,胰島素敏感因子變小(即需要更多胰島素才能將血糖降低一點);當值低於 100% 時,則胰島素敏感因子變大(即需要較少的胰島素來降低血糖)。 +### Dynamic ISF Adjustment Factor +The adjustment factor allows the user to specify a value between 1% and 300%. This acts as a multiplier on the TDD value and results in the ISF values becoming smaller (ie more insulin required to move glucose levels a small amount) as the value is increased above 100% and larger (i.e. less insulin required to move glucose levels a small amount) as the value is decreased below 100%. -### 未來胰島素敏感因子 +### Future ISF -未來胰島素敏感因子會在 oref1 的劑量決策中使用。 未來胰島素敏感因子使用與上述相同的 TDD 值,並考慮調整係數。 接著依據不同情況使用不同的血糖值: +Future ISF is used in the dosing decisions that oref1 makes. Future ISF uses the same TDD value as generated above, taking the adjustment factor into account. It then uses different glucose values dependent on the case: -* 如果血糖平穩,變動範圍在 +/- 3 mg/dl 內,且預測血糖高於目標,則使用 50% 的最低預測血糖和 50% 的目前血糖的組合。 +* If levels are flat, within +/- 3 mg/dl, and predicted BG is above target, a combination of 50% minimum predicted BG and 50% current BG is used. -* 如果最終血糖高於目標且血糖值正在上升,或者最終血糖高於目前血糖,則使用目前血糖。 +* If eventual BG is above target and glucose levels are increasing, or eventual BG is above current BG, current BG is used. -否則,使用最低預測血糖。 +Otherwise, minimum predicted BG is used. -### 啟用基於 TDD 的敏感性比率來調整基礎胰島素和血糖目標 +### Enable TDD based sensitivity ratio for basal and glucose target modification -此設定取代 Autosens,並使用過去 24 小時 TDD / 7 天 TDD 作為增加或減少基礎胰島素的依據,方式與標準 Autosens 相同。 若選項中啟用根據敏感性調整目標,則此計算值也會用來調整目標值。 與 Autosens 不同,此選項不會調整胰島素敏感因子值。 +This setting replaces Autosens, and uses the last 24h TDD/7D TDD as the basis for increasing and decreasing basal rate, in the same way that standard Autosens does. This calculated value is also used to adjust target, if the options to adjust target with sensitivity are enabled. Unlike Autosens, this option does not adjust ISF values. From 84e391a30fea93fe4348e492010943d374222161 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 202/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ index 84fa7b39de07..c6a4bdee0b28 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ -# 自訂錶盤交換站 +# Exchange site for custom watchfaces -在這裡,你可以下載用戶自行製作並與你分享的自訂錶面壓縮檔案(Zip 檔)。 +Here you can download Zip-Files with custom watchfaces users have prepared and want to share with you. -Zip 檔案可以透過 Pull Request 一如往常地上傳到 GitHub 中的資料夾「**[_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces](**」。 +The Zip-Files can be uploaded in the folder "**[_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces](**" via a Pull Request into GitHub as usual. -在合併 Pull Request 的過程中,文件團隊將提取 CustomWatchface.png 檔案,並在其前加上 Zip 檔案的檔名作為前綴。 +During merge of the pull request the documentation team will extract the CustomWatchface.png file and prefix it with the filename of the Zip-file, and add it to the list below. | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| [![AAPS_V2 錶盤](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS_V2**]( | [![AAPS](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS**]( | [![AIMICO](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png)
**AIMICO**]( | +| [![Watchface AAPS_V2](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS_V2**]( | [![AAPS](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS**]( | [![AIMICO](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png)
**AIMICO**]( | | [![Analog G-Watch](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png)
**Analog G-Watch**]( | [![Cockpit](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png)
**Cockpit**]( | [![Digital G-Watch](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png)
**Digital G-Watch**]( | | [![DigitalBigGraph](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png)
**DigitalBigGraph**]( | [![Gears](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg)
**Gears**]( | [![Gota](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png)
**Gota**]( | -| [![LuckyLoopKoeln](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png)
**LuckyLoopKoeln**]( | [![P-Zero 錶盤](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0-CustomWatchface.png)
**P-Zero 錶盤**]( | [![PinkFloydTheWall](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png)
**PinkFloydTheWall**]( | -| [![Robby 錶盤](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png)
**Robby 錶盤**]( | [![SimpleDigital](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png)
**SimpleDigital**]( | [![SteamPunk](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png)
**SteamPunk**]( | +| [![LuckyLoopKoeln](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png)
**LuckyLoopKoeln**]( | [![P-Zero watchface](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0-CustomWatchface.png)
**P-Zero watchface**]( | [![PinkFloydTheWall](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png)
**PinkFloydTheWall**]( | +| [![Robby watchface](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png)
**Robby watchface**]( | [![SimpleDigital](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png)
**SimpleDigital**]( | [![SteamPunk](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png)
**SteamPunk**]( | | | | | From f99ae51aa61292de1d80778bce6c224931d53354 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 203/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index fbcf18057532..4b0404fcbd72 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -# 小型 Crowdin 測試 +# Small Crowdin Test -這是一個用於測試 Crowdin 翻譯的小集合。 +This is a small set for testing the translation with Crowdin. -我們想看看對句子的更改如何影響整個頁面的現有翻譯。 +We want to see how changes to a sentence affect the existing translation of the entire page. -通常,只需要重新翻譯一句話,而不是全部內容。 +Normally, only one sentence should need to be retranslated and not everything. -我們現在可以看到它。 +We can see it now. From 5b13ac954f8edca0c4d3b8d0a4e2741e2106059b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 204/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 38 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index a0e4124961d2..c9fb15af8e8a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ # Tidepool -Tidepool 是一個第三方工具,用於收集血糖、胰島素和碳水化合物資料,並可以用來分析和與您的臨床團隊分享這些資料。 自 AAPS 3.2 版本起,它可以作為 Nightscout 的替代方案來滿足目標 1 的一部分要求。 它也可以與 Nightscout 結合使用,作為一個替代的報告平台,與臨床環境緊密整合。 這對於使用 AAPS 的兒童來說可能是一個理想選擇,他們希望擁有 Nightscout 的遠端監控和控制功能,但希望使用他們的臨床團隊更熟悉的報告平台。 +Tidepool is a third party tool that collects data regarding BG, insulin and carbs and can be used to analyze and share this data with your clinical team. As of AAPS version 3.2 it can be used as an alternative to Nightscout for satisfying part of Objective 1. It can also be used in combination with Nightscout as an alternative reporting platform that integrates well with clinical settings. This may be the desired option for children using AAPS who want to have the remote monitoring and control capabilities of Nightscout, but want a reporting platform that their clinical team are more comfortable with. -重要的是要了解 Tidepool 只是用於報告。 它不是一個實時的追蹤應用程式。 如果您需要除了主 AAPS 手機之外的追蹤者,則必須同時設置 Nightscout。 +It is important to understand the tidepool is for reporting only. It is NOT a real-time follow app. If you need to have followers apart from the main AAPS phone you must setup Nightscout as well. -注意:Tidepool 組織也正在努力將 iOS Loop 產品推向市場並獲得 FDA 批准。 這與他們的資料報告平台或 AAPS 無關。 +Note: the Tidepool organization is also working on bringing the iOS Loop product to market with FDA approval. This effort has nothing to do with their data reporting platform or AAPS. -## 步驟 1 - 設置 Tidepool 帳戶 +## Step 1 - Setup a tidepool account --導航到 +-Navigate to --選擇「個人註冊」或「註冊」 +-Select “Personal Sign Up” or “Sign Up” --建立並記錄電子郵件和密碼 +-Create and document an email and password --選擇「個人帳戶」並點擊「繼續」 +-Select “Personal Account” and click “Continue” --完成患者資料部分並接受使用條款 +-Complete the patient information section and accept the terms of use --透過您電子郵件中的指示來驗證您的電子郵件地址 +-Verify your email address via the instructions received to your email -## 步驟 2 - 在 AAPS 中輸入憑據 +## Step 2 - Enter credentials into AAPS --選擇左上角的「漢堡」選單,然後選擇「組態建置工具」(如果「組態建置工具」不在那裡,它將位於頂部的一個標籤頁中) +-Select the three-line “hamburger” menu in the top left and the select “Config Builder” (if “Config Builder is not located there it will instead be one of the tabs along the top) --向下滾動至「同步」部分,並選中「Tidepool」左側的勾選框 +-Scroll down to the “Synchronization” section and select the check mark to the left of “Tidepool” --點擊「Tidepool」右側的齒輪圖示 +-Click the gear icon to the right of “Tidepool” --輸入您在步驟 1 中建立的用戶名和密碼 +-Enter the username and password you created in Step 1 above --點擊「測試 Tidepool 登錄」 +-Click “Test Tidepool Login” --如果您收到「成功登錄 Tidepool」的訊息,則表示您已成功連線。 如果沒有,請確認您的憑據正確,並且您已驗證了 Tidepool 的電子郵件地址。 +-If you get the “Successfully logged into Tidepool” message you have successfully connected. If not, confirm your credentials are correct and that you have verified your email address with Tidepool. --點擊「連線設定」,根據您的個人偏好進行設置 +-Click on “Connection settings” and set based on your personal preferences -有關如何使用上傳到 Tidepool 的資料的更多幫助,請查看:[]( +For more assistance on how to use your data once it is uploaded to Tidepool please visit: []( From 59e60dc2f4ca72919d8ec6caa2a9af3af3607dcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 205/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 36 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 9d670dd71f13..e78c9790c1c5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ (Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data)= -# 平滑血糖資料 +# Smoothing blood glucose data -如果 **血糖** 資料跳動或干擾,**AAPS** 可能會錯誤劑量胰島素,導致高血糖或低血糖。 如果您發現您的連續血糖監測(CGM)資料出錯,應在問題解決前暫停循環。 根據您的 CGM,不同問題可能來自 **AAPS** 中的 CGM 設定(如下文所述),或者是 CGM 感測器的問題(可能需要更換感測器)。 +If **BG** data is jumpy/noisy, **AAPS** may dose insulin incorrectly resulting in highs or lows. If you observe errors in your CGM data it is important to disable the loop until the problem is resolved. Depending on your CGM, such issues may be due to the CGM configuration in **AAPS** (as explained further below); or a CGM sensor site issue (which may require replacing the CGM sensor). -某些 CGM 系統內建算法來檢測讀數中的干擾,**AAPS** 可以利用此資訊避免在血糖資料過於不可靠時給予 SMB 劑量。 然而,部分 CGM 不會傳送此資料,對於這些血糖來源,「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水化合物後啟用 SMB」會為了安全起見被停用。 +Some CGM systems have internal algorithms to detect the noise level in the readings, and **AAPS** can use this information to avoid giving SMBs if the BG data is too unreliable. However, some CGMs do not transmit this data and for these BG sources 'Enable SMB always' and 'Enable SMB after carbs' are disabled for safety reasons. -此外,從 **AAPS** 3.2 版本開始,**AAPS** 提供選項在 **AAPS** 內平滑資料,而非在 CGM 應用程式內處理。 在 [設定構建器](../Configuration/ 中有三個選項可用。 +Additionally, as of **AAPS** version 3.2, **AAPS** offers the option to smooth the data within **AAPS** rather than within the CGM app. There are three options available in the [Config Builder](../Configuration/ -![平滑處理](../images/ConfBuild_Smoothing.png) +![Smoothing](../images/ConfBuild_Smoothing.png) -## 指數平滑 +## Exponential smoothing -這是建議的起始選項,因為它最積極解決干擾問題,並重寫最近的數值。 +This is the recommended option to start with, as it is most aggressive in resolving noise and rewrites the most recent value. -## 平均平滑 +## Average smoothing -此選項與先前在某些 CGM 平台上實作的反向平滑相似。 它對血糖值的近期變化反應更敏感,因此更容易對干擾的 CGM 資料反應不正確。 +This option works similar to back smoothing that was previously implemented on certain CGM platforms. It is more reactive to recent changes in BG value and therefore more prone to responding incorrectly to noisy CGM data. -## 無平滑處理 +## No Smoothing -僅當您的 CGM 資料已在收集器應用程式中妥善平滑處理後傳送至 **AAPS** 時,才使用此選項。 +Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collector app before being transmitted to **AAPS**. -## 平滑處理建議 +## Suggestions to use smoothing -| | 指數平滑 | 平均平滑 | 無平滑處理 | -| --------------------- | :--: | :---: | :---: | -| G5 和 G6 | | 如果有干擾 | 建議使用 | -| G7 | 建議使用 | | | -| Libre 1 或 Juggluco | 建議使用 | | | -| Libre 2 和 3 使用 xDrip+ | | | 建議使用 | +| | Exponential | Average | None | +| ------------------------- | :---------: | :------: | :---------: | +| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | +| G7 | Recommended | | | +| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | +| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | From 71d9ae10b196024990caec332541e16b5324e9a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 206/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 156 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 2dccd20b62a8..8cde71941637 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,147 +1,147 @@ -# 為 AAPS 建立專用的 Google 帳戶(可選) +# A dedicated Google account for AAPS (optional) -一些 **AAPS** 用戶喜歡將他們的主電子郵件帳戶用於 **AAPS**。 或者,一些 **AAPS** 用戶(或他們的照護者)會設置專用的 **AAPS** 電子郵件帳戶 - 這是可選的,我們在下方介紹如何設置。 +Some **AAPS** users prefer to use their main email account for **AAPS** as well. Alternatively, some **AAPS** users (or their caregivers) set-up a dedicated **AAPS** email account - this is optional, we give an example of how to do it below. -如果您不想設置專用的 **AAPS** Gmail 帳戶,您可以直接跳到下一部分,[建立 AAPS](。 +If you don't want to set up an **AAPS**-dedicated Gmail account, you can just go straight to the next section, [building AAPS]( -:::{admonition} 為 AAPS 建立專用 Google 帳戶的優勢 +:::{admonition} Advantages of a dedicated Google account for AAPS -- 專用的 Google 雲端硬碟空間意味著您不會因 **匯出偏好設定** 而冒著填滿個人 Google 雲端硬碟限制的風險。 -- 每個版本的 **AAPS**(以及支援的應用程式如 xdrip+、BYODA 等)將儲存在一個單一位置,並且與您的電腦硬體無關。 如果您的電腦或手機被偷/遺失/損壞,您仍然可以存取。 -- 透過統一設置,將使擁有類似資料夾結構的用戶之間的線上支援更加簡單。 -- 根據設置(見下方),您將擁有一個獨立的身份作為別名,以在社群中進行溝通,這可以保護您的隱私。 -- 患有T1D的兒童可以保留他們自己的“日常”電子郵件帳號作為未成年人,同時使用 **AAPS** 及其相關功能,這些功能需要成人帳號。 -- Gmail允許您在同一個電話號碼下註冊最多4個帳號。 +- Dedicated Google drive space means you will not risk filling up your personal Google drive limit with **Export Preferences**. +- Each version of **AAPS** (and supporting apps like xdrip+, BYODA, etc) will be stored in one single place which is independent of your computer hardware. If your PC or phone is stolen/lost/broken you will still have access. +- By harmonizing the setup, it will make online support simpler across users with similar folder structure. +- Depending on the setup (see below), you will have a separate identity as an alias to communicate within the community which can protect your privacy.  +- Children with T1D can preserve their own “everyday” email account as minors while using **AAPS** and associated features which require an adult account. +- Gmail allows you to register up to 4 accounts under the same phone number. ::: -## 如何為AAPS設置專用的Google帳號 +## How to set up a dedicated Google account for AAPS -(⌛大約10分鐘) +(⌛About 10 minutes) ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0001.png) -需求: +Requirements: -- 您擁有一台Windows電腦(Windows 10或更新版本)和一部Android手機(Android 9或更新版本),這些設備將運作 **AAPS** 應用程式。 這些設備都已安裝最新的安全更新,具備網際網路連線和管理員權限,因為某些步驟需要下載和安裝程式。 -- Android手機已經設置了您的個人“日常”電子郵件地址,例如Gmail帳號。 +- You have a Windows’ PC (Windows 10 or newer) and a Android phone (Android 9 or newer) which will host the **AAPS** app. These both have all the latest security updates, internet access and admin privileges, since some steps require downloading and installing programs. +- The Android phone is already set-up with your personal ”everyday”  email address, such as a Gmail account. -:::{admonition} 設置新帳號時需考慮的事項 +:::{admonition} Things to consider when setting up your new account :class: dropdown -- 為了隱私原因,您可以使用與您自己不同的名字,這個名字與帳號相關(例如t1dsuperstar)。 然後您可以在 **AAPS** 公共論壇中使用該名稱,同時保持您的個人身份隱藏。 由於Google要求恢復電子郵件和電話號碼,它仍然是可追踪的。 -- 新的 **AAPS** 帳號將使用與您的“_日常_”帳號相同的電話號碼進行驗證。 它將使用“日常”電子郵件地址進行驗證; -- 我們將設置電子郵件轉發,這樣發送到新專用AAPS帳號的任何郵件將轉發到主要帳號(因此無需檢查兩個不同的信箱); -- 為您的 _日常_ Gmail帳號和專用於AAPS的Gmail帳號使用不同的密碼 -- 如果您為一個Gmail帳號使用Google“兩步驗證”(即多因素驗證),那麼您最好為兩個Gmail帳號都啟用。 -- 如果您計劃使用Google“通行密鑰”,請確保您註冊了多個設備。 這樣您就不會被鎖在外面。 只應在其他人無法存取的設備上進行此操作(_例如_,不要在其他人可以解鎖的共享帳號的電腦上進行)。 +- You could use a name different to your own, which has relevance to the account (like t1dsuperstar) for privacy reasons. You can then use it in **AAPS** public forums while keeping your own identity private. Since Google requires a recovery email and phone number, it is still traceable. +- The new **AAPS** account will use the same phone number for verification as your “_everyday_” one. It will use the “everyday” email address for verification; +- We will setup email forwarding such that any email sent to the new dedicated AAPS account will be forwarded to the primary one (so there is no need to check two different mailboxes); +- Use separate passwords for your _everyday_ Gmail account and the AAPS-dedicated Gmail account +- If you use google “2-step verification” (aka multifactor) authentication for one Gmail account, you might as well do it for both Gmail accounts. +- If you plan to use Google “Passkeys”, make sure you register multiple devices. This is so you don’t lock yourself out. Only do it on devices that nobody else can access (_i.e._ not on a PC with a shared account that other people can unlock). ::: -:::{admonition} 影片指南! +:::{admonition} Video Walkthrough! :class: Note -點擊[這裡](觀看如何設置專用Google帳號的影片指南。 +Click [here]( for a video walkthrough of how to set up a dedicated Google account. ::: -影片中概述的步驟如下: +These are the steps outlined in the video: -在此示例中: +In this example:  -- 您現有的“_日常_”Google帳號為 ;![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) -- 您的新“_AAPS_”Gmail帳號將是:;![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) +- Your existing “_Everyday_” Google account is  ; ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) +- Your new “_AAPS_” Gmail account will be: ; ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) -#### 前往 +#### Go to   -如果您已經登錄Google,這將把您導向您的“日常” **我的帳戶** 頁面。 -(1) 點擊頁面右上角的個人資料圖片(在此示例中,一個簡單的![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) -(2) 選擇“_新增另一個帳號_”。 +If you are already logged into Google, this will direct you to your “Everyday” **My Account** page. +(1) Click on the top right of the page on your profile picture (in this case, a simple ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) +(2) select “_add another account_”. ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0005.png) -#### 輸入您的新專用帳號資訊: +#### Enter your NEW dedicated account details:  -- 輸入新帳號: -- 建立帳號 -- 供我個人使用。 +- Enter the new account:  +- Create Account +- for my personal use.  -#### 輸入您的個人資料: +#### Enter your persona: -- 輸入名字 -- 姓氏 -- 出生日期(需要是成年人年齡) +- Enter firstname +- lastname +- birthdate (needs to be an Adult age) -#### 選擇您的新電子郵件地址和密碼 +#### Choose your NEW email address & password -此示例將“.AAPS”附加到Donald Muck的現有帳號... -設置密碼 +This example appends “.AAPS” to Donald Muck’s existing one…\ +Set a password -#### 輸入一個可以接收SMS驗證的電話號碼 +####  Enter a phone number which can receive the SMS verification -Gmail現在將向您發送一個唯一的驗證碼。 +Gmail will now send you a unique code to enter for validation. -#### 輸入恢復電子郵件地址 +#### Enter the recovery email address  -在此情況下,它將是您的現有“_日常_”電子郵件… +In this case it will be your existing “_everyday_” email… -#### 完成帳號設置 +#### Finish setting up the account -Gmail將顯示帳號名稱。 它將要求您接受Gmail的條款與條件,並確認您的個人化設置。 +Gmail will display the account name. It will ask you to accept Gmail’s terms and conditions & confirm your personalization settings. -#### 自定義新個人資料顯示 +#### Customize the new profile display -此時,您應該在Gmail的我的帳戶頁面上,顯示您的新 **AAPS** 專用電子郵件帳號。 預設情況下,個人資料圖片會設置為您名字的第一個字母。 更改為一些獨特的圖片以避免混淆… 在此示例中,Donald.Muck.AAPS已經用 ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) 取代了 ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) +At this point you should be on Gmail’s MyAccount page showing your new **AAPS**-dedicated email account. The profile picture will be set by default to the first letter of your name. Change it to something unique to avoid confusion… in this example, Donald.Muck.AAPS has replaced ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) with ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0007.png)\ ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0008.png) -#### 在兩個視窗中打開Gmail網站來配置新帳號 +#### Open the Gmail website on both windows to configure the new account -為了避免需要監控一個獨立的電子郵件帳號,將所有來自新 **AAPS** 專用帳號的郵件轉發到您的日常帳號 \ -這部分可能有點混亂,因為您需要在兩個帳號之間切換。 為了使操作更簡單,將兩個獨立的瀏覽器視窗堆疊在一起: +So that you don’t need to monitor a separate email account, forward all the emails from the new **AAPS**-dedicated account to your everyday account \ +This part can be a bit confusing, since you will have to switch back and forth between both accounts. To make it easier, open 2 separate browser windows on top of each other: -1. 將您現有的瀏覽器移到螢幕頂部,並調整其大小,使其只佔據螢幕頂部的一半… -2. 右鍵點擊您在任務欄上的瀏覽器圖示 -3. 從選單中選擇“新視窗”... 然後調整該視窗,使其只佔據螢幕的下半部分。 +1. Move your existing browser to the top of your screen and resize it such that it only takes about half of the top of the screen…  +2. Right click on your Browser logo in your taskbar  +3. From the menu select “New Window”... and adjust it so it only takes the bottom half of the screen. -在每個瀏覽器視窗中打開。 確保您的個人帳號位於頂部,而新專用的 **AAPS** 帳號位於底部,並且透過右上角的個人資料圖片可以輕鬆識別。 (如果需要,您可以隨時透過點擊個人資料圖片切換帳號並選擇正確的帳號)。 +Open   in each browser window. Make sure your personal account is on top and the new dedicated **AAPS** account is on the bottom, and is easily identifiable by the profile picture in the top right corner. (if needed you can always switch accounts by clicking on the profile picture and selecting the correct one. ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0009.png) -您的Gmail首頁應該如下所示:\ +Your Gmail homepages screen should look like this:\ ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0010.png) -#### 在新Gmail帳號(底部視窗)中,打開Gmail設置… +#### In the new Gmail account (bottom window), open Gmail settings…  -- 點擊個人資料圖片左邊的齒輪 -- 然後選擇“**查看所有設定**” +- Click on the gear on the left of the profile picture  +- then select “**See all Settings**” ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0011.png) -#### 設置轉發… +#### Setup forwarding… -- 點擊“轉發和POP/IMAP”設置標籤 -- 點擊“新增轉發地址” -- 添加您的“日常”電子郵件地址 -- Gmail將向您的“日常”電子郵件地址發送驗證碼。 -- 您需要切換回您的日常帳號,並點擊連結來驗證您接受轉發(或者從Gmail的驗證電子郵件中獲取驗證碼,然後將其粘貼到您的“新AAPS專用”Gmail視窗中)。 +- Click on the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” Setting tab +- Click on “add a forwarding address” +- Add your “everyday” email address +- Gmail will send a verification code to your “everyday” email address.  +- You will switch back to your everyday profile and click on the link to verify that you accept the forwarding (or get the code from Gmail’s verification email in your “everyday” Gmail window and cut and paste it in your “new AAPS dedicated” Gmail window). -這樣雖然需要在兩個視窗之間來回切換,但當您檢查“日常”帳號的郵件時,也會看到從AAPS專用帳號轉發的郵件,例如Gmail警報。 +There is quite a bit of back and forth between the windows but this will ensure that when you check your “everyday” account emails you will also see the emails forwarded from your AAPS dedicated account such as Gmail alerts. ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0012.png) -#### 驗證轉發的電子郵件地址 +#### Verify the forwarded email address -- 在“日常”Gmail(頂部視窗)中,您將收到“Gmail轉發確認”郵件。 -- 打開郵件並“點擊連結確認請求” +- In the “Everyday” gmail (top window), you will get the “Gmail forwarding Confirmation” email.  +- Open it and “click the link to confirm the request” -#### 將轉發的郵件存檔在新專用的Gmail帳號中(底部視窗) +#### Archive forwarded emails in the new dedicated Gmail account (bottom window) -1. 重新整理底部視窗 -2. 勾選“轉發收到的電子郵件” -3. 並存檔Gmail的副本(以保持您的新專用信箱整潔) -4. 滾動到頁面的最底部以儲存您的更改\ +1. Refresh the bottom window +2. Check “forward incoming email” +3. And archive Gmail’s copy (to keep your new dedicated mailbox clean) +4. Scroll all the way to the bottom to save your changes\ ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0013.png) ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0014.png) -恭喜! 現在,您已經建立了一個專用於AAPS的Google帳號。 下一步是[構建AAPS應用程式](。 +Congratulations! Now you have created an AAPS-dedicated Google account. The next step is to [build the AAPS app]( From 04253568363723a72829207b1e5f7f98306d3c60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 207/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 332 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 9feb91727754..8cb0d73b4afc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,426 +1,426 @@ -# 構建AAPS +# Building AAPS -## 自行建置,而不是下載 +## Build yourself instead of download -**由於醫療設備的相關規範,AAPS應用程式(apk檔案)無法下載。 您可以合法地構建應用程式供自己使用,但不得將副本提供給他人!** +**The AAPS app (an apk file) is not available for download, due to regulations around medical devices. It is legal to build the app for your own use, but you must not give a copy to others!** -詳情請參閱[FAQ頁面](../Getting-Started/。 +See [FAQ page](../Getting-Started/ for details. -(構建APK推薦的電腦規格)= +(Building-APK-recommended-specification-of-computer-for-building-apk-file)= -## 構建AAPS所需的電腦和軟體規格 +## Computer and software specifications for building AAPS -- 請使用至少名為Hedgehog (2023.1.1) 的 **[Android Studio版本,或更近期的版本如Iguana、Jellyfish和Koala](** 來構建apk。 舊版本的Android Studio需要先更新! -- [Windows 32位系統](troubleshooting_androidstudio-unable-to-start-daemon-process) 不受Android Studio支援。 請記住,**64位CPU和64位作業系統是必備條件。** 如果您的系統不符合此條件,您需要更換受影響的硬體或軟體,或更換整個系統。 +- Please use the **[Android Studio version called at least Hedgehog (2023.1.1) or one more recent like Iguana, Jellyfish, and Koala](** to build the apk. Older versions of Android Studio need to be updated first! +- [Windows 32-bit systems](troubleshooting_androidstudio-unable-to-start-daemon-process) are not supported by Android Studio. Please keep in mind that both **64 bit CPU and 64 bit OS are mandatory condition.** If your system DOES NOT meet this condition, you have to change affected hardware or software or the whole system. - - - - + + + + - - - - + + + + - - + + - - + + - - + + - - + +
作業系統(僅限64位)Windows 8或更高版本Mac OS 10.14或更高版本任何支援Gnome、KDE或Unity DE的Linux;  GNU C Library 2.31或更新版本OS (Only 64 bit)Windows 8 or higherMac OS 10.14 or higherAny Linux supports Gnome, KDE, or Unity DE;  GNU C Library 2.31 or later


x86_64 CPU架構;第二代Intel Core或更新版本,或支援Windows Hypervisor的AMD CPUARM架構晶片,或支援Hypervisor.Framework的第二代Intel Core或更新版本x86_64 CPU架構;第二代Intel Core或更新版本,或支援AMD虛擬化(AMD-V)和SSSE3的AMD處理器

CPU (Only 64 bit)

x86_64 CPU architecture; 2nd generation Intel Core or newer, or AMD CPU with support for a
Windows Hypervisor
ARM-based chips, or 2nd generation Intel Core or newer with support for
x86_64 CPU architecture; 2nd generation Intel Core or newer, or AMD processor with support for AMD Virtualization (AMD-V) and SSSE3




8GB or more


至少30GB的可用空間。 建議使用SSD。


At least 30GB free space. SSD is recommended.


1280 x 800 最低要求


1280 x 800 Minimum





-**強烈建議(非必須)使用SSD(固態硬碟)而非HDD(硬碟),因為這將減少構建AAPS apk檔案時所需的時間。** 您仍然可以在構建 **AAPS** apk檔案時使用HDD。 如果這樣做,構建過程可能需要很長時間才能完成,但一旦開始,您可以讓它無需監控地執行。 +**It is strongly recommended (not mandatory) to use SSD (Solid State Disk) instead of HDD (Hard Disk Drive) because it will take less time when you are building the AAPS apk file.** You can still use a HDD when you are building the **AAPS** apk file. If you do, the building process may take a long time to complete, but once it has started, you can leave it running unattended. -## 構建過程中的幫助與支援 +## Help and support during the building process -如果您在構建 **AAPS** 應用程式的過程中遇到困難,請先參閱專門的[**故障排除Android Studio**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio) 部分。 +If you run into difficulties in the process of building the **AAPS** app, there is a dedicated [**troubleshooting Android Studio**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio) section, please consult that first. -如果您認為構建指導中有任何錯誤、遺漏或困惑之處,或您仍然感到困難,請透過[Facebook](或[Discord](聯繫其他 **AAPS** 用戶。 如果您想自行更改一些內容(例如更新螢幕截圖_等),請提交[拉取請求(PR)](../。 +If you think something in the building instructions is wrong, missing or confusing, or you are still struggling, please reach out to other **AAPS** users on [Facebook]( or [Discord]( If you want to change something yourself (updating screenshots _etc_), please submit a [pull request (PR)](../ -## 構建AAPS應用程式的逐步指南 +## Step-by-step guide to building the AAPS app -:::{admonition} 警告 +:::{admonition} WARNING :class: warning -如果您之前已經構建過AAPS,則不需要再次執行所有以下步驟。 -請直接跳到[更新指南](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version)! +If you have built AAPS before, you don't need to take all the following steps again. +Please jump directly to the [update guide](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version)! ::: -構建 **AAPS** apk檔案的整體步驟如下: +The overall steps for building the **AAPS** apk file are as follows: -4.1 [安裝Git](Install-Git) +4.1 [Install Git](Install-Git) -4.2 [安裝Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio) +4.2 [Install Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio) -4.3 [下載AAPS程式碼](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code) +4.3 [Download AAPS code](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code) -4.4. [在Android Studio偏好設定中設置Git路徑](Building-APK-set-git-path-in-preferences) +4.4. [Set Git path in Android Studio preferences](Building-APK-set-git-path-in-preferences) -4.5. [構建AAPS“簽章”apk](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk) +4.5. [Build AAPS "signed" apk](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk) -在本指南中,您將看到構建 **AAPS** apk檔案的_示例_螢幕截圖。 由於 **Android Studio**——我們用來構建 **AAPS** apk 的軟體——會定期更新,這些截圖可能與您的安裝不完全相同,但它們仍應該可以參照進行。 +In this guide you will find _example_ screenshots of building of **AAPS** apk file. Because **Android Studio** - the software which we use to build the **AAPS** apk - is regularly updated, these screenshots may not be identical to your installation, but they should still be possible to follow. -由於 **Android Studio** 可在Windows、Mac OS X和Linux平台上運作,這些平台之間的步驟可能也會有些許差異。 +Since **Android Studio** runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms, there might be also be minor differences in the steps for the different platforms. -(安裝Git)= +(Install-Git)= -### 安裝Git(如果您還沒有安裝) +### Install Git (if you don't have it) -:::{admonition} 為什麼要使用Git? +:::{admonition} Why Git? -Git被稱為“_版本控制系統_”(VCS)。\ -Git是一個允許您追蹤程式碼變更並與他人協作的程式。 您將使用Git從GitHub網站將 **AAPS** 的原始程式碼複製到您的本地電腦。 然後,您將在電腦上使用Git來構建 **AAPS** 應用程式(apk)。 +Git is known as a “_Versioning Control System_” (VCS).\ +Git is a program that allows you to track changes in code and to collaborate with others. You will use Git to make a copy of the **AAPS** source code from the GitHub website to your local computer. Then, you will use Git on your computer to build the **AAPS** application (apk). ::: -#### 安裝Git的步驟 +#### Steps for Installing Git -1. 檢查您是否已安裝 **Git**。 您可以透過在Windows的搜索欄中輸入“git”來檢查——如果看到 **“Git bash”** 或其他形式的Git,則已安裝,您可以直接進入[安裝Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio): +1. Check that you don’t already have **Git** installed. You can do this by typing “git” in the Windows search bar – if you see **“Git bash”** or some other form of Git, it is already installed and you can go straight to [installing Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio): ![Git\_installed](../images/Building-the-App/001_check_git_installed.png) -2. 如果尚未安裝Git,請從[**這裡**](下載並安裝適用於您的系統的最新版本。 任何最新的Git版本都應該可以使用,請根據您的系統選擇正確的版本,無論是Mac、Windows還是Linux。 +2. If you don’t have Git installed, download and install the latest version for your system from [**here**]( Any recent Git version should work, select the correct version according to your system, either Mac, Windows and Linux. -**給Mac用戶的提示:** Git網頁還將指導您安裝名為“homebrew”的附加程式,以輔助安裝。 如果您透過homebrew安裝Git,則無需更改任何偏好設定。 +**Note for Mac users:** the Git webpage will also guide you to install an additional program called "homebrew" to aid the installation. If you install Git via homebrew, there is no need to change any preferences. (Make_a_note_of_Git_path)= -- 在安裝過程中,當要求您“選擇安裝位置”時,請記下Git的安裝位置(即“**安裝路徑**”),您需要在下一步中檢查它。 安裝路徑可能類似於“C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe” +- During the installation, when you are asked to "select destination location" make a note of _where_ Git is being installed (the "**installation path**") you will need to check it in the next step. It will be something similar to "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" -- 在進行Git安裝的幾個步驟時,只需接受所有的預設選項。 +- As you proceed through several steps of the Git installation, just accept all the default options. -- 安裝完成後,如果您忘記記錄Git的安裝位置,可以透過以下方式找到它:在PC的搜索欄中輸入“git”,右鍵點擊“Git bash”,選擇“打開檔案位置”,將滑鼠懸停在“Git bash”圖示上,這將顯示安裝位置。 +- After the install, if you forgot to make a note of the where Git was installed, you can find it as follows: type "git" into the PC search bar, right click on "Git bash", select "open file location" hover over the "Git bash" icon with your mouse, which will then reveal where it is installed. -- 在進行下一步之前,重新啟動您的電腦。 +- Reboot your computer before the next step. (Building-APK-install-android-studio)= -### 安裝Android Studio +### Install Android Studio -- **在以下步驟中,您必須始終保持線上狀態,因為Android Studio會下載多個更新。** +- **You have to be online all of the time during the following steps, as Android Studio downloads several updates** -:::{admonition} 什麼是Android Studio? +:::{admonition} What is Android Studio? :class: dropdown -Android Studio是一個在您的電腦上運作的程式。 它允許您使用Git從互聯網下載原始程式碼,並構建智慧型手機(和智慧型手錶)應用程式。 您無法透過在電腦上使用Android Studio構建新版本或更新版本的應用程式來“破壞”當前在智慧型手機上運作的 **AAPS** 循環版本,這些是完全獨立的過程。 +Android Studio is a program which runs on your computer. It allows you to download source code from the internet (using Git) and build smartphone (and smartwatch) apps. You cannot "break" a current, looping version of **AAPS** which you might have running on a smartphone by building a new or updated app on your PC with Android Studio, these are totally separate processes. ::: -以下螢幕截圖取自 **Hedgehog** 版本的Android Studio,它們應與更新版本相同。 +The following screenshots have been taken from Android Studio Version **Hedgehog**, they should be identical with more recent versions. -安裝Android Studio時最重要的一點是 **耐心!** 安裝和設置期間,Android Studio會下載大量內容,這需要時間。 +One of the most important things when installing Android Studio is **be patient!** During installation and setup, Android Studio is downloading a lot of stuff which will take time. -從[**這裡**](下載Android Studio的最新版本,找到它在您的瀏覽器下載文件夾中的位置,並安裝在您的電腦上: +Download the latest version of Android Studio from [**here**](, locate it in your browser downloads folder, and install it on your computer: ![Download Android Studio](../images/Building-the-App/01_InstallAS_Hedgehog.png) -當您首次啟動Android Studio時,您將看到以下畫面: +When you first start Android Studio, you will be greeted as follows: ![Welcome](../images/Building-the-App/02_Welcome_AS_Hedgehog.png) -選擇“下一步”: +Select "Next": ![ChooseASComponents](../images/Building-the-App/03_choose_AS_components.png) -保持選框勾選,然後選擇“下一步”: +Leave the boxes checked, and select "Next": ![ChooseASlocation](../images/Building-the-App/04_AS_Install_location.png) -允許安裝在建議的預設位置,然後選擇“下一步”: +Allow the installation at the default location suggested, and select "Next": ![SmartMenulocation](../images/Building-the-App/04_AS_StartMenu.png) -當要求選擇Smart選單文件夾時,只需選擇“安裝”。 現在您需要等待幾分鐘,讓Android Studio完成安裝。 然後您應該看到安裝已完成,選擇“下一步”: +When asked to choose the Smart Menu Folder, simply select "Install". You will now need to wait a few minutes while Android Studio is being installed. You should then see that the Installation is Complete, select "Next": ![installationcomplete](../images/Building-the-App/06_Installation_Complete.png) -現在選擇“完成”: +Now select "Finish": ![closeASsetup](../images/Building-the-App/07_CloseAS_Setup.png) -Android Studio將立即啟動。 +Android Studio will now start. -當被詢問是否要匯入設定時,選擇“不匯入設定”。 我們不需要匯入以前的安裝設定: +If asked if you want to import settings, select "Do not import settings". We don't want to import settings from previous installations: ![Do not import settings](../images/studioSetup/01_ImportSettings.png) -決定是否要與Google共享資料(如果不確定,請選擇“不發送”)。 +Decide whether you want to share data with Google or not (if unsure, just select "Don't send"). ![Share data with Google](../images/Building-the-App/08_Googlesharedata.png) -您將看到有關缺少軟體開發工具包(SDK)的訊息(不用擔心,這很快會解決),選擇“下一步”: +You will now get a message about a missing software development kit (SDK) (don't worry, this will be solved soon), select "Next": ![missingSDK](../images/Building-the-App/09_MissingSDK.png) -軟體應自動選擇所需的SDK並選擇一個位置。 +The software should autoselect the required (SDK) and choose a location. -:::{admonition} 什麼是Android SDK? +:::{admonition} What is an Android SDK? -為了在手機上運作 **AAPS**,應用程式需要與Android本身整合。 Android提供了“_軟體開發工具包_”(SDK),允許像 **AAPS** 這樣的應用程式與Android操作系統進行交互。 +In order to run **AAPS** on the phone the application needs to integrate with Android itself. Android provides “_software development kits_” (SDK) which allow apps like **AAPS** to interface with an Android operating system. ::: -SDK平台套件與您手機上運作的Android版本無關,而是與 **AAPS** 的構建有關。 **AAPS** 3.2及更新版本基於API等級34進行構建,這會在 **Hedgehog** 版本的 **Android Studio** 中自動選擇。 因此,只需點擊“下一步”: +The SDK platform package does **not** relate to the version of Android running on your phone, but to the build of **AAPS**. **AAPS** version 3.2 (and newer) builds on top of API level 34, which is automatically selected in the **Hedgehog** version of **Android Studio**. Therefore, simply click "Next": ![SDKcomponents\_setup](../images/Building-the-App/10_SDKComponents_setup.png) -當要求您驗證設定時,直接選擇“下一步”: +When asked to verify settings, just select "Next": ![verify\_settings](../images/Building-the-App/11_Verify_settings.png) -當被詢問有關許可協議時,選擇“接受”,然後點擊“完成”: +When asked about the Licence Agreement, select "Accept" and then click "Finish": ![licence\_agreement](../images/Building-the-App/12_Licence_agreement.png) -> **_注意:_** 根據您的設置,可能需要接受的許可協議與螢幕截圖中顯示的有所不同。 +> **_Note:_** Depending on your set-up, the licenses to be accepted might vary from what is shown in the screenshot. -等待Android Studio下載其他組件,這可能需要幾分鐘: +Wait while Android Studio downloads additional components, this may take a few minutes: ![downloading\_components](../images/Building-the-App/13_downloading_components.png) -一旦所有內容下載完成,“完成”按鈕將變為藍色,然後您可以點擊它: +Once everything is downloaded, the "Finish" button turns blue, and you can click it: ![finished\_download\_components](../images/Building-the-App/14_finished_downloading_components.png) -現在您將看到“歡迎使用Android Studio”畫面。 +You are now greeted with the "Welcome to Android Studio" screen. ![Welcome\_AS](../images/Building-the-App/15_Welcome_AS.png) (Building-APK-download-AAPS-code)= -### 下載AAPS程式碼 +### Download the AAPS code -:::{admonition} 為什麼下載AAPS程式碼需要很長時間? +:::{admonition} Why can it take a long time to download the AAPS code? -首次下載 **AAPS** 時,Android Studio將透過網際網路連線到GitHub網站以下載 **AAPS** 的原始程式碼。 這應該大約需要1分鐘。 +The first time **AAPS** is downloaded, Android Studio will connect over the internet to the Github website to download the source code for **AAPS**. This should take about 1 minute. -Android Studio隨後會使用 **Gradle**(Android Studio中的開發工具)來識別安裝這些項目所需的其他組件,並將其安裝到您的電腦上。 +Android Studio will then use **Gradle** (a development tool in Android studio) to identify other components needed to install these items on your computer. ::: -在Android Studio歡迎頁面上,檢查左側是否突出顯示了“**專案**”(1)。 然後點擊右側的“**從VCS獲取**”(2): +On the Android Studio Welcome screen, check that "**Projects**" (1) is highlighted on the left. Then click "**Get from VCS**" (2) on the right: ![Get\_from\_VCS](../images/Building-the-App/16_Get_from_VCS.png) -- 我們現在將告訴Android Studio從哪裡獲取程式碼: +- We will now tell Android Studio where to get the code from: -- “倉庫URL”應該在左側(1)預設選擇。 +- "Repository URL" should be selected (by default) on the left (1). -- “Git”應作為版本控制預設選擇(2)。 +- "Git" should be selected (by default) as version control (2). -現在複製這個URL: +Now copy this URL: ``` ``` -然後將其粘貼到URL文本框中(3)。 +and paste it into the URL textbox (3). -- 檢查(預設的)儲存複製程式碼的目錄是否合理(4)。 +- Check the (default) directory for saving the cloned code is sensible (4). -:::{admonition} 訊息 +:::{admonition} INFORMATION :class: information -記下目錄。 這是您儲存原始程式碼的地方! +Make a note of the directory. It is where your sourcecode is stored! ::: -- 現在點擊“複製”按鈕(5)。 +- Now click the button "Clone" (5). ![Select\_URL](../images/Building-the-App/17_select_URL.png) -您現在將看到一個螢幕,告訴您倉庫正在被複製: +You will now see a screen telling you that the repository is being cloned: ![cloning\_repository](../images/Building-the-App/18_cloning_repository.png) -某些時候,系統可能會詢問您是否信任該專案。 點擊“信任專案”: +At some point, you may be asked whether you want to trust the project. Click on "Trust project": ![Trust project](../images/Building-the-App/18a_trust_project.png) -僅限Windows用戶:如果您的防火牆要求許可,請授予存取權限: +Only for Windows users: If your firewall asks for permission, grant access: ![Firewall permission java](../images/AndroidStudio361_18.png) -倉庫成功複製後,Android Studio將打開複製的專案。 +After the repository is cloned successfully, Android Studio will open the cloned project. -點擊右上角的齒輪圖示,選擇“**切換到經典UI...**”以返回到本文件中使用的視圖。 +Click on the cog top right and select "**Switch to Classic UI...**" to return to the view used in this documentation. -如果您看不到齒輪圖示,不用擔心。 您已經在使用經典UI! +If you do not see that cog, don't worry. You already use the classic UI! -![切換到經典UI](../images/Building-the-App/OldUI.png) +![Switch to Classic UI](../images/Building-the-App/OldUI.png) -重新啟動Android Studio以使更改生效。 +Restart Android Studio to make the changes effective. -![確認重新啟動Android Studio](../images/Building-the-App/18b_ConfirmRestartUI.png) +![Confirm restart of Android Studio](../images/Building-the-App/18b_ConfirmRestartUI.png) -您可能會看到以下警告之一或兩者關於運作中的進程。 可以安全地中止它們! +You might get one or both of the following warnings about running processes. It's save to abort them! -![確認中止背景進程](../images/Building-the-App/18c_AbortBackgroundTasks.png) ![確認中止進程](../images/Building-the-App/18d_AbortProcessImport.png) +![Confirm abort background processes](../images/Building-the-App/18c_AbortBackgroundTasks.png) ![Confirm process AndroidAPS import](../images/Building-the-App/18d_AbortProcessImport.png) -當Android Studio再次打開時,耐心等待(可能需要幾分鐘),特別是**不要**按照彈出提示更新專案。 +When Android Studio opened again, wait patiently (this may take a few minutes), and particularly, **do not** update the project as suggested in the pop-up. -![AS下載依賴項](../images/Building-the-App/19_downloading_dependencies.png) +![AS\_download\_dependencies](../images/Building-the-App/19_downloading_dependencies.png) -:::{admonition} 切勿更新GRADLE! +:::{admonition} NEVER UPDATE GRADLE! -Android Studio可能會建議更新gradle系統。 **永遠不要更新gradle!** 這會導致困難。 +Android Studio might recommend updating the gradle system. **Never update gradle!** This will lead to difficulties. ::: -_可選_ - 如果您想清除“建議更新專案”的彈出訊息,點擊藍色文本“更多”(1)。 在對話框中選擇“不要再次詢問此專案”(2)。 +_Optional_ - If you want to clear the pop-up for **"project update recommended"**, click on the blue text "More" (1). In the dialog box the select "Don't ask for this project" (2). -![AS關閉gradle彈出訊息](../images/Building-the-App/20_close_popup.png) +![AS\_close\_gradle\_popup](../images/Building-the-App/20_close_popup.png) -僅適用於Windows用戶: -如果您自安裝或更新Git後尚未重新啟動電腦,請立即關閉Android Studio。 然後重新啟動您的電腦,並重新打開Android Studio。 +For Windows users only: +If you have not restarted your computer since installing or updating Git, close Android Studio now. Then restart your computer, and re-open Android Studio. (Building-APK-set-git-path-in-preferences)= -### 在Android Studio偏好設定中設置git路徑 +### Set git path in Android Studio preferences -現在我們將告訴Android Studio在哪裡找到您之前[安裝的](Install-Git) Git。 +Now we will tell Android studio where to find Git, which you installed [earlier](Install-Git). -- 僅限Windows用戶:請確保在[安裝Git](Install-Git)後重新啟動電腦。 -- 打開 **Android Studio**(您可以在開始選單中找到它)。 -- 在 **Android Studio** 的左上角,導航到 _File-Settings_(Windows)或 _Android Studio > Preferences_(Mac)。 這將打開以下視窗,點擊以展開名為“版本控制”的下拉選單(1): +- Windows users only: Make sure you have restarted your computer after [installing Git](Install-Git). +- Open **Android Studio** (you can find it by searching in the Start menu). +- In the top left corner of **Android Studio**, navigate to _File-Settings_ (Windows) or _Android Studio > Preferences_ (Mac). This opens the following window, click to expand the dropdown called "version control" (1): ![version\_control](../images/Building-the-App/21_AS_version_control.png) -- 現在選擇“**Git**”(2)。 -- 在頁面中間下方,確保選擇更新方式為“合併”(3)。 -- 點擊“測試”按鈕(4),檢查 **Android Studio** 是否可以自動找到 **git.exe** 的正確路徑: +- Now select "**Git**" (2). +- In the lower middle of the page, make sure update method "Merge" (3) is selected. +- Check if **Android Studio** can automatically locate the correct path to **git.exe** automatically by clicking the button "Test" (4): ![Gitpath](../images/Building-the-App/22_Git_path.png) -- 如果自動設置成功,您當前版本的 **Git** 將顯示在路徑旁邊。 +- If the automatic setting is successful, your current version of **Git** will be displayed next to the path. ![Git\_version\_displayed](../images/Building-the-App/23_Git__path_success.png) -- 如果未能自動找到 **git.exe**,或者點擊“測試”按鈕顯示錯誤(1),您可以手動輸入您之前[記錄的](Make_a_note_of_Git_path)路徑,或者點擊資料夾圖示(2),手動導航到儲存 **git.exe** 的目錄: +- If you find that **git.exe** is not found automatically, or that clicking "Test" results in an error (1), you can either manually enter the path which you saved [earlier](Make_a_note_of_Git_path), or click on the folder icon (2) and manually navigating to the directory where **git.exe** is stored: ![Git not found](../images/studioSetup/13_GitVersionError.png) -- 如果您不確定Git安裝在哪裡,可以使用Windows Explorer中的[搜索功能](查找“git.exe”。 如何執行此操作已在[上面](Make_a_note_of_Git_path)詳細說明。 +- Use the [search function]( in windows explorer to find "git.exe" if you are unsure where git has been installed. How to do this is explained [above](Make_a_note_of_Git_path) in more detail. -- 如果您已手動選擇路徑,請按照上述說明使用“測試”按鈕檢查所選的Git路徑。 +- If you have manually selected it, check your selected Git path with the "Test" button as described above. -當Git版本顯示在路徑旁邊時(如上圖所示),您已成功完成此階段,並可以點擊“**OK**”按鈕(5)關閉Android Studio“設定”視窗: +When the Git version is displayed next to the path (see screenshot above) you have completed this stage successfully and you can close the Android Studio "Settings" window by clicking the "**OK**" button (5): ![Git\_path\_OK](../images/Building-the-App/23a_Git_path_OK.png) (Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)= -### 構建AAPS“簽章”APK +### Build the AAPS "signed" APK -:::{admonition} 為什麼AAPS應用程式需要“簽章”? +:::{admonition} Why does the AAPS app need to be "signed"? -Android要求每個應用程式都必須_簽章_,以確保以後只能由釋出原始應用的受信任來源更新。 有關此主題的更多訊息,請參閱[此連結](。 對於我們的目的,這只意味著我們生成一個簽章或“密鑰庫”檔案,並在構建 **AAPS** 應用程式時使用它。 +Android requires each app to be _signed_, to ensure that it can only be updated later from the same trusted source that released the original app. For more information on this topic, follow [this link]( For our purposes, this just means that we generate a signing or "keystore" file and use it when we build the **AAPS** app. ::: -- 在選單欄中,點擊“構建”(1),選擇“生成簽章包/APK”(2): +- In the menu bar, click "Build" (1), select "Generate Signed Bundle/APK (2) ![Build apk](../images/Building-the-App/25_build_apk.png) -- 選擇“APK”而不是“Android App Bundle”,然後點擊“下一步”: +- Select "APK" instead of "Android App Bundle" and click "Next": ![APK instead of bundle](../images/Building-the-App/26_generate_APK.png) -- 在下一個螢幕上,確保“模組”設置為“”(1)。 +- In the next screen, make sure that "Module" is set to "" (1). (Building-APK-wearapk)= -:::{admonition} 訊息! +:::{admonition} INFORMATION! :class: information -如果您想為您的手錶建立apk,請選擇AAPS.wear! +If you want to create the apk for your watch, you need to select AAPS.wear! ::: -- 點擊“建立新...” (2) 開始建立您的密鑰庫。 +- Click "Create new..." (2) to start creating your key store. -:::{admonition} 訊息! +:::{admonition} INFORMATION! :class: information -您只需要建立一次密鑰庫。 -如果您之前已構建過AAPS,請勿建立新密鑰庫,而是選擇現有的! +You will only need to create the keystore once. +If you have build AAPS before, do NOT create a new keystore but select your existing one! ::: -**_注意:_** 密鑰庫是一個用於存儲應用程式簽章訊息的檔案。 它是加密的,並且訊息透過密碼進行保護。 +**_Note:_** The key store is a file in which the information for signing the app is stored. It is encrypted, and the information is secured with passwords. ![Create\_key\_store](../images/Building-the-App/27_new_keystore.png) -- 點擊“資料夾”圖示(1)選擇密鑰庫在您電腦上的儲存路徑: +- Click the "folder" symbol (1) to select a path on your computer for your key store: ![Create key store](../images/Building-the-App/28_new_keystore_path.png) -- 點擊下拉選單(1),選擇您希望儲存密鑰庫檔案的位置。 在此示例中,它儲存在“我的文件”中(2)。 不要將密鑰庫儲存在與Android Studio檔案相同的文件夾中(StudioProject)。 為您的密鑰庫輸入一個簡單的名稱(3),並點擊“確定”(4)進行確認: +- Click on the drop-down menu (1), to select where you want to save your keystore file. In this example, it is being saved in "My Documents" (2). Do not save the keystore in same folder as your Android Studio files (StudioProject). Type in a simple name for your key store (3) and confirm it with "OK" (4): ![Create key store](../images/Building-the-App/29_choose_keystore_file.png) -這將帶您返回上一個螢幕。 您選擇的密鑰庫檔案的儲存位置將顯示出來。 +This will take you back to the previous screen. Your chosen location for saving the key store file is shown. -:::{admonition} 警告! +:::{admonition} WARNING! :class: warning -務必記下密鑰庫的儲存位置。 當您構建下一個AndroidAPS更新時,您將需要它! +Make sure to note down for yourself where your keystore is stored. You will need it when you build the next AndroidAPS update! ::: -現在選擇一個簡單的密碼(記下它),在密碼框中輸入(1),並確認它(2)。 密鑰庫和密鑰的密碼不必過於複雜。 如果將來遺失密碼,請參閱[密鑰庫遺失的故障排除](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore)。 +Now choose a simple password (make a note of it), enter it in the password box (1), and confirm it (2). The passwords for key store and key do not have to be sophisticated. If you lose your password in the future, see [troubleshooting for lost key store](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore). -密鑰的預設別名(3)為“key0”,保持不變。 +The default alias (3) for your key is "key0", leave this unchanged. -您現在需要為您的密鑰設置密碼。 為了簡單起見,您可以使用與上面密鑰庫相同的密碼。 輸入密碼(4)並確認(5)。 +You now need a password for your key. To keep it simple, if you want, you can use the same password you used for your keystore, above. Enter a password (4) and confirm (5) it. -:::{admonition} 警告! +:::{admonition} WARNING! :class: warning -記下這些密碼! 當您構建下一個AAPS更新時,您將需要它們! +Note down these passwords! You will need them when you build the next AAPS update! ::: -有效期(6)預設為25年,保持不變。 +The validity (6) is 25 years by default, leave it as it is. -輸入您的名字和姓氏(7)。 不需要添加其他訊息。 +Enter your first and last name (7). No other information needs to be added. -點擊“確定”(8)繼續: +Click "OK" (8) to continue: ![Select key store path](../images/Building-the-App/30_new_keystore.png) -在“生成簽章包或APK”頁面上,將顯示您的密鑰庫路徑。 現在重新輸入密鑰庫密碼(1)和密鑰密碼(2),並勾選記住密碼的框(3),這樣下次構建apk時(即更新到新的AAPS版本時)就不必再次輸入它們。 點擊“下一步”(4): +On the "Generate signed bundle or APK" page, the path to your keystore will now be displayed. Now re-enter the Key Store password (1) and Key password (2), and tick the box to remember passwords is checked (3), so you don't have to enter them again next time you build the apk (i.e. when updating to a new AAPS version). Click "Next" (4): ![Remember passwords](../images/Building-the-App/31_generate_APK.png) -在下一個螢幕中,選擇構建變體“fullRelease”(1),然後點擊“建立”(2)。 +On the next screen, select build variant "fullRelease" (1) and click "Create" (2). ![Select build variant](../images/Building-the-App/32_full_release.png) -Android Studio現在將開始構建 **AAPS** 的apk。 它將在右下角顯示“Gradle Build running”。 該過程會根據您的電腦和網際網路連線速度花費一些時間,請**耐心等待!** 如果您想查看構建進度,請點擊Android Studio底部的小錘子圖示“構建”: +Android Studio will now build the **AAPS** apk. It will show "Gradle Build running" at the bottom right. The process takes some time, depending on your computer and internet connection, **be patient!** If you want to watch the progress of the build, click on the small hammer "build" at the bottom of Android Studio: ![Gradle Running](../images/Building-the-App/33_Studio_building1.png) -現在您可以查看構建進度: +Now you can watch the building progress: ![Android\_Studio\_building](../images/Building-the-App/34_Studio_building2.png) -Android Studio在構建完成後將顯示“BUILD SUCCESSFUL”的訊息。 您可能會看到一個彈出通知,您可以點擊選擇“查找”。 如果您錯過了此步驟,請點擊螢幕最底部的“定位或分析APK”(黃色突出顯示)的通知來打開通知欄: +Android Studio will display the information "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" after build is finished. You may see a popup notification which you can click to select "locate". If you miss this, click on the notification "locate or analyse the APK" (yellow highlight) at the very bottom of the screen to bring up the Notifications: -![構建完成](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_success.png) +![Build finished](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_success.png) -_如果構建未成功,請參閱[故障排除部分](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio)。_ +_If the build was not successful, refer to the [troubleshooting section](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio)._ -在通知欄中,點擊藍色連結“定位”: +In the Notifications box, click on the blue link "locate": -![定位構建](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_locate.png) -您的檔案管理器/檔案總管將會打開。 導航到目錄“full”(1)> “release”(2)。 +![Locate build](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_locate.png) +Your file manager/explorer will open. Navigate to the directory "full" (1) > "release" (2). -![檔案位置apk](../images/Building-the-App/36_locate_apk.png) +![File location apk](../images/Building-the-App/36_locate_apk.png) -打開“release”資料夾。 檔案“app-full-release.apk”(1)是您剛剛構建的 **AAPS** apk,在文檔的下一部分,您將把此檔案傳輸到您的智慧型手機: +Open the folder "release". The file "app-full-release.apk" (1) is the **AAPS** apk that you have just built, you will be transferring this file to your smartphone in the next section of the docs: -![apk檔案](../images/Building-the-App/37_full_release_apk.png) +![apk\_file](../images/Building-the-App/37_full_release_apk.png) -恭喜! 現在您已經構建了 **AAPS** apk 檔案,您可以進入下一階段[傳輸和安裝 **AAPS**](。 +Congratulations! Now you have built the **AAPS** apk file, you can move to the next stage of [Transferring and Installing **AAPS**]( From 7c2fd925424a40dd5f4c2ae7dd5eefd8cbdac902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 208/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 42 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 5e0a99e011ec..4784170488e8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -# 更改您的AAPS配置 +# Making changes to your AAPS configuration -完成 **設定嚮導** 後,如果您只想更改部分配置,則無需重新運作整個嚮導。 +After you have completed the **Setup Wizard** you don't need to run the entire Wizard again if you want to only change parts of the configuration. -有三種路徑可以更改不同的配置設置,您選擇哪一條路徑僅僅取決於方便,每條路徑都會通向相同的配置設置。 +There are three routes to change the different configuration settings, which route you take is simply a matter of convenience, each route leads to the same configuration settings. -如下所示: +These are as follows: -1. 配置構建器, -2. 點擊右上角的三點選單並選擇“偏好設定”或 -3. 點擊右上角的三點選單並選擇“外掛偏好設定”。 +1. Config builder, +2. Three dot menu on the right and select "preferences" or +3. Three dot menu on the right and select "plugin preferences". -在這裡我們解釋哪個選項對每種情況最方便: +Here we explain which option is most convenient for each situation: -## 配置構建器 +## Config builder -**配置構建器** 用於啟用外掛和使它們在頂層選單中**可見**。 如果它們已啟用,它們仍將運作,您可以決定是否希望它們在頂層選單中顯示。 +The **config builder** is used if you want to **enable plugins** and their **visibility** in the top level menu. If they are enabled, they will still run, you can decide if you want to be able to see them in the top menu or not. -未啟用的外掛(_例如_ 已停用的外掛)無法顯示。 例如,當您剛開始使用 **AAPS** 並處於**目標1**時,您無法使用 **自動化**,因此無法啟用 **自動化** 外掛並將其顯示在頂部選單中。 +Plugins which you have not enabled (_i.e._ disabled) plugins can not be made visible. For example, when you first start with **AAPS** on **objective 1**, you cannot yet use **automations**, so the **automations** plugin cannot be enabled and made visible in the top menu. -**配置構建器** 是在使用 **設定嚮導** 後進一步修改配置的最簡單方法。 +**Config builder** is the easiest way to further modify your configuration after you have used the **Setup Wizard**. -有關配置構建器的文檔可在[這裡](../Configuration/查閱。 +The documentation relating to the config builder is available [here](../Configuration/ -## 偏好設定 +## Preferences -您可以透過 **AAPS** 主頁面右上角的三點選單進入偏好設定對話框。 它可以讓您一次性更改**所有已啟用的外掛**的配置。 +The preferences dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the **home screen** of AAPS. It gives you the possibilty to change the configuration of **all enabled plugins at once**. -如果您不確定在哪裡尋找配置選項,這是一個不錯的選擇,但如果您知道自己只想更改一個特定外掛的配置,這可能有點繁瑣。 +This is a good route if you are not really sure where to look for an configuration option, but it can be a bit tedious if you know you want to change the configuration for just one specific plugin. -有關偏好設定的文檔可在[這裡](../Configuration/查閱。 +The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/ -## 外掛偏好設定 +## Plugin preferences -您可以透過 **AAPS** 主頁面右上角的三點選單進入 **外掛偏好設定** 對話框。 它提供了更改當前螢幕上外掛配置的可能性。 +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. -如果您知道自己只想更改 _例如_ BYODA 的配置,這是一個不錯的選擇。 然後,您可以選擇 **AAPS** 頂部選單中的“BYODA”標籤,進入BYODA頁面後,點擊右上角的三點選單,然後選擇“外掛偏好設定”條目。 您將直接進入BYODA外掛的偏好設定對話框。 +This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. -這是一個到一般偏好設定對話框的“捷徑”,有關偏好設定的文檔可在[這裡](../Configuration/查閱。 +This is a "short cut" to the general preferences dialogue, the documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/ From 2f6294f8500f97447641416bcdb557c11a2b90ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:08:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 209/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 44 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 7a457abc27d7..9f308ff1b4e6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ -# 設置報告伺服器 +# Setting up the Reporting Server -目前有兩個報告伺服器可供 **AAPS** 使用: +There are currently two reporting servers available for use with **AAPS**: - [Nightscout]( - [Tidepool]( -![報告伺服器](../images/Building-the-App/ReportingServer.png) +![Reporting Servers](../images/Building-the-App/ReportingServer.png) -我們推薦使用Nightscout。 +We recommend using Nightscout. ## Nightscout -Nightscout是一個強大的平台,多年來已經整合進了 **AAPS**。 它使用戶和照護者能夠近乎實時地追蹤病患的糖尿病資料(如果所有相關組件之間有足夠的網際網路連線,資料接收和提供之間只會有幾分鐘的延遲)。 它還允許照護者向 **AAPS** 發送遠端指令。 +Nightscout is a powerful platform which has been integrated into **AAPS** for many years. It enables users and caregivers to track the patient's diabetes data in near real-time (only a few minutes may pass between data reception and data provision if there is a sufficient Internet connection between all components involved). It also allows caregivers to send remote commands to **AAPS**. -Nightscout是一個開源軟體。 任何人都可以使用免費或付費服務建立和運作一個Nightscout伺服器。 +Nightscout is provided as open-source software. Anyone can create and operate a Nightscout server, using either free or paid-for services. -### 選項1 - 自行設置您的Nightscout伺服器 +### Option 1 - Setup your Nightscout server yourself -建立您的Nightscout報告伺服器可能需要一個或多個基於網路的應用程式,這些應用程式需要維護。 為了獲得完全免費的服務,當提供商移除免費方案時,您可能需要遷移您的Nightscout網站和資料。 +Creating your Nightscout reporting server can require one or more web-based applications that will require maintenance. In order to have a completely free service, you may need to migrate your Nightscout site and data, if and when providers remove the free tier. -有關如何設置Nightscout及各種操作選項的優缺點的描述,包括成本估算,可以在[這裡](找到。 +A description of how you can set up Nightscout with the advantages and disadvantages of the various operating options, including an estimate of the costs, can be found [here]( -### 選項2 - 付費使用託管Nightscout服務 +### Option 2 - Pay for a hosted Nightscout service -也有不同服務提供商提供的託管Nightscout選項,按月收費。 成本是可負擔的,託管選項的好處是您無需具備IT知識或任何操作基礎設施。 +There are also options from different service providers who host Nightscout for you, with a monthly fee. The costs are manageable, and the advantage of a hosted option is that you do not need to be IT-literate, or have any operating infrastructure. -現有的Nightscout用戶可以不時重新考慮Nightscout伺服器的託管方式,並根據需要切換到更合適的選項。 +Existing Nightscout users can reconsider where and how their Nightscout server is hosted from time to time, and change to a different option if it becomes more suitable. -一些託管Nightscout服務列在[這裡](。 +Some Nightscout hosted services are listed [here]( ## Tidepool -Tidepool自 **AAPS** 3.2版本(2023年末釋出)以來才可用。 +Tidepool has only been available in **AAPS** since version 3.2 which was released in late 2023. -:::{admonition} Tidepool與 **AAPS** 僅用於報告 +:::{admonition} Tidepool with **AAPS** is only for reporting :class: danger\ -由於使用 **AAPS** 時資料接收和報告之間有三小時的延遲,Tidepool不適合與照護者共享實時資訊。\ -另一方面,如果Nightscout不是可接受的解決方案,Tidepool可以是一個與病患內分泌科醫師共享報告的好方案。\ +As there is a delay of three hours between data income and data reporting when using **AAPS**, Tidepool it is not suitable for sharing real-time information with caregivers.\ +On the other hand, Tidepool can be a great solution for sharing reports with a patient's endocrinologist if Nightscout is not an accepted solution.\ ::: -Tidepool是一個[開源](專案。 它提供在Tidepool伺服器上免費運作帳號的選項。 +Tidepool is an [open source]( project. It offers to run an account free of charge on the Tidepool servers. -您可以在[這裡](建立Tidepool帳號。 +You can create a Tidepool account [here]( -:::{admonition} **AAPS** 已經集成了Tidepool上傳器 +:::{admonition} **AAPS** has a the uploader for Tidepool integrated :class: note -您**不**需要使用Tidepool的單獨上傳應用程式:**AAPS** 會為您上傳血糖、治療和基礎率資料。 您只需要擁有Tidepool的個人帳號。 請勿使用單獨的Tidepool上傳工具上傳資料,這會導致資料重複。\ +You do **not** need to use the uploader app to Tidepool: **AAPS** will upload blood glucose, treatments and basal for you. You only need a personal account with Tidepool. Do not upload your data with the separate Tidepool uploader tool as it will lead to duplicate values.\ ::: -一旦您設置了報告伺服器,您現在可以設置[專用的AAPS Google帳號](,或者直接進入[構建AAPS應用程式](。 +Once you have set up your reporting server, you can now either set up a [dedicated Google account for AAPS use](, or go straight to [building the AAPS app]( From e6943c8567da3434549a02ead257bf47629b3267 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:09:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 210/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 384 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 192 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 1eab3c1af0b3..d86e78ba6145 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,504 +1,504 @@ -# AAPS設定嚮導 +# AAPS Setup Wizard -當您首次啟動 **AAPS** 時,會由“**設定嚮導**”引導,快速完成應用程式的基本配置。 **設定嚮導** 會引導您,避免遺漏關鍵設定。 例如,**權限設置** 對於正確設置 **AAPS** 至關重要。 +When you first start **AAPS** you are guided by the "**Setup Wizard**", to quickly setup all the basic configurations of your app in one go. **Setup Wizard** guides you, in order to avoid forgetting something crucial. For example, the **permission settings** are fundamental for setting up **AAPS** correctly. -然而,並不要求在第一次使用 **設定嚮導** 時就完全配置所有內容,您可以輕鬆退出嚮導並稍後返回。 在 **設定嚮導** 之後,有三條可用的路徑來進一步優化/更改配置。 這些路徑將在下一部分進行解釋。 因此,如果您在設定嚮導中跳過了一些選項,沒關係,您可以輕鬆地稍後配置它們。 +However, it's not mandatory to get everything completely configured in the first run of using the **Setup Wizard** and you can easily exit the Wizard and come back to it later. There are three routes available after the **Setup Wizard** to further optimise/change the configuration. These will be explained in the next section. So, it's okay if you skip some points in the Setup Wizard, you can easily configure them later. -在使用 **設定嚮導** 期間和直接之後,您可能不會注意到 **AAPS** 中有任何顯著的可見變化。 要啟用您的 **AAPS** 循環,您必須遵循 **目標** 來逐步啟用各個功能。 您將在設定嚮導的結尾開始**目標1**。 您是 **AAPS** 的主人,而不是它控制您。 +During, and directly after using the **Setup Wizard** you may not notice any significant observable changes in **AAPS**. To enable your **AAPS** loop, you have to follow the **Objectives** to enable feature after feature. You will start **Objective 1** at the end of the Setup Wizard. You are the master of **AAPS**, not the other way around. -:::{admonition} 預覽目標 +:::{admonition} Preview Objectives ::: -根據以往經驗,我們了解到,初學者經常會給自己施加壓力,盡快設置 **AAPS**,這會導致挫敗感,因為這是一個巨大的學習曲線。 +From previous experience, we are aware that new starters often put themselves under pressure to setup **AAPS** as fast as possible, which can lead to frustration as it is a big learning curve. -所以,請慢慢來配置您的循環,運作良好的 **AAPS** 循環帶來的好處是巨大的。 +So, please take your time in configuring your loop, the benefits of a well-running **AAPS** loop are huge. -:::{admonition} 尋求幫助 +:::{admonition} Ask for Help :class: note -如果文檔中有錯誤或您有更好的解釋建議,您可以按照[與其他用戶聯繫](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/中的說明,向社群尋求幫助。 +If there is an error in the documentation or you have a better idea for how something can be explained, you can ask for help from the community as explained at [Connect with other users](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/ ::: -## AAPS設定嚮導逐步指南 +## Step-wise guide to the AAPS Setup Wizard -### 歡迎訊息 +### Welcome message -這只是歡迎訊息,您可以透過點擊“下一步”按鈕跳過: +This is just the welcome message which you can skip with the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125636.png) -### 許可協議 +### License agreement -在最終用戶許可協議中,有關於使用 **AAPS** 的法律方面的重要訊息。 請仔細閱讀。 +In the end user license agreement there is important information about the legal aspects of using **AAPS**. Please read it carefully. -如果您不理解或不同意最終用戶許可協議,請不要使用 **AAPS**! +If you don't understand, or can't agree to the end user license agreement please don't use **AAPS** at all! -如果您理解並同意,請點擊“我理解並同意”按鈕並繼續設定嚮導: +If you understand and agree, please click the "I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE" button and follow the Setup Wizard: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125650.png) -### 必要的權限 +### Required permissions -**AAPS** 需要一些條件才能正常運作。 +**AAPS** needs some requirements to operate correctly. -在接下來的幾個畫面中,您將被問到幾個問題,您必須同意才能使 **AAPS** 工作。 嚮導本身會解釋為何需要相關設置。 +In the following screens you are asked several questions you have to agree to, to get **AAPS** working. The Wizard itself explains why it asks for the relevant setting. -在此畫面中,我們提供更多背景訊息,將更技術性的內容轉換為常用語言,或解釋其原因。 +In this screen, we aim to give some more background information, translate more technical speak into common language or explain the reason. -請點擊“下一步”按鈕: +Please click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125709.png) -智慧型手機的電池消耗仍然是需要考慮的因素,因為電池性能仍然相當有限。 因此,智慧型手機上的Android操作系統在允許應用程式運作和消耗CPU時間(因此消耗電池電量)方面有嚴格的限制。 +Battery consumption on smartphones is still a consideration, as the performance of the batteries is still quite limited. Therefore, the Android operating system on your smartphone is quite restrictive about allowing applications to run and consume CPU time, and therefore battery power. -然而,**AAPS** 需要定期運作,_例如_ 每隔幾分鐘接收一次血糖讀數,然後應用演算法根據您的設定決定如何處理血糖水平。 因此,Android必須允許它這樣做。 +However, **AAPS** needs to run regularly, _e.g._ to receive the glucose readings every few minutes and then apply the algorithm to decide how to deal with your glucose levels, based on your specifications. Therefore it must be allowed to do so by Android. -您可以透過確認設置來完成這一操作。 +You do this by confirming the setting. -請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: +Please click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125721.png) -請選擇“允許”: +Please select "Allow": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125750.png) -如果應用程式希望向您發送通知,Android需要特殊的許可。 +Android requires special permission for apps if they want to send you notifications. -雖然停用社交媒體應用程式的通知是一個很好的功能,但您必須允許 **AAPS** 向您發送通知。 +While it is a good feature to disable notifications _e.g._ from social media apps, it is essential that you allow **AAPS** to send you notifications. -請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: +Please click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125813.png) -選擇“AAPS”應用程式: +Select the "AAPS" app: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125833.png) -透過向右滑動滑塊來啟用“允許在其他應用程式上顯示”: +Enable "Allow display over other apps" by sliding the slider to the right: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125843.png) -如果已啟用,滑塊應該看起來是這樣的: +The slider should look this way if it is enabled: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125851.png) -Android將藍牙通訊的使用與位置服務的使用權限相關聯。 您可能在其他應用程式中也見過這一點。 如果您想查看藍牙,通常需要位置權限。 +Android links the use of bluetooth communication to the ability to use location services. Perhaps you have seen it with other apps too. It's common to need location permission if you want to access bluetooth. -**AAPS** 使用藍牙與您的CGM和胰島素幫浦進行通訊,前提是它們直接由 **AAPS** 控制,而不是透過 **AAPS** 使用的其他應用程式。 具體細節可能因設置而異。 +**AAPS** uses bluetooth to communicate with your CGM and insulin pump if they are directly controlled by **AAPS** and not another app which is used by **AAPS**. Details may differ from setup to setup. -請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: +Click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125924.png) -這很重要。 否則,**AAPS** 將無法正常工作。 +This is important. Otherwise **AAPS** can not work properly at all. -點擊“使用應用程式時”: +Click "While using the app": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125939.png) -點擊“下一步”按鈕: +Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130002.png) -**AAPS** 需要將訊息記錄到智慧型手機的永久儲存中。 永久儲存意味著即使重啟智慧型手機後,它仍然可用。 其他訊息則會遺失,因為它們沒有儲存到永久儲存中。 +**AAPS** needs to log information to the permanent storage of your smartphone. Permanent storage means that it will be available even after rebooting your smartphone. Other information is just lost, as it is not saved to permanent storage. -請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: +Click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130012.png) -點擊“允許”: +Click "Allow": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130022.png) -您將被告知需要重新啟動智慧型手機以使更改生效。 +You are being informed that you have to reboot your smartphone after this change to take effect. -請**不要現在停止設定嚮導**。 您可以在完成設定嚮導後再進行。 +Please **don't stop the Setup Wizard now**. You can do it after finishing the Setup Wizard. -點擊“確定”然後點擊“下一步”按鈕: +Click "OK" and then the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130031.png) -### 主密碼 +### Master password -由於 **AAPS** 的配置包含一些敏感資料(_例如_ 查看您的Nightscout伺服器的API_KEY),因此它透過您可以在此處設置的密碼進行加密。 +As the configuration of **AAPS** contains some sensitive data (_e.g._ API_KEY for accessing your Nightscout server) it is encrypted by a password you can set here. -第二句話非常重要,請務必**不要遺失您的主密碼**。 請記下它,_例如_ 儲存到Google雲端硬碟上。 Google雲端硬碟是一個不錯的地方,因為它由Google為您進行備份。 您的智慧型手機或電腦可能會崩潰,並且您可能沒有實際副本。 如果您忘記了主密碼,日後可能很難恢復您的配置檔案和在 **目標** 中的進展。 +The second sentence is very important, please **DO NOT LOSE YOUR MASTER PASSWORD**. Please make a note of it _e.g._ on Google Drive. Google Drive is a good place as it is backed up by Google for you. Your smartphone or PC can crash and you may have no actual copy. If you forget your Master Password, it can be difficult to recover your profile configuration and progress through the **Objectives** at a later date. -填寫密碼兩次後,請點擊“下一步”按鈕: +After filling in the password twice, please click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130122.png) -### Fabric上傳 +### Fabric upload -在這裡,您可以設置自動崩潰和使用報告服務的使用。 +Here you can setup the usage of an automated crash and usage reporting service. -這不是強制性的,但使用它是一種良好的做法。 +It's not mandatory, but it is good practice to use it. -它幫助開發人員更好地了解您如何使用應用程式,並告知他們發生了哪些崩潰。 +It helps the developers to better understand your usage of the app, and informs them about crashes which happen. -他們將獲得: +They get: -1. 應用程式崩潰的資訊,否則他們無法知道,因為他們自己的設置中一切運作正常,並且 -2. 發送的資料(崩潰訊息)中包含崩潰發生的情況以及使用了何種配置的相關訊息。 +1. The information that the app crashed, which they would not otherwise know since in their own set-up everything works fine and +2. In the send data (crash information), there is information about the circumstances under which the crash happened, and what kind of configuration is being used. -因此,這有助於開發人員改進應用程式。 +So it helps the developers to improve the app. -請透過向右滑動滑塊來啟用“Fabric上傳”: +Please enable the "Fabric Upload" by sliding the slider to the right: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130136.png) -此外,您可以標識自己,以便在開發人員希望就問題或緊急關注事項聯繫您時能夠找到您: +Furthermore you can identify yourself that just in case the developers want to reach out to you for questions or urgent concerns: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130147.png) -填寫您的“聯絡訊息”後,點擊“確定”按鈕。 聯絡訊息可以是您在Facebook、Discord等平台上的身份訊息…… 只需提供您認為能透過最佳方式聯繫您的訊息: +After filling in your "contact information" click the "OK" button. Contact information can be your identification on Facebook, on Discord, ... Just the information you think is helpful to contact you through the best route: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135748.png) -點擊“下一步”按鈕: +Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### 單位(mg/dL <-> mmol/L) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) -請選擇您的血糖值是以 mg/dl 還是 mmol/L 為單位,然後點擊“下一步”按鈕: +Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135830.png) -### 顯示設置 +### Display settings -在這裡,您可以選擇感測器顯示的血糖範圍,這將顯示在您設置的範圍內的“範圍內”數值。 您可以暫時保留預設值,稍後再進行編輯。 +Here you select the range for the sensor glucose display, which will be shown as "in range" between the values you set. You can leave it as the default values for now, and edit it later. -您選擇的值只會影響圖表的圖形展示,其他方面不會受到影響。 +The values you choose only affect the graphical presentation of the diagram, and nothing else. -例如,您的血糖目標是單獨在您的配置檔案中進行配置的。 +Your glucose target _e.g._ is configured separately in your profile. -您的TIR(範圍內時間)分析範圍在您的報告伺服器中單獨配置。 +Your range to analyze TIR (time in range) is configured separately in your reporting server. -請按下“下一步”按鈕: +Please press the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135853.png) -### 與報告伺服器同步及更多設置 +### Synchronization with the reporting server and more -在這裡,您可以配置資料上傳到您的報告伺服器。 +Here you are configuring the data upload to your reporting server. -您也可以在這裡進行其他配置,但首次運作我們只會專注於報告伺服器。 +You could do other configurations here too, but for the first run we will just focus on the reporting server. -如果您目前無法設置,請暫時跳過。 您可以稍後再進行配置。 +If you are not able to set it up at the moment, skip it for now. You can configure it later. -如果您在左側勾選某個項目,那麼在右側您可以選擇勾選可見性(眼睛)框,這會將該外掛放置在 **AAPS** 主頁的頂部選單中。 如果您在此處配置報告伺服器,請務必選擇顯示可見性。 +If you select an item here on the left tick box, on the right you can then ticking the visibility (eye) box, which will place this plugin in the upper menu on the **AAPS** home screen. Please select the visibility too if you configure your reporting server at this point. -在此示例中,我們選擇Nightscout作為報告伺服器,並將進行配置。 +In this example we select Nightscout as reporting server, and will configure it. -:::{admonition} 請確保選擇適合您需求的 **NSClient** 版本! +:::{admonition} Make sure to choose the correct **NSClient** version for your needs! -Nightscout用戶應選擇 **NSClient v3**,除非您想透過Nightscout進行監控或發送遠端治療(_例如_ 父母或照護者使用 **AAPS** 為孩子治療),此時請選擇第一個選項“**NSClient**”直到另行通知。 +Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or send remote treatments (_e.g._ as a parent or caregiver using **AAPS** for a child) through Nightscout, in which case, choose the first option "**NSClient**" until further notice. ::: -對於Tidepool來說,這更簡單,因為您只需要您的個人登錄訊息。 +For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -選擇後,請按下你選擇項目旁邊的齒輪按鈕: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) -在這裡,您可以配置Nightscout報告伺服器。 +Here you are configuring the Nightscout reporting server. -請點擊“Nightscout URL”: +Please click on "Nightscout URL": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140952.png) -輸入您的Nightscout URL,這是您的個人Nightscout伺服器。 這只是您自己設置的URL,或者是從您的Nightscout服務提供商那裡獲得的。 +Enter you Nightscout URL which is your personal Nightscout server. It's just an URL you setup yourself, or you were given from your service provider for Nightscout. -請點擊“確定”按鈕: +Please click the "OK" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141051.png) -輸入您的Nightscout存取權杖。 這是您配置的Nightscout伺服器的存取權杖。 沒有這個權杖,無法存取。 +Enter your nightscout access token. This is the access token for your Nightscout server you configured. Without this token, access will not work. -如果您目前沒有,請查看 **AAPS** 文檔中的報告伺服器設置說明。 +If you don't have it at the moment please check the documentation for setting up the reporting server in the **AAPS** documentation. -填寫“**NS存取權杖**”並點擊“確定”後,請點擊“同步”按鈕: +After filling in the "**NS access token**" and clicking "OK", please click on the "Synchronization" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141131.png) -如果您在設定嚮導的前幾步中已經配置了Nightscout,請選擇“上傳資料到NS”。 +Please select "Upload data to NS" if you already configured nightscout in the previous steps of the Setup Wizard. -如果您在Nightscout上儲存了配置檔案並希望將它們下載到 **AAPS**,請啟用“接收配置檔案存儲”: +If you have stored profiles on Nightscout and want to download them to **AAPS**, enable "Receive profile store": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141219.png) -返回上一個螢幕並選擇“警報選項”: +Go back to the previous screen and select "Alarm option": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141310.png) -現在先不要啟用這些開關。 我們只是介紹一下可能在未來配置的選項,讓您熟悉這些設定。 目前還不需要設置它們。 +For now, leave the switches disabled. We only walked to the screen to make you familar with possible options you might configure in the future. At the moment there is no need to do it. -返回上一個螢幕並選擇“連線設置”。 +Go back to the previous screen before and select "Connection settings". -在這裡,您可以配置如何將資料傳輸到報告伺服器。 +Here you can configure how to transfer your data to the reporting server. -照護者必須啟用“使用行動網路連線”,否則用來為受照護者/孩子服務的智慧型手機無法在WiFi範圍外(例如上學路上)上傳資料。 +Caregivers must enable "use cellular connection" as otherwise the smartphone which serves the dependant/child can not upload data outside of WiFi range _e.g._ on the way to school. -其他 **AAPS** 用戶可以停用行動網路連線的傳輸,如果他們希望節省資料或電池電量。 +Other **AAPS** users can disable the tranfer via cellular connection if they want to save data or battery. -如果不確定,建議保持所有選項啟用。 +If in doubt, just leave all enabled. -返回上一個螢幕並選擇“進階設置”。 +Go back to the screen before and select "Advanced Settings". ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141326.png) -如果您希望在報告伺服器中獲取應用程式啟動的相關訊息,請啟用“記錄應用啟動到NS”。 這有助於您遠端了解應用程式是否已重新啟動,特別是作為照護者時。 +Enable "Log app start to NS" if you want get this information in the reporting server. It can help you to know remotely if and when the app has been restarted, particularly as a caregiver. -現在可能會關心確認 **AAPS** 是否正確配置,但之後通常不需要在Nightscout中檢查 **AAPS** 啟動或停止的情況。 +It might be interesting to see if **AAPS** is correctly configured now, but later it is usually not that important to be able to see **AAPS** stopping or starting in Nightscout. -啟用“從錯誤中建立公告”和“從需要碳水化合物警報中建立公告”。 +Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs required alerts". -保持“減慢上傳”為停用狀態。 您只會在特殊情況下使用它,例如當需要將大量資料傳輸到Nightscout伺服器時,而Nightscout伺服器處理資料速度較慢。 +Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -返回兩次,回到外掛列表,然後選擇 "下一步" 以進入下一個螢幕: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) -### 患者名稱 +### Patient name -在這裡,您可以在 **AAPS** 中設置您的名字。 +Here you can setup your name in **AAPS**. -這可以是任何名字。 它只是用來區分不同用戶。 +It can be anything. It's just for differentiating users. -為了簡單起見,只需輸入名字和姓氏。 +To keep it simple just enter first name and last name. -按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕。 +Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen. ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141445.png) -### 病人類型 +### Patient type -在這裡,您可以選擇您的“患者類型”,這很重要,因為 **AAPS** 軟體根據患者的年齡設有不同的限制。 這對安全至關重要。 +Here you select your "Patient type" which is important, as the **AAPS** software has different limits, depending on the age of the patient. This is important for security and safety reasons. -在這裡,您還可以設置每餐的**最大注射量**。 也就是說,您在典型餐點中需要的最大注射量。 這是一個安全功能,用於幫助避免在餐前注射時發生意外的過量注射。 +Here is where you also configure the **maximum allowed bolus** for a meal. That is, the largest bolus you need to give to cover your typical meals. It's a security feature to help avoid accidentally overdosing when you are bolusing for meal. -第二個限制與此類似,但涉及您預期的最大碳水化合物攝入量。 +The second limit is similar in concept, but relates to the max carbohydrate intake you expect. -設置這些值後,請按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: +After setting these values, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141817.png) -### 使用的胰島素 +### Used insulin -選擇在幫浦中使用的胰島素類型。 +Select the type of insulin being used in the pump. -胰島素名稱應該很好理解。 +The insulin names should be self-explanatory. -:::{admonition} 除非您了解其用法,否則不要使用“Free-Peak Oref” +:::{admonition} Don't use the "Free-Peak Oref" unless you know what you are doing :class: danger -針對高階用戶或醫學研究,可以使用“Free-Peak Oref”來定義自訂的胰島素作用模式。 除非您是專家,否則請不要使用它,通常每種品牌的胰島素的預設值都能很好地運作。 +For advanced users or medical studies there is the possibility to define with "Free-Peak Oref" a customised profile of how insulin acts. Please don't use it unless you are an expert, usually the pre-defined values work well for each branded insulin. ::: -按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: +Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141840.png) -### 血糖來源 +### Blood sugar source -選擇您使用的血糖來源。 請閱讀[血糖來源](../Configuration/的文檔。 +Select the BG source you are using. Please read the documentation for your [BG source](../Configuration/ -由於有多個選項可用,因此我們不會在此詳細解釋所有選項的配置。 在這裡我們使用Dexcom G6與BYODA應用程式的示例: +As there are several options available, we don't explain the configuration for all of them here. We are using Dexcom G6 with the BYODA app in our example here: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png) -如果您使用Dexcom G6與BYODA,請在頂層選單中點擊右側的勾選框來啟用可見性。 +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, enable the visibility in the top level menu by clicking the tickbox on the right side. -選擇後,按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: +After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -如果你正在使用 Dexcom G6 與 BYODA,點擊齒輪按鈕來訪問 BYODA 的設定。 +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. -啟用“上傳血糖資料到NS”和“記錄感測器變更到NS”。 +Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -返回並按 "下一步" 以進入下一個螢幕: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) -### 設定檔 +### Profile -現在我們進入設定嚮導中的一個非常重要的部分。 +Now we are entering a very important part of the Setup Wizard. -請在嘗試輸入以下畫面的配置檔案詳細資訊之前閱讀配置檔案的文檔。 +Please read the documentation about profiles before you try to enter your profile details on the following screen. -:::{admonition} 必須有一個可用的配置檔案 - 沒有例外! +:::{admonition} Working profile required - no exceptions here ! -您必須與醫生討論並確定您的配置檔案,並透過成功的基礎率、ISF 和 IC 測試證明其有效! +It's required that you have determined and discussed your profile with your doctor, and that it has been proven to work by successful basal rate, ISF and IC testing! -如果機器人有錯誤的輸入,它會一貫失敗。 **AAPS** 只能根據其接收到的訊息工作。 如果您的配置檔案過於強效,您有低血糖的風險,而如果過於弱效,則有高血糖的風險。 +If a robot has an incorrect input it will fail - consistently. **AAPS** can only work with the information it is given. If your profile is too strong, you risk hypoglycemia, and if it is too weak, you risk hyperglycemia. ::: -按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕。 輸入一個“配置檔案名稱”: +Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen. Enter a "profile name": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_142027.png) -長期來看,如果有需要,您可以擁有多個配置檔案。 這裡我們只建立一個。 +You can have several profiles in the long-term if needed. We only create one here. -:::{admonition} 配置檔案僅用於教學 - 不適合實際使用 +:::{admonition} Profile only for tutorial - not for your usage -這不是一個準確的配置檔案,也不是經過良好優化的配置,因為每個人的需求差異很大。 +It is not intended to be an accurate profile or something very well optimised, because each person's needs are so different. -不要用它來實際循環! +Don't use it for actually looping! ::: -輸入您的胰島素作用時間(DIA),單位為小時。 然後按“IC”: +Enter your Duration of insulin Action (DIA) in hours. Then press "IC": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_142143.png) -輸入您的IC值: +Enter your IC values: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_142903.png) -按“ISF”。 輸入您的ISF值: +Press "ISF". Enter your ISF values: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143009.png) -按“BAS”。 輸入您的基礎值: +Press "BAS". Enter your basal values: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143623.png) -按“TARG”。 輸入您的血糖目標值。 +Press "TARG". Enter your blood sugar target values. -對於開放循環,這個目標可以設置一個較大的範圍,否則 **AAPS** 會不停通知您更改臨時基礎率或其他設定,這可能會讓人感到疲憊。 +For open looping this target can be a wider range, as otherwise **AAPS** notifies you permanently to change the temporary basal rate or another setting, which can be exhausting. -稍後,對於閉環循環,您通常只會有一個上限和下限值。 這讓 **AAPS** 更容易達到目標,並幫助您更好地控制糖尿病。 +Later, for closed looping, you will generally have only one value for top and bottom. That makes it easier for **AAPS** to hit the target and give you better overall diabetes control. -輸入/確認目標值: +Enter/confirm the target values: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143709.png) -點擊“儲存”來儲存配置檔案: +Save the profile by clicking on "SAVE": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143724.png) -儲存後將出現一個新按鈕“啟用配置檔案”。 +After saving a new buttom "Activate Profile" occurs. -:::{admonition} 定義了多個但只能啟用一個配置檔案 +:::{admonition} Several defined but only one active profile :class: information -您可以定義多個配置檔案,但任何時刻只能啟用一個配置檔案。 +You can have several profiles defined, but only one activated profile running at any given time. ::: -按下“啟用配置檔案”: +Press "Activate Profile": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143741.png) -配置檔案切換對話框出現。 在這種情況下,讓它保持預設。 +The profile switch dialogue appears. In this case let it stay as preset. -:::{admonition} 定義了多個但只能啟用一個配置檔案 +:::{admonition} Several defined but only one active profile :class: information -您稍後將學習如何使用此通用對話框來處理疾病或運動等情況,在這些情況下,您需要更改適合情況的配置檔案。 +You will learn later how to use this general dialog to handle situations like illness or sport, where you need to change your profile suitable for the circumstances. ::: -按下“確定”: +Press "OK": ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143808.png) -配置檔案切換的確認對話框出現。 +A confirmation dialog for the profile switch appears. -您可以按“確定”確認它。 按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: +You can confirm it with pressing "OK". Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143822.png) -您的配置檔案現在已設置: +Your profile has now been set: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143833.png) -### 胰島素幫浦 +### Insulin pump -現在您要選擇您的胰島素幫浦。 +Now you are selecting your insulin pump. -您會看到一個重要的警告對話框。 請閱讀並按“確定”。 +You get an important warning dialog. Please read it, and press "OK". -如果您已經在之前的步驟中設置了配置檔案,並且知道如何連線幫浦,現在可以隨時連線它。 +If your have already setup your profile in the steps before and you know how to connect your pump, feel free to connect it now. -否則,請使用左上角的箭頭退出設定嚮導,讓 **AAPS** 首先顯示一些血糖值。 您可以隨時返回或使用直接配置選項(不使用嚮導)。 +Otherwise, leave the Setup Wizard, using the arrow in the top left corner and let **AAPS** first show you some blood glucose values. You can come back anytime or use one of the direct configuration options (not using the Wizard). -請閱讀您的[胰島素幫浦](../Getting-Started/文檔。 +Please read the documentation for your [insulin pump](../Getting-Started/ -按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕。 +Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen. ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143909.png) -在此例中,我們選擇“虛擬幫浦”。 +In this case we select "Virtual Pump". -按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: +Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143935.png) -### APS 演算法 +### APS algorithm -選擇OpenAPS SMB演算法作為您的APS演算法。 即使有這個名稱,SMB功能在您熟悉 **AAPS** 並完成第一階段目標之前是停用的。 無論如何,OpenAPS SMB 相較於 OpenAPS AMA 更新且通常效果更好。 +Use the OpenAPS SMB algorithm as your APS algorithm. Despite the name the SMB feature of the algorithm is disabled until you are familar with AAPS and already worked through the first objectives. OpenAPS SMB is newer and in general better compared to the OpenAPS AMA anyway. -在初期,您的配置檔案通常不如經驗豐富後好,所以這個功能在初期被停用。 由於在開始時,您的配置檔案通常不如經驗豐富後那麼好,因此該功能在初期被停用。 +The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables faster reaction on blood sugar increase through the Super Micro Bolus instead of increasing the basal rate percentage. As in the begining your profile is in general not as good as after some time of experience the feature is disabled in the begining. -:::{admonition} 除非您知道自己在做什麼,否則請僅使用較舊的演算法 **OpenAPS AMA** +:::{admonition} Only use the older algorithm **OpenAPS AMA** if you know what you are doing :class: information -OpenAPS AMA 是最基本的演算法,不支援使用小劑量注射來修正高血糖值。 在某些情況下,使用此演算法可能更好,但這不是推薦的選擇。 +OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -按齒輪查看詳細資訊: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) -僅閱讀文本,此處不進行任何更改。 +Only read the text and change nothing here. -由於**目標**的限制,您目前無法使用“閉環”或“SMB功能”。 +Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -返回並按 "下一步" 以進入下一個螢幕: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) -### APS模式 +### APS mode -讓“開放循環”保持選中狀態。 +Let "Open Loop" remain selected. -按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: +Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144049.png) -### 敏感度檢測 +### Sensitivity detection -讓“敏感度Oref1”保持為敏感度外掛的標準選項。 +Let "Sensitivity Oref1" the standard for the sensitivty plugins selected. -按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: +Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144101.png) -### 開始目標1 +### Start Objective 1 -您現在進入目標。 這是獲取 **AAPS** 進一步功能的資格。 +You are entering now the Objectives. The qualification for access to further **AAPS** features. -我們從目標1開始,即使此刻我們的設置尚未完全準備好成功完成此目標。 +Here we start Objective 1, even if at the moment our setup is not completely ready to successfully complete this Objective. -但這是開始。 +But this is the start. -按下綠色的“開始”按鈕以開始目標1: +Press the green "START" to to start objective 1: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144113.png) -您會看到您已經取得了一些進展,但還有其他區域需要完成。 +You see that you already made some progress, but other areas are to be done. -按“完成”進入下一個螢幕。 +Press "FINISH" to go to the next screen. ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144135.png) -您來到了 **AAPS** 的主頁面。 +You are coming to the home screen of **AAPS**. -在這裡,您會看到 **AAPS** 中的訊息,顯示您已設置好配置檔案。 +Here you find the information message in **AAPS** that you set your profile. -這是在我們切換到新配置檔案時完成的。 +This was done when we switched to our new profile. -您可以點擊“延後”,它會消失。 +You can click "SNOOZE" and it will disappear. ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144156.png) -如果您在任何時候意外離開設定嚮導,您可以重新啟動嚮導,或手動更改[**AAPS**循環的配置](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +If you accidentally leave the Setup Wizard at any point, you can either simply re-start the Wizard, or change the [configuration of the AAPS loop](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ manually. -如果您的 **AAPS** 循環現在已完全設置好,請繼續進行下一部分[“完成目標”](../Usage/。 +If your **AAPS** loop is now fully setup, please move on to the next section ["Completing the objectives"](../Usage/ From d42344a3e3149f3933f7ada375e03309d06cc72b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:09:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 211/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 296 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 5d0b5b7c33a3..fedec590d938 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,249 +1,249 @@ -# 完成目標 +# Completing the Objectives -**AAPS** 有一系列的 **目標**,需要您完成才能從基本的開環進展到混合閉環並完全使用 **AAPS** 功能。 完成 **目標** 確保: +**AAPS** has a series of **objectives** that you need to complete to progress from basic open looping to hybrid closed looping and full **AAPS** functionality. Completing the **objectives** ensures: -- 您已正確配置您的 **AAPS** 設定 -- 您已了解 **AAPS** 的基本功能 -- 您對系統的操作有基本的理解,因此能夠信任它。 +- You have configured everything correctly in your **AAPS** setup +- You have learned about the essential features of **AAPS** +- You have a basic understanding of what your system is doing, and therefore why you can trust it. -:::{admonition} 注意 +:::{admonition} Note -在完成每個 **目標** 後,請定期匯出您的 **AAPS** 設定! +Regularly export your **AAPS** settings after completing each **objective**! ::: -我們強烈建議您在完成每個 **目標** 後[匯出設定](../Usage/。 此匯出過程會建立一個 **設定** (.json) 檔案,您應該將它備份到一個或多個安全的地方(例如 Google Drive、硬碟、電子郵件附件等)。 這確保了您保留了目標進度,如果您不慎刪除了進度,只需匯入最近的設定檔即可重新載入。 如果您想更換 **AAPS** 的智慧型手機(例如升級、遺失或手機損壞等),備份設定檔也是必需的。 +We strongly recommend that you [export your settings](../Usage/ after completing each **objective**. This exporting process creates a **settings** (.json) file which you should keep backed-up in one or more safe places (_e.g._ Google Drive, hard disk, email attachment _etc._). This ensures that you keep your progress through the **objectives**, and if you accidentally delete your progress, you can simply re-load it by importing a recent settings file. Having a backup **settings** file is also required if you want to change your **AAPS** smartphone for any reason (upgrading/lost/broken phone _etc._) -**設定檔** 不僅會儲存您的目標進度,還會儲存您自訂的 **AAPS** 設定,例如 **最大注射量** 等。 +The **settings** file will save not only your progress through the objectives, but also your own customised **AAPS** settings such as **max bolus** _etc._ -如果沒有備份的 **設定檔**,如果您的 **AAPS** 手機發生任何問題,您將需要重新從頭開始完成 **目標**。 +If you do not have a backup copy of your **settings**, if anything happens to your **AAPS** smartphone you will need to start the **objectives** from the beginning again. -整體來說,完成 **目標** 約需 6 週時間(參見[需要多久時間?](preparing-how-long-will-it-take?))從在智慧型手機上配置 **AAPS** 到 "基本" 混合閉環(從目標 1 到目標 8),儘管您 _可以_ 使用 **虛擬幫浦** 完成 **目標 5**,並在此期間使用其他胰島素遞送方式,但因例如遺失手機而需要重新完成所有 **目標** 是您想避免的情況。 詳細步驟會說明從智慧型手機上設定 AAPS 到完成“基本”混合閉環模式(從目標 1 到目標 8)。雖然你_可以_用虛擬幫浦進行到目標 5(同時暫時用其他方法注射胰島素),但如果因為像手機遺失這種情況,導致要重新再做所有目標,你應該要避免這樣的事發生。 +Overall the **objectives** take around 6 weeks to complete (see [how long will it take?](preparing-how-long-will-it-take?) for a detailed breakdown) from configuring **AAPS** on your smartphone to "basic" hybrid closed looping (from objective 1 to objective 8), so, although you _can_ proceed up to **objective 5** using a **virtual pump** (and using some other method of insulin delivery in the meantime), having to re-complete all the **objectives** because for example, you lost your smartphone, is still something you really want to avoid. -除了進展目標外,若您有需要,還可以移除進度並[回到先前的目標](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)。 +As well as progressing through the **objectives**, if you want, you can also remove your progress and [go back to an earlier objective](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives). -## 目標 1:設置可視化與監控,分析基礎率與比率 +## Objective 1: Setting up visualization and monitoring, analysing basals and ratios -- **AAPS** 檢查您的基本技術設定是否運作。 +- **AAPS** checks if your basic technical setup is working. -若未運作,您需要重新配置,直到 **AAPS** 的基本技術設定正常運作。 +If not you have to reconfigure until the basic technical setup works for **AAPS**. -- 在 [設定構建器](../Configuration/ 中選擇正確的 CGMS/FGMS。 更多資訊請參閱[血糖來源](../Configuration/。 -- 在 [設定構建器](../Configuration/ 中選擇正確的幫浦,以確保幫浦能與 AAPS 溝通。 如果您使用的幫浦型號沒有 **AAPS** 的循環驅動程式,或者您想在使用其他系統進行胰島素遞送時完成早期目標,請選擇 **虛擬幫浦**。 更多資訊請參閱[胰島素幫浦](../Getting-Started/。 -- 按照 [Nightscout](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 頁面中的指示,確保 **Nightscout** 能接收並顯示此資料。 -- 請注意,**NSClient** 中的 URL 必須 **_不包含_ "/api/v1/"** 結尾 - 參見 [NSClient 偏好設定中的設定](Preferences-nsclient)。 +- Select the correct CGMS/FGMS in [Config Builder](../Configuration/ See [BG Source](../Configuration/ for more information. +- Select the correct Pump in [Config Builder](../Configuration/ to ensure your pump can communicate with AAPS. Select **virtual pump** if you are using a pump model with no **AAPS** driver for looping, or if you want to work through the early **objectives** while using another system for insulin delivery. See [insulin pump](../Getting-Started/ for more information. +- Follow instructions in [Nightscout](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ page to ensure **Nightscout** can receive and display this data. +- Note that URL in **NSClient** must be **_without_ "/api/v1/"** at the end - see [NSClient settings in Preferences](Preferences-nsclient). -請注意 - _您可能需要等待下一次感測器的血糖讀數到來,**AAPS** 才能識別它。_ +Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive before **AAPS** will recognise it._ -## 目標 2:學習如何控制 AAPS +## Objective 2: Learn how to control AAPS -- 在此 **目標** 中按要求在 **AAPS** 內執行多個操作。 -- 點擊橘色文字 "尚未完成" 以查看待辦事項。 -- 將提供鏈接以指導您,若您對某個操作不熟悉。 +- Perform several actions in **AAPS** as described in this **objective**. +- Click on the orange text "Not completed yet" to access the to-dos. +- Links will be provided to guide you, in case you are not familiar with a specific action yet. - ![目標 2 截圖](../images/Objective2_V2_5.png) -- 完成 **目標 2** 的任務: - - 將您的設定檔設為 90%,持續 10 分鐘(_提示_:在首頁總覽頁面長按設定檔名稱) (_注意_:AAPS 不接受低於 0.05U/hr 的基礎速率。 如果您的設定檔包含任何 0.06U/hr 或更低的速率,您需要建立一個具有更高基礎速率的新設定檔才能完成此任務。 完成此任務後切換回正常設定檔。) - - 模擬 "洗澡" 並在 **AAPS** 中中斷幫浦連線 1 小時(_提示_:按首頁總覽頁面上的循環圖示以開啟循環對話框) - - 完成 "洗澡" 並重新連線幫浦(_提示_:按 "中斷連線" 圖示以開啟循環對話框) - - 建立一個自訂的臨時目標,持續 10 分鐘(_提示_:按首頁總覽頁面上的目標條以開啟臨時目標對話框) - - 在 **設定構建器** 中啟用 **ACTIONS** 外掛,讓它出現在頂部可滾動的選單列上(_提示_:進入 **設定構建器**,向下滾動至「一般」) - - 顯示循環外掛的內容 - - 縮放血糖圖表,以查看更大或更小的時間範圍:在 6 小時、12 小時、18 小時 24 小時之間切換過去的資料(_提示_:點擊圖表) + ![Screenshot objective 2](../images/Objective2_V2_5.png) +- Tasks to complete **Objective 2** are: + - Set your profile to 90% for a duration of 10 min (_Hint_: Long press your profile name on the OVERVIEW screen) (_Note_: AAPS does not accept basal rates below 0.05U/hr. If your profile includes any rates 0.06U/hr or lower you will need to create a new profile with higher basal rates before completing this task. Switch back to your normal profile after completing this task.) + - Simulate "taking a shower" by disconnecting your pump in **AAPS** for a duration of 1h (_Hint_: press the loop icon on the OVERVIEW screen to open the Loop dialogue) + - End "taking a shower" by reconnecting your pump (_Hint_: press the "disconnected"-icon to open the loop dialog) + - Create a custom temporary target with a duration of 10 min (_Hint_: press the target bar on the OVERVIEW screen to bring up the temporary target dialog) + - Activate the **ACTIONS** plugin in **CONFIG BUILDER** to make it appear on the top scrollable menu bar (_Hint_: Go to **CONFIG BUILDER** and scroll down to 'General") + - Display the LOOP plugin's content + - Scale the BG-Chart to be able to look at larger or smaller timeframes: toggling between 6h, 12h, 18h 24h of past data (_Hint_: Tap the chart) (Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)= -## 目標 3:證明你的知識 +## Objective 3: Prove your knowledge -- 透過一個測試您 **AAPS** 知識的多選題考試。 +- Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. -某些使用者發現 **目標 3** 是最難完成的目標。 請務必結合問題閱讀 **AAPS** 文件。 如果你在研究**AAPS**文件後仍然感到困惑,請在 [Facebook]( 群組中搜索 "Objective 3"(因為你的問題可能之前已被詢問並回答過)。 如果你仍然無法解決,請在 [Facebook]( 或 [Discord]( 群組中發文詢問。 這些群組可以提供友善的提示,或引導你閱讀 **AAPS** 文件的相關部分。 +Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook]( group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook]( or [Discord]( group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. -要進行 **Objective 3**,點擊橘色文字“**尚未完成**”來查看相關問題。 請仔細閱讀每個問題並選擇你的答案。 +To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). -- 為了減少你在開環模式下需要做出的決策數量,設定一個較寬的目標範圍,例如 90 - 150 mg/dl 或 5.0 - 8.5 mmol/l。 +- To reduce the number of decisions you are asked to make while in Open Loop, set a wide target range _e.g._ 90 - 150 mg/dl or 5.0 - 8.5 mmol/l. -- 你可能想在晚上設置更寬的上限,或者甚至停用開環模式。 +- You might want to set a wider upper limit, or even disable Open Loop, at night. -每個問題可能有多個正確答案! 如果選擇了錯誤的答案,該問題將被鎖定一段時間(60 分鐘),你將無法立即重新作答。 當你再次嘗試回答時,請注意答案的順序可能已經改變,這是為了確保你仔細閱讀並真正理解每個答案的正確性(或錯誤性)。 +For each question, there may be more than one answer that is correct! If an incorrect answer is selected, the question will be time-locked for a certain amount of time (60 minutes) before you can go back and answer the question again. Be aware that the order of the answers may have changed when you next try to answer, this is to make sure you read them carefully and really understand the validity (or not) of each response. -當 **AAPS** 第一次安裝時,你必須完成整個 **Objective 3** 才能進入 **Objective 4**。 每個目標必須按順序完成。 隨著目標的進展,新的功能將逐漸解鎖。 +When **AAPS** is installed for the first time, you will have to complete the whole of **Objective 3** before moving on to **Objective 4**. Each objective is required to be completed in sequential order. New features will gradually be unlocked as progress is made through the objectives. -:::{admonition} **當我更新到新版 AAPS 時,如果有新的問題加入某個目標,會發生什麼?** -:class: 注意 -有時候 **AAPS** 會新增一些新功能,這可能會導致新問題被加入目標中,尤其是 **Objective 3**。 因此,任何加入 **Objective 3** 的新問題將被標記為“未完成”,因為 **AAPS** 會要求你執行該操作。 別擔心,因為每個目標都是獨立的,只要其他目標完成,你將**不會失去 AAPS 的現有功能**。 +:::{admonition} **What happens if new question(s) are added to an Objective when I update to a newer version of AAPS?** +:class: Note +From time to time, new features are added to **AAPS** which may require a new question to be added to the Objectives, particularly Objective 3. As a result, any new question added to **Objective 3** will be marked as “incomplete” because **AAPS** will require you to action this. Do not worry, as each **Objective** is independent, you will **not lose the existing functionality of AAPS**, providing the other Objectives remain completed. ::: -## 目標 4:開始使用開環 +## Objective 4: Starting on an open loop -這個目標的目的是讓你了解 **AAPS** 如何評估基礎率對血糖水平的影響,並建議臨時調整基礎率。 在這個目標中,你將首次啟動開環,並手動在幫浦上執行 20 次建議的臨時基礎率調整。 此外,你將觀察臨時目標和預設臨時目標對於活動或低血糖治療的影響。 如果你還不熟悉如何在 **AAPS** 設置臨時基礎率變更,請參閱 [ACTIONS 頁籤](Screenshots#Screenshots-action-tab)。 +The purpose of this objective is to recognise how often **AAPS** will evaluate the basal rate's impact on glucose levels, and recommend temporary basal rate adjustments. As part of this objective, you will activate open looping for the first time, and will perform 20 proposed temporary basal rate changes manually on your pump. Furthermore, you will observe temporary and default temporary targets' impact (_e.g._ for activity or hypo treatments). If you are not familiar with setting a temporay basal rate change in **AAPS** yet, please refer to the [ACTIONS tab](Screenshots#Screenshots-action-tab). -完成此目標的預估時間:**7 天**。 這是一個強制的等待時間。 即使你已經執行了所有基礎率變更,你仍無法進入下一個目標。 +Estimated time to complete this objective: **7 days**. This is a mandatory wait time. You can't proceed to the next Objective, even if you enacted all basal rate changes already. -- 從 "偏好設定" 選單或長按 OVERVIEW 螢幕左上角的 Loop 圖示來選擇開環模式。 -- 透過 [偏好設定](../Configuration/ 設定來進行設置(向下滾動到 "Loop/APS 模式" 並選擇 "開環模式")。 -- 在 7 天內手動執行至少 20 次臨時基礎率建議;將它們輸入到你的(實體)幫浦中,並在 AAPS 中確認你已接受它們。 確保這些基礎率調整顯示在 AAPS 和 Nightscout 中。 -- 如有需要,啟用 [臨時目標](../Usage/。 在處理低血糖後,使用低血糖臨時目標來防止系統在反彈時過度修正。 +- Select Open Loop either from the "Preferences" menu or by presssing and holding the Loop icon on the top left of the OVERVIEW screen. +- Walk through the [Preferences](../Configuration/ to set it up for you (scroll down to "Loop/APS Mode" and select "Open Loop". +- Manually enact at least 20 of the temporary basal rate suggestions over a period of 7 days; key them into your (physical) pump and confirm in AAPS that you have accepted them. Ensure these basal rate adjustments show up in AAPS and Nightscout. +- Enable [temp targets](../Usage/ if necessary. After treating a hypo use hypo temp targets to prevent the system from overcorrecting upon the bounce back. -### 減少通知數量 +### Reduce number of notifications -- 為了減少開環模式下建議的基礎率變更數量,設置較寬的目標範圍,例如 90-150 mg/dl 或 5.0-8.5 mmol/l。 -- 你甚至可以考慮在晚上提高上限(或停用開環模式)。 -- 你可以設置建議基礎率變更的最低百分比來調整觸發通知的數量。 +- To reduce the number of proposed basal rate changes while in Open Loop set a wider target range like 90-150 mg/dl or 5.0-8.5 mmol/l. +- You might even consider to raise your upper limit (or disable Open Loop) at night. +- You can set a minimum percentage for recommended basal rate changes to change the number of triggered notifications. - ![開環模式的最小請求變更](../images/OpenLoop_MinimalRequestChange2.png) + ![Open Loop minimal request change](../images/OpenLoop_MinimalRequestChange2.png) -:::{admonition} 你不需要執行每一個系統建議! -:class: 注意 +:::{admonition} You don't need to action each and every system recommendation! +:class: Note ::: -(目標-Objective-5-理解你的開環模式及其臨時基礎率建議)= +(Objectives-objective-5-Understanding-your-open-loop-including-its-temp-basal-recommendations)= -## 目標 5:理解你的開環,包括其臨時基礎率建議 +## Objective 5: Understanding your open loop, including its temp basal recommendations -在 **Objective 5** 中,你將開始了解如何得出臨時基礎率的建議。 這包括 [基礎率邏輯的確定](,透過觀察 [AAPS OVERVIEW 中的預測線](Screenshots-prediction-lines)/Nightscout 來分析影響,並檢視 OPENAPS 頁籤中的詳細計算。 +As part of **Objective 5** you will start to understand how temporary basal recommendations are derived. This includes the [determination of basal logic](, analyzing the impact by observing [prediction lines in AAPS OVERVIEW](Screenshots-prediction-lines)/Nightscout and looking at detailed calculations shown on your OPENAPS tab. -完成此目標的預估時間:7 天。 +Estimated time to complete this objective: 7 days. -此目標要求你確定並設置“最大 U/h 臨時基礎率”(max-basal)值,如 [OpenAPS 功能](Open-APS-features#Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal) 中所述。 這個值可以在 偏好設定 > OpenAPS 中設置。 -確保在 **AAPS** 和你的胰島素幫浦中都設置了這個安全設定。 +This Objective requires you to determine and set your “Max U/h a temp basal can be set to” (max-basal) value as described in [OpenAPS-features](Open-APS-features#Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). This value can be set in Preferences > OpenAPS. +Make sure this safety setting is set in both **AAPS** and your insulin pump. -你可能希望將目標設置得比平常高,直到你對計算和設定感到滿意為止。 +You might want to set your target higher than usual until you are comfortable with the calculations and settings. -**AAPS** 允許: +**AAPS** allows: -- 低目標最小值為 4 mmol/l (72 mg/dl) 或最大值為 10 mmol/l (180 mg/dl) -- 高目標最小值為 5 mmol/l (90 mg/dl) 或最大值為 15 mmol/l (225 mg/dl) -- 臨時目標可設為單一數值,範圍為 4 mmol/l 到 15 mmol/l (72 mg/dl 到 225 mg/dl) +- a low target to be a minimum of 4 mmol/l (72 mg/dl) or maximum of 10 mmol/l (180 mg/dl) +- a high target to be a minimum of 5 mmol/l (90 mg/dl) and maximum of 15 mmol/l (225 mg/dl) +- a temporary target as a single value can be anywhere in the range of 4 mmol/l to 15 mmol/l (72 mg/dl to 225 mg/dl) -你的目標是核心值。 所有計算都基於此目標。 它不同於目標範圍,目標範圍是你通常希望血糖值保持在內的範圍。 如果你的目標範圍過寬(例如 3 mmol/l [50 mg/dl] 或更寬),你會發現 **AAPS** 幾乎不會採取行動。 這是因為傳感器預測血糖會落在這個寬範圍內,因此很少會建議臨時基礎率變更。 +Your target is a core value. All calculations are based on it. It is different from a target range which you usually aim to keep your blood glucose values in. If your target is very wide (say, 3 or more mmol/l [50 mg/dl or more] wide), you will often find little **AAPS** action. This is because sensor glucose is predicted to be somewhere in that wide range, and thus temporary basal rate changes are rarely suggested. -你可能需要嘗試將目標範圍調整得更緊(例如 1 mmol/l [20 mg/dl] 或更小),並觀察系統行為的變化。 +You may want to experiment with adjusting your targets being in a tighter range (say, 1 or less mmol/l [20 mg/dl or less] wide) and observe a resulting system behaviour. -你可以透過輸入不同的數值來調整圖表中的綠色區域(代表你的目標範圍),位置在 [偏好設定](../Configuration/ > Overview > 顯示範圍。 +You can adjust (widen or tighten) the graph’s green area, representing your target range, by entering different values in [Preferences](../Configuration/ > Overview > Range for Visualisation. -![停止標誌](../images/sign_stop.png) -:::{admonition} 如果你使用的是虛擬幫浦,現在改為實體胰島素幫浦! -:class: 注意 +![Stop sign](../images/sign_stop.png) +:::{admonition} If you have been using a virtual pump, change to a real insulin pump now! +:class: note -如果你正在使用虛擬幫浦進行開環模式,請在這裡停止。 只有在改用“實體”幫浦後才可點擊驗證以完成此目標。 +If you are open looping with a virtual pump stop here. Only click verify at the end of this Objective once you have changed to using a "real" physical pump. ::: -![空白](../images/blank.png) +![blank](../images/blank.png) -(目標-Objective-6-啟動低血糖暫停模式閉環)= +(Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend)= -## 目標 6:使用低血糖暫停功能開始閉環 +## Objective 6: Starting to close the loop with Low Glucose Suspend -![警告標誌](../images/sign_warning.png) -:::{admonition} 目標 6 的閉環模式僅限於低血糖暫停,不會修正高血糖值! -:class: 注意 -你仍然需要自行修正高血糖值(手動透過幫浦或注射筆進行修正)! +![Warning sign](../images/sign_warning.png) +:::{admonition} Closed loop will not correct high BG values in objective 6 as it is limited to low glucose suspend only! +:class: Note +You will still need to correct high BG values by yourself (manually with corrections by pump or pen)! ::: -在 **Objective 6** 中,你將啟動閉環並啟用低血糖暫停 (LGS) 模式,並將 [max IOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) 設置為零。 你必須在 LGS 模式下停留 5 天才能完成此目標。 你應該利用這段時間檢查你的設定是否準確,並避免頻繁觸發 LGS 事件。 +As part of **Objective 6** you will close the loop and activate its Low Glucose Suspend (LGS) mode while [max IOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) is set to zero. You have to remain in LGS mode for 5 days to complete this objective. You should use this time to check if your profile settings are accurate and don't trigger LGS events too often. -完成此目標的預估時間:5 天。 +Estimated time to complete this objective: 5 days. -在閉環模式下進行低血糖暫停之前,請務必仔細測試你的個人資料設定(基礎率、ISF、IC)。 錯誤的個人資料設定可能會讓你陷入必須手動處理的低血糖情境。 準確的個人資料設定將有助於避免在 5 天期間需要進行低血糖治療。 +It's crucial that your current profile (basal, ISF, IC) is well tested before you close your loop in Low Glucose Suspend mode. Incorrect profile settings might force you into hypo situations which have be treated manually. An accurate profile will help to avoid needing low glucose treatments during the 5 days period. -**如果你仍然觀察到頻繁或嚴重的低血糖情況,請考慮微調 DIA、基礎率、ISF 和碳水化合物比率。** +**If you still observe frequent or severe low glucose episodes consider refining your DIA, basal, ISF and carb ratios.** -在目標 6 中,**AAPS** 將自動將 maxIOB 設置為零。 **當進入目標 7 時,這個覆蓋設定將被恢復。** +During objective 6, **AAPS** will take care of setting maxIOB to zero. **This override will be reversed when moving to objective 7.** -這意味著當你處於目標 6 時,如果傳感器顯示血糖水平正在下降,**AAPS** 將為你減少基礎胰島素的輸送量。 如果血糖水平上升,只有當先前的低血糖暫停導致基礎 IOB 為負數時,**AAPS** 才會將基礎率提高到個人資料的數值以上。 否則,**AAPS** 不會將基礎率提高到超過你目前個人資料的數值,即使血糖水平正在上升。 這個謹慎設置是為了避免在學習使用 **AAPS** 時出現低血糖情況。 +This means that when you are on Objective 6, if sensor glucose levels are dropping, **AAPS** will reduce basal insulin delivery for you. If sensor glucose levels are rising, **AAPS** will only increase the basal rate above your profile value if basal IOB is negative as a result of from a previous Low Glucose Suspend. Otherwise, **AAPS** will not increase basal above your current profile value, even if glucose levels are rising. This caution is to avoid hypos as you are learning to use **AAPS**. -**因此,在這個階段,你需要手動處理高血糖的胰島素注射修正。** +**As a consequence, you have to handle high glucose values with manual insulin bolus corrections.** -- 如果你的基礎 IOB 是負數(如下圖所示),在目標 6 中可以觸發超過 100% 的臨時基礎率 (TBR)。 +- If your basal IOB is negative (see screenshot below) a temporary basal rate (TBR) > 100% can be triggered in objective 6. -![負數 IOB 的範例](../images/Objective6_negIOB.png) +![Example negative IOB](../images/Objective6_negIOB.png) -- 將你的目標範圍設置得比平常略高,以增加安全緩衝。 -- 透過長按 OVERVIEW 螢幕右上角的 Loop 圖示,並選擇 Loop - LGS 模式圖示來啟用 '低血糖暫停' 模式。 -- 檢視啟動的臨時基礎率,觀察 OVERVIEW 螢幕上的藍綠色基礎文本或 OVERVIEW 圖表中的藍綠色基礎呈現。 -- 在處理低血糖後,你可能會暫時經歷血糖反彈,但無法提高基礎率來應對反彈。 +- Set your target range slightly higher than you usually would aim at, just to be safe and to add a safety buffer. +- Enable 'Low Glucose Suspend' mode by pressing and holding the Loop icon at the top right corner of the OVERVIEW screen and selecting the Loop - LGS mode icon. +- Watch active temporary basals by looking at the turquoise basal text on the OVERVIEW screen or the turquoise basal render as part of the OVERVIEW graph. +- You may temporarily experience spikes following treated hypos without being able to increase basals on the rebound. -(目標-Objective-7-調整閉環模式,將 maxIOB 提高至 0 以上並逐步降低血糖目標)= +(Objectives-objective-7-tuning-the-closed-loop-raising-max-iob-above-0-and-gradually-lowering-bg-targets)= -## 目標 7:調整閉環模式,將 maxIOB 提高至 0 以上並逐步降低血糖目標 +## Objective 7: Tuning the closed loop, raising maxIOB above 0 and gradually lowering BG targets -完成 **Objective 7** 的條件是你必須關閉閉環並提高 [maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob)。 在 **Objective 6** 中 maxIOB 被自動設置為零。 現在這個設定將被恢復。 **AAPS** 將開始使用你設定的 maxIOB 值來修正高血糖值。 +To complete **Objective 7** you have to close your loop and raise your [maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob). maxIOB was zeroed out automatically in **objective 6**. This is now reverted. **AAPS** will start to use your defined maxIOB value to correct high glucose values. -完成此目標的預估時間:1 天。 +Estimated time to complete this objective: 1 day. -- 透過 [偏好設定](../Configuration/ 或長按 OVERVIEW 螢幕右上角的 Loop 圖示,並在 1 天內選擇 '閉環模式'。 +- Select 'Closed Loop' either from [Preferences](../Configuration/ or by pressing and holding the Loop icon at the top right corner of the OVERVIEW screen, over a period of 1 day. -- 將 'OpenAPS 無法超過的最大總 IOB'(在 OpenAPS 中稱為 'max-iob')提高至 0 以上。 預設建議為“平均餐後注射 + 每日最大基礎率的 3 倍”(適用於 SMB 演算法)或“每日最大基礎率的 3 倍”(適用於 AMA 演算法),但你應該逐步提高此值,直到你確定設定適合你(每日最大基礎率 = 一天內任何時間段的最大每小時值)。 +- Raise your 'Maximum total IOB OpenAPS can’t go over' (in OpenAPS called 'max-iob') above 0. The default recommendation is "average mealbolus + 3x max daily basal" (for the SMB algorithm) or "3x max daily basal" (for the AMA algorithm) but you should slowly work up to this maximum until you know your settings work for you (max daily basal = the maximum hourly value in any time segment of the day). -這個建議應被視為起點。 如果你將其設置為 3 倍,並發現 AAPS 因血糖上升而給予過多的胰島素,那麼請降低“OpenAPS 無法超過的最大總 IOB”值。 或者,如果你對胰島素抵抗非常高,則謹慎地提高該值。 +This recommendation should be seen as a starting point. If you set it to the 3x and you are seeing AAPS giving too much insulin as glucose levels rise, then lower the "Maximum total IOB OpenAPS can’t go over" value. Alternatively, if you are very resistant, raise it very cautiously. -![每日最大基礎率](../images/MaxDailyBasal2.png) +![max daily basal](../images/MaxDailyBasal2.png) -- 一旦你對 IOB 與你的閉環模式的運作模式相符有信心後,將你的目標逐步降低至你理想的水準。 +- Once confident on how much IOB suits your looping patterns, reduce your targets to your desired level. -(目標-Objective-8-如果需要,調整基礎率和比例,然後啟用 autosens)= +(Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens)= -## 目標 8:如有需要,調整基礎率與比率,然後啟用自動感應 +## Objective 8: Adjust basals and ratios if needed, and then enable autosens -在此目標中,你將重新檢視個人資料的表現,並使用 autosens 功能作為錯誤設定的指標。 +As part of this objective you will revist your profile's performance and will use autosens functionality as an indicator for wrong settings. -完成此目標的預估時間:7 天。 +Estimated time to complete this objective: 7 days. -- 你可以使用 [autotune]( 來一次性檢查基礎率是否保持準確,或進行傳統的基礎率測試。 -- 啟用 [autosens](../Usage/ 為期 7 天,並觀察 OVERVIEW 圖表中的白線,該線顯示因運動或荷爾蒙等因素導致的胰島素敏感性上升或下降,並關注 OpenAPS 報告頁籤,該頁籤顯示 **AAPS** 根據情況調整基礎率和/或目標。 +- You can use [autotune]( as a one off to check your basals remain accurate or do a traditional basal test. +- Enable [autosens](../Usage/ over a period of 7 days and watch OVERVIEW's graph white line showing your insulin sensitivity rising or falling due to exercise or hormones etc. and keep an eye on the OpenAPS report tab which shows **AAPS** adjusting the basals and/or targets accordingly. -(目標-Objective-9-啟用白天使用的其他 oref1 功能,例如超微量注射 SMB)= +(Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)= -## 目標 9:啟用白天使用的其他 oref1 功能,例如超微量注射 (SMB) +## Objective 9: Enabling additional oref1 features for daytime use, such as super micro bolus (SMB) -在這個目標中,你將處理並使用“超微量注射 (SMB)”作為核心功能之一。 在完成必讀內容後,你將對 SMB 是什麼、如何運作、SMB 的合理起點以及為何在 SMB 後會暫時將基礎率設為零(即零基礎率)有深入的理解。 完成此目標的預估時間:28 天。 +In this objective you will tackle and use "Super Micro Bolus (SMB)" as one core functionality. After working through the mandatory readings you will have a good understanding of what SMBs are, how these work, reasonable starting point with SMBs and why basal is set to zero temporarily after SMBs are given (zero-temping). Estimated time to complete this objective: 28 days. -- [此文件中的 SMB 部分](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) 和 [openAPS 文件中的 oref1 涵蓋範圍]( 是必讀內容,以了解 SMB 和零基礎率的概念。 -- 一旦完成,你可以[提高 maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) 以使 SMB 正常運作。 maxIOB 現在包括所有 IOB,不僅僅是累積的基礎率。 此閾值會暫停 SMB,直到 IOB 低於此值為止(例如,maxIOB 設為 7 U,並給予 8 U 的注射來覆蓋一餐:SMB 將暫停,並且不會再次啟用,除非 IOB 低於 7 U)。 一個好的起點是將 maxIOB 設為平均餐後注射 + 每日最大基礎率的 3 倍(每日最大基礎率 = 一天內任何時段的每小時最大值,參見[目標 7](Objectives-objective-7-tuning-the-closed-loop-raising-max-iob-above-0-and-gradually-lowering-bg-targets) 作為參考)。 -- 當你從 OpenAPS AMA 演算法切換到 OpenAPS SMB 時,將 "min_5m_carbimpact" 參數(偏好設定 > 吸收設定 > min_5m_carbimpact)更改為 8。 對於 AMA 演算法,預設值為 3。 在此處閱讀更多有關該設置的資訊:[這裡](../Configuration/Preferences.html#min-5m-carbimpact) +- The [SMB section in this documentation](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) and [oref1 coverage in the openAPSdocs]( are must-reads to understand SMB and the concept of zero-temping. +- Once done, you [raise maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) to get SMBs working well. maxIOB now includes all IOB, not just accumulated basal. This threshold pauses SMBs until IOB drops below this value (_e.g._ maxIOB is set to 7 U and a bolus of 8 U is given to cover a meal: SMBs will be paused and not given unless IOB drops below 7 U). A good start is setting maxIOB = average mealbolus + 3x max daily basal (max daily basal = the maximum hourly value in any time segment of the day - see [objective 7](Objectives-objective-7-tuning-the-closed-loop-raising-max-iob-above-0-and-gradually-lowering-bg-targets) as reference) +- Change "min_5m_carbimpact"-parameter (Preferences > Absorbtion settings > min_5m_carbimpact) to 8 as you move from an OpenAPS AMA algorithm to OpenAPS SMB. For AMAs the default value is 3. Read more about this setting [here](../Configuration/Preferences.html#min-5m-carbimpact) -(目標-Objective-10-自動化設定)= +(Objectives-objective-10-automation)= -## 目標 10:自動化 +## Objective 10: Automation -你必須開始 **Objective 10** 才能使用自動化功能。 +You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. -1. 首先閱讀文件頁面 [Automation](../Usage/。 -2. 設定最基本的自動化規則; - 例如在幾分鐘後觸發 Android 通知: +1. Read the documentation page [Automation](../Usage/ first. +2. Set-up the most basic automation rule; + for example trigger an Android notification in few minutes: -- 選擇通知頁籤 -- 從右上角的 3 點選單中,選擇新增規則 -- 給任務命名為 "我的第一個自動化通知" -- "編輯" "條件" - - 點擊 "+" 圖示來新增第一個觸發條件 - - 選擇 "時間" 並按 "OK",它將建立一個預設的條目,時間為今天的某時某分 - - 點擊分鐘部分來編輯時間,使其在幾分鐘內觸發。 然後點擊 OK 關閉 - - 點擊 "OK" 關閉觸發條件畫面 -- "新增" 一個 "動作" - - 選擇 "通知",按 "OK" - - 點擊 "通知" 來編輯訊息(Msg),輸入類似 "我的第一個自動化" 的內容 -- 等待時間觸發通知(請注意,根據你的手機不同,可能會延遲幾分鐘) +- Select the notification tab +- From the top right 3 dots menu, select add rule +- Give a task name "My first automation notification" +- "edit" "condition" + - click the "+" symbol to add the first trigger + - select "Time" & "OK", it will create a default entry AT TODAY HOUR:MINUTE + - click the MINUTE portion to edit the time such that it triggers in a few minutes. Then click ok to close + - click "ok" to close the Triggers screen +- "ADD" an "Action" + - select "Notification", "OK" + - click "Notification" to edit the message(Msg), enter something like "Ny first automation" +- wait until the time triggers the notification (note that depanding on your phone, it can be a few minutes late) -4. 嘗試設定更有用的自動化。 +4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. -- 文檔頁面給出了一些例子,你可以在 [Facebook]( 群組中搜索 "自動化" 截圖。 由於大多數人每天早上上學/上班前會在同一時間吃相同的早餐,因此一個相當常見的使用情境是設定 "早餐前目標",在早餐前 30 分鐘設定稍低的臨時目標。 在這種情況下,你的條件可能會包括 "定期時間",選擇一週中的特定日子(星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五)和特定時間(上午 06:30)。 動作將包括 "開始臨時目標" 設定一個目標值和持續時間 30 分鐘。 +- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook]( group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. -## 目標 11:啟用白天使用的其他功能,例如動態敏感度外掛 (DynISF)。 +## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). -- 確保 SMB 正常運作 -- 閱讀有關動態 ISF 的文件[這裡](../Usage/ -- 在 Facebook 和 [Discord]( 群組中搜索與動態 ISF 相關的討論,並閱讀其他使用者的經驗和建議。 -- 啟用 **DynamicISF 外掛**,並確定適合你身體需求的校正值。 出於安全考量,建議初始值設置為低於 100%。 +- Ensure that SMB is functioning properly +- Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/ +- Search the Facbook and [Discord]( groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. +- Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. -(目標-回到先前的目標進度)= +(Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= -## 返回目標 +## Go back in objectives -如果你想出於任何原因返回 **目標** 進度,你可以點擊 "清除已完成"。 +If you want to go back in **objectives** progress for whatever reason you can do so by clicking at "clear finished". -![返回目標](../images/Objective_ClearFinished.png) +![Go back in objectives](../images/Objective_ClearFinished.png) -## Android APS 3.0 版本前的目標 +## Objectives in Android APS before version 3.0 -當 **AAPS** 版本 3.0 發佈時,一個目標被移除了。 使用 Android APS 版本 且運作較舊 Android 軟體(_例如_ 版本 9 之前的版本)的用戶將使用較舊的目標設置,可以在[這裡](../Usage/找到。 +One objective was removed when **AAPS** version 3.0 was released. Users of Android APS version who are on older Android software (_i.e._ earlier than version 9) will be using an older set of Objectives which can be found [here](../Usage/ From 3c9eca9414e2b975440746e47fdbd03c56cf18de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:09:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 212/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../ | 66 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index bc1c25787d6e..870a9738ff2a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ -# 將 **AAPS** 傳輸並安裝到您的智慧型手機上 +# Transferring and Installing AAPS on your smartphone -在上一節中,[構建 **AAPS**](../,您已經在電腦上構建了 **AAPS** 應用程式(即 .apk 檔案)。 +In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../, you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -接下來的步驟是將 **AAPS** APK 檔案(以及其他您可能需要的應用程式,例如 BYODA、Xdrip+ 或其他 CGM 接收應用程式)傳輸到您的 Android 智慧型手機,然後**安裝**這些應用程式。 +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). -在智慧型手機上安裝 **AAPS** 後,您將能夠進入[**配置 AAPS 循環**](。 +Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**]( -有多種方式可以將 **AAPS** APK 檔案從電腦傳輸到智慧型手機。 在這裡,我們介紹兩種不同的傳輸方式: +There are several ways to transfer the **AAPS** APK file from your computer to the smartphone. Here we explain two different ways: -- 選項 1 - 使用 Google 雲端硬碟 (Gdrive) -- 選項 2 - 使用 USB 傳輸線 +- Option 1 - Use your Google drive (Gdrive) +- Option 2 - Use a USB cable -請注意,透過電子郵件進行傳輸可能會導致問題,因此不建議使用此方式。 +Please note that transfer by email might cause difficulties, and is discouraged. -## 選項 1。 使用 Google 雲端硬碟來傳輸檔案 +## Option 1. Use Google drive to transfer files -在瀏覽器中打開 []( 並登錄到您的 Google 帳戶。 +Open []( in your web browser and login to your Google Account. -在右上方的 Google 選單中選擇雲端硬碟應用程式。 +On the right upper side select the Drive app in the Google menu. -![啟動雲端硬碟應用程式](../images/GoogleDriveInWebbrowser.png) +![Start Drive App](../images/GoogleDriveInWebbrowser.png) -在 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式中,右鍵單擊檔案和資料夾下方的空白區域,然後選擇“上傳檔案”。 +Right click in the free area below the files and folders in the Google Drive app and select "Upload File". -![使用 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式上傳 apk 檔案](../images/GoogleDriveUploadFile.png) +![Upload apk file with Google Drive App](../images/GoogleDriveUploadFile.png) -APK 檔案應該已經上傳到 Google 雲端硬碟。 +The apk file should now be uploaded on Google Drive. -### 使用 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式來執行 APK 檔案進行安裝 +### use the Google Drive app to excute the apk file for installation -切換到您的手機並啟動 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式。 它是預裝的應用程式,您可以在其他 Google 應用程式所在的位置找到它,或透過搜尋應用程式名稱來找到它。 +Switch to your mobile and start the Google Drive app. It is a preinstalled app and can be found where the other Google apps are located or with search for the name of the app. -![啟動 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式](../images/GoogleDriveMobileAPPLaunch.png) +![start the Google Drive app](../images/GoogleDriveMobileAPPLaunch.png) -在手機上的 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式中雙擊檔案名以啟動 APK 安裝。 +Launch the apk installation by double click on the filename in the Google Drive App on the mobile. -![啟動 APK 安裝](../images/GoogleDriveMobileUploadedAPK.png) +![launch the apk installation](../images/GoogleDriveMobileUploadedAPK.png) -如果您收到安全提示,表示目前不允許從 Google 雲端硬碟安裝應用程式,請臨時允許該操作,並在完成後取消此選項,因為長期啟用會帶來安全風險。 +In case you get a security notice that you are not allowed to install apps from Google Driver at the moment please allow it for that short moment and disallow it afterwards as it is a security risk when you let it enable all the time. -![Google 雲端硬碟安全提示](../images/GoogleDriveMobileMissingSecuritySetting.png) +![Security Notice Google Drive](../images/GoogleDriveMobileMissingSecuritySetting.png) -![Google 雲端硬碟安全設置](../images/GoogleDriveMobileSettingSecuritySetting.png) +![Security Notice Google Drive](../images/GoogleDriveMobileSettingSecuritySetting.png) -安裝完成後,您已完成這個步驟。 +After the installation finished your are done with this step. -您應該能看到 **AAPS** 圖示,並能打開應用程式。 +you should see the **AAPS** icon and be able to open the app. ```{warning} -**重要安全提示** -您是否記得取消從 Google 雲端硬碟安裝應用程式的允許權限? +**IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE** +Did you remeber to disallow the installation from Google Drive? ``` -## 請繼續進行[配置 AAPS 循環](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +## Please go on with [configuring the AAPS loop](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -## 選項 2。 使用 USB 傳輸線來傳輸檔案 +## Option 2. Use a USB cable to transfer files -第二種方法是使用 [USB 傳輸線]( 將 **AAPS** APK 檔案傳輸到您的手機上。 +The second way to transfer the AAPS apk file is with a [USB cable]( -將檔案從電腦上的位置傳輸到手機的“下載”資料夾。 +Transfer the file from its location on your computer to the "downloads" folder on the phone. -在手機上,您需要允許安裝來自未知來源的應用程式。 有關如何進行此操作的說明,您可以在網上找到(例如,請參閱[這裡]( 或 [這裡](。 +On your phone, you will have to allow installation from unknown sources. Explanations of how to do this can be found on the internet (_e.g._ [here]( or [here]( -將檔案拖入後,在手機上打開“下載”資料夾,按下 **AAPS** APK 檔案並選擇“安裝”。 然後,您可以進入下一步,[設定嚮導](../Installing-AndroidAPS/,幫助您設置 **AAPS** 應用程式及循環。 +Once you have transferred the file by dragging it across, to install it, open the "downloads" folder on the phone, press the AAPS apk and select "install". You can then proceed to the next step, [Setup Wizard](../Installing-AndroidAPS/, which will help you setup the **AAPS** app and loop on your smartphone. From d0fbc0e26a4c755b79aafdf01c5b49b3e92c7b19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:10:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 213/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 26 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index f3d63cfac67d..fdadb95d4e13 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ -# 圖像縮放的測試文件 +# a test file for image scaling -我們在不同設備上縮放時遇到了一些問題,並希望檢查如何解決這個問題 +We got some problems with scaling on different devices and wanted to check how we can solve in -1. Markdown 和 -2. Crowdin 測試。 +1. Markdown and +2. Crowdin too. -這張圖片的原始寬度為 400px。 +This image width is in original 400px. -## 標準 markdown +## standard markdown -![測試圖片](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png) +![testimage](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png) -## 400px 圖像標籤 myst_parser 透過額外的寬度屬性 +## 400px image tag myst_parser passthrough with extra width attribute -這裡有文字。 +Here comes text. ```{image} ../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png :width: 400px ``` -這裡有更多文字。 +Here comes some more text. -## 500px 圖像標籤 myst_parser 透過額外的寬度屬性 +## 500px image tag myst_parser passthrough with extra width attribute -這裡有文字。 +Here comes text. ```{image} ../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png :width: 500px ``` -這裡有更多文字。 +Here comes some more text. From 2a030ad5f17146f2301b3de2967ec2cfdc1007ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:10:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 214/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/Getting-Started/ | 78 ++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index d995e6974e1c..3881c403cbc0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,73 +1,77 @@ -## AAPS 設定檔簡介 +## Introduction to your AAPS profile -### **什麼是 AAPS 設定檔?** +### **What is an AAPS profile?** -AAPS 設定檔包含五個關鍵參數,這些參數定義了 AAPS 應如何根據您的感測器血糖水平來輸送胰島素。 AAPS 還具有多個_其他_可修改的參數(如 SMB 設定),但正確使用這些參數的前提是您的 AAPS 設定檔正確無誤。 AAPS 設定檔包括:胰島素作用時間(DIA)、血糖目標、基礎率(BR)、胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)和胰島素與碳水化合物比率(IC 或 ICR)。 下方顯示了 AAPS 中_範例_設定檔的螢幕截圖。 請注意,這個範例設定檔顯示了大量的時間點。 當您剛開始使用 AAPS 時,您的設定檔可能會簡單得多。 設定檔因人而異,若要查看適合小孩、青少年和成人的 AAPS 設定檔範例,請參閱後續部分,優化您的[設定檔](link)。 +Your AAPS profile is a set of five key parameters which define how AAPS should deliver insulin in response to your sensor glucose levels. AAPS has several _additional_ modifiable parameters (like SMB settings), but using these well relies on your underlying AAPS profile being correct. The AAPS profile incorporates: duration of insulin action (DIA), glucose targets, basal rates (BR), insulin sensitivity factors (ISF) and insulin-to-carb ratios (IC or ICR). Screenshots from AAPS of an _example_ profile are shown in below. Please note, this profile shows a large number of timepoints. When you start out with AAPS, your profile is likely to be much simpler. Profiles vary significantly from person-to-person, for examples of AAPS profiles for small children, teenagers and adults please see the later section, optimising your [profile](link). -#### **胰島素作用時間(DIA)** +#### **Duration of insulin action (DIA)** -AAPS 中的胰島素作用時間設定為單一值,因為您的幫浦會持續輸送相同類型的胰島素。 其餘四個參數可以設定為不同值,並根據需要每小時變更,持續 24 小時。 +The duration of insulin action is set to a single value in AAPS, because your pump will continually infuse the same type of insulin. The remaining four parameters can be set to different values, changing hourly if required, over a 24 hour period. -#### **血糖目標** +#### **Glucose targets** -血糖目標根據您的個人偏好設定。 例如,如果您擔心夜間低血糖,您可以將目標設定為稍高的 117 mg/dL(6.5 mmol/L),從晚上 9 點到早上 7 點。 如果您希望在早餐前有充足的胰島素儲備,您可以將早上 7 點到 8 點的目標設定為較低的 81 mg/dL(4.5 mmol/L)。 血糖目標,特別是當其僅是短期設定(持續時間少於 4 小時)時,不必是您期望或希望達到的_實際值_,而是告知 AAPS 應更加積極或保守的良好方式,同時仍保持血糖水平在範圍內。 下方的 **圖表** 顯示了如何在 AAPS 設定檔中設定 DIA 和血糖目標的範例。 +Glucose targets are set according to your personal preferences. For example, if you are concerned about hypos at night, you may set your target slightly higher at 117/mg/dL (6.5 mmol/L) from 9 pm - 7am. If you want to make sure you have plenty of insulin on board (IOB) in the morning before bolusing for breakfast, you may set a lower target of 81 mg/dL (4.5 mmol/L) from 7 am - 8 am. A glucose target, particularly if it is only short-term (less than 4 hours in duration), does not need to be the _actual value_ you expect or want your glucose level to get to, rather, it is a good way to tell AAPS to be more or less aggressive, while still keeping your glucose levels in range. The **figure below** shows an example of how the DIA and glucose targets could be set in an AAPS profile. -![24-07-23,設定檔基礎 - DIA 和目標](../images/f3904cc3-3d9e-497e-a3b6-3a49650053e6.png) +![24-07-23, profile basics - DIA and target](../images/f3904cc3-3d9e-497e-a3b6-3a49650053e6.png) -最後三個參數,基礎率(BR)、胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)和胰島素與碳水化合物比率(IC 或 ICR)的絕對值和趨勢因個人的胰島素需求而異,這取決於生理、性別、年齡、健身水平等,還有短期因素如疾病和最近的運動。 關於這方面的更多指導,Adam Brown 的[《Bright Spots and Landmines》]( 是一本值得閱讀的好書。 +For the final three parameters, basal rates (BR), insulin sensitivity factors (ISF) and insulin-to-carb ratios (IC or ICR), the absolute values and trends in your insulin requirements vary significantly from person to person, depending on your biology, gender, age, fitness level etc. as well as shorter term factors like illness and recent exercise. For more guidance on this, the book [“Brights Spots and Landmines”]( by Adam Brown is an excellent book to read. -#### **基礎率** +#### **Basal rates** -您的胰島素基礎率(單位/小時)提供背景胰島素,在沒有食物或運動的情況下保持血糖穩定。 +Your basal rate of insulin (Units/hour) provides background insulin, keeping your glucose levels stable in the absence of food or exercise. -精確的基礎率能讓您在醒來時保持血糖在範圍內,並在一天中可以提前或延後進餐,而不會引起血糖過高或過低。 胰島素幫浦每幾分鐘會輸送少量速效胰島素,以防止肝臟釋放過多的葡萄糖,並將葡萄糖輸送到體細胞中。 基礎胰島素通常占您每日總劑量(TDD)的 40-50%,取決於您的飲食,並且通常遵循晝夜節律,在 24 小時內有一個高峰和一個低谷。 關於更多資訊,Gary Scheiner 的[《Think like a Pancreas》]( 的第 23 章非常有用。 +Accurate basal rates enable you to wake up in range, and to skip meals - or eat - earlier or later in the day, without going high or low. The insulin pump delivers small amounts of rapid acting insulin every few minutes, to keep the liver from releasing too much glucose, and to move glucose into body cells. Basal insulin usually makes up between 40 - 50% of your total daily dose (TDD), depending on your diet, and typically follows a circadian rhythm, with one peak and one valley in insulin requirements over 24 hours. For more information, chapter 23 of [“Think like a Pancreas”]( by Gary Scheiner is very useful. -大多數 1 型糖尿病教育者(以及 1 型糖尿病患者!) 都同意,您應該先確保基礎率正確,然後再嘗試優化 ISF 和 ICR。 +Most type 1 diabetes educators (and people with type 1 diabetes!) agree that you should work on getting your basal rates correct, before attempting to optimise your ISF and ICR. -#### **胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)** +#### **Insulin sensitivity factor (ISF)** -胰島素敏感性係數(有時稱為修正係數)是衡量 1 單位胰島素會降低血糖的程度。 +The insulin sensitivity factor (sometimes called correction factor) is a measure of how much your blood glucose level will be reduced by 1 unit of insulin. -\*\*以 mg/dL 為單位:\*\*如果您的 ISF 為 40,則每單位胰島素將使血糖降低約 40 mg/dL(例如,您的血糖將從 140 mg/dL 降至 100 mg/dL)。 +**In mg/dL units:** +If you have an ISF of 40, each unit of insulin will reduce your blood glucose by approx. 40 mg/dL (for example, your blood glucose will fall from 140 mg/dL to 100 mg/dL). -\*\*以 mmol/L 為單位:\*\*如果您的 ISF 為 1.5,則每單位胰島素將使血糖降低約 1.5 mmol/L(例如從 8 mmol/L 降至 6.5 mmol/L)。 +**In mmol/L units:** +If you have an ISF of 1.5, each unit of insulin will reduce your blood glucose by approx. 1.5 mmol/L (for example from 8 mmol/L to 6.5 mmol/L). -從這些範例中,您可以看到 ISF 值越小,您對胰島素的敏感性越低。 因此,如果您將 ISF 從 40 降至 35(mg/dl)或從 1.5 降至 1.3(mmol/L),這通常稱為增強 ISF。 相反,將 ISF 值從 40 增加到 45(mg/dl)或從 1.5 增加到 1.8(mmol/L)稱為削弱 ISF。 +From these examples you can see that the _smaller_ the ISF value, the less sensitive you are to insulin. So if you reduce your ISF from 40 to 35 (mg/dl) or 1.5 to 1.3 (mmol/L) this is often called strengthening your ISF. Conversely, increasing the ISF value from 40 to 45 (mg/dl) or 1.5 to 1.8 mmol/L) is weakening your ISF. -如果您的 ISF 過強(值較小),會導致低血糖;如果 ISF 過弱(值較大),則會導致高血糖。 +If your ISF is too strong (small value) it will result in hypos, and if it is too weak (large value), it will result in hyperglycemia. -確定您白天 ISF 的基本起點是基於您的每日總劑量(TDD),使用 1,700(94)規則。 更多詳情請參閱 Gary Scheiner 的[《Think like a Pancreas》]( 的第 7 章。 +A basic starting point for determining your daytime ISF is to base it on your total daily dose (TDD) using the 1,700 (94) rule. More detail is given in Chapter 7 of [“Think like a Pancreas”]( by Gary Scheiner. -1700(若以 mg/dl 為單位)或 94(mmol/L)/ TDD = 大約 ISF。 +1700 (if measuring in mg/dl) or 94 (mmol/L)/ TDD = approx ISF. -範例:TDD = 40 U大約 ISF(mg/dl)= 1700/40 = 43大約 ISF(mmol/L)= 94/40 = 2.4 +Example: TDD = 40 U +Approx ISF (mg/dl) = 1700/40 = 43 +Approx ISF (mmol/L) = 94/40 = 2.4 -請參閱下方的 **圖表**,了解如何在 AAPS 設定檔中設定基礎率和 ISF 值的範例。 +See the **figure below** for an example of how the basal rates and ISF values could be set in an AAPS profile. -![24-07-23,設定檔基礎 - 基礎率和 ISF](../images/55c8ed24-e24e-4caa-9c17-294fa93cb84a.png) +![24-07-23, profile basics - basal and ISF](../images/55c8ed24-e24e-4caa-9c17-294fa93cb84a.png) -#### **胰島素與碳水化合物比率(ICR)** +#### **Insulin to Carb ratio (ICR)** -ICR 是衡量每單位胰島素覆蓋多少克碳水化合物的指標。 +The ICR is a measure of how many grams of carbohydrate are covered by one unit of insulin. -有些人也使用 I:C 作為 ICR 的縮寫,或稱之為碳水化合物比率(CR)。 +Some people also use I:C as an abbreviation instead of ICR, or talk about carb ratio (CR). -由於荷爾蒙水平和體力活動,ICR 在一天中的不同時間可能會有所不同。 許多人發現,他們的 ICR 在早餐時間最低。 例如,您的 ICR 可能在早餐時為 1:8,午餐時為 1:10,晚餐時為 1:10,但這些模式並非普遍適用,某些人在晚餐時間對胰島素的抵抗力較高,因此需要更強/較小的 ICR。 +It is common to have different ICR at different times of day due to hormone levels and physical activity. Many people find they have their lowest ICR around breakfast time. So, for example, your ICR could be 1:8 for breakfast, 1:10 for lunch and 1:10 for dinner, but these patterns are not universal, and some people are more insulin resistant at dinner time, and require a stronger/smaller ICR then. -例如,1:10 的胰島素與碳水化合物比率表示您每攝入 10 克碳水化合物需要注射 1 單位的胰島素。 一餐包含 25 克碳水化合物需要 2.5 單位的胰島素。 +For example, a 1-to-10 (1:10) insulin-to-carb ratio means that you take 1U of insulin for every 10 grams of carbs eaten. A meal of 25g carbs would need 2.5U of insulin. -如果您的 ICR 較弱,可能是 1:20,那麼您只需 0.5 單位的胰島素來覆蓋 10 克碳水化合物。 一餐包含 25 克碳水化合物需要 25/20 = 1.25 單位的胰島素。 +If your ICR is weaker, perhaps 1:20, you would only need 0.5U of insulin to cover 10 g of carbs. A meal of 25g of carbs would need 25/20 = 1.25U of insulin. -如 **圖表** 所示,在將這些值輸入 AAPS 設定檔時,我們只需輸入比率的最後部分,因此 1:3.5 的胰島素與碳水化合物比率只需輸入“3.5”。 +As shown in the **figure below**, when entering these values into an AAPS profile, we just enter the final part of the ratio, so an insulin-to-carb ratio of 1:3.5 is entered simply as “3.5”. -![24-07-23,設定檔基礎 - ICR](../images/7741eefb-cae5-45c5-a9e5-8eae5ead3f48.png) +![24-07-23, profile basics - ICR](../images/7741eefb-cae5-45c5-a9e5-8eae5ead3f48.png) -#### **為什麼我應該努力確保設定檔參數正確? 閉環系統不能處理這一切嗎?** +#### **Why should I try to get my profile settings right? Can’t the loop just take care of it?** -混合閉環_可以_嘗試調整胰島素輸送,以最大限度減少由於設定檔值不正確而導致的血糖控制不良。 例如,當您低血糖時,它可以透過暫停胰島素輸送來達到這一目的。 然而,若您的設定檔參數已經接近您身體所需的值,您將能夠實現更好的血糖控制。 這也是 AAPS 採用分階段目標從開放環路注射過渡到混合閉環的重要原因之一。 此外,有時您需要開放環路(例如傳感器加熱期間、傳感器故障等),有時甚至在夜間發生,您會希望在這些情況下擁有正確的設定。 +A hybrid closed loop _can_ attempt to make insulin delivery adjustments to minimise poor glycemic control that results from having incorrect profile values. It can do this, for example, by withholding insulin delivery if you are hypo. However, you can achieve much better glycemic control if your profile settings are already as close as possible to what your body needs. This is one of the reasons that AAPS uses staged objectives to move from open loop pumping towards hybrid closed loop. In addition, there will be times when you need to open the loop (sensor warmups, sensor failure _etc._), sometimes in the middle of the night, and you will want to have your settings right for these situations. -如果您在使用其他開放或閉環幫浦系統後開始使用 AAPS,您應該已經對基礎率(BR)、胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)和胰島素與碳水化合物比率(IC 或 ICR)有了大致的了解。 +If you are starting with AAPS after using a different open or closed-loop pumping system, you will already have a reasonable idea of what values to use for basal rates (BR), insulin sensitivity factors (ISF) and insulin-to-carb ratios (IC or ICR). -如果您是從注射(MDI)轉向 AAPS,那麼最好先閱讀如何從 MDI 轉向幫浦,並與您的糖尿病團隊仔細計劃並進行轉換。 John Walsh 和 Ruth Roberts 的[《Pumping insulin》]( 以及 Gary Scheiner 的[《Think like a Pancreas》]( 非常有用。 +If you are moving from injections (MDI) to AAPS, then it is a good idea to read up on how to make the transfer from MDI to pump first, and plan and make the move carefully in consultation with your diabetes team. ["Pumping insulin"]( by John Walsh & Ruth Roberts and [“Think like a Pancreas”]( by Gary Scheiner are very useful. -在[優化您的設定檔](operating - optimising - your profile link) 中,我們將展示範例設定檔,討論如何設定和優化構成您的 AAPS 設定檔的參數,並提供如 **Autotune** 等旨在自動優化您的設定檔的附加資源指南。 +In the [optimising your profile](operating - optimising - your profile link) we present example profiles, discuss how to set and optimise the parameters which form your AAPS profile(s), and provide guidance on additional resources such as **Autotune** which aim to automate optimisation of your profile. From daf2e796396e8ffa720753f66146fb9864bd9db1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:10:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 215/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- .../zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ | 66 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ index 635d055e05ff..e8159517c8cf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ @@ -1,66 +1,66 @@ -# 日常生活 - 幫浦 +# Daily Life - Pumps -## 更換注射組件:胰島素儲存罐和套管 +## Changing infusion sets: insulin reservoirs and cannulas -以下描述的程序僅適用於有管幫浦,不適用於像 Omnipod、Medtrum Nano、Accu-Chek Solo 等無管幫浦。 此程序有時稱為「組件更換」,完整的組件更換包括胰島素儲存罐和套管,部分更換僅指更換套管。 +The procedure described below is for tubed pumps only and does not apply to patch pumps like Omnipod, Medtrum Nano, Accu-Chek Solo etc. This procedure is sometimes referred to as a “set change”, with a “full” set change including the insulin reservoir and cannula, and a “partial” set change referring to a change of cannula only. -實體的儲存罐/卡匣更換無法透過 **AAPS** 執行,必須直接在幫浦上操作。 一旦完成,這些更換操作必須手動記錄在 **AAPS** 中。 +Physical cartridge/reservoir changes cannot be done via **AAPS** and have to be carried out via the pump directly. These need to be logged in **AAPS** manually, once completed. -### 更換幫浦儲存罐和套管的指南 +### Guide for changing both the pump reservoir and cannula -1. 在 **AAPS** 中,中斷幫浦連線:長按 **AAPS** 主畫面上的「開啟循環」/「停用循環」圖示,然後選擇「中斷幫浦連線 - 1 小時」。 幫浦圖示將變為灰色,表示幫浦已中斷連線。 +1. In **AAPS**, disconnect the pump: Long press “Open Loop”/”Closed Loop” icon on the **AAPS** Home Screen and select ‘Disconnect pump - 1 hour”. The pump icon will change to a grey icon, indicating that the pump is disconnected. -2. 實體更換胰島素儲存罐:從身體上中斷幫浦連線,並按照製造商的說明更換儲存罐/卡匣和套管。 +2. Physically change the insulin reservoir: physically disconnect your pump from the body, and change the reservoir/cartridge and cannula as per manufacturer's instructions. -3. 注射/填充輸液管和套管:這可以直接在幫浦上進行。 請確保消除輸液管中的所有氣泡。 +3. Prime/fill the tubing and cannula: this can be done directly on the pump. Be sure to eliminate any bubbles in the tubing. -4. 將新的套管附著在身體上。 當套管插入並移除針頭後,已附著的套管會有一個小的空氣間隙,這也需要進行注射。 要在 **AAPS** 中記錄這個操作並進行注射:選擇 **AAPS** 動作標籤中的「注射/填充」按鈕,並勾選「幫浦部位更換」和/或「胰島素卡匣更換」以適當記錄更換。 現在按下預設的胰島素套管注射量(通常約為 0.3 U,但請確認此數值是否適合您的套管),然後選擇「確定」。 閱讀摘要訊息,並點選「確定」以確認執行注射。 +4. Attach the new cannula to the body. Once the cannula is inserted and the needle is removed, the attached cannula now has a small air gap which also needs to be primed. To announce this in **AAPS** and prime the site: select the PRIME/FILL button in the **AAPS** actions tab and tick “Pump site change” and/or “Insulin Cartridge Change” as appropriate to record the change. Now press the default insulin cannula prime amount (it is usually around 0.3 U, but check this value is correct for your cannula) and select “OK”. Read the summary message, and confirm to execute the priming by tapping “OK”. -5. 在 **AAPS** 中重新連線幫浦:按下灰色的已中斷幫浦圖示,然後選擇「重新連線幫浦」以繼續循環。 +5. Reconnect the pump in **AAPS**: Press the grey disconnected pump symbol and select ‘Reconnect pump’ to continue looping. -### 有關胰島素/套管更換的有用資訊 +### Useful information concerning insulin/cannula changes -● 記錄幫浦部位更換會將 Autosens 重置為 100%。 這也會重置 **AAPS** 主畫面上相應的套管/胰島素狀態指示燈和計時器。 +● Logging a pump site change resets Autosens to 100%. It also resets the corresponding cannula/insulin status lights and ages on the **AAPS** Home screen. -● 您可以在偏好設定 > 首頁總覽 > 填充/注射標準胰島素數量中設定/調整預設注射量。 請參閱您的套管包裝內的使用說明書,以了解根據針頭長度和輸液管長度應注射多少單位。 +● You can set/adjust the default prime amount in Preferences > Overview > Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts. See your instruction booklet in your cannula box for how many units (depending on needle length and tubing length) should be primed for your cannula. -● 使用預注功能輸送的胰島素不會被 **AAPS** 計算在活性胰島素(IOB)中,並且會在 **AAPS** 治療選單中標記為「預注」。 +● Insulin delivered using the prime function is not taken into account by **AAPS** when calculating insulin on board (IOB), and is marked in the **AAPS** treatments menu as “Prime”. -● 幫浦在中斷連線期間輸送的任何胰島素也不會被 **AAPS** 計算在內。 如果您在 **AAPS** 斷線期間直接從幫浦注射,一旦重新連線幫浦,您可以在「胰島素」標籤下記錄此胰島素(而不需再次注射)。 +● Any insulin bolused from the pump during a pump disconnection will also not be taken into account by **AAPS**. If you happen to bolus directly from the pump while **AAPS** is disconnected, once you reconnect the pump you can announce this insulin (without bolusing it) under the “insulin” tab (see link to below ”to announce delivered insulin without actually bolusing” for more details). -### 套管、注射部位、輸液管和/或幫浦問題 +### Cannula, infusion site, tubing and/or pump issues -如果您確信在一段時間內沒有接收到任何胰島素,儘管 **AAPS** 記錄顯示您已接收,而且您確切知道問題開始的時間(例如,您拔除套管時發現套管在插入過程中已經彎曲),您可以在 **AAPS** 中糾正這個問題,但要注意胰島素可能已經輸送,但可能因某些原因作用緩慢。 +If you are confident that you haven’t received any insulin for a period of time, despite **AAPS** recording that you have, and you know exactly when the issue started (_e.g._ you remove the cannula and see that the cannula was kinked during the insertion process) you can correct this in **AAPS**, while being aware that the insulin may in fact have been delivered but may be slow to act for some reason. -:::{admonition} 警告 - 低血糖風險 +:::{admonition} Caution - Risk of Hypoglycemia :class: danger -只有在極端謹慎的情況下,才從 **AAPS** 中刪除胰島素輸送記錄,以防實際已輸送了胰島素,並在接下來的 24 小時內密切監測血糖。 +Only delete insulin delivery from **AAPS** with EXTREME caution, in case insulin _has_ actually been delivered, and monitor BG closely for the next 24 h. ::: -要刪除您確知未輸送的注射和 SMBs,請打開「治療」選單,保守地刪除從事件發生時開始記錄的碳水化合物和注射訊息。 這將糾正 **AAPS** 的「活性胰島素」(IOB)數值,回到主畫面時,您會看到 IOB 已減少。 請注意,您無法刪除 **AAPS** 計算出的基礎胰島素,因此它仍會被 **AAPS** 計算在內。 +To remove boluses and SMBs which you know have not been delivered, open the Treatments tab and conservatively delete the logged bolus information from > carbs and bolus starting from the point the incident happened. This will correct the “insulin on board” (IOB) value which is key for **AAPS**’ calculations, if you now return to the homescreen you will see that the IOB has now reduced. Be aware that you cannot delete basal insulin which **AAPS** calculates to have been delivered, so that will still be taken into account by **AAPS**. -在不太明顯的胰島素輸送問題情況下,例如漏液、阻塞或隧道效應,您無法確定問題何時開始,或認為部分胰島素已輸送,這時需要特別小心。 您可以透過「聞」到胰島素、看到潮濕的粘膠、血糖值過高或收到警報來檢測這些問題。 由於您永遠無法知道有多少胰島素進入您的皮膚(可能在一段時間後開始發揮作用),因此很難確定需要從當前「活性胰島素」(IOB)數值中扣除多少胰島素。 一種策略是解決胰島素輸送問題後暫停循環 5 小時(或您的胰島素作用時間),然後恢復循環。 這將確保您在重新開始循環時,IOB 是正確的。 +In less obvious cases of insulin delivery problems _e.g._ leakages, occlusions or tunneling where either you are not sure when the issue started, or think some of the insulin was delivered, you need to be careful. You may detect these issues either by “smelling” the insulin, seeing a wet adhesive, encountering high glucose values or by getting an alarm. As you will never know how much insulin you got into your skin (which might be starting to work after a while) it will be hard to determine the correct amount of insulin which needs be deducted from the current “insulin on board” (IOB) value. One strategy is to pause looping for 5 hours (or your specific duration of insulin action) after you resolved the insulin delivery problem, and resume looping afterwards. This will ensure that IOB is correct once you restart looping. -## 中斷幫浦連線來進行洗澡或活動 +## Disconnecting the pump for showering or activity -如果您在洗澡、游泳、進行接觸運動或其他活動時卸下幫浦,您必須讓 **AAPS** 知道沒有輸送胰島素,才能保持 IOB 正確。 幫浦可以使用 **AAPS** 主畫面上的循環狀態圖示來中斷連線。 +If you take your pump off for showering, bathing, swimming, contact sports or other activities you must let **AAPS** know that no insulin is being delivered, to keep the IOB correct. The pump can be disconnected using the Loop Status icon on the **AAPS** Home Screen. -由於幫浦中斷連線期間您無法獲得任何胰島素,應每兩小時重新連線一次,以補上缺失的基礎胰島素。 您可以透過連線、注射缺失的基礎胰島素(例如,過去兩小時的胰島素)來完成,然後再次中斷連線。 這將有助於避免嚴重缺乏胰島素,導致糖尿病酮酸中毒(DKA)。 如果在活動期間重新連線幫浦不方便(例如套管部位被潛水衣覆蓋),可以考慮使用注射筆代替。 這個手動注射可以記錄在 **AAPS** 中,而且不需要在注射時立即記錄(只需記下注射時間),因為您可以在重新連線幫浦時記錄胰島素並將注射時間回溯。 +As you are not getting any insulin while the pump is disconnected, you should reconnect every two hours to catch up for the missing basal. You can do this by connecting, bolusing the missing basal amounts (_e.g._ of the last two hours) before disconnecting again. This should help to avoid a severe lack of insulin which could result in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). If it is inconvenient to reconnect the pump during activity (cannula site is covered by wearing a wetsuit _etc._), consider a pen injection instead. This manual injection can be logged in **AAPS**, and doesn’t have to be logged at the time of injection (just make a note of the time of injection) since you can announce the insulin and backdate the time the insulin was actually given when you reconnect the pump. -## 如何記錄已輸送的胰島素但實際上不進行注射 +## To announce delivered insulin without actually bolusing -要記錄幫浦在 **AAPS** 斷線期間輸送的胰島素,或者筆式注射輸送的胰島素,請選擇「胰島素」標籤,輸入單位數量並選擇「不進行注射,僅記錄」。 當您選擇此選項時,會出現一個「時間偏移」標籤。 如果注射是最近進行的,您可以忽略這個選項,但如果注射是在一段時間前進行的,您可以在時間前面添加一個負號(例如 -30 分鐘)以記錄實際的注射時間。 **AAPS** 隨後會考慮胰島素作用時間並計算系統中剩餘的胰島素。 +To announce insulin delivered from the pump either while **AAPS** was disconnected, or from pen injections to **AAPS**: select the “insulin” tab, enter the amount in units and select “do not bolus, record only”. When you select this option, a “time offset” tab will appear. You can ignore this if the injection was given recently, but if the bolus was given some time ago, you can add a minus sign in front of the time (_e.g._ - 30 min) to record the actual time of the bolus. **AAPS** will then take into account the duration of insulin action and calculate the remaining insulin still in the system accordingly. -如果您是 **AAPS** 的照護者,您可以透過 [SMS 指令](sms-commands) 非常輕鬆地遠端中斷(和重新連線)幫浦,使用類似「幫浦斷線 120」和「幫浦連線 120」的指令。 遠端斷線的持續時間範圍為 1 - 120 分鐘(此範例為 120 分鐘)。 如果你在不方便使用 **AAPS** 手機時,這將會非常有用,例如手機藏在小孩的幫浦腰帶裡,而他正跑向游泳池,或由青少年保管。 +If you are using **AAPS** as a careiver, you can remotely disconnect (and reconnect) the pump very easily by [SMS command](sms-commands) using commands such as “pump disconnect 120” and “pump connect 120”. The range of duration for remote disconnect is from 1 - 120 min, (in this example it is 120 minutes). This is very useful if the **AAPS** handset is inconvenient for you to access, buried in a pump belt on a kid who is running off towards the swimming complex, or being closely guarded (or in use) by a teenager. -## 活動後重新連線幫浦 +## Reconnecting the pump after activity -長時間斷線(1 - 2 小時)後,**AAPS** 通常會計算出您現在有負的 IOB。 當您重新連線幫浦時,根據偏好設定/當前血糖值/計劃的食物或後續活動,您可以選擇: +After a long disconnection (1 - 2 hours) it is fairly common for **AAPS** to calculate that you now have negative IOB. When you reconnect the pump, depending on preference/current glucose level/planned food or subsequent activity, you can either: -a) 僅在 **AAPS** 中重新連線幫浦(灰色變為綠色,進入閉環模式),並交由 **AAPS** 開始再次輸送胰島素 +a) Just reconnect the pump in **AAPS** (grey-to-green, for closed loop) and leave it up to **AAPS** to start to deliver insulin again -_或_ +_or_ -b) 如果您希望更加積極(例如,您即將發生高血糖),您可以到計算機並用0碳水化合物注射,會立即計算出缺少的胰島素來進行注射。 +b) If you want to be more aggressive (for example, you are heading for hyperglycemia), you can navigate to the calculator and bolus for zero carbs, to immediately deliver the calculated missing insulin as a bolus. -你比較喜歡哪種策略是很看個人的選擇,最好的方法就是自己多試幾次,找到最適合的。 +Which strategy you prefer is highly personal, and is best determined by trial and error. From 5847a4851e9e7ff9f7ca18f00b50aae7a1bf0e96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:10:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 216/328] New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/ index 6c4d703f1df1..e9453a6ef121 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/ @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or unde 1. Check and remember actual COB and IOB on homescreen. 2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). -3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. +3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) 4. Make sure carbs are removed successfully by checking COB on homescreen again. 5. Do the same for IOB if there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin. From d0c5032ab6da9a4d1912db1380c6075a06255ad4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:14:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 217/328] New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ index 81a73fc70ced..04c247adfec7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ -# Dexcom G6 +# Dexcom G6 and ONE ## Basics first - Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ -## General hints for looping with G6 +## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE - Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. - If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. +- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( -## If using G6 with xDrip+ +## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ - If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. - If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. - If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. +- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. - When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. +- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. +- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. - If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ - Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ @@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Read more in the [article]( (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Troubleshooting G6 +## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE -### Dexcom G6 specific troubleshooting +### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting - Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( From 7fac95e43a3b71c31faef413d60eb88bfe8902b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:14:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 218/328] New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ index 5084c380d1f3..6e156898dcf7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without int ## 3. Use Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) From c34e9107004c6e045df73f6610f9ee9c36278305 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:15:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 219/328] New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- docs/CROWDIN/pb/Configuration/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Configuration/ index 424585434db1..665e90233fed 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Configuration/ @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ * [Geral](../Hardware/ * [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ * [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ From 74ce49b8242195a832140d860c61a8d249ec71b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:15:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 220/328] New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ | 12 +++++------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ index 6d1bdf5eca8a..43422eb0f28e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Hardware/ @@ -1,21 +1,19 @@ -# Dexcom G7 +# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ ## Fundamental in advance -In spring 2022, the Dexcom G7 received its CE certificate and was sold at the end of October '22. - -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 system, compared to the G6, does not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) :::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 values. +:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. ::: ## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required!** +**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** ### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor @@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ For the configuration in AAPS - If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7) +## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) - Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ From 603846d4b53adfd1eb3225c54febd14a62da3794 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:17:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 221/328] New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 064ccaf49ac9..4784170488e8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/Prefer ## Plugin preferences -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of all enabled plugins at once. +The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. From 60b89bacc09e9197d53c3eae3cab63f8bab61ab7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:17:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 222/328] New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- .../pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index ec71bed488c5..826a201f49b5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Click the "NEXT" button: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dl <-> mmol/dL) +### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or se For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. -After making your selection, please press the "NEXT" button: +After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs r Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. -Go back to the screen before and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the "cog/gearwheel" to access the settings for BYODA. +If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables f OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Press the cogwheel to see the details: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ Only read the text and change nothing here. Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) From 966fb6f158a926a19b3ab3b9a519b1a561e2e917 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:21:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 223/328] New translations (Chinese Simplified) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index e22459d1540b..a516023bfeda 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -# 圖片翻譯測試頁面 Crowdin +# test page for image translation with Crowdin -![簡單的測試案例](../images/ThisIsASimpleTestCase4ImageTranslation.png) +![simple test case](../images/ThisIsASimpleTestCase4ImageTranslation.png) From 6a41518d5b9d2dbb7f49414b4929e46ee47d43d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 224/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 198 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index c3c7480e9ec9..5a12ce75909c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ -# 罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 +# Accu Chek Combo 幫浦 -**本软件是DIY解决方案的一部分而非完整的产品,需要您仔细研学包括使用方法在内的系统知识。 它无法为您全权处理糖尿病治疗的全部,但如果你愿意投入必要的时间,它将有助于改善病情并提高生活质量。 不要想着一蹴而就,请给自己足够的学习时间。 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**這個軟體是 DIY 解決方案的一部分,並不是一個產品,因此需要你自己閱讀、學習並理解系統以及如何使用它。 它不是一個能為你完全管理糖尿病的工具,但如果你願意投入時間,它可以幫助你改善糖尿病並提高生活品質。 不要急著使用,先給自己學習的時間。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-hardware-requirements)= -## 硬件要求: - -- 一台罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 (任何版本的固件都可以) -- A Smartpix or Realtyme device together with the 360 Configuration Software to configure the pump. (Roche sends out Smartpix devices and the configuration software free of charge to their customers upon request.) -- A compatible phone: An Android phone with a phone running LineageOS 14.1 (formerly CyanogenMod) or at least Android 8.1 (Oreo). As of AAPS 3.0 Android 9 is mandatory. See [release notes]( for details. -- With LineageOS 14.1 it has to be a recent version from at least June 2017 since the change needed to pair the Combo pump was only introduced at that time. -- A list of phones can be found in the [AAPS Phones]( document. -- Please be aware that this is not complete list and reflects personal user experience. You are encouraged to also enter your experience and thereby help others (these projects are all about paying it forward). -- Be aware that while Android 8.1 allows communicating with the Combo, there are still issues with AAPS on 8.1. -- For advanced users, it is possible to perform the pairing on a rooted phone and transfer it to another rooted phone to use with ruffy/AAPS, which must also be rooted. This allows using phones with Android < 8.1 but has not been widely tested: - -## Limitations - -- Extended bolus and multiwave bolus are not supported (see [Extended Carbs](../Usage/ instead). -- Only one basal profile is supported. -- Setting a basal profile other than 1 on the pump or delivering extended boluses or multiwave boluses from the pump interferes with TBRs and forces the loop into low-suspend only mode for 6 hours as the the loop can't run safely under these conditions. -- It's currently not possible to set the time and date on the pump, so [daylight saving time changes](Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo) have to be performed manually (you may disable the phone's automatic clock update in the evening and change it back in the morning together with the pump clock to avoid an alarm during the night). -- Currently only basal rates in the range of 0.05 to 10 U/h are supported. This also applies when modifying a profile, e.g. when increasing to 200%, the highest basal rate must not exceed 5 U/h since it will be doubled. Similarly, when reducing to 50%, the lowest basal rate must be at least 0.10 U/h. -- If the loop requests a running TBR to be cancelled the Combo will set a TBR of 90% or 110% for 15 minutes instead. This is because cancelling a TBR causes an alert on the pump which causes a lot of vibrations. -- Occasionally (every couple of days or so) AAPS might fail to automatically cancel a TBR CANCELLED alert, which the user then needs to deal with (by pressing the refresh button in AAPS to transfer the warning to AAPS or confirming the alert on the pump). -- Bluetooth connection stability varies with different phones, causing "pump unreachable" alerts, where no connection to the pump is established anymore. -- If that error occurs, make sure Bluetooth is enabled, press the Refresh button in the Combo tab to see if this was caused by an intermitted issue and if still no connection is established, reboot the phone which should usually fix this. -- There is another issue were a restart doesn't help but a button on the pump must be pressed (which resets the pump's Bluetooth), before the pump accepts connections from the phone again. -- There is very little that can be done to remedy either of those issues at this point. So if you see those errors frequently your only option at this time is to get another phone that's known to work well with AAPS and the Combo (see above). -- Issuing a bolus from the pump will not always be detected in time (checked for whenever AAPS connects to the pump), and might take up to 20 minutes in the worst case. -- Boluses on the pump are always checked before a high TBR or a bolus issued by AAPS but due to the limitations AAPS will then refuse to issue the TBR/Bolus as it was calculated under false premises. (-> Don't bolus from the Pump! See chapter [Usage](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-usage) below) -- Setting a TBR on the pump is to be avoided since the loop assumes control of TBRs. Detecting a new TBR on the pump might take up to 20 minutes and the TBR's effect will only be accounted from the moment it is detected, so in the worst case there might be 20 minutes of a TBR that is not reflected in IOB. - -## 设置 - -- Configure the pump using 360 config software. -- If you do not have the software, please contact your Accu-Chek hotline. They usually send registered users a CD with the "360° Pump Configuration Software" and a SmartPix USB-infrared connection device (the Realtyme device also works if you have that). -- **Required settings** (marked green in screenshots): +## 硬體需求 + +- 任何版本的 Roche Accu-Chek Combo(任何韌體版本皆支援) +- 一個 Smartpix 或 Realtyme 裝置,配合 360 設定軟體來配置幫浦。 (Roche 在客戶要求下會免費寄送 Smartpix 裝置和設定軟體。) +- 一部相容的手機:Android 手機,需安裝 LineageOS 14.1(前稱 CyanogenMod)或至少 Android 8.1(Oreo)。 從 AAPS 3.0 開始,Android 9 是必須的。 詳情請見[版本說明](。 +- 使用 LineageOS 14.1 時,手機必須是 2017 年 6 月以後的版本,因為只有那時的改變才允許配對 Combo 幫浦。 +- 可以在[AAPS 手機列表](文件中找到相容手機。 +- 請注意,這不是完整的列表,只反應個人使用經驗。 我們鼓勵你也分享你的經驗,這樣可以幫助其他人(這些專案是關於傳遞經驗)。 +- 請注意,儘管 Android 8.1 允許與 Combo 通訊,但 AAPS 在 8.1 上仍有問題。 +- 對於進階使用者,可以在已 root 的手機上進行配對,然後將其轉移到另一部已 root 的手機上使用 ruffy/AAPS,這兩部手機都需要 root。 這使得使用 Android 版本低於 8.1 的手機成為可能,但尚未廣泛測試: + +## 限制 + +- 不支援延長注射和多波段注射(請參閱[延長碳水化合物](../Usage/。 +- 僅支援一個基礎率設定檔。 +- 在幫浦上設定其他基礎率設定檔或進行延長注射或多波段注射,會干擾 TBR,並使循環進入低懸掛模式6小時,因為在這種情況下無法安全運作循環。 +- 目前無法設置幫浦的時間和日期,因此[夏令時間變更](Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo)需要手動進行(你可以在晚上停用手機的自動時鐘更新,然後與幫浦時鐘一起在早上重新調整,以避免夜間警報)。 +- 目前僅支援 0.05 至 10 U/h 範圍內的基礎率。 這也適用於修改設定檔的情況,例如當增加到 200% 時,最高基礎率不得超過 5 U/h,因為加倍計算後會超過10 U/h。 同樣地,當減少到 50% 時,最低基礎率必須至少為 0.10 U/h。 +- 如果循環要求取消正在運作的 TBR,Combo 將設定 90% 或 110% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘。 這是因為取消 TBR 會在幫浦上觸發警報,導致大量震動。 +- 偶爾(大約每幾天),AAPS 可能無法自動取消 TBR 警報,用戶需要處理此問題(按下 AAPS 的重新整理按鈕以將警告傳送至 AAPS 或在幫浦上確認警報)。 +- 藍牙連線的穩定性隨不同手機而異,可能會出現「幫浦無法使用」的警報,這時幫浦無法再建立連線。 +- 如果發生此錯誤,請確認藍牙已啟用,按下 Combo 標籤中的重新整理按鈕以檢查是否是臨時問題,如果仍無法建立連線,重啟手機,這通常能解決問題。 +- 另一個問題是,當重啟無效時,必須按下幫浦上的按鈕(這會重設幫浦的藍牙),然後幫浦才能再次接受來自手機的連線。 +- 目前對這些問題幾乎無法解決。 因此,如果你經常看到這些錯誤,目前唯一的選擇是換一部已知與 AAPS 和 Combo 幫浦相容的手機(請參閱上文)。 +- 從幫浦發出的注射未必會及時偵測到(每當 AAPS 連線到幫浦時檢查),最壞情況下可能需要長達 20 分鐘。 +- 幫浦上的注射總是在 AAPS 發出高 TBR 或注射前檢查,但由於限制,AAPS 將拒絕執行這些操作,因為它們是在錯誤的前提下計算的。 (→不要從幫浦進行注射! 請參閱[使用指南](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-usage)下方章節) +- 避免在幫浦上設定 TBR,因為循環控制 TBR。 在幫浦上偵測到新的 TBR 可能需要長達 20 分鐘,並且 TBR 的效果僅從偵測時開始計算,因此最壞情況下可能有 20 分鐘的 TBR 沒有反映在 IOB 中。 + +## 設定 + +- 使用 360 設定軟體配置幫浦。 +- 如果你沒有這個軟體,請聯絡你的 Accu-Chek 客服專線。 他們通常會向註冊用戶寄送附有 "360° 幫浦設定軟體" 的 CD 和 SmartPix USB 紅外線連線裝置(如果你有 Realtyme 裝置,也可以使用)。 +- **必要設定**(在螢幕截圖中以綠色標示): - - Set/leave the menu configuration as "Standard", this will show only the supported menus/actions on the pump and hide those which are unsupported (extended/multiwave bolus, multiple basal rates), which cause the loop functionality to be restricted when used because it's not possible to run the loop in a safe manner when used. - - Verify the *Quick Info Text* is set to "QUICK INFO" (without the quotes, found under *Insulin Pump Options*). - - Set TBR *Maximum Adjustment* to 500% - - Disable *Signal End of Temporary Basal Rate* - - Set TBR *Duration increment* to 15 min - - Enable Bluetooth - -- **Recommended settings** (marked blue in screenshots) + - 將/保持選單配置設為「標準」,這將只顯示幫浦支援的選單/操作,並隱藏不支援的部分(如延長注射/多波注射、多重基礎率),使用這些功能會限制循環功能,因為無法在安全的情況下運作循環。 + - 確認 *快速資訊文字* 設為 "QUICK INFO"(不加引號,可在 *胰島素幫浦選項* 中找到)。 + - 將 TBR *最大調整* 設為 500% + - 停用 *臨時基礎率結束訊號* + - 將 TBR *持續時間增量* 設定為 15 分鐘 + - 啟用藍牙 + +- **建議設定**(在螢幕截圖中以藍色標示) - - Set low cartridge alarm to your liking - - Configure a max bolus suited for your therapy to protect against bugs in the software - - Similarly, configure maximum TBR duration as a safeguard. Allow at least 3 hours, since the option to disconnect the pump for 3 hours sets a 0% for 3 hours. - - Enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit. - - Set display timeout and menu timeout to the minimum of 5.5 and 5 respectively. This allows the AAPS to recover more quickly from error situations and reduces the amount of vibrations that can occur during such errors + - 根據你的需求設置低匣警報 + - 配置一個適合你治療的最大注射量,以防軟體中的錯誤 + - 同樣地,配置 TBR 的最大持續時間作為防護措施。 允許至少 3 小時,因為選擇中斷幫浦 3 小時會設置 0% 持續 3 小時。 + - 啟用幫浦上的鍵盤鎖以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是在幫浦以前經常使用時。 當幫浦之前被使用且快速注射已成習慣時,這一點尤其重要。 + - 將顯示逾時和選單逾時分別設置為最小值 5.5 和 5。 這允許 AAPS 更快地從錯誤情況中恢復,並減少在這些錯誤期間可能發生的震動次數。 -![Screenshot of user menu settings](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) +![用戶選單設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) -![Screenshot of TBR settings](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) +![TBR 設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) -![Screenshot of bolus settings](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) +![注射設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) -![Screenshot of insulin cartridge settings](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) +![胰島素匣設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) -- Install AAPS as described in the [AAPS wiki]( -- Make sure to read the wiki to understand how to setup AAPS. -- Select the MDI plugin in AAPS, not the Combo plugin at this point to avoid the Combo plugin from interfering with ruffy during the pairing process. -- Clone ruffy via git from [MilosKozak/ruffy]( At the moment, the primary branch is the `combo` branch, in case of problems you might also try the 'pairing' branch (see below). -- Build and install ruffy and use it to pair the pump. If it doesn't work after multiple attempts, switch to the `pairing` branch, pair the pump and then switch back the original branch. If the pump is already paired and can be controlled via ruffy, installing the `combo` branch is sufficient. Note that the pairing processing is somewhat fragile (but only has to be done once) and may need a few attempts; quickly acknowledge prompts and when starting over, remove the pump device from the Bluetooth settings beforehand. Another option to try is to go to the Bluetooth menu after initiating the pairing process (this keeps the phone's Bluetooth discoverable as long as the menu is displayed) and switch back to ruffy after confirming the pairing on the pump, when the pump displays the authorization code. If you're unsuccessful in pairing the pump (say after 10 attempts), try waiting up to 10s before confirming the pairing on the pump (when the name of the phone is displayed on the pump). If you have configured the menu timeout to be 5s above, you need to increase it again. Some users reported they needed to do this. Lastly, consider moving from one room to another in case of local radio interference. At least one user immediately overcame pairing problems by simply changing rooms. -- When AAPS is using ruffy, the ruffy app can't be used. The easiest way is to just reboot the phone after the pairing process and let AAPS start ruffy in the background. -- If the pump is completely new, you need to do one bolus on the pump, so the pump creates a first history entry. -- Before enabling the Combo plugin in AAPS make sure your profile is set up correctly and activated(!) and your basal profile is up to date as AAPS will sync the basal profile to the pump. Then activate the Combo plugin. Press the *Refresh* button on the Combo tab to initialize the pump. -- To verify your setup, with the pump **disconnected**, use AAPS to set a TBR of 500% for 15 min and issue a bolus. The pump should now have a TBR running and the bolus in the history. AAPS should also show the active TBR and delivered bolus. +- 按照[AAPS wiki](中的描述安裝 AAPS +- 請務必閱讀 wiki 以了解如何設定 AAPS。 +- 此時在 AAPS 中選擇 MDI 外掛,而非 Combo 外掛,以避免 Combo 外掛在配對過程中干擾 ruffy。 +- 透過 git 從 [MilosKozak/ruffy]( 進行 ruffy 的複製。 目前主要分支是 `combo` 分支,如果遇到問題,你也可以嘗試 'pairing' 分支(見下文)。 +- 編譯並安裝 ruffy,並用它來配對幫浦。 如果多次嘗試後仍無法配對,切換到 `pairing` 分支,配對幫浦,然後再切換回原始分支。 如果幫浦已配對且可以透過 ruffy 控制,安裝 `combo` 分支即可。 請注意,配對過程有點不穩定(但只需要做一次),可能需要嘗試幾次;要快速回應提示訊息。如果要重新開始配對,先從藍牙設定裡移除幫浦裝置。 另一個選項是,在 啟動配對過程後進入藍牙選單(這會使手機的藍牙在選單顯示期間保持可被發現的狀態), 然後在幫浦顯示授權碼後切回 ruffy。 如果多次(如 10 次)嘗試後仍無法配對,嘗試在幫浦顯示手機名稱後等待最多 10 秒再確認配對。 如果你之前將選單逾時設置為 5 秒,現在需要再次增加它。 有些用戶報告他們需要這麼做。 最後,考慮移動到另一個房間以避免本地無線干擾。 至少有一位用戶透過簡單地換房間立即解決了配對問題。 +- 當 AAPS 使用 ruffy 時,ruffy 應用程式將無法使用。 最簡單的方式是 在配對過程後重啟手機,然後讓 AAPS 在背景中啟動 ruffy。 +- 如果幫浦是全新的,你需要在幫浦上進行一次注射,這樣幫浦會建立第一個歷史記錄。 +- 在 AAPS 中啟用 Combo 外掛之前,請確保你的個人資料已正確設定並啟動(!),並且基礎率設定檔已更新,因為 AAPS 將會同步基礎率設定檔到幫浦上。 然後啟用 Combo 外掛。 按下 Combo 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕以初始化 幫浦。 +- 為了驗證你的設定,中斷幫浦*連線*,使用 AAPS 設定 500% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘,並進行一次注射。 幫浦現在應該正在運作 TBR,並且歷史記錄中有注射紀錄。 AAPS 也應顯示活動的 TBR 和已注射的記錄。 (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-why-pairing-with-the-pump-does-not-work-with-the-app-ruffy)= -## Why pairing with the pump does not work with the app "ruffy"? +## 為什麼應用程式 "ruffy" 無法與幫浦配對? -There are serveral possible reasons. Try the following steps: +有多種可能的原因。 嘗試以下步驟: -1. Insert a **fresh or full battery** into the pump. Look at the battery section for details. Make sure that the pump is very close to the smartphone. +1. 在幫浦中插入一顆**全新或充滿電的電池**。 查看電池部分以了解詳細資訊。 確保幫浦非常接近智慧型手機。 -![Combo should be next to phone](../images/Combo_next_to_Phone.png) +![將 Combo 放在手機旁邊](../images/Combo_next_to_Phone.png) -2. Turn off or remove any other bluetooth devices so they will not be able to establish a connection to the phone while pairing is in progress. Any parallel bluetooth communication or prompt to establish connections might disturb the pairing process. +2. 關閉或移除任何其他藍牙裝置,以防它們在配對過程中與手機建立連線。 任何平行的藍牙通訊或連線提示都可能干擾配對過程。 -3. Delete already connected devices in the Bluetooth menu of the pump: **BLUETOOTH SETTINGS / CONNECTION / REMOVE** until **NO DEVICE** is shown. +3. 在幫浦的藍牙選單中刪除已連線的裝置:**藍牙設定 / 連線 / 移除** 直到 **無裝置** 顯示為止。 -4. Delete a pump already connected to the phone via Bluetooth: Under Settings / Bluetooth, remove the paired device "**SpiritCombo**" -5. Make sure, that AAPS not running in background the loop. Deaktivate Loop in AAPS. -6. Try using the '**pairing**' branch from the [MilosKozak/ruffy]( repository to establish the connection -7. Now start ruffy on the phone. You may press Reset! and remove the old connection. Then hit **Connect!**. -8. In the Bluetooth menu of the pump, go to **ADD DEVICE / ADD CONNECTION**. Press *CONNECT!** - - The next three steps are timing-sensitive, so you might need to try different pauses/speed if pairing fails. Read the full sequence before trying it. +4. 在手機的設定 / 藍牙中,刪除與手機已配對的幫浦裝置:移除配對的裝置 "**SpiritCombo**" +5. 確保 AAPS 不在背景執行循環。 停用 AAPS 中的循環。 +6. 嘗試使用[MilosKozak/ruffy]( 倉庫中的 '**pairing**' 分支來建立連線。 +7. 現在在手機上啟動 ruffy。 你可以按下重置! 並移除舊的連線。 然後點擊**連線!** +8. 在幫浦的藍牙選單中,前往 **新增裝置 / 新增連線**。 按下 *連線!** + - 接下來的三個步驟對時間的要求很嚴格,如果配對失敗,你可能需要嘗試不同的停頓或速度。 在嘗試之前先閱讀完整步驟。 -9. Now the Pump should show up the BT Name of phone to select for pairing. Here it is importand to wait at least 5s before you hit the select button on Pump. Otherwise the Pumpe will not send the Paring request to the Phone proberly. +9. 現在幫浦應該顯示出手機的藍牙名稱以供選擇配對。 在按下選擇按鈕之前,至少等待 5 秒 。 否則幫浦將無法正確地發送配對請求到手機。 - - If Combo Pump is set to 5s Screentime out, you may test it with 40s (original setting). From experiance the time between pump is showing up in phone until select phone is around 5-10s. In many other cases pairing just times out without successfully pair. Later you should set it back to 5s, to meet AAPS Combo settings and speed up connections. - - If the pump does not show the phone as a pairing device at all, your phone's Bluetooth stack is probably not compatible with the pump. Make sure you are running a new **LineageOS ≥ 14.1** or **Android ≥ 8.1 (Oreo)**. If possible, try another smartphone. You can find a list of already successfully used smartphones under \[AAPS Phones\] ( + - 如果 Combo 幫浦的螢幕逾時設定為 5 秒,可以嘗試使用 40 秒(原始設定)。 根據經驗, 從幫浦顯示到手機,直到選擇手機,大約需要 5-10 秒。 在許多其他情況下,配對會因逾時而失敗 。 之後,你可將其設定回 5 秒,以符合 AAPS Combo 設定並加速連線。 + - 如果幫浦根本未顯示手機作為配對裝置,則可能是手機的藍牙堆疊與幫浦不相容 。 確保你正在運作最新的 **LineageOS ≥ 14.1** 或 **Android ≥ 8.1(Oreo)**。 如果可能, 請嘗試使用另一部手機。 可以在\[AAPS 手機\] ( 文件中找到已成功使用的手機列表。 -10. Sometimes the phone asks for a (typically 4 digit) bluetooth PIN number that is not related to the 10 digit PIN later shown on the pump. Usually, ruffy will set this PIN automatically, but due to timing issues, this does not always work. If a request for a Bluetooth pairing PIN appears on the phone before any code is shown on the pump, you need to enter **}gZ='GD?gj2r|B}>** as the PIN. This is easiest done if you copy this 16 character text into the clipboard before starting the pairing sequence and just paste it in the dialog at this step. See related [Github issue]( for details. +10. 有時手機會要求輸入一個(通常為 4 位數的)藍牙 PIN 碼,這與幫浦稍後顯示的 10 位數 PIN 無關。 通常,ruffy 會自動設置這個 PIN,但由於時間問題,這並不總是有效。 如果在幫浦顯示任何代碼之前,手機出現藍牙配對 PIN 請求,你需要輸入**}gZ='GD?gj2r|B}>** 作為 PIN。 最簡單的方法是先將這 16 位字符的文本複製到剪貼板,然後在配對過程中出現此步驟時將其貼上。 詳情請參閱[Github 問題](。 -11. At next the pump should show up a 10 digit security code. And Ruffy shold show a screen to enter it. So enter the code in Ruffy and you should be ready to go. -12. If pairing was not successful and you got a timeout on the pump, you will need to restart the process from scratch. -13. If you have used the 'Pairing' branch to build the ruffy app, now install the version build from the 'combo' branch on top of it. Make sure that you have used the same keys when signing the two versions of the app to be able to keep all setting and data, as they also contain the connection properties. -14. Reboot the phone. -15. Now you can restart AAPS loop. +11. 接下來幫浦應該顯示一個 10 位數的安全代碼。 而 Ruffy 應顯示一個輸入此代碼的畫面。 輸入代碼後,你 應該可以繼續。 +12. 如果配對不成功,並且幫浦上出現逾時,你將需要重新開始整個過程。 +13. 如果你使用 'Pairing' 分支來構建 ruffy 應用程式,現在安裝來自 'combo' 分支的版本,覆蓋安裝。 確保在簽署兩個版本的應用程式時使用相同的密鑰,以便保持所有設置和資料,因為它們還包含連線屬性。 +14. 重啟手機。 +15. 現在你可以重新啟動 AAPS 循環。 (Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump)= -## Usage - -- Keep in mind that this is not a product, esp. in the beginning the user needs to monitor and understand the system, its limitations and how it can fail. It is strongly advised NOT to use this system when the person using it is not able to fully understand the system. -- Read the OpenAPS documentation to understand the loop algorithm AAPS is based upon. -- Read the online documentation to learn about and understand AAPS -- This integration uses the same functionality which the meter provides that comes with the Combo. The meter allows to mirror the pump screen and forwards button presses to the pump. The connection to the pump and this forwarding is what the ruffy app does. A `scripter` component reads the screen and automates entering boluses, TBRs etc and making sure inputs are processed correctly. AAPS then interacts with the scripter to apply loop commands and to administer boluses. This mode has some restrictions: it's comparatively slow (but well fast enough for what it is used for), and setting a TBR or giving a bolus causes the pump to vibrate. -- The integration of the Combo with AAPS is designed with the assumption that all inputs are made via AAPS. Boluses entered on the pump directly will be detected by AAPS, but it can take up to 20 min before AAPS becomes aware of such a bolus. Reading boluses delivered directly on the pump is a safety feature and not meant to be regularly used (the loop requires knowledge of carbs consumed, which can't be entered on the pump, which is another reason why all inputs should be done in AAPS). -- Don't set or cancel a TBR on the pump. The loop assumes control of TBR and cannot work reliably otherwise, since it's not possible to determine the start time of a TBR that was set by the user on the pump. -- The pump's first basal rate profile is read on application start and is updated by AAPS. The basal rate should not be manually changed on the pump, but will be detected and corrected as a safety measure (don't rely on safety measures by default, this is meant to detect an unintended change on the pump). -- It's recommended to enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and using the "quick bolus" feature was a habit. Also, with keylock enabled, accidentally pressing a key will NOT interrupt active communication between AAPS and pump. -- When a BOLUS/TBR CANCELLED alert starts on the pump during bolusing or setting a TBR, this is caused by a disconnect between pump and phone, which happens from time to time. AAPS will try to reconnect and confirm the alert and then retry the last action (boluses are NOT retried for safety reasons). Therefore, such an alarm can be ignored as AAPS will confirm it automatically, usually within 30s (cancelling it is not problem, but will lead to the currently active action to have to wait till the pump's display turns off before it can reconnect to the pump). If the pump's alarm continues, automatic corfirmation failed, in which case the user needs to confirm the alarm manually. -- When a low cartridge or low battery alarm is raised during a bolus, they are confirmed and shown as a notification in AAPS. If they occur while no connection is open to the pump, going to the Combo tab and hitting the Refresh button will take over those alerts by confirming them and show a notification in AAPS. -- When AAPS fails to confirm a TBR CANCELLED alert, or one is raised for a different reason, hitting Refresh in the Combo tab establishes a connection, confirms the alert and shows a notification for it in AAPS. This can safely be done, since those alerts are benign - an appropriate TBR will be set again during the next loop iteration. -- For all other alerts raised by the pump: connecting to the pump will show the alert message in the Combo tab, e.g. "State: E4: Occlusion" as well as showing a notification on the main screen. An error will raise an urgent notification. AAPS never confirms serious errors on the pump, but let's the pump vibrate and ring to make sure the user is informed of a critical situation that needs action. -- After pairing, ruffy should not be used directly (AAPS will start in the background as needed), since using ruffy at AAPS at the same time is not supported. -- If AAPS crashes (or is stopped from the debugger) while AAPS and the pump were communicating (using ruffy), it might be necessary to force close ruffy. Restarting AAPS will start ruffy again. Restarting the phone is also an easy way to resolve this if you don't know how to force kill an app. -- Don't press any buttons on the pump while AAPS communicates with the pump (Bluetooth logo is shown on the pump). \ No newline at end of file +## 使用說明 + +- 請記住,這不是一個產品,特別是 剛開始時,用戶需要監控並理解系統、其限制以及它如何可能失效。 強烈建議當使用者無法完全理解系統時,不要使用此系統。 +- 閱讀 OpenAPS 文件 以理解 AAPS 所基於的循環演算法 。 +- 閱讀線上文件以學習和理解 AAPS +- 此整合使用了 Combo 附帶的血糖機所提供的相同功能。 該血糖機允許鏡像幫浦螢幕並將按鍵輸入傳送到幫浦。 連線幫浦和傳送按鍵輸入是 ruffy 應用程式的功能 。 一個`腳本工具`組件會讀取螢幕 並自動輸入注射、TBR 等,確保輸入正確處理。 然後 AAPS 與腳本工具互動以應用循環指令並管理注射。 此模式有一些限制:速度相對較慢(但足夠快用於其用途), 並且設置 TBR 或進行注射時會導致幫浦震動。 +- Combo 與 AAPS 的整合假設所有輸入都是 透過 AAPS 進行的。 直接在幫浦上進行的注射能被 AAPS 偵測到,但可能需要 長達 20 分鐘 AAPS 才能察覺這種注射。 直接在幫浦上輸入的注射讀取是一個安全功能,並不建議經常使用(循環需要知道消耗的碳水化合物,這無法在幫浦上輸入,這是所有輸入應該在 AAPS 內完成的另一個原因)。 +- 不要在幫浦上設置或取消 TBR。 循環假設 TBR 是由其控制的,否則將無法可靠工作,因為無法確定用戶在幫浦上設置的 TBR 開始時間。 +- 幫浦的第一基礎率設定檔在應用程式啟動時被讀取,並由 AAPS 更新。 基礎率不應手動在幫浦上更改,若發生更改,會被偵測並作為安全 措施進行修正(預設情況下不要依賴安全措施,這是為了偵測幫浦上的非預期更改)。 +- 建議啟用幫浦的鍵盤鎖以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是 當幫浦以前被使用並且「快速注射」功能成為習慣時。 此外,啟用按鍵鎖定後,即使意外按到按鍵,也不會中斷 AAPS 和幫浦之間的通訊。 +- 當幫浦在進行注射或設定臨時基礎率時,出現「注射/臨時基礎率取消」警報,這是因為幫浦和手機之間的連線中斷,這種情況偶爾會發生。 AAPS 會嘗試重新連線並確認警報,然後重試最後的操作(出於安全考量,注射不會重試)。 因此,這樣的警報可以忽略,因為 AAPS 會自動確認,通常在 30 秒內完成(取消警報沒問題,但會導致當前正在進行的操作必須等到幫浦螢幕熄滅後,才能重新連線到幫浦)。 如果幫浦的警報持續響起,代表自動確認失敗,這時用戶需要手動確認警報。 +- 當在注射過程中出現低藥匣或低電量警報時,這些警報會被確認,並顯示為 AAPS 中的通知。 如果這些警報發生時幫浦沒有連線,前往 Combo 頁籤並按下重新整理按鈕會接管這些警報,確認後會在 AAPS 顯示通知。 +- 當 AAPS 無法確認 '臨時基礎率取消' 警報,或因其他原因觸發該警報時,在 Combo 頁籤按下重新整理會重新建立連線,確認警報,並在 AAPS 顯示通知。 這樣做是安全的,因為這些警報是無害的——在下次循環時會再次設定適當的臨時基礎率(TBR)。 +- 對於幫浦觸發的其他警報:連接到幫浦後,會在 Combo 頁籤顯示警報訊息,例如『狀態:E4:阻塞』,並且會在主畫面顯示通知。 錯誤會觸發緊急通知。 AAPS 不會確認幫浦上的嚴重錯誤,而是會讓幫浦震動並響鈴,以確保用戶知道需要處理的重大情況。 +- 配對後,不應直接使用 ruffy(AAPS 會在需要時於背景啟動),因為同時使用 ruffy 和 AAPS 是不支援的。 +- 如果 AAPS 當機(或被調試器停止)時 AAPS 正在與幫浦連線(使用 ruffy),可能需要強制關閉 ruffy。 重新啟動 AAPS 會再次啟動 ruffy。 如果你不知道如何強制關閉應用程式,重新啟動手機也是解決這個問題的簡單方法。 +- 當AAPS與幫浦連線時(幫浦上顯示藍牙標誌),請不要按下幫浦上的任何按鈕。 \ No newline at end of file From 44e902b89ed5ff4c2e09fbdd9d37298ef53908a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 225/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 378 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 189 insertions(+), 189 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index d7e886c92c07..504110d73465 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,379 +1,379 @@ -# 配置生成器 +# 組態建置工具 -Depending on your settings you can open Config Builder through a tab at the top of the screen or through hamburger menu. +根據你的設定,你可以透過螢幕頂部的標籤或選單開「啟組態建置工具」。 -![Open config builder](../images/ConfBuild_Open_AAPS30.png) +![開啟組態建置工具](../images/ConfBuild_Open_AAPS30.png) -Config Builder (Conf) is the tab where you turn the modular features on and off. The boxes on the left-hand side (A) allow you to select which one to use, the boxes on the right-hand side (C) allow you to view these as a tab (E) in AAPS. In case the right box is not activated you can reach the function by using the hamburger menu (D) on the top left of the screen. +組態建置工具(Conf)是你用來啟用或停用模組功能的標籤。 左側的框(A)允許你選擇要使用哪一個,右側的框(C)允許你將這些顯示為 AAPS 中的標籤(E)。 如果右側的框未啟用,你可以透過螢幕左上方的選單(D)進入該功能。 -Where there are additional settings available within the module, you can click on the cog wheel (B) which will take you to the specific settings within preferences. +如果模組內有額外的設定可用,你可以點擊齒輪(B),這會將你帶到偏好設定中的特定設置。 -**First configuration:** Since AAPS 2.0 a Setup wizard guides you through the process of setting up AAPS. Push 3-dots-menu on the upper right-hand side of the screen (F) and select 'Setup Wizard' to use it. +**首次配置:**從 AAPS 2.0 開始,設定嚮導會引導你完成 AAPS 的配置過程。 按下螢幕右上角的三點選單(F),並選擇「設定嚮導」來使用它。 -![Config Builder boxes and cog wheel](../images/ConfBuild_ConfigBuilder_AAPS30.png) +![組態建置工具框和齒輪](../images/ConfBuild_ConfigBuilder_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-tab-or-hamburger-menu)= -## Tab or hamburger menu +## 標籤或選單 -With the checkbox under the eye symbol you can decide how to open the corresponding program section. +透過眼睛圖示下方的選框,你可以決定如何開啟相應的程式區段。 -![Tab or hamburger menu](../images/ConfBuild_TabOrHH_AAPS30.png) +![標籤或選單](../images/ConfBuild_TabOrHH_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-profile)= -## Profile +## 設定檔 -* Select the basal profile you wish to use. See [Profiles](../Usage/ page for more setup information. -* As of AAPS 3.0, only the local profile is available. +* 選擇你要使用的基礎率設定檔。 有關更多設定資訊,請參閱[設定檔](../Usage/頁面。 +* 從 AAPS 3.0 開始,僅提供本地設定檔。 -However, it is possible to synchronise a Nightscout profile into a local profile. To do this, however, it is important to clone the whole database record consisting of several profiles in the Nightscout editor. Please see the instructions below. This can be helpful if major changes to a more extensive profile can be entered more easily via the web interface, e.g. to manually copy data from a spreadsheet. +然而,可以將 Nightscout 設定檔同步至本地設定檔。 不過,為此重要的是要在 Nightscout 編輯器中複製由多個設定檔組成的完整資料庫記錄。 請參閱下方的說明。 如果要對更廣泛的設定檔進行重大更改,這可能會很有幫助,例如從試算表手動複製資料。 (Config-Builder-local-profile)= -### Local profile +### 本地設定檔(Local profile) -Local profile uses the basal profile manually entered in phone. As soon as it is selected, a new tab appears in AAPS, where you can change the profile data read out from the pump if necessary. With the next profile switch they are then written to the pump in profile 1. This profile is recommended as it does not rely on internet connectivity. +本地設定檔使用手動輸入到手機中的基礎率設定檔。 一旦選擇它,AAPS 中將會顯示一個新標籤,必要時你可以更改從幫浦讀取的設定檔資料。 下次切換設定檔時,這些資料將寫入幫浦中的設定檔 1。 建議使用這個設定檔,因為它不依賴於網際網路連線。 -Your local profiles are part of [exported settings](../Usage/ So make sure to have a backup in a safe place. +你的本地設定檔是[匯出設定](../Usage/的一部分。 因此,確保有一個安全的備份。 -![Local Profile settings](../images/LocalProfile_Settings.png) +![本地設定檔設置](../images/LocalProfile_Settings.png) -Buttons: +按鈕: -* green plus: add -* red X: delete -* blue arrow: duplicate +* 綠色加號:新增 +* 紅色 X:刪除 +* 藍色箭頭:複製 -If you make any changes to your profile, make sure, you are editing the correct profile. In profile tab there is not always shown the actual profile being used - e.g. if you made a profile switch by using the profile tab on homescreen it may differ from the profile actually shown in profile tab as there is no connection between these. +如果你對設定檔進行任何更改,請確保你正在編輯正確的設定。 在設定檔標籤中,不一定會顯示當前正在使用的設定檔——例如,如果你使用主畫面的設定檔標籤進行切換,該設定檔可能與設定檔標籤中顯示的不同,因為兩者之間沒有連線。 -#### Clone profile switch +#### 複製設定檔切換 -You can easily create a new local profile from a profile switch. In this case timeshift and percentage will be applied to the new local profile. +你可以輕鬆從設定檔切換中建立新的本地設定檔。 在此情況下,時間偏移和百分比將應用於新本地設定檔。 -1. Click 3-dots-menu in upper right corner. -2. Select 'Treatments'. -3. Press star symbol to access profile switch page. -4. Select the desired profile switch and press "Clone". -5. You can edit the new local profile in Local Profile (LP) tab or via the hamburger menu. +1. 點擊右上角的三點選單。 +2. 選擇「治療」。 +3. 按下星號圖示以進入設定檔切換頁面。 +4. 選擇所需的設定檔切換並按「複製」。 +5. 你可以在本地設定檔(LP)標籤中或透過選單編輯新的本地設定檔。 -![Clone profile switch](../images/LocalProfile_ClonePS_AAPS30.png) +![複製設定檔切換](../images/LocalProfile_ClonePS_AAPS30.png) (Config-Builder-upload-local-profiles-to-nightscout)= -#### Upload local profiles to Nightscout +#### 上傳本地設定檔到 Nightscout -Local profiles can also be uploaded to Nightscout. The settings can be found in [NSClient preferences](Preferences-nsclient). +本地設定檔也可以上傳到 Nightscout。 可以在[NSClient 偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中找到這些設定。 -![Upload local profile to NS](../images/LocalProfile_UploadNS_AASP30.png) +![上傳本地設定檔到 NS](../images/LocalProfile_UploadNS_AASP30.png) -#### Change profile in Nighscout profile editor +#### 在 Nightscout 設定檔編輯器中更改設定檔 -You can synchronize changes to the profile in the Nighscout profile editor to local profiles. The settings can be found in [NSClient preferences](Preferences-nsclient). +你可以將 Nightscout 設定檔編輯器中的更改同步至本地設定檔。 可以在[NSClient 偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中找到這些設定。 -It is necessary to clone the actual active entire Nightscout database records for the profiles and not just a profile with the blue arrow! The new database records then carries the current date and can be activated via the tab "local profile". +有必要複製整個當前活動的 Nightscout 資料庫記錄,而不僅僅是藍色箭頭的設定檔! 新的資料庫記錄將攜帶當前日期,並可以透過「本地設定檔」標籤啟用。 -![Clone database records](../images/Nightscout_Profile_Editor.PNG) +![複製資料庫記錄](../images/Nightscout_Profile_Editor.PNG) -### Profile helper +### 設定檔助手 -Profile helper offers two functions: +設定檔助手提供兩個功能: -1. Find a profile for kids -2. Compare two profiles or profile switches in order to clone a new profile +1. 為孩子們找到合適的設定檔 +2. 比較兩個設定檔或設定檔切換,以便複製新的設定檔 -Details are explained on the separate [profile helper page](../Configuration/ +詳細說明請參閱[設定檔助手頁面](../Configuration/。 (Config-Builder-insulin)= -## Insulin +## 胰島素 -![Insulin type](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_AAPS30.png) +![胰島素類型](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_AAPS30.png) -* Select the type of insulin curve you are using. -* The options 'Rapid-Acting Oref', Ultra-Rapid Oref', 'Lyumjev' and 'Free-Peak Oref' all have an exponential shape. More information is listed in the [OpenAPS docs]( -* The curves will vary based on the DIA and the time to peak. +* 選擇你正在使用的胰島素曲線類型。 +* 選項 'Rapid-Acting Oref'、'Ultra-Rapid Oref'、'Lyumjev' 和 'Free-Peak Oref' 都具有指數形狀。 更多資訊請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](。 +* 曲線將根據 DIA 和峰值時間而有所不同。 - * PURPLE line shows how much **insulin remains** after it has been injected as it decays with time. - * BLUE line shows **how active** insulin is. + * 紫色線顯示**注射後隨時間衰減**的剩餘胰島素量。 + * 藍色線顯示**胰島素的活性**。 ### DIA -* The DIA is not the same for each person. That's why you have to test it for yourself. -* But it must always be at least 5 hours. -* For a lot of people using ultra-rapid insulins like Fiasp there is practically no noticeable effect after 3-4 hours any more, even if 0.0xx units are available as a rule then. This residual amount can still be noticeable during sports, for example. Therefore, AAPS uses minimum 5h as DIA. -* You can read more about that in the Insulin Profile section of [this](Screenshots-insulin-profile) page. +* DIA 對每個人來說並不相同。 這就是為什麼你需要自行測試。 +* 但它必須至少是 5 小時。 +* 對於許多使用超快速胰島素如 Fiasp 的人來說,實際上在 3-4 小時後已經沒有顯著效果了,即使此時理論上仍有 0.0xx 單位的胰島素存在。 例如,在運動期間,這些殘餘量可能仍然是顯著的。 因此,AAPS 使用最少 5 小時作為 DIA。 +* 你可以在[此頁面](Screenshots-insulin-profile)的胰島素設定檔部分中閱讀更多相關資訊。 -### Insulin type differences +### 胰島素類型差異 -* For 'Rapid-Acting', 'Ultra-Rapid' and 'Lyumjev' the DIA is the only variable you can adjust by yourself, the time to peak is fixed. -* Free-Peak allows you to adjust both the DIA and the time to peak, and must only be used by advanced users who know the effects of these settings. -* The [insulin curve graph](Screenshots-insulin-profile) helps you to understand the different curves. -* You can view it by enabling the tickbox to show it as a tab, otherwise it will be in the hamburger menu. +* 對於 'Rapid-Acting'、'Ultra-Rapid' 和 'Lyumjev',DIA 是唯一可以自行調整的變數,峰值時間是固定的。 +* Free-Peak 允許你同時調整 DIA 和峰值時間,這僅應由了解這些設置效果的高級使用者使用。 +* [胰島素曲線圖](Screenshots-insulin-profile)幫助你了解不同的曲線。 +* 你可以透過啟用勾選框將其顯示為標籤,否則它將在選單中。 #### Rapid-Acting Oref -![Insulin type Rapid-Acting Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_RAO.png) +![胰島素類型:快速作用 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_RAO.png) -* recommended for Humalog, Novolog and Novorapid -* DIA = at least 5.0h -* Max. peak = 75 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) +* 推薦用於 Humalog、Novolog 和 Novorapid +* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 +* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 75 分鐘(固定,不可調整) #### Ultra-Rapid Oref -![Insulin type Ultra-Rapid Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_URO.png) +![胰島素類型:超快速作用 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_URO.png) -* recommended for FIASP -* DIA = at least 5.0h -* Max. peak = 55 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) +* 推薦用於 FIASP +* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 +* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 55 分鐘(固定,不可調整) (Config-Builder-lyumjev)= #### Lyumjev -![Insulin type Lyumjev](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_L.png) +![胰島素類型:Lyumjev](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_L.png) -* special insulin profile for Lyumjev -* DIA = at least 5.0h -* Max. peak = 45 minutes after injection (fixed, not adjustable) +* Lyumjev 的特殊胰島素設定檔 +* DIA = 至少 5.0 小時 +* 峰值 峰值 = 注射後 45 分鐘(固定,不可調整) #### Free Peak Oref -![Insulin type Free Peak Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_FPO.png) +![胰島素類型:自由峰值 Oref](../images/ConfBuild_Insulin_FPO.png) -* With the "Free Peak 0ref" profile you can individually enter the peak time. To do so click to cogwheel to enter advanced settings. -* The DIA is automatically set to 5 hours if it is not specified higher in the profile. -* This effect profile is recommended if an unbacked insulin or a mixture of different insulins is used. +* 使用 "自由峰值 Oref" 設定檔,你可以單獨輸入峰值時間。 要這麼做,點擊齒輪圖示以進入高級設定。 +* 如果設定檔中未指定更高值,則 DIA 自動設置為 5 小時。 +* 如果使用無背景支援的胰島素或不同胰島素的混合物,建議使用此效果設定檔。 (Config-Builder-bg-source)= -## BG Source +## 血糖來源 -Select the blood glucose source you are using - see [BG Source]( page for more setup information. +選擇你正在使用的血糖來源——詳情請參閱[血糖來源](頁面。 -![Config Builder BG source](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) +![組態建置工具:血糖來源選擇](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) -* [Build Your Own Dexcom App (BYODA)]( +* [構建你自己的 Dexcom 應用程式(BYODA)](。 * [xDrip+]( * [MM640g]( -* [Glimp]( - only version 4.15.57 and newer are supported +* [Glimp]( - 只支援版本 4.15.57 及更新的版本 * [Poctech]( -* [Tomato App]( for MiaoMiao device -* [Glunovo App]( for Glunovo CGM system -* NSClient BG - not recommended as closed loop relies on mobile data / wifi coverage in this case. CGM data will only be received if there is an online connection to your NS site. Better use local broadcast from one of the other CGM data sources. -* Random BG: Generates random BG data (Demo mode only) +* [MiaoMiao 裝置的 Tomato 應用程式]( +* [Glunovo 應用程式]( 用於 Glunovo CGM 系統 +* NSClient 血糖來源 - 不建議使用,因為在此情況下閉環依賴行動網路/ Wi-Fi 覆蓋範圍。 僅在與你的 NS 網站有連線時才能接收 CGM 資料。 最好使用其他 CGM 資料來源的本地廣播。 +* 隨機血糖:生成隨機血糖資料(僅限演示模式) (Config-Builder-pump)= -## Pump +## 幫浦 -Select the pump you are using. +選擇你正在使用的幫浦。 -![Config Builder Pump selection](../images/ConfBuild_Pump_AAPS30.png) +![組態建置工具幫浦選擇](../images/ConfBuild_Pump_AAPS30.png) * [Dana R]( -* Dana R Korean (for domestic DanaR pump) -* Dana Rv2 (DanaR pump with unofficial firmware upgrade) +* Dana R Korean(適用於國內 DanaR 幫浦) +* Dana Rv2(升級了非官方韌體的 DanaR 幫浦) * [Dana-i/RS]( - * For dana pumps, use **Advanced settings** to activate BT watchdog if necessary. It switches off bluetooth for one second if no connection to the pump is possible. This may help on some phones where the bluetooth stack freezes. - * [Password for Dana RS pump](../Configuration/ must be entered correctly. Password was not checked in previous versions. + * 對於 Dana 幫浦,必要時請使用**進階設定**來啟用藍牙監控。 如果無法連線幫浦,它會關閉藍牙一秒鐘。 這可能對於某些藍牙系統卡住的手機可能會有幫助。 + * 必須正確輸入 [Dana RS 幫浦的密碼](../Configuration/。 在之前的版本中未檢查密碼。 * [Accu Chek Insight]( -* [Accu Chek Combo]( (requires ruffy installation) +* [Accu Chek Combo](需要安裝 ruffy) * [Omnipod Eros]( * [Omnipod DASH]( * [Medtronic]( * [Diaconn G8]( -* MDI (receive AAPS suggestions for your multiple daily injections therapy) -* Virtual pump (open loop for pump which don't have any driver yet - AAPS suggestions only) +* MDI(接收 AAPS 對你多次每日注射治療的建議) +* 虛擬幫浦(對於尚無驅動程式的幫浦開放循環——僅 AAPS 建議) -## Sensitivity Detection +## 敏感性檢測 -Select the type of sensitivity detection. For more details of different designs please [read on here](../Configuration/ This will analyze historical data on the go and make adjustments if it recognizes that you are reacting more sensitively (or conversely, more resistant) to insulin than usual. More details about the Sensitivity algorithm can be read in the [OpenAPS docs]( +選擇你正在使用的敏感性檢測類型。 如需不同設計的更多詳情,請[點此繼續閱讀](../Configuration/。 此功能會即時分析歷史資料,並在你對胰島素的反應比平常更敏感(或相反,更具抗性)時進行調整。 更多關於敏感性演算法的詳細資訊請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](。 -You can view your sensitivity on the homescreen by selecting SEN and watching the white line. Note, you need to be in [Objective 8](Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens) in order to let Sensitivity Detection/[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) automatically adjust the amount of insulin delivered. Before reaching that objective, the Autosens percentage / the line in your graph is displayed for information only. +你可以在主畫面上選擇 SEN 並觀看白線來查看你的敏感性狀況。 注意,你需要在[目標 8](Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens),才能讓敏感性檢測/[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 自動調整輸送的胰島素量。 在達到該目標之前,Autosens 的百分比/圖表中的線僅供參考。 (Config-Builder-absorption-settings)= -### Absorption settings +### 吸收設定 -If you use Oref1 with SMB you must change **min_5m_carbimpact** to 8. The value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity "uses up" all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB. At times when [carb absorption](../Usage/ can't be dynamically worked out based on your bloods reactions it inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe. +如果你使用 Oref1 與 SMB,必須將**min_5m_carbimpact** 改為 8。 該值僅在 CGM 讀數中斷時使用,或在身體活動「消耗」掉了所有會使 AAPS 衰減 COB 的血糖上升時使用。 在無法根據你的血糖反應動態計算[碳水化合物吸收](../Usage/的時候,它會對你的碳水化合物應用預設的衰減。 基本上,這是一個安全保護機制。 (Config-Builder-aps)= ## APS -Select the desired APS algorithm for therapy adjustments. You can view the active detail of the chosen algorithm in the OpenAPS(OAPS) tab. +選擇用於治療調整的 APS 演算法。 你可以在 OpenAPS (OAPS) 標籤中查看選定演算法的活動詳情。 -* OpenAPS AMA (advanced meal assist, state of the algorithm in 2017) In simple terms the benefits are after you give yourself a meal bolus the system can high-temp more quickly IF you enter carbs reliably. -* [OpenAPS SMB](../Usage/ (super micro bolus, most recent algorithm for advanced users) Note you need to be in [Objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) in order to use OpenAPS SMB and min_5m_carbimpact must be set to 8 in Config builder > Sensitivity detection > Sensitivity Oref1 settings. +* OpenAPS AMA(進階餐前輔助,2017 年的演算法狀態)簡單來說,它的好處是在你自己進行餐前注射後,如果你可靠地輸入碳水化合物,系統可以更快地提高臨時基礎率。 +* [OpenAPS SMB](../Usage/超微量注射,針對進階使用者的最新演算法) 注意:你需要在[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb),才能使用 OpenAPS SMB,並且必須在組態建置工具 > 敏感性檢測 > 敏感性 Oref1 設定中將 min_5m_carbimpact 設置為 8。 -## Loop +## 循環 -* Switch between Open Loop, Closed Loop and Low Glucose Suspend (LGS). +* 在開放循環、閉合循環和低血糖暫停 (LGS) 之間切換。 -![Config builder - loop mode](../images/ConfigBuilder_LoopLGS.png) +![組態建置工具 - 循環模式](../images/ConfigBuilder_LoopLGS.png) (Config-Builder-open-loop)= -### Open Loop +### 開放循環 -* AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG...) and makes treatment suggestions on how to adjust your therapy if necessary. -* The suggestions will not be executed automatically (as in closed loop) have to be entered manually into the pump or by using a button in case you are using a compatible pump (Dana R/RS or Accu Chek Combo). -* This option is for getting to know how AAPS works or if you are using an unsupported pump. +* AAPS 會持續評估所有可用資料(IOB、COB、血糖等),並在必要時提供治療建議來調整你的治療。 +* 這些建議不會自動執行(如同閉合循環),你必須手動將其輸入幫浦,或如果你使用的是相容幫浦(如 Dana R/RS 或 Accu Chek Combo),可以按下按鈕執行建議。 +* 這個選項是給那些想了解 AAPS 運作方式或正在使用不支援的幫浦的人。 (Config-Builder-closed-loop)= -### Closed Loop +### 閉合循環 -* AAPS continuously evaluates all available data (IOB, COB, BG...) and automatically adjusts the treatment if necessary (i.e. without further intervention by you) to reach the set target range or value (bolus delivery, temporary basal rate, insulin switch-off to avoid hypo etc.). -* The Closed Loop works within numerous safety limits, which you can be set individually. -* Closed Loop is only possible if you are in [Objective 6](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend) or higher and use a supported pump. -* Please note: In closed loop mode a single target instead of target range (i.e. 5,5 mmol or 100 mg/dl instead of 5,0 - 7,0 mmol or 90 - 125 mg/dl) is recommended. +* AAPS 會持續評估所有可用資料(IOB、COB、血糖等),並在必要時自動調整治療(即無需你進一步干預),以達到設定的目標範圍或值(注射、臨時基礎率、胰島素關閉以避免低血糖等)。 +* 閉合循環在多個安全限制範圍內工作,你可以個別設定這些限制。 +* 閉合循環僅在你達到[目標 6](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend)或更高目標且使用支援的幫浦時才可能。 +* 請注意:在閉合循環模式下,建議使用單一目標而非目標範圍(即 5.5 mmol 或 100 mg/dl,而非 5.0 - 7.0 mmol 或 90 - 125 mg/dl)。 -### Low Glucose Suspend (LGS) +### 低血糖暫停 (LGS) -* maxIOB is set to zero -* This means if blood glucose is dropping it can reduce basal for you. -* But if blood glucose is rising no automatic correction will be made. Your basal rates will remain the same as your selected profile. -* Only if basal IOB is negative (from a previous Low Glucose Suspend) additional insulin will be given to lower BG. +* maxIOB 設為 0 +* 這意味著如果血糖下降,它可以為你減少基礎率。 +* 但如果血糖上升,則不會自動進行修正。 你的基礎率將保持與所選設定檔相同。 +* 只有當來自先前的低血糖暫停的基礎 IOB 為負時,才會額外注射胰島素來降低血糖。 -### Minimal request change +### 最小請求變更 -* When using open loop you will receive notifications every time AAPS recommends to adjust basal rate. -* To reduce number of notifications you can either use a wider bg target range or increase percentage of the minimal request rate. -* This defines the relative change required to trigger a notification. +* 使用開放循環時,當 AAPS 建議調整基礎率時,你會收到通知。 +* 為了減少通知次數,你可以使用更寬的血糖目標範圍,或增加最小請求率的百分比。 +* 這定義了觸發通知所需的相對變更。 -## Objectives (learning program) +## 目標(學習計畫) -AAPS has a leraning program (objectives) that you have to fulfill step by step. This should guide you safely through setting up a closed loop system. It guarantees that you have set everything up correctly and understand what the system does exactly. This is the only way you can trust the system. +AAPS 有一個學習計畫(目標),你必須逐步完成它。 這將引導你安全地設置閉合循環系統。 它保證你已正確設置所有內容,並了解系統的具體操作。 這是你可以信任系統的唯一方式。 -You should [export your settings](../Usage/ (including progress of the objectives) on a regularly basis. In case you have to replace your smartphone later (new purchase, display damage etc.) you can simply import those settings. +你應該[定期匯出你的設置](../Usage/包括目標的進度)。 如果稍後需要更換手機(新購、螢幕損壞等),你可以簡單地匯入這些設置。 -See [Objectives](../Usage/ page for more information. +更多資訊請參閱[目標](../Usage/頁面。 -## Treatments +## 治療 -If you view the Treatments (Treat) tab, you can see the treatments that have been uploaded to nightscout. Should you wish to edit or delete an entry (e.g. you ate less carbs than you expected) then select 'Remove' and enter the new value (change the time if necessary) through the [carbs button on the home screen](Screenshots-carb-correction). +如果你查看「治療」(Treat)標籤,你可以看到已上傳到 Nightscout 的治療記錄。 如果你希望編輯或刪除一個條目(例如你吃的碳水化合物比預期少),請選擇「刪除」,然後透過[主畫面的碳水按鈕](Screenshots-carb-correction)輸入新數值(如果有需要,請更改時間)。 -## General +## 一般問題 -### Overview +### 首頁總覽 -Displays the current state of your loop and buttons for most common actions (see [section The Homescreen](../Getting-Started/ for details). Settings can be accessed by clicking the cog wheel. +顯示當前循環狀態和最常見操作的按鈕(詳情請參閱[主畫面](../Getting-Started/部分)。 你可以透過點擊齒輪圖示查看設置。 -#### Keep screen on +#### 保持螢幕常亮 -Option 'Keep screen on' will force Android to keep the screen on at all times. This is useful for presentations etc. But it consumes a lot of battery power. Therefore, it is recommended to connect the smartphone to a charger cable. +選項「保持螢幕常亮」將強制 Android 隨時保持螢幕亮起。 這對於演示等場合很有用。 但它會消耗大量電池電量。 因此,建議將智慧型手機連線到充電線。 -#### Buttons +#### 按鈕 -Define which Buttons are shown on the home screen. +定義顯示在主畫面上的按鈕。 -* Treatments -* Calculator -* Insulin -* Carbs -* CGM (opens xDrip+) -* Calibration +* 治療 +* 計算機 +* 胰島素 +* 碳水化合物 +* CGM(打開 xDrip+) +* 校正 -Furthermore, you can set shortcuts for insulin and carb increments and decide whether the notes field should be shown in treatment dialogues. +此外,你可以為胰島素和碳水化合物增量設置快捷方式,並決定是否應在治療對話框中顯示備註欄位。 -#### QuickWizard settings +#### 快速嚮導設定(QuickWizard settings) -Create a button for a certain standard meal (carbs and calculation method for the bolus) which will be displayed on the home screen. Use for standard meals frequently eaten. If different times are specified for the different meals you will always have the appropriate standard meal button on the home screen, depending on the time of day. +為某個標準餐點(碳水化合物和注射計算方法)建立一個按鈕,該按鈕將顯示在主畫面上。 適用於經常食用的標準餐點。 如果為不同餐點指定了不同的時間,你將根據一天中的時間,始終在主畫面上看到合適的標準餐點按鈕。 -Note: Button will not be visible if outside the specified time range or if you have enough IOB to cover the carbs defined in the QuickWizard button. +注意:如果在指定的時間範圍外,或者如果你已經有足夠的 IOB 來覆蓋 QuickWizard 按鈕中定義的碳水化合物,按鈕將不可見。 -![QuickWizard button](../images/ConfBuild_QuickWizard.png) +![快速嚮導按鈕](../images/ConfBuild_QuickWizard.png) -#### Default Temp-Targets +#### 預設臨時目標 -Choose default temp-targets (duration and target). Preset values are: +選擇預設的臨時目標(持續時間和目標)。 預設值為: -* eating soon: target 72 mg/dl / 4.0 mmol/l, duration 45 min -* activity: target 140 mg/dl / 7.8 mmol/l, duration 90 min -* hypo: target 125 mg/dl / 6.9 mmol/l, duration 45 min +* 即將用餐:目標 72 mg/dl / 4.0 mmol/l,持續 45 分鐘 +* 運動:目標 140 mg/dl / 7.8 mmol/l,持續 90 分鐘 +* 低血糖:目標 125 mg/dl / 6.9 mmol/l,持續 45 分鐘 -#### Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts +#### 填充/啟動標準胰島素量 -Choose the default amounts of the three buttons in fill/prime dialogue, depending on the length of your catheter. +根據你的導管長度選擇填充/啟動對話框中的三個按鈕的預設量。 -#### Range of visualization +#### 視覺化範圍 -Choose the high and low marks for the BG-graph on AAPS overview and smart watch. It is only the visualization, not the target range for your BG. Example: 70 - 180 mg/dl or 3.9 - 10 mmol/l +選擇 AAPS 首頁總覽和智慧型手錶上血糖圖表的高低標記。 這僅限於視覺化顯示,並非血糖的目標範圍。 範例:70 - 180 mg/dl 或 3.9 - 10 mmol/l -#### Shorten tab titles +#### 縮短標籤標題 -Choose wether the tab titles in AAPS are long (e.g. ACTIONS, LOCAL PROFILE, AUTOMATION) or short (e.g. ACT, LP, AUTO) +選擇 AAPS 中的標籤標題是長的(例如:操作、本地設定檔、自動化)還是短的(例如:操作、本地設定、自動) -#### Show notes field in treatment dialogs +#### 在治療對話框中顯示備註欄位 -Choose if you want to have a notes field when entering treatments or not. +選擇是否要在輸入治療時顯示備註欄位。 -#### Status lights +#### 狀態燈 -Choose if you want to have [status lights](Preferences-status-lights) on overview for cannula age, insulin age, sensor age, battery age, reservoir level or battery level. When warning level is reached, the color of the status light will switch to yellow. Critical age will show up in red. +選擇是否要在首頁總覽中顯示[狀態燈](Preferences-status-lights),顯示導管時間、胰島素時間、傳感器時間、電池時間、儲液罐液位或電池電量。 當達到警告等級時,狀態燈的顏色會變為黃色。 關鍵時間將顯示為紅色。 -#### Advanced settings +#### 進階設定 -**Deliver this part of bolus wizard result**: When using SMB, many people do not meal-bolus 100% of needed insulin, but only a part of it (e.g. 75 %) and let the SMB with UAM (unattended meal detection) do the rest. In this setting, you can choose a default value for the percenteage the bolus wizard should calculate with. If this setting is 75 % and you had to bolus 10u, the bolus wizard will propose a meal bolus of only 7.5 units. +**交付此部分注射嚮導結果:**使用 SMB 時,許多人不會進行 100% 的餐前注射,而只注射一部分(例如 75%),其餘部分由 SMB 和 UAM(無人值守餐點檢測)處理。 在此設置中,你可以選擇注射嚮導應計算的預設值。 如果此設置為 75%,而你需要注射 10 單位,注射嚮導將建議餐前注射 7.5 單位。 -**Enable super bolus functionality in wizard** (It is different from *super micro bolus*!): Use with caution and do not enable until you learn what it really does. Basically, the basal for the next two hours is added to the bolus and a two hour zero-temp activated. **AAPS looping functions will be disabled - so use with care! If you use SMB AAPS looping functions will be disabled according to your settings in ["Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to"](Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to), if you do not use SMB looping functions will be disabled for two hours.** Details on super bolus can be found [here]( +**在嚮導中啟用超級注射功能**(與*超微量注射*不同!):請謹慎使用,在瞭解其真正作用之前不要啟用。 基本上,接下來兩個小時的基礎率將加到注射中,並啟用兩小時的0基礎率。 **AAPS 的循環功能將停用——請小心使用!** 如果你使用 SMB,根據你在["限制 SMB 的基礎率最長分鐘數"](Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to)中的設置,AAPS 循環功能將停用。如果你不使用 SMB,循環功能將停用兩個小時。關於超級注射的詳細資訊可在[此處](找到。 (Config-Builder-actions)= -### Actions +### 操作 -* Some buttons to quickly access common features. -* See [AAPS screenshots](Screenshots-action-tab) for details. +* 一些按鈕可快速查看常見功能。 +* 詳情請參閱[AAPS 截圖](Screenshots-action-tab)。 -### Automation +### 自動化 -User defined automation tasks ('if-then-else'). Please [read on here](../Usage/ +用戶自定義自動化任務(「如果-那麼-否則」)。 請[點此閱讀更多](../Usage/。 (Config-Builder-sms-communicator)= -### SMS Communicator +### SMS(簡訊) 通訊器 -Allows remote caregivers to control some AAPS features via SMS, see [SMS Commands](../Children/ for more setup information. +允許遠端照護者透過 SMS 控制一些 AAPS 功能,更多設定資訊請參閱[SMS 指令](../Children/。 -### Food +### 食物 -Displays the food presets defined in the Nightscout food database, see [Nightscout Readme]( for more setup information. +顯示 Nightscout 食物資料庫中定義的食物預設值,更多設定資訊請參閱[Nightscout 讀我](。 -Note: Entries cannot be used in the AAPS calculator. (View only) +注意:條目無法在 AAPS 計算機中使用。 (僅供檢視) (Config-Builder-wear)= ### Wear -Monitor and control AAPS using your Android Wear watch (see [page Watchfaces](../Configuration/ Use settings (cog wheel) to define which variables should be considered when calculating bolus given though your watch (i.e. 15min trend, COB...). +使用 Android Wear 手錶監控和控制 AAPS(請參閱[Watchfaces 頁面](../Configuration/。 使用設置(齒輪圖示)來定義在透過手錶進行注射時應考慮哪些變數(例如 15 分鐘趨勢,COB...)。 -If you want to bolus etc. from the watch then within "Wear settings" you need to enable "Controls from Watch". +如果你想要透過手錶進行注射等操作。 那麼在「Wear 設置」中需要啟用「從手錶進行控制」。 -![Wear settings](../images/ConfBuild_Wear.png) +![Wear 設置](../images/ConfBuild_Wear.png) -Through Wear tab or hamburger menu (top left of screen, if tab is not displayed) you can +透過 Wear 標籤或選單(螢幕左上角的選單圖示,如果標籤未顯示)你可以 -* Resend all data. Might be helpful if watch was not connected for some time and you want to push the information to the watch. -* Open settings on your watch directly from your phone. +* 重新發送所有資料。 如果手錶長時間未連線,你可能希望將訊息推送到手錶。 +* 直接從手機上打開手錶的設置。 -### xDrip Statusline (watch) +### xDrip 狀態列(手錶) -Display loop information on your xDrip+ watchface (if you are not using AAPS/[AAPSv2 watchface](../Configuration/ +在你的 xDrip+ 手錶外觀上顯示循環資訊(如果你未使用 AAPS/[AAPSv2 手錶外觀](../Configuration/。 ### NSClient -* Setup sync of your AAPS data with Nightscout. -* Settings in [preferences](Preferences-nsclient) can be opened by clicking the cog wheel. +* 設定 AAPS 資料與 Nightscout 的同步。 +* 點擊齒輪圖示打開[偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)。 -### Maintenance +### 維護 -Email and number of logs to be send. Normally no change necessary. +電子郵件和要發送的日誌數量。 通常無需變更。 -### 配置生成器 +### 組態建置工具 -Use tab for config builder instead of hamburger menu. \ No newline at end of file +使用組態建置工具標籤取代選單圖示。 \ No newline at end of file From aec65d0f102a12b9f3b9870e7ecbe44c4f4b3819 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 226/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 36 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 0d2b0a5411f3..74c39969090f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -# DanaR Pump +# DanaR 幫浦 -*These instructions are for configuring the app and your pump if you have a DanaR. Visit [DanaRS Insulin Pump](./DanaRS-Insulin-Pump) if you have the DanaRS launched in 2017 instead.* +*這些說明適用於配置該應用程式與 DanaR 幫浦。 如果你擁有 2017 年推出的 DanaRS,請查看[DanaRS 胰島素幫浦](./DanaRS-Insulin-Pump)。* -* In the pump go to Main Menu > Setting > User Option -* Turn on "8. Extended Bolus" +* 在幫浦中進入主選單 > 設置 > 用戶選項 +* 開啟「8. 延時注射」 延長注射 -![DanaR pump](../images/danar1.png) +![DanaR 幫浦](../images/danar1.png) -* Go to Main Menu > Setting > Discovery -* In phone settings go to Bluetooth, scan for nearby devices, select your DanaR serial number and input your password (Pairing password is 0000). If DanaR is not showing in scan then restart phone and take DanaR battery out, replace and start these two steps again. +* 進入主選單 > 設置 > 探索 +* 在手機設置中進入藍牙,掃描附近的設備,選擇你的 DanaR 序列號,並輸入你的密碼(配對密碼為 0000)。 如果 DanaR 未出現在掃描中,請重新啟動手機並將 DanaR 電池取出,重新安裝,然後再次開始這兩個步驟。 -* In AAPS go to Config Builder and select the type of DanaR you have (DanaR, DanaR Korean, DanaRv2) +* 在 AAPS 中進入組態建置工具並選擇你擁有的 DanaR 型號(DanaR、DanaR 韓國版、DanaRv2)。 -* Select Menu by tapping the 3 dots in the top right. Select Preferences. -* Select DanaR Bluetooth device, and click your DanaR serial number. -* Select Pump password, and input your password. (Default password is 1234) -* If you want AAPS to allow basal rate above 200%, enable Use extended boluses for >200%. Note this means you cannot loop with high TBRs whilst using extended boluses for food. -* In Preferences under DanaR pump settings you can change the default bolus speed used (12sec per 1u, 30sec per 1u or 60sec per 1u). -* Set basal step on pump to 0.01 U/h -* Set bolus step on pump to 0.1 U/h -* Enable extended boluses on pump +* 點擊右上角的三個點選擇選單。 選擇偏好設定。 +* 選擇 DanaR 藍牙設備,然後點擊你的 DanaR 序列號。 +* 選擇幫浦密碼,並輸入你的密碼。 (預設密碼為 1234) +* 如果你希望 AAPS 允許基礎速率超過 200%,啟用使用超過 200% 的延時注射。 注意,這意味著在使用延時注射進行用餐時,你無法使用高 TBR 循環。 +* 在 DanaR 幫浦設定中的偏好設定裡,你可以更改預設的注射速度(12 秒每 1u、30 秒每 1u 或 60 秒每 1u)。 +* 將幫浦的基礎速率步進設置為 0.01 U/h +* 將幫浦的注射步進設置為 0.1 U/h +* 啟用幫浦上的延時注射功能 -## Timezone traveling with Dana R pump +## Dana R 幫浦的時區旅行 -For information on traveling across time zones see section [Timezone traveling with pumps](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars). \ No newline at end of file +關於跨時區旅行的更多資訊,請參閱[幫浦跨時區旅行](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars)部分。 \ No newline at end of file From 28acf52fd939f14e0a53ba2b794f668110abd024 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 227/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Configuration/ | 142 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 485c0b97b7a3..a7f7a688942e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,132 +1,132 @@ -# DanaRS and Dana-i Pump +# DanaRS 和 Dana-i 幫浦 -*These instructions are for configuring the app and your pump if you have a DanaRS from 2017 onwards or the newer Dana-i. Visit [DanaR Insulin Pump](./DanaR-Insulin-Pump) if you have the original DanaR instead.* +*這些說明適用於配置 2017 年之後的 DanaRS 或更新的 Dana-i 幫浦。 如果你擁有原始的 DanaR,請查看[DanaR 胰島素幫浦](./DanaR-Insulin-Pump)。* -**New Dana RS firmware v3 can be used from AAPS version 2.7 onwards.** +**Dana RS v3 韌體從 AAPS 版本 2.7 開始支援使用。** -**New Dana-i can be used from AAPS version 3.0 onwards.** +**Dana-i 從 AAPS 版本 3.0 開始支援使用。** -* In DanaRS/i pump "BASAL A" is used by the app. Existing data gets overwritten. +* DanaRS/i 幫浦的「BASAL A」被應用程式使用,現有的資料會被覆蓋。 (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-pairing-pump)= -## Pairing pump +## 幫浦配對 -* On AAPS homescreen click hamburger menu on the top left corner and go to Config Builder. -* In pump section select 'Dana-i/RS'. -* Click on gear wheel to get directly to the pump settings or return to homescreen. +* 在 AAPS 主畫面上點擊左上角的選單,進入組態建置工具。 +* 在幫浦部分選擇「Dana-i/RS」。 +* 點擊齒輪圖示可以直接進入幫浦設置或返回主畫面。 - ![AAPS config builder Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_ConfigB.png) + ![AAPS 組態建置工具 Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_ConfigB.png) -* Go to 'DANA-i/RS' tab. +* 進入「DANA-i/RS」標籤。 -* Select preferences menu by tapping the 3 dots in the top right. -* Select 'Dana-i/RS Preferences'. -* Click on "Selected pump". -* In the pairing window click on the entry for your pump. +* 點擊右上角的三個點選擇選單。 +* 選擇「Dana-i/RS 偏好設定」。 +* 點擊「選定的幫浦」。 +* 在配對視窗中點擊你的幫浦條目。 - ![AAPS pair Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_Pairing.png) + ![AAPS 配對 Dana-i/RS](../images/DanaRS_i_Pairing.png) -* **You have to confirm the pairing on the pump!** That's just the way you are used to from other bluetooth pairings (i.e. smartphone and car audio). +* **你必須在幫浦上確認配對!** 這跟其他藍牙配對的方式一樣(例如手機與汽車音響)。 - ![Dana RS confirmation pairing](../images/DanaRS_Pairing.png) + ![Dana RS 配對確認](../images/DanaRS_Pairing.png) -* Follow the pairing process based on the type and firmware of your pump: +* 根據你的幫浦類型和韌體版本來執行配對過程: - * For DanaRS v1 select pump password in preferences and set your password. - * For DanaRS v3 you have to type 2 sequences of numbers and letters displayed on pump to AAPS pairing dialog. - * For Dana-i standard Android pairing dialog appear and you have to enter 6-digit number displayed on pump. + * DanaRS v1 中,在偏好設定裡選擇幫浦密碼並設置你的密碼。 + * DanaRS v3 中,你需要在 AAPS 配對對話框中輸入幫浦上顯示的兩段數字和字母序列。 + * Dana-i 中,會出現標準的 Android 配對對話框,你需要輸入幫浦上顯示的 6 位數字。 -* Select Bolus Speed to change the default bolus speed used (12sec per 1u, 30sec per 1u or 60sec per 1u). +* 選擇注射速度來更改預設的注射速度(12 秒每 1u、30 秒每 1u 或 60 秒每 1u)。 -* Set basal step on pump to 0.01 U/h using Doctors menu (see pump user guide). -* Set bolus step on pump to 0.05 U/h using Doctors menu (see pump user guide). -* Enable extended boluses on pump +* 使用醫生選單將幫浦上的基礎速率步進設置為 0.01 U/h(參見幫浦使用指南)。 +* 使用醫生選單將幫浦上的注射步進設置為 0.05 U/h(參見幫浦使用指南)。 +* 啟用幫浦上的延時注射功能 (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)= -### Default password +### 預設密碼 -* For DanaRS with firmware v1 and v2 the default password is 1234. -* For DanaRS with firmware v3 or Dana-i the default password is derived from the manufacturing date and calculates as MMDD where MM is the month and DD is the day, the pump was produced (i.e. '0124' representing month 01 and day 24). +* 對於韌體版本 v1 和 v2 的 DanaRS,預設密碼為 1234。 +* 對於韌體版本 v3 或 Dana-i,預設密碼來自製造日期,計算方式為 MMDD,其中 MM 是月份,DD 是製造日期(例如「0124」代表 1 月 24 日)。 - * From MAIN MENU select REVIEW then open SHIPPING INFORMATION from the sub menu - * Number 3 is manifacturing date. - * For v3/i this password is used only for locking menu on pump. It's not used for communication and it's not necessary to enter it in AAPS. + * 從主選單選擇「回顧」,然後從子選單打開「運送資訊」。 + * 第三個項目是製造日期。 + * 對於 v3/i,該密碼僅用於鎖定幫浦選單。 這不會用於通訊,因此不需要在 AAPS 中輸入該密碼。 (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-change-password-on-pump)= -## Change password on pump +## 更改幫浦密碼 -* Press OK button on pump -* In main menu select "OPTION" (move right by pressing arrow button several times) +* 按下幫浦上的「OK」按鈕 +* 在主選單中選擇「選項」(按下箭頭按鈕多次向右移動) - ![DanaRS Main Menu](../images/DanaRSPW_01_MainMenu.png) + ![DanaRS 主選單](../images/DanaRSPW_01_MainMenu.png) -* In options menu select "USER OPTION" +* 在選項選單中選擇「用戶選項」 - ![DanaRS Option Menu](../images/DanaRSPW_02_OptionMenu.png) + ![DanaRS 選項選單](../images/DanaRSPW_02_OptionMenu.png) -* Use arrow button to scroll down to "11. password" +* 使用箭頭按鈕向下捲動至「11. 密碼」 密碼 - ![DanaRS 11. Password](../images/DanaRSPW_03_11PW.png) + ![DanaRS 11. 密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_03_11PW.png) -* Press OK to enter old password. +* 按下「OK」進入舊密碼。 -* Enter **old password** (Default password see [above](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)) and press OK +* 輸入**舊密碼**(預設密碼請參閱[上方](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)),然後按下「OK」。 - ![DanaRS Enter old password](../images/DanaRSPW_04_11PWenter.png) + ![DanaRS 輸入舊密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_04_11PWenter.png) -* If wrong password is entered here there will be no message indicating failure! +* 如果此處輸入了錯誤的密碼,將不會顯示失敗訊息! -* Set **new password** (Change numbers with + & - buttons / Move right with arrow button). +* 設置**新密碼**(使用 + 和 - 按鈕更改數字 / 使用箭頭按鈕向右移動)。 - ![DanaRS New password](../images/DanaRSPW_05_PWnew.png) + ![DanaRS 新密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_05_PWnew.png) -* Confirm with OK button. +* 按下「OK」按鈕確認。 -* Press OK to save setting. +* 按下 OK 以儲存設定。 - ![DanaRS Save new password](../images/DanaRSPW_06_PWnewSave.png) + ![DanaRS 儲存新密碼](../images/DanaRSPW_06_PWnewSave.png) -* Move down to "14. EXIT" and press OK to exit. +* 向下移動至「14. 退出」,然後按下 OK 以退出。 - ![DanaRS Exit](../images/DanaRSPW_07_Exit.png) + ![DanaRS 退出](../images/DanaRSPW_07_Exit.png) (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dana-rs-specific-errors)= -## Dana RS specific errors +## Dana RS 特定錯誤 -### Error during insulin delivery +### 胰島素注射過程中的錯誤 -In case the connection between AAPS and Dana RS is lost during bolus insulin delivery (i.e. you walk away from phone while Dana RS is pumping insulin) you will see the following message and hear an alarm sound. +如果在注射胰島素過程中 AAPS 與 Dana RS 之間的連線中斷(例如,你在 Dana RS 幫浦注射胰島素時走開手機),你將看到以下訊息並聽到警報聲。 -![Alarm insulin delivery](../images/DanaRS_Error_bolus.png) +![胰島素注射警報](../images/DanaRS_Error_bolus.png) -* In most cases this is just a communication issue and the correct amount of insulin is delivered. -* Check in pump history (either on the pump or through Dana tab > pump history > boluses) if correct bolus is given. -* Delete error entry in [treatments tab](Screenshots-carb-correction) if you wish. -* Real amount is read and recorded on next connect. To force this press BT icon on dana tab or just wait for next connect. +* 大多數情況下,這只是通訊問題,正確劑量的胰島素已經注射完畢。 +* 檢查幫浦歷史記錄(在幫浦或透過 Dana 標籤 > 幫浦歷史 > 注射記錄),確認正確的注射劑量。 +* 如有需要,你可以刪除[治療標籤](Screenshots-carb-correction)中的錯誤條目。 +* 實際注射量會在下次連線時讀取並記錄。 要強制此操作,請按下 Dana 標籤上的藍牙圖示,或等待下一次連線。 -## Special note when switching phone +## 更換手機時的特別注意事項 -When switching to a new phone the following steps are necessary: +更換新手機時,需要進行以下步驟: -* [Export settings](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) on your old phone -* Transfer settings from old to new phone +* 在舊手機上[匯出設定](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) +* 將設定從舊手機傳輸至新手機 ### DanaRS v1 -* **Manually pair** Dana RS with the new phone -* As pump connection settings are also imported AAPS on your new phone will already "know" the pump and therefore not start a bluetooth scan. Therefore new phone and pump must be paired manually. -* Install AAPS on the new phone. -* [Import settings](ExportImportSettings-import-settings) on your new phone +* **手動配對** Dana RS 與新手機 +* 由於幫浦連線設定也會匯入,新手機上的 AAPS 已經「認識」幫浦,因此不會啟動藍牙掃描。 因此必須手動將新手機與幫浦配對。 +* 在新手機上安裝 AAPS。 +* 在新手機上[匯入設定](ExportImportSettings-import-settings) ### DanaRS v3, Dana-i -* Start pairing procedure like decribed [above](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-pairing-pump). -* Sometimes it may be necessary to clear pairing information in AAPS by long-click BT icon on Dana-i/RS tab. +* 按照[上述說明](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-pairing-pump)開始配對過程。 +* 有時可能需要透過長按 Dana-i/RS 標籤上的藍牙圖示來清除 AAPS 中的配對資訊。 -## Timezone traveling with Dana RS pump +## Dana RS 幫浦跨時區旅行 -For information on traveling across time zones see section [Timezone traveling with pumps](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars). \ No newline at end of file +關於跨時區旅行的更多資訊,請參閱[幫浦跨時區旅行](Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars)部分。 \ No newline at end of file From 2291148dca7bbe44624e24daaa3bd6871a7c550a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 228/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 28 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index f153a6ccd6ca..da5754c39a53 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ (Sensitivity-detection-and-COB-sensitivity-detection)= -# Sensitivity detection +# 敏感度檢測 -## Sensitvity algorithm +## 敏感度算法 -Currently we have 3 sensitivity detection models: +目前我們有三種敏感度檢測模型: -* Sensitivity AAPS -* Sensitivity WeightedAverage -* Sensitivity Oref1 +* 敏感度 AAPS +* 敏感度 加權平均 +* 敏感度 Oref1 -### Sensitivity AAPS +### 敏感度 AAPS -Sensitivity is calculated the same way like Oref1 but you can specify time to the past. Minimal carbs absorption is calculated from max carbs absorption time from preferences +敏感度計算與 Oref1 相同,但你可以指定追溯的時間範圍。 最小碳水化合物吸收是從偏好設定中的最大碳水吸收時間計算得出。 -### Sensitivity WeightedAverage +### 敏感度 加權平均 -Sensitivity is calculated as a weighted average from deviations. You can specify time to the past. Newer deviations have higher weight. Minimal carbs absorption is calculated from max carbs absorption time from preferences. This algorithm is fastest in following sensitivity changes. +敏感度是從偏差資料中計算的加權平均值。 你可以指定過去的時間。 較新的偏差資料會有更高的權重。 最小碳水吸收是從偏好設定中的最大碳水吸收時間計算得出。 該算法在跟蹤敏感度變化方面最快。 -### Sensitivity Oref1 +### 敏感度 Oref1 -Sensitivity is calculated from 8h data in the past or from last site change, if it is less than 8h ago. Carbs (if not absorbed) are cut after time specified in preferences. Only the Oref1 algorithm supports un-announced meals (UAM). This means that times with detected UAM are excluded from sensitivity calculation. So if you are using SMB with UAM, you have to choose Oref1 algorithm to work properly. For more information read [OpenAPS Oref1 documentation]( +敏感度是根據過去8小時的資料計算,或是從最近的注射點更換時間開始計算(如果更換時間少於8小時)。 碳水化合物(如果尚未被吸收)會在偏好設定中指定的時間後被取消計算。 只有 Oref1 算法支援未宣佈的餐食(UAM)。 這意味著,檢測到 UAM 的時間將被排除在敏感度計算之外。 因此,如果你使用 SMB 並搭配 UAM,必須選擇 Oref1 算法才能正確運作。 欲了解更多資訊,請參閱[OpenAPS Oref1 文檔](。 -## Simultaneous carbs +## 同時進行碳水化合物處理 -There is significant difference while using AAPS, WeightedAverage vs Oref1. Oref plugins expects only one meal decaying at time. It means 2nd meal starts decaying after 1st meal is completely decayed. AAPS+Weighted average starts decaying immediately when you enter the carbs. If there is more than one meal on board, the minimum carb decay will adjust according to meal size and max absorption time. The minimum absorption accordingly will be higher in comparison to Oref plugins. \ No newline at end of file +在使用 AAPS、加權平均與 Oref1 時有顯著差異。 Oref 外掛僅預期一次處理一餐的碳水化合物。 這意味著第二餐的消耗會在第一餐完全消耗後才開始。 AAPS+加權平均會在你輸入碳水化合物時立即開始消耗。 如果有多餐在消耗,最小碳水消耗會根據餐食大小和最大吸收時間進行調整。 與 Oref 外掛相比,最小吸收量將相對較高。 \ No newline at end of file From 64b2851a56ee392be9cbdee21eb018ee5e2612b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 229/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 394 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 197 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index c8902c4f38bf..8c5870a616a9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,346 +1,346 @@ -# Operation of AAPS via your Wear OS smartwatch +# 透過 Wear OS 智慧型手錶操作 AAPS (Watchfaces-aaps-watchfaces)= -## AAPS Watchfaces +## AAPS 手錶外觀 -There are several watchfaces to choose from that are included in the base build of the AAPS Wear APK. These watchfaces include average delta, IOB, currently active temp basal rate and basal profiles and a CGM readings graph. +AAPS Wear APK 的基礎版本中包含多種手錶外觀供選擇。 這些手錶外觀包括平均變化量、IOB、當前的臨時基礎速率和基礎設定檔,以及 CGM 資料圖。 -Ensure notifications from AAPS are not blocked on the watch. Confirmation of an action (e.g. bolus, tempt target) comes via a notification which you will need to swipe and tick. +確保手錶上未封鎖來自 AAPS 的通知。 確認操作(例如注射、臨時目標)會透過通知進行,你需要滑動並勾選。 -Some available actions on the watchfaces are: +手錶外觀上一些可用的操作: -* Double tap on the BG to get to the AAPS menu -* Double tap on the BG graph to change the graph's time scale +* 雙擊血糖以進入 AAPS 選單 +* 雙擊血糖圖表可更改圖表的時間尺度 -## Changing to an AAPS Watchface on your WearOS watch +## 在 WearOS 手錶上切換到 AAPS 手錶外觀 -There are a number of watchfaces available in the standard build of the AAPS Wear OS APK build. Once you have installed the AAPS Wear APK on your watch, they will be available. Here are the steps for selecting one: +AAPS Wear OS APK 的標準版本中提供了多種手錶外觀。 當你在手錶上安裝 AAPS Wear APK 後,它們將可供使用。 以下是選擇其中一個手錶外觀的步驟: -1. On your watch (assuming WearOS), long press on your current watchface to bring up the watchface selector screen and scroll all the way to the right until you see the "Add Watch Face" button and select it +1. 在手錶上(假設使用 WearOS),長按當前手錶外觀以打開手錶外觀選擇畫面,然後向右捲動直到看到「新增手錶外觀」按鈕並選擇它 ![Screenshot_20231123_124657_sysui]( -2. Scroll to the bottom of the list until you see the "Downloaded" section and find "AAPS (Custom)" and click the middle of the image to add it to your shortlist of current watchfaces. Don't worry about the current appearance of the "AAPS (Custom)" watchface, we will select your preferred skin in the next step. +2. 向下捲動到列表底部,直到看到「已下載」部分,找到「AAPS(自訂)」並點擊圖像中央將其新增至你當前的手錶外觀清單。 不用擔心當前「AAPS(自訂)」手錶外觀的外觀,我們將在下一步選擇你喜歡的外觀。 ![Screenshot_20231123_124619_sysui]( -3. Now open AAPS on your phone and go to the Wear plugin (enable it in Config Builder (under Synchronization) if you don't see it in your current plugins along the top). +3. 現在打開你手機上的 AAPS,進入 Wear 外掛(如果你在頂部的外掛列表中未看到它,請在組態建置工具中啟用它(位於同步選項下)。 ![Screenshot_20231123_090941_AAPS]( -4. Click on the "Load Watchface" button and select the watchface that you like +4. 點擊「載入手錶外觀」按鈕,並選擇你喜歡的手錶外觀。 ![Screenshot_20231123_130410_AAPS]( -5. Check your watch, the "AAPS (Custom)" watchface should now be displaying the skin that you have selected. Give it a few seconds to refresh. You may now customize the complications, etc. by long pressing the watchface and then pressing the "Customize" button on the watchface image. +5. 查看你的手錶,現在應該顯示你選擇的「AAPS(自訂)」手錶外觀。 等待幾秒鐘讓它重新整理。 現在你可以透過長按手錶外觀並點擊「自訂」按鈕來自訂複雜功能等內容。 長按錶盤,然後按下錶盤圖片上的「自訂」按鈕。 -## Watchfaces available +## 可用的手錶外觀 -![Available watchfaces](../images/Watchface_Types.png) +![可用的手錶外觀](../images/Watchface_Types.png) (Watchfaces-new-watchface-as-of-AAPS-2-8)= -### New watchface as of AAPS 2.8 +### AAPS 2.8 版本新增的手錶外觀 -![Watchface Digital Style](../images/Watchface_DigitalStyle.png) +![數位風格手錶外觀](../images/Watchface_DigitalStyle.png) -* Color, lines and circle are configurable in setting menu on cog-sign of watchface chooser menu. +* 顏色、線條和圓形可在手錶外觀選擇器選單的齒輪圖示設定選單中配置。 -## AAPSv2 watchface - Legend +## AAPSv2 手錶外觀 - 圖例 -![Legend AAPSv2 watchface](../images/Watchface_Legend.png) +![AAPSv2 手錶外觀圖例](../images/Watchface_Legend.png) -A - time since last loop run +A - 從最後一次循環運作以來的時間 -B - CGM reading +B - CGM 資料讀數 -C - minutes since last CGM reading +C - 自最後一次 CGM 資料讀取以來的分鐘數 -D - change compared to last CGM reading (in mmol or mg/dl) +D - 與上次 CGM 讀數相比的變化(以 mmol 或 mg/dl 為單位) -E - average change CGM reading last 15 minutes +E - 過去 15 分鐘的 CGM 讀數平均變化 -F - phone battery +F - 手機電池 -G - basal rate (shown in U/h during standard rate and in % during TBR) +G - 基礎率(標準率顯示為U/h,臨時基礎率(TBR)顯示為百分比) -H - BGI (blood glucose interaction) -> the degree to which BG “should” be rising or falling based on insulin activity alone. +G - 基礎速率(以 U/h 顯示標準速率,以 % 顯示臨時基礎速率) -I - carbs (carbs on board | e-carbs in the future) +H - BGI(血糖影響) -> 基於胰島素活性,血糖「應該」上升或下降的程度。 -J - insulin on board (from bolus | from basal) +I - 碳水化合物(碳水化合物在體內的數量 | 未來的碳水化合物) -## Accessing main menu of AAPS +## J - 活性胰島素(來自注射 | 來自基礎速率) -To access main menu of AAPS you can use on of following options: +進入 AAPS 主選單 -* double tap on your BG value -* select AAPS icon in watch applications menu -* tap on AAPS complication (if configured for menu) +* 雙擊你的血糖值 +* 在手錶應用程式選單中選擇 AAPS 圖示 +* 點擊 AAPS 複雜功能(如果已配置選單) -## Settings (in wear watch) +## 設置(在 Wear 手錶上) -To access to the watchface settings, enter AAPS main menu, slide up and select "Settings". +要進入手錶外觀設置,進入 AAPS 主選單,上滑並選擇「設置」。 -Filled star is for enabled state (**On**), and hollow star icon indicates that setting is disabled (**Off**): +實心星星表示啟用狀態(**開**),空心星星圖示表示該設置已停用(**關**): -![Settings on/off](../images/Watchface_Settings_On_Off.png) +![設置開/關](../images/Watchface_Settings_On_Off.png) -### AAPS companion parameters +### AAPS 配套參數 -* **Vibrate on Bolus** (default `On`): -* **Units for Actions** (default `mg/dl`): if **On** units for actions is `mg/dl`, if **Off** unit is `mmol/l`. Used when setting a TT from watch. +* **注射時震動**(預設`開`): +* **動作單位**(預設`mg/dl`):如果**開**,動作單位為`mg/dl`,如果**關**,單位為`mmol/l`。 設定 TT 時使用。 (Watchfaces-watchface-settings)= -### Watchface settings +### 手錶外觀設置 -* **Show Date** (default `Off`): note, date is not available on all watchfaces -* **Show IOB** (default `On`): Display or not IOB value (setting for detailed value is in AAPS wear parameters) -* **Show COB** (default `On`): Display or not COB value -* **Show Delta** (default `On`): Display or not the BG variation of the last 5 minutes -* **Show AvgDelta** (default `On`): Display or not the average BG variation of the last 15 minutes -* **Show Phone Battery** (default `On`): Phone battery in %. Red if below 30% . -* **Show Rig Battery** (default `Off`): Rig battery is a synthesis of Phone battery, pump battery and sensor battery (generally the lowest of the 3 values) -* **Show Basal Rate** (default `On`): Display or not current basal rate (in U/h or in % if TBR) -* **Show Loop Status** (default `On`): show how many minutes since last loop run (arrows around value turn red if above 15'). -* **Show BG** (default `On`): Display or not last BG value -* **Show Direction Arrow** (default `On`): Display or not BG trend arrow -* **Show Ago** (default `On`): show how many minutes since last reading. -* **Dark** (default `On`): You can switch from black background to white background (except for Cockpit and Steampunk watch face) -* **Highlight Basals** (default `Off`): Improve the visibility of basal rate and temp basals -* **Matching divider** (default `Off`): For AAPS, AAPSv2 and AAPS(Large) watchfaces, show contrast background for divider (**Off**) or match divider with the background color (**On**) -* **Chart Timeframe** (default `3 hours`): you can select in the sub menu the max time frame of your chart between 1 hour and 5 hours. +* **顯示日期**(預設`關`):注意,並非所有手錶外觀都支援日期顯示 +* **顯示 IOB**(預設`開`):是否顯示 IOB 值(詳細值設置在 AAPS wear 參數中) +* **顯示 COB**(預設`開`):是否顯示 COB 值 +* **顯示 Delta**(預設`開`):是否顯示過去 5 分鐘的血糖變化 +* **顯示平均 Delta**(預設`開`):是否顯示過去 15 分鐘的血糖平均變化 +* **顯示手機電池**(預設`開`):手機電池百分比。 低於 30% 時顯示為紅色。 +* **顯示 Rig 電池**(預設`關`):Rig 電池是手機電池、幫浦電池和傳感器電池的綜合結果(通常顯示最低的值)。 +* **顯示基礎速率**(預設`開`):是否顯示當前的基礎速率(以 U/h 顯示,或如果是臨時基礎速率則以 % 顯示) +* **顯示循環狀態**(預設`開`):顯示自上次循環運作以來的分鐘數(如果超過 15 分鐘,數值周圍的箭頭變為紅色)。 +* **顯示 血糖**(預設`開`):是否顯示最近的血糖值 +* **顯示方向箭頭**(預設`開`):是否顯示血糖趨勢箭頭 +* **顯示經過時間**(預設`開`):顯示自上次讀取以來的分鐘數。 +* **深色背景**(預設`開`):你可以將黑色背景切換為白色背景(除了 Cockpit 和 Steampunk 手錶外觀) +* **高亮基礎速率**(預設`關`):提高基礎速率和臨時基礎速率的可見性 +* **匹配分隔線**(預設`關`):對於 AAPS、AAPSv2 和 AAPS(大)手錶外觀,顯示分隔線的對比背景(**關**)或匹配分隔線與背景顏色(**開**)。 +* **圖表時間範圍**(預設`3 小時`):你可以在子選單中選擇圖表的最大時間範圍,從 1 小時到 5 小時。 -### User Interface setting +### 用戶界面設置 -* **Input Design**: with this parameter, you can select the position of "+" and "-" buttons when you enter commands for AAPS (TT, Insulin, Carbs...) +* **輸入設計**:使用此參數,你可以選擇「+」和「-」按鈕的位置訊息,當你為 AAPS 輸入指令(TT、胰島素、碳水化合物...)時使用。 -![Input design options](../images/Watchface_InputDesign.png) +![輸入設計選項](../images/Watchface_InputDesign.png) -### Specific watchface parameters +### 特定手錶外觀參數 -#### Steampunk watchface +#### Steampunk 手錶外觀 -* **Delta Granularity** (default `Medium`) +* **Delta 精度**(預設`中等`) ![Steampunk_gauge](../images/Watchface_Steampunk_Gauge.png) #### Circle WF -* **Big Numbers** (default `Off`): Increase text size to improve visibility -* **Ring History** (default `Off`): View graphically BG history with gray rings inside the hour's green ring -* **Light Ring History** (default `On`): Ring history more discreet with a darker gray -* **Animations** (default `On`): When enabled, on supported by watch and not in power saving low-res mode, watchface circle will be animated +* **大字體**(預設`關`):增加字體大小以提高可見性 +* **環狀歷史**(預設`關`):以灰色環在小時的綠色環內圖形顯示血糖歷史記錄 +* **輕環狀歷史**(預設`開`):以更深的灰色顯示較不顯眼的環狀歷史 +* **動畫效果**(預設`開`):如果啟用,且手錶支援並非處於省電低解析度模式時,手錶外觀的圓形會有動畫效果。 -### Commands settings +### 指令設置 -* **Wizard in Menu** (default `On`): Allow wizard interface in main menu to input Carbs and set Bolus from watch -* **Prime in Menu** (default `Off`): Allow Prime / Fill action from watch -* **Single Target** (default `On`): +* **主選單嚮導**(預設`開`):允許在主選單中使用嚮導介面從手錶輸入碳水化合物並設置注射量 +* **主選單注射前充填**(預設`關`):允許從手錶進行注射前充填/填充操作 +* **單一目標**(預設`開`): - * `On`: you set a single value for TT - * `Off`: you set Low target and high target for TT + * `開`:你設置一個單一的 TT 值 + * `關`:你設置低目標和高目標的 TT 值 -* **Wizard Percentage** (default `Off`): Allow bolus correction from wizard (value entered in percentage before confirmation notification) +* **嚮導百分比**(預設`關`):允許從嚮導進行注射校正(在確認通知前以百分比輸入值) (Watchfaces-complications)= -## Complications +## 複雜功能 -*Complication* is a term from traditional watchmaking, where it describes addition to the main watchface - as another small window or sub-dial (with date, day of the week, moon phase, etc.). Wear OS 2.0 brings that metaphor to allow custom data providers, like weather, notifications, fitness counters and more - to be added to any watchfaces that support complications. +*複雜功能* 是傳統製錶術中的術語,描述的是手錶主錶盤的附加功能 - 例如另一個小窗或副表盤(顯示日期、星期、月相等)。 Wear OS 2.0 將此隱喻引入,允許自訂資料提供者(例如天氣、通知、健身計數器等)新增到支援複雜功能的任何手錶外觀中。 -AAPS Wear OS app supports complications since build `2.6`, and allow any third party watchface that supports complications to be configured to display AAPS related data (BG with the trend, IOB, COB, etc.). +AAPS Wear OS 應用程式自 build `2.6` 開始支援複雜功能,並允許支援複雜功能的第三方手錶外觀配置顯示與 AAPS 相關的資料(如血糖值與趨勢、IOB、COB 等)。 -Complications also serve as **shortcut** to AAPS functions. By tapping them you can open AAPS related menus and dialogs (depending on complication type and configuration). +複雜功能也可作為 AAPS 功能的 **快捷方式**。 點擊它們可以打開與 AAPS 相關的選單和對話框(具體取決於複雜功能類型和配置)。 -![Complications_On_Watchfaces](../images/Watchface_Complications_On_Watchfaces.png) +![複雜功能_在_手錶外觀上](../images/Watchface_Complications_On_Watchfaces.png) -### Complication Types +### 複雜功能類型 -AAPS Wear OS app provides only raw data, according to predefined formats. It is up to third-party watchface to decide where and how to render complications, including its layout, border, color, and font. From many Wear OS complication types available, AAPS uses: +AAPS Wear OS 應用程式僅提供根據預定義格式的原始資料。 第三方手錶外觀決定如何及在哪裡呈現複雜功能,包括其佈局、邊框、顏色和字體。 在眾多 Wear OS 複雜功能類型中,AAPS 使用以下類型: -* `SHORT TEXT` - Contains two lines of text, 7 characters each, sometimes referred to as value and label. Usually rendered inside a circle or small pill - one below another, or side by side. It is a very space-limited complication. AAPS tries to remove unnecessary characters to fit-in: by rounding values, removing leading and trailing zeroes from values, etc. -* `LONG TEXT` - Contains two lines of text, about 20 characters each. Usually rendered inside a rectangle or long pill - one below another. It is used for more details and textual status. -* `RANGED VALUE` - Used for values from predefined range, like a percentage. It contains icon, label and is usually rendered as circle progress dial. -* `LARGE IMAGE` - Custom background image that can be used (when supported by watchface) as background. +* `短文本` - 包含兩行文本,每行 7 個字元,有時稱為值和標籤。 通常呈現在一個圓圈或小 POD 中 - 一行在另一行下方或並排顯示。 這是一個空間非常有限的複雜功能。 AAPS 試圖移除不必要的字符以適應:透過四捨五入數值、去除值中的前導和尾隨零等方式。 +* `長文本` - 包含兩行文本,每行大約 20 個字元。 通常呈現在一個矩形或長 POD 中 - 一行在另一行下方顯示。 用於顯示更多詳情和文本狀態。 +* `範圍值` - 用於顯示預定範圍內的值,例如百分比。 它包含圖示和標籤,通常以圓形進度表盤呈現。 +* `大圖像` - 自訂背景圖像,可用作手錶外觀的背景(如果手錶外觀支援)。 -### Complication Setup +### 複雜功能設置 -To add complication to watchface, configure it by long press and clicking the gear icon below. Depending on how specific watchface configures them - either click on placeholders or enter the watchface setup menu for complications. AAPS complications are grouped under the AAPS menu entry. +要將複雜功能添加到手錶外觀,請長按並點擊下方的齒輪圖示進行配置。 根據具體手錶外觀的配置方式 - 可以點擊佔位符或進入複雜功能設置選單。 AAPS 複雜功能被歸類在 AAPS 選單條目下。 -When configuring complications on watchface, Wear OS will present and filter the list of complications that can be fit into selected complication place on watchface. If specific complications cannot be found on the list, it is probably due to its type that cannot be used for the given place. +在配置手錶外觀上的複雜功能時,Wear OS 會顯示並篩選適合放置在選定複雜功能位置的列表。 如果列表中找不到特定的複雜功能,可能是由於該類型不適用於該位置。 -### Complications provided by AAPS +### AAPS 提供的複雜功能 -AAPS provides following complications: +AAPS 提供以下複雜功能: -![AAPS_Complications_List](../images/Watchface_Complications_List.png) +![AAPS_複雜功能列表](../images/Watchface_Complications_List.png) -* **BR, CoB & IoB** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Displays *Basal Rate* on the first line and *Carbs on Board* and *Insulin on Board* on the second line. -* **Blood Glucose** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Displays *Blood Glucose* value and *trend* arrow on the first line and *measurement age* and *BG delta* on the second line. -* **CoB & IoB** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Displays *Carbs on Board* on the first line and *Insulin on Board* on the second line. -* **CoB Detailed** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Wizard*): Displays current active *Carbs on Board* on the first line and planned (future, eCarbs) Carbs on the second line. -* **CoB Icon** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Wizard*): Displays *Carbs on Board* value with a static icon. -* **Full Status** (`LONG TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Shows most of the data at once: *Blood Glucose* value and *trend* arrow, *BG delta* and *measurement age* on the first line. On the second line *Carbs on Board*, *Insulin on Board* and *Basal Rate*. -* **Full Status (flipped)** (`LONG TEXT`, opens *Menu*): Same data as for standard *Full Status*, but lines are flipped. Can be used in watchfaces which ignores one of two lines in `LONG TEXT` -* **IoB Detailed** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Bolus*): Displays total *Insulin on Board* on the first line and split of *IoB* for *Bolus* and *Basal* part on the second line. -* **IoB Icon** (`SHORT TEXT`, opens *Bolus*): Displays *Insulin on Board* value with a static icon. -* **Uploader/Phone Battery** (`RANGED VALUE`, opens *Status*): Displays battery percentage of AAPS phone (uploader), as reported by AAPS. Displayed as percentage gauge with a battery icon that reflects reported value. It may be not updated in real-time, but when other important AAPS data changes (usually: every ~5 minutes with new *Blood Glucose* measurement). +* **基礎速率、COB 和 IOB**(`短文本`,打開*選單*):顯示第一行的*基礎速率*,第二行顯示*活性碳水化合物化合物*和*活性胰島素*。 +* **血糖**(`短文本`,打開*選單*):顯示第一行的*血糖*值和*趨勢箭頭*,第二行顯示*測量時間*和*血糖變化量*。 +* **COB 和 IOB**(`短文本`,打開*選單*):顯示第一行的*活性碳水化合物化合物*,第二行顯示*活性胰島素*。 +* **COB 詳細訊息**(`短文本`,打開*嚮導*):顯示第一行的當前活動*活性碳水化合物化合物*,第二行顯示計劃中的(未來的,eCarbs)碳水化合物。 +* **COB 圖示**(`短文本`,打開*嚮導*):顯示帶有靜態圖示的*活性碳水化合物化合物*值。 +* **完整狀態**(`長文本`,打開*選單*):顯示所有資料:第一行顯示*血糖*值和*趨勢箭頭*、*血糖變化量*及*測量時間*。 第二行顯示*活性碳水化合物化合物*、*活性胰島素*和*基礎速率*。 +* **完整狀態(反轉)**(`長文本`,打開*選單*):與標準的*完整狀態*顯示相同資料,但行順序相反。 可用於忽略`長文本`中一行的手錶外觀。 +* **IOB 詳細訊息**(`短文本`,打開*注射*):顯示第一行的總*活性胰島素*,第二行顯示*注射*和*基礎速率*部分的 IOB。 +* **IOB 圖示**(`短文本`,打開*注射*):顯示帶有靜態圖示的*活性胰島素*值。 +* **上傳裝置/手機電池**(`範圍值`,打開*狀態*):顯示 AAPS 手機(上傳裝置)報告的電池百分比。 顯示為百分比儀表盤,並顯示反映報告值的電池圖示。 它可能不會即時更新,但會在其他重要的 AAPS 資料更改時更新(通常是每次~5 分鐘新的*血糖*測量時)。 -Additionally, there are three complications of `LARGE IMAGE` kind: **Dark Wallpaper**, **Gray Wallpaper** and **Light Wallpaper**, displaying static AAPS wallpaper. +此外,還有三種`大圖像`類型的複雜功能:**深色壁紙**、**灰色壁紙**和**淺色壁紙**,顯示靜態 AAPS 壁紙。 -### Complication related settings +### 與複雜功能相關的設置 -* **Complication Tap Action** (default `Default`): Decides which dialog is opened when user taps complication: - * *Default*: action specific to complication type *(see list above)* - * *Menu*: AAPS main menu - * *Wizard*: bolus wizard - bolus calculator - * *Bolus*: direct bolus value entry - * *eCarb*: eCarb configuration dialog - * *Status*: status sub-menu - * *None*: Disables tap action on AAPS complications -* **Unicode in Complications** (default `On`): When `On`, the complication will use Unicode characters for symbols like `Δ` Delta, `⁞` vertical dot separator or `⎍` Basal Rate symbol. Rendering of them depends on the font, and that can be very watchface-specific. This option allows switching Unicode symbols `Off` when needed - if the font used by custom watchface does not support those symbols - to avoid graphical glitches. +* **複雜功能點擊操作** (預設`預設`):決定當用戶點擊複雜功能時打開的對話框: + * *預設*:與複雜功能類型相關的動作*(見上方列表)* + * *選單*:AAPS 主選單 + * *嚮導*:注射嚮導 - 注射計算機 + * *注射*:直接輸入注射值 + * *eCarb*:eCarb 配置對話框 + * *狀態*:狀態子選單 + * *無*:停用 AAPS 複雜功能的點擊操作 +* **複雜功能中的 Unicode**(預設`開`):當`開`時,複雜功能將使用 Unicode 字符來顯示圖示,如`Δ`(變化量)、`⁞`(垂直點分隔符)或`⎍`(基礎速率圖示)。 它們的渲染取決於字體,這可能非常特定於手錶外觀。 如果自訂手錶外觀使用的字體不支援這些圖示,則可以將此選項設置為`關`,以避免圖形故障。 -## Wear OS Tiles +## Wear OS Tiles(資訊方塊) -Wear OS Tiles provide easy access to users' information and actions to get things done. The tiles are only available on Android smartwatches running on Wear Os version 2.0 and higher. +Wear OS Tiles 提供用戶快速查看資訊和操作的便捷方式。 這些 Tiles 僅在運作 Wear OS 版本 2.0 及更高版本的 Android 智慧型手錶上可用。 -Tiles allow you to quickly access actions on the AAPS application without going through the watch face menu. The tiles are optional and can be added and configured by the user. +Tiles 允許你快速查看 AAPS 應用程式中的操作,而無需透過手錶外觀選單。 Tiles 是可選的,並且可以由用戶自行添加和配置。 -The tiles are used "next to" any watch face. To access a tile, when enabled, swipe right to left on your watch face to show them. +Tiles 與任何手錶外觀「並存」使用。 這些Tiles會在所有錶面的旁邊。 啟用後,透過從手錶外觀向左滑動即可查看 Tiles。 -Please note; that the tiles do not hold the actual state of the AAPS phone app and will only make a request, which has to be confirmed on the watch before it is applied. +請注意:這些Tiles並不顯示 AAPS 手機應用程式的實際狀態,它們僅會發出請求,該請求必須在手錶上確認後才會生效。 -## How to add Tiles +## 如何添加 Tiles -Before using the tiles, you have to switch on "Control from Watch" in the "Wear OS" settings of Android APS. +在使用 Tiles 之前,你必須在 Android APS 的「Wear OS」設置中打開「從手錶控制」。 -![Wear phone preferences enabled](../images/wear_phone_preferences.jpg) +![Wear 手機偏好設置已啟用](../images/wear_phone_preferences.jpg) -Depending on your Wear OS version, brand and smartphone there are two ways of enabling the tiles: +根據你的 Wear OS 版本、品牌和智慧型手機,有兩種啟用 Tiles 的方式: -1. On your watch, from your watch face; - Swipe right to left till you reach the "+ Add tiles" - Select one of the tiles. -2. On your phone open the companion app for your watch. - For Samsung open "Galaxy Wearable", or for other brands "Wear OS" - * In the click on the section "Tiles", followed by "+ Add" button - * Find the AAPS tile you like to add by selecting it. ![Wear phone add tile](../images/wear_companion_app_add_tile.png) The order of the tiles can be changed by dragging and dropping +1. 在手錶上,從手錶外觀開始; - 向左滑動直到到達「+ 添加 Tiles」 - 選擇其中一個 Tiles。 +2. 在手機上打開手錶原廠的應用程式。 - 對於三星手錶,打開「Galaxy Wearable」,其他品牌則打開「Wear OS」 + * 點擊「Tiles」部分,然後點擊「+ 添加」按鈕 + * 找到你想添加的 AAPS Tile 並選擇它。 ![Wear phone add tile](../images/wear_companion_app_add_tile.png)你可以透過拖放來更改 Tiles 的順序 -The content of the tiles can be customized by long-pressing a tile and clicking the "Edit" or "gear icon" button. +你可以透過長按 Tile 並點擊「編輯」或「齒輪圖示」按鈕來自訂 Tiles 的內容。 -### APS(Actions) Tile +### APS(操作)Tile -The action tile can hold 1 to 4 user-defined action buttons. To configure, long-press the tile, which will show the configuration options. Similar actions are also available through the standard watch menu. +操作 Tile 可以包含 1 到 4 個用戶自訂的操作按鈕。 要進行配置,長按 Tile,這將顯示配置選項。 類似的操作也可以透過標準的手錶選單進行。 -Actions supported in the Action tile can request the AAPS phone app for: +操作 Tile 支援的操作可以向 AAPS 手機應用程式發出請求: -* **Calc**; do a bolus calculation, based on carb input and optional a percentage [1] -* **Insulin**; request insulin delivery by entering the unit of insulin -* **Treatment**; request both insulin delivery and add carbs -* **Carbs**; add (extended) carbs -* **TempT**; set a custom temporary target and duration +* **計算**;根據碳水化合物輸入和可選的百分比[1]進行注射計算 +* **胰島素**;透過輸入胰島素單位請求注射 +* **治療**;請求注射並添加碳水化合物 +* **碳水化合物**;添加(延長的)碳水化合物 +* **臨時目標**;設置自訂臨時目標和持續時間 -![Wear action tile, sample calculator](../images/wear_actions.png) +![Wear 操作 Tile,示例計算機](../images/wear_actions.png) -[1] Via, the Wear OS menu, set the "Calculator Percentage" option to "ON" to show the percentage input in the bolus calculator. The default percentage is based on the phone settings in the"Overview" section ["Deliver this part of the bolus wizard result %"](Config-Builder.html#advanced-settings) When the user does not provide a percentage, the default value from the phone is used. Configure the other parameters for the bolus calculator in the phone app via "Preferences" "Wizard Settings". +[1] 透過 Wear OS 選單,將「計算機百分比」選項設置為「開」,以便在注射計算機中顯示百分比輸入。 預設百分比基於手機設置中的「首頁總覽」部分[「注射嚮導結果的百分比」](Config-Builder.html#advanced-settings)。當用戶未提供百分比時,將使用手機中的預設值。 透過手機應用程式的「偏好設定」-「嚮導設置」配置注射計算機的其他參數。 -### AAPS(Temp Target) Tile +### AAPS(臨時目標)Tile -The Temp Target Tile can request a temporary target based on AAPS phone presets. Configure preset time and targets through the phone app setting by going to "Preferences", "Overview", ["Default Temp-Targets"](Config-Builder.html#default-temp-targets) and set the duration and targets for each preset. Configure the visible actions on the tile through the tile settings. Long press the tile to show the configuration options and select 1 to 4 options: +臨時目標 Tile 可以根據 AAPS 手機預設請求臨時目標。 透過進入手機應用程式的「偏好設定」-「首頁總覽」部分,[「預設臨時目標」](Config-Builder.html#default-temp-targets),設置每個預設的持續時間和目標來進行配置。 透過 Tile 設置配置在 Tile 上可見的操作。 長按 Tile 以顯示配置選項並選擇 1 到 4 個選項: -* **Activity**; for sport -* **Hypo**; to raise the target during hypo treatment -* **Eating soon**; to lower the target to raise the insulin on board -* **Manual**; set a custom temporary target and duration -* **Cancel**; to stop the current temporary target +* **運動**;適用於運動 +* **低血糖**;在低血糖治療期間提高目標 +* **即將進餐**;降低目標以增加活性胰島素 +* **手動**;設置自訂臨時目標和持續時間 +* **取消**;停止當前的臨時目標 -![Wear actions tile edit](../images/wear_tile_tempt_edit.png) +![可穿戴裝置動作圖磚編輯](../images/wear_tile_tempt_edit.png) -### AAPS(QuickWizard)Tile +### AAPS(快速嚮導)Tile -The QuickWizard tile can hold 1 to 4 quick wizard action buttons, defined with the phone app[2]. See [QuickWizard](Config-Builder.html#quickwizard-settings). You can set standard meals (carbs and calculation method for the bolus) to be displayed on the tile depending on the time of the day. Ideal for the most common meals/snacks you eat during the day. You can specify if the quick wizard buttons will show on the phone, watch, or both. Please note that the phone can show only one quick wizard button at a time. The quick wizard setup also can specify a custom percentage of the insulin for the bolus. The custom percentage enables you to vary, for example, snack at 120%, slow absorbing breakfast 80% and hypo treatment sugar snack at 0% +快速嚮導圖磚可以容納1到4個快速嚮導動作按鈕,這些按鈕由手機應用程式[2]定義。 請參閱[快速嚮導](Config-Builder.html#quickwizard-settings)。 您可以設定標準餐點(碳水化合物及注射計算方式)依據一天中的時間顯示在圖磚上。 非常適合用於一天中最常食用的餐點/點心。 您可以指定快速嚮導按鈕是否會顯示在手機、手錶或兩者。 請注意,手機一次只能顯示一個快速嚮導按鈕。 快速嚮導設置還可以指定注射的自訂胰島素百分比。 自訂百分比可讓您變化,例如點心 120%、緩慢吸收的早餐 80% 和低血糖處理用糖點心 0% -![Wear actions tile and phone configuration](../images/quickwizard_watch_phone.png) +![可穿戴裝置動作圖磚與手機配置](../images/quickwizard_watch_phone.png) -[2] Wear OS limits tiles update frequency to only once every 30 seconds. When you notice that the changes on your phone are not reflected on the tile, consider; waiting 30 seconds, using the "Resend all data" button from the Wear OS section of AAPS, or removing the tile and adding it again. To change the order of the QuickWizard buttons dragging an item up or down. +[2] Wear OS 將圖磚更新頻率限制為每30秒一次。 當您發現手機上的變更未反映在圖磚上時,請考慮:等待30秒,使用 AAPS 的 Wear OS 區段中的“重新發送所有資料”按鈕,或刪除並重新添加圖磚。 要更改快速嚮導按鈕的順序,將項目向上或向下拖動。 -## Always on +## 永遠開啟 -Long battery life for Android Wear OS smartwatches is a challenge. Some smartwatches get as much as 30 hours before recharging. The display should be switched off for optimal power saving when not in use. Most watches support the “Always on” display. +對於 Android Wear OS 智慧型手錶來說,長時間的電池續航力是一個挑戰。 有些智慧型手錶最多可以持續使用30小時再充電。 螢幕在不使用時應關閉以達到最佳節電效果。 大多數手錶支援“永遠開啟”螢幕顯示。 -Since AAPS version 3, we can use a “Simplify UI” during always-on-mode. This UI only contains the blood glucose, direction, and time. This UI is power-optimized with less frequent updates, showing less information and lightening fewer pixels to save power on OLED displays. +自 AAPS 版本3開始,我們可以在永遠開啟模式下使用“簡化 UI”。 此 UI 只包含血糖值、方向和時間。 此 UI 已經過電力優化,更新頻率較低,顯示較少的資訊,並減少點亮的像素數,以節省 OLED 螢幕上的電量。 -The simplified UI mode is available for the watch-faces: AAPS, AAPS V2, Home Big, Digital Style, Steampunk, and Cockpit. The simplified UI is optional and is configured through the watch face settings. (log press the watch face and click “edit” or the gear icon) Select the configuration “Simplify UI" and set it to “Always on” or “Always on and charging”. +簡化 UI 模式適用於以下錶盤:AAPS、AAPS V2、Home Big、Digital Style、Steampunk 和 Cockpit。 簡化 UI 是可選的,並透過錶盤設定進行配置。 (長按錶盤並點擊“編輯”或齒輪圖示)選擇配置“簡化 UI”並將其設為“永遠開啟”或“永遠開啟且充電中”。 -### Night-time mode +### 夜間模式 -While charging, it would be helpful if the display could stay “always-on” and show your blood glucose during the night. However, the standard watch-faces are too bright and have too much information, and the details are hard to read with sleepy eyes. Therefore, we added an option for the watch-face to simplify the UI only during charging when set in the configuration. +在充電期間,若能在夜間保持螢幕“永遠開啟”並顯示您的血糖值會非常有用。 然而,標準錶盤過於明亮,資訊太多,而且在困倦的狀態下很難閱讀細節。 因此,我們在配置中新增了一個選項,讓錶盤在充電期間可以簡化 UI。 -The simplified UI mode is available for the watch-faces: AAPS, AAPS V2, Home Big, Digital Style, Steampunk, and Cockpit. The simplified UI is optional and is configured through the watch face settings. (log press the watch face and click “edit” or the gear icon) Select the configuration “Simplify UI" and set it to “During charging” or “Always on and charging” +簡化 UI 模式適用於以下錶盤:AAPS、AAPS V2、Home Big、Digital Style、Steampunk 和 Cockpit。 簡化 UI 是可選的,並透過錶盤設定進行配置。 (長按錶盤並點擊“編輯”或齒輪圖示)選擇配置“簡化 UI”並將其設為“充電期間”或“永遠開啟且充電中” -The Android developer options enable your watch to stay awake during charging. To make the developer options available, see the [official documentation]( Set the “Stay awake when charging” to “on” in the developer options”. +Android 開發者選項允許您的手錶在充電期間保持喚醒狀態。 若要啟用開發者選項,請參閱[官方文件](。 在開發者選項中,將“充電時保持喚醒”設置為“開啟”。 -Note: not all displays can handle always-on very well. It can cause screen burn-in, especially on the older OLED displays. The watches will generally dim the display to prevent burn-in; please check your owner’s manual, the manufacturing, or the internet for advice. +注意:並非所有螢幕都能很好地處理永遠開啟功能。 這可能會導致螢幕燒灼,特別是在較舊的 OLED 螢幕上。 手錶通常會調暗螢幕以防止燒灼;請查閱您的使用手冊、製造商或網路上的建議。 -![Watchface Nightstand](../images/Watchface_nightstand.jpg) +![錶盤夜間模式](../images/Watchface_nightstand.jpg) -![Simplified UI](../images/Watchface_simplified_ui.png) +![簡化 UI](../images/Watchface_simplified_ui.png) -## Snooze Alert shortcut +## 延後警報捷徑 -It is possible to create a shortcut to snooze the alerts/alarm of AAPS. Muting the sound via your watch is convenient and faster without reaching for your phone. Note; you still have to check your alarm message on your phone and handle it accordingly, but you can check that later. When your watch has two buttons, you can assign a key to the `AAPS Snooze Alert` program. +可以建立一個捷徑來暫停 AAPS 的警報/鬧鐘。 透過手錶靜音更方便且比拿手機快。 注意:您仍然需要檢查手機上的警報訊息並相應處理,但可以稍後再檢查。 如果您的手錶有兩個按鈕,您可以將其中一個按鍵分配給`AAPS 延後警報`程式。 -To link the button on the Samsung Watch 4 go to `Settings > Advanced Features > Customize Buttons > Double press > AAPS Snooze Alert` +要在 Samsung Watch 4 上綁定按鈕,請前往`設定 > 高級功能 > 自訂按鈕 > 雙擊 > AAPS 延後警報` -### Snooze xDrip +### 暫停 xDrip -When you use xDrip and have xDrip installed on the watch, the 'AAPS Snooze Alert' shortcut will also Snooze any xDrip alarm. +當您使用 xDrip 並將其安裝在手錶上時,'AAPS 延後警報' 捷徑也會暫停任何 xDrip 警報。 -## Performance and battery life tips +## 效能與電池壽命提示 -Wear OS watches are very power-constrained devices. The size of the watch case limits the capacity of the included battery. Even with recent advancements both on hardware and software side, Wear OS watches still require daily charging. +Wear OS 手錶是非常耗電且又受限的裝置。 手錶機殼的尺寸限制了內置電池的容量。 即使硬體和軟體方面都有了最新的進展,Wear OS 手錶仍然需要每天充電。 -If an experienced battery span is shorter than a day (from dusk to dawn), here are some tips to troubleshoot the issues. +如果電池續航時間短於一天(從黃昏到黎明),以下是一些排除問題的建議: -Main battery-demanding areas are: +主要耗電區域包括: -* Active display with a backlight on (for LED) or in full intensity mode (for OLED) -* Rendering on screen -* Radio communication over Bluetooth +* 螢幕顯示(對 LED 為背光,對 OLED 為全亮模式) +* 螢幕顯示 +* 透過藍牙的無線通訊 -Since we cannot compromise on communication (we need up-to-date data) and want to have the most recent data rendered, most of the optimizations can be done in *display time* area: +由於我們不能在通訊效能上妥協(我們需要最新的資料)並且希望顯示最新的資料,因此大多數的優化可以在*顯示時間*區域中進行: -* Stock watchfaces are usually better optimized than custom one, downloaded from the store. -* It is better to use watchfaces that limit the amount of rendered data in inactive / dimmed mode. -* Be aware when mixing other Complications, like third party weather widgets, or other - utilizing data from external sources. -* Start with simpler watchfaces. Add one complication at the time and observe how they affect battery life. -* Try to use **Dark** theme for AAPS watchfaces, and [**Matching divider**](Watchfaces-watchface-settings). On OLED devices it will limit the amount of pixels lit and limit burnout. -* Check what performs better on your watch: AAPS stock watchfaces or other watchfaces with AAPS Complications. -* Observe over a few days, with different activity profiles. Most watches activate the display on glancing, movement and other usage-related triggers. -* Check your global system settings that affect performance: notifications, backlight/active display timeout, when GPS is activated. -* Check [list of tested phones and watches](Phones-list-of-tested-phones) and [ask community](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/ for other users experiences and reported battery lifetime. -* **We cannot guarantee that data displayed on watchface or complication is up-to-date**. In the end, it is up to Wear OS to decide when to update a watchface or a complication. Even when the AAPS app requests update, the System may decide to postpone or ignore updates to conserve battery. When in doubt and low on battery on watch - always double-check with main AAPS app on phone. +* 預設錶盤通常比從商店下載的自訂錶盤優化得更好。 +* 最好使用在非活動/調暗模式下顯示較少資料的錶盤。 +* 在使用其他小工具時要注意,像是第三方天氣小工具或其他從外部來源利用資料的小工具。 +* 先從較簡單的錶盤開始。 一次添加一個小工具並觀察它們對電池壽命的影響。 +* 嘗試為 AAPS 錶盤使用**深色**主題,並使用[**匹配的分隔線**](Watchfaces-watchface-settings)。 在 OLED 裝置上,這將限制點亮的像素數量並減少燒灼風險。 +* 檢查 AAPS 預設錶盤與其他帶有 AAPS 小工具的錶盤在您的手錶上哪個效能更好。 +* 在幾天內觀察不同的活動模式。 大多數手錶會因為抬腕查看、移動及其他使用相關的觸發事件而啟動螢幕顯示。 +* 檢查影響效能的全局系統設定:通知、背光/活動顯示逾時、GPS 啟動時。 +* 查看[已測試手機和手錶列表](Phones-list-of-tested-phones),並與[社群連結](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/,了解其他用戶的經驗和報告的電池壽命。 +* **我們無法保證錶盤或小工具上顯示的資料是最新的**。 最終,Wear OS 決定何時更新錶盤或小工具。 即使 AAPS 應用程式請求更新,系統也可能為了節省電池而延後或忽略更新。 當手錶電量不足時有疑慮時,請務必使用手機上的 AAPS 應用程式進行雙重檢查。 -(Watchfaces-troubleshooting-the-wear-app)= +(錶盤-故障排除-Wear-app)= -## Troubleshooting the wear app: +## 故障排除 Wear 應用程式: -* Sometimes it helps to re-sync the apps to the watch as it can be a bit slow to do so itself: Android Wear > Cog icon > Watch name > Resync apps. -* Enable ADB debugging in Developer Options (on watch), connect the watch via USB and start the Wear app once in Android Studio. -* If Complications does not update data - check first if AAPS watchfaces work at all. +* 有時候重新同步應用程式到手錶上是有幫助的,因為它本身的同步速度可能有點慢:Android Wear > 齒輪圖示 > 手錶名稱 > 重新同步應用程式。 +* 在開發者選項中啟用 ADB 偵錯(手錶上),透過 USB 連線手錶,並在 Android Studio 中啟動 Wear 應用程式。 +* 如果小工具不更新資料,首先檢查 AAPS 錶盤是否正常運作。 ## Garmin -There are a couple of watch faces for Garmin that integrate with xDrip or Nightscout on the [Garmin ConnectIQ store]( +在[Garmin ConnectIQ 商店](上,有幾款與 xDrip 或 Nightscout 整合的 Garmin 手錶面。 -[AAPS Glucose Watch]( integrates directly with AAPS. It shows loop status data (insulin on board, temporary basal) in addition to glucose readings and sends heart rate readings to AAPS. It is available in the ConnectIQ store, the necessary AAPS plugin is only available from AAPS 3.2. +AAPS Glucose Watch 可直接與 AAPS 整合。 它顯示循環狀態資料(活性胰島素、臨時基礎率),除了顯示血糖讀數外,還會將心率讀數發送到 AAPS。 它可在 ConnectIQ 商店中取得,所需的 AAPS 外掛從 AAPS 3.2 版本起提供。 -![Screenshot](../images/Garmin_WF.png) ![Screenshot](../images/Garmin_WF-annotated.png) +![螢幕截圖](../images/Garmin_WF.png) ![螢幕截圖](../images/Garmin_WF-annotated.png) -## Additional AAPS custom watchfaces are also available +## 額外的 AAPS 自訂錶盤也可以使用 -[Here](../ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ you can download Zip-Files with custom watchfaces made by other users. +您可以在此下載由其他用戶建立的自訂錶盤 Zip 檔: -If you want to build your own watchface, follow the [guide here](../Usage/ +如果您想建立自己的錶盤,請參閱[此處的指南](../Usage/。 -Once you have built a custom watchface, you can share your own **AAPS** custom watchface with others, the zip-file can be uploaded in the folder "ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces" via a Pull Request into Github. During merge of the pull request, the documentation team will extract the CustomWatchface.png file and prefix it with the filename of the Zip-file. \ No newline at end of file +建立自訂錶盤後,您可以與其他人分享自己的**AAPS**自訂錶盤,將 zip 檔上傳至“ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces”資料夾,並透過 Pull Request 上傳到 Github。 在合併 Pull Request 時,文件團隊會提取 CustomWatchface.png 檔案,並在檔名前加上 Zip 檔案名稱作為前綴。 \ No newline at end of file From d636dc5418b5347eb950db1697cc7e295a41890f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 230/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 496 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 2d70b538162a..5dcf7bdb9e57 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,473 +1,473 @@ -# FAQ for loopers +# 循環使用者常見問題解答 (FAQ) -How to add questions to the FAQ: Follow the these [instructions](../ +如何將問題添加到常見問題解答:請遵循這些[說明](../ -# General +# 一般問題 -## Can I just download the AAPS installation file? +## 我可以直接下載 AAPS 的安裝檔嗎? -No. There is no downloadable apk file for AAPS. You have to [build](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ it yourself. Here's the reason why: +不行。 AAPS 沒有可下載的 apk 檔案。 您必須自己[構建](../Installing-AndroidAPS/它。 原因如下: -AAPS is used to control your pump and give insulin. Under current regulations in Europe, all systems classed as IIa or IIb are medical devices that require regulatory approval (a CE mark) which needs various studies and sign offs. Distributing an unregulated device is illegal. Similar regulations exist in other parts of the world. +AAPS 用來控制您的幫浦並提供胰島素。 根據歐洲現行法規,所有歸類為 IIa 或 IIb 類的系統都是需要法規批准的醫療設備(需要 CE 標誌),這需要各種研究和簽字確認。 分發未經批准的設備是非法的。 在世界其他地區也有類似的法規。 -This regulation is not restricted just to sales (in the meaning of getting money for something) but applies to any distribution (even giving away for free). Building a medical device for yourself is the only way to use the app within these regulations. +該法規不僅限於銷售(即獲得金錢),還適用於任何形式的分發(即使是免費的)。 自行建置醫療設備是符合這些法規的唯一方式。 -That’s why apks aren’t available. +這就是為什麼 apk 檔案無法提供下載的原因。 (FAQ-how-to-begin)= -## How to begin? +## 如何開始? -First of all, you have to **get loopable hardware components**: +首先,您需要**獲取可循環的硬體元件**: -- A [supported insulin pump](./, -- an [Android smartphone]( (Apple iOS is not supported by AAPS - you can check [iOS Loop]( and -- a [continuous glucose monitoring system](../Configuration/ +- 一個[支援的胰島素幫浦](./, +- 一部[Android 智慧型手機]( 不支援 Apple iOS,您可以查閱 [iOS Loop](,以及 +- 一個[連續血糖監測系統](../Configuration/。 -Secondly, you have to **setup your hardware**. See [example setup with step-by-step tutorial]( +其次,您需要**設定您的硬體**。 請參閱[步驟教學的範例設置](。 -Thirdly, you have to **setup your software components**: AAPS and CGM/FGM source. +第三,您需要**設定您的軟體元件**:AAPS 和 CGM/FGM 資源。 -Fourthly, you have to learn and **understand the OpenAPS reference design to check your treatment factors**. The founding principle of closed looping is that your basal rate and carb ratio are accurate. All recommendations assume that your basal needs are met and any peaks or troughs you're seeing are a result of other factors which therefore require some one-off adjustments (exercise, stress etc.). The adjustments the closed loop can make for safety have been limited (see maximum allowed temporary basal rate in [OpenAPS Reference Design](, which means that you don't want to waste the allowed dosing on correcting a wrong underlying basal. If for example you are frequently low temping on the approach of a meal then it is likely your basal needs adjusting. You can use [autotune]( to consider a large pool of data to suggest whether and how basals and/or ISF need to be adjusted, and also whether carb ratio needs to be changed. Or you can test and set your basal the [old fashioned way]( +第四,您需要學習並**了解 OpenAPS 參考設計以檢查您的治療參數**。 閉環循環的基本原則是您的基礎率和碳水化合物比率是準確的。 所有建議都假設您的基礎需求已得到滿足,任何峰值或谷底的變化是由其他因素引起的,因此需要一些一次性的調整(如運動、壓力等)。 閉環系統為安全所做的調整是有限的(請參閱[OpenAPS 參考設計](中的允許最大臨時基礎率),這意味著您不希望浪費這些劑量來修正錯誤的基礎率。 例如,如果您經常在用餐前臨時降低基礎率,那麼很可能需要調整您的基礎率。 您可以使用[autotune](來考慮大量資料,以建議是否以及如何調整基礎率和/或 ISF,並且是否需要更改碳水化合物比率。 或者,您也可以使用[傳統方法](來測試並設定您的基礎率。 -## What practicalities of looping do I have? +## 我有哪些實際的循環考量? -### Password protection +### 密碼保護 -If you don't want your preferences to be easily changed then you can password protect the preferences menu by selecting in the preferences menu "password for settings" and type the password you choose. The next time you go into preferences menu it will ask for that password before going any further. If you later want to remove the password option then go into "password for settings" and delete the text. +如果您不希望輕易更改您的偏好設定,您可以透過選擇偏好選單中的“設定密碼”來對偏好設定選單進行密碼保護,然後輸入您選擇的密碼。 下次進入偏好設定選單時,系統會要求輸入該密碼後才能進行下一步操作。 如果您之後想刪除密碼選項,只需進入“設定密碼”,然後刪除文本即可。 -### Android Wear Smartwatches +### Android Wear 智慧型手錶 -If you plan to use the android wear app to bolus or change settings then you need to ensure notifications from AAPS are not blocked. Confirmation of action comes via notification. +如果您計劃使用 Android Wear 應用程式進行注射或更改設置,您需要確保不會阻止來自 AAPS 的通知。 操作確認將透過通知來完成。 (FAQ-disconnect-pump)= -### Disconnect pump +### 中斷幫浦連線 -If you take your pump off for showering, bathing, swimming, sports or other activities you must let AAPS know that no insulin is delivered to keep IOB correct. +如果您因淋浴、沐浴、游泳、運動或其他活動而取下幫浦,您必須讓 AAPS 知道未輸送胰島素,以保持 IOB 的正確性。 -The pump can be disconnected using the Loop Status icon on the [AAPS Home Screen](Screenshots-loop-status). +可以使用 [AAPS 主畫面](Screenshots-loop-status)上的循環狀態圖示來中斷幫浦連線。 -### Recommendations not only based on one single CGM reading +### 建議不是僅基於單一 CGM 讀數 -For safety, recommendations made are based on not one CGM reading but the average delta. Therefore, if you miss some readings it may take a while after getting data back before AAPS kicks in looping again. +為了安全起見,建議是基於平均變化,而非單一 CGM 讀數。 因此,如果您錯過了一些讀數,可能需要一段時間在恢復資料後,AAPS 才會重新啟動循環。 -### Further readings +### 進一步的讀數 -There are several blogs with good tips to help you understand the practicalities of looping: +有幾個部落格提供了幫助您了解循環實際運作的好建議: -- [Fine-tuning Settings]( See my CGM -- [Why DIA matters]( See my CGM -- [Limiting meal spikes]( #DIYPS -- [Hormones and autosens]( See my CGM +- [微調設置]( See my CGM +- [為什麼 DIA 很重要]( See my CGM +- [限制餐後血糖飆升]( #DIYPS +- [荷爾蒙和自動感測]( See my CGM -## What emergency equipment is recommended to take with me? +## 推薦隨身攜帶的應急設備有哪些? -You have to have the same emergency equipment with you like every other T1D with insulin pump therapy. When looping with AAPS it is strongly recommended to have the following additional equipment with or near to you: +您必須攜帶與其他使用胰島素幫浦療法的 1 型糖尿病患者相同的應急設備。 當使用 AAPS 進行循環時,強烈建議隨身攜帶或將以下額外設備放在身邊: -- Battery pack and cables to charge your smartphone, watch and (if needed) BT reader or Link device -- Pump batteries -- Current [apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ and [preferences files](../Usage/ for AAPS and any other apps you use (e.g. xDrip+, BYO Dexcom) both locally and in the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive). +- 用於為智慧型手機、手錶和(如有需要)BT 閱讀器或 Link 設備充電的行動電源和充電線 +- 幫浦電池 +- 當前的 [apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 和 AAPS 及其他應用程式(例如 xDrip+、BYO Dexcom)的[偏好設定檔案](../Usage/,同時儲存在本地和雲端(Dropbox、Google Drive)。 -## How can I safely and securely attach the CGM/FGM? +## 如何安全、牢固地安裝 CGM/FGM? -You can tape it. There are several pre-perforated 'overpatches' for common CGM systems available (search Google, eBay or Amazon). Some loopers use the cheaper standard kinesiology tape or rocktape. +您可以使用膠布固定。 市面上有多種常見 CGM 系統的預穿孔“防護貼片”(可搜索 Google、eBay 或 Amazon)。 一些循環使用者會使用更便宜的標準運動貼布或 Rocktape。 -You can fix it. You can also purchase upper arm bracelets that fix the CGM/FGM with a band (search Google, eBay or Amazon). +您可以固定它。 您還可以購買上臂護腕,用於透過帶子固定 CGM/FGM(可搜索 Google、eBay 或 Amazon)。 -# AAPS settings +# AAPS 設置 -The following list aims to help you optimize settings. It may be best to start at the top and work to the bottom. Aim to get one setting right before changing another. Work in small steps rather than making large changes at once. You can use [Autotune]( to guide your thinking, although it should not be followed blindly: it may not work well for you or in all circumstances. Note that settings interact with one another - you can have 'wrong' settings that work well together in some circumstances (e.g. if a too-high basal happens to be at the same time as a too-high CR) but do not in others. This means that you need to consider all the settings and check they work together in a variety of circumstances. +以下列表旨在幫助您優化設置。 最好從頂部開始,依次往下進行。 在更改另一個設置之前,請確保先調整好一個設置。 逐步進行調整,而不是一次性做出大幅更改。 您可以使用 [Autotune]( 來引導您的思路,但不要盲目遵循:它可能並不適合您或所有情況。 請注意,設置之間相互影響——在某些情況下,您可能擁有“錯誤”的設置卻能正常運作(例如,如果過高的基礎率恰好與過高的碳水化合物比率同時存在),但在其他情況下卻無法正常運作。 這意味著您需要考慮所有設置,並檢查它們在不同情況下是否協同工作。 -## Duration of insulin activity (DIA) +## 胰島素活性持續時間(DIA) -### Description & testing +### 描述和測試 -The length of time that insulin decays to zero. +胰島素衰減至零所需的時間。 -This is quite often set too short. Most people will want at least 5 hours, potentially 6 or 7. +這一時間通常設定得太短。 大多數人會選擇至少 5 小時,可能是 6 或 7 小時。 (FAQ-impact)= -### Impact +### 影響 -Too short DIA can lead to low BGs. And vice-versa. +DIA 設置過短可能會導致低血糖。 反之亦然。 -If DIA is too short, AAPS thinks too early that your previous bolus is all consumed, and, at still elevated glucose, will give you more. (Actually, it does not wait that long, but predicts what would happen, and keeps adding insulin). This essentially creates ‘insulin stacking’ that AAPS is unaware of. +如果 DIA 設置過短,AAPS 會過早地認為您的前一次注射已被完全消耗,並且在血糖仍然偏高時會給您更多的胰島素。 (實際上,它不會等那麼久,而是預測會發生什麼,並不斷添加胰島素)。 這實際上創造了 AAPS 無法察覺的“胰島素堆疊”。 -Example of a too-short DIA is a high BG followed by AAPS over-correcting and giving a low BG. +DIA 設置過短的例子是高血糖後,AAPS 過度修正,導致低血糖。 -## Basal rate schedule (U/h) +## 基礎率時間表(U/h) -### Description & testing +### 描述和測試 -The amount of insulin in a given hour time block to maintain BG at a stable level. +在給定的一小時內保持血糖穩定所需的胰島素量。 -Test your basal rates by suspending loop, fasting, waiting for say 5 hours after food, and seeing how BG changes. Repeat a few times. +透過暫停循環、空腹、餐後等待約 5 小時,並觀察血糖變化來測試您的基礎率。 重複幾次。 -If BG is dropping, basal rate is too high. And vice-versa. +如果血糖下降,則基礎率過高。 反之亦然。 -### Impact +### 影響 -Too high basal rate can lead to low BGs. And vice-versa. +基礎率過高可能會導致低血糖。 反之亦然。 -AAPS ‘baselines’ against the default basal rate. If basal rate is too high, a ‘zero temp’ will count as a bigger negative IOB than it should. This will lead to AAPS giving more subsequent corrections than it should to bring IOB ultimately to zero. +AAPS 會根據預設基礎率進行“基線”調整。 如果基礎率過高,“零臨時基礎率”將被計為比實際更大的負 IOB。 這將導致 AAPS 給予更多的後續修正,以將 IOB 最終調整為零。 -So, a basal rate too high will create low BGs both with the default rate, but also some hours hence as AAPS corrects to target. +因此,過高的基礎率會導致低血糖,不僅是在使用預設基礎率時,還會在幾小時後當 AAPS 修正至目標時發生。 -Conversely a basal rate too low can lead to high BGs, and a failure to bring levels down to target. +相反,過低的基礎率可能會導致高血糖,並且無法將水平降低到目標。 -## Insulin sensitivity factor (ISF) (mmol/l/U or mg/dl/U) +## 胰島素敏感因子(ISF)(mmol/l/U 或 mg/dl/U) -### Description & testing +### 描述和測試 -The drop in BG expected from dosing 1U of insulin. +預計每單位胰島素會降低的血糖值。 -Assuming correct basal, you can test this by suspending loop, checking IOB is zero, and taking a few glucose tablets to get to a stable ‘high’ level. +假設基礎率正確,您可以透過暫停循環、檢查 IOB 是否為零,並吃幾片葡萄糖片來達到穩定的“高”血糖水平來測試這一點。 -Then take an estimated amount of insulin (as per current 1/ISF) to get to your target BG. +然後根據當前的 1/ISF 估算所需的胰島素量來達到目標血糖值。 -Be careful as this is quite often set too low. Too low means 1 U will drop BG faster than expected. +請小心,這一值通常設置得過低。 過低意味著 1 單位的胰島素會使血糖下降得比預期更快。 -### Impact +### 影響 -**Lower ISF** (i.e. 40 instead of 50) meaning insulin drops your BG less per unit. This leads to a more aggressive / stronger correction from the loop with **more insulin**. If the ISF is too low, this can lead to low BGs. +**較低的 ISF**(即 40 而非 50)意味著每單位胰島素降低的血糖值較少。 這將導致循環中**更多的胰島素**進行更具攻擊性/強烈的修正。 如果 ISF 設置過低,可能會導致低血糖。 -**Higher ISF** (i.e. 45 instead of 35) meaning insulin drops your BG more per unit. This leads to a less aggressive / weaker correction from the loop with **less insulin**. If the ISF is too high, this can lead to high BGs. +**較高的 ISF**(例如從 35 提高到 45)表示每單位胰島素能降低更多的血糖值。 這將導致循環中使用**較少的胰島素**進行較溫和/弱的修正。 如果 ISF 設置過高,可能會導致高血糖。 -**Example:** +**範例:** -- BG is 190 mg/dl (10,5 mmol) and target is 100 mg/dl (5,6 mmol). -- So, you want correction of 90 mg/dl (= 190 - 110). -- ISF = 30 -> 90 / 30 = 3 units of insulin -- ISF = 45 -> 90 / 45 = 2 units of insulin +- 血糖值為 190 mg/dl(10.5 mmol),目標值為 100 mg/dl(5.6 mmol)。 +- 因此,您希望修正 90 mg/dl(= 190 - 100)。 +- ISF = 30 -> 90 / 30 = 3 單位的胰島素 +- ISF = 45 -> 90 / 45 = 2 單位的胰島素 -An ISF that is too low (not uncommon) can result in ‘over corrections’, because AAPS thinks it needs more insulin to correct a high BG than it actually does. This can lead to ‘roller coaster’ BGs (esp. when fasting). In this circumstance you need to increase your ISF. This will mean AAPS gives smaller correction doses, and this will avoid over-correcting a high BG resulting in a low BG. +過低的 ISF(這種情況並不少見)會導致“過度修正”,因為 AAPS 認為需要比實際更多的胰島素來修正高血糖。 這可能會導致“血糖像雲霄飛車一樣的起伏”(特別 是在空腹時)。 在這種情況下,你需要增加你的胰島素敏感因子(ISF)。 這表示 AAPS 會給出比較小的校正劑量,這樣可以避免把高血糖校正過頭,導致低血糖的情況發生。 -Conversely, an ISF set too high can result in under-corrections, meaning your BG remains above target – particularly noticeable overnight. +相反地,若胰島素敏感因子(ISF)設太高,可能會導致修正不足,讓你的血糖維持在目標值以上,這種情況在夜間特別明顯。 -## Insulin to carb ratio (IC) (g/U) +## 胰島素與碳水化合物比率 (IC)(g/U) -### Description & testing +### 描述和測試 -The grams of carbohydrate for each unit of insulin. +每單位胰島素對應的碳水化合物克數。 -Some people also use I:C as abbreviation instead of IC or talk about carb ratio (CR). +有些人也會使用 I:C 來代替 IC,或者稱其為碳水比(CR)。 -Assuming correct basal, you can test by checking IOB is zero and that you are in-range, eating exactly known carbs, and take an estimated amount of insulin based on current insulin to carb ratio. Best is to eat food your normally eat at that time of day and count its carbs precisely. +假設基礎率正確,您可以透過檢查 IOB 是否為零且血糖在範圍內,然後用餐已知精確克數的碳水化合物,並根據當前的胰島素與碳水比來估算胰島素劑量進行測試。 最好是進食您通常在該時間吃的食物,並準確計算其碳水化合物含量。 -> **NOTE:** +> **注意:** > -> In some European countries bread units were used for determination of how much insulin is needed for food. At the beginning 1 bread unit equal to 12g of carbs, later some changed to 10g of carbs. +> 在一些歐洲國家,曾使用麵包單位來確定需要多少胰島素來代謝食物。 最初 1 麵包單位相當於 12 克碳水化合物,後來一些國家改為 10 克碳水化合物。 > -> In this model the amount of carbs was fixed and the amount of insulin was variable. ("How much insulin is needed to cover one bread unit?") +> 在這種模式下,碳水化合物量是固定的,胰島素量是可變的。 (“需要多少胰島素來覆蓋一個麵包單位?”) > -> When using IC the amount of insulin is fixed and the amount of carbs is variable. ("How many g of carbs can be covered by one unit of insulin?") +> 使用 IC 時,胰島素量是固定的,碳水化合物量是可變的。 (“一單位胰島素能覆蓋多少克碳水化合物?”) > -> Example: +> 範例: > -> Bread unit factor (BU = 12g carbs): 2,4 U/BU -> You need 2,4 units of insulin when you eat one bread unit. +> 麵包單位系數(BU = 12 克碳水化合物):2.4 U/BU -> 吃一個麵包單位需要 2.4 單位的胰島素。 > -> Corresponding IC: 12g / 2,4 U = 5,0 g/U -> 5,0g carbs can be covered with one unit of insulin. +> 對應的 IC:12 克 / 2.4 U = 5.0 克/U -> 5.0 克碳水化合物可以用一單位胰島素覆蓋。 > -> BU factor 2,4 U / 12g ===> IC = 12g / 2,4 U = 5,0 g/U +> BU 系數 2.4 U / 12 克 ===> IC = 12 克 / 2.4 U = 5.0 克/U > -> Conversion tables are available online i.e. [here]( +> 線上可找到轉換表,例如[此處](。 -### Impact +### 影響 -**Lower IC** = less food per unit, i.e. you are getting more insulin for a fixed amount of carbs. Can also be called ‘more aggressive’. +**較低的 IC** = 每單位胰島素對應較少的食物,即您為固定的碳水化合物量獲得更多的胰島素。 也可以稱為“更具攻擊性”。 -**Higher IC** = more food per unit, i.e. you are getting less insulin for a fixed amount of carbs. Can also be called ‘less aggressive’. +**較高的 IC** = 每單位胰島素對應較多的食物,即您為固定的碳水化合物量獲得較少的胰島素。 也可以稱為“較不具攻擊性”。 -If after meal has digested and IOB has returned to zero, your BG remains higher than before food, chances are IC is too large. Conversely if your BG is lower than before food, IC is too small. +如果餐後碳水化合物消化完畢,IOB 回到零,而您的血糖仍高於用餐前,這很可能是 IC 設置過大。 相反,如果您的血糖低於用餐前,IC 設置可能過小。 -# APS algorithm +# APS 演算法 -## Why does it show "dia:3" in the "OPENAPS AMA"-tab even though I have a different DIA in my profile? +## 為什麼在“OPENAPS AMA”選項卡中顯示 "dia:3",即使我的設定檔中設定了不同的 DIA? -![AMA 3h](../images/Screenshot_AMA3h.png) +![AMA 3 小時](../images/Screenshot_AMA3h.png) -In AMA, DIA actually doesn't mean the 'duration of insulin acting'. It is a parameter, which used to be connected to the DIA. Now, it means, 'in which time should the correction be finished'. It has nothing to do with the calculation of the IOB. In OpenAPS SMB, there is no need for this parameter any longer. +在 AMA 中,DIA 並不代表“胰島素作用的持續時間”。 這是一個參數,曾經與 DIA 相關。 現在,它的意思是“修正應在多長時間內完成”。 它與 IOB 的計算無關。 在 OpenAPS SMB 中,不再需要這個參數。 -## Profile +## 設定檔 -### Why using min. 5h DIA (insulin end time) instead of 2-3h? +### 為什麼要使用最少 5 小時的 DIA(胰島素結束時間),而不是 2-3 小時? -Well explained in [this article]( Don't forget to `ACTIVATE PROFILE` after changing your DIA. +這篇文章[詳細解釋了原因](。 更改 DIA 後,別忘了點擊`啟用設定檔`。 -### What causes the loop to frequently lower my BG to hypoglycemic values without COB? +### 什麼原因導致循環頻繁將我的血糖降至低血糖水平,且無碳水化合物存在? -First of all, check your basal rate and make a no-carb basal rate test. If it is correct, this behavior is typically caused by a too low ISF. A too low ISF looks typically like this: +首先,檢查您的基礎率,並進行無碳水化合物的基礎率測試。 如果基礎率正確,那麼這種情況通常是由於 ISF 過低引起的。 過低的 ISF 通常表現如下: -![ISF too low](../images/isf.jpg) +![ISF 過低](../images/isf.jpg) -### What causes high postprandial peaks in closed loop? +### 什麼原因導致閉環系統中的餐後高峰? -First of all, check your basal rate and make a no-carb basal rate test. If it is correct and your BG is falling to your target after carbs are fully absorbed, try to set an 'eating soon' temp target in AAPS some time before the meal or think about an appropriate prebolus time with your endocrinologist. If your BG is too high after the meal and still too high after carbs are fully absorbed, think about decreasing your IC with your endocrinologist. If your BG is too high while COB and too low after carbs are fully absorbed, think about increasing your IC and an appropriate prebolus time with your endocrinologist. +首先,檢查您的基礎率,並進行無碳水化合物的基礎率測試。 如果基礎率正確,且碳水化合物完全吸收後您的血糖正在下降至目標,請嘗試在餐前一段時間內在 AAPS 中設定“即將用餐”的臨時目標,或與您的內分泌科醫生討論適當的餐前注射時間。 如果用餐後您的血糖仍然過高,且碳水化合物完全吸收後血糖依然過高,請考慮與您的內分泌科醫生討論降低您的 IC。 如果在有碳水化合物的情況下血糖過高,而碳水化合物完全吸收後血糖過低,請考慮與您的內分泌科醫生討論提高您的 IC 以及適當的餐前注射時間。 -# Other settings +# 其他設置 -## Nightscout settings +## Nightscout 設置 -### AAPSClient says 'not allowed' and does not upload data. What can I do? +### AAPSClient 顯示“未授權”且無法上傳資料。 我該怎麼做? -In AAPSClient check 'Connection settings'. Maybe you actually are not in an allowed WLAN or you have activated 'Only if charging' and your charging cable is not attached. +在 AAPSClient 中檢查“連線設置”。 可能您不在允許的 WLAN 中,或者您啟用了“僅在充電時”且充電線未接上。 -## CGM settings +## CGM 設置 -### Why does AAPS say 'BG source doesn't support advanced filtering'? +### 為什麼 AAPS 顯示“血糖來源不支援進階過濾”? -If you do use another CGM/FGM than Dexcom G5 or G6 in xDrip native mode, you'll get this alert in AAPS OpenAPS-tab. See [Smoothing blood glucose data](../Usage/ for more details. +如果您使用的是 Dexcom G5 或 G6 以外的 CGM/FGM 且在 xDrip 原生模式中運作,您將在 AAPS OpenAPS 選項卡中收到此提示。 詳情請參閱[xDrip 中的血糖資料平滑處理](../Usage/。 -## Pump +## 幫浦 -### Where to place the pump? +### 幫浦應該放在哪裡? -There are innumerable possibilities to place the pump. It does not matter if you are looping or not. +有無數種放置幫浦的方法。 不論您是否在進行循環操作,這都無關緊要。 -### Batteries +### 電池 -Looping can reduce the pump battery faster than normal use because the system interacts through bluetooth far more than a manual user does. It is best to change battery at 25% as communication becomes challenging then. You can set warning alarms for pump battery by using the PUMP_WARN_BATT_P variable in your Nightscout site. Tricks to increase battery life include: +由於系統透過藍牙進行頻繁互動,循環操作會比正常使用更快耗盡幫浦電池。 最好在電池電量降至 25% 時更換,因為這時通訊變得困難。 您可以使用 Nightscout 網站中的 PUMP_WARN_BATT_P 變數設置幫浦電池的警告提示。 延長電池壽命的小技巧包括: -- reduce the length of time the LCD stays on (within pump settings menu) -- reduce the length of time the backlight stays on (within pump settings menu) -- select notification settings to a beep rather than vibrate (within pump settings menu) -- only press the buttons on the pump to reload, use AAPS to view all history, battery level and reservoir volume. -- AAPS app may often be closed to save energy or free RAM on some phones. When AAPS is reinitialized at each startup it establishes a Bluetooth connection to the pump, and re-reads the current basal rate and bolus history. This consumes battery. To see if this is happening, go to Preferences > NSClient and enable 'Log app start to NS'. Nightscout will receive an event at every restart of AAPS, which makes it easy to track the issue. To reduce this happening, whitelist AAPS app in the phone battery settings to stop the app power monitor closing it down. +- 減少 LCD 顯示時間(在幫浦設置選單中) +- 減少背光時間(在幫浦設置選單中) +- 將通知設置為嗶聲而非震動(在幫浦設置選單中) +- 只按下幫浦按鈕重新載入,使用 AAPS 檢視所有歷史記錄、電池電量和儲液罐容量。 +- 在某些手機上,AAPS 應用可能會經常被關閉以節省電力或釋放 RAM。 每次啟動時,AAPS 都會重新建立與幫浦的藍牙連線,並重新讀取當前的基礎率和注射歷史記錄。 這會消耗電池。 要查看這種情況是否正在發生,請進入偏好設定 > NSClient 並啟用“將應用啟動日誌記錄到 Nightscout”。 Nightscout 將在每次 AAPS 重新啟動時接收一個事件,這使得問題追蹤變得容易。 為減少這種情況的發生,請在手機的電池設置中將 AAPS 應用加入白名單,防止應用電力監視器將其關閉。 - For example, to whitelist on a Samsung phone running Android Pie: + 例如,若要在運作 Android Pie 的三星手機上將其加入白名單: - - Go to Settings -> Device Care -> Battery - - Scroll until you find AAPS and select it - - De-select "Put app to sleep" - - ALSO go to Settings -> Apps -> (Three circle symbol in the top-right of the screen) select "special access" -> Optimize battery usage - - Scroll to AAPS and make sure it is de-selected. + - 進入設置 -> 裝置護理 -> 電池 + - 滾動直到找到 AAPS 並選中它 + - 取消選中“將應用程式設為休眠狀態” + - 還可以進入設置 -> 應用程式 ->(螢幕右上角的三個圓形圖示)選擇“特殊存取” -> 優化電池使用率 + - 滾動到 AAPS 並確保其未被選中。 -- clean battery terminals with alcohol wipe to ensure no manufacturing wax/grease remains. +- 使用酒精擦拭電池端子,確保沒有殘留的製造蠟/油脂。 -- for [Dana R/RS pumps](../Configuration/ the startup procedure draws a high current across the battery to purposefully break the passivation film (prevents loss of energy whilst in storage) but it doesn't always work to break it 100%. Either remove and reinsert battery 2-3 times until it does show 100% on screen, or use battery key to briefly short circuit battery before insertion by applying to both terminals for a split second. -- see also more tips for [particular types of battery](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage-battery-type-and-causes-of-short-battery-life) +- 對於[Dana R/RS 幫浦](../Configuration/,啟動過程會消耗較高的電流,目的是有意打破電池上的鈍化膜(防止儲存時能量損失),但它並不總能100%打破鈍化膜。 您可以將電池取出並重新插入 2-3 次,直到螢幕上顯示 100% 為止,或者使用電池鑰匙短暫短路電池,將兩個端子接觸一瞬間。 +- 也可參見更多[特定類型電池的提示](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage-battery-type-and-causes-of-short-battery-life) -### Changing reservoirs and cannulas +### 更換儲液罐和插管 -The change of cartridge cannot be done via AAPS but must be carried out as before directly via the pump. +無法透過 AAPS 更換儲液罐,必須像以前一樣直接透過幫浦進行。 -- Long press on "Open Loop"/"Closed Loop" on the Home tab of AAPS and select 'Suspend Loop for 1h' -- Now nnect the pump and change the reservoir as per pump instructions. -- Also priming and filling tube and cannula can be done directly on the pump. In this case use [PRIME/FILL button](CPbefore26-pump) in the actions tab just to record the change. -- Once reconnected to the pump continue the loop by long pressing on 'Suspended (X m)'. +- 在 AAPS 的主頁面長按“開環”/“閉環”,然後選擇“暫停循環 1 小時”。 +- 現在中斷幫浦,並按照幫浦的說明更換儲液罐。 +- 灌注和填充管路及插管也可以直接在幫浦上完成。 在這種情況下,請使用操作選項卡中的[灌注/填充按鈕](CPbefore26-pump)來記錄更換過程。 +- 重新連線幫浦後,長按“暫停 (X 分鐘)”來繼續循環。 -The change of a cannula however does not use the "prime infusion set" function of the pump, but fills the infusion set and/or cannula using a bolus which does not appear in the bolus history. This means it does not interrupt a currently running temporary basal rate. On the Actions (Act) tab, use the [PRIME/FILL button](CPbefore26-pump) to set the amount of insulin needed to fill the infusion set and start the priming. If the amount is not enough, repeat filling. You can set default amount buttons in the Preferences > Other > Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts. See the instruction booklet in your cannula box for how many units should be primed depending on needle length and tubing length. +然而,更換插管時並不使用幫浦的“灌注輸液組”功能,而是使用一個不會顯示在注射歷史記錄中的注射來填充輸液組或插管。 這意味著它不會中斷當前運作的臨時基礎率。 在操作選項卡上,使用[灌注/填充按鈕](CPbefore26-pump)來設置填充輸液組所需的胰島素量並開始灌注。 如果這個量不足,重複填充操作。 您可以在偏好設定 > 其他 > 填充/灌注標準胰島素量中設置預設量按鈕。 請參閱插管盒中的說明手冊,了解根據針頭長度和管路長度應灌注多少單位。 -## Wallpaper +## 桌布 -You can find the AAPS wallpaper for your phone on the [phones page](Phones-phone-background). +您可以在[手機頁面](Phones-phone-background)上找到 AAPS 的手機桌布。 -## Daily usage +## 日常使用 -### Hygiene +### 衛生 -#### What to do when taking a shower or bath? +#### 淋浴或洗澡時該怎麼做? -You can remove the pump while taking a shower or bath. For this short period of time you may not need it, but you should tell AAPS that you've disconnected so that the IOB calculations are correct. See [description above](FAQ-disconnect-pump). +淋浴或洗澡時,您可以取下幫浦。 在這短時間內,您可能不需要幫浦,但您應該告訴 AAPS 您已經中斷了連線,以確保 IOB 計算正確。 請參閱[上面的說明](FAQ-disconnect-pump)。 -### Work +### 工作 -Depending on your job, you may choose to use different treatment factors on workdays. As a looper you should consider a [profile switch](../Usage/ for your typical working day. For example, you may switch to a profile higher than 100% if you have a less demanding job (e.g. sitting at a desk), or less than 100% if you are active and on your feet all day. You could also consider a high or low temporary target or a [time shift of your profile](Profiles-time-shift) when working much earlier or later than regular, of if you work different shifts. You can also create a second profile (e.g. 'home' and 'workday') and do a daily profile switch to the profile you actually need. +根據您的工作,您可能會選擇在工作日使用不同的治療因素。 作為循環使用者,您應該考慮為您典型的工作日設定[設定檔切換](../Usage/。 例如,如果您的工作要求較低(例如坐在辦公桌前),您可以切換到高於 100% 的設定檔;如果您一整天都在活動,可以切換到低於 100% 的設定檔。 如果您經常工作時間比正常時間早或晚,或者輪班工作,您也可以考慮設置高或低臨時目標,或進行[設定檔的時間調整](Profiles-time-shift)。 您也可以建立第二個設定檔(例如“家庭”和“工作日”),並每天切換到您實際需要的設定檔。 -## Leisure activities +## 休閒活動 (FAQ-sports)= -### Sports +### 運動 -You have to rework your old sports habits from pre-loop times. If you simply consume one or more sports carbs as before, the closed loop system will recognize them and correct them accordingly. +您需要重新調整循環之前的運動習慣。 如果您像以前一樣攝取運動碳水化合物,閉環系統會識別並相應地進行修正。 -So, you would have more carbohydrates on board, but at the same time the loop would counteract and release insulin. +這樣,您體內會有更多碳水化合物,但同時循環會對抗並釋放胰島素。 -When looping you should try these steps: +進行循環時,您應該嘗試以下步驟: -- Make a [profile switch](../Usage/ < 100%. -- Set an [activity temp target](temptarget-activity-temp-target) above your standard target. -- If you are using SMB make sure ["Enable SMB with high temp targets"](Open-APS-features-enable-smb-with-high-temp-targets) and ["Enable SMB always"](Open-APS-features#enable-smb-always) are disabled. +- 進行[低於 100% 的設定檔切換](../Usage/。 +- 設定比您的標準目標更高的[運動臨時目標](temptarget-activity-temp-target)。 +- 如果您正在使用 SMB,請確保停用[“在高臨時目標下啟用 SMB”](Open-APS-features-enable-smb-with-high-temp-targets)和[“始終啟用 SMB”](Open-APS-features#enable-smb-always)。 -Pre- and post-processing of these settings is important. Make the changes in time before sport and consider the effect of muscle filling. +這些設置的預處理和後處理非常重要。 在運動前及時進行更改,並考慮肌肉充盈的影響。 -If you do sports regularly at the same time (i.e. sports class in your gym) you can consider using [automation](../Usage/ for profile switch and TT. Location based automation might also be an idea but makes preprocessing more difficult. +如果您定期在同一時間進行運動(例如在健身房上運動課),您可以考慮使用[自動化](../Usage/來進行設定檔切換和臨時目標的設置。 基於位置的自動化也是一個不錯的主意,但這使得預處理更為困難。 -The percentage of the profile switch, the value for your activity temp target and best time for the changes are individual. Start on the safe side if you are looking for the right value for you (start with lower percentage and higher TT). +設定檔切換的百分比、運動臨時目標的值以及最佳的更改時間都是個人化的。 如果您正在尋找適合您的值,請從安全的一面開始(從較低的百分比和較高的臨時目標開始)。 -### Sex +### 性行為 -You can remove the pump to be 'free', but you should tell AAPS so that the IOB calculations are correct. See [description above](FAQ-disconnect-pump). +您可以取下幫浦以獲得“自由”,但您應該告訴 AAPS 這樣 IOB 計算才能正確。 請參閱[上面的說明](FAQ-disconnect-pump)。 -### Drinking alcohol +### 飲酒 -Drinking alcohol is risky in closed loop mode as the algorithm cannot predict the alcohol influenced BG correctly. You have to check out your own method for treating this using the following functions in AAPS: +在閉環模式下飲酒是有風險的,因為演算法無法正確預測受酒精影響的血糖。 您需要檢查自己的方法,並使用 AAPS 中的以下功能來進行處理: -- Deactivating closed loop mode and treating the diabetes manually or -- setting high temp targets and deactivating UAM to avoid the loop increasing IOB due to an unattended meal or -- do a profile switch to noticeably less than 100% +- 停用閉環模式,並手動處理糖尿病或 +- 設置高臨時目標並停用 UAM 以避免由於未注意到的餐食而增加 IOB 或 +- 將設定檔切換到明顯低於 100% 的設定檔 -When drinking alcohol, you always have to have an eye on your CGM to manually avoid a hypoglycemia by eating carbs. +飲酒時,您必須時刻關注您的 CGM,並手動透過攝取碳水化合物避免低血糖的發生。 -### Sleeping +### 睡眠 -#### How can I loop during the night without mobile and WIFI radiation? +#### 如何在沒有手機和 WIFI 輻射的情況下循環過夜? -Many users turn the phone into airplane mode at night. If you want the loop to support you when you are sleeping, proceed as follows (this will only work with a local BG-source such as xDrip+ or ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app), it will NOT work if you get the BG-readings via Nightscout): +許多使用者在夜間將手機切換到飛航模式。 如果您希望循環在您睡覺時幫助您,請按照以下步驟進行操作(這僅適用於本地血糖來源,如 xDrip+ 或[“建立您自己的 Dexcom 應用程式”](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app),如果您透過 Nightscout 獲取血糖讀數,則此方法無效): -1. Turn on airplane mode in your mobile. -2. Wait until the airplane mode is active. -3. Turn on Bluetooth. +1. 打開手機的飛航模式。 +2. 等待飛航模式生效。 +3. 打開藍牙。 -You are not receiving calls now, nor are you connected to the internet. But the loop is still running. +現在您不會接聽電話,也無法連線網路。 但循環仍在運作。 -Some people have discovered problems with local broadcast (AAPS not receiving BG values from xDrip+) when phone is in airplane mode. Go to Settings > Inter-app settings > Identify receiver and enter `info.nightscout.androidaps`. +有些人發現當手機處於飛航模式時,本地廣播會出現問題(AAPS 無法從 xDrip+ 接收血糖值)。 請進入設定 > 應用程式間設定 > 識別接收器,並輸入`info.nightscout.androidaps`。 -![xDrip+ Basic Inter-app Settings Identify receiver](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) +![xDrip+ 基本應用間設定識別接收端](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) -### Travelling +### 旅行 -#### How to deal with time zone changes? +#### 如何應對時區變更? -With Dana R and Dana R Korean you don't have to do anything. For other pumps see [time zone travelling](../Usage/ page for more details. +使用 Dana R 和 Dana R Korean 時,您不需要做任何操作。 對於其他幫浦,請參閱[時區旅行](../Usage/頁面以了解更多詳細訊息。 -## Medical topics +## 醫療話題 -### Hospitalization +### 住院 -If you want to share some information about AAPS and DIY looping with your clinicians, you can print out the [guide to AAPS for clinicians](../Resources/ +如果您想與臨床醫師分享一些有關 AAPS 和 DIY 循環的資訊,您可以列印[給臨床醫師的 AAPS 指南](../Resources/。 -### Medical appointment with your endocrinologist +### 與內分泌科醫生的醫療約診 -#### Reporting +#### 報告 -You can either show your Nightscout reports ( or check [Nightscout Reporter]( +您可以展示您的 Nightscout 報告 ( 或查看[Nightscout Reporter](。 -# Frequent questions on Discord and their answers... +# Discord 上的常見問題及其解答... -## My problem is not listed here. +## 我的問題不在這裡列出。 -[Information to get help.](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) +[獲取幫助的訊息。](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) -## My problem is not listed here but I found the solution +## 我的問題不在這裡列出,但我找到了答案。 -[Information to get help.](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) +[獲取幫助的訊息。](Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask) -**Remind us to add your solution to this list!** +**提醒我們將您的解決方案添加到此列表中!** -## AAPS stops everyday around the same time. +## AAPS 每天在同一時間停止運作。 -Stop Google Play Protect. Check for "cleaning" apps (ie CCleaner etc) and uninstall them. AAPS / 3 dots menu / About / follow the link "Keep app running in the background" to stop all battery optimizations. +停用 Google Play Protect。 檢查是否有“清理”應用程式(如 CCleaner 等),並將其卸載。 AAPS / 3 點選單 / 關於 / 點擊“保持應用程式在背景運作”的連結,停止所有電池優化設定。 -## How to organize my backups ? +## 如何組織我的備份? -Export settings very regularly: after each pod change, after modifying your profile, when you have validated an objective, if you change your pump… Even if nothing changes, export once a month. Keep several old export files. +經常匯出設定:每次更換儲液罐後、修改設定檔後、完成目標後、更換幫浦時...即使沒有更改,也應每月匯出一次。 保留幾個舊的匯出文件。 -Copy on an internet drive (Dropbox, Google etc) : all the apks you used to install apps on your phone (AAPS, xDrip, BYODA, Patched LibreLink…) as well as the exported setting files from all your apps. +將所有安裝應用程式(如 AAPS、xDrip、BYODA、修補版 LibreLink...)的 apk 以及所有應用程式的匯出設定文件複製到網路雲端硬碟(Dropbox、Google 等)。 -## I have problems, errors building the app. +## 我在構建應用程式時遇到問題和錯誤。 -Please +請 -- check [Troubleshooting Android Studio](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio) for typical errors and -- the tipps for with a [step by step walktrough]( +- 檢查[Android Studio 故障排除](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio)以獲取典型錯誤,並 +- 查看有關[逐步指南](的提示。 -## I'm stuck on an objective and need help. +## 我在目標上卡住了,需要幫助。 -Screen capture the question and answers. Post-it on the Discord AAPS channel. Don't forget to tell which options you choose (or not) and why. You'll get hints and help but you'll need to find the answers. +截圖問題和答案。 將其發布到 Discord AAPS 頻道。 別忘了說明您選擇了哪些選項(或未選擇),以及為什麼。 您會得到提示和幫助,但您需要找到答案。 -## How to reset the password in AAPS v2.8.x ? +## 如何在 AAPS v2.8.x 中重置密碼? -Open the hamburger menu, start the Configuration wizard and enter new password when asked. You can quit the wizard after the password phase. +打開漢堡選單,啟動設定嚮導,並在提示時輸入新密碼。 在完成密碼設置階段後,您可以退出嚮導。 -## How to reset the password in AAPS v3.x +## 如何在 AAPS v3.x 中重置密碼? -You find the documentation [here](update3_0-reset-master-password). +您可以在[這裡](update3_0-reset-master-password)找到文檔。 -## My link/pump/pod is unresponsive (RL/OL/EmaLink…) +## 我的 Link/幫浦/Pod 沒有反應(RL/OL/EmaLink...) -With some phones, there are Bluetooth disconnects from the Links (RL/OL/EmaL...). +某些手機與連線設備(RL/OL/EmaL…)之間會出現藍牙斷線的情況。 -Some also have non responsive Links (AAPS says that they are connected but the Links can't reach or command the pump.) +有些連線設備無法回應(AAPS 顯示已連線,但連線設備無法到達或指令幫浦)。 -The easiest way to get all these parts working together is : 1/ Delete Link from AAPS 2/ Power off Link 3/ AAPS 3 dot menu, quit AAPS 4/ Long press AAPS icon, Android menu, info on app AAPS, Force stop AAPS and then Delete cache memory (Do not delete main memory !) 4bis/ Rarely some phones may need a reboot here. You can try without reboot. 5/Power on Link 6/Start AAPS 7/Pod tab, 3 dot menu, search and connect Link +讓所有這些部件一起運作的最簡單方法是:1/ 從 AAPS 中刪除連線設備2/ 關閉連線設備3/ AAPS 三點選單,退出 AAPS4/ 長按 AAPS 圖示,進入 Android 選單,選擇 AAPS 應用程式資訊,強制停止 AAPS,然後刪除快取記憶體(不要刪除主要記憶體!)4bis/ 少數手機可能需要在這裡重新啟動。 您可以嘗試不重啟。 5/ 打開連線設備6/ 啟動 AAPS7/ 前往 Pod 標籤,三點選單,搜尋並連線連線設備 -## Build error: file name too long +## 構建錯誤:檔名過長 -While trying to build I get an error stating the file name is too long. Possible solutions: Move your sources to a directory closer to the root directory of your drive (e.g. "c:\src\AndroidAPS-EROS"). +在嘗試構建時,我收到錯誤訊息,提示檔名過長。 可能的解決方案:將您的源碼移動到靠近磁碟根目錄的目錄(例如 "c:\src\AndroidAPS-EROS")。 -From Android Studio: Make sure "Gradle" is done syncing and indexing after opening the project and pulling from GitHub. Execute a Build->Clean Project before doing a Rebuild Project. Execute File->Invalidate Caches and Restart Android Studio. +在 Android Studio 中:確保在開啟專案並從 GitHub 拉取後,"Gradle" 已經同步並完成索引。 執行 Build->Clean Project 之前,請先進行 Rebuild Project。 執行 File->Invalidate Caches 並重新啟動 Android Studio。 -## Alert: Running dev version. Closed loop is disabled +## 警告:運作開發版本。 閉環模式已停用 -AAPS is not running in "developer mode". AAPS shows the following message: "running dev version. Closed loop is disabled". +AAPS 沒有運作在 "開發者模式"。 AAPS 顯示以下訊息:"運作開發版本。 閉環模式已停用"。 -Make sure AAPS is running in "developer mode": Place a file named "engineering_mode" at the location "AAPS/extra". Any file will do as long as it is properly named. Make sure to restart AAPS for it to find the file and go into "developer mode". +請確保 AAPS 運作在 "開發者模式":在位置 "AAPS/extra" 放置一個名為 "engineering_mode" 的文件。 任何文件都可以,只要命名正確即可。 請確保重新啟動 AAPS 以便找到該文件並進入 "開發者模式"。 -Hint: Make a copy of an existing logfile and rename it to "engineering_mode" (note: no file extension!). +提示:複製現有日誌文件並將其重命名為 "engineering_mode"(注意:無文件擴展名!)。 -## Where can I find settings files? +## 在哪裡可以找到設定文件? -Settings files will be stored on your phone's internal storage in the directory "/AAPS/preferences". WARNING: Make sure not to lose your password as without it you will not be able to import an encrypted settings file! +設定文件將儲存在您手機的內部存儲中,目錄為 "/AAPS/preferences"。 警告:確保不要遺失密碼,否則您將無法匯入加密的設定文件! -## How to configure battery savings? +## 如何配置省電設置? -Properly configuring Power Management is important to prevent your Phone's OS to suspend AAPS and related app's and services when your phone is not being used. As a result AAPS can not do its work and/or Bluetooth connections for sensor and Rileylink (RL) may be shut down causing "pump disconnected" alerts and communication errors. On the phone, go to settings->Apps and disable battery savings for: AAPS xDrip or BYODA/Dexcom app The Bluetooth system app (you may need to select for viewing system apps first) Alternatively, fully disable all battery savings on the phone. As a result your battery may drain faster but it is a good way to find out if battery savings is causing your problem. The way battery savings is implemented greatly depends on the phone's brand, model and/or OS version. Because of this it is almost impossible to give instructions to properly set battery savings for your setup. Experiment on what settings work best for you. For additional information, see also Don't kill my app +正確配置電源管理對於防止您的手機操作系統在未使用時暫停 AAPS 及相關應用程式和服務非常重要。 結果是 AAPS 無法正常工作,或者感測器和 Rileylink(RL)的藍牙連線可能會被關閉,導致 "幫浦已中斷連線" 警報和通訊錯誤。 在手機上,進入設定->應用程式,並停用以下應用程式的省電模式:AAPSxDrip 或 BYODA/Dexcom 應用程式藍牙系統應用程式(您可能需要先選擇查看系統應用程式)或者,完全停用手機上的所有省電模式。 這樣做的結果是您的電池可能會耗電更快,但這是一種找出是否是省電模式導致問題的好方法。 省電模式的實現方式很大程度上取決於手機的品牌、型號和/或操作系統版本。 因此,幾乎無法提供針對您設備的正確省電設置的指導。 根據您的情況進行實驗,找到最佳設置。 如需更多訊息,請參閱 "Don't kill my app"。 -## Pump unreachable alerts several times a day or at night. +## 一天或夜間多次出現幫浦無法使用警報。 -Your phone may be suspending AAPS services or even Bluetooth causing it to loose connection to RL (see battery savings) Consider configuring unreachable alerts to 120 minutes by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting Preferences->Local Alerts->Pump unreachable threshold [min]. +您的手機可能暫停了 AAPS 服務,甚至暫停了藍牙連線,導致它失去與 RL 的連線(請參閱省電設置)考慮將無法使用的警報設定為 120 分鐘,方法是點擊右上方的三點選單,選擇 偏好設定->本地警報->幫浦無法使用的閾值 [分鐘]。 -## Where can I delete treatments in AAPS v3 ? +## 在 AAPS v3 中,在哪裡可以刪除治療? -3 dots menu, select treatements, then 3 dots menu again and you have different options available. +點擊三點選單,選擇治療,然後再次點擊三點選單,您將看到不同的選項。 -## Configuring and Using the AAPSClient remote app +## 配置和使用 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式 -AAPS can be monitored and controlled remotely via the AAPSClient app and optionally via the associated Wear app running on Android Wear watches. Note that the AAPSClient (remote) app is distinct from the NSClient configuration in AAPS, and the AAPSClient (remote) Wear app is distinct from the AAPS Wear app--for clarity the remote apps will be referred to as 'AAPSClient remote' and 'AAPS remote Wear' apps. +可以透過 AAPSClient 應用程式遠端監控和控制 AAPS,並且可選地透過運作在 Android Wear 手錶上的 Wear 應用程式。 請注意,AAPSClient(遠端)應用程式與 AAPS 中的 NSClient 設置不同,AAPSClient(遠端)Wear 應用程式也與 AAPS Wear 應用程式不同——為了清楚起見,遠端應用程式將稱為 "AAPSClient 遠端" 和 "AAPS 遠端 Wear" 應用程式。 -To enable AAPSClient remote functionality you must: 1) Install the AAPSClient remote app (the version should match the version of AAPS being used) 2) Run the AAPSClient remote app and proceed through the configuration wizard to grant required permissions and configure access to your Nightscout site. 3) At this point you may want to disable some of the Alarm options, and/or advanced settings which log the start of the AAPSClient remote app to your Nightscout site. Once this is done, AAPSClient remote will download Profile data from your Nightscout site, the 'Overview' tab will display CGM data and some AAPS data, but but may not display graph data, and will indicate that a profile isn't yet set. 4) To activate the profile: +要啟用 AAPSClient 遠端功能,您必須:1)安裝 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式(版本應與使用的 AAPS 版本匹配)2)運作 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式,並按照設置嚮導的指示授予所需的權限並配置對 Nightscout 網站的查看。 3)此時,您可能希望停用一些警報選項,和/或停用啟動 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式時記錄到您的 Nightscout 網站的高級設置。 完成此操作後,AAPSClient 遠端將從您的 Nightscout 網站下載設定檔資料,"首頁總覽"標籤將顯示 CGM 資料和部分 AAPS 資料,但可能不會顯示圖表資料,並會顯示未設置設定檔的提示。 4)要啟用設定檔: -- Enable remote profile synchronization in AAPS > NSClient > Options -- Activate the profile in NSClient remote > Profile After doing so, the profile will be set, and AAPSClient remote should display all data from AAPS. Hint: If the graph is still missing, try changing the graph settings to trigger an update. 5) To enable remote control by the AAPSClient, selectively enable the aspects of AAPS (Profile changes, Temp Targets, Carbs, etc.) that you would like to be able to control remotely via AAPS > NSClient > Options . Once these changes are made, you'll be able to remotely control AAPS via either Nightscout or AAPSClient remote. +- 在 AAPS > NSClient > 選項中啟用遠端設定檔同步 +- 在 NSClient 遠端中啟用設定檔 > 設定檔啟用後,設定檔將被設置,AAPSClient 遠端應顯示來自 AAPS 的所有資料。 提示:如果圖表仍然缺失,請嘗試更改圖表設置以觸發更新。 5)要啟用 AAPSClient 的遠端控制功能,請有選擇性地啟用 AAPS 中的功能(設定檔更改、臨時目標、碳水化合物等),這樣您就可以透過 AAPS > NSClient > 選項遠端控制 AAPS。 完成這些更改後,您將能夠透過 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 遠端控制 AAPS。 -If you'd like to monitor/control AAPS via the AAPSClient remote Wear App, you'll need both AAPSClient remote and the associated Wear app to be installed. To compile the AAPSClient remote Wear app, follow the standard instructions for installing/configuring the AAPS wear app, except when compiling it, choose the AAPSClient variant. +如果您想透過 AAPSClient 遠端 Wear 應用程式監控/控制 AAPS,則需要同時安裝 AAPSClient 遠端應用程式和相關的 Wear 應用程式。 要編譯 AAPSClient 遠端 Wear 應用程式,請按照安裝/配置 AAPS wear 應用程式的標準說明進行操作,只是在編譯時,選擇 AAPSClient 變體。 -## I have a red triangle / AAPS won't enable closed loop / Loops stays in LGS / I have a yellow triangle +## 我有一個紅色三角形 / AAPS 無法啟用閉環 / 閉環保持在 LGS / 我有一個黃色三角形 -The red and yellow triangles are a security feature in AAPS v3. +紅色和黃色三角形是 AAPS v3 中的安全功能。 -Red triangle means that you have duplicate BGs and AAPS can't calculate precisely the deltas. You can't close the loop. You need to delete one BG of each duplicated value in order to clear the red triangle. Go to BYODA or xDRIP tab, long press one line you want to delete, check one of each lines that are doubled (or via 3 dots menu and Delete, depending on your AAPS version). You may need to reset the AAPS databases if there are too many double BGs. In this case, you'll also loose stats, IOB, COB, selected profile. +紅色三角形表示您有重複的血糖資料,AAPS 無法精確計算變化值。 您無法啟動閉環。 您需要刪除每個重複資料中的一個血糖資料,才能清除紅色三角形。 進入 BYODA 或 xDrip 標籤,長按您想刪除的一行,檢查重複的每一行,然後刪除(或者透過三點選單並選擇刪除,具體取決於您使用的 AAPS 版本)。 如果重複的血糖資料過多,您可能需要重置 AAPS 資料庫。 在這種情況下,您將會失去統計資料、IOB、COB 和選定的設定檔。 -Possible origin of the problem: xDrip and/or NS backfilling BGs. +問題的可能來源:xDrip 和/或 Nightscout 回填血糖資料。 -The yellow triangle means unstable delay between each BG reading. You don't receive BGs every 5 min regularly or missing BGs. It is often a Libre problem. It also happens when you change G6 transmitter. If the yellow triangle is related to the G6 tansmitter change, it will go away by itself after several hours (around 24h). In case of Libre, the yellow triangle will stay. The loop can be closed and works correctly. +黃色三角形表示每個血糖讀取之間的延遲不穩定。 您沒有定期每 5 分鐘接收到血糖讀取,或者缺少血糖讀取。 這通常是一個 Libre 的問題。 當您更換 G6 發射器時,這種情況也會發生。 如果黃色三角形與 G6 發射器的更換有關,它會在幾個小時(大約 24 小時)後自行消失。 如果是 Libre 的問題,黃色三角形將會一直存在。 閉環可以關閉並正常運作。 -## Can I move an active DASH Pod to other hardware? +## 我可以將一個啟動的 DASH Pod 移動到其他硬體上嗎? -This is possible. Note that as moving is "unsupported" and "untested" there is some risk involved. Best to try the procedure when your Pod is about to expire so when things go wrong not much is lost. +這是可行的。 請注意,由於移動是“未支援的”和“未經測試的”,因此涉及一定的風險。 最佳做法是在 Pod 即將到期時嘗試此過程,以便當出現問題時,損失不大。 -Critical is that pump "state" (which includes it's MAC address) in AAPS and DASH match on reconnecting +關鍵是 AAPS 中的幫浦狀態(包括其 MAC 位址)與 DASH 在重新連線時匹配。 -## Procedure I follow in this: +## 我遵循的過程如下: -1) Suspend the DASH pump. This makes sure there are no running or queued commands active when DASH loses connection 2) Put the phone into airplane mode to disable BT (as well as WiFi and Mobile data). This way it is guaranteed AAPS and DASH can not communicate. 3) Export settings (which includes the DASH state) 4) Copy the settings file just exported from the phone (as it is in airplane mode and we do not want to change that, easiest way is using USB cable) 5) Copy the settings file to the alternate phone. 6) Import settings on the alternate phones AAPS. 7) Check the DASH tab to verify it is seeing the Pod. 8) Un-suspend the Pod. 9) Check the DASH tab and confirm it is communicating with the Pod (use the refresh button) +1) 暫停 DASH 幫浦。 這確保當 DASH 失去連線時,沒有正在運作或排隊的指令。2) 將手機切換到飛行模式以停用藍牙(以及 WiFi 和行動網路)。 這樣可以確保 AAPS 和 DASH 無法通訊。 3) 匯出設定(包括 DASH 狀態)4) 從手機上複製剛匯出的設定文件(由於手機處於飛行模式且我們不想更改該狀態,最簡單的方法是使用 USB 連線線)。 5) 將設定文件複製到另一個手機上。 6) 在替代手機上的 AAPS 中匯入設定。 7) 檢查 DASH 標籤,確認它是否識別到 Pod。 8) 取消暫停 Pod。 -Congratulations: you did it! +恭喜你:你成功了! -*Wait!* You still have the main phone thinking it can reconnect to the same DASH: +*等等!* 你仍然有主手機認為它可以重新連線到同一個 DASH: -1) On the main phone choose "deactivate". This is safe because the phone has no way of communicating with DASH to actually deactivated the Pod (it is still in airplane mode) 2) Deactivation will result in a communications error - this is expected. 3) Just hit "retry" a couple of times until AAPS offers the option to "Discard" the Pod. +1) 在主手機上選擇“停用”。 這是安全的,因為手機無法與 DASH 實際通訊來停用 Pod(它仍然處於飛行模式)2) 停用將導致通訊錯誤——這是預期的。 3) 只需點擊“重試”幾次,直到 AAPS 提供“丟棄”Pod 的選項。 -When Discarded, verify AAPS is reporting "No Active Pod". You can now safely disable airplane mode again. +當 Pod 被丟棄後,請確認 AAPS 報告“無啟動 Pod”。 現在你可以安全地關閉飛行模式了。 -## How do I import settings from earlier versions of AAPS into AAPS v3 ? +## 如何將 AAPS 早期版本的設定匯入到 AAPS v3 中? -You can only import settings (in AAPS v3) that were exported using AAPS v2.8x or v3.x. If you were using a version of AAPS older than v2.8x or you need to use setting exports older than v2.8x, then you need to install AAPS v2.8 first. Import the older settings of v2.x in v2.8. After checking that all is OK, you can export settings from v2.8. Install AAPS v3 and import v2.8 settings in v3. +您只能匯入使用 AAPS v2.8x 或 v3.x 匯出的設定(在 AAPS v3 中)。如果您使用的是 AAPS v2.8x 之前的版本,或者需要使用 v2.8x 之前的設定匯出文件,則需要先安裝 AAPS v2.8。 將 v2.x 的舊設定匯入到 v2.8。檢查一切正常後,您可以從 v2.8 匯出設定。然後安裝 AAPS v3 並在 v3 中匯入 v2.8 的設定。 -If you use the same key to build v2.8 and v3, you won't even have to import settings. You can install v3 over v2.8. +如果您使用相同的密鑰來建置 v2.8 和 v3,您甚至不需要匯入設定。 您可以直接在 v2.8 上安裝 v3。 -There were some new objectives added. You'll need to validate them. \ No newline at end of file +有一些新的目標被加入。 您需要驗證它們。 \ No newline at end of file From d662f42e0716fc0c6b7c21a75c5b92aae0254175 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 231/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 124 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 807f16bc9dcb..1fb82c962e7f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,138 +1,138 @@ -# Future (possible) Pump Drivers +# 未來(可能)的幫浦驅動程式 -This is list of some Pumps floating around there, and status of support for them in any of Looping systems and then status in AAPS. On end there is some info, what is required for a pump to be "Loop capable". +這是一份目前市面上一些幫浦的清單,包含它們在任何閉環系統中的支援狀態,以及在 AAPS 中的狀態。 最後有一些關於幫浦成為“可閉環”的需求資訊。 -## Pumps that are Loopable +## 可進行閉環的幫浦 * * * -### Ypsomed Pump ([Homepage]( +### Ypsomed 幫浦 ([官網]( -**Loop status:** Version 1 - 1.5 (2Q/2018) are not Loop candidates. While they do have BT communication, communication is very limited and uni directional: Pump->App. In June 2022 (in Germany) company released, new version nicknamed DOSE (1.6), which allows setting bolus and TBR from their App. Plan to implement their own Loop was cancelled and they decided to partner up with CamAPS (support already implemented) and use their loop solution. More info see this [page]( +**閉環狀態:** 1 - 1.5 版(2018 年第二季)不是閉環候選幫浦。 儘管它們具備藍牙 (BT) 通訊功能,但通訊非常有限且為單向:幫浦 -> 應用程式。2022 年 6 月(在德國),公司推出了新版本,暱稱為 DOSE(1.6 版),允許透過他們的應用程式設置注射劑量和臨時基礎率 (TBR)。公司計劃實施自己的閉環方案已被取消,轉而與 CamAPS 合作(支援已經實施),並使用他們的閉環解決方案。 更多資訊請參閱此[頁面]( -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It's BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 它支援藍牙。 -**Comments:** Dose version of pump had very heavy encryption added, so there is big probababilty that this pump won't be supported by AAPS in near future (or ever). We had developer working with Ypsomed and helping with medical trials, so maybe his version of driver will be alowed to be released, but this is just small possibility of that. You can find more information on our discord in channel "ypsopump-talk". +**評論:**DOSE 版幫浦具有非常強的加密,因此很可能 AAPS 在短期內(或永遠)不會支援此幫浦。 我們有一位開發者與 Ypsomed 合作,協助醫療試驗,因此他的驅動程式可能會被允許發布,但這只是小概率事件。 更多資訊請參閱我們在 Discord 的 “ypsopump-talk” 頻道。 * * * -### Kaleido ([Homepage]( +### Kaleido ([官網]( -**Loop status:** Currently not supported by any of loop system. Pump is a Loop candidate, but since protocol is unknown at the time, I am not seeing this pump supported very soon. +**閉環狀態:** 目前尚未被任何閉環系統支援。 該幫浦是一個閉環候選者,但由於當時的協議未知,我認為這幫浦不會很快得到支援。 -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** Probably none. It's BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**可能沒有。 它支援藍牙。 * * * -### Equil (pump from Aidex/GlucoRx/MicroTechMD) ([Homepage]( +### Equil(Aidex/GlucoRx/MicroTechMD 的幫浦)([官網]( -**Loop status:** Is a Loop candidate. +**閉環狀態:**是一個閉環候選者。 -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 -**Comment:** Some people started looking into supporting pump in AAPS, but this is still in beginning phases. You can find more information on our discord in channel "equil". +**評論:**一些人已經開始嘗試在 AAPS 中支援此幫浦,但這仍處於初步階段。 更多資訊請參閱我們在 Discord 的 “equil” 頻道。 * * * -### Accu-Chek Solo ([Homepage]( +### Accu-Chek Solo ([官網]( -**Loop status:** Is a Loop candidate. +**閉環狀態:**是一個閉環候選者。 -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 -**Comments:** There are some developers looking into decoding the protocol, but so far this is only in preliminary phases. +**評論:**有一些開發者正在研究解碼協議,但目前僅處於初步階段。 * * * -### Tandem: t:slim X2 ([Homepage]( +### Tandem: t:slim X2 ([官網]( -**Loop status:** Not yet loopable. +**閉環狀態:** 尚不可閉環。 -While in the past company has decided not to allow their pumps to be controlled by external devices, it seems that last few years have been a game changer. Company decided to upgrade their t:slim X2 pump to be able to be controlled remotely (via t:connect app), which means that avenues are opened that we might be able to look forward to have control of pump via AAPS in the future. New pump firmware is planned to be released soon (this or next year, before their tubeless pump t:sport comes out). There are no details yet, what operations will be possible from t:connect (Bolus definitely, everything else unknown). +雖然該公司過去決定不允許外部設備控制其幫浦,但最近幾年形勢似乎發生了變化。 公司決定升級他們的 t:slim X2 幫浦,使其能夠透過 t:connect 應用程式進行遠端控制,這意味著我們可能有機會在未來透過 AAPS 控制幫浦。 計劃中的新幫浦韌體預計很快發布(今年或明年,在無管幫浦 t:sport 推出之前)。 目前還沒有具體的細節,尚不清楚 t:connect 能夠進行哪些操作(注射肯定可以,其他未知)。 -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 * * * -### Tandem: t:Mobi & t:slim X3 & t:Mobi Tubeless ([Homepage]( +### Tandem: t:Mobi、t:slim X3 和 t:Mobi 無管 ([官網]( -**Loop status:** All 3 pumps will be Loop candidates. +**閉環狀態:** 這三款幫浦都將是閉環候選者。 -They plan to release t:Mobi first (previously called t:sport) at end of 2022 or in 2023. Afterwards they will release t:slim X3 (2023 maybe) and after that t:Mobi Tubeless. t:mobi's will be controlable only over phone app, while X3 will look similar as X2, with some new nifty features (remote update of firmware, remote control over phone app, etc). +他們計劃首先在 2022 年底或 2023 年推出 t:Mobi(以前稱為 t:sport)。 然後會在 2023 年推出 t:slim X3,之後推出 t:Mobi 無管。 t:Mobi 只能透過手機應用程式進行控制,而 X3 看起來會與 X2 相似,但會有一些新功能(如遠端更新韌體、透過手機應用程式進行遠端控制等)。 -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 * * * -### Medtronic Bluetooth +### Medtronic 藍牙 -**Comments:** This is pump that will come out in next few years and is planned to be supported in Tidepool Loop software ([see this article]( +**評論:**這是一款即將推出的幫浦,計劃在未來幾年內推出,並計劃在 Tidepool Loop 軟體中支援 ([請參閱此文章](。 -### Willcare Insulin pump ([Homepage]( +### Willcare 胰島素幫浦 ([官網]( -**Loop status:** At the moment its not Loop candidate, but we were contacted by their staff and they interested in extending their pump to be loopable (at the moment I think its missing only get/set profile commands). +**閉環狀態:** 目前尚未是閉環候選者,但他們的員工已與我們聯繫,表示有興趣將幫浦擴展為可閉環(目前我認為它只缺少設定/取得設定檔的指令)。 -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** None. It seems to be BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**無。 看起來它支援藍牙。 -**Comments:** Since company is interested in integration with AAPS, they might do implementation themselves. +**評論:**由於公司對與 AAPS 整合感興趣,他們可能會自行實施該功能。 * * * -## Pumps no longer sold (companies no longer operating) +## 已停止銷售的幫浦(公司不再運營) -### Cellnovo Pump ([see]( +### Cellnovo 幫浦 ([參見]( -**Loop status:** Currently not supported by any of loop system. Pump is a Loop candidate, but since protocol is unknown at the time, I am not seeing this pump supported very soon. +**閉環狀態:** 目前尚未被任何閉環系統支援。 該幫浦是一個閉環候選者,但由於當時的協議未知,我認為這幫浦不會很快得到支援。 -**Hardware requirement for AAPS:** Probably none. It's BT enabled. +**AAPS 硬體需求:**可能沒有。 它支援藍牙。 -**Note about product:** It seems that company decided to exit the Pump Business. You can see more in this [article]( +**產品說明:** 看起來公司決定退出幫浦業務。 您可以在這篇[文章](中查看更多資訊。 -## Pumps that aren't Loopable +## 不可閉環的幫浦 ### Animas Vibe -**Loop status:** Not loopable. No remote control possibility. **Note:** Pump is not being sold anymore. Company stopped working in Pump business (J&J). +**閉環狀態:** 無法閉環。 無遠端控制功能。 **說明:** 此幫浦已停止銷售。 公司已退出幫浦業務(強生公司)。 * * * ### Animas Ping -**Loop status:** Not loopable. It has bolus possibility, but no TBR one. **Note** Stopped being sold when Vibe came out. +**閉環狀態:** 無法閉環。 具有注射功能,但沒有 TBR 功能。 **說明:**Vibe 推出後,該幫浦停止銷售。 -## Requirements for pumps being loopable +## 幫浦成為可閉環的需求 -**Prerequisite** +**先決條件** -- Pump has to support some kind of remote control. (BT, Radio frequency, etc) -- Protocol is hacked/documented/etc. +- 幫浦必須支援某種遠端控制。 (藍牙、無線電頻率等) +- 協議已被破解/記錄等。 -**Minimal requirement** +**最低要求** -- Set Temporary Basal Rate -- Get Status -- Cancel Temporary Basal Rate +- 設置臨時基礎率 +- 取得狀態 +- 取消臨時基礎率 -**For oref1(SMB) or Bolusing:** +**對於 oref1(SMB) 或注射:** -- Set Bolus +- 設置注射 -**Good to have** +**可選功能** -- Cancel Bolus -- Get Basal Profile (almost requirement) -- Set Basal Profile (nice to have) -- Read History +- 取消注射 +- 取得基礎設定檔(幾乎是必要的) +- 設置基礎設定檔(可有可無) +- 讀取歷史記錄 -**Other (not required but good to have)** +**其他(不是必需但有很好)** -- Set Extended Bolus -- Cancel Extended Bolus -- Read History -- Read TDD +- 設置延長注射 +- 取消延長注射 +- 讀取歷史記錄 +- 讀取每日總劑量 (TDD) * * * -### Other pumps support +### 其他幫浦支援 -If you have any other pumps you would like to see status on, please contact us on discord. \ No newline at end of file +如果您有其他幫浦想查看狀態,請在 Discord 上聯繫我們。 \ No newline at end of file From 4646f0a7a8472fcad80337b62e2beb527ce28dfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 232/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 138 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index a965af8406a0..cb330dcb8bf5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,137 +1,137 @@ -# Glossary +# 詞彙表 -**AAPS** = AndroidAPS is the name of the Android app. +**AAPS** = AndroidAPS 是 Android 應用程式的名稱。 -**AAPSClient** (or **NSClient**) = a remote control feature that can be used by caregivers via a follower phone to follow a user’s **AAPS** by connecting to the user’s **Nightscout's** site. Further info → Wiki - 'NS Client'. Objectives learning program within **AAPS** provides step by step guidance. Further info → Wiki - 'objectives'. +**AAPSClient**(或 **NSClient**)= 一個遠端控制功能,可供照護者透過手機來追蹤用戶的 **AAPS**,藉由連線到用戶的 **Nightscout** 網站來實現。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「NS Client」。 在 **AAPS** 中的目標學習程式提供逐步指導。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「objectives」。 -**APS** = Artificial Pancreas System. +**APS** = 人工胰臟系統。 -**AMA** = Advanced Meal Assist. An algorithm which allows **AAPS** to increase the user’s basal more aggressively after a meal bolus. Further info → Wiki - 'AMA'. +**AMA** = 進階餐食輔助。 一種演算法,允許 **AAPS** 在餐後注射胰島素後更積極地增加用戶的基礎胰島素。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「AMA」。 -**Android Auto** = a system used to host certain functions of an Android smartphone’s features, including **AAPS**, within a car's display. Further info → Wiki - 'android auto'. +**Android Auto** = 一個系統,用於在車輛顯示螢幕中託管 Android 智慧型手機的某些功能,包括 **AAPS**。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「android auto」。 -**APK** = Android application Package. A software installation file. Further info → Wiki - 'Building APK'. +**APK** = Android 應用程式包。是一個軟體安裝文件。 一個軟體安裝檔案。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「Building APK」。 -**Autosens** = calculation of sensitivity to insulin between a period of a 24 and 8 hour window etc. Further info → DIABETTECH - **Autosens**. +**Autosens** = 在24小時和8小時的時間範圍內計算胰島素敏感性的變化。 進一步資訊 → DIABETTECH - **Autosens**。 -**Azure** = cloud computing platform to host **Nightscout** web app Azure → see also **Nightscout**. +**Azure** = 雲端計算平台,用於託管 **Nightscout** 網頁應用程式。Azure → 另見 **Nightscout**。 -**BAT** = status light low battery on **AAPS’** home screen **Preferences**, Screenshots → see also **CAN** / **RES** / **SEN**. +**BAT** = 在 **AAPS** 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示電池電量低。**偏好設定**, 截圖 → 另見 **CAN** / **RES** / **SEN**。 -**BG** = blood glucose. +**BG** = 血糖。 -**BGI** = blood glucose impact. The degree to which **BG** 'should' rise or fall based on insulin activity alone. +**BGI** = 血糖影響。 根據胰島素活動,**血糖** 理應上升或下降的程度。 -**BG source** = the source of the user’s **BG** values derived from either **CGM** or **FGM** through a system integration software like **BYODA**, **xDrip+** etc. Further info → Wiki - 'BG source' +**BG source** = 用戶的血糖數值來源,從 **CGM** 或 **FGM** 透過系統整合軟體(如 **BYODA**、**xDrip+** 等)獲取。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「BG source」。 -**Bridge** = an additional device transforming **FGM** to **CGM**. +**Bridge** = 一種將 **FGM** 轉換為 **CGM** 的附加設備。 -**BR** = Basal Rate. The amount of insulin in a given time block to maintain **BG** at a stable level. → see also **IC** / **ISF**. +**BR** = 基礎速率。 在特定時間段內維持 **血糖 ** 穩定所需的胰島素量。 → 另見 **IC** / **ISF**. -**BYODA** = Build Your Own Dexcom App. A way to generate the user’s own Dexcom App for reading out the sensor data Dexcom G6. +**BYODA** = 自製 Dexcom 應用程式。一種用戶自行生成 Dexcom 應用程式以讀取 Dexcom G6 感測器資料的方法。 -**CAGE** = Cannula AGE. Displayed on **AAPS’** homescreen and Nightscout providing the user’s information entered in the Actions tab / menu → see also **Nightscout**. +**CAGE** = 導管使用時間。 **CAGE** = 導管使用年限。顯示在 **AAPS** 主螢幕和 Nightscout 上,提供用戶在動作標籤 / 選單中輸入的資訊 → 另見 **Nightscout

-**CAN** = status light overdue cannula change on the **AAPS’** homescreen **Preferences'** → see also **BAT** / **RES** / **SEN**. +**CAN** = 在 **AAPS** 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示導管更換逾期。**偏好設定** → 另見 **BAT** / **RES** / **SEN**。 -**CGM** = Continuous Glucose Monitor → see also **FGM**. +**CGM** = 連續血糖監測儀 → 另見 **FGM**。 -**Closed Loop** = a closed loop system which makes automatic adjustments to the user’s basal delivery based on an **AAPS’s** algorithm and the user’s **Profile** settings without requiring the user’s-approval. Further info → Wiki - 'closed loop'. +**Closed Loop** = 一種閉環系統,根據 **AAPS** 的演算法和用戶的 **Profile** 設定,自動調整用戶的基礎胰島素輸送,無需用戶批准。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「closed loop」。 -**COB** = Carbs On Board. This is the amount of carbohydrates currently available for the user's digestion → see also IOB. +**COB** = 活性碳水化合物。 這是目前可供用戶消化的碳水化合物量 → 另見 IOB。 -**CSF** =Carbs Sensitivity Factor. i.e. how much does the user’s **BG** increase for 1g of carbs absorbed. +**CSF** = 碳水化合物敏感性因子。 即用戶的 **血糖** 因吸收 1 克碳水化合物而上升的程度。 -**DIA** = Duration of Insulin Action. Further info → Wiki - 'insulin types' and see also → DIABETTECH - 'DIA'. +**DIA** = 胰島素作用時間。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「insulin types」及另見 → DIABETTECH - 「DIA」。 -**DST** = Daylight Savings Time Wiki DST. +**DST** = 夏令時間 Wiki DST。 -**eCarbs** = extended Carbs. Carbs split up over several hours to accommodate/protein and permits **AAPS** to deliver extended boluses. Further info → Wiki - 'eCarbs', 'eCarbs use'. +**eCarbs** = 延長碳水化合物。 碳水化合物分散在數小時內以適應蛋白質,並允許 **AAPS** 提供延長的胰島素注射。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「eCarbs」、「eCarbs use」。 -**FGM** = Flash Glucose Monitor manufactured by Freestyle Libre. Further info → Wiki - 'BG source' and see also 'CGM'. +**FGM** = 由 Freestyle Libre 製造的即時血糖監測儀。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「BG source」,另見「CGM」。 -**git** = a tool used store and download the **AAPS’** source code. +**git** = 一種版本管理工具,用於儲存和下載 **AAPS** 的程式碼。 -**GitHub** = a web-based hosting service and build process for the **AAPS’** software version-control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files especially for teams. It is also necessary for **APK** updates. Further info → Wiki - 'update APK'. +**GitHub** = 一個基於網頁的託管服務和平臺,用於 **AAPS** 的軟體版本控制系統,用來追蹤檔案的變更並協調團隊工作。 這對於更新 **APK** 也是必要的。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「update APK」。 -**Glimp** = an app to collect values from Freestyle Libre Glimp. +**Glimp** = 一個應用程式,用於收集 Freestyle Libre 的數值。 -**IC (or I:C)** = Insulin to Carb ratio. (i.e. how many carbs are covered by one unit of insulin?). +**IC (or I:C)** = 胰島素與碳水化合物比率。 (即一單位胰島素能對應多少碳水化合物?)。 -**IOB** = Insulin On Board. Insulin active in the user’s body. +**IOB** = 活性胰島素。 在用戶體內仍然啟動的胰島素。 -**ISF** = Insulin Sensitivity Factor. The expected decrease in BG as a result of one unit of insulin. +**ISF** = 胰島素敏感性因子。 注射一單位胰島素,預計血糖會下降的幅度。 -**LGS** = Low Glucose Suspend. **AAPS** will reduce basal if **BG** is dropping and if **BG** is rising, then it will only increase basal if **IOB** is negative (from a previous **LGS**), otherwise basal rates will remain the same as the user’s selected **Profile**. The user may temporarily experience spikes following treated hypos without the ability to increase basal on the rebound. → see also objective 6. +**LGS** = 低血糖暫停功能。 `**AAPS**` 會在 `**血糖**` 下降時減少基礎胰島素,若 `**血糖**` 上升,則只有在 `**IOB**` 為負值(來自之前的 `**LGS**`)時才會增加基礎胰島素,否則基礎速率將保持與用戶選擇的 `**Profile**` 相同。 用戶在處理低血糖後可能會暫時經歷血糖飆升,但無法在反彈期間增加基礎胰島素。 → 另見objective 6。 -**LineageOS** = free and open-source operating system for smartphones etc. (When using Accu-Chek Combo see Wiki - Combo pump). +**LineageOS** = 用於智慧型手機等設備的開放原始碼作業系統。 (當使用 Accu-Chek Combo 時,請參閱 Wiki - Combo pump)。 -**Log files** = **AAPS’** records of the user's actions (useful for troubleshooting and debugging). Further info → Wiki - 'log files'. +**Log files** = **AAPS** 記錄用戶操作的日誌文件(有助於故障排除和調試)。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「log files」。 -**maxIOB** = maximum total IOB. This is a safety feature and prevents **AAPS** delivering insulin over the user’s settings. Further info → Wiki - 'SMB'. +**maxIOB** = 最大活性胰島素。 這是一項安全措施,可防止 `**AAPS**` 提供超過用戶設定的胰島素量。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「SMB」。 -**min_5m_carbimpact** = safety feature that is a calculation of default carb decay when carb absorption cannot be determined based on the user’s blood’s reactions. This is a safety feature. Further info → Wiki - 'config builder'. +**min_5m_carbimpact** = 一種安全功能,用於計算當無法根據用戶血液反應確定碳水化合物吸收時,預設的碳水化合物衰減。 這是一項安全措施。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「config builder」。 -**Nightscout** = open source project to access and report **CGM** data. The central data hub for the user’ **AAPS** data and can generate reports to view the user’s historical **NIghtscout** data expected HbA1c, time in range) or search for patterns in the data via percentile chart etc. +**Nightscout** = 一個開放原始碼的項目,用於存取和報告 **CGM** 資料。 這是用戶 `**AAPS**` 資料的中央資料中心,並可以生成報告以查看用戶的歷史 `**Nightscout**` 資料(預計 HbA1c、範圍內的時間)或透過百分比圖表等搜尋資料模式。 -**Nightscout** → see also **Nightscout Reporter**. This is particularly useful for parents following their child's diabetes management. +**Nightscout** → 另見 **Nightscout Reporter**。 這對於追蹤孩子糖尿病管理的家長特別有用。 -**Nightscout Reporter Tool** = a tool which generates PDFs reports from Nightscout web app data. See 'Nightscout Reporter', 'NS Reporter' @ Facebook. +**Nightscout Reporter Tool** = 一個工具,用於從 Nightscout 網頁應用程式資料生成 PDF 報告。 請參閱「Nightscout Reporter」、「NS Reporter」@ Facebook。 -**NSClient** ( or **‘AAPSClient’)** = see **AAPSClient**. +**NSClient**(或 **‘AAPSClient’**)= 請參閱 **AAPSClient**。 -**OpenAPS** = Open Artificial Pancreas System. +**OpenAPS** = 開放式人工胰臟系統。 -**AAPS** operating on small computers (i.e. Raspberry Pi).and uses some of the OpenAPS features OpenAPS docs. +**AAPS** 運作在小型電腦(例如 Raspberry Pi)上,並使用了一些 OpenAPS 功能。OpenAPS 文檔。 -**Open Loop system** = an **AAPS** feature that will recommend adjustments and which must be performed manually by the user on **AAPS**. Further info → Wiki - 'config builder'. +**Open Loop system** = **AAPS** 的一項功能,將建議調整,必須由用戶在 **AAPS** 上手動執行。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「config builder」。 -**Oref0 / Oref1** = sensitivity detection and "reference design implementation version 0/1". It is the key algorithm behind OpenAPS Wiki - sensitivity detection. +**Oref0 / Oref1** = 敏感性檢測和 "參考設計實現版本 0/1"。 這是 OpenAPS 背後的關鍵演算法。Wiki - 敏感性檢測。 -**Peak time** = time of maximum effect of insulin given. Further info → Wiki - 'config builder'. +`**Peak time**` = 胰島素發揮最大效果的時間。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「config builder」。 -**PH** = Pump History. This can be accessed in **AAPS’** treatments which are located on the 3 dot menu on the right side of **AAPS** main screen Screenshots. +`**PH**` = 胰島素幫浦歷史記錄。 **PH** = 胰島素幫浦歷史記錄。這可以在 **AAPS** 的治療選單中查看,位於 **AAPS 主螢幕右側的三點選單中。截圖。

-**Predictions** = predictions for **BG** in the future based on different calculations. Further info → Wiki - 'prediction lines'. +**Predictions** = 基於不同計算方法對血糖的趨勢預測。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「prediction lines」。 -**Profile** = the user’s basic treatment settings (basal rate, **DIA**, **IC**, **ISF**, **BG** target). AAPSv3 only supports local profiles created within **AAPS** but **Nightscout** **Profiles** can be copied (synchronised) to **AAPS**. Further info → Wiki - 'profile'. +**Profile** = 使用者的基本治療設定(基礎率、**DIA**、**IC**、**ISF**、**BG** 目標) AAPSv3 僅支援在 **AAPS** 中建立的本地設定檔,但 **Nightscout** 的設定檔可以同步到 **AAPS**。 進一步資訊 → Wiki- 「profile」。 -**Profile switch** = (temporary) switch of the user’ **Profile** to a different **Profile** saved within **AAPS**. +**Profile switch** = (臨時)將用戶的 **Profile** 切換到 **AAPS** 中儲存的另一個 **Profile**。 -**Profile Percentage** = a (temporary_ percentage increase or decrease applied to a user’s **Profile** for a selected time period. +**Profile Percentage** = 一個(臨時)百分比增加或減少應用於用戶的 **Profile**,適用於選定的時間段。 -**RES** = status light overdue reservoir change on the **AAPS’** homescreen Preferences, Screenshots → see also **BAT** / **CAN** / **SEN**. +**RES** = 在 **AAPS** 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示胰島素庫更換逾期。**偏好設定**, 截圖 → 另見 **BAT** / **CAN** / <0>SEN。 -**RileyLink** = open source hardware device to bridge Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to 916MHz (used for old Medtronic pumps) or 433MHz (used for Omnipod Eros pumps) wireless communication RileyLink. +**RileyLink** = 一種開放原始碼硬體設備,用於將藍牙低功耗(BLE)橋接到 916MHz(用於舊的美敦力幫浦)或 433MHz(用於 Omnipod Eros 幫浦)無線通訊。RileyLink。 -**SAGE** = sensor age. This is displayed on the homescreen of **AAPS** and in **Nightscout** if information was entered in the Actions tab / menu → see also **Nightscout**. +**SAGE** = 傳感器時間。 這會顯示在 **AAPS** 的主畫面以及 **Nightscout** 中,如果在 Actions 標籤/選單中輸入了資訊 → 另見 **Nightscout**。 -**SEN** = status light sensor change on home screen Preferences, Screenshots → see also **BAT** / **CAN** / **RES**. +**SEN** = 主螢幕上的狀態指示燈,表示感測器更換。**偏好設定**, 截圖 → 另見 **BAT** / **CAN** / <0>RES。 -**Sensivity detection** = calculation of sensitivity to insulin as a result of exercise, hormones etc. see also → DIABETTECH - 'Autosens'. +**Sensivity detection** = 根據運動、荷爾蒙等因素計算胰島素敏感性。 另見 → DIABETTECH - 「Autosens」。 -**Sensor noise** = a term used to describe the unstable **CGM’s** readings leading to "jumping" **BG** values. Further info → Wiki - 'sensor noise'. +**Sensor noise** = 用於描述不穩定的 **CGM** 量測結果,導致血糖值“跳動”的術語。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「sensor noise」。 -**SMB** = Super Micro Bolus. An **AAPS** feature for faster insulin delivery in order to adjust **BG**. Further info → Wiki - '**SMB**' and see also **UAM**. +**SMB** = 超微量注射(Super Micro Bolus)。 **AAPS** 的一項功能,用於更快地注射胰島素,以調整血糖。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - '**SMB**' 另見 **UAM**. -**Super bolus** = shift of basal to bolus insulin for faster **BG** adjustment. +**Super bolus** = 將基礎胰島素轉為注射胰島素,以更快地調整血糖。 -**TBB** = total base basal (sum of basal rate within 24 hours) → see also **TBR** / **TDD**. +**TBB** = 總基礎胰島素(total base basal)(24小時內的基礎速率總和)→ 另見 **TBR** / **TDD**。 -**TBR** = temporary basal rate→ see also **TBB** / **TDD**. +**TBR** = 臨時基礎速率(temporary basal rate)→ 另見 **TBB** / **TDD**。 -**TDD** = total daily dose (bolus + basal per day) → see also **TBB** / **TBR**. +**TDD** = 每日總劑量 (total daily dose)(每日的注射+基礎胰島素)→ 另見 **TBB** / **TBR**。 -**TT** = temporary target temporary increase/decrease of the user’s **BG** target (range) e.g. for eating or sport activities. Further info → Wiki - 'temp targets'. +**TT** = 臨時目標(temporary target)。用戶血糖目標(範圍)的臨時增加/減少,例如用於用餐或運動活動。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 「temp targets」。 -**UAM** = unannounced meals. Detection of significant increase in **BG** levels due to meals, adrenaline or other influences and attempt to adjust this. Further info → Wiki - 'UAM' and see also **SMB**. +**UAM** = 未事先報備的用餐(unannounced meals)。 檢測因餐飲、腎上腺素或其他因素引起的 **血糖** 水平顯著上升並嘗試進行調整。 進一步資訊 → Wiki - 'UAM' 另見 **SMB**。 -**Virtual pump** = an **AAPS** feature which allows the user to try **AAPS’** functions or for PWD using a pump model with no **AAPS** driver for looping → see also **Open Loop**. +**虛擬幫浦(Virtual pump)** = **AAPS** 的一項功能,允許用戶嘗試 **AAPS** 的功能,或供使用沒有 **AAPS** 驅動程式的幫浦型號進行閉環使用的糖尿病患者使用。→ 另見 **Open Loop**。 -**Wallpaper** = **AAPS** background image see phones page. +**Wallpaper** = **AAPS** 的背景圖像。參見手機頁面。 -**xDrip+** = open source software to read **CGM** systems xDrip+. +**xDrip+** = 用於讀取 **CGM** 系統的開放原始碼軟體。xDrip+。 -**Zero-temp** = temporary basal rate with 0% (no basal insulin delivery). +**Zero-temp** = 臨時基礎速率(temporary basal rate) 設為 0%(無基礎胰島素輸送)。 -→ see also [the OpenAPS documentation]( \ No newline at end of file +→ 另見 [the OpenAPS documentation]( \ No newline at end of file From 766e3691cbe34cc4d63cbfdde14a370b7fc7daf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 233/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Getting-Started/ | 38 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 65c6a4b402c3..06b6bc48b677 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -# How to help with AAPS +# 如何協助 AAPS -## AAPS operates entirely on volunteer efforts and has no paid staff. +## AAPS 完全依靠志願者的努力運作,沒有任何付費員工。 -Developers are parents, caregivers, loved ones and people with diabetes working together to development and improve a solution to a very common want. Developers donate their spare time for free, but it's a bit unfair to expect them to face additional costs to make something so amazing open source and free for all. +開發者們是家長、照護者、親友以及糖尿病患者,他們共同努力開發和改進一個能滿足普遍需求的解決方案。 開發者們無償地捐出他們的閒暇時間,但期望他們還要自己承擔額外成本來開發這麼出色的開源和免費的項目,有點不太公平。 -*To fully test a new rig developers need to have a spare phone and a spare pump as it cannot be used on a human until it is stable. Newer models need testing as they become available. Some of the money donated is needed also for the logistical costs of shipping these supplies across countries to the developers. Sometimes it's also nice to contribute towards the developers costs to leave their darkened rooms and meet each other at conferences and events to let their creative and analytical brains bounce off each other.* +*為了完全測試新設備,開發者需要備用手機和備用幫浦,因為直到系統穩定之前,它無法在人類身上使用。 隨著新型號的推出,也需要進行測試。 部分捐款還用於物流費用,例如將這些供應品跨國寄送給開發者。 有時也希望能為開發者們提供支援,讓他們能夠走出黑暗的房間,參加會議和活動,讓他們的創造力和分析能力互相激盪。* -## I can write code! How do I participate? +## 我會寫程式! 我該如何參與? -Yay! Look at the issues, ask in the discord channel, there is always a lot to do! Pick a small task at first and do your first pull request! :) +太棒了! 查看問題列表,並在 Discord 頻道中詢問,總有許多事情可以做! 先選擇一個小任務並進行您的首次 pull request! :) -## I know the system and can write documentation! +## 我了解系統,並且會撰寫文件! -Great, this is a highly appreciated thing and a good way to pay it forward! +太好了,這是非常受到歡迎的事,也是報答社群的好方式! -* The discord channel regarding the wiki can be found here: [AndroidAPS]( -* A guide how to do commits on English wiki can be found here: [How to make a PR](../ Other languages are only translated from english and can't be edited for consistency reasons. +* 關於 Wiki 的 Discord 頻道可以在這裡找到:[AndroidAPS](。 +* 如何對英文 Wiki 進行提交的指南可以在這裡找到:[如何提交 PR](../。 其他語言僅從英文翻譯,出於一致性原因,無法進行編輯。 -## I do speak multiple languages and want to translate the app or the documentation +## 我會多種語言,想翻譯應用程式或文件 -If you are translating something for the first time, please start with translating the strings for the app, as this is easier and you will get results faster. +如果您是第一次進行翻譯,請從翻譯應用程式的字串開始,這會比較簡單,您會更快看到結果。 -You are welcome to start as a translator for the documentation in parallel or later. +您也可以同時或稍後開始翻譯文件。 -You can check the state of translations for the languages app and documentation [here](../Administration/ +您可以在此[檢查應用程式和文件翻譯的狀態](../Administration/。 -* If you want to translate **the app** to other languages (thank you), please use [crowdin]( -* If you want to translate **the docs** to other languages (thank you), please use [crowdin]( +* 如果您想將**應用程式**翻譯成其他語言(感謝您的幫助),請使用 [Crowdin](。 +* 如果您想將**文件**翻譯成其他語言(感謝您的幫助),請使用 [Crowdin](。 -Just sign up to CROWDIN, click your language, wait for admin authorization and go ahead! +只需註冊 CROWDIN,選擇您的語言,等待管理員授權,然後開始翻譯! -## Are there other ways to help? +## 還有其他方式可以幫助嗎? -Skills needed include graphic design, UX design, translators, wiki editors or simply paying it forward by answering the simple questions in discord & Facebook to allow developers the time and space to focus on the harder stuff. \ No newline at end of file +所需的技能包括圖形設計、使用者體驗設計、翻譯、Wiki 編輯,或是透過在 Discord 和 Facebook 上回答簡單問題來幫助他人,從而讓開發者們有時間和空間專注於更困難的事情。 \ No newline at end of file From 8a2d4ca1f0d907ed61b1da651417808361d76d50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 234/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 22 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index f0a19b20a26d..625603de8e5e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ (Phones-list-of-tested-phones)= -# List of tested Phones compatible with Omnipod Dash Insulin Pump Pods +# 經過測試與 Omnipod Dash 胰島素幫浦 POD 相容的手機列表 -Currently, we have a very hard-working behind-the-scenes Maintainer, who is in charge of ensuring the integrity of the Hardware List of all Android Phones/Smartwatches Capable of Looping with the Omnipod Dash; the newest pump driver addition to our ever-expanding network of Bluetooth enabled insulin pumps for use within the AAPS/OpenAPS ecosystem! +目前,我們有一位非常努力的幕後維護者,負責確保所有可與 Omnipod Dash 循環使用的 Android 手機/智慧型手錶硬體清單的完整性。這是我們不斷擴展的藍牙胰島素幫浦網絡中最新的幫浦驅動程式,適用於 AAPS/OpenAPS 生態系統! -Our Maintainer has spent a lot of time and effort to make sure that its easy for everyone to enter data into the Spreadsheet; via a Google Form with pre-populated information headers for ease of use! This ensures that the existing data on the sheets cannot be accidentally overwritten or deleted. The same experience can be built upon the success of the first again using Google Sheets. +我們的維護者花費了大量時間和精力,確保每個人都可以輕鬆地將資料輸入到 Google 表單中,這些表單預先填充了相關資訊標題,方便使用! 這確保了現有的資料不會意外被覆蓋或刪除。 同樣的成功經驗可以透過再次使用 Google 試算表來構建。 -Thanks to the ease of Google Spreadsheets, close communication amongst early adopters and the ability of pooling their collective knowledge and lessons learned throughout early testing/feedback phases of the Dash pump pod drivers was compiled quite efficiently. The results of the time, information and energy provided by the numerous Early Adopters in providing step-by-step feedback on each new version of the Dash Bluetooth drivers becomes apparent once you open the up what is now a comprehensive Compare/Contrast list of all hardware suited for Looping with the Omnipod Dash, with many Android Phones and Smartwatches tested and ranked for compatibility. In addition, the more incompatible setups are also included in this Spreadshee so that new users will know which hardware to avoid due to issues with connection speed or strength. +感謝 Google 試算表的便利性,早期使用者之間的密切溝通,以及他們在早期測試/反饋階段所集結的集體知識和經驗,使得 Dash 幫浦 POD 驅動程式的資料得以高效彙總。 早期使用者們對每個 Dash 藍牙驅動程式新版本進行逐步反饋的時間、資訊和精力的貢獻變得顯而易見,因為現在我們擁有一個全面的硬體對比清單,列出了與 Omnipod Dash 相容的許多 Android 手機和智慧型手錶,並對其進行了相容性測試和排名。 此外,該表還包括了一些不相容的配置,讓新用戶知道應該避免哪些硬體,這些硬體通常在連線速度或強度方面存在問題。 -When the time comes for another Hardware Compatibility List to be created in the future; we encourage anyone that feels they might enjoy becoming a Maintainer to please contact us! +當未來需要建立另一個硬體相容性清單時,我們鼓勵有興趣成為維護者的人與我們聯繫! -The list of the tested phone can be accessed via the following link [list of tested phones with Omnipod insulin pump]( +經過測試的手機列表可以透過以下鏈接查看:[與 Omnipod 胰島素幫浦相容的手機列表]( -With CRTL-F you can search in the text of the Google sheet. The sheet is write protected. To record your test of a phone please fill in the [form]( +您可以使用 CRTL-F 在 Google 試算表中搜索文字。 該試算表為唯讀保護狀態。 要記錄您測試的手機,請填寫[表單](。 -After you fill in the form data the maintainer will check the data and approve it for publishing! +在您提交表單資料後,維護者將審核資料並批准發佈! -Any problems with the spreadsheet please contact us directly or via a GitHub issue for the openaps/AndroidAPSDocs project. +如對試算表有任何問題,請直接與我們聯繫或透過 openaps/AndroidAPSDocs 項目 GitHub 提交問題。 (Phones-phone-background)= -# Phone Background +# 手機背景 -![phone background](../images/bg_phone_thump.jpg)
Design: Thiago :)
If you want to decorate your phone with more AAPS, you can download your background image here: ![Background in high resolution.](../images/bg_phone.jpg) \ No newline at end of file +![手機背景](../images/bg_phone_thump.jpg)
設計者:Thiago :)
如果您想用更多 AAPS 裝飾您的手機,可以在這裡下載背景圖片: ![高解析度背景。](../images/bg_phone.jpg) \ No newline at end of file From cbd662cfef988410e26b0437996561fe8d26dcc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 235/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Getting-Started/ | 32 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 646a18eb71a3..61790a27a6f7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ -# Pump choices +# 幫浦選擇 -AAPS works with a number of insulin pumps. The following list shows the currently supported devices and indicates if AAPS communicates with the pump using your phones native Bluetooth function or if it requires a Rileylink Compatible device in brackets. +AAPS 支援多種胰島素幫浦。 以下列表顯示目前支援的裝置,並指出 AAPS 是使用您手機的原生藍牙功能與幫浦連線,還是需要一個 Rileylink 相容裝置(以括號標示)。 -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth; old driver that uses the additional Ruffy app) -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth; new driver, available starting with AndroidAPS v.3.2) -- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [DanaR](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [DanaRS](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [Dana-i](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [Diaconn G8 ](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [EOPatch2](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ (Rileylink Compatible Device) -- [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/ (Bluetooth) -- Certain older [Medtronic](../Configuration/ (Rileylink Compatible Device) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/藍牙;舊驅動程式,使用額外的 Ruffy 應用程式) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/藍牙;新驅動程式,從 AndroidAPS v.3.2 開始可用) +- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [DanaR](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [DanaRS](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [Dana-i](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [Diaconn G8](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [EOPatch2](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ 相容裝置) +- [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/藍牙) +- [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/藍牙) +- 某些較舊的[Medtronic](../Configuration/ 相容裝置) -Details of the status of other pumps that may have the potential to work with AAPS are listed on the [Future (possible) Pumps]( page. \ No newline at end of file +其他可能可與 AAPS 一起使用的幫浦狀態詳情列在[未來(可能)幫浦](頁面上。 \ No newline at end of file From ede0e7d6cb8f20f735f9c240685936589820fd49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 236/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 656 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 328 insertions(+), 328 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index cc85313434cf..df37f3f6e6f5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,554 +1,554 @@ -# AAPS screens +# AAPS 螢幕畫面 -## The Homescreen +## 主畫面 -![Homescreen V2.7](../images/Home2020_Homescreen.png) +![主畫面 V2.7](../images/Home2020_Homescreen.png) -This is the first screen you will come across when you open AAPS and it contains most of the information that you will need day to day. +這是你打開 AAPS 時會遇到的第一個畫面,它包含了日常所需的大部分資訊。 -### Section A - Tabs +### A 區 - 分頁 -* Navigate between the various AAPS modules. -* Alternatively you can change screens by swiping left or right. -* Displayed tabs can be selected in [config builder](Config-Builder-tab-or-hamburger-menu). +* 在各個 AAPS 模組頁籤之間導覽。 +* 或者,你可以透過向左或向右滑動來更換螢幕。 +* 顯示的分頁可以在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-tab-or-hamburger-menu)中選擇。 (Screenshots-section-b-profile-target)= -### Section B - Profile & target +### B 區 - 設定檔 & 目標 -#### Current Profile +#### 目前的設定檔 -![Profile switch remaining duration](../images/Home2020_ProfileSwitch.png) +![設定檔切換剩餘時間](../images/Home2020_ProfileSwitch.png) -* Current profile is displayed in the left bar. -* Short press profile bar to view profile details -* Long press profile bar to [switch between different profiles](Profiles-profile-switch). -* If profile switch was made with duration remaining time in minutes is shown in brackets. +* 目前的設定檔顯示在左側欄位。 +* 點一下設定檔欄位查看設定檔詳細資訊 +* 長按設定檔欄位可[在不同設定檔之間切換](Profiles-profile-switch)。 +* 如果設定檔切換進行中,括號中將顯示剩餘時間(以分鐘為單位)。 -#### Target +#### 目標 -![Temp target remaining duration](../images/Home2020_TT.png) +![臨時目標剩餘時間](../images/Home2020_TT.png) -* Current target blood glucose level is displayed in the right bar. -* Short press target bar to set a [temporary target](../Usage/ -* If temp target is set bar turns yellow and remaining time in minutes is shown in brackets. +* 目前的目標血糖值顯示在右側欄位。 +* 點一下目標欄位可設置[臨時目標](../Usage/。 +* 如果設置了臨時目標,欄位將變為黃色,括號中顯示剩餘時間(以分鐘為單位)。 (Screenshots-visualization-of-dynamic-target-adjustment)= -#### Visualization of Dynamic target adjustment +#### 動態目標調整的可視化 -![Visualization of dynamic target adjustment](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) +![動態目標調整的可視化](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) -* AAPS can dynamically adjust your target based on sensitivity if you are using SMB algorithm. -* Enable either one or both of the [following options](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings) - * "sensitivity raises target" and/or - * "resistance lowers target" -* If AAPS detects resistance or sensitivity the target will change from what is set from profile. -* When it alters the target glucose background will change to green. +* 如果您使用 SMB 演算法,AAPS 可以根據敏感度動態調整您的目標。 +* 啟用以下選項中的一個或兩個[選項](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings) + * "敏感度提高目標" 和/或 + * "阻力降低目標" +* 如果 AAPS 檢測到阻力或敏感度,目標將從設定檔中的設定值改變。 +* 當目標血糖值變更時,背景會變成綠色。 -### Section C - BG & loop status +### C 區 - 血糖 & 循環狀態 -#### Current blood glucose +#### 當前血糖值 -* Latest blood glucose reading from your CGM is shown on the left side. -* Color of the BG value reflects the status to the defined [range](Preferences-range-for-visualization). - * green = in range - * red = below range - * yellow = above range -* The greyish block in the middle shows minutes since last reading and changes since last reading, in the last 15 and 40 minutes. +* 最新的 CGM 血糖讀數顯示在左側。 +* 血糖值的顏色反映了與定義的[範圍](Preferences-range-for-visualization)的關係。 + * 綠色 = 在範圍內 + * 紅色 = 低於範圍 + * 黃色 = 高於範圍 +* 中間的灰色區塊顯示自上次讀數以來的分鐘數以及過去 15 和 40 分鐘內的變化。 (Screenshots-loop-status)= -#### Loop status +#### 循環狀態 -![Loop status](../images/Home2020_LoopStatus.png) +![循環狀態](../images/Home2020_LoopStatus.png) -* A new icon shows loop status: +* 新圖示顯示循環狀態: - * green circle = loop running - * green circle with dotted line = [low glucose suspend (LGS)](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend) - * red circled = loop disabled (not working permanently) - * yellow circle = loop suspended (temporarily paused but basal insulin will be given) - remaining time is shown below icon - * grey circle = pump disconnected (temporarily no insulin dosage at all) - remaining time is shown below icon - * Orange circle = super bolus running - remaining time is shown below icon - * blue circle with dotted line = open loop - -* Short press or Long press the icon to open the Loop dialog to switch loop mode (Close, Low Glucose Suspend, Open or Disable), suspend / re-enable loop or disconnect / reconnect pump. + * 綠色圓圈 = 循環運作中 + * 綠色圓圈帶虛線 = [低血糖暫停(LGS)](Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend) + * 紅色圓圈 = 循環已停用(永久不起作用) + * 黃色圓圈 = 循環暫停(暫時暫停但將給予基礎胰島素)- 圖示下方顯示剩餘時間 + * 灰色圓圈 = 幫浦已中斷(暫時無胰島素劑量)- 圖示下方顯示剩餘時間 + * 橙色圓圈 = 超級注射進行中 - 圖示下方顯示剩餘時間 + * 藍色圓圈帶虛線 = 開放循環 + +* 點一下或長按圖示以打開循環對話框來切換循環模式(關閉、低血糖暫停、開放或停用),暫停/重新啟動循環或中斷/重新連線幫浦。 - * If short press on Loop icon, a validation is required after selection in Loop Dialog + * 如果點一下循環圖示,選擇後需要進行驗證。 - ![Loop status menu](../images/Home2020_Loop_Dialog.png) + ![循環狀態選單](../images/Home2020_Loop_Dialog.png) (Screenshots-bg-warning-sign)= -#### BG warning sign +#### 血糖警告標誌 -Beginning with Android 3.0, you might get a warning signal beneath your BG number on the main screen. +從 Android 3.0 開始,您可能會在主螢幕上的血糖數字下方看到警告信號。 -*Note*: Up to 30h hours are taken into accord for AAPS calculations. So even after you solved the origin problem, it can take about 30 hours for the yellow triangle to disappear after the last irregular interval occurred. +*注意*:AAPS 計算會考慮到長達 30 小時的資料。 因此,即使您解決了問題,黃三角標誌可能會在最後一次不規則間隔發生後大約 30 小時內消失。 -To remove it immediately you need to manually delete a couple of entries from the Dexcom/xDrip+ tab. +要立即刪除它,您需要從 Dexcom/xDrip+ 標籤中手動刪除幾個項目。 -However, when there are a lot of duplicates, it might be easier to +然而,當有很多重複項目時,可能更容易 -* [backup your settings](../Usage/, -* reset your database in the maintenance menu and -* [import your settings](../Usage/ again +* [備份您的設定](../Usage/, +* 在維護選單中重置您的資料庫,然後 +* [再次匯入您的設定](../Usage/ -##### Red warning sign: Duplicate BG data +##### 紅色警告標誌:重複的血糖資料 -The red warning sign is signaling you to get active immediately: You are receiving duplicate BG data, which does avoid the loop to do its work right. Therefore your loop will be disabled until it is resolved. +紅色警告標誌表示您需要立即採取行動:您正在接收重複的血糖資料,這會阻止循環正常工作。 因此,您的循環將被停用,直到問題解決為止。 -![Red BG warning](../images/bg_warn_red.png) +![紅色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_red.png) -You need to find out why you get duplicate BGs: +您需要找出為什麼會收到重複的血糖資料: -* Is Dexcom bridge enabled on your NS site? Disable the bridge by going to heroku (or any other hosting provider), edit the "enable" variable and remove the "bridge" part there. (For heroku [details can be found here]( -* Do multiple sources upload your BG to NS? If you use the BYODA app, enable the upload in AAPS but do not enable it in xDrip+, if you use that. -* Do you have any followers that might receive your BG but do also upload it again to your NS site? -* Last resort: In AAPS, go to your NS Client settings, select the sync settings and disable the "Accept CGM data from NS" option. +* 您的 NS 網站上是否啟用了 Dexcom 橋接功能? 透過進入 heroku(或任何其他託管提供商),編輯 "enable" 變數,並刪除其中的 "bridge" 部分來停用橋接功能。 (有關 heroku 的[詳細資訊可以在此找到](。) +* 是否有多個來源將您的血糖資料上傳到 NS? 如果您使用 BYODA 應用程式,請在 AAPS 中啟用上傳功能,但不要在 xDrip+ 中啟用它,如果您使用的是該應用程式。 +* 是否有追蹤者接收了您的血糖資料,但又將其重新上傳到您的 NS 網站? +* 最後的手段:在 AAPS 中,進入您的 NS 客戶端設定,選擇同步設定並停用“接受來自 NS 的 CGM 資料”選項。 -##### Yellow warning sign +##### 黃色警告標誌 -* The yellow warning signal is indicating that your BG arrived in irregular time intervals or some BGs are missing. +* 黃色警告信號表示您的血糖資料到達的時間間隔不規則或某些血糖資料丟失。 - ![Yellow BG warning](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) + ![黃色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) -* Usually you do not have to take any action. The closed loop will continue to work! +* 通常您不需要採取任何行動。 閉環會繼續運作! -* As a sensor change is interupting the constant flow of BG data a yellow warning sign after sensor change is normal and nothing to worry about. -* Special note for libre users: +* 由於傳感器更換會中斷血糖資料的連續傳輸,更換傳感器後的黃色警告標誌是正常現象,無需擔心。 +* 對於 Libre 使用者的特別注意事項: - * Every single libre slips a minute or two every few hours, meaning you never get a perfect flow of regular BG intervals. - * Also jumpy readings interrupt the continous flow. - * Therefore the yellow warning sign will be 'always on' for libre users. + * 每個 Libre 感應器每隔幾小時都會慢個一兩分鐘,這意味著您永遠無法獲得完美的定期血糖間隔。 + * 跳動的讀數也會中斷連續資料傳輸。 + * 因此,對於 Libre 使用者來說,黃色警告標誌將“始終存在”。 -### Section D - IOB, COB, BR and AS +### D 區 - 胰島素、碳水化合物、基礎率與自動敏感性 -![Section D](../images/Home2020_TBR.png) +![D 區](../images/Home2020_TBR.png) -* Syringe: insulin on board (IOB) - amount of active insulin inside your body +* 針筒圖示:活性胰島素(IOB)- 體內尚有作用的胰島素數量 - * The insulin on board figure would be zero if just your standard basal was running and there was no insulin remaining from previous boluses. - * IOB may be negative if there have recently been periods of reduced basal. - * Press the icon to see the split of bolus and basal insulin + * 如果僅運作標準基礎率,且沒有先前注射的胰島素剩餘,則 IOB 為零。 + * 如果最近有減少的基礎率,IOB 可能為負值。 + * 按圖示可查看注射胰島素與基礎胰島素的分配情況。 -* Grain: [carbs on board (COB)](../Usage/ - yet unabsorbed carbs you have eaten before -> icon pulses if carbs are required +* 穀物圖示:[活性碳水化合物化合物(COB)](../Usage/ - 您之前食用但尚未吸收的碳水化合物-> 如果需要碳水化合物,圖示會閃爍。 -* Purple line: basal rate - icon changes reflecting temporary changes in basal rate (flat at 100%) - * Press the icon to see the base basal rate and details of any temp basal (including remaining duration) -* Arrows up & down: indicating actual [autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) status (enabled or disabled) and value is shown below icon +* 紫線:基礎率 - 圖示隨基礎率的暫時變化而改變(在 100% 時保持不變)。 + * 按圖示可查看基礎基礎率和任何臨時基礎率的詳細資訊(包括剩餘時間)。 +* 上下箭頭:指示當前[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)狀態(啟用或停用)以及圖示下方顯示的數值。 -#### Carbs required +#### 需要碳水化合物 -![Carbs required](../images/Home2020_CarbsRequired.png) +![需要碳水化合物](../images/Home2020_CarbsRequired.png) -* Carbs suggestions are given when the reference design detects that it requires carbs. -* This is when the oref algorithm thinks I can't rescue you by 0 (zero) temping and you will need carbs to fix. -* The carb notifications are much more sophisticated than the bolus calculator ones. You might see carbs suggestion whilst bolus calculator does not show missing carbs. -* Carb required notifications can be pushed to Nightscout if wished, in which case an announcement will be shown and broadcast. +* 當參考設計檢測到需要碳水化合物時,會給出建議。 +* 這是當 oref 演算法認為我無法透過設置為 0(零)來拯救你時,您將需要碳水化合物來解決問題。 +* 碳水化合物通知比注射計算機的通知更為精確。 您可能會看到碳水化合物建議,而注射計算機不顯示缺少的碳水化合物。 +* 如果需要,碳水化合物需求通知可以推送到 Nightscout,屆時會顯示並廣播公告。 -### Section E - Status lights +### E 區 - 狀態指示燈 -![Section E](../images/Home2020_StatusLights.png) +![E 區](../images/Home2020_StatusLights.png) -* Status lights give a visual warning for - * Cannula age - * Insulin age (days reservoir is used) - * Reservoir level (units) - * Sensor age - * Battery age and level (%) -* If threshold warning is exceeded, values will be shown in yellow. -* If threshold critical is exceeded, values will be shown in red. -* Settings can be made in [preferences](Preferences-status-lights). +* 狀態指示燈為以下情況提供視覺警告: + * 輸注針頭的使用時間 + * 胰島素的使用時間(儲液罐使用的天數) + * 儲液罐的剩餘容量(單位) + * 傳感器使用時間 + * 電池使用時間及電量(百分比) +* 如果超過閾值警告,數值將顯示為黃色。 +* 如果超過臨界值警告,數值將顯示為紅色。 +* 可在[偏好設定](Preferences-status-lights)中進行設置。 (Screenshots-section-f-main-graph)= -### Section F - Main graph +### F 區 - 主圖表 -![Section F](../images/Home2020_MainGraph.png) +![F 區](../images/Home2020_MainGraph.png) -* Graph shows your blood glucose (BG) as read from your glucose monitor (CGM). -* Notes entered in action tab such as fingerstick calibrations and carbs entries as well as profile switches are shown here. -* Long press on the graph to change the time scale. You can choose 6, 12, 18 or 24 hours. -* The green area reflects your target range. It can be configured in [preferences](Preferences-range-for-visualization). -* Blue triangles show [SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - if enabled in [preferences](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings). -* Optional information: +* 圖表顯示您的血糖(BG),資料來自您的連續血糖監測儀(CGM)。 +* 在操作標籤中輸入的筆記(如手指校準和碳水化合物輸入)以及設定檔切換也會顯示在此處。 +* 長按圖表可更改時間範圍。 您可以選擇 6、12、18 或 24 小時。 +* 綠色區域反映您的目標範圍。 可以在[偏好設定](Preferences-range-for-visualization)中配置。 +* 如果在[偏好設定](Preferences-openaps-smb-settings)中啟用了 SMB,藍色三角形會顯示[SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb)。 +* 可選資訊: - * Predictions - * Basals - * Activity - insulin activity curve + * 預測 + * 基礎率 + * 活動 - 胰島素活動曲線 -#### Activate optional information +#### 啟用可選資訊 -* Click the triangle on the right side of the main graph to select which information will be displayed in the main graph. -* For the main graph just the three options above the line "\---\---- Graph 1 \---\----" are available. +* 單擊主圖表右側的三角形,選擇要顯示在主圖表中的資訊。 +* 對於主圖表,只有位於 "\---\---- 圖表 1 \---\----" 以上的三個選項可用。 - ![Main graph setting](../images/Home2020_MainGraphSetting.png) + ![主圖表設置](../images/Home2020_MainGraphSetting.png) (Screenshots-prediction-lines)= -#### Prediction lines +#### 預測線 -* **Orange** line: [COB](../Usage/ (colour is used generally to represent COB and carbs) +* **橙色**線:[COB](../Usage/顏色通常用來表示 COB 和碳水化合物) - Prediction line shows where your BG (not where COB itself!) will go based on the current pump settings and assuming that the deviations due carb absorption remain constant. This line only appears if there are known COB. + 預測線顯示根據當前幫浦設置以及假設碳水化合物吸收偏差保持不變的情況下,您的血糖將如何變化。 此線僅在有已知的 COB 時出現。 -* **Dark blue** line: IOB (colour is used generally to represent IOB and insulin) +* **深藍色**線:IOB(顏色通常用來表示 IOB 和胰島素) - Prediction line shows what would happen under the influence of insulin only. For example if you dialled in some insulin and then didn’t eat any carbs. + 預測線顯示僅在胰島素的影響下會發生什麼。 例如,如果您輸入了一些胰島素,但未食用任何碳水化合物。 -* **Light blue** line: zero-temp (predicted BG if temporary basal rate at 0% would be set) +* **淺藍色**線:零基礎率(如果設置了 0% 的臨時基礎率,預測血糖會怎麼變化) - Prediction line shows how the BG trajectory line would change if the pump stopped all insulin delivery (0% TBR). + 預測線顯示如果幫浦停止所有胰島素輸送(0% TBR),血糖 軌跡線將如何變化。 - *This line appears only when the [SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb) algorithm is used.* + *此線僅在使用[SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)演算法時出現。* -* **Dark yellow** line: [UAM](Sensitivity-detection-and-COB-sensitivity-oref1) (un-announced meals) +* **深黃色**線:[UAM](Sensitivity-detection-and-COB-sensitivity-oref1)(未報告的用餐) - Unannounced meals means that a significant increase in glucose levels due to meals, adrenaline or other influences is detected. Prediction line is similar to the ORANGE COB line but it assumes that the deviations will taper down at a constant rate (by extending the current rate of reduction). + 未報告的用餐表示檢測到由於用餐、腎上腺素或其他影響導致的血糖顯著上升。 預測線類似於橙色 COB 線,但它假設偏差將以恆定速度逐漸減少(透過延長當前的減少速度)。 - *This line appears only when the [SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb) algorithm is used.* + *此線僅在使用[SMB](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)演算法時出現。* -* **Dark orange** line: aCOB (accelerated carbohydrate absorption) +* **深橙色**線:aCOB(加速碳水化合物吸收) - Similar to COB, but assuming a static 10 mg/dL/5m (-0.555 mmol/l/5m) carb absorption rate. Deprecated and of limited usefulness. + 類似於 COB,但假設碳水化合物吸收率為每 5 分鐘 10 mg/dL(-0.555 mmol/l/5 分鐘)。 已棄用,實用性有限。 - *This line appears only when the older [AMA](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb) algorithm is used.* + *此線僅在使用舊版[AMA](Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)演算法時出現。* -Usually your real glucose curve ends up in the middle of these lines, or close to the one which makes assumptions that closest resemble your situation. +通常您的實際血糖曲線最終會位於這些線之間,或接近最符合您情況的假設。 -#### Basals +#### 基礎率 -* A **solid blue** line shows the basal delivery of your pump and reflects the actual delivery over time. -* The **dotted blue** line is what the basal rate would be if there were no temporary basal adjustments (TBRs). -* In times standard basal rate is given the area under the curve is shown in dark blue. -* When the basal rate is temporarily adjusted (increased or decreased) the area under the curve is shown in light blue. +* 一條**實心藍色**線顯示您的幫浦基礎胰島素輸送,並反映實際的輸送時間。 +* 一條**虛線藍色**線顯示如果沒有暫時的基礎率調整(TBR),基礎率會是什麼。 +* 在標準基礎率給定的時間內,曲線下方的區域顯示為深藍色。 +* 當基礎率暫時調整(增加或減少)時,曲線下方的區域顯示為淺藍色。 -#### Activity +#### 活動 -* The **thin yellow** line shows the activity of Insulin. -* It is based on the expected drop in BG of the insulin in your system if no other factors (like carbs) were present. +* 一條**細黃色**線顯示胰島素的活動。 +* 它基於胰島素在系統中的預期血糖降低,如果沒有其他因素(如碳水化合物)存在。 -### Section G - additional graphs +### G 區 - 其他圖表 -* You can activate up to four additional graphs below the main graph. -* To open settings for additional graphs click the triangle on the right side of the [main graph](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) and scroll down. +* 您可以在主圖表下啟用最多四個其他圖表。 +* 要打開其他圖表的設置,請單擊[主圖表](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph)右側的三角形並向下滾動。 -![Additional graph settings](../images/Home2020_AdditionalGraphSetting.png) +![其他圖表設置](../images/Home2020_AdditionalGraphSetting.png) -* To add an additional graph check the box on the left side of its name (i.e. \---\---- Graph 1 \---\----). +* 要添加其他圖表,請選中其名稱左側的框(即 \---\---- 圖表 1 \---\----)。 -#### Absolute insulin +#### 絕對胰島素 -* Active insulin including boluses **and basal**. +* 活動中的胰島素,包括注射**和基礎率**。 -#### Insulin on board +#### 活性胰島素 -* Shows the insulin you have on board (= active insulin in your body). It includes insulin from bolus and temporary basal (**but excludes basal rates set in your profile**). -* If there were no [SMBs](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb), no boluses and no TBR during DIA time this would be zero. -* IOB can be negative if you have no remaining bolus and zero/low temp for a longer time. -* Decaying depends on your [DIA and insulin profile settings](Config-Builder-local-profile). +* 顯示您體內的胰島素(= 體內的活動胰島素)。 它包括注射胰島素和暫時的基礎率(**但不包括您設定檔中的基礎率**)。 +* 如果在 DIA 時間內沒有[SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb)、沒有注射或暫時的基礎率,這將為零。 +* 如果沒有剩餘注射且長時間設置為零/低基礎率,IOB 可能為負值。 +* 衰減取決於您的[DIA 和胰島素設定檔設置](Config-Builder-local-profile)。 -#### Carbs On Board +#### 活性碳水化合物化合物 -* Shows the carbs you have on board (= active, not yet decayed carbs in your body). -* Decaying depends on the deviations the algorithm detects. -* If it detects a higher carb absorption than expected, insulin would be given and this will increase IOB (more or less, depending on your safety settings). +* 顯示您體內的碳水化合物(= 活動中的,尚未衰減的碳水化合物)。 +* 衰減取決於演算法檢測到的偏差。 +* 如果它檢測到碳水化合物吸收率高於預期,將注射胰島素,這將增加 IOB(多或少,取決於您的安全設置)。 -#### Deviations +#### 偏差 -* **GREY** bars show a deviation due to carbs. -* **GREEN** bars show that BG is higher than the algorithm expected it to be. Green bars are used to increase resistance in [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens). -* **RED** bars show that BG is lower than the algorithm expected. Red bars are used to increase sensitivity in [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens). -* **YELLOW** bars show a deviation due to UAM. -* **BLACK** bars show small deviations not taken into account for sensitivity +* **灰色**條顯示由於碳水化合物引起的偏差。 +* **綠色**條顯示血糖高於演算法預期。 綠色條用於在[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)中增加抗性。 +* **紅色**條顯示血糖低於演算法預期。 紅色條用於在[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)中增加敏感性。 +* **黃色**條顯示由於未報告的用餐引起的偏差。 +* **黑色**條顯示未考慮敏感性的輕微偏差。 -#### Sensitivity +#### 敏感性 -* Shows the sensitivity that [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) has detected. -* Sensitivity is a calculation of sensitivity to insulin as a result of exercise, hormones etc. +* 顯示[自動敏感性](Open-APS-features-autosens)檢測到的敏感性。 +* 敏感性是運動、荷爾蒙等導致的對胰島素的敏感性計算結果。 -#### Activity +#### 活動 -* Shows the activity of insulin, calculated by your insulin profile (it's not derivative of IOB). -* The value is higher for insulin closer to peak time. -* It would mean to be negative when IOB is decreasing. +* 顯示由您的胰島素設定檔計算出的胰島素活動(它不是 IOB 的導數)。 +* 胰島素越接近峰值時間,值越高。 +* 當 IOB 減少時,它將是負值。 -#### Deviation slope +#### 偏差斜率 -* Internal value used in algorithm. +* 演算法中使用的內部值。 -### Section H - Buttons +### H 區 - 按鈕 -![Homescreen buttons](../images/Home2020_Buttons.png) +![主畫面按鈕](../images/Home2020_Buttons.png) -* Buttons for insulin, carbs and Calculator are almost'always on'. +* 注射、碳水化合物和計算機的按鈕幾乎“始終顯示”。 - * If connection to pump is lost, the insulin button will not be visible. + * 如果與幫浦的連線丟失,注射按鈕將不可見。 -* Other Buttons have to be setup in [preferences]Preferences-buttons). +* 其他按鈕必須在[偏好設定]Preferences-buttons)中設置。 -#### Insulin +#### 胰島素 -![Insulin button](../images/Home2020_ButtonInsulin.png) +![注射按鈕](../images/Home2020_ButtonInsulin.png) -* To give a certain amount of insulin without using [bolus calculator](Screenshots-bolus-wizard). -* By checking the box you can automatically start your [eating soon temp target](Preferences-default-temp-targets). -* If you do not want to bolus through pump but record insulin amount (i.e. insulin given by syringe) check the corresponding box. +* 可以在不使用[注射計算機](Screenshots-bolus-wizard)的情況下注射特定數量的胰島素。 +* 勾選框可自動啟動您的[即將用餐的臨時目標](Preferences-default-temp-targets)。 +* 如果您不想透過幫浦進行注射,但記錄注射量(即透過注射器注射的胰島素),請勾選相應的框。 -#### Carbs +#### 碳水化合物 -![Carbs button](../images/Home2020_ButtonCarbs.png) +![碳水化合物按鈕](../images/Home2020_ButtonCarbs.png) -* To record carbs without bolusing. -* Certain [pre-set temporary targets](Preferences-default-temp-targets) can be set directly by checking the box. -* Time offset: When will you / have you been eaten carbs (in minutes). -* Duration: To be used for ["extended carbs"](../Usage/ -* You can use the buttons to quickly increase carb amount. -* Notes will be uploaded to Nightscout - depending on your settings for [NS client](Preferences-nsclient). +* 記錄碳水化合物而不進行注射。 +* 可以直接透過勾選框設置某些[預設的臨時目標](Preferences-default-temp-targets)。 +* 時間偏移:您將在何時/何時食用碳水化合物(以分鐘計)。 +* 持續時間:用於[“延長碳水化合物”](../Usage/ +* 您可以使用按鈕快速增加碳水化合物量。 +* 筆記將根據您的[NS 客戶端](Preferences-nsclient)設置上傳到 Nightscout。 -#### Calculator +#### 計算機 -* See Bolus Wizard [section below](Screenshots-bolus-wizard) +* 請參閱[注射計算機](Screenshots-bolus-wizard)部分 -#### Calibrations +#### 校準 -* Sends a calibration to xDrip+ or opens Dexcom calibration dialogue. -* Must be activated in [preferences](Preferences-buttons). +* 發送校準至 xDrip+ 或打開 Dexcom 校準對話框。 +* 必須在[偏好設定](Preferences-buttons)中啟用。 #### CGM -* Opens xDrip+. -* Back button returns to AAPS. -* Must be activated in [preferences](Preferences-buttons). +* 開啟 xDrip+。 +* 按返回鍵返回 AAPS。 +* 必須在[偏好設定](Preferences-buttons)中啟用。 -#### Quick Wizard +#### 快速嚮導 -* Easily enter amount of carbs and set calculation basics. -* Details are setup in [preferences](Preferences-quick-wizard). +* 輕鬆輸入碳水化合物數量並設置計算基礎。 +* 詳細資訊可在[偏好設定](Preferences-quick-wizard)中設置。 (Screenshots-bolus-wizard)= -## Bolus Wizard +## 注射嚮導 -![Bolus wizard](../images/Home2020_BolusWizard_v2.png) +![注射嚮導](../images/Home2020_BolusWizard_v2.png) -When you want to make a meal bolus this is where you will normally make it from. +當您需要進行餐前注射時,通常會從這裡開始操作。 -### Section I +### I 區 -* BG field is normally already populated with the latest reading from your CGM. If you don't have a working CGM then it will be blank. -* In the CARBS field you add your estimate of the amount of carbs - or equivalent - that you want to bolus for. -* The CORR field is if you want to modify the end dosage for some reason. -* The CARB TIME field is for pre-bolusing so you can tell the system that there will be a delay before the carbs are to be expected. You can put a negative number in this field if you are bolusing for past carbs. +* 血糖 欄位通常會自動填充最新的 CGM 讀數。 如果您沒有工作中的 CGM,則該欄位將保持空白。 +* 在碳水化合物欄位中,您可以添加您想要進行注射的碳水化合物數量或等效值。 +* 如果您出於某些原因希望修改最終劑量,則可以使用修正欄位。 +* 碳水化合物時間欄位是為了提前注射,因此您可以告訴系統,碳水化合物需要等待一段時間才會生效。 如果您是為過去的碳水化合物進行注射,您可以在此欄位中輸入負數。 (Screenshots-eating-reminder)= -#### Eating reminder +#### 用餐提醒 -* For carbs in the future the alarm checkbox can be selected (and is by default when a time in the future is entered) so that you can be reminded at a time in the future of when to eat the carbs you have input into AAPS +* 對於未來的碳水化合物,您可以選中提醒框(當輸入將來的時間時,此框將預設選中),這樣您可以在未來的某個時間得到餐點碳水化合物的提醒。 - ![BolusWizard with Eating Reminder](../images/Home2021_BolusWizard_EatingReminder.png) + ![帶有用餐提醒的注射嚮導](../images/Home2021_BolusWizard_EatingReminder.png) -### Section J +### J 區 -* SUPER BOLUS is where the basal insulin for the next two hours is added to the immediate bolus and a zero TBR is issued for the following two hours to take back the extra insulin. The option only shows when "Enable [superbolus](Preferences-superbolus) in wizard" is set in the [preferences overview](Preferences-overview). -* The idea is to deliver the insulin sooner and hopefully reduce spikes. -* For details visit []( +* 超級注射是將接下來兩小時的基礎胰島素添加到即時注射中,並發出 0% 臨時基礎率(TBR),以收回額外的胰島素。 此選項僅在[嚮導中啟用超級注射](Preferences-superbolus)時顯示,可在[偏好設定總覽](Preferences-overview)中設置。 +* 其目的是更快地注射胰島素,希望減少血糖尖峰。 +* 詳情請查看[](。 -### Section K +### K 區 -* Shows the calculated bolus. -* If the amount of insulin on board already exceeds the calculated bolus then it will just display the amount of carbs still required. -* Notes will be uploaded to Nightscout - depending on your settings for [NS client](Preferences-nsclient). +* 顯示計算出的注射劑量。 +* 如果活性胰島素(IOB)的量已超過計算出的注射劑量,那麼它只會顯示仍然需要的碳水化合物數量。 +* 筆記將根據您的[NS 客戶端](Preferences-nsclient)設置上傳到 Nightscout。 -### Section L +### L 區 -* Details of wizard's bolus calculation. -* You can deselect any that you do not want to include but you normally wouldn't want to. -* For safety reasons the **TT box must be ticked manually** if you want the bolus wizard to calculate based on an existing temporary target. +* 注射嚮導的詳細計算方式。 +* 您可以取消選中任何不想包括的項目,但通常不會這麼做。 +* 出於安全原因,如果您希望注射嚮導基於現有的臨時目標進行計算,則**必須手動勾選 TT 框**。 -#### Combinations of COB and IOB and what they mean +#### COB 和 IOB 的組合及其含義 -* For safety reasons IOB boxed cannot be unticked when COB box is ticked as you might run the risk of too much insulin as AAPS is not accounting for what’s already given. -* If you tick COB and IOB unabsorbed carbs that are not already covered with insulin + all insulin that has been delivered as TBR or SMB will be taken into account. -* If you tick IOB without COB, AAPS takes account of already delivered insulin but won’t cover that off against any carbs still to be absorbed. This leads to a 'missing carbs' notice. -* If you bolus for **additional food** shortly after a meal bolus (i.e. additional desert) it can be helpful to **untick all boxes**. This way just the new carbs are being added as the main meal won't necessarily be absorbed so IOB won't match COB accurately shortly after a meal bolus. +* 出於安全原因,當 COB 框被勾選時,IOB 框無法取消選中,因為這樣做可能會導致過多的胰島素,因為 AAPS 未計算已經注射的劑量。 +* 如果您勾選 COB 和 IOB,未被胰島素覆蓋的未吸收碳水化合物 + 所有透過 TBR 或 SMB 注射的胰島素都將被計入。 +* 如果您僅勾選 IOB 而未勾選 COB,AAPS 將計算已經注射的胰島素,但不會將其與仍需吸收的碳水化合物對比。 這會導致“缺少碳水化合物”的提示。 +* 如果您在餐後短時間內為**額外的食物**(例如甜點)注射胰島素,取消勾選所有框可能會有所幫助。 這樣只會添加新的碳水化合物,因為主餐可能尚未被吸收,因此餐後的 IOB 無法與 COB 完全匹配。 (Screenshots-wrong-cob-detection)= -#### Wrong COB detection +#### 錯誤的 COB 檢測 -![Slow carb absorption](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) +![碳水化合物吸收緩慢](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) -* If you see the warning above after using bolus wizard, AAPS has detected that the calculated COB value maybe wrong. -* So, if you want to bolus again after a previous meal with COB you should be aware of overdosing! -* For details see the hints on [COB calculation page](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values). +* 如果您在使用注射嚮導後看到上述警告,則表示 AAPS 檢測到計算的 COB 值可能有誤。 +* 因此,如果您在上一餐有 COB 後再次注射,請注意可能會過量注射! +* 詳情請參閱[COB 計算頁面](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values)上的提示。 (Screenshots-action-tab)= -## Action tab +## 操作標籤 -![Actions tab](../images/Home2021_Action.png) +![操作標籤](../images/Home2021_Action.png) -### Actions - section M +### 操作 - M 區 -* Button [profile switch](Profiles-profile-switch) as an alternative to pressing the [current profile](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target) on homescreen. -* Button [temporary target](temptarget-temp-targets) as an alternative to pressing the [current target](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target) on homescreen. -* Button to start or cancel a temporary basal rate. Please note that the button changes from “TEMPBASAL” to “CANCEL x%” when a temporary basal rate is set. -* Even though [extended boluses](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-why-they-wont-work-in-closed-loop-environment) do not really work in a closed loop environment some people were asking for an option to use extended bolus anyway. +* 按鈕[設定檔切換](Profiles-profile-switch),作為按下主畫面上的[當前設定檔](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target)的替代方式。 +* 按鈕[臨時目標](temptarget-temp-targets),作為按下主畫面上的[當前目標](Screenshots-section-b-profile-target)的替代方式。 +* 啟動或取消臨時基礎率的按鈕。 請注意,當設置了臨時基礎率時,按鈕將從“TEMPBASAL”變為“CANCEL x%”。 +* 即使在[閉環環境中延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-why-they-wont-work-in-closed-loop-environment)確實不起作用,但有些人仍要求提供使用延長注射的選項。 - * This option is only available for Dana RS and Insight pumps. - * Closed loop will automatically be stopped and switched to open loop mode for the time running extended bolus. - * Make sure to read the [details](../Usage/ before using this option. + * 此選項僅適用於 Dana RS 和 Insight 幫浦。 + * 閉環將自動停止並切換為開環模式,以運作延長注射。 + * 在使用此選項之前,請務必閱讀[詳細資訊](../Usage/。 (Screenshots-careportal-section-n)= -### Careportal - section N +### 護理入口 - N 區 -* Displays information on +* 顯示以下資訊 - * sensor age & level (battery percentage) - * insulin age & level (units) - * cannula age - * pump battery age & level (percentage + * 傳感器使用時間及電量(百分比) + * 胰島素使用時間及數量(單位) + * 導管使用時間 + * 幫浦電池使用時間及電量(百分比) -* Less information will be shown if [low resolution skin](Preferences-skin) is used. +* 如果使用[低解析度外觀](Preferences-skin),顯示的資訊將會減少。 (Screenshots-sensor-level-battery)= -#### Sensor level (battery) +#### 傳感器電量(電池) -* Needs xDrip+ nightly build Dec. 10, 2020 or newer. -* Works for CGM with additional transmitter such as MiaoMiao 2. (Technically sensor has to send cat level information to xDrip+.) -* Thresholds can be set in [preferences](Preferences-status-lights). -* If sensor level is the same as phone battery level you xDrip+ version is probably too old and needs an update. +* 需要 xDrip+ 2020 年 12 月 10 日或更新版本的夜間構建。 適用於具有額外發射器(如 MiaoMiao 2)的 CGM。 +* (技術上,傳感器必須將電池電量資訊發送至 xDrip+。) (技術上,傳感器必須將電量資訊傳送至 xDrip+。) +* 可以在[偏好設定](Preferences-status-lights)中設置臨界值。 +* 如果傳感器電量與手機電池電量相同,則說明您的 xDrip+ 版本可能過舊,需進行更新。 - ![Sensor levels equals phone battery level](../images/Home2021_ActionSensorBat.png) + ![傳感器電量等於手機電池電量](../images/Home2021_ActionSensorBat.png) -### Careportal - section O +### 護理入口 - O 區 -* BG check, prime/fill, sensor insert and pump battery change are the base for the data displayed in [section N](Screenshots-careportal-section-n). -* Prime/Fill allows you to record pump site and insulin cartridge change. -* Section O reflects the Nightscout careportal. So exercise, announcement and question are special forms of notes. +* 血糖檢查、導管填充、傳感器插入和幫浦電池更換是[N 區](Screenshots-careportal-section-n)顯示資料的基礎。 +* 填充/注入允許您記錄幫浦部位和胰島素筒的更換。 +* O 區反映了 Nightscout 的護理入口功能。 因此,運動、公告和問題是特別的筆記形式。 -### Tools - section P +### 工具 - P 區 -#### History Browser +#### 歷史瀏覽器 -* Allows you to ride back in AAPS history. +* 允許您查看 AAPS 的歷史記錄。 #### TDD -* Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day -* Some doctors use - especially for new pumpers - a basal-bolus-ratio of 50:50. -* Therefore ratio is calculated as TDD / 2 * TBB (Total base basal = sum of basal rate within 24 hours). -* Others prefer range of 32% to 37% of TDD for TBB. -* Like most of these rules-of-thumb it is of limited real validity. Note: Your diabetes may vary! +* 每日總劑量 = 每日的注射量 + 基礎率 +* 一些醫生(尤其是新使用幫浦者)使用 50:50 的基礎-注射比例。 +* 因此該比例計算為 TDD / 2 * TBB(每日總基礎率 = 24 小時內基礎率的總和)。 +* 其他人則更喜歡 TDD 的 32% 至 37% 範圍作為 TBB。 +* 如同大多數此類經驗法則,這種方法的實際有效性有限。 注意:每個人的糖尿病狀況都不同! -![Histroy browser + TDD](../images/Home2021_Action_HB_TDD.png) +![歷史瀏覽器 + 每日總劑量](../images/Home2021_Action_HB_TDD.png) (Screenshots-insulin-profile))= -## Insulin Profile +## 胰島素設定檔 -![Insulin Profile](../images/Screenshot_insulin_profile.png) +![胰島素設定檔](../images/Screenshot_insulin_profile.png) -* This shows the activity profile of the insulin you have chosen in [config builder](Config-Builder-insulin). -* The PURPLE line shows how much insulin remains after it has been injected as it decays with time and the BLUE line shows how active it is. -* The important thing to note is that the decay has a long tail. -* If you have been used to manual pumping you have probably been used to assuming that insulin decays over about 3.5 hours. -* However, when you are looping the long tail matters as the calculations are far more precise and these small amounts add up when they are subjected to the recursive calculations in the AAPS algorithm. +* 此功能顯示了您在[設定生成器](Config-Builder-insulin)中選擇的胰島素的活性設定檔。 +* 紫色線顯示注射後胰島素隨時間衰減的情況,藍色線顯示其活性。 +* 需要注意的重要一點是,衰減有一個長尾。 +* 如果您習慣於手動操作幫浦,您可能習慣於認為胰島素會在大約 3.5 小時內衰減完畢。 +* 然而,當您使用閉環系統時,這種長尾很重要,因為計算更為精確,這些微量的胰島素在 AAPS 演算法中的遞歸計算會積累起來。 -For a more detailed discussion of the different types of insulin, their activity profiles and why all this matters you can read an article here on [Understanding the New IOB Curves Based on Exponential Activity Curves]( +有關不同類型的胰島素、它們的活性設定檔以及為什麼這些很重要的更多詳細討論,您可以閱讀這篇文章[理解基於指數活性曲線的新 IOB 曲線]( -And you can read an excellent blog article about it here: [Why we are regularly wrong in the duration of insulin action (DIA) times we use, and why it matters…]( +您還可以在這裡閱讀一篇出色的部落格文章:[我們經常在使用的胰島素作用時間(DIA)上出錯的原因以及為什麼這很重要...]( -And even more at: [Exponential Insulin Curves + Fiasp]( +更多資訊請查看:[指數胰島素曲線 + Fiasp]( -## Pump Status +## 幫浦狀態 -![Pump Status](../images/Screenshot_PumpStatus.png) +![幫浦狀態](../images/Screenshot_PumpStatus.png) -* Different information on pump status. Displayed information depends on your pump model. -* See [pumps page](../Hardware/ for details. +* 顯示幫浦狀態的不同資訊。 顯示的資訊取決於您的幫浦型號。 +* 詳細資訊請參閱[幫浦頁面](../Hardware/。 -## Care Portal +## 護理入口 -Careportal replicated the functions you will find on your Nightscout screen under the “+” symbol which allows you to add notes to your records. +護理入口複製了您在 Nightscout 螢幕上的“+”圖示下找到的功能,該圖示允許您向記錄中添加筆記。 -### Review carb calculation +### 審查碳水化合物計算 -![Review carb calculation on t tab](../images/Screenshots_TreatCalc.png) +![在 t 標籤中審查碳水化合物計算](../images/Screenshots_TreatCalc.png) -* If you have used the [Bolus Wizard](Screenshots-bolus-wizard) to calculate insulin dosage you can review this calculation later on ts tab. -* Just press the green Calc link. (Depending on pump used insulin and carbs can also be shown in one single line in ts.) +* 如果您使用了[注射嚮導](Screenshots-bolus-wizard)來計算胰島素劑量,您可以稍後在 ts 標籤中審查此計算。 +* 只需按下綠色的 Calc 鏈接。 (根據幫浦的不同,胰島素和碳水化合物也可能在 ts 中顯示為單行。) (Screenshots-carb-correction)= -### Carb correction +### 碳水化合物修正 -![Treatment in 1 or 2 lines](../images/Treatment_1or2_lines.png) +![在 1 行或 2 行中進行治療](../images/Treatment_1or2_lines.png) -Treatment tab can be used to correct faulty carb entries (i.e. you over- or underestimated carbs). +可以使用治療標籤來修正錯誤的碳水化合物輸入(即您高估或低估了碳水化合物)。 -1. Check and remember actual COB and IOB on homescreen. -2. Depending on pump in treatment tab carbs might be shown together with insulin in one line or as a separate entry (i.e. with Dana RS). -3. Remove the entry with the faulty carb amount. (Latest versions have trashcan icon in treatments screen. Press the trashcan icon, select the lines to remove, and then press the trashcan icon again to finalize.) -4. Make sure carbs are removed successfully by checking COB on homescreen again. -5. Do the same for IOB if there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin. +1. 在主畫面檢查並記住實際的 COB 和 IOB。 +2. 根據幫浦的不同,在治療標籤中碳水化合物可能與胰島素一起顯示在同一行,或作為單獨的條目(如 Dana RS)。 +3. 移除碳水化合物數量錯誤的項目。 (最新版本在治療螢幕上有垃圾桶圖示。 按一下垃圾桶圖示,選擇要刪除的行,然後再次按垃圾桶圖示以完成刪除。) +4. 再次檢查主畫面上的 COB 以確保成功移除了碳水化合物。 +5. 如果治療標籤中包含碳水化合物和胰島素的條目是單行的,請對 IOB 執行相同操作。 - -> If carbs are not removed as intended and you add additional carbs as explained here (6.), COB will be too high and that might lead to too high insulin delivery. + -> 如果碳水化合物未按預期移除,並且您按此處解釋(6.)添加了額外的碳水化合物,COB 會過高,這可能會導致胰島素輸送過量。 -6. Enter correct carb amount through carbs button on homescreen and make sure to set the correct event time. +6. 透過主畫面的碳水化合物按鈕輸入正確的碳水化合物數量,並確保設置正確的事件時間。 -7. If there is just one line in treatment tab including carbs and insulin you have to add also the amount of insulin. Make sure to set the correct event time and check IOB on homescreen after confirming the new entry. +7. 如果治療標籤中包含碳水化合物和胰島素的條目是單行的,您還必須添加胰島素的數量。 確保設置正確的事件時間,並在確認新條目後檢查主畫面上的 IOB。 -## Loop, AMA / SMB +## 閉環、AMA / SMB -* These tabs show details about the algorithm's calculations and why AAPS acts the way it does. -* Calculations are each time the system gets a fresh reading from the CGM. -* For more details see [APS section on config builder page](Config-Builder-aps). +* 這些標籤顯示了演算法的計算詳細資訊以及 AAPS 執行操作的原因。 +* 每次系統從 CGM 獲取新讀數時都會進行計算。 +* 有關更多詳細資訊,請參閱[設定生成器頁面的 APS 部分](Config-Builder-aps)。 -## Profile +## 設定檔 -![Profile](../images/Screenshots_Profile.png) +![設定檔](../images/Screenshots_Profile.png) -* Profile contains information on your individual diabetes settings: +* 設定檔包含有關您個人糖尿病設定的資訊: - * DIA (Duration of Insulin Action) - * IC or I:C: Insulin to Carb ratio - * ISF: Insulin Sensitivity Factor - * Basal rate - * Target: Blood glucose level that you want AAPS to be aiming for + * DIA(胰島素作用持續時間) + * IC 或 I:C:胰島素與碳水化合物的比率 + * ISF:胰島素敏感性因數 + * 基礎率 + * 目標:您希望 AAPS 尋求的血糖水平 -* As of version 3.0 only [local profile](Config-Builder-local-profile) is possible. The local profile can be edited on your smartphone and synced to your Nightscout site. +* 自 3.0 版起,只能使用[本地設定檔](Config-Builder-local-profile)。 本地設定檔可以在您的智慧型手機上進行編輯,並同步到您的 Nightscout 網站。 (Screenshots-treatment)= -## Treatment +## 治療 -History of the following treatments: +以下治療的歷史記錄: -* Bolus & carbs -> option to [remove entries](Screenshots-carb-correction) to correct history -* [Extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -* Temporary basal rate -* [Temporary target](../Usage/ -* [Profile switch](../Usage/ -* [Careportal](CPbefore26-careportal-discontinued) - notes entered through action tab and notes in dialogues +* 注射和碳水化合物 -> 可以選擇[移除條目](Screenshots-carb-correction)來修正歷史記錄 +* [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +* 臨時基礎率 +* [臨時目標](../Usage/ +* [設定檔切換](../Usage/ +* [護理入口](CPbefore26-careportal-discontinued) - 透過操作標籤輸入的筆記和對話框中的筆記 -## BG Source - xDrip+, BYODA... +## 血糖來源 - xDrip+、BYODA... -![BG Source tab - here xDrip](../images/Screenshots_BGSource.png) +![血糖來源標籤 - 這裡是 xDrip](../images/Screenshots_BGSource.png) -* Depending on your BG source settings this tab is named differently. -* Shows history of CGM readings and offers option to remove reading in case of failure (i.e. compression low). +* 根據您的血糖來源設定,此標籤名稱不同。 +* 顯示 CGM 讀數的歷史記錄,並提供在讀數出錯時刪除讀數的選項(例如壓力性低血糖)。 ## NSClient ![NSClient](../images/Screenshots_NSClient.png) -* Displays status of the connection with your Nightscout site. -* Settings are made in [preferences](Preferences-nsclient). You can open the corresponding section by clicking the cog wheel on the top right side of the screen. -* For troubleshooting see this [page](../Usage/ \ No newline at end of file +* 顯示與 Nightscout 網站的連線狀態。 +* 設定可在[偏好設定](Preferences-nsclient)中進行。 您可以透過點擊螢幕右上角的齒輪圖示打開相應的部分。 +* 有關故障排除的詳細資訊,請參閱此[頁面](../Usage/。 \ No newline at end of file From 947cfbe1ee04385462566e02d315ddbd5dec6fda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 237/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 62 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 4e21eabf6e2e..3ef6203866a6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -2,70 +2,70 @@ (Nightscout-security-considerations)= -## Security considerations +## 安全性考量 -Besides reporting Nightscout can also be used to control AAPS. I.e. you can set temp targets or add future carbs. This information will be picked up by AAPS and it will act correspondingly. Therefore it is worth thinking about securing your Nightscout website. +除了報告功能外,Nightscout 還可以用來控制 AAPS。 例如,您可以設定臨時目標或添加未來的碳水化合物。 這些資訊會被 AAPS 獲取,並相應地執行操作。 因此,值得考慮如何保護您的 Nightscout 網站安全。 -Exercise maximum caution if using Nightscout as your AAPS data source. +如果使用 Nightscout 作為您的 AAPS 資料來源,請極為謹慎。 -### Nightscout settings +### Nightscout 設置 -You can deny public access to your Nightscout site by using [authentication roles]( make sure you only share your URL with a `readable` token, never with an `admin` token. +您可以使用 [身份驗證角色]( 來拒絕公眾查看您的 Nightscout 網站:請確保僅與具有`readable` 權限的使用者共享 URL,絕不要與擁有`admin` 權限的使用者共享。 -Nightscout `API_SECRET` is your site main password: don't share it publicly. +Nightscout 的 `API_SECRET` 是您網站的主要密碼:切勿公開分享它。 -### AAPS settings +### AAPS 設置 -You can setup AAPS to accept Nightscout commands (profile changes, treatments, ...), or fully disable it. +您可以設置 AAPS 接收 Nightscout 指令(例如配置更改、治療等),或完全停用此功能。 -* Access the NSClient or NSClientV3 plugin settings with either 1) Main view -> Config Builder -> Synchronization -> NSClient Cog icon 2) NSCLIENT tab -> Three dots menu -> Plugin preferences -* Enable all data upload to Nightscout (3) as this is now the standard method unless your BG data source is Nightscout. - If your AAPS BG data source is Nightscout **do not** enable Upload BG data to NS (3). -* Do not enable Receive/backfill data (4) unless Nightscout is your BG data source. +* 查看 NSClient 或 NSClientV3 外掛設定,透過以下路徑 1) 主視圖 -> 組態建置工具 -> 同步 -> NSClient 齒輪圖示 2) NSCLIENT 標籤 -> 三點選單 -> 外掛偏好設定 +* 啟用所有資料上傳到 Nightscout(3),這是標準方法,除非您的血糖資料來源是 Nightscout。 + 如果您的 AAPS 血糖資料來源是 Nightscout,則**不要**啟用上傳血糖資料到 Nightscout (3)。 +* 除非 Nightscout 是您的血糖資料來源,否則請不要啟用接收/回填資料 (4)。 -![Nightscout upload only](../images/NSsafety.png) +![僅限 Nightscout 上傳](../images/NSsafety.png) -#### Do not sync from Nightscout +#### 不要從 Nightscout 同步 -Disabling these options makes sure no Nightscout change will be used by AAPS. +停用這些選項可確保 AAPS 不會使用來自 Nightscout 的任何更改。 -![Nightscout upload only](../images/NSsafety2.png) +![僅限 Nightscout 上傳](../images/NSsafety2.png) -#### Accept changes from Nightscout +#### 接受來自 Nightscout 的變更 -Enabling these options allow you to remotely change AAPS settings through Nightscout, like profiles modifications and switch, temporary targets and adding carbs that will be taken into account by AAPS. -Note that insulin treatments will only be used for calculations like "Do not bolus, record only". +啟用這些選項允許您透過 Nightscout 遠端更改 AAPS 設定,例如設定檔修改和切換、臨時目標以及添加碳水化合物,這些將被 AAPS 考慮在內。 +請注意,胰島素治療僅用於計算,例如“僅記錄,不進行注射”。 -![Nightscout upload only](../images/NSsafety3.png) +![僅限 Nightscout 上傳](../images/NSsafety3.png) -### Further security settings +### 進一步的安全設置 -Keep your phone up to date as described in [safety first](../Getting-Started/ +保持您的手機最新,如[安全第一](../Getting-Started/所述。 (Nightscout-manual-nightscout-setup)= -## Manual Nightscout setup +## 手動 Nightscout 設置 -It is assumed you already have a Nightscout site, if not visit the [Nightscout]( page for full instructions on set up, the instructions below are then settings you will also need to add to your Nightscout site. Your Nightscout site needs to be at least version 15 for AAPS 3.2, so please check you are running the [latest version]( otherwise you will get an error message on your AAPS app. +假設您已經有一個 Nightscout 網站,如果還沒有,請查看 [Nightscout]( 頁面以獲取完整的設置說明,下列指示則是您需要添加到 Nightscout 網站的設置。 您的 Nightscout 網站需要至少是 15 版才能支援 AAPS 3.2,因此請確認您正在運作[最新版本](,否則您將在 AAPS 應用程序中收到錯誤訊息。 -* [Edit your variables]( +* [編輯您的變數]( -* Add or edit the variables as follows: +* 添加或編輯變數如下: * `ENABLE` = `careportal boluscalc food bwp cage sage iage iob cob basal dbsize pushover pump openaps` * `DEVICESTATUS_ADVANCED` = `true` * `SHOW_FORECAST` = `openaps` * `PUMP_FIELDS` = `reservoir battery clock` - * Various alarms can be set for [monitoring the pump](, battery % in particular is encouraged: + * 可以設置各種警報來[監控幫浦](,特別建議設置電池百分比的警報: * `PUMP_WARN_BATT_P` = `51` * `PUMP_URGENT_BATT_P` = `26` -* Save the modifications. Your Nightscout site should now allow you to display the pills. You can force default display adding them in `SHOW_PLUGINS`. +* 儲存這些修改。 您的 Nightscout 網站現在應允許顯示這些 pills。 您可以在`SHOW_PLUGINS`中強制顯示這些 pills。 * `SHOW_PLUGINS` = `careportal boluscalc food bwp cage sage iage iob cob basal dbsize pushover pump openaps` - ![Nightscout Pills](../images/nightscout1.png) + ![Nightscout pills](../images/nightscout1.png) -## Nightscout as a paid SaaS (Software as a Service) +## Nightscout 作為付費 SaaS(軟體即服務) -Use the vendor web interface to set the variables. Contact the vendor support service if necessary. \ No newline at end of file +使用供應商的網站界面設置變數。 如有需要,請聯繫供應商的支援服務。 \ No newline at end of file From 1e60ab97be85341eebf617ef8f473b61708028f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 238/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 98 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index c1b7ef500e74..97a897f5e7e1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@ -# Update to a new version or branch +# 更新至新版本或分支 -## Build yourself instead of download +## 自行建置,而不是下載 -**AAPS** is not available to download, due to regulations concerning medical devices. It is legal to build the app for your own use, but you must not give a copy to others! See [FAQ page](../Getting-Started/ for details. +**AAPS** 無法下載,因為這涉及醫療設備的法規。 自行建置應用程式以供個人使用是合法的,但您不得將副本提供給他人! 詳細資訊請參閱 [FAQ 頁面](../Getting-Started/。 -## Important notes +## 重要提示 -* Please update to the new version of **AAPS** as soon as possible after a new release is available. -* When a new release is available, in the **AAPS** app itself, you will receive an information banner about the new version. -* The new version will also be announced on Facebook at the time of release. -* Following the release, please read the [Release Notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ in detail, and clarify any queries with the community on Facebook or Discord, before proceeding with the update. -* You need to use version **[Hedgehog (2023.1.1) or Iguana (2023.2.1)](** of Android Studio. If your version is older, please update first Android Studio first! +* 請在有新版本發布後儘快更新到最新版本的 **AAPS**。 +* 當有新版本發布時,您將在 **AAPS** 應用中收到關於新版本的訊息橫幅。 +* 新版本也會在發布時於 Facebook 上公佈。 +* 發布後,請詳細閱讀[發行說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/,並在進行更新前,透過 Facebook 或 Discord 社群澄清任何疑問。 +* 您需要使用**[Hedgehog (2023.1.1) 或 Iguana (2023.2.1)](** 版本的 Android Studio。 如果您的版本較舊,請先更新 Android Studio! -## Overview for updating to a new version of AAPS +## 更新到新版本 AAPS 的概述 -1. [Export your settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings-export-settings) from the existing **AAPS** version on your phone. You might not need it, but better be safe than sorry. -2. [Update local copy](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy) of the AAPS sourcecode (Git->Fetch and Git -> Pull) -3. [Build signed APK](Update-to-new-version-build-the-signed-apk) -4. [Transfer the built apk](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) to your phone and install it -5. [Check the version](Update-to-new-version-check-aaps-version-on-phone) in AAPS -6. Depending on your [BG source](../Configuration/ make sure to [identify receiver](xdrip-identify-receiver) in xDrip or use the ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app). +1. [匯出您的設定](../Usage/ExportImportSettings-export-settings) 從手機上現有的**AAPS**版本。 您可能不需要這樣做,但防患於未然更好。 +2. [更新本地副本](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy) 的 AAPS 原始碼 (Git->Fetch 和 Git -> Pull) +3. [構建簽章 APK](Update-to-new-version-build-the-signed-apk) +4. [將構建的 APK](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) 傳送到您的手機並安裝它 +5. [檢查 AAPS 上的版本](Update-to-new-version-check-aaps-version-on-phone) +6. 根據您的[血糖來源](../Configuration/ 確保在 xDrip 中[識別接收器](xdrip-identify-receiver),或使用[“構建您自己的 Dexcom 應用程式”](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)。 -In case you experience problems, see separate page for [troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio). +如果您遇到問題,請參閱專頁 [Android Studio 疑難排解](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio)。 -## 1. Export your settings +## 1. 匯出您的設定 -See the [Export & import settings](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) page if you don't remember how to do this. +如果您忘記如何執行此操作,請參閱 [匯出與匯入設定](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) 頁面。 (Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy)= -## 2. Update your local copy +## 2. 更新本地副本 -:::{admonition} WARNING :class: warning If you update from versions prior to 2.8.x, please follow the instructions to do a [New clone](../Installing-AndroidAPS/building-AAPS), as this guide will not work for you! ::: +:::{admonition} 警告 :class: 警告 如果您從版本 2.8.x 之前的版本更新,請按照[新複製](../Installing-AndroidAPS/building-AAPS) 的指示進行操作,因為本指南不適用於您! ::: -* Open your existing AAPS project with Android Studio. You might need to select your project. (Double) click on the AAPS project. +* 使用 Android Studio 開啟您現有的 AAPS 項目。 您可能需要選擇您的項目。 (雙擊) 點擊 AAPS 項目。 - ![Android Studio - Select Project](../images/update/01_ProjectSelection.png) + ![Android Studio - 選擇項目](../images/update/01_ProjectSelection.png) -* In the menu bar of Android Studio, select Git -> Fetch +* 在 Android Studio 的選單欄中,選擇 Git -> Fetch - ![Android Studio Menu - Git - Fetch](../images/update/02_GitFetch.png) + ![Android Studio 選單 - Git - Fetch](../images/update/02_GitFetch.png) -* You will see a message in the lower right corner that Fetch was successful. +* 您將在右下角看到 Fetch 成功的訊息。 - ![Android Studio Menu - Git - Fetch successful](../images/update/03_GitFetchSuccessful.png) + ![Android Studio 選單 - Git - Fetch 成功](../images/update/03_GitFetchSuccessful.png) -* In the menu bar, now select Git -> Pull +* 在選單欄中,現在選擇 Git -> Pull - ![Android Studio Menu - Git - Pull](../images/update/04_GitPull.png) + ![Android Studio 選單 - Git - Pull](../images/update/04_GitPull.png) -* Leave all options as they are (origin/master) and select Pull +* 保持所有選項不變(origin/master),然後選擇 Pull - ![Android Studio - Git - Pull dialog](../images/update/05_GitPullOptions.png) + ![Android Studio - Git - Pull 對話框](../images/update/05_GitPullOptions.png) -* Wait while download is in progress, you will see this as info in the bottom bar. When it's done, you will see a success message. Note: The files that were updated may vary! This is not an indication +* 等待下載過程進行,您會在底部欄看到進度資訊。 完成後,您將看到成功訊息。 注意:更新的文件可能有所不同! 這並不代表指示 - ![Android Studio - Pull successful](../images/update/06_GitPullSuccess.png) + ![Android Studio - Pull 成功](../images/update/06_GitPullSuccess.png) -* Gradle Sync will be running a couple of seconds to download some dependencies. Wait until it is finished. +* Gradle Sync 將運作幾秒鐘以下載一些依賴項。 等待它完成。 ![Android Studio - Gradle Sync](../images/studioSetup/40_BackgroundTasks.png) (Update-to-new-version-build-the-signed-apk)= -## 3. Build the Signed APK +## 3. 構建簽章 APK -Your sourcecode is now the current released version. It's time to build the signed apk from it as described in the [build signed apk section](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk). +您的原始碼現在是當前發布的版本。 是時候按照[構建簽章 APK 章節](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)中的說明從中構建簽章 apk 了。 -## 4. Transfer the apk +## 4. 傳送 APK -You need to transfer the apk to your phone so you can install it. +您需要將 apk 傳送到手機以便您安裝它。 -See the instructions for [Transfer APK to smartphone](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) +請參閱 [傳送 APK 至智慧型手機](Building-APK-transfer-apk-to-smartphone) 的說明 -## 5. Install apk +## 5. 安裝 APK -On your phone you have to allow installation from unknown sources. Manuals how to do this can be found on the internet (i.e. [here]( or [here]( Note: If you completed the build with the same existing key store in Android Studio, then you do not need to remove the existing app on your phone. When you install the apk, follow the prompts to install updates. For other scenarios such as establishing a new key store in Android Studio for your signed apk, you will need to delete the old app before installing the apk. +在您的手機上,您需要允許安裝來自未知來源的應用程式。 可以在網路上找到如何執行此操作的說明(例如,[此處](或[此處](。 注意:如果您使用相同的現有密鑰庫完成了 Android Studio 的構建,則無需刪除手機上的現有應用程式。 當您安裝 apk 時,按照提示安裝更新。 對於其他情況,例如在 Android Studio 中為您的簽章 apk 建立新密鑰庫,您將需要刪除舊應用程式後再安裝 apk。 (Update-to-new-version-check-aaps-version-on-phone)= -## 6. Check AAPS version on phone +## 6. 檢查手機上的 AAPS 版本 -After you installed the new apk, you can check the AAPS version on your phone by clicking the three dots menu on the top right and then About. You should see the current version. +安裝新 apk 後,您可以點擊右上角的三點選單,然後選擇 "關於",以檢查手機上的 AAPS 版本。 您應該能看到當前版本。 -![AAPS version installed](../images/Update_VersionCheck282.png) +![已安裝的 AAPS 版本](../images/Update_VersionCheck282.png) -# Troubleshooting +# 疑難排解 -If anything goes wrong, don't panic. +如果發生任何錯誤,不要慌張。 -Take a breath! +先深呼吸! -Then see the separate page [troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio) if your problem is already documented! +然後查看專門頁面[疑難排解 Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio),看看您的問題是否已經記錄在案! -If you need further help, please reach out to other **AAPS** users on [Facebook]( or [Discord]( \ No newline at end of file +如果您需要進一步幫助,請聯繫其他**AAPS**使用者,透過[Facebook](或[Discord](。 \ No newline at end of file From cc01bbc68f902c6238c8372c04266b0d78369869 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 239/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 0c1d34e35dc3..012145b94fcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ (Accessing-logfiles-accessing-logfiles)= -# Accessing logfiles +# 讀取日誌檔案 -* Connect phone to a computer in file transfer mode -* Locate the log files in the AAPS data directory +* 將手機連線到電腦,並選擇檔案傳輸模式 +* 在 AAPS 資料目錄中找到日誌檔案 - * (2.8.2) The folder will be at a location similar to ***Internal storage(1) / Android / data / info.nightscout.androidaps / files*** - * (3.0.0) The folder will be at a location similar to ***Internal storage(1) / AAPS / logs*** - * The naming of the root storage folder (1) may vary a little depending on the phone. + * (2.8.2) 資料夾位置類似於 ***內部儲存(1) / Android / data / info.nightscout.androidaps / files*** + * (3.0.0) 資料夾位置類似於 ***內部儲存(1) / AAPS / logs*** + * 根目錄資料夾的名稱 (1) 可能會根據手機稍有不同。 -![logs](../images/aapslog.png) +![日誌](../images/aapslog.png) -* The current log is a .log file which can be viewed in a number of ways such as [LogCat]( within Android Studio, any Log Viewer android app, or simply as plain text. -* Previous log files are zipped and stored in folders in date/time order. -* If you are sharing your log file in [discord]( to talk about a potential bug, please unzip and upload the file dated before the error occurred. \ No newline at end of file +* 目前的日誌檔案是一個 .log 檔案,可以透過多種方式查看,例如 Android Studio 中的 [LogCat](、任何日誌查看器 Android 應用程式,或僅作為純文字查看。 +* 先前的日誌檔案會被壓縮並按日期/時間順序存儲在資料夾中。 +* 如果您在 [Discord]( 上分享您的日誌檔案以討論潛在的錯誤,請解壓縮並上傳錯誤發生前的檔案。 \ No newline at end of file From 70d36d097ea74ebff88c00528cff74a7d406fa4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 240/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 134 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 288b13bf13b5..c1b9164746c6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,114 +1,114 @@ -# Accu-Chek Combo Tips for basic usage +# Accu-Chek Combo 基本使用技巧 -**NOTE:** Starting with AAPS version 3.2, a [new Combo driver](../Configuration/ (referred to as "combov2" sometimes) has been added. The old driver is also referred to as the "Ruffy-based driver". Some parts of this document only apply to the old driver. These will be annotated accordingly. +**注意:**從 AAPS 版本 3.2 開始,新增了[新 Combo 驅動](../Configuration/有時稱為 "combov2")。 舊的驅動程式也稱為 "Ruffy 基於的驅動程式"。 本文檔的某些部分僅適用於舊的驅動程式。 這些將會依照情況進行註解。 -## How to ensure smooth operations +## 如何確保系統運作順暢 -* Always **carry the smartphone with you**, leave it next to your bed at night. As your pump may lay behind or under you body while you sleep, a higher position (on a shelf or board) works best. -* Always make sure that the pump battery is as full as possible. See the battery section for tipps regarding the battery. +* 始終 **隨身攜帶手機**,晚上將其放在床邊。 由於您可能睡覺時幫浦位於或被身體擋住,將其放在較高的位置(如架子或桌面)效果最佳。 +* 始終確保幫浦的電池盡可能充滿。 請參閱電池部分的相關提示。 -* (Only applies to the old driver) It is best to **not touch the app ruffy** while the system is running. If the app is started again, the connection to the pump can break off. Once the pump is connected to ruffy, there is no need to re-connect. Even after a restart of the phone, the connection is automatically re-established. If possible, move the app to an unused screen or in a folder on your smartphone so you do not accidentally open it. +* (僅適用於舊的驅動程式)最好**不要觸碰 ruffy 應用程式** 當系統正在運作時。 如果應用程式被重新啟動,幫浦的連線可能會中斷。 一旦幫浦連線到 ruffy,無需重新連線。 即使在手機重新啟動後,連線也會自動重新建立。 如果可能,將應用程式移動到未使用的螢幕或資料夾中,以免您不小心打開它。 -* (Only applies to the old driver) If you unintentionally open the app ruffy during looping, it's best to restart the smartphone right away. -* Whenever possible, only operate the pump via the AAPS app. To facilitate this, activate the key lock on the pump under **PUMP SETTINGS / KEY LOCK / ON**. Only when changing the battery or the cartridge, it is necessary to use the pump's keys. +* (僅適用於舊的驅動程式)如果您在循環過程中不小心打開了 ruffy 應用程式,最好立即重新啟動手機。 +* 儘可能僅透過 AAPS 應用程式操作幫浦。為了便於這一點,請在幫浦上啟動 **幫浦設置 / 按鍵鎖定 / 開啟**。 只有在更換電池或藥匣時,才需要使用幫浦的按鍵。 -![Keylock](../images/combo/combo-tips-keylock.png) +![按鍵鎖定](../images/combo/combo-tips-keylock.png) -## Pump not reachable. What to do? +## 幫浦無法連線。 該怎麼辦? -### Activate pump unreachable alarm +### 啟動幫浦無法連線的警報 -* In AAPS, go to **Settings / Local Alarms** and activate **alarm when pump is unreachable** and set **pump not reachable limit [Min]** to **31** minutes. -* This will give you enough time to not trigger the alarm when leaving the room while your phone is left on the desk, but informs you if the pump cannot be reached for a time that exceeds the duration of a temporary basal rate. +* 在 AAPS 中,前往 **設定 / 本地警報**,啟動 **當幫浦無法連線時警報**,並將**幫浦無法連線時間上限 [分鐘]**設為**31** 分鐘。 +* 這會給您足夠的時間,當您離開房間時不會觸發警報,但會在幫浦無法連線的時間超過臨時基礎率持續時間時通知您。 -### Restore reachability of the pump +### 恢復幫浦連線 -* When AAPS reports a **pump unreachable** alarm, first release the keylock and **press any key on the pump** (e.g. "down" button). As soon as the pump display has turned off, press **Refresh** on the **Combo Tab** in AAPS. Mostly then the communication works again. -* If that does not help, reboot your smartphone. After the restart, AAPS will be reactivated and a new connection will be established with the pump. If you are using the old driver, ruffy will be reactivated as well. +* 當 AAPS 報告 **幫浦無法連線** 時,首先解除按鍵鎖定並**按下幫浦上的任意鍵**(例如 "下" 鍵)。 當幫浦螢幕熄滅後,按下 AAPS 中的**重新整理**按鈕。 通常這樣操作後,通訊就能恢復正常。 +* 如果這樣不行,請重新啟動您的手機。 重新啟動後,AAPS 會重新註冊並與幫浦建立新連線。 如果您使用的是舊驅動程式,ruffy 也會被重新註冊。 -* The tests with different smartphones have shown that certain smartphones trigger the "pump unreachable" error more often than others. [AAPS Phones]( lists successfully tested smartphones. +* 測試顯示,某些手機更容易觸發 "幫浦無法連線" 錯誤。 [AAPS 手機列表](中列出了成功測試的手機型號。 -### Root causes and consequences of frequent communication errors +### 頻繁通訊錯誤的根本原因及後果 -* On phones with **low memory** (or **aggressive power-saving** settings), AAPS is often shut down. You can tell by the fact that the Bolus and Calculator buttons on the Home screen are not shown when opening AAPS because the system is initializing. This can trigger "pump unreachable alarms" at startup. In the **Last Connection** field of the Combo tab, you can check when AAPS last communicated with the pump. +* 在內存較低或**節能模式較激進**的手機上,AAPS 經常會被關閉。 您可以透過主畫面上的 "餐數" 和 "計算機" 按鈕是否顯示來判斷,當這些按鈕不顯示時,表示系統正在初始化。 這可能會在啟動時觸發 "幫浦無法連線" 警報。 您可以在 Combo 標籤的 **最後連線** 欄位中查看 AAPS 最後一次與幫浦連線的時間。 -![Pump unreachable](../images/combo/combo-tips-pump-unreachable.png) +![幫浦無法連線](../images/combo/combo-tips-pump-unreachable.png) -![No connection to pump (as shown in the old driver's tab)](../images/combo/combo-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) +![舊驅動程式標籤中顯示的幫浦無法連線](../images/combo/combo-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) -![No connection to pump (as shown in the new driver's tab)](../images/combo/combov2-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) +![新驅動程式標籤中顯示的幫浦無法連線](../images/combo/combov2-tips-no-connection-to-pump.png) -* This error can drain the pump's battery faster because the basal profile is read from the pump when the app is restarted. -* It also increases the likelihood of causing the error that causes the pump to reject all incoming connections until a button on the pump is pressed. +* 此錯誤會加速幫浦電池耗電,因為應用程式重新啟動時會從幫浦讀取基礎配置檔案。 +* 這也增加了幫浦拒絕所有來自外部的連線請求的錯誤機率,直到按下幫浦上的按鍵為止。 -## Cancellation of temporary basal rate fails +## 無法取消臨時基礎率 -* Occasionally, AAPS can not automatically cancel a **TBR CANCELED** alert. Then you have to either press **UPDATE** in the AAPS **Combo tab** or the alarm on the pump will need to be confirmed. +* 有時 AAPS 無法自動取消**已取消的臨時基礎率**警報。 此時您需要按下 AAPS 中 Combo 標籤上的**更新**按鈕,或者需要在幫浦上確認警報。 -## Pump battery considerations +## 幫浦電池考量 -### Changing the battery +### 更換電池 -* After a **low battery** alarm, the battery should be changed as soon as possible to always have enough energy for a reliable Bluetooth communication with the smartphone, even if the phone is within a wider distance of the pump. -* Even after a **low battery** alarm, the battery might be used for a significant amount of time. However, it is recommended to always have a fresh battery with you after a "low battery" alarm rang. -* Before changing the battery, press on the **Loop** symbol on the main screen and select **Suspend loop for 1h**. -* Wait for the pump to communicate with the pump and the bluetooth logo on the pump has faded. +* 在收到**低電量**警報後,應盡快更換電池,以確保即使手機與幫浦距離較遠時也能進行可靠的藍牙通訊。 +* 即使在收到**低電量**警報後,電池仍可持續使用一段時間。 然而,建議在收到 "低電量" 警報後,隨身攜帶一顆新電池。 +* 更換電池之前,按下主畫面上的**循環**圖示,並選擇**暫停循環 1 小時**。 +* 等待幫浦與手機通訊,直到幫浦上的藍牙標誌消失。 -![Bluetooth enabled](../images/combo/combo-tips-compo.png) +![藍牙啟用](../images/combo/combo-tips-compo.png) -* Release the key lock on the pump, put the pump into stop mode, confirm a possibly canceled temporary basal rate, and change the battery quickly. -* When using the old driver, if the clock on the pump did not survive the battery chenge, re-set the date and time on the pump to exactly the date/time on your phone running AAPS. (The new driver automatically updates the pump's date and time.) -* Then put the pump back in run mode select **Resume** when pressing on the **Suspended Loop** icon on the main screen. -* AAPS will re-set a necessary temporary basal rate with the arrival of the next blood sugar value. +* 解除幫浦的按鍵鎖定,將幫浦設置為停止模式,確認是否取消了臨時基礎率,然後迅速更換電池。 +* 使用舊驅動程式時,如果幫浦時鐘在更換電池後無法保持,請將幫浦上的日期和時間重新設置為與運作 AAPS 的手機上的日期和時間一致。 (新驅動程式會自動更新幫浦的日期和時間。) +* 然後將幫浦恢復為運作模式,按下主畫面上的**恢復循環**圖示,選擇**恢復**。 +* 當下一個血糖值到達時,AAPS 會重新設置所需的臨時基礎率。 -(Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage-battery-type-and-causes-of-short-battery-life)= +(Accu-Chek-Combo-基本使用技巧-電池類型及短電池壽命的原因)= -### Battery type and causes of short battery life +### 電池類型及短電池壽命的原因 -* As intensive Bluetooth communication consumes a lot of energy, only use **high-quality batteries** like Energizer Ultimate Lithium, the "power one"s from the "large" Accu-Chek service pack, or if you are going for a rechargeable battery, use Eneloop batteries. +* 由於頻繁的藍牙通訊消耗大量能量,僅使用**高品質電池**,如 Energizer Ultimate 鋰電池、"Power One" 來自大型 Accu-Chek 服務包中的電池,或者如果使用可充電電池,請使用 Eneloop 電池。 ![Energizer](../images/combo/combo-tips-energizer.jpg) ![OnePower](../images/combo/combo-tips-power-one.png) -Ranges for typical life time of the different battery types are as follows: +不同電池類型的典型使用壽命範圍如下: -* **Energizer Ultimate Lithium**: 4 to 7 weeks -* **Power One Alkaline** (Varta) from the servcie pack: 2 to 4 weeks -* **Eneloop rechargeable** batteries (BK-3MCCE): 1 to 3 weeks +* **Energizer Ultimate 鋰電池**:4 到 7 週 +* **Power One 鹼性電池**(Varta,來自服務包):2 到 4 週 +* **Eneloop 可充電電池**(BK-3MCCE):1 到 3 週 -If your battery life is significantly shorter than the ranges given above, please check the following possible causes: +如果您的電池壽命明顯短於上述範圍,請檢查以下可能的原因: -* (Only applies to the old driver) Versions of the [ruffy App]( after vMarch 2018 significantly improved pump battery lifetime. Make sure you are on the newest version if you have issues with a short battery lifetime. -* There are some variants of the screw-on battery cap of the Combo pump, which partially short circuit the batteries and drain them quickly. The caps without this problem can be recognized by the golden metal contacts. -* If the pump clock does not "survive" a short battery change, it is likely that the capacitor is broken which keeps the clock running during a brief power outage. In this case, a replacement of the pump by Roche might help, which is not a problem during the warranty period. -* The smart phone hardware and software (Android operating system and bluetooth stack) also impact the battery lifetime of the pump, even though the exact factors are not completely known yet. If you have the opportunity, try another smartphone and compare battery lifetimes. +* (僅適用於舊的驅動程式)2018 年 3 月之後的 [ruffy 應用程式](版本顯著改善了幫浦電池壽命。 如果您遇到電池壽命過短的問題,請確保您使用的是最新版本。 +* Combo 幫浦有一些螺旋蓋的變種,它們會部分短路電池並迅速耗盡電池電量。 沒有這個問題的蓋子可以透過金色金屬接點識別。 +* 如果幫浦時鐘在短暫的電池更換後無法恢復運作,可能是用於維持時鐘運作的電容損壞。 在這種情況下,Roche 公司在保修期內更換幫浦不是問題。 +* 智慧型手機硬體和軟體(Android 作業系統和藍牙堆疊)也會影響幫浦的電池壽命,儘管具體因素尚不完全清楚。 如果有機會,請嘗試使用另一台智慧型手機並比較電池壽命。 -## Daylight saving time changes +## 夏令時間變更 -**NOTE**: The new driver automatically sets date and time and handles daylight saving time changes on its own. The steps below all only apply to the old driver. +**注意**:新驅動程式會自動設定日期和時間,並自動處理夏令時間變更。 以下步驟僅適用於舊的驅動程式。 -* Currently the combo driver does not support automatic adjustment of the pump's time. -* During the night of a daylight saving time change, the time of the smartphone is updated, but the time of the pump remains unchanged. This leads to an alarm due to deviating times between the systems at 3 am. -* If you do not want to be awakened at night, **deactivate the automatic daylight saving time changeover on the mobile phone** in the evening before the time changeover and adjust the times manually the next morning. A good way to deal with daylight saving time changes is to switch to a different time zone located on the same longitude you are located at but closer to the equator, where usually no daylight saving time is observed. Example: For Central Europe on Summer Time (CEST/GMT+2), you could switch to the time zone of Zimbabwe on your phone the night before the switch to winter time and then switch back to Central European Time CET/GMT+1 the next morning while changing the clock on your pump at the same time. The other way aroud, switch to the time zone of Nigeria while on Winter Time CET/GMT+1 and go back to Central European Summer Time (CEST/GMT+2) the morning after the switch to summer time and change the pump time accordingly. Look at to find a suitable country. +* 目前,Combo 驅動程式不支援幫浦時間的自動調整。 +* 在夏令時間變更之夜,智慧型手機的時間會更新,但幫浦的時間不會更改。 這會導致由於系統時間不同步而在凌晨 3 點發生警報。 +* 如果您不想在夜間被警報吵醒,請在夏令時間變更前的晚上**停用手機的自動夏令時間切換功能**,並於次日早上手動調整時間。 應對夏令時間變更的一個好方法是切換到位於您所在經度但更靠近赤道的時區,該時區通常不觀察夏令時間。 例如:對於使用夏令時間的中歐地區 (CEST/GMT+2),您可以在冬令時間切換前一天晚上將手機切換到津巴布韋時區,然後在次日早上切換回中歐時間 CET/GMT+1,同時更改幫浦時間。 相反的情況下,當處於冬令時間 CET/GMT+1 時,切換手機到尼日利亞時區,然後在夏令時間切換後次日早上切換回中歐夏令時間 (CEST/GMT+2),並相應調整幫浦時間。 請參閱 來查找合適的國家。 -## Extended bolus, multiwave bolus +## 延長注射,波浪注射 -The OpenAPS algorithm does not support a parallel extended bolus or multiwave bolus. But a similar treatment can be achieved by the following alternatives: +OpenAPS 演算法不支援平行延長注射或波浪注射。 但可以透過以下替代方案達到類似的治療效果: -* Use **e-Carbs** when entering carbs or using the Calculator by entering the carbs of the full meal and the duration you expect the carbs to arrive as glucose in you blood. The system will then calculate small carbs equally distributed over the whole duration which will cause th algorithm to provide equivalent insulin dosing while still permanently checking the overall rise/decrease of the blood glucose level. For a multiwave bolus approach, you can also combine a smaller immeadiate bolus with e-carbs. -* Before eating, on the **Actions tab** in AAPS set as a temporary **Eating Soon** goal with target glucose 80 for several hours. The duration should be based on the interval you would chosse for an extended bolus. This will keep your target lower than usual and therefore increase the amout of insulin delivered. -* Then use the **CALCULATOR** to enter the full carbs of the meal, but do not directly apply the values suggested by the bolus calculator. If a multiwave-like bolus is to be delivered, correct the insulin dosage down. Depending on the meal, the algorithm now has to deliver additional SMBs or higher temporary basal rates to counteract the increase in blood sugar. Here, the safety limitation of the basal rate (Max IE / h, Maximum basal IOB) should be very carefully experimented with and, if necessary, temporarily changed. +* 在輸入碳水化合物或使用計算機時,使用 **e-Carbs**,輸入整頓餐點的碳水化合物量及您預期碳水化合物轉換為血糖的時間。 系統將會計算整個時間段內均勻分佈的小份碳水化合物,這將使演算法提供相應的胰島素劑量,同時不斷檢查血糖水平的整體升降。 對於波浪注射的方式,您也可以結合較小的即時注射與 e-Carbs 一起使用。 +* 在進餐前,於 AAPS 的 **動作標籤** 中設置一個臨時的 **即將用餐** 目標,將目標血糖設置為 80,持續幾個小時。 此時長應基於您為延長注射選擇的時間間隔。 這將使您的目標低於平時,因此會增加注射的胰島素量。 +* 然後使用 **計算機** 輸入整頓餐點的碳水化合物量,但不要直接採用注射計算機建議的數值。 如果要進行類似波浪注射的操作,則將胰島素劑量適當減少。 根據餐點的情況,演算法將需要額外的超微量注射 (SMBs) 或較高的臨時基礎率來對抗血糖上升。 此處應非常謹慎地實驗基礎率的安全限制(最大 IU/小時,最大基礎 IOB),並在必要時臨時更改。 -* If you are tempted to just use the extended or multiwave bolus directly on the pump, AAPS will penalize you with disabling the closed loop for the next six hours to ensure that no excess insulin dosage is calculated. +* 如果您傾向於直接在幫浦上使用延長或波浪注射,AAPS 將會處罰您,並在接下來的六個小時內停用閉環系統,以確保不會計算過量的胰島素劑量。 -![Disabled loop after multiwave bolus](../images/combo/combo-tips-multiwave-bolus.png) +![波浪注射後的閉環系統停用](../images/combo/combo-tips-multiwave-bolus.png) -## Alarms at bolus delivery +## 注射時的警報 -* If AAPS detects that an identical bolus has been successfully delivered at the same minute, bolus delivery will be prevented with identical numer of insulin units. If your really want to bolus the same inuslin twice in short succession, just wait two more minutes and then deliver the bolus again. If the fist bolus has been interruped or was not delivered for other reasons, you can immediately re-submit the bolus since AAPS 2.0. -* The alarm is a safety mechanism that reads the pump's bolus history before submitting a new bolus to correctly calculate insulin on board (IOB), even when a bolus is delivered directly from the pump. Here indistinguishable entries must be prevented. +* 如果 AAPS 檢測到相同的注射在相同的分鐘內已成功完成,則將防止再次注射相同劑量的胰島素。 如果您真的想在短時間內重複注射相同的胰島素,只需再等待兩分鐘,然後再次進行注射。 如果第一次注射被中斷或由於其他原因未完成,從 AAPS 2.0 開始,您可以立即重新提交注射。 +* 此警報是一種安全機制,它在提交新注射之前會先讀取幫浦的注射歷史,以正確計算活性胰島素 (IOB),即使注射是直接從幫浦完成的。 這裡必須防止無法區分的輸入記錄。 -![Double bolus](../images/combo/combo-tips-doppelbolus.png) +![雙重注射](../images/combo/combo-tips-doppelbolus.png) -* This mechanism is also responsible for a second cause of the error: If during the use of the bolus calculator another bolus is delivered via the pump and thereby the bolus history changes, the basis of the bolus calculation is wrong and the bolus is aborted. +* 這一機制還可能導致另一個錯誤原因:如果在使用注射計算機的過程中透過幫浦進行了另一個注射,從而改變了注射歷史,這將導致注射計算的基礎出錯,並且注射被中止。 -![Canceled bolus](../images/combo/combo-tips-history-changed.png) \ No newline at end of file +![注射取消](../images/combo/combo-tips-history-changed.png) \ No newline at end of file From e610f6bff2575fcec71bbbacff6dd8cd4dbc7167 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 241/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 354 ++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 177 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 358dcd68384a..a0c5769ba120 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,326 +1,326 @@ -# OpenAPS features +# OpenAPS 功能 (Open-APS-features-autosens)= -## Autosens +## 自動敏感度調整 (Autosens) -* Autosens is a algorithm which looks at blood glucose deviations (positive/negative/neutral). -* It will try and figure out how sensitive/resistant you are based on these deviations. -* The oref implementation in **OpenAPS** runs off a combination of 24 and 8 hours worth of data. It uses either one which is more sensitive. -* In versions prior to AAPS 2.7 user had to choose between 8 or 24 hours manually. -* From AAPS 2.7 on Autosens in AAPS will switch between a 24 and 8 hours window for calculating sensitivity. It will pick which ever one is more sensitive. -* If users have come from oref1 they will probably notice the system may be less dynamic to changes, due to the varying of either 24 or 8 hours of sensitivity. -* Changing a cannula or changing a profile will reset Autosens ratio back to 100% (a percentual profile switch with duration won't reset autosens). -* Autosens adjusts your basal and ISF (i.e.: mimicking what a Profile shift does). -* If continuously eating carbs over an extended period, autosens will be less effective during that period as carbs are excluded from BG delta calculations. +* 自動敏感度調整 (Autosens) 是一種演算法,會分析血糖偏差(正向/負向/中性)。 +* 它會根據這些偏差,試圖找出你對胰島素的敏感度或抗性。 +* 在 **OpenAPS** 中的 oref 實作,基於過去 24 小時和 8 小時的資料運作。 它會使用其中較敏感的資料來進行調整。 +* 在 AAPS 2.7 版本之前,用戶需要手動選擇 8 或 24 小時的資料。 +* 從 AAPS 2.7 開始,Autosens 會自動在 24 小時和 8 小時的時間窗口中切換來計算敏感度。 它會選擇較敏感的那個時間窗口。 +* 如果用戶曾經使用過 oref1,他們可能會注意到系統對變化的反應可能不如預期動態,這是由於 24 小時或 8 小時敏感度的不同。 +* 更換套管或更改設定檔時,會將 Autosens 比例重置回 100%(設定檔持續時間切換不會重置 Autosens)。 +* Autosens 會調整你的基礎胰島素和胰島素敏感因子(ISF),模仿設定檔切換的效果。 +* 如果在長時間內持續攝取碳水化合物,Autosens 在此期間的效果會較差,因為碳水化合物不會計入血糖變化的計算中。 (Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb)= -## Super Micro Bolus (SMB) +## 超微量注射 (Super Micro Bolus, SMB) -SMB, the shortform of 'super micro bolus', is the latest OpenAPS feature (from 2018) within the Oref1 algorithm. In contrast to AMA, SMB does not use temporary basal rates to control glucose levels, but mainly **small super microboluses**. In situations where AMA would add 1.0 IU insulin using a temporary basal rate, SMB delivers several super microboluses in small steps at **5 minute intervals**, e.g. 0.4 IU, 0.3 IU, 0.2 IU and 0.1 IU. At the same time (for safety reasons) the actual basal rate is set to 0 IU/h for a certain period to prevent overdose (**'zero-temping'**). This allows the system adjust the blood glucose faster than with the temporary basal rate increase in AMA. +SMB 是 "超微量注射" 的縮寫,是 2018 年 Oref1 演算法內最新的 OpenAPS 功能。 與 AMA 不同,SMB 不使用臨時基礎率來控制血糖水平,而是主要使用 **超微量注射**。 在 AMA 會以臨時基礎率注射 1.0 IU 胰島素的情況下,SMB 會在 **每 5 分鐘的間隔內**分步進行多次超微量注射,例如 0.4 IU、0.3 IU、0.2 IU 和 0.1 IU。 同時(為了安全),實際基礎率會在一段時間內設為 0 IU/h,以防止過量注射(稱為 **“零臨時基礎率”**)。 這使得系統能夠比 AMA 增加臨時基礎率更快地調整血糖。 -Thanks to SMB, it may be sufficient for meals containing only "slow" carbs to inform the system of the planned amount of carbohydrate and leave the rest to AAPS. However, this may lead to higher postprandial (post-meal) peaks because pre-bolusing isn’t possible. Or you can give, if necessary with pre-bolusing, a **start bolus**, which **only partly** covers the carbohydrates (e.g. 2/3 of the estimated amount) and let SMB provide the rest. +由於 SMB 的功能,對於僅含「慢速」碳水化合物的餐食,告知系統預定的碳水化合物數量即可,剩下的交由 AAPS 處理。 然而,這可能會導致餐後血糖高峰,因為無法提前注射。 或者你可以提前進行 **起始注射**,預注射只覆蓋一部分碳水化合物(例如估計量的 2/3),剩下的讓 SMB 來補充。 -The SMB feature contains some safety mechanisms: +SMB 功能包含一些安全機制: -1. The largest single SMB dose can only be the smallest value off: +1. 單次 SMB 注射劑量的最大值只能是以下最小值: - * value corresponding to the current basal rate (as adjusted by autosens) for the duration set in "Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to", e.g. basal quantity for the next 30 minutes, or - * half the amount of insulin currently required, or - * the remaining portion of your maxIOB value in the settings. + * 基於當前基礎率(由 Autosens 調整)的數值,對應於 "限制 SMB 的最大臨時基礎率分鐘數" 中設定的持續時間,例如接下來 30 分鐘的基礎量,或 + * 當前所需胰島素量的一半,或 + * 設定中的最大可用胰島素 (maxIOB) 剩餘部分。 -2. Probably you will often notice low temporary basal rates (called 'low temps') or temporary basal rates at 0 U/h (called 'zero-temps'). This is by design for safety reasons and has no negative effects if the profile is set correctly. The IOB curve is more meaningful than the course of the temporary basal rates. +2. 你可能經常會注意到低臨時基礎率(稱為 “低臨時基礎率”)或設為 0 U/h 的臨時基礎率(稱為 “零臨時基礎率”)。 這是為了安全設計的,如果設定檔正確,這不會產生任何負面影響。 IOB 曲線比臨時基礎率的走向更有意義。 -3. Additional calculations to predict the course of glucose, e.g. by UAM (un-announced meals). Even without manual carbohydrate input from the user, UAM can automatically detect a significant increase in glucose levels due to meals, adrenaline or other influences and try to adjust this with SMB. To be on the safe side this also works the other way round and can stop the SMB earlier if an unexpectedly rapid drop in glucose occurs. That's why UAM should always be active at SMB. +3. 額外的計算可以預測血糖的變化趨勢,例如透過 UAM(未公告的餐食)。 即使用戶沒有手動輸入碳水化合物,UAM 也可以自動檢測到由於餐食、腎上腺素或其他影響而導致的血糖水平顯著增加,並嘗試使用 SMB 進行調整。 為了安全起見,這也能反向運作,如果血糖意外快速下降,系統可以提前停止 SMB。 這就是為什麼 UAM 應該在 SMB 中始終處於啟用狀態的原因。 -**You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB.** +**您必須開始使用[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)來使用 SMB。** -See also: [OpenAPS documentation for oref1 SMB]( and [Tim's info on SMB]( +另見:[OpenAPS 的 oref1 SMB 文件]( 和 [Tim 的 SMB 資訊](。 (Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)= -### Max U/h a temp basal can be set to (OpenAPS “max-basal”) +### 臨時基礎率的最大 U/h (OpenAPS "最大基礎率") -This safety setting determines the maximum temporary basal rate the insulin pump may deliver. The value should be the same in the pump and in AAPS and should be at least 3 times the highest single basal rate set. +此安全設定決定了胰島素幫浦所能提供的最大臨時基礎率。 該數值應與幫浦及 AAPS 中的設定一致,並且至少是每日最高單次基礎率的三倍。 -Example: +範例: -Your basal profile’s highest basal rate during the day is 1.00 U/h. Then a max-basal value of at least 3 U/h is recommended. +你的基礎設定檔中白天的最高基礎率為 1.00 U/h。 那麼建議的最大基礎率應至少為 3 U/h。 -AAPS limits the value as a 'hard limit' according to the patients age you have selected under settings. +AAPS 根據在設定中選擇的年齡,將此數值限制為「硬限制」。 -AAPS limits the value as follows: +AAPS 對此數值的限制如下: -* Child: 2 -* Teenager: 5 -* Adult: 10 -* Insulin-resistant adult: 12 -* Pregnant: 25 +* 兒童:2 +* 青少年:5 +* 成人:10 +* 胰島素抗性成人:12 +* 孕婦:25 -*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* +*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* (Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob)= -### Maximum total IOB OpenAPS can’t go over (OpenAPS "max-iob") +### OpenAPS 無法超過的最大 IOB 總量 (OpenAPS "最大 IOB") -This value determines the maxIOB that AAPS will remain under while running in closed loop mode. If the current IOB (e.g. after a meal bolus) is above the defined value, the loop stops dosing insulin until the IOB limit is below the given value. +此數值決定了 AAPS 在閉環模式下會保持的最大 IOB。 如果當前的 IOB(例如餐後注射)超過了設定值,循環將暫停胰島素注射,直到 IOB 降至設定的限制值以下。 -Using the OpenAPS SMB, max-IOB is calculated differently than in OpenAPS AMA. In AMA, maxIOB was just a safety-parameter for basal IOB, while in SMB-mode, it also includes bolus IOB. A good start is +使用 OpenAPS SMB 時,最大 IOB 的計算方式與 OpenAPS AMA 中有所不同。 在 AMA 中,最大 IOB 只是基礎 IOB 的安全參數,而在 SMB 模式下,它還包括了注射的 IOB。 一個好的起點是 - maxIOB = average mealbolus + 3x max daily basal + 最大 IOB = 平均餐食注射量 + 每日最大基礎率的 3 倍 -Be careful and patient and only change the settings step by step. It is different for everyone and can also depend on the average total daily dose (TDD). For safety reason, there is a limit, which depends on the patient age . The 'hard limit' for maxIOB is higher than in [AMA](Open-APS-features-max-u-hr-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +請謹慎並耐心地逐步更改設定。 每個人的情況都不同,這也可能取決於每日總劑量 (TDD) 的平均值。 為了安全起見,最大 IOB 存在一個限制,該限制依病患年齡而定。 最大 IOB 的硬限制高於 [AMA](Open-APS-features-max-u-hr-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)。 -* Child: 3 -* Teenager: 7 -* Adult: 12 -* Insulin resistant adult: 25 -* Pregnant: 40 +* 兒童:3 +* 青少年:7 +* 成人:12 +* 胰島素抗性成人:25 +* 孕婦:40 -*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* +*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* -See also [OpenAPS documentation for SMB]( +另見 [OpenAPS 的 SMB 文件](。 -### Enable AMA Autosens +### 啟用 AMA Autosens -Here, you can choose if you want to use the [sensitivity detection](../Configuration/ 'autosens' or not. +在這裡你可以選擇是否啟用 [敏感度檢測](../Configuration/ “autosens”。 (Open-APS-features-enable-smb)= -### Enable SMB +### 啟用 SMB -Enable this to use SMB functionality. If disabled, no SMBs will be given. +啟用此選項以使用 SMB 功能。 如果停用,則不會執行 SMB 注射。 -### Enable SMB with high temp targets +### 啟用具有高臨時目標的 SMB -If this setting is enabled, SMB will be allowed, but not necessarily enabled, when there is a high temporary target active (defined as anything above 100mg/dl regardless of profile target). This option is intended to be used to disable SMBs when the setting is disabled. For example, if this option is disabled, SMBs can be disabled by setting a temp target above 100mg/dl. This option will also disable SMB regardless of what other condition is trying to enable SMB. +如果啟用了此設定,當有高臨時目標(定義為超過 100 mg/dl 的任何目標)時,SMB 將允許,但不一定會啟用。 此選項旨在停用時禁止 SMB。 例如,如果此選項被停用,則可以透過設置超過 100 mg/dl 的臨時目標來停用 SMB。 此選項還會停用 SMB,不論其他任何條件是否嘗試啟用 SMB。 -If this setting is enabled, SMB will only be enabled with a high temp target if Enable SMB with temp targets is also enabled. +如果啟用了此設定,則只有在 "啟用臨時目標的 SMB" 也被啟用時,SMB 才會啟用。 (Open-APS-features-enable-smb-always)= -### Enable SMB always +### 始終啟用 SMB -If this setting is enabled, SMB is enabled always (independent of COB, temp targets or boluses). If this setting is enabled, the rest of the enable settings below will have no effect. However, if “Enable SMB with high temp targets” is disabled and a high temp target is set SMBs will be disabled. For safety reasons, this option is only available for BG sources with a good filtering system for noisy data. Currently it is only an available option with a Dexcom G5 or G6, if using the ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) or “native mode” in xDrip+. If a BG value has too large of a deviation, the G5/G6 doesn’t send it and waits for the next value in 5 minutes. +如果啟用了此設定,SMB 將始終啟用(無論 COB、臨時目標或注射量)。 如果啟用了此設定,下方的其他啟用設定將不再生效。 然而,如果「啟用具有高臨時目標的 SMB」被停用且設置了高臨時目標,SMB 將被停用。 為了安全起見,此選項僅適用於具有良好資料過濾系統的血糖來源。 目前,僅在使用 Dexcom G5 或 G6,並使用 ["自建 Dexcom 應用程式"](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) 或 xDrip+ 的「原生模式」時可使用此選項。 如果血糖數值偏差過大,G5/G6 不會發送資料,並等待 5 分鐘後的下一個數值。 -For other CGM/FGM like Freestyle Libre, ‘SMB always’ is deactivated until xDrip+ has a better noise smoothing plugin. You can find more [here](../Usage/ +對於其他 CGM/FGM(如 Freestyle Libre),「始終啟用 SMB」將停用,直到 xDrip+ 具有更好的噪音濾波外掛。 你可以在 [這裡找到更多資訊](../Usage/。 -### Enable SMB with COB +### 啟用具有 COB 的 SMB -If this setting is enabled, SMB is enabled when the COB is greater than 0. +如果啟用了此設定,當 COB 大於 0 時,SMB 將啟用。 -### Enable SMB with temp targets +### 啟用具有臨時目標的 SMB -If this setting is enabled, SMB is enabled when there is any temp target set (eating soon, activity, hypo, custom). If this setting is enabled but "Enable SMB with high temp targets" is disabled, SMB will be enabled when a low temp target is set (below 100mg/dl) but disabled when a high temp target is set. +如果啟用了此設定,當設置任何臨時目標時(如即將用餐、運動、低血糖、自訂),SMB 將啟用。 如果啟用了此設定但「啟用具有高臨時目標的 SMB」被停用,當設置低臨時目標(低於 100mg/dl)時,SMB 會啟用,而當設置高臨時目標時,則會停用 SMB。 -### Enable SMB after carbs +### 啟用碳水後的 SMB -If enabled, SMB is enabled for 6h after carbohydrates are announced, even if COB has reached 0. For safety reasons, this option is only available for BG sources with a nice filtering system for noisy data. Currently it is only an available option with a Dexcom G5 or G6 if using the ['Build your own Dexcom App'](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) or “native mode” in xDrip+. If a BG value has too large of a deviation, the G5/G6 doesn’t send it and waits for the next value in 5 minutes. +如果啟用了此設定,在碳水化合物被記錄後的 6 小時內,SMB 會啟用,即使 COB 已降至 0。 為了安全起見,此選項僅適用於具有良好資料過濾系統的血糖來源。 目前,僅在使用 Dexcom G5 或 G6,並使用 ["自建 Dexcom 應用程式"](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) 或 xDrip+ 的「原生模式」時可使用此選項。 如果血糖數值偏差過大,G5/G6 不會發送資料,並等待 5 分鐘後的下一個數值。 -For other CGM/FGM like Freestyle Libre, 'Enable SMB after carbs' is deactivated until xDrip+ has a better noise smoothing plugin. You can find [more information here](../Usage/ +對於其他 CGM/FGM(如 Freestyle Libre),「啟用碳水後的 SMB」將停用,直到 xDrip+ 具有更好的噪音濾波外掛。 你可以在 [這裡找到更多資訊](../Usage/。 -### How frequently SMBs will be given in min +### SMB 執行的最小間隔時間(分鐘) -This feature limits the frequency of SMBs. This value determines the minimum time between SMBs. Note that the loop runs every time a glucose value comes in (generally 5 minutes). Subtract 2 minute to give loop additional time to complete. E.g if you want SMB to be given every loop run, set this to 3 minutes. +此功能限制了 SMB 的頻率。 此數值決定了 SMB 之間的最小間隔時間。 注意,每當收到新的血糖數值(通常為每 5 分鐘一次)時,循環便會執行一次。 減去 2 分鐘以給循環更多時間完成。 例如,如果希望 SMB 每次循環運作時都執行,將此數值設為 3 分鐘。 -Default value: 3 min. +預設值:3 分鐘。 (Open-APS-features-max-minutes-of-basal-to-limit-smb-to)= -### Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to +### 限制 SMB 的最大基礎率時間(分鐘) -This is an important safety setting. This value determines how much SMB can be given based on the amount of basal insulin in a given time, when it is covered by COBs. +這是一個重要的安全設定。 此數值決定了在 COB 覆蓋的情況下,SMB 可以根據設定的基礎胰島素在給定時間內注射多少。 -Making this value larger allows the SMB to be more aggressive. You should start with the default value of 30 minutes. After some experience, increase the value in 15 minutes increments and observe the effects over multiple meals. +將此數值設得較大可以使 SMB 更具侵略性。 建議以 30 分鐘的預設值開始。 有了經驗後,可以每次增加 15 分鐘,並觀察多次用餐後的效果。 -It is recommended not to set the value higher than 90 minutes, as this would lead to a point where the algorithm might not be able to accommodate a decreasing BG with 0 U/h basal ('zero-temp'). You should also set alarms, especially if you are still testing new settings, which will warn you well before a hypo. +建議不要將此數值設置為超過 90 分鐘,因為這可能會導致演算法無法應對基礎率為 0 U/h(零臨時基礎率)的血糖下降情況。 特別是在你還在測試新設定時,應設置警報,這樣可以在低血糖發生之前提前發出警告。 -Default value: 30 min. +預設值:30 分鐘。 -### Enable UAM +### 啟用 UAM -With this option enabled, the SMB algorithm can recognize unannounced meals. This is helpful if you forget to tell AAPS about your carbs or estimate your carbs wrong and the amount of entered carbs is wrong or if a meal with lots of fat and protein has a longer duration than expected. Without any carb entry, UAM can recognize fast glucose increasements caused by carbs, adrenaline, etc., and tries to adjust it with SMBs. This also works the opposite way: if there is a fast glucose decrease, it can stop SMBs earlier. +啟用此選項後,SMB 演算法可以識別未申報的餐食。 這對於你忘記告知 AAPS 碳水化合物的情況、錯估碳水化合物數量或高脂肪和蛋白質的餐食持續時間比預期長有幫助。 即使沒有輸入任何碳水化合物,UAM 也可以識別由碳水化合物、腎上腺素等引起的快速血糖上升,並試圖透過 SMB 進行調整。 這也可以反向運作:如果血糖快速下降,它可以提前停止 SMB。 -**Therefore, UAM should always be activated when using SMB.** +**因此,當使用 SMB 時,UAM 應該始終啟用。** -### Sensitivity raises target +### 敏感度提升目標 -If this option is enabled, the sensitivity detection (autosens) can raise the target when sensitivity is detected (below 100%). In this case your target will be raised by the percentage of the detected sensitivity. +如果啟用了此選項,敏感度檢測(autosens)可以在檢測到胰島素敏感度增強(低於 100%)時提高目標值。 在這種情況下,目標值將根據檢測到的敏感度百分比提高。 -### Resistance lowers target +### 抗性降低目標 -If this option is enabled, the sensitivity detection (autosens) can lower the target when resistance is detected (above 100%). In this case your target will be lowered by the percentage of the detected resistance. +如果啟用了此選項,敏感度檢測(autosens)可以在檢測到胰島素抗性增加(高於 100%)時降低目標值。 在這種情況下,目標值將根據檢測到的抗性百分比降低。 -### High temp-target raises sensitivity +### 高臨時目標提升敏感度 -If you have this option enabled, the insulin sensitivity will be increased while having a temporary target above 100 mg/dl or 5.6 mmol/l. This means, the ISF will rise while IC and basal will decrease. This will effectively make AAPS less aggressive when you set a high temp target. +如果啟用了此選項,當臨時目標高於 100 mg/dl 或 5.6 mmol/l 時,胰島素敏感度將會增加。 這意味著,胰島素敏感因子(ISF)會上升,而胰島素碳水化合物比(IC)和基礎率會下降。 當你設定高臨時目標時,這將有效地使 AAPS 變得不那麼積極。 -### Low temp-target lowers sensitivity +### 低臨時目標降低敏感度 -If you have this option enabled, the insulin sensitivity will be decreased while having a temporary target lower than 100 mg/dl or 5.6 mmol/l. This means, the ISF will decrease while IC and basal will rise. This will effectively make AAPS more aggressive when you set a low temp target. +如果啟用了此選項,當臨時目標低於 100 mg/dl 或 5.6 mmol/l 時,胰島素敏感度將會下降。 這意味著,胰島素敏感因子(ISF)會下降,而胰島素碳水化合物比(IC)和基礎率會上升。 當你設定低臨時目標時,這將有效地使 AAPS 變得更具侵略性。 -### Advanced Settings +### 進階設定 -**Always use short average delta instead of simple data** If you enable this feature, AAPS uses the short average delta/blood glucose from the last 15 minutes, which is usually the average of the last three values. This helps AAPS to be steadier with noisy data sources like xDrip+ and Libre. +**始終使用短期平均變化量代替簡單資料** 如果啟用了此功能,AAPS 將使用過去 15 分鐘內的短期平均變化量/血糖,這通常是過去三個數值的平均值。 這有助於 AAPS 在處理如 xDrip+ 和 Libre 這樣的干擾性資料來源時更加穩定。 -**Max daily safety multiplier** This is an important safety limit. The default setting (which is unlikely to need adjusting) is 3. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 3x the highest hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump and/or profile. Example: if your highest basal rate is 1.0 U/h and max daily safety multiplier is 3, then AAPS can set a maximum temporary basal rate of 3.0 U/h (= 3 x 1.0 U/h). +**每日安全倍數上限** 這是一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 3(通常不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦和/或設定檔中的最高基礎率的 3 倍。 範例:如果你的最高基礎率為 1.0 U/h,而每日安全倍數上限為 3,那麼 AAPS 可以設定的最大臨時基礎率為 3.0 U/h(= 3 x 1.0 U/h)。 -Default value: 3 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know what you are doing) +預設值:3(除非你確實知道需要更改,否則不應更改此設定)。 -**Current Basal safety multiplier** This is another important safety limit. The default setting (which is also unlikely to need adjusting) is 4. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 4x the current hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump and/or profile. +**當前基礎率安全倍數** 這是另一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 4(通常也不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦和/或設定檔中的當前基礎率的 4 倍。 -Default value: 4 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know what you are doing) +預設值:4(除非你確實知道需要更改,否則不應更改此設定)。 * * * (Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama)= -## Advanced Meal Assist (AMA) +## 進階餐食輔助 (AMA) -AMA, the short form of "advanced meal assist" is an OpenAPS feature from 2017 (oref0). OpenAPS Advanced Meal Assist (AMA) allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus if you enter carbs reliably. +AMA 是 "進階餐食輔助" 的縮寫,是 2017 年 OpenAPS 的一項功能(oref0)。 OpenAPS 進階餐食輔助 (AMA) 允許系統在餐後注射後更快地提高臨時基礎率,前提是你可靠地輸入了碳水化合物。 -You can find more information in the [OpenAPS documentation]( +你可以在 [OpenAPS 文件]( 中找到更多資訊。 (Open-APS-features-max-u-hr-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)= -### Max U/hr a Temp Basal can be set to (OpenAPS "max-basal") +### 臨時基礎率的最大 U/h (OpenAPS "最大基礎率") -This safety setting helps AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate and limits the temp basal rate to x U/h. It is advised to set this to something sensible. A good recommendation is to take the highest basal rate in your profile and multiply it by 4 and at least 3. For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile is 1.0 U/h you could multiply that by 4 to get a value of 4 U/h and set the 4 as your safety parameter. +此安全設定有助於防止 AAPS 設定危險的高基礎率,並將臨時基礎率限制在 X U/h 以內。 建議將此設為合理的數值。 一個好的建議是將設定檔中的最高基礎率乘以 4,並至少乘以 3。 例如,如果設定檔中的最高基礎率是 1.0 U/h,你可以將其乘以 4,得到 4 U/h,並將該數值設為安全參數。 -You cannot chose any value: For safety reason, there is a 'hard limit', which depends on the patient age. The 'hard limit' for maxIOB is lower in AMA than in SMB. For children, the value is the lowest while for insulin resistant adults, it is the biggest. +你無法選擇任何值:出於安全考量,該數值的「硬性限制」取決於病患年齡。 AMA 模式中的 maxIOB 限制低於 SMB 模式。 對於兒童,該值是最低的,而對於胰島素抗性成人,它是最大的。 -The hardcoded parameters in AAPS are: +AAPS 中的硬性參數如下: -* Child: 2 -* Teenager: 5 -* Adult: 10 -* Insulin resistant adult: 12 -* Pregnant: 25 +* 兒童:2 +* 青少年:5 +* 成人:10 +* 胰島素抗性成人:12 +* 孕婦:25 -*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* +*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* -### Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver \[U\] (OpenAPS "max-iob") +### OpenAPS 可注射的最大基礎 IOB [U](OpenAPS "最大 IOB") -This parameter limits the maximum of basal IOB where AAPS still works. If the IOB is higher, it stops giving additional basal insulin until the basal IOB is under the limit. +此參數限制了 AAPS 在基礎 IOB 高於設定值時的最大注射量。 如果 IOB 高於該數值,則停止注射基礎胰島素,直到 IOB 降至限制值以下。 -The default value is 2, but you should be rise this parameter slowly to see how much it affects you and which value fits best. It is different for anyone and also depends on the average total daily dose (TDD). For safety reason, there is a limit, which depends on the patient age . The 'hard limit' for maxIOB is lower in AMA than in SMB. +預設值為 2,但你應該慢慢提升此參數,看看它對你的影響,以及哪個數值最適合你。 每個人都不同,這也可能取決於每日總劑量 (TDD) 的平均值。 為了安全起見,最大 IOB 存在一個限制,該限制依病患年齡而定。 AMA 模式中的 maxIOB 限制低於 SMB 模式。 -* Child: 3 -* Teenager: 5 -* Adult: 7 -* Insulin resistant adult: 12 -* Pregnant: 25 +* 兒童:3 +* 青少年:5 +* 成人:7 +* 胰島素抗性成人:12 +* 孕婦:25 -*See also [overview of hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits).* +*另見 [硬性限制總覽](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)。* -### Enable AMA Autosens +### 啟用 AMA Autosens -Here, you can chose, if you want to use the [sensitivity detection](../Configuration/ autosens or not. +在此你可以選擇是否使用 [敏感度檢測](../Configuration/ Autosens。 -### Autosens adjust temp targets too +### Autosens 也調整臨時目標 -If you have this option enabled, autosens can adjust targets (next to basal and ISF), too. This lets AAPS work more 'aggressive' or not. The actual target might be reached faster with this. +如果啟用了此選項,autosens 可以調整臨時目標(除了基礎率和 ISF)。 這使 AAPS 運作得更具侵略性或不那麼積極。 這樣可以更快地達到實際目標。 -### Advanced Settings +### 進階設定 -**Always use short average delta instead of simple data** If you enable this feature, AAPS uses the short average delta/blood glucose from the last 15 minutes, which is usually the average of the last three values. This helps AAPS to work more steady with noisy data sources like xDrip+ and Libre. +**始終使用短期平均變化量代替簡單資料** 如果啟用了此功能,AAPS 將使用過去 15 分鐘內的短期平均變化量/血糖,這通常是過去三個數值的平均值。 這有助於 AAPS 在處理如 xDrip+ 和 Libre 這樣的干擾性資料來源時更加穩定。 -**Max daily safety multiplier** This is an important safety limit. The default setting (which is unlikely to need adjusting) is 3. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 3x the highest hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump. Example: if your highest basal rate is 1.0 U/h and max daily safety multiplier is 3, then AAPS can set a maximum temporary basal rate of 3.0 U/h (= 3 x 1.0 U/h). +**每日安全倍數上限** 這是一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 3(通常不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦中最高每小時基礎率的 3 倍。 範例:如果你的最高基礎率為 1.0 U/h,而每日安全倍數上限為 3,那麼 AAPS 可以設定的最大臨時基礎率為 3.0 U/h(= 3 x 1.0 U/h)。 -Default value: 3 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know, what you are doing) +預設值:3(除非你真的需要更改且知道自己在做什麼,否則不應更改此設定)。 -**Current Basal safety multiplier** This is another important safety limit. The default setting (which is also unlikely to need adjusting) is 4. This means that AAPS will never be allowed to set a temporary basal rate that is more than 4x the current hourly basal rate programmed in a user’s pump. +**當前基礎率安全倍數** 這是另一個重要的安全限制。 預設值為 4(通常也不需要調整)。 這意味著 AAPS 永遠不允許設定的臨時基礎率超過使用者幫浦中當前基礎率的 4 倍。 -Default value: 4 (shouldn’t be changed unless you really need to and know, what you are doing) +預設值:4(除非你真的需要更改且知道自己在做什麼,否則不應更改此設定)。 -**Bolus snooze dia divisor** The feature “bolus snooze” works after a meal bolus. AAPS doesn’t set low temporary basal rates after a meal in the period of the DIA divided by the “bolus snooze”-parameter. The default value is 2. That means with a DIA of 5h, the “bolus snooze” would be 5h : 2 = 2.5h long. +**注射休眠 DIA 除數** 「注射休眠」功能在餐後注射胰島素後啟用。 AAPS 在餐後的 DIA 期間內,不會設定低的臨時基礎率,DIA 會除以「注射休眠」參數。 預設值為 2。 這意味著如果 DIA 為 5 小時,「注射休眠」將持續 5 小時:2 = 2.5 小時。 -Default value: 2 +預設值:2 * * * (Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits)= -## Overview of hard-coded limits +## 硬性限制總覽 - - - - - + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - + + + + + +
ChildTeenagerAdultInsulin resistant adultPregnant兒童青少年成人胰島素抗性成人孕婦
MAXBOLUS5,010,017,025,060,0最大注射量 (MAXBOLUS)
MINDIA5,05,05,05,05,0最小作用時間 (MINDIA)
MAXDIA9,09,09,09,010,0最大作用時間 (MAXDIA)
MINIC2,02,02,02,00,3最小碳水比 (MINIC)
MAXIC100,0100,0100,0100,0100,0最大碳水比 (MAXIC)100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
MAXIOB_AMA3,05,07,012,025,0最大 IOB (MAXIOB_AMA)
MAXIOB_SMB7,013,022,030,070,0最大 IOB (MAXIOB_SMB)
MAXBASAL2,05,010,012,025,0最大基礎率 (MAXBASAL)
\ No newline at end of file From ecc6e4290e5e41db601376a8343e798f038889de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 242/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 110 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 5931a5272058..79bb707e0f9d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,96 +1,96 @@ (Profiles-profile-switch)= -# Profile switch & Profile Percentage +# 設定檔切換及設定檔百分比 -This section will explain what is a **Profile Switch** and **Profile Percentage** . You can learn about how to create a **Profiles** at [Config Builder - profile](Config-Builder-profile). +本節將解釋什麼是**設定檔切換**及**設定檔百分比**。 你可以在[組態建置工具 - 設定檔](Config-Builder-profile)中學習如何建立**設定檔**。 -When first embarking on your **AAPS** journey you will need to create a **Profile**, understand how to action a **Profile Switch** and the learn the impact of a **Profile Percentage** within **AAPS**. The features of a **Profile Switch** or **Profile Percentage** can offer be particularly beneficial for: +當你剛開始使用**AAPS**時,你需要建立一個**設定檔**,了解如何執行**設定檔切換**,並學習**設定檔百分比**在**AAPS**中的影響。 **設定檔切換**或**設定檔百分比**的功能對於以下情況特別有益: -- the Menstrual Cycle - a percentage adjustment within a **Profile** can be set up in **Automations** in order to allow **AAPS** to accommodate for different stages of the hormone cycle and with predicted insulin resistance. +- 月經週期 - 可以在**自動化**中設定百分比調整,以便**AAPS**適應不同階段的荷爾蒙週期和預期的胰島素抗性。 -- Exercise - a percentage adjustment within a **Profile** can be set up in **Automations** for exercise in order to reduce basal intake. +- 運動 - 可以在**自動化**中設定百分比調整以減少基礎胰島素攝入。 -- Night or pattern shift workers - a time shift in **Profile** can be set up for pattern shift workers by altering the number of hours in the **Profile** to how much later/earlier the user will go to bed or wake up. +- 夜班或輪班工作者 - 透過更改設定檔中的小時數來調整設定檔,以符合使用者晚睡或早起的時間變化。 -Why use a **Profile Percentage** rather than a temporary basal adjustment? To be more effective in its application a **Profile Percentage** applies a proportionate reduction or increase across: basal, ISF and I:C. This ensures a balanced approach is calculated by **AAPS** when administering the user’s insulin intake. Little benefit can be gained in a user’s **Profile** in **AAPS** by a basal reduction if the algorithm continues to deliver the same ratios for ISF and I:C. +為什麼使用**設定檔百分比**而非臨時基礎率調整? 為了更有效地應用,**設定檔百分比**會對基礎率、ISF 和 I:C 進行比例減少或增加。 這確保**AAPS**在調整使用者的胰島素攝入時計算出平衡的方式。 如果僅僅降低基礎率,但演算法繼續應用相同的 ISF 和 I:C 比率,對使用者的**設定檔**幾乎無益。 -## How to activate a Profile Switch? +## 如何啟用設定檔切換? -Each **Profile** once selected by the user will require a “Profile Switch”. To do this, the user should edit their **Profile** or set up a new **Profile** within the “Local Profile” tab. Once the desired settings have been applied, the user should save their changes and activate the **Profile** by selecting ‘Activate Profile’ as shown below: +每個**設定檔**選擇後,都需要進行「設定檔切換」。 要做到這一點,使用者應編輯其**設定檔**或在「本地設定檔」標籤下設定一個新的**設定檔**。 應用所需的設定後,使用者應儲存更改並選擇「啟用設定檔」以啟用**設定檔**,如下所示: -![BB1_Screenshot 2024-06-22 234905]( +![BB1_截圖 2024-06-22 234905]( -Once a new **Profile** has been created and saved, **AAPS** will maintain a library of the user’s **Profiles** as generated by the user. +建立並儲存新的**設定檔**後,**AAPS** 將儲存使用者生成的**設定檔**庫。 -## How to activate a Profile Switch? +## 如何啟用設定檔切換? -A. In order use this feature the user must have more than one **Profile** saved within **AAPS**. To activate a **Profile Switch**: +A. 使用此功能時,使用者必須在**AAPS** 中儲存多個**設定檔**。 要啟用**設定檔切換**: -- **long-press** on the name of the **Profile** (the example below adopts a ‘Profile’ saved as: “(Lyum) low” on **AAPS’** homescreen and selects the desired **Profile** form the drop down tab: +- **長按** **設定檔**的名稱(範例中使用了存儲為「(Lyum) 低」的**設定檔**),並從下拉選單中選擇所需的**設定檔**: -1. Long press **Profile**; -2. Select desired **Profile**; and -3. then press ‘ok’. +1. 長按**設定檔**; +2. 選擇所需的**設定檔**;然後按「確定」。 +3. 然後按下『確定』。 -![BB2_Screenshot 2024-06-22 235345]( +![BB2_截圖 2024-06-22 235345]( -![BB3_Screenshot 2024-06-22 235456]( +![BB3_截圖 2024-06-22 235456]( -## To activate a Profile Percentage within Profile Switch: +## 要在設定檔切換中啟用設定檔百分比: -B. To activate a **Profile Percentage**: +B. 要啟用**設定檔百分比**: -- Follow the steps at A above. -- Adjust the fields for ‘Duration’ and ‘Percentage’ as required but noting the following. If the ‘Duration’ field (in as shown in icon 2 below) is: - - left ‘zero’, this will remain active in the **Profile** for an infinite amount of time. The **Profile** will remain active until the new “Profile switch” is selected and switched by the user. - - entered with the number of [x] minutes this will be the desired time period for the **Profile**. Upon expiry of the selected time frame, the standard **Profile** will revert into **AAPS**. +- 按照上述 A 的步驟進行。 +- 根據需要調整「持續時間」和「百分比」欄位,但需注意以下事項。 如果「持續時間」欄位(如圖示 2 所示): + - 設為「0」,則此設定檔將無限期保持啟用狀態。 設定檔將保持啟用,直到使用者選擇並切換到新的「設定檔切換」。 + - 如果輸入了 [x] 分鐘數,則這將是**設定檔**的預期持續時間。 當選定的時間範圍過期後,標準**設定檔**將回到**AAPS**中。 -![BB4_Screenshot 2024-06-23 000029]( +![BB4_截圖 2024-06-23 000029]( -How to action a **Profile** ‘Percentage’: +如何啟用設定檔「百分比」: -2. Enter ‘Duration’ field. +2. 輸入「持續時間」欄位。 -3. Enter ‘Percentage’ field. +3. 輸入「百分比」欄位。 -4. Enter ‘Time Shift’. +4. 輸入「時間調整」。 -## To activate a Profile Percentage within Profile Switch: +## 要在設定檔切換中啟用設定檔百分比: -It is important that a user understands the essential features of a **Profile Percentage**. By applying a percentage increase or decrease to a **Profile Switch** this will apply in the same percentage to either raise or lower the user’s settings parameters as set within the **Profile**. +使用者理解**設定百分比**的重要功能是很關鍵的。 透過對**設定切換**應用百分比增減,這將同樣比例地提高或降低使用者在**設定**中設定的參數。 -For example: a **Profile Switch** to 130% (means the user is 30% more insulin resistant) will instruct **AAPS** to +例如:將**設定切換**設為130%(表示使用者對胰島素的抵抗增加了30%),將指示**AAPS**進行以下操作: -- **increase** the basal rate by 30%; -- **lower** the **ISF**: by dividing by 1.3; -- **lower** the **I:C** by dividing by 1.3. +- **提高**基礎率30%; +- **降低** **ISF**:將其除以1.3; +- **降低** **I:C**:將其除以1.3。 -Remember lowering the **ISF** or **I:C** means a stronger ratio and more insulin being administered. This fact can be easily overlooked by new users to **AAPS**. +記住,降低**ISF**或**I:C**意味著更強的比例,並會施打更多的胰島素。 對**AAPS**的新使用者來說,這一事實可能很容易被忽略。 -Once selected, **AAPS** readjusts the default basal rate, and **AAPS** (open or closed) will continue to work on top of the selected percentage **Profile**. +一旦選擇後,**AAPS**會重新調整預設基礎率,並且**AAPS**(開啟或關閉)將在選擇的百分比**設定**上運作。 -The effect of a **Profile** Percentage is summarised in the table below:: +**設定百分比**的效果如下表所示: -![BB6_Screenshot 2024-06-23 001542]( +![BB6_螢幕擷圖 2024-06-23 001542]( -## Time shift of the Circadian Percentage Profile +## 晝夜節律設定百分比的時間調整 -A ‘time shift’ within a user’s **Profile** feature will move the user’s **Profile’s** settings around the day-to-day clock (‘circadian’) to the desired number of hours entered. This can be helpful for: +使用者的**設定**功能中的「時間調整」將把使用者的**設定**根據輸入的時數在日常作息(「晝夜節律」)中移動。 這對以下情況很有幫助: -- **night shift or pattern workers**: work night shifts by altering the number of hours to how much later/earlier in the **Profile** the user will go to bed or wake up; -- **users changing time zones during travelling**; or -- **users who are type 1 children**: and have a set bedtime routine and insulin resistance catered for within their **Profile**. If for whatever reason, there is a predicted later bedtime for the child, the caregiver can apply a ‘time shift’ to the child’s **Profile** to allow **AAPS** to react to insulin resistance at a desired time period as set by the user. +- **夜班或輪班工作者**:透過調整時數來改變**設定**中就寢或起床的時間; +- **跨時區旅行的使用者**;或 +- **1型糖尿病孩童的使用者**:他們有固定的就寢時間表及在設定內處理的胰島素抗性。 如果出於任何原因預測孩童會晚睡,照護者可以對孩童的**設定**應用「時間調整」,讓**AAPS**在使用者設定的特定時間處理胰島素抗性。 -It is always a question of which hour’s **Profile’s** settings should replace the settings of the current time. This time must be shifted by x hours. So please be mindful of the directions as described in the following example: +問題始終是哪些小時的**設定**應取代當前時間的設定。 此時間必須被調整x小時。 請留意以下範例中描述的指引: -- Current time: 12:00 -- **Positive** time shift - - 2:00 **+10 h** -> 12:00 - - Settings from 2:00 will be used instead of the settings normally used at 12:00 because of the positive time shift. -- **Negative** time shift - - 22:00 **-10 h** -> 12:00 - - Settings from 22:00 (10 pm) will be used instead of the settings normally used at 12:00 because of the negative time shift. +- 當前時間:12:00 +- **正** 時間調整 + - 2:00 **+10 小時** -> 12:00 + - 由於正向時間調整,將使用2:00的設定來取代通常在12:00使用的設定。 +- **負** 時間調整 + - 22:00 **-10 小時** -> 12:00 + - 由於負向時間調整,將使用22:00(晚上10點)的設定來取代通常在12:00使用的設定。 -![Profile switch timeshift directions](../images/ProfileSwitch_PlusMinus2.png) +![設定切換時間調整指引](../images/ProfileSwitch_PlusMinus2.png) -This mechanism of taking snapshots of the **Profile** allows a much more precise calculation of the past and the possibility to track **Profile** changes. \ No newline at end of file +透過記錄**設定**快照的機制,能夠更精確地計算過去的資料,並追蹤**設定**變更的可能性。 \ No newline at end of file From 22952be40ab2d6bd2606c480b1bcaef956f6a3f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 243/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 32 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ index 9410c4486604..63d2579f4cb5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ -# Useful resources to read before you start +# 開始之前值得閱讀的資源 -Before you build your rig, you're going to have to do a lot of reading in order to understand how everything works and to get the best out of it. We've put together a list of places you can go to get you started and hopefully answer a lot of your questions. +在你開始構建系統之前,必須閱讀大量的資料,以便了解一切如何運作,並能最大限度地發揮其效果。 我們整理了一些網站,幫助你開始並回答許多問題。 -## Further reading +## 進一步閱讀 -[ #wearenotwaiting -]( +[ #我們不再等待 -]( -[OpenAPS documention -]( +[OpenAPS 文檔 -]( -[Loop Docs -]( +[Loop 文檔 -]( -[Fine-Tuning your settings -]( +[微調您的設定 -]( -[Tim Omer – Hypodiabetic Blog -]( +[Tim Omer – Hypodiabetic 部落格 -]( [DIYPS -]( -[Diabetes and Technology - Where Diabetes meets Tech -]( +[糖尿病與科技 - 糖尿病與科技的交匯點 -]( -[OpenAPS Reference Design -]( +[OpenAPS 參考設計 -]( -[Why we are regularly wrong in the duration of insulin action (DIA) times we use, and why it matters -]( +[我們為何經常錯誤設置胰島素作用時間 (DIA),為何這很重要 -]( -[What conclusions can we draw when investigating Insulin Sensitivity using the Autosens function within #OpenAPS?]( +[在 #OpenAPS 中使用 Autosens 功能調查胰島素敏感性時,我們能得出哪些結論?]( []( -## Background reading and articles about DIY closed looping +## 關於 DIY 閉環系統的背景閱讀和文章 @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Before you build your rig, you're going to have to do a lot of reading in order -## Stuff on YouTube +## YouTube 上的資源 -[Tim Omer: Empowered Citizen "Health Hackers" - We Are Not Waiting! -]( +[Tim Omer: 被賦能的公民「健康黑客」- 我們不再等待! -]( -[Live interview with Dana Lewis, creator of Do-It-Yourself Pancreas System -]( \ No newline at end of file +[與 Do-It-Yourself 胰腺系統創作者 Dana Lewis 的現場訪談 -]( \ No newline at end of file From 222f227bc4f02c0da6404c965d996f2e92c5033c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 244/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 66 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ index 6d1af1809ace..f2e264d30b56 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Where-To-Go-For-Help/ @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ (Connect-with-other-users-i-m-getting-stuck-what-do-i-do-who-can-i-ask)= -# I'm getting stuck; What do I do? Who can I ask? +# 我卡住了;該怎麼辦? 我可以問誰? -This project is based on volunteer work so some rules apply to avoid extra work to those who so kindly donate their time and skills: +這個項目基於志願者工作,因此有一些規則需要遵守,以避免給那些慷慨捐出時間和技能的人增加額外的工作: -* level 1: Read the Wiki - we now have a search function to help you! -* level 2: Search the Facebook group, if there is not already an answer then ask your question in the [AndroidAPS Users Facebook group]( -* level 3: If facebook did not get results then ask in [discord]( Direct crossposts will be ignored/deleted on both channels to avoid duplicate answers. Don't forget that the majority of developers are in Europe so the response may not be 24/7; you may have to wait for several hours especially over weekends and holidays. -* level 4: Create an [issue]( and attach your [log files](../Usage/ -* level 5: email ** (only if personal data is involved that should not go in a public channel and your problems have not been resolved in the other levels) +* 第一層:閱讀 Wiki - 我們現在有搜索功能可以幫助你! +* 第二層:搜索 Facebook 群組,如果沒有已經回答的問題,請在 [AndroidAPS 用戶 Facebook 群組](中提問 +* 第三層:如果 Facebook 沒有結果,請在 [Discord]( 上提問。 為避免重複回答,兩個頻道中的直接轉貼內容將會被無視或移除。 不要忘記,大多數開發者都在歐洲,所以回覆可能不是 24 小時不間斷的;你可能需要等待幾個小時,尤其是週末和假期。 +* 第四層:建立一個[問題](,並附上你的[日誌文件](../Usage/ +* 第五層:發送電子郵件至 **(僅限涉及個人資料且未能在其他層面解決問題時使用) -For support on CGM sources please use the Facebook groups or discord channels for that specific system (e.g. [xdrip](, [600 series uploader]( or support on Nightscout use [CGMintheCloud]( as the users there will have a greater level of expertise than the people here who all use different systems. +關於 CGM 來源的支援,請使用該系統的 Facebook 群組或 Discord 頻道(例如 [xdrip](, [600 系列上傳器](,或者對 Nightscout 的支援請使用 [CGMintheCloud](,那裡的用戶擁有比這裡更高的專業知識。 -## Make sure to join the AndroidAPS users group on Facebook! +## 務必加入 AndroidAPS 用戶群組 Facebook! -Join the main [AndroidAPS Facebook group]( You can post here any questions about the algorithm, any setup problems you are having with Android Studio and building the APK, any queries about use of the app and tips for how to get best use out of it. There is also a group for Combo pump users [AAPSCombo]( which have a slightly more specific setup. +加入主要的 [AndroidAPS Facebook 群組](。 你可以在這裡提問有關算法的問題、關於 Android Studio 設置和構建 APK 的問題、以及有關應用使用的任何疑問,還有如何充分利用它的提示。 還有一個專門為 Combo 幫浦用戶設置的群組 [AAPSCombo](。 -## Other resources in English +## 其他英文資源 -* [Looped Facebook group]( covers all DIY closed loop systems (OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS) +* [Looped Facebook 群組](涵蓋所有 DIY 閉環系統(OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS) * [xDrip+ - Facebook]( * [xDrip+ - ]( -* [CGM in the cloud]( CGM in general -* [AndroidAPS on Discord]( +* [雲端中的 CGM](關於 CGM 的一般資訊 +* [AndroidAPS 在 Discord 上]( -## Country / language specific resources +## 國家/語言特定資源 -### Australia +### 澳大利亞 -* [Aussie Aussie Aussie Loop Loop Loop]( Australian users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS +* [Aussie Aussie Aussie Loop Loop Loop](澳大利亞 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶 -### Czech and Slovak +### 捷克和斯洛伐克 -* [DanaR, Insight a AndroidAPS CZ]( Czech speaking users of AndroidAPS +* [DanaR, Insight 和 AndroidAPS CZ](講捷克語的 AndroidAPS 用戶 -### Germany +### 德國 -* [Open Source Looper Community]( German looper community for Open Source Loop, diabetes in general, communication, support and local meet-up -* [Looper Meetings Germany, Austria & Switzerland]( -* [Freestyle Libre Freaks Facebook group]( Libre as CGM/FGM -* [NightscoutDE Facebook group]( +* [開源 Looper 社群](德國開源閉環社群,討論糖尿病、交流、支援和本地聚會 +* [Looper 會議德國、奧地利和瑞士]( +* [Freestyle Libre Freaks Facebook 群組](作為 CGM/FGM 的 Libre +* [NightscoutDE Facebook 群組]( -### Netherlands +### 荷蘭 -* [Looped-NL-BE]( Dutch speaking users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS -* [CGM in the cloud Nederlands]( +* [Looped-NL-BE](講荷蘭語的 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶 +* [雲端中的 CGM 荷蘭]( -### Poland +### 波蘭 -* [AndroidAPS Polska]( Polish AAPS community and diabates support group) +* [AndroidAPS Polska](波蘭 AAPS 社群與糖尿病支援群組 -### Sweden +### 瑞典 -* [Looped Sweden]( (Sweden based users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS) +* [Looped 瑞典](位於瑞典的 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶) -### UK +### 英國 -* [Looped UK]( (UK based users of OpenAPS, Loop and AndroidAPS) \ No newline at end of file +* [Looped 英國](位於英國的 OpenAPS、Loop 和 AndroidAPS 用戶) \ No newline at end of file From fbeb884ff3a7215e2e28f26c4fca9998d7242c87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 245/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 95 ++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 0e99dc6f1146..005dd697ea66 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,47 +1,21 @@ -# How to translate strings for the AAPS app or the documentation +# 如何為 AAPS 應用程式或文件翻譯字串 -* For the the strings used in the app go to and login using your GitHub account -* For the documentation please visit and login using your GitHub account +* 要翻譯應用程式中使用的字串,請前往 ,並使用您的 GitHub 帳號登入 +* 要翻譯文件,請查看 ,並使用您的 GitHub 帳號登入 -* Send a join request to the docs team. To do so click on the flag of the desired language and then the button "Join" on the top right corner of the next page. Please specify language, give some information about you and your AAPS experience and if you want to be a translator or proofreader (only people skilled in translating + advanced AAPS users). +* 向文件團隊發送加入請求。 為此,點擊所需語言的國旗,然後在下一頁的右上角點擊“加入”按鈕。 請指定語言,提供一些關於您的資訊以及您的 AAPS 經驗,並說明您想成為翻譯者還是校對者(僅限具有翻譯技能且為進階 AAPS 用戶的人成為校對者)。 -```{admonition} Time for Approval :class: note +```{admonition} 審批時間:class: note -The approval is a manual step. As non profit organization we don't provide SLAs but in general the approval will be done in < 1 day. If not please contact the Doc team via Facebook or Discord. +審批是一個手動步驟。 作為非營利組織,我們不提供 SLA,但一般情況下審批會在 1 天內完成。 如果沒有,請透過 Facebook 或 Discord 聯繫文件團隊。 -
* When we approve you, click the flag - ![When we approve you, click the flag](./images/translation_flags.png) +
* 當我們批准您時,點擊國旗 ![當我們批准您時,點擊國旗](./images/translation_flags.png)## 應用程式的翻譯(translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)=### 為 AAPS 應用程式翻譯字串* 如果您對翻譯的字串沒有偏好,只需選擇“翻譯所有”按鈕開始。 它會顯示需要翻譯的字串。 - ## Translation of the app + ![點擊翻譯所有](./images/translations-click-translate-all.png)* 如果您想翻譯單個文件,請透過搜索對話框或樹狀結構查找文件,並點擊文件名開始翻譯該文件中的字串。 - (translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)= - ### Translate strings for AAPS app + ![點擊 strings.xml](./images/translations-click-strings.png)* 透過在左側添加新翻譯文本或使用和編輯建議來翻譯句子 ![翻譯應用程式](./images/translations-translate.png)### 校對 AAPS 應用程式的字串* 校對者在語言主頁面中選擇“校對”以開始校對。 - * If you have no preference for strings you translate just select the "Translate All" button to start. It will show you the strings which need translation. - - ![Click translate all](./images/translations-click-translate-all.png) - - * If you want to translate an individual file please search for the file via search dialog or tree structure and click on the filename to start the translation work on strings in that file. - - ![Click strings.xml](./images/translations-click-strings.png) - - * Translate sentences on left side by adding new translated text or use & edit suggestion - - ![Translation app](./images/translations-translate.png) - - - ### Proofread strings for AAPS app - - * Proofreaders start by selecting "Proofread" when starting from the language home screen. - - ![Proofreading mode app](./images/translations-proofreading-mode.png) - - - and approve translated texts - - ![approve text](./images/translations-proofreading.png) - - When a proofreader approves a translation it will be added to the next version of AAPS. + ![校對模式應用程式](./images/translations-proofreading-mode.png) 並批准翻譯的文本 ![批准文本](./images/translations-proofreading.png)當校對者批准翻譯後,它將被添加到下一版本的 AAPS 中。 (translations-translation-of-the-documentation)= ## Translation of the documentation @@ -53,52 +27,39 @@ The approval is a manual step. As non profit organization we don't provide SLAs * Translate sentences by sentence - 1. The yellow text is the text you are working at the moment. - - 1. The green text is already translated. You don't need to do this again. - - 1. The red text is the remaining text which have to be translated. - - 1. This is the source text you are working on at the moment - - 1. This is the translation you are preparing. You can copy the text from above or select one of the suggestions below. - - 1. These are the suggestion for a translation. Especially you can see how much Crowdin rates this as a fit or if it was already just in the past and come up through text rearrangements but not content change. - 1. Press the "save" button to save a proposal for the translation. It will then promoted to a proofreader for final check. - - ![Translation docs](./images/translation_WikiTranslate.png) + 1. 黃色文本是您當前正在處理的文本。 - * A translated page will not be published in docs before + 1. 綠色文本是已翻譯的文本。 您不需要再次翻譯這些。 - 1. the translation is proofread + 1. 紅色文本是仍需翻譯的文本。 - 1. the sync run between Crowdin and Github finished (once an hour) which creates an PR for Github. + 1. 這是您當前正在處理的原始文本 1. 這是您正在準備的翻譯。 您可以從上方複製文本或選擇下方的建議之一。 - 1. the PR in Github was approved. + 1. 這些是翻譯建議。 特別是,您可以看到 Crowdin 如何評價這一翻譯是否符合要求,或者這是否只是過去的內容經過文本重新排列而沒有內容更改。 + 1. 按下“儲存”按鈕以儲存翻譯建議。 然後它會提交給校對者進行最終檢查。 - In general this needs 1 - 3 days but might during holiday take a little bit longer. + ![翻譯文件](./images/translation_WikiTranslate.png)* 翻譯的頁面不會在文件中發布,直到 1. 翻譯已被校對 1. Crowdin 和 Github 之間的同步運作已完成(每小時一次),這會為 Github 建立 PR。 - ### Translating links + 1. 該 PR 在 Github 中獲得批准。 - ```{admonition} Links are not translated anymore - :class: note + 一般來說,這需要 1-3 天,但在假日期間可能會花費更長時間。 - Links are not translated anymore. In the past we had a topic here but this is gone as through migraton to Markdown and the myst_parser we explicitly create labels in the english text and propagate these labels under the hood to the languages. + ### 翻譯鏈接```{admonition} 鏈接不再翻譯:class: note鏈接不再翻譯。 過去我們在這裡有一個主題,但由於遷移到 Markdown 和 myst_parser,我們在英文文本中顯式建立標籤,並在底層將這些標籤傳播到其他語言。 -You are translating the text which represents the link. Please you have to be carefull **not** to remove the link which is represented by a pair of `<0>` tags or if their are more in one paragraph other numbers. +您正在翻譯代表鏈接的文本。 請注意,**不要**移除由一對 `<0>` 標籤表示的鏈接,或者如果在同一段中有更多數字的鏈接也不要移除。 -It's the proofreaders job to have a special look on this! +這是校對者需要特別注意的事項! -### Proofreading +### 校對 -* Proofreaders have to switch to Proofreading mode +* 校對者必須切換到校對模式 - ![Proofreading mode docs](./images/translation_WikiProofreadingmode.png) + ![文件的校對模式](./images/translation_WikiProofreadingmode.png) - and approve translated texts + 並批准翻譯的文本 - ![approve text](./images/translations-proofreading.png) + ![批准文本](./images/translations-proofreading.png) -* When a proofreader approves a translation it will be added to the next docs build which happens in no fixed schedule on demand but around once a week except during hollidays. To speed up the process you can inform docs team about new translations. \ No newline at end of file +* 當校對者批准翻譯後,它將被添加到下一次文件構建中,該構建沒有固定的時間表,按需進行,但通常每週一次,假期期間除外。 為加快過程,您可以通知文件團隊關於新翻譯。 \ No newline at end of file From 01a4b74012d94a1a43e29a31c06790511c61ed79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 246/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 530 +++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 265 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 1b4c571163d0..5f33d0755565 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,508 +1,508 @@ -# How to edit the docs +# 如何編輯文件 -**This description is just for editing the English documentation. All new information must be added in English first. If you want to translate to other languages (thank you), please use [crowdin](** +**此描述僅適用於編輯英文文檔。 所有新訊息必須首先以英文添加。 如果您想將文檔翻譯成其他語言(感謝您的貢獻),請使用[Crowdin](。** -For hints how to format text (headline, bold...) and set links please see the ["code syntax"](make-a-PR-code-syntax) section of this page. +有關如何格式化文本(標題、加粗...)以及設置連結的提示,請參閱此頁面的["代碼語法"](make-a-PR-code-syntax)部分。 -## General +## 一般問題 -For any questions, feedback or new ideas you can contact the documentation team via [discord]( +如有任何問題、反饋或新想法,您可以透過[Discord](聯繫文件團隊。 -At some point it will be suggested that you make a pull request (PR), which is how your changes in the documentation are actually put onto the AAPS webpages, which are stored in GitHub. It's actually not too hard to do a PR and it is a great way to contribute. You are reading this documentation right now because people like you made PRs. Don't worry about making a mistake or somehow editing the wrong documents. Your changes are reviewed before they are merged into the "formal" AAPS documentation repository. You can't mess up the originals through any accidents in the process. The general process is: +某個時間點將建議您發送一個Pull Request (PR),這是您的文檔更改實際上被放到AAPS網頁上的方法,這些網頁儲存在GitHub中。 事實上,做一個PR並不太難,這是貢獻的一種很棒方式。 您現在正在閱讀這篇文檔,是因為像您這樣的人提交了PR。 別擔心犯錯誤或不小心編輯錯誤的文檔。 在將更改合併到“正式”AAPS文檔庫之前,您的更改會被審核。 您無法透過過程中的任何事故損壞原件。 一般過程如下: -- Make edits and improvements to code or documentation by editing the existing content. -- Double-check that your edits look good to you. -- Make a few notes of what's changed so people may understand the edits. -- Create a pull request, which asks the administrators to use your changes. -- They will do a review and either (1)merge your changes, (2)comment back to you about your changes, or (3)start a new document with your changes. +- 透過編輯現有內容來對代碼或文檔進行修改和改進。 +- 仔細檢查您的編輯是否符合您的預期。 +- 做一些筆記來說明所做的更改,以便人們理解這些編輯。 +- 建立一個Pull Request,請求管理員使用您的更改。 +- 他們將進行審核,並採取以下操作之一:(1)合併您的更改,(2)對您的更改進行反饋,或(3)根據您的更改建立一個新文檔。 -(Side note: If you are a visual learner, there is a YouTube video [here]( showing the PR workflow.) +(附註:如果您是視覺型學習者,這裡有一個顯示PR工作流程的YouTube視頻[這裡](。) -For our example we are going to make an edit to AndroidAPSdocs. This can be done on any Windows PC, Mac, etc. (any computer with Internet access). +我們的範例是對AndroidAPS文檔進行編輯。 這可以在任何Windows PC、Mac等設備上完成。 (任何有互聯網查看的電腦)。 -1. Go to and hit Fork in the upper right to make your own copy of the repository. +1. 前往 ,然後在右上角點擊 Fork 來製作自己的儲存庫副本。 -![Fork repo](./images/PR0.png) +![Fork庫](./images/PR0.png) -2. Go to any page and navigate to the page you want to edit. Click on the black box at bottom left of page with the green word "v: latest" or similar. In the pop up window that appears, click the word "edit" for editing in GitHub. +2. 查看任何頁面,導航到您想編輯的頁面。 點擊頁面左下方黑色方框中的綠色字“v: latest”或類似的字樣。 在出現的彈出窗口中,點擊“edit”來在GitHub中進行編輯。 -![edit doc](./images/PR1.png) +![編輯文檔](./images/PR1.png) -Or you can click on the "Edit in GitHub" link in the upper right corner, and then click the pencil icon that appears in the top bar of the page contents to be edited. You will need to be already logged into your Github account to do this (if you don't have one, they are straightforward to set up). +或者您可以點擊右上角的“Edit in GitHub”連結,然後點擊頂部欄中出現的鉛筆圖示以進行編輯。 您需要已經登錄到您的GitHub帳號才能執行此操作(如果您還沒有帳號,它們的設置非常簡單)。 ![RTD io](./images/PR2.png) -3. One or the other of the options in Step 2 will create a new branch in YOUR repository where your edits will be saved. Make your edits to the file. +3. 這兩種選擇中的任何一個都將在您的庫中建立一個新分支,您的編輯將儲存在該分支中。 對文件進行編輯。 -We are using markdown for the docs pages. The file have got the suffix ".md".The Markdown specification is not fixed and we use at the moment the myst_parser for our markdown files. Take care to use the correct syntax as [described below](make-a-PR-code-syntax). +我們使用Markdown語法來編寫文檔頁面。 文件的後綴為“.md”。目前我們使用myst_parser來處理我們的Markdown文件。 請注意使用正確的語法,具體說明請參閱[下文](make-a-PR-code-syntax)。 -![Edit branch](./images/PR3.png) +![編輯分支](./images/PR3.png) -4. You have been working in the "<>Edit file" tab. Select the "Preview changes" tab for a fresh look to make sure everything you changed looks like you meant it to (typpos sic.). If you see a needed improvement, go back to the edit tab to make more improvements. +4. 您正在“<>編輯文件”標籤中工作。 選擇“預覽更改”標籤,檢查所有更改是否按預期呈現。 如果您看到需要改進的地方,請返回編輯標籤進行更多改進。 -![preview mode](./images/PR5.png) +![預覽模式](./images/PR5.png) -5. When you have finished your edits, scroll to the bottom of the page. In the box at the bottom, provide your comments in the text field that reads, "Add an optional extended description...". The default title has the file name. Try to include a sentence explaining the **reason** for the change. Relating the reason helps reviewers understand what you are attempting to do with the PR. +5. 當您完成編輯後,滾動到頁面底部。 在底部的框中,在“添加可選擴展描述...”的文本字段中提供您的評論。 預設標題為文件名。 嘗試添加一句解釋**更改原因**的語句。 說明原因有助於審核者了解您嘗試透過PR進行的操作。 -![commit comments](./images/PR4.png) +![提交評論](./images/PR4.png) -6. Click the green "Propose file changes" or "Commit changes" button. In the page that appears click "Create Pull Request" and again in the next page click "Create Pull Request". +6. 點擊綠色的“建議文件更改”或“提交更改”按鈕。 在出現的頁面中點擊“建立Pull Request”,然後在下一頁再次點擊“建立Pull Request”。 -![create pull request](./images/PR6.png) +![建立Pull Request](./images/PR6.png) -7. That completes the opening of a pull request, PR. GitHub assigns the PR a number, located after the title and a hash mark. Return to this page to check for feedback (or, if you have GitHub notifications emailed to you, you will get emails notifying you of any activity on the PR). The edit will now be in a list of PR's that the team will review and potentially give feedback on before committing to the main documentation for AAPS! If you want to check on the progress of the PR, you can click on the bell logo in the upper right corner of your GitHub account and see all your PRs. +7. 這樣就完成了Pull Request的提交。 GitHub為PR分配了一個編號,位於標題後面和井號之後。 返回此頁面檢查反饋(或者,如果您已啟用GitHub通知,您將透過電子郵件收到關於PR活動的通知)。 現在,您的編輯將在一個PR列表中,團隊將審核並可能在合併到AAPS主要文檔之前提供反饋! 如果您想查看PR的進展,您可以點擊GitHub帳號右上角的鐘形標誌,查看所有的PR。 -![PR tracking](./images/PR7.png) +![PR追蹤](./images/PR7.png) -PS: Your fork and branch will still be sitting on your own personal GitHub account. After you get a notification that your PR has been merged, you can delete your branch if you are done with it (Step 8's notification area will provide a link to delete the branch once it has been closed or merged). For future edits, if you follow this procedure the edits will always start with an updated version of the AndroidAPSdocs repositories. If you choose to use another method to start a PR request (e.g., editing starting from your forked repo's master branch as the starting point), you will need to ensure your repo is up-to-date by performing a "compare" first and merging in any updates that have happened since you last updated your fork. Since people tend to forget to update their repos, we recommend using the PR process outlined above until you get familiar with performing "compares". +附註:您的Fork和分支將仍保留在您個人的GitHub帳號上。 當您收到通知您的PR已合併後,如果您已經完成了它,您可以刪除您的分支(步驟8的通知區域將提供一個連結,用於在分支被關閉或合併後刪除它)。 對於未來的編輯,如果您按照此流程,編輯將始終從AndroidAPSdocs庫的最新版本開始。 如果您選擇使用其他方法來開始PR請求(例如,從您分叉的庫的主分支開始進行編輯),則需要透過“比較”來確保您的庫是最新的,並合併自上次更新以來發生的任何更新。 由於人們往往忘記更新他們的庫,我們建議您按照上述PR流程進行,直到您熟悉執行“比較”。 (make-a-PR-code-syntax)= -## Code syntax +## 代碼語法 -We are using markdown for the documentation pages. The files have got the suffix ".md". +我們使用Markdown來編寫文檔頁面。 文件的後綴為“.md”。 -Markdown is a very simple text formating language which separates text content from text formating. +Markdown是一種非常簡單的文本格式語言,它將文本內容與文本格式分開。 -The writer only e.g. marks a headline as level 1 headline and the markdown processor generates the necessary HTML code during processing to render the heading in HTML. +編寫者只需標記標題為一級標題,Markdown處理器會在處理期間生成必要的HTML代碼,以在HTML中呈現標題。 -The idea behind this is that +其背後的理念是: -- the writer should think about the text and not the formatting first, -- the markdown text is open for exchange between different markdown tools instead of e.g. proprietary tools like Microsoft Windows and -- you can generate several output formats from one markdown file. +- 編寫者應該首先考慮文本,而不是格式, +- Markdown文本可以在不同的Markdown工具之間進行交換,而不像Windows等專有工具, +- 您可以從一個Markdown文件生成多種輸出格式。 -Markdown is not a 100% fixed standard and we try to stay as near as possible to the standard, to +Markdown並非100%固定標準,我們盡量保持與標準相近,以 -- stay flexible to change markdown tools as needed or forced in the further innovation of markdown tools and markdown SaaS services and -- enable us to use translation services to translate the English language in a target language like French or German. They can work on markdown but not complex formatting codes, because they can't separate content from layout, which might be fatal. +- 保持靈活性,以便在Markdown工具和Markdown SaaS服務的進一步創新中根據需要或強制更換Markdown工具,並 +- 使我們能夠使用翻譯服務將英文翻譯成目標語言,如法語或德語。 它們可以在Markdown上工作,但無法處理複雜的格式代碼,因為它們無法將內容與佈局分開,這可能會導致致命問題。 -### Headlines +### 標題 -- Headline 1: `# headline` -- Headline 2: `## headline` -- Headline 3: `### headline` -- Headline 4: `#### headline` +- 標題1:`# 標題` +- 標題2:`## 標題` +- 標題3:`### 標題` +- 標題4:`#### 標題` -We try to avoid further levels of headlines. +我們嘗試避免更進一步的標題層級。 -### Text format +### 文本格式 -- bold: `**text**` -- italic: `*text*` +- 加粗:`**文本**` +- 斜體:`*文本*` -### ordered list +### 有序列表 ::: -1. first -2. second -3. third ::: +1. 第一 +2. 第二 +3. 第三::: -4. first +4. 第一 -5. second -6. third +5. 第二 +6. 第三 -### unordered list +### 無序列表 ::: -- one element -- another element -- and another element ::: +- 一個元素 +- 另一個元素 +- 還有一個元素::: -- one element +- 一個元素 -- another element -- and another element +- 另一個元素 +- 還有一個元素 -### multi level list +### 多層級列表 -You can insert lists in lists by indenting the next level with 4 more spaces to the right than the one before. +您可以在列表中插入嵌套列表,方法是將下一層級比上一層級多縮進4個空格。 ::: -1. first -2. second -3. third - 1. one element - 2. another element - 3. and another element -4. four -5. five -6. six ::: +1. 第一 +2. 第二 +3. 第三 + 1. 一個元素 + 2. 另一個元素 + 3. 還有一個元素 +4. 第四 +5. 第五 +6. 六::: -7. first +7. 第一 -8. second -9. third - 1. one element - 2. another element - 3. and another element -10. four -11. five -12. six +8. 第二 +9. 第三 + 1. 一個元素 + 2. 另一個元素 + 3. 還有一個元素 +10. 第四 +11. 第五 +12. 六 -### Images +### 圖像 -To include images you use this markdown syntax. +要包含圖像,請使用此Markdown語法。 -- images: `![alt text](../images/file.png)` +- 圖像語法:`![替代文字](../images/file.png)` -The type of image should be PNG or JPEG. +圖像類型應為PNG或JPEG。 -Images names should confirm to one of following naming rules. In the example I use png as suffix. In case you use JPEG please use jpeg as a suffix instead. +圖像名稱應遵循以下命名規則之一。 在示例中,我使用png作為後綴。 如果使用JPEG,請使用jpeg作為後綴。 -- `filename-image-xx.png` where xx is a unique double digit number for the images in this file. -- `filename-image-xx.png` where xx is a meaning full name for the author of the md file. +- `filename-image-xx.png` 其中xx是該文件中圖像的唯一雙位數字。 +- `filename-image-xx.png` 其中xx是文件作者的有意義名稱。 -Images are located in the images folder for the english language and propagated to the other languages automatically by Crowdin. You have nothing to do for this! +圖像位於英文語言的圖像文件夾中,並透過Crowdin自動傳播到其他語言。 您無需為此做任何事! -We are not translating images at the moment. +我們目前不翻譯圖像。 -(make-a-PR-image-size)= Use a reasonable size for the images which must be readable on PC, tablet and mobiles. +(make-a-PR-image-size)=請使用合理的圖像尺寸,使其在PC、平板電腦和手機上可讀。 -- Screenshots from web pages images should be up to **1050 pixels wide**. -- Diagrams of process flows should be up to **1050 pixels wide**. -- Screenshots from the app should be up to **500 pixels wide**. +- 來自網頁的截圖圖像寬度應達到**1050像素**。 +- 流程圖的寬度應達到**1050像素**。 +- 應用程序的截圖寬度應達到**500像素**。 -### Links +### 連結 -#### External links +#### 外部連結 -External links are links to external web sites. +外部連結是指向外部網站的連結。 -- external link: `[alt text](www.url.tld)` +- 外部連結:`[替代文字](www.url.tld)` -#### Internal links to the start of a md file +#### 指向.md文件開頭的內部連結 -Internal links to pages are links to the start of a md file which is hosted on our own server. +指向頁面的內部連結是指向我們自己服務器上託管的.md文件開頭的連結。 -- internal link to .md page: `[alt text](../folder/` +- 內部連結到.md文件:`[替代文字](../folder/` -#### Internal links to named inline refernces +#### 指向內聯引用名稱的內部連結 -Internal links to named inline refernces are links to any point in a md file which is hosted on our own server and where a reference was set to link to. +指向內聯引用名稱的內部連結是指向我們自己服務器上託管的任何.md文件中的某個位置,並設置引用以連結到該位置。 -Add a named reference at the location in the target md file you want to jump to. +在目標.md文件中要跳轉的位置添加命名引用。 `(name-of-my-md-file-this-is-my-fancy-named-reference)=` -The named reference must be unique in the whole AndroidAPSDocs md files and not only the own md file it resides in! +命名引用必須在整個AndroidAPSDocs.md文件中唯一,而不僅僅是所在的.md文件! -Therefore it is a good practice to start with the filename and then the reference name you select. +因此,最好的做法是從文件名開始,然後選擇引用名稱。 -Use only lowercase letters and hyphenate words. +僅使用小寫字母並將單詞用連字符連線。 -Then link this refernce in the text you are writing with the following kind of link. +然後,使用以下類型的連結在您編寫的文本中連結此引用。 -- Internal links to named inline refernces: `[alt text](name-of-my-md-file-this-is-my-fancy-named-reference)` +- 指向內聯引用名稱的內部連結:`[替代文字](name-of-my-md-file-this-is-my-fancy-named-reference)` -### Notes, Warnings, Collapsing Notes +### 註釋、警告、折疊註釋 -You can add notes and warning boxes to documentation. +您可以在文檔中添加註釋和警告框。 -Furthermore you can add collapsing notes for detailed information which would users who are not interested in the details quench to read the text at all. Please use these carefully as the documentation should be as easy to read as possible. +此外,您還可以添加折疊註釋,為不感興趣於詳細訊息的用戶隱藏文本,以便閱讀體驗更輕鬆。 請謹慎使用這些功能,因為文檔應儘可能易於閱讀。 -#### Notes +#### 註釋 -:::: :::{admonition} Note :class: note +:::::::{admonition} 註釋:class: note -This is a note. ::: :::: +這是一個註釋。 ::::::: -:::{admonition} Note :class: note +:::{admonition} 註釋:class: note -This is a note. ::: +這是一個註釋。 ::: -#### Warnings +#### 警告 -:::: :::{admonition} Warning :class: warning +:::::::{admonition} 警告:class: warning -This is a warning. ::: :::: +這是一個警告。 ::::::: -:::{admonition} Warning :class: warning +:::{admonition} 警告:class: warning -This is a warning. ::: +這是一個警告。 ::: -#### Collapsing Notes +#### 折疊註釋 -:::: :::{admonition} further detailed readings for interested readers :class: dropdown +:::::::{admonition} 感興趣讀者的進一步詳細閱讀:class: dropdown -This admonition has been collapsed, meaning you can add longer form content here, without it taking up too much space on the page. ::: :::: +這個註釋已被折疊,這意味著您可以在此處添加較長的內容,而不會佔用頁面太多空間。 ::::::: -:::{admonition} further detailed readings for interested readers :class: dropdown +:::{admonition} 感興趣讀者的進一步詳細閱讀:class: dropdown -This admonition has been collapsed, meaning you can add longer form content here, without it taking up too much space on the page. ::: +這個註釋已被折疊,這意味著您可以在此處添加較長的內容,而不會佔用頁面太多空間。 ::: -## Style Guide +## 風格指南 -### Contents +### 目錄 -1. English language writing tips +1. 英文寫作技巧 -2. AAPS-specific writing notes +2. AAPS特定寫作注意事項 -3. Useful references +3. 有用的參考資料 -### ![Image](./images/styleguide01.png) 1\. English language writing tips +### ![圖像](./images/styleguide01.png) 1\. 英文寫作技巧 -#### Use language that is appropriate for the reader +#### 使用適合讀者的語言 -Use plain English wherever possible. This helps non-native readers and also aids translation of AAPS documents into other languages. Write in a conversational way with the user, imagine you are sitting across the desk from the person you are writing for. Remember - most AAPS users do not have programming backgrounds. Diabetes itself also has a lot of jargon and abbreviations. Bear in mind that some people may be recently diagnosed, may not be as experienced as you with diabetes, or may have been given different diabetes training. If you use shorthand or an abbreviation, write it out in full the first time you use it, giving the abbreviation directly after it in brackets, like “super micro bolus (SMB)”. Also, link to the glossary. Technical terms which might not be familiar to the reader can be also be added in brackets. +盡可能使用簡單的英文。 這有助於非母語讀者,也有助於將AAPS文檔翻譯成其他語言。 以與用戶交談的方式進行寫作,想像您正坐在讀者的對面。 記住——大多數AAPS用戶沒有編程背景。 糖尿病本身也有很多行話和縮寫。 請記住,有些人可能是剛剛被診斷出來的,可能沒有您對糖尿病的經驗,或者他們接受了不同的糖尿病培訓。 如果您使用簡寫或縮寫,請在第一次使用時將其完整寫出,並在括號中給出縮寫,如“超微注射(SMB)”。 此外,請連結到詞彙表。 讀者可能不熟悉的技術術語也可以放在括號中。 -Instead of: *“What causes high postprandial BG peaks in closed loop?"* +例如: *“閉環中餐後血糖高峰的原因是什麼?”* -Use: *“What causes a high BG peak **after lunch** (postprandial) in closed loop?"* +請使用:*“在閉環中餐後(餐後)的血糖高峰原因是什麼?”* -##### Use plain words that everyone can understand +##### 使用每個人都能理解的簡單詞語 -Find an A-Z of alternative words to make your writing easier to understand here: +這裡可以找到一個A-Z的替代詞匯表,以使您的寫作更易於理解: -#### Privacy/licensing concerns: +#### 隱私/許可證問題: -Particularly if you record video or screenshots, make sure not to disclose your private details (API key, passwords). Make sure Youtube content is not openly listed, and needs a link from the documentation to view. Avoid drawing attention to infringed copyrighted materials (BYODA etc). +特別是如果您錄製視頻或截圖,請確保不泄露您的私人訊息(API密鑰、密碼)。 確保YouTube內容未公開列出,並且需要連結才能從文檔中查看。 避免引起侵犯版權材料(BYODA等)的注意。 -#### Keep sentences short, get to the point +#### 保持句子簡短,直奔主題 -- Clear writing should have an average sentence length of 15 to 20 words. +- 清晰的寫作應平均句長為15至20個單詞。 -- This does not mean making every sentence the same length. Be punchy. Vary your writing by mixing short sentences (like the last one) with longer ones (like this one). +- 這並不意味著每個句子都要一樣長。 寫作應簡明有力。 透過將短句(如上面那一句)與較長的句子混合使用來改變您的寫作。 -- Stick to one main idea in a sentence, plus perhaps one other related point. +- 保持每個句子只有一個主要想法,並最多添加一個相關點。 -- You may still find yourself writing the odd long sentence, especially when trying to explain a complicated point. But most long sentences can be broken up in some way. +- 您可能會發現自己仍然會寫出一兩個長句,特別是在試圖解釋一個複雜的問題時。 但大多數長句可以以某種方式被分解。 -- Remove weak words: “you can”, “there is/are/were”, “in order to”. +- 去除虛弱詞語:“您可以”,“有/是/是的”,“為了”。 -- Place keywords near the beginning of titles, sentences and paragraphs. +- 將關鍵詞放在標題、句子和段落的開頭。 -- Be visual! Wherever possible provide a brief diagram, screenshot or video. +- 要具象化! 無論何時可能,請提供簡單的圖表、截圖或視頻。 -#### Don't be afraid to give instructions +#### 不要害怕給予指示 -Commands are the fastest way to give instructions, but writers sometimes fear giving commands, writing “you should do this” instead of just “do this”. Perhaps people worry that commands sound too harsh. You can often solve this by putting the word 'please' in front. However, if something must be done, it is best not to say ‘please’ as it gives the reader the option to refuse. +指令是最快的指示方式,但寫作者有時會害怕發出指令,寫成“你應該這樣做”而不是直接寫“做這件事”。 也許人們擔心指令聽起來太過嚴厲。 您可以透過在前面加上“請”字來解決這個問題。 然而,如果某件事情必須做,不要說“請”,因為這給了讀者拒絕的選擇。 -Instead of: *“You should just think of it as a complete statement."* +例如:*“你應該把它當作一個完整的聲明。”* -Use: *“Think of it as a complete statement.”* +改為:*“把它當作一個完整的聲明。”* -#### Mostly use active verbs, rather than passive verbs +#### 多使用主動動詞,而不是被動動詞 -Example of an **active verb**: +主動動詞的例子: -- *“The pump (subject) delivers (verb) the insulin (object).”* +- *“幫浦(主語)輸送(動詞)胰島素(賓語)。”* -“delivers” is an active verb here. The sentence says what is doing the delivering before it says what is being delivered. +“輸送”在這裡是主動動詞。 這個句子說的是誰在進行輸送,然後才說輸送的是什麼。 -Example of a **passive verb**: +被動動詞的例子: -- *“The insulin (subject) is delivered (verb) by the pump (object)”* +- *“胰島素(主語)由幫浦(賓語)輸送(動詞)。”* -*“delivered”* a passive verb here. The subject and object are switched around, compared to the active verb sentence. We have had to make the sentence longer by introducing “is” and “by the”. Also consider starting with the active verb. +*“輸送”*在這裡是被動動詞。 與主動動詞句子相比,主語和賓語位置調換了。 我們不得不引入“由”和“被”使句子變得更長。 還要考慮以主動動詞開頭。 -Instead of: *“You can connect your pump with the phone through the AAPS pump menu, and there are a number of pumps available for you to connect with.”* +例如:*“你可以透過AAPS幫浦選單將幫浦與手機連線,並且有多種幫浦可供連線。”* -Use: *“Connect your desired pump to the phone through the AAPS pump menu.”* +改為:*“透過AAPS幫浦選單將所需幫浦連線到手機。”* -Passive verbs can cause problems: +被動動詞會引發問題: -- They can be confusing. +- 它們容易讓人感到困惑。 -- They often make writing more long-winded. +- 它們通常讓寫作顯得冗長。 -- They make writing less lively. +- 它們使寫作不夠生動。 -##### Good uses of passives +##### 被動語態的良好用法 -There are times when it might be appropriate to use a passive. +有時使用被動語態是合適的。 -- To make something less hostile - 'this bill has not been paid' (passive) is softer than 'you have not paid this bill' (active). +- 使語氣不那麼尖銳——“這張賬單未被支付”(被動語態)比“你沒支付這張賬單”(主動語態)來得溫和。 -- To avoid taking the blame - 'a mistake was made' (passive) rather than 'You made a mistake' (active). +- 避免責任歸咎——“發生了錯誤”(被動語態)比“你犯了錯誤”(主動語態)來得不具指責性。 -- When you don't know who or what the doer is - 'the England team has been picked'. +- 當您不知道執行者是誰或什麼時——“英格蘭隊已被選定”。 -- If it simply sounds better. +- 如果聽起來更好。 -#### Avoid nominalisations +#### 避免名詞化 -A nominalisation is the name of something that isn't a physical object, such as a process, technique or emotion. Nominalisations are formed from verbs. +名詞化是指不是實物的某些過程、技術或情感的名稱。 名詞化是由動詞衍生的。 -For example: +例如: -| Verb | Nominalisation | -| --------- | -------------- | -| complete | completion | -| introduce | introduction | -| provide | provision | -| fail | failure | +| 動詞 | 名詞化 | +| -- | ---- | +| 完成 | 完成過程 | +| 介紹 | 介紹過程 | +| 提供 | 提供過程 | +| 失敗 | 失敗過程 | -They are often used **instead** of the verbs they come from, but they can sound as if nothing is actually happening. Too many of them can make writing very dull and heavy-going. +它們經常**取代**它們來自的動詞,但可能聽起來好像什麼都沒有實際發生。 太多的名詞化會使寫作變得非常沉悶和乏味。 -Instead of: *“The implementation of the method has been done by a team.”* +例如:*“該方法的實施是由一個團隊完成的。”* -Use: *“A team has implemented the method.”* +改為:*“該團隊實施了該方法。”* -#### Use lists where appropriate +#### 適時使用列表 -Lists are excellent for splitting information up. There are two main types of list: +列表非常適合將訊息分解開來。 列表有兩種類型: -- A continuous sentence with several listed points picked out at the beginning, middle or end. +- 連續句子,其中在開始、中間或結尾列出幾個重點。 -- Separate bullet points with an introductory statement. +- 以引言形式分開的項目圖示列表。 -In the bulleted list above, each point is a complete sentence so they each start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Use bullet points rather than numbers or letters, as they draw your attention to each point without giving you extra information to take in. +在上面的項目圖示列表中,每個要點都是完整的句子,因此它們都以大寫字母開頭,並以句號結尾。 使用項目圖示而不是數字或字母,因為它們能引起人們對每個要點的注意,而不會提供過多的額外訊息。 -#### Mythbusting +#### 破解神話 -- You can start a sentence with **and, but, because, so or however**. +- 您可以以**和、但、因為、所以或然而**開始句子。 -- You can split infinitives. So you can say **“to boldly go”**. +- 您可以分開不定式。 所以您可以說**“勇敢前行”**。 -- You can end a sentence with a preposition. In fact, it is something **we should stand up for**. +- 您可以以介詞結尾句子。 事實上,這是我們**應該支援的**。 -- And **you** can use the same **word** twice in a sentence if **you** can't find a better **word**. +- 而且**您**可以在一個句子中重複使用相同的**詞**,如果**您**找不到更好的**詞**。 -#### Optimising writing style by purpose +#### 透過目的來優化寫作風格 -To keep the documentation clear and short, we write different sections of the documentation in different styles. +為了保持文檔的清晰和簡潔,我們在文檔的不同部分使用不同的寫作風格。 -An “explanation” style is used for the introduction, background and knowledge development sections. +“解釋”風格用於介紹、背景和知識發展部分。 -A “How-to-guide” style (with minimal explanation) is used for building, configuring AAPS, and some of the troubleshooting sections. +“操作指南”風格(最少的解釋)用於構建、配置AAPS和一些故障排除部分。 -A tutorial helps the pupil acquire basic competence. The user will **learn by doing**. +教程幫助學習者獲得基本的能力。 用戶將**透過操作學習**。 -![Image](./images/styleguide02.png) +![圖像](./images/styleguide02.png) -##### ![Image](./images/styleguide03.png) Tutorials (e.g. teaching a kid to beat egg whites) +##### ![圖像](./images/styleguide03.png) 教程(例如教孩子如何打蛋白) -- narrator directly talks to the reader: In this tutorial **you** will (we) could be used to convey “we are in this together” frame-of-thought in some rare cases +- 敘述者直接與讀者交談:在這個教程中**您**將會學到(在某些罕見情況下,可以使用“我們”來表達“我們在這一起”) -- Future Tense -> to show the final target +- 未來時態 -> 顯示最終目標 -- Imperative Tense -> to do the tasks -> Concrete steps - avoid abstract concepts +- 指令時態 -> 進行任務 -> 具體步驟 - 避免抽象概念 -- Past Tense -> to show accomplished tasks -> Quick and immediate visible results +- 過去時態 -> 顯示已完成的任務 -> 快速且立即可見的結果 -- Minimum Explanations -> strict necessary to complete the task - **what and why** +- 最少的解釋 -> 嚴格為完成任務所需 -> **做什麼和為什麼** -- Ignore options/alternatives/…. No ambiguity +- 忽略選項/替代方案/…. 無歧義 -- Step Transitions: finish a step with a sentence leading to the next step as a logical progression flow. Example: *You have now installed the Let’s Encrypt client, but before obtaining certificates, you need to make sure that all required ports are open. To do this, you will update your firewall settings in the next step.* +- 步驟過渡:以一句引導至下一步的邏輯進程來完成一個步驟。 示例:*您現在已經安裝了Let’s Encrypt客戶端,但在獲取證書之前,您需要確保所有必需的端口都是開放的。 要做到這一點,您需要在下一步中更新防火牆設置。* -- **Tutorial** Title (Level 1 heading) +- **教程**標題(第1級標題) -- Introduction (no heading) +- 介紹(無標題) -- Prerequisites (Level 2 heading) +- 先決條件(第2級標題) -- Steps: +- 步驟: -- Step 1 — Doing the First Thing (Level 2 heading) +- 步驟1 —— 執行第一件事(第2級標題) -- Step 2 — Doing the Next Thing (Level 2 heading) +- 步驟2 —— 執行下一件事(第2級標題) -- Step n — Doing the Last Thing (Level 2 heading) +- 步驟n —— 執行最後一件事(第2級標題) -- Conclusion (Level 2 heading) +- 結論(第2級標題) -![Image](./images/styleguide04.png) +![圖像](./images/styleguide04.png) -##### ![Image](./images/styleguide05.png) How-To Guides (e.g. a recipe) +##### ![圖像](./images/styleguide05.png) 操作指南(例如食譜) -A how-to guide’s purpose is to help the already-competent user perform a particular task correctly. +操作指南的目的是幫助已經具備能力的用戶正確執行特定任務。 -- HOW-to +- 如何操作 -- narrator directly talks to the reader: In this tutorial **you** will +- 敘述者直接與讀者交談:在這個指南中**您**將會學到 -- Future Tense -> to show the final target +- 未來時態 -> 顯示最終目標 -- Conditional Imperative Tense -> to get X do y -> Concrete steps - avoid abstract concepts +- 條件指令時態 -> 要達到X做Y -> 具體步驟 - 避免抽象概念 -- Minimum Explanations -> strict necessary to complete the task -> **what and why** +- 最少的解釋 -> 嚴格為完成任務所需 -> **做什麼和為什麼** -- Ignore options/alternatives/…. No ambiguity, but you can link to the reference entry or explanation entry +- 忽略選項/替代方案/…. 無歧義,但您可以連結到參考條目或解釋條目 -- **How-to**: Title (Level 1 heading) +- **操作指南**:標題(第1級標題) -- Introduction paragraph +- 介紹段落 -- Optional Prerequisites (paragraph or Level 2 heading if more than 1) +- 可選先決條件(如果超過1個,則用段落或第2級標題表示) -- Steps: +- 步驟: -- Step 1 — Doing the First Thing (Level 2 heading) +- 步驟1 —— 執行第一件事(第2級標題) -- Step 2 — Doing the Next Thing (Level 2 heading) +- 步驟2 —— 執行下一件事(第2級標題) -- Step n — Doing the Last Thing (Level 2 heading) +- 步驟n —— 執行最後一件事(第2級標題) -- Conclusion paragraph +- 結論段落 -![Image](./images/styleguide06.png) +![圖像](./images/styleguide06.png) -##### ![Image](./images/styleguide07.png) Explanation (e.g. Science behind why egg whites stiffen when you beat them) +##### ![圖像](./images/styleguide07.png) 解釋(例如:為什麼打蛋白會變硬的科學原理) -An explanation clarifies, deepens and broadens the reader’s understanding of a subject. +解釋旨在澄清、加深並擴展讀者對某個主題的理解。 -- WHY +- 為什麼 -- Start with **About** +- 從**關於**開始 -- Provide context, link ALL relevant references +- 提供背景,連結所有相關參考資料 -- Discuss options/alternatives +- 討論選項/替代方案 -- Don’t instruct or provide reference (link to them) +- 不要提供指示或具體參考資料(連結到它們) -- State the unknown/moving targets etc… +- 說明未知/變動中的目標等... -- **About** Title (Level 1 heading) +- **關於**標題(第1級標題) -- Introduction (no heading) +- 介紹(無標題) -- Optional Prerequisites (Level 2 heading) +- 可選的先決條件(第2級標題) -- Subtopic 1 (level 2 heading) +- 子主題1(第2級標題) -- Conclusion (Level 2 heading) +- 結論(第2級標題) -![Image](./images/styleguide08.png) +![圖像](./images/styleguide08.png) -### 2\. AAPS-specific writing/updating notes +### 2\. AAPS 特定的寫作/更新筆記 -#### Author & Editor +#### 作者與編輯 -For writing/updating the AAPS documentation, consider the process as consisting of two stages. These can be carried out by the same person at different points, or more than one person. +撰寫/更新 AAPS 文檔的過程可以視為兩個階段。 這些步驟可以由同一個人在不同的時間點完成,或者由多個人共同完成。 -An **author (e.g. you!)** writes/edits a section of the documentation in a concise conversational tone, then passes it to the editor. +**作者(例如你!)**以簡潔且對話式的語氣撰寫/編輯文檔的一部分,然後交給編輯。 -The **editor (e.g. a fellow AAPS user, or the person who receives the pull request)** reviews adherence to the style guide, edits the section for clarity and accessibility, removing as many words as possible (especially for tutorial/how-to sections). Reading the text out loud may help. +**編輯(例如一位 AAPS 使用者,或是接收到 pull request 的人)**審查是否遵守風格指南,並對該部分進行編輯以確保清晰和易讀性,儘量刪除冗餘的文字(特別是教程/操作指南部分)。 大聲朗讀文本可能會有所幫助。 -#### General AAPS points +#### AAPS 常見要點 -- For glucose values, state both mg/dl and mmol/l in each occurrence (also consider this for screenshots, if possible). +- 對於血糖值,請在每次出現時同時標明 mg/dl 和 mmol/l(如果可能,也考慮將其應用於截圖)。 -- For consistency, use “AAPS” rather than “Android APS”. +- 為了保持一致性,使用 “AAPS” 而不是 “Android APS”。 -- Clearly state the version of Android Studio/AAPS you are writing for, or that the screenshots are taken from. +- 明確說明您撰寫的版本是針對哪一版本的 Android Studio/AAPS,或截圖取自哪個版本。 -### 3\. Useful References +### 3\. 有用的參考資料 -[Diátaxis (]( +[Diátaxis(]( -[Technical Writer Style Guide Examples | Technical Writer HQ]( +[技術寫作風格指南範例 | 技術寫作 HQ]( -[DigitalOcean's Technical Writing Guidelines | DigitalOcean]( +[DigitalOcean 的技術寫作指南 | DigitalOcean]( -[Top 10 tips for Microsoft style and voice - Microsoft Style Guide | Microsoft Learn]( +[Microsoft 風格與語氣的十大提示 - Microsoft 風格指南 | Microsoft Learn]( From bb05a4a099e72bf7fb5e0aee8202a55c209b4141 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 247/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index ca3e59f2af30..e3649b77a307 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# xDrip Engineering Mode +# xDrip 工程模式 -Enabling Engineering Mode in xDrip+ activates extended and experimental features within the app. +啟用 xDrip+ 工程模式將會開啟應用中的擴展及實驗功能。 -To enable Engineering Mode, on the xDrip+ home screen tap the Treatment icon on the right side of the screen (this resembles a syringe). Then tap and hold the microphone icon on the bottom-right of the Treatment interface. In the text field that opens, type "enable engineering mode" and click Done. Or, when Google Speak engine is active, speak the command "enable engineering mode". Engineering Mode is now enabled. \ No newline at end of file +要啟用工程模式,在 xDrip+ 主畫面點擊右側的治療圖示(類似注射器)。 然後按住治療介面右下角的麥克風圖示。 在彈出的文字欄位中輸入「enable engineering mode」,然後點擊完成。 或者,如果 Google 語音引擎已啟用,語音輸入指令「enable engineering mode」。 工程模式已啟用。 \ No newline at end of file From 724219a86fc9af39cc1598b721bf5d4158223608 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 248/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 42 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 5d3bd6a3fc7e..8554fea20554 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ (Troubleshooting-NSClient-troubleshooting-nsclient)= -# Troubleshooting NSClient +# NSClient 疑難排解 -NSClient relies on stable communication with Nightscout. An unstable connection leads to synchronization errors and high data usage. +NSClient 依賴於與 Nightscout 的穩定連線。 不穩定的連線會導致同步錯誤和高資料使用量。 -If nobody is following you on Nightscout you can choose to pause NSClient to save battery life or you can choose to setup NSClient so that it only connects when on Wi-Fi and/or during charging. +如果沒有人在 Nightscout 上追蹤你,你可以選擇暫停 NSClient 以節省電池,或設置 NSClient 僅在連線 Wi-Fi 和/或充電時才連線。 -* How to detect an unstable connection? +* 如何檢測不穩定的連線? -Go to NSClient tab in AAPS and watch the log. The expected behavior is to receive a PING every ~30s and almost no reconnection messages. If you see many reconnections, then there is a problem. +前往 AAPS 的 NSClient 標籤,並查看日誌。 預期行為是每隔約30秒接收一次 PING 並幾乎沒有重新連線訊息。 如果看到很多重新連線訊息,則表示有問題。 -Since AAPS version 2.0, when such behavior is detected, NSClient is paused for 15 minutes and the message "NSClient malfunction" is displayed on the main Overview screen. +自 AAPS 版本2.0起,當檢測到此類行為時,NSClient 將會暫停15分鐘,並在首頁總覽畫面顯示「NSClient 故障」。 -* Restart +* 重新啟動 -What you should try as a first step is restart both: Nightscout and then phone to see if the issue is permanent +首先應該嘗試重新啟動 Nightscout 和手機,查看問題是否仍然存在。 -If your Nightscout is hosted on Heroku, you can restart Nightscout by: Logging into Heroku, click on your nightscout app name, click on the 'More' menu, then 'Restart all dynos'. +如果你的 Nightscout 是託管在 Heroku 上,可以登入 Heroku,點擊你的 Nightscout 應用名稱,點擊「更多」選單,然後選擇「重新啟動所有 dynos」。 -For other hosts, please follow your hosts guidance documentation. +對於其他主機,請參閱你的主機指南文件。 -* Phone issues +* 手機問題 -Android may put your phone into a sleep mode. Check if you have an exception for AAPS in your phones power options to allow it to run in the background all the time. +Android 可能會讓你的手機進入睡眠模式。 檢查你的手機電源選項中是否為 AAPS 設定了例外,允許其始終在背景運作。 -Check the NSClient again when in strong network signal location. +在網路信號強的地方再次檢查 NSClient。 -Try another phone. +嘗試使用另一部手機。 * Nightscout -If your site is hosted on Azure, many people have found that connection issues have improved since moving to Heroku. +如果你的網站託管在 Azure 上,許多人發現轉移到 Heroku 後,連線問題有所改善。 -A workaround to connection issues in Azure is to set in Application settings HTTP protocol to 2.0 and Websockets to ON +Azure 連線問題的解決方法是在應用程式設定中將 HTTP 協議設為2.0,並將 Websockets 設為開啟。 -* No BG reading from Nightscout +* Nightscout 沒有血糖讀數 -If AAPS connects to Nightscout correctly but does BG displays as N/A. Go to NSCLIENT tab, press the 3 dot menu top right, Click NSClient Preferences -> Synchronization turn on "Receive/backfill CGM data". +如果 AAPS 正常連線到 Nightscout 但血糖顯示為 N/A。 前往 NSCLIENT 標籤,按右上角的三點選單,點擊 NSClient 偏好設定 -> 同步,打開「接收/回填 CGM 資料」。 -* If you still get an error... +* 如果仍然出現錯誤… -Check the size of your database in MongoDB (or via the database size plugin in nightscout). If you are using the free tier in MongoDB, 496MB means it is full and needs to be cleaned up. [Follow these Nightscout instructions for checking the size of your database and clearing out data]( +檢查 MongoDB 中資料庫的大小(或透過 Nightscout 中的資料庫大小外掛)。 如果你使用的是 MongoDB 的免費層,496MB 表示已滿,需要清理。 [請按照這些 Nightscout 說明檢查資料庫大小並清理資料](。 -Before clearing data from your database and if you haven't already set it up, you should consider donating your AAPS data to the Open Humans project (for research). The instructions are on the [OpenHumans configuration page](../Configuration/OpenHumans). \ No newline at end of file +在清理資料庫中的資料之前,如果你還沒有設置,應該考慮將你的 AAPS 資料捐贈給 Open Humans 項目(用於研究)。 說明在[OpenHumans 設定頁面](../Configuration/OpenHumans)。 \ No newline at end of file From 644b46b528f50f072acde3d2c917cf6e7f197513 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 249/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 142 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 9bd777fc7640..5eed2a83e1e7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,138 +1,138 @@ -# Timezone traveling with pumps +# 與幫浦跨時區旅行 -## DanaR, Korean DanaR +## DanaR,韓國 DanaR -There is no issue with changing timezone in phone because pump doesn't use history +更改手機時區沒有問題,因為幫浦不使用歷史記錄。 (Timezone-traveling-danarv2-danars)= -## DanaRv2, DanaRS +## DanaRv2,DanaRS -These pumps need a special care because AAPS is using history from the pump but the records in pump don't have timezone stamp. **That means if you simple change timezone in phone, records will be read with different timezone and will be doubled.** +這些幫浦需要特別注意,因為 AAPS 使用來自幫浦的歷史記錄,但幫浦記錄中沒有時區標籤。 **這意味著如果你簡單地更改手機的時區,記錄將會以不同的時區讀取,並且會重複。** -To avoid this there are two possibilities: +為避免這種情況,有兩種可能的解決方法: -### Option 1: Keep home time and timeshift profile +### 方案1:保持家庭時間並時間調整設定 -* Turn off 'Automatic date and time' in your phone settings (manual time zone change). -* Phone must keep your standard time as at home for the whole travel period. -* Time-shift your profile according to time difference between home time and destination time. +* 在手機設定中關閉「自動日期和時間」(手動更改時區)。 +* 手機在整個旅行期間必須保持為你的家庭標準時間。 +* 根據家庭時間與目的地時間的時差,時間調整你的設定。 - * Long-press profile name (middle of top section on homescreen) - * Select 'Profile Switch' - * Set 'Time shift' according to your destination. + * 長按設定名稱(主畫面頂部中間部分)。 + * 選擇「設定切換」。 + * 根據你的目的地設置「時間調整」。 - ![Profile switch with time shift](../images/ProfileSwitchTimeShift2.png) + ![設定切換與時間調整](../images/ProfileSwitchTimeShift2.png) - * i.e. Vienna -> New York: profile switch +6 hours - * i.e. Vienna -> Sydney: profile switch -8 hours -* Probably not an option if using [patched LibreLink app](Libre2-time-zone-travelling) as automatic time zone must be set to start a new Libre 2 sensor. + * 例如:維也納 -> 紐約:設定切換 +6 小時 + * 例如:維也納 -> 悉尼:設定切換 -8 小時 +* 如果使用[修改版的 LibreLink 應用程式](Libre2-time-zone-travelling),自動時區必須設置以啟動新的 Libre 2 感測器,這可能無法使用。 -### Option 2: Delete pump history +### 方案2:刪除幫浦歷史記錄 -* Turn off 'Automatic date and time' in your phone settings (manual time zone change) +* 在手機設定中關閉「自動日期和時間」(手動更改時區)。 -When get out of plane: +當下飛機時: -* turn off pump -* change timezone on phone -* turn off phone, turn on pump -* clear history in pump -* change time in pump -* turn on phone -* let phone connect to the pump and fine-tune time +* 關閉幫浦。 +* 更改手機時區。 +* 關閉手機,打開幫浦。 +* 清除幫浦中的歷史記錄。 +* 更改幫浦中的時間。 +* 打開手機。 +* 讓手機連線到幫浦並微調時間。 (Timezone-traveling-insight)= ## Insight -The driver automatically adjusts the time of the pump to the time of the phone. +驅動程式會自動將幫浦的時間調整為手機的時間。 -The Insight also records the history entries in which moment time was changed and from which (old) time to which (new) time. So the correct time can be determined in AAPS despite the time change. +Insight 也會記錄更改時間的歷史條目,記錄時間從哪個(舊)時間更改為哪個(新)時間。 因此,儘管時間發生變更,仍可以在 AAPS 中確定正確的時間。 -It may cause inaccuracies in the TDDs. But it shouldn't be a problem. +這可能會導致 TDD 計算不準確。 但這不應該成為問題。 -So the Insight user doesn't have to worry about timezone changes and time changes. There is one exception to this rule: The Insight pump has a small internal battery to power time etc. while you are changing the "real" battery. If changing battery takes to long this internal battery runs out of energy, the clock is reset and you are asked to enter time and date after inserting a new battery. In this case all entries prior to the battery change are skipped in calculation in AAPS as the correct time cannot be identified properly. +因此 Insight 使用者不需要擔心時區變更和時間更改。 此規則有一個例外:Insight 幫浦內部有一個小型電池來供電時間等。 當你更換「主」電池時保持時間運作。 如果更換電池的時間過長,這個內部電池會耗盡電力,時鐘將被重置,並在插入新電池後要求輸入時間和日期。 在這種情況下,更換電池之前的所有條目將在 AAPS 的計算中被跳過,因為無法正確識別正確的時間。 ## Accu-Chek Combo -The [new Combo driver](../Configuration/ automatically adjusts the time of the pump to the time of the phone. The Combo cannot store timezones, only local time, which is precisely what the new driver programs into the pump. In addition, it stores the timezone in the local AAPS preferences to be able to convert the pump's localtime to a full timestamp that has a timezone offset. The user does not have to do anything; if the time on the Combo deviates too much from the phone's current time, the pump's time is automatically adjusted. +[新的 Combo 驅動程式](../Configuration/會自動將幫浦的時間調整為手機的時間。 Combo 無法儲存時區,只能儲存本地時間,這正是新的驅動程式將其編程至幫浦中的方式。 此外,它會將時區儲存在本地 AAPS 偏好設定中,以便將幫浦的本地時間轉換為具有時區偏移的完整時間戳記。 使用者不需要做任何操作;如果 Combo 的時間與手機的當前時間相差太大,幫浦的時間會自動調整。 -Note that this takes some time, however, since it can only be done in the remote-terminal mode, which is generally slow. This is a Combo limitation that cannot be overcome. +請注意,這需要一些時間,因為只能在遠端終端模式下完成,而該模式通常較慢。 這是 Combo 無法克服的限制。 -The old, Ruffy-based driver does not adjust the time automatically. The user has to do that manually. See below for the steps necessary to do that safely in case the timezone / daylight savings is the reason for the change. +舊的基於 Ruffy 的驅動程式無法自動調整時間。 使用者必須手動進行調整。 如果是因為時區或夏令時間變更,請參閱下方的安全操作步驟。 (Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst)= ## Medtrum -The driver automatically adjusts the time of the pump to the time of the phone. +驅動程式會自動將幫浦的時間調整為手機的時間。 -Timezone changes keep the history in tact, only TDD may be affected. Manually changing the time on the phone can cause problems with the history and IOB. If you change time manually double check the IOB. +時區變更會保留歷史記錄,但可能會影響 TDD。 手動更改手機上的時間可能會導致歷史記錄和 IOB 出現問題。 如果手動更改時間,請仔細檢查 IOB。 -When the timezone or time changes running TBR's are stopped. +當時區或時間更改時,正在運作的 TBR 會停止。 -# Time adjustment daylight savings time (DST) +# 時間調整 夏令時間(DST) -Depending on pump and CGM setup, jumps in time can lead to problems. With the Combo e.g. the pump history gets read again and it would lead to duplicate entries. So please do the adjustment while awake and not during the night. +根據幫浦和 CGM 的設置,時間跳變可能會導致問題。 以 Combo 為例,幫浦的歷史記錄將重新讀取,並會導致重複條目。 因此,請在白天而非晚上進行時間調整。 -If you bolus with the calculator please don't use COB and IOB unless you made sure they are absolutely correct - better don't use them for a couple of hours after DST switch. +如果使用計算機注射,請不要使用 COB 和 IOB,除非您確定它們是完全正確的——在 DST 轉換後幾小時內最好不要使用它們。 -(Timezone-traveling-accu-chek-combo)= +(跨時區旅行-accu-chek-combo)= ## Accu-Chek Combo -**NOTE**: As mentioned above, this secton is only valid for the old, Ruffy-based driver. The new driver adjusts date and time and DST automatically. +**注意**:如上所述,本節僅適用於舊的基於 Ruffy 的驅動程式。 新的驅動程式會自動調整日期和時間以及 DST。 -AAPS will issue an alarm if the time between pump and phone differs too much. In case of DST time adjustment, this would be in the middle of the night. To prevent this and enjoy your sleep instead, follow these steps so that you can force the time change at a time convenient to yourself: +如果幫浦與手機的時間相差太大,AAPS 會發出警報。 在 DST 時間調整的情況下,這通常會發生在夜間。 為了避免這種情況,並讓您可以安穩睡覺,請遵循以下步驟,以便您能夠在方便的時間強制更改時間: -### Actions to take before the clock change +### 更改時鐘前的操作 -1. Switch OFF any setting that automatically sets the timezone, so you can force the time change when you want to. How you can do this will depend on your smartphone and Android version. +1. 關閉任何自動設置時區的設置,以便您可以在需要時強制更改時間。 如何操作將取決於您的智慧型手機和 Android 版本。 - * Some have two settings, one for automatic setting of the time (which ideally should remain on) and one for automatic setting of the timezone (which you must turn OFF). - * Unfortunately some Android versions have a single switch to enable automatic setting of both the time and the timezone. You’ll have to turn this off for now. + * 某些設備有兩個設置,一個是自動設置時間(理想情況下應保持開啟),另一個是自動設置時區(必須關閉)。 + * 不幸的是,一些 Android 版本只有一個開關,可以自動設置時間和時區。 您現在必須關閉這個開關。 -2. Find a time zone that has the same time as your current location but doesn't use DST. +2. 尋找一個與您當前位置有相同時間但不使用 DST 的時區。 - * A list of these countries is available []( - * For Central European Time (CET) this could be "Brazzaville" (Kongo). Change your phone's timezone to Kongo. + * 可在此找到這些國家的列表 []( + * 對於中歐時間(CET),這可能是「布拉柴維爾」(剛果)。 將您的手機時區更改為剛果。 -3. In AAPS refresh your pump. +3. 在 AAPS 中重新整理您的幫浦。 -4. Check the Treatments tab... If you see any duplicate treatments: +4. 檢查治療標籤... 如果看到任何重複的治療: - * DON'T press "delete treatments in the future" - * Hit "remove" on all future treatments and duplicate ones. This should invalidate the treatments rather than removing them so they will not be considered for IOB anymore. + * 請勿按「刪除未來治療」 + * 請按「移除」所有未來的治療和重複的治療。 這樣可以使治療無效,而不是將其移除,因此它們將不再被計入 IOB。 -5. If the situation on how much IOB/COB is unclear - for safety please disable the loop for at least one DIA and Max-Carb-Time - whatever is bigger.* +5. 如果 IOB/COB 的情況不清楚——為了安全起見,請停用循環至少一個 DIA 和最大碳水化合物時間,以較大的為準。 -### Actions to take after the clock change +### 更改時鐘後的操作 -A good time to make this switch would be with low IOB. E.g. an hour before a meal such as breakfast, (any recent boluses in the pump history will have been small SMB corrections. Your COB and IOB should both be close to zero.) +更改的最佳時間是當 IOB 低時。 例如,在用餐前一小時,例如早餐,(幫浦歷史記錄中的任何近期注射將是小的 SMB 校正)。 此時,您的 COB 和 IOB 應該都接近於零。 -1. Change the Android timezone back to your current location and re-enable automatic timezone. -2. AAPS will soon start alerting you that the Combo’s clock doesn’t match. So update the pump’s clock manually via the pump’s screen and buttons. -3. On the AAPS “Combo” screen, press Refresh. -4. Then go to the Treatments screen, and look for any events in the future. There shouldn’t be many. +1. 將 Android 時區更改回您的當前位置,並重新啟用自動時區。 +2. AAPS 很快就會提醒您 Combo 的時鐘與當前時間不匹配。 因此,請透過幫浦螢幕和按鈕手動更新幫浦的時鐘。 +3. 在 AAPS 的「Combo」畫面中,按「重新整理」。 +4. 然後轉到治療畫面,查看是否有任何未來事件。 應該不會有太多。 - * DON'T press "delete treatments in the future" - * Hit "remove" on all future treatments and duplicate ones. This should invalidate the treatments rather than removing them so they will not be considered for IOB anymore. + * 請勿按「刪除未來治療」 + * 請按「移除」所有未來的治療和重複的治療。 這樣可以使治療無效,而不是將其移除,因此它們將不再被計入 IOB。 -5. If the situation on how much IOB/COB is unclear - for safety please disable the loop for at least one DIA and Max-Carb-Time - whatever is bigger.* +5. 如果 IOB/COB 的情況不清楚——為了安全起見,請停用循環至少一個 DIA 和最大碳水化合物時間,以較大的為準。 -6. Continue as normal. +6. 正常繼續。 ## Accu-Chek Insight -* Change to DST is done automatically. No action required. +* DST 變更會自動完成。 無需進行任何操作。 ## Medtrum -* Change to DST is done automatically. No action required. +* DST 變更會自動完成。 無需進行任何操作。 -## Other pumps +## 其他幫浦 -* This feature is available since AAPS version 2.2. -* To prevent difficulties the Loop will be deactivated for 3 hours AFTER the DST switch. This is done for safety reasons (IOB too high due to duplicated bolus prior to DST change). -* You will receive a notification on the main screen prior to DST change that loop will be disabled temporarily. This message will appear without beep, vibration or anything. \ No newline at end of file +* 此功能自 AAPS 版本2.2起可用。 +* 為了避免問題,在 DST 切換後的3小時內將暫時停用循環。 這是出於安全原因(由於 DST 變更前的重複注射,IOB 過高)。 +* 您將在 DST 變更前在主畫面上收到一條通知,提示循環將暫時停用。 此訊息將不會發出嗶聲、振動或其他提示。 \ No newline at end of file From 6e3b4c2515aa901aa14fa59f6268230df45405b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 250/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 116 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 60cd66c7d7e5..f9bfe2b2eb54 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,108 +1,108 @@ -# Temp-Targets +# 臨時目標 -## What are Temp-Targets and where can I set and configure them? +## 什麼是臨時目標,並且我可以在哪裡設置和配置它們? -A **Temp-Target** (or short **TT**) is an **AAPS** feature that allows the user to alter their **BG** target range for planned activities. This is achieved by **AAPS** manipulating the user’s insulin usage. +**臨時目標**(或簡稱**TT**)是 **AAPS** 的一個功能,允許使用者調整其**血糖**目標範圍以配合計畫中的活動。 這是透過 **AAPS** 操控使用者的胰島素使用來實現的。 -**AAPS** provides for three **Temp-Target** options suitable for exercise (**Temp-Target- Activity**), meals (**Temp-Target- Eating soon**) and predicted hypoglycemia (**Temp-Target-Hypo**). **Temp-Targets** are located under the **Actions tab**. +**AAPS** 提供了三種適合不同情況的**臨時目標**選項,分別是運動(**臨時目標-運動**)、餐前準備(**臨時目標-即將用餐**)以及預測低血糖(**臨時目標-低血糖**)。 **臨時目標**位於**操作選單**下。 -Users should have realistic expectations on the results that can be achieved when selecting a **Temp-Target** in **AAPS**. The success of attaining a desired **BG** target will vary depending on a multiple factors ranging from: the reliability of the user’s **AAPS** settings, overall **BG** control, **IOB**, insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance, level of exertion undertaken during the exercise and so forth. +使用者在**AAPS**中選擇臨時目標時,應對能達到的結果保持合理的期望。 達到預期**血糖**目標的成功率取決於多種因素,包括使用者的**AAPS**設置、整體**血糖**控制、胰島素庫存量、胰島素敏感度、胰島素抵抗力、運動期間的活動量等等。 -A **Temp-Target** can take approximately 30 minutes or longer in order to attain a desired **BG** target. It is impossible for **AAPS** to achieve a **BG** target with immediate effect and users should be mindful of this when selecting a **Temp-Target**. +一個**臨時目標**可能需要大約30分鐘甚至更長時間才能達到預期的**血糖**目標。 **AAPS** 無法立即達到**血糖**目標,因此使用者在選擇**臨時目標**時應注意這一點。 -The table below summarises the features of **Temp-Target- Activity**, **Temp-Target- Eating soon**, and **Temp-Target-Hypo**. +下表總結了**臨時目標-運動**、**臨時目標-即將用餐**和**臨時目標-低血糖**的功能。 -![TT1_Screenshot 2024-01-26 231223]( +![TT1_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 231223]( -## Where can I select a Temp-Target? +## 我可以在哪裡選擇臨時目標? -1. go to **Actions** tab in **AAPS**; -2. select **Temporary Target** button; and then -3. select desired **Temp-Target** +1. 進入**AAPS**的**操作**選單; +2. 選擇**臨時目標**按鈕;然後 +3. 選擇所需的**臨時目標** -![TT2_Screenshot 2024-01-26 194028]( +![TT2_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 194028]( -Alternatively, **Temp-Target** can be activated in the “Carbs” button (step 1) by selecting the desired **Temp-Target** in the shortcuts (step 2) as shown below: +另外,可以透過點擊「碳水化合物」按鈕(步驟1),在捷徑中選擇所需的**臨時目標**(步驟2)來啟用**臨時目標**,如下所示: -![TT3_Screenshot 2024-01-26 194318]( +![TT3_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 194318]( -## Where can I change the default Temp-Target and override with my own preferences? +## 我可以在哪裡更改預設的**臨時目標**並根據個人偏好進行覆蓋? -To reconfigure the ‘BG target range’ and ‘duration’ allocated to the user’s default **Temp-Target** settings, go to the menu in **AAPS** on the top right hand corner and +要重新配置分配給使用者的預設**臨時目標**的「血糖目標範圍」和「持續時間」,請進入**AAPS**右上角的選單並 -1. select **Preferences** -2. scroll down to 'Overview’ -3. select ‘Default Temp-Targets’ -4. step 4 indicates (below) where to change **TT- Eating soon** time period -5. step 5 indicates (below) where to change **TT - Eating soon** **BG** target range (and the same steps can be repeated for **TT -Activity** and **TT - Hypo**. +1. 選擇**偏好設定** +2. 向下滾動至「總覽」 +3. 選擇「預設臨時目標」 +4. 步驟4 說明如何更改**臨時目標-即將用餐**的持續時間 +5. 步驟5 說明如何更改**臨時目標-即將用餐**的**血糖**目標範圍(同樣的步驟可應用於**臨時目標-運動**和**臨時目標-低血糖**)。 -![TT7_Screenshot 2024-01-26 213136]( +![TT7_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 213136]( -## How do I cancel a Temp-Target? +## 如何取消一個正在運作的**臨時目標**? -To cancel a **Temp-Target** running, select the “Cancel” button in **Temporary Target** under the **Actions** tab as shown below. +要取消正在運作的**臨時目標**,請在**操作選單**下的**臨時目標**中選擇「取消」按鈕,如下所示。 -![TT5_Screenshot 2024-01-26 195309]( +![TT5_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 195309]( -Or short-click on the ‘BG Target’ in the yellow/green box located in the top right corner of **AAPS**, and select ‘cancel’ as shown below: +或者,快速點擊**AAPS**右上角黃色/綠色框中的「血糖目標」,然後選擇「取消」,如下所示: -![Set temp target](../images/TempTarget_Set2.png) +![設置臨時目標](../images/TempTarget_Set2.png) -## How do I select a “Default-Temp-Targets” +## 如何選擇**預設臨時目標**? -To select a **Default-Temp-Target**, the user can short click on the target in the right corner on the top in the overview-tab to show **Temp Target** dialog and click on 'Eating Soon', 'Activity' or 'Hypo' button, or use the shortcuts in the orange 'Carbs' button. +要選擇**預設臨時目標**,使用者可以快速點擊首頁總覽標籤頁右上角的目標,打開**臨時目標**對話框,然後點擊「即將用餐」、「運動」或「低血糖」按鈕,或者使用橘色「碳水化合物」按鈕中的捷徑。 -- To slightly adjust the values of a **Default-Temp-Target**t, *long press* the 'Eating Soon', 'Activity' or 'Hypo' button and then edit the values in the Target or Duration fields. -- If a **Temp target** is running, an additional "Cancel" button is shown in dialog to cancel it. +- 要稍微調整**預設臨時目標**的值,*長按*「即將用餐」、「運動」或「低血糖」按鈕,然後在目標或持續時間欄位中編輯數值。 +- 如果臨時目標正在運作,對話框中會顯示一個額外的「取消」按鈕來取消它。 -## Hypo Temp-Target +## 低血糖臨時目標 -**Temp-Target Hypo** enables **AAPS** to prevent the user from experiencing low blood sugar by reducing insulin intake. If the user predicts their **BG** will go low: usually, **AAPS** should handle it, but much will depend on the stability of the user’s **AAPS'** settings. A **Temp-Target Hypo** enables the user to get ahead of the predicted low and update **AAPS** to reduce insulin. +**臨時目標-低血糖**可幫助**AAPS**透過減少胰島素攝入來防止使用者經歷低血糖。 如果使用者預測**血糖**會下降,通常**AAPS**會處理它,但很大程度上取決於使用者的**AAPS**設置是否穩定。 一個**臨時目標-低血糖**允許使用者提前應對預測的低血糖,並更新**AAPS**以減少胰島素。 -Sometimes when hypo-treated carbs are eaten, the user's **BG** can rapidly rise, and **AAPS** will correct against the fast rising **BG** by enabling **SMBs**. +有時候當食用了治療低血糖的碳水化合物時,使用者的**血糖**會迅速上升,**AAPS**會透過啟用**SMB**來應對快速上升的**血糖**。 -Some users wish to avoid **SMBs** being given during **Temp-Target Hypo**. This is achieved by deactivating *'Enable SMB with high Temp-Target'* in **Preferences** (see further below): +一些使用者希望在**臨時目標-低血糖**期間避免**SMB**的給藥。 這可以透過在**偏好設定**中停用*「啟用高臨時目標時的SMB」*來實現(詳見下文): -- In (Advanced, objective 9): the user can enable *“High Temp-Targets raises sensitivity”* for **Temp-Targets** of 100mg/dl or 5.5mmol/l or higher in OpenAPS SMB, **AAPS** will be more sensitive. +- 在「進階設定,目標9」中,使用者可以啟用*「高臨時目標提高敏感度」*,當**臨時目標**的血糖達到100mg/dl或5.5mmol/l或更高時,**AAPS**將變得更加敏感。 -- In (Advanced, objective 9): the user can deactivate *“SMB with high temp target”*, so that even if **AAPS** has COB > 0, “SMB with Temp-Target” or “SMB always” enabled and OpenAPS SMB active, **AAPS** will not give SMBs while high temp targets are active. +- 在「進階設定,目標9」中,使用者可以停用*「高臨時目標時的SMB」*,即使**COB**大於0,並且**SMB**已啟用,且**OpenAPS SMB**處於活動狀態,**AAPS**在高臨時目標期間也不會進行**SMB**。 -Note: if the user enters carbs with the carb button and your blood glucose is less than 72mg/dl or 4mmol/l, **Temp-Target Hypo** is automatically enabled by **AAPS**. +注意:如果使用者透過碳水化合物按鈕輸入碳水化合物,並且您的**血糖**低於72mg/dl或4mmol/l,**AAPS**會自動啟用**臨時目標-低血糖**。 -## Activity Temp-Target +## 運動臨時目標 -Before and during exercise, the user may require a higher target to prevent hypoglycemia during the activity. +在運動前和運動期間,使用者可能需要更高的目標來防止運動期間的低血糖。 -To simplify **Temp-Target Activity**, the user can configure a default **Temp-Target - Activity** to raise **BG** levels by reducing insulin usage in order to slow down **BG** fall and avoid hypoglycemia. +為了簡化**臨時目標-運動**的設定,使用者可以配置一個預設的**臨時目標-運動**,透過減少胰島素使用來提高**血糖**水平,以減緩**血糖**下降並避免低血糖。 -New users to **AAPS** may need to experiment and personalise their **Temp-Target Activity** default settings in order to optimise this feature to work best for them. Everyone is different when it comes to attaining stable BG control during exercise. See also the [sports section in FAQ](FAQ-sports). in FAQ. +新手使用者可能需要嘗試並個人化他們的**臨時目標-運動**預設設置,以優化這項功能的效果。 每個人在運動期間達到穩定**血糖**控制的情況各不相同。 另請參閱常見問題中的[運動部分](FAQ-sports)。 在常見問題中。 -Some users also prefer to activate a **Profile switch** (being a Profile decrease < 100% to reduced insulin delivery by **AAPS**) before and while **Temp-Target Activity** is on. +一些使用者還喜歡在啟用**臨時目標-運動**之前和期間啟動一個**設定切換**(即設定降至100%以下以減少**AAPS**的胰島素給藥)。 -Advanced, objective 9: users can enable *'High Temp-Targets raises sensitivity'* for **Temp-Targets** higher or equal 100mg/dl or 5.5mmol/L in OpenAPS **SMB**. Then **AAPS** is more sensitive. +進階設定,目標9:使用者可以為**臨時目標**啟用*「高臨時目標提高敏感度」*,當**臨時目標**達到或超過100mg/dl或5.5mmol/l時,**AAPS**將變得更加敏感。 此外,如果停用*「高臨時目標時的SMB」*,即使**COB**大於0,並且**SMB**已啟用,且**OpenAPS SMB**處於活動狀態,**AAPS**也不會在高臨時目標期間進行**SMB**。 -Additionally, if *'SMB with high Temp-Target'* is deactivated, **AAPS** will not deliver **SMBs**, even with COB > 0, *'SMB with Temp-Target-* or *'SMB always'* enabled and OpenAPS **SMB** active. +另外,如果停用了『高臨時目標下的 SMB』,即使 COB > 0,啟用了『臨時目標下的 SMB』或『始終啟用 SMB』,且 OpenAPS 的 SMB 活動中,AAPS 也不會執行 SMB。 -## Eating soon Temp-Target +## 即將用餐臨時目標 -**Temp-Target -Eating soon** can help accomplish a gentle drive down of **BG** and ensure there is ample **IOB** before eating. +**臨時目標-即將用餐**可以幫助實現緩和的血糖下降,並確保在用餐前有充足的**胰島素庫存量**。 -This can be an important tool for those users who do not pre bolus, however the efficacy of **Temp-Target -Eating soon** will depend on a number of factors including: the user’s settings, if they eat a low carb diet and whether they are using a fast acting insulin (like Fiasp or Lyjumjev) in order to eliminate the need to pre bolus. Ordinarily, until users are experienced in **AAPS** they should expect to pre bolus when using **Temp-Target -Eating soon** and this is particularly so, if eating a high carb diet. +這對於那些不進行餐前注射的使用者來說是一個重要工具,然而**臨時目標-即將用餐**的效果將取決於多種因素,包括使用者的設置、是否採用低碳水化合物飲食以及是否使用快效胰島素(如 Fiasp 或 Lyjumjev),以消除餐前注射的需求。 通常,除非使用者對**AAPS**有一定的經驗,否則在使用**臨時目標-即將用餐**時應該預期進行餐前注射,特別是在進食高碳水化合物飲食時。 -You can read more about the “Eating soon mode” in the article ['How to do “eating soon” mode']( or [here]( +您可以在文章[「如何啟用‘即將用餐模式’」](或[這裡](了解更多關於「即將用餐模式」的訊息。 -Advanced, [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb): If you use OpenAPS SMB and have *'Low temp target lowers sensitivity'*, **AAPS** works a little bit more aggressively. For this option there is a requirement for **Temp-Target** to be less than 100mg/dl or 5.5mmol/l. +進階設定,[目標9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb):如果您使用 OpenAPS SMB 並啟用了*「低臨時目標降低敏感度」*,**AAPS**會更加積極地運作。 此選項要求**臨時目標**低於100mg/dl或5.5mmol/l。 -## How do I turn off SMB during Temp-Targets? +## 如何在臨時目標期間關閉**SMB**? -To action this select in **Preferences** > and deactivate *'Enable SMB with high Temp-Target'*. +要執行此操作,請在**偏好設定**中選擇,並停用*「啟用高臨時目標時的SMB」*。 -![TT8_Screenshot 2024-01-26 230757]( +![TT8_螢幕擷圖 2024-01-26 230757]( -This will ensure **AAPS** will not give **SMBs**, even with COB > 0, *'SMB with Temp-Target'* or *'SMB alway'* enabled and OpenAPS SMB active. +這將確保**AAPS**即使在**COB**大於0,*「高臨時目標的SMB」*或*「始終啟用的SMB」*啟用且**OpenAPS SMB**處於活動狀態時,亦不會進行**SMB**。 -## Custom Temp-Target +## 自定義臨時目標 -If the user requires an manual adjustment to the **Temp-Target** *long press* the ‘Eating Soon’, ‘Activity’ or ‘Hypo’ button and then edit the values to the desired **BG** ‘target’ or ‘duration’ field. +如果使用者需要手動調整**臨時目標**,*長按*「即將用餐」、「運動」或「低血糖」按鈕,然後在**血糖**「目標」或「持續時間」欄位中編輯值。 -![Set temp target through Action tab](../images/TempTarget_ActionTab.png) \ No newline at end of file +![透過操作選單設置臨時目標](../images/TempTarget_ActionTab.png) \ No newline at end of file From c8b11b6c71e8c7fc1d0b98e16cca2240f59e0a7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 251/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 88 +++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 12ed35aaf4e0..8cf48af85be0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,89 +1,89 @@ # Android Auto -**AAPS** is capable of sending you information about your current status as a message, directly into Android Auto in your car. +**AAPS** 能夠將您的當前狀態以訊息形式直接發送到車內的 Android Auto。 -:::{admonition} version and last change information :class: dropdown date of last edit: 07/05/2023 +:::{admonition} 版本和最後更改訊息 :class: dropdown 最後編輯日期:2023/07/05 -versions used for documentation: +文檔使用的版本: * AAPS 3.2.0-dev-i -* Android Auto: 9.3.631434-release ::: +* Android Auto:9.3.631434-release ::: -## Requirements +## 需求 -**AAPS** uses a feature of Android Auto which allows messages from apps on the mobile to be routed to the display of Auto Audio in the car. +**AAPS** 使用了 Android Auto 的一個功能,允許來自手機應用的訊息傳輸到車載音響顯示。 -That means that: +這意味著: -* You must configure **AAPS** to use system notifications for alerts and notifications and -* As **AAPS** is an unofficial App, allow the use of "unknown sources" with Android Auto. +* 您必須配置**AAPS**以使用系統通知來進行警報和通知,並且 +* 由於**AAPS** 是非官方應用,需允許 Android Auto 使用「未知來源」。 -![AAPS CGM data on Android Auto](../images/android_auto_01.png) +![AAPS CGM 資料在 Android Auto 上的顯示](../images/android_auto_01.png) -(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto)= +(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto) -## Use system notifications in AAPS for alerts and notifications +## 在**AAPS**中使用系統通知進行警報和通知 -Open 3-dot-menu on top right of **AAPS** home screen and select **Preferences** +打開**AAPS**主畫面右上角的三點選單並選擇**偏好設定** -![Use system notifications for alerts and notifications](../images/android_auto_02.png) +![使用系統通知來進行警報和通知](../images/android_auto_02.png) -In **Local Alerts** activate **Use system notifications for alerts and notifications** +在**本地警報**中啟用**使用系統通知來進行警報和通知** -![Use system notifications for alerts and notifications](../images/android_auto_03.png) +![使用系統通知來進行警報和通知](../images/android_auto_03.png) -Please check now that you get notifications from **AAPS** on the phone before you walk to your car! +現在請確認在前往您的車輛之前,您能夠在手機上接收到來自**AAPS**的通知! -![Use system notifications for alerts and notifications](../images/android_auto_04.png) +![使用系統通知來進行警報和通知](../images/android_auto_04.png) -(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone)= +(Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone) -## Allow the use of "unknown sources" with Android Auto. +## 允許 Android Auto 使用「未知來源」。 -As **AAPS** is not an official Android Auto app, notifications have to be activated for "unknown sources" in Android Auto. This is done through the use of the developer mode which we will show you here. +由於**AAPS**不是官方的 Android Auto 應用,因此需要在 Android Auto 中啟用「未知來源」的通知。 這是透過使用開發者模式來完成的,我們將在此為您展示。 -Go to your car and connect your mobile with the cars audio system. +前往您的車輛並將手機連線到車載音響系統。 -You should now see a screen similar to this screen. +您現在應該會看到類似於此螢幕的畫面。 -![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_05.png) +![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_05.png) -Press on the **setting** icon to start the configuration. +點擊**設置**圖示以開始配置。 -Scroll down to the end of the page and select **see more in the phone**. +向下滾動到頁面底部並選擇**在手機上查看更多**。 -![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_06.png) +![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_06.png) -Now on the mobile we will activate the developer mode. +現在我們將在手機上啟用開發者模式。 -The first screen looks like this. Scroll down to the end of the page. +第一個畫面看起來是這樣的。 向下滾動到頁面底部。 -![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_07.png) +![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_07.png) -There you see the version of Android Auto listed. Tap 10 times (in word ten) on the version of Android Auto. With this hidden combination you have now enabled developer mode. +您會看到列出的 Android Auto 版本。 連續點擊 Android Auto 版本 10 次。 透過此隱藏的組合操作,您現在已啟用了開發者模式。 -![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_08.png) +![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_08.png) -Confirm that you want to enable the developer mode in the modal dialog "Allow development settings?". +在彈出的對話框「允許開發設置?」中確認您希望啟用開發者模式。 -![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_09.png) +![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_09.png) -In the **developer settings** enable the "Unknown sources". +在**開發者設置**中啟用「未知來源」。 -![Enable developer mode](../images/android_auto_10.png) +![啟用開發者模式](../images/android_auto_10.png) -Now you can quit developer mode if you want. Tap three dots menu on the top right to do so. +如果您願意,現在可以退出開發者模式。 點擊右上角的三點選單來執行此操作。 -## Show notifications in car +## 在車上顯示通知 -Tap the **number icon** on the lower right side in Android Auto in your car. +在車內的 Android Auto 中,點擊右下角的**數字圖示**。 -![number icon - Android Auto in car](../images/android_auto_11.png) +![數字圖示 - 車內 Android Auto](../images/android_auto_11.png) -Your CGM data will be shown as follows: +您的 CGM 資料將顯示如下: -![AAPS CGM data on Android Auto](../images/android_auto_01.png) +![AAPS CGM 資料在 Android Auto 上的顯示](../images/android_auto_01.png) -## Troubleshooting: +## 故障排除: -* If you don't see the notification, check if you [allowed AAPS to show notifications](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto) in Android and if [Android Auto has access rights to notifications](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone). \ No newline at end of file +* 如果您看不到通知,請檢查是否已在 Android 中[允許 AAPS 顯示通知](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-for-android-auto),以及 Android Auto 是否[擁有通知的存取權限](Android-auto-AAPS-settings-in-android-auto-app-on-your-phone)。 \ No newline at end of file From 1aff526ec548da146d79c8268099f6a6b0513d33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 252/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 106 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ index 35f15469832f..c281a498973d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Resources/ @@ -1,101 +1,101 @@ -# For Clinicians – A General Introduction and Guide to AAPS +# 給臨床醫生的介紹與指南 -This page is intended for clinicians who have expressed interest in open source artificial pancreas technology such as AAPS, or for patients who want to share such information with their clinicians. +本頁面是為對開源人工胰臟技術如 AAPS 感興趣的臨床醫生或想與其臨床醫生分享此類資訊的患者設計的。 -This guide has some high-level information about DIY closed looping and specifically how AAPS works. For more details on all of these topics, please view the [comprehensive AAPS documentation online](../ If you have questions, please ask your patient for more details, or always feel free to reach out to the community with question. (If you’re not on social media (e.g. [Twitter]( or Facebook), feel free to email [You can also find some of the latest studies & outcomes related data here]( +本指南提供了一些有關 DIY 閉環系統的高階資訊,特別是 AAPS 的運作方式。 有關這些主題的更多詳細資訊,請查看[AAPS 線上完整文檔](../。 如果您有疑問,請向您的患者詢問更多詳情,或隨時向社群提出問題。 (如果您不使用社交媒體(如 [Twitter]( 或 Facebook),也可以隨時發送電子郵件至。 [您也可以在此找到一些最新的研究與結果相關資料](。 -## The steps for building a DIY Closed Loop: +## 建立 DIY 閉環系統的步驟: -To start using AAPS, the following steps should be taken: +開始使用 AAPS,請按照以下步驟操作: -* Find a [compatible pump](../Hardware/, a [compatible Android device](, and a [compatible CGM source](../Configuration/ -* [Download the AAPS source code and build the software](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -* [Configure the software to talk to their diabetes devices and specify settings and safety preferences](index-configuration). +* 找到一個[相容的幫浦](../Hardware/、一個[相容的 Android 設備](和一個[相容的 CGM 來源](../Configuration/。 +* [下載 AAPS 原始碼並構建軟體](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +* [配置軟體以連線到糖尿病設備並指定設定與安全偏好](index-configuration)。 -## How A DIY Closed Loop Works +## DIY 閉環系統的工作原理 -Without a closed loop system, a person with diabetes gathers data from their pump and CGM, decides what to do, and takes action. +在沒有閉環系統的情況下,糖尿病患者需要從幫浦和 CGM 獲取資料,決定應該採取的措施,並執行這些措施。 -With automated insulin delivery, the system does the same thing: it gathers data from the pump, CGM, and anywhere else information is logged (such as Nightscout), uses this information to do the maths and decide how much more or less insulin is needed (above or below the underlying basal rate), and uses temporary basal rates to make the necessary adjustments to keep or eventually bring BGs into target range. +在自動胰島素輸送系統中,系統執行相同的操作:它從幫浦、CGM 及其他記錄資訊的來源(如 Nightscout)收集資料,使用這些資訊進行計算,並決定需要多少胰島素(超過或低於基礎速率),然後使用臨時基礎速率進行必要的調整,以保持或最終將血糖控制在目標範圍內。 -If the device running AAPS breaks or goes out of range of the pump, once the latest temporary basal rate ends, the pump falls back to being a standard pump with the preprogrammed basals rates runnning. +如果運作 AAPS 的設備損壞或超出幫浦範圍,一旦最新的臨時基礎速率結束,幫浦將恢復運作預編程的基礎速率。 -## How data is gathered: +## 資料如何收集: -With AAPS, an Android device runs a special app to do the math, the device communicates using Bluetooth with a supported pump. AAPS can communicate with other devices and to the cloud via wifi or mobile data to gather additional information, and to report to the patient, caregivers, and loved ones about what it’s doing and why. +在 AAPS 中,Android 設備運作一個特殊的應用程式來進行計算,設備透過藍牙與支援的幫浦連線。 AAPS 可以透過 Wi-Fi 或行動網路與其他設備及雲端進行通訊,以收集額外的資訊,並向患者、照護者和親人報告系統的工作情況和原因。 -The Android device needs to: +Android 設備需要: -* communicate with the pump and read history - how much insulin has been delivered -* communicate with the CGM (either directly, or via the cloud) - to see what BGs are/have been doing +* 與幫浦連線並讀取歷史記錄 - 已輸送多少胰島素 +* 與 CGM 直接或透過雲端通訊 - 查看當前及歷史血糖變化 -When the device has collected this data, the algorithm runs and does the decision-making based on the settings (ISF, carb ratio, DIA, target, etc.). If required, it then issues commands to the pump to modify insulin delivery rate. +當設備收集到這些資料後,演算法將根據設定(ISF、碳水比例、DIA、目標等)進行決策。 如果需要,它會向幫浦發出指令以修改胰島素輸送速率。 -It will also gather any information about boluses, carbohydrate consumption, and temporary target adjustments from the pump or from Nightscout to use it for the calculation of insulin delivery rates. +它還會收集有關注射劑量、碳水化合物攝取及臨時目標調整的資訊,從幫浦或 Nightscout 用於計算胰島素輸送速率。 -## How does it know what to do? +## 系統如何知道該做什麼? -The open source software is designed to make it easy for the device to do the work people used to do (in manual mode) to calculate how insulin delivery should be adjusted. It first collects data from all the supporting devices and from the cloud, prepares the data and runs the calculations, makes predictions of expected BG-levels during the next hours will be expected to do in different scenarios, and calculates the needed adjustments to keep or bring BG back into target range. Next it sends any necessary adjustments to the pump. Then it reads the data back, and does it over and over again. +開源軟體設計使設備能夠輕鬆執行人們以前(手動模式下)進行的胰島素輸送調整計算。 它首先收集所有支援設備及雲端的資料,準備資料並進行計算,預測未來幾小時的血糖水平變化,並計算出所需的調整以保持或將血糖恢復到目標範圍。 接著,它向幫浦發送必要的調整。 然後它回讀資料,並不斷重複這個過程。 -As the most important input parameter is the blood glucose level coming from the CGM, it is important to have high-quality CGM data. +由於最重要的輸入參數是來自 CGM 的血糖資料,因此擁有高質量的 CGM 資料至關重要。 -AAPS is designed to transparently track all input data it gathers, the resulting recommendation, and any action taken. It is therefore easy to answer the question at any time, “why is it doing X?” by reviewing the logs. +AAPS 設計用來透明地追蹤其收集的所有輸入資料、產生的建議及採取的任何行動。 因此,隨時可以透過查看日誌來回答「為什麼它要執行 X 操作?」這類問題。 -## Examples of AAPS algorithm decision making: +## AAPS 演算法決策的範例: -AAPS uses the same core algorithm and feature set as OpenAPS. The algorithm makes multiple predictions (based on settings, and the situation) representing different scenarios of what might happen in the future. In Nightscout, these are displayed as “purple lines”. AAPS uses different colors to separate these [prediction lines](Releasenotes-overview-tab). In the logs, it will describe which of these predictions and which time frame is driving the necessary actions. +AAPS 使用了與 OpenAPS 相同的核心演算法和功能集。 演算法會根據設定和當前情況進行多種預測,代表未來可能發生的不同情景。 在 Nightscout 中,這些顯示為「紫色線條」。 AAPS 使用不同的顏色來區分這些[預測線](Releasenotes-overview-tab)。 在日誌中,它會描述這些預測中的哪一條和哪個時間範圍驅動了必要的行動。 -### Here are examples of the purple prediction lines, and how they might differ: +### 這裡是一些紫色預測線的範例,以及它們可能的不同: -![Purple prediction line examples](../images/Prediction_lines.jpg) +![紫色預測線範例](../images/Prediction_lines.jpg) -### Here are examples of different time frames that influence the needed adjustments to insulin delivery: +### 以下是影響胰島素輸送調整所需的不同時間範圍範例: -### Scenario 1 - Zero Temp for safety +### 情境 1 - 為安全設置零臨時基礎速率 -In this example, BG is rising in the near-term time frame; however, it is predicted to be low over a longer time frame. In fact, it is predicted to go below target *and* the safety threshold. For safety to prevent the low, AAPS will issue a zero temp (temporary basal rate at 0%), until the eventualBG (in any time frame) is above threshold. +在此範例中,血糖在短期內上升;然而,預計長期內會偏低。 事實上,預計會低於目標值*和*安全閾值。 為了安全預防低血糖,AAPS 會發出零臨時基礎速率(0% 的臨時基礎速率),直到最終血糖(在任何時間範圍內)高於閾值。 -![Dosing scenario 1](../images/Dosing_scenario_1.jpg) +![劑量情境 1](../images/Dosing_scenario_1.jpg) -### Scenario 2 - Zero temp for safety +### 情境 2 - 為安全設置零臨時基礎速率 -In this example, BG is predicted to go low in the near-term, but is predicted to eventually be above target. However, because the near-term low is actually below the safety threshold, AAPS will issue a zero temp, until there is no longer any point of the prediction line that is below threshold. +在此範例中,預計血糖在短期內會偏低,但預計最終會高於目標值。 然而,由於短期內的低血糖實際上低於安全閾值,AAPS 會發出零臨時基礎速率,直到預測線不再有低於閾值的點。 -![Dosing scenario 2](../images/Dosing_scenario_2.jpg) +![劑量情境 2](../images/Dosing_scenario_2.jpg) -### Scenario 3 - More insulin needed +### 情境 3 - 需要更多胰島素 -In this example, a near-term prediction shows a dip below target. However, it is not predicted to be below the safety threshold. The eventual BG is above target. Therefore, AAPS will restrain from adding any insulin that would contribute to a near-term low (by adding insulin that would make the prediction go below threshold). It will then assess adding insulin to bring the lowest level of the eventual predicted BG down to target, once it is safe to do so. *(Depending on settings and the amount and timing of insulin required, this insulin may be delivered via temp basals or SMB's (super micro boluses) ).* +在此範例中,短期預測顯示目標下方的下降。 然而,預測不會低於安全閾值。 最終血糖高於目標值。 因此,AAPS 會避免添加可能導致預測低於閾值的胰島素。 一旦安全,AAPS 會評估是否添加胰島素以將最終預測血糖降低至目標範圍。 *(根據設定以及所需胰島素的數量和時間安排,這些胰島素可能透過臨時基礎速率或 SMB(超微量注射)輸送。)* -![Dosing scenario 3](../images/Dosing_scenario_3.jpg) +![劑量情境 3](../images/Dosing_scenario_3.jpg) -### Scenario 4 - Low temping for safety +### 情境 4 - 為安全設置低臨時基礎速率 -In this example, AAPS sees that BG is spiking well above target. However, due to the timing of insulin, there is already enough insulin in the body to bring BG into range eventually. In fact, BG is predicted to eventually be below target. Therefore, AAPS will not provide extra insulin so it will not contribute to a longer-timeframe low. Although BG is high/rising, a low temporary basal rate is likely here. +在此範例中,AAPS 看到血糖大幅超過目標。 然而,由於胰島素的時間安排,體內已經有足夠的胰島素能最終將血糖恢復到範圍內。 事實上,預計血糖最終會低於目標。 因此,AAPS 不會額外提供胰島素,以避免導致長時間內的低血糖。 儘管血糖偏高/上升,但此處可能會設置低臨時基礎速率。 -![Dosing scenario 4](../images/Dosing_scenario_4.jpg) +![劑量情境 4](../images/Dosing_scenario_4.jpg) -## Optimizing settings and making changes +## 優化設定並進行變更 -As a clinician who may not have experience with AAPS or DIY closed loops, you may find it challenging to help your patient optimize their settings or make changes to improve their outcomes. We have multiple tools and [guides]( in the community that help patients make small, tested adjustments to improve their settings. +對於可能沒有 AAPS 或 DIY 閉環經驗的臨床醫生,幫助患者優化其設定或進行變更以改善結果可能會有挑戰性。 我們社群中有許多工具和[指南](,可幫助患者進行小範圍且經過測試的調整,以改善其設定。 -The most important thing for patients to do is make one change at a time, and observe the impact for 2-3 days before choosing to change or modify another setting (unless it’s obviously a bad change that makes things worse, in which case they should revert immediately to the previous setting). The human tendency is to turn all the knobs and change everything at once; but if someone does so, then they may end up with further sub-optimal settings for the future, and find it hard to get back to a known good state. +對於患者來說,最重要的是每次只進行一項變更,並觀察 2-3 天的影響後再決定是否變更或修改另一項設定(除非該變更明顯是錯誤的,使情況變得更糟,此時他們應立即恢復到之前的設定)。 人的天性是希望同時調整所有參數,但這樣做可能會使未來的設定更次優,並且難以恢復到已知的良好狀態。 -One of the most powerful tools for making settings changes is an automated calculation tool for basal rates, ISF, and carb ratio. This is called “[Autotune](”. It is designed to be run independently/manually, and allow the data to guide you or your patient in making incremental changes to settings. It is best practice in the community to run (or review) Autotune reports first, prior to attempting to make manual adjustments to settings. With AAPS, Autotune will be run as a "one-off", although there are ongoing efforts to incorporate it directly into AAPS as well. As these parameters are a prerequisite both for standard pump insulin delivery and for closed loop insulin delivery, discussion of the autotune results and adustment of these parameters would be the natural link to the clinician. +其中一個強大的工具是自動計算基礎速率、ISF 和碳水化合物比例的工具。 這個工具叫做“[Autotune](”。 它設計為獨立/手動運作,允許資料指導您或您的患者進行設定的漸進變更。 社群中的最佳做法是在進行手動調整設定之前,先運作(或查看)Autotune 報告。 在 AAPS 中,Autotune 將作為“一次性”運作,但目前也正在努力將其直接整合到 AAPS 中。 由於這些參數既是標準幫浦胰島素輸送的前提,也是閉環胰島素輸送的前提,因此討論 Autotune 結果並調整這些參數將是與臨床醫生之間的自然聯繫。 -Additionally, human behavior (learned from manual diabetes mode) often influences outcomes, even with a DIY closed loop. For example, if BG is predicted to go low and AAPS reduces insulin on the way down, only a small amount of carbs (e.g. 3-4g carbs) may be needed to bring BG up from 70 mg/dl (3.9 mmol). However, in many cases, someone may choose to treat with many more carbs (e.g. sticking to the 15 rule), which will cause a resulting faster spike both from the extra glucose and because insulin had been reduced in the timeframe leading up to the low. +此外,人的行為(從手動糖尿病模式中學習)也經常影響結果,即使在使用 DIY 閉環系統時也是如此。 例如,如果預測血糖會下降,AAPS 在下降過程中減少胰島素輸送,則可能只需要少量碳水化合物(例如 3-4 克碳水)即可將血糖從 70 mg/dl(3.9 mmol)上升。 然而,在許多情況下,有人可能會選擇使用更多的碳水(例如堅持使用 15 克原則),這會導致由於額外的葡萄糖和時間內減少的胰島素而引發更快的血糖峰值。 ## OpenAPS -**This guide was adopted from [The clinician's guide to OpenAPS](** OpenAPS is a system developed to be run on a small portable computer (generally referred to as the "rig"). AAPS uses many of the techniques implemented in OpenAPS, and shares much of the logic and algorithms, which is why this guide is very similar to the original guide. Much of the information about OpenAPS can be easily adapted to AAPS, with the main difference being the hardware platform where each piece of software is run. +**本指南改編自[OpenAPS 臨床醫生指南](。** OpenAPS 是一種開發用來運作在小型可攜式計算機上的系統(通常稱為「裝置」)。 AAPS 採用了 OpenAPS 實現的許多技術,並共享許多邏輯和演算法,這就是為什麼本指南與原始指南非常相似。 有關 OpenAPS 的許多資訊可以輕鬆應用到 AAPS 中,主要區別在於每個軟體運作的硬體平台不同。 -## Summary +## 總結 -This is meant to be a high-level overview of how AAPS works. For more details, ask your patient, reach out to the community, or read the full AAPS documentation available online. +這旨在對 AAPS 的運作方式進行高階概述。 有關更多詳細資訊,請諮詢您的患者,聯繫社群,或閱讀線上提供的 AAPS 完整文檔。 -Additional recommended reading: +其他推薦閱讀: -* The [full AAPS documentation](../index) -* The [OpenAPS Reference Design](, which explains how OpenAPS is designed for safety: -* The [full OpenAPS documentation]( - * More [details on OpenAPS calculations]( \ No newline at end of file +* [AAPS 完整文檔](../index) +* [OpenAPS 參考設計](,其中解釋了 OpenAPS 如何為安全設計: +* [OpenAPS 完整文檔]( + * 有關 OpenAPS 計算的更多詳情請參閱[這裡]( \ No newline at end of file From 85d5a18e4077d979aa49436fc362d5ad863560ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 253/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 40 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 2cb1c03b2649..7685fc4ed8b0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ -# How-to configure a Huawei phone +# 如何配置華為手機 -There are different options, some Android specific, some Huawei specific: +有一些選項,部分是 Android 特定的,部分是華為特定的: -* Add AAPS and xdrip+ to apps list which ignore battery optimisations: +* 將 AAPS 和 xdrip+ 添加到忽略電池優化的應用程式列表中: - * Settings / App / Settings / Special autorisations / Ignore battery optimisation / Select "All applications" / Set app to allowed + * 設定 / 應用 / 設定 / 特殊授權 / 忽略電池優化 / 選擇「所有應用程式」/ 將應用程式設為允許 - ![Huawei - ignore battery optimization](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptimization.png) + ![華為 - 忽略電池優化](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptimization.png) -* Set battery option settings: +* 設置電池選項: - * Settings / App / Select AndroidAPS/xdrip+ / Under Battery / App launch + * 設定 / 應用 / 選擇 AndroidAPS/xdrip+ / 在電池選項下 / 應用啟動 - * Make sure to remove "automatic management" - * Allow: + * 確保移除「自動管理」 + * 允許: - * Automatic launch - * Secondary launch (can be launched from other apps) - * Background run + * 自動啟動 + * 次要啟動(可以由其他應用程式啟動) + * 後台運作 - ![Huawei - battery options](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptions.png) + ![華為 - 電池選項](../images/Huawei_BatteryOptions.png) -* Lock App +* 鎖定應用程式 - * Go into App recent list and select the lock icon + * 進入應用程式最近使用列表並選擇鎖定圖示 - ![Huawei - lock app](../images/Huawei_LockApp.png) + ![華為 - 鎖定應用程式](../images/Huawei_LockApp.png) -For xdrip+, you can also enable persistent notifications (within xdrip+ app): +對於 xdrip+,您還可以啟用持久通知(在 xdrip+ 應用程式內): -* Setttings / less common settings / other misc options / Run Collector in foreground +* 設定 / 不常用設定 / 其他雜項選項 / 在前台運作收集器 - ![xdrip+ settings - collector in foreground](../images/xdrip_collector_foreground.png) + ![xdrip+ 設定 - 在前台運作收集器](../images/xdrip_collector_foreground.png) -Depending on Android version, these settings are somewhere else. These explanations are for Android 8.1. \ No newline at end of file +根據 Android 版本,這些設定位於其他位置。 這些解釋適用於 Android 8.1。 \ No newline at end of file From 8dd7de931c0c0865e8450b6b534d674eea02f0f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:22:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 254/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 126 ++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 52015d274715..dbcc682e2764 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,126 +1,126 @@ -# Automation with third party Android Automate App +# 與第三方 Android Automate 應用程式的自動化 -**This article has been written before AAPS version 2.5. There is an [automation plugin in AAPS](./ itself with AAPS version 2.5. For some, this here might be still useful, but should only be used by advanced users.** +**這篇文章是在 AAPS 2.5 版本之前撰寫的。在 AAPS 2.5 版本中,本身已包含[自動化外掛](./。對某些人來說,這裡的內容仍然有用,但應該僅限於進階使用者使用。** -As AAPS is a hybrid closed loop system, some user interaction is necessary though (e.g. tell the loop that you are walking, eating soon, lying on the sofa...). Frequent manual user inputs can be automated via external tools like Automate or IFTTT to extend the recent AAPS functionality. +由於 AAPS 是一個混合閉環系統,仍然需要一些使用者的互動(例如告訴系統你正在走路、即將用餐、或是躺在沙發上...)。 透過外部工具如 Automate 或 IFTTT,您可以自動化頻繁的手動使用者輸入,從而擴展 AAPS 的最新功能。 -## Android Automate App +## Android Automate 應用程式 -The free Android™ application Automate lets you automate various tasks on your smartphone. Create your automations with flowcharts, make your device automatically change settings like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC or perform actions like sending SMS, e-mail, based on your location, the time of day, or any other “event trigger”. You can automate almost everything on your device, Automate even support plug-ins made for Tasker and Locale. +免費的 Android™ 應用程式 Automate 允許您自動化手機上的各種任務。 透過流程圖建立自動化,讓您的裝置根據位置、時間或其他「事件觸發」自動更改設定,如藍牙、Wi-Fi、NFC,或執行像是發送 SMS、電子郵件等操作。 您幾乎可以自動化裝置上的所有事務,Automate 甚至支援為 Tasker 和 Locale 設計的外掛。 -Using this tool you can easily create workflows to auto-treat your diabetes based on several conditions according to the principle of 'if this... and this... not this..., then do that... and that...'. There are thousands of possibilities you can configure. +使用這個工具,您可以輕鬆建立基於各種條件的工作流程,來自動管理糖尿病,按照「如果這個...」的原則。 以及「這個...」。 如果不是這個...,那就做那個... 以及那個...。 您可以配置成千上萬種可能性。 -Until now it is **necessary to loop via Nightscout Profile**, as Automate executes the commands via HTTP-request directly in your nightscout website that subsequently syncs it to your AAPS app. +到目前為止,仍**必須透過 Nightscout 檔案進行閉環**,因為 Automate 是透過 HTTP 請求直接在您的 Nightscout 網站上執行指令,然後同步到 AAPS 應用程式。 -**Offline looping (direct communication between Automate and AAPS app) is not supported yet**, but technologically possible. Maybe there will be a solution in future. If you have figured out a way to do this, please add it to this documentation or contact a developer. +**離線閉環(Automate 和 AAPS 應用程式之間的直接通訊)尚未支援**,但技術上是可行的。 未來也許會有解決方案。 如果您已經找到了解決方法,請將其添加到此文件中或聯繫開發者。 -### Basic requirements +### 基本需求 -#### Automate App +#### Automate 應用程式 -Download Android Automate in Google Play Store or at and install it on your smartphone where AAPS runs. +在 Google Play 商店或 下載並安裝 Android Automate 到運作 AAPS 的智慧型手機上。 -In Automate, tap on hamburger menu on the upper left of the screen > Settings > Check 'Run on system startup'. This will automatically run your workflows on system startup. +在 Automate 中,點擊左上角的漢堡選單 > 設定 > 勾選「系統啟動時執行」。 這會讓您的工作流程在系統啟動時自動執行。 -![Automate HTTP request](../images/automate-app2.png) +![Automate HTTP 請求](../images/automate-app2.png) #### AAPS -In AAPS, tap on 3 dots menu on the upper right screen and go to Preferences > NSClient > Connection settings > Uncheck 'Use WiFi connection only' and 'Only if charging' as the automated treating does only work when AAPS has an actual nightscout connection. +在 AAPS 中,點擊右上角的三點選單,進入偏好設定 > NSClient > 連線設定 > 取消勾選「僅限使用 WiFi 連線」和「僅限充電時」,因為自動化治療僅在 AAPS 有實際 Nightscout 連線時才能工作。 -![Nightscout connection preferences](../images/automate-aaps1.jpg) +![Nightscout 連線偏好設定](../images/automate-aaps1.jpg) -In AAPS, tap on 3 dots menu on the upper right screen and go to Preferences > NSClient > Advanced Settings > Uncheck 'NS upload only (disabled sync)' and 'No upload to NS'. +在 AAPS 中,點擊右上角的三點選單,進入偏好設定 > NSClient > 高級設定 > 取消勾選「僅上傳至 NS(已停用同步)」和「不向 NS 上傳」。 -Be aware of the [security issues](Nightscout-security-considerations) that might occure and be very careful if you are using an [Insight pump](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps). +請注意[可能發生的安全問題](Nightscout-security-considerations),如果您使用[Insight 幫浦](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps),務必小心。 -![Nightscout download preferences](../images/automate-aaps2.jpg) +![Nightscout 下載偏好設定](../images/automate-aaps2.jpg) -### Workflow examples +### 工作流程範例 -#### Example 1: If activity (e.g. walking or running) is detected, then set a high TT. And if activity ends, then wait 20 minutes and then cancel TT +#### 範例 1:如果偵測到活動(如走路或跑步),則設定高 TT。 如果活動結束,等待 20 分鐘後取消 TT -This workflow will listen to the smartphone sensors (pedometer, gravity sensor...) that detect the activity behavior. If there is recent activity like walking, running or riding a bicycle present, then Automate will set a user specified high temporary target for the user specified time. If activity ends, your smartphone will detect this, wait for 20 minutes and then set the target back to normal profile value. +這個工作流程會監聽手機的感測器(步數計、重力感測器等),偵測活動行為。 如果最近有走路、跑步或騎自行車等活動,Automate 會為指定時間內設定使用者指定的高臨時目標。 如果活動結束,您的智慧型手機會偵測到此,等待 20 分鐘後將目標恢復為正常檔案值。 -Download the Automate script . +下載 Automate 腳本 。 -Edit the sling by tapping on the edit pencil > Flowchart +點擊編輯鉛筆 > 流程圖來編輯流程。 -![Automate sling](../images/automate-app3.png) +![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app3.png) -Customize the workflow according to your wishes as follows: +根據您的需求自定義工作流程如下: -![Automate sling](../images/automate-app6.png) +![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app6.png) -1. = Set high TT -2. = Go back to normal target 20 minutes after the end of activity +1. = 設定高 TT +2. = 活動結束後 20 分鐘,回到正常目標 -1 ![Automate sling](../images/automate-app1.png) +1 ![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app1.png) -2 ![Automate sling](../images/automate-app5.png) +2 ![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app5.png) -Request URL: Your NS-URL with ending /api/v1/treatments.json (e.g. +請求 URL:您的 NS-URL,結尾為 /api/v1/treatments.json(例如 -Request content: +請求內容: -* targetTop / targetBottom: The high TT value (top and bottom should be the same value) -* duration: The duration of the high TT (after time it will fallback to regular profile target unless activity goes on). -* secret: Your API SHA1 hash. It is NOT your api key! You can convert your API key to SHA1 format at +* targetTop / targetBottom:高 TT 值(上限和下限應該相同) +* duration:高 TT 的持續時間(過後將回到常規目標,除非活動繼續)。 +* secret:您的 API SHA1 雜湊值。 這不是您的 API 金鑰! 您可以在 將 API 金鑰轉換為 SHA1 格式。 -Save: Tap on 'Done' and on the hook +儲存:點擊「完成」並點擊鉤子 -Start sling: Tap on Play button +啟動腳本:點擊播放按鈕 -#### Example 2: If xDrip+ alerts a BG high alarm, then set a low TT for ... minutes. +#### 範例 2:如果 xDrip+ 發出高血糖警報,則設定低 TT 持續 ... 分鐘。 -This workflow will listen to the xDrip+ notification channel. If there is triggered a user specified xDrip+ high BG alert, then Automate will set a user specified low temporary target for the user specified time. After time, another possibly alert will extend the duration of the low TT. +這個工作流程會監聽 xDrip+ 的通知頻道。 如果觸發了使用者指定的 xDrip+ 高血糖警報,Automate 會設定使用者指定的低臨時目標,持續使用者指定的時間。 時間到後,另一個可能的警報會延長低 TT 的持續時間。 ##### xDrip+ -First, you must add a BG high alert in xDrip+ as follows: +首先,您必須在 xDrip+ 中新增一個高血糖警報,具體如下: -![xDrip+ alert settings](../images/automate-xdrip1.png) +![xDrip+ 警報設定](../images/automate-xdrip1.png) -Alert name: (Pay attention on it!) This name is essential for firing the trigger. It should be unmistakable and not similar to other alert names. Example: '180alarm' should not exist next to '80alarm'. +警報名稱:(請注意!)這個名稱對觸發非常重要。 名稱應該明確無誤,不應與其他警報名稱相似。 範例:'180alarm' 不應與 '80alarm' 並存。 -Threshold: BG value that should fire the high alert. +門檻值:應該觸發高血糖警報的血糖值。 -Default Snooze: Insert the duration you are planning to set for your low TT here, as the alert will come up again and maybe extend the duration of the low TT. +預設暫停時間:在此輸入您打算設定的低 TT 持續時間,因為警報會再次出現,可能會延長低 TT 的持續時間。 -![xDrip+ alert settings](../images/automate-xdrip2.png) +![xDrip+ 警報設定](../images/automate-xdrip2.png) ##### Automate -Secondly, download the Automate script . +其次,下載 Automate 腳本 。 -Edit the sling by tapping on the edit pencil > Flowchart +點擊編輯鉛筆 > 流程圖來編輯流程。 -![Automate sling](../images/automate-app3.png) +![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app3.png) -Customize the workflow according to your wishes as follows: +根據您的需求自定義工作流程如下: -Within the 'Notification posted?' trigger, you have to set the 'TITLE' to the name of your xDrip+ alert that should fire the trigger and add a * variable before and after that name. +在「是否發布通知?」觸發器中,您必須將「標題」設置為應該觸發的 xDrip+ 警報名稱,並在該名稱前後添加 * 變數。 -![Automate sling](../images/automate-app7.png) +![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app7.png) -![Automate sling](../images/automate-app4.png) +![Automate 腳本](../images/automate-app4.png) -Request URL: Your NS-URL with ending /api/v1/treatments.json (e.g. +請求 URL:您的 NS-URL,結尾為 /api/v1/treatments.json(例如 -Request content: +請求內容: -* targetTop / targetBottom: The low TT value (top and bottom should be the same value) -* duration: The duration of the low TT (after time it will fallback to regular profile target). It is recommended that you use the same duration as in xDrip+ alert 'Standard snooze' -* secret: Your API SHA1 hash. It is NOT your api key! You can convert your API key to SHA1 format at +* targetTop / targetBottom:低 TT 值(上限和下限應相同) +* duration:低 TT 的持續時間(過後將回到常規目標)。 建議您使用與 xDrip+ 警報「標準暫停」相同的持續時間。 +* secret:您的 API SHA1 雜湊值。 這不是您的 API 金鑰! 您可以在 將 API 金鑰轉換為 SHA1 格式。 -Save: Tap on 'Done' and on the hook +儲存:點擊「完成」並點擊鉤子 -Start sling: Tap on Play button +啟動腳本:點擊播放按鈕 -#### Example 3: To be added by you!!! +#### 範例 3:請自行添加! -Please add further workflows by uploading .flo file to Automate community (under the keyword 'Nightscout') and describe it here by doing [Pull Request on AndroidAPSDocs repository](../ +請透過上傳 .flo 檔案到 Automate 社群(關鍵字為「Nightscout」)來添加其他工作流程,並在這裡描述,透過[Pull Request 提交至 AndroidAPSDocs 資料庫](../。 -## If this, then that (IFTTT) +## 如果這個,則那個(IFTTT) -Feel free to add a Howto by PR... \ No newline at end of file +歡迎透過 PR 添加使用說明... \ No newline at end of file From 413440b06f7a2136d2e755e9c1cac38793a205ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:23:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 255/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../Configuration/ | 156 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 2bbc98833472..35598aaf9db8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ -# Accu-Chek Insight Pump +# Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦 -**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product, but requires YOU to read, learn and understand the system including how to use it. It is not something that does all your diabetes management for you but allows you to improve your diabetes and your quality of life, if you're willing to put in the time required. Don't rush into it, but allow yourself time to learn. You alone are responsible for what you do with it.** +**此軟體是DIY人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,不是產品, 您需要閱讀、學習並理解整個系統,包括如何使用它。 它並不是為您自動管理所有糖尿病控制,而是 讓您在投入必要時間的前提下,提升糖尿病管理和生活品質。 不要急於使用, 請給自己時間學習。 您對自己 所做的決定負全部責任。** * * * -## ***WARNING:** If you have been using the Insight with **SightRemote** in the past, please **update to the newest AAPS version** and **uninstall SightRemote**.* +## ***警告:** 如果您曾經使用過 Insight 與 **SightRemote**,請**更新至最新 AAPS 版本**並**卸載 SightRemote**。* -## Hardware and software requirements +## 硬體和軟體需求 -* A Roche Accu-Chek Insight pump (any firmware, they all work) +* 一台 Roche Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦(任何韌體都適用) -Note: AAPS will write data always in **first basal rate profile in the pump**. +注意:AAPS 將資料寫入**幫浦的第一個基礎率設定檔**。 -* An Android phone (Basically every Android version would work with Insight, but check on the [Module](module-phone) page which Android version is required to run AAPS.) -* The AAPS app installed on your phone +* 一台 Android 手機(基本上每個 Android 版本都適用於 Insight,但請檢查[模組](module-phone)頁面了解運作 AAPS 所需的 Android 版本)。 +* 您的手機上安裝了 AAPS 應用程式 -## 设置 +## 設定 -* The Insight pump should only be connected to one device at a time. If you have previously used the Insight remote control (meter), you must remove the meter from the paired devices list of your pump: Menu > Settings > Communication > Remove device +* Insight 幫浦一次只能連線一個裝置。 如果您之前使用過 Insight 遙控器(血糖機),必須從幫浦的配對裝置列表中移除該血糖機:選單 > 設定 > 通訊 > 移除裝置 - ![Screenshot of Remove Meter Insight](../images/Insight_RemoveMeter.png) + ![移除血糖機 Insight 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_RemoveMeter.png) -* In [Config builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder) of the AAPS app select Accu-Chek Insight in the pump section +* 在 AAPS 應用程式的[組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder)中,選擇幫浦區域的 Accu-Chek Insight。 - ![Screenshot of Config Builder Insight](../images/Insight_ConfigBuilder_AAPS3_0.jpg) + ![組態建置工具 Insight 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_ConfigBuilder_AAPS3_0.jpg) -* Tap the cog-wheel to open Insight settings. +* 點擊齒輪圖示以打開 Insight 設定。 -* In settings, tap on the button 'Insight pairing' at the top of the screen. You should see a list of all nearby bluetooth devices (below left). -* On the Insight pump, go to Menu > Settings > Communication > Add Device. The pump will display the following screen (below right) showing the serial number of the pump. +* 在設定中,點擊螢幕頂部的“Insight 配對”按鈕。 您應該會看到附近所有藍牙裝置的列表(左下方)。 +* 在 Insight 幫浦上,前往選單 > 設定 > 通訊 > 添加裝置。 幫浦將顯示如下螢幕(右下方),顯示幫浦的序列號。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 1](../images/Insight_Pairing1.png) + ![Insight 配對 1 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing1.png) -* Going back to your phone, tap on the pump serial number in the list of bluetooth devices. Then tap on Pair to confirm. +* 返回手機,點擊藍牙裝置列表中的幫浦序列號。 然後點擊配對以確認。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 2](../images/Insight_Pairing2.png) + ![Insight 配對 2 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing2.png) -* Both the pump and phone will then display a code. Check that the codes are the same on both devices and confirm on both the pump and the phone. +* 幫浦和手機將顯示一個代碼。 確認兩個裝置上的代碼相同,並在幫浦和手機上確認。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 3](../images/Insight_Pairing3.png) + ![Insight 配對 3 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing3.png) -* Success! Pat yourself on the back for successfully pairing your pump with AAPS. +* 成功! 配對成功後,為自己點個讚。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing 4](../images/Insight_Pairing4.png) + ![Insight 配對 4 的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Pairing4.png) -* To check all is well, go back to Config builder in AAPS and tap on the cog-wheel by the Insight Pump to get into Insight settings, then tap on Insight Pairing and you will see some information about the pump: +* 要檢查是否一切正常,返回 AAPS 中的組態建置工具並點擊 Insight 幫浦旁的齒輪圖示進入 Insight 設定,然後點擊 Insight 配對,您將看到一些關於幫浦的資訊: - ![Screenshot of Insight Pairing Information](../images/Insight_PairingInformation.png) + ![Insight 配對資訊的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_PairingInformation.png) -Note: There will be no permanent connection between pump and phone. A connection will only be established if necessary (i.e. setting temporary basal rate, giving bolus, reading pump history...). Otherwise battery of phone and pump would drain way too fast. +注意:幫浦和手機之間不會有永久連線。 只有在需要時(例如設置臨時基礎率、進行注射、讀取幫浦歷史記錄時)才會建立連線。 否則手機和幫浦的電池會消耗過快。 (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps)= -## Settings in AAPS +## AAPS 設定 -**Note : It is now possible (only with AAPS v2.7.0 and above) to use ‘Always use basal absolute values’ if you want to use Autotune with Insight pump, even if 'sync is enabled' with Nightscout.** (In AAPS go to [Preferences > NSClient > Advanced Settings](Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient)). +**注意:現在可以(僅適用於 AAPS v2.7.0 及以上版本)使用‘永遠使用基礎絕對值’來與 Insight 幫浦配合使用自動調整,即使已啟用與 Nightscout 的同步功能。**(在 AAPS 中,前往[偏好設定 > NSClient > 進階設定](Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient))。 -![Screenshot of Insight Settings](../images/Insight_settings.png) +![Insight 設定的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_settings.png) -In the Insight settings in AAPS you can enable the following options: +在 AAPS 的 Insight 設定中,您可以啟用以下選項: -* "Log reservoir changes": This will automatically record an insulin cartridge change when you run the "fill cannula" program on the pump. +* "記錄儲液筒更換":這將在幫浦運作“填充導管”程式時自動記錄胰島素筒的更換。 -* "Log tube changes": This adds a note to the AAPS database when you run the "tube filling" program on the pump. +* "記錄導管更換":當您在幫浦上運作“填充導管”程式時,這會在 AAPS 資料庫中添加一個註記。 -* "Log site change": This adds a note to the AAPS database when you run the "cannula filling" program on the pump. **Note: A site change also resets Autosens.** +* "記錄注射點更換":這會在幫浦上運作“填充導管”程式時,在 AAPS 資料庫中添加一個註記。 **注意:更換注射點也會重置自動靈敏度調整(Autosens)。** -* "Log battery changes": This records a battery change when you put a new battery in the pump. +* "記錄電池更換":當您在幫浦中放入新電池時,這會記錄電池更換。 -* "Log operating mode changes": This inserts a note in the AAPS database whenever you start, stop or pause the pump. +* "記錄操作模式變更":這會在 AAPS 資料庫中插入註記,當您啟動、停止或暫停幫浦時。 -* "Log alerts": This records a note in the AAPS database whenever the pump issues an alert (except reminders, bolus and TBR cancellation - those are not recorded). +* "記錄警報":這會在幫浦發出警報時記錄在 AAPS 資料庫中(提醒、注射和臨時基礎率取消除外——這些不會被記錄)。 -* "Enable TBR emulation": The Insight pump can only issue temporary basal rates (TBRs) up to 250%. To get round this restriction, TBR emulation will instruct the pump to deliver an extended bolus for the extra insulin if you request a TBR of more than 250%. +* "啟用臨時基礎率仿真":Insight 幫浦最多只能發出250%的臨時基礎率(TBR)。 為了繞過這一限制,當您請求超過250%的 TBR 時,TBR 仿真會指示幫浦發送一個延長注射以額外供應胰島素。 - **Note: Just use one extended bolus at a time as multiple extended boluses at the same time might cause errors.** + **注意:一次只使用一個延長注射,因為同時多次延長注射可能會導致錯誤。** -* "Disable vibrations on manual bolus delivery": This disables the Insight pump's vibrations when delivering a manual bolus (or extended bolus). This setting is available only with the latest version of Insight firmware (3.x). +* "停用手動注射時的震動":這會在手動注射(或延長注射)時停用 Insight 幫浦的震動。 此設定僅在最新的 Insight 韌體(3.x)版本中可用。 -* "Disable vibrations on automated bolus delivery": This disables the Insight pump's vibrations when delivering an automatic bolus (SMB or Temp basal with TBR emulation). This setting is available only with the latest version of Insight firmware (3.x). +* "停用自動注射時的震動":這會在自動注射(SMB 或 TBR 仿真)時停用 Insight 幫浦的震動。 此設定僅在最新的 Insight 韌體(3.x)版本中可用。 -* "Recovery duration": This defines how long AAPS will wait before trying again after a failed connection attempt. You can choose from 0 to 20 seconds. If you experience connection problems, choose a longer wait time. +* "恢復時間":這定義了在連線失敗後,AAPS 將等待多長時間後再嘗試連線。 您可以選擇0到20秒。 如果您遇到連線問題,請選擇較長的等待時間。 - Example for min. recovery duration = 5 and max. recovery duration = 20 + 恢復時間範例:最小 恢復時間=5,最大 恢復時間=20 - no connection -> wait **5** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **6** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **7** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **8** sec. + 無連線 -> 等待**5**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**6**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**7**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**8**秒。 ... - retry -> no connection -> wait **20** sec. - retry -> no connection -> wait **20** sec. + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**20**秒。 + 再試 -> 無連線 -> 等待**20**秒。 ... -* "Disconnect delay": This defines how long (in seconds) AAPS will wait to disconnect from the pump after an operation is finished. Default value is 5 seconds. +* "斷線延遲":這定義了在操作完成後 AAPS 將等待多少秒後再中斷與幫浦的連線。 預設值為5秒。 -For periods when pump was stopped AAPS will log a temp. basal rate with 0%. +當幫浦停止時,AAPS 將記錄臨時 基礎率為0%。 -In AAPS, the Accu-Chek Insight tab shows the current status of the pump and has two buttons: +在 AAPS 中,Accu-Chek Insight 標籤顯示幫浦的當前狀態,並有兩個按鈕: -* "Refresh": Refreshes pump status -* "Enable/Disable TBR over notification": A standard Insight pump emits an alarm when a TBR is finished. This button lets you enable or disable this alarm without the need for configuration software. +* "重新整理":重新整理幫浦狀態 +* "啟用/停用 TBR 通知":標準的 Insight 幫浦在 TBR 結束時會發出警報。 此按鈕讓您無需配置軟體即可啟用或停用此警報。 - ![Screenshot of Insight Status](../images/Insight_Status2.png) + ![Insight 狀態的螢幕截圖](../images/Insight_Status2.png) -## Settings in the pump +## 幫浦中的設定 -Configure alarms in the pump as follows: +配置幫浦中的警報如下: -* Menu > Settings > Device settings > Mode settings > Quiet > Signal > Sound -* Menu > Settings > Device settings > Mode settings > Quiet > Volume > 0 (remove all bars) -* Menu > Modes > Signal mode > Quiet +* 選單 > 設定 > 裝置設定 > 模式設定 > 靜音 > 信號 > 聲音 +* 選單 > 設定 > 裝置設定 > 模式設定 > 靜音 > 音量 > 0(移除所有條) +* 選單 > 模式 > 信號模式 > 靜音 -This will silence all alarms from the pump, allowing AAPS to decide if an alarm is relevant to you. If AAPS does not acknowledge an alarm, its volume will increase (first beep, then vibration). +這將使幫浦靜音,允許 AAPS 決定警報是否與您相關。 如果 AAPS 未確認警報,其音量將增加(先是嗶聲,然後是震動)。 (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-vibration)= -### Vibration +### 震動 -Depending on the firmware version of your pump, the Insight will vibrate briefly every time a bolus is delivered (for example, when AAPS issues an SMB or TBR emulation delivers an extended bolus). +根據您幫浦的韌體版本,Insight 每次注射時都會短暫震動(例如,當 AAPS 發出 SMB 或 TBR 仿真發送延長注射時)。 -* Firmware 1.x: No vibration by design. -* Firmware 2.x: Vibration cannot be disabled. -* Firmware 3.x: AAPS delivers bolus silently. (minimum [version](Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)) +* 韌體 1.x:設計上沒有震動。 +* 韌體 2.x:無法停用震動。 +* 韌體 3.x:AAPS 安靜地發送注射。 (最低[版本](Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)) -Firmware version can be found in the menu. +您可以在選單中找到韌體版本。 -## Battery replacement +## 電池更換 -Battery life for Insight when looping range from 10 to 14 days, max. 20 days. The user reporting this is using Energizer lithium batteries. +Insight 在循環使用期間的電池壽命範圍為 10 到 14 天,最大 20 天。 報告此電池壽命的用戶使用的是 Energizer 鋰電池。 -The Insight pump has a small internal battery to keep essential functions like the clock running while you are changing the removable battery. If changing the battery takes too long, this internal battery may run out of power, the clock will reset, and you will be asked to enter a new time and date after inserting a new battery. If this happens, all entries in AAPS prior to the battery change will no longer be included in calculations as the correct time cannot be identified properly. +Insight 幫浦有一個小型內部電池,可在更換可拆卸電池時維持時鐘等重要功能的運作。 如果更換電池的時間過長,內部電池可能會耗盡電力,時鐘將重置,並且在插入新電池後您需要重新設置時間和日期。 如果發生這種情況,更換電池前在 AAPS 中的所有記錄將不再包括在計算中,因為無法正確識別正確的時間。 (Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-insight-specific-errors)= -## Insight specific errors +## Insight 特定錯誤 -### Extended bolus +### 延長注射 -Just use one extended bolus at a time as multiple extended boluses at the same time might cause errors. +一次只使用一個延長注射,因為同時多次延長注射可能會導致錯誤。 -### Time out +### 逾時 -Sometimes it might happen that the Insight pump does not answer during connection setup. In this case AAPS will display the following message: "Timeout during handshake - reset bluetooth". +有時 Insight 幫浦在連線設置期間可能不會回應。 在這種情況下,AAPS 將顯示以下訊息:“交握時逾時 - 重置藍牙”。 -![Insight Reset Bluetooth](../images/Insight_ResetBT.png) +![Insight 重置藍牙](../images/Insight_ResetBT.png) -In this case turn off bluetooth on pump AND smartphone for about 10 seconds and then turn it back on. +在這種情況下,請關閉幫浦和手機上的藍牙約10秒,然後重新開啟。 -## Crossing time zones with Insight pump +## 跨時區使用 Insight 幫浦 -For information on traveling across time zones see section [Timezone traveling with pumps](Timezone-traveling-insight). \ No newline at end of file +有關跨時區旅行的資訊,請參閱[使用幫浦跨時區旅行](Timezone-traveling-insight)部分。 \ No newline at end of file From 51b97993cfa5940877e40ac193aba6e6b3c6e703 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:23:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 256/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 24 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 16139cd742b0..670375b8a15b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -2,29 +2,29 @@ ## Jelly 2 -Do not confuse with Jelly Star. +請勿與 Jelly Star 混淆。 -**Advantages** +**優點** -* It's really small. -* Android 11. -* Even if you tell people, they might not consider it as a normal smartphone and will except it easier as a exception when phones are normally not allowed. +* 它真的很小。 +* Android 11。 +* 即使您告訴別人,他們可能也不會認為這是一台普通的智慧型手機,並會更容易接受它在禁止使用手機的場合中的例外情況。 -**Disadvantages** +**缺點** -* Recommended only for experienced loopers (some settings are not recognizable, you have to know from experience with a big Android AAPS phone, how and where what is located. Some AAPS buttons are hard to touch with a lot of feeling, but not with stubby fingers.) -* Can only be used as LooperPhone. It's better to have a normal smartphone in your pocket. +* 僅推薦給經驗豐富的 Looper 使用者(某些設定無法辨識,您必須根據使用大尺寸 Android AAPS 手機的經驗知道什麼東西在哪裡)。 某些 AAPS 按鈕難以精準觸碰,尤其對於手指粗大的人來說。 +* 只能作為 LooperPhone 使用。 口袋中最好還是放一台普通的智慧型手機。 -### Battery life optimization +### 電池壽命最佳化 -The Jelly 2 comes with strong optimization features that **must** be disabled for AAPS (and other DIY apps like BYODA, xDrip+, OOP2, Juggluco, etc...). +Jelly 2 配有強大的最佳化功能,**必須**停用這些功能以便 AAPS(以及其他 DIY 應用程式如 BYODA、xDrip+、OOP2、Juggluco 等)正常運作。 ![](../images/Jelly_Settings1.png) -You can leave Intelligent assistance enabled, but it **must be disabled for DIY apps**. +您可以啟用智慧輔助功能,但**必須停用這些功能以便 DIY 應用程式正常運作**。 ![](../images/Jelly_Settings2.png) -You can enable NFC for Libre sensors. +您可以啟用 NFC 來支援 Libre 感測器。 ![](../images/Jelly_Settings3.png) \ No newline at end of file From 4eb9e966587089c445067588ac388bcf4c517422 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:23:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 257/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index f30098423dac..a9d9ef3e84c3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -## Development branch +## 開發分支 -Attention: -Dev branch is for the further development of AAPS only. It should be used on a separate phone for testing not for actual looping! +注意: +開發分支僅用於 AAPS 的進一步開發。 應在另一台手機上用於測試,而不是實際循環! -The most stable version of AAPS to use is that in the [Master branch]( It is advised to stay on the Master branch for actual looping. +AAPS 的最穩定版本是[Master 分支](中的版本。 建議在實際循環中保持在 Master 分支。 -The dev version of AAPS is only for developers and testers comfortable dealing with stacktraces, looking through log files and maybe firing up the debugger to produce bug reports that are helpful to the developers (in short: people that know what they are doing without being assisted!). Therefore many unfinished features are disabled. To enable these features enter **Engineering Mode** by creating a file named `engineering_mode` in directory /AAPS/extra . Enabling the engineering mode might break the loop entirely. +AAPS 的開發版本僅適用於能處理堆棧追蹤、查找日誌文件,甚至啟動調試器以生成對開發人員有幫助的錯誤報告的開發者和測試者(簡言之:知道自己在做什麼而不需要協助的人)。 因此,許多未完成的功能都被停用了。 要啟用這些功能,請在 /AAPS/extra 目錄中建立名為`engineering_mode`的文件,以啟用**工程模式**。 啟用工程模式可能會完全破壞循環。 -However, the Dev branch is a good place to see what features are being tested and to help iron out the bugs and give feedback on how the new features work in practice. Often people will test the Dev branch on an old phone and pump until they are confident it is stable - any use of it is at your own risk. When testing any new features, remember that you are choosing to test a still-in-development feature. Do so at your own risk & with due diligence to keep yourself safe. +但是,開發分支是一個不錯的地方,可以查看正在測試的功能,並幫助解決錯誤,並反饋新功能在實際中的效果。 通常人們會在舊手機和幫浦上測試開發分支,直到他們確信它是穩定的——使用它完全是自擔風險。 在測試任何新功能時,請記住您是在選擇測試一個仍在開發中的功能。 請自行承擔風險並謹慎行事以確保安全。 -If you find a bug or think something wrong has happened when using the Dev branch, then view the [issues tab]( to check whether anyone else has found it, or add it yourself if not. The more information you can share here the better (don't forget you may need to share your [log files](../Usage/ The new features can also be discussed on [discord]( +如果您發現錯誤或認為使用開發分支時發生了問題,請查看[問題標籤](,看看是否有其他人發現,或者如果沒有,請自己添加。 您能在此分享的訊息越多越好(不要忘記,您可能需要分享您的[日誌文件](../Usage/。 新功能也可以在[Discord](上討論。 -A dev version has an expiration date. This seems inconvenient when using it satisfactorily, but serves a purpose. When a single dev version doing the rounds, it is easier to keep track of bugs that people are reporting. The developers do not want to be in a position where there are three versions of dev in the wild where bugs are fixed in some and not others, and people continue to report the fixed ones. \ No newline at end of file +開發版本有一個過期日期。 當使用它滿意時,這似乎不便,但它有其作用。 當單一開發版本流傳時,更容易跟踪人們報告的錯誤。 開發人員不希望出現三個開發版本在外流傳,其中一些錯誤在某些版本中已經修復,而其他版本則未修復,而人們仍然繼續報告已經解決的錯誤。 \ No newline at end of file From 967061baaa5e30cb93315d087cc40136369fb475 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:23:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 258/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 244 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index ce134185b434..97aaf053ddeb 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,243 +1,243 @@ -# xDrip+ settings +# xDrip+ 設定 -If not already set up, then download [xDrip+]( +如果尚未設定,請下載[xDrip+](。 -Disable battery optimization and allow background activity for the xDrip+ app. +停用電池優化,並允許 xDrip+ 應用程式在背景中運作。 -You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you need recent features or are using sensors that are being actively integrated (like G7), in which case you should use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( +除非您需要最近的功能或正在使用正在整合的傳感器(如 G7),否則可以安全地下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](,否則您應該使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 -## Basic settings for all CGM & FGM systems +## 所有 CGM & FGM 系統的基本設定 -### Disable Nightscout upload +### 停用 Nightscout 上傳 -Starting with AAPS 3.2, you shouldn't let any other app upload data (blood glucose and treatments) to Nightscout. +從 AAPS 3.2 開始,您不應讓其他應用程式上傳資料(血糖和治療方案)到 Nightscout。 -→ Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Cloud Upload (3) -> Nightscout Sync (REST-API)(4) → Switch **OFF** `Enabled` (5) +→ 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 雲端上傳 (3) -> Nightscout 同步(REST-API)(4) → 將`啟用`開關設為**關閉** (5) -![xDrip+ Basic Settings 1](../images/xDrip_Basic1.png) +![xDrip+ 基本設定 1](../images/xDrip_Basic1.png) -#### Disable automatic calibration and treatments +#### 停用自動校正和治療方案 -If you use an older version of AAPS (before 3.2), make sure to deactivate `Automatic Calibration` (7) If the checkbox for `Automatic Calibration` is checked, activate `Download treatments` (6) once, then remove the checkbox for `Automatic Calibration` and deactivate `Download treatments` again. +如果您使用的是舊版本的 AAPS(3.2 之前),請確保停用`自動校正` (7) 如果`自動校正`的複選框已勾選,請一次啟用`下載治療方案` (6),然後再次取消勾選`自動校正`並停用`下載治療方案`。 -![xDrip+ Basic Settings 2](../images/xDrip_Basic2.png) +![xDrip+ 基本設定 2](../images/xDrip_Basic2.png) -Tap `Extra Options`(8) +點擊`額外選項`(8) -:::{admonition} Safety warning :class: warning You must deactivate "Upload treatments" from xDrip+, otherwise treatments can be doubled in AAPS leading to false COB and IOB. +:::{admonition} 安全警告 :class: 警告 您必須停用 xDrip+ 中的“上傳治療方案”,否則治療方案可能會在 AAPS 中重複,導致錯誤的碳水和活性胰島素值。 ::: -Deactivate `Upload treatments`(9) and make sure you will **NOT** use `Back-fill data` (11). +停用`上傳治療方案`(9),並確保您**不要**使用`回填資料` (11)。 -Option `Alert on failures` should also be deactivated (10). Otherwise you will get an alarm every 5 minutes in case Wi-Fi/mobile network issues or if the server is not available. +應該也停用選項`失敗警報`(10)。 否則,若 Wi-Fi/行動網路有問題或伺服器不可用,您將每 5 分鐘收到一次警報。 -![xDrip+ Basic Settings 3](../images/xDrip_Basic3.png) +![xDrip+ 基本設定 3](../images/xDrip_Basic3.png) -### **Inter-app Settings** (Broadcast) +### **應用間設定**(廣播) -If you are going to use AAPS and the data should be forwarded to i.e. AAPS you have to activate broadcasting in xDrip+ in Inter-App settings. +如果您將使用 AAPS 並將資料轉發給 AAPS,則必須在 xDrip+ 的應用間設定中啟用廣播。 -→ Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Inter-app settings (3) → Broadcast locally **ON** (4) +→ 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 應用間設定 (3) → 本地廣播**開啟** (4) -In order for the values to be identical in AAPS with respect to xDrip+, you should activate `Send the displayed glucose value` (5). +為了使 AAPS 中的數值與 xDrip+ 的數值相同,您應該啟用`發送顯示的血糖值`(5)。 -Enable Compatible Broadcast (6). +啟用相容廣播 (6)。 -![xDrip+ Basic Settings 4](../images/xDrip_Basic4.png) +![xDrip+ 基本設定 4](../images/xDrip_Basic4.png) -If you have also activated `Accept treatments` in xDrip+ and `Enable broadcasts to xDrip+` in AAPS xDrip+ plugin, then xDrip+ will receive insulin, carbs and basal rate information from AAPS. +如果您還在 xDrip+ 中啟用了`接受治療方案`,並在 AAPS xDrip+ 外掛中啟用了`啟用廣播到 xDrip+`,那麼 xDrip+ 將接收來自 AAPS 的胰島素、碳水化合物和基礎率資訊。 -If you enable `Accept Calibrations`, xDrip+ will use the calibrations from AAPS. Be careful when you use this feature with Dexcom sensors: read [this]( first. +如果您啟用了`接受校正`,xDrip+ 將使用來自 AAPS 的校正值。 當您將此功能與 Dexcom 傳感器一起使用時請小心:請先閱讀[這篇文章](。 -Remember to disable Import Sounds to avoid xDrip+ making a ringtone every time AAPS sends a basal/profile change. +請記得停用匯入音效,以避免每次 AAPS 發送基礎率/設定檔變更時 xDrip+ 播放鈴聲。 -![xDrip+ Basic Settings 5](../images/xDrip_Basic5.png) +![xDrip+ 基本設定 5](../images/xDrip_Basic5.png) (xdrip-identify-receiver)= -#### Identify receiver +#### 識別接收端 -- If you discover problems with local broadcast (AAPS not receiving BG values from xDrip+) go to → Hamburger Menu (1) Settings (2) → Inter-app settings (3) → Identify receiver (7) and enter `info.nightscout.androidaps` for AAPS build (if you are using PumpControl build, please enter `info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol` instead!!). -- Pay attention: Auto-correction sometimes tend to change i to capital letter. You **must use only lowercase letters** when typing `info.nightscout.androidaps` (or `info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol` for PumpControl). Capital I would prevent the App from receiving BG values from xDrip+. +- 如果發現本地廣播有問題(AAPS 未收到來自 xDrip+ 的血糖值),請前往 → 漢堡選單 (1) 設定 (2) → 應用間設定 (3) → 識別接收端 (7),並為 AAPS 建立輸入`info.nightscout.androidaps`(如果您使用的是 PumpControl 版本,請輸入`info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol`)。 +- 請注意:自動校正有時會將小寫字母 i 改為大寫字母。 輸入`info.nightscout.androidaps`(或 PumpControl 版本的`info.nightscout.aapspumpcontrol`)時**只能使用小寫字母**。 大寫 I 將會阻止應用程式接收來自 xDrip+ 的血糖值。 - ![xDrip+ Basic Inter-app Settings Identify receiver](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) + ![xDrip+ 基本應用間設定識別接收端](../images/xDrip_InterApp_NS.png) -## Use AAPS to calibrate in xDrip+ +## 使用 AAPS 在 xDrip+ 中進行校正 -- If you want to be able to use AAPS to calibrate then in xDrip+ go to Settings → Interapp Compatibility → Accept Calibrations and select ON. -- You may also want to review the options in Settings → Less Common Settings → Advanced Calibration Settings. +- 如果您希望能夠使用 AAPS 進行校正,請在 xDrip+ 中前往設定 → 應用間相容性 → 接受校正並選擇開啟。 +- 您可能還想檢查設定 → 不常見的設定 → 高階校正設定中的選項。 ## Dexcom G6 -- The Dexcom G6 transmitter can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. -- When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ features, use the [Build Your Own Dexcom App](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) with local broadcast to xDrip+, or use xDrip+ as a Companion app receiving notifications from the official Dexcom app. +- Dexcom G6 傳輸器可以同時連線到 Dexcom 接收器(或替代的 t:slim 幫浦)和手機上的一個應用程式。 +- 當使用 xDrip+ 作為接收器時,請先卸載 Dexcom 應用程式。 **您無法同時將 xDrip+ 和 Dexcom 應用程式連線到傳輸器!** +- 如果您需要 Clarity 並想利用 xDrip+ 的功能,請使用[自行建立的 Dexcom 應用程式](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)與 xDrip+ 進行本地廣播,或者使用 xDrip+ 作為接收來自官方 Dexcom 應用程式通知的配套應用程式。 -### xDrip+ version depending on G6 transmitter serial no. +### G6 傳輸器序列號決定的 xDrip+ 版本 -- All G6 transmitters manufactured after fall/end 2018 are called "Firefly". They do not allow sensor restart without [removing the transmitter](, they do not send raw data. It is recommended to use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( -- Old rebatteried transmitters and modified trasmitters allow sensor life extension and restarts, they also send raw data. You can use the [latest APK (stable)]( +- 2018 年秋季/年底後製造的所有 G6 傳輸器稱為“Firefly”。 它們不允許在不[移除傳輸器](的情況下重新啟動傳感器,也不發送原始資料。 建議使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 +- 使用經過重新電池處理和修改的傳輸器允許延長傳感器壽命並進行重啟,它們也發送原始資料。 您可以使用[最新 APK(穩定版)](。 -### Dexcom specific settings +### Dexcom 特定設定 -- Follow [these instructions]( to setup xDrip+. +- 按照[這些指示](設定 xDrip+。 -### Preemptive restarts not recommended +### 不建議進行預防性重啟 -**Only rebatteried or modified Dexcom transmitters. [Preemptive restarts]( do not work with standard transmitters and will stop the sensor completely: you need to [remove the transmitter]( to restart the sensor.** +**僅限於重新電池處理或修改過的 Dexcom 傳輸器。 [預防性重啟](不適用於標準傳輸器,並將完全停止傳感器:您需要[移除傳輸器](來重新啟動傳感器。** -The automatic extension of Dexcom sensors (`preemptive restarts`) is not recommended as this might lead to “jumps” in BG values on day 9 after restart. +Dexcom 傳感器的自動延長(`預防性重啟`)不建議使用,因為這可能會導致第9天後血糖值容易出現“波動”。 -![xDrip+ Jump after Preemptive Restart](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_PreemptiveJump.png) +![預防性重啟後的 xDrip+ 跳躍](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_PreemptiveJump.png) -To use it safely, there are a few points to be aware of: +要安全使用此功能,請注意以下幾點: -- If you are using the native data with the calibration code in xDrip+ or Spike, the safest thing to do is not allow preemptive restarts of the sensor. -- If you must use preemptive restarts, then make sure you insert at a time of day where you can observe the change and calibrate if necessary. -- If you are restarting sensors, either do it without the factory calibration for safest results on days 11 and 12, or ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. -- Pre-soaking of the G6 with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. -- If you aren’t being observant about the changes that may be taking place, it may be better to revert to non-factory-calibrated mode and use the system like a G5. +- 如果您在 xDrip+ 或 Spike 中使用帶有校正碼的原始資料,最安全的做法是不允許傳感器進行預防性重啟。 +- 如果必須進行預防性重啟,請確保在您能觀察變化並在必要時進行校正的時間進行。 +- 如果您正在重啟傳感器,請在沒有工廠校正的情況下進行,以在第11天和第12天獲得最安全的結果,或者確保您準備好進行校正並密切關注變化。 +- 提前植入 G6 傳感器並使用出廠校準,可能會導致結果產生變異。 如果您進行預先浸泡,為獲得最佳結果,您可能需要校正傳感器。 +- 如果你沒有密切注意可能發生的變化,可能會比較好切換回非出廠校準模式,並像使用 G5 一樣操作系統。 -To learn more about the details and reasons for these recommendations read the [complete article]( published by Tim Street at []( +要了解更多詳細資訊和這些建議的原因,請閱讀 Tim Street 在[](上發表的[完整文章](。 (xdrip-connect-g6-transmitter-for-the-first-time)= -### Connect G6 transmitter for the first time +### 首次連線 G6 傳輸器 -**For second and following transmitters see [Extend transmitter life](xdrip-extend-transmitter-life) below.** +**如需第二個及後續傳輸器,請參閱[延長傳輸器壽命](xdrip-extend-transmitter-life)部分。** -Follow [these instructions]( +請按照[這些指示](進行操作。 (xdrip-transmitter-battery-status)= -### Transmitter battery status +### 傳輸器電池狀態 -- Battery status can be controlled in system status - → Hamburger Menu (1) → System Status (2) → If you are on the Classic Status Page (3) swipe the screen (4) to reach → G5/G6/G7 Status screen. +- 可以在系統狀態中檢查電池狀態 + → 漢堡選單 (1) → 系統狀態 (2) → 如果您處於傳統狀態頁面 (3) 向右滑動螢幕 (4) 到達 → G5/G6/G7 狀態頁面。 -![xDrip+ System status](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_Battery.png) +![xDrip+ 系統狀態](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_Battery.png) -- See [here]( for more information. +- 有關更多資訊,請參閱[這裡](。 (xdrip-extend-transmitter-life)= -### Extend transmitter life +### 延長傳輸器壽命 -- [Lifetime]( cannot be extended for Firefly transmitters: only rebatteried or modified transmitters. -- Follow [these instructions]( for non-Firefly transmitters. +- [Firefly 傳輸器](的壽命無法延長:僅限於重新電池處理或修改過的傳輸器。 +- 請按照[這些指示](為非 Firefly 傳輸器進行操作。 (xdrip-replace-transmitter)= -### Replace transmitter +### 更換傳輸器 -- Turn original Dexcom receiver off (if used). -- [Stop sensor]( (only if replacing sensor). +- 關閉原始 Dexcom 接收器(如果已使用)。 +- [停止傳感器](僅在更換傳感器時)。 -- Forget device in xDrip+ system status AND in smartphone’s BT settings (Will be shown as Dexcom?? whereas ?? are the last two digits of the transmitter serial no.) - → Hamburger Menu (1) → System Status (2) → If you are on the Classic Status Page (3) swipe the screen (4) to reach → G5/G6/G7 Status screen → Forget Device (5). +- 在 xDrip+ 系統狀態和手機的藍牙設定中忘記裝置(將顯示為 Dexcom?? 而 ?? 是傳輸器序列號的最後兩位數字) + → 漢堡選單 (1) → 系統狀態 (2) → 如果您處於經典狀態頁面 (3) 向右滑動螢幕 (4) 到達 → G5/G6/G7 狀態頁面 → 忘記裝置 (5)。 -![xDrip+ System status](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_StopSensor.png) +![xDrip+ 系統狀態](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_StopSensor.png) -- Remove transmitter (and sensor if replacing sensor). To remove transmitter without removing sensor see [this](, or this video . -- Put the old transmitter far away to prevent reconnection. A microwave is a perfect Faraday shield for this - but unplug power cord to be 100% sure no one is turning the microwave on. -- Follow [these instructions]( -- Do not turn original Dexcom receiver (if used) back on before xDrip+ shows first readings. +- 移除傳輸器(如果更換傳感器,則同時移除傳感器)。 若要在不移除傳感器的情況下移除傳輸器,請參閱[這裡](,或觀看此影片。 +- 將舊的傳輸器放遠以防止重新連線。 微波是一個完美的法拉第屏蔽裝置 - 但為了完全確保安全,請拔掉電源線以確保沒有人會打開微波。 +- 請按照[這些指示](進行操作。 +- 在 xDrip+ 顯示第一次讀數之前,不要重新開啟原始 Dexcom 接收器(如果已使用)。 -### New Sensor +### 新傳感器 -- Turn original Dexcom receiver off (if used). -- Stop sensor following [these instructions]( +- 關閉原始 Dexcom 接收器(如果已使用)。 +- 按照[這些指示](停止傳感器。 -- Insert and then start a new sensor following [these instructions]( +- 植入並按照[這些指示](啟動新傳感器。 (xdrip-retrieve-sensor-code)= -### Retrieve sensor code +### 檢索傳感器碼 -→ Hamburger Menu (1) → System Status (2) → If you are on the Classic Status Page (3) swipe the screen (4) to reach → G5/G6/G7 Status screen → Calibration Code. +→ 漢堡選單 (1) → 系統狀態 (2) → 如果您處於經典狀態頁面 (3) 向右滑動螢幕 (4) 到達 → G5/G6/G7 狀態頁面 → 校正碼。 -![xDrip+ Retrieve Dexcom Sensor Code2](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_SensorCode2.png) +![xDrip+ 檢索 Dexcom 傳感器碼2](../images/xDrip_Dexcom_SensorCode2.png) (xdrip-troubleshooting-dexcom-g5-g6-and-xdrip)= -### Troubleshooting Dexcom G5/G6 and xDrip+ +### Dexcom G5/G6 和 xDrip+ 的故障排除 -#### Problem connecting transmitter +#### 傳輸器連線問題 -Follow [these instructions]( +按照[這些指示](進行操作。 -#### Problem when starting new sensor +#### 啟動新傳感器時的問題 -Follow [these instructions]( +請按照[這些指示](進行操作。 ## Libre 1 -- Setup your NFC to Bluetooth bridge in xDrip+ +- 在 xDrip+ 中設置您的 NFC 至藍牙橋接器 - → Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Less common settings (3) → Bluetooth Settings (4) + → 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 不常見設定 (3) → 藍牙設定 (4) -- In Bluetooth Settings set the checkboxes exactly as in the screenshots below (5) +- 在藍牙設定中,請將勾選框設置為下方截圖所示的設定 (5) - - Disable watchdogs as they will reset the phone Bluetooth and interrupt your pump connection. + - 停用監控程式,因為它們會重置手機藍牙並中斷幫浦連線。 - ![xDrip+ Libre Bluetooth Settings 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings1.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre 藍牙設定 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings1.png) -- You can try to enable the following settings (7) +- 您可以嘗試啟用以下設定 (7) - - Use scanning - - Trust Auto-Connect - - Use Background Scans + - 使用掃描功能 + - 信任自動連線 + - 使用背景掃描 -- If you easily lose connection to the bridge or have difficulties recovering connection, **DISABLE THEM** (8). +- 如果您經常失去與橋接器的連線或難以恢復連線,**請停用它們** (8)。 - ![xDrip+ Libre Bluetooth Settings 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings2.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre 藍牙設定 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings2.png) -- Leave all other options disabled unless you know why you want to enable them. +- 除非您知道為什麼要啟用,否則請保持其他選項為停用狀態。 - ![xDrip+ Libre Bluetooth Settings 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings3.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre 藍牙設定 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_BTSettings3.png) -### Libre smart reader battery level +### Libre 智慧讀取器電池電量 -- Battery level of bridges such as MiaoMiao and Bubble can be displayed in AAPS (not Blucon). -- Details can be found on [screenshots page](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery). +- 如 MiaoMiao 和 Bubble 等橋接器的電池電量可以顯示在 AAPS 中(Blucon 不支援)。 +- 詳細資訊請參閱[螢幕截圖頁面](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery)。 -### Connect Libre Transmitter & start sensor +### 連線 Libre 傳輸器並啟動傳感器 -- If your sensor requires it (Libre 2 EU and Libre 1 US) install the [latest out of process algorithm]( +- 如果您的傳感器需要(例如 Libre 2 EU 和 Libre 1 US),請安裝[最新的外部處理演算法](。 -- Your sensor must be already started using the vendor app or the reader (xDrip+ cannot start or stop Libre sensors). +- 您的傳感器必須已經使用供應商應用程式或讀取器啟動(xDrip+ 無法啟動或停止 Libre 傳感器)。 -- Set the data source to Libre Bluetooth. +- 將資料來源設置為 Libre 藍牙。 - → Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Select Libre Bluetooth in Hardware Data source (3) + → 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 在硬體資料來源中選擇 Libre 藍牙 (3) - ![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter01.png) + ![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與感測器 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter01.png) -- Scan Bluetooth and connect the bridge. +- 掃描藍牙並連線橋接器。 - → Hamburger Menu (1) → Scan Bluetooth (2) → Scan (3) + → 漢堡選單 (1) → 掃描藍牙 (2) → 掃描 (3) - - If xDrip+ can't find the bridge, make sure it's not connected to the vendor app. Put it in charge and reset it. + - 如果 xDrip+ 找不到橋接器,請確保它未連線到供應商應用程式。將其插入充電並重置。 - ![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter02.png) + ![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與傳感器 2](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter02.png) -- Start the sensor in xDrip+. +- 在 xDrip+ 中啟動傳感器。 - :::{admonition} Safety warning :class: warning Do not use sensor data before the one hour warm-up is over: the values can be extremely high and cause wrong decisions in AAPS. + :::{admonition} 安全警告 :class: warning 在一小時的暖機期結束前不要使用傳感器資料:數值可能會非常高,可能導致 AAPS 中錯誤的決策。 ::: - → Hamburger Menu (1) → Start sensor (2) → Start sensor (3) → Set the exact time you started it with the reader or the vendor app. If you didn't start it today, answer "Not Today" (4). + → 漢堡選單 (1) → 啟動傳感器 (2) → 啟動傳感器 (3) → 設置您使用讀取器或供應商應用程式啟動傳感器的精確時間。如果您不是今天啟動的,請選擇“不是今天” (4)。 -![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) +![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與傳感器 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) -## Libre 2 patched app +## Libre 2 修補版(patched) 應用程式 -- Set the data source to Libre patched app. +- 將資料來源設置為 Libre 修補版應用程式。 - → Hamburger Menu (1) → Settings (2) → Select Libre (patched App) in Hardware Data source (3) + → 漢堡選單 (1) → 設定 (2) → 在硬體資料來源中選擇 Libre(修補版應用程式)(3) - ![xDrip+ Libre Patched app 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Patched01.png) + ![xDrip+ Libre 修補版應用程式 1](../images/xDrip_Libre_Patched01.png) -- You can add `BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v` under Less Common Settings->Extra Logging Settings->Extra tags for logging. This will log additional error messages for trouble shooting. +- 您可以在不常見設定->額外日誌記錄設定->額外標籤記錄中新增`BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v`。 這將記錄額外的錯誤訊息以進行故障排除。 -![xDrip+ LibreLink logging](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) \ No newline at end of file +![xDrip+ LibreLink 日誌記錄](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) \ No newline at end of file From b41bd58cceead66aeb45e475518d9197bb943b6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:23:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 259/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 244 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 6bf58b7573d5..95da08ce8504 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,187 +1,187 @@ -# Medtronic Pumps +# 美敦力幫浦 -The driver does not work with any newer models, including all models ending in G (530G, 600-series [630G, 640G, 670G], 700-series [770G, 780G], etc.). +此驅動程式不適用於任何新型號,包括所有以 G 結尾的型號(530G、600 系列 [630G、640G、670G]、700 系列 [770G、780G] 等)。 -The following model and firmware combinations are compatible: +以下型號和韌體組合是相容的: -- 512/712 (any firmware version) -- 515/715 (any firmware version) -- 522/722 (any firmware version) -- 523/723 (firmware 2.4A or lower) -- 554/754 EU release (firmware 2.6A or lower) -- 554/754 Canada release (firmware 2.7A or lower) +- 512/712(任何韌體版本) +- 515/715(任何韌體版本) +- 522/722(韌體 2.4A 或更低版本) +- 523/723(韌體 2.4A 或更低版本) +- 554/754 歐洲版本(韌體 2.6A 或更低版本) +- 554/754 加拿大版本(韌體 2.7A 或更低版本) -You can find out how to check the firmware on the pumps at [OpenAPS docs]( or [LoopDocs]( +您可以查看如何在[OpenAPS 文件](或[LoopDocs](中檢查幫浦韌體。 -## Hardware and software requirements +## 硬體和軟體需求 -- **Phone:** The Medtronic driver should work with any android phone that supports Bluetooth connections. **IMPORTANT: Phone manufacturers Bluetooth implementations can vary so how each phone model behaves can vary. For example, some phones will handle enabling/disabling Bluetooth differently. This can impact the user experience when AAPS needs to reconnect to your Rileylink type device.** -- **RileyLink Compatible Device:** Android phones cannot communicate to Medtronic pumps without a seperate device to handle communications. This device will link with your phone via Bluetooth and with your pump via a compatible radio connection. The first such device was called a Rileylink but a number of other options are now available which can offer additional functionality. +- **手機:**此美敦力驅動程式應適用於所有支援藍牙連線的 Android 手機。 **重要提示:手機製造商的藍牙實作可能會有所不同,因此每個手機型號的行為可能會不同。 例如,一些手機在啟用/停用藍牙時的處理方式可能不同。 這可能會影響 AAPS 需要重新連線到您的 Rileylink 類型裝置時的使用體驗。** +- **RileyLink 相容裝置:**Android 手機無法直接與美敦力幫浦連線,必須使用一個額外的裝置來處理通訊。 此裝置將透過藍牙與您的手機連線,並透過相容的無線電連線與幫浦連線。 第一個此類裝置稱為 RileyLink,但現在已推出許多其他選項,提供更多功能。 - - Rileylink available at []( - - Orangelink available at []( - - Emalink (multiple model options) available at []( - - Gnarl (some additional DIY required) details available at []( + - RileyLink 可於[](購買 + - Orangelink 可於[](購買 + - Emalink(多種型號可選)可於[](購買 + - Gnarl(需要一些額外 DIY)詳情可見[]( -A comparision chart for the various Rileylink compatible devices can be found at []( +各種 Rileylink 相容裝置的比較圖表可見[]( (MedtronicPump-configuration-of-the-pump)= -## Configuration of the pump +## 幫浦配置 -The following settings should be configured on the pump in order for AAPS to remotely send commands. The steps necessary to make each change on a Medtronic 715 are shown in brackets for each setting. The exact steps may vary based on pump type and/or firmware version. +為了讓 AAPS 遠端發送指令,應在幫浦上配置以下設定。 每個設定的步驟如下所示(適用於美敦力 715)。 具體步驟可能會根據幫浦類型和/或韌體版本有所不同。 -- **Enable remote mode on Pump** (On the pump press Act and go to Utilities -> Remote Options, Select On, and on next screen do Add ID and add any random id such as 111111). At least one ID must be on the Remote ID list in order for the pump to expect remote communication. -- **Set Max Basal** (On the pump press Act and got to Basal and then select Max Basal Rate) As an example setting this value to four times your maximum standard basal rate would allow a 400% Temporary Basal Rate. The maximum value permitted by the pump is 34.9 units per hour. -- **Set Max Bolus** (On the pump press Act and to to Bolus and then select Max Bolus) This is the largest bolus that the pump will accept. The maximum value permitted by the pump is 25. -- **Set profile to Standard**. (On the pump press Act and go to Basal and then Select Patterns) The pump will only need one profile as AAPS will manage different profiles on your phone. No other patterns are required. -- **Set Temporary Basal Rate type** (On the pump press Act and go to Basal and then Temp Basal Type). Select Absolute (not Percent). +- **啟用幫浦上的遠端模式**(在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往工具 -> 遠端選項,選擇開啟,並在下一個畫面中新增 ID,輸入任意隨機 ID,如 111111)。 遠端 ID 列表中至少需要一個 ID,幫浦才會接受遠端通訊。 +- **設定最大基礎率**(在幫浦上按下 Act,然後前往基礎率,然後選擇最大基礎率)作為範例,將此數值設置為您最大標準基礎率的四倍,將允許 400% 的臨時基礎率。 幫浦允許的最大值為每小時 34.9 單位。 +- **設定最大注射量**(在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往注射,然後選擇最大注射量)這是幫浦可接受的最大注射量。 幫浦允許的最大值為 25 單位。 +- **設定設定檔為標準**。 (在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往基礎率,然後選擇模式)幫浦只需要一個設定檔,因為 AAPS 會在您的手機上管理不同的設定檔。 不需要其他模式。 +- **設定臨時基礎率類型**(在幫浦上按下 Act 並前往基礎率,然後選擇臨時基礎率類型)。 選擇絕對值(不要選擇百分比)。 -## Medtronic Configuration of Phone/AAPS +## 美敦力手機/AAPS 配置 -- **Do not pair RileyLink compatible device with the Bluetooth menu on your phone.** Pairing via the Bluetooth menu on your phone will stop AAPS from seeing your Rileylink Compatible device when you follow the instructions below. -- Disable automatic screen rotation on your phone. On certain devices automatic screen rotation causes Bluetooth sessions to restart which would cause issues for your Medtronic pump. -- There are two ways to configure your Medtronic pump in AAPS: +- **不要在手機的藍牙選單中配對 RileyLink 相容裝置。**透過手機的藍牙選單配對將會阻止 AAPS 在您按照以下指示操作時看到您的 Rileylink 相容裝置。 +- 停用手機上的自動螢幕旋轉。 在某些裝置上,自動螢幕旋轉會導致藍牙會話重新啟動,這將導致您的美敦力幫浦出現問題。 +- 有兩種方式可在 AAPS 中配置您的美敦力幫浦: -1. Using the setup wizard as part of a fresh install -2. By selecting the cog icon beside the Medtronic selection in the pump selection option in Config Builder +1. 使用全新安裝時的設置嚮導 +2. 在組態建置工具中的幫浦選項旁選擇齒輪圖示以選擇美敦力選項 -When configuring your Medtronic pump with the setup wizard it is possible that you will be prevented from completing setup because of Bluetooth issues (e.g. you cannot succesfully connect to the pump). Should this happen you should select the virtual pump option in order to complete the configuration and allow for further troubleshooting by using option 2. +在使用設置嚮導配置美敦力幫浦時,您可能會因藍牙問題而無法完成設置(例如無法成功連線到幫浦)。 如果發生這種情況,您應該選擇虛擬幫浦選項來完成配置,並使用選項 2 進行進一步故障排除。 -![Medtronic Settings](../images/Medtronic01a.png) +![美敦力設定](../images/Medtronic01a.png) -While setting up AAPS to work with your medtronic pump you need to set following items: (see picture above) +在設置 AAPS 與您的美敦力幫浦協作時,您需要設置以下項目:(請參閱上方圖片) -- **Pump Serial Number**: Displayed on the back of your pump and starts with SN. You should only enter the 6 numbers shown without any alpabetic characters (e.g. 123456). -- **Pump Type**: The model pump you are using (e.g. 522). -- **Pump Frequency**: There are two options based on where your pump was originally distributed. Please check the [FAQ](MedtronicPump-faq) if you are unsure which option to select): - - for US & Canada, frequency used is 916 Mhz - - for Worldwide, frequency used is 868 Mhz -- **Max Basal on Pump (U/h)**: This needs to match the setting set on your pump (see Configuration of the pump above). Again this setting must be carefully selected as it will determine how much AAPS can deliver via your basal rate. This will effectively set the maximum temporary basal rate. As an example, setting this value to four times your maximum standard basal rate would allow a 400% Temporary Basal Rate. The maximum value permitted by the pump is 34.9 units per hour. -- **Max Bolus on Pump (U)** (in an hour): This needs to match the setting set on your pump (see Configuration of the pump above). This setting should be carefully considered as it determines how large a bolus AAPS can ever set. -- **Delay before Bolus is started (s)**: The number of seconds after a bolus is issued before the command is actually sent to the pump. This period of time allows the user to cancel the bolus in the event a bolus command is sent in error. It is not possible to cancel a bolus that has started via AAPS. The only way to cancel a bolus that has already started is to suspend the pump manually followed by resuming it. -- **Medtronic Encoding**: Determines if the medtronic encoding is carried out. Selecting Hardware encoding (i.e. carried out by the Rileylink compatible device) is preferred as this results in less data being sent. Selecting Software encoding (i.e. carried out by AAPS) can help in the event frequent disconnects are seen. This setting will be ignored if you have firmware version 0.x on Rileylink devices. -- **Battery Type (Power View)**: In order to correctly determine the remaining battery power level you should select the type of AAA battery in use. When a value other than simple view is selected AAPS will display the remaining calculated battery percentage level and volts. The following options are available: +- **幫浦序列號**:顯示在幫浦背面,以 SN 開頭。 您應該僅輸入顯示的6個數字,且不包含字母字符(例如 123456)。 +- **幫浦型號**:您使用的幫浦型號(例如 522)。 +- **幫浦頻率**:有兩個選項,根據您的幫浦最初發行的地區。 如果您不確定應選擇哪個選項,請查看[常見問題](MedtronicPump-faq): + - 美國和加拿大使用的頻率為 916 Mhz + - 全球其他地區使用的頻率為 868 Mhz +- **幫浦最大基礎率(U/h)**:這需要與您的幫浦上設置的設定相符(請參閱上方的幫浦配置)。 再次提醒,此設定必須謹慎選擇,因為它將決定 AAPS 可透過您的基礎率提供的胰島素量。 這將有效地設置最大臨時基礎率。 作為範例,將此數值設置為您最大標準基礎率的四倍,將允許 400% 的臨時基礎率。 幫浦允許的最大值為每小時 34.9 單位。 +- **幫浦最大注射量(U)**(每小時):這需要與您的幫浦上設置的設定相符(請參閱上方的幫浦配置)。 此設定應謹慎考慮,因為它決定了 AAPS 可設置的最大注射量。 +- **注射啟動前的延遲時間(秒)**:注射發出後到實際發送指令到幫浦的時間(以秒為單位)。 這段時間允許使用者在錯誤發送注射指令時取消注射。 無法取消已透過 AAPS 啟動的注射。 取消已開始的注射的唯一方法是手動暫停幫浦,然後再重新啟動。 +- **美敦力編碼**:決定是否執行美敦力編碼。 首選選擇硬體編碼(即由 Rileylink 相容裝置執行),因為這樣會減少傳送的資料量。 如果經常發生連線中斷,選擇軟體編碼(即由 AAPS 執行)可能會有所幫助。 如果您的 Rileylink 裝置使用 0.x 版韌體,則此設定將被忽略。 +- **電池類型(電力檢視)**:為了正確判斷剩餘的電池電量,您應選擇正在使用的 AAA 電池類型。 當選擇了非簡單檢視的值時,AAPS 將顯示剩餘的計算電池百分比和電壓。 以下選項可用: - - Not selected (Simple view) - - Alkaline (Extended view) - - Lithium (Extended view) - - NiZn (Extended view) - - NiMH (Extended view) -- **Bolus/Treatments Debugging**: Select On or Off depending on requirements. - -- **RileyLink Configuration**: This option allows you to find and pair your Rileylink compatible device. Selecting this will show any nearby Rileylink compatible devices and the signal strength. -- **Use Scanning** Activates Bluetooth scanning before connecting with your Rileylink Compatible devices. This should improve the reliability of your connection to the device. -- **Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink** This feature is only supported on newer link devices such as the EmaLink or OrangeLink. Values will be shown in the Medtronic tab in AnroidAPS. -- **Set neutral temp basals** By default Medtronic pumps beep on the hour when a temporary basal rate is active. Enabling this option can help reduce the number of beeps heard by interupting a temporary basal at the hour change in order to supress the beep. - -## MEDTRONIC (MDT) Tab - -![MDT Tab](../images/Medtronic02.png) When AAPS is configured to use a Medtronic pump a MDT tab will be shown in the list of tabs at the top of the screen. This tab displays the current pump status information along with some Medtronic specific actions. - -- **RileyLink Status**: The current status of the connection between your phone and Rileylink compatible device. This should show as Connected at all times. Any other status may require user intervention. -- **RileyLink Battery**: The current battery level of your EmaLink or OrangeLink device. Dependent on selecting "Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink device" in the Medtronic Pump Configuration menu. -- **Pump Status**: The current status of the pump connection. As the pump will not be constantly connected this will primarily show the sleep icon. There are a number of possible other status including "Waking Up" when AAPS is trying to issue a command or other possible pump commands such as "Get Time", "Set TBR", etc. -- **Battery**: Shows battery status based on the value chosen for Battery Type (Power View) in the Medtronic Pump Configuration menu. -- **Last connection**: How long ago the last succesful pump connection happened. -- **Last Bolus**: How long ago the last succesful bolus was delivered. -- **Base Basal Rate**: This is the base basal rate that runs on pump at this hour in your active Profile. -- **Temp basal**: Temp basal currently being delivered which can be 0 units per hour. -- **Reservoir**: How much insulin is in reservoir (updated at least every hour). -- **Errors**: Error string if there is problem (mostly shows if there is error in configuration). - -At the bottom of the screen there are three buttons: - -- **Refresh** is for refreshing the current status of the pump. This should only be used if the connection was lost for a sustained period as this will require a full data refresh (retrieve history, get/set time, get profile, get battery status, etc). -- **Pump History**: Shows pump history (see [below](MedtronicPump-pump-history)) -- **RL Stats**: Show RL Stats (see [below](MedtronicPump-rl-status-rileylink-status)) + - 未選擇(簡單檢視) + - 鹼性電池(擴展檢視) + - 鋰電池(擴展檢視) + - 鎳鋅電池(擴展檢視) + - 鎳氫電池(擴展檢視) +- **注射/治療除錯**:根據需求選擇開啟或關閉。 + +- **RileyLink 配置**:此選項允許您找到並配對您的 Rileylink 相容裝置。 選擇此選項將顯示附近的所有 Rileylink 相容裝置及其訊號強度。 +- **使用掃描**:在連線 Rileylink 相容裝置之前啟用藍牙掃描。 這應能提高與裝置連線的可靠性。 +- **顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 回報的電池電量**:此功能僅支援較新型的連線裝置,如 EmaLink 或 OrangeLink。 數值將顯示在 AnroidAPS 的美敦力標籤頁中。 +- **設置中性臨時基礎率**:預設情況下,美敦力幫浦在有臨時基礎率時,每小時會發出嗶聲。 啟用此選項可以透過在整點更改臨時基礎率來減少聽到的嗶聲次數,以抑制嗶聲。 + +## 美敦力(MDT)標籤 + +![MDT 標籤](../images/Medtronic02.png) 當 AAPS 配置為使用美敦力幫浦時,螢幕頂部的標籤列表中會顯示 MDT 標籤。 此標籤顯示當前幫浦的狀態資訊以及一些美敦力特有的操作。 + +- **RileyLink 狀態**:手機與 Rileylink 相容裝置之間連線的當前狀態。 此狀態應始終顯示為已連線。 任何其他狀態可能需要使用者介入。 +- **RileyLink 電池**:顯示 EmaLink 或 OrangeLink 裝置的當前電池電量。 取決於是否在美敦力幫浦配置選單中選擇了“顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 裝置回報的電池電量”。 +- **幫浦狀態**:幫浦連線的當前狀態。 由於幫浦不會始終保持連線,主要會顯示睡眠圖示。 還有許多其他可能的狀態,例如當 AAPS 嘗試發送指令時顯示“正在喚醒”,或其他可能的幫浦指令,如“獲取時間”、“設置 TBR”等。 +- **電池**:根據在美敦力幫浦配置選單中選擇的電池類型(電力檢視)顯示電池狀態。 +- **最後連線**:顯示上次成功連線幫浦的時間。 +- **最後一次注射**:顯示上次成功注射的時間。 +- **基礎基礎率**:這是當前小時內幫浦運作的基礎基礎率,根據您的活動設定檔設定。 +- **臨時基礎率**:當前正在輸送的臨時基礎率,可以為每小時 0 單位。 +- **儲液筒**:顯示儲液筒中的胰島素量(至少每小時更新一次)。 +- **錯誤**:如果有問題,則顯示錯誤字串(主要顯示配置中的錯誤)。 + +螢幕底部有三個按鈕: + +- **重新整理**:用於重新整理幫浦的當前狀態。 此功能應僅在連線長時間中斷時使用,因為這將需要完整的資料重新整理(檢索歷史記錄、獲取/設置時間、獲取設定檔、獲取電池狀態等)。 +- **幫浦歷史記錄**:顯示幫浦歷史記錄(請參閱[下方](MedtronicPump-pump-history))。 +- **RL 狀態**:顯示 RL 狀態(請參閱[下方](MedtronicPump-rl-status-rileylink-status))。 (MedtronicPump-pump-history)= -## Pump History +## 幫浦歷史記錄 -![Pump History Dialog](../images/Medtronic03.png) +![幫浦歷史記錄對話框](../images/Medtronic03.png) -Pump history is retrieved every 5 minutes and stored locally. Only the previous 24 hours worth of history is stored. The allows for a convinient way to see pump behaviour should that be required. The only items stored are those relevenant to AAPS and will not inlcude a configuration function that has no relevance. +幫浦歷史記錄每 5 分鐘檢索一次並存儲在本地。 僅存儲過去 24 小時的歷史記錄。 這提供了一種方便的方法來查看幫浦的行為,如果需要的話。 僅存儲與 AAPS 相關的項目,且不包含無關的配置功能。 (MedtronicPump-rl-status-rileylink-status)= -## RL Status (RileyLink Status) +## RL 狀態(RileyLink 狀態) -![RileyLink Status - Settings](../images/Medtronic04.png) ![RileyLink Status - History](../images/Medtronic05.png) +![RileyLink 狀態 - 設定](../images/Medtronic04.png) ![RileyLink 狀態 - 歷史](../images/Medtronic05.png) -The RL Status dialog has two tabs: +RL 狀態對話框有兩個標籤: -- **Settings**: Shows settings about the RileyLink compatible device: Configured Address, Connected Device, Connection Status, Connection Error and RileyLink Firmware versions. Device Type is always Medtronic Pump, Model would be your model, Serial number is configured serial number, Pump Frequency shows which frequency you use, Last Frequency is last frequency used. -- **History**: Shows communication history, items with RileyLink shows state changes for RileyLink and Medtronic shows which commands were sent to pump. +- **設定**:顯示有關 Rileylink 相容裝置的設定:已配置的地址、連線裝置、連線狀態、連線錯誤和 Rileylink 韌體版本。 裝置類型始終為美敦力幫浦,型號為您的型號,序列號為已配置的序列號,幫浦頻率顯示您使用的頻率,最後使用的頻率為上次使用的頻率。 +- **歷史**:顯示通訊歷史,RileyLink 的項目顯示狀態變更,美敦力顯示發送給幫浦的指令。 -## Actions +## 操作 -When the Medtronic driver is used, two additional actions are added to Actions Tab: +當使用美敦力驅動程式時,操作標籤中會添加兩個額外操作: -- **Wake and Tune Up** - In the event that AAPS hasn't connected to your pump for a sustained period (it should connect every 5 minutes), you can force a Tune Up. This will try to contact your pump, by searching all of the possible radio frequencies used by your pump. In the event a succesful connection is made the succesful frequency will be set as the default. -- **Reset RileyLink Config** - If you reset your RileyLink compatible device you may need to use this action so that device can be reconfigured (frequency set, frequency type set, encoding configured). +- **喚醒並調整**:如果 AAPS 長時間未能連線到您的幫浦(應每 5 分鐘連線一次),您可以強制進行調整。 這將嘗試透過搜尋幫浦使用的所有可能無線電頻率來聯繫幫浦。 如果成功建立連線,將會將成功的頻率設置為預設值。 +- **重置 RileyLink 配置**:如果您重置了 Rileylink 相容裝置,則可能需要使用此操作,以便可以重新配置裝置(設置頻率、設置頻率類型、配置編碼)。 -## Important notes +## 重要提示 -### Special attention in NS configuration needed +### 在 NS 配置中需要特別注意 -AAPS is using serial number for synchronization and serial number is exposed to NS. Because knowledge of serial number of old Medtronic pump can be used to control the pump remotely take special care to hardening NS site preventing leakage of SN of your pump. See +AAPS 使用序列號進行同步,序列號會公開到 NS。 因為了解舊美敦力幫浦的序列號可以用來遠端控制幫浦,所以請特別注意強化 NS 網站以防止洩露您的幫浦序列號。 請參閱 -### OpenAPS users +### OpenAPS 用戶 -OpenAPS users should note that AAPS with Medtronic uses a completely different approach than OpenAPS. Using AAPS the primary method of interacting with th pump is via your phone. In normal use cases it is likely that the only time it is required to use the pump menu is when changing resevoirs. This is very different when using OpenAPS where at least some of a bolus is usually delivered via the quick bolus buttons. In the event the pump is used to manually deliver a bolus there can be issues if AAPS attempts to deliver one at the same time. There are checks to try and prevent issues in such cases but this should still be avoided where possible. +OpenAPS 用戶應注意,AAPS 與美敦力的使用方式與 OpenAPS 完全不同。 使用 AAPS 時,主要與幫浦互動的方法是透過手機。 在正常的使用情境下,可能唯一需要使用幫浦選單的時刻是更換儲液筒時。 這與使用 OpenAPS 時非常不同,因為至少部分注射通常是透過快速注射按鈕完成的。 如果使用幫浦手動輸送注射,而 AAPS 同時嘗試輸送注射,可能會出現問題。 在這種情況下有檢查機制來防止問題發生,但仍應盡量避免。 -### Logging +### 日誌記錄 -In the event you need to troubleshoot your Medtronic pump function select the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen, select Maintainance and Log Settings. For troubleshooting any Medtronic issues Pump, PumpComm, PumpBTComm should be checked. +如果您需要對美敦力幫浦功能進行故障排除,請在螢幕左上角選擇選單圖示,選擇維護和日誌設定。 要對美敦力問題進行故障排除,應檢查幫浦、PumpComm、PumpBTComm。 -### Medtronic CGM +### 美敦力 CGM -Medtronic CGM is currently NOT supported. +目前不支援美敦力 CGM。 -### Manual use of pump +### 手動使用幫浦 -You should avoid manually bolusing or setting TBRs on your pump. All such commands should be sent via AAPS. In the event manual commands are used there must be a delay of at least 3 minutes between them in order to reduce the risk of any issues. +您應避免手動注射或設置臨時基礎率。 所有此類指令應透過 AAPS 發送。 如果使用手動指令,兩者之間必須至少有 3 分鐘的延遲,以降低問題風險。 -### Timezone changes and DST (Daylight Saving Time) or Traveling with Medtronic Pump and AAPS +### 時區變更與夏令時間(DST)或攜帶美敦力幫浦和 AAPS 旅行 -AAPS will automatically detect Timezone changes and will update the Pump's time when your phone switches to the new time. +當您的手機切換到新時間時,AAPS 將自動檢測時區變更並更新幫浦的時間。 -Travelling east means you are going to be adding hours to the current time (ex. from GMT+0 to GMT+2) will not result in any issues as there will be no overlap (e.g. it won't be possible to have the same hour twice). Travelling west however can result in issues as you are effectively going back in time which can result in incorrect IOB data. +向東旅行意味著您將增加當前時間的小時數(例如從 GMT+0 到 GMT+2),不會出現問題,因為不會重疊(例如,不可能出現相同的小時兩次)。 然而,向西旅行會導致問題,因為您實際上是在倒退時間,這可能會導致錯誤的 IOB 資料。 開發人員已知向西旅行時出現的問題,正在努力尋找解決方案。 -The issues seen when travelling west are known to the developers and work on a possible solution is ongoing. See for more detail. For now, please be aware that this issue may occur and carefully monitor when changing time zones. +請參閱 了解更多細節。 目前,請注意此問題可能會發生,並在更改時區時仔細監控。 目前請注意,這個問題可能會發生,並在更改時區時仔細監控。 -### Is a GNARL a fully compatible Rileylink combatible device? +### GNARL 是完全相容的 Rileylink 裝置嗎? -The GNARL code fully supports all of the functions used by the Medtronic driver in AAPS which means it is fully compatible. It is important to note that this will require addtional work as you will have to source compatible hardware and then load the GNARL code on to the device. +GNARL 代碼完全支援 AAPS 美敦力驅動程式使用的所有功能,這意味著它是完全相容的。 需要注意的是,這將需要額外的工作,因為您將需要採購相容的硬體,然後將 GNARL 代碼載入裝置。 -**Note from author:** Please note that the GNARL software is still experimental and lightly tested, and should not be considered as safe to use as a RileyLink. +**作者提醒:**請注意,GNARL 軟體仍處於實驗階段,測試較少,不應被視為與 RileyLink 一樣安全。 (MedtronicPump-faq)= -## FAQ +## 常見問題 (MedtronicPump-what-to-do-if-i-loose-connection-to-rileylink-and-or-pump)= -### What to do if I loose connection to RileyLink and/or pump? +### 如果我失去與 RileyLink 和/或幫浦的連線該怎麼辦? -There are a number of options to try and resolve connectivity issues. +有多種選項可以嘗試解決連線問題。 -- Use the "Wake Up and Tune" button in the ACT tab as detailed above. -- Disable Bluetooth on your phone, wait 10 seconds and then enable it again. This will force the Rileylink device to reconnect to the phone. -- Reset the Rileylink device. You must then use the "Reset Rileylink Config" button in the ACT tab. -- Other users have found the following steps to be effective in restoring connectivity when other methods have not: - 1. Restart the phone - 2. *While* the phone is restarting restart the Rileylink device - 3. Open AAPS and allow the connection to restore +- 在 ACT 標籤中使用“喚醒並調整”按鈕,具體詳情如上所述。 +- 停用手機上的藍牙,等待 10 秒鐘,然後重新啟用。 這將強制 Rileylink 裝置重新連線到手機。 +- 重置 Rileylink 裝置。 然後必須在 ACT 標籤中使用“重置 Rileylink 配置”按鈕。 +- 其他使用者發現,當其他方法無效時,以下步驟能有效恢復連線: + 1. 重新啟動手機 + 2. *同時* 重新啟動 Rileylink 裝置 + 3. 打開 AAPS 並允許恢復連線 -### How to determine what Frequency my pump uses +### 如何確定我的幫浦使用哪個頻率 -![Pump Model](../images/Medtronic06.png) +![幫浦型號](../images/Medtronic06.png) -On the back of the pump you will find a line detailing your model number along with a special 3 letter code. The first two letters determine the frequency type and the last one determines color. Here are possible values for Frequency: +您可以在幫浦背面找到一行詳細描述您的型號號碼以及一個特殊的三字母代碼。 前兩個字母決定頻率類型,最後一個字母決定顏色。 以下是頻率的可能值: -- NA - North America (in frequency selection you need to select "US & Canada (916 MHz)") -- CA - Canada (in frequency selection you need to select "US & Canada (916 MHz)") -- WW - Worldwide (in frequency selection you need to select "Worldwide (868 Mhz)") \ No newline at end of file +- NA - 北美(在頻率選擇中需要選擇“美國和加拿大(916 MHz)”) +- CA - 加拿大(在頻率選擇中需要選擇“美國和加拿大(916 MHz)”) +- WW - 全球(在頻率選擇中需要選擇“全球(868 MHz)”) \ No newline at end of file From 59bd4d30c3890390ac944d5b430997e2a85c810d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:25:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 260/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 258 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 39f79e352c79..52e99d9aa956 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,255 +1,255 @@ (troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio)= -# Troubleshooting Android Studio +# 疑難排解 Android Studio (troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore)= -## Lost keystore -If you use the same keystore when updating AAPS you do not have to uninstall the previous version on your smartphone. That's why it is recommended to store the keystore in a save place. +## 遺失的密鑰庫 +如果您在更新 AAPS 時使用相同的密鑰庫,則無需在您的智慧型手機上卸載之前的版本。 這就是為什麼建議將密鑰庫存放在安全地方的原因。 -If you try to install the apk, signed with a different keystore than before, you will get an error message that the installation failed! +如果您嘗試安裝使用不同密鑰庫簽章的 apk,則會收到一條錯誤訊息,提示安裝失敗! -In case you cannot find your old keystore or its password anymore, proceed as follows: +如果您無法再找到舊密鑰庫或其密碼,請按照以下步驟進行: -1. [Export settings](ExportImportSettings-export-settings) on your phone. -2. Copy or upload the settings file from your phone to an external location (i.e. your computer, cloud storage service...). -4. Generate signed apk of new version as described on the [Update guide](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ and transfer it to your phone. -5. Uninstall previous AAPS version on your phone. -6. Install new AAPS version on your phone. -7. [Import settings](ExportImportSettings-import-settings) to restore your objectives and configuration. +1. [匯出設置](ExportImportSettings-export-settings)到您的手機。 +2. 將設置文件從手機複製或上傳到外部位置(例如您的電腦、雲端存儲服務……)。 +4. 按照[更新指南](../Installing-AndroidAPS/中的說明生成新版本的簽章 apk 並將其傳輸到您的手機。 +5. 卸載手機上的上一個 AAPS 版本。 +6. 在手機上安裝新的 AAPS 版本。 +7. [匯入設置](ExportImportSettings-import-settings)以恢復您的目標和配置。 - If you can't find them on your phone copy them from the external storage to your phone. + 如果您無法在手機上找到它們,請將它們從外部存儲複製到手機上。 -8. Check your battery optimization options and disable them again. -9. Keep on looping. +8. 檢查您的電池優化選項並再次停用它們。 +9. 繼續循環。 -## Gradle Sync failed -Gradle Sync can fail to various reasons. Wen you get a message saying that gradle sync failed, open the "Build" tab (1) at the bottom of Android Studio and check what error message (2) is displayed. +## Gradle 同步失敗 +Gradle 同步可能由於各種原因失敗。 當您收到訊息提示 gradle 同步失敗時,打開 Android Studio 底部的“Build”選項卡 (1),查看顯示的錯誤訊息 (2)。 - ![Gradle Failed](../images/studioTroubleshooting/07_GradleSyncFailed2.png) + ![Gradle 失敗](../images/studioTroubleshooting/07_GradleSyncFailed2.png) -These are the usual gradle sync failures: -* [Uncommitted changes](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes) -* [No cached version of ... available](troubleshooting_androidstudio-could-not-resolve-no-cached-version) -* [Android Gradle requires Java 11 to run](troubleshooting_androidstudio-android-gradle-plugin-requires-java-11-to-run) +這些是常見的 gradle 同步失敗: +* [未提交的更改](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes) +* [無法使用 ... 的緩存版本](troubleshooting_androidstudio-could-not-resolve-no-cached-version) +* [Android Gradle 需要 Java 11 才能運作](troubleshooting_androidstudio-android-gradle-plugin-requires-java-11-to-run) -*Important*: After you have followed the instructions for your specific problem, you need to trigger the [gradle sync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-gradle-resync) again. +*重要提示*: 按照您的特定問題的說明操作後,您需要再次觸發 [gradle 同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-gradle-resync)。 (troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes)= -### Uncommitted changes +### 未提交的更改 -If you receive a failure message like +如果您收到失敗訊息,如 -![Gradle Uncommited Changes](../images/studioTroubleshooting/02_GradleUncommitedChanges.png) +![Gradle 未提交的更改](../images/studioTroubleshooting/02_GradleUncommitedChanges.png) -#### Step 1 - Check git installation - * Open the terminal tab (1) at the bottom of Android Studio and copy the following text and paste or type into the terminal. +#### 步驟 1 - 檢查 git 安裝 + * 打開 Android Studio 底部的終端選項卡 (1),複製以下文字並粘貼或輸入到終端中。 ``` git --version ``` - ![Gradle Git Version](../images/studioTroubleshooting/03_GitVersion.png) + ![Gradle Git 版本](../images/studioTroubleshooting/03_GitVersion.png) - Note: There is a space and two hyphens between git and version! + 注意:git 和 version 之間有一個空格和兩個破折號! - * You must receive a message saying what git version is installed, as you can see in the screenshot above. In this case, go to [Step 2](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-2-check-for-uncommitted-changes). + * 您應該收到一條訊息,告訴您安裝了什麼版本的 git,正如上面的截圖所示。 在這種情況下,請轉到[步驟 2](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-2-check-for-uncommitted-changes)。 - * In case you get an message saying + * 如果您收到訊息提示 ``` - Git: command not found + Git:找不到指令 ``` - your Git installation is not right. + 您的 Git 安裝不正確。 - * [Check git installation](git-install-check-git-settings-in-android-studio) + * [檢查 git 安裝](git-install-check-git-settings-in-android-studio) - * if on Windows and git was just installed, you should restart your computer to make git globally available after the installation + * 如果您在 Windows 上並且剛剛安裝了 git,應該重新啟動計算機,以便在安裝後使 git 在全系統範圍內可用 - * If Git is installed, you have restarted (if on windows), and git still couldn't found: + * 如果已安裝 Git,並且已重新啟動(如果是在 Windows 上),git 仍然找不到: - * Search your computer for a file "git.exe". + * 在計算機上搜索文件“git.exe”。 - Note for yourself, what directory it is in. + 請記下它所在的目錄。 - * Go to the Environment variables in windows, select the variable "PATH" and click edit. Add the directory where you have found your git installation. + * 轉到 Windows 中的環境變數,選擇變數“PATH”,然後點擊編輯。 添加您找到的 git 安裝目錄。 - * Save and close. + * 儲存並關閉。 - * Restart Android Studio. + * 重新啟動 Android Studio。 -#### Step 2: Check for uncommitted changes. +#### 步驟 2:檢查未提交的更改。 - * In Android Studio, oben the "Commit" Tab (1) on the left-hand side. ![Commit Tab: Uncommitted changes](../images/studioTroubleshooting/04_CommitTabWithChanges.png) - * You can see either a "Default changeset" (2) or "Unversioned files" (3): + * 在 Android Studio 中,打開左側的“提交”標籤 (1)。 ![提交標籤:未提交的更改](../images/studioTroubleshooting/04_CommitTabWithChanges.png) + * 您可以看到“預設變更集”(2) 或“未版本化文件”(3): - * For "Default changeset", you probably updated gradle or changed some of the file contents by mistake. + * 對於“預設變更集”,您可能錯誤地更新了 gradle 或更改了一些文件內容。 - * Right click on "Default Changeset" and select "Rollback" + * 右鍵單擊“預設變更集”,然後選擇“回滾” - ![Commit Tab: Rollback changes](../images/studioTroubleshooting/05_CommitTabRollback.png) + ![提交標籤:回滾變更](../images/studioTroubleshooting/05_CommitTabRollback.png) - * The files are fetched again from the Git server. If there are no other changes in the commit tab, go to [Step 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync). + * 文件將再次從 Git 服務器中獲取。 如果提交標籤中沒有其他更改,請轉到[步驟 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)。 - * If you can see "Unversioned Files", you might have stored files in your sourecode directory which should be better places somewhere else, e.g. your keystore file. + * 如果您看到“未版本化文件”,您可能將文件存儲在源碼目錄中,應將其移到其他地方,例如您的密鑰庫文件。 - * Use your regular file explorer on your computer to move or cut and paste that file to a save place. + * 使用計算機上的常規文件瀏覽器將該文件移動或剪切並粘貼到安全的位置。 - * Go back to Android Studio and click the Refresh button (4) within the Commit tab to make sure the file is not stored in the AAPS directory anymore. + * 返回 Android Studio,並點擊提交標籤中的重新整理按鈕 (4),以確保該文件不再存儲在 AAPS 目錄中。 - If there are no other changes in the commit tab, go to [Step 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync). + 如果提交標籤中沒有其他更改,請轉到[步驟 3](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)。 (troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)= -#### Step 3: Resync Gradle (again) +#### 步驟 3:再次同步 Gradle -Follow the instructions at [Gradle Resync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync). +按照[Gradle 再次同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync)中的說明進行操作。 (troubleshooting_androidstudio-android-gradle-plugin-requires-java-11-to-run)= -### Incompatible version of Android Gradle plugin +### 不相容的 Android Gradle 外掛版本 - If you experience the following error message + 如果您遇到以下錯誤訊息 - ![Incompatible version of Android Gradle plugin](../images/studioTroubleshooting/15_InkompatibelAndroidGradlePlugin.png) + ![不相容的 Android Gradle 外掛版本](../images/studioTroubleshooting/15_InkompatibelAndroidGradlePlugin.png) - You are using an outdated version of Android Studio. In the menu, go to Help > Check for updates and install any updates of Android Studio and its plugins that are found. + 您使用的是過期版本的 Android Studio。 在選單中,轉到幫助 > 檢查更新,並安裝找到的所有 Android Studio 及其外掛的更新。 -### Android Gradle plugin requires Java 17 to run +### Android Gradle 外掛需要 Java 17 才能運作 - You might experience this error message: + 您可能會遇到此錯誤訊息: - ![Android Gradle plugin requires Java 17 to run](../images/studioTroubleshooting/11_GradleJDK.png) + ![Android Gradle 外掛需要 Java 17 才能運作](../images/studioTroubleshooting/11_GradleJDK.png) - Click on "Gradle Settings" (1) to go to open the gradle settings. + 點擊“Gradle 設置”(1) 以打開 gradle 設置。 - If you don't have the link to the "Gradle Settings", open the Gradle settings manually by selecting the Gradle Tab on the right border (1), select the tools icon (2) and there the item 'Gradle Settings' (3). + 如果沒有“Gradle 設置”的鏈接,請手動打開 Gradle 設置,透過選擇右側邊框的 Gradle 標籤 (1),選擇工具圖示 (2),然後選擇“Gradle 設置”項目 (3)。 - ![Gradle Settings](../images/studioTroubleshooting/09_GradleSettings.png) + ![Gradle 設置](../images/studioTroubleshooting/09_GradleSettings.png) - When you have opened the Gradle settings dialog, open the options (1) at "Gradle JDK" and selected the "jbr-17" (2), which should be located within your Android Studion installation directory. + 打開 Gradle 設置對話框後,打開“Gradle JDK”選項 (1),並選擇“jbr-17” (2),它應位於您的 Android Studio 安裝目錄中。 - ![Gradle Settings](../images/studioTroubleshooting/12_GradleSettingsJDK.png) + ![Gradle 設置](../images/studioTroubleshooting/12_GradleSettingsJDK.png) - Press "OK" to save and close the settings dialog. + 按“確定”儲存並關閉設置對話框。 - *Important*: If you don't see the setting "Gradle JDK", you might have not updated Android Studio. Make sure you are using Android Studio 2022.3 Giraffe) or newer. + *重要提示*:如果您看不到 "Gradle JDK" 設定,您可能還沒有更新 Android Studio。 請確保您正在使用 Android Studio 2022.3 (Giraffe) 或更新版本。 - Now you need to trigger a [Gradle Resync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) + 現在您需要觸發[Gradle 重新同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) (troubleshooting_androidstudio-could-not-resolve-no-cached-version)= -### Could not resolve/No cached version +### 無法解析/無緩存版本 - You might get this error message: + 您可能會收到此錯誤訊息: - ![Could not resolve... No cached version](../images/studioTroubleshooting/08_NoCachedVersion.png) + ![無法解析... 無緩存版本](../images/studioTroubleshooting/08_NoCachedVersion.png) - * On the right side, open the Gradle tab (1). + * 在右側,打開 Gradle 標籤 (1)。 - Make sure the button shown at (2) is *NOT* selected. + 確保顯示為 (2) 的按鈕*未選中*。 - ![Gradle Offline Mode](../images/studioTroubleshooting/10_GradleOfflineMode.png) + ![Gradle 離線模式](../images/studioTroubleshooting/10_GradleOfflineMode.png) - * Now you need to trigger a [Gradle Resync](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) + * 現在您需要觸發[Gradle 重新同步](troubleshooting_androidstudio-step-3-gradle-resync) (troubleshooting_androidstudio-unable-to-start-daemon-process)= -### Unable to start daemon process +### 無法啟動守護程序進程 - If you see an error message like the one below you probably use a Windows 10 32-bit system. This is not supported by Android Studio 3.5.1 and above and unfortunately nothing the AAPS developer can do about. + 如果您看到如下所示的錯誤訊息,您可能使用的是 Windows 10 32 位系統。 Android Studio 3.5.1 及以上版本不支援此系統,遺憾的是,AAPS 開發人員無法解決此問題。 - If you are using Windows 10 you must use a 64-bit operating system. + 如果您正在使用 Windows 10,必須使用 64 位操作系統。 - There are a lot of manuals on the internet how to determine wether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit OS - i.e. [this one]( + 互聯網上有很多指南介紹如何確定您擁有 32 位或 64 位操作系統 - 例如[這篇文章](。 - ![Screenshot Unable to start daemon process](../images/AndroidStudioWin10_32bitError.png) + ![無法啟動守護進程的截圖](../images/AndroidStudioWin10_32bitError.png) -### Gradle Resync +### Gradle 重新同步 - If you can still see the message that the gradle sync failed, now select the Link "Try again". ![Gradle Sync Failed Mode](../images/studioTroubleshooting/01_GradleSyncFailed.png) + 如果您仍然看到 Gradle 同步失敗的訊息,請選擇鏈接 "再試一次"。 ![Gradle 同步失敗模式](../images/studioTroubleshooting/01_GradleSyncFailed.png) - If you don't see the a message anymore, you can still trigger this manually: + 如果不再看到任何訊息,您仍可以手動觸發此操作: - * Open the Gradle tab (1) on the right border of Android Studio. + * 在 Android Studio 的右側邊框打開 Gradle 標籤 (1)。 - ![Gradle Reload](../images/studioTroubleshooting/06_GradleResyncManually.png) + ![Gradle 重新載入](../images/studioTroubleshooting/06_GradleResyncManually.png) - * Right-click on AAPS (2) + * 右鍵單擊 AAPS (2) - * Click on "Reload Gradle Project" (3) + * 點擊 "重新載入 Gradle 項目" (3) -## Generate Signed APK generated successfully with 0 build variants +## 成功生成簽章 APK,但生成了 0 個構建變體 -When you generate the signed apk, you might get the notification that generation was successfully but are told that 0 build variants where generated: +當您生成簽章 APK 時,您可能會收到通知,提示生成成功,但顯示生成了 0 個構建變體: -![APK generated with 0 build variants](../images/studioTroubleshooting/14_BuildWith0Variants.png) +![生成了 0 個構建變體的 APK](../images/studioTroubleshooting/14_BuildWith0Variants.png) -This is a false warning. Check the directory your selected as "Destination folder" for generation (step [Generate Signed APK](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)) and you will find the generated apk there! +這是一個錯誤警告。 檢查您選擇作為 "目標文件夾" 的目錄(步驟 [生成簽章 APK](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)),您將在那裡找到生成的 apk! -## App was created with compiler/kotlin warnings +## 應用程序是用編譯器/Kotlin 警告建立的 -If your build completed successfully but you get compiler or kotlin warnings (indicated by a yellow or blue exclamation mark) then you can just ignore these warnings. +如果您的構建成功完成,但出現編譯器或 Kotlin 警告(由黃色或藍色感嘆號標識),那麼您可以忽略這些警告。 - ![Gradle finished with warnings](../images/studioTroubleshooting/13_BuildWithWarnings.png) + ![Gradle 完成但有警告](../images/studioTroubleshooting/13_BuildWithWarnings.png) -Your app was build successfully and can be transferred to phone! +您的應用程序已成功構建並可以傳輸到手機! -## Key was created with errors +## 密鑰生成時出現錯誤 -When creating a new keystore for building the signed APK, on Windows the following error message might appear +在 Windows 上為生成簽章 APK 建立新密鑰庫時,可能會出現以下錯誤訊息 -![Key was created with errors](../images/AndroidStudio35SigningKeys.png) +![密鑰生成時出現錯誤](../images/AndroidStudio35SigningKeys.png) -This seems to be a bug with Android Studio 3.5.1 and its shipped Java environment in Windows. The key is created correctly but a recommendation is falsely displayed as an error. This can currently be ignored. +這似乎是 Android Studio 3.5.1 及其在 Windows 中捆綁的 Java 環境中的一個錯誤。 密鑰已正確建立,但建議錯誤顯示為錯誤。 當前可以忽略此問題。 -## No CGM data is received by AAPS +## AAPS 未接收 CGM 資料 -* In case you are using patched Dexcom G6 app: This app is outdated. Use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) app instead. +* 如果您使用的是修補過的 Dexcom G6 應用程序:此應用程序已過時。 請改用[BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)應用程序。 -* In case you are using xDrip+: Identify receiver as described on [xDrip+ settings page](xdrip-identify-receiver). +* 如果您使用的是 xDrip+:請按照[xDrip+ 設置頁面](xdrip-identify-receiver)中的說明識別接收器。 -## App not installed +## 應用程序未安裝 -![phone app note installed](../images/Update_AppNotInstalled.png) +![手機應用程序未安裝](../images/Update_AppNotInstalled.png) -* Make sure you have transferred the “app-full-release.apk” file to your phone. -* If "App not installed" is displayed on your phone follow these steps: +* 請確保您已將 "app-full-release.apk" 文件傳輸到您的手機。 +* 如果手機上顯示 "應用程序未安裝",請按照以下步驟操作: -1. [Export settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) (in AAPS version already installed on your phone) -2. Uninstall AAPS on your phone. -3. Enable airplane mode & turn off bluetooth. -4. Install new version (“app-full-release.apk”) -5. [Import settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) -6. Turn bluetooth back on and disable airplane mode +1. [匯出設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings)(在您的手機上已安裝的 AAPS 版本中) +2. 卸載手機上的 AAPS。 +3. 啟用飛行模式並關閉藍牙。 +4. 安裝新版本("app-full-release.apk") +5. [匯入設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) +6. 重新打開藍牙並關閉飛行模式 -## App installed but old version +## 應用程序已安裝但版本仍為舊版本 -If you built the app successfully, transferred it to your phone and installed it successfully but the version number stays the same then you might have missed to [update your local copy](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy) +如果您成功構建了應用程序,將其傳輸到手機並成功安裝,但版本號保持不變,則可能是您遺漏了[更新本地副本](Update-to-new-version-update-your-local-copy)。 -## None of the above worked +## 上述方法均無效 -If non of the above tips helped you might consider building the app from scratch: +如果上述提示均無法幫助您,您可能需要考慮從頭開始構建應用程序: -1. [Export settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) (in AAPS version already installed on your phone) +1. [匯出設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings)(在您的手機上已安裝的 AAPS 版本中) -2. Have your key password and key store password ready. In case you have forgotten passwords you can try to find them in project files as described [here]( +2. 準備好您的密鑰密碼和密鑰庫密碼。 如果您忘記了密碼,可以嘗試在項目文件中找到它們,具體方法如[此處](所述。 - Or you just use a new keystore. + 或者您可以使用新的密鑰庫。 -3. Build app from scratch as described [here](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code). +3. 按照[此處](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code)的說明從頭構建應用程序。 -4. When you have build the APK successfully delete the exiting app on your phone, transfer the new apk to your phone and install. -5. [Import settings](../Usage/ExportImportSettings) again to restore your objectives and settings. -6. You should check your battery optimization options and disable them again. +4. 當您成功構建 APK 後,請刪除手機上的現有應用程序,將新 APK 傳輸到手機並安裝。 +5. [再次匯入設置](../Usage/ExportImportSettings)以恢復您的目標和設置。 +6. 您應該檢查您的電池優化選項並再次停用它們。 -## Worst case scenario +## 最壞的情況 -In case even building the app from scratch does not solve your problem you might want to try to uninstall Android Studio completely. Some Users reported that this solved their problem. +如果即使從頭構建應用程序也無法解決您的問題,您可能需要嘗試完全卸載 Android Studio。 一些用戶報告說,這解決了他們的問題。 -**Make sure to uninstall all files associated with Android Studio.** If you do not completely remove Android Studio with all hidden files, uninstalling may cause new problems instead of solving your existing one(s). Manuals for complete uninstall can be found online i.e. +**確保卸載與 Android Studio 相關的所有文件。** 如果您未完全刪除 Android Studio 及其所有隱藏文件,卸載可能會導致新問題,而不是解決現有問題。 可以在互聯網上找到完整卸載指南,例如 -[]( +[](。 -Install Android Studio from scratch as described [here](Building-APK-install-android-studio). +按照[此處](Building-APK-install-android-studio)的說明從頭安裝 Android Studio。 From 152913060951c310bc7099871c380738877471ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:25:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 261/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 460 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 230 insertions(+), 230 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 71eb9c093f74..8cfde786e714 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,470 +1,470 @@ # Omnipod DASH -These instructions are for configuring the **Omnipod DASH** generation pump **(NOT Omnipod Eros)**. The Omnipod driver is available as part of AAPS (AAPS) as of version 3.0. +這些說明適用於配置 **Omnipod DASH** 世代幫浦**(不包括 Omnipod Eros)**。 Omnipod 驅動程式可在 AAPS 3.0 版中使用。 -**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** -## Omnipod DASH specifications +## Omnipod DASH 規格 -These are the specifications of the **Omnipod DASH** and what differentiates it from the **Omnipod EROS**: +以下是 **Omnipod DASH** 與 **Omnipod EROS** 的區別: -* The DASH pods are identified by a blue needle cap (EROS has a clear needle cap). The pods are otherwise identical in terms of physical dimensions -* No need for a separate Omnipod to BLE link/bridge device (NO RileyLink, OrangeLink, or EmaLink needed). -* BT connection only when needed, connects to send command and disconnects right after ! -* No more "no connection to link device / pod" errors -* AAPS will wait for pod accessibility to send commands -* On activation, AAPS will find and connect a new DASH pod. -* Expected range: 5-10 meters (YMMV) +* DASH Pods 具有藍色針蓋(EROS 則有透明針蓋)。 Pod 在物理尺寸上是相同的。 +* 不需要單獨的 Omnipod 到 BLE 連線/橋接裝置(不需要 RileyLink、OrangeLink 或 EmaLink)。 +* 僅在需要時進行藍牙連線,發送指令後即中斷連線! +* 不再出現“無法連線到連線裝置/Pod”的錯誤 +* AAPS 會等到幫浦可用後再發送指令。 +* 在啟動時,AAPS 將尋找並連線新的 DASH Pod。 +* 預期範圍:5-10 公尺(實際效果可能有所不同) -## Hardware/Software Requirements +## 硬體/軟體要求 -* A new **Omnipod DASH Pod** (Identified by blue needle cap) +* 一個新的 **Omnipod DASH Pod**(以藍色針蓋為標識) ![Omnipod Pod](../images/DASH_images/Omnipod_Pod.png) -* **Compatible Android phone** with a BLE Bluetooth connection - - Not all phone hardware and Android versions are guaranteed to work. Please check [**DASH Tested phones**]( or just try with your phone and tell us the result (phone reference and geographical region, Android version, worked / some difficulties / did not work). - - **Important note: There have been multiple cases of permanent, non-recoverable connection losses when using older pods with firmware version 3.XX.X. Be careful when using these old pods with AAPS, especially with other Bluetooth devices connected!** Be aware that AAPS Omnipod Dash driver Connects with the Dash POD via Bluetooth every time it sends a command, and it disconnects right after. The Bluetooth connections might be disturbed by other devices linked to the phone that is running AAPS, like earbuds etc... (which might cause, in rare occasions, connection issue or pod errors/loss on activation or afterwards in some phone models), or be disturbed by it. - - **Version 3.0 or newer of AAPS built and installed** using the [**Build APK**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ instructions. -* [**Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)**]( +* **相容的 Android 手機** 需具備 BLE 藍牙連線 + - 並非所有手機硬體和 Android 版本都能保證工作。 請檢查 [**DASH 測試過的手機**](,或直接使用您的手機進行嘗試,並告訴我們結果(手機參考資料和地理區域、Android 版本、是否正常運作/有部份問題/無法運作)。 + - **重要提示:使用舊版韌體 3.XX.X 的 Pod 時,曾有多起永久、不可恢復的連線損失案例。 使用這些舊 Pod 時請小心,尤其是當其他藍牙裝置連線到您的手機時!** 請注意,AAPS Omnipod Dash 驅動程式每次發送指令時都會透過藍牙連線到 Dash POD,並在隨後立即中斷連線。 藍牙連線可能會受到連線到運作 AAPS 手機的其他裝置(例如耳機等)的干擾(在某些手機型號中,這可能會導致連線問題或 Pod 註冊期間或之後的錯誤/遺失),或者被它們干擾。 + - **AAPS 3.0 或更新版本的 AAPS 應按照[**建置 APK**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 的說明進行建置和安裝。

+* [**連續血糖監測儀(CGM)**]( -These instructions will assume that you are starting a new pod session; if this is not the case, please be patient and begin this process on your following pod change. +這些說明假設你正在開始新的幫浦使用。如果不是這樣,請耐心等待,並在下一次更換幫浦時再進行。 -## Before You Begin +## 在您開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra pods, insulin, and phone devices are must-haves). +**安全第一** - 請勿在無法從錯誤中恢復的環境中嘗試此過程(必須準備額外的 Pod、胰島素和手機裝置)。 -**Your Omnipod Dash PDM will no longer work after the AAPS Dash driver activates your pod.** Previously you used your Dash PDM to send commands to your Dash pod. An Dash pod only allows a single device to send commands to communicate with it. The device that successfully activates the pod is the only device allowed to communicate with it from that point forward. This means that once you activate an Dash pod with your Android phone through the AAPS Dash driver, **you will no longer be able to use your PDM with that pod**. The AAPS Dash driver in your Android phone is now your acting PDM. +**您的 Omnipod Dash PDM 在 AAPS Dash 驅動程式啟動 Pod 後將無法再使用。** 以前,您使用 Dash PDM 對 Dash Pod 發送指令。 Dash Pod 只允許一個裝置發送指令與其通訊。 從那時起,成功啟動 Pod 的裝置將是唯一能夠與其通訊的裝置。 這意味著,一旦您透過 AAPS Dash 驅動程式在 Android 手機上啟動了一個 Dash Pod,**您將無法再使用 PDM 與該 Pod 進行通訊**。 您 Android 手機上的 AAPS Dash 驅動程式現在是您的 PDM。 -*This does NOT mean you should throw away your PDM, it is recommended to keep it around as a backup and for emergencies, for instance when your phone gets lost or AAPS is not working correctly.* +*這並不意味著您應該丟棄 PDM,建議將其留作備用和應急使用,例如手機遺失或 AAPS 無法正常工作時。* -**Your pod will not stop delivering insulin when it is not connected to AAPS**. Default basal rates are programmed on the pod on activation as defined in the current active profile. As long as AAPS is operational it will send basal rate commands that run for a maximum of 120 minutes. When for some reason the pod does not receive any new commands (for instance because communication was lost due to Pod - phone distance) the pod will automatically fall back to default basal rates. +**當 Pod 未連線到 AAPS 時,Pod 不會停止輸送胰島素**。 在啟動時,會根據當前活動設定檔中的定義,在 Pod 上編程預設基礎率。 只要 AAPS 正常運作,它將發送持續時間最多為 120 分鐘的基礎率指令。 當因某些原因 Pod 未接收到任何新指令(例如,因 Pod 與手機的距離過遠而失去連線)時,Pod 會自動恢復為預設基礎率。 -**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** **The AAPS Profile does not support a 30 minute basal rate time frame** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time, please be aware that basal rates starting on a half-hour basis are not supported, and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to change this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the Omnipod Dash hardware itself supports the 30 min basal rate profile increments, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. +**AAPS 不支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔。** **AAPS 設定檔不支援 30 分鐘的基礎率時間框架** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並首次設置基礎率設定檔,請注意,基礎率從半小時開始的設定不被支援,您需要調整您的基礎率設定檔以從整點開始。 例如,如果您的基礎率為 1.1 單位,並於 09:30 開始,持續時間為 2 小時,於 11:30 結束,這將無法正常工作。 您需要將此 1.1 單位的基礎率更改為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管 Omnipod Dash 硬體本身支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔,但 AAPS 的演算法目前無法考慮這些增量。 -**0U/h profile basal rates are NOT supported in AAPS** While the DASH pods do support a zero basal rate, since AAPS uses multiples of the profile basal rate to determine automated treatment it cannot function with a zero basal rate. A temporary zero basal rate can be achieved through the "Disconnect pump" function or through a combination of Disable Loop/Temp Basal Rate or Suspend Loop/Temp Basal Rate. +**AAPS 不支援 0 單位/小時的設定檔基礎率** 雖然 DASH Pods 支援 0 單位基礎率,但由於 AAPS 使用基礎率設定檔的倍數來確定自動治療,因此無法處理 0 單位基礎率。 可以透過“中斷幫浦”功能或停用循環/臨時基礎率或暫停循環/臨時基礎率的組合來實現臨時的 0 單位基礎率。 -## Enabling the Dash Driver in AAPS +## 在 AAPS 中啟用 Dash 驅動程式 -You can enable the Dash driver in AAPS in **two ways**: +您可以透過**兩種方式**在 AAPS 中啟用 Dash 驅動程式: -### Option 1: New installations +### 選項 1:新安裝 -When you are installing AAPS for the first time, the **Setup Wizard** will guide you through installing AAPS. Select “DASH” when you reach Pump selection. +當您首次安裝 AAPS 時,**設置嚮導**將引導您完成 AAPS 的安裝。 當達到幫浦選擇時,選擇“DASH”。 ![Enable_Dash_1](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_1.png) -When in doubt you can also select “Virtual Pump” and select “DASH” later, after setting up AAPS (see option 2). +如有疑問,您還可以選擇“虛擬幫浦”,並在設置 AAPS 後選擇“DASH”(參見選項 2)。 -### Option 2: The Config Builder +### 選項 2:組態建置工具 -On an existing installation you can select the **DASH** pump from the Config builder: +在現有安裝中,您可以從組態建置工具中選擇**DASH**幫浦: -On the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** select **Config Builder (1)**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **Settings Gear (3)** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Dash**. +在左上角的**漢堡選單**中,選擇**組態建置工具(1)**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ 選擇**Dash**的**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**選項按鈕(2)**。 -Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will allow the Dash menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **DASH**. Checking this box will facilitate your access to the DASH commands when using AAPS. +選擇**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**複選框(4)**,將允許 DASH 選單作為 AAPS 介面中的一個標籤顯示,標題為**DASH**。 勾選此框將有助於您在使用 AAPS 時查看 DASH 指令。 -**NOTE:** A faster way to access the [**Dash settings**](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings) can be found below in the Dash settings section of this document. +**注意:**更快查看[**Dash 設定**](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings)的方法可以在本文檔的 Dash 設定部分中找到。 ![Enable_Dash_3](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_3.png) -### Verification of Omnipod Driver Selection +### 驗證 Omnipod 驅動程式選擇 -To verify that you have enabled the Dash driver in AAPS, if you have checked the box (4), **swipe to the left** from the **Overview** tab, where you will now see a **DASH** tab. If you have not checked the box, you’ll find the DASH tab in the hamburger menu upper left. +要驗證您是否已在 AAPS 中啟用了 Dash 驅動程式,勾選該框(4)後,**從** **首頁總覽**標籤**向左滑動**,您將看到一個**DASH**標籤。 如果您沒有勾選該框,您會在左上角的漢堡選單中找到 DASH 標籤。 ![Enable_Dash_4](../images/DASH_images/Enable_Dash/Enable_Dash_4.jpg) -## Dash Configuration +## Dash 配置 -Please **swipe left** to the **DASH** tab where you will be able to manage all pod functions (some of these functions are not enabled or visible without an active pod session): +請**向左滑動**到**DASH**標籤,在那裡您將能管理所有 Pod 功能(在沒有註冊 Pod 會話的情況下,某些功能將不可用或不可見): -![Refresh_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) Refresh Pod connectivity and status, be able to silence pod alarms when the pod beeps +![Refresh_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) 重新整理 Pod 連線和狀態,能夠在 Pod 發出嗶聲時靜音 Pod 警報 -![POD_MGMT_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) Pod Management (Activate, Deactivate, Play test beep, and Pod history) +![POD_MGMT_LOGO](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) Pod 管理(註冊、停用、播放測試嗶聲和 Pod 歷史記錄) (OmnipodDASH-activate-pod)= -### Activate Pod +### 註冊 Pod -1. Navigate to the **DASH** tab and click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, and then click on **Activate Pod (2)**. +1. 導航至**DASH**標籤,點擊**POD 管理(1)**按鈕,然後點擊**註冊 Pod(2)**。 ![Activate_Pod_1](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_1.png) ![Activate_Pod_2](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_2.png) -2. The **Fill Pod** screen is displayed. Fill a new pod with at least 80 units of insulin and listen for two beeps indicating that the pod is ready to be primed. When calculating the total amount of insulin you need for 3 days, please take into account that priming the pod will use about 3-10 units. +2. 顯示**填充 Pod**畫面。 將至少 80 單位的胰島素注入新的 Pod,等聽到兩聲嗶聲,表示 Pod 準備就緒並可續繼將胰島素輸入完。 計算 3 天所需的胰島素總量時,請考慮 Pod 本身的排空會占用約 3-10 單位。 ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_3.png) ![Activate_Pod_4](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_4.jpg) -Ensure that the new pod and the phone running AAPS are within close proximity of each other and click the **Next** button. +確保新 Pod 和要運作 AAPS 的手機兩者在附近,然後點擊**下一步**按鈕。 -**NOTE**: Just in case you get the below error message (this can happen), do not panic. Click on the **Retry** button. In most situations activation will continue successfully. +**注意**:如果出現以下錯誤訊息,不要驚慌,這是可能發生的。 點擊 **重試** 按鈕。 在大多數情況下,註冊將繼續成功進行。 ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Activate_pod_error.png) -3. On the **Initialize Pod** screen, the pod will begin priming (you will hear a click followed by a series of ticking sounds as the pod primes itself). A green checkmark will be shown upon successful priming, and the **Next** button will become enabled. Click on the **Next** button to complete the pod priming initialization and display the **Attach Pod** screen. +3. 在 **初始化 Pod** 畫面上,Pod 將開始排空(您會聽到點擊聲,接著是連續的滴答聲,表明 Pod 正在自我排空)。 排空成功後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕,完成 Pod 排空初始化並顯示 **連線 Pod** 畫面。 ![Activate_Pod_5](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_5.jpg) ![Activate_Pod_6](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_6.jpg) -4. Next, prepare the infusion site of the new pod. Remove the pod's plastic needle cap. If you see something that sticks out of the pod, cancel the process and start with a new pod. If everything looks OK, take off the white paper backing from the adhesive and apply the pod to the selected site on your body. When finished, click on the **Next** button. +4. 接下來,準備新 Pod 的注射部位。 移除 Pod 的塑膠針蓋。 如果您看到 Pod 有突出的部分,請取消流程並從新的 Pod 開始。 如果一切正常,撕下黏貼物的白色襯紙,並將 Pod 貼在您選定的身體部位。 完成後,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 ![Activate_Pod_8](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_8.jpg) -5. The **Attach Pod** dialog box will now appear. **click on the OK button ONLY if you are ready to deploy the cannula**. +5. 現在會出現 **連線 Pod** 對話框。 **只有在您準備好插入針管時才點擊 OK 按鈕**。 ![Activate_Pod_9](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_9.jpg) -6. After pressing **OK**, it may take some time before the Dash pod responds and inserts the cannula (1-2 minutes maximum), so be patient. +6. 按下 **OK** 後,可能需要一些時間,Dash Pod 才會回應並插入針管(最多 1-2 分鐘),請耐心等待。 - *NOTE: Before the cannula is inserted, it is good practice to pinch the skin near the cannula insertion point. This ensures a smooth insertion of the needle and will decrease your chances of developing occlusions.* + *注意:在插入針管之前,最好輕捏針管插入點附近的皮膚。 這有助於針頭順利插入,並減少堵塞的機會。* ![Activate_Pod_10](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_10.png) ![Activate_Pod_11](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_11.jpg) -7. A green checkmark appears, and the **Next** button becomes enabled upon successful cannula insertion. Click on the **Next** button. +7. 針管成功插入後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 ![Activate_Pod_12](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_12.jpg) -9. The **Pod activated** screen is displayed. Click on the green **Finished** button. Congratulations! You have now started a new active pod session. +9. 顯示 **Pod 已註冊** 畫面。 點擊綠色 **完成** 按鈕。 恭喜! 你已經開始了新的 Pod 使用階段。 ![Activate_Pod_13](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_13.jpg) -10. The **Pod management** menu screen should now display the **Activate Pod (1)** button *disabled* and the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button *enabled*. This is because a pod is now active and you cannot activate an additional pod without deactivating the currently active pod first. +10. 現在 **Pod 管理** 選單畫面應顯示 **註冊 Pod (1)** 按鈕為 *停用*,並顯示 **停用 Pod (2)** 按鈕為 *啟用*。 這是因為目前有一個 Pod 處於啟用狀態,必須先停用目前啟用的 Pod 才能註冊另一個 Pod。 - Click on the back button on your phone to return to the **DASH** tab screen which will now display Pod information for your active pod session, including current basal rate, pod reservoir level, insulin delivered, pod errors and alerts. + 點擊手機上的返回按鈕,返回到 **DASH** 標籤畫面,該畫面現在會顯示您的啟用 Pod 的資訊,包括當前基礎率、Pod 儲液量、輸送的胰島素、Pod 錯誤和警報。 - For more details on the information displayed go to the [**DASH Tab**](OmnipodDASH-dash-tab) section of this document. + 有關顯示資訊的更多詳細資料,請參閱本文檔的[**DASH 標籤**](OmnipodDASH-dash-tab)部分。 ![Activate_Pod_14](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_14.png) ![Activate_Pod_15](../images/DASH_images/Activate_Pod/Activate_Pod_15.jpg) -It is good practice to export settings AFTER activating the pod. Do this at each pod change and once a month, copy the exported file to your internet drive. see [**Export settings Doc**]( +在註冊 Pod 後匯出設置是一個好習慣。 每次更換 Pod 時都應執行此操作,每月一次,將匯出的文件複製到您的網路磁碟。 請參閱 [**匯出設置文檔**](。 (OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod)= -### Deactivate Pod +### 停用 Pod -Under normal circumstances, the expected lifetime of a pod is three days (72 hours) and an additional 8 hours after the pod expiration warning for a total of 80 hours of pod usage. +在正常情況下,Pod 的預期壽命為三天(72 小時),並且在 Pod 過期警告後還有額外的 8 小時,總共可以使用 80 小時。 -To deactivate a pod (either from expiration or from a pod failure): +要停用 Pod(不論是過期還是 Pod 故障): -1. Go to the **DASH** tab, click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, on the **Pod management** screen click on the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button. +1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,點擊 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕,然後在 **Pod 管理** 畫面中點擊 **停用 Pod (2)** 按鈕。 ![Deactivate_Pod_1](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_1.jpg) ![Deactivate_Pod_2](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_2.png) -2. On the **Deactivate Pod** screen, click on the **Next** button to begin the process of deactivating the pod. You will receive a confirmation beep from the pod that deactivation was successful. +2. 在 **停用 Pod** 畫面上,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕開始停用 Pod 的流程。 您會收到來自 Pod 的確認嗶聲,表明停用成功。 ![Deactivate_Pod_3](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_3.jpg) ![Deactivate_Pod_4](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_4.jpg) -3. A green checkmark will appear upon successful deactivation. Click on the **Next** button to display the pod deactivated screen. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. +3. 停用成功後會顯示綠色勾號。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以顯示 Pod 停用畫面。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 ![Deactivate_Pod_5](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_5.jpg) -4. Click on the green button to return to the **Pod Management** screen. +4. 點擊綠色按鈕返回 **Pod 管理** 畫面。 ![Deactivate_Pod_6](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_6.jpg) -5. You are now on the **Pod Management** menu; press the back button on your phone to return to the **DASH** tab. Verify that the **Pod status:** field displays a **No active Pod** message. +5. 現在您已進入 **Pod 管理** 選單;按下手機上的返回按鈕返回 **DASH** 標籤。 確認 **Pod 狀態:** 欄位顯示 **無可用的 Pod** 訊息。 ![Deactivate_Pod_7](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_7.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_8](../images/DASH_images/Deactivate_Pod/Deactivate_Pod_8.jpg) (OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery)= -### Resuming Insulin Delivery +### 恢復胰島素輸送 -**Note**: During profile switches, dash must suspend delivery before setting the new basal profile. If communication fails between the two commands, then delivery can be suspended. Read [**Delivery suspended**](OmnipodDASH) in the troubleshooting section for more details. +**注意**:在切換設定檔期間,Dash 必須暫停輸送,然後設置新的基礎率設定檔。 如果兩個指令之間的通訊失敗,則可能會暫停輸送。 請參閱疑難排解部分中的[**輸送暫停**](OmnipodDASH)以獲取更多詳細資料。 -Use this command to instruct the active, currently suspended pod to resume insulin delivery. After the command is successfully processed, insulin will resume normal delivery using the current basal rate based on the current time from the active basal profile. The pod will again accept commands for bolus, TBR, and SMB. +使用此指令指示當前暫停的活動 Pod 恢復胰島素輸送。 指令成功處理後,胰島素將根據當前時間並使用活動基礎率設定檔恢復正常輸送。 Pod 將再次接受注射、TBR 和 SMB 的指令。 -1. Go to the **DASH** tab and ensure the **Pod status (1)** field displays **SUSPENDED**, then press the **RESUME DELIVERY (2)** button to start the process to instruct the current pod to resume normal insulin delivery. A message **RESUME DELIVERY** will display in the **Pod Status (3)** field. +1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,確認 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位顯示 **已暫停**,然後按下 **恢復輸送 (2)** 按鈕以開始流程,指示當前的 Pod 恢復正常的胰島素輸送。 訊息 **恢復輸送** 將顯示在 **Pod 狀態 (3)** 欄位中。 ![Resume_1](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_1.jpg) ![Resume_2](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_2.jpg) -2. When the Resume delivery command is successful, a confirmation dialog will display the message **Insulin delivery has been resumed**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. +2. 當恢復輸送指令成功後,確認對話框將顯示訊息 **胰島素輸送已恢復**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 ![Resume_3](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_3.png) -3. The **DASH** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** field to display **RUNNING,** and the **Resume Delivery** button will no longer be displayed +3. **DASH** 標籤將更新 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位,顯示 **運作中**,並且將不再顯示恢復輸送按鈕。 ![Resume_4](../images/DASH_images/Resume/Resume_4.jpg) -### Silencing Pod Alerts +### 靜音 Pod 警報 -*NOTE - The SILENCE ALERTS button is only available on the **DASH** tab when the pod expiration or low reservoir alert has been triggered. If the SILENCE ALERTS button is not visible and you hear beep sounds from the pod, try to 'Refresh pod status'.* +*注意 - 僅當觸發 Pod 過期或低儲液量警報時,**靜音警報** 按鈕才會在 **DASH** 標籤上顯示。 如果未顯示靜音警報按鈕且您聽到 Pod 的嗶聲,請嘗試“重新整理 Pod 狀態”。* -The process below will show you how to acknowledge and dismiss pod beeps when the active pod time reaches the warning time limit before the pod expiration of 72 hours (3 days). This warning time limit is defined in the **Hours before shutdown** Dash alerts setting. The maximum life of a pod is 80 hours (3 days 8 hours), however Insulet recommends not exceeding the 72 hours (3 days) limit. +以下流程將向你展示當 Pod 的使用時間接近72小時(3天)到期的警告時,如何確認並關閉 Pod 的嗶聲。 此警告時間限制定義在 **距關閉時間的時數** Dash 警報設置中。 Pod 的最大使用壽命為 80 小時(3 天 8 小時),但 Insulet 建議不要超過 72 小時(3 天)限制。 -1. When the defined **Hours before shutdown** warning time limit is reached, the pod will issue warning beeps to inform you that it is approaching its expiration time and pod change will be required soon. You can verify this on the **DASH** tab, the **Pod expires: (1)** field will show the exact time the pod will expire (72 hours after activation), and the text will turn **red** after this time has passed. Under the **Active Pod alerts (2)** field the status message **Pod will expire soon** is displayed. This also will trigger displaying the **SILENCE ALERTS (3)** button. +1. 當達到定義的 **距關閉時間的時數** 警告時間限制時,Pod 會發出警告嗶聲,通知您即將過期並需要更換 Pod。 您可以在 **DASH** 標籤上進行驗證,**Pod 過期:** 欄位將顯示 Pod 的確切過期時間(註冊後 72 小時),且文字會在此時間過後變為 **紅色**。 在 **啟用 Pod 警報 (2)** 欄位下,狀態訊息會顯示 **Pod 即將過期**。 這也會觸發顯示 **靜音警報 (3)** 按鈕。 ![ACK_alerts_1](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_1.png) -2. Go to the **DASH** tab and press the **SILENCE ALERTS (2)** button . AAPS sends the command to the pod to deactivate the pod expiration warning beeps and updates the **Pod status (1)** field with **ACKNOWLEDGE ALERTS**. +2. 進入 **DASH** 標籤並按下 **靜音警報 (2)** 按鈕。 AAPS 會向 Pod 發送指令以停用 Pod 過期警告嗶聲,並將 **Pod 狀態 (1)** 欄位更新為 **確認警報**。 ![ACK_alerts_2](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_2.png) -3. Upon **successful deactivation** of the alerts, **2 beeps** will be issued by the active pod and a confirmation dialog will display the message **Activate alerts have been Silenced**. Click the **OK** button to confirm and dismiss the dialog. +3. **成功停用**警報後,啟用 Pod 將發出**兩聲嗶聲**,並且確認對話框將顯示訊息**註冊警報已靜音**。 點擊 **OK** 按鈕以確認並關閉對話框。 ![ACK_alerts_3](../images/DASH_images/ACK_Alerts/ACK_ALERTS_3.png) -4. Go to the **DASH** tab. Under the **Active Pod alerts** field, the warning message is no longer displayed, and the active pod will no longer issue pod expiration warning beeps. +4. 進入 **DASH** 標籤。 在 **啟用 Pod 警報** 欄位下,警告訊息將不再顯示,且活動 Pod 將不再發出 Pod 過期警告嗶聲。 (OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history)= -### View Pod History +### 查看 Pod 歷史記錄 -This section shows you how to review your active pod history and filter by different action categories. The pod history tool allows you to view the actions and results committed to your currently active pod during its three days (72 - 80 hours) life. +本節將向您展示如何查看您的活動 Pod 歷史記錄,並根據不同的操作類別進行篩選。 Pod 歷史工具允許您查看在其三天(72 - 80 小時)使用壽命期間提交到當前活動 Pod 的操作和結果。 -This feature is helpful in verifying boluses, TBRs and basal commands that were sent to the pod. The remaining categories are useful for troubleshooting issues and determining the order of events that occurred leading up to a failure. +此功能有助於驗證發送到 Pod 的注射劑量、臨時基礎率和基礎指令。 其餘類別對於排除故障和確定發生失敗前的事件順序很有幫助。 -*NOTE:* **Only the last command can be uncertain**. New commands *will not be sent* until the **last 'uncertain' command becomes 'confirmed' or 'denied'**. The way to 'fix' uncertain commands is to **'refresh pod status'**. +*注意:* **只有最後一個指令可能是不確定的**。 在**最後的“不確定”指令被“確認”或“拒絕”**之前,*不會發送新的指令*。 “修復”不確定指令的方法是按下 **“重新整理 Pod 狀態”**。 -1. Go to the **DASH** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod Management** menu and then press the **Pod history (2)** button to access the pod history screen. +1. 進入 **DASH** 標籤,按下 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕以進入 **Pod 管理** 選單,然後按下 **Pod 歷史記錄 (2)** 按鈕以進入 Pod 歷史記錄畫面。 ![Pod_history_1](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_1.jpg) ![Pod_history_2](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_2.jpg) -2. On the **Pod history** screen, the default category of **All (1)** is displayed, showing the **Date and Time (2)** of all pod **Actions (3)** and **Results (4)** in reverse chronological order. Use your phone’s **back button 2 times** to return to the **DASH** tab in the main AAPS interface. +2. 在 **Pod 歷史記錄** 畫面中,顯示預設類別 **全部 (1)**,以逆序顯示所有 Pod **操作 (3)** 和 **結果 (4)** 的 **日期和時間 (2)**。 使用手機的 **返回按鈕按兩次** 以返回主 AAPS 介面中的 **DASH** 標籤。 ![Pod_history_3](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_3.jpg) ![Pod_history_4](../images/DASH_images/Pod_History/Pod_history_4.jpg) (OmnipodDASH-dash-tab)= -## DASH Tab +## DASH 標籤 -Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons and status fields on the **DASH** tab in the main AAPS interface. +以下是主 AAPS 介面中 **DASH** 標籤的佈局說明及圖示和狀態欄位的含義。 -*NOTE: If any message in the **DASH** tab status fields report (uncertain), then you will need to press the Refresh button to clear it and refresh the pod status.* +*注意:如果 **DASH** 標籤的狀態欄位中顯示 (不確定),則您需要按下重新整理按鈕來清除此訊息並重新整理 Pod 狀態。* ![DASH_Tab_1](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_1.png) -### Fields +### 欄位 -* **Bluetooth Address:** Displays the current bluetooth address of the connected Pod. -* **Bluetooth Status:** Displays the current connection status. -* **Sequence Number:** Displays the sequence number of the active POD. -* **Firmware Version:** Displays the firmware version for the active connection. -* **Time on Pod:** Displays the current time on the Pod. -* **Pod expires:** Displays the date and time when the Pod will expire. -* **Pod status:** Displays the Pod status. -* **Last connection:** Displays time of last communication with the Pod. +* **藍牙地址:** 顯示當前連線 Pod 的藍牙地址。 +* **藍牙狀態:** 顯示當前的連線狀態。 +* **序列號:** 顯示當前啟用的 Pod 序列號。 +* **韌體版本:** 顯示當前連線的韌體版本。 +* **Pod 上的時間:** 顯示 Pod 上的目前時間。 +* **Pod 過期時間:** 顯示 Pod 的過期日期和時間。 +* **Pod 狀態:** 顯示 Pod 狀態。 +* **上次連線:** 顯示與 Pod 的最後一次通訊時間。 - - *Moments ago* - less than 20 seconds ago. - - *Less than a minute ago* - more than 20 seconds but less than 60 seconds ago. - - *1 minute ago* - more than 60 seconds but less than 120 seconds (2 min) - - *XX minutes ago* - more than 2 minutes ago as defined by the value of XX + - *片刻前* - 少於 20 秒前。 + - *不到一分鐘前* - 超過 20 秒但少於 60 秒前。 + - *1 分鐘前* - 超過 60 秒但少於 120 秒(2 分鐘)。 + - *XX 分鐘前* - 超過 2 分鐘,具體由 XX 的值定義。 -* **Last bolus:** Displays the amount of the last bolus sent to the active pod and how long ago it was issued in parenthesis. -* **Base Basal rate:** Displays the basal rate programmed for the current time from the basal rate profile. -* **Temp basal rate:** Displays the currently running Temporary Basal Rate in the following format +* **上次注射:** 顯示發送到活動 Pod 的最後一次注射的劑量以及它是多長時間前發出的(以括號顯示)。 +* **基礎率:** 顯示基礎率設定檔中當前時間的基礎率設定。 +* **臨時基礎率:** 以以下格式顯示當前運作的臨時基礎率。 - - {Units per hour} @{TBR start time} ({minutes run}/{total minutes TBR will be run}) - - *Example:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 minutes) + - {每小時單位數} @{TBR 開始時間} ({運作分鐘數}/{TBR 總運作分鐘數}) + - *示例:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 分鐘) -* **Reservoir:** Displays over 50+U left when more than 50 units are left in the reservoir. Below 50 U, the exact units are displayed. -* **Total delivered:** Displays the total number of units of insulin delivered from the reservoir. This includes insulin used for activating and priming. -* **Errors:** Displays the last error encountered. Review the [Pod history](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) and log files for past errors and more detailed information. -* **Active pod alerts:** Reserved for currently running alerts on the active pod. +* **儲液量:** 當儲液量超過 50 單位時顯示 50+ 單位。 當儲液量低於 50 單位時,顯示確切的單位數。 +* **總輸送量:** 顯示從儲液中輸送的胰島素總單位數。 這包含已使用和排空的胰島素。 +* **錯誤:** 顯示遇到的最後一個錯誤。 查看 [Pod 歷史記錄](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) 和日誌文件以獲取過去錯誤的詳細訊息。 +* **啟用 Pod 警報:** 保留當前啟用 Pod 上運作的警報。 -### Buttons +### 按鈕 -![Refresh_Icon](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) : Sends a refresh command to the active pod to update communication. +![重新整理圖示](../images/DASH_images/Refresh_LOGO.png) :向啟用的 Pod 發送重新整理指令以更新通訊。 - * Use to refresh the pod status and dismiss status fields that contain the text (uncertain). - * See the Troubleshooting section below for additional information. + * 用於重新整理 Pod 狀態並消除顯示 (不確定) 訊息的狀態欄位。 + * 請參閱下面的疑難排解部分以獲取更多訊息。 -![POD_MGMT_Icon](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) : Navigates to the Pod management menu. +![POD 管理圖示](../images/DASH_images/POD_MGMT_LOGO.png) :導航到 Pod 管理選單。 -![ack_alert_logo](../images/DASH_images/ack_alert_logo.png) : When pressed this will disable the pod alerts beeps and notifications (expiry, low reservoir..). +![警報消音圖示](../images/DASH_images/ack_alert_logo.png) :按下此按鈕可停用 Pod 警報嗶聲和通知(過期、儲液量低等)。 - * Button is displayed only when pod time is past expiration warning time. - * Upon successful dismissal, this icon will no longer appear. + * 該按鈕僅在 Pod 過期警告時間已過時顯示。 + * 成功解除後,此圖示將不再顯示。 -![RESUME_Icon](../images/DASH_images/DASH_tab_icons/RESUME_Icon.png) : Resumes the currently suspended insulin delivery in the active pod. +![恢復圖示](../images/DASH_images/DASH_tab_icons/RESUME_Icon.png) :恢復當前暫停的活動 Pod 胰島素輸送。 -### Pod Management Menu +### Pod 管理選單 -Below is the meaning of the icons on the **Pod Management** menu accessed by pressing **POD MGMT (0)** button from the **DASH** tab. ![DASH_Tab_2](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_2.png) ![DASH_Tab_3](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_3.png) +以下是按下 **POD 管理 (0)** 按鈕從 **DASH** 標籤查看的 **Pod 管理** 選單中的圖示含義。 ![DASH_Tab_2](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_2.png) ![DASH_Tab_3](../images/DASH_images/DASH_Tab/DASH_Tab_3.png) -* 1 - [**Activate Pod**](OmnipodDASH-activate-pod) : Primes and activates a new pod. -* 2 - [**Deactivate Pod**](OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod) : Deactivates the currently active pod. -* 3 - **Play Test Beep** : Plays a single test beep on the pod when pressed. -* 4 - [**Pod history**](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) : Displays the active pod activity history. +* 1 - [**啟動 Pod**](OmnipodDASH-activate-pod) :排空並啟動新 Pod。 +* 2 - [**停用 Pod**](OmnipodDASH-deactivate-pod) :停用當前啟用的 Pod。 +* 3 - **播放測試嗶聲** :按下時播放 Pod 的單次測試嗶聲。 +* 4 - [**Pod 歷史記錄**](OmnipodDASH-view-pod-history) :顯示啟用的 Pod 活動歷史記錄。 (DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dash-settings)= -## Dash Settings +## Dash 設定 -The Dash driver settings are configurable from the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder (1)**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **Settings Gear (3)** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Dash**. Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will allow the Dash menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **DASH**. +您可以從左上角 **漢堡選單** 下的 **組態建置工具 (1)**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Dash**\ ➜\ **設定齒輪 (3)** 中進行 Dash 驅動設定,方法是選擇標題為 **Dash** 的 **單選按鈕 (2)**。 選擇**設置齒輪(3)**旁的**複選框(4)**,將允許 DASH 選單作為 AAPS 介面中的一個標籤顯示,標題為**DASH**。 ![Dash_settings_1](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_1.png) ![Dash_settings_2](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_2.png) -**NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Dash settings** is by accessing the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **DASH** tab and selecting **Dash preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. +**注意:** 查看 **Dash 設定** 的更快方式是查看 **DASH** 標籤右上角的 **三點選單 (1)** 並從下拉選單中選擇 **Dash 偏好設定 (2)**。 ![Dash_settings_3](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_3.png) -The settings groups are listed below; you can enable or disable via a toggle switch for most entries described below: +下方列出了設定組;大多數條目可透過切換開關啟用或停用: ![Dash_settings_4](../images/DASH_images/Dash_settings/Dash_settings_4.jpg) -*NOTE: An asterisk (\*) denotes the default setting is enabled.* +*注意:星號 (\*) 表示預設為啟用。* -### Confirmation beeps +### 確認嗶聲提示 -Provides confirmation beeps from the pod for bolus, basal, SMB, and TBR delivery and changes. +提供來自藥筒的確認聲音提示,用於注射、基礎輸注、SMB以及TBR輸送和變更。 -* **Bolus beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a bolus is delivered. -* **Basal beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a new basal rate is set, active basal rate is canceled or current basal rate is changed. -* **SMB beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a SMB is delivered. -* **TBR beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a TBR is set or canceled. +* **啟用注射嗶聲:** 啟用或停用注射時的確認嗶聲。 +* **啟用基礎率嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置新基礎率、取消啟用的基礎率或更改當前基礎率時的確認嗶聲。 +* **啟用 SMB 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用當 SMB 被送達時的確認嗶聲。 +* **啟用 TBR 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置或取消 TBR 時的確認嗶聲。 -### Alerts +### 警報 -Provides AAPS alerts for pod expiration, shutdown, low reservoir based on the defined threshold units. +提供 AAPS 警報,包括 Pod 到期、關閉、儲液量低,根據定義的閾值單位觸發。 -*Note an AAPS notification will ALWAYS be issued for any alert after the initial communication with the pod since the alert was triggered. Dismissing the notification will NOT dismiss the alert UNLESS automatically acknowledge Pod alerts is enabled. To MANUALLY dismiss the alert you must visit the **DASH** tab and press the **Silence ALERTS button**.* +*請注意,Pod 觸發警報後,AAPS 通知將始終發出。 解除通知不會取消警報,除非啟用了自動確認 Pod 警報功能。 若要手動解除警報,您必須進入 **DASH** 標籤,並按下 **靜音警報按鈕**。* -* **Expiration reminder enabled:** Enable or disable the pod expiration reminder set to trigger when the defined number of hours before shutdown is reached. -* **Hours before shutdown:** Defines the number hours before the active pod shutdown occurs, which will then trigger the expiration reminder alert. -* **Low reservoir alert enabled:** Enable or disable an alert when the pod's remaining units low reservoir limit is reached as defined in the Number of units field. -* **Number of units:** The number of units at which to trigger the pod low reservoir alert. +* **啟用到期提醒:** 啟用或停用在達到設定的到期時間前的 Pod 到期提醒。 +* **關閉前的時數:** 定義 Pod 關閉前的幾小時,這將觸發到期提醒警報。 +* **啟用儲液量低警報:** 當 Pod 剩餘的單位達到定義的數量時,啟用或停用儲液量低警報。 +* **單位數:** 定義觸發 Pod 儲液量低警報的單位數量。 -### Notifications +### 通知 -Provides AAPS notifications and audible phone alerts when it is uncertain if TBR, SMB, or bolus, and delivery suspended events were successful. +提供 AAPS 通知和手機提示音,當 TBR、SMB 或注射的事件是否成功無法確定時發出。 -*NOTE: These are notifications only, no audible beep alerts are made.* +*注意:這些僅是通知,沒有嗶聲警報。* -* **Sound for uncertain TBR notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPs is uncertain if a TBR was successfully set. -* **Sound for uncertain SMB notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if an SMB was successfully delivered. -* **Sound for uncertain bolus notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if a bolus was successfully delivered. -* **Sound when delivery suspended notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when suspend delivery was successfully delivered. +* **啟用不確定 TBR 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 TBR 是否成功設置時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +* **啟用不確定 SMB 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 SMB 是否成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +* **啟用不確定注射通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定注射是否成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +* **啟用暫停輸送通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在暫停輸送成功送達時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 -## Actions (ACT) Tab +## 手動操作 (ACT) 標籤 -This tab is well documented in the main AAPS documentation but there are a few items on this tab that are specific to how the Omnipod Dash pod differs from tube based pumps, especially after the processes of applying a new pod. +此標籤已在主 AAPS 文件中有詳細說明,但此處有一些 Omnipod Dash Pod 與管路幫浦的差異,特別是在應用新 Pod 的過程後。 -1. Go to the **Actions (ACT)** tab in the main AAPS interface. +1. 進入主 AAPS 介面中的 **手動操作 (ACT)** 標籤。 -2. Under the **Careportal (1)** section the **Insulin** and **Cannula** filds will have their **age reset** to 0 days and 0 hours **after each pod change**. This is done because of how the Omnipod pump is built and operates. Since the pod inserts the cannula directly into the skin at the site of the pod application, a traditional tube is not used in Omnipod pumps. *Therefore after a pod change the age of each of these values will automatically reset to zero.* **Pump battery age** is not reported as the battery in the pod will always be more than the life of the pod (maximum 80 hours). The **pump battery** and **insulin reservoir** are self contained inside of each pod. +2. 在 **照護入口(Careportal) (1)** 部分下,**胰島素** 和 **套管** 欄位會在每次更換 Pod 後自動重置為 0 天和 0 小時。 這是根據 Omnipod 幫浦的設計和運作方式所設。 由於 Pod 直接將套管插入應用 Pod 的皮膚上,因此 Omnipod 幫浦不使用傳統的管路。 *因此,在更換 Pod 後,這些數值的時間將自動重置為零。* **幫浦電池時間** 不會被報告,因為 Pod 中的電池壽命始終比 Pod 的最大壽命(80 小時)長。 每個 Pod 內都包含 **幫浦電池** 和 **胰島素儲液器**。 ![ACT_1](../images/DASH_images/Actions_Tab/ACT_1.png) -### Level +### 等級 -**Insulin Level** +**胰島素等級** -Insulin level displayed is the amount reported by Omnipod DASH. However, the pod only reports the actual insulin reservoir level when it is below 50 units. Until then “Above 50 units” will be displayed. The amount reported is not exact: when the pod reports ‘empty’ in most cases the reservoir will still have some additional units of insulin left. The omnipod DASH overview tab will display as described the below: +顯示的胰島素等級是 Omnipod DASH 回報的數量。 然而,Pod 僅在儲液器低於 50 單位時報告實際的胰島素儲液量。 在此之前,會顯示「超過 50 單位」。 報告的數量並不精確:當 Pod 報告「空」時,大多數情況下儲液器仍有一些剩餘的胰島素單位。 Omnipod DASH 首頁總覽標籤將顯示如下所述: - * **Above 50 Units** - The Pod reports more than 50 units currently in the reservoir. - * **Below 50 Units** - The amount of insulin remaining in the reservoir as reported by the Pod. + * **超過 50 單位** - Pod 報告儲液器中還有超過 50 單位。 + * **少於 50 單位** - Pod 報告的儲液器中剩餘的胰島素量。 -Additional note: - * **SMS** - Returns value or 50+U for SMS responses - * **Nightscout** - Uploads value of 50 when over 50 units to Nightscout (version 14.07 and older). Newer versions will report a value of 50+ when over 50 units. +附加說明: + * **SMS** - 短訊回報數值為 50+ 單位。 + * **Nightscout** - 當超過 50 單位時,向 Nightscout 上傳數值為 50(版本 14.07 及更早版本)。 更新版本將在超過 50 單位時報告數值為 50+。 -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 (OmnipodDASH-delivery-suspended)= -### Delivery suspended +### 輸送暫停 - * There is no suspend button anymore. If you want to "suspend" the pod, you can set a zero TBR for x minutes. - * During profile switches, dash must suspend delivery before setting the new basal profile. If communication fails between the two commands, then delivery can stay suspended. When this happens: - - There will be no insulin delivery, that includes Basal, SMB, Manual bolusing etc. - - There might be notification that one of the commands is unconfirmed: this depends on when the failure happened. - - AAPS will try to set the new basal profile every 15 minutes. - - AAPS will show a notification informing that the delivery is suspended every 15min, if the delivery is still suspended (resume delivery failed). - - The [**Resume delivery**](OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery) button will be active if the user chooses to resume delivery manually. - - If AAPS fail to resume delivery on its own (this happens if the Pod is unreachable, sound is muted, etc), the pod will start beeping 4 time every minute for 3 minutes, then repeated every 15 minutes if delivery is still suspended for more than 20minutes. - * For unconfirmed commands, "refresh pod status" should confirm/deny them. + * 現在已無暫停按鈕。 如果您想「暫停」 Pod,您可以設置0U/h臨時基礎率(TBR) 數分鐘。 + * 在配置切換期間,Dash 必須在設置新的基礎率設定檔之前暫停輸送。 如果兩個指令之間的通訊失敗,則輸送可能會保持暫停。 當這種情況發生時: + - 將不會有胰島素輸送,包括基礎率、SMB、手動注射等。 + - 可能會通知某個指令未確認:這取決於失敗發生的時間。 + - AAPS 將每 15 分鐘嘗試設置新的基礎率設定檔。 + - 如果輸送仍然暫停(恢復輸送失敗),AAPS 將每 15 分鐘發送通知,通知輸送已暫停。 + - 如果使用者選擇手動恢復輸送,[**恢復輸送**](OmnipodDASH-resuming-insulin-delivery) 按鈕將變為可用。 + - 如果 AAPS 自行恢復輸送失敗(這發生在 Pod 無法到達、聲音靜音等情況下),Pod 將每分鐘發出 4 次嗶聲,持續 3 分鐘,然後在輸送暫停超過 20 分鐘後每 15 分鐘重複一次。 + * 對於未確認的指令,「重新整理 Pod 狀態」應能確認/否認它們。 -**Note:** When you hear beeps from the pod, do not assume that delivery will continue without checking the phone, delivery might stay suspended, **so you need to check !** +<**注意:** 當你聽到 Pod 發出嗶聲時,不要假設胰島素會繼續注射而不檢查手機,注射可能已暫停,**所以一定要檢查!** -### Pod Failures +### Pod 故障 -Pods fail occasionally due to a variety of issues, including hardware issues with the Pod itself. It is best practice not to call these into Insulet, since AAPS is not an approved use case. A list of fault codes can be [**found here**]( to help determine the cause. +Pod 會因多種問題偶爾發生故障,包括 Pod 本身的硬體問題。 最佳做法是不要向 Insulet 報告,因為 AAPS 並非經過認證的使用情況。 一份故障代碼列表可在 [**這裡找到**](,以幫助確定原因。 -### Preventing error 49 pod failures +### 防止 49 號錯誤 Pod 故障 -This failure is related to an incorrect pod state for a command or an error during an insulin delivery command. This is when the driver and Pod disagree on the actual state. The Pod (out of a build-in safety measure) then reacts with an unrecoverable error code 49 (0x31) ending up with what is know as a “screamer”: the long irritating beep that can only be stopped by punching a hole at the appropriate location at the back of the Pod. The exact origin of a “49 pod failure” often is hard to trace. In situations that are suspected for this failure to occur (for instance on application crashes, running a development version or re-installation). +此故障與指令的 Pod 狀態不正確或胰島素輸送指令中的錯誤有關。 這是當驅動程式和 Pod 對實際狀態存在分歧時發生的情況。 Pod(出於內建的安全措施)會以無法恢復的錯誤代碼 49(0x31)反應,最終會變成所謂的「尖叫機」:只能透過在 Pod 背面適當位置打孔來停止的長時間刺耳嗶聲。 「49 Pod 故障」的確切原因通常難以追溯。 在某些情況下,這種故障可能發生(例如應用程式崩潰、運作開發版本或重新安裝)。 -### Pump Unreachable Alerts +### 幫浦無法連線警報 -When no communication can be established with the pod for a preconfigured time a “Pump unreachable” alert will be raised. Pump unreachable alerts can be configured by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting **Preferences**\ ➜\ **Local Alerts**\ ➜\ **Pump unreachable threshold [min]**. Recommended value is alerting after **120** minutes. +當無法在預設的時間內與 Pod 建立通訊時,將會發出「無法到達幫浦」的警報。 可透過進入右上角的三點選單,選擇 **偏好設定**\ ➜\ **本地警報**\ ➜\ **無法到達幫浦的閾值 [分鐘]** 來配置無法到達幫浦的警報。 建議設置的值是**120** 分鐘後提醒。 -### Export Settings +### 匯出設定 -Exporting AAPS settings enables you to restore all your settings, and maybe more importantly, all your Objectives. You may need to restore settings to the “last known working situation” or after uninstalling/reinstalling AAPS or in case of phone loss, reinstalling on the new phone. +匯出 AAPS 設定使您能夠恢復所有設定,更重要的是,恢復所有目標。 您可能需要在卸載/重新安裝 AAPS 後或手機遺失後,在新手機上重新安裝時恢復設定為「最後一次的工作狀態」。 -Note: The active pod information is included in the exported settings. If you import an "old" exported file, your actual pod will "die". There is no other alternative. In some cases (like a _programmed_ phone change), you may need to use the exported file to restore AndroisAPS settings **while keeping the current active Pod**. In this case it is important to only use the recently exported settings file containing the pod currently active. +注意:匯出的設定中包含啟用的 Pod 資訊。 如果您匯入了「舊」的匯出檔案,您的當前 Pod 會「失效」。 沒有其他選擇。 在某些情況下(例如 _計劃中的_ 換手機),您可能需要使用匯出的檔案來恢復 AndroisAPS 設定**,同時保持目前啟用的 Pod**。 在這種情況下,重要的是需要包含當前啟用 Pod 的最新匯出設定檔案。 -**It is good practice to do an export immediately after activating a pod**. This way you will always be able to restore the current active Pod in case of a problem. For instance when moving to another backup phone. +**啟動 Pod 後立即匯出是一種好習慣**。 這樣,您在遇到問題時,隨時都可以恢復目前啟用的 Pod。 例如,當您更換備用手機時。 -Regularly copy your exported settings to a safe place (as a cloud drive) that can be accessible by any phone when needed (e.g. in case of a phone loss or factory reset of the actual phone). +定期將匯出的設定檔案複製到安全的地方(例如雲端硬碟),這樣在需要時,任何手機都能存取(例如手機遺失或實際手機的出廠重置情況下)。 -### Import Settings +### 匯入設定 -**WARNING** Please note that importing settings will possibly import an outdated Pod status. As a result, there is a risk of losing the active Pod! (see **Exporting Settings**). It is better to only try it when no other options are available. +**警告** 請注意,匯入設定可能會匯入過時的 Pod 狀態。 結果會是失去已啟用的 Pod ! (參見 **匯出設定**)。 最好僅在沒有其他選擇時才嘗試這樣做。 -When importing settings with an active Pod, make sure the export was done with the currently active pod. +當匯入具有啟用的 Pod 設定時,請確保匯出是在目前啟用的 Pod 下進行的。 -**Importing while on an active Pod:** (you risk losing the Pod!) +**在有啟用 Pod 的情況下匯入:**(您有失去 Pod 的風險!) -1. Make sure you are importing settings that were recently exported with the currently active Pod. -2. Import your settings -3. Check all preferences +1. 確保您匯入的設定是最近在目前啟用 Pod 下匯出的。 +2. 匯入您的設定。 +3. 檢查所有偏好設定。 -**Importing (no active Pod session)** +**匯入(沒有啟用的 Pod 連線)** -1. Importing any recent export should work (see above) -2. Import your settings. -3. Check all preferences. -4. You may need to **Deactivate** the "non exixting" pod if the imported settings included any active pod data. +1. 匯入任何最近的匯出應該可以工作(見上文)。 +2. 匯入您的設定。 +3. 檢查所有偏好設定。 +4. 如果匯入的設定中包含任何啟用的 Pod 資料,您可能需要**停用**「不存在」的 Pod。 -### Importing settings that contain Pod state from an inactive Pod +### 匯入包含非活動 Pod 狀態的設定 -When importing settings containing data for a Pod that is no longer active, AAPS will try to connect with it, which will obviously fail. You can not activate a new Pod in this situation. +當匯入包含已不再啟用的 Pod 資料時,AAPS 將嘗試與其連線,這顯然會失敗。 在這種情況下,您無法啟動新 Pod。 -To remove the old Pod session “try” to de-activate the Pod. The de-activation will fail. Select “Retry”. After the second or third retry you will get the option to remove the pod. Once the old pod is removed you will be able to activate a new Pod. +若要移除舊的 Pod 會話,請「嘗試」停用該 Pod。 停用將失敗。 選擇「重試」。 在第二次或第三次重試後,您將獲得移除 Pod 的選項。 一旦移除舊的 Pod,您將能夠啟動新 Pod。 -### Reinstalling AAPS +### 重新安裝 AAPS -When uninstalling AAPS you will lose all your settings, objectives and the current Pod session. To restore them make sure you have a recent exported settings file available! +當卸載 AAPS 時,您將失去所有設定、目標和當前的 Pod 連線。 為了恢復它們,請確保有一個最近匯出的設定檔案可用! -When on an active Pod, make also sure that you have an export for the current Pod session or you will lose the currently active Pod when importing older settings. +當有活動 Pod 時,請務必確保您有當前 Pod 會話的匯出,否則在匯入舊設定時,您將失去當前啟用的 Pod。 -1. Export your settings and store a copy in a safe place. -2. Uninstall AAPS and restart your phone. -3. Install the new version of AAPS. -4. Import your settings -5. Verify all preferences (optionally import settings again) -6. Activate a new Pod -7. When done: Export current settings +1. 匯出您的設定並將副本存儲在安全的地方。 +2. 卸載 AAPS 並重新啟動手機。 +3. 安裝新版本的 AAPS。 +4. 匯入您的設定。 +5. 驗證所有偏好設定(可選地再次匯入設定)。 +6. 啟動新 Pod。 +7. 完成後:匯出當前設定。 -### Updating AAPS to a newer version +### 更新 AAPS 至新版本 -In most cases there is no need to uninstall. You can do an “in-place” install by starting the installation for the new version. This is also possible when on an active Pod session. +在大多數情況下,無需卸載。 您可以透過啟動新版本的安裝進行「就地」安裝。 這在啟用 Pod 在使用期間也是可以的。 -1. Export your settings. -2. Install the new AAPS version. -3. Verify the installation was successful -4. RESUME the Pod or activate a new Pod. -5. When done: Export current settings. +1. 匯出您的設定。 +2. 安裝新版本的 AAPS。 +3. 驗證安裝是否成功。 +4. 繼續使用 Pod 或啟動新 Pod。 +5. 完成後:匯出當前設定。 -### Omnipod driver alerts +### Omnipod 驅動程式警報 -Please note that the Omnipod Dash driver presents a variety of unique alerts on the **Overview tab**, most of them are informational and can be dismissed while some provide the user with an action to take to resolve the cause of the triggered alert. A summary of the main alerts that you may encounter is listed below: +請注意,Omnipod Dash 驅動程式會在**首頁總覽標籤**中顯示各種獨特的警報,其中大多數是資訊性的,可以忽略,而有些會提供使用者解決觸發警報原因的操作。 您可能會遇到的主要警報總結如下: -* No active Pod No active Pod session detected. This alert can temporarily be dismissed by pressing **SNOOZE** but it will keep triggering as long as a new pod has not been activated. Once activated this alert is automatically be silenced. -* Pod suspended Informational alert that Pod has been suspended. -* Setting basal profile failed : Delivery might be suspended! Please manually refresh the Pod status from the Omnipod tab and resume delivery if needed.. Informational alert that the Pod basal profile setting has failed, and you will need to hit *Refresh* on the Omnipod tab. -* Unable to verify whether SMB bolus succeeded. If you are sure that the Bolus didn't succeed, you should manually delete the SMB entry from Treatments. Alert that the SMB bolus command success could not be verified, you will need to verify the *Last bolus* field on the DASH tab to see if SMB bolus succeeded and if not remove the entry from the Treatments tab. -* Uncertain if "task bolus/TBR/SMB" completed, please manually verify if it was successful. +* 沒有啟用的 Pod 未檢測到啟用的 Pod 使用。 按下**稍後提醒**可以暫時忽略此警報,但只要未啟動新 Pod,它就會持續觸發。 一旦啟動,此警報將自動靜音。 +* Pod 暫停 Pod 已暫停的資訊性警報。 +* 設定基礎率設定檔失敗:輸送可能已暫停! 請手動從 Omnipod 標籤中重新整理 Pod 狀態並在需要時恢復輸送。 Pod 基礎率設定失敗的資訊性警報,您需要按下 Omnipod 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕。 +* 無法確認 SMB 注射是否成功。 如果您確定注射未成功,應手動從治療中刪除 SMB 條目。 警報提示無法確認 SMB 注射指令的成功,您需要檢查 DASH 標籤上的*最後一次注射*欄位以查看 SMB 注射是否成功,如果未成功,則從治療標籤中刪除該條目。 +* 不確定「任務注射/TBR/SMB」是否完成,請手動確認是否成功。 -## Where to get help for Omnipod DASH driver +## 在哪裡尋求 Omnipod DASH 驅動程式的幫助 -All of the development work for the Omnipod DASH driver is done by the community on a **volunteer** basis; we ask that you to remember that fact and use the following guidelines before requesting assistance: +Omnipod DASH 驅動程式的所有開發工作都是由社群志願者完成的;我們請您記住這一點,並在尋求幫助前遵循以下指南: -- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. -- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#AAPS* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link]( -- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported at [Issues]( if it exists, please confirm/comment/add information on your problem. If not, please create a [new issue]( and attach [your log files](../Usage/ -- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** +- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 +- **等級 1:** 如果您仍然遇到無法解決的問題,請使用[此邀請鏈接](進入**Discord**的*#AAPS* 頻道。 +- **等級 2:** 搜尋現有問題,以查看您的問題是否已被報告,請在[問題](中確認/評論/添加有關您的問題的訊息。 如果沒有,請建立[新問題](並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/。 +- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** From 7cb9e2280c4f1c96063cf0c663f943fa8cbea1a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 262/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 72 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 26cc3035668b..4c7395da50ae 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ -# Necessary checks after update to AAPS 3.0 +# 更新至 AAPS 3.0 後的必要檢查 -* **Minimum Android version is 9.0 now.** -* **Data is not migrated to new database.** +* **最低 Android 版本現在為 9.0。** +* **資料不會遷移至新資料庫。** - Do not complain, it's so huge change so it's simply not possible. Thus after update IOB, COB, treatments etc. will be cleared. You have to create new [profile switch](../Usage/Profiles) and start with zero IOB and COB. + 請不要抱怨,這是非常重大的變更,無法避免。 因此,更新後 IOB、COB、治療等資料將被清除。 您需要建立新的[個人檔案切換](../Usage/Profiles)並從零開始設定 IOB 和 COB。 - Plan the update carefully!!! Best in situation without active insulin and carbs + 請謹慎規劃更新!!! 最好在無活動胰島素和碳水化合物的情況下進行更新。 -* Please see the [Release Notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes) for details on new and changed features. +* 請參閱[版本更新說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Releasenotes),了解新功能和變更的詳細資料。 -## Check automations +## 檢查自動化設置 -* New restrictions were introduced. Check your automations, especially if your conditions are still valid. -* If one of the conditions is missing, you need to add it again. -* Red automations contain invalid actions, go and edit them and reset to valid values +* 引入了新限制。 請檢查您的自動化設置,特別是您的條件是否仍然有效。 +* 如果某個條件缺失,您需要重新添加。 +* 紅色自動化包含無效的操作,請編輯它們並重置為有效值。 - Example: A profile change to 140% was allowed earlier but is now restriced to 130%. + 例如:先前允許的 140% 個人檔案更改現在限制為 130%。 -## Check your nsclient settings and set the synchronization complications +## 檢查您的 nsclient 設定並設置同步複雜性 -* The implementation of the nsclient plugin has changed completly. -* Go to the nsclient tab and open the settings in the right-hand menu. A new preference "Synchronization" is available now. -* You can now make a detailed selection about which items shall be synchronized with your Nightscout site. +* nsclient 外掛的實現已完全更改。 +* 進入 nsclient 標籤,並在右側選單中打開設定。 現在提供了一個新的偏好 "同步"。 +* 您現在可以詳細選擇應與您的 Nightscout 網站同步的項目。 -## Nightscout profile cannot be pushed -* The nightscout profile is gone, rest in peace! -* To copy your current nightscout profile into a local profile, go to the treatments page (now to be opened in the right-hand menu). -* Search for a profile switch with 100% and press clone. -* A new local profile is added, valid from the current date. -* To update profile from NS side use "Clone" (record!!, not profile) and save changes. You should see "Profile valid from:" set to currrent date. +## Nightscout 檔案無法推送 +* Nightscout 檔案已消失,安息吧! +* 要將當前的 Nightscout 檔案複製到本地檔案,請前往治療頁面(現在可從右側選單打開)。 +* 搜索 100% 的個人檔案切換,然後按下複製。 +* 會新增一個從當前日期起生效的新本地檔案。 +* 要從 NS 端更新檔案,請使用 "Clone"(記錄!!,不是檔案)並儲存更改。 您應該會看到 "檔案有效期從:" 設置為當前日期。 (update3_0-reset-master-password)= -## Reset master password -* You can now reset your master password in case you have forgotten it. -* You need to add a file named `PasswordReset` to the `/AAPS/extra` directory on your phones fileystem. -* Restart AAPS. -* The new password will be the serial number of your active pump. -* For Dash: The serial number is always 4241. -* For EROS it is also listed on the POD tab as "Sequence Number" +## 重置主密碼 +* 如果您忘記了主密碼,現在可以進行重置。 +* 您需要在手機文件系統的 `/AAPS/extra` 目錄中添加一個名為 `PasswordReset` 的文件。 +* 重新啟動 AAPS。 +* 新密碼將是您正在使用的幫浦的序列號。 +* 對於 Dash:序列號始終為 4241。 +* 對於 EROS,它也顯示在 POD 標籤下,稱為 "序列號"。 -## Warning signal beneath BG +## 血糖下方的警告信號 -Beginning with Android 3.0, you might get a warning signal beneath your BG number on the main screen. +從 Android 3.0 開始,您可能會在主螢幕上的血糖數字下方看到警告信號。 - ![Red BG warning](../images/bg_warn_red.png) + ![紅色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_red.png) - ![Yellow BG warning](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) + ![黃色血糖警告](../images/bg_warn_yellow.png) -For details see [AAPS screens page](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) +詳細資訊請參閱 [AAPS 螢幕頁面](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) -## Failure message: Data from different pump +## 錯誤訊息:來自不同幫浦的資料 - ![Failure message: Data from different pump](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) + ![錯誤訊息:來自不同幫浦的資料](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) -To resolve this issue go to [config builder](Config-Builder-pump). Change pump to virtual pump and back to your actual pump. This will reset the pump state. +要解決此問題,請前往[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-pump)。 將幫浦更改為虛擬幫浦,然後再切換回您的實際幫浦。 這將重置幫浦狀態。 From 2659748c37ccabfa3da0f5fb581ba468785d8785 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 263/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index dc03343e4d65..7361d6dbd3f2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# For users of other CGM uploaded to Nightscout +# 針對其他 CGM 使用者上傳到 Nightscout -If you have any other CGM set up that can send your BG data **only** to [Nightscout]( +如果您設定了其他 CGM,並且只能將您的血糖資料**發送**到[Nightscout](。 ```{important} -This data source will not work when you are offline, when you experience network issues or when your Nightscout site is down. Use with caution. +當您離線、遇到網路問題或您的 Nightscout 網站無法運作時,此資料來源將無法使用。 請謹慎使用。 ``` -- Setup NSClient with your Nightscout site information. -- Select NSClient BG in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](/Configuration/ +- 使用您的 Nightscout 網站資訊設定 NSClient。 +- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](/Configuration/中選擇 NSClient 血糖。 From a5a7db51dc6009fbc218c15df47c76282f21a891 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 264/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 32 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 3e89e88f6079..4754034c0cd4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ # Dexcom G5 -## If using G5 with xdrip+ +## 如果使用 G5 配合 xDrip+ -- You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you want specific newly developed features. -- Setup xDrip+ with G5 following [these instructions]( -- Setup xDrip+ reading the [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ . -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 除非您需要特定新開發的功能,否則可以安全下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](。 +- 根據[這些指示](設定 xDrip+ 配合 G5。 +- 閱讀[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/來設定 xDrip+。 +- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -## If using G5 with patched Dexcom app +## 如果使用 G5 配合修改過的 Dexcom 應用程式 -:::{admonition} Legacy apps :class: warning These apps are not compatible with recent Android versions. +:::{admonition} 傳統應用程式 :class: warning 這些應用程式與最新的 Android 版本不相容。 ::: -- Download the apk from , and choose the version that fits your needs (mg/dl or mmol/l version, G5). +- 從下載 apk,並選擇符合您需求的版本(mg/dl 或 mmol/l 版本,G5)。 - - Folder 2.4 was for users of AAPS 2.5 and above. - - Open on your computer. Region will be visible in URL. + - 資料夾 2.4 針對 AAPS 2.5 及以上版本的使用者。 + - 在電腦上打開。 區域將在 URL 中可見。 - ![Region in Dexcom G5 URL](../images/DexcomG5regionURL.PNG) + ![Dexcom G5 URL 中的區域](../images/DexcomG5regionURL.PNG) -- Force stop and uninstall the original Dexcom app, if not already done. +- 強制停止並卸載原始 Dexcom 應用程式(如果尚未完成)。 -- Install downloaded apk +- 安裝下載的 apk -- Start sensor +- 啟動傳感器 -- Select Dexcom App (patched) in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 Dexcom App(修改版)。 -- If you want to use xDrip alarms via local broadcast: in xDrip hamburger menu > settings > hardware data source > 640G /EverSense. +- 如果您希望透過本地廣播使用 xDrip 警報:在 xDrip 選單 > 設定 > 硬體資料來源 > 640G /EverSense。 From 9f400a1bda2cbcb22c45863fdd3412b6aabf2c87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 265/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 82 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 04c247adfec7..6824eae1daa0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,70 +1,70 @@ -# Dexcom G6 and ONE +# Dexcom G6 和 ONE -## Basics first +## 基本事項 -- Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation [here](../Hardware/ +- 遵循一般 CGM 衛生和傳感器設定建議,[點擊此處](../Hardware/了解更多。 -## General hints for looping with G6 and ONE +## 使用 G6 和 ONE 的循環一般提示 -- Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data. +- 最近的傳輸器稱為 Firefly。 傳感器無法在不移除傳輸器的情況下重新啟動,傳輸器本身也無法重置,並且它們也不會生成原始資料。 -- If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation. +- 如果您正在重新啟動傳感器,請確保您已準備好進行校準並密切注意變化。 -- Pre-soaking of the G6/ONE with factory calibration is likely to give variation in results. If you do pre-soak, then to get best results, you will probably need to calibrate the sensor. +- G6/ONE 預浸泡使用工廠校準可能會導致結果變異。 如果您進行預先浸泡,為獲得最佳結果,您可能需要校正傳感器。 -Read more in the [article]( published by Tim Street at []( +請閱讀 Tim Street 發表的[文章](以了解更多,該文章發佈於[](。 -## If using G6 or ONE with xDrip+ +## 如果使用 G6 或 ONE 與 xDrip+ -- If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are **ignored**. -- If you are using a modded transmitter you do **not need** to use preemptive restarts. -- If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is **disable** [preemptive restarts]( Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-[native mode]( (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn't filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days. -- The Dexcom G6 and ONE transmitters can simultaneously be connected to the Dexcom receiver (or alternatively the t:slim pump) and one app on your phone. -- When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. **You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!** -- If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) (only G6) with local broadcast to xDrip+. -- You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings. -- If not already set up, download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 如果您正在使用最近的(Firefly)傳輸器,預防性重新啟動將**被忽略**。 +- 如果您使用的是修改過的傳輸器,則**不需要**使用預防性重新啟動。 +- 如果您使用的是舊的更換過電池的傳輸器,最安全的做法是**停用**[預防性重新啟動](。 但是,在這種情況下,您將不得不在非[原生模式](下使用 G6(這不建議使用,因為它會停用工廠校準並且不會過濾吵雜的讀數),否則傳感器將在 10 天後停止運作。 +- Dexcom G6 和 ONE 傳送器可以同時連接到 Dexcom 接收器(或替代的 t:slim 幫浦)以及你手機上的一個應用程式。 +- 使用 xDrip+ 作為接收器時,請先卸載 Dexcom 應用程式。 **您無法同時將 xDrip+ 和 Dexcom 應用程式連線到傳輸器!** +- 如果你需要 Clarity 並希望使用 xDrip+ 的警報,請使用 [BYODA](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)(僅限 G6)並用本地廣播到 xDrip+。 +- 您還可以將 xDrip+ 用作官方 Dexcom 應用程式的配套程式,但您可能會遇到血糖讀取延遲。 +- 如果尚未設置,請下載[xDrip+](並按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的指示進行操作。 +- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -- Adjust settings in xDrip+ according to [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- 根據[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/調整設定。 (DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app)= -## If using G6 with Build Your Own Dexcom App +## 如果使用 G6 配合自製 Dexcom 應用程式 -- [Build Your Own Dexcom App]( (BYODA) supports local broadcast to AAPS and/or xDrip+ (not for G5/ONE/G7 sensors!) +- [自製 Dexcom 應用程式](支援本地廣播到 AAPS 和/或 xDrip+(不適用於 G5/ONE/G7 傳感器!) -![BYODA broadcast options](../images/BYODA.png) +![BYODA 廣播選項](../images/BYODA.png) -- This app lets you use your Dexcom G6 with any Android smartphone. -- Uninstall the original Dexcom app or patched Dexcom app if you used one of those previously (**do not stop** the currently running sensor) -- Install the downloaded apk -- Enter sensor code and transmitter serial no. in patched app. -- In phone settings go to apps > Dexcom G6 > permissions > additional permissions and press 'Access Dexcom app'. -- After short time BYODA should pick-up transmitter signal. +- 此應用程式允許您將 Dexcom G6 與任何 Android 智慧型手機一起使用。 +- 如果您之前使用過原版或修改過的 Dexcom 應用程式,請卸載它們(**不要停止**當前運作的傳感器)。 +- 安裝下載的 apk +- 在修改版應用程式中輸入傳感器代碼和傳輸器序列號。 +- 在手機設定中,前往應用程式 > Dexcom G6 > 權限 > 其他權限並按下「存取 Dexcom 應用程式」。 +- 短時間後,BYODA 應該會收到傳輸器訊號。 -### Settings for AAPS +### AAPS 設定 -- Select 'Dexcom App (patched)' in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇「Dexcom App(修改版)」。 -- If you don't receive any values select any other data source, then re-select 'Dexcom App (patched)' to trigger the demand for permissions to establish the connection between AAPS and BYODA-broadcast. +- 如果您未收到任何數值,請選擇其他資料來源,然後重新選擇「Dexcom App(修改版)」以觸發 AAPS 和 BYODA 廣播之間連線所需的權限請求。 -### Settings for xDrip+ +### xDrip+ 設定 -- Select '640G/Eversense' as data source. -- Command 'start sensor' must be performed in xDrip+ in order to receive values. This will not affect your current sensor controlled by Build Your Own Dexcom App. +- 選擇「640G/Eversense」作為資料來源。 +- 必須在 xDrip+ 中執行「啟動傳感器」指令,才能接收數值。 這不會影響您的當前傳感器,它仍由自製 Dexcom 應用程式控制。 (DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6)= -## Troubleshooting G6 and ONE +## G6 和 ONE 故障排除 -### Dexcom G6/ONE specific troubleshooting +### Dexcom G6/ONE 特定故障排除 -- Scroll down to **Troubleshooting** [here]( +- 向下滾動至[**疑難排解**](。 -### General troubleshooting +### 一般疑難排解 -General Troubleshooting for CGMs can be found [here](./ +可以在[這裡](./找到一般 CGM 的疑難排解。 -### New transmitter with running sensor +### 新的傳輸器與正在運作的傳感器 -If you happen to change transmitter during a running sensor session you might try to remove the transmitter without damaging the sensor mount. A video can be found [here]( If you opt for [this solution]( instead, you must be careful to avoid [damaging sensor contacts]( with the strip. +如果您在傳感器會話期間更換了傳輸器,您可以嘗試取下傳輸器而不損壞傳感器底座。 您可以在[這裡](找到相關影片。 如果您選擇[這種解決方案](,您必須小心避免使用膠帶時[損壞傳感器接觸點](。 From e0e4e57f423bd93361c5718cad25154b3e846e1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 266/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 74 +++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 6c968c693d06..83a7a9eee559 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ -# For users of Eversense +# 針對 Eversense 使用者 -There are three different methods to access the readings from Eversense: +有三種不同的方法來存取 Eversense 的讀數: -- ESEL companion mode -- ESEL patched mode -- xDrip+ companion app +- ESEL 配套模式 +- ESEL 修改版模式 +- xDrip+ 配套應用程式 ## ESEL -Get and install the [ESEL app](, following these [instructions]( +按照這些[指示](,取得並安裝[ESEL 應用程式](。 -- Enable "Send to AAPS and xDrip" -- **Disable** "Send to Nightscout" -- As the BG data from Eversense can be noisy, it is recommended to enable "Smooth Data" in ESEL. +- 啟用「發送至 AAPS 和 xDrip」 +- **停用**「發送至 Nightscout」 +- 由於 Eversense 的血糖資料可能會產生噪音,建議在 ESEL 中啟用「平滑資料」功能。 -![ESEL Broadcast](../images/ESEL.png) +![ESEL 廣播](../images/ESEL.png) -### Companion Mode +### 配套模式 -Reads the data from the Eversense app notifications (works with the standard Eversense App, available since ESEL version 3.0.1). +從 Eversense 應用程式通知中讀取資料(自 ESEL 版本 3.0.1 起可與標準 Eversense 應用程式一起使用)。 -1. Use the official Eversense App from the Google Play Store - - Optional, but required for backfilling: Login to your Eversense account - - In Sync, enable Auto synchronization -2. Configuration of ESEL: - - Disable the setting "Get data from patched Eversense App" - - For backfilling: Enable "Fill missing data from" - - Provide as Email address and password your Eversense login data -3. Set "MM640g" as BG source in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +1. 使用來自 Google Play 商店的官方 Eversense 應用程式 + - 選擇性操作,但若需回填則必須:登錄您的 Eversense 帳號 + - 在同步中,啟用自動同步功能 +2. ESEL 設定: + - 停用「從修改版 Eversense 應用程式獲取資料」設置 + - 若需回填:啟用「從 填補遺漏資料」 + - 輸入您的 Eversense 登錄資料作為電子郵件地址和密碼 +3. 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中將「MM640g」設為血糖來源。 -### Patched Eversense App +### 修改版 Eversense 應用程式 - Requires a patched version of the Eversense App (works completely offline, including backfilling). + 需要修改版的 Eversense 應用程式(完全離線運作,包括回填)。 -1. Uninstall the Eversense App (Warning: your local historical data (older than 1 week) will be lost!) +1. 卸載 Eversense 應用程式(警告:您將丟失超過 1 週的本地歷史資料!) -2. Install the [patched Eversense app]( and use it as described by the vendor +2. 安裝[修改版 Eversense 應用程式](並按照供應商的描述進行使用。 - - Start the Eversense App, login, connect to your transmitter and use it just like the normal app. + - 啟動 Eversense 應用程式,登錄,連線到您的傳輸器,並像使用正常應用程式一樣使用它。 -3. Configuration of ESEL: +3. ESEL 設定: - - Enable the setting "Get data from patched Eversense App" + - 啟用「從修改版 Eversense 應用程式獲取資料」設置 -![ESEL Broadcast](../images/ESELpatch.png) +![ESEL 廣播](../images/ESELpatch.png) -​ If you run ESEL with a fresh installation of Eversense for the first time, it can take up to 15min until your first values appear in xDrip! +如果您首次安裝 Eversense 並運作 ESEL,可能需要長達 15 分鐘才能在 xDrip 中顯示第一個數值! -4. Set "MM640g" as BG source in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +4. 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中將「MM640g」設為血糖來源。 ## xDrip+ -xDrip+ can read notifications from the vendor app, like ESEL does. No backfilling available. +xDrip+ 可以像 ESEL 一樣從供應商應用程式的通知中讀取資料。 無法使用回填功能。 -- Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip]( -- As data source in xDrip+ “Companion App” must be selected. -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ -- Enable [Exponential Smoothing](../Usage/ in AAPS. +- 下載並安裝 xDrip+:[xDrip]( +- 在 xDrip+ 中必須選擇「配套應用程式」作為資料來源。 +- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 +- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面的說明[調整 xDrip+ 設定](../Configuration/。 +- 在 AAPS 中啟用[指數平滑](../Usage/。 ```{warning} -BG values reading frequency is not always 5 minutes and duplicates can occur. +血糖 值的讀取頻率並不總是 5 分鐘,並且可能會出現重複數值。 ``` **** From 2036d4f35d548a81a8f61704f0fb6466c2926b20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 267/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Hardware/ | 46 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 9c9fee483d86..a7b3660d8385 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -# General CGM recommendations +# 一般 CGM 建議 -## CGM hygiene +## CGM 衛生 -Whichever CGM system you are using, if you are going to use blood based calibration, then there are some very clear rules you should apply, whether or not you are using DIY CGM software or the official apps. +無論您使用的是哪種 CGM 系統,如果您將使用基於血液的校準,則有一些非常明確的規則應遵循,無論您是使用 DIY CGM 軟體還是官方應用程式。 -- Make sure hands and kit are clean. -- Try to calibrate when you have a series of dots with a flat arrow (15-30 minutes is usually enough) -- Avoid calibrating when glucose levels are moving up or down. -- Do “enough” calibrations – on official apps, you will be prompted for once or twice per day checks. On DIY systems you may not be, and should be careful about continuing without calibrations. -- For sensors not requiring or not allowing calibration, check at least daily real blood sugar. AAPS will be as safe as your sensor readings are reliable. -- If it all possible, calibrate with some of your readings in a lower range (4-5mmol/l or 72-90mg/dl) and some at a slightly higher level (7-9mmol/l or 126-160mg/dl) as this provides a better range for the point/slope calibration. +- 確保手和設備清潔。 +- 嘗試在您有一系列的點和一個平穩箭頭時進行校準(通常 15-30 分鐘就足夠了)。 +- 避免在血糖水平上升或下降時進行校準。 +- 進行足夠的校準——在官方應用程式中,您將收到每天一次或兩次的提示。 在 DIY 系統中,您可能不會收到提示,並且應該謹慎持續進行校準。 +- 對於不需要或不允許校準的傳感器,至少每天檢查一次實際的血糖值。 AAPS 的安全性取決於您的傳感器讀數的可靠性。 +- 如果可能的話,請在較低範圍(4-5mmol/l 或 72-90mg/dl)和稍高範圍(7-9mmol/l 或 126-160mg/dl)進行一些讀數校準,因為這為點/斜率校準提供了更好的範圍。 -## Setting sensor (G6) +## 設置傳感器(G6) -When setting sensor, it is recommended not to press the inserter too firmly in order to avoid bleeding. The sensor contacts should not come into contact with blood. +設置傳感器時,建議不要過度壓下插入器,以避免出血。 傳感器接點不應接觸到血液。 -After setting the sensor, the transmitter can be clicked into the sensor holder. Caution! First click in the square side and then press down the round side. +設置傳感器後,傳輸器可以卡入傳感器座。 警告! 先按下方形的一側,然後按下圓形的一側。 (GeneralCGMRecommendation-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -### Connection problems +### 連線問題 -Bluetooth connection may be disturbed by other nearby Bluetooth devices such as blood glucose meters, headsets, tablets or kitchen devices such as microwave ovens or ceramic hobs. In this case xdrip does not display any BG values. When bluetooth connection is restabilised the data is backfilled. +藍牙連線可能會受到其他附近藍牙設備的干擾,如血糖機、耳機、平板電腦或廚房設備,如微波爐或陶瓷爐灶。 在這種情況下,xDrip 不會顯示任何血糖值。 當藍牙連線恢復時,資料將被回填。 -### Sensor Errors +### 傳感器錯誤 -If recurring sensor errors occur try selecting a different body site to set your sensor. The sensor contacts should not come into contact with blood. +如果反覆出現傳感器錯誤,請嘗試選擇不同的身體部位來設置您的傳感器。 傳感器接點不應接觸到血液。 -Often a "Sensor Error" can be corrected by immediate drinking and massage around the sensor! +通常,透過立即飲水和按摩傳感器周圍可以糾正「傳感器錯誤」! -### Jumpy values +### 跳動的數值 -You might try to change settings for noise blocking in xdrip (Settings - Inter-App Settings - Noise Blocking) i.e. "Block Very High noise and worse". See also [Smoothing BG data](../Usage/ +您可以嘗試更改 xDrip 的噪音阻擋設置(設定 > 應用間設置 > 噪音阻擋),如「阻擋非常高的噪音及更差的情況」。 另請參閱[平滑血糖資料](../Usage/。 -### Negative Sensor Age +### 負傳感器年齡 -![Negative sensor age](../images/Troubleshooting_SensorAge.png) +![負傳感器年齡](../images/Troubleshooting_SensorAge.png) -This occurs if there is either a double "CGM Sensor Insert" entry in [actions tab / menu](Config-Builder-actions) or a sensor insert with wrong date. Go to treatments tab \> careportal and delete the wrong entry. +如果操作選單中出現重複的「CGM 傳感器插入」條目或插入傳感器時日期錯誤,則會發生此情況。 轉到治療選項卡 > 照護入口並刪除錯誤的條目。 From e98bb604890eabd1427d68f122dec9514d40cad6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 268/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 58 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index f51699fd0bc1..e2e48330f43c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ # Freestyle Libre 1 -To use your Libre as a CGM that is getting new BG values every 5 minutes without having to scan the sensor, you need to buy an NFC to Bluetooth bridge (commercially available devices, based on the obsolete [LimiTTer]( project). +要將您的 Libre 用作 CGM,每 5 分鐘獲取一次新的血糖值,而無需掃描傳感器,您需要購買一個 NFC 到藍牙橋接器(基於已過時的[LimiTTer]( 項目的商用設備)。 -:::{admonition} Libre 2, Libre 1 US and Libre Pro :class: warning Verify the bridge and the app you want to use are compatible with your sensor. +:::{admonition} Libre 2、Libre 1 US 和 Libre Pro :class: warning 確認您要使用的橋接器和應用程式與您的傳感器相容。 ::: -Several bridges are available on the market: +市場上有幾款橋接器可供選擇: -- [MiaoMiao Reader]( (version 1, 2 or 3) also available on AliExpress. -- [Blucon Nightrider]( (mind recent firmware versions might not be compatible with all apps, the vendor app does not broadcast data to AAPS) -- [Bubble (or Bubble Mini)]( from European vendors ([Bubblan](, [BubbleShop]( or for Russian users [here]( Also available on AliExpress. -- Atom for Russian users. +- [MiaoMiao 讀取器](版本 1、2 或 3),也可在 AliExpress 上購買。 +- [Blucon Nightrider](請注意,最新的韌體版本可能與所有應用程式不相容,供應商應用程式不會向 AAPS 廣播資料)。 +- [Bubble(或 Bubble Mini)](,來自歐洲供應商([Bubblan](,[BubbleShop](,或適用於俄羅斯用戶[點擊此處](。 也可在 AliExpress 上購買。 +- 適用於俄羅斯用戶的 Atom。 -Historically it is possible to use a specific watch, the Sony Smartwatch 3 (SWR50) which has an NFC chip that can be enabled and used as an NFC collector. However the custom NFC to Bluetooth bridges listed above offer a less complex solution and would be used by the majority of those wanting to use their Libre 1 (non-US) as a CGM. +歷史上,使用特定手錶 Sony Smartwatch 3(SWR50),其中具有 NFC 晶片,可啟用並用作 NFC 收集器是可能的。 然而,上述列出的定制 NFC 到藍牙橋提供了一個不那麼複雜的解決方案,並且將被大多數希望將其 Libre 1(非 US)用作 CGM 的人使用。 -- Sony Smartwatch 3 (SWR50) +- Sony Smartwatch 3(SWR50) -As it currently stands, if using Libre 1 as BG source you cannot activate ‘Enable SMB always’ and ‘Enable SMB after carbs’ within the SMB algorithm. The BG values of Libre 1 are not smooth enough to use it safely. See [Smoothing blood glucose data](../Usage/ for more details. +目前來看,使用 Libre 1 作為血糖來源時,無法在 SMB 算法中啟用「始終啟用 SMB」和「在用餐後啟用 SMB」。 Libre 1 的血糖值不夠平滑,無法安全使用。 有關更多詳細資訊,請參閱[平滑血糖資料](../Usage/。 -## 1. Using xDrip+ +## 1. 使用 xDrip+ -- xDrip+ supports Miaomiao, Bubble, Blucon, Atom and LibreAlarm. -- You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you need recent features, in which case you should use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( -- Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ -- You also need [OOP2]( for Libre 1 US (and Libre 2 EU). -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- xDrip+ 支援 MiaoMiao、Bubble、Blucon、Atom 和 LibreAlarm。 +- 除非您需要最新功能,否則可以安全下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](,在這種情況下,您應該使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 +- 按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的設置說明進行操作。 +- 您還需要適用於 Libre 1 US(和 Libre 2 EU)的[OOP2](。 +- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -## 2. Using Glimp +## 2. 使用 Glimp -- Glimp supports Miaomiao, Blucon and Bubble for Libre 1 and Libre 2 EU. -- You will need Glimp version 4.15.57 or newer. Older versions are not supported. -- Install [Glimp]( -- Select Glimp in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source.](../Configuration/ +- Glimp 支援 Miaomiao、Blucon 和 Bubble 用於 Libre 1 和 Libre 2 EU。 +- 您需要 Glimp 版本 4.15.57 或更新版本。 舊版本不支援。 +- 安裝 [Glimp](。 +- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 Glimp。 -## 3. Using Tomato +## 3. 使用 Tomato -- Tomato is the vendor app for Miaomiao. -- Install [Tomato]( and follow the vendor [instructions]( -- Select Tomato in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- Tomato 是 Miaomiao 的官方應用程式。 +- 安裝 [Tomato]( 並按照廠商的[說明](操作。 +- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 Tomato。 -## 4. Using Diabox +## 4. 使用 Diabox -- Diabox is the vendor app for Bubble. -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Diabox 是 Bubble 的官方應用程式。 +- 安裝 [Diabox](。 在設定中,進入「整合」,啟用「與其他應用程式共享資料」。 ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 From 1252e43996488ba3b552c631adf3f2f53ed588c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 269/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 238 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 6e156898dcf7..b1ff8a06ddf3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,222 +1,222 @@ # Freestyle Libre 2 -The Freestyle Libre 2 sensor is now a real CGM even with the official app. Still, LibreLink cannot send data to AAPS. There are several solutions to use it with AAPS. +即使使用官方應用程式,Freestyle Libre 2 傳感器現在也是一款真正的連續血糖監測儀(CGM)。 然而,LibreLink 仍無法將資料傳送至 AAPS。 有幾種解決方案可以將其與 AAPS 搭配使用。 -## 1. Use a Bluetooth bridge and OOP +## 1. 使用藍牙橋接器和 OOP -Bluetooth transmitters can be used with the Libre 2 (EU) and an [out of process algorithm]( app. You can receive blood sugar readings every 5 minutes like with the [Libre 1](../Libre1). +可以使用藍牙傳輸器與 Libre 2(EU)及一款 [進程外算法]( 應用程式。 您可以像使用 [Libre 1](../Libre1) 一樣每 5 分鐘接收一次血糖讀數。 -Check the bridge and app you want to use are compatible with your sensor and xDrip+ (older Blucon and recent ones won't work, Miaomiao 1 needs firmware 39 and Miaomiao 2 firmware 7). +檢查您要使用的橋接器和應用程式是否與您的傳感器及 xDrip+ 相容(舊版 Blucon 及近期的版本不支援,Miaomiao 1 需要韌體 39,Miaomiao 2 則需要韌體 7)。 -The Libre2 OOP is creating the same BG readings as with the original reader or the LibreLink app via NFC scan. AAPS with Libre 2 do a 10 to 25 minutes smoothing to avoid certain jumps. See below [Value smoothing & raw values](#value-smoothing-raw-values). OOP generates readings every 5 minutes with the average of the last 5 minutes. Therefore the BG readings are not that smooth but match the original reader device and faster follow the "real" BG readings. If you try to loop with OOP please enable all smoothing settings in xDrip+. +Libre2 OOP 所生成的讀數與原始讀取器或透過 NFC 掃描的 LibreLink 應用程式的讀數相同。 AAPS 與 Libre 2 的讀數會經過 10 至 25 分鐘的平滑處理,以避免某些讀數的跳動。 請參閱以下內容[讀數平滑化及原始讀數](#value-smoothing-raw-values)。 OOP 每 5 分鐘生成一次讀數,並取最近 5 分鐘的平均值。 因此,這些血糖讀數可能不如其他方法平滑,但它們與原始讀取器的讀數一致,並且更快速地反映“真實”血糖讀數。 如果您嘗試使用 OOP 進行循環,請在 xDrip+ 中啟用所有平滑設定。 -There are some good reasons to use a Bluetooth transmitter: +有幾個使用藍牙傳輸器的理由: -- You can choose various OOP2 calibration strategies (1): have the reader values using "no calibration", or calibrate the sensor like a Libre 1 using "calibrate based on raw" or ultimately calibrate the the readers like values with "calibrate based on glucose". - Make sure to leave OOP1 disabled (2). +- 您可以選擇多種 OOP2 校正策略(1):使用「無校正」獲得讀取器讀數,或者像 Libre 1 一樣使用「基於原始資料進行校正」,或者最終使用「基於葡萄糖進行校正」來校正讀取器的讀數。 + 請確保停用 OOP1(2)。 - → Hamburger Menu → Settings → Less common settings → Other misc. options + → 漢堡選單 → 設定 → 不常見的設定 → 其他雜項選項 選項 -![OOP2 Calibration](../images/Libre2_OOP2Calibration.png) +![OOP2 校正](../images/Libre2_OOP2Calibration.png) -- The Libre 2 sensor can be used 14.5 days as the Libre 1 -- 8 hours backfilling is fully supported +- Libre 2 傳感器可像 Libre 1 一樣使用 14.5 天。 +- 支援 8 小時的回填資料。 -Remark: The transmitter can be used in parallel to the LibreLink app without interfering with it. +備註:傳輸器可以與 LibreLink 應用程式並行使用而不會相互干擾。 -## 2. Use xDrip+ direct connection +## 2. 使用 xDrip+ 直接連線 -:::{admonition} Libre 2 EU only :class: warning xDrip+ doesn't support direct connection to Libre 2 US and AUS. +:::{admonition} 僅限 Libre 2 EU :class: warning xDrip+ 不支援與 Libre 2 US 和 AUS 直接連線。 ::: -- Follow [these instructions]( to setup xDrip+ but make sure to download [this latest OOP2]( as the one in the document is obsolete. -- Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- 請按照 [這些指示]( 設定 xDrip+,但請確保下載 [此最新版 OOP2](,因為文件中的版本已過時。 +- 按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的設置說明進行操作。 -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -## 3. Use Diabox +## 3. 使用 Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( In Settings, Integration, enable Share data with other apps. +- Install [Diabox]( 在設定中,進入「整合」,啟用「與其他應用程式共享資料」。 ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png) -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -## 4. Use Juggluco +## 4. 使用 Juggluco -- Download and install the Juggluco app from [here]( -- Follow the instructions [here]( -- In Settings, enable xDrip+ broadcast (which doesn't send data to xDrip+ but to AAPS). +- 從[此處](下載並安裝 Juggluco 應用程式。 +- 按照[此處](的指示操作。 +- 在設定中,啟用 xDrip+ 廣播(這不會將資料傳送至 xDrip+,而是傳送至 AAPS)。 -![Juggluco broadcast to AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) +![Juggluco 廣播至 AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在[組態建置工具的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -:::{admonition} Use with xDrip+ :class: note You can set Juggluco to broadcast to xDrip+ with Patched Libre Broadcast (you should disable xDrip+ broadcast), in order to calibrate (see here) and avoid 1 minute readings to be sent to AAPS. -![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) -You will then need to set xDrip+ data source to Libre 2 Patched App to receive data from Juggluco. +:::{admonition} 與 xDrip+ 搭配使用 :class: note 您可以將 Juggluco 設定為使用 Patched Libre Broadcast 廣播至 xDrip+(您應停用 xDrip+ 廣播),以進行校正(請參閱此處)並避免將 1 分鐘讀數傳送至 AAPS。 +![Juggluco 廣播至 xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) +接著,您需要將 xDrip+ 資料來源設定為 Libre 2 Patched App,以從 Juggluco 接收資料。 ::: -## 5. Use the patched LibreLink app with xDrip+ +## 5. 使用修補版 LibreLink 應用程式與 xDrip+ 搭配使用 -:::{admonition} Libre 2 EU only :class: warning The patched app is an old version (22/4/2019) and might not be compatible with recent Android releases. +:::{admonition} 僅限 Libre 2 EU :class: warning 修補版應用程式是舊版本(2019/4/22),可能與近期的 Android 版本不相容。 ::: -### Step 1: Build the patched app +### 步驟 1:建立修補版應用程式 -For legal reasons, "patching" has to be done by yourself. Use search engines to find the corresponding links. There are two variants: The recommended original patched app blocks any internet traffic to avoid tracking. The other variant supports LibreView. +由於法律原因,「修補」必須自行完成。 使用搜索引擎查找相應的鏈接。 有兩個 變種:建議使用的原始修補版應用程式會阻止任何網路流量以避免追蹤。 另一個版本支援 LibreView。 -The patched app has to be installed instead of the original app. The next sensor started with it will transmit the current BG values to the xDrip+ app running on your smartphone via Bluetooth. +修補版應用程式必須安裝替代原始應用程式。 下一個啟用的傳感器將透過藍牙將當前的血糖值傳送到在您智慧型手機上運作的 xDrip+ 應用程式。 -Important: To avoid possible problems it may help to first install and uninstall the original app on an NFC capable smartphone. NFC has to be enabled. This costs no extra power. Then install the patched app. +重要提示:為避免潛在問題,建議先在支援 NFC 的智慧型手機上安裝並卸載原始應用程式。 NFC 必須啟用。 這不會消耗額外的電量。 然後安裝修補版應用程式。 -The patched app can be identified by the foreground authorization notification. The foreground authorization service improves the connection stability compared to the original app which does not use this service. +修補版應用程式可以透過前景授權通知來識別。 前景授權服務提高了連線穩定性,相較於不使用此服務的原始應用程式。 -![LibreLink Foreground Service](../images/Libre2_ForegroundServiceNotification.png) +![LibreLink 前景服務](../images/Libre2_ForegroundServiceNotification.png) -Other indications could be the Linux penguin logo in the three dot menu -> Info or the font of the patched app (2) different from the original app (1). These criteria are optional depending on the app source you choose. +其他標誌可能包括三點選單中的 Linux 企鵝圖示 -> 資訊,或者修補版應用程式的字體(2)與原始應用程式(1)不同。 這些標準是可選的,具體取決於您選擇的應用程式來源。 -![LibreLink Font Check](../images/LibreLinkPatchedCheck.png) +![LibreLink 字體檢查](../images/LibreLinkPatchedCheck.png) -Ensure that NFC is activated, enable the memory and location permission for the patched app, enable automatic time and time zone and set at least one alarm in the patched app. +確保啟用了 NFC,並為修補版應用程式啟用記憶體和位置權限,啟用自動時間和時區,並在修補版應用程式中至少設定一個鬧鐘。 -### Step 2: Start the sensor with the patched app +### 步驟 2:使用修補版應用程式啟動傳感器 -Now start the Libre2 sensor with the patched app by simply scanning the sensor. Ensure to have set all settings done. +現在只需掃描傳感器即可使用修補版應用程式啟動 Libre2 傳感器。 請確保已設定好所有設定。 -Mandatory settings for successful sensor start: +成功啟動傳感器的必要設定: -- NFC enabled / BT enabled -- memory and location permission enabled -- location service enabled -- automatic time and time zone setting -- set at least one alarm in the patched app +- NFC 啟用 / 藍牙啟用 +- 記憶體和位置權限已啟用 +- 位置服務已啟用 +- 自動時間和時區設定 +- 在修補版應用程式中至少設定一個鬧鐘 -Please note that the location service is a central setting. This is not the app location permission which has to be set also! +請注意,位置服務是一個核心設定。 這並不是應用程式的位置權限,該權限也必須啟用! -![LibreLink permissions memory & location](../images/Libre2_AppPermissionsAndLocation.png) +![LibreLink 權限:記憶體與位置](../images/Libre2_AppPermissionsAndLocation.png) -![automatic time and time zone + alarm settings](../images/Libre2_DateTimeAlarms.png) +![自動時間和時區 + 鬧鐘設定](../images/Libre2_DateTimeAlarms.png) -Once the sensor started with the patched app, you won't be able to connect it to another app/phone. If you uninstall the patched app, you will lose alarms and continuous BG readings. +一旦使用修補版應用程式啟動傳感器,您將無法將其連線到其他應用程式或手機。 如果您卸載修補版應用程式,您將失去鬧鐘和連續的血糖讀數。 -The first connection setup to the sensor is critical. The LibreLink app tries to establish a wireless connection to the sensor every 30 seconds. If one or more mandatory settings are missing they have to be adjusted. You have no time limit to do that. The sensor is constantly trying to setup the connection. Even if is last some hours. Be patient and try different settings before even thinking of changing the sensor. +首次連線傳感器的設置至關重要。 LibreLink 應用程式每 30 秒嘗試與傳感器建立無線連線。 如果缺少一個或多個必要設定,則需要進行調整。 您沒有時間限制來完成此操作。 傳感器會不斷嘗試建立連線。 即使這可能需要幾個小時。 耐心等待,並嘗試不同的設定,切勿急於更換傳感器。 -As long as you see a red exclamation mark ("!") on the upper left corner of the LibreLink start screen there is no connection or some other setting blocks LibreLink to signal alarms. Please check if the sound is enabled and all sorts of blocking app notifications are disabled. When the exclamation mark is gone, the connection should be established and blood sugar values are sent to the smartphone. This should happen after a maximum of 5 minutes. +只要在 LibreLink 啟動畫面左上角看到紅色感嘆號「!」, 表示尚未連線,或某些設定阻礙了 LibreLink 發出鬧鐘訊號。 請檢查是否啟用了音效,並確保停用所有可能阻擋應用程式通知的設定。 當感嘆號消失後,應該就會建立連線,並將血糖值傳送到智慧型手機。 這應該在最多 5 分鐘內完成。 -![LibreLink no connection](../images/Libre2_ExclamationMark.png) +![LibreLink 未連線](../images/Libre2_ExclamationMark.png) -If the exclamation mark remains or you get an error message, this can have several reasons: +如果感嘆號仍然存在或您收到錯誤訊息,可能有幾個原因: -- Android location service is not granted - please enable it in system settings -- automatic time and time zone not set - please change settings accordingly -- activate alarms - at least one of the three alarms must be activated in LibreLink -- Bluetooth is switched off - please switch on -- sound is blocked -- app notifications are blocked -- idle screen notifications are blocked +- Android 位置服務未授權 - 請在系統設定中啟用它 +- 未設定自動時間和時區 - 請根據設定進行更改 +- 啟用鬧鐘 - 必須在 LibreLink 中啟用三個鬧鐘中的至少一個 +- 藍牙已關閉 - 請開啟藍牙 +- 音效被阻止 +- 應用程式通知被阻止 +- 閒置螢幕通知被阻止 -Restarting the phone can help, you may have to do it several times. As soon as the connection is established, the red exclamation mark disappears and the most important step is taken. It may happen that depending on system settings the exclamation mark remains but you still get readings. In both cases you are fine. Sensor and phone are now connected, every minute a blood sugar value is transmitted. +重啟手機可能會有所幫助,您可能需要多次重啟。 一旦建立連線,紅色感嘆號就會消失,這是最重要的一步。 根據系統設定,可能感嘆號仍然存在,但您仍能接收到讀數。 無論哪種情況,都是正常的。 傳感器和手機現在已連線,每分鐘會傳送一次血糖讀數。 -![LibreLink connection established](../images/Libre2_Connected.png) +![LibreLink 連線已建立](../images/Libre2_Connected.png) -In rare case it could help to empty the bluetooth cache and/or reset all network connections via the system menu. This removes all connected bluetooth devices which may help to setup a proper bluetooth connection. That procedure is safe as the started sensor is remembered by the patched LibreLink app. Nothing additional has to be done here. Simply wait for the patched app to connect to the sensor. +在極少數情況下,清空藍牙快取和/或透過系統選單重置所有網路連線可能會有所幫助。 這會移除所有已連線的藍牙設備,這可能有助於建立正確的藍牙連線。 此過程是安全的,因為修補版 LibreLink 應用程式會記住已啟動的傳感器。 不需要執行其他操作。 只需等待修補版應用程式連線到傳感器。 -After a successful connection the smartphone settings can be changed if necessary. This is not recommended but you may want to save power. Location service can be switched off, volume can be set to zero or alarms can be switched off again. The blood sugar levels are transferred anyway. +成功連線後,如果有必要,可以更改智慧型手機的設定。 這並不推薦,但您可能希望節省電量。 位置服務可以關閉,音量可以設為零,或可以再次關閉鬧鐘。 無論如何,血糖資料仍會被傳送。 -When starting the next sensor, however, all settings must be set again! +然而,在啟動下一個傳感器時,所有設定必須再次設定! -Remark: The patched app needs the mandatory settings set in that hour after warmup to enable a connection. For the 14 days operation time they are not needed. In most cases when you have problems with starting a sensor the location service was switched off. For Android it is needed for proper bluetooth operation(!) to connect. Please refer to Google's Android documentation. +備註:修補版應用程式需要在傳感器預熱後的那一小時內設定所有必要的設定,才能啟用連線。 在 14 天的操作時間內,這些設定不再需要。 在大多數情況下,當您無法啟動傳感器時,通常是因為位置服務已關閉。 對於 Android,這是藍牙正常運作所需的必要條件! 請參閱 Google 的 Android 文件。 -During the 14 days you can use in parallel one or more NFC capable smartphones (not the reader device!) running the original LibreLink app for scanning via NFC. There is no time limitation to start that. You could use a parallel phone for example on day 5 or so. The parallel phones(s) could upload the blood sugar values into the Abbott Cloud (LibreView). LibreView can generate reports for your diabetes team. +在這 14 天內,您可以同時使用一個或多個支援 NFC 的智慧型手機(不是讀取器設備!)運作原始 LibreLink 應用程式進行 NFC 掃描。 開始時並無時間限制。 例如,您可以在第 5 天使用並行的手機。 並行手機可以將血糖資料上傳到 Abbott 雲端(LibreView)。 LibreView 可以為您的糖尿病醫療團隊生成報告。 -Please note that the original patched app **does not have any connection to the internet** to avoid tracking. +請注意,原始修補版應用程式**沒有任何與網路的連線**,以避免追蹤。 -However there is a variant of the patched app supporting LibreView with enabled internet access. Please be aware that your data is transferred to the cloud then. But your endo team reporting is fully supported then. With that variant it is also possible to move the alarms of a running sensor to a different device which not has started the sensor. Please google in diabetes related German forums how this could be done. +然而,有一個版本的修補版應用程式支援 LibreView,並啟用了網路存取。 請注意,此時您的資料會被傳送到雲端。 但您的內分泌醫療團隊的報告將完全支援。 使用該版本,還可以將正在運作的傳感器的鬧鐘轉移到未啟動該傳感器的另一台設備。 請在與糖尿病相關的德國論壇中搜索此操作方式。 -### Step 3: Install and configure xDrip+ app +### 步驟 3:安裝並配置 xDrip+ 應用程式 -The blood sugar values are received on the smartphone by the xDrip+ App. +血糖讀數會透過 xDrip+ 應用程式接收到智慧型手機上。 -- You can safely download the [latest APK (stable)]( unless you need recent features, in which case you should use the latest [Nightly Snapshot]( -- Set xDrip+ with the [patched app data source](../Configuration/ -- Follow setup instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ +- 除非您需要最新功能,否則可以安全下載[最新 APK(穩定版)](,在這種情況下,您應該使用最新的[Nightly Snapshot](。 +- 使用 [修補版應用程式資料來源](../Configuration/設定 xDrip+。 +- 按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的設置說明進行操作。 -### Step 4: Start sensor +### 步驟 4:啟動傳感器 -- → Hamburger Menu (1) → Start sensor (2) → Start sensor (3) → Answer "Not Today" (4). +- → 漢堡選單 (1) → 啟動傳感器 (2) → 啟動傳感器 (3) → 回答「暫不」(4)。 -![xDrip+ Start Libre Transmitter & Sensor 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) +![xDrip+ 啟動 Libre 傳輸器與傳感器 3](../images/xDrip_Libre_Transmitter03.png) -This will not physically start any Libre2 sensor or interact with them in any case. This is simply to indicate xDrip+ that a new sensor is delivering blood sugar levels. If available, enter two bloody measured values for the initial calibration. Now the blood glucose values should be displayed in xDrip+ every 5 minutes. Skipped values, e.g. because you were too far away from your phone, will not be backfilled. +這不會實際啟動任何 Libre2 傳感器,也不會與其進行任何互動。 這只是為了讓 xDrip+ 知道有一個新的傳感器正在傳送血糖資料。 如果可用,請輸入兩個指血測量值進行初始校正。 現在,血糖值應每 5 分鐘顯示在 xDrip+ 中。 錯過的讀數,例如因為您離手機太遠,不會被回填。 -After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will delete all calibration data. You may check you blood glucose after activation and make a new initial calibration. +更換傳感器後,xDrip+ 會自動檢測到新傳感器並刪除所有校正資料。 啟動後,您可以檢查您的血糖值並進行新的初始校正。 -### Step 5: Configure AAPS (for looping only) +### 步驟 5:配置 AAPS(僅適用於循環) -- In AAPS go to Config Builder > BG Source and check 'xDrip+' +- 在 AAPS 中,前往 Config Builder >血糖來源,並勾選 'xDrip+'。 -![xDrip+ BG Source](../images/ConfBuild_BG_xDrip.png) +![xDrip+血糖來源](../images/ConfBuild_BG_xDrip.png) -- If AAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use 'Identify receiver' as describe on [xDrip+ settings page](xdrip-identify-receiver). +- 如果 AAPS 在手機處於飛行模式時無法接收血糖值,請參閱[xDrip+ 設定頁面](xdrip-identify-receiver),使用「識別接收器」。 -Until now, using Libre 2 as BG source you cannot activate ‘Enable SMB always’ and ‘Enable SMB after carbs’ within SMB algorithm. The BG values of Libre 2 are not smooth enough to use it safely. See [Smoothing blood glucose data](../Usage/ for more details. +目前,將 Libre 2 作為血糖來源時,無法在 SMB 演算法中啟用「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水後啟用 SMB」功能。 Libre 2 的血糖值不夠平滑,無法安全使用。 詳情請參閱[平滑血糖資料](../Usage/。 (Libre2-experiences-and-troubleshooting)= -### Experiences and Troubleshooting +### 經驗與疑難排解 -#### Connectivity +#### 連線性 -The connectivity is good with most phones, with the exception of Huawei mobile phones. The connection can break off if the mobile phone is in the pocket opposite the sensor or if you are outdoors. Wear your phone on the sensor side of your body. In rooms, where Bluetooth spreads over reflections, no problems should occur. If you have connectivity problems please test another phone. It may also help to set the sensor with the internal BT antenna pointing down. The slit on the applicator must be pointing down when setting the sensor. +大多數手機的連線性良好,除非是華為手機。 如果手機在與傳感器相對的口袋中或在戶外時,連線可能會中斷。 請將手機佩戴在傳感器所在的一側。 在室內,藍牙訊號透過反射傳播時應該不會有問題。 如果您遇到連線問題,請嘗試其他手機。 將傳感器的內部藍牙天線朝下設置也可能有所幫助。 在安裝傳感器時,應將應用器上的縫隙朝下。 -#### Value smoothing & raw values +#### 讀數平滑化與原始值 -Technically, the current blood sugar value is transmitted to xDrip+ every minute. A weighted average filter calculates a smoothed value over the last 25 minutes by default. You can change the period in the NFC Scan features menu. +技術上來說,目前的血糖值每分鐘會傳送到 xDrip+。 加權平均濾波器預設會計算最近 25 分鐘內的平滑資料。 您可以在 NFC 掃描功能選單中更改此時間段。 -→ Hamburger menu → Settings → NFC Scan features → Smooth libre 3 data when using xxx method +→ 漢堡選單 → 設定 → NFC 掃描功能 → 使用 xxx 方法時平滑 Libre 3 資料 -![xDrip+ advanced settings Libre 2 & raw values](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) +![xDrip+ 進階設定:Libre 2 與原始值](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) -This is mandatory for looping. The curves look smooth and the loop results are great. The raw values on which the alarms are based jitter a little more, but correspond to the values that the reader also displays. In addition, the raw values can be displayed in the xDrip+ graph in order to be able to react in time to rapid changes. Please switch on Less Common Settings \> Advanced Settings for Libre2 \> "show Raw values" and "show Sensors Infos". Then the raw values are additionally displayed as small white dots and additional sensor info is available in the system menu. +這對循環是必要的。 曲線看起來很平滑,循環結果也非常好。 用來設定鬧鐘的原始值波動稍大一些,但與讀取器顯示的值相符。 此外,您可以在 xDrip+ 圖表中顯示原始值,從而及時應對快速變化。 請開啟「不常見的設定」\>「Libre 2 的進階設定」\>「顯示原始值」和「顯示傳感器資訊」。 然後,原始值會額外顯示為小白點,並在系統選單中提供更多傳感器資訊。 -The raw values are very helpful when the blood sugar is moving fast. Even if the dots are jumpier you would detect the tendency much better as using the smoothed line to make proper therapy decisions. +當血糖快速變化時,原始值非常有幫助。 即使這些點的波動較大,但與平滑線相比,您能更好地察覺趨勢,從而做出正確的治療決策。 -→ Hamburger menu → Settings → Less common settings → Advanced settings for Libre 2 +→ 漢堡選單 → 設定 → 不常見的設定 → Libre 2 的進階設定 -![xDrip+ advanced settings Libre 2 & raw values](../images/Libre2_RawValues.png) +![xDrip+ 進階設定:Libre 2 與原始值](../images/Libre2_RawValues.png) -#### Sensor runtime +#### 傳感器運作時間 -The sensor runtime is fixed to 14 days. The 12 extra hours of Libre1 no longer exist. xDrip+ shows additional sensor information after enabling Advanced Settings for Libre2 → "show Sensors Infos" in the system menu like the starting time. The remaining sensor time can also be seen in the patched LibreLink app. Either in the main screen as remaining days display or as the sensor start time in the three-point menu → Help → Event log under "New sensor found". +傳感器運作時間固定為 14 天。 Libre1 的額外 12 小時不再存在。 啟用 Libre2 的進階設定後,xDrip+ 會顯示更多傳感器資訊,例如啟動時間。 在修補版 LibreLink 應用程式中也可以看到剩餘傳感器時間。 無論是在主畫面上以剩餘天數顯示,還是在三點選單中查看傳感器啟動時間 → 幫助 → 事件日誌中的「發現新傳感器」。 -![Libre 2 start time](../images/Libre2_Starttime.png) +![Libre 2 啟動時間](../images/Libre2_Starttime.png) -#### New sensor +#### 新傳感器 -A sensor exchange takes place on-the-fly: Set new sensor shortly before activation. As soon as xDrip+ receives no more data from the old sensor, start the new sensor with the patched app. After one hour new values should appear automatically in xDrip+. +傳感器更換是在運作中進行的:在啟動前不久設置新傳感器。 一旦 xDrip+ 不再接收到舊傳感器的資料,請使用修補版應用程式啟動新傳感器。 一小時後,新讀數應自動出現在 xDrip+ 中。 -If not, please check the phone settings and proceed as with the first start. You have no time limit. Try to find the correct settings. No need to immediately replace the sensor before you tried different combinations. The sensors are robust and try permanently to establish a connection. Please take your time. In most cases you accidentally changed one setting which causes now problems. +如果沒有,請檢查手機設定,並按首次啟動的步驟進行操作。 您沒有時間限制。 嘗試找到正確的設定組合。 在嘗試不同的組合前,無需急於立即更換傳感器。 這些傳感器非常穩定,並會持續嘗試建立連線。 請耐心操作。 大多數情況下,您可能意外更改了一個設定,導致問題出現。 -Once successful please select "Sensor Stop" and "Delete calibration only" in xDrip. This indicates for xDrip+ that a new sensor is releasing blood sugar levels and the old calibrations are no longer valid and therefore have to be deleted. No real interaction is done with the Libre2 sensor here! You do not need to start the sensor in xDrip+. +一旦成功,請在 xDrip+ 中選擇「停止傳感器」和「僅刪除校正」選項。 這表示對 xDrip+ 而言,新傳感器正在釋放血糖值,舊的校正已不再有效,因此必須刪除。 此處不會對 Libre2 傳感器進行任何實際操作! 您無需在 xDrip+ 中啟動傳感器。 -![xDrip+ missing data when changing Libre 2 sensor](../images/Libre2_GapNewSensor.png) +![更換 Libre 2 傳感器時,xDrip+ 缺少資料](../images/Libre2_GapNewSensor.png) -#### Calibration +#### 校正 -You can calibrate the Libre2 **with an offset of -40 mg/dl to +20 mg/dL \[-2,2 mmol/l to +1,1 mmol/l\]** (intercept). The slope isn't changeable. Please check by fingerpricking after setting a new sensor, keeping in mind it might not be accurate in the first 12 hours after insertion. Since there can be large differences to the blood measurements, verify every 24 hours and calibrate if necessary. If the sensor is completely off after a few days, it should then be replaced. +您可以將 Libre2 校正為**偏差 -40 mg/dL 至 +20 mg/dL \[-2,2 mmol/l 至 +1,1 mmol/l\]**(截距)。 斜率無法更改。 請在設置新傳感器後進行指血測試,並注意插入後的前 12 小時可能不太準確。 由於血糖測試可能存在較大誤差,請每 24 小時驗證一次並在必要時校正。 如果幾天後傳感器的讀數完全不準確,應考慮更換傳感器。 -### Plausibility checks +### 合理性檢查 -The Libre2 sensors contain plausibility checks to detect bad sensor values. As soon as the sensor moves on the arm or is lifted slightly, the values may start to fluctuate. The Libre2 sensor will then shut down for safety reasons. Unfortunately, when scanning with the App, additional checks are made. The app can deactivate the sensor even though the sensor is OK. Currently the internal test is too strict. Avoid scanning the sensor with another phone to reduce the risk of unexpected sensor shutdown. +Libre2 傳感器內部包含合理性檢查,用於檢測不正確的傳感器數值。 一旦傳感器在手臂上移動或稍微抬起,數值可能開始波動。 為了安全起見,Libre2 傳感器會自動關閉。 不幸的是,當使用應用程式掃描時,會進行額外的檢查。 應用程式甚至可能停用正常的傳感器。 目前內部檢查過於嚴格。 避免使用其他手機掃描傳感器,以降低意外停用傳感器的風險。 -# Best practices for calibrating a Libre 2 sensor +# Libre 2 傳感器校正最佳實踐 -To get the best results when calibrating a libre 2 sensor there are some “rules” you should follow. They apply independently of the software combination (e.g. patched libre-app, oop2, …) that is used to handle the libre 2 values. +為了獲得最佳的 Libre 2 傳感器校正效果,您應遵循一些「規則」。 這些規則適用於處理 Libre 2 資料的軟體組合(例如修補版 Libre 應用程式、OOP2 等)。 -1. The most important rule is to only calibrate the sensor when you have a flat bg level for at least 15 minutes. The delta between the last three readings should not exceed 10 mg/dl (over 15min not between each reading). As the libre 2 does not measure your blood glucose level but your flesh glucose level there is some time lag especially when bg level is rising or falling. This time lag can lead to way too large calibration offsets in unfavourable situations even if the bg level rise / fall is not that much. So whenever possible avoid to calibrate on rising or falling edges. -> If you have to add a calibration when you do not have a flat bg level (e.g. when starting a new sensor) it is recommended to remove that calibration(s) as soon as possible and add a new one when in flat bg levels. -2. Actually this one is automatically taken into account when following rule 1 but to be sure: When doing comparison measurements your bg level should also be flat for about 15min. Do not compare when rising or falling. Important: You still shall do blood glucose measurements whenever you desire, just don’t use the results for calibration when rising or falling! -3. As calibrating the sensor in flat levels is a very good starting point it is also strongly recommended to calibrate the sensor only within your desired target range like 70 mg/dl to 160 mg/dl. The libre 2 is not optimized to work over a huge range like 50 mg/dl to 350 mg/dl (at least not in a linear manner), so try to only calibrate when within your desired range. -> Simply accept that values outside your calibration range will not perfectly match blood glucose levels. -4. Do not calibrate too often. Calibrating the sensor very often mostly leads to worse results. When the sensor delivers good results in flat conditions just don’t add any new calibration as it does not have any -useful- effect. It should be sufficient to recheck the status every 3-5 days (of course also in flat conditions). -5. Avoid calibration when not required. This might sound silly but it is not recommended to add a new calibration if the blood glucose to flesh glucose level difference is only ±10 mg/dl (e.g. blood glucose level: 95, Libre sensor 100 -> do NOT add the 95, blood glucose level: 95, Libre sensor 115 -> add the 95 to be taken into account for the calibration) +1. 最重要的規則是在血糖平穩至少 15 分鐘時才校正傳感器。 最近三次讀數的變化不應超過 10 mg/dL(在 15 分鐘內,而非每次讀數間)。 由於 Libre 2 並不是測量您的血糖值,而是測量您的組織液葡萄糖值,因此在血糖上升或下降時會有一些延遲。 這種延遲可能導致在不利情況下出現過大的校正偏差,即使血糖值的上升/下降幅度並不大。 因此,盡可能避免在血糖上升或下降時進行校正。 → 如果您必須在血糖未平穩時添加校正(例如在啟動新傳感器時),建議儘早移除該校正,並在血糖平穩時添加新的校正。 +2. 其實,當您遵循規則 1 時,這一點會自動被考慮,但為了保險起見:在進行比較測量時,您的血糖值也應平穩至少 15 分鐘。 避免在血糖上升或下降時進行比較測量。 重要提示:您仍然可以隨時進行血糖測量,但不要在血糖上升或下降時將結果用於校正! +3. 由於在平穩狀態下校正傳感器是個很好的起點,建議僅在您的目標範圍內校正傳感器,例如 70 mg/dL 至 160 mg/dL。 Libre 2 傳感器並未優化用於處理像 50 mg/dL 到 350 mg/dL 這樣的大範圍讀數(至少在非線性情況下),因此盡量僅在您所需的範圍內進行校正。 → 接受您的校正範圍外的值無法完美匹配血糖水平的事實。 +4. 不要過於頻繁地校正。 過於頻繁地校正傳感器通常會導致更差的結果。 當傳感器在平穩狀態下提供良好結果時,請不要再添加新的校正,因為這並不會帶來任何實際效果。 重新檢查狀態每 3-5 天一次就足夠了(當然,仍然是在平穩狀態下)。 +5. 避免在不需要時進行校正。 這聽起來可能很奇怪,但當血糖與組織液葡萄糖的差異只有±10 mg/dL 時,不建議添加新的校正(例如:血糖值 95,Libre 傳感器顯示 100 -> 不要添加 95,血糖值 95,Libre 傳感器顯示 115 -> 添加 95 進行校正)。 -Some general notes: After activating a new sensor and at the sensor’s end of life it does make sense to do comparison measurements more often than 3-5 days as stated in rule nr. 4. For new and old sensors it is more likely that the raw values change and a re-calibration is required. From time to time it happens that a sensor does not provide valid values. Most likely the sensor value is way to low compared to the actual blood glucose level (e.g. sensor: 50 mg/dl, bg: 130 mg/dl) even after calibrating. If this is the case the sensor cannot be calibrated to report useful results. E.g. when using the patched libre app one can add an offset of maximal +20 mg/dl. When it happens to you that the sensor does provides way too low values, don’t hesitate to replace it as it will not get better. Even if it might be a defective sensor, when seeing sensors that do provide way too low values very often, try to use different areas to place your sensor. Even in the official area (upper arm) there might be some locations where the sensors just do not provide valid values. This is some kind of trial end error to find areas that work for you. +一些一般性說明:啟動新傳感器後以及傳感器即將到期時,進行比較測量比每 3-5 天一次的建議更頻繁地進行更有意義。 對於新傳感器和舊傳感器來說,原始值更有可能發生變化,因此需要重新校正。 有時候,傳感器可能無法提供有效的數值。 最有可能的情況是傳感器的讀數遠低於實際血糖水平(例如,傳感器讀數:50 mg/dL,血糖值:130 mg/dL),即使經過校正後也是如此。 如果是這種情況,則無法校正該傳感器以報告有效結果。 例如: 當使用修補版 Libre 應用程式時,您可以添加最大 +20 mg/dL 的偏移值。 如果您遇到傳感器提供的值過低,不要猶豫,更換傳感器,因為它不會變得更好。 即使這可能是傳感器故障,但如果經常遇到讀數過低的情況,請嘗試更換傳感器的位置。 即使在官方推薦的區域(上臂),某些位置可能也無法提供有效資料。 這是一種嘗試錯誤的過程,找到適合您的區域。 From 6fad60e1ae8834cc9a1761a35a4a9ec1bad12ffb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 270/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index b47cdbcde569..dcf3e553e9ad 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -# For users of MM640g or MM630g +# 對於 MM640g 或 MM630g 用戶 -- If not already set up then download [600SeriesAndroidUploader]( and follow instructions on [Nightscout]( -- In 600 Series Uploader go to Settings > Send to xDrip+ and select ON (tick). +- 如果尚未設定,請下載 [600SeriesAndroidUploader]( 並按照 [Nightscout]( 的說明進行操作。 +- 在 600 系列上傳器中,前往設定 > 傳送至 xDrip+ 並選擇開啟(勾選)。 -![600 series uploader](../images/600Uploader.png) +![600 系列上傳器](../images/600Uploader.png) -- Select MM640g in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 MM640g。 From e79febc068562614d4780af388decc4a98cc83cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 271/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 30e7a736233b..1ed0a6c67bd8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# Phones +# 手機 -- [List of tested phones](../Getting-Started/ -- [Jelly Pro Settings](../Usage/ -- [Huawei Settings](../Usage/ +- [已測試的手機清單](../Getting-Started/ +- [Jelly Pro 設定](../Usage/ +- [華為設定](../Usage/ From d66775c51089f18b8f78983416a7831d14045ba7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 272/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 7b28982eab33..09f12f672e3e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# For users of PocTech CT-100 +# 適用於 PocTech CT-100 用戶 -- Install PocTech App -- Select PocTech App in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 安裝 PocTech 應用程式 +- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 PocTech 應用程式。 From 9d98f762f0f91e5031378e3b7fc4a3f85d2de248 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 273/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 6be3bea72766..22d5016278f1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -# Pump Configuration +# 幫浦配置 -* [Dana-R pump](../Configuration/ -* [Dana-RS pump](../Configuration/ -* [Accu-Chek Combo pump](../Configuration/ -* [Accu-Chek Insight pump](../Configuration/ -* [Diaconn G8 insulin pump](../Configuration/ +* [Dana-R 幫浦](../Configuration/ +* [Dana-RS 幫浦](../Configuration/ +* [Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦](../Configuration/ +* [Accu-Chek Insight 幫浦](../Configuration/ +* [Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/ * [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ * [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/ * [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/ * [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/ -* [Medtronic pump](../Configuration/ -* [Future possible pump drivers](../Getting-Started/ +* [Medtronic 幫浦](../Configuration/ +* [未來可能的幫浦驅動程式](../Getting-Started/ From 57082d5cef42a466c5b791fc7e9ce8bc0d2f834f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 274/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index e95c7239bc22..550b2dc6f8ad 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# CGMS/FGMS Configuration +# CGMS/FGMS 設定 -* [General](../Hardware/ -* [Data Smoothing](../Usage/ -* [xDrip+Settings](./ -* [Dexcom G7 and ONE+](../Hardware/ -* [Dexcom G6 and ONE](../Hardware/ +* [一般問題](../Hardware/ +* [資料平滑處理](../Usage/ +* [xDrip+ 設定](./ +* [Dexcom G7 和 ONE+](../Hardware/ +* [Dexcom G6 和 ONE](../Hardware/ * [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ * [Libre 3](../Hardware/ * [Libre 2](../Hardware/ @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ * [Eversense](../Hardware/ * [MM640g/MM630g](../Hardware/ * [PocTech](../Hardware/ -* [Nightscout as BG Source](../Hardware/ +* [Nightscout 作為血糖來源](../Hardware/ From 78737407c97132022354f31bebbbc903a436b1c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 275/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 98 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 4adb4de68db5..ab096dbfbfa7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,91 +1,91 @@ -# Diaconn G8 Insulin Pump +# Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦 -## Insulin Pump Bluetooth Pairing +## 胰島素幫浦藍牙配對 -- Click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner. +- 點擊左上角的選單圖示。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_01.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_01.jpg) -- Click on Config Builder. +- 點擊設定組態建置工具。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_02.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_02.jpg) -- After selecting the Diaconn G8 Pump click on the Settings icon (cog wheel). +- 選擇 Diaconn G8 幫浦後,點擊設定圖示(齒輪)。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_03.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_03.jpg) -- Choose Selected pump. +- 選擇所選幫浦。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_04.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_04.jpg) -- Select your insulin pump’s model number once it appears in the list. +- 當您的胰島素幫浦型號出現在列表中時,選擇它。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_05.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_05.jpg) -- There are two options to check your model number: +- 有兩種方法來檢查您的型號: -1. The last 5 digits of the SN number on the back of the pump. -2. Click on O button > Information > BLE > Last 5 digits. +1. 幫浦背面的 SN 編號的最後五位數字。 +2. 點擊 O 按鈕 > 資訊 > 藍牙 > 最後五位數字。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_06.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_06.jpg) -- Once you select your pump, a window appears asking for a pin code. Enter the pin number displayed on your pump to complete the connection. +- 選擇幫浦後,會出現一個視窗,要求輸入 PIN 碼。 輸入幫浦上顯示的 PIN 碼以完成連線。 - ![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_07.jpg) + ![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_07.jpg) -## Pump status check and log synchronization +## 幫浦狀態檢查與日誌同步 -- Once your pump is connected, click on the Bluetooth symbol to check the status and to synchronize logs. +- 當幫浦連線後,點擊藍牙圖示來檢查狀態並同步日誌。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_08.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_08.jpg) -## Bluetooth Troubleshooting +## 藍牙疑難排解 -**What to do in the case of an unstable Bluetooth connection with the pump.** +**如果幫浦的藍牙連線不穩定時該怎麼做。** -### Method 1 ) Check the pump again after AAPS application is completed. +### 方法 1) 在 AAPS 應用程式完成後再次檢查幫浦。 -- Click on the 3 dots button on the top right. +- 點擊右上角的三點按鈕。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_09.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_09.jpg) -- Click on Exit. +- 點擊退出。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_10.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_10.jpg) -### Method 2) If the first method doesn’t work, disconnect Bluetooth and then reconnect. +### 方法 2) 如果第一種方法無效,中斷藍牙然後重新連線。 -- Press and hold the Bluetooth button at the top for about 3 seconds. +- 按住頂部的藍牙按鈕約 3 秒鐘。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_11.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_11.jpg) -- Click on the Setting button on the paired Diaconn G8 Insulin pump. +- 點擊已配對的 Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦上的設定按鈕。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_12.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_12.jpg) -- Unpair. +- 取消配對。 -![image](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_13.jpg) +![圖像](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_13.jpg) -- Repeat the Bluetooth pairing process for the pump (see above). +- 重複幫浦的藍牙配對過程(見上文)。 -## Further Information +## 更多資訊 -### Diaconn G8 Insulin pump option setting +### Diaconn G8 胰島素幫浦選項設定 -- Config manager > pump > Diaconn G8 > Settings -- DIACONN G8 at the top> 3 dots button on the top right > Diaconn G8 Preferences +- 設定管理器 > 幫浦 > Diaconn G8 > 設定 +- DIACONN G8 在頂部> 右上角三點按鈕 > Diaconn G8 偏好設定 -![Diaconn G8 pump options](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_14.jpg) +![Diaconn G8 幫浦選項](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_14.jpg) -- If the **Log reservoir change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when an “Insulin Change” event occurs. -- If the **Log needle change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when a “Site Change” event occurs. -- If the **Log tube change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when a “Tube Change” event occurs. -- If the **Log battery change** option is activated, the relevant details are automatically uploaded to the careportal when a “Battery Change” event occurs, and the PUMP BATTERY CHANGE button in the ACTION tab is deactivated. (Note: To change the battery, please stop all in-progress injection functions before proceeding.) +- 如果**記錄儲液瓶更換**選項被啟用,則相關細節會在發生「胰島素更換」事件時自動上傳至 careportal。 +- 如果**紀錄針頭更換**選項已啟用,當發生「換點」事件時,相關詳細資料會自動上傳到照護入口。 +- 如果**紀錄導管更換**選項已啟用,當發生「導管更換」事件時,相關詳細資料會自動上傳到照護入口。 +- 如果**紀錄電池更換**選項已啟用,當發生「電池更換」事件時,相關詳細資料會自動上傳到照護入口,並且「幫浦電池更換」按鈕會在「操作」頁籤中停用。 (注意:更換電池前,請先停止所有進行中的注射功能。) -![Diaconn G8 actions menu](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_15.jpg) +![Diaconn G8 操作選單](../images/DiaconnG8/DiaconnG8_15.jpg) -### Extended Bolus function +### 延長注射功能 -- If you use extended bolus it will disable closed loop. -- See [this page](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) for details why extended bolus does not work in a closed loop environment. +- 如果使用延長注射功能,將會停用循環模式。 +- 請參閱[本頁](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment)了解為何延長注射功能無法在循環模式下運作的詳情。 From 5225ba52b9f3b0f0b19536b31eea5ae1c5a44887 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 276/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 192 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 96 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index d32445547456..b95355bef5c0 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,156 +1,156 @@ -# EOPatch2 Instruction Manual +# EOPatch2 使用手冊 -The patch requires the use of rapid-acting U-100 type insulin, such as NovoRapid or Humalog. Use a rapid-acting insulin that is suitable for you according to your doctor’s prescription and inject the prescribed dosage. +此貼片需使用速效 U-100 類型胰島素,例如 NovoRapid 或 Humalog。 依照醫生的處方,使用適合您的速效胰島素,並注射處方劑量。 -The smallest injectable dose of insulin when using the patch is 0.05 U. The Profile BAS should therefore be set at a minimum value of 0.05 U/hr or more and an interval of 0.05 U/hr, as otherwise there may be an error between the estimated total infusion amount in the Profile and the actual infusion amount in the patch. Likewise, the bolus must also be set and infused with a minimum infusion volume of 0.05 U. +使用此貼片時,最小可注射劑量為 0.05 U。因此,基礎速率(Profile BAS)應設置為至少 0.05 U/hr 或更多,並以 0.05 U/hr 的間隔調整,否則基礎速率與實際輸注量之間可能會出現誤差。 同樣地,注射劑量也必須設定並以最小輸注量 0.05 U 輸注。 -## Pump Setup -1. On the AAPS home screen, click the hamburger menu in the upper left corner and go to Config Builder. -1. Select 'EOPatch2' in the Pump section. -1. Press the Back key to return to the home screen. +## 幫浦設定 +1. 在 AAPS 主畫面上,點擊左上角的漢堡選單,進入組態建置工具。 +1. 在幫浦部分選擇「EOPatch2」。 +1. 按返回鍵回到主畫面。 -![Image1](../images/EOPatch/Bild1.png) ![Image2](../images/EOPatch/Bild2.png) +![圖片1](../images/EOPatch/Bild1.png) ![圖片2](../images/EOPatch/Bild2.png) -## Settings -Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen to go to the EOPATCH2 tab. +## 設定 +在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,以進入「EOPATCH2」頁籤。 -Select the EOPatch2 Preferences menu by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner. +點擊右上角三個點,選擇「EOPatch2 偏好設定」選單。 -The EOPatch2 Preferences menu offers a menu to set 3 types of notifications. +「EOPatch2 偏好設定」選單提供三種通知的設定選項。 -### Low reservoir Alerts -A warning appears when the amount of insulin remaining in the reservoir reaches the set value or less while using the patch. It can be set from 10 to 50U in 5U increments. +### 低儲存量警報 +當使用貼片時,儲存量低於設定值時,會出現警告。 可設定範圍為 10 至 50U,並以 5U 的增量調整。 -### Patch expiration Reminder -This is a reminder to notify you of the time remaining before the current patch expires. It can be set from 1 to 24 hours in 1 hour increments. The initial setting value is 4 hours. +### 貼片到期提醒 +此提醒功能會通知您當前貼片到期前的剩餘時間。 可設定範圍為 1 至 24 小時,並以 1 小時的增量調整。 預設值為 4 小時。 -### Patch buzzer Reminder -This is a reminder function for injections other than basal injection. If you are using an (extended) bolus injection or a temporary basal injection, the patch will make a buzzer sound when the injection starts and when the injection is complete. The initial setting value is Off. +### 貼片嗶聲提醒 +此為除基礎注射外的注射提醒功能。 如果您使用(延長)注射或臨時基礎注射,貼片在注射開始及完成時會發出嗶聲聲。 預設值為關閉。 -![Image3](../images/EOPatch/Bild3.png) +![圖片3](../images/EOPatch/Bild3.png) -## Connecting the Patch +## 連線貼片 -### Move to patch connection screen +### 進入貼片連線畫面。 -Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the ACTIVATE PATCH button at the bottom left. +在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,然後點擊左下角的「啟用貼片」按鈕。 -![Image4](../images/EOPatch/Bild4.png) +![圖片4](../images/EOPatch/Bild4.png) -### Connecting the patch -Insert the syringe needle into the insulin inlet on the patch and then slowly push the piston to inject the insulin. When insulin is filled with more than 80U, the patch makes a booting sound (1 buzzer) and boots. After confirming the buzzer sound, click the START PAIRING button on the screen. +### 連線貼片 +將針筒插入貼片的胰島素入口,然後慢慢推動活塞注射胰島素。 當注射的胰島素超過 80U 時,貼片會發出啟動聲(1 次嗶聲),並啟動。 確認嗶聲聲後,點擊畫面上的「開始配對」按鈕。 -[Warning] +[警告] -- Do not turn the needle action lever until instructed. It can cause serious problems during injection or safety checks otherwise. -- The amount of insulin that can be injected into the patch is 80~200U. If you inject less than 80U into the patch initially, the patch will not work. -- Take the insulin to be put into the patch from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes beforehand. The temperature of the insulin to be injected must be at least 10°C. +- 在指示之前,不要轉動針頭操作桿。 否則可能會在注射或安全檢查期間導致嚴重問題。 +- 貼片可注射的胰島素量為 80~200U。 如果初次注射胰島素量少於 80U,貼片將無法運作。 +- 將要注射進貼片的胰島素從冰箱中取出,並在室溫下靜置 15 至 30 分鐘。 注射的胰島素溫度必須至少為 10°C。 -![Image5](../images/EOPatch/Bild5.png) +![圖片5](../images/EOPatch/Bild5.png) -### patch pairing -The Patch pairing screen will be displayed, and pairing will be attempted automatically. If communication is successful, the Bluetooth pairing request notification appears. Click OK and when the Bluetooth pairing request notification appears a second time with the authentication code, select OK again. +### 貼片配對 +貼片配對畫面將顯示,並會自動嘗試配對。 如果通訊成功,藍牙配對請求通知將出現。 點擊「確定」,當第二次出現配對請求通知及驗證碼時,再次選擇「確定」。 -[Warning] +[警告] -- For pairing, the patch and the smartphone must be located within 30 cm of each other. -- After the patch booting is completed, the patch will beep every 3 minutes until the pairing is complete. -- After booting the patch, the patch application must be completed via the app within 60 minutes. If the application cannot be completed within 60 minutes, the patch should be discarded. +- 為了進行配對,貼片和智慧型手機之間必須保持在 30 公分內。 +- 貼片啟動完成後,貼片每 3 分鐘會發出一次嗶聲聲,直到配對完成為止。 +- 貼片啟動後,必須在 60 分鐘內完成貼片的應用程序。 如果在 60 分鐘內無法完成應用,則應丟棄貼片。 -![Image6](../images/EOPatch/Bild6.png) ![Image7](../images/EOPatch/Bild7.png) ![Image8](../images/EOPatch/Bild8.png) +![圖片6](../images/EOPatch/Bild6.png) ![圖片7](../images/EOPatch/Bild7.png) ![圖片8](../images/EOPatch/Bild8.png) -### patch preparation -After removing the adhesive tape of the patch, check if the needle is sticking out. If there are no problems with the patch, click NEXT. +### 貼片準備 +移除貼片的膠帶後,檢查針頭是否突出。 如果貼片無問題,點擊「下一步」。 -![Image9](../images/EOPatch/Bild9.png) +![圖片9](../images/EOPatch/Bild9.png) -### Patch attachment -Insulin should be injected in a spot with subcutaneous fat but few nerves or blood vessels, so it is recommended to use the abdomen, arm, or thigh for the patch attachment site. Choose a patch attachment site and apply the patch after disinfecting the location. +### 貼片貼附 +胰島素應注射在具有皮下脂肪但神經或血管較少的部位,因此建議將貼片貼附在腹部、手臂或大腿。 選擇貼片貼附位置,並對該位置進行消毒後貼上貼片。 -[Warning] +[警告] -- Make sure to straighten the side of the patch tape attached to the body evenly, so that the patch adheres completely to the skin. -- If the patch does not stick completely, air may enter between the patch and the skin, which can weaken the adhesive strength and waterproof effect of the patch. +- 請確保貼片膠帶側面平整,使貼片完全貼合於皮膚。 +- 如果貼片沒有完全貼合,貼片和皮膚之間可能會進入空氣,這可能會削弱貼片的黏合強度和防水效果。 -![Image10](../images/EOPatch/Bild10.png) +![圖片10](../images/EOPatch/Bild10.png) -### Safety Check -When patching is complete, touch Start Safety Check. When the safety check is completed, the patch will beep once. +### 安全檢查 +貼附完成後,點擊「開始安全檢查」。 安全檢查完成後,貼片會發出一次嗶聲聲。 -[Warning] +[警告] -- For safe use, do not turn the needle action lever until the safety check has been completed. +- 為了安全使用,在安全檢查完成之前,請勿轉動針頭操作桿。 -![Image11](../images/EOPatch/Bild11.png) ![Image12](../images/EOPatch/Bild12.png) +![圖片11](../images/EOPatch/Bild11.png) ![圖片12](../images/EOPatch/Bild12.png) -### Inserting the needle -The needle is inserted by holding around the patch and turning the needle action lever more than 100° in the upward direction of the lever. There is a buzzer sound when the needle is inserted correctly. Turn the needle action lever further clockwise to release the lever. Click NEXT. +### 插入針頭 +抓住貼片周圍,將針頭操作桿向上方超過 100° 轉動以插入針頭。 針頭正確插入時會發出嗶聲聲。 繼續順時針轉動針頭操作桿以鬆開操作桿。 點擊「下一步」。 -[Caution] +[注意] -- If you go to the next step without the buzzer sounding, a needle insertion error warning will appear. +- 如果在沒有嗶聲聲的情況下進入下一步,將會出現針頭插入錯誤警告。 -## Discarding the patch -Patches must be replaced in the case of low insulin levels, usage expiration, and defects. The recommended usage period for each patch is 84 hours after booting the patch. +## 丟棄貼片 +如果胰島素不足、使用期限到期或出現故障,需更換貼片。 每個貼片的建議使用期限為啟動後 84 小時內。 -### Discarding the patch -Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the DISCARD/CHANGE PATCH button at the bottom. On the next screen, click the DISCARD PATCH button. A dialog box appears to confirm once more and if you select the DISCARD PATCH button, the disposal is completed. +### 丟棄貼片 +在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,並點擊底部的「丟棄/更換貼片」按鈕。 在下一個畫面中,點擊「丟棄貼片」按鈕。 確認對話框會再次顯示,若選擇「丟棄貼片」按鈕,則完成丟棄操作。 -![Image13](../images/EOPatch/Bild13.png) ![Image14](../images/EOPatch/Bild14.png) ![Image15](../images/EOPatch/Bild15.png) ![Image16](../images/EOPatch/Bild16.png) +![圖片13](../images/EOPatch/Bild13.png) ![圖片14](../images/EOPatch/Bild14.png) ![圖片15](../images/EOPatch/Bild15.png) ![圖片16](../images/EOPatch/Bild16.png) -## Suspending and Resuming Insulin Delivery -Suspending insulin delivery also cancels both extended bolus and temporary basal. When resuming insulin delivery, the canceled extended bolus and temporary basal will not be resumed. And when insulin delivery is suspended, the patch will give a sound every 15 minutes. +## 暫停與恢復胰島素輸送 +暫停胰島素輸送會取消延長注射與臨時基礎速率。 恢復胰島素輸送時,已取消的延長注射與臨時基礎速率不會自動恢復。 胰島素輸送暫停時,貼片每 15 分鐘會發出聲響。 -### Suspending insulin delivery -Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the SUSPEND button at the bottom right. When you select CONFIRM in the confirmation box, a time selection box appears. If you select the CONFIRM button after selecting the time, the insulin delivery will be suspended for the set amount of time. +### 暫停胰島素輸送 +在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,並點擊右下角的「暫停」按鈕。 在確認框中選擇「確認」,則會出現時間選擇框。 選擇時間後再點擊「確認」按鈕,胰島素輸送會暫停設定的時間。 -![Image17](../images/EOPatch/Bild17.png) ![Image18](../images/EOPatch/Bild18.png) ![Image19](../images/EOPatch/Bild19.png) +![圖片17](../images/EOPatch/Bild17.png) ![圖片18](../images/EOPatch/Bild18.png) ![圖片19](../images/EOPatch/Bild19.png) -### Resuming insulin delivery -Select EOPATCH2 at the top of the home screen and click the RESUME button at the bottom right. Insulin delivery will resume by selecting CONFIRM in the confirmation dialog box. +### 恢復胰島素輸送 +在主畫面頂部選擇「EOPATCH2」,並點擊右下角的「恢復」按鈕。 在確認對話框中選擇「確認」後,胰島素輸送將恢復。 -![Image20](../images/EOPatch/Bild20.png) ![Image21](../images/EOPatch/Bild21.png) +![圖片20](../images/EOPatch/Bild20.png) ![圖片21](../images/EOPatch/Bild21.png) -## Alarms/Warnings +## 警報/警告 -### Alarm +### 警報 -Alarms are issued for emergency situations of the highest priority and require immediate action. The alarm signal does not disappear or time out until it is acknowledged. An alarm occurs when there is a problem with the patch being used, so there may be cases where the patch in use needs to be discarded and replaced with a new patch. The warning is displayed as a dialog box and switching to another screen is not possible until processing is completed. +警報是針對最優先的緊急情況發出,並需要立即處理。 警報訊號不會消失或逾時,直到被確認為止。 當使用中的貼片出現問題時會發出警報,因此可能需要丟棄當前的貼片並更換新貼片。 警告會以對話框顯示,在處理完成之前無法切換至其他畫面。 -![Image22](../images/EOPatch/Bild22.png) ![Image23](../images/EOPatch/Bild23.png) +![圖片22](../images/EOPatch/Bild22.png) ![圖片23](../images/EOPatch/Bild23.png) -The different types of alarms are explained below. +以下說明不同類型的警報。 -| Alarms | Explanation | -| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| Empty reservoir | Occurs when the patch’s reservoir runs out of insulin. | -| Patch expired | Occurs when the patch usage time has expired, and no further insulin injections are possible. | -| Occlusion | Occurs when it appears that the patch's insulin inlet is clogged. | -| Power on self-test failure | Occurs when the patch finds an unexpected error during the post-boot self-test process. | -| Inappropriate temperature | Occurs when the patch is outside the normal operating temperature range during patch application and use. To deal with this alarm, move the patch to an appropriate operating temperature (4.4 to 37°C) condition. | -| Needle insertion Error | Occurs when needle insertion is not normal during the patch application process. Check that the needle insertion edge of the patch and the needle activation button are in a straight line. | -| Patch battery Error | Occurs just before the patch’s internal battery runs out and powers off. | -| Patch activation Error | Occurs when the app fails to complete the patching process within 60 minutes after the patch is booted. | -| Patch Error | Occurs when the patch encounters an unexpected error while applying and using the patch. | +| 警報 | 說明 | +| ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | +| 儲存量已空 | 當貼片的儲存量用完時發生。 | +| 貼片到期 | 當貼片使用時間已過期且無法進行更多胰島素注射時發生。 | +| 堵塞 | 當貼片的胰島素入口疑似堵塞時發生。 | +| 開機自檢失敗 | 當貼片在開機後自檢過程中發現意外錯誤時發生。 | +| 不適當的溫度 | 當貼片應用和使用過程中,貼片處於非正常工作溫度範圍內時發生。 要處理此警報,請將貼片移至適當的工作溫度(4.4 至 37°C)。 | +| 針頭插入錯誤 | 當貼片應用過程中,針頭插入不正常時發生。 檢查貼片的針頭插入邊緣與針頭啟動按鈕是否在同一直線上。 | +| 貼片電池錯誤 | 當貼片內部電池即將耗盡並關機時發生。 | +| 貼片啟動錯誤 | 當應用程序無法在貼片啟動後 60 分鐘內完成貼片操作時發生。 | +| 貼片錯誤 | 當貼片在應用和使用過程中遇到意外錯誤時發生。 | -### Warning +### 警告 -A warning occurs in a medium or low-priority situation. When a warning occurs, it is displayed as a notification in the Overview screen. +警告發生於中等或低優先級情況。 當發生警告時,會在首頁總覽畫面中顯示為通知。 -![Image24](../images/EOPatch/Bild24.png) +![圖片24](../images/EOPatch/Bild24.png) -The different types of warnings are explained below. +以下說明不同類型的警告。 -| Warnings | Explanation | -| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| End of insulin suspend | Occurs when the time set by the user has elapsed after the insulin infusion suspension has been completed. | -| Low reservoir | Occurs when the remaining amount of insulin in the patch is below the set amount. | -| Patch operating life expired | Occurs when the patch usage period is over. | -| Patch will expire soon | Occurs 1 hour before the patch must be discarded. | -| Incomplete Patch activation | Occurs when more than 3 minutes have elapsed due to an interruption during patch application in the stage after pairing is completed. | -| Patch battery low | Occurs when the patch's battery is low. | +| 警告 | 說明 | +| -------- | ----------------------------------- | +| 胰島素暫停結束 | 當使用者設定的暫停時間過後發生。 | +| 儲存量過低 | 當貼片內剩餘的胰島素量低於設定值時發生。 | +| 貼片使用期限到期 | 當貼片使用期已過時發生。 | +| 貼片即將到期 | 在貼片必須丟棄前 1 小時發生。 | +| 貼片啟動不完整 | 當在配對完成後的階段,由於貼片應用過程中出現中斷超過 3 分鐘時發生。 | +| 貼片電池電量低 | 當貼片的電池電量不足時發生。 | From edc24c61fc01782ea1d5810ace0fc64bb0db0cf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 277/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 108 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 536303ba713f..7675fc88ee5f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,85 +1,85 @@ -# Open Humans Uploader +# Open Humans 上傳器 -## Donate your data for science +## 捐獻您的資料以促進科學研究 -You can help the community by donating your data to research projects! This helps scientists to pay it forward, develop new scientific ideas and broaden the open mind of open source closed loop systems. AAPS is ready to synchronize your data with [Open Humans](, a platform allowing you to upload, connect, and store your personal data – such as genetics, activity and health data. +您可以透過捐贈您的資料來協助研究項目,幫助社群! 這有助於科學家回饋社會,發展新的科學想法,並拓寬開放源代碼封閉環系統的開放思維。 AAPS 已準備好與 [Open Humans]( 平台同步資料,該平台允許您上傳、連線和存儲您的個人資料,例如基因、活動和健康資料。 -You retain full control about what happens to your data and what projects you want to support by giving them access to your data. Depending on the project you have joined, data is evaluated and used by them in different ways and extent. +您完全掌控您的資料,並可選擇您希望支援的研究項目,決定授予他們查看資料的權限。 根據您加入的項目,資料將以不同的方式和範圍被他們評估和使用。 -The following data will be uploaded to your Open Humans account: +以下資料將被上傳至您的 Open Humans 帳號: -- Glucose values -- Careportal events (except notes) -- Extended boluses -- Profile switches -- Total daily doses -- Temporary basals -- Temp targets -- Preferences -- Application version -- Device model -- Screen dimensions +- 葡萄糖數值 +- 照護入口事件(不包括筆記) +- 延長注射 +- 基礎速率切換 +- 每日總劑量 +- 臨時基礎速率 +- 臨時目標 +- 偏好設定 +- 應用程式版本 +- 裝置型號 +- 螢幕尺寸 -Secret or private information such as your Nightscout URL or API secret will not be uploaded. +像是您的 Nightscout URL 或 API 秘鑰等秘密或私人資訊不會被上傳。 -## 设置 +## 設定 -1. Create your account on [Open Humans]( if not already done. You can reuse your existing Google or Facebook accounts if you wish to. -2. Enable the “Open Humans” plugin in [Config Builder](../Configuration/ -3. Open its setting using the cog wheel button. You can restrict upload to times when phone uses Wi-Fi and/or is charged. -4. Open the Open Humans Plugin (either trough OH tab or hamburger menu) and click 'LOGIN'. +1. 如果尚未建立帳號,請至 [Open Humans]( 建立帳號。 若您願意,您也可以使用現有的 Google 或 Facebook 帳號。 +2. 在[組態建置工具](../Configuration/中啟用「Open Humans」外掛。 +3. 透過齒輪按鈕開啟設定。 您可以限制只有在手機使用 Wi-Fi 和/或正在充電時進行上傳。 +4. 打開 Open Humans 外掛(可透過 OH 頁籤或漢堡選單),然後點擊「登入」。 -![Open Humans Config Builder](../images/OHUploader1.png) +![Open Humans 組態建置工具](../images/OHUploader1.png) -5. Read the given information about the Open Humans Uploader and terms of use carefully. -6. Confirm by checking the box and click 'LOGIN'. -7. Open Humans website will be opened. Login with your credentials. -8. Decide whether you want to hide your AAPS Uploader membership in your public Open Humans profile. -9. Click button 'Authorize project'. +5. 仔細閱讀有關 Open Humans 上傳器的資訊和使用條款。 +6. 勾選確認框並點擊「登入」。 +7. Open Humans 網站將會開啟。 使用您的憑證登入。 +8. 決定是否要隱藏您在 Open Humans 公開個人檔案中的 AAPS 上傳器會員身份。 +9. 點擊「授權項目」按鈕。 -![Open Humans Terms of Use + Login](../images/OHUploader2.png) +![Open Humans 使用條款 + 登入](../images/OHUploader2.png) -10. Returning to AAPS you will see a prompt that login succeeded. -11. Keep Open Humans Uploader plugin and phone turned on for setup to complete. -12. After clicking close you will see your member ID. Queue sizes > 0 shows that there is still data to be uploaded. -13. Click 'LOGOUT' if you want to stop uploading data to Open Humans. -14. Android notification will inform you about running upload. +10. 回到 AAPS 時,您會看到登入成功的提示。 +11. 保持 Open Humans 上傳器外掛及手機開啟,直至設定完成。 +12. 點擊關閉後,您會看到您的會員 ID。 隊列大小 > 0 表示仍有資料等待上傳。 +13. 若要停止將資料上傳至 Open Humans,請點擊「登出」。 +14. Android 會透過通知告知您上傳正在進行。 -![Open Humans finish setup](../images/OHUploader3.png) +![Open Humans 完成設定](../images/OHUploader3.png) -15. You can manage your data by logging in to the [Open Humans website]( +15. 您可以透過登入[Open Humans 網站](來管理您的資料。 -![Open Humans manage data](../images/OHWeb.png) +![Open Humans 管理資料](../images/OHWeb.png) -## Sharing Opportunities +## 共享機會 -### [The 'OPEN' project]( +### [「OPEN」項目]( -The 'OPEN' project brings together an international and intersectoral consortium of patient innovators, clinicians, social scientists, computer scientists and patient advocacy organizations in order to investigate various aspects of Do-it-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Systems (DIY APS) that are used by an increasing number of people with diabetes. For more details see their [website]( +「OPEN」項目匯集了來自國際間各領域的患者創新者、臨床醫生、社會科學家、計算機科學家和患者倡導組織,以研究越來越多糖尿病患者使用的 DIY 人工胰臟系統(DIY APS)的各個方面。 更多詳情請參閱他們的[網站](。 -September 2020 the 'OPEN' project launched a [survey]( including the option to donate data you uploaded to Open Humans. A [tutorial]( how to donate your data to the 'OPEN' project is available on their site and within the survey itself. +2020 年 9 月,「OPEN」項目啟動了一項[調查](,包括捐贈您上傳至 Open Humans 的資料選項。 一個[教程](,介紹如何將您的資料捐贈給「OPEN」項目,該教程可在其網站及調查中找到。 -### [OpenAPS Data Commons]( +### [OpenAPS 資料公用]( -The OpenAPS Data Commons was created to enable a simple way to share data sets from the DIYAPS community for research. The data is shared both with traditional researchers who will create traditional research studies, and with groups or individuals from the community who want to review data as part of their own research projects. The OpenAPS Data Commons uses the 'Open Humans' platform to enable people to easily upload and share their data from DIYAPS including AAPS, Loop, and OpenAPS. +OpenAPS 資料公用旨在為 DIYAPS 社群提供簡單的方法來共享資料集以供研究。 這些資料既可供傳統研究人員進行傳統研究,也可供社群中的團體或個人進行自己的研究項目。 OpenAPS 資料公用使用「Open Humans」平台,使人們能夠輕鬆上傳並共享來自 DIYAPS 的資料,包括 AAPS、Loop 和 OpenAPS。 -You can get your data into Open Humans via one of three ways: +您可以透過三種方式之一將您的資料匯入 Open Humans: -1. use the AAPS uploader option to get your data into Open Humans -2. use the Nightscout Data Transfer to get your data into Open Humans -3. manually upload data files into Open Humans. +1. 使用 AAPS 上傳器選項將您的資料匯入 Open Humans +2. 使用 Nightscout 資料傳輸將您的資料匯入 Open Humans +3. 手動將資料檔案上傳至 Open Humans。 -Once you've created an account and gotten your data flowing into Open Humans, make sure to also join the OpenAPS Data Commons in order to donate your data for research if you choose. +一旦您建立帳號並讓您的資料進入 Open Humans,請務必加入 OpenAPS 資料公用,以便捐贈您的資料供研究使用(如果您選擇)。 -## Terms of Use +## 使用條款 -This is an open source tool that will copy your data to [Open Humans]( We retain no rights to share your data with third parties without your explicit authorization. The data the project and app receive are identified via a random user ID and will only be securely transmitted to an Open Humans account with your authorization of that process. You can stop uploading and delete your upload data at any time via []( Beware that some projects that receive data may not support this. +這是一個開源工具,將會把您的資料複製至[Open Humans](。 我們不保留任何權利與第三方分享您的資料,除非您明確授權。 項目和應用程式接收到的資料是透過隨機用戶 ID 識別的,並且只有在您授權該過程後,資料才會安全地傳輸到 Open Humans 帳號。 您可以隨時停止上傳並刪除上傳的資料,透過[](操作。 請注意,一些接收資料的項目可能不支援此操作。 -Also see [Open Humans Terms of Use]( +另請參閱[Open Humans 使用條款](。 -## Data Privacy +## 資料隱私 -Open Humans takes care of protecting your privacy by assigning a numerical ID to you for each project. This allows projects to recognize but no identify you. The Application ID uploaded by AAPS is similar and only helps administrate the data. More information can be found here: +Open Humans 透過為您分配一個數字 ID 來保護您的隱私,該 ID 用於每個項目。 這使項目可以識別您但無法確認您的身份。 AAPS 上傳的應用程式 ID 與此類似,僅用於資料管理。 更多資訊請參閱: -- [Open Humans Data Use Policy]( +- [Open Humans 資料使用政策]( - [Open Humans GDPR]( From e7852560ce831191d79d98697289e1828c2ffc43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 278/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 540 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 270 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index c057e6b41989..f6e6a17b8cb3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -# Preferences +# 偏好設定 -- **Open preferences** by clicking the three-dot menu on the top right side of the home screen. +- **打開偏好設定**,點擊主畫面右上角的三點選單。 - ![Open preferences](../images/Pref2020_Open2.png) + ![打開偏好設定](../images/Pref2020_Open2.png) -- You can jump directly to preferences for a certain tab (i.e. pump tab) by opening this tab and clicking Plugin preferences. +- 您可以直接跳至某個頁籤(例如幫浦頁籤)的偏好設定,方法是打開該頁籤並點擊外掛偏好設定。 - ![Open plugin preferences](../images/Pref2020_OpenPlugin2.png) + ![打開外掛偏好設定](../images/Pref2020_OpenPlugin2.png) -- **Sub-menus** can be opened by clicking the triangle below the sub-menu title. +- **子選單**可透過點擊子選單標題下方的三角形來展開。 - ![Open submenu](../images/Pref2020_Submenu2.png) + ![打開子選單](../images/Pref2020_Submenu2.png) -- With the **filter** on top of the preferences screen you can quickly access certain preferences. Just start typing part of the text you are looking for. +- 在偏好設定畫面頂部使用**篩選**功能,您可以快速查看特定偏好設定。 只需開始輸入您要查找的文本的一部分。 - ![Preferences filter](../images/Pref2021_Filter.png) + ![偏好設定篩選器](../images/Pref2021_Filter.png) ```{contents} :backlinks: entry @@ -22,488 +22,488 @@ ``` (Preferences-general)= -## General +## 一般問題 -![Preferences > General](../images/Pref2020_General.png) +![偏好設定 > 一般](../images/Pref2020_General.png) -**Units** +**單位** -- Set units to mmol/l or mg/dl depending on your preferences. +- 根據您的偏好設定單位為 mmol/l 或 mg/dl。 -**Language** +**語言** -- New option to use phone's default language (recommended). +- 新增選項可使用手機的預設語言(推薦)。 -- In case you want AAPS in a different language than your standard phone language you can choose from a broad variety. +- 如果您希望 AAPS 使用不同於手機的標準語言,可以選擇多種語言。 -- If you use different languages you might sometimes see a language mix. This is due to an android issue that overriding the default android language sometimes doesn't work. +- 如果您使用多種語言,有時可能會看到語言混合的情況。 這是由於 Android 系統的問題,無法覆蓋 Android 預設語言。 -**Patient name** +**患者名稱** -- Can be used if you have to differentiate between multiple setups (i.e. two T1D kids in your family). +- 如果您需要區分多個設置(例如家中有兩個 T1D 小孩),可以使用此功能。 (Preferences-protection)= -### Protection +### 保護 (Preferences-master-password)= -![Preferences > General - Protection](../images/Pref2020_General2.png) +![偏好設定 > 一般 - 保護](../images/Pref2020_General2.png) -#### Master password +#### 主密碼 -- Necessary to be able to [export settings](../Usage/ as they are encrypted from version 2.7. **Biometric protection may not work on OnePlus phones. This is a known issue of OnePlus on some phones.** +- 從版本 2.7 開始,必須使用主密碼才能[匯出設定](../Usage/,因為這些資料將加密。 **OnePlus 手機可能無法使用生物辨識保護。 這是部分 OnePlus 手機的已知問題。** -- Open Preferences (three-dot menu on top right of home screen) +- 打開偏好設定(三點選單位於主畫面右上角) -- Click triangle below "General" +- 點擊「一般」下方的三角形 -- Click "Master-Password" +- 點擊「主密碼」 -- Enter password, confirm password and click ok. +- 輸入密碼,確認密碼並點擊「確定」。 - ![Set master password](../images/MasterPW.png) + ![設置主密碼](../images/MasterPW.png) -#### Settings protection +#### 設定保護 -- Protect your settings with a password or phone's biometric authentication (i.e. [child is using AAPS](../Children/ +- 可使用密碼或手機的生物辨識驗證來保護您的設定(例如[小孩正在使用 AAPS](../Children/。 -- Custom password should be used if you want to use master password just for securing [exported settings](../Usage/ +- 如果您只希望使用主密碼保護[匯出的設定](../Usage/,可以設定自定密碼。 -- If you are using a custom password click on line "Settings password" to set password as described [above](Preferences-master-password). +- 如果您使用自定密碼,請點擊「設定密碼」來設置密碼,如上文[所述](Preferences-master-password)。 - ![Protection](../images/Pref2020_Protection.png) + ![保護](../images/Pref2020_Protection.png) -#### Application protection +#### 應用程式保護 -- If app is protected you must enter password or use phone's biometric authentication to open AAPS. -- App will shut down immediately if wrong password is entered - but still run in the background if it was previously opened successfully. +- 如果應用程式受到保護,您必須輸入密碼或使用手機的生物辨識驗證才能打開 AAPS。 +- 若輸入錯誤密碼,應用程式將立即關閉,但如果先前已成功打開,則仍會在背景中運作。 -#### Bolus protection +#### 注射保護 -- Bolus protection might be useful if AAPS is used by a small child and you [bolus via SMS](../Children/ +- 如果 AAPS 是由小孩使用,並且您[透過 SMS 進行注射](../Children/,注射保護功能可能會有用。 -- In the example below you see the prompt for biometric protection. If biometric authentication does not work, click in the space above the white prompt and enter master password. +- 在下圖示例中,您會看到生物辨識保護提示。 如果生物辨識驗證無法運作,請點擊白色提示上方的空白處並輸入主密碼。 - ![Prompt biometric protection](../images/Pref2020_PW.png) + ![提示生物辨識保護](../images/Pref2020_PW.png) (Preferences-skin)= -#### Skin +#### 外觀 -- You can choose from four types of skins: +- 您可以從四種類型的外觀中選擇: - ![Select skin](../images/Pref2021_SkinWExample.png) + ![選擇外觀](../images/Pref2021_SkinWExample.png) -- 'Low resolution skin' comes with shorter label and age/level removed to have more available space on very low resolution screen. +- 「低解析度外觀」具有較短的標籤,並且移除了年齡/等級,以在非常低解析度螢幕上提供更多可用空間。 -- Difference of other skins depend of phone's display orientation. +- 其他外觀的差異取決於手機螢幕的方向。 -##### Portrait orientation +##### 直向顯示 -- **Original Skin** and **Buttons are always displayed on bottom of screen** are identical -- **Large Display** has an increased size of all graphs compared to other skins +- **原始外觀**與**按鈕始終顯示在螢幕底部**相同 +- **大顯示**的所有圖表大小均較其他外觀增大 -##### Landscape orientation +##### 橫向顯示 -- Using **Original Skin** and **Large Display**, you have to scroll down to see buttons at the bottom of the screen +- 使用**原始外觀**與**大顯示**時,您需要向下捲動才能看到螢幕底部的按鈕 -- **Large Display** has an increased size of all graphs compared to other skins +- **大顯示**的所有圖表大小均較其他外觀增大 - ![Skins depending on phone's display orientation](../images/Screenshots_Skins.png) + ![外觀取決於手機螢幕方向](../images/Screenshots_Skins.png) (Preferences-overview)= -## Overview +## 首頁總覽 -- In overview section you can define preferences for home screen. +- 在首頁總覽部分中,您可以定義主畫面的偏好設定。 - ![Preferences > Overview](../images/Pref2020_OverviewII.png) + ![偏好設定 > 首頁總覽](../images/Pref2020_OverviewII.png) -### Keep screen on +### 保持螢幕常亮 -- Useful while giving a presentation. -- It will consume a lot of energy, so it is wise to have your phone plugged into a charger. +- 在進行展示時非常實用。 +- 此功能將消耗大量電量,因此建議將手機插上充電器。 (Preferences-buttons)= -### Buttons +### 按鈕 -- Define which buttons are visible on the bottom of your home screen. +- 定義哪些按鈕在主螢幕底部可顯示。 - ![Preferences > Buttons](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons.png) + ![偏好設定 > 按鈕](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons.png) -- With the increment figure you can define amount for the three buttons in carb and insulin dialogue for easy entry. +- 使用遞增數字,您可以定義三個按鈕在碳水化合物和胰島素對話框中的數量,以便於輸入。 - ![Preferences > Buttons > Insulin](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 按鈕 > 胰島素](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons2.png) - ![Preferences > Buttons > Carbs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons3.png) + ![偏好設定 > 按鈕 > 碳水化合物](../images/Pref2020_OV_Buttons3.png) (Preferences-quick-wizard)= -### Quick Wizard +### 快速嚮導 -- If you have a frequent snack or meal, you can use the quick wizard button to easily enter amount of carbs and set calculation basics. +- 如果你經常吃零食或餐前注射,你可以使用快速嚮導按鈕輕鬆輸入碳水化合物的數量並設置計算基礎。 -- In setup you define during which time period the button will be visible on your home screen - just one button per period. +- 在設置中,你可以定義按鈕在哪個時段會顯示在你的主螢幕上——每個時段僅顯示一個按鈕。 - ![Preferences > Quick Wizard Button Setup](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard.png) + ![偏好設定 > 快速嚮導按鈕設置](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard.png) -- If you click the quick wizard button AAPS will calculate and propose a bolus for those carbs based on your current ratios (considering blood glucose value or insulin on board if set up). +- 如果你點擊快速嚮導按鈕,AAPS會根據你當前的比例(考慮血糖值或體內已注射的胰島素,如果設置了)計算並推薦一個追加注射量。 -- The proposal has to be confirmed before insulin is delivered. +- 該建議需要確認後才會注射胰島素。 - ![Preferences > Quick Wizard Button](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 快速嚮導按鈕](../images/Pref2020_OV_QuickWizard2.png) (Preferences-default-temp-targets)= -### Default temp targets +### 預設臨時目標 -- [Temp targets (TT)](../Usage/ allow you to define change your blood glucose target for a certain time period. +- [臨時目標(TT)](../Usage/讓你在特定時間段內更改血糖目標。 -- With setting of default TT you can easily change your target for activity, eating soon etc. +- 透過設置預設的TT,你可以輕鬆更改活動、即將用餐等目標。 - ![Preferences > Default temp targets](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT.png) + ![偏好設定 > 預設臨時目標](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT.png) -- Press long on your target in the top right corner on the home screen or use the shortcuts in the orange “Carbs” button at the bottom. +- 在主螢幕右上角長按你的目標,或使用底部橙色“碳水化合物”按鈕中的快捷方式。 - ![Preferences > Use default temp targets](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 使用預設臨時目標](../images/Pref2020_OV_DefaultTT2.png) ### -### Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts +### 填充/啟動標準胰島素量 -- If you want to fill tube or prime cannula through AAPS you can do this through [actions tab](Screenshots-action-tab). -- Pre-set values can be defined in this dialogue. +- 如果你想透過AAPS填充管線或初始充填導管,你可以在[手動操作標籤](Screenshots-action-tab)中進行。 +- 可以在此對話框中定義預設值。 (Preferences-range-for-visualization)= -### Range for visualization +### 可視化範圍 -- Define which part of the graph on the home screen shall be you target range and be filled with green background. +- 定義主螢幕上的圖表中應顯示的目標範圍,並填充綠色背景。 - ![Preferences > Range for visualization](../images/Pref2020_OV_Range2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 可視化範圍](../images/Pref2020_OV_Range2.png) -### Shorten tab titles +### 縮短標籤標題 -- See more tab titles on screen. +- 在螢幕上查看更多標籤標題。 -- For example the 'OpenAPS AMA' tab becomes 'OAPS', 'OBJECTIVES' becomes 'OBJ' etc. +- 例如,“OpenAPS AMA”標籤變為“OAPS”,“OBJECTIVES”變為“OBJ”等。 - ![Preferences > Tabs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Tabs.png) + ![偏好設定 > 標籤](../images/Pref2020_OV_Tabs.png) -### Show notes field in treatments dialogs +### 在治療對話框中顯示備註欄 -- Gives you the option to add short text notes to your treatments (bolus wizard, carbs, insulin...) +- 給你一個在治療(追加注射嚮導、碳水化合物、胰島素等)中添加簡短文字備註的選項。 - ![Preferences > Notes in treatment dialogs](../images/Pref2020_OV_Notes.png) + ![偏好設定 > 治療對話框中的備註](../images/Pref2020_OV_Notes.png) (Preferences-status-lights)= -### Status lights +### 狀態燈 -- Status lights give a visual warning for +- 狀態指示燈為以下情況提供視覺警告: - - Sensor age - - Sensor battery level for certain smart readers (see [screenshots page](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery) for details). - - Insulin age (days reservoir is used) - - Reservoir level (units) - - Cannula age - - Pump battery age - - Pump battery level (%) + - 傳感器使用時間 + - 某些智慧讀取器的感應器電池電量(詳情請參閱[螢幕截圖頁面](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery))。 + - 胰島素的使用時間(儲液罐使用的天數) + - 儲液罐的剩餘容量(單位) + - 輸注針頭的使用時間 + - 幫浦電池壽命 + - 幫浦電池電量(百分比) -- If threshold warning is exceeded, values will be shown in yellow. +- 如果超過閾值警告,數值將顯示為黃色。 -- If threshold critical is exceeded, values will be shown in red. +- 如果超過臨界值警告,數值將顯示為紅色。 -- In versions prior to AAPS 2.7 settings for status lights had to be made in Nightscout settings. +- 在AAPS 2.7版本之前,狀態燈設置必須在Nightscout設置中進行。 - ![Preferences > Status Lights](../images/Pref2020_OV_StatusLights2.png) + ![偏好設定 > 狀態燈](../images/Pref2020_OV_StatusLights2.png) (Preferences-advanced-settings-overview)= -### Advanced Settings (Overview) +### 高級設置(總覽) -![Preferences > Advanced Settings](../images/Pref2021_OV_Adv.png) +![偏好設定 > 高級設置](../images/Pref2021_OV_Adv.png) (Preferences-superbolus)= -#### Superbolus +#### 超級追加注射 -- Option to enable superbolus in bolus wizard. -- [Superbolus]( is a concept to "borrow" some insulin from basal rate in the next two hours to prevent spikes. +- 選擇在注射嚮導中啟用超級注射的選項。 +- [超級注射](是一種「借用」接下來兩小時的基礎率部分胰島素來防止血糖尖峰的概念。 -## Treatment safety +## 治療安全 -### Patient type +### 病人類型 -- Safety limits are set based on the age you select in this setting. -- If you start hitting these hard limits (like max bolus) it's time to move one step up. -- It's a bad idea to select higher than real age because it can lead to overdosing by entering the wrong value in insulin dialog (by skipping the decimal dot, for example). -- If you want to know the actual numbers for these hard-coded safety limits, scroll to the algorithm feature you are using on [this page](../Usage/ +- 安全限制是根據您在此設置中選擇的年齡設定的。 +- 如果您開始觸及這些嚴格的限制(如最大注射量),那麼是時候提升一步了。 +- 選擇高於實際年齡是不好的主意,因為這可能會導致輸入胰島素對話框中錯誤的值(例如跳過小數點),從而導致過量注射。 +- 如果您想知道這些硬編碼的安全限制的實際數字,請滾動到您在[這個頁面](../Usage/上使用的算法功能。 -### Max allowed bolus \[U\] +### 允許的最大注射量 \[U\] -- Defines maximum amount of bolus insulin that AAPS is allowed to deliver at once. -- This setting exists as a safety limit to prevent the delivery of a massive bolus due to accidental input or user error. -- It is recommended to set this to a sensible amount that corresponds roughly to the maximum amount of bolus insulin that you are ever likely to need for a meal or correction dose. -- This restriction is also applied to the results of the bolus calculator. +- 定義AAPS允許一次輸送的最大注射胰島素量。 +- 此設置作為安全限制,防止因意外輸入或用戶錯誤而導致大量注射。 +- 建議將此設置為合理的數量,大致對應於您可能在一餐或校正劑量中需要的最大注射胰島素量。 +- 這個限制也適用於注射計算機的結果。 -### Max allowed carbs \[g\] +### 允許的最大碳水化合物量 \[g\] -- Defines the maximum amount of carbs that AAPS bolus calculator is allowed to dose for. -- This setting exists as a safety limit to prevent the delivery of a massive bolus due to accidental input or user error. -- It is recommended to set this to a sensible amount that corresponds roughly to the maximum amount of carbs that you are ever likely to need for a meal. +- 定義AAPS注射計算機允許的最大碳水化合物量。 +- 此設置作為安全限制,防止因意外輸入或用戶錯誤而導致大量注射。 +- 建議將此設置為合理的數量,大致對應於您可能在一餐中需要的最大碳水化合物量。 -## Loop +## 循環 (Preferences-aps-mode)= -### APS mode +### APS模式 -- Toggle between open and closed looping as well as low glucose suspend (LGS) -- **Open looping** means TBR suggestions are made based on your data and appear as a notification. After manual confirmation, the command to dose insulin will be transferred to pump. Only if you use virtual pump you have to enter it manually. -- **Closed looping** means TBR suggestions are automatically sent to your pump without confirmation or input from you. -- **Low glucose suspend** is similar to closed looping, but overrides the maxIOB setting to zero. This means that if blood glucose is dropping it can reduce the basal rate, but if blood glucose is rising then it will only increase the basal rate if the basal IOB is negative (e.g. from a previous Low Glucose Suspend). +- 在開環和閉環以及低血糖暫停(LGS)之間切換 +- **開環**意味著根據您的資料給出臨時基礎率(TBR)建議,並作為通知顯示。 經手動確認後,注射指令將傳輸到幫浦。 只有在使用虛擬幫浦時,才需要手動輸入。 +- **閉環**意味著TBR建議會自動發送到您的幫浦,無需您的確認或輸入。 +- **低血糖暫停**類似於閉環,但會將maxIOB設置覆蓋為零。 這意味著如果血糖下降,它可以減少基礎率,但如果血糖上升,則僅在基礎IOB為負數時(如來自之前的低血糖暫停)才會增加基礎率。 (Preferences-minimal-request-change)= -### Minimal request change \[%\] +### 最小請求變更 \[%\] -- When using open loop you will receive notifications every time AAPS recommends to adjust basal rate. -- To reduce number of notifications you can either use a wider BG target range or increase percentage of the minimal request rate. -- This defines the relative change required to trigger a notification. +- 使用開放循環時,當 AAPS 建議調整基礎率時,你會收到通知。 +- 為減少通知數量,您可以使用更寬的血糖目標範圍或增加最小請求率的百分比。 +- 這定義了觸發通知所需的相對變更。 (Preferences-advanced-meal-assist-ama-or-super-micro-bolus-smb)= -## Advanced Meal Assist (AMA) or Super Micro Bolus (SMB) +## 進階餐前注射助手(AMA)或超微量注射(SMB) -Depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ you can choose between two algorithms: +根據您的設置在[組態建置工具](../Configuration/中,您可以在兩種算法之間進行選擇: -- [Advanced meal assist (OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - state of the algorithm in 2017 -- [Super Micro Bolus (OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - most recent algorithm recommended for beginners +- [進階餐前注射助手(OpenAPS AMA)](Open-APS-features-advanced-meal-assist-ama) - 2017年的算法狀態 +- [超微量注射(OpenAPS SMB)](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) - 最推薦給初學者的最新算法 -### OpenAPS AMA settings +### OpenAPS AMA設置 -- Allows the system to high-temp more quickly after a meal bolus IF you enter carbs reliably. -- More details about the settings and Autosens can be found in the [OpenAPS docs]( +- 如果您可靠地輸入碳水化合物,則系統允許在注射餐後更快速地高溫調整。 +- 有關設置和自動感應的更多細節,請參閱[OpenAPS 文件](。 -(Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)= -#### Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to +(偏好設定-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-可以設置為)= +#### 臨時基礎率(Temp Basal)最大可設置的U/h -- Exists as a safety limit to prevent AAPS from ever being capable of giving a dangerously high basal rate. -- The value is measured in units per hour (U/h). -- It is advised to set this to something sensible. A good recommendation is to take the **highest basal rate** in your profile and **multiply it by 4**. -- For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile was 0.5 U/h you could multiply that by 4 to get a value of 2 U/h. -- See also [detailed feature description](Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). +- 作為安全限制存在,防止AAPS給予危險高的基礎率。 +- 該值以每小時單位(U/h)測量。 +- 建議將此設為合理的數值。 一個好的建議是取您的**最高基礎率**,並**將其乘以4**。 +- 例如,如果您的最高基礎率為0.5 U/h,您可以將其乘以4得到2 U/h的值。 +- 另見[詳細功能描述](Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal)。 -#### Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver \[U\] +#### OpenAPS可以輸送的最大基礎IOB \[U\] -- Amount of additional basal insulin (in units) allowed to accumulate in your body, on top of your normal basal profile. -- Once this value is reached, AAPS will stop giving additional basal insulin until your basal Insulin on Board (IOB) has decayed to within this range again. -- This value **does not consider bolus IOB**, only basal. -- This value is calculated and monitored independently of your normal basal rate. It is only the additional basal insulin on top of that normal rate that is considered. +- 允許在您的身體中累積的額外基礎胰島素(以單位計),超出您的正常基礎配置。 +- 一旦此值達到,AAPS將停止給予額外的基礎胰島素,直到您的基礎胰島素庫存(IOB)衰減回該範圍內。 +- 此值**不考慮注射IOB**,僅考慮基礎。 +- 此值是根據您的正常基礎率獨立計算和監控的。 僅考慮超出正常率的額外基礎胰島素。 -When you begin looping, **it is advised to set Max Basal IOB to 0** for a period of time, while you are getting used to the system. This prevents AAPS from giving any additional basal insulin at all. During this time AAPS will still be able to limit or turn off your basal insulin to help prevent hypoglycaemia. This is an important step in order to: +當您開始循環時,**建議將最大基礎IOB設為0**一段時間,同時您在適應系統。 這可以防止AAPS給予任何額外的基礎胰島素。 在此期間,AAPS仍然可以限制或關閉您的基礎胰島素以幫助防止低血糖。 這是一個重要的步驟: -- Have a period of time to safely get used to the AAPS system and monitor how it works. -- Take the opportunity to perfect your basal profile and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). -- See how AAPS limits your basal insulin to prevent hypoglycaemia. +- 有一段時間可安全地習慣AAPS系統並監控其運作。 +- 抓住機會完美您的基礎配置和胰島素敏感性因子(ISF)。 +- 了解AAPS如何限制您的基礎胰島素以防止低血糖。 -When you feel comfortable, you can allow the system to start giving you additional basal insulin, by raising the Max Basal IOB value. The recommended guideline for this is to take the **highest basal rate** in your profile and **multiply it by 3**. For example, if the highest basal rate in your profile was 0.5 U/h you could multiply that by 3 to get a value of 1.5 U/h. +當您感到舒適時,您可以透過提高最大基礎IOB值允許系統開始給予您額外的基礎胰島素。 建議的指導原則是取您個人設定中的**最高基礎速率**,並**將其乘以 3**。 例如,若您設定中的最高基礎速率為 0.5 U/h,您可以將此數值乘以 3,得到 1.5 U/h。 -- You can start conservatively with this value and increase it slowly over time. -- These are guidelines only; everyone's body is different. You may find you need more or less than what is recommended here, but always start conservatively and adjust slowly. +- 您可以從保守的數值開始,然後隨著時間慢慢增加。 +- 這些僅是指導原則;每個人的身體狀況不同。 您可能會發現所需的劑量比這裡推薦的多或少,但一定要從保守的劑量開始,並慢慢調整。 -**Note: As a safety feature, Max Basal IOB is hard-limited to 7u.** +**注意:作為一項安全功能,最大基礎胰島素持續劑量(Max Basal IOB)被嚴格限制為 7U。** -#### Autosens +#### 自動敏感度調整 (Autosens) -- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) looks at blood glucose deviations (positive/negative/neutral). -- It will try and figure out how sensitive/resistant you are based on these deviations and adjust basal rate and ISF based on these deviations. -- If you select "Autosens adjust target, too" the algorithm will also modify your glucose target. +- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 會根據血糖偏差(正/負/中性)進行調整。 +- 它會根據這些偏差計算出您對胰島素的敏感度或抗性,並根據偏差調整基礎速率和胰島素敏感指數(ISF)。 +- 如果您選擇「Autosens 調整目標」,演算法也會修改您的血糖目標。 -#### Advanced settings (OpenAPS AMA) +#### 進階設定(OpenAPS AMA) -- Normally you do not have to change the settings in this dialogue! -- If you want to change them anyway make sure to read about details in [OpenAPS docs]( and to understand what you are doing. +- 通常您無需更改此對話框中的設定! +- 如果您仍然想要更改,請務必閱讀[OpenAPS 文件](,並了解您在做什麼。 (Preferences-openaps-smb-settings)= -### OpenAPS SMB settings +### OpenAPS SMB 設定 -- In contrast to AMA, [SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) does not use temporary basal rates to control glucose levels, but mainly small super micro boluses. +- 與 AMA 相比,[SMB](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) 不使用臨時基礎速率來控制血糖,而是主要使用小型超級微量注射。 -- You must have started [objective 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb) to use SMB. +- 您必須開始使用[目標 9](Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)來使用 SMB。 -- The first three settings are explained [above](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to). +- 前三個設定在[上方](Preferences-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to)進行了解釋。 -- Details on the different enable options are described in [OpenAPS feature section](Open-APS-features-enable-smb). +- 不同啟用選項的詳細資訊在[OpenAPS 功能部分](Open-APS-features-enable-smb)中描述。 -- *How frequently SMBs will be given in min* is a restriction for SMB to be delivered only every 4 min by default. This value prevents the system from issuing SMB too often (for example in case of a temp target being set). You should not change this setting unless you know exactly about consequences. +- *SMB 的發放頻率(以分鐘為單位)*受限於預設每 4 分鐘發放一次。 此數值防止系統過於頻繁發放 SMB(例如當設定臨時目標時)。 除非您確切知道後果,否則不應更改此設定。 -- If 'Sensitivity raises target' or 'Resistance lowers target' is enabled [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) will modify your glucose target according to your blood glucose deviations. +- 如果啟用了「敏感性提高目標」或「抗性降低目標」,[Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 會根據您的血糖偏差修改血糖目標。 -- If target is modified it will be displayed with a green background on your home screen. +- 如果目標被修改,會在主畫面以綠色背景顯示。 - ![Target modified by autosens](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) + ![Autosens 修改目標](../images/Home2020_DynamicTargetAdjustment.png) (Preferences-carb-required-notification)= -#### Carb required notification +#### 碳水化合物需求通知 -- This feature is only available if SMB algorithm is selected. +- 此功能僅在選擇 SMB 演算法時可用。 -- Eating of additional carbs will be suggested when the reference design detects that it requires carbs. +- 當參考設計檢測到需要碳水化合物時,會建議食用額外的碳水化合物。 -- In this case you will receive a notification which can be snoozed for 5, 15 or 30 minutes. +- 在此情況下,您會收到一個可以延後 5、15 或 30 分鐘的通知。 -- Additionally the required carbs will be displayed in the COB section on your home screen. +- 此外,主畫面的 COB 部分也會顯示所需的碳水化合物量。 -- A threshold can be defined - minimum amount of carbs needed to trigger a notification. +- 可定義一個閾值——觸發通知所需的最小碳水化合物量。 -- Carb required notifications can be pushed to Nightscout if wished, in which case an announcement will be shown and broadcast. +- 如果需要,碳水化合物需求通知可以推送到 Nightscout,屆時會顯示並廣播公告。 - ![Display carbs required on home screen](../images/Pref2020_CarbsRequired.png) + ![在主畫面顯示所需的碳水化合物量](../images/Pref2020_CarbsRequired.png) -#### Advanced settings (OpenAPS SMB) +#### 進階設定(OpenAPS SMB) -- Normally you do not have to change the settings in this dialogue! -- If you want to change them anyway make sure to read about details in [OpenAPS docs]( and to understand what you are doing. +- 通常您無需更改此對話框中的設定! +- 如果您仍然想要更改,請務必閱讀[OpenAPS 文件](,並了解您在做什麼。 -## Absorption settings +## 吸收設定 -![Absorption settings](../images/Pref2020_Absorption.png) +![吸收設定](../images/Pref2020_Absorption.png) ### min_5m_carbimpact -- The algorithm uses BGI (blood glucose impact) to determine when carbs are absorbed. +- 演算法使用血糖影響(BGI)來判斷碳水化合物何時被吸收。 -- The value is only used during gaps in CGM readings or when physical activity “uses up” all the blood glucose rise that would otherwise cause AAPS to decay COB. +- 這個數值只會在兩種情況下使用:一是 CGM 沒有讀到血糖數據時,二是運動消耗了所有本來會讓血糖上升的能量,這樣 AAPS 就不會減少 COB。 -- At times when carb absorption can’t be dynamically worked out based on your blood's reactions it inserts a default decay to your carbs. Basically, it is a failsafe. +- 當無法動態計算碳水化合物吸收時,演算法會插入預設的碳水化合物衰減值。 基本上,這是一個安全保護機制。 -- To put it simply: The algorithm "knows" how your BGs *should* behave when affected by the current dose of insulin etc. +- 簡單來說:演算法「知道」在當前胰島素劑量等影響下,您的血糖應該如何變化。 -- Whenever there is a positive deviation from the expected behaviour, some carbs are absorbed/decayed. Big change=many carbs etc. +- 每當預期行為與實際行為有正向偏差時,部分碳水化合物會被吸收/衰減。 大的變化=許多碳水化合物等。 -- The min_5m_carbimpact does define the default carb absorption impact per 5 minutes. For more details see [OpenAPS docs]( +- min_5m_carbimpact 定義了每 5 分鐘的預設碳水化合物吸收影響。 更多詳情請參閱 [OpenAPS 文件](。 -- Standard value for AMA is 5, for SMB it's 8. +- AMA 的標準值為 5,SMB 的標準值為 8。 -- The COB graph on the home screen indicates when min_5m_impact is being used by putting an orange circle at the top. +- 主畫面的 COB 圖表會在使用 min_5m_carbimpact 時顯示一個橙色圓圈。 - ![COB graph](../images/Pref2020_min_5m_carbimpact.png) + ![COB 圖表](../images/Pref2020_min_5m_carbimpact.png) -### Maximum meal absorption time +### 最大餐點吸收時間 -- If you often eat high fat or protein meals you will need to increase your meal absorption time. +- 如果您經常進食高脂肪或高蛋白質餐點,您需要增加餐點吸收時間。 -### Advanced settings - autosens ratio +### 進階設定 - autosens 比例 -- Define min. and max. [autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) ratio. -- Normally standard values (max. 1.2 and min. 0.7) should not be changed. +- 定義最小和最大[autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) 比例。 +- 通常標準值(最大 1.2 和最小 0.7)不應更改。 -## Pump settings +## 幫浦設定 -The options here will vary depending on which pump driver you have selected in [Config Builder](Config-Builder-pump). Pair and set your pump up according to the pump related instructions: +此處的選項會根據您在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-pump)中選擇的幫浦驅動程式而有所不同。 根據幫浦相關的指示來配對並設定您的幫浦: -- [DanaR Insulin Pump](../Configuration/ -- [DanaRS Insulin Pump](../Configuration/ -- [罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵](../Configuration/ -- [Accu Chek Insight Pump](../Configuration/ -- [Medtronic Pump](../Configuration/ +- [DanaR 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/ +- [DanaRS 胰島素幫浦](../Configuration/ +- [Accu Chek Combo 幫浦](../Configuration/ +- [Accu Chek Insight 幫浦](../Configuration/ +- [Medtronic 幫浦](../Configuration/ -If using AAPS to open loop then make sure you have selected Virtual Pump in config builder. +如果使用 AAPS 進行開環模式,請確保您已在組態建置工具中選擇虛擬幫浦。 (Preferences-nsclient)= ## NSClient ![NSClient](../images/Pref2020_NSClient.png) -Original communication protocol, can be used with older Nightscout versions. +原始通訊協議,可用於舊版 Nightscout。 -- Set your *Nightscout URL* (i.e. ). - - **Make sure that the URL is WITHOUT /api/v1/ at the end.** -- The *[API secret](* (a 12 character password recorded in your Nightscout variables). -- This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS. -- Double check for typos here if you are stuck in Objective 1. +- 設置您的*Nightscout URL*(即 )。 + - **確保網址末尾沒有 /api/v1/。** +- *[API 密鑰](*(Nightscout 變數中記錄的一個 12 字符的密碼)。 +- 這使資料能夠在 Nightscout 網站和 AAPS 之間讀取和寫入。 +- 如果您在目標 1 中遇到困難,請再次檢查是否有拼寫錯誤。 ## NSClientV3 ![NSClientV3](../images/Pref2024_NSClientV3.png) -[New protocol introduced with AAPS 3.2.](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ Safer and more efficient. +[AAPS 3.2 引入的新協議](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。更安全且更高效。 -:::{admonition} V3 data uploaders -:class: warning When using NSClientV3, all uploaders must be using the API V3. Since most are not compatible yet, this means **you must let AAPS upload all data** (BG, treatments, ...) to Nightscout and disable all other uploaders if they're not V3 compliant. +:::{admonition} V3 資料上傳者 +:class: warning 使用 NSClientV3 時,所有上傳者必須使用 API V3。 由於大多數尚不支援 V3,這意味著**您必須讓 AAPS 上傳所有資料**(血糖、治療等)至 Nightscout,並停用其他不支援 V3 的上傳者。 ::: -- Set your *Nightscout URL* (i.e. ). - - **Make sure that the URL is WITHOUT /api/v1/ at the end.** -- In Nightscout, create an *[Admin token](* (requires [Nightscout 15]( to use the V3 API) and enter it in **NS access token** (not your API Secret!). -- This enables data to be read and written between both the Nightscout website and AAPS. -- Double check for typos here if you are stuck in Objective 1. -- Leave Connect to websockets enabled (recommended). +- 設置您的*Nightscout URL*(即 )。 + - **確保網址末尾沒有 /api/v1/。** +- 在 Nightscout 中,建立一個*[管理者憑證](*(需要 [Nightscout 15]( 才能使用 V3 API),並將其輸入**NS 查看憑證**(不是您的 API 密鑰!)。 +- 這使資料能夠在 Nightscout 網站和 AAPS 之間讀取和寫入。 +- 如果您在目標 1 中遇到困難,請再次檢查是否有拼寫錯誤。 +- 保持啟用與 websockets 的連線(推薦)。 -### Synchronization +### 同步選項 -Synchronization choices will depend on the way you will want to use AAPS. +同步選項將取決於您希望如何使用 AAPS。 -You can select which data you want to [upload and download to or from Nightscout](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +您可以選擇[上傳和下載至 Nightscout 的資料](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -### Alarm options +### 警報選項 -![Alarm options](../images/Pref2024_NSClient_Alarms.png) +![警報選項](../images/Pref2024_NSClient_Alarms.png) -- Alarm options allows you to select which Nightscout alarms to use through the app. AAPS will alarm when a Nightscout alarms trigger. - - For the alarms to sound you need to set the Urgent High, High, Low and Urgent Low alarm values in your [Nightscout variables]( - - They will only work whilst you have a connection to Nightscout and are intended for parent/caregivers. - - If you have the CGM source on your phone (i.e. xDrip+ or BYODA) then use those alarms instead of Nightscout Alarms. -- Create notifications from Nightscout [announcements]( will echo Nightscout announcements in the AAPS notifications bar. -- You can change stale data and urgent stale data alarms threshold when no data is received from Nightscout after a certain time. +- 警報選項允許您選擇透過應用程式使用哪些 Nightscout 警報。 當 Nightscout 警報觸發時,AAPS 會發出警報。 + - 要使警報發出聲音,您需要在[Nightscout 變數](中設置緊急高、高、低和緊急低的警報值。 + - 這些警報僅在您與 Nightscout 有連線時工作,且主要針對家長/照護者。 + - 如果您的 CGM 資料來自手機(如 xDrip+ 或 BYODA),請使用這些警報,而非 Nightscout 警報。 +- 從 Nightscout 公告中建立通知[公告](,將在 AAPS 通知欄中回顯 Nightscout 公告。 +- 當在一定時間內未從 Nightscout 收到資料時,您可以更改過時資料和緊急過時資料警報的閾值。 -### Connection settings +### 連線設定 -![NSClient connection settings](../images/ConfBuild_ConnectionSettings.png) +![NSClient 連線設定](../images/ConfBuild_ConnectionSettings.png) -- Connection settings define when Nightscout connection will be enabled. -- Restrict Nightscout upload to Wi-Fi only or even to certain Wi-Fi SSIDs. -- If you want to use only a specific WiFi network you can enter its WiFi SSID. -- Multiple SSIDs can be separated by semicolon. -- To delete all SSIDs enter a blank space in the field. +- 連線設定定義了何時啟用與 Nightscout 的連線。 +- 將 Nightscout 上傳限制為僅在 Wi-Fi 下進行,甚至僅限於特定的 Wi-Fi SSID。 +- 如果您只希望使用特定的 Wi-Fi 網路,可以輸入其 Wi-Fi SSID。 +- 多個 SSID 可以用分號分隔。 +- 若要刪除所有 SSID,請在該欄位中輸入空格。 (Preferences-advanced-settings-nsclient)= -### Advanced settings (NSClient) +### 進階設定(NSClient) -![NS Client advanced settings](../images/Pref2024_NSClientAdv.png) +![NS Client 進階設定](../images/Pref2024_NSClientAdv.png) -Options in advanced settings are self-explanatory. +進階設定中的選項不言自明。 -## SMS Communicator +## SMS(簡訊) 通訊器 -- Options will only be displayed if SMS communicator is selected in [Config Builder](Config-Builder-sms-communicator). -- This setting allows remote control of the app by texting instructions to the patient's phone which the app will follow such as suspending loop, or bolusing. -- Further information is described in [SMS Commands](../Children/ -- Additional safety is obtained through use of an authenticator app and additional PIN at token end. +- 僅當在[組態建置工具](Config-Builder-sms-communicator)中選擇 SMS 通訊器時才會顯示選項。 +- 此設定允許透過傳簡訊指令來遠端控制應用程式,如暫停循環或進行注射。 +- 更多資訊在[SMS 指令](../Children/中描述。 +- 透過使用身份驗證應用程式和憑證末端的額外 PIN 獲得額外的安全保障。 -## Automation +## 自動化 -Select which location service shall be used: +選擇要使用的定位服務: -- Use passive location: AAPS only takes locations if other apps are requesting it -- Use network location: Location of your Wi-Fi -- Use GPS location (Attention! May cause excessive battery drain!) +- 使用被動定位:AAPS 僅在其他應用請求時獲取位置。 +- 使用網路定位:您的 Wi-Fi 位置。 +- 使用 GPS 定位(注意! 可能會導致電池過度消耗!) -## Local alerts +## 本地警報 -![Local alerts](../images/Pref2020_LocalAlerts.png) +![本地警報](../images/Pref2020_LocalAlerts.png) -- Settings should be self-explanatory. +- 設定應該是簡單明瞭的。 -## Data choices +## 資料選項 -![Data choices](../images/Pref2020_DataChoice.png) +![資料選項](../images/Pref2020_DataChoice.png) -- You can help develop AAPS further by sending crash reports to the developers. +- 您可以透過將崩潰報告發送給開發人員來幫助進一步開發 AAPS。 -## Maintenance settings +## 維護設置 -![Maintenance settings](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) +![維護設置](../images/Pref2020_Maintenance.png) -- Standard recipient of logs is . +- 日誌的標準收件人是 。 ## Open Humans -- You can help the community by donating your data to research projects! Details are described on the [Open Humans page](../Configuration/ +- 您可以透過捐贈您的資料來協助研究項目,幫助社群! 詳細資訊請參閱[Open Humans 頁面](../Configuration/。 -- In Preferences you can define when data shall be uploaded +- 在偏好設定中,您可以定義何時上傳資料 - - only if connected to WiFi - - only if charging + - 僅在連線到 WiFi 時 + - 僅在充電時 From c2afc9f2e80076165141bd1ffde29d4c9387d626 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 279/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 78 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 0aa07f135e26..9b5d4d2e8006 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,61 +1,61 @@ -# Profile helper +# 設定檔助手 -Profile helper offers two functions: +設定檔助手提供兩個功能: -1. Find a profile for kids -2. Compare two profiles or profile switches in order to clone a new profile +1. 為孩子們找到合適的設定檔 +2. 比較兩個設定檔或設定檔切換,以便複製新的設定檔 -## Profile for kids (up to 18 years) +## 兒童設定檔(適用於18歲以下) -**Important note:** +**重要說明:** -**Profile helper is intended to support you finding the initial profile for your kid. Even though it is based on data sets of two different hospitals always discuss with your medical team before using a new profile!** +**設定檔助手旨在幫助您為孩子找到初始設定檔。 儘管該助手基於兩家不同醫院的資料集,但在使用新設定檔前,請務必與您的醫療團隊討論。** -Profile helper offers data sets from two different hospitals for children to find initial profile for your kid up to 18 years. +設定檔助手提供來自兩家不同醫院的資料集,幫助您為 18 歲以下的孩子找到初始設定檔。 -![Profile Helper Kids 1](../images/ProfileHelperKids1.png) +![設定檔助手兒童 1](../images/ProfileHelperKids1.png) -1. Select 'Profile helper' from three-dot-menu on the top right side of the screen. -2. Adjust Default profile (based on hospital data set) by entering kids age and either TDD Total **or** weight. -3. Change screen by clicking on the grey bar labeled 2 on the right. -4. Long-press 'Current profile' and select DPV Default profile. +1. 從螢幕右上角的三點選單中選擇「設定檔助手」。 +2. 根據輸入的孩子年齡及總胰島素劑量(TDD)**或**體重,調整預設設定檔(基於醫院資料集)。 +3. 點擊右側標有 2 的灰色條更換畫面。 +4. 長按「當前設定檔」,然後選擇「DPV 預設設定檔」。 -![Profile Helper Kids 2](../images/ProfileHelperKids2.png) +![設定檔助手兒童 2](../images/ProfileHelperKids2.png) -5. Adjust DPV Default profile (based on another hospital data set) by entering kids age, percentage of basal and either TDD Total **or** weight. -6. Press button 'COMPARE PROFILES' on top of screen. -7. Comparison of the two adjusted profiles will be displayed. +5. 根據輸入的孩子年齡、基礎速率百分比及總胰島素劑量(TDD)**或**體重,調整「DPV 預設設定檔」(基於另一家醫院資料集)。 +6. 按下螢幕頂部的「比較設定檔」按鈕。 +7. 會顯示兩個調整後的設定檔的比較結果。 -Once you are fine with the profile adjustments you can [clone the profile](profilehelper-clone-profile) as described below. +當您對設定檔調整感到滿意時,可以按照以下描述[複製設定檔](profilehelper-clone-profile)。 -## Compare two profiles +## 比較兩個設定檔 -You can use profile helper also to compare to different profiles or profile switches (percentage of one of your profiles used in a [profile switch](../Usage/ before). +您還可以使用設定檔助手來比較兩個不同的設定檔或設定檔切換(之前在[設定檔切換](../Usage/中使用的一個設定檔的百分比)。 -![Profile Helper 1](../images/ProfileHelper1.png) +![設定檔助手 1](../images/ProfileHelper1.png) -1. Select 'Profile helper' from three-dot-menu on the top right side of the screen. -2. Long-press 'Default profile' and select 'Available profile' for a list of your existing profiles or 'Profile switch' for a list of latest profile switches used. -3. Long-Press the name of the profile / profile switch ('Aktuell_LP' in screenshot above) and select a profile / profile switch from the list. -4. Change screen by clicking on the grey bar labeled 2 on the right. +1. 從螢幕右上角的三點選單中選擇「設定檔助手」。 +2. 長按「預設設定檔」,然後從列表中選擇「可用設定檔」或「設定檔切換」。 +3. 長按設定檔/設定檔切換名稱(上圖中為「Aktuell_LP」),並從列表中選擇一個設定檔/設定檔切換。 +4. 點擊右側標有 2 的灰色條更換畫面。 -![Profile Helper 2](../images/ProfileHelper2.png) +![設定檔助手 2](../images/ProfileHelper2.png) -5. As a standard 'Current profile' is offered as comparison candidate. -6. If you want a different profile / profile switch long-press 'Current profile' and select either 'Available profile' or 'Profile switch'. -7. Long-press the name of the profile / profile switch ('Aktuell_LP' in screenshot above) and select a profile / profile switch from the list. -8. Press button 'COMPARE PROFILES' on top of screen. -9. Comparison of the two adjusted profiles will be displayed. +5. 預設情況下,「當前設定檔」將作為比較候選項目。 +6. 如果您想要選擇不同的設定檔/設定檔切換,請長按「當前設定檔」,然後選擇「可用設定檔」或「設定檔切換」。 +7. 長按設定檔/設定檔切換名稱(上圖中為「Aktuell_LP」),並從列表中選擇一個設定檔/設定檔切換。 +8. 按下螢幕頂部的「比較設定檔」按鈕。 +9. 會顯示兩個調整後的設定檔的比較結果。 (profilehelper-clone-profile)= -## Clone profile +## 複製設定檔 -If you use [local profiles](Config-Builder-local-profile) you can clone a profile / profile switch directly from profile helper. +如果您使用[本地設定檔](Config-Builder-local-profile),則可以直接從設定檔助手複製設定檔/設定檔切換。 -![Profile Helper Clone profile / profile switch](../images/ProfileHelperClone.png) +![設定檔助手 複製設定檔/設定檔切換](../images/ProfileHelperClone.png) -1. Select the desired profile / profile switch as described above. -2. If you are using 'Default profile' or 'DPV Default profile' (based on data sets from hospitals for children) make sure you enter correct settings for age, percentage of basal and TDD / weight. -3. Press button 'CLONE' on bottom of screen. -4. Confirm with 'OK'. -5. Activate new profile in local profile tab. +1. 按照上述說明選擇所需的設定檔/設定檔切換。 +2. 如果您正在使用「預設設定檔」或「DPV 預設設定檔」(基於兒童醫院的資料集),請確保您輸入了正確的年齡、基礎速率百分比及總胰島素劑量/體重設定。 +3. 按下螢幕底部的「複製」按鈕。 +4. 按「確定」確認。 +5. 在本地設定檔頁籤中啟用新設定檔。 From 2e76a576163b71918aa2491bb241ac0d2f5a574e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 280/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ | 246 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 123 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index a0aa3d8e88bc..0b085b1b9ea9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,173 +1,173 @@ -# Docs updates & changes +# 文檔更新與變更 -## February 2022 +## 2022年2月 -- [BG quality warning sign](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) @tanja -- [Medtronic pump update](../Configuration/ @dottedfingertips -- [Necessary checks after update to AAPS 3.0](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ @tanja +- [血糖品質警告標誌](Screenshots-bg-warning-sign) @tanja +- [Medtronic 幫浦更新](../Configuration/ @dottedfingertips +- [AAPS 3.0 更新後的必要檢查](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ @tanja - [Omnipod Dash](../Configuration/ @Freloner @ robertrub @vanelsberg -- Update docs for AAPS 3.0 (partly) @xJoe -- [Wear OS for AAPS 3.0](../Configuration/ @peterleimbach +- 更新 AAPS 3.0 的文檔(部分)@xJoe +- [AAPS 3.0 的 Wear OS](../Configuration/ @peterleimbach -## January 2022 +## 2022年1月 -- [Troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - update @tanja +- [Android Studio 疑難排解](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - 更新 @tanja -## December 2021 +## 2021年12月 -- [Building the APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - update Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 @tanja -- [Dana-i](../Configuration/ information added @MilosKozak +- [APK 構建](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - 更新 Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 @tanja +- [Dana-i](../Configuration/ 訊息已添加 @MilosKozak -## November 2021 +## 2021年11月 -- Best practices for calibrating a [libre 2 sensor](Libre2-best-practices-for-calibrating-a-libre-2-sensor) -- [ISF](FAQ-impact) reformulation of impact -- Update [troubleshooting Android stduio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -- Removed patched [Dexcom](../Hardware/ app as it is obsolete +- 校準[Libre 2 傳感器](Libre2-best-practices-for-calibrating-a-libre-2-sensor)的最佳實踐 +- [ISF](FAQ-impact) 影響的重新定義 +- 更新[Android Studio 疑難排解](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- 移除已過時的[Dexcom](../Hardware/應用 -## October 2021 +## 2021年10月 -- [Release notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ AAPS 3.0 beta +- [AAPS 3.0 beta 發布說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -## September 2021 +## 2021年9月 -- Recommended computer specification to [build AAPS app](Building-APK-recommended-specification-of-computer-for-building-apk-file) +- 推薦電腦配置以[構建 AAPS 應用](Building-APK-recommended-specification-of-computer-for-building-apk-file) -## June 2021 +## 2021年6月 -- [Watchface sideload](../Configuration/ +- [Watchface 側載](../Configuration/ -## April 2021 +## 2021年4月 -- List of [communication devices](module-additional-communication-device) for Omnipod and Medtronic pumps -- AAPS predictions in [Nightscout](Nightscout-manual-nightscout-setup) +- Omnipod 和 Medtronic 幫浦的[通訊裝置](module-additional-communication-device)列表 +- AAPS 預測功能在[Nightscout](Nightscout-manual-nightscout-setup)中 -## March 2021 +## 2021年3月 -- Dev communication moved from gitter to [discord]( +- 開發者交流從 gitter 移至[discord]( -## February 2021 +## 2021年2月 -- New navigation bar and [language switch](../ +- 新導航欄和[語言切換](../ -## January 2021 +## 2021年1月 -- [Action tab](Screenshots-action-tab) - more details on page 'AAPS screens' -- Dexcom G6 with [Build Your Own Dexcom App](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) -- Libre smart reader [battery level](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery) -- [Objectives](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) - new questions -- Other [new AAPS 2.8.0 functions](Releasenotes-version-2-8-0) +- [操作標籤](Screenshots-action-tab) - 更多細節可見 'AAPS 螢幕' 頁面 +- Dexcom G6 與[自建 Dexcom 應用](DexcomG6-if-using-g6-with-build-your-own-dexcom-app) +- Libre 智慧讀取器的[電池電量](Screenshots-sensor-level-battery) +- [目標](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) - 新問題 +- AAPS 2.8.0 版的其他[新功能](Releasenotes-version-2-8-0) -## December 2020 +## 2020年12月 -- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - patched app does not work with US sensors -- [OpenAPS hard-coded limits](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) -- Sony Smartwatch 3 [Manual Installation of Google Play Service](../Usage/ +- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - 修補應用無法與美國傳感器配合使用 +- [OpenAPS 硬編碼限制](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) +- Sony Smartwatch 3 的[手動安裝 Google Play 服務](../Usage/ -## October 2020 +## 2020年10月 -- Accu-Chek Combo - update [time adjustment daylight savings time](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) -- Accu-Chek Insight - Option to [upload absolute values](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) -- Logs - more details about [folder location](../Usage/ -- Omnipod Eros - status update -- [SMS commands - time sync](../Children/ +- Accu-Chek Combo - 更新[時區調整和夏令時](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) +- Accu-Chek Insight - 選項上傳絕對值[上傳絕對值](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) +- 日誌 - 更多有關[文件夾位置](../Usage/的細節 +- Omnipod Eros - 狀態更新 +- [SMS 指令 - 時間同步](../Children/ -## September 2020 +## 2020年9月 -- Major update for new AAPS version 2.7 -- For details see `release notes ` +- AAPS 2.7 版的大更新 +- 詳細內容請見 `發布說明 ` -## June 2020 +## 2020年6月 -- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - more details patched Libre Link app & use of bluetooth transmitters -- [Time zone travelling](../Usage/ with Libre 2 +- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ - 更多修補版 Libre Link 應用和藍牙發射器的細節 +- [跨時區旅行](../Usage/與 Libre 2 -## May 2020 +## 2020年5月 -- [Extended bolus only for Dana + Insight pumps](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -- [Insight deactivate vibration](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-vibration) (firmware 3.x only) -- [Minimal request rate](Preferences-minimal-request-change) to reduce number of notifications in open loop mode -- [Patched Libre Link app](Libre2-step-1-build-your-own-patched-librelink-app) - check if correctly patched -- [Prediction lines](Screenshots-prediction-lines) - more details +- [延長注射僅適用於 Dana 和 Insight 幫浦](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +- [Insight 停用震動](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-vibration)(僅限韌體 3.x) +- [最小請求頻率](Preferences-minimal-request-change),以減少開環模式下的通知數量 +- [修補版 Libre Link 應用](Libre2-step-1-build-your-own-patched-librelink-app) - 檢查是否已正確修補 +- [預測線](Screenshots-prediction-lines) - 更多細節 -## April 2020 +## 2020年4月 -- [Backdate insulin](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus) (i.e. given by syringe) -- [Android 6 support will be discontinued in next master version](../Module/module-phone) +- [回溯胰島素注射](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus)(例如透過注射器注射) +- [下個主版本將不再支援 Android 6](../Module/module-phone) -## March 2020 +## 2020年3月 -- [Build apk with Android Studio 3.6.1](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -- [DanaRS with firmware v3](../Configuration/ **cannot currently be used with AAPS!** -- [Extended bolus and switch to open loop](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -- [Update apk with Android Studio 3.6.1](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- [使用 Android Studio 3.6.1 構建 APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- [DanaRS 韌體 v3](../Configuration/ **目前無法與 AAPS 配合使用!** +- [延長注射並切換到開環](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +- [使用 Android Studio 3.6.1 更新 APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -## February 2020 +## 2020年2月 -- [Automation caveats](Automation-good-practice-caveats) -- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) - short explanation -- [Careportal alternatives](../Usage/ -- [Extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) feature - closed loop will be disabled -- New [Local Profile plugin](Config-Builder-local-profile) -- [Sample Setup](../Getting-Started/ - update Dexcom G6 -- [Version 2.6.0](Releasenotes-version-2-6-0) - major new features -- [Wear complications](../Configuration/ +- [自動化警告](Automation-good-practice-caveats) +- [Autosens](Open-APS-features-autosens) - 簡要說明 +- [護理入口替代方案](../Usage/ +- [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only)功能 - 閉環將被停用 +- 新的[本地設定檔外掛](Config-Builder-local-profile) +- [範例設置](../Getting-Started/ - 更新 Dexcom G6 +- [2.6.0 版](Releasenotes-version-2-6-0) - 主要新功能 +- [Wear OS 複雜功能](../Configuration/ -## January 2020 +## 2020年1月 -- [Manual carb correction](Screenshots-carb-correction) for faulty carb entries -- [Image size](make-a-PR-image-size) when editing docs +- [手動碳水化合物校正](Screenshots-carb-correction)錯誤碳水化合物輸入 +- [編輯文檔](make-a-PR-image-size)時的圖片大小 -## December 2019 +## 2019年12月 -- [Android auto](../Usage/ - setup with screenshots -- [Accu-Chek Insight & Autotune](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) - workaround for usage -- [Glimp](Config-Builder-bg-source) - version 4.15.57 and newer supported -- [Watchfaces](../Configuration/ - major update, way more details -- [Watchface complications](Watchfaces-complications) - use your favorite watchface with AAPS data +- [Android Auto](../Usage/ - 帶有螢幕截圖的設置 +- [Accu-Chek Insight 和 Autotune](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) - 使用的替代方法 +- [Glimp](Config-Builder-bg-source) - 支援 4.15.57 版及更新版本 +- [錶盤](../Configuration/ - 大更新,更多細節 +- [錶盤複雜功能](Watchfaces-complications) - 使用您喜愛的錶盤顯示 AAPS 資料 -## November 2019 +## 2019年11月 -- [Automation - deactivate when disabling loop](Automation-important-note) -- [Dexcom G6 replace transmitter update](xdrip-replace-transmitter) -- [Extended bolus - why they do not work in a loop context](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) -- [FAQ - sports](FAQ-sports) -- [Homescreen - lines on graph](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) -- [Insight - Disable absolute values in NS Client](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) -- [Medtronic pump - possible double entries](../Configuration/ -- [New Freestyle Libre 2 tutorial](../Hardware/ -- [Profile switch with percentage - example](../Usage/ -- [SMS commands update](../Children/ -- [Troubleshooting Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -- [Troubleshooting - link collection](../Usage/ -- Update - quick walk-through for experienced users -- Docs - update [edit](make-a-PR-code-syntax) and [translation](translations#translation-of-the-documentation). +- [自動化 - 在停用閉環時停用](Automation-important-note) +- [Dexcom G6 傳感器更換更新](xdrip-replace-transmitter) +- [延長注射 - 為何它們在閉環上下文中無法運作](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) +- [常見問題解答 - 運動](FAQ-sports) +- [主螢幕 - 圖表上的線條](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) +- [Insight - 在 NS 客戶端中停用絕對值](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) +- [Medtronic 幫浦 - 可能的重複條目](../Configuration/ +- [新的 Freestyle Libre 2 教程](../Hardware/ +- [帶百分比的設定檔切換 - 示例](../Usage/ +- [SMS 指令更新](../Children/ +- [疑難排解 Android Studio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +- [疑難排解 - 連結集合](../Usage/ +- 更新 - 供有經驗用戶的快速指導 +- 文檔 - 更新[編輯](make-a-PR-code-syntax)和[翻譯](translations#translation-of-the-documentation) -## October 2019 +## 2019年10月 -- [AAPS version 2.5](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0) updates (especially on [update page]( -- [AccuChek Insight - log options](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) -- [COB calculation on separate page](../Usage/ -- [COB - wrong COB value detection](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) -- [Dexcom G6 specific troubleshooting](DexcomG6-dexcom-g6-specific-troubleshooting) -- [Objectives update version 2.5](../Usage/ -- [Preferences update](../Configuration/ -- [SGLT-2 inhibitors - do not use when looping](module-no-use-of-sglt-2-inhibitors) -- [SMS Commands Troubleshooting](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) -- [xDrip - update G6 transmitter replacement](xdrip-replace-transmitter) +- [AAPS 2.5 版](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0)更新(尤其在[更新頁面](上) +- [Accu-Chek Insight - 日誌選項](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) +- [COB 計算在單獨頁面上](../Usage/ +- [COB - 錯誤 COB 值檢測](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) +- [Dexcom G6 特定疑難排解](DexcomG6-dexcom-g6-specific-troubleshooting) +- [2.5 版的目標更新](../Usage/ +- [偏好設定更新](../Configuration/ +- [SGLT-2 抑制劑 - 閉環時請勿使用](module-no-use-of-sglt-2-inhibitors) +- [SMS 指令疑難排解](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) +- [xDrip - 更新 G6 傳感器更換](xdrip-replace-transmitter) -## September 2019 +## 2019年9月 - [Automate](../Usage/ -- [Bolus calculator](Screenshots-wrong-cob-detection) - slow carb absorption -- [Nightscout security](Nightscout-security-considerations) -- [Profile timeshift](Profiles-time-shift) (more details) -- [Remote monitoring](../Children/ -- [What is a closed loop system?](../Getting-Started/ - -## August 2019 - -- Dexcom G6 patched app region -- [Dexcom G6 new transmitter](xdrip-connect-g6-transmitter-for-the-first-time) ("firefly" / 8G...) -- [What do I need?](index-what-do-i-need) - new structure & additional information -- New structure +- [注射計算機](Screenshots-wrong-cob-detection) - 碳水化合物吸收緩慢 +- [Nightscout 安全性](Nightscout-security-considerations) +- [設定檔時間位移](Profiles-time-shift)(更多細節) +- [遠端監控](../Children/ +- [什麼是閉環系統?](../Getting-Started/ + +## 2019年8月 + +- Dexcom G6 修補應用的區域設置 +- [Dexcom G6 新發射器](xdrip-connect-g6-transmitter-for-the-first-time)(“firefly”/8G...) +- [我需要什麼?](index-what-do-i-need) - 新結構與更多資訊 +- 新結構 From 2df4bf9d0df4b179f5059500d56e8e0db00bad01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 281/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 118 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 8877176e41b6..0e9785691ce5 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ # **Freestyle Libre 3** -Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) requires a unique setup to receive BG values in to AAPS. There are two possible ways of getting Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) values to AAPS. +Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) 需要特殊設定才能將血糖值接收至 AAPS。 有兩種可能的方法將 Freestyle Libre 3 (FSL3) 值傳送到 AAPS。 ![FL3](../images/d912c1d3-06d2-4b58-ad7c-025ca1980fae.jpeg) -**Version of AndroidAPS does not support 1-minute values. Acceleration and Smoothing does not work with 1-minute values.** +**AndroidAPS 版本 不支援 1 分鐘讀數。 加速和平滑處理無法與 1 分鐘讀數搭配使用。** -The below methods for achieving this are using the separate app Juggluco. It uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor which is then passed to xDrip+ or AAPS. New sensors can be started either with the Libre 3 App or directly in Juggluco. The guide below indicates the process for starting a sensor with the Juggluco app. If the sensor has been started with a Libreview account logged in, it is also possible to switch between Juggluco and the Libre 3 app as receiver. +下述方法使用單獨的應用程式 Juggluco 來實現此目的。 它使用 Juggluco 以接收來自傳感器的原始 1 分鐘間隔資料,然後將其傳送至 xDrip+ 或 AAPS。 可以使用 Libre 3 應用程式或直接在 Juggluco 中啟動新傳感器。 下方指南說明如何使用 Juggluco 應用程式啟動傳感器的過程。 如果傳感器是使用已登入 Libreview 帳戶啟動的,也可以在 Juggluco 和 Libre 3 應用程式之間切換作為接收器。 -Juggluco can also pass data to LibreView for sharing with health care providers when the sensor is started with the Libre 3 app. +當傳感器使用 Libre 3 應用程式啟動時,Juggluco 也可以將資料傳送至 LibreView 以與醫療提供者共享。 -Within xDrip+ the sensor can be calibrated in the range of -40 mg/dl to +20 mg/dl (-2.2 mmol/l to +1.1 mmol/l) to compensate for differences between a manual meter reading and the sensor readings. +在 xDrip+ 中,傳感器可以在 -40 mg/dL 至 +20 mg/dL(-2.2 mmol/l 至 +1.1 mmol/l)範圍內進行校正,以補償手動儀表讀數與傳感器讀數之間的差異。 -## Method 1: 1-minute-readings -Version of AndroidAPS does not support 1-minute values. Acceleration and Smoothing does not work with 1-minute values. +## 方法 1:1 分鐘讀數 +AndroidAPS 版本 不支援 1 分鐘讀數。 加速和平滑處理無法與 1 分鐘讀數搭配使用。 -![Juggluco broadcast to AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) +![Juggluco 廣播至 AAPS](../images/Juggluco_AAPS.png) -## Method 2: 5-minute-readings -This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor which is then passed to xDrip+ to be smoothed into 5-minute interval data to be passed to AAPS. +## 方法 2:5 分鐘讀數 +此方法使用 Juggluco 接收來自傳感器的原始 1 分鐘間隔資料,然後將其傳送至 xDrip+,以平滑為 5 分鐘間隔資料,並傳送至 AAPS。 -### Step 1: Setup Juggluco -Download and install the Juggluco app from [here]( Follow the instructions [here]( +### 步驟 1:設定 Juggluco +從[此處](下載並安裝 Juggluco 應用程式。 按照[此處](的指示操作。 -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +確保將葡萄糖值傳送至 xDrip+:您可以在 Juggluco 的設定中配置 Juggluco 將葡萄糖值傳送至其他應用程式。 Juggluco 可以發送三種類型的廣播:**修補版 Libre 廣播** 最初由修補版 Librelink 應用程式使用,並可用於將葡萄糖值傳送至 xDrip+。 -![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) +![Juggluco 廣播至 xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) -### Step 2: Setup xDrip +### 步驟 2:設定 xDrip -The blood glucose values are received by the xDrip+ app on the smartphone. +血糖值會由智慧型手機上的 xDrip+ 應用程式接收。 -- If not already set up then download [xDrip+]( and follow the instructions on [xDrip+ settings page](../Configuration/ -- In xDrip+ select "Libre2 (patched app)" as data source. -- If necessary, enter "BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v" under Less Common Settings → Extra Logging Settings → Extra tags for logging. This will log additional error messages for troubleshooting. +- 如果尚未設定,請下載 [xDrip+]( 並按照[xDrip+ 設定頁面](../Configuration/上的指示操作。 +- 在 xDrip+ 中選擇 "Libre2(修補版應用程式)" 作為資料來源。 +- 如果需要,請在「不常見的設定」→「額外日誌記錄設定」→「日誌記錄的額外標籤」下輸入 "BgReading:d,xdrip libre_receiver:v"。 這將記錄額外的錯誤訊息以便進行故障排除。 -![xDrip+ LibreLink logging](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) +![xDrip+ LibreLink 日誌記錄](../images/Libre2_Tags.png) -- Technically, the current blood sugar value is transmitted to xDrip+ every minute. A weighted average filter calculates a smoothed value over the last 25 minutes by default. You can change the period in the NFC Scan features menu. +- 技術上來說,目前的血糖值每分鐘會傳送到 xDrip+。 加權平均濾波器預設會計算最近 25 分鐘內的平滑資料。 您可以在 NFC 掃描功能選單中更改此時間段。 - → Hamburger menu → Settings → NFC Scan features → Smooth libre 3 data when using xxx method + → 漢堡選單 → 設定 → NFC 掃描功能 → 使用 xxx 方法時平滑 Libre 3 資料 - ![xDrip+ advanced settings Libre 2 & raw values](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) + ![xDrip+ 進階設定:Libre 2 與原始值](../images/xDrip_Libre3_Smooth.png) -### Step 3: Start sensor within xDrip +### 步驟 3:在 xDrip 中啟動傳感器 -In xDrip+ start the sensor with "Start Sensor" and "not today". It is not necessary to hold the mobile phone onto the sensor. In fact "Start Sensor" will not physically start any Libre 3 sensor or interact with them in any case. This is simply to indicate xDrip+ that a new sensor is delivering blood sugar levels. If available, enter two bloody measured values for the initial calibration. Now the blood glucose values should be displayed in xDrip+ every 5 minutes. Skipped values, e.g. because you were too far away from your phone, will not be backfilled. +在 xDrip+ 中使用「啟動傳感器」和「暫不」選項啟動傳感器。 無需將手機靠近傳感器。 事實上,「啟動傳感器」不會實際啟動任何 Libre 3 傳感器,也不會與它們進行任何互動。 這僅僅是為了通知 xDrip+ 有一個新的傳感器正在提供血糖資料。 如果可用,請輸入兩個指血測量值作為初始校正。 現在,血糖值應該每 5 分鐘顯示在 xDrip+ 中。 跳過的讀數,例如因為您離手機太遠,將不會被回填。 -Wait at least 15-20 minutes if there is still no data. +如果仍然沒有資料,請等待至少 15-20 分鐘。 -After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will delete all calibration data. You may check you bloody BG after activation and make a new initial calibration. +更換傳感器後,xDrip+ 會自動檢測到新傳感器,並會刪除所有校正資料。 啟動後,您可以檢查您的指血血糖並進行新的初始校正。 -### Step 4: Configure AndroidAPS +### 步驟 4:配置 AndroidAPS -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/中選擇 xDrip+。 -- If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- 如果 AndroidAPS 在手機處於飛行模式時無法接收血糖值,請使用「識別接收器」。 +- 關閉平滑處理(已在 Xdrip+ 中完成)。 -As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. +目前,當使用 Libre 3 作為血糖來源時,無法在 SMB 演算法中啟用「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水後啟用 SMB」選項。 Libre 3 的血糖值不夠平滑,無法安全使用。 -## Subsequent sensor changes +## 後續傳感器更換 -1. Open Juggluco and note the serial number of the existing sensor +1. 打開 Juggluco 並記下現有傳感器的序列號。 -![Libre serial number](../images/libre3/step_13.jpg) +![Libre 序列號](../images/libre3/step_13.jpg) -2. Now simply scan your new sensor with your phone’s NFC reader. Juggluco will display a notice if the process had been started successfully. -3. When you are ready to deactivate the old sensor, then open the Juggluco menu by clicking anywhere in the empty space in the upper left hand corner of the screen. -4. Select the exired sensor and tap "Terminate" +2. 現在,只需使用手機的 NFC 閱讀器掃描您的新傳感器。 如果過程成功開始,Juggluco 會顯示通知。 +3. 當您準備停用舊傳感器時,請點擊螢幕左上角的空白區域打開 Juggluco 選單。 +4. 選擇過期的傳感器並點擊「終止」。 -![Terminate sensor](../images/libre3/step_14.jpg) +![終止傳感器](../images/libre3/step_14.jpg) -Note: When two sensors are active Juggluco will send the most recent value from either sensor to xDrip+. If the sensors are not calibrated and reading BG similarly, this may result in jumpy BG values being reported to xDrip+. If you terminate the wrong sensor, you can reactivate it by simply scanning the sensor. +注意:當兩個傳感器同時運作時,Juggluco 會將最近一個傳感器的資料發送至 xDrip+。 如果傳感器未經校正且讀取血糖類似,這可能會導致跳躍的血糖值被報告至 xDrip+。 如果您終止了錯誤的傳感器,可以透過掃描傳感器重新啟用它。 -## Switch sensor between Libre 3 and Juggluco app +## 在 Libre 3 和 Juggluco 應用程式之間切換傳感器 -If the sensor has been started with a Libreview account logged in, it is also possible to switch between Juggluco and the Libre 3 app as receiver. This requires the following steps: +如果傳感器是使用已登入 Libreview 帳戶啟動的,也可以在 Juggluco 和 Libre 3 應用程式之間切換作為接收器。 這需要以下步驟: -1. Install the Libre 3 app from Google Playstore -2. Set up the Libre 3 app with the Libreview account with which the sensor was activated. -3. Force stop the Juggluco app in the Android settings. -4. In the Libre 3 menu, click "Start Sensor", select "Yes", "Next" and scan your sensor. -5. After some minutes, the BG-Values should be visible within Libre 3 App. +1. 從 Google Play 商店安裝 Libre 3 應用程式。 +2. 使用啟動傳感器的 Libreview 帳戶設定 Libre 3 應用程式。 +3. 在 Android 設定中強制停止 Juggluco 應用程式。 +4. 在 Libre 3 選單中,點擊「啟動傳感器」,選擇「是」,「下一步」,然後掃描您的傳感器。 +5. 幾分鐘後,血糖 值應該會顯示在 Libre 3 應用程式中。 -In order to switch from the Libre 3 app to Juggluco, you need to force-stop Libre 3 app via Android settings and proceed with Step 1 & 2. +要從 Libre 3 應用程式切換到 Juggluco,您需要透過 Android 設定強制停止 Libre 3 應用程式,然後執行步驟 1 和步驟 2。 -## Experiences and Troubleshooting +## 經驗與疑難排解 -### Troubleshooting Libre3 -> Juggluco Connection +### Libre3 -> Juggluco 連線故障排除 -- Make sure you are using a current version of the Juggluco app -- Check your settings according to this guide -- You may sometimes have to force stop the Libre 3 app and Juggluco and restart it. -- Disable Bluetooth and enable it again -- Wait some time or try to close Juggluco -- Older versions of Juggluco (below 2.9.6) do not send subsequent data from the Libre3 sensor to connected devices (e.g. Juggluco on WearOS). You may need to click "Resend data" in the patched Libre3 app (Juggluco menu). +- 確保您使用的是 Juggluco 應用程式的最新版本。 +- 根據本指南檢查您的設定。 +- 有時您可能需要強制停止 Libre 3 應用程式和 Juggluco 並重新啟動它。 +- 停用藍牙並重新啟用。 +- 稍等片刻或嘗試關閉 Juggluco。 +- 低於 2.9.6 的 Juggluco 舊版本不會將後續資料從 Libre3 傳感器發送到連線的設備(例如:WearOS 上的 Juggluco)。 您可能需要在修補版 Libre3 應用程式中點擊「重新發送資料」(Juggluco 選單)。 -### Further help +### 進一步幫助 -Original instructions: [jkaltes website]( +原始說明:[jkaltes 網站]( -Additional Github repo: [Github link]( +其他 Github 倉庫:[Github 連結]( From 1f296d164a38cf7d35f9cf0744358e30fc26a55c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 282/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 872 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 436 insertions(+), 436 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 78cf6cbb1d35..f028e41c8633 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,631 +1,631 @@ (Releasenotes-release-notes)= -# Release notes +# 版本更新說明 -Please follow the instructions in the [update manual](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ You can also find a troubleshooting section addressing the most common difficulties when updating on the update manual page. +請按照[更新手冊](../Installing-AndroidAPS/中的說明進行操作。 您還可以在更新手冊頁面找到關於常見更新問題的故障排除部分。 -You will receive the following information as soon as a new update is available: +當有新版本可用時,您將收到以下資訊: -![Update info](../images/AAPS_LoopDisable90days.png) +![更新資訊](../images/AAPS_LoopDisable90days.png) -Then you have 60 days to update. If you do not update within these 60 days AAPS will fall back to LGS (low glucose suspend - see [glossary](../Getting-Started/ as in [objective 6](../Usage/Objectives.html). +之後,您有 60 天的時間進行更新。 如果您在這 60 天內沒有更新,AAPS 將會降級到 LGS 模式(低血糖暫停,請參閱[詞彙表](../Getting-Started/,如[目標 6](../Usage/Objectives.html)中所述。 -If you do not update for another 30 days (90 days from new release date) AAPS will switch to Open Loop. +如果您在新版本發布後 90 天內未更新,AAPS 將切換到開放循環模式。 -Please understand that this change is not intended to bug you but is due to safety reasons. New versions of AAPS do not only provide new features but also important safety fixes. Therefore it is necessary that every user updates a.s.a.p.. Unfortunately there are still bug reports from very old versions so this is a try to improve safety for every single user and the whole DIY community. Thanks for your understanding. +請理解,這一變更不是為了打擾您,而是出於安全原因。 AAPS 的新版本不僅提供了新功能,還包括重要的安全修復。 因此,必須儘快讓每個用戶更新到最新版本。 不幸的是,我們仍然收到來自非常舊版本的錯誤報告,所以這是為了提升每個用戶以及整個 DIY 社群的安全性。 感謝您的理解。 ```{admonition} First version of AAPS :class: note -The first test version started already in 2015. In 2016 has been the first released version. +首個測試版本早在 2015 年就已經開始。 2016 年發布了第一個正式版本。 -The chronology of these releases is not available at the moment but as this questions is asked severeal times we document it here. +目前無法提供這些版本的時間順序記錄,但由於這個問題被多次詢問,我們將在此記錄。 ``` -## Android version and AAPS version +## Android 版本與 AAPS 版本 -If your smartphone uses an Android Version older than Android 9 you will not be able to use AAPS v3 and up as it requires at least Android 9. +如果您的手機使用的是 Android 9 以下的版本,您將無法使用 AAPS v3 及以上版本,因為這些版本至少需要 Android 9。 -In order to allow users with older Android to use older version of AAPS new versions were pushed which only change version verification. No other improvements are included. +為了允許使用舊版 Android 的用戶繼續使用舊版 AAPS,我們發佈了一些僅更改版本驗證的版本。 這些版本不包含其他改進。 -### Android 9 and up +### Android 9 及以上 -- Use latest AAPS version -- Download AAPS Code from +- 使用最新的 AAPS 版本 +- 從 下載 AAPS 程式碼 ### Android 8 -- Use AAPS version **** -- Download AAPS Code from branch +- 使用 AAPS 版本**** +- 從 下載 分支程式碼 ### Android 7 -- Use AAPS version **2.6.2** -- Download AAPS Code from branch 2.6.2 - -## WearOS version - -- AAPS 3.2 requires at least WearOS API level 28 (Android 9) - -## Version dedicated to @Philoul - -Release date: 23-10-2023 - -### Important hints - -- NS 15 is required -- While using websockets in NS v3 plugin treatments entered through NS UI (plus button) and other applications using v1 API are not sent to AAPS. This will be fixed in future release of NS. Always use the same client (v1 or v3) in AAPS and AAPSClient until NS fully switch to v3 internaly. The same is valid for AAPS and AAPSClient itself. -- Websockets in v3 plugin works similiar way to v1 plugin. Without websockets enabled AAPS schedules regularly downloads from NS which should lead to lower power consumption because NS is not permanently connected. On the oposite side it means delays in exchanging data. Please read [here](Important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-API-for-Nightscout-with-AAPS) the important comments from the dev team before you use it! -- If you are using xdrip as cgm source you must select it again after update due to internal changes -- Tidepool can be used as a replacement of NS to pass first objective -- If you send to xDrip+ you must configure xDrip synchronization plugin. In order to receive BGs from AAPS in xDrip, “xDrip+ Sync Follower” must be selected as source -- If you want to switch to ComboV2 driver, Ruffy must be uninstalled and pump paired again to AAPS -- In order to use DynISF plugin you have to start Objective 11 (all previous must be in finished state to allow start of 11) - - -### Changes - -- EOPatch2 / GlucomenDay pump driver @jungsomyeonggithub @MilosKozak -- ComboV2 pump driver (no need of Ruffy) @dv1 -- Medtrum Nano driver @jbr7rr -- Korean DanaI support @MilosKozak -- Glunovo CGM support @christinadamianou -- G7 support @MilosKozak @rICTx-T1D @khskekec -- NSClient v3 plugin @MilosKozak -- Tidepool support @MilosKozak -- Smoothing plugin @MilosKozak, @justmara, Exponential smoothing @nichi (Tsunami), Average smoothing @jbr7rr -- DynamicISF plugin @Chris Wilson, @tim2000s -- Garmin watchface & HeartRate support @buessow -- New logo @thiagomsoares -- New watchface @Philoul -- fixed tons of issues from 3.1 version -- allow add notes on more places @Sergey Zorchenko -- UI fixes @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Andries-Smit @yodax @Philoul @dv1 @paravoid -- new SMS commands LOOP LGS/CLOSED @pzadroga -- wear translations @Andries-Smit -- xdrip communication moved to separate module @MilosKozak -- internal changes: updated libs versions, rx3 migration, new modules structure @MilosKozak -- Diaconn driver fixes @miyeongkim -- more database maintenance options @MilosKozak -- AAPSClient provides info if main phone is plugged in electricity @MilosKozak -- Change in BolusWizard. If CGM is not available percentage is ignored (ie 100% is used) -- migration to kts build system @MilosKozak -- improved CI integration @MilosKozak @buessow -- tests cleaup @ryanhaining @MilosKozak -- new 110k+ lines of code, changed 240k lines, 6884 changed files - -(Important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-API-for-Nightscout-with-AAPS)= -### Important comments on using v3 versus v1 API for Nightscout with AAPS - -v1 is the old protocol used for exchanging data between NS web site and NS server. It has many limitations -- v1 sends only 2 days of data -- v1 send all 2 days data on every reconnection -- using websockets is mandatory = permanent connection, more battery compsumption -- during frequent disconnects to NS connection is paused for 15 minutes to prevent high data usage - -v3 is new protocol. More safe and efficient -- while using tokens you can better define access rights -- protocol is more efficient on both sides (AAPS & NS) -- It can read up to 3 months of data from NS -- you can choose to use or to not use websockets on every device (using means faster updates, not using means lower power compsumption, but slower updates ie. minutes) -- NSClient is not paused on disconnections - -LIMITATIONS -- NS 15 must be used with AAPS 3.2 -- v3 doesn't see updates done by v1 protocol (probably it will be resolved in some future version of NS) -- in opposite because of old uneffective method of tracking changes v1 see changes done by v3 -- remember NS still uses v1 internaly so far thus is not possible to enter data through NS web UI if you are using v3. You must use AAPSClient on SMS if you want enter data remotely - -RECOMMENDED SETTING -- because of all above you should choose only one method and use it on all devices (remember all other uploaders at time of writing this are using v1). If you decide to go to v3, select v3 in AAPS and all AAPSClients -- v3 is preffered because of efficiency -- using websockets or not using with v3 depends on your preference -- it HIGHLY recommended to let AAPS gather all data and then upload it to NS as a single uploader. All other devices/applications should only read from NS. By doing it you'll prevent conflicts and sync errors. This is valid for getting BG data to NS using Dexcom Share connector etc. too - -## Version 3.1.0 - -Release date: 19-07-2022 +- 使用 AAPS 版本**2.6.2** +- 從 下載 2.6.2 分支程式碼 + +## WearOS 版本 + +- AAPS 3.2 至少需要 WearOS API Level 28(Android 9)。 + +## 版本獻給 @Philoul + +發布日期:2023-10-23 + +### 重要提示 + +- 需要 NS 15 版本 +- 在使用 NS v3 外掛時,透過 NS UI 輸入的治療(+ 按鈕)和使用 v1 API 的其他應用程式不會發送到 AAPS。 這將在未來的 NS 版本中修復。 在 NS 完全內部切換到 v3 之前,請始終在 AAPS 和 AAPSClient 中使用相同的客戶端(v1 或 v3)。 對於 AAPS 和 AAPSClient 本身也是如此。 +- v3 外掛中的 Websockets 與 v1 外掛的工作方式相似。 停用 websockets 後,AAPS 會定期下載 NS 的資料,這應該會降低電量消耗,因為 NS 不會長時間保持連線。 但另一方面,這意味著資料交換會有延遲。 在使用 AAPS 的 v3 與 v1 API 之前,請先閱讀 [這裡](Important-comments-on-using-v3-versus-v1-API-for-Nightscout-with-AAPS)開發團隊的重要意見! +- 如果您使用 xdrip 作為 CGM 資料來源,則需要在更新後重新選擇它,因為內部已進行了更改。 +- Tidepool 可作為 NS 的替代品,以透過第一個目標。 +- 如果您選擇發送到 xDrip+,則必須配置 xDrip 同步外掛。 為了從 AAPS 接收血糖資料,必須將 “xDrip+ Sync Follower” 選為資料來源。 +- 如果您希望切換到 ComboV2 驅動,必須卸載 Ruffy 並重新與 AAPS 配對幫浦。 +- 要使用 DynISF 外掛,您必須開始目標 11(所有先前目標必須處於完成狀態才能開始第 11 個目標)。 + + +### 變更 + +- EOPatch2 / GlucomenDay 幫浦驅動 @jungsomyeonggithub @MilosKozak +- ComboV2 幫浦驅動(不需要 Ruffy)@dv1 +- Medtrum Nano 驅動 @jbr7rr +- 韓國 DanaI 支援 @MilosKozak +- Glunovo CGM 支援 @christinadamianou +- G7 支援 @MilosKozak @rICTx-T1D @khskekec +- NSClient v3 外掛 @MilosKozak +- Tidepool 支援 @MilosKozak +- 平滑外掛 @MilosKozak, @justmara, 指數平滑 @nichi (Tsunami), 平均平滑 @jbr7rr +- DynamicISF 外掛 @Chris Wilson, @tim2000s +- Garmin 手錶錶面及心率支援 @buessow +- 新標誌 @thiagomsoares +- 新錶面 @Philoul +- 修復了 3.1 版本的許多問題 +- 允許在更多地方添加筆記 @Sergey Zorchenko +- UI 修復 @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Andries-Smit @yodax @Philoul @dv1 @paravoid +- 新的 SMS 指令 LOOP LGS/CLOSED @pzadroga +- WearOS 翻譯 @Andries-Smit +- xDrip 通訊移至獨立模塊 @MilosKozak +- 內部變更:更新的庫版本,rx3 遷移,新模塊結構 @MilosKozak +- Diaconn 驅動修復 @miyeongkim +- 更多資料庫維護選項 @MilosKozak +- AAPSClient 提供主要手機是否已接入電源的訊息 @MilosKozak +- BolusWizard 的更改。 如果 CGM 不可用,則忽略百分比(即使用 100%) +- 遷移到 kts 構建系統 @MilosKozak +- 改進的 CI 集成 @MilosKozak @buessow +- 測試清理 @ryanhaining @MilosKozak +- 新增 110,000 行代碼,修改 240,000 行代碼,修改 6,884 個文件 + +(使用 v3 與 v1 API 進行 Nightscout 和 AAPS 資料交換的重要說明)= +### 使用 v3 與 v1 API 進行 Nightscout 和 AAPS 資料交換的重要說明 + +v1 是用於在 NS 網站和 NS 伺服器之間交換資料的舊協議。 它有許多限制 +- v1 僅發送 2 天的資料 +- 每次重新連線時,v1 都會發送所有 2 天的資料 +- 使用 websockets 是必須的 = 持續連線,更多的電量消耗 +- 在頻繁中斷連線時,NS 連線會暫停 15 分鐘,以防止高資料使用量 + +v3 是新的協議。 更加安全和高效 +- 使用令牌可以更好地定義查看權限 +- 協議在 AAPS 和 NS 兩端都更高效 +- 它可以從 NS 讀取長達 3 個月的資料 +- 您可以選擇是否在每個設備上使用 websockets(使用意味著更快的更新,不使用意味著更低的電量消耗,但更新速度較慢,即數分鐘) +- NSClient 在中斷連線時不會暫停 + +限制 +- NS 15 必須與 AAPS 3.2 一起使用 +- v3 不會看到由 v1 協議完成的更新(可能會在未來的 NS 版本中解決) +- 反過來,因為追蹤變更的方法效率低下,v1 能看到由 v3 完成的變更 +- 請記住,NS 目前仍在內部使用 v1,因此如果您使用 v3,則無法透過 NS 網頁 UI 輸入資料。 如果您想遠端輸入資料,必須使用 AAPSClient 的 SMS 功能 + +推薦設置 +- 基於以上所有原因,您應選擇一種方法並在所有設備上使用它(記住,撰寫本文時,所有其他上傳器都在使用 v1)。 如果您決定使用 v3,請在 AAPS 和所有 AAPSClients 中選擇 v3 +- v3 更具效率,因此是首選 +- 使用或不使用 v3 中的 websockets 取決於您的偏好 +- 強烈建議讓 AAPS 收集所有資料,然後將其作為單一上傳器上傳到 NS。 所有其他設備/應用程式應僅從 NS 讀取資料。 這樣可以防止衝突和同步錯誤。 這對於使用 Dexcom Share 連線器等將血糖資料上傳到 NS 也適用。 + +## 版本 3.1.0 + +發布日期:2022-07-19 (Releasenotes-important-hints-3-1-0)= -### Important hints +### 重要提示 -- after update uninstall Wear app and install new version -- Omnipod users: update on pod change !!! +- 更新後,請卸載 Wear 應用並安裝新版本 +- Omnipod 使用者:在更換 Pod 時更新!!! -### Changes +### 變更 -- fixed issues from 3.0 version -- fix application freezing @MilosKozak -- fixed DASH driver @avereha -- fixed Dana drivers @MilosKozak -- huge UI improvement, cleanup and unification, migration to material design, styles, white theme, new icons. @Andries-Smit @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Philoul -- widget @MilosKozak -- Aidex CGM support @andyrozman @markvader (Pumpcontrol only) -- Watch `Wear OS tiles <../Configuration/Configuration/Watchfaces.mdl#wear-os-tiles>`, translations @Andries-Smit -- Wear code refactored. Not backward compatible anymore @MilosKozak -- a11y improvements @Andries-Smit -- new protection option PIN @Andries-Smit -- allow graph scale from menu @MilosKozak -- more statistics available @MilosKozak -- MDI plugin removed in favor of VirtualPump -- new automation action: StopProcessing (following rules) +- 修復了 3.0 版本中的問題 +- 修復應用程式凍結問題 @MilosKozak +- 修復 DASH 驅動 @avereha +- 修復 Dana 驅動 @MilosKozak +- 巨大的 UI 改進、清理和統一,遷移到 Material Design、樣式、白色主題、新圖示。 @Andries-Smit @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Philoul +- 小工具 @MilosKozak +- Aidex CGM 支援 @andyrozman @markvader(僅 Pumpcontrol) +- Watch `Wear OS 磚塊 <../Configuration/Configuration/Watchfaces.mdl#wear-os-tiles>`,翻譯 @Andries-Smit +- Wear 代碼重構。 不再向後相容 @MilosKozak +- a11y 改進 @Andries-Smit +- 新保護選項 PIN @Andries-Smit +- 允許從選單調整圖表比例 @MilosKozak +- 更多統計資料可用 @MilosKozak +- MDI 外掛已被 VirtualPump 取代 +- 新的自動化操作:StopProcessing(遵循規則) -## Version 3.0.0 +## 版本 3.0.0 -Release date: 31-01-2022 +發布日期:2022-01-31 (Releasenotes-important-hints-3-0-0)= -### Important hints +### 重要提示 -- **Minimum Android version is 9.0 now.** -- **Data is not migrated to new database.** Do not complain, it's so huge change so it's simply not possible. Thus after update IOB, COB, treatments etc. will be cleared. You have to create new [profile switch](../Usage/ and start with zero IOB and COB. Plan the update carefully!!! Best in situation without active insulin and carbs -- Use the same version of AAPS and NSClient +- **最低 Android 版本現在為 9.0。** +- **資料未遷移到新資料庫。** 請勿抱怨,這是非常大的變更,因此無法遷移。 因此,更新後 IOB、COB、治療等資料將被清除。 您必須建立新的 [設定檔切換](../Usage/,並從零開始 IOB 和 COB。 請謹慎規劃更新!!! 最好在無活動胰島素和碳水化合物的情況下進行更新。 +- 請使用相同版本的 AAPS 和 NSClient -**Make sure to check and adjust settings after updating to 3.0 as described** [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +**請確保在更新到 3.0 後根據描述檢查並調整設置** [此處](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -### Preparation steps +### 準備步驟 -**At least two days before update:** +**更新前至少兩天:** -- disable Dexcom bridge in Nightscout -- if you are using G5/G6 and xDrip as a collector, you have to update xDrip to a nightly version newer than 14th January 2022 -- if you are using G5/G6 switching to BYODA as collector is recommended to take advantage of back-smoothing (you can still use xDrip for other purposes, xDrip can receive data from BYODA) +- 在 Nightscout 中停用 Dexcom 橋 +- 如果您使用 G5/G6 並使用 xDrip 作為收集器,您必須將 xDrip 更新至 2022 年 1 月 14 日之後的夜間版本 +- 如果您使用 G5/G6,建議切換到 BYODA 作為收集器,以利用回溯平滑功能(您仍然可以將 xDrip 用於其他目的,xDrip 可以從 BYODA 接收資料) -### Changes +### 變更 -- 100k lines changed, 105k new lines of code +- 更改了 100k 行代碼,新增了 105k 行代碼 -- [Omnipod DASH support](../Configuration/ @AdrianLxM @avereha @bartsopers @vanelsberg +- [Omnipod DASH 支援](../Configuration/ @AdrianLxM @avereha @bartsopers @vanelsberg -- [Dana-i support](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak +- [Dana-i 支援](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak -- [DiaconnG8 support](../Configuration/ +- [DiaconnG8 支援](../Configuration/ -- Glunovo support +- Glunovo 支援 -- Internal database upgraded to Room @MilosKozak @Tebbe @AdrianLxm @Philoul @andyrozman +- 內部資料庫升級到 Room @MilosKozak @Tebbe @AdrianLxm @Philoul @andyrozman -- Lot of code rewritten to Kotlin @MilosKozak +- 大量代碼重寫為 Kotlin @MilosKozak -- New internal interface for pump drivers +- 為幫浦驅動新增內部介面 -- NSClient rewritten for better synchronization and more detailed customization @MilosKozak +- NSClient 重寫以獲得更好的同步和更詳細的自訂功能 @MilosKozak - - Record deletion from NS is not allowed (only invalidation through NSClient) - - Record modification from NS is not allowed - - Sync setting available without engineering mode (for parents) - - Ability to resync data + - 不允許從 NS 刪除記錄(僅能透過 NSClient 使其無效) + - 不允許從 NS 修改記錄 + - 無需工程模式即可使用同步設置(適用於父母) + - 可以重新同步資料 -- Profile switch behavior change. Now is distinguished between Profile Switch *(something that user wants)* and Profile change *(when change is executed by pump)* @MilosKozak @Tebbe +- 設定檔切換行為變更。 現在區分設定檔切換 *(使用者想要的變更)* 和設定檔變更 *(當幫浦執行變更時)* @MilosKozak @Tebbe -- You can start activity temporary target during creation of profile switch @MilosKozak +- 您可以在建立設定檔切換時啟動臨時目標 @MilosKozak -- NSProfile is gone, just local profile can be used. Local profile can be [synced to NS](update3_0-nightscout-profile-cannot-be-pushed). @MilosKozak. +- NS 設定檔已消失,僅可使用本地設定檔。 本地設定檔可以 [同步到 NS](update3_0-nightscout-profile-cannot-be-pushed)。 @MilosKozak。 -- Forgotten [master password reset procedure](update3_0-reset-master-password) @MilosKozak +- 忘記了 [重置主密碼程序](update3_0-reset-master-password) @MilosKozak -- User actions tracing @Philoul +- 使用者操作追蹤 @Philoul -- New automation TempTargetValue trigger @Philoul +- 新自動化 TempTargetValue 觸發器 @Philoul -- New automation Careportal action @Philoul +- 新自動化 Careportal 動作 @Philoul -- Add Bolus reminder in Carbs Dialog @Philoul +- 在碳水化合物對話框中添加注射提醒 @Philoul -- Bolus Wizard improvement +- 注射精靈改進 -- UI improvements @MilosKozak +- UI 改進 @MilosKozak -- New user buttons for automations @MilosKozak +- 新的使用者按鈕自動化 @MilosKozak -- New automation layout @MilosKozak +- 新的自動化佈局 @MilosKozak -- History browser updated and fixed @MilosKozak +- 歷史瀏覽器已更新並修復 @MilosKozak -- Objective9 removed @MilosKozak +- 已移除目標 9 @MilosKozak -- Fixed bug associated to unstable CGM data @MilosKozak +- 修復了與不穩定 CGM 資料相關的錯誤 @MilosKozak -- DanaR and DanaRS communication improvement @MilosKozak +- DanaR 和 DanaRS 通訊改進 @MilosKozak -- CircleCI integration @MilosKozak +- CircleCI 集成 @MilosKozak -- Files location change: +- 文件位置變更: - - /AAPS/extra (engineering mode) + - /AAPS/extra(工程模式) - /AAPS/logs /AAPS/exports - /AAPS/preferences -## Version 2.8.2 +## 版本 2.8.2 -Release date: 23-01-2021 +發布日期:2021-01-23 -- Please see also [important hints for version](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1) below. +- 請參閱下面的 [ 版本的重要提示](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1)。 -### Changes +### 變更 -- stability improvements -- more tweaking for Android 8+ -- improved icons -- watch improvements -- NSClient fixes -- Bolus advisor now works with Pumpcontrol and NSClient +- 穩定性改進 +- 更多針對 Android 8+ 的調整 +- 改進的圖示 +- 手錶改進 +- NSClient 修復 +- 注射建議器現在與 Pumpcontrol 和 NSClient 一起工作 -## Version +## 版本 -Release date: 12-01-2021 +發布日期:2021-01-12 -(important-hints-2-8-1-1) -### Important hints +(重要提示 +### 重要提示 -- Option **NS_UPLOAD_ONLY** has been forced ON for all 2.8.1 users. -- If you use NSClient to enter TT, carbs or profile switches you must turn it off in AAPS but **only in case your synchronization is working well** (ie. you don't see unwanted data changes like self modification of TT, TBR etc). -- ATTENTION: DO NOT do this if you have any other app handle treatments ( like xDrip broadcast/upload/sync...). -- NS_UPLOAD_ONLY can only be turned off if engineering mode is enabled. +- 已為所有 2.8.1 使用者強制開啟選項 **NS_UPLOAD_ONLY**。 +- 如果您使用 NSClient 輸入 TT、碳水化合物或設定檔切換,您必須在 AAPS 中將其關閉,但 **僅在您的同步運作良好時**(例如,您沒有看到不需要的資料變更,如 TT、TBR 的自我修改等)。 +- 注意:如果您有其他應用程式處理治療(例如 xDrip 廣播/上傳/同步...),請勿這樣做。 +- 只能在啟用工程模式時關閉 NS_UPLOAD_ONLY。 -### Major changes +### 重大變更 -- RileyLink, Omnipod and MDT pump improvements and fixes -- forced NS_UPLOAD_ONLY -- fix for SMB & Dexcom app -- watchface fixes -- crash reporting improved -- gradle reverted to allow direct watchface instalation -- automation fixes -- RS driver improvement -- various crashes fixed -- UI fixes and improvements -- new translations +- RileyLink、Omnipod 和 MDT 幫浦改進和修復 +- 強制 NS_UPLOAD_ONLY +- SMB 和 Dexcom 應用的修復 +- 手錶錶面修復 +- 崩潰報告改進 +- Gradle 回退以允許直接安裝手錶錶面 +- 自動化修復 +- RS 驅動改進 +- 修復了各種崩潰 +- UI 修復和改進 +- 新增翻譯 (Releasenotes-version-2-8-0)= -## Version 2.8.0 - -Release date: 01-01-2021 - -### Important hints - -- **Minimum Android version is 8.0 now.** For older Android versions you can still use from old repo. -- [Objectives have changed.](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) **Finish not completed objectives before update.** -- Repository location still on . If you are not familiar with git the easiest way for update is remove directory with AAPS and do a [new clone](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -- Please use [Android Studio 4.1.1]( or newer to build the apk. - -### Major new features - -- [Omnipod Eros support](../Configuration/ @bartsopers @andyrozman @ktomy @samspycher @TeleRiddler @vanelsberg @eurenda and special thanks to @ps2 @itsmojo, everybody else involved in the Loop driver for Omnipod and @jlucasvt from -- [bolus advisor](Preferences-bolus-advisor) & [eating reminder](Screenshots-eating-reminder) @MilosKozak -- [New watchface](Watchfaces-new-watchface-as-of-AAPS-2-8) @rICTx-T1D -- Dana RS connection improvements @MilosKozak -- Removed "Unchanged CGM values" behavior in SMB for Dexcom native app -- New [Low Ressolution Skin](Preferences-skin) -- New ["Pregnant" patient type](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) @Brian Quinion -- New NSClient tablet layout @MilosKozak -- NSClient transfer insulin, senstivity and display settings directly from main AAPS @MilosKozak -- [Preferences filter](../Configuration/ @Brian Quinion -- New pump icons @Rig22 @@teleriddler @osodebailar -- New [insulin type Lyumjev](Config-Builder-lyumjev) -- SetupWizard improvements @MilosKozak -- Security improvements @dlvoy -- Various improvements and fixes @AdrianLxM @Philoul @swissalpine @MilosKozak @Brian Quinion +## 版本 2.8.0 + +發布日期:2021-01-01 + +### 重要提示 + +- **最低 Android 版本現在為 8.0。** 對於較舊的 Android 版本,您仍然可以使用舊倉庫中的 版本。 +- [目標已更改。](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) **請在更新前完成未完成的目標。** +- 儲存庫位置仍在 。 如果您不熟悉 git,最簡單的更新方式是刪除 AAPS 目錄並進行 [新複製](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 +- 請使用 [Android Studio 4.1.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 + +### 主要新功能 + +- [Omnipod Eros 支援](../Configuration/ @bartsopers @andyrozman @ktomy @samspycher @TeleRiddler @vanelsberg @eurenda,特別感謝 @ps2 @itsmojo 以及所有參與 Omnipod Loop 驅動程序的人,還有 @jlucasvt 來自 +- [注射建議器](Preferences-bolus-advisor) 和 [用餐提醒](Screenshots-eating-reminder) @MilosKozak +- [新手錶錶面](Watchfaces-new-watchface-as-of-AAPS-2-8) @rICTx-T1D +- Dana RS 連線改進 @MilosKozak +- 移除了 Dexcom 原生應用中 SMB 的「未變更 CGM 值」行為 +- 新 [低解析度外觀](Preferences-skin) +- 新 [「孕婦」病患類型](Open-APS-features-overview-of-hard-coded-limits) @Brian Quinion +- 新的 NSClient 平板佈局 @MilosKozak +- NSClient 直接從主 AAPS 傳輸胰島素、敏感度和顯示設置 @MilosKozak +- [偏好設定篩選器](../Configuration/ @Brian Quinion +- 新幫浦圖示 @Rig22 @teleriddler @osodebailar +- 新 [Lyumjev 胰島素類型](Config-Builder-lyumjev) +- 設定嚮導改進 @MilosKozak +- 安全性改進 @dlvoy +- 各種改進和修復 @AdrianLxM @Philoul @swissalpine @MilosKozak @Brian Quinion (Releasenotes-version-2-7-0)= -## Version 2.7.0 - -Release date: 24-09-2020 - -**Make sure to check and adjust settings after updating to 2.7 as described** [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ - -You need at least start [objective 11 (in later versions objective 10!)](Objectives-objective-10-automation) in order to continue using [Automation feature](../Usage/ (all previous objectives must be completed otherwise starting Objective 11 is not possible). If for example you did not finish the exam in [objective 3](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) yet, you will have to complete the exam before you can start [objective 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation). This will not effect other objectives you have already finished. You will keep all finished objectives! - -### Major new features - -- internal use of dependency injection, updates libraries, code rewritten to kotlin @MilosKozak @AdrianLxM -- using modules for Dana pumps @MilosKozak -- [new layout, layout selection](../Getting-Started/ @MilosKozak -- new [status lights layout](Preferences-status-lights) @MilosKozak -- [multiple graphs support](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) @MilosKozak -- [Profile helper](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak -- visualization of [dynamic target adjustment](Screenshots-visualization-of-dynamic-target-adjustment) @Tornado-Tim -- new [preferences layout](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak -- SMB algorithm update @Tornado-Tim -- [Low glucose suspend mode](Preferences-aps-mode) @Tornado-Tim -- [carbs required notifications](Preferences-carb-required-notification) @twain47 @Tornado-Tim -- removed Careportal (moved to Actions) @MilosKozak -- [new encrypted backup format](../Usage/ @dlvoy -- [new SMS TOTP authentication](../Children/ @dlvoy -- [new SMS PUMP CONNECT, DISCONNECT](SMS-Commands-commands) commands @Lexsus -- better support for tiny basals on Dana pumps @Mackwe -- small Insight fixes @TebbeUbben @MilosKozak -- ["Default language" option](Preferences-general) @MilosKozak -- vector icons @Philoul -- [set neutral temps for MDT pump](MedtronicPump-configuration-of-the-pump) @Tornado-Tim -- History browser improvements @MilosKozak -- removed OpenAPS MA algorithm @Tornado-Tim -- removed Oref0 sensitivity @Tornado-Tim -- [Biometric or password protection](Preferences-protection) for settings, bolus @MilosKozak -- [new automation trigger](../Usage/ @PoweRGbg -- [Open Humans uploader](../Configuration/ @TebbeUbben @AdrianLxM -- New documentation @Achim +## 版本 2.7.0 + +發布日期:2020-09-24 + +**請確保在更新至 2.7 後檢查並調整設置,如 [此處](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 所述。** + +您至少需要開始 [目標 11(在後續版本中為目標 10)](Objectives-objective-10-automation) 才能繼續使用 [自動化功能](../Usage/所有之前的目標必須完成,否則無法開始目標 11)。 例如,如果您尚未完成 [目標 3](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) 的測驗,則必須完成測驗後才能開始 [目標 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation)。 這不會影響您已完成的其他目標。 您將保留所有已完成的目標! + +### 主要新功能 + +- 內部使用依賴注入,更新庫,代碼重寫為 Kotlin @MilosKozak @AdrianLxM +- 使用模組用於 Dana 幫浦 @MilosKozak +- [新佈局,佈局選擇](../Getting-Started/ @MilosKozak +- 新 [狀態燈佈局](Preferences-status-lights) @MilosKozak +- [多圖表支援](Screenshots-section-f-main-graph) @MilosKozak +- [設定檔助手](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak +- 可視化 [動態目標調整](Screenshots-visualization-of-dynamic-target-adjustment) @Tornado-Tim +- 新 [偏好設定佈局](../Configuration/ @MilosKozak +- SMB 算法更新 @Tornado-Tim +- [低血糖暫停模式](Preferences-aps-mode) @Tornado-Tim +- [需要碳水化合物的通知](Preferences-carb-required-notification) @twain47 @Tornado-Tim +- 移除了 Careportal(移至操作) @MilosKozak +- [新的加密備份格式](../Usage/ @dlvoy +- [新 SMS TOTP 認證](../Children/ @dlvoy +- [新 SMS 幫浦連線、斷線指令](SMS-Commands-commands) @Lexsus +- 更好地支援 Dana 幫浦上的小基礎率 @Mackwe +- 小型 Insight 修復 @TebbeUbben @MilosKozak +- [「預設語言」選項](Preferences-general) @MilosKozak +- 矢量圖示 @Philoul +- [為 MDT 幫浦設置中性暫停](MedtronicPump-configuration-of-the-pump) @Tornado-Tim +- 歷史瀏覽器改進 @MilosKozak +- 移除了 OpenAPS MA 算法 @Tornado-Tim +- 移除了 Oref0 敏感度 @Tornado-Tim +- [為設置、注射啟用生物識別或密碼保護](Preferences-protection) @MilosKozak +- [新的自動化觸發器](../Usage/ @PoweRGbg +- [Open Humans 上傳器](../Configuration/ @TebbeUbben @AdrianLxM +- 新文檔 @Achim (Releasenotes-version-2-6-1-4)= -## Version +## 版本 -Release date: 04-05-2020 +發布日期:2020-05-04 -Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. +請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Insight: Disable vibration on bolus for firmware version 3 - second attempt -- Otherwise is equal to Update is optional. +- Insight:停用針對韌體版本 3 的注射震動 - 第二次嘗試 +- 除此之外,與 相同。 更新是可選的。 -## Version +## 版本 -Release date: 03-05-2020 +發布日期:2020-05-03 -Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. +請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Insight: Disable vibration on bolus for firmware version 3 -- Otherwise is equal to Update is optional. +- Insight:停用針對韌體版本 3 的注射震動 +- 除此之外,與 相同。 更新是可選的。 -## Version +## 版本 -Release date: 19-04-2020 +發布日期:2020-04-19 -Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. +請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Fix crashing in Insight service -- Otherwise is equal to If you are not affected by this bug you don't need to upgrade. +- 修復 Insight 服務崩潰 +- 除此之外,與 相同。 如果您未受到此錯誤的影響,則不需要升級。 -## Version +## 版本 -Release date: 06-04-2020 +發布日期:2020-04-06 -Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. +請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Resolves SMS CARBS command issue while using Combo pump -- Otherwise is equal to 2.6.1. If you are not affected by this bug you don't need to upgrade. +- 解決了使用 Combo 幫浦時 SMS CARBS 指令的問題 +- 除此之外,與 2.6.1 相同。 如果您未受到此錯誤的影響,則不需要升級。 -## Version 2.6.1 +## 版本 2.6.1 -Release date: 21-03-2020 +發布日期:2020-03-21 -Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. +請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Allow to enter only `https://` in NSClient settings -- Fixed [BGI](../Getting-Started/ displaying bug on watches -- Fixed small UI bugs -- Fixed Insight crashes -- Fixed future carbs with Combo pump -- Fixed [LocalProfile -> NS sync](Config-Builder-upload-local-profiles-to-nightscout) -- Insight alerts improvements -- Improved detection of boluses from pump history -- Fixed NSClient connection settings (wifi, charging) -- Fixed sending of calibrations to xDrip +- 允許在 NSClient 設置中僅輸入 `https://` +- 修復 [血糖影響](../Getting-Started/ 在手錶上的顯示錯誤 +- 修復小型 UI 錯誤 +- 修復 Insight 崩潰 +- 修復 Combo 幫浦的未來碳水化合物問題 +- 修復 [本地設定檔 -> NS 同步](Config-Builder-upload-local-profiles-to-nightscout) +- Insight 警報改進 +- 改進了從幫浦歷史中檢測注射的功能 +- 修復 NSClient 連線設置(Wi-Fi、充電) +- 修復向 xDrip 發送校準的問題 (Releasenotes-version-2-6-0)= -## Version 2.6.0 +## 版本 2.6.0 -Release date: 29-02-2020 +發布日期:2020-02-29 -Please use [Android Studio 3.6.1]( or newer to build the apk. +請使用 [Android Studio 3.6.1]( 或更新版本來構建 apk。 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Small design changes (startpage...) +- 小設計更改(首頁...) -- Careportal tab / menu removed - more details [here](../Usage/ +- 移除了 Careportal 標籤/選單 - 更多細節請見 [這裡](../Usage/ -- New [Local Profile plugin](Config-Builder-local-profile) +- 新的[本地設定檔外掛](Config-Builder-local-profile) - - Local profile can hold more than 1 profile - - Profiles can be cloned and edited - - Ability of upload profiles to NS - - Old profile switches can be cloned to new profile in LocalProfile (timeshift and percentage is applied) - - Veritical NumberPicker for targets + - 本地設定檔可以包含多個配置 + - 設定檔可以被複製和編輯 + - 能夠將設定檔上傳到 NS + - 舊的設定檔切換可以複製到新的本地設定檔中(應用時間移動和百分比) + - 目標的垂直號碼選擇器 -- SimpleProfile is removed +- 移除了 SimpleProfile -- [Extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only) feature - closed loop will be disabled +- [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only)功能 - 閉環將被停用 -- MDT plugin: Fixed bug with duplicated entries +- MDT 外掛:修復了重複條目錯誤 -- Units are not specified in profile but it's global setting +- 單位不再在設定檔中指定,而是全域設置 -- Added new settings to startup wizard +- 將新設置添加到啟動嚮導中 -- Different UI and internal improvements +- 不同的 UI 和內部改進 -- [Wear complications](../Configuration/ +- [Wear OS 複雜功能](../Configuration/ -- New [SMS commands](../Children/ BOLUS-MEAL, SMS, CARBS, TARGET, HELP +- 新的 [SMS 指令](../Children/ BOLUS-MEAL、SMS、CARBS、TARGET、HELP -- Fixed language support +- 修復語言支援 -- Objectives: [Allow to go back](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives), Time fetching dialog +- 目標:[允許返回](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives),時間抓取對話框 -- Automation: [allow sorting](Automation-sort-automation-rules) +- 自動化:[允許排序](Automation-sort-automation-rules) -- Automation: fixed bug when automation was running with disabled loop +- 自動化:修復了在停用循環時自動化仍在運作的錯誤 -- New status line for Combo +- Combo 新狀態行 -- GlucoseStatus improvement +- GlucoseStatus 改進 -- Fixed TempTarget NS sync +- 修復 TempTarget 的 NS 同步問題 -- New statistics activity +- 新增統計活動 -- Allow Extended bolus in open loop mode +- 允許在開環模式中進行延長注射 -- Android 10 alarm support +- 支援 Android 10 鬧鐘 -- Tons on new translations +- 大量新翻譯 -## Version 2.5.1 +## 版本 2.5.1 -Release date: 31-10-2019 +發布日期:2019-10-31 -Please note the [important notes](Releasenotes-important-notes-2-5-0) and [limitations](Releasenotes-is-this-update-for-me-currently-is-not-supported) listed for [version 2.5.0](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0). \* Fixed a bug in the network state receiver that lead to crashes with many (not critical but would waste a lot of energy re-calculating things). \* New versioning that will allow to do minor updates without triggering the update-notification. +請注意 [重要說明](Releasenotes-important-notes-2-5-0) 和 [限制](Releasenotes-is-this-update-for-me-currently-is-not-supported),適用於[版本 2.5.0](Releasenotes-version-2-5-0)。 修復了網絡狀態接收器中的錯誤,該錯誤會導致許多崩潰(雖然不會很嚴重,但會浪費很多能量來重新計算)。 新版本控制,允許進行小更新而不會觸發更新通知。 (Releasenotes-version-2-5-0)= -## Version 2.5.0 +## 版本 2.5.0 -Release date: 26-10-2019 +發布日期:2019-10-26 (Releasenotes-important-notes-2-5-0)= -### Important notes +### 重要提示 -- Please use [Android Studio Version 3.5.1]( or newer to [build the apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ or [update](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.html). -- If you are using xDrip [identify receiver](xdrip-identify-receiver) must be set. -- If you are using Dexcom G6 with the patched Dexcom app you will need the version from the [2.4 folder]( -- Glimp is supported from version 4.15.57 and newer. +- 請使用 [Android Studio 3.5.1]( 或更新版本來 [構建 apk](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 或 [更新](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.html)。 +- 如果您使用 xDrip,必須設置[識別接收器](xdrip-identify-receiver)。 +- 如果您使用帶有修補版的 Dexcom G6 應用,您將需要 [2.4 資料夾](中的版本。 +- Glimp 支援版本 4.15.57 及更新版本。 (Releasenotes-is-this-update-for-me-currently-is-not-supported)= -### Is this update for me? Currently is NOT supported +### 這次更新適合我嗎? 目前不支援 -- Android 5 and lower +- Android 5 及更低版本 - Poctech - 600SeriesUploader -- Patched Dexcom from 2.3 directory +- 從 2.3 目錄中修補版的 Dexcom -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Internal change of targetSDK to 28 (Android 9), jetpack support -- RxJava2, Okhttp3, Retrofit support -- Old [Medtronic pumps](../Configuration/ support (RileyLink need) -- New [Automation plugin](../Usage/ -- Allow to [bolus only part](Preferences-advanced-settings-overview) from bolus wizard calculation -- Rendering insulin activity -- Adjusting IOB predictions by autosens result -- New support for patched Dexcom apks ([2.4 folder]( -- Signature verifier -- Allow to bypass objectives for OpenAPS users -- New [objectives](../Usage/ - exam, application handling (If you started at least objective "Starting on an open loop" in previous versions exam is optional.) -- Fixed bug in Dana\* drivers where false time difference was reported -- Fixed bug in [SMS communicator](../Children/ +- targetSDK 內部更改為 28(Android 9),支援 Jetpack +- 支援 RxJava2、Okhttp3、Retrofit +- 舊 [Medtronic 幫浦](../Configuration/支援(需要 RileyLink) +- 新 [自動化外掛](../Usage/ +- 允許從注射建議器計算中 [只注射部分](Preferences-advanced-settings-overview)劑量 +- 呈現胰島素活動 +- 根據 Autosens 結果調整 IOB 預測 +- 新的修補版 Dexcom apks 支援([2.4 資料夾]( +- 簽章驗證器 +- 允許 OpenAPS 使用者繞過目標 +- 新的 [目標](../Usage/ - 測驗、應用處理 (如果您在早期版本中至少開始了「開放循環」目標,測驗是可選的。) +- 修復了 Dana\* 驅動中的錯誤,該錯誤會報告錯誤的時間差 +- 修復了 [SMS 通訊器](../Children/中的錯誤 -## Version 2.3 +## 版本 2.3 -Release date: 25-04-2019 +發布日期:2019-04-25 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Important safety fix for Insight (really important if you use Insight!) -- Fix History-Browser -- Fix delta calculations -- Language updates -- Check for GIT and warn on gradle upgrade -- More automatic testing -- Fixing potential crash in AlarmSound Service (thanks @lee-b !) -- Fix broadcast of BG data (works independently of SMS permission now!) -- New Version-Checker +- Insight 的重要安全修復(如果您使用 Insight,這真的很重要!) +- 修復歷史瀏覽器 +- 修復 delta 計算 +- 語言更新 +- 檢查 GIT 並在 Gradle 升級時發出警告 +- 更多自動測試 +- 修復 AlarmSound 服務中的潛在崩潰問題(感謝 @lee-b!) +- 修復血糖資料廣播(現在獨立於 SMS 權限運作!) +- 新增版本檢查器 -## Version 2.2.2 +## 版本 2.2.2 -Release date: 07-04-2019 +發布日期:2019-04-07 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- Autosens fix: deactivate TT raises/lowers target -- New translations -- Insight driver fixes -- SMS plugin fix +- Autosens 修復:停用 TT 時提升/降低目標 +- 新增翻譯 +- Insight 驅動修復 +- SMS 外掛修復 -## Version 2.2 +## 版本 2.2 -Release date: 29-03-2019 +發布日期:2019-03-29 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- [DST fix](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) -- Wear Update -- [SMS plugin](../Children/ update -- Go back in objectives. -- Stop loop if phone disk is full +- [DST 修復](Timezone-traveling-time-adjustment-daylight-savings-time-dst) +- Wear 更新 +- [SMS 外掛](../Children/更新 +- 目標中返回。 +- 如果手機磁碟已滿則停止循環 -## Version 2.1 +## 版本 2.1 -Release date: 03-03-2019 +發布日期:2019-03-03 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ support (by Tebbe Ubben and JamOrHam) -- Status lights on main screen (Nico Schmitz) -- Daylight saving time helper (Roumen Georgiev) -- Fix processing profile names comming from NS (Johannes Mockenhaupt) -- Fix UI blocking (Johannes Mockenhaupt) -- Support for updated G5 app (Tebbe Ubben and Milos Kozak) -- G6, Poctech, Tomato, Eversense BG source support (Tebbe Ubben and Milos Kozak) -- Fixed disabling SMB from preferences (Johannes Mockenhaupt) +- [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ 支援(由 Tebbe Ubben 和 JamOrHam) +- 主螢幕上的狀態燈(Nico Schmitz) +- 夏令時幫助器(Roumen Georgiev) +- 修復來自 NS 的個人設定名稱處理問題(Johannes Mockenhaupt) +- 修復 UI 阻塞(Johannes Mockenhaupt) +- 支援更新的 G5 應用(Tebbe Ubben 和 Milos Kozak) +- G6、Poctech、Tomato、Eversense血糖資料來源支援(Tebbe Ubben 和 Milos Kozak) +- 修復偏好設置中停用 SMB 的問題(Johannes Mockenhaupt) -### Misc +### 其他事項 -- If you are using non default `smbmaxminutes` value you have to setup this value again +- 如果您使用非預設的 `smbmaxminutes` 值,則必須再次設置此值 -## Version 2.0 +## 版本 2.0 -Release date: 03-11-2018 +發布日期:2018-11-03 -### Major new features +### 主要新功能 -- oref1/SMB support ([oref1 documentation]( Be sure to read the documentation to know what to expect of SMB, how it will behave, what it can achieve and how to use it so it can operate smoothly. -- [\_Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ pump support -- Setup wizard: guides you through the process of setting up AAPS +- oref1/SMB 支援([oref1 文件](務必閱讀文件,以了解對 SMB 的預期,了解其行為方式、可以實現的功能以及如何使用,以便平穩運作。 +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ 幫浦支援 +- 設定嚮導:引導您完成 AAPS 的設定過程 (Releasenotes-settings-to-adjust-when-switching-from-ama-to-smb)= -### Settings to adjust when switching from AMA to SMB +### 切換從 AMA 到 SMB 時需要調整的設置 -- Objective 10 must be started for SMBs to be enabled (SMB tab generally shows what restrictions apply) +- 必須啟動目標 10 才能啟用 SMB(SMB 標籤通常顯示適用的限制) -- maxIOB now includes \_all\_ IOB, not just added basal. That is, if given a bolus of 8 U for a meal and maxIOB is 7 U, no SMBs will be delivered until IOB drops below 7 U. +- maxIOB 現在包括所有的 IOB,而不僅僅是增加的基礎率。 也就是說,如果為一頓飯注射了 8 U 胰島素,而 maxIOB 是 7 U,那麼在 IOB 下降到 7 U 以下之前,不會再有 SMB 被執行。 -- min_5m_carbimpact default has changed from 3 to 8 going from AMA to SMB. If you are upgrading from AMA to SMB, you have to change it manually +- min_5m_carbimpact 的預設值從 AMA 的 3 改為 8。 如果您是從 AMA 升級到 SMB,則需要手動更改此設置。 -- Note when building AAPS 2.0 apk: Configuration on demand is not supported by the current version of the Android Gradle plugin! If your build fails with an error regarding "on demand configuration" you can do the following: +- 構建 AAPS 2.0 apk 時注意事項:目前版本的 Android Gradle 外掛不支援按需配置! 如果您的構建因「按需配置」的錯誤而失敗,您可以進行以下操作: - - Open the Preferences window by clicking File > Settings (on Mac, Android Studio > Preferences). - - In the left pane, click Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler. - - Uncheck the Configure on demand checkbox. - - Click Apply or OK. + - 透過點擊「文件」>「設置」(在 Mac 上是「Android Studio」>「偏好設定」)打開偏好設定窗口。 + - 在左側窗格中,點擊「構建、執行、部署」>「編譯器」。 + - 取消選中「按需配置」復選框。 + - 點擊「應用」或「確定」。 (Releasenotes-overview-tab)= -### Overview tab +### 概述標籤 -- Top ribbon gives access to suspend/disable loop, view/adjust profile and to start/stop temporary targets (TTs). TTs use defaults set in preferences. The new Hypo TT option is a high temp TT to prevent the loop from too aggressively overcorrection rescue carbs. -- Treatment buttons: old treatment button still available, but hidden by default. Visibility of buttons can now be configured. New insulin button, new carbs button (including [eCarbs/extended carbs](../Usage/ -- [Colored prediction lines](../Getting-Started/Screenshots-prediction-lines) -- Option to show a notes field in insulin/carbs/calculator/prime+fill dialogs, which are uploaded to NS -- Updated prime/fill dialog allows priming and creating careportal entries for site change and cartridge change +- 頂部功能區可用於暫停/停用循環、查看/調整個人設定,並開始/停止臨時目標(TT)。 TT 使用偏好設置中設置的預設值。 新的 Hypo TT 選項是一個高溫 TT,用於防止循環過度積極地糾正急救碳水化合物。 +- 治療按鈕:舊的治療按鈕仍可用,但預設情況下被隱藏。 按鈕的可見性現在可以配置。 新的胰島素按鈕、新的碳水化合物按鈕(包括 [eCarbs/延長碳水化合物](../Usage/ +- [彩色預測線](../Getting-Started/Screenshots-prediction-lines) +- 選項可在胰島素/碳水化合物/計算機/注射+填充對話框中顯示筆記字段,這些字段會上傳到 NS +- 更新的注射/填充對話框允許進行注射,並建立護理入口條目以記錄站點更換和藥筒更換 -### Watch +### 手錶 -- Separate build variant dropped, included in regular full build now. To use bolus controls from watch, enable this setting on the phone -- Wizard now only asks for carbs (and percentage if enabled in watch settings). Which parameters are included in the calculation can be configured in the settings on the phone -- confirmations and info dialogs now work on wear 2.0 as well -- Added eCarbs menu entry +- 單獨的構建變體已被移除,現在包含在常規完整構建中。 要從手錶使用注射控制,請在手機上啟用此設置 +- 嚮導現在只詢問碳水化合物(以及手錶設置中啟用的百分比)。 可以在手機設置中配置計算中包含的參數 +- 確認和訊息對話框現在也適用於 Wear 2.0 +- 新增 eCarbs 選單項目 -### New plugins +### 新外掛 -- PocTech app as BG source -- Dexcom patched app as BG source -- oref1 sensitivity plugin +- PocTech 應用作為血糖資料來源 +- Dexcom 修補版應用作為血糖資料來源 +- oref1 敏感性外掛 -### Misc +### 其他事項 -- App now uses drawer to show all plugins; plugins selected as visible in config builder are shown as tabs on top (favourites) -- Overhaul for config builder and objectives tabs, adding descriptions -- New app icon -- Lots of improvements and bugfixes -- Nightscout-independent alerts if pump is unreachable for a longer time (e.g. depleted pump battery) and missed BG readings (see *Local alerts* in settings) -- Option to keep screen on -- Option to show notification as Android notification -- Advanced filtering (allowing to always enable SMB and 6h after meals) supported with patched Dexcom app or xDrip with G5 native mode as BG source. +- 應用現在使用抽屜顯示所有外掛;在組態建置工具中選擇為可見的外掛將顯示為頂部的標籤(收藏夾) +- 組態建置工具和目標標籤的全面檢查,新增描述 +- 新應用圖示 +- 大量改進和錯誤修復 +- 當幫浦長時間無法使用時(例如幫浦電池耗盡)以及血糖讀取遺失時,本地獨立於 Nightscout 的警報(請參閱設定中的 *本地警報*) +- 選項允許保持螢幕開啟 +- 選項允許將通知顯示為 Android 通知 +- 支援使用 Dexcom 修補版應用或 xDrip G5 原生模式作為血糖資料來源進行高級過濾(允許始終啟用 SMB 並在飯後 6 小時內啟用)。 From f4a7855d5d5bed4ccf1a1b7401e3cbf4d3a56f15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 283/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 70 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 01f40e250626..c9e673a6e6cf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ -# Install git +# 安裝 Git ## Windows -### 1. Download git +### 1. 下載 Git -- **You have to be online all of the time as Android Studio downloads several updates!** -- Any git version should work. For example []( -- Make sure to note down the installation path. You will need it in the next step. +- **在 Android Studio 下載多個更新期間,您必須保持線上狀態!** +- 任何版本的 Git 應該都可以正常運作。 例如:[]( +- 請記下安裝路徑。 您將在下一步中需要它。 ```{admonition} make git.exe available via Windows PATH :class: note -Make sure that you can call git.exe without the prefing path as Android Studio needs this to find git.exe. It will then automatically sets the path to git.exe correct in the Android Studio settings. +確保您可以在無需前置路徑的情況下調用 git.exe,因為 Android Studio 需要此來找到 git.exe。 之後會自動正確設置 git.exe 的路徑至 Android Studio 設定中。 ``` -![Git installation path](../images/Update_GitPath.png) +![Git 安裝路徑](../images/Update_GitPath.png) -### 2. Set git path in Android Studio +### 2. 在 Android Studio 中設置 Git 路徑 -- Open File > Settings +- 打開「文件」>「設置」 - ![Android Studio - open settings](../images/Update_GitSettings1.png) + ![Android Studio - 打開設置](../images/Update_GitSettings1.png) -- Click the small triangle next to Version Control (1.) to open the sub-menu. +- 點擊「版本控制」旁的小三角形(1),以打開子選單。 -- Click Git (2.). +- 點擊「Git」(2)。 -- Make sure update method "Merge" (3.) is selected. +- 確保選擇了更新方法「合併」(3)。 -- Check if Android Studio can locate path to git.exe automatically by clicking the button "Test" (4.) +- 透過點擊「測試」(4)按鈕檢查 Android Studio 是否可以自動定位到 git.exe 的路徑。 - ![Android Studio settings](../images/AndroidStudio361_09.png) + ![Android Studio 設定](../images/AndroidStudio361_09.png) -- If automatic setting is successful git version will be displayed. +- 如果自動設置成功,將顯示 Git 版本。 -- Click "OK" in the dialog box (1.) and "OK" in the settings window (2.). +- 在對話框中點擊「確定」(1),然後在設置窗口中點擊「確定」(2)。 - ![Automatic git installation succeeded](../images/AndroidStudio361_10.png) + ![Git 自動安裝成功](../images/AndroidStudio361_10.png) -- In case file git.exe cannot be found click "OK" in the dialog box (1.) and then the button with the three dots (2.). +- 如果找不到 git.exe 文件,請在對話框中點擊「確定」(1),然後點擊帶有三個點的按鈕(2)。 -- Use [search function]( in windows explorer to find "git.exe" if you are unsure where it can be found. You are looking for git.exe located in binfolder. +- 如果您不確定它的位置,請使用 Windows 資料夾的[搜索功能](查找 git.exe。 您需要查找位於 bin 資料夾中的 git.exe。 -- Select path to git.exe and make sure you selected the one in **\\bin\\** folder (3.) and click "OK" (4.). +- 選擇 git.exe 的路徑,並確保您選擇的是 **\\bin\\** 資料夾中的文件(3),然後點擊「確定」(4)。 -- Close settings window by clicking "OK" button (5.). +- 點擊「確定」按鈕關閉設置窗口(5)。 - ![Automatic git installation failed](../images/AndroidStudio361_11.png) + ![Git 自動安裝失敗](../images/AndroidStudio361_11.png) -### 3. Reboot +### 3. 重新啟動 -- Reboot your PC to update System Environment. +- 重新啟動您的 PC 以更新系統環境。 (git-install-check-git-settings-in-android-studio)= -### 4. Check git settings in Android Studio +### 4. 檢查 Android Studio 中的 Git 設置 -- Open Terminal window in Android Studio +- 打開 Android Studio 中的終端窗口 -- Enter `git --version` (without quotation marks and no spaces between the two - \[minus sign\]!) and press Return +- 輸入`git --version`(不含引號且沒有空格)並按回車鍵 - ![git - -version](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion1.png) + ![git --version](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion1.png) -- If git is installed and connected properly you will receive an information about the installed version that looks as follows: +- 如果 Git 已正確安裝並連線,您將收到一條類似以下的已安裝版本訊息: - ![result git-version](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion2.png) + ![git 版本結果](../images/AndroidStudio_gitversion2.png) ## Mac -- Any git version should work. For example []( -- Use homebrew to install git: `` `$ brew install git` ``. -- For details on installing git see the [official git documentation]( -- If you install git via homebrew there is no need to change any preferences. Just in case: They can be found here: Android Studio - Preferences. +- 任何版本的 Git 應該都可以正常運作。 例如:[]( +- 使用 Homebrew 安裝 Git:`` `$ brew install git` ``。 +- 有關安裝 Git 的詳細訊息,請參閱[Git 官方文件](。 +- 如果透過 Homebrew 安裝 Git,則無需更改任何偏好設定。 以防萬一:它們可以在這裡找到:Android Studio - 偏好設定。 From cb11dff623a82254512baa65c78bc80da7d5e1f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 284/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 86 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 8fef025b0917..1155be8fdb17 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ -# Necessary checks after update coming from AAPS 2.6 +# 從 AAPS 2.6 升級後需要進行的必要檢查 -- The program code was changed significantly when switching to AAPS 2.7. -- Therefore it is important that you make some changes or check settings after the update. -- Please see [release notes](Releasenotes-version-2-7-0) for details on new and extended features. +- 當切換到 AAPS 2.7 時,程式碼進行了顯著更改。 +- 因此,在更新後,請務必進行一些更改或檢查設置。 +- 有關新功能和擴展功能的詳細訊息,請參閱[版本 2.7 的發佈說明](Releasenotes-version-2-7-0)。 -## Check BG source +## 檢查血糖資料來源 -- Check if BG source is correct after update. -- Especially when using [xDrip+](../Configuration/ it might happen, that BG source is changed to Dexcom app (patched). -- Open [Config builder](Config-Builder-bg-source) (hamburger menu on top left side of home screen) -- Scroll down to "BG source". -- Select correct BG source if changes are necessary. +- 更新後檢查血糖資料來源是否正確。 +- 特別是在使用 [xDrip+](../Configuration/ 時,可能會發生血糖資料來源被更改為 Dexcom 應用(已修補)的情況。 +- 打開 [組態建置工具](Config-Builder-bg-source)(主螢幕左上角的漢堡選單) +- 向下滾動至「血糖資料來源」。 +- 如果需要,請選擇正確的血糖資料來源。 -![BG source](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) +![血糖資料來源](../images/ConfBuild_BG.png) -## Finish exam +## 完成考試 -- AAPS 2.7 contains new objective 11 (in later versions renumbered to objective 10!) for [automation](../Usage/ -- You have to finish exam ([objective 3 and 4](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)) in order to complete [objective 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation). -- If for example you did not finish the exam in [objective 3](../Usage/Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge) yet, you will have to complete the exam before you can start [objective 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation). -- This will not effect other objectives you have already finished. You will keep all finished objectives! +- AAPS 2.7 包含新的目標 11(在後來的版本中重新編號為目標 10),用於[自動化](../Usage/。 +- 您必須完成考試([目標 3 和 4](Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)),才能完成[目標 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation)。 +- 例如,如果您尚未完成[目標 3](../Usage/Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)中的考試,您必須先完成考試,才能開始[目標 11](Objectives-objective-10-automation)。 +- 這不會影響您已完成的其他目標。 您將保留所有已完成的目標! -## Set master password +## 設置主密碼 -- Necessary to be able to [export settings](../Usage/ as they are encrypted as of version 2.7. -- Open Preferences (three-dot-menu on top right of home screen) -- Click triangle below "General" -- Click "Master-Password" -- Enter password, confirm password and click ok. +- 這是必須的,因為自 2.7 版本起,[匯出設定](../Usage/時會加密。 +- 打開「偏好設定」(主螢幕右上角的三點選單) +- 點擊「一般」下方的三角形 +- 點擊「主密碼」 +- 輸入密碼,確認密碼並點擊「確定」。 -![Set master password](../images/MasterPW.png) +![設置主密碼](../images/MasterPW.png) -## Export settings +## 匯出設定 -- AAPS 2.7 uses a new encrypted backup format. -- You must [export your settings](../Usage/ after updating to version 2.7. -- Settings files from previous versions can only be imported in AAPS 2.7. Export will be in new format. -- Make sure to store your exported settings not only on your phone but also in at least one safe place (your pc, cloud storage...). -- If you build AAPS 2.7 apk with the same keystore than in previous versions you can install new version without deleting the previous version. -- All settings as well as finished objectives will remain as they were in the previous version. -- In case you have lost your keystore build version 2.7 with new keystore and import settings from previous version as described in the [troubleshooting section](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore). +- AAPS 2.7 使用了新的加密備份格式。 +- 更新到 2.7 版本後,您必須[匯出您的設定](../Usage/。 +- 來自以前版本的設定檔只能在 AAPS 2.7 中匯入。 匯出將以新格式進行。 +- 確保將匯出的設定不僅存儲在您的手機上,還應至少存儲在一個安全的地方(您的電腦、雲端存儲等)。 +- 如果您使用與先前版本相同的密鑰庫來構建 AAPS 2.7 apk,則可以安裝新版本而無需刪除舊版本。 +- 所有設定以及已完成的目標將保持與之前版本相同。 +- 如果您遺失了密鑰庫,請使用新密鑰庫來構建 2.7 版本,並按照[疑難解答部分](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore)的說明從舊版本匯入設定。 -## Autosens (Hint - no action necessary) +## 自動敏感度調整(提示 - 無需操作) -- Autosens is changed to a dynamic switching model which replicates the reference design. -- Autosens will now switch between a 24 and 8 hours window for calculating sensitivity. It will pick which ever one is more sensitive. -- If users have come from oref1 they will probably notice the system may be less dynamic to changes, due to the varying of either 24 or 8 hours of sensitivity. +- 自動敏感度調整已更改為動態切換模型,這模擬了參考設計。 +- 自動敏感度現在會在 24 小時和 8 小時窗口之間切換來計算敏感度。 它會選擇較敏感的那個時間窗口。 +- 如果用戶曾經使用過 oref1,他們可能會注意到系統對變化的反應可能不如預期動態,這是由於 24 小時或 8 小時敏感度的不同。 -## Set Pump Password for Dana RS (if using Dana RS) +## 為 Dana RS 設置幫浦密碼(如果使用 Dana RS) -- Pump password for [Dana RS](../Configuration/ was not checked in previous versions. -- Open Preferences (three-dot-menu on top right of screen) -- Scroll down and click triangle next to "Dana RS". -- Click "Pump password (v1 only)" -- Enter pump password ([Default password](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password) is different depending on firmware version) and click OK. +- [Dana RS](../Configuration/ 的幫浦密碼在先前版本中未被檢查。 +- 打開「偏好設定」(螢幕右上角的三點選單) +- 向下滾動並點擊「Dana RS」旁的小三角形。 +- 點擊「幫浦密碼(僅限 v1)」 +- 輸入幫浦密碼([預設密碼](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-default-password)取決於韌體版本),然後點擊確定。 -![Set Dana RS password](../images/DanaRSPW.png) +![設置 Dana RS 密碼](../images/DanaRSPW.png) -To change password on Dana RS follow instructions on [DanaRS page](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-change-password-on-pump). +要更改 Dana RS 密碼,請按照[Dana RS 頁面](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-change-password-on-pump)上的說明進行操作。 From 2b47e8176a75e124ffeaca31f811e7e8489bf4a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 285/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 48 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index 2ca0c3782d90..7eab84f1d7b1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ -# internal sandbox file 1 for testing our sprint +# 內部沙盒文件 1,用於測試我們的衝刺 -:::{admonition} no need to translate this +:::{admonition} 不需要翻譯這個 :class: note -No need to translate this. +不需要翻譯這個。 ::: :::{danger} -Here is danger on the road. +這裡有道路危險。 ::: -Test for Setup +設置測試 -"The number 43 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything," calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years." - [Wikipedia]( +「在道格拉斯·亞當斯的《銀河便車指南》一書中,數字 43 是由一台名為「深思」的超級電腦在 750 萬年內計算出來的『生命、宇宙以及一切的最終答案』。」 - [維基百科](。 -This is an internal sandbox file for the documentation team to test +這是供文檔團隊測試的內部沙盒文件 -1. markdown syntax and +1. Markdown 語法和 -1. background process for - 1. CROWDIN translation and - 2. Read The Docs deployment. +1. 後台處理 + 1. CROWDIN 翻譯和 + 2. Read The Docs 部署。 -You can dirctly jump from here to the second label in this file - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-another-test). +您可以從這裡直接跳轉到此文件中的第二個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-another-test)。 -And you can jump to the first label too - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-a-test). +您也可以跳轉到第一個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-a-test)。 -Here you can jump to the second sandbox file - ["Jump"](./ +這裡可以跳轉到第二個沙盒文件 - [「跳轉」](./。 -You can dirctly jump from here to the first label in the file - ["Jump"](sandbox2-this-is-a-test). +您可以從這裡直接跳轉到 文件中的第一個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox2-this-is-a-test)。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 (sandbox1-this-is-a-test)= -## This is a test +## 這是一個測試 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 (sandbox1-this-is-another-test)= -## This is another test +## 這是另一個測試 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 From 2923fc599130a5ee006717f759a26fbd46671540 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:26:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 286/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 40 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index 33c547956c89..24314e223cc8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ -# internal sandbox file 2 for testing +# 內部沙盒文件 2,用於測試 ```{admonition} no need to translate this :class: note -No need to translate this. +不需要翻譯這個。 ``` -This is an internal sandbox file for the documentation team to test +這是供文檔團隊測試的內部沙盒文件 -1. markdown syntax and +1. Markdown 語法和 -1. background process for - 1. CROWDIN translation and - 2. Read The Docs deployment. +1. 後台處理 + 1. CROWDIN 翻譯和 + 2. Read The Docs 部署。 -You can dirctly jump from here to the first label in the file - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-a-test). +您可以從這裡直接跳轉到 文件中的第一個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-a-test)。 -You can dirctly jump from here to the second label in this file - ["Jump"](sandbox1-this-is-another-test). +您可以從這裡直接跳轉到此文件中的第二個標籤 - [「跳轉」](sandbox1-this-is-another-test)。 -Here you can jump to the first sandbox file - ["Jump"](./ +這裡可以跳轉到第一個沙盒文件 - [「跳轉」](./。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua。 At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum。 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet。 (sandbox2-this-is-a-test)= -## This is a test +## 這是一個測試 -This is a test if labels must be unique. +這是一個測試,以檢查標籤是否必須唯一。 -### This is spare information from the docs +### 這是來自文檔的備用資訊 -cut from index: +從索引中刪除: -There are "limits" set in place when you are first beginning your AAPS journey. These safety limits have been developed over many years by observations of the inadvertent mistakes that new users are most likely to make when first learning to set up, build, and then successfully loop with AAPS - as most often those mistakes occur simply because the user was so excited to get started using the system that they may have forgotten to sit down and dedicate the time needed to understand the information within this documentation thoroughly. +當您第一次開始 AAPS 之旅時,會設置一些「限制」。 這些安全限制是多年來觀察到的,因為新用戶在學習設置、構建並成功運作 AAPS 閉環系統時,最有可能犯錯,因為他們太過興奮以致於可能忘記花時間仔細閱讀本文檔中的資訊。 -### spare info from the overview to put into "preparing" +### 從概述中刪除的備用訊息,以放入「準備」部分 -Since the requirements are very different from anything you might have set up in the past, we recommend that you really follow the instructions, step-by-step the first few times you build the app, so that you have a stronger sense of how the app building process is supposed to behave when all directions are followed exactly. Please remember to take your time. Later this will go very quickly when you build the app again for a new version. That way you will have a greater chance of noticing when something doesn't going as planned before too many steps are out of line. It is important to save the your keystore file (.jks file used to sign your app) in a safe place, so that you can always use that exact same keystore file and password each and every time you are asked to create a new updated version of AAPS, as this file is what makes sure that each new version of the app "remembers" all the information that you have provided to it in previous versions of the app and thus ensure that the updates will go as smoothly as possible. On average, you can assume that there will be one new version and 2-3 required updates per year. This number is based on experience and may change in the future. But we do want to at least give you a general guideline on what to expect. When you are more experienced at building updated AAPS app versions all the steps that are required in building an updated app will only take 15-30 minutes, on average. However, in the beginning there can be a rather steep learning curve as these steps are not always considered intuitive by new users! So do not get frustrated if you find that it takes half a day or a whole day with some help from the community before you are finally finished with the update process. If you find that you are getting very frustrated just take a short break, and oftentimes; after a stroll around the block or'll find that you are better able to approach the problem again. +由於要求與您以前設置的任何東西都不同,我們建議您在第一次構建應用程式時,逐步遵循說明,這樣您就能更清楚地了解當所有指示都完全按照要求執行時,應用構建過程應該如何進行。 請記住,慢慢來。 以後當您為新版本構建應用程式時,這個過程會變得非常迅速。 這樣您更有可能在問題出現之前就注意到是否有步驟出錯。 很重要的是將您的密鑰庫文件 (.jks 文件,用於簽署應用程式) 儲存在安全的地方,這樣每次您需要建立 AAPS 的新更新版本時,您都可以使用相同的密鑰庫文件和密碼。這樣可以確保每個新版本的應用程式能「記住」您在之前版本中提供的所有資訊,從而確保更新過程能順利進行。 通常,您可以預計每年會有一個新版本和 2-3 個必須的更新。 這個數字基於經驗,未來可能會發生變化。 但我們想至少提供一個預期的指導方針。 當您對構建更新的 AAPS 應用版本更有經驗時,完成所有必要的步驟平均只需 15-30 分鐘。 然而,對新用戶來說,這些步驟可能並不直觀,因此一開始可能會有相當大的學習曲線! 因此,如果您發現自己感到非常沮喪,請不要氣餒,有時候在社群的幫助下,可能需要半天或整天才能完成更新過程。 如果您發現自己非常沮喪,請稍作休息,經常在周圍散步後,您會發現自己能更好地重新解決問題。 From 85db9de8e52cefd1708a336d7389a42b351b03d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 287/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 282 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index b6efb4f4d2db..eae69a8dc011 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,269 +1,269 @@ -# Automation +# 自動化 -## What is an Automation? +## 什麼是自動化? -"**Automation**" is an **AAPS** feature which can simplify a user’s diabetes management by making automatic changes to insulin delivery. **Automations** allow **AAPS** to be highly personalised for individual users. +「**自動化**」是 **AAPS** 的一項功能,它可以透過自動調整胰島素的供應來簡化使用者的糖尿病管理。 **自動化**允許**AAPS**根據個別使用者的需求進行高度個人化的設定。 -An **Automation** instructs **AAPS** to carry out a specific action, as a result of one or more conditions or triggers. This can be for irregular episodic events, like low or high BG, a set amount of negative IOB. It can also be for recurring events, for example a meal or exercise at a certain time of day, or when the user is located within a certain distance of GPS location or WIFI SSID area. +一個**自動化**會根據一個或多個條件或觸發器來指示**AAPS**執行特定操作。 這可以是非經常性事件,例如低血糖或高血糖,一定量的負 IOB。 也可以是定期事件,例如在一天中的特定時間進行用餐或運動,或當使用者位於 GPS 位置或 Wi-Fi SSID 區域內。 -There are a wide range of automation options, and users are encouraged to study these within the **AAPS** app, in the automation section. You can also search the **AAPS** user groups on **Facebook** and **Discord** for automation examples from other users. +有多種自動化選項,建議使用者在 **AAPS** 應用程式的自動化部分仔細研究。 您也可以在 **AAPS** 用戶群組(如**Facebook** 和 **Discord**)搜尋來自其他用戶的自動化範例。 -## How Automation can help +## 自動化如何幫助您 -1. **Decreasing decision fatigue:** The primary benefit of **automations** is to relieve the user from the burden of having to make manual interventions in **AAPS**. [Research]( estimates that an average of 180 additional daily decisions have to be made by those living with Type 1 diabetes. **Automations** can lessen the mental load, freeing up the user’s mental energy for other aspects of life. +1. **減少決策疲勞:** **自動化**的主要優勢是減輕使用者在 **AAPS** 中進行手動介入的負擔。 [研究](估計,1型糖尿病患者每天需要做出額外的180個決策。 **自動化**可以減輕心理負擔,釋放使用者的精神能量來處理生活中的其他事務。 -1. **Potentially improving glycemic control:** for example, **automations** can help ensure **Temp Targets** are always set when needed, even during busy schedules or periods of forgetfulness. For example, if a child with diabetes has sport scheduled at school on Tuesdays at 10am and Thursdays at 2pm and always needs a high temp target actioned 30 min before these activities, these can be actioned by automation. +1. **潛在改善血糖控制:**例如,**自動化**可以確保**臨時目標**在需要時自動設置,即使在忙碌或忘記的時候也能執行。 例如,如果一名患有糖尿病的孩子每週二上午10點和週四下午2點在學校有運動課程,並且這些活動開始前30分鐘需要執行高臨時目標,這些動作可以透過自動化來完成。 -1. **Enabling AAPS to be highly customised** to be more or less aggressive in specific situations, according to user preference. For example, triggering a temporary reduced profile% for a set period of time if negative **IOB** develops in the middle of the night, indicating that the existing profile is too strong. +1. **讓 AAPS 高度自訂化**,以在特定情況下根據使用者偏好調整攻擊性。 例如,若在半夜出現負**IOB**,表明現有的設定過強,可以啟動臨時減少的個人化設定來解決。 -The example below illustrates how an **Automation** can enable steps to be eliminated. The user has set an **Automation** to trigger a 5 am ‘Temp Target Exercise’ to ensure their **BG** and **IOB** are optimal, in preparation for their 6 am exercise: +以下範例說明了如何透過**自動化**來簡化步驟。 使用者已設置**自動化**,在清晨5點觸發「運動臨時目標」,以確保他們的**血糖**和**IOB**在6點運動前達到最佳狀態: -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-54-49.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-54-49.png) -## Key considerations before starting with Automations +## 開始使用自動化前的關鍵考慮因素 -1. Before setting up an **Automation**, you should have reasonable BG control with **AAPS**. **Automations** should not be used to compensate for sub-optimal basal, ISF or ICR settings (discussed further below). Avoid setting an automated **Profile switch** to compensate for BG rises due to _e.g._ food, these are better dealt with via other strategies (SMBs etc). +1. 在設定**自動化**之前,您應該對**AAPS**有合理的血糖控制。 **自動化**不應用來補償次優的基礎胰島素、ISF 或 ICR 設定(在下文進一步討論)。 避免設置自動**檔案切換**來補償由於食物引起的血糖上升,這類情況應該用其他策略(如 SMBs 等)處理。 -1. As with any technology, **CGMs** and **Pumps** and **phones** can malfunction: Technical issues or sensor errors can disrupt the **Automation** actions, and manual intervention may be needed. +1. 與任何技術一樣,**CGM**、**幫浦**和**手機**都可能發生故障:技術問題或感測器錯誤可能會中斷**自動化**行動,並且可能需要手動介入。 -1. **Requirements for automations are likely to change as routines change**. When changing between work/school/holiday periods, set a reminder in your calendar to review which automations are currently active (they are easy to activate and de-activate). For example, if you go on holiday, and no longer need the automations set up for school sports or daily exercise, or need to adjust the timings. +1. **隨著日常習慣的變化,自動化需求也可能改變**。 當工作、學校或假期期間變更時,請在日曆中設置提醒,檢查當前啟動的自動化(它們很容易啟動和停用)。 例如,如果您外出度假,不再需要為學校運動或日常運動設定的自動化,或需要調整時間。 -1. Automations may conflict with each other, and it is good to review any new automation(s) setting carefully in a safe environment, and understand why an automation may or may not have triggered in the way you expect. +1. 自動化可能會相互衝突,建議在安全環境中仔細審查新的自動化設定,並理解為什麼自動化可能未如預期啟動。 -1. If using Autosense, try to use **Temp Targets** instead of **Profile Switches**. **Temp Targets** do not reset Autosens back to 0. **Profile Switches** reset Autosens. +1. 如果使用 Autosense,請盡量使用**臨時目標**而非**檔案切換**。 **臨時目標**不會將 Autosens 重置為 0。 **檔案切換**會重置 Autosens。 -1. Most automations should only be set for a **limited time duration**, after which **AAPS** can re-evaluate and repeat the automation, if necessary, and if the condition is still met. For example, "start temp target of 7.0 mmol/l for 30 min" or "start profile 110% for 10 min" _and_ "start temp target of 5.0 mmol/l for 10 min". Using automations to create permanent changes (e.g. to stronger %profile) risks hypoglycemia. +1. 大多數自動化應僅設置為**有限的時間持續**,之後**AAPS**可以重新評估並在必要時重複自動化,如果條件仍然符合的話。 例如,「啟動 7.0 mmol/l 的臨時目標持續 30 分鐘」或「啟動 110% 檔案持續 10 分鐘」_和_「啟動 5.0 mmol/l 的臨時目標持續 10 分鐘」。 使用自動化來創造永久變更(如更強的%檔案)可能會增加低血糖風險。 -## When can I start using Automation? +## 何時可以開始使用自動化? -When you start Objective 10. +當您開始第10個目標時。 -## Where are Automations located in AAPS? +## AAPS 中的自動化在哪裡? -Depending on your [config builder](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ settings, **Automation** is located either in the ‘hamburger’ menu or as a tab with **AAPS**. +根據您的[組態建置工具](../Installing-AndroidAPS/設定,**自動化**位於‘漢堡選單’中或作為**AAPS**的一個標籤頁。 -## How can I set up an Automation? +## 如何設置自動化? -To set up an **Automation** create a ‘rule’ with **AAPS** as follows: +要設置**自動化**,請按照以下步驟在**AAPS**中建立一個「規則」: -* Give your ‘rule’ a title; -* Select at least one ‘Condition’; and -* Select one ‘Action’; -* Check the right box to the **Automation** event is ‘ticked’ to activate the automation: +* 為您的「規則」命名; +* 選擇至少一個「條件」; +* 選擇一個「動作」; +* 勾選正確的框以啟動**自動化**事件: -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-35.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-35.png) -To deactivate an **Automation** rule, untick the box left of the name of the **Automation**. The example below shows an **Automation** entitled ‘Low Glucose TT’ as either activated (‘ticked) or deactivated (‘unticked’). +要停用**自動化**規則,請取消勾選**自動化**名稱左側的框。 以下範例顯示一個名為‘低血糖臨時目標’的**自動化**已啟動(勾選)或停用(未勾選)。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-08.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-08.png) -When setting up an automation, you can first test it by activating the ‘notification’ option under "Actions". This triggers **AAPS** to first display a notification rather than actually automating an action. When you are comfortable that the notification has been triggered at the correct time/conditions, the **Automation** rule can be updated to replace the ‘Notification’ with an ‘Action’. +設置自動化時,您可以先透過啟動「通知」選項進行測試。 這會觸發**AAPS**首先顯示通知,而不是實際自動執行動作。 當您確認通知在正確的時間/條件下觸發時,可以更新**自動化**規則,將「通知」替換為「動作」。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-05.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-55-05.png) -:::{admonition} Important note +:::{admonition} 重要注意事項 :class: note -Automations are still active when the Loop is disabled! +即使關閉閉環,**自動化**仍會保持啟動狀態! ::: -## Safety limits +## 安全限制 -There are safety limits set for **Automations**: +針對**自動化**設置了安全限制: -* The **glucose** value has to be between 72 and 270 mg/dl (or 4 and 15 mmol/l). -* The **Profile** percentage has to be between 70% and 130%. -* There is a 5 minute time limit between executions of **Automation** (and first execution). +* 血糖值必須介於 72 到 270 mg/dl(或 4 到 15 mmol/l)之間。 +* 檔案百分比必須介於 70% 到 130% 之間。 +* 自動化執行間隔必須至少 5 分鐘(包括首次執行)。 -## Correct use of negative values +## 正確使用負值 -:::{admonition} Warning +:::{admonition} 警告 :class: warning -Please be careful when selecting a negative value in Automation +請謹慎選擇自動化中的負值 ::: -Caution must be taken when selecting a ‘negative value’ within the ‘Condition’ like "less than" in **Automations**. For example: +在**自動化**中的「條件」選擇‘小於’這類負值時,請務必謹慎。 例如: -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-25.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-56-25.png-500x.png) -**Example 1:** Creating a Condition **"is lesser than"** "-0.1" will: +**範例 1:**建立條件**「小於」**“-0.1”將: -Trigger an **Automation** for any number which is **strictly** less than** -0.1. This includes numbers like -0.2, -0.3, -0.4 and so on. Remember that -0.1 itself **is not** included in this condition. (The condition "is equal or lesser than -0.1" _would_ include -0.1). +觸發**自動化**,當任何數字**嚴格**小於-0.1時。 這包括如-0.2、-0.3、-0.4等數值。 請記住,-0.1 本身**不**包含在此條件內。 (條件「小於或等於 -0.1」_將會_包含 -0.1)。 -**Example 2:** Creating a Condition "is greater than" -0.1 will: +**範例 2:**建立條件「大於 -0.1」將: -Trigger an **Automation** for any number which is **greater than** -0.1. This includes numbers like 0, 0.2, 0.4, and any other positive number. +觸發**自動化**,當任何數字**大於**-0.1時。 這包括如 0、0.2、0.4 和任何其他正數。 -It is important to carefully consider the exact intention of your **Automation** when choosing these conditions and values. +在選擇這些條件和數值時,仔細考慮您的**自動化**的具體意圖非常重要。 -## Automation Conditions +## 自動化條件 -There are various ‘Conditions’ that can be selected by the user. The list below is non-exhaustive: +使用者可以選擇多種「條件」。 以下列表並不完整: -**Condition:** connect conditions +**條件:**連線條件 -**Options:** +**選項:** -Several conditions can be linked with -* “And” -* “Or” -* “Exclusive or” (which means that if one - and only one of the - conditions applies, the action(s) will happen) +多個條件可以透過以下方式鏈接: +* “和” +* “或” +* “互斥或”(這意味著如果只有一個條件成立,動作將會發生) -**Condition:** time vs. recurring time +**條件:**時間與循環時間 -**Options:** +**選項:** -* time = single time event -* recurring time = something that happens regularly (i.e. once a week, every working day etc.) +* 時間 = 單次事件 +* 循環時間 = 經常發生的事件(例如每週一次、每個工作日等) -**Condition:** location +**條件:**位置 -**Options:** +**選項:** -* in the **config builder** (Automation), the user can select their required location service. +* 在**組態建置工具**(自動化)中,使用者可以選擇所需的位置服務。 -**Condition:** location service +**條件:**位置服務 -**Options:** +**選項:** -* Use passive location: **AAPS** only takes locations when other apps are requesting it. -* Use network location: Location of your Wifi. -* Use GPS location (Attention! This can cause excessive battery drain!) +* 使用被動位置:**AAPS** 只會在其他應用程式請求位置時獲取位置。 +* 使用網路位置:WiFi 的位置。 +* 使用 GPS 定位(注意! 這可能會導致過多的電池消耗! -## Action +## 動作 -**Actions:** start **Temp Target** +**動作:**啟動**臨時目標** -**Options:** +**選項:** -* **BG** must be between 72 mg/dl and 270 mg/dl (4 mmol/l and 15 mmol/l) -* **TT** works only if there is no previous Temp Target +* **血糖**必須在 72 mg/dl 和 270 mg/dl(4 mmol/l 和 15 mmol/l)之間 +* **臨時目標**只有在沒有前一個臨時目標時才能工作 -**Actions:** stop **Temp Target** +**動作:**停止**臨時目標** -**Options:** +**選項:** -none +無 -**Actions:** **Profile** percentage +**動作:****檔案**百分比 -**Options:** +**選項:** -* **Profile** must be between 70% and 130% -* works only if the previous percentage is 100% +* **檔案**必須在 70% 和 130% 之間 +* 僅當之前的百分比是 100% 時工作 -Once the ‘Action’ is added, the default values must be changed to the desired number by clicking and adjusting the default values. +一旦添加了「動作」,應透過點擊並調整預設值將預設數值更改為所需的數字。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-07.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-07.png) -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-29.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-29.png) -## The order of the automations in the list matters - **AAPS** will automate the rules created in the order of preference, starting from the top of the **Automation** list. For example, if the ‘low hypoglycemia’ **Automation** is the most important **Automation**, above all other rules, then this **Automation** should appear at the top of the user’s **Automation** list as demonstrated below: +## 列表中的自動化順序很重要 + **AAPS**將根據偏好的順序,自**自動化**列表的頂部開始執行建立的規則。 例如,如果‘低血糖’**自動化**是最重要的**自動化**,那麼它應該位於使用者**自動化**列表的頂部,如下所示: -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-48.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-57-48.png-500x.png) -To reprioritise the **Automation** rules, click and hold the four-lines-button on the right side of the screen. Reorder the **Automations** by moving the rules up or down. +要重新排列**自動化**規則,請按住螢幕右側的四行按鈕。 透過移動規則上下來重新排序**自動化**。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-00.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-00.png-500x.png) -## How to delete Automation rules +## 如何刪除自動化規則 -To delete an **Automation** rule click on the trash icon. +要刪除**自動化**規則,請點擊垃圾桶圖示。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-26.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_20-58-26.png-500x.png) -## Examples of Automations +## 自動化範例 -Below are examples of **Automations**. Further discussion on **Automations** and how users have individualised their **Automation** can be found in Facebook discussions groups or on Discord. The examples below should not be replicated without the user having a good understanding of how the **Automation** will work. +以下是**自動化**範例。 在 Facebook 討論群組或 Discord 上,可以找到更多有關**自動化**的討論,以及用戶如何個性化他們的**自動化**。 以下範例不應被複製,除非使用者對**自動化**的運作方式有充分理解。 -### Low Glucose Temp Target +### 低血糖臨時目標 -This **Automation** triggers an automatic ‘Temp Target Hypo’ when low **BG** is at a certain threshold. +這個**自動化**會在血糖低於特定門檻時自動觸發‘低血糖臨時目標’。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-01.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-01.png-500x.png) -### Lunch Time Temp Target (with ‘Location’) +### 午餐時間臨時目標(包含「位置」) -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-25.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-25.png-500x.png) -This **Automation** has been created for a user who eats their lunch at work around the same time every weekday but triggered only if the user is situated within a set ‘location’. So if the user is not at work one day, this Automation will be activated. +這個**自動化**是為一名每天在工作時於相同時間吃午餐的用戶設置的,但僅在用戶位於設定的‘位置’時才觸發。 因此,如果某天用戶不在工作場所,則此自動化將被啟動。 -This **Automation** will set a low Temp Target (Eating Soon) at 13:00 to drive ‘BG, to 90mg (or 5 mmol/l) in preparation for lunch. +這個**自動化**會在13:00設定低臨時目標(即將用餐),使血糖降至90mg(或5 mmol/l),以準備午餐。 -The ‘Trigger’ location is set by inputting the latitude and longitude GPS coordinates as below: +透過輸入經緯度 GPS 座標來設置‘觸發’位置,如下所示: -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-40.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-04-40.png-500x.png) -Because of the ‘And’ connection, the **Automation** only happens during the ‘chosen time’ and if the user is at the selected location. +由於‘和’連線,只有在‘選擇的時間’並且使用者位於設定位置時,**自動化**才會發生。 -The **Automation** will not be triggered on any other time at this location or on this time outside of 100 metres set GPS coordinates. +這個**自動化**不會在其他時間於該位置或在該時間超過設定100米 GPS 範圍內觸發。 -### WIFI SSID Location Automation +### WIFI SSID 位置自動化 -Using WIFI SSID is a good option to trigger an **Automation** while within range of a specific wifi network (than compared with GPS), it is fairly precise, uses less battery and works in enclosed spaces where GPS and other location services might not be available. +使用 WIFI SSID 是在特定 wifi 網路範圍內觸發**自動化**的良好選項(與 GPS 相比),其相對精確、耗電少,並且在 GPS 和其他位置服務可能無法使用的室內空間中也能正常運作。 -Here is another example of setting up a **Temp Target** for work days only before breakfast(1). +這裡有另一個範例,設定工作日早餐前的**臨時目標**。 -The **Automation** will trigger at 05:30am only on Monday-Friday(2) -and while being connected to a home wifi network (3). +這個**自動化**將於週一至週五的上午 5:30 觸發 (2) +當連線到家庭 wifi 網路時(3)。 -It will then set a**Temp Target** of 75mg/dl for 30 minutes (4). One of the advantages of including the location is that it will not trigger if the user is travelling on vacation for instance. +然後將設置 75mg/dl 的**臨時目標**,持續 30 分鐘 (4)。 加入位置的好處之一是,如果用戶外出度假,則不會觸發此自動化。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-02.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-02.png-500x.png) -Here is the screenshot detailing the **Automation** triggers: +以下是詳細的**自動化**觸發截圖: -1) Under the main “AND” (both conditions need to be met to trigger) 1) Recurring time = M,T,W,T,F At 5:30am +1) 主「和」(兩個條件都需要滿足才能觸發) 1) 循環時間 = 週一至週五 上午 5:30 1) WIFI SSID = My_Home_Wifi_Name -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-16.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-16.png-500x.png) -## Automation Logs +## 自動化日誌 -**AAPS** has a log of the most recent **Automation** triggered at the bottom of the screen under the **Automation** tab. +**AAPS**會在螢幕底部的**自動化**標籤下顯示最近觸發的**自動化**日誌。 -In the example below the logs indicate: +以下範例中,日誌顯示: -(1) at 01:58 am, the “Low BG triggers temp hypo profile” is activated -* glucose value is less than 75mg/dl; -* delta is negative (ie: the BG is going down); -* time is within 01:00 am and 06:00 am. +(1)凌晨 01:58,「低血糖觸發臨時低血糖檔案」被註冊 +* 血糖值低於 75mg/dl; +* delta 是負值(即:血糖正在下降); +* 時間範圍在凌晨 01:00 到 06:00 之間。 -The **Automation** will: -* set a **Temp Target** to 110mg/dl for 40 minutes; -* start a temporary **Profile** at 50% for 40 minutes. +**自動化**將會: +* 設定**臨時目標**為 110mg/dl,持續 40 分鐘; +* 啟動 50% 的**臨時檔案**,持續 40 分鐘。 -(2) at 03:38 am, the “High carb after low at night” is triggered -* time is between 01:05 am and 06:00 am; -* glucose value is greater than 110mg/dl. +(2)凌晨 03:38,觸發了「夜間低血糖後高碳水化合物」自動化 +* 時間範圍在凌晨 01:05 到 06:00 之間; +* 血糖值高於 110mg/dl。 -The **Automation** will: -* change **Profile** to LocalProfile1 (ie: cancel the temporary profile if any) -* stop **Temp Target** (if any) +**自動化**將會: +* 將**檔案**切換為 LocalProfile1(即:取消任何臨時檔案設定) +* 停止**臨時目標**(如果有的話) -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-56.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-05-56.png-500x.png) -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -* Problem: __My automations are not being triggered by AAPS?__ +* 問題:__我的自動化沒有被 AAPS 觸發嗎?__ -Check the box to the right of **Automation** event is ‘ticked’ to ensure the rule is activated. +檢查**自動化**事件右側的框是否勾選,以確保規則已啟用。 -![Alt text](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-06-12.png-500x.png) +![替代文字](../images/automation_2024-02-12_21-06-12.png-500x.png) -* Problem: __My automations are being triggered in the wrong order.__ +* 問題:__我的自動化順序被錯誤地觸發了。__ -Check your rule prioritisation order as discussed above here. +檢查您的規則優先順序,如上所述。 -## Alternatives to Automations +## 自動化的替代方案 -For advanced users, there are other possibilities to automate tasks using IFTTT or a third party Android app called Automate. +對於進階使用者,還有其他選擇,例如使用 IFTTT 或第三方 Android 應用程式 Automate 來自動化任務。 From 53ea743c7dc4257b1a7ddb505b58e28431cb3e8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 288/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 62 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index dae8254d1a62..e8b172b1d0fa 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ -# COB calculation +# COB 計算 -## How does AAPS calculate the COB value? +## AAPS 如何計算 COB 值? -When carbs are entered as part of a meal or correction, AAPS adds them to the current carbs on board (COB). AAPS then absorbs (removes) carbs based on observed deviations to BG values. The rate of absorption depends on the carb sensitivity factor. This is not a profile value but is calculated as ISF/IC and is how many mg/dl 1g of carbs will raise your BG. +當輸入碳水化合物作為餐食或修正的一部分時,AAPS 會將其加入到當前的碳水化合物儲存(COB)中。 接著 AAPS 根據觀察到的血糖值偏差來吸收(移除)碳水化合物。 吸收的速率取決於碳水化合物敏感性因子(CSF)。 這不是配置檔的數值,而是根據 ISF/IC 計算出來,表示 1 克碳水化合物會讓你的血糖上升多少 mg/dl。 -The formula is: `absorbed_carbs = deviation * ic / isf` It means: -* increasing ic will increase carbs absorbed every 5 minutes thus shorten total time of absorption -* increasing isf will decrease carbs absorbed every 5 minutes thus prolong total time of absorption -* changing profile % increase/decrease both values thus has no impact on carbs absorption time +公式為:`absorbed_carbs = deviation * ic / isf` 這代表: +* 增加 IC 將增加每 5 分鐘吸收的碳水化合物量,從而縮短吸收的總時間 +* 增加 ISF 將減少每 5 分鐘吸收的碳水化合物量,從而延長吸收的總時間 +* 更改配置檔的百分比會同時影響這兩個值,但不會影響碳水化合物的吸收時間 -For example, if your profile ISF is 100 and your IC is 5, your CSF would be 20. For every 20 mg/dl your BG goes up, 1g of carbs are absorbed by AAPS. Positive IOB also effects this calculation. So, if AAPS expected your BG to go down by 20 mg/dl because of IOB and it instead stayed flat, it would also absorb 1g of carbs. +例如,如果你的配置檔 ISF 為 100,IC 為 5,那麼你的 CSF 為 20。 每當你的血糖上升 20 mg/dl,AAPS 將吸收 1 克的碳水化合物。 正的 IOB 也會影響此計算。 因此,如果 AAPS 預期因為 IOB 你的血糖應該下降 20 mg/dl,但實際上保持不變,它也會吸收 1 克碳水化合物。 -Carbs will also be absorbed via the methods described below based on what sensitivity algorithm is used. +碳水化合物的吸收也會根據以下描述的方法和所使用的敏感度演算法來進行。 ### Oref1 -Unabsorbed carbs are cut off after specified time +未吸收的碳水化合物在指定時間後將被切斷 ![Oref1](../images/cob_oref0_orange_II.png) ### AAPS, WeightedAverage -absorption is calculated to have `COB == 0` after specified time +吸收的計算結果是 COB 在指定時間後等於 0 -![AAPS, WheitedAverage](../images/cob_aaps2_orange_II.png) +![AAPS, WeightedAverage](../images/cob_aaps2_orange_II.png) -If minimal carbs absorption (min_5m_carbimpact) is used instead of value calculated from BG deviations, an orange dot appears on COB graph. +如果使用最小碳水化合物吸收量(min_5m_carbimpact)而不是從血糖偏差計算的數值,COB 圖表上將出現一個橙色點。 (COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values)= -## Detection of wrong COB values +## 偵測錯誤的 COB 值 -AAPS warns you if you are about to bolus with COB from a previous meal and the algorithm thinks that current COB calculation could be wrong. In this case it will give you an additional hint on the confirmation screen after usage of bolus wizard. +當你準備注射胰島素並且 AAPS 演算法認為當前的 COB 計算可能有誤時,AAPS 會提醒你先前餐食的 COB 還在。 在這種情況下,它會在使用胰島素注射精靈後,在確認畫面上給出額外提示。 -### How does AAPS detect wrong COB values? +### AAPS 如何偵測錯誤的 COB 值? -Normally AAPS detects carb absorption through BG deviations. In case you entered carbs but AAPS cannot see their estimated absorption through BG deviations, it will use the [min_5m_carbimpact](../Configuration/ method to calculate the absorption instead (so called 'fallback'). As this method calculates only the minimal carb absorption without considering BG deviations, it might lead to incorrect COB values. +通常,AAPS 透過血糖偏差來偵測碳水化合物的吸收。 如果你輸入了碳水化合物,但 AAPS 無法透過血糖偏差觀察到它們的吸收,它將使用 [min_5m_carbimpact](../Configuration/ 方法來計算吸收(即所謂的「後備」方法)。 由於此方法僅計算最小碳水化合物吸收量,而不考慮血糖偏差,這可能會導致錯誤的 COB 值。 -![Hint on wrong COB value](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) +![錯誤 COB 值的提示](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) -In the screenshot above, 41% of time the carb absorption was mathematically calculated by the min_5m_carbimpact instead of the value detected from deviations. This means that maybe you are having less carbs on board than calculated by the algorithm. +在上述截圖中,有 41% 的時間,碳水化合物的吸收是根據 min_5m_carbimpact 方法數學計算的,而不是來自偏差檢測的數值。 這意味著你可能擁有的碳水化合物比演算法計算的還要少。 -### How to deal with this warning? +### 如何處理這個警告? -- Consider to cancel the treatment - press Cancel instead of OK. -- Calculate your upcoming meal again with bolus wizard leaving COB unticked. -- In case you are sure you need a correction bolus, enter it manually. -- In any case be careful not to overdose! +- 考慮取消治療——按「取消」而不是「確定」。 +- 使用胰島素注射精靈再次計算你即將用餐的餐食,但不勾選 COB。 +- 如果你確定需要進行修正注射,請手動輸入。 +- 無論如何,務必小心不要注射過量! -### Why does the algorithm not detect COB correctly? +### 為什麼演算法無法正確偵測 COB? -- Maybe you overestimated carbs when entering them. -- Activity / exercise after your previous meal -- I:C needs adjustment -- Value for min_5m_carbimpact is wrong (recommended is 8 with SMB, 3 with AMA) +- 也許你在輸入碳水化合物時高估了數量。 +- 先前餐食後的活動/運動 +- I:C 需要調整 +- min_5m_carbimpact 的數值錯誤(建議 SMB 使用 8,AMA 使用 3) -## Manual correction of carbs entered +## 手動修正輸入的碳水化合物 -If you over- or underestimated carbs you can correct this though treatments tab and actions tab / menu as described [here](Screenshots-carb-correction). +如果你高估或低估了碳水化合物,你可以透過「治療」標籤和「操作」標籤/選單來進行修正,如[此處](Screenshots-carb-correction)所述。 From d09d3872282c9f2494ae710c8d02198b9c25d19e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 289/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 54 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index fd80ca412d74..e3d55a15448d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ -# Careportal (discontinued) +# 照護入口(已停用) -Careportal replicated the functions you will find on your Nightscout screen under the “+” symbol which allows you to add notes to your records. But careportal did not issue any commands to the pump! So, if a bolus was added using this screen it simply made a note of this on your Nightscout record, the pump wasn’t instructed to deliver a bolus. This led to a lot of misunderstandings. +護理入口複製了您在 Nightscout 螢幕上的“+”圖示下找到的功能,該圖示允許您向記錄中添加筆記。 但照護入口沒有對幫浦發出任何指令! 因此,若透過此畫面新增注射,只會將此紀錄記錄在你的 Nightscout 上,幫浦不會被指示進行注射。 這導致了許多誤解。 -The code originally used to add offline support for careportal did not harmonize with the development of AAPS and was really blocking further coding. **Therefore, decision was made to remove careportal in AAPS version 2.6.** +最初用來新增離線支援照護入口的程式碼與 AAPS 的開發並不相容,且實際上阻礙了後續的程式開發。 **因此,決定在 AAPS 版本 2.6 中移除照護入口。** -Most functions of careportal can still be found either in actions or the start screen. The actions can be reached either via actions tab or hamburger menu - depending on your settings in [config builder](../Configuration/ +照護入口的大多數功能仍可在「操作」或主畫面中找到。 可以透過「操作」標籤或漢堡選單進入這些操作,具體取決於你在 [配置構建器](../Configuration/ 中的設定。 -This page will show where you can find the functions previously available in careportal. +此頁面將展示你可以在哪裡找到先前照護入口的功能。 -## Activity & feedback +## 活動與回饋 -![Careportal activity & feedback](../images/Careportal_25_26_1_IIb.png) +![照護入口的活動與回饋](../images/Careportal_25_26_1_IIb.png) -- Age information was moved to actions tab / menu. -- BG check was moved to actions tab / menu. -- Temporary target was moved to actions tab / menu. -- Exercise is no longer available, but you can use the note field in the dialogue box when performing an action like giving bolus etc. (see screenshot in section [carbs & bolus](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus) on this page). +- 年齡資訊已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 +- 血糖檢測已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 +- 臨時目標已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 +- 運動功能已不再可用,但你可以在執行動作時使用對話框中的備註欄位(如進行注射等,參見[此頁面上的碳水化合物與注射截圖](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus))。 (CPbefore26-carbs-bolus)= -## Carbs & bolus +## 碳水化合物與注射 -![Careportal carbs & bolus](../images/Careportal_25_26_2_IIa.png) +![照護入口的碳水化合物與注射](../images/Careportal_25_26_2_IIa.png) -- To note a bolus - no matter if for snack, meal or correction - use the insulin button on the homescreen **and make sure to tick "Do not bolus, record only"!** +- 記錄注射——無論是點心、餐食或修正——請使用主畫面的胰島素按鈕**並確認勾選「不進行注射,僅記錄」!** -- Option to backdate insulin - i.e. if you forgot to register insulin given by syringe - will only be available if checkbox "Do not bolus, record only" is ticked. +- 如果忘記記錄用針筒注射的胰島素,僅勾選「不進行注射,僅記錄」的情況下,才可以回溯記錄胰島素。 - ![Backdate insulin via insulin button](../images/Careportal_25_26_5.png) + ![透過胰島素按鈕回溯記錄胰島素](../images/Careportal_25_26_5.png) -- For carbs correction use the carbs button on the homescreen. +- 進行碳水化合物修正時,請使用主畫面的碳水化合物按鈕。 -- Temporary basal rates can be started and stopped through the button in actions tab / menu. Please note that the button changes from "TEMPBASAL" to "CANCEL x%" when a temporary basal rate is set. +- 可以透過「操作」標籤/選單的按鈕來啟動和停止臨時基礎率。 請注意,當設定臨時基礎率後,按鈕將從「TEMPBASAL」變為「取消 x%」。 -## CGM & OpenAPS +## CGM 與 OpenAPS -![Careportal CGM & OpenAPS](../images/Careportal_25_26_3_IIa.png) +![照護入口的 CGM 與 OpenAPS](../images/Careportal_25_26_3_IIa.png) -- CGM sensor insert can now be found in the actions tab / menu. -- All other functions from this section have been removed. You can use the note field in the dialogue box when performing an action like giving bolus etc. (see screenshot in section [carbs & bolus](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus) on this page). +- CGM 感測器插入已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 +- 此部分的所有其他功能已被移除。 你可以在執行動作時使用對話框中的備註欄位(如進行注射等,參見[此頁面上的碳水化合物與注射截圖](CPbefore26-carbs-bolus))。 -## Pump +## 幫浦 -![Careportal Pump](../images/Careportal_25_26_4_IIb.png) +![照護入口的幫浦](../images/Careportal_25_26_4_IIb.png) -- Pump site and insulin cartridge change can be reach by using the button "prime/fill" in actions tab / menu. -- Profile switch was moved to actions tab / menu. -- Pump battery change was moved to actions tab / menu. +- 可以透過「操作」標籤/選單中的「排氣/填充」按鈕來更換幫浦位置與胰島素匣。 +- 配置檔切換已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 +- 幫浦電池更換已移至「操作」標籤/選單。 From 40d175b382980b0e42567228bd2368c20a92a5b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 290/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 86 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 1d1301220a7c..742cf9dc3ae6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,81 +1,81 @@ -# Creating and resorting back-ups +# 建立和恢復備份 -It is important to keep back-ups of the items listed below. Best practice is to keep a back-up on a local hard drive as well as a cloud location (i.e. Google Drive, box, etc…). Below are the items that it is recommended to keep back-ups of. +保持下列項目的備份非常重要。 最佳做法是將備份儲存在本地硬碟以及雲端位置(例如 Google Drive、box 等)。 以下是建議保留備份的項目。 -## 1 - keystore file from the computer you used to build the APK. -The keystore is what allows you to install an updated APK on top of the existing application. Maintaining the keystore will greatly reduce the complexity of updating the APK in the future, especially if you need to build the app from a new computer. See the Updating AAPS (link) section for details on using the keystore when building a new APK. +## 1 - 你用來建立 APK 的電腦上的金鑰庫檔案。 +金鑰庫允許你在現有應用程式上安裝更新的 APK。 保留金鑰庫將大大降低未來更新 APK 的複雜性,特別是在你需要從新電腦構建應用程式的情況下。 有關使用金鑰庫建立新 APK 的詳細資訊,請參閱 AAPS 更新(連結)部分。 -**When to back-up:** the keystore should be backed up after you first build the AAPS apk. +**何時進行備份:**首次建立 AAPS apk 後應進行金鑰庫備份。 -**How to back-up:** locate your keystore path. If you don’t remember it you can find it in Android Studio by selecting Build > APK > Next. The path will be listed in “Key store path”. Using your file explorer, navigate to this path and make a copy of your keystore file (ending in file extension .jks). Save it to a safe cloud location should your computer become unavailable. Make sure to also record your key store password, key alias and key password. +**如何進行備份:**找到你的金鑰庫路徑。 如果你不記得,可以在 Android Studio 中選擇「Build > APK > Next」找到它。 路徑將列在「金鑰庫路徑」中。 使用檔案總管導航到該路徑,並複製你的金鑰庫檔案(檔案副檔名為 .jks)。 將它儲存到一個安全的雲端位置,以防你的電腦無法使用。 確保也記錄下你的金鑰庫密碼、金鑰別名和金鑰密碼。 -## 2 - copies of the most recent APK -If your main AAPS phone is lost or damaged, having a copy of the APK available will allow you to quickly resume using AAPS with a new phone (note: you also need your preferences backed up as noted below). +## 2 - 最新的 APK 副本 +如果你的主要 AAPS 手機丟失或損壞,擁有 APK 的副本將使你能夠快速在新手機上重新使用 AAPS(注意:你還需要如下面所述的偏好設定備份)。 -**When to back-up:** you should maintain a back-up of the most recent APK that you installed on your main AAPS phone. You may want to also maintain one earlier version in case you need to roll-back to that for any reason. +**何時進行備份:**你應該維持最新 APK 的備份,這是你在主要 AAPS 手機上安裝的。 你也可能希望保留一個早期版本的副本,以防出現需要回滾的情況。 -**How to back-up:** a copy will be maintained on the computer used to build the APK with Android Studio. Additionally, if you use a cloud platform to copy the APK to your phone, that will maintain a copy in the cloud as well. Make sure you know how to find both locations in the event you need them. Consider setting up dedicated folders on your computer and your cloud platform to store these back-ups. +**如何進行備份:**Android Studio 用來構建 APK 的電腦將保留一個副本。 此外,如果你使用雲端平台將 APK 複製到手機,該平台也會在雲端保留副本。 確保你知道如何在需要時找到這兩個位置。 考慮在電腦和雲端平台上設置專用資料夾來儲存這些備份。 -## 3 - AAPS preferences -Preferences are what tailors the stock AAPS application to how you have it setup. Preferences include details on your config builder settings, status of objectives, nightscout settings, automations and local profiles. With a copy of the APK (see above) and preferences you can be up and running on a new phone quickly. +## 3 - AAPS 偏好設定 +偏好設定是根據你設定的方式來調整預設 AAPS 應用程式。 偏好設定包括有關配置構建器設定、目標狀態、Nightscout 設定、自動化和本地配置檔的詳細資料。 有了 APK(見上文)和偏好設定的副本,你可以快速在新手機上運作。 -**When to back-up:** +**何時進行備份:** -1 - as preferences store your progress towards completing the objectives, you should back-up your preferences each time you complete an objective so that you do not lose your progress. _Without a copy of your preferences you will have to complete all objectives again in the event you need to replace your phone._ +1 - 由於偏好設定會儲存你完成目標的進度,因此每次完成一個目標時都應備份偏好設定,以避免遺失進度。 _如果沒有偏好設定的副本,當你更換手機時,將必須重新完成所有目標。_ -2 - any time you plan to make significant changes to your configuration (change SMB settings, change insulin types, change pump, make changes to automations) you should back-up your preferences before and after making the changes. This way you have your most recent settings as well as a copy of what they were before the changes in case you need to revert back to them. +2 - 每當你計劃對配置進行重大變更時(例如更改 SMB 設定、更改胰島素類型、更換幫浦、進行自動化變更),應在變更前後備份偏好設定。 這樣你就可以保留最新的設定副本以及變更前的設定副本,萬一需要回滾時可以使用。 -3 - _Omnipod dash users only_ - the preferences file contains connection details on your current pod and can be used to restore connection to that pod with a new phone. If you do not have a copy of your preferences exported after you started your current pod you will need to start a new pod in the event you need to replace your current phone. +3 - _僅限 Omnipod Dash 用戶_ - 偏好設定檔案包含當前幫浦的連線詳細資訊,可用來在新手機上恢復幫浦連線。 如果你在開始使用當前幫浦後未匯出偏好設定的副本,當需要更換手機時,將需要重新啟動一個新的幫浦。 -**How to back-up:** +**如何進行備份:** -1 - If this your first time importing or exporting preferences you will need to set a master password. In AAPS, select the three dots in the top right corner > Preferences > General > Protection > Master password. Set a password and record this in a safe place. _You will be unable to access your preferences back-ups without this password._ +1 - 如果這是你首次匯入或匯出偏好設定,你需要設置一個主密碼。 在 AAPS 中,選擇右上角的三個點 > 偏好設定 > 一般 > 保護 > 主密碼。 設置密碼並將其記錄在安全的地方。 _沒有此密碼,你將無法存取偏好設定的備份。_ -2 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > Maintenance > Export settings > type in Master password set above > Ok +2 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 維護 > 匯出設定 > 輸入上述設置的主密碼 > 確定。 -![AAPS export settings 1](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings1.png) ![AAPS export settings 2](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings2.png) +![AAPS 匯出設定 1](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings1.png) ![AAPS 匯出設定 2](../images/AAPS_ExportSettings2.png) -3 - using the file explorer on your phone (commonly called “Files” or “My Files”) navigate to Internal Storage > AAPS > preferences. Here you will see a copy of all exported preferences files. The file name should be YYYY-MM-DD_Time_appname.json. Upload this file to the cloud platform of your choice. Then from the cloud platform, also download a copy to your local computer. +3 - 使用手機上的檔案總管(通常稱為「檔案」或「我的檔案」),導航到內部儲存空間 > AAPS > 偏好設定。 在這裡你可以看到所有匯出的偏好設定檔案副本。 檔案名稱應為 YYYY-MM-DD_時間_appname.json。 將此檔案上傳到你選擇的雲端平台。 然後從雲端平台下載一份副本到你的本地電腦。 -# Restoring from your backups on a new phone or fresh installation of AAPS -Use these instructions if you have a back-up of your APK and preferences that you want to load on to a new phone or if you needed to delete and reinstall the APK on your existing phone for any reason. +# 從備份中恢復至新手機或重新安裝 AAPS +如果你有 APK 和偏好設定的備份,想要將其載入到新手機上,或因任何原因需要刪除並重新安裝 APK,請遵循以下指示。 -_If you are updating AAPS using an APK built with the same keystore you should not need to follow this process. However, it is still advised to create a back-up before you apply the update._ +_如果你是使用相同金鑰庫構建的 APK 更新 AAPS,則不需要按照此過程進行。 不過,仍建議在更新前建立備份。_ -If you are updating AAPS after you lost or replaced your original keystore (i.e. using a new build computer without transferring the keystore), ensure that you back-up all settings per the above and then uninstall the existing version of AAPS on your phone. +如果你在丟失或更換原金鑰庫後更新 AAPS(例如在未傳輸金鑰庫的情況下使用新電腦構建),請確保根據上述方法備份所有設定,然後在手機上卸載現有版本的 AAPS。 -If needed, setup your CGM/BG source receiver prior to the steps listed below (link: +如果需要,請在下面步驟之前設定你的 CGM/血糖來源接收器(連結:[]( -_Omnipod users:_ importing a preferences file will deactivate your current pod if those preferences were exported during a different active pod session. +_Omnipod 用戶:_ 如果在不同的幫浦活動期間匯出偏好設定檔案,匯入該檔案將會停用當前幫浦。 -1 - Using the back-up copy of your APK from above, follow the instructions for a new installation[ (link:]( +1 - 使用上述的 APK 備份,按照[新安裝指示](進行操作。 -2 - Launch AAPS and allow any requested permissions +2 - 啟動 AAPS 並允許任何請求的權限。 -3 - Exit the Setup Wizard. We will be importing all of the necessary settings from the back-up copy of preferences +3 - 退出設定精靈。 我們將從偏好設定的備份檔案中匯入所有必要的設定。 -4 - From the AAPS home screen select Request and allow on all permissions listed in red on the top +4 - 從 AAPS 主畫面選擇請求並允許頂部紅色列出的所有權限。 -5 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three dots in the top right corner > Preferences > General > Protection > Master password. Set the Master password to the same password as you used with your back-ups. +5 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇右上角的三個點 > 偏好設定 > 一般 > 保護 > 主密碼。 將主密碼設置為與備份時使用的密碼相同。 -6 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > Maintenance > Export settings > type in Master password set above > Ok. This will create the preferences folder if it does not already exist on your phone. +6 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 維護 > 匯出設定 > 輸入上述設置的主密碼 > 確定。 這將在手機上建立偏好設定資料夾(如果尚未存在)。 -7 - Download the back-up of your preferences file from your cloud platform. +7 - 從雲端平台下載偏好設定檔案備份。 -8 - Use your file explorer (commonly called “Files” or “My Files”) to move the file from your downloads to /internal storage/AAPS/preferences +8 - 使用你的檔案總管(通常稱為「檔案」或「我的檔案」)將檔案從下載移動到 /內部儲存/AAPS/偏好設定 資料夾中。 -9 - From the AAPS home screen, select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > Maintenance > Import settings > select the preferences file you want to back-up from > Ok > type in Master password set above > Ok. Make sure you select the correct preferences file, all .json files from the preferences folder will be shown. +9 - 從 AAPS 主畫面,選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 維護 > 匯入設定 > 選擇你想要備份的偏好設定檔案 > 確定 > 輸入上述設置的主密碼 > 確定。 確保選擇正確的偏好設定檔案,所有來自偏好設定資料夾的 .json 檔案將顯示。 -![AAPS import settings 1](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings1.png) ![AAPS import settings 2](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings2.png) +![AAPS 匯入設定 1](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings1.png) ![AAPS 匯入設定 2](../images/AAPS_ImportSettings2.png) -10 - AAPS will automatically restart and should then have all of your preferences imported. +10 - AAPS 會自動重新啟動,並應該匯入所有偏好設定。 -11 - Omnipod dash users only - if your preferences were not backed up from the same pump you are currently using you will need to start a new pod to begin insulin delivery +11 - 僅限 Omnipod Dash 用戶 - 如果你的偏好設定不是從你目前使用的幫浦備份的,你將需要啟動一個新的幫浦以開始胰島素輸送。 -**Troubleshooting:** if you are unable to get an active profile set from the AAPS home screen select the three line (hamburger) menu in the top left > config builder > Pump > switch to Virtual Pump > then switch back to your pump type +**疑難排解:** 如果你無法從 AAPS 主畫面設置一個啟動的配置檔,請選擇左上角的三條線(漢堡)選單 > 配置構建器 > 幫浦 > 切換到虛擬幫浦,然後再切換回你的幫浦類型。 -### Note for Dana RS users +### Dana RS 使用者注意事項 -- As pump connection settings are also imported AAPS on your new phone will already "know" the pump and therefore not start a bluetooth scan. -- Please pair new phone and pump manually. +- 由於幫浦連線設定也會匯入,新手機上的 AAPS 已經「認識」幫浦,因此不會啟動藍牙掃描。 +- 請手動配對新手機與幫浦。 From 31d70df59b06a745a71f90567a7612df6382241e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 291/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 66 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 850ef010b253..e868e3eeeb9b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,70 +1,70 @@ (Extended-Carbs-extended-carbs-ecarbs)= -# Extended carbs / "eCarbs" +# 延長碳水化合物 / "eCarbs" -## What are eCarbs and when are they useful? +## 什麼是 eCarbs?什麼時候使用 eCarbs 有效? -With a regular pump therapy, extended boluses are a good way to deal with fatty or otherwise slowly-absorbed meals which increase blood glucose longer than the insulin is in effect. In a loop context, however, extended boluses don't make as much sense (and pose technical difficulties), since they're basically a fixed high temporary basal rate, which goes against how the loop works, which is adjusting the basal rate dynamically. For details see [extended bolus](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) below. +在一般幫浦療法中,延長注射(延長胰島素注射)是應對高脂肪或慢速吸收餐食的好方法,這些餐食會讓血糖在胰島素效果結束後仍然上升。 然而,在循環系統中,延長注射並不那麼適用(且技術上有困難),因為它基本上是一個固定的高臨時基礎率,而循環系統的工作原理是動態調整基礎率。 詳情請參閱下方的 [延長注射](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment)。 -The need to deal with such meals still exists though. Which is why AAPS as of version 2.0 supports so called extended carbs or eCarbs. +然而,處理這類餐食的需求仍然存在。 這就是為什麼從 AAPS 版本 2.0 開始支援所謂的延長碳水化合物或 eCarbs。 -eCarbs are carbs that are spilt up over several hours. For standard meals with more carbohydrates than fat/protein, entering the carbs up front (and reducing the initial bolus if needed) is usually sufficient to prevent too-early insulin delivery. But for slower-absorbing meals where full carb entry up front results in too much IOB from SMB, eCarbs can be used to more accurately simulate how the carbs (and any carb equivalents you enter for other macronutrients) are absorbed and influence the blood glucose. With this information, the loop can administer SMBs more gradually to deal with those carbs, which can be seen as a dynamic extended bolus (this should also work without SMBs, but is probably less effective). +eCarbs 是指碳水化合物會在幾個小時內逐步釋放。 對於高碳水化合物的標準餐食,提前輸入碳水化合物(如果需要,可以減少初始注射量)通常足以避免過早的胰島素注射。 但是對於吸收較慢的餐食,如果完全提前輸入碳水化合物會導致來自 SMB 的 IOB 過多,eCarbs 可以更準確地模擬碳水化合物(以及你為其他營養素輸入的任何碳水化合物等效物)的吸收,並影響血糖。 有了這些資訊,循環系統可以更逐步地管理 SMB 來處理這些碳水化合物,這可以被視為一種動態的延長注射(即使沒有 SMB 也應該有效,但可能不如有 SMB 時效果好)。 -**Note:** eCarbs aren't limited to fatty / protein heavy meals: they can be also be used to help in any situation where there are influences that increase the blood sugar, e.g. other medication like corticosteroids. +**注意:** eCarbs 不僅限於高脂肪/高蛋白餐食:它們也可以幫助應對任何會提高血糖的情況,例如服用其他藥物(如類固醇)。 -## Mechanics of using eCarbs +## 使用 eCarbs 的操作方式 -To enter eCarbs, set a duration in the *Carbs* dialog on the overview tab, the total carbs and optionally a time shift (*numbers below are just examples, you will need to try your own values to arrive at satisfactory glucose response for your use-cases*): +要輸入 eCarbs,請在首頁總覽標籤的*碳水化合物*對話框中設置持續時間、總碳水化合物量,並可選擇時間偏移(*下方數值僅為示例,需自行嘗試以達到滿意的血糖反應*): -![Enter carbs](../images/eCarbs_Dialog.png) +![輸入碳水化合物](../images/eCarbs_Dialog.png) -The eCarbs on the overview tab, note the carbs in brackets at the COB field, which shows the carbs in the future: +首頁總覽標籤中的 eCarbs,注意 COB 欄位中的括號顯示未來的碳水化合物: -![eCarbs in graph](../images/eCarbs_Graph.png) +![圖表中的 eCarbs](../images/eCarbs_Graph.png) -Carb entries which are in the future are coloured in dark orange on the treatment tab: +未來的碳水化合物條目在治療標籤中會以深橙色顯示: -![eCarbs in future in treatment tab](../images/eCarbs_Treatment.png) +![治療標籤中顯示的未來 eCarbs](../images/eCarbs_Treatment.png) ______________________________________________________________________ -A way to handle fat and protein with that feature is described here: []( +此功能用於處理脂肪和蛋白質的方法描述在此處:[]( ______________________________________________________________________ -## Recommended setup, example scenario, and important notes +## 推薦設置、範例場景及重要注意事項 -The recommended setup is to use the OpenAPS SMB APS plugin, with SMBs enabled as well as the *Enable SMB with COB* preference being enabled. +推薦設置是使用 OpenAPS SMB APS 外掛,啟用 SMB 並啟用 *COB 啟用 SMB* 偏好設定。 -A scenario e.g. for a Pizza might be to give a (partial) bolus up front via the *calculator* and then use the *carbs* button to enter the remaining carbs for a duration of 4-6 hours, starting after 1 or 2 hours. +例如,對於披薩,你可以先透過 *計算機*部分注射,然後使用 *碳水化合物* 按鈕輸入剩餘的碳水化合物,持續時間設置為 4-6 小時,從 1 或 2 小時後開始。 -**Important notes:** You'll need to try out and see which concrete values work for you of course. You might also carefully adjust the setting *max minutes of basal to limit SMB to* to make the algorithm more or less aggressive. With low carb, high fat/protein meals it may be enough to only use eCarbs without manual boluses (see the blog post above). When eCarbs are generated, a Careportal note is also created to document all inputs, to make it easier to iterate and improve inputs. +**重要注意事項:**當然,你需要嘗試看看哪些具體數值對你有效。 你還可以仔細調整*限制 SMB 的最大基礎率分鐘數*設置,以使演算法更積極或較不積極。 對於低碳水化合物、高脂肪/高蛋白餐食,可能僅使用 eCarbs 就足夠,不需要手動注射(詳情請參閱上述的部落格文章)。 當生成 eCarbs 時,系統也會在 Careportal 中生成一個筆記來記錄所有輸入,這樣可以更容易地進行調整和改進。 (Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-why-they-wont-work-in-closed-loop-environment)= -## Extended bolus and why they won't work in closed-loop environment? +## 延長注射及其為何在閉環系統中無法運作? -As mentioned above extended or multiwave boluses do not really work in a closed loop environment. [See below](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) for details +如上所述,延長或多波段注射在閉環系統中並不真正有效。 [請參閱下方詳情](Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment) (Extended-Carbs-extended-bolus-and-switch-to-open-loop-dana-and-insight-pump-only)= -### Extended bolus and switch to open loop - Dana and Insight pump only +### 延長注射與切換至開放循環 - 僅限 Dana 與 Insight 幫浦 -Some people were asking for an option to use extended bolus in AAPS anyway as they wanted to treat special foods the way they are used to. +一些人希望 AAPS 能提供延長注射選項,因為他們希望以自己習慣的方式處理特殊食物。 -That's why as of version 2.6 there is an option for an extended bolus for users of Dana and Insight pumps. +這就是為什麼從 AAPS 版本 2.6 開始,對 Dana 和 Insight 幫浦使用者提供了延長注射選項。 -- Closed loop will automatically be stopped and switched to open loop mode for the time running extended bolus. -- Bolus units, remaining and total time will be shown on homescreen. -- On Insight pump extended bolus is *not available* if [TBR emulation](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps) is used. +- 閉環將自動停止並切換為開環模式,以運作延長注射。 +- 注射單位、剩餘和總時間將顯示在主畫面。 +- 如果啟用了 [TBR 模擬](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-settings-in-aaps),Insight 幫浦將不提供延長注射功能。 -![Extended bolus in AAPS 2.6](../images/ExtendedBolus2_6.png) +![AAPS 2.6 中的延長注射](../images/ExtendedBolus2_6.png) (Extended-Carbs-why-extended-boluses-won-t-work-in-a-closed-loop-environment)= -### Why extended boluses won't work in a closed loop environment +### 為什麼延長注射在閉環系統中無法運作 -1. The loop determines that now 1.55U/h is to be delivered. Whether this is delivered as an extended bolus or TBR does not matter to the algorithm. In fact, some of the pumps use the extended bolus. What should happen then? Most pump drivers then stop the extended bolus -> You didn't even need to start it. +1. 循環系統決定現在應注射 1.55U/h。 無論這是透過延長注射還是 TBR 提供,對於演算法來說沒有區別。 實際上,有些幫浦使用延長注射。 那麼接下來該怎麼辦? 大多數幫浦驅動程式會停止延長注射——> 你甚至不需要開始它。 -2. If you had the extended bolus as input, what should happen in the model? +2. 如果你已經輸入了延長注射,模型應該如何處理? - 1. Should it be considered neutral together with the BR and looped on it? Then the loop should also be able to reduce the bolus if, for example, you get too low and all the "neutral" insulin is taken away? - 2. Should the extended bolus simply be added? So the loop should simply be allowed to continue? Even in the worst hypo? I don't think this is so good: A hypo is foreseen but it must not be prevented? + 1. 它應該與基礎率一起被視為中立並在上面循環嗎? 然後,循環應該能夠減少注射量,如果,例如,你的血糖過低並且所有「中立」的胰島素都被移除了嗎? + 2. 延長注射應該被直接加入嗎? 所以應該允許循環繼續運作嗎? 即使是在最嚴重的低血糖情況下? 我覺得這不太好:預見到了低血糖,但不應該加以預防嗎? -3. The IOB that the extended bolus builds up materializes after 5 minutes at the next run. Accordingly, the loop would give less basal. So not much changes... except that the possibility of hypo avoidance is taken. +3. 延長注射所累積的活性胰島素會在5分鐘後的下一次運作時出現。 因此,循環將會提供較少的基礎率。 所以變化不大...除了避免低血糖的可能性被取消了。 From 4ad4fa52217adb23d47092c4e5bc8b0a710a31b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 292/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 72 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index b4f6f2903c33..29a062f96323 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ -# Manual Installation of Google Play Service for Sony Smartwatch 3 +# 手動安裝 Google Play 服務於 Sony Smartwatch 3 -The Sony Smartwatch 3 is one of the most popular watches to be used with AAPS. Unfortunately Google dropped support for wear OS 1.5 devices in fall 2020. This leads to problems when using Sony SW3 with AAPS 2.7 and above. +Sony Smartwatch 3 是最常與 AAPS 搭配使用的手錶之一。 不幸的是,Google 在2020年秋天終止了對 Wear OS 1.5 設備的支援。 這導致 Sony SW3 在使用 AAPS 2.7 及以上版本時出現問題。 -The following workaround should extend the time the Sony Smartwatch 3 can be used but keep in mind that the need to switch to a new smartwatch will come sooner or later. +以下的解決方法應該可以延長 Sony Smartwatch 3 的使用時間,但請記住,遲早還是需要更換新手錶。 -## 1. Download the latest GService for Wear OS +## 1. 下載最新的 Wear OS 版 GService -- Using [apkmirror website]( you can find the latest apk for "Google Play Services (Wear OS)". +- 使用 [apkmirror 網站](,你可以找到 "Google Play Services (Wear OS)" 的最新 apk。 - Architecture: armeabi-v7a, Minimum Version: Android 6.0+, Screen DPI: nodpi + 架構:armeabi-v7a,最低版本:Android 6.0+,螢幕 DPI:nodpi -- You must ensure 2 things: +- 你必須確保兩件事: - - Is it the latest version? - - Is it compatible with Android 6.0+ (as it's the wear android version, 7.0+ and above will not work)? + - 這是最新版本嗎? + - 它是否與 Android 6.0+ 相容?(因為它是 Wear Android 版本,7.0+ 及以上版本無法運作) -- Sooner or later, Google will definitely drop Android 6.0. When this will happen, the latest version will not be available anymore for Android 6.0+, therefore it will be the end. +- 遲早,Google 絕對會終止對 Android 6.0 的支援。 當這發生時,最新版本將不再適用於 Android 6.0+,因此將迎來終結。 -## 2. Download/Install adb debugging tools on your computer +## 2. 在你的電腦上下載/安裝 adb 偵錯工具 -- There are multiple ways to install the adb debugging tool. -- It is recommended to use [SDK Platform Tools]( Just download zip file and unzip to a directory of your choice. +- 有多種方式可以安裝 adb 偵錯工具。 +- 建議使用 [SDK Platform Tools](只需下載 zip 檔並解壓縮到你選擇的目錄。 -## 3. Enable ADB Debugging options on your watch +## 3. 在你的手錶上啟用 ADB 偵錯選項 -- Enable developer mode by going to Settings --> About --> Build number -- Or it could be Settings --> System --> About --> --> Versions --> Build number +- 前往設定 --> 關於 --> 版本號,啟用開發者模式 +- 或者可能是設定 --> 系統 --> 關於 --> 版本 --> 版本號 -- Click it 7 times. -- Now go to Settings --> Developer Options --> ADB Debugging (enable) +- 點擊7次。 +- 然後前往設定 --> 開發者選項 --> ADB 偵錯(啟用) -## 4. Connect your watch to your computer +## 4. 將你的手錶連線到電腦 -- Then plug your smartwatch to PC. -- Rename latest downloaded google services APK using some short and simple name (let's say SW3fix.apk). -- Place this APK to the directory of your adb tool (in our case: the directory of unzipped SDK Platform Tools). -- Open Windows terminal using command „cmd“ in Windows start menu. -- In terminal, go to the directory that includes your adb tool and google services APK (type command „cd \[your path\]“, e.g. „cd C:UsersSWR50loopersdktools“). -- Then type “adb devices”. -- After a moment, you should get a prompt asking for debugging permission on your watch: accept. -- In the terminal, you should now see something like "14452D11F536B52 device" when typing "adb devices" again. -- If you see "unauthorized" or else, you're not ready for the next step, go back and try again. -- If you struggle at this step, you may need specific drivers or else for your watch. Google will be your best friend at this point. -- Then wait, the installation can take several minutes. +- 將手錶插入電腦。 +- 將最新下載的 Google 服務 APK 重命名為一個簡短的名字(例如 SW3fix.apk)。 +- 將此 APK 放入 adb 工具的目錄中(例如:解壓縮的 SDK Platform Tools 目錄)。 +- 使用 Windows 開始選單中的「cmd」指令打開 Windows 終端機。 +- 在終端機中,進入包含 adb 工具和 Google 服務 APK 的目錄(輸入指令「cd \[你的路徑\]」,例如「cd C:UsersSWR50loopersdktools」)。 +- 然後輸入 “adb devices”。 +- 稍後,你應該會看到手錶上的偵錯權限提示:接受它。 +- 在終端機中,當再次輸入 "adb devices" 時,應該會看到類似 "14452D11F536B52 device" 的訊息。 +- 如果你看到 "unauthorized" 或其他,表示你還沒準備好進行下一步,回去再試一次。 +- 如果你在這步遇到困難,可能需要為你的手錶安裝特定的驅動程式或其他東西。 在這時,Google 是你最好的朋友。 +- 然後等待,安裝可能需要幾分鐘。 -## 5. Send the app to your watch +## 5. 將應用程式傳送到手錶 -- In terminal enter this command „adb install -r -g aplicationname.apk“ (so in our case „adb install -r -g SW3fix.apk“). +- 在終端機中輸入這個指令「adb install -r -g 應用名稱.apk」(所以在我們的例子中是「adb install -r -g SW3fix.apk」)。 - ![Terminal command](../images/SonySW3_Terminal1.png) + ![終端機指令](../images/SonySW3_Terminal1.png) -- Wait for about 4–5 minutes for installation to complete. +- 等待約4–5分鐘以完成安裝。 - ![Terminal successful installation](../images/SonySW3_Terminal2.png) + ![終端機成功安裝](../images/SonySW3_Terminal2.png) -- Once it's done, restart your watch and you should see the apps beginning to synchronize themself promptly. +- 一旦完成,重新啟動手錶,應用程式應該會迅速開始同步。 From 81c215a65062537c0f0f6a277a29bfe02c0e6e8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 293/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 102 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index c09fdad6ebeb..47bce6b2ff4f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,110 +1,110 @@ -# Troubleshooting +# 疑難排解 -You can find troubleshooting info on many pages in the wiki. This page is a collection of links to help you find the information to solve your problem. +你可以在許多 wiki 頁面上找到疑難排解的資訊。 此頁面是幫助你找到解決問題資訊的鏈接集合。 -Additional useful information might also be available in the [FAQ](../Getting-Started/FAQ.html). +額外的有用資訊可能也會在 [FAQ](../Getting-Started/FAQ.html) 中找到。 -## AAPS app +## AAPS 應用程式 -### Building & updating +### 建立 & 更新 -* [Lost keystore](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore) -* [Troubleshooting AndroidStudio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +* [遺失的密鑰庫](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore) +* [疑難排解 AndroidStudio](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -### Settings -* [Profile](Profiles-troubleshooting-profile-errors) +### 設定 +* [設定檔](Profiles-troubleshooting-profile-errors) - ![Error: Basal not aligned to hours](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) + ![錯誤:基礎率未對齊到整點](../images/Screen_DifferentPump.png) -* [Pump - data from different pump](../Installing-AndroidAPS/update3_0.html#failure-message-data-from-different-pump) +* [幫浦 - 來自不同幫浦的資料](../Installing-AndroidAPS/update3_0.html#failure-message-data-from-different-pump) - ![Failure message: Data from different pump](../images/BasalNotAlignedToHours2.png) + ![錯誤訊息:來自不同幫浦的資料](../images/BasalNotAlignedToHours2.png) -* [Nightscout Client](../Usage/Troubleshooting-NSClient.html) +* [Nightscout 用戶端](../Usage/Troubleshooting-NSClient.html) -### Usage -* [Wrong carb values](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) +### 使用說明 +* [碳水化合物值錯誤](COB-calculation-detection-of-wrong-cob-values) - ![Error: Slow carb absorption](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) + ![錯誤:碳水化合物吸收速度過慢](../images/Calculator_SlowCarbAbsorption.png) -* [SMS commands](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) +* [SMS 指令](SMS-Commands-troubleshooting) -### Frequent bluetooth connection problems +### 頻繁的藍牙連線問題 -This can happen with various pumps. Apart from excluding AAPS from any battery optimization, you can also exclude the system bluetooth app from battery optimization. This can help in some cases. Depending on the phone you use, you will find the bluetooth app differently. +這可能會發生在各種幫浦上。 除了將 AAPS 排除在任何電池優化之外,你還可以將系統的藍牙應用程式排除在電池優化之外。 這在某些情況下有幫助。 根據你使用的手機,你會以不同方式找到藍牙應用程式。 -Here are examples how to find them on specific android phones. +這裡是一些如何在特定 Android 手機上找到它們的範例。 -#### Pixel phones (stock android) +#### Pixel 手機(原生 Android) -* Go to the android settings, select "Apps". +* 進入 Android 設定,選擇「應用程式」。 - ![Android Settings¦Apps](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/01_androidsettings.png) + ![Android 設定¦應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/01_androidsettings.png) -* Select "See all apps" +* 選擇「查看所有應用程式」 - ![See all apps](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/02_apps.png) + ![查看所有應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/02_apps.png) -* On the menu on the right, select "Show system" apps. +* 在右側的選單中,選擇「顯示系統應用程式」。 - ![Show system apps](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_allapps.png) + ![顯示系統應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_allapps.png) -* Now search and select the app "Bluetooth". +* 現在搜尋並選擇「藍牙」應用程式。 - ![Bluetooth app](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_bluetooth.png) + ![藍牙應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/03_bluetooth.png) -* Click the "App battery usage" and select "Not optimized". +* 點擊「應用程式電池使用情況」並選擇「未優化」。 - ![BT Battery optimization](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/04_btunrestricted.png) + ![藍牙電池優化](../images/troubleshooting/pixel/04_btunrestricted.png) -#### Samsung phones +#### Samsung 手機 -* Go to the android settings, select "Apps" +* 進入 Android 設定,選擇「應用程式」 -* On the icon that supposedly changes the sorting algorithm (1), select "Show system apps" (2). +* 在圖示上(1)選擇變更排序演算法,然後選擇「顯示系統應用程式」(2)。 - ![App Filter](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung01_Apps.png) + ![應用程式篩選器](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung01_Apps.png) - ![Show system apps](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung02_ShowSystemApps.png) + ![顯示系統應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung02_ShowSystemApps.png) -* Now search the bluetooth app and select it to see its settings. +* 現在搜尋藍牙應用程式並選擇它來查看其設定。 - ![Bluetooth App](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung03_BtApp.png) + ![藍牙應用程式](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung03_BtApp.png) -* Select "battery". +* 選擇「電池」。 - ![Battery](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung04_Battery.png) + ![電池](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung04_Battery.png) -* Set it to "Not optimized" +* 將其設為「未優化」。 - ![Not optimized](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung05_NotOptimized.png) + ![未優化](../images/troubleshooting/samsung/Samsung05_NotOptimized.png) ## CGM -* [General](GeneralCGMRecommendation-troubleshooting) +* [一般問題](GeneralCGMRecommendation-troubleshooting) * [Dexcom G6](DexcomG6-troubleshooting-g6) * [Libre 3](Libre3-experiences-and-troubleshooting) * [Libre 2](Libre2-experiences-and-troubleshooting) -* [xDrip - no CGM data](xdrip-identify-receiver) -* [xDrip - Dexcom troubleshooting](xdrip-troubleshooting-dexcom-g5-g6-and-xdrip) +* [xDrip - 無 CGM 資料](xdrip-identify-receiver) +* [xDrip - Dexcom 疑難排解](xdrip-troubleshooting-dexcom-g5-g6-and-xdrip) -## Pumps +## 幫浦 * [DanaRS](DanaRS-Insulin-Pump-dana-rs-specific-errors) -* [Accu-Chek Combo general](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage) +* [Accu-Chek Combo 總覽](Accu-Chek-Combo-Tips-for-Basic-usage) * [Accu-Chek Combo + Ruffy](Accu-Chek-Combo-Pump-why-pairing-with-the-pump-does-not-work-with-the-app-ruffy) * [Accu-Chek Insight](Accu-Chek-Insight-Pump-insight-specific-errors) * [Medtronic + RileyLink](MedtronicPump-what-to-do-if-i-loose-connection-to-rileylink-and-or-pump) -## Phones +## 手機 * [Jelly](../Usage/ -* [Huawei bluetooth & battery optimization](../Usage/ +* [華為藍牙 & 電池優化](../Usage/ -## Smartwatches +## 智慧型手錶 -* [Troubleshooting Wear app](Watchfaces-troubleshooting-the-wear-app) +* [疑難排解 Wear 應用程式](Watchfaces-troubleshooting-the-wear-app) * [Sony Smartwatch 3](../Usage/ From 186ca123c9533120e78a1c35e1b8802cff2e9d81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 294/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index bdd3a34dd476..3d4cf2374708 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# Change language +# 更改語言 ```{note} -The language selection have been moved to the bottom drawer of the left menu. Please click on the bottom bar to open language selection menu. +語言選擇已移至左側選單的底部抽屜。 請點擊底部欄位,打開語言選擇選單。 ``` -![Open language menu](images/documentation_language_menu.png){w=350px align=center} +![打開語言選單](images/documentation_language_menu.png){w=350px align=center} From e37ea7dada97edc35df4b921f18e02dc09b5cca1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 295/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ | 56 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ index 3ee720c90638..244d1ff56ae3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -# Remote monitoring +# 遠端監控 -![Monitoring children](../images/KidsMonitoring.png) +![監控兒童](../images/KidsMonitoring.png) -AAPS offer several options for remote monitoring of children and also allows to send remote commands. Of course you can also use remote monitoring to follow your partner or friend. +AAPS 提供多種遠端監控兒童的選項,並允許傳送遠端指令。 當然,您也可以使用遠端監控來追蹤您的伴侶或朋友。 -## Functions +## 功能 -- Kid's pump is controlled by kid's phone using AAPS. -- Parents can remotely follow seeing all relevant data such as glucose levels, carbs on board, insulin on board etc. using **AAPSClient app** on their phone. Settings must be the same in AAPS and AAPSClient app. -- Parents can be alarmed by using **xDrip+ app in follower mode** on their phone. -- Remote control of AAPS using [SMS Commands](../Children/ secured by two-factor authentication. -- Remote control through AAPSClient app is only recommended if your synchronization is working well (ie. you don’t see unwanted data changes like self modification of TT, TBR etc) see [release notes for Version](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1) for further details. +- 孩子的幫浦是由孩子的手機使用 AAPS 控制的。 +- 父母可以透過他們的手機使用 **AAPSClient 應用程式** 遠端查看所有相關資料,如血糖值、活性碳水化合物、活性胰島素等。 AAPS 和 AAPSClient 應用程式中的設定必須相同。 +- 父母可以使用手機上的 **xDrip+ 應用程式** 在追蹤者模式中接收警報。 +- 透過雙因素身份驗證的 [SMS 指令](../Children/ 遠端控制 AAPS。 +- 僅在同步運作正常時(例如您沒有看到不需要的資料更改如 TT、TBR 自動修改等情況)建議使用 AAPSClient 應用程式進行遠端控制,有關詳情請參閱 [ 版的發行說明](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1)。 -## Tools and apps for remote monitoring +## 遠端監控的工具和應用程式 -- [Nightscout]( in web browser (mainly data display) -- AAPSClient app is a stripped down version of AAPS capable of following somebody, making profile switches, setting TTs and entering carbs. There are 2 apps: [AAPSClient & AAPSClient2 to download]( The only difference is the app name. This way you can install the app twice on the same phone, to be able to follow 2 different persons/nightscouts with it. -- Dexcom follow if you are using original Dexcom app (BG values only) -- [xDrip+](../Configuration/ in follower mode (mainly BG values and **alarms**) -- [Sugarmate]( or [Spike]( on iOS (mainly BG values and **alarms**) -- Some users find a full remote access tool like [TeamViewer]( to be helpful for advanced remote troubleshooting +- 網頁瀏覽器中的 [Nightscout](主要用於資料顯示) +- AAPSClient 應用程式是 AAPS 的精簡版本,能夠追蹤某人、更換設定檔、設定臨時目標並輸入碳水化合物。 您可以下載兩個應用程式:[AAPSClient 及 AAPSClient2](。 這兩個應用程式唯一的區別是應用程式名稱。 這樣,您可以在同一部手機上安裝兩個應用程式,從而能夠追蹤兩個不同人的nightscouts。 +- 如果您使用的是原版 Dexcom 應用程式,您可以使用 Dexcom 追蹤應用程式(僅顯示血糖值)。 +- [xDrip+](../Configuration/ 在追蹤者模式中(主要顯示血糖值和 **警報**)。 +- 在 iOS 上使用 [Sugarmate]( 或 [Spike](主要顯示血糖值和 **警報**)。 +- 一些使用者發現 [TeamViewer]( 這樣的全遠端存取工具對於進行高階遠端故障排除非常有幫助。 -## Smartwatch options +## 智慧型手錶選項 -A smartwatch can be a very useful tool in helping manage AAPS with kids. A couple of different configurations are possible: +智慧型手錶在幫助管理 AAPS 和孩子的情況下可能是非常有用的工具。 可以進行幾種不同的配置: -- If AAPSClient is installed on the parents phone, the [AAPSClient WearOS app]( can be installed on a compatible smartwatch connected to the parent's phone. This will show current BG, loop status and allow carb entry, temp targets and profile changes. It will NOT allow bolusing from the WearOS app. -- Alternatively, the [AAPS WearOS app]( can be built and installed on a compatible smartwatch, connected to the kid's phone but worn by the parent. This includes all the functions listed above as well as the ability to bolus insulin. This allows the parent to adminster insulin without needing to remove the kid's phone from however it is kept on them. +- 如果父母的手機上安裝了 AAPSClient,則可以在與父母手機相連的相容智慧型手錶上安裝 [AAPSClient WearOS 應用程式](。 這將顯示當前的血糖值、循環狀態,並允許輸入碳水化合物、設定臨時目標和更換設定檔。 無法從 WearOS 應用程式進行注射。 +- 或者,可以自行建立並安裝在與孩子手機相連的相容智慧型手錶上,但由父母配戴的 [AAPS WearOS 應用程式](。 這包括上述所有功能,並具有注射胰島素的能力。 這允許父母在不需要取出孩子手機的情況下管理胰島素注射。 -## Things to consider +## 需考慮的事項 -- Setting the correct [treatment factors](FAQ-how-to-begin) (basal rate, DIA, ISF...) is difficult for kids, especially when growth hormones are involved. -- Settings must be the same in AAPS and AAPSClient app. -- Consider time gap between master and follower due to time for up- and download as well as the fact that AAPS master phone will only upload after loop run. -- So take your time to set those correctly and test them in real life with your kid next to you before starting remote monitoring and remote treatment. School holidays might be a good time for that. -- What is your emergency plan when remote control does not work (i.e. network problems)? -- Remote monitoring and treatment can be really helpful in kinder garden and elementary school. But make sure the teachers and educators are aware of your kid's treatment plan. Examples for such care plans can be found in the [files section of AAPS users]( on Facebook. -- It is important to keep the kid's phone in range of their pump and CGM at all times. This can be challenging especially with very small children. Many solutions exist, a popular option is an [SPI Belt]( +- 為孩子設定正確的 [治療因子](FAQ-how-to-begin)(基礎率、胰島素作用時間、胰島素敏感因子等)是困難的,尤其是在涉及生長激素的情況下。 +- AAPS 和 AAPSClient 應用程式中的設定必須相同。 +- 考慮主裝置和追蹤者之間的時間差,因為上傳和下載需要時間,並且 AAPS 主手機只會在循環運作後上傳資料。 +- 因此,請花時間正確設定這些參數,並在現實生活中與您的孩子一起測試,然後再開始遠端監控和遠端治療。 學校假期可能是進行此操作的好時機。 +- 當遠端控制無法運作時(例如,網路問題),您的應變計劃是什麼? +- 遠端監控和治療在幼兒園和小學中非常有幫助。 但請確保老師和教育工作者了解您孩子的治療計劃。 可以在 Facebook 上的 [AAPS 使用者群組檔案區]( 中找到此類照護計劃的範例。 +- 務必讓孩子的手機始終在幫浦和CGM的範圍內。 這對於非常年幼的孩子來說可能是一個挑戰。 有許多解決方案,一個受歡迎的選項是 [SPI Belt](。 From 05bcd1b9e8d4b079448d654deec5bdc2b78a1a11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 296/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ | 226 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ index 25c9d5adcf66..e3ff718e2410 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Children/ @@ -1,189 +1,189 @@ -# SMS Commands +# SMS(簡訊) 指令 -## Safety First +## 安全第一 -- AAPS allows you to control a child's phone remotely via text message. If you enable this SMS Communicator, always remember that the phone set up to give remote commands could be stolen. So always protect it at least by a PIN code. A strong password or biometrics are recommended. -- Additionally it is recommended to allow a [second phone number](SMS-Commands-authorized-phone-numbers) for SMS commands. So you can use second number to [temporary disable](SMS-Commands-other) SMS communicator in case your main remote phone gets lost or stolen. -- AAPS will also inform you by text message if your remote commands, such as a bolus or a profile change, have been carried out. It is advisable to set this up so that confirmation texts are sent to at least two different phone numbers in case one of the receiving phones is stolen. -- **If you bolus through SMS Commands you must enter carbs through Nightscout (AAPSClient, Website...)!** If you fail to do so IOB would be correct with too low COB potentially leading to not performed correction bolus as AAPS assumes that you have too much active insulin. -- As of AAPS version 2.7 an authenticator app with a time-based one-time password must be used to increase safety when using SMS commands. +- AAPS 允許您透過簡訊遠端控制孩子的手機。 如果您啟用此 SMS 通訊功能,請務必記住,設置為傳送遠端指令的手機可能會被盜。 因此,務必至少使用 PIN 碼來保護手機。 建議使用強度較高的密碼或生物識別技術。 +- 此外,建議允許 [第二個手機號碼](SMS-Commands-authorized-phone-numbers) 來發送 SMS 指令。 這樣,當您的主遠端手機丟失或被盜時,可以使用第二個號碼 [臨時停用](SMS-Commands-other) SMS 通訊功能。 +- 如果您傳送的遠端指令(如注射或更改設定檔)已執行,AAPS 也會透過簡訊通知您。 建議將其設置為至少傳送到兩個不同的手機號碼,以防其中一部接收手機被盜。 +- **如果您透過 SMS 指令進行注射,則必須透過 Nightscout(AAPSClient、網站等)輸入碳水化合物!** 如果您未這樣做,活性胰島素(IOB)數值會正確,但活性碳水化合物化合物(COB)可能過低,導致 **AAPS** 假設您有過多的活性胰島素,從而未執行糾正注射。 +- 從 AAPS 2.7 版本起,當使用 SMS 指令時,必須使用帶有時間一次性密碼的身份驗證器應用程式來提高安全性。 -## Setup SMS commands +## 設定 SMS 指令 -![SMS Commands Setup](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) +![SMS 指令設定](../images/SMSCommandsSetup.png) -- Most of the adjustments of temp targets, following AAPS etc. can be done on [AAPSClient app](../Children/ on an Android phone with an internet connection. -- Boluses can't be given through Nightscout, but you can use SMS commands. -- If you use an iPhone as a follower and therefore cannot use AAPSClient app, there are additional SMS commands available. -- In your android phone setting go to Applications > AndroidAPS > Permissions and enable SMS +- 大多數臨時目標的調整、追蹤 AAPS 等操作可以在連線網路的 Android 手機上的 [AAPSClient 應用程式](../Children/ 中完成。 +- 無法透過 Nightscout 進行注射,但可以使用 SMS 指令。 +- 如果您使用 iPhone 作為追蹤者,無法使用 AAPSClient 應用程式,則有其他 SMS 指令可用。 +- 在 Android 手機設定中,前往應用程式 > AndroidAPS > 權限並啟用 SMS。 (SMS-Commands-authorized-phone-numbers)= -### Authorized phone numbers +### 授權手機號碼 -- In AAPS go to **Preferences > SMS Communicator** and enter the phone number(s) that you will allow SMS commands to come from (separated by semicolons - i.e. +6412345678;+6412345679) +- 在 AAPS 中,前往 **偏好設定 > SMS 通訊功能** 並輸入允許發送 SMS 指令的手機號碼(使用分號分隔 - 例如 +6412345678;+6412345679)。 -- Note that the "+" in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +- 請注意,根據您所在的位置,號碼前的「+」可能是必需的,也可能不是必需的。 為了確定這一點,請發送一條測試簡訊,這將顯示在 SMS 通訊功能標籤中接收到的格式。 -- Enable 'Allow remote commands via SMS'. +- 啟用「允許透過 SMS 傳送遠端指令」。 -- If you want to use more than one number: +- 如果您想使用多個號碼: - - Enter just one number. + - 只輸入一個號碼。 - - Make that single number work by sending and confirming a SMS command. + - 透過發送並確認一條 SMS 指令使該號碼運作。 - - Enter additional number(s) separated by semicolon, no space. + - 輸入其他號碼,使用分號分隔,無需空格。 - ![SMS Commands Setup multiple numbers](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) + ![SMS 指令設置多個號碼](../images/SMSCommandsSetupSpace2.png) -### Minutes between bolus commands +### 注射指令間的分鐘數 -- You can define the minimum delay between two boluses issued via SMS. -- For safety reasons you have to add at least two authorized phone numbers to edit this value. +- 您可以定義透過 SMS 發送的兩次注射之間的最小間隔時間。 +- 出於安全考慮,您必須添加至少兩個授權手機號碼來編輯此數值。 -### Additionally mandatory PIN at token end +### 另外,必須在訊息末端添加 PIN 碼。 -- For safety reasons the reply code must be followed by a PIN. +- 為了安全起見,回覆碼後面必須加上 PIN 碼。 -- PIN rules: +- PIN 碼規則: - - 3 to 6 digits - - not same digits (i.e. 1111) - - not in a row (i.e. 1234) + - 3到6位數字 + - 不允許相同數字(例如 1111) + - 不允許連續數字(例如 1234) -### Authenticator setup +### 身份驗證器設置 -- Two-factor authentication is used to improve safety. +- 使用雙因素身份驗證來提高安全性。 -- You can use any Authenticator app that supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are: +- 您可以使用任何支援 RFC 6238 TOTP 令牌的身份驗證應用程式。 常見的免費應用程式有: - [Authy]( - - Google Authenticator - [Android]( / [iOS]( - - [LastPass Authenticator]( - - [FreeOTP Authenticator]( + - Google 身份驗證器 - [Android]( / [iOS]( + - [LastPass 身份驗證器]( + - [FreeOTP 身份驗證器]( -- Install the authenticator app of your choice on your follower phone and scan the QR code shown in AAPS. +- 在追蹤者的手機上安裝您選擇的身份驗證應用程式,並掃描 AAPS 中顯示的 QR Code。 -- Test the one-time password by entering the token shown in your authenticator app and the PIN you just setup in AAPS. Example: +- 透過輸入您身份驗證應用程式中顯示的令牌和您剛剛在 AAPS 中設置的 PIN 來測試一次性密碼。 範例: - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 + - 您的強制 PIN 碼是 2020 + - TOTP 令牌來自身份驗證應用程式是 457051 + - 輸入 4570512020 -- The red text "WRONG PIN" will change **automatically** to a green "OK" if the entry is correct. **There is no button you can press!** +- 如果輸入正確,紅色文字「PIN 錯誤」將**自動**變為綠色的「OK」。 **這裡沒有按鈕可以按!** -- The time on both phones must be synchronized. Best practice is set automatically from network. Time differences might lead to authentication problems. +- 兩部手機上的時間必須同步。 最佳做法是從網路自動設置。 時間差可能會導致身份驗證問題。 -- Use button "RESET AUTHENTICATORS" if you want to remove provisioned authenticators. (By resetting authenticator you make ALL already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set them up again) +- 如果您想移除已註冊的身份驗證器,請使用「重置身份驗證器」按鈕。 (透過重置身份驗證器,您將使所有已註冊的身份驗證器無效。 您將需要重新設置它們。) -## Use SMS commands +## 使用 SMS 指令 -- Send a SMS to the phone with AAPS running from your approved phone number(s) using any of the [commands](SMS-Commands-commands) below. +- 從您的授權手機號碼向運作 AAPS 的手機發送 SMS,使用以下任何[指令](SMS-Commands-commands)。 -- The AAPS phone will respond to confirm success of command or status requested. +- AAPS 手機將回覆以確認指令是否成功執行或請求的狀態。 -- Confirm command by sending the code where necessary. Example: +- 如果需要,請透過發送代碼確認指令。 範例: - - Your mandatory PIN is 2020 - - TOTP token from the authenticator app is 457051 - - Enter 4570512020 + - 您的強制 PIN 碼是 2020 + - TOTP 令牌來自身份驗證應用程式是 457051 + - 輸入 4570512020 -**Hint**: It can be useful to have unlimited SMS on your phone plan (for each phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent. +**提示**:如果您將發送大量 SMS,則建議您手機方案中具有無限簡訊功能(對於每個使用的手機)。 (SMS-Commands-commands)= -## Commands +## 指令 -Commands must be sent in English, the response will be in your local language if the response string is already [translated](translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app). +指令必須以英文發送,回覆將使用您當地的語言,如果該回覆字符串已經[翻譯](translations-translate-strings-for-AAPS-app)。 -![SMS Commands Example](../images/SMSCommands.png) +![SMS 指令範例](../images/SMSCommands.png) -### Loop +### 循環 -- LOOP STOP/DISABLE \* Response: Loop has been disabled +- LOOP STOP/DISABLE (循環停止/停用) \* 回覆:循環已停用 -- LOOP START/ENABLE \* Response: Loop has been enabled +- LOOP START/ENABLE (循環啟動/啟用) \* 回覆:循環已啟用 -- LOOP STATUS +- LOOP STATUS (循環狀態) - - Response depends on actual status + - 回覆取決於實際狀態 - - 闭环被禁用 - - 闭环被启用 - - Suspended (10 min) + - Loop is disabled \* 回覆:循環已停用 + - Loop is enabled \*回覆:循環已啟用 + - Suspended (10 min) \*回覆:暫停(10 分鐘) -- LOOP SUSPEND 20 \* Response: Loop suspended for 20 minutes +- LOOP SUSPEND 20 (循環暫停 20) \* 回覆:循環已暫停 20 分鐘 -- LOOP RESUME \* Response: Loop resumed +- LOOP RESUME (循環恢復) \* 回覆:循環已恢復 -- LOOP CLOSED \* Response: Current loop mode: Closed Loop +- LOOP CLOSED (循環關閉) \* 回覆:當前循環模式:循環關閉 -- LOOP LGS \* Response: Current loop mode: Low Glucose Suspend +- LOOP LGS (循環低血糖暫停) \* 回覆:當前循環模式:低血糖暫停 -### CGM data +### CGM 資料 -- BG \* Response: Last BG: 5.6 4min ago, Delta: -0,2 mmol, IOB: 0.20U (Bolus: 0.10U Basal: 0.10U) -- CAL 5.6 \* Response: To send calibration 5.6 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response after correct code was received: Calibration sent (**If xDrip is installed. Accepting calibrations must be enabled in xDrip+**) +- BG (血糖) \* 回覆:最後血糖值:5.6 4 分鐘前,變化:-0.2 mmol,活性胰島素:0.20U(注射:0.10U 基礎:0.10U) +- CAL 5.6 (校正 5.6) \* 回覆:要發送校正 5.6,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 正確代碼收到後的回覆:校正已發送(**如果安裝了 xDrip。 啟用 xDrip+ 的校正接受功能**) -### 基础率 +### 基礎率 -- BASAL STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop temp basal reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 0.3 20 \* Response: To start basal 0.3U/h for 20 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% \* Response: To start basal 30% for 30 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- BASAL 30% 50 \* Response: To start basal 30% for 50 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- BASAL STOP/CANCEL (基礎停止/取消) \* 回覆:要停止臨時基礎率,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- BASAL 0.3 (基礎 0.3) \* 回覆:要開始 0.3U/h 的基礎率持續 30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- BASAL 0.3 20 (基礎 0.3 20) \* 回覆:要開始 0.3U/h 的基礎率持續 20 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- BASAL 30% (基礎30%) \* 回覆:要開始 30% 的基礎率持續 30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- BASAL 30% 50 (基礎30% 50 \* 回覆:要開始 30% 的基礎率持續 50 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -### 大剂量 +### 注射 -Remote bolus is not allowed within 15 min (this value is editable only if 2 phone numbers added) after last bolus command or remote commands! Therefore the response depends on the time that the last bolus was given. +在最後一次注射指令或遠端指令後 15 分鐘內(此值僅在添加兩個手機號碼時可編輯)不允許進行遠端注射! 因此回覆取決於最後一次注射的時間。 -- BOLUS 1.2 \* Response A: To deliver bolus 1.2U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. Try again later. -- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL \* If you specify the optional parameter MEAL, this sets the Temp Target MEAL (default values are: 90 mg/dL, 5.0 mmol/l for 45 mins). \* Response A: To deliver meal bolus 0.60U reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN \* Response B: Remote bolus not available. -- CARBS 5 \* Response: To enter 5g at 12:45 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM \* Response: To enter 5g at 17:35 reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To stop extended bolus reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- EXTENDED 2 120 \* Response: To start extended bolus 2U for 120 min reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- BOLUS 1.2 (注射 1.2) \* 回覆 A:要注射 1.2U,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 回覆 B:遠端注射不可用。 稍後再試。 +- BOLUS 0.60 MEAL (注射 0.60 餐前) \* 如果您指定了可選參數「餐前」,則會設定臨時目標「餐前」(預設值為:90 mg/dL,5.0 mmol/l 持續 45 分鐘)。 \* 回覆 A:要注射餐前注射 0.60U,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN \* 回覆 B:遠端注射不可用。 +- CARBS 5 (碳水化合物 5) \* 回覆:要在 12:45 輸入 5 克,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- CARBS 5 17:35/5:35PM (碳水化合物 5 17:35/5:35PM) \* 回覆:要在 17:35 輸入 5 克,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- EXTENDED STOP/CANCEL (擴展停止/取消) \* 回覆:要停止擴展注射,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- EXTENDED 2 120 (擴展 2 120) \* 回覆:要開始擴展注射 2U 持續 120 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN -### Profile +### 設定檔 -- PROFILE STATUS \* Response: Profile1 -- PROFILE LIST \* Response: 1.\`Profile1\` 2.\`Profile2\` -- PROFILE 1 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile1 100% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- PROFILE 2 30 \* Response: To switch profile to Profile2 30% reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN +- PROFILE STATUS (設定檔狀態) \* 回覆:設定檔 1 +- PROFILE LIST (設定檔清單) \* 回覆:1.\`設定檔 1\` 2.\`設定檔 2\` +- PROFILE 1 (設定檔 1) \* 回覆:要切換至設定檔 1 100%,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- PROFILE 2 30 (設定檔 2 30) \* 回覆:要切換至設定檔 2 30%,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN (SMS-Commands-other)= ### 其他 -- TREATMENTS REFRESH \* Response: Refresh treatments from NS -- NSClient RESTART \* Response: NSCLIENT RESTART SENT -- PUMP \* Response: Last conn: 1 min ago Temp: 0.00U/h @11:38 5/30min IOB: 0.5U Reserv: 34U Batt: 100 -- PUMP CONNECT \* Response: Pump reconnected -- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* \* Response: To disconnect pump for *30* minutes reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- SMS DISABLE/STOP \* Response: To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code Any. Keep in mind that you'll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. -- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO \* Response: To set the Temp Target MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- TARGET STOP/CANCEL \* Response: To cancel Temp Target reply with code from Authenticator app for User followed by PIN -- HELP \* Response: BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS, ..... -- HELP BOLUS \* Response: BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 MEAL +- TREATMENTS REFRESH (治療重新整理) \* 回覆:從 NS 重新整理治療 +- NSClient RESTART (NSClient 重新啟動) \* 回覆:NSCLIENT 重新啟動已發送 +- PUMP (幫浦) \* 回覆:上次連線:1 分鐘前,臨時基礎率:0.00U/h @11:38 5/30分鐘,活性胰島素:0.5U,儲量:34U,電池:100 +- PUMP CONNECT (幫浦連線) \* 回覆:幫浦已重新連線 +- PUMP DISCONNECT *30* (幫浦斷線 *30*) \* 回覆:要中斷幫浦 <0>30 分鐘,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- SMS DISABLE/STOP (SMS 停用/停止) \* 回覆:要停用 SMS 遠端服務,請回覆任意代碼。 請記住,您只能直接從 AAPS 主手機重新啟用此功能。 +- TARGET MEAL/ACTIVITY/HYPO (目標 餐前/活動/低血糖) \* 回覆:要設定臨時目標餐前/活動/低血糖,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- TARGET STOP/CANCEL (目標停止/取消) \* 回覆:要取消臨時目標,請回覆來自身份驗證器應用程式的代碼和 PIN +- HELP (幫助) \* 回覆:BG, LOOP, TREATMENTS,...... (回覆各項可用指令) +- HELP BOLUS (幫助 注射) \* 回覆:BOLUS 1.2 BOLUS 1.2 餐前 (SMS-Commands-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -### Multiple SMS +### 多條簡訊 -If you receive the same message over and over again (i.e. profile switch) you will probably have set up a circle with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please make sure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NS. +如果您反覆收到相同的訊息(例如設定檔切換),您可能與其他應用程式形成了循環。 例如可能是 xDrip+。 如果是這樣,請確保 xDrip+(或任何其他應用程式)沒有將治療資料上傳到 NS。 -If the other app is installed on multiple phones make sure to deactivate upload on all of them. +如果其他應用程式安裝在多部手機上,請確保在所有手機上停用上傳功能。 -### SMS commands not working on Samsung phones +### SMS 指令在三星手機上無法正常運作 -There was a report on SMS commands stopping after an update on Galaxy S10 phone. Could be solved by disabling 'send as chat message'. +有報告指出,Galaxy S10 手機更新後,SMS 指令停止運作。 透過停用「以聊天訊息發送」可以解決此問題。 -![Disable SMS as chat message](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) -### Android Messages App +![停用 SMS 作為聊天訊息](../images/SMSdisableChat.png) +### Android Messages 應用程式 -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app disable end-to-end ecryption on both caregiver and child's phones. - - open the specific SMS conversation in Messages - - Select the options ellipisis in the top right corner - - select "Details" - - Activate "Only send SMS and MMS messages" +如果您在使用 Android Messages 應用程式發送或接收 SMS 指令時遇到問題,請在照護者和孩子的手機上停用端到端加密。 + - 打開 Messages 中的特定 SMS 對話 + - 選擇右上角的選項按鈕 + - 選擇「詳細訊息」 + - 啟用「僅發送 SMS 和 MMS 訊息」 From cc4428a427cc2b23a455f1fd370e294554d2c593 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:28 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 297/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 56 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index 43422eb0f28e..7464118dfb41 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ -# Dexcom G7 and ONE+ +# Dexcom G7 和 ONE+ -## Fundamental in advance +## 基本準備 -Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here]( +值得注意的是,與 G6 相比,G7 和 ONE+ 系統在應用程式和讀取器中都不會平滑值。 更多詳細資訊請參閱 [這裡](。 -![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 英文](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) -:::{admonition} [Smoothing method](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) -:class: warning **Exponential Smoothing** **MUST** be enabled for meaningful use of the G7 / ONE+ values. +:::{admonition} [平滑方法](../Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data) +:class: warning **指數平滑法** **必須** 開啟,才能有效使用 G7 / ONE+ 的數值。 ::: -## 1. Patched Dexcom G7 App (DiAKEM) +## 1. 修補版 Dexcom G7 應用程式 (DiAKEM) -**Note: AAPS or higher is required! Not available for ONE+.** +**注意:需要 AAPS 或更高版本! 不適用於 ONE+。** -### Install a new patched (!) G7 app and start the sensor +### 安裝新的修補版 G7 應用程式並啟動傳感器 -A patched Dexcom G7 app (DiAKEM) gives access to the Dexcom G7 data. This is not the BYODA app as this app can not receive G7 data at the moment. +修補版 Dexcom G7 應用程式 (DiAKEM) 可查看 Dexcom G7 資料。 這不是 BYODA 應用程式,因為該應用程式目前無法接收 G7 資料。 -Uninstall the original Dexcom app if you used it before (A running sensor session can be continued - note the sensor code before removal of the app!) +如果之前有使用過原Dexcom應用程式,請將其解除安裝(如果感測器正在運作,可以繼續使用感測器,請在移除應用程式前記下感測器代碼!) -Download and install the patched.apk [here]( +從 [這裡](下載並安裝修補版.apk。 -Enter sensor code in the patched app. +在修補版應用程式中輸入傳感器代碼。 -Follow the general recommendations for CGM hygiene and sensor placement found [here](../Hardware/ +請遵循一般CGM衛生與感測器放置的建議,詳情請見[>此處](../Hardware/。 -After the warm-up phase, the values are displayed as usual in the G7 app. +預熱階段結束後,資料將如常顯示在 G7 應用程式中。 -### Configuration in AAPS +### 在 AAPS 中進行配置 -For the configuration in AAPS -- Select 'BYODA' in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ - even if it is not the BYODA app! +AAPS 中的配置步驟 +- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 'BYODA' - 即便這不是 BYODA 應用程式! -- If AAPS does not receive any values, switch to another BG source and then back to 'BYODA' to invoke the query for approving data exchange between AAPS and BYODA. +- 如果 AAPS 無法接收任何資料,請切換到其他血糖來源,然後再切回 'BYODA' 以調用查詢以批准 AAPS 和 BYODA 之間的資料交換。 -## 2. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) +## 2. xDrip+(直接連接至 G7 或 ONE+) -- Follow the instructions here: [Xdrip+ G7]( -- Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 請參閱這裡的說明:[Xdrip+ G7]( +- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 xDrip+。 -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ +- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面上的解釋來調整 xDrip+ 設定 [xDrip+ 設定](../Configuration/ -## 3. xDrip+ (companion mode) +## 3. xDrip+(伴侶模式) -- Download and install xDrip+: [xDrip]( -- As data source in xDrip+ "Companion App" must be selected and under Advanced Settings > Bluetooth Settings > "Companion Bluetooth" must be enabled. -- Select xDrip+ in in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](../Configuration/ +- 下載並安裝 xDrip+:[xDrip]( +- 在 xDrip+ 中必須選擇「伴侶應用程式」作為資料來源,並在進階設定 > 藍牙設定 > 啟用「伴侶藍牙」。 +- 在 [ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](../Configuration/ 中選擇 xDrip+。 -- Adjust the xDrip+ settings according to the explanations on the xDrip+ settings page [xDrip+ settings](../Configuration/ +- 根據 xDrip+ 設定頁面上的解釋來調整 xDrip+ 設定 [xDrip+ 設定](../Configuration/ From ea92c445db2aadc0501561cd9d91c808ea8a16d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 298/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Administration/ | 26 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ index cb888d5aa0cd..34175aaa937b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Administration/ @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ -# state of translation for app and the documentation +# 應用程式與文件的翻譯狀態 -The state is once per hour updated and reflects only the state in Crowdin. +狀態每小時更新一次,僅反映 Crowdin 上的狀態。 -:::{tip} +:::{提示} -Be careful the percentage of proofreading must be lower then the percentage of translations but they decided to show it on top of the translations. It's better to look only at the percentage level of translations to see if work is to be done. +注意,校對的百分比要比翻譯的百分比低,但他們卻決定把它顯示在翻譯的上面。 最好只查看翻譯百分比來判斷是否還有工作需要完成。 ::: -:::{admonition} needed time for final publication +:::{admonition} 最終發布所需時間 :class: note -After Crowdin translation a sync to Github is scheduled every day to transfer translations to Github as pull request (PR). +在 Crowdin 完成翻譯後,每天都會進行同步到 Github 的排程,將翻譯作為 pull request(PR)傳送到 Github。 -The acceptance of the PR is a manual task which will be done es fast as possible. +PR 的接受是一項手動任務,將儘快完成。 ::: -## state app translation +## 應用程式翻譯狀態 -State of the **app** translations per language (country code, percentage translation, percentage proofreading). +每種語言的**應用程式**翻譯狀態(國家代碼、翻譯百分比、校對百分比)。 -![state app translation]( +![應用程式翻譯狀態]( -## state documentation translation +## 文件翻譯狀態 -State of the **documentation** translations per language (country code, percentage translation, percentage proofreading). +每種語言的**文件**翻譯狀態(國家代碼、翻譯百分比、校對百分比)。 -![state documentation translation]( +![文件翻譯狀態]( From 5f35f30bb1a92ebabba58f9b720c96995048167c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 299/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 234 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 117 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 9445a23962ad..bd17b80f4324 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,213 +1,213 @@ -# 欢迎使用 AAPS 说明文档 +# 歡迎來到 AAPS 文件指南 -![image](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) +![圖像](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) -Android APS (**AAPS**) is an open source app for people living with insulin-dependent diabetes. It is an artificial pancreas system (APS) which runs on Android smartphones. **AAPS** uses an openAPS software algorithm and aims to do what a real pancreas does: keep blood sugar levels within healthy limits by using automated insulin dosing. To use **AAPS** you need **three** compatible devices: an Android phone, a FDA/CE approved insulin pump, and a continuous glucose meter (CGM). +Android APS (**AAPS**) 是一款為胰島素依賴型糖尿病患者設計的開源應用程式。 這是一個人工胰臟系統 (APS),可以在 Android 智慧型手機上運作。 **AAPS**使用開源的 openAPS 軟體演算法,旨在模擬真實胰臟的功能:透過自動調控胰島素劑量來保持血糖水平在健康範圍內。 要使用**AAPS**,你需要**三種**相容設備:一台Android手機、一個經 FDA/CE 認證的胰島素幫浦,以及一個連續血糖監測儀(CGM)。 -This documentation explains how to setup and use **AAPS**. You can navigate through the **AAPS** documentation either through the menu on the left (and the handy "**Search docs**" function), or by using the [index]( at the bottom of this page. +本文件將詳細說明如何設置和使用**AAPS**。 你可以透過左側的選單(以及方便的“**搜尋文件**”功能)或使用頁面底部的[索引](瀏覽**AAPS**文件。 -## Overview of the AAPS documentation ("The docs") +## AAPS 文件總覽("簡稱本文件") -Section 2) "Getting Started", the [Introduction]( explains the general concept of what an artificial pancreas system (APS) is designed to do. It outlines the background of looping in general, why **AAPS** was developed, compares **AAPS** to other systems, and addresses safety. It gives suggestions about how to talk to your clinical team about **AAPS**, explains why you need to build the **AAPS** app yourself rather than just downloading it, and gives an overview of the typical connectivity of an **AAPS** system. It also addresses accessibility, and who is likely to benefit from **AAPS**. +第二章節)“入門”,[介紹]( 解釋了人工胰臟系統 (APS) 的一般概念。 本文件概述了循環系統的背景,為何開發**AAPS** ,並比較了**AAPS** 與其他系統,同時也討論了安全性問題。 它提供了如何與你的醫療團隊討論 **AAPS**的建議,解釋了為什麼你需要自行建置**AAPS** 應用程式,而不是直接下載,並概述了典型的**AAPS** 系統連接性。 它還討論了無障礙設計,並指出誰最有可能從**AAPS** 中受益。 -[Preparing for AAPS]( gives more detail about safety considerations, and the phones, CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) and insulin pumps which are compatible with **AAPS**. It gives an overview of the process you will go through, and provides an approximate timeline for gaining full functionality of **AAPS**. This section gets you technically prepared to assemble your **AAPS** setup as quickly and efficiently as possible. The subsection [CGM Configuration](Configuration/ explains how to optimse CGM setup and what smoothing options are best. +[準備](提供了更多有關安全考量的詳細資訊,以及與<0>AAPS 相容的手機、CGM(連續血糖監測儀)和胰島素幫浦的相關訊息。 它概述了你將經歷的過程,並提供了獲得完整**AAPS** 功能的大致時間表。 本節將幫助你以最快且最有效率的方式準備技術上設置你的**AAPS** 。 [CGM 配置](Configuration/子章節解釋了如何優化CGM設置及最佳的平滑選項。 -Now that you have a solid understanding of the process, you can start assembling your **AAPS** loop. Section **3) Setting up AAPS** contains step-by-step instructions to do this. It covers choosing and [setting up your reporting server]( (Nightscout or Tidepool) so you can review and share your data, getting your computer ready for building the AAPS app, building the AAPS app and transferring the AAPS app to your phone. It also covers setting up the **AAPS** app using the setup Wizard, linking it with your CGM app, and either a real or virtual insulin pump, as well as linking **AAPS** to your reporting server. You are then slowly introduced to the full usage of what **AAPS** has to offer via a safe and carefully calibrated step-by-step process designed to make sure that you/your child are thoroughly familiar and comfortable navigating all the different levels and menu configurations before graduating on the next phase, commonly referred to as the next "Objective", until you are have enough experience to begin using the more advanced options available within the app. These Objectives are specially designed in such a way that will gradually unlock more possibilities of **AAPS** and switch from Open Loop to Closed Loop. +現在你已經對過程有了深入的了解,可以開始構建你的**AAPS** 循環系統了。 本章節 **三) 設置 AAPS** 包含逐步指導來進行此操作。 它涵蓋了選擇和 [設置你的報告伺服器]( 或 Tidepool),以便你可以檢視和分享你的資料,準備電腦來構建 AAPS 應用程式,構建 AAPS 應用程式並便其傳輸到你的手機。 它還涵蓋了使用設置嚮導來設定 **AAPS** 應用程式,將其與你的 CGM 應用程式連結,並與實體或虛擬胰島素幫浦連結,以及將 **AAPS** 連結到你的報告伺服器。 接下來,你將透過一個安全且經過精心校準的分步過程,逐漸熟悉並全面使用 **AAPS** 的功能。該過程旨在確保你/你的孩子對各種層級和選單配置充分了解並感到舒適,然後再進入下一階段,通常稱為下一個"目標",直到你擁有足夠的經驗以開始使用應用程式中更高級的選項。 這些目標被特別設計為逐步解鎖更多 **AAPS** 的可能性,並從開環轉為閉環。 -Section 4) [Remote AAPS features]( highlights a real strength of **AAPS**. There are a wide range of possibilities for remotely sending commands to, or simply following the data from **AAPS**. This is equally useful for carers who want to use **AAPS** for minors, and for adults with diabetes who either want to monitor their sugars (and other metrics) more conveniently than just on their phone (on a watch, in the car _etc._), or wish to have significant others to also monitor the data. This section also provides guidance for using Android Auto so you can view glucose levels in the car. +第四章節)[遠端 AAPS 功能]( 突顯了 **AAPS** 的一個真正強項。 這對於希望遠端發送指令給予,或者只是追踪來自 **AAPS** 的資料來說非常實用。 這對於希望為未成年人使用 **AAPS** 的照護者,以及患有糖尿病的成人同樣實用。成人可以更方便地監控血糖(以及其他指標),不僅限於手機上(例如手錶、車內等),也可以讓重要他人一同監控資料。 本節還提供了使用 Android Auto 的指導,讓你能夠在車內查看血糖水平。 -Section **5) Daily life with AAPS** covers key **AAPS** features, to help you use (and customise) **AAPS**. This including understanding the screens, carbs-on-board, sensitivity, profile switching, temp targets, extended carbs (or eCarbs), automations, and DynamicISF. It also covers frequent topics like how to manage different types of meals, how to deal with cannula and sensor changes, smartphone updates, daylight saving changes, and [travelling with AAPS](Usage/ and sports. Common questions and answers are located within the troubleshooting section. +第五章節)**AAPS 的日常生活** 涵蓋了 **AAPS** 的關鍵功能,幫助你使用(並自定義)**AAPS**。 包括理解各個畫面、碳水化合物計算、靈敏度、配置切換、臨時目標、延展碳水化合物(或 eCarbs)、自動化和 動態ISF。 此外,還涵蓋了如何處理不同類型的餐食、更換套管和傳感器、手機更新、夏令時間更改、[與 AAPS 一起旅行](Usage/ 和運動等常見問題與解答。 常見問題和答案位於疑難排除部分。 -Section **6) Maintenance of AAPS** covers how to export and backup your settings (which is very important in case you lose/break your phone), gives the latest version notes and details how to update **AAPS**. You can expect that there will be one new version and 2-3 required updates per year. You are required to do these updates as with all software, as any minor bugs are ironed out, and improvements to **AAPS** are made. There is a dedicated "updating" troubleshooting section with the common queries. +第六章節)**AAPS 的維護** 涵蓋了如何匯出和備份你的設置(這非常重要,以防你的手機遺失或損壞),提供了最新版本的說明,並詳細說明了如何更新 **AAPS**。 你可以預期每年會有一個新版本和 2-3 次強制更新。 你需要像其他軟體一樣進行這些更新,以解決小錯誤並改進**AAPS** 。 有一個專門的“更新”疑難排解部分,解答常見問題。 -Section **7) [Getting Help](Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.html)** should help direct you to the best places to go to find general help with **AAPS**. This is very important so that you can get in touch with others as quickly as possible, clarify questions and solve the usual pitfalls. A lot of people are already using **AAPS** successfully, but everyone has a question at some point that they couldn't solve on their own. Due to the large number of users, the response times to questions are usually very quick, typically only a few hours. Don’t worry about asking for help, there is no such thing as a dumb question! We encourage users of any/all levels of experience to ask as many questions as they feel is necessary to help get them up and running safely. This section includes general troubleshooting for **AAPS** and **AAPSClient** (a companion following app) as well as explaining how to send your **AAPS** data (logfiles) to the developers for investigation, if you think a technical issue with **AAPS** needs looking at. +第七章節)[獲取幫助](Where-To-Go-For-Help/Connect-with-other-users.html) 應該可以幫助你找到獲取 **AAPS** 一般幫助的最佳途徑。 這非常重要,讓你能夠快速與其他用戶取得聯繫,澄清問題並解決常見的困難。 很多人已成功使用 **AAPS**,但每個人都有自己無法獨立解決的問題。 由於用戶眾多,問題的回應時間通常非常快,通常僅需幾個小時。 不要擔心尋求幫助,更不用擔心愚蠢的問題! 我們鼓勵任何新手/老手用戶提出他們認為有必要的所有問題,以幫助他們安全啟動並運作。 本節還包含 **AAPS** 和 **AAPSClient**(追蹤應用程式)的一般故障排除指南,並說明了如何將你的 **AAPS** 資料(日誌文件)發送給開發者進行調查,如果你認為 **AAPS** 出現技術問題需要處理。 -Section **8) Useful AAPS links** are for handy reference. This includes the [Glossary](Getting-Started/, a list of the acronyms (or short-term names) used throughout **AAPS**. This is where to go to find out what the terms ISF or TT, stand for, for example. This section also has links to useful screenshots and other data. +第八章節)有用的 **AAPS** 連線,供快速參考。 這包括[詞彙表](Getting-Started/,它列出了**AAPS** 中使用的首字母縮寫或短名稱。 這是查找 ISF 或 TT 等術語的地方。 此部分還包含實用的螢幕截圖和其他資料的連線。 -Section 9) covers **Advanced AAPS options** such as how to progress from using **AAPS** for hybrid-closed looping (bolusing for meals _etc._) to full closed looping (no bolusing), and details development and engineering modes. Most users get on just fine with the main or "Master" **AAPS** version without looking into these options, this section is for users who already have good control and are looking to further improve their setup. +第九章節)涵蓋了高級AAPS選項,例如如何從使用AAPS進展到混合閉環(為餐飲等進行注射)到完全閉環(不進行手動注射),並詳細介紹了開發和工程模式。 大多數使用者只需使用主要或"Master" **AAPS**版本即可正常操作,無須查看這些選項;本節給那些已經控制良好並希望進一步改善其設置的使用者。 -In section 10) [How to support AAPS]( we provide information so that you can support this project. You can donate money, equipment or expertise. You can suggest/make changes to the documentation yourself, help with [translation of the documentation]( and provide your data through the Open Humans project. +第十章節)[如何支援 AAPS]( 提供了關於如何支援此項目的資訊。 你可以捐贈金錢、設備或專業知識。 你可以建議/自行更改文檔,幫助 [翻譯文檔](,並透過 Open Humans 項目提供你的資料。 -Section 11 contains archived or additional documentation, including a subsection for [clinicians](Resources/ who have expressed interest in open source artificial pancreas technology such as **AAPS**, or for patients who want to share such information with their clinicians, this topic is also addressed in the introduction. More diabetes and looping references and resources are contained in Section 12. +第十一章節包含存檔或額外的文件,包括針對 [臨床醫生](Resources/ 的子部分,這些臨床醫生對開源人工胰臟技術如 **AAPS** 表現出興趣,或是希望與臨床醫生分享此類資訊的患者,這個主題也在介紹部分有所提及。 更多關於糖尿病和循環的參考資料包含在第12章節中。 - ### Interested in getting started with **AAPS**? Read more about **AAPS** in the [Introduction]( + ### 有興趣開始使用 **AAPS** 嗎? 在 [介紹]( 中閱讀更多關於 **AAPS** 的資訊。 -:::{admonition} SAFETY NOTICE -:class: danger The safety of **AAPS** relies on the safety features of your hardware (phone, pump, CGM). Only use a fully functioning FDA/CE approved insulin pump and CGM. Do not use broken, modified or self-built insulin pumps or CGM receivers. Only use original consumable supplies (inserters, cannulas and insulin reservoirs) approved by the manufacturer for use with your pump and CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors, resulting in significant risk to the user. +:::{admonition} 安全通知 +:class: 危險 **AAPS** 的安全取決於您的硬體設備(手機,幫浦,CGM)的安全功能。 請只使用經過 FDA/CE 認證的全功能胰島素幫浦和 CGM。 不使用故障、改裝或自行組裝的胰島素幫浦或 CGM 接收器。 僅使用由製造商批准並與幫浦和 CGM 搭配使用的原裝耗材(如注射器、套管和胰島素儲存罐)。 使用未經測試或修改的耗材可能會導致資料不準確和胰島素注射錯誤,從而對使用者造成重大風險。 -Do not use **AAPS** if you take SGLT-2 inhibitors (gliflozins), as they lower blood sugar levels. You increase the risk diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) due to reduced insulin delivery and hypoglycemia due to lowered blood sugar levels. +如果您正在服用SGLT-2抑制劑(格列非嗎啶),請勿使用**AAPS**,因為它們會降低血糖水平。 由於胰島素的輸送減少,您增加了糖尿病酮酸中毒(DKA)的風險,由於血糖水平降低而導致低血糖。 ::: -:::{admonition} Disclaimer -:class: note +:::{admonition} 免責聲明 +:class: 提示 -- All information and code described here is for informational and educational purposes only. Use [Nightscout]( and **AAPS** at your own risk, and do not use the information or code to make medical decisions. Nightscout currently makes no attempt at HIPAA privacy compliance. -- Use of code from is without warranty or formal support of any kind. Please review this repository's LICENSE for details. -- All product and company names, trademarks, servicemarks, registered trademarks, and registered servicemarks are the property of their respective holders. Their use is for information purposes and does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. +- 這裡描述的所有資訊和代碼僅供資訊和教育目的。 請自行承擔使用 [Nightscout]( 和 **AAPS** 的風險,請勿使用此訊息或代碼做出醫療決定。 Nightscout目前不符合HIPAA的隱私規定。 +- 使用來自github.com的程式碼不提供任何形式的保固或支援。 請檢視此儲存庫的許可證( LICENSE) 以暸解詳細資訊。 +- 所有產品和公司名稱、商標、服務標誌、註冊商標和註冊服務標誌均屬其各自所有者。 它們的使用僅供資訊用途,沒有任何關聯或背書。 -**AAPS** has no association with, and is not endorsed by: [SOOIL](, [Dexcom](, [Accu-Chek, Roche Diabetes Care](, [Insulet]( or [Medtronic]( +**AAPS** 與以下機構無關,並且未獲得認可: [SOOIL](,[Dexcom](,[Accu-Chek, Roche Diabetes Care](,[Insulet]( 或[Medtronic](。 ::: (AAPS-Documentation-Index)= -## AAPS Documentation Index +## AAPS文件索引 ```{toctree} -:caption: 1) Change language +:caption: 1) 切換語言 -Change language <./> +切換語言 <./> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 2) Getting started +:caption: 2) 開始使用 -Introduction to AAPS <./> -Preparing for AAPS -Compatible pumps <./Getting-Started/> -Compatible CGMs <./Configuration/> -Compatible phones <./Hardware/> +AAPS介紹 <./> +準備AAPS +相容幫浦浦 <./Getting-Started/> +相容CGM <./Configuration/> +相容手機 <./Hardware/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 3) Setting up AAPS - -Setting up the reporting server <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Building AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Transferring and Installing AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Setup Wizard<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Change AAPS configuration <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -- Config Builder <./Configuration/> -- Preferences <./Configuration/> -Completing the objectives <./Usage/> +:caption: 3) 設置AAPS + +設置報告伺服器 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +構建 AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +傳輸和安裝 AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +設置嚮導 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +更改 AAPS 配置 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +- 組態建置工具 <./Configuration/> +- 偏好設定 <./Configuration/> +完成目標 <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 4) Remote AAPS features +:caption: 4) 遠端 AAPS 功能 -Remote control -Following Only +遠端控制 +僅查看 Android Auto <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 5) Daily Life with APPS - -AAPS Screens <./Getting-Started/> -Key AAPS Features <./Usage/> -COB calculation <./Usage/> -Sensitivity detection <./Configuration/> -Profile switch <./Usage/> -Temp-targets <./Usage/> -Extended carbs <./Usage/> -Automations <./Usage/> -Dynamic ISF <./Usage/> -Meal Management -Pumps and cannulas <./5-DailyLifewithAAPS/> -Sensors -Phones -Daylight saving changes -Travelling with AAPS -Crossing timezones with pumps <./Usage/> +:caption: 5) APPS的日常使用 + +AAPS螢幕 <./Getting-Started/> +AAPS的主要功能 <./Usage/> +COB 計算 <./Usage/> +敏感度檢測 <./Configuration/> +配置切換 <./Usage/> +臨時目標 <./Usage/> +延長碳水化合物 <./Usage/> +自動化 <./Usage/> +動態 ISF <./Usage/> +餐點管理 +幫浦和針管 <./5-DailyLifewithAAPS/> +傳感器 +手機 +夏令時間變更 +與AAPS旅行 +跨時區與幫浦旅行 <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 6) Maintenance of AAPS +:caption: 6) 維護 AAPS -Backing up your settings -Export/Import Settings <./Usage/> -Reviewing your data -Version Release Notes <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Updating to a new version of AAPS <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +備份您的設置 +匯出/匯入設置 <./Usage/> +檢視您的資料 +版本發行說明 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +升級至 AAPS 的新版本 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 7) Getting Help - -Where can I get help with AAPS <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> -General Troubleshooting <./Usage/> -Troubleshooting AAPSClient <./Usage/> -How to report bugs/request features -Accessing logfiles <./Usage/> -Help! My AAPS phone is broken/stolen/lost +:caption: 7) 獲得幫助 + +在哪裡可以得到有關 AAPS 的幫助 <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> +常見故障排除 <./Usage/> +故障排除 AAPSClient <./Usage/> +如何報告錯誤/請求功能 +存取日誌檔案 <./Usage/> +幫助! 我的AAPS手機損壞/被偷/丟失 ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 8) Useful AAPS Links - -Glossary <./Getting-Started/> -AAPS Screens <./Getting-Started/> -Your AAPS profile -Compatible pumps <./Getting-Started/> -Accu-Chek Combo tips for basic usage <./Usage/> -Compatible CGMs <./Configuration/> -Compatible phones <./Hardware/> -Operation of Wear AAPS on a Smartwatch <./Configuration/> -How to customise your AAPS watchface <./Usage/> -xDrip Settings <./Configuration/> -Autotune <./Usage/> +:標題: 8) 有用的AAPS連結 + +詞彙表 <./Getting-Started/> +AAPS螢幕 <./Getting-Started/> +您的AAPS設定檔 +相容的幫浦 <./Getting-Started/> +Accu-Chek Combo基本使用提示 <./Usage/> +相容的CGM <./Configuration/> +相容的手機 <./Hardware/> +在智慧型手錶上執行AAPS的操作 <./Configuration/> +如何自定義您的AAPS手錶錶面 <./Usage/> +xDrip設置 <./Configuration/> +自動調整 <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} :caption: 9) Advanced AAPS options -Full Closed Loop <./Usage/> -Dev branch <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -xDrip engineering mode <./Usage/> +全閉環 <./Usage/> +開發分支 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +xDrip工程模式 <./Usage/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 10) How to support AAPS +:caption: 10) 如何支援AAPS -How to help <./Getting-Started/> +如何幫助<./Getting-Started/> -How to edit the docs <./> +如何編輯文檔<./> -How to translate the app and docs <./> +如何翻譯應用程式和文檔<./> -State of translations <./Administration/> +翻譯狀態<./Administration/> -Docs updates & changes <./Getting-Started/> +文檔更新和變更<./Getting-Started/> -Open Humans Uploader <./Configuration/> +Open Humans 上傳程式<./Configuration/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 11) Additional/archive documentation +:標題: 11) 附加/存檔文件 -Dedicated Google account for AAPS (optional)<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +為 AAPS 的專用的 Google 帳戶 (可選)<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Careportal (discontinued) <./Usage/> +Careportal (已停用) <./Usage/> -For Clinicians (outdated) <./Resources/> +針對臨床醫師 (已過時) <./Resources/> -Automation with 3rd party apps <./Usage/> +與第三方應用程式自動化 <./Usage/> -Checks after update to AAPS 3.0<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +更新至 AAPS 3.0 後檢查<./Installing-AndroidAPS/> -Checks after update to AAPS 2.7 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> +更新至 AAPS 2.7 後檢查 <./Installing-AndroidAPS/> ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 12) References +:caption: 12) 參考資料 -General diabetes and looping resources <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> -Scientific AAPS journal articles +一般糖尿病和循環資源 <./Where-To-Go-For-Help/> +AAPS 相關的科學期刊文章 ``` ```{toctree} -:caption: 13) Sandbox +:caption: 13) 沙箱 -Sandbox <./Sandbox/> -Crowdin Test <./Sandbox/> -Image Scaling <./Sandbox/> +沙箱 <./Sandbox/> +Crowdin 測試 <./Sandbox/> +圖像縮放 <./Sandbox/> ``` \ No newline at end of file From 5d1776eb07e6f4d39548983c731e9b2716331880 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 300/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../Configuration/ | 292 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 146 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index cf7994cfc803..d48c5cfd35ed 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,226 +1,226 @@ -# 罗氏Accu-Chek Combo胰岛素泵 +# Accu Chek Combo 幫浦 -These instructions are for setting up the Accu-Chek Combo pump using the new combov2 driver, which is available as part of AndroidAPS as of version 3.2. This driver is entirely separate from the old one. +這些說明是關於使用 AndroidAPS 3.2 版本中新增的 combov2 驅動程式設置 Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦。 該驅動程式與舊版完全分開。 -**本软件是DIY解决方案的一部分而非完整的产品,需要您仔细研学包括使用方法在内的系统知识。 它无法为您全权处理糖尿病治疗的全部,但如果你愿意投入必要的时间,它将有助于改善病情并提高生活质量。 不要想着一蹴而就,请给自己足够的学习时间。 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**這個軟體是 DIY 解決方案的一部分,並不是一個產品,因此需要你自己閱讀、學習並理解系統以及如何使用它。 它不是一個能為你完全管理糖尿病的工具,但如果你願意投入時間,它可以幫助你改善糖尿病並提高生活品質。 不要急著使用,先給自己學習的時間。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** -## Hardware and software requirements +## 硬體和軟體需求 -* A Roche Accu-Chek Combo (any firmware, they all work). -* A Smartpix or Realtyme device together with the 360 Configuration Software to configure the pump. (Roche sends out Smartpix devices and the configuration software free of charge to their customers upon request.) -* A compatible phone. Android 9 (Pie) or newer is a must. If using LineageOS, the minimum supported version is 16.1. See [release notes]( for details. -* The AndroidAPS app installed on your phone. +* 一台 Roche Accu-Chek Combo 幫浦(任何韌體版本均可使用)。 +* 一個 Smartpix 或 Realtyme 裝置,配合 360 設定軟體來配置幫浦。 (Roche 在客戶要求下會免費寄送 Smartpix 裝置和設定軟體。) +* 一台相容的手機。 至少需要 Android 9(Pie)或更新版本。 如果使用 LineageOS,最低支援版本為 16.1。 詳情請見[版本說明](。 +* 手機上安裝了 AndroidAPS 應用程式。 -Some phones may work better than others, depending on their quality of Bluetooth support and whether or not they have additional, very aggressive power saving logic. A list of phones can be found in the [AAPS Phones]( document. Please be aware that this is not complete list and reflects personal user experience. You are encouraged to also enter your experience and thereby help others (these projects are all about paying it forward). +根據手機的藍牙支援質量及其是否具備額外的省電邏輯,有些手機可能比其他手機運作得更好。 可以在[AAPS 手機列表](文件中找到相容手機。 請注意,這不是完整的列表,只反應個人使用經驗。 我們鼓勵你也分享你的經驗,這樣可以幫助其他人(這些專案是關於傳遞經驗)。 (combov2-before-you-begin)= -## Before you begin +## 開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error. Keep your Smartpix / Realtyme device handy, along with the 360 Configuration Software. Plan on spending about an hour for setting everything up and checking that everything is working properly. +**安全第一**—請勿在無法復原的環境中嘗試此過程。 隨身攜帶您的 Smartpix / Realtyme 裝置,以及 360 配置軟體。 預計花費大約一小時來設置並檢查所有功能是否正常運作。 -Be aware of the following limitations: +請注意以下限制: -* Extended bolus and multiwave bolus are currently not supported (you can use [Extended Carbs](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.rst) instead). -* Only one basal profile (the first one) is supported. -* The loop is disabled if the currently active profile on the pump isn't profile no. 1. This continues until profile no. 1 is made the active one; when that is done, the next time AAPS connects (either on its own after a while or because the user presses the Refresh button in the combov2 user interface), it will notice that profile no. 1 is the current one, and enable the loop again. -* If the loop requests a running TBR to be cancelled, the Combo will set a TBR of 90% or 110% for 15 minutes instead. This is because actually cancelling a TBR causes an alert on the pump which causes a lot of vibrations, and these vibrations cannot be disabled. -* Bluetooth connection stability varies with different phones, causing "pump unreachable" alerts, where no connection to the pump is established anymore. If that error occurs, make sure Bluetooth is enabled, press the Refresh button in the Combo tab to see if this was caused by an intermitted issue and if still no connection is established, reboot the phone which should usually fix this. -* There is another issue were a restart doesn't help but a button on the pump must be pressed (which resets the pump's Bluetooth stack), before the pump accepts connections from the phone again. -* Setting a TBR on the pump is to be avoided since the loop assumes control of TBRs. Detecting a new TBR on the pump might take up to 20 minutes and the TBR's effect will only be accounted from the moment it is detected, so in the worst case there might be 20 minutes of a TBR that is not reflected in IOB. +* 目前不支援延長注射和多波注射(您可以使用[延長碳水化合物](../Usage/Extended-Carbs.rst)來代替)。 +* 僅支援一個基礎設定檔(第一個)。 +* 如果幫浦上的當前活動設定檔不是設定檔 1,則循環模式將被停用。 這種情況會持續到設定檔 1 被設為活動檔案;當這樣做後,下一次 AAPS 連線時(無論是自動還是因為用戶在 combov2 用戶介面中按下了重新整理按鈕),它會注意到設定檔 1 是當前的活動檔案,並重新啟用循環模式。 +* 如果循環請求取消正在運作的 TBR,Combo 將設置一個 90% 或 110% 的 TBR,持續 15 分鐘。 這是因為實際取消 TBR 會在幫浦上觸發警報,並產生大量震動,這些震動無法停用。 +* 藍牙連線的穩定性隨不同手機而異,可能會出現「幫浦無法使用」的警報,這時幫浦無法再建立連線。 如果發生此錯誤,請確認藍牙已啟用,按下 Combo 標籤中的重新整理按鈕以檢查是否是臨時問題,如果仍無法建立連線,重啟手機,這通常能解決問題。 +* 另一個問題是重啟無法解決,必須按幫浦上的按鈕(這會重置幫浦的藍牙堆疊),幫浦才能再次接受來自手機的連線。 +* 避免在幫浦上設定 TBR,因為循環控制 TBR。 在幫浦上偵測到新的 TBR 可能需要長達 20 分鐘,並且 TBR 的效果僅從偵測時開始計算,因此最壞情況下可能有 20 分鐘的 TBR 沒有反映在 IOB 中。 -If you have been using the old Combo driver that depends on the separate Ruffy app, and want to move to this new one, note that the pairing has to be done again - Ruffy and the new Combo driver are not able to share pairing information. Also, make sure that Ruffy is _not_ running. If in doubt, long-press the Ruffy app icon to bring up a context menu. In that menu, press on "App Info". In the UI that just opened up, press "Force stop". That way, it is ensured that an active Ruffy instance cannot interfere with the new driver. +如果您一直在使用依賴於單獨 Ruffy 應用程式的舊 Combo 驅動程式,並希望切換到這個新驅動程式,請注意需要重新進行配對——Ruffy 和新 Combo 驅動程式無法共享配對資訊。 此外,請確保 Ruffy 未_在運作_。 如果有疑問,長按 Ruffy 應用程式圖示以調出上下文選單。 在該選單中,按「應用程式資訊」。 在剛剛打開的介面中,按「強制停止」。 這樣可以確保啟動的 Ruffy 實例不會干擾新驅動程式。 -Also, if you are migrating from the old driver, be aware that the new driver communicates a bolus command in an entirely different way to the Combo that is much faster, so don't be surprised when a bolus starts immediately regardless of the dosage. Furthermore, the general suggestions, tips and tricks etc. about dealing with Ruffy pairing and connection problems do not apply here, since this is an entirely new driver that shares no code with the old one. +此外,如果您正在從舊驅動程式遷移,請注意,新驅動程式以完全不同的方式將注射指令傳達給 Combo,速度更快,因此不要驚訝於無論劑量大小,注射都會立即開始。 此外,有關處理 Ruffy 配對和連線問題的一般建議、提示和技巧等不適用於此處,因為這是一個全新的驅動程式,與舊驅動程式沒有共享任何代碼。 -This new driver is currently written to support the following languages on the Combo. (This is unrelated to the language in AAPS - it is the language shown on the Combo's LCD itself.) +該新驅動程式當前支援 Combo 上以下語言。 (這與 AAPS 的語言無關——是顯示在 Combo LCD 上的語言。) -* English -* Spanish -* French -* Italian -* Russian -* Turkish -* Polish -* Czech -* Hungarian -* Slovak -* Romanian -* Croatian -* Dutch -* Greek -* Finnish -* Norwegian -* Portuguese -* Swedish -* Danish -* German -* Slovenian -* Lithuanian +* 英語 +* 西班牙語 +* 法語 +* 義大利語 +* 俄語 +* 土耳其語 +* 波蘭語 +* 捷克語 +* 匈牙利語 +* 斯洛伐克語 +* 羅馬尼亞語 +* 克羅地亞語 +* 荷蘭語 +* 希臘語 +* 芬蘭語 +* 挪威語 +* 葡萄牙語 +* 瑞典語 +* 丹麥語 +* 德語 +* 斯洛文尼亞語 +* 立陶宛語 -**Important**: If your pump is set to a language that is not part of this list, please contact the developers, and set the pump's language to one in this list. Otherwise, the driver won't work properly. +**重要**:如果您的幫浦設置為不在此列表中的語言,請聯繫開發人員,並將幫浦的語言設置為此列表中的一個語言。 否則,驅動程式將無法正常工作。 -## Phone setup +## 手機設置 -It is very important to make sure that battery optimizations are turned off. AAPS already auto-detects when it is subject to these optimizations, and requests in its UI that these be turned off. But, on modern Android phones, Bluetooth _itself_ is an app (a system app). And, usually, that "Bluetooth app" is run _with battery optimizations on by default_. As a result, Bluetooth can refuse to respond when the phone aims to save power because it kills off the Bluetooth app. This means that in that Bluetooth system app's settings, battery optimizations must be turned off as well. Unfortunately, how one can find that Bluetooth system app differs between phones. In stock Android, go to Settings -> Apps -> See all N apps (N = the number of apps on your phone). Then, open the menu to the top right corner, tap on "Show system" or "Show system apps" or "All apps". Now, in the newly expanded list of apps, look for a "Bluetooth" app. Select it, and on its "App info" UI, tap on "Battery". There, disable battery optimizations (sometimes called "battery usage"). +確保關閉電池優化設定非常重要。 AAPS 在自動檢測當受這些優化影響時,會發出請求將這些優化關閉。 但在現代 Android 手機中,藍牙_本身_是一個應用程式(系統應用程式)。 通常,「藍牙應用程式」在預設情況下_啟用了電池優化_。 結果是,當手機為了省電而關閉藍牙應用程式時,藍牙可能拒絕回應。 這意味著在藍牙系統應用程式的設置中,也必須關閉電池優化。 不幸的是,不同手機找到藍牙系統應用程式的方法各不相同。 在原生 Android 中,前往設定 -> 應用程式 -> 查看所有 N 個應用程式(N = 您手機上的應用程式數量)。 然後,打開右上角的選單,點擊「顯示系統」或「顯示系統應用程式」或「所有應用程式」。 現在,在新擴展的應用程式列表中,查找「藍牙」應用程式。 選擇它,並在其「應用程式資訊」頁面上,點擊「電池」。 在那裡,停用電池優化(有時稱為「電池使用量」)。 -## Combo setup +## Combo 設置 -* Configure the pump using the Accu-Chek 360 Configuration Software. If you do not have the software, please contact your Accu-Chek hotline. They usually send registered users a CD with the "360° Pump Configuration Software" and a SmartPix USB-infrared connection device (the Realtyme device also works if you have that). +* 使用 Accu-Chek 360 設定軟體配置幫浦。 如果你沒有這個軟體,請聯絡你的 Accu-Chek 客服專線。 他們通常會向註冊用戶寄送附有 "360° 幫浦設定軟體" 的 CD 和 SmartPix USB 紅外線連線裝置(如果你有 Realtyme 裝置,也可以使用)。 - - **Required settings** (marked green in screenshots): + - **必要設定**(在螢幕截圖中以綠色標記): - * Set/leave the menu configuration as "Standard", this will show only the supported menus/actions on the pump and hide those which are unsupported (extended/multiwave bolus, multiple basal rates), which cause the loop functionality to be restricted when used because it's not possible to run the loop in a safe manner when used. - * Verify the _Quick Info Text_ is set to "QUICK INFO" (without the quotes, found under _Insulin Pump Options_). - * Set TBR _Maximum Adjustment_ to 500% - * Disable _Signal End of Temporary Basal Rate_ - * Set TBR _Duration increment_ to 15 min - * Enable Bluetooth + * 將/保持選單配置設為「標準」,這將只顯示幫浦支援的選單/操作,並隱藏不支援的部分(如延長注射/多波注射、多重基礎率),使用這些功能會限制循環功能,因為無法在安全的情況下運作循環。 + * 確認 _快速資訊文本_ 設定為「快速資訊」(不加雙引號,位於 _胰島素幫浦選項_ 下)。 + * 將 TBR _最大調整_ 設定為 500% + * 停用 _臨時基礎率的結束訊號_ + * 將 TBR _持續時間增量_ 設定為 15 分鐘 + * 啟用藍牙 - - **Recommended settings** (marked blue in screenshots) + - **推薦設定**(在螢幕截圖中以藍色標記) - * Set low cartridge alarm to your liking - * Configure a max bolus suited for your therapy to protect against bugs in the software - * Similarly, configure maximum TBR duration as a safeguard. Allow at least 3 hours, since the option to disconnect the pump for 3 hours sets a 0% for 3 hours. - * Enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit. - * Set display timeout and menu timeout to the minimum of 5.5 and 5 respectively. This allows the AAPS to recover more quickly from error situations and reduces the amount of vibrations that can occur during such errors + * 根據你的需求設置低匣警報 + * 配置一個適合你治療的最大注射量,以防軟體中的錯誤 + * 同樣地,配置 TBR 的最大持續時間作為防護措施。 允許至少 3 小時,因為選擇中斷幫浦 3 小時會設置 0% 持續 3 小時。 + * 啟用幫浦的按鍵鎖定,以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是當幫浦之前已經使用過且快速注射是習慣時。 + * 將顯示逾時和選單逾時分別設置為最小值 5.5 和 5。 這允許 AAPS 更快地從錯誤情況中恢復,並減少在這些錯誤期間可能發生的震動次數。 - ![Screenshot of user menu settings](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) + ![用戶選單設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-menu-settings.png) - ![Screenshot of TBR settings](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) + ![TBR 設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-tbr-settings.png) - ![Screenshot of bolus settings](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) + ![注射設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-bolus-settings.png) - ![Screenshot of insulin cartridge settings](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) + ![胰島素匣設定的截圖](../images/combo/combo-insulin-settings.png) -## Activating the driver and pairing it with the Combo +## 註冊驅動並將其與 Combo 配對 -* Select the "Accu-Chek Combo" driver in the [Config builder](../Configuration/Config-Builder). **Important**: There is the old driver, called "Accu-Chek Combo (Ruffy)", in that list as well. Do _not_ select that one. +* 在 [組態建置工具](../Configuration/Config-Builder) 中選擇 "Accu-Chek Combo" 驅動程式。 **重要提示**:名單中也有舊驅動,稱為 "Accu-Chek Combo (Ruffy)"。 請 _不要_ 選擇那個。 - ![Screenshot of Config Builder Combo](../images/combo/combov2-config-builder.png) + ![Config Builder Combo 截圖](../images/combo/combov2-config-builder.png) -* Tap the cog-wheel to open the driver settings. +* 點擊齒輪圖示以打開驅動設定。 -* In the settings user interface, tap on the button 'Pair with pump' at the top of the screen. This opens the Combo pairing user interface. Follow the instructions shown on screen to start pairing. When Android asks for permission to make the phone visible to other Bluetooth devices, press "allow". Eventually, the Combo will show a custom 10-digit pairing PIN on its screen, and the driver will request it. Enter that PIN in the corresponding field. +* 在設定用戶介面中,點擊螢幕頂部的 'Pair with pump' 按鈕。 這將打開 Combo 配對用戶介面。 按照螢幕上的指示開始配對。 當 Android 要求允許讓手機對其他藍牙裝置可見時,請按 "允許"。 最終,Combo 會在其螢幕上顯示一個自定義的 10 位配對 PIN,並且驅動程式會請求它。 在相應的欄位中輸入該 PIN。 - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 1](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-1.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 1 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-1.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 2](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-2.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 2 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-2.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 3](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-3.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 3 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-3.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 4](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-4.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 4 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-4.png) - ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 4](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-5.png) + ![Combo 配對 UI 4 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-5.png) -* When the driver asks for the 10-digit PIN that is shown on the Combo, and the code is entered incorrectly, this is shown: ![Screenshot of Combo Pairing UI 3](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-incorrect-pin.png) +* 當驅動請求 Combo 上顯示的 10 位 PIN,並且代碼輸入錯誤時,會顯示如下: ![Combo 配對 UI 3 的截圖](../images/combo/combov2-pairing-screen-incorrect-pin.png) -* Once pairing is done, the pairing user interface is closed by pressing the OK button in the screen that states that pairing succeeded. After it is closed, you return to the driver settings user interface. The 'Pair with pump' button should now be greyed out and disabled. +* 配對完成後,在顯示配對成功的螢幕上按 OK 按鈕關閉配對用戶介面。 完成後,你會返回驅動設定用戶介面。 'Pair with pump' 按鈕現在應該變灰且無法使用。 - The Accu-Chek Combo tab looks like this after successfully pairing: + 成功配對後,Accu-Chek Combo 標籤看起來如下: - ![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab with pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) + ![成功配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) - if however there is no pairing with the Combo, the tab looks like this instead: + 但如果沒有與 Combo 配對,則標籤看起來如下: - ![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab without pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-without-pairing.png) + ![未配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-without-pairing.png) -* To verify your setup (with the pump **disconnected** from any cannula to be safe!) use AAPS to set a TBR of 500% for 15 min and issue a bolus. The pump should now have a TBR running and the bolus in the history. AAPS should also show the active TBR and delivered bolus. +* 為了驗證你的設置(幫浦與任何導管**中斷連線**以確保安全!),使用 AAPS 設置一個 500% 的 TBR 持續 15 分鐘並發出注射指令。 幫浦現在應該正在運作 TBR,並且歷史記錄中有注射紀錄。 AAPS 也應顯示活動的 TBR 和已注射的記錄。 -* On the Combo, it is recommended to enable the key lock to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and using the "quick bolus" feature was a habit. +* 建議在 Combo 上啟用按鍵鎖定,以防止從幫浦進行注射,特別是之前已經使用幫浦並使用 "快速注射" 功能時。 -## Notes about pairing +## 關於配對的注意事項 -The Accu-Chek Combo was developed before Bluetooth 4.0 was released, and just one year after the very first Android version was released. This is why its way of pairing with other devices is not 100% compatible with how it is done in Android today. To fully overcome this, AAPS would need system level permissions, which are only available for system apps. These are installed by the phone makers into the phone - users cannot install system apps. +Accu-Chek Combo 是在藍牙 4.0 發佈之前開發的,僅在第一款 Android 版本發佈一年後。 這就是為什麼它與其他設備配對的方式,與當今 Android 中的方式不100% 相容。 要完全克服這一點,AAPS 需要系統級別的權限,這僅適用於系統應用程式。 這些應用程式由手機製造商安裝在手機中 - 用戶無法安裝系統應用程式。 -The consequence of this is that pairing will never be 100% without problems, though it is greatly improved in this new driver. In particular, during pairing, Android's Bluetooth PIN dialog can briefly show up and automatically go away. But sometimes, it stays on screen, and asks for a 4-digit PIN. (This is not to be confused with the 10-digit Combo pairing PIN.) Do not enter anything, just press cancel. If pairing does not continue, follow the instructions on screen to retry the pairing attempt. +其結果是,配對永遠不會是100%無問題的,儘管在這個新驅動程式中已大幅改進。 特別是,在配對過程中,Android 的藍牙 PIN 對話框可能會短暫顯示並自動消失。 但有時,它會停留在螢幕上,並要求輸入 4 位數 PIN。 (這與 10 位 Combo 配對 PIN 不同。) 不要輸入任何東西,只需按取消即可。 如果配對未繼續,請按照螢幕上的指示重試配對。 (combov2-tab-contents)= -## Accu-Chek Combo tab contents +## Accu-Chek Combo 標籤內容 -The tab shows the following information when a pump was paired (items are listed from top to bottom): +當幫浦已配對時,標籤顯示以下訊息(項目按從上到下的順序列出): -![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo tab with pairing](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) +![成功配對的 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤截圖](../images/combo/combov2-tab-with-pairing.png) -1. _Driver state_: The driver can be in one of the following states: - - "Disconnected" : There is no Bluetooth connection; the driver is in this state most of the time, and only connects to the pump when needed - this saves power - - "Connecting" - - "Checking pump" : the pump is connected, but the driver is currently performing safety checks to ensure that everything is OK and up to date - - "Ready" : the driver is ready to accept commands from AAPS - - "Suspended" : the pump is suspended (shown as "stopped" in the Combo) - - "Executing command" : an AAPS command is being executed - - "Error" : an error occurred; the connection was terminated, any ongoing command was aborted -2. _Last connection_: How many minutes ago did the driver successfully connect to the Combo; if this goes beyond 30 minutes, this item is shown with a red color -3. _Current activity_: Additional detail about what the pump is currently doing; this is also where a thin progress bar can show a command's execution progress, like setting a basal profile -4. _Battery_: Battery level; the Combo only indicates "full", "low", "empty" battery, and does not offer anything more accurate (like a percentage), so only these three levels are shown here -5. _Reservoir_: How many IU are currently in the Combo's reservoir -6. _Last bolus_: How many minutes ago the last bolus was delivered; if none was delivered yet after AAPS was started, this is empty -7. _Temp basal_: Details about the currently active temporary basal; if none is currently active, this is empty -8. _Base basal rate_: Currently active base basal rate ("base" means the basal rate without any active TBR influencing the basal rate factor) -9. _Serial number_: Combo serial number as indicated by the pump (this corresponds to the serial number shown on the back of the Combo) -10. _Bluetooth address_: The Combo's 6-byte Bluetooth address, shown in the `XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` format +1. _驅動狀態_:驅動可以處於以下狀態之一: + - 「中斷連線」:沒有藍牙連線;驅動大多數時間處於此狀態,僅在需要時連線至幫浦 - 這樣可以節省電力 + - 「連線中」 + - 「檢查幫浦」:幫浦已連線,但驅動目前正在執行安全檢查,以確保一切正常並且是最新的 + - 「準備就緒」:驅動準備接受來自 AAPS 的指令 + - 「暫停」:幫浦暫停(在 Combo 中顯示為「停止」) + - 「執行指令」:正在執行 AAPS 指令 + - 「錯誤」:發生錯誤;連線已終止,任何正在進行的指令都被中止 +2. _最後連線_:驅動上次成功連線至 Combo 是多少分鐘前;如果此時間超過 30 分鐘,此項目會顯示為紅色 +3. _當前活動_:有關幫浦當前正在執行的操作的詳細訊息;這里還顯示一個細長的進度條來顯示指令執行的進度,例如設置基礎輸注設定檔 +4. _電池_:電池電量;Combo 只顯示「滿」、「低」、「空」電池,並且沒有提供更準確的數字(如百分比),因此這裡僅顯示這三個級別 +5. _儲存庫_:Combo 儲存庫中當前有多少國際單位(IU) +6. _上次注射_:上次注射是多少分鐘前進行的;如果在啟動 AAPS 後還沒有進行過注射,這是空白的 +7. _臨時基礎率_:當前活動的臨時基礎率的詳細訊息;如果當前沒有活動的臨時基礎率,這是空白的 +8. _基本基礎率_:當前活動的基礎基礎率(「基礎」意味著不受任何活動 TBR 影響的基礎率因子) +9. _序列號_:Combo 序列號,如幫浦顯示的(這與 Combo 背面的序列號一致) +10. _藍牙地址_:Combo 的 6 位元組藍牙地址,以 `XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` 格式顯示 -The Combo can be operated through Bluetooth in the _remote-terminal_ mode or in the _command_ mode. The remote-terminal mode corresponds to the "remote control mode" on the Combo's meter, which mimics the pump's LCD and four buttons. Some commands have to be performed in this mode by the driver, since they have no counterpart in the command mode. That latter mode is much faster, but, as said, limited in scope. When the remote-terminal mode is active, the current remote-terminal screen is shown in the field that is located just above the Combo drawing at the bottom. When the driver switches to the command mode however, that field is left blank. +Combo 可以在 _遠端終端_ 模式或 _指令_ 模式下透過藍牙操作。 遠端終端模式對應於 Combo 計的 "遠端控制模式",該模式模擬了幫浦的 LCD 和四個按鈕。 有些指令必須由驅動在此模式下執行,因為它們在指令模式中沒有相應的功能。 後一種模式要快得多,但正如所說範圍有限。 當遠端終端模式註冊時,當前遠端終端螢幕顯示於位於底部 Combo 圖的上方的欄位中。 然而當驅動切換到指令模式時,該欄位將保持空白。 -(The user does not influence this; the driver fully decides on its own what mode to use. This is merely a note for users to know why sometimes they can see Combo frames in that field.) +(用戶不影響這一點;驅動完全自主決定使用何種模式。這僅是為了讓用戶知道為什麼有時可以在該欄位中看到 Combo 畫面。) 最底部有一個 「重新整理」 按鈕。 -At the very bottom, there is the "Refresh" button. This triggers an immediate pump status update. It also is used to let AAPS know that a previously discovered error is now fixed and that AAPS can check again that everything is OK (more on that below in [the section about alerts](combov2-alerts)). +這會觸發幫浦狀態的即時更新。 它也用於告訴 AAPS 之前發現的錯誤現在已修復,可以讓 AAPS 再次檢查一切是否正常(更多相關訊息請參閱 [警報部分](combov2-alerts))。 它還用於讓AAPS知道之前發現的錯誤已修復,並且AAPS可以再次檢查一切是否正常(更多內容請參閱[關於警報的部分](combov2-alerts))。 -## Preferences +## 偏好設定 -These preferences are available for the combo driver (items are listed from top to bottom): +這些偏好設定適用於 combo 驅動(項目按從上到下的順序列出): -![Screenshot of Accu-Chek Combo preferences](../images/combo/combov2-preferences.png) +![Accu-Chek Combo 偏好設定截圖](../images/combo/combov2-preferences.png) -1. _Pair with pump_: This is a button that can be pressed to pair with a Combo. It is disabled if a pump is already paired. -2. _Unpair pump_: Unpairs a paired Combo; the polar opposite of item no. 1. It is disabled if no pump is paired. -3. _Discovery duration (in seconds)_: When pairing, the drivers makes the phone discoverable by the pump. This controls how long that discoverability lasts. By default, the maximum (300 seconds = 5 minutes) is selected. Android does not allow for discoverability to last indefinitely, so a duration has to be chosen. -4. _Autodetect and automatically enter insulin reservoir change_: If enabled, the "reservoir change" action that is normally done by the user through the "prime/fill" button in the Action tab. This is explained [in further detail below](combov2-autodetections). -5. _Autodetect and automatically enter battery change_: If enabled, the "battery change" action that is normally done by the user through the "pump battery change" button in the Action tab. This is explained [in further detail below](combov2-autodetections). -6. _Enable verbose Combo logging_: This greatly expands the amount of logging done by the driver. **CAUTION**: Do not enable this unless asked to by a developer. Otherwise, this can add a lot of noise to AndroidAPS logs and lessen their usefulness. +1. _與幫浦配對_:這是一個可以按下的按鈕,用於與 Combo 配對。 如果已經配對了幫浦,它將無法使用。 +2. _取消幫浦配對_:取消配對已配對的 Combo;與項目1相反。 如果沒有已配對的幫浦,它將無法使用。 +3. _發現持續時間(以秒為單位)_:配對時,驅動會使手機對幫浦可見。 這控制了這種可見性持續多久。 預設選擇最大值(300 秒 = 5 分鐘)。 Android 不允許可見性無限期持續,因此必須選擇一個持續時間。 +4. _自動檢測並自動輸入胰島素儲存庫變更_:如果啟用,通常透過 Action 標籤中的 "注射/填充" 按鈕由用戶完成的 "儲存庫變更" 操作。 這在下面的 [詳細解釋](combov2-autodetections) 中作進一步說明。 +5. _自動檢測並自動輸入電池更換_:如果啟用,通常由用戶透過 Action 標籤中的 "幫浦電池變更" 按鈕完成的 "電池更換" 操作。 這在下面的 [詳細解釋](combov2-autodetections) 中作進一步說明。 +6. _啟用詳細 Combo 日誌記錄_:這大大擴展了驅動記錄的日誌數量。 **注意**:除非開發人員要求,否則不要啟用此功能。 否則,這會增加大量的噪音到 AndroidAPS 日誌中,減少它們的實用性。 -Most users only ever use the top two items, the _Pair with pump_ and _Unpair pump_ buttons. +大多數用戶只使用頂部兩個項目,即 _與幫浦配對_ 和 _取消幫浦配對_ 按鈕。 (combov2-autodetections)= -## Autodetecting and automatically entering battery and reservoir changes +## 自動檢測並自動輸入電池和儲存庫變更 -The driver is capable of detecting battery and reservoir changes by keeping track of the battery and reservoir levels. If the battery level was reported by the Combo as low the last time the pump status was updated, and now, during the new pump status update, the battery level shows up as normal, then the driver concludes that the user must have replaced the battery. The same logic is used for the reservoir level: If it now is higher than before, this is interpreted as a reservoir change. +驅動程式能夠透過跟蹤電池和儲存庫的電量來檢測電池和儲存庫變更。 如果上次幫浦狀態更新時 Combo 報告的電池電量為低,且現在在新的幫浦狀態更新中顯示為正常,驅動程式就會推斷用戶必須已經更換了電池。 儲存庫電量也採用相同的邏輯:如果現在顯示為比之前更高,這被解釋為儲存庫變更。 -This only works if the battery and reservoir are replaced when these levels are reported as low _and_ the battery and reservoir are sufficiently filled. +這僅當電池和儲存庫報告為低時_並且_電池和儲存庫有充分的填充時才起效。 -These autodetections can be turned off in the Preferences UI. +可以在偏好設定用戶界面中關閉這些自動檢測。 (combov2-alerts)= -## Alerts (warnings and errors) and how they are handled +## 警報(警告和錯誤)以及如何處理它們 -The Combo shows alerts as remote-terminal screens. Warnings are shown with a "Wx" code (x is a digit), along with by a short description. One example is "W7", "TBR OVER". Errors are similar, but show up with an "Ex" code instead. +Combo 以遠端終端螢幕的形式顯示警報。 警告會顯示一個“Wx”代碼(x 是一個數字),並附有簡短描述。 其中一個例子是“W7”,“TBR OVER”。 錯誤類似,但會顯示“Ex”代碼。 -Certain warnings are automatically dismissed by the driver. These are: +某些警告會被驅動程式自動消除。 這些包括: -- W1 "reservoir low" : the driver turns this into a "low reservoir" warning that is shown on the AAPS main tab -- W2 "battery low" : the driver turns this into a "low battery" warning that is shown on the AAPS main tab -- W3, W6, W7, W8 : these are all purely informational for the user, so it is safe for the driver to auto-dismiss them +- W1 “儲液槽低”:驅動程式會將其轉為顯示於 AAPS 主標籤上的“儲液槽低”警告 +- W2 “電池低”:驅動程式會將其轉為顯示於 AAPS 主標籤上的“電池低”警告 +- W3、W6、W7、W8:這些僅供用戶參考資訊,驅動程式會自動消除它們,因此是安全的 -Other warnings are _not_ automatically dismissed. Also, errors are _never_ automatically dismissed. Both of these are handled the same way: They cause the driver to produce an alert dialog on top of the AAPS UI, and also cause it to abort any ongoing command execution. The driver then switches to the "error" state (see [the Accu-Chek Combo tab contents description above](combov2-tab-contents)). This state does not allow for any command execution. The user has to handle the error on the pump; for example, an occlusion error may require replacing the cannula. Once the user took care of the error, normal operation can be resumed by pressing the "Refresh" button on the Accu-Chek Combo tab. The driver then connects to the Combo and updates its status, checking for whether an error is still shown on screen etc. Also, the driver auto-refreshes the pump status after a while, so manually pressing that button is not mandatory. +其他警告 _不會_ 被自動消除。 此外,錯誤 _絕不_ 會被自動消除。 這兩者都是以相同方式處理:它們會導致驅動程式在 AAPS 介面上顯示警報對話框,並中止任何正在執行的指令。 驅動程式會切換到“錯誤”狀態(詳見 [上述 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤內容描述](combov2-tab-contents))。 此狀態不允許任何指令執行。 用戶需要在幫浦上處理錯誤;例如,阻塞錯誤可能需要更換套管。 一旦用戶處理好錯誤,按下 Accu-Chek Combo 標籤上的“重新整理”按鈕即可恢復正常操作。 然後驅動程式會連線到 Combo 並更新其狀態,檢查畫面上是否仍顯示錯誤等。 此外,驅動程式會在稍後自動重新整理幫浦狀態,因此手動按該按鈕並非必要。 -Bolusing is a special case. It is done in the Combo's command mode, which does not report mid-bolus that an alert appeared. As a consequence, the driver cannot automatically dismiss warnings _during_ a bolus. This means that unfortunately, the pump will be beeping until the bolus is finished. The most common mid-bolus alert typically is W1 "reservoir low". **Don't** dismiss Comnbo warnings on the pump itself manually during a bolus. You risk interrupting the bolus. The driver will take care of the warning once the bolus is over. +注射是一個特殊案例。 它在 Combo 的指令模式下執行,此模式下不會在中途報告出現的警報。 因此,驅動程式無法在注射期間自動消除警告。 這意味著不幸的是,幫浦在注射完成之前會一直發出哔哔聲。 最常見的中途警報通常是 W1“儲液槽低”。 **不要** 在注射期間手動取消幫浦上的 Comnbo 警告。 這會有中斷注射的風險。 注射結束後驅動程式會處理警告。 -Alerts that happen while the driver is not connected to the Combo will not be noticed by the driver. The Combo has no way of automatically pushing that alert to the phone; it is always the phone that has to initiate the connection. As a consequence, the alert will persist until the driver connects to the pump. Users can press the "Refresh" button to trigger a connection and let the driver handle the alert right then and there (instead of waiting until AAPS itself decides to initiate a connection). +在驅動程式未與 Combo 連線期間發生的警報不會被驅動程式注意到。 Combo 無法自動將該警報推送到手機;始終需要手機發起連線。 因此,該警報將持續存在,直到驅動程式連線到幫浦。 用戶可以按“重新整理”按鈕以觸發連線,讓驅動程式立即處理該警報(而不是等待 AAPS 自行決定發起連線)。 -**IMPORTANT**: If an error occurs, or a warning shows up that isn't one of those that are automatically dismissed, the driver enters the error state. In that state, the loop **WILL BE BLOCKED** until the pump status is refreshed! It is unblocked after the pump status is updated (either by manual "Refresh" button press or by the driver's eventual auto-update) and no error is shown anymore. +**重要**:如果發生錯誤或顯示非自動消除的警告,驅動程式會進入錯誤狀態。 在這種狀態下,循環 **將會被阻斷** 直到幫浦狀態被重新整理! 在幫浦狀態更新(無論是手動按“重新整理”按鈕還是驅動程式最終自動更新)且不再顯示錯誤後,狀態會被解除阻斷。 -## Things to be careful about when using the Combo +## 使用 Combo 時需注意的事項 -* Keep in mind that this is not a product, esp. in the beginning the user needs to monitor and understand the system, its limitations and how it can fail. It is strongly advised NOT to use this system when the person using it is not able to fully understand the system. -* Due to the way the Combo's remote control functionality works, several operations (especially setting a basal profile) are slow compared to other pumps. This is an unfortunate limitation of the Combo that cannot be overcome. -* Don't set or cancel a TBR on the pump. The loop assumes control of TBRs and cannot work reliably otherwise, since it's not possible to determine the start time of a TBR that was set by the user on the pump. -* Don't press any buttons on the pump while AAPS communicates with the pump (the Bluetooth logo is shown on the pump while it is connected to AAPS). Doing that will interrupt the Bluetooth connection. Only do that if there are problems with establishing a connection (see [the "Before you begin" section above](combov2-before-you-begin)). -* Don't press any buttons while the pump is bolusing. In particular, don't try to dismiss alerts by pressing buttons. See [the section about alerts](combov2-alerts) for a more detailed explanation why. +* 請記住這不是一個產品,特別是在初期,使用者需要監控並理解系統、其限制以及可能出現的故障方式。 強烈建議不要在不充分瞭解系統的人使用該系統時使用它。 +* 由於 Combo 的遠端控制功能運作方式,幾個操作(特別是設定基礎設定檔)相比其他幫浦較慢。 這是 Combo 無法克服的不便限制。 +* 不要在幫浦上設置或取消 TBR。 循環假設它控制 TBR,否則系統無法可靠工作,因為無法確定用戶在幫浦上設定 TBR 的開始時間。 +* 當 AAPS 與幫浦進行通訊時(幫浦上顯示藍牙標誌時),請不要按任何按鈕。 這樣做會中斷藍牙連線。 僅在建立連線出現問題時才這樣做(詳見 [上述“開始前”部分](combov2-before-you-begin))。 +* 在幫浦注射時請不要按任何按鈕。 特別是,不要嘗試透過按下按鈕來取消警報。 詳見 [警報部分](combov2-alerts)以獲得更詳細的解釋。 -## Checklist for when no connection can be established with the Combo +## 無法建立與 Combo 連線時的檢查清單 -The driver does its best to connect to the Combo, and uses a couple of tricks to maximize reliability. Still, sometimes, connections aren't established. Here are some steps to take for trying to remedy this situation. +驅動程式會盡最大努力連線到 Combo,並使用幾個技巧以最大化可靠性。 然而,有時連線無法建立。 以下是一些解決此情況的步驟。 -1. Press a button on the Combo. Sometimes, the Combo's Bluetooth stack becomes non-responsive, and does not accept connections anymore. By pressing a button on the Combo and making the LCD show something, the Bluetooth stack is reset. Most of the time, this is the only step that's needed to fix the connection issues. -2. Restart the phone. This may be needed if there is an issue with the phone's Bluetooth stack itself. -3. If the Combo's battery cap is old, consider replacing it. Old battery caps can cause issues with the Combo's power supply, which affect Bluetooth. -4. If connection attempts still keep failing, consider unpairing and then re-pairing the pump. +1. 按一下 Combo 的按鈕。 有時,Combo 的藍牙堆疊變得無反應,不再接受連線。 按一下 Combo 的按鈕並顯示 LCD 螢幕內容,藍牙堆疊會重置。 大部分情況下,這是解決連線問題所需的唯一步驟。 +2. 重啟手機。 如果手機的藍牙堆疊本身有問題,則可能需要這樣做。 +3. 如果 Combo 的電池蓋已經老化,考慮更換它。 老舊的電池蓋可能會導致 Combo 的電源供應問題,從而影響藍牙。 +4. 如果連線嘗試仍然失敗,考慮解除配對並重新配對幫浦。 From 0ef3ec3565048e3518398772c80417a08120b539 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 301/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 204 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index c433f4db6258..f3122266131e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,194 +1,194 @@ -# How to use Autotune plugin (dev only) +# 如何使用 Autotune 外掛(僅限開發者) -Documentation about Autotune algorythm can be found in [OpenAPS documentation]( +關於 Autotune 演算法的文件可以在 [OpenAPS 文件]( 中找到。 -Autotune plugin is an implementation of OpenAPS autotune algorythm within AAPS. +Autotune 外掛是 AAPS 中 OpenAPS Autotune 演算法的實作。 -**Currently Autotune Plugin is only available in dev branch and with Engineering mode.** +**目前 Autotune 外掛僅在開發分支和工程模式中提供。** -## Autotune user interface +## Autotune 使用者介面 -![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_1b.png) +![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_1b.png) -- You can select in the Profile dropdown menu the input profile you want to tune (by default your current active profile is selected) - - Note: each time you select a new profile, previous results will be removed and Tune days parameter will be set to default value -- Then Tune days is to select the number of days used in calculation to tune your profile. The minimum value is 1 day and the maximum value 30 days. This number should not be too small to get correct iterative and smooth results (above 7 days for each calculation) - - Note: each time you change Tune days parameter, previous results will be removed -- Last Run is a link that recover your latest valid calculation. If you didn't launch Autotune on current day, or if previous results was removed with a modification of calculation parameter above, then you can recover parameters and results of the latest successfull run. -- Warning show you for example some information about selected profile (if you have several IC values or several ISF values) - - Note: Autotune calculation works with only a single IC and a single ISF value. There is currently no existing Autotune algorythm to tune a circadian IC or circadian ISF. If your input profile has several values, you can see in warning section the average value taken into account to tune your profile. -- Check Input Profile button open the Profile Viewer to allow you a quick verification of your profile (Units, DIA, IC, ISF, basal and target) - - Note: Autotune will only tune your IC (single value), ISF (single value) and basal (with circadian variation). Units, DIA and target will remain unchanged in output profile. +- 你可以在「設定檔」下拉選單中選擇要調整的輸入設定檔(預設會選擇當前的活動設定檔)。 + - 注意:每次選擇新的設定檔時,先前的結果將被移除,並且「調整天數」參數將重設為預設值。 +- 「調整天數」是用來選擇用於計算來調整你設定檔的天數。 最小值為 1 天,最大值為 30 天。 此數字不應該太小,才能獲得正確的迭代和平滑結果(每次計算需超過7天)。 + - 注意:每次變更調整天數參數時,先前的結果將被移除。 +- 「最後運作」是一個鏈接,可恢復你最後一次有效的計算結果。 如果你當天沒有啟動 Autotune,或是先前的結果因計算參數變更而被移除,你可以恢復上次成功運作的參數和結果。 +- 警告範例顯示有關選定設定檔的一些資訊(例如你有多個 IC 值或 ISF 值)。 + - 注意:Autotune 計算僅適用於單一的 IC 和單一的 ISF 值。 目前沒有用於調整日夜變化 IC 或日夜變化 ISF 的 Autotune 演算法。 如果你的輸入設定檔有多個數值,你可以在警告區看到調整設定檔時考慮的平均值。 +- 「檢查輸入設定檔」按鈕可打開設定檔檢視器,讓你快速驗證設定檔(單位、DIA、IC、ISF、基礎率和目標)。 + - 注意:Autotune 只會調整你的 IC(單一數值)、ISF(單一數值)以及有日夜變化的基礎率。 單位、DIA 和目標將在輸出設定檔中保持不變。 -- "Run Autotune" will launch Autotune calculation with selected profile and the number of Tune days - - Note: Autotune calculation can take a long time. Once launched, you can switch to another view (home, ...) and come back later in Autotune plugin to see results +- 「執行 Autotune」將以選定的設定檔和調整天數啟動 Autotune 計算。 + - 注意:Autotune 計算可能需要較長時間。 一旦啟動,你可以切換到其他視圖(主頁等),稍後再回到 Autotune 外掛查看結果。 -![Autotune Run start](../images/Autotune/Autotune_2b.png) +![Autotune 運作開始。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_2b.png) -- Then during the run you will see intermediate results below +- 運作過程中,你將在下方看到中間結果。 - - Note: During run, settings are locked, so you cannot change anymore selected input profile or the number of day. You will have to wait the end of current calculation if you want to launch another run with other parameters. + - 注意:運作過程中,設定將被鎖定,無法再變更選擇的輸入設定檔或天數。 如果你想用其他參數啟動另一個運作,你必須等待當前計算結束。 - ![Autotune during run](../images/Autotune/Autotune_3b.png) + ![Autotune 運作中。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_3b.png) -- When Autotune calculation is finished, you will see the result (Tuned profile) and four buttons below. +- 當 Autotune 計算完成後,你將看到結果(調整後的設定檔)及下方的四個按鈕。 -![Autotune Result](../images/Autotune/Autotune_4b.png) +![Autotune 結果。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_4b.png) -- It's important to always compare input profile (column "Profile"), output profile (column "Tuned") and the percentage of variation for each value (Column "%"). +- 重要的是要比較輸入設定檔(「設定檔」欄)、輸出設定檔(「調整後」欄)和每個數值的變異百分比(「百分比」欄)。 -- For basal rates, you also have the number of "missing days". You have missing days when Autotune don't have enough data categorized as "Basal" to tune basal rate for this period (for example after each meal when you have carbs absorption). This number should be as low as possible especially when basal is important (for example during the night or at the end of the afternoon) +- 對於基礎率,你也會看到「缺失天數」。 當 Autotune 沒有足夠的資料分類為「基礎率」來調整這段時間的基礎率時(例如每次餐後碳水化合物吸收時),就會出現缺失天數。 這個數字應該越低越好,特別是當基礎率很重要時(例如夜間或下午晚些時候)。 -- The "Compare profiles" button open the profile comparator view. Input profile is in blue, and output profile (named "Tuned") is in red. +- 「比較設定檔」按鈕會打開設定檔比較視圖。 輸入設定檔顯示為藍色,輸出設定檔(名稱為「調整後」)顯示為紅色。 - - Note: in the example below input profile has circadian variation for IC and ISF, but output calculated profile has a single value. If it's important for you to get a circadian output profile see [Circadian IC or ISF profile](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile) below. + - 注意:以下範例中,輸入設定檔有 IC 和 ISF 的日夜變化,但輸出計算後的設定檔只有單一數值。 如果你需要日夜變化的輸出設定檔,請參閱[日夜變化 IC 或 ISF 設定檔](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile)。 - ![Autotune Compare profiles](../images/Autotune/Autotune_5.png) + ![Autotune 設定檔比較。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_5.png) -- If you trust results (low percentage of variation between input profile and output profile), you can click on "Activate profile" button and then click on OK to validated. +- 如果你信任結果(輸入和輸出設定檔之間的變異百分比很低),你可以點擊「啟用設定檔」按鈕,然後點擊 OK 進行確認。 - - Activate Tuned profile will automatically create a new profile "Tuned" in your Local profile plugin. - - If you already have a profile named "Tuned" in your local profile plugin, then this profile will be updated with calculated Autotune profile before the activation + - 啟用調整後設定檔會自動在本地設定檔外掛中建立一個名為「調整後」的新設定檔。 + - 如果你在本地設定檔外掛中已有名為「調整後」的設定檔,則該設定檔會在啟用前更新為計算後的 Autotune 設定檔。 - ![Autotune Activate profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_6.png) + ![Autotune 啟用設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_6.png) -- If you think Tuned profile must be adjusted (for example if you think some variation are too important), then you can click on "Copy to local profile" button +- 如果你認為調整後的設定檔需要修改(例如你認為某些變化太大),那麼你可以點擊「複製到本地設定檔」按鈕。 - - A new profile with the prefix "Tuned" and the date and time of the run will be created in local profile plugin + - 一個帶有「調整後」前綴並附上運作日期和時間的新設定檔會在本地設定檔外掛中建立。 -![Autotune Copy to local profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_7.png) +![Autotune 複製到本地設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_7.png) -- You can then select local profile to edit the Tuned profile (it will be selected by default when you open Local profile plugin) +- 然後你可以選擇本地設定檔來編輯調整後的設定檔(當你打開本地設定檔外掛時,它會被預設選中)。 - - the values in local profile will but rounded in the user interface to your pump capabilities + - 本地設定檔中的數值將在使用者介面中根據你的幫浦能力進行四捨五入。 - ![Autotune local profile update](../images/Autotune/Autotune_8.png) + ![Autotune 本地設定檔更新。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_8.png) -- If you want to replace your input profile with Autotune result, click on "Update input profile" button and validate the Popup with OK +- 如果你想用 Autotune 結果替換你的輸入設定檔,點擊「更新輸入設定檔」按鈕並在彈出視窗中點擊 OK 確認。 - - Note: if you click on "Activate profile" after "Update input profile", then you will activate your updated profile and not the default "Tuned" profile? + - 注意:如果你在「更新輸入設定檔」後點擊「啟用設定檔」,那麼你將啟用更新後的設定檔,而不是預設的「調整後」設定檔。 - ![Autotune Update input profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_9.png) + ![Autotune 更新輸入設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_9.png) -- If you have updated your input profile, then the "Update input profile" button is replaced by "Revert input profile" button (see screenshot below). You can that way immediatly see if your current input profile in Local profile plugin already include the result of last run or not. You also have the possibility to recover you input profile without autotune result with this button +- 如果你已更新你的輸入設定檔,那麼「更新輸入設定檔」按鈕將被「還原輸入設定檔」按鈕替代(參見下圖)。 這樣你可以立即看到本地設定檔外掛中的當前輸入設定檔是否已包含上次運作的結果。 你也可以使用此按鈕恢復未包含 Autotune 結果的輸入設定檔。 - ![Autotune Update input profile](../images/Autotune/Autotune_10.png) + ![Autotune 更新輸入設定檔。](../images/Autotune/Autotune_10.png) -## Autotune settings +## Autotune 設定。 (autotune-plugin-settings)= -### Autotune plugin settings +### Autotune 外掛設定。 -![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_11.png) +![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_11.png) -- Automation Switch Profile (default Off): see [Run Autotune with an automation rule](autotune-run-autotune-with-an-automation-rule) below. If you change this setting to On, the input profile will automatically be updated by the Tuned profile, and it will be activated. - - **Be Carefull, you must trust and verified during several following days that after an update and activation of Tuned profile without modification, it improves your loop** +- 自動切換設定檔(預設為關閉):請參閱[使用自動化規則運作 Autotune](autotune-run-autotune-with-an-automation-rule)。 如果你將此設定更改為開啟,則輸入設定檔將自動被調整後的設定檔更新並啟用。 + - **請小心,你必須在接下來的幾天中檢查並信任更新後的調整檔未經修改的情況下是否改善了你的循環。** -- Categorize UAM as basal (default On): This setting is for the users using AndroidAPS without any carbs entered (Full UAM). It will prevent (when Off) to categorize UAM as basal. - - Note: if you have at least one hour of Carbs absorption detected during one day, then all data categorized as "UAM" will be categorized as basal, whatever this setting (On or Off) -- Number of days of data (default 5): You can define default value with this setting. Each time your select a new profile in Autotune plugin, Tune days parameter will be replaced by this default value -- Apply average result in circadian IC/ISF (default Off): see [Circadian IC or ISF profile](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile) below. +- 將 UAM 分類為基礎率(預設為開啟):此設定適用於未輸入碳水化合物的 AndroidAPS 用戶(完全 UAM)。 當關閉時,它將阻止 UAM 被分類為基礎率。 + - 注意:如果當天檢測到至少一小時的碳水化合物吸收,無論此設定(開啟或關閉),所有分類為「UAM」的資料都會被分類為基礎率。 +- 資料天數(預設為5天):你可以使用此設定定義預設值。 每次你在 Autotune 外掛中選擇新設定檔時,調整天數參數將被替換為此預設值。 +- 將平均結果應用於日夜變化的 IC/ISF(預設為關閉):請參閱[日夜變化 IC 或 ISF 設定檔](autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile)。 -### Other settings +### 其他設置 -- Autotune also uses Max autosens ratio and Min autotsens ratio to limit variation. You can see and adjust these values in Config Builder > Sensitivity detection plugin > Settings > Advanced Settings +- Autotune 也使用自動敏感度最大比率和自動敏感度最小比率來限制變異。 你可以在「組態建置工具 > 敏感度偵測外掛 > 設定 > 高級設定」中查看並調整這些值。 - ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_12.png) + ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_12.png) -## Advanced feature +## 進階功能 (autotune-circadian-ic-or-isf-profile)= -### Circadian IC or ISF profile +### 日夜變化的 IC 或 ISF 設定檔 -- If you have important variation of IC and/or you ISF in your profile, and you fully trust in your circadian time and variation, then you can set "Apply average result in circadiant IC/ISF" +- 如果你的設定檔中 IC 和/或 ISF 有顯著的變化,並且你完全信任你的日夜變化時間和變化,你可以設定「將平均結果應用於日夜變化的 IC/ISF」。 - - Note that Autotune calculation will always be done with a single value, and circadian variation will not be tuned by Autotune. This setting only apply average variation calculated for IC and/or ISF on your circadian values + - 注意,Autotune 計算將始終使用單一數值,Autotune 不會調整日夜變化。 此設定僅適用於將計算的平均變化應用於 IC 和/或 ISF 的日夜變化數值。 -- See on screenshot below Tuned profile with Apply average variation Off (on the left) and On (on the right) +- 請參閱下方截圖,左側為未應用平均變化的調整後設定檔,右側為應用平均變化的調整後設定檔。 - ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_13.png) + ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_13.png) -### Tune specific days of the week +### 調整特定星期幾 -- If you click on the checkbox with the eye on the right of "Rune days" parameter, you will see the day selection. You can specify which day of the week should be included in Autotune calculation (in screenshot below you can see an example for "working days" with Saturday and Sunday removed from autotune calculation) - - If the number of day included in Autotune calculation is lower than the number of Tune days, then you will see how many days will be included on the right of Tune days selector (10 days in the example below) - - This setting gives good results only if the number of remaining days is not to small (for example if you Tune a specific profile for week end days with only Sunday and Saturday selected, you should select a minimum of 21 or 28 Tune days to have 6 or 8 days included in Autotune calculation) +- 如果你點擊「運作天數」參數右側的帶有眼睛圖示的複選框,你將看到日期選擇功能。 你可以指定 Autotune 計算應包含哪些星期幾(在下方截圖中可以看到「工作日」的範例,週六和週日被排除在 Autotune 計算之外)。 + - 如果 Autotune 計算中包含的天數少於調整天數,則會在調整天數選擇器的右側顯示有多少天數被包含在內(下方範例中顯示為 10 天)。 + - 此設定僅在剩餘天數不太少的情況下才能獲得良好的結果(例如,如果你為週末天數調整特定設定檔,只選擇週六和週日,你應該選擇至少 21 或 28 個調整天數,以確保 Autotune 計算中包含 6 或 8 天)。 -![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_14b.png) +![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_14b.png) -- During Autotune calculation, you can see the progress of the calculations ("Partial result day 3 / 10 tuned" on example below) +- 在 Autotune 計算期間,你可以看到計算的進度(範例中顯示為「部分結果,第 3 / 10 天已調整」)。 - ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_15b.png) + ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_15b.png) (autotune-run-autotune-with-an-automation-rule)= -## Run Autotune with an automation rule +## 使用自動化規則運作 Autotune -First step is to define correct trigger for an automation rule with Autotune: +第一步是為 Autotune 定義正確的自動化規則觸發條件: -Note: for more information on how to set an automation rule, see [here](./ +注意:有關如何設定自動化規則的更多資訊,請參閱[此處](./。 -- You should select Recurring time trigger: only run Autotune once per day, and autotune is designed to be runned daily (each new run you shift one day later and quickly profile modification should be tiny) +- 你應該選擇「重複時間觸發」:每天只運作一次 Autotune,並且 Autotune 設計為每日運作(每次新運作你會推遲一天,設定檔的修改會快速變得微小)。 - ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_16.png) + ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_16.png) -- It's better at the beginning to run Autotune during the day to be able to check results. If you want to run Autotune during the night, you have to select in the trigger 4AM or later to include current day in next Autotune Calculation. +- 最好一開始在白天運作 Autotune 以便能夠檢查結果。 如果你想在夜間運作 Autotune,你必須在觸發條件中選擇 4AM 或之後,以包含當天在下一次 Autotune 計算中。 - ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_17.png) + ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_17.png) -- Then you can select "Run Autotune" Action in the list +- 然後你可以在列表中選擇「運作 Autotune」動作。 - ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_18.png) + ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_18.png) -- You can then select Autotune Action to adjust parameters for your run. Default parameters are "Active Profile", default Tune days value defined in Autotune Plugin preferences, and All days are selected. +- 你可以選擇 Autotune 動作來調整運作的參數。 預設參數為「活動設定檔」、Autotune 外掛偏好設定中定義的預設調整天數值,並且選擇了所有天數。 - ![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_19b.png) + ![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_19b.png) -- After a few days, if you fully trust Autotune results and percentage of modification is low, you can modify [Autotune settings](autotune-plugin-settings) "Automation Switch Profile" to enabled to automatically update and activate profile tuned after calculation. +- 經過幾天後,如果你完全信任 Autotune 結果且修改百分比很小,你可以修改[Autotune 設定](autotune-plugin-settings)中的「自動切換設定檔」,將其設為啟用,讓計算後自動更新並啟用調整後的設定檔。 -Note: if you want to automatically tune profiles for specific days of the week (for example a profile for "Weekend days" and another one for "Working days"), then create one rule for each profile, select the same days in Trigger and in Autotune Action, Tune days must be high enough to be sure tuning will be done with at least 6 or 8 days, and don't forget to select time after 4AM in trigger... +注意:如果你想為特定的星期幾自動調整設定檔(例如「週末天數」的設定檔和「工作日」的設定檔),那麼為每個設定檔建立一個規則,選擇相同的日期作為觸發條件和 Autotune 動作中的日期,調整天數必須足夠高以確保至少有 6 或 8 天包含在內,且不要忘記在觸發條件中選擇 4AM 之後的時間… -- See below an example of rule to tune "my profile" on all "Working days" with 14 Tune days selected (so only 10 days included in autotune calculation). +- 請參閱下方範例,調整「我的設定檔」於所有「工作日」的規則,選擇了 14 個調整天數(因此 Autotune 計算中只包含 10 天)。 -![Autotune default screen](../images/Autotune/Autotune_20b.png) +![Autotune 預設畫面](../images/Autotune/Autotune_20b.png) -## Tips and trick's +## 提示與技巧 -Autotune works with information existing in your database, so if you just installed AAPS on a new phone, you will have to wait several days before being able to launch Autotune with enough days to get relevant results. +Autotune 使用現有資料庫中的資訊,因此如果你剛在新手機上安裝了 AAPS,你必須等待幾天才能啟動 Autotune,以獲得足夠天數的資料來獲得相關結果。 -Autotune is just an help, it's important to regularly check if you agree with calculated profile. If you have any doubt, change Autotune settings (for example the number of days) or copy results in local profile and adjust profile before using it. +Autotune 只是輔助工具,重要的是定期檢查你是否同意計算出的設定檔。 如果有任何疑問,請更改 Autotune 設定(例如天數)或將結果複製到本地設定檔,並在使用之前調整設定檔。 -Always use Autotune several days manually to check results before applying them. And it's only when you fully trust Autotune results, and when variation becomes tiny between previous profile and calculated profile than you start to use Automation (Never before) +在應用 Autotune 結果之前,請務必手動使用 Autotune 幾天來檢查結果。 只有當你完全信任 Autotune 結果,並且前一個設定檔與計算出的設定檔之間的變異變得非常小時,才開始使用自動化(絕不要提前)。 -- Autotune can work very well for some users and not for others, so **If you don't trust Autotune result, don't use it** +- Autotune 對某些使用者非常有效,但對其他人可能不適用,因此**如果你不信任 Autotune 結果,請不要使用它** -It's also important to analyse Autotune results to understand (or try to understand) why Autotune propose these modifications +分析 Autotune 結果以理解(或嘗試理解)Autotune 為何提出這些修改也是很重要的。 -- you can have a whole increase or decrease of the strength of your profile (for example increase of total basal associated to decrease of ISF and IC values). it could be associated to several following days with autosens correction above 100% (more agressivity required) or below 100% (you are more sensitive) -- Sometimes Autotune propose a different balance between basal rates and IC/ISF (for ex lower basal and more aggressive IC/ISF) +- 你可能會發現設定檔的強度整體增加或減少(例如總基礎率增加,與 ISF 和 IC 值的減少相關聯)。 這可能與接下來的幾天內自動敏感度修正高於 100%(需要更具攻擊性)或低於 100%(你變得更敏感)有關。 +- 有時 Autotune 提出不同的基礎率與 IC/ISF 的平衡(例如較低的基礎率和更具攻擊性的 IC/ISF)。 -We advise to not use Autotune in the following cases: +我們建議在以下情況下不要使用 Autotune: -- You don't enter all your carbs - - If you don't enter carbs correction for an hypoglycemia, Autotune will see an unexpected increase of your BG value and will increase your basal rates the 4 hours earlier, it could be the opposite of what you need to avoid hypo, especially if it's in the middle of the night. That's why it's important to enter all carbs especially correction for hypo. -- You have a lot of period with UAM detected during the day. - - Do you have entered all your carbs and correctly estimated your Carbs ? - - All UAM periods (except if you enter no carbs during a day and categorized UAM as basal is disabled), all your UAM periods will be categorized as basal, this can increase a lot your basal (much more than necessary) +- 你沒有輸入所有的碳水化合物。 + - 如果你未輸入低血糖的碳水化合物修正值,Autotune 會看到你的血糖值出現意外上升,並增加前 4 小時的基礎率,這可能與你需要避免低血糖的情況相反,尤其是在半夜時。 因此,特別是低血糖的修正碳水化合物,輸入所有的碳水化合物是很重要的。 +- 您在一天中有許多時間被偵測到未註明的餐點(UAM)。 + - 您是否已經輸入所有的碳水化合物,並正確估算了碳水化合物的攝取量? + - 所有的未註明餐點(UAM)時間段(除非您在一天內沒有輸入碳水化合物並且未啟用將未註明餐點歸類為基礎率),所有的未註明餐點時間將會被歸類為基礎率,這可能會大幅增加您的基礎率(遠超出必要範圍)。 -- Your carbs absorption is very slow: if most of your carbs absorption are calculated with min_5m_carbimpact parameter (you can see these periods with a little orange dot in the top of COB curve), the calculation of COB could be wrong and leads to wrong results. - - When you practice sport, you are generally more sensitive and your BG doesn't rise a lot, so during or after an exercice, it's usual to see some periods with slow carbs. But if you have too often unexpected slow carb absorption, then you may need a profile adjustment (higher value of IC) or a min_5m_carbimpact a bit too high. -- You have a "very bad days", for example stuck several hours in hyperglycemia with a huge amount of insulin to be able to go down within the range, or after a sensor change you got long periods of wrong BG values. If during the pas weeks you only have one or 2 "bad days", you can disable manually these days in autotune calculation to exclude them from calculation, and again **check carefully if you can trust the results** -- If the percentage of modification is too important - - You can try to increase the number of days to get smoother results \ No newline at end of file +- 您的碳水化合物吸收速度非常慢:如果大部分的碳水化合物吸收是根據 min_5m_carbimpact 參數計算的(您可以在 COB 曲線頂端看到一個小橙點標示的這些時間段),COB 的計算可能會出錯,並導致錯誤的結果。 + - 當您進行運動時,您的身體通常會變得更敏感,血糖不會大幅上升,因此在運動期間或之後,經常會看到一些碳水化合物吸收緩慢的時間段。 但如果您經常發生意外的碳水化合物吸收過慢的情況,那麼您可能需要調整您的設定檔(增加 IC 值)或調低 min_5m_carbimpact。 +- 您有「非常糟糕的日子」,例如數小時處於高血糖狀態,需要大量的胰島素才能將血糖降至正常範圍,或者在更換感應器後,出現長時間的錯誤血糖值。 如果在過去幾周內,您只有一到兩個「糟糕的日子」,您可以手動停用這些日子,以將它們排除在自動調整的計算之外,並再次**仔細檢查您是否可以信任結果**。 +- 如果修改的百分比過高。 + - 您可以嘗試增加天數以獲得更平滑的結果。 \ No newline at end of file From 790f5da58128e50cfe4ce6b9ab96eb08f242495a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 302/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ | 144 +++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ index 74646e1ae636..1dd24a4c59d2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Module/ @@ -1,141 +1,141 @@ -# Component Overview +# 組件總覽 -AAPS is not just a (self-built) application, it is just one of several modules of your closed loop system. Before deciding for components, it would be a good idea to have a look at the [component setup](index-component-setup), too. +AAPS 不僅僅是一個(自建的)應用程式,它只是您的閉環系統中的幾個模組之一。 在決定使用哪些組件之前,最好先查看[組件設定](index-component-setup)。 -![Components overview](../images/modules.png) +![組件總覽](../images/modules.png) ```{note} -**IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE** +**重要的安全提醒** -The foundation of AAPS safety features discussed in this documentation is built on the safety features of the hardware used to build your system. It is critically important that you only use a tested, fully functioning FDA or CE approved insulin pump and CGM for closing an automated insulin dosing loop. Hardware or software modifications to these components can cause unexpected insulin dosing, causing significant risk to the user. If you find or get offered broken, modified or self-made insulin pumps or CGM receivers, *do not use* these for creating an AAPS system. +本文件中討論的 AAPS 安全功能基礎是建立在您用來構建系統的硬體安全功能上。 使用經過測試且完全運作的 FDA 或 CE 認證的胰島素幫浦和 CGM 來進行自動胰島素劑量控制是至關重要的。 對這些組件進行硬體或軟體修改可能會導致胰島素劑量異常,對使用者造成重大風險。 如果您發現或被提供了損壞、修改或自製的胰島素幫浦或 CGM 接收器,*請勿使用*它們來建立 AAPS 系統。 -Additionally, it is equally important to only use original supplies such as inserters, cannulas and insulin containers approved by the manufacturer for use with your pump or CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause CGM inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors. Insulin is highly dangerous when misdosed - please do not play with your life by hacking with your supplies. +此外,僅使用製造商批准的原裝耗材,例如插入器、套管和胰島素容器,也同樣重要。 使用未經測試或修改的耗材可能會導致 CGM 不準確和胰島素劑量錯誤。 胰島素在劑量錯誤時極具危險 - 請勿透過修改耗材來冒生命危險。 -Last not least, you must not take SGLT-2 inhibitors (gliflozins) as they incalculably lower blood sugar levels. The combination with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is especially dangerous as due to the gliflozin this rise in BG might not happen and a dangerous state of lack of insulin can happen. +最後,您不能使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑(格列佛新類),因為它們會無法預測地降低血糖水平。 這種藥物與一個降低基礎速率以增加血糖的系統結合使用時尤其危險,因為由於格列佛新的影響,血糖可能不會上升,可能導致缺乏胰島素的危險情況發生。 ``` -## Necessary Modules +## 必要模組 -### Good individual dosage algorithm for your diabetes therapy +### 適合您的糖尿病治療的個性化劑量演算法 -Even though this is not something to create or buy, this is the 'module' which is probably underestimated the most but essential. When you let an algorithm help manage your diabetes, it needs to know the right settings to not make severe mistakes. Even if you are still missing other modules, you can already verify and adapt your 'profile' in collaboration with your diabetes team. Most loopers use circadian BR, ISF and CR, which adapt hormonal insulin sensitivity during the day. +雖然這不是可以製作或購買的東西,但這是最容易被低估但卻至關重要的「模組」。 當您讓一個演算法幫助管理您的糖尿病時,它需要正確的設定才能避免嚴重錯誤。 即使您仍然缺少其他模組,您也可以與您的糖尿病醫療團隊一起驗證和調整您的「設定檔」。 大多數使用閉環系統的人會使用日夜節律的 BR、ISF 和 CR,這些數值會根據一天中激素影響調整胰島素敏感性。 -The profile includes +設定檔包括 -- BR (Basal rates) -- ISF (insulin sensitivity factor) is your blood glucose unit per one unit insulin -- CR (carb ratio) is grams carbohydrate per one unit insulin -- DIA (duration of insulin acting). +- BR(基礎速率) +- ISF(胰島素敏感因子)是每單位胰島素降低的血糖單位數 +- CR(碳水化合物比例)是每單位胰島素對應的碳水化合物克數 +- DIA(胰島素作用時間)。 (module-no-use-of-sglt-2-inhibitors)= -### No use of SGLT-2 inhibitors +### 禁止使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑 -SGLT-2 inhibitors, also called gliflozins, inhibit reabsorption of glucose in the kidney. As they incalculably lower blood sugar levels, you MUST NOT take them while using a closed loop system like AAPS! There would be a huge risk of a ketoacidosis or a hypoglycemia! The combination of this medication with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is especially dangerous as due to the gliflozin this rise in BG might not happen and a dangerous state of lack of insulin can happen. +SGLT-2 抑制劑,又稱格列佛新類,會抑制腎臟對葡萄糖的再吸收。 由於它們會無法預測地降低血糖水平,您**不能**在使用 AAPS 這樣的閉環系統時服用這些藥物! 這樣會有極大的酮酸中毒或低血糖風險! 這種藥物與一個降低基礎速率以增加血糖的系統結合使用時尤其危險,因為由於格列佛新的影響,血糖可能不會上升,可能導致缺乏胰島素的危險情況發生。 (module-phone)= -### Phone +### 手機 -The current version of AAPS requires an Android smartphone with Google Android 9.0 or above. So if you are thinking about a new phone, Android 9 is recommended at a minimum but optimally choose Android 10 or 12. For older Android versions, older AAPS versions are available see: [Release notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +目前的 AAPS 版本需要一台運作 Android 9.0 或以上版本的智慧型手機。 因此,如果您正在考慮購買新手機,建議至少選擇 Android 9,但最優選擇是 Android 10 或 12。 對於舊版 Android,可以使用舊版 AAPS,詳見:[版本說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -Users are creating a [list of tested phones and watches]( +用戶正在建立一個[已測試的手機和手錶清單]( -To record a phone or watch that isn't already listed in the spreadsheet then please fill in the [form]( +如果要記錄不在電子表格中的手機或手錶,請填寫這個[表單](。 -Any problems with the spreadsheet please send an email to [](, any donations of phone/watch models that still need testing please send an email to []( +如果對電子表格有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至[](,如果有手機/手錶型號捐贈,請發送電子郵件至[](。 -### Insulin pump +### 胰島素幫浦 -AAPS **currently** works with +AAPS **目前**適用於以下幫浦: -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (Old driver that uses the additional Ruffy app) -- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (New driver, available starting with AndroidAPS v.3.2) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (舊驅動程式,需使用額外的 Ruffy 應用程式) +- [Accu-Chek Combo](../Configuration/ (新驅動程式,自 AndroidAPS v.3.2 開始提供) - [Accu-Chek Insight](../Configuration/ - [DanaR](../Configuration/ - [DanaRS](../Configuration/ - [Dana-i](../Configuration/ - [Diaconn G8 ](../Configuration/ - [EOPatch2](../Configuration/ -- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ ([additional communication device](module-additional-communication-device) needed) +- [Omnipod Eros](../Configuration/ (需要[額外的通訊設備](module-additional-communication-device)) - [Omnipod DASH](../Configuration/ - [Medtrum Nano](../Configuration/ - [Medtrum 300U](../Configuration/ -- Certain older [Medtronic](../Configuration/ ([additional communication device](module-additional-communication-device) needed) +- 某些舊型[美敦力](../Configuration/幫浦(需要[額外的通訊設備](module-additional-communication-device)) -If no additional communication device is mentioned the communication betweeen insulin pump and AAPS is based on the integrated bluetooth stack of Android without the need of an additional communication device to translate the communnication protocol. +如果未提到額外的通訊設備,那麼胰島素幫浦與 AAPS 之間的通訊是基於 Android 的內建藍牙堆疊,不需要額外的通訊設備來轉換通訊協議。 -**Other pumps** that may have the potential to work with AAPS are listed on the [Future (possible) Pumps](../Getting-Started/ page. +**其他幫浦** 有潛力與 AAPS 一同使用,列在[未來可能的幫浦](../Getting-Started/頁面中。 (module-additional-communication-device)= -#### Additional communication device +#### 額外的通訊設備 -For old medtronic pumps an additional communication device (besides your phone) is needed to "translate" the radio signal from pump to bluetooth. Make sure to choose the correct version depending on your pump. +對於舊型美敦力幫浦,除了手機外,還需要額外的通訊設備來將幫浦的無線電信號「轉換」為藍牙信號。 請確保根據您的幫浦選擇正確的版本。 -- ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink Website]( +- ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink 官網]( - ![RileyLink](../images/omnipod/RileyLink.png) [433MHz RileyLink]( -- ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink Website]( - [Contact Info]( -- ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [Contact Info]( -- ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink Website]( - [Contact Info]( - Untested +- ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( +- ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [聯絡資訊]( +- ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( - 尚未測試 -**So what's the best pump for looping with AAPS?** +**那麼,哪款幫浦最適合與 AAPS 進行閉環系統?** -The Combo, the Insight and the older Medtronics are solid pumps, and loopable. The Combo has the advantage of many more infusion set types to choose from as it has a standard luer lock. And the battery is a default one you can buy at any gas station, 24 hour convenience store and if you really need one, you can steal/borrow it from the remote control in the hotel room ;-). +Combo、Insight 和舊型美敦力幫浦都是穩定且可用於閉環系統的幫浦。 Combo 的優勢是可以選擇更多類型的輸注組,因為它使用標準的 luer 鎖。 而且它使用的是標準電池,您可以在任何加油站、24 小時便利店買到,如果真的需要,也可以從飯店房間的遙控器裡「借用」一顆 ;-) -The advantages of the DanaR/RS and Dana-i vs. the Combo as the pump of choice however are: +然而,DanaR/RS 和 Dana-i 相對於 Combo 作為首選幫浦的優勢在於: -- The Dana pumps connect to almost any phone with Android >= 5.1 without the need to flash lineage. If your phone breaks you usually can find easily any phone that works with the Dana pumps as quick replacement... not so easy with the Combo. (This might change in the future when Android 8.1 gets more popular) -- Initial pairing is simpler with the Dana-i/RS. But you usually only do this once so it only impacts if you want to test a new feature with different pumps. -- So far the Combo works with screen parsing. In general that works great but it is slow. For looping this does not matter much as everything works in the background. Still there is much more time you need to be connected so more time where the BT connection might break, which isn't so easy if you walk away from your phone whilst bolusing & cooking. -- The Combo vibrates on the end of TBRs, the DanaR vibrates (or beeps) on SMB. At night time you are likely to be using TBRs more than SMB. The Dana-i/RS is configurable that it does neither beep or vibrate. -- Reading the history on the Dana-i/RS in a few seconds with carbs makes it possible to switch phones easily while offline and continue looping as soon a soon as some CGM values are in. -- All pumps AAPS can talk with are waterproof on delivery. Only the Dana pumps are also "waterproof by warranty" due to the sealed battery compartment and reservoir filling system. +- Dana 幫浦可以與幾乎任何運作 Android 5.1 或更高版本的手機連線,而無需刷入 Lineage。 如果您的手機壞了,通常可以輕鬆找到與 Dana 幫浦相容的手機作為快速替代品......這對於 Combo 來說並不容易。 (隨著 Android 8.1 越來越普及,這種情況可能會改變) +- Dana-i/RS 的初始配對比較簡單。 但通常這只需要做一次,所以它僅在您想使用不同幫浦測試新功能時才有影響。 +- 目前,Combo 使用螢幕解析進行工作。 總的來說,這效果不錯,但速度較慢。 對於閉環系統來說,這並不太重要,因為所有操作都在背景中進行。 然而,您需要更多的時間來保持連線,這就意味著更多的時間內藍牙連線可能會中斷,這在您走開並同時進行注射和做飯時可能會發生。 +- Combo 在暫時性基礎率(TBR)結束時會震動,DanaR 在 SMB 時會震動(或發出嗶聲)。 在夜間,您可能會更頻繁地使用 TBR 而不是 SMB。 Dana-i/RS 可以配置為既不發出嗶聲也不震動。 +- 幾秒鐘內讀取 Dana-i/RS 的歷史紀錄及碳水化合物資料,使您可以在離線狀態下輕鬆切換手機,並在獲得一些 CGM 資料後立即繼續閉環操作。 +- 所有與 AAPS 相容的幫浦在交付時都是防水的。 只有 Dana 幫浦因其密封的電池艙和儲液槽填充系統在保固範圍內也具備防水性能。 -### BG Source +### 血糖來源 -This is just a short overview of all compatible CGMs/FGM with AAPS. For further details, look [here](../Configuration/ Just a short hint: if you can display your glucose data in xDrip+ app or Nightscout website, you can choose xDrip+ (or Nightscout with web connection) as BG source in AAPS. +這只是與 AAPS 相容的所有 CGM/FGM 的簡短概述。 有關更多詳情,請參閱[這裡](../Configuration/。 簡單提示:如果您能在 xDrip+ 應用程式或 Nightscout 網站上顯示您的血糖資料,則可以在 AAPS 中選擇 xDrip+(或使用網路連線的 Nightscout)作為血糖來源。 -- [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ Works with xDrip+ or patched app -- [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ BOYDA is recommended as of version 3.0 (see [release notes](Releasenotes-important-hints-3-0-0) for details). xDrip+ must be at least version 2022.01.14 or newer -- [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ It works with xDrip+ app or patched Dexcom app -- [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/ These sensors are quite old, but you can find instructions on how to use them with xDrip+ app -- [Libre 3](../Hardware/ It works with xDrip+ (no transmitter needed) -- [Libre 2](../Hardware/ It works with xDrip+ (no transmitter needed) -- [Libre 1](../Hardware/ You need a transmitter like Bluecon or MiaoMiao for it (build or buy) and xDrip+ app -- [Eversense](../Hardware/ It works so far only in combination with ESEL app and a patched Eversense-App (works not with Dana RS and LineageOS, but DanaRS and Android or Combo and Lineage OS work fine) -- [Enlite (MM640G/MM630G)](../Hardware/ quite complicated with a lot of extra stuff +- [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/可與 xDrip+ 或修補版應用程式配合使用 +- [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/建議使用版本 3.0 的 BOYDA(詳見[版本說明](Releasenotes-important-hints-3-0-0))。 xDrip+ 至少需要 2022.01.14 版本或更高版本 +- [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/它可以與 xDrip+ 應用程式或修補版 Dexcom 應用程式配合使用 +- [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/這些傳感器已經很舊了,但您可以找到如何將它們與 xDrip+ 應用程式一起使用的說明 +- [Libre 3](../Hardware/它可以與 xDrip+ 一起使用(不需要發射器) +- [Libre 2](../Hardware/它可以與 xDrip+ 一起使用(不需要發射器) +- [Libre 1](../Hardware/您需要一個發射器,例如 Bluecon 或 MiaoMiao(自己製作或購買)以及 xDrip+ 應用程式 +- [Eversense](../Hardware/目前僅能與 ESEL 應用程式和修補版 Eversense 應用程式結合使用(不適用於 Dana RS 和 LineageOS,但 DanaRS 和 Android 或 Combo 和 Lineage OS 配合使用效果良好) +- [Enlite(MM640G/MM630G)](../Hardware/相當複雜,需要很多額外的設備 - [PocTech](../Hardware/ ### Nightscout -Nightscout is a open source web application that can log and display your CGM data and AAPS data and creates reports. You can find more information on the [website of the Nightscout project]( You can create your own [Nightscout website](, use the semi-automated Nightscout setup on []( or host it on your own server (this is for IT experts). +Nightscout 是一個開源網頁應用程式,可以記錄並顯示您的 CGM 資料和 AAPS 資料,並生成報告。 您可以在[Nightscout 項目網站](上找到更多資訊。 您可以建立自己的[Nightscout 網站](,使用[](上的半自動 Nightscout 設置,或在自己的伺服器上託管(這適合 IT 專家)。 -Nightscout is independent of the other modules. You will need it to fulfill Objective 1. +Nightscout 與其他模組獨立運作。 要完成目標 1,您將需要它。 -Additional information on how to configure Nightscout for use with AAPS can be found [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +有關如何配置 Nightscout 以與 AAPS 一起使用的更多訊息,請參閱[這裡](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -### AAPS-.apk file +### AAPS-.apk 檔案 -The basic component of the system. Before installing the app, you have to build the apk-file (which is the filename extension for an Android App) first. Instructions are [here](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +系統的基本組件。 在安裝應用程式之前,您需要先生成 apk 檔案(這是 Android 應用程式的檔案擴展名)。 說明位於[這裡](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -## Optional Modules +## 可選模組 -### Smartwatch +### 智慧型手錶 -You can choose any smartwatch with Android Wear 1.x and above. Most loopers wear a Sony Smartwatch 3 (SWR50) as it is the only watch that can get readings from Dexcom G6/G5 when phone is out of range. Some other watches can be patched to work as a standalone receiver as well (see [this documentation]( for more details). +您可以選擇任何 Android Wear 1.x 及以上版本的智慧型手錶。 大多數使用閉環系統的人佩戴 Sony Smartwatch 3(SWR50),因為它是唯一一款在手機不在範圍內時仍能從 Dexcom G6/G5 獲取讀數的手錶。 某些其他手錶也可以透過修補來作為獨立接收器使用(更多詳情請參閱[這份文檔](。 -Users are creating a [list of tested phones and watches]( There are different watchfaces for use with AAPS, which you can find [here](../Configuration/ +用戶正在建立一個[已測試的手機和手錶清單](。 有不同的 AAPS 使用手錶錶盤,您可以在[這裡](../Configuration/找到。 -To record a phone or watch that isn't already listed in the spreadsheet then please fill in the [form]( +如果要記錄不在電子表格中的手機或手錶,請填寫這個[表單](。 -Any problems with the spreadsheet please send an email to [](, any donations of phone/watch models that still need testing please send an email to []( +如果對電子表格有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至[](,如果有手機/手錶型號捐贈,請發送電子郵件至[](。 ### xDrip+ -Even if you don't need to have the xDrip+ App as BG Source, you can still use it for i.e. alarms or a good blood glucose display. You can have as many as alarms as you want, specify the time when the alarm should be active, if it can override silent mode, etc. Some xDrip+ information can be found [here](../Configuration/ Please be aware that the documentations to this app are not always up to date as its progress is quite fast. +即使您不需要將 xDrip+ 應用程式作為血糖來源,您仍然可以使用它來設置警報或顯示血糖資料。 您可以設置任意多的警報,指定警報應該啟動的時間,是否可以覆蓋靜音模式等。 有關一些 xDrip+ 資訊,請參閱[這裡](../Configuration/。 請注意,這款應用程式的文檔並非總是最新的,因為其進展相當快速。 -## What to do while waiting for modules +## 等待模組期間該做什麼 -It sometimes takes a while to get all modules for closing the loop. But no worries, there are a lot of things you can do while waiting. It is NECESSARY to check and (where appropriate) adapt basal rates (BR), insulin-carbratio (IC), insulin-sensitivity-factors (ISF) etc. And maybe open loop can be a good way to test the system and get familiar with AAPS. Using this mode, AAPS gives treatment advices you can manually execute. +有時,獲取所有閉環模組需要一些時間。 但不用擔心,還有很多事情可以在等待期間進行。 檢查並(在適當的情況下)調整基礎速率(BR)、胰島素碳水比例(IC)、胰島素敏感因子(ISF)等是**必要**的。 此外,開環模式可能是測試系統並熟悉 AAPS 的好方法。 使用這種模式,AAPS 會提供治療建議,您可以手動執行。 -You can keep on reading through the docs here, get in touch with other loopers online or offline, [read](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/ documentations or what other loopers write (even if you have to be careful, not everything is correct or good for you to reproduce). +您可以繼續閱讀這裡的文檔,與其他閉環系統用戶線上或離線交流,或[閱讀](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/文檔或其他用戶撰寫的內容(即使需要小心,不是所有內容都正確或適合您複製)。 -**Done?** If you have your AAPS components all together (congrats!) or at least enough to start in open loop mode, you should first read through the [Objective description](../Usage/ before each new Objective and setup up your [hardware](index-component-setup). +**完成了嗎?** 如果您已經將所有 AAPS 組件組裝好(恭喜!)或至少有足夠的組件來開始使用開環模式,那麼在每個新目標之前,您應該先閱讀[目標描述](../Usage/,然後設置您的[硬體](index-component-setup)。 From f9bc85df8958ce2fa8acf87716e4997a6a8be6ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:27:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 303/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 712 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 356 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index 44a2cf6b9641..072b78982755 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,792 +1,792 @@ -# AAPS Omnipod Insulin Pump Driver Documentation +# AAPS Omnipod 胰島素幫浦驅動程式文件 -These instructions are for configuring the Omnipod Eros generation pump (**NOT Omnipod Dash**). The Omnipod driver is available as part of AAPS (AAPS) as of version 2.8. +以下是配置 Omnipod Eros 代幫浦的說明(**不包括 Omnipod Dash**)。 從 AAPS 2.8 版本開始,AAPS 支援 Omnipod 驅動程式。 -**This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。** +**此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。** ```{contents} :backlinks: entry :depth: 2 ``` -## Hardware and Software Requirements +## 硬體和軟體需求 -- **Pod Communication Device** +- **Pod 通訊裝置** -> Component that bridges communication from your AAPS enabled phone to Eros generation pods. +> 將您的 AAPS 啟用手機與 Eros 世代的 Pod 通訊的組件。 > -> > - ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink Website]( +> > - ![OrangeLink](../images/omnipod/OrangeLink.png) [OrangeLink 官網]( > > - ![RileyLink](../images/omnipod/RileyLink.png) [433MHz RileyLink]( -> > - ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink Website]( - [Contact Info]( -> > - ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [Contact Info]( -> > - ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink Website]( - [Contact Info]( - Untested +> > - ![EmaLink](../images/omnipod/EmaLink.png) [Emalink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( +> > - ![DiaLink](../images/omnipod/DiaLink.png) DiaLink - [聯絡資訊]( +> > - ![LoopLink](../images/omnipod/LoopLink.png) [LoopLink 官網]( - [聯絡資訊]( - 尚未測試 -- ![Android_phone](../images/omnipod/Android_phone.png) **Mobile Phone Device** +- ![Android_電話](../images/omnipod/Android_phone.png) **行動電話裝置** -> Component that will operate AAPS and send control commands to the Pod communication device. +> 運作 AAPS 並向 Pod 通訊裝置發送控制指令的組件。 > -> > - Supported [Omnipod driver Android phone]( with a version of AAPS 2.8 and related [components setup](index-component-setup) +> > - 支援的 [Omnipod 驅動程式 Android 手機](具有 AAPS 2.8 版本和相關 [組件設置](index-component-setup) -- ![Omnipod_Pod](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Pod.png) **Insulin Delivery Device** +- ![Omnipod_Pod](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Pod.png) **胰島素輸送裝置** -> Component that will interpret commands received from the Pod communication device originating from your AAPS enable phone. +> 將從 Pod 通訊裝置接收到的指令進行解釋的組件,該指令來自於您的 AAPS 啟用手機。 > -> > - A new Omnipod pod (Eros generation - **NOT DASH**) +> > - 新的 Omnipod pod(Eros 世代 - **不包括 DASH**) -These instructions will assume that you are starting a new pod session; if this is not the case, please be patient and attempt to begin this process on your next pod change. +這些說明假定您正在啟動新的 pod 會話;如果不是這種情況,請耐心等待,並嘗試在下次更換 pod 時開始此過程。 -## Before You Begin +## 在您開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** - do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra pods, insulin, charged RileyLink, and phone devices are must-haves). +**安全第一** - 不要在無法從錯誤中恢復的環境中嘗試此過程(必備項包括額外的 pod、胰島素、已充電的 RileyLink 和手機設備)。 -**Your Omnipod PDM will no longer work after the AAPS Omnipod driver activates your pod**. Previously you used your Omnipod PDM to send commands to your Omnipod Eros pod. An Omnipod Eros pod only allows a single device to send communication to it. The device that successfully activates the pod is the only device allowed to communicate with it from that point forward. This means that once you activate an Omnipod Eros pod with your RileyLink through the AAPS Omnipod driver, **you will no longer be able to use your PDM with your pod**. The AAPS Omnipod driver with the RileyLink is now your acting PDM. *This does NOT mean you should throw away your PDM, it is recommended to keep it around as a backup, and for emergencies with AAPS is not working correctly.* +**當 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式啟用您的 pod 後,您的 Omnipod PDM 將無法再運作**。 以往您使用 Omnipod PDM 向 Omnipod Eros pod 發送指令。 Omnipod Eros pod 只允許單一裝置向其發送通訊。 從那時起,成功啟動 Pod 的裝置將是唯一能夠與其通訊的裝置。 這意味著一旦您透過 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式和 RileyLink 啟用了 Omnipod Eros pod,**您將無法再使用您的 PDM 與 pod 通訊**。 AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式與 RileyLink 現在是您的替代 PDM。 *這並不意味著您應該丟掉您的 PDM,建議保留它作為備用並在 AAPS 運作不正常時使用。* -**You can configure multiple RileyLinks, but only one selected RileyLink at a time can communicate with a pod.** The AAPS Omnipod driver supports the ability to add multiple RileyLinks in the RileyLink configuration, however, only one RileyLink at a time can be selected to be used for sending and receiving communication. +**您可以配置多個 RileyLink,但一次只能選擇一個 RileyLink 與 pod 通訊。** AAPS Omnipod 驅動程式支援在 RileyLink 配置中添加多個 RileyLink,但一次只能選擇一個 RileyLink 用來發送和接收通訊。 -**Your pod will not shut off when the RileyLink is out of range.** When your RileyLink is out of range or the signal is blocked from communicating with the active pod, your pod will continue to deliver basal insulin. Upon activating a pod, the basal profile defined in AAPS will be programmed into the new pod. Should you lose contact with the pod, it will revert to this basal profile. You will not be able to issue new commands until the RileyLink comes back in range and re-establishes the connection. +**當 RileyLink 超出範圍時,您的 pod 不會關閉。** 當您的 RileyLink 超出範圍或信號被阻擋無法與活動 pod 通訊時,您的 pod 將繼續輸送基礎胰島素。 啟用 pod 時,在 AAPS 中定義的基礎設定檔將會被編程到新的 pod 中。 如果您失去與 pod 的連線,它會恢復到此基礎設定檔。 在 RileyLink 返回範圍並重新建立連線之前,您將無法發出新的指令。 -**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time please be aware that basal rates starting on a half hour are not supported and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of say 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to update this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the 30 min basal rate profile increments are supported by the Omnipod hardware itself, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. +**AAPS 不支援30 分鐘基礎速率設置。** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並且首次設定基礎速率設置,請注意以半小時為間隔的基礎速率設置是不可支援的,您將需要調整基礎速率設置到整點開始。 例如,如果您有一個 1.1 個單位的基礎速率,它從 09:30 開始並持續 2 小時,結束於 11:30,這將無法運作。 您需要將這 1.1 單位的基礎速率更新為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管 Omnipod 硬件本身支援半小時基礎速率設置,AAPS 目前無法在其演算法中考慮到這些設置。 -## Enabling the Omnipod Driver in AAPS +## 在 AAPS 中啟用 Omnipod 驅動程式 -You can enable the Omnipod driver in AAPS in **two ways**: +您可以透過 **兩種方法** 在 AAPS 中啟用 Omnipod 驅動程式: -### Option 1: The Setup Wizard +### 選項1:設置嚮導 -After installing a new version of AAPS, the **Setup Wizard** will start automatically. This will also occur during in place upgrades. If you already have exported your settings from a previous installation you can exit the Setup Wizard and import your old settings. For new installations proceed below. +安裝新版本的 AAPS 後,**設置嚮導** 將自動啟動。 在地進行升級時也會發生這種情況。 如果您已經從以前的安裝中匯出了您的設置,您可以退出設置嚮導並匯入舊的設置。 對於新的安裝,請繼續以下操作。 -Via the **AAPS Setup Wizard (2)** located at the top right-hand corner **three-dot menu (1)** and proceeding through the wizard menus until you arrive at the **Pump** screen. Then select the **Omnipod radio button (3)** . +透過位於右上角 **三點選單(1)** 的 **AAPS 設置嚮導 (2)** 並繼續透過嚮導選單,直到您到達 **幫浦** 設置畫面。 然後選擇 **Omnipod 單選按鈕 (3)**。 > ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_1](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_1.png) ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_2](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_2.png) -On the same screen, below the pump selection, the **Omnipod Driver Settings** are displayed, under the **RileyLink Configuration** add your RileyLink device by pressing the **Not Set** text. +在同一畫面上,在幫浦選擇下方顯示 **Omnipod 驅動程式設置**,在 **RileyLink 設置** 中按下**未設置**文字添加您的 RileyLink 設備。 -On the **RileyLink Selection** screen press the **Scan** button and select your RileyLink by scanning for all available Bluetooth devices and selecting your RileyLink from the list. When properly selected you are returned to the pump driver selection screen displaying the Omnipod driver settings showing your selected RileyLink with the MAC address listed. +在 **RileyLink 選擇** 畫面上按下 **掃描** 按鈕,並透過掃描所有可用的藍牙設備從列表中選擇您的 RileyLink。 當正確選擇後,您將返回幫浦驅動程式選擇畫面,顯示 Omnipod 驅動程式設定及您所選擇的 RileyLink 和其 MAC 地址。 -Press the **Next** button to proceed with the rest of the **Setup Wizard.** It can take up to one minute for the selected RileyLink to initialize and the **Next** button to become active. +按下 **下一步** 按鈕繼續完成其餘的 **設定嚮導。** 選擇 RileyLink 後,初始化可能需時達一分鐘,此時 **下一步** 按鈕會變為可點擊狀態。 -Detailed steps on how to setup your pod communication device are listed below in the [RileyLink Setup Section](OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup). +以下的 [RileyLink 設定部分](OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup) 列出了如何設置您的幫浦連線裝置的詳細步驟。 -**OR** +**或者** -### Option 2: The Config Builder +### 選項 2:組態建置工具 -Via the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder (1)** ➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod** by selecting the **radio button (2)** titled **Omnipod**. Selecting the **checkbox (4)** next to the **Settings Gear (3)** will display the Omnipod menu as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **POD**. This is referred to in this documentation as the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. +透過左上角的 **漢堡選單** 進入 **配置構建器 (1)** ➜**幫浦** ➜**Omnipod**,選擇標為 **Omnipod** 的 **單選按鈕 (2)**。 勾選 **設定齒輪圖示 (3)** 旁邊的 **勾選框(4)**, Omnipod 選單將會以標籤的形式顯示在 AAPS 界面中,標題為 **POD**。 此處在文檔中被稱為 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 -> **NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Omnipod settings** can be found below in the [Omnipod Settings section](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) of this document. +> **注意:** 更快地進入 **Omnipod 設定**的方法可以在本文檔的 [Omnipod 設定部分](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) 中找到。 > > ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_3](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_3.png) ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_4](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_4.png) -### Verification of Omnipod Driver Selection +### 驗證 Omnipod 驅動程式選擇 -*Note: If you have exited the Setup Wizard early without selecting your RileyLink, the Omnipod Driver is enabled but you will still need to select your RileyLink. You may see the Omnipod (POD) tab appear as it does below* +*注意:如果您在未選擇 RileyLink 的情況下提前退出設定嚮導,Omnipod 驅動程式已啟用,但您仍需要選擇您的 RileyLink。 您可能會看到 Omnipod (POD) 標籤顯示如下所示* -To verify that you have enabled the Omnipod driver in AAPS **swipe to the left** from the **Overview** tab, where you will now see an **Omnipod** or **POD** tab. +要驗證在 AAPS 中是否啟用了 Omnipod 驅動程式,請從 **首頁總覽** 標籤向左滑動,現在您會看到一個 **Omnipod** 或 **POD** 標籤。 ![Enable_Omnipod_Driver_5](../images/omnipod/Enable_Omnipod_Driver_5.png) -## Omnipod Configuration +## Omnipod 配置 -Please **swipe left** to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab where you will be able to manage all pod and RileyLink functions (some of these functions are not enabled or visible without an active pod session): +請 **向左滑動** 到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,在那裡您可以管理所有幫浦和 RileyLink 功能(在沒有啟動幫浦會話的情況下,有些功能是不啟用或可見的): -> ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) Refresh Pod connectivity and status +> ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) 重新整理幫浦連線和狀態 > -> ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) Pod Management (Activate, Deactivate, Play test beep, RileyLink Stats and Pod history) +> ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) 幫浦管理(啟動,停用,播放測試嗶聲,RileyLink 狀態和幫浦歷史記錄) (OmnipodEros-rileylink-setup)= -### RileyLink Setup +### RileyLink 設定 -If you already successfully paired your RileyLink in the Setup Wizard or steps above, then proceed to the [Activating a Pod Section](OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod) below. +如果您已經在設定嚮導或上述步驟中成功配對了您的 RileyLink,則繼續進入本文檔下方的 [啟動幫浦部分](OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod)。 -*Note: A good visual indicator that the RileyLink is not connected is that the Insulin and Calculator buttons on the HOME tab will be missing. This will also occur for about the first 30 seconds after AAPS starts, as it is actively connecting to the RileyLink.* +*注意: RileyLink未連線的一個好視覺指示是 HOME 標籤中的胰島素和計算機按鈕將缺失。 這亦會發生在 AAPS 開始運作後的約莫30秒鐘,因為它正在積極連線至 RileyLink。* -1. Ensure that your RileyLink is fully charged and powered on. +1. 確保您的 RileyLink 已充滿電並開機。 -2. After selecting the Omnipod driver, identify and select your RileyLink from **Config Builder (1)** ➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod**➜**Gear Icon (Settings) (2)** ➜**RileyLink Configuration (3)** by pressing the **Not Set** or **MAC Address (if present)** text. +2. 選擇 Omnipod 驅動程式後,從 **配置構建器 (1)** ➜**幫浦** ➜**Omnipod** ➜**齒輪圖示(設定)(2)** ➜**RileyLink 配置 (3)** 中,按下 **未設定** 或 **MAC 地址(如存在)** 文字來選擇您的 RileyLink。 - > Ensure your RileyLink battery is charged and it is [positioned in close proximity](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) to your phone for AAPS to identify it by its MAC address. Once selected, you can proceed to activate your first pod session. Use the back button on your phone to return to the main AAPS interface. + > 確保您的 RileyLink 電池已充電,並且 [放置於距離約30厘米範圍內](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) 且距您的手機較近,以便 AAPS 透過其 MAC 地址識別它。 選擇後,您可以進行您的第一個幫浦會話的啟動。 使用手機上的返回按鈕回到主 AAPS 界面。 > > ![RileyLink_Setup_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_1.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) -3. On the **RileyLink Selection** screen press the **Scan (4)** button to initiate a bluetooth scan. **Select your RileyLink (5)** from the list of available Bluetooth devices. +3. 在 **RileyLink 選擇** 畫面上,按下 **掃描 (4)** 按鈕以啟動藍牙掃描。 **選擇您的 RileyLink (5)** 從可用的藍牙裝置列表中。 > ![RileyLink_Setup_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_3.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_4.png) -4. After successful selection you are returned to the Omnipod Settings page listing your **currently selected RileyLink's MAC Address (6).** +4. 成功選擇後,將返回 Omnipod 設定頁面,其中列出您**目前選擇的 RileyLink 的 MAC 地址 (6)。** > ![RileyLink_Setup_5](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_5.png) -5. Verify that in the **Omnipod (POD)** tab that the **RileyLink Status (1)** appears as **Connected.** The **Pod status (2)** field should show **No active Pod**; if not, please attempt the previous step or exit AAPS to see if this refreshes the connection. +5. 驗證在 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤中 **RileyLink 狀態 (1)** 顯示為 **已連線。** **幫浦狀態 (2)** 欄位應顯示 **無活動幫浦**;否則,請嘗試前一步驟或退出 AAPS 看是否重新整理連線。 > ![RileyLink_Setup_6](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_6.png) (OmnipodEros-activating-a-pod)= -### Activating a Pod +### 啟動幫浦 -Before you can activate a pod please ensure you have properly configured and connected your RileyLink connection in the Omnipod settings +在您可以啟動幫浦之前,請確保您已正確配置並連線您的 RileyLink 在 Omnipod 設定中 -*REMINDER: Pod communication occurs at limited ranges for pod activation pairing due to security safety measures. Before pairing the Pod's radio signal is weaker, however after it has been paired it will operate at full signal power. During these procedures, make sure that your pod is* [within close proximity](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) but not on top of or right next to the RileyLink.\* +*提醒:幫浦的配對通訊範圍有限,是由於安全保護措施所致。 配對前幫浦無線電信號較弱,但在成功配對後它將以全信號功率運作。 在這些程序期間,確保您的幫浦 [在合適的距離內](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (約30厘米以內),但不要放在 RileyLink 上或緊靠 RileyLink 旁邊。* -01. Navigate to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, and then click on **Activate Pod (2)**. +01. 導航到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,點擊 **幫浦管理 (1)** 按鈕,然後點擊 **啟動幫浦 (2)**。 > ![Activate_Pod_1](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_1.png) ![Activate_Pod_2](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_2.png) -02. The **Fill Pod** screen is displayed. Fill a new pod with at least 80 units of insulin and listen for two beeps indicating that the pod is ready to be primed. When calculating the total amount of insulin you need for 3 days, please take into account that priming the pod will use 12 to 15 units. +02. 顯示**填充 Pod**畫面。 將至少 80 單位的胰島素注入新的 Pod,等聽到兩聲嗶聲,表示 Pod 準備就緒並可續繼將胰島素輸入完。 計算您3天所需的總胰島素量時,請考慮灌裝幫浦將使用12到15個單位。 > ![Activate_Pod_3](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_3.png) > - > Ensure the new pod and RileyLink are within close proximity of each other (~30cm or less) and click the **Next** button. + > 確保新幫浦和 RileyLink 在近距範圍內(約30厘米以內),然後點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 -03. On the **Initialize Pod** screen, the pod will begin priming (you will hear a click followed by a series of ticking sounds as the pod primes itself). If RileyLink is out of range of the pod being activated, you will receive an error message **No response from Pod**. If this occurs, [move the RileyLink closer](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (~30 cm away or less) to but not on top of or right next to the Pod and click the **Retry (1)** button. +03. 在 **初始化 Pod** 畫面上,Pod 將開始排空(您會聽到點擊聲,接著是連續的滴答聲,表明 Pod 正在自我排空)。 如果 RileyLink 超出啟動幫浦的範圍,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **幫浦無回應**。 如果發生此情況,[將 RileyLink 移得更近](OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning) (約30厘米以內),但不要放在或緊靠 Pod 旁邊,然後點擊 **重試 (1)** 按鈕。 > ![Activate_Pod_4](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_4.png) ![Activate_Pod_5](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_5.png) -04. Upon successful priming a green checkmark will be shown and the **Next** button will become enabled. Click on the **Next** button to complete the pod priming initialization and display the **Attach Pod** screen. +04. 成功灌裝後將顯示綠色勾號,**下一步** 按鈕將啟用。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕,完成 Pod 排空初始化並顯示 **連線 Pod** 畫面。 > ![Activate_Pod_6](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_6.png) -05. Next, prepare the infusion site of the new pod. Remove the pod's plastic needle cap and white paper backing from the adhesive and apply the pod to your usually selected site on your body. When finished, click on the **Next** button. +05. 接下來,準備新 Pod 的注射部位。 取下幫浦的塑料針帽和膠粘劑上的白色紙張,在您平時選擇的身體部位處貼上幫浦。 完成後,點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 > ![Activate_Pod_7](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_7.png) -06. The **Attach Pod** dialog box will now appear. **ONLY click on the OK button if you are ready to deploy the cannula**. +06. 現在會出現 **連線 Pod** 對話框。 **僅當您已準備好部署套針時才按確定按鈕**。 > ![Activate_Pod_8](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_8.png) -07. After pressing **OK**, it may take some time before the Omnipod responds and inserts the cannula (1-2 minutes maximum), so be patient. +07. 按下 **確定** 後,Omnipod 可能需要一段時間才會回應並插入套針(最多約1-2分鐘),請耐心等待。 - > If RileyLink is out of range of the pod being activated, you will receive an error message **No response from Pod**. If this occurs, move the RileyLink closer (~30 cm away or less) to but not on top of or right next to the Pod and click the **Retry** button. + > 如果 RileyLink 超出啟動幫浦的範圍,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **幫浦無回應**。 如果發生此情況,將 RileyLink 移得更近(約30厘米以內),但不要放在或緊靠幫浦旁邊,然後按下 **重試** 按鈕。 > - > If the RileyLink is out of Bluetooth range or does not have an active connection to the phone, you will receive an error message **No response from RileyLink**. If this occurs, move the RileyLink closer to the phone and click the **Retry** button. + > 如果 RileyLink 超出藍牙範圍或未與手機有活動連線,您會收到一條錯誤訊息 **RileyLink 無回應**。 如果發生此情況,將 RileyLink 移得更近手機,然後按下 **重試** 按鈕。 > - > *NOTE: Before the cannula is inserted, it is good practice to pinch the skin near the cannula insertion point. This ensures a smooth insertion of the needle and will decrease your chances of developing occlusions.* + > *注意:在插入針管之前,最好輕捏針管插入點附近的皮膚。 這有助於針頭順利插入,並減少堵塞的機會。* > > ![Activate_Pod_9](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_9.png) > > ![Activate_Pod_10](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_10.png) ![Activate_Pod_11](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_11.png) -08. A green checkmark appears, and the **Next** button becomes enabled upon successful cannula insertion. Click on the **Next** button. +08. 針管成功插入後會顯示綠色勾號,並且 **下一步** 按鈕將變為可用狀態。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕。 > ![Activate_Pod_12](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_12.png) -09. The **Pod activated** screen is displayed. Click on the green **Finished** button. Congratulations! You have now started a new active pod session. +09. 顯示 **Pod 已註冊** 畫面。 點擊綠色 **完成** 按鈕。 恭喜! 你已經開始了新的 Pod 使用階段。 > ![Activate_Pod_13](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_13.png) -10. The **Pod management** menu screen should now display with the **Activate Pod (1)** button *disabled* and the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button *enabled*. This is because a pod is now active and you cannot activate an additional pod without deactivating the currently active pod first. +10. 幫浦管理選單畫面現在應顯示 **啟動幫浦 (1)** 按鈕 *已停用* 和 **停用幫浦 (2)** 按鈕 *已啟用*。 這是因為目前有一個 Pod 處於啟用狀態,必須先停用目前啟用的 Pod 才能註冊另一個 Pod。 - Click on the back button on your phone to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab screen which will now display Pod information for your active pod session, including current basal rate, pod reservoir level, insulin delivered, pod errors and alerts. + 點擊手機上的返回按鈕返回 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤畫面,現在會顯示您活動的幫浦會話資訊,包括當前基礎速率、幫浦儲庫水平、胰島素投放量、幫浦錯誤和警報。 - For more details on the information displayed go to the [Omnipod (POD) Tab](OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab) section of this document. + 要了解顯示的更多訊息,請轉到本文檔中的 [Omnipod (POD) 標籤](OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab) 部分。 ![Activate_Pod_14](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_14.png) ![Activate_Pod_15](../images/omnipod/Activate_Pod_15.png) -### Deactivating a Pod +### 停用幫浦 -Under normal circumstances, the life of a pod should run for three days (72 hours) and an additional 8 hours after the pod expiration warning for a total of 80 hours of pod usage. +在正常情況下,幫浦的壽命應為三天(72 小時),並在提示幫浦過期警告後額外持續8小時,總計80小時的幫浦使用。 -To deactivate a pod (either from expiration or from a pod failure): +要停用 Pod(不論是過期還是 Pod 故障): -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, click on the **POD MGMT (1)** button, on the **Pod management** screen click on the **Deactivate Pod (2)** button. +1. 轉到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤,點擊 **幫浦管理 (1)** 按鈕,在 **幫浦管理** 畫面上點擊 **停用幫浦 (2)** 按鈕。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_1](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_1.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_2](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_2.png) -2. On the **Deactivate Pod** screen, first, make sure the RileyLink is in close proximity to the pod but not on top of or right next to the pod, then click on the **Next** button to begin the process of deactivating the pod. +2. 在 **停用幫浦** 畫面中,首先確保 RileyLink 在幫浦近距範圍內,但不要在或緊靠幫浦旁邊,然後點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以開始停用幫浦的過程。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_3](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_3.png) -3. The **Deactivating Pod** screen will appear, and you will receive a confirmation beep from the pod that deactivation was successful. +3. 將顯示 **停用幫浦** 畫面,您會收到幫浦發出的停用成功確認嗶聲。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_4](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_4.png) > - > **IF deactivation fails** and you do not receive a confirmation beep, you may receive a **No response from RileyLink** or **No response from Pod message**. Please click on the **Retry (1)** button to attempt deactivation again. If deactivation continues to fail, please click on the **Discard Pod (2)** button to discard the Pod. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. If your Pod has a screaming alarm, you may need to manually silence it (using a pin or a paperclip) as the **Discard Pod (2)** button will not silence it. + > **如果停用失敗** 並且您未收到確認嗶聲,您可能會收到 **RileyLink 無回應** 或 **幫浦無回應訊息**。 請按 **重試 (1)** 按鈕再次嘗試停用。 如果停用持續失敗,請點擊 **丟棄幫浦 (2)** 按鈕遺棄幫浦。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 如果您的幫浦發出尖叫警報,您可能需要手動將其靜音(使用別針或回形針),因為 **丟棄幫浦 (2)** 按鈕無法使其靜音。 > > > ![Deactivate_Pod_5](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_5.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_6](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_6.png) -4. A green checkmark will appear upon successful deactivation. Click on the **Next** button to display the pod deactivated screen. You may now remove your pod as the active session has been deactivated. +4. 停用成功後會顯示綠色勾號。 點擊 **下一步** 按鈕以顯示 Pod 停用畫面。 你現在可以移除 Pod,因為該使用階段已停用。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_7](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_7.png) -5. Click on the green button to return to the **Pod management** screen. +5. 點擊綠色按鈕返回至 **幫浦管理** 畫面。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_8](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_8.png) -6. You are now returned to the **Pod management** menu press the back button on your phone to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. Verify that the **RileyLink Status:** field reports **Connected** and the **Pod status:** field displays a **No active Pod** message. +6. 您現在返回到 **幫浦管理** 選單,按下手機上的返回按鈕回到 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 驗證 **RileyLink 狀態:** 欄位顯示 **已連線** 和 **幫浦狀態:** 欄位顯示 **無活動幫浦** 訊息。 > ![Deactivate_Pod_9](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_9.png) ![Deactivate_Pod_10](../images/omnipod/Deactivate_Pod_10.png) -### Suspending and Resuming Insulin Delivery +### 暫停與恢復胰島素輸送 -The process below will show you how to suspend and resume insulin pump delivery. +以下過程將向您展示如何暫停和恢復胰島素幫浦的投放。 -*NOTE - if you do not see a SUSPEND button*, then it has not been enabled to display in the Omnipod (POD) tab. Enable the **Show Suspend Delivery button in Omnipod tab** setting in the [Omnipod settings](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) under **Other**. +*注意 – 如果您未看到暫停按鈕*,那麼它尚未啟用在 Omnipod (POD) 標籤中顯示。 在 [Omnipod 設定](OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings) 中啟用 **在 Omnipod 標籤中顯示暫停胰島素投放按鈕** 設置,位於 **其他** 欄位下。 -#### Suspending Insulin Delivery +#### 暫停胰島素投放 -Use this command to put the active pod into a suspended state. In this suspended state, the pod will no longer deliver any insulin. This command mimics the suspend function that the original Omnipod PDM issues to an active pod. +使用此指令將啟用的 POD 暫停。 在暫停狀態下, POD 將不再輸送任何胰島素。 此指令模擬原始 Omnipod PDM 發送給啟用 POD的暫停功能。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and click on the **SUSPEND (1)** button. The suspend command is sent from the RileyLink to the active pod and the **SUSPEND (3)** button will become greyed out. The **Pod status (2)** will display **SUSPEND DELIVERY**. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,並點擊**暫停(1)**按鈕。 暫停指令將由 RileyLink 發送到啟用 POD,並且**暫停(3)**按鈕將變灰。 ** POD 狀態(2)**將顯示**暫停輸送**。 > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_1](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_1.png) ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_2](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_2.png) -2. When the suspend command is successfully confirmed by the RileyLink a confirmation dialog will display the message **All insulin delivery has been suspended**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. +2. 當 RileyLink 成功確認暫停指令時,確認對話框將顯示訊息**所有胰島素輸送已暫停**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_3](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_3.png) -3. Your active pod has now suspended all insulin delivery. The **Omnipod (POD)** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** to **Suspended**. The **SUSPEND** button will change to a new **Resume Delivery (2)** button +3. 您啟用的 POD 現已暫停所有胰島素輸送。 在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中,** POD 狀態(1)**將更新為**已暫停**。 **暫停**按鈕將更改為新的**恢復輸送(2)**按鈕。 > ![Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_4](../images/omnipod/Suspend_Insulin_Delivery_4.png) -#### Resuming Insulin Delivery +#### 恢復胰島素輸送 -Use this command to instruct the active, currently suspended pod to resume insulin delivery. After the command is successfully processed, insulin will resume normal delivery using the current basal rate based on the current time from the active basal profile. The pod will again accept commands for bolus, TBR, and SMB. +使用此指令指示當前暫停的活動 Pod 恢復胰島素輸送。 指令成功處理後,胰島素將根據當前時間並使用活動基礎率設定檔恢復正常輸送。 Pod 將再次接受注射、TBR 和 SMB 的指令。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and ensure the **Pod status (1)** field displays **Suspended**, then press the **Resume Delivery (2)** button to start the process to instruct the current pod to resume normal insulin delivery. A message **RESUME DELIVERY** will display in the **Pod status (3)** field, signifying the RileyLink is actively sending the command to the suspended pod. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,確保** POD 狀態(1)**欄位顯示**已暫停**,然後按下**恢復輸送(2)**按鈕以啟動流程,指示當前 POD 恢復正常的胰島素輸送。 **恢復輸送**訊息將顯示在** POD 狀態(3)**欄位,表示 RileyLink 正在積極向暫停的 POD 發送指令。 > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_1](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_1.png) ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_2](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_2.png) -2. When the Resume delivery command is successfully confirmed by the RileyLink a confirmation dialog will display the message **Insulin delivery has been resumed**. Click **OK** to confirm and proceed. +2. 當 RileyLink 成功確認恢復輸送指令時,確認對話框將顯示訊息**胰島素輸送已恢復**。 點擊 **OK** 以確認並繼續。 > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_3](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_3.png) -3. The **Omnipod (POD)** tab will update the **Pod status (1)** field to display **RUNNING,** and the **Resume Delivery** button will now display the **SUSPEND (2)** button. +3. 在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中,** POD 狀態(1)**欄位將更新顯示**運作中**,並且**恢復輸送**按鈕將變回**暫停(2)**按鈕。 > ![Resume_Insulin_Delivery_4](../images/omnipod/Resume_Insulin_Delivery_4.png) -### Acknowledging Pod Alerts +### 確認 POD 警報 -*NOTE - if you do not see an ACK ALERTS button, it is because it is conditionally displayed on the Omnipod (POD) tab ONLY when the pod expiration or low reservoir alert has been triggered.* +*注意 - 如果您看不到「確認警報」按鈕,這是因為該按鈕僅在 POD 即將到期或低庫存警報觸發時在 Omnipod(POD)頁籤中有條件顯示。* -The process below will show you how to acknowledge and dismiss pod beeps that occur when the active pod time reaches the warning time limit before the pod expiration of 72 hours (3 days). This warning time limit is defined in the **Hours before shutdown** Omnipod alerts setting. The maximum life of a pod is 80 hours (3 days 8 hours), however Insulet recommends not exceeding the 72 hour (3 days) limit. +以下流程將告訴您如何確認並解除 POD 在達到 72 小時(3 天)過期警報時間限制前的警報聲。 此警報時間限制由**距關機的時數**設置在 Omnipod 警報設定中定義。 POD 的最長使用壽命為 80 小時(3 天 8 小時),然而 Insulet 建議不要超過 72 小時(3 天)限制。 -*NOTE - If you have enabled the "Automatically acknowledge Pod alerts" setting in Omnipod Alerts, this alert will be handled automatically after the first occurrence and you will NOT need to manually dismiss the alert.* +*注意 - 如果您在 Omnipod 警報中啟用了「自動確認 POD 警報」設置,該警報在第一次出現後將自動處理,您不需要手動解除警報。* -1. When the defined **Hours before shutdown** warning time limit is reached, the pod will issue warning beeps to inform you that it is approaching its expiration time and a pod change will soon be required. You can verify this on the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, the **Pod expires: (1)** field will show the exact time the pod will expire (72 hours after activation) and the text will turn **red** after this time has passed, under the **Active Pod alerts (2)** field where the status message **Pod will expire soon** is displayed. This trigger will display the **ACK ALERTS (3)** button. A **system notification (4)** will also inform you of the upcoming pod expiration +1. 當達到定義的**距關機的時數**警報時間限制時, POD 將發出警報聲,告知您其即將到期,並且很快需要更換 POD 。 您可以在**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上進行確認,** POD 到期時間:(1)**欄位將顯示 POD 的確切到期時間(註冊後 72 小時),並且在此時間過後,文字將變成**紅色**,在**啟用 POD警報(2)**欄位中顯示狀態訊息** POD 即將到期**。 此觸發將顯示**確認警報(3)**按鈕。 系統通知**(4)**也將通知您即將到期的 POD 。 > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_1](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_1.png) ![Acknowledge_Alerts_2](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_2.png) -2. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **ACK ALERTS (2)** button (acknowledge alerts). The RileyLink sends the command to the pod to deactivate the pod expiration warning beeps and updates the **Pod status (1)** field with **ACKNOWLEDGE ALERTS**. +2. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下**確認警報(2)**按鈕(確認警報)。 RileyLink 將發送指令給 POD ,解除 POD 到期警報聲,並更新** POD 狀態(1)**欄位為**確認警報**。 > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_3](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_3.png) -3. Upon **successful deactivation** of the alerts, **2 beeps** will be issued by the active pod and a confirmation dialog will display the message **Activate alerts have been acknowledged**. Click the **OK** button to confirm and dismiss the dialog. +3. 成功解除警報後,啟用 POD將發出**兩次警報聲**,並且確認對話框將顯示訊息**警報已確認**。 點擊 **OK** 按鈕以確認並關閉對話框。 > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_4](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_4.png) > - > If the RileyLink is out of range of the pod while the acknowledge alerts command is being processed a warning message will display 2 options. **Mute (1)** will silence this current warning. **OK (2)** will confirm this warning and allow the user to try to acknowledge alerts again. + > 如果在處理確認警報指令時 RileyLink 不在 POD 的範圍內,則將顯示一條警告訊息,並提供兩個選項。 **靜音(1)**將靜音當前警報。 **確定(2)**將確認此警報,並允許用戶再次嘗試確認警報。 > > ![Acknowledge_Alerts_5](../images/omnipod/Acknowledge_Alerts_5.png) -4. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab, under the **Active Pod alerts** field, the warning message is no longer displayed and the active pod will no longer issue pod expiration warning beeps. +4. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤,在**啟用 POD警報**欄位下,警告訊息不再顯示,並且啟用 POD將不再發出 POD 到期警報聲。 (OmnipodEros-view-pod-history)= -### View Pod History +### 查看 Pod 歷史記錄 -This section shows you how to review your active pod history and filter by different action categories. The pod history tool allows you to view the actions and results committed to your currently active pod during its three day (72 - 80 hours) life. +本節將向您展示如何查看您的活動 Pod 歷史記錄,並根據不同的操作類別進行篩選。 POD 歷史工具允許您查看當前啟用 POD在其三天(72 - 80 小時)壽命期間執行的動作和結果。 -This feature is useful for verifying boluses, TBRs, basal changes that were given but you may be unsure if they completed. The remaining categories are useful in general for troubleshooting issues and determining the order of events that occurred leading up to a failure. +此功能對於驗證注射、TBR 和已完成的基礎變更很有用,但您可能不確定它們是否完成。 其餘類別對於一般疑難排解問題和確定故障前發生的事件順序也很有幫助。 -*NOTE:* **Uncertain** commands will appear in the pod history, however due to their nature you cannot ensure their accuracy. +*注意:* **不確定的**指令將出現在 POD 歷史中,但由於其性質,您無法保證其準確性。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod management** menu and then press the **Pod history (2)** button to access the pod history screen. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下** POD 管理(1)**按鈕以查看** POD 管理**選單,然後按下** POD 歷史(2)**按鈕以查看 POD 歷史頁面。 > ![Pod_History_1](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_1.png) ![Pod_History_2](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_2.png) -2. On the **Pod history** screen, the default category of **All (1)** is displayed showing the **Date and Time (2)** of all pod **Actions (3)** and **Results (4)** in reverse chronological order. Use your phone’s **back button 2 times** to return to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab in the main AAPS interface. +2. 在** POD 歷史**頁面上,預設類別為**全部(1)**,顯示所有 POD 的**日期和時間(2)**以及**動作(3)**和**結果(4)**,按時間倒序排列。 使用您的手機**按兩次返回按鈕**返回主 AAPS 介面中的**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤。 > ![Pod_History_3](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_3.png) ![Pod_History_4](../images/omnipod/Pod_History_4.png) -### View RileyLink Settings and History +### 查看 RileyLink 設定和歷史記錄 -This section shows you how to review the settings of your active pod and RileyLink along with the communication history of each. This feature, once accessed, is split into two sections: **Settings** and **History**. +本節將向您展示如何查看您啟用 POD和 RileyLink 的設定及其通訊歷史記錄。 此功能一旦查看,將分為兩個部分:**設定**和**歷史**。 -The primary use of this feature is when your pod communication device is out of the Bluetooth range of your phone after a period of time and the **RileyLink status** reports **RileyLink unreachable**. The **REFRESH** button on the main **Omnipod (POD)** tab will manually attempt to re-establish Bluetooth communication with the currently configured RileyLink in the Omnipod settings. +此功能的主要用途是當您的 POD 通訊設備超出手機藍牙範圍且**RileyLink 狀態**報告**RileyLink 無法連線**。 主**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上的**重新整理**按鈕將手動嘗試重新建立與 Omnipod 設定中當前配置的 RileyLink 的藍牙通訊。 -In the event the **REFRESH** button on the main **Omnipod (POD)** tab does not restore the connection to the pod communication device, please follow the additional steps below for a manual reconnection. +如果主**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤上的**重新整理**按鈕未能恢復與 POD 通訊設備的連線,請按照下列附加步驟進行手動重新連線。 -#### Manually Re-establish Pod Communication Device Bluetooth Communication +#### 手動重新建立 POD 通訊設備的藍牙通訊 -1. From the **Omnipod (POD)** tab when the **RileyLink Status: (1)** reports **RileyLink unreachable** press the **POD MGMT (2)** button to navigate to the **Pod Management** menu. On the **Pod Management** menu you will see a notification appear actively searching for a RileyLink connection, press the **RileyLink stats (3)** button to access the **RileyLink settings** screen. +1. 當**RileyLink 狀態:(1)**報告**RileyLink 無法連線**時,從**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤中按下** POD 管理(2)**按鈕以進入** POD 管理**選單。 在** POD 管理**選單中,您將看到正在積極搜索 RileyLink 連線的通知,按下**RileyLink 狀態(3)**按鈕以查看**RileyLink 設定**頁面。 > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_1.png) ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_2.png) -2. On the **RileyLink Settings (1)** screen under the **RileyLink (2)** section you can confirm both the Bluetooth connection status and error in the **Connection Status and Error: (3)** fields. A *Bluetooth Error* and *RileyLink unreachable* status should be shown. Start the manual Bluetooth reconnection by pressing the **refresh (4)** button in the lower right corner. +2. 在**RileyLink 設定(1)**頁面下的**RileyLink(2)**部分中,您可以在**連線狀態和錯誤:(3)**欄位確認藍牙連線狀態和錯誤。 *藍牙錯誤*和*RileyLink 無法連線*狀態應顯示在這裡。 按右下角的**重新整理(4)**按鈕啟動手動藍牙重新連線。 > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_3.png) > - > If the pod communication device is unresponsive or out of range of the phone while the Bluetooth refresh command is being processed a warning message will display 2 options. + > 如果在處理藍牙重新整理指令時 POD 通訊設備無法響應或超出手機範圍,則將顯示一條警告訊息,提供兩個選項。 - - **Mute (1)** will silence this current warning. - - **OK (2)** will confirm this warning and allow the user to try to re-establish the Bluetooth connection again. + - **靜音(1)**將靜音當前警報。 + - **確定(2)**將確認此警告,並允許用戶再次嘗試重新建立藍牙連線。 > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_4.png) -3. If the **Bluetooth connection** does not re-establish, try manually turning **off** and then back **on** the Bluetooth function on your phone. +3. 如果**藍牙連線**無法重新建立,請嘗試手動關閉然後重新開啟手機上的**藍牙功能**。 -4. After a successful RileyLink Bluetooth reconnection the **Connection Status: (1)** field should report **RileyLink ready**. Congratulations, you have now reconnected your configured pod communication device to AAPS! +4. 成功重新建立 RileyLink 藍牙連線後,**連線狀態:(1)**欄位應顯示**RileyLink 就緒**。 恭喜,您現在已將配置的 POD 通訊設備重新連線到 AAPS! > ![RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_5](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Bluetooth_Reset_5.png) -#### Pod Communication Device and Active Pod Settings +#### POD 通訊設備和啟用 POD設定 -This screen will provide information, status, and settings configuration information for both the currently configured pod communication device and the currently active Omnipod Eros pod. +此頁面將提供當前配置的 POD 通訊設備和當前啟用的 Omnipod Eros POD 的資訊、狀態和設定配置資訊。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod management** menu, then press the **RileyLink stats (2)** button to view your currently configured **RileyLink (3)** and active pod **Device (4)** settings. +1. 進入**Omnipod(POD)**頁籤並按下** POD 管理(1)**按鈕以查看** POD 管理**選單,然後按下**RileyLink 狀態(2)**按鈕以查看當前配置的**RileyLink(3)**和啟用 POD**設備(4)**設定。 > ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_1.png) ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_2.png) > > ![RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_Settings_3.png) -##### RileyLink (3) fields +##### RileyLink(3)欄位 -> - **Address:** MAC address of the selected pod communication device defined in the Omnipod Settings. -> - **Name:** Bluetooth identification name of the selected pod communication device defined in your phone's Bluetooth settings. -> - **Battery Level:** Displays the current battery level of the connected pod communication device -> - **Connected Device:** Model of the Omnipod pod currently communicating with the pod communication device -> - **Connection Status**: The current status of the Bluetooth connection between the pod communication device and the phone running AAPS. -> - **Connection Error:** If there is an error with the pod communication device Bluetooth connection details will be displayed here. -> - **Firmware Version:** Current firmware version installed on the actively connected pod communication device. +> - **地址:**在 Omnipod 設定中定義的所選 POD 通訊設備的 MAC 位址。 +> - **名稱:**在手機藍牙設定中定義的所選 POD 通訊設備的藍牙識別名稱。 +> - **電池電量:**顯示已連線的 POD 通訊設備的當前電池電量。 +> - **已連線設備:**當前與 POD 通訊設備通訊的 Omnipod POD 型號。 +> - **連線狀態:** POD 通訊設備與運作 AAPS 的手機之間藍牙連線的當前狀態。 +> - **連線錯誤:**如果 POD 通訊設備的藍牙連線存在錯誤,詳細訊息將顯示在此處。 +> - **韌體版本:**當前連線的 POD 通訊設備上安裝的韌體版本。 -##### Device (4) fields - With an Active Pod +##### 設備(4)欄位 - 與啟用 POD -> - **Device Type:** The type of device communicating with the pod communication device (Omnipod pod pump) -> - **Device Model:** The model of the active device connected to the pod communication device (the current model name of the Omnipod pod, which is Eros) -> - **Pump Serial Number:** Serial number of the currently activated pod -> - **Pump Frequency:** Communication radio frequency the pod communication device has tuned to enable communication between itself and the pod. -> - **Last Used frequency:** Last known radio frequency the pod used to communicate with the pod communication device. -> - **Last Device Contact:** Date and time of the last contact the pod made with the pod communication device. -> - **Refresh button** manually refresh the settings on this page. +> - **Device Type:** 與 POD 通訊設備通訊的設備類型 (Omnipod pod 幫浦) +> - **Device Model:** 與 POD 通訊設備連線的啟動設備型號 (Omnipod pod 當前型號為 Eros) +> - **Pump Serial Number:** 當前註冊 POD 的序列號 +> - **Pump Frequency:** POD 通訊設備調整的無線電通訊頻率,以啟用其與 POD 之間的通訊。 +> - **Last Used frequency:** POD 最後一次與通訊設備通訊時使用的無線電頻率。 +> - **Last Device Contact:** POD 最後一次與通訊設備接觸的日期和時間。 +> - **Refresh button** 手動重新整理此頁面的設定。 -#### RileyLink and Active Pod History +#### RileyLink 和啟動 Pod 歷史 -This screen provides information in reverse chronological order of each state or action that either the RileyLink or currently connected pod is in or has taken. The entire history is only available for the currently active pod, after a pod change this history will be erased and only events from the newly activated pod will be recorded and shown. +此頁面按時間倒序提供 RileyLink 或當前連線的 POD 每個狀態或動作的訊息。 整個歷史記錄僅適用於當前啟動的 POD , POD 更換後,此歷史記錄將被清除,並且僅顯示新註冊的 POD 的事件。 -1. Go to the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and press the **POD MGMT (1)** button to access the **Pod Management** menu, then press the **Pod History (2)** button to view the **Settings** and **History** screen. Click on the **HISTORY (3)** text to display the entire history of the RileyLink and currently active pod session. +1. 進入 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤頁,按下 **POD 管理 (1)** 按鈕以查看 **Pod Management** 選單,然後按下 **Pod History (2)** 按鈕以查看 **Settings** 和 **History** 頁面。 點擊 **HISTORY (3)** 文字以顯示 RileyLink 和當前啟動 POD 會話的全部歷史記錄。 > ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_1.png) ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_2.png) > > ![RileyLink_Statistics_History_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Statistics_History_3.png) -##### Fields +##### 欄位 -> - **Date & Time**: In reverse chronological order the timestamp of each event. -> - **Device:** The device to which the current action or state is referring. -> - **State or Action:** The current state or action performed by the device. +> - **Date & Time**: 事件發生的時間戳,按時間倒序排列。 +> - **Device:** 事件或狀態所涉及的設備。 +> - **State or Action:** 設備當前執行的狀態或操作。 (OmnipodEros-omnipod-pod-tab)= -## Omnipod (POD) Tab +## Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁 -Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons and status fields on the **Omnipod (POD)** tab in the main AAPS interface. +以下是主要 AAPS 介面中 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁的圖示與狀態欄位佈局及其含義的說明。 -*NOTE: If any message in the Omnipod (POD) tab status fields report (uncertain) then you will need to press the Refresh button to clear it and refresh the pod status.* +*注意:若 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁中的任何訊息報告為 (不確定),則需要按下重新整理按鈕以清除並更新幫浦狀態。* -> ![Omnipod_Tab](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab.png) +> ![Omnipod_分頁](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab.png) -### Fields +### 欄位 -- **RileyLink Status:** Displays the current connection status of the RileyLink +- **RileyLink 狀態:**顯示當前 RileyLink 的連線狀態 -- *RileyLink Unreachable* - pod communication device is either not within Bluetooth range of the phone, powered off or has a failure preventing Bluetooth communication. -- *RileyLink Ready* - pod communication device is powered on and actively initializing the Bluetooth connection -- *Connected* - pod communication device is powered on, connected and actively able to communicate via Bluetooth. +- *RileyLink 無法使用* - 幫浦連線裝置未在手機的藍牙範圍內、關閉電源或因故障導致無法進行藍牙通訊。 +- *RileyLink 準備就緒* - 幫浦連線裝置開啟並正在初始化藍牙連線 +- *已連線* - 幫浦連線裝置已開啟電源、連線並能夠透過藍牙進行通訊。 -- **Pod address:** Displays the current address in which the active pod is referenced +- **幫浦位址:**顯示目前參照的啟動幫浦位址 -- **LOT:** Displays the LOT number of the active pod +- **LOT:**顯示啟動幫浦的 LOT 號碼 -- **TID:** Displays the serial number of the pod. +- **TID:**顯示幫浦的序號。 -- **Firmware Version:** Displays the firmware version of the active pod. +- **韌體版本:**顯示啟動幫浦的韌體版本。 -- **Time on Pod:** Displays the current time on the active pod. +- **幫浦上的時間:**顯示啟動幫浦上的當前時間。 -- **Pod expires:** Displays the date and time when the active pod will expire. +- **幫浦到期時間:**顯示啟動幫浦到期的日期和時間。 -- **Pod status:** Displays the status of the active pod. +- **幫浦狀態:**顯示啟動幫浦的狀態。 -- **Last connection:** Displays the last time communication with the active pod was achieved. +- **最後連線時間:**顯示與啟動幫浦最後一次通訊的時間。 -- *Moments ago* - less than 20 seconds ago. -- *Less than a minute ago* - more than 20 seconds but less than 60 seconds ago. -- *1 minute ago* - more than 60 seconds but less than 120 seconds (2 min) -- *XX minutes ago* - more than 2 minutes ago as defined by the value of XX +- *片刻前* - 少於 20 秒前。 +- *不到一分鐘前* - 超過 20 秒但少於 60 秒前。 +- *1 分鐘前* - 超過 60 秒但少於 120 秒(2 分鐘)。 +- *XX 分鐘前* - 超過 2 分鐘,具體由 XX 的值定義。 -- **Last bolus:** Displays the dosage of the last bolus sent to the active pod and how long ago it was issued in parenthesis. +- **最後一次注射:**顯示送至啟動幫浦的最後注射劑量及多久之前發送(括號中顯示時間)。 -- **Base Basal rate:** Displays the basal rate programmed for the current time from the basal rate profile. +- **基礎率:** 顯示基礎率設定檔中當前時間的基礎率設定。 -- **Temp basal rate:** Displays the currently running Temporary Basal Rate in the following format +- **臨時基礎率:** 以以下格式顯示當前運作的臨時基礎率。 -- Units / hour @ time TBR was issued (minutes run / total minutes TBR will be run) -- *Example:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 minutes) +- 單位 / 小時 @ 發出 TBR 時(已執行的分鐘 / 總共執行的 TBR 分鐘) +- *示例:* 0.00U/h @18:25 ( 90/120 分鐘) -- **Reservoir:** Displays over 50+U left when more than 50 units are left in the reservoir. Below this value the exact units are displayed in yellow text. +- **儲液量:** 當儲液量超過 50 單位時顯示 50+ 單位。 低於此值時,精確單位將以黃色文字顯示。 -- **Total delivered:** Displays the total number of units of insulin delivered from the reservoir. *Note this is an approximation as priming and filling the pod is not an exact process.* +- **總輸送量:** 顯示從儲液中輸送的胰島素總單位數。 *注意,這是一個近似值,因為幫浦啟動和填充過程並不精確。* -- **Errors:** Displays the last error encountered. Review the [Pod history](OmnipodEros-view-pod-history), [RileyLink history](OmnipodEros-rileylink-and-active-pod-history) and log files for past errors and more detailed information. +- **錯誤:** 顯示遇到的最後一個錯誤。 查看 [幫浦歷史](OmnipodEros-view-pod-history)、[RileyLink 歷史](OmnipodEros-rileylink-and-active-pod-history) 和錯誤日誌以獲取更多詳細資訊。 -- **Active pod alerts:** Reserved for currently running alerts on the active pod. Normally used when pod expiration is past 72 hours and native pod beep alerts are running. +- **啟用 Pod 警報:** 保留當前啟用 Pod 上運作的警報。 通常在幫浦到期超過 72 小時且原生幫浦嗶聲警告運作時使用。 -### Icons +### 圖示 -- **REFRESH:** +- **重新整理:** > ![refresh_pod_status](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_refresh_pod_status.png) > - > Sends a refresh command to the active pod to update communication + > 向啟動幫浦發送重新整理指令以更新通訊 > - > Use to refresh the pod status and dismiss status fields that contain the text (uncertain). + > 用於重新整理 Pod 狀態並消除顯示 (不確定) 訊息的狀態欄位。 > - > See the [Troubleshooting section](OmnipodEros-troubleshooting) below for additional information. + > 查看下方的 [故障排除部分](OmnipodEros-troubleshooting)以獲取更多資訊。 -- **POD MGMT:** +- **幫浦管理:** > ![pod_management](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management.png) > - > Navigates to the Pod management menu + > 導航至幫浦管理選單 -- **ACK ALERTS:** +- **確認警告:** > ![ack_alerts](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_ack_alerts.png) > - > When pressed this will disable the pod expiration beeps and notifications. + > 按下此按鈕將停用幫浦到期嗶聲和通知。 > - > Button is displayed only when pod time is past expiration warning time Upon successful dismissal, this icon will no longer appear. + > 此圖示僅在幫浦時間超過到期警告時間時顯示 成功解除後,該圖示將不再出現。 -- **SET TIME:** +- **設定時間:** > ![set_time](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_set_time.png) > - > When pressed this will update the time on the pod with the current time on your phone. + > 按下此按鈕將幫浦的時間更新為手機上的當前時間。 -- **SUSPEND:** +- **暫停:** > ![suspend](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_suspend.png) > - > Suspends the active pod + > 暫停啟動幫浦 -- **RESUME DELIVERY:** +- **繼續注射:** > ![resume](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_resume.png) > - > > Resumes the currently suspended, active pod + > > 繼續當前已暫停的啟動幫浦 -### Pod Management Menu +### Pod 管理選單 -Below is an explanation of the layout and meaning of the icons on the **Pod Management** menu accessed from the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. +以下是從 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁進入的 **幫浦管理** 選單中的圖示佈局及其含義的說明。 -> ![Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management.png) +> ![Omnipod_分頁_幫浦管理](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Tab_Pod_Management.png) -- **Activate Pod** +- **註冊 Pod** - > ![activate_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_activate_pod.png) + > ![啟動幫浦](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_activate_pod.png) > - > Primes and activates a new pod + > 幫浦啟動並註冊新幫浦 -- **Deactivate Pod** +- **停用 Pod** - > ![deactivate_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_deactivate_pod.png) + > ![停用幫浦](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_deactivate_pod.png) > - > Deactivates the currently active pod. + > 停用當前啟動幫浦。 > - > A partially paired pod ignores this command. + > 部分配對的幫浦將忽略此指令。 > - > Use this command to deactivate a screaming pod (error 49). + > 使用此指令停用發出錯誤 49 嚴重警告音的幫浦。 > - > If the button is disabled (greyed out) use the Discard Pod button. + > 如果按鈕被停用(顯示為灰色),請使用丟棄幫浦按鈕。 -- **Play test beep** +- **播放測試嗶聲** > ![play_test_beep](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_play_test_beep.png) > - > Plays a single test beep on the pod when pressed. + > 按下此按鈕時,幫浦將播放單次測試嗶聲聲。 -- **Discard pod** +- **丟棄幫浦** > ![discard_pod](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_discard_pod.png) > - > Deactivates and discards the pod state of an unresponsive pod when pressed. + > 按下此按鈕將停用並丟棄無反應幫浦的狀態。 > - > Button is only displayed when very specific cases are met as proper deactivation is no longer possible: + > 此按鈕僅在滿足特定條件時顯示,因為無法進行正確停用: > - > > - A **pod is not fully paired** and thus ignores deactivate commands. - > > - A **pod is stuck** during the pairing process between steps - > > - A **pod simply does not pair at all.** + > > - 當 **幫浦未完全配對** 且因此忽略停用指令時。 + > > - 當 **幫浦卡住** 在配對過程的步驟之間時。 + > > - 當 **幫浦完全無法配對。** -- **Pod history** +- **幫浦歷史** > ![pod_history](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_pod_history.png) > - > Displays the active pod activity history + > 顯示啟動幫浦的活動歷史 -- **RileyLink stats:** +- **RileyLink 統計:** > ![rileylink_stats](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_rileylink_stats.png) > - > Navigates to the RileyLink Statistics screen displaying current settings and RileyLink Connection history + > 導航至 RileyLink 統計螢幕,顯示當前設置和 RileyLink 連線歷史 > - > > - **Settings** - displays RileyLink and active pod settings information - > > - **History** - displays RileyLink and Pod communication history + > > - **設置** - 顯示 RileyLink 和啟動幫浦的設置資訊 + > > - **歷史** - 顯示 RileyLink 和幫浦連線歷史 -- **Reset RileyLink Config** +- **重置 RileyLink 配置** > ![reset_rileylink_config](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_reset_rileylink_config.png) > - > When pressed this button resets the currently connected pod communication device configuration. + > 按下此按鈕將重置當前連線的幫浦連線裝置配置。 > - > > - When communication is started, specific data is sent to and set in the RileyLink > - Memory Registers are set > - Communication Protocols are set > - Tuned Radio Frequency is set - > > - See [additional notes](OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes) at the end of this table + > > - 當通訊開始時,特定資料將發送至 RileyLink 並設置為 > - 記憶體暫存器已設置 > - 通訊協議已設置 > - 已設置調頻無線電頻率 + > > - 請參閱該表格末尾的 [附加說明](OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes) -- **Read pulse log:** +- **讀取脈搏日誌:** > ![pulse_log](../images/omnipod/ICONS/omnipod_overview_pod_management_pulse_log.png) > - > > Sends the active pod pulse log to the clipboard + > > 將啟動幫浦的脈搏日誌發送至剪貼簿 (OmnipodEros-reset-rileylink-config-notes)= -#### *Reset RileyLink Config Notes* +#### *重置 RileyLink 配置說明* -- The primary usage of this feature is when the currently active pod communication device is not responding and communication is in a stuck state. -- If the pod communication device is turned off and then back on, the **Reset RileyLink Config** button needs to be pressed, so that it sets these communication parameters in the pod communication device configuration. -- If this is NOT done then AAPS will need to be restarted after the pod communication device is power cycled. -- This button **DOES NOT** need to be pressed when switching between different pod communication devices +- 此功能的主要用途是當當前啟動的幫浦連線裝置無法響應且通訊處於卡住狀態時使用。 +- 若幫浦連線裝置關閉再重新開啟,則需要按下 **重置 RileyLink 配置** 按鈕,以便在幫浦連線裝置配置中設置這些通訊參數。 +- 若未完成此步驟,則 AAPS 需要在幫浦連線裝置電源循環後重新啟動。 +- 此按鈕**無需**在不同幫浦連線裝置之間切換時按下。 (OmnipodEros-omnipod-settings)= -## Omnipod Settings +## Omnipod 設置 -The Omnipod driver settings are configurable from the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** under **Config Builder**➜**Pump**➜**Omnipod**➜**Settings Gear (2)** by selecting the **radio button (1)** titled **Omnipod**. Selecting the **checkbox (3)** next to the **Settings Gear (2)** will allow the Omnipod menu to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **OMNIPOD** or **POD**. This is referred to in this documentation as the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. +Omnipod 驅動程式設置可透過左上角的**漢堡選單**中的**設置生成器**➜**幫浦**➜**Omnipod**➜**齒輪圖示 (2)**進行配置,選擇**Omnipod**的**單選按鈕 (1)**。 勾選 **齒輪圖示 (2)**旁的**複選框 (3)**將允許 Omnipod 選單以 **OMNIPOD** 或 **幫浦** 的標題作為分頁顯示在 AAPS 介面中。 此處在文檔中被稱為 **Omnipod (POD)** 標籤。 -![Omnipod_Settings_1](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_1.png) +![Omnipod_設置_1](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_1.png) -**NOTE:** A faster way to access the **Omnipod settings** is by accessing the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and selecting **Omnipod preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. +**注意:**快速查看 **Omnipod 設置** 的方式是透過 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁右上角的 **三點選單 (1)** 並從下拉選單中選擇 **Omnipod 偏好設定 (2)**。 -![Omnipod_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) +![Omnipod_設置_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) -The settings groups are listed below; you can enable or disable via a toggle switch for most entries described below: +下方列出了設定組;大多數條目可透過切換開關啟用或停用: -![Omnipod_Settings_3](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_3.png) +![Omnipod_設置_3](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_3.png) -*NOTE: An asterisk (\*) denotes the default for a setting is enabled.* +*注意:星號(\*)表示預設設置為啟用狀態。* ### RileyLink -Allows for scanning of a pod communication device. The Omnipod driver cannot select more than one pod communication device at a time. +允許掃描幫浦連線裝置。 Omnipod 驅動程式一次只能選擇一個幫浦連線裝置。 -- **Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink:** Reports the actual battery level of the OrangeLink/EmaLink/Dialink. It is **strongly recommended** that all OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink users enable this setting. +- **顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 報告的電池電量:**報告 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 的實際電池電量。 強烈建議所有 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 使用者啟用此設置。 -- DOES NOT work with the original RileyLink. -- May not work with RileyLink alternatives. -- Enabled - Reports the current battery level for supported pod communication devices. -- Disabled - Reports a value of n/a. +- 此設置**不支援**原始 RileyLink。 +- 可能不支援 RileyLink 的替代品。 +- 啟用 - 報告支援的幫浦連線裝置的當前電池電量。 +- 停用 - 報告值為 n/a。 -- **Enable battery change logging in Actions:** In the Actions menu, the battery change button is enabled IF you have enabled this setting AND the battery reporting setting above. Some pod communication devices now have the ability to use regular batteries which can be changed. This option allows you to note that and reset battery age timers. +- **在動作中啟用電池更換記錄:**若您啟用了此設置,且啟用了上方的電池報告設置,則在動作選單中將啟用電池更換按鈕。 部分幫浦連線裝置現在可以使用可更換的普通電池。 此選項允許您記錄並重設電池壽命計時器。 -### Confirmation beeps +### 確認嗶聲提示 -Provides confirmation beeps from the pod for bolus, basal, SMB, and TBR delivery and changes. +提供來自藥筒的確認聲音提示,用於注射、基礎輸注、SMB以及TBR輸送和變更。 -- **\*Bolus beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a bolus is delivered. -- **\*Basal beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a new basal rate is set, active basal rate is canceled or current basal rate is changed. -- **\*SMB beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a SMB is delivered. -- **TBR beeps enabled:** Enable or disable confirmation beeps when a TBR is set or canceled. +- **\*注射嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在注射送達時的確認嗶聲聲。 +- **\*基礎率嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在設定新基礎率、取消啟動基礎率或更改當前基礎率時的確認嗶聲聲。 +- **\*SMB 嗶聲啟用:**啟用或停用在送達 SMB 時的確認嗶聲聲。 +- **啟用 TBR 嗶聲:** 啟用或停用設置或取消 TBR 時的確認嗶聲。 -### Alerts +### 警報 -Provides AAPS alerts and Nightscout announcements for pod expiration, shutdown, low reservoir based on the defined threshold units. +根據設定的閾值單位,提供 AAPS 警告和 Nightscout 通知以提示幫浦到期、關閉或低庫存。 -*Note an AAPS notification will ALWAYS be issued for any alert after the initial communication with the pod since the alert was triggered. Dismissing the notification will NOT dismiss the alert UNLESS automatically acknowledge Pod alerts is enabled. To MANUALLY dismiss the alert you must visit the Omnipod (POD) tab and press the ACK ALERTS button.* +*請注意,Pod 觸發警報後,AAPS 通知將始終發出。 解除通知不會取消警報,除非啟用了自動確認 Pod 警報功能。 要手動解除警告,您必須查看 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁並按下確認警告按鈕。* -- **\*Expiration reminder enabled:** Enable or disable the pod expiration reminder set to trigger when the defined number of hours before shutdown is reached. -- **Hours before shutdown:** Defines the number hours before the active pod shutdown occurs, which will then trigger the expiration reminder alert. -- **\*Low reservoir alert enabled:** Enable or disable an alert when the pod's remaining units low reservoir limit is reached as defined in the Number of units field. -- **Number of units:** The number of units at which to trigger the pod low reservoir alert. -- **Automatically acknowledge Pod alerts:** When enabled a notification will still be issued however immediately after the first pod communication contact since the alert was issued it will now be automatically acknowledged and the alert will be dismissed. +- **\*到期提醒啟用:**啟用或停用設定的幫浦到期提醒,當到達設定的關機時間前的幾個小時時觸發。 +- **關閉前的時數:** 定義 Pod 關閉前的幾小時,這將觸發到期提醒警報。 +- **\*低庫存警告啟用:**啟用或停用當幫浦剩餘單位的低庫存閾值被觸發時的警告,閾值定義於單位數欄位。 +- **單位數:** 定義觸發 Pod 儲液量低警報的單位數量。 +- **自動確認幫浦警告:**啟用後,將仍然發出通知,但在發出警告後的首次幫浦連線連線後,警告將被自動確認並解除。 -### Notifications +### 通知 -Provides AAPS notifications and audible phone alerts when it is uncertain if TBR, SMB, or bolus events were successful. +當不確定 TBR、SMB 或注射事件是否成功時,提供 AAPS 通知和手機警報。 -*NOTE: These are notifications only, no audible beep alerts are made.* +*注意:這些僅是通知,沒有嗶聲警報。* -- **Sound for uncertain TBR notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPs is uncertain if a TBR was successfully set. -- **\*Sound for uncertain SMB notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if an SMB was successfully delivered. -- **\*Sound for uncertain bolus notifications enabled:** Enable or disable this setting to trigger an audible alert and visual notification when AAPS is uncertain if a bolus was successfully delivered. +- **啟用不確定 TBR 通知音效:** 啟用或停用此設定,以在 AAPS 不確定 TBR 是否成功設置時觸發提示音和視覺通知。 +- **\*不確定 SMB 通知聲音啟用:**啟用或停用此設置以在 AAPS 不確定 SMB 是否成功送達時觸發警報聲和視覺通知。 +- **\*不確定注射通知聲音啟用:**啟用或停用此設置以在 AAPS 不確定注射是否成功送達時觸發警報聲和視覺通知。 ### 其他 -Provides advanced settings to assist debugging. +提供進階設定以協助除錯。 -- **Show Suspend Delivery button in Omnipod tab:** Hide or display the suspend delivery button in the **Omnipod (POD)** tab. -- **Show Pulse log button in Pod Management menu:** Hide or display the pulse log button in the **Pod Management** menu. -- **Show RileyLink Stats button in Pod Management menu:** Hide or display the RileyLink Stats button in the **Pod Management** menu. -- **\*DST/Time zone detect on enabled:** allows for time zone changes to be automatically detected if the phone is used in an area where DST is observed. +- **顯示暫停注射按鈕於 Omnipod 分頁:**隱藏或顯示 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁中的暫停注射按鈕。 +- **顯示脈搏日誌按鈕於幫浦管理選單:**隱藏或顯示幫浦管理選單中的脈搏日誌按鈕。 +- **顯示 RileyLink 統計按鈕於幫浦管理選單:**隱藏或顯示幫浦管理選單中的 RileyLink 統計按鈕。 +- **\*DST/時區自動檢測啟用:**允許自動檢測時區變化,適用於手機使用於觀察 DST(夏令時間)的地區時。 -### Switching or Removing an Active Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) +### 切換或移除啟動幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) -With many alternative models to the original RileyLink available (such as OrangeLink or EmaLink) or the need to have multiple/backup versions of the same pod communication device (RileyLink), it becomes necessary to switch or remove the selected pod communication device (RileyLink) from Omnipod Setting configuration. +由於許多替代型號(如 OrangeLink 或 EmaLink)可供選擇,或者您需要多個備用版本的相同幫浦連線裝置(如 RileyLink),因此有必要從 Omnipod 設置配置中切換或移除所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink)。 -The following steps will show how to **Remove** and existing pod communication device (RileyLink) as well as **Add** a new pod communication device. Executing both **Remove** and **Add** steps will switch your device. +以下步驟將展示如何**移除**現有的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) 以及如何**新增**新的幫浦連線裝置。 執行**移除**和**新增**步驟將切換您的裝置。 -1. Access the **RileyLink Selection** menu by selecting the **3 dot menu (1)** in the upper right hand corner of the **Omnipod (POD)** tab and selecting **Omnipod preferences (2)** from the dropdown menu. On the **Omnipod Settings** menu under **RileyLink Configuration (3)** press the **Not Set** (if no device is selected) or **MAC Address** (if a device is present) text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. +1. 透過選擇 **Omnipod (幫浦)** 分頁右上角的**三點選單 (1)**,並從下拉選單中選擇**Omnipod 偏好設定 (2)**來進入 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 在 **Omnipod 設置**選單中的**RileyLink 配置 (3)**下,按下**未設定**(如果未選擇裝置)或**MAC 地址**(如果已存在裝置)文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 - > ![Omnipod_Settings_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) + > ![Omnipod_設置_2](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_Settings_2.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_2.png) -### Remove Currently Selected Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) +### 移除當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) -This process will show how to remove the currently selected pod communication device (RileyLink) from the Omnipod Driver settings. +此過程將展示如何從 Omnipod 驅動程式設置中移除當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink)。 -1. Under **RileyLink Configuration** press the **MAC Address (1)** text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. +1. 在 **RileyLink 配置**下,按下**MAC 地址 (1)**文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_1.png) -2. On the **RileyLink Selection** menu the press **Remove (2)** button to remove **your currently selected RileyLink (3)** +2. 在 **RileyLink 選擇**選單中,按下 **移除 (2)** 按鈕以移除**您當前所選的 RileyLink (3)** - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_2.png) -3. At the confirmation prompt press **Yes (4)** to confirm the removal of your device. +3. 在確認提示中按下**是 (4)**以確認移除您的裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_3.png) -4. You are returned to the **Omnipod Setting** menu where under **RileyLink Configuration** you will now see the device is **Not Set (5)**. Congratulations, you have now successfully removed your selected pod communication device. +4. 您將返回至 **Omnipod 設置**選單,其中**RileyLink 配置**下您將看到裝置顯示為**未設定 (5)**。 恭喜您,您已成功移除所選的幫浦連線裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_移除_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Remove_4.png) -### Add Currently Selected Pod Communication Device (RileyLink) +### 新增當前所選的幫浦連線裝置 (RileyLink) -This process will show how to add a new pod communication device to the Omnipod Driver settings. +此過程將展示如何將新的幫浦連線裝置新增至 Omnipod 驅動程式設置中。 -1. Under **RileyLink Configuration** press the **Not Set (1)** text to open the **RileyLink Selection** menu. +1. 在 **RileyLink 配置**下,按下**未設定 (1)**文本以開啟 **RileyLink 選擇**選單。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_1.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_1](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_1.png) -2. Press the **Scan (2)** button to start scanning for all available Bluetooth devices. +2. 按下 **掃描 (2)** 按鈕以開始掃描所有可用的藍牙裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_2.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_2](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_2.png) -3. Select **your RileyLink (3)** from the list of available devices and you will be returned to the **Omnipod Settings** menu displaying the **MAC Address (4)** of your newly selected device. Congratulations you have successfully selected your pod communication device. +3. 從可用裝置列表中選擇 **您的 RileyLink (3)**,然後您將返回至 **Omnipod 設置**選單,顯示您的新選擇裝置的 **MAC 地址 (4)**。 恭喜您,您已成功選擇您的幫浦連線裝置。 - > ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_3.png) ![RileyLink_Setup_Add_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_4.png) + > ![RileyLink_設置_新增_3](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_3.png) ![RileyLink_設置_新增_4](../images/omnipod/RileyLink_Setup_Add_4.png) -## Actions (ACT) Tab +## 手動操作 (ACT) 標籤 -This tab is well documented in the main AAPS documentation but there are a few items on this tab that are specific to how the Omnipod pod differs from tube based pumps, especially after the processes of applying a new pod. +此分頁在主要 AAPS 文件中有詳細說明,但該分頁中有一些項目是針對 Omnipod 幫浦與管式幫浦不同之處,特別是在應用新幫浦的過程後。 -1. Go to the **Actions (ACT)** tab in the main AAPS interface. -2. Under the **Careportal (1)** section the following 3 fields will have their **age reset** to 0 days and 0 hours **after each pod change**: **Insulin** and **Cannula**. This is done because of how the Omnipod pump is built and operates. The **pump battery** and **insulin reservoir** are self contained inside of each pod. Since the pod inserts the cannula directly into the skin at the site of the pod application, a traditional tube is not used in Omnipod pumps. *Therefore after a pod change the age of each of these values will automatically reset to zero.* **Pump battery age** is not reported as the battery in the pod will always be more than the life of the pod (maximum 80 hours). +1. 進入主 AAPS 介面中的 **手動操作 (ACT)** 標籤。 +2. 在 **照護入口 (1)** 部分下,以下 3 個欄位將在**每次更換幫浦後**將**年齡重設**為 0 天 0 小時:**胰島素** 和 **套管**。 這是根據 Omnipod 幫浦的設計和運作方式所設。 每個 Pod 內都包含 **幫浦電池** 和 **胰島素儲液器**。 由於 Pod 直接將套管插入應用 Pod 的皮膚上,因此 Omnipod 幫浦不使用傳統的管路。 *因此,在更換 Pod 後,這些數值的時間將自動重置為零。* **幫浦電池時間** 不會被報告,因為 Pod 中的電池壽命始終比 Pod 的最大壽命(80 小時)長。 -> ![Actions_Tab](../images/omnipod/Actions_Tab.png) +> ![操作_分頁](../images/omnipod/Actions_Tab.png) -### Levels +### 層級 -**Insulin Level** +**胰島素等級** -Reporting of the amount of insulin in the Omnipod Eros Pod is not exact. This is because it is not known exactly how much insulin was put in the pod, only that when the 2 beeps are triggered while filling the pod that over 85 units have been injected. A Pod can hold a maximum of 200 units. Priming can also introduce variance as it is not and exact process. With both of these factors, the Omnipod driver has been written to give the best approximation of insulin remaining in the reservoir. +Omnipod Eros 幫浦中的胰島素量報告並不精確。 這是因為無法確定幫浦中實際注入了多少胰島素,只知道當填充幫浦時觸發了兩次嗶聲,這表示已注入超過 85 單位。 一個幫浦最多可容納 200 單位。 啟動過程也會引入一些變化,因為這並不是一個精確的過程。 考慮到這些因素,Omnipod 驅動程式已經編寫為盡可能準確地估算幫浦內剩餘的胰島素量。 -> - **Above 50 Units** - Reports a value of 50+U when more than 50 units are currently in the reservoir. -> - **Below 50 Units** - Reports an approximate calculated value of insulin remaining in the reservoir. -> - **SMS** - Returns value or 50+U for SMS responses -> - **Nightscout** - Uploads value of 50 when over 50 units to Nightscout (version 14.07 and older). Newer versions will report a value of 50+ when over 50 units. +> - **超過 50 單位** - 當幫浦中有超過 50 單位時,報告值為 50+ 單位。 +> - **少於 50 單位** - 報告幫浦中剩餘胰島素的近似計算值。 +> - **SMS** - 短訊回報數值為 50+ 單位。 +> - **Nightscout** - 當超過 50 單位時,向 Nightscout 上傳數值為 50(版本 14.07 及更早版本)。 更新版本將在超過 50 單位時報告數值為 50+。 -**Battery Level** +**電池電量** -Battery level reporting is a setting that can be enabled to return the current battery level of pod communication devices, such as the OrangeLink, EmaLink or DiaLink. The RileyLink hardware is not capable of reporting its battery level. The battery level is reported after each communication with the pod, so when charging a linear increase may not be observed. A manual refresh will update the current battery level. When a supported Pod communication device is disconnected a value of 0% will be reported. +電池電量報告是一個可以啟用的設置,當啟用時,將返回幫浦連線裝置(如 OrangeLink、EmaLink 或 DiaLink)的當前電池電量。 RileyLink 硬體無法報告其電池電量。 電池電量是在每次與幫浦連線後報告的,因此在充電時,可能不會觀察到線性的增長。 手動重新整理將更新當前電池電量。 當支援的幫浦連線裝置已中斷連線時,會報告 0% 的電量值。 -> - **RileyLink hardware is NOT capable of reporting battery level** -> - **"Show battery level reported by OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink" Setting MUST be enabled in the Omnipod settings to report battery level values** -> - **Battery level reporting ONLY works for OrangeLink, EmaLink and DiaLink Devices** -> - **Battery Level reporting MAY work for other devices (excluding RileyLink)** -> - **SMS** - Returns current battery level as a response when an actual level exists, a value of n/a will not be returned -> - **Nightscout** - Battery level is reported when an actual level exists, a value of n/a will not be reported +> - **RileyLink 硬體無法報告電池電量** +> - **Omnipod 設置中**必須啟用** "顯示 OrangeLink/EmaLink/DiaLink 報告的電池電量" 設定才能報告電池電量值** +> - **電池電量報告**僅**適用於 OrangeLink、EmaLink 和 DiaLink 裝置** +> - **電池電量報告**可能**適用於其他裝置(不包括 RileyLink)** +> - **SMS** - 當有實際電量時,返回當前電池電量,否則將不返回 n/a 值 +> - **Nightscout** - 當有實際電量時,報告電池電量,否則不會報告 n/a 值 (OmnipodEros-troubleshooting)= -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -### Pod Failures +### Pod 故障 -Pods fail occasionally due to a variety of issues, including hardware issues with the Pod itself. It is best practice not to call these into Insulet, since AAPS is not an approved use case. A list of fault codes can be found [here]( to help determine the cause. +Pod 會因多種問題偶爾發生故障,包括 Pod 本身的硬體問題。 最佳做法是不要向 Insulet 報告,因為 AAPS 並非經過認證的使用情況。 您可以在[這裡](找到錯誤代碼列表,以幫助確定原因。 -### Preventing error 49 pod failures +### 防止 49 號錯誤 Pod 故障 -This failure is related to an incorrect pod state for a command or an error during an insulin delivery command. We recommend users to switch to the Nightscout client to *upload only (Disable sync)* under the **Config Builder**➜**General**➜**NSClient**➜**cog wheel**➜**Advanced Settings** to prevent possible failures. +此故障與指令的 Pod 狀態不正確或胰島素輸送指令中的錯誤有關。 我們建議使用者切換至 Nightscout 客戶端,並在**設置生成器**➜**一般**➜**NSClient**➜**齒輪圖示**➜**進階設定**中**僅上傳 (停用同步)**,以防止可能的故障。 -### Pump Unreachable Alerts +### 幫浦無法連線警報 -It is recommended that pump unreachable alerts be configured to **120 minutes** by going to the top right-hand side three-dot menu, selecting **Preferences**➜**Local Alerts**➜**Pump unreachable threshold \[min\]** and setting this to **120**. +建議將幫浦無法使用警報設置為**120 分鐘**,方法是前往右上角的三點選單,選擇**偏好設定**➜**本地警報**➜**幫浦無法使用的閾值 \[分鐘\]**,並將其設置為**120**。 (OmnipodEros-import-settings-from-previous-aaps)= -### Import Settings from previous AAPS +### 從先前的 AAPS 匯入設定 -Please note that importing settings has the possibility to import an outdated Pod status. As a result, you may lose an active Pod. It is therefore strongly recommended that you **do not import settings while on an active Pod session**. +請注意,匯入設定可能會匯入過時的幫浦狀態。 因此,您可能會遺失啟動的幫浦。 因此,強烈建議您**不要在啟動的幫浦會話期間匯入設定**。 -1. Deactivate your pod session. Verify that you do not have an active pod session. -2. Export your settings and store a copy in a safe place. -3. Uninstall the previous version of AAPS and restart your phone. -4. Install the new version of AAPS and verify that you do not have an active pod session. -5. Import your settings and activate your new pod. +1. 停用您的幫浦會話。 確認您沒有啟動的幫浦會話。 +2. 匯出您的設定並將副本存儲在安全的地方。 +3. 卸載舊版本的 AAPS 並重新啟動手機。 +4. 安裝新版本的 AAPS 並確認您沒有啟動的幫浦會話。 +5. 匯入您的設定並註冊您的新幫浦。 -### Omnipod driver alerts +### Omnipod 驅動程式警報 -please note that the Omnipod driver presents a variety of unique alerts on the **Overview tab**, most of them are informational and can be dismissed while some provide the user with an action to take to resolve the cause of the triggered alert. A summary of the main alerts that you may encounter is listed below: +請注意,Omnipod 驅動程式在**首頁總覽分頁**中會呈現各種獨特的警報,其中大多數是資訊性的,可以忽略,然而有些會要求使用者採取行動以解決警報原因。 您可能會遇到的主要警報總結如下: -#### No active Pod +#### 沒有啟動幫浦 -No active Pod session detected. This alert can temporarily be dismissed by pressing **SNOOZE** but it will keep triggering as long as a new pod has not been activated. Once activated this alert is automatically silenced. +未檢測到啟動的幫浦會話。 按下**稍後提醒**可以暫時忽略此警報,但只要未啟動新 Pod,它就會持續觸發。 一旦啟動,該警報將自動靜音。 -#### Pod suspended +#### 幫浦已暫停 -Informational alert that Pod has been suspended. +此訊息警告幫浦已暫停。 -#### Setting basal profile failed. Delivery might be suspended! Please manually refresh the Pod status from the Omnipod tab and resume delivery if needed.. +#### 設置基礎率失敗。 注射可能已暫停! 請手動從 Omnipod 標籤中重新整理 Pod 狀態並在需要時恢復輸送。 -Informational alert that the Pod basal profile setting has failed, and you will need to hit *Refresh* on the Omnipod tab. +Pod 基礎率設定失敗的資訊性警報,您需要按下 Omnipod 標籤上的*重新整理*按鈕。 -#### Unable to verify whether SMB bolus succeeded. If you are sure that the Bolus didn't succeed, you should manually delete the SMB entry from Treatments. +#### 無法確認 SMB 注射是否成功。 如果您確定注射未成功,應手動從治療中刪除 SMB 條目。 -Alert that the SMB bolus success could not be verified, you will need to verify the *Last bolus* field on the Omnipod tab to see if SMB bolus succeeded and if not remove the entry from the Treatments tab. +警報 SMB 注射成功無法驗證,您需要檢查 Omnipod 分頁中的*最後注射*欄位,確認 SMB 注射是否成功,若未成功,請從治療分頁中移除此條目。 -#### Uncertain if "task bolus/TBR/SMB" completed, please manually verify if it was successful. +#### 不確定「任務注射/TBR/SMB」是否完成,請手動確認是否成功。 -Due to the way that the RileyLink and Omnipod communicate, situations can occur where it is *uncertain* if a command was successfully processed. The need to inform the user of this uncertainty was necessary. +由於 RileyLink 和 Omnipod 通訊的方式,可能會出現某些指令**不確定**是否已成功處理的情況。 因此,有必要通知使用者此不確定性。 -Below are a few examples of when an uncertain notification can occur. +以下是一些可能出現不確定通知的例子。 -- **Boluses** - Uncertain boluses cannot be automatically verified. The notification will remain until the next bolus but a manual pod refresh will clear the message. *By default alerts beeps are enabled for this notification type as the user will manually need to verify them.* -- **TBRs, Pod Statuses, Profile Switches, Time Changes** - a manual pod refresh will clear the message. By default alert beeps are disabled for this notification type. -- **Pod Time Deviation -** When the time on the pod and the time your phone deviates too much then it is difficult for AAPS loop to function and make accurate predictions and dosage recommendations. If the time deviation between the pod and the phone is more than 5 minutes then AAPS will report the pod is in a Suspended state under Pod status with a HANDLE TIME CHANGE message. An additional **Set Time** icon will appear at the bottom of the Omnipod (POD) tab. Clicking Set Time will synchronize the time on the pod with the time on the phone and then you can click the RESUME DELIVERY button to continue normal pod operations. +- **注射** - 不確定的注射無法自動驗證。 該通知將保持,直到下一次注射,但手動幫浦重新整理可清除訊息。 *預設情況下,針對此類通知類型啟用了警報嗶聲,因為使用者需要手動確認它們。* +- **TBR、幫浦狀態、設定檔切換、時間變更** - 手動幫浦重新整理可清除訊息。 預設情況下,此類通知類型的警報嗶聲被停用。 +- **幫浦時間偏差 -** 當幫浦時間與手機時間偏差過大時,AAPS 循環功能將難以運作,並且做出精確的預測和注射建議。 如果幫浦和手機的時間偏差超過 5 分鐘,則 AAPS 會報告幫浦處於暫停狀態,並在幫浦狀態中顯示 "處理時間變更" 訊息。 一個額外的**設定時間**圖示將出現在 Omnipod (幫浦) 分頁的底部。 點擊 "設定時間" 將同步幫浦時間與手機時間,然後您可以點擊 "繼續注射" 按鈕以恢復正常幫浦操作。 -## Best Practices +## 最佳實踐 (OmnipodEros-optimal-omnipod-and-rileylink-positioning)= -### Optimal Omnipod and RileyLink Positioning +### 最佳的Omnipod與RileyLink定位 -The antenna used on the RileyLink to communicate with an Omnipod pod is a 433 MHz helical spiral antenna. Due to its construction properties it radiates an omni directional signal like a three dimensional doughnut with the z-axis representing the vertical standing antenna. This means that there are optimal positions for the RileyLink to be placed, especially during pod activation and deactivation routines. +RileyLink上用來與Omnipod通訊的天線是一個433 MHz的螺旋天線。 由於其結構特性,它像一個三維的甜甜圈一樣輻射全向信號,z軸代表垂直的天線。 這意味著在特定的操作中,特別是啟動和停用幫浦時,RileyLink應放置於最佳位置。 ![Toroid_w_CS](../images/omnipod/Toroid_w_CS.png) -> *(Fig 1. Graphical plot of helical spiral antenna in an omnidirectional pattern*) +> *(圖1。 螺旋天線在全向模式下的圖示*) -Because of both safety and security concerns, pod *activation* has to be done at a range *closer (~30 cm away or less)* than other operations such as giving a bolus, setting a TBR or simply refreshing the pod status. Due to the nature of the signal transmission from the RileyLink antenna it is NOT recommended to place the pod directly on top of or right next to the RileyLink. +基於安全性與保全的考量,幫浦*註冊*必須在距離較近的範圍內完成(大約30公分內),比起其他操作如注射、設定臨時基礎率(TBR)或只是重新整理幫浦狀態。 由於RileyLink天線的信號傳輸特性,建議不要將幫浦直接放置在RileyLink的頂部或太靠近。 -The image below shows the optimal way to position the RileyLink during pod activation and deactivation procedures. The pod may activate in other positions but you will have the most success using the position in the image below. +下方的圖片展示了在幫浦註冊和停用時如何將RileyLink放置於最佳位置。 幫浦可能會在其他位置啟動,但最好的成功率是使用下圖中的位置。 -*Note: If after optimally positioning the pod and RileyLink communication fails, this may be due to a low battery which decreases the transmission range of the RileyLink antenna. To avoid this issue make sure the RileyLink is properly charged or connected directly to a charging cable during this process.* +*注意:若在最佳位置下仍無法通訊,這可能是由於RileyLink的低電量,導致天線傳輸距離縮短。 為避免此問題,請確保RileyLink已充飽電或在此過程中直接連線至充電線。* ![Omnipod_pod_and_RileyLink_Position](../images/omnipod/Omnipod_pod_and_RileyLink_Position.png) -## Where to get help for Omnipod driver +## 如何尋求Omnipod驅動的協助 -All of the development work for the Omnipod driver is done by the community on a volunteer basis; we ask that you please be considerate and use the following guidelines when requesting assistance: +所有Omnipod驅動的開發工作皆由社群志願者完成;當您請求協助時,請遵循以下指導原則: -- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. -- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#androidaps* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link]( -- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported; if not, please create a new [issue]( and attach your [log files](../Usage/ -- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** +- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 +- **第一層:**如果您仍遇到無法解決的問題,請前往**Discord**上的*#androidaps*頻道,使用[此邀請連結](。 +- **第二層:**搜尋現有的問題,看看您的問題是否已被報告;如果沒有,請建立一個[新問題](並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/。 +- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** From f7f414d85785b5afa6245a1d31134f3c3980acc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 304/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 392 ++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 196 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 82dbe4fb305d..e33c740c45a8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,346 +1,346 @@ -# Full Closed Loop +# 全自動循環(Full Closed Loop) -## Full vs. Hybrid Closed Loop (FCL, HCL) +## 全自動循環 vs. 混合自動循環(FCL, HCL) -### Definitions +### 定義 -In **hybrid closed loop** you gave at least one bolus prior to meals. This pushed your loop often into a temporary shut-off (temporary zero basal) and generally only into a co-management role while that given bolus was strongly active. +在**混合自動循環**中,您在進餐前至少注射了一次胰島素。 這會將您的循環系統推向臨時關閉(暫時停止基礎率),並在胰島素仍然啟動時進行共同管理。 -Also, prior to each meal, you made inputs about the carb, fat, and protein intake, and also gave indications (generally in settings, plus every day related to each meal) related to estimated carb absorption times. +此外,每次進餐前,您會輸入碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白質的攝取量,並提供估計的碳水化合物吸收時間的提示(通常在設定中,並與每天的每頓餐相關)。 -AAPS also allows **full closed looping without the user giving any boli**, and without making carb inputs, in a mode called UAM = un-announced meals. +AAPS 還允許在不輸入任何胰島素和碳水化合物的情況下進行**全自動循環(UAM,未註明餐點模式)**。 -- Note that **UAM** can also be switched on in hybrid closed looping, in which case it just means that the algorithm tolerates wrong carb inputs better. +- 請注意,**UAM** 也可以在混合自動循環中啟用,此時意味著演算法能更好地容忍錯誤的碳水化合物輸入。 -- It is discussed controversially whether e.g. for particularly high carb meals, or for people with certain eating habits or sensitivity swings, a mode with small pre-bolusses might be preferable or even needed. This would basically be a hybrid closed loop without carb info, and therefore a variant of HCL really. We stick to FCL as really **without user boli**, and once you tuned your FCL, you might even remove all „useless“ buttons on the bottom of your AAPS main screen. +- 針對高碳水化合物餐點或某些用餐習慣或敏感度變動較大的人,是否需要提前小劑量的注射,目前仍存在爭議。 這實際上是一種混合自動循環,沒有碳水化合物資訊,因而是一種 HCL 的變體。 我們將 FCL 定義為**完全不需要使用者注射胰島素**,一旦您調整好 FCL,甚至可以移除 AAPS 主畫面底部所有「無用」的按鈕。 -### What to expect? +### 應該期待什麼? -In 2022/23 a first medical study was conducted and published that showed patients can achieve comparatively good results with AAPS in a simple FCL mode: +在 2022/23 年進行並發表的首個醫學研究表明,患者使用 AAPS 在簡單的 FCL 模式中可以獲得相當好的結果: -> 16 adolescents with T1D (HbA1c range 43-75), and duration of diabetes of 9-15 years underwent three distinct 3-day periods of camp living, while using a modified and locked version of AAPS **Results:** The glycemia was controlled by the system 95% time of the study and the proportion of time below 3.9 mmol/L did not exceed 1% over the whole study period (0.72%). The HCL scenario reached significantly higher percentage of time below 3 mmol/L (HCL 1.05% vs. MA 0.0% vs. FCL 0.0%; P = 0.05) compared to other scenarios. **No difference was observed among the scenarios in the percentage of time between 3.9 and 10 mmol/L** (HCL 83.3% vs. MA 79.85% vs. **FCL 81.03%**, P = 0.58) corresponding to mean glycemia (HCL 6.65 mmol/L vs. MA 7.34 mmol/L vs. FCL 7.05 mmol/L, P = 0.28). No difference was observed in the mean daily dose of insulin or in the daily carbohydrate intake. No serious adverse event occurred during the study period. **Conclusions:** Our pilot study showed that **FCL might be a realistic mode of treatment** for people with T1D. +> 16 位糖尿病青少年(HbA1c 範圍 43-75),糖尿病病史為 9-15 年,參加了三個不同的為期三天的營地生活期間,使用了修改和鎖定的 AAPS 版本**結果:** 在研究期間,該系統控制了 95% 的血糖時間,且在整個研究期間,低於 3.9 mmol/L 的時間比例沒有超過 1%(0.72%)。 HCL 情景中低於 3 mmol/L 的時間百分比顯著較高(HCL 1.05% vs. MA 0.0% vs. FCL 0.0%;P = 0.05) **在 3.9 到 10 mmol/L 的時間百分比上沒有觀察到顯著差異**(HCL 83.3% vs. MA 79.85% vs. **FCL 81.03%**,P = 0.58),對應的平均血糖值為(HCL 6.65 mmol/L vs. MA 7.34 mmol/L vs. FCL 7.05 mmol/L,P = 0.28)。 在每日胰島素劑量或每日碳水化合物攝取量上沒有觀察到差異。 在研究期間沒有發生嚴重的不良事件。 **結論:** 我們的試驗研究表明,**FCL 可能是 1 型糖尿病患者的現實治療模式**。 -Source: +來源: -1) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) ![PubMed](../images/US-NLM-PubMed-Logo.png) National Library of Medicine, PubMed [First Use of Open-Source Automated Insulin Delivery AndroidAPS in Full Closed-Loop Scenario: Pancreas4ALL Randomized Pilot Study](; +1) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) ![PubMed](../images/US-NLM-PubMed-Logo.png) 美國國家醫學圖書館,PubMed [首例使用開源自動胰島素遞送 AndroidAPS 在全自動循環場景:Pancreas4ALL 隨機試點研究](; -2) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) National Library of Medicine, Clinical Trial [Feasibility and Safety Study of the Automated Insulin Delivery Closed Loop System Pancreas4ALL (ASAP)]( +2) ![NationalLibraryOfMedicine](../images/Logo_of_U.S._National_Library_of_Medicine.png) 臨床試驗註冊 美國國家醫學圖書館,臨床試驗 [Pancreas4ALL(ASAP)自動胰島素遞送閉環系統的可行性和安全性研究]( -For you to enjoy the promised reduced daily burden, you will have to: +要享受減輕日常負擔的好處,您必須: -- check whether you have all pre-requisites for FCL -- set up a couple of Automations -- go through a learning and tuning stage in which you adjust the settings, notably those in your Automations. The suggestions that follow guide you in this process. +- 檢查是否具備全自動循環的所有先決條件 +- 設置一些自動化程式 +- 經歷一個學習和調整階段,您需要調整您的設定,特別是那些自動化中的設定。 以下建議將指導您完成這個過程。 -### General considerations why (not to) move from hybrid to full closed loop +### 為什麼(或不)從混合模式轉換到全自動循環的考量 -The full closed loop system may **not** be **for everyone**: +全自動循環系統**並不適合每個人**: -- While some full closed loopers using Automations achieve TIR (70-180) around 90% and HbA1c under 6%, you might prefer tighter control. Notably, **minimizing values over 140 mg/dl at diets with rapid carbs** probably requires pre-bolussing. -- Are you up for an informed and mindful approach towards a highly personalized calibration of your system? The **personalized tuning** can be **challenging**. This is definitely not for you if you were overwhelmed already with setting basal rate and ISFs. But balance it against what you could gain every day without counting any carbs. You might also value the gained deeper knowledge from analyzing and tuning your loop’s reponse to your meals. -- While meal management gets very easy, **activity** management might get a bit more difficult, especially considering most of us probably like to limit sports snacks, in an attempt to control body weight. -- Unfortunately, there are additional difficulties to establish a full closed loop for **kids** (see next section, pre-requisites) +- 雖然一些使用自動化的全自動循環使用者達到了大約 90% 的 TIR(70-180),HbA1c 低於 6%,但您可能會更喜歡更嚴格的控制。 特別是**在快速碳水化合物飲食中將血糖值維持在 140 mg/dl 以下**可能需要提前注射。 +- 您是否準備好以知情且謹慎的方式,對系統進行高度個性化的校準? 這種**個性化調整**可能會**充滿挑戰**。 如果您已經對設定基礎率和 ISF 感到不堪重負,這可能不適合您。 但要權衡一下,與您每天不用再計算碳水化合物相比,您能獲得什麼。 您可能還會從分析和調整循環系統對您的進餐反應中獲得更深入的知識。 +- 雖然進餐管理變得非常簡單,但**活動**管理可能會變得更加困難,特別是考慮到大多數人可能會限制運動零食,試圖控制體重。 +- 不幸的是,對於兒童來說,建立全自動循環系統會有額外的困難(見下一節,先決條件)。 -## Pre-requisites for full closed looping +## 全自動循環的先決條件 -The main attraction of full closed looping would be that you could get close to the dream of an artificial pancreas. Indeed, it promises very easy everyday use. **“Just eat!”** +全自動循環的主要吸引力在於,您可以接近人工胰臟的夢想。 它確實承諾非常簡單的日常使用。 **「只需吃飯!」** -### Well-tuned hybrid closed loop +### 良好調整的混合自動循環 -It is advisable to first establish a well-tuned hybrid closed loop before considering the transition to FCL. There are two important reasons for this: +在考慮轉換到全自動循環之前,建議先建立一個良好調整的混合自動循環。 這有兩個重要原因: -- The UAM full closed loop requires a highly personalized (individual) tuning of settings, so the loop will give insulin mimicking YOUR successful hybrid closed loop mode. -- The UAM full closed loop comes with new parameters (in your Automations) to be set and tuned. It would be **problematic to set and tune these additional parameters before the basics were tuned “right”**. Errors could easily be balanced with counter-errors. This can work in single scenarios, but would create a highly unstable system, hard to re-calibrate better later. Also, as seen by many early testers and also in the above quoted study, you should expect to reach comparable %TIR with your *FCL* as you see today in your *HCL*. The switch is not about performance, but about convenience, - after a bit of inconvenience: **The heart of this FCL method is a DIY set up of Automations that you have to do for yourself, analyzing *your data*, both, from *your* successful HCL, and from your initial FCL experience when tuning your settings.** This is no self-adjusting off the shelf wonder-product! The programmers of the software, and writers of this wiki, assume no responsibility. You have to find out for yourself whether and how you may want to make use of the tools, and suggested ways they might be used. +- 全自動循環需要高度個性化的(個人)設定調整,因此循環系統會模擬您成功的混合自動循環模式提供胰島素。 +- 全自動循環引入了新的參數(在您的自動化程式中)需要設定和調整。 在基本設定正確之前就設定和調整這些額外參數**會引發問題**。 錯誤可以輕易地被其他錯誤平衡。 這在單一情況下可以運作,但會造成高度不穩定的系統,後續很難重新校準。 此外,根據許多早期測試者以及上述研究,您應該預期在**FCL** 模式下達到與您在**HCL** 中相似的 TIR 比例。 轉換並不是關於性能,而是關於方便性,經過一些不方便的過程後:**FCL 方法的核心是您需要自行建立的自動化程式,分析*您的資料*,包括從您的*成功 HCL* 和最初 FCL 調整經驗中學到的知識。** 這不是一種現成的自我調整奇蹟產品! 軟體的開發者和此維基的撰寫者不承擔任何責任。 您必須自行決定是否以及如何使用這些工具,並探討可能的使用方式。 -### Fast insulin (Lyumjev, Fiasp) +### 快速胰島素(Lyumjev, Fiasp) -If the user does not bolus for meals, clearly a very fast insulin is needed so, upon realization of a starting meal-related glucose rise, the loop has any chance to eventually keep glucose in range (by common definition, under 180 mg/dl (10 mmol/l)). +如果使用者不為進餐注射胰島素,顯然需要非常快速的胰島素,這樣當餐後血糖開始上升時,循環系統才有可能將血糖控制在範圍內(一般定義為低於 180 mg/dl(10 mmol/L))。 -A modelling study (details see LINK FullLoop V2/March2023; there section 2.2) can show in quantitative terms that *faster insulins* +一項模型研究(詳情請參閱 LINK FullLoop V2/March2023;第 2.2 節)可以從定量角度顯示出*更快的胰島素* -Source: +來源: -1) ![IEEEControlSystemsMagazine](../images/IEEE_Control_Systems_Society_Logo_RGB.jpg) ![ResearchGate](../images/researchgate-logo-white.svg) IEEE Control Systems Magazine, ResearchGate [The Artificial Pancreas and Meal Control: An Overview of Postprandial Glucose Regulation in Type 1 Diabetes](; +1) ![IEEEControlSystemsMagazine](../images/IEEE_Control_Systems_Society_Logo_RGB.jpg) ![ResearchGate](../images/researchgate-logo-white.svg) IEEE 控制系統雜誌,ResearchGate [人工胰臟與餐後血糖控制:1 型糖尿病餐後血糖調節概述](; -- will result in significantly **lower** glucose **peaks** than slower insulins -- **tolerate** a couple of minutes **delayed** first meal bolus while not incurring unacceptable height of peaks -- **minimize the effect** on glucose peak **from different** carb load (**meal sizes**). +- 會顯著降低血糖**峰值**,相比較慢的胰島素。 +- **延遲幾分鐘的餐前注射**對血糖峰值的影響會被最小化,而不會造成不可接受的峰值高度。 +- **將不同的**碳水化合物負荷(**餐量**)對血糖峰值的影響最小化。 -In conclusion, do not attempt FCL with other insulin than Lyumjev or Fiasp, unless, maybe, if you are on a very moderate to low carb diet. +總結來說,除非您採取的是低碳水化合物飲食,否則不要嘗試使用非 Lyumjev 或 Fiasp 的胰島素進行 FCL。 -Many users of Fiasp or of Lyumjev observe frequent **occlusions**, even after optimizing things like needle length or SMB delivery speed. It seems very important to have an eye on the time a **cannula (or pod)** is in use (many find **48 hrs** to be the **limit**), and whether hard-to-explain glucose rises happen at ever increasing „fake“ iob. +許多使用 Fiasp 或 Lyumjev 的用戶觀察到頻繁的**堵塞**,即使在優化了針頭長度或 SMB 的輸送速度後。 對於使用**導管(或夾具)**的時間要特別注意(許多人發現**48 小時**是**極限**),並觀察是否發生難以解釋的血糖上升。 -An incidence report in (LINK, section 2.2.) illustrates this problem and shows that per *one* occlusion you easily lose 25% TIR that day, or 5% TIR on the week, and still 1% TIR on the month. +一份事件報告(LINK,第 2.2 節)闡明了這個問題,顯示每發生*一次*堵塞,您當天輕易失去 25% 的 TIR,當週損失 5% TIR,當月仍然會損失 1% TIR。 -### Excellent CGM +### 優質 CGM -You do not give a mealsize-related bolus any longer; that leaves ALL insulination jobs to the algo! As glucose values are the very basis for this, please **inform yourself well about** how **your CGM** 1) principally performs 2) whether and how this may depend on data flow and intermediate apps you use, or differ between days of sensor usage 3) specifically, how and where any smoothing is done, and what this might imply for your tuning, notably for how you define a delta that is a true sign of a starting meal. +您不再為餐量注射胰島素,所有的胰島素分配任務都交給了演算法! 由於血糖數值是最基本的依據,請**詳細了解**您的**CGM**的 1)基本性能,2)這是否以及如何取決於資料流和您使用的中間應用,或者在感應器使用天數之間是否有所不同,3)具體來說,在哪裡進行了平滑處理,這對於調整的影響,特別是在定義餐後血糖上升的時候,該如何定義真實的增量變化。 -Around meals, a stable Bluetooth connectivity is absolutely essential, too, so CGM, loop, and pump can do their job without losing more valueable time. +在進餐期間,穩定的藍牙連線至關重要,以便 CGM、循環系統和幫浦能夠在不中斷的情況下迅速處理。 -Then, but even more importantly in all other day and night times, the CGM should not produce any artefacts (jumpy values) that the loop could **misinterpret** as sign of a starting meal. Note that also calibrations could produce jumps. +但更重要的是,在其他時間(白天和夜晚),CGM 不應產生任何偽資料(跳動的數值),否則循環系統會**誤解**為餐後信號。 請注意,校準也可能產生跳動。 -The best way currently is to use Dexcom G5 or **G6**, and to ensure via **overlapping** right and left arm sensor and transmitter utilization, that always good quality values can be used by the loop. Other ways are possible, but come with a lot of monitoring effort (via watch) and occasional time-outs for the loop. +目前,最佳選擇是使用 Dexcom G5 或**G6**,並確保透過右臂和左臂傳感器和發射器的**重疊**使用,始終能提供循環系統使用的優質數值。 其他方法也是可行的,但需要大量的監控工作(透過手錶),並偶爾會讓循環系統暫時失效。 -### Meal-related limitations +### 進餐相關的限制 -Setting up a full closed loop is relatively easy for people whose diet does not consist **mainly** of components with **rapid high effect on blood glucose**, and whose meal patterns do not wildly vary day-to-day. They do not have to be low carb. +對於飲食主要不由對血糖有快速影響的成分構成,且進餐模式不會每天大幅變動的人來說,設置全自動循環系統相對容易。 他們不一定需要是低碳水化合物飲食。 -Fat or protein rich diets, or slow digestion/gastroparesis, make things easier rather than harder for the full closed loop because late carbs nicely cover for inevitable “tails” of late action from boli needed around peak time. +富含脂肪或蛋白質的飲食,或者消化緩慢/胃輕癱,反而使全自動循環系統更加簡單,因為晚期碳水化合物可以很好地彌補胰島素作用高峰期的“尾巴”。 -![Glycemic index and effect on blood glucose](../images/fullClosedLoop01.png) +![血糖指數與血糖影響](../images/fullClosedLoop01.png) -The most difficult meals are those with exclusively very high and high EBG components (see red in the picture): Not only does glucose shoot up rapidly, but also there is not much of a fat/protein/fibre component to balance the inevitable “tail” of insulin activity that would come with attempts to control the high glucose earlier on. +最難處理的餐點是那些完全由高和非常高 EBG 成分組成的餐點(請參閱圖片中的紅色):這些餐點不僅會迅速升高血糖,而且沒有多少脂肪/蛋白質/纖維成分來平衡早期胰島素作用不可避免的“尾巴”。 -**Erratic consumption of snacks and sweet drinks** that are loaded with fast resorbing carbs is a problem. +**隨機食用零食和甜飲料**,這些飲料充滿了快速吸收的碳水化合物,是一個問題。 -### Lifestyle-related limitations +### 生活方式相關的限制 -#### Technically stable system +#### 技術穩定的系統 -Full closed looping requires a 24/7 technically stable system, especially regarding reliable **CGM** signals, but also **Bluetooth stability** with the **pump**, and avoiding (or at least early recognition of) occlusion. This could require attention to details like keeping all components well charged and in close proximity; making cannula (or pod) changes always early enough to lower the risk of occlusion; having always potentially needed parts with you. **Depending on your system, your experience with it, but also on your acceptance and general lifestyle, these aspects may or may not limit you.** +全自動循環需要 24/7 技術穩定的系統,特別是在 CGM 信號的穩定性方面,以及幫浦的**藍牙穩定性**,並避免(或至少及早發現)堵塞。 這可能需要注意細節,例如保持所有組件充滿電並且距離靠近;及時更換導管(或夾具),以降低堵塞風險;隨身攜帶可能需要的部件。 **根據您的系統、使用經驗,還有您的接受度和一般生活方式,這些方面可能會限制您,也可能不會。** -#### Preparing for activity/sports +#### 運動/活動準備 -To prepare for activity / sports /exercise, the normal protocol with a pump or **hybrid** closed loop is to take actions that reduce insulin on board prior to exercise. +為運動/活動/鍛煉做準備,正常的幫浦或**混合**自動循環協議是採取減少活性胰島素的措施。 -With your **full closed loop**, the algorithm is tuned to detect meals and to give you insulin to counter glucose rises automatically. Setting a high temp. target and lower %profile right away (effective already around meal start) would be a problem. +使用**全自動循環**時,演算法會調整以檢測餐後並自動為您提供胰島素,以抵抗血糖上升。 設置高臨時目標和降低百分比設定檔(在進餐開始時已經生效)會產生問題。 立即設置目標並降低%設定檔(在進餐開始時生效)會產生問題。 -Unusual activity levels therefore likely require **disciplined preparation** (especially **if you want to keep the need to snack during sports low**). In nights after an active day it can be smart to keep a lowered% profile, and set, for the hours after the evening meal is fully digested, an elevated (>100 mg/dl) glucose target, with “no SMBs at elevated target” selected in AAPS preferences. +因此,非尋常的活動水平可能需要**嚴格的準備**(特別是**如果您希望在運動時保持少量的零食需求**)。 在一天活動後的夜晚,保持較低的%設定檔是明智的,並在晚餐完全消化後的幾個小時內設置較高的(>100 mg/dl)血糖目標,並在 AAPS 偏好設定中選擇「不在較高目標時使用 SMB」。 -#### Hurdles for kids +#### 兒童的挑戰 -To establish and maintain a FCL for kids brings about some extra challenges if: +為兒童建立並維護全自動循環會帶來一些額外的挑戰,特別是如果: -- Lyumjev is not available or well tolerated -- Hourly basal rate is very low, providing a poor basis for big SMBs -- Diet is rich in sweet components. With the typical low blood volume of a small body, strong tendency towards very high bg spikes! -- Going through marked changes of insulin sensitivity or of circadian pattern makes it difficult to keep the FCL appropriately tuned. +- Lyumjev 不可用或不耐受 +- 每小時的基礎率非常低,無法為大量的 SMB 提供良好的基礎。 +- 飲食中富含甜食成分。 由於兒童的血容量較低,這會強烈導致非常高的血糖尖峰! +- 胰島素敏感性或晝夜節律的顯著變化使得維持適當調整的全自動循環變得困難。 -There are a couple of parents and kids pioneering this area, too. This paper highlights areas that would require some minimum compliance; in the end it comes down to whether the achieved results are at least comparable to where everyone stood in her/his everyday hybrid closed loop. +有一些家長和孩子在這個領域進行了開創性的嘗試。 本文強調了需要一些最低合規性的領域;最後的問題是,取得的結果是否至少與他們平時在混合自動循環中的情況相當。 -#### Time required for setting-up +#### 設定所需的時間 -Lastly, before enjoying a functioning full closed loop you need to have a period of a some weeks with some free time and „free head“ for set-up –. Can you get, in the time you are willing to invest, to a result that you consider good-enough is really the question. Depending on your „habits“, and which – if any - compromises (like doing cannula/pod changes more often, never starting meals when bg sits high … ) are you willing to make (and everyday able to stick to), for the ease of not having to deal with assessing meals and bolussing for them? +最後,在享受功能正常的全自動循環之前,您需要經歷數週的空閒時間和「空閒心態」來完成設置。 問題實際上是您願意投入的時間是否能讓您達到認為「足夠好」的結果。 這取決於您的「習慣」,以及您願意做出的妥協(例如更頻繁地更換導管/夾具,避免在血糖過高時開始進餐等)。 )這些妥協能否讓您不再需要管理每次進餐和注射。 -## Enabling boosted SMBs; safety +## 啟用強化的 SMB;安全性 -In hybrid closed looping, strong safety restrictions are implemented regarding bolus sizes that can be automatically given by the loop. +在混合自動循環中,系統會實施關於自動注射劑量的強大安全限制。 -However, in full closed loop application, loopers themselves do no longer give a sizeable bolus around meal start. Then clearly size limits on SMBs must be widened to make the loop capable of giving large enough SMBs. +然而,在全自動循環中,使用者不再在進餐開始時進行大劑量注射。 因此,SMB 的大小限制必須放寬,以使循環系統能夠給予足夠大的 SMB。 -As you are operating with AAPS Master release, it is suggested you set in AAPS preferences the largest setting for maximum allowed SMB size the loop can give (maxUAMSMBBasalMinutes=120, i.e. 2 hours worth of basal at that daytime). +由於您正在使用 AAPS Master 版本,建議您在 AAPS 偏好設定中設置最大允許 SMB 尺寸的最大設定(maxUAMSMBBasalMinutes=120,即相當於該時間段內 2 小時的基礎率)。 -> If your basal rate is very low, the resulting SMB limits might be too low to allow good-enough control of your post-prandial glucose rises. In that case the solution might be to avoid diets with strong spikes and later switch to a AAPS dev variant that offers a new parameter in SMB delivery settings: smb_max_range_extension. It expands the standard maximum of 2 h worth of basal by a factor of >1. (Additionally, the default 50% SMB delivery ratio might be elevated in dev variants). +> 如果您的基礎率非常低,則結果 SMB 限制可能太低,無法有效控制餐後血糖的上升。 在這種情況下,解決方案可能是避免引起強烈血糖波動的飲食,並改用 AAPS 開發版本,該版本在 SMB 交付設定中提供了一個新參數:smb_max_range_extension。 這個參數可以將標準的 2 小時基礎率的上限擴展超過 1 倍。 (此外,在開發版本中,預設的 50% SMB 交付比例可能會提高)。 -Going to the max. limits on SMB size in AAPS Master will not make the FCL mode inheritantly less safe. In contrary, you replace your big meal bolus by several smaller ones that you enable your loop to give you, and even with some minutes of delay. This virtually eliminates the hypo risk in the first 1-2 hours of any meal. In hour 3 and thereafter, there should not be much difference because in HCL and FCL the loop manages with the same algorithm. +將 AAPS Master 版本中的 SMB 大小設置為最大不會使全自動循環模式本身變得不安全。 相反,您將大劑量注射拆分為幾個小劑量注射,這樣即使有幾分鐘的延遲,循環系統也能為您提供所需的注射。 這幾乎可以消除進餐後 1-2 小時內低血糖的風險。 在第 3 小時及之後,應該不會有太大區別,因為在 HCL 和 FCL 模式中,循環系統都是使用相同的演算法。 -**Follow the instruction** to enable AAPS **to mimick your bolussing via a couple of SMBs**. +**按照指示操作**以啟用 AAPS **模擬您的 SMB 注射**。 -Check the SMB tab from time to time to see whether your SMBs are allowed to be large enough to deliver the insulinReq as needed for your full closed loop around meal starts. +不時檢查 SMB 標籤,看看您的 SMB 是否足夠大,以滿足進餐開始時全自動循環所需的胰島素需求。 -If not, your tuning efforts will sometimes come to nothing! +如果不是,您的調整努力有時可能會毫無成果! -:::{admonition} Boosting ISF can become dangerous +:::{admonition} 增加 ISF 可能變得危險 :class: danger -Carefully observe/analyze the SMB sizes that, briefly after meal start, result from your settings. Tune in steps, and do not vary more than 1 or 2 parameters at a time. +仔細觀察/分析進餐開始後,來自您設定的 SMB 大小。 逐步調整,並且一次不要更改超過 1 或 2 個參數。 -Setting must work good-enough for your (!) variety of meals. +設定必須對於你不同的飲食種類足夠有效。 ::: -## Meal detection/your Automations for boosting +## 餐點偵測/自動化升強 -For successful full closed looping, ISF is the key tuning parameter. When utilizating AAPS Master + Automations, a **> 100% profile change must automatically be triggered upon meal recognition** (via glucose deltas), and provide the sharpened ISF. +成功進行完全閉環循環,ISF 是調整的關鍵參數。 當使用 AAPS Master + 自動化時,**當餐點被識別時(透過血糖變化),必須自動觸發超過 100% 的設定變更**,並提供強化的 ISF。 -AAPS Master allows up to 130% temp. profile in Hybrid Closed Loop mode. Boosting the ISF is done in 3 steps: +AAPS Master 允許最高 130% 的臨時設定。 在混合閉環模式中的設定。 升強 ISF 的三個步驟: -- Step 1 is to look up the ISF applicable for this meal time hour in the profile, and see whether e.g. Autosens suggest a modification that takes care of the current (last few hours’) insulin sensitivity status of the body. -- Step 2 applies a factor (1/profile%, as set in your Automation) to boost ISF. -- Step 3 is a check, that the suggested ISF falls within set safety limits. +- 第一步是在設定中查找適用於這個餐點時間的 ISF,並檢查例如 Autosens 是否建議進行修改以反映當前身體(最近幾小時)的胰島素敏感性狀況。 +- 第二步是應用一個因子(1/設定百分比,根據您的自動化設定)來升強 ISF。 +- 第三步是檢查建議的 ISF 是否落在預設的安全範圍內。 -### FCL Automation templates +### 完全閉環自動化模板 -Boxes to tick at the top: You always have the options: +在頂部勾選框:你始終有以下選項: -- In the list of all your Automations, you can tick the check-mark (to left of each field) OFF => This de-activates that Automation. For instance you could do this for all breakfast related FCL Automations to go to Hybrid Closed Looping for breakfast(s). -- In each Automation event template, you can tick the box for **User action** => Then the defined Actions will not automatically be executed when Conditions apply. Rather, your AAPS main screen will alert you whenever your FCL would automatically give a SMB. You have the opportunity then to say yes or no. This is **extremely useful in your tuning phase**. - This feature can be very valueable also everyday. An example would be, if you see the “foot to floor” syndrome (suddenly rising glucose when getting up), but want to prevent a fully automatic “breakfast started” response. +- 在所有自動化列表中,您可以勾選取消(位於每個欄位的左側)=> 這將停用該自動化。 例如,您可以對與早餐相關的所有完全閉環自動化進行此操作,以進入混合閉環早餐模式。 +- 在每個自動化事件模板中,您可以勾選**用戶操作**=>這樣當條件適用時,定義的動作不會自動執行。 相反,當完全閉環自動化將自動執行 SMB 時,AAPS 主畫面會提醒您。 屆時您可以選擇是否執行。 這在**調整階段非常有用**。 + 這個功能在日常使用中也非常有價值。 例如,當您看到「腳離地症狀」(起床時血糖突然上升),但希望防止自動「早餐開始」的回應時。 -The following section shows in detail how you can bundle a whole series of conditions to describe situations in which the AAPS loop should increase (or decrease) insulin delivery. As ISF cannot directly be tuned, raising profile% over 100% will do the same for our purposes. +以下部分詳細展示了如何將一系列條件組合起來,以描述 AAPS 循環應增加(或減少)胰島素輸送的情況。 由於 ISF 無法直接調整,將設定百分比提高到超過 100% 對我們的目的是相同的。 -### Automated big SMBs at bg rise +### 當血糖上升時自動執行大劑量的 SMB -Key to success in full closed looping: **At the beginning of glucose increases from meals, very large automatic boli (SMBs) must be given by the loop as quickly as possible** “to catch up” with the evidently needed iob. (Compare with your administered bolus for similar meal in hybrid closed loop!) +完全閉環循環成功的關鍵:**在餐後血糖開始上升時,循環系統必須盡快自動注射大劑量的胰島素(SMBs),以「趕上」所需的活性胰島素。** (與您在混合閉環模式下相似餐點的注射劑量進行比較!) -First of all, **personal data** (from your time in hybrid closed loop) have to be researched to determine which **deltas** might be not meal –related, and which ones surely would be. +首先,您需要查看**個人資料**(從您在混合閉環模式下的時間)以確定哪些**變化**不是與餐點相關的,而哪些肯定是的。 -- As you can define the Automation to only work in a pre-defined time-window, you need only to analyse there. -- If you do very different kinds of meals (e.g. a rather high carb breakfast, but low carb lunch) you can choose to do two different (sets of) Automations for each of the time slots. -- Exclude the nights if you see occasional jumps from a compression lows -- Usually, just using the delta of the past 5 minutes suffices. -- But you can also make use one of the average deltas. By comparing the deltas in the conditions of your Automations you could even define actions of different aggressiveness depending on whether the glucose rises in an accelerated way or not. +- 由於您可以將自動化設定為僅在預定的時間範圍內工作,因此只需分析那段時間。 +- 如果您吃的餐點差異很大(例如高碳水化合物的早餐,但低碳水化合物的午餐),您可以選擇為每個時間段設置兩個不同的自動化。 +- 如果您在晚上看到偶爾因壓迫而產生的低血糖,請排除夜晚的自動化。 +- 通常,使用過去 5 分鐘內的變化資料就足夠了。 +- 但您也可以使用其中一個平均變化資料。 透過比較您的自動化條件中的變化資料,您甚至可以根據血糖上升的速度來定義不同激進程度的動作。 -> ( delta – short avg delta )>n is a term that could be used for acceleration detection , to trigger first SMB at earliest sign of rising glucose. - Caution: not possible to use with poor or highly smoothened CGM-values! +> (變化 – 短期平均變化)>n 是可以用來檢測加速上升的術語,以在血糖剛開始上升的早期觸發第一個 SMB。 - 注意:不適用於 CGM 資料不佳或過度平滑的情況! -A CGM with lots of scatter will put you in a bad spot because, to be on the safe side, you need to „sandbag“ your definition which delta is surely asign of a started meal. That means: +如果 CGM 資料過於分散,您將陷入困境,因為為了安全起見,您需要「預設緩衝」,以確保變化資料確實顯示餐點開始。 這意味著: -- your FCL loses additional time, resulting in higher glucose peaks and lower %TIR -- because you cannot use a earlier or smaller delta which could trigger, also without a meal, the SMBs that are supposed to make up for a user bolus in FCL. +- 您的完全閉環系統將失去更多時間,導致更高的血糖峰值和較低的 TIR 百分比。 +- 因為您無法使用更早或更小的變化資料來觸發 SMB,這些 SMB 本應彌補用戶在完全閉環模式下的注射。 -Furthermore, first rises after a meal are characterized by **low iob** present. With that in mind, an Automation(#1) for a dinner might look like this: +此外,餐後的最初血糖上升特點是**活性胰島素**較低。 考慮到這一點,針對晚餐的自動化(#1) 可能如下所示: -![8mg jump 130% ioby4](../images/fullClosedLoop02.png) +![8mg 上升 130% 胰島素,4 小時內完成](../images/fullClosedLoop02.png) -Automation #1 +自動化 #1 -If conditions apply, the loop would give 1 or 2 SMBs in the next 12 minutes, using a boosted ISF according to the set elevated profile% (in the example, a 30% boost of insulinReq). As long as these conditions apply, the Automation rule extends by another 12 minutes. A low carb meal might have slower bg rise characteristics. It would benefit from another Automation (#2) that kicks in at lower delta, and gives a weaker insulin boost. +如果條件適用,循環系統將在接下來的 12 分鐘內給予 1 或 2 次 SMB,根據設定的提高百分比(例如 30% 的胰島素需求提升)。 只要這些條件適用,自動化規則將延長 12 分鐘。 低碳水化合物餐點的血糖上升可能較慢。 它將受益於另一個自動化 (#2),該自動化在更小的變化資料下啟動,並給予較弱的胰島素提升。 -![>=5mg jump 115%, iob<5.5](../images/fullClosedLoop03.png) +![>=5mg 上升 115% 胰島素,4 小時內完成<5.5](../images/fullClosedLoop03.png) -The same Automation probably will kick in also in higher carb meals, once the steep rise as defined in Automation#1 is over. +同樣的自動化也可能在高碳水化合物餐點中啟動,當自動化 #1 定義的急劇上升結束後。 -You need to “stage” these two (+ maybe a third) Automations to fit with what you see in your meal (variety) => Setting appropriate jump sizes, iob citeria, and amplifications will be an iterative tuning process. Also, if you include appropriate time slots in the Conditions, you can easy do different Automations for your different daily meals times (breakfast, lunch, dinner). +您需要「階段性」地安排這兩個(可能再加上第三個)自動化,以適應您觀察到的餐點(變化)的情況 => 設置合適的上升幅度、胰島素需求條件和提升幅度將是一個反覆調整的過程。 此外,如果您在條件中包括適當的時間段,您可以輕鬆地為不同的日常餐點時間設置不同的自動化(早餐、午餐、晚餐)。 -Note that, still in the rise phase (!), the "overflow" of iob must be blocked so that the late effects of the **insulin** (the "**tail**" after 3-5 hours) will not exceed the braking capacity of the loop through zero-temping (“taking away” basal, to reduce hypo risk). +請注意,在上升階段(!)中,必須阻止「活性胰島素」的「過剩」,以避免後期(3-5 小時後)胰島素的尾部效果超過循環系統透過零基礎速率的控制能力(停止基礎速率,降低低血糖風險)。 -With large meals there is **sometimes a second increase**. By then, usually also the iob has dropped a bit, and the more aggressive Automations take effect again. (Check that your iob condition in Automation #2 is not set too low to for this to happen). +對於大餐,有時會出現**第二次上升**。 到那時,活性胰島素通常已經下降了一些,更積極的自動化再次生效。 (檢查您的自動化 #2 中的活性胰島素條件,設定是否過低以至於這種情況不會發生)。 -Soon after a few intial SMBs were given comes a **balanced phase** where moderate addition of insulin should cover the additional carbs absorbed. (Except in low carb meals, where the loop might see too weak of a bg rise, and go into zero-temping right away already now). +在給予幾次初始 SMB 後,進入**平衡階段**,此時應適量增加胰島素以覆蓋額外吸收的碳水化合物。 (除了低碳水化合物餐點,這種情況下循環系統可能會看到血糖上升太弱,立即進入零基礎速率的狀態)。 -The AAPS main screen (where you always see cob=0 in UAM full loop) might in this phase ask for more carbs required. In UAM mode that simply means, you could make a very rough plausibility check: Is that amount of carbs likely in your body, un-absorbed from your meal just about an hour ago (about which you gave your loop no info)? +AAPS 主畫面(在完全閉環自動模式下,您總是會看到 cob=0)在此階段可能會要求更多碳水化合物。 在完全閉環模式下,這意味著您可以進行一個大致的合理性檢查:這些碳水化合物量是否可能在您的體內,來自大約一個小時前未完全吸收的餐點(您未向循環系統提供該資訊)? -### iob threshold +### 活性胰島素閾值 -Often, Automations #1 and/or #2 make iob rise to heights that typically are enough for **your** meals. For personalized tuning, look in your hybrid closed loop data at the max iob values that occur with well-managed meals (often: your meal bolus), and above which magnitude a hypo (or requirement for extra carbs) occured at the end. +通常,自動化 #1 和/或 #2 會使活性胰島素上升到足以應對您的餐點的高度。 為了個性化調整,請檢查您的混合閉環資料中的最大活性胰島素值,這些資料發生在餐點處理良好時(通常是您的餐點注射),並在此數值以上會發生低血糖(或需要額外碳水化合物)。 -Sensible **iob thresholds** at which you should reduce aggressiveness of your loop, might not be the same for every meal. But especially in the first hour after the start of a meal, which is very crucial in the UAM mode, these data differ little for me: Just about 30g/hour get absorbed, and to define a meaningful iob independent of the exact meal can be possible. +合理的**活性胰島素閾值**,應在循環系統降低積極性的時間點設定,不同餐點可能有所不同。 但特別是在餐後的第一小時,這對於完全閉環模式非常關鍵,這些資料對我來說變化不大:每小時大約吸收 30g,並且可以定義一個與具體餐點無關的合理活性胰島素。 -For exceptional meals, or to lower it if sports follow, the iob threshold can rapidly be set differently in your Automation. +對於特別的餐點,或在餐後有運動的情況下,您可以快速調整自動化中的活性胰島素閾值。 -Automation(#3),”iobTH reached => SMBs off”, is defined to end (or pause, until another wave of carb-related rise hits) the aggressive SMB boosting. +自動化 (#3),“達到活性胰島素閾值 => 關閉 SMB”,是用來結束(或暫停,直到下一波碳水化合物相關上升)積極的 SMB 促進劑的。 -![iob >5.5...111 TT = SMBs off 16m](../images/fullClosedLoop04.png) +![活性胰島素 >5.5...111 TT = 關閉 SMB 16 分鐘](../images/fullClosedLoop04.png) -Automation #3 +自動化 #3 -It tells the loop that above your set **iob threshold** it's better not to use any more SMBs +它告訴循環系統在您設定的**活性胰島素閾值**以上最好不再使用任何 SMB。 -- The given example does that by setting TT=111 (which is kind of arbitrary; pick a number>100 that you easy recognize as your automated SMB shut-off) -- In AAPS Preferences/ SMB Settings generally do not allow SMB at elevated target). - The insulinReq will then have to be delivered with much more caution through the bottleneck of TBRs +- 給定的示例透過設定 TT=111(這是任意的;選擇一個大於 100 的數字,您可以輕鬆識別為自動關閉 SMB 的數字)來實現此目的。 +- 在 AAPS 偏好設定/SMB 設定中,通常不允許在提高的目標值下進行 SMB。 + 胰島素需求將需要更加謹慎地透過 TBRs 的瓶頸來提供。 -**Caution: Automation #3 only works when there is no active TT.** So, in case you worked with EatingSoonTT, it must be ended by that time, which usually should be 30-40 minutes after meal start. +**注意:自動化 #3 僅在沒有啟動 TT 時有效。** 因此,如果您使用了即將用餐 TT,必須在那段時間結束,通常應在餐後 30-40 分鐘結束。 -One idea how to do this automatically would be an Automation that ends an eventually running EatingSoonTT under the condition that iob >65% * iobTH. -> Ways to work with EatingSoonTT Some loopers set (by pressing the TT button, or automated via a lowered profile glucose target if eating time slots are fairly fixed) an EatingSoonTT roughly an hour or more before meal start, just to guarantee a low starting glucose and a bit of positive iob. But, assuming the FCL is anyways always en route towards target, this might not yield much and you might rather just define an Automation that sets an EatingSoonTT at recognition of meal start (glucose delta, or acceleration = delta > avg delta). A low TT is important in this stage because any SMB is calculated by your loop using (predicted glucose minus TT)/sens, so a small TT makes the resulting insulinReq bigger. +一個自動化的想法是根據條件在活性胰島素超過 65% * 活性胰島素閾值時,自動結束即將用餐 TT。 +> 使用即將用餐 TT 的方式 一些使用者會設置(透過按下 TT 按鈕,或透過降低設定的目標血糖值,如果用餐時間較為固定)即將用餐 TT 大約在餐前一小時或更早開始,以保證一個低的起始血糖和少量正向活性胰島素。 但假設完全閉環系統始終在目標範圍內,這可能並無太大作用,您可能更願意定義一個自動化,在餐點開始時(透過血糖變化,或加速度 = 變化資料 > 平均變化資料)設定即將用餐 TT。 在這個階段,低 TT 很重要,因為您的循環系統會透過 (預測的血糖減去 TT)/敏感性來計算任何 SMB,所以較小的 TT 會使胰島素需求更大。 -After the first boosted SMBs were given, your set iobTH and Automation #3 should strike a good balance of limiting the glucose peak, but also not leading to a hypo after the meal. +在給予最初的加強 SMB 後,您設定的活性胰島素閾值和自動化 #3 應該能達到控制血糖峰值的平衡,但也不會導致餐後低血糖。 -In case for instance your breakfast totally deviates in carb content from your average dinner, you may benefit from defining Automations that apply in the respective times of day, and have different iobTH (possibly also different deltas, and different %profile set). Both, you with defining your meal spectrum and settings (notably, iobTH), and the loop managing the unfolding bg curve, must accept certain peak heights for reducing hypo danger towards the end of the DIAs from SMBs. +例如,如果您的早餐完全不同於您的晚餐,碳水化合物含量差異很大,您可以透過定義適用於不同時間段的自動化來受益,並設置不同的活性胰島素閾值(可能也不同的變化資料和不同的設定百分比)。 您和您的循環系統必須接受某些血糖峰值高度,以降低 SMB 胰島素作用時間尾部結束時的低血糖風險。 -### Stagnation at high bg values +### 高血糖停滯 -In case, after a “rich” meal, a long-lasting stagnation with **high glucose** value is seen, Automation #6 (below, left),"post-meal High”, helps deal with fatty acid resistance: After multi-course meals, large greasy pizza, raclette evening, the glucose curve can form two humps or, very often, an elongated high plateau. +如果在「豐富」的餐點後看到長期的**高血糖**停滯,則自動化 #6(下圖左側),「餐後高血糖」,有助於應對脂肪酸抗性:在多道菜餐點、大份油膩披薩、奶酪晚餐後,血糖曲線可能形成兩個波峰或更常見的是延長的高平臺。 -![iob >5.5...111 TT = SMBs off 16m](../images/fullClosedLoop05.png) +![活性胰島素 >5.5...111 TT = 關閉 SMB 16 分鐘](../images/fullClosedLoop05.png) -Automation #4 +自動化 #4 -![iob >5.5...111 TT = SMBs off 16m](../images/fullClosedLoop06.png) +![活性胰島素 >5.5...111 TT = 關閉 SMB 16 分鐘](../images/fullClosedLoop06.png) -Automation #5 +自動化 #5 -Automation #4, “post-meal High”, is also suitable in hybrid closed loop. +自動化 #4,「餐後高血糖」,也適用於混合閉環。 -In addition, a termination-Automation #5, “Stop pmH”, is needed, so that the aggressiveness of the insulin administration is reduced, as soon as the glucose value is falling. (However, often the loop will limit more insulin anyways for hypo prevention because predicted glucose runs low already). +此外,還需要一個終止自動化 #5,「停止餐後高血糖」,以便當血糖開始下降時減少胰島素輸送的積極性。 (然而,通常循環系統為防止低血糖,已經會限制更多胰島素,因為預測的血糖已經偏低)。 -### Hypo prevention +### 防止低血糖 -The core problem here is of course that the UAM full closed loop (without carb inputs) can have **no idea how many g of carbs are still available** for absorption, and might use up that “tail” insulin, without you going into a hypo from it. +核心問題在於完全閉環自動模式(無碳水化合物輸入)下**無法知道還有多少克碳水化合物尚未吸收**,並可能在您進入低血糖前耗盡「尾部」胰島素。 -Using boosted SMBs, the loop “caught up” with what we formerly did with a meal bolus. But, **at the “tail” end of insulin activity, hypo prevention can become a serious topic**. +透過加強的 SMB,循環系統「追上了」我們以前用餐點注射所做的事情。 但是,在**胰島素作用的「尾部」階段,防止低血糖可能成為一個嚴重的問題**。 -In preparation for your full closed loop Automations, you therefore must take a closer look at the **time course of iob** for typical meals, and judge **when it becomes too much, and how you can catch that by tuning your Automations**. That is definitely possible, because we have several adjusting screws. However, it can get a bit tricky to get it “right”, so it reasonably works for your variety of meals. +為了準備您的完全閉環自動化,您因此必須仔細查看**活性胰島素的時間過程**,並判斷**何時會過多,並如何透過調整您的自動化來捕捉這一點**。 這是完全可能的,因為我們有幾個調整的機制。 然而,要「準確」地設置,讓它合理地適用於您多樣化的餐點可能有點棘手。 -Generally, it makes no sense to keep optimising settings for one kind of meal. Once you have a good-enough setting e.g. for one kind of lunch you frequently have, test how this works with other kinds, and how you would “compromise”. +通常來說,針對一種餐點不斷優化設定並沒有意義。 一旦您針對一種經常吃的午餐設置了足夠有效的設定,請測試其對其他類型餐點的適用性,並考慮如何進行「妥協」。 -In order to prevent hypo in post-meal hours 3 – 5, reduce the aggressiveness before too much iob comes together. Specific approaches: +為了防止餐後 3-5 小時內發生低血糖,請在活性胰島素過多之前減少其積極性。 具體方法: -- Become milder and milder with the ISF already during the glucose rise, as in Automation examples #1 and #2 given. -- Define the iob threshold, from which the loop is made significantly more cautious (Automation #3, above). Note this iob can be exceeded, by the last SMB before it went into effect; and then further by TBRs if the loop sees insulinReq Carbs getting absorbed will provide a counter-movement towards lower iob. -- The iob threshold could be differentiated according to meals: By cloning the automations, you could easily differentiate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner time slots (or even for geo-locations, like company cafeteria, or at mother-in-law etc) - >You could differentiate within these time slots even further by setting different TTs for low carb vs. fast carb, etc., and thus be able to “code for” different meal classes that may occur at this time of day, and call them up with Automations specially tuned for them.(That is probably not not necessary, unless your diet habits do vary a lot.). +- 在血糖上升期間逐步減弱 ISF,就像自動化範例 #1 和 #2 所述。 +- 定義活性胰島素閾值,從此閾值開始,循環系統將變得顯著更謹慎(參見上述自動化 #3)。 請注意,這個活性胰島素閾值可能會被最後一個 SMB 超過,因為它在作用前就進入了效果;隨後,如果循環系統偵測到胰島素需求,碳水化合物被吸收會對活性胰島素提供反向作用,降低活性胰島素。 +- 活性胰島素閾值可以根據餐點進行區分:透過複製自動化,您可以輕鬆區分早餐、午餐和晚餐時段(甚至可以根據地理位置區分,例如公司餐廳或丈母娘家等)。 + >您還可以透過設定不同的 TT 值(低碳水與快速碳水),進一步區分這些時間段內的餐點類型,並為它們呼叫專門調整的自動化。(除非您的飲食習慣變化很大,否則這可能不必要)。 -Before a special meal challenge, you can raise your iob threshold, or make another change in any of your Automations within under 5 seconds, right from your AAPS main screen (burger top left; or Automations tab, depending how you configured your AAPS.). +在面對特別餐點挑戰之前,您可以提高活性胰島素閾值,或在 5 秒內快速修改自動化中的任何設置,直接在 AAPS 主畫面進行(點擊左上方的漢堡選單,或依據您的 AAPS 設置,在自動化選項卡中)。 -The hypo danger some hours after the meal is essentially a question of whether your meal composition was such, that the **insulin tails from fighting the bulk of carbs** will be **consumed by “extended carbs”** (excessive/delayed carb absorption/protein/fat/fibre). +餐後數小時內低血糖的風險主要取決於您的餐點組成是否導致**為對抗大量碳水所產生的胰島素尾部**會被**「延長碳水」所消耗**(過量/延遲的碳水化合物吸收/蛋白質/脂肪/纖維)。 -Over time you will learn patterns, tune your Automations – maybe even adjust your eating habits a bit, e.g. just enjoy the occasional late little(!) snack that may help maintain a good **balance of insulin activity and carb absorption** for the **entire** meal (digestion, absorption) time, and thus make life for your loop (and for yourself) easier. +隨著時間的推移,您會學會辨識模式,調整您的自動化 —— 甚至可能稍微調整您的飲食習慣,例如享受偶爾的小點心,這可能有助於在整個餐點(消化、吸收)期間保持**胰島素活動與碳水化合物吸收的良好平衡**,從而使您的循環系統(以及您自己)的生活更輕鬆。 -### Order of programmed Automations +### 自動化程式的順序 -Problems can arise with overlapping definitions in Automations. Example: The problem is that delta >8 is also delta >5, i.e. there may be two competing Automations. What does the loop do then? It always decides according to the sequence in which your Automations appear when looking into the burger menue / AdAPS main screen. Example: The delta > +8 rule must come first (and launch the strongest boost if all conditions apply); then comes the check for delta >5 (and a milder response). If done the other way round, the delta>8 rule would never come into effect because the delta>5 already applies, case closed. -> Tip for "house cleaning" in your Automations: Order changes are very easy to make. If you press on a list entry in AAPS/Automations, you can move the Automation in question to another position. So you can quickly (re-)arrange. +自動化定義重疊時可能會產生問題。 範例:問題在於 delta >8 也是 delta >5,這意味著可能有兩個競爭的自動化。 那麼循環系統會怎麼做呢? 它總是根據自動化在漢堡選單 / AAPS 主畫面中的顯示順序來決定。 範例:delta > +8 規則必須先執行(如果所有條件都適用,將啟動最強的升強);然後檢查 delta >5(並做出較溫和的回應)。 如果順序相反,則 delta>8 規則永遠不會生效,因為 delta>5 已經適用,結果已定。 +> 自動化「清理」的提示:更改順序非常簡單。 如果您在 AAPS/自動化中按下列表條目,您可以將所選的自動化移至另一個位置。 這樣您可以快速重新安排。 -Also it is very easy and quick to adjust any conditions or actions at any time, within seconds, just on your AAPS smartphone; for instance if you head into a very special eating event. (But don’t forget to set it back to normal on/for the next day). +此外,隨時快速調整任何條件或動作也非常容易,直接在您的 AAPS 手機上進行,例如在參加特別的用餐活動時。 (但不要忘記在第二天將其恢復為正常狀態)。 -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -### How to get back into Hybrid Closed Loop +### 如何回到混合閉環模式 -You can un-click the top boxes in the Automations related to your FCL, and go back to bolussing for meals and making carb inputs again. You may have to go to AAPS Preferences/Overview/Buttons and get your Buttons “Insulin, Calculator…” back for your AAPS HCL main screen. Be aware that now it is again up to you to bolus for meals +您可以取消勾選與完全閉環自動化相關的頂部框,然後回到用餐注射和再次輸入碳水化合物的狀態。 您可能需要進入 AAPS 偏好設定/首頁總覽/按鈕,並將「胰島素、計算機...」等按鈕 恢復到您的 AAPS 混合閉環主畫面。 請注意,現在再次由您負責為餐點注射。 -It can also be wise to do FCL only for meals (time slots) where Automations are fully defined and clicked on, and un-klick only those for the other meal times when you like to do hybrid looping (or have none defined yet, in your transition period). +僅在自動化已完全定義且勾選的用餐時段執行完全閉環可能也是明智的,並在您想要執行混合閉環時取消勾選其他餐點時段的自動化(或在過渡期間尚未定義)。 -For instance, it is perfectly possible, without any extra steps after Automations for dinner time slots are defined, to do FCL only for dinners, while breakfast and lunch are done in hybrid closed loop as you are used to. +例如,在為晚餐時段定義自動化後,完全可以在不做任何額外步驟的情況下,僅對晚餐進行完全閉環,而早餐和午餐則按照您習慣的方式使用混合閉環。 -### Are the pre-conditions for FCL still given? +### 完全閉環的前提條件是否仍然成立? -- Is the basic profile still correct? -- Has the CGM quality deteriorated -- etc (see section pre-requisites) +- 基本設定檔是否仍然正確? +- CGM 資料品質是否惡化 +- 等等(請參閱先決條件部分)。 -### Glucose goes too high +### 血糖過高 -- Meals are not recognized asap - - Check regarding Bluetooth (in)stability - - Check whether you could set smaller deltas to trigger first SMB - - Experiment with an aperetif, soup acouple of minutes before meal start -- SMBs are too weak - - Check order of Automations (e.g.: big delta before small delta) - - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether hourly profile basal and set minutes (max 120) limit allowed SMB size - - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether %profile must be set bigger -- If all your settings are at the limit, you may have to live with the temporary high, or adjust your diet. -> If you are ready to use AAPS dev variants, you could also employ one that allows further expanded SMB sizes. Some users also resort to using a small pre-bolus in their “FCL”. However, this interferes with how glucose curve and hence detection of rises and triggered SMBs behave, and is therefore not easy to implement with convincing overall benefit. -- An important observation by pilot users was, that how your glucose and iob curves approach meal start matters a lot regarding how you peak from carbs: Going down (e.g. towards a set EatingSoonTT), building some iob, and curving already towards strong positive acceleration seems very helpful to keep peaks low. +- 餐點未能及時被識別 + - 檢查藍牙連線(不)穩定性 + - 檢查是否可以設定更小的變化值來觸發第一個 SMB。 + - 在餐前幾分鐘內嘗試喝點開胃酒或湯。 +- SMBs 劑量過小 + - 檢查自動化順序(例如:大變化在小變化之前)。 + - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否每小時的基礎設定和設置的時間(最多 120 分鐘)限制了允許的 SMB 劑量。 + - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否需要將設定百分比調大。 +- 如果您的所有設定都達到了極限,您可能需要接受暫時的高血糖,或調整飲食。 +> 如果您準備使用 AAPS 開發版本,您也可以使用允許進一步擴展 SMB 劑量的版本。 有些使用者也會在他們的「完全閉環」中使用小劑量的預注射。 然而,這會影響血糖曲線及因此觸發 SMB 的偵測,難以確保整體效益。 +- 試點使用者的一個重要觀察結果是,您的血糖和活性胰島素曲線如何接近餐點開始的方式對於碳水化合物峰值有很大影響: 向下(例如接近設定的即將用餐 TT),建立一些活性胰島素,並朝強勁的正加速度曲線發展似乎對保持低峰值非常有幫助。 -### Glucose goes too low +### 血糖過低 -- Meals are falsely recognized - - Check whether you could set bigger deltas to trigger first SMB - - Click “User action” in the related Automation, so in the futurte you can ad hoc decide to block execution of the Automatiojn if not meal-related - - To prevent snacks from triggering SMBs as for a meal, set a TT>100 when snacking (as you would do in sports and for anti-hypo snacks, anyways) -- SMBs deliver overall too much insulin - - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether SMB range extention must be set smaller - - Check (real-time) in SMB tab whether %profile must be set smaller - - SMB delivery ratio probably can be set smaller. Note in this case, it works across the bord for all SMBs (all time slots), -- Problems with insulin “tail” after meals - - You may need to take a snack (seeing hypo prediction) or glucose tablets (if already in hypo zone). But note that the carbs required the loop might tell you at some point are very likely exaggerated as the loop has absolutely zero info on your carb intake (while you may be able to guess how much more, incl. from fats and proteins) is still waiting to be absorbed. - - A valueable information would be whether the problem originates mostly in the bg rise phase already. Then setting a lower iobTH might be an easy remedy. - - If the need for additional carbs happens frequently, note down how many grams were needed (not counting what you eventually took too much and required extra insulin again). Then use your profile IC value to estimate how much insulin less the SMBs should have delivered, and go with this info into your tuning (regarding the % profile in the Automations, or maybe also your set iobTH). This may relate to the SMBs given when glucose was high, or also extending regarding also the SMBs during the glucose rise. - - It could well be that you simply have to accept higher glucose peaks for not going low. Or change diet to something with lower amounts of carbs, and higher amount of proteien and fats. +- 餐點被錯誤識別 + - 檢查是否可以設定更大的變化值來觸發第一個 SMB。 + - 點選相關自動化中的「用戶操作」,這樣在未與餐點相關時,您可以隨時阻止該自動化的執行。 + - 為防止零食觸發 SMB,像對待運動和抗低血糖零食一樣,設定 TT>100。 +- SMBs 總是輸送過多的胰島素。 + - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否需要將 SMB 範圍擴展設置調小。 + - 檢查在 SMB 標籤中的即時資料,是否需要將設定百分比調小。 + - SMB 輸送比例可能需要調小。 請注意,這樣做會對所有 SMB(所有時間段)產生作用。 +- 餐後胰島素「尾部」問題 + - 您可能需要吃零食(如果預測低血糖)或服用葡萄糖片(如果已經處於低血糖區域)。 但請注意,循環系統告訴您的所需碳水化合物量很可能被誇大,因為循環系統完全不知道您攝入了多少碳水化合物(而您可能能夠猜測還有多少碳水化合物,來自脂肪和蛋白質,仍在等待吸收)。 + - 有價值的資訊是問題主要出現在血糖上升階段。 此時,設定一個較低的活性胰島素閾值可能是一個簡單的解決方案。 + - 如果經常需要額外的碳水化合物,記下所需的碳水化合物克數(不包括您最終攝入過多的部分,因為這需要額外的胰島素)。 然後使用您的設定 IC 值來估算 SMB 應輸送的少量胰島素,並根據這些資訊進行調整(關於自動化中的設定百分比,或者您的活性胰島素閾值)。 這可能與在血糖高時給予的 SMB 相關,也可能延伸至血糖上升期間的 SMB。 + - 很可能您必須接受較高的血糖峰值,以避免低血糖。 或者,將飲食改為含較低碳水化合物和較高蛋白質及脂肪的食物。 -### More info +### 更多資訊 -Make sure you stay in touch with other FCL users. +請確保與其他完全閉環使用者保持聯繫。 -Discussion Full Closed Loop using Automations: +討論完全閉環自動化: -- English: [Discord Channel]( +- 英文: [Discord 頻道]( -- German: [German Looper Community]( +- 德文: [德國 Looper 社群]( From bd94462c4bf20fc4cb089ef709f8eb6948d19e7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 305/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ | 384 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 192 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ index b539b91066ee..921747118e8f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Configuration/ @@ -1,358 +1,358 @@ # Medtrum Nano / 300U -These instructions are for configuring the Medtrum insulin pump. +這些是配置Medtrum胰島素幫浦的指導說明。 -This software is part of a DIY artificial pancreas solution and is not a product but requires YOU to read, learn, and understand the system, including how to use it. 只有你才能对自己的行为负责。 +此軟體是 DIY 人工胰臟解決方案的一部分,並非產品,您需要閱讀、學習並了解系統,包括如何使用它。 你需要對自己使用的結果負完全責任。 -## Pump capabilities with AAPS -* All loop functionality supported (SMB, TBR etc) -* Automatic DST and timezone handling -* Extended bolus is not supported by AAPS driver +## 幫浦與AAPS的功能 +* 支援所有循環功能(SMB、TBR等) +* 自動夏令時間(DST)與時區處理 +* AAPS驅動不支援延長注射 -## Hardware and Software Requirements -* **Compatible Medtrum pumpbase and reservoir patches** - - Currently supported: - - Medtrum TouchCare Nano with pumpbase refs: **MD0201** and **MD8201**. - - Medtrum TouchCare 300U with pumpbase ref: **MD8301**. - - If you have an unsupported model and are willing to donate hardware or assist with testing, please contact us via discord [here]( -* **Version or newer of AAPS built and installed** using the [Build APK](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ instructions. -* **Compatible Android phone** with a BLE Bluetooth connection - - See AAPS [Release Notes](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ -* [**Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)**]( +## 硬體和軟體需求 +* **與Medtrum幫浦基座及儲液瓶相容的修補版** + - 目前支援: + - Medtrum TouchCare Nano與幫浦基座參考:**MD0201**和**MD8201**。 + - Medtrum TouchCare 300U與幫浦基座參考:**MD8301**。 + - 如果您擁有不支援的型號,並願意捐贈硬體或協助測試,請透過discord與我們聯繫[這裡](。 +* **版本3.2.0.0或更新的AAPS,依照[APK建置指南](../Installing-AndroidAPS/建立並安裝。** +* **相容的 Android 手機** 需具備 BLE 藍牙連線 + - 請參閱AAPS的[版本說明](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +* [**連續血糖監測儀(CGM)**]( -## Before you begin +## 開始之前 -**SAFETY FIRST** Do not attempt this process in an environment where you cannot recover from an error (extra patches, insulin, and pump control devices are must-haves). +**安全第一** 不要在無法修復錯誤的環境中進行此過程(需要備用修補版、胰島素和幫浦控制裝置)。 -**The PDM and Medtrum App will not work with a patch that is activated by AAPS.** Previously you may have used your PDM or Medtrum app to send commands to your pump. For security reasons you can only use the activated patch with the device or app that was used to activate it. +**PDM與Medtrum App將無法與AAPS啟動的修補版一起運作。** 之前您可能使用PDM或Medtrum App向您的幫浦發送指令。 基於安全考量,您只能使用與啟動該修補版的裝置或App。 -*This does NOT mean that you should throw away your PDM. It is recommended to keep it somewhere safe as a backup in case of emergencies, for instance if your phone gets lost or AAPS is not working correctly.* +*這並不意味著您應該丟棄PDM。 建議將它放在安全的地方作為備用,以防緊急情況發生,例如手機遺失或AAPS無法正常運作。* -**Your pump will not stop delivering insulin when it is not connected to AAPS** Default basal rates are programmed on the pump as defined in the current active profile. As long as AAPS is operational, it will send temporary basal rate commands that run for a maximum of 120 minutes. If for some reason the pump does not receive any new commands (for instance because communication was lost due to pump - phone distance) the pump will fall back to the default basal rate programmed on the pump once the Temporary Basal Rate ends. +**您的幫浦在未連線至AAPS時不會停止輸送胰島素** 預設的基礎率已經在幫浦上設定,並在當前啟動的設定檔中定義。 只要AAPS運作正常,它將發送臨時基礎率指令,最多持續120分鐘。 如果由於任何原因幫浦未接收到新指令(例如由於幫浦與手機距離過遠導致通訊中斷),當臨時基礎率結束時,幫浦將回到預設的基礎率。 -**30 min Basal Rate Profiles are NOT supported in AAPS.** **The AAPS Profile does not support a 30 minute basal rate time frame** If you are new to AAPS and are setting up your basal rate profile for the first time, please be aware that basal rates starting on a half-hour basis are not supported, and you will need to adjust your basal rate profile to start on the hour. For example, if you have a basal rate of 1.1 units which starts at 09:30 and has a duration of 2 hours ending at 11:30, this will not work. You will need to change this 1.1 unit basal rate to a time range of either 9:00-11:00 or 10:00-12:00. Even though the Medtrum pump hardware itself supports the 30 min basal rate profile increments, AAPS is not able to take them into account with its algorithms currently. +**AAPS 不支援 30 分鐘基礎率設定檔。** **AAPS 設定檔不支援 30 分鐘的基礎率時間框架** 如果您是 AAPS 新手並首次設置基礎率設定檔,請注意,基礎率從半小時開始的設定不被支援,您需要調整您的基礎率設定檔以從整點開始。 例如,如果您的基礎率為 1.1 單位,並於 09:30 開始,持續時間為 2 小時,於 11:30 結束,這將無法正常工作。 您需要將此 1.1 單位的基礎率更改為 9:00-11:00 或 10:00-12:00 的時間範圍。 儘管Medtrum幫浦硬體本身支援30分鐘基礎率增量,但AAPS目前無法在其算法中考慮這些增量。 -**0U/h profile basal rates are NOT supported in AAPS** While the Medtrum pump does support a zero basal rate, AAPS uses multiples of the profile basal rate to determine automated treatment and therefore cannot function with a zero basal rate. A temporary zero basal rate can be achieved through the "Disconnect pump" function or through a combination of Disable Loop/Temp Basal Rate or Suspend Loop/Temp Basal Rate. +**AAPS不支援0U/h的設定檔基礎率** 儘管Medtrum幫浦支援零基礎率,但AAPS使用設定檔基礎率的倍數來確定自動治療,因此無法使用零基礎率。 可以透過“中斷幫浦”功能或停用循環/臨時基礎率或暫停循環/臨時基礎率的組合來實現臨時的 0 單位基礎率。 -## 设置 +## 設定 -CAUTION: When activating a patch with AAPS you **MUST** disable all other devices that can talk to the Medtrum pumpbase. e.g. active PDM and Medtrum app. Make sure you have your pumpbase and pumpbase SN ready for activation of a new patch. +注意:當使用AAPS啟動修補版時,**必須**停用所有其他可與Medtrum幫浦基座通訊的裝置。 例如,啟動的PDM與Medtrum App。 請確保您已準備好幫浦基座及其序號,進行新修補版的啟動。 -### Step 1: Select Medtrum pump +### 步驟1:選擇Medtrum幫浦 -#### Option 1: New installations +#### 選項 1:新安裝 -If you are installing AAPS for the first time, the **Setup Wizard** will guide you through installing AAPS. Select “Medtrum” when you reach Pump selection. +如果您是首次安裝AAPS,**安裝嚮導**將引導您完成AAPS的安裝過程。 當您到達幫浦選擇時,請選擇「Medtrum」。 -If in doubt you can also select “Virtual Pump” and select “Medtrum” later, after setting up AAPS (see option 2). +如果有疑問,您也可以選擇「虛擬幫浦」,並在設置完成後選擇「Medtrum」(見選項2)。 -![Setup Wizard](../images/medtrum/SetupWizard.png) +![安裝嚮導](../images/medtrum/SetupWizard.png) -#### Option 2: The Config Builder +#### 選項 2:組態建置工具 -On an existing installation you can select the **Medtrum** pump from the [Config Builder]( +在現有安裝中,您可以從[組態建置工具](中選擇**Medtrum**幫浦: -On the top-left hand corner **hamburger menu** select **Config Builder**\ ➜\ **Pump**\ ➜\ **Medtrum**\ by selecting the **Enable button** titled **Medtrum**. +在左上角的**漢堡選單**中選擇**組態建置工具**\ ➜\ **幫浦**\ ➜\ **Medtrum**,選擇**啟用按鈕**標題為**Medtrum**。 -Selecting the **checkbox** next to the **Settings Gear** will allow the Medtrum overview to be displayed as a tab in the AAPS interface titled **Medtrum**. Checking this box will facilitate your access to the Medtrum commands when using AAPS and is highly recommended. +勾選**齒輪圖示**旁的**複選框**,將允許Medtrum總覽顯示在AAPS介面中的標籤中,標題為**Medtrum**。 勾選此框將便於您在使用AAPS時存取Medtrum指令,非常建議如此設置。 -![配置生成器](../images/medtrum/ConfigBuilder.png) +![組態建置工具](../images/medtrum/ConfigBuilder.png) -### Step 2: Change Medtrum settings +### 步驟2:變更Medtrum設置 -Enter the Medtrum settings by tapping the **Settings Gear** of the Medtrum module in the Config Builder . +點擊組態建置工具中Medtrum模組的**齒輪圖示**進入Medtrum設置。 -![Medtrum Settings](../images/medtrum/MedtrumSettings.png) +![Medtrum設置](../images/medtrum/MedtrumSettings.png) -#### Serial Number: +#### 序號: -Enter the serial number of your pumpbase here as noted on the pumpbase. Make sure the serial number is correct and there are no spaces added (You can either use capital or lowercase). +在此輸入幫浦基座上的序號。 請確保序號正確且沒有空格(可使用大寫或小寫字母)。 -NOTE: This setting can only be changed when there is no patch active. +注意:此設置只能在無活動修補版時更改。 -#### Alarm settings +#### 警報設置 -***Default: Beep.*** +***預設:嗶聲。*** -This setting changes the way that the pump will alert you when there is a warning or error. +此設置更改當幫浦出現警告或錯誤時的警示方式。 -- Beep > The patch will beep on alarms and warnings -- Silent > The patch will not alert you on alarms and warnings +- 嗶聲 > 當出現警報或警告時,修補版會發出嗶聲聲 +- 靜音 > 當出現警報或警告時,修補版將不發出任何聲音 -Note: In silent mode AAPS will still sound the alarm depending on your phone's volume settings. If you do not respond to the alarm, the patch will eventually beep. +注意:在靜音模式下,AAPS仍會根據手機音量設置發出警報。 如果您未回應警報,修補版最終會開始嗶聲。 -#### Notification on pump warning +#### 幫浦警告通知 -***Default: Enabled.*** +***預設:已啟用。*** -This settings changes the way AAPS will show notification on non ciritical pump warnings. When enabled a Notification will be shown on the phone when a pump warning occurs, including: - - Low battery - - Low reservoir (20 Units) - - Patch expiration warning +此設置更改AAPS在非關鍵性幫浦警告時顯示通知的方式。 啟用後,當幫浦出現警告時,手機上會顯示通知,包括: + - 電池電量低 + - 儲液瓶電量低(20單位) + - 修補版即將過期警告 -In either case these warnings are also shown on the Medtrum overview screen under [Active alarms](#active-alarms). +無論如何,這些警告也會顯示在Medtrum總覽畫面中的[活動警報](#active-alarms)下。 -#### Patch Expiration +#### 修補版過期 -***Default: Enabled.*** +***預設:已啟用。*** -This setting changes the behavior of the patch. When enabled the patch will expire after 3 days and give an audible warning if you have sound enabled. After 3 days and 8 hours the patch will stop working. +此設置更改修補版的行為。 啟用後,修補版將在3天後過期,並在開啟聲音警告時發出聲音。 在3天8小時後,修補版將停止運作。 -If this setting is disabled, the patch will not warn you and will continue running until the patch battery or reservoir runs out. +如果停用此設置,修補版將不會發出警告,並將繼續運作,直到修補版電池或儲液瓶耗盡。 -#### Pump expiry warning +#### 幫浦過期警告 -***Default: 72 hours.*** +***預設:72小時。*** -This setting changes the time of the expiration warning, when [Patch Expiration](#patch-expiration) is enabled, AAPS will give a notification on the set hour after activation. +此設置更改過期警告的時間,當[修補版過期](#patch-expiration)啟用時,AAPS將在啟動後的設定小時內發送通知。 -#### Hourly Maximum Insulin +#### 每小時最大胰島素輸送量 -***Default: 25U.*** +***預設:25U。*** -This setting changes the maximum amount of insulin that can be delivered in one hour. If this limit is exceeded the patch will suspend and give an alarm. The alarm can be reset by pressing the reset button on in the overview menu see [Reset alarms](#reset-alarms). +此設置更改每小時最多輸送的胰島素量。 如果此限制被超過,修補版將暫停並發出警報。 可以透過點擊總覽選單中的重置按鈕來重置此警報,請參閱[重置警報](#reset-alarms)。 -Set this to a sensible value for your insulin requirements. +根據您的胰島素需求,設置一個合適的值。 -#### Daily Maximum Insulin +#### 每日最大胰島素輸送量 -***Default: 80U.*** +***預設:80U。*** -This setting changes the maximum amount of insulin that can be delivered in one day. If this limit is exceeded the patch will suspend and give an alarm. The alarm can be reset by pressing the reset button on in the overview menu see [Reset alarms](#reset-alarms). +此設置更改每日最多輸送的胰島素量。 如果此限制被超過,修補版將暫停並發出警報。 可以透過點擊總覽選單中的重置按鈕來重置此警報,請參閱[重置警報](#reset-alarms)。 -Set this to a sensible value for your insulin requirements. +根據您的胰島素需求,設置一個合適的值。 -### Step 2b: AAPS Alerts settings +### 步驟2b:AAPS警報設置 -Go to preferences +進入偏好設定 -#### Pump: +#### 幫浦: -##### BT Watchdog +##### 藍牙監控 -Go to preferences and select **Pump**: +進入偏好設定並選擇**幫浦**: -![BT Watchdog](../images/medtrum/BTWatchdogSetting.png) +![藍牙監控](../images/medtrum/BTWatchdogSetting.png) -##### BT Watchdog +##### 藍牙監控 -This setting will try to work around any BLE issues. It will try to reconnect to the pump when the connection is lost. It will also try to reconnect to the pump when the pump is unreachable for a certain amount of time. +此設置將嘗試解決任何BLE問題。 當連線中斷時,它將嘗試重新連線至幫浦。 當幫浦無法使用一段時間後,它也會嘗試重新連線。 -Enable this setting if you experience frequent connection issues with your pump. +如果您的幫浦經常遇到連線問題,請啟用此設置。 -#### Local Alerts: +#### 本地警報: -Go to preferences and select **Local Alerts**: +進入偏好設定並選擇**本地警報**: -![Local Alerts](../images/medtrum/LocalAlertsSettings.png) +![本地警報](../images/medtrum/LocalAlertsSettings.png) -##### Alert if pump is unreachable +##### 當幫浦無法使用時發出警報 -***Default: Enabled.*** +***預設:已啟用。*** -This setting is forced to enabled when the Medtrum driver is enabled. It will alert you when the pump is unreachable. This can happen when the pump is out of range or when the pump is not responding due to a defective patch or pumpbase, for example when water leaks between the pumpbase and the patch. +當啟用Medtrum驅動時,此設置強制啟用。 當幫浦無法使用時,將提醒您。 這可能發生在幫浦超出範圍或幫浦因修補版或幫浦基座故障而無法回應,例如當水滲入幫浦基座與修補版之間時。 -For safety reasons this setting cannot be disabled. +出於安全考量,此設置無法停用。 -##### Pump unreachable threshold [min] +##### 幫浦無法使用的閾值 [分鐘] -***Default: 30 min.*** +***預設:30分鐘。*** -This setting changes the time after which AAPS will alert you when the pump is unreachable. This can happen when the pump is out of range or when the pump is not responding due to a defective patch or pumpbase, for example when water leaks between the pumpbase and the patch. +此設置更改AAPS發出幫浦無法使用警報的時間。 這可能發生在幫浦超出範圍或幫浦因修補版或幫浦基座故障而無法回應,例如當水滲入幫浦基座與修補版之間時。 -This setting can be changed when using Medtrum pump but it is recommended to set it at 30 minutes for safety reasons. +此設定可在使用Medtrum幫浦時更改,但建議出於安全理由設為30分鐘。 -### Step 3: Activate patch +### 步驟3:啟動修補版 -**Before you continue:** -- Have your Medtrum Nano pumpbase and a reservoir patch ready. -- Make sure that AAPS is properly set up and a [profile is activated](../Usage/ -- Other devices that can talk to the Medtrum pump are disabled (PDM and Medtrum app) +**在繼續之前:** +- 準備好您的Medtrum Nano幫浦基座與儲液瓶修補版。 +- 請確保AAPS已正確設置,並已[註冊設定檔](../Usage/。 +- 停用其他可與Medtrum幫浦連線的裝置(PDM與Medtrum App) -#### Activate patch from the Medtrum overview Tab +#### 從Medtrum總覽標籤啟動修補版 -Navigate to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button in the bottom right corner. +在AAPS介面中導航至[Medtrum標籤](#overview),然後按下右下角的**更換修補版**按鈕。 -If a patch is already active, you will be prompted to deactivate this patch first. see [Deactivate Patch](#deactivate-patch). +如果修補版已啟動,系統將提示您先停用該修補版。 請參閱[停用修補版](#deactivate-patch)。 -Follow the prompts to fill and activate a new patch. Please note - it is important to only connect the pumpbase to the reservoir patch at the step when you are prompted to do so. **You must only put the pump on your body and insert the cannula when prompted to during the activation process (after priming is complete).** +按照提示填充並啟動新的修補版。 請注意——只有在系統提示時才應將幫浦基座連線到儲液瓶修補版。 **您應在系統提示啟動過程時(填充完成後)才將幫浦放在身體上並插入套管。** -##### Start Activation +##### 開始啟動 -![Start Activation](../images/medtrum/activation/StartActivation.png) +![開始啟動](../images/medtrum/activation/StartActivation.png) -At this step, double check your serial number and make sure the pumpbase is not connected to the patch yet. +在此步驟,請仔細檢查您的序號,並確保幫浦基座尚未連線至修補版。 -Press **Next** to continue. +按**下一步**繼續。 -##### Fill the patch +##### 填充修補版 -![Fill the patch](../images/medtrum/activation/FillPatch.png) +![填充修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/FillPatch.png) -Once the patch is detected and filled with a minimum of 70Units of insulin, press **Next** will appear. +一旦修補版被檢測到並填充至少70單位的胰島素,按下**下一步**將顯示。 -##### Prime the patch +##### 填充修補版 -![Half press](../images/medtrum/activation/HalfPress.png) +![半按](../images/medtrum/activation/HalfPress.png) -Do not remove the safety lock and press the needle button on the patch. +不要移除安全鎖,並按下修補版上的針頭按鈕。 -Press **Next** to start prime +按**下一步**開始填充 -![Prime progress](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeProgress.png) +![填充進度](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeProgress.png) -![Prime complete](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeComplete.png) +![填充完成](../images/medtrum/activation/PrimeComplete.png) -Once the prime is complete, press **Next** to continue. +填充完成後,按**下一步**繼續。 -##### Attach Patch +##### 連線修補版 -![Attach patch](../images/medtrum/activation/AttachPatch.png) +![連線修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/AttachPatch.png) -Clean the skin, remove stickers and attach the patch to your body. Remove safety lock and press the needle button on the patch to insert the cannula. +清潔皮膚,撕下貼紙並將修補版附著在身體上。 移除安全鎖,並按下修補版上的針頭按鈕插入套管。 -Press **Next** to activate the patch. +按**下一步**啟動修補版。 -##### Activate Patch +##### 啟動修補版 -![Activate patch](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivatePatch.png) +![啟動修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivatePatch.png) -When activation is complete, the following screen will appear +啟動完成後,將顯示以下畫面 -![Activation complete](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationComplete.png) +![啟動完成](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationComplete.png) -Press **OK** to return to main screen. +按**確定**返回主畫面。 -### Deactivate patch +### 停用修補版 -To deactivate a currently active patch, go to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button. +要停用當前啟動的修補版,請前往AAPS介面中的[Medtrum標籤](#overview),然後按下**更換修補版**按鈕。 -![Deactivate patch](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivatePatch.png) +![停用修補版](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivatePatch.png) -You will be asked to confirm that you wish to deactivate the current patch. **Please note that this action is not reversable.** When deactivation is completed, you can press **Next** to continue the process to activate a new patch. If you are not ready to activate a new patch, press **Cancel** to return to the main screen. +系統將提示您確認是否希望停用當前的修補版。 **請注意,此操作無法恢復。**當停用完成後,您可以按下**下一步**繼續啟動新修補版的過程。 如果您尚未準備好啟動新修補版,請按下**取消**返回主畫面。 -![Deactivate progress](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateProgress.png) +![停用進度](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateProgress.png) -If Android APS in unable to deactivate the patch (For instance because the pumpbase has already been removed from the reservoir patch), you may press **Discard** to forget the current patch session and make it possible to activate a new patch. +如果Android APS無法停用修補版(例如因為幫浦基座已從儲液瓶修補版中移除),您可以按下**丟棄**以忘記當前修補版會話,並啟動新修補版。 -![Deactivate complete](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateComplete.png) +![停用完成](../images/medtrum/activation/DeactivateComplete.png) -Once deactivation is complete, press **OK** to return to main screen or press **Next** to continue the process to activate a new patch. +停用完成後,按**確定**返回主畫面,或按**下一步**繼續啟動新修補版的過程。 -### Resume interrupted activation +### 恢復中斷的啟動過程 -If a patch activation is interrupted, for instance because the phone battery runs out, you can resume the activation process by going to the [Medtrum TAB](#overview) in the AAPS interface and press the **Change Patch** button. +如果修補版啟動過程被中斷,例如由於手機電量耗盡,您可以前往AAPS介面中的Medtrum標籤,並按下**更換修補版**按鈕來恢復啟動過程。 -![Resume interrupted activation](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationInProgress.png) +![恢復中斷的啟動過程](../images/medtrum/activation/ActivationInProgress.png) -Press **Next** to continue the activation process. Press **Discard** to discard the current patch session and make it possible to activate a new patch. +按**下一步**繼續啟動過程。 按**丟棄**丟棄當前修補版會話,並啟動新修補版。 -![Reading activation status](../images/medtrum/activation/ReadingActivationStatus.png) +![讀取啟動狀態](../images/medtrum/activation/ReadingActivationStatus.png) -The driver will try to determine the current status of the patch activation. If this was successful it will go into the activation progress at the current step. +驅動將嘗試確定當前的修補版啟動狀態。 如果成功,它將進入當前步驟的啟動進度。 -## Overview +## 首頁總覽 -The overview contains the current status of the Medtrum patch. It also contains buttons to change the patch, reset alarms and refresh the status. +總覽顯示了Medtrum修補版的當前狀態。 它還包含更換修補版、重置警報和重新整理狀態的按鈕。 -![Medtrum Overview](../images/medtrum/Overview.png) +![Medtrum總覽](../images/medtrum/Overview.png) -##### BLE Status: +##### 藍牙狀態: -This shows the current status of the Bluetooth connection to the pumpbase. +這顯示了當前與幫浦基座的藍牙連線狀態。 -##### Last connected: +##### 上次連線: -This shows the last time the pump was connected to AAPS. +這顯示了幫浦上次連線至AAPS的時間。 -##### Pump state: +##### 幫浦狀態: -This shows the current state of the pump. For example: - - ACTIVE : The pump is activated and running normally - - STOPPED: The patch is not activated +這顯示了幫浦的當前狀態。 例如: + - 啟動中:幫浦已啟動並正常運作 + - 停止:修補版未啟動 -##### Basal type: +##### 基礎率類型: -This shows the current basal type. +這顯示了當前的基礎率類型。 -##### Basal rate: +##### 基礎率: -This shows the current basal rate. +這顯示了當前的基礎率。 -##### Last bolus: +##### 上次注射: -This shows the last bolus that was delivered. +這顯示了上次輸送的注射量。 -##### Active bolus: +##### 當前注射: -This shows the active bolus that is currently being delivered. +這顯示了當前正在輸送的注射量。 -##### Active alarms: +##### 當前警報: -This shows any active alarms that are currently active. +這顯示了當前活動中的警報。 -##### Reservoir: +##### 儲液瓶: -This shows the current reservoir level. +這顯示了當前的儲液瓶液量。 -##### Battery: +##### 電池: -This shows the current battery voltage of the patch. +這顯示了修補版的當前電池電壓。 -##### Pump type: +##### 幫浦類型: -This shows the current pump type number. +這顯示了當前的幫浦類型編號。 -##### FW version: +##### 韌體版本: -This shows the current firmware version of the patch. +這顯示了修補版的當前韌體版本。 -##### Patch no: +##### 修補版編號: -This shows the sequence number of the activated patch. This number is incremented every time a new patch is activated. +這顯示了啟動的修補版序列號。 每次啟動新修補版時,這個號碼會遞增。 -##### Patch expires: +##### 修補版過期: -This shows the date and time when the patch will expire. +這顯示了修補版過期的日期和時間。 -##### Refresh: +##### 重新整理: -This button will refresh the status of the patch. +此按鈕將重新整理修補版的狀態。 -##### Change patch: +##### 更換修補版: -This button will start the process to change the patch. See [Activate patch](#activate-patch) for more information. +此按鈕將啟動更換修補版的過程。 請參閱[啟動修補版](#activate-patch)以獲取更多資訊。 -### Reset alarms +### 重置警報 -The alarm button will appear on the overview screen when there is an active alarm that can be reset. Pressing this button will reset the alarms and resume insulin delivery if the patch has been suspended due to the alarm. E.g. when suspended due to a maximum daily insulin delivery alarm. +當有可重置的警報時,警報按鈕將顯示在總覽畫面中。 按下此按鈕將重置警報,並在修補版因警報暫停時恢復胰島素輸送。 例如: 當因每天最大胰島素輸送量警報而暫停時。 -![Reset alarms](../images/medtrum/ResetAlarms.png) +![重置警報](../images/medtrum/ResetAlarms.png) -Press the **Reset Alarms** button to reset the alarms and resume normal operation. +按下**重置警報**按鈕以重置警報並恢復正常運作。 -## Troubleshooting +## 疑難排解 -### Connection issues +### 連線問題 -If you are experiencing connection timeouts or other connection issues: -- In Android application settings for AAPS: Set location permission to "Allow all the time". +如果您遇到連線逾時或其他連線問題: +- 在AAPS的Android應用程式設置中:將定位權限設置為「始終允許」。 -### Activation interrupted +### 啟動中斷 -If the activation process is interrupted for example by and empty phone battery or phone crash. The activation process can be resumed by going to the change patch screen and follow the steps to resume the activation as outlined here: [Resume interrupted activation](#resume-interrupted-activation) +如果啟動過程被中斷,例如手機電量耗盡或手機當機。 您可以前往更換修補版畫面,並按照[恢復中斷的啟動](#resume-interrupted-activation)中的步驟繼續啟動過程。 -### Preventing patch faults +### 防止修補版故障 -The patch can give a variety of errors. To prevent frequent errors: -- Make sure the pumpbase is properly seated in the patch and no gaps are visible. -- When filling the patch do not apply excessive force to the plunger. Do not try to fill the patch beyond the maximum that applies to your model. +修補版可能會出現多種錯誤。 為防止頻繁的錯誤: +- 確保幫浦基座正確安裝在修補版中,且沒有可見的間隙。 +- 填充修補版時,請勿對活塞施加過大的力量。 不要嘗試填充超過適用於您的型號的最大容量。 -## Where to get help +## 如何尋求協助 -All of the development work for the Medtrum driver is done by the community on a **volunteer** basis; we ask that you to remember that fact and use the following guidelines before requesting assistance: +所有Medtrum驅動的開發工作均由社群**志願者**完成;請記住這一點,並在請求協助之前,遵循以下指導原則: -- **Level 0:** Read the relevant section of this documentation to ensure you understand how the functionality with which you are experiencing difficulty is supposed to work. -- **Level 1:** If you are still encountering problems that you are not able to resolve by using this document, then please go to the *#Medtrum* channel on **Discord** by using [this invite link]( -- **Level 2:** Search existing issues to see if your issue has already been reported at [Issues]( if it exists, please confirm/comment/add information on your problem. If not, please create a [new issue]( and attach [your log files](../Usage/ -- **Be patient - most of the members of our community consist of good-natured volunteers, and solving issues often requires time and patience from both users and developers.** +- **等級 0:** 閱讀此文件的相關部分,以確保您了解遇到困難的功能應如何工作。 +- **第一層:**如果您仍遇到無法透過此文件解決的問題,請前往**Discord**上的*#Medtrum*頻道,使用[此邀請連結](。 +- **第二層:**搜尋現有問題,看看您的問題是否已在[問題頁面](中報告 如果存在,請確認/評論/添加您的問題資訊。 如果沒有,請建立[新問題](並附上您的[日誌檔案](../Usage/。 +- **保持耐心——我們社群中的大多數成員都是善良的志願者,解決問題通常需要使用者和開發者雙方的時間和耐心。** From 7a17206287ceae554c79cefffc2f03eb079aa0c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 306/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 465 +++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 253 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 50ee55317767..6efc2378a676 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,382 +1,423 @@ -# Introduction to APS and AAPS +# APS 和 AAPS 的介紹 -## What is an “Artificial Pancreas System”? +## 什麼是“人工胰臟系統”(Artificial Pancreas System)? -A human pancreas does a lot of things besides regulating blood sugar. However, the term **“Artificial Pancreas System” (APS)** usually refers to a system which works to automatically keep blood sugar levels within healthy limits. +人類的胰臟除了調節血糖外,還有許多其他功能。 然而,**” 人工胰臟系統” (APS)** 通常指的是一個能自動將血糖維持在健康範圍內的系統。 -The most basic way to do this is by detecting **glucose levels**, using these values to do **calculations**, and then delivering the (predicted) right amount of **insulin** to the body. It repeats the calculation, every few minutes, 24/7. It uses **alarms** and **alerts** to inform the user if intervention or attention is needed. This system is typically made up of a **glucose sensor**, an **insulin pump** and an **app** on a phone. +最基本的方式是透過檢測**血糖值**,使用這些資料進行**計算**,然後將預測的適當量的**胰島素**注入體內。 這個系統每隔幾分鐘會重複進行一次計算,全天候24/7運作。 它使用**警報**和**通知**來告知使用者是否需要介入或注意。 這個系統通常由一個**血糖傳感器**、一個**胰島素幫浦**以及手機上的一個**應用程式**組成。 -You can read more about the different artificial pancreas systems currently in use and in development in this 2022 review article: +你可以在這篇2022年的回顧文章中閱讀更多關於目前使用及開發中的各種人工胰臟系統: -![Frontiers](./images/FRONTIERS_Logo_Grey_RGB.png) [Future Directions in Closed-Loop Technology](,user%20input%20for%20mealtime%20boluses). +![前言](./images/FRONTIERS_Logo_Grey_RGB.png) [閉環技術的未來方向](,user%20input%20for%20mealtime%20boluses) -In the near future, some so-called "dual-hormone" systems will also have the ability to infuse glucagon alongside insulin, with the aim of preventing severe hypos and allowing even tighter blood glucose control. +在不久的將來,一些所謂的“雙激素”系統還將能夠同時注射胰高血糖素與胰島素,目的是預防嚴重的低血糖,並實現更嚴密的血糖控制。 -An artificial pancreas can be thought of as an [“autopilot for your diabetes”]( What does that mean? +人工胰臟被認為是[“糖尿病的自動駕駛”](。 那是什麼意思? -In an aircraft, an autopilot does not do the complete job of the human pilot, the pilot cannot sleep through the entire flight. The autopilot aids the work of the pilot. It relieves them of the burden of permanently monitoring the aircraft, allowing the pilot to concentrate on wider monitoring from time to time. The autopilot receives signals from various sensors, a computer evaluates them together with the pilot’s specifications and then makes the necessary adjustments, alerting the pilot to any concerns. The pilot no longer has to worry about constantly making decisions. +在飛機上,自動駕駛並不完全取代人類飛行員的工作,飛行員無法在整個飛行過程中睡覺。 自動駕駛輔助飛行員的工作。 它減輕了飛行員需要持續監控飛機的負擔,讓飛行員可以不時地進行更廣泛的監控。 自動駕駛從各種感測器接收訊號,計算機會與飛行員的指示一起評估這些訊號,然後進行必要的調整,並向飛行員發出任何問題的警告。 飛行員不再需要不斷做出決策。 -![image](./images/autopilot.png) +![圖片](./images/autopilot.png) -## What does hybrid closed loop mean? +## 什麼是混合閉環系統? -The best solution for type 1 diabetes would be a “functional cure” (probably an implant of pancreatic cells which are protected from the immune system). While we are waiting for that, a “full closed loop” artificial pancreas is probably the next best thing. This is a tech system that doesn’t need any user input (like bolusing insulin for meals, or announcing exercise), with good regulation of blood glucose levels. At the moment, there are no widely available systems which are “full” closed loop, they all need some user input. The currently available systems are called “hybrid” closed loop, because they use a combination of automated technology and user input. +對於1型糖尿病患者來說,最好的解決方案可能是“功能性治療”(可能是植入免疫系統無法攻擊的胰臟細胞)。 在我們等待這個解決方案的同時,一個“完全閉環”的人工胰臟系統可能是目前最接近的理想方案。 這是一種不需要任何使用者輸入(例如為進餐注射胰島素或通知運動)的技術系統,並能夠很好地調節血糖水平。 目前,尚無“完全”閉環系統廣泛上市,所有的系統都需要一些使用者輸入。 目前可用的系統稱為“混合”閉環系統,因為它們結合了自動技術與使用者輸入。 -## How and why did looping start? +## 為什麼循環控制系統會開始發展? -The development of commercial technology for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is very slow. In 2013 the T1D community founded the #WeAreNotWaiting movement. They developed systems themselves using existing approved technology (insulin pumps and sensors) to improve blood glucose control, safety, and quality of life. These are known as DIY (do-it-yourself) systems, because they are not formally approved by health bodies (FDA, NHS etc). There are four main DIY systems available: [OpenAPS](, **AAPS**, [Loop]( and [iAPS]( +為1型糖尿病患者開發商業技術的進度非常緩慢。 在2013年,1型糖尿病社群發起了#WeAreNotWaiting運動。 他們使用現有的認證技術(胰島素幫浦和感測器)自行開發系統,以改善血糖控制、安全性和生活品質。 這些系統被稱為DIY(自製)系統,因為它們並未經過正式的健康機構(如FDA、NHS等)的認證。 目前有四個主要的DIY系統可用:[OpenAPS](、**AAPS**、[Loop](和[iAPS](。 -A great way to understand the fundamentals of DIY looping is to read Dana Lewis’s book “Automated Insulin Delivery”. You can access it [here]( for free (or buy a hardcopy of the book). If you want to understand more about [OpenAPS](, which **AAPS** has developed from, the [OpenAPS website]( is a great resource. +理解DIY循環控制系統基本原理的絕佳方式是閱讀Dana Lewis的書《自動化胰島素輸送》。 你可以在[這裡](免費獲取該書的電子版(或購買該書的實體書)。 如果你想了解更多關於[OpenAPS](,**AAPS**就是從該系統發展而來的,[OpenAPS](網站是一個很好的資訊來源。 -Several commercial hybrid closed loop systems have been launched, the most recent of which are [CamAPS FX]( (UK and EU) and [Omnipod 5]( (USA and EU). These are very different to DIY systems, mainly because they both include a “learning algorithm” which adjusts how much insulin is delivered according to your insulin needs from previous days. Many people in the DIY community have already tried out these commercial systems and compared them with their DIY system. You can find out more about how the different systems compare by asking on the dedicated Facebook groups for these systems, on the [AAPS Facebook group]( or on [Discord]( +目前已經有幾個商業混合閉環系統問世,其中最新的是 [CamAPS FX](英國和歐盟)和 [Omnipod 5](美國和歐盟). 這些系統與DIY系統非常不同,主要是因為它們都包含一個“學習算法”,該算法根據你過去幾天的胰島素需求調整胰島素的輸送量。 許多DIY社群的成員已經嘗試過這些商業系統,並將它們與自己的DIY系統進行了比較。 你可以透過專門針對這些系統的Facebook群組進一步了解各系統之間的比較,參考 [AAPS Facebook群組]( 或在 [Discord]( 上詢問。 -## What is Android APS (AAPS)? +## 什麼是Android APS (AAPS)? -![image](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) +![圖片](./images/basic-outline-of-AAPS.png) -**Figure 1**. Basic outline of the Android APS (Artificial Pancreas System), AAPS. +**圖1**。 Android APS (人工胰臟系統,AAPS) 的基本概述。 -Android APS (**AAPS**) is a hybrid closed loop system, or Artificial Pancreas System (APS). It makes its insulin dosing calculations using established [OpenAPS]( algorithms (a set of rules) developed by the #WeAreNotWaiting type 1 diabetes community. +Android APS(**AAPS**)是一個混合閉環系統,或稱人工胰臟系統(APS)。 它使用 [OpenAPS]( 社群所開發的演算法(即一套規則)來進行胰島素劑量計算,這些演算法是由#WeAreNotWaiting的1型糖尿病社群所開發。 -Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (which can be used with a wider range of insulin pumps) was developed in 2016 by Milos Kozak, for a family member with type 1 diabetes. Since those early days, **AAPS** has been continually developed and refined by a team of volunteer computer developers and other enthusiasts who have a connection to the type 1 diabetes world. Today, **AAPS** is used by approximately 10,000 people. It is a highly customisable and versatile system, and because it is open-source, it is also readily compatible with many other open-source diabetes softwares and platforms. The fundamental components of the current **AAPS** system are outlined in **Figure 1** above. +由於OpenAPS只相容於某些較舊的胰島素幫浦,**AAPS**(可以搭配更多類型的胰島素幫浦使用)於2016年由Milos Kozak為其家族中的一位1型糖尿病患者開發。 自那時以來,**AAPS**一直由一群志願電腦開發者和對1型糖尿病有關聯的愛好者持續發展和改進。 今天,**AAPS** 大約已有10,000使用者。 它是一個高度可自訂且多功能的系統,並且由於它是開源的,因此也可以很容易地與許多其他開源的糖尿病軟體和平台相容。 當前**AAPS**系統的基本組成部分如上圖**圖1**所示。 -## What are the basic components of AAPS? +## AAPS 的基本組成部分是什麼? -The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible]( **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. +AAPS 的“核心”是一個你自己構建的**應用程式**。 這裡有詳細的步驟說明。 然後你可以將** AAPS** 應用程式安裝在[相容](的** Android 智慧型手機** (**1**) 上。 一些用戶更喜歡將環路運作在與主手機分開的手機上。 因此,您不必在日常生活中使用 Android 手機,只需用於運作您的 AAPS 環路即可。 -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**]( or [**Xdrip+**]( This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +**安卓智慧型手機**也需要安裝另一個應用程式,以及 **AAPS**。 這是一個修改過的 Dexcom 應用程式,稱為自建 Dexcom 應用程式[**BYODA**]( 或 [**Xdrip+**](。 這個附加應用程序透過藍牙從傳感器(**2**) 接收葡萄糖資料,然後將資料內部發送到手機上的 **AAPS 應用程序**。 -The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. +**AAPS 應用程式**使用來自 OpenAPS 的決策過程(**演算法**)。 初學者開始使用基本的 **oref0** 演算法,但隨著您在AAPS上的目標進度,可以切換到使用較新的 **oref1** 演算法。 你使用哪個演算法(oref0或oref1),取決於哪個最適合您的特定情況。 在兩種情況下,演算法考慮多個因素,每次從感測器傳入新讀數時進行快速計算。 演算法然後透過藍牙將指令發送到胰島素幫浦(**3**),指示其提供多少胰島素。 所有訊息可以透過手機資料或wifi發送到互聯網(**4**) 如果需要,這些資料也可以與追蹤者分享,並且/或收集用於分析。 -## What are the advantages of the AAPS system? +## AAPS系統的優勢是什麼? -The OpenAPS algorithm used by **AAPS** controls blood sugar levels in the absence of user input, according to the users’ defined parameters (important ones being basal rates, insulin sensitivity factors, insulin-to-carb ratios, duration of insulin activity etc.), reacting every 5 minutes to the new sensor data. Some of the reported advantages of using AAPS are extensive fine-tunable options, automations and increased transparency of the system for the patient/caregiver. This can result in better control over your (or your dependant’s) diabetes, which in turn may give improved quality of life and increased peace of mind. +**AAPS** 使用的 OpenAPS 算法在用戶未輸入的情况下控制血糖水平,根據定義的参數(重要的包括基礎速率、胰島素敏感因子、胰島素至碳水化合物比率、胰島素活性持續時間等),每 5分鐘對新的傳感器資料做出反應。 據報導,使用 AAPS 的一些優點包括廣泛的可調選項、自動化和增加患者/照護者對系統的透明度。 這可幫助更好地控制您(或您的扶養者) 的糖尿病,從而可能提高生活品質並增加內心的平靜。 -### **Specific advantages include:** +### **特定優勢包括:** -#### 1) Safety built-in -如需了解被称为 oref0 和 oref1 的算法的安全特性,[请点击此处](。 用户可控制自己的安全限制。 +#### 1) 內建安全 +要了解名為oref0和oref1的演算法的安全功能,[請按這裡](。 用戶掌控自己的安全限制。 -#### 1) **Hardware flexibility** +#### 1) **硬體彈性** -**AAPS** works with a wide range of insulin pumps and sensors. So for example, if you develop an allergy to Dexcom sensor patch glue, you could switch to using a Libre sensor instead. That offers flexibility as life changes. You don't have to rebuild or reinstall the **AAPS** app, just tick a different box in the app to change your hardware. AAPS is independent of particular pump drivers and also contains a "virtual pump" so users can safely experiment before using it on themselves. +**AAPS** 與各種胰島素幫浦和傳感器配合使用。 舉例來說,如果你對 Dexcom 感應器貼片膠過敏,你可以考慮改用 Libre 傳感器。 隨著生活變化,提供靈活性。 您不必重新構建或重新安裝**AAPS**應用程式,在應用程式中勾選另一個選項以更改您的硬體即可。 AAPS 獨立於特定的幫驅動程式,還包含一個"虛擬幫浦",因此用戶可以在使用之前進行安全實驗。 -#### 2) **Highly customisable, with wide parameters** +#### 2) **高度可定製化,具有廣泛的參數** -Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be used in both open and closed loop mode. Here are some examples of the possibilities with the **AAPS** system: +用戶可以輕鬆添加或移除模塊或功能,並且 **AAPS** 可以在開放和封閉環路模式下使用。 這裡有一些使用 **AAPS** 系統的可能性示例: - a) The ability to set a lower glucose target 30 min before eating; you can set the target as low as 72 mg/dL (4.0 mmol/L). + a) 在用餐前的30分鐘設定較低的葡萄糖目標;您可以將目標設定為低至72 mg/dL(4.0 mmol/L)。 - b) If you are insulin-resistant resulting in high blood sugars, **AAPS** allows you to set an **automation** rule to activate when BG rises above 8 mmol/L (144 mg/dL), switching to (for example) a 120% profile (resulting in an 20% increase in basal and strengthening of other factors too, compared to your normal **profile** setting). The automation will last according to the scheduled time you set. Such an automation could be set to only be active on certain days of the week, at certain times of day, and even at certain locations. + b) 如果您對胰島素有抗藥性,導致血糖偏高,**AAPS** 允許您設置一個 **自動化** 規則,當血糖升高至 8 mmol/L (144 mg/dL) 時啟動,切換到(例如)120% 的配置文件(與您正常 **設定檔** 相比,相當於基礎增加20%,並加強其他因素)。 自動化將根據您設定的時間持續生效。 此類自動化還可以設定為僅在特定星期幾、特定時間或甚至在特定位置啟動。 - c) If your child is on a trampoline with no advance notice, **AAPS** allows insulin suspension for a set time period, directly via the phone. + c) 如果您的孩子突然在蹦床上玩耍,**AAPS** 允許您直接透過手機暫停胰島素輸送,並設定特定的時間段。 - d) After reconnecting a tubed pump which has been disconnected for swimming, **AAPS** will calculate the basal insulin you have missed while disconnected and deliver it carefully, according to your current BG. Any insulin not required can be overridden by just “cancelling” the missed basal. + d) 當您重新連線因游泳而中斷的幫浦時,**AAPS** 會根據當前血糖計算您在中斷連線期間遺漏的基礎胰島素,並小心地補充。 不需要的胰島素可以透過“取消”遺漏的基礎率來忽略。 - e) **AAPS** has the facility for you to set different profiles for different situations and easily switch between them. For example, features which make the algorithm quicker to bring down elevated BG (like supermicro boluses (“**SMB**”), unannounced meals, (“**UAM**”) can be set to only work during the daytime, if you are worried about night-time hypos. + e) **AAPS** 提供設置不同情境下的不同設定檔的功能,並且能夠輕鬆切換。 例如,可以將更快速降低高血糖的功能(如超微量注射(**SMB**)、未預先宣布的餐前注射(**UAM**))設置為僅在白天啟用,以避免夜間低血糖的風險。 -These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. +這些都是一些範例,完整的功能範圍提供了極大的靈活性來應對日常生活中的各種狀況,包括運動、疾病、荷爾蒙周期、_其它_等。 最後,這些彈性功能該怎麼用,全看使用者自己決定,因為沒有一套通用的自動化規則適合每個人。 -#### 3) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +#### 3) **遠端監控** +有多種可能的監控渠道(如 Sugarmate、Dexcom Follow、Xdrip+、Android Auto 、_其它_等),這對於父母/照護者以及需要自定義警報的成人(如睡覺/駕駛時)特別有用。 在某些應用(如 Xdrip+)中,您還可以完全關閉警報,這在您不想讓新傳感器進行循環時(如傳感器尚未完全穩定)很有用。 -#### 4) **Remote control** -A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout]( or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. +#### 4) **遠端控制** +**AAPS** 相對於商業系統的一個重大優勢是,關注者可以透過認證的簡訊(SMS)指令或應用程式(如 [Nightscout]( 或 AAPSClient)向 **AAPS** 系統發送多種指令。 第1型糖尿病兒童的父母們廣泛使用AAPS。 例如,在遊樂場時,您可以透過自己的手機為孩子的點心提前注射,而孩子則繼續玩耍。 系統可透過不同裝置(_如_ Fitbit)進行監控,發送基本指令(_如_ Samsung Galaxy watch 4),甚至可以使用高階智慧型手錶(**5**(_如_ LEMFO LEM14)運作整個 AAPS 系統。 在這種情況下,您不需要使用手機運作AAPS。 隨著手錶的電池壽命提高和技術變得更加穩定,這最後一個選項可能會變得越來越具吸引力。 -#### 5) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [NightScout](, [Nightscout Reporter](, [Xdrip+](, [M5 stack]( etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +#### 5) **沒有商業限制,開放應用介面** +除了使用開源方法外,允許隨時查看**AAPS**的程式碼,提供開放編程界面的一般原則也讓其他開發人員有機會貢獻新想法。 **AAPS** 與 Nightscout 緊密整合。 這加快了發展,讓用戶可以添加功能,使得與糖尿病的生活更加方便。 這些整合的好例子包括[NightScout](,[Nightscout Reporter](,[Xdrip+](,[M5 stack](等等。 開源開發者與商業系統開發者之間的對話持續進行。 許多 DIY 創新逐漸被商業系統採用,儘管開發速度較慢,這在一定程度上是因為不同公司的系統(如幫浦、應用程式、傳感器等)之間的介面需要謹慎協商和授權。 這也可能減緩創新,這些創新對患者(或一小部分特定需求的患者)很方便,因為這些創新無法帶來顯著的利潤。 -#### 6) **Detailed app interface** -With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. +#### 6) **詳細應用程式介面** +透過 **AAPS**,您可以輕鬆追蹤幫浦胰島素水平、套管使用時間、傳感器時間、幫浦電池時間、活性胰島素量_等等_。 許多操作可以直接在 **AAPS** 應用中完成(如幫浦注射、幫浦中斷等),無需在幫浦本身上操作,這樣幫浦可以一直放在您的口袋或腰帶上。 -#### 7) **Accessibility and affordability** -**AAPS** gives people who currently can’t afford to self-fund, or don’t have funding/insurance, access to a world-class hybrid closed looping system which is conceptually years ahead, in terms of development, of the commercial systems. You currently need to have a Nightscout account to set up **AAPS**, although the Nightscout account is not required for day-to-day running of the **AAPS** loop. Many people continue to use Nightscout for collecting their data, and for remote control. Although **AAPS** itself is free, setting up Nightscout through one of the various platforms may incur a fee (€0 - €12), depending on what level of support you want (see comparison table) and whether you want to keep using Nightscout after setup or not. **AAPS** works with a wide range of affordable (starting from approx €150) Android phones. Different versions are available for specific locations and languages, and AAPS can also be used by people who are [blind](Safety-first-aaps-can-also-be-used-by-blind-people). +#### 7) **取得方式的便利性與負擔能力** +**AAPS**為那些目前無法自費或沒有經費/保險的人提供了一個世界級的混合閉環系統,其開發概念比市售系統領先了數年。 目前你需要擁有Nightscout帳號才能設置**AAPS**,但Nightscout帳號並不是每天運作 **AAPS**循環所必須的。 許多人繼續使用Nightscout來收集資料並進行遠端控制。 雖然**AAPS**本身是免費的,但透過不同的平台設置Nightscout可能會產生費用(新台幣$0 -$425),這取決於你需要的支援程度以及你是否要在設置後繼續使用Nightscout(請參閱比較表)。 **AAPS**支援多種價格實惠(大約從新台幣$5,000元起)的Android手機。 不同版本適用於特定地區和語言,AAPS還可以供[視障人士](Safety-first-aaps-can-also-be-used-by-blind-people)使用。 -#### 8) **Support** -No automated insulin delivery system is perfect. Commercial and open-source systems share many common glitches in both communications and temporary hardware failure. There is support available from community of AAPS users on Facebook, Discord and Github who designed, developed and are currently using **AAPS**, all over the world. There are also Facebook support groups and help from clinic/commercial companies for the commercial APS systems - it is worth speaking to the users, or former users of these systems to get feedback on the common glitches, the quality of the education programme and the level of ongoing support provided. +#### 8) **支援** +沒有任何自動胰島素輸送系統是完美的。 市售和開源系統在通訊和臨時硬體故障方面存在許多共同的問題。 AAPS用戶社群在Facebook、Discord和Github上提供支援,這些人遍佈世界各地,設計並開發了**AAPS**並且也同時在使用它。 市售APS系統還有Facebook支援群組,並可以從診所或商業公司獲得幫助——值得與這些系統的用戶或前用戶交流,了解常見問題、教育計劃的品質以及提供的持續支援。 -#### 9) **Predictability, transparency and safety** -**AAPS** is totally transparent, logical and predictable, which may make it easier to know when a setting is wrong, and to adjust it accordingly. You can see exactly what the system is doing, why it is doing it, and set its operational limits, which puts the control (and responsibility) in your hands. This can provide the user with confidence, and a sounder sleep. +#### 9) **可預測性、透明性和安全性** +**AAPS** 完全透明、邏輯清晰且可預測,這可能會使您更容易知道何時設置出錯,並相應地進行調整。 你可以完全看到系統在做什麼、為什麼這樣做,以及設置其運作限制,這使得控制權(和責任)掌握在你手中。 這可以讓用戶感到更有信心,並能擁有更好的睡眠質量。 -#### 10) **Access to advanced features through development (dev) modes including full closed loop** -This **AAPS** documentation focuses on the mainstream **“master”** branch of **AAPS**. However, research and development is going on all the time. More experienced users may wish to explore the experimental features in the **development** branch. This includes integration of Dexcom G7, and automatically adjusting insulin delivery according to short-term sensitivity changes (DYNISF). The development innovations focus on strategies for full closed looping (not having to bolus for meals _etc._), and generally trying to make life with type 1 diabetes as convenient as possible. +#### 10) **透過開發(dev)模式查看高級功能,包括完全閉環** +這份**AAPS** 文件主要集中於**“master”**分支的主流版本。 然而,研究和開發始終在進行中。 更有經驗的用戶可能希望探索**開發**分支中的實驗性功能。 這包括Dexcom G7的整合,以及根據短期敏感度變化(DYNISF)自動調整胰島素輸送的功能。 開發創新主要集中於完全閉環的策略(不必為用餐注射_其它_等胰島素),並一般地努力使1型糖尿病患者的生活變得更方便。 -#### 11) **Ability to contribute yourself to further improvements** -Type 1 diabetes can be highly frustrating and isolating. Having control over your own diabetes tech, with the possibility to “pay it forward” as soon as you are making progress by helping others on their journey can be really rewarding. You can educate yourself, discover the roadblocks and look for, and even contribute, to new developments and the documentation. There will be others in the community with the same quest that you can bounce ideas off and work with. This is the essence of #WeAreNotWaiting. +#### 11) **貢獻自己以促進進一步改進的能力** +第1型糖尿病可能會讓人感到非常沮喪和孤立。 掌控自己的糖尿病技術,並且在取得進展後幫助他人,這可以帶來極大的成就感。 你可以自我學習,發現障礙,尋求解決方案,甚至為新的開發和文件貢獻力量。 社群中有與你有相同目標的人可以與你交換想法並合作。 這就是 #WeAreNotWaiting 的核心精神。 -## How does AAPS compare to MDI and open looping? +## AAPS 與 MDI 和開環系統相比如何? -Multiple daily injections (MDI, (a) in **Figure 2** below) usually involve giving an injection of a long-lasting insulin (_e.g._ Tresiba) once a day, with injections of faster-acting insulin (_e.g._ Novorapid, Fiasp) at mealtimes, or for corrections. Open pumping (b) involves using a pump to deliver basal at pre-programmed rates of rapid-acting insulin, and then boluses through the pump at mealtimes or for corrections. The basics of a looping system are that the looping app uses the sensor glucose data to instruct the pump to stop insulin delivery when it predicts you are heading for a low, and to give you extra insulin if your glucose levels are rising and predicted to go too high (c). Although this figure is oversimplified compared to real-life, it aims to demonstrate the key differences of the approaches. It is possible to achieve exceptionally good glucose control with any of these three approaches. +每日多次注射(MDI,見下方**圖2** (a))通常包括每天注射一次長效胰島素(例如Tresiba),並在用餐時間或進行矯正時注射快速作用的胰島素(例如Novorapid、Fiasp)。 開環幫浦(b)使用幫浦以預編程的速率輸送快速作用胰島素作為基礎率,然後在用餐或進行矯正時透過幫浦進行注射。 閉環系統的基本原理是,應用程式使用傳感器的血糖資料來指導幫浦在預測低血糖時停止胰島素輸送,並在血糖上升且預測過高時提供額外的胰島素(c)。 雖然這個圖表與現實生活相比有所簡化,但它旨在展示這些方法的關鍵區別。 使用這三種方法中的任何一種都可以實現出色的血糖控制。 -![21-06-23 AAPS glucose MDI etc](./images/basic-overview-mdi-open-and-closed-loop.png) +![21-06-23 AAPS 血糖 MDI 等等](./images/basic-overview-mdi-open-and-closed-loop.png) -**Figure 2**. Basic overview of (a) MDI, (b) open-loop pumping and (c) hybrid closed loop pumping. +**圖2**。 簡單概述了(a)MDI,(b)開環幫浦和(c)混合閉環幫浦。 -## How does AAPS compare to other looping systems? +## AAPS與其他閉環系統相比如何? -As of June 25 2023, there are four major open source closed loop systems available: [OpenAPS](, **AAPS**, [Loop]( and [iAPS](, (formerly FreeAPS X). The features of the different systems are shown in the table below: +截至2023年6月25日,共有四大主要開源閉環系統:[OpenAPS](,**AAPS**,[Loop](和[iAPS](前身為FreeAPS X)。 下表顯示了不同系統的特性: -The features of the different systems are shown in the table below: +下表顯示了不同系統的特性: -| Devicestype | Name | [AAPS]( | [Loop]( | [Open APS]( | [iAPS]( | -| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -| Phone | Android | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| Phone | iPhone | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| Rig | tiny computer (1) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Dana I](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Dana RS](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Dana R](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Omnipod (Dash)](../Configuration/ (2) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| PUMP | [Omnipod (Eros)](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| PUMP | [Diaconn G8](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [EOPatch 2](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Medtrum TouchCare Nano](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Medtrum TouchCare 300U](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Roche Combo](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [Roche Insight](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| PUMP | [老版美敦力(Medtronic)](../Configuration/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom One](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Libre 3](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | -| CGM | [Libre 2](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Libre 1](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Eversense](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [MM640g/MM630g](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [PocTech](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![unavailable](./images/unavailable.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | -| CGM | [Nightscout as BG Source](../Hardware/ | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | ![available](./images/available.png) | +| 設備類型 | 名稱 | [AAPS]( | [循環]( | [Open APS]( | [iAPS]( | +| ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | +| 手機 | Android | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 手機 | iPhone | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| 設備 | 微型電腦 (1) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Dana I](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Dana RS](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Dana R](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Omnipod (Dash)](../Configuration/ (2) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Omnipod (Eros)](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Diaconn G8](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [EOPatch 2](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Medtrum TouchCare Nano](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Medtrum TouchCare 300U](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Roche Combo](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [Roche Insight](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| 幫浦 | [舊款美敦力](../Configuration/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G7](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom One](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G6](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G5](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Dexcom G4](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Libre 3](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | +| CGM | [Libre 2](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Libre 1](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Eversense](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [MM640g/MM630g](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [PocTech](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![不可用](./images/unavailable.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | +| CGM | [Nightscout 作為血糖來源](../Hardware/ | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | ![可用](./images/available.png) | -_Table notes:_ -1. A **rig** is a small computer which you carry around with you, without a monitor. One supported device type is Intel Edison + Explorer Board and the other Raspberry Pi + Explorer HAT or Adafruit RFM69HCW Bonnet. The first APS were based on this setup, as mobile phones were not capable of running the required algorithms. Use of these systems has declined, as the setup on mobile phones has become easier, and phones have a display included. Intel has also stopped selling the Intel Edison. The excellent OpenAPS algorithms **oref0** and **oref1** are now incorporated in AAPS and iAPS. -2. Omnipod Dash is the successor of Omnipod Eros. It supports bluetooth communication and does not need a rig gateway to communicate between the Omnipod and mobile phone. If you have a choice, we recommend use of the Dash instead of Eros. +_表格說明:_ +1. 一個 **設備** 是一個隨身攜帶的小型電腦,沒有顯示螢幕。 支援的設備類型包括Intel Edison + Explorer Board,另一種是Raspberry Pi + Explorer HAT或Adafruit RFM69HCW Bonnet。 最早的APS系統基於這樣的設置,因為當時的手機無法運作所需的演算法。 隨著手機設置變得更簡單,並且手機內建顯示螢幕,這些系統的使用已經減少。 Intel也已經停止銷售Intel Edison。 優秀的OpenAPS演算法**oref0**和 **oref1**現在已經被整合到AAPS和iAPS中。 +2. Omnipod Dash是Omnipod Eros的後繼者。 它支援藍牙通訊,並且不需要設備作為Omnipod與手機之間的通訊閘道。 如果你可以選擇,我們建議使用Dash而不是Eros。 -An international peer-reviewed consensus statement containing practical guidance on open source looping was written by and for health-care professionals, and published in a leading medical journal in 2022: [_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, 2022; 10: 58–74]( It is well worth a read (including for your diabetes clinic) and summarises the main technical differences between the different open-source hybrid closed loop systems. +2022年發表了一篇由醫療專業人士撰寫的國際同行評審共識聲明,其中包含了關於開源閉環系統的實用指南,發表於一家領先的醫學期刊:[_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, 2022; 10: 58–74](。 這篇文章非常值得閱讀(包括你的糖尿病診所),並總結了不同開源混合閉環系統之間的主要技術差異。 -It is hard to get a “feel” for any system without using it, or talking to others who are using it, so do reach out to others on Facebook/Discord and ask. Most people find that **AAPS** is incredibly sophisticated in comparison to other hybrid closed loop systems (particularly the commercial systems), with a huge number of potentially customisable settings and features, discussed above. Some people can find this a little overwhelming in the beginning, but there is no rush to investigate all the possibilities at once, you can progress as slowly or as fast as you would like, and there is help available at every step of the way. +很難在沒有實際使用系統或與其他使用者交流的情況下對任何系統有真實的感受,因此,建議您可以透過 Facebook 或 Discord 等平台與其他使用者聯繫並詢問他們的經驗。 大多數人發現,與其他混合閉環系統(尤其是市售系統)相比,**AAPS**極其先進,擁有大量可自定義的設置和功能,如上所述。 一些人在開始時可能會覺得有些難以應付,但不必急於一次探究所有可能性,你可以根據自己的步伐逐步進行,並且在每一步都有支援可用。 -## Does AAPS use artificial intelligence or any learning algorithm? +## AAPS是否使用人工智慧或任何學習演算法? -The current master version of **AAPS** ( does not have any machine learning algorithms, multiple-parameter insulin response models, or artificial intelligence. As such, the system is open and transparent in how it works, and has the ability to be understood not just by experts, but also by clinicians and patients. It also means that if you have a sharply varying schedule (maybe switching from a stressful week at work to a relaxing holiday) and are likely to need a significantly different amount of insulin, you can immediately switch **AAPS** to run a weaker/stronger customised profile. A ‘learning system’ will do this adjustment for you automatically, but is likely to take longer to adjust the insulin delivery. +目前**AAPS**的master版本(不包含任何機器學習演算法、多參數胰島素反應模型或人工智慧。 因此,該系統是開放且透明的,操作方式可以被非專家以及臨床醫生和患者理解。 這也意味著,如果你的日程變化劇烈(例如從一個緊張的工作週切換到一個輕鬆的假期),並且可能需要顯著不同的胰島素劑量,你可以立即切換**AAPS**來運作較弱/較強的自定義配置檔案。 ‘學習系統’會自動為你進行這種調整,但可能需要更長的時間來調整胰島素的輸送。 -## Which system is right for me or my dependant? +## 哪個系統適合我或我的受扶養人? -Practically, your choice of system is often restricted by which pump you already have, or can obtain from your medical provider, and your choice of phone (Apple or Android). If you don’t yet have a pump you have the biggest choice of systems. Technology is continually evolving, pumps are being discontinued and new pumps and sensors are being released. Most open-source systems work with the main sensors (Libre and Dexcom) or are quickly adapted to work with new sensors a year or so after they are released (with a bit of time delay for safety and stability testing). +實際上,你的系統選擇通常受限於你已有的幫浦,或你能從醫療提供者那裡獲得的幫浦,以及你選擇的手機(Apple或Android)。 如果你還沒有幫浦,你有最大的系統選擇。 技術不斷進步,幫浦被逐漸淘汰,並且有新的幫浦和傳感器推出。 大多數開源系統可與主要的傳感器(Libre和Dexcom)配合使用,或在傳感器推出約一年後迅速適應新傳感器(經過一段時間的安全性和穩定性測試)。 -Most **AAPS** users report more time in range, HbA1c reductions, as well as quality of life improvements from having a system that can auto-adjust basal rates overnight during sleep, and this is true for most hybrid closed loop systems. Some people have a preference for a very simple system which is not very customisable (which means you may prefer a commercial system), and others find this lack of control very frustrating (you may prefer an open-source system). If you (or your dependant) are newly diagnosed, a common route is to get used to using MDI plus a glucose sensor first, then progress to a pump which has the potential for looping, then progress to **AAPS**, but some people (especially small kids) may go straight to a pump. +大多數**AAPS**用戶報告在使用系統後有更多的時間保持在正常範圍內,HbA1c下降,以及夜間系統自動調整基礎率時,睡眠質量提高,這在大多數混合閉環系統中也是如此。 有些人偏好非常簡單的系統,這些系統不具有可自定義功能(這意味著你可能會更喜歡市售系統),而另一些人則發現這種缺乏控制令人沮喪(你可能更喜歡開源系統)。 如果你(或你的受扶養人)是新診斷的,常見的路線是先習慣使用MDI加上葡萄糖傳感器,然後進一步使用具有閉環潛力的幫浦,最後再進一步使用**AAPS**,但有些人(特別是小孩)可能會直接使用幫浦。 -It is important to note that the **AAPS** user needs to be proactive to troubleshoot and fix problems themselves, with help from the community. This is a very different mindset to that when using a commercial system. With **AAPS** a user has more control, but also the responsibility, and needs to be comfortable with that. +值得注意的是,**AAPS**用戶需要主動解決問題,並在社群的幫助下自行修復問題。 這與使用市售系統的心態完全不同。 使用**AAPS**的用戶擁有更多的控制權,但也需要承擔更多的責任,並且需要對此感到舒適。 -## Is it safe to use open-source systems like AAPS? +## 使用像AAPS這樣的開源系統是否安全? -### Safety of the AAPS system -A more accurate question is probably “is it safe **compared** with my current insulin delivery system?” since no method of insulin delivery is without risk. There are many checks and balances in place with **AAPS**. A recent [paper]( looked at the use of **AAPS** in a computer simulated set-up, which was an effective way to unobjectively trial how safe and effective the system is. More generally, it is estimated that over 10,000 individuals worldwide are using open-source automated-insulin delivery systems, and uptake continues to increase globally. +### AAPS系統的安全性 +一個更準確的問題可能是「與我目前的胰島素輸送系統相比,它是否安全」,因為任何胰島素輸送方法都不是完全無風險的。 **AAPS**系統中有許多檢查和平衡機制。 最近一篇 -Any device that uses radio communications could be hacked, and this is true for a non-looping insulin pump as well. Currently, we are not aware of anyone attempting to harm individuals by hacking their diabetes-related medical equipment. However, there are multiple ways to protect against such risks: +文章<0>探討了在電腦模擬環境中使用**AAPS**,這是一種以有效、客觀的的方式測試系統的安全性和效能。 更普遍來說,據估計全球有超過10,000人正在使用開源自動胰島素輸送系統,並且全球範圍內的使用人數還在不斷增加。

-1. In the pump settings, limit both the max bolus allowed and max temporary basal settings to amounts that you believe are safest. These are hard limits that we do not believe any malicious hacker could circumvent. +任何使用無線通訊的設備都有可能被駭客入侵,這對非閉環的胰島素幫浦也是如此。 目前,我們尚未聽說有人試圖透過駭入糖尿病相關的醫療設備來傷害他人。 然而,有多種方法可以防範此類風險: -2. Set your CGM alarms enabled for both highs and lows. +1. 在幫浦設置中,將最大注射量和臨時基礎率限制在你認為最安全的範圍內。 這些都是我們認為任何惡意駭客都無法繞過的硬限制。 -3. Monitor your insulin delivery online. Nightscout users can set additional alarms to alert for a wide variety of conditions, including conditions that are much more likely to occur than a malicious attack. In addition to highs and lows, Nightscout can display diagnostic data useful for verifying that the pump is operating as desired, including current IOB, pump temporary basal history, pump bolus history. It can also be configured to proactively alert users to undesirable conditions, such as predicted highs and lows, low insulin reservoir, and low pump battery. +2. 設置你的CGM警報,針對高低血糖啟用警報功能。 -If a malicious attack was made on your insulin pump, these strategies would significantly mitigate the risk. Every potential **AAPS** user needs to weigh the risks associated with using **AAPS**, versus the risks of using a different system. +3. 線上監控你的胰島素輸送。 Nightscout用戶可以設置額外的警報,針對多種情況發出警示,這些情況比惡意攻擊更有可能發生。 除了高低血糖警報之外,Nightscout還可以顯示診斷資料,用來確認幫浦是否按照預期運作,包括當前的IOB、幫浦臨時基礎率歷史、幫浦注射歷史等。 它還可以被配置為主動警告用戶不希望發生的情況,例如預測的高低血糖、胰島素儲量不足以及幫浦電池電量低。 -#### Safety considerations around improving blood glucose control too fast +如果有人對你的胰島素幫浦發動惡意攻擊,這些策略將大大減少風險。 每位潛在的**AAPS** 用戶都需要權衡使用**AAPS**所涉及的風險,與使用其他系統的風險進行比較。 -A rapid reduction in HbA1c and improved blood glucose control sounds appealing. However, reducing average blood glucose levels _too fast_ by starting any closed loop system can cause permanent damage, including to the eyes, and painful neuropathy that never goes away. This damage can be avoided simply by reducing levels more slowly. If you currently have an elevated HbA1c and are moving to AAPS (or any other closed loop system), please discuss this potential risk with your clinical team before starting, and agree a timeplan with them. More general information on how to reduce your glucose levels safely, including links to medical literature is given in the [safety section [here](preparing-safety-first). -#### Medical safety around devices, consumable supplies and other medications -Use a tested, fully functioning FDA or CE approved insulin pump and CGM for an artificial pancreas loop. Hardware or software modifications to these components can cause unexpected insulin dosing, causing significant risk to the user. If you find or get offered broken, modified or self-made insulin pumps or CGM receivers, do not use these for creating an AAPS system. +#### 關於過快改善血糖控制的安全考量 -Use original supplies such as inserters, cannulas and insulin containers approved by the manufacturer of your pump and CGM. Using untested or modified supplies can cause CGM inaccuracy and insulin dosing errors. Insulin is highly dangerous when misdosed - please do not play with your life by hacking your supplies. +迅速降低HbA1c並改善血糖控制聽起來很吸引人。 然而,透過開始任何閉環系統過快降低平均血糖水平可能會導致永久損害,包括眼睛損傷,以及不可逆的疼痛性神經病變。 只要緩慢降低血糖水平,就可以避免這些損害。 如果你目前的HbA1c偏高,並且正在轉向使用AAPS(或其他閉環系統),請在開始之前與你的臨床團隊討論這個潛在風險,並與他們協商一個時間表。 關於如何安全降低血糖水平的更多資訊,包括與醫學文獻的連結,可以在安全部分[這裡](preparing-safety-first)中找到。 -Do not take SGLT-2 inhibitors (gliflozins) when using **AAPS** as they incalculably lower blood sugar levels. Combining this effect with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is dangerous, there is more detail about this in the main [safety section](preparing-safety-first). + + +#### 關於設備、耗材和其他藥物的醫療安全 + +使用經過測試、功能完善的FDA或CE認證的胰島素幫浦和CGM來建立人工胰臟閉環系統。 對這些組件進行硬體或軟體修改可能會導致胰島素劑量異常,對使用者造成重大風險。 如果你發現或被提供損壞、改裝或自製的胰島素幫浦或CGM接收器,請不要將其用於建立AAPS系統。 + +請使用幫浦和CGM製造商批准的原裝耗材,如插入器、導管和胰島素容器。 使用未經測試或修改的耗材可能會導致 CGM 不準確和胰島素劑量錯誤。 胰島素劑量錯誤非常危險——請不要拿自己的生命開玩笑,隨便修改耗材。 + +在使用 **AAPS**時,請不要服用SGLT-2抑制劑(格列酮類藥物),因為它們會無法預測地降低血糖水平。 將這種效果與降低基礎率以增加血糖的系統結合使用是危險的,詳細訊息可參閱主安全部分[這裡](preparing-safety-first)。 (introduction-how-can-i-approach-discussing-aaps-with-my-clinical-team)= -## How can I approach discussing AAPS with my clinical team? -Users are encouraged to speak with their clinicians about their intention to use **AAPS**. Please do not be afraid to have an honest conversation with your diabetes team if you intend to use **AAPS** (or any other DIY loop, for that matter). Transparency and trust between patient and doctor is paramount. -### Suggested approach: -Start a conversation with your clinician to determine their familiarity and attitude towards diabetic technology such as CGMs, pumps, hybrid loops and commercial looping. Your clinician/endocrinologist should be aware of the basic technology and be willing to discuss with you recent advancements with commercial loop products available within their regions. +## 我該如何與我的臨床團隊討論AAPS? + +建議用戶與其臨床醫生討論使用**AAPS** 的想法。 如果你打算使用**AAPS** (或其他DIY閉環系統),請不要害怕與你的糖尿病團隊進行坦誠的對話。 患者與醫生之間的透明度和信任非常重要。 + + + +### 建議的方法: + +與你的臨床醫生開始對話,了解他們對糖尿病技術(如CGM、幫浦、混合閉環系統和市售閉環系統)的熟悉程度和態度。 你的臨床醫生/內分泌專家應該了解基本技術,並願意與你討論其地區內市售閉環產品的最新進展。 + + + +#### 當地先例 + +了解你的臨床醫生/內分泌專家對DIY閉環系統與市售閉環系統的看法,並評估他們在這方面的知識。 他們是否熟悉**AAPS** ,並且能否與你分享他們與使用DIY閉環系統患者的工作經驗? + +詢問你的醫療團隊是否有任何患者已經在他們的照護下使用DIY閉環系統。 由於患者隱私,醫生無法在未經個人同意的情況下將其他患者的資料告訴你。 但是,如果你希望,**AAPS** 請他們將你的聯繫資料傳遞給現有的DIY閉環系統用戶,如果有合適的人選,醫生認為你們可能會合得來,建議該患者可以聯繫你來討論DIY閉環系統。 臨床醫生並非有義務這樣做,但有些醫生樂意這麼做,因為他們意識到點對點支援在1型糖尿病管理中的重要性。 你可能還會覺得與當地的DIY閉環系統用戶見面很有幫助。 當然,這完全取決於你自己,也不是必須的。 + + + +#### 國內和國際先例 + +如果你覺得你的醫療團隊不支援你使用**AAPS** ,以下討論點可能會有幫助: + +a) **AAPS** 系統是由患者及其看護者設計的。 它的設計最終是為了安全,同時也借鑒了深入的患者經驗。 目前全球大約有**10,000**位AAPS用戶。 因此,你的診所患者群體中很可能有其他使用DIY閉環系統的患者(無論他們是否了解)。 -#### Local precedent +b) 最近發表於國際領先醫學期刊[The Lancet]( 的同行評審指導確認,DIY閉環系統**安全**且**有效改善糖尿病控制**,包括增加血糖範圍內的時間。 在領先期刊如[Nature]( _(3)_ 也經常刊登文章,強調DIY閉環社群的進展。 -Obtain your clinicians/endocrinologists’ views on DIY loop _vs_ commercial looping, and gauge their knowledge in this area. Are they familiar with **AAPS** and can they share with you any helpful experience of working with patients with DIY looping? +c) 使用 **AAPS** 需 _一步步_ 的使用,從“開環”幫浦開始,經過低血糖暫停功能,再進入混合“閉環”模式,這一過程需要完成一些目標。 因此有一個結構化的計劃,要求用戶在每個階段展示一定的能力,並微調他們的基礎設置(基礎率、ISF和ICR),然後才能關閉閉環。 -Ask if your team has any patients under their care who already use DIY looping. Due to patient confidentiality, doctors cannot pass other patient’s details to you without obtaining the individual’s consent. However, if you want to, you **can** ask them to pass **your** contact details to an existing DIY looping patient if there is one the clinician feels you might "click” with, suggesting that you would be happy for the patient to contact you to discuss DIY looping. Clinicians are not obliged to do this, but some are happy to, since they realise the importance of peer-to-peer support in type 1 diabetes management. You may also find it useful to meet local friendly DIY loopers. This is of course up to you, and not entirely necessary. +d) 你可以從Github、Discord和Facebook封閉群組的DIY社群獲得技術支援。 -#### National and International Precedent +e) 在診所會議中,你將能提供**CGM和胰島素閉環/幫浦資訊**的綜合報告(透過Nightscout或Tidepool),無論是列印出來還是顯示在螢幕上(如果你攜帶筆記型電腦或平板電腦)。 CGM和胰島素資料的整合將更有效地利用臨床醫生的時間來審查你的報告,並有助於他們在評估你的進展時進行討論。 -If you feel unsupported by your team to loop with **AAPS**, the following discussion points may help: +f) 如果你的醫療團隊仍然強烈反對,請將本文中提到的參考文章的列印件交給你的臨床醫生,並將鏈接提供給 **AAPS**臨床醫生部分:臨床醫生 – **AAPS<0>的一般介紹和指南

-a) The **AAPS** system has been designed BY patients and their caregivers. It has been designed ultimately for safety, but also drawing on in-depth patient experience. There are currently around **10,000** AAPS users worldwide. There is therefore likely to be other patients using DIY looping in your clinic's patient population (whether they know about it or not). -b) Recent peer-reviewed published guidance in the internationally leading medical journal [The Lancet]( has confirmed that DIY loops are **safe** and **effective at improving diabetic control**, including time in range. There are regular articles in leading journals like [Nature]( which highlight the progress of the DIY looping commmunity. -c) Starting with **AAPS** involves a _gradual_ migration from “open” loop pumping, through low-glucose suspend, through to hybrid “closed” looping, by completing a number of objectives. There is therefore a structured programme, requiring the user to demonstrate a level of competence at each stage and fine-tuning their basic settings (basal, ISF and ICR) before they can close the loop. +#### 其他臨床醫生對DIY閉環系統的支援 -d) Technical support is available to you from the DIY community through Github, Discord and Facebook closed groups. +發表於[Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology]( (_1_) [由Kings’和Guy’s以及St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust共同領導,並由倫敦King’s榮譽高級講師兼顧問糖尿病專家Sufyan Hussain博士共同領導] 的文章提供了: -e) You will be able to provide **both CGM and insulin looping/pumping information** as combined reports at clinic meetings (through Nightscout or Tidepool), either printed out or on-screen (if you bring a laptop/tablet). The streamlining of both CGM and insulin data will allow more effective use of your clinician’s time to review your reports and aid their discussions in assessing your progress. +a) 向專業人士提供關於DIY人工胰臟系統/開源系統的**保證**;,即這是一種安全且有效的第1型糖尿病治療選擇,並提供了建議、討論、支援和文件指導; -f) If there is still strong objection from your team, hand your clinician printouts of the reference articles linked here in the text, and give them the link to the **AAPS** clinicians section: [For Clinicians – A General Introduction and Guide to **AAPS**](Resources/ +b) 認識到開源自動胰島素輸送(AID)系統可以增加血糖範圍內的時間(TIR),同時減少血糖濃度的波動以及各年齡段、性別和社群中的低血糖和高血糖事件的發生次數; -#### Support for DIY looping by other clinicians +c) **建議**醫護人員應該**支援**選擇使用開源AID系統來管理其糖尿病的1型糖尿病患者或他們的照護者; -The paper published in the [Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology]([ (co led by Kings’ and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, and co lead by Dr Sufyan Hussain, a consultant diabetologist and honorary senior lecturer from King’s in London) provides: +d) 建議醫護人員應努力了解可能對患者有益的所有治療選擇,包括可用的開源AID系統。 如果醫護人員沒有資源來自我教育,或者有法律或監管方面的擔憂,他們應考慮**與其他醫護人員合作或組隊**,以便提供幫助; -a) **Assurance** for professionals that DIY artificial pancreas systems/ open source as a “safe and effective treatment” option for type 1 diabetes and provides guidance on recommendations, discussions, supports, documentation; +e) 強調所有CGM用戶應該隨時擁有**即時且開放的健康資料讀取權限** -b) **Recognition** that open-source automated insulin delivery (“AID”) systems can increase time in range (TIR) while reducing variability in blood glucose concentrations and the amount of hypo and hyperglycaemic episodes in various age groups, genders and communities; +f) 強調這些開源系統沒有經過與市售醫療技術相同的監管評估,且沒有商業技術支援。 然而,**廣泛的社群支援**可用; -c) **Recommendation** that healthcare workers should **support** type 1 patients or their caregivers who choose to manage their diabetes with an open source AID system; +g) 建議更新監管和法律框架,以確保針對這類開源系統的倫理和有效治療有明確規範。 -d) Recommendation that healthcare workers should attempt to learn about all treatment options that might benefit patients including available open-source AID systems. If health care professionals do not have resources to educate themselves, or have legal or regulatory concerns, they should consider **cooperating, or teaming up with other healthcare professionals** who do; +另一篇發表於[Medical Law International2021年]( (_4_) 的文章也強調了英國普通醫務委員會的‘同意指導’,該指導強調醫生與患者共同決策的重要性。 醫生應向患者解釋DIY AID系統的潛在益處、風險、負擔和副作用,並可以推薦某個選項,而不給患者施加壓力。 -e) Emphasis that all users of CGMs should have real-time and open-access to **their own health data** at all times +Ultimately it is up to the patient to weigh up these factors, along with any non-clinical issues relevant to them and decide which treatment option, if any, to accept. -f) Emphasis that these open source systems have not undergone the same regulatory evaluations as commercially available medical technologies, and there is no commercial technical support. However, **extensive community support is available**; and +如果醫生在診所中發現其患者正在使用DIY系統,他們並不免除繼續監測患者的義務,僅僅因為他們並未處方患者所使用的特定技術;臨床醫生必須繼續監測患者。 -g) A recommendation that **regulation and legal frameworks** should be updated to ensure clarity on permitting ethical and effective treatment of such open source systems. +醫生(至少在英國)並未被禁止處方未經許可的藥物,他們可以使用自己的臨床判斷。 因此,他們應該使用自己的臨床判斷來決定DIY AID系統是否適合特定患者,並與患者討論他們認為的利弊。 -Another paper in [Medical Law International, 2021]( also highlights the UK General Medical Council’s ‘consent guidance’ places a strong emphasis on doctor and patients making decisions together. The doctor should explain the potential benefits, risks, burdens and side-effects on DIY APS and may recommend a particular option without pressuring the patient. -Ultimately it is up to the patient to weigh up these factors, along with any non-clinical issues relevant to them and decide which treatment option, if any, to accept. -If a doctor discovers in a clinic that their patient is looping with a DIY system, they are not exempted from their obligations to monitor the patient, simply because they did not prescribe the particular piece of technology the patient is using; clinicians must continue to monitor patients. +#### 上文提到的文章,以及其他有用的連結和立場聲明如下所示: -Doctors (at least in the UK) are not prohibited from prescribing unlicensed medicines and can use their clinical discretion. They should therefore use their clinical judgement to decide if a DIY APS is suitable for a specific patient, and discuss what they consider to be the pros and cons with the patient. +1. 開源自動胰島素傳遞:國際共識聲明和健康護理專業人士的實用指南 [_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, (2022) _10_, 58–74]( -#### The articles referenced above, and other useful links and position statements are listed below: +2. [基於開源Android人工胰臟的數位試驗:測試DIY系統安全性和有效性的新範式,2020年]( -1. Open-source automated insulin delivery: international consensus statement and practical guidance for health-care professionals [_Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol_, (2022) _10_, 58–74]( -2. [In Silico Trials of an Open-Source Android-Based Artificial Pancreas: A New Paradigm to Test Safety and Efficacy of Do-It-Yourself Systems, 2020]( -3. A DIY ‘bionic pancreas’ is changing diabetes care — what's next? [_Nature_ (2023), _620_, 940-941]( -4. Prescribing unapproved medical devices? The case of DIY artificial pancreas systems [_Medical law international_, (2021), _21_, 42-68]( -5. [Berlin Institute of Health position statement, 2022]( -6. Do-It-Yourself Automated Insulin Delivery: A Health-care Practitioner User’s Guide (Diabetes Canada position and guide) [_Canadian Journal of Diabetes_, (2023)_47_, E8, 389-397]( -7. Netherlands (EN/NL) - for clinicians - [how to help people on open source automated insulin delivery systems]( -8. First Use of Open-Source Automated Insulin Delivery AndroidAPS in Full Closed-Loop Scenario: Pancreas4ALLRandomized Pilot Study [_Diabetes Technol. Ther._, 25, _5_, 2023]( -9. Pre-school and school-aged children benefit from the switch from a sensor-augmented pump to an AndroidAPS hybrid closed loop: A retrospective analysis [_Pediatr. Diabetes_ 2021, _22_, 594-604. 2021]( -10. Outcomes of the OPEN project, an EU-funded project into the Outcomes of Patient’s Evidence with Novel, Do-it-Yourself Artificial Pancreas Technology ( +3. DIY‘仿生胰臟’正在改變糖尿病護理——接下來會發生什麼? [_Nature_ (2023), _620_, 940-941]( +4. 處方未經批准的醫療設備? DIY人工胰臟系統案例 [_國際醫療法_, (2021), _21_, 42-68]( +5. [柏林健康研究所立場聲明,2022年]( +6. DIY自動胰島素輸送:醫護人員使用者指南(加拿大糖尿病協會立場和指南)[_糖尿病加拿大的立場和指南_, (2023)_47_, E8, 389-397]( +7. 荷蘭(EN/NL)- 致醫護人員 - [如何幫助使用開源自動胰島素輸送系統的人]( +8. 首次使用開源自動胰島素傳遞 AndroidAPS 在全封閉循環情況下: Pancreas4ALL 隨機化試點研究 [_糖尿病科技. Ther._, 25, _5_, 2023]( +9. 從傳感器輔助幫浦切換到AndroidAPS混合閉環的學齡前和學齡兒童的益處:回顧性分析 [_兒科. 糖尿病_ 2021, _22_, 594-604. 2021]( +10. OPEN專案的成果,這是一項歐盟資助的研究,旨在探索患者使用新型DIY人工胰臟技術的證據( -## Why can’t I just download AAPS and use it straight away? -The **AAPS** app is not provided in Google Play - you have to build it from source code by yourself for legal reasons. **AAPS** is unlicensed, meaning that it does not have approval by any regulatory body authority in any country. **AAPS** is deemed to be carrying out a medical experiment on yourself, and is carried out at the user’s own risk. -Setting up the system requires patience, determination and the gradual development of technical knowledge. All the information and support can be found in these documents, elsewhere online, or from others who have already done it. Over 10,000 people have successfully built and are currently using **AAPS** worldwide. -The developers of **AAPS** take safety incredibly seriously, and want others to have a good experience of using **AAPS**. That is why it is essential that every user (or carer, if the user is a child): -- builds the AAPS system themself and works through the **objectives** so that they have reasonably good personalised settings and understand the basics of how **AAPS** works by the time they “close the loop”; +## 為什麼我不能直接下載AAPS並立即使用? -- backs up their system by exporting and saving important files (like keystore and settings .json file) somewhere safe, so you can setup again quickly if needed; +**AAPS** 應用程序並未提供於Google Play,你必須出於法律原因自行從源代碼構建。 **AAPS** 沒有許可,這意味著它沒有獲得任何國家監管機構的批准。 **AAPS** 被認為是你在自己身上進行的醫學實驗,並且是由用戶自行承擔風險進行的。 -- updates to newer master versions as and when they become available; and +設置系統需要耐心、決心和逐步發展的技術知識。 所有訊息和支援都可以在這些文件中、線上或從已經完成的人那裡找到。 全球已有超過10,000人成功構建並正在使用**AAPS** 。 -- maintains and monitors the system to ensure it is working properly. +**AAPS** 的開發者非常重視安全,並希望其他人能夠有良好的使用經驗。 這就是為什麼每個用戶(或是看護者,如果用戶是兒童)都需要: -## What is the connectivity of the AAPS system? +- 自己構建AAPS系統,並完成**目標** ,以便在他們“閉環”之前,擁有合理良好的個人化設定,並了解 **AAPS** 的基本運作原理; -**Figure 3 (below)** shows one example of the **AAPS** system for a user who do not require any followers interacting with the system. Additional open-source software and platforms which are not shown can also be integrated. +- 透過匯出並儲存重要文件(如keystore和settings .json文件)來備份他們的系統,這樣如果需要可以快速重新設置; -![21-06-23 AAPS connectivity no followers](./images/AAPS-connectivity-no-followers.png) +- 隨著新版本的推出,及時更新到最新的主版本;並且 +- 維護和監控系統,以確保其正常運作。 -**Figure 4 (below)** shows the full potential of the **AAPS** system for a user who has followers and requires a monitor and send adjust the system remotely (like a child with type 1 diabetes). Additional open-source software and platforms which are not shown can also be integrated. -![21-06-23 AAPS overview with followers](./images/AAPS-overview-with-followers.png) -## How does AAPS get continually developed and improved? +## AAPS系統的連線性如何? -Most **AAPS** users use the fully tested **master** version of AAPS, which has been tested for bugs and problems, before being released to the community. Behind the scenes, the developers try out new improvements, and test these out in “developer” (**dev**) versions of **AAPS** with a user community who are happy to do bug updates at short notice. If the improvements work well, they are then released as a new “master” version of **AAPS**. Any new master release is announced on the Facebook group, so that the mainstream **AAPS** users can read about and update to the new master version. +**圖3(下方)**顯示了一個不需要其他追蹤者與系統互動的 **AAPS** 用戶的系統範例。 還可以集成其他未顯示的開源軟體和平台。 -Some experienced and confident **AAPS** users conduct experiments with emerging technologies and with dev versions of the **AAPS** app, which can be interesting for the less adventurous users to read about, without having to do it themselves! People tend to share these experiments on the Facebook group too. +![21-06-23 AAPS 連線性無追蹤者](./images/AAPS-connectivity-no-followers.png) -You can read more about some of these experiments and discussion on emerging tech here: +**圖4(下方)**顯示了具有完整潛力的**AAPS** 系統,適用於具有追蹤者並需要遠端監控和調整系統的用戶(如1型糖尿病患兒)。 還可以集成其他未顯示的開源軟體和平台。 + +![21-06-23 AAPS 追蹤者系統總覽](./images/AAPS-overview-with-followers.png) + + + +## AAPS 如何持續開發和改進? + +大多數**AAPS** 用戶使用經過全面測試的主版本,該版本在發布給社群之前已進行錯誤和問題的測試。 在幕後,開發者會嘗試新改進,並在“開發者”(**dev**) 版本的**AAPS** 中進行測試,與願意短期內進行錯誤更新的用戶社群進行測試。 如果這些改進效果良好,則會發布為新的“master”版本**AAPS** 。 任何新的主版本發布都會在Facebook群組中公告,以便主流**AAPS** 用戶閱讀並更新到新的主版本。 + +一些有經驗且自信的**AAPS** 用戶會使用開發者版本的**AAPS** 應用程式進行新技術的實驗,對於不那麼冒險的用戶來說,這些實驗非常有趣,可以閱讀但不必自己操作! 人們通常會在Facebook群組中分享這些實驗。 + +你可以在這裡閱讀更多關於這些實驗和新技術討論的內容: Tim Street []( David Burren []( -## Who can benefit from AAPS? -| User Type | -| ------------------------------------------- | -| ✔️ type 1 diabetic | -| ✔️ caregiver or parent of a type 1 diabetic | -| ✔️ blind users type 1 diabetic | -| ✔️ *clincians and healthcare professionals | -The above table assumes that the user has access to both continuous gluocse monitor and insulin pump. +## 誰可以從AAPS中受益? + +| 用戶類型 | +| ------------------ | +| ✔️ 第1型糖尿病 | +| ✔️ 第1型糖尿病患者的看護者或父母 | +| ✔️ 盲人第1型糖尿病患者 | +| ✔️ *臨床醫生和醫療專業人士 | + + +上述表格假設用戶可以使用連續血糖監測儀和胰島素幫浦。 + +*透過資料共享平台(包括Nightscout),所有來自**AAPS** 的資料都可以提供給醫療專業人士,Nightscout提供CGM資料的記錄和實時監控,胰島素輸送、碳水化合物輸入、預測和設置。 Nightscout記錄包括每日和每週的報告,這些報告可以幫助醫療專業人士更準確地討論1型糖尿病患者的血糖控制和行為考量。 + + + +### 針對部分或完全失明的AAPS用戶的可及性 + + + +#### AAPS的日常使用: + +AAPS 可以由盲人使用。 在Android設備上,操作系統有一個名為TalkBack的程式。 這允許透過語音輸出來進行螢幕導覽,這是操作系統的一部分功能。 使用TalkBack,你可以在不需要看到螢幕的情況下操作你的智慧型手機和AAPS。 + + -*All data from **AAPS** can be made available to healthcare professionals via data sharing platforms, including Nightscout that provides logging and real time monitoring of CGM data, insulin delivery, carbohydrate entries, predictions and settings. Nightscout records include daily and weekly reports which can aid healthcare professionals' discussions with type 1 patients with more accurate data on glycemic control and any behavioural considerations. +#### 構建AAPS應用程式: -### Accessibility for users AAPS who are partially or completely blind +作為用戶,你將在Android Studio中構建AAPS應用程式。 許多人使用Microsoft Windows來完成此工作,該系統上有與TalkBack類似的Screenreader。 由於Android Studio是Java應用程式,因此必須在控制面板中啟用“Java Access Bridge”組件。 否則,PC的螢幕閱讀器將無法在Android Studio中發聲。 -#### Day to day AAPS use: -AAPS can be used by blind people. On Android devices, the operating system has a program called TalkBack. This allows screen orientation via voice output as part of the operating system. By using TalkBack you can operate both your smartphone and AAPS without needing to be able to see. +如何操作取決於你的操作系統,以下提供了兩種方法: -#### Building the AAPS app: -As a user you will build the AAPS app in Android Studio. Many people use Microsoft Windows for this purpose, where there is the Screenreader analogous to TalkBack. Since Android Studio is a Java application, the “Java Access Bridge” component must be enabled in the Control Panel. Otherwise, the screen reader of the PC will not speak in Android Studio. +1)在Windows開始選單中,輸入“控制面板”進行搜索,按Enter鍵打開。 打開:“所有控制面板項目”。 -How you do this depends on your operating system, two methods are outlined below: +打開“輕鬆存取中心”。 -1) In the Windows Start menu, enter “Control Panel” in the search field, open with Enter. It opens: “All Control Panel Items”. +然後按Enter鍵打開“在無顯示器的情況下使用電腦”。 -Open the "Ease of Access Centre". +在“聽取文字讀取”選項下,選擇“啟用敘述員”和“啟用音檔顯示”,然後點擊“應用”。 -Then open “Use computer without a display” with Enter. +或: -Under hear text read aloud select "turn on narrator" and "turn on audio display", and click "apply" +2)按下Windows鍵並在搜索欄中輸入“控制面板”,然後按Enter鍵打開。 打開:“所有控制面板項目”。 -or: +按下字母C以進入“輕鬆存取中心”,然後按Enter鍵打開。 -2) Press Windows key and enter “Control Panel” in the search field, open with Enter. It opens: “All Control Panel Items”. +接著按Enter鍵打開“在無螢幕的情況下使用電腦”。 -Press the letter C to get to “Center for Ease of Use”, open with Enter. +在底部,你會找到“啟用Java Access Bridge”選項框,選擇它。 -Then open “Use computer without a screen” with Enter. +完成後,關閉窗口即可! 螢幕閱讀器現在應該可以工作了。 -There, at the bottom, you will find the checkbox “Enable Java Access Bridge”, select it. -Done, just close the window! The screen reader should work now. -## What benefits can I get from AAPS? +## 我能從AAPS獲得哪些好處? -With investment of your time, **AAPS** can potentially lead to: +投入你的時間,**AAPS**潛在可以帶來以下好處: -- alleviating the stress and burden of managing type 1 diabetes; +- 緩解管理1型糖尿病的壓力和負擔; -- reducing the multitude of mundane decisions that arise from type 1 diabetes; +- 減少來自1型糖尿病的大量瑣碎決策; -- the provision of personalised and dynamic insulin dosing based on real-time data which can cut down the need for hypo treatments and reduce hyperglycemia episodes; +- 基於實時資料提供個性化和動態的胰島素劑量,減少低血糖治療的需要並降低高血糖發作; -- an increased knowledge of insulin management and confidence to better fine tune your settings; +- 增加對胰島素管理的了解以及更好地微調設置的信心; -- the ability to create automatic settings (**automations**) that are tailored to fit in with your lifestyle; +- 能夠建立與你的生活方式相符的自動設置(**自動化**); -- improved sleep quality and overall reduction in the frequency of nighttime interventions; +- 改善睡眠質量並整體減少夜間干預的頻率; -- remote monitoring and administration of insulin delivery for caregivers of type 1 diabetics; and +- 為1型糖尿病患者的看護者提供遠端監控和胰島素輸送管理;以及 -- streamlining of all your portable diabetic equipment (continuous glucose monitor receiver and insulin controlling devices) by using an Android phone controlled by **AAPS**. +- 透過使用由**AAPS** 控制的Android手機來簡化所有可攜帶的糖尿病設備(如連續血糖監測儀接收器和胰島素控制設備)。 -Ultimately, **AAPS** can empower individuals to better manage their diabetes, resulting in stable blood sugars and improved long term health outcomes. +最終,**AAPS** 能夠幫助個人更好地管理糖尿病,從而達到穩定的血糖水平並改善長期健康結果。 -Interested in how to get started with setting up AAPS? Take a look at the [preparing]( section. +有興趣了解如何開始設置AAPS嗎? 請查看 [事前準備](章節。 From 01285780db0d203eb57c2321fc45bc6308044383 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:12 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 307/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 242 +++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index c087c214e9a0..414f7a1c8838 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,225 +1,225 @@ -# Preparing to start with AAPS +# 準備開始使用 AAPS -Welcome. This documentation aims to guide users who are preparing to setup and start using the Android Artificial Pancreas System (**AAPS**). +歡迎。 本文件旨在指導用戶準備設置並開始使用 Android 人工胰臟系統 (**AAPS**)。 -## Finding your way around the documentation +## 如何在文件中找到所需訊息 -An **index** and explanation of the documentation structure can be found [here](, you can also reach it by clicking on the **AAPS** symbol at the top left of the documentation. There you will find an overview of the purpose of the different documentation sections. You can also use the headings to the left of this page to navigate through the documentation. Finally, there is a handy search function, directly below the **AAPS** symbol. +可以在[這裡](找到文件結構的**索引**和說明,您也可以點擊文件左上角的**AAPS**圖示進行查看。 在那裡,您會找到不同文件部分的概述和目的。 您也可以使用此頁面左側的標題來瀏覽文件。 最後,文件**AAPS**圖示下方有一個方便的搜索功能。 -We aim to make it easy to determine both the capabilities and limitations of **AAPS**. It can be disappointing to discover after investing time in reading the documentation that you might not have a compatible insulin pump or CGM, or that **AAPS** offers different functionality than hoped for. +我們旨在讓用戶輕鬆了解**AAPS**的功能和限制。 花時間閱讀文件後發現您的胰島素幫浦或 CGM 不相容,或者**AAPS**無法提供您期望的功能,這可能會令人失望。 -Many experience-related details in the **AAPS** documentation make more sense when you are actually using **AAPS** in real-time. Just as it is difficult to learn a sport only by reading the rules, it takes a combination of learning the foundations of the rules for safely operating **AAPS** and then learning how best to apply those rules as you start to use **AAPS**. +文件中與**AAPS**使用體驗相關的許多細節在您實際使用**AAPS**時會更有意義。 就像只閱讀規則很難學習一項運動一樣,安全操作**AAPS**的基礎規則學習與開始使用**AAPS**後的應用相結合,才能有效掌握。 (preparing-safety-first)= -## Safety First -“With great power comes great responsibility…” +## 安全第一 +“能力越大,責任越大……” -### Technical safety -**AAPS** has an extensive set of safety features. These impose constraints which are gradually removed through staged completion of a series of [Objectives](Usage/ which involve testing specific parameters and answering multiple choice questions. **AAPS** features are unlocked as the Objectives are successfully completed. This process allows the user to migrate safely in stages from Open Loop to Closed Loop, while learning about the different features of **AAPS**. +### 技術安全 +**AAPS**具有一套廣泛的安全功能。 這些功能會透過逐步完成一系列[目標](Usage/,包括測試特定參數並回答選擇題,逐步解除限制。 當成功完成目標後,**AAPS**的功能會逐步解鎖。 此過程允許用戶在從開環模式到閉環模式的過程中安全過渡,同時學習**AAPS**的不同功能。 -The [Objectives](Usage/ have been designed to achieve the best possible introduction to **AAPS**, taking into consideration the typical errors and general trends **AAPS** developers have observed with new users. Mistakes can happen because the beginner is inexperienced and too eager to get started with **AAPS**, or has overlooked key points. The [Objectives](Usage/ aim to minimise these issues. +[目標](Usage/設計旨在為用戶提供最好的**AAPS**入門體驗,考慮到了**AAPS**開發者觀察到的新用戶典型錯誤和趨勢。 初學者因為經驗不足或過於急切開始使用**AAPS**而犯錯,或忽略了關鍵點。 這些[目標](Usage/旨在盡量減少這些問題。 -### Medical safety -:::{admonition} Avoid permanent and painful damage to your eyes and nerves -:class: danger Caution is advised concerning rapid improvements in blood glucose control and lowering of HbA1c +### 醫療安全 +:::{admonition} 避免對您的眼睛和神經造成永久且痛苦的損害 +:class: danger請注意,血糖控制的快速改善和 HbA1c 的降低可能會導致危險。 ::: -An important safety consideration is that a **rapid reduction in HbA1c and improved blood glucose control in those who have had elevated glucose levels for some time can cause permanent damage**. Many people with diabetes are unaware of this, and not all clinicans make their patients aware of this issue. +一個重要的安全考慮是,對於長期血糖升高的人來說,**HbA1c 的快速降低和血糖控制的改善可能會導致永久性損害**。 許多糖尿病患者並不知道這一點,而且並非所有臨床醫生都會提醒患者這個問題。 -This damage can include **sight loss, and permanent neuropathy (pain)**. It is possible to avoid this damage occuring, by reducing average glucose levels more slowly. If you currently have an elevated HbA1c and are moving to **AAPS** (or any other closed loop system), _please_ discuss this potential risk with your clinical team before starting, and agree a timescale with gradually decreasing safe glucose targets with them. You can easily set higher glucose targets in **AAPS** initially (currently, the highest target you can select is 10.6 mmol/L but you can also maintain a purposefully weak profile if needed), and then reduce the target as the months pass. +這種損害可能包括**視力喪失和永久性神經病變(疼痛)**。 透過逐步降低平均血糖水平,可以避免這些損害的發生。 如果您目前的 HbA1c 升高並打算使用**AAPS**(或任何其他閉環系統),_請_在開始之前與您的醫療團隊討論這一潛在風險,並與他們協商逐步降低安全血糖目標的時間表。 您可以在**AAPS**中設置較高的血糖目標(目前,您可以選擇的最高目標是 10.6 mmol/L,您也可以維持一個相對較弱的設定),隨著時間的推移逐漸降低目標。 -#### How quickly can I reduce my HbA1c without risking permanent damage? +#### 我可以多快降低 HbA1c 而不會冒永久性損害的風險? -One retrospective [study]( of 76 patients reported that the risk of progression of retinopathy increased by 1.6 times, 2.4 times and 3.8 times if the Hba1C dropped 1%, 2% or 3% respectively over a 6 month period. They suggested that the **"decrease in HbA1c value during any 6-month period should be limited to less than 2% in order to prevent the progression of retinopathy....Too rapid a decrease at the initiation of glycemic control could cause severe or transient exacerbation of the progression of retinopathy."** +一項針對 76 名患者的回顧性[研究](報告稱,如果 HbA1c 在 6 個月內下降 1%、2% 或 3%,視網膜病變進展的風險分別增加 1.6 倍、2.4 倍和 3.8 倍。 他們建議**"在任何 6 個月內 HbA1c 的降低幅度應限制在 2% 以內,以防止視網膜病變的進展...在開始血糖控制時,降低過快可能會導致視網膜病變進展的嚴重或暫時性惡化。" ** -N.B. If you use different HbA1c units (mmol/mol rather than %), click [here]( for a HbA1c calculator tool. +N.B. 如果您使用不同的 HbA1c 單位(mmol/mol 而非 %),請點擊[此處](使用 HbA1c 計算工具。 -In another retrospective [evaluation]( of 954 patients, researchers noted that: +在另一項針對 954 名患者的回顧性[評估](中,研究人員指出: -**"With a decrease in HbA1c of 2–3% points over 3 months there was a 20% absolute risk of developing treatment-induced neuropathy in diabetes, with a decrease in HbA1c of >4% points over 3 months the absolute risk of developing treatment-induced neuropathy in diabetes exceeded 80%."** +**"HbA1c 在 3 個月內降低 2–3% 時,治療誘發糖尿病神經病變的絕對風險為 20%;而 HbA1c 在 3 個月內降低超過 4% 時,絕對風險超過 80%。"** -A [commentary]( on this work agreed that to avoid complications **the goal should be to reduce A1c by <2% over 3 months.** You can read other reviews on the topic [here]( and [here]( +針對這項研究的一篇[評論](同意為了避免併發症,**目標應是在 3 個月內將 HbA1c 降低不超過 2%**。您可以在[這裡](和[這裡](閱讀其他相關評論。 -It is generally recognised that _newly_ diagnosed type 1 diabetics (who often have very high HbA1c at diagnosis, before starting insulin therapy) appear to be able to rapidly reduce their HbA1c immediately after diagnosis without encountering these risks to the same extent, because they have not had elevated blood glucose levels for such a sustained period. However, it is still a consideration which you should discuss with your clinician. +通常認為,_新診斷的_ 1 型糖尿病患者(通常在診斷時 HbA1c 非常高,在開始胰島素治療之前)可以立即迅速降低 HbA1c,而不會遇到這些風險,因為他們的血糖水平未長期升高。 然而,這仍然是一個需要與您的臨床醫生討論的考慮因素。 -### No SGLT-2 inhibitors +### 禁止使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑 -:::{admonition} NO SGLT-2 inhibitors -:class: danger SGLT-2 inhibitors, also called gliflozins, inhibit reabsorption of glucose in the kidney. Gliflozins incalculably lower blood sugar levels, and so you MUST NOT take them while using a closed loop system like AAPS! There would be a significant risk of ketoacidosis and/or hypoglycemia! The combination of this medication with a system that lowers basal rates in order to increase BG is especially dangerous. +:::{admonition} 禁止使用 SGLT-2 抑制劑 +:class: dangerSGLT-2 抑制劑,也稱為 gliflozins,透過抑制腎臟中葡萄糖的再吸收來發揮作用。 gliflozins 會無法預測地降低血糖水平,因此在使用類似 AAPS 的閉環系統時,絕對不能服用這類藥物! 這會導致酮酸中毒和/或低血糖的重大風險! 該藥物與降低基礎率以提高血糖水平的系統結合使用尤其危險。 -In a nutshell: -- **Example 1: risk of Hypo** -> During lunch, you use **AAPS** to bolus based on consuming 45g of glucose. The problem is that unbeknownst to AAPS, the inhibitors cause the body to eliminate some of the carbs resulting in your body having too much insulin compared to the absorbed Carbs, resulting in hypoglycemia. +簡單來說: +- **範例 1:低血糖風險** +> 在午餐期間,您使用**AAPS**基於攝取45克葡萄糖來注射胰島素。 問題是,由於**AAPS**未知道抑制劑使身體排除了一些碳水化合物,導致攝取的胰島素過多,最終引發低血糖。 -- **Example 2: risk of Ketoacidosis** -> The inhibitors eliminate some of the carbs in the background causing a reduction in your BG. **AAPS** will automatically instruct the pump to decrease insulin intake including basal. Over time this can result in your BG remaining below target value to the point where the body does not have enough background insulin to absorb any carbs resulting in Ketoacidosis. Ordinarily, Ketoacidosis develops in T1D patients because their pump fails which would trigger alerts on their phone and be noticeable due to a high BG value. However, the danger with Gliflozins is that there would be no AAPS alerts as the pump remains operational and the BG potentially remains within target. +- **範例 2:酮酸中毒風險** +> 抑制劑會在背景中排除部分碳水化合物,導致血糖下降。 **AAPS**會自動指示幫浦降低胰島素攝入量,包括基礎率。 隨著時間的推移,這可能導致血糖保持在目標值以下,直到身體沒有足夠的背景胰島素來吸收碳水化合物,最終引發酮酸中毒。 通常,1 型糖尿病患者會因為幫浦故障而發展成酮酸中毒,這會觸發手機警報,並透過血糖值升高來顯示出來。 然而,使用 Gliflozins 的危險在於,**AAPS** 不會發出警報,因為幫浦仍然正常運作,且血糖可能保持在目標範圍內。 -Common brand names of SGLT-2 inhibitors include: Invokana, Farxiga, Jardiance, Glyxambi, Synjardy, Steglatro, and Xigduo XR, others. +常見的 SGLT-2 抑制劑品牌名稱包括:Invokana、Farxiga、Jardiance、Glyxambi、Synjardy、Steglatro 和 Xigduo XR 等。 ::: -### Key principles of looping with AAPS +### 使用 AAPS 循環的關鍵原則 -The key principles and concepts of looping must be understood before using **AAPS**. This is achieved by investing your personal time into reading the **AAPS** documentation, and completing the Objectives which aim to provide you with a solid platform for safe and effective use of **AAPS**. The volume of **AAPS** documentation may seem overwhelming at first but be patient and trust the process - with the proper approach, you'll get there! +在使用**AAPS**之前,必須了解循環的關鍵原則和概念。 這需要您投入個人時間來閱讀**AAPS**文件,並完成目標,這些目標旨在為安全和有效使用**AAPS**提供堅實的基礎。 **AAPS**文件的內容量可能一開始會讓人感到不知所措,但請保持耐心並相信過程 - 使用正確的方法,您會逐漸掌握的! -The speed of progression will depend upon the individual, but be aware that completion of all the objectives typically takes 6 - 9 weeks. Many people start to build, install and setup **AAPS** well in advance of starting to use it. To aid with this, the system has a "virtual pump" which can be used during completion of the early objectives, so that you can become familiar with **AAPS** without actually using it to deliver insulin. A detailed breakdown of the timeline is given below, be aware that by objective 8 of **AAPS** you are closed looping, the later objectives add in additional features like **SMS commands** and **automations** which are useful to some users, but not essential to the core function of **AAPS**. +進度的速度取決於個人,但完成所有目標通常需要 6 - 9 週的時間。 許多人會在開始使用**AAPS**之前就開始構建、安裝和設置。 為了幫助這一過程,系統提供了“虛擬幫浦”,可以在完成早期目標時使用,這樣您可以熟悉**AAPS**,而不需要實際使用它來輸送胰島素。 以下提供了詳細的時間表,請注意,當您完成**AAPS**的目標 8 時,您已進入閉環模式,後期目標包括一些附加功能,例如**SMS 指令**和**自動化**,這對某些用戶很有用,但對**AAPS**的核心功能不是必需的。 -Success with **AAPS** requires a proactive approach, a willingness to reflect on the BG data and flexibility to make the necessary adjustments to **AAPS** in order to improve your outcomes. Just as it is nearly impossible to learn to play a sport by reading about the rules alone, the same can be said of **AAPS**. +成功使用**AAPS**需要積極的態度,願意反思血糖資料,並靈活調整**AAPS**以改善您的結果。 就像僅透過閱讀規則來學習運動幾乎是不可能的,同樣的道理也適用於**AAPS**。 -#### Plan for delays and minor issues in getting everything set up and running +#### 為設定和運作所有功能可能出現的延誤和小問題做好準備 -In the preliminary stages of getting started with **AAPS**, you may experience difficulties getting all the components of the loop communicating effectively with each other (and potential followers), and when fine-tuning your settings. Some glitches cannot be resolved until **AAPS** is used in everyday life, but plenty of help is available on the Facebook group and Discord. Please plan accordingly and choose "good" times, like a quiet morning of a weekend (i.e. not late at night or when you are tired, or before a big meeting or travel) to troubleshoot and resolve issues. +在**AAPS**的初步階段,您可能會遇到將循環的所有組件(以及潛在的追蹤者)有效通訊以及微調設置的困難。 有些問題只有在日常生活中使用**AAPS**時才能解決,但在 Facebook 群組和 Discord 上有大量幫助可供使用。 請相應地進行計劃,並選擇“適當的”時間,例如週末的安靜早晨(即不要在深夜或感到疲倦時,也不要在重要會議或旅行之前)進行故障排除和解決問題。 -#### Technology compatibility +#### 技術相容性 -**AAPS** is only compatible with certain types of insulin pumps, CGMs and phones, and some technology may not be available for use in various countries. In order to avoid any disappointment or frustrations, please read the [CGM](Configuration/, [pump](Getting-Started/ and [phone](Hardware/ sections. +**AAPS**僅與某些類型的胰島素幫浦、CGM 和手機相容,有些技術在某些國家/地區可能無法使用。 為避免任何失望或沮喪,請閱讀[CGM](Configuration/、[幫浦](Getting-Started/和[手機](Hardware/部分。 -#### App build time and progressing to full looping +#### 應用程序構建時間和進入完整閉環的進度 -The time to build the **AAPS** app depends on your level of expertise and technical ability. Typically for inexperienced users, it can take up to half a day or a full day (with help from the community) in order to build **AAPS**. The process will significantly speed up for newer **AAPS** versions, as you become more experienced. +構建**AAPS**應用程序的時間取決於您的專業知識和技術能力。 通常對於沒有經驗的用戶,構建**AAPS**可能需要半天到一天的時間(有社區的幫助)。 隨著您變得更加有經驗,更新版**AAPS**的構建過程會顯著加快。 -To aid the build process there are dedicated sections: +為了幫助構建過程,有專門的部分: -- List of questions and answers for frequent errors that are likely to occur in [FAQs (Section](Getting-Started/ K); +- 列出**AAPS**中可能出現的常見錯誤的問答清單,請參閱[常見問題(K 部分)](Getting-Started/; -- “[How to install AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/ (Section D) which includes [Troubleshooting](Usage/ Subsection. +- “[如何安裝 AAPS](Installing-AndroidAPS/” (D 部分),包括[故障排除](Usage/子部分。 -How long it takes to get to closed looping depends on the individual, but an approximate timescale for getting to full looping with AAPS can be found ([here](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)) +達到閉環控制的時間因人而異,但使用 AAPS 達到完全閉環控制的大致時間表可以參考[>此處](#how-long-will-it-take-to-set-everything-up)。 -#### Keystore & configuration settings export file +#### Keystore 和配置設置匯出文件 -A “keystore” (.jks file) is a password encrypted file unique to your own copy of **AAPS**. Your Android phone uses it to ensure that nobody else can upgrade your own copy without the keystore. In short, as part of the **AAPS** build, you should: +“Keystore”(.jks 文件)是一個加密的文件,特定於您自己的**AAPS**副本。 您的 Android 手機使用它來確保沒有人可以在沒有 keystore 的情況下升級您的副本。 簡單來說,作為**AAPS**構建的一部分,您應該: -1. Save the your keystore file (.jks file used to sign your app) in a safe place; +1. 將您的 keystore 文件(用於簽署應用程序的 .jks 文件)儲存在安全的地方; -2. Keep a note of your password for your keystore file. +2. 記下您的 keystore 文件密碼。 -This will ensure that you can use that exact same keystore file each time an updated version of **AAPS** is created. On average, there will be 2 **AAPS** updates required each year. +這將確保每次建立**AAPS**的更新版本時,您都可以使用相同的 keystore 文件。 平均而言,每年需要更新**AAPS**兩次。 -In addition, **AAPS** provides the ability to [export all your configuration settings](Usage/ This ensures that you can safely recover your system while changing phones, upgrading/reinstalling the application with minimum disruption.  +此外,**AAPS**還提供了[匯出所有配置設置](Usage/的功能。 這確保您可以在更換手機、升級/重新安裝應用程序時安全恢復系統,並將干擾降至最低。  -#### Troubleshooting +#### 疑難排解 -Please feel free to reach out to the AAPS community if there is anything you feel unsure about - there is no such thing as a silly question! All users with various levels of experience are encouraged to ask questions. Response times to questions are usually quick due to the number of **AAPS** users. +如果您對任何問題感到不確定,請隨時聯繫**AAPS**社區——沒有什麼問題是愚蠢的! 鼓勵具有不同經驗水平的所有用戶提出問題。 由於**AAPS**用戶眾多,問題的回應時間通常很快。 -##### [ask on the AAPS Facebook group]( +##### [在 AAPS Facebook 社群上詢問]( -##### [ask on the AAPS Discord channel]( +##### [在 AAPS Discord 頻道上詢問]( -#### [Where to go for help](Where-To-Go-For-Help/ +#### [去哪裡尋求幫助](Where-To-Go-For-Help/ -This section is aimed to provide new users with links on resources in order to get help including accessing community support made up of both new and experienced users who can clarify questions, and resolve the usual pitfalls that come with AAPS. +本節旨在為新用戶提供資源連結,以便獲得幫助,包括由新手和有經驗的用戶組成的社區支援,這些用戶可以幫助解答問題並解決使用 AAPS 時常見的問題。 -#### [Section For Clinicians](Resources/ +#### [臨床醫師專區](Resources/ -This is a [section specificially for clinicians](Resources/ who want to know more about AAPS and open source artificial pancreas technology. There is also guidance on [how to talk to your clinical team](introduction-how-can-i-approach-discussing-aaps-with-my-clinical-team) in the Introduction. +這是一個[專為臨床醫師設立的專區](Resources/,希望了解更多關於 AAPS 及開源人工胰臟技術。 在簡介中還提供了[如何與您的臨床團隊討論 AAPS](introduction-how-can-i-approach-discussing-aaps-with-my-clinical-team)的指南。 -## What are we going to build and install? +## 我們要構建和安裝什麼? -This diagram provides an overview of the key components (both hardware and software) of the **AAPS** system: +此圖表提供了**AAPS**系統的主要組件(硬體和軟體)的概述: -![preparing_overview](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_preparing_overview_01.png) +![準備總覽](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_preparing_overview_01.png) -In addition to the three basic hardware components (phone, pump, glucose sensor), we also need: 1) The **AAPS** app 2) A reporting server and 3) A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) app +除了三個基本硬體組件(手機、胰島素幫浦、血糖傳感器)之外,我們還需要:1) **AAPS**應用程式 2) 報告伺服器3) 持續血糖監測儀(CGM)應用程式 -### 1) An Android Phone Application: **AAPS** +### 1) Android 手機應用程式:**AAPS** -**AAPS** is an app that runs on android smartphones & devices. You are going to build the **AAPS** app (an apk file) yourself, using a step-by-step guide, by downloading the **AAPS** source code from Github, installing the necessary programs (Android Studio, GitHub desktop) on your computer and building your own copy of **AAPS** app. You will then transfer the **AAPS** app across to your smartphone (by email, USB cable _etc._) and install it. +**AAPS**是一個運作在 Android 智慧型手機和裝置上的應用程式。 您將使用逐步指南自己構建**AAPS**應用程式(apk 檔案),從 GitHub 下載**AAPS**源代碼,並在您的電腦上安裝所需程式(Android Studio、GitHub 桌面版),以構建自己的**AAPS**應用程式副本。 然後,您將透過電子郵件、USB 線等方式將**AAPS**應用程式傳輸到您的智慧型手機並安裝。 -### 2) A reporting server: NightScout (Tidepool*) +### 2) 報告伺服器:NightScout(或 Tidepool) -In order to fully take advantage of **AAPS**, you need to setup a Nightscout server. You can do this yourself (link to instructions) or alternatively, pay a small fee for a managed Nightscout service to be set up for you (link to T1 pal etc). Nightscout is used to collect data from **AAPS** over time and can generate detailed reports correlating CGM and insulin patterns. It is also possible for caregivers to use Nightscout to remotely communicate with the **AAPS** application, to oversee their child’s diabetic management. Such remote communication features include real-time monitoring of glucose and insulin levels, remote bolusing of insulin (by texting) and meal announcements. Attempting to analyse your diabetes performance by looking at CGM data separately from the pump data is like driving a car where the driver is blind and the passenger describes the scene. Tidepool is also available as an alternative to Nightscout, for AAPS versions 3.2 and later. +為了充分利用**AAPS**,您需要設置 Nightscout 伺服器。 您可以自己設置(連線至指導),或者支付小額費用讓人幫您設置受管的 Nightscout 服務(鏈接至 T1 Pal 等)。 Nightscout 用於收集**AAPS**隨時間推移的資料,並能夠生成詳細的報告,以關聯 CGM 和胰島素模式。 照護者還可以使用 Nightscout 遠端與**AAPS**應用程式通訊,以監控其孩子的糖尿病管理。 這些遠端通訊功能包括即時監控血糖和胰島素水平、遠端注射胰島素(透過發送訊息)以及餐點通知。 試圖將 CGM 資料與幫浦資料分開進行分析,就像駕駛時司機是盲人,乘客在旁描述場景一樣。 從 AAPS 3.2 版開始,也可以使用 Tidepool 作為 Nightscout 的替代方案。 -### 3) CGM sensor app +### 3) CGM 傳感器應用程式 -Depending on your glucose sensor/CGM, you will need a compatible app for receiving glucose readings and sending them to **AAPS**. The different options are shown below and more information is given in the [compatible CGMs section](./Configuration/ +根據您的血糖傳感器/CGM,您將需要一個相容的應用程式來接收血糖資料並將其發送到**AAPS**。 以下展示了不同的選項,更多訊息請參閱[相容的 CGM 部分](./Configuration/ ![dexcom_options](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_connectivity_Dex_02.png) ![libre_options](./images/preparing_images/AAPSconnectivity_libre.png) ![eversense_options](./images/preparing_images/AAPS_connectivity_eversense.png) -### Maintenance of the **AAPS** system +### AAPS 系統的維護 -Both **Nightscout** and **AAPS** must be updated approximately once a year, as improved versions are released. In some cases, the update can be delayed, in others it is strongly recommended or considered essential for safety. Notification of these updates will be given on the Facebook groups and Discord servers. The release notes will make it clear what the scenario is. There are likely to be many people asking similar questions to you at update time, and you will have support for performing the updates. +**Nightscout**和**AAPS**必須大約每年更新一次,隨著改進版本的發佈。 在某些情況下,更新可以延後,但在其他情況下,更新被強烈建議或視為安全的重要措施。 這些更新的通知將在 Facebook 群組和 Discord 伺服器上發佈。 發佈說明將明確說明具體情況。 在更新時,可能會有許多人與您提出類似問題,您將獲得支援來進行更新。 (preparing-how-long-will-it-take?)= -## How long will it take to set everything up? +## 設置所有內容需要多長時間? -As mentioned earlier, using **AAPS** is more of a “journey” that requires investment of your personal time. It is not a one-time setup. Current estimates for building **AAPS**, installing and configuring **AAPS** and **CGM** software and getting from open loop to hybrid closed looping with **AAPS** are about 2 to 3 months overall. It is therefore suggested that you prioritise building the **AAPS** app and working through the early objectives as soon as possible, even if you are still using a different insulin delivery system (you can use a virtual pump up to objective 5). Here is an approximate timeframe: +如前所述,使用**AAPS**更像是一段旅程,需要您投入個人時間。 這不是一次性的設置。 目前估計,從構建**AAPS**、安裝和配置**AAPS**和**CGM**軟體,到從開放循環進入混合閉環循環的過程,大約需要 2 到 3 個月。 因此,建議您盡快優先構建**AAPS**應用程式並完成早期目標,即使您仍在使用其他胰島素輸送系統(在完成目標 5 之前,您可以使用虛擬幫浦)。 以下是大致的時間表: -| Tasks | Approx time | -| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:---------------:| -| initial reading of the documentation: | 1-2 days | -| installing/configuring PC to allow the build: | 2-8 hours | -| building a Nightscout server: | 1 hour | -| installing CGM app (xdrip or BYODA or …) | 1 hour | -| configuring CGM->xdrip->APPS initially: | 1 hour | -| configuring AAPS->pump initially: | 1 hour | -| configuring AAPS->NightScout (reporting only): | 1 hour | -| optional (for Parents) - configuring NightScout <-> **AAPS** & NSFollowers: | 1 hour | -| Objective 1: Setting up visualization and monitoring, analysing basals and ratios | 1 hour | -| Objective 2: Learn how to control AAPS | 2 hour | -| Objective 3: Prove your knowledge | Up to 14 days | -| Objective 4: Starting on an open loop | 7 days | -| Objective 5: Understanding your open loop, including its temp basal recommendations | 7 days | -| Objective 6: Starting to close the loop with Low Glucose Suspend | Up to 5-14 days | -| Objective 7: Tuning the closed loop, raising maxIOB and gradually lowering BG targets | Up to 7 days | -| Objective 8: Adjust basals and ratios if needed, and then enable autosens | Up to 7-14 days | -| Objective 9: Enabling additional oref1 features, such as super micro bolus (SMB) | Up to 14 days | -| Objective 10: Automation | 1 day | +| 任務 | 大致時間 | +| ---------------------------------------------------- |:---------:| +| 初步閱讀文件: | 1-2 天 | +| 安裝/配置電腦以允許構建: | 2-8 小時 | +| 建立 Nightscout 伺服器: | 1 小時 | +| 安裝 CGM 應用程式 (xdrip 或 BYODA 或其他) | 1 小時 | +| 初始化配置 CGM->xdrip->AAPS: | 1 小時 | +| 初始化配置 AAPS->胰島素幫浦: | 1 小時 | +| 初始化配置 AAPS->NightScout(僅報告): | 1 小時 | +| 選擇性(對於家長)- 配置 NightScout <-> **AAPS** 與 NSFollowers: | 1 小時 | +| 目標 1:設置可視化與監控,分析基礎率與比率 | 1 小時 | +| 目標 2:學習如何控制 AAPS | 2 小時 | +| 目標 3:證明你的知識 | 最多 14 天 | +| 目標 4:開始使用開環 | 7 天 | +| 目標 5:理解你的開環,包括其臨時基礎率建議 | 7 天 | +| 目標 6:使用低血糖暫停功能開始閉環 | 最多 5-14 天 | +| 目標 7:調整閉環,增加最大 IOB 並逐漸降低血糖目標 | 最多 7 天 | +| 目標 8:如有需要,調整基礎率與比率,然後啟用自動感應 | 最多 7-14 天 | +| 目標 9:啟用額外的 oref1 功能,例如超級微量注射 (SMB) | 最多 14 天 | +| 目標 10:自動化 | 1 天 | -Once you are fully operational on **AAPS**, you will need to fine tune your setting parameters in order to improve your overall diabetic management. +一旦你完全掌握 **AAPS**,你將需要微調你的設置參數,以改善整體糖尿病管理。 -## Requirements +## 需求 -### Medical considerations +### 醫療考量 -In addition to the medical warnings in the [safety section](preparing-safety-frist) there are also different parameters, depending on which insulin you are using in the pump. +除了 [安全部分](preparing-safety-frist) 中的醫療警告外,根據你在幫浦中使用的胰島素類型,還有不同的參數需要考量。 -#### Insulin choice +#### 胰島素選擇 -**AAPS** calculations are based on insulin concentrations of 100U/ml (same as pump’s standard). The following types of insulin profile presets are supported: +**AAPS** 的計算是基於 100U/ml 的胰島素濃度(與幫浦的標準一致)。 目前支援的胰島素輪廓預設如下: -- Rapid-Acting Oref: Humalog/NovoRapid/NovoLog -- Ultra-Rapid ORef: Fiasp -- Lyumjev: +- 速效型 Oref:Humalog/NovoRapid/NovoLog +- 超速效型 ORef:Fiasp +- Lyumjev: -For Experimental/Advanced users only: -- Free-Peak Oref: Allows you to define peak of the insulin activity +僅供實驗/進階用戶: +- 自由峰值 Oref:允許你自行定義胰島素活性的峰值 -### Technical +### 技術性 -This documentation aims to reduce the technical expertise required to an absolute minimum. You will need to use your computer to build the **AAPS** application in Android Studio (step-by-step instructions). You also need to set up a server over the internet in a public cloud, configure several android phone apps and develop expertise in diabetes management. This can be achieved by moving step-by-step, being patient, and help from the **AAPS** community. If you are already able to navigate the internet, manage your own Gmail emails, and keep your computer up-to-date, then it is a feasible task to build the **AAPS**. Just take your time. +本文件旨在將技術專業知識的需求降到最低。 你將需要使用電腦在 Android Studio 中構建 **AAPS** 應用程式(逐步指導)。 你還需要在公共雲端上設定一個伺服器,配置幾個 Android 手機應用程式,並發展糖尿病管理的專業知識。 這可以透過逐步行動、保持耐心並從 **AAPS** 社群中獲得幫助來實現。 如果你已經能夠瀏覽互聯網、管理自己的 Gmail 郵件並保持電腦更新,那麼構建 **AAPS** 是一項可行的任務。 只需花點時間。 -### Smartphones +### 智慧型手機 -#### AAPS and Android Versions -The current version of **AAPS** (3.2) requires an Android smartphone with Google **Android 9.0 or above**. If you are considering buying a new phone, (as of July 2024), Android 13 is preferred. Users are strongly encouraged to keep their build of **AAPS** up to date for safety reasons, however for users unable to use a device with Android 9.0 or newer, earlier versions of **AAPS** compatible for older Android versions like [Android 8]( and [Android 7](, remain available from previous releases (check the release notes for legacy versions). +#### AAPS 與 Android 版本 +當前版本的 **AAPS**(3.2)需要使用 Google **Android 9.0 或更高版本** 的 Android 智慧型手機。 如果你打算購買一部新手機,截至 2024 年 7 月,建議選擇 Android 13。 用戶強烈建議出於安全原因保持 **AAPS** 的最新版本,不過對於無法使用 Android 9.0 或更新設備的用戶,較早版本的 **AAPS** 仍然可用於舊版 Android,例如 [Android 8]( 和 [Android 7](,可以從過去的版本中找到(查看舊版本的發行說明)。 -#### Smartphone model choice -The exact model you buy depends on the desired function(s). There are two archived spreadsheets of compatible [smartphones]( and [smartphones and watches]( The spreadsheets are no longer updated because there are so many possible models, therefore we now suggest searching the support groups (Facebook or Discord) for "phone", or the specific model you are thinking of getting. Create a new post to ask questions about it if you still need more information. +#### 智慧型手機型號選擇 +您選購的具體型號取決於所需的功能。 這裡有兩個關於相容的[智慧型手機](和[智慧型手機與智慧型手錶](的歷史電子表格。 由於可能的型號眾多,這些電子表格已不再更新,因此我們建議在支援群組(Facebook 或 Discord)中搜尋“手機”或您考慮購買的具體型號。 如果仍需更多資訊,請發佈新帖來詢問。 -To make a donation of smartphone or smartwatch models that still need testing, please email []( +如欲捐贈仍需測試的智慧型手機或智慧型手錶型號,請發送電子郵件至[](。 -- [List of tested phones](../Getting-Started/ -- [Jelly Settings](../Usage/ -- [Huawei Settings](../Usage/ +- [已測試的手機清單](../Getting-Started/ +- [Jelly 設置](../Usage/ +- [華為設定](../Usage/ -Users are encouraged to keep their phone Android version up-to-date, including with security parameters. However, if you are new with **AAPS** or are not a technical expert you might want to delay updating your phone until others have done so and confirmed it is safe to do so, on our various forums. +我們鼓勵用戶保持手機 Android 版本的最新狀態,包括安全參數。 然而,如果您是 **AAPS** 的新手,或者不是技術專家,您可能希望等到其他人確認更新是安全的後再進行更新,這可以透過我們的各大論壇確認。 -:::{admonition} delaying Samsung phones updates -:class: warning Samsung has an unfortunate track record of forcing updates of their phones which cause bluetooth connectivity issues. To disable these forced updates you need to switch the phone to "developper mode" by: go to settings and about then software information, then tap build number u til it confirms you have unlocked developer mode. Got back to main settings menu and you should see a new developer options menu item. Open developer options and scroll to find auto system update and turn it off +:::{admonition} 延遲 Samsung 手機的更新 +:class: warningSamsung 有一個不幸的記錄,強制更新其手機,這些更新會導致藍牙連線問題。 要停用這些強制更新,您需要將手機切換到“開發者模式”,具體步驟如下:進入設置並點擊“關於”,然後點擊軟體資訊,連續點擊版本號直到確認您已解鎖開發者模式。 返回設置主選單,您應該會看到一個新的“開發者選項”選單項。 打開開發者選項,向下滾動,找到自動系統更新,將其關閉。 ::: -:::{admonition} Google Play Protect potential Issue -:class: warning There have been several reports of **AAPS** being shut down arbitrarily by Google Play Protect every morning. If this happens you will have to go to the google play options and disable “Google Play Protect”. Not all phone models or all Android versions are affected.. +:::{admonition} Google Play Protect 潛在問題 +:class: warning有多次報告指出,**AAPS** 每天早上都會被 Google Play Protect 隨機關閉。 如果發生此問題,您需要進入 Google Play 的選項,停用 “Google Play Protect”。 並非所有手機型號或所有 Android 版本都會受到影響。 ::: From c6ddfa7372bf75c48ddd38ef3d4d90aff5efcb76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 308/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 228 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index d2463fb91b5d..fd21354cee56 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,265 +1,265 @@ -# Following AAPS (no interaction with the AAPS system) +# 追蹤 AAPS(無需與 AAPS 系統互動) -In addition to the range of possibilities available for remotely controlling _and_ following **AAPS** which are described at [remote control](docs/EN/, there are several additional apps and devices which the community has developed, to simply follow numbers (glucose levels and other information), without interacting with AAPS. +除了在[遠端控制](docs/EN/中描述的遠端控制_和_追蹤**AAPS**的多種選項外,社群還開發了多個應用程式和設備,這些應用程式和設備僅用於追蹤資訊(如血糖水平和其他訊息),無需與 AAPS 進行互動。 -A good overview of the extensive options available for following **AAPS** is at [Nightscout follower]( webpage; if you expand the menu on the left-hand side: +對於如何追蹤**AAPS**,一個非常好的概述可以在[Nightscout follower](網頁中找到;如果你展開左側選單: -![image](./images/dfa981c1-5a15-4498-88d2-0fd1462d8242.png) +![圖像](./images/dfa981c1-5a15-4498-88d2-0fd1462d8242.png) -The most common strategies used in combination with **AAPS** are explained in more detail below. +以下將詳細說明與 **AAPS** 組合使用的最常見策略。 -## 1) Smartphone apps +## 1) 智慧型手機應用程式 -These are some of the main “follower” apps used by **AAPS** users. All of these apps are “free”: +以下是一些**AAPS**用戶使用的主要 “追蹤者” 應用程式。 所有這些應用程式都是“免費”的: -A) Dexcom Follow (Android/iOs) +A) Dexcom Follow(Android/iOS) -B) Nightguard (iOs) +B) Nightguard(iOS) -C) Nightwatch (Android) +C) Nightwatch(Android) -D) xDrip+ (Android) +D) xDrip+(Android) -E) xDrip4iOS (iOs) +E) xDrip4iOS(iOS) -F) Sugarmate (iOs) +F) Sugarmate(iOS) -G) Spike (iOs) +G) Spike(iOS) -### A) Dexcom Follow (Android and iOS) +### A) Dexcom Follow(Android 和 iOS) -![image](./images/ded350b0-6012-4104-b21c-5d5bfd91aa65.png) +![圖像](./images/ded350b0-6012-4104-b21c-5d5bfd91aa65.png) -● Dexcom Follow is compatible with a wide range of handsets (both Android and iPhone). Dexcom Follow can be used even if you are not using the official Dexcom app to receive sensor data. +● Dexcom Follow 適用於多種手持設備(包括 Android 和 iPhone)。 即使你未使用官方的 Dexcom 應用程式接收傳感器資料,也可以使用 Dexcom Follow。 -● Many caregivers are familiar with Dexcom Follow, preferring its clear interface over something more complicated. +● 許多照護者熟悉 Dexcom Follow,因為它簡單明瞭的界面相較於其他複雜的應用更受青睞。 -● Dexcom Follow is very good for teachers/grandparents and people who know very little about diabetes and sugar levels. It has customisable alerts (BG level, what sound to play etc). Alarms can be completely switched off if needed, which is very useful if you have a sensor which is still settling down and creating multiple fake lows. +● Dexcom Follow 非常適合教師/祖父母以及對糖尿病和血糖水平知識不多的人使用。 它具有可自訂的警報(血糖水平,播放的聲音等)。 如果傳感器仍在穩定中且產生多次假低血糖警報,則可以完全關閉警報,這非常實用。 -#### Setting up Dexcom Follow: how-to-guide +#### 設置 Dexcom Follow:操作指南 -If you use the unofficial Dexcom app BYODA for receiving sensor data, you may be able to send invites to followers from within the BYODA app. You should also be able to send invitations to Dexcom Follow from xDrip+ (settings - Cloud upload - Dexcom share server upload, see instructions here: +如果你使用的是非官方的 Dexcom 應用程式 BYODA 來接收傳感器資料,你可能可以從 BYODA 應用程式內向追蹤者發送邀請。 你應該也可以從 xDrip+ 中發送 Dexcom Follow 的邀請(設置 - 雲上傳 - Dexcom 分享伺服器上傳,請參閱這裡的指示: -You cannot send invite emails to Dexcom followers anymore from these third-party apps. In xDrip+ the invite request will just result in the message “invite not sent”. +你無法再透過這些第三方應用程式向 Dexcom 追蹤者發送邀請郵件。 在 xDrip+ 中,邀請請求只會顯示訊息“未發送邀請”。 -You must install the official Dexcom app, send the invite, and then uninstall the official app. +你必須安裝官方的 Dexcom 應用程式,發送邀請,然後卸載官方應用程式。 -The steps to do this are as follows: +步驟如下: -1) Install the official “Dexcom” app on _any_ smartphone (Android/iPhone), this can be the Follower phone, if it is more convenient. 2) Log in with your Dexcom username and password, this is the same login details you would use for Dexcom Clarity, if you are already a current Dexcom/Clarity customer. If you don’t have a Dexcom login, there is the option to create a new login at this point. -3) Swipe through the introduction menus. 4) Add “no code” for the sensor code. 5) Under Transmitter SN select “enter manually” and enter any valid transmitter code (use one of your expired transmitter codes, if you know one, so it doesn’t interfere with the running of your current transmitter, they follow a specific format of certain numbers and letters: “NLNNNL” and only use certain combinations, so it’s easiest to use one you already know is valid). 6) Once the app is trying to find the transmitter and sensor, you will be able to invite followers: select the small three dots in the top left of the app, and add new follower. You can also use this if one of your followers has changed their handset and needs a fresh invite, here you can delete them from the follower list and resend a new invite email for them to use on their new handset. 7) On the Follower phone, install Dexcom Follow by downloading it from the App Store (iPhone) or Play (Android). Set up the Dexcom Follow app, and you will be prompted to open your email to find the invite to be a Follower. -8) You can now delete the official Dexcom G6 app. +1) 在_任何_智慧型手機(Android/iPhone)上安裝官方的“Dexcom”應用程式,如果方便的話,也可以安裝在追蹤者的手機上。 2) 使用你的 Dexcom 用戶名和密碼登錄,這與你用於 Dexcom Clarity 的登錄訊息相同,如果你已經是 Dexcom/Clarity 的客戶。 如果你沒有 Dexcom 登錄,這時可以選擇建立新帳號。 +3) 滑動瀏覽介紹選單。 4) 對於傳感器代碼,選擇“無代碼”。 5) 在發射器序號下,選擇“手動輸入”,並輸入任何有效的發射器代碼(如果你知道一個過期的發射器代碼,請使用它,這樣就不會干擾當前發射器的運作,它們遵循特定的數字和字母組合格式:“NLNNNL”,並且只使用特定的組合,因此使用你已知有效的代碼會更容易)。 6) 一旦應用程式嘗試查找發射器和傳感器,你將能夠邀請追蹤者:選擇應用程式左上角的小三個點,然後新增追蹤者。 如果你的其中一個追蹤者更換了手機,需要重新發送邀請,也可以在此處刪除他們並重新發送新的邀請郵件,供他們在新設備上使用。 7) 在追蹤者的手機上,透過 App Store(iPhone)或 Play 商店(Android)下載並安裝 Dexcom Follow。 設置 Dexcom Follow 應用程式,系統會提示你打開電子郵件以找到成為跟追蹤的邀請。 +) 現在你可以刪除官方的 Dexcom G6 應用程式。 -For Dexcom Follow, the sensor data is then exported from the AAPS phone either directly from BYODA, or from xDrip+, depending on which app you are using. +對於 Dexcom Follow,傳感器資料會根據你使用的應用程式,從 AAPS 手機直接透過 BYODA 或 xDrip+ 匯出。 -### B) Nightguard (iOS) +### B) Nightguard(iOS) -![image](./images/f2c7d330-9889-4526-9a5c-bbb012d804ab.png) +![圖像](./images/f2c7d330-9889-4526-9a5c-bbb012d804ab.png) -Pros (as reported by users): +優點(用戶報告): -● Available in the [app store](, simple, user-friendly interface. +● 可在[app store](中獲得,簡單且使用者友好的界面。 -● Swipe button or shake phone to snooze alarms at different intervals ranging from 5 mins to 24 hours +● 滑動按鈕或搖動手機以延後不同間隔的警報,範圍從5分鐘到24小時。 -● Customize alarms (high, low alerts, missed readings when no data for 15-45 minutes. +● 自訂警報(高、低警報,當無資料15-45分鐘時的警報)。 -● Fast rise/drop over 2-5 consecutive readings (you choose). Can also choose the delta between two individual readings +● 快速上升/下降超過2-5次連續讀數(你可以選擇)。 還可以選擇兩個單獨讀數之間的差值。 -● Smart snooze so doesn't alert if levels are moving in right direction +● 智慧延後功能,不會在資料朝正確方向變動時發出警報。 -● There is a Care tab which appears to enable you to set a new temp target for a certain duration, delete the temp target or enter carbs. +● 還有一個“照護”標籤,允許你設定一個臨時目標持續一段時間、刪除臨時目標或輸入碳水化合物數量。 -Cons (as reported by users) +缺點(用戶報告) -● Only available for iOS +● 只適用於 iOS -● The TT shows as 5 mmol regardless of which TT level is set +● 無論設置的 TT 水平如何,TT 始終顯示為 5 mmol -● Never shows Temp Basal rate even though it shows TB +● 從不顯示臨時基礎速率,儘管顯示了 TB -### C) Nightwatch (Android) +### C) Nightwatch(Android) -![image](./images/855c3a74-e612-4a6f-8b63-18d286ea0a3f.png) +![圖像](./images/855c3a74-e612-4a6f-8b63-18d286ea0a3f.png) -● Nightwatch markets itself as a Nightscout client and monitors the user’s Nightscout glucose levels on either Android phone or tablet. +● Nightwatch 自稱為 Nightscout 客戶端,可在 Android 手機或平板電腦上監控用戶的 Nightscout 血糖水平。 -● The app can be downloaded from [Google play]( and displays BG data in real time. +● 該應用程式可從[Google play](下載,並以實時方式顯示血糖資料。 -● The user can be alerted with customised noisy low and high alarms set. +● 用戶可以透過自訂的高低噪音警報進行提醒。 -● BG data can be viewed in either mmol/L or mg/dL. +● 血糖資料可以用 mmol/L 或 mg/dL 顯示。 -● It requires Android 5.0 and up. +● 需要 Android 5.0 及更高版本。 -● It has a dark Ul, large readings and buttons, designed for usage at night. +● 它有一個黑色界面,大字體顯示和大按鈕,專為夜間使用設計。 -### D) xDrip+ (Android) +### D) xDrip+(Android) -You can use xDrip+ as a follower. +你可以將 xDrip+ 作為追蹤者應用程式使用。 -#### With Nightscout +#### 與 Nightscout 一起使用 -Set xDrip+ as a Nightscout Follower. You will receive BG and treatments, not basal. +將 xDrip+ 設置為 Nightscout 的追蹤者。 你將接收血糖和治療訊息,但不會接收基礎速率資料。 -![image](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Nightscout_Follower.png) +![圖像](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Nightscout_Follower.png) -#### Without Nightscout - xDrip+ BG data source +#### 無 Nightscout - xDrip+ 作為血糖資料源 -If your AAPS data source is xDrip+ (or if xDrip+ can also receive BG from another app like BYODA, Juggluco, ...) you can use it from the master phone to share data with xDrip+ followers, displaying BG, treatments and basal rates. +如果你的 AAPS 資料源是 xDrip+(或如果 xDrip+ 也可以從其他應用程式接收血糖資料,如 BYODA、Juggluco 等),你可以從主手機分享資料給 xDrip+ 追蹤者,顯示血糖、治療和基礎速率資訊。 -![image](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Master_Sync.png) +![圖像](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Master_Sync.png) -#### Without Nightscout - xDrip+ BG companion app +#### 無 Nightscout - xDrip+ 作為血糖輔助應用程式 -If your AAPS data source is not xDrip+ but you can display BG data from the Companion App data source, you can use it from the master phone to share data with xDrip+ followers, displaying BG, treatments and basal rates. +如果你的 AAPS 資料源不是 xDrip+,但可以顯示來自輔助應用程式資料源的血糖資料,你可以從主手機分享資料給 xDrip+ 追蹤者,顯示血糖、治療和基礎速率資訊。 -![image](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Companion_Sync.png) +![圖像](./images/remote_control_and_following/xDrip+_Companion_Sync.png) -### E) xDrip4iOS/Shuggah (iOS) +### E) xDrip4iOS/Shuggah(iOS) -xDripSwift was created from porting the original xDrip app to iOS and evolved to "xDrip for iOS" written **xDrip4iOS** . +xDripSwift 是從最初的 xDrip 應用程式移植到 iOS 並發展成"xDrip for iOS",稱為**xDrip4iOS**。 -A version of **xDrip4iOS** is available in the Apple Store under the name of **Shuggah**. +版本 **xDrip4iOS**可在 Apple Store 上以**Shuggah**的名稱獲得。 -:::{admonition} Further detail about how to attempt to obtain the original **xDrip4iOS** app +:::{admonition} 進一步詳細說明如何嘗試獲得原版**xDrip4iOS**應用程式 :class: dropdown -The [xDrip4iOS Facebook group]( is the main community support for xDrip4iOS and Shuggah. **xDrip4iOS** can connect to many different CGM systems and transmitters and display blood glucose values, charts and statistics as well as provide alarms. It can also upload to Nightscout or act as a [follower app for Nightscout]( However, it is difficult to actually _get_ the **xDrip4iOS** app for your phone. +[xDrip4iOS Facebook 群組](是 xDrip4iOS 和 Shuggah 的主要社群支援。 **xDrip4iOS**可以連線到許多不同的 CGM 系統和發射器,並顯示血糖值、圖表和統計資料,還提供警報。 它還可以上傳到 Nightscout 或充當的[Nightscout追蹤者應用程式](。 然而,實際上要 _獲得_ **xDrip4iOS** 應用程式相當困難。 -"How can I get **xDrip4iOS** on my iPhone?" There are two options: +“如何在我的 iPhone 上獲得 **xDrip4iOS** 應用程式?” 有兩個選項: -1. If you have a Mac and an Apple Developer account (99 EUR/USD per year) you can build your own xDrip4iOS by following the instructions below: +1. 如果你有 Mac 和 Apple 開發者帳戶(每年 99 歐元/美元),你可以按照以下說明自行建立 xDrip4iOS 應用程式: -If you want, you can then become a "releaser" and share a Personal Testflight xDrip4iOS with up to 100 other people to help them: +如果你願意,你還可以成為“發佈者”,並透過 Personal Testflight 分享 xDrip4iOS 給最多 100 個其他人,幫助他們: -2. You join the [xDrip4iOS Facebook group]( and monitor the posts… wait for somebody to offer an invitation to their Personal Testflight releases in the group. **You should not ask for an invitation to the app** (read the group rules). +2. 你可以加入 [xDrip4iOS Facebook 群組](,並關注帖子……等待有人在群組中提供邀請加入他們的 Personal Testflight 版本。 **你不應該主動要求獲得應用程式邀請**(請閱讀群組規則)。 -An easier solution is therefore to download the **Shuggah** app. +一個更簡單的解決方案是下載 **Shuggah** 應用程式。 ::: #### [Shuggah]( -App: +應用程式: -![image](./images/03fc0c6a-067a-40ea-8be3-c66d4ce8b5d9.png) +![圖像](./images/03fc0c6a-067a-40ea-8be3-c66d4ce8b5d9.png) -![image](./images/fae3ec63-2c2c-4152-ab42-97f9744a8f36.png) +![圖像](./images/fae3ec63-2c2c-4152-ab42-97f9744a8f36.png) -"What is Shuggah?" A group of Ukrainian developers copied the project code for xDrip4iOS (which is shared publicly on GitHub) and released it on the App Store under a business account (the app is free, and their intentions are good). The app had to be slightly modified to add a privacy statement and disclaimer to get past the review, but the rest of the app should be the same as xDrip4iOS. The Shuggah release is not managed by the xDrip4iOS developers so it cannot be guaranteed that it will function in the same way as xDrip4iOS, that it will be updated at the same time, or that Apple won't remove it from the App Store at some point. +“什麼是 Shuggah?” 一群烏克蘭開發者複製了 GitHub 上公開分享的 xDrip4iOS 項目代碼,並在 Apple Store 上以商業帳戶發佈該應用程式(該應用程式是免費的,他們的初衷是好的)。 該應用程式必須稍作修改以添加隱私聲明和免責聲明才能透過審核,但其餘部分應與 xDrip4iOS 相同。 Shuggah 發佈版不是由 xDrip4iOS 開發者管理的,因此不能保證它的功能與 xDrip4iOS 相同,也不能保證它會與 xDrip4iOS 同時更新,或者 Apple 不會在某個時間點將其從 App Store 中移除。 -The [xDrip4iOS Facebook group]( supports xDrip4iOS, Shuggah, and the matching Apple Watch apps. +xDrip4iOS Facebook 群組支援 xDrip4iOS、Shuggah 以及相應的 Apple Watch 應用程式。 -### F) Sugarmate (iOS) +### F) Sugarmate(iOS) -![image](./images/340cd555-a9e0-4a20-a131-36c078f5b8ea.png) +![圖像](./images/340cd555-a9e0-4a20-a131-36c078f5b8ea.png) -![image](./images/21b83c41-85c6-4619-a702-a65450768855.png) +![圖像](./images/21b83c41-85c6-4619-a702-a65450768855.png) -[Sugarmate]( is available to download onto iPhones from the App store. Sugarmate is compatible with: ● Apple iPhone (Requires software version 13.0 or later) ● Apple iPad (Requires software version 13.0 or later) ● Google Android (Save web app to your homescreen) +[Sugarmate](可從 App Store 下載到 iPhone 上。 Sugarmate 相容於:● Apple iPhone(需要 13.0 或更高版本的軟體)● Apple iPad(需要 13.0 或更高版本的軟體)● Google Android(將網頁應用程式儲存到主螢幕) -It has been reported by users of Sugarmate that it can be used with Apple CarPlay in the USA to display glucose readings when driving. It is not yet established if this is possible in countries outside the USA. If you know more about this, please add details in here to the documentation by completing a pull-request (link) which is quick and easy to do. +據 Sugarmate 用戶報告,它可以在美國與 Apple CarPlay 一起使用,當駕駛時顯示血糖讀數。 目前尚未確定這在美國以外的國家是否可行。 如果你知道更多有關此功能的資訊,請透過提交 pull-request(鏈接)將詳細資料添加到文件中,這過程快速且簡單。 ### G) [Spike]( (iOS) -![image](./images/1129ba00-8159-4940-936e-76fd4ae45a2d.png) +![圖像](./images/1129ba00-8159-4940-936e-76fd4ae45a2d.png) -Spike can be used as a primary receiver or as a follower app, providing BG, alarms and IOB and more. The website and app are no longer developed. Details [here]( Support can be found on [Facebook]( and [Gitter]( +Spike 可用作主要接收器或追蹤者應用程式,提供血糖、警報、IOB 等功能。 該網站和應用程式已不再開發。 詳細資訊請參閱 [這裡](。 支援可以在 [Facebook]( 和 [Gitter]( 上找到。 -To install Spike, see [here]( +要安裝 Spike,請參閱 [這裡]( -## 2) Smartwatches for **Monitoring of AAPS** (full profile data, or glucose-only) where **AAPS** is running on a phone. +## 2) 用於 **監控 AAPS** 的智慧型手錶(完整的個人資料資料或僅顯示血糖)當 **AAPS** 在手機上運作時。 -Smartwatch options which also allow interaction with **AAPS** are described in the ["remote control"]( section of the documentation. +允許與 **AAPS** 進行互動的智慧型手錶選項已在文件的 ["遠端控制"]( 部分中描述。 -There are a wide range of affordable smartwatches which can provide display only. If you are using Nightscout, then a good overview of all the options is [here]( +還有各種經濟實惠的智慧型手錶可供顯示資料使用。 如果你使用 Nightscout,那麼這裡有關所有選項的一個不錯的概述 [這裡]( -Here we summarize some of the follow-only watch options popular with **AAPS** users: +在這裡我們總結了一些 **AAPS** 用戶流行的僅追蹤手錶選項: -### a) **Xiaomi and Amazfit watches** +### a) **小米和 Amazfit 手錶** -[Artem]( has created an xDrip+ integration app WatchDrip+ for various smartwatch models, mostly for Xiaomi (_e.g._ Mi band) and Amazfit brands: +[Artem]( 為各種智慧型手錶型號建立了一個 xDrip+ 集成應用程式 WatchDrip+,主要針對小米(如 Mi band)和 Amazfit 品牌: -![image](./images/4dba454b-f808-4e9e-bfc6-aba698e006f8.png) +![圖像](./images/4dba454b-f808-4e9e-bfc6-aba698e006f8.png) -You can read more about them, including how to set-up at his website [here]( The advantage of these watches is that they are small and relatively affordable (the Xiaomi Mi Band 5 has a RRP of £39.99 GBP). They are a popular option especially for kids and those with smaller wrists to wear. +你可以在他的網站上閱讀更多有關它們的資訊,包括如何設置 [這裡](。 這些手錶的優點是它們體積小且價格相對實惠(小米 Mi Band 5 的建議零售價為新台幣895元)。 它們是兒童和手腕較小的人們一個不錯的選擇。 -### b) Pebble watch +### b) Pebble 手錶 -![image](./images/52032f3b-c871-4342-b8e7-659c285a39c8.png) +![圖像](./images/52032f3b-c871-4342-b8e7-659c285a39c8.png) -![image](./images/935d28bb-a909-4ca8-850d-6a765bd4fcde.png) +![圖像](./images/935d28bb-a909-4ca8-850d-6a765bd4fcde.png) -Pebble watches ([now discontinued]( were on general sale from 2013 - 2016, and may still be available second-hand. Fitbit took over Pebble’s assets. Pebble users can use the Urchin watchface to view Nightscout data. Displayed data options include IOB, currently active temp basal rate and predictions. If open looping you can use IFTTT to create an applet that says if a Notification has been received from **AAPS** then send either an SMS or pushover notification. +Pebble 手錶([現已停產](於 2013 年至 2016 年間在市場上銷售,仍可二手購買。 Fitbit 接管了 Pebble 的資產。 Pebble 用戶可以使用 Urchin 表盤查看 Nightscout 資料。 顯示的資料選項包括 IOB、當前的臨時基礎速率和預測值。 如果使用開放循環,你可以使用 IFTTT 建立一個應用程式,如果收到來自**AAPS**的通知,則發送 SMS 或 pushover 通知。 -### c) [Bluejay GTS watch]( +### c) [Bluejay GTS 手錶]( -![image](./images/4d034157-b3d0-4dcb-98c8-fde0c2e7ad74.png) +![圖像](./images/4d034157-b3d0-4dcb-98c8-fde0c2e7ad74.png) -This is a unique piece of technology which can receive glucose data **directly** from the Dexcom G6 transmitter. It is not widely known that a Dexcom G6 transmitter actually broadcasts the current glucose data on _two_ separate channels, a phone channel and a pump channel. The Bluejay GTS watch runs a modified version of Xdrip+ software, and can be set to receive glucose data on either channel, so if **AAPS ** is using the phone channel, then the Bluejay GTS watch can use the pump channel. +這是一款獨特的技術產品,可以 **直接**從 Dexcom G6 發射器接收血糖資料。 很多人不知道 Dexcom G6 發射器實際上會在兩個獨立的通道上廣播當前的血糖資料,一個是手機通道,另一個是幫浦通道。 Bluejay GTS 手錶運作的是經過修改的 Xdrip+ 軟體,並且可以設置為在任一通道上接收血糖資料,因此如果 **AAPS** 使用手機通道,那麼 Bluejay GTS 手錶可以使用幫浦通道。 -The Bluejay GTS watch is small, waterproof and reasonably affordable (currently £115 GBP) and can be shipped internationally from the UK. The key advantage is that it is currently the only watch which is completely independent of both the phone and the looping system. So, for example, if you disconnect the pump and the **AAPS** phone at the beach or flume park, and are out of range of the AAPS phone, you can still get readings from the Dexcom G6 directly to the Bluejay watch. +Bluejay GTS 手錶體積小、防水且價格相對實惠(目前售價為 115 英鎊),可從英國國際運送。 其主要優點是它目前是唯一完全獨立於手機和循環系統的手錶。 例如,如果你在海灘或水上樂園時中斷幫浦和 **AAPS**手機的連線,並且超出了 AAPS 手機的範圍,你仍然可以從 Dexcom G6 直接獲取 Bluejay 手錶的讀數。 -Reported disadvantages are that it doesn’t always pickup a reading every 5 min, and the battery is not replaceable. The Bluejay GTS watch runs a modified version of Xdrip+ software, and it currently doesn’t work with other Dexcom versions (G7) or Libre sensors. +報告的缺點是它並不總是每 5 分鐘獲取一次讀數,並且電池不可更換。 Bluejay GTS 手錶運作的是經過修改的 Xdrip+ 軟體,目前不支援其他 Dexcom 版本(如 G7)或 Libre 傳感器。 -### d) Apple watch +### d) Apple 手錶 -Check [Nightscout on your watch]( +查看 [你的手錶上的 Nightscout]( -Options include Nightguard, sugarmate, Gluco-Tracker and Loop Follow. +選項包括 Nightguard、Sugarmate、Gluco-Tracker 和 Loop Follow。 -## 3) Devices for following AAPS +## 3) 追蹤 AAPS 的設備 -Devices include: A) M5 stack/M5 stickC +設備包括:A) M5 stack/M5 stickC B) Sugarpixel -C) PC (Teamviewer) +C) PC(Teamviewer) ### A) M5 stack -![image](./images/061edb52-56d2-45f4-b3da-82b2036d7bc6.png) +![圖像](./images/061edb52-56d2-45f4-b3da-82b2036d7bc6.png) -The M5Stack is a small box which can be programmed for many applications, Martin's project [M5Stack NightscoutMon]( is displaying sensor glucose values and trends, IOB and COB. It is in a plastic box, equipped with a colour display, micro SD card slot, 3 buttons, speaker and internal battery. It is a great blood sugar monitor and is relatively easy to set-up if you have a Nightscout account. Users typically run it on their home wifi, but some users report using it as a display when motorbiking, by running it off a phone wifi hotspot. +M5Stack 是一個小盒子,可以編程為多種應用程式,Martin 的項目 [M5Stack NightscoutMon]( 顯示傳感器血糖值和趨勢、IOB 和 COB。 它是一個塑膠盒,配備了彩色顯示屏、micro SD 卡槽、3 個按鈕、揚聲器和內置電池。 它是一個很棒的血糖監測器,並且如果你擁有 Nightscout 帳戶,設置相對容易。 用戶通常將其運作在他們的家庭 wifi 上,但有些用戶報告說,他們透過手機 wifi 熱點在騎摩托車時使用它作為顯示器。 ### B) Sugarpixel -SugarPixel is a device for secondary glucose display alert system for continuous glucose monitoring that connects with Dexcom app or Nightscout app on the user’s smartphone. The device displays real time blood sugar readings. This CGM hardware monitor benefits from random tone generation audio alerts (which are incredibly loud), vibration alerts for hearing impaired, customisable display options and native multi-user following. +SugarPixel 是一個連線 Dexcom 應用程式或 Nightscout 應用程式的次級血糖顯示警報系統,用於持續血糖監測。 該設備顯示實時的血糖讀數。 這款 CGM 硬體顯示器具備隨機音調生成的音檔警報(聲音非常大)、針對聽力受損者的振動警報、自定義顯示選項以及原生多用戶追蹤功能。 -![image](./images/39137beb-17cc-4c87-98b7-cf1831d484cb.png) +![圖像](./images/39137beb-17cc-4c87-98b7-cf1831d484cb.png) -![image](./images/87883ebb-9683-4aa8-8014-49c2ca902c93.png) +![圖像](./images/87883ebb-9683-4aa8-8014-49c2ca902c93.png) -● SugarPixel has multiple display options in mg/dL and mmol/L to suit the user’s needs with colour-coded glucose values. ● The standard face displays BG, Trend Arrow, and Delta. Delta is the change + or - from the last reading. ● SugarPixel can be customised for use in low brightness with the BG and Time face to see the user’s BG reading and current time on the user’s nightstand. ● SugarPixel’s xolour face utilises the entire display to show a single colour representing the BG value. This enables the user to see BG readings at a distance through the window while outside playing in the backyard, patio, or pool. ● The Big BG face is useful for nightstand users who wear glasses or contact lenses. +● SugarPixel 具有多種顯示選項,支援 mg/dL 和 mmol/L,以滿足用戶的需求,並且帶有顏色標識的血糖值。 ● 標準顯示面板顯示血糖讀數、趨勢箭頭和 Delta 值。 Delta 是與上一次讀數的變化值(正或負)。 ● SugarPixel 可以自定義為低亮度模式,顯示血糖和時間面板,方便用戶在床邊桌上查看當前血糖讀數和時間。 ● SugarPixel 的彩色面板利用整個顯示屏來展示單一顏色,代表當前的血糖值。 這使得用戶可以在戶外的後院、露台或游泳池旁,透過窗戶從遠處看到血糖讀數。 ● 大血糖面板非常適合床邊使用,特別是佩戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡的用戶。 -### C) PC (TeamViewer) -Some users find a full remote access tool like [TeamViewer]( to be helpful for advanced remote troubleshooting. +### C) 電腦(TeamViewer) +一些用戶發現像[TeamViewer](這樣的完整遠端桌面工具對於進行進階的遠端故障排除非常有幫助。   From f63a13eb8cca08191f84239cc24d907853ae8184 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 309/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/ | 751 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 375 insertions(+), 376 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ index 0499a882dfb7..784662a07e5b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ @@ -1,43 +1,42 @@ -# Remote control of AAPS -There are four highly effective tools for remotely managing **AAPS**: +# 遠端控制 AAPS +有四種非常有效的工具可以遠端管理 **AAPS**: -1) [SMS commands](sms-commands) (follower phone can be either Android or iOS), 2) [AAPSClient](aapsclient) (follower phone is Android) 3) [Nightscout](nightscout) (Android, iOS or other computer/device). -4) [Smartwatches](smartwatches) (Android) +1) [SMS 指令](sms-commands)(追蹤者的手機可以是 Android 或 iOS),2) [AAPSClient](aapsclient)(追蹤者的手機是 Android)3) [Nightscout](nightscout)(Android、iOS 或其他電腦/設備),4) [智慧型手錶](smartwatches)(Android) -The first three are mostly appropriate for carers/parents, but smartwatches are very useful for carers/parents **and** for adults with diabetes themselves. +前三個工具主要適合照顧者/父母使用,但智慧型手錶對於照顧者/父母以及糖尿病患者自己都非常有用。 -![image](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPS_overview_remote_control_01.png) +![圖像](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPS_overview_remote_control_01.png) -#### Considerations when setting up remote control of **AAPS** for a child +#### 為兒童設置 AAPS 遠端控制的考量 -1. Think about how you will keep the child’s phone in range of their pump and CGM. This can be challenging with children who are too young to be responsible for a phone. Ensuring you select an AAPS phone with a good bluetooth connection range and finding a comfortable way for the child to carry the pump and phone - if they are old/big enough to have the phone on them - (_e.g._ a [SPI Belt]( may help. -2. Take your time to set-up and test commands with your child next to you, before starting remote treatment and monitoring. Many parents choose school holidays or weekends. -3. Make sure other caregivers/teachers are aware of your child's treatment plan and work out how adding in remote control is going to work with/enhance the existing plan. -4. Many parents find it helpful to have a separate line of communication with childcare providers, for example a cheap small teacher “follow” phone. -5. Examples for school care plans for children of different ages can be found in the [“files section”]( of the **AAPS** Facebook page. -6. What is your emergency plan for when remote control does not work (_i.e._ network problems or lost bluetooth connection)? Always consider what will happen with **AAPS** if you suddenly can’t send a new command. **AAPS** overwrites the pump basal, ISF and ICR with the current profile values. Only use temporary profile switches (_i.e._ with a set time duration) if switching to a stronger insulin profile, in case your remote connection is disrupted. Then the pump will revert to the original profile when the time expires. +1. 請考慮如何讓孩子的手機保持在幫浦和 CGM 的有效範圍內。 對於年齡較小,還無法對手機負責的兒童來說,這可能是一個挑戰。 確保您選擇的 AAPS 手機具有良好的藍牙連線範圍,並找到讓孩子舒適攜帶幫浦和手機的方法——如果他們年齡/體型夠大,可以隨身攜帶手機——例如,[SPI Belt]( 可能會有所幫助。 +2. 在開始遠端治療和監控之前,請花時間與孩子一起設置並測試指令。 許多父母選擇在學校假期或週末進行這些測試。 +3. 確保其他照顧者/老師了解您孩子的治療計畫,並確定遠端控制如何與現有計畫協作或增強其效果。 +4. 許多父母發現,與兒童看護人員保持單獨的聯繫方式是有幫助的,例如準備一個便宜的小型教師“追蹤”手機。 +5. 不同年齡兒童學校護理計畫的示例可以在 **AAPS** Facebook 頁面的["文件區"](找到。 +6. 當遠端控制無法工作時,您的應急計劃是什麼(_例如_網絡問題或藍牙連線丟失)? 始終考慮當您突然無法發送新指令時,**AAPS** 會發生什麼情況。 **AAPS** 會使用當前設定覆蓋幫浦的基礎率、ISF 和 ICR。 如果切換到更強的胰島素設定,請只使用臨時設定切換(_例如_設置特定的持續時間),以防止遠端連線中斷。 當時間到期時,幫浦將恢復到原始設定。 (sms-commands)= -## 1) SMS Commands +## 1) SMS 指令 -You can control **AAPS** remotely via text (SMS) message through a feature known as **SMS Commands**. SMS commands can be sent to **AAPS** by _any_ type of phone (iPhone/Android). +您可以透過一項稱為 **SMS 指令** 的功能,使用文字訊息(SMS)遠端控制 **AAPS**。 _任何_ 類型的手機(iPhone/Android)都可以傳送 SMS 指令到 **AAPS**。 -**SMS commands are really useful:** -1. For routine remote control +**SMS 指令非常有用於:** +1. 日常遠端控制 -2. If you want to remotely bolus insulin +2. 如果您想遠端注射胰島素 -3. In a region of poor internet reception, where text messages are able to get through, but data/internet phone reception is limited. This is very useful when going to remote areas (e.g. camping, skiing). +3. 在網路訊號不佳的地區,文字訊息能夠傳送,而資料/網路訊號有限。 這在前往偏遠地區(例如露營、滑雪)時非常有用。 -4. If your other methods of remote control (Nightscout/AAPSClient) are temporarily not working +4. 如果您的其他遠端控制方法(Nightscout/AAPSClient)暫時無法使用 -### SMS command safety -If you enable **SMS Communicator** in **AAPS**, consider that the phone which is set up to give remote commands could be stolen, and/or used by someone else. Always lock your phone handset with at least a PIN. A strong password and/ or biometric lock are highly recommended, and ensure this is different from your APK Master password (the password which is required to change **AAPS** settings) . A second phone number must be enabled for SMS commands to work, even if you only have one primary caregiver/follower. You can then use the second number to temporarily disable SMS communicator (with the command **“SMS stop”**) if your main caregiver/parent phone is compromised. Versions of **AAPS** 2.7 and newer also use an [Authenticator app](authentication-or-not)). +### SMS 指令的安全性 +如果您啟用 **SMS 通訊** 功能,請考慮設定為傳送遠端指令的手機可能會被竊取,或者被他人使用。 請務必用至少 PIN 碼鎖定您的手機。 強密碼和/或生物辨識鎖定是非常推薦的,並且確保這個密碼與 APK 主密碼(修改 **AAPS** 設定所需的密碼)不同。 必須啟用第二個手機號碼才能使 SMS 指令生效,即使您只有一位主要的照護者/追蹤者。 如果主要照護者/父母的手機遭到侵入,您可以使用第二個號碼暫時停用 SMS 通訊(使用指令**“SMS stop”**)。 2.7 版及更新版本的 **AAPS** 還使用 [驗證器應用程式](authentication-or-not)。 -### Different types of SMS commands -The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example values_ are given, to aid understanding. The commands have the same range of possible values (targets, percent profile etc.) which are allowable in the AAPS app itself. The commands below have been listed by how commonly used they are likely to be, the first two tables should have most of the SMS commands you need with full looping. +### 不同類型的 SMS 指令 +下表列出了所有可能的 **SMS 指令**。 給出了一些_範例值_來幫助理解。 這些指令的值範圍與 AAPS 應用程式中允許的值相同(目標、百分比設定等)。 下表根據可能的使用頻率列出了指令,前兩個表格應該包含了您在完整循環中需要的大部分 SMS 指令。 -### SMS commands tables +### SMS 指令表 ![SMS_command_table_1](images/remote-control-02.png) @@ -48,757 +47,757 @@ The **SMS Commands Table** below shows all the possible SMS commands. _Example v ![SMS_command_table_4](images/remote-control-05.png) (authentication-or-not)= -### Authentication or not? +### 是否需要驗證? -You may notice from the table above that some SMS commands give an immediate response, and some SMS commands require **authenticating** with a security code from an additional app and a PIN (see below (link for more detail). A simple enquiry like “**bg**” (which requests an update on current glucose) is quick to type, doesn’t need authenticating, and returns the **AAPS** status information shown below: +您可能注意到,上述表格中的某些 SMS 指令會立即回應,而某些 SMS 指令則需要透過額外應用程式的安全碼和 PIN 進行 **驗證**(請參閱以下鏈接以獲取更多詳細資訊)。 簡單查詢如「**bg**」(請求當前血糖更新)打字快速,不需要驗證,並且返回以下所示的 **AAPS** 狀態資訊: -![image](images/remote-control-06.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-06.png) -Commands which need more security require a code to be entered, for example: +某些需要更高安全性的指令需要輸入安全碼,例如: -![SMS authenticated for markdown-smaller](images/remote-control-07.png) +![SMS 經驗證的小型指令](images/remote-control-07.png) -### How to set up SMS commands +### 如何設定 SMS 指令 -The overall process is as follows: +整個流程如下: -**1) Download an authenticator (caregiver phone)** +**1) 下載驗證器(照護者的手機)** -**2) Check phone settings (AAPS phone)** +**2) 檢查手機設置(AAPS 手機)** -**3) Date and time synching (caregiver and AAPS phone)** +**3) 日期和時間同步(照護者和 AAPS 手機)** -**4) AAPS settings (APPS phone)** +**4) AAPS 設定(AAPS 手機)** -**5) Testing SMS commands works (caregiver and AAPS phone)** +**5) 測試 SMS 指令是否正常工作(照護者和 AAPS 手機)** -### Let's get started! +### 讓我們開始吧! -1) **Download an authenticator**: On the caregiver phone, download (from the App store or Google play) and install one authenticator of your choice from the list below: +1) **下載驗證器:** 在照護者的手機上,從 App Store 或 Google Play 下載並安裝以下驗證器之一: [**Authy**]( -[**Google Authenticator - Android / iOS**]( +[**Google 驗證器 - Android / iOS**]( -[**LastPass Authenticator**]( +[**LastPass 身份驗證器**]( -[**FreeOTP Authenticator**]( +[**FreeOTP 身份驗證器**]( -These Authenticator apps produce a time-limited, one-time 6-digit password, similar to mobile banking or shopping. You can use an alternative Authenticator app, as long as it supports RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. The Microsoft Authenticator does not work. +這些驗證器應用程式會生成一個時間限制的、一次性 6 位數密碼,類似於行動銀行或購物。 您也可以使用其他支援 RFC 6238 TOTP 權杖的驗證器應用程式。 Microsoft 驗證器無法使用。 -2) **Check phone settings:** In the **AAPS** phone settings go to Apps > AndroidAPS > Permissions > SMS > Allow SMS +2) **檢查手機設定:** 在 **AAPS** 手機設定中,前往應用程式 > AndroidAPS > 權限 > SMS > 允許 SMS -![image](images/remote-control-08.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-08.png) -3) **Date and time synching:** In both the **AAPS** phone and the caregiver phone, check the date and time are synched. Exactly how you do this depends on your specific handsets, you may need to try out different settings. +3) **日期和時間同步:** 檢查 **AAPS** 手機和照護者手機的日期和時間是否同步。 具體操作取決於您的手機型號,您可能需要嘗試不同的設定。 -Example (for Samsung S23 handset): Settings – general management – date and time- automatic date and time +範例(以 Samsung S23 手機為例):設置 > 通用管理 > 日期和時間 > 自動日期和時間 -Some options may be greyed out, due to needing admin via a family account if the phone has been set up as a child account. This date and time setting is called “set automatically” on a caregiver/parent iPhone. If you are not sure if you have synched the handsets, don’t worry, you can set up the SMS commands and troubleshoot afterwards if it seems to be causing problems (ask for help if needed). +某些選項可能會被灰階化,這是因為手機設置為兒童帳戶,並需要透過家庭帳戶管理員啟用。 在照護者/父母的 iPhone 上,這個日期和時間設置稱為「自動設置」。 如果您不確定手機是否同步,別擔心,您可以先設置 SMS 指令,然後如果發現問題再進行故障排除(如果需要,可以請求幫助)。 -4) **AAPS settings:** +4) **AAPS 設定:** -i) Now that the phone settings have been checked, in the **AAPS** app itself, use the left hand hamburger menu to navigate to Config Builder: +i) 現在已經檢查了手機設定,在 **AAPS** 應用程式中,使用左側的漢堡選單導航到組態建置工具: -![image](images/remote-control-09.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-09.png) -ii) Enable “SMS communicator” by checking the boxes, then click the “cog” to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen: +ii) 勾選選項啟用「SMS 通訊」,然後點擊「齒輪」圖示進入 SMS 通訊的偏好設置頁面: -![image](images/remote-control-10.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-10.png) -_Note - as an alternative route to Config Builder, you can also use the new “SMS Communicator tab” at the top of the AAPS screen, then right click on the custom right hand hamburger menu for that page, to get to the SMS communicator preferences screen._ +_注意 - 作為進入組態建置工具的替代路徑,您還可以使用 AAPS 螢幕頂部的「SMS 通訊」標籤,然後右擊該頁面的自定義右側漢堡選單,進入 SMS 通訊偏好設定頁面。_ -iii) On the preferences screen enable “allow remote commands via SMS”: +iii) 在偏好設定頁面上,啟用「允許透過 SMS 遠端指令」: -![image](images/remote-control-11.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-11.png) -iv) Enter the caregiver phone number(s). Include the country code and exclude the first “0” of the phone number, as shown in these examples: +iv) 輸入照護者的電話號碼。 包含國際區號,並且排除電話號碼的第一個「0」,如以下範例所示: -UK phone number: +447976304596 +英國電話號碼:+447976304596 -US phone number: +11234567890 +美國電話號碼:+11234567890 -FR phone number: +33612344567 +法國電話號碼:+33612344567 -_etc._ +_等。_ -Note that the “+” in front of the number may or may not be required based on your location. To determine this, send a sample text which will show the received format in the SMS Communicator tab. +請注意,依據您所在的位置,電話號碼前的「+」號可能需要或不需要。 為了確定這一點,您可以傳送範例簡訊,以顯示在 SMS 通訊標籤中的接收格式。 -If you have more than one phone number to add, separate them by semicolons, with NO space between numbers (this is critical!). Select “OK”: +如果需要輸入多個電話號碼,請使用分號分隔,且號碼之間**不能有空格**(這一點至關重要!)。 選擇「確定」: -![image](images/remote-control-12.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-12.png) -v) Choose a PIN which you (and any other caregivers) are going to use at the end of the authenticator code when the SMS command is sent. +v) 選擇一個 PIN 碼,您(及任何其他照護者)將會在傳送 SMS 指令時,於驗證碼結尾使用此 PIN 碼。 -PIN requirements are: +PIN 碼要求如下: -•3 to 6 digits +• 3 到 6 位數字 -•not the same digits (_i.e._ 1111 or 1224) +• 不能全部為相同的數字(例如:1111 或 1224) -•not sequential numbers (_i.e._ 1234) +• 不能是連續數字(例如:1234) -![image](images/remote-control-13.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-13.png) -vi) On the preferences screen select “Authenticator setup” +vi) 在偏好設定頁面中,選擇「驗證器設置」 -● Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen. +● 按照螢幕上的逐步說明操作。 -● Open your installed authenticator app on the _caregiver’s phone_ set up a new connection and +● 在照護者的手機上打開已安裝的驗證器應用程式,設定一個新的連線,並 -● Use the caregiver phone to scan the QR code provided by **AAPS**, when prompted. +● 當提示時,使用照護者的手機掃描 **AAPS** 提供的 QR 碼。 -● Test the one-time passcode from the authenticator app on the caregiver phone followed by your PIN: +● 測試從照護者手機的驗證器應用程式生成的一次性密碼,並在後面加上您的 PIN 碼: -Example: +範例: -The token from the authenticator app is 457051 +驗證器應用程式生成的驗證碼為 457051 -Your mandatory PIN is 2401 +您的必須 PIN 碼為 2401 -Code to check: 4570512401 +驗證碼:4570512401 -If the entry is correct, the red text “WRONG PIN” will change automatically to a green “OK”. The process is now complete, there is no “OK” button you need to press after entering the code: +如果輸入正確,紅色字體「WRONG PIN」將自動變為綠色「OK」。 此過程已完成,輸入驗證碼後無需按「OK」按鈕: -![image](images/remote-control-14.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-14.png) -You should now be set up with SMS commands. +您現在已成功設定 SMS 指令。 -### First steps using SMS commands +### SMS 指令的初步操作 -1) To check you have set everything up correctly, test the connection by typing “bg” as an SMS message from the caregiver phone to the AAPS phone. You should get a response similar to that shown here: +1) 為了確認您已經正確設定,從照護者的手機傳送一則包含「bg」的簡訊到 AAPS 手機進行連線測試。 您應該會收到如下的回應: -![image](images/remote-control-15.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-15.png) -2) Now try an SMS command that requires the authenticator. To do this, send a text from the caregiver’s phone with the required command to the**AAPS** phone (_e.g._ “target hypo”). The caregiver’s phone will receive a text back, prompting you to enter the **six-digit authenticator password** from the authenticator app, followed by an additional secret **PIN** known only to caregivers/followers (a string of ten digits in total, assuming your PIN is only 4 digits). +2) 現在嘗試傳送一個需要驗證器的 SMS 指令。 要這麼做,從照護者的手機傳送所需指令到 **AAPS** 手機 (_例如_「target hypo」)。 照護者的手機將收到一則簡訊,提示您輸入來自驗證器應用程式的 **六位數驗證碼**,隨後是只有照護者/追蹤者知道的額外秘密 **PIN 碼**(假設 PIN 碼為 4 位數,共計 10 位數字)。 -This example is shown below, with the SMS command “target hypo” to set a hypo temp target: +下方範例展示了傳送「target hypo」指令以設定低血糖臨時目標的過程: -● In this example, your PIN is 1289 +● 在此範例中,您的 PIN 碼為 1289 -● Code from your authenticator app is 274127 +● 您的驗證器應用程式生成的驗證碼為 274127 -● When prompted, text 2741271289 +● 當提示時,傳送簡訊 2741271289 -Commands must be sent in English. The response should be in your local language. When you try sending an SMS command for the first time, try it in the presence of the AAPS phone, to see how it works: +指令必須以英文傳送。 回應則會顯示為您的本地語言。 當您首次嘗試傳送 SMS 指令時,最好在 AAPS 手機附近,以觀察運作情況: -![image](images/remote-control-16.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-16.png) -The caregiver’s phone will receive a SMS in reply from **AAPS** to confirm if the remote SMS command has been carried out successfully. There are several possible reasons the command may not be successful: +照護者的手機將收到來自 **AAPS** 的簡訊,確認遠端 SMS 指令是否成功執行。 指令可能無法成功的幾個原因如下: -● SMS commands setup isn’t complete/correct +● SMS 指令設置不完整或不正確 -● You sent a command which had an incorrect format (like “disconnect pump 45” instead of “pump disconnect 45”) +● 您傳送了格式不正確的指令(例如:「disconnect pump 45」應為「pump disconnect 45」) -● You used an incorrect, or expired authenticator code (it is usually good to wait a few seconds for a fresh code, if the current one is about to expire) +● 您使用了不正確或過期的驗證碼(當前驗證碼即將過期時,等待幾秒產生新的驗證碼通常是個好主意) -● The code+PIN was OK, but there was a delay in the SMS leaving/arriving, which led AAPS to calculate that the authenticator code had expired +● 驗證碼和 PIN 碼正確,但 SMS 傳送或接收的延遲,導致 AAPS 判定驗證碼已過期 -● The AAPS phone is out of range/contact with the pump +● AAPS 手機超出與幫浦的連線範圍/聯繫 -● The system is already busy delivering a bolus +● 系統正忙於執行注射操作 -If your command is successful, you will receive a reply to confirm this. If there is a problem you will receive an error message. +如果您的指令成功,您將收到一則確認回覆。 如果出現問題,您將收到錯誤訊息。 -Common errors are shown in the examples below: +常見錯誤的範例如下所示: -![image](images/remote-control-17.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-17.png) -### Additional safety notes on SMS commands +### SMS 指令的額外安全注意事項 -The default minimum time delay between bolus commands is 15 minutes. For safety reasons, you have to add at least two authorised phone numbers to change this to a shorter time delay. If you try to remotely bolus again within 15 minutes of the previous bolus, you will receive the response “Remote bolus not available. Try again later” +預設的兩次注射指令之間的最短延遲時間為 15 分鐘。 為了安全起見,您必須添加至少兩個授權電話號碼才能將此延遲時間縮短。 如果您嘗試在前一次注射後 15 分鐘內再次遠端注射,您將收到「無法遠端注射。請稍後再試」的回覆。 嘗試稍後再試 -If you want to remove the ability of a caregiver phone to send SMS commands, use the emergency button “RESET AUTHENTICATORS” in AAPS (see preferences screenshot above, link) or send the SMS command “SMS stop”. By resetting authenticators you make ALL the caregivers' phones invalid. You will need to set them up again. +如果您想移除照護者手機發送 SMS 指令的能力,請使用 AAPS 中的緊急按鈕「重置驗證器」(參見上方偏好設定截圖的連結)或發送 SMS 指令「SMS stop」。 重置驗證器將使所有照護者的手機無效。 您需要重新設定它們。 -### Delivering mealtime boluses through SMS commands +### 透過 SMS 指令進行餐時注射 -Remote bolusing of insulin can _only_ be done via **SMS Commands**, it cannot be actioned through NightScout or AAPSClient. Carbs however, can be announced through any of the three methods. It is not possible to send both carbs and insulin commands in one single SMS message. These commands must be sent separately as follows: +遠端注射胰島素 _只能_ 透過 **SMS 指令** 完成,無法透過 NightScout 或 AAPSClient 執行。 然而,碳水化合物可以透過這三種方法中的任何一種報告。 無法在一條 SMS 訊息中同時發送碳水化合物和胰島素指令。 這些指令必須分開發送,具體如下: -1) Send the insulin bolus (_e.g._“bolus 2” will command a bolus of 2 units) through SMS commands is equivalent to using the “syringe” icon in **AAPS**. 2) Send the carbs (_e.g._ “carbs 20” will announce 20g of carbs). This is equivalent to using the “carbs” tab in **AAPS**. +1) 發送胰島素注射指令(_例如_ 「bolus 2」將指令注射 2 單位的胰島素),透過 SMS 指令相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「注射」圖示。 2) 發送碳水化合物指令(_例如_「carbs 20」將報告 20 克的碳水化合物)。 這相當於在 **AAPS** 中使用「碳水化合物」標籤。 -To avoid hypos, it is a good idea to start conservatively, by bolusing **less insulin** than would be needed according to your carb ratio, because you are not taking into account the current glucose level or glucose trend. +為了避免低血糖,最好保守起見,注射 **少於** 按照您的碳水比率所需的胰島素,因為您沒有考慮當前的血糖水平或血糖趨勢。 -**The order in which you send these commands is important**. If you announce a large amount of carbs by any route, and have SMBs enabled, **AAPS** may immediately respond by giving a partial bolus of insulin. So, if you then try to send an insulin bolus _after_ announcing the carbs, you may have a frustrating delay and a “bolus in progress” message, and you then need to check what has been given as an SMB. Or, if you do not realise an SMB is being delivered, and your own subsequent bolus is also successful, too much insulin may be delivered for the meal overall. Therefore, if bolusing for meals remotely, always send the insulin bolus _before_ the carb announcement. If you prefer, you can use a combination of Nightscout or AAPSClient with SMS commands. Carbs can be announced through Nightscout without any authentication (see instructions sub section below) , and are therefore quicker than SMS commands. +**發送這些指令的順序很重要**。 如果您透過任何方式報告大量碳水化合物,並啟用了 SMB(超小注射),**AAPS** 可能會立即透過部分胰島素注射作出回應。 因此,如果您在報告碳水化合物後嘗試發送胰島素注射指令,您可能會遇到延遲並顯示「注射進行中」的訊息,您需要檢查已經執行的 SMB 注射。 或者,如果您沒有意識到正在進行 SMB 注射,並且您後續的注射也成功,則可能會為這頓飯過多注射胰島素。 因此,如果遠端控制餐時注射,請務必在報告碳水化合物 _之前_ 發送胰島素注射指令。 如果您願意,您可以結合使用 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 與 SMS 指令。 碳水化合物可以透過 Nightscout 報告,且不需要驗證(請參閱下方的說明部分),因此速度比 SMS 指令更快。 -### SMS commands troubleshooting and FAQ +### SMS 指令的疑難排解與常見問題解答 -#### Q: What _can’t_ we do with SMS commands? +#### Q: SMS 指令有哪些限制? -1) **You cannot set a _temporary_ profile switch** (so for example, setting “profile exercise“ for 60 minutes), although you can permanently switch to “profile exercise”. Temporary profiles switches can instead be set through Nightscout or AAPSClient. +1) **您無法設置_臨時_的個人檔案切換**(例如,設置「運動檔案」60 分鐘),但您可以永久切換至「運動檔案」。 臨時檔案切換可以透過 Nightscout 或 AAPSClient 進行設置。 -2) **You cannot cancel automations** or **set user-defined targets** but there are approximate solutions: As an example, imagine the normal profile target is 5.5. You have set an automation in AAPS, to always set a high target of 7.0 between 2.30pm and 3.30pm because of a sports class in school, and a condition of the automation is that “no temp target exists”. This week, you have been told at short notice that the sports class is cancelled, and is being replaced by a pizza-eating session, but your kid is already at school with the AAPS phone. If the high temporary target of 7.0 is started by the automation and you cancel it (on the AAPS phone, or remotely) the conditions for the automation are still met and **AAPS** will simply set the high target again, a minute later. +2) **您無法取消自動化或設置自定義目標**,但可以使用替代方案:假設您的常規檔案目標為 5.5。 您在 AAPS 中設置了自動化,每天下午 2:30 至 3:30 間將目標設為 7.0,以便學校的運動課程使用,並且自動化條件是「不存在臨時目標」。 本週,您臨時得知運動課被取消,取而代之的是披薩聚會,但您的孩子已經帶著 AAPS 手機在學校。 如果自動化設置了 7.0 的高臨時目標並且您取消了它(在 AAPS 手機上或遠端),自動化條件仍然成立,**AAPS** 將在一分鐘後再次設置高目標。 -**If you did have access to the AAPS phone**, you could uncheck/modify the automation, or, if you don’t want to do that, you could simply set a new temp target of 5.6 for 60 min under the Actions Tab or by pressing on the target tab. This would prevent the automation from setting the high target of 7.0. +**如果您可以查看 AAPS 手機**,您可以取消或修改自動化,或者,如果您不想這樣做,您可以在動作標籤中設置一個新的 5.6 的臨時目標 60 分鐘,或按下目標標籤來設置。 這樣可以防止自動化設置 7.0 的高目標。 -**If you don’t have access to the AAPS phone** SMS commands can be used for an approximate fix: for example, by using the command “target meal” to set a target of 5.0 for 45 mins (other default targets are 8.0 for activity or hypo, see Table). However, with SMS commands you cannot specify a _specific_ value target value (of 5.6 for 60 minutes, for example), you would need to use **AAPSClient** or Nightscout to do this. +**如果您無法查看 AAPS 手機**,可以使用 SMS 指令作為大致解決方案:例如,使用指令「target meal」設置 45 分鐘的 5.0 目標(其他預設目標為 8.0 用於運動或低血糖,見表)。 然而,使用 SMS 指令無法指定 _特定_ 的目標值(例如 60 分鐘的 5.6),這需要使用 **AAPSClient** 或 Nightscout。 -#### Q: What happens if I change my mind about a command I have just sent? +#### Q: 如果我改變了剛發送的指令怎麼辦? -**AAPS** will only deliver on the most recent command. So, if you type “bolus 1.5”, and then, without authenticating, you send a new command “bolus 1”, it will ignore the earlier 1.5 command. **AAPS** will always send the caregiver's phone a response to confirm what the SMS command is before you are prompted to enter the authentication code, as well as a response following the action. +**AAPS** 只會執行最近發送的指令。 因此,如果您輸入「bolus 1.5」,然後未經驗證就發送了新指令「bolus 1」,它將忽略先前的 1.5 指令。 **AAPS** 會始終向照護者手機發送回覆,確認 SMS 指令內容,然後提示您輸入驗證碼,並在執行後發送回覆。 -#### Q: Why didn't I get a response to an SMS command? +#### Q: 為什麼我沒有收到 SMS 指令的回覆? -It could be for one of these reasons: +可能是以下原因之一: -1) The message has not got through to the phone (network issues). 2) **AAPS** is still in the process of processing the request (_e.g._ a bolus, which can take some time to deliver depending on your bolus rate). 3) The AAPS phone does not have good bluetooth connection to the pump when the command is received, and the command has failed (this usually creates an alarm on the AAPS phone). +1) 訊息未到達手機(網絡問題)。 2) **AAPS** 還在處理請求(_例如_ 注射,根據注射速率,可能需要一些時間來執行)。 3) 當收到指令時,AAPS 手機與幫浦之間的藍牙連線不良,導致指令失敗(這通常會在 AAPS 手機上觸發警報)。 -#### Q: How can I stop a command once it has been authenticated? +#### Q: 一旦指令經過驗證,我可以停止嗎? -You can't. However, you can cancel a bolus sent by SMS on the **AAPS** phone itself, by simply cancelling it on the bolusing popup, if you are quick. Many SMS commands (apart from bolusing and carb announcements) can be easily reversed, or actions taken to mitigate unintended effects if a mistake is made. +不可以。 但是,您可以透過在 **AAPS** 手機的注射彈出窗口中快速取消來停止 SMS 發送的注射。 除了注射和碳水化合物報告外,許多 SMS 指令可以輕鬆撤銷,或透過某些操作來減輕錯誤的影響。 -For errors in bolusing and carb announcements, you can still take action. For example, if you have announced 20g carbs but your child only eats 10g and you (or an onhand caregiver) is unable to delete the treatment in the **AAPS** phone directly, you could set a high temporary target, or set a reduced profile, to encourage **AAPS** to be less aggressive. +例如,對於注射和碳水化合物報告中的錯誤,您仍然可以採取行動。 例如,如果您宣佈了 20g 的碳水化合物,但您的孩子只吃了 10g,而您(或在場的照護者)無法直接在 **AAPS** 手機中刪除這個治療,您可以設置一個較高的臨時目標,或設置一個較低的個人設定,讓 **AAPS** 減少其侵略性。 -#### Q. Why am I getting multiple SMS texts of the same message? +#### 問。 為什麼我收到同一條訊息的多封 SMS 簡訊? -If you receive the same message repeatedly (_e.g._ a profile switch) you may have accidentally set up a looping condition with other apps. This could be xDrip+, for example. If so, please ensure that xDrip+ (or any other app) does not upload treatments to NightScout. +如果您重複收到相同的訊息(例如個人設定切換),您可能無意間與其他應用程式建立了循環狀態。 例如可能是 xDrip+。 如果是這樣,請確保 xDrip+(或任何其他應用程式)沒有將治療資料上傳到 NightScout。 -#### Q. I’ve just set up SMS commands and I am now getting far too many text messages. Can I reduce the frequency, or make them stop? +#### 問。 我剛設置了 SMS 指令,現在收到太多的簡訊。 我可以減少頻率或停止這些簡訊嗎? -Using SMS commands may generate a lot of automated messages from the AAPS phone to the caregiver’s phone. You will also receive messages, for example “basal profile in pump updated” if you have automations set up in **AAPS**. It can be useful to have unlimited SMS allowance on your AAPS phone plan (and for each caregiver phone used) if a lot of SMS will be sent, and to deactivate SMS notifications, alarms or vibrations on all phones. It is not possible to use SMS commands and not receive these updates. Because of this, you may want an alternative way to communicate directly with your child (if they are old enough), instead of SMS. Common alternative communication apps used by **AAPS** caregivers include Whatsapp, Lime, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. +使用 SMS 指令可能會讓 AAPS 手機自動發送許多訊息到照護者的手機。 例如,如果您在 **AAPS** 中設置了自動化,您也會收到“幫浦中的基礎率設定已更新”這類訊息。 如果預計要發送大量簡訊,您最好在 AAPS 手機計畫中(以及每位照護者手機中)使用不限量的簡訊配額,並停用所有手機上的簡訊通知、警報或振動功能。 使用 SMS 指令時,無法避免接收到這些更新。 因此,您可能需要另一種與孩子直接溝通的方式(如果他們年齡夠大),而不是使用 SMS。 常見的 **AAPS** 照護者會使用的替代通訊應用程式包括 Whatsapp、Lime、Telegram 和 Facebook Messenger。 -#### Q. Why are SMS commands not working on my Samsung phone? +#### 問。 為什麼我的 Samsung 手機上的 SMS 指令無法運作? -There was a report of SMS commands stopping after an update on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. This was solved by disabling ‘send as chat message’. +曾經有報告指出,Samsung Galaxy S10 手機在更新後,SMS 指令停止運作。 這個問題可以透過停用“以聊天訊息發送”來解決。 -![image](images/remote-control-18.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-18.png) -#### Q. How can I fix issues with the Android Messages App? +#### 問。 如何解決 Android 訊息應用程式的問題? -If you are having issues sending or receiving SMS commands with the Android Messages app, disable end-to-end encryption on both caregiver and dependent’s phones: +如果您在使用 Android 訊息應用程式發送或接收 SMS 指令時遇到問題,請停用照護者和被照護者手機上的端到端加密功能: -● Open the specific SMS conversation in Messages +● 開啟訊息應用程式中的特定 SMS 對話 -● Select the options ellipsis in the top right corner +● 選擇右上角的選項省略號 -● select “Details” +● 選擇“詳細資料” -● Activate “Only send SMS and MMS messages” +● 啟用“只發送 SMS 和 MMS 訊息” (aapsclient)= ## 2) AAPSClient -_Note that **NSClient** has been replaced by **AAPSClient** for AAPS version 3.2 and higher, check the version release notes for more information._ +_請注意,**NSClient** 已被 **AAPSClient** 取代,適用於 AAPS 3.2 及更高版本,請查閱版本發佈說明以了解更多資訊。_ -For versions of **AAPS** which are older than AAPS 3.2, if you have a caregiver/parent Android phone you can directly download and install the [**AAPSClient**]( apk. **AAPSClient** looks very similar in appearance to **AAPS** itself, offering the caregiver tabs that will remotely action commands in **AAPS**: +對於 AAPS 3.2 以下版本,如果您有照護者/父母的 Android 手機,您可以直接下載並安裝 [**AAPSClient**]( apk。 **AAPSClient** 的外觀與 **AAPS** 本身非常相似,提供了照護者可以遠端執行 **AAPS** 指令的標籤頁: ![NSCLIENT_ 2024-05-17 134512]( -There are 2 versions of the apk that can be [downloaded from here](, **AAPSClient** & **AAPSClient2** which have a subtle but important difference as explained below. +這裡有兩個可以[下載](的 apk 版本,分別是 **AAPSClient** 和 **AAPSClient2**,它們有著細微但重要的差異,詳見下方說明。 -**AAPSClient** can be installed on a single phone or multiple follower phones (i.e. parent 1’s follower phone and parent 2’s follower phone) in order for both caregivers to be granted access and remote control a patient's **AAPS** phone. +**AAPSClient** 可以安裝在一部或多部追蹤者手機上(例如父母一的追蹤者手機和父母二的追蹤者手機),以便兩位照護者都能夠獲得權限並遠端控制患者的 **AAPS** 手機。 -Should a caregiver require a second copy of **AAPSClient** to remote control an additional patient with a Nightscout account, they should install **AAPSClient2** in addition to **AAPSClient**. **AAPSClient 2** allows a single caregiver to install the **AAPSClient** apk twice on the same follower phone in order to be given simultaneous access and remote control to two different patients. +如果某位照護者需要第二個副本來遠端控制另一位患者,且該患者有 Nightscout 帳號,他們應該安裝 **AAPSClient2** 以外加 **AAPSClient**。 **AAPSClient2** 允許單一照護者在同一台追蹤者手機上安裝 **AAPSClient** apk 兩次,以便同時遠端控制兩位不同的患者。 -To download **AAPSClient**, navigate to [here]( and click on the asset **“app-AAPSClient-release_x.x.x.x”** (it may be a newer version to that shown in the screenshot below): +要下載 **AAPSClient**,請前往 [此處](,然後點擊資產**“app-AAPSClient-release_x.x.x.x”**(它可能比下面的截圖顯示版本更新): -![image](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_02.png) +![圖像](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_02.png) -Then go to _downloads_ on your computer. On Windows, -downloads_ will show the right hand ribbon: +然後前往電腦上的 _下載_ 資料夾。 在 Windows 上,-下載- 將顯示右邊的選單欄: -![image](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_folder_03.png) +![圖像](images/remote_control_and_following/AAPSClient_download_folder_03.png) -Once downloaded, click _show in folder_ to locate the file. +下載完成後,點擊 _顯示於資料夾中_ 來定位該檔案。 -The **AAPSClient** apk can now be either: +現在,**AAPSClient** apk 可以透過以下方式進行安裝: -Transferred by a USB cable onto the follower phone; or Dragged into Google drive folder, and then added onto the follower phone by clicking on the "app-AAPSClient-release" file. +透過 USB 傳輸線傳輸到追蹤者手機;或拖放至 Google 雲端硬碟資料夾,然後透過點擊“app-AAPSClient-release”檔案將其安裝到追蹤者手機。 -### Synchronization- AAPSClient and AAPS set up (for Version above) +### 同步設置 - AAPSClient 和 AAPS 配置(適用於 版本以上) -Once __AAPSClient__ apk is installed on the follower phone, the user must ensure their ‘Preferences’ in Config Builder are correctly set up and aligned with __AAPS__ for Nightscout 15 (see Release Notes [here]( The example below provides Synchronization guidance for NSClient and NSClientV3 using Nightscout15 but there are other options available with __AAPS__ (e.g xDrip+). +一旦在追蹤者手機上安裝了 __AAPSClient__ apk,用戶必須確保在 Config Builder 中的“偏好設定”已正確設置並與 __AAPS__ 的 Nightscout 15 對齊(請參閱發佈說明 [此處](。 以下範例提供了使用 Nightscout 15 的 NSClient 和 NSClientV3 的同步指南,但 __AAPS__ 也有其他選項(例如 xDrip+)。 -Within the ‘Synchronization’ located under ‘Config Builder’, the user can opt for either Synchronization options for both __AAPS__ and follower phone being: +在“Config Builder”的“同步設置”中,用戶可以選擇 __AAPS__ 和追蹤者手機的同步選項: -- Option 1: NSClient (also known as ‘v1’) - which synchronises the user’s data with Nightscout; or +- 選項 1:NSClient(也稱為“v1”)- 同步用戶的資料與 Nightscout;或 -- Option 2: NSClientV3 (also referred to as ‘v3’).- which synchronises the user’s data with Nightscout using v3 API. +- 選項 2:NSClientV3(也稱為“v3”)- 透過 v3 API 同步用戶的資料與 Nightscout。 -![AAPS1_Screenshot 2024-05-17 133502]( +![AAPS1_截圖 2024-05-17 133502]( -The user must ensure that __both__ the AAPS and AAPS Client phones are synched together by actioning either option for v1 or v3 being: +用戶必須確保 __AAPS__ 和 AAPS Client 手機都透過執行 v1 或 v3 的選項同步: -Option 1: v1 for both phones: +選項 1:兩部手機均使用 v1: -- Enter your Nightscout URL +- 輸入您的 Nightscout 網址 -- Enter your API secret +- 輸入您的 API 密碼 -Option 2: v3 for both phones: +選項 2:兩部手機均使用 v3: -- Enter your Nightscout URL under NSClientV3 tab +- 在 NSClientV3 標籤下輸入您的 Nightscout 網址 -- Enter your NS access token under ‘Config Build’ tab. Please follow the notes [here]( +- 在“Config Build”標籤下輸入您的 NS 查看權杖。 請遵循[此處](的說明 -If selecting Websockets (which is optional) ensure this is activated or deactivated for both __AAPS’__ and __AAPSClient’s__ phone. Activating Websockets in __AAPS__ and not within __AAPSClient__ (and vice versa) will only cause __AAPS__ to malfunction. By enabling websockets will allow for faster synchronization with Nightscout but may lead to more phone battery consumption. +如果選擇 Websockets(可選),請確保 __AAPS__ 和 __AAPSClient__ 的手機上均已啟用或停用此功能。 啟用 Websockets 於 __AAPS__ 而未於 __AAPSClient__ 啟用(反之亦然),將會導致 __AAPS__ 無法正常運作。 啟用 Websockets 將加快與 Nightscout 的同步速度,但可能會導致手機耗電量增加。 -![WB2_Screenshot 2024-05-17 140548]( +![WB2_截圖 2024-05-17 140548]( -Users should ensure that both __AAPSClient__ and __AAPS__ are showing ‘connected’ under the ‘NSClient' tab for each phone, and that ‘Profile Switches’ or ‘Temp Target' can be correctly activated in __AAPS__ once selected in __AAPSClient__. +用戶應確保 __AAPSClient__ 和 __AAPS__ 均在“NSClient”標籤下顯示“已連線”,並且當在 __AAPSClient__ 中選擇後,“個人設定切換”或“臨時目標”可以在 __AAPS__ 中正確啟動。 -Users should also ensure that carbs are logged in both ‘Treatments’ within both __AAPSClient__ and __AAPS__ otherwise this could indicate a malfunction within the user’s set up. +用戶還應確保在 __AAPSClient__ 和 __AAPS__ 中的“治療”中記錄碳水化合物,否則這可能表明用戶的設置存在問題。 -### Troubleshooting 'NS access token' configuration issues +### 疑難排解“NS 查看權杖”配置問題 -The precise 'NS access token' configuration may differ depending upon whether your Nightscout provider is a paid for hosted site or not. +具體的“NS 查看權杖”配置可能會根據您的 Nightscout 提供商是否為付費託管網站而有所不同。 -If you are struggling with **AAPS** v3 to accept the 'NS access token' and using a paid for hosted Nightscout site, you may wish to first liaise with your Nightscout provider on how to resolve the 'NS access token' difficulties. Otherwise, please reach out to the **AAPS** group but please double check that you have correctly followed the notes before doing so [here]( +如果您在使用付費託管的 Nightscout 網站時,發現 **AAPS** v3 無法接受“NS 查看權杖”,建議您首先與 Nightscout 提供商聯繫,以解決“NS 查看權杖”問題。 否則,請聯繫 **AAPS** 小組,但在此之前,請務必仔細檢查是否正確遵循了說明 [此處](。 -### Features of AAPSClient include: +### AAPSClient 的功能包括: -![Sara's AAPSClient table](images/remote-control-23.png) +![Sara 的 AAPSClient 表格](images/remote-control-23.png) -**AAPSClient** allows the caregiver to make many of the adjustments that are allowed directly in **AAPS** (excluding insulin boluses) remotely, via the mobile or internet network. The main benefits of **AAPSClient** are the speed and ease with which caregivers/parents can use it to remotely control **APPS**. __AAPSClient__ _can_ be much faster than entering SMS Commands, if delivering a command which would require authentication. Commands entered on **AAPSClient** are uploaded onto Nightscout. +**AAPSClient** 允許照護者透過移動網絡或互聯網,遠端進行許多 **AAPS** 中允許的調整(不包括胰島素注射)。 **AAPSClient** 的主要優點是照護者/父母能夠以快速、便捷的方式遠端控制 **AAPS**。 __AAPSClient__ _可能_ 比輸入 SMS 指令快得多,尤其是當執行需要身份驗證的指令時。 透過 **AAPSClient** 輸入的指令將上傳到 Nightscout。 -Remote control through **AAPSClient** is only recommended if your synchronization is working well (_i.e._ you don’t see unwanted data changes like self-modification of TT, TBR etc) see [release notes for Version](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1) for further details. +只有當您的同步運作良好時,才建議使用 **AAPSClient** 進行遠端控制(_即_ 不會出現不必要的資料更改,如自動修改臨時目標、臨時基礎率等),詳見[版本 發佈說明](Releasenotes-important-hints-2-8-1-1)了解更多細節。 -### AAPSClient with smartwatch options +### AAPSClient 與智慧型手錶的選項 -A smartwatch can be a very useful tool for helping to manage **AAPS** with kids. A couple of different configurations are possible. If **AAPSClient** is installed on the parents phone, the [**AAPSClient WearOS** app]( can be downloaded and installed on a compatible smartwatch which is connected to the parent's phone. This will show current BG, loop status and allow carb entry, temp targets and profile changes. It will NOT allow bolusing from the WearOS app. You can read more about Smartwatches [here](smartwatches). +智慧型手錶可以是一個非常有用的工具,幫助管理兒童的 **AAPS**。 有幾種不同的配置方式可供選擇。 如果**AAPSClient** 安裝在父母的手機上,則可以下載並安裝[**AAPSClient WearOS** 應用程式](在與父母手機連線的相容智慧型手錶上。 這將顯示當前的血糖值、循環狀態,並允許輸入碳水化合物、設定臨時目標和更換設定檔。 無法從 WearOS 應用程式進行注射。 您可以在[這裡](smartwatches)閱讀更多關於智慧型手錶的資訊。 (nightscout)= ## 3) Nightscout -As well as Nightscout being a server in “the Cloud”, there is also a dedicated **Nightscout** app which can be downloaded directly from the App Store on your iPhone. If you have an Android follower phone, there is not a dedicated Nightscout app and it is better to use [**AAPSClient**](AAPSClient), or, if you only want to follow, and not send treatments you can download and install the [Nightwatch](link) app from the Playstore. +Nightscout 不僅是雲端中的伺服器,還有一個專用的 **Nightscout** 應用程式,可以直接從 iPhone 的 App Store 下載。 如果您有 Android 追蹤者手機,並沒有專用的 Nightscout 應用程式,建議使用 [**AAPSClient**](AAPSClient),或者如果您只想要追蹤而不發送治療資料,您可以從 Play 商店下載並安裝 [Nightwatch](link) 應用程式。 -Once you have installed the **Nightscout** app on your iPhone, open the app and follow the set-up prompts, entering your Nightscout address (see below, left). The form of this may vary depending on how your Nightscout is hosted. (_e.g._ Then enter your Nightscout API secret (see below, right). If not prompted for your API password, then you need to enter this by clicking on the padlock at the top of the app: +一旦您在 iPhone 上安裝了 **Nightscout** 應用程式,打開應用並按照設置提示進行操作,輸入您的 Nightscout 地址(見下方左側)。 此地址的格式可能取決於您的 Nightscout 是如何託管的。 (_例如_。 然後輸入您的 Nightscout API 密碼(見下方右側)。 如果未提示您輸入 API 密碼,請點擊應用程式頂部的鎖形圖示輸入密碼: -![image](images/remote-control-24.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-24.png) -More info on setup is available directly from [Nightscout]( +更多設置資訊可直接從 [Nightscout]( 獲得 -When you first log in, you will have a very simple display (below, left). Customise the display options, by selecting the “hamburger” in the top right and scrolling down: +當您首次登入時,將會顯示一個非常簡單的介面(見下方左側)。 透過點擊右上角的“漢堡”選單並向下滾動來自定義顯示選項: -![image](images/remote-control-25.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-25.png) -Scroll down through to “Settings”. You may wish to change the “scale” to “linear” as the default for the BG display is logarithmic, and under “render basal” select “default” so that the pump basal shows up. Continue to scroll down until you get to “show plugins”. You need to make sure “careportal” is checked, and can also select various other metrics (most useful are: IOB, care portal, pump, cannula age, insulin age, basal profile and OpenAPS). +向下滾動到“設置”。 您可能會想將 血糖 顯示的“比例”設置為“線性”,因為預設值是對數比例,並在“渲染基礎率”下選擇“預設”以顯示幫浦的基礎率。 繼續向下滾動直到找到“顯示外掛”。 您需要確保已勾選“照護入口”,還可以選擇其他有用的指標(最常用的包括:IOB、照護入口、幫浦、套管齡、胰島素齡、基礎率設定和 OpenAPS)。 -![image](images/remote-control-26.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-26.png) -![image](images/remote-control-27.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-27.png) -Importantly, you now need to click “save” at the bottom for these changes to take effect. +重要的是,您現在需要點擊底部的“儲存”,以使這些更改生效。 -After pressing “save” the app will return to your main Nightscout screen which will look a little like this: +按下“儲存”後,應用程式將返回您的 Nightscout 主畫面,顯示如下: -![image](images/remote-control-28.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-28.png) -Looking in more detail at the top left menu of the Nightscout app: +更詳細地查看 Nightscout 應用程式左上角的選單: -![nightscout top bar](images/remote-control-29.png) +![Nightscout 頂部欄](images/remote-control-29.png) -There is a huge amount of information on the status of the **AAPS** system in the grey tabs (and even more information is revealed if you tap the tab) on this screen: +此畫面上的灰色標籤包含大量關於 **AAPS** 系統狀態的資訊(點擊標籤可顯示更多資訊): -![image](images/remote-control-30.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-30.png) -![image](images/remote-control-31.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-31.png) -### Sending treatments through the Nightscout app to AAPS +### 透過 Nightscout 應用程式向 AAPS 發送治療資料 -To set-up sending treatments from the **Nightscout** app to **AAPS**, on the main AAPS phone, go into the **AAPSClient** tab in the **AAPS** app. Open the right-hand dot menu, and open AAPSClientpreferences – synchronisation and select the relevant options in this menu. Set it to receive the different commands (temporary targets, etc) and also to synchronise profiles. If things don’t seem to be synchronised, go back to the AAPSClient tab and select “full synchronisation” and wait a few minutes. +要設置從 **Nightscout** 應用程式向 **AAPS** 發送治療資料,請在主要 AAPS 手機中進入 **AAPSClient** 標籤。 打開右側的省略號選單,然後打開 AAPSClient 偏好設定 - 同步,並在此選單中選擇相關選項。 將其設置為接收不同的指令(例如臨時目標等)並同步個人設定。 如果似乎沒有同步,請返回 AAPSClient 標籤並選擇“完全同步”,等待幾分鐘。 -Nightscout on your iPhone has all the same functions as Nightscout on your PC. It allows you to send many commands to **AAPS**, but it does not allow you to send insulin boluses. +您在 iPhone 上的 Nightscout 應用程式擁有與您在電腦上使用的 Nightscout 相同的功能。 它允許您向 **AAPS** 發送許多指令,但不允許您發送胰島素注射指令。 -### Cancelling negative insulin to avoid repeat hypos +### 取消負胰島素以避免重複低血糖 -Although you cannot actually bolus insulin, you can however “announce” insulin through Nightscout as a “correction bolus”, although it is not delivered. Because AAPS now takes that fake insulin bolus into account, announcing insulin actually works to make AAPS _less aggressive_, and can be useful for cancelling negative insulin and preventing lows in the event that your profile has been too strong (for example due to prior exercise). You will want to check this for yourself in the presence of the **AAPS** phone, in case your **Nightscout** setup differs. +儘管您無法實際注射胰島素,但您可以透過 Nightscout 宣佈胰島素作為“修正注射”,儘管它實際上並未注射。 由於 AAPS 會考慮到這個假設的胰島素注射,因此宣佈胰島素實際上可以使 AAPS _不那麼激進_,這在取消負胰島素和防止低血糖時非常有用,特別是當您的個人設定過於強烈(例如,由於之前的運動)。 您可能會希望親自查看這些設置,並在 **AAPS** 手機附近進行檢查,以防您的 **Nightscout** 設置有所不同。 -![24-10-23, cancel negative insulin NS](./images/0af1dbe4-8aca-466b-816f-8e63758208ca.png) +![24-10-23,取消負胰島素 NS](./images/0af1dbe4-8aca-466b-816f-8e63758208ca.png) -Some of the most useful **Nightscout** commands are described in the table below. +一些最有用的 **Nightscout** 指令在下表中描述。 -#### Nightscout command table +#### Nightscout 指令表 -![image](images/remote-control-33.png) +![圖像](images/remote-control-33.png) -Read more about **Nightscout** options [here]( +閱讀更多關於 **Nightscout** 的選項[此處]( -### Tips for getting the most out of the Nightscout app +### 獲取 Nightscout 應用程式最佳使用效果的小提示 -1). If you get “stuck” on a page and want to be able to see the main screen again, just click “refresh” (bottom middle) and this will take you back to the **Nightscout** homepage with the BG graph. +1). 如果您被困在某個頁面上,並希望再次查看主畫面,只需點擊“重新整理”(底部中間),這將帶您返回 **Nightscout** 主頁,顯示 血糖 圖表。 -To see the current profile which is running on the phone, press the various icons on the screen above the graph. More info (current carb ratio, sensitivity and timezone etc.) can be seen by pressing “basal” and “OpenAPS” gives info about the profile and current target etc. Both the phone battery% and the pump battery % can also be monitored. BWP gives information on what the algorithm thinks will happen in the future, given the IOB and COB. +要查看手機上當前運作的個人設定,請按圖表上方的各個圖示。 按下“基礎率”可以查看更多資訊(當前的碳水化合物比率、敏感性和時區等),“OpenAPS”顯示有關個人設定和當前目標的資訊。 您還可以監控手機電池百分比和幫浦電池百分比。 BWP 提供關於算法在考慮 IOB 和 COB 情況下預測未來結果的資訊。 -#### Other icons in the menu: what does the pencil (edit) mean? +#### 選單中的其他圖示:鉛筆(編輯)圖示是什麼意思? -You can (technically) use the edit pencil to move or delete bolus or correction treatments from the last 48h. +您可以(技術上)使用編輯鉛筆來移動或刪除過去 48 小時內的注射或修正治療。 -More about this [here]( +更多相關資訊請參閱 [這裡]( -Although this could potentially be useful for deleting announced (but not bolused for) carbs, in practice it doesn’t currently work well with **AAPS** and we recommend making changes like this via the **AAPS** app directly. +雖然這可能對刪除已宣佈(但未實際注射)的碳水化合物有幫助,但在實際操作中,這在 **AAPS** 中並不運作良好,因此我們建議直接透過 **AAPS** 應用程式進行此類更改。 (smartwatches)= -## 4) Smartwatches +## 4) 智慧型手錶 -Smartwatches are becoming increasingly used with **AAPS** _both_ for adults with diabetes and carers/parents of children with diabetes. +智慧型手錶越來越多地與 **AAPS** 結合使用,_無論是_ 對於患有糖尿病的成年人還是兒童的照護者/父母。 -### General advantages of using smartwatches with **AAPS** +### 使用智慧型手錶搭配 **AAPS** 的一般優勢 -Smartwatches - depending on the model - can be used in many different ways with **AAPS**. They can be used to fully or partly control **AAPS**, or simply to remotely check glucose levels, insulin-on-board, and other parameters. +根據不同的型號,智慧型手錶可以以多種不同的方式與 **AAPS** 結合使用。 它們可以用來完全或部分控制 **AAPS**,或者只是遠端查看血糖值、胰島素剩餘量(IOB)及其他參數。 -Integrating a smartwatch with **AAPS** can be useful in many situations, including driving a car or (motor) bike and during exercise. Some people feel that looking at a watch (in a meeting, party, dinner table etc.) is more discreet than looking on a phone. From a security perspective, a smartwatch can also be beneficial while on the move, enabling user to have their **AAPS** phone stored out of sight (like inside a bag), but with the aid of the smartwatch for remote control use. +在很多情況下,將智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 整合非常有用,包括開車或騎車時,以及進行運動時。 有些人覺得在會議、聚會、餐桌等場合查看手錶比查看手機更加低調。 從安全的角度來看,當移動時,智慧型手錶還能提供幫助,使用戶可以將 **AAPS** 手機存放在看不見的地方(例如包內),但仍可以透過智慧型手錶進行遠端控制。 -### Specific advantages for parents/carers using **AAPS** +### 父母/照護者使用 **AAPS** 的具體優勢 -For a child - if their **AAPS** phone is nearby - a caregiver can use a smartwatch to monitor or make modifications without needing to use the **AAPS** phone. This can be useful, for example, if the **AAPS** phone is hidden away in a pump belt. +對於孩子來說,如果他們的 **AAPS** 手機在附近,照護者可以使用智慧型手錶進行監控或修改,而無需使用 **AAPS** 手機。 例如,當 **AAPS** 手機藏在幫浦腰帶中時,這會很有用。 -A smartwatch can be used either _in addition_ to, or as an _alternative_ to the PHONE-based options for [remote control]( or [following only]( +智慧型手錶可以作為手機遠端控制選項的_補充_,或者作為[遠端控制](或[僅追蹤](的_替代_選擇。 -Additionally, unlike parent/carer follower phones (which rely on the mobile network or wifi connection), bluetooth connected smartwatches can be useful in remote locations, like a cave, in a boat, or half-way up a mountain. If both devices (**AAPS** phone and smartwatch) are on the same wifi network, they can also use wifi. +此外,不同於父母/照護者的追蹤者手機(依賴於移動網絡或 Wi-Fi 連線),藍牙連線的智慧型手錶在偏遠地區(如洞穴、船上或半山腰)也能發揮作用。 如果兩個設備(**AAPS** 手機和智慧型手錶)都連線到相同的 Wi-Fi 網絡,它們也可以使用 Wi-Fi。 -### Different types of Smartwatch-AAPS interactions +### 不同類型的智慧型手錶與 AAPS 的互動方式 -Many of the possible smartwatch options available to **AAPS** users are detailed at [Nightscout on your watch](, so you are strongly advised to read those pages first to get a good idea of all the possibilities. +許多 **AAPS** 用戶可使用的智慧型手錶選項詳見 [Nightscout 與智慧型手錶](,強烈建議您先閱讀這些頁面,以便更好地了解所有可能性。 -There are currently five main ways in which smartwatches are used in conjunction with **AAPS**. These are shown in the table below:  +目前有五種主要方式可將智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 結合使用。 這些方式在下表中顯示:  -![29-10-23, updated AAPSClient watch option table](./images/bbbe0e84-1a8c-4163-8a0b-dcf91144af14.png) +![2023年10月29日,更新了 AAPSClient 手錶選項表](./images/bbbe0e84-1a8c-4163-8a0b-dcf91144af14.png) -Please note this table was prepared in 2023, it is not exhaustive, and additional options are being added all the time. +請注意,此表格編製於 2023 年,並非詳盡無遺,且不斷有新選項添加進來。 -### Before you buy a smartwatch… +### 在購買智慧型手錶之前…… -The exact model of smartwatch you buy depends on the desired function(s). There are currently two historical spreadsheets recording compatible [smartphones]( and [smartphones and watches]( but these will no longer continue to be updated since it is easier to ask via the Discord and Facebook groups, due to the huge range of options. +您購買的智慧型手錶具體型號取決於您所需的功能。 目前有兩份歷史性電子表格記錄了相容的[智慧型手機](和[智慧型手機和手錶](,但由於選項繁多,建議透過 Discord 和 Facebook 群組進行詢問,這些表格將不再更新。 -Popular watch brands include Samsung Galaxy, Garmin, Fossil, Mi band and Fitbit. The different options summarised in the Table above are explained in more detail below, to help you decide which smartwatch is right for your situation. +受歡迎的手錶品牌包括三星 Galaxy、Garmin、Fossil、米動手環和 Fitbit。 上表中概述的不同選項將在下方詳細解釋,幫助您決定哪款智慧型手錶適合您的需求。 -If you are integrating a smartwatch with **AAPS** on a phone with the intention to remotely interact with **AAPS**, you also need to consider if the two devices are compatible with each other, particularly if you have an older, or an unusual phone. +如果您打算將智慧型手錶與**AAPS** 手機結合使用並遠端操作**AAPS**,您還需要考慮這兩個設備是否相容,尤其是如果您的手機較舊或比較特殊。 -In general, if you only want to follow glucose numbers and not interact with **AAPS**, there are a wider range of affordable and simpler watches you can use. +一般來說,如果您只想要追蹤血糖資料而不與**AAPS** 進行互動,有更多價格實惠且簡單的手錶可供選擇。 -The best way to choose a smartwatch is to search for "watch" posts on either Discord or Facebook **AAPS** groups. Have a read of others experiences, and post any specific questions, if your query isn't answered by older posts. +選擇智慧型手錶的最佳方式是搜尋 Discord 或 Facebook**AAPS** 群組中的“手錶”相關帖子。 閱讀其他人的經驗分享,如果舊帖子中未解答您的問題,請發布具體問題。 -#### For Smartwatch Options 1 - 3: What _is_ Wear OS? +#### 智慧型手錶選項 1 - 3:什麼是 _Wear OS_? -The first three smartwatch options require the smartwatch to have **Wear OS** installed. +前三個智慧型手錶選項要求智慧型手錶安裝 **Wear OS**。 -**Wear OS** is the operating system which runs on some modern Android smartwatches. In [2018](, Google rebranded _Android Wear 1.x to Wear OS_ from version 2.x. So, if a device is labelled “_Android Wear_” rather than **Wear OS** it may indicate an older version. If the description of the smartwatch indicates only _compatibility_ with Android and iOS - it does not mean it is running Wear OS. It may be some other sort of Vendor specific operating system which is not compatible with **AAPS**. To support installation and use of any version of **AAPS** or **AAPSClient**, a smartwatch will need to be running **Wear OS**, and ideally be Android 10 or newer. As a guide, as of October 2023, the latest release of **Wear OS** is version 4.0 (based on Android 13). +**Wear OS** 是運作在部分現代 Android 智慧型手錶上的作業系統。 在 [2018年](,Google 將 _Android Wear 1.x_ 更名為 **Wear OS**,版本為 2.x。 因此,如果某款設備標示為“_Android Wear_”而不是 **Wear OS**,這可能表示該設備運作的是較舊版本。 如果智慧型手錶的描述僅指示與 Android 和 iOS 相容,則並不意味著它運作的是 **Wear OS**。 它可能運作的是其他供應商專用的作業系統,這些系統不與 **AAPS** 相容。 要支援安裝和使用任何版本的 **AAPS** 或 **AAPSClient**,智慧型手錶必須運作 **Wear OS**,且最好是 Android 10 或更新版本。 作為指引,截至 2023 年 10 月,**Wear OS** 的最新版本是基於 Android 13 的 4.0 版本。 -If you install **AAPS** wear.apk on a **Wear OS** watch, there are a range of different custom **AAPS** watchfaces which can be selected. Alternatively, you can use a standard smartphone watchface, with your **AAPS** information included in small tiles known as “complications” on the face. A complication is any feature that is displayed on a watch face in addition to the time. Features like complications require Wear OS version 2.0 or newer to work. +如果您在 **Wear OS** 手錶上安裝了 **AAPS** wear.apk,您可以選擇一系列不同的自訂 **AAPS** 手錶錶盤。 或者,您可以使用標準的智慧型手機錶盤,並在錶盤上包含稱為“小工具”的小方塊,顯示您的 **AAPS** 資訊。 小工具是在錶盤上顯示的任何額外於時間的功能。 像這樣的小工具需要 Wear OS 2.0 或更新版本才能正常運作。 -#### What could my smartwatch look like with remote control of AAPS? +#### 我的智慧型手錶在遠端控制 AAPS 時可能是什麼樣子? -After installing **AAPS** onto your watch, you will automatically be able to select your preferred watchface from these **AAPS**-dedicated watchfaces. On most watches, you simply long-press on the homescreen until the screen shrinks and swipe right to select an alernative screen: +在手錶上安裝 **AAPS** 後,您將自動可以從這些專用的 **AAPS** 錶盤中選擇您偏好的錶盤。 在大多數手錶上,您只需長按主畫面,直到畫面縮小,然後向右滑動選擇另一個螢幕: -![image](./images/67fd75f3-721c-438d-be01-1a8e03532290.png) +![圖像](./images/67fd75f3-721c-438d-be01-1a8e03532290.png) -#### How would I operate a Wear OS watch from day-to-day? +#### 如何在日常操作中使用 Wear OS 手錶? -Further details about the watchfaces, and day-to-day use, including how to make (and share) your own customised watchface, can be found in the section [Operation of Wear AAPS on a Smartwatch](../Configuration/ +關於錶盤的更多細節,以及日常使用,包括如何製作(並分享)您自定義的錶盤,請參閱[Wear AAPS 在智慧型手錶上的操作](../Configuration/部分。 -### Option 1) Standalone Watch running **AAPS** +### 選項 1) 運作 **AAPS** 的獨立手錶 -It sounds like an attractive option, right? However, at present, only a few enthusiasts are experimenting with **AAPS** on a stand-alone watch. There are a limited number of smartwatches with a reasonable interface which also which work well with standalone use of **AAPS** and your CGM app. Popular models include the LEMFO LEM 14, 15 and 16. You will need to load the watch with the **AAPS** "full" apk (the apk which is usually installed on a smartphone) rather than the **AAPS** "wear" apk. +這聽起來像是一個很有吸引力的選項,對嗎? 然而,目前只有少數愛好者正在嘗試在獨立手錶上運作 **AAPS**。 能夠與 **AAPS** 和您的 CGM 應用程式一起良好運作的獨立手錶界面目前數量有限。 受歡迎的型號包括 LEMFO LEM 14、15 和 16。 您需要在手錶上載入 **AAPS** 的“完整” apk(通常安裝在智慧型手機上的 apk),而不是 **AAPS** 的“wear” apk。 -While there is no clear specification which helps you to know if a watch will work well for standalone **AAPS** use, the following parameters will help: +雖然目前沒有明確的規範告訴您哪款手錶適合獨立使用 **AAPS**,但以下參數會有所幫助: -1) Android 10 or newer. 2) Being able to take the watchface off “square” mode to make text larger and easier to read. 3) Very good battery life. 4) Good bluetooth range. +1) Android 10 或更新版本。 2) 能夠將錶盤從“方形”模式移除,以使文本更大、更易讀。 3) 非常好的電池續航能力。 4) 良好的藍牙範圍。 -Most of the frustrations of standalone **AAPS** watches come from interacting with a tiny screen, and the fact that the current AAPS full app interface has not been designed for a watch. You may prefer to use a stylus to edit **AAPS** settings on the watch, due to the restricted screen size, and some AAPS buttons may not be visible on the watch screen. +大多數在獨立手錶上運作 **AAPS** 的挫折來自於與小螢幕的互動,並且目前 **AAPS** 完整應用程式的界面並非為手錶設計。 由於螢幕大小受限,您可能會更願意使用觸控筆來編輯 **AAPS** 設定,並且某些 **AAPS** 按鈕可能無法在手錶螢幕上顯示。 -Additional challenges are that it is hard to get sufficient battery life, and watches with sufficient battery are often bulky and thick. Users report fighting with the OS and power-saving settings, difficulty in starting sensors on the watch, poor bluetooth range (for maintaining connection with both the sensor and pump) and questionable water resistance. Examples are shown in the photos below (photo credit: Janvier Doyon). +額外的挑戰包括很難獲得足夠的電池續航能力,並且擁有足夠電池容量的手錶通常體積龐大且厚重。 用戶報告了操作系統和節能設置的問題、在手錶上啟動傳感器的困難、藍牙範圍差(無法與傳感器和幫浦保持穩定連線),以及不確定的防水性能。 下圖中展示了一些例子(圖片來源:Janvier Doyon)。 -![image](./images/6d787373-bc0c-404d-89aa-54d3127c4a6f.png) +![圖像](./images/6d787373-bc0c-404d-89aa-54d3127c4a6f.png) -![image](./images/5d2feecc-3f10-4767-b143-1a72da2b9bd4.png) +![圖像](./images/5d2feecc-3f10-4767-b143-1a72da2b9bd4.png) -If you are interested in setting up a standalone watch, read the posts and comments on the **AAPS** Facebook group (good search options are “standalone” and “Lemfo”) and Discord for more information. +如果您有興趣設置獨立手錶,請閱讀 **AAPS** Facebook 群組中的帖子和評論(好的搜尋詞是“standalone”和“Lemfo”)以及 Discord 獲取更多資訊。 -### Option 2) **AAPS** on watch, for remote control of **AAPS** on a phone +### 選項 2) 在手錶上運作 **AAPS**,以遠端控制手機上的 **AAPS** -Similarly to using a follower phone with either AAPSClient, Nightscout or SMS commands (link to sections) a smartwatch can be used to remotely control **AAPS** and provide full profile data. A key difference to using a follower phone is that the smartwatch to **AAPS** phone link is via bluetooth and does not require an authenticator code. As a side-note, users have reported that if both smartwatch and **AAPS** phone linked by bluetooth are also a wifi network, the watch may also interact with the **AAPS** phone over the wifi, giving a longer range of communication. This includes remote delivery of a bolus where the caregiver with the **AAPS** watch and T1D child (with **AAPS** phone) are in different locations and which can useful in circumstances where the T1D child is in school. +類似於使用追蹤者手機搭配 AAPSClient、Nightscout 或 SMS 指令(鏈接到相應部分),智慧型手錶可以用來遠端控制 **AAPS**,並提供完整的個人設定資料。 與使用追蹤者手機的主要區別是,智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 手機的連線是透過藍牙進行的,並且不需要驗證碼。 順帶一提,使用者報告說,如果智慧型手錶和 **AAPS** 手機透過藍牙連線,並且同時連線到 Wi-Fi 網絡,那麼手錶還可以透過 Wi-Fi 與 **AAPS** 手機互動,提供更長距離的通訊範圍。 這包括在不同位置遠端注射胰島素,例如照護者透過 **AAPS** 手錶為 T1D 孩子(持有 **AAPS** 手機)進行注射,這在孩子上學時特別有用。 -A remote control smartwatch is therefore often useful in any situation where: +因此,遠端控制智慧型手錶在以下情況中特別有用: -a) **AAPSClient**/Nightscout/**SMS** commands cannot work; or +a) 當 **AAPSClient**/Nightscout/**SMS** 指令無法使用時;或 -b) The user wishes to avoid the need for authenticator code (as required for the follower phone with inputting data, selecting TT or entering carbs). +b) 使用者希望避免輸入驗證碼(追蹤者手機需要在輸入資料、選擇 TT 或輸入碳水化合物時使用驗證碼)。 -A smartwatch needs to have **Android wear** software (ideally 10 or higher) to be able to control **AAPS**. Please check the technical specifications of the watch, and check the [spreadsheet of compatible watches](link). Search, or ask in the **AAPS** Facebook/Discord groups if unsure. +智慧型手錶需要運作 **Android wear** 軟體(最好是 10 或更新版本)才能控制 **AAPS**。 請檢查手錶的技術規格,並查看[相容手錶的表格](link)。 如果不確定,請在 **AAPS** 的 Facebook/Discord 群組中搜尋或詢問。 -Specific How-to guides for setting up **AAPS** on the popular [Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 (40mm) is given below. The [Garmin]( watch is also a popular choice. If you have experience of setting up a different smartwatch which you think would be useful to others, please add it into these pages [edit the documentation]( to share your findings with the wider **AAPS** community. +以下是設置流行型號 Samsung Galaxy Watch 4(40 毫米)的具體操作指南。 Garmin 手錶也是一個受歡迎的選擇,請參閱[這裡](。 如果您有設置其他智慧型手錶的經驗,並且認為這對其他用戶有幫助,請[編輯文件](,將您的發現分享給更廣泛的 **AAPS** 社群。 -#### The AAPS Wear apk +#### AAPS Wear apk -The Wear OS App of **AAPS** (“Wear OS apk”) required for the smartwatch has been separated from the "full" **AAPS** build for the Android phone. Therefore you have to generate a second installation file, or apk, to install **AAPS** wear onto the watch (which is done by side-loading it from the phone). It is strongly recommended that the **AAPS** Wear apk file is built immediately after first building the full **AAPS** apk for the phone. Not only is this very quick to do if you are [building **AAPS** for the first time](link to building **AAPS** for the first time), but it will avoid any potential compatibility issues when you try to set up the watch-phone communication. The **AAPS** Wear apk on the watch is unlikely to be compatible with the **AAPS** phone apk if they have been built in different versions of Android Studio, or if months have past since the initial **AAPS** build. +適用於智慧型手錶的 **AAPS** Wear OS 應用程式(“Wear OS apk”)已從 Android 手機的“完整” **AAPS** 版本中分離出來。 因此,您需要生成第二個安裝檔案或 apk,將 **AAPS** wear 安裝到手錶上(這是透過從手機側載到手錶上完成的)。 強烈建議在第一次構建手機的完整 **AAPS** apk 後立即生成 **AAPS** Wear apk 檔案。 這不僅在您[首次構建 **AAPS**] 時非常快捷,而且還可以避免在設置手錶與手機的通訊時出現潛在的相容性問題。 如果手錶上的 **AAPS** Wear apk 與手機上的 **AAPS** apk 是在不同版本的 Android Studio 中構建的,或如果距離最初的 **AAPS** 構建已經過了幾個月,則可能不相容。 -If you are already using **AAPS** on a phone and you did not build both the phone and watch (wear) **AAPS** apks at the same time, to ensure success it is therefore best to do a fresh build of both apk files at the same time. If you have already installed Android studio, then you may wish to uninstall and then reinstall Android studio as outlined below, and build the AAPS phone and watch apks at the same time, using the same **keystore file**. +如果您已經在手機上使用 **AAPS**,但當時沒有同時構建手機和手錶的 **AAPS** apk,為了確保成功,最好同時重新構建這兩個 apk 檔案。 如果您已經安裝了 Android Studio,則可能需要卸載並重新安裝 Android Studio,並按照以下步驟同時構建 **AAPS** 手機和手錶 apk,使用相同的**密鑰庫檔案**。 -#### How to uninstall Android Studio +#### 如何卸載 Android Studio -Make sure your keystore file is safely stored elsewhere on your computer, outside of the Android Studio folders. +確保您的密鑰庫檔案已安全存儲在電腦上的其他位置,遠離 Android Studio 資料夾。 -There are several steps required to completely remove Android Studio from a computer. This is a [good guide]( if you are using a Windows machine. In the final step of these instructions, you also need to manually remove the folder “StudioProjects”. +完全卸載 Android Studio 需要執行幾個步驟。 如果您使用的是 Windows 機器,這裡有一個[不錯的指南](。 在這些指示的最後一步,您還需要手動刪除“StudioProjects”資料夾。 -Now reinstall the latest version of Android Studio. +現在重新安裝最新版本的 Android Studio。 -#### Building the **AAPS** Wear apk -As a summary, the build process for the Wear apk is very similar to that for the "full" phone apk, the difference is that in Android Studio you need to select “**AndroidAPS.wear**” in the drop-down menu, and as build variant choose “**fullRelease**”. This will generate the **AAPS** Wear apk file. If you prefer, you can build **“pumpcontrolRelease”** instead, from the drop-down menu, which will allow you to just remotely control the pump but without looping. +#### 構建 **AAPS** Wear apk +簡單來說,Wear apk 的構建過程與手機 apk 的“完整”構建過程非常相似,不同之處在於您需要在 Android Studio 中的下拉選單中選擇“**AndroidAPS.wear**”,並選擇構建變體“**fullRelease**”。 這將生成 **AAPS** Wear apk 檔案。 如果您願意,您也可以從下拉選單中選擇構建 **“pumpcontrolRelease”**,這將只允許您遠端控制幫浦,但不包括循環功能。 -The following guide assumes you have reinstalled the latest version of Android studio (scenario below has used Giraffe 2022.3.1)). +以下指南假設您已重新安裝最新版本的 Android Studio(此場景使用的是 Giraffe 2022.3.1)。 -![image](./images/e8e3b7f3-f82e-425a-968c-cc196434a5f8.png) +![圖像](./images/e8e3b7f3-f82e-425a-968c-cc196434a5f8.png) -To get back here: +要回到這裡: -![image](./images/37f4589c-6097-49d4-b0b9-087664914198.png) +![圖像](./images/37f4589c-6097-49d4-b0b9-087664914198.png) -continue to follow the instructions. +繼續按照說明進行操作。 -Follow the prompts through the different screens until you are given an option with a dropdown menu offering to build the AAPS full apk. At this point, select “Wear” from the dropdown instead of “AndroidAPS.apk” because you are building the apk for the smartwatch. +按照不同畫面的提示,直到出現一個下拉選單,提供構建 AAPS 完整 apk 的選項。 在此時,從下拉選單中選擇“Wear”而不是“AndroidAPS.apk”,因為您正在為智慧型手錶構建 apk。 -Next Step go to "Build" in the ribbon +下一步,前往功能區中的“構建”選項 -![image](./images/b2cccc84-85b6-4ee1-800b-7c6dcb9dd857.png) +![圖像](./images/b2cccc84-85b6-4ee1-800b-7c6dcb9dd857.png) -Go to Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK +前往構建 > 生成已簽章的包/ APK -![image](./images/f488fe36-8cb9-4d81-9d94-5f742a1aaaee.png) +![圖像](./images/f488fe36-8cb9-4d81-9d94-5f742a1aaaee.png) -Select > APK: +選擇 > APK: -![image](./images/Installation_Screenshot_39b.PNG) +![圖像](./images/Installation_Screenshot_39b.PNG) -Select in Module: AndroidAPSwear +在模塊中選擇:AndroidAPSwear -![image](./images/cceaa832-70e6-4ad5-95ec-a82e2a6add1e.png) +![圖像](./images/cceaa832-70e6-4ad5-95ec-a82e2a6add1e.png) -Enter keystore file at the default location. Your keystore path will depend where you have stored your Keystore. For this scenario the keystore path was located: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr\bin +輸入預設位置的密鑰庫檔案。 您的密鑰庫路徑取決於您將密鑰庫存放的位置。 在此場景中,密鑰庫路徑位於:C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr\bin -The next screen should show this: +下一個畫面應顯示如下: -![image](./images/87ce7943-256e-449e-8439-8f9fd5bef05e.png) +![圖像](./images/87ce7943-256e-449e-8439-8f9fd5bef05e.png) -And select “fullRelease”. +然後選擇“fullRelease”。 -Be patient - the **AAPS** Wear apk should be built in around 10-20 minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection. +請耐心等待 - 構建 **AAPS** Wear apk 大約需要 10-20 分鐘,具體取決於您的網路連線速度。 -### Troubleshooting +### 疑難排解 -In the process of building the 3.2 full **AAPS** app (and in fact any signed app), Android Studio generates a .json file in the same folder. This then causes errors with [uncommitted changes](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes) when you try to build the next signed app, like the **AAPS** wear app. The quickest way to resolve this is to navigate to the folder where the full AAPS app has been built, your folder is probably something like: +在構建 3.2 版完整 **AAPS** 應用程式(實際上是任何已簽章的應用程式)過程中,Android Studio 會在同一個資料夾中生成一個 .json 檔案。 這會在您嘗試構建下一個已簽章的應用程式(如 **AAPS** wear 應用程式)時,導致[未提交的變更](troubleshooting_androidstudio-uncommitted-changes)錯誤。 解決此問題的最快方法是導航到構建完整 AAPS 應用程式的資料夾,您的資料夾可能類似於: -C:\Users\Your Name\StudioProjects\AndroidAPS\app\aapsclient\release. +C:\Users\Your Name\StudioProjects\AndroidAPS\app\aapsclient\release。 -Either delete, or move the unneeded .json file out of the folder. Then try to build the **AAPS** wear app again. If that doesn't work, the more detailed [troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio) will help you to identify the specific file causing the issue, which could also be your keystore file. +將不需要的 .json 檔案刪除或移出該資料夾。 然後再次嘗試構建 **AAPS** wear 應用程式。 如果這不起作用,請參閱[更詳細的疑難排解指南](troubleshooting_androidstudio-troubleshooting-android-studio),以幫助您識別導致問題的具體檔案,也可能是您的密鑰庫檔案。 -#### How to set up a Samsung Galaxy 4 smartwatch with **AAPS** +#### 如何設置 Samsung Galaxy 4 智慧型手錶與 **AAPS** 搭配使用 -This section assumes you are totally new to Smartwatches, and gives you basic orientation of a popular watch, the **Galaxy Watch 4**, followed by a step-by-step guide to setup **AAPS** on the watch. +本節假設您對智慧型手錶完全陌生,將向您介紹一款流行手錶(**Galaxy Watch 4**)的基本操作,隨後是逐步設置 **AAPS** 在手錶上運作的指南。 -_This guide assumes the Samsung Galaxy watch you are setting up is running Wear OS version 3 or lower._ If you are setting up a watch running Wear OS 4/OneUI 5 or later, you will need to use a new ADB pairing process, this is explained in the Samsung software on your phone and will be updated here in due course. Here are basic setup guides for the [Galaxy Watch 5]( and [Galaxy Watch 6]( +_本指南假設您正在設置運作 Wear OS 3 或更低版本的 Samsung Galaxy 手錶。_ 如果您正在設置運作 Wear OS 4/OneUI 5 或更高版本的手錶,您將需要使用新的 ADB 配對過程,這在 Samsung 手機軟體中有解釋,並將在適當時更新到這裡。 這裡有關於 [Galaxy Watch 5]( 和 [Galaxy Watch 6]( 的基本設置指南 -##### Basic smartwatch familiarity +##### 智慧型手錶的基本熟悉指南 -After basic setup of your watch according to the video above, go to the playstore on the phone and download the following apps: "Galaxy Wearable" “Samsung” and either “Easy Fire tools” or "Wear Installer 2". +根據上方影片進行手錶的基本設置後,前往手機上的 Play 商店並下載以下應用程式:“Galaxy Wearable”、“Samsung”和“Easy Fire tools”或“Wear Installer 2”。 -There are plenty of 3rd party YouTube videos which will help you with getting familiar with your new smartwatch, for example: +有許多第三方 YouTube 視頻可幫助您熟悉新手錶,例如: -The app “Galaxy Wearable” also has an instruction manual section in it. Open galaxy wearable on the phone, search for the watch, attempt to pair the watch with the phone. Depending on your version, this may prompt you to install a further 3rd app “galaxy watch 4 plugin” from the playstore (takes a while to download). Install this on the phone, and then attempt to pair the watch and phone again in the wearable app. Go through a series of menus and tick various preferences. +“Galaxy Wearable”應用程式內也有一個使用手冊部分。 在手機上打開 Galaxy Wearable,搜尋手錶,嘗試將手錶與手機配對。 根據您的版本,這可能會提示您從 Play 商店安裝第三個應用程式“Galaxy Watch 4 外掛”(下載需要一些時間)。 在手機上安裝此應用程式,然後再次在 Galaxy Wearable 應用程式中嘗試將手錶與手機配對。 透過一系列選單並勾選各種偏好設定。 -##### Setting up a Samsung account +##### 設置 Samsung 帳號 -You need to make sure that the email account you use to set up the Samsung account has a date-of-birth such that the user is age 13+, as otherwise the Samsung permissions are really difficult to approve. If you have given your child under 13 a Gmail account and are using that email address, you cannot simply change it to an adult account. One way around this is to modify the current date-of-birth to make the current age 12 years and 363 days old. The following day, the account will be converted to an adult account, and you can progress with the setup of the Samsung account. +您需要確保用來設置 Samsung 帳號的電子郵件帳戶的出生日期顯示用戶年齡 13 歲以上,否則 Samsung 的許可權批准將非常困難。 如果您已為 13 歲以下的孩子建立了 Gmail 帳號並使用該電子郵件地址,您無法簡單地將其更改為成人帳戶。 解決此問題的一種方法是將當前的出生日期修改為使當前年齡為 12 歲零 363 天。 第二天,該帳戶將被轉換為成人帳戶,然後您可以繼續設置 Samsung 帳戶。 -##### Transferring the **AAPS** Wear app onto your **AAPS** phone +##### 將 **AAPS** Wear 應用程式傳輸到 **AAPS** 手機 -Loading the Wear.apk from Android Studio to your phone can be done either by: +從 Android Studio 將 Wear.apk 載入到您的手機,可以透過以下方式進行: -a) using a USB cable to put the **AAPS** wear apk file onto the phone, and then “side-load” it to the watch. Transfer Wear.apk to the phone via USB into the downloads folder; or +a) 使用 USB 傳輸線將 **AAPS** wear apk 檔案放入手機,然後將其“側載”到手錶上。 透過 USB 將 Wear.apk 傳輸到手機的下載資料夾;或 -b) cut and paste Wear.apk from Android Studio onto your Gdrive. +b) 從 Android Studio 將 Wear.apk 剪切並粘貼到您的 Gdrive 中。 -You can use either Wear Installer 2 or Easy Fire tools to side-load AAPS onto the watch. Here we recommend Wear Installer 2, because the instructions and process in the video are so clear and well-explained. +您可以使用 Wear Installer 2 或 Easy Fire tools 將 AAPS 側載到手錶上。 這裡我們推薦使用 Wear Installer 2,因為視頻中的說明和過程非常清晰且解釋得很好。 -##### Using Wear Installer 2 to side-load **AAPS** Wear from the phone onto the watch +##### 使用 Wear Installer 2 將 **AAPS** Wear 從手機側載到手錶上 - ![image](./images/43577a66-f762-4c11-a3b3-4d6d704d26c7.png) + ![圖像](./images/43577a66-f762-4c11-a3b3-4d6d704d26c7.png) -Wear Installer 2, developed by [Malcolm Bryant]( can be downloaded from Google Play onto your phone and can be used to side-load the AAPS wear app onto the watch. The app includes a handy ‘how to sideload’ [video.]( +Wear Installer 2 由 [Malcolm Bryant]( 開發,您可以從 Google Play 將其下載到手機上,並用來將 AAPS wear 應用程式側載到手錶上。 該應用程式包含一個便捷的“如何側載”[視頻](。 -This provides all the necessary detail (best to open the video on a separate device so you can watch it whilst setting up the phone). +該視頻提供了所有必要的細節(最好在單獨的設備上打開視頻,以便在設置手機時觀看)。 -As mentioned in the video, once complete, switch ADB debugging off on the watch, to avoid draining the smartwatch battery. +如視頻中所述,完成後,請關閉手錶上的 ADB 調試,以避免消耗智慧型手錶的電池。 -Alternatively, you can: +或者,您可以: -:::{admonition} Use Easy Fire tools to side-load the **AAPS** wear on the watch +:::{admonition} 使用 Easy Fire tools 將 **AAPS** wear 側載到手錶上 :class: dropdown -1) Download _Easy Fire Tools_ from playstore onto phone +1) 從 Play 商店下載 _Easy Fire Tools_ 到手機上 -![image](./images/81ceb8f3-dfa6-468b-b9d0-c31b885bc104.png) +![圖像](./images/81ceb8f3-dfa6-468b-b9d0-c31b885bc104.png) -2) Make yourself a developer in the watch (once set up and connected to phone): +2) 將自己設為手錶的開發者(設置完成並連線到手機後): -Go to settings >about watch (bottom option) >- software info > software version. +前往 設置 > 關於手錶(最底部選項) > 軟體資訊 > 軟體版本。 -Rapidly tap on “ software version” until a notification appears that the watch is now in "developer mode". Return to the top of settings menu, scroll to the bottom and see “developer options” below “about watch”. +快速點擊“軟體版本”,直到出現通知,告知手錶現在處於“開發者模式”。 返回設置選單頂部,向下滾動,並在“關於手錶”下方看到“開發者選項”。 -In “developer options”, turn on “ADB debugging” and “wireless debugging”. The latter option then reveals the IP address of the watch, the final two digits of which changes each time the watch is paired with a new phone. It will be something like: **** 5555 (ignore the last 4 digits). Note that the last two digits (here, “20”) of this address will change every time you change to a new phone handset for AAPS. +在“開發者選項”中,打開“ADB 調試”和“無線調試”。 後者將顯示手錶的 IP 地址,其最後兩位數字每次與新手機配對時都會改變。 IP 地址類似於:**。** 5555(忽略最後四位數字)。 請注意,每次將 AAPS 切換到新手機時,這個地址的最後兩位數字(這裡為“20”)將發生變化。 -![24-10-23, watch ADB debug pic](./images/643f4e8b-09f3-4a8d-8277-76b1839a5c3a.png) +![24-10-23,手錶 ADB 調試圖片](./images/643f4e8b-09f3-4a8d-8277-76b1839a5c3a.png) -STEP 3) Enter IP address _e.g._ **** into Easy Fire tools on the phone (go into the left hamburger, settings and enter the IP address). Then click the plug socket icon on the top right. +步驟 3) 將 IP 地址 _例如_ **** 輸入手機上的 Easy Fire tools(進入左側的漢堡選單,設置並輸入 IP 地址)。 然後點擊右上角的插頭圖示。 -![image](./images/b927041f-cc53-4cde-9f77-11cd517c9be0.png) +![圖像](./images/b927041f-cc53-4cde-9f77-11cd517c9be0.png) -![image](./images/00b2fb8b-5996-4b71-894e-516d63469e1b.png) +![圖像](./images/00b2fb8b-5996-4b71-894e-516d63469e1b.png) -STEP 4) Follow the instructions [here]( to side-load (i.e. transfer) Wear.apk onto the smartwatch using Easy Fire tools +步驟 4) 按照[此處](的說明,使用 Easy Fire tools 側載(即傳輸) Wear.apk 到智慧型手錶上 -Click side "plug-in" socket in the app, in order to upload Wear OS.apk onto the smartwatch: +在應用程式中點擊側面的“插頭”圖示,以便將 Wear OS.apk 上傳到智慧型手錶上: -![image](./images/d1bc4c9d-d5ef-4402-a9a2-a51ed242eff3.png) +![圖像](./images/d1bc4c9d-d5ef-4402-a9a2-a51ed242eff3.png) - Next step > accept the authorisation request on the smartwatch + 下一步 > 在智慧型手錶上接受授權請求 -![image](./images/2c398a34-b865-4aa1-9c53-d83dfef052a7.png) +![圖像](./images/2c398a34-b865-4aa1-9c53-d83dfef052a7.png) ::: -##### Setting up the connection between the watch and the phone from **AAPS** +##### 設置 **AAPS** 手機與手錶的連線 -The final step is to configure **AAPS** on the phone to interact with **AAPS** Wear” on the watch. To do this, enable the Wear plugin in Config Builder: +最後一步是配置手機上的 **AAPS** 與智慧型手錶上的 **AAPS** Wear 互動。 為此,在 Config Builder 中啟用 Wear 外掛: -● Go to the **AAPS** app on the phone +● 打開手機上的 **AAPS** 應用程式 -● Select > Config Builder in the left-hand Hamburger tab +● 選擇 > 左側漢堡選單中的 Config Builder -● Tick for Wear selection under General +● 在常規部分勾選 Wear 選項 -![image](./images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) +![圖像](./images/ae6d75a1-1829-4d2e-b0dc-153e31e4a466.png) -To change to a different **AAPS** watchface, press on the home screen of the watch and it will come to “customise”. Then swipe right until you get to all the **AAPS** faces. +要更改 **AAPS** 手錶錶盤,請按下手錶的主畫面,它將進入“自訂”模式。 然後向右滑動,直到看到所有 **AAPS** 錶盤。 -If the **AAPS** Wear.apk has been successfully side-loaded onto the smartwatch, it will look like this: +如果 **AAPS** Wear.apk 已成功側載到智慧型手錶上,它將顯示如下: -![24-10-23, successful galaxy watch photo](./images/628e46d8-c7dc-4741-9eba-ae83f396c04c.png) +![24-10-23,成功的 Galaxy 手錶照片](./images/628e46d8-c7dc-4741-9eba-ae83f396c04c.png) -#### Troubleshooting the **AAPS** watch- **AAPS** phone communication -1. If EasyFire tools does not connect or if you are receiving ‘authorisation failed’ > check IP address has been correctly entered. -2. Check that the smartwatch is connected to the internet (and not just connected to the phone via Bluetooth). -3. Check that the **AAPS** Phone and smartwatch are paired or linked in Samsung app. -4. It may also help to do a hard restart of Phone and smartwatch (meaning turning phone on and off) -5. Assuming you have managed to download the Wear.apk onto your phone but you are not receiving any BG data, _check_ that you have side-loaded the correct **AAPS** apk version onto the watch. If your AAPS wear.apk version is listed as any of the following: a) “wear-AAPSClient-release’; b) ‘wear-full-release.aab’; or c) the word ‘debug’ appears in the title, you have not selected the correct Wear OS apk version during the build. -6. Check that your router is not isolating the devices from one another. +#### 排查 **AAPS** 手錶與 **AAPS** 手機通訊的故障 +1. 如果 EasyFire tools 無法連線,或者您收到“授權失敗”訊息 > 請檢查 IP 地址是否正確輸入。 +2. 檢查智慧型手錶是否已連線到網際網路(而不僅僅是透過藍牙與手機連線)。 +3. 檢查 **AAPS** 手機和智慧型手錶是否已在 Samsung 應用程式中配對或連線。 +4. 也可能需要對手機和智慧型手錶進行硬重啟(即關閉並重新啟動手機)。 +5. 假設您已經成功下載 Wear.apk 到手機,但未收到任何血糖資料,_請檢查_ 您是否已將正確的 **AAPS** apk 版本側載到手錶上。 如果您的 AAPS wear.apk 版本列為以下任何一個:a) “wear-AAPSClient-release”;b) “wear-full-release.aab”;或c) 標題中出現“debug”一詞,那麼您在構建過程中選擇了錯誤的 Wear OS apk 版本。 +6. 檢查路由器是否未將設備相互隔離。 -More troubleshooting tips can be found [here](,your%20phone%20and%20your%20watch.) +更多疑難排解提示請參閱[這裡](,your%20phone%20and%20your%20watch.) -### Controlling AAPS from the Wear Watch +### 從 Wear 手錶控制 AAPS -Once you have setup **AAPS** on your watch, extensive details about the smartwatch faces and their functions can be found in [Operation of Wear AAPS on a Smartwatch](../Configuration/ +一旦您在手錶上設置了 **AAPS**,關於智慧型手錶錶盤及其功能的詳細資訊,請參閱[Wear AAPS 在智慧型手錶上的操作](../Configuration/。 -As a brief overview, the following functions can be triggered from the smartwatch: +簡要概述,以下功能可以從智慧型手錶觸發: -● set a temporary target +● 設置臨時目標 -● use the bolus calculator (calculation variables can be defined in settings on the phone) +● 使用注射計算機(計算變數可以在手機設置中定義) -● administer eCarbs +● 管理 eCarbs -● administer a bolus (insulin + carbs) +● 管理一次注射(胰島素 + 碳水化合物) -● watch settings +● 手錶設置 -● status +● 狀態 -● check pump status +● 檢查幫浦狀態 -● check loop status +● 檢查循環狀態 -● check and change profile, CPP (Circadian Percentage Profile = time shift + percentage) +● 檢查和更改個人設定檔,CPP(晝夜節律百分比個人設定檔 = 時間偏移 + 百分比) -● show TDD (Total daily dose = bolus + basal per day) +● 顯示 TDD(每日總劑量 = 每日注射 + 基礎) -● Remote bolus where the caregiver and T1D child are in different locations (this is possible for the **AAPS** watch and **AAPS** phone providing both devices are connected to a Wifi network) +● 當照護者和 1 型糖尿病(T1D)孩子處於不同位置時進行遠端注射(這適用於 **AAPS** 手錶和 **AAPS** 手機,只要兩台設備均連線到 Wi-Fi 網絡) -#### Communication from caregivers to the watch using other apps (like Whatsapp) +#### 照護者使用其他應用程式(如 Whatsapp)與手錶通訊 -It is possible to add additional apps to the watch, like Whatsapp, for messaging (for example) between caregivers and kids. It is important only to have ONE Google account associated with the phone, or the watch will not bring this data across. You need to be 13 or older to have a Samsung account, and this needs to be set up in the same email address which is used on the Android phone. +可以在手錶上添加其他應用程式,例如 Whatsapp,用於照護者和孩子之間的訊息交流(例如)。 重要的是,手機上只應關聯一個 Google 帳戶,否則手錶無法同步這些資料。 您需要年滿 13 歲才能擁有 Samsung 帳戶,並且此帳戶需要使用與 Android 手機相同的電子郵件地址設置。 -A video explaining getting Whatsapp setup for messaging on the Galaxy 4 watch (you can’t get full functionality of Whatsapp) is shown [here]( +這裡有一段視頻,解釋了如何在 Galaxy 4 手錶上設置 Whatsapp 訊息功能(您無法獲得 Whatsapp 的全部功能),請參閱[這裡]( -Making adjustments in both the **Galaxy wearable** app on the **AAPS** phone and the watch makes it possible for Whatsapp messages to announce with a slight vibration, and also for the Whatsapp message to display over the existing watchface. +在 **Galaxy wearable** 應用程式中的手機和手錶上進行調整後,可以使 Whatsapp 訊息透過輕微振動通知,並且 Whatsapp 訊息會顯示在現有錶盤上方。 -#### Troubleshooting Sony smartwatch setup +#### Sony 智慧型手錶設置疑難排解 -Although it was discontinued a few years ago, if you are using a Sony Smartwatch SW 3 please see here for a troubleshooting guide: [Troubleshooting Sony Smartwatch SW 3]( +雖然 Sony 智慧型手錶 SW 3 已於幾年前停產,但如果您正在使用此型號,請參閱[Sony 智慧型手錶 SW 3 疑難排解指南](。 -### Option 3) AAPSClient on a watch for remote control of **AAPS** on a phone +### 選項 3) 在手錶上運作 AAPSClient 以遠端控制手機上的 **AAPS** -The software for the watch, **AAPSClient** Wear apk, can be downloaded directly from [Github]( +手錶軟體 **AAPSClient** Wear apk 可以直接從[Github](下載。 -To download the software, click on the required app (in this screenshot, either **wear-aapsclient-release_3.2.0.1** or **wear-aapsclient2-release_3.2.0.1** would work, there are two versions in case you need a copy for a second caregiver watch): +要下載軟體,請點擊所需的應用程式(在此截圖中,**wear-aapsclient-release_3.2.0.1** 或 **wear-aapsclient2-release_3.2.0.1** 均可使用,這兩個版本中有一個是為了提供給第二位照護者的手錶)。 -![image](./images/2308c075-f41c-45bc-9c0f-3938beeaaafb.png) +![圖像](./images/2308c075-f41c-45bc-9c0f-3938beeaaafb.png) -Then "save as" and save the file to a convenient location on your computer: +然後點擊“另存為”,並將文件儲存到電腦上的方便位置: -![image](./images/bcf63cbc-9028-41d5-8416-fa2a31fd6f7d.png) +![圖像](./images/bcf63cbc-9028-41d5-8416-fa2a31fd6f7d.png) -The **AAPSClient** wear apk can be transferred to your phone and side-loaded onto the watch in the same way as the **AAPS** Wear app, as detailed in [Transferring the Wear app onto your AAPS phone]( +可以按照[將 Wear 應用程式傳輸到您的 AAPS 手機](中的詳細步驟,將 **AAPSClient** wear apk 傳輸到手機並側載到手錶上。 -### Option 4) Limited Nightscout (and other options) on a watch - Fitbit watches +### 選項 4) FitBit 手錶的有限 Nightscout(和其他選項) -![image](./images/98620770-2fb3-47af-a13e-28af7db69096.png) +![圖像](./images/98620770-2fb3-47af-a13e-28af7db69096.png) -**"Sentinel"** is a clockface developed by [Ryan Chen]( for his family and shared for free for the Fitbit smart watches: Sense1/2, Versa 2/3/4. it is not compatible with the FitBit Luxe since this is only a fitness tracker. Sentinel can be downloaded from the [FitBit mobile app]( +**"Sentinel"** 是一款由[Ryan Chen]( 為其家人開發並免費提供給 FitBit 智慧型手錶的錶盤:Sense1/2, Versa 2/3/4。 它與 FitBit Luxe 不相容,因為它只是健身追蹤器。 Sentinel 可以從[FitBit 移動應用程式](下載。 -It allows the monitoring of 1, 2, or 3 individual's blood glucose numbers using either Dexcom Share, Nightscout, or a combination of the two as data sources. +它允許使用 Dexcom Share、Nightscout 或兩者結合作為資料來源,來監控一個、兩個或三個人的血糖數值。 -You can also use xDrip+ or SpikeApp if used with local web server mode. Users can set custom alarms and submit events using Nightscout's careportal functionality directly from the watch to help track insulin-on-board (IOB), carbs-on-board (COB), enter meal information (carb count and bolus amount), and BG check values. +如果與本地網頁伺服器模式一起使用,您還可以使用 xDrip+ 或 SpikeApp。 用戶可以設置自定義警報,並透過 Nightscout 的 careportal 功能提交事件,直接從手錶追蹤胰島素剩餘量(IOB)、碳水化合物剩餘量(COB),輸入餐食資訊(碳水化合物計數和注射量),以及血糖檢查數值。 -All will appear on the Nightscout timeline-graph, and as updated values in the IOB and COB fields. Community support can be found at the dedicated [Facebook group, Sentinel.]( +所有這些都將顯示在 Nightscout 的時間軸圖表中,並作為更新值顯示在 IOB 和 COB 欄位中。 社群支援可以在專門的[Facebook 群組 Sentinel](中找到。 -There are additional options for FitBit watches which appear to be for monitoring only. This includes [Glance]( These additional options are described in the [Nightscout webpages.]( +FitBit 手錶還有一些僅限於監控的選項。 這包括[Glance](。 這些額外選項在[Nightscout 網頁](中有描述。 -### Option 5) **Monitoring of AAPS** (full profile data, or glucose-only) where **AAPS** is running on a phone. +### 選項 5) 監控 **AAPS**(完整個人設定資料,或僅限血糖資料)當 **AAPS** 在手機上運作時。 -These options are described in more detail in the ["following only"]( section of the documentation. +這些選項在文檔的[“僅限追蹤”](部分中有更詳細的描述。 -In general, there are a wide range of affordable smartwatches which can provide glucose display only. If you are using Nightscout, then a good overview of all the options are described in the [Nightscout pages]( +通常,市場上有許多價格實惠的智慧型手錶可以提供僅限血糖資料顯示的功能。 如果您正在使用 Nightscout,那麼所有選項的概述可以在[Nightscout 頁面](中找到。 From 394979fa9e66e18a326a7c927336dc9a49254720 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 310/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 1108 ++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 554 insertions(+), 554 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index 1a6bcff39062..9c5e9856b02f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ -# Custom Watchface Reference Document +# 自訂錶面參考文件 -This page is for designers of new Watchfaces. It will list all the keywords and features available when you want to create or animate a new watchface. +此頁面是為設計新錶面的設計師提供的。 此處將列出所有關鍵字和功能,幫助您建立或動畫化新的錶面。 -## Custom Watchface Format +## 自訂錶面格式 -Custom Watchface is an open format designed for AAPS and associated to the new "AAPS (Custom)" watchface available on Watch. +自訂錶面是一種為 AAPS 設計的開放格式,與錶上可用的「AAPS(自訂)」錶面相關聯。 -The Watchface file is a simple zip file, but to be recognized as a Watchface file, the zip file must contain the following files: +錶面檔案是一個簡單的 zip 檔案,但要被識別為錶面檔案,該 zip 檔案必須包含以下檔案: -- One image file named CustomWatchface (can be bitmap files `CustomWatchface.jpg`, `CustomWatchface.png` or a vector `CustomWatchface.svg`). This file is the little icon used to select the watchface when you click on "Load Watchface" button, and also the image visible within AAPS Wear plugin. -- One file named `CustomWatchface.json` (see [JSON structure](cwf-reference-json-structure) below). This second file is the core file that will include all information required to design the watchface. This json file must be valid (it's probably the most tricky point when you edit manually this file within a text editor, because an missing or additional comma is enough to break the json format). This JSON file must also include a `"metadata"` bloc with a `"name"` key with not empty value. This will be the name of your custom watchface (see [Metadata settings](cwf-reference-metadata-settings) below) -- the size of this zip should be as small as possible (less than about 500kb). If this file is too big, it will just be blocked and not transmitted to the watch. +- 一個名為 CustomWatchface 的圖片檔案(可以是點陣圖檔案 `CustomWatchface.jpg`、`CustomWatchface.png` 或向量檔案 `CustomWatchface.svg`)。 此檔案是用於在您點選「載入錶面」按鈕時選擇錶面的圖示,也是在 AAPS Wear 外掛中可見的圖像。 +- 一個名為 `CustomWatchface.json` 的檔案(請參閱下方的[JSON 結構](cwf-reference-json-structure))。 這個第二個檔案是核心檔案,將包含設計錶面所需的所有資訊。 此 json 檔案必須是有效的(手動編輯此檔案時可能是最具挑戰性的部分,因為遺漏或額外的逗號就足以破壞 json 格式)。 此 JSON 檔案還必須包含一個 `"metadata"` 區塊,內含 `"name"` 鍵,且其值不能為空。 這將是您的自訂錶面的名稱(請參閱下方的[中繼資料設定](cwf-reference-metadata-settings))。 +- 此 zip 檔案的大小應盡可能小(不超過約 500KB)。 如果檔案太大,將會被阻擋,無法傳送到手錶。 -The zip file can also contain some additional resource files: +該 zip 檔案還可以包含一些額外的資源檔案: -- Hardcoded file names for images that will be used used in standard views included in the watchface (like `Background`, `CoverChart`... see [List of hardcoded resource files](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files) below). All these files can be either `jpg`, `png` or `svg` format. but for most of them, you will have to use `png` or `svg` that manage transparency (jpg are smaller in size compared to png, but with no transparency). Note that the best quality associated to the smallest size will generally be with svg files (vector format). -- Addtional resource files with free names. These additional files can be either image files, or font files (`ttf` and `otf` format are accepted for fonts). Note that for these additional files, the `filename` (without extension) will be used as the keyValue, within JSON file, to specify where or when these files should be used. - - image files are often used as background of text views or for dynamic animation (like battery level from 0% to 100%) - - font files allow you to use dedicated fonts within your watchface +- 用於錶面標準視圖的圖片檔案的硬編碼檔名(如 `Background`、`CoverChart` 等,請參閱下方的[硬編碼資源檔案列表](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files))。 這些檔案可以是 `jpg`、`png` 或 `svg` 格式。 但對於大多數情況,您需要使用支援透明度的 `png` 或 `svg`(相較於 png,jpg 檔案較小但不支援透明度)。 請注意,與最小的檔案大小相結合的最佳品質通常是 svg 檔案(向量格式)。 +- 具有自由命名的額外資源檔案。 這些額外檔案可以是圖片檔案,也可以是字體檔案(支援的字體格式為 `ttf` 和 `otf`)。 請注意,對於這些額外檔案,`檔名`(不含副檔名)將在 JSON 檔案中用作 keyValue,以指定這些檔案應該在哪裡或何時使用。 + - 圖片檔案通常用作文字視圖的背景或用於動態動畫(如從 0% 到 100% 的電池電量)。 + - 字體檔案允許您在錶面中使用專用字體。 (cwf-reference-json-structure)= -## JSON Structure +## JSON 結構 -JSON files can be edited in Notepad (or notepad++) text editor (prefer notepad++ that recognize JSON and use color formating) +JSON 檔案可以在 Notepad(或 Notepad++)文字編輯器中編輯(建議使用 Notepad++,它可識別 JSON 並使用彩色格式顯示)。 -- it contains string keys `"string_key":` and key values that can be strings like `"key value"`, integer, boolean like `true`or `false` or block of data. -- each value is seperated by a comma `,` -- A block of data starts by `{` and ends by `}` -- the json file is a whole block so it starts by `{` and ends by `}`, and inside this file all embeded blocks are associated to a `"key"` that should be unique within the block -- To improve readibility of json file, it's generally indented (each new key is on a new line, each new block is shifted on the right by 4 spaces characters) +- 它包含字串鍵 `"string_key":` 和鍵值,這些鍵值可以是字串(如 `"key value"`)、整數、布林值(如 `true` 或 `false`)或資料區塊。 +- 每個值由逗號 `,` 分隔。 +- 資料區塊由 `{` 開始,並以 `}` 結束。 +- 整個 json 檔案是一個完整的區塊,因此它從 `{` 開始,並以 `}` 結束,並且檔案內所有嵌入的區塊都與一個 `"key"` 相關聯,該鍵應該在該區塊內是唯一的。 +- 為了提高 json 檔案的可讀性,通常會縮排(每個新鍵位於新行,每個新區塊向右縮進 4 個空格字元)。 (cwf-reference-metadata-settings)= -### Metadata Settings +### 中繼資料設定 -This block is the first block included into the json file and is mandatory. It contains all the informations associated to this watchface, like the name, the author, the date of creation or update, the author version or the plugin version. +此區塊是 json 檔案中包含的第一個區塊,且是必需的。 它包含與此錶面相關的所有資訊,如名稱、作者、建立或更新日期、作者版本或外掛版本。 -See below an example of metadata block: +請參閱下方的中繼資料區塊範例: ```json "metadata": { @@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ See below an example of metadata block: }, ``` -Note that `/` used for the date is a special character, so to be recognize correctly within json file, you have to put before an "escape" character `\` +請注意,日期中使用的 `/` 是特殊字元,因此在 json 檔案中正確識別時,必須在它前面加上「跳脫」字元 `\`。 -You can see in some json file an additional key `"filename"`, this key will be automatically created or updated when the custom watchface will be loaded within AAPS (it will be used to show to the user the zip filename within exports folder), so you can remove this key within metadata block. +您可以在某些 json 檔案中看到一個額外的鍵 `"filename"`,當自訂錶面載入 AAPS 時,這個鍵將自動建立或更新(它將用來向使用者顯示匯出資料夾中的 zip 檔案名),因此您可以在中繼資料區塊中刪除此鍵。 (cwf-reference-general-parameter-settings)= -### General parameter settings +### 一般參數設定 -After the first block with metadata, you will set some general parameters (see [List of general parameters](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters) below), this allow you to set Graph colors (Carbs, Bolus, BG values...), and also default colors for value in range, hyper or hypo (default colors of BG value and arrows) +在具有中繼資料的第一個區塊之後,您將設置一些一般參數(請參閱下方的[一般參數列表](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters)),這允許您設置圖表顏色(碳水化合物、注射、血糖值...),還有範圍內的值、過高或過低的預設顏色(血糖值和箭頭的預設顏色)。 -See below an example of general parameters +請參閱下方的一般參數範例: ```json "highColor": "#FFFF00", @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ See below an example of general parameters ``` (cwf-reference-imageview-settings)= -### ImageView settings +### ImageView 設定 -Custom image can be tuned using correct filename associated to each ImageView included into custom watchface Layout, then the json block is only here to define the position, the size, if the view is visible or not, and optionally tune the color: +自訂圖片可以使用與自訂錶面佈局中每個 ImageView 相關的正確檔名進行調整,然後 json 區塊僅用來定義位置、大小、視圖是否可見,並選擇性地調整顏色: -See below an example of an Image block for second_hand, (in this case there are no image included into zip file so default second hand image will be used, but tuned with a custom color. +請參閱下方的秒針圖像區塊範例(在這種情況下,zip 檔案中沒有包含圖像,因此將使用預設的秒針圖像,但會調整為自訂顏色)。 ```json "second_hand": { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ See below an example of an Image block for second_hand, (in this case there are "color": "#BC906A" } ``` -To have second_hand colored with default BG color (lowRange, midRange or highRange), you just have to modify the latest ligne with the keyValue `bgColor` +要將秒針著色為預設的血糖顏色(範圍低、中或高),只需修改最後一行的鍵值 `bgColor`。 ```json "color": "bgColor" @@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ To have second_hand colored with default BG color (lowRange, midRange or highRan (cwf-reference-textview-settings)= -### TextView settings +### TextView 設定 -TexView have more available parameters compare to ImageView: you can tune rotation (integer value in degrees), textsize (integer value in pixel), gravity (to define if text value will be centered (default value), or aligned left or right), set the font, fontStyle and fontColor, and also background color of the TextView +TexView 比 ImageView 有更多可用參數:您可以調整旋轉(度數的整數值)、字體大小(以像素為單位的整數值)、重力(用來定義文字值是置中(預設值)、靠左對齊還是靠右對齊)、設置字體、字體樣式和字體顏色,還有 TextView 的背景顏色。 ```json "basalRate": { @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ TexView have more available parameters compare to ImageView: you can tune rotati "fontColor": "#BDBDBD" }, ``` -Note that if you don't want to manage one view within your watchface, then put the `"visibility"` key to `"gone"` but also set size and position outside visible area like that: +請注意,如果您不想在錶面中管理某個視圖,則將 `"visibility"` 鍵設為 `"gone"`,但也要將大小和位置設置在可見區域之外,如下所示: ```json "second": { @@ -136,23 +136,23 @@ Note that if you don't want to manage one view within your watchface, then put t "fontColor": "#BDBDBD" }, ``` -If size and position are within visible area, you can get some "flash" of the hidden value during the refresh of the watchface. +如果大小和位置在可見區域內,您可能會在錶面重新整理期間看到隱藏值的「閃爍」。 -If you want to customize background image of a text view, then you can use the key `"background":` and put the filename of image included into zip file as keyValue, you can also just change the background color using `"color:"` key. +如果您想自訂文字視圖的背景圖像,則可以使用鍵 `"background":`,並將包含在 zip 檔案中的圖像檔案作為鍵值,您也可以只使用鍵 `"color:"` 來更改背景顏色。 ```json "background": "fileName" ``` -You also have 4 specific textViews (named freetext1 to freetext4) that have a specific parameter `"textvalue":` that can be used to set for example a label +您還有 4 個特定的 TextView(名為 freetext1 到 freetext4),它們有一個特定的參數 `"textvalue":`,可用來設置標籤之類的東西。 (cwf-reference-chartview-settings)= -### ChartView settings +### ChartView 設定 -Chart view is a very specific view that can share some parameters with ImageView or with TextView... +圖表視圖是一個非常特定的視圖,可以與 ImageView 或 TextView 共享一些參數…… -Standard settings for this view is very simple: +此視圖的標準設定非常簡單: ```json "chart": { @@ -163,200 +163,200 @@ Standard settings for this view is very simple: "visibility": "visible" }, ``` -The 2 additional parameters you can include for Chart view is a background color (default is transparent), using `"color"` key or a background image using `"background"` key. +此視圖的 2 個額外參數是背景顏色(預設為透明),使用鍵 `"color"`,或使用鍵 `"background"` 來設定背景圖像。 (cwf-reference-how-to-build-watchface)= -## How to build/design your first Watchface +## 如何構建/設計您的第一個錶面 -### Tools required +### 所需工具 -- Text editor: my advice is to use NotePad++ (or equivalent) that is a simple text editor, but added value is you can see formated text with color code, so it's easier to detect errors. any simple text editor do the jod. it will be used to tune json informations -- Image editor (bitmap and/or vector) - - If you use Bitmap - - Image editor should be able to manage transparency (required for all image above background), and png format (if you used bitmap image) - - Background image can be in jpg format (smaller that png) - - Image editor should allow you to measure in pixel graphical objects (can be a simple square) (top, left, width, heigth) - - Image editor should be able to show you colors with RRVVBB code in hexadecimal - - Image editor should be able to resize image to 400px x 400px (very important to work with this resolution) - - If you use Vector - - Vector image should be exported in svg format +- 文字編輯器:我建議使用 NotePad++(或同類工具),這是一個簡單的文字編輯器,但它的附加值在於您可以看到彩色代碼的格式化文本,因此更容易檢測錯誤。 任何簡單的文字編輯器都可以完成此工作。 它將用來調整 json 資訊。 +- 圖像編輯器(點陣圖和/或向量圖) + - 如果您使用點陣圖 + - 圖像編輯器應能處理透明度(背景以上的所有圖像都需要透明度),並支援 png 格式(如果您使用點陣圖)。 + - 背景圖像可以是 jpg 格式(比 png 小)。 + - 圖像編輯器應允許您以像素為單位測量圖形對象(可以是簡單的方塊)(上、左、寬、高)。 + - 圖像編輯器應能以十六進制顯示 RRVVBB 顏色代碼。 + - 圖像編輯器應能將圖像調整為 400px x 400px(使用此解析度工作非常重要)。 + - 如果您使用向量圖 + - 向量圖像應以 svg 格式匯出。 -### Get template to not start from scratch +### 獲取範本以免從零開始 -When you want to design your first watchface, the best is to start by the default watchface (this will ensure you to have latest version with all available views correctly sorted) +當您想設計第一個錶面時,最好的方法是從預設錶面開始(這將確保您擁有所有正確排序的可用視圖的最新版本)。 -- You can get zip file by clicking on "Export Template" button within Wear plugin and get zip file within AAPS/exports folder -- Note that you will need to have a watch connected to AAPS to see Custom Watchface buttons (but watch is also required to check, test and tune your custom watchface) +- 您可以透過在 Wear 外掛中點選「匯出範本」按鈕來獲取 zip 檔案,並在 AAPS/exports 資料夾中找到 zip 檔案。 +- 請注意,您需要將手錶連線到 AAPS 以查看自訂錶面按鈕(但手錶也需要用來檢查、測試和調整您的自訂錶面)。 -Default watchface is very simple and zip file will contains only the 2 files: +預設錶面非常簡單,zip 檔案將只包含兩個檔案: -- CustomWatchface.png (image of default watchface for WF selection) +- CustomWatchface.png(用於選擇預設錶面的圖像) - CustomWatchface.json -### Organize your files within your computer +### 在電腦上組織您的檔案 -The easiest way to work is to have phone connected to the computer, and work with to specific folders: +最簡單的工作方式是將手機連線到電腦,並使用兩個特定資料夾工作: -- one explorer opened on a specific folder that will have all files (json, bitmap images, vector images, fonts), and the file within it -- another explorer (or navigation tree tuned) opened to have Phone/AAPS/exports folder available +- 一個檔案總管打開到特定資料夾,該資料夾將包含所有檔案(json、點陣圖圖像、向量圖像、字體),以及 檔案。 +- 另一個檔案總管(或調整好的導航樹)打開到 Phone/AAPS/exports 資料夾。 -That way working is very easy: each time you tune json file with a text editor, image with image editor (bitmap or vector) you have to just: +這樣工作非常簡單:每次使用文字編輯器調整 json 檔案,使用圖像編輯器(點陣圖或向量圖)編輯圖像後,您只需: -1. save your modifications in each app -2. drag and drop all files within file -3. drag and drop into AAPS/exports folder of the phone -4. send CustomWatchface to the watch to check the results +1. 在每個應用程式中儲存您的修改。 +2. 將所有檔案拖放到 檔案中。 +3. 將 拖放到手機的 AAPS/exports 資料夾中。 +4. 將 CustomWatchface 發送到手錶以檢查結果。 -### Initialize Watchface customization +### 初始化錶面自訂。 -First step you will have to define a watchface Name (necessary to select it easily for testing), and start to tune metadata keys at the begining of json file +第一步,您必須定義錶面的名稱(這對於測試時容易選擇是必要的),並開始調整 json 檔案開頭的中繼資料鍵。 -Then you will have to define which information you want to show so which view should be visible or hidden. +接著,您需要定義要顯示哪些資訊,因此需要設定哪些視圖應該顯示或隱藏。 -- will you manage second or not? -- do you want to design an analog watch or a digital watch (or both...) +- 您是否需要管理秒針? +- 您想設計一個類比錶面還是數位錶面(或兩者兼具...) -Now you can start to modify json file with the `"visibility":` key of each view set to `"visible"` or `"gone"` (if you want to keep or not the view) +現在,您可以開始修改 json 檔案,將每個視圖的 `"visibility"` 鍵設置為 `"visible"` 或 `"gone"`(如果您想保留或不保留該視圖)。 -You can also start to tune approximativaly top, left margin and width heigth values to start organizing the watchface (these values will be tuned later using image editor) +您還可以開始大致調整上、左邊距和寬度、高度值,以便開始組織錶面(這些值稍後會使用圖像編輯器進行微調)。 -Note: everything is design within a **400px x 400px rectangle**. So everything will be position in absolute coordinates within this size. +注意:所有設計都在 **400px x 400px 的矩形** 內進行。 因此,所有內容都會在此大小範圍內以絕對座標定位。 -When you design your first watchface, you have to know that everything is organized by layer from the Back to the Top, so each view (ImageView or TextView) can hide something that is behind... +當您設計第一個錶面時,必須知道所有視圖(ImageView 或 TextView)從後到前分層排列,因此每個視圖可以隱藏在其後方的元素。 -![CustomWatchface layers](../images/CustomWatchface_1.jpg) +![自訂錶面圖層](../images/CustomWatchface_1.jpg) -Then within json file all views are sorted from the Back to the Top (this will help you to remember what is behind what...) +然後在 json 檔案中,所有視圖按從後到前的順序排列(這將幫助您記住哪些元素在後方)。 -If you design or tune your first custom watchface, start by simple things: change visibility of some views, include a dedicated background image without changing json file... +如果您設計或調整第一個自訂錶面,請從簡單的事情開始:更改一些視圖的可見性,包含一個專用背景圖像,無需更改 json 檔案。 -### Manage colors +### 管理顏色 -Within json file, you will have several keys to specify colors: `"color"`, `"fontColor"`for views, but also `"highColor"`, `"midColor"`, `"lowColor"`, ... (see [List of General Parameters](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters)) +在 json 檔案中,您將有幾個鍵來指定顏色:`"color"`、`"fontColor"` 對於視圖來說,但也有 `"highColor"`、`"midColor"`、`"lowColor"` 等(請參閱下方的[一般參數列表](cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters))。 -Colors are specified with a text field that starts by `#` followed by RRGGBB (Red, Green, Blue) values in hexadecimal format: +顏色透過文本欄位指定,該欄位以 `#` 開頭,後接 RRGGBB(紅、綠、藍)值的十六進制格式: -- `"#FFFFFF"` is white, and `"#000000"` is black, `"#FF0000"` is red... +- `"#FFFFFF"` 是白色,`"#000000"` 是黑色,`"#FF0000"` 是紅色。 -You can also include 2 additional values for alpha layer and specify a transparency level (AARRGGBB): +您還可以包含兩個附加值來指定透明度層級(AARRGGBB): -- `"#00000000"`is completly transparent, and `"#FF000000"` is completly opaque ( so `"#FF000000"` is equivalent to `"#000000"`) +- `"#00000000"` 是完全透明,`"#FF000000"` 是完全不透明(因此 `"#FF000000"` 相當於 `"#000000"`)。 -You can also use the specific keyvalue `"bgColor"` to automatically use `"highColor"`, `"midColor"`, `"lowColor"` specified in general parameters according to BG Value: +您也可以使用特定的鍵值 `"bgColor"`,根據血糖值自動使用 `"highColor"`、`"midColor"`、`"lowColor"`,這些值已在一般參數中指定: -- `"fontColor": "bgColor",` will automatically set the font color of the view according to BG Value -- Note that `sgv` (for BG Value) and `direction` (for trend arrow) views automatically apply BG colors set into general parameters (for these 2 views, if you want to have different colors, you will have to use advanced [dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) feature with one step color...) +- `"fontColor": "bgColor",` 將自動根據血糖值設置視圖的字體顏色。 +- 請注意,`sgv`(血糖 值)和 `direction`(趨勢箭頭)視圖會自動應用血糖色彩(這兩個視圖,如果您想要不同顏色,您將需要使用進階的[dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) 功能並使用單步顏色)。 -For more information concerning ImageViews and `"color":` key, see dedicated chapter [Tune image color](cwf-reference-tune-image-color) below. +有關 ImageViews 和 `"color":` 鍵的更多資訊,請參閱下方的專用章節 [調整圖像顏色](cwf-reference-tune-image-color)。 -### Include Hardcoded images +### 包含硬編碼圖像 -the easiest way to start tuning your watchface is to include within zip file some images with a specific names (see [List of Hardcoded resource files](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files)) +開始調整您的錶面的最簡單方法是將一些特定名稱的圖像包含在 zip 檔案中(請參閱[硬編碼資源檔案列表](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files))。 -- Image should be in `.jpg`, `.png` or `.svg` format. but be carefull, jpg doesn't manage transparency, so should be only used for background layer. For all intermediate layers (cover_chart, cover_plate, hands) use eather `.png`or `.svg` image +- 圖像應為 `.jpg`、`.png` 或 `.svg` 格式。 但要注意,jpg 不支援透明度,因此應僅用於背景圖層。 對於所有中間圖層(cover_chart、cover_plate、指針等)請使用 `.png` 或 `.svg` 圖像。 -- If you have a vector image editor (like for example Illustrator), prefer this format that will produce small text files with `.svg` extension the best quality. -- You should take care to use exact filename (including High/lower case) +- 如果您有向量圖像編輯器(例如 Illustrator),請優先使用此格式,它會產生帶有 `.svg` 副檔名的小型文本檔案,效果最佳。 +- 您必須注意檔名的精確拼寫(包括大小寫)。 -Now if you want a dedicated backgoung image, you only have to include within the zip file a file named `Background.jpg` (without changing anything else. send zip file into the watch and check result!. +現在如果您想要專用的背景圖像,您只需在 zip 檔案中包含一個名為 `Background.jpg` 的檔案(無需更改其他內容)。 將 zip 檔案發送到手錶並檢查結果! -If you want to customize hour_hand, minute_hand or second_hand for an analog watch, simply include `HourHand.png` (or `HourHand.svg`), `MinuteHand.png` and `SecondHand.png`. +如果您想為類比錶自訂時針、分針或秒針,只需包含 `HourHand.png`(或 `HourHand.svg`)、`MinuteHand.png` 和 `SecondHand.png`。 -- these images will automatically rotate around the center of the image, so the images should be set to 00:00:00 (and for a "full frame" analog watch, use a size of 400 x 400 px positioned at top 0 left 0) +- 這些圖像將自動繞圖像中心旋轉,因此這些圖像應設置為 00:00:00(對於「全畫幅」類比錶面,請使用 400 x 400 px 的大小,並定位於 top 0 left 0)。 -You can also noticed within [List of Hardcoded resource files](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files) that for each image view, you have two additional hardcoded filenames `High` and `Low` (for example you can include other images named `BackgroundHigh.jpg` and `BackgroundLow.jpg` within zip file). then image will automatically change according to you BG level (within Range, Hyper or Hypo). See AIMICO watchface as example. +您還可以在[硬編碼資源檔案列表](cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files)中注意到,對於每個圖像視圖,您有兩個額外的硬編碼檔名 `High` 和 `Low`(例如,您可以在 zip 檔案中包含其他名為 `BackgroundHigh.jpg` 和 `BackgroundLow.jpg` 的圖像)。 然後圖像將根據您的血糖水平自動更改(在範圍內、高血糖或低血糖)。 請參閱 AIMICO 錶面作為範例。 (cwf-reference-tune-image-color)= -### Tune image color +### 調整圖像顏色 -`"color"` key can be used to tune default image color: +`"color"` 鍵可用於調整預設的圖像顏色: -- applied on background view, it will set the background color (default black) -- applied on cover_plate (simple dial) or hands, it will change the default image (white) by the color specified (including `"bgColor"`) +- 應用於背景視圖時,它將設置背景顏色(預設為黑色)。 +- 應用於 cover_plate(簡單錶盤)或指針時,它將根據指定的顏色(包括 `"bgColor"`)更改預設圖像(白色)。 -When you apply `"color"` key on a bitmap image (`.jpg` or `.png`), color will apply an interresting effect on color saturation. So you will still recognize your bitmap. +當您將 `"color"` 鍵應用於點陣圖圖像(`.jpg` 或 `.png`)時,顏色將對色彩飽和度產生有趣的效果。 因此,您仍然可以識別您的點陣圖圖像。 -Finally on `.svg` image file, `"color"`key will have no effect, consider color of vector files as hardcoded within the image. If you want to change colors, you will have to include several `svg` files, and use advanced [dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) feature to change it +最後,對於 `.svg` 圖像檔案,`"color"` 鍵將不起作用,向量圖像的顏色被視為硬編碼在圖像內。 如果您想更改顏色,您將需要包含多個 `svg` 檔案,並使用進階的[dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) 功能來更改它。 -### Use additional fonts for TextViews +### 為 TextViews 使用額外字體 -Several defaults font are already available within wear apk (see font keys included into [key values](cwf-reference-key-values) chapter). But if you want to use additional fonts not available as default, you can include addtional fonts within zip file: +wear apk 中已經有多個預設字體(請參閱 [鍵值](cwf-reference-key-values) 章節中的字體鍵)。 但如果您想使用未預設的額外字體,可以在 zip 檔案中包含額外的字體: -- the 2 accepted font format are `.ttf` and `.otf` files -- if you include a custom font within zip file, for example with a file named `myCustomFont.ttf`, then you will have to use the filename to use it within json file for a TextView: +- 支援的字體格式為 `.ttf` 和 `.otf`。 +- 如果您在 zip 檔案中包含自訂字體,例如名為 `myCustomFont.ttf` 的檔案,則您需要使用檔名在 json 檔案中將其用於 TextView: ``` "font": "myCustomFont", ``` -Keep in mind that some fonts can be included into big files (and you are limited to a maximum size for zip file). So if you only use very few characters (numbers, `.`, `,`), you can use free tools to remove unused characters (for example [here]( and then reduce font size. +請記住,一些字體檔案可能很大(而您對 zip 檔案的大小有最大限制)。 因此,如果您只使用非常少的字元(數字、`.`、`,`),您可以使用免費工具移除未使用的字元(例如[這裡](來減小字體大小。 (cwf-reference-advanced-features)= -## Advanced features +## 進階功能 (cwf-reference-preference-feature)= -### Preferences Feature +### 偏好設定功能 -CustomWatchface can automatically tune some watch preferences to have the correct visualization of the watchface (if authorization is given within Wear preferencesby the user). +CustomWatchface 可以自動調整一些手錶的偏好設定,以確保正確顯示錶面(如果使用者在 Wear 偏好設定中授權)。 -But this feature should be used with care. Preferences are common with all other watchfaces. So several rules to respect with this feature: +但是此功能應謹慎使用。 偏好設定是與其他錶面共用的。 因此,有幾個使用此功能時應遵守的規則: -- never set preferences concerning hidden views -- try to maximize the visible views -- feel free to oversize the width of certain views: - - TBR can be shown as percentage (small width, but also as absolue values much wider) - - delta or avg delta with detailed information can be wide - - same for iob2: this view can have total iob, but if detailed iob is selected, then text size can be very long +- 不要設定隱藏檢視相關的偏好設定 +- 盡量最大化可見的檢視 +- 可以自由調整某些檢視的寬度: + - TBR 可以顯示為百分比(寬度較小,但也可以顯示為絕對值,寬度更大) + - delta 或平均 delta 的詳細資訊可以顯示更寬 + - 同樣地,iob2 的檢視可以顯示總 iob,但如果選擇顯示詳細 iob,文字大小可能會變得很長 -If you still need some very specific settings to have a correct display (in example below, if there is not enough space for detailed iob, you can "force" this parameter to `false` of your watch, you can include within metadata block some settings constraint like that +如果仍然需要某些非常特殊的設定來正確顯示(如下範例所示,如果沒有足夠的空間顯示詳細 iob,您可以將手錶上的此參數強制設為 `false`,並可在元資料區塊中包含這類設定約束 ```json "metadata": { - "name": "Default Watchface", + "name": "預設錶面", "author": "myName", "created_at": "07\/10\/2023", "author_version": "1.0", "cwf_version": "1.0", - "comment": "Default watchface, you can click on EXPORT WATCHFACE button to generate a template", + "comment": "預設錶面,您可以點擊匯出錶面按鈕生成範本", "key_show_detailed_iob": false }, ``` -If user authorize custom watchface to modify watch parameter (setting within wear plugin) then Show detailed iob will be set to "disable", and locked to disable (no modification of this parameter possible, until authorization is disabled within wear plugin parameter, or another watchface is selected) +如果使用者授權自訂錶面修改手錶參數(設定於 Wear 外掛內),那麼顯示詳細 iob 會設為 "停用",並鎖定為停用(直到在 Wear 外掛參數內取消授權或選擇其他錶面,否則無法修改此參數)。 -- Note that when a user select a watchface, he can see the number of "required parameter" during watchface selection +- 請注意,當使用者選擇錶面時,他可以在選擇過程中看到「必要參數」的數量。 -In example below Gota watchface has one required parameter. If authorization is not given it will be shown in white color, but authorization is given, then this parameter will be set and locked on the watch (in this case the number is in orange color) +如下範例所示,Gota 錶面有一個必要參數。 如果未授權,它會以白色顯示;如果授權,則此參數會設置並鎖定於手錶上(此時數字為橙色)。 -![Required parameters](../images/CustomWatchface_2.jpg) +![必要參數](../images/CustomWatchface_2.jpg) (cwf-reference-twinview-feature)= -### TwinView Feature +### 雙視圖功能 -Twin views provide an easy way to adjust the view position based on the visible views. This does not have the power of a layout entirely made up of LinearLayout, but can handle many common cases. +雙視圖提供了一種基於可見檢視調整檢視位置的簡便方式。 這不如完全使用 LinearLayout 排版來得強大,但可以處理許多常見情況。 -In example below you can see AAPS (Cockpit) watchface with all views visible within settings, and the same watchface with "Show rig battery" disabled and "Show avg delta" disabled +如下範例所示,您可以看到 AAPS(駕駛艙)錶面中的所有檢視都在設定內可見,而相同錶面在「隱藏顯示鑽機電池」及「隱藏顯示平均 delta」時的效果。 -![Twin Views](../images/CustomWatchface_3.jpg) +![雙視圖](../images/CustomWatchface_3.jpg) -You can see that when one of the twin views is hidden, the other is shifted to be centered +您可以看到當其中一個雙視圖被隱藏時,另一個會自動居中移動。 -in this example, you can see that within `"uploader_battery"` block, we have `"twinView":` key is added to define `"rig_battery"` view, and in `"rig_battery"` block `"twinView":` key define `"uploader_battery"` as twin. Then then additional key `"leftOffsetTwinHidden":` define the number of pixel to shift the view when twin is hidden. +在此範例中,您可以看到在 `"uploader_battery"` 區塊中,添加了 `"twinView":` 鍵來定義 `"rig_battery"` 檢視,而在 `"rig_battery"` 區塊中, `"twinView":` 鍵定義了 `"uploader_battery"` 為雙檢視。 隨後,額外的鍵 `"leftOffsetTwinHidden":` 定義了雙視圖被隱藏時的位移像素數量。 -To calculate this number, you can see that the difference between the leftMargin of each of the twin views is 50 pixels, so the offset to stay centered is half in one direction or the other. +要計算這個數字,您可以看到兩個雙視圖的左邊界差為 50 像素,因此位移量為一個方向的一半。 -If the twin views are positioned vertically, in this case you must use the key `"topOffsetTwinHidden":` +如果雙視圖是垂直排列的,則需要使用鍵 `"topOffsetTwinHidden":`。 ```json "uploader_battery": { @@ -392,33 +392,33 @@ If the twin views are positioned vertically, in this case you must use the key ` ``` (cwf-reference-dyndata-feature)= -### DynData Feature +### DynData 功能 -DynData is the most powerfull feature if you want to include some animation within you watchface, according to some internal values (like BG value, BG level, delta, % of battery... see list of available data [here](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values)) +DynData 是您想要根據一些內部資料(如血糖值、血糖 等級、delta、電池百分比等,詳見可用資料 [此處](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values))在錶面中加入動畫時,最強大的功能。 -To illustrate this feature, I will take the example of AAPS (SteamPunk) watchface: +為了說明此功能,我將以 AAPS(蒸汽龐克)錶面為例: ![CustomWatchface_4](../images/CustomWatchface_4.png) -In this watchface, we will have to manage the [rotation of BG value](cwf-reference-background-management) (from 30 degrees to 330 degrees) on the right, the [dynamic range of avg_delta](cwf-reference-avg-delta-management) (scale up to 5mgdl, 10mgdl or 20mgdl according to value), the [rotation of pointer](cwf-reference-dynamic-rotation-management) that should be synchronized to the scale, and also the different layer of the views... +在此錶面中,我們需要管理 [BG 值旋轉](cwf-reference-background-management)(從 30 度到 330 度),[avg_delta 的動態範圍](cwf-reference-avg-delta-management)(根據值縮放至 5mgdl、10mgdl 或 20mgdl),[指針的旋轉](cwf-reference-dynamic-rotation-management)應與縮放同步,還有檢視的不同圖層... -To be able to manage this Watchface, see below all the images included into the zip file: +要管理此錶面,請參閱以下包含於 zip 檔案中的所有圖片: -Note: to be able to see the transparency, all these images are on a yellow background and surrounded by a red square +注意:為了顯示透明區域,所有這些圖片都有黃色背景並被紅色方框包圍。 -![Steampunk images](../images/CustomWatchface_5.jpg) +![蒸汽龐克圖片](../images/CustomWatchface_5.jpg) -- On the first row, Background.jpg and CoverPlate.png will be automatically mapped with associated view (default views filename), and steampunk_pointer.png will be managed by dynData -- On the second row you see the 3 scales of dynamic range for avg_delta that will also be managed by dynData -- On the third row, chartBackground.jpg will be linked manually within chart view, HourHand.png and finally MinuteHand.png files will be automatically mapped with associated views +- 在第一排中,Background.jpg 和 CoverPlate.png 會自動映射至相關的檢視(預設檢視檔案名),而 steampunk_pointer.png 將由 dynData 管理。 +- 在第二排中,您可以看到動態範圍的 3 個 avg_delta 尺度,這些也將由 dynData 管理。 +- 在第三排中,chartBackground.jpg 會手動連結到圖表檢視,HourHand.png 和 MinuteHand.png 檔案將自動映射到相關的檢視。 (cwf-reference-background-management)= -#### **Background management** +#### **背景管理** -First, concerning BG value image, no choice here, it can only be in the background layer (otherwize it will be in front of the chart view and chart will not be visible!). So we will have to map BG value to the background, and then rotate background image according to BG value. +首先,關於血糖值(BG)圖像,這裡無法選擇,它只能位於背景層(否則它將出現在圖表前面,圖表將無法顯示!)。 因此,我們必須將血糖值對應到背景,然後根據血糖值旋轉背景圖像。 -Within `"background"` block, we will include 2 dedicated keys to make this rotation: +在`"background"`區塊內,我們將包括兩個專用的鍵來進行這個旋轉: ```json "background": { @@ -431,11 +431,11 @@ Within `"background"` block, we will include 2 dedicated keys to make this rotat "visibility": "visible" }, ``` -`"dynData":` key will define which block should be used to define the animation (value, range, convertion...) here this block was named "rotateSgv" (choose an explicit name when you use this feature), +`"dynData":`鍵將定義應該使用哪個區塊來定義動畫(值、範圍、轉換等),在這裡這個區塊被命名為 "rotateSgv"(使用此功能時選擇一個明確的名稱)。 -`"rotationOffset": true,` will define that the expected animation according to value should be a rotation. (others available keys are `"leftOffset"` and `"topOffset"` if you want to create a slider) +`"rotationOffset": true,` 將定義根據值期望的動畫應該是旋轉。 (其他可用的鍵還有`"leftOffset"`和`"topOffset"`,如果您想建立滑塊的話) -Now we will go at the end of the file, after the last view: +現在,我們將在文件的末尾,在最後一個視圖之後進行操作: ```json "second_hand": { @@ -452,21 +452,21 @@ Now we will go at the end of the file, after the last view: "maxData": 330 }, ``` -You can see that after the latest view (`"second_hand"`), we added a new `"dynData": { ... }` block that will contains all the animations: +您可以看到在最新的視圖(`"second_hand"`)之後,我們新增了一個新的`"dynData": { ... }`區塊,這將包含所有的動畫: -The block defined within `"background"`view was named `"rotateSgv"`, it's the first block you will find into `"dynData"`! +在`"background"`視圖內定義的區塊被命名為`"rotateSgv"`,這是您在`"dynData"`內找到的第一個區塊! -This block is simple: you have a first key named `"valueKey":` that will be used to define which value should be used. in this case `"sgv"` is a "keyValue" that defines BG value (note that in most cases the keyValue has the same name that the view that shows this information). +這個區塊很簡單:您有一個名為`"valueKey":`的第一個鍵,將用來定義應該使用哪個值。 在這種情況下,`"sgv"`是定義血糖值的 "keyValue"(請注意,在大多數情況下,keyValue與顯示此資訊的視圖名稱相同)。 -Concerning BG value, default min data is set to 39mgdl and max data is set to 400mgdl (see [DynData reference key values](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values) below all available keyValues and associated min/max data values). +關於血糖值,預設的最小資料設為39 mg/dL,最大資料設為400 mg/dL(請參閱[DynData 參考鍵值](cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values),下方列出了所有可用的keyValue及其相關的最小/最大資料值)。 -Within `"rotateSgv"` block the two additional keys (`"minData":` and `"maxData":`) will be used to tune min and max data to 30 and 330. With these min and max values, we will be able to directly use data value (without any convertion) to rotate background in degrees. In this situation all BG values above 330mgdl will be limited to 330, upper limit of the image. +在`"rotateSgv"`區塊內,將使用兩個附加的鍵(`"minData":` 和 `"maxData":`)來調整最小和最大資料至30和330。 有了這些最小和最大值,我們將能夠直接使用資料值(無需任何轉換)來以角度旋轉背景。 在這種情況下,所有超過330 mg/dL的血糖值將被限制在圖像的上限330。 -#### **Chart management** +#### **圖表管理** -Default background of chart is transparent, so to hide BG scale included into background image, we will need to include a dedicated background image (this image will include the overall shadows of Steampunk watchface). The link to charBackground.jpg file is done with `"background":` key +圖表的預設背景是透明的,因此為了隱藏包含於背景圖像中的血糖刻度,我們需要加入專用的背景圖像(此圖像將包含蒸汽龐克錶面整體的陰影效果)。 連結到charBackground.jpg文件是透過`"background":`鍵完成的 -Of course, the sizing and positioning of the view must be done to the pixel! +當然,視圖的尺寸和定位必須精確到像素! ```json "chart": { @@ -480,15 +480,15 @@ Of course, the sizing and positioning of the view must be done to the pixel! ``` (cwf-reference-avg-delta-management)= -#### **Avg delta management** +#### **平均變化管理** -To be able to manage dynamic range of avg delta, we will use the four freetext views. freetext1 will be used to manage the image scale, and freetext2 to freetext4 will be used to manage pointer rotation according to scale. +為了能夠管理平均變化的動態範圍,我們將使用四個自由文字視圖。 freetext1將用來管理圖像刻度,freetext2至freetext4將根據刻度管理指針的旋轉。 **freetext1** -As explain before, freetext views are in front of chart and in front of background, that's why we included transparent area to see these images (right side and bottom side of the image) +如前所述,自由文字視圖位於圖表和背景的前面,因此我們加入了透明區域以顯示這些圖像(圖像的右側和底部)。 -Note that the removed bottom part of these images has been used as background of chart to have a perfect integration. +請注意,這些圖像底部被移除的部分已用作圖表的背景,實現完美的整合。 ```json "freetext1": { @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ Note that the removed bottom part of these images has been used as background of "dynData": "avgDeltaBackground" }, ``` -For this view we include the link to another `"dynData"`block named `avgDeltaBackground`. This block will manage avgDelta scale according to avgDelta value. +在這個視圖中,我們將連結到另一個名為`"avgDeltaBackground"`的`"dynData"`區塊。 此區塊將根據平均變化值來管理avgDelta刻度。 ```json "avgDeltaBackground": { @@ -519,181 +519,181 @@ For this view we include the link to another `"dynData"`block named `avgDeltaBac "image8": "steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20" }, ``` -- `"valueKey":` will make the link with `"avg_delta"` value -- min and max Data will also limit the range to the maximum value available within this watchface (from -20mgdl to 20mgdl). For mmol users, keep in mind that all internal values are always in mgdl within AAPS. +- `"valueKey":`將與`"avg_delta"`值進行連結 +- 最小和最大資料也會將範圍限制在此錶面內可用的最大值(從-20 mg/dL到20 mg/dL)。 對於mmol使用者,請記住,所有的內部值在AAPS中始終以mg/dL表示。 -Then we will see here how to manage dynamic background image according to value. +接下來我們將看到如何根據值來管理動態背景圖像。 -`"invalidImage":` is the key to manage image to show when we have an invalid data (or missing data). Here we make the link to additional resource image including into zip file with 5 mgdl scale +`"invalidImage":`是管理當資料無效(或資料遺失)時顯示圖像的鍵。 這裡我們將連結到包含在zip文件中的5 mg/dL刻度的額外資源圖像 -Then we will use a serie of images, starting from `"image1":` to `"image8":`. The number of provided images will define the number of steps between `minData` and `maxData`. +接下來我們將使用一系列圖像,從`"image1":`開始到`"image8":`。 提供的圖像數量將定義最小資料和最大資料之間的步驟數。 -- `image1` will define image to show when avg_delta is equal or close to `minData` and the image with the highest number (here `image8`) will be used to define the image that should be shown when avg_delta is equal or close to `maxData` -- between -20mgdl and 20mgdl, the overall range is 40mgdl, devided by 8 (number of images provided), we will have 8 steps of 5mgdl -- Now we can map background images according to avg_delta value, starting from the lowest values: between -20 and -15, and also between -15 and -10 we will use `steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20` for the scale, then between -10 and -5 `steampunk_gauge_mgdl_10`, and so on until +15 and +20 where we will again use `steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20` background image +- `image1`將定義當avg_delta等於或接近`minData`時顯示的圖像,而編號最高的圖像(此處為`image8`)將用於定義當avg_delta等於或接近`maxData`時應顯示的圖像。 +- 在-20 mg/dL和20 mg/dL之間,總範圍是40 mg/dL,分為8個步驟(提供的圖像數量),每步5 mg/dL。 +- 現在我們可以根據avg_delta值來映射背景圖像,從最低值開始:在-20和-15之間以及-15和-10之間,我們將使用`steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20`來顯示刻度,然後在-10和-5之間使用`steampunk_gauge_mgdl_10`,依此類推,直到+15和+20,我們再次使用`steampunk_gauge_mgdl_20`背景圖像。 (cwf-reference-dynamic-rotation-management)= -**freetext2 to freetext4** +**freetext2 到 freetext4** -For these views will will combine dynamic images and rotation feature explained before: +對於這些視圖,我們將結合之前解釋過的動態圖片和旋轉功能: ```json "freetext2": { - "width": 276, - "height": 276, - "topmargin": 64, - "leftmargin": 64, - "rotation": 0, - "visibility": "visible", - "dynData": "avgDelta5", - "rotationOffset": true + "寬度": 276, + "高度": 276, + "上邊距": 64, + "左邊距": 64, + "旋轉": 0, + "可見性": "可見", + "動態資料": "avgDelta5", + "旋轉偏移": true }, "freetext3": { - "width": 276, - "height": 276, - "topmargin": 64, - "leftmargin": 64, - "rotation": 0, - "visibility": "visible", - "dynData": "avgDelta10", - "rotationOffset": true + "寬度": 276, + "高度": 276, + "上邊距": 64, + "左邊距": 64, + "旋轉": 0, + "可見性": "可見", + "動態資料": "avgDelta10", + "旋轉偏移": true }, "freetext4": { - "width": 276, - "height": 276, - "topmargin": 64, - "leftmargin": 64, - "rotation": 0, - "visibility": "visible", - "dynData": "avgDelta20", - "rotationOffset": true + "寬度": 276, + "高度": 276, + "上邊距": 64, + "左邊距": 64, + "旋轉": 0, + "可見性": "可見", + "動態資料": "avgDelta20", + "旋轉偏移": true }, ``` -Here each view is dedicated to a specific scale (so is linked to a dedicated dynData block), you can alos notice that `"rotationOffset":` key is enabled for these 3 views.Now take a look on the first dynData block: +每個視圖都專用於特定的刻度(因此與專用的動態資料區塊相連),你還可以注意到這三個視圖中啟用了 `"旋轉偏移"` 鍵。現在來看看第一個動態資料區塊: ```json "avgDelta5": { - "valueKey": "avg_delta", - "minData": -20, - "maxData": 20, - "rotationOffset": { - "minValue": -120, - "maxValue": 120 + "數值鍵": "avg_delta", + "最小資料": -20, + "最大資料": 20, + "旋轉偏移": { + "最小值": -120, + "最大值": 120 }, - "invalidImage": "null", - "image1": "null", - "image2": "null", - "image3": "null", - "image4": "steampunk_pointer", - "image5": "steampunk_pointer", - "image6": "null", - "image7": "null", - "image8": "null" + "無效圖片": "null", + "圖片1": "null", + "圖片2": "null", + "圖片3": "null", + "圖片4": "steampunk_pointer", + "圖片5": "steampunk_pointer", + "圖片6": "null", + "圖片7": "null", + "圖片8": "null" }, ``` -Here, even if dynamic range will be used only between -5 and +5 avg_delta datas, it's important to keep the overall range of -20, +20mgdl to ensure that the pointer will be synchronize with the background during scale switches. That's why we keep the same overall range than for `avgDeltaBackground` and the same number ot steps (8 images). +即使動態範圍只在 -5 到 +5 avg_delta 資料之間使用,保持 -20 到 +20mgdl 的整體範圍仍然很重要,這樣才能確保指針在刻度切換期間與背景同步。 這就是為什麼我們保持與 `avgDeltaBackground` 相同的整體範圍和相同的步驟數(8 張圖片)。 -You can note that either `"invalidImage"` or several `"imagexx"` are with `"null"` key value (it could be any string not existing as a filename within zip file). When a filename is not found, then view background image will be transparent. So the setting ensure that pointer will only be visible for step 4 and step 5 (avg delta between -5mgdl and +5 mgdl), and will not be visible outside this range. +你可以注意到 `"無效圖片"` 或幾個 `"圖片xx"` 的鍵值為 `"null"`(這可以是 ZIP 文件中不存在的任何字串)。 當找不到文件名時,視圖的背景圖片將變為透明。 因此,設定確保指針僅在步驟 4 和步驟 5(avg delta 在 -5mgdl 和 +5 mgdl 之間)可見,並且不會在此範圍之外顯示。 -Now we can see a new block `"rotationOffset":` that will have inside two keys `"minValue":` and `"maxValue":`. These values are used to make the convertion between internal datas (in mgdl), and the angle rotation we want to have. +現在我們可以看到一個新的區塊 `"旋轉偏移"`,其中包含兩個鍵 `"最小值"` 和 `"最大值"`。 這些值用於將內部資料(以 mgdl 為單位)轉換為我們希望的旋轉角度。 -- Steampunk watchface is designed to have maximum from -30 degrees to 30 degrees rotation for the pointer. So according to the scale (here from -5mgdl to 5mgdl), we will want to have 30 degrees for these values. Because `minData` and `maxData`are 4 times greater, then the corresponding minValues and maxValues are 4 * 30 degrees so -120 and +120 degrees. But for all rotation above or below +-30 degrees the pointer will be hidden (no image visible), and the pointer will only be visible for values between -5 and +5mgdl... So it's exactly what is expected here. +- 蒸汽朋克錶盤的設計使指針的最大旋轉角度從 -30 度到 30 度。 因此,根據刻度(此處從 -5mgdl 到 5mgdl),我們希望這些值具有 30 度的旋轉。 由於 `最小資料` 和 `最大資料` 大 4 倍,則相應的最小值和最大值是 4 * 30 度,因此為 -120 度和 +120 度。 但對於所有超過或低於 ±30 度的旋轉,指針將被隱藏(無圖片可見),並且指針僅在 -5 到 +5mgdl 之間顯示... 所以這正是這裡的預期結果。 -The other dynData blocks are defined the same way to tune `"avgDelt10"`and `"avgDelta20"` +其他動態資料區塊定義的方式相同,用於調整 `"avgDelt10"` 和 `"avgDelta20"` -#### loop view +#### 循環視圖 -in Steampunk watchface loop green and red arrows (for status) are disabled, this is also managed with a dedicated dynData block associated to loop view. +在蒸汽朋克錶盤的循環中,綠色和紅色箭頭(用於狀態)被停用,這也透過與循環視圖相關聯的專用動態資料區塊進行管理。 ```json - "loopArrows": { - "invalidImage": "greyArrows", - "image1": "greenArrows", - "image2": "redArrows" + "循環箭頭": { + "無效圖片": "greyArrows", + "圖片1": "greenArrows", + "圖片2": "redArrows" } ``` -Because this block is only called by loop View, and default data managed by this view is loop information, then `"valueKey":` key is optional. +由於此區塊僅由循環視圖調用,並且此視圖管理的預設資料是循環資訊,因此 `"數值鍵"` 鍵是可選的。 -Default `minData` and `maxData` for loop are defined to 0min and 28min, so with two images, all data values below 14 min will be shown with background `image1` and all data values above 14 min will be shown with `image2`. 14 min is exactly the threshold to switch from green arrow to red arrow. +循環的預設 `最小資料` 和 `最大資料` 定義為 0 分鐘和 28 分鐘,因此使用兩張圖片,所有小於 14 分鐘的資料值將顯示背景 `圖片1`,所有大於 14 分鐘的資料值將顯示 `圖片2`。 14 分鐘正是從綠箭頭切換到紅箭頭的臨界值。 -In this example, `greyArrows`, `greenArrows` and `redArrows` files are not included into zip file, so these arrows are just removed (invisible), but you can use this block "as is" if you want to tune status arrows with custom background images. +在此範例中,`greyArrows`、`greenArrows` 和 `redArrows` 文件未包含在 ZIP 文件中,因此這些箭頭只是被移除(不可見),但如果你想用自訂的背景圖片調整狀態箭頭,可以「按原樣」使用此區塊。 -#### rig_battery and uploader_battery views +#### rig_battery 和 uploader_battery 視圖 -To finish the overview of dynData feature, we will take a look on battery management. The idea here is to customize text color according to battery level (from 0 to 100%) +為了完成對動態資料功能的總覽,我們來看看電池管理。 這裡的想法是根據電池電量(從 0% 到 100%)自訂文字顏色。 ```json "uploader_battery": { - "width": 60, - "height": 28, - "topmargin": 100, - "leftmargin": 170, - "rotation": 0, - "visibility": "visible", - "textsize": 20, - "gravity": "center", - "font": "default", - "fontStyle": "bold", - "fontColor": "#00000000", - "dynData": "batteryIcons", - "twinView": "rig_battery", - "topOffsetTwinHidden": -13 + "寬度": 60, + "高度": 28, + "上邊距": 100, + "左邊距": 170, + "旋轉": 0, + "可見性": "可見", + "文字大小": 20, + "對齊方式": "置中", + "字體": "預設", + "字體樣式": "粗體", + "字體顏色": "#00000000", + "動態資料": "batteryIcons", + "雙視圖": "rig_battery", + "隱藏時的雙視圖偏移": -13 }, "rig_battery": { - "width": 60, - "height": 28, - "topmargin": 74, - "leftmargin": 170, - "rotation": 0, - "visibility": "visible", - "textsize": 20, - "gravity": "center", - "font": "default", - "fontStyle": "bold", - "fontColor": "#00000000", - "dynData": "batteryIcons", - "twinView": "uploader_battery", - "topOffsetTwinHidden": 13 + "寬度": 60, + "高度": 28, + "上邊距": 74, + "左邊距": 170, + "旋轉": 0, + "可見性": "可見", + "文字大小": 20, + "對齊方式": "置中", + "字體": "預設", + "字體樣式": "粗體", + "字體顏色": "#00000000", + "動態資料": "batteryIcons", + "雙視圖": "uploader_battery", + "隱藏時的雙視圖偏移": 13 }, ``` -You can see here that these both views share the same `dynData` block named `batteryIcons`. It's possible because by default attached data is the one of the view (to without specifying a `"valueKey":` key within `batteryIcons` block, it will be applied with `uploader_battery` data or `rig_battery` data according to the view). +你可以在這裡看到,這兩個視圖共用一個名為 `batteryIcons` 的動態資料區塊。 這是可能的,因為預設情況下,附加的資料是視圖的資料(因此不需要在 `batteryIcons` 區塊中指定 `"數值鍵"` 鍵,它會根據視圖應用於 `uploader_battery` 資料或 `rig_battery` 資料)。 -Note these two views also use TwinView feature explain [here](cwf-reference-twinview-feature). +注意,這兩個視圖也使用了 [這裡](cwf-reference-twinview-feature)解釋的雙視圖功能。 -Now lets take a look on dynData block: +現在來看看動態資料區塊: ```json "batteryIcons": { - "invalidFontColor": "#00000000", - "fontColor1": "#A00000", - "fontColor2": "#000000", - "fontColor3": "#000000", - "fontColor4": "#000000", - "fontColor5": "#000000" + "無效字體顏色": "#00000000", + "字體顏色1": "#A00000", + "字體顏色2": "#000000", + "字體顏色3": "#000000", + "字體顏色4": "#000000", + "字體顏色5": "#000000" }, ``` -Here we use exactly the same logic that for dynamic background image, but with dedicated keys (`"invalidFontColor"` and `"fontColor1"` to `"fontColor5"` to specify 5 steps of 20% each one). +這裡我們使用與動態背景圖片完全相同的邏輯,但使用專用的鍵(`"無效字體顏色"` 和 `"字體顏色1"` 到 `"字體顏色5"` 指定每個 20% 步驟)。 -- `"fontColor1"` (dark red) will be used for all values below 20%, and white will be used for all values above this threshold. -- If you want to lower the threshold to "below 10%", you just have to add 5 additional keys from `"fontColor6"` to `"fontColor10"` , but you can also adjust each color if you want progressive variation from green to yellow, orange and red... +- `"字體顏色1"`(深紅色)將用於所有低於 20% 的值,而白色將用於所有高於該臨界值的值。 +- 如果你想將臨界值降低到「低於 10%」,只需添加 5 個額外的鍵,從 `"字體顏色6"` 到 `"字體顏色10"`,但你也可以調整每種顏色,如果你想要從綠色到黃色、橙色和紅色的漸變…… (cwf-reference-dynpref-feature)= -### DynPref Feature +### 動態偏好功能 -Before reading this chapter, you have to understand how [dynData](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) works, because DynPref is an advanced usage of DynData: You will now be able to adjust each DynData block according to preferences set by the user: +在閱讀本章之前,必須了解 [動態資料](cwf-reference-dyndata-feature) 的工作原理,因為動態偏好是動態資料的進階用法:現在您可以根據使用者設定的偏好來調整每個動態資料區塊: -To illustrate DynPref feature, we will use two example: +為了說明動態偏好功能,我們將使用兩個範例: -- Steampunk watchface (simple use to include into the same watchface mgdl and mmol version, watchface will automatically switch according to unit selected into aaps). -- AAPS V2 watchface will combine different preferences to be able to manage text color and background according to dark and match divider preferences. +- 蒸汽朋克錶盤(簡單用法,包括在同一錶盤中 mgdl 和 mmol 版本,錶盤將根據 AAPS 中選擇的單位自動切換)。 +- AAPS V2 錶盤將結合不同的偏好來管理文字顏色和背景,根據黑暗和匹配分隔符的偏好。 -#### Simple usage of dynPref within Steampunk watchface +#### Steampunk 錶面中的 dynPref 簡單使用 -Within Steampunk, we have to set of images according to units: `background` image that will have BG scale and will turn according to BG value. and `freeText1` that contains dynamic scale according to avgDelta value.To be able to have one watchface that will automatically show correct units, we should select image according to unit selected. +在 Steampunk 中,我們必須根據單位設置圖像:`背景` 圖像將具有血糖尺度,並根據血糖值旋轉。 以及 `freeText1`,其中包含根據 avgDelta 值的動態尺度。為了能夠擁有一個自動顯示正確單位的錶面,我們應根據所選單位選擇圖像。 -To do that we will replace `dynData` key by a `dynPref`key within view block: +為了做到這一點,我們將在視圖區塊內將 `dynData` 鍵替換為 `dynPref` 鍵: ```json "background": { @@ -706,9 +706,9 @@ To do that we will replace `dynData` key by a `dynPref`key within view block: "visibility": "visible" }, ``` -Usage of `dynPref`keys will be very close to `dynData`keys explained in previous chapter +使用 `dynPref` 鍵的方式與前一章解釋的 `dynData` 鍵非常接近 -Now we will take a look at the end of the json file, after `dynData` block: +現在我們來看看 json 文件末尾的部分,位於 `dynData` 區塊之後: ```json "dynData": { @@ -735,22 +735,22 @@ Now we will take a look at the end of the json file, after `dynData` block: ... } ``` -You can see that the dynpref key defined within `background` view block (`"dynPref": "rotateSgv"`) exists into the `dynPref` json block included at the end of json file: +你可以看到在 `background` 視圖區塊中定義的 dynpref 鍵 (`"dynPref": "rotateSgv"`) 存在於 json 文件末尾的 `dynPref` 區塊中: -This block should contains a `"prefKey"`key that will define which preference should be used. In this example the key `"key_units"` is linked to units selected within AAPS on phone, and value is `"true"`if selected unit is mgdl, `"false"`if selected unit is mmol. +此區塊應包含一個 `"prefKey"` 鍵,該鍵將定義應使用哪個偏好設定。 在此範例中,鍵 `"key_units"` 與電話中的 AAPS 所選的單位相關聯,如果所選單位是 mg/dL 則值為 `"true"`,如果是 mmol 則為 `"false"`。 -Then you will find two json blocks that will use "dynData" format, and that will be used according to selected preference +然後你會發現兩個使用 "dynData" 格式的 json 區塊,這些區塊將根據所選的偏好設定使用。 -Note that the "HardCoded" file name for Background image is now replaced by a dynamic image that will be the same wathever the BG value (`Background_mgdl.png`file if key_units is "true", `Background_mmol.png` if key_units is false), and we also include an `"invalidImage" key to allways have a background image even if no data has been received from the phone. +請注意,背景圖像的 "HardCoded" 檔名現在已被動態圖像取代,無論血糖值如何,它將是相同的背景圖像(如果 key_units 為 "true",則為 `Background_mgdl.png` 檔案,如果 key_units 為 false,則為 `Background_mmol.png`),並且我們還包括一個 `"invalidImage"` 鍵,即使沒有從電話接收到資料也能始終顯示背景圖像。 -#### Combine different preferences within dynPref with AAPS V2 +#### 在 dynPref 中結合不同的偏好設定,使用 AAPS V2 -Most of the time, when you set a preference, it's not to get "dynamic behaviour", but only the results according to what you select, but within dynPref, it's considered as a dynamic feature... +大多數時候,當你設置一個偏好設定時,它只是根據你的選擇顯示結果,但在 dynPref 中,它被認為是一種動態功能... -- when in `dynData`you specify one full block of parameters (with images, fontColor, Color, ...), with `dynPref`, you will be able to combine each parameter according to one specific preference. -- Here we will see how match devider preference will be associated to dark preference to show when it's enabled (true) white text on black background on dark watchface (dark parameter true) or black text on white background on light watchface (dark false)... +- 當在 `dynData` 中指定一整個參數區塊(包含圖像、字體顏色、顏色等)時,使用 `dynPref`,你將能根據特定偏好設定組合每個參數。 +- 在這裡,我們將看到如何將分隔線偏好設定與暗色偏好設定匹配,以便在啟用時(true)顯示黑色背景上的白色文字(在暗色錶面上,暗色參數為 true),或在淺色錶面上顯示白色背景上的黑色文字(暗色為 false)... -First lets see the beginning of json file: +首先,讓我們看看 json 文件的開頭部分: ```json "dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark", @@ -765,9 +765,9 @@ First lets see the beginning of json file: "dynPref": "dark" }, ``` -`"dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark"` will specify the dynPref block of all default colors outside views. These colors will be tuned according to dark parameter within `"prefColorDark"`: +`"dynPrefColor": "prefColorDark"` 將指定所有視圖外預設顏色的 dynPref 區塊。 這些顏色將根據 `"prefColorDark"` 中的暗色參數進行調整: -And at the end, within the `dynPref` block, you will have a specific dynPref block for default colors: +最後,在 `dynPref` 區塊內,將會有一個專門為預設顏色設置的 dynPref 區塊: ```json "prefColorDark": { @@ -794,9 +794,9 @@ And at the end, within the `dynPref` block, you will have a specific dynPref blo } } ``` -The difference between this dynPref block and the other standard dynPref blocks used for views is that here you don't have a dynData block for each value of `"key_dark"` parameter, but only the list of main colors (`highColor`, `midColor` , ...) +此 dynPref 區塊與用於視圖的其他標準 dynPref 區塊之間的區別在於,這裡沒有為 `"key_dark"` 參數的每個值設置 dynData 區塊,而只是列出主要顏色(`highColor`、`midColor` 等)。 -Lets now take a look on items included into the "divider banner" (in example below `"basalRate"` view linked to `"matchDivider"` dynPref view: +現在讓我們來看看 "divider banner" 中包含的項目(如下例所示的 `"basalRate"` 視圖鏈接到 `"matchDivider"` dynPref 視圖): ```json "basalRate": { @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ Lets now take a look on items included into the "divider banner" (in example bel "dynPref": "matchDivider" }, ``` -Then within dynPref block, you can see that Match divider parameter (`key_match_divider` key), include the 2 blocks "true" and "false", but these two blocs are only used to define that view will use either "dark" dynBlock (so exactly the same background and text color than the otherviews outside the banner), or "white" dynBLock that will set opposite colors for background and text... +然後在 dynPref 區塊中,你可以看到分隔線參數 (`key_match_divider`) 鍵包含了 "true" 和 "false" 兩個區塊,但這兩個區塊僅用來定義該視圖將使用 "dark" dynBlock(因此與分隔線外的其他視圖具有相同的背景和文字顏色),或使用 "white" dynBLock,該區塊將為背景和文字設置相反的顏色... ```json "matchDivider": { @@ -834,13 +834,13 @@ Then within dynPref block, you can see that Match divider parameter (`key_match_ } }, ``` -Note that here you are within a "dynData" block, then to define a color or a fontColor, you will use a dynData (not specified here), and a single step (`"color1"` and `'fontColor1'` are used) +請注意,這裡你位於 "dynData" 區塊中,然後要定義顏色或字體顏色,將使用 dynData(此處未指定),並使用單步驟 (`"color1"` 和 `'fontColor1'` )。 -- for all parameter other than `image` default "invalid value (if not set specifically by `"invalidColor"` key or `"invalidFontColor"` keys) will be `"color1"` and `"fontColor1"`. +- 對於除 `image` 以外的所有參數,預設的 "無效值"(如果未由 `"invalidColor"` 鍵或 `"invalidFontColor"` 鍵專門設置)將是 `"color1"` 和 `"fontColor1"`。 -Then we will see a third example with iob views (`iob1` and `iob2`), where we will use smaller text for detailled iob and bigger text for total iob: +接著我們將看到 iob 視圖的第三個範例(`iob1` 和 `iob2`),其中我們將使用較小的文字來顯示詳細的 iob,並使用較大的文字來顯示總 iob: ```json "iob1": { @@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ Then we will see a third example with iob views (`iob1` and `iob2`), where we wi "dynPref": "prefIob2" }, ``` -You will see within default view settings the text size (19 on `iob1` and 24 on `iob2`) and the two different `dynPref` block that should tune textsize (according to detailed iob parameter), and colors (according to dark parameter) +你會在預設視圖設定中看到文字大小(`iob1` 為 19,`iob2` 為 24),以及應調整文字大小(根據詳細 iob 參數)和顏色(根據暗色參數)的兩個不同 `dynPref` 區塊 ```json "prefIob1": { @@ -891,11 +891,11 @@ You will see within default view settings the text size (19 on `iob1` and 24 on } }, ``` -You can see here that according to detailed iob parameter (`"key_show_detailed_iob"` key), when it's "true" then textsize is defined to a fix value bigger than default (24 instead of 19): this is done using textsize "step" feature, within only one value so one step... (note that for all parameter others than images,if invalidTextSize is not set, then textsize1 will be used for invalid data) +你可以看到根據詳細 iob 參數(`"key_show_detailed_iob"` 鍵),當它為 "true" 時,文字大小會被定義為比預設值更大的固定值(24 代替預設的 19):這是使用文字大小 "step" 功能完成的,並且只使用一個值,因此為單步驟...(請注意,對於除圖像外的所有參數,如果未設置 invalidTextSize,則將使用 textsize1 作為無效資料的文字大小) -Then "dark" dynPref block will be used to set colorand fontColor +然後 "dark" dynPref 區塊將用來設置顏色和字體顏色 -In this example the dynData block that will be used for iob1 view will be if detailed IOB is enabled and dark enabled: +在此範例中,如果啟用了詳細 IOB 且啟用了暗色,將為 iob1 視圖使用的 dynData 區塊為: ``` { @@ -905,9 +905,9 @@ In this example the dynData block that will be used for iob1 view will be if det }, ``` -So the text will be inwhite on black background and the size 24 will replace default size of 19 set into the view +因此,文字將顯示為黑色背景上的白色,並且大小 24 將取代視圖中設置的預設大小 19 -The dynData block that will be used for the same view iob1 if detailed IOB is disabled and dark disabled will be: +如果停用了詳細 IOB 且停用了暗色,則將為相同的 iob1 視圖使用的 dynData 區塊為: ``` { @@ -916,314 +916,314 @@ The dynData block that will be used for the same view iob1 if detailed IOB is di }, ``` -Now the text will be in black on white background with a size of 19 +現在文字將顯示為白色背景上的黑色,並且大小為 19 -#### Tips and tricks for dynPref +#### dynPref 使用技巧與訣竅 -- You can combine as many pref than you want, but be carefull, the number of blocks to describe can increase very fast (it's exponential): if you chain 3 parameters and you want to define all situations, you will have 8 blocks to describe, if each parameter has only 2 values... -- Be carefull to not build "infinite loop" (for example if dynpref1 block should be completed by dynpref2 block that should be completed by dynpref1 block...). In this case the dynpref blocks will be considered as invalid... -- Do not forget to include the numéric index after the key (when you use for example `"textsize"`key within a view, you will have to use `"textsize1"`within the dynPref value block, because it's a "dynData" format, so linked to value with a single step in this case) -- Only one key `"valueKey"` should be set for one view, so if the final `dynData` block is built from several `dynPref`blocks, do not include several `"valueKey"` (and associated `"minData"`, `"maxData"`, ...) +- 你可以結合任意數量的偏好設定,但要小心,描述的區塊數量可能會急速增加(呈指數增長):如果你串聯 3 個參數並且想要定義所有情況,你將需要描述 8 個區塊,如果每個參數只有 2 個值... +- 小心不要建立 "無限循環"(例如,如果 dynpref1 區塊應由 dynpref2 區塊補全,而 dynpref2 區塊又應由 dynpref1 區塊補全...)。 在這種情況下,dynpref 區塊將被視為無效... +- 不要忘記在鍵後面包括數字索引(例如當你在視圖中使用 `"textsize"` 鍵時,你將不得不在 dynPref 值區塊中使用 `"textsize1"`,因為這是 "dynData" 格式,因此在這種情況下鏈接到單步驟的值) +- 每個視圖應該只設置一個 `"valueKey"`,因此如果最終的 `dynData` 區塊由多個 `dynPref` 區塊組成,請不要包含多個 `"valueKey"`(及其相關的 `"minData"`、`"maxData"` 等) (cwf-reference-key-and-keyvalue-reference)= -## Key and KeyValue reference +## 鍵與鍵值參考 (cwf-reference-list-of-metadata-keys)= -### List of Metadata keys +### 中繼資料鍵清單 (cwf-reference-list-of-standard-metadata-keys)= -#### List of Standard information metadata keys +#### 標準資訊中繼資料鍵清單 -| Key | Comment | -| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| name | Name of custom watchface | -| author | Name or pseudo of the author(s) | -| created_at | Creation (or update) date, be carefull `/` is a special character, so if you use it for the date put `\`before | -| cwf_version | Watchface plugin compatible with the design of your watchface | -| author_version | The author can specify here the version of his watchface | -| comment | Free text that can be used to give some information or limitation of current watchface | +| 鍵 | 註解 | +| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------- | +| 名稱 | 自訂錶面的名稱 | +| 作者 | 作者的名字或別名 | +| 建立於 | 建立(或更新)日期,請注意 `/` 是特殊字元,因此如果您將其用於日期,請在前面加上 `\` | +| cwf_version | 錶面外掛與您的錶面設計相容 | +| 作者版本 | 作者可以在此指定其錶面的版本 | +| 註解 | 可以用來提供當前錶面的一些資訊或限制的自由文本 | (cwf-reference-preference-keys)= -#### Preference keys - -| Key | Comment and | -| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| key_show_detailed_iob | true will lock detailed IOB data on view `iob2`, then `iob1` (if visible and not replaced by an icon) will show iob total.
false will lock total iob on `iob2`view. can be used if the width of `iob2`is too small to show correctly detailed iob | -| key_show_detailed_delta | false (only if design is not compatible with the width of detailed delta for `delta`and `avg_delta` views) | -| key_show_bgi | true if your design requires `bgi` information | -| key_show_iob | true if your design requires `iob1` or `iob2`views | -| key_show_cob | true if your design requires `cob1` or `cob2`views | -| key_show_delta | true if your design requires `delta` information | -| key_show_avg_delta | true if your design requires `avg_delta` information | -| key_show_uploader_battery | true if your design requires `uploader_battery` (phone battery) information | -| key_show_rig_battery | true if your design requires `rig_battery` information | -| key_show_temp_basal | true if your design requires `basalRate` information | -| key_show_direction | true if your design requires `direction` information (BG variation arrows) | -| key_show_ago | true if your design requires `timestamp` information (minutes ago for last received BG) | -| key_show_bg | true if your design requires `sgv` information (BG value) | -| key_show_loop_status | true if your design requires `loop` information (loop status and ago) | -| key_show_week_number | true if your design requires `week_number` information (loop status and ago) | -| key_show_date | true if your design requires `Date`, `Month` or `Day of the week` information | - -#### Internal keys - -| Key | Comment and | -| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| filename | This key will be created (or updated) automatically when the watchface is loaded and will contains local zip filename within exports folder | -| cwf_authorization | this key will be created (when the watchface is loaded) and updated each time authorization preference is changed in Wear settings, and it will be used to synchronize authorization to watch | +#### 偏好設定鍵 + +| 鍵 | 註解 | +| --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| key_show_detailed_iob | 如果為 true,將會在 `iob2` 視圖中鎖定詳細的 IOB 資料,然後 `iob1`(如果可見且未被圖示取代)將顯示 iob 總量。
如果為 false,則在 `iob2` 視圖中鎖定 iob 總量。 如果 `iob2` 的寬度太小,無法正確顯示詳細的 iob 資料,則可以使用 | +| key_show_detailed_delta | false(僅當設計與 `delta` 和 `avg_delta` 視圖的詳細 delta 寬度不相容時) | +| key_show_bgi | 如果您的設計需要 `bgi` 資訊,則為 true | +| key_show_iob | 如果您的設計需要 `iob1` 或 `iob2` 視圖,則為 true | +| key_show_cob | 如果您的設計需要 `cob1` 或 `cob2` 視圖,則為 true | +| key_show_delta | 如果您的設計需要 `delta` 資訊,則為 true | +| key_show_avg_delta | 如果您的設計需要 `avg_delta` 資訊,則為 true | +| key_show_uploader_battery | 如果您的設計需要 `uploader_battery`(電話電池)資訊,則為 true | +| key_show_rig_battery | 如果您的設計需要 `rig_battery` 資訊,則為 true | +| key_show_temp_basal | 如果您的設計需要 `basalRate` 資訊,則為 true | +| key_show_direction | 如果您的設計需要 `direction` 資訊(血糖 變化箭頭),則為 true | +| key_show_ago | 如果您的設計需要 `timestamp` 資訊(上次接收到血糖資料的分鐘數),則為 true | +| key_show_bg | 如果您的設計需要 `sgv` 資訊(血糖 值),則為 true | +| key_show_loop_status | 如果您的設計需要 `loop` 資訊(循環狀態和時間),則為 true | +| key_show_week_number | 如果您的設計需要 `week_number` 資訊(循環狀態和時間),則為 true | +| key_show_date | 如果您的設計需要 `日期`、`月份` 或 `星期幾` 資訊,則為 true | + +#### 內部鍵 + +| 鍵 | 註解 | +| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | +| 檔案名稱 | 當錶面載入時,該鍵將自動建立(或更新),並將包含匯出資料夾中的本地 zip 檔案名稱 | +| cwf_authorization | 當錶面載入時該鍵將被建立,並且每次在 Wear 設定中更改授權偏好設定時都會更新,並用於同步手錶授權 | (cwf-reference-list-of-general-parameters)= -### List of General parameters - -| Key | Comment | -| -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| highColor | `"#FFFF00"`(default Yellow): Color of BG value, trend arrows and bg value in graph if bg is above upper limit (Hyper) | -| midColor | `"#00FF00"`(default Green): Color of BG value, trend arrows and bg value in graph if bg is within range | -| lowColor | `"#FF0000"`(default Red): Color of BG value, trend arrows and bg value in graph if bg is below lower limit (Hypo) | -| lowBatColor | `"#E53935"`(default Dark Red): Color of `uploader_battery` when value is low (below 20% tbc) | -| carbColor | `"#FB8C00"`(default Orange): Color of Carbs points within graph | -| basalBackgroundColor | `"#0000FF"`(default Dark blue): Color of TBR curve within graph | -| basalCenterColor | `"#64B5F6"`(default Light blue): Color of Bolus or SMB points within graph | -| gridColor | `"#FFFFFF"`(default White): Color of lines and text scale within graph | -| pointSize | 2 (default): size of points in graph (1 for small point, 2 for big points) | -| enableSecond | false (default): specify if watchface will manage seconds or not within `time`, `second` or `second_hand` views. it's important to be consistent between view visibility and this overall setting that will allow update every second of time information | -| dayNameFormat | "E" (default): from "E" to "EEEE" specify dayname format (number, short name, full name) tbc | -| monthFormat | "MMM" (default): from "M" to "MMMM" specify month format (number, short name, full name) | +### 常規參數清單 + +| 鍵 | 註解 | +| -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| highColor | `"#FFFF00"`(預設黃色):當血糖高於上限(高血糖)時,血糖 值、趨勢箭頭和圖表中的血糖值顏色 | +| midColor | `"#00FF00"`(預設綠色):當血糖處於範圍內時,血糖 值、趨勢箭頭和圖表中的血糖值顏色 | +| lowColor | `"#FF0000"`(預設紅色):當血糖低於下限(低血糖)時,血糖 值、趨勢箭頭和圖表中的血糖值顏色 | +| lowBatColor | `"#E53935"`(預設深紅色):當 `uploader_battery` 值較低(低於 20%)時的顏色 | +| carbColor | `"#FB8C00"`(預設橙色):圖表中的碳水化合物點的顏色 | +| basalBackgroundColor | `"#0000FF"`(預設深藍色):圖表中的 TBR 曲線顏色 | +| basalCenterColor | `"#64B5F6"`(預設淺藍色):圖表中的注射或 SMB 點的顏色 | +| gridColor | `"#FFFFFF"`(預設白色):圖表中的線條和文字刻度的顏色 | +| pointSize | 2(預設值):圖表中點的大小(1 為小點,2 為大點) | +| enableSecond | false(預設值):指定錶面是否在 `時間`、`秒` 或 `秒針` 視圖中顯示秒數。 在視圖的可見性和這個總體設定之間保持一致非常重要,這將允許每秒更新時間資訊 | +| dayNameFormat | "E"(預設值):從 "E" 到 "EEEE" 指定日期格式(數字、簡稱、全名) | +| monthFormat | "MMM"(預設值):從 "M" 到 "MMMM" 指定月份格式(數字、簡稱、全名) | (cwf-reference-list-of-hardcoded-resource-files)= -### List of HardCoded resource files - -For most images, High and Low suffix allow tuning of image according to BG level (in Range, Hyper or Hypo) - -| Filenames | Comment | -| --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| CustomWatchface | Image shown for watchface selection and within Wear plugin | -| Background,
BackgroundLow | none (default black): Background image. background is allways visible and default color is black if no image provided. Color can be modified to fit watchface design | -| CoverChart,
CoverChartLow | none (default): Image in front of Chart (transparency should be available to see Chart behind) Can be used to limit boundaries of graph | -| CoverPlate,
CoverPlateLow | simple dial (default): image in front of all text values. transparency mandatory to see all values that are behind | -| HourHand,
HourHandLow | hour_hand (default): image of hour hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image | -| MinuteHand,
MinuteHandLow | minute_hand (default): image of minute hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image | -| SecondHand,
SecondHandLow | second_hand (default): image of second hand. a default image is provided and can be colored to fit analog design. Note axis for rotation will be the center of the image | -| ArrowNone | ?? (default): image shown when no valid arrow is available. | -| ArrowDoubleUp | ↑↑ (default): image of double arrow up | -| ArrowSingleUp | ↑ (default): image of single arrow up | -| Arrow45Up | ↗ (default): image of fortyfive arrow up | -| ArrowFlat | → (default): image of flat arrow | -| Arrow45Down | ↘ (default): image of fortyfive arrow down | -| ArrowSingleDown | ↓ (default): image of single arrow down | -| ArrowDoubleDown | ↓↓ (default): image of double arrow down | - -For each above filenames, extension can be either `.jpg`, `.png` or `.svg`. But be carefull, `.jpg`doesn't manage transparency (so most of the files should be with .png or .svg to not hide view that are behind...) +### 硬編碼資源檔案清單 + +對於大多數圖像,高和低後綴允許根據血糖水平(在範圍內、高血糖或低血糖)調整圖像 + +| 檔案名稱 | 註解 | +| --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | +| CustomWatchface | 顯示在錶面選擇和 Wear 外掛中的圖像 | +| Background,
BackgroundLow | none(預設黑色):背景圖像。 背景始終可見,預設顏色為黑色,如果沒有提供圖像。 可以修改顏色以符合錶面設計 | +| CoverChart,
CoverChartLow | none(預設值):圖表前面的圖像(應具有透明度,以便看到後面的圖表)可用於限制圖表的邊界 | +| CoverPlate,
CoverPlateLow | 簡單的錶盤(預設值):所有文字值前面的圖像。 必須透明,才能看到後面的所有值 | +| HourHand,
HourHandLow | hour_hand(預設值):時針圖像。 提供了一個預設圖像,可以著色以符合類比設計。 請注意,旋轉的軸心將是圖像的中心 | +| MinuteHand,
MinuteHandLow | minute_hand(預設值):分針圖像。 提供了一個預設圖像,可以著色以符合類比設計。 請注意,旋轉的軸心將是圖像的中心 | +| SecondHand,
SecondHandLow | second_hand(預設值):秒針圖像。 提供了一個預設圖像,可以著色以符合類比設計。 請注意,旋轉的軸心將是圖像的中心 | +| ArrowNone | ?? (預設值):當沒有可用的有效箭頭時顯示的圖像。 | +| ArrowDoubleUp | ↑↑(預設值):向上雙箭頭圖像 | +| ArrowSingleUp | ↑(預設值):單箭頭向上圖像 | +| Arrow45Up | ↗(預設值):四十五度向上箭頭圖像 | +| ArrowFlat | →(預設值):水平箭頭圖像 | +| Arrow45Down | ↘(預設值):四十五度向下箭頭圖像 | +| ArrowSingleDown | ↓(預設值):單箭頭向下圖像 | +| ArrowDoubleDown | ↓↓(預設值):向下雙箭頭圖像 | + +對於上述的每個檔名,副檔名可以是 `.jpg`、`.png` 或 `.svg`。 但要注意,`.jpg` 不支援透明度(所以大多數檔案應使用 .png 或 .svg,以免遮擋後面的視圖...) (cwf-reference-list-of-view-keys)= -### List of View keys - -This list is sorted from background to foreground this is very important when you organize your watchface to know this order because some image or text can be hidden by other images - -| Key | Type of view | Data attached | DynData Key | -| ---------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------- | -| background | Image View | | | -| chart | Specific Chart View | Graphical curves | | -| cover_chart | Image View | | | -| freetext1 | Text View | | | -| freetext2 | Text View | | | -| freetext3 | Text View | | | -| freetext4 | Text View | | | -| iob1 | Text View | IOB label or IOB Total | | -| iob2 | Text View | IOB Total or IOB Detailed | | -| cob1 | Text View | Carb label | | -| cob2 | Text View | COB Value | | -| delta | Text View | Short delta (5 min) | delta | -| avg_delta | Text View | Avg Delta (15 min) | avg_delta | -| uploader_battery | Text View | phone battery level (%) | uploader_battery | -| rig_battery | Text View | rig battery level (%) | rig_battery | -| basalRate | Text View | % or absolute value | | -| bgi | Text View | mgdl/(5 min) or mmol/(5 min) | | -| time | Text View | HH:MM or HH:MM:SS | | -| hour | Text View | HH | | -| minute | Text View | MM | | -| second | Text View | SS | | -| timePeriod | Text View | AM or PM | | -| day_name | Text View | name of the day (cf. dayNameFormat) | day_name | -| day | Text View | DD date | day | -| week_number | Text View | (WW) week number | week_number | -| month | Text View | month name (cf. monthFormat) | | -| loop | Text View | min ago since last run and status (color arrows in background), color arrows can be tuned with DynData | loop | -| direction | Image View | TrendArrows | direction | -| timestamp | Text View | integer (min ago) | timestamp | -| sgv | Text View | sgv value (mgdl or mmol) | sgv
sgvLevel | -| cover_plate | Image View | | | -| hour_hand | Image View | | | -| minute_hand | Image View | | | -| second_hand | Image View | | | +### 視圖鍵清單 + +此清單從背景到前景排序,這在您組織錶面時非常重要,因為某些圖像或文字可能會被其他圖像遮住 + +| 鍵 | 視圖類型 | 相關資料 | DynData 鍵 | +| ---------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | +| 背景 | 圖像視圖 | | | +| 圖表 | 專用圖表視圖 | 圖形曲線 | | +| cover_chart | 圖像視圖 | | | +| freetext1 | 文字視圖 | | | +| freetext2 | 文字視圖 | | | +| freetext3 | 文字視圖 | | | +| freetext4 | 文字視圖 | | | +| iob1 | 文字視圖 | IOB 標籤或 IOB 總量 | | +| iob2 | 文字視圖 | IOB 總量或 IOB 詳細資訊 | | +| cob1 | 文字視圖 | 碳水化合物標籤 | | +| cob2 | 文字視圖 | COB 值 | | +| delta | 文字視圖 | 短期 delta(5 分鐘) | delta | +| avg_delta | 文字視圖 | 平均 Delta(15 分鐘) | avg_delta | +| uploader_battery | 文字視圖 | 電話電池電量(百分比) | uploader_battery | +| rig_battery | 文字視圖 | rig 電池電量(百分比) | rig_battery | +| basalRate | 文字視圖 | 百分比或絕對值 | | +| bgi | 文字視圖 | mg/dL/(5 分鐘) 或 mmol/(5 分鐘) | | +| 時間 | 文字視圖 | HH:MM 或 HH:MM:SS | | +| 小時 | 文字視圖 | HH | | +| 分鐘 | 文字視圖 | MM | | +| 第二 | 文字視圖 | 秒 | | +| 時間段 | 文字視圖 | 上午或下午 | | +| 星期名稱 | 文字視圖 | 星期幾名稱(參考 dayNameFormat) | 星期名稱 | +| 日期 | 文字視圖 | DD 日期 | 日期 | +| 週數 | 文字視圖 | (WW)週數 | 週數 | +| 月份 | 文字視圖 | 月份名稱(參考 monthFormat) | | +| 循環 | 文字視圖 | 自上次執行後的分鐘數和狀態(背景中的彩色箭頭),可以使用 DynData 調整彩色箭頭 | 循環 | +| 趨勢方向 | 圖像視圖 | 趨勢箭頭 | 趨勢方向 | +| 時間戳 | 文字視圖 | 整數(自上次接收資料後的分鐘數) | 時間戳 | +| sgv | 文字視圖 | sgv 值(mg/dL 或 mmol) | sgv
sgvLevel | +| cover_plate | 圖像視圖 | | | +| 時針 | 圖像視圖 | | | +| 分針 | 圖像視圖 | | | +| 秒針 | 圖像視圖 | | | (cwf-reference-list-of-json-keys)= -### List of Json keys +### Json 鍵清單 (cwf-reference-common-keys)= -#### Common keys - - that can be used on all view types (Text View, image View, graph view) - -| Key | type | comment / value | -| -------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| width | int | width of view in pixel | -| height | int | heigth of view in pixel | -| topmargin | int | top margin in pixel | -| leftmargin | int | left margin in pixel | -| rotation | int | rotation angle in degrees | -| visibility | string | see key value table | -| dynData | string | key block name that will specify dynamic data to link and associated animation (colors, image, shift, rotation)
`"dynData": "customName",` (see below ) | -| leftOffset | boolean | include this key with key value true to enable horizontal shift (positive or negative value) due to dynData value | -| topOffset | boolean | include this key with key value true to enable vertical shift (positive or negative value) due to dynData value | -| rotationOffset | boolean | include this key with key value true to enable rotation (positive or negative value) due to dynData value | -| twinView | string | key of the other view (generally the other view also include the twinView parameter with the key of this view in it) | -| topOffsetTwinHidden | int | number of pixel to shift view position vertically if twin view is hidden (positive or negative value)
topOffsetTwinHidden = (topOffset twinView - topOffset thisView)/2 | -| leftOffsetTwinHidden | int | number of pixel to shift view position horizontally if twin view is hidden (positive or negative value)
leftOffsetTwinHidden= (leftOffset twinView - leftOffset thisView)/2 | -| dynPref | string | key block name that will specify dynamic pref to link and associated animation (colors, image, shift, rotation)
`"dynPref": "customName",` (see below ) | +#### 通用鍵 + + 可用於所有視圖類型(文字視圖、圖像視圖、圖表視圖) + +| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 / 值 | +| ---------- | --- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| 寬度 | 整數 | 視圖寬度(像素) | +| 高度 | 整數 | 視圖高度(像素) | +| 頂端邊距 | 整數 | 頂端邊距(像素) | +| 左側邊距 | 整數 | 左側邊距(像素) | +| 旋轉 | 整數 | 旋轉角度(度數) | +| 可見性 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表 | +| dynData | 字串 | 鍵區塊名稱,將指定要連結的動態資料和相關動畫(顏色、圖像、位移、旋轉)
`"dynData": "customName",` (見下文) | +| 左側位移 | 布林值 | 如果希望啟用由 dynData 值引起的水平位移(正值或負值),請包含此鍵並將鍵值設為 true | +| 頂端位移 | 布林值 | 如果希望啟用由 dynData 值引起的垂直位移(正值或負值),請包含此鍵並將鍵值設為 true | +| 旋轉位移 | 布林值 | 如果希望啟用由 dynData 值引起的旋轉(正值或負值),請包含此鍵並將鍵值設為 true | +| 雙視圖 | 字串 | 另一個視圖的鍵(通常另一個視圖也會包含雙視圖參數,並包含此視圖的鍵) | +| 隱藏雙視圖時頂端位移 | 整數 | 如果雙視圖被隱藏,則將視圖位置垂直移動的像素數(正值或負值)
隱藏雙視圖時的頂端位移 =(雙視圖的頂端位移 - 此視圖的頂端位移)/2 | +| 隱藏雙視圖時左側位移 | 整數 | 如果雙視圖被隱藏,則將視圖位置水平移動的像素數(正值或負值)
隱藏雙視圖時的左側位移 =(雙視圖的左側位移 - 此視圖的左側位移)/2 | +| dynPref | 字串 | 鍵區塊名稱,將指定要連結的動態偏好設定和相關動畫(顏色、圖像、位移、旋轉)
`"dynPref": "customName",` (見下文) | (cwf-reference-textview-keys)= -#### TextView keys +#### 文字視圖鍵 -| Key | type | comment | -| ---------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| textsize | int | size of font in pixel (keep in mind that font can include top and bottom margin so the real text size will generally be smaller than the number of pixel set). Note that size should be smaller than view heigth to not be truncated | -| gravity | string | see key value table | -| font | string | see key value table for available fonts.
Can also be font filename (without extension) for fonts included into zip file | -| fontStyle | string | see key value table | -| fontColor | string | Manage color of the font
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value | -| allCaps | boolean | true if you want text in uppercase (mainly day name or month name) | -| background | string | `resource_filename` you can include a resource image as background of the text view (resource file will be resized to fit heigth and width of text view, but keeping image ratio). text value will be in front of background image.
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | -| color | string | Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only)
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value
- For default embeded image (hand, dial) color will be applied directly, for bitmap image (jpg or png) this will apply a saturation gradient filter on imagae
- For svg this parameter will have no effect (color of svg files cannot be modified)
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | -| textvalue | string | Key specific to the 4 free text views included into the layout (from freetext1 to freetext4), this allow you to set the text that should be included (can be a label, or just `:` if you want to add a separator between hour view and minute view...) | +| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | +| ---- | --- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| 文字大小 | 整數 | 字體大小(像素)(請記住字體可能包含頂部和底部邊距,因此實際文字大小通常小於設定的像素數)。 注意,大小應小於視圖高度,以免被截斷 | +| 對齊 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表 | +| 字體 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表以查看可用字體。
也可以是 zip 檔案中包含的字體檔名(無副檔名) | +| 字體樣式 | 字串 | 請參閱鍵值表 | +| 字體顏色 | 字串 | 管理字體顏色
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法 | +| 全大寫 | 布林值 | 如果希望文字為大寫(主要用於星期名稱或月份名稱),請設為 true | +| 背景 | 字串 | `resource_filename` 您可以包含資源圖像作為文字視圖的背景(資源檔案將被調整大小以適應文字視圖的高度和寬度,但保持圖像比例)。 文字將顯示在背景圖像前面。
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前面顯示 | +| 顏色 | 字串 | 管理視圖背景顏色或調整圖像顏色(僅限點陣圖)
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法
- 對於預設嵌入的圖像(指針、錶盤),將直接應用顏色,對於點陣圖圖像(jpg 或 png),這將在圖像上應用飽和度漸變濾鏡
- 對於 svg,此參數將無效(無法修改 svg 文件的顏色)
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前顯示 | +| 文字值 | 字串 | 專用於佈局中包含的 4 個自由文字視圖(從 freetext1 到 freetext4)的鍵,這允許您設置應包含的文字(可以是標籤,或只是 `:`,如果您想在小時視圖和分鐘視圖之間添加分隔符...) | (cwf-reference-imageview-keys)= -#### ImageView keys +#### 圖像視圖鍵 -| Key | type | comment | -| ----- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| color | string | Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only)
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value
- For default embeded image (hand, dial) color will be applied directly, for bitmap image (jpg or png) this will apply a saturation gradient filter on imagae
- For svg this parameter will have no effect (color of svg files cannot be modified)
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | +| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | +| -- | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| 顏色 | 字串 | 管理視圖背景顏色或調整圖像顏色(僅限點陣圖)
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法
- 對於預設嵌入的圖像(指針、錶盤),將直接應用顏色,對於點陣圖圖像(jpg 或 png),這將在圖像上應用飽和度漸變濾鏡
- 對於 svg,此參數將無效(無法修改 svg 文件的顏色)
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前顯示 | (cwf-reference-chartview-keys)= -#### ChartView keys +#### 圖表視圖鍵 -| Key | type | comment | -| ---------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| color | string | Manage the color of view Background or tune color of image (if bitmap only)
`"#RRVVBB"`: color code in RVB format, hexdecimal values #FF0000 is red
`"#AARRVVBB"`: AA include Alpha information (transparency), 00 is transparent, FF is opaque
`"bgColor"`: keyValue bgColor is an easy way to use highColor, midColor or lowColor according to BG value
- For default embeded image (hand, dial) color will be applied directly, for bitmap image (jpg or png) this will apply a saturation gradient filter on imagae
- For svg this parameter will have no effect (color of svg files cannot be modified)
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | -| background | string | `resource_filename` you can include a resource image as background of the text view (resource file will be resized to fit heigth and width of text view, but keeping image ratio). text value will be in front of background image.
- Note that this key can also be used for `chart` view to set a custom background to the chart, infront of background image | +| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | +| -- | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| 顏色 | 字串 | 管理視圖背景顏色或調整圖像顏色(僅限點陣圖)
`"#RRVVBB"`:RVB 格式的顏色代碼,十六進制值 #FF0000 為紅色
`"#AARRVVBB"`:AA 包含 Alpha 資訊(透明度),00 為透明,FF 為不透明
`"bgColor"`:鍵值 bgColor 是根據血糖值使用 highColor、midColor 或 lowColor 的簡便方法
- 對於預設嵌入的圖像(指針、錶盤),將直接應用顏色,對於點陣圖圖像(jpg 或 png),這將在圖像上應用飽和度漸變濾鏡
- 對於 svg,此參數將無效(無法修改 svg 文件的顏色)
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前顯示 | +| 背景 | 字串 | `resource_filename` 您可以包含資源圖像作為文字視圖的背景(資源檔案將被調整大小以適應文字視圖的高度和寬度,但保持圖像比例)。 文字將顯示在背景圖像前面。
- 請注意,此鍵也可用於 `chart` 視圖中為圖表設置自訂背景,在背景圖像前面顯示 | (cwf-reference-key-values)= -### Key values - -| Key value | key | comment | -| -------------------------- | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| gone | visibility | view hidden | -| visible | visibility | view visible in watchface (but visibility can be enable or disable in parameters) | -| center | gravity | text is vertical and horizontal centered into the view | -| left | gravity | text is vertical centered but left aligned into the view | -| right | gravity | text is vertical centered but right aligned into the view | -| sans_serif | font | | -| default | font | | -| default_bold | font | | -| monospace | font | | -| serif | font | | -| roboto_condensed_bold | font | | -| roboto_condensed_light | font | | -| roboto_condensed_regular | font | | -| roboto_slab_light | font | | -| normal | fontStyle | | -| bold | fontStyle | | -| bold_italic | fontStyle | | -| italic | fontStyle | | +### 鍵值 + +| 鍵值 | 鍵 | 註解 | +| -------------- | ---- | ------------------------ | +| 隱藏 | 可見性 | 視圖隱藏 | +| 可見 | 可見性 | 視圖在錶面上可見(但可在參數中啟用或停用可見性) | +| 置中 | 對齊 | 文字在視圖中垂直和水平置中 | +| 靠左 | 對齊 | 文字在視圖中垂直置中但靠左對齊 | +| 靠右 | 對齊 | 文字在視圖中垂直置中但靠右對齊 | +| 無襯線 | 字體 | | +| 預設 | 字體 | | +| 預設粗體 | 字體 | | +| 等寬字體 | 字體 | | +| 襯線字體 | 字體 | | +| Roboto 緊湊粗體 | 字體 | | +| Roboto 緊湊輕體 | 字體 | | +| Roboto 緊湊常規 | 字體 | | +| Roboto Slab 輕體 | 字體 | | +| 正常 | 字體樣式 | | +| 粗體 | 字體樣式 | | +| 粗斜體 | 字體樣式 | | +| 斜體 | 字體樣式 | | (cwf-reference-dyndata-keys)= -### DynData keys - -| Key | type | comment | -| ------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| dynData | block | define the block of all dynamic data blocks that will be used for the views. generally after the last view.
All the keys defined within this block will be used as key Value within view block:
`"dynData": { dynData blocks }`
and each block is defined by a custom name and several keys inside:
`"customName": { one dynData block }` | -| valueKey | string | name of dynamic data to use (generally same that associated view key).
If not existing, the default will be the values used for the view that uses this block.
for example you can define one block to customize battery level percentage without specifying valueKey, and then use the same block to customize uploader_battery and rig_battery | -| minData | int | specify the minimum value to take into account for AAPS data : for example if value is sgv (unit mgdl internaly), if minData is set to 50, all bg values below 50mgdl will be set to 50.
- Note that minData and maxData will be used to calculate dynamic values (in pixel or in degrees). | -| maxData | int | specify the maximum value to take into account for AAPS data : for example if value is sgv (unit mgdl internaly), if maxData is set to 330, all bg values above 330mgdl will be set to 330. | -| leftOffset | block | Specify the horizontal shift of the view according to min and max values in pixels.
- It includes minValue key, maxValueKey and invalidValue key (optional)
- If data is below or equal minData, then the view will be shifted to minValue pixels, and if data is above or equal to maxData, then the view will be shifted to maxValue pixels
Note that to apply this shift leftOffset should be set to true within the view | -| topOffset | block | Specify the vertical shift of the view according to min and max values in pixels.
- It includes minValue key, maxValueKey and invalidValue key (optional)
- If data is below or equal minData, then the view will be shifted to minValue pixels, and if data is above or equal to maxData, then the view will be shifted to maxValue pixels
Note that to apply this shift topOffset should be set to true within the view | -| rotationOffset | block | Specify the rotation angle in degrees of the view according to min and max values in pixels.
- It includes minValue key, maxValueKey and invalidValue key (optional)
- If data is below or equal minData, then the view will rotate by minValue degrees, and if data is above or equal to maxData, then the view will rotate by maxValue degrees
Note that to apply this rotation, rotationOffset should be set to true within the view | -| minValue | int | result value to apply to the view (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) | -| maxValue | int | result value to apply to the view (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) | -| invalidValue | int | result value to apply to the view if data is invalid (key only applicable within a leftOffset, topOffset or rotationOffset block) | -| invalidImage | string | `resource_filename` to use for the ImageView or background TextView if the data is invalid | -| image*1_to_n* | string | `resource_filename` image to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with image1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with image*n*
If for example your put 5 images (from image1 to image5), the range between minData and maxData will be divided in 5 steps and according to data value, the corresponding image will be shown | -| invalidFontColor | string | Manage fontColor steps if the data is invalid
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: Color to use if an invalid data is received (can be transparent if AA=00) | -| fontColor*1_to_n* | string | Manage fontColor steps
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: color to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with fontColor1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with fontColor*n* | -| invalidColor | string | Manage background color or image color steps if the data is invalid
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: Color to use if an invalid data is received (can be transparent if AA=00) | -| color*1_to_n* | string | Manage background color or image Color steps
`"#RRVVBB"` or `"#AARRVVBB"`: color to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with color1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with color*n* | -| invalidTextSize | int | Manage text size steps if the data is invalid | -| textsize*1_to_n* | int | Manage text size to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with textsize1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with textsize*n* | -| invalidLeftOffset | int | Manage leftOffset steps if the data is invalid | -| leftOffset*1_to_n* | int | Manage leftOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with leftOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with leftOffset*n*
Note, can be used with dynPref to shift a view when another is hidden... | -| invalidTopOffset | int | Manage topOffset steps if the data is invalid | -| topOffset*1_to_n* | int | Manage topOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with topOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with topOffset*n*
Note, can be used with dynPref to shift a view when another is hidden... | -| invalidRotationOffset | int | Manage rotationOffset steps if the data is invalid | -| rotationOffset*1_to_n* | int | Manage rotationOffset to use for each step between minData (or close to minData) with rotationOffset1 and maxData (or close to maxData) with rotationOffset*n* | +### DynData 鍵 + +| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | +| ------------------------ | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| dynData | 區塊 | 定義所有動態資料區塊的區塊,將用於視圖。 通常位於最後一個視圖之後。
`"dynData": { dynData 區塊 }`
`"customName": { 一個 dynData 區塊 }` | +| valueKey | 字串 | 要使用的動態資料名稱(通常與相關的視圖鍵相同)。
例如,您可以定義一個區塊來自訂電池電量百分比而不指定 valueKey,然後使用相同的區塊來自訂上傳器電池和 rig 電池。 | +| minData | 整數 | 指定 AAPS 資料的最小值:例如,如果值是 sgv(內部單位為 mg/dL),如果 minData 設置為 50,則所有低於 50 mg/dL 的血糖值將設置為 50。
- 請注意,minData 和 maxData 將用於計算動態值(以像素或度數表示)。 | +| maxData | 整數 | 指定 AAPS 資料的最大值:例如,如果值是 sgv(內部單位為 mg/dL),如果 maxData 設置為 330,則所有高於 330 mg/dL 的血糖值將設置為 330。 | +| 左側位移 | 區塊 | 根據最小值和最大值(以像素表示)指定視圖的水平位移。
- 它包括 minValue 鍵、maxValueKey 和 invalidValue 鍵(可選)。
- 如果資料小於或等於 minData,則視圖將移動到 minValue 像素,如果資料大於或等於 maxData,則視圖將移動到 maxValue 像素。
請注意,要應用此位移,應在視圖中將 leftOffset 設置為 true。 | +| 頂端位移 | 區塊 | 根據最小值和最大值(以像素表示)指定視圖的垂直位移。
- 它包括 minValue 鍵、maxValueKey 和 invalidValue 鍵(可選)。
- 如果資料小於或等於 minData,則視圖將移動到 minValue 像素,如果資料大於或等於 maxData,則視圖將移動到 maxValue 像素。
請注意,要應用此位移,應在視圖中將 topOffset 設置為 true。 | +| 旋轉位移 | 區塊 | 根據最小值和最大值(以度數表示)指定視圖的旋轉角度。
- 它包括 minValue 鍵、maxValueKey 和 invalidValue 鍵(可選)。
- 如果資料小於或等於 minData,則視圖將旋轉 minValue 度,如果資料大於或等於 maxData,則視圖將旋轉 maxValue 度。
請注意,要應用此旋轉,應在視圖中將 rotationOffset 設置為 true。 | +| minValue | 整數 | 要應用於視圖的結果值(此鍵僅適用於 leftOffset、topOffset 或 rotationOffset 區塊內) | +| maxValue | 整數 | 要應用於視圖的結果值(此鍵僅適用於 leftOffset、topOffset 或 rotationOffset 區塊內) | +| invalidValue | 整數 | 如果資料無效,則要應用於視圖的結果值(此鍵僅適用於 leftOffset、topOffset 或 rotationOffset 區塊內) | +| invalidImage | 字串 | 如果資料無效,則用於 ImageView 或背景 TextView 的 `resource_filename` | +| image*1_to_n* | 字串 | 用於每個步驟的 `resource_filename` 圖像,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 image1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 image*n*
例如,如果您放置 5 個圖像(從 image1 到 image5),則 minData 和 maxData 之間的範圍將分為 5 個步驟,並根據資料值顯示相應的圖像。 | +| invalidFontColor | 字串 | 如果資料無效,管理字體顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:如果接收到無效資料,則使用的顏色(如果 AA=00,則可以透明) | +| fontColor*1_to_n* | 字串 | 管理字體顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:用於每個步驟的顏色,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 fontColor1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 fontColor*n* | +| invalidColor | 字串 | 如果資料無效,管理背景顏色或圖像顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:如果接收到無效資料,則使用的顏色(如果 AA=00,則可以透明) | +| color*1_to_n* | 字串 | 管理背景顏色或圖像顏色的步驟
`"#RRVVBB"` 或 `"#AARRVVBB"`:用於每個步驟的顏色,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 color1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 color*n* | +| invalidTextSize | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理文字大小的步驟 | +| textsize*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的文字大小,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 textsize1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 textsize*n* | +| invalidLeftOffset | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理 leftOffset 的步驟 | +| leftOffset*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的 leftOffset,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 leftOffset1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 leftOffset*n*
請注意,可以與 dynPref 一起使用,當另一個視圖被隱藏時移動視圖... | +| invalidTopOffset | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理 topOffset 的步驟 | +| topOffset*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的 topOffset,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 topOffset1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 topOffset*n*
請注意,可以與 dynPref 一起使用,當另一個視圖被隱藏時移動視圖... | +| invalidRotationOffset | 整數 | 如果資料無效,管理 rotationOffset 的步驟 | +| rotationOffset*1_to_n* | 整數 | 管理每個步驟要使用的 rotationOffset,從 minData(或接近 minData)開始為 rotationOffset1,maxData(或接近 maxData)為 rotationOffset*n* | (cwf-reference-dyndata-key-values)= -### DynData key values - -| Key value | key | comment | -| ---------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| sgv | valueKey | default minData = 39 mgdl
default maxData = 400 mgdl
- Note that real maxData is linked to your sensor and units are always in mgdl for internal values | -| sgvLevel | valueKey | default minData = -1 (Hypo)
default maxData = 1 (Hyper)
if BG is within Range = 0 | -| direction | valueKey | default minData = 1 (double Down)
default maxValue = 7 (double Up)
flat arrow data = 4
Error or missing data = 0 (??) | -| delta | valueKey | default minData = -25 mgdl
default maxData = 25 mgdl
- Note that real min and maxData can be above, and units are always mgdl for internal values | -| avg_delta | valueKey | default minData = -25 mgdl
default maxData = 25 mgdl
- Note that real min and maxData can be above, and units are always mgdl for internal values | -| uploader_battery | valueKey | default minData = 0 %
default maxData = 100% | -| rig_battery | valueKey | default minData = 0 %
default maxData = 100% | -| timestamp | valueKey | default minData = 0 min
default maxData = 60 min | -| loop | valueKey | default minData = 0 min
default maxData = 28 min
- Note that status arrows are in green below 14 min and in red above 14 min so if you put 2 images, you can replace status background with your custom images with default min and maxData | -| day | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 31 | -| day_name | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 7 | -| month | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 12 | -| week_number | valueKey | default minData = 1
default maxData = 53 | +### DynData 鍵值 + +| 鍵值 | 鍵 | 註解 | +| ---------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| sgv | valueKey | 預設 minData = 39 mg/dL
預設 maxData = 400 mg/dL
- 請注意,實際的 maxData 與您的感測器相關,內部值的單位始終為 mg/dL | +| sgvLevel | valueKey | 預設 minData = -1(低血糖)
預設 maxData = 1(高血糖)
如果血糖在範圍內 = 0 | +| 趨勢方向 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1(雙箭頭向下)
預設 maxValue = 7(雙箭頭向上)
水平箭頭資料 = 4
錯誤或遺失資料 = 0(??) | +| delta | valueKey | 預設 minData = -25 mg/dL
預設 maxData = 25 mg/dL
- 請注意,實際的 minData 和 maxData 可能會超出上述範圍,內部值的單位始終為 mg/dL | +| avg_delta | valueKey | 預設 minData = -25 mg/dL
預設 maxData = 25 mg/dL
- 請注意,實際的 minData 和 maxData 可能會超出上述範圍,內部值的單位始終為 mg/dL | +| uploader_battery | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0%
預設 maxData = 100% | +| rig_battery | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0%
預設 maxData = 100% | +| 時間戳 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0 分鐘
預設 maxData = 60 分鐘 | +| 循環 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 0 分鐘
預設 maxData = 28 分鐘
- 請注意,狀態箭頭在 14 分鐘以下顯示為綠色,14 分鐘以上顯示為紅色,因此如果您放置兩個圖像,可以使用預設的 minData 和 maxData 來替換狀態背景為自訂圖像。 | +| 日期 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 31 | +| 星期名稱 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 7 | +| 月份 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 12 | +| 週數 | valueKey | 預設 minData = 1
預設 maxData = 53 | (cwf-reference-dynpref-keys)= -### DynPref keys +### DynPref 鍵 -| Key | type | comment | -| ------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| dynPref | block | define the block of all dynamic preference blocks that will be used for the views. Generally after the last view or after the dynData block.
All the keys defined within this block will be used as key Value within view block:
`"dynPref": { dynPref blocks }`
and each block is defined by a custom name and several keys inside:
`"customName": { one dynPref block }` | -| dynPref | string | *Within a view Block*
name of dynamic dynPref block to use (generally same that associated view key or associated preference). | -| dynPref | string | *Within a partial dynData Block included into a dynPref Block*
name of dynamic dynPref block to use to complete the dynData block. This allow you to tune a dynData block according to several preferences | -| dynPrefColor | string | this key is specific to the main block with all main colors (highColor, midColor, lowColor, graph colors...). you will use it if you want to tune main colors according to preferences | -| prefKey | string | specify the preference key Value that will be used to get user preferences (see [PrefKey values](cwf-reference-prefkey-values) below). This key should be used within a `dynPref` block.
Then according to preference key, the `dynPref`block should contains as many keys than prefKey has values.
Note that most of the time preferences are "Boolean" so you should find within the dynPref block these two dynData blocks:
`"true": { dynData Block },`
`"false": { dynData Block }` | -| true | block | most preferences will set a boolean `"true"` or `"false"`. You will specify the dynData block to use if preference selected by user is true.
Note that if the block also contains a `"dynPref":`key, the dynData block wil be merged with other block. This allow you to tune for example color according to one preference, and textsize according to another preference | -| false | block | most preferences will set a boolean `"true"` or `"false"`. You will specify the dynData block to use if preference selected by user is false.
Note that if the block also contains a `"dynPref":`key, the dynData block wil be merged with other block. This allow you to tune for example color according to one preference, and textsize according to another preference | +| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | +| ------------ | -- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| dynPref | 區塊 | 定義所有動態偏好設定區塊的區塊,將用於視圖。 通常位於最後一個視圖或 dynData 區塊之後。
`"dynPref": { dynPref 區塊 }`
`"customName": { 一個 dynPref 區塊 }` | +| dynPref | 字串 | *在視圖區塊中*
要使用的動態 dynPref 區塊名稱(通常與相關的視圖鍵或相關的偏好設定相同)。 | +| dynPref | 字串 | *在 dynPref 區塊中包含的部分 dynData 區塊內*
要使用的動態 dynPref 區塊名稱,用於補全 dynData 區塊。 這使您可以根據多個偏好設定調整 dynData 區塊。 | +| dynPrefColor | 字串 | 此鍵專用於包含所有主顏色的主區塊(highColor、midColor、lowColor、圖表顏色...)。 如果您希望根據偏好設定調整主顏色,將使用此鍵。 | +| prefKey | 字串 | 指定將用來獲取使用者偏好設定的偏好鍵值(請參閱下文的 [PrefKey 值](cwf-reference-prefkey-values))。 此鍵應用於 `dynPref` 區塊內。
然後根據偏好鍵,`dynPref` 區塊應包含與 prefKey 值數量相同的鍵。
請注意,大多數偏好設定是 "布林值",因此您應在 dynPref 區塊中找到這兩個 dynData 區塊:
`"true": { dynData 區塊 },`
`"false": { dynData 區塊 }` | +| true | 區塊 | 大多數偏好設定將設置布林值 `"true"` 或 `"false"`。 如果使用者選擇的偏好設定為 true,則指定要使用的 dynData 區塊。
請注意,如果該區塊還包含 `"dynPref":` 鍵,則 dynData 區塊將與其他區塊合併。 這允許您根據一個偏好設定調整顏色,並根據另一個偏好設定調整文字大小 | +| false | 區塊 | 大多數偏好設定將設置布林值 `"true"` 或 `"false"`。 如果使用者選擇的偏好設定為 false,則指定要使用的 dynData 區塊。
請注意,如果該區塊還包含 `"dynPref":` 鍵,則 dynData 區塊將與其他區塊合併。 這允許您根據一個偏好設定調整顏色,並根據另一個偏好設定調整文字大小 | (cwf-reference-prefkey-values)= -### PrefKey values +### 偏好設定鍵值 -All keys included into [Preference keys](cwf-reference-preference-keys) chapter above can be used to tune view parameters +上述的 [偏好設定鍵](cwf-reference-preference-keys) 章節中包含的所有鍵都可以用來調整視圖參數 -You can also you these additional key below included into AAPS (Custom) specific parameters: +您也可以使用以下 AAPS(自訂)特定參數中包含的附加鍵: -| Key | type | comment | -| ------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| key_units | boolean | *true*: if units selected on AAPS is mgdl
*false*: if units selected on AAPS is mmol | -| key_dark | boolean | *true*: to use a dark background
false: to use a light background
Note: this parameter is often use into previous AAPS watchfaces (AAPS, AAPS V2...) | -| key_match_divider | boolean | *true*: divider included into AAPS, AAPS v2 watchfaces will not be visible
*false*: divider included into AAPS, AAPS v2 watchfaces will be visible
Note: this setting is often combine with dark preference (using `dynPref` key into `dynData`block) to set text color (and background) on the same or opposite color than dark parameter... | +| 鍵 | 類型 | 註解 | +| ------------------- | --- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| key_units | 布林值 | *true*:如果 AAPS 上選擇的單位為 mg/dL
*false*:如果 AAPS 上選擇的單位為 mmol | +| key_dark | 布林值 | *true*:使用深色背景
注意:此參數通常用於先前的 AAPS 錶面(AAPS、AAPS V2...) | +| key_match_divider | 布林值 | *true*:在 AAPS、AAPS v2 錶面中包含的分隔線將不可見
*false*:在 AAPS、AAPS v2 錶面中包含的分隔線將可見
注意:此設置通常與深色偏好設定結合(在 `dynData` 區塊中使用 `dynPref` 鍵)來設置文字顏色(和背景),使其與深色參數相同或相反的顏色... | From 320aa2ce8688dbf3dfc2b287033eca740758a647 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:50 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 311/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ | 38 ++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index dcfc6e8a1531..9c966c543347 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ (Open-APS-features-DynamicISF)= -## DynamicISF (DynISF) -DynamicISF was added in AAPS version 3.2 and requires you to start Objective 11 to use. Select DynamicISF in the config builder > APS to activate. It is recommended only for advanced users that have a good handle on AAPS controls and monitoring. +## 動態胰島素敏感因子 (DynISF) +動態胰島素敏感因子在 AAPS 3.2 版本中新增,並且需要您開始目標 11 才能使用。 在設定構建器中選擇「動態胰島素敏感因子」> APS 以啟動。 建議僅限於對 AAPS 控制和監控有良好掌握的進階用戶使用。 -Please note that to use Dynamic ISF effectively, the AndroidAPS database needs a minimum of five days of data. +請注意,若要有效使用動態胰島素敏感因子,AndroidAPS 資料庫至少需要五天的資料。 -DynamicISF adapts the insulin sensitivity factor dynamically based on total daily dose of insulin (TDD) and current and predicted blood glucose values. +動態胰島素敏感因子會根據每日胰島素總劑量(TDD)以及目前和預測的血糖值動態調整胰島素敏感因子。 -Dynamic ISF uses Chris Wilson’s model to determine ISF instead of a static profile settings. +動態胰島素敏感因子使用 Chris Wilson 的模型來決定胰島素敏感因子,而不是靜態的設定檔參數。 -The equation implemented is: ISF = 1800 / (TDD * Ln (( glucose / insulin divisor) +1 )) +實作的公式為:ISF = 1800 / (TDD * Ln ((血糖 / 胰島素除數) + 1)) -The implementation uses the equation to calculate current ISF and in the oref1 predictions for IOB, ZT and UAM. It is not used for COB. +此實作使用該公式計算目前的胰島素敏感因子,並運用於 oref1 的 IOB、ZT 和 UAM 預測中。 不適用於 COB。 ### TDD -This uses a combination of the 7 day average TDD, the previous day’s TDD and a weighted average of the last eight hours of insulin use extrapolated out for 24 hours. The total daily dose used in the above equation is weighted one third to each of the above values. +此方法結合 7 天平均 TDD、前一天的 TDD 和過去 8 小時內的胰島素使用加權平均,並推算至 24 小時。 上述公式中使用的每日總劑量由以上三個值各佔三分之一的比例計算。 -### Insulin Divisor -The insulin divisor depends on the peak of the insulin used and is inversely proportional to the peak time. For Lyumjev this value is 75, for Fiasp, 65 and regular rapid insulin, 55. +### 胰島素除數 +胰島素除數取決於所使用胰島素的峰值,且與峰值時間成反比。 對於 Lyumjev,該值為 75;對於 Fiasp 為 65;對於普通速效胰島素則為 55。 -### Dynamic ISF Adjustment Factor -The adjustment factor allows the user to specify a value between 1% and 300%. This acts as a multiplier on the TDD value and results in the ISF values becoming smaller (ie more insulin required to move glucose levels a small amount) as the value is increased above 100% and larger (i.e. less insulin required to move glucose levels a small amount) as the value is decreased below 100%. +### 動態胰島素敏感因子調整係數 +調整係數允許使用者指定 1% 至 300% 之間的值。 此係數對 TDD 值做為乘數,當值超過 100% 時,胰島素敏感因子變小(即需要更多胰島素才能將血糖降低一點);當值低於 100% 時,則胰島素敏感因子變大(即需要較少的胰島素來降低血糖)。 -### Future ISF +### 未來胰島素敏感因子 -Future ISF is used in the dosing decisions that oref1 makes. Future ISF uses the same TDD value as generated above, taking the adjustment factor into account. It then uses different glucose values dependent on the case: +未來胰島素敏感因子會在 oref1 的劑量決策中使用。 未來胰島素敏感因子使用與上述相同的 TDD 值,並考慮調整係數。 接著依據不同情況使用不同的血糖值: -* If levels are flat, within +/- 3 mg/dl, and predicted BG is above target, a combination of 50% minimum predicted BG and 50% current BG is used. +* 如果血糖平穩,變動範圍在 +/- 3 mg/dl 內,且預測血糖高於目標,則使用 50% 的最低預測血糖和 50% 的目前血糖的組合。 -* If eventual BG is above target and glucose levels are increasing, or eventual BG is above current BG, current BG is used. +* 如果最終血糖高於目標且血糖值正在上升,或者最終血糖高於目前血糖,則使用目前血糖。 -Otherwise, minimum predicted BG is used. +否則,使用最低預測血糖。 -### Enable TDD based sensitivity ratio for basal and glucose target modification +### 啟用基於 TDD 的敏感性比率來調整基礎胰島素和血糖目標 -This setting replaces Autosens, and uses the last 24h TDD/7D TDD as the basis for increasing and decreasing basal rate, in the same way that standard Autosens does. This calculated value is also used to adjust target, if the options to adjust target with sensitivity are enabled. Unlike Autosens, this option does not adjust ISF values. +此設定取代 Autosens,並使用過去 24 小時 TDD / 7 天 TDD 作為增加或減少基礎胰島素的依據,方式與標準 Autosens 相同。 若選項中啟用根據敏感性調整目標,則此計算值也會用來調整目標值。 與 Autosens 不同,此選項不會調整胰島素敏感因子值。 From d0383d3393e573e9652d7db64f5bdbe846cefed5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:28:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 312/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ index c6a4bdee0b28..84fa7b39de07 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/ @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ -# Exchange site for custom watchfaces +# 自訂錶盤交換站 -Here you can download Zip-Files with custom watchfaces users have prepared and want to share with you. +在這裡,你可以下載用戶自行製作並與你分享的自訂錶面壓縮檔案(Zip 檔)。 -The Zip-Files can be uploaded in the folder "**[_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces](**" via a Pull Request into GitHub as usual. +Zip 檔案可以透過 Pull Request 一如往常地上傳到 GitHub 中的資料夾「**[_static/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces](**」。 -During merge of the pull request the documentation team will extract the CustomWatchface.png file and prefix it with the filename of the Zip-file, and add it to the list below. +在合併 Pull Request 的過程中,文件團隊將提取 CustomWatchface.png 檔案,並在其前加上 Zip 檔案的檔名作為前綴。 | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| [![Watchface AAPS_V2](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS_V2**]( | [![AAPS](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS**]( | [![AIMICO](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png)
**AIMICO**]( | +| [![AAPS_V2 錶盤](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS_V2-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS_V2**]( | [![AAPS](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AAPS-CustomWatchface.png)
**AAPS**]( | [![AIMICO](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/AIMICO-V1_1-CustomWatchface.png)
**AIMICO**]( | | [![Analog G-Watch](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Analog_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png)
**Analog G-Watch**]( | [![Cockpit](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Cockpit-CustomWatchface.png)
**Cockpit**]( | [![Digital G-Watch](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Digital_G-Watch-CustomWatchface.png)
**Digital G-Watch**]( | | [![DigitalBigGraph](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/DigitalBigGraph-CustomWatchface.png)
**DigitalBigGraph**]( | [![Gears](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gears-CustomWatchface.jpg)
**Gears**]( | [![Gota](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Gota-CustomWatchface.png)
**Gota**]( | -| [![LuckyLoopKoeln](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png)
**LuckyLoopKoeln**]( | [![P-Zero watchface](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0-CustomWatchface.png)
**P-Zero watchface**]( | [![PinkFloydTheWall](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png)
**PinkFloydTheWall**]( | -| [![Robby watchface](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png)
**Robby watchface**]( | [![SimpleDigital](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png)
**SimpleDigital**]( | [![SteamPunk](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png)
**SteamPunk**]( | +| [![LuckyLoopKoeln](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/LuckyLoopKoeln-CustomWatchface.png)
**LuckyLoopKoeln**]( | [![P-Zero 錶盤](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/pzero_v1.0-CustomWatchface.png)
**P-Zero 錶盤**]( | [![PinkFloydTheWall](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/PinkFloydTheWall-CustomWatchface.png)
**PinkFloydTheWall**]( | +| [![Robby 錶盤](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/Robby_watchface-CustomWatchface.png)
**Robby 錶盤**]( | [![SimpleDigital](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SimpleDigital_v1.3-CustomWatchface.png)
**SimpleDigital**]( | [![SteamPunk](../images/ExchangeSiteCustomWatchfaces/SteamPunk-CustomWatchface.png)
**SteamPunk**]( | | | | | From a2b1eba5424f71fc4a2eae9af63341891232efe7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 313/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index 4b0404fcbd72..fbcf18057532 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -# Small Crowdin Test +# 小型 Crowdin 測試 -This is a small set for testing the translation with Crowdin. +這是一個用於測試 Crowdin 翻譯的小集合。 -We want to see how changes to a sentence affect the existing translation of the entire page. +我們想看看對句子的更改如何影響整個頁面的現有翻譯。 -Normally, only one sentence should need to be retranslated and not everything. +通常,只需要重新翻譯一句話,而不是全部內容。 -We can see it now. +我們現在可以看到它。 From 15ba518c0bdd89863fcdf99b5449be3419492b94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 314/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 38 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index c9fb15af8e8a..a0e4124961d2 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ # Tidepool -Tidepool is a third party tool that collects data regarding BG, insulin and carbs and can be used to analyze and share this data with your clinical team. As of AAPS version 3.2 it can be used as an alternative to Nightscout for satisfying part of Objective 1. It can also be used in combination with Nightscout as an alternative reporting platform that integrates well with clinical settings. This may be the desired option for children using AAPS who want to have the remote monitoring and control capabilities of Nightscout, but want a reporting platform that their clinical team are more comfortable with. +Tidepool 是一個第三方工具,用於收集血糖、胰島素和碳水化合物資料,並可以用來分析和與您的臨床團隊分享這些資料。 自 AAPS 3.2 版本起,它可以作為 Nightscout 的替代方案來滿足目標 1 的一部分要求。 它也可以與 Nightscout 結合使用,作為一個替代的報告平台,與臨床環境緊密整合。 這對於使用 AAPS 的兒童來說可能是一個理想選擇,他們希望擁有 Nightscout 的遠端監控和控制功能,但希望使用他們的臨床團隊更熟悉的報告平台。 -It is important to understand the tidepool is for reporting only. It is NOT a real-time follow app. If you need to have followers apart from the main AAPS phone you must setup Nightscout as well. +重要的是要了解 Tidepool 只是用於報告。 它不是一個實時的追蹤應用程式。 如果您需要除了主 AAPS 手機之外的追蹤者,則必須同時設置 Nightscout。 -Note: the Tidepool organization is also working on bringing the iOS Loop product to market with FDA approval. This effort has nothing to do with their data reporting platform or AAPS. +注意:Tidepool 組織也正在努力將 iOS Loop 產品推向市場並獲得 FDA 批准。 這與他們的資料報告平台或 AAPS 無關。 -## Step 1 - Setup a tidepool account +## 步驟 1 - 設置 Tidepool 帳戶 --Navigate to +-導航到 --Select “Personal Sign Up” or “Sign Up” +-選擇「個人註冊」或「註冊」 --Create and document an email and password +-建立並記錄電子郵件和密碼 --Select “Personal Account” and click “Continue” +-選擇「個人帳戶」並點擊「繼續」 --Complete the patient information section and accept the terms of use +-完成患者資料部分並接受使用條款 --Verify your email address via the instructions received to your email +-透過您電子郵件中的指示來驗證您的電子郵件地址 -## Step 2 - Enter credentials into AAPS +## 步驟 2 - 在 AAPS 中輸入憑據 --Select the three-line “hamburger” menu in the top left and the select “Config Builder” (if “Config Builder is not located there it will instead be one of the tabs along the top) +-選擇左上角的「漢堡」選單,然後選擇「組態建置工具」(如果「組態建置工具」不在那裡,它將位於頂部的一個標籤頁中) --Scroll down to the “Synchronization” section and select the check mark to the left of “Tidepool” +-向下滾動至「同步」部分,並選中「Tidepool」左側的勾選框 --Click the gear icon to the right of “Tidepool” +-點擊「Tidepool」右側的齒輪圖示 --Enter the username and password you created in Step 1 above +-輸入您在步驟 1 中建立的用戶名和密碼 --Click “Test Tidepool Login” +-點擊「測試 Tidepool 登錄」 --If you get the “Successfully logged into Tidepool” message you have successfully connected. If not, confirm your credentials are correct and that you have verified your email address with Tidepool. +-如果您收到「成功登錄 Tidepool」的訊息,則表示您已成功連線。 如果沒有,請確認您的憑據正確,並且您已驗證了 Tidepool 的電子郵件地址。 --Click on “Connection settings” and set based on your personal preferences +-點擊「連線設定」,根據您的個人偏好進行設置 -For more assistance on how to use your data once it is uploaded to Tidepool please visit: []( +有關如何使用上傳到 Tidepool 的資料的更多幫助,請查看:[]( From 79555b95fede4ed4f042b82c0047bba8894006a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 315/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 36 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index e78c9790c1c5..9d670dd71f13 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ (Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data)= -# Smoothing blood glucose data +# 平滑血糖資料 -If **BG** data is jumpy/noisy, **AAPS** may dose insulin incorrectly resulting in highs or lows. If you observe errors in your CGM data it is important to disable the loop until the problem is resolved. Depending on your CGM, such issues may be due to the CGM configuration in **AAPS** (as explained further below); or a CGM sensor site issue (which may require replacing the CGM sensor). +如果 **血糖** 資料跳動或干擾,**AAPS** 可能會錯誤劑量胰島素,導致高血糖或低血糖。 如果您發現您的連續血糖監測(CGM)資料出錯,應在問題解決前暫停循環。 根據您的 CGM,不同問題可能來自 **AAPS** 中的 CGM 設定(如下文所述),或者是 CGM 感測器的問題(可能需要更換感測器)。 -Some CGM systems have internal algorithms to detect the noise level in the readings, and **AAPS** can use this information to avoid giving SMBs if the BG data is too unreliable. However, some CGMs do not transmit this data and for these BG sources 'Enable SMB always' and 'Enable SMB after carbs' are disabled for safety reasons. +某些 CGM 系統內建算法來檢測讀數中的干擾,**AAPS** 可以利用此資訊避免在血糖資料過於不可靠時給予 SMB 劑量。 然而,部分 CGM 不會傳送此資料,對於這些血糖來源,「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水化合物後啟用 SMB」會為了安全起見被停用。 -Additionally, as of **AAPS** version 3.2, **AAPS** offers the option to smooth the data within **AAPS** rather than within the CGM app. There are three options available in the [Config Builder](../Configuration/ +此外,從 **AAPS** 3.2 版本開始,**AAPS** 提供選項在 **AAPS** 內平滑資料,而非在 CGM 應用程式內處理。 在 [設定構建器](../Configuration/ 中有三個選項可用。 -![Smoothing](../images/ConfBuild_Smoothing.png) +![平滑處理](../images/ConfBuild_Smoothing.png) -## Exponential smoothing +## 指數平滑 -This is the recommended option to start with, as it is most aggressive in resolving noise and rewrites the most recent value. +這是建議的起始選項,因為它最積極解決干擾問題,並重寫最近的數值。 -## Average smoothing +## 平均平滑 -This option works similar to back smoothing that was previously implemented on certain CGM platforms. It is more reactive to recent changes in BG value and therefore more prone to responding incorrectly to noisy CGM data. +此選項與先前在某些 CGM 平台上實作的反向平滑相似。 它對血糖值的近期變化反應更敏感,因此更容易對干擾的 CGM 資料反應不正確。 -## No Smoothing +## 無平滑處理 -Use this option only if your CGM data is being properly smoothed by your collector app before being transmitted to **AAPS**. +僅當您的 CGM 資料已在收集器應用程式中妥善平滑處理後傳送至 **AAPS** 時,才使用此選項。 -## Suggestions to use smoothing +## 平滑處理建議 -| | Exponential | Average | None | -| ------------------------- | :---------: | :------: | :---------: | -| G5 and G6 | | If noisy | Recommended | -| G7 | Recommended | | | -| Libre 1 or Juggluco | Recommended | | | -| Libre 2 and 3 from xDrip+ | | | Recommended | +| | 指數平滑 | 平均平滑 | 無平滑處理 | +| --------------------- | :--: | :---: | :---: | +| G5 和 G6 | | 如果有干擾 | 建議使用 | +| G7 | 建議使用 | | | +| Libre 1 或 Juggluco | 建議使用 | | | +| Libre 2 和 3 使用 xDrip+ | | | 建議使用 | From b214115288b5ff3d72166a95f629a49eaa6b5ffd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 316/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 156 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 8cde71941637..2dccd20b62a8 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,147 +1,147 @@ -# A dedicated Google account for AAPS (optional) +# 為 AAPS 建立專用的 Google 帳戶(可選) -Some **AAPS** users prefer to use their main email account for **AAPS** as well. Alternatively, some **AAPS** users (or their caregivers) set-up a dedicated **AAPS** email account - this is optional, we give an example of how to do it below. +一些 **AAPS** 用戶喜歡將他們的主電子郵件帳戶用於 **AAPS**。 或者,一些 **AAPS** 用戶(或他們的照護者)會設置專用的 **AAPS** 電子郵件帳戶 - 這是可選的,我們在下方介紹如何設置。 -If you don't want to set up an **AAPS**-dedicated Gmail account, you can just go straight to the next section, [building AAPS]( +如果您不想設置專用的 **AAPS** Gmail 帳戶,您可以直接跳到下一部分,[建立 AAPS](。 -:::{admonition} Advantages of a dedicated Google account for AAPS +:::{admonition} 為 AAPS 建立專用 Google 帳戶的優勢 -- Dedicated Google drive space means you will not risk filling up your personal Google drive limit with **Export Preferences**. -- Each version of **AAPS** (and supporting apps like xdrip+, BYODA, etc) will be stored in one single place which is independent of your computer hardware. If your PC or phone is stolen/lost/broken you will still have access. -- By harmonizing the setup, it will make online support simpler across users with similar folder structure. -- Depending on the setup (see below), you will have a separate identity as an alias to communicate within the community which can protect your privacy.  -- Children with T1D can preserve their own “everyday” email account as minors while using **AAPS** and associated features which require an adult account. -- Gmail allows you to register up to 4 accounts under the same phone number. +- 專用的 Google 雲端硬碟空間意味著您不會因 **匯出偏好設定** 而冒著填滿個人 Google 雲端硬碟限制的風險。 +- 每個版本的 **AAPS**(以及支援的應用程式如 xdrip+、BYODA 等)將儲存在一個單一位置,並且與您的電腦硬體無關。 如果您的電腦或手機被偷/遺失/損壞,您仍然可以存取。 +- 透過統一設置,將使擁有類似資料夾結構的用戶之間的線上支援更加簡單。 +- 根據設置(見下方),您將擁有一個獨立的身份作為別名,以在社群中進行溝通,這可以保護您的隱私。 +- 患有T1D的兒童可以保留他們自己的“日常”電子郵件帳號作為未成年人,同時使用 **AAPS** 及其相關功能,這些功能需要成人帳號。 +- Gmail允許您在同一個電話號碼下註冊最多4個帳號。 ::: -## How to set up a dedicated Google account for AAPS +## 如何為AAPS設置專用的Google帳號 -(⌛About 10 minutes) +(⌛大約10分鐘) ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0001.png) -Requirements: +需求: -- You have a Windows’ PC (Windows 10 or newer) and a Android phone (Android 9 or newer) which will host the **AAPS** app. These both have all the latest security updates, internet access and admin privileges, since some steps require downloading and installing programs. -- The Android phone is already set-up with your personal ”everyday”  email address, such as a Gmail account. +- 您擁有一台Windows電腦(Windows 10或更新版本)和一部Android手機(Android 9或更新版本),這些設備將運作 **AAPS** 應用程式。 這些設備都已安裝最新的安全更新,具備網際網路連線和管理員權限,因為某些步驟需要下載和安裝程式。 +- Android手機已經設置了您的個人“日常”電子郵件地址,例如Gmail帳號。 -:::{admonition} Things to consider when setting up your new account +:::{admonition} 設置新帳號時需考慮的事項 :class: dropdown -- You could use a name different to your own, which has relevance to the account (like t1dsuperstar) for privacy reasons. You can then use it in **AAPS** public forums while keeping your own identity private. Since Google requires a recovery email and phone number, it is still traceable. -- The new **AAPS** account will use the same phone number for verification as your “_everyday_” one. It will use the “everyday” email address for verification; -- We will setup email forwarding such that any email sent to the new dedicated AAPS account will be forwarded to the primary one (so there is no need to check two different mailboxes); -- Use separate passwords for your _everyday_ Gmail account and the AAPS-dedicated Gmail account -- If you use google “2-step verification” (aka multifactor) authentication for one Gmail account, you might as well do it for both Gmail accounts. -- If you plan to use Google “Passkeys”, make sure you register multiple devices. This is so you don’t lock yourself out. Only do it on devices that nobody else can access (_i.e._ not on a PC with a shared account that other people can unlock). +- 為了隱私原因,您可以使用與您自己不同的名字,這個名字與帳號相關(例如t1dsuperstar)。 然後您可以在 **AAPS** 公共論壇中使用該名稱,同時保持您的個人身份隱藏。 由於Google要求恢復電子郵件和電話號碼,它仍然是可追踪的。 +- 新的 **AAPS** 帳號將使用與您的“_日常_”帳號相同的電話號碼進行驗證。 它將使用“日常”電子郵件地址進行驗證; +- 我們將設置電子郵件轉發,這樣發送到新專用AAPS帳號的任何郵件將轉發到主要帳號(因此無需檢查兩個不同的信箱); +- 為您的 _日常_ Gmail帳號和專用於AAPS的Gmail帳號使用不同的密碼 +- 如果您為一個Gmail帳號使用Google“兩步驗證”(即多因素驗證),那麼您最好為兩個Gmail帳號都啟用。 +- 如果您計劃使用Google“通行密鑰”,請確保您註冊了多個設備。 這樣您就不會被鎖在外面。 只應在其他人無法存取的設備上進行此操作(_例如_,不要在其他人可以解鎖的共享帳號的電腦上進行)。 ::: -:::{admonition} Video Walkthrough! +:::{admonition} 影片指南! :class: Note -Click [here]( for a video walkthrough of how to set up a dedicated Google account. +點擊[這裡](觀看如何設置專用Google帳號的影片指南。 ::: -These are the steps outlined in the video: +影片中概述的步驟如下: -In this example:  +在此示例中: -- Your existing “_Everyday_” Google account is  ; ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) -- Your new “_AAPS_” Gmail account will be: ; ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) +- 您現有的“_日常_”Google帳號為 ;![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) +- 您的新“_AAPS_”Gmail帳號將是:;![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) -#### Go to   +#### 前往 -If you are already logged into Google, this will direct you to your “Everyday” **My Account** page. -(1) Click on the top right of the page on your profile picture (in this case, a simple ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) -(2) select “_add another account_”. +如果您已經登錄Google,這將把您導向您的“日常” **我的帳戶** 頁面。 +(1) 點擊頁面右上角的個人資料圖片(在此示例中,一個簡單的![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) +(2) 選擇“_新增另一個帳號_”。 ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0005.png) -#### Enter your NEW dedicated account details:  +#### 輸入您的新專用帳號資訊: -- Enter the new account:  -- Create Account -- for my personal use.  +- 輸入新帳號: +- 建立帳號 +- 供我個人使用。 -#### Enter your persona: +#### 輸入您的個人資料: -- Enter firstname -- lastname -- birthdate (needs to be an Adult age) +- 輸入名字 +- 姓氏 +- 出生日期(需要是成年人年齡) -#### Choose your NEW email address & password +#### 選擇您的新電子郵件地址和密碼 -This example appends “.AAPS” to Donald Muck’s existing one…\ -Set a password +此示例將“.AAPS”附加到Donald Muck的現有帳號... +設置密碼 -####  Enter a phone number which can receive the SMS verification +#### 輸入一個可以接收SMS驗證的電話號碼 -Gmail will now send you a unique code to enter for validation. +Gmail現在將向您發送一個唯一的驗證碼。 -#### Enter the recovery email address  +#### 輸入恢復電子郵件地址 -In this case it will be your existing “_everyday_” email… +在此情況下,它將是您的現有“_日常_”電子郵件… -#### Finish setting up the account +#### 完成帳號設置 -Gmail will display the account name. It will ask you to accept Gmail’s terms and conditions & confirm your personalization settings. +Gmail將顯示帳號名稱。 它將要求您接受Gmail的條款與條件,並確認您的個人化設置。 -#### Customize the new profile display +#### 自定義新個人資料顯示 -At this point you should be on Gmail’s MyAccount page showing your new **AAPS**-dedicated email account. The profile picture will be set by default to the first letter of your name. Change it to something unique to avoid confusion… in this example, Donald.Muck.AAPS has replaced ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) with ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) +此時,您應該在Gmail的我的帳戶頁面上,顯示您的新 **AAPS** 專用電子郵件帳號。 預設情況下,個人資料圖片會設置為您名字的第一個字母。 更改為一些獨特的圖片以避免混淆… 在此示例中,Donald.Muck.AAPS已經用 ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0003.png) 取代了 ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0002.png) ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0007.png)\ ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0008.png) -#### Open the Gmail website on both windows to configure the new account +#### 在兩個視窗中打開Gmail網站來配置新帳號 -So that you don’t need to monitor a separate email account, forward all the emails from the new **AAPS**-dedicated account to your everyday account \ -This part can be a bit confusing, since you will have to switch back and forth between both accounts. To make it easier, open 2 separate browser windows on top of each other: +為了避免需要監控一個獨立的電子郵件帳號,將所有來自新 **AAPS** 專用帳號的郵件轉發到您的日常帳號 \ +這部分可能有點混亂,因為您需要在兩個帳號之間切換。 為了使操作更簡單,將兩個獨立的瀏覽器視窗堆疊在一起: -1. Move your existing browser to the top of your screen and resize it such that it only takes about half of the top of the screen…  -2. Right click on your Browser logo in your taskbar  -3. From the menu select “New Window”... and adjust it so it only takes the bottom half of the screen. +1. 將您現有的瀏覽器移到螢幕頂部,並調整其大小,使其只佔據螢幕頂部的一半… +2. 右鍵點擊您在任務欄上的瀏覽器圖示 +3. 從選單中選擇“新視窗”... 然後調整該視窗,使其只佔據螢幕的下半部分。 -Open   in each browser window. Make sure your personal account is on top and the new dedicated **AAPS** account is on the bottom, and is easily identifiable by the profile picture in the top right corner. (if needed you can always switch accounts by clicking on the profile picture and selecting the correct one. +在每個瀏覽器視窗中打開。 確保您的個人帳號位於頂部,而新專用的 **AAPS** 帳號位於底部,並且透過右上角的個人資料圖片可以輕鬆識別。 (如果需要,您可以隨時透過點擊個人資料圖片切換帳號並選擇正確的帳號)。 ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0009.png) -Your Gmail homepages screen should look like this:\ +您的Gmail首頁應該如下所示:\ ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0010.png) -#### In the new Gmail account (bottom window), open Gmail settings…  +#### 在新Gmail帳號(底部視窗)中,打開Gmail設置… -- Click on the gear on the left of the profile picture  -- then select “**See all Settings**” +- 點擊個人資料圖片左邊的齒輪 +- 然後選擇“**查看所有設定**” ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0011.png) -#### Setup forwarding… +#### 設置轉發… -- Click on the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” Setting tab -- Click on “add a forwarding address” -- Add your “everyday” email address -- Gmail will send a verification code to your “everyday” email address.  -- You will switch back to your everyday profile and click on the link to verify that you accept the forwarding (or get the code from Gmail’s verification email in your “everyday” Gmail window and cut and paste it in your “new AAPS dedicated” Gmail window). +- 點擊“轉發和POP/IMAP”設置標籤 +- 點擊“新增轉發地址” +- 添加您的“日常”電子郵件地址 +- Gmail將向您的“日常”電子郵件地址發送驗證碼。 +- 您需要切換回您的日常帳號,並點擊連結來驗證您接受轉發(或者從Gmail的驗證電子郵件中獲取驗證碼,然後將其粘貼到您的“新AAPS專用”Gmail視窗中)。 -There is quite a bit of back and forth between the windows but this will ensure that when you check your “everyday” account emails you will also see the emails forwarded from your AAPS dedicated account such as Gmail alerts. +這樣雖然需要在兩個視窗之間來回切換,但當您檢查“日常”帳號的郵件時,也會看到從AAPS專用帳號轉發的郵件,例如Gmail警報。 ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0012.png) -#### Verify the forwarded email address +#### 驗證轉發的電子郵件地址 -- In the “Everyday” gmail (top window), you will get the “Gmail forwarding Confirmation” email.  -- Open it and “click the link to confirm the request” +- 在“日常”Gmail(頂部視窗)中,您將收到“Gmail轉發確認”郵件。 +- 打開郵件並“點擊連結確認請求” -#### Archive forwarded emails in the new dedicated Gmail account (bottom window) +#### 將轉發的郵件存檔在新專用的Gmail帳號中(底部視窗) -1. Refresh the bottom window -2. Check “forward incoming email” -3. And archive Gmail’s copy (to keep your new dedicated mailbox clean) -4. Scroll all the way to the bottom to save your changes\ +1. 重新整理底部視窗 +2. 勾選“轉發收到的電子郵件” +3. 並存檔Gmail的副本(以保持您的新專用信箱整潔) +4. 滾動到頁面的最底部以儲存您的更改\ ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0013.png) ![](../images/Building-the-App/building_0014.png) -Congratulations! Now you have created an AAPS-dedicated Google account. The next step is to [build the AAPS app]( +恭喜! 現在,您已經建立了一個專用於AAPS的Google帳號。 下一步是[構建AAPS應用程式](。 From 59230139c20272f79851eb5745bed37b3ff87658 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 317/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 332 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 8cb0d73b4afc..9feb91727754 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,426 +1,426 @@ -# Building AAPS +# 構建AAPS -## Build yourself instead of download +## 自行建置,而不是下載 -**The AAPS app (an apk file) is not available for download, due to regulations around medical devices. It is legal to build the app for your own use, but you must not give a copy to others!** +**由於醫療設備的相關規範,AAPS應用程式(apk檔案)無法下載。 您可以合法地構建應用程式供自己使用,但不得將副本提供給他人!** -See [FAQ page](../Getting-Started/ for details. +詳情請參閱[FAQ頁面](../Getting-Started/。 -(Building-APK-recommended-specification-of-computer-for-building-apk-file)= +(構建APK推薦的電腦規格)= -## Computer and software specifications for building AAPS +## 構建AAPS所需的電腦和軟體規格 -- Please use the **[Android Studio version called at least Hedgehog (2023.1.1) or one more recent like Iguana, Jellyfish, and Koala](** to build the apk. Older versions of Android Studio need to be updated first! -- [Windows 32-bit systems](troubleshooting_androidstudio-unable-to-start-daemon-process) are not supported by Android Studio. Please keep in mind that both **64 bit CPU and 64 bit OS are mandatory condition.** If your system DOES NOT meet this condition, you have to change affected hardware or software or the whole system. +- 請使用至少名為Hedgehog (2023.1.1) 的 **[Android Studio版本,或更近期的版本如Iguana、Jellyfish和Koala](** 來構建apk。 舊版本的Android Studio需要先更新! +- [Windows 32位系統](troubleshooting_androidstudio-unable-to-start-daemon-process) 不受Android Studio支援。 請記住,**64位CPU和64位作業系統是必備條件。** 如果您的系統不符合此條件,您需要更換受影響的硬體或軟體,或更換整個系統。 - - - - + + + + - - - - + + + + - - + + - - + + - - + + - - + +
OS (Only 64 bit)Windows 8 or higherMac OS 10.14 or higherAny Linux supports Gnome, KDE, or Unity DE;  GNU C Library 2.31 or later作業系統(僅限64位)Windows 8或更高版本Mac OS 10.14或更高版本任何支援Gnome、KDE或Unity DE的Linux;  GNU C Library 2.31或更新版本

CPU (Only 64 bit)

x86_64 CPU architecture; 2nd generation Intel Core or newer, or AMD CPU with support for a
Windows Hypervisor
ARM-based chips, or 2nd generation Intel Core or newer with support for
x86_64 CPU architecture; 2nd generation Intel Core or newer, or AMD processor with support for AMD Virtualization (AMD-V) and SSSE3


x86_64 CPU架構;第二代Intel Core或更新版本,或支援Windows Hypervisor的AMD CPUARM架構晶片,或支援Hypervisor.Framework的第二代Intel Core或更新版本x86_64 CPU架構;第二代Intel Core或更新版本,或支援AMD虛擬化(AMD-V)和SSSE3的AMD處理器


8GB or more




At least 30GB free space. SSD is recommended.


至少30GB的可用空間。 建議使用SSD。


1280 x 800 Minimum


1280 x 800 最低要求





-**It is strongly recommended (not mandatory) to use SSD (Solid State Disk) instead of HDD (Hard Disk Drive) because it will take less time when you are building the AAPS apk file.** You can still use a HDD when you are building the **AAPS** apk file. If you do, the building process may take a long time to complete, but once it has started, you can leave it running unattended. +**強烈建議(非必須)使用SSD(固態硬碟)而非HDD(硬碟),因為這將減少構建AAPS apk檔案時所需的時間。** 您仍然可以在構建 **AAPS** apk檔案時使用HDD。 如果這樣做,構建過程可能需要很長時間才能完成,但一旦開始,您可以讓它無需監控地執行。 -## Help and support during the building process +## 構建過程中的幫助與支援 -If you run into difficulties in the process of building the **AAPS** app, there is a dedicated [**troubleshooting Android Studio**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio) section, please consult that first. +如果您在構建 **AAPS** 應用程式的過程中遇到困難,請先參閱專門的[**故障排除Android Studio**](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio) 部分。 -If you think something in the building instructions is wrong, missing or confusing, or you are still struggling, please reach out to other **AAPS** users on [Facebook]( or [Discord]( If you want to change something yourself (updating screenshots _etc_), please submit a [pull request (PR)](../ +如果您認為構建指導中有任何錯誤、遺漏或困惑之處,或您仍然感到困難,請透過[Facebook](或[Discord](聯繫其他 **AAPS** 用戶。 如果您想自行更改一些內容(例如更新螢幕截圖_等),請提交[拉取請求(PR)](../。 -## Step-by-step guide to building the AAPS app +## 構建AAPS應用程式的逐步指南 -:::{admonition} WARNING +:::{admonition} 警告 :class: warning -If you have built AAPS before, you don't need to take all the following steps again. -Please jump directly to the [update guide](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version)! +如果您之前已經構建過AAPS,則不需要再次執行所有以下步驟。 +請直接跳到[更新指南](../Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version)! ::: -The overall steps for building the **AAPS** apk file are as follows: +構建 **AAPS** apk檔案的整體步驟如下: -4.1 [Install Git](Install-Git) +4.1 [安裝Git](Install-Git) -4.2 [Install Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio) +4.2 [安裝Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio) -4.3 [Download AAPS code](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code) +4.3 [下載AAPS程式碼](Building-APK-download-AAPS-code) -4.4. [Set Git path in Android Studio preferences](Building-APK-set-git-path-in-preferences) +4.4. [在Android Studio偏好設定中設置Git路徑](Building-APK-set-git-path-in-preferences) -4.5. [Build AAPS "signed" apk](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk) +4.5. [構建AAPS“簽章”apk](Building-APK-generate-signed-apk) -In this guide you will find _example_ screenshots of building of **AAPS** apk file. Because **Android Studio** - the software which we use to build the **AAPS** apk - is regularly updated, these screenshots may not be identical to your installation, but they should still be possible to follow. +在本指南中,您將看到構建 **AAPS** apk檔案的_示例_螢幕截圖。 由於 **Android Studio**——我們用來構建 **AAPS** apk 的軟體——會定期更新,這些截圖可能與您的安裝不完全相同,但它們仍應該可以參照進行。 -Since **Android Studio** runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms, there might be also be minor differences in the steps for the different platforms. +由於 **Android Studio** 可在Windows、Mac OS X和Linux平台上運作,這些平台之間的步驟可能也會有些許差異。 -(Install-Git)= +(安裝Git)= -### Install Git (if you don't have it) +### 安裝Git(如果您還沒有安裝) -:::{admonition} Why Git? +:::{admonition} 為什麼要使用Git? -Git is known as a “_Versioning Control System_” (VCS).\ -Git is a program that allows you to track changes in code and to collaborate with others. You will use Git to make a copy of the **AAPS** source code from the GitHub website to your local computer. Then, you will use Git on your computer to build the **AAPS** application (apk). +Git被稱為“_版本控制系統_”(VCS)。\ +Git是一個允許您追蹤程式碼變更並與他人協作的程式。 您將使用Git從GitHub網站將 **AAPS** 的原始程式碼複製到您的本地電腦。 然後,您將在電腦上使用Git來構建 **AAPS** 應用程式(apk)。 ::: -#### Steps for Installing Git +#### 安裝Git的步驟 -1. Check that you don’t already have **Git** installed. You can do this by typing “git” in the Windows search bar – if you see **“Git bash”** or some other form of Git, it is already installed and you can go straight to [installing Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio): +1. 檢查您是否已安裝 **Git**。 您可以透過在Windows的搜索欄中輸入“git”來檢查——如果看到 **“Git bash”** 或其他形式的Git,則已安裝,您可以直接進入[安裝Android Studio](Building-APK-install-android-studio): ![Git\_installed](../images/Building-the-App/001_check_git_installed.png) -2. If you don’t have Git installed, download and install the latest version for your system from [**here**]( Any recent Git version should work, select the correct version according to your system, either Mac, Windows and Linux. +2. 如果尚未安裝Git,請從[**這裡**](下載並安裝適用於您的系統的最新版本。 任何最新的Git版本都應該可以使用,請根據您的系統選擇正確的版本,無論是Mac、Windows還是Linux。 -**Note for Mac users:** the Git webpage will also guide you to install an additional program called "homebrew" to aid the installation. If you install Git via homebrew, there is no need to change any preferences. +**給Mac用戶的提示:** Git網頁還將指導您安裝名為“homebrew”的附加程式,以輔助安裝。 如果您透過homebrew安裝Git,則無需更改任何偏好設定。 (Make_a_note_of_Git_path)= -- During the installation, when you are asked to "select destination location" make a note of _where_ Git is being installed (the "**installation path**") you will need to check it in the next step. It will be something similar to "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe" +- 在安裝過程中,當要求您“選擇安裝位置”時,請記下Git的安裝位置(即“**安裝路徑**”),您需要在下一步中檢查它。 安裝路徑可能類似於“C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe” -- As you proceed through several steps of the Git installation, just accept all the default options. +- 在進行Git安裝的幾個步驟時,只需接受所有的預設選項。 -- After the install, if you forgot to make a note of the where Git was installed, you can find it as follows: type "git" into the PC search bar, right click on "Git bash", select "open file location" hover over the "Git bash" icon with your mouse, which will then reveal where it is installed. +- 安裝完成後,如果您忘記記錄Git的安裝位置,可以透過以下方式找到它:在PC的搜索欄中輸入“git”,右鍵點擊“Git bash”,選擇“打開檔案位置”,將滑鼠懸停在“Git bash”圖示上,這將顯示安裝位置。 -- Reboot your computer before the next step. +- 在進行下一步之前,重新啟動您的電腦。 (Building-APK-install-android-studio)= -### Install Android Studio +### 安裝Android Studio -- **You have to be online all of the time during the following steps, as Android Studio downloads several updates** +- **在以下步驟中,您必須始終保持線上狀態,因為Android Studio會下載多個更新。** -:::{admonition} What is Android Studio? +:::{admonition} 什麼是Android Studio? :class: dropdown -Android Studio is a program which runs on your computer. It allows you to download source code from the internet (using Git) and build smartphone (and smartwatch) apps. You cannot "break" a current, looping version of **AAPS** which you might have running on a smartphone by building a new or updated app on your PC with Android Studio, these are totally separate processes. +Android Studio是一個在您的電腦上運作的程式。 它允許您使用Git從互聯網下載原始程式碼,並構建智慧型手機(和智慧型手錶)應用程式。 您無法透過在電腦上使用Android Studio構建新版本或更新版本的應用程式來“破壞”當前在智慧型手機上運作的 **AAPS** 循環版本,這些是完全獨立的過程。 ::: -The following screenshots have been taken from Android Studio Version **Hedgehog**, they should be identical with more recent versions. +以下螢幕截圖取自 **Hedgehog** 版本的Android Studio,它們應與更新版本相同。 -One of the most important things when installing Android Studio is **be patient!** During installation and setup, Android Studio is downloading a lot of stuff which will take time. +安裝Android Studio時最重要的一點是 **耐心!** 安裝和設置期間,Android Studio會下載大量內容,這需要時間。 -Download the latest version of Android Studio from [**here**](, locate it in your browser downloads folder, and install it on your computer: +從[**這裡**](下載Android Studio的最新版本,找到它在您的瀏覽器下載文件夾中的位置,並安裝在您的電腦上: ![Download Android Studio](../images/Building-the-App/01_InstallAS_Hedgehog.png) -When you first start Android Studio, you will be greeted as follows: +當您首次啟動Android Studio時,您將看到以下畫面: ![Welcome](../images/Building-the-App/02_Welcome_AS_Hedgehog.png) -Select "Next": +選擇“下一步”: ![ChooseASComponents](../images/Building-the-App/03_choose_AS_components.png) -Leave the boxes checked, and select "Next": +保持選框勾選,然後選擇“下一步”: ![ChooseASlocation](../images/Building-the-App/04_AS_Install_location.png) -Allow the installation at the default location suggested, and select "Next": +允許安裝在建議的預設位置,然後選擇“下一步”: ![SmartMenulocation](../images/Building-the-App/04_AS_StartMenu.png) -When asked to choose the Smart Menu Folder, simply select "Install". You will now need to wait a few minutes while Android Studio is being installed. You should then see that the Installation is Complete, select "Next": +當要求選擇Smart選單文件夾時,只需選擇“安裝”。 現在您需要等待幾分鐘,讓Android Studio完成安裝。 然後您應該看到安裝已完成,選擇“下一步”: ![installationcomplete](../images/Building-the-App/06_Installation_Complete.png) -Now select "Finish": +現在選擇“完成”: ![closeASsetup](../images/Building-the-App/07_CloseAS_Setup.png) -Android Studio will now start. +Android Studio將立即啟動。 -If asked if you want to import settings, select "Do not import settings". We don't want to import settings from previous installations: +當被詢問是否要匯入設定時,選擇“不匯入設定”。 我們不需要匯入以前的安裝設定: ![Do not import settings](../images/studioSetup/01_ImportSettings.png) -Decide whether you want to share data with Google or not (if unsure, just select "Don't send"). +決定是否要與Google共享資料(如果不確定,請選擇“不發送”)。 ![Share data with Google](../images/Building-the-App/08_Googlesharedata.png) -You will now get a message about a missing software development kit (SDK) (don't worry, this will be solved soon), select "Next": +您將看到有關缺少軟體開發工具包(SDK)的訊息(不用擔心,這很快會解決),選擇“下一步”: ![missingSDK](../images/Building-the-App/09_MissingSDK.png) -The software should autoselect the required (SDK) and choose a location. +軟體應自動選擇所需的SDK並選擇一個位置。 -:::{admonition} What is an Android SDK? +:::{admonition} 什麼是Android SDK? -In order to run **AAPS** on the phone the application needs to integrate with Android itself. Android provides “_software development kits_” (SDK) which allow apps like **AAPS** to interface with an Android operating system. +為了在手機上運作 **AAPS**,應用程式需要與Android本身整合。 Android提供了“_軟體開發工具包_”(SDK),允許像 **AAPS** 這樣的應用程式與Android操作系統進行交互。 ::: -The SDK platform package does **not** relate to the version of Android running on your phone, but to the build of **AAPS**. **AAPS** version 3.2 (and newer) builds on top of API level 34, which is automatically selected in the **Hedgehog** version of **Android Studio**. Therefore, simply click "Next": +SDK平台套件與您手機上運作的Android版本無關,而是與 **AAPS** 的構建有關。 **AAPS** 3.2及更新版本基於API等級34進行構建,這會在 **Hedgehog** 版本的 **Android Studio** 中自動選擇。 因此,只需點擊“下一步”: ![SDKcomponents\_setup](../images/Building-the-App/10_SDKComponents_setup.png) -When asked to verify settings, just select "Next": +當要求您驗證設定時,直接選擇“下一步”: ![verify\_settings](../images/Building-the-App/11_Verify_settings.png) -When asked about the Licence Agreement, select "Accept" and then click "Finish": +當被詢問有關許可協議時,選擇“接受”,然後點擊“完成”: ![licence\_agreement](../images/Building-the-App/12_Licence_agreement.png) -> **_Note:_** Depending on your set-up, the licenses to be accepted might vary from what is shown in the screenshot. +> **_注意:_** 根據您的設置,可能需要接受的許可協議與螢幕截圖中顯示的有所不同。 -Wait while Android Studio downloads additional components, this may take a few minutes: +等待Android Studio下載其他組件,這可能需要幾分鐘: ![downloading\_components](../images/Building-the-App/13_downloading_components.png) -Once everything is downloaded, the "Finish" button turns blue, and you can click it: +一旦所有內容下載完成,“完成”按鈕將變為藍色,然後您可以點擊它: ![finished\_download\_components](../images/Building-the-App/14_finished_downloading_components.png) -You are now greeted with the "Welcome to Android Studio" screen. +現在您將看到“歡迎使用Android Studio”畫面。 ![Welcome\_AS](../images/Building-the-App/15_Welcome_AS.png) (Building-APK-download-AAPS-code)= -### Download the AAPS code +### 下載AAPS程式碼 -:::{admonition} Why can it take a long time to download the AAPS code? +:::{admonition} 為什麼下載AAPS程式碼需要很長時間? -The first time **AAPS** is downloaded, Android Studio will connect over the internet to the Github website to download the source code for **AAPS**. This should take about 1 minute. +首次下載 **AAPS** 時,Android Studio將透過網際網路連線到GitHub網站以下載 **AAPS** 的原始程式碼。 這應該大約需要1分鐘。 -Android Studio will then use **Gradle** (a development tool in Android studio) to identify other components needed to install these items on your computer. +Android Studio隨後會使用 **Gradle**(Android Studio中的開發工具)來識別安裝這些項目所需的其他組件,並將其安裝到您的電腦上。 ::: -On the Android Studio Welcome screen, check that "**Projects**" (1) is highlighted on the left. Then click "**Get from VCS**" (2) on the right: +在Android Studio歡迎頁面上,檢查左側是否突出顯示了“**專案**”(1)。 然後點擊右側的“**從VCS獲取**”(2): ![Get\_from\_VCS](../images/Building-the-App/16_Get_from_VCS.png) -- We will now tell Android Studio where to get the code from: +- 我們現在將告訴Android Studio從哪裡獲取程式碼: -- "Repository URL" should be selected (by default) on the left (1). +- “倉庫URL”應該在左側(1)預設選擇。 -- "Git" should be selected (by default) as version control (2). +- “Git”應作為版本控制預設選擇(2)。 -Now copy this URL: +現在複製這個URL: ``` ``` -and paste it into the URL textbox (3). +然後將其粘貼到URL文本框中(3)。 -- Check the (default) directory for saving the cloned code is sensible (4). +- 檢查(預設的)儲存複製程式碼的目錄是否合理(4)。 -:::{admonition} INFORMATION +:::{admonition} 訊息 :class: information -Make a note of the directory. It is where your sourcecode is stored! +記下目錄。 這是您儲存原始程式碼的地方! ::: -- Now click the button "Clone" (5). +- 現在點擊“複製”按鈕(5)。 ![Select\_URL](../images/Building-the-App/17_select_URL.png) -You will now see a screen telling you that the repository is being cloned: +您現在將看到一個螢幕,告訴您倉庫正在被複製: ![cloning\_repository](../images/Building-the-App/18_cloning_repository.png) -At some point, you may be asked whether you want to trust the project. Click on "Trust project": +某些時候,系統可能會詢問您是否信任該專案。 點擊“信任專案”: ![Trust project](../images/Building-the-App/18a_trust_project.png) -Only for Windows users: If your firewall asks for permission, grant access: +僅限Windows用戶:如果您的防火牆要求許可,請授予存取權限: ![Firewall permission java](../images/AndroidStudio361_18.png) -After the repository is cloned successfully, Android Studio will open the cloned project. +倉庫成功複製後,Android Studio將打開複製的專案。 -Click on the cog top right and select "**Switch to Classic UI...**" to return to the view used in this documentation. +點擊右上角的齒輪圖示,選擇“**切換到經典UI...**”以返回到本文件中使用的視圖。 -If you do not see that cog, don't worry. You already use the classic UI! +如果您看不到齒輪圖示,不用擔心。 您已經在使用經典UI! -![Switch to Classic UI](../images/Building-the-App/OldUI.png) +![切換到經典UI](../images/Building-the-App/OldUI.png) -Restart Android Studio to make the changes effective. +重新啟動Android Studio以使更改生效。 -![Confirm restart of Android Studio](../images/Building-the-App/18b_ConfirmRestartUI.png) +![確認重新啟動Android Studio](../images/Building-the-App/18b_ConfirmRestartUI.png) -You might get one or both of the following warnings about running processes. It's save to abort them! +您可能會看到以下警告之一或兩者關於運作中的進程。 可以安全地中止它們! -![Confirm abort background processes](../images/Building-the-App/18c_AbortBackgroundTasks.png) ![Confirm process AndroidAPS import](../images/Building-the-App/18d_AbortProcessImport.png) +![確認中止背景進程](../images/Building-the-App/18c_AbortBackgroundTasks.png) ![確認中止進程](../images/Building-the-App/18d_AbortProcessImport.png) -When Android Studio opened again, wait patiently (this may take a few minutes), and particularly, **do not** update the project as suggested in the pop-up. +當Android Studio再次打開時,耐心等待(可能需要幾分鐘),特別是**不要**按照彈出提示更新專案。 -![AS\_download\_dependencies](../images/Building-the-App/19_downloading_dependencies.png) +![AS下載依賴項](../images/Building-the-App/19_downloading_dependencies.png) -:::{admonition} NEVER UPDATE GRADLE! +:::{admonition} 切勿更新GRADLE! -Android Studio might recommend updating the gradle system. **Never update gradle!** This will lead to difficulties. +Android Studio可能會建議更新gradle系統。 **永遠不要更新gradle!** 這會導致困難。 ::: -_Optional_ - If you want to clear the pop-up for **"project update recommended"**, click on the blue text "More" (1). In the dialog box the select "Don't ask for this project" (2). +_可選_ - 如果您想清除“建議更新專案”的彈出訊息,點擊藍色文本“更多”(1)。 在對話框中選擇“不要再次詢問此專案”(2)。 -![AS\_close\_gradle\_popup](../images/Building-the-App/20_close_popup.png) +![AS關閉gradle彈出訊息](../images/Building-the-App/20_close_popup.png) -For Windows users only: -If you have not restarted your computer since installing or updating Git, close Android Studio now. Then restart your computer, and re-open Android Studio. +僅適用於Windows用戶: +如果您自安裝或更新Git後尚未重新啟動電腦,請立即關閉Android Studio。 然後重新啟動您的電腦,並重新打開Android Studio。 (Building-APK-set-git-path-in-preferences)= -### Set git path in Android Studio preferences +### 在Android Studio偏好設定中設置git路徑 -Now we will tell Android studio where to find Git, which you installed [earlier](Install-Git). +現在我們將告訴Android Studio在哪裡找到您之前[安裝的](Install-Git) Git。 -- Windows users only: Make sure you have restarted your computer after [installing Git](Install-Git). -- Open **Android Studio** (you can find it by searching in the Start menu). -- In the top left corner of **Android Studio**, navigate to _File-Settings_ (Windows) or _Android Studio > Preferences_ (Mac). This opens the following window, click to expand the dropdown called "version control" (1): +- 僅限Windows用戶:請確保在[安裝Git](Install-Git)後重新啟動電腦。 +- 打開 **Android Studio**(您可以在開始選單中找到它)。 +- 在 **Android Studio** 的左上角,導航到 _File-Settings_(Windows)或 _Android Studio > Preferences_(Mac)。 這將打開以下視窗,點擊以展開名為“版本控制”的下拉選單(1): ![version\_control](../images/Building-the-App/21_AS_version_control.png) -- Now select "**Git**" (2). -- In the lower middle of the page, make sure update method "Merge" (3) is selected. -- Check if **Android Studio** can automatically locate the correct path to **git.exe** automatically by clicking the button "Test" (4): +- 現在選擇“**Git**”(2)。 +- 在頁面中間下方,確保選擇更新方式為“合併”(3)。 +- 點擊“測試”按鈕(4),檢查 **Android Studio** 是否可以自動找到 **git.exe** 的正確路徑: ![Gitpath](../images/Building-the-App/22_Git_path.png) -- If the automatic setting is successful, your current version of **Git** will be displayed next to the path. +- 如果自動設置成功,您當前版本的 **Git** 將顯示在路徑旁邊。 ![Git\_version\_displayed](../images/Building-the-App/23_Git__path_success.png) -- If you find that **git.exe** is not found automatically, or that clicking "Test" results in an error (1), you can either manually enter the path which you saved [earlier](Make_a_note_of_Git_path), or click on the folder icon (2) and manually navigating to the directory where **git.exe** is stored: +- 如果未能自動找到 **git.exe**,或者點擊“測試”按鈕顯示錯誤(1),您可以手動輸入您之前[記錄的](Make_a_note_of_Git_path)路徑,或者點擊資料夾圖示(2),手動導航到儲存 **git.exe** 的目錄: ![Git not found](../images/studioSetup/13_GitVersionError.png) -- Use the [search function]( in windows explorer to find "git.exe" if you are unsure where git has been installed. How to do this is explained [above](Make_a_note_of_Git_path) in more detail. +- 如果您不確定Git安裝在哪裡,可以使用Windows Explorer中的[搜索功能](查找“git.exe”。 如何執行此操作已在[上面](Make_a_note_of_Git_path)詳細說明。 -- If you have manually selected it, check your selected Git path with the "Test" button as described above. +- 如果您已手動選擇路徑,請按照上述說明使用“測試”按鈕檢查所選的Git路徑。 -When the Git version is displayed next to the path (see screenshot above) you have completed this stage successfully and you can close the Android Studio "Settings" window by clicking the "**OK**" button (5): +當Git版本顯示在路徑旁邊時(如上圖所示),您已成功完成此階段,並可以點擊“**OK**”按鈕(5)關閉Android Studio“設定”視窗: ![Git\_path\_OK](../images/Building-the-App/23a_Git_path_OK.png) (Building-APK-generate-signed-apk)= -### Build the AAPS "signed" APK +### 構建AAPS“簽章”APK -:::{admonition} Why does the AAPS app need to be "signed"? +:::{admonition} 為什麼AAPS應用程式需要“簽章”? -Android requires each app to be _signed_, to ensure that it can only be updated later from the same trusted source that released the original app. For more information on this topic, follow [this link]( For our purposes, this just means that we generate a signing or "keystore" file and use it when we build the **AAPS** app. +Android要求每個應用程式都必須_簽章_,以確保以後只能由釋出原始應用的受信任來源更新。 有關此主題的更多訊息,請參閱[此連結](。 對於我們的目的,這只意味著我們生成一個簽章或“密鑰庫”檔案,並在構建 **AAPS** 應用程式時使用它。 ::: -- In the menu bar, click "Build" (1), select "Generate Signed Bundle/APK (2) +- 在選單欄中,點擊“構建”(1),選擇“生成簽章包/APK”(2): ![Build apk](../images/Building-the-App/25_build_apk.png) -- Select "APK" instead of "Android App Bundle" and click "Next": +- 選擇“APK”而不是“Android App Bundle”,然後點擊“下一步”: ![APK instead of bundle](../images/Building-the-App/26_generate_APK.png) -- In the next screen, make sure that "Module" is set to "" (1). +- 在下一個螢幕上,確保“模組”設置為“”(1)。 (Building-APK-wearapk)= -:::{admonition} INFORMATION! +:::{admonition} 訊息! :class: information -If you want to create the apk for your watch, you need to select AAPS.wear! +如果您想為您的手錶建立apk,請選擇AAPS.wear! ::: -- Click "Create new..." (2) to start creating your key store. +- 點擊“建立新...” (2) 開始建立您的密鑰庫。 -:::{admonition} INFORMATION! +:::{admonition} 訊息! :class: information -You will only need to create the keystore once. -If you have build AAPS before, do NOT create a new keystore but select your existing one! +您只需要建立一次密鑰庫。 +如果您之前已構建過AAPS,請勿建立新密鑰庫,而是選擇現有的! ::: -**_Note:_** The key store is a file in which the information for signing the app is stored. It is encrypted, and the information is secured with passwords. +**_注意:_** 密鑰庫是一個用於存儲應用程式簽章訊息的檔案。 它是加密的,並且訊息透過密碼進行保護。 ![Create\_key\_store](../images/Building-the-App/27_new_keystore.png) -- Click the "folder" symbol (1) to select a path on your computer for your key store: +- 點擊“資料夾”圖示(1)選擇密鑰庫在您電腦上的儲存路徑: ![Create key store](../images/Building-the-App/28_new_keystore_path.png) -- Click on the drop-down menu (1), to select where you want to save your keystore file. In this example, it is being saved in "My Documents" (2). Do not save the keystore in same folder as your Android Studio files (StudioProject). Type in a simple name for your key store (3) and confirm it with "OK" (4): +- 點擊下拉選單(1),選擇您希望儲存密鑰庫檔案的位置。 在此示例中,它儲存在“我的文件”中(2)。 不要將密鑰庫儲存在與Android Studio檔案相同的文件夾中(StudioProject)。 為您的密鑰庫輸入一個簡單的名稱(3),並點擊“確定”(4)進行確認: ![Create key store](../images/Building-the-App/29_choose_keystore_file.png) -This will take you back to the previous screen. Your chosen location for saving the key store file is shown. +這將帶您返回上一個螢幕。 您選擇的密鑰庫檔案的儲存位置將顯示出來。 -:::{admonition} WARNING! +:::{admonition} 警告! :class: warning -Make sure to note down for yourself where your keystore is stored. You will need it when you build the next AndroidAPS update! +務必記下密鑰庫的儲存位置。 當您構建下一個AndroidAPS更新時,您將需要它! ::: -Now choose a simple password (make a note of it), enter it in the password box (1), and confirm it (2). The passwords for key store and key do not have to be sophisticated. If you lose your password in the future, see [troubleshooting for lost key store](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore). +現在選擇一個簡單的密碼(記下它),在密碼框中輸入(1),並確認它(2)。 密鑰庫和密鑰的密碼不必過於複雜。 如果將來遺失密碼,請參閱[密鑰庫遺失的故障排除](troubleshooting_androidstudio-lost-keystore)。 -The default alias (3) for your key is "key0", leave this unchanged. +密鑰的預設別名(3)為“key0”,保持不變。 -You now need a password for your key. To keep it simple, if you want, you can use the same password you used for your keystore, above. Enter a password (4) and confirm (5) it. +您現在需要為您的密鑰設置密碼。 為了簡單起見,您可以使用與上面密鑰庫相同的密碼。 輸入密碼(4)並確認(5)。 -:::{admonition} WARNING! +:::{admonition} 警告! :class: warning -Note down these passwords! You will need them when you build the next AAPS update! +記下這些密碼! 當您構建下一個AAPS更新時,您將需要它們! ::: -The validity (6) is 25 years by default, leave it as it is. +有效期(6)預設為25年,保持不變。 -Enter your first and last name (7). No other information needs to be added. +輸入您的名字和姓氏(7)。 不需要添加其他訊息。 -Click "OK" (8) to continue: +點擊“確定”(8)繼續: ![Select key store path](../images/Building-the-App/30_new_keystore.png) -On the "Generate signed bundle or APK" page, the path to your keystore will now be displayed. Now re-enter the Key Store password (1) and Key password (2), and tick the box to remember passwords is checked (3), so you don't have to enter them again next time you build the apk (i.e. when updating to a new AAPS version). Click "Next" (4): +在“生成簽章包或APK”頁面上,將顯示您的密鑰庫路徑。 現在重新輸入密鑰庫密碼(1)和密鑰密碼(2),並勾選記住密碼的框(3),這樣下次構建apk時(即更新到新的AAPS版本時)就不必再次輸入它們。 點擊“下一步”(4): ![Remember passwords](../images/Building-the-App/31_generate_APK.png) -On the next screen, select build variant "fullRelease" (1) and click "Create" (2). +在下一個螢幕中,選擇構建變體“fullRelease”(1),然後點擊“建立”(2)。 ![Select build variant](../images/Building-the-App/32_full_release.png) -Android Studio will now build the **AAPS** apk. It will show "Gradle Build running" at the bottom right. The process takes some time, depending on your computer and internet connection, **be patient!** If you want to watch the progress of the build, click on the small hammer "build" at the bottom of Android Studio: +Android Studio現在將開始構建 **AAPS** 的apk。 它將在右下角顯示“Gradle Build running”。 該過程會根據您的電腦和網際網路連線速度花費一些時間,請**耐心等待!** 如果您想查看構建進度,請點擊Android Studio底部的小錘子圖示“構建”: ![Gradle Running](../images/Building-the-App/33_Studio_building1.png) -Now you can watch the building progress: +現在您可以查看構建進度: ![Android\_Studio\_building](../images/Building-the-App/34_Studio_building2.png) -Android Studio will display the information "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" after build is finished. You may see a popup notification which you can click to select "locate". If you miss this, click on the notification "locate or analyse the APK" (yellow highlight) at the very bottom of the screen to bring up the Notifications: +Android Studio在構建完成後將顯示“BUILD SUCCESSFUL”的訊息。 您可能會看到一個彈出通知,您可以點擊選擇“查找”。 如果您錯過了此步驟,請點擊螢幕最底部的“定位或分析APK”(黃色突出顯示)的通知來打開通知欄: -![Build finished](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_success.png) +![構建完成](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_success.png) -_If the build was not successful, refer to the [troubleshooting section](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio)._ +_如果構建未成功,請參閱[故障排除部分](../Installing-AndroidAPS/troubleshooting_androidstudio)。_ -In the Notifications box, click on the blue link "locate": +在通知欄中,點擊藍色連結“定位”: -![Locate build](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_locate.png) -Your file manager/explorer will open. Navigate to the directory "full" (1) > "release" (2). +![定位構建](../images/Building-the-App/35_Studio__built_locate.png) +您的檔案管理器/檔案總管將會打開。 導航到目錄“full”(1)> “release”(2)。 -![File location apk](../images/Building-the-App/36_locate_apk.png) +![檔案位置apk](../images/Building-the-App/36_locate_apk.png) -Open the folder "release". The file "app-full-release.apk" (1) is the **AAPS** apk that you have just built, you will be transferring this file to your smartphone in the next section of the docs: +打開“release”資料夾。 檔案“app-full-release.apk”(1)是您剛剛構建的 **AAPS** apk,在文檔的下一部分,您將把此檔案傳輸到您的智慧型手機: -![apk\_file](../images/Building-the-App/37_full_release_apk.png) +![apk檔案](../images/Building-the-App/37_full_release_apk.png) -Congratulations! Now you have built the **AAPS** apk file, you can move to the next stage of [Transferring and Installing **AAPS**]( +恭喜! 現在您已經構建了 **AAPS** apk 檔案,您可以進入下一階段[傳輸和安裝 **AAPS**](。 From d11a5b7a36da5384e333900d1889c6e532f2e9ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 318/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 42 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 4784170488e8..5e0a99e011ec 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -# Making changes to your AAPS configuration +# 更改您的AAPS配置 -After you have completed the **Setup Wizard** you don't need to run the entire Wizard again if you want to only change parts of the configuration. +完成 **設定嚮導** 後,如果您只想更改部分配置,則無需重新運作整個嚮導。 -There are three routes to change the different configuration settings, which route you take is simply a matter of convenience, each route leads to the same configuration settings. +有三種路徑可以更改不同的配置設置,您選擇哪一條路徑僅僅取決於方便,每條路徑都會通向相同的配置設置。 -These are as follows: +如下所示: -1. Config builder, -2. Three dot menu on the right and select "preferences" or -3. Three dot menu on the right and select "plugin preferences". +1. 配置構建器, +2. 點擊右上角的三點選單並選擇“偏好設定”或 +3. 點擊右上角的三點選單並選擇“外掛偏好設定”。 -Here we explain which option is most convenient for each situation: +在這裡我們解釋哪個選項對每種情況最方便: -## Config builder +## 配置構建器 -The **config builder** is used if you want to **enable plugins** and their **visibility** in the top level menu. If they are enabled, they will still run, you can decide if you want to be able to see them in the top menu or not. +**配置構建器** 用於啟用外掛和使它們在頂層選單中**可見**。 如果它們已啟用,它們仍將運作,您可以決定是否希望它們在頂層選單中顯示。 -Plugins which you have not enabled (_i.e._ disabled) plugins can not be made visible. For example, when you first start with **AAPS** on **objective 1**, you cannot yet use **automations**, so the **automations** plugin cannot be enabled and made visible in the top menu. +未啟用的外掛(_例如_ 已停用的外掛)無法顯示。 例如,當您剛開始使用 **AAPS** 並處於**目標1**時,您無法使用 **自動化**,因此無法啟用 **自動化** 外掛並將其顯示在頂部選單中。 -**Config builder** is the easiest way to further modify your configuration after you have used the **Setup Wizard**. +**配置構建器** 是在使用 **設定嚮導** 後進一步修改配置的最簡單方法。 -The documentation relating to the config builder is available [here](../Configuration/ +有關配置構建器的文檔可在[這裡](../Configuration/查閱。 -## Preferences +## 偏好設定 -The preferences dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the **home screen** of AAPS. It gives you the possibilty to change the configuration of **all enabled plugins at once**. +您可以透過 **AAPS** 主頁面右上角的三點選單進入偏好設定對話框。 它可以讓您一次性更改**所有已啟用的外掛**的配置。 -This is a good route if you are not really sure where to look for an configuration option, but it can be a bit tedious if you know you want to change the configuration for just one specific plugin. +如果您不確定在哪裡尋找配置選項,這是一個不錯的選擇,但如果您知道自己只想更改一個特定外掛的配置,這可能有點繁瑣。 -The documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/ +有關偏好設定的文檔可在[這裡](../Configuration/查閱。 -## Plugin preferences +## 外掛偏好設定 -The **plugin preferences** dialogue can be reached via the top right three dot menu on the home screen of AAPS. It provides the possibilty to change the configuration of the plugin currently on screen. +您可以透過 **AAPS** 主頁面右上角的三點選單進入 **外掛偏好設定** 對話框。 它提供了更改當前螢幕上外掛配置的可能性。 -This is a good route if you know that _e.g._ you _just_ want to change the configuration for BYODA. Then, you would select the tab "BYODA" on the top menu of **AAPS**, and then once you are on the BYODA page, in the top right, select the three dot menu and then the "plugin preferences" entry. You are taken directly to the preferences dialogue specifically for the BYODA plugin. +如果您知道自己只想更改 _例如_ BYODA 的配置,這是一個不錯的選擇。 然後,您可以選擇 **AAPS** 頂部選單中的“BYODA”標籤,進入BYODA頁面後,點擊右上角的三點選單,然後選擇“外掛偏好設定”條目。 您將直接進入BYODA外掛的偏好設定對話框。 -This is a "short cut" to the general preferences dialogue, the documentation of the preferences is available [here](../Configuration/ +這是一個到一般偏好設定對話框的“捷徑”,有關偏好設定的文檔可在[這裡](../Configuration/查閱。 From 63888706b90f6053edd81c4ef5fdef19d5acad6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 319/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 44 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 9f308ff1b4e6..7a457abc27d7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ -# Setting up the Reporting Server +# 設置報告伺服器 -There are currently two reporting servers available for use with **AAPS**: +目前有兩個報告伺服器可供 **AAPS** 使用: - [Nightscout]( - [Tidepool]( -![Reporting Servers](../images/Building-the-App/ReportingServer.png) +![報告伺服器](../images/Building-the-App/ReportingServer.png) -We recommend using Nightscout. +我們推薦使用Nightscout。 ## Nightscout -Nightscout is a powerful platform which has been integrated into **AAPS** for many years. It enables users and caregivers to track the patient's diabetes data in near real-time (only a few minutes may pass between data reception and data provision if there is a sufficient Internet connection between all components involved). It also allows caregivers to send remote commands to **AAPS**. +Nightscout是一個強大的平台,多年來已經整合進了 **AAPS**。 它使用戶和照護者能夠近乎實時地追蹤病患的糖尿病資料(如果所有相關組件之間有足夠的網際網路連線,資料接收和提供之間只會有幾分鐘的延遲)。 它還允許照護者向 **AAPS** 發送遠端指令。 -Nightscout is provided as open-source software. Anyone can create and operate a Nightscout server, using either free or paid-for services. +Nightscout是一個開源軟體。 任何人都可以使用免費或付費服務建立和運作一個Nightscout伺服器。 -### Option 1 - Setup your Nightscout server yourself +### 選項1 - 自行設置您的Nightscout伺服器 -Creating your Nightscout reporting server can require one or more web-based applications that will require maintenance. In order to have a completely free service, you may need to migrate your Nightscout site and data, if and when providers remove the free tier. +建立您的Nightscout報告伺服器可能需要一個或多個基於網路的應用程式,這些應用程式需要維護。 為了獲得完全免費的服務,當提供商移除免費方案時,您可能需要遷移您的Nightscout網站和資料。 -A description of how you can set up Nightscout with the advantages and disadvantages of the various operating options, including an estimate of the costs, can be found [here]( +有關如何設置Nightscout及各種操作選項的優缺點的描述,包括成本估算,可以在[這裡](找到。 -### Option 2 - Pay for a hosted Nightscout service +### 選項2 - 付費使用託管Nightscout服務 -There are also options from different service providers who host Nightscout for you, with a monthly fee. The costs are manageable, and the advantage of a hosted option is that you do not need to be IT-literate, or have any operating infrastructure. +也有不同服務提供商提供的託管Nightscout選項,按月收費。 成本是可負擔的,託管選項的好處是您無需具備IT知識或任何操作基礎設施。 -Existing Nightscout users can reconsider where and how their Nightscout server is hosted from time to time, and change to a different option if it becomes more suitable. +現有的Nightscout用戶可以不時重新考慮Nightscout伺服器的託管方式,並根據需要切換到更合適的選項。 -Some Nightscout hosted services are listed [here]( +一些託管Nightscout服務列在[這裡](。 ## Tidepool -Tidepool has only been available in **AAPS** since version 3.2 which was released in late 2023. +Tidepool自 **AAPS** 3.2版本(2023年末釋出)以來才可用。 -:::{admonition} Tidepool with **AAPS** is only for reporting +:::{admonition} Tidepool與 **AAPS** 僅用於報告 :class: danger\ -As there is a delay of three hours between data income and data reporting when using **AAPS**, Tidepool it is not suitable for sharing real-time information with caregivers.\ -On the other hand, Tidepool can be a great solution for sharing reports with a patient's endocrinologist if Nightscout is not an accepted solution.\ +由於使用 **AAPS** 時資料接收和報告之間有三小時的延遲,Tidepool不適合與照護者共享實時資訊。\ +另一方面,如果Nightscout不是可接受的解決方案,Tidepool可以是一個與病患內分泌科醫師共享報告的好方案。\ ::: -Tidepool is an [open source]( project. It offers to run an account free of charge on the Tidepool servers. +Tidepool是一個[開源](專案。 它提供在Tidepool伺服器上免費運作帳號的選項。 -You can create a Tidepool account [here]( +您可以在[這裡](建立Tidepool帳號。 -:::{admonition} **AAPS** has a the uploader for Tidepool integrated +:::{admonition} **AAPS** 已經集成了Tidepool上傳器 :class: note -You do **not** need to use the uploader app to Tidepool: **AAPS** will upload blood glucose, treatments and basal for you. You only need a personal account with Tidepool. Do not upload your data with the separate Tidepool uploader tool as it will lead to duplicate values.\ +您**不**需要使用Tidepool的單獨上傳應用程式:**AAPS** 會為您上傳血糖、治療和基礎率資料。 您只需要擁有Tidepool的個人帳號。 請勿使用單獨的Tidepool上傳工具上傳資料,這會導致資料重複。\ ::: -Once you have set up your reporting server, you can now either set up a [dedicated Google account for AAPS use](, or go straight to [building the AAPS app]( +一旦您設置了報告伺服器,您現在可以設置[專用的AAPS Google帳號](,或者直接進入[構建AAPS應用程式](。 From 3e1d26c60c572bd6a424374cef6d472c42f2b105 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:29:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 320/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ | 384 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 192 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index d86e78ba6145..1eab3c1af0b3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,504 +1,504 @@ -# AAPS Setup Wizard +# AAPS設定嚮導 -When you first start **AAPS** you are guided by the "**Setup Wizard**", to quickly setup all the basic configurations of your app in one go. **Setup Wizard** guides you, in order to avoid forgetting something crucial. For example, the **permission settings** are fundamental for setting up **AAPS** correctly. +當您首次啟動 **AAPS** 時,會由“**設定嚮導**”引導,快速完成應用程式的基本配置。 **設定嚮導** 會引導您,避免遺漏關鍵設定。 例如,**權限設置** 對於正確設置 **AAPS** 至關重要。 -However, it's not mandatory to get everything completely configured in the first run of using the **Setup Wizard** and you can easily exit the Wizard and come back to it later. There are three routes available after the **Setup Wizard** to further optimise/change the configuration. These will be explained in the next section. So, it's okay if you skip some points in the Setup Wizard, you can easily configure them later. +然而,並不要求在第一次使用 **設定嚮導** 時就完全配置所有內容,您可以輕鬆退出嚮導並稍後返回。 在 **設定嚮導** 之後,有三條可用的路徑來進一步優化/更改配置。 這些路徑將在下一部分進行解釋。 因此,如果您在設定嚮導中跳過了一些選項,沒關係,您可以輕鬆地稍後配置它們。 -During, and directly after using the **Setup Wizard** you may not notice any significant observable changes in **AAPS**. To enable your **AAPS** loop, you have to follow the **Objectives** to enable feature after feature. You will start **Objective 1** at the end of the Setup Wizard. You are the master of **AAPS**, not the other way around. +在使用 **設定嚮導** 期間和直接之後,您可能不會注意到 **AAPS** 中有任何顯著的可見變化。 要啟用您的 **AAPS** 循環,您必須遵循 **目標** 來逐步啟用各個功能。 您將在設定嚮導的結尾開始**目標1**。 您是 **AAPS** 的主人,而不是它控制您。 -:::{admonition} Preview Objectives +:::{admonition} 預覽目標 ::: -From previous experience, we are aware that new starters often put themselves under pressure to setup **AAPS** as fast as possible, which can lead to frustration as it is a big learning curve. +根據以往經驗,我們了解到,初學者經常會給自己施加壓力,盡快設置 **AAPS**,這會導致挫敗感,因為這是一個巨大的學習曲線。 -So, please take your time in configuring your loop, the benefits of a well-running **AAPS** loop are huge. +所以,請慢慢來配置您的循環,運作良好的 **AAPS** 循環帶來的好處是巨大的。 -:::{admonition} Ask for Help +:::{admonition} 尋求幫助 :class: note -If there is an error in the documentation or you have a better idea for how something can be explained, you can ask for help from the community as explained at [Connect with other users](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/ +如果文檔中有錯誤或您有更好的解釋建議,您可以按照[與其他用戶聯繫](../Where-To-Go-For-Help/中的說明,向社群尋求幫助。 ::: -## Step-wise guide to the AAPS Setup Wizard +## AAPS設定嚮導逐步指南 -### Welcome message +### 歡迎訊息 -This is just the welcome message which you can skip with the "NEXT" button: +這只是歡迎訊息,您可以透過點擊“下一步”按鈕跳過: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125636.png) -### License agreement +### 許可協議 -In the end user license agreement there is important information about the legal aspects of using **AAPS**. Please read it carefully. +在最終用戶許可協議中,有關於使用 **AAPS** 的法律方面的重要訊息。 請仔細閱讀。 -If you don't understand, or can't agree to the end user license agreement please don't use **AAPS** at all! +如果您不理解或不同意最終用戶許可協議,請不要使用 **AAPS**! -If you understand and agree, please click the "I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE" button and follow the Setup Wizard: +如果您理解並同意,請點擊“我理解並同意”按鈕並繼續設定嚮導: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125650.png) -### Required permissions +### 必要的權限 -**AAPS** needs some requirements to operate correctly. +**AAPS** 需要一些條件才能正常運作。 -In the following screens you are asked several questions you have to agree to, to get **AAPS** working. The Wizard itself explains why it asks for the relevant setting. +在接下來的幾個畫面中,您將被問到幾個問題,您必須同意才能使 **AAPS** 工作。 嚮導本身會解釋為何需要相關設置。 -In this screen, we aim to give some more background information, translate more technical speak into common language or explain the reason. +在此畫面中,我們提供更多背景訊息,將更技術性的內容轉換為常用語言,或解釋其原因。 -Please click the "NEXT" button: +請點擊“下一步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125709.png) -Battery consumption on smartphones is still a consideration, as the performance of the batteries is still quite limited. Therefore, the Android operating system on your smartphone is quite restrictive about allowing applications to run and consume CPU time, and therefore battery power. +智慧型手機的電池消耗仍然是需要考慮的因素,因為電池性能仍然相當有限。 因此,智慧型手機上的Android操作系統在允許應用程式運作和消耗CPU時間(因此消耗電池電量)方面有嚴格的限制。 -However, **AAPS** needs to run regularly, _e.g._ to receive the glucose readings every few minutes and then apply the algorithm to decide how to deal with your glucose levels, based on your specifications. Therefore it must be allowed to do so by Android. +然而,**AAPS** 需要定期運作,_例如_ 每隔幾分鐘接收一次血糖讀數,然後應用演算法根據您的設定決定如何處理血糖水平。 因此,Android必須允許它這樣做。 -You do this by confirming the setting. +您可以透過確認設置來完成這一操作。 -Please click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: +請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125721.png) -Please select "Allow": +請選擇“允許”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125750.png) -Android requires special permission for apps if they want to send you notifications. +如果應用程式希望向您發送通知,Android需要特殊的許可。 -While it is a good feature to disable notifications _e.g._ from social media apps, it is essential that you allow **AAPS** to send you notifications. +雖然停用社交媒體應用程式的通知是一個很好的功能,但您必須允許 **AAPS** 向您發送通知。 -Please click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: +請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125813.png) -Select the "AAPS" app: +選擇“AAPS”應用程式: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125833.png) -Enable "Allow display over other apps" by sliding the slider to the right: +透過向右滑動滑塊來啟用“允許在其他應用程式上顯示”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125843.png) -The slider should look this way if it is enabled: +如果已啟用,滑塊應該看起來是這樣的: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125851.png) -Android links the use of bluetooth communication to the ability to use location services. Perhaps you have seen it with other apps too. It's common to need location permission if you want to access bluetooth. +Android將藍牙通訊的使用與位置服務的使用權限相關聯。 您可能在其他應用程式中也見過這一點。 如果您想查看藍牙,通常需要位置權限。 -**AAPS** uses bluetooth to communicate with your CGM and insulin pump if they are directly controlled by **AAPS** and not another app which is used by **AAPS**. Details may differ from setup to setup. +**AAPS** 使用藍牙與您的CGM和胰島素幫浦進行通訊,前提是它們直接由 **AAPS** 控制,而不是透過 **AAPS** 使用的其他應用程式。 具體細節可能因設置而異。 -Click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: +請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125924.png) -This is important. Otherwise **AAPS** can not work properly at all. +這很重要。 否則,**AAPS** 將無法正常工作。 -Click "While using the app": +點擊“使用應用程式時”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_125939.png) -Click the "NEXT" button: +點擊“下一步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130002.png) -**AAPS** needs to log information to the permanent storage of your smartphone. Permanent storage means that it will be available even after rebooting your smartphone. Other information is just lost, as it is not saved to permanent storage. +**AAPS** 需要將訊息記錄到智慧型手機的永久儲存中。 永久儲存意味著即使重啟智慧型手機後,它仍然可用。 其他訊息則會遺失,因為它們沒有儲存到永久儲存中。 -Click the "ASK FOR PERMISSION" button: +請點擊“請求許可”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130012.png) -Click "Allow": +點擊“允許”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130022.png) -You are being informed that you have to reboot your smartphone after this change to take effect. +您將被告知需要重新啟動智慧型手機以使更改生效。 -Please **don't stop the Setup Wizard now**. You can do it after finishing the Setup Wizard. +請**不要現在停止設定嚮導**。 您可以在完成設定嚮導後再進行。 -Click "OK" and then the "NEXT" button: +點擊“確定”然後點擊“下一步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130031.png) -### Master password +### 主密碼 -As the configuration of **AAPS** contains some sensitive data (_e.g._ API_KEY for accessing your Nightscout server) it is encrypted by a password you can set here. +由於 **AAPS** 的配置包含一些敏感資料(_例如_ 查看您的Nightscout伺服器的API_KEY),因此它透過您可以在此處設置的密碼進行加密。 -The second sentence is very important, please **DO NOT LOSE YOUR MASTER PASSWORD**. Please make a note of it _e.g._ on Google Drive. Google Drive is a good place as it is backed up by Google for you. Your smartphone or PC can crash and you may have no actual copy. If you forget your Master Password, it can be difficult to recover your profile configuration and progress through the **Objectives** at a later date. +第二句話非常重要,請務必**不要遺失您的主密碼**。 請記下它,_例如_ 儲存到Google雲端硬碟上。 Google雲端硬碟是一個不錯的地方,因為它由Google為您進行備份。 您的智慧型手機或電腦可能會崩潰,並且您可能沒有實際副本。 如果您忘記了主密碼,日後可能很難恢復您的配置檔案和在 **目標** 中的進展。 -After filling in the password twice, please click the "NEXT" button: +填寫密碼兩次後,請點擊“下一步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130122.png) -### Fabric upload +### Fabric上傳 -Here you can setup the usage of an automated crash and usage reporting service. +在這裡,您可以設置自動崩潰和使用報告服務的使用。 -It's not mandatory, but it is good practice to use it. +這不是強制性的,但使用它是一種良好的做法。 -It helps the developers to better understand your usage of the app, and informs them about crashes which happen. +它幫助開發人員更好地了解您如何使用應用程式,並告知他們發生了哪些崩潰。 -They get: +他們將獲得: -1. The information that the app crashed, which they would not otherwise know since in their own set-up everything works fine and -2. In the send data (crash information), there is information about the circumstances under which the crash happened, and what kind of configuration is being used. +1. 應用程式崩潰的資訊,否則他們無法知道,因為他們自己的設置中一切運作正常,並且 +2. 發送的資料(崩潰訊息)中包含崩潰發生的情況以及使用了何種配置的相關訊息。 -So it helps the developers to improve the app. +因此,這有助於開發人員改進應用程式。 -Please enable the "Fabric Upload" by sliding the slider to the right: +請透過向右滑動滑塊來啟用“Fabric上傳”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130136.png) -Furthermore you can identify yourself that just in case the developers want to reach out to you for questions or urgent concerns: +此外,您可以標識自己,以便在開發人員希望就問題或緊急關注事項聯繫您時能夠找到您: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_130147.png) -After filling in your "contact information" click the "OK" button. Contact information can be your identification on Facebook, on Discord, ... Just the information you think is helpful to contact you through the best route: +填寫您的“聯絡訊息”後,點擊“確定”按鈕。 聯絡訊息可以是您在Facebook、Discord等平台上的身份訊息…… 只需提供您認為能透過最佳方式聯繫您的訊息: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135748.png) -Click the "NEXT" button: +點擊“下一步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135807.png) -### Units (mg/dL <-> mmol/L) +### 單位(mg/dL <-> mmol/L) -Please select if your glucose values are in mg/dl or mmol/L and then please click the "NEXT" button: +請選擇您的血糖值是以 mg/dl 還是 mmol/L 為單位,然後點擊“下一步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135830.png) -### Display settings +### 顯示設置 -Here you select the range for the sensor glucose display, which will be shown as "in range" between the values you set. You can leave it as the default values for now, and edit it later. +在這裡,您可以選擇感測器顯示的血糖範圍,這將顯示在您設置的範圍內的“範圍內”數值。 您可以暫時保留預設值,稍後再進行編輯。 -The values you choose only affect the graphical presentation of the diagram, and nothing else. +您選擇的值只會影響圖表的圖形展示,其他方面不會受到影響。 -Your glucose target _e.g._ is configured separately in your profile. +例如,您的血糖目標是單獨在您的配置檔案中進行配置的。 -Your range to analyze TIR (time in range) is configured separately in your reporting server. +您的TIR(範圍內時間)分析範圍在您的報告伺服器中單獨配置。 -Please press the "NEXT" button: +請按下“下一步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_135853.png) -### Synchronization with the reporting server and more +### 與報告伺服器同步及更多設置 -Here you are configuring the data upload to your reporting server. +在這裡,您可以配置資料上傳到您的報告伺服器。 -You could do other configurations here too, but for the first run we will just focus on the reporting server. +您也可以在這裡進行其他配置,但首次運作我們只會專注於報告伺服器。 -If you are not able to set it up at the moment, skip it for now. You can configure it later. +如果您目前無法設置,請暫時跳過。 您可以稍後再進行配置。 -If you select an item here on the left tick box, on the right you can then ticking the visibility (eye) box, which will place this plugin in the upper menu on the **AAPS** home screen. Please select the visibility too if you configure your reporting server at this point. +如果您在左側勾選某個項目,那麼在右側您可以選擇勾選可見性(眼睛)框,這會將該外掛放置在 **AAPS** 主頁的頂部選單中。 如果您在此處配置報告伺服器,請務必選擇顯示可見性。 -In this example we select Nightscout as reporting server, and will configure it. +在此示例中,我們選擇Nightscout作為報告伺服器,並將進行配置。 -:::{admonition} Make sure to choose the correct **NSClient** version for your needs! +:::{admonition} 請確保選擇適合您需求的 **NSClient** 版本! -Nightscout users should choose **NSClient v3**, unless you want to monitor or send remote treatments (_e.g._ as a parent or caregiver using **AAPS** for a child) through Nightscout, in which case, choose the first option "**NSClient**" until further notice. +Nightscout用戶應選擇 **NSClient v3**,除非您想透過Nightscout進行監控或發送遠端治療(_例如_ 父母或照護者使用 **AAPS** 為孩子治療),此時請選擇第一個選項“**NSClient**”直到另行通知。 ::: -For Tidepool it is even simpler, as you only need your personal login information. +對於Tidepool來說,這更簡單,因為您只需要您的個人登錄訊息。 -After making your selection, please press the cogwheel button next to the item you selected : +選擇後,請按下你選擇項目旁邊的齒輪按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140916.png) -Here you are configuring the Nightscout reporting server. +在這裡,您可以配置Nightscout報告伺服器。 -Please click on "Nightscout URL": +請點擊“Nightscout URL”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_140952.png) -Enter you Nightscout URL which is your personal Nightscout server. It's just an URL you setup yourself, or you were given from your service provider for Nightscout. +輸入您的Nightscout URL,這是您的個人Nightscout伺服器。 這只是您自己設置的URL,或者是從您的Nightscout服務提供商那裡獲得的。 -Please click the "OK" button: +請點擊“確定”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141051.png) -Enter your nightscout access token. This is the access token for your Nightscout server you configured. Without this token, access will not work. +輸入您的Nightscout存取權杖。 這是您配置的Nightscout伺服器的存取權杖。 沒有這個權杖,無法存取。 -If you don't have it at the moment please check the documentation for setting up the reporting server in the **AAPS** documentation. +如果您目前沒有,請查看 **AAPS** 文檔中的報告伺服器設置說明。 -After filling in the "**NS access token**" and clicking "OK", please click on the "Synchronization" button: +填寫“**NS存取權杖**”並點擊“確定”後,請點擊“同步”按鈕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141131.png) -Please select "Upload data to NS" if you already configured nightscout in the previous steps of the Setup Wizard. +如果您在設定嚮導的前幾步中已經配置了Nightscout,請選擇“上傳資料到NS”。 -If you have stored profiles on Nightscout and want to download them to **AAPS**, enable "Receive profile store": +如果您在Nightscout上儲存了配置檔案並希望將它們下載到 **AAPS**,請啟用“接收配置檔案存儲”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141219.png) -Go back to the previous screen and select "Alarm option": +返回上一個螢幕並選擇“警報選項”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141310.png) -For now, leave the switches disabled. We only walked to the screen to make you familar with possible options you might configure in the future. At the moment there is no need to do it. +現在先不要啟用這些開關。 我們只是介紹一下可能在未來配置的選項,讓您熟悉這些設定。 目前還不需要設置它們。 -Go back to the previous screen before and select "Connection settings". +返回上一個螢幕並選擇“連線設置”。 -Here you can configure how to transfer your data to the reporting server. +在這裡,您可以配置如何將資料傳輸到報告伺服器。 -Caregivers must enable "use cellular connection" as otherwise the smartphone which serves the dependant/child can not upload data outside of WiFi range _e.g._ on the way to school. +照護者必須啟用“使用行動網路連線”,否則用來為受照護者/孩子服務的智慧型手機無法在WiFi範圍外(例如上學路上)上傳資料。 -Other **AAPS** users can disable the tranfer via cellular connection if they want to save data or battery. +其他 **AAPS** 用戶可以停用行動網路連線的傳輸,如果他們希望節省資料或電池電量。 -If in doubt, just leave all enabled. +如果不確定,建議保持所有選項啟用。 -Go back to the screen before and select "Advanced Settings". +返回上一個螢幕並選擇“進階設置”。 ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141326.png) -Enable "Log app start to NS" if you want get this information in the reporting server. It can help you to know remotely if and when the app has been restarted, particularly as a caregiver. +如果您希望在報告伺服器中獲取應用程式啟動的相關訊息,請啟用“記錄應用啟動到NS”。 這有助於您遠端了解應用程式是否已重新啟動,特別是作為照護者時。 -It might be interesting to see if **AAPS** is correctly configured now, but later it is usually not that important to be able to see **AAPS** stopping or starting in Nightscout. +現在可能會關心確認 **AAPS** 是否正確配置,但之後通常不需要在Nightscout中檢查 **AAPS** 啟動或停止的情況。 -Enable "Create announcements from errors" and "Create announcements from carbs required alerts". +啟用“從錯誤中建立公告”和“從需要碳水化合物警報中建立公告”。 -Leave "Slow down uploads" disabled. You would only use it in unusual circumstances if for example a lot of information is to be transfered to the Nightscout server, and the Nightscout server is being slow in processing this data. +保持“減慢上傳”為停用狀態。 您只會在特殊情況下使用它,例如當需要將大量資料傳輸到Nightscout伺服器時,而Nightscout伺服器處理資料速度較慢。 -Go back twice, to the list of plugins and select "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +返回兩次,回到外掛列表,然後選擇 "下一步" 以進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141351.png) -### Patient name +### 患者名稱 -Here you can setup your name in **AAPS**. +在這裡,您可以在 **AAPS** 中設置您的名字。 -It can be anything. It's just for differentiating users. +這可以是任何名字。 它只是用來區分不同用戶。 -To keep it simple just enter first name and last name. +為了簡單起見,只需輸入名字和姓氏。 -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen. +按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕。 ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141445.png) -### Patient type +### 病人類型 -Here you select your "Patient type" which is important, as the **AAPS** software has different limits, depending on the age of the patient. This is important for security and safety reasons. +在這裡,您可以選擇您的“患者類型”,這很重要,因為 **AAPS** 軟體根據患者的年齡設有不同的限制。 這對安全至關重要。 -Here is where you also configure the **maximum allowed bolus** for a meal. That is, the largest bolus you need to give to cover your typical meals. It's a security feature to help avoid accidentally overdosing when you are bolusing for meal. +在這裡,您還可以設置每餐的**最大注射量**。 也就是說,您在典型餐點中需要的最大注射量。 這是一個安全功能,用於幫助避免在餐前注射時發生意外的過量注射。 -The second limit is similar in concept, but relates to the max carbohydrate intake you expect. +第二個限制與此類似,但涉及您預期的最大碳水化合物攝入量。 -After setting these values, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +設置這些值後,請按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141817.png) -### Used insulin +### 使用的胰島素 -Select the type of insulin being used in the pump. +選擇在幫浦中使用的胰島素類型。 -The insulin names should be self-explanatory. +胰島素名稱應該很好理解。 -:::{admonition} Don't use the "Free-Peak Oref" unless you know what you are doing +:::{admonition} 除非您了解其用法,否則不要使用“Free-Peak Oref” :class: danger -For advanced users or medical studies there is the possibility to define with "Free-Peak Oref" a customised profile of how insulin acts. Please don't use it unless you are an expert, usually the pre-defined values work well for each branded insulin. +針對高階用戶或醫學研究,可以使用“Free-Peak Oref”來定義自訂的胰島素作用模式。 除非您是專家,否則請不要使用它,通常每種品牌的胰島素的預設值都能很好地運作。 ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141840.png) -### Blood sugar source +### 血糖來源 -Select the BG source you are using. Please read the documentation for your [BG source](../Configuration/ +選擇您使用的血糖來源。 請閱讀[血糖來源](../Configuration/的文檔。 -As there are several options available, we don't explain the configuration for all of them here. We are using Dexcom G6 with the BYODA app in our example here: +由於有多個選項可用,因此我們不會在此詳細解釋所有選項的配置。 在這裡我們使用Dexcom G6與BYODA應用程式的示例: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, enable the visibility in the top level menu by clicking the tickbox on the right side. +如果您使用Dexcom G6與BYODA,請在頂層選單中點擊右側的勾選框來啟用可見性。 -After making your selection, press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +選擇後,按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141925.png) -If you are using Dexcom G6 with BYODA, click on the cogwheel button to access the settings for BYODA. +如果你正在使用 Dexcom G6 與 BYODA,點擊齒輪按鈕來訪問 BYODA 的設定。 -Enable the "Upload BG data to NS" and "Log sensor change to NS". +啟用“上傳血糖資料到NS”和“記錄感測器變更到NS”。 -Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +返回並按 "下一步" 以進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141958.png) -### Profile +### 設定檔 -Now we are entering a very important part of the Setup Wizard. +現在我們進入設定嚮導中的一個非常重要的部分。 -Please read the documentation about profiles before you try to enter your profile details on the following screen. +請在嘗試輸入以下畫面的配置檔案詳細資訊之前閱讀配置檔案的文檔。 -:::{admonition} Working profile required - no exceptions here ! +:::{admonition} 必須有一個可用的配置檔案 - 沒有例外! -It's required that you have determined and discussed your profile with your doctor, and that it has been proven to work by successful basal rate, ISF and IC testing! +您必須與醫生討論並確定您的配置檔案,並透過成功的基礎率、ISF 和 IC 測試證明其有效! -If a robot has an incorrect input it will fail - consistently. **AAPS** can only work with the information it is given. If your profile is too strong, you risk hypoglycemia, and if it is too weak, you risk hyperglycemia. +如果機器人有錯誤的輸入,它會一貫失敗。 **AAPS** 只能根據其接收到的訊息工作。 如果您的配置檔案過於強效,您有低血糖的風險,而如果過於弱效,則有高血糖的風險。 ::: -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen. Enter a "profile name": +按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕。 輸入一個“配置檔案名稱”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_142027.png) -You can have several profiles in the long-term if needed. We only create one here. +長期來看,如果有需要,您可以擁有多個配置檔案。 這裡我們只建立一個。 -:::{admonition} Profile only for tutorial - not for your usage +:::{admonition} 配置檔案僅用於教學 - 不適合實際使用 -It is not intended to be an accurate profile or something very well optimised, because each person's needs are so different. +這不是一個準確的配置檔案,也不是經過良好優化的配置,因為每個人的需求差異很大。 -Don't use it for actually looping! +不要用它來實際循環! ::: -Enter your Duration of insulin Action (DIA) in hours. Then press "IC": +輸入您的胰島素作用時間(DIA),單位為小時。 然後按“IC”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_142143.png) -Enter your IC values: +輸入您的IC值: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_142903.png) -Press "ISF". Enter your ISF values: +按“ISF”。 輸入您的ISF值: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143009.png) -Press "BAS". Enter your basal values: +按“BAS”。 輸入您的基礎值: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143623.png) -Press "TARG". Enter your blood sugar target values. +按“TARG”。 輸入您的血糖目標值。 -For open looping this target can be a wider range, as otherwise **AAPS** notifies you permanently to change the temporary basal rate or another setting, which can be exhausting. +對於開放循環,這個目標可以設置一個較大的範圍,否則 **AAPS** 會不停通知您更改臨時基礎率或其他設定,這可能會讓人感到疲憊。 -Later, for closed looping, you will generally have only one value for top and bottom. That makes it easier for **AAPS** to hit the target and give you better overall diabetes control. +稍後,對於閉環循環,您通常只會有一個上限和下限值。 這讓 **AAPS** 更容易達到目標,並幫助您更好地控制糖尿病。 -Enter/confirm the target values: +輸入/確認目標值: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143709.png) -Save the profile by clicking on "SAVE": +點擊“儲存”來儲存配置檔案: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143724.png) -After saving a new buttom "Activate Profile" occurs. +儲存後將出現一個新按鈕“啟用配置檔案”。 -:::{admonition} Several defined but only one active profile +:::{admonition} 定義了多個但只能啟用一個配置檔案 :class: information -You can have several profiles defined, but only one activated profile running at any given time. +您可以定義多個配置檔案,但任何時刻只能啟用一個配置檔案。 ::: -Press "Activate Profile": +按下“啟用配置檔案”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143741.png) -The profile switch dialogue appears. In this case let it stay as preset. +配置檔案切換對話框出現。 在這種情況下,讓它保持預設。 -:::{admonition} Several defined but only one active profile +:::{admonition} 定義了多個但只能啟用一個配置檔案 :class: information -You will learn later how to use this general dialog to handle situations like illness or sport, where you need to change your profile suitable for the circumstances. +您稍後將學習如何使用此通用對話框來處理疾病或運動等情況,在這些情況下,您需要更改適合情況的配置檔案。 ::: -Press "OK": +按下“確定”: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143808.png) -A confirmation dialog for the profile switch appears. +配置檔案切換的確認對話框出現。 -You can confirm it with pressing "OK". Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +您可以按“確定”確認它。 按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143822.png) -Your profile has now been set: +您的配置檔案現在已設置: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143833.png) -### Insulin pump +### 胰島素幫浦 -Now you are selecting your insulin pump. +現在您要選擇您的胰島素幫浦。 -You get an important warning dialog. Please read it, and press "OK". +您會看到一個重要的警告對話框。 請閱讀並按“確定”。 -If your have already setup your profile in the steps before and you know how to connect your pump, feel free to connect it now. +如果您已經在之前的步驟中設置了配置檔案,並且知道如何連線幫浦,現在可以隨時連線它。 -Otherwise, leave the Setup Wizard, using the arrow in the top left corner and let **AAPS** first show you some blood glucose values. You can come back anytime or use one of the direct configuration options (not using the Wizard). +否則,請使用左上角的箭頭退出設定嚮導,讓 **AAPS** 首先顯示一些血糖值。 您可以隨時返回或使用直接配置選項(不使用嚮導)。 -Please read the documentation for your [insulin pump](../Getting-Started/ +請閱讀您的[胰島素幫浦](../Getting-Started/文檔。 -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen. +按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕。 ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143909.png) -In this case we select "Virtual Pump". +在此例中,我們選擇“虛擬幫浦”。 -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_143935.png) -### APS algorithm +### APS 演算法 -Use the OpenAPS SMB algorithm as your APS algorithm. Despite the name the SMB feature of the algorithm is disabled until you are familar with AAPS and already worked through the first objectives. OpenAPS SMB is newer and in general better compared to the OpenAPS AMA anyway. +選擇OpenAPS SMB演算法作為您的APS演算法。 即使有這個名稱,SMB功能在您熟悉 **AAPS** 並完成第一階段目標之前是停用的。 無論如何,OpenAPS SMB 相較於 OpenAPS AMA 更新且通常效果更好。 -The reason SMB is disabled in the beginning is because the SMB feature enables faster reaction on blood sugar increase through the Super Micro Bolus instead of increasing the basal rate percentage. As in the begining your profile is in general not as good as after some time of experience the feature is disabled in the begining. +在初期,您的配置檔案通常不如經驗豐富後好,所以這個功能在初期被停用。 由於在開始時,您的配置檔案通常不如經驗豐富後那麼好,因此該功能在初期被停用。 -:::{admonition} Only use the older algorithm **OpenAPS AMA** if you know what you are doing +:::{admonition} 除非您知道自己在做什麼,否則請僅使用較舊的演算法 **OpenAPS AMA** :class: information -OpenAPS AMA is the most basic algorithm which does not support micro boluses to correct high values. There might be circumstances where it is better to use this algorithm but it is not the recommendation. +OpenAPS AMA 是最基本的演算法,不支援使用小劑量注射來修正高血糖值。 在某些情況下,使用此演算法可能更好,但這不是推薦的選擇。 ::: -Press the cogwheel to see the details: +按齒輪查看詳細資訊: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144014.png) -Only read the text and change nothing here. +僅閱讀文本,此處不進行任何更改。 -Due to the limitations which are imposed by the **Objectives** you can't use either "closed loop" or "SMB features" at the moment anyway. +由於**目標**的限制,您目前無法使用“閉環”或“SMB功能”。 -Go back and press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +返回並按 "下一步" 以進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144025.png) -### APS mode +### APS模式 -Let "Open Loop" remain selected. +讓“開放循環”保持選中狀態。 -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144049.png) -### Sensitivity detection +### 敏感度檢測 -Let "Sensitivity Oref1" the standard for the sensitivty plugins selected. +讓“敏感度Oref1”保持為敏感度外掛的標準選項。 -Press "NEXT" to go to the next screen: +按“下一步”進入下一個螢幕: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144101.png) -### Start Objective 1 +### 開始目標1 -You are entering now the Objectives. The qualification for access to further **AAPS** features. +您現在進入目標。 這是獲取 **AAPS** 進一步功能的資格。 -Here we start Objective 1, even if at the moment our setup is not completely ready to successfully complete this Objective. +我們從目標1開始,即使此刻我們的設置尚未完全準備好成功完成此目標。 -But this is the start. +但這是開始。 -Press the green "START" to to start objective 1: +按下綠色的“開始”按鈕以開始目標1: ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144113.png) -You see that you already made some progress, but other areas are to be done. +您會看到您已經取得了一些進展,但還有其他區域需要完成。 -Press "FINISH" to go to the next screen. +按“完成”進入下一個螢幕。 ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144135.png) -You are coming to the home screen of **AAPS**. +您來到了 **AAPS** 的主頁面。 -Here you find the information message in **AAPS** that you set your profile. +在這裡,您會看到 **AAPS** 中的訊息,顯示您已設置好配置檔案。 -This was done when we switched to our new profile. +這是在我們切換到新配置檔案時完成的。 -You can click "SNOOZE" and it will disappear. +您可以點擊“延後”,它會消失。 ![image](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_144156.png) -If you accidentally leave the Setup Wizard at any point, you can either simply re-start the Wizard, or change the [configuration of the AAPS loop](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ manually. +如果您在任何時候意外離開設定嚮導,您可以重新啟動嚮導,或手動更改[**AAPS**循環的配置](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -If your **AAPS** loop is now fully setup, please move on to the next section ["Completing the objectives"](../Usage/ +如果您的 **AAPS** 循環現在已完全設置好,請繼續進行下一部分[“完成目標”](../Usage/。 From a0a6509c10957640b2f728ed2821b7831ac0a740 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:30:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 321/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Usage/ | 296 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 148 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ index fedec590d938..5d0b5b7c33a3 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Usage/ @@ -1,249 +1,249 @@ -# Completing the Objectives +# 完成目標 -**AAPS** has a series of **objectives** that you need to complete to progress from basic open looping to hybrid closed looping and full **AAPS** functionality. Completing the **objectives** ensures: +**AAPS** 有一系列的 **目標**,需要您完成才能從基本的開環進展到混合閉環並完全使用 **AAPS** 功能。 完成 **目標** 確保: -- You have configured everything correctly in your **AAPS** setup -- You have learned about the essential features of **AAPS** -- You have a basic understanding of what your system is doing, and therefore why you can trust it. +- 您已正確配置您的 **AAPS** 設定 +- 您已了解 **AAPS** 的基本功能 +- 您對系統的操作有基本的理解,因此能夠信任它。 -:::{admonition} Note +:::{admonition} 注意 -Regularly export your **AAPS** settings after completing each **objective**! +在完成每個 **目標** 後,請定期匯出您的 **AAPS** 設定! ::: -We strongly recommend that you [export your settings](../Usage/ after completing each **objective**. This exporting process creates a **settings** (.json) file which you should keep backed-up in one or more safe places (_e.g._ Google Drive, hard disk, email attachment _etc._). This ensures that you keep your progress through the **objectives**, and if you accidentally delete your progress, you can simply re-load it by importing a recent settings file. Having a backup **settings** file is also required if you want to change your **AAPS** smartphone for any reason (upgrading/lost/broken phone _etc._) +我們強烈建議您在完成每個 **目標** 後[匯出設定](../Usage/。 此匯出過程會建立一個 **設定** (.json) 檔案,您應該將它備份到一個或多個安全的地方(例如 Google Drive、硬碟、電子郵件附件等)。 這確保了您保留了目標進度,如果您不慎刪除了進度,只需匯入最近的設定檔即可重新載入。 如果您想更換 **AAPS** 的智慧型手機(例如升級、遺失或手機損壞等),備份設定檔也是必需的。 -The **settings** file will save not only your progress through the objectives, but also your own customised **AAPS** settings such as **max bolus** _etc._ +**設定檔** 不僅會儲存您的目標進度,還會儲存您自訂的 **AAPS** 設定,例如 **最大注射量** 等。 -If you do not have a backup copy of your **settings**, if anything happens to your **AAPS** smartphone you will need to start the **objectives** from the beginning again. +如果沒有備份的 **設定檔**,如果您的 **AAPS** 手機發生任何問題,您將需要重新從頭開始完成 **目標**。 -Overall the **objectives** take around 6 weeks to complete (see [how long will it take?](preparing-how-long-will-it-take?) for a detailed breakdown) from configuring **AAPS** on your smartphone to "basic" hybrid closed looping (from objective 1 to objective 8), so, although you _can_ proceed up to **objective 5** using a **virtual pump** (and using some other method of insulin delivery in the meantime), having to re-complete all the **objectives** because for example, you lost your smartphone, is still something you really want to avoid. +整體來說,完成 **目標** 約需 6 週時間(參見[需要多久時間?](preparing-how-long-will-it-take?))從在智慧型手機上配置 **AAPS** 到 "基本" 混合閉環(從目標 1 到目標 8),儘管您 _可以_ 使用 **虛擬幫浦** 完成 **目標 5**,並在此期間使用其他胰島素遞送方式,但因例如遺失手機而需要重新完成所有 **目標** 是您想避免的情況。 詳細步驟會說明從智慧型手機上設定 AAPS 到完成“基本”混合閉環模式(從目標 1 到目標 8)。雖然你_可以_用虛擬幫浦進行到目標 5(同時暫時用其他方法注射胰島素),但如果因為像手機遺失這種情況,導致要重新再做所有目標,你應該要避免這樣的事發生。 -As well as progressing through the **objectives**, if you want, you can also remove your progress and [go back to an earlier objective](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives). +除了進展目標外,若您有需要,還可以移除進度並[回到先前的目標](Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)。 -## Objective 1: Setting up visualization and monitoring, analysing basals and ratios +## 目標 1:設置可視化與監控,分析基礎率與比率 -- **AAPS** checks if your basic technical setup is working. +- **AAPS** 檢查您的基本技術設定是否運作。 -If not you have to reconfigure until the basic technical setup works for **AAPS**. +若未運作,您需要重新配置,直到 **AAPS** 的基本技術設定正常運作。 -- Select the correct CGMS/FGMS in [Config Builder](../Configuration/ See [BG Source](../Configuration/ for more information. -- Select the correct Pump in [Config Builder](../Configuration/ to ensure your pump can communicate with AAPS. Select **virtual pump** if you are using a pump model with no **AAPS** driver for looping, or if you want to work through the early **objectives** while using another system for insulin delivery. See [insulin pump](../Getting-Started/ for more information. -- Follow instructions in [Nightscout](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ page to ensure **Nightscout** can receive and display this data. -- Note that URL in **NSClient** must be **_without_ "/api/v1/"** at the end - see [NSClient settings in Preferences](Preferences-nsclient). +- 在 [設定構建器](../Configuration/ 中選擇正確的 CGMS/FGMS。 更多資訊請參閱[血糖來源](../Configuration/。 +- 在 [設定構建器](../Configuration/ 中選擇正確的幫浦,以確保幫浦能與 AAPS 溝通。 如果您使用的幫浦型號沒有 **AAPS** 的循環驅動程式,或者您想在使用其他系統進行胰島素遞送時完成早期目標,請選擇 **虛擬幫浦**。 更多資訊請參閱[胰島素幫浦](../Getting-Started/。 +- 按照 [Nightscout](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ 頁面中的指示,確保 **Nightscout** 能接收並顯示此資料。 +- 請注意,**NSClient** 中的 URL 必須 **_不包含_ "/api/v1/"** 結尾 - 參見 [NSClient 偏好設定中的設定](Preferences-nsclient)。 -Note - _You may need to wait for the next sensor glucose reading to arrive before **AAPS** will recognise it._ +請注意 - _您可能需要等待下一次感測器的血糖讀數到來,**AAPS** 才能識別它。_ -## Objective 2: Learn how to control AAPS +## 目標 2:學習如何控制 AAPS -- Perform several actions in **AAPS** as described in this **objective**. -- Click on the orange text "Not completed yet" to access the to-dos. -- Links will be provided to guide you, in case you are not familiar with a specific action yet. +- 在此 **目標** 中按要求在 **AAPS** 內執行多個操作。 +- 點擊橘色文字 "尚未完成" 以查看待辦事項。 +- 將提供鏈接以指導您,若您對某個操作不熟悉。 - ![Screenshot objective 2](../images/Objective2_V2_5.png) -- Tasks to complete **Objective 2** are: - - Set your profile to 90% for a duration of 10 min (_Hint_: Long press your profile name on the OVERVIEW screen) (_Note_: AAPS does not accept basal rates below 0.05U/hr. If your profile includes any rates 0.06U/hr or lower you will need to create a new profile with higher basal rates before completing this task. Switch back to your normal profile after completing this task.) - - Simulate "taking a shower" by disconnecting your pump in **AAPS** for a duration of 1h (_Hint_: press the loop icon on the OVERVIEW screen to open the Loop dialogue) - - End "taking a shower" by reconnecting your pump (_Hint_: press the "disconnected"-icon to open the loop dialog) - - Create a custom temporary target with a duration of 10 min (_Hint_: press the target bar on the OVERVIEW screen to bring up the temporary target dialog) - - Activate the **ACTIONS** plugin in **CONFIG BUILDER** to make it appear on the top scrollable menu bar (_Hint_: Go to **CONFIG BUILDER** and scroll down to 'General") - - Display the LOOP plugin's content - - Scale the BG-Chart to be able to look at larger or smaller timeframes: toggling between 6h, 12h, 18h 24h of past data (_Hint_: Tap the chart) + ![目標 2 截圖](../images/Objective2_V2_5.png) +- 完成 **目標 2** 的任務: + - 將您的設定檔設為 90%,持續 10 分鐘(_提示_:在首頁總覽頁面長按設定檔名稱) (_注意_:AAPS 不接受低於 0.05U/hr 的基礎速率。 如果您的設定檔包含任何 0.06U/hr 或更低的速率,您需要建立一個具有更高基礎速率的新設定檔才能完成此任務。 完成此任務後切換回正常設定檔。) + - 模擬 "洗澡" 並在 **AAPS** 中中斷幫浦連線 1 小時(_提示_:按首頁總覽頁面上的循環圖示以開啟循環對話框) + - 完成 "洗澡" 並重新連線幫浦(_提示_:按 "中斷連線" 圖示以開啟循環對話框) + - 建立一個自訂的臨時目標,持續 10 分鐘(_提示_:按首頁總覽頁面上的目標條以開啟臨時目標對話框) + - 在 **設定構建器** 中啟用 **ACTIONS** 外掛,讓它出現在頂部可滾動的選單列上(_提示_:進入 **設定構建器**,向下滾動至「一般」) + - 顯示循環外掛的內容 + - 縮放血糖圖表,以查看更大或更小的時間範圍:在 6 小時、12 小時、18 小時 24 小時之間切換過去的資料(_提示_:點擊圖表) (Objectives-objective-3-prove-your-knowledge)= -## Objective 3: Prove your knowledge +## 目標 3:證明你的知識 -- Pass a multiple-choice exam testing your **AAPS** knowledge. +- 透過一個測試您 **AAPS** 知識的多選題考試。 -Some users find **Objective 3** to be the most difficult objective to complete. Please do read the **AAPS** documents in conjunction with the questions. If you are genuinely stuck after researching the **AAPS** documents, please search the [Facebook]( group for "Objective 3" (because it is likely that your question has been asked- and answered - before). If you are still stuck, ask in a post on either the [Facebook]( or [Discord]( group. These groups can provide friendly hints, or redirect you to the relevant part of the **AAPS** documents. +某些使用者發現 **目標 3** 是最難完成的目標。 請務必結合問題閱讀 **AAPS** 文件。 如果你在研究**AAPS**文件後仍然感到困惑,請在 [Facebook]( 群組中搜索 "Objective 3"(因為你的問題可能之前已被詢問並回答過)。 如果你仍然無法解決,請在 [Facebook]( 或 [Discord]( 群組中發文詢問。 這些群組可以提供友善的提示,或引導你閱讀 **AAPS** 文件的相關部分。 -To proceed with **Objective 3**, click on the orange text “**Not completed yet**” to access the relevant question. Please read each question carefully and select your answer(s). +要進行 **Objective 3**,點擊橘色文字“**尚未完成**”來查看相關問題。 請仔細閱讀每個問題並選擇你的答案。 -- To reduce the number of decisions you are asked to make while in Open Loop, set a wide target range _e.g._ 90 - 150 mg/dl or 5.0 - 8.5 mmol/l. +- 為了減少你在開環模式下需要做出的決策數量,設定一個較寬的目標範圍,例如 90 - 150 mg/dl 或 5.0 - 8.5 mmol/l。 -- You might want to set a wider upper limit, or even disable Open Loop, at night. +- 你可能想在晚上設置更寬的上限,或者甚至停用開環模式。 -For each question, there may be more than one answer that is correct! If an incorrect answer is selected, the question will be time-locked for a certain amount of time (60 minutes) before you can go back and answer the question again. Be aware that the order of the answers may have changed when you next try to answer, this is to make sure you read them carefully and really understand the validity (or not) of each response. +每個問題可能有多個正確答案! 如果選擇了錯誤的答案,該問題將被鎖定一段時間(60 分鐘),你將無法立即重新作答。 當你再次嘗試回答時,請注意答案的順序可能已經改變,這是為了確保你仔細閱讀並真正理解每個答案的正確性(或錯誤性)。 -When **AAPS** is installed for the first time, you will have to complete the whole of **Objective 3** before moving on to **Objective 4**. Each objective is required to be completed in sequential order. New features will gradually be unlocked as progress is made through the objectives. +當 **AAPS** 第一次安裝時,你必須完成整個 **Objective 3** 才能進入 **Objective 4**。 每個目標必須按順序完成。 隨著目標的進展,新的功能將逐漸解鎖。 -:::{admonition} **What happens if new question(s) are added to an Objective when I update to a newer version of AAPS?** -:class: Note -From time to time, new features are added to **AAPS** which may require a new question to be added to the Objectives, particularly Objective 3. As a result, any new question added to **Objective 3** will be marked as “incomplete” because **AAPS** will require you to action this. Do not worry, as each **Objective** is independent, you will **not lose the existing functionality of AAPS**, providing the other Objectives remain completed. +:::{admonition} **當我更新到新版 AAPS 時,如果有新的問題加入某個目標,會發生什麼?** +:class: 注意 +有時候 **AAPS** 會新增一些新功能,這可能會導致新問題被加入目標中,尤其是 **Objective 3**。 因此,任何加入 **Objective 3** 的新問題將被標記為“未完成”,因為 **AAPS** 會要求你執行該操作。 別擔心,因為每個目標都是獨立的,只要其他目標完成,你將**不會失去 AAPS 的現有功能**。 ::: -## Objective 4: Starting on an open loop +## 目標 4:開始使用開環 -The purpose of this objective is to recognise how often **AAPS** will evaluate the basal rate's impact on glucose levels, and recommend temporary basal rate adjustments. As part of this objective, you will activate open looping for the first time, and will perform 20 proposed temporary basal rate changes manually on your pump. Furthermore, you will observe temporary and default temporary targets' impact (_e.g._ for activity or hypo treatments). If you are not familiar with setting a temporay basal rate change in **AAPS** yet, please refer to the [ACTIONS tab](Screenshots#Screenshots-action-tab). +這個目標的目的是讓你了解 **AAPS** 如何評估基礎率對血糖水平的影響,並建議臨時調整基礎率。 在這個目標中,你將首次啟動開環,並手動在幫浦上執行 20 次建議的臨時基礎率調整。 此外,你將觀察臨時目標和預設臨時目標對於活動或低血糖治療的影響。 如果你還不熟悉如何在 **AAPS** 設置臨時基礎率變更,請參閱 [ACTIONS 頁籤](Screenshots#Screenshots-action-tab)。 -Estimated time to complete this objective: **7 days**. This is a mandatory wait time. You can't proceed to the next Objective, even if you enacted all basal rate changes already. +完成此目標的預估時間:**7 天**。 這是一個強制的等待時間。 即使你已經執行了所有基礎率變更,你仍無法進入下一個目標。 -- Select Open Loop either from the "Preferences" menu or by presssing and holding the Loop icon on the top left of the OVERVIEW screen. -- Walk through the [Preferences](../Configuration/ to set it up for you (scroll down to "Loop/APS Mode" and select "Open Loop". -- Manually enact at least 20 of the temporary basal rate suggestions over a period of 7 days; key them into your (physical) pump and confirm in AAPS that you have accepted them. Ensure these basal rate adjustments show up in AAPS and Nightscout. -- Enable [temp targets](../Usage/ if necessary. After treating a hypo use hypo temp targets to prevent the system from overcorrecting upon the bounce back. +- 從 "偏好設定" 選單或長按 OVERVIEW 螢幕左上角的 Loop 圖示來選擇開環模式。 +- 透過 [偏好設定](../Configuration/ 設定來進行設置(向下滾動到 "Loop/APS 模式" 並選擇 "開環模式")。 +- 在 7 天內手動執行至少 20 次臨時基礎率建議;將它們輸入到你的(實體)幫浦中,並在 AAPS 中確認你已接受它們。 確保這些基礎率調整顯示在 AAPS 和 Nightscout 中。 +- 如有需要,啟用 [臨時目標](../Usage/。 在處理低血糖後,使用低血糖臨時目標來防止系統在反彈時過度修正。 -### Reduce number of notifications +### 減少通知數量 -- To reduce the number of proposed basal rate changes while in Open Loop set a wider target range like 90-150 mg/dl or 5.0-8.5 mmol/l. -- You might even consider to raise your upper limit (or disable Open Loop) at night. -- You can set a minimum percentage for recommended basal rate changes to change the number of triggered notifications. +- 為了減少開環模式下建議的基礎率變更數量,設置較寬的目標範圍,例如 90-150 mg/dl 或 5.0-8.5 mmol/l。 +- 你甚至可以考慮在晚上提高上限(或停用開環模式)。 +- 你可以設置建議基礎率變更的最低百分比來調整觸發通知的數量。 - ![Open Loop minimal request change](../images/OpenLoop_MinimalRequestChange2.png) + ![開環模式的最小請求變更](../images/OpenLoop_MinimalRequestChange2.png) -:::{admonition} You don't need to action each and every system recommendation! -:class: Note +:::{admonition} 你不需要執行每一個系統建議! +:class: 注意 ::: -(Objectives-objective-5-Understanding-your-open-loop-including-its-temp-basal-recommendations)= +(目標-Objective-5-理解你的開環模式及其臨時基礎率建議)= -## Objective 5: Understanding your open loop, including its temp basal recommendations +## 目標 5:理解你的開環,包括其臨時基礎率建議 -As part of **Objective 5** you will start to understand how temporary basal recommendations are derived. This includes the [determination of basal logic](, analyzing the impact by observing [prediction lines in AAPS OVERVIEW](Screenshots-prediction-lines)/Nightscout and looking at detailed calculations shown on your OPENAPS tab. +在 **Objective 5** 中,你將開始了解如何得出臨時基礎率的建議。 這包括 [基礎率邏輯的確定](,透過觀察 [AAPS OVERVIEW 中的預測線](Screenshots-prediction-lines)/Nightscout 來分析影響,並檢視 OPENAPS 頁籤中的詳細計算。 -Estimated time to complete this objective: 7 days. +完成此目標的預估時間:7 天。 -This Objective requires you to determine and set your “Max U/h a temp basal can be set to” (max-basal) value as described in [OpenAPS-features](Open-APS-features#Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal). This value can be set in Preferences > OpenAPS. -Make sure this safety setting is set in both **AAPS** and your insulin pump. +此目標要求你確定並設置“最大 U/h 臨時基礎率”(max-basal)值,如 [OpenAPS 功能](Open-APS-features#Open-APS-features-max-u-h-a-temp-basal-can-be-set-to-openaps-max-basal) 中所述。 這個值可以在 偏好設定 > OpenAPS 中設置。 +確保在 **AAPS** 和你的胰島素幫浦中都設置了這個安全設定。 -You might want to set your target higher than usual until you are comfortable with the calculations and settings. +你可能希望將目標設置得比平常高,直到你對計算和設定感到滿意為止。 -**AAPS** allows: +**AAPS** 允許: -- a low target to be a minimum of 4 mmol/l (72 mg/dl) or maximum of 10 mmol/l (180 mg/dl) -- a high target to be a minimum of 5 mmol/l (90 mg/dl) and maximum of 15 mmol/l (225 mg/dl) -- a temporary target as a single value can be anywhere in the range of 4 mmol/l to 15 mmol/l (72 mg/dl to 225 mg/dl) +- 低目標最小值為 4 mmol/l (72 mg/dl) 或最大值為 10 mmol/l (180 mg/dl) +- 高目標最小值為 5 mmol/l (90 mg/dl) 或最大值為 15 mmol/l (225 mg/dl) +- 臨時目標可設為單一數值,範圍為 4 mmol/l 到 15 mmol/l (72 mg/dl 到 225 mg/dl) -Your target is a core value. All calculations are based on it. It is different from a target range which you usually aim to keep your blood glucose values in. If your target is very wide (say, 3 or more mmol/l [50 mg/dl or more] wide), you will often find little **AAPS** action. This is because sensor glucose is predicted to be somewhere in that wide range, and thus temporary basal rate changes are rarely suggested. +你的目標是核心值。 所有計算都基於此目標。 它不同於目標範圍,目標範圍是你通常希望血糖值保持在內的範圍。 如果你的目標範圍過寬(例如 3 mmol/l [50 mg/dl] 或更寬),你會發現 **AAPS** 幾乎不會採取行動。 這是因為傳感器預測血糖會落在這個寬範圍內,因此很少會建議臨時基礎率變更。 -You may want to experiment with adjusting your targets being in a tighter range (say, 1 or less mmol/l [20 mg/dl or less] wide) and observe a resulting system behaviour. +你可能需要嘗試將目標範圍調整得更緊(例如 1 mmol/l [20 mg/dl] 或更小),並觀察系統行為的變化。 -You can adjust (widen or tighten) the graph’s green area, representing your target range, by entering different values in [Preferences](../Configuration/ > Overview > Range for Visualisation. +你可以透過輸入不同的數值來調整圖表中的綠色區域(代表你的目標範圍),位置在 [偏好設定](../Configuration/ > Overview > 顯示範圍。 -![Stop sign](../images/sign_stop.png) -:::{admonition} If you have been using a virtual pump, change to a real insulin pump now! -:class: note +![停止標誌](../images/sign_stop.png) +:::{admonition} 如果你使用的是虛擬幫浦,現在改為實體胰島素幫浦! +:class: 注意 -If you are open looping with a virtual pump stop here. Only click verify at the end of this Objective once you have changed to using a "real" physical pump. +如果你正在使用虛擬幫浦進行開環模式,請在這裡停止。 只有在改用“實體”幫浦後才可點擊驗證以完成此目標。 ::: -![blank](../images/blank.png) +![空白](../images/blank.png) -(Objectives-objective-6-starting-to-close-the-loop-with-low-glucose-suspend)= +(目標-Objective-6-啟動低血糖暫停模式閉環)= -## Objective 6: Starting to close the loop with Low Glucose Suspend +## 目標 6:使用低血糖暫停功能開始閉環 -![Warning sign](../images/sign_warning.png) -:::{admonition} Closed loop will not correct high BG values in objective 6 as it is limited to low glucose suspend only! -:class: Note -You will still need to correct high BG values by yourself (manually with corrections by pump or pen)! +![警告標誌](../images/sign_warning.png) +:::{admonition} 目標 6 的閉環模式僅限於低血糖暫停,不會修正高血糖值! +:class: 注意 +你仍然需要自行修正高血糖值(手動透過幫浦或注射筆進行修正)! ::: -As part of **Objective 6** you will close the loop and activate its Low Glucose Suspend (LGS) mode while [max IOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) is set to zero. You have to remain in LGS mode for 5 days to complete this objective. You should use this time to check if your profile settings are accurate and don't trigger LGS events too often. +在 **Objective 6** 中,你將啟動閉環並啟用低血糖暫停 (LGS) 模式,並將 [max IOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) 設置為零。 你必須在 LGS 模式下停留 5 天才能完成此目標。 你應該利用這段時間檢查你的設定是否準確,並避免頻繁觸發 LGS 事件。 -Estimated time to complete this objective: 5 days. +完成此目標的預估時間:5 天。 -It's crucial that your current profile (basal, ISF, IC) is well tested before you close your loop in Low Glucose Suspend mode. Incorrect profile settings might force you into hypo situations which have be treated manually. An accurate profile will help to avoid needing low glucose treatments during the 5 days period. +在閉環模式下進行低血糖暫停之前,請務必仔細測試你的個人資料設定(基礎率、ISF、IC)。 錯誤的個人資料設定可能會讓你陷入必須手動處理的低血糖情境。 準確的個人資料設定將有助於避免在 5 天期間需要進行低血糖治療。 -**If you still observe frequent or severe low glucose episodes consider refining your DIA, basal, ISF and carb ratios.** +**如果你仍然觀察到頻繁或嚴重的低血糖情況,請考慮微調 DIA、基礎率、ISF 和碳水化合物比率。** -During objective 6, **AAPS** will take care of setting maxIOB to zero. **This override will be reversed when moving to objective 7.** +在目標 6 中,**AAPS** 將自動將 maxIOB 設置為零。 **當進入目標 7 時,這個覆蓋設定將被恢復。** -This means that when you are on Objective 6, if sensor glucose levels are dropping, **AAPS** will reduce basal insulin delivery for you. If sensor glucose levels are rising, **AAPS** will only increase the basal rate above your profile value if basal IOB is negative as a result of from a previous Low Glucose Suspend. Otherwise, **AAPS** will not increase basal above your current profile value, even if glucose levels are rising. This caution is to avoid hypos as you are learning to use **AAPS**. +這意味著當你處於目標 6 時,如果傳感器顯示血糖水平正在下降,**AAPS** 將為你減少基礎胰島素的輸送量。 如果血糖水平上升,只有當先前的低血糖暫停導致基礎 IOB 為負數時,**AAPS** 才會將基礎率提高到個人資料的數值以上。 否則,**AAPS** 不會將基礎率提高到超過你目前個人資料的數值,即使血糖水平正在上升。 這個謹慎設置是為了避免在學習使用 **AAPS** 時出現低血糖情況。 -**As a consequence, you have to handle high glucose values with manual insulin bolus corrections.** +**因此,在這個階段,你需要手動處理高血糖的胰島素注射修正。** -- If your basal IOB is negative (see screenshot below) a temporary basal rate (TBR) > 100% can be triggered in objective 6. +- 如果你的基礎 IOB 是負數(如下圖所示),在目標 6 中可以觸發超過 100% 的臨時基礎率 (TBR)。 -![Example negative IOB](../images/Objective6_negIOB.png) +![負數 IOB 的範例](../images/Objective6_negIOB.png) -- Set your target range slightly higher than you usually would aim at, just to be safe and to add a safety buffer. -- Enable 'Low Glucose Suspend' mode by pressing and holding the Loop icon at the top right corner of the OVERVIEW screen and selecting the Loop - LGS mode icon. -- Watch active temporary basals by looking at the turquoise basal text on the OVERVIEW screen or the turquoise basal render as part of the OVERVIEW graph. -- You may temporarily experience spikes following treated hypos without being able to increase basals on the rebound. +- 將你的目標範圍設置得比平常略高,以增加安全緩衝。 +- 透過長按 OVERVIEW 螢幕右上角的 Loop 圖示,並選擇 Loop - LGS 模式圖示來啟用 '低血糖暫停' 模式。 +- 檢視啟動的臨時基礎率,觀察 OVERVIEW 螢幕上的藍綠色基礎文本或 OVERVIEW 圖表中的藍綠色基礎呈現。 +- 在處理低血糖後,你可能會暫時經歷血糖反彈,但無法提高基礎率來應對反彈。 -(Objectives-objective-7-tuning-the-closed-loop-raising-max-iob-above-0-and-gradually-lowering-bg-targets)= +(目標-Objective-7-調整閉環模式,將 maxIOB 提高至 0 以上並逐步降低血糖目標)= -## Objective 7: Tuning the closed loop, raising maxIOB above 0 and gradually lowering BG targets +## 目標 7:調整閉環模式,將 maxIOB 提高至 0 以上並逐步降低血糖目標 -To complete **Objective 7** you have to close your loop and raise your [maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob). maxIOB was zeroed out automatically in **objective 6**. This is now reverted. **AAPS** will start to use your defined maxIOB value to correct high glucose values. +完成 **Objective 7** 的條件是你必須關閉閉環並提高 [maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob)。 在 **Objective 6** 中 maxIOB 被自動設置為零。 現在這個設定將被恢復。 **AAPS** 將開始使用你設定的 maxIOB 值來修正高血糖值。 -Estimated time to complete this objective: 1 day. +完成此目標的預估時間:1 天。 -- Select 'Closed Loop' either from [Preferences](../Configuration/ or by pressing and holding the Loop icon at the top right corner of the OVERVIEW screen, over a period of 1 day. +- 透過 [偏好設定](../Configuration/ 或長按 OVERVIEW 螢幕右上角的 Loop 圖示,並在 1 天內選擇 '閉環模式'。 -- Raise your 'Maximum total IOB OpenAPS can’t go over' (in OpenAPS called 'max-iob') above 0. The default recommendation is "average mealbolus + 3x max daily basal" (for the SMB algorithm) or "3x max daily basal" (for the AMA algorithm) but you should slowly work up to this maximum until you know your settings work for you (max daily basal = the maximum hourly value in any time segment of the day). +- 將 'OpenAPS 無法超過的最大總 IOB'(在 OpenAPS 中稱為 'max-iob')提高至 0 以上。 預設建議為“平均餐後注射 + 每日最大基礎率的 3 倍”(適用於 SMB 演算法)或“每日最大基礎率的 3 倍”(適用於 AMA 演算法),但你應該逐步提高此值,直到你確定設定適合你(每日最大基礎率 = 一天內任何時間段的最大每小時值)。 -This recommendation should be seen as a starting point. If you set it to the 3x and you are seeing AAPS giving too much insulin as glucose levels rise, then lower the "Maximum total IOB OpenAPS can’t go over" value. Alternatively, if you are very resistant, raise it very cautiously. +這個建議應被視為起點。 如果你將其設置為 3 倍,並發現 AAPS 因血糖上升而給予過多的胰島素,那麼請降低“OpenAPS 無法超過的最大總 IOB”值。 或者,如果你對胰島素抵抗非常高,則謹慎地提高該值。 -![max daily basal](../images/MaxDailyBasal2.png) +![每日最大基礎率](../images/MaxDailyBasal2.png) -- Once confident on how much IOB suits your looping patterns, reduce your targets to your desired level. +- 一旦你對 IOB 與你的閉環模式的運作模式相符有信心後,將你的目標逐步降低至你理想的水準。 -(Objectives-objective-8-adjust-basals-and-ratios-if-needed-and-then-enable-autosens)= +(目標-Objective-8-如果需要,調整基礎率和比例,然後啟用 autosens)= -## Objective 8: Adjust basals and ratios if needed, and then enable autosens +## 目標 8:如有需要,調整基礎率與比率,然後啟用自動感應 -As part of this objective you will revist your profile's performance and will use autosens functionality as an indicator for wrong settings. +在此目標中,你將重新檢視個人資料的表現,並使用 autosens 功能作為錯誤設定的指標。 -Estimated time to complete this objective: 7 days. +完成此目標的預估時間:7 天。 -- You can use [autotune]( as a one off to check your basals remain accurate or do a traditional basal test. -- Enable [autosens](../Usage/ over a period of 7 days and watch OVERVIEW's graph white line showing your insulin sensitivity rising or falling due to exercise or hormones etc. and keep an eye on the OpenAPS report tab which shows **AAPS** adjusting the basals and/or targets accordingly. +- 你可以使用 [autotune]( 來一次性檢查基礎率是否保持準確,或進行傳統的基礎率測試。 +- 啟用 [autosens](../Usage/ 為期 7 天,並觀察 OVERVIEW 圖表中的白線,該線顯示因運動或荷爾蒙等因素導致的胰島素敏感性上升或下降,並關注 OpenAPS 報告頁籤,該頁籤顯示 **AAPS** 根據情況調整基礎率和/或目標。 -(Objectives-objective-9-enabling-additional-oref1-features-for-daytime-use-such-as-super-micro-bolus-smb)= +(目標-Objective-9-啟用白天使用的其他 oref1 功能,例如超微量注射 SMB)= -## Objective 9: Enabling additional oref1 features for daytime use, such as super micro bolus (SMB) +## 目標 9:啟用白天使用的其他 oref1 功能,例如超微量注射 (SMB) -In this objective you will tackle and use "Super Micro Bolus (SMB)" as one core functionality. After working through the mandatory readings you will have a good understanding of what SMBs are, how these work, reasonable starting point with SMBs and why basal is set to zero temporarily after SMBs are given (zero-temping). Estimated time to complete this objective: 28 days. +在這個目標中,你將處理並使用“超微量注射 (SMB)”作為核心功能之一。 在完成必讀內容後,你將對 SMB 是什麼、如何運作、SMB 的合理起點以及為何在 SMB 後會暫時將基礎率設為零(即零基礎率)有深入的理解。 完成此目標的預估時間:28 天。 -- The [SMB section in this documentation](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) and [oref1 coverage in the openAPSdocs]( are must-reads to understand SMB and the concept of zero-temping. -- Once done, you [raise maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) to get SMBs working well. maxIOB now includes all IOB, not just accumulated basal. This threshold pauses SMBs until IOB drops below this value (_e.g._ maxIOB is set to 7 U and a bolus of 8 U is given to cover a meal: SMBs will be paused and not given unless IOB drops below 7 U). A good start is setting maxIOB = average mealbolus + 3x max daily basal (max daily basal = the maximum hourly value in any time segment of the day - see [objective 7](Objectives-objective-7-tuning-the-closed-loop-raising-max-iob-above-0-and-gradually-lowering-bg-targets) as reference) -- Change "min_5m_carbimpact"-parameter (Preferences > Absorbtion settings > min_5m_carbimpact) to 8 as you move from an OpenAPS AMA algorithm to OpenAPS SMB. For AMAs the default value is 3. Read more about this setting [here](../Configuration/Preferences.html#min-5m-carbimpact) +- [此文件中的 SMB 部分](Open-APS-features-super-micro-bolus-smb) 和 [openAPS 文件中的 oref1 涵蓋範圍]( 是必讀內容,以了解 SMB 和零基礎率的概念。 +- 一旦完成,你可以[提高 maxIOB](Open-APS-features-maximum-total-iob-openaps-cant-go-over-openaps-max-iob) 以使 SMB 正常運作。 maxIOB 現在包括所有 IOB,不僅僅是累積的基礎率。 此閾值會暫停 SMB,直到 IOB 低於此值為止(例如,maxIOB 設為 7 U,並給予 8 U 的注射來覆蓋一餐:SMB 將暫停,並且不會再次啟用,除非 IOB 低於 7 U)。 一個好的起點是將 maxIOB 設為平均餐後注射 + 每日最大基礎率的 3 倍(每日最大基礎率 = 一天內任何時段的每小時最大值,參見[目標 7](Objectives-objective-7-tuning-the-closed-loop-raising-max-iob-above-0-and-gradually-lowering-bg-targets) 作為參考)。 +- 當你從 OpenAPS AMA 演算法切換到 OpenAPS SMB 時,將 "min_5m_carbimpact" 參數(偏好設定 > 吸收設定 > min_5m_carbimpact)更改為 8。 對於 AMA 演算法,預設值為 3。 在此處閱讀更多有關該設置的資訊:[這裡](../Configuration/Preferences.html#min-5m-carbimpact) -(Objectives-objective-10-automation)= +(目標-Objective-10-自動化設定)= -## Objective 10: Automation +## 目標 10:自動化 -You have to start **Objective 10** to be able to use Automations. +你必須開始 **Objective 10** 才能使用自動化功能。 -1. Read the documentation page [Automation](../Usage/ first. -2. Set-up the most basic automation rule; - for example trigger an Android notification in few minutes: +1. 首先閱讀文件頁面 [Automation](../Usage/。 +2. 設定最基本的自動化規則; + 例如在幾分鐘後觸發 Android 通知: -- Select the notification tab -- From the top right 3 dots menu, select add rule -- Give a task name "My first automation notification" -- "edit" "condition" - - click the "+" symbol to add the first trigger - - select "Time" & "OK", it will create a default entry AT TODAY HOUR:MINUTE - - click the MINUTE portion to edit the time such that it triggers in a few minutes. Then click ok to close - - click "ok" to close the Triggers screen -- "ADD" an "Action" - - select "Notification", "OK" - - click "Notification" to edit the message(Msg), enter something like "Ny first automation" -- wait until the time triggers the notification (note that depanding on your phone, it can be a few minutes late) +- 選擇通知頁籤 +- 從右上角的 3 點選單中,選擇新增規則 +- 給任務命名為 "我的第一個自動化通知" +- "編輯" "條件" + - 點擊 "+" 圖示來新增第一個觸發條件 + - 選擇 "時間" 並按 "OK",它將建立一個預設的條目,時間為今天的某時某分 + - 點擊分鐘部分來編輯時間,使其在幾分鐘內觸發。 然後點擊 OK 關閉 + - 點擊 "OK" 關閉觸發條件畫面 +- "新增" 一個 "動作" + - 選擇 "通知",按 "OK" + - 點擊 "通知" 來編輯訊息(Msg),輸入類似 "我的第一個自動化" 的內容 +- 等待時間觸發通知(請注意,根據你的手機不同,可能會延遲幾分鐘) -4. Experiment with setting up a more useful automation. +4. 嘗試設定更有用的自動化。 -- The documentation page gives a few examples, and you can search for "automation" screenshots on the [Facebook]( group. Since most people eat the same thing for breakfast at the same time every morning before school/work, a fairly common use-case can be to set a "before-breakfast-target" to set a slightly lower temporary target 30 minutes before having breakfast. In such case, your condition is likely to include "recurring time" which consists of selecting specific days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and a specific time (06:30 am). The action will consists of "Start temp target" with a target value and a 30 minutes duration. +- 文檔頁面給出了一些例子,你可以在 [Facebook]( 群組中搜索 "自動化" 截圖。 由於大多數人每天早上上學/上班前會在同一時間吃相同的早餐,因此一個相當常見的使用情境是設定 "早餐前目標",在早餐前 30 分鐘設定稍低的臨時目標。 在這種情況下,你的條件可能會包括 "定期時間",選擇一週中的特定日子(星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五)和特定時間(上午 06:30)。 動作將包括 "開始臨時目標" 設定一個目標值和持續時間 30 分鐘。 -## Objective 11: Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as Dynamic Senstivity plugin (DynISF). +## 目標 11:啟用白天使用的其他功能,例如動態敏感度外掛 (DynISF)。 -- Ensure that SMB is functioning properly -- Read the documentation concerning Dynamic ISF [here](../Usage/ -- Search the Facbook and [Discord]( groups for discussions around Dynamic ISF and read about other users experiences and recommendations. -- Enable the **DynamicISF plugin** and identify the appropriate calibration for your body's uniqueness. It is advisable to begin with a value lower than 100% for safety reasons. +- 確保 SMB 正常運作 +- 閱讀有關動態 ISF 的文件[這裡](../Usage/ +- 在 Facebook 和 [Discord]( 群組中搜索與動態 ISF 相關的討論,並閱讀其他使用者的經驗和建議。 +- 啟用 **DynamicISF 外掛**,並確定適合你身體需求的校正值。 出於安全考量,建議初始值設置為低於 100%。 -(Objectives-go-back-in-objectives)= +(目標-回到先前的目標進度)= -## Go back in objectives +## 返回目標 -If you want to go back in **objectives** progress for whatever reason you can do so by clicking at "clear finished". +如果你想出於任何原因返回 **目標** 進度,你可以點擊 "清除已完成"。 -![Go back in objectives](../images/Objective_ClearFinished.png) +![返回目標](../images/Objective_ClearFinished.png) -## Objectives in Android APS before version 3.0 +## Android APS 3.0 版本前的目標 -One objective was removed when **AAPS** version 3.0 was released. Users of Android APS version who are on older Android software (_i.e._ earlier than version 9) will be using an older set of Objectives which can be found [here](../Usage/ +當 **AAPS** 版本 3.0 發佈時,一個目標被移除了。 使用 Android APS 版本 且運作較舊 Android 軟體(_例如_ 版本 9 之前的版本)的用戶將使用較舊的目標設置,可以在[這裡](../Usage/找到。 From 458c23a61aeccdc23cc68c299e18c6bc98888a5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:30:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 322/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../ | 66 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ index 870a9738ff2a..bc1c25787d6e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Installing-AndroidAPS/ @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ -# Transferring and Installing AAPS on your smartphone +# 將 **AAPS** 傳輸並安裝到您的智慧型手機上 -In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../, you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. +在上一節中,[構建 **AAPS**](../,您已經在電腦上構建了 **AAPS** 應用程式(即 .apk 檔案)。 -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +接下來的步驟是將 **AAPS** APK 檔案(以及其他您可能需要的應用程式,例如 BYODA、Xdrip+ 或其他 CGM 接收應用程式)傳輸到您的 Android 智慧型手機,然後**安裝**這些應用程式。 -Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**]( +在智慧型手機上安裝 **AAPS** 後,您將能夠進入[**配置 AAPS 循環**](。 -There are several ways to transfer the **AAPS** APK file from your computer to the smartphone. Here we explain two different ways: +有多種方式可以將 **AAPS** APK 檔案從電腦傳輸到智慧型手機。 在這裡,我們介紹兩種不同的傳輸方式: -- Option 1 - Use your Google drive (Gdrive) -- Option 2 - Use a USB cable +- 選項 1 - 使用 Google 雲端硬碟 (Gdrive) +- 選項 2 - 使用 USB 傳輸線 -Please note that transfer by email might cause difficulties, and is discouraged. +請注意,透過電子郵件進行傳輸可能會導致問題,因此不建議使用此方式。 -## Option 1. Use Google drive to transfer files +## 選項 1。 使用 Google 雲端硬碟來傳輸檔案 -Open []( in your web browser and login to your Google Account. +在瀏覽器中打開 []( 並登錄到您的 Google 帳戶。 -On the right upper side select the Drive app in the Google menu. +在右上方的 Google 選單中選擇雲端硬碟應用程式。 -![Start Drive App](../images/GoogleDriveInWebbrowser.png) +![啟動雲端硬碟應用程式](../images/GoogleDriveInWebbrowser.png) -Right click in the free area below the files and folders in the Google Drive app and select "Upload File". +在 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式中,右鍵單擊檔案和資料夾下方的空白區域,然後選擇“上傳檔案”。 -![Upload apk file with Google Drive App](../images/GoogleDriveUploadFile.png) +![使用 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式上傳 apk 檔案](../images/GoogleDriveUploadFile.png) -The apk file should now be uploaded on Google Drive. +APK 檔案應該已經上傳到 Google 雲端硬碟。 -### use the Google Drive app to excute the apk file for installation +### 使用 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式來執行 APK 檔案進行安裝 -Switch to your mobile and start the Google Drive app. It is a preinstalled app and can be found where the other Google apps are located or with search for the name of the app. +切換到您的手機並啟動 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式。 它是預裝的應用程式,您可以在其他 Google 應用程式所在的位置找到它,或透過搜尋應用程式名稱來找到它。 -![start the Google Drive app](../images/GoogleDriveMobileAPPLaunch.png) +![啟動 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式](../images/GoogleDriveMobileAPPLaunch.png) -Launch the apk installation by double click on the filename in the Google Drive App on the mobile. +在手機上的 Google 雲端硬碟應用程式中雙擊檔案名以啟動 APK 安裝。 -![launch the apk installation](../images/GoogleDriveMobileUploadedAPK.png) +![啟動 APK 安裝](../images/GoogleDriveMobileUploadedAPK.png) -In case you get a security notice that you are not allowed to install apps from Google Driver at the moment please allow it for that short moment and disallow it afterwards as it is a security risk when you let it enable all the time. +如果您收到安全提示,表示目前不允許從 Google 雲端硬碟安裝應用程式,請臨時允許該操作,並在完成後取消此選項,因為長期啟用會帶來安全風險。 -![Security Notice Google Drive](../images/GoogleDriveMobileMissingSecuritySetting.png) +![Google 雲端硬碟安全提示](../images/GoogleDriveMobileMissingSecuritySetting.png) -![Security Notice Google Drive](../images/GoogleDriveMobileSettingSecuritySetting.png) +![Google 雲端硬碟安全設置](../images/GoogleDriveMobileSettingSecuritySetting.png) -After the installation finished your are done with this step. +安裝完成後,您已完成這個步驟。 -you should see the **AAPS** icon and be able to open the app. +您應該能看到 **AAPS** 圖示,並能打開應用程式。 ```{warning} -**IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE** -Did you remeber to disallow the installation from Google Drive? +**重要安全提示** +您是否記得取消從 Google 雲端硬碟安裝應用程式的允許權限? ``` -## Please go on with [configuring the AAPS loop](../Installing-AndroidAPS/ +## 請繼續進行[配置 AAPS 循環](../Installing-AndroidAPS/。 -## Option 2. Use a USB cable to transfer files +## 選項 2。 使用 USB 傳輸線來傳輸檔案 -The second way to transfer the AAPS apk file is with a [USB cable]( +第二種方法是使用 [USB 傳輸線]( 將 **AAPS** APK 檔案傳輸到您的手機上。 -Transfer the file from its location on your computer to the "downloads" folder on the phone. +將檔案從電腦上的位置傳輸到手機的“下載”資料夾。 -On your phone, you will have to allow installation from unknown sources. Explanations of how to do this can be found on the internet (_e.g._ [here]( or [here]( +在手機上,您需要允許安裝來自未知來源的應用程式。 有關如何進行此操作的說明,您可以在網上找到(例如,請參閱[這裡]( 或 [這裡](。 -Once you have transferred the file by dragging it across, to install it, open the "downloads" folder on the phone, press the AAPS apk and select "install". You can then proceed to the next step, [Setup Wizard](../Installing-AndroidAPS/, which will help you setup the **AAPS** app and loop on your smartphone. +將檔案拖入後,在手機上打開“下載”資料夾,按下 **AAPS** APK 檔案並選擇“安裝”。 然後,您可以進入下一步,[設定嚮導](../Installing-AndroidAPS/,幫助您設置 **AAPS** 應用程式及循環。 From 043d83763362ad6bad9470e19c10917c762e5e37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:30:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 323/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 26 ++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index fdadb95d4e13..f3d63cfac67d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ -# a test file for image scaling +# 圖像縮放的測試文件 -We got some problems with scaling on different devices and wanted to check how we can solve in +我們在不同設備上縮放時遇到了一些問題,並希望檢查如何解決這個問題 -1. Markdown and -2. Crowdin too. +1. Markdown 和 +2. Crowdin 測試。 -This image width is in original 400px. +這張圖片的原始寬度為 400px。 -## standard markdown +## 標準 markdown -![testimage](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png) +![測試圖片](../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png) -## 400px image tag myst_parser passthrough with extra width attribute +## 400px 圖像標籤 myst_parser 透過額外的寬度屬性 -Here comes text. +這裡有文字。 ```{image} ../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png :width: 400px ``` -Here comes some more text. +這裡有更多文字。 -## 500px image tag myst_parser passthrough with extra width attribute +## 500px 圖像標籤 myst_parser 透過額外的寬度屬性 -Here comes text. +這裡有文字。 ```{image} ../images/setup-wizard/Screenshot_20231202_141912.png :width: 500px ``` -Here comes some more text. +這裡有更多文字。 From 9c669e3c05c62843675da195014718904cfe00a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:30:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 324/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/Getting-Started/ | 78 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ index 3881c403cbc0..d995e6974e1c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Getting-Started/ @@ -1,77 +1,73 @@ -## Introduction to your AAPS profile +## AAPS 設定檔簡介 -### **What is an AAPS profile?** +### **什麼是 AAPS 設定檔?** -Your AAPS profile is a set of five key parameters which define how AAPS should deliver insulin in response to your sensor glucose levels. AAPS has several _additional_ modifiable parameters (like SMB settings), but using these well relies on your underlying AAPS profile being correct. The AAPS profile incorporates: duration of insulin action (DIA), glucose targets, basal rates (BR), insulin sensitivity factors (ISF) and insulin-to-carb ratios (IC or ICR). Screenshots from AAPS of an _example_ profile are shown in below. Please note, this profile shows a large number of timepoints. When you start out with AAPS, your profile is likely to be much simpler. Profiles vary significantly from person-to-person, for examples of AAPS profiles for small children, teenagers and adults please see the later section, optimising your [profile](link). +AAPS 設定檔包含五個關鍵參數,這些參數定義了 AAPS 應如何根據您的感測器血糖水平來輸送胰島素。 AAPS 還具有多個_其他_可修改的參數(如 SMB 設定),但正確使用這些參數的前提是您的 AAPS 設定檔正確無誤。 AAPS 設定檔包括:胰島素作用時間(DIA)、血糖目標、基礎率(BR)、胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)和胰島素與碳水化合物比率(IC 或 ICR)。 下方顯示了 AAPS 中_範例_設定檔的螢幕截圖。 請注意,這個範例設定檔顯示了大量的時間點。 當您剛開始使用 AAPS 時,您的設定檔可能會簡單得多。 設定檔因人而異,若要查看適合小孩、青少年和成人的 AAPS 設定檔範例,請參閱後續部分,優化您的[設定檔](link)。 -#### **Duration of insulin action (DIA)** +#### **胰島素作用時間(DIA)** -The duration of insulin action is set to a single value in AAPS, because your pump will continually infuse the same type of insulin. The remaining four parameters can be set to different values, changing hourly if required, over a 24 hour period. +AAPS 中的胰島素作用時間設定為單一值,因為您的幫浦會持續輸送相同類型的胰島素。 其餘四個參數可以設定為不同值,並根據需要每小時變更,持續 24 小時。 -#### **Glucose targets** +#### **血糖目標** -Glucose targets are set according to your personal preferences. For example, if you are concerned about hypos at night, you may set your target slightly higher at 117/mg/dL (6.5 mmol/L) from 9 pm - 7am. If you want to make sure you have plenty of insulin on board (IOB) in the morning before bolusing for breakfast, you may set a lower target of 81 mg/dL (4.5 mmol/L) from 7 am - 8 am. A glucose target, particularly if it is only short-term (less than 4 hours in duration), does not need to be the _actual value_ you expect or want your glucose level to get to, rather, it is a good way to tell AAPS to be more or less aggressive, while still keeping your glucose levels in range. The **figure below** shows an example of how the DIA and glucose targets could be set in an AAPS profile. +血糖目標根據您的個人偏好設定。 例如,如果您擔心夜間低血糖,您可以將目標設定為稍高的 117 mg/dL(6.5 mmol/L),從晚上 9 點到早上 7 點。 如果您希望在早餐前有充足的胰島素儲備,您可以將早上 7 點到 8 點的目標設定為較低的 81 mg/dL(4.5 mmol/L)。 血糖目標,特別是當其僅是短期設定(持續時間少於 4 小時)時,不必是您期望或希望達到的_實際值_,而是告知 AAPS 應更加積極或保守的良好方式,同時仍保持血糖水平在範圍內。 下方的 **圖表** 顯示了如何在 AAPS 設定檔中設定 DIA 和血糖目標的範例。 -![24-07-23, profile basics - DIA and target](../images/f3904cc3-3d9e-497e-a3b6-3a49650053e6.png) +![24-07-23,設定檔基礎 - DIA 和目標](../images/f3904cc3-3d9e-497e-a3b6-3a49650053e6.png) -For the final three parameters, basal rates (BR), insulin sensitivity factors (ISF) and insulin-to-carb ratios (IC or ICR), the absolute values and trends in your insulin requirements vary significantly from person to person, depending on your biology, gender, age, fitness level etc. as well as shorter term factors like illness and recent exercise. For more guidance on this, the book [“Brights Spots and Landmines”]( by Adam Brown is an excellent book to read. +最後三個參數,基礎率(BR)、胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)和胰島素與碳水化合物比率(IC 或 ICR)的絕對值和趨勢因個人的胰島素需求而異,這取決於生理、性別、年齡、健身水平等,還有短期因素如疾病和最近的運動。 關於這方面的更多指導,Adam Brown 的[《Bright Spots and Landmines》]( 是一本值得閱讀的好書。 -#### **Basal rates** +#### **基礎率** -Your basal rate of insulin (Units/hour) provides background insulin, keeping your glucose levels stable in the absence of food or exercise. +您的胰島素基礎率(單位/小時)提供背景胰島素,在沒有食物或運動的情況下保持血糖穩定。 -Accurate basal rates enable you to wake up in range, and to skip meals - or eat - earlier or later in the day, without going high or low. The insulin pump delivers small amounts of rapid acting insulin every few minutes, to keep the liver from releasing too much glucose, and to move glucose into body cells. Basal insulin usually makes up between 40 - 50% of your total daily dose (TDD), depending on your diet, and typically follows a circadian rhythm, with one peak and one valley in insulin requirements over 24 hours. For more information, chapter 23 of [“Think like a Pancreas”]( by Gary Scheiner is very useful. +精確的基礎率能讓您在醒來時保持血糖在範圍內,並在一天中可以提前或延後進餐,而不會引起血糖過高或過低。 胰島素幫浦每幾分鐘會輸送少量速效胰島素,以防止肝臟釋放過多的葡萄糖,並將葡萄糖輸送到體細胞中。 基礎胰島素通常占您每日總劑量(TDD)的 40-50%,取決於您的飲食,並且通常遵循晝夜節律,在 24 小時內有一個高峰和一個低谷。 關於更多資訊,Gary Scheiner 的[《Think like a Pancreas》]( 的第 23 章非常有用。 -Most type 1 diabetes educators (and people with type 1 diabetes!) agree that you should work on getting your basal rates correct, before attempting to optimise your ISF and ICR. +大多數 1 型糖尿病教育者(以及 1 型糖尿病患者!) 都同意,您應該先確保基礎率正確,然後再嘗試優化 ISF 和 ICR。 -#### **Insulin sensitivity factor (ISF)** +#### **胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)** -The insulin sensitivity factor (sometimes called correction factor) is a measure of how much your blood glucose level will be reduced by 1 unit of insulin. +胰島素敏感性係數(有時稱為修正係數)是衡量 1 單位胰島素會降低血糖的程度。 -**In mg/dL units:** -If you have an ISF of 40, each unit of insulin will reduce your blood glucose by approx. 40 mg/dL (for example, your blood glucose will fall from 140 mg/dL to 100 mg/dL). +\*\*以 mg/dL 為單位:\*\*如果您的 ISF 為 40,則每單位胰島素將使血糖降低約 40 mg/dL(例如,您的血糖將從 140 mg/dL 降至 100 mg/dL)。 -**In mmol/L units:** -If you have an ISF of 1.5, each unit of insulin will reduce your blood glucose by approx. 1.5 mmol/L (for example from 8 mmol/L to 6.5 mmol/L). +\*\*以 mmol/L 為單位:\*\*如果您的 ISF 為 1.5,則每單位胰島素將使血糖降低約 1.5 mmol/L(例如從 8 mmol/L 降至 6.5 mmol/L)。 -From these examples you can see that the _smaller_ the ISF value, the less sensitive you are to insulin. So if you reduce your ISF from 40 to 35 (mg/dl) or 1.5 to 1.3 (mmol/L) this is often called strengthening your ISF. Conversely, increasing the ISF value from 40 to 45 (mg/dl) or 1.5 to 1.8 mmol/L) is weakening your ISF. +從這些範例中,您可以看到 ISF 值越小,您對胰島素的敏感性越低。 因此,如果您將 ISF 從 40 降至 35(mg/dl)或從 1.5 降至 1.3(mmol/L),這通常稱為增強 ISF。 相反,將 ISF 值從 40 增加到 45(mg/dl)或從 1.5 增加到 1.8(mmol/L)稱為削弱 ISF。 -If your ISF is too strong (small value) it will result in hypos, and if it is too weak (large value), it will result in hyperglycemia. +如果您的 ISF 過強(值較小),會導致低血糖;如果 ISF 過弱(值較大),則會導致高血糖。 -A basic starting point for determining your daytime ISF is to base it on your total daily dose (TDD) using the 1,700 (94) rule. More detail is given in Chapter 7 of [“Think like a Pancreas”]( by Gary Scheiner. +確定您白天 ISF 的基本起點是基於您的每日總劑量(TDD),使用 1,700(94)規則。 更多詳情請參閱 Gary Scheiner 的[《Think like a Pancreas》]( 的第 7 章。 -1700 (if measuring in mg/dl) or 94 (mmol/L)/ TDD = approx ISF. +1700(若以 mg/dl 為單位)或 94(mmol/L)/ TDD = 大約 ISF。 -Example: TDD = 40 U -Approx ISF (mg/dl) = 1700/40 = 43 -Approx ISF (mmol/L) = 94/40 = 2.4 +範例:TDD = 40 U大約 ISF(mg/dl)= 1700/40 = 43大約 ISF(mmol/L)= 94/40 = 2.4 -See the **figure below** for an example of how the basal rates and ISF values could be set in an AAPS profile. +請參閱下方的 **圖表**,了解如何在 AAPS 設定檔中設定基礎率和 ISF 值的範例。 -![24-07-23, profile basics - basal and ISF](../images/55c8ed24-e24e-4caa-9c17-294fa93cb84a.png) +![24-07-23,設定檔基礎 - 基礎率和 ISF](../images/55c8ed24-e24e-4caa-9c17-294fa93cb84a.png) -#### **Insulin to Carb ratio (ICR)** +#### **胰島素與碳水化合物比率(ICR)** -The ICR is a measure of how many grams of carbohydrate are covered by one unit of insulin. +ICR 是衡量每單位胰島素覆蓋多少克碳水化合物的指標。 -Some people also use I:C as an abbreviation instead of ICR, or talk about carb ratio (CR). +有些人也使用 I:C 作為 ICR 的縮寫,或稱之為碳水化合物比率(CR)。 -It is common to have different ICR at different times of day due to hormone levels and physical activity. Many people find they have their lowest ICR around breakfast time. So, for example, your ICR could be 1:8 for breakfast, 1:10 for lunch and 1:10 for dinner, but these patterns are not universal, and some people are more insulin resistant at dinner time, and require a stronger/smaller ICR then. +由於荷爾蒙水平和體力活動,ICR 在一天中的不同時間可能會有所不同。 許多人發現,他們的 ICR 在早餐時間最低。 例如,您的 ICR 可能在早餐時為 1:8,午餐時為 1:10,晚餐時為 1:10,但這些模式並非普遍適用,某些人在晚餐時間對胰島素的抵抗力較高,因此需要更強/較小的 ICR。 -For example, a 1-to-10 (1:10) insulin-to-carb ratio means that you take 1U of insulin for every 10 grams of carbs eaten. A meal of 25g carbs would need 2.5U of insulin. +例如,1:10 的胰島素與碳水化合物比率表示您每攝入 10 克碳水化合物需要注射 1 單位的胰島素。 一餐包含 25 克碳水化合物需要 2.5 單位的胰島素。 -If your ICR is weaker, perhaps 1:20, you would only need 0.5U of insulin to cover 10 g of carbs. A meal of 25g of carbs would need 25/20 = 1.25U of insulin. +如果您的 ICR 較弱,可能是 1:20,那麼您只需 0.5 單位的胰島素來覆蓋 10 克碳水化合物。 一餐包含 25 克碳水化合物需要 25/20 = 1.25 單位的胰島素。 -As shown in the **figure below**, when entering these values into an AAPS profile, we just enter the final part of the ratio, so an insulin-to-carb ratio of 1:3.5 is entered simply as “3.5”. +如 **圖表** 所示,在將這些值輸入 AAPS 設定檔時,我們只需輸入比率的最後部分,因此 1:3.5 的胰島素與碳水化合物比率只需輸入“3.5”。 -![24-07-23, profile basics - ICR](../images/7741eefb-cae5-45c5-a9e5-8eae5ead3f48.png) +![24-07-23,設定檔基礎 - ICR](../images/7741eefb-cae5-45c5-a9e5-8eae5ead3f48.png) -#### **Why should I try to get my profile settings right? Can’t the loop just take care of it?** +#### **為什麼我應該努力確保設定檔參數正確? 閉環系統不能處理這一切嗎?** -A hybrid closed loop _can_ attempt to make insulin delivery adjustments to minimise poor glycemic control that results from having incorrect profile values. It can do this, for example, by withholding insulin delivery if you are hypo. However, you can achieve much better glycemic control if your profile settings are already as close as possible to what your body needs. This is one of the reasons that AAPS uses staged objectives to move from open loop pumping towards hybrid closed loop. In addition, there will be times when you need to open the loop (sensor warmups, sensor failure _etc._), sometimes in the middle of the night, and you will want to have your settings right for these situations. +混合閉環_可以_嘗試調整胰島素輸送,以最大限度減少由於設定檔值不正確而導致的血糖控制不良。 例如,當您低血糖時,它可以透過暫停胰島素輸送來達到這一目的。 然而,若您的設定檔參數已經接近您身體所需的值,您將能夠實現更好的血糖控制。 這也是 AAPS 採用分階段目標從開放環路注射過渡到混合閉環的重要原因之一。 此外,有時您需要開放環路(例如傳感器加熱期間、傳感器故障等),有時甚至在夜間發生,您會希望在這些情況下擁有正確的設定。 -If you are starting with AAPS after using a different open or closed-loop pumping system, you will already have a reasonable idea of what values to use for basal rates (BR), insulin sensitivity factors (ISF) and insulin-to-carb ratios (IC or ICR). +如果您在使用其他開放或閉環幫浦系統後開始使用 AAPS,您應該已經對基礎率(BR)、胰島素敏感性係數(ISF)和胰島素與碳水化合物比率(IC 或 ICR)有了大致的了解。 -If you are moving from injections (MDI) to AAPS, then it is a good idea to read up on how to make the transfer from MDI to pump first, and plan and make the move carefully in consultation with your diabetes team. ["Pumping insulin"]( by John Walsh & Ruth Roberts and [“Think like a Pancreas”]( by Gary Scheiner are very useful. +如果您是從注射(MDI)轉向 AAPS,那麼最好先閱讀如何從 MDI 轉向幫浦,並與您的糖尿病團隊仔細計劃並進行轉換。 John Walsh 和 Ruth Roberts 的[《Pumping insulin》]( 以及 Gary Scheiner 的[《Think like a Pancreas》]( 非常有用。 -In the [optimising your profile](operating - optimising - your profile link) we present example profiles, discuss how to set and optimise the parameters which form your AAPS profile(s), and provide guidance on additional resources such as **Autotune** which aim to automate optimisation of your profile. +在[優化您的設定檔](operating - optimising - your profile link) 中,我們將展示範例設定檔,討論如何設定和優化構成您的 AAPS 設定檔的參數,並提供如 **Autotune** 等旨在自動優化您的設定檔的附加資源指南。 From c20c386bb6315eb1b688cd0635ad20665b7ac791 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:30:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 325/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- .../zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ | 66 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ index e8159517c8cf..635d055e05ff 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/5-DailyLifewithAAPS/ @@ -1,66 +1,66 @@ -# Daily Life - Pumps +# 日常生活 - 幫浦 -## Changing infusion sets: insulin reservoirs and cannulas +## 更換注射組件:胰島素儲存罐和套管 -The procedure described below is for tubed pumps only and does not apply to patch pumps like Omnipod, Medtrum Nano, Accu-Chek Solo etc. This procedure is sometimes referred to as a “set change”, with a “full” set change including the insulin reservoir and cannula, and a “partial” set change referring to a change of cannula only. +以下描述的程序僅適用於有管幫浦,不適用於像 Omnipod、Medtrum Nano、Accu-Chek Solo 等無管幫浦。 此程序有時稱為「組件更換」,完整的組件更換包括胰島素儲存罐和套管,部分更換僅指更換套管。 -Physical cartridge/reservoir changes cannot be done via **AAPS** and have to be carried out via the pump directly. These need to be logged in **AAPS** manually, once completed. +實體的儲存罐/卡匣更換無法透過 **AAPS** 執行,必須直接在幫浦上操作。 一旦完成,這些更換操作必須手動記錄在 **AAPS** 中。 -### Guide for changing both the pump reservoir and cannula +### 更換幫浦儲存罐和套管的指南 -1. In **AAPS**, disconnect the pump: Long press “Open Loop”/”Closed Loop” icon on the **AAPS** Home Screen and select ‘Disconnect pump - 1 hour”. The pump icon will change to a grey icon, indicating that the pump is disconnected. +1. 在 **AAPS** 中,中斷幫浦連線:長按 **AAPS** 主畫面上的「開啟循環」/「停用循環」圖示,然後選擇「中斷幫浦連線 - 1 小時」。 幫浦圖示將變為灰色,表示幫浦已中斷連線。 -2. Physically change the insulin reservoir: physically disconnect your pump from the body, and change the reservoir/cartridge and cannula as per manufacturer's instructions. +2. 實體更換胰島素儲存罐:從身體上中斷幫浦連線,並按照製造商的說明更換儲存罐/卡匣和套管。 -3. Prime/fill the tubing and cannula: this can be done directly on the pump. Be sure to eliminate any bubbles in the tubing. +3. 注射/填充輸液管和套管:這可以直接在幫浦上進行。 請確保消除輸液管中的所有氣泡。 -4. Attach the new cannula to the body. Once the cannula is inserted and the needle is removed, the attached cannula now has a small air gap which also needs to be primed. To announce this in **AAPS** and prime the site: select the PRIME/FILL button in the **AAPS** actions tab and tick “Pump site change” and/or “Insulin Cartridge Change” as appropriate to record the change. Now press the default insulin cannula prime amount (it is usually around 0.3 U, but check this value is correct for your cannula) and select “OK”. Read the summary message, and confirm to execute the priming by tapping “OK”. +4. 將新的套管附著在身體上。 當套管插入並移除針頭後,已附著的套管會有一個小的空氣間隙,這也需要進行注射。 要在 **AAPS** 中記錄這個操作並進行注射:選擇 **AAPS** 動作標籤中的「注射/填充」按鈕,並勾選「幫浦部位更換」和/或「胰島素卡匣更換」以適當記錄更換。 現在按下預設的胰島素套管注射量(通常約為 0.3 U,但請確認此數值是否適合您的套管),然後選擇「確定」。 閱讀摘要訊息,並點選「確定」以確認執行注射。 -5. Reconnect the pump in **AAPS**: Press the grey disconnected pump symbol and select ‘Reconnect pump’ to continue looping. +5. 在 **AAPS** 中重新連線幫浦:按下灰色的已中斷幫浦圖示,然後選擇「重新連線幫浦」以繼續循環。 -### Useful information concerning insulin/cannula changes +### 有關胰島素/套管更換的有用資訊 -● Logging a pump site change resets Autosens to 100%. It also resets the corresponding cannula/insulin status lights and ages on the **AAPS** Home screen. +● 記錄幫浦部位更換會將 Autosens 重置為 100%。 這也會重置 **AAPS** 主畫面上相應的套管/胰島素狀態指示燈和計時器。 -● You can set/adjust the default prime amount in Preferences > Overview > Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts. See your instruction booklet in your cannula box for how many units (depending on needle length and tubing length) should be primed for your cannula. +● 您可以在偏好設定 > 首頁總覽 > 填充/注射標準胰島素數量中設定/調整預設注射量。 請參閱您的套管包裝內的使用說明書,以了解根據針頭長度和輸液管長度應注射多少單位。 -● Insulin delivered using the prime function is not taken into account by **AAPS** when calculating insulin on board (IOB), and is marked in the **AAPS** treatments menu as “Prime”. +● 使用預注功能輸送的胰島素不會被 **AAPS** 計算在活性胰島素(IOB)中,並且會在 **AAPS** 治療選單中標記為「預注」。 -● Any insulin bolused from the pump during a pump disconnection will also not be taken into account by **AAPS**. If you happen to bolus directly from the pump while **AAPS** is disconnected, once you reconnect the pump you can announce this insulin (without bolusing it) under the “insulin” tab (see link to below ”to announce delivered insulin without actually bolusing” for more details). +● 幫浦在中斷連線期間輸送的任何胰島素也不會被 **AAPS** 計算在內。 如果您在 **AAPS** 斷線期間直接從幫浦注射,一旦重新連線幫浦,您可以在「胰島素」標籤下記錄此胰島素(而不需再次注射)。 -### Cannula, infusion site, tubing and/or pump issues +### 套管、注射部位、輸液管和/或幫浦問題 -If you are confident that you haven’t received any insulin for a period of time, despite **AAPS** recording that you have, and you know exactly when the issue started (_e.g._ you remove the cannula and see that the cannula was kinked during the insertion process) you can correct this in **AAPS**, while being aware that the insulin may in fact have been delivered but may be slow to act for some reason. +如果您確信在一段時間內沒有接收到任何胰島素,儘管 **AAPS** 記錄顯示您已接收,而且您確切知道問題開始的時間(例如,您拔除套管時發現套管在插入過程中已經彎曲),您可以在 **AAPS** 中糾正這個問題,但要注意胰島素可能已經輸送,但可能因某些原因作用緩慢。 -:::{admonition} Caution - Risk of Hypoglycemia +:::{admonition} 警告 - 低血糖風險 :class: danger -Only delete insulin delivery from **AAPS** with EXTREME caution, in case insulin _has_ actually been delivered, and monitor BG closely for the next 24 h. +只有在極端謹慎的情況下,才從 **AAPS** 中刪除胰島素輸送記錄,以防實際已輸送了胰島素,並在接下來的 24 小時內密切監測血糖。 ::: -To remove boluses and SMBs which you know have not been delivered, open the Treatments tab and conservatively delete the logged bolus information from > carbs and bolus starting from the point the incident happened. This will correct the “insulin on board” (IOB) value which is key for **AAPS**’ calculations, if you now return to the homescreen you will see that the IOB has now reduced. Be aware that you cannot delete basal insulin which **AAPS** calculates to have been delivered, so that will still be taken into account by **AAPS**. +要刪除您確知未輸送的注射和 SMBs,請打開「治療」選單,保守地刪除從事件發生時開始記錄的碳水化合物和注射訊息。 這將糾正 **AAPS** 的「活性胰島素」(IOB)數值,回到主畫面時,您會看到 IOB 已減少。 請注意,您無法刪除 **AAPS** 計算出的基礎胰島素,因此它仍會被 **AAPS** 計算在內。 -In less obvious cases of insulin delivery problems _e.g._ leakages, occlusions or tunneling where either you are not sure when the issue started, or think some of the insulin was delivered, you need to be careful. You may detect these issues either by “smelling” the insulin, seeing a wet adhesive, encountering high glucose values or by getting an alarm. As you will never know how much insulin you got into your skin (which might be starting to work after a while) it will be hard to determine the correct amount of insulin which needs be deducted from the current “insulin on board” (IOB) value. One strategy is to pause looping for 5 hours (or your specific duration of insulin action) after you resolved the insulin delivery problem, and resume looping afterwards. This will ensure that IOB is correct once you restart looping. +在不太明顯的胰島素輸送問題情況下,例如漏液、阻塞或隧道效應,您無法確定問題何時開始,或認為部分胰島素已輸送,這時需要特別小心。 您可以透過「聞」到胰島素、看到潮濕的粘膠、血糖值過高或收到警報來檢測這些問題。 由於您永遠無法知道有多少胰島素進入您的皮膚(可能在一段時間後開始發揮作用),因此很難確定需要從當前「活性胰島素」(IOB)數值中扣除多少胰島素。 一種策略是解決胰島素輸送問題後暫停循環 5 小時(或您的胰島素作用時間),然後恢復循環。 這將確保您在重新開始循環時,IOB 是正確的。 -## Disconnecting the pump for showering or activity +## 中斷幫浦連線來進行洗澡或活動 -If you take your pump off for showering, bathing, swimming, contact sports or other activities you must let **AAPS** know that no insulin is being delivered, to keep the IOB correct. The pump can be disconnected using the Loop Status icon on the **AAPS** Home Screen. +如果您在洗澡、游泳、進行接觸運動或其他活動時卸下幫浦,您必須讓 **AAPS** 知道沒有輸送胰島素,才能保持 IOB 正確。 幫浦可以使用 **AAPS** 主畫面上的循環狀態圖示來中斷連線。 -As you are not getting any insulin while the pump is disconnected, you should reconnect every two hours to catch up for the missing basal. You can do this by connecting, bolusing the missing basal amounts (_e.g._ of the last two hours) before disconnecting again. This should help to avoid a severe lack of insulin which could result in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). If it is inconvenient to reconnect the pump during activity (cannula site is covered by wearing a wetsuit _etc._), consider a pen injection instead. This manual injection can be logged in **AAPS**, and doesn’t have to be logged at the time of injection (just make a note of the time of injection) since you can announce the insulin and backdate the time the insulin was actually given when you reconnect the pump. +由於幫浦中斷連線期間您無法獲得任何胰島素,應每兩小時重新連線一次,以補上缺失的基礎胰島素。 您可以透過連線、注射缺失的基礎胰島素(例如,過去兩小時的胰島素)來完成,然後再次中斷連線。 這將有助於避免嚴重缺乏胰島素,導致糖尿病酮酸中毒(DKA)。 如果在活動期間重新連線幫浦不方便(例如套管部位被潛水衣覆蓋),可以考慮使用注射筆代替。 這個手動注射可以記錄在 **AAPS** 中,而且不需要在注射時立即記錄(只需記下注射時間),因為您可以在重新連線幫浦時記錄胰島素並將注射時間回溯。 -## To announce delivered insulin without actually bolusing +## 如何記錄已輸送的胰島素但實際上不進行注射 -To announce insulin delivered from the pump either while **AAPS** was disconnected, or from pen injections to **AAPS**: select the “insulin” tab, enter the amount in units and select “do not bolus, record only”. When you select this option, a “time offset” tab will appear. You can ignore this if the injection was given recently, but if the bolus was given some time ago, you can add a minus sign in front of the time (_e.g._ - 30 min) to record the actual time of the bolus. **AAPS** will then take into account the duration of insulin action and calculate the remaining insulin still in the system accordingly. +要記錄幫浦在 **AAPS** 斷線期間輸送的胰島素,或者筆式注射輸送的胰島素,請選擇「胰島素」標籤,輸入單位數量並選擇「不進行注射,僅記錄」。 當您選擇此選項時,會出現一個「時間偏移」標籤。 如果注射是最近進行的,您可以忽略這個選項,但如果注射是在一段時間前進行的,您可以在時間前面添加一個負號(例如 -30 分鐘)以記錄實際的注射時間。 **AAPS** 隨後會考慮胰島素作用時間並計算系統中剩餘的胰島素。 -If you are using **AAPS** as a careiver, you can remotely disconnect (and reconnect) the pump very easily by [SMS command](sms-commands) using commands such as “pump disconnect 120” and “pump connect 120”. The range of duration for remote disconnect is from 1 - 120 min, (in this example it is 120 minutes). This is very useful if the **AAPS** handset is inconvenient for you to access, buried in a pump belt on a kid who is running off towards the swimming complex, or being closely guarded (or in use) by a teenager. +如果您是 **AAPS** 的照護者,您可以透過 [SMS 指令](sms-commands) 非常輕鬆地遠端中斷(和重新連線)幫浦,使用類似「幫浦斷線 120」和「幫浦連線 120」的指令。 遠端斷線的持續時間範圍為 1 - 120 分鐘(此範例為 120 分鐘)。 如果你在不方便使用 **AAPS** 手機時,這將會非常有用,例如手機藏在小孩的幫浦腰帶裡,而他正跑向游泳池,或由青少年保管。 -## Reconnecting the pump after activity +## 活動後重新連線幫浦 -After a long disconnection (1 - 2 hours) it is fairly common for **AAPS** to calculate that you now have negative IOB. When you reconnect the pump, depending on preference/current glucose level/planned food or subsequent activity, you can either: +長時間斷線(1 - 2 小時)後,**AAPS** 通常會計算出您現在有負的 IOB。 當您重新連線幫浦時,根據偏好設定/當前血糖值/計劃的食物或後續活動,您可以選擇: -a) Just reconnect the pump in **AAPS** (grey-to-green, for closed loop) and leave it up to **AAPS** to start to deliver insulin again +a) 僅在 **AAPS** 中重新連線幫浦(灰色變為綠色,進入閉環模式),並交由 **AAPS** 開始再次輸送胰島素 -_or_ +_或_ -b) If you want to be more aggressive (for example, you are heading for hyperglycemia), you can navigate to the calculator and bolus for zero carbs, to immediately deliver the calculated missing insulin as a bolus. +b) 如果您希望更加積極(例如,您即將發生高血糖),您可以到計算機並用0碳水化合物注射,會立即計算出缺少的胰島素來進行注射。 -Which strategy you prefer is highly personal, and is best determined by trial and error. +你比較喜歡哪種策略是很看個人的選擇,最好的方法就是自己多試幾次,找到最適合的。 From f42ddbc1b977cc6686baed174c231fbc5c04fbaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:31:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 326/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ index a516023bfeda..e22459d1540b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Sandbox/ @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -# test page for image translation with Crowdin +# 圖片翻譯測試頁面 Crowdin -![simple test case](../images/ThisIsASimpleTestCase4ImageTranslation.png) +![簡單的測試案例](../images/ThisIsASimpleTestCase4ImageTranslation.png) From 3a521f69508310d187ffceb70ca41692da065781 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 09:35:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 327/328] New translations (German) --- docs/CROWDIN/de/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/ index 428ae6a09b14..7ac6fa146099 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/ @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Hinweise zum Formatieren von Texten (Überschriften, fett...) und zum Setzen von Bei Fragen, Feedback oder neuen Ideen für die Dokumentation erreichst Du das Dokumentations-Team über [Discord]( -Irgendwann wird vorgeschlagen, dass Du einen Pull-Request (PR) erstellst, der dafür sorgt, dass Deine Verbesserungen der Dokumention auch auf den AAPS Webseiten, die in GitHub gespeichrt sind, sichtbar werden. Es ist eigentlich nicht allzu schwer und eine gute Möglichkeit, Deinen Beitrag zu leisten. Du kannst gebau diese Dokumentation lesen, weil Leute wie Du solchen PRs erstellt haben. Mach dir keine Sorgen einen Fehler zu machen oder irgendwie die falschen Dokumente zu bearbeiten. Deine Änderungen werden immer durch eine zweite Person Korrektur gelesen, bevor sie in die "finale" AAPS-Dokumentation integriert werden. Auch wenn Du Fehler bei der PR-Erstellung machen solltest, kannst Du die Originalversion nicht versehentlich kaputt machen. Die allgemeine Vorgehensweise ist: +Irgendwann wird vorgeschlagen, dass Du einen Pull-Request (PR) erstellst, der dafür sorgt, dass Deine Verbesserungen der Dokumention auch auf den AAPS Webseiten, die in GitHub gespeichert sind, sichtbar werden. Es ist eigentlich nicht allzu schwer und eine gute Möglichkeit, Deinen Beitrag zu leisten. Du kannst genau diese Dokumentation lesen, weil Leute wie Du solche PRs erstellt haben. Mach dir keine Sorgen einen Fehler zu machen oder irgendwie die falschen Dokumente zu bearbeiten. Deine Änderungen werden immer durch eine zweite Person Korrektur gelesen, bevor sie in die "finale" AAPS-Dokumentation integriert werden. Auch wenn Du Fehler bei der PR-Erstellung machen solltest, kannst Du die Originalversion nicht versehentlich kaputt machen. Die allgemeine Vorgehensweise ist: - Mache Änderungen und Verbesserungen am Code oder der Dokumentation, indem du das bestehende Dokument veränderst. - Vergewissere dich, dass die Änderungen gut aussehen. @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ In unserem Beispiel nehmen wir nun eine Änderung an der AndroidAPS-Dokumentatio ![edit doc](./images/PR1.png) -Oder du klickst auf den “Edit in Github”-Link in der oberen rechten Ecke und klickst dann auf das Bleistift-Symbol, das in der oberen Leiste der Seite erscheint, um diese zu editieren. Du musst in deinem Github-Konto angemeldet sein, um dies zu tun (falls Du noch keines hast, kannst Du es problemlos einrichten). +Oder du klickst auf den “Edit in Github”-Link in der oberen rechten Ecke und klickst dann auf das Bleistift-Symbol, das in der oberen Leiste der Seite erscheint, um diese zu editieren. Du musst in Deinem GitHub-Konto angemeldet sein, um dies zu tun (falls Du noch keines hast, kannst Du es problemlos einrichten). ![RTD io](./images/PR2.png) @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Wir verwenden Markdown für die Dokumentation. Die Datei hat das Suffix ".md". D ![create pull request](./images/PR6.png) -7. Das war der letzte Schritt zur Erstellung eines pull requests, PR. GitHub ordnet dem PR eine Nummer, die du nach dem Titel findest, zu und einen Hashtag. Rufe diese Seite wieder auf, um Feedback zu erhalten (oder du erhältst automatisch E-Mail Benachrichtigungen über Aktivitäten bei deinem PR, wenn du Github entsprechend konfiguriert hast). Die Änderung wird nun in einer Liste von PR's enthalten, die das Team überprüfen wird; es wird gegebenenfalls Rückmeldungen dazu geben, bevor die Änderung in die Hauptdokumentation für AAPS einfließt! Wenn du den Fortschritt des PR überprüfen willst, kannst du auf das Logo mit der Glocke in der oberen rechten Ecke deines GitHub-Kontos klicken, wo du dann alle deine PRs siehst. +7. Das war der letzte Schritt zur Erstellung eines pull requests, PR. GitHub ordnet dem PR eine Nummer, die du nach dem Titel findest, zu und einen Hashtag. Rufe diese Seite wieder auf, um Feedback zu erhalten (oder du erhältst automatisch E-Mail Benachrichtigungen über Aktivitäten bei deinem PR, wenn du Github entsprechend konfiguriert hast). Die Änderung wird nun in einer Liste von PRs enthalten sein, die das Team überprüfen wird. Es wird gegebenenfalls Rückmeldungen dazu geben, bevor die Änderung in die Hauptdokumentation für AAPS einfließt! Wenn du den Fortschritt des PR überprüfen willst, kannst du auf das Logo mit der Glocke in der oberen rechten Ecke deines GitHub-Kontos klicken, wo du dann alle deine PRs siehst. ![PR tracking](./images/PR7.png) @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Wir verwenden Markdown für die Dokumentation. Die Dateien haben die Endung "*.m Markdown ist eine sehr einfache Textformatierungssprache, die Inhalte von der Formatierung trennt. -Der Autor markiert z.B. eine Überschrift als Überschrift 1 und in der Markdown Verarbeitung wird daraus der entsprechende HTML Code erzeugt, der diese Textstelle wie gewünscht formatiert. +Der Autor markiert z.B. eine Überschrift als Überschrift 1 und in der Markdown-Verarbeitung wird daraus der entsprechende HTML Code erzeugt, der diese Textstelle wie gewünscht formatiert. Die Idee dahinter ist, dass From bf0f5cc801f9e7b878bc92e653cb58847a0615d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milos Kozak Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 16:35:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 328/328] New translations (Chinese Traditional) --- docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ index b1ff8a06ddf3..1282dd7d009a 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh/Hardware/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Libre2 OOP 所生成的讀數與原始讀取器或透過 NFC 掃描的 LibreLink ## 3. 使用 Diabox -- Install [Diabox]( 在設定中,進入「整合」,啟用「與其他應用程式共享資料」。 +- 安裝 [Diabox](。 在設定中,進入「整合」,啟用「與其他應用程式共享資料」。 ![Diabox](../images/Diabox.png)