The xcodebuild
parameters defines the basic build parameters. e.g
xcodebuild {
scheme = "Example"
target = "Example"
Use the architecture specified by architecture when building each target. e.g. i386
, armv6
, armv7
Also an array of parameters is possible e.g. `['armv7', 'arm64']``
default value: empty
additional parameters for the xcodebuild. Here you can for example pass preprocessor definitions:
additionalParameters = "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='TIME=" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "'"
Also an array of parameters is excepted e.g.
["-xcconfig", "/path/to/the/xconfig" ]
default value: empty
If set to true the resulting binary will contain bitcode.
default value: false
Since version 0.15.0
String that should be appended to the generated app bundle.
e.g. the default app bundle name is 'Demo.App'. When you set bundleNameSuffix=-1.0.0
than the generated bundle is ''
default value: empty
build root directory for the build output
default value: 'build'
the build configuration name that should be used (e.g. 'Debug', 'Release')
default value: 'Debug'
the derived data path that should be used
default value: 'build/derivedData'
the distribution root directory
default value: 'build/dst'
Destination configuration, that is used for the unit test execution
default value: empty - When empty alls available simulators are used for the unit tests
Note when building using the iPhone simulator: The destinations are verified if they already exists. If not then the destination is ignored for the unit test. If no valid destination is specified, then all available simulator destinations are used for the unit tests. Therefor you can specify destinations to limit on which simulator destinations the unit tests are performed. You also can specify a regular expression for the value and all available simulator devices are included that match these value: e.g. name = 'iPhone.*'
destination = "iPhone 4s"
destination = ['iPhone 4s', 'iPad Air']
Here the simulator device of the most recent runtime is used for iPhone 4s and iPad Air
destination {
platform = 'iOS Simulator'
name = 'iPad Air'
os = '10.1'
This closure can be defined multiple times for multipe devices
device identifier
default value: empty
Platform, e.g. 'iOS', 'OS X' or 'iOS Simulator'
default value: empty
Name of the destination device.
default value: empty
Architecture of the destination target
The arch can a single value e.g. 'i386' or a list of values e.g. [ 'armv7', 'armv7s' ]
default value: empty
pass environment variable to xcodebuild
override the Info.plist file that is configured in the xcode project file
default value: empty
a custom name for the generated ipa file
default value: the applicaiton name is used if no ipaFileName is given
the object root directory
default value: 'build/obj'
path to the xcodeproj
file. You only need to set this if you have multiple xcodeproj in the same directory.
default value: empty - This means that the first xcodeproj
is automatically picked that is present in the project directory
the xcode build scheme that should be used. If the scheme is set the configuration is ignored. You need the to specify the target because this is not yet read from the scheme.
default value: empty
should perform a simulator build. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'
default value: true
default value: 'build/shared'
the sym directory. Here is where the app and ipa is generated
default value: 'build/sym'
the type of the build. Possible values are iOS
, macOS
, tvOS
and watchOS
. This parameter replaces the sdk parameter. The given values is not case sensitive therefor ios
, iOs
are all correct values. Also OSX' as value is supported for backward compatibility that is mapped to
default value: 'iOS'
Note: the macOS
value was introduced with Version 0.14.6, before it was OSX
the xcode build target that should be used
default value: empty
set the xcode version that should be used if multiple versions of Xcode are installed. Here you can set the version with '6.1' that selects 6.1 or 6.1.x if present. Or you can use the build number e.g. '5B1008' for Xcode 5.1.1. If this value is empty then the default version is used that is selected using 'xcode-select'
defaul value: empty
the workspace file that should be used for the build.
default value: *.xcworkspace
that was found in the project directory or empty if not found