title | description |
The People that keep Opencast alive |
Numerous users, contributors, developers, committers, and institutions are actively working to improve Opencast and keep the software and the community alive. |
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Committers are active developers or other active contributors that help with their activities to keep the software alive.
- Carlos Turro
- Christian Greweling
- Greg Logan
- James Perrin
- Karen Dolan
- Katrin Ihler
- Lars Kiesow
- Matthias Neugebauer
- Michael Stypa
- Rute Santos
- Rüdiger Rolf
- Stephen Marquard
- Sven Stauber
- Tobias Schiebeck
- Waldemar Smirnow
- Julian Kniephoff
- Maximiliano Lira Del Canto
The following people were committers at one time and have contributed to the project, but are no longer active committers.
- Chris Brooks, University of Saskatchewan
- David Horwitz, University of Cape Town
- Edmore Moyo, University of Cape Town
- Eduardo Alonso, University of Vigo
- Jaime Gago, Entwine
- Markus Ketterl, Osnabrück University
- Markus Moorman, Osnabrück University
- Michelle Ziegmann, University of California Berkeley
- Stefan Altevogt, Osnabrück University
- Kristofor Amundson, University of Saskatchewan
- Johannes Emden, Osnabrück University
- Adam Hochman, University of California Berkeley
- Jamie Hodge, University of Copenhagen
- Josh Holtzman, University of California Berkeley
- Andre Klassen, Osnabrück University
- Kenneth Lui
- Susana Ozores, University of Vigo
- Bostjan Pajntar, Jozef Stefan Institute
- Nejc Škofič, Jozef Stefan Institute
- Micah Sutton, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Aaron Zeckoski, Cambridge University
- Benjamin Wulff, Osnabrück University
- Adam McKenzie, Entwine/Extron
- Tobias Wunden, Entwine/Extron
- Xavier Butty, Entwine/Extron
- Lukas Rohner, Entwine/Extron
- Christoph Driessen, Entwine/Extron
- Basil Brunner, Entwine/Extron
- Rubén Pérez, University of Cologne
- Matjaz Rihtar, Jozef Stefan Institute
The Opencast Community elects a board that looks after the overall status and direction of the project and the community. The board organizes events like the Opencast Summit and takes care of the marketing of Opencast as a product. It also manages the funds of the projects.
- Olaf A. Schulte, ETH Zurich, Chair
- Jody Fanto, Harvard University DCE
- Vicente Goyanes, University of Vigo
- Greg Logan, Opencast Consultant (voted representative of the committers)
- Stephen Marquard, University of Cape Town
- Carlos Turró Ribalta, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
- Rüdiger Rolf, Osnabrück University