diff --git a/src/Lean/Elab/Command.lean b/src/Lean/Elab/Command.lean index 296a2bede02f..119f8942a317 100644 --- a/src/Lean/Elab/Command.lean +++ b/src/Lean/Elab/Command.lean @@ -532,12 +532,14 @@ def elabCommandTopLevel (stx : Syntax) : CommandElabM Unit := withRef stx do pro let mut msgs := (← get).messages for tree in (← getInfoTrees) do trace[Elab.info] (← tree.format) + /- if (← isTracingEnabledFor `Elab.snapshotTree) then if let some snap := (← read).snap? then -- We can assume that the root command snapshot is not involved in parallelism yet, so this -- should be true iff the command supports incrementality if (← IO.hasFinished snap.new.result) then liftCoreM <| Language.ToSnapshotTree.toSnapshotTree snap.new.result.get |>.trace + -/ modify fun st => { st with messages := initMsgs ++ msgs infoState := { st.infoState with trees := initInfoTrees ++ st.infoState.trees }