Use Case UC-1: | Register a user |
Initiating Actor: | Admin |
Actor’s Goal: | Register a customer to use the bank |
Participating Actors: | Customer, bank |
Preconditions: | The bank has an admin; The admin is logged in |
Postconditions: | The user exists in the system database |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
→ | 1. | The admin clicks "create a new account" button |
← | 2. | The new account view is displayed |
→ | 3. | The admin enters user information: ID, email, password, name, surname, phone number |
→ | 4. | The admin clicks "submit" button |
← | 5. | The user is persisted in the database |
Flow of Events for Extensions (Alternate Scenarios): What could go wrong? List the exceptions to the routine and describe how they are handled
→ | 1a. | The admin leaves some fields blank |
← | 1b. | The system displays an error message |
Use Case UC-2: | Open an account |
Initiating Actor: | Admin |
Actor’s Goal: | Create an account for a user |
Participating Actors: | Customer, bank |
Preconditions: | The bank has an admin; The admin is logged in |
Postconditions: | The account exists in the system database; The user can access their account |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
→ | 1. | The admin clicks "create a new account" button |
← | 2. | The new account view is displayed |
→ | 3. | The admin enters user information |
→ | 4. | The admin clicks "submit" button |
← | 5. | The account is persisted in the database with a new ID, IBAN, open date, balance (default: 0) and an empty list of transactions |
Flow of Events for Extensions (Alternate Scenarios): What could go wrong? List the exceptions to the routine and describe how they are handled
→ | 1a. | The admin leaves some user information fields blank |
← | 1b. | The system displays an error message |
The arrows on the left indicate the direction of interaction: → Actor’s action; ← System’s reaction
Use Case UC-3: | Make a transfer |
Initiating Actor: | Customer |
Actor’s Goal: | Make a transfer from my account to another account |
Participating Actors: | Bank |
Preconditions: | Customer has an account; Customer has logged in |
Postconditions: | The customer has successfully made a transfer. |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
→ | 1. | Customer logs into the system using her email and password. |
← | 2. | The system opens the main page. |
→ | 3. | Customer clicks on a “make new transfer” button. |
← | 4. | The system opens the money transfer form. |
→ | 5. | Customer enters recipient information (either phone number, email, IBAN), amount to transfer, currency from, currency to, description. |
→ | 6. | Customer clicks on the “Transfer” button. |
← | 7. | The system alerts about a new successful transfer. |
Flow of Events for Extensions (Alternate Scenarios): What could go wrong? List the exceptions to the routine and describe how they are handled
→ | 5a. | The system message that some required field is not filled. |
→ | 5b. | The receiver's phone number, email, IBAN does not exist, is incorrect or is unavailable |
→ | 5c. | There is not enough money on sender’s account. |
← | 5d. | The system displays an error message. |
The arrows on the left indicate the direction of interaction: → Actor’s action; ← System’s reaction
Use Case UC-4: | Make a transfer |
Initiating Actor: | Customer |
Actor’s Goal: | Make a transfer from my account to another account |
Participating Actors: | Bank |
Preconditions: | Customer has an account; Customer has logged in |
Postconditions: | The customer has successfully made a transfer to different currency. |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
→ | 1. | Customer logs into the system using her email and password. |
← | 2. | The system opens the main page. |
→ | 3. | Customer clicks on a “make new transfer” button. |
← | 4. | The system opens the money transfer form. |
→ | 5. | Customer enters recipient information (either phone number, email, IBAN), amount to transfer, currency from, currency to, description. |
→ | 6. | Customer clicks on the “Transfer” button. |
← | 7. | The system converts the currency. |
← | 8. | The system alerts about a new successful transfer. |
Flow of Events for Extensions (Alternate Scenarios): What could go wrong? List the exceptions to the routine and describe how they are handled
→ | 5a. | The system message that some required field is not filled. |
→ | 5b. | The receiver's phone number, email, IBAN does not exist, is incorrect or is unavailable |
→ | 5c. | There is not enough money on sender’s account. |
→ | 7a. | System does not have the possibility to convert this currency. |
← | 7b. | The system displays an error message. |
The arrows on the left indicate the direction of interaction: → Actor’s action; ← System’s reaction
Use Case number: | UC-5 |
Initiating Actor: | Customer |
Actor’s Goal: | Sender successfully transfers money to a receiver |
Participating Actors: | bank |
Preconditions: | - Both a sender and a receiver is logged in. - Both customers are using mobile app for this action |
Postconditions: | - A receiver receives money from a sender. - Both customers receive notification after the transaction |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
1. | As a reciever, I log in to my account on my mobile app |
2. | As a sender, I log in to my account on my mobile app |
3. | As a sender, I go to the page that I can make p2p payment |
4. | As a sender, I fill the required information - Amount of the money to send - The account information about the receiver - The title and description about the transaction |
5. | As a sender, I see a QR code on my phone |
6. | As a reciever, I scan the QR code with my phone through the QR code reader on the mobile app |
7. | As a reciever and sender, there is a sign that the transaction was completed on our phones. |
8. | As a reciever and sender, an invoice of its transaction is sent within 5 seconds. |
Alternative flow:
5a. | If there is enough money in the sender's balance, an error message is popped out and prevents the transaction |
5b. | If the typed receiver's information is not valid, an error message is popped out and prevents the transaction |
Use Case number: | UC-6 |
Initiating Actor: | Admin |
Actor’s Goal: | Admin adds money to a customer's account |
Participating Actors: | Customer, bank |
Preconditions: | - The bank has an admin - The admin is logged in |
Postconditions: | - A customer already created an account in the bank |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
1. | As an Admin, I log in to my account on my mobile app |
2. | As an Admin, I search an account the customer has by referencing the account number |
3. | As an Admin, I found the account on my screen |
4. | As an Admin, I type the amount of cash the customer gave me. |
5. | As an Admin, I click th "submit" button to make the transaction. |
6. | As an Admin, I click "check the balance" so that I can confirm the transaction was successfully conducted. |
Alternative flow:
3a-1. | If a cutomer doesn't know his or her account number, as an Adminitraotr, I type "last name", "first name", "Date of birth" to get the customer account. |
3a-2. | As an administrator, I find the correct account that the customer wants to add the money. |
Use Case number: | UC-7 |
Initiating Actor: | Admin |
Actor’s Goal: | Admin edits transaction |
Participating Actors: | Customer, bank |
Preconditions: | - The bank has an admin - The admin is logged in |
Postconditions: | - A customer already created an account in the bank |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
1. | As an Admin, I log in to my account |
2. | As an Admin, I search an account the customer has by referencing the account number |
3. | As an Admin, I found the account on my screen |
4. | As an Admin, I search for the transaction I want to edit. |
5. | As an Admin, I edit the transaction. |
6. | As an Admin, I click "save" so that I can confirm the transaction was successfully edited. |
Alternative flow:
5a. | I edit the transaction incorrectly |
6a. | I get an error message. |
Use Case number: | UC-7 |
Initiating Actor: | Admin |
Actor’s Goal: | Storning the transaction |
Participating Actors: | Customer, bank |
Preconditions: | - The bank has an admin - Transaction was made |
Postconditions: | - Sender and receiver's balances are changed |
Flow of Events for Main Success Scenario:
1. | As an Admin, I log in to my account |
2. | As an Admin, I search an account the customer has by referencing the account number |
3. | As an Admin, I found the account on my screen |
4. | As an Admin, I search for the transaction I want to storno. |
5. | As an Admin, I click "Storno" to storno the transaction. |
Alternative flow:
There is no alternative flow.