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Automated test cases for ODS


Suite of test cases for OpenDevStack. The tests are prepared to work with Chrome and Chrome Headless. Currently the Provisioning app is not prepared to work with Firefox, but the driver is included in the tests for future releases. You can have a look at the build.gradle and src/test/resources/GebConfig.groovy files to check the current configuration of Geb.


You need to set several environment variables in order to make this work, as it is intended to use in a container / pod lately.

Variable Value Description
PROV_APP_PROJECT ods OpenShift project where the provisioning app is deployed
PROV_APP_DEPLOY_CFG ods-provisioning-app Name of the deployment config of the provisioning app in ${PROV_APP_PROJECT}
PROV_APP_USER openshift Provisioning app user name
PROV_APP_PASSWORD openshift Provisioning app password
ATLASSIAN_USER openshift Atlassian user name
ATLASSIAN_PASSWORD openshift Atlassian password
JENKINS_USER developer Jenkins user name
JENKINS_PASSWORD any Jenkins password
OPENSHIFT_USER developer Openshift user name
OPENSHIFT_PASSWORD any Openshift password
PROV_APP_NAME openshift Name of the deployment of the provisioning app
JIRA_URL http://jira.odsbox.lan:8080/ Url of Jira instance related with the prov app
OPENSHIFT_PROJECT edpp project identifier for prov app in the preliminary tests(jira tests)
OPENSHIFT_PUBLIC_HOST .ocp.odsbox.lan host where we can locate the prov app
OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER https://ocp.odsbox.lan:8443/ URL of the Openshift Cluster
BITBUCKET_URL http://bitbucket.odsbox.lan:7990 Url of Bitbucket instance
SIMULATE false Specify (true or false) if we skip the creation of project, components, etc
NO_NEXUS true In case you want to use the public repositories, if it set to true it is not needed to set the next 3 properties
NEXUS_URL https://nexus-ods.ocp.odsbox.lan The nexus url if we want to use an specific nexus instance
NEXUS_USERNAME admin The nexus user
NEXUS_PASSWORD openshift The nexus password
BITBUCKET_BASE_BRANCH master The branck used as base branch for the QS(useful when you are testing the box)
QUICKSTARTERS_CONFIGMAP The configmap name where the qs of the provisioning app gets its configuration
ADDITIONAL_TEMPLATES_CONFIGMAP Name of the configmap in ${PROV_APP_PROJECT} with the configuration of additional project templates, such as the EDP project template
OPENSHIFT_TOKEN the_token Token to login in Openshift to be use instead of the openshift user for specific tasks

Environment variables setup

To get the information needed to run the tests there are 3 steps that override the previous one:

  1. If the test project is co-located with the ods-configuration folder, the process will retrieve the values that exists in the ods-core.env file to obtain the urls of Openshift, Jira, Bitbucket.
  2. There could be a .env file in the root folder of the test repository that can provide the other variables needed, as passwords, if it will simulate the creation of the projects/components, etc.
    The values we obtained in the previous step can be override in this file, so you can for example set the JIRA_URL variable in this file too.
    In the case that the test project is in a computer different from the one used to install ODS this file will be the main source of information to setup the tests.
  3. The third and last way is to set all these parameters in environment variables. These ones will override the previous values and are the last point to set the parameters for the tests.

Running the tests

Depending on the way you'll run the tests, there are 2 files that will help you to prepare those variables:

Using make

If you execute the test using the provided Makefile, you can use the existing .env that will be imported by make to setup the environment.

To run the tests you'll only need to execute

# Default test target with chrome headlesss
$ make test

# Using Chrome
$ make testChrome

Running manually the tests

If you want to have more control and launch manually using the gradle wrapper, we provide you a sample script to set the variables, that in bash you can use as follow:

$ . ./

The following commands will launch the tests with the individual browsers:

# Headless tests, to use chrome without displaying the browser.
$ ./gradlew chromeHeadlessTest --tests "org.ods.e2e.ODSSpec"

# A single test spec
$ ./gradlew chromeTest --tests "org.ods.e2e.ODSSpec"

# A   specific test
$ ./gradlew chromeTest --tests "org.ods.e2e.ODSSpec.FT_01_001"

Replace ./gradlew with gradlew.bat in the above examples if you're on Windows.

Note: Test are prepared to be executed sequentially to reuse information generated from previous test.