2.11.0 (2024-12-16)
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-4928: Allow editors to globally set auto-sync for requests. #333 (22Alexandra)
- D8AGE-871: Fix the callback URLs in the translation request. #332 (intelektron)
- EWPP-4826: A more DGT specific formatting of the ePoetry reference. #329 (upchuk)
2.10.0 (2024-10-28)
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-4794: Add translation request id to translation dashboard. #328 (intelektron)
- EWPP-3783: Logging incorrect incoming epoetry request translation files. #313 (upchuk)
- EWPP-4243: Fixing multivalue translation removals. #304 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3904: Do not prevent auto-accept and auto-sync if epoetry resends the translation. #293 (upchuk)
2.9.0 (2024-08-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.9.0: Update changelog. #327 (nagyad)
- EWPP-4411: Checking for existence of delta before setting translation_id. #326 (upchuk)
- OEL-3047: Update to Drupal 10.3 #321 (AaronGilMartinez)
- EWPP-4442: Account for missing translation ID on the translated value. #319 (upchuk)
- Epic EWPP-4413: Generic remote and local translation and corporate workflow. #315 (upchuk)
2.8.0 (2024-06-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 2.8.0. #316 (imanoleguskiza)
- EWPP-3399: Dashboard links for new local translations. #292 (upchuk)
2.7.0 (2024-04-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.7.0: Update changelog. #303 (nagyad)
- EWPP-4126: Account for incorrectly versioned nodes in active revision creation #296 (upchuk)
- EWPP-0000: Update submodules readme information. #208 (22Alexandra)
2.6.0 (2024-02-14)
Merged pull requests:
2.5.0 (2024-01-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.5.0: Update changelog and dependencies. #291 (nagyad)
- Epic EWPP-3389: Active revision #290 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3390: Active revision submodule. #289 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3860: Drop support for D9 and fix tests + coverage for D10.2. #288 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3743: EntityChanged validation disabling. #285 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3719: Fix contact types description. #282 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3393: Supporting active revision on link lists. #271 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3392: Clear mapping on sync. #268 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3391: Allow to configure active revision. #266 (upchuk)
2.4.0 (2023-11-21)
Closed issues:
- Cannot apply patch stop_propagation #279
- Dependency to older version of tmgmt module #185
- Openeuropa Translation use of deprecated function #182
- Route "view.tmgmt_translation_all_job_items.page_1" does not exist #180
- "The job has no provider assigned" when submitting a job from the TMGMT/sources page. #116
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-3789: Updating assertions after change in PHP version. #286 (upchuk)
- Prepare release 2.4.0 #284 (imanoleguskiza)
- EWPP-3684: Add handling for missing translation data. #278 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3254: Re-opening translation if resent and prevent auto-accept/sync in this case. #276 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3263: Translation multivalue submodule #255 (upchuk)
2.3.0 (2023-09-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 2.3.0. #277 (imanoleguskiza)
- EWPP-3547: Allow the deletion of a revision translation. #275 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3449: Use link to the user on the request log message. #273 (sergepavle)
- EWPP-3477: Dropping PHP 8.0 support and fixing ePoetry assertions. #272 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3413: Tracking the translation request on sync. #270 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3430: Allow a site to function correctly without ePoetry enabled. #269 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3285: Ensuring that block field reference value is not translatable #267 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3341: Fixing ePoetry request titles to not mess up quotes. #261 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3327: Adding translation column groups to the typed link field t… #260 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3250: Refactoring the preview system to use the source manager. #253 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3291: Update request in corporate workflow should not be possible before a new version. #252 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3253: Adding a lock to the translation request status updates. #251 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3034: Show warning message upon submitting a request with weekend deadline. #241 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3193: Delete log messages when deleting a translation request. #240 (22Alexandra)
2.2.0 (2023-06-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 2.2.0 changelog. #265 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3388: Ensuring that ePoetry server errors are logged correctly in the request log. #263 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3396: Increase ePoetry request timeout. #262 (upchuk)
2.1.0 (2023-05-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.1.0: Changelog. #259 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-2965: Drupal 10 compatibility for 2.x branch. #257 (brummbar)
2.0.0 (2023-05-23)
2.0.0-alpha3 (2023-05-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.0.0-alpha3: Changelog #258 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3332: Using Brussels timezone in ePoetry requests. #256 (upchuk)
2.0.0-alpha2 (2023-05-02)
Closed issues:
- Warning: Undefined array key "#value" in Drupal\oe_translation\Form\TranslationRequestForm::validateMaxLength() (line 50 of /oe_translation/src/Form/TranslationRequestForm.php) #248
- oe_translation_post_update_0002() fails if oe_translator role was deleted on website #245
- Version conflict with guzzle and core-recommended #244
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.0.0-alpha2: Changelog. #250 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3205: Allow to update incoming remote translations. #247 (upchuk)
2.0.0-alpha1 (2023-04-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.0.0-alpha1: Changelog. #242 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3205: Using the absolute URL of the patch. #239 (upchuk)
- Fix queries when using table prefix #237 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3205: Various sync and mock related fixes. #235 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3205: Adding Rejected product status. #234 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3205: Various UX improvements. #233 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3058: Change epoetry contact description fields. #232 (hernani)
- EWPP-0000: Translations guide. #231 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3189: Printing full field labels on the epoetry exports. #230 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3194: Various UX improvements. #229 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3113: Making the callback URL an env variable. #228 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3113: Optional ticket validation. #227 (upchuk)
- EWPP-0002: Switch out the factory class. #226 (upchuk)
- EWPP-3195: Notification endpoint validation. #225 (upchuk)
- EWPP-2814: Track legacy requests in poetry submodule instead of main module. #224 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3174: Status tooltip explanations. #222 (upchuk)
- EWPP-2856: Preview remote translation requests. #220 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-3127: Clear field values which are not in the translation data. #219 (upchuk)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator