This page shows an example how to connect with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript to an API that implements OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core.
- Open the example as a map
- Open the example in Codepen
- The example from Esri that was used as a starting point
- OGCFeatureLayer documentation from Esri
- ArcGIS API for JavaScript - Licensing & Attribution requirements
This example uses ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.18.
The API must support the Core and GeoJSON conformance classes.
The CRS conformance class from Part 2 (Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference) is not supported. ArcGIS API for JavaScript will convert the coordinates to other coordinate reference systems as needed.
A collection in an API implementing OGC API Features is represented in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript as an OGCFeatureLayer.
The definition below creates a feature layer for the use in a map from the vineyard features in this API:
Open the complete HTML document as a map or in Codepen.
const vineyards = new OGCFeatureLayer({
// URI of the Landing Page resource
url: "",
// identifier of the collection
collectionId: "vineyards",
// the layer title is derived from the API
// displayField is the property used to label features, e.g. in popups
displayField: "name",
// show the name of the vineyard in larger scales
labelingInfo: [{
labelExpressionInfo: {
expression: "$feature.NAME"
symbol: {
type: "text",
color: "black",
haloSize: 1,
haloColor: "white"
maxScale: 0,
minScale: 100000
// display the attribution
copyright: "Landwirtschaftskammer RLP (2020), dl-de/by-2-0, <a href=''' target='_blank'></a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>Regelungen zu Gewährleistung und Haftung</a>",
// hide the vineyards in very small scales
minScale: 5000000,
// define a simple rendering
renderer: {
type: "simple",
symbol: {
type: "simple-fill",
style: "solid",
color: "green",
outline: {
width: "0"
opacity: 0.6