From 2039794264a1c9f601335cde4206b10413af84fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: situx Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 22:46:11 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Deploying=20to=20gh-pages=20from=20@=20opengeos?= =?UTF-8?q?patial/ontology-crs@f17edaa97a50889e2c4e26ce9c3b0947ec410f32=20?= =?UTF-8?q?=F0=9F=9A=80?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- respec/index.html | 2 +- spec/documents/spec/document.doc | 158 +++++++++--------- spec/documents/spec/document.err.html | 14 +- spec/documents/spec/document.html | 26 +-- spec/documents/spec/document.pdf | Bin 1999470 -> 1999470 bytes spec/documents/spec/document.presentation.xml | 80 ++++----- 6 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-) diff --git a/respec/index.html b/respec/index.html index a2f4d94..afec93d 100644 --- a/respec/index.html +++ b/respec/index.html @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@


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 TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u +


 TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u -Copyright notice +Copyright notice . - PAGEREF _Toc227185916 \h + PAGEREF _Toc656225331 \h 1

-Note +Note . - PAGEREF _Toc602514830 \h + PAGEREF _Toc128160293 \h 1

-License Agreement +License Agreement . - PAGEREF _Toc408404643 \h + PAGEREF _Toc978837415 \h 1

-Notice +Notice . - PAGEREF _Toc601607862 \h + PAGEREF _Toc193801197 \h 1

-I. Abstract +I. Abstract . - PAGEREF _Toc464447320 \h + PAGEREF _Toc217058625 \h 1

-II. Keywords +II. Keywords . - PAGEREF _Toc211529886 \h + PAGEREF _Toc554386021 \h 1

-III. Preface +III. Preface . - PAGEREF _Toc432241597 \h + PAGEREF _Toc191750958 \h 1

-IV. Security Considerations +IV. Security Considerations . - PAGEREF _Toc183000364 \h + PAGEREF _Toc412612412 \h 1

-V. Submitters +V. Submitters . - PAGEREF _Toc961557723 \h + PAGEREF _Toc611752042 \h 1

-Submitters +Submitters . - PAGEREF _Toc948751078 \h + PAGEREF _Toc457845478 \h 1

-VI. Source of the content for this OGC document +VI. Source of the content for this OGC document . - PAGEREF _Toc389029421 \h + PAGEREF _Toc280561714 \h 1

-VII. Validity of content +VII. Validity of content . - PAGEREF _Toc631932219 \h + PAGEREF _Toc343503463 \h 1

-VIII. Future work +VIII. Future work . - PAGEREF _Toc205283221 \h + PAGEREF _Toc093825048 \h 1

-IX. Contributors +IX. Contributors . - PAGEREF _Toc798817983 \h + PAGEREF _Toc366776656 \h 1

-Contributors +Contributors . - PAGEREF _Toc550413902 \h + PAGEREF _Toc250858424 \h 1

-1. Scope +1. Scope . - PAGEREF _Toc286430178 \h + PAGEREF _Toc787099881 \h 1

-2. Conformance +2. Conformance . - PAGEREF _Toc780276694 \h + PAGEREF _Toc134473216 \h 1

-3. Normative references +3. Normative references . - PAGEREF _Toc553611357 \h + PAGEREF _Toc595822638 \h 1

-4. Terms and definitions +4. Terms and definitions . - PAGEREF _Toc969909389 \h + PAGEREF _Toc721765096 \h 1

-5. Conventions +5. Conventions . - PAGEREF _Toc439927392 \h + PAGEREF _Toc283623399 \h 1

-5.1. Identifiers +5.1. Identifiers . - PAGEREF _Toc060896227 \h + PAGEREF _Toc308644619 \h 1

-5.2. Other conventions +5.2. Other conventions . - PAGEREF _Toc688182949 \h + PAGEREF _Toc759186168 \h 1

-6. Core +6. Core . - PAGEREF _Toc568979670 \h + PAGEREF _Toc408830340 \h 1

-7. Coordinate Operation Module +7. Coordinate Operation Module . - PAGEREF _Toc576262450 \h + PAGEREF _Toc297931434 \h 1

-8. Coordinate System Module +8. Coordinate System Module . - PAGEREF _Toc526961882 \h + PAGEREF _Toc070131097 \h 1

-9. Datum Module +9. Datum Module . - PAGEREF _Toc704792443 \h + PAGEREF _Toc169939471 \h 1

-10. SRS Application Module +10. SRS Application Module . - PAGEREF _Toc139384055 \h + PAGEREF _Toc247533340 \h 1

-11. Projections Module +11. Projections Module . - PAGEREF _Toc999720409 \h + PAGEREF _Toc410966455 \h 1

-12. Planet Module +12. Planet Module . - PAGEREF _Toc367365970 \h + PAGEREF _Toc305077172 \h 1

-Annex A (informative) Alignments +Annex A (informative) Alignments . - PAGEREF _Toc897896383 \h + PAGEREF _Toc634970053 \h 1

-A.1. IGN CRS Ontology +A.1. IGN CRS Ontology . - PAGEREF _Toc186680775 \h + PAGEREF _Toc080936843 \h 1

-A.2. ISO 19111 Ontology +A.2. ISO 19111 Ontology . - PAGEREF _Toc880360525 \h + PAGEREF _Toc021576679 \h 1

-A.3. IFCOWL Ontology +A.3. IFCOWL Ontology . - PAGEREF _Toc492234457 \h + PAGEREF _Toc025090770 \h 1

-Annex B (informative) SHACL Shapes +Annex B (informative) SHACL Shapes . - PAGEREF _Toc513614736 \h + PAGEREF _Toc244698089 \h 1

-Annex C (informative) Revision History +Annex C (informative) Revision History . - PAGEREF _Toc459603060 \h + PAGEREF _Toc092099097 \h 1

-Bibliography +Bibliography . - PAGEREF _Toc995868225 \h + PAGEREF _Toc041023205 \h 1



I.  Abstract

<Insert Abstract Text here>

II.  Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

keyword_1, keyword_2, keyword_3, etc.

III.  Preface

NOTE:  Insert Preface Text here. Give OGC specific commentary: describe the technical content, reason for document, history of the document and precursors, and plans for future work.

There are two ways to specify the Preface: “simple clause” or “full clasuse”

If the Preface does not contain subclauses, it is considered a simple preface clause. This one is entered as text after the .Preface label and must be placed between the AsciiDoc document attributes and the first AsciiDoc section title. It should not be give a section title of its own.

If the Preface contains subclauses, it needs to be encoded as a full preface clause. This one is recognized as a full Metanorma AsciiDoc section with te title “Preface”, i.e. == Preface. (Simple preface content can also be encoded like full preface.)

IV.  Security Considerations

No security considerations have been made for this Standard.

V.  Submitters


All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:

NameAffiliationOGC member
Steve LiangUniversity of Calgary, Canada / SensorUp Inc.Yes

VI.  Source of the content for this OGC document

VII.  Validity of content

VIII.  Future work

NOTE:  If you need to place any further sections in the preface area use the [.preface] attribute.

IX.  Contributors


Additional contributors to this Standard include the following:

Individual name(s), Organization



I.  Abstract

<Insert Abstract Text here>

II.  Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

keyword_1, keyword_2, keyword_3, etc.

III.  Preface

NOTE:  Insert Preface Text here. Give OGC specific commentary: describe the technical content, reason for document, history of the document and precursors, and plans for future work.

There are two ways to specify the Preface: “simple clause” or “full clasuse”

If the Preface does not contain subclauses, it is considered a simple preface clause. This one is entered as text after the .Preface label and must be placed between the AsciiDoc document attributes and the first AsciiDoc section title. It should not be give a section title of its own.

If the Preface contains subclauses, it needs to be encoded as a full preface clause. This one is recognized as a full Metanorma AsciiDoc section with te title “Preface”, i.e. == Preface. (Simple preface content can also be encoded like full preface.)

IV.  Security Considerations

No security considerations have been made for this Standard.

V.  Submitters


All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:

NameAffiliationOGC member
Steve LiangUniversity of Calgary, Canada / SensorUp Inc.Yes

VI.  Source of the content for this OGC document

VII.  Validity of content

VIII.  Future work

NOTE:  If you need to place any further sections in the preface area use the [.preface] attribute.

IX.  Contributors


Additional contributors to this Standard include the following:

Individual name(s), Organization


@@ -3089,7 +3089,7 @@ Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (200 -------=_NextPart_1747b4df.1efe.4376 +------=_NextPart_68d53e78.0ae6.4745 Content-ID: Content-Disposition: inline; filename="filelist.xml" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 @@ -3101,7 +3101,7 @@ cy9vbnRvbG9neS1jcnMvc2l0ZS9zcGVjL2RvY3VtZW50cy9zcGVjL2RvY3VtZW50Lmh0bSIvPiAg PG86RmlsZSBIUmVmPSJmaWxlbGlzdC54bWwiLz4KICA8bzpGaWxlIEhSZWY9ImhlYWRlci5odG1s Ii8+CjwveG1sPgo= -------=_NextPart_1747b4df.1efe.4376 +------=_NextPart_68d53e78.0ae6.4745 Content-ID: Content-Disposition: inline; filename="header.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 @@ -3383,4 +3383,4 @@ ZW5kJz48L3NwYW4+PC9zcGFuPjwvYj48IVtlbmRpZl0tLT48c3Bhbg0KbGFuZz1FTi1HQiBzdHls ZT0nZm9udC1zaXplOjEwLjBwdDttc28tYmlkaS1mb250LXNpemU6MTEuMHB0Jz48bzpwPjwvbzpw Pjwvc3Bhbj48L3A+DQo8L2Rpdj4NCg0KPC9ib2R5Pg0KDQo8L2h0bWw+DQo= -------=_NextPart_1747b4df.1efe.4376-- \ No newline at end of file +------=_NextPart_68d53e78.0ae6.4745-- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/spec/documents/spec/document.err.html b/spec/documents/spec/document.err.html index ab776fa..9f1f3d0 100644 --- a/spec/documents/spec/document.err.html +++ b/spec/documents/spec/document.err.html @@ -116,25 +116,25 @@


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<eref bibitemid="Class__geosrs" citeas=""> <localityStack> <locality type="anchor"> <referenceFrom>CoordinateSystem</referenceFrom> </locality> </localityStack>geosrs:CoordinateSystem</eref>
2 -000217_88dc23a2-6ff3-4811-812a-e69346627e2f +000217_a4fcdef9-7185-4099-b934-e5aeafeb81e5 normalised identifier in from Class_ geosrs
<eref bibitemid="Class__geosrs" citeas=""> <localityStack> <locality type="anchor"> <referenceFrom>Datum</referenceFrom> </locality> </localityStack>geosrs:Datum</eref>
2 -000221_88dc23a2-6ff3-4811-812a-e69346627e2f +000221_a4fcdef9-7185-4099-b934-e5aeafeb81e5 normalised identifier in from Class_ geosrs
<eref bibitemid="Class__geosrs" citeas=""> <localityStack> <locality type="anchor"> <referenceFrom>Ellipsoid</referenceFrom> </locality> </localityStack>geosrs:Ellipsoid</eref>
2 -000238_0023d825-ad33-4378-8a25-d38df244f51c +000238_6a66fb62-d473-4820-8f60-3e3729d09969 normalised identifier in from Class_ geosrs
<eref bibitemid="Class__geosrs" citeas=""> <localityStack> <locality type="anchor"> <referenceFrom>CoordinateSystem</referenceFrom> </locality> </localityStack>geosrs:CoordinateSystem</eref>
2 -000242_0023d825-ad33-4378-8a25-d38df244f51c +000242_6a66fb62-d473-4820-8f60-3e3729d09969 normalised identifier in from Class_ geosrs
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2 -000246_0023d825-ad33-4378-8a25-d38df244f51c +000246_6a66fb62-d473-4820-8f60-3e3729d09969 normalised identifier in from Class_ geosrs
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diff --git a/spec/documents/spec/document.html b/spec/documents/spec/document.html index fdf0e2b..0905c1a 100644 --- a/spec/documents/spec/document.html +++ b/spec/documents/spec/document.html @@ -1551,11 +1551,11 @@ @@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@

I.  Abstract

<Insert Abstract Text here>

II.  Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

keyword_1, keyword_2, keyword_3, etc.

III.  Preface

NOTE:  Insert Preface Text here. Give OGC specific commentary: describe the technical content, reason for document, history of the document and precursors, and plans for future work.

There are two ways to specify the Preface: “simple clause” or “full clasuse”

If the Preface does not contain subclauses, it is considered a simple preface clause. This one is entered as text after the .Preface label and must be placed between the AsciiDoc document attributes and the first AsciiDoc section title. It should not be give a section title of its own.

If the Preface contains subclauses, it needs to be encoded as a full preface clause. This one is recognized as a full Metanorma AsciiDoc section with te title “Preface”, i.e. == Preface. (Simple preface content can also be encoded like full preface.)

IV.  Security Considerations

No security considerations have been made for this Standard.

V.  Submitters


All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:

NameAffiliationOGC member
Steve LiangUniversity of Calgary, Canada / SensorUp Inc.Yes

VIII.  Future work

NOTE:  If you need to place any further sections in the preface area use the [.preface] attribute.

IX.  Contributors


Additional contributors to this Standard include the following:

Individual name(s), Organization

1.  Scope

<Insert Scope text here>

NOTE:  Give the subject of the document and the aspects of that scope covered by the document.

2.  Conformance

<Insert conformance content here>

NOTE:  Provide a short description of the content approached in subsequent sections and the main subject of the document

3.  Normative references


I.  Abstract

<Insert Abstract Text here>

II.  Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

keyword_1, keyword_2, keyword_3, etc.

III.  Preface

NOTE:  Insert Preface Text here. Give OGC specific commentary: describe the technical content, reason for document, history of the document and precursors, and plans for future work.

There are two ways to specify the Preface: “simple clause” or “full clasuse”

If the Preface does not contain subclauses, it is considered a simple preface clause. This one is entered as text after the .Preface label and must be placed between the AsciiDoc document attributes and the first AsciiDoc section title. It should not be give a section title of its own.

If the Preface contains subclauses, it needs to be encoded as a full preface clause. This one is recognized as a full Metanorma AsciiDoc section with te title “Preface”, i.e. == Preface. (Simple preface content can also be encoded like full preface.)

IV.  Security Considerations

No security considerations have been made for this Standard.

V.  Submitters


All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:

NameAffiliationOGC member
Steve LiangUniversity of Calgary, Canada / SensorUp Inc.Yes

VIII.  Future work

NOTE:  If you need to place any further sections in the preface area use the [.preface] attribute.

IX.  Contributors


Additional contributors to this Standard include the following:

Individual name(s), Organization

1.  Scope

<Insert Scope text here>

NOTE:  Give the subject of the document and the aspects of that scope covered by the document.

2.  Conformance

<Insert conformance content here>

NOTE:  Provide a short description of the content approached in subsequent sections and the main subject of the document

3.  Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

@@ -1705,14 +1705,14 @@

Grid Information Services for Distributed Resource Sharing. Czajkowski, K., Fitzgerald, S., Foster, I., Kesselman, C. In: 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001)


4.  Terms and definitions

This document uses the terms defined in OGC Policy Directive 49, which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this document and OGC documents do not use the equivalent phrases in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

This document also uses terms defined in the OGC Standard for Modular specifications (OGC 08-131r3), also known as the ‘ModSpec’. The definitions of terms such as standard, specification, requirement, and conformance test are provided in the ModSpec.

For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms and definitions apply.

- +

term used for exemplary purposes

@@ -1722,26 +1722,26 @@

Note 1 to entry: An example note.


Here’s an example of an example term.



5.  Conventions

NOTE:  This section provides details and examples for any conventions used in the document. Examples of conventions are symbols, abbreviations, use of XML schema, or special notes regarding how to read the document.

5.  Conventions

NOTE:  This section provides details and examples for any conventions used in the document. Examples of conventions are symbols, abbreviations, use of XML schema, or special notes regarding how to read the document.

5.1.  Identifiers

The normative provisions in this standard are denoted by the URI{standard}/{m.n}

All requirements and conformance tests that appear in this document are denoted by partial URIs which are relative to this base.


5.2.  Other conventions

<Place any other convention needed with its corresponding title>


6.  Core

This clause establishes the Core Requirements class, with IRI /req/core, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Core, with IRI /conf/core.

7.  Coordinate Operation Module

This clause establishes the Co Requirements class, with IRI /req/co, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Co, with IRI /conf/co.

8.  Coordinate System Module

This clause establishes the CS Requirements class, with IRI /req/cs, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, CS, with IRI /conf/cs.

9.  Datum Module

This clause establishes the Datum Requirements class, with IRI /req/datum, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Datum, with IRI /conf/datum.

10.  SRS Application Module

This clause establishes the SRSAPP Requirements class, with IRI /req/srsapp, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, SRSAPP, with IRI /conf/srsapp.

11.  Projections Module

This clause establishes the PROJ Requirements class, with IRI /req/proj, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, PROJ, with IRI /conf/proj.

12.  Planet Module

This clause establishes the PLANET Requirements class, with IRI /req/planet, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, PLANET, with IRI /conf/planet.

6.  Core

This clause establishes the Core Requirements class, with IRI /req/core, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Core, with IRI /conf/core.

7.  Coordinate Operation Module

This clause establishes the Co Requirements class, with IRI /req/co, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Co, with IRI /conf/co.

8.  Coordinate System Module

This clause establishes the CS Requirements class, with IRI /req/cs, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, CS, with IRI /conf/cs.

9.  Datum Module

This clause establishes the Datum Requirements class, with IRI /req/datum, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Datum, with IRI /conf/datum.

10.  SRS Application Module

This clause establishes the SRSAPP Requirements class, with IRI /req/srsapp, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, SRSAPP, with IRI /conf/srsapp.

11.  Projections Module

This clause establishes the PROJ Requirements class, with IRI /req/proj, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, PROJ, with IRI /conf/proj.

12.  Planet Module

This clause establishes the PLANET Requirements class, with IRI /req/planet, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, PLANET, with IRI /conf/planet.

Annex C
Revision History

DateReleaseAuthorPrimary clauses modifiedDescription
2016-04-280.1G. Editorallinitial version



Annex C
Revision History

DateReleaseAuthorPrimary clauses modifiedDescription
2016-04-280.1G. Editorallinitial version


NOTE:  The TC has approved Springer LNCS as the official document citation type. Springer LNCS is widely used in technical and computer science journals and other publications For citations in the text please use square brackets and consecutive numbers: [1], [2], [3] Actual References: [n] Journal: Author Surname, A.: Title. Publication Title. Volume number, Issue number, Pages Used (Year Published)

[1]  ISO: ISO 19142, Geographic information — Web Feature Service. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva

[2]  W3C: Data Catalog Vocabulary, W3C Recommendation 16 January 2014,

[4]  W3C/OGC: Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices, W3C Working Group Note 28 September 2017,

[5]  W3C: Data on the Web Best Practices, W3C Recommendation 31 January 2017,

[6]  Ben-Kiki, O., Evans, C., Ingy döt Net: YAML Ain’t Markup Language,

[7]  OGC: Web Feature Service 2.0,

[8]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., Masinter, L.: IETF RFC 3986 — Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax,

diff --git a/spec/documents/spec/document.pdf b/spec/documents/spec/document.pdf index 61dfa86ba1e8e65ffa6895074db2dba917061f82..ad6ef7435bc7cc4d923844bafff7f12e016ac294 100644 GIT binary patch delta 250 zcmajZOA3Ne7zJQ@s6DmkwWkC^W3OI8B?7y7CrumM0%`>gOK2Ljl4#(x-82c;&}rbf z!3XDu!{N`zh4tVU;qFB delta 250 zcmajXISztg6a?V70IuNr<4R0OtaQ|4$Aa48 zOXf``FHe&^O>S?2IFa@EoMeeSP99m$gYpuKl$L Ov0ZHbO)~wc?bI(lkwMS^ diff --git a/spec/documents/spec/document.presentation.xml b/spec/documents/spec/document.presentation.xml index f38de72..85c3e3e 100644 --- a/spec/documents/spec/document.presentation.xml +++ b/spec/documents/spec/document.presentation.xml @@ -545,12 +545,12 @@ sourcecode .nt { -Copyright noticeCopyright notice +Copyright noticeCopyright notice

Copyright © 2025 Open Geospatial Consortium
To obtain additional rights of use, visit

-NoteNote +NoteNote

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.

@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ sourcecode .nt { -License AgreementLicense Agreement +License AgreementLicense Agreement

Use of this document is subject to the license agreement at

@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ sourcecode .nt { -NoticeNotice +NoticeNotice

This document is an OGC Member approved international standard. This document is available on a royalty free, non-discriminatory basis. Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.

@@ -576,14 +576,14 @@ sourcecode .nt { -
Contents -AbstractI.AbstractAbstract

<Insert Abstract Text here>

-KeywordsII.KeywordsKeywords +Contents +AbstractI.AbstractAbstract

<Insert Abstract Text here>


The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

keyword_1, keyword_2, keyword_3, etc.

-PrefaceIII.PrefacePreface +PrefaceIII.PrefacePreface NOTE:NotePreface, Note

Insert Preface Text here. Give OGC specific commentary: describe the technical content, reason for document, history of the document and precursors, and plans for future work.

There are two ways to specify the Preface: “simple clause” or “full clasuse”

@@ -593,10 +593,10 @@ sourcecode .nt {

If the Preface contains subclauses, it needs to be encoded as a full preface clause. This one is recognized as a full Metanorma AsciiDoc section with te title “Preface”, i.e. == Preface. (Simple preface content can also be encoded like full preface.)

-Security ConsiderationsIV.Security ConsiderationsSecurity Considerations +Security ConsiderationsIV.Security ConsiderationsSecurity Considerations

No security considerations have been made for this Standard.

-SubmittersV.SubmittersSubmitters +SubmittersV.SubmittersSubmitters

All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:

@@ -609,15 +609,15 @@ sourcecode .nt {
-Source of the content for this OGC documentVI.Source of the content for this OGC documentSource of the content for this OGC document +Source of the content for this OGC documentVI.Source of the content for this OGC documentSource of the content for this OGC document -Validity of contentVII.Validity of contentValidity of content +Validity of contentVII.Validity of contentValidity of content -Future workVIII.Future workFuture work +Future workVIII.Future workFuture work NOTE:NoteFuture work, Note

If you need to place any further sections in the preface area use the [.preface] attribute.

-ContributorsIX.ContributorsContributors +ContributorsIX.ContributorsContributors

Additional contributors to this Standard include the following:

Individual name(s), Organization

@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ sourcecode .nt { -Scope1.ScopeClause 1 +Scope1.ScopeClause 1

<Insert Scope text here>NOTE:NoteClause 1, Note

Give the subject of the document and the aspects of that scope covered by the document.

@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ sourcecode .nt {
-Conformance2.ConformanceClause 2 +Conformance2.ConformanceClause 2

<Insert conformance content here>NOTE:NoteClause 2, Note

Provide a short description of the content approached in subsequent sections and the main subject of the document

@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ sourcecode .nt { -Terms and definitions4.Terms and definitionsClause 4

This document uses the terms defined in OGC Policy Directive 49, which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this document and OGC documents do not use the equivalent phrases in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

+Terms and definitions4.Terms and definitionsClause 4

This document uses the terms defined in OGC Policy Directive 49, which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this document and OGC documents do not use the equivalent phrases in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

This document also uses terms defined in the OGC Standard for Modular specifications (OGC 08-131r3), also known as the ‘ModSpec’. The definitions of terms such as standard, specification, requirement, and conformance test are provided in the ModSpec.

@@ -672,12 +672,12 @@ sourcecode .nt {
-Conventions5.ConventionsClause 5 +Conventions5.ConventionsClause 5 NOTE:NoteClause 5, Note

This section provides details and examples for any conventions used in the document. Examples of conventions are symbols, abbreviations, use of XML schema, or special notes regarding how to read the document.

-Identifiers5.1.IdentifiersClause 5.1 +Identifiers5.1.IdentifiersClause 5.1

The normative provisions in this standard are denoted by the URI

@@ -686,43 +686,43 @@ sourcecode .nt {
-Other conventions5.2.Other conventionsClause 5.2 +Other conventions5.2.Other conventionsClause 5.2

<Place any other convention needed with its corresponding title>

-Core6.CoreClause 6 +Core6.CoreClause 6

This clause establishes the Core Requirements class, with IRI /req/core, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Core, with IRI /conf/core.

-Coordinate Operation Module7.Coordinate Operation ModuleClause 7 +Coordinate Operation Module7.Coordinate Operation ModuleClause 7

This clause establishes the Co Requirements class, with IRI /req/co, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Co, with IRI /conf/co.

-Coordinate System Module8.Coordinate System ModuleClause 8 +Coordinate System Module8.Coordinate System ModuleClause 8

This clause establishes the CS Requirements class, with IRI /req/cs, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, CS, with IRI /conf/cs.

-Datum Module9.Datum ModuleClause 9 +Datum Module9.Datum ModuleClause 9

This clause establishes the Datum Requirements class, with IRI /req/datum, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, Datum, with IRI /conf/datum.

-SRS Application Module10.SRS Application ModuleClause 10 +SRS Application Module10.SRS Application ModuleClause 10

This clause establishes the SRSAPP Requirements class, with IRI /req/srsapp, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, SRSAPP, with IRI /conf/srsapp.

-Projections Module11.Projections ModuleClause 11 +Projections Module11.Projections ModuleClause 11

This clause establishes the PROJ Requirements class, with IRI /req/proj, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, PROJ, with IRI /conf/proj.

-Planet Module12.Planet ModuleClause 12 +Planet Module12.Planet ModuleClause 12

This clause establishes the PLANET Requirements class, with IRI /req/planet, which has a corresponding Conformance Class, PLANET, with IRI /conf/planet.

@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ sourcecode .nt { -Normative references3.Normative referencesClause 3

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

+Normative references3.Normative referencesClause 3

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

@@ -752,12 +752,12 @@ Foster, I., Kesselman, C.. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco (1999). Czajkowski, K., Fitzgerald, S., Foster, I., Kesselman, C. In: 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001)Grid Information Services for Distributed Resource SharingGrid Information Services for Distributed Resource Sharing
-<strong>Alignments</strong>Annex A
Annex A +<strong>Alignments</strong>Annex A
Annex A Overview


The prefixes used for the ontologies mapped to in all following sections are given in the following table.

-Alignment: NamespacesTable A.1 — Alignment: NamespacesTable A.1 +Alignment: NamespacesTable A.1 — Alignment: NamespacesTable A.1 @@ -778,9 +778,9 @@ Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001) -IGN CRS OntologyA.1.IGN CRS OntologyAnnex A.1 +IGN CRS OntologyA.1.IGN CRS OntologyAnnex A.1
-Alignment: IGN CRS OntologyTable A.2 — Alignment: IGN CRS OntologyTable A.2 +Alignment: IGN CRS OntologyTable A.2 — Alignment: IGN CRS OntologyTable A.2 @@ -803,9 +803,9 @@ Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001) -ISO 19111 OntologyA.2.ISO 19111 OntologyAnnex A.2 +ISO 19111 OntologyA.2.ISO 19111 OntologyAnnex A.2
From Element Mapping relation To Element
-Alignment: ISO 19111 OntologyTable A.3 — Alignment: ISO 19111 OntologyTable A.3 +Alignment: ISO 19111 OntologyTable A.3 — Alignment: ISO 19111 OntologyTable A.3 @@ -828,9 +828,9 @@ Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001) -IFCOWL OntologyA.3.IFCOWL OntologyAnnex A.3 +IFCOWL OntologyA.3.IFCOWL OntologyAnnex A.3
From Element Mapping relation To Element
-Alignment: IFCOWL OntologyTable A.4 — Alignment: IFCOWL OntologyTable A.4 +Alignment: IFCOWL OntologyTable A.4 — Alignment: IFCOWL OntologyTable A.4 @@ -844,9 +844,9 @@ Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001) -<strong>SHACL Shapes</strong>Annex B
SHACL Shapes
Annex B +<strong>SHACL Shapes</strong>Annex B
SHACL Shapes
Annex B Overview


-<strong>Revision History</strong>Annex C
Revision History
Annex C +<strong>Revision History</strong>Annex C
Revision History
Annex C
From Element Mapping relation To Element
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 181–184. IEEE Press, New York (2001)
Date Release Author
-BibliographyBibliography +BibliographyBibliography NOTE:NoteBibliography, Note

The TC has approved Springer LNCS as the official document citation type. Springer LNCS is widely used in technical and computer science journals and other publications For citations in the text please use square brackets and consecutive numbers: [1], [2], [3] Actual References: [n] Journal: Author Surname, A.: Title. Publication Title. Volume number, Issue number, Pages Used (Year Published)

ISO: ISO 19142, Geographic information — Web Feature Service. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva!iso:std:42136:en[1]ISO 19142iso-reference ISO 19142(E)URN urn:iso:std:iso:19142:stage-90.93ISO 19142 90