Releases: openmrs/openmrs-esm-core
What's Changed
- Locking packages to 3.4.0 by @ZacButko in #498
- Fix/hardcode versions by @ZacButko in #499
- (fix) fix the pre-release process failing by @ibacher in #500
- (fix) adds error handling to load modules by @ibacher in #501
- (chore) this fixes the run:shell command by @ibacher in #502
- (chore) update to Yarn v3 by @ibacher in #503
- (feat) allow extensions to take function as children instead of using wrap() by @ibacher in #505
- (fix) requiredPrivilege should not display an error if privilege is undefined by @ibacher in #504
- (chore) fix the failing CI tasks for this repo by @ibacher in #507
- (fix) ensure we only load JS on the import map by @ibacher in #506
- (fix) Revert typedoc-plugin-markdown by @ZacButko in #508
- (docs) Staying up to date, troublshooting by @ZacButko in #491
- (fix) pin semver version so backend modules aren't reported as missing by @ibacher in #509
- (docs) Update migration guide by @denniskigen in #510
- (chore) Bumps importmap by @ZacButko in #511
- (docs) Update framework v4 migration guide by @denniskigen in #512
- (docs) Amend comment to reference the correct file by @denniskigen in #514
- (fix) Fix translation system by @denniskigen in #517
- v4.0.1 by @ZacButko in #518
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1
What's Changed
This major breaking update moves the core app shell to use React 18 and Carbon V11. Apps running React 17 and below will fail to be loaded with this 4.0 version of app shell
- (fix) Warning text for useSession by @brandones in #459
- Docs: Add link to template app page by @brandones in #458
- (docs) Add link to dev docs from esm-devtools-app readme by @brandones in #461
- Fix back button altering position of card by @jwnasambu in #455
- (docs) Get rid of "conceptual overview" video by @brandones in #460
- (chore): Fix the reference to the webpack types by @ibacher in #464
- O3-1277: Extend FHIRResource type to cover more properties by @icrc-agomes in #463
- (chore): Fix size-generator by @ibacher in #462
- Use swc-loader instead of ts-loader for building the App Shell by @ibacher in #465
- Fix the file-size reporter... maybe by @ibacher in #466
- Fix: Remove duplicate overriding styles for the patient chart sideNav. by @hadijahkyampeire in #457
- (docs) Remove documentation about freeform config objects by @brandones in #468
- (docs) Add instructions about typing to Config docs by @brandones in #469
- (chore) Update openmrs tooling importmap to CDN version by @manuelroemer in #470
- (bug) Fix failing nav-link on patient-outpatient leftNav by @donaldkibet in #471
- Create a generic link extension by @brandones in #473
- (feat) Centralize ErrorState component by @ZacButko in #474
- Enhancing UserHasAccess component by @Arjun-Go in #472
- (fix) Add validator to mock by @brandones in #476
- Remove fhir.js by @ibacher in #477
- Adds @types/fhir as a dependency of esm-api by @ibacher in #480
- (feat) Change ExtensionSlot's 'extensionSlotName' prop to just 'name' by @brandones in #481
- (feat): Add implicit conditions to configuration schema by @ibacher in #475
- (fix) Prevent offline patients appearing twice in offline patient table by @manuelroemer in #479
- Global button for opening Implementer Tools by @vasharma05 in #482
- (feat) Fix extension state, improve ExtensionSlot API by @brandones in #483
- (chore) Version bump static importmap by @ZacButko in #484
- (docs) Update Migration Guide by @denniskigen in #478
- Fix versions by @ibacher in #486
- Fix versions by @ibacher in #487
- (docs) Update interpolateUrl docstrings by @ZacButko in #489
- (docs) Document process for publishing a major prerelease version by @brandones in #485
- (docs) Fix build config JSON name, add URLs to diagrams by @brandones in #488
- (feat): Add version numbers for apps and display them in the implementer tools by @ibacher in #490
- (docs) Link to extension videos in docs by @brandones in #495
- 4.0 by @brandones in #425
- (chore) Update master to main by @ZacButko in #497
New Contributors
- @icrc-agomes made their first contribution in #463
- @Arjun-Go made their first contribution in #472
Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v4.0.0
Primarily, this release is being done to work around an issue with build version numbers. The major changes are noted below.
What's Changed
- O3-1242 App crashes on logout by @brandones in #423
- (fix) Prevent app crashes in certain browser environments where IndexedDB is not working properly by @manuelroemer in #427
- (chore) Update CI status badge URL by @denniskigen in #431
- 03-1291: Add New Teal Colors to the Style Guide. by @hadijahkyampeire in #433
- Create by @gracepotma in #445
- O3-1294:User should be able to navigate back to username screen by @jwnasambu in #449
- Remove source-maps in production builds by @ibacher in #451
- useVisit() shouldn't make a request to the backend without a patientUuid by @ibacher in #452
- Added explicit links to React Hooks videos by @gracepotma in #453
- (feat) Dynamic Offline Data API for Managing Offline Lists | Migration of Offline Patients from esm-patient-list-app | Offline Fixes by @manuelroemer in #447
- Update use visit hook to support loading status by @donaldkibet in #450
New Contributors
- @hadijahkyampeire made their first contribution in #433
- @jwnasambu made their first contribution in #449
Full Changelog: v3.3.1...v3.4.0
This is another attempt at releasing. v3.3.0 failed because of a problem with the GitHub Actions workflow.
What's Changed
- (chore) Use quietDeps option with SASS loader by @brandones in #416
- (chore) Fix failing GitHub Actions--don't call lerna bootstrap by @brandones in #418
- v3.3.1 by @brandones in #420
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.3.1
What's Changed
- Update to PostCSS 8 by @ibacher in #308
- BREAKING O3-806: Migrate from -> by @ibacher in #302
- chore: Fix build of esm-styleguide on CI by @ibacher in #310
- Add FAQ to docs by @brandones in #311
- (docs) Added reference to short link: by @gracepotma in #314
- Make it possible to override properties of each webpack rule by @brandones in #315
- Fix bug where extensions weren't updating with props by @brandones in #318
- (fix): Logo should have a left margin of 1rem by @denniskigen in #316
- (fix): Change breadcrumbs background color by @denniskigen in #317
- Take an absolute shot in the dark at fixing the build by @brandones in #321
- feat: O3-1031: Offline Actions within the Patient Chart by @manuelroemer in #313
- Removed unnecessary data from ExternalRefLinks in primary navigation's configuration by @vasharma05 in #312
- O3-908 - Combine meta and index by @FlorianRappl in #324
- (docs) Removed FAB link by @gracepotma in #328
- (docs) Improve instructions for linking the framework by @brandones in #319
- (fix) Bug where usePatient was causing superfluous refetches by @brandones in #327
- (feat) Add options parameter to translateFrom by @brandones in #329
- (docs) Fill out contributing docs from RFC-20 text by @brandones in #326
- (fix): O3-1112: Offline actions don't display offline registered patients correctly by @manuelroemer in #331
- (docs) Add support for module categories; remove cruft by @brandones in #330
- O3-1001: Added support for searching person attribute and returning the respective UUID by @vasharma05 in #325
- O3-1123: Improvements to Implementor tools's design by @vasharma05 in #333
- UI FIX for searching UUIDs in implementer's tools(e.g. concepts, personattributetype) and better readability of data by @vasharma05 in #334
- Simplify extension system again by @brandones in #335
- (fix) O3-1136: Left nav contents disappearing after resizing the screen by @brandones in #336
- (docs) Update import map overrides guidance by @denniskigen in #338
- BREAKING: Update the extensions API by @brandones in #337
- (docs) Remove errant comma from PR template by @denniskigen in #339
- (fix): Fix the failing test from 099f618 by @ibacher in #341
- App shell should depend on exact framework version by @ibacher in #340
- 03-1125: (bug) fix current visit retaining previous patient visit-data by @donaldkibet in #332
- (test) Enhancements to tests in the login app by @denniskigen in #342
- O3-104 Login ESM should have tests for config values by @nanfuka in #345
- (chore): Update vulnerable dependencies by @denniskigen in #348
- (chore): Update
mock in login app by @denniskigen in #347 - Added type validator for PersonAttributeTypeUuid and small UI fixes by @vasharma05 in #349
- (chore) Improvements to mocks by @brandones in #350
- (chore) Fix CI build for pre-release by @ibacher in #352
- BREAKING: Use extensionSlots as key in config instead of extensions by @brandones in #351
- (fix) Add missing swr dep to esm-react-utils by @brandones in #353
- (feat) O3-1164 Should be able to edit config JSON in implementer tools by @brandones in #354
- Fixes incorrect link to manifest in index.html by @mseaton in #355
- (enhancement) update
hook by @donaldkibet in #356 - (fix) App not hot updating with slot config changes by @brandones in #357
- (fix) O3-1173: Patient Chart fails to load on tablet by @brandones in #359
- O3-953: Location picker does not show all locations by @vasharma05 in #343
- (test) Restore location picker tests by @denniskigen in #361
- (feat) Add support for extension config schemas by @brandones in #358
- (chore) Fix file names in login app by @denniskigen in #362
- (fix) Update importmap to latest version from dev3. by @manuelroemer in #363
- Added error checks and fixed the count of the results shown in the location picker by @vasharma05 in #364
- (docs) Improve extension declaration documentation by @brandones in #365
- (docs) Fix comment format in FAQ shell code sample by @brandones in #367
- (feat) Extension config should be available from the store by @brandones in #366
- (bugfix) Client Redirect from '/' to '/home' by @ZacButko in #368
- (fix) Service Worker Housekeeping: Remove Unused SW Events | Fix SW Startup Cycle During Initial Load by @manuelroemer in #369
- (docs) Add note to setup about troubleshooting inotify by @brandones in #370
- Search locations in the location picker not only on the basis of prefixes by @vasharma05 in #371
- BREAKING: (feat) Allow inversion of useOnClickOutside by @jnsereko in #373
- (fix) Restore missing side menu on tablet by @denniskigen in #375
- (fix) Loosen UUID validation by @ibacher in #372
- CurrentUserContext should always render children by @ibacher in #378
- Delineate public vs private API of esm-framework by @brandones in #376
- Added mock setSessionLocation to pass the tests by @vasharma05 in #377
- (test): useOnClickOutside test by @jnsereko in #379
- Revert "Delineate public vs private API of esm-framework" by @brandones in #381
- (fix) Precache importmap as part of the static dependency lifecycle | Remove obsolete XMLHttpRequest patches by @manuelroemer in #383
- (fix) Consider relative URLs when scanning the importmap for assets. by @manuelroemer in #386
- Delineate public vs private API of esm-framework - attempt #2 by @brandones in #382
- O3-857: Login should redirect to the specified page if the user has access by @jnsereko in #385
- (fix) webpack rules so that @openmrs/esm-framework/src/internal is shared correctly by @brandones in #388
- O3-1157: Added field to search and select patient identifiers from implementer tools by @vasharma05 in #380
- (feat) Unify session types by @ibacher in #387
- (feat) move from babel -> swc by @ibacher in #389
- Allow a slot to obtain its assigned extensions even if not all those extensions are registered yet by @brandones in #391
- O3-1258 Fatal errors cause crash loop by @brandones in #390
- (chore) migrate to turbo by @ibacher in #392
- (chore) Re-add enough Babel that webpack-config works by @ibacher in #393
- (docs) Update README to remove reference to ler...
- BREAKING: O3-1063: Change formatDate function signature. Adds support for wide format without year. #305 (brandones)
- We chose to release a minor version despite the breaking change because there is presently no one that would be affected by the breaking change.
- (feat) Return updated
from usePatient #301 (denniskigen) - 03-1034 : (enhancement) hovering over apps switcher links to support branding #295 (donaldkibet)
- Allow Proxying with Additional Cookies #286 (FlorianRappl)
- O3-1015 Implementer should be able to configure primary color #272 (brandones)
- Login app should interpolate template strings in configured logo URL #266 (brandones)
- (feature) Create usePatient function which updates patient based on URL changes #265 (brandones)
- Create mechanism for overriding webpack configuration #262 (brandones)
- Add time options to formatDate #257 (brandones)
- Add global nav slot to left nav bar #255 (jonathandick)
- Add parseDate function #248 (brandones)
- Make URL query parameter for language 'lang' instead of 'lng' #247 (brandones)
- Create functions for locale-sensitive date formatting #243 (brandones)
- O3-918 Two+ instances of the same extension should be able to added the same slot #236 (brandones)
- O3-939: Added extension slot for adding external links in the app-menu #226 (vasharma05)
- (fix) O3-1061: Patient Chart is re-rendering on each page change #307 (brandones)
- (fix) Improve Lifecycle typing #299 (brandones)
- (fix) Fix logo alignment in the navbar #298 (denniskigen)
- Minor performance improvements to ExtensionSlot #297 (brandones)
- (bug) fix wrong brand-03 css variable #294 (donaldkibet)
- (bug) O3-1003: fix login not displaying invalid login message #292 (donaldkibet)
- (bug) fix typo on openmrs-resource interface #291 (donaldkibet)
- Cleanup usePatient implementation #289 (denniskigen)
- Switch from brand-light-01 to brand-03 #287 (ibacher)
- Fix more brand color usages #281 (brandones)
- Remove frontendDependency system; use peerDependencies for this #279 (brandones)
- Change esm-framework peer dependency versions from 3.x to >=3.1.14-pre #278 (brandones)
- O3-651: Removed height declaration so that error messages are displayed on th… #273 (nravilla)
- Mock fixup #260 (brandones)
- Don't load the polyfill for url #259 (ibacher)
- Fix GitHub workflow dependency #254 (brandones)
- Fix O3-979: Translations not working #246 (brandones)
- Fix Visit.startDatetime type to reflect what's returned by the server #249 (brandones)
- O3-951: Major lag caused by updateConfigExtensionStore #234 (brandones)
- (docs) Add note about mocks to PR template #306 (brandones)
- Improve PR template #304 (brandones)
- (docs) Fix docstring for useCurrentPatient so it shows up as deprecated #303 (brandones)
- (docs) Getting started: explicit steps for success #300 (ZacButko)
- Docs: fix typo in Map #296 (brandones)
- Docs: Document running tests #293 (brandones)
- Fix dead link in extensions docs #290 (denniskigen)
- Docs: Add note about linking to readme; remove old section #288 (brandones)
- Docs: Add note about Lerna to Creating a Microfrontend #285 (brandones)
- Docs: Write documentation for extension system #284 (brandones)
- Improvements to setup docs #283 (brandones)
- Fix broken doc link #282 (brandones)
- Added emphasis that esm-template can be used to create a new MF #280 (gracepotma)
- Added esm-template-app to "Repos you should know" #277 (gracepotma)
- Added flair to highlight esm-template-app #276 (gracepotma)
- Added link to esm-template-app. #275 (gracepotma)
- Edited directions to the Dev Guide to be consistent & eye-catching #271 (gracepotma)
- Added links to Docker containers for 3.x refapp #270 (gracepotma)
- Update prerequisites with link to Implementer #269 (gracepotma)
- O3-780: Add bundle size monitoring to PR actions for all MF repos #267 (FlorianRappl)
- App shell should ship latest implementer tools #264 (brandones)
- interpolateUrl should be public #263 (brandones)
- Do the prerelease versioning of esm-app-shell before deploying to CI #253 (brandones)
- Docs: Add guidance on data fetching using SWR #251 (denniskigen)
- Update #250 (ibacher)
- Fixes some more doc links #242 (ibacher)
- Docs: Fix broken links #241 (brandones)
- Pin app shell version to tool version #240 ([ibacher](https:...
This is a summary of changes since 3.1.12, since a release for 3.1.13 was never created.
Breaking changes
Config files can no longer be loaded via the import map. The URL to a config file should be built into the index.html file when using openmrs build
- Enhanced the SW route registration table with a strategy column and reworked the routing to be strategy driven. #220 (manuelroemer)
- O3-909 - Dynamically shared dependencies #219 (FlorianRappl)
- Allow building a config file into the distro #217 (brandones)
- MF-863: Make the Offline Tools MF dynamically composable via extensions #207 (manuelroemer)
- Added option for promises in breadcrumbs' title #202 (vasharma05)
- O3-767: display right global navigation in tablet mode #216 (walteronoh)
- MF-891: Tab colors changed to teal #211 (vasharma05)
- MF-716: Improved User Settings UI to match Designs #214 (KorirC)
- Remove offline setup success notification #142 (denniskigen)
- Fix for O3-941 #228 (FlorianRappl)
- Removed obsolete "default" route handlers | Don't clear dynamic routes when app starts #221 (manuelroemer)
- Fix routes for 'openmrs develop'. The index.html route was failing. #212 (brandones)
- Make 'pre' versions come before the corresponding release version #208 (brandones)
- Fixup for Make 'pre' versions come before the corresponding release version #208 #209 (brandones)
- MF-865 Page "order" attribute not working on Chrome #205 (brandones)
- O3-863: Convert the offline tool's dashboard tiles to the extension system. #227 (manuelroemer)
- Fix typescript to 4.5.x to avoid breakages over minor versions #224 (brandones)
- Update to Typescript 4.5 #223 (brandones)
- Docs: Document additional keys used by SPA build config in build step #218 (brandones)
- Add useVisitTypes mock #215 (denniskigen)
- Add usePagination mock #213 (brandones)
- MF-894: Changed hex to variables in styleguide. #210 (vasharma05)
- Tests for the configurability of the extension system #206 (brandones)
- Removed appui dependency from offline tools. #204 (manuelroemer)
- Removed app-ui dependency from the login app. #203 (vasharma05)
- Revert "MF-855: Versioning core should create a release version" #200 (brandones)
- MF-855: Versioning core should create a release version #199 (brandones)
- Disable link check for, which only works in docsify #198 (brandones)
- App shell: Webpack shouldn't call InjectManifest in dev mode #197 (brandones)
- Allow pages to specify DOM order #196 (brandones)
- Offline Actions Design Alignments | Offline API Typing Fixes #195 (manuelroemer)
- Add support for automatically downloading the core apps #194 (ibacher)
- Fix openmrs develop to work with non-default apiUrl, spaPath, and importmap #193 (brandones)
- Fix links within docs #192 (brandones)
- Make 'uuid' a dependency, not devDependency, of esm-offline #191 (brandones)
- MF-820: Add some space between left nav menu and home page button #190 (donaldkibet)
- Change everything to refer to 'frontend modules' instead of 'microfrontends' #189 (brandones)
- Smarter config mocks #188 (brandones)
- Initial Version of Offline Actions #187 (manuelroemer)
- Fix eslint error in implementer-tools introduced by 83753e1 #185 (brandones)
- ContentSwitcher component style overrides #183 (denniskigen)
- MF-771 : Logo in primary navbar should appear clickable #182 (donaldkibet)
- Create #181 (donaldkibet)
- Provide the custom omrs headers as consts. #180 (manuelroemer)
- MF-762: Introduce a way to cache a single specific HTTP request without using URL patterns #179 (manuelroemer)
- fixed bug when ending visit #178 (walteronoh)
- bug fix failing webpack-dev-server on running
yarn run:shell
command #176 (donaldkibet) - Lint for disallowed imports #175 (brandones)
- Improve pre-commit and pre-push hooks #174 (brandones)
- Updated SW API to Function Without SW (MF-538) | Centralized Offline Patient Sync API | Scaffolded esm-offline-tools-app #173 (manuelroemer)
- Format in pre-push #172 (brandones)
- MF-533 pt 2: Implementer tools search bar -- Fix some recursion errors #171 (brandones)
- MF-691: User cannot turn off Implementer Tools when UI mode has been selected #170 (brandones)
- MF-633: Align navbar menu item button interactions #168 (denniskigen)
- MF-633: Fix design issues on the navbar #167 (denniskigen)
- Switch from babel-eslint to @babel/eslint-parser #166 (denniskigen)
- Added "Repos you should know" section #164 (gracepotma)
- fix lint error #163 (donaldkibet)
- MF-674: User icon on global nav header enhancements #162 (alexkemboi)
- Enhancement global nav #161 (KorirC)
- Make Caching URLs More Resilient in the SW #160 (manuelroemer)
- MF-533: Add a search bar to Implementer Tools #159 (brandones)
- Add support for using 'openmrs' with the --sources argument multiple times #158 (brandones)
- Fix for failing esm-primary-navigation tests #156 (manuelroemer)
- Include Extension Slot, required for Name, Programme switcher #155 (larslemos)
- Offline Banner #154 (manuelroemer)
- Changed strict backend dependency from 2.24.0 to ^2.24.0 and appui from 1.10.0 to ^1.10.0 #153 (alaboso)
- Adjust sidenav width #152 (denniskigen)
- Fixed the css of the modal rendered in the styleguide #151 (vasharma05)
- Found modules with unresolved backend dependencies. #150 (alaboso)
- Provide notifications panel extension slots #149 (denniskigen)
- Updated useVisit to also use getStartedVisit subject | Added global event for precaching static data when loading the app #148 (manuelroemer)
- feat: Notifications panel #147 (denniskigen)
- Add modal functionality to esm-code #146 (nmalyschkin)
- Removed the background color from breadcrumbs #145 (vasharma05)
- feat: Notifications panel #147 (denniskigen)
- Add modal functionality to esm-code #146 (nmalyschkin)
- Removed the background color from breadcrumbs #145 (vasharma05)
- MF-637 : Add ability to close side-nav when user clicks on a link #143 (donaldkibet)
- Standardise UI shell right panel button behaviour #141 (denniskigen)
- Service Worker Resilience: Retries of caching attempts #140 (manuelroemer)
- Add badge for docs link checker workflow status #139 (brandones)
- Temporarily fix getLoggedInUser and migrated offline ID functions #138 (manuelroemer)
- Restored extraction of login and primary nav translation #137 (donaldkibet)
- MF-632: Follow-up fix #136 (denniskigen)
- Upgrade typedoc #135 (brandones)
- Tooling: Fix build config resolution #134 (brandones)
- MF-634: Fix design issues in the patient search #133 ([dennisk...
- Updated documentation
- Updated the styling of the data tables
- Updated the styling of the OpenMRS logo
- Refined breadcrumbs (style + reactivity)
- Fixed bug in the tooling w.r.t. the public path
- Updated importmap
- Updated toast notification design
- Updated tooling to support config URLs
- Added static breadcrumb support
- Added initial loading of config URLs
- Added report of missing backend dependencies
- Improved UI editor and editor features