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Welcome to Funding Public Safety

Funding Public Safety explores how Oakland spends Measure Z’s approximately $24 million annual budget, so Oaklanders can better understand the City’s approach to public safety and violence prevention. We're a project of OpenOakland, a volunteer collective that bridges community and technology for a thriving and equitable Oakland.

See the live site for this project.

Technology used


All contributors are expected to adhere to OpenOakland's Code of Conduct. This emphasizes a collaborative, participatory approach to project development. We're here to support each other as a community and we take this CoC seriously. We appreciate your understanding and shared commitment.

Getting started

These instructions assume you have a beginner-level familiarity with GitHub and the command line.

On your local system:

  1. Create a fork of the original repo from
  2. Clone your fork of the funding-public-safety repo to create a local copy of the code.

In Terminal or other command line interface:

  1. Navigate to local directory: cd ~/{file-path}
  2. Install necessary packages: npm install
  3. Build the site: npm run-script build
  4. Run the server: npm start

In your web browser:

  1. Visit localhost:8080 to view the site locally. You should now be up and running!

_Running into issues? Reach out in the #project-active-funding-public-safety Slack channel (see instructions for joining Slack).

Working on the site

Assumes you're using Terminal/command line and have completed the Getting Started section above...

  1. Navigate to your local directory:
  • cd ~/{file-path}/funding-public-safety
  1. Create and check out a new branch based on main branch:
  • git status (tells you which branch you're on)
  • git checkout main (checks out the main if you're not already there)
  • Pull in the latest changes from the main (upstream) repo. See these instructions for how to do this via Github UI or command line.
  • git checkout -b {new-branch-name} (creates and checks out a new branch based on main; branch name should reflect a concise summary of the general changes being implemented; e.g. update-about-content or feature-polling)
  1. Design/build changes should be made within the /src directory using your preferred text editor. Site-wide configuration changes should be made with caution in package.json and eleventy.js files.

  2. When your changes are ready for review, open a pull request in GitHub and request a review from anyone on the team. Please give us about 48 hours to follow up.

Project management

We track all issues in the Proof of Concept kanban board.

  • Select an issue to work on from the "Ready to Work On" column (or add your input to any issue in the "Icebox" column).
  • Assign the issue to yourself and move it to the "In Progress" column.
    • You can claim an issue by adding yourself in the "Assignees" section Screen Shot 2022-02-03 at 1 23 56 PM
  • Once your PR has been approved and merged, you can close the issue and move it to the "Done" column in the Project kanban.

Site structure and styles

  • Site pages are built in markdown using Nunjucks templating (but Eleventy accepts lots of templating languages so if you have a preference you may use what you're comfortable with).
  • All pages must include specific front matter:
    • layout: which layout template to use from _includes (usually page.njk)
    • title: page title, which will show up as an <h1> header
    • key: Label to use in global nav (if you want the page to appear here)
    • order: Position of the page in the global nav menu
  • Our default styling uses Bootstrap 5.1. Customizations can be added to /src/css/style.css.

Contact the team