This project has been delivered and is no longer maintained. If you'd like to reproduce or improve on it, please contact OpenOakland's Steering Committee at []( Let us know why you're interested and what you hope to accomplish. Consider using the [Project Exploration Worksheet]( (required for all new OpenOakland projects).
Lovely Rita is set of tools for reading, cleaning, and saving parking parking citation datasets. The name pays homage to the song, Lovely-Rita, by the Beatles.
The project is a part of Oakland's Code for America brigade OpenOakland. You can read more about the project in this presentation.
With Lovely Rita, you can load historical parking citation data, clean the data (addresses and dates), geocode (turn addresses into geospatial coordinates), and save cleaned data to shapefiles for GIS analyses.
Check out our documentation for more detail.
It is good practice to use a virtual environment.
git clone
cd lovely-rita
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install . --user
Raw data should be provided in a .csv with the column names (in any order):
ticket_number |
ticket_issue_date |
ticket_issue_time |
street |
street_name |
street_number |
street_suffix |
violation_external_code |
violation_desc_long |
state |
city |
badge_number |
fine_amount |
Several useful workflows can be run from the command line. Learn about the available workflows using lovelyrita --help
. Learn about a specific workflow using lovelyrita <workflow> --help
There is also a python inferface if you want to dive deeper into the data. There are more involved examples in the notebooks folder.
from import read_data
citations = read_data(data_path)
Lovely Rita can also clean and parse addresses and dates.
from import read_data
from lovelyrita.clean import clean
citations = read_data(data_path)
citations = clean(citations)
- Number of citations per zip code
- Time-series, number of citations
- Type of violation by zip code
There is also support for storing the data to shapefiles
from import write_shapefile
write_shapefile(citations, 'my-shapefile.shp')
Clone the gh-pages branch
git clone -b gh-pages lovely-rita-docs
Make changes to docs/source/*.rst in master branch.
Build the docs.
cd docs
make html
Docs are built to ../../lovely-rita-docs/html
git add -u git commit -m "docs message" git push origin gh-pages
There will be tests.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
The many wonderful people who helped design and build Lovely Rita (* denote active contributors):
- Robert Gibboni aka
* - Andrew Tom aka
* - Ricky Boebel aka
* - Joanna Jia aka
- Drew Erickson aka
- Slav Sinitsyn aka
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license file for details.
We would like to acknowledge the help of Danielle Dai and the Oakland Department of Transportation for providing the data and invaluable guidance for this project.