diff --git a/notebooks_r/report.Rmd b/notebooks_r/report.Rmd
index fd28bbd..77a6242 100644
--- a/notebooks_r/report.Rmd
+++ b/notebooks_r/report.Rmd
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ SUS5
-```{r, fig.width=30, fig.height=27}
+```{r, fig.width=40, fig.height=27}
new_prop_reg_cat <-
read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "5_group", "tables", "simple_patient_counts_categories_5_group_new_sus_registered.csv"), col_types = (cols())) %>%
rename_with(~ sub("ethnicity_", "", .), contains("ethnicity_")) %>%
@@ -884,11 +884,11 @@ for (codelist in c("new", "ctv3")) {
### 16 Group
@@ -1044,169 +1044,202 @@ latestcommon_new_16 %>%
for (codelist in c("new", "ctv3")) {
- ifelse(codelist == "new", codelist_name <- "SNOMED:2022", codelist_name <- "CTV3:2020")
- ifelse(codelist == "new", codelist_path <- glue("ethnicity_new_5"), codelist_path <- glue("ethnicity_5"))
- df_sus_new_cross <- read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "5_group", "tables", glue("simple_{codelist}_sus_crosstab_long_registered.csv"))) %>%
- rename_with(~"ethnicity", contains("ethnicity_") & !contains("sus"))
- ethnicity_cat <-
- read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "5_group", "tables", glue("simple_patient_counts_categories_5_group_{codelist}_sus_registered.csv")), col_types = (cols())) %>%
- rename_with(~ sub("ethnicity_", "", .), contains("ethnicity_")) %>%
- rename_with(~ sub("_new", "", .), contains("_new")) %>%
- rename_with(~ sub("_ctv3", "", .), contains("_ctv3")) %>%
- rename_with(~ sub("_5_filled", "", .), contains("_5_filled")) %>%
- select(-contains("filled"), -contains("missing"), -contains("sus")) %>%
- mutate(
- Asian_anydiff = Asian_any - Asian,
- Black_anydiff = Black_any - Black,
- Mixed_anydiff = Mixed_any - Mixed,
- White_anydiff = White_any - White,
- Other_anydiff = Other_any - Other,
- )
+ for (known in c("_known","")){
+ ifelse(codelist == "new", codelist_name <- "SNOMED:2022", codelist_name <- "CTV3:2020")
+ ifelse(codelist == "new", codelist_path <- glue("ethnicity_new_5"), codelist_path <- glue("ethnicity_5"))
+ df_sus_new_cross <- read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "5_group", "tables", glue("simple_{codelist}_sus_crosstab_long_registered.csv"))) %>%
+ rename_with(~"ethnicity", contains("ethnicity_") & !contains("sus"))
+ if(known == "_known"){df_sus_new_cross <- df_sus_new_cross %>%
+ filter(
+ ethnicity != "Unknown",
+ ethnicity_sus_5 != "Unknown"
+ )
+ }
- population <- read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "5_group", "tables", glue("simple_patient_counts_5_group_{codelist}_sus_registered.csv")), col_types = (cols())) %>%
- filter(group == "all") %>%
- summarise(
- ethnicity = "Unknown",
- population = population - !!as.name(glue("{codelist_path}_filled"))
- )
- ethnicity_cat_pivot <- ethnicity_cat %>%
- pivot_longer(
- cols = c(contains("_")),
- names_to = c("ethnicity", "codelist"),
- names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)",
- values_to = "n"
- ) %>%
- filter(codelist == "any", group == "all") %>%
+ ethnicity_cat <-
+ read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "5_group", "tables", glue("simple_patient_counts_categories_5_group_{codelist}_sus_registered.csv")), col_types = (cols())) %>%
+ rename_with(~ sub("ethnicity_", "", .), contains("ethnicity_")) %>%
+ rename_with(~ sub("_new", "", .), contains("_new")) %>%
+ rename_with(~ sub("_ctv3", "", .), contains("_ctv3")) %>%
+ rename_with(~ sub("_5_filled", "", .), contains("_5_filled")) %>%
+ select(-contains("filled"), -contains("missing"), -contains("sus"))
+ population <- read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "5_group", "tables", glue("simple_patient_counts_5_group_{codelist}_sus_registered.csv")), col_types = (cols())) %>%
+ filter(group == "all") %>%
- ethnicity,
- population = n
- ) %>%
- bind_rows(population)
+ ethnicity = "Unknown",
+ population = population - !!as.name(glue("{codelist_path}_filled"))
+ )
+ ethnicity_cat_pivot <- ethnicity_cat %>%
+ filter( group == "all") %>%
+ select(levels_5) %>%
+ pivot_longer(
+ cols = levels_5,
+ names_to = c("ethnicity"),
+ values_to = "population"
+ ) %>%
+ bind_rows(population)
+ df_sus_new_cross_perc <- df_sus_new_cross %>%
+ left_join(ethnicity_cat_pivot, by = "ethnicity") %>%
+ group_by(ethnicity ) %>%
+ mutate(population=sum(na.omit(`0`))) %>%
+ ungroup() %>%
+ mutate(
+ percentage = round(`0` / population * 100, 1),
+ ethnicity = fct_relevel(
+ ethnicity,
+ levels_5
+ ),
+ ethnicity_sus_5 = fct_relevel(
+ ethnicity_sus_5,
+ levels_5
+ ),
+ left_paren = " (",
+ right_paren = ")",
+ N = comma(as.numeric(`0`)),
+ population = comma(as.numeric(population))
+ ) %>%
+ arrange(ethnicity, ethnicity_sus_5) %>%
+ unite("labl", N, left_paren, percentage, right_paren, sep = "", remove = F) %>%
+ unite("ethnicity", ethnicity, left_paren, population, right_paren, sep = "") %>%
+ select(-`0`, -percentage, -N) %>%
+ pivot_wider(names_from = c("ethnicity_sus_5"), values_from = labl)
+ ifelse(known=="_known",
+ my_cols <- setNames(c(codelist_name, "Asian", "Black", "Mixed", "White", "Other"), names(df_sus_new_cross_perc)),
+ my_cols <- setNames(c(codelist_name, "Asian", "Black", "Mixed", "White", "Other", "Unknown"), names(df_sus_new_cross_perc)))
+ df_sus_new_cross_table <- df_sus_new_cross_perc %>%
+ gt(groupname_col = "") %>%
+ tab_spanner(label = "Primary Care ethnicity", columns = c(1)) %>%
+ tab_spanner(label = "Secondary Care ethnicity", columns = c(2:ncol(df_sus_new_cross_perc))) %>%
+ cols_label(!!!my_cols) %>%
+ tab_style(
+ style = list(
+ # cell_fill(color = "gray96")
+ ),
+ locations = cells_body()
+ ) %>%
+ tab_style(
+ style = list(
+ cell_text(weight = "bold")
+ ),
+ locations = cells_column_labels(everything())
+ ) %>%
+ tab_options(
+ table.align = "left",
+ # row_group.as_column = TRUE option not available on the OS R image
+ table.font.size = 8,
+ column_labels.border.top.width = px(3),
+ column_labels.border.top.color = "transparent",
+ table.border.top.color = "transparent",
+ heading.align = "left"
+ # ) %>%
+ # tab_header(
+ # title = md("Table 5: Count of patients with a recorded ethnicity in Secondary Care by ethnicity group (proportion of Primary Care population). All counts are rounded to the nearest 5. "),
+ ) %>%
+ tab_options(
+ data_row.padding = px(0)
+ )
+ assign(glue("df_sus_new_cross_table_{codelist}{known}"), df_sus_new_cross_table)
+ ### sankey plot
+ df_secondary_new_cross_perc <- df_sus_new_cross %>%
+ mutate(
+ ethnicity = fct_relevel(
+ ethnicity,
+ "Unknown", "Other", "White", "Mixed", "Black", "Asian"
+ ),
+ ethnicity_sus_5 = fct_relevel(
+ ethnicity_sus_5,
+ "Asian", "Black", "Mixed", "White", "Other"
+ )
+ )
+ bennett_pal <- c("#FFB700", "#F20D52", "#FF369C", "#FF7CFE", "#9C54E6", "#5323B3")
+ ifelse(known=="",fill_list<-rev(c("#FFD23B", "#808080", "#FF7C00", "#5323B3", "#5A71F3", "#17D7E6")),
+ fill_list<-rev(c("#FFD23B", "#FF7C00", "#5323B3", "#5A71F3", "#17D7E6")))
+ assign(glue("alluvial_{codelist}{known}"), ggplot(
+ as.data.frame(df_secondary_new_cross_perc),
+ aes(y = `0`, axis1 = ethnicity, axis2 = ethnicity_sus_5)
+ ) +
+ geom_alluvium(aes(fill = ethnicity)) +
+ geom_stratum(aes(fill = ethnicity_sus_5)) +
+ # geom_text(stat = "stratum", aes(label = after_stat(stratum)), colour = "white",size = 10) +
+ scale_x_discrete(limits = c("ethnicity", "ethnicity_sus_5"), expand = c(.05, .05), labels = c("ethnicity" = "Primary Care ethnicity", "ethnicity_sus_5" = "Secondary Care ethnicity"), position = "top") +
+ scale_fill_manual(values = fill_list, na.value = NA) +
+ # theme_minimal() +
+ ggtitle("") +
+ theme(
+ axis.title.y = element_blank(),
+ axis.text.y = element_blank(),
+ axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(size = 20)
+ ) +
+ theme(
+ panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
+ panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
+ panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
+ ) +
+ theme(
+ legend.position = "bottom",
+ legend.title = element_blank()
+ ) +
+ geom_label_repel(
+ stat = "stratum",
+ aes(
+ label = after_stat(stratum),
+ fill = after_stat(stratum)
+ ),
+ colour = "white",
+ size = 10,
+ fontface = "bold",
+ direction = "x",
+ show.legend = F
+ ))
+ }
- df_sus_new_cross_perc <- df_sus_new_cross %>%
- left_join(ethnicity_cat_pivot, by = "ethnicity") %>%
- mutate(
- percentage = round(`0` / population * 100, 1),
- ethnicity = fct_relevel(
- ethnicity,
- levels_5
- ),
- ethnicity_sus_5 = fct_relevel(
- ethnicity_sus_5,
- levels_5
- ),
- left_paren = " (",
- right_paren = ")",
- N = comma(as.numeric(`0`)),
- population = comma(as.numeric(population))
- ) %>%
- arrange(ethnicity, ethnicity_sus_5) %>%
- unite("labl", N, left_paren, percentage, right_paren, sep = "", remove = F) %>%
- unite("ethnicity", ethnicity, left_paren, population, right_paren, sep = "") %>%
- select(-`0`, -percentage, -N) %>%
- pivot_wider(names_from = c("ethnicity_sus_5"), values_from = labl)
- my_cols <- setNames(c(codelist_name, "Asian", "Black", "Mixed", "White", "Other", "Unknown"), names(df_sus_new_cross_perc))
- df_sus_new_cross_table <- df_sus_new_cross_perc %>%
- gt(groupname_col = "") %>%
- tab_spanner(label = "Primary Care ethnicity", columns = c(1)) %>%
- tab_spanner(label = "Secondary Care ethnicity", columns = c(2:7)) %>%
- cols_label(!!!my_cols) %>%
- tab_style(
- style = list(
- # cell_fill(color = "gray96")
- ),
- locations = cells_body()
- ) %>%
- tab_style(
- style = list(
- cell_text(weight = "bold")
- ),
- locations = cells_column_labels(everything())
- ) %>%
- tab_options(
- table.align = "left",
- # row_group.as_column = TRUE option not available on the OS R image
- table.font.size = 8,
- column_labels.border.top.width = px(3),
- column_labels.border.top.color = "transparent",
- table.border.top.color = "transparent",
- heading.align = "left"
- # ) %>%
- # tab_header(
- # title = md("Table 5: Count of patients with a recorded ethnicity in Secondary Care by ethnicity group (proportion of Primary Care population). All counts are rounded to the nearest 5. "),
- ) %>%
- tab_options(
- data_row.padding = px(0)
- )
- assign(glue("df_sus_new_cross_table_{codelist}"), df_sus_new_cross_table)
- ### sankey plot
+```{r, fig.width=15, fig.height=10}
- df_secondary_new_cross_perc <- df_sus_new_cross %>%
- mutate(
- ethnicity = fct_relevel(
- ethnicity,
- "Unknown", "Other", "White", "Mixed", "Black", "Asian"
- ),
- ethnicity_sus_5 = fct_relevel(
- ethnicity_sus_5,
- "Asian", "Black", "Mixed", "White", "Other"
- )
- )
- bennett_pal <- c("#FFB700", "#F20D52", "#FF369C", "#FF7CFE", "#9C54E6", "#5323B3")
- assign(glue("alluvial_{codelist}"), ggplot(
- as.data.frame(df_secondary_new_cross_perc),
- aes(y = `0`, axis1 = ethnicity, axis2 = ethnicity_sus_5)
- ) +
- geom_alluvium(aes(fill = ethnicity)) +
- geom_stratum(aes(fill = ethnicity_sus_5)) +
- # geom_text(stat = "stratum", aes(label = after_stat(stratum)), colour = "white",size = 10) +
- scale_x_discrete(limits = c("ethnicity", "ethnicity_sus_5"), expand = c(.05, .05), labels = c("ethnicity" = "Primary Care ethnicity", "ethnicity_sus_5" = "Secondary Care ethnicity"), position = "top") +
- scale_fill_manual(values = rev(c("#FFD23B", "#808080", "#FF7C00", "#5323B3", "#5A71F3", "#17D7E6")), na.value = NA) +
- # theme_minimal() +
- ggtitle("") +
- theme(
- axis.title.y = element_blank(),
- axis.text.y = element_blank(),
- axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
- axis.text.x = element_text(size = 20)
- ) +
- theme(
- panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
- panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
- panel.grid.minor = element_blank()
- ) +
- theme(
- legend.position = "bottom",
- legend.title = element_blank()
- ) +
- geom_label_repel(
- stat = "stratum",
- aes(
- label = after_stat(stratum),
- fill = after_stat(stratum)
- ),
- colour = "white",
- size = 10,
- fontface = "bold",
- direction = "x",
- show.legend = F
- ))
+```{r, fig.width=15, fig.height=10}
@@ -1217,13 +1250,14 @@ alluvial_new
```{r, fig.width=15, fig.height=10}
@@ -1231,11 +1265,19 @@ alluvial_new
## 16 Group
for (codelist in c("new", "ctv3")) {
+ for (known in c("_known","")){
ifelse(codelist == "new", codelist_name <- "SNOMED:2022", codelist_name <- "CTV3:2020")
ifelse(codelist == "new", codelist_path <- glue("ethnicity_new_16"), codelist_path <- glue("ethnicity_16"))
df_sus_new_cross <- read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "16_group", "tables", glue("simple_{codelist}_sus_crosstab_long_registered.csv"))) %>%
rename_with(~"ethnicity", contains("ethnicity_") & !contains("sus"))
+ if(known == "_known"){df_sus_new_cross <- df_sus_new_cross %>%
+ filter(
+ ethnicity != "Unknown",
+ ethnicity_sus_16 != "Unknown"
+ )
+ }
population <- read_csv(here::here("output", "sus", "simplified_output", "16_group", "tables", glue("simple_patient_counts_16_group_{codelist}_sus_registered.csv")), col_types = (cols())) %>%
filter(group == "all") %>%
@@ -1252,42 +1294,18 @@ for (codelist in c("new", "ctv3")) {
rename_with(~ sub("_new", "", .), contains("_new")) %>%
rename_with(~ sub("_ctv3", "", .), contains("_ctv3")) %>%
rename_with(~ sub("_16_filled", "", .), contains("_16_filled")) %>%
- select(-contains("filled"), -contains("missing"), -contains("sus")) %>%
- mutate(
- White_British_anydiff = White_British_any - White_British,
- White_Irish_anydiff = White_Irish_any - White_Irish,
- Other_White_anydiff = Other_White_any - Other_White,
- White_and_Black_Caribbean_anydiff = White_and_Black_Caribbean_any - White_and_Black_Caribbean,
- White_and_Black_African_anydiff = White_and_Black_African_any - White_and_Black_African,
- White_and_Asian_anydiff = White_and_Asian_any - White_and_Asian,
- Other_Mixed_anydiff = Other_Mixed_any - Other_Mixed,
- Indian_anydiff = Indian_any - Indian,
- Pakistani_anydiff = Pakistani_any - Pakistani,
- Bangladeshi_anydiff = Bangladeshi_any - Bangladeshi,
- Other_Asian_anydiff = Other_Asian_any - Other_Asian,
- Caribbean_anydiff = Caribbean_any - Caribbean,
- African_anydiff = African_any - African,
- Other_Black_anydiff = Other_Black_any - Other_Black,
- Chinese_anydiff = Chinese_any - Chinese,
- Any_other_ethnic_group_anydiff = Any_other_ethnic_group_any - Any_other_ethnic_group
- )
+ select(-contains("filled"), -contains("missing"), -contains("sus"))
- ethnicity_cat_pivot <- ethnicity_cat %>%
+ ethnicity_cat_pivot <- ethnicity_cat %>%
+ filter( group == "all") %>%
+ select(levels_16) %>%
- cols = c(contains("_")),
- names_to = c("ethnicity", "codelist"),
- names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)",
- values_to = "n"
- ) %>%
- filter(codelist == "any", group == "all") %>%
- summarise(
- ethnicity,
- population = n
- ) %>%
+ cols = levels_16,
+ names_to = c("ethnicity"),
+ values_to = "population"
+ ) %>%
df_sus_new_cross_perc <- df_sus_new_cross %>%
left_join(ethnicity_cat_pivot, by = "ethnicity") %>%
@@ -1312,13 +1330,15 @@ for (codelist in c("new", "ctv3")) {
select(-`0`, -percentage, -N) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = c("ethnicity_sus_16"), values_from = labl)
- my_cols <- setNames(c(codelist_name, "Indian", "Pakistani", "Bangladeshi", "Other Asian", "Caribbean", "African", "Other Black", "White and Black Caribbean", "White and Black African", "White and Asian", "Other Mixed", "White British", "White Irish", "Other White", "Chinese", "Any other ethnic group", "Unknown"), names(df_sus_new_cross_perc))
+ ifelse(known=="_known",
+ my_cols <- setNames(c(codelist_name, "Indian", "Pakistani", "Bangladeshi", "Other Asian", "Caribbean", "African", "Other Black", "White and Black Caribbean", "White and Black African", "White and Asian", "Other Mixed", "White British", "White Irish", "Other White", "Chinese", "Any other ethnic group"), names(df_sus_new_cross_perc)),
+ my_cols <- setNames(c(codelist_name, "Indian", "Pakistani", "Bangladeshi", "Other Asian", "Caribbean", "African", "Other Black", "White and Black Caribbean", "White and Black African", "White and Asian", "Other Mixed", "White British", "White Irish", "Other White", "Chinese", "Any other ethnic group", "Unknown"), names(df_sus_new_cross_perc)))
df_sus_new_cross_table <- df_sus_new_cross_perc %>%
mutate(ethnicity = gsub("_", " ", ethnicity)) %>%
gt(groupname_col = "") %>%
tab_spanner(label = "Primary Care ethnicity", columns = c(1)) %>%
- tab_spanner(label = "Secondary Care ethnicity", columns = c(2:7)) %>%
+ tab_spanner(label = "Secondary Care ethnicity", columns = c(2:ncol(df_sus_new_cross_perc))) %>%
cols_label(!!!my_cols) %>%
style = list(
@@ -1348,7 +1368,8 @@ for (codelist in c("new", "ctv3")) {
data_row.padding = px(0)
- assign(glue("df_sus_new_cross_table_{codelist}"), df_sus_new_cross_table)
+ assign(glue("df_sus_new_cross_table_{codelist}{known}"), df_sus_new_cross_table)
+ }
@@ -1357,11 +1378,21 @@ df_sus_new_cross_table_ctv3
# Comparison with the 2021 UK census population
@@ -1588,7 +1619,7 @@ ONS_tab_2001 %>%
data_row.padding = px(0)
) %>%
- tab_options(., container.width = 3200)
+ tab_options(., container.width = 3300)