Kei Kusunoki, Yuji Yazawa, Yusuke Sato, Steven Tan
1.General Updates
2.Aruba Development Update
3.Mini-Summit Copenhagen / CloudNativeCon planning
4.Japan Open Source Summit discussions
1.Multi-Cloud Controller is important for most of the end-users – many already using Azure, AWS, Google
2.Kusunoki-san showed Zenko sandbox demo, highlighted its beautiful interface, simplicity and ease of use
3.Mini Summit Copenhagen
a.Kusunoki-san and Sato-san confirmed attending, Yazawa-san unable to attend
b.Target to meet on Apr 29 afternoon for Mini Summit Copenhagen rehearsal
4.Open Source Summit Japan
c.crowd will not be focused on storage, so we will not hold a mini-Summit there
d.Sato-san said Takei-san and Howard/Leon will propose a talk for Open Source Summit Japan
5.We will start a monthly Japan EUAC meeting on first Wed of every month 10am JST
Action Items:
1.Kei to introduce Zenko to Steven
2.All to review OpenSDS dashboard and provide comments